2012 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report a Good Life The Arc Greater Twin Cities Mission To secure for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families the opportunity to realize their goals of where and how they live, learn, work and play. We are: A grassroots organization that empowers and connects people so they can achieve a good life. A pioneer in advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Member-driven. While no one is refused services, membership strengthens our voice. Supported by Arc’s Value Village Thrift Stores & Donation Centers, which provide more than half of the funding for our programs and services. We offer: Advocacy – One-to-one intensive personal assistance. Information & Assistance – Free consultation via phone and email Monday - Friday, 8:30 am – 5 pm. Common Connections – Assistance and support through mentoring. Self-Advocacy Support – Growth, learning and social opportunities for adults with disabilities. Networking & Family Access Groups – Connections for parents and caregivers. Sibshops/Sibling Programs – Activities and discussions for brothers and sisters of kids with disabilities. Abuse Prevention & Awareness – Training, information and resources to prevent abuse and better serve victims who have disabilities. Lifetime Assistance Program – Legal, financial and personal planning for a secure future. Public Policy Advocacy – Opportunities to shape systems and educate policymakers. Online Resources – E-learning, Arc Guides and more. Call (952) 920-0855, email info@thearcgtc.org or visit www.arcgreatertwincities.org for more information. A Letter to Our Members and Friends You may have heard the saying: if you relationships. The answer is different for can dream it, you can do it. At The each person we serve. And each notion Arc Greater Twin Cities, we have a long of a good life sparks the “what if . . .” tradition of dreaming – and doing. that is the beginning of change. For more than 65 years, we have Turning imagination into reality is a dared to imagine a good life for people collective effort, and The Arc Greater with intellectual and developmental Twin Cities has always been a gathering disabilities and their families. We have place for passionate, dedicated, accomplished much, but as long as generous people who want to make a people still have hopes and dreams difference. Our achievements are those of a better life, we continue to pursue of our donors, volunteers, community possibilities. partners and, most of all, the individuals What is a good life? For some, it’s a job with a living wage. For some, it’s a welcoming, affordable home. For some, it’s having people in your life who Kim Keprios and families who are the heart of The Arc. Thank you for challenging and inspiring us to make our world a better place. understand you and make you feel you Imagination is the most powerful force belong. It may even be as basic as being for change. Dare to dream with us and safe in the community and in your see how good life can be. Debbi Harris Sincerely, Kim Keprios Chief Executive Officer Debbi Harris Board Chair Imagine a Good Life 1 Career Success Jasmine Hill “The program at Value Village is a good program. You learn a lot of things. When you get done, you’re going to succeed in life.” - Jasmine Hill Like all young adults, developmental disabilities the skills and Jasmine Hill imagines a knowledge to work in the retail business. future where she can use her skills and talents to be successful in a job she enjoys. Jasmine is a friendly, outgoing person who likes to help others. To explore her options and build her resumé, Jasmine went into the Focus Beyond program after graduating from Como Senior High School. On her case manager’s recommendation, she signed up for the Retail Training Program at Arc’s Value Village Thrift Store & Donation Center in St. Paul. The retail training program is part of The Arc’s GetSet! for Work initiative, which promotes employment for youth with disabilities. The Arc Greater Twin Cities and Arc’s Value Village partner with Opportunity Partners and Dunwoody College Workforce Training & Continuing Hands-on experience and classroom training at Arc’s Value Village in St. Paul gave Jasmine a valuable introduction to the retail world. “They taught us a lot about working in the back room and on the sales floor,” she said. Soon after graduating from the program, Jasmine began working at a restaurant at the airport. There she uses what she learned at Value Village: “Being friendly, keeping a smile on my face and helping people with what they need,” she said. Jasmine’s Dream is to become a certified nurse assistant. She hopes to begin nursing school in the fall. But wherever her path takes her, Jasmine’s training at Arc’s Value Village is helping her build the foundation for career success and a good life. Education. Together, we give young adults with intellectual and Imagine a Good Life 3 Alice & Trevor Hulbert “The philosophies that Arc promotes - keeping people in thei r own communi ty and supporting them in making thei r own choices - are the ideas we have to pursue. We need to fi x the system so people can find a place to live.” - Alice Hulbert Trevor Hulbert Buying a house was just part of the spends his days on process. “The biggest challenge is the go. He attends finding roommates,” Alice said. “Also, it a vocational takes a big staff to look after people program, works out who need 24-hour care. You can share daily at the gym, staff if you can match the needs of the and loves long roommates, but you need the right fit.” walks and movies. And like everyone else, Trevor looks forward to going home when the day is done. Housing is a challenge for many families like the Hulberts. In response, The Arc launched the Housing Trevor’s parents have worked Stakeholder Action Group in 2012 so hard to give him a good home of people can explore options and share his own. Faced with a shortage of group ideas. Alice said, “Everyone is there home openings, they tried a new because they have a young adult who approach. “We ended up buying a needs housing. It’s still a new group, house and developing an unlicensed but I’ve learned a lot from the guest setting for him,” said Trevor’s mother, speakers and the other parents.” Alice Hulbert. “We did a lot of shopping and found a great four-bedroom house that’s close to us.” Alice also works for change in public policy through The Arc and the state’s Quality Assurance Council and 245D Provider Standards Group. She urges other parents to get involved. “Housing is a very big problem that we have to figure out soon,” she said. “Everyone needs a home.” 4 Imagine a Good Life A Good Home Allison Witzell Cuevas “Many families in the Spanish-speaking community are not aware of services in the community for children with disabilities. Arc gives you tools and information about services so your kids can move forward toward a good life.” - Edith Calderon Cuevas Watch little Allison At that point, Allison’s parents reached Witzell Cuevas out to The Arc for help. dancing and playing and you would never guess that she once had a problem with “Arc helped us understand how SSI works and the steps we needed to take so we could go forward,” Edith said. “It took a huge burden off our shoulders.” mobility. Allison has significant needs, Having SSI means that Allison is but she also has possibilities she is now receiving speech, occupational, just beginning to discover. The more feeding and behavior therapies. “Things opportunities she has now, the brighter are much better now,” said Edith. her future will be. The family has also joined The Arc’s Learning to walk was just one of Family Access Group for Spanish- Allison’s challenges. She speaks very little speaking families, ¡Adelante! There and has difficulty eating. Her parents, they have made connections that have Armando Cuevas and Edith Calderon helped them feel less isolated. Cuevas, had applied for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) so Allison could get help with her needs. But language barriers and red tape brought the process to a standstill, and an error by the Social Security administration compounded the problem. Allison’s parents have a clear vision of the life they want for their daughter. “We want Allison to be able to do things on her own and be part of normal life – not just part of the community, but a contributor,” said Edith. “She may have special needs, but we want her to move forward with anything she can do.” 6 Imagine a Good Life A Good Start HIghl ights of 2012 Agency Initiatives Abuse Prevention. The Arc is open to five students per session, stepped up efforts to prevent abuse, and 15 students graduated from three make the system more responsive sessions in 2012. Partnerships with to abuse victims with disabilities and public schools and Community educate self-advocates about healthy Transition Interagency Committees relationships. Activities included connected The Arc with more students partnerships with county sexual and parents facing the transition from assault teams, a Breaking Down school to adult life. the Barriers forum, and Girl Talk and Guy Talk sessions attended by 369 self-advocates. A Self-Advocacy Advisory Committee created in 2012 supports the self-advocacy movement, strengthens connections with metro selfadvocate groups and encourages engagement in important issues. Founding members include Katie McDermott (center) and (from left) The Arc Greater Twin Cities Board Members Heidi Myhre and Roberta Blomster. Housing. Two Think Outside the Box forums drew more than 200 people interested in exploring creative housing Employment. GetSet!