King Air Inspection Programs


King Air Inspection Programs
Dan Weaver
Director, Propeller Aircraft Product Support
2013 Maintenance & Operation
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• Current Maintenance Issues
• Accomplishments
• Wing Inspection Evaluation
• High Utilization Inspection Program
• Torque/RPM Limits
• Fleet Statistics
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Current Maintenance Issues
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Inspection / Replacement of Rivets Installed
by Kit P/N 101-4045
Background: During a review of kit drawing 101-4045, Beechcraft
Engineering discovered that the kit incorrectly called for solid aluminum
rivets instead of Hi-Lok fasteners at the forward edge of the upper wing
skin panels on some airplanes.
Resolution: Mandatory Bulletin SB57-4126
• Issued May 2013
• Provides information to determine type of
rivets installed and instructions to install HiLok rivets if needed.
Note: This bulletin only applies the B300/C and
A200CT model airplanes with kit 101-4045
installed. All other models with kit 101-4045
installed are not affected.
Model A200CT (RC-12K), Super King Air, Serials FE-1 through FE-36
Model B300, Super King Air, Serials FL-1 through FL-839
Model B300C, Super King Air, Serials FM-1 through FM-54 and FN-1
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Aft Vertical Spar Inspection
Background: Possible short Edge Distance may exist on the aft vertical
spar angle at the left and right rivets attaching the fillet to the vertical
stabilizer aft spar cap. HBC discovered this condition on some airplanes
during an inspection of the manufacturing line.
Resolution: Mandatory Bulletin SB 55-4106 REV 1
• Re-Issued March 2013 to add additional serial numbers.
• Provides information needed to inspect for the short ED condition and the
information needed to correct the condition if found.
B200GT: BY-116 through BY-119; BY-123 through BY-133 B200C: BL-166 through BL-169
B300: FL-741 through FL-756; FL-759; FL-763 through FL-780; FL-782, FL-783 and FL-785.
B300C: FM-47 through FM-49; FM-51 and FM-52.
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Cabin Venue Software Upgrade
Background: Rockwell Collins has updated the Cabin Venue system
software from version 2.1.2 to version 3.0. Version 3.0 software is
required in the event that the MCD Blu-ray drive assembly requires
Resolution: Optional Bulletin SB44-4115
• Issued Aug. 2012
• Announces Rockwell Collins Service Bulletin HBC-Venue-44-03
All King Air 350i model airplanes
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100 Amp Landing Gear Remote Circuit Breaker
Background: Some operators have reported nuisance landing gear
circuit breaker trips when operating in high ambient temperatures (above
100 degrees F)
The system has been redesigned to install a 100 amp remote controlled
circuit breaker (RCCB) in place of the 60 amp circuit breaker for the
landing gear motor circuit. Prevents nuisance circuit breaker trips when
operating in high ambient temperatures.
This takes affect at FL-792 and FM-53.
B300: FL-792 and after
B300C: FM-53 and after
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100 Amp Landing Gear Remote Circuit Breaker
Optional Service Bulletin SB32-4010 announces kit 130-3100
KIT 130-3100-0001
This kit provides parts and information to install a circuit modification to the
landing gear system of King Air models B300 serials FL-208 through FL-791
and B300C serials FM-10 through FM-52
KIT 130-3100-0003
This kit provides parts and information to install a circuit modification to the
landing gear system of King Air models B300 serials FL-1 Through FL-207
and B300C serials FM-1 through FM-9
B300: FL-1 through FL-791
B300C: FM-1 through FM-52.
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Empennage Inspection Program
Background: Installation of empennage
inspection access panels
Resolution: Recommended SB 55-3835
Issued June, 2008
Inspection of interior structure
Inspection added to the SIRM 2008
Airworthiness Limitations Manual revised
Production effectivity : BB-1972, BL-152 BN10, BT-47, BY-1, FL-522, FM-14
• Revision to the inspection requirements in
Chapter 4 approved by the FAA
This requirement is being added to the F90 ALM.
F90 - LA-1 Thru LA-236; 200/B200 – BB-2, BB-6 Thru BB-1384,
BB-1389 Thru BB-1971; 200C/B200C – BL-1 Thru BL-151,
200T/B200T – BT-1 Thru BT-38; 200CT/B200CT – BN-1 Thru
BN-4; 300 – FA-1 Thru FA-230 and FF-1 Thru FF-19; B300 – FL1 Thru FL-521; B300C – FM-1Thru FM-13 & FN-1 Only
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Wing Attach Bolt Hole Bushing Kits
Kit 101-4050
Model B200, serials BB-1193 through BB-1334
some BL and BT serials as well
• Wing spar life limited to 9,500 Hours
unless Kit 101-4050 is installed
Model 300, serials FA-2 through FA-190
• Wing spar life limited to 9,000 hours
unless Kit 101-4050 is installed
Refer to Chapter 4 for current information
101- 4050 Kit Requires Special Tooling And Training To Install.
