Mandatory Disclosure - Adhiparasakthi Engineering College
Mandatory Disclosure - Adhiparasakthi Engineering College
MANDATORY DISCLOSURE BY INSTITUTIONS RUNNING AICTE APPROVED ENGINEERING/TECHNOLOGY/PHARMACY PROGRAMMES TO BE INCLUDED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE INFORMATION BROCHURE, DISPLAYED ON THEIR WEBSITE AND TO BE SUBMITTED TO AICTE EVERY YEAR LATEST BY 30TH AUGUST TOGETHER WITH ITS URL The following information is to be given in the Information Brochure besides being hosted on the Institution’s official Website. “The information has been provided by the concerned institution and the onus of authenticity lies with the institution and not on AICTE.” I. NAME OF THE INSTITUTION ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE MELMARUVATHUR KANCHEEPURAM DISTRICT- 603 319. Telephone Numbers Fax Numbers Email Website : (044) 27529247, 27529502 : (044) 27529094 : : NAME & ADDRESS OF THE PRINCIPAL Dr.S. Jayashri Adhiparasakthi Engineering College Melmaruvathur Kancheepuram District- 603 319. Telephone Numbers Email Website III. : (044) 27529247, 27529502,27529881 : : NAME OF THE AFFILIATING UNIVERSITY 1 : ANNA UNIVERSITY IV. GOVERNANCE Members of the Board and their brief background The college is governed by a governing council. The composition of council and brief background of the members of the council are as follows: Members Nominated by Trust 1. Thirumathi Lakshmi Bangaru Adigalar: Chairperson 2. Thiru B.Anbalagan, Member : Member 3. G.B.Senthil Kumar : Correspondent A.P.E.C , Melmaruvathur 4. Thiru R.Karunanithi, Trust, Member : Member 5. Thiru A.K.Venkatasamy, Trust Member & Industrialist, : Member 6. Thiru. Thirumalaiappan Industrialist, : Member 7. Thiru. R. Somasundaram Retaied Chief Engineer, PWD : Member 8. Prof. VRA.Saathappan Principal, sister Institution : Member 9. Dr. P. Purushothamaraj, Eminent Professor : Member Members nominated by AICTE/UNIVERSITY/DTE 10. Nominee of AICTE : 11. Nominee of Anna University : 12. Nominee of DTE : Member Secretary 13. Dr. S. Jayashri Principal, A.P.E.C : Member Secretary 2 Members of Academic Advisory Body / Planning and Monitoring Board 1. Dr. S. Jayashri, Principal 2. Prof. R. Senthil, HOD(ME)& Vice-Principal 3. Dr.P. Purushothama Raj 4. Prof.VRA. Saathappan, HOD (CE) 5. Prof. K.S. Pandian, Prof, S&H 6. Senior Faculty from University/Other College 7. Thiru. A.K. Venkatasamy (Industrialist) 8. Thiru. Thirumalaiappan (Industrialist APEC, Kalavai) 9. Thiru. R. Somasundaram (Architect) 10. Prof. R. Karthiyasamy, HOD(EEE) 11. Mrs. R. Dhanalakshmi, HOD(CSE) 12. Prof. R. Rajasekaran, HOD(CHEM) 14. Mrs. A. Poonguzhali, HOD(IT) 15. Dr. R. Senapathy, HOD(MBA) 16. Dr. Popayee, HOD(S&H) 17. Mr. S.P. Ponnusamy , HOD(MCA) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Chairperson Vice-Chairman Member (Senior faculty) Member (Senior faculty) Member (Senior faculty) Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary Frequency of the Board Meetings and Academic Advisory Body The Planning and Monitoring Board meeting is convened atleast twice a year and the interval between two consecutive meetings is not more than six months. The Governing council meeting is convened twice a year. 3 Organizational chart and processes GOVERNING COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON CORRESPONDENT PRINCIPAL HOD s ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Professors Office superident/Accounts officer Assistant Professors Accountants/Assistants Lecturers Junior Assistants Attendents 4 Nature and Extent of involvement of faculty and students in academic affairs/ improvements Involvement of Faculty Faculty involves themselves with academic, research, consultancy, administration and extension activities. In addition to the self growth they actively strive hard for the departmental and Institutional growth by actively associating with relevant activities. High standard of education and consistent achievements made by the students can only be attributed to the wholehearted involvement of the faculty in every respect. Punctuality, effective preparation of teaching materials, guidance and counseling to students, lucid presentation in Teaching using modern multi-media systems and so on do indicate the committed involvement of the faculty. Faculty voluntarily associate themselves with students and in addition to the main duty of imparting knowledge, guide the students in co-curricular and extra curricular activities, to bring out the best in them and to mould them to be rounded personality. The highly committed faculty is constantly striving hard to improve the quality of teaching in the class room and in the laboratory. Every laboratory has a lab manual and handout. The faculty initiates and involves in the following activities to improve the teaching and learning experience. Regular use of audio visual aids Frequent industrial visits Improving the skills of the students through imaginative assignments Industry oriented live student projects Access to internet Competitions such as technical quiz , seminars, paper presentation in students chapter Frequent use of teaching aids such as charts and models Construction practical in the regular time table Special coaching for GATE and other competitive exams Coaching for communication skills in regular time table Counseling services Extent of involvement of Faculty in academic affairs Lectures Lectures are planned on various topics of each unit covering fundamental concepts, mathematical background (if necessary), applications, illustrative examples for 5 problems and designs and teaching schedule is prepared to cover the entire syllabus within the time frame. Lectures are delivered using audio visual aids, adopting modern teaching methods and giving opportunity to the students for interactions. In order to improve the creativity, assignments are given on different topics in such a way that the students can complete the assignments using the library facilities. Tutorials Tutorial class of 1 period per week is allotted for each course. Students are individually checked for their problems solving ability and understanding of the subjects. In addition 1 period is allotted in the timetable to help the students to solve their individual difficulties on different subjects. Course file Every faculty member prepares a course file with the following details for each theory subject that he/she is assigned to teach: Copy of the syllabus for the particular course. Schedule of teaching. Brief contents of each topic to be taught. List of text / reference books. Details of assignments. Question papers for the internal tests. Set of O.H.P. transparencies for the course etc. LABORATORY CLASSES Teaching schedule for lab classes are planned to cover the experiments included in the syllabus. In addition, innovative experiments are also given wherever it is necessary to support the theory classes handled on various subjects. Lab. manuals are prepared and distributed to the students at the commencement of the course. Each Lab. manual consists of the objective of the test, detailed description of the equipments / exercises, experimental and calculation procedures. Record note books are maintained in the laboratory until the end of the academic year. Mechanism/Norms & Procedure for democratic/good Governance Academic pass percentage is the index of good governance. Every faculty member works hard and takes all efforts to produce 85% result in each subject such that the college rank comes in the top 5% among all affiliated colleges. The students and faculty are involved in the governance of academic matters. The students are given chance to express their academic expectation and problems. To achieve the overall goal of improving teaching learning process class monitoring committee and course committee are formed. For each class, separate class monitoring committee is formed, comprising of students (different caliber), faculty advisor and Head of the department. Normally the committee is used to meet twice a semester. The class monitoring committee discusses about the course syllabus coverage, need for career development programmes for the students, Requirements for extra coaching, non-performance of duty by the faculty, etc. and these suggestions are implemented after scrutiny by the HOD. 6 Each common theory course offered to more than one discipline has a course committee comprising of all teachers teaching the common course to ensure uniform evaluation of test and uniform approach of handling that common course. The different chapters, committees, societies and associations, such as Student Welfare and Disciplinary action Committee, Student’s Council, Career Guidance and Employment Bureau, are formed with the staff and students as members to ensure effective and smooth functioning of college activities. All the above activities ensure the good and democratic governance of the institution. Student Feedback on Institutional Governance/faculty performance At the end of each semester / year, every student is given an opportunity to evaluate the faculty members by means of performance appraisal form in addition to the opportunity given in the course monitoring committee. This helps the Principal / Management in assessing the performance of the faculty members. Grievance redressal mechanism for faculty, staff and students Grievance redressal procedure for faculty and Staff. The grievance redressal committee for the faculty and Staff comprises of Principal, Director and Correspondent. When staff expresses the student related grievance, it is sorted out in the Principal level. The monetary related grievances are sorted out in the Director and Correspondent level. Grievance redressal procedure for Students. The grievance redressal committee for the student comprises of Faculty Advisor, HOD, and Principal. The student grievances are discussed by the committee and the actions taken. Grievance redressal procedure for hostellers. Suggestion box is available in the hostel office for receiving suggestion/complaints. Suggestion slips are available near the box for use. It is opened on the first working day of the month and the slips are taken by the hostel manager after entering into a register. Principal takes decision regarding the seriousness of the suggestion/complaint. 7 V. PROGRAMMES Name of the Programmes approved by the AICTE B.E./B. Tech. in Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Computer Science Engineering Chemical Technology Information Technology ME in Construction Engineering and Management Thermal Engineering Name of the Programmes accredited by the AICTE Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Chemical Technology For each Programme the following details are to be given: Name : B.E – Civil Engineering No: of seats : 60 Duration : 4 Years Cut-off marks/Rank for admission during the last 3 years: S.N o 1 2 3 Fee Year 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 OC 169.75 170 181.75 Category/cut off marks BC MBC SC 166 166 137.0 165 163 134 165.0 172.75 141.5 ST Nil Nil Nil : Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : 2007-2008- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) 8 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Placed Through Placement Cell:S.No Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2008 - 09 2009 - 10 2010 - 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2011 - 12 Placed Company No of students placed ARSS Infrastructure Private Limited 04 CCCL K.S. Constructions Mabani Steel Energy Infra Tech Energy Infra Tech Mabani Steel CCCL Adhiparasakthi Polytechnic College B & B Developers & Builders Pvt. Ltd., CCCL Energy Infra Tech ERA Groups of Company KKM Soft (P) Ltd., L&T Porthious Engineering Services Express Avenue Adhiparasakthi Polytechnic College – Melmaruvathur ANU solar Power Private Limited Bangalore B & B Developers and Builders - Vellore CCCL - Chennai GEE GEE Constructions - Chennai GENESYS - Hyderabad L & T – Chennai BK Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., – Nagpur 03 01 06 01 04 03 01 01 15 01 01 07 02 03 01 01 Maximum salary :- Rs.60000.00 per month Minimum salary:- Rs. 8000.00 per month Average Salary : Rs. 18000.00 per month 9 01 03 02 02 01 05 01 05 Name : B.E – Mechanical Engineering No: of seats : 120 Duration : 4 Years Cut-off marks/Rank for admission during the last 3 years: S.No Year OC 1 2 3 2011 – 2012 2010 – 2011 2009 - 2010 171.50 174.25 181.50 Fee Name & S.No Nature of Company Category/cut off marks(Minimum) BC MBC SC 170.50 170.50 178.25 Nature of Company Type of Company 1 CTS 2 L&T Infrastructure Core 3 Amaraja Batteries Battery manufacturer Core 4 Energy Infra Tech private ltd 5 CSS Corporation Infrastructure Software Core ITES BPO Educational Institution Core Automobile Parts Core Automobile Parts Core Quest Certification Pvt Ltd KKM Soft Pvt Ltd ISO Certification Bodies Core Automation Core 11 TAP Engineering Pumps Manufacturer Core 12 ZIP Industries Ltd Zippers, Sliders, Button’s Core 7 8 9 10 Adhiparasakthi Polytechnic Popular Vehicles and Services S.L Lumax 135.75 142.00 154.75 143.50 128.00 Nil : 2009-2010- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) Software development 6 168.00 166.50 174.50 ST 10 Type of Job Programmer Analyst Trainee Graduate Engineer Trainee Graduate Engineer Trainee Graduate Engineer Trainee Graduate Engineer Trainee Teaching Graduate Engineer Trainee Graduate Engineer Trainee Auditor Trainee Trainee Developer Graduate Engineer Trainee Graduate Engineer Trainee Number Of Maximum students Salary/Annum placed 6 Rs.3,01,500/-+ Allowances 1 Rs.3,00,000/-+ Allowances 4 Rs.2,40,000/-+ Allowances 3 Rs.1,92,000/-+ Allowances 1 Rs.1,89,324/-+ Allowances 1 Rs.1,20,000/-+ Allowances 8 Rs.1,10,000/-+ Allowances 41 Rs.1,00,000/-+ Allowances 2 Rs.1,00,000/-+ Allowances 1 Rs.1,00,000/-+ Allowances 5 Rs.1,00,000/-+ Allowances 1 Rs.1,00,000/-+ Allowances : 2010-2011- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : 2011 – 2012- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) Placement Facilities : Centralized Placement facility is available with a Asst. Professor as Head of the cell Campus placement in the last three years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary Statistics of Companies visiting for the campus placements 2011-2012 No. of companies for the program 05 2010-2011 04 03 01 2009-2010 04 04 - Year No. of Core companies 04 No. of other companies 01 Placement Statistics Academic Year No. of students admitted On-campus selection Employed on their own % Employed 2011-2012 61 51 2 86.68 2010-2011 69 10 3 18.8 2009-2010 68 12 3 22.05 Recognized Research Center 11 Name Num-ber of Seats Duration : Electrical and Electronics Engineering : 60 : 4 Years Cut off Mark / Rank For Admission during the Last 3 Years S.N o Year Category/cut off marks BC MBC OC Max 1. 2011-2012 2. 2010-2011 3 2009-2010 178.2 5 175.2 5 183 Min Max 169.25 169 167.25 167 177.75 178 Fees structure SC ST Ma Mi x n Min Max Min Max Min 160.7 5 162.2 5 175.5 0 169.2 5 163 149.5 79.5 Nil Nil 166 150.50 Nil Nil Nil Nil 177.5 0 173.25 168.25 146.25 Nil Nil : 2009-2010- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : 2010-2011- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : 2011-2012- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) Placement Facilities : Centralized Placement facility is available with a Asst. Professor as Head of the cell Campus placement in the last three years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary S.No. Year 1. 2009-2010 2. 2010-2011 3. 2011-2012 Name of the Company/Industry Energy Infratech TCS GK Power Expertise Pentaware solutions CTS Cybernet Slash Support Leisux Software TCS HCL CSS corp Syntellect CTS GK Power Expertise Ltd CCCL Express Avenue HC L CSC SL lumax GK Power Expertise Adhiparasakthi Polytechnic College Aqua Pure Plus 12 Number of Students placed 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 11 4 1 1 15 4 1 15 1 5 7 3 8 Microtek VI Micro SCOPE T&M pvt Ltd Anu Solar With Minimum salary Maximum salary Nam Number of Seats Duration 4 2 7 2 : Rs .96,000 PA : 3.35 LAcs PA :Electronics and Communication Engineering : 120 : 4 Years Cut off Mark / Rank For Admission during the Last 3 Years S.No 1 2 3 Fee Year 2012-2011 2010-2011 2009-2010 Category/cut off marks OC BC MBC SC/ST 181.00 147.75 172.75 87.50 175.25 169.50 158.00 145.25 184.50 167.50 176.75 163.25 : 2011-2012- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : 2010-2011- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : 2009-2010- Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) Placement Facilities : Centralized Placement facility is available with a Asst. Professor as Head of the cell Campus placement in the last three years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary No of S. students YEAR Name of the Industry No Placed 1 2011-2012 29 HCL 01 SERVION GLOBAL 01 CSC 01 CSS CORP 01 HCL B SERV 11 S L LUMAX 04 ANU SOLAR 03 VI MICRO 14 AQUA PURE PLUS 06 MICROTEX 13 RELIABLE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AND 01 2 2010-2011 SERVICES 01 MELTRONICS SYSTEM TECH PVT LTD 01 LEISUX SOFTWARE INC 02 TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES 20 HCL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 04 CSS CORP 04 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS 01 BIRLASOFT DECIBEL INFRASTRUCTURES AND 3 2009-2010 06 PROJECTS LTD 08 TCS 01 TCS & INFOSYS 02 CYBERNET SLASH SUPPORT 01 CTS 01 LEISEX 01 UNITED SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS 02 PENTAWARE TECHNOLOGIES 01 HCL & PENTAWARE TECHNOLOGIES 01 PANTI COMPUTER SYSTEMS LTD 01 IBM 02 WIPRO TECHNOLOGIES 01 INFOSYS 01 MICRO NEST 01 SUDHARSAN COMPUTERS 01 L & T INFOTECH With Minimum salary : Rs. 9,000/- Maximum salary : Rs. 26,666/- Average salary : Rs. 17,833/- 14 Name Number of Seats Duration : Computer Science Engineering : 120 : 4 Years Cut off Mark / Rank For Admission during the Last 3 Years S.No 1 2 3 Year 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 OC 183.25 180.25 184.50 Category/cut off marks BC MBC SC 168.25 168.25 163.75 166.75 165.50 155.50 168.50 171.25 138.67 ST 138.25 - : 2011 – 2012 Rs.40,000/: 2010 – 2011 Rs.40,000/: 2009 – 2010 Rs.40,000/- Fee Placement Facilities : Centralized Placement facility is available with an Asst. Professor as Head of the cell Campus placement in the last Four years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary S. Total No. of Year Name of the company No. students Placed HCL technologies limited 15 1 2011-12 CSC 4 CSS 1 S L LUMAX 15 SUTHERLAND 1 APTC 1 ANU SOLAR 3 HCL technologies limited 1 Total 2 2010 - 11 41 HCL technologies limited 13 Tata consultancy services 8 Vernalis systems 2 CSS corp 2 Cache next generation 1 Infosys 1 Protechsoft technologies 1 15 E-Con Systems India Private Limited 3 NXTGIPO Technologies Limited 2 PEMEX 1 PIXEL-TECHNOLOGIES 1 SYSVEDA 2 CCS INFOTECH LIMITED 2 ACCEL GROUP 2 CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES 2 NETAXIS IT Solutions Private Limited 3 WIPRO 7 CONCORDE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES 3 DATAMATICS Next Generation Solutions 2 IBM 3 Total 3 2009-2010 61 Tata consultancy services 13 CSS 01 CTS 03 LEISUX UNITED SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PENTAWARE 01 WIPRO 01 E-Con Systems India Private Limited 2 INFOSYS 1 CCS INFOTECH LIMITED 1 NXTGIPO Technologies Limited 2 SYSVEDA 3 CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES 2 CALSOFT LABS 1 ACCEL GROUP 1 PIXEL TECHNOLOGIES 1 PEMEX 1 CONCORD 2 16 09 07 Total 4 2008-2009 52 Tata Consultancy Services, Chennai (TCS) 10 L-CUBE 1 E-Con Systems India Private Limited 4 DATAMATICS 1 ZYXWARE 2 NETAXIS IT Solutions Private Limited 2 PIXEL TECHNOLOGIES 2 NXTGIPO Technologies Limited 2 CCS INFOTECH 2 SYSVEDA 4 CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES 2 CONCORDE 4 ACCEL GROUP 2 Total 38 MAXIMUM SALARY – Rs.3,30,000/MINIMUM SALARY – Rs.86400/AVERAGE SALARY –Rs.2,08,200 /- 17 Name : B.Tech-Information Technology No: of seats : 120 Duration : 4 Years Minimum Cut-off marks/Rank for admission during the last 3 years: S.No 1 2 3 Year 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 OC Max Min 161.5 165.0 183.75 156.75 153.0 153.0 Fee Placement Facilities Category/cut off marks BC MBC Max Min Max Min 180.25 154.0 177.0 146.0 142.75 135.25 179.79 157.75 162.67 145.75 138.75 130.25 SC ST Max Min 145.25 121.75 124.25 101.75 78 97.5 : 2009-2010- Rs. 40,000 /- (for Accredited course) : 2010-2011- Rs. 40,000 /- (for Accredited course) : 2011-2012- Rs. 40,000 /- (for Accredited course) Nil Nil Nil : Centralized Placement facility is available with a Professor as Head of the cell Campus placement in the last three years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary. S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Year Name of the Company/Industry HCL Technologies CSC Pvt Ltd Servion global solutions limited 2011 - 2012 Sutherland global service HCL Bserv Ihorse technologies Anu solar Leisux software Inc TCS HCL Technologies Vernalis systems CSS corp AVA corp 2010 - 2011 CTS Birla soft YBG Cache Next generation Mahindra satyam Protechsoft TCS Cybernet slash support CTS 2009 - 2010 United software solution Pentaware technologies Leisux Corporation 18 Number of Students placed 8 Nos 1 No 3 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos 1 No 11 Nos 1 No 6 Nos 12 Nos 2 Nos 3 Nos 1 Nos 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 2 Nos 6 Nos 1 No 9 Nos 5 Nos 1 No With Minimum salary Maximum salary Average salary Name Number of Seats Duration : Rs 1, 20,000 p.a/: Rs 3, 30,000 p.a/: Rs 2, 20,000 p.a/- : B.Tech - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING : 40 : 4 Years Cut off Mark / Rank for Admission during the Last 3 Years: S.NO YEAR 1. 2. 3. 2011 – 12 2010 - 11 2009 - 10 OC 173.5 174.5 182 Category / Cut off marks BC MBC SC 156.75 146.25 128 157.75 158 136 168.75 157.75 164 Fee : 2009 – 10 - Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : 2010 – 11 - Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) : 2011 – 12 - Rs.40, 000 (for Accredited course) Placement Facilities : Centralized Placement facility is available with a Asst. Professor as Head of the cell Campus Placement in the last three years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary 2009 - 10 S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of the Company Sun Pharmaceutical Industrial Ltd BASF – The Chemical Company, Chennai. Hindustan Unilever Limited SAMI Labs Limited, Banglore Tuticorin Alkali Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd, Tuticorin Piramal Health Care, Ennore Fischer Chemic Ltd 19 No. of students placed 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 2010 - 11 S. No. 1. Name of the Company NALCO No. of students placed 1 2. ATOTECH INDIA LTD 1 3. VB Medicare Pvt ltd 1 4. Quest Certification (P) Ltd 5 5. 6. 7. BioCon Group of Companies KCC Paints Tagros, Cuddalore 2 1 1 2011 - 12 S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the Company No. of students placed 2 1 4 Spic Sutherland Suganj eco line Anusolar 4 With Minimum salary Maximum salary Average salary : Rs. 8,000/: Rs.29,000/: Rs. 10,500/- Name and duration of programme(s) having affiliation/collaboration with Foreign University(s)/Institution(s) and being run in the same Campus along with status of their AICTE approval. If there is foreign collaboration, give the following details: Details of the Foreign Institution/University: Not Applicable Name of the University/Institution Address Website Is the Institution/University Accredited in its Home Country 20 Ranking of the Institution/University in the Home Country Whether the degree offered is equivalent to an Indian Degree? If yes, the name of the agency which has approved equivalence. If no, implications for students in terms of pursuit of higher studies in India and abroad and job both within and outside the country. Nature of Collaboration Conditions of Collaboration Complete details of payment a student has to make to get the full benefit of collaboration. For each Collaborative/affiliated Programme give the following: Programme Focus Number of seats Admission Procedure Fee Placement Facility Placement Records for last three years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary Whether the Collaborative Programme is approved by AICTE? If not whether the Domestic/Foreign Institution has applied to AICTE for approval as required under notification no. 37-3/Legal/2005 dated 16th May, 2005 21 VI. Faculty Branch wise list faculty members: Civil Engineering o Permanent Faculty :12+1 +2 = 15 o Visiting Faculty : Nil o Adjunct Faculty : Nil o Guest Faculty : Nil o Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio : 1:15 Mechanical Engineering o Permanent Faculty : 20+2+2 = 24 o Visiting Faculty : Nil o Adjunct Faculty : Nil o Guest Faculty : Nil o Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio : 1:18 Electrical and Electronics Engineering o Permanent Faculty : 12 +1+2= 15 o Visiting Faculty : Nil o Adjunct Faculty : Nil o Guest Faculty : Nil o Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio : 1:15 Electronics and Communication Engineering o Permanent Faculty : 24+1+6 = 31 o Visiting Faculty : Nil o Adjunct Faculty : Nil o Guest Faculty : Nil o Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio : 1:15 Computer Science Engineering o Permanent Faculty : 24 +2+4 = 30 o Visiting Faculty : Nil o Adjunct Faculty : Nil o Guest Faculty : Nil o Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio : 1:15 Chemical Engineering o Permanent Faculty o Visiting Faculty o Adjunct Faculty o Guest Faculty o Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio InformationTechnology o Permanent Faculty o Visiting Faculty o Adjunct Faculty o Guest Faculty o Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio :8 : Nil : Nil : Nil : 1:15 : 21 + 1 = 22 : Nil : Nil : Nil : 1:17 Number of faculty employed and left during the last three years 22 20092010 Civil Engineering o Employed o Left : : Mechanical Engineering o Employed o Left : : Electrical and Electronics Engineering o Employed o Left : : Electronics and Communication Engineering o Employed : o Left : Computer Science Engineering o Employed o Left 8 : : Chemical Engineering o Employed o Left : : Information Technology o Employed : o Left : 23 2010- 20112011 12 VII. PROFILE OF DIRECTOR/PRINCIPAL WITH QUALIFICATIONS, TOTAL EXPERIENCE, AGE AND DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT AT THE INSTITUTE CONCERNED Brief Bio-Data of Principal 1. Name and Designation : Dr.S.Jayashri 2. Residential Address : No.1E, CDS Apartments, 62,/41, Bharathiyar St Gokulapuram Chengalpattu-603 001 3. Date of Birth and Age : 22.05.1960/ 52 YrS 4. Date of joining : 19.01.2007 5. Status as on date of joining : Prof & HOD 6. Salary as in date of joining : Rs.34,000/- 7. Present status : Prof & HOD 8. Salary as on date : Rs.1,20,000/- 9. Phone/Cell No. : 044-27433386/9443520235 10. E-mail ID : 11. Educational Qualifications : Month Class&Percentage & Degree Programme/Specialization of marks/CGPA* Year of Passing Ph.D. Optical Communication M.E. Communication Systems B.E. Electronics & Communication University 2004 Anna University I class with distinction 77% 1992 Thiagarajar College of Engineering I class with distinction 75% 1982 Madurai Kamarajar 24 12.Professional Experience: A. Teaching S. No Designation Name & Address of the Institution Fro m To Total no. of years Scale of pay and total emoluments 1. Associate Lecturer in Electrical& Electronics Engineering Thiagaraja College of Engg., Madurai. July 1982 Dec 1984 2 Rs. 1200/- 2. Associate Lecturer in Electronics & Communication Engg Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur. Dec 1984 Sep 1988 4 Rs. 1400/- 3. Teaching Research fellow College of Engg.,Anna University, Chennai. Sep 1988 Jan 1992 4 Rs. 1200/- 4. Lecturer Mar 1992 Jul 1994 4 Rs. 4394/- Aug 1994 Dec 2001 7 Rs. 11,620/- Jan 2002 Jan 2007 5 19100-450-22400 Rs. 34,000/- Jan 2007 May 2008 1 19100-450-22400 Rs. 34,000/- June 2008 Till date From To S.R.M. Engineering College, Kattankulathur Asst,Prof. in ECE Professor&Head in ECE 5. Prof & Head in ECE 6 Prof & Principal Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Enginering College Melmaruvathur 37,400-67,000 B. Industry S.No Designation & Nature of job Name of Industry & Address 25 Total no. of years Scale of pay and total emoluments Publications: S.No. Title of the Paper Title of the conference Organizer Month & Year 1. Performance analysis of MWOOCDMA/M-ary System with laser phase noise IEEE, ACE IIT, Delhi Nov2001 2.. On the optimum power estimation of MWOOCDMA System at longer wavelengths (λ =1300-1550 nm) 3. SET & an Analysis of logic families 4. MRAMS: The powerful universal memory solution for all future computing applications 5. Interference Cancellation Technique for mobile OFDM 6. Optimizing the wireless Mesh Networks through Cross layer design 7. Implementation of M D6 Hash function in VLSI 8. Automation of Embedded Smart Apartment Complex Design using ARM Processor 9 Energy Utilization strategies using cross Layering Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks National Conference on Modern trends in GCET, Coimbatore Electrical and instrumentation systems International Conference on MEMS & IIT, Kharagpur semiconductor Nanotechnology National Conference On PSG College of Convergence of Technology, Computer & Coimbatore. Information Engg., National Conference on VLSI Saintgits College of and Engg., Kerala Communication Engineering International conference on SathyabamaUniver emerging scenarios sity,Chennai in space technology and applications National conference on VLSI, Embedded system, AVIT ,payanoor signal processing Chennai communication Technologies Institute of Technology, NirmaUniversity, Ahmedabad Sathyabama IEEE University ,Chennai 26 March2002 Dec2005 Dec2006 March2007 Nov2008 April 2010 Dec2010 2010 10 Energy – Efficient LDPC Decoder using DVFS for binary sources 11 A Novel Algorithm for Energy Efficient Lightweight Authentication Protocol 12 13 A Novel Algorithm for Energy Efficient Lightweight Authentication Protocol A Novel approach towards power efficiency and prolonged lifetime of sensor nodes 14 Analysis of various power allocation algorithms for wireless Networks 15 Performance analysis in IEEE 802.16J Mobile Multi – hop Relay Networks (MMR) 16 Efficient & Trusted Rounting Protocol for Vanets 17 Performance Evaluation of IDMA system using various Interleaver’s 18 Recent Trends in Localisation Methodology Algorithms in WSNs International conference on Advances in Computer Science (ACEEE) International Conference on , Trends in Industrial Measurements and Automation’- TIMA -2011 International conference on TIMA-2011 National Symposium on Instrumentation (NSI- 35) International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing National Conference on Emerging Trends in Embedded and Telecommunication Technology National Conference on Emerging Trends in Embedded and Telecommunication Technology National Conference on Emerging Trends in Embedded and Telecommunication Technology 27 Sathyabama University ,Chennai 2010 CSIR- CEERI 2011 Chennai Feb 2011 Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum Jan2011 Melmarvuthur May201 2 Melmarvuthur May 2012 Chennai April 2012 Chennai April 2012 Chennai April 2012 National / International Journals: S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Title of the Article On the analysis of near-and-far-field radiation pattern for longer wavelength Laser diodes Performance analysis of MWOOCDMA/M-ary signalling with laser phase noise On the performance analysis of Multi wavelength OOCDMA Mary signalling systemλ=1300-1550nm Time domain equalization technique for intercarrier interference suppression in OFDM systems Name of the Journal Journal of optics Journal of optics Journal of optics Information technology journal Page, Volume & Year Vol.28, No.4, pp179-183, 1999 Vol.30, No.4, pp187-202, 2001 Vol.31, No.3, pp105-116, 2002 Vol.7, No.1, pp149-154, 2008 5. A Novel approach towards power efficiency and prolonged lifetime of sensor nodes Journal of the Instrument Society of India Vol.41 No.1, pp46-47,2011 6 Energy Efficient system for Heterogeneous wireless Sensor Network European Journal of Scientific Research Vol.72 No.4 pp.599-607, Equipment and software Grants: 1. Received Grant of Rs.8 lakhs under MODROB scheme by AICTE for the modernisation of optical communication and DSP lab in the year 1999. 2. Received Grant of Rs.6.75 lakhs for modernisation of embedded system lab in the year 2003. 3. Received Grant of Rs.9.5lakhs sanctioned for modernisation of VLSI design lab in the year 2008. 4. Received Grant of Rs.5000 for the student project from Tamilnadu state council for science and technology in the year 1995. 14. Membership in professional bodies ISTE Life Member 15. Recent interest of subject in your field of specialization 1.Optical communication 2. Optical networks & Photonics switching 3. Microwave communication 4.Analog & Digital communication 28 Faculty Profile Civil Engineering Name of Teaching Staff Designation Department Date of joining of the institution Qualification Faculty Profile : Dr.V. RAMASAMY : Professor & Dean : Civil Engineering : 10/06/94 : B.E. (Civil Engineering) M.E. (Structural Engineering) Ph.D. (Structural Concrete) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 18 Industry :2 Research : 8.5 Papers Published National Journals :2 International Journals :3 Conference : 26 National Journal: 1. ―Performance of Rice Husk Ash Concrete with Super Plasticizers‖, ICI Journal, Indian Concrete Institute, 2008Vol .9 No.pp 28-32, 2008 2. ―Durability of Rice Husk Ask Concrete‖, ICI Journal, Indian Concrete Institute, Vol.10, No.3 pp 41- 50, 2009 International Journal: 1. Performance Of Rice Husk Ash Concrete With Super Plasticizers, Indian Concrete Institute, April -June 2008 Pg 27-34 2. ―Mechanical Properties and Durability of Rice Husk Ask Concrete‖, International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, Vol.3, No.12. pp 1799-1811 3. Durability properties of rice husk ash concrete, ICI Journal, Vol 10 ,NO 2, 2011,pg 169—174 4. Effect of compaction techniques on mechanical properties of concrete, International journal of civil engineering research, Vol 2 ,NO 3, Dec-2009,pg 4150 5. Compressive strength and durability properties of rice husk concrete, KSCE Journal of civil Engineering, Papers Published in conference/Seminar 1. ―Broken Tile Waste as a Substitute for Coarse aggregate in Concrete‖, National seminar on ―Concrete Technology For 21st Century at Annamalai university on Feb.9-10, 2001 2. National conference on ―Advances in Building Material, Equipment and Construction 29 Technologies‖ at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on Jan 24-25, 2003 3. Rain water harvesting – state of art, National seminar on ―Recent advances in water resource planning and management‖ at Annamalai University on March 8-9, 2003 4. Fate of Air Pollution – An Overview, National seminar on ―Environmental Health‖ at S.V College of Engineering, Tirupathi on Dec. 29& 30 , 2003 5. Effects of Environmental Pollution, National seminar on ―Environmental Health― at S.V College of Engineering , Tirupathi on Dec. 29& 30 , 2003 6. Rice Husk Ash in Concrete – An Overview, National Seminar on ―Recent Advances, Growth & Achievements in Modern Engineering towards 2020‖at ISTE, Pondicherry on Nov 26-27, 2004 7. Study of Influence of Rice Husk Ash on Compressive Strength of Mortar, National Conference on ―Recent Developments in Materials & Structures‖ at NIT, Calicut on Dec. 2-3, 2004 8. Mechanical properties of Rice husk ash concrete, Proceedings of the National seminar on ―Recent trends in the Structural Engineering‖ at Department of Civil Engg. IRTT, Erode on May 9-10 2005 9. Structural response of Ferro cement slab using rice husk ash, Proceedings of the National level conference ―SACOEFERENCE‖ at Department of Civil Engg. , Dr. Sivnathi Adithathanr College of Engg., Tiruchendur on May 9-10 2005 10. Study of Influence of Rice Husk Ash on Mechanical Properties of Concrete, Proceedings of the National level conference ―Concrete Technology for the Future‖, at Department of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engg College. College, Perundurai on Apr. 21-22, 2006 11. Effect of Super Plasticizers on The Compressive Strength of Rice Husk Ash Concrete, National Conference on Recent Development In Concrete Technology – RDCT 2006 at Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 21st and 22nd December, 2006. 12. Study of Influence of Rice Husk Ash on Mechanical Properties of Concrete, Emerging Technologies In Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development at Department of Civil Engineering, S.R.K.R. Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh on 27th and 29th December, 2006. 13. Permeability Properties of High Performance Concrete with Rice Husk ash as Mineral Admixtures, National Conference on ― Theoretical & Experimental Advances in Civil Engg. ‖ at SRM University , Chennai on 8th – 9th Feb. 2007 14. Studies of Partial replacement of Cement using Rice Husk in Cement Concrete, National 30 Conference on Recent Trends in Concrete Composites for Structural Systems at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 14-15 March 2007 15. Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Mechanical properties of Concrete, International Conference on Innovations in buildings Materials, Structural designs & Construction Practices at Bannari amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 15-17 May 2008 16. Properties of HPC with Granite Powder as Fine aggregate, National Conference on ―Recent trends in Concrete Composites for Structural Systems RTCCSS - 09‖ at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 3rd and 4th April 2009. 17. Experimental study on the effect of Granite Powder in Concrete Mixtures, National Conference on ―Recent Advancement in Civil Engineering RACE – 09‖at Sengunthar Engineering College, Thiruchengodu on 28th April 2009. 18. ―Planning , Scheduling and Tracking of a Multistoried Residential Building Using MSProject 2007‖, National conference on Recent trends in Civil Engineering at Rajarajeswari Engineering College Chennai on 7th April 2010 19. Planning, Management and optimistic scheduling of construction of a power plant project, National conference on ―Recent trends in Civil Engineering‖ on 7th April 2010 @ Rajarajeswari Engineering College Chennai 20. Planning and scheduling using Primavera Software, Proceedings of National conference on ―Recent trends in Civil Engineering‖ on 7th April 2010 @ Rajarajeswari Engineering College Chennai 21. Mechanical strength of concrete using Bottom ash as fine aggregate, Proceedings of National conference on― Recent Developments in Civil Engineering‖ organized by SRM University on 21st & 22nd March 2012 22. Concrete from Rice Husk Ash: Its Strength and Durability, Proceedings of National conference on Advancement in Concrete Technology at K.S.R College of Engineering on 23rd - 24th Sep 23. Mechanical strength of concrete using Bottom ash as fine aggregate Proceedings of National conference on Recent Developments in Civil Engineering‖ organized by SRM University on 21st & 22nd March 2012 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses 1. Integrity Monitoring of Structures (STP) at IIT, Chennai on 13.12.99 to 17.12.99 2. Steel Concrete Composite Structures (WS) at Anna University on 22-25th Mar 2000 3. Quality Control & Finance Management in Civil Constructions (WS) at Vellore Engg. College, Vellore on 10th Jun 2000 4. FEM and NISA applications (WS) at Anna University on 26 July 2002 5. Rainwater harvesting (WS) at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 12, Dec- 2002 31 6. Health monitoring of structure a pro active strategy (WS) at SRM Engineering College on 23 Jan -2003 7. Industrial Safety (WS) at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 06, Feb 2003 8. Technologist vision for Engineering Practices in 2000 with Nano technology (WS) at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 26, Feb 2003 9. Earth Quake design as per new Code (WS) at Anna University on March 20&21, 2003 10. Repair & Rehabilitation of Structures (WS) at Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University), Vellore, 8 Sep 2003 11. Fly Ash Utilization and Disposal (WS) at Institution of Engineers, Chennai on 11 & 12 Oct. 2003 12. Cost Effective Techniques in Foundations for Problematic Soils (WS) at S.R.M Engineering College, Kattankulathur on 24, Jan 2004 13. Mix Design for Durable Concrete (WS) at Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University), Vellore on 4 Sep 2004 14. Water Proofing and Maintenance of RCC Structures (WS) at Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University), Vellore on 27th Oct 2004 15. NDT Methods Diagnostics of Repairing of Structures (WS) at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 24th October, 2005 16. Manufacturing Excellence (STP) at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 11th to 15th December, 2006 17. Urban Solid Waste Management & Environmental Impacts‖ at SKR Engineering College, Ponamalle, Chennai on 05th to 08th March 2009 18. Smart Materials & Structures for Infrastructural Development at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 3rd and 4th April 2009 PhDs/ Projects Guided PhDs :7 Projects :4 Books Published 1. Elements of Strength of Materials, Ramalinga Publication, Chennai 2002 2. A Text Book on Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Dhanam Publication, Chennai 2002 3. Engineering Mechanics – Short Questions & answers, Ramalinga Publication, Chennai 2002 4. Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Sri Krishna Publication, Chennai 2005 5. Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Sri Krishna Publication, Chennai, 2006 32 6. Mechanics of Solids, Sri Krishna Hitech Publication, Chennai, 2009 7. Mechanics of Fluids, Sri Krishna Hitech Publication, Chennai, 2009 8. Design of RC and brick masonry structures, lakshmi publications, Chennai, 2012 9. Strength of Materials, Pearson, 2012 Professional Memberships : ISTE Life Member -25013 ICI Life Member- M7147 Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Nil Grants fetched : 1. Mechanical and durability properties of rice husk ash concrete, TamilNadu state council for Science and Technology (student Project), Rs.5,000/-, 2007-2008, Completed 2. Modern concrete materials & Construction Techniques (Seminar), Council of Science and industrial research , Rs.40,000/-, 2006-2007, Completed 3. Fabrication and Erection of Loading Frame, AICTE – MODROBS, Rs 10, 00, 000/-, 2008-2009, Completed 4. “Manufacturing of RICE HUSK ASH Hollow Blocks‖, Innovations and Entrepreneurship Development Cell , Rs 1,00,000/- in the year 2009-2010. 5. ―Manufacturing of RICE HUSK ASH BRICK‖, Innovations and Entrepreneurship Development Cell Rs 1,00,000/- in the year 2010-2011. 6. Advances on Construction Materials and Exhibition (International Workshop), AICTE (Rs 2 Lakhs) & Council of Science and industrial research , Rs.40,000/-, 2011-2012, Completed Interaction with Professional Institutions: 1. As the Chief Guest for the valedictory function of CONSTECH – 08 at V. R. S. College of Engineering & Technology on 12th Sep, 2008 and delivered the Valedictory Address. 2. Invited by Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering & Technology, to act as a one of the Judges in GEOFEST 2K8 – Student Symposium on 25th Sep 2008. 3. Invited by Elumalai Polytechnic College, Villupuram, to act as one of the Panel Members in State Level Project Work Exhibition organized by Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai on 24th January 2009. 4. Honoured with an invitation by Kalaingnar TV for a discussion on ―Opportunities for Higher Studies and Employment in Engineering‖. This program was held on 6th March-2010. It was a live telecast. 5. Chief Guest for the Inaugural function at K.S.R Engineering College, Salem and delivered the Keynote address. 6. Question paper setting and going for valuation to other Universities such as SRM University, Bharath University, Sathyabama University, Dr.MGR University, Vinayaka Mission University, Karpagam University and Meenakshi University. 7. Invited by Eashwari Engineering College, to act as a one of the Judges in ACE – Student Symposium on 25th Sep 2008. 