KAIPTC Core TrAINING CoUrSeS - Kofi Annan International


KAIPTC Core TrAINING CoUrSeS - Kofi Annan International
Kofi Annan International
Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
First published: November 2013
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Foreword by the Commandant
Why Train at the KAIPTC? 10 Good Reasons
Our Approach to Training: Collaborative Problem Based Learning
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses
Conflict Prevention Courses
Development Diplomacy for Peace and Security Conflict Prevention
Conflict Analysis and Mediation Rule of Law
Election Management Training Election Observation Training
Post Conflict Reconstruction Courses
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (Advanced)
Security Sector Reform (Police) Small Arms And Light Weapons Foundation
Small Arms and Light Weapons Border Security Management
West African Peacebuilding Institute Training Courses
Partner Organisations
How do I find out more?
Peace Support Operations Courses
Integrated Peace Support Operations Integrated Civilian-Military Coordination
Joint Campaign Planning Peacekeeping Logistics Police Middle Management
Police Pre-Deployment Training
Protection of Civilians in Africa
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (Foundation)
Crisis Information Management
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Foreword by the Commandant
Foreword by the Commandant
he Ghana Ministry of Defence (MoD) established the Kofi Annan
International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) in 1998 and
commissioned it in 2004 to build and share Ghana’s five decades of
experience and competence in Peace Support Operations with other states in
the ECOWAS sub-region and Africa more broadly. The recognition of the need
for professional and tailored training to military, police and civilian men and
women in the multitude of skills needed in multidimensional peacekeeping
operations remains, more than a decade later, central to our mission.
One of three institutions designated by ECOWAS as a regional Centre of
Excellence for the delivery of training and research in the areas of conflict
prevention, management and peacebuilding the KAIPTC has to date offered
230 courses in diverse aspects of peacekeeping operations for over 9,590
individuals and organisations. Approximately 2,570 of our graduates are
women and the centre has so far trained a total of 2,575 military personnel,
3,045 police officers and 3,974 civilians. Indeed, we take our training mission
very seriously!
Today, the KAIPTC continues to enjoy a strong and solid international
reputation. The quality of our training, research and academic programmes,
the unwavering support of our Institutional and Development Partners, and
the continued support of our extensive network of alumni are testimony to
our Centre’s vitality as a preferred centre of excellence in Africa.
Your continued support for and interest in our training, academic programmes
and research undoubtedly contribute to giving the KAIPTC’s its well deserved
ocated in Accra, Ghana, the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping
Training Centre (KAIPTC) is one of three institutions designated by the
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) as a regional
Centre of Excellence for the delivery of research and training support in
Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution and Peacebuilding. Our mission
is to develop and deliver internationally recognised professional training
courses, research and academic programmes to equip civilians and military/
police personnel with the skills and competencies required to meet Africa’s
present and future peace and security challenges. Moreover, the KAIPTC
conducts and facilitates research, engages with sub-regional organisations
at policy level and provides
a forum for analysis in
KAIPTC is recognised domestically and
order to actively contribute
as a principal training
to enhancing regional and
Peace Support Operations for the ECOWAS
conflict prevention,
sub-region and Africa as a whole.
and peacebuilding.
The Centre’s Training Department develops and delivers internationally
recognized multidimensional and integrated peace support operations
training courses and also collaborates with partners to host peace and
security programmes and activities at regional and continental levels. With a
multitude of courses in three broad areas (Conflict Prevention, Peace Support
Operations and Post Conflict Reconstruction), training at the KAIPTC is targeted
at middle level military, police/gendarmerie and civilians involved in Peace
Support Operations in West Africa and the rest of the world. In addition, the
Training Department also administers the pre-deployment training to the
Ghana Armed Forces and advises the Commandant on experience sharing
opportunities between regional armies.
Maj Gen Obed Boamah Akwa
KAIPTC Commandant/Executive Director
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
The KAIPTC believes in an integrated and multidimensional approach
to peacekeeping and peace-building, recognising the increasing and
expansive requirements of modern peace operations which rely on the
combined expertise of civilians, police and the military.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Consequently, participants at our courses have consistently mirrored this
requirement with cohorts being composed (on average) of 45% civilians,
28% military and 27% police
(2003 to 2010). The KAIPTC has
The results of a recent client
to date offered 230 courses in
satisfaction survey show that the
diverse aspects of peacekeeping
quality of training the centre provides
is highly appreciated by sponsors and
individuals and organisations.
Approximately 2,570 of our
graduates are women and the
centre has so far trained a total of 2,575 military personnel, 3,045 police
officers and 3,974 civilians in its various courses.
The depth and breath of the different training courses offered at the KAIPTC
demonstrate our keen attention to the needs of beneficiaries (institutional as
well as individual), as well as to research informed training in our approach
to programme design and curriculum development. Continuous liaison
with stakeholders on identification of training needs; quality assurance and
standardisation; attention to best practices globally and experience sharing
have been core to our approach to course design and development.
Why Train at the KAIPTC? 10 Good Reasons
Why Train at the KAIPTC?
