Trophy - The First Tee of Connecticut


Trophy - The First Tee of Connecticut
Tax deductible contributions should be mailed to:
The First Tee of Connecticut
55 Golf Club Road, Cromwell, CT 06416
Phone: (860) 882-1660
The First Tee of Connecticut is an initiative of the Connecticut Golf
Foundation, Inc. and is incorporated under IRS Rule 501 (c) 3 as a
non-profit, tax-exempt entity.
Paul Pendergast
Carl Porto, Esq
Robert Pyne
Glen Rapoport, DMD
Gary Reynolds, PGA
Thomas E. Vacheron
John Walsh
Holland Wilson
Skip Wyatt
Michael Ausere
Teddy Bobroske
Sanford Young
Paul Bocciarelli, DMD
Donald Barr
Jeff Calhoun
Barbara Karis Downey,
Coach Jim Calhoun,
William Gray
UConn Athletics
Robert Hess
Elizabeth Caron, LPGA
Michael Iwanicki, (CCMAA) Brad Faxon, PGA TOUR
Roland LaBonte
David Ladd
Donny Marshall, YES
Mercedese Large, (CWGA)
Network & UConn
Henry Moniz
Michael Moraghan, (CSGA) Suzy Whaley, PGA of
Michael O'Grady, (CTPGA)
America Secretary
Edwin May III, Chairman
J.J. Coneys, Vice Chairman
David Dixon, Treasurer
Paul Mersereau, Esq.,
David Polk, President &
Executive Director
STAFF: David E. Polk, President & Exec. Director
Tracy Rice, Mgr. Development/Communications
Christy Deep, Mgr. Development/Events
Mark Moriarty, Director of Programs
Ali Prazak, Assistant Director of Programs
Sue Canavan, Administrative Associate
Special thanks to Konica Minolta Business
Solutions for generously sponsoring this newsletter
Learning Center in Cromwell.
Marshall was bullied mainly in grade school
because social/racial groups cast him as
belonging to the other group, based on his
Marshall shared those experiences with area
youth at TFTCT's Education Series on
"empowering youth to prevent bullying."
Prevention professionals from The Rushford
Center, in partnership with Community
Foundation of Middlesex County and
Council of Business Partners, developed the
program designed to teach both parent and
child what bullying is, why some bully others
and what you can do to stop it.
The First Tee of Connecticut
55 Golf Club Road
Cromwell, CT 06416
If you no longer wish to receive
our newsletter, please call
860-882-1660 or email
When Ted May, TFTCT Chairman,
presented the Claret Jug, which came with its
own bodyguard,
Ian Baker-Finch
was literally
speechless - “You
got me all choked
up.” Holding the
Claret Jug and
wiping tears from
his eye - “An old
friend, “ he said.
It was also a
Breakfast to
remember for
guests who each had their own Trophy
Moment too—a personal photo with the
storied Claret Jug (see front cover).
L-R; David Polk, Christie Williams, TFTCT Coach Bobby Powell, Danny Martinez, Ian
Woods (Ryan Woods Autism Foundation) and Ali Prazak (Assistant Program Director,
The First Tee
of Connecticut
Story page 2.
The President
Dear Friends of The First Tee of Connecticut,
As I watched a Summer Camp award
ceremony, it struck me that life is much
simpler when seen through the eyes of a
child. I listened to a boy describe the Core
Value Confidence as “visualizing the ball
going into the hole, knowing for sure that it
would go in.”
I’ll keep things simple and urge you to read
on for more great ways we transform lives
one swing at a time.
David Polk,
President & Executive Director
Donny Marshall giving kids a hand in workshop
Donny Marshall
Stands Up To Bullies
UCONN basketball legend and TV sports
commentator Donny Marshall, a First Tee of
Connecticut (TFTCT) Board member,
knows all about bullies, on and off the court.
As a child growing up in Federal Way, WA,
he experienced bullying first hand.
Sporting a bright orange—“I’ve Got Your
Back” tee shirt—Donny delivered a message
of hope at the 2nd annual The First Tee of
Connecticut Anti-Bullying workshop held
August 17th at the David & Geri Epstein
At The
By Jay Sloves
First Tee Breakfast
Who says there’s no crying
in golf?
Ian Baker-Finch, CBS Sports Golf
Analyst and past British Open
Champion, was the featured speaker
at The First Tee of Connecticut’s 9th
Annual Patrons’ Breakfast (during
Saturday competition of the Travelers
Championship) at the David & Geri
Epstein Learning Center at the TPC
River Highlands. It’s an annual
tradition where The First Tee of
Connecticut (TFTCT) honors young
people, volunteers, donors and
sponsors for their on-going support.
The Breakfast was sponsored by May,
Bonee & Walsh and Konica-Minolta.
Moving Day...
Three New Board
Members Named
Teddy serves on several civic
and community boards and also
serves as a Commissioner of
Connecticut State Boxing
TFTCT Board Chairman Ted May
welcomes three new Board Members— Jeff
Calhoun, Henry Moniz and Theodore
New Staff
Jeff Calhoun, who was a UConn teammate
of fellow TFTCT board member Donny
Marshall, knows all about responsibility, one
of First Tee's Nine Core values. Jeff and his
family are very active with many local and
national charities, including Autism Speaks,
Easter Seals, UConn Health Center’s Pat and
Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center and as
parents of an autistic child, the new Autism
Center at the Hospital for Special Care.
Jeff, Senior Managing Partner of Park
Wilshire Companies, lives in Glastonbury
with his wife Amy and three daughters.
Ian Baker-Finch with the Claret Jug at Patrons’ Breakfast
Transforming lives.
Eric Daniels of Robinson + Cole (the firm
handled the legal work pro bono for the
Learning Center in Cromwell) and Bruce
Wilson, retired TFTCT President.
The theme of this year’s Breakfast was
“Transforming lives one swing at a time” so
three special young people were featured (See
following WFSB TV 3 story).
Breakfast Tee—An Unexpected
Attending the Patron’s Breakfast were retired
President & CEO United Technologies Corp
Karl Krapek (National Trustee of The First
Tee and sponsor of Krapek Family Learning
Links); Andy Bessette, Chief Administrative
Officer of Travelers, Nathan Grube,
Travelers Championship Tournament
Director (how the two found time is
amazing); Klarn DePalma, General Manager,
WFSB TV 3; recently retired local auto icon
and TFTCT sponsor Bob and Alys Morande;
What made this year’s Patron’s Breakfast so
special was the unexpected appearance of the
famous British Open trophy - the Claret Jug
- which Ian Baker-Finch won 24 years ago.
In 1991, he won the British Open yet kept
his commitment to attend the Tournament
(then the Canon Greater Hartford Open)
just two days later. “Honoring your
commitments that’s what you do. That’s
what The First Tee teaches in their Nine
Core Values,” Baker-Finch said.
Henry Moniz, Senior Vice President, Chief
Compliance Officer, Chief Audit Executive
and Global Head of Strategic Business
Practices of Viacom Inc. Henry serves on the
Bowdoin College Board of Trustees and has
also served on the Board of Managers of the
University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Henry and his wife, Holly, a writer, live in
Westport with their six children.
Theodore “Teddy” Bobroske of Greenwich
is a Senior Private Banker at Webster Bank.
Christy Deep joined The First
Tee of Connecticut as Manager
of Development and Events in
Stay tuned in our next newsletter for photo gallery from The Roberta
Massey Memorial Charity Classic for Women held at the Country Club
May 2015. Prior to joining
of Waterbury in August (shown) as well as the PwC Charity Classic at
TFTCT, Christy worked at
Stanwich CC, Yale Athletics First Tee Charity Classic at Yale, Spring
Gold, Orluk & Partners where
Parent-Child Open, Fall Parent-Child Open and Final Final Open.
she oversaw events, conferences
Highlands in Cromwell, a bridge plan and
and camps that raised over $7 million for
solicitation of Buick and subsequently
various charities. Christy does volunteer work
Travelers as title sponsors to keep the
for the Girl Scouts and her church. Christy
tournament alive after Canon pulled out in
enjoys running, travel and resides in West
Hartford with her daughter, Shelby and their
rescue dog, Holly.
