Fall 2008 - Arc of Steuben
Fall 2008 - Arc of Steuben
In This Issue: Page Together We Soar Outstanding Associates Teens Recreation Public Transportation In the Community . . . Of the Community 3 4 5 7 Fall 2008 A FALL OPEN HOUSE and RIBBON CUTTING ! SAVE THE DATE: Friday, September 26, 2008 10:00 am – 2:00 pm By Ethel Strickarz, Development Director We had such a great time at our April Open House that we’re doing it again this month. Many supporters and interested people were still down south when we held our last open house in early April and didn’t have the opportunity to visit and take a look at the fabulous work we do here. Now we have another great reason to celebrate—a new truck for our vocational work center. Plus, the building project is moving along nicely, and we now have towers and a steel structure that shows off what a magnificent building it will be. We’re adding some tour guides that we guarantee will give you a fresh perspective of what the Arc is all about. Our tour guides will give you a personalized tour of the vocational work center where you’ll see work in several departments including screen printing, offset printing, embroidery, light assembly, shipping and receiving, and packaging. You will also learn about our health clinic, homes and apartments, community support services, and our brand NEW public transportation. Senator George Winner and Assemblyman James Bacalles will be here for a ribbon cutting to launch a new truck to be used to transport products to and from the vocational work center. The purchase of the truck was made possible (Continued on page 6) Disability Studies Certificate Program By Tammy Slayton, Human Resources Director Since 2004, with funding provided by the New York State Departments of Health and Labor, NYSACRA has administered a Disabilities Studies Certificate Program in the upstate region of New York. To date, statewide, there are 197 direct support professionals participating in this program. The requirements for this program consist of three major components: 1) a noncredit assessment and a twelveweek, noncredit college preparatory class (Bridge to College); 2) four specialtopic courses bearing a total of 1216 college credits (Disability Studies Certificate Program); and 3) completion of the online College of Direct Support curriculum. The certificate program’s objective is to train direct support professionals to meet the requirements of a changing developmental disabilities industry and to provide a foundation for longerterm employment and career mobility in the field. NYSACRA and the Arc of Steuben have worked closely with Corning Community College to identify, assess, select, and enroll qualified direct support professionals. All participants enrolled in a Bridge to College class that assesses readiness and prepares them for collegelevel work. A contextualized disability studies curriculum has been designed for the Bridge to College Tammy Slayton (left) congratulates course, and it has proven effective in identifying students who are likely to Judy Campbell on completing the complete four credited, jobrelated courses. Bridge to College portion of the The Disability Studies Certificate Program consists of four courses of 12 Disability Studies Certificate Program. 16 total credits. The costs of tuition for these courses are paid by NYSACRA via the grant. Coursework includes foundational and specialized courses and fieldbased learning experiences that will assure a better trained and more prepared direct support professional. To fulfill certificate requirements, students and the Arc of Steuben have chosen from a menu of credited, jobrelated courses at (Continued on page 6) Page 2 Message from the Board President . . . It is hard to believe that I am writing this message to you as the summer’s end is drawing near. Our Annual Meeting in May is the start of the official New Year for the Board of Directors. Our membership voted on the officers to represent the Board and welcomed a new member to the Board, Don McGuire. We thank Don for offering his services and welcome him to our organization. The summer months have been slow for the Board of Directors, but as the fall approaches, we will be busy working on the downsizing of our Oaklawn residence. We will also be finishing Phase I of our expansion project at Industrial Park and planning for Phase II. This is also the time to look forward to our October NYSARC convention in Albany. I furthermore want to thank all of you who have renewed your memberships to the Arc of Mischelle Shattuck Steuben and encourage those of you who have not to please seriously consider supporting this organization and all that we do. Executive Director’s Message . . . Two recent experiences I have had in many ways tell the story of the Arc of Steuben, its people, and the supports we provide for people in the community. Every other month we hold what are called “StArcky’s Fireside Chats” (or Poolside Chats during the summer). These meetings are attended by every Arc associate and are meant to enhance communication throughout the agency. In July, a short video was shown about keeping positive attitudes at work. Wrist bands with the phrase “The Positive Way – The Arc Way” were