The Fundamentals of Siphonic Roof Drainage System Design
The Fundamentals of Siphonic Roof Drainage System Design
The Fundamentals of Siphonic Roof Drainage System Design Course Sponsor Jay R. Smith Mfg. 2781 G Gunter t P Park kD Drive i E Montgomery, AL 36109 Phone: 334-277-8520 Fax: 334-272-7396 E-mail Web Course Number JRS22A Pl Please note: t you will ill need d to t complete l t the th conclusion l i quiz i online li att to receive credit An AIA Continuing Education Program Credit for this course is 1 AIA/CES HSW Learning Unit This Program is also registered through ASPE (American Society of Plumbing Engineers) An American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education Program Approved Promotional Statement: Ron Blank & Associates, Inc. is a registered provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System. Credit earned upon completion of this program will be reported to CES Records for AIA members. Certificates of Completion are available for all course participants upon completion of the course conclusion quiz with +80%. Please note: you will need to complete the conclusion quiz online at ronblank com to receive credit This program is registered with the AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA or Ron Blank & Associates, Inc. of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product product. An American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education Program Course Format: This is a structured, webweb-based, self study course with a final exam. Course Credit: 1 Health Safety & Welfare (HSW) Learning Unit (LU) Completion Certificate: A confirmation is sent to you by email and you can print one upon successful completion of a course or from your transcript. If you have any difficulties printing or receiving your Certificate please send requests to carol@ronblank com Design professionals, please remember to print or save your certificate of completion after successfully completing a course conclusion quiz. Email confirmations will be sent to the email address you have provided in your R Bl k account. t Copyright py g Materials This presentation is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. Reproduction, distribution, display and use of the presentation without written permission of © Ron Blank & Associates, Inc. ® 2008 and © Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. ® 2008 is prohibited. Learning g Objectives j At the conclusion of this course,, the design g professional p will be able to : Describe the basic principles of a siphonic roof drainage systems List the benefits of siphonic roof drainage and how the system selfselfprimes Compare and contrast the differences between traditional drainage and engineered g siphonic p roof drainage g Explain several myths and misconceptions as related to roofing/drainage Reference the codes and standards relating g to siphonic p systems y Explain the role of the Licensure as it relates to health, safety, and welfare Name and understand the components p of a siphonic p roof drain Learning g Objectives j At the conclusion of this course,, the design g professional p will be able to : Illustrate how a siphonic system works with different roof designs and as a controlled flow system Site case studies and installation examples where a siphonic system benefited the owner Describe D ib h how a siphonic i h i system t can help h l reduce d costs t d during i hi historic t i renovation projects Incorporate a siphonic design into a building to help acquire LEED points:: (1) for the use of recycled material (cast iron), (2) by reducing points site preparation (less buried pipe), (3) by using a siphonic system in conjunction with rainwater harvesting to reduce water use and iimprove stormwater t t managementt on site, it and d (4) under d th the “Innovation and Design” concepts by combining the concepts of several LEED categories Introduction Siphonic p roof drainage g is one of the newest technologies g to be introduced into the American design field. Siphonic roof drainage requires a certain level of technical analysis similar to engineered automatic sprinkler systems and other mechanical systems. This course provides training to the experienced design professional f to impart the necessary knowledge for the understanding of siphonic roof drainage operation and application. Horizontal H i t l Piping Pi i saves space within the building The Concept p In a siphonic p roof drainage g system, y siphonic p roof drains engage g g a specially engineered and tested roof drain baffle. This baffle allows and sustains negative atmospheric pressure in the connected piping and inhibits the admission of air into the piping system hence sustaining full full--bore flow and higher flow volumes and velocities. The hydraulic balance in a siphonic roof drainage system is achieved by a design professional employing hydraulic calculations to