May, 2015 - Fairfield Church of Christ


May, 2015 - Fairfield Church of Christ
May, 2015
A bigger house, nicer car, better vacations. Wanting more isn't always bad,
but are we looking for satisfaction in the wrong places?
Most of us don't think we are rich. We think that since we worry about
paying bills, and wonder how we'll pay for large expenses that we're not
wealthy; we're only average. We say to ourselves, "If I had just a little bit
more, then I'd feel less anxious about my situation." However, the reality is
that even millionaires worry, and wish for more. There's no end to "having
enough." What we need is a shift in our perception about wealth.
It's not about how much you have, it's about what you do with what you have. Exploring 1 Timothy 6:8, "Command
them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share." We just need to get back to good
ole generosity. Just like the early believers in Jesus were known for radical generosity long ago, we too have the ability
to demonstrate the love of Christ in how and where we share our abundance with a world who will definitely take
notice. Join Brian, David and Darryll as they help lead us to What Matters Most, beginning Sunday, May 10th.
A “Book of the Month” in May @ FCC:
Take God At His Word
You are challenged to join us in reading one chapter a week in Dr. Kregg Hood’s informative and insightful booklet,
Take God At His Word. Whether yours is a “household” of one or a crowd of a dozen, every FCC Christ follower will
benefit from uniting in the congregational reading. Each chapter will complement the preaching series that Brian will
launch on Sunday, May 10th, titled Being Rich in What Matters Most.
In addition to reading Take God At His Word at home, some of our small groups are choosing to discuss it in their
gatherings as well. Great idea! Let Dr. Hood plant God’s garden of “Ps” to grow in your life --- God’s principles, plans,
priorities and promises.
The books will be distributed in the morning worship services on Sunday, May 10th, as Brian begins the message
series. Be sure to pick up the copy for your household!
Thursday, May 7th
The National Day of Prayer
Our Church Family will once again offer
Sign up this Sunday to Serve
Two Hour Shifts from 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Join us at 6:00 PM on Sunday, May 17th,
as Sonshine Gang presents
I hope during this sermon series we have realized that
this world can really suck us dry like a sponge. It’s like
when we’re cut off from Christ or his body, we’re one
little drop of water disconnected from the source and the
thirsty sponge is crying out for someone to quench it’s
thirst and it takes what we have quick. If we don’t get
For students in 7th—12th grades
back to the source we wind up chapped, dried out like we
haven’t had anything to drink in what seems like ages.
But what refreshment comes when we turn back to God. This world can make us parched very quickly, if we don’t
stay connected to the source we pass out unable to see or be aware of the living water that has been freely given.
Don’t dry out, don’t pass out, stay connected to the source. Summer will bring family trips, band camps, athletic
conditioning, opportunities to waste away inside because you don’t have anywhere to be...stay connected to the
source. Life will still happen: deadlines at work, responsibilities at home, friends pulling you one way when you
desire to go another, your phone crying out to be answered...stay connected to the source. God can actually use all
of these moments and turn them to refreshment if we stay connected to Him.
Braze & Invasion
Jr. High to the Zoo
We are continuing with our “regularly scheduled
programming” this month, meeting on Sunday evenings
at 6:00 for Braze. Then on Wednesday evenings we will
be meeting again for Invasion as well, and remember
Invasion meets at 7:00.
On Saturday, May 16, we will be going to the Cincinnati
Zoo with our Jr High. We will meet at 10:00 AM and the
cost is $12 a person! Bring some money for lunch.
Please come and hang out with us!
S.N.A.C. Night
On Saturday, May 30th we will take a group out to camp
for a meeting for camp leadership this summer. We are
doing this so that all the leaders are on the same page in
what each camp is wanting to accomplish this summer.
The meeting will be led by Brian Schreiber. We will leave
at 8:00 in the morning because the meeting starts at
9:00. Come get on the same page with the rest of the
Come hang out with us after church on Sunday night
and share in some food and fellowship! After your Braze
groups get out on Sunday, May 3rd, we will meet in the
downstairs youth center and eat. Come share time with
us. That night our official end time will be 8:30.
