TOWNSHIP OF PERTH EAST BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, March 26, 2013 7:00 pm Council Chambers 25 Mill Street East Milverton Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. 2. MOMENT OF REFLECTION 3. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA 4. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST and the general nature thereof 5. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda Items Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine, and are enacteed in one motion. However, any Council member may request one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and/or action. 5.1 MINUTES FROM BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1-7 February 28, 2013 6. DELEGATIONS 7. REPORTS 7.1 8. Quinlan Trust Applications 7.1.1 Sebringville Athletic Association 7.1.2 Rostock Athletic Association 8 - 20 21 - 25 7.2 Rostock Athletic Association Donation Request 26 - 31 7.3 Sebringville Athletic Association Donation Request 32 - 35 CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Millbank Recreation Association Request 36 - 36 8.2 Shakespeare & District Optimist Hall Financial Statements 37 - 42 8.3 2013 Upper Thames Conservation Authority Operating Budget 43 - 84 1 8.4 9. 2013 Grand River Conservation Authority Budget 85 - 150 CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Section 239 of The Municipal Act, 2001 10. BUSINESS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION 11. NOTICE OF MOTIONS 12. NEW BUSINESS 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14. ADJOURNMENT 2 Page 6-13 TOWNSHIP OF PERTH EAST BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Date: Location: Thursday, February 28, 2013 Council Chambers 25 Mill Street East Milverton Members Present: Mayor Ian Forrest Deputy Mayor Bob McMillan Councillor Don Brunk Councillor Andrew MacAlpine Councillor Jeremy Matheson Councillor Hugh McDermid Councillor Rhonda Ehgoetz Staff Present: Glenn Schwendinger, CAO Theresa Campbell, Clerk Grant Schwartzentruber, CBO Rhonda Fischer, Treasurer Bill Hunter, Fire Chief Wes Kuepfer, Public Works Manager Loretta Wicke, Recording Clerk Wendy McMurray, Recording Clerk Becky Westman, PERC Manager Cindy Dunbar, CEO Library Others Present: Sebringville Athletic Association - Paul Marshall, Diane Marshall, Donna Scott, Tanner Scott, Michele Kehna, Janelle Moir, Wes Phillips and Randy Fink Rostock Athletic Association - Scott McDougall, Cathy Wicke, Steve Kreuter, Randy Fink, Merv Knechtel and Barb Smith 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. Chair Forrest called the meeting to order. 2. MOMENT OF REFLECTION Chair Forrest requested that Council and Staff reflect on their roles and responsibilities as municipal officials. PE-1 Page 7-13 3. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA BGT13-14 Moved By: Andrew MacAlpine Seconded By: Hugh McDermid THAT the following item(s) be added to the Meeting Agenda: Item #6.1 Addition - Sebringville Athletic Association presentation Item #7.3.2 Addition – Treasurer Reserve and Unfunded Report Item #7.3.2 Revised Reserves and Reserve Fund Budget Summary Original Package page #PE-53 to PE-58 Item #7.4.3 Addition - Capital Project Sheet for CAO Department Admin Building Telephone System Item #7.4.6 Addition - Capital Project Sheets for Fire Department MFD - Utility Truck MFD - Aerial Ladder Truck SFD - Utility Truck Item #7.5.1 Revised Fire Department Motor Vehicle Forecast Report Item #12.1 Municipal Display for the 2013 International Plowing Match AND THAT the Agenda prepared for the February 28, 2013 meeting of The Budget Advisory Committee, be approved as amended. CARRIED 4. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST and the general nature thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest. 5. CONSENT AGENDA BGT 13-15 Moved By: Don Brunk Seconded By: Hugh McDermid THAT Item #5.1 as set out on the Consent Agenda for the February 28, 2013 Budget Advisory Committee be approved. Minutes of the Budget Advisory Committee January 15, 2013 CARRIED DELEGATIONS 6.1. Sebringville Athletic Association - Paul Marshall Paul Marshall from the Sebringville Athletic Association made a presentation regarding the exterior restoration of the property and requested a donation in the amount of $10,000. 6. 6.2. Agriculture Society - Helen Dowd (Seelhoff Request) Helen Dowd from the Milverton Agricultural Society did not attend. PE-2 Page 8-13 6.3. 