ensure that the piping system fills up automatically in cases of moderate to heavy precipitation. The resulting fullfull-bore or siphonic action allows for f the installation off horizontal, i.e. level, drainage manifold piping serving multiple roof drains. Siphonic S p o c roof oo drainage d a age systems sys e s a are e po powered e ed by a and dd discharged sc a ged to o grade by means of a vertical stack into the point of discharge through the influence of gravity making them true gravity systems. Outline This continuing education course is intended to provide information on the background, operation and design of siphonic roof drainage systems. The course covers the underlying hydraulic theory and discusses the design advantages of a siphonic roof drain system t such h as in i achieving hi i LEED credit dit and d reducing d i installation costs. The course reviews various practical issues such as authority approvals, product specification and existing standards. A Brief Overview A Brief Overview Siphonic Roof Drainage Systems The Siphonic Principle The Th Benefits B fit The Siphonic p Principle p The p principle p of the siphon p has been recognized g for ages. g A siphon p is created by a tube or other type of conduit filled with the fluid to be siphoned, thereby creating a continuous and closed path. In any siphon, the discharge end of the conduit must be lower than th llevell off th the the flfluid id iin th the source reservoir. i At Atmospheric h i pressure att the reservoir surface becomes the driving force pushing the fluid through the tube to the lower point of discharge. Siphonic Action The Siphonic p Principle p Most examples p of siphons p include an inverted “U” shape, p , this configuration is necessary to lift the fluid out of the source reservoir that cannot be tipped, much like a car’s gas tank. However, the actual path of the siphon tube is irrelevant to the fluid’s ability to flow. In the practical case of siphonic roof drainage, the drainage piping is installed in the simplest way possible: flat and level level. This allows the piping to drain when it is not raining and then to prime full into a continuous and closed path on its own during a rain event. Overview of Siphonic p Drainage g “Closed” Outlets. The roof drain has an air baffle that promotes “full “full--bore” flow. Horizontal p piping p g is not p pitched. Flow is induced by natural hydraulic action of siphoning. When system y primes, p the p piping p g depressurizes. Atmospheric pressure pushes the water into the drains with a force of 14 7 pounds 14.7 d per square ffoot. t Capacity is determined by the piping system and the height of the roof above the point of discharge. discharge Makes full use of gravity (i.e. potential energy). Siphonic Roof Drain Overview of Siphonic p Drainage g Piping p gp primes and operates p 100% % full ((i.e. fullfull-bore flow). ) Water is drawn through the outlets and piping faster than gravity “channel flow” alone due to negative pressure. Lower material expenditures due to smaller pipe diameters diameters. Pipe inverts leaving the building are at a minimum, making deep trenching on the site beyond the building unnecessary. Thi is This i an advantage d t when h developing d l i LEED certified tifi d projects. j t Siphonic Roof Drain and Horizontal Piping Benefits of Siphonic p Design g The major j benefit of siphonic p roof drainage g is the reduction in p pipe p diameter to achieve the same volumetric flow of water off of a roof. This is achieved by exploiting the kinds of flow patterns and behaviors of the flow of water through g p pipes p that result in p pressure fluctuations and priming to a full bore condition. These behaviors are systematically avoided and prevented in the design of traditional sanitary drainage and roof drainage systems. Ideal siphonic drainage applications include factories, warehouses, airports, convention centers, stadiums and “big“big-box” retail. Horizontal Piping Saves Space in Ceiling Warehouse application A Siphonic p System y A Siphonic System The Self-Priming Process How it Differs from a Traditional Drainage System Myths and Misconceptions The Self Self--Priming g Process in a Siphonic p System y Priming g first occurs at the smaller diameter branch sections that connect each roof drain to the main horizontal carrier pipe or manifold. At this point, each siphonic roof drain acts independently as a miniminisiphonic system. As water accumulates in the manifold, air is purged out off the h point i off discharge di h until il the h manifold if ld and d stack k is i 95% 9 % to 100% full of water. The system is then completely siphonic and under predominantly negative pressure. Showing Sho ing the flow flo as pipe primes How the SelfSelf-Priming g Process is Achieved Wavy flow (Pattern 1) is seen during rainfall events far below the piping system’s ability to prime. Light showers will typically