HS`85: Ready to Shine and Shimmer at Homecoming 2010


HS`85: Ready to Shine and Shimmer at Homecoming 2010
HS’85: Ready to Shine and
Shimmer at Homecoming 2010
lass of ’85 is full-speed ahead and unstoppable as they gear up
for Homecoming 2010. At the heels of the successful Ogie in
the Key of C fundraiser, homecoming day preparations immediately followed. Committees are busying themselves with the final
touches on Homecoming Day, while program practices have been
happening on a regular basis. Indeed, it has been a fun-filled journey
for everyone as all roads continue to lead to SSC to culminate almost
2 years of reconnecting and working toward this momentous day.
To add more meaning to the event, the class has taken on the
theme ‘I. In Touch. Involved. In Action.’ Living up to the Scholastican
ideals imbibed through the years, it has taken on a proactive role
– choosing to initiate change, and acknowledging that change must
begin with oneself.
The HS Class of 1985 thus urges all of you fellow Scholasticans
to journey home with them. Aptly put, they call on you… “Samasama na sa isang maligayang pag-uwi! Tara – uwi na sa Barangay St.
President’s Message
t is Homecoming season again. And in spite
of so many onslaughts from nature and the
circumstances and conditions of our times, we
shall, for one short while, savor again the ties that
make us one.
In the meantime, SSC has grown upwards,
sidewards, inwards and outwards. This year, we
shall come home to a campus with renovations in
progress. Foremost among these renovations is the
renovation of the building behind St. Cecilia’s Hall
which will house the School of Music, the Institute
for Catering Management and Hospitality
Technology, the College Library and Audio-Visual
Center, and the renovation of the St. Scholastica’s
Foundation Inc. (SSAFI) which will begin in March
and hopefully be completed by June.
As we indulge in the luxury of each other’s
presence, it is my hope that we shall not forget
that now, more than ever, in the history of our
country, there is a great need for us to give our
best and to share our resources.
Perhaps this is the essence of being a Scholastican. The willingness to give our best and to
share whenever, wherever, whatever. Perhaps
this is what, beyond the performances and the
merrymaking, we celebrate together today. The
Silver Jubilarians said it so well. We ought to be
To all the Jubilarians our Congratulations. To
everyone else, WELCOME HOME.
Table of Contents
Silver Jubilarians HS 85
President’s message2
Table of contents2
SSAFI Contact Information2
The New SSAFI Home
Kulasa ka ba?
HS 75 / COLLEGE 75
Golden Jubilarians HS 60
SSAFI Gift Giving
ssafi Xmas Party
Come and Join us next Time
Fe Perez Agudo
SSAFI Card Discount Establishments 13
SSAFI Batch Rep Get Together
HS 77 Fab at 50 party
In memoriam
2560 Leon Guinto Street, Malate
Metro Manila, Philippines
Tels. 524-1559 • 524-7686 loc. 555
Email: alumnae_office@ssc.edu.ph
Website: http://www.ssc.edu.ph
Ma. Lourdes C. Roa
SSAFI President
PAX 2010
Alumnae News
Expansion and Renovation
of the SSAFI office
n order to provide a more comfortable and functional venue for the conduct of alumnae affairs, your
SSAFI Board requested Sr. Angelica Leviste, OSB, President of SSC, to allow us to expand to the open
spaces near the St. Cecilia’s Hall and social Hall. Upon the gracious approval of Sr. Angelica, your
Board embarked on the expansion and renovation project. Construction will start in March and will be
completed before the start of the new school year in June. Shown below is the expanded floor plan and
perspective of the conference room.
We invite all alumnae classes to avail of the new facilities and become more involved in the
activiities of the SSAFI.
PAX 2010
Alumnae News
Living it up for a cause
“Kulasa Ka Ba?”
One Music.
One Voice.
One Hope.”
Mitch Valdez
We Rocked It!
The biggest gathering of Scholasticans was held
recently at the Le Pavillon at the Metropolitan Park
in Pasay City. A dinner, concert, and party combined,
“Kulasa Ka Ba? One Music. One Voice. One Hope.”
was truly a celebration of good music from the ’50s
all the way to 2009!
Scholasticans, family members, and friends
were dazzled by both the SSC String Quartet and the
Grade School Choir while Sr. Mary John Mananzan,
OSB, Mother Prioress of the Missionary Benedictine
Sisters; Sr. M. Angelica Leviste, OSB, President of St.
Scholastica’s College, Manila; Sr. Mary Placid Abejo,
OSB, Dean of the College of Music; and, Ms. Ma.
Lourdes Castro-Roa, President of the St. Scholastica’s
Alumnae Foundation, Inc. (SSAFI) shared messages
of inspiration.
The City Hybrid and Jazz Trio bands provided
splendid music while St. Scho’s pride, Dance Edge,
delighted the as they worked on a Michael Jackson
Everyone danced and sang along to the hits,
all of which were performed by an all-Scholastican
ensemble. And with Mitch Valdez as host for the
evening, the audience roared with laughter as she
recalled her good ‘ol days in St. Scholastica’s College,
Manila. Ms. Valdez happens to be one of the many
prominent “Kulasas.”