™ for Work! alternatives. The Arc also launched a helped young people with disabilities new Housing Stakeholders Action Group prepare to find meaningful work to put more housing ideas into action. beyond high school. The Retail Training Program at Arc’s Value Village Thrift Stores, a joint effort with Opportunity Partners and Dunwoody College, prepares young adults for a retail career. This intensive program Mentoring. The new Common Connections program gives individuals with disabilities and their family members a vehicle to share the gift of their experience with others to help ease the journey. Mentors provide Lives Touched in 2012 Information & Assistance and Advocacy 1,862 ArcShops, forums, family activities, networking groups and sibling programs 5,1271 Abuse Prevention Initiative Girl Talk/Guy Talk participants n 369 n First responders trained 367 Represents multiple participations by some individuals 1 2 8 Households at or below 200% of poverty level Imagine a Good Life GetSet!™ for Work and Retail Training Program nSelf-advocates and professionals receiving training and information 1,000+ Arc’s Value Village support, listening and resources to Record Sales. For the first time 30th Anniversary. The first Arc’s mentees regarding specific disability- ever, Arc’s Value Village Thrift Stores & Value Village store opened its doors in related issues. In its first year, 29 Donation Centers raised $2 million in a Richfield in 1982. Thirty years later, people signed up for the mentor/ single year for The Arc Greater Twin Arc’s Value Village has grown to four mentee network and five matches Cities’ services. The stores served stores and raised $23 million for the were made involving issues such as 800,000 shoppers and donors in 2012. work of The Arc. The 30th anniversary housing, education and transition. Arc’s Value Village provides more than celebration included festivities at half the funding for The Arc’s programs Richfield’s Penn Fest on September 16. and services. Recognition. City Pages named Village Reward$. Arc’s Value Arc’s Value Village in Richfield the 2012 Village introduced the Village Twin Cities Best Thrift Store. Reward$™ customer loyalty program. More than 8,000 customers have signed up to enjoy the program’s benefits for frequent shoppers and donors. Arc’s Value Village began providing full-time personal shopping services in May 2012. More than 400 customers used the services of stylist Michelle Dustin by year-end. Percentage of persons served from multicultural communities 34% Percentage of low-income2 households served 58% Program, administrative and fundraising volunteer service Arc’s Value Village volunteer service n n Volunteers 1,034 4,000 n n Contributed hours 12,649 Volunteers Contributed hours 79,811 The Arc 2012 Annual Report 9 2012 Financial Information Unrestricted Statement of Activities for the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Contributed Support Contributions $585,291 Capital Campaign Contributions 65,419 Corporate, Foundation and Government Grants 234,413 Greater Twin Cities United Way 337,172 United Way Designated Funds 48,953 Value Village Thrift Stores, net 1,966,814 Autos for Arc, net 20,041 Total Contributed Support 3,258,103 EARNED REVENUE Membership28,140 Program Service Fees 45,306 Investment Income, net 198,872 Total Earned Revenue 272,318 Reclassified Net Assets Grant restrictions satisfied Other contribution restrictions met Total Reclassified Net Assets Total Revenue and Support 137,581 173,392 310,973 $ 3,841,394 Expenses Systems & Individual Advocacy and Family Support $ 2,276,820 Public Awareness 243,403 Membership Services 62,829 Volunteer Services 112,895 Total Program Services 2,695,947 Management and General Resource Development Capital Campaign Total Support Services 124,299 515,882 107,059 747,240 Support to State and National Organization 130,366 Total Expenses $ 3,573,553 Net Operating Surplus $ 267,841 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities $ Other Liabilities Total Liabilities 776,019 50,759 826,778 Statement of Financial Position at December 31, 2012 ASSETS Current Assets $ 2,013,304 Investments and Other Assets 3,849,398 Building and Equipment, net 254,430 Net Assets Board Designated 3,531,122 Undesignated52,457 Temporarily Restricted 1,706,775 Total Net Assets 5,290,354 Total Assets 10 Imagine a Good Life $ 6,117,132 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 6,117,132 2012 Unrestricted Revenue and Support United Way Designated Funds 1% Greater Twin Cities United Way 9% Corporate, Foundation and Government Grants 12% Capital Campaign Contributions 2% Contributions 20% Investment Income, net 5% Program Service Fees and Membership 3% Net Thrift Revenue 52% 2012 Expenses Program Services 75% Support to State and National Organization 4% Resource Development 14% Capital Campaign 3% Management and General 4% The Arc 2012 Annual Report 11 Capital Campaign The Campaign for Arc: A Partnership for the Future Thanks to the generous donors who made our capital campaign a resounding success, The Arc Greater Twin Cities will be here for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families for generations to come. The Campaign for Arc: A Partnership for the Future surpassed its $3.5 million goal by raising a total of $4,480,000 in gifts and pledges. The campaign was an intensive effort led by Board Treasurer John Kelly of UnitedHealth Group, aided by a dedicated team of staff and volunteers. The campaign’s purpose is to make The Arc more financially self-sustaining by supporting the growth of its Arc’s Value Village Thrift Stores & Donation Centers, which generate more than half of the funding for The Arc’s programs and services. The capital campaign has already made a tremendous impact: n 2009: Value Village St. Paul opens n 2011: Value Village Brooklyn Center upgrades its facilities n 2012/2013: Value Village Richfield expands and upgrades its site n 2013: Value Village New Hope to expand significantly with new building addition n 2013: Scouting underway for location of fifth store The campaign’s successful completion is the beginning of a new era for Arc’s Value Village: more shoppers, more donors and more volunteers, all coming together so that people with disabilities and their families can have a good life. Founders’ Circle Leadership Circle Visionary Partners : $250,000+ $25,000 - $49,999 Bakken Family WRC Foundation Deloitte LLP Bob & Sandy Klas Michael Israel & Laura Beth Landy The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota UnitedHealth Group Tom & Susan Judd Michael Roos & Cynthia Goplen James Odland & Sonja Devick-Odland The Pentair Foundation Denise McGee Contributors Yvonne Moberly $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $24,999 Arc’s Value Village Customers & Donors - Richfield Beim Foundation Jeff & Mindy Cotton Maurice & Sally Blanks Courey, Kosanda & Zimmer, P.A. Bryan Bower Sam & Barbara Courey Caliber Foundation Greater Twin Cities United Way Cedar Creek Oil & Gas Company Directors: $50,000 - $99,999 Jay & Dawn Layman Ernst & Young Shawn Monaghan & Greg Plotnikoff Jerry & Sarah Caruso The Mike & Linda Fiterman Family Foundation Gregory & Marianne Reich Hardenbergh Foundation $2,500 - $4,999 Partners: $100,000 - $249,999 Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Carl & Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation Val & Ed Spencer Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota John & Paula Kelly The Medtronic Foundation 12 KPMG Dennis Nisler & Cheryl Hommen-Nisler Imagine a Good Life Richard J. Johnson Mark & Christine Kalla Arc’s Value Village Customers & Donors - New Hope George & Christine Kehl Laurel & Brian Hansen Kim Keprios & John Everett Paul & Debra Harder Peter & Tara King Debbi & Victor Harris PricewaterhouseCoopers John & Kathe Hetterick Bob Klas, Jr. & Linda Klas David & Laura Newinski Lisette Schlosser & Peg Bauwens Peggy & Larry Smith $1,000 - $2,499 Arc’s Value Village Customers & Donors - Brooklyn Center - St. Paul Bank of America/Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Kevin Busch