produce this flow condition until rainfall intensity increases to a point where branch pipes can fully prime. The pulsating flow (Pattern 2) ordinarily happens at the junctions of the branch pipes with the main collection piping. This is due to the sudden decrease in pipe velocity as the water transitions from the smaller diameter branch pipes to the larger main collection pipe. pipe At this juncture, a hydraulic jump occurs as the fluid transitions from super--critical to subsuper sub-critical flow. Eventually the peaks of these hydraulic jumps come in contact with the crown of the pipe. This is where the plug flow intensity pattern (Pattern 3) become prominent. How the SelfSelf-Priming g Process is Achieved As the pipe continues to prime, the higher flow velocity of the water captures and emulsifies the remaining air and a frothy “bubble” flow forms (Pattern 4). The frothy flow condition becomes gradually clearer until all of the remaining air is purged out of the point of discharge. This is the fullfull-bore flow (Pattern 5) created by siphonic action. action It is rare that a rainfall event will occur at the exact design intensity (Id) for any an sustained s stained period period. Therefore, Therefore a system s stem will ill typically t picall experience e perience flow Patterns 3 to 5 during heavy rainfall. During light rainfall events, Patterns 1 and 2 may develop. The Differences Between Traditional Drainage and Engineered Siphonic Roof Drainage A Traditional System As seen in illustration 1, a traditional gravity drainage system consists i off a networkk off rooff drains d i connected db by open outlet l to a vertical downpipe. The pitch in the piping allows rainwater to flow to a discharge point. This configuration necessitates relatively large diameter stacks which connect into an even larger underground drainage network. The Differences Between Traditional Drainage and Engineered Siphonic Roof Drainage A traditional rainwater p piping p g system y is sized and p pitched to be at atmospheric pressure throughout. Since pressure is constant from inlet to outlet, the only thing inducing flow is the pipe pitch. In a horizontal pipe segment, illustration below, water cascades along the invert of the pipe. About ½ of the pipe cross section is used to convey water and the remaining ½ is air at the maximum expected rainfall rate. Since conveyed water contains air air, it works at only a fraction of its design capacity. The Differences Between Traditional Drainage and Engineered Siphonic Roof Drainage A Siphonic p System y Siphonic systems induce flow by creating a fullfull-bore continuous path of water making pitch unnecessary, as seen in the illustration below. The full--bore flow is achieved through natural hydraulic action and is not full produced by any sort of moving part part, special fitting or control in the piping network. Si h i systems Siphonic t d do nott require i any special i l iinstallation t ll ti kit or procedure. The pipe materials and fittings used with siphonic roof drains are the same as those required for traditional drainage systems. The Differences Between Traditional Drainage and Engineered Siphonic Roof Drainage With a flat flat, level design design, long horizontal runs above overhead ceilings are possible, as shown in illustration 4. This reduces the amount of buried pipe and the associated costs with ith ttrenching, hi bedding, b ddi and d backfilling b kfilli within ithi th the b building’s ildi ’ ffootprint. t i t The Differences Between Traditional Drainage and Engineered Siphonic Roof Drainage Siphonic systems are designed to operate under subsubatmospheric pressure when primed full. The horizontal piping in the system can have higher velocities. This means rainwater is moved off ff off the rooff faster f during the heavy storms. During light rainfall events, the piping still drains but in the traditional open channel flow mode. Siphonic roof drainage systems are more efficient in the use of materials since smaller pipe diameters can be specified to handle a wide range of rainfall events. Myths y and Misconceptions p Myth 1: Siphonic systems drain water off of the roof “faster” than traditional piping. Reality: Although higher operating velocities are achieved, the drainage capacity is a function of pipe size. They can drain as quickly or as slowly as desired. Siphonic roof drainage is very good for controlled flow requirements. Myth 2: Siphonic systems have to be engineered by the manufacturer or supplier li off th the pipe i and dd drains. i Reality: A majority of the siphonic systems installed in the U.S. to date have been engineered by independent consulting engineers. Myth 3: The pipe and fittings are available only from foreign proprietary sources. Reality: y Pipe p and fittings g used for siphonic p roof drainage g systems y in the United States are the same as those used for traditional