handed out to all attendees. The bands are a reminder about choosing a positive attitude and the effects it has on those around you. What story does this tell? It tells about the commitment and dedication the associates of the Arc Bernie Burns show everyday. They have taken on the challenge of maintaining a positive attitude, reminding others to do the same, fighting “attitude viruses”, and making the day of those they come into contact with. It is that kind of winning attitude that makes the Arc a great place to work. The second story is about Steve. Steve had spent the last 20 years or so working in the workshop. During that time, he learned many skills. He handled the shipping and receiving responsibilities in the warehouse and was always someone you could depend on even in the busy season. Steve had tried a job in the community years ago but unfortunately was not successful. He is a fixture in Bath, attending virtually every sporting event and umpiring little league games. What is the story here? Steve has been working at a local home improvement center for about a month now, and by all accounts, he is doing very well. He stops in occasionally to see his friends here, but his new job and his accomplishments bring a sparkle to his face that was not there before. That is what the Arc is all about. EliasHubbs Award Winner (The EliasHubbs Memorial Achievement Recognition Award is given quarterly to a person we serve who has made outstanding achievements or overcome tough obstacles to realize a personal goal.) The winner of the second quarter EliasHubbs Memorial Achievement Recognition Award is David Phinney. David was nominated by Lisa King for the strides he has made in his life over the past year. He was a volunteer for the Wine Glass Marathon and has progressed significantly in his personal life and home activities. David’s biggest accomplishment, according to him, is being accepted into the work training program at Industrial Park. He loves going to work and can’t wait to get home to tell of his day. He was so excited over his first paycheck! Lisa says she is “so proud of David and his accomplishments.” Congratulations, David! The Arc of Steuben, a chapter of NYSARC, Inc. Published quarterly by The Arc of Steuben, One Arc Way, Bath, New York 14810, (607) 7764146, FAX (607) 7769366, email arcofsteuben@arcofsteuben.org, and printed by Printers Plus, a subsidiary of The Arc of Steuben. The articles in this publication are meant as information only, not as legal advice. Board of Directors: Mischelle K. Shattuck, President Denece E. Gossie, Vice President Melissa M. Joint, Secretary William D. Dinehart, Treasurer Helen Binkowski Pauline P. Holbrook Stephanie E. Craig Donald E. McGuire The Rev. Sandra K. Curtis Joseph M. Monaco Linda F. EliasCarl Nancy B. Smith Paul R. Greenfield Bruce K. White Arthur J. Stilwell, Immediate Past President Bernie Burns, Executive Director Kathleen Kent, Editor Volume 44, Fall Issue Page 3 The Campaign To Bring Us All Together at the Arc of Steuben UPDATE REPORT Building Construction Status : Everyone has long awaited signs of actual construction, and this quarter, we have seen the type of progress that increases excitement and expectations. This summer both stairwell towers went up as well as the foundation walls. From the road, one can now imagine the size and height of the new building, and it is impressive in comparison with our one story existing buildings. As of this writing, it is expected the elevator tower and other masonry work will be completed by the end of August. In late August, the contractor will start building the steel structure, and enclosure of the building will be completed before the snow flies. Capital Campaign Status : As of July 22, 2008, we raised $917,742 of our $1.35 million goal towards the total building costs of $4.5 million. The difference of $3.15 million will be funded through bonds, reconfiguration of existing expenses, and existing funding sources. We have reached 68% of the capital campaign goal, and 90% of the $4.5 million needed to complete the project. Everyone at the Arc of Steuben is participating in raising the remaining $432,258 needed to complete the Together We Soar project that will bring all service divisions together under one roof for convenient and efficient access by our customers. The Legacy Brick campaign is currently in progress and is an excellent way for anyone to participate in this meaningful project. Total Project Cost: $4.5 million To date, 90% of the cost has been met. Capital Campaign Goal: $1.35 million As of July 31, 2008, $917,742 (68%) has been raised. To make a contribution, contact Ethel Strickarz or Bernie Burns at (607) 7764146. Page 4 The Arc of Steuben Recognizes Outstanding Associates Team of the Quarter . . . The Print Team of Pam Failing, Dody Putman, Beverly Dillon, Lisa Cordes, and Barb Krisher was chosen as the Team of the Quarter for the 2nd quarter of 2008. They were nominated for all of the extra work and extra time that they have put in to make short turnaround jobs happen. They have been working on some very difficult samples over and over for a potential job. For those that may not know, this has not been an easy feat. Some of these