Refreshed: A Senior High Solitude Retreat
Life is crazy! Tests, papers, more tests, more papers,
relationships: family, friends, significant others, sports,
church, phones, computers, tablets, Netflix, work,
Papers, Tests . . . . . ahhhhh!!! And the list just keeps
growing. There are a lot of things that get in our way of
spending time with God. This retreat will be specifically
created for you to have time with our Lord and Creator.
We will go out and spend some time at King’s Domain.
There will be time for reflection, prayer, hiking, taking in
all the sights, smells, tastes, and words God has for us.
Make sure you bring a Bible and sleeping stuff. Maybe
even stuff for a shower. This is one retreat that we’ll
silence and turn off our cell phones for. We’ll leave at
5:00 PM on Friday, May 8th and get back by 7:00 PM on
Saturday, May 9th. This retreat will cost $20.
Braze Supports the Up and Coming!
On Sunday, May 17, instead of meeting regularly we will
have the pleasure of joining the rest of our church
family to take in the sights and sounds of the world
famous children’s choir—The SONSHINE Gang! They will
be performing their rendition of “Back to the Cross”
starring some of your favorite Kidopolis residents.
Come for their performance at 6:00 and you will be
taken aback by this esteemed children’s choir!
Calling all Camp Counselors!
On Sunday, May 31st we will also have a brief
informational meeting about how you can get involved
youth ministry if you are interested. This meeting will be
for various levels of commitment. So if you think, “I’d
love to but I don’t have the time to commit.” Don’t
worry, this meeting is for you too. The meeting will be in
the Chapel after 2nd service dismisses. Come check us
Graduate Sunday!
Graduate Sunday is May 31st! Get your pictures in by
Sunday, May 17th, so we can get you on the screen and
in the UpLink. This is for high school and college
graduates. We will honor graduates this day with a
special presentation in both services. This is also when
our students will advance on to their next Sunday school
class, keeping in step with their grade in school.
Fusion Student Ministries
continued on page 4
Sonshine Gang
Don’t forget our extra rehearsals in May – Wednesday
night, May 13th and the dress rehearsal, May 15th.
Check your calendars for times!
Our Sunday morning Bible School is designed to help
kids develop some very important Biblical life
applications. Our curriculum combines the critical
influences of the church and home to incite wonder,
provoke discovery and fuel passion in the hearts of
the “Next Generation.” May’s Virtue of the month is:
HONESTY — choosing to be truthful in whatever you
say and do.
Memory Verse - “Keep me from cheating and telling
lies. Be kind and teach me your law.” Psalm 119:29
Friday, May 8
6:30 - 9:30 PM
Our final Club 56 with our current 6th graders! A
special going away party is planned in honor of YOU!
PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE (Sonshine Gang dress
rehearsal will be on our regular night.) Friday, May 8th.
Bring your friends . . . you won’t want to miss this!
Spaces are filling up quickly for this summer’s
basketball clinics at FCC. Call Marianne in the church
office for info and to register. For children going into
3rd & 4th grades in the Fall of 2015 - June 8th -11th or
July 20th - 23rd, 9:00 AM - Noon. A few spaces remain
for 5th - 8th graders, 1:00—4:00 PM, July session only.
Children’s Ministry Summer Volunteer Opportunities:
Summer Volunteer
Fairfield Movies in the Park – Six times this summer our church will be serving our
community at the Fairfield Fire Department’s Movie in the Park. We are responsible for
serving the popcorn and pop to hundreds of Fairfield Residents. The dates are May 15,
June 5, July 10, August 7, September 4 and October 2. We will also have a booth at each
movie to promote our VBS, Upward Basketball, and other special events coming up here
at FCC. Maybe your small group, Bible School class, or family would like to pick a service
date! Be the face of Christ to our community and sign up today!
Woodland Lakes Christian Camp – This year Tammy is responsible for a full-week at Woodland Lakes – 4th and 5th
Grade. Several volunteers are needed as camp counselors for the week of June 28 – July 3. If you love Christian Camp –
this is an exciting way to serve. Our theme is “Treasure Hunt” and we definitely have a genuine treasure to share.
Spaces are limited – talk to Tammy ASAP if you’d like to help.