plumbing systems. There are no special manufacturers, materials or installers needed for siphonic roof drainage systems. Myths y and Misconceptions p Myth 4: There is standing water on the roof at all times in order to maintain a siphonic operation, even while not raining (i.e., ( the pipe is always full). f ) Reality: When it is not raining, the roof and piping are dry. When it rains, a layer of water develops on the roof, but in the same way as with traditional atmospheric systems. Actually, this layer of water is typically less for siphonic systems. Myth 5: Water builds up on the roof until a critical level is reached and then th drains the d i ““open up”” tto siphon i h th the water t off. ff Reality: Water build build--up on a flat roof or in gutters is not any different than traditional systems. Transition from partly full to full bore is a smooth transition. This property is a tested parameter for siphonic drains (15 second rule). Also, the drains are fixed and without moveable parts. Myth 6: There must be valves, utility connections or mechanical controls to make k the th siphon i h work. k Reality: There are no valves, controls, regulators or moving parts of any kind. The system consists only of drains and piping. Siphonic systems prime y action. due to natural hydraulic Codes,, Standards & Licensure Codes Standards & Licensure Codes, When designing a Siphonic Roof Drainage Systems consideration should be giving to the governing codes and standards, and licensure agreement. The two main governing codes and standards are: ANSI/ASME A112.6.9 “Siphonic Roof Drains” ASPE Technical Standard 100 “Siphonic Siphonic Roof Drainage” Other pertinent codes and standards should be considered and reviewed Codes and Standards ANSI/ASME A112.6.9 “Siphonic p Roof Drains” – Siphonic p roof drain performance testing is governed by ANSI/ASME A112.6.9. This standard establishes the testing procedures for siphonic roof drains used to determine the product resistance coefficient, flow range and d response tto varying i flflow rates. t Note: To be fully compliant with this standard, the drain must be marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark. Also the baffle plate and drain body must be marked with the baffle plate model number, resistance coefficient and the words “Replace Missing Baffle with Model XXX.” The marking of the resistance coefficient makes it possible for an engineer to determine the value of the siphonic roof drainage system and to identify the drain manufacturer and proper replacement part number if a baffle is damaged or missing ASPE Technical Standard 45 “Siphonic Roof Drainage” This standard establishes the calculation procedures for siphonic piping p p g systems, y , acceptable p p pipe p materials,, p performance requirements, and a set of “do’s” and “dont’s” necessary to avoid pitfalls. State Regulations g for Licensure Background: g Licensure of engineers and professionals at design firms is regulated at the State level. Originally, past engineering disasters prompted a few States to adopt laws regulating the practice of engineering. i i Th The purpose off such h llaws iis tto protect t t th the h health, lth safety and welfare of the public. Licensed design professionals are required to abide by a strict code of ethics to ensure adherence to public safety. Professional Firms: Most professional design firms have a Certificate of Authorization or equivalent permit that demonstrates they are qualified to perform engineering designs. If your company wishes to engage in a contract with a firm offering to design siphonic roof drainage systems it is recommended that you obtain that company’s Certificate of Authorization or permit. This is particularly important if a roof drain product manufacturer or sales representative offers to design siphonic systems as they may not be able to certify the design. Siphonic p Roof Drains Siphonic Roof Drains Drain Body Flashing Ring Ai B Air Baffle ffl Dome Strainer (Leaf Guard) Governing Standard Components p of a Siphonic p Roof Drain Siphonic p roof drains are actually y very y simple p devices. They y include all of the familiar components common to traditional roof drains. This figure shows a cutcut-away of a typical siphonic roof drain with all its required components. The distinguishing feature of a siphonic roof drain is the air baffle. baffle. This air baffle is engineered and tested to prevent air from entering the piping g system y at peak flows. Other than the baffle, a siphonic roof drain has the same features as a traditional roof drain including a drain body, flashing ring, dome strainer, and fastening hardware. hardware. Components p and Function The air baffle consists of a disc shape shape. Most designs include fins or blades that protrude from the bottom of the disc. They function as straightening vanes similar in form and purpose as those used in antiantivortex