Making the evening more exciting was the Raffle
Break, which were led by “younger” Scholasticans
and TV personalities, Reema Chanco and Miakka Lim.
Coffee makers and custom roasted coffee beans were
given away, courtesy of Hawaiian Coffee Company;
Gift certificates from Island Cove; and, Swarovski
crystal-adorned wristwatches from Alexis Jewelry
wowed the crowd.
Capping off celebration was a retro number
rendered by the Family Birth Control Band, who
rendered ’60s and ’70s hits. The Original Penthouse
Gang also made a special appearance and grooved
with audience until midnight.
Indeed, it was a trip down memory lane in the
most fun manner! But the evening brought in a much
bigger “star,” which was the Foundation’s project
called “From Streets to Strings.”
PAX 2010
Alumnae News
Scholasticans as Philanthropists
“From Streets to Strings” speaks of Sr. Baptista
Battig Music Foundation’s engagement in unveiling
the most talented performers and artists “from the
streets of poverty to a better life through the power
of music.” The Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) estimates that there are up to
200,000 children and youth on the streets of Manila,
most of whom have homes but would rather roam
the streets due to neglect or even domestic abuse.
Some of them are even forced to beg or work
mostly through collecting garbage. Some children
were also reported to have run away from home
while some chose to live on the streets for it is where
they find a sense of belongingness, alongside money
and food.
Robbed of childhood and innocence, these
children turned to music in order to restore their
faith in themselves, to reconnect with the society
and perhaps with their families, and to be agents of
change for their peers.
Studies also show that children and youth
who have experienced grief are inclined to express
themselves through music as they do not have to
rely only on words. Thus, these children respond
relatively easier to community music programs, with
their skills very useful upon leaving the programs.
Over the years, the Foundation has been
providing underprivileged Filipino youth access
to music as an alternative education or profession.
Through its outreach programs, the Foundation taps
and hones musically inclined youth by providing
short-term community training courses.
These outreach programs become a gateway
for some of the Foundation’s protégés who will
qualify for St. Scholastica’s College’s School of Music’s
two-, three, or even a five-year formal education in
music. Each qualified student receives a scholarship
program for the School.
The aftermath is employment here and abroad,
of course – that is, in cruise ships, hotels, schools, and
production companies to name a few. With the help
of the scholarship fund, these underprivileged youth
become productive, disciplined, and self-reliant
members of our society.
PAX 2010
By providing them with a great opportunity, not
only does the Foundation and the School help them
realize their dreams. They, too, shall be homegrown
talents who can raise the bar of Filipino musicians
locally and internationally as well as be an inspiration
for generation to come.
“From Streets to Strings” is the Foundation’s
ongoing campaign for its music scholars who intend
to create the spirit of giving as a lifestyle. All donations
to the Sr. Baptista Battig Music Foundation, Inc. are
100% tax-deductible both in the Philippines and in
the US.
“Kulasa Ka Ba?” is a call to action for all
Scholasticans or “Kulasas” (i.e., a moniker for the
students of St. Scholastica’s College, Manila) to form
a bond: That no small act of kindness is insignificant
if done in unity.
It is best to plant the seed of change in
one’s circle of influence but it is the initiative that
will hopefully spread beyond the home turf of
Scholasticans beyond borders and across the seas.
The Foundation endeavors this project to leave a
mark on the minds of many people, as this is a unique
and noble campaign.
It also looks forward to forging alliances
with reputable corporations to strengthen the
Foundation’s objectives of reaching out to homeless
children and youth. Every single contribution counts
and can definitely go a long way for the Filipino
So, just how can the Foundation change a
nation? It’s one child with one “Kulasa” at a time,
from one generation to the next. When asked about
one’s roots, “Kulasa Ka Ba?” The answer that evening
was a resounding, “Oo, Kulasa Ako! Sasama ako sa
For more information on Sr. Baptista Battig
Music Foundation, Inc., please visit us at http://
www.ssc.edu.ph/battig/. (Written by: Carina L. Dela
Cruz, Foundation Board Member & Project Manager;
Minor revisions by: Cecilia P. Almazar, Marketing &
Communications Officer, SSC Manila)
Alumnae News
Frozen in Time
ehearsals are on the way for Coral Jubilarians,
H.S. ‘75. Performing to Hotdog’s “Annie
Batungbakal” and “Manila” are: Bernie
Cobangbang, Doris Dasallas, Beth Lotilla, Meggy
Valdes, Jo Asprec, Mel Reyes, Lynne Razon, Fem
Aguila, Mari Lavina, Ame Locsin, Amalu Eustaquio,
Maris Guillen, Susan Bolquerin, Grace Milan, Malen
Alava, Marivic Sison, Marisa Suarez, Mitzi Tronqued,
Maryanne Angeles and Marissa Aboitiz Classmates
from abroad who are expected to join are: Liza
Yambao, Ella Vitocruz, Lenee Cadote, Ana Jaojoco
and Cynthia Conception Through the kindness and
courtesy of Maritess Cancio Suplico, rehearsals are
being held in Bridges Bookstore, Glorietta 3. And
the choreography is by Marissa Abooitiz.
