Cartazine 13 EN.indd


Cartazine 13 EN.indd
Dreams of success
The world of Cartamundi.
Petrobras .Top Cau
Pepsi Max
Red Band Truly
Studio 100
Autogrill .Kellogg’s
Extran .Ballon Media
Sanoma Magazines
Kraft Foods Deutschland
Kompania Piwowarska
Foster’s Hollywood
AXA / KPMG Consultants
Fachstelle für AIDS- und
Dreaming of
campaigns that
stick in your mind.
© Disney/Pixar
You can always play trumps with Cartazine concept
cards: they are high original, dynamic and personalised.
Or what about a game of Happy Families, where not
only can you play trumps, but you can also “upgrade”
the card with additional stickers. Fun for small children,
cool for older kids, hip for mums and dads.
The deck of cards and stickers are packed in separate
flowpacks. The shape of the cards and the stickers can
be adjusted to suit your brand identity, with the correct
logo, of course, and appropriate layout. And because
the stickers are small in size, the flowpacks can easily
be added or attached to your product.
These concept cards are literally and figuratively a game
without borders. Because not only are there endless
possibilities for games, but the simple playing rules are
explained using symbols that give the game a genuinely
international character!
To sum up, Cartamundi opens up a whole new world
in the concept of “playing cards”.
Br az i l
of fast cars at
the petrol pump.
Fast cars always do well at the box office
– a fact that was demonstrated once again
this summer with the blockbuster “Speed
Racer”. And anyone with sharp eyes
could also catch sight of the Petrobas
team flashing by during the race scenes.
Which was no coincidence, because this
Brazilian chain of service stations was one
of the sponsors of the film.
In addition to ten thousand great prizes,
a special set of Happy Families cards was
also handed out to drivers filling up with
Petrobras fuel. The set included both the
Speed Racers, which are the Petrobras
racing cars, and the race tracks used in
the film. In total, twenty-four cards were
distributed in four different flowpacks,
with a new one issued every ten days.
The final pack also included a beautifully
finished, shiny new little box for collecting the whole set of cards.
Client: Petrobras
© 2008 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved.
Speed Racer Enterprises, Inc.
Distribution: one free
flowpack each time the
customer bought 25 litres of
petrol or 35 litres of diesel at
a Petrobras service station
Period: May - July 2008
Production run:
4,800,000 flowpacks and
1,200,000 card boxes
Hong ar y
of maximum
While the festival stages in Hungary were
shaking, rattling and rolling this summer
to the sounds of the best in modern-day
rock music, the Pepsi Max promo teams
were busy adding extra fizz to the events.
The hostesses doing the rounds at the
shows gave a free deck of poker cards to
festival-goers who collected the caps from
Pepsi Max bottles.
In October, the deck was used again at
the FHM poker tournament in
Budapest. Those guests who ordered a
Pepsi cocktail were invited to select a gift
from a whole range of premium items.
The Pepsi Max deck of poker cards was
one of these items.
Simply by adapting the reverse of the
playing cards to its brand identity, Pepsi
gained maximum exposure without
having to keep a poker face!
Client: Pepsi Max
Distribution: give-away
at summer festivals and
the FHM poker tournament
Period: summer and
October 2008
Production run:
1,500 decks of cards
Net h e r lan d s
Dreaming of kids
snacking healthily.
Red Band Truly loves everything natural: in
fact, the brand’s sweets contain as many natural ingredients as possible and a new tree is
planted for every three packs. Red Band Truly
wanted to get this love of nature across to the
new generation of sweet-eaters through free
‘greasepaint’ and ‘woodland bingo’ games.
So over the past year, whenever you bought
two packs of Red Band Truly, you could
choose between a free face paint card or
a bingo game. The face paint card had enough
stuff on it to enable you to paint a tiger on
your face. The bingo game was made up of
a set of cards with illustrations of plants and
animals that you had to go and look for in
the woods with your friends. The first person
to tick every box on the card was the winner –
and could reward themselves for being so
clever with a delicious sweet.