VBS – Meadow Ridge – The week of August 3 - 7 we will be taking a team of volunteers to the Meadow Ridge
apartment complex for a “Backyard VBS”. Each afternoon from 1:-00 – 3:00 we will offer Bible Stories, crafts, games
and snacks for the kids who live in that area. This will be the final week of the Summer Lunch program – Let’s send
them back to school with a BANG! Several volunteers will be needed.
VBS – Fairfield Church of Christ – Our weekend Vacation Bible School will be the weekend of July 17 - 19. Our gym will
be transformed and thousands of invites will be given to kids throughout Butler County. Plan now to help be a Crew
Leader, Station Leader, Game Leader . . . the list goes on and on. Many volunteers are needed. A specific list of
volunteers will coming in the near future – SAVE THE DATE!!!
North American Christian Convention – Our church has been placed in charge of the Kindergarten Convention.
Volunteering for one session of this convention will give you free registration for the entire event! 3-hour teaching
slots are available Wednesday, June 24 (morning, afternoon, evening) and Thursday, June 25. Please let Tammy know
as soon as possible if you are interested in helping. Come and help us in the morning and enjoy the rest of the day at
the convention!
Summer Sunday School – Several spots are open this summer as some of our regular Bible School teachers will take a
well-needed and deserved break over the summer. Let Tammy know if you can help 1 hour for 1 month during June,
July, or August.
Really Important Stuff – Get in on it!
Faith Building
Fun Fellowship
Caring Action
FCC’s 55 +Senior TEAM!
Join us for our great fun and food fellowships this spring:
Wednesday, June 17, 12:00-1:30 Picnic at the Walkers in Mason Christian Village
RSVP for New Horizons . . . on the Road!
Sunday, May 3
ReTool at Bright Christian with Bob Russell
[Leave FCC @ 4:30; Bring a sack supper if you want]
Wednesday, May 20
Spring Grove Monument and Color Tour
[Leave FCC @ 10:30; Cost: $5 and lunch money]
Monday –Friday, June 1-5
Seniors in the Smokies at Johnson University in Knoxville, TN
[Talk with Marlene Johnson for registration details]
Wednesday, June 24
Seniors Banquet at North American Christian Convention;
Downtown Cincinnati ~ ~ Featuring Bob & John Russell
[Early RSVP encouraged – Tickets $18 each]
Caring mean Serving! Here are some places the New Horizons team is connecting:
Spring and Summer Outreach Opportunities:
Volunteer to serve lunch, tutor a grade school child or help in outreach events at these neighborhood ministry
centers: Christian Family Center in Hamilton Northside – Meadow Ridge Apartments off Mulhauser; ReThreads
on Nilles Road.
Thursday, May 7 FCC’s Cup of Joe and a Prayer to Go
Take a shift to serve coffee or tea to passersby in our “turn around lane” off Symmes. Share a prayer card and
offer prayer for those who would receive them on the National Day of Prayer
Tuesday-Friday, June 23-26 North American Christian Convention Volunteer
Select a four hour shift on day at the great NACC to help at the Customer Service both in the Convention
Center. Help us welcome Christian sisters and brothers from all over the world for this wonderful inspirational,
instructional and fellowship event.
Bonus: Volunteers who serve earn free registration for the entire convention. Value: $189 !
Want to know/ connect more? Talk with a New Horizons Team member
Stop by our New Horizons Kiosk in the FCC Foyer any Sunday!
Fusion Student Ministries
continued from page 2
Senior Night
Woo-hoo!!! You’re graduating!
The evening of May 31st, we will hold our Senior Night.
This is a night where we just share in celebrating our
seniors that are graduating. So bring stories, the
inspirational, the sappy, and yes the embarrassing!
Come hang out with us that Sunday night at 6:00, it will
replace our Braze time, so come join us as we celebrate.
Please send your Open House
info to Aaron or Marianne in
the church office so we can
share it with the FCC family!
March 22
Bible School
Please pray for the friends and families of these
March 29
Loved Ones who have Passed Away:
April 5
April 12
April 19
March 22 - April 19, 2015
General Fund Contributions
$ 97,868.98
$ 101,098.98
2015 Weekly Budgeted Expenses:
$ 19,140
Y-T-D Giving and Expenses
as of April 16, 2015
2015 Giving*
2015 Expenses
Expenses in Excess of Giving
Mark Burkhart
Requested by Melanie Laytart
Missy Bush’s Father
Requested by Kathy Hopper
Tiffany Hodge
Requested by Emma Petitt
Ken Lappin
Requested by Karen Hibbard
Stephen McCrotty
Former FCC Member
$ 316,422.58
$ 328,343.68
$ (11,901.10)
*2015 Giving includes $15,340 for the 2014 roof repair.
