October, 2015 - Fire Ecology Journal


October, 2015 - Fire Ecology Journal
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
October, 2015
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Abberger, Hartmut M., Bradford M. Sanders and Helmut Dotzauer
Title: The development of a community-based approach for an integrated forest fire
management system in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Source: In: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B. Durst,
Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok, Thailand, RAP
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Abel-Schaad, Daniel, Jose Antonio Lopez-Saez, Fernando Pulido
Title: Heathlands, fire and grazing.A paleoenvironmental view of Las Hurdes (Caceres,
Spain) history during the last 1200 years
Source: Forest Systems 23(2): 247-258.
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The diachronic study of vegetation change through palynological analysis of
sedimentary deposits is an essential tool both to design sound strategies on landscape
management and to understand its anthropogenic dynamics. Area of study: La Meseguera
Contact Author: dabel222@hotmail.com
Author(s): Ablan, Magdiel, Marilena Yeguez
Title: Indice de riesgo de incendio forestal dinamico para la cuenca alta del rio Chama
Source: Revista Forestal Venezolana, Ano XLvI, Volumen 56(2) julio-diciembre, 2012, pp.
Year: 2012
Keywords: risk
Abstract: La presente investigacion tiene como proposito el desarrollo de un indice de
riesgo de incendios forestales dinamico para la cuenca alta del rio chama, ubicada en el
estado Merida -venezuela, destinado para el uso del grupo de Bomberos Forestales de la
universidad de Los Andes (ULA). Se descarta el enfoque clasico o tradicional para la
construccion del indice, por requerir datos...
Contact Author: mablan@ula.ve
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
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Newly Released Book on the Yarnell Incident
Kyle Dickman, author of this new book on the Yarnell fatalities of 2013, is a former editor of Outside magazine and
a former member of the Tahoe Hotshots. His reporting has been nominated for a National Magazine Award. In his
well-researched book, he describes the inner dynamics of the Granite Mountain hotshot crew. The reader gains
valuable insights into the personal lives of the supervisors and several of the crew members, and gets a
perspective on what may have been in the minds of the crew as they followed their supervisor out of their secure
location in the black, across a half mile of bone-dry brush toward the Boulder Springs Ranch. Dickman's description
of the chaos that was unfolding around the crew before, during and after the crew's shelter deployment is an
worthy contribution to the many studies done on this incident.
If you are going to order this book, support Fire Research Institute by linking to it through our web site.
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image above. This will take you to our web site. You will see the image of the book on the right margin.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Achtemeier, Gary L., Scott A. Goodrick, Yongqiang Liu, Fernando GarciaMenendez, Yongtao Hu and Mehmet Talat Odman
Title: Modeling Smoke Plume-Rise and Dispersion from Southern United States Prescribed
Burns with Daysmoke
Source: Atmosphere 2(3): 358-388
Year: 2011
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: We present Daysmoke, an empirical-statistical plume rise and dispersion model
for simulating smoke from prescribed burns. Prescribed fires are characterized by complex
plume structure including multiple-core updrafts which makes modeling with simple
plume models difficult. Daysmoke accounts for plume structure in a three-dimensional...
Contact Author: yliu@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Adams, S.
Title: Serpentine Outcrops of Modini Ingalls Ecological Preserve of Audubon Canyon
Ranch: Inventory Findings and Management Recommendations
Source: Audubon Canyon Rance, ACR Technical Report 10-1-1, 7 pages
Year: 2015 ... Likewise fire suppression can result in the loss of native plant richness in
habitats with historic regimes of frequent fire and resident species adapted to fire.
However there is little literature on the issues of managing broad scale processes on
protected serpentine areas. ...
Author(s): Addington, Robert N., Stephen J. Hudson, J. Kevin Hiers, Matthew D. Hurteau,
Thomas F. Hutcherson, George Matusick, James M. Parker
Title: Relationships among wildfire, prescribed fire, and drought in a fire-prone landscape
in the south-eastern United States
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire 24: 778-783
Year: 2015
Keywords: prescribed burning climate
Abstract: Concern over increasing wildfire activity in the last few decades has prompted
increased investment in fuels reduction treatments worldwide. Prescribed fire is a
commonly used management tool for reducing fuels and modifying subsequent wildfire
dynamics, yet the...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Click on the book cover to order it on amazon.com (See information below)
"Baker presents a refreshing perspective on fire ecology, revealing multidimensional factors at work in Rocky
Mountain ecosystems. His willingness to question established paradigms breaks new ground and will add
immensely to our understanding of fire in these systems, ensuring that this will be a standard reference for years
to come." Jon Keeley, research ecologist, US Geological Survey, and adjunct professor, University of California,
Los Angeles
"Baker makes a compelling argument that extensive, high-severity fires are a natural component of Rocky
Mountain ecosysstems; and he questions the widespread view that our 'fire problem' and 'forest health problems'
are a consequence of twentieth-century fire suppression. This book dismisses old strategies stressing costly fuels
reduction and fire suppression, and instead suggests sustainable strategies that treat wildfire as a problem in landuse decision making." Thomas Veblen, professor, Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder
If you are going to order this book, support Fire Research Institute by linking to it through our web site.
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Agustin Gallegos Rodriguez, Gerardo Alberto Gonzalez Cueva, Ramon Gerardo,
Cabrera Orozco, Columba Marcelli Sanchez, Efren Hernandez Alvarez
Source: in: Gallegos et al., Efecto de la recurrencia de incendios forestales
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Los incendios forestales son un fenomeno natural y que han estado presentes
en la mayoria de los ecosistemas terrestres. El bosque La Primavera ha sido afectado con
frecuencia por el fuego desde hace varias decadas y el conocimiento de los beneficios o
danos que este genera en la adaptacion de las especies a#n es...
Author(s): Akmeteva, N. P., S. E. Belova, R. G. Dzhamalov, I. S. Kulichevskaya, E. E. Lapina,
A. V. Mikhailova
Title: Natural Post-Fire Bog Recovery
Source: Water Resources 41(4): 353-363
Year: 2014
Keywords: wetlands restoration
Abstract: The dynamics of natural recovery of bog massifs in Tver oblast, which suffered
from fire in 2010, is discussed. The presented conclusions are based on three-year field
observations at check sites of Galitskii mokh bog along with monitored variations of the
physicochemical properties...
Author(s): Albertson, K., Aylen, J., Cavan, G. and McMorrow, J.
Title: Forecasting the outbreak of moorland wild fires in the English Peak District
Source: Journal of Environmental Management 90(8): 2642-2651
Year: 2009
Keywords: wetlands
Year: 2009
Abstract: Warmer, drier summers brought by climate change increase the potential risk of
wildfires on the moorland of the Peak District of northern England. Fires are costly to
fight, damage the ecosystem, harm water catchments, cause erosion scars and disrupt...
Author(s): Alexandrian, D.
Title: Lessons from vidauban wildfire: A Fire that Continuously Speeded Up and Spread
with Numerous Spotting
Source: Unpublished report
Year: 2004
Keywords: embers firebrand
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Click on the book cover to order it on amazon.com (See information below)
Fire on Earth puts fire in its rightful place as an integral part of the study of geology, geography, biology,
human histroy, physics and global chemistry. Fire is ubiquitous in various forms throughout Earth and
belongs as part of formal inquiries about our world. This full-colour test, containing over 250 illustrations
of fire in all contexts, is designed to provide a synthesis of contemporary thinking, bringing together the
most powerful concepts and disciplinary voices to examine, in an international setting, whiy planetary
fire exists, how it works, and why is looks the way it does today. Students, lecturers, researchers and
professionals interested in the physical, ecological and historical characteristics of fire will find this book,
and accompanying web-based material, essential reading, it is an indispensible text for undergraduate
and postgraduate courses in all related disciplines, for general interest and for providing an
interdisciplinary foundation for further study.
If you are going to order this book, support Fire Research Institute by linking to it through our web site.
Amazon will contribute some of the proceeds to FRI but it will cost you no more. Click on the book
image above. This will take you to our web site. You will see the image of the book on the right margin.
Click on that. This will take you to your amazon account. Now, when you put this book in your amazon
cart, you will pay no more you would normally expect ($50.67), but part of the proceeds goes to FRI.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Alencar, Ane A., Paulo M. Brando, Gregory P. Asner, and Francis E. Putz
Title: Landscape fragmentation, severe drought, and the new Amazon forest fire regime
Source: Ecological Applications 25(6): 1493-1505
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology tropics
Abstract: Changes in weather and land use are transforming the spatial and temporal
characteristics of fire regimes in Amazonia, with important effects on the functioning of
dense (i.e., closed-canopy), open-canopy, and transitional forests across the Basin. To
quantify, document, and describe the characteristics and recent changes in forest fire
regimes, we sampled 6 million ha of these three representative forests of the eastern and
southern edges....
Contact Author: Ane@ipam.org.br
Author(s): Allott, L.
Title: Palaeoenvironments of the Middle Stone Age at Sibudu Cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa: An analysis of archaeological charcoal
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Year: 2005
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Alvarado, Matthew J., Karen E. Cady-Pereira, Yaping Xiao, Dylan B. Millet and
Vivienne H. Payne
Title: Emission Ratios for Ammonia and Formic Acid and Observations of Peroxy Acetyl
Nitrate (PAN) and Ethylene in Biomass Burning Smoke as Seen by the Tropospheric
Emission Spectrometer (TES)
Source: Atmosphere 2(4): 633-654
Year: 2011
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: We use the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) aboard the NASA Aura
satellite to determine the concentrations of the trace gases ammonia (NH3) and formic
acid (HCOOH) within boreal biomass burning plumes, and present the first detection of
peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) and ethylene (C2H4) by TES. We focus on two fresh Canadian
plumes observed by TES in the summer of 2008 as part of... kcadyper@aer.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Purchase a Special Search of all our PDFs
Thanks to recent developments in search software, I have the capability of searching
every character of every PDF in our collection of 73K PDFs. Below are two examples of the
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248 considered wastelands by the local inhabitants because their vegetation is
249 dominated by short, annual, unpalatable grasses (principally Loudetia ton250 goensis, but also Andropogon pseudapricus) with only widely scattered trees
251 (Pterocarpus lucena, Combretum micranthum, and Bombax costatum). Be252 cause of their low ability to retain moisture, vegetation on fuga and other
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Alvarez, Humberto Bravo, Rodolfo Sosa Echeverria, Pablo Sanchez Alvarez,
Monica Jaimes Palomera
Title: El impacto de los incendios forestales en la calidad del aire
Source: Seccion de Contaminacion Ambiental, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmosfera, UNAM,
Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D.F., 04510, Mexico,
Year: n. d.
Keywords: mexico smoke
Abstract: Los incendios forestales son fuentes potenciales de emision de conta-minantes
atmosfericos que deben ser considerados al intentar correlacionar las emisiones con la
calidad del aire. La extension e in-tensidad de un incendio forestal dependen
directamente de variables como: condiciones meteorologicas, tipos de vegetacion
involucradas, grado de humedad, y carga de combustible consumido por unidad de area.
Para el caso de la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de...
Contact Author: hbravo@servidor.unam.m
XAuthor(s): Alzoubi, M., A. Maung Than Oo and A. Stojcevski
Title: The Influence of Instruments Uncertainty on the Forest Fire Danger Indices (FFDI)
Source: The International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering 3(7): 10801-10812
Year: 2014
Keywords: danger management
Abstract: The McArthur Forest Fire Danger Indices (FFDI) have been used in Australia
since was developed in 1960s and used by fire authority to measure the level of fire
danger. Its value depend on the drought factor which is based on dryness of the fuel and
other weather variable factors such as temperature...
Author(s): Amanda M. West, Sunil Kumar
Title: Macroecological forecasts of wildfire and invasion
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: Imminent ecologic threats to the western United States include wildfires and
invasive species. The wildfire-invasion cycle may occur in areas where wildfires promote
invasive species, and these species in turn decrease wildfire intervals and increase ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Ambrosia, Vincent G., Louis Giglio, Wilfrid Schroeder, Ivan Csiszar and Brad
Title: Satellite and Airborne Fire Sensor Systems for Arctic Wildfire Observations
Source: A Report for the: Interagency Arctic Research and Policy Committee: Wildfire
Implementation Team
Year: n. d.
Keywords: remote sensing
Contact Author: vincent.g.ambrosia@nasa.gov
Author(s): Anacker, Brian, Nishanta Rajakaruna, David Ackerly, Susan Harrison, Jon Keeley,
Michael Vasey
Title: Ecological strategies in California chaparral: interacting effects of soils, climate, and
fire on specific leaf area
Source: Plant Ecology & Diversity 4(2-3-2-3): 179-188
Year: 2011
Keywords: ecology soils
Abstract: High values of specific leaf area (SLA) are generally associated with high maximal
growth rates in resource-rich conditions, such as mesic climates and fertile soils. However,
fire may complicate this relationship since its frequency varies with both climate and soil
fertility, and fire frequency ...
Contact Author: blanacker@ucdavis.edu
Author(s): Andersen, Alan N., Daphne Bocciarelli, Richard Fairman, Ian J. Radford
Title: Conservation status of ants in an iconic region of monsoonal Australia: levels of
endemism and responses to fire in the eastern Kimberley
Source: Journal of Insect Conservation 18(1):
Year: 2014
Keywords: insects
Abstract: The remote and sparsely populated Kimberley region is a major centre of
endemism in the Australian monsoonal tropics that is threatened by uncontrolled fire
following the disruption of Aboriginal burning practices. A recent study of the ant fauna of
the Mitchell Falls area of the northern ...
Contact Author: Alan.Andersen@csiro.au
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Andreu, M.G, K. Vogt, D. Vogt, A. Andreu, C. Oliver, R. Gara
Title: Emerging bio-energy technology solutions to reduce fire risk along the wildland
urban interface (WUI)
Source: In: D.N. Land (ed.), Emerging Issues Along Urban/Rural Interfaces: Linking Science
and Society, Conference Proceeding, The Center for Forest Stability. Auburn University,
Auburn, Alabama. Pages 189-193.
Year: 2005
Keywords: interface fuel
Abstract: As the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) continues to expand into forested parts
of the western US, we are increasingly faced with the problem of house structures being
at high risk of burning due to their proximity to federally owned overly dense forests.
Policies have focused on reducing fuel loads in the WUI by treating forests using...
Author(s): Anjozian, Lisa-Natalie
Title: Bending, Like the Reed in the Wind: A System to Restore Northwestern Forests
Source: Fire Science Brief 115, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: restoration
Abstract: Silviculture is the study, cultivation, and management of forest trees. It is rooted
in science, but often is an art based on the experience of the forester. This story explores
free-selection, a silvicultural system developed by scientists that allows managers and
stakeholders greater fl exibility in growing...
Author(s): Anjozian, Lisa-Natalie
Title: Nature in a Name: Paulownia tomentosa Exotic Tree, Native Problem
Source: Fire Science Brief 116, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: exotic
Abstract: While awareness of fi re's importance in dry Appalachian forests, and the
application of fi re as a restoration tool have increased over the last two decades, so too
has the post-fi re invasion of Paulownia tomentosa (Princess tree). For the last ten years,
managers have witnessed Paulownia invasion grow following fi re events...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
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Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Anjozian, Lisa-Natalie
Title: Naked Eyes and Hyperspectral Images Build Fuel Maps in the Southern
Appalachian Mountains
Source: Fire Science Brief 117, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: fuel mapping
Abstract: With the limited knowledge previously available about the types of
fuels, and how they are distributed in the southern Appalachian Mountains,
managers have faced diffi culties in developing fi re plans for the region, including
whether or where to apply prescribed fi re. For this study, the scientists took a two
phase approach...
Author(s): Anjozian, Lisa-Natalie
Title: The Good Earth: Run-off, Erosion, and Recovery in the Post-fire Chaparral
Steeplands of Southern California
Source: Fire Science Brief 120, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: soil erosion
Abstract: In September 2002, the Williams Fire burned 38,184 acres of chaparral
steeplands, including more than 90 percent of the San Dimas Experimental Forest.
The 1960 Johnstone Fire had burned many of the same watersheds some forty
years earlier, thus providing opportunities to compare post-fi re watershed
Author(s): Anning, Alexander K., James M. Dyer, and Brian C. McCarthy
Title: Tree growth response to fuel reduction treatments along a topographic
moisture gradient in mixed-oak forests, Ohio, USA
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44(5): 413-421
Year: 2014
Keywords: fuel
Abstract: This study examined the effect of the soil moisture gradient on tree
growth response to prescribed fire and thinning in oak-dominated forests of Ohio.
Six hundred and ninety-six increment cores (348 trees, five species) were collected
from eighty 0.1 ha plots distributed across ...
Contact Author: Aa208109@ohio.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Managing forests after fire
Source: Science Update, Pacific Northwest Research Station, U. S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, 12 pages
Year: 2007
Keywords: management restoration
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Burned firefighter
Source: 24 Hour Preliminary Report, U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land
Management, 1 page
Year: 2015
Keywords: injury burn safety investigation
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Burned BLM firefighter
Source: 72 Hour Preliminary Report, U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land
Management, 1 page
Year: 2015
Keywords: injury burn safety investigation
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: International handbook on forest fire protection
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations, 149 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: management
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Amirica in flames
Source: The Economist, September 12, 2015, page 33
Year: 2015
Keywords: statistics economics climate interface
Abstract: 8.5 million acres have been burned so far. This is the second worst
season ever (2006 was 10million acre record). Climate change, fire suppression are
blamed. 1.8 million homes are now within 1/2 mile for USFS boundaries.
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: The fire forest: longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem
Source: (book) Georgia Wildlife Press, Georgia Wildlife Federation, Covington
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2001
Keywords: ecology
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Forest fires in the Mediterranean: A burning issue
Source: World Wildlife Fund
Year: n. d.
Keywords: statistics
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Assessment of Forest Fire Risks and Innovative Strategies for Fire P revention
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations, 4-6 May, 2010
Rhodes, Greece, Workshop report, 48 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: prevention
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Negligence. Fire Set by Locomotive. Proximate Cause
Source: The Virginia Law Register 4(2): 118-120
Year: 1898
Keywords: cause railroad
Abstract: ...of the plaintiff's property, alleged to have been caused by fire
negligently set from the defendant's locomotive. The proof was that a fire was
negligently caused on or near the right of way by the defendant's locomotive, and
that such fire gradually extended until it reached and destroyed the plaintiff's
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Working together: wildfire
Source: Natural Hazards Partnership, NHP Science Note: 2013, 6 pages
Year: 2013
Keywords: united kingdom weather cause damage prescribed burning detection
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Met office Fire Severity Index - A Fact Sheet
Source: Met Office, United Kingdom, 2 pages
Year: 2003
Keywords: weather united kingdom
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Fire behaviour in shrub fuels - a fact sheet
Source: Met Office, United Kingdom, 2 pages
Year: 2003
Keywords: behavioir united kingdom
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Weather and Fire in Peat Soils - A Fact Sheet
Source: Met Office, United Kingdom, 3 pages
Year: 2003
Keywords: weather united kingdom
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Fire management: voluntary guidelines Principles and strategic actions
Source: Fire Management Working Paper FM17E, FAO: Rome, 67pp
Year: 2006
Keywords: management united kingdom
Contact Author: Pieter.vanLierop@fao.org
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Bountiful rains bring abundant weeds, wildfires sure to follow
Source: Clarendon Enterprise (TX). 8/20/2015 26 Issue 34, p7
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology exotics
Abstract: The article reports on the statement of AgriLife Extension range
specialist Tim Steffens in Canyon, Texas regarding the record rainfall in the state
which might lead to a wildfire if proper management efforts are not
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Black widow spiders
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety insects investigation
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Snake! on a helicopter
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: safety aircraft wildlife snake investigation
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Power pole strike by dozer
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety vehicle accident investigation
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Medical incident reporting lessons
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety medical
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Mop-up burn injuries
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 4 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety suppression burn injury
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Engagement dilemma
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety suppression
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Tree falls onto moving vehicle
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety vehicle accident investigation
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Coffee kit flashover
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety medical injury
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Stump hole burns leg
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 1 page
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety medical injury
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Rapid extraction module support
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 1 page
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety medical injury
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Hot ash burns sawyer's feet
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety burn injury
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Helicopter Transport of External Cargo; Backhauling Equipment from the
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety aircraft
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Gregg Creek Broken Leg Extraction
Source: Facilitated Learning Analysis, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Willamette National Forest, 32 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety injury medical
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Water tender rollover
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 3 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety vehicle accident
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: UTV rollover
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety vehicle accident
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Explosives in the Fire Environment
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Engine rollover
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: safety vehicle accident
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Water Bucket Power Line Strike
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: Aircraft safety
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Cougar Creek Blackhawk Bucket Operations
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: Aircraft safety
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Bee and Wasp Alert
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: medical insect health
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Integration of National Guard Medics
Source: Rapid Lesson Sharing, Lessons Learned Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 pages
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: medical management suppression
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: When nature flames up
Source: Old Farmers Almanac for Kids, volume 6, 2 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: combustion suppression
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Climate Change: Key issues for the fire and rescue service
Source: Fire Brigades Union, Surrey, England, 42 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: climate united kingdom %o opan access
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Building wildfire resilience into forest management planning: Practice Guide
Source: Forestry Commission, Forest Service, United Kingdom, Edinburgh, 52
Year: 2014
Keywords: planning united kingdom
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Pima County community wildfire protection plan
Source: Multiple Agencies, 211 pages
Year: 2013
Keywords: planning arizona
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Forest fire protection in Cyprus
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Forestry
Department, 36 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: management cyprus
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla)
Source: Fire Management Species Profile, Division of Strategic Resource
Management & the Division of Fire Management, USFWS, Southeast Region,
Atlanta, GA, 7 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: rare endangered birds wildlife
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Pine snake (Pituophis ruthveni, P. melanoleucus lodingi, P. m. melanoleucus,
and P. m. mugitus)
Source: Fire Management Species Profile, Division of Strategic Resource
Management & the Division of Fire Management, USFWS, Southeast Region,
Atlanta, GA, 7 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: ecology wildlife snake rare endangered
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Wiregrass (Aristida structa Michaux and Aristida beyrichiana Trinius and
Source: Fire Management Species Profile, Division of Strategic Resource
Management & the Division of Fire Management, USFWS, Southeast Region,
Atlanta, GA, 7 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: ecology
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium (Michaux0 nash)
Source: Fire Management Species Profile, Division of Strategic Resource
Management & the Division of Fire Management, USFWS, Southeast Region,
Atlanta, GA, 5 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: rare endangered wildlife
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Backman's sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis)
Source: Fire Management Species Profile, Division of Strategic Resource
Management & the Division of Fire Management, USFWS, Southeast Region,
Atlanta, GA, 6 pages
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: n. d.
Keywords: rare endangered birds wildlife
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii)
Source: Fire Management Species Profile, Division of Strategic Resource
Management & the Division of Fire Management, USFWS, Southeast Region,
Atlanta, GA, 7 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: rare endangered birds wildlife
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: BIRDS AND BURNS NETWORK: Fire Effects on Populations and Habitats of
Sensitive Species of in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Interior West
Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research
Station, 1 page
Year: 2005
Keywords: wildlife birds ecology
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Wildfire effects evaluation report
Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Umpqua National Forest,
68 pages
Year: 2003
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: An interdisciplinary team analyzed the effects of the record-setting 2002
fires on the Umpqua National Forest for three important reasons. First, it answers
many commonly asked questions about the effect of fire on various natural and
cultural resources found within the fire area. Second, this analysis addresses the
effects of the Umpqua fires on...
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Avian, arthropod, and plant communities on unburned and wildfire sites
along the Middle Rio Grande. Annual report to Middle Rio Grande Conservancy
District [and] Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
Source: Albuquerque, NM: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Research Station. 32 p.
Year: 2004
Keywords: wildlife birds insects
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Anonymous
Title: Karner blue butterfly recovery plan (Lycaeides melissa samuelis)
Source: Fort Snelling, MN: U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife
Service, Karner Blue Butterfly Recovery Team (Producer). 273 p.
Year: 2003
Keywords: ecology insects rare endangered
Author(s): Anstedt, Sheri
Title: Modifying FOFEM to Predict Mortality of the Longleaf Pine Species
Source: Fire Science Brief 96, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: damage
Abstract: Once the dominant overstory tree across much of the Southeastern
United States, the longleaf pine species declined until it faced a high risk of
extinction. But due to recent interest in longleaf pine, there is a new focus on
managing and restoring the species. Historically, fi re has been an important
component in maintaining the longleaf pine ecosystem. To help recreate the presettlement conditions in which longleaf fl ourished...
Author(s): Anstedt, Sheri
Title: A Need and a Concern: Reducing Fuels in the Riparian Areas of Southwestern
Source: Fire Science Brief 100, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: wetlands fuel
Abstract: Sophisticated in composition but small in scale, a riparian area is a fertile
ecosystem of various plant and animal species that occurs along watercourses or
water bodies. In the Applegate River sub-basin of southwestern Oregon, there is
little understanding on how prescribed fi re may affect these areas. According to
several studies...
Author(s): Anstedt, Sheri
Title: Going Underground: Studying Fuel Treatment Effects on the Mycorrhizal
Community of Northern California
Source: Fire Science Brief 105, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: fuel fungi
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: On the southeastern edge of the Klamath Mountains in northern
California, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area's low elevation plant
communities are characterized by an assortment of oaks and conifers with an
understory of dense chaparral. Mechanical mastication of shrubs and small trees
has become a popular...
Author(s): Anstedt, Sheri
Title: Rising Temperatures Trigger Ecological Changes in the Boreal Forest of
Source: Fire Science Brief 130, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Fundamentally different from the rest of the forest types in the United
States, Alaska's boreal forest covers a significant amount of acreage in an
increasingly variable climate. With its high latitude location, predictions reveal
that this region will be the fi rst to experience the effects of global climate
Author(s): Anstedt, Sheri
Title: Assessing Post-fire Treatment Effects and Burn Severity on the Sandy Loam
Soils of Oregon
Source: Fire Science Brief 131, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: severity soils
Abstract: Fire helps reduce dead and accumulated vegetation and enriches the soil
by releasing nutrients bound in litter. But when fuel loads are too high and wildfi
res burn too hot, problems may arise. A perfect example of this is the 2003 Booth
and Bear Butte (B&B) fi re in central Oregon, which consumed more than 90,000
acres of mixed conifer forest. On the surface, the effects on trees and vegetation
seemed obvious, but...
Author(s): Anstedt, Sheri
Title: Striving for Long-term Forest Sustainability? Even as the Climate Changes
Source: Fire Science Brief 137, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Climate change, and its ecological impact, is right on the horizon.
According to climate predictions over the next century, the southwestern United
States will face higher temperatures and greater evaporative loss, which will
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
heighten the possibility for severe drought. The stress of more frequent, intense
droughts can increase tree mortality, hinder growth, and alter forest structure and
composition. As a result...
Author(s): Anstedt, Sheri
Title: Optimizing the Location of Fuel Treatments Over Time at Landscape Scales
Source: Fire Science Brief 138, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: fuel management
Abstract: Fuel treatments are a vital part of forest management-but when faced
with limited budgets, narrow burning windows, and air quality restrictions, it can
be challenging to prioritize where, when, and how fuel treatments should be
applied across the landscape to achieve the most benefi t. To help ease this
process, land managers can turn to various standalone models, capabilities, and
decision support systems...
Author(s): Anstedt, Sheri
Title: Evaluating Bark Beetle and Wildfire Dynamics in the Greater Yellowstone
Source: Fire Science Brief 139, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: behavior insects
Abstract: In the western United States, bark beetle outbreaks are at a record high
and of grave concern to forest managers and other stakeholders. There is a
common belief that the high amounts of dead fuels produced by bark beetle
infestations increase the chance of active crown fi res. However, little is known
about how bark beetle outbreaks and wildfi re interact, and how that interaction
infl uences the overall ecosystem structure...
Author(s): Aricak, Burak, Omer Kucuk, Korhan Enez
Title: Determination of pumper truck intervention ratios in zones with high fire
potential by using geographical information system
Source: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 8(1): 11 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: equipment suppression
Abstract: Fighting forest fires not only depends on the forest type, topography,
and weather conditions, but is also closely related to the technical properties of
fire-fighting equipment. Firefighting is an important part of fire management
planning. However, because of the complex nature of forests, creating thematic
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
layers to generate potential fire risk maps is difficult. The use of remote sensing
data has become an ...
Contact Author: baricak@kastamonu.edu.tr
Author(s): Arianoutsou, M. and M. Vil
Title: Fire and invasive plant species in the Mediterranean Basin
Source: Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 58(2): 195-204
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Invasive species often have ecological and economic impacts. They can
threaten biological diversity in various ways, from reducing genetic variation and
eroding gene pools, through the extinction of endemic species, to altering habitat
and ecosystem functioning. Biological invasions...
Contact Author: marianou@biol.uoa.gr
Author(s): Arnold, S. R., L. K. Emmons, S. A. Monks, Kathy S. Law, David Andrew
Ridley, Solene Turquety, S. Tilmes, Jennie L. Thomas, Idir Bouarar, J. Flemming, V.
Huijnen, J. Mao, B. N. Duncan, S. Steenrod, Y. Yoshida, J. Langner, Y. Long
Title: Biomass burning influence on high latitude tropospheric ozone and reactive
nitrogen in summer 2008: A multi-model analysis based on POLMIP simulations
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15: 6047-6068
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: We have evaluated tropospheric ozone enhancement in air dominated
by biomass burning emissions at high latitudes (> 50x N) in July 2008, using 10
global chemical transport model simulations from the POLMIP multi-model
comparison exercise. In model air masses dominated by fire emissions, O3/CO
values ranged between 0.039 and 0.196 ppbv ppbv/1 (mean: 0.113 ppbv ppbv/1)
in freshly ...
Contact Author: s.arnold@leeds.ac.uk
Author(s): Aubrey, Doug P., Michael J. Drews, Andres Baron, Joshua Mims, Robert
O. Teskey, Robert J. Mitchell
Title: Stored carbon in longleaf pine ecosystems: The intersection of evolutionary
history, physiological function, and ecological process
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: carbon
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: The allocation of assimilated carbon to storage pools provides a critical
carbohydrate buffer when metabolic demands exceed current photosynthetic
supply. Despite the importance of carbon storage to the forest carbon cycle, our
process-level ...
Author(s): Audrie A Chavez, Sarah V Duzinski, Tareka C Wheeler, Karla A Lawson
Title: Teaching safety at a summer camp: Evaluation of a fire safety curriculum in
an urban community setting
Source: Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries 01/2014; 40
Year: 2014
Keywords: Training interface
Abstract: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Danger Rangers Fire Safety
Curriculum in increasing the fire safety knowledge of low-income, minority
children in an urban community setting. Data was collected from child participants
via teacher/researcher administered pre-, post-, and ...
Contact Author: Audrie.A.Chavez@uth.tmc.edu
Author(s): Augustine, David J., Justin D. Justin D.Derner, David P Smith
Title: Characteristics of prescribed burns conducted under modified conditions to
mitigate limited fuels in a semi-arid grassland
Source: Fire Ecology 10(2): 36-47
Year: 2014
Keywords: prescribed burning In semi-arid grasslands of the North American
Great Plains, fire has tradi-tionally been viewed as having few management
applications, and quanti-tative measurements of fire behavior in the low fuel loads
characteristic of this region are lacking. More recent-ly, land managers have
recognized ...
Contact Author: David.Augustine@ars.usda.gov
Author(s): Aylen, J.
Title: Costing UK Wildfires, presented at Wildfire UK, 2011
Source: Manchester University
Year: 2011
Keywords: economics united kingdom
Author(s): Baker, William L.
Title: Are High-Severity Fires Burning at Much Higher Rates Recently than
Historically in Dry-Forest Landscapes of the Western USA?
Source: PLoS ONE 09/2015; 10(9): e0136147.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: severity history
Abstract: Dry forests at low elevations in temperate-zone mountains are
commonly hypothesized to be at risk of exceptional rates of severe fire from
climatic change and land-use effects. Their setting is fire-prone, they have been
altered by land-uses, and fire severity may be increasing...
Contact Author: bakerwl@uwyo.edu
Author(s): Baker, Christopher M., Michael Bode
Title: Optimal spatial and temporal management of invasive species: general
principles for eradication and suppression
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: Choosing effective management strategies for invasive species is a
global challenge. The invasive species problem comprises a huge number of
species, and modelling every invasive species to determine appropriate
management strategies is impractical...
Author(s): Baker, W. L.
Title: Pre-Euro-American and recent fire in sagebrush ecosystems
Source: Pages 185-201 In: S.T. Knick and J.W Connelly (editors). Greater Sagegrouse: ecology and conservation of a landscape species and its habitats.
University of California Press, Berkeley.
Year: 2011
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Baker, W. L. and A. J. Dugan
Title: Fire-history implications of fire-scarring
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43: 951-962
Year: 2013
Keywords: history
Contact Author: bakerwl@uwyo.edu
Author(s): Baltar, M., J. E. Keeley and F. P. Schoenberg
Title: County-level analysis of the impact of temperature and population increases
on California wildfire data
Source: Environmetrics 25(6), 10 pages
Year: 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: interface statistics
Abstract: The extent to which the apparent increase in wildfire incidence and burn
area in California from 1990 to 2006 is affected by population and temperature
increases is examined. Using generalized linear models with random effects, we
focus on the estimated impacts of...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Balme, J. and Beck, W.E.
Title: Starch and Charcoal: Useful Measures of Activity Areas in Archaeological
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science 29: 157-166
Year: 2002
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Intrasite studies of the spatial arrangements of archaeological materials
to interpret structures in activity areas is an important facet of archaeology. As
post-depositional processes move these materials from their original position it is
imperative that the effect of these processes are evaluated before interpretations
about the use of space...
Author(s): Bales, Roger, Martha Conklin, Philip Saksa, Sarah Martin, Ben Tobin,
Ram Ray, Patrick Womble
Title: Verifying the water impacts of vegetation management in heterogeneous,
mixed-conifer Sierra Nevada forests
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests populate the precipitation phase
transition from lower, rain-dominated elevations to higher, snow-dominated
elevations. Vegetation structure plays a critical role in determining ecosystem
energy and water fluxes ...
Author(s): Ballard, J. P.
Title: Evidence of Late Quaternary Fires from Charcoal and Siliceous Aggregates in
Lake Sediments in the Eastern USA
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Fire is an agent of disturbance that transforms the environment
physically and chemically, and affects plant community composition. To improve
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
understanding of the linkages between fire, vegetation, and climate over the late
Author(s): Balch, J. K., P. M. Brando, D. C. Nepstad, M. T. Coe, D. Silverio
Title: The Susceptibility of Southeastern Amazon Forests to Fire: Insights from a
Large-Scale Burn Experiment
Source: BioScience
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The interaction between droughts and land-use fires threaten the
carbon stocks, climate regulatory functions, and biodiversity of Amazon forests,
particularly in the southeast, where deforestation and land-use ignitions are high.
Repeated, severe, or combined fires ...
Contact Author: jennifer.balch@colorado.edu
Author(s): Bamforth, Emily L., Christine L. Button, Hans C.E. Larsson
Title: Paleoclimate estimates and fire ecology immediately prior to the endCretaceous mass extinction in the Frenchman Formation (66 Ma), Saskatchewan,
Source: Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 401: 96-110
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The fossil-rich deposits of the uppermost Maastrichtian (66 Ma)
Frenchman Formation of southern Saskatchewan, Canada provide a detailed,
continuous record of terrestrial ecosystem dynamics during the last half-million
years leading up to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. ...
Contact Author: emily.bamforth@gov.sk.ca
Author(s): Bannister, Jan and Jurgen Bauhus
Title: Forest restoration is more than tree planting: The case of fire-disturbed
conifer dominated Southern bog forests
Source: XXIV IUFRO World Congress, Salt Lake City; 10/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: restoration
Abstract: Five years ago we commenced a long-term research project dealing with
the study of the ecology and restoration of disturbed Southern bog forests
dominated by the slow-growing conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum in Chiloe Island,
North Patagonia. With a multi-scaled approach, we focussed ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Contact Author: jbannister@infor.cl
Author(s): Baranovskiy, N. V., E. P. Yankovich
Title: Geoinformation Monitoring of Forest Fire Danger on the Basis of Remote
Sensing Data of Surface by the Artificial Earth Satellite?
Source: Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 47(8): 11-23
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: The paper is devoted to geoinformation monitoring of forest fire danger.
The geoinformation system of forest fire danger estimation on the basis of
specialized software ArcGIS is developed. The system allows us to use and
visualize the data of remote sensing of surface received...
Author(s): Barber, C. V., and Schweithelm, J.
Title: Trial by fire. Forest fires and forestry policy in Indonesia's era of crisis and
Source: Washington DC, USA, World Resources Institute (WRI), Forest Frontiers
Initiative. In collaboration with WWF-Indonesia and Telapak Indonesia Foundation.
Year: 2000
Keywords: management policy smoke
Author(s): Barrientos, C.
Title: Cartografia de Incendios Forestales en la Zona Central de Chile en Base a
Source: Memoria para optar al Titulo de Carttlgrafo (196p). Universidad
Tecnologica Metropolitana.
Year: 2006
Keywords: mapping remote sensing
Author(s): Baranovsliy, N. V.
Title: Integral assessment of forest fire danger. Ecology and Industry of Russia
Source: Unknown journal 3, pp 58-59
Year: 2010
Keywords: danger russia
Author(s): Barber, Clifton E.
Title: Forest Fire As a Shared Intergenerational Experience: Perceived Short-term
Impacts on the Grandparent-Grandchild Relationship
Source: Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 12(2): 128-140
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2014
Keywords: sociology
Abstract: Impacted by a forest fire that swept through an American university's
mountain campus were 18 grandparents and 14 grandchildren participating in an
intergenerational Elderhostel program. Six weeks after the fire, the grandparents
were mailed a questionnaire that included ...
Contact Author: cbarber2@wisc.edu
Author(s): Barton, Philip S., Karen Ikin, Annabel L. Smith, Christopher MacGregor,
David B. Lindenmayer
Title: Vegetation structure moderates fire effects on bird assemblages in a
heterogeneous landscape
Source: Landscape Ecology, available online 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology wildlife birds
Abstract: Ecological theory predicting the impact of fire on ecological communities
is typically focused on post-disturbance recovery processes or on disturbancediversity dynamics. Yet the established relationship between vegetation structure
and animal diversity could provide a foundation to predict the short-term effects
of fire on biodiversity, but has rarely been explored. We tested the hypothesis t...
Author(s): Bastarrika, Aitor, Maite Alvarado, Karmele Artano, Maria Pilar
Martinez, Amaia Mesanza, Leyre Torre, Ruben Ramo and Emilio Chuvieco
Title: BAMS: A Tool for Supervised Burned Area Mapping Using Landsat Data
Source: Remote Sens. 6(12): 12360-12380
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: A new supervised burned area mapping software ed BAMS (Burned Area
Mapping Software) is presented in this paper. The tool was built from standard
ArcGISTM libraries. It computes several of the spectral indexes most commonly
used in burned area detection and implements a two-phase supervised strategy to
map areas burned between two Landsat multitemporal images. The only input
required from the user...
Contact Author: karmele.artano@ehu.es
Author(s): Basinger, Ryan G.
Title: Initial Effects of Silvicultural Treatments on Food Availability and Vegetation
Structure for Wild Turkeys
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 99 pages
Year: 2003
Keywords: ecology wildlife birds turkeys
Author(s): Batelis, Stamatios-Christos and Ioannis Nalbantis
Title: Potential Effects of Forest Fires on Streamflow in the Enipeas River Basin,
Thessaly, Greece
Source: Environmental Processes 1(1): 73-85
Year: 2014
Keywords: hydrology ecology
Abstract: Hydrological effects of forest fires have been extensively studied with
main emphasis on floods, whereas streamflow at coarse temporal scales (e.g.,
monthly) has generally drawn less attention. Yet, accounting for changes after
fires, until the return to pre-fire conditions, is vital in water resources
management. This paper presents a study on the hydrological effect of
hypothetical forest fires ...
Contact Author: nalbant@central.ntua.gr
Author(s): Batista, Daniela, Antonio Carlos, Angeline Martini
Title: The flammability of ormental species with potential for use in highways and
wildland urban interface (WUI) in southern Brazil
Source: pages 794-804, in: Advances in Forest Fire Research, edited by Domingos
X. Viegas
Year: 2014
Keywords: flammability interface
Abstract: navegacaoo consulta e descarregamento dos titulos inseridos nas
Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupem a
aceitao plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condicoes de Uso destas Bibliotecas
Digitais, disponiveis em ...
Contact Author: dbiondi@ufpr.br
Author(s): Baynham, Jacob
Title: The Fire This Time (and the Next Time)
Source: Rolling Stone Magazine 1244: 3 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: conflagration climate
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Bayley, C. C.
Title: A Fire-Ball
Source: Science 19(482): 249
Year: 1892
Keywords: fireball behavior
Abstract: ...writer's name is in all cases required as proof of good faith. On request
in advance, one hundred copies of the number containing his communication will
be furnished free to any correspondent. The editor will be glad to publish any
queries consonant with the character of the journal. A Fire -Ball...
Author(s): Beakes, Michael P., Jonathan W. Moore, Sean A. Hayes, Susan M.
Title: Wildfire and the effects of shifting stream temperature on salmonids
Source: Ecosphere 5(5).:
Year: 2014
Keywords: wetland wildlife fish
Abstract: The frequency and magnitude of wildfires in North America have
increased by four-fold over the last two decades. However, the impacts of
wildfires on the thermal environments of freshwaters, and potential effects on
coldwater fishes are incompletely understood....
Contact Author: mbeakes@sfu.ca
Author(s): Beauchamp, Lord
Title: An Account of the Fire-Ball Seen in the Air, and of the Explosion Heard, on
Dec. 11. 1741. by the Right Honourable the Lord Beauchamp, Near London
Source: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) 41 (1739 - 1741), pp. 870-871
Year: 1741
Keywords: fireball behavior
Abstract: ...of the Fire -ball seen in the Air, and of the Explosion heard, on Dec. 11.
1741. by the Right Honourable the Lord BEAUCHAMP, near London. O N Friday the
11th of this Month, being on the Mount in Kensington Gardens, at a Quarter past
10 o'Clock, the Sun shining bright,...
Author(s): Bedia, Joaquin, Sixto Herrera, Jose Manuel Gutierrez, Akli Benali, Swen
Brands, Bernardo Mota, Jose Manuel Moreno
Title: Global patterns in the sensitivity of burned area to fire-weather: Implications
for climate change
Source: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 214-215: 369-379
Year: 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: weather climate
Abstract: Fire is an integral Earth system process, playing an important role in the
distribution of terrestrial ecosystems and affecting the carbon cycle at the global
scale. Fire activity is controlled by a number of biophysical factors, including
climate, whose relevance varies across regions and landscapes...
Contact Author: bediaj@unican.es
Author(s): Bedia, Joaquin, Sixto Herrera, Jose Manuel Gutierrez, Akli Benali, Swen
Brands, Bernardo Mota, Jose Manuel Moreno
Title: Global patterns in the sensitivity of burned area to fire-weather: Implications
for climate change
Source: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 214-215: 369-379
Year: 2015
Keywords: weather climate
Abstract: Fire is an integral Earth system process, playing an important role in the
distribution of terrestrial ecosystems and affecting the carbon cycle at the global
scale. Fire activity is controlled by a number of biophysical factors, including
climate, whose relevance varies across regions and landscapes. In light of the
ongoing climate change, understanding the fire-climate relationships...
Contact Author: bediaj@unican.es
Author(s): Beguin, Julien, Eliot J.B. McIntire, Frdric Raulier
Title: Salvage logging following fires can minimize boreal caribou habitat loss while
maintaining forest quotas: An example of compensatory cumulative effects
Source: Journal of Environmental Management 163(1):234-245
Year: 2015
Keywords: silviculture wildlife
Abstract: Protected area networks are the dominant conservation approach that
is used worldwide for protecting biodiversity. Conservation planning in managed
forests, however, presents challenges when endangered species use old-growth
forests targeted by the forest industry for timber supply...
Contact Author: julien.beguin.1@ulaval.ca
Author(s): Behling. H., Pilar, V. D., Ortioci, L. and Bauermann, S. G.
Title: Late Quartemary Araucaria forest. grassland (Campos), fire and climate
dynamics, studied by high-resolution pollen, charcoal and multivariate analysis of
the Cambeara do Sul in southern Brazil
Source: Paleogeography, paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 203(3-4): 277-297.
Year: 2003
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Contact Author: hermann.behling@uni-bremen.de Author(s): Behling, Hermann,
Valerio D. Pillar, Sandra C. Muller, Gerhard E. Overbeck
Title: Late-Holocene fire history in a forest-grassland mosaic in southern Brasil:
Implications for conservation
Source: Applied Vegetation Science 10(1): 81 - 90
Year: 2009
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Is the diverse mosaic of forest/grassland (Campos) vegetation on the
hills in the Porto Alegre region natural or of anthropogenic origin? What are the
best approaches to management and conservation of forest/grassland mosaics in
southern Brazil- Location: 280 m a.s.l., Rio Grande do Sul State (30x04-32-S;
51x06-05-W, southern Brazil. Methods: A 50-cm long radiocarbon ...
Contact Author: hermann.behling@bio.uni-goettingen.de
Author(s): Belanger, N., C. Carcaillet, G. A. Padbury, A. N. Harvey-Schafer, K. J. C
Van Rees
Title: Periglacial fires and trees in a continental setting of Central Canada, Upper
Source: Geobiology 12(2):
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Fire is a key factor controlling global vegetation patterns and carbon
cycling. It mostly occurs under warm periods during which fuel builds up with
sufficient moisture, whereas such conditions stimulate fire ignition and spread.
Biomass burning increased globally with warming periods since ...
Contact Author: belanger.nicolas@teluq.ca
Author(s): Benkraouda, Souleyman, Benabdellah Yagoubi, Mustapha Rebhi,
Ahmed Bouziane
Title: Belonging probability inverse image approach for forest fire detection
Source: African Journal of Ecology52(3):
Year: 2014
Keywords: detection
Abstract: We present a method for early forest fire detection from a satellite
image using the belonging probability matrix image. We have considered each
satellite image matrix line as a realization of a nonstationary random process in
the thermal infra-red (TIR) spectral band and then divided each ...
Contact Author: yagoubibenabdellah@yahoo.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Bentsen, S. E.
Title: Size matters: Preliminary results from an experimental approach to interpret
Source: Middle Stone Age hearths. Quaternary International 270, pp. 95-102
Year: 2012
Keywords: paleohistory
Contact Author: siljeeb@yahoo.no
Author(s): Bentsen, S. E.
Title: Controlling the heat: An experimental approach to Middle Stone Age
Source: South African Archaeological Bulletin 68, pp. 137-145
Year: 2013
Keywords: paleohistory
Contact Author: siljeeb@yahoo.no
Author(s): Bentsen, S. E., Miller, C. M., Ligouis, B., Allott, L. and Wadley, L.
Title: Combustion features and fire-related behaviour at Sibudu: Results from a
multidisciplinary study
Source: Draft manuscript
Keywords: paleohistory
Contact Author: siljeeb@yahoo.no
Author(s): Bentsen, Silje Evjenth
Title: By the Campfire: Pyrotechnology and Middle Stone Age Hearths at Sibudu
Source: Azania Archaeological Research in Africa 50(1): 147-148
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Bentsen, Silje Evjenth
Title: By the Campfire: Pyrotechnology and Middle Stone Age Hearths at Sibudu
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand,
235 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Bennett, L. T., Cristina Aponte, K. G. Tolhurst, Markus Low, T.G. Baker
Title: Decreases in tree-based carbon stocks associated with repeated prescribed
fires in a temperate mixed-species eucalypt forest
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 306: 243-255
Year: 2013
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: Prescribed fire is a common management practice in fire-tolerant
forests, and one that has potential carbon costs. Previous assessments of the
carbon costs of prescribed fire regimes in temperate Australia have been based on
little empirical data, and have focused on direct fire effects (...
Contact Author: ltb@unimelb.edu.au
Author(s): Beresford-Jones, D .G., Johnson, K., Pullen, A.G., Pryor, A. E., Svoboda,
J. and Jones, M. K.
Title: Burningwood or burning bone? A reconsideration of flotation evidence from
Upper Palaeolitluc (Gravetfian) sites in the Moravian Corridor
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science 37(11): 2799-2811
Year: 2010
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: This paper compares archaeobotanical and other data from new
excavations at two Upper Palaeolithic sites - Dolni V'stonice II and P. I - in the
Moravian Corridor, Czech Republic. Both contain the traces of broadly
contemporary "Gravettian" occupations during the warmer episodes of the
Pleistocene which preceded the last glacial maximum. Yet their archaeobotanical
remains show...
