2016 January/February Newsletter
2016 January/February Newsletter
VILLAGE NEWS AND VIEWS Volume 39 Issue 1 The Village Painters is an affiliated chapter of the National Society of Decorative Painters January/February 2016 Web page http://www.villagepainters.net President’s Corner Hello Ladies, The Village Painters’ Board 2014 President Linda Christopher 734-718-3745 lindachristopher60@ gmail.com Vice-President Linda Morgan 734-397-0210 morganlj@sbcglobal.net Secretary Joan Mueller 248-349-5889 joankmueller@yahoo.com Treasurer Kathy Fischer 734-429-5328 fischerk@umich.edu Newsletter Editor Linda Morgan 734-397-0210 morganlj@sbcglobal.net Membership Michelle Handley 734-358-2087 mlhandley56@gmail.com As we embark on this new year I struggled to come up with a theme for us. Last year we worked with Fun. I dare say we were successful because last year certainly was fun. I ran across a quote from Judy Diephouse and Lynn Deptula and adopted it immediately. The Quote, “Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, for we shall never cease to be amused”. This year our theme is Laughter, with others as well as ourselves. We have a jam-packed year filled with activities for learning, enjoying and laughing. It all begins Feb. 13 with a Spring Fling Paint in at the Livonia Senior Center. Sunday, Feb. 14, is an open painting day. You can come and finish your spring fling project, or work on anything you would like. There are a number of open painting days this year and the cost to you is 0. Just come and enjoy your day painting with friends and get one of those UFOs finished. Have your calendars ready as you read this newsletter There is loads of information about the upcoming year. Karen Capshaw will be leading us in our April project. You will need to sign up and pay for this activity at the Feb. meeting. It’s a beautiful project and very inexpensive. Thank you to everyone who responded about the future and direction of our club. As well as increasing both the budget for education and general meetings, we gleaned information from your responses. As well as keeping our seminar costs low, the club invested over $16,000 last year in its members and plans to increase that amount this year. We are truly receiving the benefits of all the hard work we all do for the Spring Fling. WE NEED YOU!!! Cheryl Wallman was the chair of the Memory Box program and her passing leaves this position open. The hospitals are calling us with their need for more boxes. Please, please consider taking this position. Michelle Handley is happy to help you get started. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the Feb. meeting. We will be making multi-media hearts led by Diane Stiller. They are really pretty awesome. Remember, Keep painting and laughing Linda 1 Calendar of Events Feb 13 SF Boutique paint-in Feb 14 Open painting Mar 12 Sheri Redd owl Mar 13 Open painting April 9 Kathy Ziemba April 10 Open painting April 30 Michigan Mixer May 13-15 Ros Stallcup June 6-11 SDP Conference, San Diego June 25 LTP—Doreen McLain June 26 Open painting August 4 Picnic August 8-13 HOOT August 27 Sam Farah August 28 Open painting Sept 10 LTP—Linda Christopher Sept 11 Jeanne Collick Sept 16-18 Fall Retreat Oct 1 PWU—Sally Thirjung Oct 9-15 Cheri Rol trip Oct 22 Sandy Tyo Oct 23 LTP—Kathy Riddle Nov 4-6 Brenda Stewart Dec 1 Christmas Party Registration forms can be found on the website General Meetings are held at Livonia Senior Center 15218 Farmington Rd, Livonia, MI 48154 Social hour begins at 6:00, Business meeting at 6:45 2016 dates: Feb 4, March 31, Jun 2, Aug 4, Oct 6 Board Meetings are held at 6:30 at the Plymouth Public Library 2016 dates: Jan 7, Mar 3, May 5, Sep 8, Nov 10 NOTE THE APRIL MEETING IS CHANGED TO MARCH 31 MICHIGAN MIXER 2016 It seems like a long time until we see flowers blooming, but our Michigan Mixer is just around the corner. As part of this event, we will have two baskets in the raffle, one filled with painting supplies, and the other filled with colored pencil supplies. We are accepting donations for either or both of these baskets, either new supplies or money for