7. Rostock Athletic Society - Scott McDougall Scott McDougall from the Rostock Athletic Society made a presentation with regards to the Rostock Athletic Society 2012 year in review and made a request for a $12,000 grant for park improvements. REPORTS 7.1. General and Donation Requests 7.1.1. Perth East Public Library (Seelhoff Request) BGT 13-16 Moved By: Rhonda Ehgoetz Seconded By: Andrew MacAlpine THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the Township of Perth East Seelhoff Community Develpoment Reserve Fund Application from the Perth East Public Library for information; AND THAT a $1,500 donation be made to the Perth East Public Library from the Seelhoff Reserve Fund CARRIED 7.1.2. Knollcrest Lodge BGT 13-17 Moved By: Rhonda Ehgoetz Seconded By: Hugh McDermid THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the Knollcrest Lodge request to amend the repayment schedule for information; AND THAT staff be directed to prepare an amending loan agreement and by-law with a schedule for $10,000 to be repaid in April of each year for a 15 year period, commencing April 2013(April 2013 to April 2027) CARRIED 7.1.3. United Way BGT 13-18 Moved By: Don Brunk Seconded By: Hugh McDermid THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the United Way Perth-Huron donation request for information; AND THAT the request for donation to the United Way Perth-Huron be denied CARRIED PE-3 Page 9-13 7.2. Clerk Reports 7.2.1. Council Remuneration BGT 13-19 Moved By: Don Brunk Seconded By: Bob McMillan THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receives the Council Remuneration - 2013 Elected Officials Survey Report, prepared by the Clerk, dated February 28, 2013 for information CARRIED 7.3. Treasurer Reports 7.3.1. Tasklist Followup January 15th, 2013 BGT 13-20 Moved By: Bob McMillan Seconded By: Rhonda Ehgoetz THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the report titled "BAC Meeting January 15, 2013 task List Follow-Up" for information; AND THAT staff be directed to: - Public Works Tree Planting Program - deferral of program - Risk Management Official - move to water rates beginning 2014 - Building Betterment Annual Transfer of $40,000 - Leave in Budget - Kissing Bridge Project $13,202 - Leave in Budget - Road Title Project - Slow down project with annual decrease of $12,500 - Solar Project Revenue - report budget revenue for 2013 of $25,520 CARRIED 7.3.2. Reserves and Unfunded Capital BGT 13-21 Moved By: Hugh McDermid Seconded By: Rhonda Ehgoetz THAT the Budget Advisory Committtee receive the Reserves and Unfunded Capital Report prepared by the Tresurer dated February 19, 2013 for information; AND THAT the transfer from general reserve interest of $10, 000 to the Milverton Water and Sewer Reserve be discontinued CARRIED PE-4 Page 10-13 7.4. 12. Capital Budget (Power Point) Power Point presentation by Tresurer Fischer. BTG 13-22 Moved By: Hugh McDermid Seconded By: Jeremy Matheson THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the following Capital Budget Reports for Information; - General Capital Plan - Water Sewer Capital Plan - CAO Capital Projects - Finance Capital Projects - PERC Manager Capital Projects - Fire Chief Capital Projects - Public Works & Park Manager Capital Projects CARRIED NEW BUSINESS 12.1. Municipal Display for the 2013 International Plowing Match BGT 13-23 Moved By: Rhonda Ehgoetz Seconded By: Don Brunk THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the request from Allan Rothwell, Chair of the Municipal Display Committee for the 2013 International Plowing Match (IPM) for each Perth County member municipality to contribute $2,500 to create a display that will showcase each municipality with the IPM 2013 theme “Come Celebrate With Us”; AND that the Budget Advisory Committee approve Perth East contributing $2500. CARRIED 12.3. Milverton Agricultural Society BGT 13- 24 Moved By: Jeremy Matheson Seconded By: Bob McMillan THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the Township of Perth East Seelhoff Community Develpoment Reserve Fund Application from the Milverton Agricultural Society for information; AND THAT $4,372.81 donation be made to the Milverton Agricultural Society from the Seelhoff Reserve Fund CARRIED PE-5 Page 11-13 12.2. Sebringville & Rostock Athletic Associations BGT 13-25 Moved By: Andrew MacAlpine