team members have worked until 2am and given 110% to bring in this job. In addition, they still have been able to keep our long standing customers happy as well. Bravo, ladies! You exemplify what “TEAM” means. Associates of the Month . . . The Arc of Steuben recognizes the following outstanding Associates of the Month: Patti Walczak (June) is the Rehabilitation Manager for the Vocational Services Division of the Arc of Steuben. She was nominated as Associate of the Month by the Residential and Community Supports teams for bringing the joy and celebration of music to many. Patti facilitated the development of an Inclusive Choir with the Women’s Chorale, making it a memorable experience for all involved, both the people we serve and Chorale members. Jen Audinwood (July) was nominated by the Brundage Road team for opening doors in the community for a gentleman who lives there. He is now a member of a church where he is welcomed with open arms and where he participates in many activities. “Jen is an inspiration to him.” Nicole Caparulo (August) was nominated by the Hamilton Street team who says, “Nicole is always ready and willing to step up and do whatever needs to be done and is always there for (Continued on page 12) Instructors of the Month . . . Congratulations to the Instructor of the Month recipients for May, June, and July. Mark Failing (left), Direct Support II at Pinney home, is the May Instructor of the Month. He teaches SCIP (Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention). Dave Rombach (center), Behavior Support Coordinator and Instructor of the Month for June, is a Master SCIP Trainer and has been involved with the development and provision of many trainings. Dave has recently retired and is greatly missed by all. Tammy Slayton (right), Human Resources Director, is the July Instructor of the month. She provides training in: (Continued on page 6) Celebrating Direct Support Associates . . . Cindy Schultheis was one of five Direct Support Staff Professionals nominated for the 2008 Keuka Lake Conference. She was nominated by her Team Leader Lesa Didas. Lesa had this to say about Cindy: “Cindy has worked for 11 years for the Arc of Steuben, during which time she has assumed additional roles. She provides services to other residential sites when needed, many times with only last minute notice. She has the ability to work in sites that she may not be completely familiar with and continuously provides services to other residents that well exceed the mission and goals of the Arc of Steuben. “Examples of her accepting other responsibilities are: Cindy has provided transportation to several sites in order for people to attend agency monthly Incredible Angels Self Advocacy meetings. She adjusts her work schedule and arrives early on those days. She travels 25 miles one way to pick up one person and goes 40 minutes in another direction to pick up another in a wheelchair. Cindy helps this person fulfill his personal goal of attending all the selfadvocacy meetings. Cindy is the ‘goto’ person (Continued on page 8) Page 5 Teens Recreation Program By Stephanie Schwartz, Community Supports Associate Director The Arc of Steuben would like to tell you about our Teen Recreation program. The “Teens” program provides recreational opportunities to youth, age 1020, that live with their family in Steuben County. The program is funded through an Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) Family Support Contract, and beginning this year, the funding is supplemented by an anonymous donor. The donor’s contributions have allowed us to serve people who require more intensive support as well as allow us to offer the program at a nominal fee of $1 per activity. The activities are scheduled on weekends, school breaks, and summer months. Through the program, we encourage healthy lifestyles by endorsing and participating in activities that promote exercise and good nutrition, are productive in nature, and build positive social relationships. The Teens program allows many of our participants to do things that might not otherwise be available to them. We have participated in many fun and exciting activities so far in 2008. Some of them are: Corning Museum of Glass activities, Ice Skating, Rochester Museum of Science, Spring Break activities at Genesee Country Museum, Shrine Circus, Roller Skating, Lilac Festival, Swimming, Harris Hill Park, local parades and festivals, Renaissance Festival, Geneseo Air Show, and the Allegany County Fair Rodeo. The program promises more great activities as we go through the year. Some upcoming ones are Rochester Rhinos Soccer game, Steuben County Fair Demolition Derby, and Seabreeze amusement park. If you are interested in the Teens program, please call us at 5692233 or visit our website at www.ArcofSteuben.org. Our calendar of activities is posted there. We would welcome the opportunity to have your loved one join this program—the more the merrier! In The Spotlight Five Star Bank won First Place in the 2008 Arc Star Golf Classic held at the Bath Country Club in June. Arc of Steuben Foundation Treasurer, Al Gossie, presents Dr. Robert E. Cole with the prestigious Founders Award at this year's Gala. Dr. Cole is a