Weekly Attendance and Offerings
are included in the Sunday Worship Bulletins
It’s not too late to contribute to
Buckets of Blessings
to Help with the Cost of our 2014 Roof Repair.
So far, $46,365.85 has been designated
toward the $80,000 needed for this project!
Please join us in welcoming the newest
member of Fairfield Church of Christ!
Kenetra Wilkinson
Baptized on April 5, 2015
Your Change will Change Lives
Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, May 2nd
4:00 - 7:00 PM
Fairfield Church of Christ Gym
$10 for 12 and up
$5 under 12
Contact Tina for more info
Sunday, May 3rd,
will be our next collection day for
Your Change will Change Lives.
Our church family has donated another $322.25
toward this project, making the total $10,116.10
toward the remodeling of the Shop (Youth Center).
Thanks to everyone who has been
saving their change to change lives at FCC!
Your $10 donation turns into $20 for CFC
NOW thru May 11th
Hamilton-Ohio Christian Family Center is proud to
announce a partnership with Meijer this spring to
provide much-needed hunger relief to local families
through the Grand Rapids, MI based retailer’s
customer-driven food pantry donation program,
Simply Give.
Each Meijer Simply Give campaign aims to replenish
the shelves of nearly 200 food pantries in Michigan,
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. The program
encourages customers to purchase $10 Meijer Food
Pantry Donation Cards, which are then matched,
converted into Meijer gift cards and given to a local
food pantry in the store’s community.
Hamilton’s Christian Family Center benefits from
donation cards purchased at the Hamilton Ohio Meijer
store now through May 11th.
A team from FCC will be
serving at the Mountain
Mission School in Grundy, VA,
the week of June 8th - 12th. If
you are interested in this trip
please contact Mick Wright .
Another year of summer camp approaches for our
children and students! We anticipate fun times and
more growing closer to Jesus at Woodland Lakes
Christian Camp.
This year’s Camp Registrations will be done online at
FCC Camp Scholarships:
Again, this year we will offer a church scholarship for
families attending our church. See Tammy or Aaron
Hibbard for scholarship coupon codes for online
The North American Christian Convention
Returns to the Cincinnati Convention Center
June 23-26
Reserve some time to enjoy the inspirational
messages, huge exhibits of Christian work and worldwide mission, worshipful music, and informative
workshops. Sessions planned specifically for family
members of all ages.
20 + volunteers are needed for the NACC Customer
Service area. Volunteers will extend a warm greeting
and provide answers for questions on the phone and
onsite at the convention. Sign up for a four hour shift
and you’ll get to enjoy the NACC for FREE! Please
contact Brian by calling the church office, 867.1833 or to volunteer!
FCC . . . this is for YOU!
It’s time to re-enroll or sign-up for the next year of
Kroger Community Rewards. Go to, click
the Community Tab, then Community Rewards and
follow the instructions to Sign In or Create an
Account. All you need is your Kroger Plus card and
you can start helping FCC. Our NPO number is 82536.
You have the option of the rewards from your
purchases going toward FCC’s Benevolence Ministry
(automatic if no designation is made), your student’s
account for Student Ministry activities, or FCC’s
Upward SportsTM Outreach Ministry (not individual
player’s account). Please contact Sharon Stacy for
more info about designating your rewards.