Contact Author: dgb27@cam.ac.uk
Author(s): Bianchi, L., G. Defosse, C. Kunst, S. J. Bravo
Title: Dinamica de la humedad de los combustibles y su relacion con la ecologia y
el manejo de fuego en la region chaquena occidental (Argentina) I: conceptos
Source: Recibido el 03 de septiembre de 2013, Aceptado el 30 de mayo de 2014,
Publicado online el 18 de junio de 2014
Year: 2013
Keywords: combustion
Abstract: Dinamica de la humedad de los combustibles y su relacion con la
ecologia y el manejo de fuego en la region chaquena occidental (Argentina) I:
conceptos basicos Recibido el 03 de septiembre de 2013 // Aceptado el 30 de
mayo de 2014 // Publicado online el 18 de junio de 2014 del combustible (CH)
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
juega un rol fundamental ya que su magnitud influira en la probabilidad de
ignicion, en el posterior comportamiento del fuego y
Contact Author: gdefosse@ciefap.org.ar
Author(s): Biagioni, Siria, Petra Lembcke, Hermann Behling
Title: Assessing the long-term role of fire in the mountain rainforests of Lore Lindu
National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Source: GTO annual meeting, Freising (Germany); 02/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: Tropics ecology
Abstract: In South-east Asia, changes in the frequency and intensity of natural
disturbances are expected as a consequence of global climate change, while at the
same time, anthropogenic disturbance have been increasing since the start of the
last century. The changing relationship ...
Author(s): Bianchini, German, Paola Caymes Scutari
Title: Tuned Forest Fire Prediction: Static Calibration of the Evolutionary
Component of 'ESS'
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Forest fires are a major risk factor with strong impact at ecoenvironmental and socio-economical levels, reasons why their study and modeling
are very important. However, the models frequently have a certain level of
uncertainty in some input parameters given that they must be approximated or
estimated, as a consequence of diverse difficulties to ...
Contact Author: gbianchini@frm.utn.edu.ar
Author(s): Biasiolli, Traynor G., Patricia N. Manley, Angela M. White
Title: Avian response to fuels management in the Lake Tahoe Basin: importance of
treatment intensity
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: Fire suppression over the past century has resulted in high and
potentially dangerous fuel loading in many western forests, which threatens both
forest health and human infrastructure. To reduce risks from high-intensity
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Bianchi, Lucas O., Guillermo E. Defosse
Title: Ignition probability of fine dead surface fuels in native Patagonia forests of
Source: Forest Systems 23(1): 129-138
Year: 2014
Keywords: ignition fuel
Abstract: The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) is being implemented all
over the world. This index is being adapted to the Argentinean ecosystems since
the year 2000. With the objective of calibrating the Fine Fuel Moisture Code
(FFMC) of the FWI system to Patagonian forests, ...
Contact Author: lbianchi@ciefap.org.ar
Author(s): Bianchi, Lucas O., Guillermo E. Defosse
Title: Ignition probability of fine dead surface fuels in native Patagonia forests of
Source: Forest Systems 23(1): 129-138
Year: 2014
Keywords: fuel ignition
Abstract: The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) is being implemented all
over the world. This index is being adapted to the Argentinean ecosystems since
the year 2000. With the objective of calibrating the Fine Fuel Moisture Code
(FFMC) of the FWI system to Patagonian forests, we studied the relationship
between ignition probability and fine dead surface fuel moisture content (MC) ...
Contact Author: lbianchi@ciefap.org.ar
Author(s): Bizerril, Marcelo Ximenes Aguiar
Title: Why It is Important to Understand the Relationship Between People, Fire
and Protected Areas
Source: Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservaao da Biodiversidade, 11 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: sociology
Abstract: Fire and its impacts on biodiversity and natural resources has been an
important focus of attention within protected areas and their management.
However, protected areas are directly dependent on social-ecological processes
beyond their boundaries for their long-term ecological viability, including fire. In
this review, we put forward a case for greater understanding of what determines
people's use (and abuse) of...
Contact Author: bizerril@unb.br
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Blair, John, Jesse Nippert, John Briggs
Title: Grassland Ecology
Source: Chapter 14, in: Springer Science+Business Media New York. R.K. Monson
(ed.), Ecology and the Environment, The Plant Sciences 8
Year: 2014
Keywords: grasslands
Abstract: Grasslands are one of Earth's major biomes and the native vegetation of
up to 40% of Earth's terrestrial surface. Grasslands occur on every continent
except Antarctica, are ecologically and economically important, and provide
critical ecosystem goods and services at local, regional, and global scales.
Grasslands are surprisingly diverse and difficult to define. Although grasses and
other grasslike plants...
Contact Author: jblair@ksu.edu
Author(s): Blarquez, Olivier,, Adam A. Ali, Martin P. Girardin, Pierre Grondin,
Bianca Frechette, Yves Bergeron and Christelle Hely
Title: Regional paleofire regimes affected by non-uniform climate, vegetation and
human drivers
Source: Scientific Reports g: 13356
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Climate, vegetation and humans act on biomass burning at different
spatial and temporal scales. In this study, we used a dense network of
sedimentary charcoal records from eastern Canada to reconstruct regional
biomass burning history over the last 7000 years at the scale of four potential
vegetation types: open coniferous forest/tundra, boreal...
Contact Author: blarquez@gmail.com
Author(s): Blauw, L. G., N. Wensink, L. Bakker, R. S. P. Logtestijn
Title: Fuel moisture content enhances nonadditive effects of plant mixtures on
flammability and fire behavior
Source: Ecology and Evolution 5(7): 3830-3841
Year: 2015
Keywords: fuel moisture
Abstract: Fire behavior of plant mixtures includes a complex set of processes for
which the interactive contributions of its drivers, such as plant identity and
moisture, have not yet been unraveled fully. Plant flammability parameters of
species mixtures can show substantial ...
Contact Author: uke.blauw@vu.nl
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Blondel, Max and Ignacio C. Fernandez
Title: Efectos de la fragmentacion del paisaje en el tamano y frecuencia de
incendios forestales en la zona central de Chile
Source: Revista Conservacion Ambiental 2 (1 ): 7-16
Year: 2012
Keywords: ecology chile
Abstract: The Mediterranean climate zone in Chile harbours over 80% of the
population and has been heavily impacted by human activities, which has caused a
significant loss and fragmentation of natural habitats. This area also concentrates
the large proportion of the more than 5,000 wildfires occurring on average per
year in Chile. The addition of these impacts has led to several ecosystems of this
area to....
Contact Author: Ignacio.fernandez@asu.edu
Author(s): Boehm, Mathew Stephen
Title: Late Pleistocene Climate, Vegetation, and Fire History from a Southern
Appalachian Bog, Whiteoak Bottoms, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina,
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 101 pages
Year: 2012
Keywords: paleohisotry
Author(s): Boer, Chandradewana
Title: Forest and fire suppression in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Bogener, Dave
Title: Effects of fuel load management and fire prevention on wildlife and plant
Source: Oroville, CA: State of California, Department of Water Resources. Draft
final report. Oroville Facilities Relicensing: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Project No. 2100. 42 p.
Year: 2003
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: fuel wildlife ecology
Author(s): Bomber, Michael and joel Weber
Title: Forest Fire Prediction: A Statistical Analysis and Predictive Fire Model of the
Malheur National Forest
Source: Project proposal, University of Wisconsin, Eau Clair, Goegraphy
Department, 7 pages
Year: n. d.
Keywords: statistics modeling
Title: Fire Management, Managed Relocation, and Land Conservation Options for
Long-Lived Obligate Seeding Plants under Global Changes in Climate, Urbanization,
and Fire Regime
Source: Conservation Biology 28(4).
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology regeneration
Abstract: Most species face multiple anthropogenic disruptions. Few studies have
quantified the cumulative influence of multiple threats on species of conservation
concern, and far fewer have quantified the potential relative value of multiple
conservation interventions in light of these threats...
Author(s): Bond, William J.
Title: Fires in the Cenozoic: A late flowering of flammable ecosystems abstracts
Frontiers in Plant Science, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Modern flammable ecosystems include tropical and subtropical
savannas, steppe grasslands, boreal forests, and temperate sclerophyll shrublands.
Despite the apparent fiery nature of much contemporary vegetation, terrestrial
fossil evidence would suggest we live in a time of low fire activity relative to the
deep past. The inertinite content of coal, fossil charcoal, is strikingly low from the
Eocene ...
Contact Author: william.bond@uct.ac.za
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Boon, Helen
Title: Investigating rural community communication for flood and bushfire
Source: Australian Journal of Emergency Management 29(4): 17-25
Year: 2014
Keywords: interface
Abstract: Communicating risk is vital so that communities can prepare to meet
approaching natural hazards. This study examined access to emergency
communications and subsequent levels of preparedness in two rural Australian
communities, Ingham in Queensland and Beechworth in ...
Author(s): Borghesio, Luca
Title: Can fire avoid massive and rapid habitat change in Italian heathlands?
Source: Journal for Nature Conservation 02/2014;
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Heathlands are a peculiar habitat of western Europe, and have markedly
declined over the last decades. Most of the remaining fragments are now
protected, but are still threatened by the encroachment of pioneer trees such as
Betula pendula Roth and Populus tremula L....
Contact Author: borghesio@gmail.com
Author(s): Borehag, Mathias
Title: Spatial analysis of forest fires in Norra Kvill National park
Source: M. S. Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Southern
Swedish Forest Research Centre, 36 pages
Year: 201
Keywords: statistics
Author(s): Bottero, Alessandra, Matteo Garbarino, James N. Long, Renzo Motta
Title: The interacting ecological effects of large-scale disturbances and salvage
logging on montane spruce forest regeneration in the western European Alps
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 292:19-28
Year: 2013
Keywords: silviculture ecology
Abstract: Insect outbreaks and wind storms are the most common natural
disturbances affecting the northern slopes of montane Norway spruce (Picea abies
(L.) H. Karst.) forests in the European Alps. The combined effects on stand
dynamics, including tree regeneration, of these natural disturbances and an
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
anthropogenic (i.e., salvage logging) disturbance were studied to assess the role of
post-disturbance ...
Contact Author: Alessandra.bottero@unito.it
Author(s): Boughton, E. H., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, P. J. Bohlen, John E. Fauth and
David G. Jenkins
Title: Interactive effects of pasture management intensity, release from grazing,
and prescribed fire on forty subtropical wetland plant assemblages
Source: Journal of Applied Ecology, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: Agriculture grazing prescribed burning tropics
Abstract: Pasture management intensity, livestock grazing, and prescribed fire are
three widespread agricultural practices that affect small, isolated wetlands, but
few studies have investigated their individual and interactive effects. Pasture
management intensity refers to ...
Contact Author: eboughton@archbold-station.org
Author(s): Bourland, Nils, Francois Cerisier, Kasso Danou, Alexandre Livingstone
Smith, Wannes Hubau, Hans Beeckman, Yves Brostaux, Adeline Fayolle, Achille
Bernard Biwole, Fousseni Feteke, Jean-Francois Gillet, Julie Morin-Rivat, Philippe
Lejeune, Eric Ntoude Tiba, Joris Van Acker and Jean-Louis Doucet
Title: How Tightly Linked Are Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) Patches to
Anthropogenic Disturbances in Southeastern Cameroon?
Source: Forests 6(2): 293-310
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: While most past studies have emphasized the relationships between
specific forest stands and edaphic factors, recent observations in Central African
moist forests suggested that an increase of slash-and-burn agriculture since 30002000 BP (Before Present) could be... OPEN ACCESS Forests 2015, 6 294 the main
driver of the persistence of light-demanding tree species. In order...
Contact Author: francois.cerisier@gmail.com
Author(s): Bravo, Sandra, Carlos Kunst, Marta Leiva, Roxana Ledesma
Title: Response of hardwood tree regeneration to surface fires, western Chaco
region, Argentina
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 326: 36-45
Year: 2014
Keywords: regeneration
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Graphical abstracts Mean char height of three native tree species of the
Chaco region at two dates of burning during the fire season: early (July-August)
and late (September-October), 2008-09. References: Ziziphus mistol (dotted bars),
Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco (full bars) and Schinopsis ...
Contact Author: sandrabrav@gmail.com
Author(s): Brant, Amber N., Han Y. H. Chen
Title: Interspecific responses in tree foliar nutrient resorption following fire and
logging along a chronosequence in a central Canadian boreal forest
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: Biomass harvesting for energy production is a recent practice in forest
management, but there are concerns for the resiliency of these forests following
nutrient removal. Plants resorb approximately 60% of the nutrients in senescing
foliage back to living tissues prior to abscission to the forest floor layer. This
process carries great significance for its role in the overall ...
Author(s): Bradstock, R., Price, O., Williams, D., Hutley, L.
Title: Mitigation of emissions from wildfires in Australia: potential for use of
managed prescribed fire in eucalypt dominated vegetation, present and future
Source: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract #B31G-01
Year: 2010
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Species of Eucalyptus and other closely related genera dominate
woodlands and forests in the moist regions of tropical and temperate Australia.
Respectively, these savanna woodlands and open forests are highly fire prone,
though fire regimes are fundamentally different due to inherent influences of
weather, fuels, ignitions and terrain. Fuel reduction via prescribed burning is
commonly used in both savanna...
Author(s): Britton, Carla L., Patrick L. Guzzle, Christine G. Hahn, Kris K. Carter
Title: Norovirus outbreak at a wildland fire base camp ignites investigation of
restaurant inspection policies
Source: Journal of Environmental Health 77(1): 8-14
Year: 2014
Keywords: helath firefighters safety
Abstract: Norovirus outbreaks occur worldwide and have been associated with
congregate settings (e.g., military and recreational camps). Investigation of a
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
norovirus outbreak at a wildland fire base camp identified 49 (27%) illnesses
among approximately 180 responders. Epidemiologic evidence implicated a
restaurant as the ...
Author(s): Brinkley, Steven Kenneth
Title: Factors Related to Nest Survival and Over-winter Survival of a Northern
Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Population in Southwest Florida
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 129 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: ecology wildlife birds
Author(s): Brown, Marjie
Title: Getting in the Game: Out on the Landscape without Leaving Your Desk with
Source: Fire Science Brief 94, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: This project used computer game technology to create highly interactive
forest data visualization and interaction not possible with the traditional
geographic information system approach. Known as GNNViz (Gradient Nearest
Neighbor Vegetation Map Visualization), the program was developed by
Author(s): Brown, Marjie
Title: Expanding Use of the Fire Effects Planning Framework
Source: Fire Science Brief 95, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: plannning
Abstract: This project sought to discover the best ways to encourage broader use
of the fi re planning and management tool-Fire Effects Planning Framework (FEPF).
FEPF calculates and captures the ecological effects of fi re, including the benefi ts.
Along the way FEPF developers learned that varying perspectives...
Author(s): Brown, Marjie
Title: A Gust Changes Everything: Local Wind Information in Unprecedented Detail
with WindWizard and WindNinja
Source: Fire Science Brief 101, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: wind weather behavior
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Fire behavior model accuracy has suffered from a lack of specifi c
information about how winds shift in direction and speed in mountainous terrain
at fi ne scales. Before this project, fi re managers lacked a tool that could provide
realtime status of changing wind conditions at the scale of a specifi c ridge or
drainage. This project resulted in two wind simulation tools that focus on this
critical need: WindWizard and WindNinja...
Author(s): Brown, Marjie
Title: Taming Non-native Grasses in Zion National Park
Source: Fire Science Brief 107, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: The Gila National Forest in southwestern New Mexico harbors two
imperiled aquatic species in its mid-to-high elevation streams, the Gila chub and
the Gila trout. Modern and historical land use pressures, and the introduction of
non-native fishes, have reduced the range of the Gila trout to a handful of
Author(s): Brown, Marjie
Title: Frequencies, Lasers, and Wavelengths: A Quest for Affordable, Landscape
Scale Remote Sensing
Source: Fire Science Brief 118, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: New developments in high-resolution remote sensing systems have
demonstrated the potential for generating direct, more accurate, and effi cient
estimates of fuels and the vegetation characteristics that infl uence fi re behavior
at the landscape scale. Two of these direct measurement tools are operated from
Author(s): Brooks, M. L., J. R. Matchett, D. J. Shinneman, P. S. Coates
Title: Fire patterns in the range of the greater sage-grouse, 1984-2013Implications for conservation and management
Source: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1167, 66 p.
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife ecology
Abstract: Fire ranks among the top three threats to the greater sage-grouse
(Centrocercus urophasianus) throughout its range, and among the top two threats
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
in the western part of its range. The national research strategy for this species and
the recent US Department of the ...
Author(s): Brooks, Matt, Jayne Belnap, Jon Keeley, Robert Sanford, John R
Matchett zand Thomas McGinnis
Title: Fire and Invasive Annual Grasses in Western Ecosystems
Source: JFSP Project Number 00-1-2-04Final Report 9/30/2005 Team Lead
Scientist and Project Contact
Year: 2005
Keywords: exotics
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Brown, K. S., Marean, C. W., Jacobs, 2., Schoville, B. J., Oestmo, S.,
Fisher, E. C., Bernatchez, J., Karkanas, P., and Matthews, T.
Title: An early and enduring advanced technology originating 71,000 years ago in
South Africa
Source: Nature 491: 590-593
Year: 2012
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Brown, Lee E., Joseph Holden, Sheila M. Palmer, Kerrylyn Johnston,
Sorain J. Ramchunder, Richard Grayson
Title: Effects of fire on the hydrology, biogeochemistry, and ecology of peatland
river systems
Source: Freshwater Science (December 2015), p. 000
Year: 2015
Keywords: wetlands hydrology
Abstract: ...Catchment-scale changes to land cover following urbanization or land
development for agriculture and forestry (Paul and Meyer 2001, Allan 2004) pose
a major threat to river ecosystems (Vorosmarty et al. 2010). When fire is used as a
tool in landuse management to produce substantial changes...
Contact Author: l.brown@leeds.ac.uk
Author(s): Brown, Donald J., Ferrato, Jacqueline, White, Clayton J., Mali, Ivana,
Fortsner, Michael R. J., Simpson, Thomas R.
Title: Short-term changes in summer and winter resident bird communities
following a high severity wildfire in a southern USA mixed pine/hardwood forest
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 350: 13-21
Year: 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: wildlife birds
Contact Author: djb.ecology@gmail.com
Author(s): Brown, Shawn P., Mac A. Callaham Jr, Alena K. Oliver and Ari
Title: Deep Ion Torrent sequencing identifies soil fungal community shifts after
frequent prescribed fires in a southeastern US forest ecosystem
Source: FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2013 Dec;86(3):557-566
Year: 2013
Keywords: prescribed burning soils fungi
Abstract: Prescribed burning is a common management tool to control fuel loads,
ground vegetation, and facilitate desirable game species. We evaluated soil fungal
community responses to long-term prescribed fire treatments in a loblolly pine
forest on the Piedmont of Georgia and utilized deep Internal Transcribed Spacer
Region 1 (ITS1) amplicon sequencing...
Contact Author: spbrown1@k-state.edu
Author(s): Bukowski, Beth E., William L. Baker
Title: Historical fire regimes, reconstructed from land-survey data, led to
complexity and fluctuation in sagebrush landscapes
Source: Ecological Applications 23(3): 546-64.
Year: 2013
Keywords: history
Abstract: Sagebrush landscapes provide habitat for Sage-Grouse and other
sagebrush obligates, yet historical fire regimes and the structure of historical
sagebrush landscapes are poorly known, hampering ecological restoration and
management. To remedy this, General Land Office Survey (GLO) survey notes
were used to reconstruct over two million hectares of historical vegetation for
four sagebrush-...
Author(s): Bukowski, B. E. and W. L. Baker
Title: Historical fire in sagebrush landscapes of the Gunnison sage-grouse range
from land-survey records
Source: Journal of Arid Environments 98: 1-9.
Year: 2013
Keywords: history wildlife birds
Abstract: We use land-survey records to reconstruct historical fire and landscapes
in the current range of the Gunnison sage-grouse (GUSG; Centrocercus minimus),
which is proposed for listing under the Endan- gered Species Act. Using section53
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
line descriptions from 1872 to 1892 surveys, and fire indicators, we reconstructed
110 potential fire patches and 76 fires over...
Contact Author: bakerwl@uwyo.edu
Author(s): Bukowski, B. E. and W. L. Baker
Title: Historical fire regimes, reconstructed from land-survey data, led to
complexity and fluctuation in sagebrush landscapes
Source: Ecological Applications 23: 546-564.
Year: 2013
Keywords: history ecology
Contact Author: bakerwl@uwyo.edu
Author(s): Burton, Philip J.
Title: Using polar ordination to evaluate ecosystem recovery and restoration
Source: Forest Landscape Mosaics: Disturbance, Restoration and Management at
Times of Global Change, Tartu, Estonia; 08/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: restoration
Abstract: Monitoring of ecological restoration is an essential component of
adaptive resource management, both to evaluate the project site's contribution to
landscape values and to compare and improve various restoration techniques that
may have been employed. All restoration work has at least two ...
Author(s): Burrows, Neil
Title: Prescribed burning in south-western Australian forests
Source: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 08/2013; 11 (Online Issue 1):
Year: 2013
Keywords: prescribed burning australia
Abstract: Prescribed burning is an important but often controversial firemanagement tool in fire-prone regions of the world. Here, we explore the
complex challenges of prescribing fire for multiple objectives in the eucalypt
forests of southwestern Australia, which could ...
Contact Author: %oneil.burrows@dpaw.wa.gov.au
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Burns, Emma L., Lindenmayer, David B.
Title: Need For New Management Policies For The Mountain Ash Forest
Ecosystem Of Central Victoria
Source: Geodate 28(2): 4-8
Year: 2015
Keywords: policy
Abstract: The mountain ash forest is a globally iconic ecosystem. It is highly valued
for its contributions to water and timber production, its recreational and aesthetic
values, and its unique biodiversity and carbon-storage capacity. Ironically,...
Author(s): Burcin, Yenisey Kaynas
Title: Influence of post-fire successional gradients in Pinus brutia forests on
ground beetle community changes
Source: Scientific research and essays 9(19): 834-839
Year: 2014
Keywords: insects
Author(s): Cabral, Juliano Sarmento, Florian Jeltsch, Wilfried Thuiller, Steven
Higgins, Guy F. Midgley, Anthony G. Rebelo, Mathieu Rouget and Frank M. Schurr
Title: Impacts of past habitat loss and future climate change on the range
dynamics of South African Proteaceae Diversity and Distributions, (Diversity
Distrib.) (2012) 1-14
Year: 2012
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Demographic models of range dynamics can simultaneously predict the
response of range size, abundance and range filling to multiple drivers of
environmental change. Demographic knowledge is particularly needed to predict
abundance responses and to identify areas...
Contact Author: jsarmen@uni-goettingen.de
Author(s): Cahall, Rebecca E., Hayes, John P.
Title: Influences of postfire salvage logging on forest birds in the Eastern Cascades,
Oregon, USA
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 257(3): 1119-1128.
Year: 2009
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: In coniferous forests of western North American, fire is an important
disturbance that influences the structure and composition of floral and faunal
communities. The impacts of postfire management, including salvage logging and
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
replanting, on these forests are not well known. We compared densities and
relative abundances of forest birds after fire in unsalvaged stands and stands
subjected to one of two ...
Contact Author: rebecca.cahall@earthlink.net
Author(s): Cain, C. R.
Title: Using burned animal bone to look at Middle Stone Age occupation and
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science 32: 873-884
Year: 2005
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Studies on burned bone have rarely been applied in understanding the
human behavior behind the burning of animal remains. The Middle Stone Age
faunal assemblage from Sibudu Cave (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) contains a very
high proportion of burned bones. Based on previous experimental studies, a
system ...
Contact Author: chetcain@alumni.rice.edu
Author(s): Calabrese, Justin M., Federico Vazquez, Cristobal Lopez, Maxi San
Miguel, Volker Grimm
Title: The Independent and Interactive Effects of Tree-Tree Establishment
Competition and Fire on Savanna Structure and Dynamics
Source: The American Naturalist 175(3): E44-E65
Year: 2010
Keywords: grass-tree ecology
Abstract: .... On the one hand, much research has focused on single-factor
explanations, such as how rooting-depth separation mediates tree-grass
competition for water (Walker et al. 1981; Walker and Noy-Meir 1982) or how fire
promotes coexistence by constraining tree density (D'Odorico et al. 2006; Hanan...
Contact Author: justin.calabrese@ufz.de.
Author(s): Calder, W. John, Dusty L. Parker, Cody J. Stopka, Bryan N. Shuman
Title: The influence of spatial scale on detecting climatic controls of wildfire in
subalpine forests for the last 2000 years in northern Colorado
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: climate
Abstract: The frequency and extent of wildfire in subalpine forests is primarily
controlled by drought. Historical records show that years with the largest fires
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
across a region occur almost exclusively during years of moderate to extreme
drought stress. Most ...
Author(s): Campbell, Elizabeth M., Joseph A. Antos
Title: Forest structure and advance regeneration following the mountain pine
beetle epidemic in Canada's boreal forest
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology insects
Abstract: Episodic mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreaks
have occurred for millennia in temperate forests of western North America. The
current outbreak began in the late 1990s and is now of unprecedented intensity
and spatial ...
Author(s): Canti, M. G. and Linford, N. T.
Title: The effects of fire on archaeological soils and sediments: Temperature and
colour relationships
Source: Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 2000: 385-395
Year: 2000
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Although fire is a fundamental building block of interpretation, details of
its effect on archaeological substrates are still poorly understood. The key
questions, from an interpretative point of view, are the level of heating produced
in the soil underneath different fires and the degree of reddening preserved in the
final stratigraphy. This paper explores these questions by examination of previous
Author(s): Carter, Vachel A., Andrea Brunelle, Thomas Minckley
Source: Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado; 10/2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Fire is one of the most important natural disturbances in the coniferous
forests of the Rocky Mountains. However, it is unclear how differences in
climatological conditions between the northern Rocky Mountains (NRM) and
southern Rocky Mountains (SRM) ...
Contact Author: vachel.carter@gmail.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Carroll, Allyson L., Stephen C. Sillett, Russell D. Kramer
Title: Millennium-Scale Crossdating and Inter-Annual Climate Sensitivities of
Standing California Redwoods
Source: PLoS ONE 9(7): e102545. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102545
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Extremely decay-resistant wood and fire-resistant bark allow California's
redwoods to accumulate millennia of annual growth rings that can be useful in
biological research. Whereas tree rings of Sequoiadendron giganteum (SEGI)
helped formalize the study of dendrochronology and the principle...
Contact Author: Allyson.carroll@gmail.com
Author(s): Carbajal, Noel, Pineda-Martinez, Luis F. and Bautista Vicente, Flor
Title: Air Quality Deterioration of Urban Areas Caused by Wildfires in a Natural
Reservoir Forest of Mexico.
Source: Advances in Meteorology. 6/8/2015 2015, p1-13. 13p.
Year: 2015
Keywords: Air quality smoke
Abstract: Many regions of the world suffer loss of vegetation and reduced air
quality due to wildfires. Studies on aerosol emissions by wildfires often discuss the
negative effects of atmospheric contaminants from a regional or mesoscale
perspective. The occurrence of wildfires reveals that a high percentage takes place
close to large urban areas. Very high concentration of pollutants and PM10
particulate... noelc@ipicyt.edu.m
XAuthor(s): Cerame, Blain, James A. Cox, Robb T. Brumfield, James W. Tucker,
Sabrina S. Taylor
Title: Adaptation to Ephemeral Habitat May Overcome Natural Barriers and
Severe Habitat Fragmentation in a Fire-Dependent Species, the Bachman's
Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis)
Source: PLoS ONE 09/2014; 9(9): e105782.
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology wildlife birds
Abstract: Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) is a fire-dependent species that
has undergone range-wide population declines in recent decades. We examined
genetic diversity in Bachman's Sparrows to determine whether natural barriers
have led to distinct population units and to assess the effect of anthropogenic ...
Contact Author: staylor@lsu.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Chano, Victor, Carmen Collada, Alvaro Soto
Title: Gene expression analysis in Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. ex D.C. in response to
mechanical injury
Source: 5th International Conference on Mediterranean Pines (medpine5),
Solsona (Spain); 09/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: genetics
Abstract: Wounds stimulate diverse responses in plants, including mainly
modifications in the differentiation fate of the injured and surrounding tissues,
leading to the development of barriers against the attack of opportunistic
pathogens and pests, healing or, in certain cases, regeneration ...
Author(s): Charalabos, Kontoes
Masters Best Service Challenge 2014 Source:Technical Report, 3 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: The Best Service Challenge seeks to increase the awareness of existing
Earth monitoring services and their benefits to citizens. It is one of nine categories
in the Earth monitoring competition Copernicus Masters. The Best Service
Challenge invites service providers to submit profiles of their existing services to
the Copernicus Masters. The 2014 edition welcomed all submissions addressing
any of the GEO (Group on Earth Observations) Societal Benefits Areas: ...
Author(s): Changchui, He
Title: Forward
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25, 133 pages
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Abstract: see individual chapters for the individual pdfs
Author(s): Chettouh, S., R. Hamzi, F. Innal, D. Haddad
Title: Uncertainty in the Dynamic LCA - Fire methodology to assess the
environmental fire effects
Source: 2013 3rd International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC);
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2013
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Life Cycle Impact Assessment, LCIA, is the third phase of Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) described in ISO 14042. The purpose of LCIA is to assess a
product system's life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) in order to better understand its
environmental significance. However, LCIA typically excludes ...
Author(s): Cheng, Ellen, Karen E. Hodges, and L. Scott Mills
Title: Impacts of Fire on Snowshoe Hares in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
Source: Fire Ecology 11(2): 119-136
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife hares
Abstract: Forest fires fundamentally shape the habitats available for wildlife.
Current predictions for fire under a warming climate suggest larger and more
severe fires may occur, thus challenging scientists and managers to understand
and predict impacts of fire on ...
Contact Author: echeng@ncsu.edu
Author(s): Christensen, Brendon
Title: Use of UAV or remotely piloted aircraft and forward-looking infrared in
forest, rural and wildland fire management: evaluation using simple economic
Source: New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 45: 16
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Investment in emerging technologies may contribute to a reduction in
the suppression costs of wildfires, and is thus worth careful consideration and
trialling by researchers and managers. This investigation looked at the potential
incorporation of a newly emerging remote sensing technology, remotely piloted
aircraft and forward-looking infrared investigated using a cost-benefit ...
Contact Author: bchristensen@doc.govt.nz
Author(s): Clark. J. L. and Ligouis, B.
Title: Burned bone in the Howieson's Poort and post-Howieson's Poott Middle
Stone Age deposits at Sibudu (South Africa): Behavioral and taphonomic
Source: Journal ofArchaeological Science 37: 2650-2661
Year: 2010
Keywords: paleohistory
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Despite a growing awareness of the wide range of information that can
be provided by detailed analyses of burned bone from archaeological contexts,
such analyses are still relatively uncommon. This paper focuses on the behavioral
and taphonomic implications of burned bone from the Middle Stone Age (MSA)
site of Sibudu Cave (South Africa), reporting on the analysis of a large sample
(>377,000 ...
Contact Author: jamielc@umich.edu
Author(s): Clabo, David Charles
Title: Shortleaf Pine Sprout Production Capability in Response to Disturbances
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 87 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Author(s): Clode, Danielle, Mark A. Elgar
Title: Fighting Fire with Fire: Does a Policy of Broad-Scale Prescribed Burning
Improve Community Safety?
Source: Society and Natural Resources 27(11).
Year: 2014
Keywords: prescribed burning interface
Abstract: Wildfires cause enormous damage worldwide, particularly in Victoria,
Australia, with growing populations in fire-prone ecosystems. Broad-scale
prescribed burning is an established, yet controversial, wildfire management
policy in Victoria and Australia. But does broad-scale prescribed...
Contact Author: danielle.clode@flinders.edu.au
Author(s): Colombaroli, Daniele, Immaculate Ssemmanda, Vanessa Gelorini, Dirk
Title: Contrasting long-term records of biomass burning in wet and dry savannas
of equatorial East Africa
Source: Global Change Biology 20(9):
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Rainfall controls fire in tropical savanna ecosystems through impacting
both the amount and flammability of plant biomass, and consequently, predicted
changes in tropical precipitation over the next century are likely to have
contrasting effects on the fire regimes of wet and dry savannas...
Contact Author: daniele.colombaroli@ips.unibe.ch
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Colbert, Celine T., Katherine L. Martin, Matthew D. Hurteau
Title: Fire management impacts on carbon storage in Southwest ponderosa pine
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: carbon
Abstract: Forest carbon storage is increasingly used as a tool to offset greenhouse
gas emissions; but many forests evolved with frequent fire, an integral ecological
process, and a source of carbon emissions. Over the last century, fire has been
suppressed in many dry, frequent-fire forests, leading to altered forest structure
as stem density increased in these historically ...
Author(s): Compagnoni, Aldo and Peter B. Adler
Title: Warming, competition, and Bromus tectorum population growth across an
elevation gradient
Source: Ecosphere 5: 121
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate ecology exotics
Abstract: Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) is one of the most problematic invasive
plant species in North America and climate change threatens to exacerbate its
impacts. We conducted a two-year field experiment to test the effect of warming,
competition, and seed source on cheatgrass ...
Contact Author: Aldo.compagnoni@rice.edu
Author(s): Howey, Christopher
Title: Ecological Effects of Prescribed Fire on the Black Racer
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, College of Arts and Sciences of Ohio University, 173
Year: 2014
Keywords: prescribed burning snakes wildlife
Abstract: Prescribed fire is a management technique used to emulate a natural
disturbance. I examined reptile communities in burned and unburned (control)
landscapes and the interactions of a focal species, the black racer (Coluber
constrictor), within these landscapes. More reptiles were captured in the burned
landscape, and this habitat was associated...
Author(s): Conlisk, Erin E., Sara
Motheral, Rosa Chung, Bryan A. Endress
Title: Impact of fire frequency on choosing the optimal site for coastal cactus wren
habitat restoration
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology requency Habitat fragmentation and increased fire frequency
are common threats to wildlife in Mediterranean ecosystems. Whereas the
remaining Southern California coastal sage scrub serves as refuge for rare flora
and fauna, this habitat is threatened by frequent, human-ignited wildfires. The
coastal cactus wren...
Author(s): Cooke, Benjamin
Title: A Letter from Benj. Cooke, F. R. S. to Peter Collinson, F. R. S. Giving an
Account of the Fire-Ball Seen Dec. 11. 1741
Source: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) 42 (1742 - 1743), pp. 25-27
Year: 1741
Keywords: fireball behavior
Abstract: ...Peter Collinson, F. R. S. giving an Account of the Fire -ball seen Dec. 11.
1741. Newport, in the Isle of Dear S I R, Whight, Jan. 25. 1741 - 2. I Did not see the
Phaenomenon (the Fire -ball seen Dec. 11. 1741.) you mention
Author(s): Copenhaver, Paige E. and Daniel B. Tinker
Title: Stand density and age affect tree-level structural and functional
characteristics of young, postfire lodgepole pine in Yellowstone National Park
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 320: 138-148
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: More frequent fire activity associated with climate warming is expected
to increase the extent of young forest stands in fire-prone landscapes, yet growth
rates and biomass allocation patterns in young forests that regenerated naturally
following stand-replacing fire have not been well studied. We assessed the
structural and functional characteristics of young, postfire lodgepole pine ....
Contact Author: pcopenha@uwyo.edu
Author(s): Cox, M. R.
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee
Year: 2015
Keywords: prescribed burning insects wildlife bats
Abstract: This master's thesis investigates the effects of prescribed fire and
overstory thinning on bats and their insect prey in hardwood forest stands of
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Tennessee. Chapter 1 is a review of literature that emphasizes the importance of
this research and outlines the objectives ...
Author(s): Crausbay, Shelley D., Sara C. Hotchkiss
Title: Dynamics of a tropical forest ecotone in Hawai-i are driven by changes in
large scale climate features and fire
Source: 96th ESA Annual Convention 2011; 08/2011
Year: 2011
Keywords: hawaii ecology
Abstract: As climate change continues, landscape conservation cooperatives are
beginning to craft adaptation plans that consider the potential impact of climate
change. To aid this effort, much work has been done to elucidate relationships
between vegetation and climate across the landscape today. However, many
important ecological drivers vary on time scales ...
Author(s): Crawford, Alastair J., Claire M. Belcher
Title: Charcoal Morphometry for Paleoecological Analysis: The Effects of Fuel Type
and Transportation on Morphological Parameters
Source: Applied Plant Science 2(8):
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Charcoal particles preserved in sediments are used as indicators of
paleowildfire. Most research focuses on abundance as an indicator of fire
frequency, but charcoals also convey information about the vegetation from
which they are derived...
Contact Author: c.belcher@exeter.ac.uk
Author(s): Crespo, L. C., I. Silva, P. A. V. Borges, P. Cardoso
Title: Assessing the conservation status of the strict endemic Desertas wolf spider,
Hogna ingens (Araneae, Lycosidae)
Source: Journal for Nature Conservation 22(6): 516-524
Year: 2014
Keywords: insects ecology
Abstract: The Desertas Islands (Madeira, Portugal) are the sole home of one of the
largest and rarest wolf spider species, Hogna ingens (Blackwall, 1857) (Araneae,
Lycosidae). Despite its size, it inhabits a single valley in the North of the Deserta
Grande Island, Vale da Castanheira, currently invaded by the ...
Contact Author: L.C. Crespo, I. Silva, P.A.V. Borges, P. Cardoso
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Cruz, M. G., W. L. McCaw, W. R. Anderson, J. S. Gould
Title: Fire behaviour modelling in semi-arid mallee-heath shrublands of southern
Source: Environmental Modelling and Software 40: 21-34.
Year: 2012
Keywords: behavior modeling
Abstract: Knowledge of fire behaviour potential is necessary for proactive
management of fire prone shrublands. Data from two experimental burning
programs in mallee-heath shrublands in semi-arid southern Australia were used to
develop models for the sustainability of fire spread, fire type, i.e., surface or crown
fire, forward spread rate and flame height. The dataset comprised 61 fires burned
under ...
Contact Author: miguel.cruz@csiro.au
Author(s): Crujeiras, Rosa Maria, Eduardo Garcia-Portugues, Wenceslao GonzalezManteiga, Ana M. G. Barros, Jose M. C. Pereira
Title: Directional-linear nonparametric regression for wildfire analysis
Source: METMA VII-GRASPA 14, Torino, Italy; 09/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: statistics
Abstract: Wildfires represent a threat to natural resources, causing a huge
economic and environmental damage, so an effective management of wildfires is
required in order to avoid devastating effects. Preventive policies recommend fuel
management practices at landscape ...
Author(s): Cruz, Miguel G., Jim S. Gould, Susan Kidnie, Rachel Bessell, David
Nichols, Alen Slijepcevic
Title: Effects of curing on grassfires: II. Effect of grass senescence on the rate of
fire spread
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire 24(6): 838-848
Year: 2015
Keywords: fuel moisture
Abstract: The capacity to predict fire dynamics in fuel beds comprised of live and
dead fuel components is constrained by our limited understanding of the effects
of live fuels on fire propagation. A field-based experimental burning program was
conducted to specifically address the effect of the degree of curing, the proportion
of dead fuels in the fuel bed, on fire propagation in grasslands. Experimental fires
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Csontos, Peter, Imre Cseresnyes
Source: Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences 10(3): 247-254
Year: 2015
Keywords: silviculture plantations
Abstract: Plantations of the alien Pinus nigra are considered among the highly
flammable vegetation types in Hungary. The fire risk of such plantations was
examined using McArthur's empirical forest fire danger model. Present paper
focuses on the effects of drought conditions ...
Contact Author: csontos.peter@agrar.mta.hu
Author(s): Cunbin Li, Zhou Jing, Baoguo Tang, Ye Zhang
Title: Analysis of Forest Fire Spread Trend Surrounding Transmission Line Based on
Rothermel Model and Huygens Principle
Source: International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 9(9): 5160
Year: 2014
Keywords: behavior modeling
Abstract: With the expansion of the power grid, transmission lines across forests
are increasing. Once forest fire occurs, it could threaten the transmission lines
around or even cause them trip out. Therefore, studying the spread of forest fire is
important. This paper presents a method based on Rothermel model and Huygens
Contact Author: zhoujing108@ncepu.edu.cn
Author(s): D'Odorico, Paolo, Francesco Laio, Luca Ridolfi
Title: A Probabilistic Analysis of Fire-Induced Tree-Grass Coexistence in Savannas
Source: The American Naturalist 167(3): E79-E87
Year: 2006
Keywords: grass-tree ecology
Abstract: ...fire-prone landscapes tend to be dominated by grasses and to exhibit
only a relatively open canopy of trees and shrubs. By eating palatable grasses,
grazers deplete grass biomass and, in turn, reduce the fire frequency. Thus,
grazing favors tree dominance both directly and indirectly through changes in the
fire regime...
Contact Author: paolo@virginia.edu.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Dabengwa, Abraham
Title: Introduction to palaeoecological proxies available for looking at past forest
versus grassland distribution
Source: Grassland Society of Southern African Congress, Bloemfontein; 07/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Biomes are dynamic entities in space and time, therefore understanding
their spatial patterning and governing organisational dynamics in the last 2000
years when human population intensification began in the region is an important
and often neglected aspect in conservation and rangeland ...
Author(s): Dabengwa, Abraham
Title: Introduction to palaeoecological proxies available for looking at past forest
versus grassland distribution
Source: Grassland Society of Southern African Congress, Bloemfontein; 07/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Biomes are dynamic entities in space and time, therefore understanding
their spatial patterning and governing organisational dynamics in the last 2000
years when human population intensification began in the region is an important
and often neglected aspect in conservation and ...
Author(s): DaCamara, Carlos and Silvia Nunes
Title: Vegetation stress and summer fire activity in Portugal
Source: EGU General Assembly 2013, held 7-12 April, 2013 in Vienna, Austria,
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology statistics
Abstract: Fire activity in Mediterranean Europe is closely related to the
climatological background where the occurrence of rainy and mild winters,
followed by warm and dry summers, may induce high levels of vegetation stress
over the different regions making them prone to the occurrence of fire events.
The aim of the present study is to investigate...
Contact Author: cdcamara@fc.ul.pt
Author(s): Dafni, A., I. Izhaki, and G. Ne-eman
Title: The effect of fire on biotic interactions in Mediterranean basin ecosystems:
pollination and seed dispersal
Source: Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 58(2): 235-250
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Mediterranean type ecosystems are among the world's most fire-prone
regions. Focusing on the Mediterranean basin, we review the literature and
propose conceptual models to explain the direct and indirect effects of fire on
plant-pollinator interactions, seed dispersers...
Contact Author: Adafni@research.haifa.ac.il
Author(s): Dahl, Nathan, Haidong Xue, Xiaolin Hu, Ming Xue
Title: Coupled fire-atmosphere modeling of wildland fire spread using DEVS-FIRE
and ARPS
Source: Natural hazards, available online 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: weather behavior
Contact Author: ndahl@rsmas.miami.edu
Author(s): Darlong, V.T.
Title: Traditional community-based fire management among the Mizo shifting
cultivators of Mizoram in northeast India
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Davies, G. Matt, Alan Gray, Ruth Domenech Jardi, Paul Johnson
Title: Variation in peatland wildfire severity - implications for ecosystem carbon
Source: Advances in forest fire research, 1 edited by Domingos Xavier Viegas,
01/2014: chapter 2: pages 591-601; Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Year: 2014
Keywords: wetlands carbon
Abstract: lobally peatlands contain ca. 550 GT of ancient carbon and there is the
potential for a positive feedback between peatland degradation and global climate
change. Peatlands cover a substantial area of the British Uplands and the effects
of wildfire and traditional managed burning ...
Contact Author: gwilym.davies@glasgow.ac.uk
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): de Melo, Galvao, Antonio Carlos, Giselda Durigan
Title: Fire impact and dynamics of plant community regeneration at the seasonal
semideciduous forest edge (Galia, SP, Brazil)
Source: Brazilian Journal of Botany 04/2014;
Year: 2014
Keywords: regeneration ecology
Abstract: Forest edges are permanently under pressure by natural factors and
disturbances, such as fire, which can cause changes in plant communities. We
studied nature and extension of damages and also the resilience of the plant
community after fire in the seasonal semideciduous forest, at ...
Contact Author: Acgmelo@gmail.com
Author(s): de L. Dantas, Vinicius, Marco A. Batalha, Juli G. Pausas
Title: Fire drives functional threshold on the savanna-forest transition
Source: Ecology 94(11): 2454-63
Year: 2013
Keywords: grasslands encroachment
Abstract: In tropical landscapes, vegetation patches with contrasting tree densities
are distributed as mosaics. However, the locations of patches and densities of
trees within them cannot be predicted by climate models alone. It has been
proposed that plant-fire feedbacks drive functional ...
Contact Author: juli.g.pausas@uv.es
Author(s): de Lafontaine, Guillaume, Carlos Alberto Amasifuen Guerra, Alexis
Ducousso and Rjemy J. Petit
Title: Cryptic no more: soil macrofossils uncover Pleistocene forest microrefugia
within a periglacial desert
Source: New Phytologist 204: 715-729
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Soil charcoal macrofossils were found in all sites, allowing the
identification of up to at least 14 distinct fire events per site. There was direct
evidence of the presence of beech during the last glacial period at three sites.
Beech was detected during Heinrich stadial-1, one of the coldest and driest
intervals of the last glacial period in Western Europe....
Contact Author: guillaume.delafontaine@gmail.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): de las Heras, Jorge, Daniel Moya, Jose Antonio Vega, Evangelia
Daskalakou, Ramon Vallejo, Nikolaos Grigoriadis, Thekla Tsitsoni, Jaime Baeza,
Alejandro Valdecantos, Cristina Fernandez, Josep Espelta, and Paulo Fernandes
Title: Post-Fire Management of Serotinous Pine Forests
Source: Chapter 6, in: F. Moreira et al. (eds.), Post-Fire Management and
Restoration of Southern European Forests, Managing Forest Ecosystems 24,
Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 32 pages
Year: 2012
Keywords: restoration
Contact Author: Jorge.heras@uclm.es
Author(s): de Oliveira Alves, Nilmara, Joel Brito, Sofia Caumo, Andrea Arana,
Sandra de Souza Hacon, Paulo Artaxo, Risto Hillamo, Kimmo Teinil f,Silvia Regina
Batistuzzo de Medeiros, Perola de Castro Vasconcellos
Title: Biomass burning in the Amazon region: Aerosol source apportionment and
associated health risk assessment
Source: Atmospheric Environment 120: 277-285
Year: 2015
Keywords: Tropics
Abstract: The Brazilian Amazon represents about 40% of the world's remaining
tropical rainforest. However, human activities have become important drivers of
disturbance in that region. The majority of forest fire hotspots in the Amazon arc
due to deforestation are impacting the health of the local population of over 10
million inhabitants. In this study we characterize western Amazonia biomass
burning emissions through the quantification of 14 Polycyclic...
Contact Author: nilmaraoalves@gmail.com
Author(s): Deak, B.
Source: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 12(1): 267-283
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Fire as a natural disturbance has been present in most European
grasslands. Controlled burning was also an important component of the traditional
landscape management for millennia. It was mainly used to reduce litter and
woody vegetation and to maintain open landscapes suitable for farming. Due to
socio-economical changes traditional and sustainable use of fire was...
Contact Author: valkoorsi@gmail.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Deak, Balazs, Orsolya Valko, Peter Torok, Zsolt Vegvari, Tibor Hartel,
Andras Schmotzer, Istvan Kapocsi, Bela Tothmeresz
Title: Grassland fires in Hungary - Experiences of nature conservationists on the
effects of fire on biodiversity
Source: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 12(1): 267-283
Year: 2014
Keywords: grasslands ecology
Abstract: Fire as a natural disturbance has been present in most European
grasslands. Controlled burning was also an important component of the traditional
landscape management for millennia. It was mainly used to reduce litter and
woody vegetation and to maintain open landscapes suitable ...
Contact Author: valkoorsi@gmail.com
Author(s): DeBord, William W.
Title: Effects of Interactions among Two Prescribed Fires, Cover Type, and Canopy
Cover on Oak and Red Maple Regeneration in Northern Lower Michigan
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 85 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology prescribed burning
Author(s): Defosse, Guillermo E., Gabriel Loguercio, Facundo J. Oddi, Julio C.
Molina, P. Daniel Kraus
Title: Potential CO 2 emissions mitigation through forest prescribed burning: A
case study in Patagonia, Argentina
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 261(12): 2243-2254
Year: 2011
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Wildland fire is a natural force that has shaped most vegetation types of
the world. However, its inappropriate management during the last century has led
to more frequent and catastrophic fires. Wildland fires are also recognized as one
of the sources of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG) that influence global
climate change. As one ...