founding member of the Foundation Board of Directors and has served for ten years, six of those as President. Page 6 Incredible Angels Corner By Matt Mehlenbacher May was Chicken BBQ month for the Incredible Angels. The group held their 5th Annual Chicken BBQ on May 18 th at the Bath Fairgrounds. This was done with the Bath Masonic Lodge as part of the Home Show. Unfortunately, Mother Nature was not feeling kind, and it was a cold, wet, rainy day. We did manage to sell about 140 dinners and raised just over $230. The Incredible Angels held their second annual Car Wash/Bake Sale at Industrial Park on June 14 th . Individuals and agency associates brought in bake goods to be sold, and members of the Incredible Angels were out at the garage washing cars. This was a successful event, which earned over $190. All the money raised will be used to assist individuals to attend SelfAdvocacy Conferences, continue our recreational activities, or to be put towards the group’s philanthropy. August has been a busy month for the group. We held our annual Summer Bash at James Street Park in Hornell on August 10 th . The Summer Bash is just what it sounds like, a big party where the group provides the meat and guests bring a dish to pass. This year we had Southern Tier Entertainment providing DJ services. The nice thing about being at James Street Park is that we had various activities to choose from (i.e. swimming, basketball, tennis, horse shoes, etc.). On August 11 th , the Incredible Angels had guests from the Steuben County (Continued on page 7) (Continued from page 1) through a grant facilitated by Senator Winner and Assemblyman Bacalles. Steuben Area Rides is also planning activities that day to celebrate the opening of their public transportation routes. During your visit, you can learn about the new “Green Building” that is being built on our campus in an extremely energy efficient manner using recycled construction materials, natural lighting, and energy efficient heating and cooling systems. It is a LEED™ (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified project with very strict requirements and standards. The Arc of Steuben is proud to have the first certified “Green Business Building” in Steuben County. We look forward to seeing and meeting you on September 26 th . Our campus is located just off Route 54 between Bath and Hammondsport. Turn left on Industrial Park Road between Simmons Rockwell’s two car dealerships, and we are located on the left side of the road. (Continued from page 11) Mary Birdsall Cynthia Brown Bernie Burns William Burns Audrey Carr Bonita Collins Julie Cummings David and Connie Davies Dawn DeBock Pat Evia Kathryn Gilbert Briana Fowler Robert Harwood Charles Hammer Herbert and Joanne Hoover Ann Howles Kim Hufnagel Lawrence Hughes Mary Lou HuntQuintal Tammy HurdHarvey Jean Jensen Carmen Kelly Kathleen Kent Jill Kline Mary Kuhlmann, Sr. Eileen Opila Lehman Deborah Margeson Anna Mullikin Linda Newell Connie Paddock Amy Payne Carol Poust Ruth Pryslopski Darla Roote Tammy Slayton Penny Smith Karen Sutryk Laurie Sutton Conny Tears Brenda Thompson Pamela Thompson Sue Trail Bona Tuttle United Way of the Southern Tier Michael Vangorder Jodi Webster (Continued from page 1) participating SUNY schools. Access to the online College of Direct Support is also provided to these students who will use this practical information to augment the theoretical knowledge they receive in college classes. It is hoped that the Disability Studies Certificate serves as a conduit to a college degree by providing the Arc students/DSP with academic confidence and the relief of financial burden as they start, or restart, their college careers. The Arc of Steuben is proud to have the following associates participating in the Disabilities Studies Certificate Program: Shawn Manhart, Michael Mills, Judith Campbell, Dawn DeBock, Richard Miller, Leea Dinger, Nicole Caparulo, and Kari Luellman. Upon completion of the Bridge to College component, each of these associates received a $250.00 bonus at the last StArcky's Poolside Chat. Upon completion of the College of Direct Support, each of the associates involved will receive another $500.00 bonus. In addition to the bonuses given, the books that are needed for the college courses will be paid for by the Arc of Steuben. (Continued from page 4) Conflict Resolution, Sexual Harassment, Interviewing and Hiring. She currently coteaches orientation. Thank you Mark, Dave, and Tammy for helping to develop quality associates at the Arc of Steuben. Page 7 Steuben Area Rides Offers Public Transportation By Debra Gleason, Steuben Area Rides Director Steuben Area Rides (the Transportation Division of The Arc of Steuben) opens its bus doors to the public. For over thirty years, Steuben Area Rides has been providing transportation services to people with disabilities and the elderly. The majority of our ridership is based on people receiving services at The Arc of Steuben and contracts with various human service agencies throughout the county. We have statewide operating authority and interstate operating authority to travel into Pennsylvania. Steuben Area Rides provides approximately 86,000 rides and travels over 400,000 miles