Seconded By: Hugh McDermid THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the Rostock Athletic Association and the Sebringville Athletic Association presentations for information; AND That the Perth East Recreation Policy (Policy # FI – 1.19.01) be forwarded to the Rostock Athletic Association and the Sebringville Athletic Association as a guideline of requirements for recreation funding consideration including the policy requirement to have a project financial plan in place and acceptable history/future projections for participant levels.; AND That submissions for consideration of funding for the 2013 Budget be received prior to the March 26, 2013 Budget Advisory Committee meeting CARRIED BGT 13-26 Moved By: Hugh McDermid Seconded By: Jeremy Matheson THAT this meeting continue and move the curfew to 10:30 p.m. CARRIED 7. REPORTS 7.5. Capital Forecast Reports BGT 13-27 Moved By: Rhonda Ehgoetz Seconded By: Andrew MacAlpine THAT the Budget Advisory Committee approve a Levy Increase of of 5.499% CARRIED BGT 13-28 Moved By: Hugh McDermid Seconded By: Rhonda Ehgoetz THAT the Budget Advisory Committee receive the following Capital Forcast Reports for Information; - Fire Department Motor Vehicle Forcast Report - PERC Capital Project Forecast Report - Public Works Motor Vehicle Forecast Report - Public Works Equipment Forecast Report - Public Works Road Project Forecast Report - Public Works Bridge Forecast Report - Library Capital Forecast and Usage Statistics CARRIED PE-6 Page 12-13 8. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1. Grand River 2013 Budget BGT 13-29 Moved By: Rhonda Ehgoetz Seconded By: Hugh McDermid THAT the Grand River 2013 Budget correspondence be received for information CARRIED 8.2. Sebringville Athletic Association Inc - Financial Statements BGT 13-30 Moved By: Andrew MacAlpine Seconded By: Hugh McDermid THAT the Sebringville Athletic Association Inc - Financial Statements correspondence be received for information CARRIED CLOSED SESSION -No closed session 10. BUSINESS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION - None 11. NOTICE OF MOTIONS- None 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None 14. ADJOURNMENT BGT 13-31 Moved By: Hugh McDermid Seconded By: Rhonda Ehgoetz THAT the meeting of the Budget Advisory Committee adjourned at 10:20 P.M. CARRIED _________________________________ Theresa Campbell, Clerk _________________________________ Ian Forrest, Chair PE-7 PE-8 PE-9 PE-10 PE-11 PE-12 PE-13 PE-14 PE-15 PE-16 PE-17 PE-18 PE-19 PE-20 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PERTH EAST QUINLAN PARK/ROSTOCK HALL – J. QUINLAN TRUST FUND ALLOCATION APPLICATION A. Application Process 1. Prior to considering allocating any Quinlan Park/Rostock Hall – J. Quinlan Trust Funds to the Operator of the Quinlan Park/Rostock Hall, Council will require the following from the organization: a. b. c. Financial statements from the previous fiscal year. A completed application form. A clearly outlined budget for the current fiscal year. 2. Requests for funding shall be accepted no later than March 31st of the current fiscal year. B. Consideration 1. Applications requesting allocation will be considered during the annual budget deliberations. 2. Actual amounts allocated to applicants will be based on the amount of interest earned on the Quinlan Park/Rostock Hall – J. Quinlan Trust Fund in the previous fiscal year, and reported subsequent to the municipal audit. 3. Previous years’ allocations will not be a factor in consideration and each application will be reviewed on its own merits. 4. Filing an application does not necessarily guarantee allocation of any Quinlan Park/Rostock Hall – J. Quinlan Trust Fund monies to the applicant. 5. Unless otherwise approved by Council, no allocations will be approved until the annual municipal audit has been completed. 6. Funds allocated to applicant will be used first to clear any debts outstanding to the Township of Perth East. The balance of any allocation will be forwarded to the applicant. PE-21 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PERTH EAST QUINLAN PARK/ROSTOCK HALL – J. QUINLAN TRUST FUND ALLOCATION APPLICATION APPLICANT: Rostock Athletic Society C/O Scott McDougall February 22, 2013 ADDRESS: Mailing Address 4661 Line 46 Gadshill, Ontario N0K1J0 rostockathleticsociety@gmail.com 519 271 9247 MOBILE #. 