After being a driving force for more than
four decades behind the Insurance City Open
(co-founded by his father in 1952)/Greater
Hartford Open/Buick Championship and
Travelers Championship, Ted found “a new
Ted May was inducted into the Connecticut
baby” when he spearheaded the birth of The
Golf Hall of Fame this past winter. Ted and
First Tee of Connecticut. What started with
his late father, Ed, are the only the second
50 youngsters in the “Mayor Mike’s Golf
father-son tandem to earn this distinction.
Club for Kids” program at Goodwin and
Ted May began volunteering at what was
Keney golf courses in Hartford in 1999 has
then the Sammy Davis Jr.-GHO in the midgrown into one of the state’s all-time success
1970s and was tournament chairman of “The stories serving more than 67,000 kids
Last Blast at Wethersfield” in 1983. May
then helped oversee a move to TPC River
Ted May inducted
into Hall of Fame
Local Volunteer honored with the George H. W. Bush/Shell Oil National Award
Presidential Citation: Kristin Wirtanen (left) of Glastonbury, an avid volunteer for The First Tee of
Connecticut for the past five years, was named the George H.W. Bush/Shell Oil Company “Volunteer
of the Year” award winner this past Spring at The First Tee’s biennial Network Meeting in Dallas,
Texas. “More than 67,000 young people participant in The First Tee of Connecticut programs. But to
me to change just one life in a positive way is like impacting many young lives,” Wirtanen said. Other
awards presented to The First Tee of Connecticut included The First Tee Recognized Executive
designation for David E. Polk, President & Executive Director and The First Tee Coach designation
for Mark Moriarty, Director of Programming.
Courtesy Level cont.
Cheryl Dziubina
Mary Eberle
Robert Edmunds
Patrick Egan
Alfred Ehrhardt
Ellington Ridge Country Club
Douglas & Shelia Elliot
Matthew Ely
Lawrence English
Richard Erickson
Lucille Faugno
Steven Feltman
Victor Ferrante
Lynn Ferris
Andrew Fezza
Melissa Figuenick
Michael Fischman
Sandy Fisette
Tom Fitzgerald
John Flanagan
FMI Chemical, Inc.
A Peter Foote
Raymond Foshay
Clifford Foster
Joseph Fowler
Dominique Fox
Gerard Frame
Lawrence Franke
Greydon Freeman
Victor Fumiatti
Sandra Galla
Thea Gambardella
Judy Gamble
Louis Gautier
MaryLou Geghan
John Gerster
Charles Gesner
Patrick Gillard
John Ginnetti
Tracey Gionta
Bruce Goldenberg
Linda Gomes
Robert B. Goode
Joel Goodman
Sherri Gracia
Debbie Grambazi
Mary Ann Gray
Green Woods Country Club
Steven Greenberg
Kevin Greene
James Greenfield
Barry Greenstein
Gordon Gregoretti
Susan Grenert
Oz Griebel
Joel Grieco
Keith Griffin
Norman Grody
William Hadden
Anthony Hagale
Duane Haley
Linda Halko
Dawn Hallaman
Roger Hanlon
Patricia Haran
Chuck Harding
Patricia Harlow
Harper & Whitfield
Mary Harris
Mitchell Harris
Leslie Harrison
Linda Hatten
Deborah Haughn
Thomas Haverkampf
James Healey
Bill Hermanson
Ruth Hershman
Ali Herzog
Alfred Herzog
John Heyd
Diana Himmel
Joseph Hoffman
Marcy Hollander
Alice Honcharik
Barbara Horowitz & David
Katie Hosfelt
Amory Houghton III
Tina Houston
Carol Howe
Michael Hubbert
James Hughes
Hunter Womans Golf Club
Diane Iglesias
Janet Jacobson
Donald & Janet Jacobson
Lizzette Jacobson
Darui Jiang
Brian Johnston
Kelly Johnston
Joseph Abbate Plumbing &
Heating Contractor, Inc.
Marc Katzman
David Kaye
Thomas Keenan
Dennis Kelleher
Gloria Kelly
Jack Kennedy
Matthew A. Kerin
Michael Kim
Pat Kimball
Phyllis Kindelan
Treacy Kirkpatrick
Ronald Kleinman
Leslie Kogut
Robert Koskelowski
Cathleen Kowalski
Diane Kozel
David Krumholz
Deborah Labrecque
Stephen Laccone
Jennifer Lamprecht
Steve Lanza
Joseph LaPere
Steve & Nancy Lapointe
Mercedese E. Large
Pam Latka
Chris LaVigne
Law Offices of Victor A.
William Lawrence
Drew Lawton
Jim, Tricia & Cameron Ledford
Lynn Lefler
Thomas Leloup
Charles Lenore
David Lindsay
Susan Link
Tong Liu
Robert Loomis
Peggy Lorence
Susan Loschiavo
James Lovell
Walter Lowell
Dennis Lubozynski
Irene Luria
Lyman Orchards
James Lynch
Christopher Lyons
John Maciag
Phillip Mahoney
Monica Maia
Daniel Malarney
Paul Malcolm
David Mancini
Steven Manner
Chris Marano
Gerry Martin
Jackson Marvel
John Mason
Jane Mathew
Joan McCormick
Edward McDermott
James McDonald
Merritt McDonough
J. Michael McHugh
Thomas McKeon
Dana McKinney
Richard Mead
Robert Melanson
Stephen Merkel
Natalie Miller
Valerie Miller
Bruce Milligan
Richard Mills
Richard Moggio
Robert Mooney
Robert Morgan
Donna Moss
Cheryl Mrazik
Edward Mullarkey
Mark Nappi
Carol Navarro
Lisa Neves
Brad Newman
Adam Ney
Arlette Nicaise
Darlene Niedzielski
Margaret Nilan
Gary Norman
Daniel Novarr
O'Brien McCarthy Associates,
Paul Ockert
John O'Connor
Robert Olivieri
Robert Outtrim
Mary Pagnam
Timothy & Jane Pagnam
Michael Paparella
Frances Paquin
Lisa Pare
Gilda Pavlech
Robert Pavlech
Leslie Pelzar
Robert Penney
McEwan Perkins
Arleen Peronto
Eric Perrelli
Franklin Perry
Albert Petitpas
William Philip
Pam Pirolli
Ted Pisk
Leslie Pitiger
Janet Porter
Portmeirion LLC
Mark Powers
Ronald Price
Jean Privitera
Joyce Psaros
Margaret Pzynski
R Dario Quiros
Hushang Rastkhane
Karen Reidy
Frederick Remsen
Gerald Renzoni
Stephen Repka
Michael Riordan
Ezra Ripple
Riverfront Recapture, Inc.
Robert Rizzo
Jane Robitaille
Mark Rodbourn
Roggi's Auto Service
Laura Roman
Stuart Rosenberg
Peter Roth
Susan Rubin
Richard Ruck
Marshall Rulnick
Marsha Rupp
Peter Russell
Marc Sadinsky
Brooke Samuelson
Jan San Souci
Enter the Holiday Card contest
by Fri., Nov. 6th. Call Ali
Prazak for more information.
Jane Sanford
Mitzi Sansivero
Frank Santa-Donato
Natalya Sapko
Mary Sargent
Robert Saunders
Art Schaller
Carol Schander
Robin Schemansky
Susan Schenker
Thomas Schreier
Leslie Segal
Joseph Segal
John C & Kimberly E Shea
Marie Shimchick
Wilma Sicklick
Marty Sienko
Paul Silvergleid
David Sizemore
Ronald Soccoli
Robert Spaniotis
Janet Spingler
Tony Spingler
William Stahl
Judy Staknis
Stanofi Foundation of North
Star Silk & Woolen Company
Jonathan Stein
Martin Stein
Thomas Steinle
Janet Stern
Jeff Stevens
Timothy Stewart
Carol Stoneman
James Stopa
Gerald Stratford
John Suisman
Super Cellar Liquors
Richard Suski
Victor Svenberg
Wendy Swain
Warren Sweet
R. Kent Talbot
Joseph Tapper
Montgomery Taylor
Rosanne Tejeda
Madeleine Terenzio
John Tesseyman
The Meredith Corporation
The Shulansky Foundation, Inc.