8. DC Committee Member for Research scholars in Anna University Chennai, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore, SRM University, V.I.T & Sathyabama University. 33 Faculty Profile Name of Teaching Staff : Dr.T.S. THANDAVAMOORTHY Designation : Professor Department : Civil Engineering Date of joining of the institution : 07/03/2009 Qualification : B.E. (Civil Engineering) : M.S. (Structural Engineering) : Ph.D (Structural Engineering) Total Experience in Years Teaching :9 Industry :8 Research : 28 Papers Published National : 100 International : 21 Conference/Seminar : 105 PhDs Guided 1. 2. 3. 4. Development of building materials from industrial wastes Energy absorption characteristics of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Energy absorption characteristics of Self Compacting Concrete Environmental Impact Assessment of Infrastructures 5. Planning and Designing of Men’s Hostel Building Including Seismic Force – A Project Report, 2009. 6. Structural Adequacy of Existing Thirteen Storeyed Residential Building to Seismic Loading, 2008 7. Neural Network Prediction of in-situ Strength of Concrete from Measured Impact Acceleration, 2008. 8. Energy Absorption of Fly Ash Concrete, 2008. 9. Characterization of Concrete made up of Bottom Ash, 2007 10. Recycling of Aggregates in Making Concrete, 2007 11. Design of Foundation System for Wind Turbine, 2006 Projects Guided: 1. Ferrocement roofing and walls for residual Houses 2011 2. Case history of time and motion study of construction projects 2011 3. Study the strength properties of recycled concrete 2011 4. Fire resistant characteristics of concrete under thermal cyclic loading. RESEARCH GUIDANCE: 1) EXAMINER PHD VIVA BOARD, DR.M.G.R. UNIVERSITY, 2009 2) Advisor to Ph.D. Students, Dr. M.G.R. University 2006-present 3) Local Guide to Ph.D. scholar, IIT Madras 2000-2004 4) Examiner for Ph.D. dissertation of Research Scholar of the IIT Madras 2001 34 5) Member of the Doctoral Committees of Anna University and IIT Madras, 2000-present. 6) Examiner for ME theses of P.G. students of Anna University, 2000-2004. 7) Guide for several P.G. students for their project works, 2000-2004. 8) Invited by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, College of Engineering, Idaho State University, and USA to deliver a lecture to the students and faculty of engineering on the ―Behaviour of Full-scale RC Beam-column Joints‖ and delivered the same in November 2004. Books Published/IPRs/Patents : 1) Published a book entitled, ―Structural Analysis‖, in August 2011. 2) Published a book entitled, ―Advanced Structures for Architecture‖, in May 2008. 3) Published a book entitled, ―Analysis of Structures: Strength and Behaviour,‖ in February 2005. 4) Published a book entitled, ―Structural Testing and Evaluation‖, in December 2002. 5) Published a book entitled, ―Structural Analysis‖, in Sep 2011. Professional Memberships : 1) Life Member and Elected Vice-president, Indian Concrete Institute 2) Life Member, Society of Structural Engineers 3) Life Member of the Ferrocement Society Awards : 1) CIDC Viswakarma Award 2011 2) Bharat Jyoti Award in 2008 3) Best Citizen of India Award in2008 4) Awarded Certificate of Merit by the Institution of Engineers (India) in December 2005 for the paper entitled, ―Analytical Model to Predict the Reserve Capacity of Cracked Internally Ring Stiffened Tubular Joints of Offshore Platforms,‖ published in the Journal of the Institution, Vol. 85, and February 2005. 5) Institution Prize (Donated by Col. G.N. Bajpai) awarded by the Institution of Engineers (India) in December 2004 for the paper entitled, ―Experimental Investigation on Internally Ring-stiffened Joints of Offshore Platforms,‖ published in the Journal of the Institution, Vol. 83, August 2003. 6) Awarded Certificate of Merit by the Institution of Engineers (India) in December 2003 for the paper entitled, ―Finite Element Modelling of the Behaviour of Internally Ring Stiffened T-joint of Offshore Platforms,‖ published in the Journal of the Institution, Vol. 82, and November 2002. 7) Maharashtra Centre – ICI Best paper Award presented by the Indian Concrete Institute in November 2000 for the paper on ―Fly ash and Epoxy Based High 35 Performance Grout for Forming Pipe to Pipe Connection‖ published in ICI Bulletin No. 68, July-September 1999 issue. 8) Awarded Certificate of Merit by the Institution of Engineers (India) in De4cember 1996 for the paper entitled, ―Fatigue Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams,‖ published in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Vol. 76, and April 1996. 9) Awarded Certificate of Commendation by the Central Secretariat Hindi Council, New Delhi in 1996 for the article in Hindi on the topic of Indian Science and Technology – Restructuring, Reorientation, and Management. Grants Fetched: Rs.40 lakhs from the Department of Atomic Energy through BRNS Interaction with Professional Institutions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Indian Concrete Institute Institution of Engineers Society of Structural Engineers Civil engineering Forum Builders Association of India Institution of Civil Engineers, UK, Chennai Chapter. Ferro Cement Society Indian Institute of Technical Arhitrators. Chief Guest for the Inaugural function at Rajarajeswari Engineering College, Chennai on 24th Feb-2010 and delivered the Keynote address. Chief Guest for the Inaugural function RICE – 2010 at B.S.Abdur Rahman University, Vandalur, Chennai on 9&10th March- 2010 and delivered the Keynote address. Resource Person for the workshop sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India on Seismic safe design for building professionals on 20-24.12.10 at Periyar Maniammai University Chief Guest for the Inauguration of Civil Engineering students Association, SKP Institute of Technology. Judge for Technical Symposium at S.R.M University, Ramapuram Campus on 12.09.11 Judge for Technical Symposium at Eashwari Engineering College, Chennai on 29.8.11 Guest Lecture on Testing of full scale R.C beam column joints under sesmic loading at G.K.M. Engineering College, Chennai on 28.09.11 Guest Lecture on Flexibility Method & Stiffness Matrix Method at Magna College of Engineering on 17&23.2.12 36 Faculty Profile Name of Teaching Staff : Mr.R.VENKATAKRISHNAIAH Designation : Associate Professor Department : Civil Engineering Date of joining of the Institution : 11/06/1998 Qualification : AMIE (Civil Engineering) : M.E (Geotechnical Engineering) : Ph.D (Materials) – Course work completed & Experimental work is going on Total Experience in Years Teaching : 15 Industry : 3.5 Research : Nil Papers Published National Journal : Nil International Journal : Nil Conference : 11 Papers Published in conference/Seminar 1. Effect of Environmental pollution, National seminar on ―Environmental Health‖ at S.V.University, Tirupathi, and A.P on 29, 30 Dec 2003 2. Study of compaction characteristics of soil gravel mixture with the effect of size of mould Proceedings of the National level conference ―Sustainable for Advancement in Civil Engineering‖ at S.R.K.R Engineering College, Bhimavaram, and A.P on 24, 26 Nov 2005 3. Model Study on Group of Concentric Geo-Grids Encased Stone Column in Soft Clays Proceedings of the ―Indian Geo – Technical Conference – 2005‖ at Nirma University, Gujarat on Dec – 17 –19, 2005 4. Influence of Consistency index on load carrying capacity of stone column in soft clays Proceedings of National conference on Corrective Engineering in Troublesome Soils (CONCEPTS) at Kakinada on July, 2006 5. Workability and Strength Characteristics of Concrete using a Non conventional Super plasticizer Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Civil engineering for sustainable Development at S.R.K.R Engg. College, Andhra Pradesh on 27.12.2006 to 29.12.2006 6. A Study on End Bearing and skin friction Values of Stone Column with different consistency indices of Soft clays Proceedings of National Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Civil Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 08 to 09- Feb, 2007 7. Next Generation of Construction Using Renewable Energy Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation of structures at Annamalai University on 19th and 20th March 2009 8. Study of High Volume High Calcium Structural fly ash concrete, Advances in Construction Engineering -2010 at Annamalai University on Feb 26&27 2010 9. Development of HVHC Fly ash Concrete, Structural Engineering Convention 2010 at Annamalai university, Chidambaram on 8.12.10-10.12.10 10. The Effect of silica fume addition on the strength properties of HVHC fly ash concrete, International Conference in KSR Engineering College on 18th & 19th Feb 2011. 37 11. Intelligent Transport System using GIS, Proceedings of National Conference on ―Recent advances in Infrastructure Development‖ organized by Tagore Engineering College on 8th & 9th March 2012 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses/Summer/Winter School 1. QIP on "Coastal Structures" at Department of ocean Engineering, IIT Madras on 22.11.2002 2. Rainwater Harvesting at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 12.12.2002 3. Seminar on "Health monitoring of structure a proactive strategy" at SRM Engineering College, Chennai on 23.01.2003 4. One Day workshop on "Industrial Safety" at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 6.02.2003 5. Short Term/ QIP Programme on ― Geotechnical Design for Infrastructure Projects ―at Indian Institute of Technology Chennai on Dec.1 – 12 , 2003 6. ― Cost Effective Techniques in Foundations for Problematic Soils at S.R.M Engineering College, Kattankulathur on 24, Jan – 2004 7. Workshop on ―Re-Engineering Teaching Communication Skills " at Anna University, Chennai, on 9-10th , Feb.- 2004 8. Course on "Strength of materials ",'Madras Institute of technology" at Chrompet on 22-27 November 2004 9. One Day Seminar on ―Ground Improvement Techniques‖ at Vellore Institute of Tech, Vellore on 5th March 2005. 10. One day Workshop on ―Repair Rehabilitation &Retrofitting of RC Structures‖ at Adhiparasakthi Engg. College on 20.08.2005 11. Short Term Training Programme on ―Manufacturing Excellence‖ at Adhiparasakthi Engg. College, on 11th to 15th December 2006 12. Seismic Resistant Design at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, on 28th Jan - 2010 13. Recent Trends in Pollution Abatements at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College ,Melmaruvathur, on 06 Feb - 2010 PhD Guide Field University PhDs/ Projects Guided PhDs Projects : Dr. G. Mohan Kumar : Structural Engineering : Annamalai University : Nil : 16 38 Books Published/IPRs/Patents Professional Memberships : : Nil a. ISTE Life Member b. ICI Life member-8483 c. MIE-M128723-5 Consultancy Activities : Soil Lab Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Nil Interaction with Professional Institutions: Question paper setting and going for valuation to other Universities such as SRM University, Bharath University, Sathyabama University, Dr.MGR University, Vinayaka Mission University, Karpagam University and Meenakshi University. 39 Faculty Profile Name of Teaching Staff : Mr. A. KRISHNAMOORTHI Designation : Associate Professor Department : Civil Engineering Date of joining of the institution : 01/06/1999 Qualification : B.E (Civil Engineering) : M.Tech (Advanced Construction Technology) : Ph.D (Course work completed & Experimental work is going on) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 23 Industry : Nil Research : Nil Papers Published National Journal : Nil International Journal : Nil Conference :8 Papers Published in Conference 1. Effect of Environmental pollution , National seminar on Environmental health at,Tirupathi A.P on 29-30 Dec 2003 2. Workability and Strength Characteristics of Concrete using a Non conventional Super plasticizer, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Civil engineering for Sustainable Development at S.R.K.R Engg. College, Andhra Pradesh on 27.12.2006 to 29.12.2006 3. A Study on End Bearing and skin friction Values of Stone Column with different consistency indices of Soft clays, Proceedings of National Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Civil Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 08 to 09- Feb, 2007. 4. Strength properties of Concrete having sand replaced with Quarry dust, Advances in Construction Engineering -2010 at Annamalai University on Feb 26&27 2010 5. Next generation of Construction using Renewable Energy at Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation of Structures, Annamalai University on March 19-20 2009 6. Preliminary study on Quarry dust Concrete, Structural Engineering Convention 2010 at Annamalai university, Chidambaram on 8.12.10-10.12.10 7. Use of Quarry dust as fine aggregate in concrete, International Conference in KSR Engineering College on 18th & 19th Feb 2011. 8. Preliminary study on Partial replacement of cement with fly ash on quarry dust concrete, Proceedings of National Conference on ― Recent Developments in Civil Engineering‖ organized by SRM University on 21st & 22nd March 2012 40 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses 1. One day workshop on NBA Accreditation at Kongu Engineering College on April 2003 2. Seminar on FEM and NISA application at Anna University on 26.07.2002 3. One day workshop on ―Rainwater Harvesting" at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 12.12.2002 4. One Day workshop on "Industrial Safety" at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 6.02.2003 5. Short term training Programme in "Strategic options for managing the Urban Environment" at CIT, Coimbatore on 10-23 Nov 2003 6. One day Workshop on ―Repair Rehabilitation &Retrofitting of RC Structures‖ at Adhiparasakthi Engg. College on 20.08.2005 7. Manufacturing Excellence at Adhiparasakthi Engg. College on 11-15 Dec 2006 8. Recycling of Waste materials in concrete at Kongu Engineering College on 16-17 Aug 2007 9. Recent Trends in Concrete Technology at Kongu Engineering College on 8-9 March 2007 10. Safety in Construction Industry at The Institute of Engineers, Tamil Nadu Centre, Chennai on 27-28 July 2007 11. Seismic Resistant Design at Annamalai University on 26-27 April 2008 12. Seismic Resistant Design at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 28 Jan - 2010 13. Recent Trends in Pollution Abatements at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 06 Feb - 2010 PhD Guide : Dr.G.Mohan Kumar Field : Structural Engineering University : Annamalai University Projects Guided Projects :2 Books Published/IPRs/Patents : Nil Professional Memberships a. ISTE Life member-LM 37050 b. ICI member - M 7143 Consultancy Activities : Concrete and Structural Testing Lab Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Nil Interaction with Professional Institutions Judge in Symposium held at Thiruvalluvar Engineering College judge for Technical Symposium at Surya Engineeing College, Vilupuram on 27.01.12 Question paper setting and going for valuation to other Universities such as SRM University, Bharath University, Sathyabama University, Dr.MGR University, Vinayaka Mission University, Karpagam University and Meenakshi University. 41 Name of Teaching Staff Designation Department Date of joining of the institution Qualification Faculty Profile : Dr. A. LEEMA ROSE : Associate Professor : Civil Engineering : 11/08/2000 : B.E (Civil & Structural Engineering) : M.E (Structural Engineering) : Ph.D (Structural Engineering) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 12 Industry : Nil Research : Nil Papers Published National Journal :1 International Journal :2 Conference :8 Magazine :1 National Journal 1. Ductility performance of corrosion damaged Reinforced concrete beams, National Journal of corrosion- damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams, ISSN 14668858, VOL 6, (Pre print) International Journal 1. Structural performance of corrosion damaged RC beams with GFRP laminates, International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, Page No.549-556 Volume No.4 2009 2. Strengthening of corrosion damaged RC beams with GFRP laminates, American Journal of Computer Science, Page No.435-439 2009 Papers Published in Conference/seminar 1. Investigation on cement concrete using Ash obtained from Municipal Solid Waste, REDEMAT2004 at National Institute of Technology, Calicut on 2-3 Dec 2004 2. Review on Fire protection using safeguard FM coating, National Conference on Recent Trends in Composite Construction using structural steel at Kongu Engineering College on 16 &17 December 2004 3. Neural network performance of corrosion damaged RC beams with GFRP, Advances in Concrete, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at Bitspilani, India on 25-27 Oct 2009 4. Performance of corrosion damaged RC beams with GFRP laminates, Advances in Construction Engineering -2010 at Annamalai university on 26 & 27 Feb 2010 5. Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures, National conference organised by K.S.Rangasamy College of Engineering,Namkkal on 26th Mar -2010. 42 6. An analysis of Flat buyers customers satisfaction, National conference on Recent trends in Civil Engineering organised by Rajarajeswari Engineering College Chennai on 7th April 2010 7. Analysis of factors influencing project success, National conference on Recent trends in Civil Engineering organised by Rajarajeswari Engineering College Chennai on 7th April 2010 8. Study on Partial replacement of cement by Egg shell powder, National Conference on ― Recent Developments in Civil Engineering‖ organized by SRM University on 21st & 22nd March 2012 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses/Summer/Winter School 1. One day workshop on ―Rainwater Harvesting" at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 12 Dec 2002 2. Finite element Methods and applications in Engineering at Anjali Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College on 17,21 March 2003 3. Workshop on ― Cost Effective Techniques in Foundations for Problematic Soils ‖ at,S.R.M Engineering College, Kattankulathur on 24, Jan – 2004 4. Refresher Course on proposed revision of IS 800 at Kongu Engineering College on 22 – 23 April 2004 5. Environmental pollution Awareness at G.K.M Engineering College on 18.08.2004 6. Workshop on Programmes of "Environment and Pollution Awareness " at Jaya Engineering College on 11th June 2005 7. Seismic Resistant Design at Melmaruvathur on 28th Jan - 2010 Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, 8. Recent Trends in Pollution Abatements at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 6 Feb - 2010 PhD Guide Field University PhDs/ Projects Guided PhDs Projects : Dr.K.Suguna : Structural Engineering : Annamalai University :1 : Books Published/IPRs/Patents Professional Memberships : 2 : Nil a. ISTE Life member-37054 b. ICI Life member-8480 43 3 Consultancy Activities Awards Grants Fetched : Nil : Nil Wood-Con Earth Savings Exclusives, Innovations and Development Cell , Rs 1,00,000/- in the year 2011-2012. Entrepreneurship Advances on Construction Materials and Exhibition (International Workshop), AICTE (Rs 2 Lakhs) & Council of Science and industrial research , Rs.40,000/-, 2011-2012, Completed Interaction with Professional Institutions Invited as Judge for students Symposium in Adhiparasakthi Polytechnic College, Melmaruvathur. Participated as Judge for Women’s Day Celebrations on 05th March 2009 External for P.G Project Work at SRM University on 09.5.11 Judge for Technical Symposium at Eashwari Engineering College, Chennai on 29.08.11 Question paper setting and going for valuation to other Universities such as SRM University, Bharath University, Sathyabama University, Dr.MGR University, Vinayaka Mission University, Karpagam University and Meenakshi University. 44 Faculty Profile Name of Teaching Staff : Mr.V.VIMALANANDAM Designation : Associate Professor Department : Civil Engineering Date of joining of the institution Qualification : 20.12.2010 : B.E (Civil Engineering) M.E (Structural Engineering) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 1.8 month Industry :9 Research : 31.6 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses Attended one day workshop on Thermal Power Plant Pollution related at Annamalai University on Dec 2004 PhD Guide Field University : Nil : Nil PhDs/ Projects Guided PhDs : Nil Projects : Nil Books Published/IPRs/Patents : Nil Professional Memberships : Nil Consultancy Activities Sewerage network & STP for Municipal Townships in Karnataka, Rajasthan (During 2007& 2008-2010) Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Nil Interaction with Professional Institutions : Nil 45 Faculty Profile Name of Teaching Staff : Mr.T.D.RAMADASAN Designation : Assistant Professor Department : Civil Engineering Date of joining of the institution : 18/06/07 Qualification : B.E (Civil Engineering) M.E (Environmental Management) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 11.5 Industry :1 Research : Nil Papers Published National Journal :2 International Journal : Nil Conference/Seminar :1 National Journal 1. Vastu for Plot at Maher science on Nov - 2005 2. ―Environmental Management Plan for Foundry‖ at Projection on Sep – 2007 Journal for Environmental 3. Study on ―Utilization of Foundry Waste Sand in Concrete-Journal of Indian Concrete Institute-June 2010 Papers presented in National Conferences/ Seminars 1. GIS and its Application- Review, proceedings of National Conference on ―Recent advances in Infrastructure Development‖ organized by Tagore Engineering College on 8 th & 9th March 2012 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses 1. Essential and Managerial aspects of Building Project at S.R.M Polytechnic College – Pothari on July - 2002 2. Computer application in Civil and Structural Engineering at NITTR – Taramani on Feb – 2004 3. Learning for Sustainability at Crescent Engineering College – Vandalur on Feb – 2005 4. Disaster Management at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 2 Aug – 2007 5. Modern concrete materials and construction techniques at Adhiparasakthi Engineering college- Melmaruvathur on 26 – 27 Feb – 2008 6. Urban Sold Waste Management & Environmental Impacts at SKR Engineering College – Poonamalle on 5-8 March – 2009 7. Recent Advances in Cementitious Materials – RACM – 09 at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on25-26 March – 2009. 8. Exploring MATLAB and Its Tools at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on July – 2009. 9. Seismic Resistant Design at Melmaruvathur on Jan – 2010 Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – 46 10. Two Day Training Programme on “Training Programme in Mason Course” at Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Coimbatore on 5th and 6th Aug-2010. 11. Innovative Teaching Methodologies APEC, 3rd May 2011 Projects Guided Projects Books Published/IPRs/Patents :9 : Nil Professional Memberships ISTE Life Member-LM62529 ICI Life Member-8485 Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Received a fund of Rs 6000.00 from TNSCST for the Project titled ―Municipal waste water treatment using algae‖ Interaction with Professional Institutions Judge for the National level technical symposium “Ctech-Fest” at Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering and Technology, Vandavasi on 27th March-2010. Question paper setting and going for valuation to other Universities such as SRM University, Bharath University, Sathyabama University, Dr.MGR University, Vinayaka Mission University, Karpagam University and Meenakshi University. Syllabus review committee member for CPT, Taramani Judge for Paper Presentation at Adhiparasakthi Polytechnic College on 25.01.2011 47 Name of Teaching Staff Designation Department Date of joining of the institution Qualification Faculty Profile : Mr.M.MARIAPPAN : Assistant Professor : Civil Engineering : 20/07/06 : B.E (Civil Engineering) M.E (Structural Engineering) Ph.D (Course work completed & Experimental work is going on Total Experience in Years Teaching : 5 years 8 months Industry : Nil Research : Nil Papers Published National Journal : Nil International Journal : Nil Conference/ Seminar :1 Paper Published in Conference 1. Sustainable Road Development Environmental Considerations In Planning, Construction, Operation And Maintenance Of Highways A Review, Proceedings of National Conference on Transportation and Earthquake Engineering at Sona College of Technology on March 2007 2. Structural performance of Self compacting fibre reinforced concrete, Proceedings of Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal, Karnataka on 13.01.11&14.01.11 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses: 1. Review workshop for resource material in earthquake resistant structures at IIT Kanpur, Two days on August 2006 2. Repair of rehabilitation of RC structures, ISTE Chapter at Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, On August 2006 Adhiparasakthi 3. One day workshop on Disaster Management, ISTE Chapter at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, On August 2007 4. National Seminar of Fibre Reinforced Composites, Coir Board Govt. of India, Sponsored at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode on October 2007 5. National Conference on Modern Concrete Materials and construction Techniques at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on February 2008 6. National Workshop on Seismic Resistant Design and Construction Practices at Annamalai University on April 2008 7. National Seminar on Smart Materials & Structures for Infrastructural Development , DST Sponsored at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode on March 2009 48 8. National Conference on Recent Trends in Concrete Composites for Structural Systems at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode on April 2009 9. One day Workshop on Seismic Resistant Design at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on Jan – 2010 10. National Level one day workshop on Recent trends in Pollution Abatement, Department of Chemical Engineering at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur, on Feb 2010 PhD Guide : Dr.P.N.Ragunath Field : Structural Engineering University : Annamalai University Projects Guided Projects :5 Books Published/IPRs/Patents : Nil Professional Memberships : ISTE Life member-LM62528 ICI Life member- LM8482 Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Nil Interaction with Professional Institutions Question paper setting and going for valuation to other Universities such as SRM University, Bharath University, Sathyabama University, Dr.MGR University, Vinayaka Mission University, Karpagam University and Meenakshi University 49 Name of Teaching Staff Designation Department Date of joining of the institution Qualification Faculty Profile : Ms.C.RAJASAKTHI : Assistant Professor : Civil Engineering : 02/04/2008 : B.E (Civil Engineering) M.E (Irrigation and Water Power Management) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 4 years 4 month Industry : Nil Research : Nil Papers Published National Journal : Nil International Journal : Nil Conference :5 Papers Published in Conference/Seminar 1. Composting of Kitchen waste by using Effective Micro-organisms (EM), Technology Applications for Sustainable Development at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on January 29 – 30th, 2009 2. A study on impact of urbanization on water bodies, International Conference in ― Impact of Economic crisis in Global Business Scenario ― at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College Chennai on 24-25 Sep 2009 3. Concerted rainwater harvesting technologies suitable for hilly Agro –Echo systems of north east INDIA , National Conference on Entrepreneurial Excellence in Current Scenario at GKM college of Engg and tech on Jan 29 th 2010 4. “Environmental Impact Assessment for urban planning and development using GIS” published a paper in the National conference titled organised by Rajarajeswari Engineering College Chennai, on 7th April 2010. 5. ―Participatory approach for socially and environmentally sustainable modernization of existing irrigation and drainage schemes in India‖ in the ―International conference on competency building strategies in business and technology for sustainable development‖ held on September 22nd & 23rd , 2011 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses 1. Modern Concrete Materials and Construction Techniques at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 27-28 Feb 2008 2. Modern Construction Materials and Techniques at National Teacher Training Institute on 06-10 Aug 2007 3. Disaster Management at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 2 Aug – 2007 4. National Workshop on Sustainable Production and Consumption, 50 5. Department of Environmental Management Tiruchirapalli on 12-14 March 2009 at Bharathidasan University, 6. Seismic Resistant Design at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 28 Jan - 2010 7. Recent Trends in Pollution Abatements at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 06 Feb - 2010 PhDs/ Projects Guided PhDs : Nil Projects : Nil Books Published/IPRs/Patents : Nil Professional Memberships : ISTE Life Member -62531 Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Nil Grants fetched Received a fund of Rs 6000.00 from TNSCST for the Project titled ―GIS Based Assessment of Ground Water Vulnerability‖ Interaction with Professional Institutions Question paper setting and going for valuation to other Universities such as SRM University, Bharath University, Sathyabama University, Dr.MGR University, Vinayaka Mission University, Karpagam University and Meenakshi University. 51 Faculty Profile Name of Teaching Staff Designation Department Date of joining of the institution Qualification : Ms.P. SOMIYADEVI : Assistant Professor : Civil Engineering : 18/06/09 : B.E (Civil Engineering) M.E (Structural Engineering) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 3 years 1 month Industry : Nil Research : Nil Papers Published National Journal : Nil International Journal : Nil Conference :3 Papers Published in Conference 1. A study on impact of urbanization on water bodies, International Conference in ― Impact of Economic crisis in Global Business Scenario ― at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College Chennai on 24-25 Sep 2009 2. FRP confined high strength concrete columns with corrosion damage, Advances in Construction Engineering -2010, Annamalai university, 26&27Feb 2010 3. Geographical Information System for Natural Disaster Management proceedings of International Conference on ―Competency Building strategies in Business and Technology for sustainable development‖ organized by Sai ram Engineering College on Sep 22nd & 23rd 2011 Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses 1. Seismic Resistant Design and Construction Practices at Annamalai University on 2627 April 2008 2. Open Source GIS Tools at Anna University – Chennai on 13 Oct -2009 3. Seismic Resistant Design at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur on 28 Jan - 2010 4. Recent Trends in Pollution Abatements at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College – Melmaruvathur 06 Feb - 2010 Projects Guided Projects :3 Books Published/IPRs/Patents : Nil Professional Memberships : ISTE Life Member Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Nil Interaction with Professional Institutions Question paper setting and going for valuation to other Universities such as SRM University, Bharath University, Sathyabama University, Dr.MGR University, Vinayaka Mission University, Karpagam University and Meenakshi University. 52 Name of Teaching Staff Designation aculty Profile : Mr.B. KRISHNAMOORTHY : Assistant Professor Date of joining of the institution Qualification : 28/10/2010 : B.E (Civil Engineering) M.E (Environmental Management) Ph.D (works on going) Total Experience in Years Teaching Industry Research Papers Published National International Papers Published in Conference : 11 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses 1. Urban Solid Waste Management and its impact - SKR Engineering College 2. Recent Advances in Cementitious Material - Adhiparasakthi Engineering College Professional Memberships : 01(ISTE Life member-39852) PhD Guide Field University : Dr.V.Ramasamy : Materials : Anna University, Chennai PhDs/ Projects Guided Projects : Nil Books Published/IPRs/Patents : Nil Professional Memberships : Nil Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Nil Interaction with Professional Institutions: 53 Department Name of Teaching Staff Designation Department Date of joining of the institution Qualification Faculty Profile : Ms.SARANYA.D : Assistant Professor : Civil Engineering : 25.11.2012 : B.Tech (Bio Technology) M.E (Environmental Engineering) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 7 Months Industry : Nil Research : Nil Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses: PhD Guide : Nil Field : Nil University : Nil PhDs/ Projects Guided PhDs : Nil Projects Nil Books Published/IPRs/Patents : Nil Professional Memberships : Nil Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Nil Interaction with Professional Institutions : Nil 54 Faculty Profile Name of Teaching Staff : Dr. M. VASANTHAVIGAR Designation : Assistant Professor Department : Civil Engineering Date of Joining of the institution : 29.12.2011 Qualification : B.Sc. (Geology) M.Sc. (Applied Geology) Ph.D (Applied Geology) Total Experience in years Teaching : 1 Year Industry : Nil Research : 5 Years Participation in workshop/conference/short term courses 1. Two Days International Workshop on ―Advances on concrete materials & Exhibition” (IWACME-2012) organized by Civil Engineering, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur-603 319, Tamilnadu, India during from 23-24 January 2012 2. Fifteen days national level training programme on ―Role Of Aqua Chemical Modeling In Water Resources Pollution” conducted by Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar during from 15-29 November 2010 3. Two Days workshop on ―Groundwater Resources Estimation‖ conducted by Indian Institute of Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi during from February 23–24, 2010 4. Five days Training Programme on ―Hydrological Design Aids‖ Conducted by Government of India, Centre water Commission (CWC), National water Academy (NWA), Pune, Maharashtra (State) during from 29th June to 3rd July 2009 5. Two Weeks Short Term Training Course on ―Geospatial Technology Concepts & Applications‖ Conducted by Centre for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, Sathyabama University, Sponsored by National Resources Data Management System (NRDMS), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, during from 19th to 31st March, 2008 55 6. One day Workshop on ―RAIN GIS” Sponsored by DST-NRDMS held 13th March 2008 at Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, India 7. National Workshop on ―Applied Geochemistry in Environmental Studies‖ held between 8th to 9th February 2008 at the University of Madras, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India 8. Short Term Training on “Isotope Trace Techniques for Water Resources Development and Management” sponsored by the department of Science and Technology, Government of India and organized by CWRDM held between 14th to 19th January, 2008 at Kunnamangalam, kozhikode, Kerala, India. 9. Two days Value Added Training (VAT) Programme of ―IDRISI Andes Version 14.05 – Software for Advance Geographic Information System (GIS) & Digital Image Processing‖ held during 3 to 4 December 2007 at Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India 10. Workshop on ―GIS in Earth Resource Management‖ held between 25th to 27th November 2007 at Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India 11. Workshop on ―Isotope Trace Techniques in water Resource Development and Management‖ held 10th March 2007 at Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India SEMINARS ATTENDED / PAPERS PRESENTED 1. GIS and remote sensing tools to identify ground water potential zones in aquifers of Thirumanimuttar Sub-Basin, Tamil Nadu, India. UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ―Basins of India, their Resources and Management‖ (17 & 18 , February, 2011) Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608 002 2. Assessment of chemical components in groundwater from Thirumanimuttar Sub-basin, Tamilnadu, India” National level workshop on Geomatic based natural resources disaster mitigation and management from 22nd to 26th February 2010 held at Department of Industries and Earth Sciences, The Tamil University, Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India 3. Assessment of groundwater quality using Water Quality Index from Thirumanimuttar sub basin, Tamilnadu, India‖ National Seminar on ―AQUATIC CHEMISTRY - AQUASEM 09‖ from 26th to 28th March 2009 to be held at Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India. 4. Hydrogeochemical frame work of the aquifer in Thirumanimuttar sub-basin Tamilnadu, India in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Bioscience-21st 56 Millennium (BIOS 2009) during between 6th & 7th March 2009 held in the Department of zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, India. 5. Development of water quality index for groundwater quality assessment: Thirumanimuttar Sub-Basin, Tamilnadu, India in the National Seminar on RETWAR 2009 during between 2nd and 3rd March 2009 to be held at Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, India. 6. Application of water quality index for groundwater quality assessment: Thirumanimuttar Sub-Basin, Tamilnadu, India in the national workshop on applied geochemistry in mineral exploration (mineral, water & fuels): current and future trends; Mysore University, Mysore on February 25th & 26th 2009, Karnataka, India. 7. Geochemistry of groundwater from Thirumanimuttar sub basin, Tamil Nadu, India National Seminar on AP SCIENCE CONGRESS from 14th to 16th November 2008, to be held at Osmania University at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 8. Geo-Statistical analysis to interpret major controls on groundwater chemistry in a Hard rock terrain, Tamilnadu, India. National Seminar on Hyper spectral Remote Sensing and Spectral Signature Database Management System from 14th to 15th February (HYPERSEC 2008) at Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Tamilnadu, India. 9. National seminar on ―Strategy for exploration and exploitation of mineral, ore and oil deposits in the present context of global economic scenario-a trust on new horizon” SEEMGES 2006 held 3rd to 11th March 2007 Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India. Ph.D Guide : Dr. K. Srinivasamoorthy Field : Hydrogeochemistry University : Annamalai University Books Published/Research Papers/IPRs/Patents: INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS 1. Vasanthavigar. M, Srinivasamoorthy. K, Prasanna. M.V and Poovalinga Ganesh. B (2012). To Understand the Characteristics of stable isotopes and trace elements in groundwater of Thirumanimuttar Sub-Basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7(3):89 – 100, Impact Factor: 1.579, ISSN Online: 1844 - 489X 57 2. Vasanthavigar, M. Srinivasamoorthy, K. & Prasanna, M.V. (2012). Evaluation of Groundwater Suitability for Domestic, Irrigational and Industrial Purposes: A Case Study from Thirumanimuttar River Basin, Tamilnadu, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184:405–420, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-011-1977-y. Springer ISSN: 0167-6369, Impact Factor: 1.436 3. Murugesan Vasanthavigar, Krishnaraj Srinivasamoorthy, Kannusamy Vijayaragavan, Selvaraj Gopinath & Subramanya Sarma (2011). Groundwater potential zoning in thirumanimuttar sub - basin; Tamilnadu, India: a GIS and remote sensing approach. Journal of Geospatial Information sciences, 14(1):17-26. DOI 10.1007/s11806-011-0422-2. Springer ISSN: 1993-5153 (electronic version) 4. Vasanthavigar, M. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vijayaragavan, K and Rajiv Ganthi, R. & Sarma, VS. (2012). Characterisation and quality assessment of groundwater with a special emphasis on irrigation utility: Thirumanimuttar sub-basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 5:245–258, DOI 10.1007/s12517-010-0190-6, Springer ISSN: 1866-7538 (electronic version), Impact Factor: 0.538 5. Vasanthavigar, M. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vijayaragavan, K. Rajiv Ganthi, R. Chidambaram, S. Anandhan, P. Manivannan, R & Vasudevan, S. (2010). Application of water quality index for groundwater quality assessment: Thirumanimuttar subbasin, Tamilnadu, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 171:595– 609. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-009-1302-1, Springer ISSN: 0167-6369 (print version), Impact Factor: 1.436 6. Vasanthavigar, M. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vijayaragavan, K. Rajiv Ganthi, R. Chidambaram, S. Sarama, V.S. Anandhan, P. Manivannan, R & Vasudevan, S. (2009). Hydrogeochemistry of Thirumanimuttar Basin: An Indication of Weathering and Anthropogenic Impact. International Journal of Environmental Research, 3(4), 617-628. ISSN: 1735-6865, Impact Factor: 1.67 7. Chidambaram, S., Anandan, P., Prasanna, M.V., Srinivasamoorthy, K. & Vasanthavigar, M. (2012). Major ion chemistry and identification of hydrogeochemical processes controlling groundwater in and around Neyveli Lignite Mines, Tamil Nadu, South India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, DOI 10.1007/s12517-012-0589-3, Springer ISSN: 1866-7538 (electronic version), Impact Factor: 0.538 8. K. Srinivasamoorthy, M. Vasanthavigar, S. Chidambaram, P. Anandhan and V.S. Sarma (2011). Characterisation of Groundwater Chemistry in an Eastern Coastal Area of Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Geological society of India, 78, 549558, Impact Factor: 0.396 9. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vasanthavigar, M. Vijayaragavan, K. Sarathidasan, R. & Gopinath, S. (2011). Hydrochemistry of groundwater in a coastal region of Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu, India: implication for quality assessment. Arabian Journal of 58 Geosciences, DOI 10.1007/s12517-011-0351-2, (electronic version), Impact Factor: 0.538 Springer ISSN: 1866-7538 10. Krishnaraj Srinivasamoorthy, Vijayaraghavan, K. Murugesan Vasanthavigar, Rajivgandhi, R. & Sarma V.S. (2011). Integrated techniques to identify groundwater vulnerability to pollution in a highly industrialized terrain, Tamilnadu, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 182:47–60, DOI 10.1007/s10661-0101857-x, Springer ISSN: 0167-6369 (print version) , Impact Factor: 1.436 11. Srinivasamoorthy K, Nanthakumar C, Vasanthavigar M, Vijayaraghavan, K, Rajivgandhi R, Chidambaram S, Anandhan P. & Manivannan, R. (2011). Groundwater quality assessment from a hard rock terrain, Salem District of Tamilnadu, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 4:91–102, DOI: 10.1007/s12517-009-0076-7, Springer ISSN: 1866-7538 (electronic version), Impact Factor: 0.538 12. Chidambaram, S. Karmegam, U. Prasanna, M.V. Sasidhar, P. & Vasanthavigar, M. (2011). A study on hydrochemical elucidation of coastal groundwater in and around Kalpakkam region, Southern India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 64:1419–1431, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-0966-3, Springer ISSN: 1866-6299 (electronic version), Impact Factor: 0.678 13. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vijayaraghavan, K. Vasanthavigar, M. Sarma, VS. Rajivgandhi, R. Chidambaram, S. Anandhan, P. & Manivannan, R. (2010). Assessment of groundwater vulnerability in Mettur region, Tamilnadu, India using drastic and GIS techniques. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 4:1215–1228, DOI 10.1007/s12517-010-0138-x, Springer ISSN: 1866-7538 (electronic version), Impact Factor: 0.538 14. Krishnaraj Srinivasamoorthy, Kannusamy Vijayaraghavan, Murugesan Vasanthavigar, Subramanya Sarma, Sabarathinam Chidambaram, Paluchamy Anandhan & Rama Manivannan (2010). Assessment of groundwater quality with special emphasis on fluoride contamination in crystalline bed rock aquifers of Mettur region, Tamilnadu, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 5:83–94, DOI 10.1007/s12517-010-0162-x, Springer ISSN: 1866-7538 (electronic version), Impact Factor: 0.538 15. