vcr copy Tur::r.on, Arlzollll November 26. 1944 Issue No. 12 HAPPY
vcr copy Tur::r.on, Arlzollll November 26. 1944 Issue No. 12 HAPPY
.. . ,,- ~~ ~~... ~-r Issue No. 12 Tur::r.on, Arlzollll November 26. 1944 5 cent~ vcr copy HAPPY BIRTHDAY I "(f.H. DEPARTL1SH1' C;,SUi";.L1'Y LIST: Leo Urrutin, Jr - November 22 (Your Mom ;mUNDii:D IF ,tCTION: rushed out of the store as I was pa5sing Europoe.n Thoatre: Pfc Celcclonio L by on my way to work to give m~ this info.) Saenz, brother of ~,lrs Mnry S "(G~lr. , ABOUT OUR SOLDIERS ilAVY CASUALTY LI3T: AN APOLOGY, On "Chatter" of November 12, WOUNDED U; ACTION: I erroneously re~orted Pvt Eduordo BndiM~rine Pfc Frank M Caceres, ~on of 110., 23, son of Mr and Urs Rafa.el Badilla, fAr !lnd f.IrG Pil'lr Caceres, 1:30 ".'"{ ;2'71;h St. 535 W 17th st, as having been killed in action in Germany. Eduardo was not l:i lled, Pfc Felix C Garcia, whose wifo, Mrs but is missing in action. Josephine G~rc!n, lives at 428 E 19th St, has been awarded the Purple Heart KILLED IN ACTION: for wounds received in action on the WAR DEPARTME~T CASUALTY LISTs Italian front. Felix is conv~l~scing 2nd Lt Edward Tully, son of Albert in a U.S. field hospit~l. He wa~ an Tully, 109 "If 2nd St, killed in European employoe of the City of Tucson before area. enterine; the armed forces. His brother, Cpl Ra;dl P, brother of Alicia Cpl F..ldward C Ga.rda, is serving in li'rance P Kornea, 17 S Convent, killed in Mediwith the sir;nal corps. His pe.ronts, Mr terranean ~r0a. nn~ Mrs Benito C Garcia, live at ~49 Pvt Alfonso Hernandez, son of r:!rs JeS'l1iboll st. sus Molina Hernandoz, 515 Ourv st, killod in Moditerran~an 0.1'00.. Hnnuel Roblf:s So.nchez, ?harmacist IS Pvt Robert Rubio,r-lon of HI'S Anita G !.l:-i. te 2/C, US NIl , son of fir and i:rS FerRubio, 102 W 21st St, kille(l in Buropoan nando Sanchez, 719 Fromont Ave, has been awarded th'.! Purplo Heart for >'rounds rearOll. 1st Lt Jos~ V Ortaga, Jr, son of Mr ceived in action at Saipnn on Jun,) 15. and Mrs J V Ortega, 1036 Colorado St, was killed in action AUgU3t 17 in a D-24 PHISONZR OF (Ai{ bombardm0nt mission ov~r Austria. Lt Pfc Jos6 I Morales, son of i~s Tuodorn S Morales, 449 RosuJ.(;~;, who "NaS preOrtega Wf4S born in Tucson and graduated from Tucson Hi in 1937. Bufora cnlisting Viously roport,od missint; ir: :.lction in Frll!lCc., is bcin~ huld a pri£:onor of war in July, 1941, ho was on~loyod by Sunsdt Dniry. Besides his parvnts, J00 is surof t:lO GerwlO gove rnment. Popc is 11 vivod by throu brothursl Gilbort, un formvr circulation umploy0c of Tucson infantry B(~rgOo.nt in Europe; SflJn, air Ncwspap0rs, Inc. torco sarg~unt in tho ~lcific; an~ Armando, a stud::mt ~lt Roskrugl.~ scrlool; and GH, :rfHERE, Otl, ",{llEHE? four sistors, Elounor, fuac1iu, Ir0no, and Elsio, all of Tucson. J.ln.rine Pfe Junn A.ldama, ~on of Mrs Pfc JUSU3 F Polanco, son of Mre Juana i;J::d'ln Aldum::.t, ti~A 'if 17th, )"\'1:'; sent his F polunco, 44 ~'{ 2·1th St, W,\S killed ill Inoth0l" some Jup souv,;nirs--Ja:: f'lo.b:" and U JJ.p \\Tomo.n' s pur~;;) •. Juan rvcc;;i VGd th.;" aotion in Bdgium on Octobur 25. H~ W~l~ Purple Uvart, lJut h:ts been ruturnod to omployod by th,: Southorn pacific boforo ontoring th~ Gurvic0. 13(;sldo:3 hi~ mothor duty. Cp I gdw:.rd Al tami rano, :> on uf i',jrs he IJUVOS his brothers: Jo~6, in Sainan; Ann l.;ado. Altami~..;.n,), 1329 S 11th, is A. RobGrto, in Franct); a.nd Ram6n, in Tucso:1; ~!d1l0d dental t')clmici:m~rho <.~:;.~ists an·j hiG sisters, drs Amoli'J. MClnje !:lnd dontul officers ,.t .lD Gth ail' 1'-:>:"c" Miss Dolor~s Polunco, of Tucson. Arizona's "1.iighty j,lit.;", Ted Bland, fightor station. Pvt Antonio Gclribny, son of ,;r::; Octawas rocently killod in nction in Fr~nco. viu Stoun 121 E 18th, has b~~n tr3ns1 1 m suro you 0.11 romombor Tvd--th.; most , the C;\rlsb;A Army ]>.1. n ,.1(, Id ferred from highly pUbliciz0d football pl~yor thv Univorsity of Arizona. h~s vvcr known. to Sioux Folls, S. D. OVER . '. The following have arrived at the infantry repl~cement training c~nter at CampYolters. Texas, to begin basic training as infantrymen; they have been assir,ned to a battalior. stressing rifle training: Pvt Abelardo M Benitez, son of Air and ]\'ir~ Fernando 0 Beni kz, 1330 'Nest Niagara; Pvt Manuel A Ramirez, son of Urs !!arh ~amirez, 328 'if 29th St; Pvt Pedro Ochoa Lopez. son of Ramon Garcia Lopez. 425 '.'1 I\IcCormick; Pvt pttnfilo Valenzuela, son of Severo Villa, 425 ,'v 28th St; Pvt Reynaldo Montenegro Ramo, son of and Mrs Anita Romo. 15 Tellez St. prc Fra.nk Brr.c'.,mont0 V~:,rd~~ t bud of Lvdia. B V~,r0lC'-. 