The Wilcox Family
Elaine Tierney
Kevin Tierney
George Tillinghast
Daniel Troiano
Tumble Brook Country Club
Joseph Tycz
UBS Employee Giving
Lee Van Meter
Mary Vassar
Brad Vaughan
David Veilleux
Pina Velandia
Verace Tax Consulting
William Vernesoni
John Viera
Cara Vietri
Kristen Vietze
Heather Vigeant
Jim Wade
Wade's Fruits & Vegetables, Inc.
Jeff Walden
Jo Ann Walk
Kitty Walker
Seth Walter
Jodi Wasserlauf
Michael Watts
Sheryl Weaver
Linda Weintraub
Jan Welch
Neal & Kathie Welch
Wendy Wernick
Kathryn West
Michael Wice
Bernard Wilbur
Chele Wilkins
Williams Service Center, Inc.
Liz Wilson
Edward Winslow
Paul Winterhalder
Carol Witkowski
Steve Woods
Laura & Bill Yandow
Eric Zachs
John Zagaja
Robert Zagaja
Paul Zaidel
Rino Zaino
Alfred Zemaitis
Michael Zimmerman
Make News
Help Kick Off
Travelers Championship
By Jay Sloves
There was “The Voice” first season champion
Javier Colon, Basketball Hall of Famer
Coach Jim Calhoun, World Series Champion
“Nasty Boys” Rob Dibble, and for football
fans, former New York Jets Head Coach
Herm Edwards. They joined a line-up of
more than a dozen stars from sports and
entertainment who came out June 7 to
support The Travelers Championship kickoff golf tournament benefitting The First Tee
of Connecticut—2015 Walmart Charity
Classic Presented by Stanley Black & Decker
at the TPC River Highlands in Cromwell.
But the real star of the day was the event’s
Honorary Chair—Christie Williams, a
member of The First Tee of Connecticut. No
glass ceiling here; Christie captained the
Portland High School Men’s Golf Team this
past golf season (there is no team for
WFSB TV 3’s Mark Zinni, Ian (left) and Ryan Woods during “Transforming Lives” segment.
By Jay Sloves
Three transforming stories.
Transformation is a common thread
regardless of whether it’s a child with a
disability such as Ryan Woods (who was
women). Christie will attend Campbell
University this Fall with a major in PGA
Golf Management.
diagnosed with
Autism as a
young child) or
Williams, who
captained her
high school
Men’s golf team,
or a four-year old
Danny Martinez
who moved to
Hartford from
South America
and is now an
producer at
They are just three examples of the 67,000
lives TFTCT helps transform every year.
They were brought together just prior to the
Travelers Championship by a WFSB TV 3
film crew to capture their stories.
The Travelers Championship proudly
supports the PGA TOUR Tradition of
Giving Back by donating 100 percent of net
proceeds to charities each year. The
Walmart Charity Classic for The First
Tee of Connecticut is one example of
a unique event that helps expand the
tournament’s charitable mission.
To add to the championship flavor for
the day Dan Keller’s, Bill Carbone’s
and Paul Bocciarelli’s DISH
Restaurant Group provided
championship fare.
* We regret that due to newsletter
space limitations, we are unable
to include over 400 donors in the
Confidence Level $1-$99.
We appreciate your continued
L-R, David Polk with First Tee “All-Stars”: Sadie Martinez, Chase Skrubis, Christian McDavid and Christie Williams
”Our on-going relationship with both
Walmart and the Travelers
Championship helps us maintain the
national standards our kids and
coaches enjoy,” said David E. Polk,
President and Executive Director of
The First Tee of Connecticut.
The First Tee of Connecticut would like to thank the generous individuals, foundations, corporations, golf course staff, and alliance partners who
responded to our 2014 fundraising campaigns, including our Charity Classic tournaments. We are grateful as well for the many in-kind donations we
received throughout the year. We apologize in advance if we have somehow overlooked your names in this edition - we try very hard, but do not always
mention those who should be mentioned. Without your incredible support & promotion, we wouldn't be able to introduce the Life Skills Experience to
nearly 67,000 young people in Connecticut!
Named Learning Center
David & Geri Epstein
Karl Krapek
Responsibility Level
The Andrew K. Dwyer Foundation
East Hartford Public Schools
Greater Hartford Community
Core Value Banners
Chris McWilton
The Bessette Family
Dish Restaurant Group
Carolyn Greenspan & Marshall Ruben Ron & Opal Gilmore
Marshall S. Ruben & Carolyn
In Honor of Christopher Harrison
Interfaith Open
Stanley Black & Decker
Longobardi Family
USSGA Memorial Fund
Bob & Alys Morande
Webster Private Bank
Robinson & Cole
World Golf Foundation, Inc.
Walking for Kids Foundation
Yale University Athletics
Alliance Organizations
CT Section PGA Foundation
Sportsmanship Level
American Savings Foundation
Art & Mariko Bryne
Mrs. Geri Epstein
MasterCard Worldwide
Max Restaurant Group
Saint Francis Foundation
The Final-Final Open
The First Tee, thanks to Legacy
Partner, Johnson & Johnson
Travelers Championship
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Respect Level
The Budd Family Foundation
Dan Earle
First Niagara Bank Foundation
GE Capital Corporation
William & Diana Gray
Robert Hess
Simon Higgs
May, Bonee & Walsh
Mr. Handyman
Charles & Lida Tingley
Henry House Foundation
Ladd Capital Management LLC
LHI Metals
Loeb & Loeb
Time, Inc. - Sports Illustrated
Leigh & Kim Martin
Ted & Debbie May
Neuberger Berman, LLC
NFL Alumni, CT Chapter
Harry Nowobilski Memorial
Specialty Lighting Group
Stephen & Kathyrn Parks
David & Rennie Polk
Private Capital Group
Robinson & Cole, LLP
Tee It Up For The First Tee Program
The Farmington Bank Community
The LPGA Foundation
The Travelers Companies
The Tolland Fund
UBS Financial Services
Zesiger Capital Group, LLC
Judgment Level
Aetna Foundation
Alloy Metals
Aqua Turf Club
Aquatic Pool & Spa Services
Anthony & Amy Assante
Aurora Foundation
Perseverance Level
Avon Wellness Center Dental
Beach Point Capital Management
Samuel Bailey
Beirne Wealth Management
Shepard & Beverly Baker
Brescome Barton, Inc.
Peter Barnett
Congregation Adath Israel
Chris & Kathy Berman
Michael Connell
Teddy Bobroske
The Leon & Toby Cooperman Family Paul Bocciarelli, DMD
Christopher Byrd
Geraud Darnis
James A. Calhoun
Farmington Savings Bank
California Community Foundation
Eric Fast
Jonathan Clark
Hartford Hospital
Dr. Jeff & Andrea Cohen
Commonwealth Financial Network
John (J.J.) Coneys
Langdon Cook
Robert Daum
Dave & Chris Dixon
Vincent Dowling
East Hartford Chamber of Commerce
Egidio Financial Group
Brad Faxon/Faxon & Booth Golf
Fiduciary Investment Advisors
The Late Everett Fisher & Mary Fisher
Roger & Margie Gelfenbien
E. Clayton Gengras
David Gordon
Great American Donut, Inc.
Horizon Financial Advisors, LLC
The John & Kelly Hartman
Edna Jordan
Susan Karlan
Bradford Kopp
Roland Labonte
David & Billie Ladd
Lawrence Lawrence
David Marks
Robert Marks
Lee Mather
Paul Mersereau
Dennis Nally
NEFCO Corporation
Northeast Utilities
Mark Paley
Parrett, Porto, Parese & Colwell, PC
People's United Bank
The Pike Family Fund
Robert Pyne
Quinnipiac University
Glen Rapoport
Gary & Mim Reynolds
Tim Sennatt
Anne Shafer
Glenn & Barbara Sieber
Edward Silver
J. Brian Smith
John Solan
Barry Taintor
The Bauman Family Foundation, Inc.