226 747 6735 FAX #: PHONE #: PLEASE SPECIFICALLY OUTLINE HOW THE FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE QUINLAN PARK/ROSTOCK HALL – J. QUILAN TRUST FUND ARE PROPOSED TO BE UTILIZED: Item#1-Assitance to fund for Phase 1 park restoration project. (Capitol expense for 2013) Item#2-Assitance to fund for 2013 municipal tax requirements and operational costs for 2013. OTHER ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PERTINENT TO THE APPLICATION (USE SEPARATE SHEET IF REQUIRED): 1. 2012 financial statement attached. 2. 2013 budget statement attached. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ____March 17, 2013__________________ DATE Please be sure to include the following information with your application: a. Financial statements from the previous fiscal year. b. A completed application form. c. A clearly outlined budget for the current fiscal year. PE-22 Rostock Athletic Society 2012 Financial Statement. Budget Actual Notes. Administrative Expenses Municipal Property Taxes $700.00 Office Expenses Misc $100.00 $100.00 1. Lawncutting 2. Dump fees $600.00 $100.00 Maintenance Expenses $629.16 $22.95 Cheques $56.50 Funeral Flowers Donated by Community $0.00 Members $0.00 Provided by Perth East Park Clean Up Restoration Project Expenses. Grader rental Infield estoration $1,500.00 $1,356.00 Removal of bleachers $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Gravel $400.00 $400.00 Stonedust $500.00 $500.00 $6,000.00 $4,964.61 Total Expenses Income Donations 2012 $1,713.46 Donations in Kind $1,356.00 $2,000.00 $400.00 $500.00 Bank Interest $0.16 Total Income $5,969.62 Total Income Less Expenses Bank Balance 2011 $1,005.01 $131.31 True Bank Balance End of 2012 $1,136.32 Rostock Athletic Society 2013 Financial Statement. Income Donations Interest True Bank Balance Feb 22 2013 Oustanding Expenses Municipal taxes Installation#1 Outstanding Income Donation cheques to be cashed. Balance $3,349.65 $0.10 $4,486.07 -$157.58 $991.00 $5,319.49 PE-23 Budget Actual Rostock Athletic Society 2013 Budget Administrative Municipal Property Taxes $700.00 Office Expenses $100.00 Back taxes repayment. (GW) Equipment ****Landscaping Rakes/Shovel etc. Ball Equipment $8,313.41 $200.00 $500.00 $9,813.41 Maintenance 1. Lawncutting/Landscaping 2. Dump fees $600.00 $100.00 $700.00 Restoration Phase 1 2013 Outfield restoration Top soil Trucking $6,000.00 Outfield resoration Landscaping $2,000.00 Ball Diamond Fence ****Paint $1,000.00 ****Plastic tile $500.00 ****Repair $500.00 Pea Stone Gravel/Park Entrance Driveway $500.00 Infield stonedust $500.00 $11,000.00 Restoration Phase 2 2014 Outbuilding Repair ****Plumbing ****New Roof ****Upgrade Bathrooms $2,500.00 Dugouts $2,000.00 Hydro installation. $2,000.00 Lawnmower $2,000.00 Total $8,500.00 PE-24 2013 Totals Administrative $9,813.41 Maintenance $700.00 Resstoration Phase 1 2013 $11,000.00 Total $21,513.41 2014 Totals Administrative TBD Maintenance TBD Restoration Phase 2 2014 $8,500.00 Total $8,500.00 Totals 2013/2014 $30,013.41 PE-25 Rostock Athletic Society Mailing Address: 4661 Line 46 Gadshill, Ontario N0K1J0 Phone: 519 271 9247 Cell: 226 747 6735 E-Mail: rostockathleticsociety@gmail.com Date: March 17, 2013 The Budget and Advisory Committee Township of Perth East P.O. Box 455, 25 Mill Street East Milverton, Ontario N0K 1M0 Re: Requested response to the grant request from February 28th 2013. Perth East Budget and Advisory Committee, This document has been prepared based on requested information from the Rostock Athletic Society’s delegation request for a $12000 grant. All information required has been highlighted and a response provided. 1. Request for detailed projected fundraising objectives for the Rostock Athletic Society. Click or go to page 4 of this document for the details of the fundraising objectives. 2. Number of Perth East registered participants, and; The Rostock Athletic Society currently has no active registered participants due to inactive Society for several years. Our Society is in a rebuilding phase and the purpose of the grant request is to obtain funds to create an active ball facility in Rostock. 