From Pastor Eric
From Pastor Eric
faith in action… imagine your life changed. Our Vision Statement In all aspects of our lives, we will strive to be disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. PASSIONATE WORSHIP SUMMER SCHEDULE WORSHIP 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary WORSHIP 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary OPEN DOOR WORSHIP 10:45 AM in the Wesley Center SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 AM Pastor Eric S. Yeakel SUNDAY MORNING CHILDCARE ROOM 223 During our 9:00 Sunday School time, we have childcare for infants through three year olds. During our 10:30 Service, we have childcare available for infants through PreK. OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 4 PM, M—F 1533 Springhouse Road Allentown, PA 18104 Phone: 610-398-2577 Fax: 610-366-1108 Publicity Requests: Asbury United Methodist Church @asburyumclv JULY 20, 2014 The Vine From Pastor Eric I was deeply saddened this past weekend while watching the news about a 15 year old girl named Cassidy Stay. Cassidy’s parents and siblings, ages 4 to 13, were killed in front of her in their Texas home. This past Saturday, at the memorial service for her parents and siblings, she said "happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." Cassidy was quoting J. K. Rowling's book "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." As Christians, we believe that the light in the midst of darkness is Jesus Christ. When we experience tragedy and adversity in our lives we can have assurance that with Jesus the worst thing is never the last thing. We also know that God can take our pain and suffering and bring something good from it. God took the pain, suffering and death of his son and used it to bring salvation to all humanity. God promises to walk with us through our adversity and bring something good from it. This is one of the lessons we will learn this Sunday from the story of Ruth and Naomi as we continue with our series of messages “Real Housewives of the Bible.” Both Naomi and Ruth lost their husbands and were faced with living in a culture where women could not own property. Without husbands, they would be left to gather leftover grain from the field in order to survive. But we will see how God takes their suffering, redeems it, and brings something good from it. We will also learn from their story how God answers prayer by using people like you and me. See you in church! Since prayer should be the starting point for everything in ministry, we ask your help with prayer for the upcoming Cookson Hills Mission Trip and Asbury Vacation Bible School. Please volunteer to pray for the those leading the Cookson, Oklahoma VBS from July 21st through 25tth and for the children and volunteers that will participate in Asbury’s VBS, from August 4th through 8th. The goal is to have enough prayer volunteers that each person participating in these ministries will have someone praying for them individually throughout the week of the event. If you would be willing to spend a few minutes a day, at your own convenience, praying for someone involved in these ministries, please contact the church office to get the name of a participant for whom you can pray. Your prayers will be greatly appreciated! RADICAL HOSPITALITY / CONGREGATIONAL LIFE AND CARE THE NEW MOMS’ GROUP will meet at 6:00 PM on Monday, 7/28, in Room 223. All moms who have children under a year old are welcome! Contact Laurie Wallace Theisen ( or Pam Unrath ( for more information. ASBURY'S VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon the week of 8/4 to 8/8. This year's theme is "Workshop of Wonders: Imagine and Build with God." We are in desperate need of youth and adult volunteers to make this experience possible. If you are available to help, please contact Pam Unrath ( or 610-398-2577). ARE YOU ABLE TO HELP SUPPLY SNACKS for the Vacation Bible School Teachers’ Hospitality Room? Dates for VBS this year are 8/4 to 8/8. A poster board for sign-ups has been placed in the Community Room. Please volunteer to help us treat our VBS teachers to a special break during their busy mornings. ASBURY’S TEAM FOR MEALS ON WHEELS needs substitute and regular volunteers. If you are available for about two hours, usually from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM on a Thursday, we need you! It will be the most rewarding job you never get paid for. Please contact Evelyn Hart (610-433-5725) for more information. Thank you! GIRL SCOUT SIGN-UPS: Will your daughter be in Grades K12 this coming school year? Would she like to join Girl Scouts? Troops are forming now within the Parkland School District for the upcoming school year. If interested or for more information, please contact Molly at ( for Grades K-3 or Nicole ( for Grades 4-12. As always, we are looking for adult volunteers as well to help with troops and events. Sign up now to begin your scouting adventure! POCONO PLATEAU SENIOR RETREAT (55 AND ABOVE) TUESDAY, 10/7, 10:00 AM - FRIDAY, 10/10, 10:00 AM