WOLD GIFT - Boca Raton Regional Hospital
WOLD GIFT - Boca Raton Regional Hospital
Vision the boca raton REGIONAl hospital foundation magazine of philanthropy 2011 6 WOLD GIFT making a difference what Boca Raton Regional Hospital means to me A lmost 50 years ago, this community came together to raise the funds needed to build a hospital “of our own.” Over the years, the community continued to support the hospital as it grew and expanded with new facilities and services. My family was a part of that early effort, and I’m gratified that I’ve been able to continue my family’s legacy of support and stewardship of Boca Raton Regional Hospital. During my years of involvement, the hospital has experienced a number of highs and lows. Ultimately, however, the hospital has persevered for almost half a century, and today is stronger and better than ever – a regional leader in clinical programs and technology. In fact, our hospital has developed an array of sophisticated and cutting-edge programs and technologies that are the equal of any in the nation. Our specialties, including cardiovascular care, cardiac surgery, stroke, women’s health and emergency medicine are of the highest caliber, and have received national recognition from HealthGrades® for the second consecutive year. The comprehensive scope of services, quality of care, and national recognition reach far beyond the limits of a traditional community hospital, and validate our name change to “Regional Hospital.” The caliber of our physicians, nurses and support staff and our state-of-the-art technology continue to attract patients from Wellington and Jupiter to Key West. We truly are South Florida’s hospital – an independent, not-for-profit healthcare institution with one mission: to provide top quality, compassionate care. Philanthropy has made this possible. The generosity and commitment of this community not only built our hospital almost 50 years ago, but over the years, has nurtured it and invested in it, and today, we have created one of the nation’s leading not-forprofit healthcare institutions. As chairman of the Board of Trustees, I thank you for all that you do for our patients and their families, for our physicians and staff, and for the entire Boca Raton Regional Hospital Family. Richard L. Schmidt Chairman, Board of Trustees Boca Raton Regional Hospital contents What Boca Raton Regional Hospital means to me A message from Richard L. Schmidt, Chairman of the Board..........................................Inside Cover Philanthropy keeps Boca Regional at forefront of healthcare Foundation experiences one of most successful years ever..............................................................2 A renaissance at Boca Raton Regional Hospital Jerry Fedele reports on Hospital’s successes.....................................................................................3 Christine Lynn: transforming women’s healthcare in the region The Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute provides specialized care.....................4 Wold Family’s gift to transform emergency department Renovated facility will emphasize excellence, efficiency and privacy................................................6 Philosophy of caring: ensuring their gifts have a direct benefit Barbara and Irving Gutin’s gifts advance patient care........................................................................8 Your philanthropic spirit continues to inspire us Foundation receives gifts from all corners of community..................................................................9 Gifts help to save lives There are many different ways to give the gift of life.......................................................................10 Arthur Tobias: leaving a legacy During the estate planning process, Arty and Sandy Tobias decided on a gift to the Hospital......11 Giving Societies recognize philanthropy Benefactors and Philanthropy Guild members are backbone of Hospital’s support........................12 Philanthropy Guild Reception..............................................................................................13 13th Annual Golf Tournament supports nurses..............................................................14 Go Pink Luncheon is premiere event in South Florida.................................................15 49th Annual Hospital Ball celebrates nationally acclaimed patient care.................16 “You’ve Gotta Have Heart” raises funds for Lynn Heart & Vascular Institute......17 Out & About................................................................................................................................18 Philanthropy Guild Members. ..............................................................................................19 Benefactors. .................................................................................................................................24 Heritage Society.........................................................................................................................34 Physician Benefactors...............................................................................................................36 On the cover: Dick and Barbara Schmidt, Christine Lynn, Irving and Barbara Gutin, Phyllis and Harvey Sandler philanthropy helps keep Boca Regional at I forefront n the fiscal year that ended June 30, the Foundation experienced one of its most successful years ever, receiving more than 5,300 gifts totaling $26 million, including several leadership gifts: • Christine E. Lynn’s $10 million gift has named the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute. With additional funds, a new state-of-theart facility will be built to house women’s services. • Elaine J. Wold and the Wold family have donated $5 million to name the Wold Family Center for Emergency Medicine. Their generosity will help to fund the renovation and expansion of this critically important and life saving service. Construction begins this fall on the new center. • Barbara and Irving Gutin’s gift of $2 million for the da Vinci robotic surgery system has enabled the Hospital to remain a leader in technology in South Florida. • Donor gifts to the Foundation have financed a number of additional projects in 2010-2011: • the Hybrid Operating Suite, with both state-of-the-art imaging and surgical capabilities, funded through the generosity of Christine Lynn • Renovations to the Orthopedic Unit, funded by the generous support of Bob Sheetz • Diagnostic operations of the Kathryn Krickstein Pressel Mammovan, supported by Morgan Pressel and members of St. Andrews Country Club through the annual Morgan & Friends Golf Event Vision 2011 | 2 of healthcare • • • • • • The CINDY Program, addressing the many decisions and challenges that arise for the cancer patient and their loved ones, with an emphasis on supporting the end-of-life- process, created by Henri and Rhoda Bertuch in memory of their daughter Cindy Bertuch Rosencrans New infusion pumps for Lynn Cancer Institute Hemodynamic monitoring of surgical and critical care patients to assess cardiac output Glidescope equipment for intubation Cardiac walkers Scholarships and training for nurses For almost 50 years, the generous support of this community has made it possible for Boca Raton Regional Hospital to provide high quality, cost effective healthcare. Today, because of philanthropy, the hospital is a regional leader in healthcare excellence, with nationally acclaimed services, internationally renowned physicians, and some of the most advanced technology in the world. a renaissance O at Boca Raton Regional Hospital n behalf of Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s administrative team, medical staff, employees, and volunteers, I would like to extend to you our gratitude and deep appreciation for the marvelous philanthropic support we have received this year. As in the past, your generosity and faith in the institution has made a material difference in our success and assisted us greatly as we continue to evolve from a capable community hospital to an advanced, regional medical center. Evidence of this renaissance can be seen throughout the organization. With our new hybrid operating room, we now offer the most sophisticated surgical environment in medicine today and provide our heart and endovascular specialists with intra-operative capabilities unheard of just a few short years ago. Our recently introduced robotic surgery program puts us on the leading-edge of minimally invasive surgical procedures. Additionally, we continue to provide state-of-the art technology in such specialties as imaging and radiation oncology. These capabilities notwithstanding, our outstanding technology must be combined with outstanding technique if we are to truly be the preeminent hospital in south Florida. As evidenced by the 2011 HealthGrades® designations we are certainly meeting that critically important mandate. In 2011 HealthGrades®, which ranks hospitals on the quality of their care, placed Boca Regional in the top 5 percent nationally for clinical quality. For the seventh year in a row they named us a “Distinguished Hospital for Clinical Excellence,” an honor less than 300 of the nation’s 5,500 By Jerry Fedele, President & CEO independent hospitals can claim. Moreover, HealthGrades® ranked Boca Regional’s cardiac surgery program as number one in Florida for the second year in a row along with 2011 designations as the state’s number one program for overall cardiac care and the treatment of stroke. These accolades are indicative of the quality of care we provide throughout the spectrum of programs at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Adding to this growing list of accolades is US News & World Report’s recent designation of Boca Raton Regional Hospital as a “Top Ranked” hospital in south Florida. Of the nation’s 5,000 hospitals, only 720 were distinguished as such in 94 metropolitan areas. Our recent patient satisfaction scores are another indication of the level of service we provide. We are seeing dramatic increases in our ratings; ones that are reflective of the concerted efforts we have made to provide the finest patient care possible. From a financial perspective, we continue to improve our performance year over year. In fiscal year 2011, we continued Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s dramatic turnaround by finishing the second consecutive fiscal year with a profit. By every indicator, be it advances in technology, programmatic growth or improving financial strength, Boca Raton Regional Hospital is showing vibrancy and vitality that is palpable. You can see it. And you can feel it. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the fundraising effort to build this wonderful community asset, it is most gratifying to me to see our Hospital regaining its rightful place as the leading healthcare provider in the region. From the boardroom to the bedside, we remain steadfast to adhering to the principles on which Boca Raton Community Hospital was founded and which drive Boca Raton Regional Hospital today. One team. One mission. Dedicated to healing the sick and conserving the health of the communities we serve. Vision 2011 |3 Christine Lynn transforming A women’s healthcare centralized address for women’s health is on its way to becoming a reality, thanks to a transformational gift of $10 million from Christine Lynn. The Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute will provide a comprehensive array of services, from maternity care through menopause and aging. The gift launches a fund-raising campaign to construct a new state-of-the-art facility, creating an attractive and comfortable environment that will embrace clinical excellence, efficiency and privacy for patients. “The Hospital has offered superb services for women for a number of years,” says Christine Lynn. “It is in the region time we built a first-class facility to support the physicians and staff as they provide that level of care, and allow for the expansion and growth of services.” Christine and hospital administration have created a Women’s Advisory Council, comprised of select women of the community who represent leadership, involvement and support. “I’m really excited that women of the community will play an active role in the development of the Institute. Who better to help define the Institute than the women who will utilize it?” Christine says. The Women’s Institute is the latest in Christine’s leadership role at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Her philanthropy has helped to transform the Hospital into a regional center of medical excellence. “I love this community, and I want it to have the best healthcare possible. You don’t realize how important a good hospital is until you need it. When I needed care, it was so important to me to be home - close to my family and friends. They made a huge difference in my recovery.” Christine says that she is following in the footsteps of her late husband, Eugene, who was one of the area’s leading philanthropists and supporters of the Hospital. The Eugene M. & Christine E. Lynn Cancer Institute at Boca Regional has grown into one of the top 10 Juliette S. The, MD and Vision 2011 | 4 Vision 2011 | 4 Kathy Schilling, MD cancer programs in Florida. “My sister died of cancer, and it is very meaningful to me that we have such an outstanding program for cancer patients. And with Harvey & Phyllis Sandler’s wonderful gift of the Sandler Pavilion, cancer patients now have a magnificent, state-of-the-art facility for their care.” provided is only as good as the physicians, nurses and staff,” she says. “We are so fortunate to have the area’s finest healthcare providers and administrators. I let the people in charge do what they do best, and I think they’ve done a wonderful job. I’m very gratified that the institutions I have supported have developed into such centers of excellence.” Christine responded to the need for a cardiac center in For Christine the community Lynn, by providing “Knowing funds for the I’ve helped Christine E. someone gives Lynn Heart & me the greatest Vascular Institute, pleasure. I hope “We’re all coming ranked #1 in Florida everyone who together to make in 2011 for cardiac can, will join me services and cardiac our Hospital great, in supporting surgery.