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Sarma, V.S. Vasantavigar, M. Vijayaraghavan, K. Chidambaram, S & Rajivganthi, R. (2009). Electrical imaging techniques for groundwater pollution studies: a case study from Tamil Nadu state, south India. Earth Science Research Journal, 13(1), 30-39 ISSN: 1794-6190 16. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Chidambaram, S. Sarama, V.S. Vasanthavigar, M. Vijayaragavan, K. Rajiv Ganthi, R. Anandhan, P. Manivannan, R. & Vasudevan, S (2009). Hydrogeochemical Characterisation of Groundwater in Salem District of 59 Tamilnadu, India. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 1(2): 22-33, ISSN: 2041-0492 (online), Maxwell Scientific Organization 17. Srinivasamoorthy K, Chidambaram S, Vasanthavigar M (2009). Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Elucidation of Hydrogeochemical Data; A case Study. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 14(09) 89109, ISSN: 0973-7537 (online) 18. Prasanna, M.V. Chidambaram, S. Pethaperumal, S. Srinivasamoorthy, K. John Peter, A. Anandhan, P and Vasanthavigar, M. (2008). Integrated geophysical and chemical study in the lower sub basin of Gadilam River, Tamilnadu, India. Environmental Geosciences, 15(4), 145–152. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), ISSN: 1526-0984 (online). 19. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Chidambaram, S. Prasanna, M.V. Vasanthavigar, M. John Peter, A and Anandhan, P. (2008). Identification of major sources controlling Groundwater Chemistry from a hard rock terrain – A case study from Mettur Taluk, Salem district, Tamilnadu, India; Journal of Earth System Sciences, 117(1), 1–10, Springer ISSN: 0253-4126, Impact Factor: 0.941 NATIONAL JOURNALS 1. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vasanthavigar, M. Vijayaragavan, K. Chidambaram, S. Anandhan, P. Vasudevan, S. Manivannan, R. Rajivgandhi, R and Pethaperumal, S. (2008). Application of Statistical analysis for Source determination of Major ions in Veeranam Lake, Tamilnadu, India. Annamalai University Science Journal, 45, 13-18 2. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Chidambaram, S and Vasanthavigar, M. (2008). Geochemistry of fluorides in groundwater: Salem district, Tamilnadu, India. Journal of Environmental Hydrology, 16, 25, ISSN: 1058-3912 3. Srinivasamoorthy K, Chidambaram S, Vasanthavigar M, Prasanna M V, John Peter A, (2007). Geochemistry of Fluorides in Groundwater of Salem district, Tamilnadu, India, Indian Journal of Geochemistry, 22(2), 237-246. ISSN: 0970-9088 NATIONAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Vasanthavigar, M. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vijayaragavan, K & Rajivganthi, R (2010). Assessment of Chemical Components in Groundwater from Thirumanimuttar SubBasin, Tamil Nadu, India. Geomatic Based Natural Disaster Mitigations and Managements. 230-236. Ziegenbalg press (Joseph Eye hospital), Tranquebar house, Trichty-1. ISBN: 978-93-80211-05-3 2. Vasanthavigar, M. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vijayaragavan, K. Rajiv Ganthi, R. Chidambaram, S. Anandhan, P. Manivannan, R and Vasudevan, S. (2009). 60 Hydrochemical Assessment of Groundwater in Thirumanimuttar Sub-basin Implication of Water Quality Degradation by Anthropogenic Activities. Recent Trends in water research Hydrogeochemical and Hydrological Perspectives, 99114. IK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-80026-9-6 3. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Vasanthavigar, M. Vijayaragavan, K. Rajiv Ganthi, R. Chidambaram, S. Anandhan and P. Manivannan, R (2009). Application of vertical electrical sounding to demarcate groundwater potential zones and contamination sutides Thirumanimuttar, sub-basin, Tamil Nadu, India using GIS techniques. Recent Trends in water research Hydrogeochemical and Hydrological Perspectives, 99114. IK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-80026-9-6 4. Srinivasamoorthy, K. Sarma, V.S. Vasanthavigar, M. Vijayaragavan, K & Rajivganthi, R (2010). Application of High Resolution Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Groundwater Quality Appraisal in Parts of Tirupur District, Tamilnadu, India. Geomatic Based Natural Disaster Mitigations and Managements. 220-229. Ziegenbalg press, Tranquebar house, Trichty-1. ISBN: 97893-80211-05-3 PAPER(S) SUBMITTED/ TO BE COMMUNICATED SOON 1. M. Vasanthavigar, K. Srinivasamoorthy and M.V. Prasanna (2012). Identification of groundwater contamination zones and sources by using multivariate statistical approach in Thirumanimuttar Sub-Basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences, submitted on 22.02.2011 Manuscript Number: ENGE-D-12-00119, Impact Factor: 1.579 (Accepted for Publication) ISSN: 18666299 (electronic version) Professional Membership :5 1. International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), 2. Indian Association of Hydrology (IAH), 3. Indian Society of Applied Geochemistry (ISAG), 4. Hydro International (quoting No.: 158741) 5. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Awarded for ―Student Research Fellowship‖ in Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar : Awarded for Paper publication in ―Excellency Day‖ at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur Grants fetched : Nil Interaction with Professional institutions: Nil 61 Name of Teaching Staff Faculty Profile : Mr.C.SELIN RAVIKUMAR Designation : Assistant.Professor Department : Civil Engineering Date of joining of the institution Qualification : 25.4.2012 : B.Tech (Civil Engineering) M.Tech (Structural Engineering) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 2 months Industry : 2 years Research Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses: Nil Books Published/IPRs/Patents Professional Memberships : Nil Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards Grants fetched : Nil : Nil : Nil Interaction with Professional Institutions: 62 Faculty Profile Name of Teaching Staff Designation Department Date of joining of the institution Qualification : Ms.R.Nirmala : Assistant Professor : Civil Engineering : 04.06.2012 : B.E (Civil Engineering) M.E (Structural Engineering) Total Experience in Years Teaching : 1 month Industry : Nil Research : Nil Papers Published National Journal : Nil International Journal : Nil Conference : Nil Papers Published in Conference : Effect of Micro and Nano particles in cement mortar at Noorul Islam University kumarakoil on April 2012. Comparative study on strength and permeability of cement mortar using Nano particles Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, sivakasi on March 2012. Participation in Workshop/Conference/Short term courses Books Published/IPRs/Patents : Nil Professional Memberships : Nil Consultancy Activities : Nil Awards : Nil Grants fetched : Nil 63 FACULTY PROFILE Mechanical Engineering FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : R.Senthil 2. Date of Birth : 28/05/1966 3. Educational Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 22 years 3 Months - Research : Nil -Industry : Nil -Others : 1Year 8 months 5. Area of Specialization : Machine Design and Fluid dynamics 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Fluid mechanics and machinery Design of machine elements Design of transmission system Computer Aided Design Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Post Graduate level : Fuels and combustion Refrigeration system design 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : UG – 30, PG - 6 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : 14 12. No. of Books published with details : - 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 64 : 3 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : M.Kannan 2. Date of Birth : 15.06.1972 3. Educational Qualification : M.E, Ph.D., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 16 Years 9 months - Research : Nil -Industry : Nil -Others : Nil . 5. Area of Specialization : Thermal Sciences 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Heat and mass transfer Gas dynamics and jet propulsion Engineering Thermodynamics Power plant engineering Post Graduate level : Advanced heat transfer Renewable Energy system 7. Research Guidance : guided 8. Projects carried out : UG -25, PG - 4 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : 9 11. Research Publications : International journal -7 published 1-accepted , 1 –communicated in jan 2011 12. No. of Books published with details : 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 65 2 : 30 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : N.Ramadoss 2. Date of Birth : 13.07.1948 3. Educational Qualification : M.Tech 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 4 Years - Research : Nil -Industry : 37 Years -Others : Nil . 5. Area of Specialization : Design 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Dynamics of Machinery Engineering mechanics Principle of management Total Quality management Post Graduate level : Environmental science and engines 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : UG - 4 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 66 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : S.Gopalakannan 2. Date of Birth : 08.05.1975 3. Educational Qualification : M.E, (Ph.D) 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 12 ½ years - Research : 2 ½ Years -Industry : 2 Years -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Characterisation of nano composites , machining of mewar materials composites 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Manufacturing Technology –I Dynamics of Machinery Design of machine elements Basic civil and mechanical engineering Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : UG -18 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : International journal – 7 , International conference -7 12. No. of Books published with details : 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 67 Nil :6 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : V.Nadanakumar 2. Date of Birth : 05.12.1972 3. Educational Qualification : M.E 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 14 Years 6 months - Research : Nil -Industry : 1 Year -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Thermal 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Heat and mass transfer Engineering Thermodynamics Thermal engineering Engineering graphics Post Graduate level : Advanced thermodynamics Refrigeration system design Industrial refrigeration system 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : UG – 8 , PG -6 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications :4 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 68 :6 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : N.Senthil Kumar 2. Date of Birth : 27.05.1977 3. Educational Qualification : M.E , (Ph.D)., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 11 Years - Research : 4 Years -Industry : 3 years -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Manufacturing and optimization techniques 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Fundamentals of Nano science Production planning and control mechanics Computer integrated manufacturing Post Graduate level : Design of Hydraulics and pneumatics Design for manufacture 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : 10 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 69 : 01 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : D.R. Rajendran 2. Date of Birth : 01.05.1968 3. Educational Qualification : M.E., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 6 Years - Research : 1Years 6 months -Industry : 13 years -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Computer aided designing 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Kinematics of machinery Strength of materials Automobile engineering Finite element analysis Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 70 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : D.Thamilselvan 2. Date of Birth : 09.06.1983 3. Educational Qualification : M.E ., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 3 Years - Research : Nil -Industry : Nil -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Thermal 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Engineering mechanics Nuclear engineering Post Graduate level : Advanced fluid mechanics Refrigeration system design 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 71 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : K.Dhandapani 2. Date of Birth : 10.05.1984 3. Educational Qualification : M.E ., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 3 ½ Years - Research : Nil -Industry : Nil -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Engineering Design 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Design of machine elements Design of transmission system Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 72 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : B.Sathiyanathan 2. Date of Birth : 04.04.1984 3. Educational Qualification : B.E, (M.E) ., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 2 years 7 Months - Research : Nil -Industry : Nil -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Engineering Design 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Principle of management Basic civil and mechanical engineering Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 73 : 02 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : K.Alagar Raja 2. Date of Birth : 05.02.1980 3. Educational Qualification : M.E ., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 8 Years - Research : Nil -Industry : 4 Years -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : CAD / CAM 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Design of machine elements Design of transmission system Computer integrated manufacturing Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 74 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : R.Pachaiyappan 2. Date of Birth : 02.12.1985 3. Educational Qualification : M.E ., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 3 Years - Research : Nil -Industry : Nil -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Thermal 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Power plant engineering Post Graduate level : Cryogenics 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : UG -2 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 75 : 05 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : L.Ramachandran 2. Date of Birth : 04.07.1973 3. Educational Qualification : M.E, (Ph.D)., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 11 Years 6 months - Research : 2 Years 8 Months -Industry : 4 Years -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Manufacturing 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Manufacturing technology – II , I Fluid mechanics and machinery Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : International conference -1 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 76 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : J.Sivakumar 2. Date of Birth : 10.04.1974 3. Educational Qualification : M.E., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 1 Years 5 months - Research : Nil -Industry : Nil -Others : 12 Years teaching at diploma level 5. Area of Specialization : Manufacturing Engg 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Engineering mechanics Materials and metrology Hydraulics and pneumatics Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 77 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : R.Natarajan 2. Date of Birth : 15.01.1946 3. Educational Qualification : B.E.,(Mech) .,(Naval arch) M.S., (ocean engg) Ph.D., (ocean engg) 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 30 Years - Research : 15 Years -Industry : 5 Years (Cochin shipyard ltd) -Others : 5 Years (State govt) 5. Area of Specialization : Fluid Structure interaction (Dyanamics of floating bodies) 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Naval architecture, Off shore structure Post Graduate level : Ocean engineering Advanced fluid mechanics 7. Research Guidance : 7(Ph.D - 3)( M.S - 4) 8. Projects carried out : UG – 60 , PG - 15 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : 40 (consultancy – 36 ) ( sponsored - 4) 11. Research Publications : 57 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 78 :5 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : R.Ilandjezian 2. Date of Birth : 29.04.1984 3. Educational Qualification : M.Tech., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 2 Years - Research : Nil -Industry : 1 years -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Thermal engineering / Energy 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering graphics Engineering Thermodynamics Post Graduate level : Food processing 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 79 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : A.Sivanand 2. Date of Birth : 22.02.1982 3. Educational Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, MBA 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 5 Years - Research : Nil -Industry : Nil -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Manufacturing engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level :Thermal Engineering Engineering Thermodynamics Total quality management Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 80 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : P. RAMESH KUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 03-05-1967 3. Educational Qualification : M.E., -Teaching : 21 Years of UG Teaching Experience - Research : Nil - Industry : Nil - Others : Nil 4. Work Experience 5. Area of Specialization : Manufacturing Engineering : Manufacturing Technology 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level Mechatronics Kinematics of machinery Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details :2 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 81 :6 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : S.Pachaiyappan 2. Date of Birth : 17.05.1979 3. Educational Qualification : M.E., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 7 Years - Research : Nil -Industry : 1 Year -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Thermal 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level :Thermal Engineering Engineering Thermodynamics Power plant engineering Nuclear engineering Post Graduate level : Advanced Thermodynamics Advanced Fluid Mechanics Cryogenic engineering 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 82 : Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : C.K.Dhinakarraj 2. Date of Birth : 05.06.1972 3. Educational Qualification : M.E., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 10 Years 7 months - Research : Nil -Industry : 5 Years 9 months -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Manufacturing , metal cutting, Optimization techniques 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Kinematics of machinery Unconventional machining process Design of transmission system Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : UG -20 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : journal – 1 , national conference – 2, International conference - 3 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 83 :2 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : U.Mohammed Iqbal 2. Date of Birth : 18.08.1975 3. Educational Qualification : M.E, (Ph.D)., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 12 Years - Research : 4 years -Industry : 3 Years -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Production Engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering materials and metallurgy Manufacturing technology –I Manufacturing technology –II Finite element analysis Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : UG - 20 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications :International journal – 2 , national conference – 2, International conference - 2 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 84 :8 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : S.Gopikannan 2. Date of Birth : 3. Educational Qualification : M.E, MBA, (Ph.D)., 4. Work Experience -Teaching : 14 Years - Research : 1years -Industry : 1Years -Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Manufacturing Engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Under Graduate Level : Engineering materials and metallurgy Manufacturing technology –I Manufacturing technology –II Dynamics of machinery Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance : Nil 8. Projects carried out : UG - 22 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications :International journal – , national conference – , International conference - 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended 85 : FACULTY PROFILE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1. Name: FACULTY PROFILE :Dr.J.BASKARAN 2. Date of birth: :27.07.1976 3. Educational qualification: Ph.D 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 14.6years 4 Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Power Systems 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level & Post graduate level 1. Flexible AC Transmission Systems 2. Power Quality 3. Power System operation and control 4. Power system Analysis 5. Electrical Machines-I&II 6. Special electrical machines 7. HVDC 7. Research guidance: Master’s - 20 Ph. D - 10 No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out 9. Patents 10. Technology Transfer 11. Research publications 12. No of books published with detail 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College 2009-2010 Assisting the Principal Office 2010-2011 Assisting the Principal Office 2011-2012 Assisting the Principal Office -02 -10 -45 -Nil -Nil -Nil -02 -Nil -02 - 02 Department Head of the Department and assisting to Principal Office Head of the Department and assisting to Principal Office Head of the Department and assisting to Principal Office 86 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: 2. Date of birth: Dr. P. RADIKA 29.6.1969 3. Educational qualification: 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - Ph.D 14.4 years Nil Nil Polytechnic-2 years 5. Area of Specializations: Faculty of Electrical Engineering 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level 1.Power Electronics &Post graduate level 2.Microprocesor and Microcontroller 3.Electrical Drives and control 4.Electronic Devices and Circuits 5.Electrical Engineering 6.Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems 7.Soild State DC Drives 8.Analysis of Power Converters 9.Electrical Machines-I 7. Research guidance: Master’s : 5 Ph.D : Nil No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences - 03 - 05 - 13 8. Projects carried out 9. Patents 10. Technology Transfer 11. Research publications 12. No of books published with detail - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools - Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended - 04 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College Department 2009-2010 2010-2011 Disciplinary Committee 2011-2012 Disciplinary Committee Department Coordinator(odd semester),HOD incharge (even semester) Assistant HOD (odd semester),Class Incharge,Lab incharge Result Coordinator (Even),Accreditation Coordinator Signature 87 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: 2. Date of birth: 3. Educational qualification: 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - Mr.S.A.ELANKURISIL 01.03.1973 ME (Ph.D) 14 years Nil Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Power Electronics & Industrial Drives 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level 1.High Voltage Engineering &Post graduate level 2. Microprocessor & its Application 3. Computer Architecture 4. Integrated Circuits 5. Internetworking Technology 6. Control Systems 7. Electrical Machines & Drives 8. Protection and Switchgear 9. Solid Sate Relays 10. Electrical Drives & Control 11.High performance communication networks 12.Miocrocontroller and its applications 13.Advanced computer architecture 7. Reasearch guidance: Master’s -02 Ph.D -Nil No of papers published in National journals -03 International journals -05 Conferences -05 8. Projects carried out - Nil 9. Patents -Nil 10. Technology Transfer -Nil 11. Research publications -Nil 12. No of books published with detail - Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools -Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended - 03 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : Year College Department 2009-2010 Muthamizh Mandran Co-ordinator Discipline Committee incahrge 2010-2011 PRO Department co-ordinator 2011-2012 PRO Department co-ordinator ignature 88 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: Mrs.N.HEMALATHA 2. Date of birth: 17.07.1978 3. Educational qualification: M.E (Ph.D) 4. Work experience: Teaching - 11.4 years Research - Nil Industry - Nil Others - Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Power Electronics & Drives. 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level &Post graduate level 1. Electric Circuit Analysis 2.Control Systems 3.Linear Integrated Circuits 4.Power Electronics 5.Design of Electrical Apparatus 6.Analysis of Inverters 7.Special Machines 8.Modern Converters and resonant Inverters 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in -4 -Nil National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out 9. Patents 10. Technology Transfer 11. Research publications 12. No of books published with detail 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College - Nil - Nil - 01 - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil -4 Department 2009-2010 Alumini Cell member Lab in charge 2010-2011 Placement Member IEEE coordinator Purchase Committee Member Anti ragging committee member Lab in Charge 2011-2012 Class in charge Lab in charge Signature 89 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: Mrs.P.TAMIZHARASI 2. Date of birth: 01.05.1979 3. Educational qualification: M.E 4. Work experience: Teaching - 9.6 years Research - Nil Industry - Nil Others - Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Power System Engineering 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level &Post graduate level 1. Electrical machines-I 2. Measurement and instrumentation 3. Neural Network and fuzzy logic control 4. Control system 5. Power System Operation and Control 6. Flexible AC Transmission Systems 7. Power Quality 8. Analysis of Electrical Machines 9 .Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in -05 -Nil National journals International journals Conferences - Nil - Nil - 06 8. Projects carried out -Nil 9. Patents -Nil 10. Technology Transfer - Nil 11. Research publications - Nil 12. No of books published with detail -Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools -01 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended - 10 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : Year College 2009-2010 Purchase committee member 2010-2011 IEEE student branch coordinator Purchase committee member Placement Member IEEE student branch coordinator 2011-2012 Department Lab in charge Faculty Advisor Accreditation member Faculty Advisor Placement member Faculty Advisor Signature 90 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: Mr.P.SELVARAJ 2. Date of birth: 18.05.1979 3. Educational qualification: M.E. (Ph.D) 4. Work experience: Teaching - 7 years Research - Nil Industry - Nil Others - 4 years-Polytechinc 5. Area of Specializations: Power Electronics 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level & Post graduate level 1.Special Machines 2.Power Electronics 3.Electrical Machines 4.Design of Electrical Machines 5.Control Systems 7. Research guidance: Master’s -03 Ph.D -Nil No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out 9. Patents 10. Technology Transfer 11. Research publications 12. No of books published with detail 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College - Nil - Nil - 03 - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - 07 Department 2009-2010 APE M.E first year class in charge 2010-2011 Convacation Treasurer 2011-2012 Sports Convenor Anna University Exam Cell Coordinator M&I lab in charge M.E Class in charge M&I lab in charge Disciplinary Committee Member Signature 91 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : Mrs.A.SOWMIYA 2. Date of birth : 01.07.1983 3. Educational qualification: M.E. 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 3 year Nil 1 year 9 months Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Power Electronics and Drives 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level 1. High Voltage Engineering 2.Electrical Drives and control 3.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4.Control Systems 5.Communication Engineering 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out -01 - Nil - Nil - Nil - 01 - Nil 9. Patents - Nil 10. Technology Transfer - Nil 11. Research publications 12. No of books published with detail 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : - Nil - Nil -01 -02 Year College Department 2011-2012 ICT Academy member M.E class in charge UG Project coordinator Signature 92 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: Mr.C.KADHIRAVAN 2. Date of birth: 01.07.1975 3. Educational qualification: M.E. 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 6 Yrs - NIL - NIL - NIL 5. Area of Specializations: Power Electronics & Drives. 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level 1. Electro Magnetic Theory 2. Solid State Drives 3. Design of Electrical apparatus 4.Control Systems 5.Analysis of Inverters 6.Electrical Drives and Control 7.Electrical Engineering 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - 01 -Nil 9. Patents -Nil 10. Technology Transfer -Nil 11. Research publications -Nil 12. No of books published with detail -Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College -01 -03 Department 2010-2011 College-News letter(member) Faculty Advisor,Class incharge 2011-2012 College-News letter(member) Faculty Advisor,Class in charge 93 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: Mr.P.Mahendra Peruman 2. Date of birth: 10.07.1986 3. Educational qualification: M.E., 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 3.6 years Nil Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations: VLSI Design 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level : 1. Electrical Drives and Control 2. Control systems 3 .Digital Logic Circuits 4 .Digital Signal Processing 5 .Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering 6 .Measurement and Instrumentation 7 . VLSI Design 8. Electronics Circuit –I 9.Protection and Switchgear 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out - 03 - Nil - Nil - Nil - 01 -Nil 9. Patents - Nil 10. Technology Transfer -Nil 11. Research publications 12. No of books published with detail 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : - Nil - Nil - Nil -03 Year College Department 2011-12 Class incharge Machine-II lab in charge 94 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: 2. Date of birth: Ms.N.DHIVYA DEVI 12.07.1982 3. Educational qualification: M.E. 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 5 YEARS 8 MONTHS NIL NIL NIL 5. Area of Specializations: Power Electronics & Drives. 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level : 1.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2.Communication Engineering 3.Professional Ethics 4.Analysis of Power Converters 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - 01 - Nil 9. Patents - Nil 10. Technology Transfer -Nil 11. Research publications - Nil 12. No of books published with detail - Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools - Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended - Nil 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : 95 Nil FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: Mr.N.Manimaran 2. Date of birth: 15.03.1984 3. Educational qualification: M.E. 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 3.5 Years NIL 1.5 years NIL 5. Area of Specializations: Power Electronics & Drives. 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level : 1.Electrical Special machines 2. Circuit theory 3. Transmission and distribution 4. Electromagnetic theory 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - 01 - Nil 9. Patents - Nil 10. Technology Transfer -Nil 11. Research publications - Nil 12. No of books published with detail - Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools - Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended - Nil 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : Nil 96 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: Mr.J.MADHAVAN 2. Date of birth: 24.04.1985 3. Educational qualification: M.E. 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 3 Yrs Nil Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Power Systen Engineering 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level : 1.Circuit Theory 2.Electro magnetic Theory 3.Transmission and Distribution 4.Control System. 5.Power Systen Analysis 6.Power System operation and control 7.HVDC 8.FACTS 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out 9. Patents - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - 01 - Nil - Nil 10. Technology Transfer 11. Research publications -Nil - Nil 12. No of books published with detail - Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools - Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended - 04 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : Nil 97 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: MR.V.PRAKASH 2. Date of birth: 19.04.986 3. Educational qualification: M.E. 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 2 Yrs Nil Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Control and Instrumenatation 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level : 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - 02 - Nil 9. Patents - Nil 10. Technology Transfer -Nil 11. Research publications - Nil 12. No of books published with detail - Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools - Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : - 01 Nil Signature 98 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: MR.M.SAKTHIVEL 2. Date of birth: 08.05 1964 3. Educational qualification: M.E. 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 25Yrs Nil 5 years Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Power System 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level : 1.Electric Circuit Thoery 2.Electrical Machines-I & II 3.Electronic Devices and Circuits 4.Protection and Switchgear 5.Electromagntic Field Computation and Modelling 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil 9. Patents - Nil 10. Technology Transfer -Nil 11. Research publications - Nil 12. No of books published with detail - Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools - Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : - Nil Nil 99 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: MR.A.PRAKASAM 2. Date of birth: 26.06.1984 3. Educational qualification: M.E. 4. Work experience: Teaching Research Industry Others - 3 Yrs Nil Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations: Applied Electronics 6. Subject teaching at undergraduate level : 1. Electrical Machines-I & II 2.Transmission and Distribution 3.Design of electrical Machines 4.High Voltage Engineering 5.Electrical Engineering 6.Analysis of Electrical Machines 7. Research guidance: Master’s Ph.D No of papers published in National journals International journals Conferences 8. Projects carried out 9. Patents - Nil - Nil - Nil - Nil - 01 - Nil - Nil 10. Technology Transfer -Nil 11. Research publications - Nil 12. No of books published with detail - Nil 13. No. of summer and Winter Schools - Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College : - 03 Nil Signature 100 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering FACULTY-PROFILE 1. NAME : Dr. V.NAGARAJAN PROFESSOR & HEAD ECE 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 10.10.1977 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.Tech, Ph.D 4. WORK EXPERIENCE : TEACHING : 13 Yrs RESEARCH : 7 Years INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Communication system 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Electro Magnetic Theory 2. Communication Engineering 3. Digital Signal Processing 4. Wireless Networks 5. Mobile communication 6. Signal and system POST GRADUATE LEVEL 8. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility in System Design 9. Advanced Digital Signal Processing 10. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE : 08 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : (International) CONFERENCES (National) : 101 NIL : NIL NIL (Inter National) : 05 Ph.D JOURNALS (National) : (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : 08 : : 20 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : In process 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : 10 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : 12 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 20 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. HOD. 2. Convener, Project context in the college during 2011-12. 3. Coordinator for accreditation committee. SIGNATURE 102 1. NAME : DR.S.JAYASHRI Professor 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 22.05.1960 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : Ph.D (Optical Communication) M.E (Communication Systems) B.E (ECE) 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 30 Yrs RESEARCH : 5 Yrs INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : OPTICAL COMMUNICATION 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Optical communication 2. Digital Communication 3. Principles of Communication 4. Microprocessor & Its Applications 5. Digital Electronics 6. Electronic Circuits I 7. Transmission Lines 8. Electron Devices 9. Antennas and Wave Propagation 10. Statistical Theory of Communication POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. Optical Networks 2. Optical communication 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE : 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS 103 10 JOURNALS (National) (International) : NIL : CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 2 NIL JOURNALS : 5 NIL Ph.D (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : : 10 7 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : 3 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : 6 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : 3 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 3 1 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE Principal of the College. Head of the Dept. Convener for National level technical symposium” CHANNEL 2009 “- Oct- 2009. Convener for one-day workshop on “Emerging Trends in Wireless Embedded Systems” on 4th April 2009. Convener for National level technical symposium” CHANNEL 2008 “- March 2008. Convener for Two-day National level Conference on “Wireless Technologies” on 6th & 7th February 2008. Convener for two days workshop on “ Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded Systems” on 27th & 28th July 2007 at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College. 104 1. NAME Dr.Y. Mallikarjuna Reddy : (Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 01-06-1965 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.Tech, Ph.D 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 20 Yrs RESEARCH : 5 Yrs INDUSTRY : 2 years OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Radar Signal and Image Processing 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Neural Networks 2. VSLI System 3. Digital Communications 4. EMF 5. Fifer Optics 6. Radar, Speech Processing 7. Digital Signal Processing 8. Missile Technology POST GRADUATE LEVEL 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 1. DSP Intergrated circuits 2. Neural Networks : 03 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL NIL JOURNALS : : 02 13 Ph.D (National) (International) 105 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL 15 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : 10 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 8 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1.Design of course curriculum, 2.Paper setting for university exams, 3.Coordinator for student association activities, student training programs and 4.Industry Institute Interaction, 5.Staff in charge for Alumni Association. SIGNATURE 106 1. NAME : GNANASEKAR A.K Asst. Prof 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 10.05.1973 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E B.E(ECE) 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 14.1Yrs RESEARCH : PURSUING INDUSTRY : 3 -Years, 3 -Months OTHERS : NIL : MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING Post Graduate Level: i. Advance Microprocessor and Microcontrollers ii. Embedded Systems iii. ROBOTICS iv. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility in System Design v. ASIC Design vi. Digital Computer Fundamentals (MCA) vii. Mobile Computing Under Graduate Level: a. Digital Electronics b. Signal and Systems c. Measurements and Instrumentations d. Satellite Communication e. Digital Communication f. Medical Electronics g. Pattern Recognition h. Digital Image Processing i. Bio-Medical Instrumentation j. Electron Devices and Circuits k. Computer Networks l. High Speed Networks m. Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks n. Digital Signal Processing o. Embedded System p. Telecommunication switching networks q. Applications of Microprocessor and Microcontrollers 107 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE : Nil 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL : 2 7 5 Ph.D JOURNALS (National) : (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) NIL : 2 : : 2 2 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : 24 -Numbers at UG level & 6 -Numbers at PG level 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : 4 Nos. 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 38 Nos. 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE a. Convener for CHANNEL 2008 held on 12th March 2008 at ECE dept Adhiparasakthi Engineering College. b. Convener for the Stock Verification for the Civil Department in the College. c. Member in the Academic audit for the CSE department in the College. d. Convener for the Continuing Education Programme in the College 20092012. e. DSP Lab-in-charge in Setting and updating the laboratory. f. Acted as Convocation Co-coordinator for the batch -2008. g. Project Coordinator for the final year ECE dept. for the batch-2011 h. Convener for III - Cell in the college during 2010-2011 i. PG - Coordinator for the ME-VLSI & ME-Applied Electronics of batch2011-12. j. Convener for the CENTRAL LIBRARY Stock Verification in the College during 2010-2012. k. Project Coordinator for the PG students in ECE dept. for the batch 20122013. 