There is only one set of the special equipment required to install the kit
More aircraft are nearing the limit
Aircraft may be modified at any time, no loss of life limit
Please plan for this event well in advance
Contact Stan Benjamin at HBS ICT. 316-676-4503
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Aileron Installation
Safety Communiqué No. 324
(May 2012)
Issue: Potential for incorrect installation of ailerons
HBC has received four reports of partial or complete
aileron separation on Beechcraft airplanes due to
improper installation techniques. This resulted from the
aileron hinge bracket not being fully engaged in the aileron
before the attach screws are inserted. This allowed the
screws to pass through the aileron skin and the nutplate,
but not through the holes in the hinge bracket.
HBC reminds owners/operators/maintenance personnel of
the importance of adhering to applicable existing
inspection and maintenance procedures in the appropriate
airplane Maintenance Manual or Shop Manual.
All Models. All Serial Numbers
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Fuel Leaks
Safety Communiqué No. 332
(May 2013)
Issue: Beechcraft has received reports of fuel leaking from wings (Baron and
Bonanza models) and nacelles (King Air models).
Beechcraft is investigating the fuel leaks that have been reported and will
publish additional information as appropriate.
Beechcraft reminds all owners/operators to pay particular attention during
preflight for potential fuel leaks. Ensure that there are no visible fuel leaks,
seeps, or staining. Pilots are reminded to monitor fuel levels during all phases of
Beechcraft reminds owners/operators/maintenance personnel of the importance
of adhering to fuel-related procedures in the applicable model Airplane Flight
Manual, Airplane Maintenance Manual, and Airplane Flight Manual Supplement.
All Models. All Serial Numbers
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Model Communiqué 2013-02
Issue: Aging Aircraft Inspection Program
It is Beechcraft Corporation’s position that the standard inspection program (AMM,
SIRM and ALM) meets the minimum requirements to keep the King Air fleet safely
flying. The program provides enough detail to alert owner/operators of potential
issues for their airplane.
Other topics:
20: Ground Stud Installation Tool
21: 350i Cabin Management/Environmental System
23: Elliott Aviation Sound Management System Technical Support
26: Bleed Air Warning System Description and Troubleshooting
28: Fuel Quantity Indication System History and Test Equipment
44: 350i Venue Cabin Management System Software Version 3.0 Service Bulletin
52: Cabin Door Roller Assembly
53: Entry Door Floorboard Assembly
56: Windshield Hump Seal Kit Available Again
All Models. All Serial Numbers
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Model Communiqué 2013-01
Issue: CLASS (Classic Legacy Aircraft Service & Support) Program Update
• Added additional serial numbers of airplanes older than 15 years
• Updated list of services
Original Configuration Research (Drawing Research for Modifications/Parts)
Material Specification Requests (Drawing Request)
Avionics Component Part and Serial Number Request
Publications Information Unavailable from Pay-Per-View
Assist with Troubleshooting Assistance
Letter of Authorization or Approval from HBC
Single Wiring Diagram All Aircraft
On-Site Technical Support
Access to Manual Set on the Web 24 to 48 hrs (Pay-Per-View)
AOG Call Out Fee (Applicable for services required outside of standard business hours)
The CLASS program was introduced several years ago to better address the technical support
needs of older airplanes.
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Beechcraft Corporation Most Private. Title Page Rights Apply.
ELT Antenna Kit
Kit 101-4094
Now available for B200 and B300 King Airs to replace the rod type antenna
with a blade type antenna.
HBC has received reports of the rod type ELT antenna 110-320/323
installed on B200s and B300s breaking in flight. As a result, a blade type
antenna has been certified and is currently being installed on new airplanes
at the factory.
Effectivity B300 series: FL-337 and After.
B200 series: BB-1795 and after; BL-152 and after; BY-1 and after; BZ-1 and after.
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Exhaust Fairings
Improved exhaust stack fairings
The fairings are now made from material that will better withstand the
high temperatures from the exhaust.
• The production cut-in for the new fairings is FL-856, FM-56 and
• The new fairing is now available through HBP&D.
LH 101-910209-19
RH 101-910209-20
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Condenser Blower Inlet
Kit 130-5508-0003
Provides parts and information to remove
the curved louver and replace with a
removable slot style air inlet to improve
airflow through the air conditioning
condenser during flight.
Effectivity B300: FL-493, FL-500 & after, B300C: FM-14 & after, B200: BB-1978 & after,
B200C: Bl-15 & after, B200GT: BY-1 and after
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Condenser Blower Inlet
Redesign for New Production
The NACA scoop will be removed.
The curved louvers will be replaced
with flat louvers similar to the louvers
on the left-hand side of the airplane.