Contact Author: gdefosse@ciefap.org.ar
Author(s): DeGrosky, Michael T., Alen Slijepcevic
Title: An Exploration of Warfighting and Firefighting Doctrine
Source: Large Wildland Fires Conference, Missoula, MT, USA; 05/2014
Year: 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: suppression policy
Abstract: Over the past two decades, wildland fire professionals have been
confronted with worsening conditions and complex challenges that cry out for
change and new ways of thinking. However, change requires a framework within
which people reliably translate policy into timely...
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: After a Southern Pine Beetle Epidemic
Source: Fire Science Brief 97, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: insects
Abstract: Southern pine beetles are a serious insect threat to pine forests in the
South, from eastern Texas to Virginia. Beetles attack most pine species by boring
through the bark of the tree and constructing long, winding tunnels between the
bark and the wood, eventually girdling and killing the tree. They also introduce a
fungus called "bluestain," which further damages conductive systems of the tree.
After an outbreak, the area of dead...
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: Getting Public Involvement in Wildfire Hazard Mitigation
Source: Fire Science Brief 111, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: sociology
Abstract: In many areas of the U.S. where wildfi res are a recognized hazard,
public agencies have taken steps to involve the public in reduction of the risks.
Programs have ranged from purely voluntary public education to building codes
for new buildings and ordinances for vegetation control. Some...
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: Who Made That Smoke?
Source: Fire Science Brief 123, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: smoke prescribed burning
Abstract: Management of smoke from prescribed fi re activities is important.
Consideration must be given to short-term effects of smoke on work crews and
neighboring communities. This requires accurate real-time information for smoke
forecasting. Tools have been created to help meet these needs of smoke
managers for prescribed burns....
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: Can Archeology Survive a Fire?
Source: Fire Science Brief 129, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: Archeology
Abstract: Most public lands include not only natural resource values, but also
signifi cant cultural resources from both historic and prehistoric occupation. In
some cases, the cultural resources are the reason for establishment of a park or
monument. Responsibilities of the managers of these lands include protecting
these cultural resources...
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: Following the Smoke Trail
Source: Fire Science Brief 133, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Public land administrators and air quality managers need better
information on the potential contribution of wildland fires vs. anthropogenic
sources on possible exceedances of air quality standards. To obtain more precise
information in California, a composite network was established for monitoring
ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ammonia (NH3),...
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: Woodpecker Habitat After the Fire
Source: Fire Science Brief 143, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: ecology wildlife birds
Abstract: Public land managers are asked to minimize fuel levels after fi res,
including using techniques such as salvage logging. They are also responsible for
maintaining suitable wildlife habitat, especially for species of concern to state and
federal agencies. An area where these responsibilities could confl ict is in the...
Author(s): Deak, B.
Source: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 12(1): 267-283
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Fire as a natural disturbance has been present in most European
grasslands. Controlled burning was also an important component of the traditional
landscape management for millennia. It was mainly used to reduce litter and
woody vegetation and to maintain open landscapes suitable for farming. Due to
socio-economical changes traditional and sustainable use of fire was...
Contact Author: valkoorsi@gmail.com
Author(s): Defosse, Guillermo E., Gabriel Loguercio, Facundo J. Oddi, Julio C.
Molina, P. Daniel Kraus
Title: Potential CO 2 emissions mitigation through forest prescribed burning: A
case study in Patagonia, Argentina
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 261(12): 2243-2254
Year: 2011
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Wildland fire is a natural force that has shaped most vegetation types of
the world. However, its inappropriate management during the last century has led
to more frequent and catastrophic fires. Wildland fires are also recognized as one
of the sources of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG) that influence global
climate change. As one ...
Contact Author: gdefosse@ciefap.org.ar
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: After the Fire, Follow the Nitrogen
Source: Fire Science Brief 92, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: nutrients soils
Abstract: Nitrogen availability in soils, streams and associated terrestrial and
aquatic vegetation can be infl uenced by both wildfi res and prescribed burns,
though typically not to the same degree. Extensive research was done on postfi re
nitrogen dynamics at several mid-altitude coniferous National Forest...
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: Who Made That Smoke?
Source: Fire Science Brief 123, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: smoke prescribed burning
Abstract: Management of smoke from prescribed fi re activities is important.
Consideration must be given to short-term effects of smoke on work crews and
neighboring communities. This requires accurate real-time information for smoke
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
forecasting. Tools have been created to help meet these needs of smoke
managers for prescribed burns....
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: Can Archeology Survive a Fire?
Source: Fire Science Brief 129, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: Archeology
Abstract: Most public lands include not only natural resource values, but also
signifi cant cultural resources from both historic and prehistoric occupation. In
some cases, the cultural resources are the reason for establishment of a park or
monument. Responsibilities of the managers of these lands include protecting
these cultural resources...
Author(s): Delwiche, Jake
Title: Following the Smoke Trail
Source: Fire Science Brief 133, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Public land administrators and air quality managers need better
information on the potential contribution of wildland fires vs. anthropogenic
sources on possible exceedances of air quality standards. To obtain more precise
information in California, a composite network was established for monitoring
ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ammonia (NH3),...
Author(s): Desai, A. S., T. V. Sathe
Title: Destructive Cecidomyids (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) of Forest Trees of Western
Ghats (Maharashtra), India
Source: Indian Journal of Applied Research 4(9): 544-546
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Western Ghats is among 18 hot spots of the world for biodiversity
conservation and protection. Pests, diseases and fire are worst enemies of
forestry. Out of which insect pests rank first in causing damage to forest trees.
Cecidomyids (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) cause varieties of galls to forest flora and
affect the growth and health of the trees seriously. Therefore, in present study
destructive gall forming cecidomyids ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Dickman, Kyle
Source: Business Week 4440: 48-53
Year: 2015
Keywords: conflagrations
Author(s): Dietrich, John D., Elsie M. Denton, A.K. Knapp, Melinda D. Smith
Title: The effect of drought timing on flowering of a dominant C4 grass in tallgrass
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The C4 grass,Andropogon gerardii, produces flowers at a highly variable
rate; because of its dominance in tallgrass prairie, and the size of its flowering
stalks (2-m+), flowering by this species can have a large impact on total
aboveground productivity. Little ...
Author(s): Diemer, Laura A., William H. McDowell, Adam S. Wymore, Anatoly S.
Title: Nutrient uptake along a fire gradient in boreal streams of Central Siberia
Source: Freshwater Science, December, 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: soils wetlands russia
Abstract: Fire can transform the boreal forest landscape, thereby leading to
potential changes in the loading of organic matter and nutrients to receiving
streams and in the retention or transformation of these inputs within the drainage
network. We used the Tracer Additions for Spiraling Curve Characterization...
Contact Author: bill.mcdowell@unh.edu
Author(s): Diver, Sibyl Wentz
Title: Negotiating Indigenous knowledge and science: A case study of comanagement and eco-cultural restoration with the Karuk Tribe in the Klamath
Basin, California
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: indigenous
Abstract: Indigenous communities are increasingly engaging in environmental
management decisions, with the potential to shift our understandings of complex
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
socio-ecological systems. Yet for communities like the Karuk Tribe, located in the
Klamath Basin of Northern California, forest management decisions are caught up
in a longstanding dispute over Indigenous land rights ...
Author(s): Doerr, Stefan and Cristine Santin
Title: Wildfire: A burning issue for insurers?
Source: Lloyd's of London, 36 pages
Year: 2013
Keywords: insurance
Author(s): Dominick, Doreena, Mohd Talib Latif, Liew Juneng, Md Firoz Khan,
Norhaniza Amil, Mohammed Iqbal Mead, Mohd Shahrul Mohd Nadzir, Phang Siew
Moi, Azizan Abu Samah, Matthew J. Ashfold, William T. Sturges, Neil R.P. Harris,
Andrew D. Robinson, John A. Pyle
Title: Characterisation of Particle Mass and Number Concentration on the East
Coast of the Malaysian Peninsula during the Northeast Monsoon
Source: Atmospheric Environment 117: 187-199
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Particle mass concentrations (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) and particle
number concentration ((PNC); 0.27 m s Dp s 34.00 m) were measured in the
tropical coastal environment of Bachok, Kelantan on the Malaysian Peninsula
bordering the southern edge of the South China Sea. Statistical methods were
applied on a three-month hourly data set (9th January to 24th March 2014) to
study the influence of north-easterly...
Contact Author: Talib@ukm.my
Author(s): Donnelly, Jeffrey P.
Title: Understanding the role of typhoons, fire, and climate on the
vegetationdynamics of tropical dry forests: looking to the past to develop future
management solutions
Source: Final Report, Strategic Environmental Research and Development
Program, SERDP Project SI-1644, 11 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology
Author(s): Doner, Cagdas, Gokhan Simsek, Kas-m Sinan Y-ld-r-m and Aylin KantarcTitle: Forest Fire Detection with Wireless Sensor Networks
Source: Computer Engineering Department, Ege University, 2 pages
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: n. d.
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: In this paper, we present a wireless sensor network for detection of
forest fires. We first describe the architecture of the forest fire detection system.
We then present our implementation on Genetlab Sensenode platform using
TinyOS 2.1....
Author(s): Drews, Frank A., Laura Siebeneck and Thomas Cova
Title: Information Search and Decision Making in Computer-Based Wildfire
Source: Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, available online
Year: 2015 Decision making in complex environments has been investigated in
many domains, including medicine, aviation, business, and police operations.
However, how incident commanders (ICs) make protective-action
recommendations (PARs) to populations exposed to wildfire risks is
underinvestigated. In this study we... psych.utah.edu
Author(s): Drissi, Mohamed
Title: Modelling the spreading of large-scale wildland fires
Source: Unpublished manuscript, 32 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: modeling behavior
Abstract: The objective of the present study is twofold. First, the last
developments and validation results of a hybrid model designed to simulate fire
patterns in heterogeneous landscapes are presented. The model combines the
features of a stochastic small-world network model with those of a deterministic
semi-physical model of the interaction between burning and non-burning cells
that strongly depends on local...
Contact Author: drissi@univ-corse.fr
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Using Satellite Imagery Analysis Together with Computer Simulation May
Improve Burn Severity Mapping
Source: Fire Science Brief 99, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: remote sensing severity
Abstract: This project compared and contrasted the utility and limitations of
satellite-imagery and computer simulation modeling approaches to mapping fi re
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
effects and burn severity. The goal was to provide resource managers with tools to
more effectively meet burned area rehabilitation objectives and manage...
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Changes in Public Responses to Wildland Fuel Management Over Time
Source: Fire Science Brief 102, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: sociology
Abstract: This study compared citizen responses to surveys in 2002 and 2008
about fuels reduction programs by federal land management agencies. The
researchers attempted to identify factors that infl uence public opinion and
promote citizen support for agency actions. The study design allowed comparisons
over time among individuals and in seven locations in the Midwest and western
U.S. The researchers found key commonalities...
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Using Lidar to Validate and Strengthen a Long-range Smoke Transport Model
for Air Quality Forecasting
Source: Fire Science Brief 103, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Researchers have explored the potential and limitations of using lidar,
the remote sensing instrument, to provide information on smoke plume dynamics
and optical properties. They used a scanning lidar in the smoke-polluted
atmospheres near wildfi res and prescribed fires to measure the height, dynamics,
and three-dimensional dispersion of smoke plumes and the temporal and spatial
variations of the optical properties of the...
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Fish and Forest Management: Not Necessarily at Odds
Source: Fire Science Brief 128, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: wetlands wildlife fish
Abstract: Resource managers of lands harboring sensitive aquatic species face
tough choices. They could manage forests to reduce their wildfi re potential, while
possibly harming the sensitive species habitat, or they could leave forests
untreated for wildfi re, risking an uncharacteristic fi re that may drastically alter
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Fire History Study Reveals Surprises about Mixed-pine Ecology in Eastern
Upper Michigan
Source: Fire Science Brief 132, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: history
Abstract: Mixed red and white pine forests in eastern Upper Michigan saw
frequent fires, about every 50-60 years, before Euro-American settlement. Postsettlement, the fi re cycle has lengthened and forest composition has shifted to
include more jack pine and fi re-sensitive deciduous trees, increasing fuel loadings
and changing wildlife habitat along the way. In cooperation with researchers and
land managers at Seney National...
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Thumbs Up or Down to Annual Burning of a Tidal Marsh in Maryland?
Source: Fire Science Brief 134, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: prescribed burning wetlands
Abstract: Currently land managers at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge on the
Eastern Shore of Maryland annually burn most of the marsh as a way to enhance
wildlife habitat, promote habitat for rare and threatened plant species, and avoid
hazardous buildups of fuel. However, it was unclear how this regimen affects the
elevation of the marsh and marsh sustainability. This research attempted to
answer those questions, which are critical...
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Post-fire Logging: An Effective Tool for Managing Future Fuels in Coniferous
Inland Northwest Forests
Source: Fire Science Brief 146, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: silviculture fuel
Abstract: This study involved a chronosequence of 68 stand-replacing wildfi res
that happened between 1970 and 2007 in dry coniferous forests of eastern
Washington and Oregon. The authors compared snag decay and surface fuel
accumulation with and without post-fi re logging. Without logging after a fi re,
woody fuels accumulate for 15-30 years because the rate of fuel deposition on the
ground is greater than the rate of wood...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Ponderosa Pine Biomass Relationships Vary with Site Treatment and Site
Source: Fire Science Brief 148, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: silviculture
Author(s): Drohan, Joy
Title: Exploring Patterns of Burn Severity in the Biscuit Fire in Southwestern
Source: Fire Science Briefs 71, 11 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: severity conflagration
Author(s): Duanjun Lu, Remata S. Reddy, Rosa Fitzgerald, William R. Stockwell,
Quinton L. Williams and Paul B. Tchounwou
Title: Sensitivity Modeling Study for an Ozone Occurrence during the 1996 Paso
Del Norte Ozone Campaign
Source: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 5(4): 181-203
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Surface ozone pollution has been a persistent environmental problem in
the US and Europe as well as the developing countries. A key prerequisite to find
effective alternatives to meeting an ozone air quality standard is to understand
the importance of local anthropogenic emissions, the significance of biogenic
emissions, and the contribution of long-range transport. In this study, an air
quality modeling system that includes...
Contact Author: duanjun.lu@jsums.edu
Author(s): Duc Luong Nguyen, Jin Young Kim, Young Sung Ghim, Shang-Gyoo Shim
Title: Influence of regional biomass burning on the highly elevated organic carbon
concentrations observed at Gosan, South Korea during a strong Asian dust period
Source: Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(5).: 12 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: PM2.5 carbonaceous particles were measured at Gosan, South Korea
during 29 March-11 April 2002 which includes a pollution period (30 March-01
April) when the highest concentrations of major anthropogenic species (nss-SO4 2,
NO3, and NH4) were observed and a strong Asian dust ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Contact Author: jykim@kist.re.kr
Author(s): Dudinszky, N. and L. Ghermandi
Title: Fire as a stimulant of shrub recruitment in northwestern Patagonian
(Argentina) grasslands
Source: Ecological Research 28(6): 981-990
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology grasslands
Abstract: One strategy of plant survival during post-fire succession is to persist
and regenerate by recruiting new individuals from a fire-resistant seed bank. The
heat, smoke, and charcoal released during plant combustion may act (individually
or in combination) as a cue for post-fire seed germination. Fabiana imbricata is a
shrub that forms persistent seed banks in the northwestern Patagonian grasslands
Contact Author: ndudinszky@tnc.org
Author(s): Dunker, B.
Title: Seed dispersal and population genetic variation in the context of fire
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, School of Biological Sciences, Flinters University, 171
Year: 2015
Keywords: regeneration ecology genetics
Abstract: Fire is and has been a common occurrence in many vegetation types
across the world, impacting on the structure and function of those fire-prone
ecosystems. Human influence and a changing climate are causing changes in fire
regimes, particularly ...
Author(s): Dunnette, P. V., P. E. Higuera
Title: Long-term interactions among climate, fire, and biogeochemical cycling in a
Rocky Mountain subalpine watershed
Source: 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR;
Year: 2012
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Increasing fire activity in western U.S. forests has been tightly linked to
warmer and drier growing seasons, raising concerns about long-term feedbacks
among climate, fire, vegetation, and biogeochemical cycling. To improve
understanding of the ecosystem ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Eads, John Henry
Title: Macroscopic Charcoal as Evidence of Long-Term Fire History in the Cuatro
Cienegas Valley, Mexico
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 74 pages
Year: 2003
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Eby, Stephanie L., T. Michael Anderson, Emilian P. Mayemba, Mark E.
Title: The effect of fire on habitat selection of mammalian herbivores: The role of
body size and vegetation characteristics
Source: Journal of Animal Ecology 83(5):
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife 5x Given the role of fire in shaping ecosystems, especially
grasslands and savannahs, it is important to understand its broader impact on
these systems. Post-fire stimulation of plant nutrients is thought to benefit grazing
mammals and explain their preference for burned ...
Contact Author: sleby@syr.edu
Author(s): Echeverria, Marcos E., Gonzalo D. Sottile, Maria V. Mancini, Sonia L.
Title: Nothofagus forest dynamics and palaeoenvironmental variations during the
mid and late Holocene, in southwest Patagonia
Source: The Holocene 24(8): 957-969.
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Southern Patagonia intersects the core of the Southern Westerlies,
providing a unique opportunity for palaeo-reconstructions and the implication of
past wind variations. There is a strong link between the strength of the westerlies
and precipitation, which impacts vegetation communities...
Contact Author: echeverriamarcos@hotmail.com
Author(s): Ecker, Michaela, James Brink, Louis Scott, Michael Chazan, Liora Kolska
Horwitz, Julia A. Lee-Thorp
Title: New isotopic insights into palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment over 2
Million years from Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa
Source: European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE) annual
meeting, London; 09/2015
Year: 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Wonderwerk Cave is an enormous dolomitic cavity located at the edge
of the Kalahari in the arid interior of southern Africa. It is an exceptional site
containing archaeological deposits with Earlier, Middle and Later Stone Age
remains spanning 2.0 Ma years of prehistory. Notably, it has yielded the earliest
evidence for hominin cave use and the use of fire [1, 2]. It also provides a unique
Author(s): Edwin, Nssoko
Title: Fire in miombo woodlands: A case study of Bukombe District Shinyanga,
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Ehrensperger T., Urech Z. L., Rehnus M., Sorg J. -P.
Title: Fire impact on a dry deciduous forest in Central Menabe, Madagascar
Source: Applied Vegetation Science 16(4): 619-628
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: We investigated the effects of human-induced fires on woody plant
components of dry deciduous forest in Madagascar. Specifically, we addressed the
following questions: (1) which forest layers are most affected by fire; (2) how is
forest structure, species richness, diversity and composition affected by fire
disturbance; and (3) does the forest recover after fire disturbance ...
Contact Author: urechz@gmail.com
Author(s): Ekayani, M., D. R. Nurrochmat, B. H. Saharjo, J. T. Erbaugh
Title: Assessing Conformity of Scientific Voices and Local Needs to Combat Forest
Fire in Indonesia
Year: 2015
Keywords: suppression tropics
Abstract: This study evaluates the compatibility of scientific voices with the needs
to combat forest fire as perceived by relevant stakeholders through a review of
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
scholarly output, an evaluation of the conformity between scientists and
stakeholder views on forest fire issues, ...
Author(s): Elliott, Gregg
Title: A Burning Issue: Prescribed Fire and Fire-adapted Habitats of the East Gulf
Coastal Plain
Source: East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture, 67 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: A strategic communications strategy for the East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint
Venture, providing a comprehensive framework of prescribed fire issues affecting
Gulf coastal plain habitats of the Southeast, with messages in three categories:
policy, outreach (to ...
Author(s): Ellsworth, L. M., C. M. Litton, J. J. K. Leary
Title: Restoration impacts on fuels and fire potential in a dryland tropical
ecosystem dominated by the invasive grass Megathyrsus maximus
Source: Restoration Ecology, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: fuel grasslands
Abstract: Ecological restoration often attempts to promote native species while
managing for disturbances such as fire and non-native invasions. The goal of this
research was to investigate whether restoration of a non-native, invasive
Megathyrsus maximus (guinea ...
Contact Author: lmellsworth@gmail.com
Author(s): Engle, Diana L., James O. Sickman, Claudette M. Moore, Annie M.
Esperanza, John M. Melack, Jon E. Keeley
Title: Biogeochemical legacy of prescribed fire in a giant sequoia - Mixed conifer
forest: A 16-year record of watershed balances
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 03/2008; 113(1).
Year: 2008
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: The effects of prescription burning on watershed balances of major ions
in mixed conifer forest were examined in a 16-year paired catchment study in
Sequoia National Park, California. The objective was to determine whether firerelated changes in watershed balances persist as long as ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Engel, Megan D., Kimberlyn Williams, Christopher J. McDonald, Jan L.
Title: Chaparral shrub re-establishment on type-converted slopes in southern
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Too-frequent fire and grazing can lead to conversion of chaparral to nonnative annual grassland. Interest in chaparral restoration is growing among land
managers and practitioners, as invasive annual grasses promote frequent fires,
outcompete chaparral ...
Author(s): Engstrom, Emily E., Gregory J. Nowacki, Glen G. Fredlund
Title: Anthropogenic-induced vegetation and fire regime changes in the upper
Great Lakes pine ecosystems
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Anthropogenic-mediated changes in fire regimes and vegetation
communities have been documented across northern portions of Minnesota.
Changes in fire regimes and vegetation at regional scales have been speculated,
but there have been very limited ...
Author(s): Enloe, Stephen F., Nancy J. Loewenstein, David W. Held, Lori Eckhardt,
Dwight K. Lauer
Title: Impacts of Prescribed Fire, Glyphosate, and Seeding on Cogongrass, Species
Richness, and Species Diversity in Longleaf Pine
Source: Invasive Plant Science and Management 10/2013; 6(4):536-544
Year: 2013
Keywords: exotics ecology
Abstract: Cogongrass [Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.] is a warm-season,
rhizomatous grass native to southeast Asia that has invaded thousands of hectares
in the southeastern United States. Its negative impacts on pine forests have been
well documented, and aggressive control is widely ...
Author(s): Eriksen, C. and D. L. Hankins
Title: Colonisation and fire: Gendered dimensions of indigenous fire knowledge
retention and revival
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Source: Pages 129-137, In A. Coles, L. Gray and J. Momsen (Eds.), The Routledge
Handbook of Gender and Development, New York, United States: Routledge
Year: 2015
Keywords: indigenous
Abstract: This chapter elucidates how gender is entwined in the spatial and
temporal knowledge trajectories through which indigenous fire knowledge is
retained and revived using a case study of eastern Australia and California, USA.
Fire extends its roots far into ...
Author(s): Eskandari, Saeedeh, Jafar Oladi Ghadikolaei, Hamid Jalilvand and
Mohammad Reza Saradjian
Title: Evaluation of the MODIS fire-detection product in Neka-Zalemroud fireprone forests in Northern Iran
Source: Pol. J. Environ. Stud 24(5): 2305-2308
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Author(s): Evcin, Ozkan, Erol Akkuzu, Omer Kucuk, Sabri Unal
Title: Responses of Reptiles to Fires
KASTAMONU, TURKEY (6-8 November 2014), Kastamonu; 11/2014 Wildfire is an
integral process in various ecosystems and has been a phenomenon throughout
the world. Forest fires have many advantages and disadvantages to forest
ecosystems. One of the main concerns of forest management is conserving of the
forest resources and natural habitat ...
Contact Author: oevcin@kastamonu.edu.tr
Author(s): Everett, Yvonne
Title: Community participation in fire management planning: A case from
California, USA
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): February, Edmund C.
Title: Savanna vegetation structure. Top down or bottom up?
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: grasslands ecology
Abstract: Bill Robertson of the Mellon Foundation may be well known for
sponsoring high risk high reward research but he was less well known for his
commitment to both racial and gender equity. His belief was that he had to find
bright kids from disadvantaged backgrounds ...
Author(s): Festi, Daniela, Andreas Putzer, Klaus Oeggl
Title: Mid and late Holocene land use changes in the Otztal Alps
Source: DEUQUA 2014, Innsbruck; 09/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The practice of vertical transhumance and alpine summer farming
deeply changed and redesigned the landscape of the high altitudes in the Alps,
causing the lowering of the timberline and favoring the enlargement of alpine
pastures. In the frame of the research conducted on the Neolithic Alpine Iceman
(3300-3100 yr cal BC) palynological analyses performed on an Austrian in mire the
upper Otz valley provided a ...
Contact Author: Daniela.Festi@uibk.ac.at
Author(s): Finney, Mark A., Cohen, Jack D., Forthofer, Jason M., McAllister, Sara S.,
Gollner, Michael J., Gorham, Daniel J., Saito, Kozo, Akafuah, Nelson K., Adam,
Brittany A., English, Justin D.,
Title: Role of buoyant flame dynamics in wildfire spread
Source: PNAS. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1504498112.
Year: 2015
Keywords: behavior
Abstract: Large wildfires of increasing frequency and severity threaten local
populations and natural resources and contribute carbon emissions into the earthclimate system. Although wildfires have been researched and modeled for
decades, no verifiable physical theory of spread is available to form the basis for
the precise predictions needed to manage fires more effectively and reduce their
environmental, economic, ecological and climate impacts.
Contact Author: mfinney@fs.fed.us.
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Finlay, S. E., Moffat,A., Gazzard, R., Baker, D., Murray, V.
Title: Health Impacts of Wildfires
Source: PLOS Currents Disasters
Year: 2012
Keywords: health smoke
Abstract: Wildfires are common globally. Although there has been considerable
work done on the health effects of wildfires in countries such as the USA where
they occur frequently there has been relatively little work to investigate health
effects in the United Kingdom. Climate change may increase the risk of increasing
wildfire frequency, therefore there is an urgent need to further understand...
Author(s): Fiorentino, Girolamo and Cosimo D'oronzo
Source: P@lethnologie 2010.2
Year: 2012
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: We use anthracological and experimental approach for decoding fire
refuses and thermal alterations of soil in an area of the Sanctuary of Apollo in
Hierapolis (Turkey). Results obtained from experimental hearth structures show
that the escharon is the result of a series of ground-level hearths, pit hearths...
Author(s): Fisher, Brad
Title: Hazards on the line
Source: Poster, Okanogan Complex, WA-NES-001203, 1 page
Year: 2015
Keywords: stump holes injury burn
Author(s): Flores, Diana Yemilet Avila, Marco Aurelio Gonzalez Tagle, Javier
Jimenez Perez, Oscar Alberto Aguirre Calderon, Eduardo Javier Trevino Garza,
Benedicto Vargas Larreta, Eduardo Alanis Rodriguez
Title: Effect of the severity of fire in the structure characteristics of conifer forest
Source: Revista Chapingo, Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente 04/2014; XX(1).
Year: 2014
Keywords: severity ecology
Abstract: In order to know to what extent the severity of a fire modifies the
structural parameters of a stand, the objective of this research was to conduct an
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
exploratory analysis of the spatial distribution of trees present in mixed conifer
stands of the Sierra Madre Oriental, affected by fire during the summer of ...
Contact Author: marco.gonzaleztg@uanl.edu.m
XAuthor(s): Fluss, Alyssa, Roderick Juba, Kristin Williams, Shayne Jacobs, Cheryl
Title: A potential explanation for invasion of riparian fynbos by Acacia mearnsii in
the Western Cape of South Africa
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: In the Western Cape of South Africa, Acacia mearnsii is an invasive alien
plant species that is capable of transforming riparian forests into near
monocultures. Previous studies on adult individuals suggest that A. mearnsii
reduces surface...
Author(s): Fontaine, Joseph B., Neal J. Enright, Vanessa Westcott, Janneke Lade,
Ben P. Miller
Title: Fire interval effects on persistence of woody plants in Mediterranean
shrublands of Western Australia
Source: 97th ESA Annual Convention 08/2012
Year: 2012
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Disturbance frequency, such as the interval of time between successive
fires, is widely recognised as an important driver of vegetation structure and
composition. Of particular interest is the effect of shortened fire intervals and
their interactive ....
Author(s): Ford, Ray
Title: Sycamore Canyon Fire, July 26-27, 1977
Source: Chapter 6, in: Santa Barbara Wildfires, 02/2014: pages 131-155; McNally
and Loftin
Year: 2014
Keywords: conflagration suppression
Abstract: The Coyote fire of 1964 was very bad indeed, but it could have been
worse....Under slightly different circumstances probably even more houses would
have been burned, or people could have been trapped in large numbers and
burned. This is something to keep in mind ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Fortin, Gabriel, Dominique Arseneault
Title: Transformation of the pre-settlement forest in the Gaspsie peninsula,
eastern Canada: Anthropogenic disturbances or climate change?
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Forest composition has changed since the pre-settlement period across
North America. These changes are thought to have resulted from anthropogenic
disturbances and climate change, but the relative contribution of these two
factors is poorly understood...
Author(s): Fotheringham, C. J. and J. E. Keeley
Title: The Determining and Communicating the Role of Urban Fuels in Structure
Loss During Large California Fire Events
Source: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract #NH33A-1365
Year: 2010
Keywords: interface fuel
Abstract: The relatively new focus of fire management in California on the
Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) has a greater potential to decrease losses of
property relative to the previous focus on wildland landscapes. However, many of
the modifications continue to occur on the wildland side of the interface in the
form of fuel breaks and
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Fournier, Richard A.
Title: Globaland Regional Vegetation Fire Monitoring from Space: Planning a
Coordinated International Effort
Source: Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 27(6): 698-698
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing (book revew)
Author(s): Frame, Christine
Title: Seeing Through the Haze: A Tool for Apportioning Emission Sources for Use
in Smoke Management Programs
Source: Fire Science Brief 122, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: smoke prescribed burning
Abstract: Evidence shows that smoke from fires (wildfi re, controlled burning, and
agricultural burning) is contributing signifi cantly to fi ne particulate matter
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
(PM2.5) and haze in many urban and rural areas, affecting health, visibility, and
ecosystems. In addition to the primary particulate matter directly emitted by fires,
Author(s): Frame, Christine
Title: Saving the Cypress: Restoring Fire to Rare, At-risk Species
Source: Fire Science Brief 126, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: restoration rare endangered
Abstract: Many populations of Baker and Macnab cypress are dying without signs
of regeneration. The Forest Service is currently implementing controlled burning
across a range of vegetation types in northern California, but because there is little
information about how such treatments will affect rare, endemic plant
communities, cypress stands have been excluded from such treatments. However,
these fi re-adapted species cannot...
Author(s): Frame, Christine
Title: Modifying the Model to Mitigate Crown Fire: Improving Estimates of Canopy
Fuels for the Black Hills (and Beyond)
Source: Fire Science Brief 141, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: behavior crowning
Abstract: Managers of most coniferous forests in the western United States aim to
create and maintain forest structures that are less susceptible to the initiation and
spread of crown fi re. To achieve this end, they use models that predict potential fi
re behavior, and these models rely on accurate estimates of canopy structure,
including canopy base height (CBH) and canopy bulk density (CBD). Managers
predict CBD through use...
Author(s): Frame, Christine
Title: A Project in Two Parts: Developing Fire Histories for the Eastern U.S. and
Creating a Climate-based Continental Fire Frequency Model to Fill Data Gaps
Source: Fire Science Brief 142, 6 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: history
Abstract: Tree-ring dated fi re scars provide long-term records of fi re frequency,
giving land managers valuable baseline information about the fi re regimes that
existed prior to Euro-American settlement. However, for the East, fi re history data
prove diffi cult to acquire because the generally moister climate of the region
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
causes rapid decay of wood. In an endeavor to fi ll data gaps, the research team
collected fi re scar data...
Author(s): Franklin, Janet
Title: Vegetation Dynamics and Exotic Plant Invasion Following High Severity
Crown Fire in a Southern California Conifer Forest
Source: Plant Ecology 207(2009-5).
Year: 2009
Keywords: ecology exotics
Abstract: Early post-fire vegetation dynamics following large, severe forest fires
are largely unknown for the southern California mountains owing to historic fire
suppression. Vegetation in 38 forest stands was surveyed (2004, 2005, 2007)
following the 2003 Cedar Fire in the Cuyamaca Mountains...
Author(s): Fredriksson, Gabriella
Title: Extinguishing the 1998 forest fires and subsequent coal fires in the Sungai
Wain Protection Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Friggens, Megan and Deborah M. Finch
Title: Characterization and prediction of future habitat suitability for three bird
species inhabiting the Rio Grande Bosque, NM
Source: Ecological Society of America; 08/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: Future expected changes in climate and human activity threaten many
riparian habitats, particularly in the southwestern US. As part of an ongoing
project to assess future climate, fire and hydrological change for riparian species
along the Rio Grande, New Mexico, we report the ...
Author(s): Fritz, Sherilyn C., N. J. Anderson
Title: The relative influences of climate and catchment processes on Holocene lake
development in glaciated regions
Source: Journal of Paleolimnology 49(3):
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate paleohistory
Abstract: Following deglaciation, the long-term pattern of change in diatom
communities and the inferred history of the aquatic environment are affected by a
hierarchy of environmental controls. These include direct climate impacts on a
lake's thermal and hydrologic budgets... %o sfritz2@unl.edu
Author(s): Frne, Cristin, Juan J. Armesto
Title: Ecosystem functions during forest succession in small watersheds of
southern Chile
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention 08/2014
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecolgy hydrology
Abstract: Ecological succession is a process of species replacement through time,
based on the modification of the physical environment by the biological
community following a disturbance event. Forest ecosystems are important to
support various services that provide welfare to human societies. Knowledge of
the relationship between ecological succession and ecosystem ....
Author(s): Fry, D. L., J. J. Battles, B. M. Collins, S. L. Stephens
Title: Fire and Forest Ecosystem Health Team Final Report
Source: Appendix A: Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project, SNAMP, CNR,
Berkeley, 75 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The 2004 Amendment to the Sierra Nevada Forest Plan identified a
coordinated system of fuel treatments distributed across the landscape as the
preferred management alternative. The goals of this approach, defined as
strategically placed land ...
Author(s): Fuhlendorf, S. D. and ENGLE, D. M.
Title: Application of the fire-grazing interaction to restore a shifting mosaic on
tallgrass prairie
Source: Journal of Applied Ecology 41: 604-614
Year: 2004
Keywords: Agriculture grasslands
Contact Author: fuhlend@okstate.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Futao Guo, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Xiangqing Ma, Long Sun,
Haiqing Hu, and Zhangwen Su
Title: Historic distribution and driving factors of human-caused fires in the Chinese
boreal forest between 1972 and 2005
Source: Journal of Plant Ecology 8(5): 480-290
Year: 2015
Keywords: statistic china
Abstract: The pattern and driving factors of forest fires are of interest for fire
occurrence prediction and forest fire management. The aims of the study were: (i)
to describe the history of human-caused fires by season and size of burned area
over time; (ii) to identify the spatial patterns of human...
Contact Author: guangyu.wang@ubc.ca
Author(s): Gaither, Cassandra Johnson, Scott Goodrick, Bryn Elise Murphy and
Neelam Poudyal
Title: An Exploratory Spatial Analysis of Social Vulnerability and Smoke Plume
Dispersion in the U.S. South
Source: Forests 6(5): 1397-1421
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: This study explores the spatial association between social vulnerability
and smoke plume dispersion at the census block group level for the 13 southern
states in the USDA Forest Service's Region 8. Using environmental justice as a
conceptual basis, we use Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis to identify clusters or
"hot spots" for the incidence of both higher than average socially marginal
populations and plume...
Contact Author: sgoodrick@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Gaines, William L., Lyons, Andrea L., Lehmukuhl, John F., Haggard,
Maryellen, Begley, James S., Farrell, Marlene
Title: Avian community composition, nesting ecology, and cavity-nester foraging
Source: pages 109-141, In: Agee, James K.; Lehmkuhl, John F., compilers. Dry
forests of the northeastern Cascades fire and fire surrogate project sites, Mission
Creek, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Research Paper PNW-RP-577.
Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest
Research Station
Year: 2009
Keywords: wildlife ecology birds
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Contact Author: wgaines@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Gallani, M.
Title: Causes of UK Countryside Fires: A Literature Review
Source: Met Office, Report for Natural England
Year: 2002
Keywords: weather united kingdom
Author(s): Gamage, Harshi K., Paul Memmott, Jennifer Firn, Susanne Schmidt
Title: Harvesting as an Alternative to Burning for Managing Spinifex Grasslands in
Source: Advances in Ecological Research 06/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: management grasslands
Abstract: Sustainable harvesting of grasslands can buffer large scale wildfires and
the harvested biomass can be used for various products. Spinifex (Triodia spp.)
grasslands cover w30% of the Australian continent and form the dominant
vegetation in the driest regions. Harvesting ...
Contact Author: h.gamage@uq.edu.au
Author(s): Ganz, David and Peter Moore
Title: Living with fire: Abstract of Communities in flames international conference
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Garvey, Matthew, Francisco Joglar, Erin P. Collins
Title: HRA for detection and suppression activities in response to fire events
Source: 2014 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS); 01/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: detection
Abstract: This study consisted of a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of fire
detection and suppression capabilities in a facility by the standard operating crew.
This evaluation was made using Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) quantification
techniques, which resulted in a set of human error probabilities (HEPs)
characterizing the detection and suppression actions. The HEPs were input to a ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Gaveau, David L. A., Sean Sloan, Elis Molidena, Husna Yaen, Doug Sheil,
Nicola K Abram, Marc Ancrenaz, Robert Nasi, Marcela Quinones, Niels Wielaard,
Erik Meijaard
Title: Four Decades of Forest Persistence, Clearance and Logging on Borneo
Source: PLoS ONE 07/2014; 9(7): e101654.
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology tropics silviculture
Abstract: The native forests of Borneo have been impacted by selective logging,
fire, and conversion to plantations at unprecedented scales since industrial-scale
extractive industries began in the early 1970s. There is no island-wide
documentation of forest clearance or logging since the 1970s. This creates an
information gap for conservation planning, especially with regard to selectively
logged ...
Contact Author: d.gaveau@cgiar.org
Author(s): Ghisu, Tiziano, Bachisio Arca, Grazia Pellizzaro, Pierpaolo Duce
Title: A Level-set Algorithm for Simulating Wildfire Spread
Source: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 102(1): 83-102.
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Level-set approaches are efficient and versatile methods for solving
interface tracking problems and have been used in recent years to describe
wildland fire propagation. Being based on an Eulerian description of the spread
problem, their numerical implementation offers improved ...
Author(s): Gillings, M. R., I. T. Paulsen, S. G. Tetu
Title: Ecology and Evolution of the Human Microbiota: Fire, Farming and
Source: Genes 6: 841-857
Year: 2015
Keywords: microbes soils
Abstract: Human activities significantly affect all ecosystems on the planet,
including the assemblages that comprise our own microbiota. Over the last five
million years, various evolutionary and ecological drivers have altered the
composition of the human microbiota, ...
Contact Author: ian.paulsen@mq.edu.au
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Giorgis, Melisa A., Ana M. Cingolani, Marcelo Cabido
Title: El efecto del fuego y las caracteristicas topograficas sobre la vegetacion y las
propiedades del suelo en la zona de transicion entre bosques y pastizales de las
sierras de Cordoba, Argentina
Source: Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 48 (3-4): 493-513
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The effect of fire and topographic features on vegetation and soil
properties in woodlands and grasslands transition in Cordoba mountains,
Argentina. Under the currently context of climate change the dynamic of the
transition zone between forests and grasslands has a fundamental role at both
scientific level and in planning and ecosystem management. In this study, we
evaluated the combined ...
Contact Author: melisagiorgis@hotmail.com
Author(s): Glasspool, I. J., A. C. Scott, D. Waltham, N. V. Pronina, L. Shao
Title: The impact of fire on the Late Paleozoic Earth System
Source: Frontiers in Plant Science, 26 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Analyses of bulk petrographic data indicate that during the Late
Paleozoic wildfires were more prevalent than at present. We propose that the
development of fire systems through this interval was controlled predominantly
by the elevated atmospheric oxygen ...
Contact Author: A.scott@es.rhul.ac.uk
Author(s): Goldberg, P., Miller, C., Schiegl, S., Ligouis, B., Berna, F., Conard, N. J.,
and Wadley, L.
Title: Bedding, hearths, and site maintenance in the Middle Stone Age of Sibudu
Cave, KwaZulu-Natal
Source: South Africa. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1: 95-122
Year: 2009
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Micromorphological analysis of sediments from the Middle Stone Age
site of Sibudu Cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, provides a high-resolution
sequence and evidence of site formation processes of predominantly
anthropogenic deposits. This methodology allows for a detailed interpretation of
individual anthropogenic activities, including...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Goldammer, Johann G., Peter G.H. Frost, Mike Jurvelius, Evelien M.
Kamminga, Teri Kruger, Soo Ing Moody and Manuel Pogeyed
Title: Community participation in integrated forest fire management: experiences
from Africa, Asia and Europe
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Gollner, Michael J., Raquel Hakes, Sara Caton and Kyle Kohler
Title: Pathways for Building Fire Spread at the Wildland Urban Interface
Source: The Fire Protection Research Foundation, Fire Research, Quincy,
Massachusetts, 163 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: interface buildings behavior
Author(s): Gonzalez, Mauro E, Antonio Lara, Rocio Urrutia, Juvenal Bosnich
Title: Cambio climatico y su impacto potencial en la ocurrencia de incendios
forestales en la zona centro-sur de Chile (33' - 42' S)
Source: Bosque 32(3): 215-219
Year: 2010
Keywords: climate
Abstract: En muchas regiones del mundo los incendios estan siendo cada vez mas
frecuentes y severos. Las principales causas de estos patrones se asociarian tanto
a cambios en el clima como en las practicas de uso de la tierra. La presente
contribucion examina sucintamente los ...
Author(s): Goodman, Philip
Title: Race in California's Prison Fire Camps for Men: Prison Politics, Space, and the
Racialization of Everyday Life
Source: American Journal of Sociology 120(2): 352-394
Year: 2014
Keywords: sociology
Abstract: The vast majority of social scientists agree that race is "socially
constructed." Yet many scholars of punishment and prisons still treat race as
static, self-evident categories. One result is that not enough is known about the
production, meanings, and consequences of race as experienced by prisoners and
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
those who guard and manage them. The author's research on California's prison
fire camps uncovers ...
Author(s): Gordon, Daniel Stuart
Title: Third Year Effects of Shelterwood Cutting, Wildlife Thinning, and Prescribed
Burning on Oak Regeneration, Understory Vegetation Development, and Acorn
Production in Tennessee
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 63 pages
Year: 2005
Keywords: silviculture prescribed burning
Author(s): Gordon, William
Title: A Letter from Capt. William Gordon to Capt. Samuel Mead, F. R. S. Inclosing
an Account of the Fire-Ball Seen Dec. 11. 1741
Source: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) 42 (1742 - 1743), pp. 58-60
Year: 1741
Keywords: fireball behavior
Abstract: ...Mead, F. R. S. inclosing an Account of the Fire -ball seen Dec. 11. 1741.
S I R, A T your Desire I have sent you a Description, as exact as possibly I can
remember, of the Meteor which I saw on Friday the 11th of December, coming by
Water from...
Author(s): Gostling, William
Title: Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mr. William Gostling to Peter Collinson, F. R.
S. concerning the Fire-Ball Seen Dec. 11. Last, and the Mock-Suns Seen the 19th of
the Same Month
Source: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) 42 (1742 - 1743), pp. 60-61
Year: 1741
Keywords: fireball behavior
Abstract: ...Gostling to Peter Collinson, F. R. S. concerning the Fire -ball seen Dec.
11. last, and the Mock-Suns seen the 19th of the same Month. My good Friend,
Canterbury, Mar. 9. 1741-2. A S the Fire -ball appeared at Noon- day, and the Sun
shining, few People saw it, and they...
Author(s): Grau-Andres, Roger, G. Matt Davies, Susan Waldron, Alan Gray,
Michael Bruce
Title: Fuel and climate controls on peatland fire severity
Source: Advances in Forest Fire Research, 1 edited by Domingos Xavier Viegas,
01/2014: chapter 1: pages 298-302; Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate wetlands
Abstract: A series of experimental fires were conducted to investigate the effect
of ground-fuel structure and fuel moisture content in controlling fire severity in a
Calluna vulgaris dominated environment. Their influence on fire-induced
temperature pulses into the soil (peat) was quantified. ...
Contact Author: r.grau-andres.1@resarch.gla.ac.uk
Author(s): Majlingova,
Andrea, Maros Sedliak, Veronika Miskovicova, Viktor Moravec
Title: Results of multicriteria assessment of forest fire risk in Banska Bystrica
region territory
Source: Advances in Fire, Safety and Security Research 2014, pages 79-85
Year: 2014
Keywords: risk
Abstract: In the paper is introduced an approach to assessment of forest fire risk,
susceptibility of an area to forest fire respectively, using the decision model built
in the environment of spatial decision support system. The assessment is based on
mutual evaluation of three groups of environmental factor and a group of social
factors. Among the ...
Contact Author: Andrea.majlingova@minv.sk
Author(s): Granja, Rosa Almudena Seco
Title: Aplicacion de un sistema de informacion geografica al analisis de los datos
de incendios forestales en Espana
Source: Unknown source
Year: n. d.
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: El proyecto que se presenta a continuacion, titulado "Aplicacion de un
Sistema de Informacion Geografico al analisis de los datos de incendios forestales
en Espana", aborda el problema de los incendios forestales en Espana centrandose
en la obtencion de informacion adicional de utilidad en la toma de decisiones
orientadas a la prevencion. De un modo general se puede apuntar que los
Author(s): Gregg, Michael
Title: Sage grouse demography and nest success: Long-term data sets and future
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife birds
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Beginning in 1989, Dr. John Crawford, director of the Game Bird
Research Program at Oregon State University, initiated research at Hart Mountain
National Antelope Refuge to better understand sage-grouse habitat relationships
during the reproductive ...
Author(s): Griffith, Daniel M., T. Michael Anderson
Title: Community structure and co-occurrence patterns of grasses along salinity
gradients in Serengeti National Park, TZ
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology soils
Abstract: A central observation regarding the structure of ecological communities
is that organizing processes such as environmental specialization and biotic
interactions can cause species to be non-randomly assembled along
environmental gradients. ...
Author(s): Grishin, A. M., V. P. Zima, and D. P. Kasymov
Source: Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 87(4):
Year: 2014
Keywords: suppression
Abstract: Developments of methods and devices for localization and suppression
of natural fires are presented. These developments have been created with
account taken of the knowledge on the frame structure. With them, one can
destroy, by relatively small energy actions, the most vulnerable parts of the fire
front: The zones of pyrolysis and...
Contact Author: fi re@mail.tsu.ru
Author(s): Grishkan, Isabella
Title: Influence of wildfire on diversity of culturable soil microfungal communities
in the Mount Carmel forest, Israel
Source: Plant Biosystems 05/2014;
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology fungi
Abstract: The fire-related variations in culturable microfungal communities in the
soil of the Mount Carmel forest, Israel, were examined by comparing the
communities from burned and adjacent unburned soil plots under pine and oak
trees - collected 6, 18, and 26 months after the fire. A total of 82 species
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
representing 44 genera were isolated using the soil dilution plate method. The
results showed that ...
Contact Author: naamates@gmail.com
Author(s): Guiterman, C. H., E. Q. Margolis, T. W. Swetnam
Title: Dendroecological Methods For Reconstructing High-Severity Fire In Pine-Oak
Source: Tree-Ring Research 71(2): 67-77
Year: 2015
Keywords: history
Abstract: Recent high-severity fires in pine-oak forests of the southwestern United
States are creating shrubfields that may persist for decades to centuries.
Shrubfields embedded in conifer forests that pre-date documentary records are
potential evidence of older high- ...
Contact Author: chguiterman@email.arizona.edu
Author(s): Gundale, Michael J., Marie-Charlotte Nilsson, Nathalie Pluchon, David
A. Wardle
Title: The effect of biochar management on soil and plant community properties
in a boreal forest Running
Title: Biochar impacts in a boreal forest
Source: GCB Bioenergy 05/2015;
Year: 2015
Keywords: charcoal soils
Abstract: Biochar management has been proposed as a possible tool to mitigate
anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and thus far its impacts in forested environments
remain poorly understood. We conducted a large scale, replicated field
experiment using 0.05 ha plots in the boreal region in Northern Sweden t...