* “We for ourselves, for our Boca Regional. fought for 20 years All donors are families and for the special because to get open heart capabilities here in they’re giving from community.” Boca Raton, and it the heart. We’re makes me very proud that we now all coming together to make our have the finest facility in Florida.” Hospital great, for ourselves, for our families, and for everyone in Christine pays tribute to the superb the community. It makes me very physicians and staff at Boca Raton proud.” Regional Hospital. “The care *According to HealthGrades®, the leading a central address for women’s health The new Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital will serve as a “centralized address” for women’s health, providing a comprehensive array of services from maternity care through menopause and aging. Women’s health care needs are distinctive from men’s, for example: • • • Heart disease, the leading cause of death in women, kills 50,000 more women than men each year. Women are more likely to suffer from autoimmune diseases such as lupus, arthritis, and endocrine disorders such as diabetes than men. Women are 80 percent more likely to suffer from osteoporosis than men. The Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute will provide a continuum of care, with access to the very best resources for women’s health at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, including: • • • healthcare ratings organization. • Toppel Family Place – providing exceptional maternity and obstetrical services The Eugene M. & Christine E. Lynn Cancer Institute – with some of the world’s most advanced technology and nationally recognized physicians The Christine E. Lynn Heart & Vascular Institute – ranked #1 in Florida for 2012 in cardiac services, cardiac surgery and stroke treatment by HealthGrades® The Center for Breast Care – performing more than 90,000 procedures each year, utilizing the most advanced techniques for the detection of breast cancer Vision 2011 | 5 Wold Family’s gift E to transform emergency department laine J. Wold and the entire Keith C. Wold, MD, family have given a $5 million donation to the Hospital to name the Wold Family Center for Emergency Medicine. In announcing the gift, Mrs. Wold said, “My family and I realize that all too often the medical journey begins with an emergency. It is critical that patients and their families receive the most efficient, comfortable, and compassionate medical care during these difficult situations. The Wold family is pleased to support a new and dynamic Center for Emergency Medicine that will provide a superior experience for all patients.” Elaine J. Wold, along with her late husband Keith, has been a leading supporter of Boca Raton Regional Hospital for more than two decades. Dr. Wold served as a Board member for many years, and Mrs. Wold served on numerous committees. Over the years, their philanthropy has supported many Hospital initiatives, including breast cancer awareness and cardiac services. “The Wold Family gift will be utilized to transform our existing Emergency Department into the Center for Emergency Medicine. The state-of-the-art facility will expedite emergency patient care in a comfortable setting with an emphasis on clinical excellence, efficiency and privacy,” said Jan Savarick, president of the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation. Elaine has been close personal friends with Boca Raton Regional Hospital founder Gloria Drummond for many years. Almost 50 years ago, a tragedy took the lives of Gloria’s two children who were unable to reach emergency medical care because there was no hospital in Boca Raton. The tragedy led to the fundraising crusade led by Gloria that resulted in the creation of Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Today, Boca Raton Regional Hospital treats 42,000 emergency patients annually, and is ranked in the top 5% nationally by HealthGrades®, an independent healthcare ratings organization. “We are so appreciative of the Wold family’s generosity,” said Savarick. “This wonderful gift for the Wold Family Center for Emergency Medicine will advance emergency care for the entire community. The Wold Family gift is a great starting point to bring the community together in our quest to build a superior technological and patient-oriented emergency service center.” Vision 2011 | 6 Boca Raton Fire Rescue paramedic and Terry Cohen, MD WOLD GIFT Vision 2011 | 7 a philosophy of W hen Barbara Gutin was diagnosed with a growth, her physicians advised her to have it removed by minimally invasive surgery. The recommended procedure is best performed utilizing the high tech da Vinci Surgical System, which, unfortunately, was not available at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Barbara had to have her surgery at another area hospital. “We felt like turncoats,” says Barbara. “We have been strong supporters of Boca Raton Regional Hospital for many years because we believe it is so important to have the finest, most advanced care right here in our community.” Barbara has served on many Foundation committees and her husband, Irving, is a member of both the Foundation Board and the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Corporation Board of Trustees. The Gutins resolved to bring the da Vinci Surgical System to Boca Raton Regional Hospital. They donated $2 million so that the Hospital could purchase the system as well as a simulator that allows surgeons to train before utilizing the system in surgery. “We don’t want to ever have to go outside of Boca Regional,” says Irving. “If there is something that would benefit the hospital, its physicians and its patients, then we want to provide it. Knowing that Vision 2011 | 8 caring many patients have already had the advantage of the da Vinci system and that the doctors are excited to train on it is very rewarding to both of us.” Irving & Barbara Gutin The da Vinci system is also having a positive impact on the Hospital’s bottom line, as patients who would have gone elsewhere are now able to have their procedure performed at Boca Regional. The da Vinci Surgical System exemplifies the Gutins’s philosophy ensuring their gifts have a direct benefit of philanthropy: “We want our gifts to have a measurable impact, so that we know that people are directly benefiting from them,” says Irving. An earlier gift from the Gutins helped to establish the Stroke Center at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, today ranked #1 in the state of Florida* for the treatment of stroke. “We wanted to give something the Hospital, and the people of this community needed. Given the demographics of our older community, a stroke program seemed like a very important service. We soon went from not having a stroke program to having the #1 ranked program in Florida! It is very gratifying for us to see the positive impact this program is having on so many lives. ” For Barbara and Irving Gutin, having top quality healthcare available to them and their family and friends is paramount. “Recently, a friend of ours collapsed, and was taken to Boca Regional, where he received excellent care. After receiving a pacemaker, he is now living a normal life. I think that’s indicative of what can happen to anyone, at any time. We want to feel comfortable and confident that, when we need it, excellent care is available to us,” Irving says. “We want to do whatever we can to ensure that Boca Regional is not only successful and viable, but also has the latest technology and the finest physicians and staff. One day, the life it saves may be Barbara’s, or my own.” *According to HealthGrades®, the leading healthcare ratings organization. robotic-assisted surgery Imagine major surgery performed through the smallest of incisions, with the potential for significantly less pain, a shorter hospital stay, faster return to normal daily activities, and a better clinical outcome. Today, thanks to Barbara and Irving Gutin, surgeons at Boca Regional are able to perform complex procedures using the da Vinci Surgical System. With da Vinci, small incisions are used to introduce miniaturized instruments and a high-definition 3D camera. Seated at the da Vinci console, the surgeon views a magnified, high-resolution 3D image of the surgical site. The stateof-the-art robotic and computer technologies seamlessly translate the surgeon’s hand movements into precise micro-movements of the da Vinci instruments. The da Vinci system pays tribute to Leonardo da Vinci, who invented the first robot, and created unparalleled anatomical accuracy and threedimensional details to bring his masterpieces to life. your philanthropic spirit continues to inspire us One of the Foundation’s most successful years ever recently drew to a close, as the Foundation received more than 5,300 gifts and raised $26 million. The philanthropic spirit of this community continues to inspire all of us at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Gifts came from all corners of the community -- from the women’s soccer team at Boca High and the Pink Softball Tournament to the Wold Family and Christine Lynn. We’d like to especially recognize Gordon Bushell, who recently gave a gift to name the Arlene & Gordon Bushell Imaging Center Reception Area in the Sandler Pavilion in memory of Arlene. Bob Sheetz’s gift helped to fund the renovations of the Orthopedics Unit, a program that you will be hearing more about as we grow this service. The state-of-the-art unit now includes nine private patient rooms with a number of patient amenities including flat screen TV and WiFi. A gift from Betsy and Sidney Savelle to name the Betsy & Sidney Savelle Radiation Oncology Reception Area in the Sandler Pavilion was given in honor of Tim Williams, MD. The Savelles were pleased with the superb and compassionate care they received at the Lynn Cancer Institute. Every gift is important, and every gift makes a difference in the care we provide to our patients. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have contributed to the Foundation during this remarkably successful year. We have many exciting projects that need funding or additional support, including the Emergency Department and the Women’s Institute. We hope you will continue to partner with us as we bring the region’s finest healthcare to Boca Raton. There are many options for giving, some of which are described in the article on page 10. And of course, the Foundation staff is standing by, happy to assist you. Please don’t hesitate to call on us. Thank you for your support, and for all that you do for your Hospital. Warren S. Orlando Chairman of the Board Jan Savarick President Vision 2011 | 9 your philanthropic B oca Raton Regional Hospital was built by the philanthropic spirit and generosity of our community, after a tragedy in 1962 took the lives of two local children before they could reach medical attention. To this day, the Hospital relies on Philanthropy to fund new technology, expand and enhance programs, and recruit the finest physicians and staff. The Hospital does not receive government funds or tax dollars; it is not part of a large publicly held hospital chain. Many of our donors derive great satisfaction from knowing that their generosity helps to save lives, and would like to do more. Here is a brief summary of giving options available - please call the Foundation at 561.955.4142 to discuss them in greater detail. Cash: This is the most common, and perhaps easiest gift to give. • Gifts may be made in a lump sum or broken into multiple installments paid throughout the year. • Gifts may be made in memory of a loved one at the time of death or on an anniversary or a holiday, or to celebrate a birthday, graduation, anniversary or other opportunities. • Gifts from grateful patients and families are often given in appreciation of the care they received or in recognition of their physician. Vision 201 | 10 gifts help to save lives Life insurance: Life insurance policies may be donated to us, or the Foundation may be named as the beneficiary. Bequests: Provisions in your will to benefit the hospital enable you to leave a specific bequest of a specified sum of money, a percentage of your estate or a percentage of the residue to us after making provisions for family and friends. Securities: Stocks and publicly traded securities are easy to give and offer great tax advantages. Please talk to a tax advisor for information. Gifts That Give Back to You You can make a significant future gift to us while retaining, or in many cases increasing, the income you receive from the asset used to make the gift. Charitable gift annuity: A contract between you and the Foundation that pays you a fixed dollar amount (an annuity) for your lifetime and that of another individual, if desired, based upon your age(s) at the time of your gift. Deferred charitable gift annuity: Offers current tax benefits but delays the payout until you reach a specified age. Flexible deferred charitable gift annuity: You do not have to choose in advance a date to begin payments. You can elect to wait a period no sooner than 10 years, but no more than 20 years. Charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT): A trust that will pay the donor (and one or more other named beneficiaries, if desired) a specified annuity income either for life or a period of time not to exceed 20 years. Charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT): Has many of the same attributes as a CRAT, but with more flexibility and planning opportunities. Charitable lead trust: Pays income to one or more charitable organizations, typically for a period of years, and then the remaining assets of the trust pass to beneficiaries such as family members. Bank accounts and CDs: If you name the Foundation as the “payable-on-death beneficiary” of your bank accounts or CDs, you own the assets for your lifetime and have them available for your use. Retirement plan assets: Due to the variety and complexity of retirement plans, you should consult an attorney for an appropriate strategy. For more information We are always available to provide you with further information and suggestions on gifts that fit with your lifestyle and philanthropic goals. Please call Kristina Gregg at 561.955.3658 to discuss your interests. This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice, please consult an attorney. Arthur Tobias: leaving a A legacy fter Arty Tobias had his first heart attack in 1990, he underwent quadruple by-pass surgery followed by quality care at a Manhattan medical center in the neighborhood where he and Sandy, his wife, lived. By the time he had his second heart attack in 1995, the Tobiases were living in Delray Beach, and Arty was again treated at a local hospital. As his heart continued to deteriorate, it became apparent that Arty was a heart transplant candidate. Top quality medical care and local access to cutting edge procedures and technology became even more pressing concerns. Unfortunately, the transplant opportunities then were in New York, Jacksonville, or Miami. Given that a year can pass before a transplant is performed, the Tobiases chose to remain at home in Delray and avoid grueling trips, either to Manhattan or Jacksonville. Sadly, Arty died three and a half years ago, just before he was to be placed on the transplant list. Before he died, he and Sandy decided they wanted to participate in the growth of a premier local medical center. During the estate planning process, they decided on a gift to the then Boca Raton Community Hospital through Arty’s trust. They had observed the Hospital’s growth and knew about its excellent physicians and staff, and cutting edge technology. Friends, who had been Hospital patients, provided positive feedback about their experiences. Sandy & Arthur Tobias Tasked with determining the most appropriate naming opportunity, Sandy worked closely with Sarah Pollak at the Foundation. She knew that practical and down-to-earth Arty would prefer naming an area that would be of benefit to all patients and their families. With the approval of Arty’s children, Sandy gifted the Emergency Department. Friends and friends of friends who have been in the Emergency Department have seen Arty’s name. They report feeling comforted knowing Arty is “there” with them. Sandy now considers Boca Raton Regional Hospital “ her” hospital and is proud of its growth and increase in stature, both in