New Design
Current Design
Effectivity B200 and B300: est. late 4th Quarter
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Wing Bolt Cover Kit
Kit 130-1220
Now available for all King Airs models to replace the upper aft wing bolt
cover with a cover assembly that provides for greater security.
Effectivity: All King Air Models and All Serials
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Wing Inspection Program Evaluation
Background: The wing inspection requirements in the maintenance
manuals are intended for airplanes operated in the “category of service
for which they were designed”. That is, “Pressurized Corporate
• Majority of cruise is above 10,000 feet
• Flight duration of more than an hour.
King Air SIRM 57-XX-00
The inspection schedules (Charts 201) in section one and two of this chapter identifies the
inspection areas, initial inspection periods, recurring inspection intervals and component
replacement times. These schedules are based on airplane utilization, operation and
maintenance in the category of service for which these airplanes were originally
designed; specifically, a pressurized executive or corporate transportation vehicles
wherein the majority of cruise is above 10,000 feet altitude and flight duration is more than
one hour.
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Wing Inspection Program Evaluation
Resolution: If your airplane is operated in other types of service, the wing
inspection requirements in the SIRM may not be appropriate for continued
Example of “other” types of service:
Air Taxi/Commuter Air Service
Search and rescue
Nav aid/airway inspection
Maritime Patrol
Aerial survey
Fire Service
An evaluation should be done to determine if a special inspection program
is needed.
King Air SIRM 57-XX-00 Should the aircraft be used for missions other than that intended by
design, such as an air taxi, commuter air service, pipeline surveillance,
livestock/predator animal control, search and rescue, navigation aids inspection,
extraordinary service at low altitude or unusually short duration flights (less than 30
minutes), the inspections specified in the Standard Flight Profile Inspection Schedule (Chart
201) are not appropriate for continued airworthiness of the airplane structure.
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Wing Inspection Program Evaluation
Additional considerations:
• Modifications
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Wing Inspection Program Evaluation
• Less than 10,000 ft
• Duration of less than 1 hour
Contact Beechcraft Technical Support to request the evaluation.
There is no charge for the evaluation
316-676-3140 or 800-429-5372
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High Utilization Inspection Program
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King Air Inspection Programs - History
In 1957, P&WC began the development of a “small” turboprop engine.
That engine became known as the PT6.
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King Air Inspection Programs - History
• PW&C shipped the first production engine (PT6-6) to Beechcraft in 1963 to use
on the first King Air prototype, know as the Model 87.
• The first flight was on January 20th 1964
• Certified in June 1964
• First delivery was on October 8th 1964.
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King Air Inspection Programs - History
The history of the inspection programs reflects the fact that the
King Air evolved from piston airplanes, (Queen Air and Twin
Original King Air Inspection Program (1964)
The original King Air inspection program was
patterned after the standard 100 hour/annual
inspection program that is typically used for piston
airplanes. This was our “OEM approved” inspection
program required by Part 91 for multi-engine turbine
• Complete inspection required every 12 months
and/or 100 hours
• Additional Items:
• Landing Gear Inspection Interval 1,000 Hours.
• Power Plant Overhaul Interval 600 hours.
The complete airplane was inspected every 12 months and/or 100 hours of operation
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King Air Inspection Programs - History
Late 60’s
The inspection program was revised in the late 60’s to provide more flexibility,
reduced down time and reduced inspection man hours. This program was
patterned after the FAR Part 91 Progressive Inspection program:
• The airplane is inspection in 4 “phases”
• Each inspection was to be completed at 150 hour intervals
• All 4 inspection to be completed within 18 months.
• Additional Inspection Items:
– Landing Gear Inspection Interval 7,500 Hours or 5 Years.
– Engine Overhaul Interval 3,000 Hours.
The complete airplane was inspected every 18 months and/or 600 hours of operation
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King Air Inspection Programs - History
Current Inspection Programs
In the late 90’s, the current “Phase Inspection” program was introduced to further
reduce inspection costs and provide more flexibility
Phase Inspection Program:
• The airplane is inspected in 4 “Phases”
• Each Phase must be completed at 200 hour intervals
• One inspection is required every 12 months
• All 4 Phases to be completed within 24 months.
• Additional Inspection items:
• Landing Gear Inspection Interval 8,000 Cycles or 6 Years.
• Engine Overhauls 3,600 hours.
The calendar time for a complete inspection cycle is increased from 18 to 24 months.
Time between inspection is increased from 150 to 200 hours.
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High Utilization Inspection Program
Special Mission operators have requested increased times between
inspections for high utilization airplanes
Goal – develop an inspection program that:
• Reduces down-time
• Increase time between inspections
• Reduce inspection costs
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High Utilization Inspection Program
High Utilization Inspection Program
This inspection program is designed for those airplanes operated more than 400
hours per year.