Author(s): Guoping Wang, Xiaofei Yu, Kunshan Bao, Wei Xing, Chuanyu Gao,
Qianxin Lin, Xianguo Lu
Title: Effect of fire on phosphorus forms in Sphagnum moss and peat soils of
ombrotrophic bogs
Source: Chemosphere, available online 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: peat soil
Abstract: The effect of burning Sphagnum moss and peat on phosphorus forms
was studied with controlled combustion in the laboratory. Two fire treatments, a
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
light fire (250xC) and a severe fire (600xC), were performed in a muffle furnace
with 1-h residence time to simulate the effects ...
Contact Author: wangguoping@neigae.ac.cn
Author(s): Gutierrez, Alvaro G., Juan J. Armesto, M. Francisca Diaz, Andreas Huth
Title: Increased Drought Impacts on Temperate Rainforests from Southern South
America: Results of a Process-Based, Dynamic Forest Model
Source: PLoS ONE 07/2014; 9(7): e103226. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103226
Year: 2015
Keywords: climate modeling
Abstract: Increased droughts due to regional shifts in temperature and rainfall
regimes are likely to affect forests in temperate regions in the coming decades. To
assess their consequences for forest dynamics, we need predictive tools that
couple hydrologic processes, soil moisture ...
Contact Author: bosqueciencia@gmail.com
Author(s): Habib, Borsali Amine, Benabdeli Kheloufi, Gros Rapha
Title: Capacity of the Nearby Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Red for the Prediction
of some Properties of Burned Soils in a Semi-Arid Area of Western Algeria
Source: Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 10: 332-338
Year: 2014
Keywords: soils
Abstract: The forestry sector in Algeria is confronted for the years 1965 to a
resurgence of the fires that destroy averaged 48 000 ha per year, or 12% of forest
areas. As a result of repeated fires, a pyrophyte vegetation develops on degraded
soils and from which the spontaneous regeneration of forest stands ...
Contact Author: rhizobiologie@yahoo.fr
Author(s): Halpern, Charles B., Joseph A. Antos, Liam M. Beckman
Title: Vegetation Recovery in Slash-Pile Scars Following Conifer Removal in a
Grassland-Restoration Experiment
Source: Restoration Ecology 22(6): 731-740
Year: 2014
Keywords: restoration
Abstract: A principal challenge to restoring tree-invaded grasslands is the removal
of woody biomass. Burning of slash piles to reduce woody residues from forest
restoration practices generates intense, prolonged heating, with adverse effects
on soils and vegetation. In this study, we examined vegetation ...
Contact Author: chalpern@uw.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Hanson, M., and Cain, C. R.
Title: Examining histology to identify burned bone
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science 34: 1902-1913
Year: 2007
Keywords: paleohistory
Contact Author: meganleighhanson@msn.com
Author(s): Hansen, Winslow D., William H. Romme, Monica G. Turner
Title: Fire and climate interact to foster an expansion of seedling aspen after the
1988 Yellowstone fires
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate regeneration
Abstract: In many forested landscapes, understanding effects of disturbance and
warming climate on tree-species distributions is an increasingly pressing issue. Fire
can trigger rapid reorganization of biotic communities and may interact with
changing environmental conditions to alter species' distributions. Following the
severe 1988 wildfires in Yellowstone National ...
Author(s): Hanson, C. T., R. L. Sherriff, R. L. Hutto, D. A. DellaSala, Thomas T.
Veblen and William L. Baker
Title: Setting the Stage for Mixed-and High-Severity Fire
Source: in: The Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity Fires: Nature's Phoenix,
by Dominick A. DellaSala and Chad T. Hanson, Elsevier Inc.
Year: 2015
Keywords: severity
Abstract: In the late 19th century and early 20th century, fire-especially patches of
high severity wherein most or all of the dominant vegetation is killed-was
generally considered to be a categorically destructive force. Clements (1936)
hypothesized that the mature/old state of ...
Author(s): Hansen, Winslow D.
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 151 pages
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Hansen, W. D., Naughton, H. T.
Title: The effects of a spruce bark beetle outbreak and wildfires on property values
in the wildland-urban interface of south-central Alaska, USA
Source: Ecol. Econ. 96: 141-154
Year: 2013
Keywords: insects economics
Abstract: Climate warming is causing the frequency, extent, and severity of
natural disturbances to increase. To develop innovative approaches for mitigating
the potential negative social consequences of such increases, research is needed
investigating how people perceive and respond to natural disturbance. This study
uses spatial ...
Contact Author: whansen3@wisc.edu
Author(s): Hanan, Erin J., Joshua P. Schimel, Carla D'Antonio, Christina Tague, Dar
A. Roberts
Title: Biogeochemical response to fire in Mediterranean-type watersheds
Source: 97th ESA Annual Convention 2012; 08/2012
Year: 2012
Keywords: hydrology
Abstract: Fire is a major restructuring force in Mediterranean-type ecosystems,
inducing nutrient redistribution that is frequently invoked as a driver of ecosystem
recovery. Fire severity is expected to increase with climate warming and
associated droughts. To study ...
Author(s): Harr, Ryan N., Lois Wright Morton, Shannon R. Rusk, David M. Engle,
James R. Miller, Diane Debinski
Title: Landowners' perceptions of risk in grassland management: woody plant
encroachment and prescribed fire
Year: 2014
Keywords: Agriculture tree-grass ecology
Abstract: Ecologists recognize that fire and herbivory are essential to maintaining
habitat quality in grassland ecosystems. Prescribed fire and grazing are typically
used on public reserves to increase biodiversity, improve grassland productivity,
and control encroachment of woody plants. However, ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Hass, Alisa Lynn
Title: Fire History of Gum Swamp and Black Pond in Eastern Tennessee, U.S.A.,
from Macroscopic Sedimentary Charcoal
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 63 pages
Year: 2005
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Hatte, James R.
Title: Mapping and monitoring Mount Graham red squirrel habitat with Lidar and
Landsat imagery
Source: Ecological Modelling 289: 106-123
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling wildlife remote sensing
Abstract: The Mount Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis)
is an endemic subspecies located in the Pinale-no Mountains of southeast Arizona.
Living in a conifer forest on a sky-island surrounded by desert, the Mount Graham
red squirrel is one of the rarest mammals in North America. Over the last two
decades, drought, insect infestations, and fire...
Contact Author: jhatten@usgs.gov
Author(s): Haufler, Jonathan
Title: Fire, forest health, and birds in the Rockies
Source: Bird Conservation, April: pages 12-13
Year: 2004
Keywords: wildlife ecology birds
Author(s): Heckman, Robert W., Charles E. Mitchell
Title: The role of natural enemies, light, and nutrients in colonization of exoticdominated old field communities by native species
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: Escape from natural enemies may help some exotic species to achieve
dominance in previously native-dominated communities. The benefit of enemy
release may be greatest among fast-growing, poorly defended species adapted to
high-nutrient environments...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Helman, David, Itamar Lensky, Naama Tessler, Yagil Osem
Title: Monitoring vegetation dynamics in evergreen forests from NDVI time series:
Implications for pre- and post-fire assessment
Source: ForestSAT 2014, Riva de Garda, Italy; 11/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Mediterranean forests undergo well-defined wet and dry seasons with
water availability regulating primarily the photosynthetic activity and growth of
their vegetation (Daly et al., 2000). Herbaceous vegetation appears as an
understory layer soon after the beginning of the rainy season, drying out in early
spring (Merzer, 2007), while trees and shrubs (woody vegetation) become most ...
Contact Author: davidhelman.biu@icloud.com
Author(s): Hemel, Brian T.
Title: Prescribed Burning in Tennessee: Importance and Barriers, Goals, and
Information Needs of Private, State, and Federal Managers
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 105 pages
Year: 2004
Keywords: ecology prescribed burning
Author(s): Hempson, Gareth P., Jeremy J. Midgley, Michael J. Lawes, Karen J.
Vickers, Laurence M. Kruger
Title: Comparing bark thickness: Testing methods with bark-stem data from two
South African fire-prone biomes
Source: Journal of Vegetation Science 25(5):
Year: 2014
Keywords: bark damage
Abstract: Bark thickness-stem diameter relationships are non-linear above a stem
diameter threshold in many woody species, which makes relative bark thickness
measures dependent on the range of stem diameters that are sampled. This
influences the appropriateness of different methods for comparing fire responses
of woody plants across studies. Here we develop a framework for bark thickness
comparisons by ...
Contact Author: gareth.hempson@uct.ac.za
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Hernandez-Serrano, Ana, Miguel VERDU, Luis SANTOS-DEL-BLANCO,
Title: Heritability and quantitative genetic divergence of serotiny, a fire
persistence plant trait
Source: 5th International Conference on Mediterranean Pines (medpine5),
Solsona, Spain, September 22-26, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Although it is well known that fire acts as a selective pressure shaping 3
plant phenotypes, there are no quantitative estimates of the heritability of any
trait related to plant persistence under recurrent fires, such as serotiny. Here, we
calculate heritability of ...
Author(s): Hernandez-Serrano, Ana, Miguel VERDU, Luis SANTOS-DEL-BLANCO,
Title: Heritability and quantitative genetic divergence of serotiny, a fire
persistence plant trait
Source: Annals of Botany 114(3): 571-577
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Although it is well known that fire acts as a selective pressure shaping 3
plant phenotypes, there are no quantitative estimates of the heritability of any
trait related to plant persistence under recurrent fires, such as serotiny. Here, we
calculate heritability of ...
Contact Author: juli.g.pausas@uv.es
Author(s): Higuera, P. E., R. F. Kelly, F. S. Hu
Title: Resilience and sensitivity of high-severity fire regimes to climatic variability
from centuries to millennia
Source: Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA; 01/2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology climate
Abstract: Robust links between climate and wildfire activity at annual timescales
suggest that climatic warming will lead to increases in fire frequency and severity.
However, feedbacks and interactions with vegetation, in response to climate itself
and altered fire regimes, will mediate the direct impact of ...
Contact Author: phiguera@uidaho.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Higuera, Philip, Kelly Derr, Jesse Morris, Paul Dunnette, Kerry Kemp,
Adam Young, Melissa Chipman, Ryan Kelly, Paul Duffy, Feng Sheng Hu and the
WildFIRE PIRE team
Title: Drivers and consequences of fire-regime variability across multiple temporal
Source: 4 October, 2013, GPWG meeting, Frasne, France
Year: 2013
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Hillen, T., B. Greese, J. Martin, G. de Vries
Title: Birth-jump processes and application to forest fire spotting
Source: Journal of Biological Dynamics 9(1):
Year: 2014
Keywords: embers firebrands
Abstract: Birth-jump models are designed to describe population models for
which growth and spatial spread cannot be decoupled. A birth-jump model is a
nonlinear integro-differential equation. We present two different derivations of
this equation, one based on a random walk approach and the other based on a
two-compartmental reaction-diffusion model. In the case that the redistribution
kernels are highly ...
Contact Author: Thillen@ualberta.ca
Author(s): Hines, Erin B., Jan Salick, Elaine Kennedy Sutherland, Todd F.
Hutchinson and Steve Sutherland
Title: Ethnoecology of Fire: An Experimental Approach in the Ohio Valley
Source: Page 126, in: Proceedings: workshop on fire, people, and the central
hardwoods landscape; 2000 March 12-14; Richmond, KY. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-274.
Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Northeastern Research Station
Year: 2000
Keywords: indigenous
Abstract: Native Americans used fire to manipulate nature and directly benefit
their survival. Certain plant species, many of which were useful to Native
Americans as sources of food, fiber, dye, medicine, and game browse, are adapted
to survive and even thrive in post-burn environments. Evidence suggests that
Native Americans intentionally set fires to encourage growth and surviva...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Hines, Martina
Title: Managing red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis) affects breeding
bird communities of pine-oak forests in southeastern Kentucky
Source: In: Yaussy, Daniel A., compiler, Proceedings: workshop on fire, people, and
the central hardwoods landscape; 2000 March 12-14; Richmond, KY. Gen. Tech.
Rep. NE-274. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Northeastern Research Station: 126. Abstract.
Year: 2000
Keywords: wildlife ecology birds
Author(s): Hirst, William
Title: An Account of a Fire-Ball, Seen at Hornsey, by William Hirst, F. R. S.
Communicated in a Letter to Samuel Mead, Esq; F. R. S.
Source: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) 48 (1753 - 1754), pp. 773-776
Year: 1741
Keywords: fireball behavior Abstract:...Account of a Fire -Ball, seen at Hornsey, by
William Hirst, F. R. S. com- municated in a Letter to Samuel Mead, Esq; F. R. S. S I
R, Hornsey, April 6, 1754. H A D not illness prevented, I should have troubled you
sooner with an account of a phaenomenon,...
Author(s): Hockman, Emily Vera
BACHMAN's SPARROW (Peucaea aestivalis)
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 104 pages
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology wildlife birds
Author(s): Holliday, Vance T., Todd Surovell, David J. Meltzer, Donald K. Grayson,
Mark Boslough
Title: The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis: A cosmic catastrophe
Source: Journal of Quaternary Science 29(6).
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: In this paper we review the evidence for the Younger Dryas impact
hypothesis (YDIH), which proposes that at 12.9k cal a BP North America, South
America, Europe and the Middle East were subjected to some sort of
extraterrestrial event. This purported event is proposed ...
Contact Author: vthollid@email.arizona.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Holz, Andrs, Thomas T. Veblen
Title: Synergistic influences of climate and burning practices on tree regeneration
in western Patagonia temperate rainforests
Source: 97th ESA Annual Convention 2012; 08/2012
Year: 2012
Keywords: climate regeneration
Abstract: Temperate rainforest ecosystems in western Patagonia, dominated by
fire-sensitive species have the potential to suffer long lasting changes in their
resilience to recover from altered fire regimes mediated by interacting changes in
climate and land use. However, ...
Author(s): Holden, Edward S.
Title: Forest Fires at Mount Hamilton, July, 1891
Source: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3(17): 292-296
Year: 1891
Keywords: history
Abstract: ...Hamilton. Just north of it is a deep wide thickly wooded canon - Canon
Negro - and the mountain Galileo is on the other side of this canon, about 4500
feet distant. The whole object was to keep the fire from reaching the chapparal in
this canon. It could enter in...
Author(s): Holden, E. S.
Title: Forest Fires at Mount Hamilton, July 29 to August 3, 1894
Source: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 6(37): 240-241
Year: 1894
Keywords: fireball behavior
Abstract: ...1894, a fire started in a deep canon to the west of the Observatory and
to the north of the brick-yard. Its smoke was very obvious all day, Sunday, July 29.
On Monday the Observatory workmen, with one volunteer, cut a narrow trail from
a point above the fire down to...
Author(s): Hongfeng Bian, Hongyan Zhang, Daowei Zhou, Jiawei Xu, Zhengxiang
Title: Integrating models to evaluate and map grassland fire risk zones in
Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia, China
Source: Fire Safety Journal 61: 207-216
Year: 2013
Keywords: risk grasslands
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Grassland fire is a cause of major disturbance to ecosystems and
economies throughout the world. This paper investigated the disruptive effects of
grassland fire on the Hulunbuir grassland of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region of China. The study selected variables for fire risk assessment ...
Contact Author: zhangzx040@nenu.edu.cn
Author(s): Hovick, Torre J., R. Dwayne Elmore, Brady W. Allred, Samuel D.
Fuhlendorf, David K. Dahlgren
Title: Landscapes as a moderator of thermal extremes: A case study from an
imperiled grouse
Source: Ecosphere 5(3): 35
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: The impacts of climate driven change on ecosystem processes and
biodiversity are pervasive and still not fully understood. Biodiversity loss, range
shifts, and phenological mismatches are all issues associated with a changing
climate that are having significant impacts on individuals and ...
Contact Author: Torre.hovick@gmail.com
Author(s): Howey, Christopher
Title: Ecological Effects of Prescribed Fire on the Black Racer
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, College of Arts and Sciences of Ohio University, 173
Year: 2014
Keywords: prescribed burning snakes wildlife
Abstract: Prescribed fire is a management technique used to emulate a natural
disturbance. I examined reptile communities in burned and unburned (control)
landscapes and the interactions of a focal species, the black racer (Coluber
constrictor), within these landscapes. More reptiles were captured in the burned
landscape, and this habitat was associated...
Author(s): Conlisk, Erin E., Sara
Motheral, Rosa Chung, Bryan A. Endress
Title: Impact of fire frequency on choosing the optimal site for coastal cactus wren
habitat restoration
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology requency Habitat fragmentation and increased fire frequency
are common threats to wildlife in Mediterranean ecosystems. Whereas the
remaining Southern California coastal sage scrub serves as refuge for rare flora
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
and fauna, this habitat is threatened by frequent, human-ignited wildfires. The
coastal cactus wren...
Author(s): Hubbert, K. R., M. Busse, S. Overby, C. Shestak, R. Gerrard
Title: Pile burning effects on soil water repellency, infiltration, and downslope
water chemistry in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA
Source: Fire Ecology 11(2): 100-118
Year: 2015
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Thinning of conifers followed by pile burning has become a popular
treat- ment to reduce fuel loads in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. However, concern
has been voiced about burning within or near riparian areas because of the
potential effect on nutrient release and, ultimately, lake water quality. Our
objective was to quantify ... mbusse@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Huishi Yuan, Shu Tao, Bengang Li, Chang Lang, Jun Cao, Raymond M.
Title: Emission and outflow of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from wildfires in
Source: Atmospheric Environment 42(28): 6828-6835
Year: 2008
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: On the basis of burned area, biomass density, burn efficiency and
emission factor, annual emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
from wildfires in China are estimated for the period from 1950 to 2005. During
that period, 7.8-106 and 7.5-106Mg of biomass are burned ...
Author(s): Humphrey, Robert R.
Title: The Desert Grassland, Past and Present, with an Introduction by Mitchel P.
Source: Fire Ecology 11(2): 1-11
Year: 2015
Keywords: grasslands ecology
Abstract: Most of the grassland areas below about 4,000 feet in southwestern
North America are commonly referred to as the desert grassland (Shantz and Zon
1924) or, more occasionally, as the desert plains (Weaver and ...
Contact Author: mcclaran@u.arizona.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Hummel, Susan, Frank K. Lake
Title: Good conditions identified by tribal weavers for harvesting beargrass can
inform forest management
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014 We blended methods from
scientific and traditional ecological knowledge to describe forest conditions on
sites considered good (G), marginal (M), or poor (P) for harvesting the leaves of
beargrass (X. tenax) used in tribal basket weaving. We relied on ...
Author(s): Huston, MICHAEL A.
Wildfire: A Century of Failed Forest Policy
Source: BioScience 57(9): 790-792
Year: 2007
Keywords: policy
Abstract: ...ecology and politics of fire are big topics, and Wildfire: A Century of
Failed Forest Policy is a big book-its 350 softbound pages measure 13-1/4 by 113/4 inches, and it weighs more than five pounds. If you're strong enough to lug it
to a table that can support it, it's worth...
Contact Author: ccmann@gmail.com
Author(s): Hutto, R. L., M. L. Bond, D. A. DellaSala
Title: Using Bird Ecology to Learn about the Benefits of Severe Fire
Source: Chapter 5, pages 55-88, The Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity
Fires: Nature's Phoenix, by Dominick A. DellaSala and Chad T. Hanson. Published
by Elsevier Inc.
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife birds ecology
Abstract: In this chapter we do not provide an encyclopedic review of the more
than 450 published papers that describe some kind of effect of fire on birds. In
other words, we are not systematically proceeding through a litany of fire effects
on birds of southeast pine forests, ...
Author(s): Hutto, Richard L., Conway, Courtney J., Saab, Victoria A., Walters,
Jeffrey R.
Title: What constitutes a natural fire regime? Insight from the ecology and
distribution of coniferous forest birds in North America
Source: Fire Ecology Special Issue. 4(2): 115-132
Year: 2009
Keywords: wildlife ecology birds
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Bird species that specialize in the use of burned forest conditions can
provide insight into the prehistoric fire regimes associated with the forest types
that they have occupied over evolutionary time. The nature of their adaptations
reflects the specific post-fire conditions that occurred prior to the unnatural
influence of humans ...
Contact Author: hutto@mso.umt.edu
Author(s): Hyde, Kevin, Kelsey Jencso, Andrew C. Wilcox, Scott Woods
Title: Influence of vegetation disturbance on hydrogeomorphic response following
Source: Hydrological Processes, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: hydrology
Abstract: Quantifying the linkages between vegetation disturbance by fire and the
changes in hydrologic processes leading to post-fire erosional response remains a
challenge. We measured the influence of fire severity, defined as vegetation
disturbance (using a satellite derived vegetation ...
Contact Author: kevin.hyde@umontana.edu
Author(s): Ibanez, Thomas, Thomas Curt, Christelle Hely
Title: Low tolerance of New Caledonian secondary forest species to savanna fires
Source: Journal of Vegetation Science 24(1): 177-188
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology grasslands
Abstract: How do early secondary successional forest species that grow in
savannas differ in their tolerance to surface fires? What are the consequences of
these fire tolerances for savanna-forest dynamics and landscape managementAnthropogenic savannas in the New Caledonian...
Contact Author: Tibanez.05@laposte.net
Author(s): Ingersoll, Ernest
Title: Primitive Fire-Kindling
Source: The Monthly Illustrator 4(13): 251-256
Year: 1895
Keywords: indigenous
afparatus in the Nafzional Museum. THE folk-lore of all primitive peoples contains
fanciful stories of the origin of fire -the family fire -none of which are more
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
pleasing than some recited by our North Amern FIG. 2. THE PLOW: AUSTRALIA can
Indians; but it...
Title: Diradamenti e fuoco prescritto per la prevenzione degli incendi in
rimboschimenti di pino d-Aleppo
Source: L Italia Forestale e Montana 69: 213-229.
Year: 2014
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: This paper reports the results of the first fire hazard reduction
experiment in Italy which integrates thinning and prescribed burning. The study
was conducted in Aleppo pine stands in a high fir-risk area in the Calabrian Region.
Two stands with a different stem density were selected. ...
Contact Author: francesco.iovino@unical.it
Author(s): Izhaki, I.
Title: The impact of fire on vertebrates in the Mediterranean Basin: An overview
Source: Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 58(2): 221-234
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Wildfires are among the most important natural disturbances in the
Mediterranean basin. They impose drastic habitat and landscape modifications
that affect not only the vegetation but also vertebrate dynamics and structure
from the population up to the community levels. There...
Contact Author: izhaki@research.haifa.ac.il
Author(s): Jackson, Samuel Wayne
Title: First-year Changes in Oak Regeneration, Understory Competitors, and
Resource Levels in Response to Two Overstory Treatments and Prescribed Burning
at Chuck Swan State Forest
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 126 pages
Year: 2002
Keywords: ecology prescribed burning
Author(s): Jaime, Xavier A.
Title: Forest resilience and soil dynamics response to anthropogenic disturbances
in dry semi-deciduous forests in Puerto Rico
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology soils
Abstract: Human disturbance stimulates changes in the community and canopy
structure of the forest and reduces their capacity for resilience. There is limited
understanding of how short-term responses in soil nutrient fluxes after fire in dry
forests can influence colonization ...
Author(s): Jarvis, Jacqueline M., Deborah S. Page-Dumroese, Nathaniel M.
Anderson, Yuri E. Corilo, Ryan Patrick Rodgers
Title: Characterization of Fast Pyrolysis Products Generated from Several Western
USA Woody Species
Source: Energy and Fuels 28(10).
Year: 2014
Keywords: combustion
Abstract: Woody biomass has the potential to be utilized at an alternative fuel
source through its pyrolytic conversion. Here, fast pyrolysis bio-oils derived from
several western USA woody species are characterized by negative-ion electrospray
ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance...
Author(s): Jarrad, Frith C., Carl-Henrik Wahren, Richard J. Williams, Mark A.
Title: Subalpine plants show short-term positive growth responses to
experimental warming and fire
Source: Australian Journal of Botany 57(6):
Year: 2009
Keywords: ecology australia
Abstract: Climate warming has the potential to directly affect plant growth rates
by accelerating plant processes, and through intermediate affects associated with
increased length of the growing season and changes to soil processes. Alpine and
subalpine ecosystems may be particularly ...
Author(s): Jin, Y., M. L. Goulden, N. Faivre, S. Veraverbeke, F. Sun, Alex Hall,
Michael S. Hand, Simon Hook and James T. Randerson
Title: Identification of two distinct fire regimes in Southern California: implications
for economic impact and future change
Source: Environmental Research Letters 10: 094005, 13 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology economics
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: The area burned by Southern California wildfires has increased in recent
decades, with implications for human health, infrastructure, and ecosystem
management. Meteorology and fuel structure are universally recognized
controllers of wildfire, but their relative ...
Contact Author: yujin@ucdavis.edu
Author(s): Johanson, S. M.
Title: Bioconcentration, elimination and effects of fire foam-related poly-and
perfluoroalkyl substances in brown trout (Salmo trutta)
Source: University of Oslo
Year: 2015
Keywords: retardant toxicity
Abstract: Poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are anthropogenic and
persistent chemicals used as surfactants in many applications, including aqueous
film-forming foams (AFFFs, fire foams). Regular training exercises utilising AFFFs
have led to the direct releases of PFASs ...
Author(s): Johnmin Yoon
Title: Predicting territory density of Dusky Orange-crowned Warblers Oreothlypis
celata sordida breeding on Santa Catalina Island, California
Source: Bird Study (2014): 1-10
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: Plot-based surveying and statistical modelling provided an insight on
how breeding warblers responded to resource abundance. This approach may
facilitate the management of these insular birds that are highly dependent on oak
habitats on the island where habitat loss has been occurring due to anthropogenic
Contact Author: migrate2u@gmail.com
Author(s): Jolly, W. Matt, Mark A. Chchrane, Patrick H. Freeborn, Zachary A.
Holden, Timothy J. Brown, Grant J. Williamson and David M. J. S. Bowman
Title: Climate-induced variations in global wildfire danger from 1979 to 2013
Source: Nature Communications 6, Article number: 7537
Year: 2015
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Climate strongly influences global wildfire activity, and recent wildfire
surges may signal fire weather-induced pyrogeographic shifts. Here we use three
daily global climate data sets and three fire danger indices to develop a simple
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
annual metric of fire weather season length, and map spatio-temporal trends from
1979 to 2013. We show...
Author(s): Jollands, Matthew, Jake Morris and Andy Moffat
Title: Wildfires in Wales
Source: Forest Research Office, Final Report, 107 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: statistics united kingdom
Author(s): Jones, J. W., A. E. Hall, A. M. Foster, Thomas J. Smith III
Title: Wetland Fire Scar Monitoring and Analysis Using Archival Landsat Data for
the Everglades
Source: Fire Ecology 9(1): 133-150
Year: 2013
Keywords: wetland remote sensing
Abstract: The ability to document the frequency, extent, and severity of fires in
wetlands, as well as the dynamics of post-fire wetland land cover, informs fire and
wetland science, resource management, and ecosystem protection. Available
information on Everglades burn history has ...
Contact Author: jwjones@usgs.gov
Author(s): Jones, Benjamin M., Amy L. Breen, Benjamin V. Gaglioti, Daniel H.
Mann, Adrian V. Rocha, Guido Grosse, Christopher D. Arp, Michael L. Kunz, Donald
A Walker
Title: Identification of unrecognized tundra fire events on the north slope of
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118(3-3): 1334-1344.
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Characteristics of the natural fire regime are poorly resolved in the
Arctic, even though fire may play an important role cycling carbon stored in tundra
vegetation and soils to the atmosphere. In the course of studying vegetation and
permafrost-terrain characteristics along a chronosequence of ...
Contact Author: bjones@usgs.gov
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Joseph, Grant S., Colleen L. Seymour, Graeme S. Cumming, David H. M.
Cumming, Zacheus Mahlangu
Title: Termite Mounds Increase Functional Diversity of Woody Plants in African
Source: Ecosystems 08/2014; 17(5): 808-819.
Year: 2014
Keywords: insects ecology grasslands
Abstract: Fine-scale spatial heterogeneity influences biodiversity and ecosystem
productivity at many scales. In savanna systems, Macrotermes termites, through
forming spatially explicit mounds with unique woody plant assemblages, emerge
as important sources of such heterogeneity. ...
Contact Author: karoogrant@gmail.com
Author(s): Joubert, David, Ibo Zimmermann, Jens Fendler, Heike WinschiersTheophilus, Friedrich P. Graz, Nico Smit and M. Timm Hoffman
Title: The development of an expert system for arid rangeland management in
central Namibia with emphasis on bush thickening
Source: African Journal of Range and Forage Science 31(2).
Year: 2014
Keywords: Agriculture
Abstract: An online decision support system derived from research and expert
knowledge was developed for arid rangeland management in central Namibia. The
expert system emphasises the control of bush thickening and is divided into three
forms of decisions: Adaptive, reactive and ongoing ...
Contact Author: Aquila.verraux@gmail.com
Author(s): Junpen, Agapol, Savitri Garivait, Sebastien Bonnet, Adisak
Title: Fire spread prediction for deciduous forest fires in Northern Thailand
Source: ScienceAsia 39(5): 535.
Year: 2013
Keywords: behavior
Abstract: Predicting fire spread rates is essential in planning and deciding whether
to conduct prescribed fires or suppressing forest fires. This study was conducted
with the objective of developing a fire spread model for deciduous forest fires by
using a simple statistical model. Test fires were conducted ...
Contact Author: garivait savitri@hotmail.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Kane, V. R., C. A. Cansler, N. A. Povak, J. T. Kane, Robert J. McGaughey,
James A. Lutz, Derek J. Churchill and Malcolm P. North
Title: Mixed severity fire effects within the Rim fire: Relative importance of local
climate, fire weather, topography, and forest structure
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 358: 62-79
Year: 2015
Keywords: severity climate
Abstract: Recent and projected increases in the frequency and severity of large
wildfires in the western US makes understanding the factors that strongly affect
landscape fire patterns a management priority for optimizing treatment location.
We compared the influence of ...
Contact Author: vkane@uw.edu
Author(s): Kantzas, Euripides, Mark Lomas, Shaun Quegan
Title: Fire at high latitudes: Data-model comparisons and their consequences:
Year: Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27(3):
Year: 2013
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Fire is an endemic process at high latitudes, connected to a range of
other land surface properties, such as land cover, biomass, and permafrost, and
intimately linked to the carbon balance of the high-latitude land surface. Much of
our current understanding of these links and their ...
Contact Author: e.kantzas@shef-eld.ac.uk
Author(s): Kara, Ferhat, Edward Francis Loewenstein
Title: Impacts of logging and prescribed burning in longleaf pine forests managed
under uneven-aged silviculture
Source: Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 39(1):99-106
Year: 2015
Keywords: silviculture prescribed burning
Abstract: The longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) ecosystem has historically been
very important in the southeastern United States due to its extensive area and
high biodiversity. Successful regeneration of longleaf pine forests requires an
adequate number of well- distributed seedlings. Thus, mortality ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Kasymov, Denis Petrovich
Title: Using explosive materials in devices of localization and extinguishing of
wildland fires (in Russian)
Source: Pozharovzryvobezopasnost - Fire and Explosion Safety 24(7): 52-60
Year: 2015
Keywords: suppression equipment
Contact Author: denkasymov@gmail.com
Author(s): Katurji, M., J. Nikolic, S. Zhong, S. Pratt, L. Yu, W. E. Heilman
Title: Application of a statistical emulator to fire emission modeling
Source: Environmental Modelling and Software 73: 254-259
Year: 2015 We have demonstrated the use of an advanced Gaussian-Process (GP)
emulator to estimate wildland fire emissions over a wide range of fuel and
atmospheric conditions. The Fire Emission Production Simulator, or FEPS, is used
to produce an initial set of emissions ...
Contact Author: marwan.katurji@canterbury.ac.nz
Author(s): Kaulfuss, Susanne
Title: Forest fire fighting
Source: Unpublished manuscript
Year: n. d.
Keywords: suppression
Author(s): Keane, R. E., J. Menakis, P. Hesburg, K. Reynolds, J. Dickinson
Title: Evaluating Wildland fire hazard and risk for fire management applications
Source: Decision Support for Environmental Management: Applications of the
Ecosystem Management Decision Support System., Edited by Keith M. Reynolds,
Paul F. Hessburg, Patrick S. Bourgeron, 01/2014: chapter Evaluating Wildland fire
hazard and risk for fire management applications.: pages 111-133; Springer.
Year: 2014
Keywords: risk
Abstract: At several spatial scales, fire managers need accurate and
comprehensive assessments of wildfire hazard and risk. Assessments are needed
to plan, prioritize, and implement management actions, which can range from
pro-active prescribed burning to real-time fire suppression. ...
Contact Author: rkeane@fs.fed.us
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E. and C. J. Fotheringham
Title: History and Management of Crown-Fire Ecosystems: A Summary and
Source: Conservation Biology 08/2002; 15(6): 1561 - 1567
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E.
Title: Fire in Mediterranean Climate Ecosystems-A Comparative Overview
Source: Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 58(2): 123-135
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Four regions of the world share a similar climate and structurally similar
plant communities with the Mediterranean Basin. These five areas, known
collectively as "mediterranean-type climate (MTC) regions", are dominated by
evergreen sclerophyllous-leaved shrublands, ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E., C. J. Fotheringham, Philip W. Rundel
Title: Postfire Chaparral Regeneration Under Mediterranean and NonMediterranean Climates
Source: Madrono 59(3): 109-127
Year: 2012
Keywords: ecology regeneration
Abstract: 0 This study compares postfire regeneration and diversity patterns in
fire-prone chaparral shrublands from mediterranean (California) and nonmediterranean-type climates (Arizona). Vegetation sampling was conducted in
tenth hectare plots with nested subplots for the first two years after fire. Floras in
the two regions were compared with Jaccard's Index and importance of families
and genera compared ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E. and Kathryn N. Keeley
Title: The critical importance of a regional approach to understanding global
change impacts on fire regimes
Source: 95th ESA Annual Convention 2010; 08/2010
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Although there is accumulating evidence of increased fire activity in the
western U.S., parsing out the relative contributions of human activity and climate
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
are complicated. Part of the reason is that the region has diverse ecosystems with
both historical surface fire and crown ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, Kathryn N. and Jon E. Keeley
Title: The Impact of humans and climate on wildfires in California
Source: 95th ESA Annual Convention 2010; 08/2010
Year: 2010
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Number of wildfires and area burned were studied in California on
landscapes protected by the California Division of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal
Fire, formerly CDF) over the 49 year period from 1960 - 2008. These areas include
forests, woodlands, shrublands and ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E.
Title: The Fire Planet
Source: American Association for the Advancement of Science 2010 Annual
Meeting; 02/2010
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Fire challenges the hegemony of paleoecology, biogeography and
ecology that climate and soils are sufficient to explain the origin and distribution
of plant species. Just like the fire triangle of oxygen-fuel-ignition controls fire
occurrence, there is a need for a ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E. and C. J. Fotheringham
Title: Contrasting postfire recovery under different climates: California vs Arizona
Source: 94th ESA Annual Convention 2009; 08/2009
Year: 2009
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Chaparral is a fire-prone shrubland ecosystem dominant throughout the
mediterranean-climate region of California. Postfire recovery has been well
studied in California but this shrubland occurs also in disjunct patches of central
and southern Arizona, ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E, Teresa Brennan and Anne H Pfaff
Title: Fire severity and ecosytem responses following crown fires in California
Source: Ecological Applications18(6): 1530-46
Year: 2008
Keywords: ecology severity
Abstract: Chaparral shrublands burn in large high-intensity crown fires. Managers
interested in how these wildfires affect ecosystem processes generally rely on
surrogate measures of fire intensity known as fire severity metrics. In shrublands
burned in the autumn of 2003, a study of 250 sites...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, Jon E., C. J. Fotheringham, Melanie Baer-Keeley
Title: Demographic patterns of postfire regeneration in mediterranean climate
shrublands of California
Source: Ecological Monographs 76(2): 235-255
Year: 2008
Keywords: ecology regeneration
Abstract: This study uses detailed demographic data to determine the extent to
which functional groupings, based on seedling recruitment and resprouting
response to fire, capture the dynamics of postfire responses and early
successional change in fire-prone ecosystems. Following massive ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Keeley, J. E.
Title: Attacking invasive grasses
Source: Applied Vegetation Science 18(4): 541-542
Year: 2015 ... In grasslands fire may play a role in the plant invasion process, both
by creating disturbances that potentially favour non-native invasions and as a
possible tool for controlling alien invasions. Havill et al. (Applied Vegetation ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Kieft, Johan and Aspian Nur
Title: Community-based disaster management: A response to increased risks to
disaster with emphasis on forest fires
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Kimuyu, Duncan K., Ryan L. Sensenig, Corinna Riginos, Kari E. Veblen,
Truman P. Young
Title: Wild and domestic browsers and grazers reduce fuels, fire temperatures,
and acacia ant mortality in an African savanna.
Source: Ecological Applications 01/2014; 24: 714-719
Year: 2014
Keywords: Agriculture grazing
Source: Despite the importance of fire and herbivory in structuring savanna
systems, few replicated experiments have examined the interactive effects of
herbivory and fire on plant dynamics. In addition, the effects of fire on associated
ant-tree mutualisms have been largely unexplored. We carried out small
controlled burns in each of 18 herbivore treatment plots of the Kenya Long-term
Exclosure ...
Contact Author: Tpyoung@ucdavis.edu
Author(s): Kim, Ah-Reum, Kyoung-Jin Jo, Jae-Woo Chang, Chun-Bo Sim
Title: Development of WSN(Wireless Sensor Network)-based Fire Monitoring
Application System using Fire Detection Algorithm for Early Warning (in Korean)
Source: The Journal of the Korea 9(12):
Year: 2009
Keywords: detection
Abstract: Recently, fire monitoring application systems have been an active
research area due to the safety of industries, historical monuments and so on. The
fire monitoring application systems can reduce the damage of properties by
providing earlier warning for possible fire situation...
Author(s): Kitchen, K.
Title: Fire Weather Conditions during Spring 2011
Source: Report for Natural England and the Countryside Council for Wales, Met
Office: Exeter
Year: 2012
Keywords: weather united kingdom
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Kitchen K. P., Francis T.
Title: Performance of The Met Office Fire Severity Index through to June 2010 - A
brief review
Source: Met Office, Report for Natural England and the Countryside Council for
Year: 2010
Keywords: weather united kingdom
Author(s): Knapp, Eric, Jon Keeley, Scott Ferrenberg
Title: Ecological impacts of early and late season prescribed fire treatments in
Sequoia National Park
Source: Ecological Society of America, 89th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, USA;
Year: 2004
Keywords: ecology prescribed burning
Abstract: Prescription burning is one means of reducing fuel loads resulting from
fire suppression in forests with a history of relatively frequent surface fire. To take
advantage of evolutionary adaptations of forest species to fire, resource managers
are generally interested in timing prescribed burns ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Knorre, Anastasia, Alexander Kirdyanov, Matthias Saurer, Rolf Siegwolf,
Olga Sidorova, Anatoly Prokushkin
Title: Impact of Forest Fires on Tree-Ring k13C and k18O of Gmelinii Larch in the
Permafrost Zone
Source: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-10967, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Forest fire is one of the most important environmental factors which
define forest ecosystem functioning in the continuous permafrost zone in the
north of Siberia. Tree-ring width (TRW) and stable isotope (13C/12C and 18O/16O)
chronologies from two Larix Gmelinii sites with initially different conditions (wet
and dry) and characterized by ...
Contact Author: Aknorre@ksc.krasn.ru
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Kobziar, Leda, Watta, Adam, Camp, J. Michael, Streiffel, Marissa and
Kattan, Alex
Title: Will Climate Change Alter Wildfire Behavior and Effects in Seasonally-Dry
Source: JFSP Research Project Reports. Paper 2
Year: 2011
Keywords: climate behavior
Author(s): Kocis, Desiree Lynn
Title: Reconstruction of Fire History in the National Key Deer Refuge, Monroe
County, Florida, U.S.A.: The Palmetto Pond Macroscopic Charcoal Record
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 109 pages
Year: 2012
Keywords: ecology paleohistory
Author(s): Koerner, Sally E., Scott L. Collins
Title: Patch structure in North American and South African grasslands responds
differently to fire and grazing
Source: Landscape Ecology 28(7): 1293-1306
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology grasslands grazng
Abstract: Fire and grazing significantly impact small-scale patch structure and
dynamics in savanna grasslands. We assessed small-scale grass-forb associations in
long-term fire and grazing experiments in North America (NA) and Southern Africa
(SA). Transects of ...
Contact Author: skoerne@unm.edu
Author(s): Kontoes, Charalampos, Themistoklis Herekakis, Ioannis Papoutsis,
Ioannis Mitsopoulos, Stavros Solomos, Vassilis Amiridis
Title: Operational fires disaster management via Earth Observation in BEYOND
Source: 1st International GEOMAPPLICA Conference 2014, Skiathos Island, Greece;
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: The National Observatory of Athens has been established in Greece as a
research institute offering, among other things, operational Earth Observation
services for disaster management of forest wildfires. In this paper, we present the
main activities of the BEYOND Center of Excellence run ...
Contact Author: kontoes@noa.gr
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Kotliar, Natasha B., Sara Simonson, Geneva Chong, Dave Theobald
Title: Temporal and Spatial Scales for Evaluating Fire Effects
Source: pages 250-262, in: USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-114.
Year: 2003
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Conclusions about the effects of fire on species of concern will depend
on the temporal and spatial scales of analysis. Populations of some species may
decline in abundance immediately postfire due to alteration or destruction of
habitat, but over larger spatial and temporal scales, fire contributes to a shifting
mosaic of habitat conditions across the landscape. Whether or not a fire results in
persistent and significant ...
Author(s): Kraus, Daniel
Title: Patch mosaic burning as a tool to restore natural fire regimes in boreal forest
Source: PRIFOR/Disturbance network workshop: The mosaic forest landscape,
Valguma Pasaule, Valguma Pasaule, latvia, 26-29 November, 2012
Year: 2012
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: Fire is a dominant natural disturbance in boreal forests, determining the
age distribution and spatial age mosaic of forest landscapes. Efforts to mimic
natural fire effects through forest management have met with limited success due
to insufficient consideration of variable fire severities and spatial heterogeneity of
fire regimes in boreal forests. Several studies have shown the relative importance
of fire severity ...
Title: Toward a mechanism for eastern North American forest mesophication:
differential litter drying across 17 species
Source: Ecological Applications 23(8): 1976-1986
Year: 2013
Keywords: fuel
Abstract: Long-term fire exclusion has altered ecological function in many forested
ecosystems in North America. The invasion of fire-sensitive tree species into
formerly pyrogenic upland forests in the southeastern United States has ...
Contact Author: jkreye@ufl.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Kugu, Emin, Akin Kisa
Title: Forest fire damage assessment using Object Based Image Analysis
Source: 2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications
Conference (SIU)
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: In recent years, developments in satellite and sensor technology brought
new technologies for the assessment of the information obtained through these
new sensors. One of these technologies is the Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA)
technology which allows you to make ...
Author(s): Kunst, C., LEDESMA, R.1, BRAVO, S.2, DEFOSSE, G.3, GODOY, J.1,
Title: Comportamiento del fuego en un pastizal del sitio ecologico "media loma",
region chaquena occidental (Argentina)
Source: RIA 38(1): 70-77
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: El comportamiento del fuego es uno de los componentes de la ecologia
del fenomeno y su caracterizacion es necesaria para su manejo y control. El
objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar el comportamiento del fuego en un
pastizal ubicado en el sitio ecologico "media loma" ubicado en el Campo
Experimental "La Maria" INTA EEA Santiago del Estero (28' 03" S 64' 15" E) en una
posicion intermedia del paisaje, entre el bosque de dos quebrachos y la sabana. El
fuego se aplico en seis parcelas...
Contact Author: ckunst@santiago.inta.gov.ar,
Author(s): Labosier, Christopher F., Oliver W. Frauenfeld, Steven M. Quiring,
Charles W. Lafon
Title: Weather type classification of wildfire ignitions in the central Gulf Coast,
United States
Source: International Journal of Climatology 35(9): 2620-2634
Year: 2014
Keywords: weather
Abstract: Limited research has been performed examining the relationships
between southeast US wildfire and weather type patterns using modern
techniques and data sets. The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship
between wildfire ignitions in the central Gulf Coast, United States and weather
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
type occurrences in an effort to identify regional patterns associated with wildfire
ignitions. ...
Contact Author: labosiercf@longwood.edu
Author(s): Lado, M., A. Inbar, M. Sternberg, M. Ben-Hur
Source: Land Degradation and Development, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Abstract: Fire severity varies widely among and within wildfires. The objective of
this work was to test the effectiveness of granular polyacrylamide (PAM) to reduce
erosion in a Calcic Regosol exposed to different fire conditions. Three treatments
were selected representing ...
Contact Author: marcos.lado@udc.es
Author(s): Lamsal, Aashis, Michael C Wimberly, Zhihua Liu, Terry L Sohl
Title: A simulation model of human-natural interactions in dynamic landscapes
Source: International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 7th
International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, San Diego,
California; 06/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Human population growth has had profound socioeconomic and
ecological effects that cannot be fully understood without explicitly considering
the interactions between environmental and socio-economic change at various
spatial and temporal scales. In particular, the human-...
Contact Author: michael.wimberly@sdstate.edu
Author(s): Lambers, Hans
Title: Introduction
Source: pages xii-xiv, in: Plant Life on the Sandplains in Southwest Australia, a
Global Biodiversity Hotspot - Kwongan Matters, Edited by Lambers, H., 08/2014;
University of Western Australia Publishing, Crawley
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: It gives me great pleasure to introduce this beautifully presented and
illustrated book to readers, whether professional biologists or lay persons with
common interests in the amazing and diverse heritage of wildlife we see ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Lambers, Hans
Title: Plant Life on the Sandplains in Southwest Australia, a Global Biodiversity
Hotspot - Kwongan Matters
Source: (book) Edited by Lambers, H., 08/2014; University of Western Australia
Publishing, Crawley
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: It gives me great pleasure to introduce this beautifully presented and
illustrated book to readers, whether professional biologists or lay persons with
common interests in the amazing and diverse heritage of wildlife we see ...
Author(s): Lambers, Hans, Michael W. Shane, Etienne Laliberte, Nigel D. Swarts,
Francois Teste, Graham Zemunik
Title: Plant mineral nutrition
Source: Chapter 4, in: Plant Life on the Sandplains in Southwest Australia, a Global
Biodiversity Hotspot, Edited by Lambers, H, 08/2014: chapter Plant mineral
nutrition: pages 101-127; University of Western Australia Publishing, Crawley.
Year: 2014
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Plant life in the kwongan has evolved on some of the world's most
nutrient-impoverished sandy soils. The availability of phosphorus (P) is particularly
low on these sandy soils, but soil nitrogen (N), potassium (K) and micronutrients
are also notoriously scarce (McArthur, 1991). ...
Author(s): Landesmann, J. B., J. H. Gowda, L. A. Garibaldi, T. Kitzberger
Title: Survival, growth and vulnerability to drought in fire refuges: implications for
the persistence of a fire-sensitive conifer in northern Patagonia
Source: Oecologia, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology climate
Abstract: Fire severity and extent are expected to increase in many regions
worldwide due to climate change. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the relative
importance of deterministic vs. stochastic factors producing remnant vegetation
to understand their function in the ...
Contact Author: jennifer.landesmann@gmail.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Larsen, B., Snow, R., Vincent, G., Tran, J., Wolkow, A., Aisbett, B.
Title: Multiple Days of Heat Exposure on Firefighters? Work Performance and
Source: PLoS ONE 10(9): e0136413. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136413
Year: 2015
Keywords: health firefighters
Abstract: This study assessed the accumulated effect of ambient heat on the
performance of, and physiological and perceptual responses to, intermittent,
simulated wildfire fighting tasks over three consecutive days. Firefighters (n = 36)
were matched and allocated to either the CON (19xC) or HOT (33xC) condition.
Contact Author: b.larsen@deakin.edu.au
Author(s): Laranjeira, Joao, Helena Cruz
Title: Building vulnerabilities to fires at the wildland urban interface
Source: Advances in Forest Fire Research, Edited by Imprensa da Universidade de
Coimbra, 01/2014: chapter Chapter 3 - Fire Management: pages 673-684
Year: 2014
Keywords: interface
Abstract: Fires on the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) have caused significant loss
of life and colossal property and natural environment damages in numerous
countries around the world. The solutions to mitigate this fire problem are
complex, as it results from the fuel source changes from vegetation ...