The Coca Cola Company
Trinity College
Matt & Betsy Udal
Underwriters Insurance
Phil Vogel
Walking For Kids Foundation
John & Marcie Walsh
Bill & Marianne Watson
Scott Wilson
Jack Withiam
Richard & Jocelyn Woolworth
Yale New Haven Hospital
Integrity Level
Adams & Company, Inc.
Peter Baldwin
Becknell Industrial
Richard Berry
Richard Boccaccio
Phil & Valerie Bonee
Robert Bradley
Leana Brayton
Jon Brower
Daniel Callahan
The Callies Family Foundation
Brendan Canny
George Claffey
Sanford Cloud
Bobbi & Barry Coller
Jonathan Colman
Timothy Coppage
Harry Corning
Mary Lou Czaplicki
James Dailey
Henry Decsi
Daniel DiFiore
Peter Dunn
Friedman Group LLC
Robert Garthwait
Per Heidenreich
David Hill
Linda Ho & Kathleen Sweeney
Thomas Hoang
Theron Hoffman
Robert Hopkins
Stephen Hourihan
Barbara Karis-Downey
Stephen Kidder & Judith Malone
Thomas Kreitler
Paul Lewis
Susan Link
Maglieri Construction & Paving, Inc.
Mark Malkowski
Francis Maloney
The Late Dr. Roberta Anderson
John McCambridge
L.C. Meythaler
Wendy Montanaro
Kenneth Mountcastle
Gary Muckle
John Nolan
John Novarr
Leo Novarr
Gerald O'Connell
Orange Hills Country Club
Samuel Palmisano
Frances Paquin
Robert Pease
Robert Perkins
Ridgefield Golf Club
RWG Enterprises LLC
Albert Scharf
Jean Sennett
Severance Foods, Inc.
Alan Shia
Sky Bright Foundation
Cameron Smith
Craig Stasulis
James Stewart
Spencer Taylor
Thomas Trumble
Donald Vacheron
Claire Van De Berghe
James Weil
Suzy Whaley
Michael Wheeler
Sherwood Willard
Holland Wilson
Jeffrey Witherwax
Honesty Level
Aaron Posnik & Co, Inc.
Michael Albis
Michael Ausere
Edward Babington
Marshall Barnes
Don & Jane Barr
Frank Barrett
Bruce Barth
Robert Batch
Brien Beakey
Bernheimer-Lincoln Insurance Group
Donald Bidwell
Arthur Blumer
James Bly
Christopher Bonner
Boston Textile Co., Inc.
Robert Bouvier
Peter Britton
Jeffery Burns
Patrick Callaghan
Capitol Region Education Council
Howard Carver
Charter Oak Building Maintenance,
Stephen Chernock
Curtiss Clemens
Mary Connolly
Mary Crary
Credit Insurance Management Corp
Paul Croce
Kenneth Deangelis
Timothy Donahue
David Emmel
Jonathan Fairbanks
Fairview Farm Golf Course
Joseph Fasi
Judd Fink
Emily Fisher
David & Carol Galbraith
Robert Garneau
John Gernon
Grassy Hill Men's Association
Eric Greenhill
H. Smith Richardson
William & Corinne Halliday
James Healey
Jay Hershman
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder
Jeffrey Hires
Ronald Hodge
Hop Meadow Country Club
Mark Jacobs
William & Kathleen Kane
W. Michael Kern
Klubs for Kids
Andrew Kohnke
John Kreitler
Ben & Deb Lagana
John Lahtinen
Stephen LeLaurin
Coleman & Judie Levy
Jared Levy
Richard Levy & Karen Shaffer
John Livingstone
Austin Lydon
Michael Mahoney
Marcum, LLP
James McGeehan
David McHale
James Michel
Robert Moriarty
Cathy Morway-Bloomberg
Thomas Mullaney
Patrick Murphy
William A. Nichols
Avra Novarr
John O'Connell
Sean O'Keefe
Bob & Cherie Orenstein
William Petit
Robbie Pyne
Henry Ramallo
Brian & Tracy Rice
Michael & Carol Rice
Richter Park Ladies Club
Robert H. Lord Company, Inc.
Suzanne Rosenthal
John Scelza
Anthony Scillia
Leslie Segal
Sharon Country Club
Shuttle Meadow Country Club
Michael Simeone
David Simpson
Benjamin Skaught & Dr. Barbara
David Smith
Michael Smith
Willard Starkie
H. John Steinbreder
Charles Stepnowski
Thomas Sweeney
Rose Swiatkiewicz
Tallwood Country Club
Michael Taylor
The Berry Group
The John G. Martin Foundation
The Whittemore Foundation
Westley Thompson
Jeffrey Thomsen
George Tierney
Tom Vacheron
Michael Vespoli
Edward Vick
Victor Advertising Service
Robert Von Dohlen
Joseph Wall
David Weaver
Wells Fargo
Christopher Williams
Bruce Wilson
Kristen Wirtenan
Courtesy Level
Bruce Wagner & Annette Bergen
Nelson Merchan & Diana Penagos
ABS Advanced Benefit Strategies, Inc.
Andree Acampora
Michael Adams
Robert Albanesi
Mariel Albee
Karen Alexander
Martha Alward
John Anderson
Charles Andrew
Sandra Aparo
Karen Arborio
Dan Atkinson
Kathy Atwell
Jack Bair
Paula Baldwin
Bank of America Matching Gifts
William Banks
Paula Baram
Josephine Barket
Pauline Barry
Susan Barzottini
Judith Battaglia
Beaudry Construction, LLC.
Jackie Beck
John Belem
Robert Bender
Adam Bennett
George Benoit
Fred Bergstrom
Bruce Berlet
John A. Berman
James Betts
John Biancamano
Peter Borkoski
Bonnie Bouwman
Alberta Bove
Melanie Bowers
James Boyle
Boyles CT Retail LLC
Debby Bragdon
Missy Brayton
Edward Brazalovich
Breaking Ground Construction, LLC
Nancy Brennan
Dennis Brennan
Allyn Briggs
Deb Brownstein
Michael Brugg
Gaye Bryant
Gloria Bryant
John Budds
Susan Burke
Robert Burkhardt
The Burton Trust
Mary Lou Calamita
Kevin Callahan
Kevin & Sue Canavan
James & Lisa Cantey
Madeline Capodanno
Joe Caputa
Lois Carle
Eileen Carleton
Peter Carlson
Teresa Carlson
Jason Caron
Richard Cassin
Mark Cattel
Mary Caudill
Alicia Cavallaro
Leslie Cavallaro
Denise Cheneski
Blair Childs
Michael Chong
Clear Channel Media &
Susan Clemow
Thomas Coates
Mana Coffey
Jerry Cohen
Anthony Colandrea, Jr.
College Help 1
Robert A. Conn
Mary Connolly
Catherine Connor
Madeline Copodanno
Timothy Cormany
Elaine Corris
Doug Cote
Earle Cote
Donna Courchaine
Martin Courneen
Charles Reagan & Courtney Mrachek
Robert Cox
Jane Coyle
Matthew Coyle
Tricia Crowley
Patricia Crowley
Crowley Chrysler Plymouth
Priscilla Cunningham
James Cunningham
Tracie Curran
Mary Lou Czaplicki
Gregory Damato
Eric Daniels
Tyler Davis
Wendy Deary
Joseph DeBartolo
Gerard Delabry
Kathleen DeMatteo
Scott Demeo
Kim Demsey
Richard Denicolo
Klarn DePalma
Mary DePinho
Linda DePonte
Greg DerBoghosian
James Devine
Sheila Dickey
Carolyn Didden-Frattaroli
Whitney Dionne
Barbara Diorio
Kathryn Dishon
Ellen Donadio
Joy Dorin
Downey Family Foundation
Michele Dreiss
Gina Driscoll
Mara Dunleavy
Patricia Durante
Cindy & Andy Dwyer
The First Tee of Connecticut would like to thank the generous individuals, foundations, corporations, golf course staff, and alliance partners who
responded to our 2014 fundraising campaigns, including our Charity Classic tournaments. We are grateful as well for the many in-kind donations we
received throughout the year. We apologize in advance if we have somehow overlooked your names in this edition - we try very hard, but do not always
mention those who should be mentioned. Without your incredible support & promotion, we wouldn't be able to introduce the Life Skills Experience to
nearly 67,000 young people in Connecticut!