3. Examples of future projections for coordinating services provided by the Rostock & Sebringville Athletic Associations. As requested a document has been prepared with an agreement between the Sebringville Athletic Association and the Rostock Athletic Society. Click or go to page 5 of this document to review the agreement. PE-26 Rostock Athletic Society Mailing Address: 4661 Line 46 Gadshill, Ontario N0K1J0 Phone: 519 271 9247 Cell: 226 747 6735 E-Mail: rostockathleticsociety@gmail.com 4. Response to FACILITY FUNDING POLICY as a guideline for the grant request. The FACILITY FUNDING POLICY was provided as a guideline for recreation funding consideration. The Executive has completed a detailed review of the policy and below has provided feedback on the key principles of the document. a. A consistent level of service is desirable across the municipality. The purpose of reestablishing the RAS and ball diamond is to have the opportunity to provide the citizens of Perth East with a consistent level of service. b. It must be recognized that certain facilities require significant investments and minimum participation levels to assist a facility….. The ballpark provides the community of Rostock a recreational facility. It is a good compliment to Quinlan park in that it can provide a larger facility for athletics such as baseball and or soccer. c. Funds should only be provided for new capital facilities or repairs to existing facilities where there is a demonstrated need to meet an established standard. The budget and restoration project outlines the repairs required to establish a functional ball diamond. d. Funds would not be provided if there are nearby comparable facilities which are underutilized. The objective is to restore the ball park in part in providing a alternative to a over utilized ball park. e. Funds will only be provided to formal established associations. These associations must provide annually: Annual financial statements-Financial statement for 2012 provided. Duly elected executive for the association consisting of at least 5 membersCurrent active executive consist of 11 members. Demonstrated financial viability. The presentation provided on February 28th outlined the2012 financial results, projected fundraising initiative and the current restoration project proving a viable financial picture for the RAS. f. Funds will only be provided to associations, which have a financial plan in place for each project and acceptable history/future projections for participant levels. Financial plan has been provided. The RAS has a deep and rich history since 1952 of softball in Perth County. Page 2 PE-27 Rostock Athletic Society Mailing Address: 4661 Line 46 Gadshill, Ontario N0K1J0 Phone: 519 271 9247 Cell: 226 747 6735 E-Mail: rostockathleticsociety@gmail.com g. Funds will only be provided for new construction/renovation that fully complies with all codes, regulations, and standards. The appropriate codes, regulations and standards will be complied with. The Park clean project form 2012 already removed unsafe bleachers and playground as equipment based on the recommendations from document (April 5 2012 letter to Rostock Athletic Association) from the Township of Perth East. h. Funds will only be given where approved maintenance plan is in place and demonstrated that it is adhered to. The restoration project outlined in the budget provided is a complete maintenance plan. i. Annual participant reports, which demonstrate extent of usage of facility. Refer to the document attached from the Sebringville Athletic Association on the 2012 park usage. (Page 5 of this document). Due to the condition and that the park could not be fully utilized reports were not kept for 2012. RE: 11. Higher priority will be given to volunteer organizations that demonstrate partnerships between associations, thereby maximizing the effective use of combined resources. This policy requirement cannot be truer for our Society as we have been working with not only the S.A.A but also the Ellice Optimist club to rebuild the ballpark. Our organizations have and will continue to work together to provide recreation and services for the citizens of Perth East. Budget and financial information has been provided from previous grant request from delegation presentation from February 28th 2013. On behalf of the Executive of the RAS we appreciate the support of the Township of Perth East as we continue or efforts to restore the ball diamond in Rostock and provide our Perth East community with a functional facility and athletic society. Sincerely, Rostock Athletic Executive. Scott McDougall, President. Chad Fink, Co-Vice President. Tyler Sager, Co-Vice President Cathy Wicke, Treasurer Barb Smith, Secretary Merv Knechtel, Director Steve Kreuter, Director Henry Groenestege, Director Ivan Roobroeck, Director Page 3 PE-28 Rostock Athletic Society Fundraising Projects 2013 Estimate Ann Eggert Memorial Golf Tournament Confirmed for June 15th 2013 Revenue Number of Golfers 120 $100.00 $12,000.00 Expenses Golf Course Rental Estimate#1 120 $69.00 $8,280.00 Total Rostock Picnic Partnered with the Ellice Optimists Club and the Canada Day Weekend Celebration. Revenue Expenses Total $3,720.00 Expected Attendance Musicians Facility Expenses Tent Rental Liquor License/Food and Bar 125 $12.00 $1,500.