4,21 S J.;vhrond Ave, ha.s. • ')" mon th s returned to tha• s l;,.:.tOf> r'.ftdr~,'" of P~cific duty wi th th0 i.L'.rinc~;. He mo.y rocol v;') :'. fu.rlough soon. Pvt Fr:mk C Z,,-suotc.., son of i.irs Fr~n cinc:l. ZJ.suot·'.• ?62 N i.;oyor. h::.:; Gr::.. du:.'.tod from C·'.mp Pondleton' r. ~ni'.,ntry ;"nd nuilomutic rifle school o-.nd l.S nOVi 're:-.dy to join::. CCluh'1t outfit. Hi:; ",rif(), Teras .. , ~\nd d~lug:ht0r, Viol"., ",1"0 ;~t 376 S stone. CONGRATUU.1'I ONS I Alc Abraham R Lorona, son of Mr and Mrs A L Lorona, 47 N 5th st, recently began an lB-week training period at the Childress (Texas) AAF school to ~nrn his wings as a bombardier-navigator. • Pvt Loa D 01 buIn, s on of j,'ir and iirs Manuol OlguIn, 608 'if 1:.• 0S£\ St, has be.;ln gro.duated from the USI.C inf~ntrv and a.utomatic rifle school ut Camp Pl3l1dleton, California, and is now awaiting ns:;ignment to n combat unit. T/Sgt Ray G Orti z, son of and l.1rs P 0 Ortiz, 1235 S 11th Avo, is s0rvin b with the Third Army in Franc:.::. Ray is n. former employee of tho City of Tucson, and hl.s b';)on overseuu 11 months. His wifo, Mo.rg~rot, livos here. S/S~t Alberto Pinn, fonner Tucson star, son of Mrs Francisco. V Pina, 530 E Speodway, is using his southpaw to good advo.nt~ge in th0 big p.;Ll.m() in Fr::...nc0. Reoently, whilu on ~n udv~nced outpost. he sighted n Gormrln soldier cr~wlinb townrd his posi tlon armed with :l. "Durp"gun. He fired his riflu D.t the German twice, but both times thu pieco misf'irod, ~o picking it up by th~ barrel, ho throw it ~t tho Gvrmun. Sgt Piffn w~s vary surprisod to h::.:a.r tho soldior cJ.ll "KJ.mcrad." Snys A1bort, "I still can't figuro out Why ho surrenderod." pitchin~ ~c Pfc Lucy Roblos, daughtor of Mr and Mrs Rudolph Roblos, 625 S Herbert, has boen tran~fcrrod from hor r,tution in Australia to the Nethdrland Eust Indies. Honring n "Hollo, Fro.nk," while: dri vin~ truok in North Afrio:l., Pvt Fr~nk B s~t~ Cruz stopped his vchic1~ ~nd to his surpriso found the owner of th,~ voice: to be his bud. Corp RClytnon<1 B S'1nt1 Cruz. It W~tS tho first time the brothers h:'.d sc\.'n 0~.. ch other in two ~1.nd qui to ,1 raunion vr:1.s· enjoyod. Fr~nk is sorvinr, his 2nd overseas anlistmont, h~ving spent somo time in the Southwost P~cific and thon being sont • to North Afrion in July. R~y w~s s0nt to North Africa in Septombor. Anothor broth0r, pro nafacl B S:-..ntu Cruz, is with tho infantry in the Southwost P:1.cific. Thoy sons of j,lrs ;;bdo. SantJ. Cruz, 26G N 1{oyer. Frnnk l s -.vif,,· livos J.t 402 N i:10yor St. ~ Pvt Jos6s Valonci:J., r.on of i.lrs Rita. Quihuis, 1211 S 9th, h~s woD ~e right to wanr vho wingr. ~nd boots of the US Army PJ.ratroops. He recontly completed his trnining ~t tho 'Chute school ut Fort Benning, Georgia.. Alberto otero. son of Fr~nclsc~ Otoro, 27;:; N Church, ho.s h0un promoted to Pri vat", First Cl:~:3s. ;.1 gr:'du:ctcd from Tucson :1i; he <.mtorud thu :l.rmy thrc:o yc:~,rs rlgo ~nd is st~Ltionc(l in :·~Qntucky. His brothor, S/Sgt [x,nlol Otero, ruccntly roceived tho Comb:\t Illf:mtrym~ln B'~dg;c, '.l.t IndoBurm......Chin::>. ;trc:,. Sgt Guillermo 11. Vctsquuz, son of '1.nd i,.rs Fr::,.ncisco D V~,.squ,:z, lO~'9 S 7th :.VJ, :l vf.\ist gunn0r on .'1 j-}-17, hn.s been '1w.lrdod .:..n Oo-.k L·;;1,f C1ustc'r to thv ! . ir l1cJ:~l. J:lml.s I.i J:iont:\uo, s:m of ;,Irs JU'1n S 111 7 S 6th "·~v,:;nuc. ho-,c: been pror.lotud to 1st Li,-,ut"n~'11t, ~\ccortling to nUl'll> rcc-:;i v0d by hi:,: wife:, ;.n1.'1.1iCt. Jim W'1S '.voundcd in '1otio11 in J·:,nu,:.ry, and w'\s in " h0spi t:'.l six monthf>, but is now on :~cti V0 duty. ], S/3~t Ol,,~ario L V~lenzu0l:J. h~s boon :\w'.\rdud tho Bronze Star for 'l::llorous conduct in ~ction '1~~inst th~ unomy while fighting with the third division during; the .imzio br~,:lkthrouch. T/Sgt Jo:.;;~ph R Vug'" son of J R Veg;o., 1216 S 8th. ho.s b..:,;n :\w~.rd0d the Distinr-;uished Flying: Cro:.;:] for cxtr:J.ordinary ,'1chil,;vel'l'.::nt durill~ ·:,tt',ck:.; on mili t':l.ry :md indus l;ri,~l t:... rgcts in N~zi hold Europe'. Pope ir; ::\ r;.dio opcr::\tor ::;,nd g:u1Ull~r on '.1 B-l'{ lend is ::;t~',tioncd in Sng1"\nd. He ~.l:;o hold::; the i:'"d::.l ';Ii th four o:\~C 1c:,f clu::;t-::rs. FURLOUGH I Cpl GcorC8 KinvnAn is visitin~ his broth..; rs, ,·.rt rend John, frOJa S:l.nt:J. Rosn, C.. liforni:', whero hu is ... I;re':so monkoy. Pvt :, C C..b:'.llero, (~1~ E 23rd St, is visi tin[': his rJife:..nd two childron ~fter completion of p,.:..r::.troopor tr:-.ininl.; at Ft Bcnnin~, G00r~i~. Pvt Loopo1do R :.i~.rtin0:: t son of l:lr ::md Ilrs R'1m6n C i/.rtin..;z, 413 :~ !'elwood, is home on furlough from C:·.mp