Named Learning Center
David & Geri Epstein
Karl Krapek
Responsibility Level
The Andrew K. Dwyer Foundation
East Hartford Public Schools
Greater Hartford Community
Core Value Banners
Chris McWilton
The Bessette Family
Dish Restaurant Group
Carolyn Greenspan & Marshall Ruben Ron & Opal Gilmore
Marshall S. Ruben & Carolyn
In Honor of Christopher Harrison
Interfaith Open
Stanley Black & Decker
Longobardi Family
USSGA Memorial Fund
Bob & Alys Morande
Webster Private Bank
Robinson & Cole
World Golf Foundation, Inc.
Walking for Kids Foundation
Yale University Athletics
Alliance Organizations
CT Section PGA Foundation
Sportsmanship Level
American Savings Foundation
Art & Mariko Bryne
Mrs. Geri Epstein
MasterCard Worldwide
Max Restaurant Group
Saint Francis Foundation
The Final-Final Open
The First Tee, thanks to Legacy
Partner, Johnson & Johnson
Travelers Championship
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Respect Level
The Budd Family Foundation
Dan Earle
First Niagara Bank Foundation
GE Capital Corporation
William & Diana Gray
Robert Hess
Simon Higgs
May, Bonee & Walsh
Mr. Handyman
Charles & Lida Tingley
Henry House Foundation
Ladd Capital Management LLC
LHI Metals
Loeb & Loeb
Time, Inc. - Sports Illustrated
Leigh & Kim Martin
Ted & Debbie May
Neuberger Berman, LLC
NFL Alumni, CT Chapter
Harry Nowobilski Memorial
Specialty Lighting Group
Stephen & Kathyrn Parks
David & Rennie Polk
Private Capital Group
Robinson & Cole, LLP
Tee It Up For The First Tee Program
The Farmington Bank Community
The LPGA Foundation
The Travelers Companies
The Tolland Fund
UBS Financial Services
Zesiger Capital Group, LLC
Judgment Level
Aetna Foundation
Alloy Metals
Aqua Turf Club
Aquatic Pool & Spa Services
Anthony & Amy Assante
Aurora Foundation
Perseverance Level
Avon Wellness Center Dental
Beach Point Capital Management
Samuel Bailey
Beirne Wealth Management
Shepard & Beverly Baker
Brescome Barton, Inc.
Peter Barnett
Congregation Adath Israel
Chris & Kathy Berman
Michael Connell
Teddy Bobroske
The Leon & Toby Cooperman Family Paul Bocciarelli, DMD
Christopher Byrd
Geraud Darnis
James A. Calhoun
Farmington Savings Bank
California Community Foundation
Eric Fast
Jonathan Clark
Hartford Hospital
Dr. Jeff & Andrea Cohen
Commonwealth Financial Network
John (J.J.) Coneys
Langdon Cook
Robert Daum
Dave & Chris Dixon
Vincent Dowling
East Hartford Chamber of Commerce
Egidio Financial Group
Brad Faxon/Faxon & Booth Golf
Fiduciary Investment Advisors
The Late Everett Fisher & Mary Fisher
Roger & Margie Gelfenbien
E. Clayton Gengras
David Gordon
Great American Donut, Inc.
Horizon Financial Advisors, LLC
The John & Kelly Hartman
Edna Jordan
Susan Karlan
Bradford Kopp
Roland Labonte
David & Billie Ladd
Lawrence Lawrence
David Marks
Robert Marks
Lee Mather
Paul Mersereau
Dennis Nally
NEFCO Corporation
Northeast Utilities
Mark Paley
Parrett, Porto, Parese & Colwell, PC
People's United Bank
The Pike Family Fund
Robert Pyne
Quinnipiac University
Glen Rapoport
Gary & Mim Reynolds
Tim Sennatt
Anne Shafer
Glenn & Barbara Sieber
Edward Silver
J. Brian Smith
John Solan
Barry Taintor
The Bauman Family Foundation, Inc.
The Coca Cola Company
Trinity College
Matt & Betsy Udal
Underwriters Insurance
Phil Vogel
Walking For Kids Foundation
John & Marcie Walsh
Bill & Marianne Watson
Scott Wilson
Jack Withiam
Richard & Jocelyn Woolworth
Yale New Haven Hospital
Integrity Level
Adams & Company, Inc.
Peter Baldwin
Becknell Industrial
Richard Berry
Richard Boccaccio
Phil & Valerie Bonee
Robert Bradley
Leana Brayton
Jon Brower
Daniel Callahan
The Callies Family Foundation
Brendan Canny
George Claffey
Sanford Cloud
Bobbi & Barry Coller
Jonathan Colman
Timothy Coppage
Harry Corning
Mary Lou Czaplicki
James Dailey
Henry Decsi
Daniel DiFiore
Peter Dunn
Friedman Group LLC
Robert Garthwait
Per Heidenreich
David Hill
Linda Ho & Kathleen Sweeney
Thomas Hoang
Theron Hoffman
Robert Hopkins
Stephen Hourihan
Barbara Karis-Downey
Stephen Kidder & Judith Malone
Thomas Kreitler
Paul Lewis
Susan Link
Maglieri Construction & Paving, Inc.
Mark Malkowski
Francis Maloney
The Late Dr. Roberta Anderson
John McCambridge
L.C. Meythaler
Wendy Montanaro
Kenneth Mountcastle
Gary Muckle
John Nolan
John Novarr
Leo Novarr
Gerald O'Connell
Orange Hills Country Club
Samuel Palmisano
Frances Paquin
Robert Pease
Robert Perkins
Ridgefield Golf Club
RWG Enterprises LLC
Albert Scharf
Jean Sennett
Severance Foods, Inc.
Alan Shia
Sky Bright Foundation
Cameron Smith
Craig Stasulis
James Stewart
Spencer Taylor
Thomas Trumble
Donald Vacheron
Claire Van De Berghe
James Weil
Suzy Whaley
Michael Wheeler
Sherwood Willard
Holland Wilson
Jeffrey Witherwax
Honesty Level
Aaron Posnik & Co, Inc.
Michael Albis
Michael Ausere
Edward Babington
Marshall Barnes
Don & Jane Barr
Frank Barrett
Bruce Barth
Robert Batch
Brien Beakey
Bernheimer-Lincoln Insurance Group
Donald Bidwell
Arthur Blumer
James Bly
Christopher Bonner
Boston Textile Co., Inc.
Robert Bouvier
Peter Britton
Jeffery Burns
Patrick Callaghan
Capitol Region Education Council
Howard Carver
Charter Oak Building Maintenance,
Stephen Chernock
Curtiss Clemens
Mary Connolly
Mary Crary
Credit Insurance Management Corp
Paul Croce
Kenneth Deangelis
Timothy Donahue
David Emmel
Jonathan Fairbanks
Fairview Farm Golf Course
Joseph Fasi
Judd Fink
Emily Fisher
David & Carol Galbraith
Robert Garneau
John Gernon
Grassy Hill Men's Association
Eric Greenhill
H. Smith Richardson
William & Corinne Halliday
James Healey
Jay Hershman
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder
Jeffrey Hires
Ronald Hodge
Hop Meadow Country Club
Mark Jacobs
William & Kathleen Kane
W. Michael Kern
Klubs for Kids
Andrew Kohnke
John Kreitler
Ben & Deb Lagana
John Lahtinen
Stephen LeLaurin
Coleman & Judie Levy
Jared Levy
Richard Levy & Karen Shaffer
John Livingstone
Austin Lydon
Michael Mahoney
Marcum, LLP
James McGeehan
David McHale
James Michel
Robert Moriarty
Cathy Morway-Bloomberg
Thomas Mullaney
Patrick Murphy
William A. Nichols
Avra Novarr
John O'Connell
Sean O'Keefe
Bob & Cherie Orenstein
William Petit
Robbie Pyne
Henry Ramallo
Brian & Tracy Rice
Michael & Carol Rice
Richter Park Ladies Club
Robert H. Lord Company, Inc.
