blue heron november - Blue Heron Chapter


blue heron november - Blue Heron Chapter
Blue Heron News
Blue Heron Chapter of the Sumi-e Society of America, Inc. November 2011
At this Month’s Meeting
2-4 PM, November 20
at the Pretlow Library
watercolors and ink painting in 1991. Because
of the Sumi-e Society I have been privileged to
take workshops with some of the masters of the
media. I must say that I am a little intimidated
This month’s meeting will feature Sandra Bone
by the idea of giving a demonstration when so
demonstrating how to paint Hydrangeas.
many wonderful artists have gone before me,
Sandra says: “The subject I have chosen for the
are Hydrangea
flowers. I tend
to paint things
over and over
in different
styles and
methods and
presently the
Hydrangea is
one of my
favorite things
but I have comforted myself with the idea that
we all have something to share. The exchange
of ideas helps us grow as artists.” Son of White Elephant
The White Elephant Sale tables at the October
meeting were fun and successful! Why not
continue at the next meeting? Bring your arts,
crafts, craft materials, and art books to sell to
members and guests. 10 % of proceeds go to
Blue Heron Chapter.
Note Card Distribution
to paint. The
Note cards will be distributed to prepare for the
flower, and
card exchange at the December meeting.
sometimes the leaves, change with the acidity
of the soil and the season. I will choose a
Sample cards are displayed throughout the
couple of different methods of painting the
Co President’s Message"
flower, and end with an autumn oak leaf
Workshops and Events"
Meeting Minutes-Oct" "
About herself, Sandra says, “I have taken art
classes off and on since college. I began oriental
Exhibits and Displays""
Blue Heron Workshop"
Blue Heron News "
Blue Heron Sumi-e Facebook page
Co-Presidents’ Message
By Nancy or Jill
you seen the exciting play RED, about the artist Mark Rothko? It inspired me to
make a bunch of little red and black cardinals, as I prepare for our annual Holiday
Card Exchange in December. Compare these cards to
Artists' Cards, small original signed creations that artists
trade with each other. They are quick to do and evocative of
individual styles. We Blue Heroners make cards to exchange. At the November meeting we will distribute blank cards for
your creations. Then, in December, we exchange them.
Glue sticks work well to attach the painting to the card
stock. Be sure to sign each card! You can also chop the cards
but this step isn't required.
Most of us never mail the cards to other people - we hoard
them as treasures, as they are soooo beautiful! Here are some of my treasured cards from years
Happy painting, cutting, and pasting!
Note: catch the beautiful Blue Heron exhibit this month at the Botanical Gardens. Pictures need to be
picked up on Nov. 30th.
Wo r k s h o p s a n d Eve n t s
Marsh Birds Workshop with Jill Brunner
"Thank you for your wonderful painting
demos and instruction. I love your work!" Sheri
"I enjoyed the workshop and learned
about using glue mixed with water to
prevent watercolors from bleeding. Also
seeing different styles of heron painting
was nice." Loretta
"Thank you, thank you. Such a pleasure." Julia Dorsey
"Great and fun." Joan
As always, Jill, you are "TOPS." Thanks,
"Loved being shown various techniques." Lynette
"It was good, teacher!" oxo, Maggie
"Loved the different approaches! Thank
you for the freedom to experiment." Nancy
"Can't help but learn from such a master." Peggy
"Glue water was a new technique for me. Great info." Meg
"With technique and style, another super
Blue Heron workshop. Well done!" Cathy
"A large variety of unique marsh birds. Peggy and Jill, one of the demonstration
pictures, and Heidi and Jill
We've taken flight." Norene
Blue Heron Meeting Report
Minutes of October 2011 meeting
regular monthly meeting of the
Joe Nicholas will be conducting a class on
Blue Heron Chapter, Sumi-e
Flower painting at the Senior Center starting
Society of America, Inc. was held
on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at the Pretlow
12 January. Discussion followed regarding
classes at a time other the Thursday morning,
Library in Norfolk, Virginia. Co-President
e.g. nights or Saturdays. Joe indicated he
Nancy Milner opened the meeting at 2p.m.
would see what he could do next class or
Thirteen members and one guest were
present. Nancy opened with some Halloween
jokes and then passed the meeting onto copresident Jill Brunner.
Lynette Corley and her husband John will be
having an exhibition of their photography
works at the Towne Bank Pavilion Center 1
Treasurer’s Report:
on Thursday, 10 November, 5 - 6:30 pm.
Bank balance: $3014.42
Barbara Battelle will be having a one women
In house Workshops:
Sumi-e exhibition at the Paul Street Gallery
opening January 23, 2012.
Jill Brunner’s Heron Workshop was a great
success and enjoyed by all who attended.
Meeting Program:
Following a brief refreshment break, an in-
Good turnout for the Botanical Garden
Exhibit. Garden rep indicated it was the best
one she has seen.
OLD Business:
house sale of art goodies took place, 10% to
the Chapter.
The next meeting will be held at the Pretlow
Library on Sunday, 20 November. Sandy
Bone will demonstrate. Also, note cards will
Idea of having a sale wherein the general
be passed out in preparation for December’s
public is invited was tabled – Library will not
allow it.
note card exchange.
NEW Business:
Joe Nicholas showed the results of the
paintings that were wet mounted at the last
meeting and an interesting general
discussion followed regarding wet mounting
procedures. Also discussed Gail Goodman
Joe Nicholas
doing a demo on putting people in your note
Exhibits and Notes
Notes on Sumi-E
By Motoi Oi
Is the union of art and nature purely a
chance? Chance is a part of the laws of
the nature. An artist may struggle for
days to find something special.
Suddenly he finds it. But it is not merely
due to chance. It is the accumulation of
all the time and effort he has applied.
Any flaw in my frame of mind would
appear in my preliminary sketches. If it
is to be a major work, the preliminary
sketches are put away for at least several
days. I then look them over. I do not
hesitate to start all over.
The aim of a Sumi-e artist is not the
reproduction of the subject matter but
the elimination of all but the essentials.
The ability to think is what produces a
good Sumi-e. A dexterous hand may
turn out a mechanically excellent picture
You are invited to a
reception celebrating
the opening of John and
Lynette Corley’s
landscape photography
Date:! Thursday, November 10, 2011
Time:! 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Place:! Towne Bank Pavilion Center I
2101 Parks Avenue, Virginia Beach
(Note: This is NOT at Towne Center. It is
near the Virginia Beach Convention
Center at the end of I-264-see map)
The exhibit will be on display for two
months. For additional information or
directions, contact us
but not a true Sumi-e in spirit.
The blank space in Sumi-e can give an
impression of emptiness and coldness.
To fill it with warmth is what we strive
to achieve.
Taken from Brush Strokes in Sumi-e
Painting, by Motoi Oi,
Blue Heron Exhibit
At the Norfolk Botanical Gardens (through Nov. 29)
Blue Heron exhibitors, please pick up your pictures at Baker Hall, Norfolk
Botanical Gardens, on Wednesday, November 30th,
between 1 and 2 p.m.
Blue Heron News & Gallery
More card samples
2011-2012 Blue Heron Chapter
Board Members:!
Jill Brunner and Nancy Milner"
Just a reminder that we will be
holding our holiday card
exchange at the December
Joe Nicholas "
Margaret and Pete Mitchell"
Joan Grosch"
Lee Geri Wertheimer"
Norene Spencer"
Cathy Peyton"
External workshops
Web site
Internal workshops
Blue Heron News
1040 Spotswood Ave. #203
Norfolk, VA 23507
November 2011
Blue Heron Chapter
C a l e n d a r
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E v e n t s
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