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,750.00 Pepperettes and Summer Sausage Fundraiser PE-29 Rostock Athletic Society Mailing Address: 4661 Line 46 Gadshill, Ontario N0K1J0 Phone: 519 271 9247 Cell: 226 747 6735 E-Mail: rostockathleticsociety@gmail.com Date: March 17, 2013 Sebingville Athletic Association RE: Agreement between the Rostock Athletic Society and the Sebringville Athletic Association For several years the Sebringville Athletic Society has used the ballpark in Rostock to provide the over 200 registered participants in your softball organization an additional facility. In 2012 several teams again used the Rostock Ball Park as a practice facility for several league and tournament teams. S.A.A also provided a great deal of volunteer hours and assistance during the 2012 ball season in helping to restore the ballpark in Rostock to game condition. On behalf of the Executive of the Rostock Athletic Society we would like to extend the offer of the use of the ball field in Rostock for the 2013 softball season. Identical to the previous years no financial obligations will be required to use the Rostock ball diamond. In lieu of compensation the S.A.A will continue to provide the volunteer hours and necessary ball diamond supplies for scheduled events by the S.A.A. The diamond will be available for all registered participants of the S.A.A for practices, and games once our restoration Phase 1 process has been completed. Scheduling of the ball diamond when required can be done by contacting the number or email address above. With this agreement the RAS hopes to provide a functioning ball diamond for the registered participants of the SAA and assist with the over capacity of your facility. Our Executive looks forward for another year in working with your Association. See you on the ball diamond. Sincerely, Scott McDougall President Rostock Athletic Society PE-30 To: Rostock Athletic Association On behalf of the Sebringville Athletic Association, thank you very much for your efforts to revitalize the Rostock Ballpark. As I am sure you know, Sebringville ball has had great success over the past few years which has led to diamond constraints. As in the past few years, our teams used the Rostock diamond to hold much needed practice times, since our facilities are stretched to the max. I know our teams used your diamond at least twice per week and sometimes more this year and with the work efforts and cleanup that took place this year it made practicing much safer for the kids. To all on the executive and a part of the association, your efforts have not gone un-noticed. With continued improvements to the facility, I am sure it is just a matter of time before games will once again be played once again at the Rostock Park. Yours in Fastball, Randy Fink, Sebringville Athletic Association Ball Chairperson PE-31 Answers you requested. Thanks e. Funds will only be provided to formal established associations. These associations must provide annually: The SAA has been around since 1945. We have been a corporation #363657 since September 26th, 1977 i. Annual financial statements: These are sent to Rhonda Fisher every Year for the annual Quinland grant in which we apply. ii. Duly elected executive for the association consisting of at least 5 members: Please find attached a slate of the 2013 Executives. iii. Demonstrated financial viability: We have been in operation since 1945 and have been surving on fundraising and grant/donations since. f. Funds will only be provided to associations which have a financial plan in place for each project and acceptable history/future projections for participant levels.: I have supplied a revised Budget for this project as well as quotes for work to be done