Paul & Pam Carlson Amy Dawson Vivek (Vic) & Maire Katyal Melissa & Dave Kittelson Anne McDonald & Ron Howard Scott & Terri Oen Tom & Holly Roos Karen & David Sebesta The Shared Fund Brett & Kelly Smith Ann Strom Adriene Thornton David A. Ufheil $500 - $999 Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program Patrick Butler Kevin & Laura Chang Eichenwald/Helsing Foundation Rod & Connie England on behalf of John T. England, a special brother Hamel Lions Club Ellen Hatfield & Jon Tevlin Amy Hewitt & Brad Perry David Mazie Georgann Rumsey & Tim Ralston The Saint Paul Foundation David & Michelle Theisen $250 - $499 Kathleen M. Danakis Ann Jensen & Gerald Collins Eduardo Montes & Patrick Galvin Timothy Mulrooney & Melissa Haley Dan Stephenson $100 - $249 Cloutier and Brandl, P.A. Peter & Cheryl Dugan Dolo Eggert “I said ‘yes’ to Arc’s capital campaign because Arc’s Value Village stores have a huge impact on what Arc is able to do for people with disabilities. Arc provides guidance and advocacy throughout the journey from childhood to transition age to adulthood. It has also been so instrumental in bringing people together to educate legislators, which has helped to retain funding, valuable programs and resources for people with disabilities. I believe in Arc and what Arc means to so many people, and what it will mean to future generations.” Deni se McGee Dena Felper Sandy LeTexier Clairette LaPointe Charlotte Moore Mali Nareff Heidi Myhre Sara G. Sathers Jennifer Mykleby Kelly Turnau Lynn Nelson & Michael Keeler Ann Verme & Andy Martin Mary Anne Pretzel Up to $99 Troy & Betsy Auth Tricia Bemboom Deb Bergman Alice Blystone Diane Brandes Devin Clapp Amy Cook Marion Guerrido Paul Hatlelid Amy Klobuchar & John Bessler Wendy Rasmussen Marie Sabelko Gina & Steven Schneeberger Andrei & Erin Zolotukhin-Ridgway In-Kind Contributors Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors Private Bank Minnesota Valspar Wolfson Properties Kyle LeClaire Barb Lemke The Arc 2012 Annual Report 13 The Arc Greater Twin Cities thanks our contributors and grantors for their valued support during 2012. Cumulative gifts of $100 or more are recognized here. Due to space limitations, we cannot list all donor names, and individual donations to The Arc through United Way are not reflected in this list. However, gifts of all sizes and sources are greatly appreciated. Contributions to The Arc’s Capital Campaign are recognized on pages 12 & 13. Contributions through The Arc Gala are listed separately on pages 18 & 19. Leadership Donors Platinum: $50,000+ Greater Twin Cities United Way Tapemark Charity Pro-Am Gold: $25,000 - $49,999 The Earl & Doris Bakken Foundation Otto Bremer Foundation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Diamond: $10,000 - $24,999 Ameriprise Financial Ruby: $2,500 - $9,999 Andersen Corporate Foundation Arc’s Value Village Customers & Donors - Richfield - St. Paul Arc’s Value Village Customers & Donors - Brooklyn Center - New Hope Argall/Hibbs Foundation William & Beatrice Beddor Bakken Family WRC Foundation Maurice & Sally Blanks Best Buy Children’s Foundation Campbell Foundation Birmingham Dorsey Charitable Trust Cargill Incorporated Bob Bruininks & Susan Hagstrum Paul & Pam Carlson Caliber Foundation Citizens Independent Bank Community Foundation Clear Channel Worldwide/Cities 97 Comcast Foundation Dick & Judy Corson Mike & Debbie Finn The John R. Cross Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Jim & Mary Frey Dakota County Community Services G&K Services Foundation Barb Davis The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. GiveMN.org Jennifer Estes Handi Medical Supply The Bieber Family Foundation Hardenbergh Foundation The Fahning Heritage Fund of the National Christian Foundation Twin Cities F. R. Bigelow Foundation Sally & Bob Helmerichs Tim & Shaun Follick Broadwaters Foundation Kim Keprios & John Everett The Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Carlson & The Carlson Family Foundation Knights of Columbus Council #5141 Fridley Lions Club CCP Foundation James & Brenda McCoy Hazen & Kathy Graves The Doug & Martha Miller Foundation The MENTOR Network Margaret Gunther Minnesota Department of Education The MENTOR Network Charitable Foundation Paul & Debra Harder Yvonne Moberly Pentair Foundation The Kathy & Tom Miller Family Foundation Richard J. Johnson The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Spencer Johnson & Amy Lynch MMIC Group The Saint Paul Foundation Tom & Susan Judd The Patch Foundation The Royce N. Sanner and Janice L. Sanner Charitable Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Brad & Heidi Keil RBC Wealth Management Knights of Columbus Councils - #5569 - #8367 Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Helen Silha Walmart Foundation in partnership with The Arc (National Organization) Women’s Foundation of Minnesota Margaret Rivers Fund Kathryn Shaw & Larry LaBonte Thomson Reuters United Way of Washington County - East The UPS Foundation Wendy & Warren Watson Wells Fargo Community Support and United Way Campaign Please accept our apology if there are errors or omissions in this Annual Report. Call The Arc at (952) 920-0855 or email donorservices@thearcgtc.org to correct our records. Xcel Energy Foundation John & Kathe Hetterick Laird Norton Family Foundation Ronna & Terrance Linroth Leland T. Lynch and Terry Saario Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Macy’s Foundation Denise McGee Dorothy McGuire Connie Menne & Mike Weigel Pearl: $1,000 - $2,499 Minco AgriBank, FCB Minneapolis Ragstock Company Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program New York Life Foundation Julie & Mark Anderson Elizabeth “Betsy” Pate Foundation of The Saint Paul Foundation James Odland & Sonja Devick-Odland Margaret Perryman 14 Imagine a Good Life David Petersen & Mary Coyle-Petersen $500 - $999 Max Horn Property Resources Corporation American Legion Post 118 Honeywell Hometown Solutions Rahr Foundation Janice & Paul Anderson John & Alice Hulbert Gregory & Marianne Reich Bruce & Jodi Atkinson Lisette Schlosser & Peg Bauwens Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Judie Schumacher & Craig Fobes Burnsville Lions Club S. Hurwitz/M. Lessing Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Combined Jewish Philanthropies Karen & David Sebesta Harold & Joan Cahoy John and Marla Simmet Family Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation Sarah & Jerry Caruso Kevin & Laura Chang Thad and Suzanne Johnson Charitable Fund Charles & Mary Jungmann King Family Foundation Trust Sarah Wilson Sweatt Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Leslie & Gerald Chapman Tonia Teasley Kathie Constantine & Mike Bono Alan & Barb Tennessen Dena Felper Knights of Columbus Councils - #3657 - #9585 - #3827 - #10031 - #7604 - #13359 - #9096 - #14984 - #9141 Wakefield Family Foundation Dan & Liz Froehlich Kowalski’s Markets Walmart Foundation/Walmart Facility #2642 Laurel & Brian Hansen Charlie & Hannah Lakin Tom Weaver Christian & Jaida Harris Molly Lindblad Jane & James Werler Earl Homuth Gene & Anita Martinez Community Living, Inc. Clara & Dennis Miller Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Eduardo Montes & Patrick Galvin Andrew & Lisha Odney Lisa Paulson Patricia & Eric Prosser Fred Rengel Carol Ryan St. Paul Park – Newport Lions Club Shakopee Jaycees Pat & Lee Sparks Steve & Sue Stenbeck United Way of Central Minnesota Victoria Lions Club Hampton Watkins & Ellen Catlin Donnelly Gloria Weisskopf Kaye Wentzel $250 - $499 3M Foundation AMAS Incorporated Aon Foundation Robert & Jennifer Appleton Atlas Staffing, Inc. Scott Beers & Kathryn Sedo Deb Bergman Sarah Caruso Chase Community Giving “When we moved here in 1985, I wanted to get involved in the community. I was intrigued by The Arc because I have a sister with developmental disabilities. I served on the board and several committees, and my wife Cheryl now volunteers with The Arc Gala. We also give our financial support. We’re impressed by the passion of the people at The Arc and the work they do. When you’re raising or supporting a person with disabilities, you don’t know where to turn. The Arc is there for everyone.” Arlett Christensen Joyce & Charles Coate Covidien Employee Matching Gift Program John & Sally Cuningham Denni s Ni sler The Arc 2012 Annual Report 15 Mary Lee Dayton $100 - $249 Evelyn & Tara Franklin John & Colleen Doyle ABCA SP Services, LLC Fraser Gary Ellis & Diane Kozlak Christian Abnet & Rebecca Holden Jim & Kathy Gavenda Sandra Farmer Leonora Akers Roger Gay The Mike & Linda Fiterman Family Foundation Allina Health System Genesis Group Homes Julie Stuthman Anderson & Tim Anderson Lisa Mazie Gercenstein Margaret Argall Vicki Gerrits Mike & Patricia Arneson Lawrence & Rosemary Gleason Auction Masters Henry & Kathleen Goers Ann Bachleitner Alison Golden Peter Barry Forrest Green & Tamara Loring William & Alexandra Bartolic Margaret Grekoff John & Lisa Bartsch Chloette & Jerry Haley Les & Barb Bauer Linda & Harold Haluptzok Michelle Beltrand Hammer Residences, Inc. Karen & Mark Beltz Cynthia & Franklin Harper Lucia Bender Melvin & Dorothy Heckt Paul & Jean Bender David & Cheryl Henningsgaard Lyla Bernstein Amy Hewitt & Brad Perry The Boston Consulting Group Highland Friendship Club Kyle Fitzwater & Steven Rosnow Mary Ann Goschy Jeff & Carol Grady John & Linda Haeg Bill Hibbs Tom & Mary Jo Holly Kim Jaeger Glenn & Kathryn Johnson Thomas A. Keller, III & Victoria Keller John & Paula Kelly Kate Kelly Peter & Tara King Barbara Kleist Knights of Columbus Councils - #2018 - #3659 - #3656 - #6374 Jim & Ann Boulay Doug & Susan Hines Peter Komarek & Elizabeth Nelson Lisa Brekke Eugene Hinze Eve Lee Sherwin & Linda Brodsky Mary Hinze Life By Design, Inc. David & Nancy Brown Sue Hodgson & Dee Gladish Kathy Neuberger Manderscheid & Marc Manderscheid Ruth Carlson Rita Houle Lynn Casey & Mike Thornton Maguire Fund, a Donor-Advised Fund of the American Center for Philanthropy Michael & Carole Casey Lincoln Hudson Charitable Gift Account of Schwab Charitable Fund Mile High United Way June Moberly Ron & Darla Nemec Padilla Speer Beardsley David Pauba Kirk Ramin Ramsey Lions Club Mark Ritchie & Nancy Gaschott Georgann Rumsey & Tim Ralston Chuck & Penne Sewall Kristine & Ronald Siven Sue & Garland Stonestreet Ann Strom Douglas & Kathleen Swanson David & Michelle Theisen Glen Thompson Rochelle & Thomas Turan United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc. United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Vadnais Heights Lions Club Mary & Steven Vance West St. Paul Commercial Club Heidi Whitmore Joe & Sue Willette 16 Imagine a Good Life CCP Jane Clifford Irma McIntosh Coleman Dave Colwell Compass Capital Management Everette & Kathy Condon Consumer Direct for Wisconsin, LLC Joan Coverdale Amy Crawford & Alice Johnson Agustin Dalmasso Rosemary Daniels Frances & Myron Danielson Dean & Candace Davis Edward & Sherry Ann Dayton Jon DeJager The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Michael & Colleen Eckman Dolo Eggert Erin Erickson William Ewert Christine Felling Caryn Fine & Beth Ann Swedberg Beth Fischer Bill & Ann Fox Deb & John Fox Bryan & Nadine Huisman Betty Ice Independent School District #191 Doug & Karen Jacobson Paul & Jane Jaeger George Jelatis Jennifer Daulman Johnson & Matthew Johnson Larry Joyce Connie Kashmark Steven & Jacklynn Kastendieck Dodie Keprios Laura Kissoon Bob & Sandy Klas Louise Klas Knights of Columbus Councils - #397 - #12140 Stephen Kodluboy, Jr. & Mary Shea Kodluboy Greg & Candy Kramer Paul & Sally Kraske Robert Kressel Joan Kruse Dawn Kulaszewicz Emily Lagace & John Faughnan Nancy Langer Randy & Pam Ryder Barbara Thompson Gary & Ellen Larson Jerry & Betty Sauter R.E. & Patricia Timmer Steve & Ellen Lepinski Patrick & Elizabeth Schiltz Phil & Barb Lindblad Sally Schlosser Travelers Community Connections Matching Gifts Program Theresa Lippert & Fred Grittner Monica & Kevin Schmidt Judith & Marvin Liszt Michelle Schutt & Robert Engstrom Stephen Lowe Carolyn Schwantes Mary Lund Kurt Schwarzkopf & Susie Byers Judy Lysne & Alex Petterson Pam & Jeff Schweitzer Robert A. MacDonald Sela Investments Mary Ann MacLennan Jack Senander Jean & Bill Marshall James & Celia Shapland Jim McDermid Susan Sheely Alice McMartin Sheldon & Carol Shoff Kellie & Bill McNamara Joseph & Jean Sierra Bridgett & Shawn McNulty Orapat Sivatanpisit Marjorie Meffert Isabel Slator Timothy & Judy Meginnes Marilyn & Wallace Small Tom & Rose Mary Meyer Donita Soucek Midwest Special Services STAR Services Barbara Miller Eric & Tammy Stratton John & Andrea Moore Margaret Sullivan & Jon Parshall Thomas & Donna Mulrooney Thomas & Margaret Swifka Paul & Mary Myers Patricia & Robert Temple Cynthia Triggs Charlotte Tripet TSE, Inc. John & Ann Tulloch UnitedHealth Group Matching Gift Funds Paul & Patricia Van Valkenburg Mary & Palito Verdeja VFW Post 494 Karen & Fred Walker Greg Walter Lenora Welko Paul Werler Bill & Doreen West Colleen Wieck John M. Williams Wilderness Inquiry Darii & Rick Wohlers John & Mary Ann Wolters Lynelle Wood Barb Yatckoske Mali Nareff George & Margaret Nelson New York Life Rachel Norris Virginia Nyberg Lois & C. Nyman Andrea Olufson Tom & Sue O’Malley Mary Ostertag Partnership Resources, Inc. Michael Patterson Patricia Pavlik Judith Peacock Jan Pedersen Nino & Susan Pedrelli Mary Perkins Mary Jo Peterson Sharon Pickle Joe & Margie Prenosil Janet & William Putnam Robert & Margaret Rafferty F. Matthew Ralph Belva Rasmussen Yvonne & Ted Rausch Walter & Mary Jo Roberts Paul & Camille Rogers Andrew Rosengren & Jeanne Kelley-Rosengren The Changemaker Circle recognizes supporters who will continue The Arc’s heritage of positive change by including The Arc Greater Twin Cities in their wills or estate planning. To learn more, please contact Chief Development Officer Sarah Erkkinen at (952) 915-3628. Teresa Belknap Alton & Jan Johnson Jane W. (Donnelly) Birks Kim Keprios & John Everett Teresa Burke & Andy Berman Susan Mackay Ann Burns Gene & Anita Martinez Dave Colwell Heidi Myhre Candace Davis Kathryn Nelson & Abdulla Albinali Gordon Fager Kathleen O’Connor Jayne Frank Pam Ryder Jean Hariman & Larry Schanzenbach Michelle Schutt Sally Helmerichs Donna Smith Ann M. Verme Elizabeth Ryan The Arc 2012 Annual Report 17 2012 Sponsors and Contributors 2012 Arc Gala Sponsors Community Leaders Red Carpet Sponsors Groom Law Group, Chartered Media Sponsors Bakken Family WRC Foundation Anchor Bank KBEM Jazz 88.5 FM Best Buy Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Hammer Residences, Inc. & Hammer Travel Dorsey & Whitney, LLP Caliber Foundation Ernst & Young Chestnut Cambronne Grant Thornton LLP Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Jones Lang LaSalle Star Tribune Kim Keprios & John Everett Print & Design Sponsors Leonard, Street and Deinard Liz J. Design Company Lottsa Financial Services, Inc. Thomson Reuters Colliers International Medica Wallace Carlson Printing PricewaterhouseCoopers Compass Capital Management Merrill Lynch/Bank of America Republic Services (formerly Allied Waste Services of Minnesota) Convey Compliance Systems, Inc. Opportunity Partners Dakota Communities The Original Pancake House – Edina and Eden Prairie Target Corporation Barb & Fran Davis REM Minnesota McCoy & Associates, Inc. UnitedHealth Group Deloitte LLP Smart Associates Ltd & Smart Legal Assistance Shortpantz Pictures Mains’l Services The MENTOR Network Dungarvin Faegre Baker Daniels Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Geritom Medical, Inc. Show Production Sponsors Event Pro, Inc. In memory of Michael Sorem from his sisters Transportation Sponsors Val & Ed Spencer Frontier Airlines Delta TSE, Inc. Wells Fargo Insurance 2013 Arc Gala Sponsors The Arc Greater Twin Cities received sponsorship payments from the follow organizations and individuals in 2012 for the 2013 Arc Gala. A full listing of 2013 Gala sponsors will be featured in the 2013 Annual Report. Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Caliber Foundation Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Dakota Communities Hogan Lovells Kim Keprios & John Everett KPMG Lifeworks Services Mains’l Services The MENTOR Network/REM Minnesota PricewaterhouseCoopers Ragstock TSE, Inc. UnitedHealth Group Welsh Companies Wolfson Properties The 2013 Arc Gala was a family affair for Gala Co-Chairs Vic and Maire Katyal. Joining them for the evening’s festivities were their children Mai, Biren and Mikhail, and Vic’s mother, Usha Katyal. 