Accommodations are in heated cabins with hot running water. Cost is $169.00 per person. Register online at or contact the camp office at 570-676-3665. PARISH NURSE HEALTH MINISTRY: Asbury member Abby Frick is a nursing student needing to do blood pressures in the community this summer. She has a goal of accomplishing 150 in the coming weeks. Abby will set up an area in the Community Room and near the Welcome Desk in Wesley Center Lobby during the coming weeks. Take time to get your blood pressure checked!! You never know when it may be elevated or even very low. Blood pressures are an indication of your overall health. It only takes three minutes to have it checked — it could save your life! Prayers of Our Congregation The Summer Harmony/Allentown Band Concert will be held at Parkland High School on Friday, 8/22, at 7:30 PM. Reserved seat tickets for the concert ($20.00 or $15.00) are available via the Summer Harmony Ticket Hotline (610-351-6001), on the website ( or at the door the night of the concert. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” -- Jesus (Matthew 7:7) For those who need health and healing Lord, we ask your healing for all those currently hospitalized or recently discharged, including Gregory Goodge, Susan Jennings, Betty Snow, and Doris Nichol. We ask you to have mercy on all those in pain, both physical and mental and grant them your peace. For those who need your special help Lord, we affirm that your power is infinite and that you love us all like a devoted parent. Gratefully acknowledging your love and mercy toward us, we lift up these people for your care: Joe Heller (June Matthew’s neighbor) needs healing after kidney surgery; Sherwood Silfies, Betty’s husband, needs strength, healing, and support while facing surgery for a mass on his lung; Jenna, the Offutts’ granddaughter, who has relapsed in her recovery process; Traveling mercies for the Springers’ daughter-in-law and two grandsons who are driving from KY to PA. For those who mourn Lord, we ask comfort for all who mourn the loss of loved ones. Reassure them of your unending mercy and love. For our children Lord, we ask your protection of children around the world, that they may be saved from war, have enough to eat, and enjoy the comfort of families who love them. For our congregation Lord, inspire us to greater love, compassion and forgiveness. For the world, its people and its leaders Lord, look upon the world with mercy and bring peace to warring nations, especially the Ukraine, Israel and the Gaza Strip, Iraq and Afghanistan. Strengthen our resolve to work for peace and for relief of the suffering caused by war. With thanksgiving for our joys We celebrate the following joys: The baptisms on 7/13 of Keagan Lynn Frisbie and Dylan Sean Buzgierski; 17 Sr. High Youth and 22 adults were commissioned last Sunday and then left for Philippi, WV for their annual Work Week; Fistfuls of black raspberries were found in Debbie Goodwin’s neighborhood; Ensign Tyler Hess returned safely from a 7 month deployment with the US Navy; Karen Dearborn celebrated a birthday on 7/13; Sue Dymond has a brand new grandniece, Cecelia Laurel Dymond; Paul & Gerri Carlson celebrated 60 years of marriage on 7/17. For the missions we support Lord, we ask your blessing on Meals on Wheels of Lehigh County. They provide nutritionally balanced, home delivered lunch and evening meals to residents of Lehigh County who are predominantly homebound and unable to prepare nutritious meals for themselves. INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT Contact Pam Unrath, Director of Children’s Ministries, for information on all Children’s Ministry activities ( or 610-398-2577). Children’s Sunday School: Child care is available during the 9:00 AM worship service in Room 223 for infants through 3 years of age. Children Age 4 through Grade 5 will participate in Summer Sunday School in Fellowship Hall. 4th and 5th Graders get out your skates! J.A.M. will meet on Sunday, 7/20, from 2:30 to 4:00 PM at the Independence Family Fun Center in Schnecksville to go roller skating. To RSVP, please contact Pam Unrath or use the sign-up sheets outside the Wesley Center or in the Community Room. Mark your calendar! Vacation Bible School is almost here! 8/4 to 8/8, Asbury will host VBS for more than 120 children. During this high energy, fun-filled week children will learn, grow and experience God’s love as they participate in Music, Games, Storytelling, Science, Art and Snack workshops each day. We are in desperate need of youth and adult volunteers to make this experience possible. If you are available for the entire week, or even a few days, please contact Pam Unrath. We hope you will join us!! Contact Aaron Forney, Director of Youth Ministries, for information on all Youth Ministry activities and opportunities ( or 610-398-2577). Visit to see videos and photos from the Sr. High Mission/Work Trip to Philippi, WV. You can also visit our Facebook page and Twitter feed (on both with the hashtag #WVWorkWeek2014)! Check