plates used in pump suctions and other similar applications applications. The leaf guard, or dome strainer, strainer, functions as a strainer or sieve to trap foreign objects and prevent their ingestion into the drainage pipe system. Baffle Plate Fins Plate l Ring Components p and Function The drain body provides a means of mounting the fixture to a roof deck system. It also provides a spigot outlet connection for the attachment of drainage pipe below the roof deck surface. Th llower surface The f off the th flashing fl hi ring i has h ab beveled l d surface f tto mate t with the outer top surface of the drain body. The inner rim has a depression on the upper surface that receives the base of the air baffle. Roof Drain Selection, Placement and dD Design i R fD i S l ti Roof Drain Selection, Placement and Design Flat Roofs Gutters Design Flexibility Recommended Discharge Designs Flat Roofs A Siphonic roof drain system and drain are ideal for “flat” flat roof construction. The placement of the roof drains on “flat” roofs is normally dictated by structural t t l and d rooff design d i criteria. it i Th The pitch it h off th the steel t ld deck k or th the maximum thickness of tapered insulation usually establishes the maximum spacing between roof drains. These conditions are normally determined by the structural engineer, architect and/or plumbing engineer prior to the plumbing and drainage design being started. Flat Roofs Siphonic roof drainage systems do not present any other special needs for roof drain placement, so the architect or engineer may locate the roof drains per traditional standard practice. Gutters Gutters are not common in roof drainage g design g in the United States. However, some buildings with certain architectural designs may incorporate them. Continuous gutters provide a good way to reduce the number of drains and stacks that is otherwise not possible for flat, cricketed roofs. Design g Flexibility y The flexibility in siphonic roof drainage system design exists on several facets. Independence p of p pitch allows for the design g of horizontal runs above ceilings and other spaces with overhead limitations. The placement of stacks within a building is much more flexible as a result. The physical properties of siphonic pipe design enable the design professional to achieve innovative and effective designs. Changes can be made to a siphonic system during construction but only under the direction of the deign engineer who shall recalculate and approve the proposed changes. Recommended Discharge g Design g In a siphonic designed system system, the siphonic condition needs to terminate before connecting to the storm sewer system. The siphonic action can be terminated at any time simply by increasing the lower horizontal piping out to the equivalent “gravity” pipe p p size. When this p pipe p is tied into a manhole or catch basin, the storm sewer sees no difference. Th connecting The ti manhole h l should h ld b be ventilated til t d b by some means. This can be accomplished by installing an open grate instead of a sealed manhole, or use a perforated manhole cover. When this is not possible, a vent pipe can be extended from the manhole and terminated above grade. This ventilation will prevent the possibility of pressure fluctuations in the storm sewer system. y Case Studies, Savings and I t ll ti Installations Case Studies, Savings and Installations Installations Case Study – 1, IKEA Store in Paramus,, NJ Case Study – 2, IKEA store in Atlanta, Georgia Savings Example – Vertical Stack Savings Example – Horizontal Piping Single Point of Discharge You’re Not The First – Siphonic Installations More than 650 million square feet worldwide. Nearly y 7 million square q feet in the U.S. Case Study y-1 Paramus,, New Jersey y The IKEA Store in Paramus, NJ The first siphonic system installed in the United States. In a value engineering exercise, it was determined that • siphonic roof drainage would be less expensive • plumbing engineer’s traditional design was replaced with an engineered siphonic design. Traditional design consisted of twelve stacks each ten to twelve inches in diameter. Siphonic p system y consisted of only y six stacks ranging g g from six to eight inches in size resulting in a substantial savings in pipe and fittings. Case Study y – 1 cont... Demographics of IKEA Paramus Roof Area (square feet) 250,000 Height g ((feet)) 50 Design Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) 5.0 Number of Discharge Points 5 Total Discharge (cfs) 28.9 Number of Drains 23 Pipe Material ASTM A53 Schedule 10 Galvanized Steel with rollroll-groove mechanical couplings. Case Study y-2 Atlanta, Georgia Located in the 138 acre Atlantic Station redevelopment site Site was once the home to the Atlantic Steel Hoop Company. This site posed two challenges 1. 