we have under took many other projects without the townships help before successfully in the past! Eg The closing in of the Hall, new fixtures, appliances, more recently, newer newer diamond, playground equipment, park settings, Furnaces, Central Air, Pavilion, and overall general repairs to maintain our great area. g. Funds will only be provided to associations which collect appropriate user fees comparable throughout the area. All of our user fees are up to date as well as rentals etc. h. Funds will only be provided for new construction/renovation that fully complies with all codes, regulations, and standards. This is why we are applying to get our facility up to safety standards, and safe for all who come to enjoy our Facilities. i. Funds will only be given where approved maintenance plan is in place and demonstrated that it is adhered to: The maintenance plan has been to keep property safe and accessible and up to date as best our budget can allow since 2000 we have put clay on ball diamond, batting cage, new furnaces, new A/C, new sound system, painted the interior of the hall, new cement work at front of hall, pavilion, up dated bathrooms built handicap washroom, all without much if any help from townships or major donations. j. Annual participant reports which demonstrate extent of usage of facility: Every year we host 2 bingos, 1 ladies night, 1 giggles night, 1 Shelly shuffle, bbq, 1 fish fry, monthly meetings, 2 park clean ups, every week 2 groups of seniors use the hall for shuffle board (Mondays and Wednesdays) Perth care for kids rents our hall on Thursdays weekly VON rents hall on Friday for seniors exercise class Twice a month the Optimist club of Sebringville rents our hall for their meetings plus they host their stake stage, patty fest,new years brunch the Ellice Scouts hold their spegitti dinner at our hall the Perth county beef producers host annual dinner at our hall plus last year we had 30-35 private rentals on top of what’s listed above our diamonds are rented Sunday for all day for slow pitch both diamonds Monday night both diamonds Friday night both diamonds Tuesday nights Sebringville Sting South Perth Fastball plus every week night our minor ball program PE-32 k. Funds may not be available to deal with all requests. All allocations will be subject to available funds and will be determined by the Township’s overall priorities i.Safety : Again this is the number one reason we are applying for this grant/donation. Please refer to the presentation. Our parking lot is used as a public parking lot, many kids get picked up for summer programs in our parking lot as well as being a pick up and drop off for school buses, ambulance uses it to park in as well as OPP i.Structural integrity: we need to update our exterior to maintain the structure and area for our following Generations to come and enjoy it. ii. Impact on program / service delivery : This will give us a more handicapped area And give us a better loading and unloading area.? iii. Bringing facility up to standard : Again this is why we are applying please refer to the The presentation. iv. Can benefit multiple groups : Groups/community programs etc ages 4-seniors, such as every week 2 groups of seniors use the hall for shuffle board (mondays and wednesdays) perth care for kids rents our hall on Thursdays weekly VON rents hall on friday for seniors exercise class twice a month the Optimist club of Sebringville rents our hall for their meetings plus they host their stake stage, patty fest, new years brunch the Ellice Scouts hold their spigitti dinner at our hall the perth county beef producers host annual dinner at our hall plus last year we had 30-35 private rentals on top of whats listed above our diamonds are rented sunday for allday for slow pitch both diamonds monday night both diamonds friday night both diamonds tuesday nights Sebringville Sting South Perth Fastball plus every week night our minor ball program Just to mention a few. iv. Number of benefitting users: We are unable to provide these specific users because of today’s, Privacy laws, we can however, say that on average we have approximately 15000 people who use and enjoy our community centre, its activities, facilities and lands each year! PE-33 SAA Budget 2013 Hall Maintenance Hall Supplies Park Maintenance Hydro Heat Telephone Internet Newsletter & Postage Baseball Office Legal & Accounting