Suzanne Rosenthal
John Scelza
Anthony Scillia
Leslie Segal
Sharon Country Club
Shuttle Meadow Country Club
Michael Simeone
David Simpson
Benjamin Skaught & Dr. Barbara
David Smith
Michael Smith
Willard Starkie
H. John Steinbreder
Charles Stepnowski
Thomas Sweeney
Rose Swiatkiewicz
Tallwood Country Club
Michael Taylor
The Berry Group
The John G. Martin Foundation
The Whittemore Foundation
Westley Thompson
Jeffrey Thomsen
George Tierney
Tom Vacheron
Michael Vespoli
Edward Vick
Victor Advertising Service
Robert Von Dohlen
Joseph Wall
David Weaver
Wells Fargo
Christopher Williams
Bruce Wilson
Kristen Wirtenan
Courtesy Level
Bruce Wagner & Annette Bergen
Nelson Merchan & Diana Penagos
ABS Advanced Benefit Strategies, Inc.
Andree Acampora
Michael Adams
Robert Albanesi
Mariel Albee
Karen Alexander
Martha Alward
John Anderson
Charles Andrew
Sandra Aparo
Karen Arborio
Dan Atkinson
Kathy Atwell
Jack Bair
Paula Baldwin
Bank of America Matching Gifts
William Banks
Paula Baram
Josephine Barket
Pauline Barry
Susan Barzottini
Judith Battaglia
Beaudry Construction, LLC.
Jackie Beck
John Belem
Robert Bender
Adam Bennett
George Benoit
Fred Bergstrom
Bruce Berlet
John A. Berman
James Betts
John Biancamano
Peter Borkoski
Bonnie Bouwman
Alberta Bove
Melanie Bowers
James Boyle
Boyles CT Retail LLC
Debby Bragdon
Missy Brayton
Edward Brazalovich
Breaking Ground Construction, LLC
Nancy Brennan
Dennis Brennan
Allyn Briggs
Deb Brownstein
Michael Brugg
Gaye Bryant
Gloria Bryant
John Budds
Susan Burke
Robert Burkhardt
The Burton Trust
Mary Lou Calamita
Kevin Callahan
Kevin & Sue Canavan
James & Lisa Cantey
Madeline Capodanno
Joe Caputa
Lois Carle
Eileen Carleton
Peter Carlson
Teresa Carlson
Jason Caron
Richard Cassin
Mark Cattel
Mary Caudill
Alicia Cavallaro
Leslie Cavallaro
Denise Cheneski
Blair Childs
Michael Chong
Clear Channel Media &
Susan Clemow
Thomas Coates
Mana Coffey
Jerry Cohen
Anthony Colandrea, Jr.
College Help 1
Robert A. Conn
Mary Connolly
Catherine Connor
Madeline Copodanno
Timothy Cormany
Elaine Corris
Doug Cote
Earle Cote
Donna Courchaine
Martin Courneen
Charles Reagan & Courtney Mrachek
Robert Cox
Jane Coyle
Matthew Coyle
Tricia Crowley
Patricia Crowley
Crowley Chrysler Plymouth
Priscilla Cunningham
James Cunningham
Tracie Curran
Mary Lou Czaplicki
Gregory Damato
Eric Daniels
Tyler Davis
Wendy Deary
Joseph DeBartolo
Gerard Delabry
Kathleen DeMatteo
Scott Demeo
Kim Demsey
Richard Denicolo
Klarn DePalma
Mary DePinho
Linda DePonte
Greg DerBoghosian
James Devine
Sheila Dickey
Carolyn Didden-Frattaroli
Whitney Dionne
Barbara Diorio
Kathryn Dishon
Ellen Donadio
Joy Dorin
Downey Family Foundation
Michele Dreiss
Gina Driscoll
Mara Dunleavy
Patricia Durante
Cindy & Andy Dwyer
Courtesy Level cont.
Cheryl Dziubina
Mary Eberle
Robert Edmunds
Patrick Egan
Alfred Ehrhardt
Ellington Ridge Country Club
Douglas & Shelia Elliot
Matthew Ely
Lawrence English
Richard Erickson
Lucille Faugno
Steven Feltman
Victor Ferrante
Lynn Ferris
Andrew Fezza
Melissa Figuenick
Michael Fischman
Sandy Fisette
Tom Fitzgerald
John Flanagan
FMI Chemical, Inc.
A Peter Foote
Raymond Foshay
Clifford Foster
Joseph Fowler
Dominique Fox
Gerard Frame
Lawrence Franke
Greydon Freeman
Victor Fumiatti
Sandra Galla
Thea Gambardella
Judy Gamble
Louis Gautier
MaryLou Geghan
John Gerster
Charles Gesner
Patrick Gillard
John Ginnetti
Tracey Gionta
Bruce Goldenberg
Linda Gomes
Robert B. Goode
Joel Goodman
Sherri Gracia
Debbie Grambazi
Mary Ann Gray
Green Woods Country Club
Steven Greenberg
Kevin Greene
James Greenfield
Barry Greenstein
Gordon Gregoretti
Susan Grenert
Oz Griebel
Joel Grieco
Keith Griffin
Norman Grody
William Hadden
Anthony Hagale
Duane Haley
Linda Halko
Dawn Hallaman
Roger Hanlon
Patricia Haran
Chuck Harding
Patricia Harlow
Harper & Whitfield
Mary Harris
Mitchell Harris
Leslie Harrison
Linda Hatten
Deborah Haughn
Thomas Haverkampf
James Healey
Bill Hermanson
Ruth Hershman
Ali Herzog
Alfred Herzog
John Heyd
Diana Himmel
Joseph Hoffman
Marcy Hollander
Alice Honcharik
Barbara Horowitz & David
Katie Hosfelt
Amory Houghton III
Tina Houston
Carol Howe
Michael Hubbert
James Hughes
Hunter Womans Golf Club
Diane Iglesias
Janet Jacobson
Donald & Janet Jacobson
Lizzette Jacobson
Darui Jiang
Brian Johnston
Kelly Johnston
Joseph Abbate Plumbing &
Heating Contractor, Inc.
Marc Katzman
David Kaye
Thomas Keenan
Dennis Kelleher
Gloria Kelly
Jack Kennedy
Matthew A. Kerin
Michael Kim
Pat Kimball
Phyllis Kindelan
Treacy Kirkpatrick
Ronald Kleinman
Leslie Kogut
Robert Koskelowski
Cathleen Kowalski
Diane Kozel
David Krumholz
Deborah Labrecque
Stephen Laccone
Jennifer Lamprecht
Steve Lanza
Joseph LaPere
Steve & Nancy Lapointe
Mercedese E. Large
Pam Latka
Chris LaVigne
Law Offices of Victor A.