annually. Our service area covers most of Steuben County as well as some routes that go into Schuyler, Ontario, and Wyoming counties. We started in 1977 with just three vans and currently have 14 buses. We provide more trips now with 14 buses than we did six years ago with 25 buses, and trips per mile have increased and efficiency has improved greatly. We have our own maintenance facility that is equipped with an adjustable hydraulic bus lift and post lift for smaller vehicles. Steuben Area Rides has a history of working towards coordination and has been spending at least 10 years in pursuit of and building towards formal coordination. Several years ago, Steuben Area Rides closed down one of their routes and trained their riders to ride the Hornell Area Transit System to work. Recently, the other public transit system that operates in Steuben County serving Bath and Hammondsport, Steuben Area Transit operated by First Transit, began offering a bus stop at The Arc of Steuben facility. All three transportation systems work cooperatively on the SchuylerSteuben Counties Transportation Planning Committee to improve public transportation services in the area. The New York State Department of Transportation, Passenger Transportation Division, has been instrumental in assisting Steuben County in its efforts of coordination. Steuben Area Rides will be able to provide vital links to existing public transportation providers, with the potential to increase their ridership as well. Initially, the routes will run on their current schedules with the ability to increase as deemed necessary by public demand. Steuben Area Rides already has a dependable ridership and known name. The following routes were identified and Steuben Area Rides began operating them as public routes in midJuly: Addison to Bath, JasperTroupsburg to Bath, Lindley to Corning, Montour Falls to Corning, Prattsburgh to Bath, and Wayland to Bath. We are very excited about our service expansion and what it means for the citizens of Steuben County. For more information on schedules, fares, etc., please visit our website www.steubenarearides.org. (Continued from page 6) Board of Elections to demonstrate the new voting machines. These machines are capability friendly, meaning that no matter what your abilities are it will make voting easier. This year’s election will have both the new and the old machines available. Starting in 2009, the new machines will be the only ones available to use. This was a great opportunity for the group to experience and practice using the machines. If you have an interest in the Incredible Angels and/or their upcoming activities, please contact Matt Mehlenbacher at 6077766224, ext. 214, or email at mmehlenbacher@arcofsteuben.org. Save the Date! Plan to attend our Open House on Friday, September 26th, from 10 until 2. Ribbon cutting will be at noon. Hope to see you there! Visit The Arc of Steuben's Website at www.arcofsteuben.org Page 8 in the community … of the community Special Olympics Report By Tracie Johnson Chester Finch participates in the Memorial Day Parade. Ashley Winslow graduated from WaylandCohocton Central School this year and was nominated “Miss Congeniality.” The Special Olympics Summer Games at Binghamton University were held recently. The basketball team, Genesee Express, is made up of players from The Arc of Steuben and Chemung Arc. Each year a division is picked to play in the highlight game during closing ceremonies. This game is in front of about 1500 or more people. This year Division 4 was chosen to be in the highlight game, and the two teams that won their first game on Saturday would play in the highlight game for the gold medal. For the first time, the Genesee Express was in the highlight game and representing the entire Genesee Region, which is made up of athletes from Rochester, Geneva, Waterloo, Mt Morris and all points in between. We played against the Adirondack Warriors. The game was extremely close and a great competition; unfortunately, the Warriors pulled out front in the end to win the game. The Genesee Express brought home the silver. Yesterday as we walked from the dorm to our bus, the rest of the Genesee Region (about 100 athletes plus coaches) lined the sidewalk clapping and cheering as we walked through to get on the bus. The pride felt by this basketball team was clearly seen from their grins. Coaches—Jim Macphail (former Special Olympics Board Member), Josh Bennett and Stan Edsall (Chemung Arc Associates) Players—The Arc of Steuben—Derek Willis, Melissa Willis (Horton), Dan Blankenship, Larry Burdick, Tony Kijowski, and Mike Conley Chemung Arc—Sparkle Jackson, Faith Gleason, Sky Welles, and Smoke Roberson. In addition, our Basketball Head Coach, Jim Macphail, was given the Coach of the Games award. (Continued from page 4) with medication administration and often volunteers her assistance without being asked. She does many of the community activities when there is no other associate able to do the activity with the individuals. “Recently one of our agency’s Finance Department associates recognized Cindy for her dedication and excellent service. This associate saw Cindy taking four gentlemen shopping and how she involved them in the