us to purchase them. Please turn them in at the February meeting. THANK YOU! Linda Morgan, Michigan Mixer co-chair Marilyn Cunningham or at the general meetings 2 February After-Meeting Project – Diane Stiller Please join me in painting a small faux cloisonne project using DecoArt glass stain and DecoArt Paper Effects and beads. If you have not used these three items before, now is your chance. The surface will be a 5” pink cardboard heart with an orchid design on it. The only supplies that you will have to bring are: a sheet of palette paper, a small water basin (or use a plastic cup), and a #2 or #4 round or filbert brush. You really only need 1 brush; but if you want to bring a selection, that is up to you. This is a small project and should not take you more than 30 minutes depending on how fussy you want to be. April Meeting Project—Karen Capshaw A Robin In Winter Design by Judy Diephouse and Lynne Deptula www.distinctivebrushstrokes.com Interpreted and Instructed by Karen Capshaw Painted on a 12x12 inch wrapped canvas. DecoArt acrylics. To sign up for this class contact Karen paintdrop@aol.com, 734-397-2543, or at the February General Meeting. Cost due at sign up is $3 and includes prep sheet, photos and canvas (only 20 canvases available). Or use your own surface. Fee will then be $1. You are asked to bring your own paints. SPRING FLING 2017: Boutique Paint-In On Saturday, February 13, 2016, we will kick off preparations for Spring Fling Boutique 2017!!! We will start at 10 am and finish around 4 ish. A selection of items and patterns to be completed will be available, much like the previous Paint-In of 2014. Many colors of paint, prep products and conversion books will be available too. Please bring a bag lunch and your painting supplies. If you wish, you can bring your own project to donate. Enjoy the camaraderie while beginning a donation to the Spring Fling Boutique. Bring more ideas also!!! One pence will be awarded for attendance at the Paint In. Projects themselves will have a predetermined pence award---which will be received AFTER Spring Fling 2017---for completion of the project. Coffee, water and a selection of pop will be available, but remember personal snacks and a lunch-or plan a break to go out for lunch. We look forward to seeing you on a Winter’s Day! Michelle Handley Linda Morgan Boutique Chairs, Spring Fling 2017 3 Village Painters 2015 Year End Report HAPPY Amount BIRTHDAY INCOME Christmas party Education 2015 Education 2016 Learn to Paint 2015 Membership Paint With Us Spring Fling Ways and Means Other TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES August Party $ 1,490.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,068.00 420.00 1,040.00 1,245.00 1,324.00 14,697.00 1,160.00 325.00 26,769.00 $ 295.20 TOTAL EXPENSES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,497.07 159.30 666.70 7,251.60 575.00 391.46 15.57 1,367.51 227.69 170.83 43.79 64.42 57.98 157.18 70.57 1,045.80 11.44 59.36 180.00 9.33 5,717.50 72.33 37.93 27.56 117.08 156.39 21,446.59 Difference $ 5,322.41 Christmas Party Community Service Corporate Expenses Education 2015 Education 2016 General Meeting (VP) Hospitality Learn to Paint 2015 Learn to Paint 2016 Library Membership Memory Boxes Michigan Mixer 2017 Misc Newsletter Paint With Us Pence Publicity Rent Secretary Spring Fling Expenses Sunshine Treasure Boxes Treasurer Ways and Means Website Checkbook Balances Checkbook Balance on 1/1/15 Checkbook Balance on 12/31/15 Money for 2016 Reserve $ $ $ 9,652.60 14,975.01 4,400.00 January Birthdays 2 5 10 14 17 18 19 22 29 31 Janet McFadden Teresa Palmer Barbara Paquette Donna Roskamp Denise Rogers Jeannine Laderach Kathleen Fischer Ruth Vernacchia Rondi Bur Nancy Forbes February Birthdays 5 15 19 22 Leslie Williams Pam Hypnar Diane Stiller Audrey Gusmano Checkbook balance minus 2016 reserve Pence Used Hostess Used $ $ $ Village Painter CD Education Cheri Roi Income Expenses Difference 10,575.01 662.00 60.00 $10,200 $ $ $ 1,350.00 500.00 850.00 4 Paint with Us I have some surfaces left over from the 2015 event. I am selling the surface with the witch