16. Achievements 108 a. Obtained Grant of Rs. 1- Lakh - for students Project Titled ―AUDIO GUIDANCE FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE‖ from IEDC (Tamilnadu state Govt.) during 2010-2011. b. Obtained a Grant of Rs. 6.8- Lakhs/- for AICTE SPONSORED STAFF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on ―APPLICATION OF DIGITAL FILTERS IN DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING PROBLEMS‖ during 3 rd to 15th may 2012. c. Chaired the International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Electronics Engineering as session Chair Person at Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering and Technology, Vandavasi during 28th & 29th January 2012. d. Delivered a guest lecture on EMBEDDED SYSTEMS for Third year IT students at Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engg. & Tech., madurantagam during 08th March 2012. e. Delivered a guest lecture on MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLERS for Second year CSE students at Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engg. & Tech., madurantagam during 15th March 2012. SIGNATURE 109 1. Name : P.MANGAYARKARASI 2.Date of Birth : 16.12.1972 3.Educational Qualification : M.Tech 4. Work Experience i) Teaching ii) Research iii) Industry iv) Others : : : : 5. Area of Specializations : Laser & Electro Optical Engg 10 Years Nil 4 Years Nil 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : i) Digital Principles & System Design ii) Electronic circuits I iii) Electronic circuits II iv) Mobile Communication v) Mobile Computing vi) Principles of Communication vii) Telecommunication Systems viii) Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Post Graduate Level : i) Analog and Digital System Design ii) Embedded Systems 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D : Nil : Nil 8. No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences : Nil : Nil : 8 9. Projects carried out : Nil 10 .Patents : Nil 11. Technology Transfer : Nil 12. Research Publications : Nil 13. No. of Books published with details 110 : Nil 14. No of conferences attended : Nil 15. No of workshops/seminars attended :8 16. Involvement in other activities : Dept : Research Lab incharge UG(girls) Result Co-ordinator Dept. Budget incharge SIGNATURE 111 1. NAME : J.RAJA Asst. Prof 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 21.05.1972 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 10Yrs 3MONTHS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Digital Communication 1. Digital Signal Processing 2. Digital Electronics 3. Microwave Engineering 4. Signals and systems 5. Electronics Circuit I 6. Electronics Circuits II 7. Electron Devices 8. Transmission lines and networks 9. Microprocessor and its Applications POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. Microprocessor and its Applications 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : Ph.D 112 NIL : 5 1 NIL JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL 4 : : NIL 3 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : 3 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : 4 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 12 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. CHIEF EDITOR FOR APEC NEWSLETTER 2. INCHARGE FOR EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 3. INCHARGE FOR CO- CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 4. CLASS INCHARGE SIGNATURE 113 1. NAME : P.THIRUMARAISELVAN Asst. Prof 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 18.07.1971 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 19Yrs RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : 1. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION 2. WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Digital Electronics 2. Communication Theory 3. Advanced microprocessor 4. Control Systems 5. VLSI Design POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. VLSI Design Techniques 2. CAD for VLSI 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : Ph.D 114 NIL : NIL 01 NIL JOURNALS (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : NIL : : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 03 NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. HP partnership program coordinator 2. PG Coordinator 3. Purchase Committee Member 4. NSS Programme Officer SIGNATURE 115 1. NAME : R.JOTHI CHITRA (Asst. Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 03.08.1977 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.Tech ,(Ph.D) TEACHING : 12Yrs RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 4. WORK EXPERIENCE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Microwave and Television Engineering 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. RF & Microwave Engineering 2. Transmission Lines & Waveguides 3. Digital signal processing 4. Electron circuits I 5. Antenna & wave propagation 6. Computer Networks 7. High Speed Networks POST GRADUATE LEVEL 11. Low power VLSI design 12. Advanced Digital Signal Processing 13. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL : NIL 02 01 Ph.D JOURNALS (National) : (International) 116 NIL : NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL 02 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : 02 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 10 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. MICROWAVE LAB INCHARGE 2. PERIODICAL TEST COORDINATOR 3. CLASS INCHARGE 4. TIME TABLE CO-ORDINATOR 5. CONVENOR FOR SYMPOSIUM 6. PG CO-ORDINATOR 7. UG RESULT CO-ORDINATOR 8. CO CO-ORDINATOR FOR AICTE SPONSORED INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 9. IEDC MEMBER SIGNATURE 117 1. NAME : M.SUMATHI (Assistant Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 01.07.1979 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E (Applied Electronics) 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 10YRS, 10 months RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : Applied Electronics 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Control System 2. Digital Signal Processing 3. Digital Logic Circuits 4. Microprocessor and its Application 5. Principles of Communication POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. VLSI Design 2. VLSI Signal Processing 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) NIL : : : NIL NIL (National) : (International) NIL : NIL Ph.D JOURNALS CONFERENCES (National) : 118 NIL NIL (Inter National) : NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12.RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Faculty Advisor 2. Committee in charge in the Symposium’s conducted SIGNATURE 119 1. NAME : R. KANCHANA (Assistant Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 16.06.1980 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 8YRS, 8 MONTHS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Computer and Communication 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Microprocessor and its Application 2. Circuit Analysis 3. Digital Signal Processing 4. Optical Communication 5. High Performance Networks 6. Information coding Techniques POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. Computer architecture and parallel processing 2. High Performance Computer Networks 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 120 NIL : 03 NIL NIL Ph.D JOURNALS (National) : (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) NIL : : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 6 NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Active participation as a member of sports and games committee 2. Active participation in college convocation works 3. Involved in all activities of the department 4. Electron devices Lab incharge SIGNATURE 121 1. NAME : M. THILAGAR (Asst Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 01.06.1977 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 9.6 Yrs RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Applied Electronics 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Digital principle & System design 2. Microprocessor & Microcontroller 3. VLSI Design 4. Digital Electronics 5. Communication Engineering 6. Medical Electronics 7. Electronics & Microprocessor 8. RF & Microwave Engineering POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. VLSI Design Techniques 2. VLSI Technology 3. Low power VSLI design 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : (International) : CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) NIL NIL : : 5 NIL (National) : (International) : NIL NIL Ph.D JOURNALS 122 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 4 . INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Faculty Advisor 2. Placement In charge 3. Lab incharge 4. NBA Coordinator (Asst) SIGNATURE 123 1. NAME : M. RAJALAKSHMI (Asst. Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 01.05.1979 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 10 Yrs, 8 months RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Applied Electronics 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Microprocessor & its Application 2. Communication Theory 3. Circuit Analysis 4. Electron Devices & Circuits 5. Digital Signal Processing 6. Telecommunication Systems 7. Principles of communication 8. Digital communication 9. Linear integrated circuits POST GRADUATE LEVEL NIL 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : (International) : CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 124 NIL NIL 03 01 Ph.D JOURNALS (National) : (International) : CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 08 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Communication Lab Incharge 2. AICET incharge 3. Periodical test incharge 4. Faculty advisor 5. Decoration & reception committee incharge for Symposium 6. Placement Member 7. Co co-ordinator for AICTE sponsored National Workshop. SIGNATURE 125 1. NAME SURESH BABU.T .N : (Assistant Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 25-06-1975 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 14 YEARS 10 MONTHS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY OTHERS : : NIL NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Power Electronics and Drives 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. ELECTRON DEVICES AND CIRCUITS 2. SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 3. DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEM DESIGN 4. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 5. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 6. TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVEGUIDES 7. ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION 8. OPTICAL COMMUNICATION POST GRADUATE LEVEL NIL 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE Masters :2 Ph.D : Nil 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : (International) : CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : Ph.D 126 NIL NIL 2 NIL JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 2 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. PRINTING-PUBLISHING COMMITTEE COORDINATOR 2. ANNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY EXAM CELL COORDINATOR 3. PLACEMENT CELL MEMBER 4. HOSTEL DEPUTY WARDEN 5. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME MEMBER 6. DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE MEMBER 7. AICTE SPONSORED INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER 8. AICTE SPONSORED SDP PROGRAMME- FOOD & ACCOMMODATION COMMITTEE MEMBER 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. GRADUATION DAY – REGISTRATION COMMITTEE COORDINATOR ANTI-RAGGING COMMITTEE MEMBER TEST CO-ORDINATOR CLASS INCHARGE FACULTY ADVISOR 127 1. NAME : K.MOORTHI 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 29.09.1983 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 5 YRS 8 MONTHS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Power Electronics & Drives 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 2. DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEM DESIGN 3. CIRCUIT THEORY 4. INFORMATION CODING TECHNIQUES 5. CONTROL SYSTEMS 6. SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 7. LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 8. COMMUNICATION THEORY POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8.NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 01 01 JOURNALS : : NIL NIL Ph.D (National) (International) 128 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : 01 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 12 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Alumni Association Member 2. Result Analysis I/C 3. University exam coordinator 4. Class Incharge 5. Printing and publishing committee member 6. IEEE students Co-Ordinator SIGNATURE 129 1. NAME : S. PRAKASH (ASST.PROF) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 07.06.1984 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.Tech TEACHING : 4 YEAR 3 MONTHS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : 3 MONTHS OTHERS : NIL : COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 4. WORK EXPERIENCE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. MICROWAVE ENGINEERING 2. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I 4. DPSD 5. COMMUNICATION THEORY 6. MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 7. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION 8. WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS 9. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 10. TELEVISION AND VIDEO ENGINEERING POST GRADUATE LEVEL NIL 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8.NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 3 NIL 130 Ph.D JOURNALS (National) (International) : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : 6 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : 1 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 10 : CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Result analysis 2. Faculty advisor 3. periodical test coordinator 4. Exam cell coordinator SIGNATURE 131 1. NAME : K.MATHIVANAN (ASST.PROF) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 18.11.1981 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E TEACHING : 6 YEARS 9MONTHS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : APPLIED ELECTRONICS 4. WORK EXPERIENCE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS-II 2. ELECTRONICS AND MICROPROCESSOR 3. MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION 4. ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION 5. MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER 6. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 7. DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEM DESIGN 8. SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 9. TELEVISION AND VIDEO ENGINEERING 10. DIGITAL ELECTRONICS POST GRADUATE LEVEL NIL 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 02 NIL Ph.D 132 JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. NO. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : 1 14. NO. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 04 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Faculty advisor 2. Time table in-charge 3. Class in-charge 4. Committee member in the International conference 5. Committee member in the National conference 6. Committee member in the workshop SIGNATURE 133 1. NAME : 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 3.EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : A.Veeralakshmi 25.05.79 M.E 4.WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 12 Yrs & 5Months RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : VLSI DESIGN 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Communication Theory 2. Transmission Lines & Waveguides 3. Signals & Systems 4. Digital signal processing 5. Electronic circuits I 6. Microwave Engineering 7. Digital system design 8. Information coding techniques POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. PHYSICAL DESIGN OF VLSI CIRCUITS 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8.NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 4 2 JOURNALS : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL Ph.D (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 134 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : 25 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : 2 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 7 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. DEVICES LAB INCHARGE 2. CONTINUING EDUCATION MEMBER 3. ISTE CHAPTER MEMBER 4. TIME TABLE INCHARGE 5. LIBRARY INCHARGE 6. PERIODICAL TEST CO-ORDINATOR 7. CLASS INCHARGE 8. FACULTY ADVISOR 9.IEEE STUDENT CHAPTER MEMBER 10.NBA CO ORDINATOR SIGNATURE 135 1. NAME : M. JENATH ( Lecturer) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 03.09.1983 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 5.5 YEARS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : VLSI 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Microprocessor 2. Electron Devices 3. Telecommunication Systems 4. Digital Electronics 5. Circuit Analysis 6. Digital principles & system design 7. Computer networks 8. Digital logic circuits POST GRADUATE LEVEL NIL 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8.NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 01 NIL JOURNALS : : NIL NIL Ph.D (National) (International) 136 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 01 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Periodical Test Coordinator 2. Faculty Advisor 3. Notice Board/HOD stock Incharge 4. PALPOP incharge 5. Alumini incharge 6. Project display centre SIGNATURE 137 1. NAME : G. SUBASHREE ( Assit Proff) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 23.06.1984 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E. TEACHING : 5.2 YRS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : Applied Electronics 4. WORK EXPERIENCE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Optical Communication 2. Electron devices 3. Transmission Lines and waveguides 4. Electron devices and circuits 5. Digital Principles And System design 6. High Speed Networks 7. Satellite Communication 8. Analog And Digital Communication 9. Electronic Circuits –I 10. Medical Electronics POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. Embedded systems 2. Advanced Digital System Design 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8.NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 01 NIL 138 Ph.D JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 08 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Faculty Advisor 2. Circuits Lab Incharge 3. Instrumentation Center member 4. PALPAP Incharge 5. Periodical test co-ordinator 6. Time Table Incharge 7. Class Incharge 8. Placement Incharge SIGNATURE 139 1. NAME : G. ILAVARASI ( Assistant Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 05.05.1979 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E (APPLIED ELECTRONICS) TEACHING : 4 YRS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : 1 Year OTHERS : NIL : Applied Electronics 4. WORK EXPERIENCE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Electronic Circuit I 2. Electronic circuits II 3. Electron devices and circuits 4. Analog and Digital Communication 5. Principles of communication POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. VLSI signal processing 2. Advance digital system design 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 1 NIL JOURNALS : : NIL NIL Ph.D (National) (International) 140 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 4 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Incharge for Weak Student’s Classes 2. Extra and Co curricular Activities Incharge 3. Faculty advisor SIGNATURE 141 1. NAME : T.Suguna (Assistant Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 30.04.1982 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E (Applied Electronics) 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 6 YRS, 10 months RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : Applied Electronics 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 6. Electronic circuits II 7. Signals and systems 8. Digital Signal Processing 9. Linear Integrated Circuits POST GRADUATE LEVEL 3. Low Power VLSI Design 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 1 1 JOURNALS : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL Ph.D (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 142 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12.RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 4 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 3. Class Incharge 4. Faculty Advisor SIGNATURE 143 1. NAME : GANESAMOORTHY.B 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 22-08-82 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 4YEARS 3 MONTHS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY OTHERS : : 7 MONTHS NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : APPLIED ELECTRONICS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. VLSI DESIGN 2. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 3. SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 4. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD 5. MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 6. PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION 7. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 8.TRANSMISSION LINE AND WAVEGUIDES POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. ADVANCED DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN 2. VLSI DESIGN TECHNIQUES 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE Masters : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 4 1 JOURNALS : : NIL NIL Ph.D (National) (International) 144 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 2 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. FACULTY INCHARGE 2. FACULTY ADVISOR 3. LAB INCHARGE SIGNATURE 145 1. NAME : K. Kannadasan (Assistant Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 12.11.1987 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E (Communication Systems) 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 09 months RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : Communication Systems 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Electric circuits and electron devices 2. Wireless communication POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. Solid state device modeling and simulation 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 1 1 JOURNALS : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL Ph.D (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 146 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Lab In charge 2. Faculty Advisor SIGNATURE 147 1. NAME : L.KUMARESAN 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 09-09-85 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.Tech 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 1 year 7 months RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY OTHERS : : NIL NIL : Embedded Systems Technology 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. MICROWAVE ENGINEERING 2. ELECTRONICS DEVICES 3. SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 4. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. LOW POWER VLSI DESIGN 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE Masters : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 1 1 JOURNALS : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL Ph.D (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 148 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 2 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. FACULTY INCHARGE 2. FACULTY ADVISOR SIGNATURE 149 1. NAME : SAKTHIDASAN @ SANKARAN.K 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 06-10-1983 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.TECH 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 5 YEARS 3 MONTHS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY OTHERS : : NIL NIL 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS : Embedded Systems Technology 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. ELECTRON DEVICES AND CIRCUITS 2. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 3. DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEM DESIGN 4. RF AND MICROWAVE ENGINEERING 5. ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 6. VLSI DESIGN 7. COMPUTER NETWORKS 8. LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 9. EMBEDDED SYSTEMS POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. MODERN DIGITAL COMMUNIACTION SYSTEMS 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE Masters :2 Ph.D : Nil 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL 03 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 01 04 Ph.D 150 JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 09 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. IEEE STUDENTS CO-ORDINATOR SIGNATURE 151 1. NAME : B. Elango (Asst. Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 18.09.1988 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E., TEACHING : 5 Months RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : Communication Systems 4. WORK EXPERIENCE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Digital Signal Processing 2. Analog and Digital Communication 3. Medical Electronics 4. Optical Communication 5. Optoelectronic Devices POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. DSP Integrated Circuits 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8.NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) : NIL (International) : NIL (National) : 1 (Inter National) : NIL (National) : NIL (International) : NIL (National) : NIL : NIL CONFERENCES PhD JOURNALS CONFERENCES (Inter National) 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED 152 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE SIGNATURE 153 1. NAME : M.C.Sathiya Asst. Prof 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 23.04.1987 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E(AE) B.E(ECE) 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 3 years 2 months RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : ECE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 2. Digital electronis 3. Control systems 4. Linear integrated circuits 5. Transmission lines and waveguides 6. Optical communication 7. Antenna and waveguides POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. High performance communication networks 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8.NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 2 NIL Ph.D 154 JOURNALS (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : NIL : : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 1 NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Faculty advisor SIGNATURE 155 1. NAME : JANAKI.B (Assistant professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 27.09.1987 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E TEACHING : 0.5 YRS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : VLSI Design 4. WORK EXPERIENCE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Analog and Digital Communication POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. Advanced Microprocessor and Microcontroller 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 01 NIL JOURNALS : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL Ph.D (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 156 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Faculty advisor SIGNATURE 157 1. NAME : ILANTHENDRAL.J (Assistant professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 28.03.1986 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E TEACHING : 0.3 YRS RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : A.E 4. WORK EXPERIENCE 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 2. Television and video Engineering POST GRADUATE LEVEL 2. Electromagnetic interference and compatibility in system design 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 02 NIL JOURNALS : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL Ph.D (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 158 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 2. Faculty advisor SIGNATURE 159 1. NAME : Mrs.M.P.Nirmala (Assistant Professor) 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 25.06.1977 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : M.E (Communication systems) 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 7.9years RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : Communication Systems 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Linear Integrated Circuits 2. Digital electronics 3. Microprocessor & it’s Applications 4. Communication Systems 5. Electron Devices & Circuits 6. Basics of Electrical & Electronics 7. Digital Electronics & Microprocessor POST GRADUATE LEVEL 1. Modern Digital Communication Tech 2. Digital Image Processing 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : 1 NIL JOURNALS : : NIL NIL Ph.D (National) (International) 160 CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12.RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : 6 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE 1. Library In charge 2. Faculty Advisor SIGNATURE 161 1. NAME : Ms. Rampriya Mahendran Asst. Prof 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 02.06.1982 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : B.E., MSC (U.K) 4. WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING : 5 MONTHS (Industry) RESEARCH : NIL INDUSTRY : NIL OTHERS : NIL : EEE, ADVANCED MOBILE ROBOTICS 5. AREA OF SPECIALIZATIONS 6. SUBJECTS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL 1. Cryptography POST GRADUATE LEVEL 2. Digital signal processing –IC 7. RESEARCH GUIDANCE 8. NO OF PAPERS PUBLISHED MASTERS JOURNALS (National) (International) : : NIL NIL CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) : : NIL NIL JOURNALS : : NIL NIL : : NIL NIL 9. PROJECTS CARRIED OUT : NIL 10. PATENTS : NIL Ph.D (National) (International) CONFERENCES (National) (Inter National) 162 11. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER : NIL 12. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : NIL 13. No. OF SUMMER & WINTER SCHOOLS ATTENDED : NIL 14. No. OF SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED : NIL 15. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT & COLLEGE NIL SIGNATURE 163 Department of Computer Science Engineering Faculty Profile 1. Name : 2. Date of Birth : 3. Educational Qualification : 4. Work Experience Teaching : Research : Industry : Others : 5. Area of Specialization : 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level: Post Graduate Level : Dr.P.K.Prakasha 12.02.1973 Ph.D 19 years NIL NIL NIL Computer Science Object oriented Programming Data Structures Data Structures Web Technology 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : 10 Ph.D Level : NIL No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : 2 Conferences : 6 8. Projects carried out : NIL 9. Patents : NIL 10. Technology Transfer : NIL 11. Research Publications : NIL 12. No. of Books Published with details : NIL 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : 9 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended : 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College 2012-13 Research Activities 1. Name : 2. Date of Birth : 3. Educational Qualification : 4. Work Experience Teaching : Research : Industry : Others : 5. Area of Specialization : 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level: Post Graduate Level : 164 Department Dr.Nageswara Rao. Patibandla 05.04.1956 Ph.D 26 years NIL NIL NIL Computer Science Object oriented Programming Data Structures Computer Architecture Computer Networks and Management 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : 10 Ph.D Level : NIL No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : 4 Conferences : 4 8. Projects carried out : NIL 9. Patents : NIL 10. Technology Transfer : NIL 11. Research Publications : NIL 12. No. of Books Published with details : NIL 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :3 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2012-13 College Department Research Activities 165 1. Name : 2. Date of Birth : 3. Educational Qualification : 4. Work Experience Teaching : Research : Industry : Others : 5. Area of Specialization : 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level: Post Graduate Level : P.Bhuvaneswari 08.05.1975 M.E , (Ph.D) 11 years NIL NIL NIL Computer Science Object oriented Programming Data Structures Web Technology 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : 10 Ph.D Level : NIL No. of papers published in National Journals : 2 International Journals : 5 Conferences : 8 8. Projects carried out : NIL 9. Patents : NIL 10. Technology Transfer : NIL 11. Research Publications : NIL 12. No. of Books Published with details : NIL 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : 8 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended : 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College 2012-13 Disciplinary Committee I/C , HOD I/C HOD I/C 166 Department 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : P Mukunthan : 06.05.1975 : Ph.D(Pursuing) : 10 Years : 3 Years : Nil : Nil : Electronics and Communication Engineering : Mobile Computing Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Digital principle and system design Digital signal processing Computer Architecture Microprocessors and Microcontrollers lab Digital principle and system design lab : Advanced Operating Systems 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :1 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :2 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2010-11 College Correspondence committee 2011-12 Continue Education Member Department Class Incharge Editorial Committee Class Incharge 2012 -13 Continue Education Member APEC Center Incharge 167 1. Name : 2. Date of Birth : 3. Educational Qualification : 4. Work Experience Teaching : Research : Industry : Others : 5. Area of Specialization : 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level: C.Dhaya 19.07.1978 M.E, (PhD) 9 years NIL NIL NIL Computer Science Operating System Mobile computing Internet Programming, Cryptography and Network Security NIL Post Graduate Level : 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : NIL Ph.D Level : NIL No. of papers published in National Journals : NIL International Journals : 3 Conferences : 5 (Indexed in Ieee website) 8. Projects carried out : NIL 9. Patents : NIL 10. Technology Transfer : NIL 11. Research Publications : NIL 12. No. of Books Published with details : NIL 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : 5 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended : 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College Department 2009-10 Disciplinary Committee I/C , Deputy Convenor in Accreditation Committee Warden CSE Main Lab I/C Purchase Committee Member Secretary 2010-11 H.O.O In charge, Deputy Warden Managing all Department Activities 2011-12 Disciplinary Committee I/C , Deputy Convenor in Accreditation Committee Warden CSE Main Lab I/C Purchase Committee Member Secretary 2012-13 Deputed to Higher Studies 168 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : Latha. A : 02.10.1972 : M.E (Ph.D) : 10 Year : : : : Wireless Sensor Network : Computer Architecture Digital Signal Processing Analog Digital communication Microprocessors & Microcontrollers : Computer Architecture Mobile Computing Adhoc Network 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :6 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals :1 International Journals : Nil Conferences : 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : 2 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :8 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 College O-Block Coordinator Purchase Committee CSI Member CSI – Chair Person Department Treasurer – Login 2k9 Department Coordinator HOD I/C, Result Co-ordinator Result Co-ordinator 169 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : Bharathi.S : 25.06.1979 : M.E : 11 Year : : : : Applied Electronics : Communication Engineering VLSI Design Microprocessor and Micro controller Analog, Digital Data Communication Telecommunication Systems Advanced microprocessor : Testing of VLSI circuits ASIC design VLSI Design Techniques 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :6 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :5 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College Department 2011-12 Stock Verification Committee Member 2012-13 Stock Verification Committee Accreditation Coordinator Member 170 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : R.Rajarahul : 02.09.1974 : M.E : 2 Years : Nil : 11 years : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : Artificial Inteligence Mobile and Pervasive computing Software Quality Assurance : Data Structures Object Oriented Software Engineering Web Technology 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :3 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended : Nil 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2011-12 2012-13 College - Department Project Coordinator Project Coordinator 171 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : B.Prakash : 30.10.1979 : M.E, (Ph.D) : 6 Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Wireless Mesh Networks : Operating Systems Database Management Systems Software Engineering : Computers Networks & Management Datawarehousing and data Mining Database Technology 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :7 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :7 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :6 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College Department 2009-10 YRC In charge Technical Committee I/C 2010-11 Exam Cell CoOrdinator University practical Coordinator Technical Committee I/C 2011-12 Exam Cell CoOrdinator Result Coordinator Instrumentation cell Member Class Incharge 2011-12 Instrumentation cell Member Department Coordinator Purchase Committee Result Coordinator 172 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : S . HARI GANESAN : 31.05.1979 : M.E. (CSE) , M.B.A. : 4 .4 Years : Nil : Nil : Nil : Computer Science & Engineering : Data Warehousing And Data Mining Artificial Intelligence Advanced Computer Architecture Fundamentals of Computing & Programming : Datawarehousing and Data Mining Database Technology Object Oriented Software Engineering 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :4 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :3 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :9 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2009-10 2011-12 College N.S.S Officer II Exam Cell CoOrdinator N.S.S Officer II Member –Training&Placement N.S.S Officer II Member –Training&Placement 2012-13 Member-Career Guidance Cell 2010-11 173 Department Class Incharge Transport Committee I/C Transport Committee I/C Transport Committee I/C Class Incharge Convenor – PIXEL 2K12 Test Coordinator 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : G.Prabaharan : 02.01.1981 : M.Tech, (Ph.D) : 6.6Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : System software Data warehousing and Data Mining Object Oriented Analysis & Design : Nil Post Graduate Level 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :1 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2010-11 2011-12 College IEDC Member IEDC Member 2012-13 IEDC Member Department Project Coordinator Class Committee I/C, Reception Committee I/C, Special Coaching Class I/C Project Coordinator Class Incharge I/C 174 1.Name : R.BALAMURUGAN 2. Date of Birth : 20.05.1985 3. Educational Qualification : M.E 4. Work Experience Teaching : 3 Years 4 Months Research : Nil Industry : Nil Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Computer Science & Engineering 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : Data Structures Data Structures Lab Post Graduate Level : Computer Architecture 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level Ph.D Level :2 : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :9 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Main Block Lab Incharge ICT Academy- Chairperson 175 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization Engineering 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : M. V. Prabhakaran : 19.04.1984. : M.E : 5 Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science& : Operating Systems Database Management Systems Computer Organization and Architecture Programming Paradigms Object Oriented Analysis and Design : Computers Networks & Management Computer Architecture 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :3 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :6 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2010-11 College CISCO Member 2011-12 CISCO Member 2012-13 III Cell Member 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Department Class In-Charge, CSE Lab InCharge Lab- In-Charge Class In-Charge : S.Sivakumar : 26.04.1983 : M.E : 4 Years : Nil : Nil : Nil : Computer Science & Engineering : Theory Of Computation 176 Post Graduate Level Principles Of Compiler Design System Software Data warehousing and Data Mining Computer Graphics : Advanced Operating System Advanced System Software 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :5 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :6 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended : 6 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2008-09 2009-10 2011-12 College CSI Member University Practical Exams Coordinator CSI Member University Practical Exams Coordinator 177 Department Technical Symposium-Coordinator Technical Committee Member Technical Symposium-Coordinator 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : Uma S : 12.11.1981 : M.E : 7 Years : : : : Computer Science & Engg. : Data Structures Visual programming Computer Networks Design and analysis of algorithms Operating Systems : nil Post Graduate Level 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : nil Ph.D Level : nil No. of papers published in National Journals : nil International Journals : nil Conferences :2 8. Projects carried out : nil 9. Patents : nil 10. Technology Transfer : nil 11. Research Publications : nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :5 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College Department 2012-13 Maternity leave 2011-12 Stock verification member O Block Incharge 178 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : K Manikannan : 03.06.1979 : M.E : 7.6 Years : Nil : Nil : Nil : Computer Science & Engineering : Mobile and Pervasive Computing Operating Systems Software Engineering Computer Networks Programming Paradigms Internet Programming Visual Programming : Advanced Operating Systems Post Graduate Level 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :1 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :2 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2010-11 College Correspondence committee 2011-12 2012 -13 Continue Education Member Continue Education Member 179 Department Class Incharge Editorial Committee Class Incharge APEC Center Incharge 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization Engineering 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : G.Sekar : 15.05.1982 : M.E : 2.4 Years : Nil : Nil : Nil : Computer Science & : Data Structures Computer Organization and Architecture Computer Networks Data structures and Object Oriented Programming in C++ Post Graduate Level : Nil 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :4 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2010-2011 2011-2012 College Department Nil Test Co – ordinator (Assist) Muthamizh mandram (Stage Test Co – ordinator I/C decoration I/C) 2012-2013 Muthamizh mandram (Stage Time Table I/C & Guest decoration I/C) Lecture I/C 1. Name : R.Rajesh 2. Date of Birth : 26.08.1984 3. Educational Qualification : M.E 4. Work Experience Teaching : 4 Years Research : Nil Industry : Nil Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Computer Science & Engineering 6. Subjects Teaching at 180 Under Graduate Level : Mobile Computing Database Management Systems Software Engineering Computer Networks Digital signal processing Analog and Digital Communication Fundamentals of Computer Programming Post Graduate Level : Nil 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :1 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :3 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :5 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year College Department 2010-11 Community development Class Incharge member Food Committee 2011-12 Community development Class Incharge member Photo Committee I/C 181 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : SIVAKAMASUNDARI P : 29.05.1982 : M.E. (CSE) : 7.2 Years : Nil : Nil : Nil : Computer Science & Engineering : Theory of Computation Principles of Compiler Design Design and Analysis of Algorithms Object Oriented Analysis and Design Object Oriented Programming Post Graduate Level : Nil 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :4 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :2 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :4 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 College Alumni Association Member Alumni Association Member Alumni Association Member 182 Department 1. Department Library In charge 2. Class Incharge 3. Faculty Advisor in each semester 1. Class Incharge 2. University practical Coordinator 3. Faculty Advisor in each semester 1. Class Incharge 2. University practical Coordinator 3. Faculty Advisor in each semester 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : R.Srividya : 06.06.1981 : M.E : 6.6Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : System software Data warehousing and Data Mining Object Oriented Analysis & Design : Nil Post Graduate Level 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :1 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2011-12 2012-13 College -- Department Faculty Advisor Department Library I/C Special Coaching Class /C Reception Committee I/C Class Committee I/C Class Incharge I/C Raging Committee Member 183 1. Name : S. Sakthitharan 2. Date of Birth : 13.07.1988 3. Educational Qualification : M.E 4. Work Experience Teaching : 0.6 Years Research : Nil Industry : Nil Others : Nil 5. Area of Specialization : Computer Science & Engineering 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : Computer Graphics Post Graduate Level : Nil 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :1 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2011-12 College Department Website Incharge Newsletter Incharge Website Incharge 184 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : G. Srinivasan : 30.03.1987 : M.E : 0.6 Years : Nil : Nil : 1 year (Lab Assistant) : Computer Science & Engineering : Data Warehousing and Data Mining Environmental Science and Engineering Post Graduate Level : - 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended : Nil 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2011-12 College Department Faculty Advisor Time Table Incharge - 185 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : M. Shanmuganathan : 17.11.1987 : M.E : 0.6 Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : Operating Systems Fundamentals of Computing and Programming Post Graduate Level : Nil 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :2 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :2 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2012-13 College Department Faculty Advisor Special Coaching class I/C Website Incharge 186 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : K.Prasanna kumar : 08.09.1987 : M.E : 0.6 Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : Computers Networks : Nil 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended : Nil 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2012-13 College Department Faculty Advisor Test Cordinator - 187 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : P.Rajan : 06.07.1983 : M.E, (Ph.D) : 6+ Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : Datastructure and Algorithms Operating Systems Theory of Computation Software Engineering Object Oriented Programming : Datawarehousing and data Mining Database Technology 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level :2 Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :8 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2011-12 College - Department Faculty Advisor Class Committee Incharge 188 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : D.Ramkumar : 20.06.1983 : M.E : 5.6 Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : Digital Principles and System Design Database Management Systems Data Structures Object Oriented Programming Computers Networks Fundamentals of Computing and Programming Post Graduate Level : Nil 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :2 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :2 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2012-13 College Department Faculty Advisor Special Coaching class I/C - 189 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : Josephine Veena . D : 21.12.1988 : M.E Post Graduate Level : Mobile Computing : 0.6 Years : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : Software Engineering 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :7 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended :1 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2012-13 College Placement Member Department Faculty Advisor Public Addressing Committee 190 1.Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specialization 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : D.Loganayaki : 27.1.1988 : M.E : 6 Months : Nil : Nil : NIl : Computer Science & Engineering : Object Oriented Programming Fundamental of computing & programming : Nil Post Graduate Level 7. Research Guidance Master’s Level : Nil Ph.D Level : Nil No. of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books Published with details : Nil 13. No. of summer / winter schools attended : Nil 14. No. of Seminars and workshop attended : Nil 15. Involvements in other activities in Department/College: Year 2012-13 College -- Department Faculty Advisor Class Incharge 191 FACULTY PROFILE Information Technology FACULTY PROFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience - Teaching - Research - Industry - Others : Mrs.R.Valli : 21.12.1975 : M.Tech, Ph.D(Thesis Submitted) : : : : 14.6 Year Nil 2 Years Nil 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at a. Under Graduate Level : Wireless Networks b.Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D : Nil 8. No. of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities : i) Mobile Communication ii) Digital Principle & system Design, iii) Microprocessor & Microcontroller iv) High Speed Networks v) Linear Integrated Circuits : 2 : Nil : 1 : 9 : 11 : 30 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 11 : 3 Dept : NBA Coordinator, Convener activities College : Students welfare committee member Purchase committee member Disciplinary committee member 192 FACULTY PROFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience - Teaching - Research - Industry - Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at a. Under Graduate Level b.Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D 8. No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities Dept College : Dr.S.N.Thirumala rao : 15.03.1965 : M.Tech,Phd : : : : : 20 Years Nil 4 Years Nil Data Mining : Data Mining, OOPS , Operating system, Computer Networks : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :3 :5 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :1 :5 : 10 : Research : Research 193 FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualifications 4. Work experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects teaching at a. Undergraduate Level b. Post Graduate level 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No of Books Published with details 14.No. of conferences attended 15.No of workshops/seminars attended : Mr.B.Sivakumar : 23.07.1976 : M.E., : : 11.4Years : Nil : Nil : Nil : Adhoc Sensor Networks : i)Data Structures ii) Operating Systems iii) Computer Networks iv) Data warehousing and Mining v)Adhoc Sensor Networks : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :1 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :1 :5 16. Involvement in other activities of Department Dept College : : Budget Preparation, Result Coordinator : IETE Convenor 194 FACULTY PROFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience - Teaching - Research - Industry - Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D 8. No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities Dept College : Mrs.M.Malathi : 18.06.1974 : M.E (Power Electronics & Drives) : : : : : 16 Years Nil Nil Nil Adhoc Networks, Mobile communication : Mobile Communication, Digital Principle & system Design, Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Embedded systems, Adhoc Network, Professional Ethics : VLSI Technology ,Advanced computer and architecture : 2 : Nil : Nil : Nil : 3 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :3 :5 : NBA Coordinator. : Convenor-Muthamizh Mandram, CoordinatorUniversity practical exam, In-charge-Guest Lounge, college purchase committee member. 195 FACULTY PROFILE 1 Name : Mr.S.Babu 2 Date of Birth 3 Educational Qualification 4 Work Experience i) Teaching ii) Research iii) Industry iv) Others 5 Area of Specializations warehousing&mining 6 Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7 Research guidance Master’s Ph.D 8 No. of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9 Projects carried out 10 Patents 11 Technology Transfer 12 Research Publications 13 No. of Books published with details 14 No of conferences attended 15 No of workshops/seminars attended 16 Involvement in other activities : 07.06.1977 : M.Tech, Ph.D(Thesis Submitted) : : : : : 7 Years Nil Nil Nil Software Engineering, Data : i) OOAD ii) Visual c# iii) Software Programming Management iv) Operating systems v) Object Oriented programming systems : Nil : Nil : Nil :2 :6 :3 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :2 :5 Dept : Result coordinator College : CSI chapter member 196 FACULTY PROFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience - Teaching - Research - Industry - Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D 8. No. of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities Dept College : Mrs.T.Veeramakali : 17.04. 1980 : M.Tech : : : : : 9.6 Years Nil Nil Nil Computer networks : i) Operating Systems ii) Software Engineering iii) Visual Programming iv) Distributed Systems v)Computer networks vi)Computer graphics vii)System software viii)Embedded system : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :1 : 20 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :1 : 10 : Practical Exam coordinator, SIT Convener, Library in-charge, Faculty Advisor : Anti ragging committee member 197 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience - Teaching - Research - Industry - Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D 8. No. of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities Dept charge College :Mrs.S.Praveena : 05.06. 1984 : M.E : : : : : 4.9 Years Nil Nil Nil Networks, Distributed systems : i) Software Engineering ii) Computer Programming iii) Component Based Technology iv) Computer Networks v) Computer Architecture : Nil : Nil : Nil :2 : Nil :2 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :2 :3 : Periodical Test coordinator, Time table in : III Cell member, Deputy Warden 198 FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience - Teaching - Research - Industry - Others : Ms.N.Elamathi : 05.03. 1980 : M.E 5. Area of Specializations : Wireless ad hoc networks, Heterogeneous networks. 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D 8. No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities Dept College : 3.5 Year : Nil : Nil : Nil : i) Operating Systems ii) Network Programming & Management iii) Object Oriented Programming iv) Computer Programming, v)Web technology vi)FOC : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :3 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :3 :4 : Placement cell in charge Faculty Advisor : Placement cell member 199 FACULTY PROFILE 1 2 3 4 Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience i) Teaching ii) Research iii) Industry iv) Others 5 Area of Specializations 6 Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Post Graduate Level Research guidance Master’s Ph.D No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences Projects carried out Patents Technology Transfer Research Publications No. of Books published with details No of conferences attended No of workshops/seminars attended Involvement in other activities Dept College : Mr.P.Shanmugam : 17.11. 1983 : B.E.,M.Tech(Pursuing-PT) : : : : : 5.1 Years Nil Nil Nil Computer Science and Engineering : i) Network Programming ii) Computer Programming iii) Data Structures iv)Mobile Communication : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 1 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :1 :1 : Training & Placement Incharge Faculty Advisor : Anti ragging committee member 200 FACULTY PROFILE 1 2 3 4 Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience i) Teaching ii) Research iii) Industry iv) Others 5 Area of Specializations 6 Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Post Graduate Level Research guidance Master’s Ph.D No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences Projects carried out Patents Technology Transfer Research Publications No. of Books published with details No of conferences attended No of workshops/seminars attended Involvement in other activities Dept College : Mr.R.Pitchai : 16.04. 1984 : M.Tech : : : : : 4 .2Years Nil Nil Nil Software Engineering , Cloud Computing : i) computer Graphics ii) system Software iii) E Commerce iv)Professional Ethics in Engineering v)Fundamentals of Computing Programming vi)OOAD vii)Operating System viii)Total Quality Management : Nil : Nil : Nil :1 : Nil : 4 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :4 : 12 : Periodical Test coordinator, Network Lab In-Charge : IEDC cell member, IETE Professional society member 201 FACULTY PROFILE 1 2 3 4 Name : Mr.B.Raj mohan Date of Birth : 18.6.1986 Educational Qualification : M.E Work Experience i) Teaching : 2.4 Years ii) Research : Nil iii) Industry : Nil iv) Others : Nil 5 Area of Specializations : Image processing, Data mining and warehousing . 6 Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : i)Object Oriented Programming ii)software engineering, iii)Java programming, iv)C# and .NET v)Service oriented architecture vi)Database management system Post Graduate Level : Nil 7 Research guidance Master’s : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8 No.of papers published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences : 1 9 Projects carried out : Nil 10 Patents : Nil 11 Technology Transfer : Nil 12 Research Publications : Nil 13 No. of Books published with details : Nil 14 No of conferences attended :1 15 No of workshops/seminars attended : 3 16 Involvement in other activities Dept College : Lab In-charge, Dept Alumni coordinator : Career guidance cell member 202 FACULTY PROFILE 1 2 3 4 Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience i) Teaching ii) Research iii) Industry iv) Others 5 Area of Specializations 6 Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Post Graduate Level Research guidance Master’s Ph.D No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences Projects carried out Patents Technology Transfer Research Publications No. of Books published with details No of conferences attended No of workshops/seminars attended Involvement in other activities Dept InCollege : Mr.C.Kathirvel : 25.09.1985 : M.E : : : : : 1.4 Year Nil Nil Nil Software Engineering : i) Network programming and management ii) Service oriented architecture iii) Mobile communication : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :2 :1 : Faculty advisor, Class in charge, R & T Lab charge : Anti-ragging committee member 203 FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualifications 4. Work experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects teaching at a. Undergraduate Level b. Post Graduate level : Ms.M.Subhashini : 02.06.1985 : M.E. : : 1 Year : Nil : Nil : Nil : Network Security, DBMS : i)Software Engineering ii)System Software iii)Software Project Management iv)Unix lab : Nil 7. Research Guidance Masters : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals - Nil International Journals - Nil Conferences -1 9. Projects carried out - Nil 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - Nil 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil 14.No. of conferences attended - Nil 15.No of workshops/seminars attended -1 16. Involvement in other activities of Department Dept : Lab in charge, Class-In Charge Project Coordinator College : Anti-Ragging Committee Career Guidance 204 FACULTY PROFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience i. ii. iii. iv. : Mr.Balashankar.M : 24.07.1986 : M.E i) Teaching ii) Research iii) Industry iv) Others : : : : 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at 7Months Nil Nil Nil : Computer networks i. Under Graduate Level : i) Operating system ii) Information theory &coding : Nil ii. Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance i. Master’s ii. Ph.D : Nil : Nil 8. No.of papers published in i. National Journals ii. International Journals iii. Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil 9. Projects carried out : Nil 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities Dept College : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Weak student coordinator : Hostel warden, ITC Mamber 205 FACULTY PROFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience - Teaching - Research - Industry - Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D 8. No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities Dept College : Mr.M.Maravarman : 26.12.1983 : M.E : : : : : 7 Months Nil 2.5 Years Nil Networks : i) Computer networks ii) OOPs : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 1 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :2 : Nil : Disciplinary committee member : CCNA network academy member 206 FACULTY PROFILE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience i) Teaching ii) Research iii) Industry iv) Others Area of Specializations Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level Research guidance Master’s Ph.D No.of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences Projects carried out Patents Technology Transfer Research Publications No. of Books published with details No of conferences attended No of workshops/seminars attended Involvement in other activities Dept College : Mr.S.Sivamurugan : 15.05.1985 : M.E : : : : : 6Months Nil Nil Nil Software Engineering : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Faculty advisor : Disciplinary committee member 207 FACULTY PROFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Date of Birth Educational Qualification Work Experience i. ii. iii. iv. : Mr. K.Kamal kishore : 20.07.1982 : M.Tech. i) Teaching ii) Research iii) Industry iv) Others : : : : 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at 5.5 Years Nil 2.0 years Nil : Network security, Data mining i. Under Graduate Level : i) Software Engineering ii) Computer Networks iii) Cryptography and network security iv) Design and analysis of algorithm v) OOAD vi)Web Technology ii. Post Graduate Level : Nil 7. Research guidance i. Master’s ii. Ph.D : Nil : Nil 8. No.of papers published in i. National Journals ii. International Journals iii. Conferences : Nil : Nil : 1 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No. of Books published with details 14. No of conferences attended 15. No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities Dept committee in : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :1 :1 : Guest lecture in charge, class charge. : Disciplinary committee member College 208 FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualifications 4. Work experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specializations : Mr.G.Vignesh Chakkaravarthy : 03.07.1989 : M.Tech. : : 5 Months : Nil : Nil : Nil : Computer Networks, Mobile Computing, Wireless Networks & Network Security 6. Subjects teaching at a. Undergraduate Level : i) Environmental Science ii) Fundamentals of Computing 7. Research Guidance Masters : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :2 9. Projects carried out : Nil 10. Patents : Nil 11. Technology Transfer : Nil 12. Research Publications : Nil 13. No of Books Published with details : Nil 14. No. of conferences attended :2 15. No of workshops/seminars attended :2 16. Involvement in other activities of Department : Dept : Slip Test Coordinator, Result Analysis In charge College: Disciplinary committee 209 FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualifications 4. Work experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects teaching at a. Undergraduate Level b. Post Graduate level : Ms.K.Bhuvanalakshmi : 20.09.1988 : M.Tech. : : 5 Months : Nil : Nil : Nil : Cloud Computing and Android : i) c# and .Net framework ii) Fundamentals of computer Programming : Nil 7. Research Guidance Masters : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences :1 9. Projects carried out : Nil 10. Patents : Nil 11. Technology Transfer : Nil 12. Research Publications : Nil 13. No of Books Published with details : Nil 14.No. of conferences attended :1 15.No of workshops/seminars attended : Nil 16. Involvement in other activities of Department : Dept : Newsletter in charge, Website in charge Class in Charge College: Disciplinary committee 210 FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualifications 4. Work experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects teaching at : Mr.M.Silambarasan : 09.07.1987 : M.Tech. : : 5 Months : Nil : Nil : Nil : Computer Networks a. Undergraduate Level : i) Computer Networks b. Post Graduate level : Nil ii) Data Structures Lab 7. Research Guidance Masters : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences : Nil 9. Projects carried out : Nil 10. Patents : Nil 11. Technology Transfer : Nil 12. Research Publications : Nil 13. No of Books Published with details : Nil 14.No. of conferences attended : Nil 15.No of workshops/seminars attended :1 16. Involvement in other activities of Department : Dept : Portion Coverage In charge, Attendance In charge College: Disciplinary committee 211 FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualifications 4. Work experience Teaching Research : Mr.S.Sathappan : 20.09.1976 : M.E., : : 12 Years : Nil Industry Others 5. Area of Specializations Security 6. Subjects teaching at :2 : Nil : Data Mining, Cryptography and Network a. Undergraduate Level : i) Computer Graphics ii) Java Programming iii) Cryptography and Network Security iv) Operating System v) Database Management Systems vi) Object Oriented Analysis and Design b. Post Graduate level : Nil 7. Research Guidance Masters : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : Nil Conferences : Nil 9. Projects carried out : Nil 10. Patents : Nil 11. Technology Transfer : Nil 12. Research Publications : Nil 13. No of Books Published with details : Nil 14.No. of conferences attended : Nil 15.No of workshops/seminars attended :2 16. Involvement in other activities of Department : Dept : Project Coordinator, Faculty Advisor. College: Disciplinary committee 212 FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Educational Qualifications 4. Work experience Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specializations Warehousing 6. Subjects teaching at a. Undergraduate Level : Mrs.J.Rajeswari : 23.02.1984 : M.E. : : 5.1 Years : Nil : Nil : Nil : Computer Networks, Data Mining & : i) Fundamentals Of Computing ii) Object Oriented Paradigms iii) Data mining & warehousing iv) Operating system v) Data Structures and Algorithms vi) Object Oriented Analysis and Design b. Post Graduate level 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer 12. Research Publications 13. No of Books Published with details 14.No. of conferences attended 15.No of workshops/seminars attended 16. Involvement in other activities of : : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :3 : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :4 :6 Dept : Result Analysis, Faculty advisor. Class in charge College: Disciplinary committee 213 FACULTY-PROFILE Chemical Engineering FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : Dr. R. RAJASEKARAN 2. Date of Birth : 25 – 12 – 1957 3. Educational Qualifications : B.E. (Chem) - I Class with Distinction. M.S (Engg Mgt) Excellent Grade Ph.D (Chemical Engg.) 4. Work Experience : - 12 Years Nil 20 Years 5. Area of Specializations : Chemical Engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level : Heat Transfer Chemical process industries I&II Safety in chemical process industries Professional Ethics : Nil : : Nil Nil : : : Nil 2 13 - MODROBS (3.6 LAKHS) (2011-12) – 1 Teaching Research Industry Postgraduate Level 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out no UG Projects - 20 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - 15 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil 214 1. Name : S.VELMURUGAN 2. Date of Birth : 08.06.1968 3. Educational Qualifications : AMIE Chemical M.E Chemical- I Class (Ph.D) (Chemical Engg.) 4. Work Experience : - 13½ years Nil 2 years Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Chemical Engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level : Chemical Reaction Engineering Chemical Process Calculations Materials Technology Environmental Science & Engineering Total Quality Management Chemical Process Industries Chemical Process Equipment Design : Nil : : Nil Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences : : : Nil 1 10 9. Projects carried out - TNCST Sponsored Projects – 2 nos MODROBS (3.6 LAKHS) – 1 no UG Projects - 20 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - 1 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil Teaching Research Industry Others Postgraduate Level 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D 215 1. Name : A.BABU PONNUSAMI 2. Date of Birth : 09.06.1978 3. Educational Qualifications : B.Tech (Chemical) - I Class M.E (Environmental Management)*Gold hoto Medal Ph.D (Chemical Engg.) 4. Work Experience : - 13 years Nil Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Environmental Engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level : Process instrumentation, dynamics&control Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Bio chemical engineering Advances in pollution control Mass Transfer-I&II Heat Transfer : Nil : : Nil Nil : : : Nil 5 10 9. Projects carried out - IEDC (1 Lakh) – 1 no UG Project – 20 10. Patents 11. Technology Transfer - Nil Nil 12. Research Publications - 5 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil Teaching Research Industry Others Postgraduate Level 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 216 1. Name : T.SIVAKUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 02.06.1979 3. Educational Qualifications : B.E Chemical - I Class M.Tech Chemical - I Class with Distn. 4. Work Experience : - 8.5 years Nil 1 Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Chemical Engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level : Transport Phenomena Chemical Reaction Engineering Mass Transfer Heat transfer operations Computer applications in chemical engg. Food techology Chemical Process Industries Total Quality Management : Nil : : Nil Nil : : : Nil 2 4 9. Projects carried out - UG Projects – 10 nos 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - 3 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil Teaching Research Industry Others Postgraduate Level 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 217 1. Name : G.VIJAYARAGHAVAN 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 06-08-1980 3. Educational Qualifications : B.Tech. Chemical (I Class) M.Tech (I Class with Distinction) 4. Work experience : - 8.5 years Nil Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Chemical Engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level : Bio Chemical Engg. Process Plant Utilities Heat transfer operations Mass transfer-II Fluid Mechanics : Nil : : Nil Nil - 2 3 8 9. Projects carried out - UG Projects – 10 nos PG Project – 1no 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - 3 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil Teaching Research Industry Others Postgraduate Level 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 218 1. Name : G.SARASWATHY 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 16-10-1980 3. Educational Qualifications Distinction : B.Tech.Chemical -I Class with 4. Work experience : - 5 ½ years Nil Nil Nil : Chemical Engineering M.E (EnvironmentalMgt) - I Class Teaching Research Industry Others 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level Postgraduate Level : Heat transfer Process Economics & Industrial management Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics Mechanical Operations Professional Ethics Chemical process equipment design : Nil : : Nil Nil - Nil Nil 11 9. Projects carried out - UG Projects – 5 nos 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - Nil 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 219 1. Name : Dr.K.P.Gopinath 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 03-06-1982 3. Educational Qualifications : B.Tech. Chemical - I Class M.Tech Industrial Biotech - I Class Ph.D Chemical Engg 4. Work experience : Teaching Research Industry Others - 5 years Nil 1 Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level : Chemical Process Calculations Environmental Science & Engineering Materials Technology Energy Engineering Chemical Reaction Engineering – II Transport Phenomena Biochemical Engineering : Environmental Biotechnology 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D : : 1 Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences 9. Projects carried out - Nil 8 20 UG Projects – 10 nos Postgraduate Level PG – 1no 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - 8 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil 220 1. Name : G.MANIKANDAN 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 29-06-1980 3. Educational Qualifications : B.Tech. Chemical - I Class M.Tech (PRPC)- I Class 4. Work experience : Teaching Research Industry Others - 8 years Nil Nil Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Chemical Engineering 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level : Mass transfer-I & II Mechanics of Solids Mechanical operations Fertilizer Technology Safety in chemical process industries Professional Ethics : Nil 7. Research Guidance Masters Ph.D : : Nil Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals International Journals Conferences - Nil Nil 03 9. Projects carried out - UG Projects – 03 nos 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - Nil 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil Postgraduate Level 221 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 1. Name : G. SUMATHI 2. Date of Birth : 11.06.1975 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : M.Sc., M.Phil.,(Ph.D) 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : FLUID MECHANICS : Nil : 10 years :6 : Nil : Nil : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Random process. Probability and Statistics, Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. Post Graduate Level : Applied Operation Research (MBA), Applied Mathematics for Electronics Engg.(ME. VLSI) Statistical Methods and Queueing Theory (M.E.Construction & Mgmt.) Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engg.(M.E., PED) 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in National Journals International Journals Conferences : Nil : Doing : : 1 : 2 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : 3 articles 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 222 1.Name : L. BARANI KUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 09-05-1977 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil. (Ph.D) 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : 3 years : 9.6 years : 4 years : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals : - International Journals - Conferences : Graph Theory. : Engg. MathematicsI, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Random process. Probability and Statistics, Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. : Applied Operation Research (MBA), Applied Mathematics for Electronics Engg.(ME. VLSI) Statistical Methods and Queueing Theory (M.E.Construction & Mgmt.) Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engg.(M.E., PED) : NIL : NIL NIL : 2 : 1 8. Projects carried out 9. Patents 10. Technology Transfer 11. Research Publications : NIL : NIL : NIL : 3 Articles 12. No. of Books published with details : 3 1. Engineering Mathematics - I 2. Engineering Mathematics - I I 3. Transforms and PDE for first year and second year B.E/B.Tech students of Anna University- Chennai. 223 1. Name : B.THENMOZHI 2. Date of Birth : 09.02.1981 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : Nil : 7.5 years : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Mathematics 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods,Discrete Maths, Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. : Applied Operation Research(M.E., CSE) Applied Mathematics for Thermal Engg.(M.E., Thermal Engg) Applied Operation Research (MBA) : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 224 1. Name : R.RADHA 2. Date of Birth : 6.3.1980 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : 1.5 years : 5.2 years : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Mathematics : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. :Applied Mathematics for Electronics Engg.(ME. VLSI),Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engg.(M.E.), Statistics for Management(MBA) : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 225 1. Name : N.BALAMURUGAN 2. Date of Birth : 11.05.1978 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : 5. Area of Specializations : Discrete Mathmatics 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : Nil 8.8 years Nil Nil Nil : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Random process. Probability and Statistics, Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. :Operations research (M.E., CSE), Applied Mathematics for Thermal Engg.(ME. Thermal) Statistical Methods and Queueing Theory (M.E.Construction & Mgmt.) . 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil : Nil 226 1. Name : J.ANTONY NISHA 2. Date of Birth : 12.01.1984 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations : Mathematics 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences Nil 5 years Nil Nil Nil : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. : Statistics for Management (MBA), Applied Mathematics for Electronics Engg.(ME. VLSI) Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engg.(M.E., PED) : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 227 1. Name : B.ANJANADEVI 2. Date of Birth : 02.06.1977 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : 4 years : 8.4 years : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Mathematics 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods,Discrete Maths, Random Process,Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. :Applied Mathematics for Electronics Engg.(ME. VLSI) Applied Mathematics for Thermal Engg.(M.E., Thermal) : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 228 1.Name : K.RANGARAJAN 2. Date of Birth : 24-05-1983 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : NIL : 5.2 years : NIL : NIL : NIL 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals : - International Journals - Conferences 8. Projects carried out : Operation Research : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Probability and Random process, Probability and Statistics, Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. : Applied Mathematics for Thermal Engg.(M.E., Thermal) Statistical Methods and Queueing Theory (M.E.Construction & Mgmt.) Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engg.(M.E., PED) : NIL : NIL : NIL : NIL : NIL : NIL 9. Patents : NIL 10. Technology Transfer : NIL 11. Research Publications 12. No. of Books published with details : NIL : NIL 229 1. Name : P.K.SARAVANAN 2. Date of Birth : 10.12.1984 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : Nil : 5 years : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Fuzzy logic and Application 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, : Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineers(ME., PED) : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 230 1. Name : P.BALAKRISHNAN 2. Date of Birth : 29.04.1981 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil.,(Ph.D) 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : Nil : 8 years : 1 year : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Stochastic Process 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Random process. Probability and Statistics, Statistics and Numerical Methods, Probability and Queueing Theory. : Statistical Methods and Queueing Theory(M.E.) Applied Mathematics for Thermal Engg.(ME) : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 231 1. Name : G.IYYAPPAN 2. Date of Birth : 2.06.1988 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : Nil : 1.6 years : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Differential Equations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Probability and Statistics, Statistics and Numerical Methods, : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 232 1. Name : M.GANESHKUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 18.03.1986 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil.,B.Ed 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : 9 Month : 1 years : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Stochastic Process 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Statistics and Numerical Methods. : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 233 1. Name : R.MURUGAN 2. Date of Birth : 29.05.1975 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : Nil : 9 years : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Statistics 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Random process. Statistics and Numerical Methods, :Applied Operations Research (MBA), Statistics for Management (MBA) Resource Management Techniques(MCA) Applied Mathematics for Electronics Engg.(M.E.,VLSI) : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 234 1. Name : D.DINESHKUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 15.7.1985 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil.,B.Ed 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : Nil : 3.3 years : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Graph Theory 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engg. Mathematics I, II, Transforms and PDE, Numerical Methods, Statistics and Numerical Methods. : Applied Operations Research(M.E) : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 235 Department of Science and Humanities : Physics 1. Name : Dr. G. BALAJI 2. Date of Birth : 05.07.1970 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D. 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : 06 months : 15 years : 07 Years : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Solid State Physics 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engineering Physics – I, II & Material Science : Electronic Devices, Electro magnetic Theory, Electronics, Microprocessor : Nil : Nil : 02 : Nil : 10 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : 02 12. No. of Books published with details : 03 Engineering Physics – I Engineering Physics – II Physics Laboratory – I & II Manual Signature 236 1. Name : M. MAHADEVAN 2. Date of Birth : 21.06.1980 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc. M.Phil., B.Ed., PGDCA, (Ph.D.) 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : 2.7 years : 6.4 years : 3 year : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Solid state physics/Crystal growth 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : Physics-I, Physics – II and Material science : Nil 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 10 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 237 1. Name : P.HARIPRIYA 2. Date of Birth : 15.05.1976 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : Nil : 8.5years : 1.6 years : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s (M.Phil.) Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International JournalsConferences - Conferences : Quantum Physics, Ultrasonics, Nuclear Physics, Electronics, Mathematical physics : Physics - I & II, Material Science : Nil : Nil : Nil : : : : 1 Nil Nil Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications :1 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 238 1. Name : Dr. V. VIJAYASUNDARAM 2. Date of Birth : 07.11.1983 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D. 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : Nil : 3 years & 3 Months : 3 Years 7 months : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Applied Spectroscopy and Bio-Physics 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Engineering Physics–I, Engineering Physics–II, Physics Laboratory–I & II : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil :15 :10 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : 15 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 239 1. Name : Sivaramakirshnan.V 2. Date of Birth : 24.03.1978 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others :2 : 7 Years & 2 Months : Nil : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Material Science, Electronics 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : Engineering physics I & II : Nil 7. Research guidance Master’s (M.Phil.) Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International JournalsConferences - Conferences : Nil : Nil : : : : Nil Nil Nil Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 240 1. Name : USHARANI.L 2. Date of Birth : 23.04.1985 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s (M.Phil) Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International JournalsConferences - Conferences NIL 4.3 NIL NIL NIL : Ultrasonics, Mathematical Physics, Electronics : Physics-I, Physics-II & Mathematics science : NIL : NIL : NIL : NIL : NIL : NIL : NIL 8. Projects carried out : NIL 9. Patents : NIL 10. Technology Transfer : NIL 11. Research Publications : NIL 12. No. of Books published with details : NIL Signature 241 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : Dr. N. PAPPAYEE 2. Date of Birth : 30-09-1973 3. Educational Qualifications : M.Sc., Ph.D 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : Nil 11 years 15 years : Nil : Nil 5. Area of Specializations : Physical Chemistry 6. Subjects teaching at Undergraduate Level : Engg. Chemistry-I&II, Organic Chemistry, IMA, Environmental Science & Physical Chemistry. Postgraduate Level 7. Research Guidance : Nil : Anna University recognized Ph.D supervisor Masters : Nil Ph.D : Nil 8. No of Papers Published in National Journals : Nil International Journals : 04 Conferences : 16 9. Projects carried out -1 10. Patents - Nil 11. Technology Transfer - Nil 12. Research Publications - 10 13. No of Books Published with details - Nil 242 1. Name : Mrs. J. LOGESWARI 2. Date of Birth : 05-06-1978 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil., (Ph.D) 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations : General Chemistry 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Nil 10.5 years 7 years Nil Nil : Engg. Chemistry-I&II, Organic Chemistry, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Environmental Methods of Analysis Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 3 : 6 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : 3 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 243 1. Name : Mrs. S. SAKTHI RAADHA 2. Date of Birth : 06/04/1966 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M. Phil,(Ph.D) 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations : General Chemistry. 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level 6 years 7.7 years 4.3 Nil Nil : Engg.Chemistry-I&II, Environmental Science & Engg, Organic chemistry, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Physical Chemistry. Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 4 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 244 1. Name : Ms. S. MANIMEGHALAI 2. Date of Birth : 11.06.1983 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : M.Sc.,M.Phil., 5. Area of Specializations : General Chemistry 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : : : : : 2.3 years 5 years 2.9 years Nil Nil : Environmental Science&Engg, Engg.ChemistryI&II, Physical chemistry, organic chemistry Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 245 1. Name : Ms. S. UDHAYA VANI 2. Date of Birth : 26.12.1981 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D) 5. Area of Specializations : General Chemistry 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Engg.Chemistry- : Environmental Science, Engg, : : : : : Nil 5.6 years 4 Yrs Nil Nil I&II & Organic Chemistry Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil : 02 : 01 : 06 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : 04 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 246 1. Name : Mrs. D. SHANTHI 2. Date of Birth : 01.07.1969 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,B.Ed., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations : General Chemistry 10 years 8 years. 