shopping, asking what they needed and wanted. At the end of the shopping excursion, one of the gentlemen had gone off to sample some of the newest food items. He came back with an empty container so Cindy took them all to sample the food. The associate watched Cindy and the group go to the parking lot and load the vehicle, with everyone helping load the bags into the vehicle. She was very impressed with Cindy and the men. The associate stated, ‘It made me proud to be a part of the agency and to know what wonderful service we are all providing in different ways. “This example is only one representation of Cindy’s dedication to the individuals of the Arc of Steuben, her teammates, and coworkers and is a testament to her caring and commitment to her job. Because of this dedication, it is an honor to nominate Cindy for this prestigious award.” Cindy was recognized at the luncheon at 2008’s Keuka Lake Conference and was presented with a small gift and certificate. Page 9 News from Home— Excelsior Awards Ceremony Fred Wood was nominated for the New York State Excelsior Award for Excellence and was honored with the award in Albany. Fred, with the support of Cindy Brown, received the award from Assemblyman Jim Bacalles. The Excelsior Award for Excellence is presented to those who have overcome physical and other personal challenges and honors their extraordinary achievements and dedication to their communities. Fred was recognized for his outstanding work with the American Cancer Society as Team Captain for the Arc of Steuben’s team in the Hornell Relay for Life and for being involved with the Incredible Angels selfadvocacy group and having served as an officer for two years. Fred would like to share some of the trip’s events with everyone. Fred was excited and had butterflies in his stomach—this was a very big deal. During the trip, they visited the Cooperstown Allstar Village, Oneonta ‘s National Soccer Hall of Fame, and an Iroquois Indian Village. Fred decided that on the trip back, he wanted to stop at the Tioga Downs Racing, Casino and Game Park. When Fred arrived in Albany and approached the city, his eyes got very big. He kept saying “Wow, look at that!” While waiting to meet with the Assemblyman, he and Cindy toured the Capitol, seeing the art museum and many other great large buildings. While in the office, Fred was able to watch live on Assemblyman’s assistant’s computer what was going on downstairs in session. He listened as they talked and passed bills. Fred thought that was “cool”. When the session was over, Assemblyman Bacalles came upstairs. He visited with Fred and Cindy for a while at which time Fred presented him with some “Relay for Life” tokens. They stayed at the Crown Plaza, which was one block away from the Capital. They had dinner at an Italian Restaurant called “Carmine’s”. The conversation throughout dinner was wonderful. Fred shared stories of his work, family, home, and all the places he stopped on the way to Albany. Assemblyman Bacalles joked with Fred about the horse races and slot machines and shared stories of his family. Assemblyman Bacalles also told Fred a great deal about his job. This restaurant where they ate has a cooking show filmed there, and Assemblyman Bacalles took them in the back and showed them around. The next morning, they met Assemblyman Bacalles in the hotel lobby and rode with him to the Excelsior Awards Ceremony. They were a bit early, so he took Fred and Cindy on a tour of the Capitol Building, where they got to see where the Assembly and the Senate meet, and the Assemblyman showed them where he sits. The Ceremony and luncheon were held in a beautiful renovated room called the “Parlor”. Fred had his picture taken with other recipients of the Excelsior Award from other districts. Their accomplishments were so amazing. When it was Fred’s turn to receive his award, he stood next to Assemblyman Bacalles, and the Assemblyman told the crowd about his dinner the night before and the time he had spent getting to know Fred. He joked about Fred’s plans to stop at Tioga Downs on the way back. He shared Fred’s accomplishments with the Relay for Life and other volunteering. He told everyone about the treasures that Fred had brought him and how he had planned to display some of the things in his office. This made Fred smile from ear to ear! After the ceremony and the luncheon were over, Fred had his picture taken with other Assemblymen and speakers. They mingled for a bit with other recipients who were an extraordinary group of people. Fred took many pictures, and he will share this event with anyone who asks him, but Cindy was the one who feels very honored to have shared this experience with him. Fred is an amazing person, and certainly deserves this recognition. Visit The Arc of Steuben's Website at www.arcofsteuben.org Page 10 The Arc of Steuben and The Arc of Steuben Foundation acknowledge and appreciate the following donations: (May 16 August 5, 2008): Legacy Bricks Raymond Ameigh American Legion Post #407 Tom and Karen Andrus Anonymous Eric and Laura Buisch Bernie Burns Eleanor Burns F & A Masons #44 Briana Fowler Martha Fronk Karen Hopkins Albert and Christine Kane Kathleen Kent Junior Lantz Peter and Connie