Contact Author: joaopslaranjeira@gmail.com
Author(s): Lebedeva, L., O. Semenova, N. Folton
Title: Estimation of hydrological response of a small Mediterranean watershed to
fire by data analysis and a modelling approach
Source: pages 64-69, in: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding,
Predicting and Managing Water-Society, Proceedings of ICWRS2014, Bologna,
Italy, June 2014 (IAHS Publ. 364, 2014)
Keywords: hydrology modeling
Abstract: Data analysis and amodelling approach were used to detect the changes
in hydrological regime in the Rimbaud watershed (France) after the fire in 1990. It
was revealed that the increase of peak discharges was only observed during three
years after the fire in the wet period of the year, at an hourly time scale. The
Hydrograph model was applied for continuous runoff simulations at an hourly
time step for the period 1967- 2004. The parameters assessed for pre-fire
conditions and used without ch...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Leduc, Alain, Pierre y Bernier, Nicolas Mansuy, Frederic Raulier, Sylvie
Gauthier, Yves Bergeron
Title: Using salvage logging and tolerance to risk to reduce the impact of forest
fires on timber supply calculations
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45: 480-486
Year: 2014
Keywords: silviculture
Abstract: It is acknowledged that natural forest fires cannot and even should not
be eliminated from the North American boreal forest. Forest fires produce
immediate losses of wood volume, disrupt the conversion of the actual forest age
structure into a target structure, and prevent planned timber supply ...
Contact Author: Pierre.Bernier@RNCan-NRCan.gc.ca
Author(s): Leigh, Daniel
Source: 2013 AFAC and Bushfire CRC Conference, Melbourne, Australia
Year: 2013
Keywords: suppression equipment laser
Contact Author: dnlleigh@gmail.com
Author(s): Leigh, Daniel
Title: Game changing Bushfire fighting, Eucalyptus Green Leaf Hole Cut
Source: Unknown publication
Year: N. d.
Keywords: Australia suppression
Abstract: Cut the insurance company and other's losses of billions of dollars in
wildfire damages using FTF tools. A game changing wildfire rescue and
suppression, all weather, green, firefighting system. Not using chemicals or water.
Additionally remotely removing the fine fuel surrounding a spotting brand to
prevent spot fire ignition. Works in...
Contact Author: dnlleigh@gmail.com
Author(s): LeQuire, Elise
Title: Tracing the History of Fire in the Willamette Valley
Source: Fire Science Brief 98, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: history
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: The Willamette Valley in northwestern Oregon and southwestern
Washington is a fertile agricultural region that supports a variety of farming
activities. It is also a densely populated region with extensive urban and suburban
development, including residences in the wildland/urban interface. Over the
millennia, the valley fl oor has been shaped by numerous forces, including fl
ooding of the Columbia and Willamette rivers, naturally and...
Author(s): LeQuire, Elise
Title: Filling in Knowledge Gaps in North Carolina
Source: Fire Science Brief 91, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: North Carolina is divided into three broad physiographic regions, from
the low-lying Atlantic Coastal Plain, to the midelevation foothills-the Piedmont
Plateau-to the higher elevation Blue Ridge and Appalachian zone. Understanding
the behavior of fire in these widely different regions, as in much of the
Author(s): LeQuire, Elise
Title: Reptiles and Amphibians in an Upland Longleaf Pine Forest
Source: Fire Science Brief 104, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: Longleaf pine forests are prime real estate for the endangered Redcockaded Woodpecker, which nests in cavities in older trees. While researchers
and state and federal agencies carefully monitor and encourage the survival of this
endangered species, beneath the canopy, a rich diversity of less mobile species...
Author(s): LeQuire, Elise
Title: Managing for Fish and Fire: A Balancing Act in the Gila National Forest
Source: Fire Science Brief 108, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology wildlife fish
Abstract: The Gila National Forest in southwestern New Mexico harbors two
imperiled aquatic species in its mid-to-high elevation streams, the Gila chub and
the Gila trout. Modern and historical land use pressures, and the introduction of
non-native fishes, have reduced the range of the Gila trout to a handful of
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): LeQuire, Elise
Title: Forecast for the Great Basin
Source: Fire Science Brief 111, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology insects
Abstract: Across the Great Basin, human activity since the 19th century has
altered fire regimes, land-cover patterns, and the distribution of animals and
plants in ways that may be irreversible. Expansion of native pinyon and juniper
trees and non-native cheatgrass into areas dominated by sagebrush is
hypothesized to be increasing the frequency, extent, and severity of wildfi re. Land
uses such as grazing by domestic livestock and...
Author(s): LeQuire, Elise and Molly Hunter
Title: Smoke Science Plan: The Path Forward
Source: Fire Science Digest 14, 12 pages
Year: 2012
Keywords: smoke
Author(s): Levine, Carrie R., Flora Krivak-Tetley, John J. Battles
Title: Stand demography as an indicator of ecological resilience in an old-growth
mixed conifer forest
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Tree species richness in forests is associated with higher levels of
ecosystem services and greater resilience in the face of anthropogenic global
change. California's Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forests have historically been a
uniquely resilient system ...
Author(s): Levy-Booth, David J.
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Faculty of Graduate and
Postdoctoral Studies
Year: 2014
Keywords: microbes soils
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Levy-Booth, David J., Cindy E. Prescott, Susan J. Grayston
Title: Microbial functional genes involved in nitrogen fixation, nitrification and
denitrification in forest ecosystems
Source: Soil Biology and Biochemistry 75: 11-25
Year: 2014
Keywords: microbes soils
Abstract: The understanding of nitrogen (N) cycling in forest ecosystems has
undergone a major shift in the past decade as molecular methods are being used
to link microorganisms to key processes in soil. The analysis of the abundance and
community structure of functional genes involved in the biogeochemical...
Author(s): Leys, Berangere
Title: Facteurs explicatifs de la dynamique des vegetations au cours de l'Holocene
en systeme montagnard mediterraneen et alpin: climat et perturbation feu
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, Ecole Pratique des hautes Etudes, 248 pages
Year: 2012
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Extended abstracts with plan and main conclusions of the French part of
the PhD manuscript: This thesis aims to investigate the Holocene dynamics of
vegetation in response to fire, which is one of the main disturbances in the
Mediterranean ecosystems. Extraction of bioproxies from lacustrine sediments
was made ...
Author(s): Ligouis, B., Bullinger, J. and Leesch Plumettaz, D.
Title: Jais, lignite, charbon et autres matieres organiques fossiles: Application de la
petrologie organique a l'etude des elements de parure et des fragments bruts
Source: In: Le Site Magdale'nien de Monruz, I. Premiers Elements Pour L 'analyse
D'un Habitat de Plein Air. Neuchatel, Service et Musee cantonal d-archeologie,
Archeologie neuchateloise, pp. 197-216.
Year: 2006
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Lindskoug, Henrik B., M. Bernarda Marconetto
Source: Intersecciones en Antropologia 15(1): 23-37
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory This paper analyzes the presence of micro-charcoals
recovered in sediments from 17 stations sampled in the Ambato Valley (Province
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
of Catamarca, Argentina). The aim of this study is to monitor the fire regimes in
the past in the area and thus provide more data in paleoenvironmental ...
Contact Author: henrikblindskoug@gmail.com
Author(s): Little, Jane Braxton
Source: Audubon 117(5):
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife
Author(s): Lohse, Kathleen A., Emily Charaska, Paul Brooks, Jon Chorover
Title: Influence of burn intensity and vegetation type on recovery of soil nitrogen
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: behavior soils
Abstract: Fire frequency and spatial extent are increasing dramatically in the
Western United States and represent an important critical zone loss term at larger
spatial and longer temporal scales for net ecosystem carbon and nitrogen (N)
balance. Fire strongly ...
Author(s): Loh, Zoe, Rachel Law, K. D. Haynes, Paul Krummel, Paul Steele, Paul
Fraser, Scott Chambers, Alastair Williams
Title: Simulations of atmospheric methane for Cape Grim, Tasmania, to constrain
South East Australian methane emissions
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: This study uses two climate models and six scenarios of prescribed
methane emissions to compare modelled and observed atmospheric methane
between 1994 and 2007, for Cape Grim, Australia (40.7x S, 144.7x E). The model
simulations follow the TransCom-CH4 protocol and use...
Contact Author: rachel.law@csiro.au
Author(s): Lohr, Michele B., Michael E. Thomas, Todd M. Neighoff, Daniel T.
Prendergast, Austin G. Dress, Sean T. Happel, Karen M. Siegrist, Yale Chang
Title: Three dimensional temperature estimation of a fire plume using multiple
longwave infrared camera views
Source: SPIE Defense + Security; 05/2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke column
Abstract: In order to determine true radiometric quantities in intense fires a three
dimensional (3D) understanding of the fire radiometric properties is desirable,
e.g., for estimating peak fire temperatures. Imaging pyrometry with a single
infrared camera view can provide only two dimensional path-...
Author(s): Loudermilk, Louise, Robert Scheller, Alec M. Kretchun, Matthew D.
Hurteau, Peter J. Weisberg, Jian Yang, Alison E. Stanton, Carl Skinner
Title: Past and future forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin: Understanding interacting
effects from climate change, bark beetle outbreaks, wildfires, and forest and landuse management
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Projecting future forest dynamics in a managed landscape requires
knowledge of long-term forest succession as well as past and future disturbances,
such as wildfires, bark beetle outbreaks, timber harvesting, and forest thinning.
Wildfire and insect outbreaks are linked ...
Author(s): Lozano, Elena, Patricia Jimenez-Pinilla, Jorge Mataix-Solera, Victoria
Arcenegui, Jorge Mataix-Beneyto
Title: Sensitivity of glomalin-related soil protein to wildfires: Immediate and
medium-term changes
Source: Science of The Total Environment, Available online 9 September 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Forest fires are part of many ecosystems, especially in the
Mediterranean Basin. Depending on the fire severity, they can be a great
disturbance, so it is of special importance to know their impact on the ecosystem
elements. In this study, we measured the sensitivity of glomalin related soil
protein (GRSP), a glycoprotein ...
Contact Author: e.lozano@umh.es
Author(s): Lydersen, Jamie M., Malcolm P. North and Brandon M. Collins
Title: Severity of an uncharacteristically large wild-re, the Rim Fire, in forests with
relatively restored frequent fire regimes
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 328: 326-334
Year: 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: severity ecology
Abstract: The 2013 Rim Fire, originating on Forest Service land, burned into oldgrowth forests within Yosemite National Park with relatively restored frequent-fire
regimes (P2 predominantly low and moderate sever- ity burns within the last 35
years). Forest structure and fuels data were collected in the field 3-4 years before
the fire, providing a rare chance to use pre-existing plot data to analyze fire
effects. We used regression tree and random forests analysis to examine the inuence of...
Contact Author: jmlydersen@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Lydersen, Espen, Rolf Hogberget, Clara E. Moreno, Oyvind A. Garmo,
Per Christian Hagen
Title: The effects of wildfire on the water chemistry of dilute, acidic lakes in
southern Norway
Source: Biogeochemistry 119: 109-124
Year: 2014
Keywords: hydrology water quality
Abstract: Changes in lake water chemistry were studied for textgreater4 years
following a large wildfire in a boreal forest area in Mykland, southern Norway, an
area characterized by thin and patchy, base-poor and slow-weathering soils and
bedrock. Accordingly, the lakes have low acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), ...
Contact Author: espen.lydersen@hit.no
Author(s): Lyon, L. Jack, Huff, Mark H., Smith, Jane Kapler
Title: Fire effects on fauna at landscape scales
Source: In: Smith, Jane Kapler, ed. Wildland fire in ecosystems: Effects of fire on
fauna. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 1. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 43-49.
Year: 2000
Keywords: ecology wildlife Author(s): Maeda, Eduardo Eiji, Antonio Roberto
Formaggio, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Gustavo Felipe Balue Arcoverde adn Andre
Title: Forest fire risk mapping in the Brazilian Amazon using MODIS images and
artificial neural networks
Source: Anais XIV Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, Brasil, 2530 abril 2009, INPE, p. 1425-1432
Year: 2009
Keywords: risk tropics remote sensing
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: The present work describes a methodology based on Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) and multi- temporal images from the MODIS/Terra-Aqua sensors
in order to detect areas with high risk of forest fire in the Brazilian Amazon. The
hypothesis of this work is that, due to the characteristics of land use and land
cover change dynamics in the Amazon forest, the temporal spectral profile of...
Contact Author: eduardo.maeda@helsinki.fi
Author(s): Magnussen, Steen and Michael A. Wulder
Title: Post-Fire Canopy Height Recovery in Canada's Boreal Forests Using Airborne
Laser Scanner (ALS)
Source: Remote Sens. 4(6): 1600-1616
Year: 2012
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Canopy height data collected with an airborne laser scanner (ALS) flown
across unmanaged parts of Canada's boreal forest in the summer of 2010 were
used-as stand-alone data-to derive a least-squares polynomial (LSPOL) between
presumed post-fire recovered canopy heights and duration (in years) since ...
Contact Author: Mike.Wulder@nrcan.gc.ca
Author(s): Mahesh, S., S. Murthy, B. Chakraborty and M. D. Roy
Title: Fossil Charcoal as Palaeofire Indicators: Taphonomy and Morphology of
Charcoal Remains in Sub-surface Gondwana Sediments of South Karanpura
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Macroscopic charcoal is recovered from the sub-surface sediments from
Bore core SKB-1 which intersected Barren Measure Formation and Raniganj
Formation of South Karanpura coalfield. These charcoal particles are widely
accepted to be of palaeowildfire products and this study contributes to the Middle
and Late Permian wildfire data of Indian peninsula. In the present investigation
the charcoal particles are... Contact Author:
Author(s): Grau-Andres, Roger, G. Matt Davies, Susan Waldron, Alan Gray,
Michael Bruce
Title: Fuel and climate controls on peatland fire severity
Source: Advances in Forest Fire Research, 1 edited by Domingos Xavier Viegas,
01/2014: chapter 1: pages 298-302; Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Year: 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: climate wetlands
Abstract: A series of experimental fires were conducted to investigate the effect
of ground-fuel structure and fuel moisture content in controlling fire severity in a
Calluna vulgaris dominated environment. Their influence on fire-induced
temperature pulses into the soil (peat) was quantified. ...
Contact Author: r.grau-andres.1@resarch.gla.ac.uk
Author(s): Majlingova,
Andrea, Maros Sedliak, Veronika Miskovicova, Viktor Moravec
Title: Results of multicriteria assessment of forest fire risk in Banska Bystrica
region territory
Source: Advances in Fire, Safety and Security Research 2014, pages 79-85
Year: 2014
Keywords: risk
Abstract: In the paper is introduced an approach to assessment of forest fire risk,
susceptibility of an area to forest fire respectively, using the decision model built
in the environment of spatial decision support system. The assessment is based on
mutual evaluation of three groups of environmental factor and a group of social
factors. Among the ...
Contact Author: Andrea.majlingova@minv.sk
Author(s): Maksimova, E. Yu., A. S. Tsibart, E. V. Abakumov
Title: Soil properties in the Tol-yatti pine forest after the 2010 catastrophic
Source: Eurasian Soil Science 47(9): 940-951
Year: 2014
Keywords: soils
Abstract: The results of the studies of soil changes after the 2010 fires in the
forest outliers of the city of Tolyatti have been reviewed. The morphological
analysis of postpyrogenic soils has showed that the fire touched only the upper
part of their profiles. It has been revealed that the surface fires ...
Author(s): Makarabhirom, Pearmsak, David Ganz and Surin Onprom
Title: Community involvement in fire management: cases and recommendations
for community-based fire management in Thailand
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Malowerschnig, Bodo, Oliver Sass
Title: Long-term vegetation development on a wildfire slope in Innerzwain (Styria,
Source: Journal of Forestry Research 25(1): 103-111
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology austria
Abstract: Forest fires in mountainous areas can cause severe deforestation which
can potentially trigger secondary natural hazards like debris falls and avalanches.
We documented an extreme case study for the range of possible post-fire land
cover (LC) dynamics. We investigated a ...
Contact Author: bodo.malowerschnig@uni-graz.at
Author(s): Malumbres-Olarte, Jagoba, Barbara I. P. Barratt, Cor J. Vink, Adrian M.
Paterson, Robert H. Cruickshank, Colin M. Ferguson, Diane M. Barton
Title: Big and aerial invaders: dominance of exotic spiders in burned New Zealand
tussock grasslands
Source: Biological Invasions 16(11): 2311-2322
Year: 2014
Keywords: insects ecology
Abstract: As post-disturbance community response depends on the characteristics
of the ecosystem and the species composition, so does the invasion of exotic
species rely on their suitability to the new environment. Here, we test two
hypotheses: exotic spider species dominate the community after burning; and two
traits are prevalent for their colonisation ability: ballooning and body size, the
latter ...
Contact Author: Jagoba.Malumbres.Olarte@gmail.com
Author(s): Manaswini, G., C. S, Reddy
Title: Geospatial monitoring and prioritization of forest fire incidences in Andhra
Pradesh, India
Source: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187:
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Forest fire has been identified as one of the key environmental issue for
long-term conservation of biodiversity and has impact on global climate. Spatially
multiple observations are necessary for monitoring of forest fires in tropics for
understanding ...
Contact Author: drsudhakarroddy@gmail.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): MancillaLeyton, J. M., A. Martin Vicente, C. Parejo-Farnes, R.
FernandezAles, M. J. Leiva
Title: A Vegetation Management Experiment: Goats Grazing Shrublands in Donana
Natural Park
Source: Russian Journal of Ecology 45(5): 384-390
Year: 2014
Keywords: grazing agriculture
Abstract: We have studied the effect of goat grazing on the shrub understory of a
pine forest situated in a protected area (Donana Natural Park). Along three years
we have studied the changes in phytovolume, flammability, species richness and
diversity in a grazed shrubland and i...
Contact Author: jmancilla@us.es
Author(s): Mancusi, Michael R.
Title: Structural Changes in the Red Spruce-Fraser Fir Forest
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 78 pages
Year: 2004
Keywords: ecology
Author(s): Mancilla-Leyton, J. M., J. Cambrolle, M. E. Figueroa, A. Martin Vicente
Title: Effects of long-term herbivore exclusion on the preservation of Thymus
albicans, an endangered endemic Mediterranean species
Source: Ecological Engineering 70: 43-49
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife rare endangered
Abstract: In recent decades, the trend has been to exclude livestock in order to
protect and conserve the vegetation. However, the response of a particular
ecosystem need not be the same in every case. This study examines the effects of
long-term grazing exclusion on a shrubland ...
Contact Author: jmancilla@us.es
Author(s): Manzello, Samuel L., Ethan I. D. Foote
Title: Characterizing Firebrand Exposure from Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI)
Fires: Results from the 2007 Angora Fire
Source: Fire Technology 50(1): 105-124
Year: 2014
Keywords: interface This study examines the size distribution and other
characteristics of firebrand exposure during the 2007 Angora fire, a severe
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
wildland-urban interface fire in California. Of the 401 houses that received direct
interface fire exposure 61% were destroyed and 30% did not burn at all. The
ignition of buildings by wind-driven firebrand showers and the starting of "spot
fires" in unburned ...
Contact Author: samuelm@nist.gov
Author(s): Manzello, Samuel L.
Title: Special Issue on Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Fires
Source: Fire Technology, available online 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: interface
Contact Author: samuelm@nist.gov
Author(s): Manzello, Samuel L.
Title: Hardening structures to resist wildland-urban (WUI) fire exposures
Source: pages 794-804, in: Advances in Forest Fire Research, edited by Domingos
X. Viegas
Year: 2014
Keywords: interface structures
Abstract: Wildfires that spread into communities, referred to as Wildland-Urban
Interface (WUI) fires, have destroyed communities throughout the world. In the
USA, over 46 million homes in 70,000 communities are at risk of WUI fires [1].
Historically, fire safety science research has spent a great deal of effort to
understand fire dynamics within buildings. Research into how to potentially...
Contact Author: samuelm@nist.gov
Author(s): Mao, Y. H., Q. B. Li, D. K. Henze, Z. Jiang, D. B. A. Jones, M. Kopacz, C.
He, L. Qi, M. Gao, W.-M. Hao, K.-N. Liou
Title: Variational estimates of black carbon emissions in the western United States
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 14(15): 21865-21916
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: We estimate black carbon (BC) emissions in the Western United States
(WUS) for July-September 2006 by inverting surface BC concentrations from the
Interagency Monitoring of PROtected Visual Environment (IMPROVE) network
using a global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem) ...
Contact Author: qli@atmos.ucla.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Marxsen, Tony, Andrew Czerwinski
Title: REFCL (Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiter) Trial - ignition tests in 'wire on
ground' faults under worst case fire weather conditions
Source: Chapter 8, Appendices, Marxsen Consulting, 29 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: weather
Author(s): Marteau, Melanie and Maurizio Sara
Title: Habitat preferences of edible dormouse, Glis glis italicus: implications for the
management of arboreal mammals in Mediterranean forests
Source: Folia Zool. 64 (2): 136-150
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife rodents
Abstract: Research on arboreal mammals living in Mediterranean forests is poor.
Molecular research assessed the existence of an evolutionary significant unit in
the edible dormouse populations living in south Italy, Sicily and Sardinia, and we
decided to investigate the environmental factors capable of explaining its
occurrence and abundance in Sicily, for a better management of these
populations. We assessed the species habitat preferences by setting 25 large
Contact Author: maurizio.sara@unipa.it
Author(s): Marcela Poulain Zapata
Title: Analisis de la casualidad de incendios forestales en la zona costera de VIII
Region, como base para futuras estrategias de prevencion.
Keywords: cause
Abstract: La presente Memoria de Titulo tiene como proposito proponer
referencias para la formulacion de estrategias de prevencion de incendios
forestales en la Zona Costera de la VII Region, basado en el estudio de la
distribucion espacial y cronologica de la causalidad de los incendios. Para tales
efectos, se realizo un analisis...
Author(s): Martin, Katherine L., Bruce A. Hungate, George W. Koch, Malcolm P.
North, Matthew D. Hurteau
Title: Tradeoffs in forest carbon dynamics, fire management, and red-cockaded
woodpecker habitat in longleaf pine ecosystems
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2013
Keywords: carbon wildlife birds
Abstract: Forests provide many ecosystem services, including significant carbon
storage that can offset anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Balancing carbon
storage and ecosystem function in forests that evolved with frequent, low
intensity fire regimes ...
Author(s): Mariani, Michela, Lea De Nascimento, Cesare Ravazzi, Constantino
Criado, Sofia Deleo, Lorena Garozzo, Sandra Nogue, Francisco-Jose Perez, Roberta
Pini, Robert Whittaker, Kathy Willis, Jose Maria Fernandez-Palacios
Title: First paleoecological evidence of Holocene vegetation history and human
impact in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands)
Source: EPPC PADOVA, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The history of the recent past landscape and vegetation change in the
Canary Islands has been recently afforded by a paleoecological project focusing on
former lakes sedimentary successions from Tenerife and La Gomera (de
Nascimento et al., 2009; Nogue et al., 2013). These records, spanning the last 5
and 9 ka respectively, highlighted substantial changes occurred in the extent and
composition ...
Author(s): Mastrolonardo, Giovanni, Cornelia Rumpel, Ornella Francioso, Claudia
Forte, Caterina Nocentini, Giacomo Certini
Title: Pyrogenic organic matter characterisation in fire-prone mediterranean pine
Source: Impact of natural and anthropogenic pyrogenic Carbon in Mediterranean
ecosystems, Seville, Spain; 10/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: soils
Contact Author: giovanni.mastrolonardo@unifi.it
Author(s): Masyagina, O. V., S. Yu. Evgrafova, S. V. Titov, A. S. Prokushkin
Title: Dynamics of Soil Respiration at Different Stages of Pyrogenic Restoration
Succession with Different-Aged Burns in Evenkia as an Example
Source: Russian Journal of Ecology 46(1): 27-35
Year: 2015
Keywords: soils
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: An analysis of CO2 emissions and soil microbiological activity has been
performed in larch stands of different ages that developed on cryogenic soils and
represent different stages of post-fire succession. An abrupt increase in the soil
emissions of CO2 (by more than 2 times) in young stands (15-30 years old), as well
as a decrease of soil-respiration rate at the later stages of pyrogenic successions
because ....
Author(s): Mathenia, Amanda L.
Title: Influence of Timing of Prescribed Burn on Native-Warm Season Grass Forage
Quality in Tennessee
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 64 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: prescribed burning grasslands
Author(s): McCalla, M. R.
Title: Climate-Induced Wildland Fires in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) and
their Aftereffects
Source: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006
Year: 2006
Keywords: interface climate
Abstract: Wildland fires affect millions of acres annually in the U.S., and changes in
climate could result in even more wildland fires in the future (McKenzie, et al.
(2004)). Jones, et al. (1999) and Swetnam and Betancourt (1990) have
demonstrated that large-scale climate ...
Author(s): McCaw, W. Lachlan
Title: Managing forest fuels using prescribed fire - A perspective from southern
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 294: 217-224
Year: 2013
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: Prescribed fire has been used in a coordinated manner to manage fuels
in eucalypt forests of southern Australia since the 1950s. The impetus for planned
use of fire arose from the need to reduce the impact of extensive, high intensity
fires on life, property and commercial forest ...
Contact Author: lachie.mccaw@dec.wa.gov.au
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): McClung, Teegan A., Daniel W. Katz, Ines Ibanez
Title: Forest mesification: The demographic causes and consequences of maples'
rise to dominance in temperate forests
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The abundance of maple species is increasing across the Eastern United
States, presumably due to shifts in fire frequency and disturbance regimes.
Increasing maple dominance has been linked to higher soil moisture and organic
matter and changing species composition. Climate change models predict
increased temperatures and decreased precipitation during the ...
Author(s): McCord, John Michael
Title: Effects of Different Silvicultural Practices on Wild Turkey Brood Habitat and
Regeneration in Upland Hardwoods
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 102 pages
Year: 2011
Abstract: sivliculture wildfire birds turkeys
Author(s): McManus, Kelly M., Luiz EO Aragao, Yadvinder Malhi, Joshua B. Fisher
Title: Disturbance protection in semi-protected areas: A case study of fire
inhibition provided by indigenous territories in the Brazilian Amazon
Source: 97th ESA Annual Convention 2012; 08/2012
Year: 2012
Keywords: indigenous
Abstract: Within the Brazilian Amazon, protected areas (PAs) are effective in
inhibiting rates of deforestation and fire incidence. Roughly 21% of the Brazilian
Amazon is designated as terras indigenas (TIs). While populated reserves may be
included in studies of ...
Author(s): McMorrow, J., Cavan, G., Walker, J., Aylen, J., Legg, C., Quinn, C.,
Hubacek, K., Thorp, S., Thomson. M. and Jones, M.
Title: Fire Interdisciplinary Research on Ecosystem Services (FIRES) Policy Brief
Source: University of Edinburg, 4 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: united kingdom
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): McMorrow, J.
Title: Wildfire in the UK: status and key issues
Source: In: McCaffrey, S.M. and Fisher, C.L.(eds) 2011. Proceedings of the second
conference on the human dimensions of wildland fire. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-84.
Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern
Research Station. 195p. pp 44-56
Year: 2011
Author(s): McMorrow, Julia
Source: Pages 44-56, in: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Human
Dimensions of Wildland Fire GTR-NRS-P-84
Year: 2011
Keywords: united kingdom statistcs
Abstract: This paper reviews the status of wildfire risk in the United Kingdom and
examines some of the key issues in U.K. wildfire management. Wildfires challenge
the resources of U.K. Fire...
Contact Author: Julia.mcmorrow@manchester.ac.uk
Author(s): McMorrow, Julia
Title: Policy Support for Wildfire Management and Contingency Planning in the
United Kingdom
Source: REF2014, Research Excellence Framework, Impact Case Study REF3b, 4
Year: 2014
Keywords: planning united kingdom
Author(s): McMorrow, J. M. and Cavan, G.
Title: Mapping the spring 2011 wildfires in England
Source: Paper given at Wildfire 2011, 14 -1 5 Sep, Buxton, Derbyshire
Year: 2011
Keywords: remote sensing united kingdom
Author(s): McNamara, Niall P., Ruth Gregg, Simon Oakley, Andy Stott, Md. Tanvir
Rahman, J. Colin Murrell, David A. Wardle, Richard D. Bardgett, Nick J. Ostle
Title: Soil Methane Sink Capacity Response to a Long-Term Wildfire
Chronosequence in Northern Sweden
Source: PLoS ONE 10(9): e0129892. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129892
Year: 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Boreal forests occupy nearly one fifth of the terrestrial land surface and
are recognised as globally important regulators of carbon (C) cycling and
greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon sequestration processes in these forests
include assimilation of CO2 into biomass and subsequently into soil organic
matter, and soil microbial oxidation of methane (CH4). In this study we explored
how ecosystem retrogression, which drives...
Contact Author: nmcn@ceh.ac.uk
Author(s): Meigs, M. C.
Title: Ball of Electric Fire
Source: Science 6(141): 338
Year: 1885
Keywords: fireball behavior
Abstract: ...and the red ray? We certainly outgrow at an early age our preference
for the yellow. E. P. POWELL. Olinton, N. Y. NYJE. G[VOL. VI.(141. Ball of electric
fire . MR. J. V. WURDEMAN says that a ball of fire, as large as a child's head, came
Author(s): Mell, William, Derek Mcnamara, Alexander Maranghides, Randall
Mcdermott, Glenn Forney, Chad Hoffman, Matt Ginder
Source: Fire and Materials, conference, 31 January - 2 February, 2011, San
Francisco, CA
Year: 2011
Keywords: modeling interface
Abstract: Wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires predominantly originate in wildland
fuels and subsequently spread through a spatially heterogeneous and noncontiguous fuel system of structures and residential and wildland vegetation.
Commonly used wildland fire models were not developed to handle this complex
fuel system. Also, there has been very little activity in the research community to
develop data ...
Contact Author: ruddy@nist.gov
Author(s): Menges, Eric S., Carl W. Weekley
Title: Demographic responses of two endemic plants to sandhill restoration on the
Lake Wales Ridge
Source: Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 140(4): 480-492
Year: 2013
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: rare endangered ecology Balancing land management and restoration
goals for ecosystems and for individual species can create challenges. Here we
describe the responses of two federally endangered plants to experimental
restoration of fire-suppressed xeric longleaf pine/wiregrass (sandhill) habitat ...
Contact Author: cweekley@archbold-station.org
Author(s): Meng-Dawn Cheng
Title: Geolocating Russian sources for Arctic black carbon
Source: Atmospheric Environment 92: 398-410.
Year: 2014
Keywords: carbon
Abstract: To design and implement an effective emission control strategy for black
carbon (BC), the locations and strength of BC sources must be identified. Lack of
accurate source information from the Russian Federation has created difficulty for
a range of research and policy...
Contact Author: chengmd@ornl.gov
Author(s): Mendoza, Alberto, Marisa R Garcia, Patricia Vela, D Fabian Lozano,
David Allen
Title: Trace Gases and Particulate Matter Emissions from Wildfires and Agricultural
Burning in Northeastern Mexico during the 2000 Fire Season
Source: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995) 01/2006;
55(12): 1797-808
Year: 2006
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: An inventory of air pollutants emitted from forest and agricultural fires
in Northeastern Mexico for the period of January to August of 2000 is presented.
The emissions estimates were calculated using an emissions factor methodology.
The inventory accounts for the emission of carbon ...
Author(s): Merriam, Kyle E., Jon E. Keeley, Jan L. Beyers
Source: Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 87(1): 25-26
Year: 2002
Keywords: fuelbreaks
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Mercieca, A.
Title: Burnt and broken: An experimental study of heat fracturing in silcrete
Source: Australian Archaeology 51: 40-47
Year: 2000
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Merino-Martin, Luis, Jason P. Field, Juan Camilo Villegas, Jeffrey J.
Whicker, David D. Breshears, Darin J. Law, Anna M. Urgeghe
Title: Aeolian sediment and dust fluxes during predominant "background" wind
conditions for unburned and burned semiarid grassland: Interplay between
particle size and temporal scale
Source: Aeolian Research 14: 97-103
Year: 2014;
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Monitoring of aeolian transport is needed for assessment and
management of human health risks as well as for soil resources. Human health
risks are assessed based on duration of exposure as well as concentration. Many
aeolian studies focus on periods of high wind speed when concentrations are
greatest but few studies focus on "background" conditions when concentrations
are likely lower but which...
Contact Author: luis.merinomartin@bgpa.wa.gov.au
Author(s): Meunier, Jed, Peter M. Brown, William H. Romme
Title: Tree recruitment in relation to climate and disturbance in northern Mexico
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: A documented shift away from historical pre-Euro-American settlement
structure provides the scientific justification for manipulating forest structure in
extensive areas of montane forests throughout the U.S. Southwest. These changes
are a product ...
Author(s): Meyer, Marc D., Susan L. Roberts, Robin Wills, Matthew L. Brooks, and
Eric M. Winford
Title: Principles of Effective USA Federal Fire Management Plans
Source: Fire Ecology 11(2): 59-83
Year: 2015
Keywords: planning
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Federal fire management plans are essential implementation guides for
the management of wildland fire on federal lands. Recent changes in federal fire
policy implementation guidance and fire science information suggest the need for
substantial ...
Contact Author: mdmeyer@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Micheletty, P. D., A. M. Kinoshita, T. S. Hogue
Title: Application of MODIS snow cover products: Wildfire impacts on snow and
melt in the Sierra Nevada
Source: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 11/2014; 11(7): 75137549
Year: 2-14
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: The current work evaluates the spatial and temporal variability in snow
after a large forest fire in northern California using Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow-covered area and grain size (MODSCAG). MODIS
MOD10A1 fractional snow-covered area and MODSCAG fractional snow cover
products are utilized to detect spatial and temporal changes in snowpack...
Author(s): Mihuc, Timothy
Title: Wildfire and Streams: What Do We Know after Yellowstone?
Source: American Fisheries Society 144th Annual Meeting; 08/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wetlands
Abstract: What were the impacts of the 1988 wildfires on Yellowstone streams?
Disturbance impacts on macroinvertebrates, stream physical parameters, food
web energy pathways were all observed from the 1988 Yellowstone wildfires. Did
streams respond to predicted patterns? Are there ...
Author(s): Miller, Ben P., Kingsley W. Dixon
Source: Pages 147-169, Chapter 6, in: Plant Life on the Sandplains in Southwest
Australia, a Global Biodiversity Hotspot., Edited by Lambers, University of Western
Australia Publishing.
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Miller, Jay D. and Brad Quayle
Title: Calibration and Validation of Immediate Post-Fire Satellite-Derived Data to
Three Severity Metrics
Source: Fire Ecology 11(2): 12-30
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Since 2007, the USDA Forest Service's Remote Sensing Applications
Center (RSAC) has been producing fire severity data within the first 30 to 45 days
after wildfire containment (i.e., initial assessments [IA]), for wildfires that occur...
Contact Author: jaymiller@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Miller, C. and G. H. Aplet
Title: Progress in Wilderness Fire Science: Embracing Complexity
Source: Journal of Forestry
Year: 2015
Keywords: wilderness
Abstract: Wilderness has played an invaluable role in the development of wildland
fire science. Since Agee's review of the subject 15 years ago, tremendous progress
has been made in the development of models and data, in understanding the
complexity of wildland fire as a ...
Author(s): Mimov, Nikolay Sergeevich, Vladimir N. Korotkov, Anna Anatolievna
Title: Black carbon emissions from wildfires on forest lands of the Russian
Federation in 2007-2012
Source: Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 40(7): 435-442
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Presented is the method of computational monitoring of black carbon
emissions due to wildfires. The computation is carried out for the territory of
Russia for the period of 2007-2012. Given is the distribution of black carbon
emissions according to fire types and regions. The mean value ...
Contact Author: smns-80@rambler.ru
Author(s): Mingli Wan, Weiming Zhou, Wan Yang, Jun Wang
Title: Charred wood of Prototaxoxylon from the Wuchiapingian
WutonggouFormation (Permian) of Dalongkou, northern Bogda Mountains,
northwestern China
Source: Palaeoworld, available online 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Charred wood occurs sporadically in sedimentary rocks in China. A
marcroscopic charcoal with well-preserved anatomical structure is describedfrom
the Wuchiapiangian Wutonggou Formation in the southern part of Dalongkou
section, northern Bogda Mountains...
Contact Author: jun.wang@nigpas.ac.cn
Author(s): Mishra, N. B., K. A. Crews, N. Neeti, T. Meyer, K. R. Young
Title: MODIS derived vegetation greenness trends in African Savanna:
Deconstructing and localizing the role of changing moisture availability, fire regime
and anthropogenic...
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 169: 192-104
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: In African savanna, spatio-temporal variability in moisture availability,
fire regime and land transformation related to exploitative land uses are the main
drivers of changing vegetation greenness patterns. Deconstructing the role of
these drivers at local scale is ...
Contact Author: nmishra@uwlax.edu
Author(s): Mitchell, Fraser J.G.
Title: Reprint of "Long-term changes and drivers of biodiversity in Atlantic
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 321: 130-135
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Atlantic oakwoods are of high conservation value in western Europe.
Developing effective conservation management policies requires data on the
dynamics of woodland over long time scales. Such data are not available through
monitoring or documentary records so palaeoecological...
Contact Author: fraser.mitchell@tcd.ie
Author(s): Mohammadi, Frouzan, Mahtab Pir Bavaghar, Naghi Shabanian
Title: Forest Fire Risk Zone Modeling Using Logistic Regression and GIS: An Iranian
Case Study
Source: Small-scale Forestry, available online 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: risk iran
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Forest fires are an important environmental concern worldwide,
affecting the soil, forests and human lives. During the process of burning, soil
nutrients are depleted and the soil is subsequently more vulnerable to erosion.
Nowadays it is necessary to identify the factors ...
Author(s): Mohammadi, Frouzan, mahatb pir bavaghar, naghi shabanian
Title: Application of artificial neural network for forest fire risk mapping based on
physiographic, human and climate factors in Sarvabad, Kurdistan province
Source: Unknown publication
Year: n. d.
Keywords: risk
Abstract: The protective role of the Zagros forests in preventing soil and water
erosion is very important. Therefore forest fires account as major environmental
hazards for Zagros forests. The aim of this research was to study the influence of
variables on fire occurrence and producing fire susceptibility map. Factors
affecting fire incidences include altitude, slope, aspect, distance to residential
areas, distance to roads and
Author(s): Molinari, Chiara, Veiko Lehsten, Richard H.W. BradshawMitchell J.
Power, Peter Harmand, Almut Arneth, Jed O. Kaplan, Boris Vanniere, Martin T.
Title: Exploring potential drivers of European biomass burning over the Holocene:
A data-model analysis
Source: Global Ecology and Biogeography 07/2013; 22(12): 1248-1260
Year: 2013
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: To reconstruct spatial and temporal patterns of European fire activity
during the Holocene and to explore their potential drivers, by relating biomass
burning to simulated biotic and abiotic parameters. Location: Europe. Methods:
Holocene fire activity was investigated based on ...
Contact Author: chiara.molinari@nateko.lu.se
Author(s): Monosi, Mikulas
Title: Forest Fires Extinguishing Using Suitable Fire-Fighting Equipment
Source: Advanced Materials Research 1001: 318-323
Year: 2014
Keywords: suppression equipment
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Montoya, Encarni and Valenti Rull
Title: Gran Sabana fires (SE Venezuela): A palaecological perspective
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews 30(23-24): 3430-3444
Year: 2011
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Fires are among the most important risks for tropical ecosystems in a
future climatic change scenario. Recently, paleoecological research has been
addressed to discern the role played by fire in neotropical landscapes. However,
given the magnitude of the Neotropics, many studies are relegated to infer just
local trends. Here we present the compilation of the paleo-fire records developed
until ...
Contact Author: Encarni.Montoya@uab.cat
Author(s): Moore, C. M., J. E. Keeley
Title: Long - term hydrologic response of a forested catchment to prescribed fire
Source: In D. Kane (ed) Water Resources in Extreme environments. Proceedings -American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA
Year: 2000
Keywords: hydrology
Author(s): Moorhead, Leigh C., Jaime J. Call, Aimee Classen
Title: Small mammals have a legacy effect on an ecosystem that persists following
a major disturbance
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: wildlife ecology
Abstract: Small mammal herbivores can alter above- and belowground linkages.
For example, herbivores can change plant community structure, which might
influence nutrient cycling by modifying substrate availability belowground. We
examined whether previously ...
Author(s): Moodley, Desika, Sjirk Geerts, Tony Rebelo, David M. Richardson, John
R. U. Wilson
Title: Site-specific conditions influence plant naturalization: The case of alien
Proteaceae in South Africa
Source: Acta Oecologica 59: 62-71
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: The outcome of plant introductions is often considered in binary terms
(invasive or non-invasive). However, most species experience a time lag before
naturalization occurs, and many species become naturalized at some sites but not
at others. It is therefore important to understand the site-specific...
Contact Author: desikamoodley29@gmail.com
Author(s): Moreira, F., Calado, G., Dia, S.
Title: Conservation Status of a Recently Described Endemic Land Snail, Candidula
coudensis, from the Iberian Peninsula
Source: PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138464. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138464
Year: 2015
Keywords: snail ecology rare endangered
Abstract: We assessed the distribution, population size and conservation status of
Candidula coudensis, a recently described endemic land snail from Portugal. from
March 2013 to April 2014, surveys were carried out in the region where the
species was described. We found an extent of occurrence larger than originally
described,... Contact Author:
Author(s): Moreno, J. M., Ivan Torres, Belen Luna, W. C. Oechel and J. E. Keeley
Title: Changes in fire intensity have carry-over effects on plant responses after the
next fire in southern California chaparral
Source: Journal of Vegetation Science 24(2): 395
Year: 2012
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Do variations in fire intensity within a stand determine changes in fire
intensity and plant demographics in a subsequent fire? San Diego (CA, USA);
chaparral dominated by Adenostoma fasciculatum (resprouter) and Ceanothus
greggii (seeder). In 2003, a wildfire burned a young ...
Contact Author: josem.moreno@uclm.es
Author(s): Morrison, Thomas A., T. Michael Anderson, Ricardo M. Holdo
Title: Death, destruction and avoidance of adult trees by elephants in savanna
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: In plant communities characterized by high productivity and high species
turnover, such as many C4 savannahs, identifying the relative influence of biotic
and abiotic controls is challenging because of the number and interactivity of
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
different controlling agents. African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana
africana) have large, well-documented impacts on tree survival...
Author(s): Morgan, Penelope, Marshell Moy, Christine A. Droske, Sarah A. Lewis,
Leigh B. Lentile, Peter R. Robichaud, Andrew T. Hudak, and Christopher J. Williams
Title: Vegetation Response to Burn Severity, Native Grass Seeding, and Salvage
Source: Fire Ecology 11(2): 31-58
Year: 2015
Keywords: severity regeneration silviculture
Abstract: As the size and extent of wildfires has increased in recent decades, so
has the cost and extent of post-fire management, including seeding and salvage
logging. However, we know little about how burn severity, salvage logging, and
post-fire seeding interact to influence ...
Contact Author: probichaud@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Moreira, B., M. C. Castellanos, J. G. Pausas
Title: Genetic component of flammability variation in a Mediterranean shrub
Source: Molecular Ecology 23(5): 1218-1223
Year: 2014
Keywords: genetics flammabilty
Abstract: Recurrent fires impose a strong selection pressure in many ecosystems
worldwide. In such ecosystems, plant flammability is of paramount importance
because it enhances population persistence, particularly in non-resprouting
species. Indeed, there is evidence of phenotypic ...
Contact Author: juli.g.pausas@uv.es
Author(s): Moreira, F., Viedma, O., Arianoutsou, M., Curt, T., Koutsias, N., Rigolot,
E., Barbati, A., Corona, P., Vaz, P., Xanthopoulos, G., et al.
Title: Landscape-Wildfire interactions in southern Europe: Implications for
landscape management
Source: J. Environ. Manag. 92: 2389-2402
Year: 2011
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Every year approx. half a million hectares of land are burned by wildfires
in southern Europe, causing large ecological and socio-economic impacts. Climate
and land use changes in the last decades have increased fire risk and danger. In
this paper we review the available scientific knowledge on the...
Contact Author: fmoreira@isa.utl.pt
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Moya, Daniel, Raquel Alfaro-Sanchez, F. LOPEZ-SERRANO, T. DADI, E.
Title: Post-fire management of mediterranean forests: carbon storage in
regenerated areas in eastern Iberian Peninsula
Source: Cuadernos de Investigacion Geogracfica 40(2): 371-386.
Keywords: restoration
Abstract: Management of burnt forests is a topic that should include monitoring
of burnt areas immediately after burning, in order to implement emergency
actions that ensure conditions for ecosystem recovery. However, if excessive
regeneration is observed, early silvicultural treatments have ...
Author(s): Moylett, Heather M.C., Clyde E. Sorenson, Andrew R Deans, Nick M.
Title: The impact of prescribed burning on native bee communities in longleaf pine
(Pinus palustris) savannas in the North Carolina Sandhills
Source: Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting 2014; 11/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: insects ecology
Abstract: The interest in the status of North American bees (Hymenoptera:
Anthophila) and how they are impacted by land-use has grown over the past
quarter-century. Historically, very few North American bee populations have been
monitored; only a limited number ...
Author(s): Mueller, J., Loomis, J., Gonzalez-Caban, A.
Title: Do repeated wildfires change homebuyers' demand for homes in high-risk
areas? A hedonic analysis of the short and long-term effects of repeated wildfires
on house prices in Southern California
Source: J. Real Estate Financ. Econ. 38: 155-172
Year: 2009
Keywords: interface economics
Abstract: Unlike most hedonic studies that analyze the effects of a one-time
event, this paper analyzes the effects of forest fires that are several years apart in
a small geographical area. We find that repeated forest fires cause house prices to
decrease for houses located near the fires. We test and reject the hypothesis that
the house price reduction from ...
Contact Author: JMueller@Galenu.edu.bz
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Murgatroyd, Ian, Richard Deboys and Michael Bruce
Title: Wildfire fuels, suppression and management
Source: Powerpoint, Forest Research, United Kingdom
Year: n. d.
Keywords: fuel united kingdom suppression
Contact Author: ian.murgatroyd@forestry.gsi.gov.uk
Author(s): Naficy, Cameron E., Thomas T. Veblen, Paul F. Hessburg
Title: Spatially Explicit Quantification of Heterogeneous Fire Effects Over Long
Time Series: Patterns from Two Forest Types in the Northern U.S. Rockies
Source: Pages 168-173, in: Proceedings of the large wildland fires conference; May
19-23, 2014;, Missoula, MT.; 05/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Within the last decade, mixed-severity fire regimes (MSFRs) have gained
increasing attention in both the scientific and management communities (Arno
and others 2000, Baker and others 2007, Hessburg and others 2007, Perry and
others 2011, Halofsky and others 2011, ...
Author(s): Narog, Marcia, Jan L. Beyers
Title: Post-fire population dynamics of Penstemon californicus
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: management rare endangered prescribed burning
Abstract: Prescribed fire is often used on public lands to reduce fire hazard.
Burning can efficiently remove accumulated fuels, but may be detrimental to
desirable species. California penstemon (Penstemon californicus) is a perennial
herb endemic to the ...
Author(s): Nauslar, Nicholas J.
Title: Examining the Lightning Polarity of Lightning Caused Wildfires
Source: 23rd International Lightning Detection Conference, 18-19 March, Tucson,
Year: 2014
Keywords: lightning
Contact Author: nauslar@dri.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Navarro, Maria Jose Estrela, Francisco Pastor Guzman, Jose Antonio
Valiente, Jose Antonio Alloza
Title: Integracion de una cartografia de vientos en situaciones meteorologicas de
riesgo de incendios forestales en la Comunidad Valenciana mediante un SIG
Source: GeoFocus (Articulos) 5: 94-114
Year: 2005
Keywords: weather
Abstract: Las condiciones meteorologicas constituyen un factor decisivo en la
dinamica y evolucion de los incendios forestales. Se ha analizado las condiciones
meteorologicas propicias para la propagacion de incendios forestales en la
Comunidad Valenciana. Tres situaciones cubren la mayor cantidad de
interacciones entre condiciones sinopticas y...
Contact Author: estrela@ceam.es
Author(s): Nelson, David M., Dirk Verschuren, Michael A. Urban and Fend Sheng
Title: Long-term variability and rainfall control of savanna fire regimes in
equatorial East Africa
Source: Global Change Biology (2012) 18, 3160-3170
Year: 2012
Keywords: grasslands ecology X Fires burning the vast grasslands and savannas of
Africa signi-cantly in-uence the global carbon cycle. Projecting the impacts of
future climate change on fire-mediated biogeochemical processes in these dry
tropical ecosystems requires understanding of how various climate factors inuence regional fire regimes. To examine climate-vegetation--re linkages in dry
savanna, we conducted macroscopic and microscopic charcoal...
