world record book - World Baton Twirling Federation
world record book - World Baton Twirling Federation
WORLD RECORD BOOK TEAM FRANCE WORLD CHAMPION 2012 VILLEBON SUR YVETTE - FRANCE FOREWORD PRESIDENT Dear Friends, The 31st World Baton Twirling Championships in Villebon sur Yvette, France will live on in my mind forever with mental images of outstanding performances. Witnessing the French Pair and Team athletes win Gold in their home country was memorable. It was wonderful to see good improvement in all of the athletes from around the World. Our medalists in all categories deserve high praise. We certainly witnessed artistic athleticism at a very high level. WORLD RECORD 2012 The support and enthusiasm from local fans and those from afar was astounding. I will cherish the moments as it reminds me how lucky I am to truly be living my passion. On behalf of all WBTF Members, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to our hosts for the 31st World Baton Twirling Championships, the French Federation Twirling Baton. To President, Jean Patrick Rousset and FFTB Board of Directors; Technical Director, Jean Michel Ruelle; and the entire organizing committee: “Merci Beaucoup” for your generous hospitality, warmth and friendship towards all delegations. You were outstanding hosts. I would also like to express my appreciation to the members of the WBTF Executive: Jean Patrick Rousset, Jeff Johnson, and Paul Rutten for their help and guidance throughout the year; to Paola DeMarchi and Jackie Stewart who guide our technical and judges; my sincere thanks to all WBTF Board of Directors, Technical and Judges Committee Members. All of these people provide the leadership in our member countries and they are the life line to the World Federation. We had very productive year and I thank all of you for your work and cooperation. Special thanks to Star Line Baton Company for their support, as an advertiser/sponsor. Star Line helps us to print the WBTF Record Book, and to Paul Rutten, who volunteers his time editing and producing the book. A VERY SPECIAL thanks to our 2012 Premiere Sponsor, OSAMU Baton Company for the generous donation. Your contribution means so much to the federation in helping us with further development both internally and externally with our upcoming new projects. We are working hard towards expanding our presence world-wide, and creating more opportunities for our athletes. This coming year we will initiate a Caribbean Cup and look forward to further growth and development in that region of the world. And now we look forward to the 2013 World Baton Twirling International Cup in Almere, Netherlands. I look forward to seeing all of you there. Super Proud to be your President! Sandi Wiemers Executive Board of Directors: Sandi Wiemers (USA) Jean Patrick Rousset (France) Jeff Johnson (Canada) Paul Rutten (The Netherlands) Moto Tsuchiya (Japan) - President - Vice-President - Secretary - Treasurer - Sports Administrator Executive Technical Committee Members: Paola de Marchi (Italy) - Chair Elisabeth Kleive (Norway) - Vice Chair - Secretary Andrea (Inglis) Crawford (Scotland) Executive Judges Committee Members: Jackie Stewart (USA) - Chair Xavier Papin (France) - Vice Chair Shirley Craig (Scotland) - Secretary Member Countries: Australia Belgium Brasil Canada Croatia England France Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Norway Puerto Rico Russia Scotland Slovenia South Africa Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands United States of America Catalonia (Affiliate) Future World Championship Locations: 2014 - England 2016 - Germany Future International Cup Locations: 2015 - Canada 2017 - Australia Future European events 2014 European Cup - Villingen Germany 2015 European Championships 2016 European Cup - Lay-out, design and photos Record Book 2012: Paul Rutten (The Netherlands) Information WBTF: Website - Email - Photos WBTF - THE OPENING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 THE COUNTRIES WORLD RECORD 2012 Australia Belgium Croatia Catalonia France Gemany Japan Norway THE COUNTRIES Canada Brasil Scotland Italy Slovenia WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 Ireland England THE COUNTRIES Sweden WORLD RECORD 2012 Switzerland The Netherlands USA ACTION PHOTOS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 WORLD RECORD 2012 FUN & CONCENTRATION CONCENTRATION & FUN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 WORLD RECORD 2012 AWARDS & RESULTS JUNIOR WOMAN RESULTS JUNIOR WOMEN 01 Sayumi YAMAMOTO JAPAN 02 Savannah MILLER USA 03 Ai FUJII JAPAN 04 Konatsu INAKUMA JAPAN 05 Adaline BEBO USA 06 Lauryne GIORGETTI FRANCE 07 Nicole JOHNSON CANADA 08 Marina JANKOVIC FRANCE 09 Laurinne BERNARD FRANCE 10 Toni COX USA 11 Federica BACCHELLA ITALY 12 Maša KOVAČ SLOVENIA 13 Giulia DAMILANO ITALY 14 Sydney WRIGHT CANADA 15 Laia DÍAZ CATALONIA 16 Giorgia VENANZI ITALY 17 Julia NEWTON CANADA 18 Oda Kristine MAAKESTAD NORWAY 19 Jessica WHITBOURN ENGLAND 20 Holly BROOKER ENGLAND 21 Johanna VAN DE VEN HOLLAND 22 Chloe GIBB SCOTLAND 23 Alice FOSCHI SWITZERLAND 24 Maria RIDELL SWEDEN 25 Courtney ELLIOT SCOTLAND 26 Kelsey SMITS HOLLAND 27 Bianca MANIATAKOS AUSTRALIA 28 Chantelle HALFORD ENGLAND 29 Malin Soreide HOPE NORWAY 30 Claudia CICCO AUSTRALIA 31 Maiken STEFFENSEN NORWAY 32 Krista DAVID SWITZERLAND 33 Aurélie AUBRY SWITZERLAND 34 Mandy DERKSEN HOLLAND 35 Matilda WEIDENMARK SWEDEN 36 Karen HOWAT SCOTLAND 37 Antonela GRGIĆ CROATIA AWARDS & RESULTS SENIOR WOMAN RESULTS SENIOR WOMEN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 01 Tomoe NISHIGAKI JAPAN 02 Arisa TANAKA JAPAN 03 Yumi IIJIMA JAPAN 04 Karrissa WIMBERLEY USA 05 Catherine MOUA FRANCE 06 Jennifer MARCUS USA 07 Jenny HANNAH USA 08 Elodie KUPKE FRANCE 09 Alysson VILACA FRANCE 10 Martina CARCEA ITALY 11 Margherita ROCCHETTI ITALY 12 Sara BLACK CANADA 13 Kiera WEST CANADA 14 Kayla MCKINNON CANADA 15 Melissa BELLOTTI ITALY 16 Živa KOVAČ SLOVENIA 17 Katharina KLING GERMANY 18 Cindy BOTER HOLLAND 19 Kirsty DUNCAN ENGLAND 20 Linda Aas MOLNES NORWAY 21 Alessandra OSTINI SWITZERLAND 22 Stephanie WAGNER GERMANY 23 Marielle WILLEMSEN HOLLAND 24 Stefanie WILLEMSEN HOLLAND 25 Kristina Nøstdahl HAUGSBNØ NORWAY 26 Sara PEČKAJ SLOVENIA 27 Ann-Kristin HILDENHAGE GERMANY 28 Sandra DOYLE IRELAND 29 Marine ESTEVEZ SWITZERLAND 30 Ida BOHMAN SWEDEN 31 Jessica COLLESS AUSTRALIA 32 Camilla EVJEN NORWAY 33 Sophie DOYNE IRELAND 34 Amy WHEELER-SMITH ENGLAND 35 Jessica DA VEIGA REIS SWITZERLAND 36 Alycia FRENCH AUSTRALIA 37 Anastassia TSALOUKAS AUSTRALIA 38 Josefina RUDIN SWEDEN 39 Chloe WHISKIN ENGLAND 40 Lisa ALCROFT SCOTLAND 41 Zoe DAVIDSON SCOTAND 42 Shauna WELDON IRELAND 43 Alexandra LINDSKOOG SWEDEN WORLD RECORD 2012 AWARDS & RESULTS JUNIOR MEN RESULTS JUNIOR MEN 01 Daichi FUJIWARA 02 Koetsu KURACHI 03 Raphael HERCOUET 04 Maxime ARAUJO 05 Andrea BELLUARDO 06 Issei TAKAHASHI 07 Salvatore ADERNO' 08 Andrea BELLUARDO 09 Axel ESCOT 10 Sjors HUISMAN 11 Joan CALLAU 12 Marc HIERRO 13 Bernard BARAĆ JAPAN JAPAN FRANCE FRANCE ITALY JAPAN ITALY ITALY FRANCE NETHERLAND CATALONIA