Manikas Donald and Joyce McGuire Karen Miller Bernie Mintz Joan Mistretta Jackson and Connie Morris Dale Mullen Henry Sandman Harold and Mary Jane Semple Della Shoemaker Tammy Slayton Shawn and Debby Spencer Steuben Trust Company Harold Taft Gary and Maureen Vogt David and Patti Walczak Wayland IRA Associates Capital Campaign Anaconda Sports Barry and Angie Andrews Rebecca Austin Johanna Bergeron Bonadio & Co., LLP Norman and Angie Brush Bernie Burns Chris and Colleen Burns Thomas Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Carl Jr. John and Debbie Chase The Chemung & Steuben County Combined Federal Campaign Citizens Communications/Frontier Corning Incorporated Foundation CorningPainted Post Schools Diane Davis Robert and Rollene Duffy Mark and Pam Failing Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Kurt and Sarah Fischer Jim and Briana Fowler Kristine Gilman Debra Gleason Suzanne HallCrosby Vicki Huels Mario and Mary Lou HuntQuintal John and Jean Jensen Michael and Mary Kuhlmann, Sr. Stacie Ladd Anita Maroscher John and Peggy Mathers Matt and Rachel Mehlenbacher Eric and April Millhollen William and Jane Moore Alma Ruth Muller Sharon Nichols Ed and Judy Perkowski Sharon Saker Susan Schiefelbein Theodore and Pamela Schoonmaker Scura Enterprises Tammy Slayton Miklos Somogyi T. Quinn Spitzer Staffing and Payroll Solutions, Inc. Arthur Stilwell Heidi Sutton John and Conny Tears Edward and Marlene Tebele Robert and Elizabeth Turissini David and Patti Walczak William and Linda WhitsonJones, Sr. Joanne Woodruff Golf Tournament A G Edwards & Sons, Inc. Access Computing AccuStaff, Inc. Robert Acker Avid Golf Bath VA Medical Center Beauregard's Bakery & Cafe Bonadio & Co., LLP Tracey and Bryan Brown Eric and Laura Buisch Bernie Burns Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Carl Jr. Central Restaurant Chemung Canal Trust Company Community Bank Corning Community College Corning Enterprises Corning Incorporated Business Svc. Divisions Neil and Lori Fagan Five Star National Bank Bob Haley Randy Heaton J&T Auto John and Jean Jensen Arthur Kelly Robin and Evelyn LaCroix The Market Street Brewing Company Matt and Rachel Mehlenbacher Jon Nickerson Oak's P & C Food Markets, Inc. Pepsi Bottling Group, The Seneca Beverage Corp. Stork Insurance Agency The Home Depot Inc. Tops Friendly Markets United Way of the Southern Tier Foundation Gala Karl and Barb Anderson Jr. Tom and Karen Andrus Bacalles Glass Shop Belhurst Castle Ronald and Gail Bellohusen Beyond Baskets Norbert and Helen Binkowski Bottles and Corks Margaret Brush Eric Buisch Bernie Burns Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Carl Jr. Chemung Canal Trust Company Chocolatier of Hammondsport Robert E. and Jo Ann Cole, MD Corning Inc. Display Tech. William and Dorothy Dinehart Dr. Konstantin Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars John Eagles Donald and Pat Evia Kurt and Sarah Fischer John and Andrea Fisher Fitzgerald Brothers Five Star National Bank Debra Gleason Albert and Denece Gossie Luanne Graulich Paul and Vivian Greenfield HandsonGlass Bernard and Alice Hartman Pauline Holbrook Imagine That John and Jean Jensen JHL Tecture Kathleen Kent Robin and Evelyn LaCroix Peter and Connie Manikas Anita Maroscher Donald and Joyce McGuire Matt and Rachel Mehlenbacher Karen Meriwether and Tom Snow Joseph and Connie Monaco Mud Lust Pottery Richard and Linda Mullen Michelle's Hair & Nail Studio Rachel Nicklaus Old World Cafe & Ice Cream Palace Theatre Pamdori's Jewelry Box PK Smith Pleasant Valley Wine Company Radisson Hotel Corning Rockwell Museum of Western Art John and Martha Semple Stephen and Mischelle Shattuck Smith and Truslow Tammy Slayton Clifton and Priscilla Smith Snug Harbor David Spengler Richard and Judy Sphon Steuben Trust Company David and Ethel Strickarz Robert and Elizabeth Turissini Gary and Maureen Vogt Bruce and Mary White Brian White Clarence Willey Williams and Williams Photography Membership Bonnie Ambriz Sarah Ameigh Richard Armstrong Sherri Ball Charles and Lorraine Barker Cassandra Bartholomew Harry and Betty Bartz Nichole Bergstresser Donna Boyce David Brackett Tracey and Bryan Brown Justin Burnell Margaret and Doug Brush Crystal Buckley Eric Buisch Mark and Kelly Buisch Mike and Michele Button Thomas and Gina Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Carl Jr. Dennis Casey Amanda Clark Maxine Claypool Terry Clymo Nicole Combs Vicky Cornish Hulbert Culbertson Julie Dalton Skip DelRossa Doneva Dennis Donald and Pat Evia Michael Faber Briana Fowler Elizabeth Galloway Kathryn Gilbert Debra Gleason Harry Green David and Kathleen Greenfield Steven and Johna Hall Kathy Harrington Penny Harvey Anthony and Vera Heidrich Charles Hill Lori Hodder Mary Lou HuntQuintal Tanya Ingram Lori Jackson John and Jean Jensen Joni Jensen Michael Jensen (Continued on page 11) Page 11 PAVE THE WAY TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE Engrave a Brick to Mark Your Legacy By purchasing an engraved brick for a walkway outside our new ‘Green’ building, you will mark your legacy of support for the mission of the Arc of Steuben, and you will provide financial support to reach the goal of our capital campaign ‘Together We Soar’. Your