18 Imagine a Good Life 2012 Arc Gala Contributors Persons and organizations that supported the 2012 Arc Gala with cash gifts or Fund-A-Need contributions of $100 or more are recognized below. Those who donated goods or services valued at $100 or more are recognized in In-Kind Gifts on page 22. Maria & Steven Alm Amy & Kai Gudmestad Kevin & Eileen Maler Jay & Kathy Schliesman Janice & Paul Anderson Chad & Amy Hamann Nitya Malik Glenn & Jennifer Andis Kent Hamre Ellyn & Michael Marell Katherine Schweikart & Jim Johnson Alison & Dave Archer Debbi & Victor Harris Dorothy & Toby Markowitz Jason & Mara Bain Scott & Kathy Hawkinson Mayflower Properties Bakken Family WRC Foundation Steve Hayes & Maureen Laird-Hayes Pat McCann HealthPartners Josh & Erika McEwan Tim & Kathy Ball Dan & Kari Bartholet Bay Area Glass Co., Inc. Scott Beers & Kathryn Sedo Michael Bilotta Keith & Jill Bispala Gregory & Barbara Blackwood Maurice & Sally Blanks BNSF Railway Foundation Paul & Pam Carlson Jim & Cathy Cavalier InterDyn BMI Elizabeth & Pete Jackson Doug & Karen Jacobson Jim Jacobson & Andrea Kaufman Carol & Ed Johnson Debra Johnson Jana & Steve Johnson Todd & Jennifer Johnson Anne McDonald & Ron Howard John & Jennifer McKeown Kevin & Lynne Megan Connie Menne & Mike Weigel Terry & Kathryn Miller Todd & Jen Miller Shawn Monaghan & Greg Plotnikoff Paul Thissen & Karen Wilson Scott & Katy Thuleen Jeff & Faye Torstenson Scott & Joanne Dake Kim Keprios & John Everett Barb Davis Rob & Maggie Kiefer Andrew & Angie Nippert Fran Davis Chandra Kilgriff Jeffrey & Michele DeYoung Peter & Tara King Dennis Nisler & Cheryl Hommen-Nisler James & Angela Doerfler Jeff & Linda Kohler Eden Prairie AM Rotary Club Peter Komarek & Elizabeth Nelson Gail Graham Bonnie & Michael Graves Dan & Julie O’Connell John & Sharlon O’Neal Jon & Darla Paradis Jonna Kosalko Betsy Parks Mark & Becky Kuck Judith Peacock Dawn Kulaszewicz Richard & Heather Pins Marilee & Jeff Larson Erik & Mary Prentnieks Christopher Laux Brady Priest Veronica Lee-Anderson Eric Rangen Phil & Barb Lindblad Fay E. Reuter Steven & Tristen Lindemann Felicity & Dan Riley Doug & Lori Link Frank & Nancy Rondoni Tina & David Linne Georgann Rumsey & Tim Ralston Teresa & Jim Lodoen Kim Lowe Dolores & Gary Maas Macy’s Foundation Brenda Magnuson & Colin Jorgenson Christopher Sullivan Steve & Kayla Thimjon John Nigon & Latawnie Hernandez Barbara & Don Goldberg Paul Stutler Carrie Niemi Dodie Keprios Bess Gold Patsy & Randy Stinchfield Tonia Teasley Joe & Doreen Cullen Jeff & Catherine Gendreau John & Anne Stauch Deb & Scott Newman John & Paula Kelly Suzette & Brett Frith Liz & Rich Stadther TCF Foundation Jeff & Mindy Cotton Myron Frans & Susan Segal Elwood & Carolyn Smith Joy Sorensen Navarre Bridget Kelly Jamie & Michelle Fontaine Brett & Kelly Smith Mutual of America Tom & Brenda Chovan Greg & Suzanne Flannigan Jim & Cindie Smart Steve Tang & Hayley Cunningham Charlotte Kapoun Marvin Fish Family Lisa Sinclair Timothy Mulrooney & Melissa Haley Kathryn Caylor & William Kern Ken & Rachel Finley Joy Shealer Tackett Law Office LLC Malik & Jeannine Cavallo Mike & Dawn Erlandson Kim Severson & Phil Jemielita Morgan Stanley Dennis Kane & Susan Sauro Kane Ron & Pat Eldred Lori Sedlezky & Marc Von Keitz Trey & Megan Titcomb Michelle & Chris Turnau Steven & Sally Twelves Ann & Reede Webster John & Trudy Wilgers Marget Williams Steve & Sara Yaeger Julia Zimmerman & John Pawluk Clarice Zuckman Frank & Betsy Russomanno Nancy Ryder Matt Salaba Todd & Kirsten Sawyer The Arc 2012 Annual Report 19 Special Occasion Gifts In Honor Of The Arc’s Development Department by Lisette Schlosser & Peg Bauwens Emilie Koll by Ginie Klopp Malachi Adams by anonymous donors Adam Joshua Bartlett by John & Patricia Bartlett Lester Koppang by Dean & Candace Davis Vernon Anderson by Clark Kube Jane Birks by Sue Hodgson & Dee Gladish Lifeworks Rock of Ages Band by: - Vicki Gerrits - Judy Lysne & Alex Petterson Vince Clouse by Phil & Barb Lindblad Elizabeth Bloom by Buzz & Bernadine Lortis Vicki Brainard by Claudia & Don Wiebold Susan Brinkman by Elizabeth Ryan Guthrie Byard by Stephen Byard Jessie Byard by Stephen Byard Sandy & Howard Casmey by anonymous donors Karen Evans by Anita & Brian Newhouse Kimberlee Ewen by Marjorie Ewen Taylor Garin by Andrew & Lisha Odney Judy Hostnick, RN by Audrae Rosenzweig Janet M. Houliston by Lillian Schultz Pat Jacobs by Paul & Pam Carlson Kevin Johnson by James & Joan Mickus Kim Keprios by: - Bruce & Jodi Atkinson - Paul & Jean Bender - Paul & Pam Carlson - Amy Crawford & Alice Johnson - Dena Felper - Beth Fondell & Charles Shreffler - Jim & Kathy Gavenda - Brenda & Don Goral - Elisabeth Hennessey - Dodie Keprios - Barbara Kleist - Steven & Joan Larson - Steve & Ellen Lepinski - Jacki & Fred McCormack - Mary Perkins - Randy & Pam Ryder - Lisette Schlosser & Peg Bauwens - Karen & David Sebesta - Chuck & Penne Sewall 20 In Memory Of Imagine a Good Life Nicole Limper by Barbara Kleist Alex Lindblad by Molly Lindblad Jacki McCormack by Kirk Ramin Eduardo Montes by Mary Grace & James Galvin Ryan Anderson Pascual by Edith Calderon Cuevas & Armando Cuevas Eric Rangen by John & Paula Kelly Geoff Paul Schanzenbach by Jean Hariman & Larry Schanzenbach Matthew Schmidt by Jim & Helen Schmidt Vicki Jo Shoff by Sheldon & Carol Shoff Robert Toftely by Rosemary Daniels UnitedHealth Group Tax Department by John & Paula Kelly Wendy Watson by: - Dan & Carolyn Fishbeck - Christopher Larson - Karen Malver - Jim McDermid - Tom & Sue O’Malley Ivan Zwart by Chaska Moravian Women Will Zwart by Chris Lenius William Curtis by Dodie Keprios Millie Deden by Jan Pedersen Sandy Dolan by Nancy Rzeszutek Henry Dwyer by Mary & Steven Vance Debbie Fondell by Jacki & Fred McCormack Jayne Frank by: - Blair & Toni Baker - Lynne Crowther - Bernice Dougherty - Jayna & Joseph Heinemann - Todd & Kathlene Junker - Kim Keprios & John Everett - Louise Kinzer - Bob & Sandy Klas - James Klym - Pamela & Timothy Kurtz - Barbara Lundervold - Florence & Robert Prosser - Robert & Margaret Rafferty - Lorrayne Schoenecker - Mary Schoenecker - Trudy & Bud Temme - Patricia & Robert Temple - Julia Thompson - Mary & Palito Verdeja - Kathleen & James Whitney Charlotte Freeman by: - Kristen Ehresmann - Michael & Patricia Freeman - Mark Gelle & Claudia Miller Pattie Freeman by Louis Melamed Catherine Hinze by an anonymous donor Myra Jaekel by Norvel & Roberta Leistiko Ruth Johnson by: - Lucille Amis - Mary & Tom Dries - Joan Kohl - Bob & Diane Reitz - Runners with Heart Miriam & Sandy Karlins by Annette Weinberg George Keprios by: - Patricia & Daniel Ludwig - Connie Theien-Psotka & Chris Psotka Evelyn Kiehl by Ronald & Patrick Kiehl Amy Kline by Kim Keprios & John Everett Denise Kocemba by Sharon Pickle Leona M. Koelfgen by Kathleen Nelson John “Jack” Kozlak by: - Kathren Amoth - Anonymous donor - The Basilica Landmark - Rick Curran - Karen & Diane Daun - Elizabeth & Wayne Fadden - Barbara Fisher - Tanya Foster - Linda Jane & Dr. Daniel Greeley - Richard & Diane Hansen - Ken & Pat Johnson - Helen Kozlak - Michael & Laurie Kozlak - Geraldine & James Leonard - Leonard Street and Deinard - Edward & Catherine Mahoney - Catherine & John Mamer - James & Margaret Marino - James & Kathleen McFarland - Chester & Joseph Mirocha - Lois Myers - Paul & Mary Myers - Claudia & Michael Price - Belva Rasmussen - Patrick Riley - Mary & Stephen Robinson - Tudie & Jerry Ross - Ella Spanjers - Marlys & George Stavisky - Gregory Stevens - Mary & Ruben Stewart - Allan Svobodny - Mary Weimer Judy Langer by Nancy Langer Paige Lewis by anonymous donors “My mom sought advocacy and information from Arc when my brother was a teen. Now I am his guardian, and I contacted Arc Greater Twin Cities for help in meeting his needs. I know The Arc makes a difference in people’s lives because they made a huge difference in ours. I’ve chosen to leave a percentage of my estate to The Arc Greater Twin Cities because Arc has served my family for nearly 50 years, and I want to ensure that other families can have this same opportunity.” Pam Ryder JoAnn Lundquist by Sherm Stanchfield Phillip Shambour by Karen & Bernie Shambour Wm. Bruce MacDonald by Robert A. MacDonald Matthew Swallen by Sally & Bob Helmerichs Thomas Martin by Peggy & Larry Smith James McKean Thompson, III by Kim Keprios & John Everett George Moberly by June Moberly Loring Tollefson by Chester & Gladys Tollefson Mike Moberly by June Moberly Drew Utterberg by Patricia Utterberg Tom Moberly by: - Greg & Candy Kramer - June Moberly Sarah Lynn Van Valkenburg by Paul & Patricia Van Valkenburg Jerry Monson by Phil & Barb Lindblad Katie O’Brien by Christian Abnet & Rebecca Holden Christopher Schroedel by Margaret Stevenson Jack Wagemaker by Phil & Barb Lindblad Dr. A.W. Waters by Ruth Carlson William Wilde by Dorothy Wilde The Arc 2012 Annual Report 21 In-Kind Gifts We thank the following individuals and organizations for donating goods and services to The Arc and the 2012 Arc Gala. Donations valued at $100 or more are recognized here. In-kind gifts of all sizes are appreciated. In-kind gifts of $100 or more to the 2013 Arc Gala, whether provided in 2012 or 2013, will be recognized in the 2013 Annual Report. 