10 Good Reasons
1. An ECOWAS Regional Centre of Excellence
2. Outstanding international reputation
3. The quality of our courses covering wide-ranging and cross-cutting
thematic areas (conflict prevention, management, resolution and
4. The recognised quality of our staff, facilitators and expert resource
5. An integrated and multidimensional approach to modern peace
operations based on the combined expertise of civilians, police and
the military
6. An applied, practical and vocational approach
7. Enhanced career prospects for our graduates
8. A friendly, supportive and professional atmosphere
9. A large campus by the sea with facilities including multi-purpose
training rooms, library, high speed internet access, accommodation,
restaurant, bar, gym and multipurpose sports facility
10.An ideal and convenient location in the heart of West Africa: Accra,
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Our Approach to Training: Collaborative Problem Based Learning
Our Approach to Training: Collaborative Problem Based Learning
Our Approach to Training:
Collaborative Problem Based Learning
n order to better equip and deliver its training courses, the KAIPTC uses
a student centred approach: the Collaborative Problem Based Learning
(CPBL) Approach to create an environment appropriate for adult learning,
taking into account participants’ age, background and experience to promote
collaborative learning. This approach allows participants from different
backgrounds (practitioners, students, researchers and individuals) to learn
through working together and sharing ideas and experiences to solve and
find solutions to problems. In this experiential approach, course facilitators
and resource persons equally learn from participants through sharing of
experiences, reflective and critical thinking and the deep involvement of
participants in course debates.
Our approach allows for diversity among participants in terms of academic
and professional qualifications, nationality, culture and language, religion,
gender and other experiential backgrounds.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
By building on participants’ knowledge and experience, our courses stimulate
the process of learning and development of problem solving skills. This also
stimulates the cognitive process and allows participants to acquire new
knowledge through self-directed learning.
In designing and delivering its courses, KAIPTC brings together a pool of high
calibre subject experts, policy makers, practitioners, academics, advocates and
partners from various national and international organizations. In addition,
KAIPTC training is contextualized to reflect regional and continental issues and
needs, ensuring that training programmes are reviewed regularly by experts,
academics and field practitioners.
Collaborative Problem Based Learning is central to KAIPTC Training – so much
so that we have developed a course specifically on it for our facilitators and
outstanding participants.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core raining Courses / Conflict Prevention Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses
Conflict Prevention Courses
Development Diplomacy for Peace
and Security
he aim of the “Development Diplomacy for Peace and Security Course”
is to provide participants with an opportunity to critically understand
and reflect on diplomacy and regional security cooperation as tools in
the prevention, resolution and management of conflicts. Departing from an
overview of the destructive effects of conflicts, the course focuses on the roles
being played at the continental and regional levels by inter-governmental
institutions such as the AU, ECOWAS and others. This will include an overview
of institutional policies, structures and mechanisms as well as the use and
potential of bi-lateral and multi-lateral diplomacy and security cooperation
to proactively deal with violent conflicts.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
•Evaluate the consequences of conflicts in society.
•Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles, policies structures
and mechanisms of the AU and ECOWAS to prevent, manage and resolve
•Apply the principles, policies structures and mechanisms of the AU and
ECOWAS in a controlled setting.
•Recognize the use of political, legal, socio-economic and ecological
factors on bilateral and multilateral diplomacy and security cooperation
in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.
The course will include modules on: Global Governance, International
Relations, and the African Security Architecture; Human Security; International
(Humanitarian) Law; Gender and Conflict; Communication, Mediation and
Negotiation Skills; Governance and Conflict; Civil-Military Interfaces and
Security System Reform (SSR).
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Conflict Prevention Courses
Conflict Prevention
he aim of the “Conflict Prevention Course” is to enhance participants’ knowledge
of concepts, theories and practices of conflict prevention. This includes exposing
participants to the various theories of violent conflict, their causes and triggers,
as well as the consequences of violent conflict in terms of human security and political
and socio-economic development. In addition, this course introduces participants
to conflict prevention, management and resolution mechanisms and instruments
adopted and used at the continental and regional levels, including an introduction to
the African Peace and Security Architecture.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Demonstrate a critical understanding of what conflict prevention theory and
practice entail.
• Analyse the challenges faced by actors involved in the complex and politically
sensitive process of preventing and resolving conflicts.
• Appreciate the gendered effects of conflict on societies as well as socio-economic
development issues.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Conflict Prevention Courses
• Acquire knowledge of and appreciate the mechanisms and processes that will
improve interoperability among stakeholders involved in conflict prevention,
peace-building and post-war reconstruction and stabilization.
• Define the framework and mechanisms adopted by the AU and the ECOWAS
on conflict prevention and peace support operations.
The course will include modules
on: New Wars, conflict and
multidimensional peacekeeping; The
nature of the African state; Women
and conflict prevention; Risk and
vulnerability assessment; Natural
resource governance and conflict
prevention; Media, communication
and conflict prevention; Security sector
systems and conflict prevention;
Citizens, governance and conflict
prevention; Elections, democracy and
conflict prevention; Rule of Law and
transitional justice; Human Rights,
theory and practice.
Understanding the theory and,
more importantly, the practice of
conflict prevention by actors at
multiple levels is crucial if our ability
to act early enough to prevent
violence is to be strengthened.