China Esteban Gallaga
College Class 1975
do not know who took it or why some
of us have copies of the black and white
picture – but it’s ok - after all it was
thirty five years ago. I do remember being
asked to assemble in the field and everyone
laughingly trying to get into the camera’s
frame. Graduation buzz was in the air and
one could actually feel the excitement of the
days rushing by. Then – click! – 1975 frozen in
time forever: young girls with all their hopes
and dreams; young girls with bonds gently
built through years of classes, escapades and
parties together. The hopes and dreams have
may have changed but I have found that the
bonds remain – helping us to seek and find
each other when needed.
Thirty-five years. Enough time to build a
family. Enough time to build a career. Enough
time to build new relationships. Enough
time to build a country. Some may have been
successful in most. Some may have had to
constantly pick up pieces as they strove to
live out their lives. Today as we celebrate our
Jubilee, as in all our meetings together, we will
discover that again, it’s ok.
The bonds built those many years ago
bring us back to those times of dreams and
hopes. And this is God’s goodness manifested
in all our lives. We may not have thirty-five
years ahead of us but we have the last thirty
nine or more years that tell us – tomorrow is
another day. And each night will always bring
us to the dawn. Dear classmates and friends of
1975 thank you for the smile, the laughter, the
warmth. Thank you for new memories! Thank
you for just being!
PAX 2010
Alumnae News
College Class 1965
“December 2009 ushered in a most busy month
for College Class 1965. Notwithstanding the harried
preparations for the Christmas Season, the Class
met regularly to map out class activities for the 2010
Alumnae Homecoming.
Informed of being this year’s Blue Sapphire
Jubilarians, Nadya Ramirez-Castillo and Amor AbasJalandoni lost no time in ringing up classmates. A
handful responded, as our AB Class was a small one,
composed of only one section and with most of the
members going overseas. Nonetheless, those present
were very generous with their time and supportalways ready and willing to practice anyday, anytime.
First meeting was at Alice Panlilio-Ocampo’s
residence where matters on finance,music,perfor
mance costumes and practice schedules were set.
Nadya’s place became a practice joint. Needless to say,
rehearsals were exhausting-try doing the grind and
bumps with bones creaking-but satisfying anyway
with the thought of a sumptuous merienda of pansit,
empanadas and cakes, waiting to be gobbled up.
They were grand times for exchanging pleasantries bridging years of separation from childhood
friends punctuated with dance routines passing for
the much-needed exercise.”
College 65
PAX 2010
HS60’s Gold Rush
By Cora Villegas-Rosario
’ve struck gold! I imagined Californian Amy SalesSanson an exuberant “prospector”. Her best friend
from High School, Julie Tamayo-Militante, was among
our “missing” classmates, and Amy had located Julie’s
brother. Amy recalled he had been a medical student
in Manila, searched the internet, and got a hit--a doctor
with his name. And so the best friends reconnected
across the country from California to New Jersey while
former classmates renewed old friendships at minireunions held in Manila and abroad. We are down
to only two classmates missing--Zorina Albano and
Carolina Vicencio-Esguerra. A few other classmates
sadly choose not to be found.
In October 2009 the first East Coast mini-reunion
of HS60 was organized by New Yorkers Vicky CrucilloBernardo and Marilu Esquivel-Murphy. Nine classmates
from New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Arizona, and Toronto
met in my New Jersey home. Earlier in June 2009, seven
from California and one from Arizona partied at Cora
Aclan-Simpson’s in California. Formerly a “missing”
classmate, Avelina Dimapilis-Bocalan was among the
attendees. Larger gatherings have been held in Manila
for various occasions since 2008, and most recently
for a Christmas party in Cely Cruz-Luz’s Makati home.
Taking a respite from her work on the jubilee souvenir
book, Vicki Altavas-Arcega of Washington took pictures
while Cely and Ondes Hernandez-Sianghio presided
over the distribution of dress materials for the “official”
jubilee attire. Last January 8, the first rehearsal for the
jubilarians’ number on homecoming day was held at
Cely’s home. Thanks to Louie Carpio-Ledesma who
emailed all a “codigo” for the dance, hopefully we will
be in step on February 7. Golden Jubilee 2010, we are
ready for you!
Manila—January 20, 2008
Front L-R: Cely Cruz-Luz, Myrna Palma-Miravalles, Margaret Baxter-Lazaro,
Serry Benedicto-Rufin, Ditas Rivera-Oca, Ondes Hernandez-Sianghio.
L-R: Norma Recio-Gimenez, Olive de Leon, Tita de Ocampo-Elegado,
Wina Velasco-Celis, Jazmin Enverga-Villanueva, Agie Buenaventura-Escario,
Louie Carpio-Ledesma, Marie Torroba-Aragon, Tess Galvez-Campillo, Quiyette Yorro.
Dec 5, 2009: Christmas Party
and Golden Jubilee Preparation
Ondes Hernandez-Sianghio and Cely Cruz-Luz preside over the distribution
of dress materials for the golden jubilee official attire.