Robinson, 1l.rk·~nsn,s, c..ftur comp1otion of his b:-.sic tr'1inin/;. His ':lif,~ :\n<1 trro chi.1drvn liv',) hero. Pvt Oscar Romero, hU3b ·.nd (,,)J' Lupe Ochor, Rom.;;ro, 1015 Huron, is h~,ro from i.rk',l.n:L:s. ,\.fter his furlOUGh, h·,) will report to So.n Fr~ncisco. • ••• ~DIOSI , Gilbert Trujillo Espinoz:'., Abdn V:lldez ~~ros, R~ymond Tully, filbert ~1~m0da. So.nta I.1:l.ria, Royn::-..ldo 'rrojo R~'"miroz, John Hernandez, Ricardo Pesqueira Lopoz, Je~~s Mendoza Pesqueira, Alberto honta.bue, Henry H Avenente. Refugio Timntello Ramirez, Jos6 Manuel Otoro, Reyes Tome Padilla, Jos~ Jes'ds Yanez, Antone Lopez, i.ianuel HerrerA., Jr. , Alonzo Chezo Tona, Rodolfo l,iolina A~llar. Ram6n Valenzuela Liolinll, Rafflel P Gamez Eddie Burruel OrtiZ, I~nacio Fonseca·EIIas, Tony Gonzales Sotello, Tony L L06n, Joaquin Romero ~~ri0tta, Joe Alarc6n. NAVYs Alfrod Valenzuela, 17, son of Mrs Ignacia V<:o.lonzudo., 911 S Kroegor; Ralph Espino Rios, son of iiI'S Antonio Espino Rfos, 426 E 18th St. TUGSON NEilS I IT SNOWED IN THE CATALUTAS--PERIOD I The Fl~t-feet hud their armu~l dance at the El Dor Ray (usod to bv Rivorside) reoently. DEi.THS : 1.uGustfn Ortiz. 42, 1412 ::y Sonora. Survivors s ',Hfc, Julio.; two sons, :.gustin and Dolo:.. ~s; two daught,_rs, ;.agolia. and El'~:lnor. iirs Rcunono. GClmboCl, 67, 28 ON 24th St. Survivors: Duughcer, Virginia C~iilioa; Son, AntfJnio. i.issCF.lrmen Lim6n, 48, 1109 S Euclid. Survi vors: two sisters, hrs 1.{afaela Bustamante and i;r~ ,Tcs~s Figueroa., of Tucson. ;,:ARRIAGB LICENSES: J"e Carpena, Jr, 25 - Dora Payne, 2:~ Alex Carpena, 2S - Frances Leo Felix. 23 Valentim i\i IU vera, 19 - Frances Escalante, 16 :ttefugio A Udo.s, 21 - Conc8pci6n T iiartinez, 21 John Verdugo, 27 - :f',linda J Drow, 19 ASSOCIATIOh NElS At the weekly rarne held on the 15th, the shopping bug dona.ted by Urn Carmelita THE SIXTH WAR LOAN DRIVE STARTED UOND.i.y. Al varez was won by ; ,r:: i,,:::.nuela Lucero THE COUnTY QUOTA IS FIVE UILLIONI AY, and our treasury was enriched by ",2.3~. PIES, QUE APORHEADA LES V,':' iOS 1. D/ili I CON QUE NO SE NOS 1i.Ci.BEN' LOS Z;.Pi..TOS cni·O ;. TaANKS for 'Tour letters: Pvt !ler. 0 LiarDOW.. C:JUiliLIT;. RIOS (ELL;.. 81 QUE FUE C;..Rtinez who :\.; in fln Army Gcnerfll 1; fJspi tal liELIT,;. DESCI..LZl.!) in En~land, rec~vcril1g fro!!', w'.lUnds received August 8 in Normandy. ae:nnie, Frankie jiastors Playod at tho Bluu koon. your ItHello" z]lall btl conveyed to all the 21st. your Tucson friends via. this par~r, and Bob Wills and his Tvxas playboys also l'n sure th~y &11 join me in wi~hing you appoared at "th0 Bluo Lioon. a proL~t rocovury and a safo and speedy journey home. Tho Uuxionn Folli09, starring puco A fonnor mGlnbor of th,) 158th, Pfo w'llur and his prodigy, "Don Roque" (paco Rosario R Ruiz, '"fho is now with n medical 18 tho uloxioo.n Edgar Borgon-Cha.rli.u dc detachment in France, W:\.Si10S his friends Carthy) uppourcd at the Safford School on of the 15Bth Infuntry tho best of luck tho 20th. Viorun quI,) tan truviuso 01 mvn- and thnt they r(:'l:ttrn honG :,oon. tado Don Roque; muy va.ci16n y muy ~8 du ouutro no~ quedamos unumorudas de 61. UN AP!~lmO para Dofia An~clita Segura for tho :;5.00 SilO contributed as tho 1. banquet commemorating the l69th anni- association mE:.Wlbership fE:.h3 into tho 1,03.versary of the ~mrine oorps wns held at the guo of "{omen Voters; y OTR-O APLAU~O para Tuoson Hi c~feteria. Doi<.A '£rinidc.d Val d0 z for ,~l. 00 she donated towilrd "eha tt,)q" both aro T.JOlflbors of our TUCSON Da'fNED GLEND1~E HI 21-6, Friday l7th.organization. (Por cierto que nos 110vi6 casi todo 01 first half, pero ni por eso nos quisimos NE", ; ;}~l'.illE:R3 s l\iarfn LufsEl. bz nnd venir a casa, porque estnb~ muy 0;ccl tine Natalia ,lr~nda. el juego I) f,iUCRAS GRACIAS ,1iss0s nary Pi'lcho and TUCSON SKINNED I,iESA J;..CKR.'.BDI'r8 20-7, on Julie. Ur!:lS, and "rs Vici<y Lopoz, 5:1.losThanksgiving Day bdii.JS 'It tho Tovm Shop; i.l!icol:1s Segura. of La C~~it~ l~st~ur~nt; Huort~'s GrocerYJ Tucson women, finding it impossible to !.;). Conch" Drug, ::.nd :~oubl'n' s lioffiu Supply, buy oigarettes at timos now, seem to be for helping me s-::Il "ChJ.ttor ll tollo\rlnC a nation-wide trend. Three young ladios walked into the Crescent Ci/;ar Store Abe Hondoz:\, in Iran, h~s s(;nt tIl(; Assoand upon being told that thero wore no ciation Armenir.m. RussiJ.n ,_nO. Ir:cnir.\n oigarettes, tho girls wunt into ::l huddle currency, onclos0d in a mighty fino letand dooided to buy n corn-cob pipe a.nd a tor. Abc is the proud pnp~ of ~~dns, Pog Po.okagc of pipe toba.cco. Pipes in mouths and ;;iku. o.nd proud ho should b:.., for they suunt0red nonch~lantly do\vn Congress they're very cuto. Street a.ftor b..:Jing s hO\vn how to fi 11 and ATENCIOlJ, JOaDAS I light tho pipes. THE B.