230,000 square feet of roof surface on the site would have increased th site the it runoff ff rate t and d quantity tit to t the th culvert, l t which hi h by b currentt standards is aged and nonnon-compliant with environmental regulations. 2. The connection to the culvert was difficult from a civil engineering perspective. p p • The engineering solution • • • Underground detention tanks and pumps Reportedly estimated at almost one million dollars in excess of initial construction estimates estimates. The configuration of the site and position of the building made access to this storm drainage system impossible by traditional gravity methods. Horizontal manifold of a siphonic roof drain system in a warehouse. The roof drain branch ties into the manifold with a lateral. This system runs level and parallel to the structure. The overhead insullation eliminates roof drainage leaders at columns and under slab trenching. Case Study y – 2 cont... Atlanta, Georgia The implementation p of siphonic p roof drainage g Made it possible to drain the roof to the rear of the building where storm drainage piping could be installed below the delivery access road and off the site towards the retention pond. IKEA realized savings with • • • • The use of siphonic roof drainage inside the building Saved significantly in site infrastructure costs Avoided a lengthy permitting process Contributed to the overall environmental revitalization of the area Demographics of IKEA Atlanta Roof Area (square feet) 226,000 roof, 61,270 parking deck Height (feet) 35 Design Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) 3 3.7 7 Number of Discharge Points 5 from roof, 1 from parking deck Total Discharge (cfs (cfs)) 19.4 from roof, 5.25 from parking deck Number of Drains 33 on roof, roof 10 on parking deck Pipe Material ASTM A888 NoNo-Hub Cast Iron with MG Couplings Savings g Example p -1 Example 1: A vertical stack of a traditional roof drain system y is designed to drain 63,940 square feet of roof surface at a rainfall intensity of 3.25 inches per hour. According to IPC 2000, the required pipe diameter is 12 inches. At this flow the pipe would be about 25 percent full and would flow, achieve a terminal velocity of 24 feet per second. Cast iron pipe for this stack size would cost about $1,488.00 per 10 foot section. p An existing siphonic system design covering the same roof area and rainfall intensity has a calculated stack diameter of 8 inches. The design velocity is 14 feet per second d and d th the pipe i iis 100 percentt full. f ll C Castt iiron pipe i ffor this stack size costs about $627.00 per 10 foot section. That’s a sa savings ings of $861 $861.00 00 per ten foot section for this part of the system or almost 58 percent less than a traditional design. Based on R. R S. S Means Construction Cost Data 2005 2005. These cost calculations are examples from real world applications; your cost may be different. These costs are given for illustration only. Savings g Example p -2 Example 2: A horizontal segment g of a traditional roof drain system y is designed g to drain 15,685 square feet of roof surface at a rainfall intensity of 3.25 inches per hour. At a pitch of 1/8” per foot (about 1 percent), the required pipe diameter is 10 inches (IPC 2000, Table 1106.3). At this design flow, the pipe would be 52 percent full and have a velocity of 4.0 feet per second. Cast iron pipe with hangers every 5 feet on center and a 1 inch fiberglass insulation cover and couplings every 10 feet would cost about $1,057.00 per ten foot section. If installed below grade, the cost is about the same if insulation cover is replaced with the cost of trenching and backfill backfill. An existing siphonic system design covering the same roof area and rainfall intensity has a calculated pipe manifold of 6 inches. Even without pitch, the design velocity is 6.1 feet per second and 100 percent full. Cast iron pipe this size with hangers every 5 feet on center and a 1 inch fiberglass insulation cover and couplings every 10 feet would cost about $515.00 per ten foot section. That’s at s a sa savings gs o of $5 $542.00 00 pe per te ten foot oot section in this part of the system or about 51% less than a traditional design. Controlled Flow System y Controlled Flow Systems Function F ti off Pipe Pi Sizing Si i Roof Deck Allowance by Code Controlled Flow Systems y Siphonic roof drainage systems are by their very nature “controlled flow” systems. Therefore, the designer can set the maximum flow capacity of the system through selection of the design rainfall f intensity. The lower the discharge capacity, generally the smaller the pipe diameters and drain sizes sizes. Any controlled flow roof drainage system is intended to detain a quantity y of water temporarily p y on the roof,, therefore,, the certain q roof deck should be designed to hold the intended distributed load of water before the overflow point is reached. Allowance by y Code Controlled flow systems y are becoming g much more