William Lawrence
Drew Lawton
Jim, Tricia & Cameron Ledford
Lynn Lefler
Thomas Leloup
Charles Lenore
David Lindsay
Susan Link
Tong Liu
Robert Loomis
Peggy Lorence
Susan Loschiavo
James Lovell
Walter Lowell
Dennis Lubozynski
Irene Luria
Lyman Orchards
James Lynch
Christopher Lyons
John Maciag
Phillip Mahoney
Monica Maia
Daniel Malarney
Paul Malcolm
David Mancini
Steven Manner
Chris Marano
Gerry Martin
Jackson Marvel
John Mason
Jane Mathew
Joan McCormick
Edward McDermott
James McDonald
Merritt McDonough
J. Michael McHugh
Thomas McKeon
Dana McKinney
Richard Mead
Robert Melanson
Stephen Merkel
Natalie Miller
Valerie Miller
Bruce Milligan
Richard Mills
Richard Moggio
Robert Mooney
Robert Morgan
Donna Moss
Cheryl Mrazik
Edward Mullarkey
Mark Nappi
Carol Navarro
Lisa Neves
Brad Newman
Adam Ney
Arlette Nicaise
Darlene Niedzielski
Margaret Nilan
Gary Norman
Daniel Novarr
O'Brien McCarthy Associates,
Paul Ockert
John O'Connor
Robert Olivieri
Robert Outtrim
Mary Pagnam
Timothy & Jane Pagnam
Michael Paparella
Frances Paquin
Lisa Pare
Gilda Pavlech
Robert Pavlech
Leslie Pelzar
Robert Penney
McEwan Perkins
Arleen Peronto
Eric Perrelli
Franklin Perry
Albert Petitpas
William Philip
Pam Pirolli
Ted Pisk
Leslie Pitiger
Janet Porter
Portmeirion LLC
Mark Powers
Ronald Price
Jean Privitera
Joyce Psaros
Margaret Pzynski
R Dario Quiros
Hushang Rastkhane
Karen Reidy
Frederick Remsen
Gerald Renzoni
Stephen Repka
Michael Riordan
Ezra Ripple
Riverfront Recapture, Inc.
Robert Rizzo
Jane Robitaille
Mark Rodbourn
Roggi's Auto Service
Laura Roman
Stuart Rosenberg
Peter Roth
Susan Rubin
Richard Ruck
Marshall Rulnick
Marsha Rupp
Peter Russell
Marc Sadinsky
Brooke Samuelson
Jan San Souci
Enter the Holiday Card contest
by Fri., Nov. 6th. Call Ali
Prazak for more information.
Jane Sanford
Mitzi Sansivero
Frank Santa-Donato
Natalya Sapko
Mary Sargent
Robert Saunders
Art Schaller
Carol Schander
Robin Schemansky
Susan Schenker
Thomas Schreier
Leslie Segal
Joseph Segal
John C & Kimberly E Shea
Marie Shimchick
Wilma Sicklick
Marty Sienko
Paul Silvergleid
David Sizemore
Ronald Soccoli
Robert Spaniotis
Janet Spingler
Tony Spingler
William Stahl
Judy Staknis
Stanofi Foundation of North
Star Silk & Woolen Company
Jonathan Stein
Martin Stein
Thomas Steinle
Janet Stern
Jeff Stevens
Timothy Stewart
Carol Stoneman
James Stopa
Gerald Stratford
John Suisman
Super Cellar Liquors
Richard Suski
Victor Svenberg
Wendy Swain
Warren Sweet
R. Kent Talbot
Joseph Tapper
Montgomery Taylor
Rosanne Tejeda
Madeleine Terenzio
John Tesseyman
The Meredith Corporation
The Shulansky Foundation, Inc.
The Wilcox Family
Elaine Tierney
Kevin Tierney
George Tillinghast
Daniel Troiano
Tumble Brook Country Club
Joseph Tycz
UBS Employee Giving
Lee Van Meter
Mary Vassar
Brad Vaughan
David Veilleux
Pina Velandia
Verace Tax Consulting
William Vernesoni
John Viera
Cara Vietri
Kristen Vietze
Heather Vigeant
Jim Wade
Wade's Fruits & Vegetables, Inc.
Jeff Walden
Jo Ann Walk
Kitty Walker
Seth Walter
Jodi Wasserlauf
Michael Watts
Sheryl Weaver
Linda Weintraub
Jan Welch
Neal & Kathie Welch
Wendy Wernick
Kathryn West
Michael Wice
Bernard Wilbur
Chele Wilkins
Williams Service Center, Inc.
Liz Wilson
Edward Winslow
Paul Winterhalder
Carol Witkowski
Steve Woods
Laura & Bill Yandow
Eric Zachs
John Zagaja
Robert Zagaja
Paul Zaidel
Rino Zaino
Alfred Zemaitis
Michael Zimmerman
Make News
Help Kick Off
Travelers Championship
By Jay Sloves
There was “The Voice” first season champion
Javier Colon, Basketball Hall of Famer
Coach Jim Calhoun, World Series Champion
“Nasty Boys” Rob Dibble, and for football
fans, former New York Jets Head Coach
Herm Edwards. They joined a line-up of
more than a dozen stars from sports and
entertainment who came out June 7 to
support The Travelers Championship kickoff golf tournament benefitting The First Tee
of Connecticut—2015 Walmart Charity
Classic Presented by Stanley Black & Decker
at the TPC River Highlands in Cromwell.
But the real star of the day was the event’s
Honorary Chair—Christie Williams, a
member of The First Tee of Connecticut. No
glass ceiling here; Christie captained the
Portland High School Men’s Golf Team this
past golf season (there is no team for
WFSB TV 3’s Mark Zinni, Ian (left) and Ryan Woods during “Transforming Lives” segment.
By Jay Sloves
Three transforming stories.
Transformation is a common thread
regardless of whether it’s a child with a
disability such as Ryan Woods (who was
women). Christie will attend Campbell
University this Fall with a major in PGA
Golf Management.
diagnosed with
Autism as a
young child) or
Williams, who
captained her
high school
Men’s golf team,
or a four-year old
Danny Martinez
who moved to
Hartford from
South America
and is now an
producer at
They are just three examples of the 67,000
lives TFTCT helps transform every year.
They were brought together just prior to the
Travelers Championship by a WFSB TV 3
film crew to capture their stories.
The Travelers Championship proudly
supports the PGA TOUR Tradition of
Giving Back by donating 100 percent of net
proceeds to charities each year. The
Walmart Charity Classic for The First
Tee of Connecticut is one example of
a unique event that helps expand the
tournament’s charitable mission.
To add to the championship flavor for
the day Dan Keller’s, Bill Carbone’s
and Paul Bocciarelli’s DISH
Restaurant Group provided
championship fare.
* We regret that due to newsletter
space limitations, we are unable
to include over 400 donors in the
Confidence Level $1-$99.
We appreciate your continued
L-R, David Polk with First Tee “All-Stars”: Sadie Martinez, Chase Skrubis, Christian McDavid and Christie Williams
”Our on-going relationship with both
Walmart and the Travelers
Championship helps us maintain the
national standards our kids and
coaches enjoy,” said David E. Polk,
President and Executive Director of
The First Tee of Connecticut.
The President
Dear Friends of The First Tee of Connecticut,
As I watched a Summer Camp award
ceremony, it struck me that life is much
simpler when seen through the eyes of a
child. I listened to a boy describe the Core
Value Confidence as “visualizing the ball
going into the hole, knowing for sure that it
would go in.”
I’ll keep things simple and urge you to read
on for more great ways we transform lives
one swing at a time.
David Polk,
President & Executive Director
Donny Marshall giving kids a hand in workshop
Donny Marshall
Stands Up To Bullies
UCONN basketball legend and TV sports
commentator Donny Marshall, a First Tee of
Connecticut (TFTCT) Board member,
knows all about bullies, on and off the court.
As a child growing up in Federal Way, WA,
he experienced bullying first hand.
Sporting a bright orange—“I’ve Got Your
Back” tee shirt—Donny delivered a message
of hope at the 2nd annual The First Tee of
Connecticut Anti-Bullying workshop held
August 17th at the David & Geri Epstein
At The
By Jay Sloves
First Tee Breakfast
Who says there’s no crying
in golf?
Ian Baker-Finch, CBS Sports Golf
Analyst and past British Open
Champion, was the featured speaker
at The First Tee of Connecticut’s 9th
Annual Patrons’ Breakfast (during
Saturday competition of the Travelers
Championship) at the David & Geri
Epstein Learning Center at the TPC
River Highlands. It’s an annual
tradition where The First Tee of
Connecticut (TFTCT) honors young
people, volunteers, donors and
sponsors for their on-going support.
The Breakfast was sponsored by May,
Bonee & Walsh and Konica-Minolta.
Moving Day...