Contact Author: dnelson@umces.edu
Author(s): Nelson, David L., Michael J. Garay, Ralph A. Kahn and Ben A. Dunst
Title: Stereoscopic Height and Wind Retrievals for Aerosol Plumes with the MISR
INteractive eXplorer (MINX)
Source: Remote Sens. 5(9): 4593-4628
Year: 2013
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument aboard
the Terra satellite acquires imagery at 275-m resolution at nine angles ranging
from 0x (nadir) to 70x off-nadir. This multi-angle capability facilitates the
stereoscopic retrieval of heights and motion vectors for clouds and aerosol
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
plumes. MISR's operational stereo product uses this capability to retrieve cloud
heights and winds for every satellite orbit Michael.J.Garay@jpl.nasa.gov
Author(s): Neris, Jonay, Jose Manuel Hernandez-Moreno, Marisa Tejedor,
Concepcion Jimenez
Title: How forest fire affects the chemical properties of Andisols
Source: Poster, conference
Year: n. d.
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Forest fires affect soil physical, chemical and mineralogical properties.
However, the magnitude of these changes depends on both fire properties, such
as the peak temperature reached and duration or depth achieved; and initial soil
properties (soil type) as for example soil moisture, organic matter content or soil
structure ...
Contact Author: jneris@ull.edu.es
Author(s): Nevill, Paul G., Tiphaine Despres, Michael J. Bayly, Gerd Bossinger,
Peter K. Ades
Title: Shared phylogeographic patterns and widespread chloroplast haplotype
sharing in Eucalyptus species with different ecological tolerances
Source: Tree Genetics and Genomes 10(4):
Year: 2014
Keywords: genetics
Abstract: We examined the phylogeography of three south-east Australian trees
(Eucalyptus delegatensis, Eucalyptus obliqua, and Eucalyptus regnans) with
different tolerances, in terms of cold, drought, fire and soil to explore whether
species with different ecologies share major phylogeographic patterns...
Contact Author: paul.nevill@bgpa.wa.gov.au
Author(s): Newman, Erica A., Mark Wilber, John Harte
Title: Disturbance ecology meets macroecology: A new method for cross-system
comparisons of ecosystems in transition
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The ubiquity of disturbance in structuring ecological communities
continues to motivate a search for generality in disturbance ecology. A better
understanding of ecological perturbations and quantitative comparisons of their
effects over multiple scales ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Nielsen-Pincus, M., R . G. Ribe, and B. R . Johnson
Title: The sociology of landowner interest in restoring fire-adapted, biodiverse
habitats in the wildland-urban interface of Oregon's Willamette Valley ecoregion
Source: Pages 58-66 in: McCaffrey, S. M.; Fisher, and C. LeBlanc, eds. Proceedings
of the second conference on the Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire. Gen. Tech.
Rep. NRS-P-84, Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Northern Research Station
Year: 2011
Keywords: interface sociology
Author(s): Ning Du, Zhi Long Liu, Huai Guo Dong
Title: Design of Wireless Sensor Network for Fire Detection
Source: Advanced Materials Research 981: 657-660
Year: 2014
Keywords: detection
Abstract: The prevention and detection of fire have been hotly researched in
worldwide. In this paper, an elaborate method of wireless sensor network for
building fire safety is proposed. ZigBee technology is adopted in the wireless
sensor system to help saving the energy cost...
Author(s): North, Malcolm P., Collins, Brandon M., Stephens, Scott L,
Title: Using fire to increase the scale, benefits and future maintenance of fuels
Source: Journal of Forestry. 110(7): 492-401
Year: 2012
Keywords: fuel
Abstract: The Forest Service is implementing a new planning rule and starting to
revise forest plans for many of the 155 National Forests. In forests that historically
had frequent fire regimes, the scale of current fuels reduction treatments has
often been too limited to affect fire severity and the Forest Service has
predominantly focused on suppression...
Contact Author: mnorth@ucdavis.edu
Author(s): North, M. P., S. L. Stephens, B. M. Collins, J. K. Agee, G. Aplet, J. F.
Franklin and P. Z. Fule
Title: Reform forest fire management
Source: Science 349 (6254): 1280-1281
Year: 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: policy
Contact Author: mpnorth@ucdavis.edu
Author(s): Noriyasu, Atsuko, Kohei Otsuka, Yuki Ishizaki, Yutaka Tanaike, Ken
Matsuyama, Kazuya Uezu, Tomonori Kawano
Title: A Novel Wild-Land Fire-Fighting Foam for Minimizing the Phytotoxicity of
Wood Burning-Derived Smoke Tested in Living Plant Cells
Source: Advanced Materials Research 875-877: 725-733
Year: 2014
Keywords: retardant toxicity
Abstract: Impact of wild-land fires to the ecosystem is highly complex. Damages to
the ecosystem can be attributed not only to the direct impact of fire and release
of toxic post-combustion gasses but also to the spraying of fire-fighting chemicals.
Fire-fighting foam (FFF) agents are frequently ...
Contact Author: kawanotom@kitakyu-u.ac.jp
Author(s): Norman, Barbara, Jessica K Weir, Kate Sullivan, Jacqui Lavis
Source: Bushfire CRC
Year: 2014
Keywords: planning
Abstract: Planning and bushfire risk in a changing climate This report presents the
research findings on planning and fire risk as one component of a three-year
research project "to identify legal, urban and regional planning and policy and
administrative structures and processes ...
Author(s): Ntinou, Maria and Nina Kyparissi-Apostolika
Title: Local vegetation dynamics and human habitation from the last interglacial to
the early Holocene at Theopetra cave, central Greece: The evidence from wood
charcoal analysis
Source: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 06/2015;
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: This paper presents the results of wood charcoal analysis carried out on
material from Theopetra cave in central Greece. The sequence dates from prior to
130-8 ka bp and is made up of layers of both anthropogenic and geogenic origins.
The study of the wood charcoal samples from these layers sets out to distinguish
changes in the local vegetation through time, to correlate ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Contact Author: maria.ntinou@uv.es
Author(s): Nugent, Daniel T., Steven W. J. Leonard, Michael F. Clarke
Title: Interactions between the superb lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae) and fire
in south-eastern Australia
Source: Wildlife Research 41(3): 203
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife birds australia
Abstract: The superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae is thought to be an
important ecosystem engineer that, through its foraging, accelerates the
decomposition of litter in Eucalyptus forests. Lyrebird foraging is therefore likely
to affect forest fuel loads and hence fire behaviour ...
Author(s): Nydick, Koren, Mark W. Schwartz, James H. Thorne
Title: Applying conservation decision tools to forests: Fire management in the
Sierra Nevada
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: decision making
Abstract: Changing climates are forcing forest resource managers to rethink
historical objectives for managing reserves in pristine states and restoring
historical disturbance regimes. If looking to the past is no longer a guide for future
forest management, then ...
Author(s): O'Connor, Rory Charles, Samuel B. St.Clair, Richard A. Gill
Title: Do Small Mammals Control Invasive Species? Top-Down Effects of Small
Mammals in Desert Ecosystems Post-Fire
Source: Ecological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN; 08/2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: wildlife exotics
Abstract: Fire and plant invasions are reshaping deserts and often interact by
changing fire frequency, species diversity, timing of resource acquisitioning, and
soil chemistry. One particularly important invasive plant species in deserts of
North America ...
Author(s): O'Connor, Rory C., Sam St.Clair, Richard A. Gill
Title: Top-down effects of small mammals on the invasive plant Halogeton
glomeratus post-fire
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2013
Keywords: wildlife ecology
Abstract: Fire and plant invasions are reshaping deserts and often interact by
changing fire frequency, species diversity, timing of resource acquisitioning, and
soil chemistry. One particularly important invasive plant species in deserts of
North America is Halogeton...
Author(s): Ochuwa, O. George, Nnamdi H. Amaeze, Temitope O. Sogbanmu,
Adebayo A. Otitoloju
Title: Biomarker Responses in Tympanotous Fuscatus Var Radula (L) Inhabiting an
Oil-Impacted and Fire- Ravaged Mangrove Ecosystem Global Oceon Engineering
Source: Current Advances in Environmental Science 2(3): 1011
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology wetlands
Abstract: The physico-chemistry, biodiversity and biomarker responses in
Tympanotonus fuscatus collected from a mangrove ecosystem in the outskirt of
Lagos recovering from the impact of refined petroleum spill and fire outbreak was
assessed using a combination of ecotoxicological techniques. The impacted water
and sediment were mostly acidic (pH<7) and a combination of high Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (10.5q0.5 -54.0q12.0ppm) and Chemical...
Contact Author: Topesho@gmail.com
Author(s): Oddi, Facundo, Luciana Ghermandi, Rosa Lasaponara
Title: Annual burned area across a precipitation gradient in northwestern
patagonia steppe
Source: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-6447-1, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: fue moisture statistics
Abstract: Fire is one of the most important disturbances on the Earth affecting
most terrestrial ecosystems. Evidence suggests that since the last glaciations there
has been a substantial interaction among climate, vegetation and fire. In fact fire is
recognized as an emergent property of climate and vegetation type, which
determine that distinct regions are differently affected by wildfires. For instance, it
has been ...
Contact Author: lasaponara@imaa.cnr.it
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Oliveira Nunes, Marlon Thiago de, Gustavo Mota de Sousa, Gustavo
Wanderley Tomzhinski, Jose Francisco de Oliveira-Junior and Manoel do Couto
Title: Variaveis Condicionantes na Susceptibilidade de Incendios Florestais no
Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (Factors Influencing on Susceptibility Forestry Fire in
Itatiaia National Park)
Source: Anuario do Instituto de Geociencias 38(1): 54-62
Year: 2015
Keywords: management
Contact Author: marlon.nunes11@gmail.com
Author(s): Olmstead, Melissa
Title: Nesting ecology of white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis): The
effects of variation in clutch-initiation date and the application of prescribed fire
on nesting success
Source: Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University. 135 p. Thesis.
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology wildlife birds
Author(s): Olsson, Ann K., Jeremy B. Jones
Title: Post-fire changes in dissolved organic carbon and nitrate concentration and
the effects on nutrient uptake in a boreal forest stream in interior Alaska
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: soils
Abstract: Wildfire frequency and area burned are increasing throughout the North
American boreal forest due to warming and drying climate. More frequent fire will
have large impacts on carbon and nutrient fluxes in streams, as vegetation in
watersheds is lost, soil combusts, and watershed flowpaths are altered. Following
a wildfire in 2004 in the Caribou-Poker Creeks Research ...
Author(s): Onodi, G., V. Altbaecker, R. Aszalos, Z. Botta-Dukat, I. Hahn, M. Kertesz
Title: Long-term weather sensitivity of open sand grasslands of the Kiskunsag Sand
Ridge forest-steppe mosaic after wildfires
Source: Community Ecology 15(1): 121-129
Year: 2014
Keywords: grasslands ecology
Abstract: We studied the long-term impact of wildfire on the vegetation dynamics
of sand grasslands in a forest-steppe vegetation mosaic in Central Hungary
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
(Kiskunsag). Long-term permanent quadrat monitoring was carried out from 1997
to 2008. We sampled the forest-steppe ...
Contact Author: onodi.gabor@okologia.mta.hu
Author(s): Onstein, Renske E., Richard J. Carter, Yaowu Xing, H. Peter Linder
Title: Diversification rate shifts in the Cape Floristic Region: The right traits in the
right place at the right time
Source: Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 16(6).
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Species diversity patterns are the product of diversification rate
variation, but the factors influencing changes in diversification rates are poorly
known. Radiation is thought to be the result of ecological opportunity: The right
traits in the right environment at the right time. We test this in the Cape ....
Contact Author: renske.onstein@systbot.uzh.ch
Author(s): Oswald, F. L.
Title: Drought Fires
Source: The North American Review 159(455): 506-508
Year: 1894
Keywords: history
Abstract: ...the sprinkling of fertilizing ashes); here and there an old stump had
been set a- fire, and in October bunches of pine knots could sometimes be seen
flickering for days together, but the Hve trees had resisted the blaze, and the
bushes were only singed or smoke-blackened to the edge...
Author(s): Otsuka, Masahiro, Sumantri, Kuspriyadi and Syaharuddin
Title: Review of the participatory forest fire prevention programmes in Jambi and
West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Overholt, K. J., J. Cabrera, A. Kurzawski, M. Koopersmith, O. A. Ezekoye
Title: Characterization of Fuel Properties and Fire Spread Rates for Little Bluestem
Source: Fire Technology 50(1):
Year: 2014
Keywords: fuel behavior grasslands
Abstract: Rapid urban sprawl and population decentralization in recent decades
have increased the size of the wildland-urban interface and resulted in higher
community risk and vulnerability to wildfire. This paper primarily focuses on
understanding grass-fueled fires common to Texas and...
Contact Author: dezekoye@mail.utexas.edu
Author(s): Page, Wesley G., Martin E. Alexander, Michael J. Jenkins
Title: Wildfire's resistance to control in mountain pine beetle-attacked lodgepole
pine forests
Source: Forestry Chronicle 89(06): 783-794
Year: 2013
Keywords: insects
Abstract: Concerns about the impacts of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus
ponderosae Hopkins)-caused tree mortality on wildfire potential in lodgepole pine
(Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) forests have to date largely focused
on the potential for extreme fire behaviour, including ...
Contact Author: mea2@telus.net
Author(s): Page, Susan, Jack Rieley, Agata Hoscilo, Allan Spessa, Ulrich Weber
Title: Current Fire Regimes, Impacts and the Likely Changes - IV: Tropical
Southeast Asia
Source: Pages 89-99, Chapter 7, in: Tropical Southeast Asia
Year: n. d.
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The Southeast Asian region is experiencing some of the world's highest
rates of deforestation and forest degradation, the principle drivers of which are
agricultural expansion and wood extraction in combination with an increased
incidence of fire. Recent changes in fire regimes in Southeast Asia are indicative of
increased human-causd forest disturbance, but El Nino-Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) events also play a role in exacerbating fire occurrence and severity...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Pagnini, G., A. Mentrelli
Title: Corrigendum to "Modelling wildland fire propagation by tracking random
fronts" published in Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 2249-2263, 2014
Source: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences14(9): 2373-2373
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: We would like to inform you that the third affiliation in the published
manuscript is wrong. You will find the correct affiliation above
Contact Author: gpagnini@bcamath.org
Author(s): Pakalidou, Nikoletta, Theodoros Karacostas
Title: On the relation between heat wave events and fire risk indices over
Source: 12th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and
Atmospheric Physics COMECAP 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece; 05/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate
Abstract: The objective on this study is to find out a relation between the heat
wave events and appropriate fire risk indices, during a significant five-year period,
over Chalkidiki, Greece. The research on the heat wave events is carried out by
using the modified biometeorological index New Summer ...
Contact Author: pakalidou@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
Author(s): Palumbo, Ilaria
Title: On-Line Tool To Monitor Fires In Global Protected Areas
Source: 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, 4th European
Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpellier; 08/2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Fires are central in the ecology of tropical ecosystems: They can lead to
habitat degradation but also help maintain habitat functionality and biodiversity in
fire-adapted ecosystems. For these reasons park managers need up-to-date
information on fire occurrence to take appropriate decisions in their day-to-day
management (e.g. control of threats, law enforcement) as well as long-term
planning. Field surveys ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Parsons, Matthew T., Daniel McLennan, Monique Lapalme, Curtis
Mooney, Corinna Watt and Rachel Mintz
Title: Total Gaseous Mercury Concentration Measurements at Fort McMurray,
Alberta, Canada
Source: Atmosphere 4(4), 472-493
Year: 2013
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Observations are described from total gaseous mercury (TGM)
concentrations measured at the Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA)
Fort McMurray-Patricia McInnes air quality monitoring station-from 21 October
2010 through 31 May 2013, inclusively. Fort McMurray is approximately 380 km
north-northeast of Edmonton, Alberta, and approximately 30 km south of major
Contact Author: Daniel.McLennan@ec.gc.ca
Author(s): Parks, Sean A., Lisa M. Holsinger, Carol Miller and Cara R. Nelson
Title: Wildland fire as a self-regulating mechanism: The role of previous burns and
weather in limiting fire progression
Source: Ecological Applications 25(6): 1478-1492
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Facilitation is a major force shaping the structure and diversity of plant
communities in terrestrial ecosystems. Detecting positive plant-plant interactions
relies on the combination of field experimentation and the demonstration of
spatial association between neighboring plants. This has often restricted the study
of facilitation to particular sites, limiting the development of systematic
assessments of facilitation over regional and ...
Contact Author: xuchi@nju.edu.cn
Author(s): Paschalidou, A. K. and P. A. Kassomenos
Title: What are the most fire-dangerous atmospheric circulations in the EasternMediterranean? Analysis of the synoptic wildfire climatology
Source: Science of The Total Environment 539: 536-545
Year: 2016
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Wildfire management is closely linked to robust forecasts of changes in
wildfire risk related to meteorological conditions. This link can be bridged either
through fire weather indices or through statistical techniques that directly relate
atmospheric patterns to wildfire ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Contact Author: Apascha@fmenr.duth.gr
Author(s): Pausas, Juli G. and Jon E. Keeley
Title: Evolutionary ecology of resprouting and seeding in fire-prone ecosystems
Source: New Phytologist 204(1):, 12 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology regeneration
Abstract: There are two broad mechanisms by which plant populations persist
under recurrent disturbances: resprouting from surviving tissues, and seedling
recruitment. Species can have one of these mechanisms or both. However, a
coherent framework explaining the differential evolutionary pressures driving
these regeneration mechanisms is lacking. We propose a bottom-up approach ....
Contact Author: juli.g.pausas@uv.es
Author(s): Pausas, Juli G.
Title: Alternative fire-driven vegetation states
Source: Journal of Vegetation Science 26(1): 4-6
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: There is increasing evidence that alternative stable vegetation types
exist for a given climate that are maintained by distinct fire regimes. Paritsis et al.
(2014, this issue) provide an example in a temperate ecosystem. Here I briefly
review cases of bi-stability in various climates, and present a simple model for the
transition between states in their system.
Contact Author: juli.g.pausas@uv.es
Author(s): Pavlovic, Radenko, Jack Chen, Paul-Andre Beaulieu, David Anselmo,
Sylvie Gravel, Michael D. Moran, Sylvain Menard, Didier Davignon
Title: Development of the FireWork-GEMMACH System: An Air Quality Model with
On-line Wildfire Emissions within Operational Canadian Air Quality Forecast
Source: European Geosciences Union; 04/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: An emissions processing system has been developed to incorporate
near-real-time emissions from wildfires and large prescribed burns into
Environment Canada's real-time GEM-MACH air quality (AQ) forecast system.
Since the GEM-MACH forecast domain covers Canada and most of the USA,
including ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Pavlovic, Radenko, Jack Chen, David Anselmo Paul-Andre Beaulieu,
Sylvie Gravel, Michael D. Moran, Didier Davignon
Title: Development of On-line Wildfire Emissions for the Operational Canadian Air
Quality Forecast System
Source: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract #A53C-0191
Year: 2013
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: An emissions processing system has been developed to incorporate
near-real-time emissions from wildfires and large prescribed burns into
Environment Canada's real-time GEM-MACH air quality (AQ) forecast system.
Since the GEM-MACH forecast domain covers Canada and most of the ...
Author(s): Peek, James M.
Title: Annual Changes in Bluebunch Wheatgrass Biomass and Nutrients Related to
Climate and Wildfire
Source: Northwest Science 88(2): 129-139
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Current year's growth (biomass) and nutrient levels of bluebunch
wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata), a highly palatable bunchgrass in western
North America, were evaluated over 20-year and 10-year periods, respectively.
Three study sites representing a range of variation ...
Author(s): Pelletier, Jon D., Caitlin A. Orem
Title: How do sediment yields from post-wildfire debris-laden flows depend on
terrain slope, soil burn severity class, and drainage basin area - Insights from
airborn-LiDAR change detection
Source: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39(13): 1822-1832
Year: 2014
Keywords: soils erosion
Abstract: We derived a high-resolution, spatially continuous map of erosion and
deposition associated with the debris-laden flows triggered by the 2011 Las
Conchas wildfire and subsequent rainstorms over a 197 km2 area in New Mexico,
USA. This map was produced using airborne-LiDAR-derived bare-earth digital
elevation models (DEMs) acquired approximately one year before and one year ...
Contact Author: jdpellet@email.arizona.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Pellizzaro, Grazia, Martin Dubrovsky, Sara Bortolu, Andrea Ventura,
Bachisio Arca, Pierpaolo Masia, Pierpaolo Duce
Title: Estimating live fuel status by drought indices: An approach for assessing local
impact of climate change on fire danger
Source: EGU General Assembly 2014, Wien; 04/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: fuel climate
Abstract: Mediterranean shrubs are an important component of both
Mediterranean vegetation communities and understorey vegetation. They also
constitute the surface fuels primarily responsible for the ignition and the spread of
wildland fires in Mediterranean forests. Although fire spread and behaviour are
dependent on several factors, the water con-tent of live fuel plays an important
role in determining ...
Contact Author: g.pellizzaro@ibimet.cnr.it
Author(s): Penman, Trent, Ross Bradstock, Luke Collins, Cj Fotheringham, Jon
Keeley, Bill Labiosa, Owen Price, Alex Syphard
Title: How can investment in the landscape or the interface reduce the risk of
house loss from wildfires? A comparative study between Sydney, Australia and
California, USA
Source: PLoS ONE 9(10): e111414. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111414
Year: 2014
Keywords: interface
Abstract: Wildfire can result in significant losses to people and property.
Management agencies undertake a range of actions in the landscape and at the
interface to reduce this risk. Data relating to the success of individual treatments
varies, with some approaches well understood and others less so. Research has
rarely attempted to...
Contact Author: Trent.penman@unimelb.edu.au
Author(s): Perry, George L. W., David Bowman
Title: Climate change, disturbance regimes and feedbacks in an uncertain world
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate
Abstract: The palaeorecord shows that disturbance regimes have shifted across
time and space in response to climatic changes and that such shifts have resulted
in the assembly of novel (non-anolog) vegetaition communities. This begs the
question: ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Perminov, Valeriy
Title: Mathematical modelling of forest fire initiation as a result of pipeline
Source: 3-d International Symposium Energy Chalanges and Mechanics;
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Sometimes pipelines transporting liquid fuel are ruptured as a result of
accidents. The resulting gas cloud expanded over nearby forests or homes and
ignited, creating a large fireball that is heard and seen from miles away. Thermal
radiation can result in serious additional damage ...
Contact Author: valerperminov@gmail.com
Author(s): Perez-Verdin, Gustavo, Marco A. Marquez-Linares, Maricela SalmeronMacias
Title: Analisis espacio-temporal de la ocurrencia de incendios forestales en
Durango, Mexico
Source: Madera Bosques 19(2): 37-59
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Los incendios forestales representan un gran problema en la perdida de
biodiversidad, en la emision de gases efecto invernadero y en la modificacion de
los flujos hidricos. En Mexico, los incendios son causados en su mayoria por la
accion del hombre, por lo que factores ...
Author(s): Percy, Katie Lee
Title: Effects of Prescribed Fire and Habitat on Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora
chrysoptera) Abundance and Nest Survival in the Cumberland Mountains of
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 103 pages
Year: 2012
Keywords: ecology prescribed burning wildlife birds
Author(s): Perrine, C. D.
Title: The Fire-Ball of February 1, 1894
Source: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 6(35): 116-119
Year: 1894
Keywords: fireball behavior
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: ...The Fire -Ball of February i, 1894. At ioh 07 P. M., my attention was
attracted by a bright light towards the east, which proved to be a magnificent fire ball. It appeared between 35o and 40o above the eastern horizon, in the
constellation Leo. It swept towards the horizon, inclining...
Author(s): Perkins, Judy L.
Title: Fire Enhances Whitebark Pine Seedling Establishment, Survival, and Growth
Source: Fire Ecology 11(2): 84-99
Year: 2015
Keywords: regeneration
Abstract: Periodic fire is thought to improve whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis
Engelm.) regeneration by reducing competition and creating openings, but the
mechanisms by which fire affects seedling establishment are poorly understood. I
compared seedling vegetation production ...
Contact Author: jlperkins@blm.gov
Author(s): Pereira, Paulo, Antonio Jordan, Artemi Cerda, Deborah Martin
Title: Editorial: The role of ash in fire-affected ecosystems
Source: Catena, available online 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology ash
Abstract: Fire leaves a footprint on the landscape, draping the surface with black,
grey and white residues. Ash is the most common residue on the soil surface in
burned areas and is defined as the material remaining or deposited on the soil
surface from the burning of vegetation. It is composed of mineral and charred
organic compounds, including charcoal. This definition does not include the
Contact Author: paulo@mruni.eu
Author(s): Pereira, Jose C. F., Pereira, Jose M. C., Leite, Andre L. A., Albuquerque,
Duarte M. S.
Title: Calculation of Spotting Particles Maximum Distance in Idealised Forest Fire
Source: Journal of Combustion, 6/23/2015, p1-17
Year: 015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Large eddy simulation of the wind surface layer above and within
vegetation was conducted in the presence of an idealised forest fire by using an
equivalent volumetric heat source. Firebrand's particles are represented as
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
spherical particles with a wide range of sizes, which were located into the
combustion volume in a random fashion and are convected in the ascending
plume as Lagrangian points...
Contact Author: jcfpereira@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Author(s): Perminov, VALERIY
Title: Mathematical modeling of forest fires spread in three dimensional setting
Source: Unknown publication, pages 114-118
Year: n. d.
Abstract: This paper is devoted to a problem of development of a mathematical
model for description of heat and mass transfer processes at crown forest fire
initiation and spread. Mathematical model of forest fire was based on an analysis
of experimental data and using concept and methods from reactive media
mechanics. This study gives a three dimensional mathematical setting and
Contact Author: perminov@mail.ru
Author(s): Pfaff, A. H., J. E. Keeley, H. D. Safford
Title: Fire suppression impacts on the post-fire recovery of Sierra Nevada
Source: Poster, Ecological Society of America; 01/2004
Year: 2004
Keywords: suppression ecology
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Pickering, T.
Title: What's new is old: Comments on (more) archaeological evidence of onemillion-year-old fire from South Africa
Source: South African Journal of Science 108: 1-2
Year: 2012
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The essential roles of fire in human evolution and in humanity's
technological mastery of the natural world are disproportional to our
understanding of its earliest domestication. Archaeologists researching relatively
recent occurrences of fire, only after ~0.4 Ma and mostly in Europe, are
particularly critical of earlier archaeological...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Pierce, Andrew D., Sierra McDaniel, Mark Wasser, Creighton M. Litton,
Susan Cordell, Christian P. Giardina
Title: Using observed fire behavior to compare custom and standard fire behavior
fuel models: A case study of grass-invaded shrublands at Hawai-i Volcanoes
National Park
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: behavior
Abstract: Invasive grasses in Hawai-i have long been understood to be a critical
factor affecting fire size in dry to mesic systems. However, observations comparing
actual fire behavior with in situ fuels measurements and fire behavior model
results are sparse...
Author(s): Piha, Aura, Timo Kuuluvainen, Henrik Lindberg, Ilkka Vanha-Majamaa
Title: Can scar-based fire history reconstructions be biased? An experimental
study in boreal Scots pine
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43(7):
Year: 2014
Keywords: history
Abstract: Determining forest fire history is commonly based on fire scar dating
with dendrochronological methods. We used an experimental setup to investigate
the impacts of low-intensity prescribed fire on fire scar formation 8 years after fire
in 12 young managed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. ..
Contact Author: Timo.kuuluvainen@helsinki.fi
Author(s): Pilon, Vanessa and Serge Payette
Title: Sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ) forests at their northern distribution limit
are recurrently impacted by fire
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45(4): 452-462
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) forest is a widespread
temperate forest prevailing south of 48xN in Quebec. Windthrows are the
principal disturbance maintaining the old-growth status of the forest supposedly
since its postglacial establishment. Nonetheless, the presence of wood charcoal
buried in several sugar maple forest soils attests to the occurrence ...
Contact Author: vanessa-joanne.pilon.1@ulaval.ca
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Pildain, Maria B., Sandra B. Visnovsky, Carolina Barroetavena
Title: Phylogenetic diversity of true Morels (Morchella), the main edible nontimber product from native Patagonian forests of Argentina
Source: Fungal Biology 118(9-10).
Year: 2014
Keywords: fungi ecology
Abstract: Morchella species are edible fungi in high demand and therefore
command high prices in world markets. Phenotypic-based identification at the
species level remains inadequate because of their complex life cycles, minor
differences and plasticity of morphological characteristics between species, and
the lack of agreement between scientific and common es. In PatagoniaArgentina,...
Contact Author: mbpildain@ciefap.org.ar Author(s): Piperno, Dolores R, Crystal
McMichael, and Mark B Bush
Title: Amazonia and the Anthropocene: What was the spatial extent and intensity
of human landscape modification in the Amazon Basin at the end of prehistory?
Source: The Holocene 25: 1588-1597
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The nature and spatial scale of prehistoric human landscape
modifications in Amazonia are enduring questions. Original conceptions of the
issues by archaeologists published more than 40 years ago posited little human
influence because of putative environmental constraints. Empirical data
accumulated more recently demonstrated dense, permanent settlements along
Contact Author: pipernod@si.edu
Author(s): Plavsic, Militsa J., Michael Heinl, Lin Cassidy
Title: Ecological and socioeconomic dimensions of anthropogenic fire in southern
Africa: An interdisciplinary synthesis
Source: 96th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2011
Year: 2011
Keywords: ecology economics
Abstract: Fire is both a key process in the maintenance of species diversity and a
natural resource management tool used by local stakeholders in southern Africa.
However, vestiges of the negative perception of fire by colonial powers survive in
current natural ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Podgaiski, Luciana Regina, Camila da Silva Goldas, Claire Pauline Ropke
Ferrando, Fernanda S. Silveira, Gerhard E. Overbeck, Milton de Souza Mendonca,
Valerio de Patta Pillar
Title: Burning effects on detritivory and litter decay in Campos grasslands
Source: Austral Ecology 39: 686-695
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Disturbances are primary forces creating spatial heterogeneity in
ecosystems, and inducing changes on biological communities, abiotic
characteristics and ecological processes. Here we focus on the effects of fire
disturbance in the decomposition process at subtropical Campos ...
Contact Author: podgaiski@gmail.com
Author(s): Poorter, Lourens, Adam McNeil, Victor-Hugo Hurtado, Herbert H. T.
Prins and Francis E. Putz
Title: Bark traits and life-history strategies of tropical dry- and moist forest trees
Source: Functional Ecology, available online 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology bark
Abstract: Bark is crucial to trees because it protects their stems against fire and
other hazards and because of its importance for assimilate transport, water
relationships and repair. We evaluate size-dependent changes in bark thickness
for 50 woody...
Contact Author: lourens.poorter@wur.nl
Author(s): Prasad, V. Krishna, K.V.S. Badarinath and Anuradha Eaturu
Title: Biophysical and anthropogenic controls of forest fires in the Deccan Plateau,
Source: Journal of Environmental Management 86 (2008) 1-13
Year: 2008
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Forest fires constitute one of the most serious environmental problems
in several forested regions of India. In the Indian sub-continent, relatively few
studies have focused on the assessment of biophysical and anthropogenic controls
of forest fires at a landscape scale and the spatial aspects of these relationships. In
this study, we used fire count data sets from satellite remote sensing data
covering 78 districts over four different states of the Deccan Plateau, India, for
assessing the underlying...
Contact Author: krisvkp@yahoo.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Preece, R. C., Gowlett, J. A., Parfitt, S. A., Bridgland, D. R., and Lewis, S.
Title: Humans in the Hoxnian: Habitat, context and fire use at Beeches Pit, West
Stow, Suffolk, UK
Source: Journal of Quaternary Science 21: 485-496
Year: 2006
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: A Lower Palaeolithic industry at Beeches Pit, West Stow, Suffolk, occurs
within an interglacial sequence that immediately overlies glacial deposits,
referable to the Anglian Lowestoft Formation. There is strong biostratigraphical
evidence from both vertebrates and molluscs that the interglacial represented is
the Hoxnian (MIS 11). This conclusion is supported...
Contact Author: rcp1001@cam.ac.uk
Author(s): Price, O. F., T. D. Penman, R. A. Bradstock, M. M. Boer and Hamish
Title: Biogeographical variation in the potential effectiveness of prescribed fire in
south-eastern Australia
Source: Journal of Biogeography, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: prescribed burning
Abstract: Prescribed fire is a common land management for reducing risks from
unplanned fires. However, the universality of such effectiveness remains uncertain
due to biogeographical variation in fuel types, climatic influences and fire regimes.
Here, we explore ...
Contact Author: oprice@uow.edu.au
Author(s): Prieto, D., M. I. Asensio, L. Ferragut, J. M. Cascon
Title: Sensitivity analysis and parameter adjustment in a simplified physical
wildland fire model
Source: Advances in Engineering Software 90: 98-106
Year: 2015
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: A global sensitivity analysis and parameter adjustment of a simplified
physical fire model applied to a well measured experimental example is developed
in order to validate the model. The fire model is a simplified physical 2D wildland
fire model with some 3D ...
Contact Author: dpriher@usal.es
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Psilovikos, Thomas A., Kosmas G. Doukas
Title: The contribution of forest roads to the forest fire protection
Source: Formec, Austria, October 9-13, 2011
Year: 2011
Keywords: suppression
Abstract: In this work the contribution of forest roads in fire suppression is
examined via the selection of two main forest roads of Thessaloniki's suburban
forest road network, which became the reason for conflicts, concerning their
environmental compatibility and efficiency on fire protection. The research
includes the capability of improving the efficiency of fire suppression ...
Contact Author: vdrosos@fmenr.duth.gr
Author(s): Pyne, S. J.
Title: Burning Table Mountain: An Environmental History of Fire on the Cape
Peninsula: Fire and the Political Ecology of the Cape (book review)
Source: Journal of Southern African Studies, available online 2015
Year: 2015 Take a Mediterranean climate, a biota growing on impoverished soils,
and people, many in transit. The first makes fire probable; the second, obligatory
in order to cycle nutrients; and the third, inevitable since ignition will be constant.
Given these facts, it would seem hard to ...
Author(s): Quinton, Amy
Title: US Forest Service prevents its own scientists from talking about study
Source: Facebook article, September 17, 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: policy management
Author(s): Quintano, C., A. Fernandez-Manso, V. Fernandez-Garcia, C. Quintano,
A. Fernandez-Manso, V. Fernandez-Garcia
Title: Changes on albedo after a large forest fire in Mediterranean ecosystems
Source: Proc. SPIE 9610, Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for
Sustainability XII, 961018 (September 4, 2015); doi: 10.1117/12.2187346
Year: 2015
Keywords: Albedo
Abstract: Fires are one of the main causes of environmental alteration in
Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Albedo varies and evolves seasonally based on
solar illumination. It is greatly influenced by changes on vegetation: vegetation
growth, cutting/planting forests or forest ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Radford, IAN J., ALAN N. ANDERSEN
Title: Effects of fire on grass-layer savanna macroinvertebrates as key food
resources for insectivorous vertebrates in northern Australia
Source: Austral Ecology 37(6).:
Year: 2012
Keywords: soils microbes
Abstract: This paper documents the effects of fire on grass-layer invertebrates in
tropical savannas of the Kimberley region of north-western Australia, in the
context of resource availability for consumers. Inappropriate fire regimes have
been identified as a factor threatening a number of vertebrate groups, including
small mammals, across northern Australia, and a possible mechanism might be
through the effects of ...
Contact Author: ian.radford@dec.wa.gov.au
Author(s): Raftoyannis, Yannis, Susanna Nocentini, Enrico Marchi, Calama Sainz R,
Garcia Guemes C, Ivan Pilas, Sanja Peric, Amaral Paulo J, Moreira-Marcelino AC,
Maria Costa-Ferreira, Erodotos Kakouris, Marcus Lindner
Title: Perceptions of fire experts on climate change and fire management in
European Mediterranean forests
Source: iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 7: 386-394
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate Climate change has already increased fire risk in
Mediterranean forests. Adaptation options related to forest fires and climate
change include measures related to fuel management, fire fighting and
infrastructure, as well as public awareness. The importance of each of these
Contact Author: rafto@teilam.gr
Author(s): Rakyutidharm, Atchara
Title: Forest fire in the context of territorial rights in northern Thailand
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Ramalho, Cristina E., Etienne Laliberte, Pieter Poot, Richard J. Hobbs
Title: Complex effects of fragmentation on remnant woodland plant communities
of a rapidly urbanizing biodiversity hotspot
Source: Ecology 95(9): 2466-2478.
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology interface
Abstract: In many cities worldwide, urbanization is leading to the rapid and
extensive fragmentation of native vegetation into small and scattered urban
remnants. We investigated the effects of fragmentation on plant species richness
and abundance in 30 remnant Banksia woodlands in the rapidly ...
Contact Author: cristina.e.ramalho@gmail.com
Author(s): Ramaswami, Geetha, Raman Sukumar
Title: Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) invasion along streams in a heterogeneous
Source: Journal of Biosciences 39(4): 717-26
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: Streams are periodically disturbed due to flooding, act as edges between
habitats and also facilitate the dispersal of propagules, thus being potentially more
vulnerable to invasions than adjoining regions. We used a landscape-wide
transect-based sampling strategy and a mixed effects ...
Contact Author: rsuku@ces.iisc.ernet.in
Author(s): Randolph, ALEXANDRIA
Title: Wildfires consume pastures in Burnet, Llano counties
Source: Burnet Bulletin (Texas) 142(38): 1-2
Year: 2015
Keywords: Agriculture
Abstract: The article reports on the wildfires that occurred in Burnet and Llano
Counties, Texas in August 2015 which destroyed about 750 acres of pastureland.
Author(s): Raphael, Martin G., Paul Hessburg, Rebecca Kennedy, John Lehmkuhl,
Bruce G. Marcot, Robert Scheller, Peter Singleton, Thomas Spies
Title: Assessing the Compatibility of Fuel Treatments, Wildfire Risk, and
Conservation of Northern Spotted Owl Habitats and Populations in the Eastern
Cascades: A Multi-Scale Analysis, Final Report JFSP Project 09-1-08-31
Source: JFSP 09-1-08-31 Final Report, 27 pages
Year: 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: fuel wildlife rare endangered birds
Abstract: National Forests in the dry forest provinces on the east-side of the
Oregon and Washington Cascades have been managed under the guidelines of
local Forest Plans and the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP), both of which specify
large areas of late-successional reserves (LSRs). In contrast, the recently-released
USDI Fish and Wildlife Service Revised...
Contact Author: mraphael@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Ratanasuwan, Anuchit and Veerachai Tanpipat
Title: Fire emissions (planned and unplanned): Activity Data & Emission Factors for
an integrated, scalable system
Source: Powerpoint
Year: n. d.
Keywords: smoke
Contact Author: Anuchit46@gmail.com
Author(s): Rebozo, Ryan R. and Walter F. Bien
Title: The influence of disturbance on the demography of the rare pine barren
gentian (Gentiana autumnalis) in New Jersey
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology rare endangered
Abstract: Wild fire suppression in the New Jersey Pine Barrens has limited the
habitat available for early successional plant species through most of the region. In
the place of natural disturbance, low intensity prescription burns and roadside
mows have been ...
Author(s): Reddington, C. L., M. Yoshioka, R. Balasubramanian, David Andrew
Ridley, Y. Y. Toh, S. R. Arnold, D. V. Spracklen
Title: Contribution of vegetation and peat fires to particulate air pollution in
Southeast Asia
Source: Environmental Research Letters 09/2014;
Year: 2014
Keywords: wetlands peat
Abstract: Smoke haze, caused by vegetation and peat fires in Southeast Asia, is of
major concern because of its adverse impact on regional air quality. We apply two
different methods (a chemical transport model and a Lagrangian atmospheric
transport model) to identify the locations of fires contributing to ...
Contact Author: c.l.s.reddington@leeds.ac.uk
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Reemts, Charlotte M., Hansen, Laura L.
Title: Slow recolonization of burned oak-juniper woodlands by Ashe juniper
(Juniperus ashei): Ten years of succession after crown fire
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 255(3-4): 1057-1066
Year: 2008
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Fire is an important control on the distribution of plant communities on
the Edwards Plateau in central Texas. Although the effects of fire in grasslands
have been well studied, little is known about the recovery of mature oak-Ashe
juniper (Quercus spp. Juniperus ashei) woodlands after crown fire. These ...
Contact Author: creemts@tnc.org
Author(s): Regos, A., M. D'Amen, N. Titeux, S. Herrando, A. Guisan and Lluis
Title: Predicting the future effectiveness of protected areas for bird conservation
in Mediterranean ecosystems under climate change and novel fire regime
Source: Diversity and Distributions, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife climate
Abstract: Global environmental changes challenge traditional conservation
approaches based on the selection of static protected areas due to their limited
ability to deal with the dynamic nature of driving forces relevant to biodiversity.
The Natura 2000 network (N2000) ...
Contact Author: Adrian.regos@ctfc.es
Author(s): Rego, Francisco C. and Joaquim S. Silva
Title: Wild-res and landscape dynamics in Portugal: A regional assessment and
global implications
Source: Chapter 3, in: J.C. Azevedo et al. (eds.), Forest Landscapes and Global
Change: 51, Challenges for Research and Management, Springer Science+Business
Media New York 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Wildfire is an important and complex factor that both shapes landscapes
and is shaped by landscapes. In this chapter, we discuss some of the factors that
have shaped wildfire frequency and size in Portugal from a landscape perspective
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
and describe the expected changes that will result from a combination of the predicted future climate change and socioeconomic change...
Author(s): Reinhardt, Jason R., Linda M. Nagel, Christopher W. Swanston, Heather
Title: Oak savanna conservation and restoration planning using habitat models for
two focal species: Wild lupine and the Karner Blue butterfly
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention 08/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: restoration insects ecology
Abstract: Midwestern oak savanna ecosystems have become quite rare in today's
ecological landscape, largely due to a combination of land use change and fire
suppression over the past 150 years. There have been active conservation efforts
since the 1990s to i...
Author(s): Reyes, Jesus Barranco, Nestor Padron Castaneda
Title: Cambio Climatico e Incendios de 5& Generacion
Source: Natural Hazards and Climate Change, Edited by Colegio de Ingenieros de
Montes, 07/2014: chapter Cambio Climatico e Incendios de 5& Generacion: pages
82-91; Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate
Abstract: Los incendios forestales de 5& Generacion, tambien llamados "megafuegos", son una de las amenazas actuales y futuras para nuestro patrimonio
natural e intereses economicos. Su desarrollo simultaneo esta vinculado a los
Fenomenos Meteorologicos Adversos...
Author(s): Rhodes, Aaron, Sam St Clair, Randy Larsen
Title: Differential and Additive Effects of Mule Deer, American Elk, and Cattle on
Aspen Regeneration After Fire
Source: Ecological Soceity of America 99th, Sacramento; 08/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife deer
Abstract: We studied the differential and synergistic effects of multiple ungulate
species on aspen regeneration after fire. We asked whether animal abundance is
correlated with aspen regeneration success, and whether there were differences
between ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Rhoades, Charles C., Paula J. Fornwalt, Mark W. Paschke, Amber
Shanklin and Jayne L. Jonas
Title: Recovery of small pile burn scars in conifer forests of the Colorado Front
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 347: 180-187
Year: 2015
Keywords: silviculture fuel
Abstract: The ecological consequences of slash pile burning are a concern for land
managers charged with main- taining forest soil productivity and native plant
diversity. Fuel reduction and forest health management projects have created
nearly 150,000 slash piles scheduled for burning on US Forest Service land in
north- ern Colorado. The vast majority of these are small piles...
Contact Author: crhoades@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Robichaud, P. R., P. Jordan, S. A. Lewis, L. E. Ashmun, S. A. Covert, R. E.
Title: Evaluating the effectiveness of wood shreds and agricultural straw mulches
as a treatment to reduce post-fire hillslope erosion in southern British Columbia,
Source: Geomorphology 197: 21-33
Year: 2013
Keywords: restoration
Abstract: After the 2009 Terrace Mountain fire near Kelowna, BC, Canada, wood
shred and agricultural straw mulch effects on post-fire runoff and sediment yields
were compared using three experimental techniques: rainfall simulations on 1-m2
plots, concentrated flow (rill) simulations on 9-m long plots, ...
Contact Author: probichaud@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Robinson, W Douglas, Ghislain Rompre
Title: Nest Survival of Understory Birds in Longleaf Pine Forests Exposed to Fire
and Fire-Surrogate Treatments Open Environmental Sciences 4(1):
Year: 2010
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forest ecosystems evolved with shortinterval, low intensity fires. Fire suppression has reduced or eliminated fire and
has caused extensive changes in plant community composition and structure. The
National Fire and Fire-Surrogate study was implemented to evaluate ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Rocha, Wanderley, Daniel B. Metcalfe, Chris E. Doughty, Paulo Brando,
Divino Silverio, Kate Halladay, Daniel C. Nepstad, Jennifer K. Balch, Yadvinder
Title: Ecosystem productivity and carbon cycling in intact and annually burnt
forest at the dry southern limit of the Amazon rainforest (Mato Grosso, Brazil)
Source: Plant Ecology and Diversity 7(1-2):
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology tropics
Abstract: The impact of fire on carbon cycling in tropical forests is potentially
large, but remains poorly quantified, particularly in the locality of the transition
forests that mark the boundaries between humid forests and savannas. Aims: To
present the first comprehensive description ...
Contact Author: dbmetcalfe@gmail.com
Author(s): Rochoux, Melanie, Catherine
Title: Towards a more comprehensive monitoring of wildfire spread: contributions
of model evaluation and data assimilation strategies
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, Ecole Centrale, Paris, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: behavior modeling
Abstract: Because wildfires feature complex multi-physics occurring at multiple
scales, our ability to accurately simulate their behavior at large regional scales
remains limited. The mathematical models proposed to simulate wildfire spread
are currently limited because of their inability to cover the entire range of relevant
scales, because also of knowledge...
Author(s): Rochoux, Melanie C., Charlotte Emery, Sophie Ricci, Benedicte Cuenot,
Arnaud Trouve
Title: Towards predictive data-driven simulations of wildfire spread - Part II:
Ensemble Kalman Filter for the state estimation of a front-tracking simulator of
wildfire spread
Source: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussioins 2: 3769-3820
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling behavior
Abstract: This paper is the second part in a series of two articles, which aims at
presenting a data-driven modeling strategy for forecasting wildfire spread
scenarios based on the assimilation of observed fire front location and on the
sequential correction of model parameters or model state...
Contact Author: melanie.rochoux@graduates.centraliens.net)
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Rodriguez, E., Kolmonen, P., Virtanen, T. H., Sogacheva, L., Sundstrom,
A.-M., de Leeuw, G.
Title: Indirect estimation of absorption properties for fine aerosol particles using
AATSR observations: A case study of wildfires in Russia in 2010. .
Source: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8(8): 3075-3085
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: The Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) on board the
ENVISAT satellite is used to study aerosol properties. The retrieval of aerosol
properties from satellite data is based on the optimized fit of simulated and
measured reflectances at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). The simulations are
made using a radiative transfer model with a variety of representative aerosol
properties. The retrieval process utilizes a combination of four aerosol
components, each of which is defined by...
Contact Author: edith.rodriguez@fmi.fi
Author(s): Rodriguez-Lozano, Pablo, Maria Rieradevall, Marius Andrei Rau, ...
Title: Long-term consequences of a wildfire for leaf-litter breakdown in a
Mediterranean stream
Source: Freshwater science 08/2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: fuel decomposition
Author(s): Rogers, William E., Dirac Twidwell, Carissa L. Wonkka, Urs P. Kreuter,
Charles A. Taylor Jr
Title: Can novel combinations of prescribed extreme fire and herbicide be used to
overcome resprouting woody plant resilience and restore degraded rangelands in
the southern Great Plains?
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013 Ecosystems with diminished
environmental services require innovative resource management strategies.
Conventional restoration and conservation practices have been historically
ineffective and/or economically cost prohibitive at repairing degraded ...
Author(s): Romano, Nunzio and Nadia Ursino
Title: Land Use and Fire Regime Change in the Mediterranean Basin: An Evaluation
of Mutual Interrelations
Source: EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria); 04/2014
Year: 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: In the last decades the average number of forest fires throughout the
Mediterranean basin is increased significantly making the territory more
vulnerable to extreme hydrological events. At the same time, as a result of
improved economic conditions, a widespread abandonment of ...
Author(s): Rossi, Lucile, Thierry Molinier, Moulay Akhloufi, Antoine Pieri, Yves
Title: Instrumentation of spreading fires: Toward the development of a
metrological system based on stereovision
Source: Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, September 11-15, 2011
Year: 2011
Keywords: behavior
Abstract: This paper presents research conducted in the area of stereovision in
order to develop a metrological system for the measurement of geometrical
characteristics of spreading fires. In the first part, the material and the algorithms
used to obtain three dimensional coordinates of fire points are presented. The
second part describes the stereovision framework used for laboratory
experiments and the...