•TTLt FOR CIG:.RETTES Tbv birdlv, h:1.rd-:li t by thv rubb"r shortIS 1.1'1 "I.LL-OUT" ONE I :l~v in tho u~rly d~ys of thv \~r conversion progr.:\m, is b:lck on -'eh\.- m-:,r:~(.;t Hi th BIRTHS I . Born to Pvt nnd i:Irs Robert L paohaoo. '.1007 S 6th. 0. girl; and to Corp und pro-vr:..r two-w,'\y !ltrotcil, fit .:mJ cCiilfort. So SL~YS US RubboI' Co, announcing ,~'. nc,..! Mrs Robort 1:lo.rtinoz, 415 i,£01wood. 0. boy. synth;:;tic rubbor thrvc..d for "lc:stJx". -3- (OVER) •••• P.i\R;.DE Novembor 11, 1944 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Da.nce,'{ith:l Dolly I'll Walk ~lone ~rolloy Song Alwa.ys Togethor How .,i:.ny HU:lrts H~'.vo Yeu Broken? It Had To Be You Strange Music I'm Making Believe November 18, 1944 2. 3. 4. The Trolley Song I'll Walk Alone Together Danoe With A Dolly 5. Always 6. 7. 8. Let Me Love You Tonight I'm Making Believe How many Hearts Have You Broken? ','fhat a Differenoe a Day Makes 1. 9. THE TROLLJr SONG (From "Iieet lie in st Louis") Oh, how many hearts have you strJ.nded On 'tho drcruny ro~d to romance?, I'll t~ko 0. chance I neod somo lovin', I just cun't rosist you, evon tho' I'm wiso To how many hearts you I1D.V(l broken With those grout big boautiful vycs. L.AclT MINUTE N:c..1ISl Jesus Burruel, whose par~nts live at 1220 Colorado ~t, is visiting Tucson after being away for nore than 2j1- years. He pCirtieipated in the Guadu1canu1 caupnigll. Cp1 Fortino Contreras, son of Mrs .,j l~yers .:it, is a menber of the 299th q,;J,artermaster sa1vat:;e repair coupany, one of two conpanies which in 11. non ths has reclaiued and repaiI'~ ~2?,575,275 worth of equipment to' be put back in use by the l"ifth A::lilY in Italy. :U ta Fontes, 269 Pvt Enrique .d Granillo, le, Don of lJr und Li1's Cundiuo A Grunillo, 50Z Riverside Drive; ahd ~vt Robvrt G clOSb, 18, son of ~r ~~d ~rs Hoberto L ~osu, 1006 Ontario Jt, have ur1'ived at the l.!1i'twtl'y replL.ceuent trtlinil1(, center, CL.Up \.01 tdl'S, Texes, to be~in b~aic truinin 0 • With my high starched el11ar and my high topped shoes and my hair piled high upon my head, I went to lose a jolly hour on the trolley and lost my heart instead Ju111eS 1~ Lion i"uno. sun ot' h;r und l~rs With his light brown derby and his John,.,) l.4ontano. 1117 ~ 6th ""ve, wus blight green tic, promo~ea. to First Lieutenunt in He was quite the handsomest of men, FrlJnce whero he is servinG with the I startod to yen, so I counted to ten, Qeventll Jirm.y. Jill \/LS 1Jlounded in And then I countod to ton again. /lotion lDst Junuury U!ld Vli.. S in 0 "Clang, clang, olo1ng," Yent the trolley, hospitul recuperotinb for six nonths, "Ding, ding, ding," \vont the bell, but ho hcs been rl;;turnl;..d to duty. "Zin~, .•1ng, a ng," wont my honrtstrings, For the moment I snw him I fell. ******.*******.*******.***.**.****** '"ChUII;. ohug, en ug," wont tho motor, "Bump', 'bump, 'bump." wont tho brako, CHATTER is publish0d every ~econd "Thump, thump, thump" went my heart(,ind fourth ound:...y by Spcnishstrings, ~eric:,:;n tJothers ~nd \/ivus Assn., Whon 110 smilod I oould fool the oar shake. 38 N Church 8t., Tucson, Arizona. Be tippod his hnt, nnd took a soat ~11 rev~nuus from the su1e of Bo s~id ho hoped he hadn't stopped upon this p~p0r cru to be usod for the my toot. or0ction of u RucruLtion Cvnt~r Bo askod my nnmo, I hold my bronth, for thu ~vuni3h-~1uricun soldi0rs I oouldn't spo:lk booauso hu sourod me from Tucson, ,clrizo!1:.• hnlf' to doath. .*••••*•••*••*•••••••*••••••••••*••• "Buzz, buzz, buzz" wont thu buzzor, "Plop, plop, plop," wont tho wheals, Liirluoc..:r·.lphvr - 1\;1'3 Elsu Hunnu "Stop, stop, stop," went my hoartstrings, Cartoe ~ist - Hillis C"'Llpbvll As ho startod to go, then I started to Hulpyr - l\irs Hortvnsc Vurdugo a'ow how it fools Whon tno univorso rools. Editor - Miss Rose Rodriguoz nov 1iANY HEARTS HAVE YOU BROKEN? How ma.ny hoo.rta hnve you bro ken wi th thoso groat big bea.utiful eyos, !hoao grJo.t big boauti~l oyos, Thnt toll such bo~utiful 1i08 How mOony timos havo you kissod somobody L1ke you kissod mo just thon! , I don't boliovo you moan it, " But., kiss mo ngnint ••••*Ii'*•••• *••• 'i'"" • •*lto', . .(.'".*......,*.*** ,. " T Tucson, Arizona. December 1944 · t~s~e No. 13 5 cents per copy '·r~--"----~··------------------_·_~-----------~-~··-------------.-----.-------~-.