This includes understanding the
role, instruments, opportunities
and challenges of regional (AU)
organisations as actors engaged in
conflict prevention.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Conflict Prevention Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Conflict Prevention Courses
Conflict Analysis and Mediation
he “Conflict Analysis and Mediation
Course” has been designed with the
The increase in opportunities
aim of strengthening participant’s
for peace-making by regional
critical, analytical and practical conflict
and sub-regional organisations
analysis, mediation and negotiation skills,
(AU, ECOWAS) as well as by
including the development of multi-level,
civil society organisations
locally relevant and tailor-made approaches
(NGOs and CBOs) has resulted
to conflict resolution. In addition, designed
in the exponential growth in
to be relevant to professional conflict
mediation interventions and
resolution participants, the course aims
associated forms of conflict
at enabling the sharing of West African
resolution activities in Africa.
experiences and lessons learned in multitrack mediation and peace processes.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Deepen their understanding and awareness of the challenges and opportunities
of the emerging African Peace and Security Architecture, with a focus on mediation.
• Understand key conflict analysis concepts and evaluate conflict analysis
frameworks and underlying conceptual tools.
• Acquire detailed knowledge of mediation theory and practice.
• Appreciate and critically reflect on the experiences of West African mediators.
• Acquire detailed knowledge of the principles and procedures of negotiation
and enhance their ability to demonstrate negotiation skills in practice.
• Enhance their understanding of gender considerations in mediation, peace
processes and peace agreements.
• Integrate and evaluate political, social and cultural barriers in negotiations and
conflict resolution.
• Understand mediation not just as a diplomatic tool but also as a conflict
resolution/transformation tool.
he Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training
Centre is well-organized logistically; the course content
is of a high quality, informative and really relevant to
my needs - understanding the causes of conflicts and to manage
and resolve conflicts. My impression about Accra was very good. I
won’t complain about the weather and food because Accra is like
to my home town: Kisangani (North East DRC). People are kind,
they assist you if you require.”
Conduct & discipline officer office of srsg • MONUSCO
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
The course syllabus will include modules on: The nature of conflict and conflict analysis;
Introduction to Mediation and Negotiation Practice; Negotiation (Principles, steps/phases
in negotiations, ethics); Diplomatic, Political and cultural dimensions of mediation;
International and Regional Approaches to Mediation (AU and ECOWAS); Women, Gender
and Mediation; Multi-track mediation and role of civil society in mediation processes; The
role of religious and traditional leaders in track 1 and 2 processes; Case studies of past and
on-going mediation/negotiation initiatives in West Africa (success and failures).
Rule of Law
he aim of the “Rule of Law Course” is to explore,
understand and appreciate the challenges of
Rule of Law in Post Conflict and Peacebuilding
environments and to expose participants to the
different mechanisms (norms, entities, institutions,
etc.) required in the re-establishment of the rule of
law in transitions from war to peace.
Establishing Rule of
Law is an essential
component of post
conflict reconstruction.
On completion of this course, participants will be able to
• Enhance their knowledge
and understanding of the
importance of rule of law in
Post Conflict States;
• Define the legal instruments
pertinent to the promotion
of the rule of law;
• Develop creative approaches
to promoting the rule of law;
• Promote
rule of law frameworks in
the national, regional and
International level.
The course includes the following modules: International Law, International
Humanitarian Law and Institutions; Law and Local Institutions; Monitoring and
Evaluating Rule of Law; Fact finding for the Establishment of Rule of Law; Executive
Functions and Rule of Law; Capacity Development for Rule of Law. In addition,
thematic areas will include: gender issues; Security Sector Reform (SSR); Good
Governance and special Group (including women, children, physically challenged,
youth and the sick).
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Conflict Prevention Courses
Election Management Training
argeting a broad
range of electoral
advocates, actors and
(EMBs), the “Election
Management Training
Course” aims at providing
comprehensive training
in election management
Capacity building for election management has
tended to focus on Election Management Bodies
because of their role as election administrators. Yet,
this leaves out other key electoral actors whose
activities within the electoral cycle and process have
implications for the organisation of elections with
credible and peaceful outcomes. Helping bridge the
capacity gap with respect to these other electoral
stakeholders are therefore needed.
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Conflict Prevention Courses
within the framework of peace and security from an African perspective. In
addition, the course aims at equipping stakeholders with the tools necessary
for facilitating the organization of peaceful and credible democratic elections. To
this end, this course is tailored to equip participants with the knowledge, skills
and attitudes necessary for facilitating peaceful and credible elections.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Explain the historical background of elections particularly as it has evolved
in the African context.
• Outline the various stages of the electoral cycle and outline the activities
that characterize each of these stages.
• Explain what the legal framework of election is and identify some of the
sources of relevant national and international legal instruments.
Distinguish between electoral systems, electoral
processes and electoral operations.
Explain the standards and principles of
elections and discuss their role in the effective
management and administration of elections.
Explain the political and social perspective
dimensions of conflict.
Establish the link between the electoral
cycle and triggers of election-related conflict
Explain the tenets of good governance.
Internalize and explain some of the best
practices in electoral processes.
Differentiate between Monitoring and
Evaluation (M&E).
Identify good M&E indicators.
Apply data collection tools for electoral
monitoring and evaluation.
The course will cover, inter alia, the following
topics: The Legal Framework of Elections; Standards
and Principles of Elections; Women, Gender &
Elections; Electoral Stakeholders & Stakeholder
Management; Electoral Systems and Electoral
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Conflict Prevention Courses
Election Observation Training
he aim of the “Election Observation Training Course” is to expose a broad
range of electoral stakeholders, advocates and actors to the concept of
election observation as a mechanism for facilitating electoral transparency and
credibility in the context of democracy. Furthermore, the course aims at equipping
participants with the practical
professional skills for observing
Capacity building for election management
elections in West Africa and
has tended to focus on Election Management
Bodies because of their role as election
administrators. Yet, this leaves out other key
Upon completion of this course,
electoral actors whose activities within the
participants will be able to:
electoral cycle and process have implications
• Explain the rationale for
for the organisation of elections with
election observation and its
credible and peaceful outcomes. Helping
relationship to the promotion
bridge the capacity gap with respect to
of transparency in democratic
these other electoral stakeholders are
therefore needed.