The cards were, of course, printed on recycled
paper and packed in environmentally-friendly
wrapping. It was a campaign that everyone
Client: Hokra for
Red Band Truly
Distribution: one free face paint
card or one free Woodland bingo
game with each purchase
of two Red Band Truly packs
Period: 2008
Production run: 35,000 flowpacks
with Woodland bingo game
and 32,500 flowpacks with
a face paint card
Fr a nc e
Dreaming of
hungry little surfers.
Cody and his penguin friends have
known it for ages: surfing can make you
hungry! Luckily, hunger wasn’t something
that many young surfing heroes suffered
from last spring thanks to the Autogrill
restaurants located alongside the motorways in France. Because when you ordered a kid’s menu, you also received a free
“Beggar My Neighbour” game featuring
all of the main characters from the box
office smash-hit “Surf ’s Up”.
In the “Beggar My Neighbour” game,
players take it in turns to put a card on
the pile in the centre. With each round,
the player with the highest card keeps
the pile and the first person to hold all
of the cards wins the game.
Klant: Autogrill
© 2007 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. Tous droits réservés.
© 2008 Layout and Design Columbia Tristar Home Vidéo. Tous droits réservés.
Distributie: één gratis spel bij
aankoop van een kindermenu
in Autogrill restaurants
Periode: lente 2008
Oplage: 80.000 spellen
Be l gi um
Dreaming of
being really fit.
Sport is not just healthy for the body, but
it also keeps your mind sharp. And that’s
exactly what you need when you’re playing
cards in the canteen. Which is why Extran
sent out a truckload of cards in the second
half of the summer to sports canteens all
over the country. Anyone buying a sports
drink received a free deck of ordinary
playing cards, plus a football-based game
of Happy Families. You could play both
Happy Families and trumps with the football cards. In other words, you had either
to collect four cards of the same football
team or trump one another with detailed
sports information about the teams. This
campaign enabled a whole stadium full of
sports-lovers to discover the refreshing
taste and rehydrating action of Extran.
What an amazing sporting performance!
Client: Van Bavel
for Extran
Distribution: one free set
of cards when buying
an Extran drink in sports
canteens in Belgium
Period: end of August 2008
Production run:
90,000 sets of Happy
Families and 40,000 decks
of bridge cards
Rom a ni a
Dreaming of
playing your cards
with a magazine.
Pushing back new boundaries, pinpoint
accurate maps and dazzling natural photography... for more than a hundred and
twenty years, National Geographic has
set new standards in scientific journalism.
This was the rationale used by the
Romanian edition of the monthly
magazine to develop a terrific deck of
cards. The hearts, diamonds, clubs and
spades on the cards were replaced by
unique images of rare animals and breathtaking landscapes. The card also gave the
official name and place where the animal
lives or where the landscape is located.
And in the margin you can check which
photographer took the picture.
This deck of cards was attached to the
September issue of National Geographic.
The project was supported by Cetelem,
the Romanian arm of BNP Paribas bank.
Client: Sanoma
© National Geographic Society
Distribution: one free
deck of cards with the
purchase of a National
Geographic magazine
Period: September 2008
Production run: 30,000 decks
Net her l and s
Dreaming of
filling up your car
with a challenge.
At the mysterious House of Anubis, everything revolves around a strange disappearance and a hidden treasure. Now, that
may sound like a mystery to you, but
youngsters in Holland are addicted to this
television series. To solve the riddle, they
had to collect all of the pieces of the
puzzle. And that was also the idea behind
“The Challenge” run in BP service stations. Because every time motorists bought
at least thirty litres of fuel, they were given
a flowpack with eight playing cards enabling two players to play “The Challenge”.
In total, there were six different flowpacks
in circulation that not only extended the
game, but also made it more exciting.
And each time you filled up, you were also
given a code giving you the chance to win
great prizes from the House of Anubis by
going to a special website.