the State of Florida and nationally. She had one successful surgery at the hospital two years ago and regularly receives care at the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute. She has also served on several fundraising committees. As a cancer survivor, she takes comfort in knowing that outstanding services are available at the Eugene M. & Christine E. Lynn Cancer Institute. In her opinion, “We are fortunate to have Boca Raton Regional Hospital here in our own backyard.” For information about how you can leave a legacy through your estate plan, please call Kristina Gregg at the Foundation, 561.955.3658. Vision 2011 | 11 giving societies recognize B philanthropy at Boca Raton Regional Hospital oca Raton Regional Hospital is able to provide state-of-the-art care because you, and others like you, believe in its importance and support it philanthropically. The Hospital does not receive government funds or tax dollars; it is not part of a large publicly held hospital chain. Gifts make it possible for us to expand and enhance our services, invest in advanced technology and recruit the finest healthcare professionals. • Acknowledgement on the Donor Recognition Wall in the Hospital lobby* • 10 percent discount in the Fountain Grill, Cafeteria and the Debbie-Rand Memorial Service League Gift Shops *Benefactor Membership is renewed annually. Philanthropy Guild Benefactors The Philanthropy Guild honors donors whose cumulative gifts and pledges to the Foundation and the Debbie-Rand Memorial Service League have reached a minimum level of $50,000 or more. Members are celebrated for their generosity with a series of honors, privileges and invitations: • • A membership card which facilitates VIP attention and entitles the Guild member and members of the immediate family to all Philanthropy Guild services • A dedicated telephone number that connects members with Foundation staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to facilitate needs and referrals • Notification of Foundation staff upon entry to the hospital • Assistance from Foundation staff for physician referrals and when possible, in setting appointments with physicians • Permanent recognition on the Philanthropy Guild display in the main lobby of the Hospital Individuals who make annual gifts of $1,000 and above to the Foundation become Benefactors, and receive the following benefits and privileges, along with the deepest appreciation of the entire Boca Regional Family: A Benefactor Card to facilitate entry for the Benefactor and immediate family members into the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Healthcare System • Notification of Foundation staff upon entry to the hospital • Listing in Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation publications • 10 percent discount in the Fountain Grill, Cafeteria and Debbie-Rand Memorial Service League Gift Shops • Preferred rates in the Rockwell Suites, an allprivate room medical-surgical unit For information about Donor programs at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, please call the Foundation at 561-955-4142. Vision 2011 | 12 philanthropy guild members honored at reception Stan and Marilyn Barry P hilanthropy Guild members were honored for their generosity at the annual reception, held in March at the Sandler Pavilion. Gordon Bushell, one of the original Madison Avenue “Mad Men” advertising executives, spoke about the care his wife Arlene had received at the Lynn Cancer Institute. Gordon recently gave a significant gift to the Foundation in memory of Arlene, naming The Arlene and Gordon Bushell Imaging Reception Area in the Sandler Pavilion. Joan Wargo, Margaret Mary Shuff, Arlette Baker “I can tell you firsthand, you come here for treatment and you leave with hope, because you know you are truly in the best of hands. There is a great, comforting sense of science about this place,” Gordon said. Dick Schmidt, Abby Levine, Mike Baker Thea and Jim Stoneman Warren Orlando, Gordon Bushell, Jerry Fedele Philanthropy Guild recognizes those whose cumulative gifts and pledges to Boca Raton Regional Hospital have reached $50,000 or more. Their gifts make it possible for the Hospital to expand and enhance services, invest in advanced technology, recruit the finest healthcare professionals and provide award-winning, nationally ranked patient care. “Of all the things I have ever bought... of all the donations I have ever made, this was the happiest, most gratifying money I’ve ever spent,” Gordon said. Larry and Karen Altschul, Jane and Al Gortz Vision 2011 | 13 13th annual golf tournament supports our nurses F riends and supporters of Boca Raton Regional Hospital enjoyed a fabulous day of competitive golf, fabulous dining and hospitality, camaraderie, amazing prizes and lots of fun at the 13th Annual Boca Raton Regional Hospital Golf Tournament, presented by JM Lexus. Participants received a one-of-a-kind amenity package that included Maui Jim™ sunglasses. Jerry Fedele, Robert Alrod, Jan Savarick, Richard Schuller, Jim Dunn of JM Lexus The 4-person “Shamble” took place at Boca West Country Club on October 24, 2010, kicking off with brunch, followed by a Shotgun Start and barbeque lunch served on the course. A celebratory Awards Dinner served as the grand finale. Awards for first, second and third place finishes were sponsored by Tiffany & Co. of Boca Raton. David Tadros, Nick Gouzoulis, Ted Raptis,MD, Dean Gekas, MD Proceeds from the tournament benefit the Ron & Kathy Assaf Center for Excellence in Nursing, providing scholarships, technology and programs that support our high quality nursing staff. Please support our nurses and enjoy a great day of golf at the 14th Annual Golf Tournament on October 24, 2011 at Boca West. For additional information, please contact Sandy Longo at Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation, 561.955.3249 or email slongo@brrh.com. Rich Auclair, MD, Wade Doyle, MD, Gordon Hahn, MD, Ed Zimski, MD Amy Ross David Ross, Harvey Sandler, Gary Rubin, Ron Gallatin Vision 2011 | 14 Brad Ray, John Ray, Jr., John Ray, Sr., Ron Assaf go pink luncheon is the premiere event in south florida A record-breaking crowd of more than 1,400 attendees gathered at Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation’s 7th Annual Go Pink Luncheon at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. They came to see Hollywood celebrity, cancer survivor and women’s health advocate Fran Drescher, best known for her title role in “The Nanny,” the hit 90s television series. They also heard Dr. Louise Morrell speak on advances in breast care. Freyda and Ed Burns with Fran Drescher at VIP Party Irving and Barbara Gutin, Terry and Jerry Fedele Amy Ross, Robin Rubin, Patti Carpenter, Kim Greenbaum, Joy Goldman Attendees enjoyed a sumptuous lunch and special signature drink. More than 300 prizes were awarded in the Pink Daisy Pick Raffle, with a grand prize of a twoyear lease on a Mercedes from sponsor Mercedes-Benz of Delray Beach. The Luncheon, chaired by Patti Carpenter, raised more than $500,000 to benefit the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute/Center for Breast Care. Jo Ann and the late Rose Procacci Fran Drescher and Sandy Kofsky Kristin Davis, star of Sex and the City and a breast cancer awareness advocate, will be keynote speaker at the 8th Annual Go Pink Luncheon, set for October 28, 2011 at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. The Luncheon sells out each year; please contact Kimberly Read at the Foundation for information about tickets, tables and sponsorships, 561.955.4142 or kread@brrh.com Vision 2011 | 15 nationally acclaimed patient care celebrated at M 49th annual hospital ball ore than 650 Hospital supporters celebrated at the 49th Annual Boca Raton Regional Hospital Ball, held at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. The Ball commemorated the Hospital’s “Quest for Excellence” and celebrated the Hospital’s nationally ranked patient care services. The Olde World-themed, black-tie gala featured a cocktail reception, sumptuous dinner and dancing to the music of South Florida’s Heatwave. Honorary Chairs included Jean Blechman, Barbara & Irving Gutin, Joan & Myron Kaufman, Marianne Minkoff Lerner & Howard Lerner, Rose Procacci, Jo Ann & Philip Procacci and Gail & Peter Salvatore. The Ball Honorees were the members of the Medical Staff Executive Committee, representing all the superb physicians whose outstanding patient care has brought national acclaim to Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Dick Schmidt and Christine Lynn Stephanie and Steven Prince Proceeds from the Ball benefited the Patient Care Fund, which supports the programs, services and technology that make it possible to deliver an outstanding level of clinical care. Next year’s 50th Annual Ball on January 21, 2012, will commemorate the Golden Anniversary of the fundraising effort to build the “Miracle on Meadows Road,” and is being generously underwritten by Barbara and Dick Schmidt and the Schmidt Family Foundation. Tickets and tables will sell out early for this historic milestone. Call the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation at 561.955.4142 for more information. Warren and Orrine Orlando, Katie, Terry and Jerry Fedele, Michelle Maros, Barbara and Dick Schmidt The Medical Staff Executive Committee Vision 2011 | 16 “You’ve Gotta Have Heart” rocks the town and raises funds for T Christine E. Lynn Heart & Vascular Institute he musical extravaganza, “You’ve Gotta Have Heart,”was held at the Keith C. & Elaine Johnson Wold Performing Arts Center at Lynn University. The nostalgia-filled event had the audience singing and dancing in the aisles, while raising more than $300,000 for the Christine E. Lynn Heart & Vascular Institute. Almost 500 guests were greeted on the red carpet by “Joan Rivers,” as they enjoyed an elegant cocktail reception, music and delicious dinner by the bite. A fabulous Chinese Raffle featured valuable prize packages, followed by a live auction for use of a Ferrari California, donated by Ferrari Maserati of Fort Lauderdale and won by Gloria Fiveson, Gloria Drummond, Pat Thomas, Robin Muir Gail Wasserman. Guests enjoyed a fun-filled performance of the music of the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s, and the evening concluded with a Champagne and Dessert Reception. Lyn Jurick, Jim Morris, MD, Christine Lynn, Jerry Fedele, Joan Wargo The festivities honored Christine E. Lynn and James Morris, M.D., medical director of the Lynn Heart & Vascular Institute, with all proceeds benefiting the Institute. “You’ve Gotta Have Heart” was chaired by Foundation Board members Lyn Jurick and Joan Wargo, who were supported by their fantastic Steering and Event Committees to make the evening a wonderful success! Shep and Sally Osherow Asa and Per Loof Barbara Schmidt Gail Wasserman, Gerry Crilly from Ferrari Maserati of Fort Lauderdale, Jan Savarick Vision 2011 | 17 out &about Morgan Pressel and her grandfather, Herb Krickstein, presented a check to the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute. Morgan and members of St. Andrews Country Club raised funds through the annual “Morgan & Friends” Golf Event . Bob Sheetz and Debbie Lindstrom. Bob’s gift helped fund the renovation of the Orthopedics Unit. John and Mayor Susan Whelchel, Dick and Barbara Schmidt and Christine Lynn attended the dedication of a multimedia chemo infusion station, donated by the Schmidts in memory of Susan’s sister, Flora Slade O’Brien. Princesses Laura Malkin Stuart and Fern Cole celebrated at “The Royal Wedding Goes Pink” Guests suited up to attend the dedication of the Hybrid Operating Suite: Kathy and Ron Assaf, James Morris, MD, Christine Lynn, W. Anthony Lee, MD Vision 2011 | 18 14 The Women’s Soccer Team from Boca Raton Community High School raised funds for the Go Pink Challenge and breast cancer awareness. Members of the Polo Club generously donated the electronic billboard in the Hospital Lobby. Representatives met with hospital administration to dedicate the billboard. P h i l a n t h r o p y G u i l d The Philanthropy Guild is the VIP recognition society for those whose cumulative gifts and pledges to Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation have reached $50,000 and above. This caring group makes the work of the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation possible. They share in the mission and in the joy and reward of giving. Eminent Philanthropist ($1,000,000+) Distinguished Philanthropist ($500,000 -$999,999) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Assaf The Jean and David Blechman Foundation Estate of Doris G. Bookmyer The Carpel Family Estate of Gladys Davis Debbie-Rand Memorial Service League Belle M. Deitch E. M. Lynn Foundation Estate of Lucille Edmondson Estate of Howard and Barbara Farkas Louis B. and Anne W. Green Irving and Barbara Gutin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Henry Countess Henrietta de Hoernle IBM Corporation Carole and Barry Kaye Bev and Don Kohnken In Memory of Leon Minkoff Marianne Minkoff Lerner Estate of Robert Z. Lerner Christine E. Lynn Estate of Simone Stakolt Tolksdorf Anonymous Estate of Ernest C. Pagel Estate of Mary K. Parker Mary Ann and Harold Perper Mr. Norman R. Rales Beverly and Robert Robb Holli and Herbert Rockwell The Harvey and Phyllis Sandler Foundation, Inc. Phyllis and Harvey Sandler Schmidt Family Foundation Barbara and Richard Schmidt Estate of Jessica Shoemaker Mrs. Kenneth Shupp Estate of Mary K. Stewart Patricia and Harold Toppel Tyco International (UIS) Inc. Estate of Benjamin Volen Estate of Kessack D. White Elaine J. Wold Estate of Jacob Zibulsky Helen and Robert Babione Estate of Bert E. Barnes Estate of Martha K. Bosshart Frances D. Cohen Dorothy H. Connell Trust Beryl Echlin, Estate Mrs. Esther Ellman Estate of Dr. Louis Fox Mrs. Virginia Horner Estate of John B. Jaeger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Krancer Mrs. J. Ellwood Lee Abner and Mildred Levine Harcourt M. and Virginia W. Sylvester Foundation Estate of Johanna R. Morrow The Ortlip Foundation The Pechter Family Foundation Jack and Marilyn Pechter In memory of Beatrice L. Potvin and her brother Albert N. Potvin Robert and Etoile Volin Milton A. Whitley Honorable Philanthropist ($250,000 - $499,999) Marilyn and Stanley Barry Ruti and Marc Bell Helen Bero Estate of Mrs. Zella M. Bisset Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blum Estate of Mr. Edward J. Brady Estate of Mary L. Brautigam Lloyd Briggs Trust Ed and Freyda Burns Patti Carpenter City of Boca Raton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Comparato Compson Associates, Inc. Estate of Mr. and Mrs. John Davenport Carl DeSantis Estate of Mrs. Mildred E. Deutschenschmied Robert and Shelby Ford, Sandra and Alan Abeshaus Estate of Mrs. Samuel Revits Betsy and Sidney Savelle Charles E. Schmidt Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seyd Mr. G. Robert Sheetz Estate of Mr. K. Eugene Staley Estate of Mrs. Harcourt M. Sylvester Sandra Tobias Estate of Evelyn M. Uihlein Estate of Mildred P. Van Cleve As of June 30, 2011 Aileen and Stuart Disick Estate of Mrs. Horatio B. Ebert Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Engel Daniel and Shirlee Freed Mrs. Florence B. Fuller Estate of Erwin Gilbert Estate of Ethel Gries Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hansford Estate of Eleanor W. Hawes In Loving Memory of Herbert Prince - Marian Prince Vision 2011 | 19 P h i l a n t h r o p y Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hollander Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hutcheson Estate of Mr. and Mrs. George Kew Anonymous Rose and Charles Krauser Estate of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Levenson Diane Lynn DaSilva Paul and Judy Levis Markhoff Estate of Marjory Martinelli Estate of Margaret Massa Joseph and Ruth Menner Anonymous G u i l d Noble Philanthropist ($100,000 - $249,999) Maynard Abrams and Mrs. Gertrude Abrams Mildred A. Ackerman Joel L. and Beverly Altman Estate of Agnes S. Anderson Estate of Herbert R. Anderson Lena M. Arnautou Myron and Arlette Baker Bank of America Mrs. Florence Lucille Barton Helen Beck and Arnold Abramowitz Pamela and Mark Begelman The 49th Annual Hospital Ball Committee Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Osborne Lawrence S. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Plough, Jr. Pasquale and Rose Procacci Retirement Research Foundation Estate of Mildred F. Rhodes Estate of Rolland A. Ritter The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Estate of Mr. and Mrs. William Ross Saks Fifth Avenue Mrs. Katharina Schober The Raymond E. Schultz Trust Estate of Wilbur T. Shinholser Estate of Raymond H. Smith Carl Stolle and Eleanor McRoberts Stolle Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stoneman Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thielecke Sylvia and Albert Toll Weir Family Wells Fargo Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Werner Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiesenberger Vision 2011 | 20 Estate of Edith Beldock Estate of Eunice E. Belyea Mr. and Mrs. Murry Berger The Bernard Stern Foundation, Inc. Henri and Rhoda Sue Bertuch - Cindy Bertuch Rosencrans Life Expressions Project Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Blau Bluegreen Corporation Boca Radiology Group, PA Boca Raton Resort & Club Boca Systems, Inc. Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Borisch Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Marley Bricker Estate of Ruth C. Briggs Martin and Florence Brody Estate of Mr. and Mrs. William Broekhuysen Arlene and Gordon Bushell Estate of James R. Caldwell Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell Charitable Lead Annuity Trust under the Will of Louis Feil The Commonwealth Fund Toby and Leon Cooperman As of June 30, 2011 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cumpton Estate of Arthur Dick Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Diehl Estate of Leonard W. Diener Marilyn and Robert Dragin Mrs. Gloria L. Drummond In Memory of Harold Dubner, M.D., Ph.D. Estate of Paul F. Dwan The Egan Family Foundation Mrs. Margaret B. Eikleberry E-Med L.L.P. Emory University Estate of Clara H. Ertel Marleen and Harold* Forkas Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Forton Mrs. Joseph H. Fowler Mrs. Barbara A. Fox Betsey H. Freiburger Meryl and Ron Gallatin Mrs. Eileen Garlick Princess Millicent Medvied (Mrs. Herbert Geist) Mr. Jeffrey Giniger Frank L. and Helen Gofrank Foundation Gerald and Phyllis Golden Phyllis and Lee Gorin Marion and Louis Grossman Martha Gudelsky Estate of Forrest L. Haines Elaine Hapgood Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Hearne Joe E. Henry Trust Herman Goldman Foundation Ida B. Herst Estate of Nelle Hill Mr. George M. Hillenbrand, II Estate of Dorothy Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Huisking I. L. Siegel Family Foundation Norman and Anne Jacobson Richard and Pauline Kaltenbacher Thomas and Pamela Kaplan Marjorie and Lewis Katz Joan and Myron Kaufman Mildred and Bernard H. Kayden Estate of Mr. and Mrs. John Kenney Brian and Jennifer Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Roger King The Kirk A. Copanos Memorial Foundation Saul & Marion Kleinkramer Foundation Arthur and Sara Jo Kobacker, Alfred and Ida Kobacker Fdn Phyllis and Harvey Sandler Sara Jo Kobacker Kohnken Family Foundation, Inc. Jerry and Debra Kramer Mr. James Annenberg La Vea Estate of Thomas J. Lester Anne and Fred Levi Anonymous Ruth and Leonard Litwin Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Z. Lorber The Marcus Foundation, Inc. Estate of Carl H. Martin Mashkin Family Foundation Mrs. Barbara Matthews Teri and Damian McFadden Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKeown Estate of Helen McMurtrie Janice V. Middlebrook Estate of Vera K. Moore Dr. S. Cotter Moss and Mildred Moss Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muir Estate of Theodore and Edna Nichols Estate of Albert Oelling Estate of Philip M. Osiason Blyth Gilmour Patel Virginia and Paul Patti Lois and Robert Pergament Virginia and Leo Perlow Pasquale and Rose Petrone Fred G. Pfeiffer Trust John and Virginia Philips Mrs. Helen H. Phillips Estate of Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Piatt The Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation Steven and Stephanie Prince Marcia and Steven Rayman Estate of Priscilla W. Riggs Mrs. Miles Robinson Estate of Muriel and Franklyn Rodgers Elias and Bernice Rosenzweig Dr. and Mrs. Irving R. Rutkin Gail and Peter Salvatore Jack Satter Estate of Harry E. Schaden Mr. Norman Schlanger and Ms. Judy Kay Harold B. Schwartz Helene and Roy Schwedelson Estate of M. Schwedler Estate of Ralph S. Scott Herschel Seder Beverly and Melvin Senville Estate of Charles W. Siebert Estate of Wesley E. Silkworth Sol and Chickie Silver Estate of Merrill E. Skinner June and Martin Sloane Estate of Helen C. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Smith Anonymous Jean Spence Duane and Dalia Stiller Estate of Mary Gable Stryker Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County Anonymous Patricia A. Thomas Estate of Sidell Tilghman, Jr. Estate of Ralph E. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Viner Joan and Donald Vinik I. Waldbaum Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. J. Donald Wargo Estate of Mr. and Mrs. W. Winston Warner Estate of Eleanor and Stewart Watterworth Caren and Michael Weinberg in honor of Marleen and *Harold Forkas Ruth and Saul Weinberger Carla and Bruce Weiner Paul and Eleanor Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Weininger Estate of Mr. and Mrs. John Weir Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Wheeler A. L. Williams, Jr. Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Harris L. Willits Woolbright Development Inc. Scott H. and Shelagh Adams Evelyn and Jack Africk Akerman, Senterfitt, P.A. The Albrecht Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John C. Alley Sydney A. Altman Karen and Lawrence Altschul Mr. and Mrs. Barry Amsdell Laverne L. Archer Howard and Anita Aronson Arvida Company Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aufderheid Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Babcock Mrs. and Mr. George Barbar James and Marta Batmasian Herman D. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Bert W. Begeman Linda Behmoiras Phyllis and Leonard Bell Robert Bell and Sandra Kofsky Deborah and Alvin Benjamin Mrs. Jane R. Bennett Berch Family Foundation Estate of Lilli Berg Sandra and Malcolm Berman The Howard and Maxine Bernstein Foundation Shirley and Simon Bernstein Billing, Cochran, Heath, Lyles, Mauro & Anderson, P.A. Hannah and Leonard Blank Mr. and Dr. Murray Bloom Boca Raton Anesthesia Group Harriet C. Boettcher The Boggess Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bohlman Estate of Martha Bondesen Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradshaw Philanthropist ($50,000 - $99,999) 1905 Associates, LLC A F Best Securities Foundation Susan and William Abbate Sandra and Alan Abeshaus As of June 30, 2011 Elaine J. Wold and Al Johnson Vision 2011 | 21 P h i l a n t h r o p y Dr. Frank A. Brand Anne Brenner Isabel Brenner Marilynn and Arthur Bressman Murray J. Brill and Helene F. Brill Barbara and Harvey Brodsky Estate of A. Russell Buchman JT and Fran Butwin Camiccia-Arnautou Charitable Foundation, Inc. Bobby Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Carman Brenda and Kenneth Carmel Howard and Betsy Chapman Mrs. F. Newell Childs Estate of H. Wayne Clarke Lorine T. Clausen Lisa and Larry Miller Colonial Consulting Corporation, Inc. Mr. Walter T. Colquitt Compson Development Corp. Congregation B’Nai Israel of Boca Raton Mr. Herbert and Jeanine Coyne The Coyne Family Foundation Arthur and Dale Crames Danka Industries, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Barry L. Davis Estate of Lewis C. Davis Estate of Violette l. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Harold Derfner Marie E. Deubler Diamonds by Eyal Mrs. Elizabeth K. Dodson Mr. Norman Doniger Mr. and Mrs. Sig Dubrow Anonymous Ray and Kay Eckstein Charitable Trust The Edward and Florence Paley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Ehlers Vision 2011 | 22 G u i l d Eileen and Bob Elliott Estate of Robert D. Ellis Estate of Doris R. Elmore George T. and Wilma A. Elmore Kenneth M. and Sherry Endelson Jack A. and Norma Erdle Billie and Lou Feher Murray Bass and Mitzi Feldman Mrs. Gabriel Fleischman Florida Chapter of Club Managers Association of America Shelby and Robert Ford Estate of Walter and Florence Forstner Sharyn and Stuart Frankel Adele Frankel-Loeb Ms. Lori Frankfort Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser Mrs. Ralph A. Fried Barry and Florence Friedberg Eva and Bernie Friedel Richard Frisina David I. and Sheila Fuente Deborah Fuller Renee S. Gant Sandor and Rani Garfinkle Estate of Martha H. Gast Mark A. and Ronda Gensheimer Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Gerstein Herbert and Elaine Gimelstob Seymour Giniger Barton L. and Carol Goldberg Mr. Harry E. Goldfarb Deborah and Peter Goldman Jean and Harold Goldstein, Ph.D. Dr. Lawrence Gould Mr. Jean R. Graef Estate of Samuel Graves Barry and Adrienne Gray Ann E. Greene Mr. Earle A. Griswold Mr. and Mrs. Michael Groskin Aaron & Marion Gural Foundation Laurie and Franklin Gutman Mrs. Marjorie V. Guttag Estate of Frank J. Hannon Ruth and Bertram Harnett Helen Matchett De Mario Foundation, Inc. Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Herzfeld Toby and Lee Hinderstein In loving memory of Cheryl Roy the Hodgeman Family Homer and Martha Gudelsky Family Foundation Estate of Ruth Hughes As of June 30, 2011 J.B. Painting & Waterproofing, Inc. Shirlee Jacobs Estate of Irene E. Jerolamon Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. Betty Wold Johnson Estate of Mr. and Mrs. William Kaelin Estate of Walter Kahn Marilyn and Edward Kaplan Susan and Mel Katz Estate of Gerda Kaubisch Mrs. Joan Kend Mr. and Mrs. William H. King Jayne and Sam Klein Suzanne Klein Mark and Heidi Kleiner Patricia and David Knobel Allen & “Boots” Kopelnick Mr. Willard C. Korn, Estate Hillary and Rodger Krouse Norma and Sol D. Kugler Lillian A. Kuss Norman and Vivian Landsburg Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Z. Lane Lenora and Harold Larkin Laurence W. Levine Foundation, Inc. The Joseph Lebovic Charitable Foundation The Wolf Lebovic Charitable Foundation Lisa and Marc Leder Jeanne and Roger Lehman The Leipold Foundation Gloria and William M. Lester Len Leveen Estate of David Leventritt Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan LeVine Phyllis and Robert E. Levinson David and Lucy Craske Long Wendy U. Larsen and Robert E. Long Commander & Mrs. M. Philip Lorber Edna Lutz Trust M & P Investment Estate of Mr. and Mrs. William Mair Dr. Laura and George Mardyks Mr. Paul Marks Gail Marx Laurie Cohen and Richard McArdle Mr. and Mrs. William McConnell Donald C. McGraw Foundation Mrs. Brouwer D. McIntyre Estate of Eleanor K. McKibbin Carolyn K. Meier Estate of Florence Meltzer Estate of Margaret Meuser MGE Architects Mary Ann and Paul Milhous Ms. Irene Miller Lisa and Larry Miller Estate of Rollo O. Monroe Al and Donna Morfee Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Morgenstern The Norman M. Morris Fdn, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Morris Sandi and Robert Morris, The Norman M. Morris Fdn. Herbert Morton Edward and Harriet Moskowitz Mr. T’s Family Foundation Toby and Stanley Muss Sigmund and Millicent Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Jay N. Nelson Northern Trust Bank of Florida Kate Obstgarten Foundation Benjamin Olewine, III Warren and Orrine Orlando Arthur E. Osborne, III and Marilyn W. Osborne Shepard & Sally Osherow The Osherow Family Foundation Owens & Minor Palm Healthcare Foundation Rita and Harry Patten Mary and Joseph Patti, Jr. Isabelle and Lawrence M. Paul Fund Anonymous Morton and Gladys Pickman Mr. Maurice D. Plough, Sr. Elizabeth Postlethwaite Jo Ann and Philip J. Procacci Proskauer Rose LLP Siona and Abraham Puterman Mrs. Justus W. Putsch Dr. Jacob L. Raney Estate of Vera Raymond Mary Jane and Dick Reynolds Estate of Shirley M. Richards Elaine and Bernard Roberts Edward Robinson and Barbara Kattelman Morgan and Kathryn Zook Yvonne Boice, Anne Green, Deanna Wheeler Charlotte and Morris Robinson Estate of John M. Roeser Mary and Herbert* Rosen, Vernon J. and Shifra Rosen *In Blessed Memory Barbara and Jeffrey Rosenberg Kenneth Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roth Estate of Esther Rothenberger Dr. Gail Rubin-Kwal and Mr. Richard Kwal Ellen R. Sarnoff Jan Savarick Madelyn Savarick Estate of Grace Saxton Leo and Cynthia Hollander Estate of Ellsworth F. Schildberg April and Stephen Schnurmacher Mr. George E. Schoener Steven B. Schonfeld Walter and Marijane Schrader Mr. Richard Schwartz and Ms. Marta Aislant Samuel R. and Barbara Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Schwarz Estate of Daniel J. Shanahan Estate of Daisy J. Shea Iris and Milton Shlansky Frances G. Shoolroy John & Margaret Mary Shuff Sidney & Jacqueline Wolgin Foundation, Inc. The Sidney, Milton & Leoma Simon Fdn (Florida) Donna and Sigmund Silberstein Simms Family Foundation Sanford and Anita Simon Family Foundation The Carl and Toby Sloane Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Smith, Jr. Stephen and Florence Soble Mrs. Joseph Soffer Herman & Rita Philips Foundation, Al Stalford As of June 30, 2011 Estate of Rita E. Stein Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Steindel Estate of Esmond E. Sterling Estate of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stever Mrs. Alice Stillman Susan and Jack Stoltz Susan and Gary Strack Judi and Howard Strauss Foundation Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Janice and Stanley Sussman Estate of Charles H. Tavener Diane and Richard Templer Estate of Frank Titelman Mrs. June Toppel U.S. Trust Company, N.A. Peter and Anne L. Vegso Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Viamontes W. R. Grace Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wachtenheim Estate of Lydie E. Wakefield Estate of Myron Walker Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace Ware Foundation The Bert & Sandra Wasserman Foundation Karen and Jerry Waxberg Karen and Martin Weisfeld Barton and Shirley Weisman Mia and Jeffrey White William L. Culbert, Jr. Trust Estate of Gerda Winding Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Winig Estate of Helen R. Winters Karin and Lars Wisen Felyce D. and Robert J. Wolfson, M.D. Estate of Kenneth R. Woodruff Estate of