California—June 20, 2009
L-R: Mayette Maloles-Ravasco, Emy Bailon-de Guzman, Avelina DimapilisBocalan, Alice So-Decker, Cora Aclan-Simpson, Gerina Sison-Dial,
Josie Orca-Cordero, Amy Sales-Sanson.
New Jersey-October 24, 2009
L-R: Tess Gamboa-awhinney, Mayette Maloles-Ravasco, Cora VillegasRosario, Vicky Crucillo- Bernardo, Marilu Esquivel-Murphy, Julie TamayoMilitante, Emy Fuentes-Torres, Gwen Flor. Seated: Leny Lopez
(Seated) Vicki Altavas-Arcega, Sonnie Tensuan, Serry Benedicto-Rufin,
Tita de Ocampo-Elegado, (standing) Ondes, Cely, Louie Carpio-Ledesma,
Marina Lim-Go and Norma Recio-Gimenez admire their special guest.
PAX 2010
Alumnae News
SSAFI Christmas
Gift Giving
ive Hundred packages were distributed
last December 19, 2009. The recipient
were the disadvantaged families from
areas around SSC campus as well as the General
Services Personnel and guards of the school.
The Silver Jubilarians HS85 put up food stalls
of hotdog, siomai, french fries and nachos to
given for free to the beneficiaries.
PAX 2010
SSAFI brings Christmas Cheer to Nuns
at the St. Benedict’s Home in Marikina
Come and Join Us Next Time!
By Linda Leon-Nanawa/Evelyn Sanchez-Enriquez/Elsa Lava-Mapua
HS63 Coll67
season brings with it many good things: cool mornings
evenings, cheerful greetings, and, best of all, the desire to bring
cheer to persons we hold dear.
Foundation Inc. (SSAFI), in
coordination with Sr. Gregoria
Getubig (after some phone calls and
exchange of email messages), decided
to make this desire into a happy
reality. Sigrid Reymundo-Lizares
(HS76/Coll80) and Elsa Lava Mapua
(HS63/Coll67), both SSAFI Board
members, accompanied by Redone
McKay (Coll 09), a Benedictine
Oblate, visited the elderly sisters at
the St. Benedict’s Home in Marikina.
Evelyn Sanchez-Enriquez and Linda
Leon- Nanawa, both of HS63/Coll67,
who were also scheduling a visit,
decided to come on the same day.
There were warm and excited
greetings all around as we recognized
and remembered the sisters. The
parlor of St Benedict’s Home filled to
the brim when one by one, the less
ambulant sisters were wheeled in. Sr. indication that Sr. Dorothy was havMary Bernard Lansang (our Biology ing a good day.)
teacher in second year high school),
As in any merry occasion, we
now the Marikina home superior, did had food and music. The sisters prethe introductions. Some may have pared merienda – thank you very
forgotten who we were because of the much for the macaroni soup and tuna
added pounds and wrinkles, Sr. Dor- sandwiches! We had an impromptu
othy Consunji (our former Glee Club program. We started with everyone
brought the
house down
demonstrated with her
hands how
have grown
(which, as
Sr. Bernard
the mornSr. Visitacion plays the piano while Sr. Veronica sings a song
ing, was an
PAX 2010
Alumnae News
singing “Joy To The World” and Sr.
Dorothy conducting when we cajoled her to do so. Sr. Visitacion Arnaldo, who was in a wheelchair, volunteered to play some kundimans
on the piano; Sr. Veronica Origenes
(our beloved clinic nurse) sang a
love song- “You keep Coming Back
Like A Song”. When we asked her
if she had a boyfriend before she
entered the convent, she meekly
replied, “Jesus is the only man in
my life.” Then, it was our turn to
entertain. We sang the song, “ Santa Scholastica”, which our college
batch (Coll67) presented when we
were Coral Jubilarians some years
ago. The sisters so enjoyed the lyrics, sung to the lively tune of La
Cucaracha, that they even asked us
for a copy of the song! While Sigrid,
Linda and Elsa were chatting with
the nuns, Redone and Evelyn were
busy taking photos.
Remember our parlor sister,
Sr. Winfrieda Bugayong? Or Sr. Camilla Carlos who was also our clinic nurse? Most of you will surely
remember Sr. Ancilla Vizcarra who
was in charge of our canteen during our student days. How about Sr.
Lioba Tiamson who managed the
money purse of SSC? Sr. Trinidad
Oliva recognized us as her students
in Grade 5 (we must have been the
naughty ones). Sr Gregoria also
remembered us because she was
an assistant in the College Department when Sr. Soledad Hilado was
Dean, Then there’s Sr. Miriam Noemi Francisco who is still working
with women from depressed areas.
Although she is assigned in Mati,
Davao, she shuttles between Davao
and Manila, because of her involvement in Women issues. You’ve
probably heard of the “Malunggay Sister”- Sr. Monica Tomista,
who does not tire of promoting
the benefits of the plant. And did
you know that we have a nun who
is 102 years old? It was so amusing that Sr. Aida Villareal insisted
she is only 98 years old (even nuns
are in denial about their age- after
all, they are women!) All 21 residents of St Benedict’s Home took
PAX 2010
the time and
effort to join
us that morning and it was
indeed a great
joy to see them!