Three New Board
Members Named
Teddy serves on several civic
and community boards and also
serves as a Commissioner of
Connecticut State Boxing
TFTCT Board Chairman Ted May
welcomes three new Board Members— Jeff
Calhoun, Henry Moniz and Theodore
New Staff
Jeff Calhoun, who was a UConn teammate
of fellow TFTCT board member Donny
Marshall, knows all about responsibility, one
of First Tee's Nine Core values. Jeff and his
family are very active with many local and
national charities, including Autism Speaks,
Easter Seals, UConn Health Center’s Pat and
Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center and as
parents of an autistic child, the new Autism
Center at the Hospital for Special Care.
Jeff, Senior Managing Partner of Park
Wilshire Companies, lives in Glastonbury
with his wife Amy and three daughters.
Ian Baker-Finch with the Claret Jug at Patrons’ Breakfast
Transforming lives.
Eric Daniels of Robinson + Cole (the firm
handled the legal work pro bono for the
Learning Center in Cromwell) and Bruce
Wilson, retired TFTCT President.
The theme of this year’s Breakfast was
“Transforming lives one swing at a time” so
three special young people were featured (See
following WFSB TV 3 story).
Breakfast Tee—An Unexpected
Attending the Patron’s Breakfast were retired
President & CEO United Technologies Corp
Karl Krapek (National Trustee of The First
Tee and sponsor of Krapek Family Learning
Links); Andy Bessette, Chief Administrative
Officer of Travelers, Nathan Grube,
Travelers Championship Tournament
Director (how the two found time is
amazing); Klarn DePalma, General Manager,
WFSB TV 3; recently retired local auto icon
and TFTCT sponsor Bob and Alys Morande;
What made this year’s Patron’s Breakfast so
special was the unexpected appearance of the
famous British Open trophy - the Claret Jug
- which Ian Baker-Finch won 24 years ago.
In 1991, he won the British Open yet kept
his commitment to attend the Tournament
(then the Canon Greater Hartford Open)
just two days later. “Honoring your
commitments that’s what you do. That’s
what The First Tee teaches in their Nine
Core Values,” Baker-Finch said.
Henry Moniz, Senior Vice President, Chief
Compliance Officer, Chief Audit Executive
and Global Head of Strategic Business
Practices of Viacom Inc. Henry serves on the
Bowdoin College Board of Trustees and has
also served on the Board of Managers of the
University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Henry and his wife, Holly, a writer, live in
Westport with their six children.
Theodore “Teddy” Bobroske of Greenwich
is a Senior Private Banker at Webster Bank.
Christy Deep joined The First
Tee of Connecticut as Manager
of Development and Events in
Stay tuned in our next newsletter for photo gallery from The Roberta
Massey Memorial Charity Classic for Women held at the Country Club
May 2015. Prior to joining
of Waterbury in August (shown) as well as the PwC Charity Classic at
TFTCT, Christy worked at
Stanwich CC, Yale Athletics First Tee Charity Classic at Yale, Spring
Gold, Orluk & Partners where
Parent-Child Open, Fall Parent-Child Open and Final Final Open.
she oversaw events, conferences
Highlands in Cromwell, a bridge plan and
and camps that raised over $7 million for
solicitation of Buick and subsequently
various charities. Christy does volunteer work
Travelers as title sponsors to keep the
for the Girl Scouts and her church. Christy
tournament alive after Canon pulled out in
enjoys running, travel and resides in West
Hartford with her daughter, Shelby and their
rescue dog, Holly.
After being a driving force for more than
four decades behind the Insurance City Open
(co-founded by his father in 1952)/Greater
Hartford Open/Buick Championship and
Travelers Championship, Ted found “a new
Ted May was inducted into the Connecticut
baby” when he spearheaded the birth of The
Golf Hall of Fame this past winter. Ted and
First Tee of Connecticut. What started with
his late father, Ed, are the only the second
50 youngsters in the “Mayor Mike’s Golf
father-son tandem to earn this distinction.
Club for Kids” program at Goodwin and
Ted May began volunteering at what was
Keney golf courses in Hartford in 1999 has
then the Sammy Davis Jr.-GHO in the midgrown into one of the state’s all-time success
1970s and was tournament chairman of “The stories serving more than 67,000 kids
Last Blast at Wethersfield” in 1983. May
then helped oversee a move to TPC River
Ted May inducted
into Hall of Fame
Local Volunteer honored with the George H. W. Bush/Shell Oil National Award
Presidential Citation: Kristin Wirtanen (left) of Glastonbury, an avid volunteer for The First Tee of
Connecticut for the past five years, was named the George H.W. Bush/Shell Oil Company “Volunteer
of the Year” award winner this past Spring at The First Tee’s biennial Network Meeting in Dallas,
Texas. “More than 67,000 young people participant in The First Tee of Connecticut programs. But to
me to change just one life in a positive way is like impacting many young lives,” Wirtanen said. Other
awards presented to The First Tee of Connecticut included The First Tee Recognized Executive
designation for David E. Polk, President & Executive Director and The First Tee Coach designation
for Mark Moriarty, Director of Programming.
Tax deductible contributions should be mailed to:
The First Tee of Connecticut
55 Golf Club Road, Cromwell, CT 06416
Phone: (860) 882-1660
The First Tee of Connecticut is an initiative of the Connecticut Golf
Foundation, Inc. and is incorporated under IRS Rule 501 (c) 3 as a
non-profit, tax-exempt entity.
Paul Pendergast
Carl Porto, Esq
Robert Pyne
Glen Rapoport, DMD
Gary Reynolds, PGA
Thomas E. Vacheron
John Walsh
Holland Wilson
Skip Wyatt
Michael Ausere
Teddy Bobroske
Sanford Young
Paul Bocciarelli, DMD
Donald Barr
Jeff Calhoun
Barbara Karis Downey,
Coach Jim Calhoun,
William Gray
UConn Athletics
Robert Hess
Elizabeth Caron, LPGA
Michael Iwanicki, (CCMAA) Brad Faxon, PGA TOUR
Roland LaBonte
David Ladd
Donny Marshall, YES
Mercedese Large, (CWGA)
Network & UConn
Henry Moniz
Michael Moraghan, (CSGA) Suzy Whaley, PGA of
Michael O'Grady, (CTPGA)
America Secretary
Edwin May III, Chairman
J.J. Coneys, Vice Chairman
David Dixon, Treasurer
Paul Mersereau, Esq.,
David Polk, President &
Executive Director
STAFF: David E. Polk, President & Exec. Director
Tracy Rice, Mgr. Development/Communications
Christy Deep, Mgr. Development/Events
Mark Moriarty, Director of Programs
Ali Prazak, Assistant Director of Programs
Sue Canavan, Administrative Associate
Special thanks to Konica Minolta Business
Solutions for generously sponsoring this newsletter
Learning Center in Cromwell.
Marshall was bullied mainly in grade school
because social/racial groups cast him as
belonging to the other group, based on his
Marshall shared those experiences with area
youth at TFTCT's Education Series on
"empowering youth to prevent bullying."
Prevention professionals from The Rushford
Center, in partnership with Community
Foundation of Middlesex County and
Council of Business Partners, developed the
program designed to teach both parent and
child what bullying is, why some bully others
and what you can do to stop it.
The First Tee of Connecticut
55 Golf Club Road
Cromwell, CT 06416
If you no longer wish to receive
our newsletter, please call
860-882-1660 or email
When Ted May, TFTCT Chairman,
presented the Claret Jug, which came with its
own bodyguard,
Ian Baker-Finch
was literally
speechless - “You
got me all choked
up.” Holding the
Claret Jug and
wiping tears from
his eye - “An old
friend, “ he said.
It was also a
Breakfast to
remember for
guests who each had their own Trophy
Moment too—a personal photo with the
storied Claret Jug (see front cover).
L-R; David Polk, Christie Williams, TFTCT Coach Bobby Powell, Danny Martinez, Ian
Woods (Ryan Woods Autism Foundation) and Ali Prazak (Assistant Program Director,
The First Tee
of Connecticut
Story page 2.