45th Parallel Spirits, LLC Grand Avenue Natural Medicine Center Esther Nelson Afton House Inn Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. Marina Nemat Anchor Paper Express Guthrie Theater Nordic Ware Arthur Murray Dance Studios Chad & Amy Hamann The Normandy Inn & Suites Autism Resource Network, Inc. John & Kathe Hetterick Park Square Theatre Christopher Bies Hilton Minneapolis Bloomington Park Tavern Bluefin Bay Resort History Theatre Natalie Parrague BMO Private Bank HOM Furniture Pearson’s Candy Company Bunker Hills Golf Course Hubert White Perfect Pitch Piano Business & Estate Planning Analytics Leon Hushcha PipJazz Entertainment Cafesjian’s Carousel Hyatt Regency Minneapolis PSAV Uri & Melissa Camarena Ann Jensen & Gerald Collins Eric Rangen Canterbury Park Jimmy’s Food & Cocktails Felicity & Dan Riley Chanhassen Dinner Theatres Linda Johnson Ryder Law Firm, Minneapolis Clean Sweep Home Organizing Tamra Hartmann Johnson Nancy Ryder Consulting Psychologists, Inc. Jungle Theater Randall & Katie Ryder The Container Store Juut Salon Spa - Roseville Randy & Pam Ryder Corepower Yoga Kathleen Interiors The Saint Paul Hotel Jeff & Mindy Cotton KBEM Jazz 88.5 FM St. Paul Saints Crowne Plaza St. Paul - Riverfront George & Christine Kehl Salty Tart Cutco Closing Gifts John & Paula Kelly The Sample Room Dale Studios Keys Cafe Sea Change Barb Davis KPMG Sears Imported Autos Deloitte LLP Lake Engineering Inc Karen & David Sebesta Delta Phil & Barb Lindblad Sebesta Pottery The Depot Minneapolis, A Renaissance Hotel Liz J. Design Company Segway Magical History Tours Destinations West at Beaver Village Condominiums The Lodge at Whitefish Lake Shortpantz Pictures Disney Madison and Company Jim & Cindie Smart Brenda Magnuson & Colin Jorgenson Spegal Painting and Decorating LLC Manhattan Toy Star Tribune Marcus Theatres Corporation Staybridge Suites – Orlando Stillwater Balloons Eden Prairie Dental Care Marriott - Minneapolis City Center - Minneapolis Southwest Event Pro, Inc. Massage Envy Executive Results McCoy & Associates, Inc. Famous Dave’s Denise McGee Dena Felper Shannon McNally Fireside Hearth & Home Medtronic Kathy Fischer Mitrebox Framing Studio Zoë François Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club Ian & Carol Friendly Minnesota Opera Friendship Ventures Minnesota Orchestra Frontier Airlines Minnesota Transportation Museum Gegax Management Systems, Inc. Minnesota Vikings General Mills R.F. Moeller Jeweler Glidden Limousine Joel Moline Graham Jewelers Murray’s Kathy Donahue Downtowner Car Wash DQ Cares Product Grant Program Michelle Dustin Neiman Marcus 22 Imagine a Good Life STYLEDLIFE Terrain Training J. & K. Thompson FLP Thomson Reuters Tilia Toro Company Trader Joe’s - Woodbury Ventures Travel, LLC Vertical Endeavors Wallace Carlson Printing Dan & Nicole Waller Warners’ Stellian Colleen Watson Wilderness Inquiry Stewart Woodman Wusthof-Trident of America Agency and Coalition Partners The Arc thanks the many organizations that joined forces with us in 2012 to create opportunities and improve services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. 3M Cares Minnesota Alliance for Autism Prevention American Indian OIC Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Ampersand Anoka County Anoka-Hennepin Learning Center Anoka Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC) Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Minnesota Employment First Coalition Minnesota Department of Education Minnesota Department of Human Services The Arc Minnesota Minnesota Disability Law Center Augsburg College – School of Social Work Minnesota Health Access Network Autism Advocacy & Law Center, LLC Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (MOFAS) Autism Society of Minnesota Carver County Carver/Scott Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC) One Brick Opportunity Partners PACER Carver County Sexual Assault Interagency Committee Parents in Community Action, Inc. (PICA) Communidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES) – Minneapolis and St. Paul Portico Healthnet Dakota County Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC) Deloitte LLP Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota Employment Action Center Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Fraser Garvey, Boggio & Hendricks, P.A. General Mills G. Alumni Good Deeds Society Pillsbury House Ramsey County Citizens Advisory Council Ramsey County Community Human Services Ramsey County Sexual Assault Protocol Team Robbinsdale School District Sages Saint Paul Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC) Saint Paul Public Schools Schmitz & Schmidt, P.A. Greater Twin Cities United Way Secretary of State Disability Advisory Committee Guzmán Law Firm, P.A. Sexual Offense Service Hammer Sexual Violence Center Hastings Public Schools Shortpantz Pictures Healthy Legacy Coalition Single Volunteers of the Twin Cities Hennepin County Special Olympics Minnesota Hennepin Smart Team St. Mary’s University Hired, Inc. Stepping Up Moving Forward Hispanic Health Network Suburban Ramsey Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC) Hmong Early Childhood Summit Committee Jewish Community Center Kaposia Lifetrack Resources Long, Reher & Hanson, P.A. Merrick, Inc. Minneapolis Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC) Minneapolis Public Schools Thiel Campbell Gunderson Anderson and Levine, PLLP Thomson Reuters Twin Cities Daily Planet Twin Cities Media Alliance UCare Disability Advisory Committee University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management - Community Service Learning Center - Institute on Community Integration - School of Social Work “The Sexual Violence Center considers The Arc a leader in the disability community, and we look to them for guidance in serving victims who have disabilities. The Arc participates on our sexual assault multi-disciplinary action response teams in Hennepin and Carver counties, and they help train our sexual assault advocates. They are working to bring the voices of abuse victims to the forefront, and that’s important because we believe that the victim is the best expert on their own experience.” Pamela Zeller Executive Director, Sexual Violence Center University of St. Catherine – School of Social Work University of St. Thomas – School of Social Work University YMCA – Community Leadership Intern Program Washington County VET Northland Wells Fargo Bank Wilder School Wilder Southeast Asian Services The Arc 2012 Annual Report 23 Thrift Business Partners The Arc gratefully acknowledges the businesses, organizations and individuals who donated merchandise, held donation drives, hosted donation bins and provided volunteer assistance to our thrift businesses in 2012. 3M Brown College Ellison Technologies 3M CARES Brunswick United Methodist Church Emma’s Place 4-H Calvary Church Employer Solutions Group Abundant Life Church Camp Kingswood Urban Servants Employment Action Center Accenture Cardinal Stritch University Employment Endeavors LLC Activision Cargill Environmental Law Group Admission Possible Caribou Coffee eQuality Pathways to Potential Aimia Carlson Ernst & Young Albertville Premium Outlets Casual Male XL Fairview Rehabilitation Services Alfred Dunner CCP Works! Findfurnish All Saints Lutheran Church Centennial Area Summer Stretch Forte Promotions American Converters, Inc. CenterPoint Energy Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. AmeriCorps Century College Jim & Mary Frey AmeriCorps VISTA Ceridian Corporation Dan & Liz Froehlich Ameriprise Financial Champlin Park High School G&K Services Ameriprise Financial Retirees Charity Lutheran Church Gander Mountain Mark Anderson Child Learning Center General Mills Annunciation School Chisago Lake Lutheran Church Germbana Arafina CHOICE, Inc. Arc Angels CHS Inc. Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys Armstrong High School Church of Corpus Christi Art House Painting Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints AT&T Church of St. Odilia Augsburg College Church of St. Pascal Baylon Award Staffing Church of the Epiphany Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Church of the Open Door Ballantrae Apartments City of Edina Bass City of Plymouth Bella Galleria City West Academy Benilde-St. Margaret’s School Classy Baskets Etc. Best Buy Comcast Bethany Academy Common Good Books Bethel University Community Bridge Consortium The Bibelot Shops Community Covenant Church Big Lots Community Involvement Programs Blaine Eye Clinic Constance Free Church Blake School Creative Kidstuff Bloomington Public Schools Cretin-Derham Hall Blu Dot Cross Point Church Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Delta Bluestem Brands Delta Kappa Gamma – Sigma Chapter Boy Scouts of America Northern Star Council Deluxe Corporation Breck School Designer Wardrobe Bremer Bank Dependable Home Health Care Dress For Success Dyste Williams Edina High School 24 Imagine a Good Life Good Feet Shoes Goodthings Jeffrey Gram Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches – Urban Immersion Greater Twin Cities United Way Guardian Angels Catholic Church H.B. Fuller Retirees H.O.M.E.S., Inc./Access to Employment HandsOn Twin Cities The Hartford Hennepin County Hill-Murray School HIRED Kathy Hollenhorst Honeywell Hopkins Public Schools House of Prayer Lutheran Church Hubert White Hudson School District Ignite Immanuel Lutheran Church Independent School District 196 Independent School District 279 ING Intermediate District 287 Inver Hills Community College Izod J.B. Hudson Jewelers Jarden Consumer Solutions Jerry’s Foods Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis Junior League of Minneapolis Kaposia Kiddywampus King Solutions, Inc. Kleen-it Yourself Products, Inc. Kowalski’s Markets Lake Harriet United Methodist Church Land O’Lakes Latreia The Lemonade Sale Liberty Carton Company Lieberman Companies Lifetouch Portrait Studio Lifetrack Resources Linden Hills Co-Op Natural Home Linden Hills United Church of Christ Loffler Companies Lord of Life Lutheran Church LSI Corporation Lund’s Richfield “3M Community Giving is improving lives every day around the world. At Arc’s Value Village in St. Paul, our volunteers carry 3M values to improve lives through their work with The Arc Greater Twin Cities. Employee groups host donation drives, and together with 3M CARES retiree volunteers, they sort and price merchandise. 