Client: Studio 100
lic. STUDIO 100 - Belgium
Distribution: one free
flowpack when filling up
with at least 30 litres of fuel
at a BP service station
(6 different flowpacks, each
with 8 playing cards)
Period: beginning of
September to the beginning
of November 2008
Production run:
4,000,000 flowpacks
Un it ed Sta t es
Dreaming of
a packed trade show ;-)
Is it a search engine? Is it an e-mail provider?
It’s Yahoo!
The Yahoo! homepage may be one of the most
visited webpages in the world, but the stock
exchange-listed company is a real hit in the
United States. And to enable it to meet surfers
from cyberspace in the flesh for once, Yahoo!
Attended two shows in the spring and summer
of 2008. Visitors to the Yahoo! stand were given
a deck of bridge cards, with the highest cards
depicted by typical Emoticons from Messenger,
the chat service run by Yahoo! There was also
an extra card with the deck, featuring key
combinations for creating special smileys,
known as Hidden Emoticons.
The deck of bridge cards was developed by
Zagwear, a company that specialises in
Client: Zagwear for Yahoo
Distribution: one free flowpack
in each pack (4-5 portions)
of Mirácoli “spaghetti with
tomato sauce”
Period: April - June 2008
Production run:
1,500,000 flowpacks
Ge rmany
Dreaming of children
mad about spaghetti.
How do you make your kids twice as happy?
Simple: with Mirácoli spaghetti and the Happy
Families cards based on football that are great
to collect, swap and play!
Kraft Foods Deutschland GmbH was looking
to kill two birds with one stone: boost awareness of its spaghetti meals while at the same
time increase sales of family-sized packs. And
producing a Happy Families card game based
on football looked to be the ideal solution,
because in the run-up to the Euro 2008, there
was football fever everywhere in Germany. The
cards were distributed from April to June in
every family pack of “spaghetti with tomato
sauce” in the form of six flowpacks, each with
four cards. This card collecting campaign,
backed by a price game on the Internet
generated additional sales of fifty per cent in
comparison with the previous year. The Happy
Families game was developed in conjunction
with the playing card manufacturer ASS Altenburger, which is
a Cartamundi subsidiary. By
Client: Kraft Foods
displaying the ASS Altenburger
Deutschland GmbH
prominently on the packs, Kraft
Distribution: one free
Foods was able to emphasise the
flowpack in each pack
high quality of the playing cards.
(4-5 portions) of Mirácoli
“spaghetti with tomato sauce”
Period: April - June 2008
Production run:
1,500,000 flowpacks
Pola nd
Dreaming of
life-or-death news.
Who is your GP? What is your blood
group? Are you allergic to certain substances? All this is vital information for the
emergency services should you suddenly
become ill or are affected by an accident.
Because newspapers are indirectly involved
in saving lives via their reporting, the Polish
newspaper empire Polskapresse took the initiative of giving away emergency information cards with its seventeen regional titles
spread all over the country. Anyone who
bought a newspaper on Saturday 28th June
also received a free card so that he or she
could fill in their own medical details.
This project came about in conjunction
with the Polish insurance company Polskie
Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen under the motto
that the campaign would be a success if it
succeeded in saving just one life thanks to
an emergency medical information card.
Client: Polskapresse
Distribution: one free card
on purchase of a newspaper
Period: 28th June 2008
Production run:
400,000 cards
Bra z il
Dreaming of
the chicken with
the golden Easter egg.
This year, the Brazilian Easter bunny put its
best paw forward to bring the entire family
together for an unforgettable day of festivities.
This was done by bringing along gigantic
Top Cau chocolate Easter eggs. The eggs were
packed in a foil printed specially for Easter with
Hot Wheels, the super-cool mini-cars that young
boys in particular find “hot”. But the surprise
was really complete when the chocolate eggs also
revealed a set of playing cards. The deck was
appropriately called “Hot Cards” and consisted
of thirty-two cards featuring technical details
about the coolest Hot Wheels.