Muriel M. Wortendyke Scott and Patricia Yablon Mrs. Eleanor Zaccagnini Denise and Jordan Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Willard Zimmerman Mrs. Elizabeth S. Zinman Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Ziringer Morgan and Kathryn Zook Vision 2011 | 23 b e n e f a c t o r s Benefactors are annual contributors to Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation of at least $1,000. Their commitment to annual support enables the Foundation and Boca Raton Regional Hospital to maintain a leadership position in high quality healthcare in our region and beyond. The number following each name indicates the years of participation. We graciously thank the many donors who have given each year since the program began in 1981. Chairman’s Circle ($100,000+) Marilyn and Stanley Barry B8 The Bay Branch Foundation B10 Estate of Edith Beldock B7 Henri and Rhoda Sue Bertuch Cindy Bertuch Rosencrans Life Expressions Project B4 The Jean and David Blechman Foundation B13 Edward and Freyda Burns B10 Debbie-Rand Memorial Service League B32 E. M. Lynn Foundation B12 Irving and Barbara Gutin B4 The Harvey and Phyllis Sandler Foundation, Inc. B10 Anonymous B1 In Memory of Leon Minkoff Marianne Minkoff Lerner B26 Anne and Fred Levi B2 Christine E. Lynn B12 Estate of Simone Stakolt Tolksdorf B11 Morgan Pressel Foundation, Inc. B1 Mary Ann and Harold Perper B28 Fred G. Pfeiffer Trust B1 In memory of Beatrice L. Potvin and her brother Albert N. Potvin B3 Phyllis and Harvey Sandler B10 Schmidt Family Foundation B13 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schmidt B10 Herschel Seder B1 Mr. G. Robert Sheetz B20 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stoneman B14 Elaine J. Wold B28 President’s Circle ($50,000 to $99,999) Sandra and Alan Abeshaus Helen Beck and Arnold Abramowitz Murray J. Brill and Helene F. Brill Arlene and Gordon Bushell Charitable Lead Annuity Trust under the Will of Louis Feil Diane Lynn Family Foundation, Inc. The Ellman Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Esther Ellman Shelby and Robert Ford Joe E. Henry Trust Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hollander Joan and Myron Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Krancer David and Lucy Craske Long E.R.Lutz In Memory of Beloved Husband Irwin Vision 2011 | 24 B1 B12 B1 B8 B2 B8 B16 B24 B1 B15 B8 B2 B21 B4 B2 The Pechter Family Foundation Jack and Marilyn Pechter Pasquale and Rose Procacci Betsy and Sidney Savelle Samuel R. and Barbara Schwartz Anonymous Ruth and Saul Weinberger Karin and Lars Wisen B8 B8 B8 B20 B4 B16 B17 B1 Executive Circle ($25,000 to $49,999) Ralph and Linda Behmoiras The Billi Marcus Foundation, Inc. City of Boca Raton Kevin A. Doyle Meryl and Ron Gallatin Margaret A. Goode Trust Rita and Thomas Head Renee and Barry Honig Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Huisking Catherine and Richard Johnson Susan and Randy Katz Alan S. Maltz Mr. and Mrs. George Marks Mashkin Family Foundation Teri and Damian McFadden Virginia and Paul Patti Lois and Robert Pergament Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Ress Retirement Research Foundation Maria and George Rudes Saks Fifth Avenue Saul and Theresa Esman Foundation Lola & Leonard Schack Foundation Mr. Norman Schlanger and Ms. Judith Kay Helene and Roy Schwedelson Jean Spence John Thomas Patricia A. Thomas B3 B3 B11 B1 B9 B7 B2 B1 B26 B4 B2 B1 B6 B6 B5 B3 B12 B2 B15 B2 B11 B1 B1 B8 B6 B18 B6 B22 Pacesetter Circle ($10,000 to $24,999) Karen and Lawrence Altschul Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Assaf Eleanor R. Baldwin Ruti and Marc Bell Robert Bell and Sandra Kofsky The Berlin Family Foundation Sandra and Malcolm Berman Jean and David Bernstein The Howard and Maxine Bernstein Foundation Hannah and Leonard Blank As of June 30, 2011 B1 B10 B6 B5 B6 B1 B6 B3 B5 B6 Rachelle and Scott Blick Mr. and Dr. Murray Bloom Boca Radiology Group, PA Boca Systems, Inc. Bradford Renaissance Portraits Isabel Brenner Marilynn and Arthur Bressman Bobby Campbell Brenda and Kenneth Carmel Howard and Betsy Chapman Norman and Charlotte Codo Toby and Leon Cooperman Wileen T. Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Harold Derfner Phil and Peggy DeZwirek The Edward and Florence Paley Foundation The Egan Family Foundation E-Med L.L.P. Marleen and Harold* Forkas Anonymous Richard Frisina Marion and Al Gruen Laurie and Franklin Gutman In Loving Memory of Herbert Prince Marian Prince In loving memory of Cheryl Roy the Hodgeman Family Gino Hollander I. L. Siegel Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Irwin JM Lexus Sundel Judson Marilyn and Edward Kaplan Marjorie and Lewis Katz Susan and Mel Katz Margaret and Gerald Kazma Cecelia Kempler Brian and Jennifer Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Roger King Mark and Heidi Kleiner Saul & Marion Kleinkramer Foundation Patricia and David Knobel Arthur and Sara Jo Kobacker, Alfred and Ida Kobacker Fdn Sara Jo Kobacker Bev and Don Kohnken Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Krickstein Wendy Kulberg Lillian A. Kuss Donna and Jeff Lamm Angelos Langadas Laurence W. Levine Foundation, Inc. B6 B5 B18 B10 B1 B6 B4 B3 B1 B5 B2 B2 B10 B26 B5 B5 B7 B11 B14 B1 B4 B4 B5 B13 B4 B1 B11 B4 B4 B3 B7 B3 B6 B1 B2 B12 B13 B4 B9 B4 B9 B8 B14 B3 B13 B4 B5 B3 B4 Lawrence and Iris Lerner In Memory of Shirley and Benjamin Schachter Wendy U. Larsen and Robert E. Long Lorber Foundation Dr. Laura and George Mardyks Paul and Judy Levis Markhoff Joseph and Ruth Menner Janice V. Middlebrook Connie and Sidney Miller Sandi and Robert Morris, The Norman M. Morris Fdn. Toby and Stanley Muss Mr. and Mrs. Jay N. Nelson B7 B2 B2 B7 B6 B7 B6 B21 B2 B7 B5 B3 Adelaide Snyder Trust Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County Janice and Stanley Sussman The Eleanor & Roy Nester Family Foundation Town Center at Boca Raton Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation Casey Wasserman Gail Wasserman Karen and Martin Weisfeld Barton and Shirley Weisman Mia and Jeffrey White Felyce D. and Robert J. Wolfson, M.D. B1 B20 B3 B1 B1 B1 B1 B3 B3 B5 B2 B2 Isabel Paul, Jim Davis and Mary Anna Fowler Neurosurgical Consultants of South Florida Nourishe Medispa Kate Obstgarten Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Orr Blyth Gilmour Patel Rita and Harry Patten Pinon Grill The Polo Club of Boca Raton The Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation Barry J. Prevor The Prevor Charitable Foundation Jo Ann and Philip J. Procacci Siona and Abraham Puterman Marcia and Steven Rayman Elaine and Bernard Roberts Mrs. Miles Robinson Charlotte and Morris Robinson Kenneth Rosenberg Charlotte Rubin Gregory S. Rubin Sandra and Marvin Rubin Gail and Peter Salvatore Elaine and Norton Sarnoff Walter and Marijane Schrader Sidney & Jacqueline Wolgin Foundation, Inc. Donna and Sigmund Silberstein Sol and Chickie Silver B3 B1 B6 B5 B14 B5 B1 B1 B2 B1 B14 B4 B7 B6 B2 B26 B11 B1 B5 B1 B8 B6 B3 B4 B6 B5 B9 Platinum Benefactors ($5,000 to $9,999) 1st United Bank A F Best Securities Foundation Evelyn and Jack Africk Allianz Championship Mr. and Mrs. Barry Amsdell Ester and Jerome Ansel Louis and Yolanda Antico Estate of Kathryn Ashley Priscilla and Walter Bayer Pamela and Mark Begelman Irving Bender Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Blatt Saree and Michael Block Bluegreen Corporation BNY Mellon Wealth Management Boca Raton Community High School Dorothy and Maurice Bucksbaum JT and Fran Butwin Mr. Arthur J. Calace, Jr. and Mrs. Linda Calace Callaway Golf Patti Carpenter Barbara and David Cohen Colonial Consulting Corporation, Inc. Estelle and Harvey Cooperstone Mr. and Mrs. Carmine D’Amico As of June 30, 2011 B8 B6 B4 B2 B9 B3 B5 B2 B3 B8 B1 B2 B2 B10 B3 B2 B10 B17 B6 B1 B21 B2 B6 B1 B9 Carl DeSantis B2 Aileen and Stuart Disick B3 Lawrence & Adair Doering - In Our Hearts Forever, The Doering Family B1 Marilyn and Robert Dragin B14 Mr. and Mrs. Sig Dubrow B9 Jack A. and Norma Erdle B26 Sharon and George Fontini B1 Bill Franks B1 FTI Healthcare B2 David I. and Sheila Fuente B16 Allen and Julie Gitlin B1 Rona and Joseph Goldberg B1 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goldberg B6 Deborah and Peter Goldman B18 Dr. Sheldon J. Goodman B1 Louis B. and Anne W. Green B16 Donna and Barry Grubman B1 Barbara and Ronald Grudberg B4 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gutterman B5 George A. Hambrecht B5 Elaine Hapgood B16 Leon Hershaft Trust B3 Mr. Douglas J. Hertz B1 Mr. George M. Hillenbrand, II B18 Markus Jakobson and Paola Luptak B3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jurick B6 In memory of my beloved husband, Ira Katz B9 Kaufman Lynn, Inc. B2 The Kirk A. Copanos Memorial Foundation B5 Norma and Sol D. Kugler B1 Joan and Milton Kurz B5 Kenneth G. Langone B3 Bernice and Gary Lebbin B14 Lois and David Lerner B2 Len Leveen B6 Marlene Levin B1 Abner and Mildred Levine B26 The Leon Levine Foundation Sandra and Leon Levine B2 Francine and Harvey Lifton B1 Howard and Mary Lincoln B7 Roxane and Michael Lipton B2 Mr. and Mrs. Per-Olof Loof B7 Lynn University B7 Harcourt M. and Virginia W. Sylvester Foundation B8 Mary and Dean Middleton B2 Miller & O’Neill, P.L. B8 Oscar and Lee Miller B3 Diane and Stanley Miller B4 Al and Donna Morfee B21 The Norman M. Morris Fdn, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Morris B7 Jeannine and Leland Morris B2 Edward and Harriet Moskowitz B4 In memory of Eleanor and Finley Moss Vision 2011 | 25 b e n e f a c t o r s Gene Moss B8 Mr. T’s Family Foundation B11 Dr. and Mrs. Michael Nadler B1 Benjamin Olewine, III B29 Warren and Orrine Orlando B20 Stacey and Evan Packer B3 Panera Bread B1 Tom Parter B1 In Honor of Dr. Michael E. Lewis Pasquale and Rose Petrone B9 Lawrence S. Phillips B11 Power of Pink B1 Steven and Stephanie Prince B9 Promise Healthcare B2 Randy and Jay Raubrogel B1 Edward Robinson and Barbara Kattelman B2 Barbara and Jeffrey Rosenberg B4 Marcia and Robert Ross B5 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roth B6 Dr. David and Alyse Sachs B11 Marlene Sandler-Aiello B1 April and Stephen Schnurmacher B4 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Schwarz B24 Dorothy and Elmer Seaman B2 Beverly Senville B20 The Sidney, Milton & Leoma Simon Fdn (Florida) B7 Dr. Sarah Silver B1 Candace and Don Slavin B15 Rochelle and Barry Smith B2 Stephen and Florence Soble B8 Stericycle B1 Judi and Howard Strauss Foundation B15 Sun Capital Partners Foundation, Inc. B1 Nancy and Ann Tellum B1 Think Pink Rocks B2 George and June Toppel B11 Val Skinner Foundation, Inc. B3 I. Waldbaum Family Foundation B18 Beverly and Walter Warheit B2 The Bert & Sandra Wasserman Foundation B6 Karen and Jerry Waxberg B11 Paul and Eleanor Weiner West Boca Youth Baseball, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Winig Wizard Creations Scott and Patricia Yablon Hazel Yanoff Dr. Lloyd Zucker Golden Benefactors ($2,500 to $4,999) Alan H. Minion and Dr. Beatrice C. Allis-Minion Judy and John Angelo Ms. Jestine Austin Tami and Richard Bane Deborah and Howard Belford Marcie and Harry Bleiwise Bloomingdale’s Blue Martini Boca Pathology, Inc. Boca Raton Resort & Club Susan and Peter Brockway Martin and Florence Brody The Center for Hematology-Oncology Chase Transcriptions, Inc. Harold and Marcia Cohen Phyllis and Maurice Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cornell Patricia and Richard Damron Dolly and Merwyn Dan James and Svetlana Davis Ruth and Ralph Delman Helen and Bernie Eichenbaum Susan and Charles Emby Ruth and Kenneth Feigl Murray Bass and Mitzi Feldman Shirley and Jay Felner Vera and Frank Ferola Starr Fisher Mary Anna Fowler Meaghan K. Francella Sharyn and Stuart Frankel Bernie and Ava Friedel, Debbie and Michael Leising Vision 2011 | 26 B17 B1 B5 B1 B6 B4 B3 As of June 30, 2011 B5 B1 B1 B3 B10 B1 B1 B1 B5 B18 B5 B11 B6 B2 B3 B2 B3 B1 B18 B3 B3 B8 B1 B2 B15 B8 B5 B2 B29 B1 B2 Edward French Vivian and Leon Frey Barry and Florence Friedberg Eva and Bernie Friedel In memory of Daniel Gebel The GEO Group, Inc. Anonymous Anonymous Ann and Alan Goldberg JoAnne and Gerald Goldberg Joan and Kurt Goldman Eileen and Michael Goldman Marion and Sanford Goldstein Howard Gourwitz Janet and John Goltra Jody and Martin L. Grass Carolyn and Barry Greene Peg and Lee Greenspon Gincy and Ed Hannah Marsha and Mark Harris Fran and Paul Heller Toby and Lee Hinderstein Mrs. Bertha Hinson Hannah and Ben Hittleman Hospice of Palm Beach County Norman and Anne Jacobson Harold H. and Elaine H. Kaplan Sydell and Sidney Kastenbaum Nancy and Daniel Katz Janet L. Kaufman KBL, Inc. Jack and Lita Kent Jack and Ethel Kertzman Dr. Beth King and Mr. William D. Hager David J. and Penny Klein Jerry and Debra Kramer Hillary and Rodger Krouse Leonard Kulick and Razal Robbins Dr. and Mrs. Melvin N. Lechner Marc J. Leder Roseann and Irwin Lefkowitz Jeanne and Roger Lehman Michael Leven Nancy and Alan Levinsohn Rita and Henry Levy Estate of Charles Lindemann Todd Lipsich Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Lipschutz Michelle and William Marshall Lothar and Carlyn Mayer Christine and Sean McGoldrick Mirinka Cosmetic Creations Michael and Tobey Morton Mrs. Dale Nadel Sigmund and Millicent Nathan Robert Nathan North Broward PSTA, Inc. B1 B5 B13 B13 B5 B2 B8 B5 B2 B7 B11 B2 B3 B1 B9 B6 B5 B1 B1 B11 B8 B21 B2 B5 B1 B10 B9 B5 B1 B1 B1 B7 B8 B10 B8 B4 B3 B2 B4 B4 B2 B28 B1 B5 B1 B2 B1 B5 B1 B16 B2 B1 B6 B13 B17 B18 B1 Northern Trust Bank of Florida B10 Dr. Daniel and Irene O’Hara B3 The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region Eleanor G. Barnet B12 Ray C. and Mary Thom Osborne B29 Owens & Minor B7 Mary and Joseph Patti, Jr. B2 Kimberly and John Penniman B5 Peterson Bernard B2 Rosa and David Polen B1 Karen and Eddie Poole B1 Arline and Abraham Portnoy B10 Powerhouse Gym B1 Mrs. Norma B. Prentice B23 Proskauer Rose LLP B24 Mr. Norman R. Rales B21 Susan and H. Lewis Rapaport B6 Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Raymond B10 The Regency Collection B3 Dr. Marta I. Rendon B2 Victoria and Mark Rixon B3 Phyllis and Stanley Rosenstock B1 Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Roth B7 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rothstein B20 Dr. and Mrs. Howard Rubenstein Family Foundation B6 Dr. Jane Rudolph and Mr. Steven Weinberg B9 Joan and Jack Saltz B4 Mrs. Gail Asarch and Dr. James Satovsky B5 Jan Savarick B9 Ms. Alice Schonberg B6 Claudine and Jerome Schwellinger B2 Sheridan Healthcare, Inc. B6 Frank Filtzer and Nickie Siegel B4 Eric and Janie N. Simon B4 Susan Simon and Daniel Silverstein B1 Richard S. and Ann Sommer B9 Mr. Peter F. & Cathy D. Spano B7 Marvin and Shelia Stockel B6 Deborah and Richard Tarrant B2 Estate of Philip Tarter B7 Carol and Mel Taub B7 Don and Dolores Taylor B22 Tiffany & Co. B3 Sandra Tobias B2 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomasso B1 Beth Mandelbaum-Tranese and Anthony Tranese B2 Pieter and Carol Van Arkel B4 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Viner B11 Alice and Bob Vogel B1 Robert and Etoile Volin B17 Elizabeth and Stephen Wainger B3 Dr. and Mrs. Vic Weinstein B2 Serena and Richard Werber B2 Mrs. Robert F. Westervelt B8 Susan and John Whelchel B1 Cindy S. White B5 Timothy and Elizabeth Williams In Memory of Shirley G. Winborn B7 B6 Silver Benefactors ($1,000 to $2,499) A Family Member Homecare Sammy Aaron