3M Volunteer Match doubles their generosity, and helps Arc improve the quality of life for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.” Kimberly Price Vice President, Community Affairs and 3M Foundation Lundstrum Center for the Performing Arts Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota Minneapolis College of Art and Design New Life Academy of Woodbury Major League Baseball - RBI World Series Minneapolis Public Schools New York Life ManKind Project Minnesota Life College Nine Maternity Clothing Consignment Maple Grove High School Minnesota Reading Corps Normandale Community College Martha’s Garden Minnesota Twins North Highland McGladrey & Pullen, LLP Minnesota Vikings North Side Serve Medica Minnesota YMCA - Youth in Government North St. Paul High School The Medica Research Institute Minnetonka Community Education Medtronic Minnetonka High School Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District Mendakota Country Club Minnetonka Middle School West Merrick, Inc. Mixed Blood Theatre Messiah United Methodist Church Morris Public Schools Metropolitan Learning Alliance M.O.V.E. (Mission Outreach Venture and Experience) Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors MHS Licensing The Northwest Company Northwestern Health Sciences University Nu Look Consignment Oak Grove Middle School Oak Grove Presbyterian Church MTS Systems Corporation Reid Olson & Scout Troop 513 NAPO Minnesota One Brick National Premium Opportunity Partners Nature’s Harvest Navarre Corporation Neiman Marcus The Arc 2012 Annual Report 25 Thrift Business Partners OptumHealth St. Mary’s University Via’s Vintage OptumInsight St. Olaf College Walden University Our Lady of Grace Catholic School St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Wayside House Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Week of Hope Youth Mission Camps Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Saint Paul Public Schools Wells Fargo Nan Owen & John Lavander St. Paul’s Outreach Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Betsy Parks St. Theresa New Hope Wells Fargo Real Estate Partnership Academy St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church William Mitchell College of Law Partnership Resources, Inc. School District 622 Peace Lutheran Church Securian Pillsbury United Communities Select Source International Women of Today - Maple Grove - White Bear Lake Pinnacle Condos Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Portland Avenue United Methodist Church Shir Tikvah PRGX Single Volunteers of the Twin Cities Professional Educational Organization (PEO) South High School QBE Southview Country Club Quail Ridge Trading Co Ltd Southwest High School Quality Career Services Spalding Catholic High School Ramsey County State Services for the Blind Rasmussen College Students Today Leaders Forever Redeemer Christian Church of God Summer BLAST (Believers Learning and Serving Together) RESOURCE, Inc. Richfield Public Schools Rick Rack Boutique Diana Roney Royal Pet Inc. Royal Products RTW, Inc. Saint Ambrose of Woodbury Catholic Church Sunrise Community Banks SUPERVALU Sur La Table Target Corporation Tata Consultancy Services, Inc. Three Rooms Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Tree Trust St. Hubert’s Catholic Church Trust Estate Company St. John the Baptist Church Turnstyle Consignment St. Louis Park Junior High School Twin Cities Public Television St. Lucas Community Church Uncommon Gardens St. Luke Lutheran Church United States Department of Agriculture St. Luke’s Lutheran Church UnitedHealth Group St. Mark’s Catholic School University of Mary University of Minnesota UPS U.S. Bank Van Heusen 26 Imagine a Good Life Wooddale Church Woodlake Lutheran Church Woodland Hills Church Xfactor Sales YouthCARE Agency Volunteers The Arc thanks everyone who shared their time and talents with us in 2012. Individuals who gave five hours or more of service during the year are listed below. We cannot recognize all volunteers because of space limitations, but all volunteer service is deeply appreciated. Lisa Abendroth Barb Davis Jamal Al-Khatib Fran Davis William Anderl Amy Dawson Sarah Andersen Donna DeMatteo Julie Stuthman Anderson Suzanne Detlefsen Jessica Andrist Elisa DiCostanzo Maria Sanchez Angel Bonita Donaldson Pippi Ardennia Mina Doy Ellary Asche Jessica DuBose Pam Aslagson Charlene Edaferierhi Fady Attia Nero Edaferierhi Cindy Baker Mike Edmunds Emily Bandholz Sara Ellertson Amy Baron Donna Elvebak Hannah Bartell Tracy Engdahl Les Bauer Elizabet Erb Nathan Bauer Jo Ann Erbs Nathalie Beanie Jeri Espeseth Jimi Behringer Kim Fealy Sharon Sayles Belton Elise Feyereisen Tricia Bemboom Glen Fladeboe Jean Bender Beth Fondell Kristin Bendt Scott Forss Amanda Berglove Tacora Franklin Roberta Blomster Jim Frey Jim Boyle Mary Frey Dennice Briol Lori Gaertner Rebecca Dosch Brown Grace Gaslin Bob Bruininks Anna Gedstad Teresa Burke Deborah Gee-Tritschler Abbey Calder Vicki Gerrits Paul Carlson Antonietta Giovanni Jerry Caruso Pamela Gonnella Delbert Case Abigail Goshert Marge Case Anne Granger Channa Casebolt Tom Green Rose Ann Chavira Jaclyn Grosso Steve Hayes Nolan Hudalla Danny Chryst Elizabeth Guest Trina Hendrickson Alice Hulbert Leny Chuster-Althouse Debra Gustafson John Hetterick John Hulbert Darra Conaway Melvin Haagenson Amy Hewitt Misha Hyman Kathie Constantine Carter Haaland Bill Hibbs Lisa Inman Judy Corson Chloette Haley Claire Hinrichs Adel Irwin Teresa Crater Chad Hamann Abby Hirsch Pam Iverson Marcia Crist Ellen Hanken Jodi Hirsch Madeline Jacobs Margaret Crolick Debbi Harris Gail Hoffmann Lori Jasper Joe Cullen Allana Hayes Eleesha Hruza Chad Jayasekera Brett Hayes “After over 12 years with The Arc Greater Twin Cities’ and its predecessors’ Board of Directors, I thought it was time for me to move on, but I wanted to stay involved at the local level. I was honored to be named the national liaison on the Board of Arc Greater Twin Cities, which keeps me rooted in the local chapter while serving on The Arc US Board. Working with chapters from across the country, I see how different we all are. But we all share a commitment to achieving social justice and a better quality of life for the people we serve, and that commitment keeps The Arc moving forward. It’s very rewarding.” Tom Judd Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Laura Jemison The Arc 2012 Annual Report 27 Agency Volunteers Claire Jessen Alexander Lindblad Nancy Owen Yin Simpson Debbie Johnson Barbara Lindblad Natalie Parrague Diane Sjolander Jenna Johnson Philip Lindblad Diane Patrick Cindie Smart Jennifer Johnson Sharon Lindstrom Darrell Paulsen Jim Smart Jenny Johnson Judith Liszt Darel Paulson Dustin Smith Richard Johnson Tim Loesch Lisa Paulson Connie Snow Spencer Johnson Georgie Longfellow Lloyd Peitzman Ed Spencer Tamra Hartmann Johnson Amber Luckie Margaret Perryman Val Spencer Tom Judd Lee Lynch Elizabeth Peterson Alisa Spilde Daniel Kalla Brenda Magnuson Kelsey Peterson Dawn Steigauf Mark Kalla Toni Malone Ricky Peterson Gloria Steinbring Susan Kane Aziza Mama Lois Pettman Manny Steinman Jody Karlan Maureen Marolt Tamara Phillips Sandy Strandberg Jonathan Beau Karlan Minette Martin Cliff Poetz Jennifer Strode Laura Kasemodel Ann Mattson Scott Price Timothy Strom Maire Katyal Jacqueline Jo Mattson Kelly Quill Sue Sullivan Vivek (Vic) Katyal Tracy May Sheri Radoux Glenn Swanson Kelly Kausel Michele McAlister Melva Radtke Danielle Swensen Brad Keil Melissa McCormack Caitlyn Ramberg Lois Swope Diane Kelly Ron McCoy Kim Rawleigh Samantha Tauer John Kelly Katie McDermott Mariah Redman Tonia Teasley Paula Kelly Gerry McGrane Dan Rietz David Theisen Roger Kessler Susan McMullan Felicity Riley Kaylee Theisen Vicki Kessler Lynne Megan Mark Ritchie Susan Thompson Chandra Kilgriff Deantha Menon Carol Robertson Adriene Thornton Peter King Kathy Miller Zach Robertson Rochelle Turan Tara King Tom Miller Steve Roecklein Jackie Van Norden Robert Klas, Sr. Meghan Molumby Bob Roepke Anna Mae VanDien Sandy Klas Shawn Monaghan Suzy Runkel Nhi Vo Barbara Kleist Eduardo Montes Gayle Rupp John Wallace Jim Klobuchar Alicia Moore Kurt Rutzen Suzanne Wanous Sarah Knoblauch Alicia Munson Ben Rybisky Bridgit Waterman David Kochar Erina Mura Pam Ryder Charlie Weaver Connor Kolodge Elizabeth Murphy Bridget