Similar to the current Phase Inspection Program
• 4 major inspections (now called Detail Inspections)
• The interval between Detail Inspections is increased from 200 hours to 400
• Same basic scope and detail as the current Phase inspections.
Some items that could not be increased to 400 hours
• Routine inspections are added at the 200 hour point between the 400 hour
Detail inspections.
• The Routine Inspection covers lubrication items and “Walk Around” with
certain operational checks.
• It is designed for minimal man hours and down time.
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King Air Inspection Programs
Inspection Program Comparison
400hrs per year
Phase Inspection
800hrs per year
1600hrs per year
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
2 phases
4 phases
8 phases
Information is based on A King Air B300
Current Phase Inspection Flat Rate - 66 hours average per Phase Inspection
Hi-Ut Routine Inspection Flat rate - 12 hours average
Hi-Ut Detail Inspection Flat Rate – 60 hours average
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King Air Inspection Programs
Inspection Program Comparison
400hrs per year
800hrs per year
1600hrs per year
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
Phase Inspection
2 phases
4 phases
8 phases
Proposed High
Utilization Program
1 Detail
1 Routine
72 total
2 Detail
2 Routine
4 Detail
4 Routine
Information is based on A King Air B300
Current Phase Inspection Flat Rate - 66 hours average per Phase Inspection
Hi-Ut Routine Inspection Flat rate - 12 hours average
Hi-Ut Detail Inspection Flat Rate – 60 hours average
Beechcraft Corporation Most Private. Title Page Rights Apply.
King Air Inspection Programs
Inspection Program Comparison
400hrs per year
800hrs per year
1600hrs per year
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
Number of
Completed Insp.
Number of
Phase Inspection
2 phases
4 phases
8 phases
Proposed High
Utilization Program
1 Detail
1 Routine
72 total
2 Detail
2 Routine
4 Detail
4 Routine
60 man-hours
120 man-hours
240 man-hours
Information is based on A King Air B300
Current Phase Inspection Flat Rate - 66 hours average per Phase Inspection
Hi-Ut Routine Inspection Flat rate - 12 hours average
Hi-Ut Detail Inspection Flat Rate – 60 hours average
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High Utilization Inspection Program
Program Applicability and Requirements
• High Utilization Inspection Program is available to the following airplanes:
• B300
FL-1 and After, FM-1 and After
• 300(avail. Early 2014) FA-1 and After
• B200
BB-1158, BB-1167, BB-1193 and After (1985 and after)
• B200C
BL-73 and After
(1984 and after)
• B200T
BT-31 and After
(1985 and after)
• B200GT
BY-1 and After
(Only applicable to airplanes with Hydraulic Landing Gear and Triple Element Spar)
• Must be operated a minimum of 400 hours per year
• It is a paid program, but is provided free with a Support Plus contract (Parts and
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High Utilization Inspection Program
Subscription through Technical Publication:
• Subscribe to the program through Beechcraft Tech Pubs
• Maintenance Manual Supplement
• Serialized Letter of Authorization
Contact Beechcraft Technical Publications to
subscribe to the High Utilization Inspection program
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Phase Inspection Program Update
Changes to the Phase Inspection Program (early 2014)
• No longer required to remove the interior at Phase 3
– Required to inspect systems and components under floor
– Crosstie inspection removed form Phase 3
• Special Inspection Added
– Interior removal now required at 2500 cycles or 6 years
Fuselage Inspection
• No Change to the currently required at 5000 cycles and reoccurring
every 1000 cycles
• We are collecting data to support a request to the FAA to increase
inspection interval
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Fleet Statistics
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90 Series King Air Data
Total Built
Total in Service
Total Flight Hours
Total Landings
Avg. Flt Hours Per
Avg Landings Per
Fleet Leader
Hours (Projected)
Landings (Projected)
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100 / 200 Series King Airs
Total Built
Total in Service
Avg. Flt Hours Per
Avg.Landings Per
Total Flight Hours
Total Landings
Fleet Leader
Hours (Projected)
Landings (Projected)
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Total Built
Total in Service
Total Flight Hours (Projected)
Total Landings (Projected)
Avg. Flt Hours Per Month
Avg. Landings Per Month
Fleet Leader
Hours (Projected)
Landings (Projected)
Beechcraft Corporation Most Private. Title Page Rights Apply.
300 / 350 Series King Airs
B300 (350)
Total Built
Total in Service
Avg. Flt Hours Per
Avg. Landings Per
Total Flight Hours
Total Landings
Fleet Leader
Hours (Projected)
Landings (Projected)
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King Air Totals
All King Air
Total Built
Total in Service
Total Flight Hours (Projected)
Total Landings (Projected)
Avg. Flt Hours Per Month
Avg. Landings Per Month
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It may not be reproduced, published, or disclosed in whole or in part outside the company without the written permission of Hawker Beechcraft Corporation
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