CATALONIA CROATIA AWARDS & RESULTS SENIOR MEN 01 Keisuke KOMADA 02 Jason TRAVERS 03 Yuki AIKAWA 04 Kazuhiro OGAMI 05 Joffrey CAPPI 06 Tommy DELPORTE 07 Matthew JOHNSON 08 Daniele ZAMBITO 09 Fabio AGALIATI 10 Alberto PÉREZ 11 Colin WALLS 12 Gabiel Cardoso COSTA JAPAN FRANCE JAPAN JAPAN FRANCE FRANCE CANADA ITALY IOTALY CATALONIA ENGLAN BRAZIL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 RESULTS SENIOR MEN WORLD RECORD 2012 AWARDS & RESULTS JUNIOR PAIR RESULTS JUNIOR PAIRS 01 JAPAN 02 FRANCE 03 USA 04 SLOVENIA 05 CANADA 06 ITALY 07 SCOTLAND 08 CATALONIA 09 NORWAY 10 SWITZERLAND 11 ENGLAND 12 THE NETHERLAND 13 AUSTRALIA 14 IRELAND AWARDS & RESULTS SENIOR PAIR 01 FRANCE 02 ITALY 03 USA 04 JAPAN 05 CANADA 06 BELGIUM 07 CATALONIA 08 SWEDEN 09 NORWAY 10 BRAZIL 11 AUSATRALIA 12 GERMANY 13 CROATIA 14 ENGLAND 15 THE NETHERLANDS 16 SCOTLAND 17 SWITZERLAND 18 IRELAND WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 RESULTS SENIOR PAIRS WORLD RECORD 2012 AWARDS & RESULTS TEAMS RESULTS TEAMS 01 FRANCE 02 JAPAN 03 ITALY 04 USA 05 CANADA 06 SLOVENIA 07 THE NETHERLANDS 08 AUSTRALIA 09 BELGIUM 10 SCOTLAND 11 SWEDEN 12 SWITZERLAMND 13 ENGLAND 14 IRELAND 15 CATALONIA 16 BRAZIL 17 NORWAY COUNTRY AWARDS & RESULTS COUNTRY RESULTS 01 JAPAN 02 FRANCE 03 USA 04 ITRALY 05 CANADA 06 THE NETHERLANDS 07 SLOVENIA (TWO FEDERATIONS) 08 NORWAY 09 ENGLAND 10 CATALONIA 11 AUSTRALIA 12 SWITZERLAND 13 SCOTLAND 14 SWEDEN 15 BELGIUM 16 GERMANY 17 IRELAND 18 BRASIL 19 CROATIA SPECIAL AWARDS England | Little, 5 Years a ur La | a ad rs Can rs Italy | lemans, 5 Yea Ceolin, 5 Yea a eu C on im oe S hl | C d | e stini, 5 Years Irelan nce | , 5 Years Franc Alessandra O don, 5 Years | el ia W on a al un at ha C rd, 6 Years Fra S Jason Travers | rs na d er ea Y B an 5 e el l, in Ir ra ar rs sell, |M ague 5 Yea e | Nicole Rus Years England ly | Anaïs Cañ nc 6 Julie Hannah, ra Ita , F re rs ui rs ea Y ea cG Y 5 M 6 occhetti, sson Villaca, USA | Sammie Hanlon, Margherita R rs France | Ally arris, 5 Years erland | Linda H ea itz Y el w 6 S ha a, ic rs M ou ea | Y M 7 Years USA rine ria, Switzerland Bourdage, 11 arie LaGrotte France | Cathe xa -M rs le se A ea | Li Y | A 6 , ly S U ke Ita rs Elodie Kup cea, 6 Years Years USA. ica Lee, 10 Yea d | Martina Car ifer Marcus, 15 Ireland | Mon nn rs Je ea | Y d 10 an 6 Years Irelan n, el Ir to ne, 15 Years d | Sarah Sex SA | David Doy 10 Years Irelan U rs ea Y 11 berley, Karrissa Wim HONORARY PRESIDENT & HONORARY MEMBER AWARD Presented to: LYNDA GARLAND, Canada President of the W.B.T.F. from 1983 to 2008 – 25 years In recognition of a career of outstanding service in the sport of baton twirling. WORLD RECORD 2012 HONORARY MEMBER AWARD Presented to JEAN CLAUDE STEINER, France In recognition of 40 years of service to France and Europe in the sport of baton twirling. DISTINGUISH ED SERVICE AWARDS Presented to PA UL RUTTEN, Netherlands WBTF TREAS URER 1992-2 012 In appreciation of 20 years of exemplary service to the World Baton Tw irling Federatio the sport of ba n and ton twirling. DISTINGUISH ED SERVICE AWARD Presented to PA OLA DE MAR CHI, Italy WBTF TECHN ICAL CHAIR 19 92-2012 In appreciation of 20 years of exemplary service to the World Baton Tw irling Federatio the sport of ba n and ton twirling. DISTINGUISH ED SERVICE AWARD Presented to JA CKIE STEWA RT, USA WBTF JUDGE S CHAIR 1992 -2012 In appreciation of 20 years of exemplary service to the World Baton Tw irling Federatio the sport of ba n and ton twirling. ACTION PHOTOS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 