Carol Faber, an
Oblate was arriving the next
day, but we also
prepared a gift
bag for her.
After we
Sr Dorothy conducts “Joy to the World”
distributed the
gifts (pashmina shawls, kneeling pads, Dearest Mother, in the way that only
cookies and cereals), we posed for pho- our beloved Benedictine sisters can
tos. As you can see, we had a delightful sing it, in the way that will inspire
time! But it did not end there.
anyone to love our Blessed Mother.
We proceeded to the chapel and
There will be other chances to
the sisters gave us a real treat – they visit our sisters. Would you like to
sang our old familiar song, Bless O join us?
SSAFI Christmas Party
our SSAFI (St. Scholastica’s Alumnae Foundation Inc) Board of
Trustees celebrated their joint board meeting and Christmas Party
last 9 December 2009 at the soon to be replaced SSAFI office.
The food and drinks were courtesy of the birthday celebrators
Melo Castro-Roa, Sigrid Reymundo-Lizares,Salud Donato-de Castro,Gigi
Prats,Bang Karaan, Nitz San Agustin-Sandejas, Marilen del Rosario-Lopez
and Mickey Rodriguez.
The board also agreed that in lieu of exchange gifts, each member
will donate for the purchase of rice for the benefit of the recent typhoon
victims care of SSC’s Social Action Center.
Alumnae News
Lady exec had step of
stairs as school desk
Lifted from the Philippine Daily Inquirer
Business Features Editor, Margie Quimpo-Espino
SundayBIZ/Sunday, March 25, 2007/page B2
COO WOULD go to the
chapel or library to keep
hunger pangs at bay. Fe Perez-Agudo
is the EVP and COO of Hyundai Asia
Resources Inc. (Hari). She is petite
but she can walk tall.
Challenges as COO
“People management as a key
factor to an organization’s success
is a major challenge. How to marry
the objectives of the company with
the personal goals of each employee
never fails to amaze and challenge
me. The dynamics of human behavior is so broad that understanding
it requires a personal touch. With
only 68 manpower complement, attending to 500 car sales a month, I
cannot afford to be detached from
these people, for it is them that can
make or break the organization. I
believe managing the talents of the
organization will help us grow the
business.” But her ultimate goal is
attaining peace. “Yes, I am at peace
with myself, I am at peace with my
Creator and I am at peace with the
world. I will continue to share my
talents with people so that at one
point, we can become drivers of
economic growth.”
Agudo came from a family where
the opportunity for luxury was bleak.
Her parents did not finish their education
and relied only on their simple innate
ability to raise a family of 10 children to
make both ends meet.
Each child was assigned one step
of the stairs in a small house as his/her
private study table. While still young,
she learned to focus her mind and her
energy helping her parents earn money.
Not only with the objective to bring
home honor to her alma mater, but in
exchange for cash rewards, she joined
and won in inter-school Metro Manila
essay writing and public speaking
contests. The beautiful part however
was it meant overcoming her shyness.
Her economic statud did not
deter her from giving her best in her
endeavors albeit, it gave her the strong
motivation to excel in anything she
embarked on.
Agudo was a full-time scholar at St.
Scholastica’s College where she earned
the degree in Bachelor of Science, major
in Accounting. She chose the Leon Guinto
Campus instead of the University of the
Philippines to cut additional expenses
for fare and clothing. Without any lunch
pocket money, she had to spend her
lunch break either inside the chapel, the
library or as a working student in the
Dean’s office so as to keep her hunger
pangs at bay.
Student council president
he landmark in her political life as a student
was when she became the student council
president and later as convenor of the Metro
Manila Student Leader’s Forum in 1983.
The experience developed a tenacity in her to
firmly decide what she will become in the future.
After college graduation, she gave up the opportunity to work with the SGV accounting firm to get
a better and quicker chance to earn money. She
joined the Sales Department of Cityland.
Working eight days a week to beat deadlines,
meet quotas and achieve sales targets became her
ticket to a string of promotions and substantial
commissions enabling her to send her younger sib- Ma. Fe Laot Perez Agudo
lings to college at a tender age of 22. She thanked Bachelor of Science in Commerce
God that almost all her siblings are successful pro- major in Accounting, SSC Batch ‘83
fessionals after going through the same struggles. Photo courtesy of the SSC Archives-Museum
arenting is another aspect where Agudo triumphed with ease. She is proud
to share that her son, Don David, is an accomplished student at age 16, belonging to the Class 2008 composed of the top 240 students in the country,
who got a high school scholarship at the Philippine Science High School.
Her daughter Isabel, now age 13, also got a seven-year mid and high school
scholarship at the International School of Manila (ISM) and is a consistent honor
She is also a mother to two nieces - Kim, graduating from high school at
Colegio San Agustin this year; and Tamica, second year college at Southville
Agudo is a gym buff too and never neglects her duties at home. She attends
the day-to-day household needs by getting up at 5 a.m. and retiring at 11 p.m.
continued on nxt. page
PAX 2010
Alumnae News
How can Hyundai falter with her at
the helm? Hari may now be enjoying phenomenal success but getting to where it
is now was not achieved overnight. The
sound business acumen and gut feel of
Agudo helped propel Hari to where it
is now. Calculated risks were taken but
years of focus and drive for excellence
have given her the results even beyond
set expectations.