• Distinguish between election
observation and election
• Demonstrate an understanding of the legal framework for elections and election
• Demonstrate an understanding of the code of conduct for election observation and
how this informs the ECOWAS mandate and code of conduct for election observation
in the sub-region.
• Distinguish between good/best and bad practice with regard to conduct in the
field – during observation missions.
• Outline the key principles and guidelines that inform the organization and
conduct of observation missions.
• Explain the interface between gender roles and the access, participation and
representation of women and men in the electoral process.
• Demonstrate an ability to observe, gather, collate and report information in an
observation mission environment.
The course will cover, inter alia, the following topics: The Legal Framework of Elections;
Standards and Principles of Elections; Women, Gender & Elections; Electoral Stakeholders &
Stakeholder Management; Electoral Systems and Electoral Integrity.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses
Integrated Civilian-Military Coordination
he “Integrated CivilianMilitary Coordination
Pilot Course” aims at
enhancing the capacity of
peacekeepers and civilian
mission staff with regards
to effective management
of relief and humanitarian
missions. To this end, the
course addresses key civilian
- military coordination
and cooperation principles
operating in an integrated
mission environment.
Peace Support Operations Courses
Integrated Peace Support Operations
he aim of the “Integrated Peace Support Operations Course” is to provide midlevel civilians, police and military personnel with the skills and knowledge of
operational level planning,
coordination and conduct of
In the last two decades, the changing
Integrated Peace Support Operations
landscape of armed conflict around
(IPSOs). Starting with an overview
the world has prompted the move
of the various stakeholders and
towards the integration, within PSOs,
topics of the PSO-environment, the
of an increasing number of other
course provides an opportunity for
tasks. These include humanitarian
future as well as experienced actors
relief, development assistance, DDR
involved in peace support operations
and SSR, support to reconstruction and
to enhance their professional skill
economic recovery, among others.
levels in the field of IPSOs.
• Understand the concepts, structure and organisation of ICIMIC.
• Adapt appropriate strategies for ICIMIC in peace support missions.
• Recognise the need for intervention strategies for vulnerable people.
• Appreciate the complementary roles of the mission components.
• Understand the humanitarian concept of ICIMIC.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
•Comprehensively understand the nature of African conflicts and the main
actors and dynamics.
•Describe the legal framework of IPSOs and the rule of law.
•Demonstrate a basic knowledge of DDR, SSR, CIMIC, police and logistics in
•Understand the importance of child rights, protection and gender issues.
•Demonstrate the acquired knowledge in a final exercise
The course includes modules on: The Nature of African conflict; Conflict analysis;
Challenges and Opportunities for Conflict Resolution; Legal Framework/Rule of
law; African Peace and Security Architecture; Use of force; Rules of Engagement;
Negotiation, Mediation, Facilitation; Civilian Components in IPSOs; Police in IPSOs;
UN (CIMIC); Security Sector Reform (SSR); Logistics in IPSO; Sexual Exploitation and
Abuse; Small Arms and Light Weapons; Child Rights and Protection; Disarmament,
Demobilization and Reintegration in IPSOs.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Moving towards integration within the
peacekeeping environment - 4th Generation
Peacekeeping – requires awareness and
understanding of the various mission
components in relation with other actors
(humanitarian, development, etc). This
includes understanding the mission,
mandates, structure, activities and liaison
fora, liaison requirements and the relevant
responsibilities when operating in an
integrated mission environment.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
© UN Photo / Sojoud Elgarrai
The course syllabus covers,
inter alia, the following
Operations Environment;
management response;
Peacekeeping principles
& component; Roles;
principles; Use of Military
for escorts; Human Rights;
Mission Support; ICIMIC Concepts; Negotiation/Mediation.; Women/Gender/
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
Joint Campaign Planning
Peacekeeping Logistics
o aim of the “Joint Campaign Planning Course” is to enhance regional
peacekeeping capacity by promoting the understanding of the principles and
procedures involved in the planning and conduct of a regional multi-faceted,
Support Operation (PSO).
In an era of multiple deployments – ranging from
Participants will gain
operations to Humanitarian Assistance/
knowledge and awareness
operations and regional, multifaceted
and leave with tools that
Peacekeeping Operations – all
will allow them to better
of operations, it is critical that
plan and consider the
fully prepared to undertake
full spectrum of possible
processes effectively.
missions within the West
African as well as the
broader Africans context.
he aim of the “Peacekeeping Logistics Course” is to expose mid and senior
level logisticians to the specific concepts and practices applied to logistics
support within a peace support operations framework. The course further
aims at enhancing the skills
of logisticians by providing
In an era of multiple deployments that
them with an overview of
can range from combat operations, to
some of the nuances particular
Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief
to a variety of peacekeeping
(ADR) and Peacekeeping Operations
operations to include DDR,
(PKOs) all within the same area of
Civ-Mil Operations, HADR Ops. operations,
it is critical that logisticians be
Finally, this equips participants
for log ops to support the
with the tools that will allow
military operations.
them to better plan within the
spectrum of possible missions
in the West African context.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of the particular and unique aspects
of peacekeeping operations in the framework of a regional deployment.