Contact Author: lrossi@univ-corse.fr
Author(s): Rossi, Rafael Drumond, Carlos Romero Martins, Pedro Lage Viana,
Evandro Luis Rodrigues, Jose Eugenio Cortes Figueira
Title: Impact of invasion by molasses grass (Melinis minutifloraP. Beauv.) on native
species and on fires in areas of campo-cerrado in Brazil
Source: Acta Botanica Brasilica 28(4): 631-637.
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: In the Cerrado Biome of Brazil, African grasses constitute a serious
problem, occurring in virtually all protected areas. Molasses grass (Melinis
minutiflora P. Beauv.) accumulates more biomass than do most other species of
the herbaceous stratum vegetation native to the ...
Contact Author: rafeldr@gmail.com
Author(s): Rosenberger, Amanda E., Jason B. Dunham, Jason R. Neuswanger,
Steven F. Railsback
Title: Legacy effects of wildfire on stream thermal regimes and rainbow trout
ecology: An integrated analysis of observation and individual-based models
Source: Freshwater Science, available online 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: wetlands ecology
Abstract: Management of aquatic resources in fire-prone areas requires
understanding of fish species' responses to wildfire and of the intermediate- and
long-term consequences of these disturbances. We examined Rainbow Trout
populations in 9 headwater streams 10 y after a major wildfire: 3 with no history
of severe wildfire in the watershed (unburned), 3 in severely burned watersheds
(burned), and...
Contact Author: rosenbergera@missouri.edu
Author(s): Rowan, Chad E.
Title: The Ecological Need for Prescribed Fire in Sequoia and Kings Canyon
National Park, U.S.A.
Source: M. S. Thesis, West Virginia University, 25 pages
Year: 2005
Keywords: prescribed burning parks
Author(s): Rudler, F. W.
Title: A Malay Fire-Syringe
Source: Science 22(548): 65
Year: 1893
Keywords: incindiary equipment
Abstract: ...not surprise scientific students. A MALAY FIRE -SYRINGE. BY F. W.
friend Mr. Henry Louis, the well- known mining engineer, who has recently
returned to England from Singapore, I have received a fire -syringe which he
obtained towards the end...
Author(s): Ruffman, Elizabeth A.
Title: Effects of Prescribed Burns on Grassland Breeding Birds at Mississippi
Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of New Orleans, Paper 1776, 53 pages
Year: 2013
Keywords: prescribed burning ecology birds wildlife
Author(s): Russo, L., P. Russo, C. I. Siettos
Title: A complex network theory approach for the spatial distribution of fire breaks
in heterogeneous forest landscapes for the control of wildland fires
Source: ArXiv preprint arXiv: 1509.04065, 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: firebreaks
Abstract: Based on complex network theory, we propose a computational
methodology that addresses the spatial distribution of fuel breaks for the
inhibition of the spread and size of wildland fires on heterogeneous landscapes.
This is a two-tire approach where the ...
Author(s): Rusch, U. D., J. J. Midgley, B. Anderson
Title: Seasonal fluctuations in rodent seed caching and consumption behaviour in
fynbos shrublands: Implications for fire management
Source: South African Journal of Botany 93: 217-221
Year: 2014
Keywords: season seed
Abstract: The consumption and dispersal of seeds by rodents play an important
role in the seed bank dynamics of many plant species. Seed dispersal versus
consumption patterns may however vary seasonally with food availability. We
investigated whether the fate of Leucadendron sessile seeds ...
Contact Author: banderso.bruce@gmail.com
Author(s): Sahani, Mazrura, Nurul Ashikin Zainon, Wan Rozita Wan Mahiyuddin,
Mohd Talib Latif, Rozita Hod, Md Firoz Khan, Norhayati Mohd Tahir, Chang-Chuan
Title: A case-crossover analysis of forest fire haze events and mortality in Malaysia
Source: Atmospheric Environment 96: 257-265
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: The Southeast Asian (SEA) haze events due to forest fires are recurrent
and affect Malaysia, particularly the Klang Valley region. The aim of this study is to
examine the risk of haze days due to biomass burning in Southeast Asia on daily
mortality in the Klang Valley region between 2000 and 2007. We used a casecrossover study design to model the effect of haze based on PM10 concentration
Contact Author: mazrura@gmail.com
Author(s): Said, Yahia Abbi, George Petropoulos, Prashant K. Srivastava
Title: Exploring the Influence of Topographic Correction and SWIR Spectral
Information Inclusion on Burnt Scars Detection from High Resolution EO Imagery:
A Case Study Using ASTER imagery
Source: European Geosciences Union 2014, Vienna, Austria; 04/2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Information on burned area estimates is of key importance in
environmental and ecological studies as well as in fire management including
damage assessment and planning of post-fire recovery of affected areas. Earth
Observation (EO) provides today the most ef-cient way in obtaining such
information in a rapid, consistent and cost-effective manner. The present study
aimed at exploring the effect of topographic...
Contact Author: gep9@aber.ac.uk
Author(s): Salbitano, Fabio, Donatella Paffetti, Mariaceleste Labriola, Gianluca
Title: Genetic diversity of Quercus ilex L. as a tool for retracing the dynamics of the
Mediterranean forest ecosystems
Source: International Forestry Review 16(5): 385
Year: 2014
Keywords: genetics
Abstract: Forest dynamics is strongly related to disturbances: in the case of
Mediterranean forests, fire influenced in the population genetics of plant species
as resilience response to disturbances pattern. The role of vegetative regeneration
as a reaction to anthropogenic coppicing disturbances ...
Author(s): Sala, Osvaldo E. and Fernando T. Maestre
Title: Grass-woodland transitions: determinants and consequences for ecosystem
functioning and provisioning of services
Source: Journal of Ecology 2014, 102, 1357-1362
Year: 2014
Keywords: grasslands encroachment
Abstract: Identifying the best actions to avoid or take advantage of grasswoodland transitions requires a mechanistic understanding of both the drivers of
these shifts and their ecological consequences. The collection of reviews, empirical
and modelling studies included in this Special Feature contributes to forecasting
how ongoing global change will affect grass? woodland transitions and their
consequences for the provisioning of ecosystem...
Contact Author: Osvaldo.Sala@asu.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): San Jose, Roberto, Juan L. Perez, Rosa M. Gonzalez-Barras
Title: Implementation Of A Fuel Moisture Content Model Into Wrf/Fire-Chem: A
Real Fire Comparison In Murcia (Spain)
Source: EGU General Assembly 2013, held 7-12 April, 2013 in Vienna, Austria, id.
Year: 2013
Keywords: fuel moisture
Abstract: Forecasting the pollution caused by wildland fires has acquired high
importance. Wildland fire emissions are represented particularly poorly in air
quality models, to improve the simulation of the impact of fires on air quality; a
wildland fire model can be coupled into a...
Contact Author: rgbarras@gmail.com
Author(s): Sanpakit, C., S. Omodan, D. Weise, M. Princevac
Title: Laboratory Fire Behavior Measurements of Chaparral Crown Fire
Source: University of California Riverside Undergraduate Research Journal. 9: 123129
Year: 2015
Keywords: behavior
Abstract: In 2013, there was an estimated 9,900 wildland fires that claimed more
than 577,000 acres of land. That same year, about 542 prescribed fires were used
to treat 48,554 acres by several agencies in California. Being able to understand
fires using laboratory models can better prepare individuals to combat or use
fires. Our research focused on chaparral...
Author(s): Sanchez, J. J., K. Baerenklau, A. Gonzalez-Caban
Title: Valuing hypothetical wildfire impacts with a Kuhn-Tucker model of
recreation demand
Source: Forest Policy and Economics, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: economics
Abstract: This study uses a nonmarket valuation method to investigate the
recreation values of the San Jacinto Wilderness in southern California. The analysis
utilizes survey data from a stated-choice experiment involving backcountry visitors
who responded to questions about hypothetical wildfire burn scenarios. Benefits
of landscape preservation are derived using a Kuhn-Tucker (KT) demand system.
Model results...
Contact Author: jsanchez@fs.fed.us
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Sasal, Y., E. Raffaele, A. G. Farji-Brener
Title: Consequences of fire and cattle browsing on ground beetles (Coleoptera) in
NW Patagonia
Source: Ecological Research, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: insects
Abstract: Understanding the responses of natural communities to disturbances
remains a challenging task in ecology. In northwestern Patagonia, the most
important disturbances are fire and introduced ungulates. Although these
disturbances have been present in this ...
Author(s): Satir, O., S. Berberoglu, C. Donmez
Title: Mapping regional forest fire probability using artificial neural network model
in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem
Source: Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: mapping
Abstract: Forest fires are one of the most important factors in environmental risk
assessment and it is the main cause of forest destruction in the Mediterranean
region. Forestlands have a number of known benefits such as decreasing soil
erosion, containing ...
Author(s): Schriver, Madelinn, Rosemary L. Sherriff
Title: Stand structure variability and dynamics of Quercus garryana and Quercus
kelloggii woodlands across northwestern California
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Oak woodlands on the northern coast of California are unique to the
region and support a high level of biodiversity, but their integrity and extent have
been substantially altered. Past studies hypothesize that 19th century EuroAmerican settlement altered historical ...
Author(s): Schwilk, Dylan W and Jon E Keeley
Title: A Plant Distribution Shift: Temperature, Drought or Past Disturbance?
Source: PLoS ONE 02/2012; 7(2): e31173. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031173
Year: 2012
Keywords: ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Simple models of plant response to warming climates predict vegetation
moving to cooler and/or wetter locations: in mountainous regions shifting
upslope. However, species-specific responses to climate change are likely to be
much more complex. We re-examined ...
Contact Author: dylan.schwilk@ttu.edu
Author(s): Schwilk, Dylan, Tess Brennan and Jon E. Keeley
Title: A plant distribution shift uphill: Temperature, drought, or past disturbance
Year: 96th ESA Annual Convention 2011; 08/2011
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: The effects of the predicted changes in precipitation and temperature
may have complicated and potentially opposing effects on plants. Simple models
of plant response to warming climates predict vegetation moving to cooler and/or
wetter locations ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Schiegl, S., Goldberg, R, Pfretzschner, H. U., Conard, N. J.
Title: Paleolithic burnt bone horizons from the Swabian Jura: distinguishing
between in situ fireplaces and dumping areas
Source: Geoarchaeology 18(5): 541-565
Year: 2003
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Hohle Fels Cave is one of several Upper Paleolithic sites on the eastern
extension of the Swabian Alb in southwestern Germany. Several phases of
excavations have been conducted since 1870. The archaeological inventories
comprise a broad range of artifacts produced from stone, bone, teeth, ivory, and
antler. The site has also yielded Paleolithic rock art, sculpture, and engravings. The
Pleistocene inventories unearthed so far belong to the Magdalenian, Gravettian,
and Aurignacian; Middle...
Author(s): Schmidt, P., Porraz, G., Slodczyk, A., Bellot-Gurlet, L., Archer, W., and
Miller, C. E.
Title: Heat treatment in the South African Middle Stone Age: Temperature
induced transformations of silcrete and their technological implications
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 3519-3531
Year: 2013
Keywords: paleohistory
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: It was recently found that silcrete raw material was heat-treated during
the South African Middle Stone Age (MSA) for altering its flaking properties. This
finding led to hypotheses about the implications for the MSA hunter-gatherers
such as the cost of thermal treatment in terms of investment and firewood. To
date, these hypotheses lack a solid basis, for data on the thermal transformations
of South African silcrete...
Contact Author: patrick.schmidt@uni-tuebingen.de
Author(s): Schmidt, P., Masse, S., Laurent, G., Slodczyk, A., Le Bourhis, E.,
Perrenoud, C., Livage, J., and Frohlich, F.
Title: Crystallographic and structural transformations of sedimentary chalcedony
in flint upon heat treatment
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 135-144
Year: 2012
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: The early occurrence of intentional heat treatment of silica rocks has
recently become a key element in the discussion about the cultural modernity of
prehistoric populations. Lithic vestiges are the only sources that remain of this
process and the understanding of the material's properties and transformations
are essential for...
Contact Author: schmidt@mnhn.fr
Author(s): Schafer, Karina V. R., Heidi J. Renninger, Nicholas J. Carlo, Dirk W.
Title: Forest response and recovery following disturbance in upland forests of the
Atlantic Coastal Plain
Source: Frontiers in Plant Science, available online 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Carbon and water cycling of forests contribute significantly to the Earth's
overall biogeochemical cycling and may be affected by disturbance and climate
change. As a larger body of research becomes available about leaf-level,
ecosystem and regional scale effects of disturbances ...
Contact Author: karinavr@andromeda.rutgers.edu
Author(s): Schuneman, Patrick Jerome
Title: Pyrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from Carboniferous, Triassic,
and Modern chars: potential relations to paleoatmospheric oxygen content
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 103 pages
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2006
Keywords: ecology paleohistory
Author(s): Schneider, Elizabeth Anne
Title: Climate Drivers of Wildfire Activity in the Magdalena Mountains of New
Mexico, U.S.A.
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 111 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate
Author(s): Schroeder, Wilfrid, Patricia Oliva, Louis Giglio, Brad Quayle, Eckehard
Lorenz, Fabiano Morelli
Title: Active fire detection using Landsat-8/OLI data
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: detection remote sensing
Abstract: Remote Sensing of Environment, Available online 9 September 2015 The
gradual increase in Landsat-class data availability creates new opportunities for
fire science and management applications that require higher-fidelity information
about biomass burning, improving upon existing coarser spatial resolution (r 1 km)
satellite active fire data sets. Targeting those enhanced capabilities we describe an
active fire detection algorithm for use with Landsat-8 ...
Contact Author: wschroed@umd.edu
Author(s): Schunk, C., C. Wastl, M. Leuchner, C. Schuster, A. Menzel
Title: Forest fire danger indices under extreme meteorological conditions in a
complex topography - the situation in the Bavarian Alps in autumn 2011
Source: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13: 2157-2167
Year: 2013
Keywords: danger weather
Abstract: Temperature inversions in mountainous areas cause situations in which
spatial forest fire danger distribution is quite different than under normal
conditions. Due to this effect, fire danger can vary distinctively within a relatively
small scale with much greater fire danger at higher than at lower ...
Contact Author: schunk@wzw.tum.de
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Schwalm, C. R., D.N. Huntzinger, R.B. Cook, Y. Wei, I.T. Baker, R.P.
Neilson, B. Poulter, Peter Caldwell, G. Sun, H.Q. Tian, N. Zeng
Title: How well do terrestrial biosphere models simulate coarse-scale runoff in the
contiguous United States?
Source: Ecological Modelling 303 (2015) 87-96
Year: 2015
Keywords: modeling hydrology
Abstract: Significant changes in the water cycle are expected under current global
environmental change. Robust assessment of present-day water cycle dynamics at
continental to global scales is confounded by shortcomings in the observed
record. Modeled assessments also yield conflicting results which are linked to
differences in model structure and simulation protocol. Here we compare
Contact Author: christopher.schwalm@nau.edu
Author(s): Sealy, Judith
Title: Modern behaviour in ancient South Africans: evidence for the heat
treatment of stones in the Middle Stone Age
Source: South African Journal of Science 105: 323-324
Year: 2009
Keywords: paleohistory
Contact Author: judith.sealy@uct.ac.za
Author(s): Seavy, Nathaniel E., Alexander, John D.
Title: Measuring ecological effect of prescribed fire using birds as indicators of
forest conditions
Source: In: Andrews, Patricia L.; Butler, Bret W., comps. Fuels management--how
to measure success: conference proceedings; 2006 March 28-30; Portland, OR.
Proceedings RMRS-P-41. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 593-603.
Year: 2006
Keywords: prescribed burning wildlife birds ecology
Contact Author: nseavy@zoo.ufl.edu
Author(s): Sedano, Fernando, Pieter Kempeneers, Peter Strobl, Daniel McInerney
and Jesus San Miguel
Title: Increasing Spatial Detail of Burned Scar Maps Using IRS-AWiFS Data for
Mediterranean Europe
Source: Remote Sens. 4(3), 726-744
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2012
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: A two stage burned scar detection approach is applied to produce a
burned scar map for Mediterranean Europe using IRS-AWiFS imagery acquired at
the end of the 2009 fire season. The first stage identified burned scar seeds based
on a learning algorithm (Artificial Neural Network) coupled with a bootstrap
aggregation process. The second stage implemented a region growing process to
extend the area of the burned...
Contact Author: peter.strobl@jrc.ec.europa.eu
Author(s): Sefidari, Hamid, Narges Razmjoo, Michael Strand
Title: An experimental study of combustion and emissions of two types of woody
biomass in a 12-MW reciprocating-grate boiler
Source: Fuel 135: 120-129
Year: 2014
Keywords: combustion smoke
Abstract: The gaseous emissions of primary concern from biomass combustion are
nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide, and various unburned gaseous
components. Detailed characterization of the gas in the hot reaction zones is
necessary to study the release, formation...
Contact Author: hamid.sefidari@ltu.se
Author(s): Serra-Diaz, Josep M., Janet Franklin, Alexandra Syphard, Helen M.
Regan, Frank W. Davis, Robert M. Scheller, Lee Hannah
Title: Dynamic species distribution models for global change: Processes and
resolution through the lenses of different approaches
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Global change poses many challenges to ecologists seeking to provide a
good estimation of changes in species distributions in the Anthropocene era.
Through the combination of different modeling approaches, ecologists seek...
Author(s): Serra, Laura, Marc Saez, Pablo Juan, Diego Varga, Jorge Mateu
Title: A spatio-temporal Poisson hurdle point process to model wildfires
Source: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 28(7):
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Wildfires have been studied in many ways, for instance as a spatial point
pattern or through modeling the size of fires or the relative risk of big fires. Lately
a large variety of complex statistical models can be fitted routinely to complex
data sets, in particular wildfires, as a result of widely accessible ...
Contact Author: laura.serra@udg.edu
Author(s): Shamszaman, Zia Ush, Safina Showkat Ara, Ilyoung Chong and Youn
Kwae Jeong
Title: Web-of-Objects (WoO)-Based Context Aware Emergency Fire Management
Systems for the Internet of Things
Source: Sensors 14(2): 2944-2966
Year: 2014
Keywords: Technology
Abstract: Recent advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Web of
Things (WoT) accompany a smart life where real world objects, including sensing
devices, are interconnected with each other. The Web representation of smart
objects empowers innovative applications and services for various ...
Contact Author: ykjeong@etri.re.kr
Author(s): Shaffer, James D., Scott K. Gleeson, John J. Cox, John M. Lhotka
Title: Mammalian herbivory on fourteen experimentally planted native hardwood
tree seedlings of the Kentucky Bluegrass savanna-woodland community
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife ecology
Abstract: Savanna communities are strongly influenced by disturbance regimes
that affect plant composition and structure. It has been hypothesized that after
the precipitous post-1500 decline in Native American populations and use of fire
as a habitat management tool...
Author(s): Sheehan, T., D. Bachelet, K. Ferschweiler
Title: Projected major fire and vegetation changes in the Pacific Northwest of the
conterminous United States under selected CMIP5 climate futures
Source: Ecological Modelling 317: 16-29
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Climate change adaptation and mitigation require understanding of
vegetation response to climate change. Using the MC2 dynamic global vegetation
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
model (DGVM) we simulate vegetation for the Northwest United States using
results from 20 different Climate ...
Contact Author: Tim@consbio.org
Author(s): Shive, Kristen L., Amanda M. Kuenzi, Carolyn H. Sieg, Peter Z. Fule
Title: Pre-fire fuel reduction treatments influence plant communities and exotic
species 9 years after a large wildfire
Source: Applied Vegetation Science 16(3).
Year: 2013
Keywords: fuel exotics
Abstract: How did post-wildfire understorey plant community response, including
exotic species response, differ between pre-fire treated areas that were less
severely burned, and pre-fire untreated areas that were more severely burnedWere these differences consistent through time- ...
Contact Author: kls448@nau.edu
Author(s): Shindler, Bruce
Title: The Northeast Washington Forestry Coalition: A Citizen-Agency Partnership
that Works
Source: Fire Science Brief 121, 6 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: cooperation
Abstract: With the urgency of wildfi re near every community's door, federal
agencies have sought a middle ground between the extremes of timber-industry
and environmental positions, one that would enable active management to
reduce fuels and create safer communities. At the same time, citizen groups
Author(s): Shidik, Guruh Fajar and Khabib Mustofa
Title: Predicting Size of Forest Fire Using Hybrid Model
Source: Information and Communication Technology, pages 316-327, IFIP
International Federation for Information Processing
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: This paper outlines a hybrid approach in data mining to predict the size
of forest fire using meteorological and forest weather index (FWI) variables such
as Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), Duff Moisture Code (DMC), Drought Code
(DC), Initial Spread Index (ISI), temperature, Relative Humidity (RH), wind and rain.
The hybrid model is developed with clustering and classification ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Contact Author: guruh.fajar@research.dinus.ac.id
Author(s): Shvidenko, Anatoly, Dmitry Schepaschenko
Title: Fire risk and adaptation strategies in Northern Eurasian forests
Source: Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-10406; 04/2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: risk
Abstract: On-going climatic changes substantially accelerate current fire regimes
in Northern Eurasian ecosystems, particularly in forests. During 1998-2012,
wildfires enveloped on average ~10.5 M ha year-1 in Russia with a large annual
variation (between 3 and 30 M ha) and average direct carbon emissions at ~150 Tg
C year-1. Catastrophic fires, which envelope large areas, spread in usually
incombustible ... %o shvidenk@iiasa.ac.at
Author(s): Shvidenko, Anatoly, Dmitry Schepaschenko
Title: Fire risk and adaptation strategies in Northern Eurasian forests Geophysical
Research Abstracts, EGU2013-10406; 04/2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: risk
Abstract: On-going climatic changes substantially accelerate current fire regimes
in Northern Eurasian ecosystems, particularly in forests. During 1998-2012,
wildfires enveloped on average ~10.5 M ha year-1 in Russia with a large annual
variation (between 3 and 30 M ha) and average direct carbon emissions at ~150 Tg
C year-1. Catastrophic fires, which envelope large areas, spread in usually
incombustible ...
Contact Author: shvidenk@iiasa.ac.at
Author(s): Siahmansour, Reza, R. Siahmsnsour, H. Arzani2. M. Jafari, A. Javadi, A.
Title: An investigation on the effect of fire on main particulars in woodland (Case
study in Veysian - Lorestan)
Source: Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 3 (4): 192-199
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Fire as a factor has influence on natural ecosystems from burning plants
till Changing Succession, plant Source, and natural cycles of species. This project
was established to deal with the effect of fire on quality and quantity of habitat in
rangelands that are object of Study. A 2500-hectares burnt land, located in the
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
heights of Veysian, was selected for the study. The key area was determined and a
total of four line
Contact Author: siahmansour191@gmail.com
Author(s): Sievers, C., and Wadley, L.
Title: Going underground: Experimental carbonization of fruiting structures under
Source: Journal ofArchaeological Science 35: 2909-2917
Year: 2008
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: We show that carbonized fruits and seeds recovered from Middle Stone
Age deposits in rock shelters are likely to have been carbonized as part of postdepositional processes. We buried indigenous South African fruits, nuts and seeds
at pre-determined depths and distances from the centers of experimental fires.
The cold ashes...
Contact Author: christine.sievers@gmail.com
Author(s): Silva, Giovani L., Paulo Soares, Susete Marques, M. Ines Dias, M.
Manuela Oliveira, and Jose G. Borges
Title: A Bayesian Modelling of Wildfires in Portugal
Source: In: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, J.-P. Bourguignon et al.
(eds.), Dynamics, Games and Science, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences 1, DOI
Year: 2015
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: In the last decade wildfires became a serious problem in Portugal due to
socieconomic and climate change trends. In order to analyse wildfire data, we
employ beta regression for modelling the proportion of burned wild area, under a
Bayesian perspective. Our main goal is to find out fire risk...
Contact Author: giovani.silva@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Author(s): Simpson, Colin, Andrew Sturman, Peyman Zawar-Reza, Grant Pearce
Title: Fire weather of a Canterbury Northwester on 6 February 2011 in South
Island, New Zealand
Source: AFAC and Bushfire CRC Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia;
09/2013 Foehn winds, known locally as the "Canterbury Northwester", occurred
on 6 February 2011 and were associated with extreme fire weather in the lee of
the Southern Alps and across the eastern South Island of New Zealand. A peak air
temperature of 40.7C was recorded at Timaru, ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Contact Author: c.simpson@adfa.edu.au
Author(s): Slayton, Ian Arthur
Title: A Vegetation History from Emerald Pond, Great Abaco Island, The Bahamas,
Based on Pollen Analysis
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 96 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: ecology paleohistory
Author(s): Slayton, Jessica Dominique
Title: Separating the Effects of Wildfires from Climate in Growth of Ponderosa Pine
(Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex. C. Lawson), Central Idaho, U.S.A.
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 138 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: climate
Author(s): Smucker, Kristina M.
Title: Changes in bird abundance and species composition in a coniferous forest
following mixed-severity wildfire
Source: M. S. Thesis, Missoula, MT: University of Montana. 52 p.
Year: 2003
Keywords: wildlife ecology severity birds
Author(s): Solomos, S., V. Amiridis, P. Zanis, E. Gerasopoulos, F.I. Sofiou, T.
Herekakis, J. Brioude, A. Stohl, R.A. Kahn, C. Kontoes
Title: Smoke dispersion modeling over complex terrain using high resolution
meteorological data and satellite observations - The FireHub platform
Source: Atmospheric Environment 119: 348-361
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: A total number of 20,212 fire hot spots were recorded by the Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite instrument over Greece
during the period 2002e2013. The Fire Radiative Power (FRP) of these events
ranged from 10 up to 6000 MW at 1 km resolution, and many of these fire
episodes resulted in long-range transport of smoke over...
Contact Author: stavros@noa.gr
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Sommers, Pacifica, Peter Chesson
Title: Interspecific effects on establishment: How an introduced grass might
exclude a native tree without altering the fire cycle
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: grasslands exotics
Abstract: Invasive grasses are often associated with local declines in native plant
richness and abundance, even without experiencing a fire. Without identifying a
mechanism by which they impact native species, however, it is not clear whether
grasses are simply ...
Author(s): Sonko, Kebba, Saikou Samateh, Kanimang Camara and Clemens Beck
Title: Why don-t they come and discuss together- Community-initiated
stakeholder co-ordination on forest fire management in rural Gambia
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Sorensen, Andrew
Title: White light, white heat: On the relationship of Homo and lightning as a
source of domestic fire
Source: 5th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human
Evolution (ESHE), British Museum, London, England; 09/2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: paleohistory
Source: The genus Homo has since its origins been subject, by and large, to the
same whims of Nature endured by other creatures. In the recent past, however,
cultural innovations like clothing and shelter helped our ancestors to work with (or
buffer against) Nature to make life more comfortable. Harnessing fire was
another. Prior to learning how to make fire artificially using tools, hominins were
Contact Author: A.c.sorensen@arch.leidenuniv.nl
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Sorensen, C. D., A. J. Finkral, T. E. Kolb, C. H. Huang
Title: Short- and long-term effects of thinning and prescribed fire on carbon stocks
in ponderosa pine stands in northern Arizona
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 261 (2011) 460-472
Year: 2011
Keywords: silviculture prescribed burning carbon
Abstract: Euro-American logging practices, intensive grazing, and fire suppression
have increased the amount of carbon that is stored in ponderosa pine (Pinus
ponderosa Dougl. Ex Laws) forests in the southwestern United States. Current
stand conditions leave these forests prone to high-intensity wild-re, which
releases a pulse of carbon emissions and shifts carbon storage fro...
Contact Author: christopherd.sorensen@gmail.com
Author(s): Spracklen, D. V., C. L. Reddington and D. L. A. Gaveau
Title: Industrial concessions, fires and air pollution in Equatorial Asia
Source: Environ. Res. Lett. 10 (2015) 091001
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Forest and peatland fires in Indonesia emit large quantities of smoke
leading to poor air quality across Equatorial Asia. Marlier et al (2015 Environ. Res.
Lett. 10 085005) explore the contribution of fires occurring on oil palm, timber
(wood pulp and paper) and natural forest logging concessions to smoke emissions
and exposure of human populations to...
Contact Author: d.v.spracklen@leeds.ac.uk
Author(s): Stambaugh, Michael C., Lyndia D. Hammer and Ralph Godfrey
Title: Performance of Burn-Severity Metrics and Classification in Oak Woodlands
and Grasslands
Source: Remote Sens. 7(8): 10501-10522
Year: 2015
Keywords: severity grasslands
Abstract: Burn severity metrics and classification have yet to be tested for many
eastern U.S. deciduous vegetation types, but, if suitable, would be valuable for
documenting and monitoring landscape-scale restoration projects that employ
prescribed fire treatments. Here we present a performance analysis of the
Composite Burn Index (CBI) and its relationship to spectral data (differenced
Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) and its relative form (RdNBR)) across...
Contact Author: rgodfrey@fws.gov
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Stawski, Clare, Jaya K Matthews, Gerhard Kortner and Fritz Geiser
Title: Physiological and behavioural responses of a small heterothermic mammal
to fire stimuli
Author(s): Stawski, C., J. K. Matthews, G. Kortner, F. Geiser
Title: Physiological and behavioural responses of a small heterothermic mammal
to fire stimuli
Source: Physiology and Behavior 151: 617-622
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife ecology
Abstract: The predicted increase of the frequency and intensity of wildfires as a
result of climate change could have a devastating impact on many species and
ecosystems. However, the particular physiological and behavioural adaptions of
animals to survive ...
Contact Author: clare.stawski@gmail.com
Author(s): Start, A. N.
Title: Fire responses and survival strategies of mistletoes (Loranthaceae) in an arid
environment in Western Australia
Source: Australian Journal of Botany 59: 533-542
Year: 2011
Keywords: disease
Abstract: Between 1982 and 2008, data were collected on Loranthaceous
mistletoes, their hosts and the fire responses of both, in and adjacent to the
Pilbara, an arid region in Western Australia where hummock grasslands
(dominated by Triodia sp. R.Br., Poaceae) and mulga woodlands (dominated by
Acacia aneura Benth ...
Contact Author: Tonys@wn.com.au
Author(s): Stark, John M., Jeanette M. Norton
Title: The invasive annual cheatgrass increases nitrogen availability in 24-year-old
replicated field plots
Source: Oecologia 177(3):
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: Previous studies comparing invaded and non-invaded sites suggest that
cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) causes soil N cycling to increase. Unfortunately,
these correlative studies fail to distinguish whether cheatgrass caused the
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
differences in N cycling, or if cheatgrass simply invaded sites where N availability
was greater. We measured soil C and N concentrations and net and ...
Contact Author: john.stark@usu.edu
Author(s): Start, A.
Title: The mistletoe flora of southern Western Australia with particular reference
to host relationships and fire
Source: Australian Journal of Botany, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: disease ecology
Abstract: The mistletoe flora of southern Western Australia was studied over a 30
year period with particular emphasis on distributions, host relationships and fire.
Study area. The study area encompasses Western Australia south of~ 26o S. It
includes all the Southwest ...
Author(s): Stevens-Rumann, Camille, Susan Prichard, Penelope Morgan
Title: The Effects of Previous Wildfires on Subsequent Wildfire Behavior and PostWildfire Recovery
Source: Northern Rockies Fire Science network, Review Number 1, 11 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: behavior
Contact Author: csrumann@uidaho.edu
Author(s): Stergiadou, Anastasia
Source: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 23(11): 2755-2761
Year: 2014
Keywords: suppression
Abstract: Forest fires are the most dangerous enemy of Mediterranean forests.
The first thought as forest engineers is to use constructions that already exist
(road network, water springs, etc) so as to become useful for forest protection and
fire fighting. This paper aims to show how water tank... Author(s): Stephens, Jaime
L., Ian J. Ausprey, Nathaniel E. Seavy, John D. Alexander
Title: Fire severity affects mixed broadleaf-conifer forest bird communities:
Results for 9 years following fire
Source: The Condor 117(3): 430-446
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife birds
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Wildfire is an important disturbance regime that can structure wildlife
communities and their habitats for many years. Using a before-after-controlimpact framework, we evaluated the effect of the Quartz Fire on a mixed
broadleaf-conifer forest and associated bird community in southwestern...
Contact Author: jlh@klamathbird.org
Author(s): Storaunet, Ken Olaf, J'rund Rolstad, Mlfrid Toeneiet, Ylva-li Blanck
Title: Strong anthropogenic signals in historic forest fire regime: A detailed
spatiotemporal case study from south-central Norway
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43(9): 836-845
Year: 2013
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: To better understand the historic range of variability in the fire regime of
Fennoscandian boreal forests we cross-dated 736 fire scars of remnant Scots pine
(Pinus sylvestris L.) wood samples in a 3.6 km2 section of the TrillemarkaRollagsfjell Reserve of south-central...
Contact Author: stk@skogoglandskap.no
Author(s): Stone, B. H.
Source: M. S. Thesis, Colorado State University, 98 pages
Year: 2015 North America's western forests are experiencing wildfire and
mountain pine beetle (MPB) disturbances that are unprecedented in the historic
record, but it remains unclear whether and how MPB infestation influences postinfestation fire behavior. The 2012 High Park ...
Author(s): Stratton, Rebecca L.
Title: Effects of Long-term Late Winter Prescribed Fire on Forest Stand Dynamics,
Small Mammal Populations, and Habitat Demographics in a Tennessee Oak
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 101 pages
Year: 2007
Keywords: prescribed burning wildlife
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Stratton, Rebecca L.
Title: Effects of Long-term Late Winter Prescribed Fire on Forest Stand Dynamics,
Small Mammal Populations, and Habitat Demographics in a Tennessee Oak
Source: M. S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, 101 pages
Year: 2007
Keywords: wildlife prescribed burning
Author(s): Stroppiana, Daniela, Ramin Azar, Fabiana Calo, Antonio Pepe, Pasquale
Imperatore, Mirco Boschetti, Joao M. N. Silva, Pietro A. Brivio and Riccardo Lanari
Source: Pages 1409-1412, In: Proceedings IGARSS Conference, IEEE's, 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: The application of an integrated monitoring tool to assess and
understand the effects of annually occurring forest fires is presented, with special
emphasis to Mediterranean and Temperate Continental zones of Europe. The
distinctive features of the information conveyed by optical and microwave remote
sensing data have been firstly investigated, and pertinent information...
Author(s): Strong, Dustin J., Lance T. Vermeire, Amy C. Ganguli
Title: Fire and Nitrogen Effects on Purple Threeawn (Aristida purpurea) Abundance
in Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie Old Fields
Source: Rangeland Ecology and Management 66(5): 553-560
Year: 2013
Keywords: grasslands ecology
Abstract: Purple threeawn (Aristida purpurea Nutt. varieties) is a native grass
capable of increasing on rangelands, forming near monocultures, and creating a
stable state. Productive rangelands throughout the Great Plains and
Intermountain West have experienced increases in purple threeawn abundance,
reducing overall forage quality. Our objectives were to 1) reveal the effects of
prescribed ...
Contact Author: Dustin.Strong@ars.usda.gov
Author(s): Strojnik, M., G. Paez, M. K. Scholl
Title: Propagation dynamics of a mountain fire: case of the Yarnell Hill Fire 2
Source: SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, XXIII, 96081K (September 1, 2015);
Year: 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: interface conflagration fatalities behavior
Abstract: We propose a novel model for the fire evolution, applicable to its spread
in mountains, with low-height fuel. Fire propagates along contours of equal
elevation on steep terrains. The wind outside the mountain does not conserve on
the inside slopes at fuel ...
Author(s): Stuart-Smith, A. Kari, Hayes, John P., Schieck, Jim
Title: The influence of wildfire, logging and residual tree density on bird
communities in the northern Rocky Mountains
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 231(1-3): 1-17
Year: 2006
Keywords: silviculture fuel birds wildlife ecology
Abstract: By emulating natural disturbances like wildfire, managers hope to
maintain biodiversity in managed forests. Leaving residual live trees in harvested
areas is an important component of this strategy. However, the influence of this
approach on songbird communities is largely unknown. We surveyed songbirds in
166 stands in the Rocky Mountains in BC, Canada, that had been logged or burned
Contact Author: Kari.Stuart-Smith@tembec.com
Author(s): Sujung Bae, Sungeun Hong, Yeongjae Choi, Hyun S. Yang
Title: Recursive Bayesian fire recognition using greedy margin-maximizing
Source: Machine Vision and Applications 24(8):
Year: 2013
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Vision-based fire detection is a challenging research area, since the
visual features of fire dynamically change due to several factors such as weather
conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel fire detection approach in which
detected fire-candidate blobs are categorized as fire or non-fire under recursive ...
Author(s): Sun, H., M. Santalahti, J. Pumpanen, K. Koster, Frank Berninger,
Tommaso Raffaello, Ari Jumpponen, Fred O. Asiegbu and Jussi Heinonsalo
Title: Fungal community shifts in structure and function across a boreal forest fire
Source: Seminar on Forest Pathology, April 16th, 2015, Natural Resources Institute
Finland, Tikkurila Vantaa
Year: 2015
Keywords: fungi ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Forest fire is a common natural disturbance in forested ecosystems and
has a large impact on the microbial communities in forest soils. The response of
soil fungal communities to forest fire is poorly documented. Here, we investigated
the fungal ...
Contact Author: hui.sun@helsinki.fi
Author(s): Suryabhagavan, K. V., MISRAK ALEMU and M. BALAKRISHNAN
Title: GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis for forest fire susceptibility
mapping: A case study in Harenna forest, southwestern Ethiopia
Source: Tropical Ecology 57(1): 33-43
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Forest fire is influenced by ecological, human and climatic factors. Forest
fire directly causes biodiversity loss and forest degradation and affects global
climate change. The present study deals with identification of fire-prone areas in
Harenna forest using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Parameters used for the
analysis of the forest...
Contact Author: drsuryabhagavan@gmail.com
Author(s): Susan Kidnie, Miguel G. Cruz, Jim Gould, David Nichols, Wendy
Anderson, Rachel Bessell
Title: Effects of curing on grassfires: I. Fuel dynamics in a senescing grassland
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire 01/2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: grasslands fuel
Author(s): Sutherland, Elaine Kennedy, Hutchinson, Todd F., Yaussy, Daniel A.
Title: Introduction, study area description, and experimental design
Source: In: Sutherland, Elaine Kennedy; Hutchinson, Todd F., eds. Characteristics
of mixed-oak forest ecosystems in southern Ohio prior to the reintroduction of
fire. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-299. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station: 1-16.
Year: 2003
Keywords: ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Suyanto, S., Grahame Applegate and Luca Tacconi
Title: Learning across borders: community-based fire management - Kalimantan to
California - Judith Mayer Community-based fire management, land tenure and
conflict: insights from Sumatra, Indonesia
Source: in: Peter Moore, David Ganz, Lay Cheng Tan, Thomas Enters and Patrick B.
Durst, Communities in Flames, Proceedings of a Conference, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bangkok, Thailand, RAP PUBLICATIONS 2002/25
Year: 2002
Keywords: interface
Author(s): Swengel, Ann B. and Scott R. Swengel
Title: Paradoxes of Poweshiek Skipperling (Oarisma poweshiek) (Lepidoptera:
Hesperiidae): Abundance Patterns and Management of a Highly Imperiled Prairie
Source: 01/2014; Volume 2014(Article ID
216427dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/216427): 10 pages.
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife rare endangered birds ecology
Abstract: Although Oarisma poweshiek sometimes occurred in localized
abundance, its known range is centered on the highly decimated northern
tallgrass prairie of North America. To aid its conservation, we analyze surveys from
1988 to 1997 of populations no longer being found. While we recorded ...
Contact Author: swengel@naba.org
Author(s): Swetnam, Tyson L. and Donald A. Falk
Title: Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests: Reservoirs, Fluxes, and the Effects
of Fire and Management
Source: University of Northern Arizona, Ecological Restoration Institute Working
Paper No. 35, 20 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: carbon
Author(s): Syphard, Alexandra D., Jon E. Keeley, Avi Bar Massada, Tess Brennan,
Volker C. Radeloff
Title: Housing arrangement and location increase wildfire risk
Source: 96th ESA Annual Convention 2011; 08/2011
Year: 2011
Keywords: interface
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Surging wildfires across the globe are contributing to escalating
residential losses and have major social, economic, and ecological consequences.
The highest wildfire-related property loss in the US occurs in southern California,
where nearly ...
Contact Author: jon_keeley@usgs.gov
Author(s): Syphard, Alexandra D, Volker C Radeloff, Jon E Keeley, Todd J
Hawbaker, Murray K Clayton, Susan I Stewart, Roger B Hammer
Title: Human influences on California fire regime
Source: Ecological Applications 08/2007; 17(5): 1388-402
Year: 2007
Keywords: ecolgoy
Abstract: Periodic wildfire maintains the integrity and species composition of
many ecosystems, including the mediterranean-climate shrublands of California.
However, human activities alter natural fire regimes, which can lead to cascading
ecological effects. Increased human ignitions at the ...
Contact Author: Asyphard@yahoo.com
Author(s): Syphard, A. D., Radeloff, V. C., Hawbaker, T. J., Stewart, S. I.
Title: Conservation threats due to human-caused increases in fire frequency in
Mediterranean-climate ecosystems
Source: Conserv. Biol. 23: 758-769
Year: 2009
Keywords: ecology frequency
Contact Author: Asyphard@consbio.org
Author(s): Tabacaru, C. A.
Title: Playing with fire: Dendroctonus ponderosae (mountain pine beetles) in postburn lodgepole pine forests
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Alberta, 151 pages
Year: 2015
Abstract: Dendroctonus ponderosae, an aggressive tree-killing bark beetle, is one
of the most significant insects in the coniferous forests of western North America.
Although D. ponderosae is restricted to weakened host trees at low-density
populations, fire can ...
Author(s): Tae-Sung Kwon, Sung-Soo Kim, Cheol Min Lee, Seung Jae Jung
Title: Changes of butterfly communities after forest fire
Source: Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 16(4): 361-367
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2013
Keywords: insects ecology
Abstract: Fires change the diversity and composition of insects in forest
ecosystems. In the present study, we examined the change of butterfly
communities after a fire including the increase of butterfly richness, grassland
species, and generalist species, and more changed communities. ...
Contact Author: kr-chulmin@hanmail.net
Author(s): Takawira, Ammishaddai, Willis Gwenzi, Philip Nyamugafata
Title: Does hydrocarbon contamination induce water repellency and changes in
hydraulic properties in inherently wettable tropical sandy soils?
Source: Geoderma 235-236(2014): 279-289
Year: 2014
Keywords: soils repellency
Abstract: Hydrophobicity influences soil hydrological and ecological functions.
Compared to naturally-occurring and fire-induced hydrophobicity, limited
information is available on the impacts of hydrocarbon contamination on water
repellency and hydraulic properties. Water repellency and hydraulic ...
Contact Author: shaddytakaz@gmail.com
Author(s): Tallon-Armada, Rebeca, Manuela Costa-Casais, Judith Schellekens,
Teresa Taboada Rodriguez, Jaime Vives-Ferrandiz Sanchez, Carlos Ferrer Garcia,
Daniel Abel Schaad, Jose Antonio Lopez-Saez, Yolanda Carrion Marco, Antonio
Martinez Cortizas
Title: Holocene environmental change in Eastern Spain reconstructed through the
multiproxy study of a pedo-sedimentary sequence from Les Alcusses (Valencia,
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science 07/2014; 47(1): 22-38.
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: We present a multiproxy characterization of a complex, polycyclic soil
sequence from Les Alcusses, Moixent (Valencia, SE Spain). The area has abundant
settlements dating from early Neolithic to Roman times. The sequence comprises
six main units, dating back to 8.7-8.5 ka cal BP. We integrated mineralogy,
inorganic (pH, grain size, elemental composition) and organic chemistry (...
Contact Author: rebeca.tallom@gmail.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Tanase, M. A., R. Kennedy, C. Aponte
Title: Radar Burn Ratio for fire severity estimation at canopy level: An example for
temperate forests
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 170: 14-31
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Fires affect wide areas and their effects can be successfully estimated
from a range of remote sensing sensors, with synthetic aperture radars (SAR)
being of particular interest due to their sensitivity to forest vertical structure,
global availability and independence of ...
Contact Author: mihai@tma.ro
Author(s): Tanimoto, Hiroshi, Kohei Ikeda, Ronald J van der A, Savitri Garivait,
Klaas Folkert Boersma
Title: Interannual variability of nitrogen oxides emissions from boreal fires in
Siberia and Alaska during 1996-2011 as observed from space
Source: Environmental Research Letters 06/2015; 10(6).
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Past studies suggest that forest fires contribute significantly to the
formation of ozone in the troposphere. However, the emissions of ozone
precursors from wildfires, and the mechanisms involved in ozone production from
boreal fires, are very complicated. Moreover...
Contact Author: Tanimoto@nies.go.jp
Author(s): Tedim, Fantina, Manuel Garcin, Charlotte Vichon, Salete Carvalho,
Nicolas Desramautt, Jeremy Rohmer
Title: Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment of Forest Fires and Coastal Erosion:
Evidences from Case-Study Analysis in Portugal
Source: pages 149-177, in: Assessment of vulnerability to natural hazards. A
European perspective, Edited by Joern Birkmann, Stefan Kienberger, David
Alexander, 08/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: soils erosion
Abstract: In Portuguese case study, were considered two hazards with very
different characteristics. Coastal erosion is mainly triggered by storms events.
Coastal erosion is influenced by the regional context and the sedimentary budget
in the coast (partially influenced by human action). For the same hydrodynamic
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
conditions the coastal erosion can be reversible if sedimentary budget is positive
or ...
Author(s): Teixeira, Wenceslau G., Christoph Steiner, Gilvan C. Martins, Murilo R.
De Arruda
Title: Charcoal (Biochar) as soil conditioner to enhance fertilizers and water use
efficiency in agriculture in acid tropical soils in the Central Amazon Basin
Source: World Fertilizer Congress of CIEC, Rio de Janeio; 10/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Biochar is a name for charred organic material (charcoal -carvao vegetal
in Portuguese) when it is used as a soil amendment. Different methods of pyrolysis
is used to make charcoal. In the Amazon the traditional way is the called "caiera",
that consist in earth kiln is digged and fulfilled with vegetal debris (mainly trunks
of trees) its is covered with soill. Some opening vents ...
Contact Author: wenceslau.teixeira@embrapa.br
Author(s): Thomas, Douglas S., David T. Butry
Title: Areas of the U.S. wildland-urban interface threatened by wildfire during the
2001-2010 decade
Source: Natural Hazards 71(3).
Year: 2014
Keywords: interface
Abstract: The wildland-urban interface (WUI) is defined in terms of housing
density and proximity to wildlands, yet its relevance seems to be only in
conjunction with wildland fire threats. The objective of this paper is to (1) identify
the WUI areas threatened from wildfire during the 2000's ...
Author(s): Thomas-Van Gundy, Melinsa Ann, James Rentch, Adams MB, Walter
Title: Reversing legacy effects in the understory of an oak-dominated forest
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44(4): 350-364
Year: 2013
Keywords: restoration
Abstract: Forests developed under conditions different from original forests, with
higher deer densities, reduced fire frequency, denser canopies, and smaller
canopy gaps. These alterations have led to understories dominated by species
simultaneously browse tolerant, shade ...
Contact Author: mthomasvangundy@fs.fed.us
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Thoms. A. V.
Title: Rocks of ages: Propagation of hot-rock cookery in western North America
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 573-591
Year: 2009
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Cook-stone technology's Old-World roots were established by 30,000
B.P. and reappeared in the New World by 10,000 B.P., after millennia of direct-fire
cooking. Hot-rock cookery, which is necessary for foods that require prolonged
cooking, facilitated land-use intensification by affording greater utilization...
Contact Author: A-thoms@tamu.edu
Author(s): Thompson, Kirrilly, Julie Fiedler, Anthony Hatch, Mary-Anne Leighton,
Christopher Riley
Source: AFAC, Wellington, Powerpoint
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: Disasters such as floods, fires, earthquakes and cyclones often leave
large animals trapped. They frequently become entangled in fencing wire or
trapped in mud, trees, swimming pools, sewers and drains. Unsuccessful
evacuations can also leave animals trapped in trailer wrecks or ...
Author(s): Thomas, Douglas Stewart, David T. Butry
Title: Wildland Fires within Municipal Jurisdictions
Source: Journal of Forestry
Year: 2012
Keywords: interface
Abstract: Each year, wildland fires threaten structures and occupants of the
wildland-urban interface (WUI). Currently, wildfire ignition estimates largely
exclude ignitions originating within municipal jurisdictions, which contain the
majority of the US population. The objective of ...