it out! Make sure to “like” our Facebook page, “Asbury Youth Ministries” to keep up-to-date and get content you won’t see anywhere else! Not on Facebook? Not a problem! You can still access the page! Join us every Sunday over the summer for Sunday School at 9:00 AM (Youth Lounge), Worship (10:30 AM blended in the Sanctuary or 10:45 Open Door alternative in the Wesley Center), Lunch at 12:00 PM (Wesley Center), and a Game/Hangout Time at 12:30 PM (Youth Lounge). All activities are open to students who have completed Grades 6-12. Visit for the full summer schedule! Asbury Youth Night at the IronPigs: Take me out to the ballgame! On Sunday, 8/3, 5:35 PM, join us to see the Lehigh Valley IronPigs play the Durham Bulls. There is a Youth Replica Jersey Shirt Giveaway to the first 2,000 children and youth under 17 years old. Please order tickets at or contact Cyndi Frank, (610-799-6079 or to reserve your tickets. Tickets are $10.00 each, and include a $2.00 credit value for food, beverage, or merchandise purchases in Coca Cola Park. Our seating is in the third base to home plate section. Carpooling to Coca Cola Park will be available. Save the date for the Night on the Move Lock-in: August 15-16. Registration will be open next week! RISK-TAKING MISSION AND SERVICE CHANGE FOR CHANGE is designated for a program of The Allentown-West Rotary that supplies food to economically disadvantaged children of the Northwestern Lehigh and Parkland School Districts. Each “Snack Pack” costs approximately $7.00 and includes nutritious foods and juice for the children to take home over the weekends. Please place your monetary contributions in the containers at the rear of the Sanctuary or in the Wesley Center. Dear Friends, Thank you so much for the overwhelming donation to the Music Program at Ramos Elementary. Music is an outlet for many students whose life is tough and where they find little to look forward to. The instruments purchased will bless these students for many years. I know this to be true as students return to pick up their younger siblings and remind me of their “fun” in music classes. The instruments will help bring joy to their time here and perhaps a vocation for some lives. God bless you! Leslie Monahan Music Specialist Ramos Elementary School EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY Copies of Asbury’s financial picture (as of 6/30) are available at both the upper and lower level Welcome Center desks. Updates will be issued monthly as they become available. WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, July 20 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration- Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Sunday School All Ages 10:30 a.m. Worship Celebration- Sanctuary 10:45 a.m. Open Door Community Worship- WC 12:00 p.m. Youth lunch- WC 12:30 p.m. Youth Group- YL 1:00 p.m. Church of God- FH/106/108 2:30 p.m. J.A.M. Rollerskating- offsite Wednesday, July 23 (continued) 7:00 p.m. Safe Sanctuaries Training- Parlor 7:00 p.m. Summer Harmony- FH 7:30 p.m. VBS Meeting- Parlor Thursday, July 24 6:30 p.m. Music Staff Meeting- offsite 7:00 p.m. NARANON- 108 Friday, July 25 Families on the Grow Camping Trip Begins Monday, July 21 Cookson Hills VBS Begins 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Country Crossing HOA Meeting- Parlor Boy Scout Troop 12- FH/106 Finance Committee- Aldersgate Tuesday, July 22 12:30 p.m. Program Staff Meeting- Aldersgate 7:30 p.m. OA- 204 Wednesday, July 23 9:00 a.m. Prayer Group- 231 1:00 p.m. AA (Open)- 108 6:30 p.m. Asbury Quilters- 204 AA (Open)- 108 Saturday, July 26 10:00 a.m. Church of God- 106/108 Sunday, July 27 / Baptism 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration- Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Sunday School All Ages 10:30 a.m. Worship Celebration- Sanctuary 10:45 a.m. Open Door Community Worship- WC 12:00 p.m. Youth lunch- WC 12:30 p.m. Youth Group- YL 1:00 p.m. Church of God- FH/106/108 KAITLYN FURST Over 50 folks from Asbury have been hard at work making meaningful improvements. Find out what they have been doing by visiting Our Staff Kaitlyn, a 2014 Confirmand, earns high praise from Deacon Greg Ellis, who says “The last 2 times she was my acolyte, I threw her a curve by adding some last-minute changes to her duties. Not only was she flexible, but did a great job with them!” Director of Lay Ministries Laurie Wallace Theisen adds, “One Sunday morning, the Faith Ringers were one ringer short and couldn’t do their song. With about 10 minutes notice, Kaitlyn agreed to ring with them and also did a great job.” Thanks, Kaitlyn! Eric Yeakel, Pastor Glenn Asquith, Director of Congregational Care Laurie Wallace Theisen, Director of Lay Ministries Pam Unrath, Director of Children’s Ministries Aaron Forney, Director of Youth Ministries & Leader of Open Door Worship Band Karen Bowermaster, Director of PreSchool & Interim Director of PlayDays Tom Gibson, Business Administrator Larry Hein, Head Custodian
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