• Acknowledge and understand the principles and procedures involved in
planning and conducting regional multi-faceted, multinational PSO.
• Recognise the importance of (and be familiar with) the organization and
procedures of a TFHQ.
• Understand and be familiar with the French Operational Planning Method
• Demonstrate deeper knowledge of joint campaign planning through analysis
of case studies and interactive seminar-like group discussions.
• Enhance their ability to plan in a time-constrained environment and brief in
front of a critical audience.
The course syllabus will include modules on: Organization and Procedures of a TFHQ;
Development of Operational Planning Method; Planning of a PSO in the Framework of
a Regional Deployment.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
• Provide an overview and demonstrate awareness of some of the particular
and unique aspects of log support to peacekeeping operations and
associated missions (DDR, CivMil Ops, and HADR).
• Demonstrate acquired familiarity with the ESF/ASF SOP and concept of log
• Demonstrate acquired familiarity with the UN concept of log support to PKO.
• Demonstrate knowledge through analysis of case studies and interactive
seminar-like group discussions.
• Enhance their ability to plan a brief to a critical audience in a time
constrained environment.
• Serve as a log planner in their organization for PKO contingency planning or
The course syllabus will include modules on: ASF/ESF Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs); UN Log Support to Peacekeeping Operations; Overview of Log
considerations to DDR; HADR Considerations; Deployment Considerations. The
course will also include a 3-day training/simulation exercise and a guided seaport
and airport visit.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
Police Middle Management
he aim of the “Police Middle Management Course” is to improve the capacity
of middle level police officers
who are eligible to serve in
Of prime importance for police success
UN/ AU/ECOWAS multidimensional
and by extension for Integrated
peace support operations. This is
Peace Support Operation missions is
done through pre-deployment
the adequate tasking of the middle
training with the general purpose
management level. Preparing middle
of ensuring the success of middle
management for its significant roles
level police officers’ adequate task
and tasks in a UN/AU/ECOWAS IPSO
fulfilment. With the purpose of
is therefore key.
bridging the gap between the basic
and senior management levels, this course focuses on the standards of harmonizing
policing practices and procedures in the sub-region.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Develop and deepen their knowledge base in the dynamics of management
with the sole purpose of functioning effectively in multi-dimensional peace
support operations.
• Demonstrate multi-dimensional peace support operation functional skills.
• Replicate management experiences to be able to effectively perform
related tasks.
• Establish a pool of well-trained middle level officers with the ultimate
intent of being competitive in international police placements.
The course syllabus covers the following modules: Evolution of IPSOs; Leadership and
Management; Gender in IPSO; Challenges of IPSO; Police Planning; Recruitment and
Development in IPSO; Simulation Exercise/Map Ex.
Police Pre-Deployment Training
he aim of the “Police Predeployment Training” course
is to enhance the capacity of
police officers about to be deployed
to AU/UN missions by providing
them with basic knowledge and
skills at both operational and service
delivery levels relating to the roles,
procedures of United Nations Police
(UNPOL) officers in an integrated
peace support operation.
Police officers from different countries
come into Integrated Peace Support
Operations with different experiences
and practices. In terms of training, there
is the need to address in a standardized
way police roles and responsibilities
in missions before they are deployed
so that they will more easily adapt to
their new environment.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the UN and the AU systems, mission codes of conduct, UNPOL and other
different legal systems.
• Acquire knowledge in CIMIC, DDR, human rights matters and HIV/AIDS.
• Demonstrate skills in vehicle handling, map reading, radio communications,
community policing, communication and negotiation.
• Manage issues relating to humanitarian assistance, child protection and
vulnerable groups.
The course syllabus covers, inter alia, the following modules: Mission Specific
training materials; UN system; Code of conduct; AU system; Culture Awareness;
Humanitarian Assistance; Personal Security; Map Reading/Radio Communications;
SEA; Vehicle Handling; Child Protection/Vulnerable; Rule of Law; Transitional
justice; Mine awareness; Human rights; CIMIC; Media Relation; Hygiene; HIV/
AIDS, Malaria; Community Policing; DDR; UNPOL & different legal systems (Sudan);
Communication and Negotiation; Mentoring and advising; Gender equality; RRR
(Reform, Restructuring, Rebuilding).
onsidering that I am preparing to deploy to the UN/AU Hybrid
Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), the Police Pre-deployment
Training at the KAIPTC has sharpened my skills and experience
to play a role, either as a Gender Officer, Policy Report Officer, or
Legal Officer at the mission in Darfur. I will continue to remember
the experienced facilitators as well as the accommodating and
tolerant staff of the KAIPTC.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Simulation training for Ghanaian Police Officers
OC Legal Issues, Nigeria Police • Oyo State • Nigeria
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
Protection of Civilians in Africa
Disarmament, Demobilisation and
Reintegration (Foundation)
“Protection of Civilians
Civilian populations bear the greatest brunt of
Course” is to provide
today’s complex and intractable conflicts. This
knowledge and expertise on
changing nature of conflicts has necessitated
protection of civilians in Africa
both doctrinal and operational shifts in peace
through an understanding
support operations. Protection of Civilians (PoC)
and explanation of the
has increasingly become an integral component
various national, regional
of contemporary peace operations.