Sign-up today . . . the new rewards year begins May
6:00 PM Prayer Gathering
6:30 PM AHG
6:00 PM Braze
Sonshine Gang
12:15 PM Student Ministry
Info Meeting
6:00 PM Fusion Senior Night
6:00 PM Braze
6:00 PM Prayer Gathering
6:00 PM Back to the Cross
11:00 AM Starting Point
6:00 PM Prayer Gathering
Your Change
will Change Lives
4:30 PM New Horizons to
Bright Christian
6:00 PM Braze - SNAC
Sonshine Gang
6:30 PM Elders’ Meeting
6:30 PM Trail Life USA
12:30 PM Brown Bag Lunch
and Bible Study
7:00 PM Invasion
May 31 This is a Test
May 24 Giving with Intent
May 17 Money is Tricky
May 10 Being Rich . . . Good News—Bad News
Support Group for
Grieving Parents
7:00 PM Invasion
10:30 AM New Horizons
Spring Grove Tour
6:30 PM
12:30 PM Brown Bag Lunch
and Bible Study
6:30 PM Sonshine Gang Dress
6:30 PM AHG Leader Apprec. 7:00 PM Movie in the Park
6:00 PM Sonshine Gang Reh.
7:00 PM Invasion
Missions Team Mtg.
6:30 PM Club 56
(thru 5/9)
5:00 PM Sr. High Retreat
6:00 AM Cup of Joe and a
Prayer to Go
Support Group for
Grieving Parents
7:00 PM Invasion
6:30 PM
6:30 PM Trail Life USA
6:30 PM Ladies Bible Study
12:30 PM Brown Bag Lunch
and Bible Study
8:00 AM Student Leadership
Meeting (@ WLCC)
10:00 AM Jr. High to Cinti Zoo
4:00 PM HD Spaghetti Dinner
15 Devin Baker
Ky Schreiber
Grace Toulouse
2015 birthdays
Sarah Strom
Doug Brickler
Kellie Sue Church
Becky Waters
Phil Schellenbach
Dick Nachtman
Cathy Chenoweth
Rhonda Laws
Barbara Lewis
Anna Snell
Bill Brown
Larry Combs
Aaron Hibbard
John Millard
Anna Waddell
Rich Darnall
Jana Dorst
Skyler Robinson
Jay Flannery
Courtney Moak
Bob Neeley
11 Michelle Cagle
Linda Nelson
Michelle Reese
Ken Wehr
12 Evan Ervin
Joshua Hetrick
Tom Wehmann
13 Cathy Holmes
14 Hope Main
Susan Rector
Tina Sunderhaus
Trail Life would like to thank all those
who donated 2-liter bottles for our
rocket race. Special thanks go to Aaron
contribution. The Trailmen had lots of
fun launching their rockets up to 100
feet across the church parking lot.
We have a lot of exciting activities
coming up in May. We are scheduled for two separate
campouts next month. We will also be honoring those
that gave their lives for our country this Memorial Day
by placing flags at Crown Hill Memorial Park and
marching in Fairfield’s Memorial Day parade. Trail Life is
also teaming up with the men’s group for a cleanup day
at Woodland Lakes Camp on May 23rd.
Finally we invite you to stop by CVS at the corner of
Nilles and Pleasant on Saturday, May 9th for a free car
wash from 9:00 AM to noon. Donations from the car
wash will be used to help fund the troop this coming
Tracy White, Troopmaster
Trail Life USA, Troop OH-0414
23 Brennen Farr
Kathy Mosure
17 Connie Ballou
Abigail Esteves
Charlie Johnson
Don Moore
Avery Pennington
T.J. Rice
25 Shirley Neeley
Kristen Duppstadt
27 Mylee Hoyle
29 Maxine Ball
Nic Pater
18 Kristina Hoyle
Sandy Hurley
Megan Mosure
30 Gladys Fuller
Eugene Murvin
Brian Schreiber
19 Becky Bittinger
Lu Ann Nickelson
Mary Jane Pearson
Brant seymour
31 Tom Holzschuh
Emily McDulin
Vinton Roush
Ashleigh Smith
20 Hannah Hargrave
George Hubbard
21 Michael Bonner
Haley Creech
Lloyd Hurley
22 Jeri Bell
Olivia Lapid
For addresses for
shut-ins in the FCC family,
please contact Marianne in the
church office.
Starting Point
A “Get Acquainted Step” for Newcomers & Inquirers
Sunday, May 17, 11:00 AM
Maybe you have been participating in services at FCC for a
while but still feel like you need some orientation. Perhaps
you’re a newcomer and want to meet the leadership team
at this church. If so, please join us for Starting Point!
Staring Point is a quick paced, hour long session that seeks
to acquaint folks with the main mission of the church. It
 Recalls some major marking points in FCC history
 Shows highlights of the programs here.