~-----1941, was called back to duty in \.lurch, 1942. He attended Tucaon Pi. In uddition to hill mother, he is survi v3d hy three sister:>: ~rR HolAn L~jfB of Los, LiZ's GeorGe D1.ln1'ol"d, Jr, of j,1C Cook, Neb., nnd I.;is8 Dor'\ KO"1C'rO; one brother, Roy Remera, und four n(:phews , (ill of Tucnon. HA,pPY BIRTHJ;JAYI Aurelio Reye~' - December 4 Arnuifo.Rics~o - December 4 .' J'8SUS 'u Valenzuela - Dec,wlber 4 Abelardo H Pesqueira • Decel:\ber 6 Joe Jauregui - December 11 Lupe Rlesgo: - D~cembcr 12 David,..Jauregui - DeCH)mbar 12 Ca~los Esoobedo.- Deccmb~r 14 rommy.Spel1~€Jr - Deccmbnr 16 FtIt~ncisco Taylor Aros - Dooember 17 'Jos6 T3urr,uol .• Decerr,bor 17 , Armando T l,ombI'i Ill. .. Dece!!lber 21 A'brllhAm R Lorofia - Deocmb,~r 22 Ri~hard R!os - Docombor 22 G11D~rt' Figuorba - Dcnembvr 23 ~lborto O"'Ruiz - Docomb81' 23 Pvt Filiberto S Ap.;uirr n , son of br3 Carolina Gracda, 333 S illS)vood, ,','is killed in action in the EUJ"op,)an th,:utl"':. Corp Louis J Itulo, 54 ~ Council, brother of ivirs i,iary Durl1n, W~~:3 kill"d in ~ction BIRTHDAY ,READING FOR THOSE BORN NOVEi,iBER '02< 'TO DECEiv{I;ZR JU (SAGIT'rARIUS} , ": " ,.' /' p~opl()_ poosess .Jncrr;y a.nd indus~ , " ·it~y: 'W:h~o·h;",i~. not um\orstandablo by oth01's. ,,1 ",' ,';Cl1ttY,lira'the world's bost workors Ilnd' • . 'lthoy a~r happios-t .whon. kopt buny. Th..) y I " Ilto very t8.1on~od and SUCCO<:ld in almos't ·'e'v,ory Id.. They have re- nd..or markable forcsir;ht and, this ono.blcs thern to.1p,rophosy many thin[':s. 'l'hey a1'o thrifty , ~ and kn~ tho vdlu,) 01' monoy. 13ecause of .f ~hoir thritt~ncso thvy arc often aoousud ~' :. 'of boipg stingy, They arc quito cocretivo 1" about their own ~ttairs, but thoy do not .......,.. Wish o~hvrs' to Q~ •• They mind thoir own ( " bulino89' and disliko to have other~ intottoro in thoir affairs. they must watch · 't.h,o~r tOtnP,or and try to ovorcomu blow-ups' ov~' tfl vid and unlmportnnt m'.ltt0rs, 'r A~OUT OUR SOLDIERS . (Soma, ot.~~e roltowing o~suulti0s previous- , , . , ,~ (~ ,, 1y.ppoarod in "Chnttor," but th..) lonal publish0d thom el.{;ain, '~o' I 2.m l/;ilving -thc.'1n to .you for th(. b~1nc:fit ·of thosd ~vho missed th~' news) ,nowspl~pCl'9 ree0ntl~' I, ~" Humbqrto OliVas M~rqu.... Z, son of Air o.nd . 'Mrs Ir.nacio ll~rquoz of Tigor, Arizonu r died ,Novcmb.c'r 3 in" Englo.J?,d, Humberto, a form~r .r~sidont of 'Nogalas,. Tucson, and Ti~cr, h~d ,8\)rvod ovorsoas 15 months; he wns with un enp;i.nocrin.r; outfit. In o.ddi tion to his 'oil "•. pflronts. h0 is survived by six brothors, ~ro Roborto, Isudore, Henry, tgn~ciot RD..16n, and Form!n; and by two sisturs, Josephine Fiorros :t."ld Rese Marqucz, Pvt Frank P Romero, son of Mrs Cipriano. Ro1011 N Anita, \vas killed in action in France on November 18. Frank, who entered the service in February, 1940, and ~ero, - VlSS gi von his_ disoharge papers in December .... f~· .. ., -"'rI" -, ""- _.-:- Fr~nce. NOUNDED' IN ACTION: (In tho Eurorom1 thoo.trG) Pvt Lo.;llbcrt E Pqonto, son of i<rs i;il1rtino. E Puont.), 620 if 2'1th St frc Rogalio G PGr:il tel, son of l•.'.rs Lupe G Peralta, 775 Anit~ Pvt Joe M Vasqul)z, son of ;,,;ru P lULl Vllsquez, 21 r/ El puso st l:1 Tech 5th' Gr Jes\1s L PUd0NZ, W.:ph0W of j\Ugu01 Y Lop'Jz. 1025 ~'( Sonora prc 1[unuel L V:tlvncia, son of Scott, 821 Grnce Court J -1':; Sarah --......- '-- Pvt Jo:;oph Chf'.c~n, 12G W Av.Lltton Dr, wUfrtM!~jWJl~'" woundod in "l.ction in GOr!llo':1ny. ~lis '!.,rifo und throe childrJn~ro livinc with hor mothvr, L;rz Anni,; FlOC Llinge'r, 4H S 4th Av:a. Pvt Chac6n, who is in tho ".rtille ' enlisted in thu s'crvicv ill F,;bru:lry, 194 He V.\S f(,\rJa.,:rl~.r tiJ'l'lployud by 1;lE: ;l.r1 zonD. Homo SUI"ply r-o. pvt .10s6 E 1I.1v'.. 1'0z ,is conv[~luscing in [', hospi t,.1 in8nr;lcmd from. wounds reed vod in September in tllJ b,\ttl,.) 1'01" Franco. lIQ ho.s b "m Clwnrdod tlv.: PU l"P 1,- ;.I:.:J. rt , v·,hich ho s.~nt to his wifo, Cuc:, 2... ;,lvar .. z, ~nd his littl.:; daU!~ht,:r, Ir:HJ., who live with hoI' p~rcnts, 61' .:~d l.rH SuntiCleO Z~r~tc, 2028 S 7th ~V0. JO.'5 mothor livc~ in Tucson, at ~l W~uth St. L;u1'inu:; I i i~,rino Fvt RI.\;116n Ch·.lp'lrrO, 4'(7 .') Stono h~,>~: bo.;n roportod 1'found.: d in ;'.C ti on • jjc:.rinc prc F0rn~\ndo n Nori -f.;', , son of i,'r :-..nd. itrs R:n6n R Ncri",c,,-, ':1',:; ~-jth Avo;;, h~s bc,m wound8d. MISSING IN ACTh)~J: Snmuol P:l;.r,,,n, ':'.01'0gr::l.phcr's ~\o.t,', third 01:1s3, S0n of lviI'S Carmen Ramirez, (OVER) , near Vaudeville, VlOUNDED, Staff s~t Dave Dunham Jr, tlon of i,ir and Mrs Dave Dunh:lm Sr, 925 E hi::\.bcl, w':s wounded in '.ction in (}erman~r on Novombur 21. He already holds tho Purp10 H0'-ll't for wounds received in, ~'i.ction. in France on ~.' Onve,'who in the infantry, cntcrad th9 army August 24, 1942. His wife, Mr! Virginia.