Insurance Bartender & Bar Supplies Sundry Fundraising Capital Expenditures - Exterior Restoration Paving Exterior Building Upgrade Painting Exterior $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,000.00 1,500.00 8,000.00 5,500.00 1,600.00 800.00 2,000.00 600.00 18,500.00 300.00 1,200.00 6,000.00 7,500.00 200.00 ($22,000.00) $ $ $ 82,000.00 12,000.00 9,000.00 SAA Bowling night (72x$5.)approx Fish Fry and Dance (300 x $10.)approx Golf Tournament (144 golfersx$25.)approx Sunday Music Festival (300.00x$15.)approx Wine Tour (45x$25.) ($360.00) ($3,000.00) ($3,600.00) ($4,500.00) ($1,125.00) Township donations to date (Perth South) Township donations to date (Perth East) City of Stratford Town of Mitchell Banks and Trust Companies Organizations Small Business Private Donors ($10,000.00) Trillium Fund $ 121,115.00 Donations and Grants will be coming from Townships, Municipalities, Governmental, Corporate, Originations, Small Business and Private Donors. We also plan to apply for the Trillium Fund. All above Fund raisers are at Maximum Participation, amounts may very depending on Community involvement. PE-34 SEBRINGVILLE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE - 2013 President Wes Phillips Vice-President Tanner Scott Treasurer Chris Ney Secretary - Rental Marion Kelly Building Tanner Scott Grounds Ron Scott Fundraising Janelle Muir Social Paul Marshall Membership Joan Rohfritsch Softball Randy Fink Newsletter Eric Brubacher, Becky French Hamlet Howdy Nancy French Nevada Tickets Donna Scott Ladies’ Shuffleboard Marjorie Davidson Mens’ Shuffleboard Jack Herold Goodwill Marnie Hazle Web Site Dave Scott Directors Don Phillips, Michele Kehna, Jim Kehna, Ted Blowes, Veronika Scott, Ron Scott, Steve Herold, Kelley Jacobs, Dan Scott, Tom Luckhart, Janet Phillips, Cory Phillips PE-35 Perth East Council, As you are aware, The Millbank Recreation Association has been running the non-profit operations out of the Lyle Yost Memorial Park for quite some time. We organize outdoor activities such as the Millbank Minor baseball program and fast pitch and slo-pitch baseball tournaments as well as the park and facility maintenance. Through agreement, on your property, we have strived to make a place for the community to become involved and for better health through exercise. Lately, there seems to be a shift in the demographics of our community. Where we once had a thriving minor baseball program of over 100 children, we are now looking at the possibility of not having any minor team this year. When we had the program running well, we had the luxury of being able to draw volunteer help from a larger pool. It seems increasingly difficult to be able to get volunteers each passing year. Our Minor Ball program was never a profit making operation. We looked at it as providing a service for the community and tried to break even each year. Where we did make our operating costs was in the adult rentals and in the concession booth sales. With rising costs, we are struggling to maintain the park and keep it in the condition that is expected of our ball players. Would the Council consider helping our Association with some of the maintenance of the facility so that we can continue to keep the standards in line with other parks in the area? Possible areas to be considered would be grounds maintenance such as lawn mowing, parking lot and playground upkeep and fence repairs to name a few. We have a great facility at the Lyle Yost Park and with your help, we would like to keep it that way for years to come. Thank you and we look forward to any assistance you can provide. Paul Erb President, Millbank Recreation Association PE-36 PE-37 PE-38 PE-39 PE-40 PE-41 PE-42 PE-43 PE-44 PE-45 PE-46 PE-47 PE-48 PE-49 PE-50 PE-51 PE-52 PE-53 PE-54 PE-55 PE-56 PE-57 PE-58 PE-59 PE-60 PE-61 PE-62 PE-63 PE-64 PE-65 PE-66 PE-67 PE-68 PE-69 PE-70 PE-71 PE-72 PE-73 PE-74 PE-75 PE-76 PE-77 PE-78 PE-79 PE-80 PE-81 PE-82 PE-83 PE-84 PE-85 PE-86 PE-87 PE-88 PE-89 PE-90 PE-91 PE-92 PE-93 PE-94 PE-95 PE-96 PE-97 PE-98 PE-99 PE-100 PE-101 PE-102 PE-103 PE-104 PE-105 PE-106 PE-107 PE-108 PE-109 PE-110 PE-111 PE-112 PE-113 PE-114 PE-115 PE-116 PE-117 PE-118 PE-119 PE-120 PE-121 PE-122 PE-123 PE-124 PE-125 PE-126 PE-127 PE-128 PE-129 PE-130 PE-131 PE-132 PE-133 PE-134 PE-135 PE-136 PE-137 PE-138 PE-139 PE-140 PE-141 PE-142 PE-143 PE-144 PE-145 PE-146 PE-147 PE-148 PE-149 PE-150