common as cities and towns seek methods of reducing the impact of storm water runoff. New York Cityy is an example p of an area that commonly y requires q controlled flow off of roofs because space for ground detention is not available and storm sewer capacities are more and more maxed out. Therefore, these systems are becoming incorporated into local and model codes as engineered systems. systems Siphonic roof drainage tends to fall under this category. Since it can essentially guarantee a limited discharge through pipe sizing sizing, it poses a more attractive solution to systems with flow control weirs at the roof drains. Historic Renovation and LEED Historic Renovation and LEED Disney C Di Case St Study d What is LEED How can siphonic drainage systems help in achieving a LEED certified project Rainwater Harvesting Historic Renovation Renovations to historic structures sometimes present challenges to handling roof drainage. Typically, the roof drainage installed in an old building does not meet current code requirements in terms of rainfall capacity. It is often necessary to replace the piping with a new system system. Of course, there may be ceilings, walls and other ornamental elements in the building that are best not disturbed or very expensive to replace. The pipe size reduction and nono-pitch configuration of a siphonic roof drainage system can be useful in minimizing the impact on the building while providing for the higher rainfall intensity. Historic Renovation Siphonic Roof Drain Historical Building Retrofit Application Problem A historical Disney building in Pasadena, California was being refurbished and needed a roof drainage system that allowed the exterior to remain unchanged. Th Architects The A hit t contacted t t d a local l l manufacturing f t i representative t ti for f insight on using siphonic roof drains on the job. The local ordinance required that the exterior of the 100 year old building not be changed and that all overflow drainage be piped into the city storm drainage system. Additionally, the job required a quick and viable roof drainage solution. Historic Renovation Solution The Siphonic Roof Drain was selected and used because the overflow can be controlled to a specific point on the building. In the original design there were no overflows in place so the siphonic drains were the perfect solution to their problem. The manufacturing representative showed the architect how the siphonic action of the roof drains allow the piping system to be run horizontal. This piping design enabled the overflows to be evacuated on the side of the building. The vertical ertical stack stack, once it reached the gro ground, nd was as piped to a vented manhole where water was discharged into the storm system. This solution satisfied both the architect and the city of Pasadena. Th Disney The Di Pasadena P d project j t was a success with ith th the client, li t th the architect, and the city officials; all were pleased that the siphonic roof drain was able to solve their design problems. LEED LEED In the context of the LEED rating system, siphonic roof drainage contributes to the reduction in materials used by allowing for smaller piping. And it facilitates the achievement of LEED credits for the reuse of the existing building. Siphonic roof drainage is useful for the replacement of exterior downspouts particularly along facades that must be preserved due to historic value. Siphonic roof drainage is environmentally friendly, friendly enables historic preservation, is easier to install, and saves money that can be used on other renovation efforts. U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)/ Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) The LEED Green Building Rating System was devised as a voluntary, consensusconsensus-based national standard for developing high--performance, sustainable buildings. high LEED was initially created by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to establish a common measurement to define “green b ildi ” It has building.” h since i grown into i t a program aimed i d att raising i i awareness of and promoting integrated “green” building projects. To become LEED certified, a building is rated by six categories. Within each category, g y p points are awarded based on the LEED Green Building Rating System. U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)/ Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) LEED p points are not given g to individual products, p , but to an aggregate gg g of the building system that saves water, energy, and contributes to a healthy indoor environment. An example of this is WalWal-Mart’s use of green building designs on a prototype t t store t i Dallas, in D ll Texas. T One feature of the design is the capture of rainwater for use throughout the building and grounds; i.e. rainwater harvesting. By using Siphonic Roof Drains in a siphonic design, LEED points can be awarded if the system is used for rainwater harvesting under the Water Use Reduction and Innovation and Design credits credits. Possible Points in Using a Siphonic System with Rainwater Harvesting Stormwater Design, Quantity Control – 1 point. 