Top Cau received a sackful of letters from satisfied parents about how their children were happy
with the Easter eggs and how they had played
together with the Hot Cards. Happy Easter!
Client: Top Cau
© 2008 Mattel, Inc. Todos os Direitos Reservados.
HOT WHEELS TM, marcas associadas e seus elementos são de propriedade da Mattel,
Inc. e usados sob sua licença.
Distribution: one free set of cards
in every Hot Wheels Easter egg
Period: March 2008
Production run: 200,000 sets
Fr a nc e
Dreaming of
Houba breakfast.
You can never stress too often that breakfast
is the most important meal of the day. And
they know all about that at the pioneers of
cornflakes, Kellogg’s. Over the past decades,
the company’s range of breakfast cereals has
also expanded in spectacular fashion. Thanks
to Frosties, Coco Pops and Honey Pops,
today’s youngsters are able to leave the
breakfast table for the school gate with a nice
full stomach. That’s the idea, at any rate. So
to give the kids’ motivation an extra helping
hand, Kellogg’s joined forces with the
immensely popular Marsupilami. A flowpack
featuring crazy Marsupilami cards was
inserted into every pack of breakfast cereal
or cornflakes. In total, breakfast-hungry
children could collect five different sets of
cards, providing many hours of playing fun!
The 7 million flowpacks literally flew out
of the door!
Client: Logistix
voor Kellogg’s
© MARSU 2008
Distribution: one free
flowpack with a complete
Marsupilami game on
purchasing a pack of
breakfast cereal or cornflakes
August - November 2008
Production run:
7,000,000 flowpacks
Sp a in
Dreaming of
an unforgettable trip
to the restaurant.
The American dream means something different for everyone, but since the end of 2008,
children in Spain have been dreaming of a
trip to Foster’s Hollywood. Because these
typical American-style restaurants promise
not to keep kids waiting for their food. And
if they ordered a children’s menu meal in
November and December, youngsters also
received a free memory game featuring illustration of various actions. The name of each
action was shown in two languages, Spanish
and English. So while the chefs were cooking
up a storm in the kitchen preparing an extradelicious meal, the ninos and chicas were
exercising their memories to their hearts’
content and trying out their fluent English.
Client: TPF
Servinformatica for
Foster’s Hollywood
Distribution: one free set
of cards on purchasing a
children’s menu at Foster’s
Hollywood restaurants
November - December 2008
Production run:
20,000 sets of cards
Po la nd
Dreaming of
the beer-brewing
You can’t have the UEFA Cup without beer.
And because the Polish colours are highly
prized by the country’s football supporters,
Poland’s biggest brewer, Kompania
Piwowarska, had face-painting cards produced
in the shape of a football. Supporters ordering
a Tyskie beer at hospitality outlets received
one free of charge. Never have there been so
many red-and-white painted cheeks in the
stands at matches.
Kompania Piwowarska supported the
campaign with promotional material in stores
and at participating hotels, restaurants and
cafés. Coincidence or not, the 2012 UEFA
Cup is being held by... Poland!
Client: Kompania
Distribution: one free face
paint when purchasing Tyskie
beer in hospitality outlets
Period: during Euro 2008
(June, July)
Production run:
30,000 flowpacks
Sou th A fri ca
Dreaming of
unspoilt wildlife.
Djani Wildlife Projects specialises in thinking
up educational and entertaining ways of
familiarising with the lives of wild animals.
The aim, of course, is to ensure that people
respect the wonderful world of animals in
their natural surroundings. And the best way
to do this is to have fun at the same time.
Which is why Djani Wildlife Projects came up
with is own variant of trump cards: Wildways.
The game had forty different cards with
fascinating facts and figures about well-known
and less well-known animals. By using the
cards differently, you can play with twelve
different suits. Wildways was produced in
three variants: one about omnivores, one
about carnivores and one about herbivores.
The game was distributed as a give-away in
South African wildlife parks supported by the
Nelson Mandela Foundation. The project was
sponsored by Total service stations.