FOREWORD CHAIR The year 2012 was at the organizational level a turbulent year for the twirl sport. This year there were very positive developments but as a result of those we had to take some tough decisions as the CETB board. WORLD RECORD 2012 | EUROPEAN COMMISSION In 2011 our beautiful sport is officially recognized by the IOC through the membership of the WBTF of the Wold Dance Sport Federation. A moment were a lot of athletes, coaches, officials and clubs were waiting for. And finally the sport gets the credits that we earn. As a result of this memorable moment it wasn’t possible for the federations to be a member of two organizations. This was the reason that the European Cup in Belgium was organized under the flag of the WBTF. At this event in a special board meeting the board members of the CETB decide to dissolve the CETB. A difficult decision but necessary for the future development of our sport. All the member countries of the WBTF are represented in the board and a special commission in the WBTF is founded to defend interests of the European countries and is responsible for the development of our sport. I want to thank all the people who gave their time, energy, knowledge and expertise the past 34 years to the Confederation Européene deTwirling Bâton. In those years this organization has achieved great goals on the development of athletes, coaches, and judges, organized several European Competitions and international training events as the European Convention, developed training programs and schemes and bring together a lot of people with the same passion baton twirling. Let’s remember this important organization and the mantra of the CETB in the coming years. FRIENDSHIP THROUGH SPORTS Martin Schuchmann Chair WBTF European Commission OPENING HASSELT EUROPEAN CUP RESULTS Junior Women France France Italy France Italy Italy Italy Scotland France Slovenia MTZS Catalonia Germany Switzerland Holland Germany Catalonia Switzerland Belgium Norway Holland Norway England Slovenia MTZS Scotland Holland England Germany Sweden Switzerland Holland England Hungary Sweden Scotland Belgium Germany Scotland Norway Catalonia Slovenia Catalonia England Slovenia Norway Switzerland Slovenia Belgium Sweden Ireland Ireland 01 Alexandre Manea 02 Alexis Soiron 03 Alan Blin 04 Salvatore Carpino 05 Roberto Licini 06 Giacomo Rocchetti 07 Vittorio Pandini France France France Italy Switzerland Italy Italy WORLD RECORDBOOK 2012 | EUROPEAN COMMISSION 01 Noemie Dreau 02 Ocenane Vrastor 03 Beatrice Andreoe 04 Anais Cravic 05 Enrica Abbona 06 Elena Pagani 07 Carlotta Cerruti 08 Kiera Johnston 09 Coralie Jung 10 Cergonja Sekirnik 11 Erika Tiscar Mayor 12 Lisa- Marie Hahner 12 Xiomara Maritta 13 Danique van Olst 14 Romina Marksteiner 15 Diana Popa 16 Lorena Fernandez 17 Amelie Reekmans 18 Myklebust Skog Camillan 19 Marloes Pas 21 Ommundsen Ane 22 Smith Kayleigh 23 Berzin Ajda 24 Kitt Katharine 25 Gijsman Nerine 26 Duthe Lacie 27 Weinmann Sophia 28 Borgshammar Wilma 29 van Rohr Marie 30 Hekkelman Esmee 31 Blake Georgia 32 Kerti Szaandra 33 Persson Sara 34 Gordon Mairi 35 Eggerickx Marine 36 Hoffmann Fabiënne 37 Coupland Charronne 48 Persson Annebeth 49 Bertomeu-Marin Laia 40 Pintar Jana 41 Mestre Aida 42 Mcevoy Erin 43 Pristovnik Sara 44 Thorsen Michelle 45 Portela Tifanny 46 Borovnik Lara 47 Maesen Hannelore 48 Johansson Celine 49 Kelly Niamh 50 King-Arenzana Uxoa Junior Men Senior Woman 01 Sabrina Pean 02 Ilaria Interligi 03 Sandrine Garcia 04 Aurore Idzikowski 05 Justine Hoareau 06 Federica Italia 07 