“Competition will always change the
rules of the games in business. Relying on
my survival instincts in decision-making
helped me during negotiations with the
top honchos of our principal, the Korean
car marker, Hyundai Motor Company. In
the end, I have won their trust and confidence. Today, we have their full support
and admiration,” says Agudo.
Hari’s performance may be mirrored
by the growth of its dealership. From four
dealers in September 2001, it now has 32
dealers enjoying having the biggest dealer network in the country.
A major milestone for Hari was
winning Hyundai’s Asia Pacific Distributor
of the Year Award for 2005 after attaining
a 103 percent growth in sales last year. It
is now on its way to breaking the 5 percent
target market share and became the top 5
of the automotive industry in five years.
The 5-5-5 battle plan is being
realized. “Good performance for me will
always be influenced by the right product,
right timing and the right people to make
it happen,” says Agudo.
“I believe that the COO is the catalyst
of success in an organization. It is the
COO’s vision that moves the organization
to the heights it wants to achieve. The COO
is the fomenter who gives the organization
the challenge... the direction... to get to
where it wants to be. At the end of the
day, I see to it that all plans are quantified,
measured and time bound,” she says in
explaining her role in the company.
Agudo admits that having been part
of the real estate industry, there was a
risk in her entering unknown territory
such as cars.
“But I believe in destiny, and I also
believe that with my passion and drive for
excellence I can hurdle any odds in any
industry I will be exposed to. Learning is
a necessary ingredient to success. I never
stopped the process of learning. I am into
it 24/7.”
Despite reaching her targets, Agudo
says, “The job is not over yet.”
PAX 2010
SSAFI Card Discount Partners
Type of Discount
Anvil Publishing
Mandaluyong City, 637-8840
Boracay Sands Hotel
Station 3, Boracay Island
Reservation Office
Tel. No. 02-5566497 or 98
20% cash payment
10% credit card payment
May 2010
Godiva Skin Station
2F Aurora Bldg. Alabang Zapote Rd.
Muntinlupa City
Quezon Avenue, Quezon City
Tels.: 842-8484/796-6969 (Alabang)
926-2828/382-2222 (Quezon Ave.)
10% discount
5% discount on credit card
Sept 2010
Goodwill Bookstore
Legarda, Quiapo Manila
GBS-UP Manila - Padre Faura
Glorietta 3, Makati City
Greenhills Shopping Center
10% discount
5% discount on imported
Sept 2010
House of Mini’s
104 E. Rodriguez Jr., Ugong, Pasig City
Tels. 672-3448 • 974-1017
10% discount
Jan 24, 2010
Kyoto Flower Shop
Century Park Hotel
10% discount (cash basis)
INFINI Line Boutique
2F Glorietta 5, Ayala Center, Makati City
Tel. No. 757-0498
10% discount
on cash payment
5 discount on credit card
Manila Sunset Restaurant
Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA USA
10% discount
Aug 2011
PRIMER Group of Companies
5% to 10% cash payment
5% discount on credit card
Dec 2010
Makati, Mandaluyong, Quezon City,
Muntinlupa, Parañaque, San Juan City
Marikina City, Pasay City, Taguig
The Leather Collection
15 Don Mariano Lim Industrial Complex
Alabang-Zapote Rd., Las Piñas
10% discount on cash payment
and credit card. Applicable
on single receipt purchases of
Php300.00 or more. Not valid
with any other discounts/offer
20% discount on cash payment
10% discount on credit card
SAFI hosted a get-together for
batch representatives of the high
school and college classes of St.
Scholastica, on January 20, 2010 at the
lobby of Beverly Hills Medical Group in
Paseo De Roxas, Makati.
This was SSAFI’s way of staying
“In Touch” with our alumnae - updating
them on the activities of SSAFI and
our alma mater, and encouraging their
batchmates to actively participate in
our committees.
SSAFI Board Member, Corie Magpile-Del Rosario, started with an Invocation Prayer. This was followed by
SSAFI President, Melo Castro-Roa, who
welcomed the Batch Reps and thanked
Beverly Hills Medical Group for allow-
ing us to use their venue. Ms. Roa gave
a briefing on the SSAFI Brochure which
was included in the folder given to each
guest. The brochure gives the Mission/
Vision statements of SSAFI, the benefits of the SSAFI Privilege Card and
application form, as well as the Committees that the alumnae can join. The
SSAFI Card serves as an ID to show we
are “Proud To Be A Scholastican”. With
the SSAFI ID comes discount privileges
from establishments that have signed
up as discount partners. Owners/heads
of these establishments are Scholasticans or friends of Scholasticans.
Next speaker was Boots Viola-De
Veyra, chairperson of the SSAFI Office
Renovation project. She showed plans/
photos of how the office will look like.
Batch Reps
Renovation will start in March
2010. When this is finished, the
alumnae will have a venue to hold
their class meetings.