· pu Pont Dunham, und a sistor, Mrs William Swain, ~lso live at ~23 E U~bol. is Cpl Huctor D C~rril1o, 20, son of Mr and Mr. Ernest B Carrillo, 340 S Scott; Pfe ·Jua.n T AId-Ulna. 22, zon of tirs MarIn. .Ald~ , 534' W 17th, ~nd jj.J.nuC!l R Sc.nch'n; al, Ptiarmacist'·s iJ[<.Jte second class, 719 Fremont Ave, . have been awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in fighting during the invasion of the Marianas. All three. wounded~at Saipan in June, remained in notion·a.n~ participated in th~ fight ~t T1n1an.~ . ,. ,; Pvt Raymond D Montano, son .of ~. petro,ni1a. Ro~riguet and brothe~ of Adelaide " ,Clark, both of 235 'If 27th st, was Il~rious '1y \v6undad' in action in (ler:mmy November I '17.' Ray, a. gradua~e,of'$afford Jr Hi, has . '.' . (' been in the 'armed forc es 'two ye!lrB. He is !ii", '," .serving with t~e infantry. .• ' "of ',tII, Pfc' Frank Lopez, son, of Mr and 'Mrs St, wlI.S'Slig:ltly injqted in ~ction ,in ~uxe~bur~ on November 23~1 H~ has three' bro.thers· in 1;ho s.ervice, Cpl RQ'bert', in ,England.; S/Sgt Ernest I in Gennany,; Ilna pfe ,Arthur, in Colorado. ~, Spring&;', ' '. ' . \,/R~n Lop~.£.189.N Lleyer 'I t I • i , WHERI'~.. ca" OR VmERE? Pvt .Emanuel D L~)z;>., son of ~.:·r: .Toe 1110;1.0., 808 S 4th Av .. , 'N~,S 61·:::.(h.l:l~~_d ft'om the d0p~rtJllGnt of' ~lr!il::l.!:l;,;;r,·s of ;,oo·:ry.. Field, D;m..,.:;., Color-~do, .1·<Jc·.;c;tIy. ~;lo.nny, W::O.,,·d .:;n.ffol·U Jr Hi :'~"ld 'l'l.lCSOn Soniot JIi ",·cnt"r<.Jd thc f;.:-rvicc Lest August loth. Tony Ortiz gunn..:,"s m:lto t.h.i·rclcl,~ss, son of }irs Jo~l C;1son, 328 N ChHrdh, participC4tvd in recent (ctiollS ",bout V;yto. Tony, <l, forn:'r orn)Jloyc:c of Cop.solid::\. t'Jd Vtil tU0, h:'.s ooon in ttl(; r}.~vy '1.bout six months. ;TiE broth.)!' flrt, :.:md tV(~ sist0rs, Urs Luz Cornolius ·:.nd !.irs M~rlin T PricJ, live in Tucson. Pfe Rieho.rd S Pe:lro!l., ;; on of ;.1r~ C P DuPont' 905 W Congr3ss St, is n~~ rec ei ving hi s final p!'las.e of tr~\i!lir.g as a. nose turre'c £:untlsr on a Lib bOillbcr at Walla '!falle. ArrilY Airfield, WSo3hington.• His wife, Eldfl, ~esides with his mother •. Pvt ttlux G Sainz, r.on of Henry Sf;;.inz, 146 W 3:!.nd st, hilS 'Non the richt to wear tho winGS and boo,ts of th,'l US Army pa.ratroops • Sgt ''{illhu:1 G VMquez, son of ·;·.:r nnd Ml'S B G "/right, fornlerl y of Tu~so~~ but now r"1sidinr; in Ventura, C!tlifornin, recently participat8(l in the loath combat mission of a.. Lib honber r:;roup based in Italy. Thin group h:.s been in opera" tion since lRst.FebruarJ und has aided in the utter delltruct:Lon of' enem:r target and communications lines throughout southern Europe. His wife, the former ')l,,;a Higuera, r'esides at 637 S 4th Ave. ,qpl, '9011~'~P'Q1.6n ,R Anos, ~ on of ,f'fldro, pvt J e~'l1s' h V i l l one i£1, s on of, Mrs R1 ta ~, Rt 3., 130.'0. 55f., "fought vrith· a patrol , ~uihuis, 1211 S 9tl1. !\venue, has 1"ocentoh olashea with ~, scoutin~ party of bely oorapleted his training as 0. paraen l(5. ,and 20· Iluns, kf 11 ing one- and· trooper at Ft. Bem~inb' eTa • . pg. the otf.1e'rs to wi tJid raw. 1'n Nor~h-. . (.om Ltal'y., 'rocft-htly. Op1 Aros is a. scout CONGRATULAT IONS I ':,: /w1 th tht) ,91s"£ Oavalry I{e~ nno.issanc 0 ' . . . ""'''':''a:qua'd~on pi" t!ie F'ifth .Army in Itu"ly. F'edcrico J :y Contzen, acting' ~lC jutD.nt . . ........ . ' of th-:. Fifth Cllvulry no\'{ servinC in the r 1 ,....~ • . '. • ~. 1';/ (. ~)UltOro.o pnr1bny,t son of Mrs Octavu. Philippiuos, W:.l.S proiaot()d J~o I~C' jar on , '" \. '~: ' : 1 S1!e~n, \121 E l~th, is now 111 training as 0. Oe"';obr.,)r \:I •. ··d~d, Philip, ·.llid hiS' . ':-1"9Pore.t~r mochanic at the Al\.F Train~ist6r, Mnfi?, live· at 611 S ~th Avo; " ~' lrtg 'co,lltiland Rl\dio So hoo1 at the Sioux. . his· ·,vif·") una twin dcl.ught,;rs l'cc~ntly :" i, Fo.11s ,ri,rmv Air 'PlaId, Sioux Fall:1, South arl'ivcd" hC:l"O i'roi ll Temple City C:;·.liforniu. , '. "l)akotu. .'.' Fl'odd~o vms Uli1ploy"u by 'I:;h'~ City En'l" '1''',~. , t ,,' • gin~orinG Dtlpn.rt."Tl(mt bvfore h0 \Jnlistod, Tony I .1-e6n, s on of Mrs Ua rl a.-LI';)6n, 1127 unci during the good 01.;; pr..ridng motor S 5th Ave, is' ~ow stationed in IndIa .aft0r d:\ys was in ch~\rg:u of counting tlnd, wrD.p.¥ l,'1. · . . ·havi4g recup·GrEl. t0d from "laria. ping; ~11 th~l oDins, A.m,-~[·ic om ~'11c.! ether~ l'!.. .' " • t, ." wis..:'. ':\nd slus::; c1opod tod ther'Jin.. The :\I:l\:'~ h . i;<; ~Richntd 'UipGz·,. son 'of j.jrsLudu City (·mp1oy'K's congr:\.tulutc; you, Fr0ddi(l. Lepal, 1030 Golor"do St, wns recently <., 'lI'i,von 'c., '!recess" fr.on1 ji:\,lrh,l .,n~f~ro at un Pfc Josd:.; H FiguorolJ" .120 ~ 16th St, ha.s "'" -c . d rGS t . ,cunt at' .i n. ". 