and international legal and
institutional frameworks for
protecting civilians from adverse effects of conflicts in Africa.
he aim of the
DDR programmes have in the last two decades
warranted significant attention, a function of the
Demobilisation and
rise in numbers of DDR operations worldwide
as well as an expanded and more sustained
(DDR Foundation)” is
involvement of the international community
to provide participants
– and in particular the United Nations (UN) with a comprehensive
in these types of activities. The publication in
and operational level
2006 and recent update to the ‘Integrated
Demobilisation Disarmament and Reintegration
Standards’ (IDDRS) by UNDPKO is evidence of
these efforts.
in the planning, coordination and conduct
of Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programmes. In
addition, the course addresses a series of associated cross-cutting challenges in
DDR, including gender, special needs groups, humanitarian assistance and food
aid, health and population movements, security sector reform, etc.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
The course syllabus
covers the following
modules: Introduction
UN, AU/REC Peace
Protection of Civilians;
Legal Framework of
Protection of Civilians
Plan (PoC); Code of
Conduct; PoC actors
Thematic mandates;
Sexual violence and child protection in armed conflict; Implementing a “Protection of
Civilian Mandate”.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
© UN Photo/Stuart Price
© UN Photo / Albert Gonzalez Farran
• Demonstrate a better understanding of the concept of Protection of Civilians in
Peace Support Operations.
• Explain the legal and normative frameworks that support the protection of
• Compare the different ways to protect civilians in armed conflicts.
• Identify the need for a Protection of Civilians (PoC) plan and implement the
• Demonstrate
understanding of concepts,
policies and strategies in
the context of disarmament,
demobilisation and reintegra-
tion programmes (DDR).
• Recognise the importance of
structures and process(es) of
• Understand and critically
discuss a series of crosscutting challenges affecting DDR, such as:
- Women Gender and DDR.
- Gender, Youth, Special Needs Groups and DDR.
- The SSR/DDR nexus.
- Cross-border population movement.
- Food aid programmes.
- Health/HIV/AIDS and DDR etc.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
The course consists of approximately 40 modules covering, inter alia, the following
topics: Concepts, Policy and Strategy; The UN Approach to DDR, Post-conflict Stabilization,
Peace-building and Recovery frameworks as well as Participants, Beneficiaries and
Partners; Structures and Processes; Integrated DDR Planning, DDR Programme Design,
National Institutions for DDR, Mission and Programme Support, Monitoring and
Evaluation of DDR Programmes; Operations, Programmes and Support; Disarmament,
Demobilization, Reintegration, UN Military and Police Roles and Responsibilities; CrossCutting Issues – Women Gender and DDR, Gender, Youth, Special Needs Groups and
DDR, SSR/DDR nexus.
have participated in and facilitated many courses across
the globe but the courses at the KAIPTC impress me the
most. The reason for this is that the courses are designed
to provide a holistic approach to the issues discussed and pays
particular attention to the many specific contexts and influencing
factors. Courses are also delivered through practical hands-on
learning techniques, lessons from previous experiences and crosslearning, which works to deepen understanding of the subject
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Enhance their effectiveness in the collection, correlation, analysis and
dissemination of information.
• Demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the importance of situational
awareness (country/area information gathering, analysis and dissemination).
• Promote situational awareness.
• Understand and identify early warning signals.
• Develop information reporting skills in terms of writing and drawing
• Understand the role of Crisis Information Management skills and procedures
in support of decision-making and its contribution to mission success.
• Simulate exercises in the area of operation using scenarios based on
information available.
The course will include modules on: Conflict Analysis (causes and consequences
of conflicts); Information Concepts; Information Management in Decision Making
processes; Early Warning; Intro to JMAC; The Information Cycle (from collection
to evaluation); Information reporting (writing and drawing conclusions);
Information Preparation (Area of Operations) including simulation exercise; Country/area information study.
Director, Transition International Sierra Leone • KAIPTC Course Facilitator
Crisis Information Management
Civilian populations bear the greatest brunt of
Management Course” is
today’s complex and intractable conflicts. This
to enhance the effectiveness
changing nature of conflicts has necessitated
of PSO personnel in the
both doctrinal and operational shifts in peace
support operations. Protection of Civilians
(PoC) has increasingly become an integral
dissemination of information
component of contemporary peace operations.
with the specific aims
awareness and improving the quality and timeliness of information provided to
key decision-makers in crisis operations. In addition, this course aims at enhancing
ECOWAS/ASF/ESF and regional African capabilities in Crisis Information Management
in the context of UN JOC Policy.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
he Military Decision Making Process session which
we took today was particularly useful. It is skewed
towards decision making on the field for Peace Support
Operations. My prior knowledge of decision making processes
would not work in this context on the field. It has changed my
way of thinking on how to resolve issues and problems and has
helped prepare me for the future in case my office is called up to
support PSOs or in emergency situations.” Sharon Tetteh
Programmes Officer, Christian Council of Ghana
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses
Post-Conflict Reconstruction Courses
Disarmament, Demobilisation and
Reintegration (Advanced)
he aim of the
The most critical aspect of DDR is
Demobilisation and
Reintegration, which aims to enable
Reintegration Course (DDR
the ex-combatants to revert to normal
Advanced)” is to equip
life and be useful to themselves and
DDR practitioners with
their communities. Having covered
the requisite training and
the twin concepts of Disarmament
skills needed to develop
and Demobilisation in the foundation
Course, participants undergo detailed
programmes under the
Reintegration training.
guidance of a team of
experienced subject matter experts. The Course exposes participants to a
detailed and critical use of the revised edition of the IDDRS document, the
ILO Guidebook for Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants as well
as best practices in the implementation of DDR programmes. This course
complies with the latest/on-going revisions of the United Nations Integrated
Disarmament, Demobilisation Reintegration Standards (IDDRS) document,
and the ILO Guidebook for Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants
as well as lessons learned and best practices in the implementation of DDR
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
•Demonstrate a critical understanding of the role of DDR in peace-
building, recovery and development.