name or that of a loved one will be displayed for years to come. Your gift will make a difference in the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities. This is how I want my brick to read: Use 3 lines for a 4 x 8 brick, and use 6 lines for a 8 x 8 paver. Each brick includes up to 18 characters per line. Spaces between words, commas, apostrophes, etc. count as a character. q 4 x 8 Brick $100 Use 3 Lines q 8 x 8 Paver $300 Use 6 Lines NAME: __________________________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Method of Payment: q VISA q Check enclosed Make check payable to: Arc of Steuben q Mastercard q AMEX Card #: _________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________ CVC#: _______ Signature: _________________________________________________ (Continued from page 10) Debra Johnson Erin & Scott Jordan Barbara Ketchum Jill Kline Franchesca Koehler Teresa Koehler Corey Krisher Barbara Krisher Robin and Evelyn LaCroix Marcel Lamb Todd & Beth L'Amoreaux Hannah Leach Harold and Florence Loudenslager John and Mable Manhart Shawn Manhart Patricia Mapes Anita Maroscher Matthew Metris Rebecca Miller Steven Miller Karen Miller Eric and April Millhollen Lorna Miro Robert and Lezlie Morse Joan Moyer Maria Mulligan Sade Nelson Sharon Nichols Victoria Nichols Robert and Myrtle O'Dell Sarah Ogden Alicia Oles Kandi Partridge Pamela Perkins Heidi Pike Maria A. Quintal Nicole Quiroz Lisa Reid Gary and Joanne Rice Amy Robbins Scheryl Robertson Stacey Rodbourn David Rombach Darla Roote Cynthia Rutledge John Ryan Darla Savey Sequoia Scanlon Susan Schiefelbein Theodore and Pamela Schoonmaker Cindy & Alan Schultheis Stephanie Schwartz Joy Shannon Stephanie Shattuck Jean Shepherd Ruth Shisler John and Mary Shorthouse Toni Shorthouse Courtney Shull Tammy Slayton Erica Spears Linda Speer Shawn and Debby Spencer Forrest Stephens Heidi Sutton Christine Taft Wendi Tarr John and Conny Tears Peggy Tears Edward and Marlene Tebele Rebecca Turner Joy Vanderhoff Linda VanDusen Sherry VanDuser David and Patti Walczak Gregory Warth Jennifer Weichman Samantha Wheeler Roy Williams John and Cathy Wolf Linda Woodring Joanne Woodruff Timothy Wright Memorial James and Mary Kay Beaver, Sr. Betty Butler Matthew and Cynthia Comerford Russell and Judy Cranston Paula Jonas Mary McClare Benjamin and Barbara Rooks Arthur and Joan Spetter Robert & Joyce Zoeller Misc. Agency F & A Masons #44 Misc. Foundation American Legion Post #1279 Nancy Andrews Karen Andrus Joyce Apenowich Patty Bamonti Richard Beaver (Continued on page 6) Open House Celebration Please join us in an open house celebration on September 10th at our newest home located at 427 North Hamilton Street in Painted Post. This home brings the total number of homes our agency operates to fourteen. The three women who live at the home moved in during the first week of January, and over the past few months, the women have been very busy with making this house their home and becoming active participants of their community. The open house celebration will be held on Sept. 10 th from 3:00 to 6:00 with a ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for 4:00. We look forward to you joining us in the celebration! Autism Support Group Learn more about your child’s Autism Spectrum Disorder and share with other parents. CORNING: 4th Thursday of the month, 6—8 pm. Meetings are in the United Way conference room, on the second floor above the Corning Library. Staff are present to stay with children in the Nonnie Hood Parent Resource Center. HORNELL: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6—8 pm. Meetings are held at the Hornell YMCA on Center Street. At this time, there are no accommodations for bringing your children. Contact Pat Evia at 6075692233 ext. 202 with questions. Want to share a comment, compliment or suggestion for improvement? Please contact The Arc of Steuben Customer Relations by… Ø Clicking the Contact Customer Relations button at www.arcofsteuben.org Ø Calling 6077764146 Ø Writing to: The Arc of Steuben, Attn: Customer Relations, One Arc Way, Bath, NY 14810 If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please call 6077764146 ext. 123 or email arcofsteuben@arcofsteuben.org. Printed on Recycled Paper Of the Community... David Gardner volunteered at the Prattsburgh Fire man's breakfast one Sunday morning. The people at the firehall said that he helped so much—he was just fantastic! An Arc associate was there to assist, but David needed very little assistance. Just once, he was reminded to relax a little. They had gotten really busy, and he was trying to hurry to get the tables set. The people at the firehall really enjoyed meeting David and cannot wait for him to come back again! (Continued from page 4) our women. She is a person who we all can look up to and is willing to listen and offer advice about concerns.” In addition to her regular duties, Nicole is participating in the Disability Studies Certificate Program. The Arc of Steuben One Arc Way Bath, NY 148108341 Address Service Requested NONPROFIT ORG U.S. Postage PAID Bath, NY Permit No. 2
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Fall 2009 - Arc of Steuben
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