Susan and William Abbate Mrs. J. Allan Abbott Ron and Elaine Abend Phylis and Sandy Acker Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ackman Adams, Coogler, Watson, Merkel, Barry & Kellner, P.A. Scott H. and Shelagh Adams Harvey Adelstein and Gail Ehrlich Kathryn and Paul Adkins William and Janet Adler Adult Medicine of Broward and Palm Beach Mr. and Mrs. David Ain Mr. and Mrs. William C. Akers Lillian R. Alembik Alene Too Vivian and Lee Allen Dr. and Mrs. John C. Alley Joel L. and Beverly Altman Lisa and Anthony Altmann Brian E. Altschuler Ruth and Myron Altschuler Dr. and Mrs. Jaime A. Alvarez Amgen Marilyn Anderson Sandy and Wayne Angstrom Anikstein Family Ludwig F. and Clemencia Apel, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Arven Aronin In Loving Memory of Reuben Aronow Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Aronsohn Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Morton M. Aronson Raphael and Henny Aronson Lori and James Ashe Bilga F. Attar, M.D. Joan and Burton August Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bachman Bea and Raymond Baker Elaine and Irving Baker Myron and Arlette Baker Joan and David Banks Cynthia Barclay Mr. Clifford Barr Dr. and Mrs. James R. Barron Ms. Virginia Barsamian James and Marta Batmasian Charles and Joan Baum Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Beach In Memory of Hope M. Beard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaver As of June 30, 2011 B1 B1 B2 B3 B9 B7 B5 B1 B10 B19 B2 B3 B1 B7 B11 B1 B3 B3 B26 B15 B1 B2 B5 B4 B2 B9 B3 B5 B7 B4 B26 B22 B9 B7 B6 B1 B7 B16 B8 B5 B1 B27 B13 B13 B8 B16 B10 B9 B6 B7 B8 B4 Joan and Mike Kaufman, Jane Ciraulo Doris and Felix Beck Ruthann and David Beckerman Beerman Foundation, Inc. Dr. Susan Beil and Mr. James Reynolds Florence and Gerald Bell Paul Bell Phyllis and Leonard Bell Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Ronald and Carol Benach Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Benamy David Bender Dave and Pat Benedetto Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Beneroff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berg Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Berger Bernard and Rosalyn Berk Gerald and Doris Berkman Walter Berkower Carole and Irving Berlin Millicent and Daniel Berman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berman Joan and Ira Berman Mr. and Mrs. Philip Berman The Bernard Stern Foundation, Inc. Beverly and Emile Bernard Dr. and Mrs. Adam B. Bernstein Charla and Robert B. Bernstein Martin and Jewel Berzon BFW Advertising Harriet Klinghoffer-Bishins and Irwin Bishins Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blakeman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Blau Jeanette Blickle Dr. Mark S. Block Eleanor and Saul Bluestone Julius and Phyllis Blum Marianne Bobick & Edward Bobick Boca Medical Supply, LLC Boca Radiation Oncology Associates Boca Raton Little League B6 B3 B4 B1 B3 B1 B21 B7 B2 B10 B1 B4 B5 B6 B4 B7 B17 B6 B1 B3 B5 B2 B14 B7 B1 B10 B5 B4 B2 B1 B8 B8 B5 B7 B2 B1 B8 B5 B1 B1 Vision 2011 | 27 b e n e f a c t o r s Beverlee and Don Khonken Boca West Country Club Jeannette and Frederic Bogart The Boggess Family Charitable Foundation Bonnie’s Loft, SBS Carol and Joseph Borrow Dolores Botnick Bernice and Gerald Brauser Leona and Leon Brauser Ms. Toni Braverman Natalie Osborne and Ted Breezy Mrs. Marian Brems Dr. and Mrs. Nicolas Breuer Sally and Robert Brisker Dr. Miguel and Denese Brito Erma and Harold Brode Suzanne and Donald Brooks Eric Brown Maxine and Alan Bueller The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis, Inc. Joyce S. Burkoff Katherine Burns Clara and John Caldwell Armando Calienes and Madeleine Coyra Calienes Carole and Walter Cameron Bill and Berta Cammarano Mr. and Mrs. Doug S. Campbell Gil and Marilyn Campbell Cancer Free America CareMedic Systems LFC Development, LLC Florence L. Carples Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carroll Celia and Robert Case Gina and Paul Castronovo Alma Catsman CBIZ Accounting, Tax & Advisory CDS International Holdings, Inc. Morton and Joyce Certilman Gloria and Norman Chaban Zelda and Samuel Chafetz Vision 2011 | 28 B3 B4 B6 B1 B5 B5 B1 B6 B1 B1 B23 B10 B7 B5 B3 B2 B1 B4 B1 B19 B1 B1 B1 B1 B17 B10 B16 B5 B1 B2 B15 B7 B3 B1 B1 B1 B2 B6 B1 B22 Diane and Thomas Chakurda In memory of my husband, S. Babe Charapp Sheila and Robert Chestnov Francis J. Chiappardi Drs. Gilbert and Claudia Chidiac John and Dorene Chluski Jerry Chod Dr. Lester Citrin and Dr. Miriam Friedenthal In Honor of My Wife, Hope Clair Claremore Club, Inc. Dr. Melvin and Edith Clayman Coalesco, Ltd. Barbara and Arnold Cohen Patricia and Dan Cohen Harold and Elsa Cohen Dr. Eugene S. and Alice R. Cohen Harold and Janice Cohen Helene B. and Howard S. Cohen Lucille and Howard Cohen June and Norman Cohen Norma and Lester Cohen Rodney S. Cohen, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Terry B. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coleman Nancy and Ronald Coleman Drs. Joseph Colletta and Kathy J. Schilling Thomas J. and Gail M. Collins Drs. Robert and Andrea Colton Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Comparato Compson Development Corp. Dorothy H. Connell Trust Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLC. Dale Cooper Florence Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cooper Molly & Joseph Cooper Family Foundation Joseph and Nada Cory Victoria G. Cowan The Coyne Family Foundation Sydney and Blanche Cramer Crystal Bay Caterers Dana and John Curry Dr. and Mrs. Albert Dabbah Dade Community Foundation Elizabeth and Robert Dalfen J. Herman and Esther Dance Sally Dannenbaum Rick and Cobbie Danzansky Dr. and Mrs. Philip Datlof Judith and Herbert Davidson Jean and Sheldon Davidson Jane C. Davis Shirley and Bob Davis Martha and Christopher Day Dr. Douglas De Orchis Vivian and George Dean As of June 30, 2011 B1 B8 B1 B8 B2 B21 B1 B4 B6 B3 B8 B7 B6 B4 B4 B6 B5 B5 B10 B7 B21 B2 B3 B13 B2 B1 B22 B5 B11 B27 B8 B25 B2 B3 B11 B3 B6 B4 B21 B23 B5 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B25 B5 B4 B8 B1 B1 B1 B11 B5 B1 B2 Dr. Mark and Mrs. Jeanette Denker Bernhardt and Muriel Denmark Maryanne T. Denver Phyllis and Alvin Dern Karen and Mark Dern Elaine and Richard Desatnick Rita and Robert Desrochers David and Francine Deutsch Joseph and Elaine DiCarolis Saralyn H. Dicker and Gerald R. Dicker Allen and Sandra Dickerman Direct Technology Innovations Tami Director Kenneth M. Dix Gloria Dobbs and Family Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dollinger In Memory of Jules Donner Barbara and Alvin Doppelt Bernard M. and Sandra L. Dorn Carl and Kay Doverspike Dr. and Mrs. Howard Doyle Joseph and Isabel M. Dray Edith and Saul Dresner Gloria L. Drummond Patricia and Dan Drykerman Maria and Graciano Duarte Victor Durso & Lois Silverman Doris and Sidney Dworkin Robin and Douglas Ebenstein Jaime Ruth Ebenstein Shirley and Norman Ebenstein Robert and Gail Edelstein Valerie and Charles Edris Jackson and Fern Edwards Mrs. L. R. Eggleston Barbara Eidelsberg Florence and Harold Einhorn Melvin and Judy Einsidler In memory of my husband, Leonard Bernice Eisenberg Estelle and Philip Elkus Holli Rockwell B1 B4 B4 B5 B1 B1 B4 B5 B6 B6 B5 B1 B9 B1 B3 B5 B10 B2 B4 B14 B14 B12 B3 B14 B3 B3 B1 B12 B3 B1 B2 B8 B1 B14 B6 B7 B4 B9 B5 B5 Margie and Alex Ellenbogen B4 Ellis, Ged & Bodden, P.A. B1 Martin and Deborah Elrad B7 Ferne and Stanley Emas B4 Susan and Charles Emby B2 Claire and Moe Engler B3 Sue and Julian Epstein B3 Raymond and Jane Epstein B2 The Eric Brown Foundation, Inc. B1 Ernst & Young LLP B3 Rita and Robert Ertel B3 In memory of my mother Esther Renee Esther and son B4 Elaine and A. David Etess, M.D. B4 Sue and Edward Fabricant B1 Lewis and Rena Fagen B9 Drs. Brian Bernick and Beth Familant Bernick B5 E. William Fankhauser B2 Terry and Jerry Fedele B1 Mrs. Louis A. Feder B21 Randi Feder B1 Billie and Lou Feher B27 Mrs. Samuel Feinerman B20 Diane and Lawrence Feldman B3 Doris and Sidney Fenig B2 Raymond and Lorraine Fenley B5 Mrs. Shirley Ferro B8 Barbara and Lloyd Fetner B1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fibus B3 Drs. Lawrence and Jodi Fiedler B2 Fifth Third Bank B1 Michael and Cristy Fimiani B3 Madeline and Wes Finch B9 Eli and Roslyn Fine B4 Harriet Finger and Chester Finger B2 Florence and Arthur Fingerhut B2 Harriet M. Finn B8 Linda and Leon Finver B3 Charlotte and Steven Finver B8 Ileen Bogart and Andrew Fiorillo B2 In loving memory of my husband, Mac R. FisherB4 Bonnie and Jack Fisher B12 Annabelle Fishman B18 Paul and Pamela Fishman B2 Dr. Robert and Susan Fishman B15 Janice and Stuart Flaum B14 Florida Atlantic University Foundation, Inc. B10 Florida Panthers Hockey Club, Ltd B1 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fogel B6 Avron and Wendy Fogelman B3 Irma and David Follender B2 Foot, Ankle and Leg Vein Center B1 Molly Foreman Kozel B20 Mr. and Mrs. Shep Forest B5 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Forsythe B8 Marcia and Richard Fox B3 In memory of Ferne Freeberg B4 Allan and Kay Freedman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freedman (Marcy) Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Freeman Polina and Anatoly Frenkel June Strauss and Alfred Fried Arlene and Gabriel Fried Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Fried Dell Friedland Isabel and Arnold Friedman Bernice Friedman and Cheryl Friedman Rosemary and Eugene Friedman Marion and Herbert Friedman Stanley J. Friedman Rhoda and Leonard Frischer Ida and Joseph Gabay Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Gagliardi Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Galateo Lee and Mel Gale Dr. and Mrs. S. Raymond Gambino Joan and Joseph Garde Carole and Jack Gardner Larry and Carol Gardner Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Garrod Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Gault Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gefen Dr. Ira J. and June Gelb Helene and Stuart Gelber Ruth and Harvey Gelfenbein Mr. and Mrs. Leo Geller Edith and Norman Geller Rona and Steven Geller Geo Zoltan Lefton Family Foundation Philis Weiss and Stanley Gerla Edward and Holli Gersh Edward and Mildred Gessner Solomon and Vera Getz Harold and Bernice Gidseg Melanie and Andre Gillet Mr. Barry Gimelstob Herbert and Elaine Gimelstob Joyce and Edward Ging Robin and Larry Gitlitz Phyllis and Franklin Gladstone In Memory of Thelma Glanz from her adoring husband Sandy Glanz Gloria and Abraham Glasser Elaine and Ed Glassman Joan and Jerold Glassman Helen Glick Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Glick Mr. and Mrs. Louis Glickfield Arthur and Helene Glickman Mr. Edwin and Dr. Shirley Glickman Mrs. Carl Glock Janet and Seymour Gloger Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Glucroft Arlene and Ralph Goffner As of June 30, 2011 B3 B6 B25 B3 B2 B7 B8 B9 B1 B18 B7 B13 B1 B7 B2 B13 B3 B18 B9 B4 B1 B5 B3 B11 B4 B10 B1 B3 B9 B8 B5 B4 B3 B6 B16 B4 B2 B14 B2 B6 B1 B1 B4 B11 B9 B3 B2 B1 B7 B7 B3 B3 B8 B6 B12 B6 Frank L. and Helen Gofrank Foundation Gwen and Bernie Golan Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Golberg Burton and Barbara Gold Dr. Jerome and Anne Gold Beatrice and Leo Gold Marjorie and Arnold Goldbaum Earl and Suzanne Goldberg Joan and Bob Goldberg Harlean and Leonard Goldberg Walter and Elayne Goldberg Bette J. Goldblum Joan and Ronald Goldburg Gerald and Phyllis Golden Roberta and Roy Goldfarb Alma Kamino and Abraham Goldstein Dr. and Mrs. Evan D. Goldstein Carol and Daniel Goodman Zac, Tyler and Jacob Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goodstadt Adrienne and Walter Gordon Corinne and Jerry Gorelick Phyllis and Lee Gorin Albert and Jane Gortz Hillary and David Gottlieb In memory of Stanley Gottsegen Eileen Gottsegen Barbara and Thomas Gould Paula and Stuart W. Graff Shirley H. Grallnick Marjorie and Frank Grande Terry and Malcolm Grant Greater Broward Fire Fighter Charities Jeanne and Jay Green Anne and Michael Greenbaum Evelyn and Fred Greenberg Elaine and Gary Greenberg Jane and Martin Greenberg Robert I. and Judith G. Greenberg Stan and Mary Greenblath Ann E. Greene B27 B9 B3 B2 B6 B1 B12 B5 B12 B3 B4 B1 B5 B16 B6 B2 B10 B4 B2 B4 B3 B8 B8 B28 B2 B7 B1 B23 B3 B6 B4 B1 B2 B1 B4 B2 B1 B4 B15 B27 Jan Savarick, Dick Schmidt and Thea Stoneman Vision 2011 | 29 b e n e f a c t o r s The Gregg A. Zale Family Foundation Alice M. Gross Beverly and Maurice Gross Karen and Sheldon Grossman Susen and Herbert Grossman Jo Ann Bastien Guise In memory of Fritz and Mel Gutmann In memory of Stewart Gutterman Ina Haas In memory of John M. Haddow Rochelle and Ted Haft Mrs. Betty Hagander Edith and Albert Haimes Barry and Bonnie Halperin Dorothy Halperin Roberta and Lester Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Alan Halpert Dr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Hamburger Elizabeth and Benjamin Hampton Bernard and Alda Harmon Wilma Harris Ellen and Michael Hartz David and Adele Hast Joan and Paul Hauser Amy and Bruce Hausman Adele and Ed Haymes HealthGrades® G. H. Heaver Jerry and Lenore Helfman Mary E. Henke Peggy Henry Roland and Margaret Lu Henry Harvey Herman Dr. Vivian Hernandez and Dr. Vincent Abad Mildred and Lester Hersch Sidney and Evelyn Hersch Jim and Carol Herscot Ida B. Herst Mrs. Gertrude Hertz Ursula and Leonard Hess Dr. and Mrs. David B. Hevert Mr. and Mrs. Ross Higier Robert I. and Marianne Hiller Adele and Robert Himler Gloria and Howard Hirsch Renee and Melvin Hirsch Drs. Larry and Gail Hirschfield Molly Hirshfield Judith J. Hlafcsak Judy and Paul Hochhauser Minette Hoffheimer and Theodore Schwartz Lorna and Gerry Hoffman Ellen and Ronald Hoffner Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Holman Karen and Mark Holzberg Dr. and Mrs. Paul I. Homer Douglas and Maddy Horn Vision 2011 | 30 B1 B9 B5 B1 B2 B22 B6 B6 B8 B9 B2 B9 B1 B9 B15 B7 B7 B8 B3 B20 B4 B6 B6 B4 B2 B7 B1 B3 B5 B22 B1 B2 B4 B15 B2 B10 B2 B20 B7 B2 B6 B18 B9 B2 B3 B3 B3 B22 B1 B3 B22 B1 B1 B9 B1 B29 B6 Kenneth and Carol Horn Mrs. Virginia M. Horner Marc S. Horowitz, JD and Dennis Martell, RN Michelle and Ira Howard Paulette and Kenneth Howard James and Betty Huffer Peter L. Hugle The Huisking Foundation, Inc. Vicki and Stephen Hull Linda and Alan Hurst Jane and Robert Hutter Selma and Jerry Hymowitz Claudia and Nicholas Iovino Eileen and Harold Isdaner Marjorie and Charles Isroff Ivan & Co. Jewelers Inc. J.B. Painting & Waterproofing, Inc. J.B. Painting and Construction Joseph and Doris Jackler Family Foundation Barbara and Joel Jacob Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Jacob Mrs. Helen Jacobius Alan and Susan Jacobs Carol and Stanley Jacobs James C. and Joyce Jacobs Myra and Allen S. Jacobson Sheila and Russell Jacobson Gertrude Jaffee Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jaffee Barbara and Donald Janower Dawn E. Javersack Mr. and Mrs. William L. Jiler Dr. and Mrs. Carlos J. Jimenez Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Johr Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCulloch Jones Robert Joseph Charlotte and Jules Joskow Sara and Alan Kahn Beverly Kahn Maida and David Kahn Evelyn Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kalish Bernard Kaminsky and Mildred Kaminsky Herbert and Betty Kane In Memory of Patrick S. Cote Edward and Carol Kaplan Leonard and Tobee Kaplan Thomas and Pamela Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kara Dr. Jack F. Kareff Thelma and Gerald Karon Vicki Bram and Lawrence Karp Linda and Frank Kass Gloria and Burton Katz Gail and Daniel Katz In honor of our Grandchildren Rochelle and Gary Katz As of June 30, 2011 B1 B28 B5 B4 B6 B22 B12 B21 B3 B1 B1 B7 B2 B2 B2 B2 B8 B6 B8 B21 B3 B18 B4 B17 B11 B6 B8 B1 B8 B1 B1 B6 B12 B13 B4 B1 B6 B21 B4 B9 B1 B10 B12 B3 B1 B4 B2 B6 B12 B19 B4 B1 B2 B1 B1 B5 Ricki and Howard Katz Sandra and Lawrence Katz Dorothy and Seymour Katz Judith and Stephen Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Kaufman James M. and Margaret Kaufman Robert and Mercedes Kaufman Shep and Terry Kaufman Mildred and Bernard H. Kayden Joan and Jack Kaye Amy and Michael Kazma Florence A. Keesely Shirley and Louis Keller Marianna and William Kelley Elin A. Kelley Alice and Ira Kent Lillian S. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kerner Dr. and Mrs. George Khoriaty Pearl Kier and Ralph Kier Julie and David Kirschner Dr. and Ms. Aaron Klein and Family Albert and Cynthia Klein Miriam and Arthur Klein Gloria Klein Joseph and Zina Klein Dr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Klein Suzanne Klein Audrey and Stanley Kleinfeld Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Kleinman William Klinsky & Toby Shapiro E. Martin Kloosterman, M.D., F.A.C.C. J. Harold Klosheim, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Knopf Carol Forman and Aaron Knopping Ruth Koeppel Doris and Simon Konover In memory of our son, Jan Allen & “Boots” Kopelnick Sylvia and Jack Kopkin Mrs. K. Frank Korf Zita and Henry Kort Mr. Oscar Kosh Carolyn and Peter Koslow Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kowalsky Harvey and Madeline Krauser Arthur Kravitz and Rhoda Wilkenfeld Elaine and Barry Krell Ben and Rosemary Krieger Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kriger Mr. and Mrs. Barry Krinsky Tina and Jay Krinsky Hillaine and Richard Kroft Lynn and Dan Kruger Charlotte and Jerome Kursman Morton D. and Gloria Kurzrok Barbara and Marvin Kushnick B3 B10 B2 B1 B9 B3 B10 B7 B11 B1 B4 B10 B4 B1 B8 B4 B9 B4 B5 B5 B1 B1 B4 B3 B5 B17 B11 B9 B6 B14 B15 B1 B9 B14 B7 B24 B16 B9 B5 B23 B11 B14 B5 B12 B2 B1 B2 B10 B3 B2 B2 B2 B7 B2 B5 B1 Dr. Karen Mashkin and Reuben Silver Gertrude Kutner Norman and Vivian Landsburg Shirley R. Landwirth Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Z. Lane Dr. and Mrs. Jules V. Lane Linda and William Langsam Alan B. and Charna Larkin Elinor and Michael Laupheimer Sydelle and Michael Lazar Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lazarus Jules and Marie Lazer In Memory of Kenneth E. Lebensburger Adele and Herman Lebersfeld Bette and Albert Lechter In Memory of Michael Leeds Leonard and Mimi Leeds Janet and Robert Leeds Dr. and Mrs. David A. Leeman In memory of Dr. Jacob Lehman Mrs. Madalyn Lehman Marvin and Beatrice Leibowitz and Family Aaron and Marilyn Leifer Arlene Lerman George and Lucille Lerman Inez and Norman Lerner Mimi and Bertram Lesser Dr. and Mrs. David I. Levenson Harry and Shirley Leventhal Foundation Dr. Larry P. Levin Nauma B. Levin Georgine and Ralph Levin Dr. and Mrs. Scott I. Levin Aileen and David Levine Patricia and Michael Levine Phyllis and Robert E. Levinson Rita and Morty Levitin Ellen and Herbert Levitt Ellen and Jerome Levitt Sue and Ellis Levy In memory of Robert M. Levy Barbara and Irving Levy B7 B2 B3 B10 B8 B1 B14 B5 B2 B15 B10 B12 B8 B3 B12 B9 B2 B10 B7 B5 B4 B4 B12 B4 B5 B2 B10 B10 B10 B1 B6 B4 B1 B27 B6 B2 B3 B4 B10 B3 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levy B9 Ilene and Stanley Levy B5 Gerald and Barbara Lewin B2 Pamela and Milton Lider B2 Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Liebler B13 Robert J. & Joan Lipsig Foundation B8 Dr. and Mrs. Neil Litten B4 Gabriele Little B1 Arleen and Edward Littman B3 Bertha and Kenneth Litvack B3 Estate of Chester M. Loomis B1 Rona and Vince Loscalzo B2 Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Louis B3 Susan and Bernard Ludwig B3 Barbara & Harvey Lurie B5 Zelda Luxenberg B1 Diane Lynn DaSilva B21 Al and Diana Lyons B6 Ms. Elaine M. Madonna B6 Linda and Michael Magidson B3 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Magod B7 Dr. and Mrs. Ravinder Mahal B1 Barbara and I. Kenneth Mahler B5 Honorable and Mrs. Robert Maidman B5 Make A Difference Foundation, Inc. B2 Renee Maltz B2 Managed Maintenance, Inc. B1 Florence Mandel and Debera First B5 Ruth and Martin Mann B1 Mrs. Jean Manno B7 Ronnie and Buzz Marcus B4 Market Strategies, Inc B3 The Judith & Benjamin Marks Family Foundation B11 Lisa and Lanny Marks B5 Beverly and Mel Marks B4 Mr. Paul Marks B14 Doris D. and James S. Marshall B24 Joanne and Elihu Martin B8 Gail Marx B9 Liz and Shelly Maschler B1 Mrs. William B. Matthews B22 Evelyn and Martin Mayblum B3 Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand P. McAndrew B23 Bill McCaffrey B16 Dr. and Mrs. James W. McCauley B1 Dr. and Mrs. Bo McClerkin B24 Dr. and Mrs. William H. McFee B16 Kathleen Whitehouse B1 Estate of Helen McMurtrie B10 Mr. and Mrs. John McNally B2 MDVIP, Inc. B3 Medassist B3 Medical Staff of BRRH B4 Robert L. Mellman, M.D. and Cheryl Moss-Mellman, M.D. B1 Mona and Felix Mendelsohn B18 Kathleen and Louis Mendelsohn B2 As of June 30, 2011 Sue and Fred Menowitz Mercedes-Benz of Delray Ellen and Kurt Merl Bette and Richard Meyerowich Leonard and Marcia Meyers Dr. and Mrs. S. George Miceli Michael & Lola Goodstein Charitable Foundation Trust Dr. and Mrs. Norman Katz Arlene and Alfonse Migliara Mrs. Elizabeth H. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Milgram Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Milhous Robin and Lee Milich Barbara and Harvey Miller Carol Halperin Minkin Joan and Gilbert Mintz Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Mintz Harriet and Daniel Miranov Maruka Mirochnick Stacey Miranov Dr. and Mrs. David C. Mishkel Dr. and Mrs. Alan Mitchell In Loving Memory of Ruth G. Rifkin Irene and Mel Mohr Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Morgenstern Morikami Park Elementary PTA Rita Morrell Milton and Joan Morris Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Morris Judith and Laurence Morrison Helen and Richard Morton Marcia Moser Dr. and Mrs. John C. Motta Robin and Robert Muir Michael J. Mullaugh Mary M. and Raymond J. Mulligan Belinda and Georg Mussenden Nail Depot - Deerfield, Inc. Boca Nail Depot Judie and Ed Narens Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nathanson Karin and Michael Nazaruk Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Needell Neiman Marcus E. Warner Neal, Jr. Sheila and Mark Nestler Frances and Jerry Newberg Deborah and Arthur Newman Vicki and Garry Newman James and Lynn Nobil Alexander R. Norden Roberta and Louis Nussbaum Ocean Reef Club Oceanology Barbara Montgomery O’Connell William J. O’Connor B1 B1 B4 B6 B10 B17 B1 B1 B1 B21 B13 B8 B1 B1 B10 B3 B11 B1 B13 B1 B5 B1 B5 B8 B12 B3 B1 B4 B9 B2 B3 B25 B11 B13 B1 B6 B1 B2 B2 B3 B22 B1 B8 B4 B1 B1 B7 B3 B4 B20 B17 B6 B3 B1 B1 B1 Vision 2011 | 31 b e n e f a c t o r s Anna Gerzon and Bobby Campbell Molly and David Odell Sidney and Barbara Oko Omphoy Hotel & Ocean Resort Melvin and Judith Opper Larry Orbach and Philip Epstein Laurence and William Ostrow Corazon and Romeo Ouano Dr. and Mrs. Harry T. Overby Bud and Paula Owens Marlene and Marvin Padover Joan and Randall Pakula Palermo’s Bakery Dorothy and James Paone Mr. and Mrs. Baynard Paul Dorothy and Saul Pearl Carole and Len Pedvis Penn-Florida Realty Companies Marilyn and Alvin Perlin Ernest Perlmuter Irvin and Selma Perper Dr. and Mrs. Aryeh J. Pessah Diane and Everette Phillips Morton and Gladys Pickman Katy Renee and Gerald Pinder Joyce and Mitch Pinke Barbara and Jay Pisik Dr. and Mrs. Donald Platnick Rose Merry L Plough Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Plough, Jr. Selma Pluznick and Irv Goldsmith Beth and Philip Pollak Dr. and Mrs. Yale Pollak Peter L. Pollock Dorothy Pomerance and Jack A. Jaffe E. K. Pomerantz and Leslie Miller Albert Pope Drs. Lee and Sandra Porterfield Elizabeth Postlethwaite Bill and Linda Powers Alice and Seymour Powers Este Lee and Howard Price Vision 2011 | 32 B2 B8 B1 B7 B2 B2 B1 B29 B19 B4 B15 B1 B2 B6 B3 B9 B3 B4 B6 B9 B10 B3 B22 B3 B4 B4 B10 B23 B11 B13 B1 B1 B22 B4 B4 B1 B16 B30 B8 B10 B7 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Prizant Sue and Richard Projain Frantz Python Gerry and Jimmy Quartner R. A. Ritter Foundation Harriet and Lawrence Rader Mr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Rader Stuart A. Rader and Gayle Coleman Rader Gloria and Harold Rafel Wendy and James Rapaport Roz and Abe Rapp Norman P. Rappaport Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Raptis Mr. and Mrs. Al Raskin Andrea and Dennis Ratner Mindy and Harry Raymond Joan and Ralph Rehmet Barbara and Jules Reich Sam and Celia Reich Joan and Stuart Reichart Elaine and Stanley Reichel J. Reinert and L. Friedman Resource 4 Floors Deana and Hyman Richman Norman and Myrna Ricken Carol and Arnold Rifkin Lynn Robbins Allan and Arleen Roberts Stanley and Ruth Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Robertson Robin Brisker Studio Gallery Barbara and Robert Robin Donald and Sylvia Robinson Family Foundation Edward G. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Robinson Herbert and Holli Rockwell Leslie and Dennis Rogers Judith and Herbert Romanow Rosalie T. Rose Anita and Joseph Roselle Gloria and David Rosen Martin and Joan Rosen Diane and Barry Rosenberg Dr. Norman and Ruth H. Rosenberg Sherry Rosenberg Enid and Jerome Rosenblum Mrs. Ardath Rosengarden Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosengarden Linda and Jay Rosenkranz Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Ross Amy and David Ross Barbara and Allen Ross Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Ross Barbara and Joel Roth Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roth Shirley and Joe Rothchild Robin and Gary Rubin As of June 30, 2011 B6 B3 B1 B3 B1 B4 B15 B1 B2 B6 B4 B7 B3 B5 B3 B3 B6 B2 B12 B6 B3 B5 B1 B6 B22 B2 B2 B8 B5 B14 B1 B2 B15 B4 B28 B11 B2 B3 B1 B1 B10 B8 B5 B6 B18 B1 B3 B10 B1 B11 B7 B1 B2 B2 B3 B9 B2 Phyllis and S. Jerome Rubin B4 Dr. Gail Rubin-Kwal and Mr. Richard Kwal B13 In Honor of our children and grandchildren Dr. and Mrs. Alan Rubinstein B5 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Rudensky B5 Kenneth Rudes B1 Millicent and Arthur Rudolf B1 Ms. Elayne Russek B17 Bill and Marlene Rutter B6 Dr. Matthew J. Saady B2 Elaine Saber B1 David and Sylvia Salzberg B9 Drs. Vijay and Snehprabha Samant B18 Jeffrey and Janice Sandelman B9 Sanford & Susan Sandelman B9 Natalie and Eugene Sandler B1 Ruth Sandler B4 Lynn and Meyer Sapoff B2 Diane and Seymour Sard B15 Susan M. Saril B1 Ellen R. Sarnoff B21 Jean and Leonard Satin B1 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Satterfield B19 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Scaggs B5 Elizabeth and Angelo Scardina B1 Etta R. Schaeffer B5 Dr. and Mrs. Morris Schapiro B12 Sidney Scheinberg B9 Dr. Hans and Hildegard Scherzberg B16 Nancy and Marvin Schiller B5 Robyn and Neil Schiller B1 Rosalie and Jack Schlegel B2 Myron Chapman and Audrey Schlossberg B2 Marcia and Albert Schmier B2 Shirley S. Schneer B10 Eleanor and Melvin Schneider B11 Susan and Eric Schneider B1 Sharon and Lewis Schneider B1 Ronnie and Paul Schneider B1 Charlotte and Les Schner B10 James and Elayne Schoke Family Foundation B19 Alison and Andrew Schreier B5 Florence and Howard Schubert B10 Mr. and Mrs. Monroe A. Schulder B9 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Schultz B10 Mrs. Ivan Schwartz B7 Arthur and Madeline Seeman B1 Betty and Sidney Shames B2 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Shane B3 Dr. William and Shirley J. Shapero Philanthropic Fund B3 Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Shapir B1 Nita and Norman Shapiro B13 In memory of my beloved husband, Abe ShapiroB14 Harriet and Bernard Shavitz B12 Hally and Mark Shaw B4 Helene and Frank Shear B1 Miriam and Jack Shenkman Eleanor and Robert Sherman Mindy Shikiar Iris and Milton Shlansky Dr. and Mrs. J. Clinton Shope Shubin Property Company Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shubin Mrs. Walter H. Shutt, Jr. Henry Shweitzer The Sidewater Family Foundation, Inc. Kate and Sam Sidewater Eileen and Stephen Siegel Carole and Richard Siemens Sonia and Paul Sifen In Memory of my Husband Edward Silver Dr. and Mrs. Craig S. Silverman D. William and Joyce Silverman Howard and Phyllis Silverman Jan and Edward Silverman Marshall and Diane Silverman Monty and Judy Simmonds Simms Family Foundation Eleanor G. Simon Del and Joanne Singer Sheldon and Doris Siskin Dale and Murray Skala Rhonda and Richard Small Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Smith, Jr. Judy R. Smith Nancy and Lloyd Smith Dr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Smith Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. David Sokol Elsie Sokol Shirley F. and Allan B. Solomon Esta and Allen Solomon In Memory of Doris Solomon - Daniel Philip Solondz Dani and Jack Sonnenblick Jerry and Lila Sorkin Special Interest Clubs at Boca West Carole Sue Lebbin-Spector and Phillip Spector Kim and Edward W. Speights, III Adrienne and Norton Sperling Barbara and Morton Spiegel Simone and Sam Spiegel Phyllis and Stanley Spielman David and Estelle Spindel St. Andrews Country Club William R. Stadler Diana Stein Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinberg Beverly and Irwin Steinberg Renee Steinberg Deborah and Louis Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Steinfeld B5 B2 B4 B23 B14 B4 B17 B9 B1 B3 B3 B4 B3 B5 B11 B6 B2 B7 B15 B2 B8 B6 B13 B11 B4 B1 B3 B30 B1 B3 B29 B14 B5 B8 B8 B10 B3 B4 B1 B25 B5 B2 B1 B1 B7 B2 B1 B9 B3 B1 B20 B5 B9 B5 B3 B2 B6 Arthur B. Steinman B22 Helene and Daniel Sterling B1 Norma and Lee Stern B1 Mindy and Matthew Stern B2 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Stetson B22 Mr. Jack Stievelman and Mrs. Doris Taxin B1 Dr. and Mrs. Roger Stoll B4 Betty C. and Norman I. Stone B29 Gay and Robert Stoner B7 Chester and Diane Stranczek B9 Joyce and Ed Stravitz B1 Susan Stravitz B2 Mildred Strom B3 Dr. and Mrs. David Strong B1 Marilyn and Garson Studley B6 Harry and Katie Sugarman B8 Maxine and Lawrence Sunshine B2 Maida and Arnold Suresky B1 Susan Wexler Designs B1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sutte B9 Shirley and Howard Swidler B2 In Memory of Carol and Isidore Swillinger B4 In honor of my beloved wife, Janice Sydell M.D. B6 Norman and Linda Tafet B4 Anita R. and Robert C. Taffae B9 Mrs. Charles Talanian B16 Cecile and Irvin Talesnick B6 Kay and Jerry Tamarkin B12 Phyllis and Howard Taranow B4 Sandy Bodner and Phyllis Tarlow B1 Arlene and Martin Tash B4 Dr. and Mrs. Marc E. Taub B28 Ruth Taubman B16 Claire and Alan Taylor B4 The Dermatology and Aesthetic Center, Inc. B2 Anne and Leonard Thun B6 Tomasso’s Pizza B1 Beth Mandelbaum-Tranese and Anthony Tranese B2 Richard and Eileen Trattner B4 Anonymous B4 Sandi and Ed Tucker B2 Adelaide S. Van Winkle B7 Susan and Jerry Van B1 Mary and Joseph Veccia, Jr. B2 Ms. Lois Victor B9 Dr. Christopher S. Virtue, M.D. B21 Anonymous B25 Diane and Jon Vogel B2 Sherman C. and Jeanette Vogel B13 Noah and Sadie Wachtel Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Wachtel: Directors