45 pages, 6MB, PDF - Australian Research Council
45 pages, 6MB, PDF - Australian Research Council
The ARC—overview and opportunities Presented to Indonesian delegation 9 February 2016 Mr Justin Withers Director, Policy and Integrity The Australian Research Council Presentation Overview • • • • Australian Research Council overview National Competitive Grants Programme Excellence in Research for Australia National Innovation and Science Agenda Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Australian Research Council Overview Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au The Australian Research Council (1) • The ARC is a Commonwealth entity within the Australian Government. • The ARC’s main responsibilities are: — providing funding for research through the competitive funding schemes of the National Competitive Grants Programme (NCGP) — evaluating the quality of research in universities under the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) — providing policy advice on research matters to Government; and — together with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), administering the Australian Research Integrity Committee (ARIC) Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au The Australian Research Council (2) • The ARC’s mission is to deliver policy and programmes that advance Aust. research and innovation globally and benefit the community. • In seeking to achieve its mission, the ARC: — supports the highest quality fundamental and applied research and research training through national competition across all disciplines — the ARC brokers partnerships between researchers and industry, government, community organisations and the international community. • Clinical and other medical research is primarily supported by the NHMRC. Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au 2015–16 Federal Budget—$429 billion 2015–16 Federal Budget—R&D $9.7 billion Commonwealth Investment in R&D 2015–16 ($m) Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au National Competitive Grants Programme Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au ARC NCGP funding by Fields of Research 2002–2014 ARC NCGP % funding by institution 2008–2015 IRU ATN Go8 Unaligned unis & others National Competitive Grants Programme Discovery Programme Linkage Programme Area of box represents funding over the period 2011–2015. N.B. - Centres of Excellence, SRIs, not awarded in every year. - ITRP and DECRA only funding since 2012 ARC NCGP funding by scheme 2008–2015 Discovery Programme objectives • Fund excellent, internationally competitive research by individuals and teams that will produce high quality outcomes • Build Australia’s research capacity through supporting and facilitating research training and career opportunities for excellent Australian and international researchers • Support research in priority areas that will deliver national benefits • Enhance research capacity and outcomes through support for international collaboration Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Key funding features of Discovery schemes • Discovery Projects and Discovery Indigenous schemes primarily award project costs (travel, equipment, staff, etc.) • Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) scheme primarily awards a salary for the awardee, with a small allocation of project costs • Laureate Fellowships scheme awards a salary top-up plus funding for a team of postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers • Each scheme has different selection criteria, rules and funding limits, as each serves a different purpose Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Discovery Projects—success and return rates Web: arc.gov.au arc.gov.au II Email: Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Communications@arc.gov.au Web: DECRA—success rates Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Linkage Programme objectives • Support excellent collaborative research initiatives involving partnerships between higher education organisations and with other sectors in Australia and internationally • Foster research training and career opportunities that enable researchers and research students to gain experience working in industry settings • Support collaborative research in priority areas that will deliver national benefits • Enhance capacity to deliver national benefits by investing in largescale collaborative research programmes Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Key funding features of Linkage schemes • Linkage Projects scheme primarily award project costs (accessing infrastructure, equipment, travel, hiring personnel etc.) • Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities scheme provides funding for large-scale cooperative initiatives • ARC Centres of Excellence scheme supports large teams to undertake focused and sustained investigations into, and find solutions to, challenging and important problems • Other programmes: Industrial Transformation Research Programme scheme and Special Research Initiatives scheme Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Linkage Projects—success and return rates Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Linkage Projects Linkages 2011–2015 Higher Education Government Industry/business Non-profit/other ITRP Linkages All rounds Higher Education Government Industry/Other Current Centres of Excellence— Collaborations Centre of Excellence Australian Org. International Higher Ed. Government Support for international collaboration • To pursue its mission, the ARC is guided by a strong commitment to four principles: — Excellence in programme and policy delivery to support excellence in research — Engagement with and responsiveness to all stakeholders to support relevant programme and policy development — Benefit to the community through economic and social return on investment, informed decision making, and efficient operations — Accountability through transparent, efficient and effective processes and adherence to ethical standards Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Support for international collaboration • All ARC funding schemes are open to international applicants applying through eligible Australian organisations • Support for international collaboration is incorporated within ARC’s funding schemes • Partner Investigators (PIs) can be based overseas. • Project funding for travel, including for overseas PIs, to support international collaboration • For more information on International Collaboration in ARC schemes: www.arc.gov.au > International Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au International collaboration on ARC-funded projects 2009–2015 *Outcomes for 2015 do not include funding for Future Fellowships. Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Percentage of international collaboration on ARC-funded projects 2016 Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au ARC-funded projects involving international collaboration with Indonesia, by scheme, 2015 Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au ARC-funded projects involving international collaboration with Indonesia, by scheme, 2016 Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Total ARC funding by allocation year, for projects collaborating with Indonesia Funding allocation year Total $ Total # of projects 2012 2013 2014 $13,933,073 $14,761,880 $18,398,251 68 70 69 2015 2016 $17,799,015 $15,938,068 Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au 61 47 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2015 What is ERA? • ERA evaluates the quality of the research undertaken in Australian universities against national and international benchmarks • The outcomes (ratings) are determined and moderated by committees of distinguished researchers from Australia and overseas • The unit of evaluation is broadly defined as the Field of Research (FoR) within an institution based on the Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification (ANZSRC) • The indicators used in ERA include a range of metrics such as citation profiles which are common to disciplines in the natural sciences, and peer review of a sample of research outputs which is more broadly common in the humanities and social sciences • ERA is a comprehensive collection—the data submitted by universities covers all eligible researchers and their research outputs The ERA rating scale Rating 5 The Unit of Evaluation profile is characterised by evidence of outstanding performance well above world standard presented by the suite of indicators used for evaluation. 4 The Unit of Evaluation profile is characterised by evidence of performance above world standard presented by the suite of indicators used for evaluation. 3 The Unit of Evaluation profile is characterised by evidence of average performance at world standard presented by the suite of indicators used for evaluation. 2 The Unit of Evaluation profile is characterised by evidence of performance below world standard presented by the suite of indicators used for evaluation. 1 The Unit of Evaluation profile is characterised by evidence of performance well below world standard presented by the suite of indicators used for evaluation. Objectives of ERA? • Establish an evaluation framework that gives government, industry, business and the wider community assurance of the excellence of research conducted in Australia’s institutions • Provide a national stock take of discipline-level research • Identify excellence across the full spectrum of research performance • Identify emerging research areas and opportunities for further development • Allow for comparison of Australia’s research nationally and internationally for all discipline areas ERA Unit of Evaluation—the FoRs 2-digit 4-digits 6-digits 19 Studies in Creative Arts and Writing 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing > 190401 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Performing Arts > 190402 Creative Writing (incl. Playwriting) > 190403 Dance > 190404 Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies > 190405 Māori Performing Arts > 190406 Music Composition > 190407 Music Performance > 190408 Music Therapy > 190409 Musicology and Ethnomusicology > 190410 Pacific Peoples Performing Arts 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1999 Other Studies in Creative Arts and Writing *The ERA Unit is not the department nor the individual researcher ERA 2015—Outcomes ERA 2015 results are available in: State of Australian University Research 2015-2016 , Volume 1, ERA National Report.* ERA 2015 outcomes show Australia’s universities continue to produce high-quality research across a wide range of disciplines. Overall research quality is improving and reflects ERA’s role in focussing universities on research quality. Of the UoEs assessed in both ERA 2015 and the previous round, ERA 2012, 56 per cent of these maintained the same rating, while 29 per cent improved their rating by one. The ERA results show an extraordinary breadth of outstanding research performance in Australia. *Available at: www.arc.gov.au. ERA 2012 to ERA 2015 Growth • There was steady growth in Australia’s university research activity between the ERA 2012 and ERA 2015 rounds, including increases in: — the total number of assessed UoEs, up 6% to 2460 — the number of research outputs submitted, up 5% to 432,747 — the number of research staff submitted, up 11% to 67,579 — total number of patents, up 20% to 936 Distribution of ERA 2015 ratings across all Australian universities High Performing two-digit Units of Evaluation Two-digit Fields of Research codes: 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 09 Engineering 11 Medical and Health Sciences 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 18 Law and Legal Studies 21 History and Archaeology National Innovation and Science Agenda Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au National Innovation and Science Agenda • In December 2015, the Aust. Government announced the National Innovation and Science Agenda, providing $1.1 billion over four years to support innovation across the economy • The ARC will implement two main initiatives under the Agenda: — Impact and engagement assessment at a university level by discipline, as a companion to the ERA exercise — From 1 July 2016, the ARC Linkage Projects scheme will be open to continuous applications and decision-making will be fast tracked to better support collaborative research with industry • More information at www.innovation.gov.au Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Impact and Engagement Assessment • National Innovation and Science Agenda includes $11.2 million over five years ($2.2 million on average) to conduct a national assessment measuring impact and engagement in university research • Government invests $3.5 billion a year in university research • ARC and Department of Education to develop methodology in 2016, including extensive sector consultation • Pilot assessment in 2017 • Full assessment in 2018 as a companion to ERA Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Boosting the Commercial Returns from Research • Boosting the Commercial Returns from research is a key component of the Government’s innovation agenda • The strategy aims to improve Australia’s economic performance through better translation of publicly funded research into commercial and practical outcomes • The strategy includes a suite of complementary actions the Government will take to improve collaboration between the research sector and industry to enhance research commercialisation and better application of research Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Focusing Government Investment— Research Priorities • Science and Research Priorities and corresponding Practical Research Challenges developed by Government • Designed to increase investment in areas of immediate and critical importance to Australia and its place in the world - • soil and water transport cybersecurity energy resources advanced manufacturing environmental change Health More information at www.science.gov.au Web: arc.gov.au I Email: Communications@arc.gov.au Thank you
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