Client: Djani Wildlife
Projects for Total
Distribution: give-away
in wildlife parks
Period: autumn 2008
Production run: 24,000 sets
Swe de n
Dreaming of
bread and circuses.
Both food producer AXA and KPMG
Consultants had a set of quiz cards developed
to highlight their brand in a special way.
AXA is famous in Sweden for its healthy
cereal products. And healthy eating habits
have to be backed up with plenty of physical
exercise. So it came naturally to ask quiz
questions about football, because the campaign period coincided with the UEFA Cup.
Shoppers received one free set of cards when
they bought two packs of AXA breakfast
Working for KPMG Consultants, a promotional team handed out quiz cards free of
charge about the forthcoming Eurovision
Song Contest. As the result of the immensely
popular song contest, many students chose
KPMG ahead of other consultants.
Client: United Media Group
for AXA / Rodem Reklam for
KPMG Consultants
Distribution: AXA: a free set
of cards when purchasing two
packs of AXA breakfast cereal /
KPMG: give-away in high
schools and universities
Period: May - June 2008
Production run: AXA: 25,000 sets /
KPMG: 5,000 sets
As part of the same concept,
the sets of ‘Kändis’ cards were
also developed, featuring quiz
questions about Scandinavian
stars, and ‘Ishockey’ about the
national sport of ice hockey.
Swi t ze rlan d
Dreaming of sexy
education material.
Many adolescent youngsters ask questions
about sexuality that adults do not always have
a ready-made answer for. So, at the request of
Fachstelle für AIDS- und Sexualfragen,
Cartamundi developed five different sets of
playing cards for 11 to 14-year-old boys and
girls, dealing with topics such as reproduction,
homosexuality and love in an educational yet
fun way. Each set of cards featured fifty-six
cards with questions and answers, playing
rules, an index, an explanatory glossary of
words and terms, plus a blank card for making
notes. The cards were distributed between
April and December at Swiss secondary
schools, where the students could question one
another in groups of four. There was plenty of
giggling and boasting, but the blushing Swiss
youngsters still succeeded in exploding a
number of stubborn myths. Because sex is not
a game.
Client: Fachstelle für
AIDS- und Sexualfragen
give-away at schools
April - December 2008
Production run: 1,000 boxes,
each with 5 sets of cards
Swe de n
Dreaming of
hotel guests.
During the summer of 2008, the Scandic
chain of hotels provided thousands of families with an unforgettable stay thanks to a
great memory game. Scandic is the largest
hotel chain in northern Europe, with hotels
in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and
Sweden. But whatever language you speak,
the large symbols printed on the square cards
can help children all over the world to train
their memory. And because Scandic does not
play around with nature, the twelve pairs of
symbols were printed on recycled cardboard
and certified by the green PEFC logo. Which
means that anyone, such as Scandic, who
consciously wants to play the green card and
produce its decks and games in a more
environmentally aware manner can come to
Cartamundi to do just that.
The memory game was distributed free of
charge to all hotel guests and could also be
bought as a souvenir or gift. Just so they
could forget the everyday stresses of life.
Client: Stadium
Promotion for Scandic
Distribution: both handed
out free of charge and sold
at the reception desks
of Scandic hotels
Period: summer 2008
Production run:
50,000 sets of cards
Be lgi u m
Dreaming of
sold-out reprints.
Jommeke is one of the original Flemish strip
cartoon heroes whose adventures you have
been able to follow every day in the newspaper
for years. Over that time, he has amassed no
fewer than two hundred and forty albums to
his credit. Have you read them all? If you have,
then you will undoubtedly know the answers
to all the knowledge questions from the
Jommekes Happy Families game you were able
to collect in the autumn of 2008. Because a
flowpack featuring eight cards was included
with the latest Jommeke album, with the other
three flowpacks available with the re-issues of
titles that have not been available for some
while. The campaign was publicised in the
newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws and the strip
cartoons with the flowpacks were distributed
via the supermarket chains Delhaize and
Carrefour. The cards were packaged with the
album and the playing side face up, making it
easier to collect the entire set.