instructions and the embellishments for $15. If you would like one, please email me at dianestiller@sbcglobal.net and let me know. I only want to bring as many as I need to the Feb 4 meeting. I have ordered the surfaces for the 2016 event so look for announcements in the near future to start prepping them. I will be bringing them to the Feb 14 paint in to base coat the background. Later we will have paint-ins to base coat the snowman, etc. Paula Atkinson has volunteered to act as the Pins/Name Tags Chair. I will be looking for volunteers for Surface Prep, Setup/Takedown, Hospitality, Raffle, and Show & Tell. Sam Farrah 8/27 Sheri Redd 3/12 Kathy Ziemba 4/9 PAINT WITH US Jeanne Collick 9/11 Sandy Tyo 10/22 Sally Thirjung 10/1 RN LE A TO NT PAI Doreen McLain 6/25 Linda Christopher 9/10 Kathy Riddle 10/23 Brenda Stewart projects selected by our members. The iris is in watercolor.—11/4, 5, 6 5 Education – Diane Stiller I can already tell from the number of registrations that I have received so far that Ros Stallcup is going to be the top seminar. If you are interested in taking a class from her, then I would encourage you to register early. The first two Education classes will be Sheri Redd’s owl on March 12 followed by Kathy Ziemba’s Wild Paintin’ Ladies on fabric on April 9. Please send in your registration forms as soon as possible. The second deposit in the amount of $100 for the Cheri Rol 5 day painting road trip is due February 1 so please get that into the mail or you can pay me at the February 4 meeting. If you have just decided to sign up, then the 1st and 2nd deposits totaling $250 are due at this time also. I am trying something new this year. I have scheduled 5 free paint-ins at the Livonia Senior Center on the following Sunday’s: Feb 14, March 13, April 10, June 26, and August 28. Come alone or bring guests. This would be an opportune time to bring people who have little to no painting experience to introduce them to our love of painting and to members of The Village Painters. However, since this is free, there are a few self-service rules to follow: You bring your own project in whatever medium you want to paint in. I am going to have sign up sheets for the first 2 dates: Feb 14 and March 13. I’d like to have some idea as to how many people are planning to come and if you plan to use oil paints. Some people may be allergic, so I want to designate an area for oil painters to set up in. The hours will be from 10:00 – 4:00. Please bring your own lunch and beverage. If you would like to provide snacks for everyone, then you will need to clean up too. The Livonia Senior Center usually has about 12 tables set up. We need to leave the room as we find it. So I am not planning to move those tables. I would like 4 – 6 people to a table whether they are part of someone’s group or not. I will bring the tablecloths, but you will have to put it on and take it off. If by chance we need to set up more tables, then people need to help set them up and take them down. At the first paint-in on Feb 14, there will be several options: You can paint your own project, paint a memory box, help base coat the surfaces for the 2016 Paint with Us, or finish painting your Spring Fling project that you will have started at a paint-in which has been scheduled for that specific purpose on Feb 13. I hope that you will enjoy painting with other people who share your passion for painting. And hopefully we can all get some unfinished projects finally completed. If this proves successful, then I will continue it in 2017. Ros Stallcup projects selected by our members. The tulip one received a record 30 votes! 6 7 8 9 Holiday Party at Warren Valley Golf Course – 2015 Table Setting Toys for Tots Toys for Tots Special Raffles painted by… Paula Atkinson & Gail Barton Sam Farah A Selection of Raffle Items Donated by our Members 10 11 Centerpieces An Assortment of Ornaments for Christmas Exchange. 12 13 Canton, MI 48188 2043 Bellingham Linda Morgan - Editor Next General Meeting Next General Meeting February 4, 2016 Livonia Senior Center 15218 Farmington Rd. Livonia, MI 48154 See you there!!