50% % postpost-development managing storm water runoff. ff Stormwater Design, Quality Control – 1 point. Storm water treatment systems designed to remove 80% of the average annuall postpostt-development d l t total t t l suspended d d solids. lid Water Efficient Landscaping, Reduce by 50% 1 point. Limit or eliminate the use of potable water for landscape irrigation. Water Efficient Landscaping, No Potable Water Use or No Irrigation – 1 point. Use only captured rain or recycled site water use for site irrigation. Innovative Wastewater TechnologiesTechnologies1 point. Reduce generation of wastewater & potable water demand, while increasing the local aquifer recharge. Water Use Reduction, Reduction 20% Reduction – 1 point. 20% reduction in water use for building. Water Use Reduction, 30% Reduction – 1 point point. Maximize water efficiency within building to reduce the burden on municipal water supply & wastewater systems. Rainwater Harvesting g A siphonic p roof drainage g system y is one of the most effective technologies offered for capturing rainwater from a building roof top to aid in implementing rainwater harvesting. R i Rainwater t H Harvesting ti Rainwater Harvesting g In a siphonic system, several roof drain outlets can be connected to a single vertical discharge pipe. Fewer discharge points and no requirement q for pitch p in the piping pp g means the rainwater can be easily routed horizontally below the roof t a storage to t tank t k or cistern. i t Rainwater Harvesting g The stored rainwater is now available for use in non non--potable applications such as toilets and urinal flushing, mechanical systems, custodial uses, and for site irrigation. One of the major benefits of designing a building with siphonic roof drainage and rainwater harvesting systems is reduced overall construction and facility operation costs. Additional benefits include reduced discharge of rainwater to lakes, streams, rivers and sanitary systems, and decreased dependence on municipal water supplies. Summary y Summary Conclusion C l i Objectives Review Conclusion Siphonic roof drainage technology aids in eliminating a number of factors associate with building design such as reduced site work and a reduction in material costs. The technology works well with rainwater harvesting as the piping can be delivered to a single g location and it enables the design g professional to include these attributes toward a project earnign LEED certification. Siphonic roof drainage systems offer a much more efficient roof drainage solution. Conclusion Learning siphonic roof drainage design tends to “open our eyes” t issues to i nott commonly l considered id d in i rooff drainage d i design d i in i general. Course Summary y The design professional will now be able to: Describe the basic principles of a siphonic roof drainage systems List the benefits of siphonic roof drainage and how the system self self--primes Compare and contrast the differences between traditional drainage and engineered siphonic roof drainage Explain several myths and misconceptions as related to roofing/drainage Reference the codes and standards relating to siphonic systems Explain p the role of the Licensure as it relates to health, safety, y and welfare Name and understand the components of a siphonic roof drain Course Summary y The design g professional p will now be able to: Illustrate how a siphonic system works with different roof designs and as a controlled flow systems Site case studies and installation examples where a siphonic system benefited the owner Describe how a siphonic system can help reduce costs during historic renovation projects Incorporate a siphonic design into a building to help acquire LEED points:: (1) for the use of recycled material (cast iron), (2) by reducing points site it preparation ti (l (less b buried i d pipe), i ) (3) b by using i a siphonic i h i system t in i conjunction with rainwater harvesting to reduce water use and improve stormwater management on site, and (4) under the “Innovation Innovation and Design Design” concepts by combining the concepts of several LEED categories. categories. The Fundamentals of Siphonic Roof Drainage System Design Course Sponsor Jay R. Smith Mfg. 2781 G Gunter t P Park kD Drive i E Montgomery, AL 36109 Phone: 334-277-8520 Fax: 334-272-7396 E-mail Web Course Number JRS22A Pl Please note: t you will ill need d to t complete l t the th conclusion l i quiz i online li att to receive credit An AIA Continuing Education Program Credit for this course is 1 AIA/CES HSW Learning Unit This Program is also registered through ASPE (American Society of Plumbing Engineers)