This campaign enabled Ballon Media to
encourage the new generation of Jommeke
fans to take a look at some of the older gems
from this classic series of
comic strips.
Client: Ballon Media
© JEF NYS / Diversimedia, 2008
Distribution: one free flowpack
on the purchase of a Jommekes
strip cartoon album
Period: autumn 2008
Production run: 120,000 flowpacks
Ne t he rla n ds
Dreaming of Italian
aromas in catering.
A grumbling empty stomach can stop you in
your tracks. But in many companies and
organisations, a tasty meal is simply not
always available. Compass Group is one of
the world’s biggest suppliers of food services
and ensures that every lunchtime is a feast of
flavours and aromas. This was demonstrated
once again during the “Italy” theme week at
the end of March. Whenever you ordered
from the “Primavera in Toscana” menu, you
were also given a scratch-and-sniff card that
gave off the aroma of thyme, plus three
possible answers. Anyone who recognised the
aroma was give the opportunity to win a
pack of Bertolli food products, entry passes
for the Keukenhof flower park or a stay in
wonderful Tuscany. It’s enough to make your
mouth water!
Client: Compass Group
Nederland for Bertolli
Distribution: one free
scratch-and-sniff card when
purchasing a set menu
(Primavera in Toscana)
during the “Italy” theme week
24th - 30th March 2008
Production run:
67,500 flowpacks
Ge rmany
Dreaming of a
campaign to snack by.
Everyone knows the colourful HARIBO
Gummi Bears, of course. And from March to
October, you could also sample all of the other
goodies from the HARIBO sweet shops at the
roadshows run in Germany. The touring
promotional buses were also giving away
HARIBO-branded bingo sets as part of the big
HARIBingO summer promotion.
The game was a major part of the large-scale
HARIBingO summer promotion, with television viewers in Germany joining in a massive
countrywide game of HARIBingO. Every
Friday evening, eighty dream trips were given
away on seven different TV stations, with a
cash prize of 100,000 EUR won on the final
day of the game! HARIBO’s Key Account
Managers used the HARIBingO game to
support the brand’s in-store promotional
campaign to boost sales.
The HARIBO campaign succeeded in it goal
of making “Kinder froh, und Erwachsene
ebenso”! (happy children and contented
Client: HARIBO
Distribution: give-away
at roadshows, sales promotion
March - October 2008
Production run:
10,000 sets of cards
Cartamundi Turnhout NV
Visbeekstraat 22 - 2300 Turnhout - Belgium
tel. +32 (0) 14 42 02 01 - fax +32 (0) 14 42 82 54
Les Mercuriales
40 avenue Jean Jaurès - 93176 Bagnolet Cedex - France
tel. +33 (0) 1 55 82 19 20 - fax +33 (0) 1 43 63 92 47
Margit krt. 43-45 - 1024 Budapest
tel. +36 (1) 1 318 94 30 - fax +36 (1) 1 318 09 18
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tel. +48 (0) 12 296 21 70 - fax +48 (0) 12 296 21 75
Sickla Industriväg 7 - 131 34 Nacka
tel. +46 (0) 8 514 436 40 - fax +46 (0) 8 511 755 70
5101 Highland Place - Dallas, TX 75236
tel. +1 469 375 05 00 - fax +1 469 375 06 25
Avda. de les Corts Catalanes, 5-7
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona) - Spain
tel. +34 (0) 93 553 08 68 - fax +34 (0) 93 553 08 69
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CP 08400 Mexico, DF
tel. +52 55 5654 8188 or 3929 - fax +52 55 5654 1070
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tel. +41 (0) 52 674 03 30 - fax +41 (0) 52 674 03 40 -
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tel. +55 (0) 11 2164 3650 - fax +55 (0) 11 2164 3655 -
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