Dean of Arts and Science of SSC
and Assistant Treasurer of the
SSAFI Board, had a powerpoint
presentation highlighting the activities and achievements/awards
of our Alma Mater, the current
students and our alumnae. This
included the masses we had, and
the tributes to President Corazon
Cojuangco-Aquino (GS43), the appointment of Mercy Arrastia-Tuason (HS47
Coll51) as Philippine Ambassador to the
Vatican, and Sr , Mary Placid Abejo’s TOFIL (Ten Outstanding Filipinos) award.
Ms. Azcuna made us aware of the other
numerous accomplishments of SSC and
our fellow Scholasticans. This presentation further boosted our Scholastican
Mitch Lazaro, HS85, president of
this year’s Silver Jubilarian class talked about the schedule of activities for
Homecoming day on February 7, 2010
and encouraged everyone to join the
Ampy Lim, SSAFI Board Member
and chairperson of the Ways and Means
Committee, announced that although we
have no fundraising event, SSAFI welcomes donations as we have outreach
and scholarship programs to support.
Dr. CriCri Aro of Beverly Hills Medical Group gave a briefing on their aesthetic services. The
batch reps showed
their interest by asking
questions. One batch
rep kiddingly asked if
Beverly Hills is a discount partner of SSAFI. Not really, but they
were giving gift certificates for free Diamond
Peel to all those who
attended. What a treat!
Dr. Aro also offered to
give a tour of the facili-
ties, after the snacks, and will be available for further questions.
Elsa Lava-Mapua, SSAFI Board Secretary and designated emcee for the
event, thanked Dr. Aro and the Management of Beverly Hills Medical Group.
She also announced that aside from
the free Diamond peel from Beverly
Hills, SSAFI is giving each participant a
copy of the coffee table book “A Common Thread.” This book was published
by SSAFI for the Centennial Celebration
of SSC. The copies for the batch reps
were artfully tied with blue ribbon and
elegantly arranged on the tables. Everyone was thrilled to receive such a
gift! We announced that there are still
copies for sale at a discounted price of
PHP500. Ms Mapua thanked everyone
for coming and congratulated the Membership Committee for organizing the
Batch Reps Get-Together. Job well done,
Baba Aro-Santos, Bang Karaan, Boots
Paquiao-Mejia and Corie Magpile-Del
PAX 2010
Alumnae News
Rosario! And of course to our president, Melo Roa and the rest of the
SSAFI Board, our thanks for their
We all trotted off to the buffet
table with happy hearts, after Sr.
Mary Placid, our SSAFI Moderator,
prayed the Grace before meals, Everyone commented how good the
food was. Of course, the caterer is
also a Scholastican--Martita GuintoReyes HS59.
What a wonderful turnout! We
had a total of 43 participants composed of 30 Batch Reps (HS and Coll)
and 13 SAFI Board Members, some
of whom were also batch reps. The
classes represented, ranged from
1948 all the way up to 1995. They
were: Cely Villaroel-Santos HS48;
Aying Reyes-Paez HS53/ Coll57;
Coll54; Paquit Valderrama-Fernandez HS54; Cecilia Aycardo-Sanchez
HS54/ Coll58; Chita Gamboa-Puno
HS58/Coll62; Ondes HernandezSianghio HS60/Coll64; Tessie CruzVillacorta HS62/Coll66; Lenn Garcia Berroya and Anna Marie Vergel
De Dios-Lagman HS64/Coll68;
Becky Villegas HS65/Coll69; Rennie Aquino-Andrews HS66/Coll70;
Lulu De Guzman-Sotto and Cory
Quintos-Hipolito Coll70; Suki Montinola-Jalandoni
Marilyn Montejo-Yap HS67/Coll72;
Noemi Villanueva-Padla HS70; Tet
Santos-Buenaventura and Jessica
Gonzalez-Mangubat HS71/Coll75;
Rosanna Rodriguez-Garcia HS72/
Col76; Cynthia Catalan-Alejandro,
Patty Del Rosario and Victoria Monponbanua-Vargas HS73; Mitch Lazaro-HS85; Pamela Felizarta Coll89;
Claudette Cuares and Catherine
Zarandin-Turingan HS90; Malou
Nery-Cura and Marga Zayco HS91;
Margarita Isabel Cruz Coll95. The
SSAFI Board members who attended were: Salud Donato-De Castro
HS48/Coll52; Boots Viola-De Veyra
HS56; Melo Castro-Roa HS59/
Coll63; Lala Feliciano-Castillo HS60
/Coll65; Elsa Lava-Mapua HS63/
Coll67; Corie Magpile-Del Rosario
HS69/Coll73; Marilou Simon-Lim
HS71; Ampy Lim HS70/Coll74;
Boots Pacquiao-Mejia Coll72; Baba
Aro-Santos HS72; Bang Karaan
HS77; Charlie Aunario-Azcuna
Coll83; Mickey Rodriguez HS83.
PAX 2010
50 and Fab-HS77 reunion
t. Scholastica’s College Manila
High School 1977 celebrated their
reunion with a blast on November 8
at the Europa Dance Bar in Makati.