•Demonstrate a critical understanding of the Principles and Approaches
of Reintegration.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Post-Conflict Reconstruction Courses
•Recognise the Importance of Economic Security to Reintegration.
•Discuss Political, Economic, Social and Psychosocial dimensions to reintegration.
•Appreciate Gender challenges in reintegration programmes.
•Analyse and Assess Reintegration Programmes.
•Plan and Design Reintegration programmes.
The course will address the following topics: Linkage/’stopgaps’ between
Reinsertion and Reintegration; Guiding Principles, Approaches and Elements of
Reintegration; Reintegration Assessments and Analysis; Design of Reintegration
Programmes; Coordination and Institutional Mechanisms for Reintegration. In
addition, this course includes a number of modules dealing with specific issues
under economic, social and political reintegration as well as other critical issues
such as psycho-social counselling, transitional justice, advocacy and resource
mobilization, special needs groups, the nexus between SSR and DDR and a
simulation exercise among others.
Security Sector Reform (Police)
he aim of the “Security Sector
Reform Course” is to enhance
the knowledge base, skills and
technical competence of middle level
police officers and practitioners in the
performance of their security sector
reform roles in stable and post conflict
On completion of this course, participants
will be able to:
The Security Sector Reform
(Police) course was developed
by the KAIPTC in collaboration
with the Pearson Peacekeeping
Centre (PPC), Canada, to assist
the Police and practitioners in
carrying out their reform duties in
post-conflict reconstruction phase
of peacebuilding.
• Acquire introductory knowledge on the concepts of peace and security in
the African context.
• Demonstrate competence in developing their role in peacebuilding in post
conflict environments.
• Demonstrate knowledge in reconstructing, reforming and rebuilding of
police institutions.
• Define and explain in detail Security Sector Governance.
The course syllabus covers the following four modules: Peace and Security in
Africa; Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Environments; Reconstructing, Reforming
and Rebuilding of Police Institutions; Security Sector Governance.
© UN Photo/Basile Zoma
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
© UN Photo / Christopher Herwig
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Peace Support Operations Courses
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Post-Conflict Reconstruction Courses
Small Arms and Light Weapons Foundation
he aim of the “Small
Small arms and light weapons (SALW) have
Weapons Course” is
been a key ingredient in the explosive mix
to introduce participants
of causes that has characterised conflicts
entering this field for the
in West Africa and the continent. In order
first time to the fundamental
to understand the dynamics surrounding
issues pertaining to Small
the spread and control of small arms,
Arms and Light Weapons
knowledge of key concepts, of contexts, as
(SALW) proliferation and
well as emerging issues is surely needed.
control to enable them to
challenges in their respective countries. In addition, this course seeks to improve
participants’ awareness of the managerial and advocacy skills necessary for the
establishment and operations of national commissions for small arms and to
promote SALW control issues in West Africa.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of SALW proliferation and control.
• Demonstrate awareness of the international and sub-regional legal and policy
frameworks of small arms and light weapons.
• Appreciate the basic skills for conducting small arms baseline surveys.
• Monitor and evaluate the progress of respective SALW interventions in their
respective countries.
• Coordinate SALW-related activities of the various national agencies constituting
the national commissions for small arms.
• Demonstrate ability to communicate to different audiences.
The course will include modules on: Basic definitions, concepts and theories of
Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW); Demand and supply of SALW; Misuse of
SALW; SALW and post-conflict peace-building; Evolution of SALW control initiatives;
International legal and policy frameworks on SALW; Functions and Structure of
National Commissions; Basic Research Skills and Appreciation and Use of SALW
National Surveys; National Action Plans; Project Cycle Management; Monitoring
and Evaluation; Managing Inter-Agency Relationships; SALW and Vulnerable Groups;
National presentations; Basic ICT skills; SALW Critical Stakeholders and Issues; Resource
Mobilization; Communication processes and advocacy skills; Communication Strategy
Design. The course will also include a field visit to a small arms armoury.
Small Arms and Light Weapons Border
Security Management
he aim of the “Border
The capacity of actors to design and implement
Security Management
small arms and light weapons border
management programmes and policies,
strengthen the capacities of
particularly at field level, are urgently required.
border security practitioners
to fight against small arms
trafficking and help consolidate peace and security in the West African sub region.
To this end, equips participants with relevant knowledge (including the legal and
policy frameworks applicable), skill sets, concepts and best practices of border
management in order to foster technical level cooperation among border security
personnel and institutions in West Africa.
On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Government House • Katsina State
• Understand the concept of borders and integrated border management.
• Gain and demonstrate familiarity with the legal and normative dimensions
(international and African) with relevance to small arms and light weapons
proliferation and border management.