Author(s): Tianhua He
Title: Ecological divergence and evolutionary transition of resprouting types in
Banksia attenuata
Source: Ecology and Evolution 4(16): 3162-3174
Year: 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: ecology regeneration
Abstract: Resprouting is a key functional trait that allows plants to survive diverse
disturbances. The fitness benefits associated with resprouting include a rapid
return to adult growth, early flowering, and setting seed. The resprouting
responses observed following fire are varied...
Contact Author: Tianhua.He@curtin.edu.au
Author(s): Tingley, Morgan W., Robert L. Wilkerson, Monica L. Bond, Christine A.
Howell, Rodney B. Siegel
Title: Variation in home-range size of Black-backed Woodpeckers
Source: The Condor 116(3): 325-340
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife birds
Abstract: The Black-backed Woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) is a species of
conservation concern that is strongly associated with recently burned forests.
Black-backed Woodpeckers are known to have variable home-range sizes, yet the
ecological factors related to this variation have not been ...
Contact Author: morgan.tingley@uconn.edu
Author(s): Tooth, Ifeanna M., Michelle R. Leishman
Title: Elevated carbon dioxide and fire reduce biomass of native grass species
when grown in competition with invasive exotic grasses in a savanna experimental
Source: Biological Invasions 16(2):
Year: 2014
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: Invasive exotic grasses are known to increase fire severity and frequency
in a number of fire prone systems. If elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)
increases growth rates and biomass production of these grasses, or increases their
competitive ability, fire regimes may be further affected with ...
Contact Author: ifeann.tooth@rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au
Author(s): Touraivane, Touraivane, Guillaume Wattelez, Morgan Mangeas, Arnaud
Title: Automated, web-based environment for daily fire risk assessment in New
Source: 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide,
Australia, 1-6 December 2013In New Caledonia
Year: 2013
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: risk
Abstract: The increasing number, frequency, and extent of fires represent both a
danger to human life and a threat to ecosystems conservation in an area
considered to be a sanctuary of biodiversity. A four-year study was carried out in
the framework of the INC research project to ...
Contact Author: guillaume.wattelez@univ-nc.nc
Author(s): Toukiloglou, Pericles, Ioannis Zois Gitas, Thomas Katagis
Title: An automated two-step NDVI-based method for the production of low-cost
historical burned area map records over large areas
Source: International Journal of Remote Sensing 35(7).
Year: 2014
Keywords: economics history
Abstract: The recognition and understanding of long-term fire-related processes
and patterns, such as the possible connection between the increased frequency of
wildfires and global warming, requires the study of historical data records. In this
study, a methodology was proposed for the automated ...
Contact Author: ptoukiloglou@for.auth.gr
Author(s): Treurnicht, Martina, Joern Pagel, Henning Nottebrock, Karen Esler,
Anne-Lise Schutte-Vlok, Frank Schurr
Title: Environmental drivers of range-wide variation in the demography of
serotinous South African Proteaceae
Source: PopBio 2014, Konstanz, Germany; 05/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Climate and fire affect reproduction and mortality of plants. An
understanding of these environmental drivers is essential in predicting how global
change will alter the abundance and geographical distribution of species. Here we
study how reproduction and mortality varies across the ...
Author(s): Tribolo, C., N. MERCIER, M. SELO, H. VALLADAS, J.-L. JORON, J.-L. REYSS,
Title: TL dating of burnt lithics from Blombos Cave (South Africa) and the antiquity
of modern behavior
Source: Archaeometry 48(2): 341 - 357
Year: 2008
Keywords: paleohistory
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: This paper presents the first TL dates for burnt quartzites and silcretes
from the Still Bay layers of Blombos Cave (South Africa). These layers contained
engraved ochres and marine shell beads that could be an early manifestation of
symbolic and thus "modern" behaviour by the Middle Stone Age ...
Contact Author: ctribolo@ouce.ox.ac.uk.
Author(s): Trickl, T., H. Vogelmann, H. Flentje, L. Ries
Title: Stratospheric ozone in boreal fire plumes-the 2013 smoke season over
central Europe
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15; 9631-9649
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: In July 2013 very strong boreal fire plumes were observed at the
northern rim of the Alps by lidar and ceilometer measurements of aerosol, ozone
and water vapour for about 3 weeks. In addition, some of the lower-tropospheric
components of these layers were ...
Contact Author: Thomas.trickl@kit.edu
Author(s): Tubbs, A. C.
Source: M. S. Thesis, West Texas A and M University, 111 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: wildlife ecology herpetofauna
Abstract: Herpetofauna are critical links in the functioning of ecosystems. Despite
this, herpetofauna are declining worldwide and more research is necessary to
their declines and evaluate how various land management practices impact
populations. Fire is a natural part of the ...
Author(s): Twidwell, Dirac, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Charles A. Taylor Jr, William E.
Title: Refining fire thresholds in coupled fire-vegetation models to improve
management of encroaching woody plants in grassland
Source: Journal of Applied Ecology 06/2013; 50(3).
Year: 2013
Keywords: modeling ecology
Abstract: Restoration priorities are typically established without quantitative
information on how to overcome the thresholds that preclude successful
restoration of desirable ecosystem properties and services. We seek to
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
demonstrate that quantifying ecological thresholds and incorporating them into
management-oriented frameworks provide a more comprehensive perspective on
how the threshold concept ...
Contact Author: dirac.twidwell@okstate.edu
Author(s): Ubeda, Xavier
Title: Els incendis forestals com a causants de l-increment d-erosio del sol
Source: Butll. Inst. Cat. Hist. Nat., 68: 5-14
Year: 2000
Keywords: soils
Abstract: L'article seguent es un recull bibliografic sobre treballs que han
investigat la resposta del sol despres d-incendis forestals i, mes concretament,
quan aquesta resposta es tradueix en una perdua d-aquest sl per erosio. Els
diferents autors busquen en els seus treballs respostes al fet que despres del foc el
sl pot esdevenir mes susceptible...
Contact Author: xubeda@trivium.gh.ub.es
Author(s): Vadrevu, K. P., K. V. S. Badarinath and E. Anuradha
Title: Spatial patterns in vegetation fires in the Indian region
Source: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 147: 1-13
Year: 2008
Keywords: remote sensing
Contact Author: krisvkp@yahoo.com
Author(s): Vallejo, V. R. and J. A. Alloza
Title: Post-fire management in the Mediterranean Basin
Source: Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 58(2): 251-264
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Mediterranean countries have a long-standing afforestation tradition, at
least since the 19th century, and especially the mid-20th century. Large forest fires
started to occur in the late 1970s, and the routine post-fire restoration approach
involved planting pines and building check...
Contact Author: vvallejo@ub.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Valladas, H., Wadley, L., Mercier, N., Froget, L., Tribolo, C., Reyss, J. L.,
and Joron, J. L.
Title: Thermoluminescence dating on burnt lithics from Middle Stone Age layers at
Rose Cottage Cave
Source: South African Journal of Science 101: 169-174
Year: 2005
Keywords: paleohistory
Author(s): Valavanidis, Athanasios, Thomais Vlachogianni, Konstantinos Fiotakis
and Spyridon Loridas
Title: Pulmonary Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Cancer: Respirable Particulate
Matter, Fibrous Dusts and Ozone as Major Causes of Lung Carcinogenesis through
Reactive Oxygen Species Mechanisms
Source: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 10(9): 3886-3907
Year: 2013
Keywords: smoke health
Abstract: Reactive oxygen or nitrogen species (ROS, RNS) and oxidative stress in
the respiratory system increase the production of mediators of pulmonary
inflammation and initiate or promote mechanisms of carcinogenesis. The lungs are
exposed daily to oxidants generated either endogenously or exogenously (air
pollutants, cigarette smoke, etc.). Cells in aerobic organisms are protected against
oxidative damage by enzymatic ...
Contact Author: Thvlach@chem.uoa.gr
Author(s): Valor, Teresa, Miriam Pique, Bernat C. Lopez, Jose Ramon GonzalezOlabarria
Title: Influence of tree size, reduced competition, and climate on the growth
response of Pinus nigra Arn. salzmannii after fire
Source: Annals of Forest Science 70(5):
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology climate
Abstract: After wildfire, surviving trees are of major ecological importance as they
can help in the post-fire regeneration process. Although these trees may be
damaged, they may also benefit from reduced fuel hazard and competition.
However, little is known about the long-term growth ...
Contact Author: Teresa.valor@ctfc.es
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Valor, Teresa, Miriam Pique, Bernat Lopez, Jose Gonzalez-Olabarria
Title: In-uence of tree size, reduced competition, and climate on the growth
response of Pinus nigra Arn. salzmannii after fire
Source: Annals of Forest Science 70 (5): 503-513
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: It was concluded that reduced competition might offset the short-term
negative effects of fire in surviv- ing black pines....
Contact Author: Teresa.valor@ctfc.es
Author(s): van Lierop, P., E. Lindquist, S. Sathyapala
Title: Global forest area disturbance from fire, insect pests, diseases and severe
weather events
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 352: 78-88
Year: 2015
Keywords: insects weather disease
Abstract: Reliable global data on forest degradation and disturbances due to fire,
insect pests, diseases and severe weather are important to understand ecosystem
health and condition, safeguard production of goods and services and avoid
negative impacts on ...
Contact Author: pieter.vanlierop@fao.org
Author(s): van Wagtendonk, Kent
Title: Fires in Previously Burned Areas: Fire Severity and Vegetation Interactions in
Yosemite National Park
Source: Proceedings of the 2011 George Wright Society Conference on Parks,
Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
Year: 2011
Keywords: severity
EXTENSIVE AREAS THAT HAD burned in the 1990s. In some high severity areas
resulting from these fires, a vegetation type conversion from lower and upper
montane pine and fir forests to montane chaparral communities occurred.
Questions arose from resource managers and the public regarding whether the
park should reintroduce fire into those areas. This analysis evaluates
Contact Author: kent_van_wagtendonk@nps.gov
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Van de Water, Kip, North, Malcolm,
Title: Stand structure, fuelloads, and fire behavior in riparian and upland forests,
Sierra Nevada Mountains, USA; a comparison of current and reconstructed
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 262(2): 215-228
Year: 2011
Keywords: fuel behavior
Abstract: Fire plays an important role in shaping many Sierran coniferous forests,
but longer fire return intervals and reductions in area burned have altered forest
conditions. Productive, mesic riparian forests can accumulate high stem densities
and fuel loads, making them susceptible to high-severity fire. Fuels treatments
applied to upland forests, however...
Contact Author: kipvandewater@ucdavis.edu
Author(s): Van Wilgenburg, Steven L., Hobson, Keith A.
Title: Landscape-scale disturbance and boreal forest birds: can large single-pass
harvest approximate fires?
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 256(1-2): 136-146.
Year: 2008
Keywords: wildlife ecology birds
Abstract: Boreal forest birds have adapted to changes caused by natural
disturbances such as fire and this adaptation forms the basis for the Natural
Disturbance Paradigm (NDP) underlying recent proposed changes in forest
harvesting practices in western Canada. To date, this paradigm has been evaluated
primarily at the stand ...
Contact Author: Steve.vanwilgenburg@ec.gc.ca
Author(s): Vasey, Michael C., V. Thomas Parker, Karen D. Holl, Michael E. Loik,
Seth Hiatt
Title: Maritime climate influence on chaparral composition and diversity in the
coast range of central California
Source: Ecology and Evolution 4(18).
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate
Abstract: We investigated the hypothesis that maritime climatic factors associated
with summer fog and low cloud stratus (summer marine layer) help explain the
compositional diversity of chaparral in the coast range of central California. We
randomly sampled chaparral species composition in 0.1-hectare ...
Contact Author: mvasey@sfsu.edu
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Vasilakos, Christos, Kostas Kalabokidis, John Hatzopoulos, Ioannis
Title: Identifying wildland fire ignition factors through sensitivity analysis of a
neural network
Source: Natural Hazards 50(1): 125-143
Year: 2008
Keywords: detection
Abstract: Artificial neural networks (ANNs) show a significant ability to discover
patterns in data that are too obscure to go through standard statistical methods.
Data of natural phenomena usually exhibit significantly unpredictable nonlinearity, but the robust behavior of a neural network makes it ...
Contact Author: chvas@env.aegean.gr
Author(s): Velasco-Molina, M., A. E. Berns, F. Macias, H. Knicker
Title: Biochemically altered charcoal residues as an important source of soil
organic matter in subsoils of fire-affected subtropical regions
Source: Geoderma 262: 62-70
Year: 2016
Abstract: Although climatic conditions of subtropical regions support fast
biochemical degradation of soil organic matter (SOM), some of their soils reveal
dark umbric horizons with considerably high organic C contents. Since such soils
can reach a depth of several ...
Contact Author: knicker@irnase.csic.es
Author(s): Venn-Watson, Stephanie, Cynthia R. Smith, Eric D. Jensen, Teri Rowles
Title: Assessing the potential health impacts of the 2003 and 2007 firestorms on
bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops trucatus ) in San Diego Bay
Source: Inhalation Toxicology 25(9): 481-91
Year: 2014
Keywords: health smoke water quality wildlife
Abstract: Firestorms negatively affected air quality throughout San Diego County
during 2003 and 2007, including the San Diego Bay, which houses the Navy's
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Objective: To assess the potential impact
of the 2003 and 2007 fires on dolphin health. ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Verkaik, I., M. Vila-Escale, M. Rieradevall, C. V. Baxter, P. S. Lake, G. W.
Minshall, P. Reich, N. Prat
Title: Stream macroinvertebrate community responses to fire: Are they the same
in different fire-prone biogeographic regions?
Source: Freshwater Science (December 2015)
Year: 2015
Keywords: wetlands ecology
Author(s): Vicente, Filipe, Michele Cesari, Artur Serrano, Roberto Bertolani
Title: The impact of fire on terrestrial tardigrade biodiversity: A first case-study
from Portugal
Source: J. Limnol., 72(s1): 152-159
Year: 2013
Keywords: Currently, loss of habitat is the greatest threat to biodiversity, yet little
is known about its effect on microscopic animal taxa, such as Tardigrada. One of
the causes of habitat destruction is forest fire, both natural and anthropogenic.
The latter is commonly used in agriculture to kill insect pests, as a soil preparation,
or conservation to create habitat mosaics. In Portugal, 42% of fire frequency is
anthropogenic. There is no consensus on the impact of fires on ...
Contact Author: fjvicente@fc.ul.pt
Author(s): Vickery, Peter D., Zuckerberg, Benjamin, Jones, Andrea L., Shriver, W.
Gregory, Weik, A. P.
Title: Influence of fire and other anthropogenic practices on grassland and
shrubland birds in New England
Source: In: Ralph, C. John; Rich, Terrell D., eds. Bird conservation implementation
and integration in the Americas: proceedings of the 3rd international Partners in
Flight conference: Vol. 2; 2002 March 20-24; Asilomar, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSWGTR-191. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific
Southwest Research Station: 1087-1089
Year: 2005
Keywords: grasslands ecology wildlife birds
Contact Author: pvickery@rcn.com
Author(s): Viegas, Domingos Xavier, Christoph Aubrecht, Sergio Freire
Title: Wildfire Management - Recent Experiences on the Ground and how Remote
Observation can add to the Picture
Source: Earthzine 16, 20 November, 2013
Year: 2013
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: The severity of the 2012 fire season in Europe was well above the
average of the last 20 years, according to records of the European Forest Fire
Information System (EFFIS) (JRC, 2013). At least for parts of the Mediterranean
region, that situation seems to have become even worse in 2013. Particularly in
Portugal, the 2013 fire..
Author(s): Vignesh, Gugan, Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla
Title: Forest Fire Simulation using 2D Cellular Automata modified
Source: Unknown publication, 7 pages
Year: 2014
Keywords: modeling
Abstract: Since many decades different parts of world's forest environment
undergo depletion because of many factors but major depletion is due to random
forest fires - a state, process, or instance of combustion in which fuel or other
material is ignited and combined with oxygen, giving off light, heat and flame. This
causes destruction of a building, town, forest etc. In Andhra Pradesh the forest
area to geographical area is about 23.2% with dense forest occupying...
Author(s): Vijayakumar, K., P.C.S. Devara
Title: Optical exploration of biomass burning aerosols over a high-altitude station
by combining ground-based and satellite data
Source: Journal of Aerosol Science 06/2014; 72
Year: 2014
Keywords: fuel remote sensing
Abstract: Biomass burning activity captured attention of the scientific community
because of its significant impact on global climate change. In this paper, we
present the results of a study of variations in aerosol optical, microphysical and
radiative properties during the occasions of biomass burning at an high...
Contact Author: devara@tropmet.res.in
Author(s): Vilen, Terhi
Title: Effects of changes in land-use, age-structure and management on carbon
dynamics of European forests
Source: Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Eastern Finland, 47 pages
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: In European forests, carbon storage has increased uninterruptedly
during the last 60 years, but the contribution of multiple factors affecting the
carbon dynamics is not clear. The main aim of this research was to study effects of
changes in land-use, age-structure and management on ...
Author(s): Vine, P., C. Puech
Title: Cartography of Post-Fire Forest Regeneration by Coupling a Spectral Mixture
Model with a Vegetation Regrowth Model
Source: Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 25(2): 152-159
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology modeling
Abstract: Les milieux en regeneration forestiere forment un continuum vegetal
extremement complexe. La cartographie par teledetection de l'evolution des
strates vegetales qui les composent ne peut donc etre realisee partir de methodes
traditionnelles de traitement d'images. Nous montrons ici comment ...
Author(s): Vlassova, L. and F. Perez-Cabello
Title: Effects of post-fire wood management strategies on vegetation recovery and
land surface temperature (LST) estimated from Landsat images
Source: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
44: 171-183
Year: 2016
Keywords: remote sening
Abstract: The study contributes remote sensing data to the discussion about
effects of post- fire wood management strategies on forest regeneration. Land
surface temperature (LST) and Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI),
estimated from Landsat-8 images ...
Contact Author: vlassova@unizar.es
Author(s): Wadley, L.
Title: Post-depositional heating may cause over-representation of red-coloured
ochre in stone age sites
Source: South African Archaeological Bulletin 64: 166-171
Year: 2009
Keywords: paleohistory
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Wadley, Lyn and Linda C Prinsloo
Title: Experimental heat treatment of silcrete implies analogical reasoning in the
Middle Stone Age
Source: Journal of Human Evolution 70: 49-60
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: Siliceous rocks that were not heated to high temperatures during their
geological formation display improved knapping qualities when they are subjected
to controlled heating. Experimental heat treatment of South African silcrete, using
open fires of the kind used during the ...
Contact Author: Lyn.Wadley@wits.ac.za
Author(s): Wade, Catherine E., Michael E. Loik
Title: Impacts of snow and rain change on native vs. invasive species and fire fuel
properties in a sagebrush steppe ecosystem
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014 Keywords:exotics fuel
Abstract: Sagebrush steppe is one of the most widespread ecosystem types in the
western U.S., yet also one of the most vulnerable to large-scale ecosystem
conversion due to a positive feedback between the non-native species Bromus
tectorum (cheatgrass) and fire. One of the most ubiquitous invasive species in the
western U.S., B. tectorum rapidly ...
Author(s): Wake, Bronwyn
Title: Climate impacts: Fire fuels change
Source: Nature Climate Change 4(8): 662-662
Year: 2014
Keywords: climate
Author(s): Walsh, Megan K., Keith M. Prufer, Brendan J. Culleton, Douglas J.
Title: A late Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction from Agua Caliente,
southern Belize, linked to regional climate variability and cultural change at the
Maya polity of Uxbenka
Source: Quaternary Research 82(1): 38-50
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory
Abstract: We report high-resolution macroscopic charcoal, pollen and
sedimentological data for Agua Caliente, a freshwater lagoon located in southern
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Belize, and infer a late Holocene record of human land-use/climate interactions
for the nearby prehistoric Maya center of ...
Contact Author: walshme@cwu.edu
Author(s): Walia, Gurjit Singh, Ankit Gupta, Rajiv Kapoor
Title: Intelligent fire-detection model using statistical color models data fusion
with Dezert-Smarandache method
Source: International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 4(4):
Year: 2013
Keywords: detection modeling
Abstract: The aim of this article is to present a novel and efficient method for early
fire detection in video sequences. Fire detection in video sequences is the need of
the hour for surveillance applications and de-noising processes used in target
detection in defense applications. The proposed fire-...
Author(s): Walker, Swim, Fecko, Johnson, Miller
Title: Influences of Thinning and Underburning Restoration Practices on Red
Turpentine Beetle Demography in Jeffrey Pine
Source: Journal of Sustainable Forestry 33(7):
Year: 2014
Keywords: silviculture insects
Abstract: Forest thinnings implemented with cut-to-length and whole-tree
harvesting systems followed by prescribed underburning were evaluated for their
effects on red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens LeConte) colonization in
pure, uneven-aged Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. and Balf.)....
Author(s): Walker, Curtis D.
Title: Avian community response to fire-mediated regeneration of native pine
stands in the mountains of South Carolina
Source: M. S. Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 71 p.
Year: 2013
Keywords: wildlife birds ecology
Author(s): Ward, R. DeC.
Title: Clouds Over a Fire
Source: Science, New Series 5(106): 60-61
Year: 1897
Keywords: weather pyrocumulous
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: ...to an assistant professorship of anatomy. DISCUSSION AND
CORRESPONDENCE. CLOUDS OVER A FIRE . ON Tuesday, December 1st, I had an
excel- lent opportunity to observe the formation of cumulus clouds over the
smoke from a large fire . The morning was clear, with the excep- tion of a few
Author(s): Wardle, David A., Micael Jonsson
Title: Long-term resilience of above- and belowground ecosystem components
among contrasting ecosystems
Source: Ecology 95(7): 1836-1849
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: While several studies have explored how short-term ecological
responses to disturbance vary among ecosystems, experimental studies of how
contrasting ecosystems recover from disturbance in the longer term are few. We
performed a simple long-term experiment on each of 30 ...
Contact Author: david.wardle@slu.se
Author(s): Ward, Hoffman, Collocott
Title: A century of woody plant encroachment in the dry Kimberley savanna of
South Africa
Source: African Journal of Range and Forage Science 31(2):
Year: 2014
Keywords: grasslands
Abstract: Woody plant encroachment is frequent in dry savannas. Grazing is often
considered to be a major cause of encroachment in dry savannas because grasses
are removed by livestock, leaving bare areas for trees to colonise in wetter years.
Earlier experiments conducted in the Kimberley...
Author(s): Wardwell, N. C.
Title: An Electric Ball of Fire
Source: Science 9(207): 56-57
Year: 1887
Keywords: fireball behavior...Stateburg, S.C., Jan. 13. An electric ball of fire In the
summer of 1881 it was my good fortune to observe some electrical phenomena in
the way of 'globular lightning,' which differ, I think, in some respects, from any
other case on record. It consisted of a ball of fire...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Watts, Adam C., Casey A. Schmidt, Daniel L. McLaughlin, David A.
Title: Hydrologic implications of smoldering fires in wetland landscapes
Source: Freshwater Science, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: hydrology wetlands
Abstract: ...The occurrence of fire in wetlands would seem to be rare because of
inundated or saturated conditions, but many wetlands ecosystems do occasionally
experience fire . Wetland fire is particularly common in regions with distinct wet
and dry seasons where wetlands exhibit high hydrologic variability...
Contact Author: Adam.watts@dri.edu
Author(s): Watts, A. C., L. N. Kobziar
Title: Hydrology and fire regulate edge influence on microclimate in wetland forest
Source: Freshwater Science, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: wetlands ecology
Abstract: Differences in temperature, relative humidity, and vapor pressure deficit
(VPD) were observed within small patches of pondcypress (Taxodium distichum
var. imbricarium) compared with adjacent, largely treeless, vegetation
communities. These patches, locally ...
Contact Author: Adam.watts@dri.edu
Author(s): Weber, Joel and Michael Bomber
Title: Predicting forest fire probability
Source: Powerpoint presentation
Year: n. d.
Keywords: statistics
Author(s): Wehenkel, Christian, Carmen Zulema Quinones-Perez, Sergio Leonel
Simental-Rodriguez, Steffen Fehrenz, Jose Ciro Hernandez-Diaz, Carlos A. LopezSanchez
Title: Proportion of vegetation reproduction in Mexican Populus tremuloides
Michx. populations on the Sierra Madre Occidental
Source: 2014 IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) is the most widely
distributed tree species in North America. It grows from Alaska across the
northwest Territories to Quebec and Newfoundland and south to Virginia,
Missouri, Nebraska, and central Mexico (Sierra Madre Occidental ...
Author(s): Wei Min Hao, Narasimhan K. Larkin
Title: Wildland fire emissions, carbon, and climate: Wildland fire detection and
burned area in the United States
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 317: 20-25
Year: 2014
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Biomass burning is a major source of greenhouse gases, aerosols, black
carbon, and atmospheric pollutants that affects regional and global climate and air
quality. The spatial and temporal extent of fires and the size of burned areas are
critical parameters in the estimation of fire...
Contact Author: whao@fs.fed.us
Author(s): Wells, Gail
Title: The Joint Fire Science Programs First 10 Years: Preparing Tomorrow's Fire
Professionals: Integration of Education, Training, and Experience Through ScienceManagement Partnerships
Source: Fire Science Digest 8, 16 pages
Year: 2010
Keywords: research
Author(s): Wells, Gail
Title: Preparing Tomorrow's Fire Professionals: Integration of Education, Training,
and Experience Through Science-Management Partnerships
Source: Fire Science Digest 9, 12 pages
Year: 2011
Keywords: Training commuinication
Author(s): Wells, Gail
Title: Cheating Cheatgrass: New Research to Combat a Wily Invasive Weed
Source: Fire Science Digest 13, 12 pages
Year: 2012
Keywords: exotics
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Wells, Gail
Title: Capturing Fire: RxCADRE Takes Fire Measurements to Whole New Level
Source: Fire Science Digest 16, 12 pages
Year: 2013
Keywords: Training
Author(s): Wendell, P. and Cropper Jr
Title: The longleaf pine paradigm
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Trees are potentially long-lived organisms that are defining components
in forests and savannas. It is far too easy for relatively short-lived people to
assume that observed forest structure and function represents a "natural" static
state that should be ...
Author(s): White-Monsant, A. C., G. J. Clark, X. Wang, G. K. N. Chuen, C-H.
Wahren, J. S. Camac, W. Papst, C. Tang
Title: Experimental warming and wildfire alter fluxes of soil nutrients in alpine
open heathland
Source: Climate Research 94: 159-171
Year: 2015
Keywords: climate
Abstract: The Australian Alps are predicted to experience increased mean
temperatures, more frequent fires, and biodiversity loss in response to climate
change; which can affect soil nutrient availability. Changes to soil nutrient
availability have consequences for plant growth and community composition. In
alpine soils of the southern hemisphere, it is unknown how warming and wildfire
will affect nutrient availability, and whether the effects resemble the global
trends. We used open-top...
Contact Author: Alison.c.white@outlook.com
Author(s): White-Monsant, A. C., G. J. Clark, M. A. G. N. K. Chuen
Title: Experimental warming and fire alter fluxes of soil nutrients in sub-alpine
open heathland
Source: Climate Research
Year: 2015
Keywords: soils
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Climatic changes in the Australian Alps are likely to raise mean ambient
temperatures, decrease precipitation and increase the frequency of fires, which
together are likely to affect soil nutrients. Changes in the availability of soil
nutrients are in turn ...
Author(s): Whiting, R. Montague, Jr., Fountain, Michael S., Laterza, Kenneth J.
Title: Effects of prescribed burning frequency on avian communities in longleaf
pine forests in western Louisiana
Source: In: Masters, Ronald E.; Galley, Krista E. M., eds. Fire in grassland and
shrubland ecosystems: Proceedings of the 23rd Tall Timbers fire ecology
conference; 2005 October 17-20; Bartlesville, OK. Tallahassee, FL: Tall Timbers
Research Station: 121-128
Year: 2007
Keywords: prescribed burning ecology birds
Author(s): Wiechmann, Morgan L., Hurteau, Matthew D., North, Malcolm P., Koch,
George W., Jerabkova, Lucie,
Title: The carbon balance of reducing wildfire risk and restoring process: An
analysis of 10-year post-treatment carbon dynamics in a mixed-conifer forest
Year: 2015
Source: Climatic Change, available online 2015
Keywords: carbon risk
Abstract: Forests sequester carbon from the atmosphere, helping mitigate climate
change. In fire-prone forests, burn events result in direct and indirect emissions of
carbon. High fire-induced tree mortality can cause a transition from a carbon ...
Author(s): Wilkinson, C. and C. Eriksen
Title: Fire, water and everyday life: Bushfire and household defence in a changing
Source: Fire Safety Journal 78: 102-110
Year: 2015
Keywords: interface australia
Abstract: This paper examines how the availability or scarcity of water influenced
the survival related decisions of households during the October 2013 State Mine
Fire in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia. Narrative analysis of
semi-structured interviews ...
Contact Author: cw979@uowmail.edu.au
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Wilson, Amy G., Yvonne Chan, Sabrina S. Taylor, Peter Arcese
Title: Genetic Divergence of an Avian Endemic on the Californian Channel Islands
Source: PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134471. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134471
Year: 2015
Keywords: genetics rare endangered
Abstract: The Californian Channel Islands are near-shore islands with high levels of
endemism, but extensive habitat loss has contributed to the decline or extinction
of several endemic taxa. A key parameter for understanding patterns of endemism
and demography in island populations is the magnitude of inter-island dispersal.
This paper estimates the extent of migration and genetic differentiation in three
extant and two extinct...
Contact Author: Asg.wilson@gmail.com
Author(s): Williams, Christopher A., G. James Collatz, Jeffrey Masek, Chengquan
Huang, Samuel N. Goward
Title: Impacts of disturbance history on forest carbon stocks and fluxes: Merging
satellite disturbance mapping with forest inventory data in a carbon cycle model
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 151: 57-71
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Forest carbon stocks and fluxes are highly dynamic following standclearing disturbances from severe fire and harvest and this presents a significant
challenge for continental carbon budget assessments. In this work we use forest
inventory data to parameterize a carbon ...
Contact Author: cwilliams@clarku.edu
Author(s): Wilson,, B. A., Lock, M. and Garkaklis, M.
Year: N. D.
Author(s): Williams, Jennifer A., Maura C. Flannery
Title: Plants and Invaders
Source: BioScience 58(9): 880-881
Year: 2008
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: exotics
Abstract: ...She has chosen a narrow topic for The Charcoal Forest (ages 4 to 8),
ely, how a forest fire can be beneficial for many plants and animals. Her text
aspires to be interesting rather than amazing. Although the book's vocabulary is
rather sophisticated, which isn't always necessary, Peluso does highlight difficult...
Contact Author: jwilliams @aibs.org
Author(s): Williams, M. A. and W. L. Baker
Title: Comparison of the higher-severity fire regime in historical (A.D. 1800) and
modern (A.D. 1984-2009) montane forests across 624,156 ha of the Colorado
Front Range
Source: Ecosystems 15: 832-847
Year: 2012
Keywords: severity history
Contact Author: markalanwilliams@hotmail.com
Author(s): Wittenberg, L.
Title: Post-fire soil ecology: properties and erosion dynamics
Source: Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 58(2): 151-164
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Many physical, chemical, mineralogical, and biological soil properties can
be affected by wildfires. The effects are chiefly a result of fire severity and
environmental factors; therefore, the consequences are diverse. Severe fires
generally have several negative effects on soils...
Contact Author: leaw@geo.haifa.ac.il
Author(s): Witt, Emma L., Randall K. Kolka, Edward A. Nater, Trent R. Wickman
Title: Short-term impacts of forest fire on fish and lake water mercury
concentrations from northern Minnesota lakes
Source: 98th ESA Annual Convention August, 2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: wildlife fish toxicity
Abstract: Mercury in aquatic systems is of concern due to potential negative
impacts on human and wildlife heath stemming from rapid bio-magnification in
aquatic food webs. The southern Boreal ecosystem is sensitive to mercury
contamination, with elevated mercury concentrations identified in remote lakes.
Fire has been identified as having an important role in mercury cycling....
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Wolkow, Alexander, Brad Aisbett, Sally Ferguson, Luana C. Main
Title: How A Lack Of Sleep On The Fire Ground May Be Impacting Firefighters?
Physiological Stress Response
Source: Australasian Fire Authorities Council/Natural Hazards and Bushfire CoOperative Research Centre Conference, Wellington, New Zealand; 09/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: health psychology
Author(s): Wood, Sam W., Lynda D. Prior, Helen C. Stephens, David M. J. S.
Title: Macroecology of Australian Tall Eucalypt Forests: Baseline Data from a
Continental-Scale Permanent Plot Network
Source: PLoSONE 10(9): e0137811. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137811
Year: 2015
Keywords: ecology australia
Abstract: Tracking the response of forest ecosystems to climate change demands
large (1 ha) monitoring plots that are repeatedly measured over long time frames
and arranged across macro-ecological gradients. Continental scale networks of
permanent forest plots have identified links between climate and carbon fluxes by
monitoring trends in tree growth, mortality and recruitment. The relationship
between tree growth and climate
Contact Author: swwood@utas.edu.au
Author(s): Woo-seok Kong, Sle-gee Lee, Hee-na Park, You-mi Lee, Seung-hwan Oh
Title: Time-spatial distribution of Pinus in the Korean Peninsula
Source: Quaternary International 344: 43-52
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: Despite the ecological and landscape importance and the public
popularity of conifers, especially in the case of Pinus of Pinaceae in the Korean
Peninsula, not much scientific information related to vegetation is known. A wide
range of fossil data has been collated and analyzed to understand the ...
Contact Author: wskong@khu.ac.kr
Title: Whole range and regional-based ecological niche models predict differing
exposure to 21st century climate change in the key cool temperate rainforest tree
southern beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii)
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Source: Austral Ecology, available online 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: ecology paleohistory
Abstract: The warmer and drier climates projected for the mid- to late-21st
century may have particularly adverse impacts on the cool temperate rainforests
of southeastern Australia. Southern beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii;
Nothofagaceae), a dominant tree species in these forests, may be vulnerable to
minor changes in its climate envelope, especially at the edge of the species range,
with Holocene
Contact Author: jworth@utas.edu.au
Author(s): Wright, Boyd R., Alain F. Zuur, Gary C. K. Chan
Title: Proximate causes and possible adaptive functions of mast seeding and
barren flower shows in spinifex grasses (Triodia spp.) in arid regions of Australia
Source: The Rangeland Journal 36(3): 297-308
Year: 2014
Keywords: regeneration grasslands seeds
Abstract: Mast seeding, the intermittent production of large synchronised seed
crops among plant populations, is a phenomenon that occurs at exceptionally long
intervals in spinifex grasses (Triodia spp.) from arid regions of Australia. This is
despite the reliance of these...
Contact Author: desertecol@desertecol.com
Author(s): Wright, Danielle, David Nichols, Alen Slijepcevic, Susan Kidnie, Alex
Chen and Rachel Bessell
Source: Research proceedings from the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC & AFAC
conference, Adelaide, 1-3 September 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: grasslands australia fuel
Contact Author: d.wright@cfa.vic.gov.au
Author(s): Wyshynski, Sarah A., Nudds, Thomas D.
Title: Pattern and process in forest bird communities on boreal landscapes
originating from wildfire and timber harvest
Source: The Forestry Chronicle 85(2): 218-226
Year: 2009
Keywords: wildlife ecology birds
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Xing Gao, Ying Guan, Fuyou Chen, Mingjie Yi, Shuwen Pei, Huimin Wang
Title: The discovery of Late Paleolithic boiling stones at SDG 12, north China
Source: Quaternary International 347; 91-96
Year: 2014
Keywords: paleohistory indigenous A large number of broken stones were
unearthed from the ash layer dating 11- 12 ka at Shuidonggou Locality 12 (SDG 12)
during archaeological excavations in 2007. Morphological and lithological analysis
of these stones indicated that they were selected by humans, ...
Contact Author: gaoxing@ivpp.ac.cn
Author(s): Xue Jun Chen, Feng Dong
Title: A Fire Detecting Method for Video-Based Fire Detector
Source: Advanced Materials Research 850-851: 537-540
Year: 2014
Keywords: detection remote sensing
Abstract: Video-based fire detector is one of fire detecting methods. A key
problem of video-based fire detector is to accurately recognize a fire and estimate
the fire centroid. Then a fire detecting method based on Otsu and Canny
algorithm was proposed for a video-based fire detector which was developed our
Contact Author: cxjnet@126.com
Author(s): Yang, W., M. Gardelin, J. Olsson, T. Bosshard
Title: Multi-variable bias correction: Application of forest fire risk in present and
future climate in Sweden
Source: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 15: 2037-2057
Year: 2015
Keywords: risk climate
Abstract: As the risk of a forest fire is largely influenced by weather, evaluating its
tendency under a changing climate becomes important for management and
decision making. Currently, biases in climate models make it difficult to realistically
estimate the future ...
Contact Author: wei.yang@smhi.se
Author(s): Yang Hu, Jake Urlus, Graeme Gillespie, Michael Letnic, Tim S. Jessop
Title: Evaluating the role of fire disturbance in structuring small reptile
communities in temperate forests
Source: Biodiversity and Conservation 22(9).
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Year: 2013
Keywords: wildlife
Abstract: Fire is an integral disturbance shaping forest community dynamics over
large scales. However, understanding the relationship between fire induced
habitat disturbance and biodiversity remain equivocal. Ecological theories
including the intermediate disturbance hypothesis ...
Contact Author: y.hu6@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
Author(s): Yanmin Shuai, Jeffrey G. Masek, Feng Gao, Crystal B. Schaaf, Tao He
Title: An approach for the long-term 30-m land surface snow-free albedo retrieval
from historic Landsat surface reflectance and MODIS-based a priori anisotropy
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 152: 467-479
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Land surface albedo has been recognized by the Global Terrestrial
Observing System (GTOS) as an essential climate variable crucial for accurate
modeling and monitoring of the Earth's radiative budget. While global climate
studies can leverage albedo datasets from MODIS, VIIRS, and other coarseresolution ...
Contact Author: shuaiym@gmail.com
Author(s): Yocom Kent, L. L., P. Z. Fule
Title: Do Rules of Thumb Measure Up? Characteristics of Fire-Scarred Trees and
Source: Tree-Ring Research 71(2): 78-82
Year: 2015
Keywords: history
Abstract: Dendrochronologists studying fire history must be strategic in their
search for fire-scarred tree samples. Because it is desirable to extend the period of
analysis in a site by looking for old scars, recent scars, and trees with large
numbers of scars, researchers ...
Contact Author: larissa.yocom@gmail.com
Author(s): Yohan Lee, Byungdoo Lee, Kyung Ha Kim
Title: Optimal spatial allocation of initial attack resources for firefighting in the
republic of Korea using a scenario optimization model
Source: Journal of Mountain Science 11(2): 323-335
Year: 2014
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Keywords: suppression modeling
Abstract: This study explores the optimal spatial allocation of initial attack
resources for firefighting in the Republic of Korea. To improve the effectiveness of
Korean initial attack resources with a range of policy goals, we create a scenario
optimization model that minimizes the expected number ...
Author(s): Yonggang Pang, Shaogang Liu
Title: Simulation research on control system and ballistic of a remote forest fire
fighting cannon
Source: pages 394-397, in: Computer, Mechatronics, Control and Electronic
Engineering, 2010 International Conference, 24-26 August, 2010, Changchun,
Year: 2010
Keywords: suppression equipment
Abstract: A fire fighting cannon is fire-fighting equipment developed for fighting
against forest fires; it is considered the tree crown fire and the inaccessible areas
which are dangerous for man to get close as extinguishing object. The forest fire
fighting cannon is launched by pneumatic method; the timing device within the
extinguishing shell will be...
Author(s): Yongwon Kim, Yuji Kodama, Changsub Shim, Keiji Kushida
Title: Carbon exchange rates in Polytrichum juniperinum moss of burned black
spruce forest in interior Alaska
Source: Polar Science 06/2014; 8(2): 146-155
Year: 2014
Keywords: carbon ecology
Abstract: The Boreal black spruce forest is highly susceptible to wildfire, and
postfire changes in soil temperature and substrates have the potential to shift
large areas of such an ecosystem from a net sink to a net source of carbon. In this
paper, we examine CO2 exchange rates (e.g., NPP and ...
Contact Author: kimyw@iarc.uaf.edu
Author(s): Young, A. M., P E Higuera, P. A. Duffy, F S Hu
Title: Climatic thresholds and interactions shape tundra and boreal fire regimes
and vulnerability to future climatic change
Source: Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA; 01/2013
Year: 2013
Keywords: climate
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Abstract: Understanding the vulnerability of fire regimes to 21st-century climatic
change is crucial for anticipating future ecosystem feedbacks and interactions,
particularly in carbon-rich boreal forest and tundra ecosystems. We quantified
multi-decadal scale fire regime controls using 2-km resolution fire (1950-2009),
climate (1950-2009), topographical, and vegetation data from Alaskan boreal ...
Author(s): Yue, C., P. Ciais, D. Zhu, T. Wang, S. S, Peng, S. L. Piao
Title: How past fire disturbances have contributed to the current carbon balance
of boreal ecosystems?
Source: Biogeosciences Discuss. 12: 14833-14867
Year: 2015
Keywords: carbon
Abstract: Boreal fires have immediate effects on regional carbon budgets by
emitting CO2 into the atmosphere at the time of burning, but also have legacy
effects by initiating a longterm carbon sink during post-fire vegetation recovery.
Quantifying these different ...
Contact Author: chaoyuejoy@gmail.com
Author(s): Yue Wang, Angie Ingrassia, Soumaya Belchemeri, Brendan J. Culleton,
John W. Williams
Title: Assessing the potential role of vegetation and fire drivers of woolly
mammoth extinction on St. Paul Island, a Holocene refugium
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014 In North America, more than
50% of mammal species > 32kg and all species > 1000kg were extirpated during
the last deglaciation, with the latest mammoths on the mainland dating to 12,291
years BP. Hypothesized extinction drivers include climate change, vegetation
change and human hunting. However, woolly mammoth (Mammuthus
primigenius) survived ...
Author(s): Zamora, L. M., R. A. Kahn, M. J. Cubison, G. S. Diskin4, J. L. Jimenez, Y.
Kondo, G. M. McFarquhar, A. Nenes, K. L. Thornhill, A. Wisthale, A. Zelenyuk and L.
D. Ziemba
Title: Aircraft-measured indirect cloud effects from biomass burning smoke in the
Arctic and subarctic
Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15(16): 22823-22887
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: The incidence of wildfires in the Arctic and subarctic is increasing; in
boreal North America, for example, the burned area is expected to increase by
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
200-300% over the next 50-100 years, which previous studies suggest could have a
large effect on cloud microphysics, 5 lifetime, albedo, and precipitation. However,
the interactions
Contact Author: laurenge@gmail.com
Author(s): Zegrar, Ahmed
Title: Analysis of principal parameters of forest fires and identification of
desertification process in semi-arid land in Algeria
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Year: 2013
Keywords: ecology
Abstract: In semi arid land in Algeria the ecosystem of steppe presents a different
vegetal formation, generally used for pasture, and the forest are in most time
composed by species like Aleppo pine sparse. and seen climatic unfavourable
conditions in zone and impact of forest fires; we notes deterioration of physical ...
Author(s): Zelazo, Emilie, Michelle L. Stevens
Title: Fire, floodplains, and fish: Traditional resource management and the historic
ecology of the lower Cosumnes River Watershed, CA
Source: 99th ESA Annual Convention, August, 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife fish
Abstract: The lower Cosumnes River watershed, located in the northeastern
portion of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of Central California, has been home
to the Plains Miwok for over 4,000 years. Ecological studies suggest that a
symbiotic relationship may have ...
Author(s): Zhao, Tom X.-P., Steve Ackerman and Wei Guo
Title: Dust and Smoke Detection for Multi-Channel Imagers
Source: Remote Sens. 2(10): 2347-2368
Year: 2010
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: A detection algorithm of dust and smoke for application to satellite
multi-channel imagers is introduced in this paper. The algorithm is simple and
solely based on spectral and spatial threshold tests along with some uniformity
texture. Detailed examinations of the threshold tests are performed along with
explanations of the physical basis. The detection is performed efficiently at the
pixel level and ...
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Contact Author: steve.ackerman@ssec.wisc.edu
Author(s): Zhang, L., B. Wang, W. Peng, C. Li, Z. Lu, Y. Guo
Title: Forest Fire Detection Solution Based on UAV Aerial Data
Source: International Journal of Smart Home Vol. 9(8): 239-250
Year: 2015
Keywords: remote sensing detection
Abstract: This software provides functions on processing UAV (unmanned aerial
vehicle) aerial image data according to the requirements of forestry area
application on UAV platform. It gives a real-time and remote watch on fire in
Greater Xing'an Mountains, ...
Contact Author: wlpeng@tju.edu.cn
Author(s): Zharikova, Maryna, Vladimir Sherstjuk, Nikolay Baranovskiy
Source: 575- 583, in unknown publication
Year: 2015
Keywords: modeling decision making
Abstract: The main objective of the paper is to describe a plausible formal model
of wildfire, which should be useful for decision making for protection against
wildfire. The model is based on the rough sets. The system of target objects, which
need the protection against wildfire, and their values are described in the paper...
Author(s): Zhi Gang Han
Title: Information Processing and Applied Technology in Hunan's Forest Fire Risk
Regionalization Based on GIS
Source: Advanced Materials Research;2014, Issue 1044-1046, p521
Year: 2014
Keywords: risk
Abstract: The paper collects and analysis the forest fire risk factors of Hunan
province, determines the weight of each forest fire risk factor, and chooses fire
dynamic clustering model. By using the spatial information processing and applied
technology of GIS, the map layers in spatial database management are
Author(s): Zhongke Feng, Ou Deng, Yiqiu Li, Ning Zhang
Title: Typical history forest fire spread examples and ANN-CA model simulation
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Source: International Conference of Information Science and Management
Engineering; 09/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: history modeling
Author(s): Zias, Kurt, Sean Anderson
Title: Camarillo Springs Fire: Effects on Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Source: 6th Annual SAGE Student Research Conference, California State University
Channel Islands; 05/2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: wildlife ecology
Abstract: Animal encounter rates here on the CSU Channel Island's campus
changed significantly before vs. after the May 2014 Camarillo Springs Fire. This fire
completely burned all undeveloped and natural landscapes across our property.
We decided to investigate the impact...
Author(s): Zifeng Lu, David G. Streets, Ekbordin Winijkul, Fang Yan, Yanju Chen,
Tami C. Bond, Yan Feng, Manvendra K. Dubey, Shang Liu, Joseph P. Pinto, Gregory
R. Carmichael
Title: Light Absorption Properties and Radiative Effects of Primary Organic Aerosol
Source: Environmental Science and Technology, available online 2015
Year: 2015
Keywords: smoke
Abstract: Organic aerosols (OAs) in the atmosphere affect Earth's energy budget
by not only scattering but also absorbing solar radiation due to the presence of
the so-called "brown carbon" (BrC) component. However, the absorptivities of
OAs are not represented or are poorly represented in current climate and
chemical transport...
Author(s): Zimmerman, Thomas
Title: Change as a Factor in Advancing Fire Management Decisionmaking and
Program Effectiveness
Source: Pages 14-23, in: Proceedings of the second conference on the human
dimensions of wildland fire. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-84. Newtown Square, PA: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 195p. pp
Year: 2011
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Author(s): Zlatar, Tomi
Title: Helmet selection in forest fires extinguishing
Source: 4th International Professional and Scientific Conference on Occupational
Safety and Health 2012, Zadar, Croatia; 10/2012
Year: 2012
Keywords: equipment suppression
Abstract: The obligation of every employer is to assess the risk of the employees
work, to eliminate/reduce them on a minimin possible size, and to select the right
protection equipment for the remaining risks. When extinguishing forest firest in
Croatia, for firefighter's head protection it is traditionally used a firefighter's
helmet. European and Croatian standards describe several different types of head
personal ...
Author(s): Zubaidah, Any, Yenni Vetrita, M. Rokhis Khomarudin
Source: eminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2014
Year: 2014
Keywords: remote sensing
Abstract: Validated hotspot is needed as a tool for disaster mitigating of
forest/land fire. This study aims to examine the accuracy of the hotspot as an
indicator of forest fire/land from two data sources, ely IndoFire Map Service and
Fire Information for Resource Management System. Validation is done by
comparing... 5o contact baidah_any@yahoo.com
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015
Current Titles in Wildland Fire, October, 2015