 Reveals the core Biblical beliefs that shape our
faith and practice.
Starting Point may not be everything you’ve ever wanted
to know about church, but it is a good place to begin. Our
Pastor/Teacher, David Hargrave, facilitates this special
RSVP for Starting Point on the Sunday worship program
beginning May 3. Or you may RSVP to the church office, or 513.867.1833
Hike for Hunger Community Outreach
What is the Hike for Hunger? The Hike is a fun community event that brings people
together to collectively improve the health of the community while spreading the love
of God. Spend a morning walking with friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues to
raise awareness and funds to help eliminate hunger and malnutrition in our city and
around the world. Choose to walk or run the 5K Hike for Hunger. The hike path is
paved and wheelchair accessible.
1. When and where is the Hike? The Hike will be held on Saturday, June 20th.
Watch for more information over the coming weeks about the location .
9:00 Check-in, late registration
9:30 Breakfast and warm-up work out.
9:45 Fun Run Kids Race (Approx 1 mile)
10:00 Hike for Hunger 5K Run begins.
10:10 Hike for Hunger 5k Walk Begins
2. Who can participate? We welcome everyone (ages 0-100+) to participate in the Hike!
All participants need register with a $25 per person minimum registration fee.
3. The 3 Part Challenge. Please consider taking the 3 part Challenge
(1) Take the challenge to raise $200 a person, (but no one is turned away for not meeting this goal).
For those who are unable to fundraise prior to the event, a minimum $25 registration fee is required
to participate. Fundraising can be done online or with the provided brochure.
(2) Take the challenge to bring at least 3 non-perishable canned goods to the hike.
(But no one is turned away for not meeting this challenge) (See list of desired non-perishables)
(3) Take the challenge and participate in the 5K Hike, AND invite at least 3 people to join you in the
3-part challenge.
4. The Cause. Hike for Hunger supports local food banks, charities, ministries and schools who target the
hunger problem in our City, and around the world.
This year’s proceeds from the FCC Hike for Hunger will in part go to (1) The “Meal in a Bag” program,
a non-profit Fairfield based ministry aimed at providing bagged meals for Butler County Children’s Services.
(2) The “Christian Family Center”, a local Hamilton based non-profit providing tutoring and serving
meals to under-resourced children in Hamilton and (3) The “Meadow Ridge Lunch of Love”,
a non-profit in Butler County aimed at tutoring and providing meals to under-resourced children.
5. How can I volunteer to help? We will need a lot of help to make this outreach event a success.
Watch for volunteer sign ups in the weeks to come. For more info, contact Darryll Davis or Lynn Dassell
The Staff at Fairfield Church of Christ
Brian Schreiber
Aaron Hibbard
Lead Minister
Minister to Students
Aaron Leonard
Worship Arts
David Hargrave
Tammy Leonard
Darryll Davis
Children’s Director
Outreach Director
Marianne Larsen
Administrative Assistant
Sunday Services at Fairfield Church of Christ
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
Classic Worship Service
Contemporary Praise Celebration
May 21st
During the month of May 2015, we’re asking you to Collect and Donate shoes to benefit
those without shoes around the world.
Your generous donation of new and used shoes can prevent the hardship and lifethreatening symptoms caused by parasitic infection and soil transmitted helminths.
Approximately two billion people worldwide suffer with parasitic diseases that could be
prevented by wearing shoes. People die every day from these diseases.
Here are the shoes we want:
 Shoes that you do not want or do not wear any more
 Shoes that have the heel broken off
 Shoes that do not have a match to them
 All shapes and sizes - Baby, infant, toddler, child, teen, adults shoes and boots
 Boots, flip-flops, sandals, tennis shoes, dress shoes, hiking shoes, cleats, etc.
 Shoes in any condition
 Broken shoes, Dirty shoes, Scuffed shoes, Used and new shoes
The average women owns about 17 pairs of shoes
The average woman wears 3 pairs of shoes regularly; the rest sit in her closet
Over 300 million children do not have shoes to wear
How many shoes will you collect or donate?
A child, a family, a village, and a nation need your shoes.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and collecting your unwanted shoes.
745 Symmes Road
Fairfield, OH 45014