2 .8 years Nil Nil 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Engg.Chemistry- : Environmental Science&Engg, I&II. Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 247 1. Name : Mrs.R. JOTHIRANI 2. Date of Birth : 04.04.1973 3. Educational Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil., B. Ed., 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations : General Chemistry 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Engg.Chemistry- : Environmental Science&Engg, 2 Years 10.3 years 2 years Nil Nil I&II. Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 248 1. Name : K.MARAGATHAVEL 2. Date of Birth : 16.04.1977 3. Educational Qualification :M.A., M.Phil ,B.Ed. 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences 12 years 04 years Nil Nil Nil : Indian Literature : Technical English for B.E/B.Tech, Communication Skills laboratory. : Nil : Nil : In Progress : Nil : Nil : 01 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 249 1. Name : P.DWARAKANATHAN 2. Date of Birth : 30.11.1967 3. Educational Qualification :M.A., M.Phil ,B.Ed. 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences 12 years 05 years Nil Nil Nil : English Literature : Technical English for B.E/B.Tech, Communication Skills laboratory. : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 01 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 250 1. Name : V.SRISHAILA 2. Date of Birth : 02.05.1977 3. Educational Qualification :M.A., M.Phil. 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences Nil 7 years Nil Nil Nil : Women Studies : Technical English for B.E/B.Tech, Communication Skills laboratory. : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 05 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 251 1. Name : G.SATHYA 2. Date of Birth : 02.05.1985 3. Educational Qualification :M.A., M.Phil. 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences Nil 04 years Nil Nil Nil : English Literature : Technical English for B.E/B.Tech, Communication Skills laboratory. : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : 01 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 252 1. Name 2. Date of Birth :Z.JUSTIN : 16.04.1977 3. Educational Qualification :M.A., M.Phil ,B.Ed. 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : : : : : 5. Area of Specializations 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals - Conferences 08 years 04 years Nil Nil Nil : English Literature : Technical English for B.E/B.Tech, Communication Skills laboratory. : Nil : Nil : In Progress : Nil : Nil : 01 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 253 1. Name : R.KIRUBAN 2. Date of Birth : 02.06.1952 3. Educational Qualification 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School - Teaching in College - Research - Industry - Others : M.A., B.Ed., M.L.I.S., 5. Area of Specializations : Library 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level : Nil : Nil 7. Research guidance Master’s Ph.D. No. of papers published in - National Journals - International Journals Conferences : : : : : Nil 26 years Nil Nil Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil 254 1. Name : K. KANNIYAPPAN 2. Date of Birth : 22.06.1981 3. Educational Qualification : B.P.E.S., B.P.Ed., M.P.Ed., M.Phil. 4. Work Experience - Teaching in School : 1 year - Teaching in College : 2 year - Research : Nil - Industry : Nil - Others : NIL 5. Area of Specializations : Athletic 6. Subjects Teaching at Under Graduate Level : Nil Post Graduate Level : Nil 7. Research guidance Master’s : Nil Ph.D : Nil No. of papers published in : Nil - National Journals : - International Journals : Nil - Conferences : Nil 8. Projects carried out : Nil 9. Patents : Nil 10. Technology Transfer : Nil 11. Research Publications : Nil 12. No. of Books published with details : Nil Signature 255 VIII. FEE Details of fee, as approved by State fee Committee, for the Institution. i) B.E./B.Tech Degree Courses (non-accredited) ii) B.E./B.Tech Degree courses (Accredited) - Rs.32,500/Rs.40,000/- Time Schedule for payment of fee for the entire programme (Last date for payment of fees) - 15 days from the date of re-open No. of fee waivers granted with amount and name of the student Name 1. M.Surendra Babu 2. V.Sakthi Satheesh 3. Jothilakshmi Class IV B.E. (ECE) IV B.E. (CSE) III B.E. (ECE) Amount of fees waived Rs. 40,000/Rs. 25,000/Rs. 5,000/- Number of scholarship offered by the institute, duration and amount : Nil Criteria for fee waivers/scholarship Sons & daughters of employees of low income group working at Trust/Institutions Estimated cost of Boarding and Lodging in Hostels. i) Room rent & establishment charges per year Rs.7000/- per month ii) Boarding Rs. 1400/- per month 256 IX. ADMISSION Number of seats sanctioned with the year of approval Courses B.E. Civil B.E. Mech B.E. EEE B.E. ECE B.E. CSE B.Tech I.T. B.Tech Chem Total 2012-13 Sanctioned No. of intake students admitted 60 59 120 124 60 51 120 119 120 97 120 92 40 33 640 575 2011-12 Sanctioned No. of intake students admitted 60 56 120 115 60 51 120 116 120 114 120 105 40 33 640 590 2010-11 Sanctioned No. of intake students admitted 60 57 120 116 60 59 120 111 120 104 120 107 40 36 640 590 Number of students admitted under various categories each year in the least three years. Branch 2012-13 2011-12 MQ LAP GQ MQ LAP GQ Civil 23 0 36 16 0 40 Mech 49 0 75 43 0 72 EEE 14 0 37 9 0 42 ECE 46 0 73 26 0 90 CSE 31 0 66 22 0 92 IT 06 0 86 12 0 93 Chem 04 0 29 7 0 26 Total 173 0 402 135 0 455 MQ – Management Quota GQ – Govt. Quota 2010-11 MQ LAP GQ 16 0 41 42 0 74 11 0 48 28 0 83 10 0 94 17 0 90 5 0 31 129 0 461 LAP – Lapsed Seats Number of applications received during last two years for admission under Management Quota and number admitted. 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 No. of No. of No. of Number of Number of Number of Branch students students students applicatio application application admitted admitted admitted n received received received under MQ under MQ under MQ Civil 23 16 16 250 334 Mech 49 43 42 (150 (Common (Common EEE 14 09 11 Common application application ECE 46 26 28 application for all for all CSE 31 22 10 for all branches) branches) I.T. 06 12 17 branches) Chem 04 07 5 257 X. ADMISSION PROCEDURE Mention the admission test being followed, name and address of the Test Agency and its URL (Website) Admission Test being followed : Name & Address of the test Agency : Number of seats allotted & different Tests qualified candidates separately : Admission test cancelled in Tamil Nadu from 2007-2008. Not Applicable 65% seats filled by State Govt. and 35% seats are filled by Management based on merit (AIEEE/CET (State conduct test/ University tests)/Association conducted test) Calendar for admission against Management/vacant seats: : i) Last date for request for applications : 14th day from the date of publication of HSc results (by 4th June) ii) Last date of submission of application : 15 days from the date of publication of HSc result (by 5th June) iii) Dates for announcing final results : by 10th June iv) Release of admission list : by 12th June v) Date for acceptance by candidate : by 20th June vi) Last date for closing of admission : As decided by the State Govt. vii) Starting of the Academic session : As decided by the University viii)The waiting list should be activitated only on the expiry of date of main list. ix) The Policy of refund of fee, in case of withdrawal, should be clearly notified : 90% of the fee will be returned : if the candidate discontinued before the end of July. 258 XI. CRITERIA AND WEIGHTAGES FOR ADMISSION Describe each criteria with its respective weightages i.e. Admission Test, marks in qualifying examination etc., Admission Test - No admission test in Tamil Nadu from 2007-2008. Marks in the qualifying Exams - 200 marks Mention the minimum level of acceptance if any Minimum marks of acceptance OC - an average of 55% in Maths, Physics, Chemistry BC - an average of 50% in Maths, Physics, Chemistry MBC - an average of 45% in Maths, Physics, Chemistry ST/SC - Pass in + 2 Mention the cut-off levels of percentage & percentile scores of the candidates in the admission test for the last three years. Community OC BC BCM MBC SC SCA ST 2012-13 Highest Lowest 178.00 144.75 184.00 121.50 186.50 115.00 183.00 119.50 161.25 92.00 159.25 97.75 88.25 88.25 2011-12 Highest Lowest 189.25 156.75 190.00 115.00 147.75 112.50 195.75 136.25 172.00 101.75 91.00 86.00 138.25 138.25 2010-2011 Highest Lowest 177.50 153.00 190.00 145.00 178.50 155.25 180.00 145.50 170.00 144.75 113.00 93.00 128.00 128.00 Display marks scored in Test etc. and in aggregate for all candidates who were admitted. List Enclosed 259 Item No I - XI must be given in information brochure and must be hosted as fixed content in the website of the Institution. The Website must be dynamically updated with regard to XII–XV. XII. Application Form Downloadable application form, with online submission possibilities. 260 Om Sakthi ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to Anna University of Technology Chennai, Accredited by NBA & ISO 9001:2008 Certified) MELMARUVATHUR - 603 319. KANCHEEPURAM DIST. TAMILNADU, INDIA. Phone: (STD-044) 27529247, 27529502, 27529584 FAX : 044 27529094 APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION TO B.E. / B.Tech. DEGREE COURSE IN I/II YEAR INSTRUCTIONS a) Read all the instructions carefully before filling up the application form. b) Make √ in the appropriate box wherever applicable. c) The Candidates should ensure that correct marks, age and community are furnished in the application form. The candidate is informed that after proper scrutiny, if it is found that the particulars furnished by him / her in the application form are not correct, then Space for affixing Passport size photograph (i) he/she will be forfeit the admission, no matter at what stage of the course he/she will be in, at the time. (ii) he/she will be debarred from pursuing any course of study for a period of three years. (iii) legal action will be instituted against him/her for furnishing wrong details/documents. 1. Name (in BLOCK letters with initials at the end) :... Address for Communication :... 261 Pin code ... 2. Sex : Male 3. Date of Birth (Christian era) : ... ................................ (Age as on 1.7.200.....) Date 4. a) Community b) Name of Caste (in case of BC/MBC/DNC/SC/ST only) :... 262 Female Month Years Months Year Days ST SC MBC/DNC BC FC 1 2 3 4 5 5. Mother Tongue :... 6. Name of the Parent/Guardian :... a) Residential Address :... :... 7. Telephone Number (Residence) : 8. Occupation of the Parent/Guardian with details of designation, department and office address : :... : ... Telephone Number : (Office)... 9) Monthly Income of Parent / Guardian : 10. Proficiency in Sports and Games Represented Nation 11. Place of Birth State Dist. : ... Village/town/city 12.Are you a Citizen of India? Yes 13.Choice of Branch in the Order of Preference 1. .. Not applicable District State No 2. .. 3. .. 4. .. 5. .. 14. Extracurricular activities (Original certificates must be produced at the time of admission) Yes No Yes No a) Sports d) Social Service b) Games e) Other extra curricular activities c) N.C.C 15.Academic Performance (X Std. and HSC) Sl. No. Name of the School with Address (1) (2) (3) (4) 263 Class Years of Passing 16.Qualifying Examination (encircle the appropriate Code No.) Regd. No. ................ .. Year of Passing ... ......... . Name of the Institution ... HSC HSC Examination Diploma PDC/Inter Vocational Academic Code No. 1 2 3 17. Medium of Instruction 4 ISC HSC (Central School) 5 6 Others 7 : ... 18. Marks obtained in the qualifying examination in HSC / equivalent Subject (i) ACADEMIC Marks Maximum obtained Marks :- Subject Maths (M) Maths Physics (P) Physics (ii) VOCATIONAL Marks Maximum obtained Marks Chemistry Chemistry (C) Vocational Subjects Average % of above subjects : Average % of above subjects : Subject Code * (i) (ii) (iii) DIPLOMA EXAMINATION Pre-final Semester Final Semester Subject Marks Maximum Marks Maximum obtained Marks Code * obtained Marks (i) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (v) (v) (vi) (vi) Total Average % of Marks = Total Average % of Marks = Marks out of 200:(% in Pre-final Semester +% in Final Semester) = ... * Enter Subject Code Only 264 19. Marks in the Qualifying Subjects (out of 200) : 20. Age & No. of appearance : a) Age (completed years) as on 1.7.200 : b) No. of appearances (including : improvement) c) Nativity : Tamil Nadu / Other State Signature of the applicant < 21. Certificate of marks in qualifying examination: (To be attested by a Headmaster/Principal/Gazetted Officer of Central/State Government) a) Qualifying Examination Name of the school last studied with Address : b) University / Board : c) Number of Appearance(s) : d) Reg. Number with month and year of appearance(s): (i) First appearance (i) Second appearance (i) Third appearance (Reg. No.) (e) PUC/HSC (Academic) (Month) Equivalent (Year) HSC (Vocation) Part I Tamil or Language :... ............ out of ... Part I Tamil or Language :... ........... . out of ... Part II English ... ............. ..:... ..... ... out of ... Part II English ... ............. ..:... ..... ... out of ... Part III Maths ... ............. ...:... ......... out of ... Part III Maths ... ............. ...:... ..... ... out of ... Physics ... ...............:... ..... ... out of ... Physics ... .............. .:... ..... ... out of ... Chemistry ... ...... ...:... ..... ... out of ... Chemistry ... ...... ...:... ..... ... out of ... Elective ... ............................ .:... ..... ... out of ... Name of the Vocational Subjects Total ... ................................. ..:... ..... .. out of ... 1. Theory ... ....................... .:... ........ .out of ... 2. Practical ... .................... .:............. out of ... 3. .. .................................................. out of ... Total .................................................... .. out of ... 265 (F) DIPLOMA Pre-final Semester Sub Code Final Semester Sub Code : : (i) ... ......................... ...:................ ... out of ... (i) ................................ .:... ............ . out of ... (ii) ... ......................... ..:... ................ . out of ... (ii) ... ......................... ...:................ .. out of ... (iiii) ... ......................... .:... ................ . out of ... (iiii) ... ......................... ..:... ............. ... out of ... (iv) ... ......................... .:... ................ ..out of ... (iv) ... ............................:... ............ .. out of ... (v) ... ......................... ..:... ............... . out of ... (v) ... ......................... ...:... ............ .. out of ... (vi) ... ......................... .:... ................ ..out of ... (vi) ... ......................... ..:... ............ ... out of ... Total... .........................:... ................ . out of ... Total... ......................... .:... ............. ... out of ... (g) Date of birth ... ........................ (as found in SSLC or its equivalent certificate) Certified that the above entries in Col. 21(a) to (g) are the true extracts from the relevant Original Certificates of Thiru / Selvi ... Signature of the Head of the Institution or Gazetted Officer Name and Designation Station : Date : Office Seal (h) Certificate of Proficiency in Sports and Games Certified that Thiru / Selvi ... ...................................................................... .. is proficient in Sports / Games. He / She represented the Nation / State / District in ... (please specify the game) His / Her status in the team was ... ........................... (Captain / Vice Captain / Player / Athlete). Any special achievements ... Station : Date : Office Seal 266 Signature of the Head of the Institution IMPORTANT PARTICULARS (Columns 1 to 4 to be filled up by the Candidate) 1. Name and Address : 2. Age as on 1.7.200... : 3. Qualifying Exam : (i) For PUC/HSC (Academic) : Average % of Marks in MPC : (ii) For HSC (Vocational) : Average % of Marks in Related Sub & Voc: (iii) Diploma Examination : Average % of Marks in Pre final & Final Sem. 4. Community : : BC / MBC / DNC / SC / ST FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 5. Is the application form Complete? : Yes No Reasons for Rejection : Particulars verified by : Name ... .................... .. Signature ... Originals verified by : Name ... .................... .. Signature ... Counter signed by : Name ... .................... . Remarks of the Principal : Admit / Reject Signature ... Signature of Principal Approval of Vice President : 267 CERTIFICATE OF SOCIAL STATUS BC / MBC / DNC / SC / ST candidates should obtain a certificate of Social Status (Community Certificate) in the prescribed form (which is duly numbered and printed one) available with the Revenue Authorities concerned. Candidates have to produce original community certificate along with a xerox copy duly attested by Gasetted Officers of Grade A or B. Candidates are warned, that if the community recorded in the certificates produced by them from the competent authority is not included in the list of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Backward Class or MBC or DNT issued / signed by the competent authority, they will not be considered as belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Backward Class or MBC / DNT as the case may be. Such cases will be considered only along with ‘Others’ if a selection has been made already on the basis of community privilege which will be cancelled and they will be ranked along with others. If they are not qualified to be considered along with ‘Others’, their applications will be treated as rejected. The candidates are informed that the selection of candidates will be provisional, subject to their being found eligible on verification of their original certificates at the time of admission. The Director/Principal reserves the right of refusing to admit the candidates, if on verification of the original certificate, the candidate is found to be not eligible for admission or any suppression of particulars, if detected. Further, if the candidate is found to be ineligible at a later stage of his / her admission, the College has the right to cancel the admission at whatever stage, the candidate may be at that time. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examinations from a University / Board other than the Anna University / TNHSC and have been selected, will be admitted to the College provisionally, subject to their qualification being recognised by the Anna University / DOTE. The candidates concerned should, therefore write to the Registrar of the Anna University / DOTE in advance and obtain provisional eligibility certificate. If the qualification is not, for any reason, recognised by the University / DOTE the candidate will have to discontinue the course. (DOTE = Directorate of Technical Education) CERTIFICATE OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN TAMIL NADU 1. The above certificate need not be produced by: (a) Candidates who have passed the IX, X and H.S.C. Examinations or their equivalent examinations from a High School or College in the State of Tamil Nadu. (b) Children of Central Government Employees and Employees of Public Sector undertakings sponsored by the Government of India Serving in the State of Tamil Nadu. However they should produce a certificate from the Head of the Office / Undertakings. The parent of the candidate should be working in Tamil Nadu for a period of 5 years continuously at the time of submission of application. 4. (a) This certificate should first be signed by the Officer in charge of the Village or town concerned which is claimed as the place of permanent residence and it should be thereafter countersigned by an Officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of Tahsildar in the Taluk concerned. The certificate should not be issued by special Tahsildars, Deputy Tahsildars, such as Loans, Land acquisition, Election, Excise and HQs, Deputy Tahsildars, Special Deputy Collectors, Asst. Commissioner of Agricultural Income, Excise, Elections etc., (b) The certificate should bear the stamp of the office of the Officer signing the certificate. The certifying officers should insist upon clear proof of the permanent residence of the Parent or Guardian of the candidate and satisfy themselves of the genuineness of the residential qualification. They should be particularly careful in the case of candidates whose mother tongue is not Tamil and whose place of birth is outside the place mentioned in the certificate. 2. Any foreign national who has studied for 4 years in Tamil Nadu as specified in (a) above will not become eligible to apply for this course. No certificate of permanent residence in the State of Tamil Nadu should therefore be issued to Nationals of other countries for their purpose. 3. Other candidates who have not passed the IX, X and H.S.C. examination or other equivalent examinations from a High School or College in the State of Tamil Nadu school produce, in respect of the parent / guardian, certificates of permanent residence in the State of Tamil Nadu. 5. A person will not lose his permanent residence in the State merely on account of his absence from the State owing to his employment elsewhere in Government Serivce or if any occupation, trade, business or profession. 268 6. Government servants of Tamil Nadu and the employees of all the State Public Sector Undertakings and other Statutory Bodies will be deemed to have permanent residence in Tamil Nadu (Certificate from the Head of the Office should be furnished for their emplyment in Tamil Nadu). 7. If only one of the Parents of a candidate is alive, the State of Permanent residence of the surviving parent can alone be taken into account; if both the parents are dead, the candidate may choose the State of Permanent residence of the father or mother. The State of Permanent residence of a candidate’s guardian need be given (and will be taken into account) only if both the parents of the candidate are dead. The relationship of the guardian to the candidate should also be mentioned if both the parents are alive, only the State of Permanent residence of father should be taken into account. 8. The parent or parents of Tamil Nadu original living in other states can be allowed to admit their children on obtaining necessary permanent residence certificates from the authorities concerned in Tamil Nadu. (NOTE: This certificate should be issued by an officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of a Tahsildar in the Taluk concerned.) JOINT DECLARATION BY THE PARENT / GUARDIAN AND THE CANDIDATE 269 I hereby solemnly declare and sincerely affirm - 1. That the statements made and information furnished in my son’s / daughter’s / ward’s application as also in all the enclosures thereto submitted by him/her are true. Should it however be found that any information furnished there is untrue in material particulars, I realise that I am liable to criminal prosecution and I also agree to the forfeiture of his/her seat in the Institution. 2. That my son/daughter/ward would confirm strictly to all rules and regulations in force now introduced in the Institution hereafter that breach of discipline and rules on my son’s/daughter’s/ ward’s part would entail summarily forfeiture of his/her seat in the Institution. 3. That I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward does not put in minimum of 80 year in theory, drawing my son/daughter/ward will not be sent up for the University Examination. percent and or and which that of attendance practical classes may be realise during the separately, I 4. That I am aware that the curriculum for the various courses is not rigid and that my son/daughter/ward follow the syllabi for the various courses in force at time of his/her admission and that any revision or modification made in the syllabi during the course of his/ her study in the institution will be binding on him/her. Place: Date: 270 will the 5. That I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward does not get minimum of 50 percent of marks in the day to day valuation of his/her work and progress, he/she will not be sent up for the University Examination. 6. That in case of my son’s/daughter’s/ward’s progress in studies is uniformly poor in the Institution, his/her studies are liable to be terminated by the issue of Transfer Certificate. 7. That in case my son/daughter/ward become a scholarship holder or enjoys educational half fees or full fees, etc., and does progress or if his/her conduct and character are not good, the scholarships or educational concessions are liable to be cancelled. 8. That my son/daughter/ward is aware that breach of discipline and rules or bad conduct extra-curricular activities will forfeiture of seat in the Institution, in addition to such other proceedings that may be taken against him/her. 9. I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward is admitted in to the college/hostel, he/she rules and regulations in any breach of discipline or rules or any unruly conduct or undesirable activities will forfeiture of seat both, in addition to such other proceedings, that may be taken against him/her. 10.I am any ground. aware that fees once force will be the paid Signature of the Parent / Guardian: Signature of the Candidate: 271 in also in not the strictly NCC entain the summarily Institution will concessions show not / like special NSS or summarily abide by college/hostel dealt and be the and with hostel, by in refunded on Om Sakthi ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Anna University) MELMARUVATHUR - 603 319. TAMIL NADU. r: (044) 27529247 / 27529502 / 27529584 APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION TO M.E. / M.Tech. in ... LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF FILLED IN APPLICATION : ... INSTRUCTIONS a) Candidates should read all instructions carefully before filling up the application form. b) Candidates should tick in the appropriate box wherever applicable. Space for affixing Passport size photograph c) Candidates should ensure that correct marks, and community are furnished in the application form. Each candidate is informed that after proper scrutiny, if it is found that the particulars furnished by him / her in the application form are not correct, then (i) he/she will be forfeited with the admission, irrespective of the stage at which he / she is attending the course. (ii) he/she will be debarred for a period of three years from perusing any course of study in this college. (iii) he / she will be subjected to legal action for furnishing wrong details/documents. 1. Name of Course : M.E. / M.Tech. in :... 2. Name (in BLOCK letters with initials at the end) Address for Communication :... :... Pin code : Phone No. Land :... ......................... . Mobile : ... 272 3. Sex : Male Female 4. Are you a Citizen of India? : Yes No Page No.: 1 273 5. Date of Birth Age as on 1.7.200... (as entered in SSLC/HSC certificate) : Date 6. Place of Birth : ... Month Year Village/town/city Years Months District Days State : 7. Religion 8. a) Community ST SC MBC/DNC BC OC (in case of BC/MBC/DNC/SC/ST only) (enclose a xerox copy of Community Certificate) b) Name of Caste : 9. Mother Tongue :... 10. Name of the Parent/Guardian :... a) Residential Address :... :... b) Relationship of Guardian to the candidate :... c) Occupation of the Parent/Guardian with details of designation, department and office address : :... : ... d) Telephone Number : Office : ... ........ ... Residence :... e) Annual Income of Parent / Guardian : 11. Extra curricular activities (Original certificates must be produced at the time of admission) Yes No Yes (a) Sports (d) N.S.S. (b) Games (e) Other extra curricular activities 274 No (c) N.C.C. Page No.: 2 275 12.Proficiency in Sports and Games Represented Nation State Dist. Not applicable 13.Academic (Pre-Degree / HSC and X Std.) Performance. Sl. No. Name of the School with Address Class Year of Passing 14. Educational Details (Degree Level) : i) Qualifying Degree : ii) Duration of the Degree Course : iii) Class obtained : 15. Record of Academic Performance in the Qualifying Degree Examination : Year Month / Year of Passing Average % of marks Name of the College / University First Second Third Fourth OVERALL Candidates appearing for the final exams should indicate the probable date on which the 276 results are likely to be available : ... Page No.: 3 277 16. For Sponsored Candidates only : (To be filled in by the employer sponsoring the candidate) Name of Employee seeking : admission at APEC } Employee’s date of birth as per company / college record Designation Date of joining the organisation Nature of the Job : : : : Teaching (Graduate / Polytechnic) R&D / Design / Production / Marketing / Administrative / Others (Specify _________________________________) Reason for sponsorship : 278 Page No.: 4 279 JOINT DECLARATION BY THE PARENT / GUARDIAN AND THE CANDIDATE I hereby solemnly declare and sincerely affirm - 1. That the statements made and information furnished in my son’s / daughter’s / ward’s application as also in all the enclosures thereto submitted by him/her are true. Should it however be found that any information furnished there is untrue in material particulars, I realise that I am liable to criminal prosecution and I also agree to the forfeiture of his/her seat in the Institution. 2. That my son/daughter/ward would confirm strictly to all rules and regulations in force now or which may be introduced in the Institution hereafter and that I realise that breach of discipline and rules on my son’s/ daughter’s/ward’s part would entail summarily forfeiture of his/her seat in the Institution. 3. That I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward does not put in minimum of 80 percent of attendance during the year in theory, drawing and practical classes separately, my son/daughter/ward will not be sent up for the University Examination. 4. That I am aware that the curriculum for the various courses is not rigid and that my son/daughter/ward will follow the syllabi for the various courses in force at the time of his/her admission and that any revision or modification made in the syllabi during the course of his/her study in the institution will be binding on him/ her. 5. That I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward does not get minimum of 50 percent of marks in the day to day valuation of his/her work and progress, he/she will not be sent up for the University Examination. 6. That in case of my son’s/daughter’s/ward’s progress in studies is uniformly poor in the Institution, his/her studies are liable to be terminated by the issue of Transfer Certificate. 7. That in case my son/daughter/ward become a scholarship holder or enjoys educational concessions like half fees or full fees, etc., and does not show special progress or if his/her conduct and character are not good, the scholarships or educational concessions are liable to be cancelled. 8. That my son/daughter/ward is aware that breach of discipline and rules or bad conduct in the NCC or extracurricular activities will also entain summarily forfeiture of seat in the Institution, in addition to such other proceedings that may be taken against him/her. 9. That I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward is admitted in to the college/hostel, he/she will strictly abide by the rules and regulations in force in the college/hostel and any breach of discipline or rules or any unruly conduct or undesirable activities will be summarily dealt with by forfeiture of seat both, in the Institution and hostel, in addition to such other proceedings, that may be taken against him/her. 10.That I am aware that if my son/daughter/wards indulges in any sort of ragging, gender teasing inside or outside the institution, he/she shall be punished as per the Govt. of Tamil nadu Act or Anna University norms. 11.That I am aware that fees once paid will not be refunded on any ground. Signature of the Parent / Guardian: Place: Date: Signature of the Candidate: ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO ME. / M.Tech. DEGREE 1. Candidates should have appeared for TANCET 200 2. Eligible qualifications for admission. PG Programme M.E. - Construction Engineering & Management (under Department of Civil Engineering) Basic Degree M.E. - VISI Design M.E. - Thermal Engineering (under Department of Mechanical Engineering) M.E. - Applied Electronics 280 A pass in B.E. / B. Tech in Civil Engineering. A pass in B.E. / B.Tech., (Mech / Production / Auto / Metallurgical / Aeronautical / Mechatronics / Marine / Industrial / Manufacturing B.E./B.Tech. (EEE/ECE/Electronics / E&I/I&C / Instrumentation / Biomedical / Biomedical Instrumentation) B.E./B.Tech. (EEE/ECE/Electronics Instrumentation/ E&I/I&C/CSE/IT) Page No.: 5 281 / IMPORTANT PARTICULARS 1. Name and Address : 2. Age as on 1.7.200... : 3. Name of the Qualifying Exam. with Major / Main subject : B.E./B.Tech. (... ...) Others ... 4. i) % of Marks in the Qualifying Examination : ii) Class Secured : 5. Community : OC / BC / MBC / DNC / SC / ST 6. TANCET 200.. Reg. No. : 7. Marks secured in TANCET 200 : FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 8. Is the application form Complete? Reasons for Rejection Particulars verified by Originals verified by Countersigned by Remarks of Principal Approval of Correspondent : 282 : Yes No : : Name ... ..................... .. Signature ... : Name ... ..................... .. Signature ... : Name ... ...................... Signature ... : Admit / Reject Signature of Principal Page No.: 6 283 Om Sakthi ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Anna University) MELMARUVATHUR - 603 319. TAMIL NADU. r: (044) 27529247 / 27529502 / 27529584 APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION TO M.C.A. / M.B.A. DEGREE COURSE LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF FILLED IN APPLICATION : ... INSTRUCTIONS a) Candidates should read all instructions carefully before filling up the application form. b) Candidates should tick in the appropriate box wherever applicable. c) Candidates should ensure that correct marks, and community are furnished in the application form. Space for affixing Passport size photograph Each candidate is informed that after proper scrutiny, if it is found that the particulars furnished by him / her in the application form are not correct, then (i) he/she will be forfeited with the admission, irrespective of the stage at which he / she is attending the course. (ii) he/she will be debarred for a period of three years from perusing any course of study in this college. (iii) he / she will be subjected to legal action for furnishing wrong details/documents. d) Separate application should be made for MCA and MBA admission. 1. Name of Course (MBA or MCA) :... 2. Name (in BLOCK letters with initials at the end) :... Address for Communication :... Pin code : Phone No. Land :... ......................... . Mobile : ... 3. Sex : Male Female 4. Are you a Citizen of India? : Yes No 5. Date of Birth Age as on 1.7.200... : 284 (as entered in SSLC/HSC certificate) Date 6. Place of Birth Month Year : ... Village/town/city Page No.: 1 285 Years Months District Days State 7. Religion : 8. a) Community : (in case of BC/MBC/DNC/SC/ST only) (enclose a xerox copy of Community Certificate) b) Name of Caste ST SC MBC/DNT BC OC : 9. Mother Tongue :... 10. Name of the Parent/Guardian :... a) Residential Address :... :... b) Relationship of Guardian to the candidate :... c) Occupation of the Parent/Guardian with details of designation, department and office address : :... : ... d) Telephone Number : Office : ... ........ ... Residence :... e) Annual Income of Parent / Guardian : 11. Extra curricular activities (Original certificates must be produced at the time of admission) Yes No Yes (a) Sports (d) N.S.S. (b) Games (e) Other extra curricular activities No (c) N.C.C. 12.Proficiency in Sports and Games Represented Nation State Dist. Not applicable 13.Academic (Pre-Degree / HSc and X Std.) Performance. Sl. No. Name of the School with Address 286 Class Years of Passing Page No.: 2 287 14.Qualifying Examination Tick ( ) the appropriate Code Regd. No. .. .......... .. Year of Passing ... .......... . Name of the Institution ... Name of University ... Examination Code No. B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., M.A., 2 3 4 1 M.Sc., 5 : ... 16. Medium of Instruction in qualifying Exam : ... 17. (a) Whether Passed the Degree in regular college / part-time / evening college / correspondence / etc., : ... 7 Other Degree 8 : (c) Passed Degree in I Class / II Class / III Class 18. Whether Passed the Degree : Yes within the duration of the course BCA 6 15. Major Subject (b) Percentage of marks secured in III Part M.Com., No : (if No, number of attempts) No. of attempts ... 19. a) TANCET Reg. No. : b) Month & Year of appearance : c) Marks secured : Date : Signature of the Candidate 288 Page No.: 3 289 20. Marks obtained in the Qualifying Examination: (Furnish the marks below or attach attested xerox copies of mark sheets) Sl.No. Sem. Year MAJOR / MAIN SUBJECTS Subject Max. Marks Name of the Subject Code Marks obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 290 Month & Year of Passing 25. Page No.: 4 291 ALLIED SUBJECTS Sl.No. Sem. Year Subject Code Name of the Subject Max. Marks Marks obtained Month & Year of Passing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. LANGUAGE SUBJECTS Sl.No. Sem. Year Subject Code Name of the Subject Max. Marks Marks obtained Month & Year of Passing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Note: Enclose an attested Xerox copy of Consolidated Marks Statement ( if available) Certified that the above entries made in columns 20 are true extracts from the relevant Original Certificates of Thiru / Selvi ... Signature of Gazetted Officer / Head of Institution. Date : 292 Page No.: 5 293 JOINT DECLARATION BY THE PARENT / GUARDIAN AND THE CANDIDATE I hereby solemnly declare and sincerely affirm - 1. That the statements made and information furnished in my son’s / daughter’s / ward’s application as also in all the enclosures thereto submitted by him/her are true. Should it however be found that any information furnished there is untrue in material particulars, I realise that I am liable to criminal prosecution and I also agree to the forfeiture of his/her seat in the Institution. 2. That my son/daughter/ward would confirm strictly to all rules and regulations in force now or which may be introduced in the Institution hereafter and that I realise that breach of discipline and rules on my son’s/ daughter’s/ward’s part would entail summarily forfeiture of his/her seat in the Institution. 3. That I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward does not put in minimum of 80 percent of attendance during the year in theory, drawing and practical classes separately, my son/daughter/ward will not be sent up for the University Examination. 4. That I am aware that the curriculum for the various courses is not rigid and that my son/daughter/ward will follow the syllabi for the various courses in force at the time of his/her admission and that any revision or modification made in the syllabi during the course of his/her study in the institution will be binding on him/ her. 5. That I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward does not get minimum of 50 percent of marks in the day to day valuation of his/her work and progress, he/she will not be sent up for the University Examination. 6. That in case of my son’s/daughter’s/ward’s progress in studies is uniformly poor in the Institution, his/her studies are liable to be terminated by the issue of Transfer Certificate. 7. That in case my son/daughter/ward become a scholarship holder or enjoys educational concessions like half fees or full fees, etc., and does not show special progress or if his/her conduct and character are not good, the scholarships or educational concessions are liable to be cancelled. 8. That my son/daughter/ward is aware that breach of discipline and rules or bad conduct in the NCC or extracurricular activities will also entain summarily forfeiture of seat in the Institution, in addition to such other proceedings that may be taken against him/her. 9. That I am aware that if my son/daughter/ward is admitted in to the college/hostel, he/she will strictly abide by the rules and regulations in force in the college/hostel and any breach of discipline or rules or any unruly conduct or undesirable activities will be summarily dealt with by forfeiture of seat both, in the Institution and hostel, in addition to such other proceedings, that may be taken against him/her. 10.That I am aware that if my son/daughter/wards indulges in any sort of ragging, gender teasing inside or outside the institution, he/she shall be punished as per the Govt. of Tamil nadu Act or Anna University norms. 11.That I am aware that fees once paid will not be refunded on any ground. Signature of the Parent / Guardian: Place: Date: Signature of the Candidate: ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO MBA / MCA COURSE 1. Candidates should have appeared for TANCET 200 2. Candidates should have secured more than 50% in Bachelors Degree 3. M.B.A. : Any Degree 4. M.C.A. : A) Should be a pass in any recognized Bachelor’s Degree of Minimum 3 years duration in any discipline with Mathematics at 10 + 2 School level. (or) b) Should be pass in any recognized Bachelor’s Degree of Minimum 3 years duration in any discipline with Mathematics as one of the subjects. 294 Page No.: 6 295 IMPORTANT PARTICULARS 1. Name and Address : 2. Age as on 1.7.200... : 3. Name of the Qualifying Exam. with Major / Main subject : B.A., / B.Sc., / B.Com., / B.C.A.,/ M.A., / M.Sc., Others ... 4. % of Marks in the Qualifying Examination i) % of marks in Major / Main subjects : ii) % of marks in / Allied subjects : iii) % of Marks in Language Subjects : iv)Class Secured : 5. Community : OC / BC / MBC / DNC / SC / ST 6. TANCET 200.. Reg. No. : 7. Marks secured in TANCET 200 : FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 296 8. Is the application form Complete? Reasons for Rejection Particulars verified by Originals verified by Countersigned by Remarks of Principal Approval of Correspondent : 297 : Yes No : : Name ... .................... .. Signature ... : Name ... .................... .. Signature ... : Name ... .................... . Signature ... : Admit / Reject Signature of Principal Page No.: 7 298 XIII. LIST OF APPLICANTS List of candidates whose applications have been received along with percentile/percentage score for each of the qualifying examination in separate categories for open seats. List of candidates who have applied along with percentage and percentile score for Management quota seats. XIV. RESULTS OF ADMISSION UNDER MANAGEMENT SEATS/VACANT SEATS Composition of selection team for admission under Management Quota with the brief profiles of members (This information be made available in the public domain after the admission process is over) Score of the individual candidates admitted arranged in order of merit. List of candidates who have been offered admission. 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 Waiting list of the candidates in order of merit to be operative from the last date of joining of the first list candidates. List of the candidates who joined within the date, vacancy position in each category before operation of waiting list. 312 XV. Information on infrastructure and other resources available LIBRARY: Number of Library books/Titles/Journals available (programme-wise) Department Degree Programme Year Of Existence: No. of Title 2,658 Department Degree Programme Year No. of Title 2,677 Department Degree Programme Year Of Existence No. of Books 6,089 Department Degree Programme Year Of Existence No. of Title 3,522 Department Degree Programme Year Of Existence No. of Title 1,694 : Civil Engineering. : B.E. : Civil Engineering. : 1984-85 No. of Volumes No. of Journals National/Inter 5,192 8 7 : Mechanical Engineering. : B.E. : Mechanical Engineering. : 1984-85 No. of Volumes No. of Journals National/Inter 6,529 15 / 12 : : : : Electrical and Electronics Engineering. B.