The organizers - Baby FerrarenAmpil, Tani-Sempio-Bautista, Bang Karaan, Bernadette San Jose-Garcia, Chinggay
Osmena-Liboro, Eva Santiago-Perez, Pinky Cobangbang-Serrano, Rose Santiago,
Ramona Buencamino-Abundo and batch
rep Mignon Wycoco-Ramos turned the
reunion to a party of classmates wearing
animal-inspired outfits and cougar-like
decorations.Complete with 50 birthday
cupcakes, sumptuous buffet, 70s band,
giveaways mostly from classmate Nirmla
Dargani-Asanani from Hong Kong, Avon
products (c/o Connie Arboleda), San
Miguel beer (c/o Jay Karaan), gift certificate from Infini (c/o Tani), gift certificates from SSAFI discount partner
Godiva Skin Salon Alabang & Quezon
Ave branches, various wine/drinks from
classmates, etc and dancing instructors,
the contests turn out winners Mignon,
Sorrel Villa-Lacuna and cougar of the
night - Bibic Feliciano Harpst. Emcees
were Yate Villanueva-Mattox, Mabey
Santos-Datu, Mimi Fernandez-Nitura
and Cecil Vivar-Manotok. Judges were
some husbands of the classmates, Ednah
Ledesma-Asano, and all classmates for
the cougar of the night. Other attractive
classmates who attended the affair were
Beta Simo-Reyes, Etsu de Jesus-Ramirez,
Doris Flores, Evelyn del Rosario-Garcia,
Jakes Jacobo-Pastrana, Gigi Reyes-Cancio,
Greely Remulla-Oposa, Pixie Soriano-Galicia, Chuchay Campomanes-Marasigan,
Lily Ann Claudio-Favis, Vicky Rotor-Hilado, Betchy Yuhico-Sadiua, Lisa Nakpil,
Rosanne Goco-Pena, Bibang Mijares-de
los Santos, Pia Limjoco-Mauleon, Gingging Nanagas-Pagkatipunan, Fay SevillaDizon, Caray Nieva-Periquet, Checks Gervasio-Mantaring, Gigi Rubio, Pat Lim-Uy,
Tale Estacio-Siao, Cecil Pascual-Catindig,
Minguita Padilla-Lopez, Sandy Merino
and Mean-Leviste Chua.
The class also gave cash, canned
goods and rice for the flood victims which
they donated to SSC Social Action Center.
It was a memorable and enjoyable
night for all who attended the reunion!
In Memoriam †
Family and Friends
Teodora Guison Paguia, HS33
Dr. Dulce Reyes Agcaoili, HS34
Sofia Lee Teehankee, HS35
Nemesia Badillo, HS39
Josefina Marquez, HS44
Celia Elizalde Pastor, HS49
Julita O. Ramirez, HS49
Evelyn Jimenez, HS62
Josephine Soto HS63
Olivia Mendoza, HS71
Marguerite M. Echaus, HS76
Teresa artillagA-AZUL, hs77
Antonio da Silva, husband of Mercedes Rivera da Silva, HS58/BME62
Eric Esguerra Reymundo, brother of Sigrid Reymundo-Lizares,
HS76 and SSAFI Board Member
Eusebia B. Vergara, mother of Asuncion, HS74, Leah, HS76 and Cherry HS79
Leticia Runes, mother of Ruth Runes-Ipapo, HS79
Jose Carpio, Jr., brother of Erlinda C. Limgenco, HS53, Elenita C. Panganiban, HS55,
Eloisa C. Ledesma, HS60 & Liz C Venezuela, HS68
Eduardo L. Santiago, son of Aparicion Langcauon-Santiago,
HS44 and brother of Ana Marie HS71, Rose and Eva HS77 and Cecil HS79
Dr. Romulo Trinidad, father of Marianne HS72, Mercedes, HS74, Diane Trinidad HS78
Rolando Cortez, husband of Lourdes Quintos-Cortez,HS62/AB66
Edrulfo Trivino, brother of Sr. Pauline Trivino, OSB, HS61/AB65
Guillermo Herrera Prospero, father of Teresita Prospero HS75, Mary Ann Prospero HS77
Frederick Von Kauffman, brother of Helen Kauffman-Garcia, HS50
Mary “Peggy” Corr-Manuel, mother of Michelle “Shelli” Manuel-Tomacruz , HS91
Helen Soriano Alvarez, mother of Mila Alvarez Magno Coll67
Juan Mosquera, Jr, father of Maisie Mosquera Allendor, HS75
Sy Tian (go So Hui Eng), mother of Betty Go Roxas-Chua, Coll67
Amb. Romeo Mendoza, father of Richelle Mendoza,HS78
Patrick Herlihy (Cappleman) father of Carmen “Menchita”, HS69, Ma. Cristina, HS77
Antonio O. Samia, Jr., husband of Ma. Nieves Borja, HS66
Sebastian Agtarap, husband of Ana Teresita Buendia, HS56/BM61
Patrocinio Lapus, father of Patricia L. Chua, HS72, Asuncion HS75
Josefina P. Francisco, mother of Dina Francisco-Soriano, HS75
AMPARO BANIQUED, mother of vicky baniqued, hs77
adoracion eraña, mother of rea e. medina, hs84 reina hs90
That in All Things God May be Glorified
PAX 2010

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