B5 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wachtenheim B6 Louise and Alan Waldbaum B2 Rita and Stanley Waldstein B2 Herb Wallach, Jr. B7 Anita and Norton Waltuch B7 As of June 30, 2011 Dr. and Mrs. J. Donald Wargo B28 Gertrude B. Warnock B20 Ruth K. Webber B4 Adrienne and Maurice Weill B10 Frances and George Weinberg B9 Marilyn and Jay Weinberg B1 Arlyne and Myron Weinberg B3 In memory of Eric Weinberger by Eva Weinberger B23 Carla and Bruce Weiner B3 Sylvia and Norman Weinger B1 Jack and Joanne Weingold B3 Suzanne and Joel W. Weinstein B6 Ilene Silverman and Robert Weinstein B2 Karen and Howard Weiss B10 Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Weiss B8 Marvin and Mildred Weiss Family Foundation B3 Norman and Eleanor Weiss B18 Andrea and Robert Weiss B4 Marshall F. Weiwerman B1 The James and Vedna Welch Foundation B18 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Welsh, Jr. B14 Barbara L. and Donald M. Werner B7 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Westreich B8 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Wheeler B24 Drs. Jonathan Wideroff and Alexandra Wideroff B13 Dr. Jonathan and Dr. Mayde Wiener B17 A. Edward and Janet Wilen B8 Marie Viverette Wilkof B5 Marlynn A. Wilson-Donaldson B15 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wohlwend B5 Robert L. and Joan P. Wolff B6 Madeline and Montague Wolfson B1 Dr. and Mrs. William Wolgin B6 Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wulkan B10 Wyndham Garden Hotel B1 Beverly N. Young B2 Elaine and Myron Yudkin B6 Roberta and Edward Zale B3 The Zallea Foundation B14 Herb and Susan Zarkin B3 Howard and Lois Zenner B4 Mary and Ronald Zibelli B7 Denise and Jordan Zimmerman B6 Yvonne R. Zimmerman B24 Gladys D. Zimmermann B13 Edmond P. Zimski, Jr. M.D. B30 Rochelle and Norman Zinn B1 Morgan and Kathryn Zook B27 Sylvia and Sidney Zuckerman B8 Vision 2011 | 33 h e r i t a g e s o c i e t y The Heritage Society at Boca Raton Regional Hospital recognizes those philanthropists who have made a planned gift of $10,000 or more to the hospital. The Heritage Society was established in recognition of those supporters who are providing for the long-term financial security of the hospital through their generosity. If you would like more information on how to become a member of the Heritage Society through a charitable gift annuity or other planned gift, please call the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation at 561.955.3658. Dr. and Mrs. Enrique Aguado Joel L. and Beverly Altman Estate of Agnes S. Anderson Estate of Herbert R. Anderson Estate of Kathryn Ashley Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Aufderheid Estate of Bert E. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Bert W. Begeman Estate of Edith Beldock Estate of Eunice E. Belyea Estate of Lilli Berg Mr. and Mrs. Murry Berger Helen Bero Mildred B. Birnbaum Estate of Zella M. Bisset Estate of Irving and Florence Blickstein Ethel M. Bohrman Estate of Doris G. Bookmyer Mrs. Cecelia N. Boorom, Estate Estate of Martha K. Bosshart Estate of Mary L. Brautigam Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Marley Bricker Lloyd Briggs Trust Estate of Ruth C. Briggs Vision 2011 | 34 Murray J. Brill and Helene F. Brill Estate of Martin Brody Estate of Mr. and Mrs. William Broekhuysen Frances Bruland, Estate Cynthia R. Bryant, Estate Estate of A. Russell Buchman Estate of Constance K. Buckley Estate of James R. Caldwell Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell Estate of H. Wayne Clarke Frances Cole Mrs. Wilson E. Cole Mr. Walter T. Colquitt Dorothy H. Connell Trust Mrs. Martha P. Cooper, Estate Aileen Craigmyle, Estate Estate of Gladys Davis Estate of Violette L. Dean Belle M. Deitch James Deshler, Estate Estate of Mildred E. Deutschenschmied Estate of Robert DeWolf Estate of Arthur Dick Estate of Leonard W. Diener Mrs. Elizabeth K. Dodson Estate of Paul F. Dwan Estate of Horatio B. Ebert Estate of Lucille Edmondson Melvin F. Eikleberry Trust Estate of Robert D. Ellis Estate of Doris R. Elmore Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Engel Estate of Clara H. Ertel Estate of Howard and Barbara Farkas Marie B. Fisher Trust Shelby and Robert Ford Estate of Walter & Florence Forstner Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Forton Estate of Joseph H. Fowler Estate of Dr. Louis Fox Daniel and Shirlee Freed Betsey H. Freiburger Mrs. Ralph A. Fried Renee S. Gant As of June 30, 2011 Estate of Martha H. Gast Estate of Erwin Gilbert Phyllis Goldberger Gerald and Phyllis Golden Margaret A. Goode Trust Phyllis and Lee Gorin Estate of Ethel Gries Estate of Abraham Gross Estate of Forrest L. Haines Estate of Frank J. Hannon Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hansford Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harvey Estate of Eleanor W. Hawes Joe E. Henry Trust Leon Hershaft Trust Ida B. Herst Estate of Nelle Hill Mrs. Virginia Horner Estate of Dorothy Hoyt Estate of Florence Hubbard Estate of Ruth Hughes Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Merle F. Hutcheson Estate of John B. Jaeger Mr. Harry Jamison, Estate Estate of Irene E. Jerolamon Mr. Nahum Joslyn Ms. Josephine Junell, Estate Estate of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kaelin Estate of Walter Kahn Thomas and Pamela Kaplan Estate of Gerda Kaubisch Carole and Barry Kaye Harry Kelso, Estate Estate of Mr. and Mrs. George Kew Allen & “Boots” Kopelnick Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Korach Mr. Willard C. Korn, Estate Jerry and Debra Kramer Ben and Rosemary Krieger Norman and Vivian Landsburg Roselle R. Langer Estate of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson Dr. and Mrs. Melvin N. Lechner Mrs. J. Ellwood Lee Estate of Robert Z. Lerner Lovie Lerner, Estate Estate of Thomas J. Lester Anonymous Estate of Charles Lindemann John L. Locke Trust Edna Lutz Trust Mildred S. Lyons, Estate The Estate of John L. and Ray Marie Markstein Estate of Carl H. Martin Estate of Marjory Martinelli Estate of Margaret Massa Mrs. Barbara Matthews Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKeown Estate of Eleanor K. McKibbin Estate of Helen McMurtrie Mrs. John A. McPherson Joseph and Ruth Menner Ms. and Mr. Jessica Merrick, Estate Estate of Margaret Meuser Estate of Simone Stakolt Tolksdorf Estate of Rollo O. Monroe Estate of Vera K. Moore Dr. S. Cotter Moss and Mildred Moss Estate of Theodore Nichols Viola Odenheimer, Estate Estate of Albert Oelling The Ortlip Foundation Estate of Philip M. Osiason Mr. Herbert E. Ounsworth, Estate Estate of Ernest C. Pagel Estate of Mary K. Parker Gertrude H. Paton, Estate Mr. John B. Patterson Mary Ann and Harold Perper Fred G. Pfeiffer Trust Estate of Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Piatt Mabel L. Pierce, Estate Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Plough, Jr. In memory of Beatrice L. Potvin and her brother Albert N. Potvin In Loving Memory of Herbert Prince Marian Prince Estate of Mrs. Samuel Revits Estate of Mildred F. Rhodes Mrs. Olga Ribic Estate of Shirley M. Richards Estate of Priscilla W. Riggs Mrs. Miles Robinson Holli and Herbert Rockwell Estate of Muriel and Franklyn Rodgers Estate of John M. Roeser Estate of Esther Rothenberger Mr. Harry Rubenstein, Estate Dr. and Mrs. Irving R. Rutkin The Harvey and Phyllis Sandler Foundation, Inc. Phyllis and Harvey Sandler Joseph Savalli Estate of Grace Saxton Estate of Harry E. Schaden Mildred and Sol Schaikowitz Barbara and Richard Schmidt Ms. Ethel Schneier, Estate Mrs. Katharina Schober Mr. George E. Schoener The Raymond E. Schultz Trust Harold B. Schwartz Estate of M. Schwedler Estate of Ralph S. Scott Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seyd Estate of Daniel J. Shanahan Estate of Daisy J. Shea Estate of Wilbur T. Shinholser Estate of Jessica Shoemaker Billie Shupp Estate of Charles W. Siebert Estate of Wesley Silkworth Estate of Merrill E. Skinner Estate of Helen C. Smith Estate of Raymond H. Smith Anonymous Estate of Rosalie C. Smithers Adelaide Snyder Trust Jean Spence Estate of Mr. K. Eugene Staley Estate of Rita E. Stein Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Steindel Estate of Esmond E. Sterling Estate of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stever Mary G. Stewart, Estate Estate of Mary K. Stewart Carl Stolle and Eleanor McRoberts Stolle Estate of Mary Gable Stryker Aaron and Mae Sweetman Estate of Mrs. Harcourt M. Sylvester Donald R. Taber Estate of Charles H. Tavener Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thielecke Estate of Sidell Tilghman, Jr. Arthur Tobias Trust Estate of Evelyn M. Uihlein Estate of Ralph E. Underwood Estate of Mildred P. Van Cleve Estate of Benjamin Volen Estate of Lydie E. Wakefield Estate of Myron Walker Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace Estate of Mr. and Mrs. W. Winston Warner Estate of Eleanor and Stewart Watterworth Caren and Michael Weinberg in honor of Marleen and *Harold Forkas Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Werner Estate of Kessack D. White Milton A. Whitley Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiesenberger Estate of Gerda Winding Estate of Helen R. Winters Estate of Muriel M. Wortendyke Estate of Jacob Zibulsky Mr. Herman M. Zucker, Estate Mary Ann and Harold Perper As of June 30, 2011 Vision 2011 | 35 p h y s i c i a n b e n e f a c t o r s Boca Raton Regional Hospital physicians are an integral part of our healthcare organization and are vital to the future success of the hospital. They are our partners in caring for patients, their families and our community. The Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation extends its gratitude to the following physicians for their donations. EXECUTIVE CIRCLE Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Ress B2 PLATINUM Benefactor Stacey and Evan Packer Dr. David and Alyse Sachs Dr. Lloyd Zucker B3 B11 B3 Golden Benefactor Dr. Daniel and Irene O’Hara Dr. Marta I. Rendon Dr. Jane Rudolph and Mr. Steven Weinberg B3 B2 B9 Silver Benefactor Dr. and Mrs. Jaime A. Alvarez Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Aronsohn Bilga F. Attar, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Barron Dr. Susan Beil and Mr. James Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. Adam B. Bernstein Dr. Mark S. Block Dr. and Mrs. Nicolas Breuer Dr. Miguel and Denese Brito Drs. Gilbert and Claudia Chidiac Rodney S. Cohen, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Terry B. Cohen Drs. Joseph Colletta and Kathy J. Schilling Drs. Robert and Andrea Colton Dr. and Mrs. Albert Dabbah Dr. Douglas De Orchis Dr. Mark and Mrs. Jeanette Denker Drs. Brian Bernick and Beth Familant Bernick Drs. Lawrence and Jodi Fiedler Dr. Robert and Susan Fishman Dr. and Mrs. Evan D. Goldstein Dr. Vivian Hernandez and Dr. Vincent Abad Dr. and Mrs. David B. Hevert Drs. Larry and Gail Hirschfield B4 B22 B7 B16 B1 B10 B7 B10 B5 B2 B2 B13 B22 B11 B1 B1 B1 B5 B2 B15 B10 B15 B6 B3 Dr. and Mrs. Carlos J. Jimenez Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Johr Dr. Jack F. Kareff Dr. and Mrs. George Khoriaty Dr. and Ms. Aaron Klein and Family Dr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Klein Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Kleinman E. Martin Kloosterman, M.D., F.A.C.C. Dr. and Mrs. David A. Leeman Dr. and Mrs. David I. Levenson Dr. Larry P. Levin Dr. and Mrs. Scott I. Levin Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Liebler Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Louis Dr. and Mrs. Ravinder Mahal Dr. and Mrs. James W. McCauley Dr. and Mrs. William H. McFee Robert L. Mellman, M.D. and B12 B13 B19 B5 B1 B11 B14 B1 B10 B2 B10 B6 B13 B3 B1 B1 B16 Cheryl Moss-Mellman, M.D. B1 Dr. and Mrs. S. George Miceli B17 Dr. and Mrs. David C. Mishkel B5 Dr. and Mrs. Alan Mitchell B1 Dr. and Mrs. John C. Motta B11 Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Needell B8 Dr. and Mrs. Aryeh J. Pessah B10 Dr. and Mrs. Yale Pollak B1 Drs. Lee and Sandra Porterfield B16 Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Raptis B3 Dr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Robinson B28 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Ross B11 Dr. Gail Rubin-Kwal and Mr. Richard Kwal B13 Dr. Daniel Rudensky and Ms. Rachel Brendzel B5 Dr. Matthew J. Saady B2 Drs. Vijay and Snehprabha Samant B18 Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Shapir B1 Dr. and Mrs. J. Clinton Shope B14 Dr. and Mrs. Craig S. Silverman B6 Dr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Smith B29 Dr. and Mrs. David Strong B1 Dr. and Mrs. Marc E. Taub B28 Drs. Jonathan Wideroff and Alexandra Wideroff B13 Dr. Jonathan and Dr. Mayde Wiener B17 Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wulkan B10 Phyllis & Dr. Phil Smith Dr. Joseph and Siobhan Kleinman Vision 2011 | 36 As of June 30, 2011 Boca Raton Regional Hospital Corporation Board of Trustees 2011-2012 Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees 2011-2012 Chair – Richard L. Schmidt* Vice Chair – Christine E. Lynn* President & CEO – Jerry Fedele* Interim Secretary – Mindy Raymond Treasurer – Dawn Javersack * Chair – Warren Orlando President – Jan Savarick Interim Secretary – Mindy Raymond Treasurer – Dawn Javersack Ronald G. Assaf* Myron “Mike” Baker Peter Baronoff Basil Chie-For, MD Louis B. Green Michael Gross Irving Gutin State Rep. William D. Hager* Adam Hasner Matthew Klein, MD* Donald Kohnken* Debbie Leising* Hon. Per-Olof Loof A.E. “Bud” Osborne* Warren Orlando* Ralph Palumbo, MD Gerald Robinson, MD Andrew Ross, MD* Harvey Sandler* Dick Schuller Marc E. Taub, MD* Christopher Wheeler* David Wulkan, MD *Member, Hospital Board of Trustees Scott H. Adams Paul M. Adkins Lawrence Altschul Myron “Mike” Baker Edward I. Burns Robert B. Campbell J. Richard Damron, Jr. Jerry Fedele Louis B. Green Irving Gutin Lyn Jurick David A. Kirschner Charles Krauser Abner Levine Debbie Leising Larry Miller Keith O’Donnell Warren Orlando Jack Pechter Gerald N. Robinson, MD James M. Rosemurgy William Rutter Richard L. Schmidt Richard Schuller Patricia Thomas Joseph W. Veccia Joan C. Wargo Christopher C. Wheeler W. Anthony Lee, MD ENDO VA S CULA R S PECI A LI S T TECHNIQUE MEETS TECHNOLOGY T H E H Y B R I D O P E R A T I N G R O O M . It’s the most advanced surgical environment in medicine. And it’s now in use at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. The Hybrid OR opens vistas for endovascular and cardiac surgeries that were unimaginable in conventional operating rooms. We can now treat even the most complex aneurysms and valve repairs with minimally invasive techniques. It provides our surgeons unparalleled imaging capabilities in the operating room itself, before, during or after the procedure. For patients that means a shorter procedure, less post-operative recovery time and less risk for complications. Yet, having these capabilities is only part of the equation. At Boca Regional they’re placed in the hands of some of the most accomplished specialists in the nation. Ones whose skills have earned the Hospital HealthGrades ® number one ranking in the state of Florida for cardiac surgery – two years in a row. Boca Raton Regional Hospital – where technique meets technology to provide our patients with the best in endovascular and cardiac care. For more information call 561.95.LEARN (561.955.3273) or visit BRRH.com