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering. 1993-94 No. of Back No. of Journals Volumes National/Inter 175 11 7 : Electronics and Communication Engineering : B.E. : Electronics and Communication Engineering : 1984-85 No. of Volumes No. of Journals National/Inter 8,085 6 13 : Computer Science Engineering. : B.E. : Computer Science Engineering. : 1993-94 No. of Volumes No. of Journals National/Inter 4,555 6 6 313 Department Degree Programme Year Of Existence : Information Technology : B.Tech. : Information Technology : 1998-99 No. of Title No. of Volumes 1428 5 Department Degree Programme Year Of Existence No. of Title 718 Department Degree Programme Year Of Existence No. of Title 385 Department Degree Programme Year Of Existence No. of Title 2054 No. of Journals National/Inter 6 : Chemical Engineering. : B.Tech : Chemical Engineering. : 1997-98 No. of Volumes No. of Journals National/Inter 1,888 6 6 : Science & Humanities : B.E. : Physics : 1984-85 No. of Volumes No. of Journals National/Inter 1,030 3 0 : Science & Humanities : B.E. : Chemistry, English, Maths, Physics : 1984-85 No. of Volumes No. of Journals National/Inter 4975 11 0 List of online National/International Journals subscribed : IEL (IEEE Electronic Libarary) E-Library facilities Computer Printer Bar Coding UPS Floppy CD Reprographic Facilities LCD Projector LCD TV 42’ Internet facilities Mode : : : : : : : : : : 35 Nos. 3 Nos. 1No. 2 Nos. 200Nos. 1613Nos. 2 Nos Duplicating Machines 1 1 2 Mbps Leased Line from BSNL 314 LABORATORY: Department : Civil Engineering List of Major Equipment/Facilities Sl.No Major Equipment Lab Strength of Materials Lab Concrete and Structural testing Lab Concrete and Structural testing Lab Hydraulics Lab F.I.E Purchase Year Cost in Rs 1985 1,70,869.00 F.I.E 1998 6,10,500.00 AIMIL 1997 1,65,795.00 Engineering Equipment Enterprise Engineering Equipment Enterprise WERNER AutoDesk Research Engineers STRAP CADS software India (P) Ltd Royal Quality 2001 91,416.00 2002 3,08,880.00 1985 2003 2003 2003 2003 55,543.30 3,36,000.00 2,03,190.00 82,000.00 1,10,000.00 2007 78,750.00 Lawrence & Mayo 2005 57,094.00 AIMIL 2001 77,000.00 2004 1,42,800.00 3 Name Universal Testing machine (40T) with Accessories Universal Testing machine (100T) with test attachment 25-40mm dia Compression testing machine 4 Francis Turbine 5 Kaplan Turbine (Fibre Glass Unit) Turbine Pump Test Rig AUTOCAD-2004 STAADPRO STRAP GT STRUDL Hydraulics Lab Concrete and Structural testing Lab 13 100 Tonnes Capacity upgrading UTM with digital display panel and required Software Consolidation apparatus with 3 gang Relative density apparatus 14 UPS (10KVA) Soil Mechanics Lab Soil Mechanics Lab CADD Lab 15 Plotter CADD Lab Numeric power systems HP Design jet 430 16 Total Station Survey Lab Electro optics Pvt Ltd 2008 3,17,348.00 17 Turgo Impulse Wheel Hydraulics Lab Altech Industries 2004 1,14,000.00 18 Submersible Pump Hydraulics Lab Altech Industries 2004 66,000.00 19 Rebound Hammer Lawrence and Mayo 2005 55,200.00 20 Dumpy level Concrete and Structural testing Lab Survey Lab 2003 68,200.00 21 RCPT Test & Concrete cutter machine Ultrosonic pulse velocity Test Equipment Concrete and stone testing Lab Concrete and stone testing Lab Lawrence and Mayo p.o.rr & Sons pvt ltd Darien Electric Madras AMIL Ltd, Chennai 2010 1,40,452 2010 2,83,500 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 22 Hydraulics Lab CADD Lab CADD Lab CADD Lab CADD Lab Make 315 75,000.00 o S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of laboratories and size of each Name of the Laboratory Hydraulics Lab Soil Lab Survey Lab Concrete & Structural Testing Lab Engineering Practices Lab Strength of Materials Lab Environmental Engineering Lab CADD Lab Area of the Laboratory ( Sq.m) 346 173 173 346 245 173 173 100 List of Experimental Setup Number of Computer Centres with capacity of each Sl.No. 1. Lab Name Civil CAD Lab Capacity 36 Nos. with P4 processors. . List of Experimental Setup 1) MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY (A) STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LABORATORY: Tension test on steel rod Compression test on wooden specimen Compression test on concrete cube and bricks Double shear test on metallic rods Torsion test on mild steel rod Impact test on metal specimen Hardness tests on metals Deflection test on beams Strength test on helical springs Verification of Maxwell’s theorem (B) CONCRETE & HIGHWAY LABORATORY: Determination of specific gravity of cement Determination of fineness of cement by sieving Determination of standard consistency Determination of initial and final setting time of cement Determination of compressive strength of cement Determination of particle size distribution and fineness modulus of fine aggregate Determination of specific gravity and water absorption of fine & coarse aggregate Determination of percentage bulking of fine aggregate Silt content of fine aggregate Determination of particle size distribution and fineness modulus of coarse aggregate Determination of workability of concrete – by slump cone test method Determination of workability of concrete – by compaction factor method Determination of workability of concrete –by vee bee consistometer Determination of compressive strength and Splitting tensile strength of concrete Determination of crushing strength of coarse aggregate 316 Determination of impact strength of coarse aggregate Losangles abrasion test Determination of softening point and ductility of bitumen Flakiness index and elongation index of coarse aggregates 2) HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Determination of coefficient of discharge of mouthpiece, orifice and orificemeter Determination of flow through characteristics of rectangular notch, triangular notch Determination of metacentric height of the ship model Efficiency and characteristic curves for Efficiency and characteristic curves for centrifugal pump with variable speed and constant speed Efficiency and characteristic curves for gear pump, jet pump Efficiency and characteristic curves for Kaplan turbine, Francis turbine Efficiency and characteristic curves for pelton wheel Efficiency and characteristic curves for reciprocating pump Efficiency and characteristic curves for self priming pump, submersible pump Efficiency and characteristic curves for turbine pump Flow through venturimeter Head loss due to friction Impact of jet on vanes 3) SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY Determination of field density of soil o By sand replacement method o By core cutter method Determination of liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit of soil Determination of particle size distribution by sieve analysis and hydrometer analysis Determination of density- water content relation by proctor’s compaction test Determination of coefficient of permeability of soil by constant head method and falling head method Determination of shear parameters by direct shear test and triaxial shear test Determination of unconfined compressive strength of soil Determination of shear strength of soil by vane shear test Determination of coefficient of consolidation of soil Determination of California bearing ratio of soil 4) SURVEY LABORATORY I CHAIN SURVEYING: Measurement of a survey line using metric chain. Cross staff surveying II COMPASS SURVEYING: Determination of Inaccessible Distance using prismatic compass Compass Traversing III PLANE TABLE SURVEYING Radiation method of plane tabling Intersection method of plane tabling Traversing method of plane tabling Two point problem Three point problem (Trial & Error Method) 317 Three point problem (Graphical Method) IV LEVELLING Fly Levelling – H.I method of reducing levels Fly Levelling _ Rise & Fall method of reducing level Sectioning Cross-sectioning Reciprocal Levelling LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Measurement of Horizontal Angle – Repitition Method Measurement of Horizontal Angle – Reiteration Method Measurement of Vertical Angle Determination of Tacheometric constants Tacheometric Surveying (without a change point) Tacheometric Surveying (with change point) Tacheometric Levelling Tangential Tacheometry Trignometrical Levelling(single plane method) Trignometrical Levelling(double plane method) Simple curve setting (Rankines method) Simple curve setting (Tacheometry method) Two theodolite method Compound Curve Setting Reverse curve setting Transition curve setting 5) CAD & CADD LABORATORY A) BUILDING DRAWING (AutoCAD) Residential building with load bearing walls (R.C.C Roof) R.C.C Framed Structures. .Office Buildings (R.C.C Roof) Industrial buildings - North Light Roof Structures - Trusses-Gantry Arrangements. Perspective View for Small Buildings B) SOFTWARE EXERCISES (STAAD PRO 2003, STRAP 10.5, GT STRUDL 26) Design and Drawing of R.C.C Cantilever and Counter fort Type Retaining Walls with Reinforcement Details. Design of Solid Slab and R.C Tee Beam Bridges for IRC Loading and Reinforcement details. Design of Rectangular, Pressed and Hemispherical Bottomed Steel Tank - Staging Riveted Joints - Detailed Drawing. Design of Circular, Rectangular and Intze Type Water tank Reinforcement Details. Design of Plate Girder – Twin Girder Deck Type Railway Bridge – Through Type and Deck Type Highway Bridges – Truss Girder Bridges – Detailed Drawing – Riveted Connections. 318 Department : Mechanical Engineering List of Major Equipment/Facilities Machine shop SL NO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 NAME OF THE EQUIPEMENTS Lathe-Gw Lathe Anil Lathe Mahendra Gear Hobber Planning Machine Cylindrical Grinder Milling Machine Automatic Lathe QUANITY RATE/UNIT 05 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 60,000.00 53,000.00 59,500.00 2,40,000.00 1,26,746.00 70,000.00 1,47,387.00 59,000.00 TOTAL COST 3,00,000.00 53,000.00 59,500.00 2,40,000.00 1,24,746.00 70,000.00 1,47,387.00 59,000.00 HEAT ENGINE LAB NO NAME OF THE EQUIPEMENTS QUANI TOTAL COST IN RS. /TY 01 Computer based I.C. engine test rig 01 4,56,396.00 02 Low speed wind tunnel 01 2,75,000.00 03 Krypton gas analyzer 01 3,00,000.00 04 Computerized single cylinder VCR Engine 01 7,00,000.00 05 Multi cylinder Diesel Engine 01 6,50,000.00 HEAT TRANSFER LAB SL. NAME OF THE EQUIPEMENTS QUANITY TOTAL COST IN RS. NO /01 Air Conditioning Test Rig One 2,16,000.00 02 Basic Water Cooling Tower One 94,500.00 03 Emissivity Apparatus One 64,000.00 04 Forced Convection Apparatus One 65,000.00 05 Insulating Powder Conductivity Test Rig One 50,000.00 06 Refrigeration Test Rig One 1,45,000.00 07 Stefan Boltzman Law One 52,000.00 08 Thermal Conductivity Of Metal Rod One 60,000.00 09 Double Pipe Heat Exchanger One 50,000.00 Mechatronics lab SL. NO 01 02 03 04 05 NAME OF THE EQUIPEMENTS QUANITY Lab view software Hydrosim Pnemosim Pneumatic Electrical Kit Pneumatic – PLC kit 50 seaters 05 seaters 05 seaters 1 no 1 no 319 TOTAL COST IN RS. /4,94,000/1,34,000/1,34,000/69,560/1,26,360/- 06 07 Servo controller interfacing NI hardware for measuring temperature & pressure 1 no 1 no 95,000/4,50,000/- List of major Facilities Sl No Name Of The Laboratory / Workshop 1. WELDING SHOP 2. CAD LAB 3. CAM LAB 4. METROLOGY LAB 5. 6. STEAM ENGINE LAB DYNAMICS LAB Major Equipment Maxi MIG Welding Machine. ( Rs.1,22,445) Ansys 7.1( Rs.1,95,000) Solidworks (1,68,000) Pro- E( Rs.1,60,000) Fluent( Rs.53,000) Star mill –ATC CNC Milling Machine( Rs.6,31,200) Turning Center Model - Lathe( Rs.4,86,930) Tool Makers Microscope. ( Rs.2,00,000) Auto Collimator Dual Axis.( Rs.58,851) BOILER – OIL FIRED 200 Kg/ Hr. ( Rs.8,66,000) Wheel Balancer.( Rs.1,23,420) 320 Department : Electrical and Electronics Engineering List of Major Equipment/Facilities (i) Electrical Machines-I laboratory: Sl. No 1. 2. 3 Name of the Equipment Make DC shunt motor coupled with 3 phase alternator Kirloskar DC shunt motor coupled with d.c shunt generator Kirloskar Rectifier Power tech. Cost (in Rs) 68,900 59,800 92,257 (ii) Electrical Machines – II laboratory: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the Equipment Make 5 KVA, 3Ø Alternator coupled with DC Shunt motor 3.5Kw DC Shunt motor coupled with DC shunt generator 3.5Kw 3.5KW DC Compound motor coupled with DC compound generator 3.5KW 7.5HP, 3Ø Slip ring Induction motor couple with 5.2 KW DC shunt generator 3.7 kw Slip ring Induction motor coupled with 5.2 KW DC shunt generator Kirloskar Electric Company Kirloskar Electric Company 1,37,800 1,47,000 Kirloskar Electric Company 1,47,960 Crompton and KEC Make 78,950 Kirloskar Electric Company Kirloskar Electric Company 6. Thyristor converter panel 7. 5 KVA, 3Ø Alternator coupled with DC Shunt motor 5.2KW shunt motor Cost (Total in Rs) 78,950 3,22,750 Kirloskar Electric Company 2,10,000 321 iii) Power System Simulation Laboratory S.No Name of the Equipment 1. 2. Computers Etab Software Cost (Total in Rs) 8 lakhs 1,95,000 INFORMATION ON INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE LABORATORY: S.NO NAME OF THE COURSE 1 2 NAME OF THE LABORATORY ELECTRON DEVICES LAB COMMUNICATION LAB 3 MICROPROCESSOR LAB 4 MICROWAVE & FIBER OPTICS LAB 5 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB 6 ECE DIGITAL LAB CIRCUITS LAB 7 MAJOR EQUIPMENT CRO,MULTIMETERS,METERS(MI&MC) SPECTRUM ANALYZER,MODULAR RF COMMUNICATION TRAINER KIT,ADVANCED ANTENNA TRAINING SYSTEM,RF SIGNAL SOURCE 8085,8086,8051 KITS,PIC MICROCONTROLLERS,INTERFACING EQUIPMENTS J-BAND,X-BAND MICROWAVE TRAINER KITS,100 MHz CRO,SPLICING KIT,OPTICAL POWER METER PENTIUM IV SYSTEMS,MATLAB 7.1VERSION,ORCAD,P-SPICE,CODE COMPOSER STUIDIO SIGNALGENERATOR,PULSE GENERATOR,REGULATED POWER SUPPLIES,CRO,METERS(MI &MC) SIGNALGENERATOR,PULSE GENERATOR,REGULATED POWER SUPPLIES,CRO,METERS(MI &MC) NETWORKS LAB LAN TRAINER KITS,FPGA KITS VLSI LAB CADENCE 20 USER PERPETUAL LICENSE & SYSTEMS 8 9 322 Department : Compuer Science Engineering MAIN BLOCK CSE LAB DETAILS WINDOWS SERVER CONFIGURATION LINUX SERVER CONFIGURATION PROCESSOR X SERIES – 3400 Intel ® Xeon ® CPU E5320 @ 1.86 GHZ 1.86GHZ, RAM: 1.00 GHZ MOTHER BOARD IBM X3400 SERVER RAM 1.00 GB PC2-5300, 667 MHZ RAM HDD 73 GB 15 Krpm SAS HDD MONITOR 17’’ LENOVO TFT MONITOR SMPS/USB IBX ATX Standard 240V Power Supply/4USB ETHERNET CARD Broadcom NetXTremeTM Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000Mbps) CD/ DVD DRIVE DVD WRITER SONY 20X 13 LACKS KEY BOARD IBM STANDARD KEY BOARD (104 KEY) MOUSE OPTICAL SCROLL WHEEL USB PORT MOUSE. PROCESSOR FLDS – 4500 Intel ® Xeon ® QUAD E3430 @ 2.4GHZ 8MB CACHE, 1033MHZ MOTHER BOARD FLDS-4500 RAM 8.00 GB PC2-5300, 667 MHZ RAM HDD TB SAS HDD 323 ETHERNET CARD DUAL Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000Mbps) CD/ DVD DRIVE DVD WRITER SONY 20X 13 LACKS KEY BOARD ZEBRONIC KEY BOARD MOUSE ZEBRONIC CROLL WHEEL USB PORT MOUSE. CLIENT CONFIGURATION PROCESSOR Intel Core2 DuoCPU.E4400@2.00 GHZ L2 Cache MOTHER BORAD Intel 946 GHZ chipset HDD CAPACITY 160 GB SATA HDD RAM 1 GB DDR3 RAM MONITOR 17’’ LENOVO TFT MONITOR SMPS/USB Lenovo ATX Standard 240 V Power Supply /6 USB ETHERNET CARD Broadcom Net Link TM Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000Mbps) CD/ DVD DRIVE DVD COMBO DRIVE KEY BOARD STANDARD KEY BOARD (104 KEY) MOUSE OPTICAL SCROLL WHEEL USB PORT MOUSE 324 Number of Client Nodes in Main Block CSE Lab: 69Nos. SOFTWARES AVAILABLE S.NO NAME OF THE SOFTWARE’S LICENSE AVAILABLE AND DATE 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 1. Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 2. Windows 7 professional 3. Windows XP Professional 4. Fedora 14.0(Open source) 5. Microsoft office 2007&2010 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 Freeware 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 Freeware 6. Turbo C,C++ 7. Java 8. Adobe Acrobat 9.0 9. Apache Tomcat server 10. Rational suite Freeware Freeware Freeware 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 Freeware 11. Net beans 6.7 12. Visual Basic 6.0 13. SQL server 2008 14. Oracle 8i 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 15. Oracle 10g 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 2012.07.18 to 2015.07.31 16. Visual Studio 2010 17. Eclipse Freeware 18. Kaspersky6.0 2012.03.02 One year 325 HARDWARE DETAILS SL.NO NAME OF THE ITEMS WORKING QTY 1 System (Client) 70 70 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sever Epson LQ2090 Dot-matrix printer Epson 1150-II Dot-matrix printer Hp Laser Jet P-1008 30 KVA ONLINE UPS Lenovo 17’’ Monitor LG 2.0 Ton Split Ac 12 v 100ah Battery Wheel Chairs Fan Window AC 2 5 1 1 1 70 6 30 69 04 01 2 5 1 1 1 70 6 30 69 04 01 13 14 15 16 17 Fire Exerting Stabilizer Intercom(1611) Table Wire Chair 03 06 01 05 03 03 06 01 05 03 18 Plastic chair 02 02 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Wooden rack White Board AMMA photo Scientist photos Tele phone (intercom) Steel rack Notice board Staff name Board Experiment board Configuration Vision &mission board Pen drive Tool kit D link switch 04 01 02 02 01 01 01 02 03 02 01 01 03 04 01 02 02 01 01 01 04 09 02 01 01 03 326 APEC COMPUTER CENTRE 1. APPLICATION SERVER CONFIGURATION (Ground Floor) No of Systems: 1 PROCESSOR IBM X226 SERVER (DUAL PROCESSOR CAPABLE), XEON 3.06GHz (Extended Memory) MOTHER BOARD IBM X3400 SERVER RAM 1 GB RAM Dual RPS HDD 73.4 GB ULTRA 320 HSSHDD MONITOR 17’’ IBM CRT MONITOR SMPS/USB IBX ATX Standard 240V Power Supply/2USB ETHERNET CARD Ethernet (10/100/1000Mbps) CARD CD/ DVD DRIVE DVD COMBO KEY BOARD IBM STANDARD KEY BOARD (104 KEY) MOUSE OPTICAL SCROLL WHEEL USB PORT MOUSE. 2. DATA BASE SERVER CONFIGURATION (Ground Floor) No Of System: 1 PROCESSOR X3400 M3 Intel Xeon E5606 (Quad Core) 2.13Ghz 8Mb L3 Cache MOTHER BOARD IBM Server X3400 M3 RAM 8.00 GB RAM HDD 500Gb SATA @ 3.5‖ HDD Raid 0 & 1 Card ETHERNET CARD DUAL Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000Mbps) CD/ DVD DRIVE DVD ROM KEY BOARD ZEBRONIC KEY BOARD MOUSE ZEBRONIC CROLL WHEEL USB PORT MOUSE. 327 3. CLIENT CONFIGURATION Number of Nodes : PROCESSOR 25 Nos. (Ground Floor) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz (E 7400) Processor, 3Mb L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB. Intel G41 Chipset with Inbuilt Intel 4500 media Accelarator Card. MOTHER BORAD : HDD CAPACITY : RAM : MONITOR : SMPS/USB 250 GB SATA 7200 RPM 2 GB DDR2 800MHz Memory 18.5’’ LENOVO TFT MONITOR Lenovo ATX 240V SMPS Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet ETHERNET CARD CD/ DVD DRIVE DVD R/W Optical Drive KEY BOARD STANDARD KEY BOARD (104 KEY) OPTICAL SCROLL WHEEL USB PORT MOUSE MOUSE Number of Nodes : 134 Nos. (Ground Floor) PROCESSOR Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz Processor MOTHER BORAD: Intel 845 Chipset Motherboard HDD CAPACITY: 40 GB IDE HDD RAM: 512 MB DDR1 Memory MONITOR: 17’’ IBM CRT MONITOR SMPS/USB IBM ATX 240V SMPS ETHERNET CARD IBM 10/100Mbps Ethernet Card CD/ DVD DRIVE KEY BOARD MOUSE IBM KEY BOARD OPTICAL SCROLL WHEEL USB PORT MOUSE 328 Number of Nodes: 1 No.(Ground Floor) PROCESSOR MOTHER BORAD : HDD CAPACITY : RAM : MONITOR : SMPS/USB Intel Core I3Processor, 1066MHz FSB. Intel DH55 Original Motherboard. 500 GB Hitachi SATA HDD Corsair 4 GB DDR3 Memory 17’’ IBM CRT MONITOR IBM ATX 240V SMPS ETHERNET CARD Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet CD/ DVD DRIVE - KEY BOARD IBM KEY BOARD (104 KEY) MOUSE OPTICAL SCROLL WHEEL USB PORT MOUSE No of Systems: 1 (First floor) PROCESSOR MOTHER BORAD : HDD CAPACITY : RAM : MONITOR : SMPS/USB Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93Ghz Asus Board 1 TB SATA HDD 4 GB DDR3 Memory 19’’ LCD Samsung MONITOR ATX 240V SMPS ETHERNET CARD Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet CD/ DVD DRIVE - KEY BOARD MICROSOFT STANDARD KEYBOARD MOUSE MICROSOFT OPTICAL MOUSE 329 Application Server: (First floor) LINUX NET BOOT TERMINAL SERVER - 160 No PROCESSOR Intel PIII 733Mhz Processor, MOTHER BORAD Intel D815 Original Motherboard. HDD CAPACITY 20/40/80 GB IDE HDD RAM 256 MB SD Memory MONITOR 15’’ SAMSUNG CRT MONITOR SMPS/USB ATX 240V SMPS ETHERNET CARD 10/100Mbps Ethernet CD/ DVD DRIVE - KEY BOARD TVS GOLD KEY BOARD (104 KEY) MOUSE LOGITECH MOUSE RESEARCH LAB Research Lab in department of computer science is established in the year 2011. The PhD researsh scholors are utilizing the lab in efficient manner. Apart from that post graduate students are using this lab for research activities. We have a Server and 15 Clients in this lab. IBM Server Details: S.No Product Description Qty Total cost IBM Server X3400M3-7379-Q1L: Intel Xeon 5606 (Quad coreNEHELAM)/ 2.13 Ghz/8 MB L3 cache/ 1066 Mhz/ 8GB Memory/ 1 1 1,01,500/500 GB SATA @3.5” Hdd/ Raid 0 & 1 card/ DVD- Rom/ Keyborad/Mouse/ 3yrs On-site Warranty by IBM 330 HARDWARE LAB Hardware Lab in Department of Computer Science and Engineering is established to provide the practical learning environment to learn about the electronic devices and hardware that used to build a computer system. Here, Students can learn and also have a hands on experience with the components of a computer like processor, motherboard, RAM, hard disk, SMPS, etc., and also the learning is extended to the network devices like Switches and Modems. The peripheral devices like printers, monitors, keyboards and mouse are also available for experimental use. Experimenting and putting to practical use the theoretical expressions is the key to sound education. Laboratories form the backbone of a quality technical educational institution. The learning here makes the students skilled and competent by learning in practical. Student gains the knowledge of assembling entire system. The primary beneficiary of this lab are II-year students of computer science and engineering who are entering into the department and need basic knowledge about hardware and devices for their further studies in the field. Third and Final year students of the department and other department also can make use of this lab for their projects and mini projects including inter-disciplinary projects. Research scholars and other faculty members of the department also get benefitted in terms of their research aspects and other projects. 331 Department: Information Technology LIST OF LABORATORIES AVAILABLE WITH AREA OF EACH LAB: S.No 1 2 3 Name of the Laboratory Area of the Laboratory available (sq.m) Networks Lab Multimedia Lab R&D Lab 144 112 50 LIST OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT / FACILITIES Major Equipment S.No 1. Name Server Lab Model/Make Multimedia Lab IBM X3400 server (i)Lenovo Dual core, Purchase Cost Rs. (per Unit) Rs.82,884.61/Rs.29,807.69/Rs.24,350/- 2. Client System Multimedia Lab (ii)Lenovo Core2Duo 3. Dot Matrix printer Multimedia Lab Epson LQ-2090 Rs.21,250 - 4. LaserJet Printer Multimedia Lab HP Laser Jet 1008 Rs.7,000/- 5. UPS Multimedia Lab 15 KVA Exotic UPS Rs.1,36,580/- 6. Server Networking Lab IBM X3400 server Rs.82,884.61/- 7. Linux Server Networking Lab Lenovo Dual core 8. Client System Networking Lab Lenovo Dual core Rs.22,885/- 9. Dot Matrix printer Networking Lab EpsonLQ2090,1150,300+II Rs.8544/- 10. LaserJet Printer Networking Lab HP Laser Jet 1008 Rs.7,000/- 11. UPS Networking Lab 25 KVA Exotic UPS Rs.2,96,400/- 12. Client System R & D Lab Lenovo I3 Processor Rs.33,800/- 13. UPS R & D Lab 15 KVA Exotic UPS Rs.65,000/- 14. Printer R & D Lab HP Laser Jet 3050 Rs.12,200/- 332 Rs.22,885/- Number of Computer Centers with capacity of each Sl.No. 1 2 3 Lab Name Computer Science Mechanical CAD / CAM Lab Civil CAD Lab 4 ECE 5 EEE 6 IT Capacity 321 Nos. with P4 processor. 58 Nos. with P4 processor. 30 Nos. with P4 processors. 54 Nos. with P4 processors. 36 Nos. with P-3 processor. 30 Nos. with P4 processors. 116 Nos. with Dual core, Core2Duo, I3 processors. . Department : Chemical Engineering S. No Total Area of Name of the laboratory/workshop lab / workshop Sq.m 1 Mass Transfer Lab 250 2 3 Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab Mechanical Operations Lab 250 250 250 4 Process Control Lab 5 6 Fluid Mechanics Lab Heat Transfer Lab 250 250 333 Major Equipment (more than Rs. 50, 000) 1. RDC Extractor 2. Packed Bed Absorption Column 3. Catalytic Reactor 4. Level Process Controller 5. Flow Process Controller 6. Control Valve Trainer 1. Natural Convection 2. Forced Convection 3. Double Pipe Heat Exchanger 4. Open Pan Evaporator COMPUTING FACILITIES: Number and Configuration of Systems : 619 Configuration: (i) INTEL PENTIUM III, 733MHZ BOXED PROCESSOR INTEL D815EEA MOTHERBOARD, 64 MB SD RAM, 1.44 MB FDD, 20 GB SEAGATE HDD,15” SAMTON COLOR MONITOR, 104 TVS KEY BOARD, LOGITEC BALL MOUSE, INTEL 10/100 MBPS NIC (ii) IBM INTEL THINKCENTER A30, INTEL PIV .4 GHZ, 256 MB DDR RAM, 40GB HDD, IBM E74 17” COLOR MONITOR, IBM KEY BOARD, OPTICAL MOUSE, IBM 10/100 MBPS NIC (iii)Intel Pentium IV 1.4 GHz, 128 MB RDRAM, 40 GB HDD, 1.44 MB FDD, 17” Monitor, Keyboard, Optical Mouse Total number of systems connected by LAN : 619 Total number of systems connected to WAN : 740 Internet bandwidth : 2 MBPS (BSNL DEDICATED LEASED LINE) Major software packages available Sl.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of the Software Office XP Pro Win 32 English OLP NL AE Visual Studio, Net Pro 2002 win 32 English OLP NL AE Windows XO Professional English UPG OLP NL AE Windows Server Cal 2003 English OLP NL AE Device Cal Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional English Competitive Version Product upgrade Microsoft windows 2000 Server Cal English Oracle 10 Ration suite Enterprise Client server suite office scan coporate edition server protect NT Kaspers key Anti virus Cobal Fortran Pascal Turbo C++ Office 2007 Professional Pro-E (Wild fire) 334 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Ansys-8.1 Nastran JDK 2.1 (Open source) Linux Server (Open source) TASM (Open Source) Auto Cad 2004 Stadd Pro Strap GT Strudal EX Tora - OR Package SPSS - Statistical Package Weblogic MATLAB REL-14.0 ORCAD PSPICE and ORCAD LAYOUT LANT-NEU,LANT-NIU,LAN SOFTWARE ANSYS Solidworks Lab View 8.2.1 Hydrosim 4 AU Power Lab Software Special purpose facilities available (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Cisco Academy Software Testing Lab Multimedia lab Networking Lab 335 WORKSHOP: List of facilities available. Games and Sports Facilities Sl.No. Description 1 Total area of the play ground 2 Details of the outdoor games available 3 Details of the Indoor games available. 4 Details of gymnasium available Details 5 acres 1. Volley Ball Ground – 2 2. F.Ball ground -1 3. Basket Ball 1 4. Badminton -1 5. Tennis –2 6. Athletics 400 M -1 1. Table Tennis 2. Carrom 3. Shuttle 4. Chess. 1. Gym (Gents Hostel) 2. Gym (Ladies Hostel) Extra Curriculum Activitie Sl.No. Building space for 1. NSS/NSO/NCC/YRC office Available (sq.m.) 114.4 All students shall enroll, on admission, in any one of the personality and character development programmes (the NCC / NSS / NSO / YRC) and undergo training for about 80 hours and attend a camp of about ten days. The training shall include classes on hygiene and health awareness and also training in first-aid. 1. National Cadet Corps (NCC) will have about 40 parades. 2. National Service Scheme (NSS) will have social service activities in and around the College / Institution. 3. National Sports Organization (NSO) will have sports, Games, Drills and Physical exercises. 4. Youth Red Cross (YRC) will have activities related to social services in and around college/institutions. However YRC will not have special camps of 10 days. While the training activities will 336 normally be during week ends, the camp will normally be during vacation period. Every student shall put in a minimum of 75% attendance in the training and attend the camp (except YRC) compulsorily. The training and camp (except YRC) shall be completed during the first year of the programme. However, for valid reasons, the Principal may permit a student to complete this requirement in the second year. Soft Skill Development Facilities : Nil Number of Classrooms and size of each Sl.No. 01. 02. 03. Area (length x width) in square metre 108 126 81 Number of rooms 33 2 2 Type of roof (RCC/asbestos) Capacity (for calculation, refer norms given above) R.C.C. R.C.C. R.C.C. 60 60 60 Number of Tutorial rooms and size of each : Nil Number of laboratories and size of each Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Name of the Laboratory PH1102 - Physics Laboratory CY1102 - Chemistry Laboratory GE1104 - Computer Practice – I Hydraulics Lab Soil Lab Survey Lab Concrete & Structural Testing Lab Engineering Practices Lab Strength of Materials Lab Environmental Engineering Lab CADD Lab Boiler Welding Automobile Metallurgy Instrumentation &Dynamics Heat Engines CAD/CAM Heat Transfer 337 Area of the laboratory available (sq.m.) 172 346 804 346 173 173 346 245 173 173 100 115 230 187 172 115 345 180 187 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Metrology Central Workshop /Machine Shop Carpentry & Fitting Smithy Foundry Mechatronics Lab Electrical machines Laboratory-I Electrical machines Laboratory-II Power Electronics Laboratory Measurement & Instrumentation Laboratory/Control System Laboratory Power System Simulation Laboratory Electron Devices Lab Communication Lab Microprocessor Lab Microwave & Fiber Optics Lab Digital Signal Processing Lab Digital Lab Circuits Lab Networks /Vlsi Lab Computer Lab - Floor-I Computer Lab - Floor-II Application Lab – CSE Networks Lab Multimedia Lab Mass Transfer Lab Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab Mechanical Operations Lab Process Control Lab Fluid Mechanics Lab Heat Transfer Lab 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 54 345 202 202 202 40 357 476 186 112 112 108 162 135 108 135 135 135 65 402 402 84 144 67 250 250 250 250 250 250 Number of drawing halls and size of each Sl.No. 01. Programmes B.E. Area of the drawing hall Sl.No. Programmes B.E./B.Tech 1 2 3 Number of drawing halls available 3 Area of the drawing hall available (sq.m.) 324 ― ― 243 148.5 338 Number of Computer Centres with capacity of each Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lab Name Computer Science Mechanical CAD / CAM Lab Civil CAD Lab ECE EEE IT Capacity 321 Nos. with P4 processor. 58 Nos. with P4 processor. 30 Nos. with P4 processors. 54 Nos. with P4 processors. 36 Nos. with P-3 processor. 30 Nos. with P4 processors. 90 Nos. with P4 processors. . Central Examination Facility, Number of rooms and capacity of each. : Adequate facility available. Teaching Learning process Curricula and syllabi for each of the programmes as approved by the University. Reference : http// Academic Calendar of the University Reference : http// 339 Om Sakthi Adhiparasakthi Engineering College Melmaruvathur – 603 319 XVI. Department of Civil Engineering Time Table for II Year (Odd Semester) Semester: III Year: 2012 – 2013 Day/Hr (09.001–09.50) (09.50 2– 10.40) (10.503–11.40) (11.40 4– 12.30) Mon 5 CABD / SURVEY LAB TPDE CT ESE CT Wed MOS SUR MOF MOS Thu CABD / SURVEY LAB Lunch(12.30 –01.30) Tue 6 7 (01.30 – 02.20) (02.20 –03.10) (03.10 –04.00) MOF SUR MOS MOS AG MOF ESE TPDE AG CT MOS TPDE Fri SUR TPDE AG TPDE ESE MOF CT Sat MOF MOS TPDE SUR ESE CT AG Subject Name TPDE - Transforms and Partial Differential Equations ESE - Environmental Science and Engineering Mr.B.Krishnamoorthi AG - Applied Geology M.Vasanthavigar MOS - Mechanics of Solids MOF - Mechanics of Fluids CT - Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice ravikumar SUR - Surveying– I Mr.A,Krishnamoorthi Staff Name Mr.L.Baranikumar Dr. Mr.M.Mariyapan Ms.P.Somiyadevi Mr.C. Selin PRACTICAL Survey Practical – I Dr.M.Vasanthivigar(Main Mr. C. Selin ravikumar (Asst.) Ms. R.Nirmala (Asst.) 340 Computer Aided Building Drawing Mr.T.D.Ramadasan(Main) Ms.D.Saranya (Asst.) Class Incharge ravikumar Faculty Advisors - Mr.C. Selin - Mr.T.D.Ramadasan, Ms.P.Somiyadevi & Ms. D.Saranya HOD Principal Om Sakthi Adhiparasakthi Engineering College Melmaruvathur – 603 319 XVII. Department of Civil Engineering Time Table for III Year (Odd Semester) Semester: V Year : 2012– 2013 Day/Hr (09.001–09.50) (09.50 2– 10.40) (10.503–11.40) (11.40 4– 12.30) IE FE Tue EE – I DRC Wed SA DRC Thu FE Fri Sat SA RDHA FE SKILLS RDHA IE IE SA FE RDHA SA EE - I FE SA DRC 7 SOIL / C & H LAB EE - I SKILLS SA DRC RDHA DRC EE - I DRC EE – I IE DRC IE RDHA EE Counseling Subject Name CE2301 CE2302 6 SOIL / C & H LAB Lunch(12.30 –01.30) Mon 5 (01.30 – 02.20) (02.20 –03.10) (03.10 –04.00) Staff Name - Irrigation Engineering - Structural analysis – classical methods Rose 341 -Ms.C.Rajasakthi - Ms. A. Leema CE2303 - Railways, airports & harbor engineering CE2304 - Environmental engineering CE2305 - Foundation engineering Venkatakrishnaiah CE2306 - Design of RC elements Mr.T.D.Ramadasan Lab Name CE2307 - Concrete and Highway Mr.B.Krishnamoorthi(Main) Engineering Lab ravikumar Asst.) CE2308 Rose (Main) - Ms.Nirmala - Ms.D.Saranya - Mr. R. - Staff Name - Mr. C. Selin - Soil Mechanics Laboratory - Dr. A. Leema - Ms.C.Rajasakthi (Asst.) GE2321 - Communication Skills Laboratory - English Staff New Staff – 1 (Asst) Class Incharge Faculty Advisors - Mr. M.Mariyapan - Dr. A. Leema Rose & Ms.R.Nirmala HOD Principal Om Sakthi Adhiparasakthi Engineering College Melmaruvathur – 603 319 XVIII. Department of Civil Engineering Time Table for IV Year (Odd Semester) Semester :VII Year : 2012 – 2013 Tue EST BDA DRCB E–I CADD / DESIGN PROJECT 342 01.30) Mon Lunch(12.30 – Day/Hr (09.001–09.50) (09.50 2– 10.40) (10.503–11.40) (11.40 4– 12.30) 5 6 7 (01.30 – 02.20) (02.20 –03.10) (03.10 –04.00) PSC E - II DRCB DRCB PSC BDA Wed PSC E–I Thu PSC BDA Fri EST DRCB DRCB CADD / DESIGN PROJECT Sat PSC EST E – II DRCB E-I BDA E- II E – II E–I EST EST PSC E - II E-I BDA Counseling Subject Name CE 2401-DRC CE 2402- EST ravikumar CE 2403-BDA CE 2404 - PSC CE2031 – E - I CE2028 – E – I M.Vasanthavigar CE 2039 – E - II Mr.B.Krishnamoorthi CE 2037 – E – II Staff Name - Design of RC and Reinforced Brick Masonry Structures - Estimation and Quantity Surveying -Ms.P.Somiyadevi - Mr. C. Selin - Basics of Aseismic Design - Prestressed Concrete Structures -Water Resources Engineering - Ground Water Engineering -Mr.M.Mariappan - Ms.R.Nirmala -Ms. C. Rajasakthi - Dr. - Municipal Solid Waste Management - Industrial Waste Management - Ms.D.Saranya Lab Name Staff Name Design Project Venkatakrishnaiah & - Mr. R. Mr.A.Krishnamoorthi - Mr.M.Mariappan CADD – Computer Aided Design and Drafting Lab (Main) & - Ms.P.Somiyadevi (Asst.) Class Incharge - Mr.B.Krishanmoorthi Faculty Advisors - Ms.C.Rajasakthi & Dr. M.Vasanthavigar HOD Principal 343 Om Sakthi ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Melmaruvathur – 603 319. Department of ……………………………………………… College, Department and Class Activities Semester: Odd 2010 Sl. No. 1. Staff Name Staff Name Designation Academic year: 2009 – College Activities 1. Activity 1 2. Activity 2 Departmental Activities 1. Activity 1 2. Activity 2 Class Activities 1. Activity 1 2. Activity 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HOD Principal - 344 - DAY I II III IV V VI VII Rvk, MK, CR, AU AK, MM, MK,, TDR Tuesday TBP, CR Rvk , ALR, MM AK, ALR, KSB Wednesday MM Thursday MK, KSB, PS, AU AK, TBP, MK, TDR Saturday I II AK, MM, TDR Rvk, AK, ALR, MK, Rvk, ALR, TBP, MK, PS Friday DAY Lunch Monday III Rvk, MM, MK, IV V VI AU JK Tuesday CR ALR, Lunch Monday Wednesday KSB Thursday MM MK Friday TBP PS Saturday AK RVK - 345 - TDR VII DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Time Table for II Year Mechanical Semester : 03 Class : II Year 1 Day/Hour Academic Year : 2009-2010 3 4 5 6 7 (9 - 9.50 am) (9.50 - 10.40) (10.50 - 11-40) (11.40 - 12.30) (1.20 -2.10) (2.10 - 3.00) (3.00 - 3.50) Monday KoM ETD FM EDC MT-1 TPDE MT-1 Tuesday KoM TPDE ETD FM Wednesday EDC Thursday FM KoM TPDE ETD Friday EDC FM MT-1 ETD KoM ETD TPDE Saturday MT-1 TPDE FM EDC ETD EDC KoM FM/EDC/MT LAB Lunch 2 FM/EDC/MT LAB TPDE INT FM/EDC/MT LAB Theory TPDE MA 2211 –Transforms and Partial Differential Equations – Mr.K.Karthik Vendhan MT-1 ME 2201 – Manufacturing Technology 1 – Mr.D.Sivakumar ETD ME 2202 – Engineering Thermodynamics – Mr.V.NadanaKumar KoM ME 2203 – Kinematics of machinery – Mr.S.Solay Anand FM ME 2204 – Fluid Mechanics and Machinery – Mr.C.K.Dhinakarraj. EDC ME 2205 – Electrical drives and Controls – Mrs.K.Amudhambihai Sundari. Practical MT Lab – ME 2207 – Manufacturing Technology lab – I – Mr.D.SivaKumar, Mr.K.Velavan. FM Lab – ME 2208 – Fluid Mechanics and Machinery lab– Mr.S.SolayAnand,Mr.C.K.Dhinakaraj. EDC Lab – ME 2209 – Electrical Engineering Lab – Mr.P.Selvaraj. Int Internet – Mr. M.Kannan. Class In Charge : Mr.S.Goalakannan. Faculty Advisors Roll No. 1 – 22 : Mr.S.SolayAnand Roll No. 23 – 44 :Mr.R.Prabhu Roll No. 45 – 66 :Mr.K.Anandavelu. Class Representative: Meenakshi Sundram - 346 - FM Time Table for III Year Mechanical Semester : 05 Class : III Year 1 Day/Hour Academic Year : 2008-2009 3 4 5 6 7 (9 - 9.50 am) (9.50 - 10.40) (10.50 - 11-40) (11.40 - 12.30) (1.20 -2.10) (2.10 - 3.00) (3.00 - 3.50) Monday GDJP DOM EMM DOM GDJP INT AHP Tuesday GDJP DOM DOM EMM Wednesday DOM Thursday EvSE GDJP DME DME Friday EvSE EMM DME DME AHP Saturday GDJP AHP EvSE AHP DY/MET/CAD LAB GDJP Lunch 2 DY/MET/CAD LAB EvSE DME DME DY/MET/CAD LAB COMM SKILL&TECH SEM DOM EMM Theory EvSE – CY1201 – Environmental Science and Engineering – Mrs.D.Santhi DOM – ME 1301 – Dynamics of Machinery – Mr.N.Ramdoss DME – ME 1302 – Design of machine elements – Mr.S.Gopalakannan. GDJP – ME 1303 – Gas Dynamics &Jet Propulsion – Mr.M.Kannan. EMM – ME 1304 – Engineering Metrology and Measurements – Mr.S.Ramesh AHP – ME 1305 – Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics – Prof.R.Karthikeyan. Practical DY Lab – ME 1306 – Dynamics Lab – Mr.N.Ramadoss, Mr.S.Ramesh. MET Lab – ME 1307 – Metrology and Measurements – Mr.K.Anandavelu, Mr.S.Gopalakannan. CAD Lab –ME1308–Computer Aided Machine Drawing Practice–Mr.R.Prabhu, Mr.V.Nadanakumar GE 1303 – Communication Skills and Technical Seminar– Mr.K.Anandavelu & Mr.A.Ramamurthy. INT – Internet – Mr. S.Ramesh. Class In Charge : Mr.S.Ramesh. Faculty Advisors Roll No. 1 – 22 : Mr.C.K.Dhinakarraj Roll No. 23 – 44 : Mr.M.Kannan Roll No. 45 – 66 : Mr.V. NadanaKumar Class Representative Sathya. - 347 - Time Table for IV Year Mechanical Semester : 07 Class : IV Year 1 Day/Hour Academic Year : 2009-2010 3 4 5 6 7 (9 - 9.50 am) (9.50 - 10.40) (10.50 - 11-40) (11.40 - 12.30) (1.20 -2.10) (2.10 - 3.00) (3.00 - 3.50) Monday INT CIM MECTRO LIB TQM DJF DJF Tuesday CIM MECTRO TQM PPCE Wednesday PPCE MECTRO FEA Thursday CIM DJF FEA Friday DJF TQM MECTRO CIM IDENTIFICATION OF PROJECT Saturday FEA PPCE CIM DJF PPCE MECTRO/CAD LAB Lunch 2 MECTRO/CAD LAB IDENTIFICATION OF PROJECT TQM Theory TQM – MG1401 – Total Quality Management – Mr.K.S.Pandian FEA – MH1003 – Finite Element Analysis – Mr.U.Mohammed Iqbal MECTRO – ME1402 – Mechatronics – Mr.A.Ramamurthy CIM – ME1403 – Computer Integrated Manufacturing – Mr.K.Velavan PPCE – ME1007 – Process Planning and Cost Estimation – Mr.K.Anandavelu DJF – ME1009 – Design of Jigs and Fixture – Mr.R.Prabhu Practical CADLab –ME1404 –Computer Aided Simulation and Analysis Lab–Mr.M.Kannan,Mr.U.Mh. Iqbal MECTRO Lab – PR 1353 – Mechatronics Lab – Prof.R.Karthikeyan, Mr.A.Ramamurthy. ME 1406 – Identification of Project Work For Next Semester Mr.R.Prabhu. INT – Internet – Mr. C.K.Dhinakarraj. LIB – Library – Mr.A.Ramamurthy Class Incharge : Mr. U.Mohammed Iqbal. Faculty Advisors Roll No. 1 – 22 : . Mr.K.Velavan Roll No. 23 – 44 : Mr. A.Ramamurthy Roll No. 45 – 66 : Mr. N.Ramadoss Class Representative R.Ragul. - 348 - MECTRO Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester : III Day/Hr 1 Thur Fri Sat 3 4 5 Lab EVS EDC Net TPDE DS TPDE Lab DS EMT DS TPDE EMT MI Lab EDC EVS TPDE Subject Name MA 2211 Transforms & Partial Differential Eqns. GE 2211 Environmental Science & Engg. EE 2201 Measurements & Instrumentation EE 2202 Electro Magnetic Theory EE 2203 Electronic Devices & Circuits EE 2204 Data Structure & Algorithms 6 (01.20 – 02.10) (02.10 –03.00) Lunch(12.30 –01.20) Wed 2 (09.00 –09.50) (09.50 – 10.40) (10.50 –11.40) (11.40 – 12.30) Mon Tue Year : 2009 - 2010 7 (03.00 –03.50) DS EDC MI EMT EMT MI MI DS EDC EVS TPDE EMT TPDE EVS DS MI EMT TPDE Staff Name Mr.K.Karthik vendhan Miss. .Udhayavani Dr.B.Justice Rabi Mr.T.S.Jayamohan Mrs.K.A.Sundari Miss. .Praveena Lab Name Staff Name EE 2207 Electronic Devices & Circuits Mrs.K.A.Sundari (Mr.K.Padhmanathan, Mr.P.Selvaraj, Mr.T.S.Jayamohan) EE 2208 Measurements & Instrumentation Mr.M.Durairasan (Mr.S.A.Elankurisil,Mr.T.S.Jayamohan) 2209 Data Structure & Algorithms Miss. .Praveena Class Incharge Mr.M.Durairasan Net Hour Mr.K.Padhmanathan. Faculty Advisors Mrs.P.Radhika, Mrs.P.Tamilarasi, Mr.N.Karthik, Mr.T.S.Jayamohan TT i/c HOD - 349 - PRINCIPAL Time Table for IV th - EEE (Odd Semester) Semester : VII Year : 2009 - 2010 1 2 3 4 Mon DEA HVE PSO SM Tue SM PSO TQM HVE Wed Ethics Thur SM DEA TQM DEA Fri DEA PSO Net SM Sat HVE PSO DEA TQM Day/Hr 5 (09.00 –09.50) (09.50 – 10.40) (10.50 –11.40) (11.40 – 12.30) Subject Name EE 1401 Power System Operation & control EE 1402 High Voltage Engineering EE 1403 Design of Electrical Apparatus EE 1001 Special Electrical Machines MG1401 Total Quality Management GE 1301 Professional Ethics & Human values Lunch(12.30 –01.20) Lab 6 (01.20 – 02.10) (02.10 –03.00) 7 (03.00 –03.50) Lab Ethics HVE PSO TQM PSO Ethics HVE Ethics Library Lab SM DEA Ethics Staff Name Mrs.P.Tamilarasi Mr.S.A.Elankurisil Mr.N.Karthik Mr.P.Selvaraj Prof.K.S.Pandiyan Mr.M.Durairasan Lab Name Staff Name EE 1404 Power System Simulation Lab Mrs.P.Tamilarasi (Mr.N.Karthik, Dr.B.Justice Rabi) Placement Training & Technical Seminar(Comp.) Mr.S.A.Elankurisil I/c (Mr.T.S.Jayamohan,Mr.K.Mathivanan) Internet Hour Mrs.N.Hemalatha Library Hour Mrs.P.Radhika Class In-Charge Mrs.P.Tamilarasi Faculty Advisors Mrs.N.Hemalatha,Mrs.K.A.Sundhari,Mr.K.Padhmanathan,Mr.K.Mathivanan TT i/c HOD - 350 - PRINCIPAL Time Table for III rd - EEE (Odd Semester) Semester : V Day/Hr 1 Year : 2009 - 2010 2 3 4 5 (09.00 –09.50) (09.50 – 10.40) (10.50 –11.40) (11.40 – 12.30) PE PSG Tue DLC Wed OOPS Thur PSG Fri CE LIC Sat DLC CE LIC CE Lab PE LIC PE Lab Comm.Skills LIC PSG Subject Name EE 1301 Power Electronics EE 1302 Protection & Switch Gears EC 1311 Communication Engineering EC 1312 Digital Logic Circuits EC 1313 Linear Integrated Circuits CS 1261 Object Oriented Programming Lab Name EE 1303 Power Electronics Lab Lunch(12.30 –01.20) Mon 6 (01.20 – 02.10) (02.10 –03.00) 7 (03.00 –03.50) OOPS LIC Library PSG PE OOPS Lab Net CE DLC CE OOPS DLC PE DLC OOPS Staff Name Mrs.P.Radhika Mr.R.Arul Ms.M.Sumathi Ms.M.Zeenath Mrs.N.Hemalatha Mr.P.Radhakrishnan Staff Name Mrs.P.Radhika (Mr.T.S.Jayamohan, Mr.K.Mathivanan) EC 1314 Integrated Circuits Lab Mrs.N.Hemalatha (Miss.R.Thangam) CS 1261 Object Oriented ProgrammingLab Ms. .Ramya GE 1302 Comm.Skills Lab Mr.K.Mathivanan /(IstYr Staff ) Library Hour Msr.N. Hemalatha Internet Hour Mr.N.Karthik Class In-Charge Mrs.N.Hemalatha Faculty Advisors Mr.S.A.Elankurisil, Mr.P.Selvaraj, Ms.R.Thangam, Mr.M.Durairasan TT i/c HOD Omsakthi ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE - 351 - PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ACADEMIC YEAR (2009-10) ODD SEMESTER CLASS: II ECE A SEM: 03 Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON MIII LAB TUE SS DS EE EC-I WED EE EC-I MIII DS THURS DS MIII SS EC-I FRI NET EE DS DE SAT M III DS EC I SS SS EC-I DE DE EE MIII LAB MIII DE STAFF MEMBERS SS-SIGNALS & SYSTEMS Mr.T.N.SURESH BABU DE-DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Mr.M.THILAGAR EC-I-ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS –I Mrs.G.ILAVARASI EE-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Ms.M.THANGAM M-III-MATHEMATICS Ms.B.ANJANA DEVI DS-DATA STRUCTURE Ms.SIVAGAMASUNDARI NET LAB Mrs.S.VENNILA DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB Mr.M.THILAGAR ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS –I LAB Mr.A.K.GNANASEKAR DATA STRUCTURE & OOPS LAB Ms.SIVAGAMASUNDARI EE Mrs.S.BHARATHI FACULTY ADVISORS: 1.Ms.N.HEMAVATHY 1-22 , 2.Ms.M.JENATH 23-44 3.Ms.P.SASIKAL 44-65 TIMETABLE I/C H.O.D & PRINCIPAL - 352 - DE LAB SUBJECTS CLASS INCHARGE : SS CON Omsakthi ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ACADEMIC YEAR (2009-10) ODD SEMESTER CLASS: II ECE B SEM: 03 Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON MIII SS EE EC-I LAB TUE NET DS SS MIII WED EE THURS DS SS EC-I DE FRI EC-I EE DE MIII DS SS DS SAT DE DS M III SS EE EC I CON LAB DE EE MIII MIII EC-I DE LAB SUBJECTS STAFF MEMBERS SS-SIGNALS & SYSTEMS Mrs.A.VEERALAKSHMI DE-DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Ms.R.KANCHANA EC-I-ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS –I Ms.P.SASIKALA EE-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Mr.K.MATHIVANAN M-III-MATHEMATICS Mr.V.SIVAKUMARAN DS-DATA STRUCTURE Mr.G.PRABAKARAN NET LAB Ms.P.SASIKALA DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB Ms.R.KANCHANA ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS-I LAB Mrs.R.VALLI DATA STRUCTURE & OOPS LAB Mr.G.PRABAKARAN CLASS INCHARGE FACULTY ADVISORS Mrs.R.JOTHICHITRA 1.Ms.M.SUMATHI 1 1-22 2.Ms.G.SUBASHREE 23-44 3.Mr.T.N.SURESH BABU 45-65 TIMETABLE I/C H.O.D & PRINCIPAL Omsakthi - 353 - ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ACADEMIC YEAR (2009-10) ODD SEMESTER CLASS: III ECE A SEM: 05 Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON DSP CT NM CS TUE CS WED CT CS MP TLW THURS TLW MP DSP NM FRI MP TLW DSP CT CS SAT NM CT CS DSP TLW LAB SEM MP TLW CT NM LIB NET DSP NM LAB SUBJECTS STAFF MEMBERS NM-NUMERICAL METHODS Mr.G.KALAIMURUGAN DSP-DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Ms.M.AATHIRAI MEENA CS-CONTROL SYSTEMS Mrs.S.VENNLIA CT-COMMUNICTION THEORY Mr.S.PRAKASH TLW-TRANSMISSION LINES & WAVEGUIDES Ms.G.SUBASHREE MP-MICROPROCESSOR Mrs.M.RAJALAKSHMI DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB Mrs.S.BHARATHI MICROPROCESSOR LAB Mrs.M.RAJALAKSHMI SEMINAR Mrs. G.SUDHARASHANA NET Mrs. G.SUDHARASHANA COMMUNICATION SKILLS Mr.K.MUTHUKUMARAN LIBRARY Mrs.A.VEERALAKSHMI CLASS INCHARGE COMMN. SKILLS MP CON Mr.J.RAJA FACULTY ADVISORS 1. Mrs. G.SUDHARASHANA 1-21 2. Mr.S.PRAKASH 22-43 3.Mrs.G.ILAVARASI 44-65 TIMETABLE I/C H.O.D & PRINCIPAL Omsakthi - 354 - ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ACADEMIC YEAR (2009-10) ODD SEMESTER CLASS: III ECE B SEM: 05 Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON MP DSP NM TLW TUE NM DSP NET CS WED DSP MP CT TLW THURS CS FRI TLW CS MP SAT CT NM MP CT SEM LAB MP CS NM TLW CT COMMN DSP NM CT LIB DSP CS TLW COMMN LAB SUBJECTS STAFF MEMBERS NM-NUMERICAL METHODS Mr.R.MURUGAN DSP-DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Ms.M.SUMATHI CS-CONTROL SYSTEMS Mr.K.MOORTHI CT-COMMUNICTION THEORY Ms.M.AATHIRAI MEENA TLW-TRANSMISSION LINES & WAVEGUIDES Mrs.A.VEERALAKSHMI MP-MICROPROCESSOR Ms.M.JENATH DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB Ms.M.SUMATHI MICROPROCESSOR LAB Ms.M.JENATH SEMINAR Mrs.S.VENNLIA NET Mr.S.PRAKASH COMMUNICATION SKILLS Mr.K.MUTHUKUMARAN LIBRARY Ms.G.SUBASHREE CLASSINCHARGE Mr.P.THIRUMARAISELVAN FACULTY ADVISORS 1. Mrs.S.VENNLIA 1-21 2. Mrs.A.VEERALAKSHMI 22-43 TIMETABLE I/C H.O.D & PRINCIPAL - 355 - CON Omsakthi ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ACADEMIC YEAR (2009-10) ODD SEMESTER CLASS: IV ECE A SEM: 07 Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON AMP LAB MW VLSI DIP TUE OC HSN OC DIP NET OC OC WED MW HSN AMP VLSI AMP THURS VLSI MW HSN VLSI FRI DIP SAT VLSI LAB LAB HSN MW LIB DIP SEM MW AMP AMP OC CON SUBJECTS STAFF MEMBERS MW-MICROWAVE ENGG Mrs.R.JOTHICHITRA OC-OPTICAL COMMUNICATION Prof.PADMANABAM HSN-HIGH SPEED NETWORKS Mrs.FOUZIA SULTANA VLSI Ms.N.HEMAVATHY DIP-DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Mrs. G.SUDHARASHANA AMP-ADVANCED MICROPROCESSOR Mr.P.THIRUMARAISELVAN MICROWAVE &OPTICAL LAB Mrs.R.JOTHICHITRA VLSI LAB Ms.N.HEMAVATHY NET Ms.M.AATHIRAI MEENA LIBRARY Mrs.G.ILAVARASI SEMINAR Mrs.R.VALLI CLASSINCHARGE FACULTY ADVISORS Mrs.R.VALLI 1. Ms.R.KANCHANA 1-19 2.Mr.M.THILAGAR 20-39 3. Mrs.FOUZIA SULTANA 40-58 TIMETABLE I/C H.O.D & PRINCIPAL \ \ - 356 - Omsakthi ADHIPARASAKTHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ACADEMIC YEAR (2009-10) ODD SEMESTER CLASS: IV ECE B SEM: 07 Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON AMP HSN VLSI OC TUE VLSI NET OC DIP WED OC THURS MW VLSI DIP AMP FRI HSN AMP VLSI MW SAT DIP VLSI OC HSN SEM MW LAB LAB AMP SUBJECTS DIP MW OC HSN LIB LAB MW AMP STAFF MEMBERS MW-MICROWAVE ENGG Mrs.M.MALATHI OC-OPTICAL COMMUNICATION Ms.G.SUBASHREE HSN-HIGH SPEED NETWORKS Mrs.R.VALLI VLSI Mr.J.RAJA DIP-DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Mr.A.K.GNANASEKAR AMP-ADVANCED MICROPROCESSOR Mrs.S.BHARATHI MICROWAVE &OPTICAL LAB Mrs.M.MALATHI VLSI LAB Mr.J.RAJA NET Mr.M.THILAGAR LIBRARY Mr.S.PRAKASH SEMINAR Mr.J.RAJA CLASSINCHARGE Mr.A.K.GNANASEKAR FACULTY ADVISORS 1.Mrs.M.RAJALAKSHMI 1-22 2.Mr.K.MOORTHI 23-44 3.Ms.M.AATHIRAI MEENA 45-64 TIMETABLE I/C H.O.D & PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING Time Table for II CSE-A YEAR: 2008-2009 SEM: - 357 - III CON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mon M-III DS DPSD OOPS EVS SS M-III Tue SS M-III DPSD OOPS Wed M-III DS SS DS DPSD Thur M-III OOPS Fri DPSD LAB OOPS EVS Lunch Day/Hr LIB LAB LAB NET DS EVS Subject Name Object Oriented Programming - Staff Name Mr. P.Saravanan, LECT/CSE Data Structures - Mrs. S.uma, LECT/CSE Digital Principles and System Design - Mrs. J. Jayalakshmi, AP/CSE System Software - Ms. R.Senthilarasi, LECT/CSE Maths-III - Ms.B.Thenmozhi, LECT/MATHS Environmental Science & Engg. - Mrs.T.Varalakshmi, LECT/CHEMISTRY Net hour - Mrs. S.Uma, LECT/CSE Library hour - Mr.B.Lakshmipathy, LECT/CSE Lab Name Oops Lab Staff Name Mr. P.Saravanan, LECT/CSE & Ms. S.Poornima, LECT/CSE Mrs.S.uma, LECT/CSE & Mr.B.Lakshmipathy, LECT/CSE Mrs. J. Jayalakshmi, AP/CSE & Mrs. A.Latha, LECT/CSE Mrs. S.uma, LECT/CSE Data Structures Lab Digital Lab Class In charge Faculty Advisors HOD - PRINCIPAL - 358 - Mr. P.Sivanesan, LECT/CSE Ms. R.Senthilarasi, LECT/CSE DIRECTOR Time Table for II CSE-B YEAR: 2008-2009 SEM: III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mon OOPS DS DPSD SS DPSD M-III EVS Tue NET DPSD M-III OOPS Wed DS LAB Thur M-III LAB Fri SS OOPS Lunch Day/Hr LIB LAB M-III DPSD EVS DS SS M-III EVS DS DPSD Subject Name Object Oriented Programming - Staff Name Mr. B.Prakash, LECT/CSE Data Structures - Ms.T.Akila, LECT/CSE Digital Principles and System Design - Mr. K.Moorthy, LECT/ECE System Software - Ms. V.Soniadevi, LECT/CSE Maths-III - Mrs.G.Sumathi, LECT/MATHS Environmental Science & Engg. - Ms. Udayavani, LECT/CHEMISTRY Net hour - Mr. B.Prakash, LECT/CSE Library hour - Mr. S.Hariganesan, LECT/CSE Lab Name Oops Lab Staff Name Mr. D.Manikkannan, LECT/CSE & Mr. B.Prakash, LECT/CSE Ms.T.Akila, LECT/CSE & Ms. V.Soniadevi, LECT/CSE Mr. K.Moorthy, LECT/ECE & Mrs. J. Jayalakshmi, AP/CSE Data Structures Lab Digital Lab Class In charge - Ms.T.Akila, LECT/CSE Class Advisors - Mr. P.Saravanan, LECT/CSE Mrs.S.Uma, LECT/CSE HOD PRINCIPAL - 359 - DIRECTOR Time Table for III CSE-A YEAR: 2008-2009 SEM: 1 2 Mon TOC DM Tue DBMS Wed DBMS Thur Fri P 4 5 CN LAB 6 7 LAB TOC PMT TOC DM CN PMT NET P DBMS DM P TOC P CN 3 Lunch Day/Hr V CN PMT LAB DM DBMS T.S Subject Name Computer Network - Staff Name Mrs. S.Uma, LECT/CSE Database management systems - Ms. C.Ezhilarasi, SL/CSE Theory of Computation - Mr.B.Lakshmipathy, LECT/CSE Principles of Management - Mr.S.P.Muthukumar SL/MBA Microprocessor and Microcontrolers - Mrs. A.Latha, LECT/CSE Discrete Mathematics - Mr.N.Balamurugan, LECT/MATHS Net hour - Ms. C.Ezhilarasi, SL/CSE Technical Seminar - Mr. P.Saravanan, LECT/CSE Lab Name Computer Network Lab Staff Name Ms.T.Akila, LECT/CSE & Mr. S.Hariganesan, LECT/CSE DBMS lab - Microprocessors lab - Class In charge - Ms. C.Ezhilarasi, SL/CSE & Ms. S.Poornima, LECT/CSE Mrs. A.Latha, LECT/CSE & Mr. P.Mukunthan, AP/CSE Mrs. A.Latha, LECT/CSE Class Advisors - Mr. B.Prakash, LECT/CSE Ms. S.Poornima, LECT/CSE HOD PRINCIPAL - 360 - DIRECTOR Time Table for III CSE-B YEAR: 2008-2009 SEM: 1 2 Mon TOC P Tue TOC DM 3 4 T.S P Wed P Thur CN DBMS TOC Fri TOC PMT CN PMT LAB Lunch Day/Hr 5 6 7 DBMS NET CN LAB DBMS DM P V DM PMT LAB DBMS DM CN Subject Name Computer Network - Staff Name Mrs. V.Lavanya, AP/CSE Database management systems - Ms. S.Poornima, LECT/CSE Theory of Computation - Mr. J.Maruthupandi, LECT/CSE Principles of Management - Ms. Amaravathy, LECT/MBA Microprocessor and Microcontrolers - Mr. P.Mukunthan, AP/CSE Discrete Mathematics - Mr.N.Balamurugan, LECT/MATHS Net hour - Ms. S.Poornima, LECT/CSE Technical Seminar - Ms. S.Poornima, LECT/CSE Lab Name Computer Network Lab Staff Name Mrs. V.Lavanya, AP/CSE & Mr. N.Sivanesan, LECT/CSE Ms. S.Poornima, LECT/CSE & Ms. C.Ezhilarasi, SL/CSE Mr. P.Mukunthan, AP/CSE & Mrs. A.Latha, LECT/CSE DBMS lab Microprocessors lab Class In charge - Mr. J.Maruthupandi, LECT/CSE Class Advisors - Ms. V.Soniadevi, LECT/CSE Mrs. J. Jayalakshmi, AP/CSE HOD PRINCIPAL - 361 - DIRECTOR Time Table for IV CSE-A YEAR: 2008-2009 SEM: 1 2 3 4 5 Mon DSP OOAD CNS OOAD Tue . NET CNS IP DSP Wed TQM Thur IP Fri OOAD LAB .NET OOAD TQM IP CNS DSP LAB TQM Subject Name I. 6 7 LAB Lunch Day/Hr VII LIB CNS .NET IP TQM NET DSP Staff Name Object Oriented Analysis and Design - Mr. N.Sivanesan, LECT/CSE Cryptography & Network Security - Mr. D.Manikkannan, LECT/CSE C# and .Net - Mr. B.Lakshmipathy, LECT/CSE Internet Programming - Mr. J.Maruthupandi, LECT/CSE Total Quality Management - Dr.V.Krishnamurthi, Prof/CSE Digital Signal Processing - Mr. V.Janakiraman, AP/ECE Net Hour - Mr. J.Maruthupandi, LECT/CSE Library Hour - Mr. J.Maruthupandi, LECT/CSE Lab Name II. Case Tools Lab Staff Name - Mr. D.Manikkannan LECT/CSE & Ms.R.Senthilarasi, LECT/CSE IP Lab - Ms. R.Manimozhi, LECT/CSE & Dr.V.Krishnamurthi, Prof/CSE Class In charge - Ms. C.Ezhilarasi, SL/CSE Class Advisors - Mr.J.Maruthupandi, LECT/CSE Ms. C.Ezhilarasi, SL/CSE HOD PRINCIPAL - 362 - DIRECTOR Time Table for IV CSE-B YEAR: 2008-2009 SEM: Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 Mon .NET Tue CNS DSP NET CNS Wed DSP IP OOAD TQM Thur TQM DSP OOAD .NET Fri IP OOAD TQM CNS LAB Lunch 5 6 7 CNS .NET TQM . NET IP DSP LAB LAB IP Subject Name III. VII LIB Staff Name Object Oriented Analysis and Design - Mrs. R.Dhanalakshmi, AP/CSE Cryptography & Network Security - Mr. N.Sivanesan, LECT/CSE C# and .Net - Mr.P.Saravanan, LECT/CSE Internet Programming - Ms. C.Dhaya, SL /CSE Total Quality Management - Dr. T.StephanThangaraj, Prof/CSE Digital Signal Processing - Mr. V.Janakiraman, AP/ECE Net Hour - Ms. C.Dhaya, SL /CSE Library Hour - Mr. B.Lakshmipathy, LECT/CSE Lab Name IV. Case Tools Lab Staff Name - Mr. B.Prakash, LECT/CSE & IP Lab - Mrs. R.Dhanalakshmi, AP/CSE Ms. C.Dhaya, SL /CSE - Mr. T.StephanThangaraj, Prof/CSE Mrs. Jayalakshmi, AP/CSE & Class Incharge Class Advisors - HOD Mr. D.Manikkannan, LECT/CSE Mrs. A.Latha, LECT/CSE PRINCIPAL - 363 - DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TIME TABLE Semester Class : VII : IV Year Academic year: 2009-10 Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON CRE-II SAFETY TP ECO TUE TP FOOD CRE-II ECO WED FOOD THU CRE-II BIO TP FOOD FRI BIO SAFETY TP CRE-II ECO FOOD NET(TRS) SAT ECO BIO SAFETY FOOD CRE-II TP COUNSELLING CRE/DRAWING LAB (ABP,TRS/GS,SV,RR) LUNCH CRE/DRAWING LAB (ABP.TRS/GS,SV,RR) SAFETY BIO LIB (GS) ECO BIO SAFETY SEMINAR (ABP,TRS,TS,RR) NAME OF THE SUBJECT SUB. CODE MG 1402 Ms.G.SARASWATHY CRE-II-CHEMICAL REACTION ENGG-II CH1401 Mr.S.VELMURUGAN SAFETY-CHEMICAL PROCESS PLANT SAFETY CH1402 Mr.G.MANIKANDAN TP-TRANSPORT PHENOMENA CH1403 Mr.T.R.SUNDARARAMAN BIO-BIO CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CH1404 Mr.A.BABUPONNUSAMI FOOD-FOOD TECHNOLOGY CH1001 Mr.T.SIVAKUMAR CH1405 Mr.S.VELMURUGAN ECO-PROCESS ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRIAL NAME OF THE FACULTY MANAGEMENT DRAWING LAB-PROCESS DRAWING -II LAB EQUIPMENT DESIGN & Ms.G.SARASWATHY CRE LAB-CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING LAB SEMINAR Mr.R.RAJASEKARAN CH1406 Mr.A.BABUPONNUSAMI CH1407 Mr.T.R.SUNDARARAMAN Mr.T.R.SUNDARARAMAN Mr.A.BABUPONNUSAMI Mr.T.SIVAKUMAR Mr.R.RAJASEKARAN Class Incharge - Mr.T.SIVAKUMAR Faculty Advisors - Mr.G.VIJAYARAGHAVAN Class Representative (Boys) - ARUNACHALAM KARTHIK RAMASAMY (Girls) - K. SANGEETHA - 364 - Semester :V Academic year: 2009-10 Class : III Year Day/Hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON HT CET-I MT-I ETHICS MATHS CPI-I LIB(TS) TUE MATHS HT CET-I CPI-I WED CET-I CPI-I ETHICS MT-I THU MATHS MT-I FRI HT MATHS MT-I SAT MT-I MATHS HT LUNCH HT/TA LAB (TS,SV/JL) COMM SKILL LAB (GS/THI) HT/TA LAB (TS,SV/JL) MATHS HT ETHICS ETHICS CPI-I CET-I NET(GS) CET-I CPI-I ETHICS COUNSELLING NAME OF THE SUBJECT MATHS-SPECIAL FUNCTION SUB. CODE MA1301 NAME OF THE FACULTY Mrs.G.SUMATHI CET-I-CHEMICAL ENGG THERMODYNAMICS-I CH1301 Mr.A.BABUPONNUSAMI CPI-I-CHEMICAL PROCESS INDUSTRIES-I CH1302 Mr.R.RAJASEKARAN HT-HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS CH1303 Ms.G.SARASWATHY MT-I-MASS TRANSFER -I CH1304 Mr.T.SIVAKUMAR TA LAB-TECHNICAL ANALYSIS LAB GE1301 Mr.G.MANIKANDAN HT LAB-HEAT TRANSFER LAB CH1305 Mrs.J.LOGESHWARI CH1306 Mr.T.SIVAKUMAR ETHICS-PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES COMMUNICATION SKILL & SEMINAR Mr.S.VELMURUGAN GE1302 Ms.G.SARASWATHY Mr.THIYAGARAGAN Class Incharge - Mr.G.MANIKANDAN Faculty Advisors - Ms.G.SARASWATHY, Mr.G.MANIKANDAN Class Representative (Boys) (Girls) - K.VEERARAGHAVAN - R.SARANYA Semester : III Academic year: 2009-10 - 365 - Class : II Year 1 2 3 4 MON MATHS EDC MOS OC TUE FM EVS MATHS MOS WED MOS FM OC EVS THU OC FRI EVS MATHS EDC FM SAT EDC FM MOS OC 5 6 7 FM/OC/EE LAB (GVR,GM/SS/BATH) LUNCH Day/Hr FM/OC/EE LAB (GVR,GM/SS/BATH) NAME OF THE SUBJECT EDC LIB(GM) OC MATHS EDC NET(GVR) MOS FM EVS FM/OC/EE LAB (GVR,GM/SS/BATH) MATHS SUB. CODE EVS COUNSELLING NAME OF THE FACULTY MATHS- TRANSFORMS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS MA 2211 Mrs.R.RADHA EDC-ELECTRICAL DRIVES AND CONTROLS ME2205 Mr. PATHMANATHAN OC-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH2201 Mrs.S.SAKTHI RADHA MOS-MECHANICS OF SOLIDS CH2202 Mr.M.MARIAPPAN FM- FLUID MECHANICS CH2203 Mr.G.VIJAYARAGHAVAN EVS- ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGG. GE2211 Mrs.VARALAKSHMI OC LAB-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY CH2207 Mrs.S.SAKTHI RADHA ENGINEERING LAB. CH2208 Mr. PATHMANATHAN FM LAB-FLUID MECHANICS LAB CH2209 Mr.G.VIJAYARAGHAVAN EE LAB - BASIC ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS Mr.G.MANIKANDAN Class Incharge - Mr.G.VIJAYARAGHAVAN Faculty Advisors - Mr.S.VELMURUGAN, Mr.A.BABUPONNUSAMI, Mr.T.SIVAKUMAR, Mr.T.R.SUNDARARAMAN Class Representative (Boys) - LOKESH.P (Girls) - THILAKAVATHI.M - 366 - DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Time Table for II IT A Semester : III Class : II IT A Day/Hr TUE WED THU FRI M-III 2 3 4 DPSD/DS/OOPS LAB DS NET DPSD SS OOPS DPSD SS M-III DPSD POC OOPS M-III M-III DPSD/DS/OOPS LAB Lunch MON 1 Year:2008-2009 5 6 7 POC SS DPSD OOPS DS M-III DPSD/DS/OOPS LAB DS POC M-III DS SS POC Mathematics-III Data Structures Object Oriented Programming Systems Principles of Communication Digital Principles and System Design Signals and Systems Data Structures Lab Object Oriented Programming Systems Lab Digital Principles and System Design Lab - Mr.J.Karthivendhan Mr. P.Shanmugam Mrs. G.Gomathi Mrs.Vennila Mrs.Mangaiyarkarasi Mrs.A.Poonguzhali Mr. P.Shanmugam Mrs. G.Gomathi Mrs.A.Poonguzhali(Ass) Mrs.Mangaiyarkarasi NET - Ms. M.Priya (Tue) Class Incharge Faculty Advisors - Mrs. G.Gomathi Mrs. G.Gomathi (Girls) Mr.R.Pitchae (Boys) - 367 - Time Table for II IT B Semester : III Class : II IT B Day/Hr MON WED 1 2 3 4 POC SS DPSD DS DS M-III NET DPSD M-III THU FRI DPSD/DS/OOPS LAB DPSD DS OOPS POC SS M-III DPSD POC Mathematics-III Data Structures Object Oriented Programming Systems Principles of Communication Digital Principles and System Design Signals and Systems Data Structures Lab - Object Oriented Programming Systems Lab Digital Principles and System Design Lab - 5 6 SS M-III POC OOPS SS DS M-III OOPS M-III DPSD/DS/OOPS LAB Mrs.R.Radha Mr. S.Babu Ms.N.Elamathi Mrs.Vennila Mr.B.Justus Rabi Ms.Aathiraimeena Prof. Rajaraman Narayanan(Ass) Mr. S.Babu Ms.N.Elamathi Ms.M.Jenath Mr.B.Justus Rabi (Ass) NET - Mr.S.Babu Class Incharge Faculty Advisors - Mr.S.Babu Mr.S.Babu(Boys) Ms.R.Manimozhi(Girls) - 368 - 7 DPSD/DS/OOPS LAB LUNCH TUE Year:2008-2009 Time Table for III IT A Semester : V Class : III IT A Year:2008-2009 Day/Hr 1 MON OOAD TUE CN ES WED DBMS ES LIB TS THU CN DBMS OOAD TS FRI DBMS 3 4 DBMS/OS/OOAD LAB COMM.SKILL DBMS/OS/OOAD LAB LUNCH . 2 5 6 7 ES DBMS OS NET OS CN DBMS/OS/OOAD LAB OOAD OS COMMUNICATION SKILL & SEMINAR TS Environmental Science and Engineering Telecommunication Systems Database Management Systems Object Oriented Analysis and Design Operating Systems Computer Networks Operating Systems Lab Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab Database Management Systems Lab - Ms.Papayee Mrs.P.Mangaiyarkarasi Ms. S.Praveena Mr.N.Manikandan Mr.B.Sivakumar Mr.R.Pitchae Mr.B.Sivakumar Mr.N.Manikandan Ms.S.Praveena LIB NET - Mr.S.Tamilselvan(Wed) Mrs.P.Mangaiyarkarasi COMM SKILL - Ms.A.Bhuvaneswari(Tue) Mr.S.Tamilselvan(Thur) Class Incharge Faculty Advisors - Ms.S.Praveena Ms.N.Elamathi(Girls) Mr.B.Sivakumar(Boys) - 369 - OOAD Time Table for III IT B Semester : V Class : III IT B Day/Hr MON TUE 1 2 3 4 CN OOAD DBMS TS DBMS CN TS OOAD TS THU FRI DBMS/OS/OOAD LAB CN OOAD OOAD OS COMM.SKILL LIB ES 5 6 DBMS COMMUNICATION SKILL & SEMINAR ES OS DBMS OS NET ES DBMS/OS/OOAD LAB Environmental Science and Engineering Telecommunication Systems Database Management Systems Object Oriented Analysis and Design Operating Systems Computer Networks Operating Systems Lab Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab Database Management Systems Lab - Ms.S.Sakthiradha Ms.Jenath Mr. K.JayaskthiVelMurugan Ms.U.Rahamathunnisa Mrs.A.Bhuvaneswari Mr.B.Sivakumar Mrs.A.Bhuvaneswari Ms.U.Rahamathunnisa Mr. K.JayaskthiVelMurugan LIB NET - Ms. Ms. M.Priya (Fri) Mrs.G.Gomathi(Thur) COMM SKILL - Mrs.E.Malini(Tue) Mr.B.Sivakumar(Thur) Class Incharge Faculty Advisors Mr. K.JayaskthiVelMurugan Mr.K.Jayasakthi(Boys) Mrs.Mangaiyarkarasi (Girls) - - 370 - 7 DBMS/OS/OOAD LAB Lunch WED Year:2008-2009 Time Table for IV IT A Semester : VII Class : IV IT A Year:2008-2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON DWM DS CBT GM MC GM LIB TUE DS LIB DWM GM WED CBT TQM TQM MC TQM GM CBT THU MC CBT GM DWM FRI MC NET DWM DS GM/CBT LAB LUNCH Day/Hr GM/CBT LAB CBT MC Distributed Systems Mobile Computing Total Quality Management Component Based Technology Graphics and Multimedia Data Warehousing& Mining Component Based Technology Lab Graphics and Multimedia Lab - Mr.S.Tamilselvan Mrs.G.Gomathi Prof. Rajaraman Mrs.E.Malini Ms.M.Priya Mr.S.Babu Mrs.E.Malini Ms.M.Priya LIB NET - Ms.M.Priya(Mon&Tue ) Ms.M.Priya(Fri) Class Incharge Faculty Advisors - Mr.S.Tamilselvan Mr.S.Tamilselvan(Boys) Mrs.E.Malini(Girls) - 371 - DS Time Table for IV IT B Semester : VII Class : IV IT B Year:2008-2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MON DS TQM GM CBT TQM DWM CBT TUE DWM MC GM CBT WED MC DWM GM LIB THU DS FRI GM GM/CBT LAB CBT MC DS LUNCH Day/Hr GM/CBT LAB CBT NET MC MC DS TQM DWM GM LIB Distributed Systems Mobile Computing Total Quality Management Component Based Technology Graphics and Multimedia Data Warehousing& Mining Component Based Technology Lab Graphics and Multimedia Lab - Mr.K.JayasakthiVelMurugan Ms.U.Rahamathunissa Ms.Sandhia Mr.S.Tamilselvan Ms.R.Manimozhi Mr.N.Manikandan Mr.S.Tamilselvan Ms.R.Manimozhi LIB LIB NET - Ms.S.Praveena(Fri) Ms. M.Priya (Wed) Ms.Sandhia(Wed) Class Incharge Faculty Advisors Mr.N.Manikandan Ms.S.Praveena(Girls) Mr.P.Shanmugam(Boys) - - 372 - Teaching Load of each Faculty Department : Civil Engineering Work Load Semester: Odd SI. No. Staff Name 1. Mr. V. Ramasamy Prof. & Head 2 Dr.T.S. Thandavamoorthy, Professor 3 Dr.H.G.Srinath, Professor 4. Mr. R. Venkatakrishnaiah Assistant Professor 5. 6 7 Mr. A. Krishnamoorthi Assistant Professor Ms. A. Leema Rose Senior Lecturer Ms. T. Bhagavathi Pushpa Lecturer Academic year: 2009 – 2010 Subject Name Class No. of periods Total Periods Mechanics of Solids Design Project Aptitude Net Hour Construction Personal Management Project Formulation and Appraisal Project Construction Equipments Project Safety Management Project Estimating & Quantity surveying Shoring, Scaffolding & Formwork Soil Engineering Lab (Main) Design Project Seminar Pavement Engineering Advanced Concrete Technology Computer Aided Design and Drafting Lab (Asst.) Design Project Net Hour Aptitude Structural Analysis- Classical Methods Shoring, Scaffolding & Formwork Environmental Engineering – I (Asst.) Design Project Engineering Practice Lab Seminar Elective III – Air Pollution Management Mechanics of Fluids Environmental Engineering Lab (Main) Net Hour Design Project Net Hour Engineering Practice Lab Seminar II Civil IV Civil ME I ME II 5 8 2 2 17 ME – II 4 ME – I 5 ME – II ME – I ME – I ME – II IV Civil 9 5 4 10 5 I M.E. 4 III Civil IV Civil ME –I IV Civil 6 4 3 5 I M.E. 5 IV Civil 8 IV Civil ME –I ME – II 4 2 2 III Civil 6 I M.E. 4 II Civil 6 IV Civil I Year ME – I 4 3 3 IV Civil 5 II Civil 5 III Civil 6 II Civil IV Civil 1 4 1 3 2 - 373 - IV Civil I Year ME – I 18 19 23 26 26 27 10 8 9 Mr. T. D. Ramadasan Lecturer Mr. M. Mariappan Lecturer Mr. M. Karthikeyan Lecturer Municipal Solid Waste Management Applied Geology Basics of Dynamics & Aseismic Design Mechanics of Solids Computer Aided Design and Drafting Lab (Main) Net Hour Seminar Engineering Practice Lab Surveying – I Resource Management and Control in Construction Surveying Practicals– I (Main) Design Project Engineering Practice Lab Placement Incharge - 374 - IV Civil II Civil IV Civil 5 II Chem. 5 IV Civil 8 III Civil ME – II I Year 1 3 3 II Civil 5 ME – II 4 II Civil IV Civil I Year 6 4 3 5 4 27 25 22 11 12 13 Ms. C. Rajasakthi Lecturer Mrs. K.S. Binitha Lecturer Ms. P. Somiya Devi Lecturer 14 Mr.A.Umashankar Sr. Lecturer 15 MrJ.Kumar Asst. Professor Computer Aided B uilding Drawing Lab (Main) Library Design Project Engineering Practices Lab Net Hour Seminar Elective-III – Water Resources Engineering Irrigation Engineering Soil Engineering Lab (Asst.) Design Project Engineering Practices Lab Library Seminar Construction Techniques Equipments and Practices Railways, Airports and Docks & harbours Survey Lab (Asst.) Design Project Engineering Practices Lab ( 2 Sections) Net Design of RC & Reinforced Brick Masonry Structures Professional Ethics and Human Values Computer Aided Building Drawing Lab (Asst.) Design Project Engineering Practices Lab (2 Sections) Building Services Foundation Engineering Skills Fluid Mechanics and Machineries(lab) Engineering Practices Lab Design Project Environmental Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Machineries Fluid Mechanics and Machineries(lab) Engineering Practices Lab Design Project HOD II Civil 6 II Civil IV Civil I Year ME – I ME – I 1 4 3 2 2 IV Civil 5 III Civil III Civil IV Civil I Year III Civil ME – I 5 6 4 3 1 2 II Civil 5 III Civil 5 III Civil IV Civil I Year IV Civil 6 4 6 1 IV Civil 6 III Civil 5 II Civil 6 IV Civil I Year IV Civil III Civil III Civil II Mech I Year IV Year III Year II Mech II Mech I Year IV Year 4 6 5 5 2 9 3 4 5 6 9 3 4 Principal - 375 - 26 27 27 28 27 Department : Mechanical EngineeringWork Load Details Semester: Odd Academic Year: 2009- 2010 Sl. No. of Staff Name Subject Name Class Periods No. 1. Prof.R.Karthikeyan 2. Mr.M.Kannan 3. Mr.D.Siva Kumar 4. Mr. R.Prabhu 5. 6. 7. 8. Mr.N.Ramadoss Mr.S.Solay Anand Mr.K.Anandavelu Mr. A.Ramamurthy Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics Mechatronics Lab Gas Dynamics and Space Propulsion Engineering Graphics Computer Aided Simulation and Analysis Lab Internet Manufacturing Technology – I Engineering Graphics Manufacturing Technology Lab – I Design of Jigs and Fixtures Engineering Graphics Computer Aided Machine Drawing and practice Engineering Practices Lab Project Incharge Dynamics of machines Engineering Graphics Dynamics Lab Engineering Practices Lab Kinematics of Machinery Engineering Graphics Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab Engineering Practices Lab Process Planning and Cost Estimation Engineering Graphics Metrology and measurements lab Engineering Practices Lab Communication skill and Technical Seminar Mechatronics Engineering Graphics Mechatronics Lab Engineering Practices Lab Communication skill and Technical Seminar Library 9. 10. Mr.K.Velavan Mr.S.Gopalakannan 11. Mr. U. Mohammed Iqbal Computer Integrated Manufacturing Engineering Graphics Manufacturing Technology Lab – I Engineering Practices Lab Design of Machine Elements Metrology and measurements lab Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Engineering Graphics Computer Aided Simulation and Analysis Lab Engineering Practices Lab - 376 - III Mech IV Mech III Mech I Yr sec 1 IV Mech III Mech II Mech I Yr sec 2 II Mech IV Mech I Yr sec 3 III Mech IV Mech III Mech I Yr sec 7 III Mech II Mech I Yr sec 4 II Mech IV Mech I Yr sec 5 III Mech III Mech IV Mech I Yr Sec 6 IV Mech III Mech IV Mech IV Mech I Yr sec 1 II Mech III Mech III Mech IV Mech I Yr sec 2 IV Mech 4 6 6 5 6 1 4 5 9 5 5 9 3 3 6 5 9 3 5 5 9 3 4 5 8 3 1 5 5 6 3 1 1 5 5 9 3 6 9 5 5 6 3 Total Periods 10 18 18 25 23 22 21 21 22 15 22 Engineering Practices Lab 12. Mr.S.Ramesh 13. Mr.C.K Dhinakarraj 14. Mr.V.Nadanakumar TT- In-Charge Engineering Metrology and Measurements Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphics Dynamics Lab Internet Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Engineering Graphics Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab Engineering Practices Lab Internet Engineering Thermodynamics Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphics Computer Aided Machine Drawing and practice OD/Mech - 377 - 3 III Mech I Yr sec 3 I Yr sec 6 III Mech IV Mech II Mech I Yr sec 7 II Mech II Mech II Mech I Yr sec 4 I Yr sec 5 III Mech 4 5 5 9 1 6 5 9 3 1 6 5 5 9 PRINCIPAL 24 24 25 Department : Electrical and Electronics Engineering WORK LOAD DETAILS Semester: ODD S.No. Staff Name Academic Year: 2009 -10 Subject Name Protection & Switch Gears 1 Mr.R.Arul 2 Prof.B.Justice Rabi 3 Mrs.P.Radhika Basic Elec & Electronics Engg.Lab Measurement & Instrumentation Power System Simulation Lab Power Electronics Power Electronics Lab Analysis of power convertor Library Library High Voltage Engineering Basic Elec.&Electronics Engg.Lab 4 Mr.S.A.Elankurisil High Performance Communication N/w Comprehension Measurement& Instrumentation Lab 5 6 7 Mrs.N.Hemalatha Mrs.P.Tamilarasi Mr.P.Selvaraj Classes III-EEE II-CHEM IV-EEE IV-EEE III-EEE III-EEE I-ME I-ME IV-EEE IV-EEE II-CHEM II-ME IV-EEE II-EEE Actual Hours Total Hours 4 9 13 5 9 5 9 3 1 1 5 6 3 3 3 14 19 20 Linear Integrated Circuits Analysis of power Inverter Linear Integrated Circuits Lab Internet Library III-EEE I-ME III-EEE IV-EEE III-EEE Power System Operation & Control Power System Simulation Lab HVDC Library IV-EEE IV-EEE I-ME I-ME 6 9 3 1 19 IV-EEE I-ME II-MECH Ist Year II-EEE 5 3 9 3 3 23 Special Electrical Machines Adv.PowerSemi.Cond.Devices Electrical Engg.Lab Work Shop-10 Electronic Devices Circuits Lab - 378 - 3 3 9 1 1 19 8 9 Mrs.K.A.Sundari Electronic Devices Circuits Electronic Devices Circuits Lab Electric Drives & Control Electrical Engg. Lab Work Shop-7 Work Shop-9 Design of Electrical Apparatus Power System Simulation Lab Internet Electronic Devices Circuits Lab Work Shop-4 Mr.N.Karthik 10 Miss.R.Thangam 11 Mr.K.Padhmanathan Electrical Engg Integrated Circuits Lab Analog VLSI design Work Shop-1 Work Shop-5 Electric Drives & Control Modeling&Analysisof M/C Basic Elec & Electronics Engg.Lab Electronic Devices Circuits Lab Work Shop-8 Internet Electromagnetic Theory Measurement& Instrumentation Lab 12 13 Mr.T.S.Jayamohan Mr.M.Durairasan Power Electronics Lab Work Shop-2&9 Comprehension Mr.K.Mathivanan TT- In-Charge 4 9 5 3 3 3 24 IV-EEE IV-EEE III-EEE II-EEE Ist Year 6 9 1 3 3 22 II-ECE III-EEE II-ME Ist Year Ist Year II-CHEM I-ME II-CHEM II-EEE Ist Year II-EEE II-EEE II-EEE III-EEE Ist Year IV-EEE 5 9 3 3 3 5 3 9 3 3 1 Library II-EEE IV-EEE II-EEE Ist Year II-CHEM I-ME Electrical Engg ASIC Design Comm. Skills Electrical Engg.Lab Power Electronics Lab Work Shop-6 Comprehension II-ECE II-ME III-EEE II-MECH III-EEE Ist Year IV-EEE Measurement & Instrumentation Professional Ethics& Human values Measurement&InstrumentationLab Work Shop-3 Basic Elec & Electronics Engg.Lab 14 II-EEE II-EEE II-MECH II-MECH Ist Year Ist Year HOD/EEE WORK LOAD FOR 0DD SEMESTER (2008-09) - 379 - 23 24 6 6 6 6 3 27 5 5 9 3 3 1 26 5 3 2 6 3 3 3 25 PRINCIPAL Semester: ODD Academic Year: 2009 -10 SL.NO STAFF NAME SUBJECT NAME 1. PROF Dr.S.JAYASHRI OPTICAL COMMUNICATION IV ECE A 4 2. PROF Dr.V.PADMANAMAN ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I II ECE A 4 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I LAB (A) II ECE A 6 MICROWAVE ENGG IV ECE A 4 µWAVE ENGG & OPTICAL LAB IV ECE A 6 MICRO-PROCESSOR LAB(A) III ECE A 3 3. Mrs.M.MALATHI AP/ECE HRS TOTAL 4 10 13 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE & 4. 5. Ms.N.HEMAVATHY AP/ECE Mrs.R.VALLI AP/ECE COMPATIBILITY IV ECE B 4 CONTROL SYSTEMS III ECE B 4 MICRO-PROCESSOR LAB (A) III ECE A 3 µWAVE ENGG & OPTICAL LAB (A) IV ECE A 3 DSP LAB(A) III ECE B 3 NET III ECE A HIGH SPEED NETWORKS IV ECE A 4 HIGH SPEED NETWORKS IV ECE B 4 µWAVE ENGG & OPTICAL LAB(A) IV ECE A 3 µWAVE ENGG & OPTICAL LAB(A) IV ECE B 3 VLSI LAB (A) IV ECE A 3 18 1 17 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE & 6. 7 COMPATIBILITY IV ECE A 4 MR.A.K.GNANASEKAR VLSI LAB (A) IV ECE B 6 AP/ECE NET IV ECE B 1 MICRO-PROCESSOR LAB (A) III ECE B 3 VLSI LAB (A) IV ECE A 3 Mr.V.JANAKIRAMAN DSP IV CSE A 4 AP/ECE DSP IV CSE B 4 II ECE A 9 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I LAB DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEM - 380 - 17 17 8. 9. Mr.J.RAJA DESIGN II IT B 4 AP/ECE EC I LAB II ECE B 9 EC I II ECE B 4 CONTROL SYSTEMS III ECE A 4 Mr.P.THIRUMARAISELVAN DIGITAL ELECTRONICS II ECE B 4 SL/ECE ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I(A) II ECE B 9 IV ECE A 4 VLSI DESIGN 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Mrs.S.BHARATHI VLSI LAB IV ECE A 6 SL/ECE COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING III EEE 3 MICRO-PROCESSOR LAB(A) III ECE B 3 MICROWAVE ENGG IV ECE B 4 Mrs.R.JOTHICHITRA µWAVE ENGG & OPTICAL LAB IV ECE B 6 SL/ECE SEMINAR HR IVECE A 1 DSP LAB III ECE A 3 DSP III ECE B 4 Ms.M.SUMATHI DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUITS III EEE 4 SL/ECE DSP LAB III ECE B 6 DE LAB(A) II IT B 3 DSP III ECE A 4 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS II IT B 4 DSP LAB III ECE A 6 NET II ECE B 1 VLSI LAB (A) IV ECE B 3 VLSI DESIGN IV ECE A 4 Mr.M.THILAGAR VLSI LAB IV ECE A 6 LECT/ECE SEM IV ECE B 1 Ms.A.AATHIRAIMEENA LECT/ECE MP LAB (A) III ECE B 3 APPLICATIONS III ECE B 3 Ms.M.RAJALAKSHMI MICRO-PROCESSOR LAB III ECE B 6 LECT/ECE COMMUNICATION THEORY 17 17 16 14 17 18 14 MICRO-PROCESSOR AND 15. 4 AND SYSTEMS III ECE A 3 MICROPROCESSOR LAB (A) III ECE A 1 - 381 - 17 LIBRARY HR 16. III ECE A TELE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS III IT B DIGITAL ELECTRONICS II ECE A DIGITAL LAB II IT B Ms.M.JENATH LECT/ECE 3 4 16 9 MICRO-PROCESSOR AND 17. Ms.R.KANCHANA LECT/ECE APPLICATIONS III ECE A MICRO-PROCESSOR LAB III ECE A OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EC I LAB(A) IV ECE A II ECE A 4 6 17 4 3 DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEM 18. Mr.K.MOORTHI LECT/ECE DESIGN II CSE B 4 DIGITAL LAB II CSE B 9 EC I LAB II ECE A 16 3 TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVEGUIDES 19. Ms.G.SUBHASHREE LECT/ECE III ECE B 4 DSP LAB(A) III ECE B 6 SEM 1 IV ECE B 1 TECH SEM 2 III ECE B 1 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION IV ECE B 4 VLSI LAB(A) IV ECE B 3 - 382 - 19 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION II IT A 4 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION II IT B 4 III ECE A 2 TECH SEM 1& 2 21. 22. Mrs.VENNILA.S LECT/ECE SEM2 IV ECE A 1 NET II ECE A 1 NET III ECE B 1 VLSI LAB(A) IV ECE A 3 LIBRARY HR IV ECE A & B 4 Mr.S.PRAKASH TECH SEM III ECE A & B 3 LECT /ECE DIGITAL LAB (A) II IT B 1 MICROWAVE LAB(A) IV ECE A 3 16 11 6 23. 24. 25. Mrs.G.ILAVARASI DSP LAB (A) III ECE A LECT/ECE VLSI LAB(A) IV ECE A A.PRABHU DIGITAL LAB(A) II CSE B 9 LECT/ECE DIGITAL LAB(A) II IT B 3 T.N.SURESH BABU MICROWAVE LAB(A) IV ECE A 3 LECT/ECE MICROWAVE LAB(A) IV ECE B 6 TIME TABLE I/C 3 HOD & PRINCIPAL - 383 - 9 12 9 Department : Computer Sciecne Engineering S.No Staff Name Subject Name 1 2 Dr. T.Stephan Thangaraj Dr.V.Krishnamurthi Class TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IV CSE B 4 INTERNET PROGRAMMING LAB IV CSE B 9 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IV CSE A 4 INTERNET PROGRAMMING LABC IV CSE A 9 ANALYSIS IV CSE B 3 4 5 6 Mrs.R.Dhanalakshmi CASE TOOLS LAB IV CSE B 9 COMPUTER NETWORK LAB III CSE B 6 COMPUTER NETWORKS III CSE B COMPUTER NETWORK LAB III CSE B 4 9 Mrs. V.Lavanya CASE TOOLS LAB IV CSE B 6 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLERS III CSE B 4 MICROPROCESSOR LAB III CSE B 9 MICROPROCESSOR LAB III CSE A 6 DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEM DESIGN II CSE A 4 DIGITAL LAB II CSE A 9 DIGITAL LAB II CSE B 6 13 Mr.P. Mukunthan Mrs.J.Jayalakshmi DATABASE SYSTEMS 7 Ms.C.Ezhilarasi MANAGEMENT III CSE A DBMS LAB III CSE A III CSE B DBMS LAB III CSE A NET HOUR 8 Ms.C. Dhaya Total Periods 13 OBJECT ORIENTED AND DESIGN 3 No. of Periods 19 19 19 4 9 20 6 1 INTERNET PROGAMMING IV CSE A 4 INTERNET PROGRAMMING LAB IV CSE A 9 INTERNET PROGRAMMING LAB IV CSE A 6 NET HOUR III CSE A 1 - 384 - 18 20 9 Mrs.S. Uma 10 11 12 13 14 Mr.B.Lakshmipathy Ms.S. Poornima Mr.J.Maruthupandi Mr.D.Manikkannan Mr.N. Sivanesan DATA STRCUTURES II CSE A 4 DATA STRUCTURES LAB II CSE A 9 COMPUTER NETWORKS III CSE A 4 COMPUTER NETWORKS LAB III CSE A 3 . NET IV CSE A 4 THEORY OF COMPUTATION III CSE A 4 LIBRARY HOUR IV CSE B 2 DATA STRUCTURES LAB II CSE A 9 LIBARARY HOUR II CSE A 2 NET HOUR III CSE B 1 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM III CSE B 4 DBMS Lab III CSE B 9 OOPS LAB II CSE A 6 TECHNICAL SEMINAR HOUR III CSE B 1 THEORY OF COMPUTATION III CSE B 4 INTER NET PROGRAMMING IV CSE A 4 INTERNET PROGRAMMING LAB IV CSE A 9 .NET HOUR IV CSE A 1 LIBRARY HOUR IV CSE A 2 CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY IV CSE A 4 CASE TOOLS LAB IV CSE A 9 OOPS LAB II CSE B 6 TECHNICAL SEMINAR CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY IV CSE A 1 IV CSE B 4 IV CSE A 4 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN COMPUTER NETWORK LAB III CSE B 9 3 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IV CSE B II CSE B OOPS LAB II CSE B 9 CASE TOOLS LAB IV CSE B 9 IP LAB 15 Mr.B.Prakash - 385 - 20 20 20 20 20 20 4 22 16 17 18 19 20 Mr.P.Saravanan Mrs.A.Latha OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING II CSE A 4 OOPS LAB II CSE A 9 TECHNICAL SEMINAR HOUR III CSE A 2 NET HOUR II CSE A 1 .NET IV CSE B 3 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLERS III CSE A MICROPROCESSOR LAB III CSE A 9 MICROPROCESSOR LAB III CSE B 6 NET HOUR II CSE B 1 SYSTEM SOFTWARE II CSE B DATA STRUCTURES II ECE A DATA STRUCTURES LAB II ECE A DATA STRUCTURES LAB II ECE B SYSTEM SOFTWARE II CSE A DATA STRUCTURES II ECE B DATA STRUCTURES LAB II ECE B CASE TOOLS LAB IV CSE A 6 DATA STRUCTURES II CSE B 4 DATA STRUCTURES LAB II CSE B 4 Ms.V.Sonia Devi Ms.R.Senthilarasi Ms.A.Akila Mr. S.Hariganesan 4 9 3 4 22 9 9 III CSE A COMPUTER PROGRAMMING I CSE A 2 COMP[UTER PROGRAMMING I CSE B 2 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB I CSE A 2 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB I CSE B 2 COMPUTER NETWORKS LAB II CSE A 9 LIB HOUR II CSE B 2 PRINCIPAL - 386 - 22 6 COMPUTER NETWORK LAB (A HOD 20 3 9 21 20 21 19 Department : Chemical Engineering WORK LOAD FOR STAFF MEMBERS - ODD SEMESTER (2009-10) NO. OF S.No NAME OF THE STAFF SUBJECT NAME CLASS PERIODS CHEMICAL PROCESS 5 INDUSTRIES-I III CHEM Prof.R.RAJASEKARAN 1 PROCESS EQUIPMENT IV CHEM 6 PROFESSOR AND H.O.D DESIGN AND DRAWING-II SEMINAR IV CHEM 3 TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IV CHEM 5 Mr.T.R.SUNDARARAMAN CHEMICAL REACTION IV CHEM 6 2 ENGINEERING LAB ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SEMINAR IV CHEM 3 INTERNET 1 CHEMICAL REACTION 5 ENGINEERING -II IV CHEM Mr.S.VELMURUGAN HEAT TRANSFER LAB III CHEM 6 3 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR PROCESS EQUIPMENT IV CHEM 6 DESIGN AND DRAWING-II BIO CHEMICAL IV CHEM 5 ENGINEERING CHEMICAL ENGINEERING III CHEM 5 Mr.A.BABUPONNUSAMI THERMODYNAMICS-I 4 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SEMINAR IV CHEM 3 CHEMICAL REACTION IV CHEM 6 ENGINEERING LAB III CHEM 5 MASS TRANSFER -I 5 6 7 Mr. T.SIVAKUMAR LECTURER Ms.G.SARASWATHY LECTURER FOOD TECHNOLOGY HEAT TRANSFER LAB SEMINAR LIBRARY PROCESS ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT HEAT TRANSFER PROCESS EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND DRAWING-II COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB LIBRARY IV CHEM III CHEM IV CHEM IV CHEM 5 6 3 1 5 III CHEM IV CHEM 5 6 14 15 17 19 20 20 III CHEM 2 IV CHEM 1 INTERNET IV CHEM 1 FLUID MECHANICS II CHEM 5 - 387 - TOTAL 15 Mr.G.VIJAYARAGHAVAN FLUID MECHANICS LAB LECTURER INTERNET Mr.G.MANIKANDAN 8 LECTURER PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES CHEMICAL PROCESS PLANT SAFETY FLUID MECHANICS LAB HOD - 388 - 9 1 5 III CHEM IV CHEM 5 20 II CHEM 9 1 LIBRARY TIME TABLE INCHARGE II CHEM II CHEM PRINCIPAL Department : Information Technology Workload for Academic Year 2008-2009(Odd Semester) S. No Staff Name Subject Name Year/Branch Hours allotted/subject Total hours 1 Prof.Rajaraman Narayanan TQM DS LAB (Ass) IV IT A II IT B 3 9 12 2 Mr.B.Justus Rabi DPSD Digital lab(Ass) II IT A II IT B 4 9 13 Signals and System II IT A 4 3 Mrs.A.Poonguzhali 4 Mrs. P.Mangayarkarasi 5 Mrs.A.Bhuvaneswari 7 Mr.B.Sivakumar 17 8 Mr.K.Jayasakthi Velmurugan 9 Ms.U.Rahamathunnisa 10 11 Mr.N.Manikandan Mrs.G.Gomathi 13 Digital Lab(Ass) II IT A 9 DPSD Telecommunication systems Digital lab(Ass) NET II IT A 4 III IT A II IT A III IT A 3 9 1 OS OS Lab COM.SKILL OS OS Lab CN COM.SKILL DBMS DBMS Lab Distributed System III IT B III IT A III IT A III IT A III IT A III IT B III IT B III IT B III IT B IV IT B 3 9 2 14 3 9 3 2 17 4 9 4 17 OOAD OOAD Lab Mobile Computing III IT B III IT B IV IT B 4 9 5 OOAD OOAD Lab Datawarehousing And Mining III IT A III IT A 4 9 OOPS OOPS Lab Mobile Computing NET II IT A II IT A IV IT A II IT B - 389 - IV IT B 17 18 17 4 3 9 5 1 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Mr.S.Babu Mr.S.TamilSelvan Ms.S.Praveena Ms N.Elamathi Mr.P.Shanmugam Mrs E.Malini Ms. M.Priya Ms.R.Manimozhi 20 Ms.G.K.Sandhia 21 Mr.R.Pitchae Data Warehousing and Mining Data Structure DS Lab NET CBT CBT Lab Distributed systems LIB COM.SKILL DBMS DBMS Lab OOPS LIB IV IT A II IT B II IT B II IT B IV IT B IV IT B IV IT A III IT A III IT A III IT A III IT A III EEE IV IT B 4 4 9 1 OOPS OOPS Lab CP 18 5 6 4 1 2 18 4 9 4 1 18 II IT B II IT B I IT A 3 9 7 19 DS DS Lab CP II IT A II IT A I EEE 4 9 7 CBT CBT Lab CP COM.SKILL IV IT A IV IT A I ECE B III IT B 5 6 7 2 IV IT A IV IT A IV ITA IV IT A,II IT A III IT B IV IT B IV IT A IV IT A I IT B 5 6 2 2 1 1 IV IT B II EEE II EEE IV IT B 3 4 9 1 17 III IT A III EEE I ECE A 3 9 7 19 Graphics & Multimedia GM lab LIB NET LIB LIB Graphics & Multimedia GM lab CP TQM DS DS LAB NET CN OOPS LAB CP Internal Continuous Evaluation System and place - 390 - 5 6 7 20 20 17 18 PROCEDURE FOR AWARDING MARKS FOR INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (Amended vide item 1.5 of the resolution of Fourth meeting the Academic Council held on 31.05.2004 and this Amended clause is applicable from June 2004 – December 2004 session of the academic 2004 - 2005) For all theory and practical courses the continuous assessment shall be for a maximum of 20 marks (consisting of 15 marks for tests/experiments and 5 marks for attendance) and for project work, the continuous assessment shall be for a maximum of 40 marks (consisting of 35 marks for project assessment and 5 marks for attendance). The above continuous assessment shall be awarded as per the procedure given below: 1. Tests / Experiment / Project assessment The 15 marks for theory and practical courses (35 marks for Project work) shall be awarded as given below (i) Theory courses: Three tests each carrying 100 marks shall be conducted during the semester by the concerned Department / College. The total marks obtained in all tests put together out of 300, shall be proportionately reduced for 15 marks and rounded to nearest integer (This also implies equal weightage to all the three tests). (ii) Practical Courses: Every practical exercise / experiment shall be evaluated based on conduct of exercise / experiment and records maintained. There shall be at least one mid-semester test. The criteria for arriving at the internal assessment marks (15 marks) shall be decided based on the recommendation of the class committee and shall be announced at the beginning of every semester by the Principal. (iii) Project Work: The Principal shall constitute a review committee for each branch of study. There shall be three assessments (each 100 Marks) during the semester by the review committee. The student shall make presentation on the progress made by him / her before the committee. The total marks obtained in the three assessments shall be reduced for 35 marks and rounded to the nearest integer. (This also implies equal weightage to all the three assessments). 2. Attendance The remaining 5 marks for attendance shall be awarded as given below: Theory and Practical courses and Project Work 76% to 80% of attendance - 1 mark 81% to 85% of attendance - 2 marks 86% to 90% of attendance - 3 marks 91% to 95% of attendance - 4 marks 96% to 100% of attendance - 5 marks 3. Every teacher is required to maintain an 'ATTENDANCE AND ASSESSMENT RECORD' which consists of attendance marked in each lecture or practical or project work class, the test marks and the record of class work (topic covered),separately for each course. This should be - 391 - submitted to the Head of the department periodically (at least three times in a semester) for checking the syllabus coverage and the records of test marks and attendance. The Head of the department will put his signature and date after due verification. At the end of the semester, the record should be verified by the Principal who will keep this document in safe custody (for five years). The University or any inspection team appointed by the University may inspect the records of attendance and assessment of both current and previous semesters. - 392 - Students’ assessment of Faculty, System in place. The performance of the faculty is valued by the students, by answering a questionnaire for the subject handled. The data collected from the questionnaire is utilized to evaluate the performance of the faculty. The copy of the questionnaire and analyzed data are given below. Name of the Teacher Class Subject Year : Prof. Vra. Saathappan : Second Year : Principles of Architecture : 2007-2008 5.05 5 4.95 4.9 4.85 4.8 4.75 4.7 4.65 4.6 4.55 4.5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 - 393 - 1.0 Planning And Organization 2.0 Presentation/ Communication 3.0 Students Participation 1.1 Teacher comes to class on Time 1.2 Teaching is well planned 1.3 Aims/objective made clear 1.4 Subject matter organized in logical sequence 1.5 Teacher comes well prepared in the subject 2.1 Teacher speaks clearly and audibly 2.2 Teacher writes/draws legibly 2.3 Teacher pace and level of instruction are suited to the attainment of student 2.4 Explanations are clear and effective 2.5 Teacher uses audio visual aids/models for effective teaching 3.1 Teacher asks question to promote interaction and reflective thinking 3.2 Teaching encourages students questioning and answer them all 3.3 Teacher ensures learner activity and problem solving ability in the class 3.4 Teacher encourages ,complements and praises originality and creativity displayed by students 3.5 Teacher is courteous and impartial - 394 - 4.0 Class Management/ Assessment Of Students 4.1 Teacher engages classes Regularly and maintains discipline 4.2 Teacher covers the syllabus completely 4.3 Teacher holds tests regularly 4.4 Teacher valuation of scripts is prompt ,fair and impartial 4.5 Teacher offers assistance and counseling to the needy students - 395 - - 396 -
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