1 h\'~ " .,-': ia1\r 'service co;umn.n· ~nli I a.n~. b00n, mV:U'dod the Good Condu~t r·.iod:'J.l for : 1', ,'.' ,.. b1~lI: spent siitV,)l1 days l1.t an English so:.J.sido fide Ii ty, 0fi'icioncy ::.nJ 13xcrIlphry bvt'" ' rosprt hotc~l whor~ Amcric4 t s o.lnnen m:'ly rohavior whil.c in s.:!rvicc. Hi) ir. ::. .member 1.' lax bErt\'(oen missions. H0 has completed 19 of 'ea\) 350th Inf:mtry Ro 6 iml.nt of the missions over ~a~i-dominat~d D~rop$. 88th "Bluo Dl.)vil" Division now s.,rving with tha Fifth Army in ltd:.r. . :'Pf~ Dc nic:t E· }Jf\rq,uoz I son of Ur and Mrs j4o.nuo)} i i(.~·r.quoz. 400 ;.{ Oury S,\:, h...l.s been pre Jos6 C '1onz!, husb::mci 0 ' ;.;1'" I\i~ .. trnnsforr6d from Augusta, Ga., to Lakeland, r!n J Gonza.les, 64 ~ Cortn1, r0cJ~tly Fltl. H,,,: has bO.Jn ~n the air,farcd for W:lS Q,wn.rdcd thu Bl'onzc 3tt r for h,:.roic two ~md <on(; halt;. Yo:lrs •.. A slstor, Lirs o.chiovcmont in f'.ction in It-,lI. [l:~ h8.s Torosn 1, lives .:l t 409 1'; Moyer st. u1so buon 'J.Yl':.rdcd th~ C'Jm'l-:'. t ·I:.1f·-.!'.tryn~,n Br:-.dr;c ;:,nd the Bronze B:lttl_,;'.r ·)f the Pvi Rudy il'icndoz3. I son of Hr and i.:rs ~1ik0 Itu1ia.n C~mp~ign. , Mendoz.), 2()4 N jl,{oyt3r St, wr-i tos his folks .. trorn. th,"; pacific thQt hu mot his cousin, l:i::muol Ochot, broth.:r of Uh::; ;:: ,rnL:: HCllr~, (Licki,) Rbsgo t wher0 his is ste.Ocho~, 536 J 17th, h~s b00n pro~otod to ,tion",d. They splmt ull d::<y 1:of-:othcr talkSorga~nt in Fr~~co. His bud, Ffe fr:.nk 'ing ::\bot:t ,lOmIJ. Ocho:.., is ir: El1[lf'.m:._ . \ ;.. • II O > S/Se;t' ~ • • • I ' -2- ~~- " . J I J'. Tcchnici~n 5G Willi~m Lv6n,nophcw of Mrs Jos0phin~ LoviQ, 1013 S 3th AVCI.~~3, boon ~\v'~.l'tlod tho Bronze St.:l.r for !'lcr:1. \;Or1OUG .chicvomcnt in conn0ction with milit':\ry op0r:.tions ll~:'.inst th·.) , ,.ncmy d';1rinr; the Adrairalty Isl~.llds O·:']"paJ.(;n. H,) J.3 survinl!' 'vith a. modic',l dut':\chmunt in tho PhilippinlJs. Henry Lcyv::t, son of Hr clI1d i;lrs Eonry p Lcyv~, 449 ~ 37th St, roc(;ntly rGccivcd his silv..;r :'..crinl r,unner's \":ings ~r_d W'AS . omoted to cornore.l wh.:,m he con:plc. toa o fl~xiblc gunnery courS0 for raciom~n YUllL'.'. Air FL:ld. John F Sr;l.Vala, fHnmo.n first cl.lss, is (l 20-de.V' lew.) Llft-Jr tv,o y,;c,r3 service v:i th the Navy; he hf.l.3 beon on convoy duty aboard n destroyor in the North Atlantic and :Iediterruneau ure::.s. ,Tolmn71 is e. (r'lduute of Saffor:i. Jr I-li. an pvt Joe Trujillo is visitin~ his folks, Mr and Mrs J Q Trujillo, 108 K Minsion fload, while on u short i\ll'lout;h .from Camp Robinson I ArlrensCts. Joe is a ·graduate of Tucson ~Ii.. Te~h Sgt .Toe R Vega, son of ~nd Mrs R Vega, 1~16 S 8th Ave, is visiting in Tucson servinr 12 months as a 11.1bert ;.. Otero, ono of the four Otero B-1? radio ooerutor with the £ith A.i.r othvrs from Tucson servinG in the ~rm~d Force. pepe' is. the saJ:1e one I told you rc,)s; recently W'.. S promotud to corpor".l. about in my "Cha.tter" of Nov ~:G, who i';as hose froffil his f:J.llli1y. now oV'Jrsc:\s include awarded the DFC and holds the Air i.fedal eoh Sgt; Edw',rdIJ ~.nd Stc~ff Sgt D,lniLil, four of1.k loaf cluste:;r"s. I met hill\ oth in the J,rmy, ·:.nd S/Sr,t j.J:-..nuol S t,:vo daY-Tn t:wm the other d",y and W'lS very " n tho M-:lrini;4s. clad to vrolcomc him bacl,:; he ] oo;~s none .tho worse fer his exrorionees. Louis Sr.tlvo.ticrr~., son of ],irs Juli,. Su1v~tierr~, 633 E Holon, h~s b0en promotC~l Joe Vcrc.ugo j [lon of i'ir nnd j!irs ,od to c:. vi::'.tion oleotrici'lI1 t s m'\ to, soc and Joe Verdugo, :SG "f ilcCormid:, visited cl,~ss. Ho is s'.;rving outside the oontinTuc::)on from Crllnp Howie, Tex:::.;., ':'l!<-re he ·ontr.l limits' of tho United st:'..tos. i3 si:htioned ':rith t:,e ~odi(~,"l corps tan~ b:.l.ta1 li on. His "fif,), ···.il''' H0rt .. n3·"; Vor,. Sorgol.nt C.J.rlos' C Z::l.tuut~., son of }:rs du~o, 1313 -OJ D&Lmal'ti, ie th..J gonial ISoferiI~. Z~zuot~, 512 N Gr~nde, h~s younF; lady rrho heIrs mc: wi. til "eh ttt';3r" , qualified ~s ::t sh~rpshootor ~t tho F~ir . mont ·,·.rmy Ai'r Fiold, G,;novo., N·,)br:.ts)c·.