• Develop strategies and techniques for tracking illicit small arms and other illicit
goods that are being trafficked.
• Recognise and reflect on future trends in integrated border management.
• Demonstrate understanding of the intersections between border management
and gender.
• Network and share ideas with counterparts in the other West African countries
towards effective SALW control.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
he issues raised at this training programme have been
detailed and enlightening. I have been challenged to
work with my national government to raise awareness
and sensitize people about the dangers of the proliferation of
Small Arms and Light Weapons.”
Jamaila Loveth Braide
KAIPTC’s Core Training Courses / Post-Conflict Reconstruction Courses
KAIPTC’s Training Courses / Post-conflict reconstruction
The course will include modules on: Border issues in Africa and in West Africa; Border
Management Techniques; Basic characteristics of Integrated Border Posts; Cooperation
among countries; Types of borders: Land borders, air borders and sea borders; International
law enforcement cooperation; Future trends in integrated border management; Border
management and gender; Enforcement of ECOWAS protocol on free movement. The
course will also include a field visit to a border facility.
West African Peacebuilding Institute Training Courses
he West African Peacebuilding
Developing a cadre of active and
Institute (WAPI) runs a 3-week
informed peacebuilders and action-oriented
programme annually in
programmes is necessary to aid the drive
partnership with the West Africa
to manage and prevent conflicts in the
Network for Peace (WANEP)
region. The WAPI training programme
and KAIPTC. The programme
seeks to address this gap by identifying and
provides specialised, intensive
developing the capacity of local actors in the
and culturally sensitive training
West Africa sub-region.
in conflict transformation and
peacebuilding adapted to the
West African reality. The training programme aims to bridge the gap between policy
and practice in peacebuilding by exploring the theories and practices in peacebuilding,
dialogue and mediation, human security and peacebuilding. Our aim is that participants
will become competent, informed and active peacebuilding practitioners.
On completion of this training programme, participants will be able to:
• Acquire working knowledge of the theories and practice of peacebuilding.
• Demonstrate capacity to use strategies for early warning and gender
mainstreaming in communities.
• Develop context specific frameworks of conflict transformation and peacebuilding
adapted to West Africa.
• Create capacity to develop and sustain action oriented programmes for conflict
transformation and peacebuilding.
The training programme covers the following courses: Intro to peacebuilding paradigms:
Theories and practice; Dialogue and Mediation: Design and processes; Human security &
peacebuilding; Youth and peace Education; Early Warning and Early Response: Building
Community capacity for preventive peacebuilding; Justice-Building & Conflict Resolution;
Women & Gender mainstreaming in peacebuilding.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
verlooking the Atlantic Coast, the KAIPTC is equipped with state-of-the-art
facilities that provide a perfect environment for participants to study as well as
experience Accra’s warm hospitality. Teaching and learning facilities available
in our ten different training rooms include high-speed internet access, projector,
individual lighting, sound and temperature controls, while computers and additional
equipment can be provided to meet the specific needs of a particular group. In
addition, in order to support learners’ training experience in as seamless a way as
possible, the KAIPTC provides support services to travel, accommodation, dining and
recreation requirements. These are just some examples of our facilities at KAIPTC :
• Conference Rooms
The KAIPTC has three such conference facilities for delivering training courses.
• Syndicate Rooms
These rooms provide space for small group meetings and programmes
• Schroeder Hall
The Auditorium, named after former German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder,
accommodates 198 participants. Audio-visual equipment at this facility allows
for interpreting/translation (English to French and vice versa).
• Accommodation
The KAIPTC is equipped with 70 rooms for participant accommodation. Each room
accommodates one participant and contains a safe, a refrigerator, telephone
facilities, radio with an alarm clock and access to a gymnasium. Laundry services
are also available to participants at a fee.
• Dining
Manned by professional cooks and waiters, a dining facility provides local and
continental cuisine to meet participants’ needs.
• Bar
The KAIPTC bar is the perfect socialising venue following a day’s packed training
programme. Serving an array of local and international alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, the bar has wireless internet facilities that support work in
a relaxed environment.
• Gym/ Multipurpose Sports Facility
The well-resourced gym and a multipurpose sports facility ensure participants
train physically as well as mentally!
• Library
The KAIPTC Library is the latest and fully automated academic library in the
country. The Library is uniquely equipped with resources on research, study and
training in conflict prevention, management and resolution as well as peace
support operations and other related disciplines.
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
How do I find out more?
Partner Organisations
Partner Organisations
n line with the KAIPTC’s strategic goal of widening partnerships, the Centre
has developed strong partnerships with national, regional and international
institutions such as: the Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS); the African Union (AU); the United Nations (UN); Government
Organisations; Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Civil Society
Organisations (CSOs).
Other international partners of the Centre whose funding and collaboration
support the training department include: the West Africa Network for
Peacebuilding (WANEP); Training for Peace (TfP); German Development
Corporation (GIZ); National Defence College (NDC Abuja); Mali Peacekeeping
School; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Italy; Japan; Nigeria; Norway;
Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; and the United States of America.
How do I find out more?
For further information, contact:
The Senior Course Services Officer
P.O. Box CT 210
Cantonments, Accra – Ghana
Tel: +233 (0) 302 718 200 ext 1068
Adjacent the Ghana Armed Forces Command
and Staff College (GAFCSC)
Accra – Tema Beach Road
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
• Training Course Brochure •
Published November 2013