Laura Petrie 08 Giorgia Leonardi 09 Elena Veronesi 10 Diana Elsenzaph 11 Samira Gijsman 12Natasja Vonk 12 Samantha de Beet 13 Ana Kascek 14 Chloë Carswell 15 Sonia Traveri 16 Anna-Marie Forward 17 Aisha Beech 18 Svenja Schneider 19 Vanessa Metzger 21 Kiewitt Petra 22 Ruiz Rivas Mireia 23 Cases Lorena 24 Mcnaughthon Chloë-Marie 25 Trorent Mart In Mariona 26 Carswell Nicolle 27 Grebner Erica 28 Orest Louise 29 Monny Maude 30 Harding Lucinda 31 Mcguire Sammie 32 Cuviello Jessica 33 Rühl Jannika 34 Softic Tea 35 Wahlberg Sara 36 Kleiven Ingrid Gullhav 37 Ilic Kristina 48 Eriksson Frida 49 Moe Tina Marie 40 Bjermeland Lina Jeanette 41 Bracic Iva 42 Nolan Marie 43 Frast Krisztina 44 Michel Aude 45 Jossi Angelique 46 Hebar ANja 47 O Neill Allison 48 Luckl Katinka 49 Cooke Edel 50 Kernz Zsofia 51Conheeny Amy 52 Eggerickx Anais France Italy France France France Italy Scotland Italy Italy Germany Holland Holland Holland Slovenia Scotland Switzerland England England Germany Germany Holland Catalonia Catalonia Scotland Catalonia Scotland Sweden Sweden Switzerland England England Switzerland Germany Croatia Sweden Norway Slovenia MTZS Sweden Norway Norway Slovenia Ireland Hungary Belgium Belgium Slovenia Ireland Hungary Ireland Hungary Ireland Belgium 01Tihomir Bendelja 02 Andy Morel 03 Charly Lucas 04 Maxime Dumoulin 05 Dimitri Vandersteen 06 Marton Ratkai Croatia France France France Belgium Hungary Senior Men Junior Pair 01 France 02 Italy 03 Catalonia 04 England 05 Switzerland 06 Holland 07 Scotland 08 Belgium 09 Norway 10 Sweden 11 Slovenia 12 Germany 13 Ireland Senior Pair 01 France 02 Italy 03 Holland 04 Germany 05 Catalonia 06 Switzerland 07 Scotland 08 Sweden 09 Slovenia 10 Slovenia MTZS 11 England 12 Hungary 13 Ireland Junior Group Junior Team 01 France - Languiduc 02 France - Portes Les Valence 03 Italy - S.Cristina 04 Italy - Sacconago 05 Holland - Papillon 06 Scotland - Dumfries 07 Scotland - Calsay 08 Switzerland - Arc en Ciel 09 Germany - Mmc Villingen 10 Sweden - Kalmar 11 Belgium - The Pretty Girls 12 Switzerland - Yvonand 13 Catalonia - Trotosa 14 Norway - Team Norway 15 Catalonia - Deltebre 16 Holland - Rotterdam 17 Slovenia - United Twirlers 18 Sweden - Staffenstorp 19 Slovenia - Deskle RESULTS 01 Gex - France 02 Saint Hila - France 03 Sacconago - Italy 04. Slovenië - Manova Gorica - MTZS 05 S . Cristina - Italy 06 Betlelette - England 07. Belgium - The Pretty Girls 08. Scotland - Dumpfries 09. Catalonië - Costa Brava 10. Germany - Full house - Majoretten Stockhausen 11. Ierland - St. Annes Senior Group 01.France - Chilly Mazarin 02 Italy - Cristina 03 France - Fougeres 04 Italy - Sangano 05 England - Hampden park 06 Germany - MMC Villingen 07 Slovenië MTZS - Logatec 08 Ierland - St. Marijs Senior Team HASSELT EUROPEAN CUP 01 Italy - S.Cristina 02 France - La Rochelle 03 Italy - Cormano 04 Frace - Lesse Falquemont 05 Catalonia - Ulldecona 06 Catalonia - Costa Brava 07 Switzerland - Bellinzona 08 Scotland - Spirit 09 Sweden - Bjuv 10 Holland - Imagination 11 England - Hampden Park 12 Holland - Paschalis 13 Slovenia - MTZS - Logatec 14 Germany - Tsg Niedergirmes 15 Slovenia - Deskle 16 Slovenia - United Twirlers 17 Germany - Six Pack & Co 18 Hungary - Atomic City Girls 19 Belgium - Warremien 20 Ireland - Clareville 21 Slovenia - MTZS- Prvacina 22 Belgium - Cortil Noirmont 23 Ireland - ST Marys WORLD RECORD 2012 | EUROPEAN COMMISSION ACTION TEAMS ACTION TEAMS HASSELT EUROPEAN CUP WORLD RECORD 2012 | EUROPEAN COMMISSION ACTION SOLO & PAIR ACTION SOLO & PAIR HASSELT EUROPEAN CUP