Salmi Tom Weaver Brenda Kruger Heidi Myhre Alison Salo Carla Webster John Kuhnel Carol Naas David Saltzman Kate Welshons Judith LaBissoniere Alana Narum Holly Sargent Brad Wiersum Terrance LaBissoniere Joy Sorensen Navarre Hunter Sargent Karen Wiersum Sook Laird La’Quadra Neal Sally Schlosser Mike Williams Maureen Laird-Hayes Lynn Nelson Johanna Schmidt Kaiya Witt Don Lange Darla Nemec Peter Schmike Megan Wittmeier Elaine Lange Mary Neumann Amelia Schmitz Eliesa Woggon John Lavander Paul Newton Jenny Woods Scholtes Alex Wojack Skip Lecy Jim Nihart Jonathan Schroeder Cydney Wuerffel Kelly Lee Don Nikkola Elisabeth Seaburg Kerri Zahn Mercedes Lenort Kathy O’Connor Kathryn Sedo Michelle Zak Nicole Limper James Odland Lisa Sem Erin Zolotukhin-Ridgway Sarah Limper Kristy Oldham Jessica Semple Andrea Zuckman Mike Opat Susan Shimota Brad Opsahl Bridget Siljander Tiffany Orth Anni Simons Tim Ott 28 Imagine a Good Life Arc’s Value Village We thank the following individuals who shared their hearts and hands as regular volunteers at Arc’s Value Village Thrift Stores & Donation Centers in 2012. We also thank those who volunteered on an occasional basis or as part of a group. Sandy Abrams Dorothy Beaulieu Ruth Brunelle Sandy Flom Annette Alderson Edward Bebo Megan Burns Georgina Frana Ruth Anderson Joan Belanger Marcia Carlson Karen Fredine Beth Appleton Grant Bennett Mary Lou Carlson John Fuhrmann Emily Arksey Karen Berge Millie Carlson Janine Gatlin Patricia Bailey Margie Bergren Julie Casperson Rachel Gaynor Michele Barr Robert Bergren Yvonne Chamberlain Marjorie Geer Donald Barta Gary Blasberg Lili Chen Jane Geiser Faye Barta Nancy Blasberg David Choi Jane Gharbi Heather Bartell Randy Bohlsen Jean Christensen Howard Goldfine Gail Barth Jeff Bowlin Delores Chupka Ann Grapp Sandy Bartlett Ranotta Brauer Melissa Cina Stanley Grapp Susan Basel Richard Braun Jan Cincoski Shyla Grussing Roberto Bassat Tina Broberg Katie Cincoski Arlene Gummeson Dorothea Bauman Terri Brown Troy Clark Gretchen Haase Mike Clarke Patricia Hamilton Tammy Comstock Pat Hansen Jean Cook Markell Hapka Geri Courier Jan Harms Wally Cox Colleen Harrington Justin Cutshall Mary Harrington Tammy Dahl Kathy Hartman Sally Dahlstrom Therese Hartz Philip Day Daniel Heinz William Day Arnelia Helppi Wallina Dibble Connie Helppi Mary Lou Doll Michele Herry Sharyn Doll Mikaela Herzog Carol Doten Frances Hey Marci Dreissiger Margaret Hoenack Katie Dvorak Roberta Hooyman Kathy Dypwick Urel Horton Mena Dyste Dennis Hove Victoria Eckes Fran Howley Margaret Eisner Diane Hughes Vicki Englehard Gianna Ianos Karen Engle Darlene Irwin Neil Erickson John Jackson Karen Esswein Mariah Jacobs Stephanie Facklam Sara Jameson Tamra Falk Gerri Jantscher Janice Farley Lori Jensen Betty Fasching Gladys Jepson Donald Fern* Alice Johnson Jean Finch Bonny Johnson Gloria Finneman Lillian Johnson “Although we don’t have a family member with a disability, we have donated to and shopped at Value Village for decades and former Arc president Paul Van Valkenberg is a friend of mine. So after I retired, Value Village seemed like a great place to give back to the community through volunteering. I believe in Arc’s mission and I like the people, both paid staff and volunteers. I’ve had many good times with them over the past 13 years.” Rich Vosepka Julie Fletcher The Arc 2012 Annual Report 29 Arc’s Value Village Millie Johnson Bridget Malone Naomi Prosper Kathy Steinmetz Ruth Johnson Betty Martin Cathy Rand Judith Stitt Sally Johnson Lois Mattheisen Henry Rangel Marie Storhaug Sue Jorgensen Katherine Matton Nita Raquet Marge Stresemann Sharon Kane Donna Mayotte Roberta Reberts Beverly Strombeck Justin Kaufenberg Adeline McCurdy Irene Regan Carol Studenski Carole Kaupang Virginia McDonald Michelle Reidy Brianna Suess Jennifer Keehn Zach McDonald Lorraine Reinhart David Sullivan Karl Kelly Kathy Melchert Amanda Repinski Pamela Sundberg Usha Kempainen Sandra Menke Julie Repinski Arlys Swentek Dodie Keprios Shannon Merrigan Bill Riplinger Gerry Syring Rebecca Key Deanna Miller Kathy Roberts Carol Teders Lindley Key Elliot Miller Susan Roberts Doug Tersteeg Joe Kimmes Sara Miller Brittney Rohrer Patricia Theis Jean Kinney Susan Miller Anne Rojas Crystal Thiede Gary Kirsch Henok Mohamed Taylor Rolloff-Fellner Doris Thorson Mary Ann Knoss Christopher Moon Ramona Romero Joel Thunder Jan Knudson Cheryl Morency Sharon Ronning Verna Thurs Elouise Koenig Pat Morrill Diane Rooney Meimuna Tilmo Jeffry Koepp Valerie Myers Eric Rosengren Lois Towne Joan Kraft Nancy Nagle Jordan Rosengren Fran Trueman Betty Krause Daniel Naughton Eileen Rosenthal Myrtle Tyra Linda Kubinski Amy Nelson Craig Rothgeb Julie Ulrich Ruth Kunze Mary Nemec Elijah Rozko La Vang Diane Langenberg Kay Ness Marshall Rygh Debra Vavra Rosann Lanners Julie Newberg Kathy Sandahl Rich Vosepka* Tammy Larson Thao Nguyen Mary Sanford Brian Walsh Nancy Lash Theresa Nonbello Chad Schaschl* Doris Wasti Sandra Lean Tammie Oakley Joan Schonning Paul Weatherspoon Alice Lehn Mary Olson Joanna Schultz Susan Wessman Doris Letofsky Sandi Olson Jean Schultz Kathy Westphal Darlene Lewis Shirley Olson Therese Schwartzbauer Anthony Wickham Alexander Lindblad Linda Olstead James Schwebach Madeline Wild Crea Margaret Lohr Virginia Oskey Britain Scott Luella Wilkerson Sandy Loney Leslie Ostrem Cory Senger Mike Willen Gretchen Lubotina* Karen Ouren Sharon Shimomura Yolanda Wilson Kathleen Lucas Bertha Overman Kathleen Shipp Elizabeth Wise Ruth Lundeen Dave Park* Erica Sitton Sheila Wise* Karen Maas Dan Pate Carol Sletner Gerald Wobschall* Donna Madera Mary Pate Daniel Smith Suzanne Wright Leland Magle Wendell Paulson Marion Smith Jim Wurdemann Zeeda Magnuson Michele Pavelkis Mary Smith Amanda Ylvisaker Sandra Mahn Joyce Pearson Sue Smith Carole Young Susan Malakowski John Pechelunas Mitch Soutor Cathy Malkovich Diane Petersen Arron Sparks William Malmo Lauren Phelps Pearl Stack Patricia Phelps Frances Stark Stuart Pierce Audrey Stein Christine Polis Margarete Prawdzik *Volunteers who gave 300+ hours of service 30 Imagine a Good Life The Arc Board of Directors Chair Directors Vice Chair Kathie Constantine*, Dorsey & Whitney, LLP Harris*, Community Volunteer Debbi Peter King*, Merrill Lynch Roberta Blomster*, Merrick, Inc. Barb Davis*, Coldwell Banker Burnet Treasurer John Kelly*, UnitedHealth Group Spencer Johnson, Target Corporation Secretary Vivek (Vic) Katyal*, Deloitte LLP John Hetterick*, Consultant Immediate Past Chair Shawn Monaghan, Medtronic Steve Hayes*, Walker In-Store, Inc. Eduardo Montes*, Wells Fargo The Arc National Liaison Heidi Myhre*, Community Volunteer Tom Judd*, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. The Arc Minnesota Liaison Amy Hewitt*, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota Tonia Teasley*, Capella University Adriene Thornton*, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Tom Weaver*, Achieve Services, Inc. *Is a self-advocate or has a family member with an intellectual or developmental disability The Arc Honorary Board Sharon Sayles Belton Bill Hibbs Tom Miller Bob Roepke Bob Bruininks Robert Klas, Sr. Kathy O’Connor Jim Smart Jerry Caruso Sandy Klas Mike Opat Ed Spencer Judy Corson Jim Klobuchar Nancy Owen Val Spencer Jim Frey John Lavander Margaret Perryman Charlie Weaver Mary Frey Lee Lynch Mark Ritchie The Arc 2012 Annual Report 31 Thrift Businesses/Partners & Affiliates Thrift Businesses www.arcsvaluevillage.org Autos for Arc Arc’s Value Village Brooklyn Center 1-877-778-7709 6330 Brooklyn Boulevard www.autosforarc.org (763) 503-3534 Arc’s Value Village New Hope 2751 Winnetka Avenue North (763) 544-0006 Arc’s Value Village Richfield Volunteer 6528 Penn Avenue South Twin Cities or Arc’s Value Village Arc’s Value Village St. Paul Thrift Stores & Donation Centers, 1650 White Bear Avenue North call (952) 920-0855. (651) 788-8300 (612) 861-9550 To volunteer at The Arc Greater Partners & Affiliates The Arc Greater Twin Cities is a partner with Greater Twin Cities United Way and United Way of Washington County – East, and an affiliate of The Arc Minnesota and The Arc. The Arc Greater Twin Cities is committed to ensuring equal access to its programs, services and employment opportunities regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, positive testing for the HIV virus, disability, sexual orientation, age or legally protected status. Printing of this annual report is donated. 32 Follow Us The Arc Greater Twin Cities Arc’s Value Village facebook.com/ TheArcGreaterTwinCities facebook.com/arcsvaluevillage twitter.com/arcvaluevillage twitter.com/thearcgreatertc youtube.com/user/arcsvaluevillage youtube.com/user/TheArcGTC pinterest.com/arcvaluevillage blog.arcsvaluevillage.org 2446 University Avenue West Suite 110 St. Paul, MN 55114-1740 Phone: (952) 920-0855 Fax: (952) 920-1480 arcgreatertwincities.org With Us
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