• Ale Hario Yrun vi:;i'Ccd his :,,0:'1, Brs : His wif(), },<i::',ry, 1.1vos :<.t 1003 Eric St. Hortcmc io. Yrun, 3:30 ;; S ton.,), i'rOl:: tho An';y Airbas.l, now i·J<,)xico. 1,&"LC OEE I sis gt otto '1' 1'11"OC low~n ind hi s wife, Robert b gcnitcs, ~c petty officor, Ruth, wer~ visiting ~lth his folk:.;, nftor sorving l' 1/2 yo~rs with, sub unit Dr and j,irs F' Broclone.n, at .'j,20 E 18th st. ~n fotQi:gn vt.:l.tcrs', is novi hero on c. 30 C1:-.y otto hU3 b'J0n in the al"my almos t; fonr , furlou~h visiting his p:1:vnts, l';~r rend Mr::; y.Jars. he is now practiet\lly a native Bon Bunitos ,'.1140 S 5th J.vo •. Ho has six of Ok1o.homu, as he hns b,:;un in Fort Sill 'btothOrs' S0Nint in tho '\rmed forces, fi vo and Gamp Grub,Jr all tho ti~lO. " of th m boing' stationed ovorSO:'.5. Bobby (1,S bo'llll) .fn-· tho. US 'N:wy two yc:,rs. ADIOS I I,· . . : Pfo J F:!u.rruuI, 21, son of Mr d Mrs P,.. .u l H Burruol, 1120 "( Colo~ado ~, h,a 90cn p~turncd to thu status ~rter 8, months oveJ:~eas, with the first nm.rine iv1Sion. ' !Ie' ,haS' seen action at C(\p~ louoe~ter.•. NffiV .Bdtaj,n, ,Guadalcanal, and eleli-eu L was wound.ed in action., and wears n PFesidertt~al Uhit Citation. , Mfirintl Staff Sgt William P DuPont, "'ho ~e~ed at' p~nrl H~rbor for eight months ~ria 'WaS .prest;lnt· at the .sneax attack by , the Japl$, has arrived in the 3tn.tdB 'fi!\ter 26 months t;erv1.ce in the South PHcific. , Bill' was'· a. well-known athlete in football, baslcetbal1\'and baseball at Tucson Hi. 'Hi~ faihe(. Martin il, resides at 905 1~ ,:C~mgres,s•. ' l t'Rioa~do M G~lvez, son of Mrs Frann G Galvez, s.t Clair S-t, is home from le.uti~n Islunds, ufter servin~ two with army Engineers. H~ ~ill have " W'oe~s before rcturnin~i to duty. Mario\S N~noz, potty officer 3rd of the SPARS, women's auxiliary of 'e Quard,. is spending u ten-day le(\VG with hur parunts, l.1r £:.nd Urn Ju:o,n ~ Nunez, ~j27 S Convent. Mario is a graut0 of l'ucson Hi tind worked as a. windo . trimmer at. Kross. Shu is. now stationod at C10vc1 nd) Ohio. l!l.r-~: ,pre. Ruc1y 1.1 Quintas is visiting his and Mrs pablo M Qllintas, 6 ft.Jr serving 35 months in ~ ~est.pncifie. Vincent parvollo', Ad::tlburto H0rrur::.. Gureta., Abrr:..n V:lldez L.-d"~':>, Aiinando Olivas S~llaz(.r, Robvrl i jam.,Jl 1~J. '\.;;.s, F'l'·.,_nk' Alvnl'<ldo Rodri(u"z, C·mdchlrio ;:3·.'Tl:::l'.C:z I Arnulf'o lh v0r~" Ara.i Zi~, L1.1is Dul·· ZO 1<0dondo, Jr, j{""ynJ.ldo :1' ""c("mor~t) 1:UllgU!a. , EduClrdo Loyv~~ Rolrigul:z, Philb(,!"t Toro, F'l'anoi(;~.) 3·).nchcz C1.1W, Thom',s :l GOTL().l.!s, r:ilb'::l't Cocio Llarisc..l.l, i"1":;'<1 i!urro1'.1 01'on:.l., Jmtonio S; 1I.rII1811(;'., Ar m·....ndo I1r.. :.rtiJl'.!z blOrt:.nn J. Ho.f.. . vl L;j,"'un:. P-l1;:1.!lCS, Fl·....nk C_l:.lp G,lllu,::~, n:.YJ~o Alt:.m:l.r:::'!10 ,!o'ulix, !1.I:.l.nud GoJnl';3.' :aoubc, -d. r' • . u-UL·l I~ 'r~" , ·~1·"11k· G F• .,'d,I,. ""'1"'0 Jo . ,,;lrr,.llZ.l !' . '. '" Roule;> r:ontrcr· . s, L00n::lod ~;iqudl'os, ~ xl'I.lldo L-;~ono] Br:J.vo, C:,rIos S~md.ovc;l Bo1'rr.udez, l:i:1Du~1 P:'.l'l't. j,;r·~.l., il.1b·.:rt Drown PJyroll. NtWY EJrUS'l'i iEslTS I Robvrt LI\Jnd.:·.z (~uintLls, .1'1, sen of fir Ci.I1d Lr::; P'lblo ";uint,:.3, 61 "'V ){onncd '!. R.<y LOP';4 Sotdo, :.;on of Sotelo, Rt 3, Box 70. j-ir,~ Iv'loros ARi.,Y, 11o.;rn1.rd Aros, ,Jr, son ot' 1.:1' n~ Mrs B"rn~\rdo AloOS, S r, 10~i1 E 13 Ul :jt, Id't i·ec-.:ntly for Fort i.ic'.c;,rt;mr, C ,lifornin. whGr~ he wi 11 be ·;.s :.:i GTE ,} to ;'.i r '... '~'" 1, Fore·] 't r~J.n1nt:. 1. ~n ].' .1"-t·-1·III ",:"'.,. V .. ·~ .. 1. ee Gnlistcd 1'r::scrvc Whd1 11.; .( '.:; 17. adu:.. t~ of (:0011l1, . . . ;~i '~nd Iuesol!, wh0r,: he; \V:~s ~ll Lin~n SUP01y ~o. I 15 lily Hophvw--our fi ily. HAP?Y L.\DI~ I .AHD GOD Hl';H~·.:r! '-'A __ '. , .'f , <> (His nd brother Ed[;ar dubbed RaQbit." Is"it because I run wondered Bernard. "!ieck no, II Edgar, "cuz you have such bir; ushers wer''! Jalnes Uval, Henry Pach:) , "k e _Rorno, an",-' 'J"'0"""1'0 "'l-·''''l.'no ~.ll. \ov I" l<:U , • A rec('1~tion follovl~ti tllG \f;;d.iing; at the gr::>om~s home, 262 r. U.:.:y,::!' :;;t. Bot~l bride and groom Tl;t')f!C0d school in Tuc30n, and he is ar:tplo:{o(i <It Consolidat >d. him "Bunny so fast?" beli ttlea ears Ill) TYCSON NKiS BIR~liS 1 S[t 'apd' Ml"S Gilbert pr-ado, 76 -N Cushing, a so'n. Pvt und Mrs Edward Badil1a, 1024 E 23rd, a, daughter. f'Vil fi-lld Mrs Leopoldo linrtinez, 4.13 S Melwood, a dau~hter. p.vf and lJrs Ben Laguna, 150.1 N niagara, a son.. 'Sgt an~ 0rs Tony PQllce;, 430 E 18th, .n ,on.1 ' ~' S"t and' Mrs Narciso Lujd~, 750 -'/ili ta.; ,:> I~ ~ ',. r, . 'f 'of .. J" a :FOY,~ - j)c:li'\Tory of the fi rst 7i{cSOll c.i. ty directories nririt0d since 191? w~s started rE)cG~tly. 'J~ho book liS:-.~ 85.,000 resir:0nts of tIL ;Tlvtrorollttrln . . t~ly '''''lr>,'' area appro~·llTto.. >"i' 50"" /0 0" J..,'" .,.•~r" , ~ spoclcing. ·fucson. 1.s imifJ.')d fortunate in: having .r. di.r~c't9ry ':\'U this Hmo";'-Lo'sAngcilus ;las not 1:.:,0. a J.?-~V{ one Spa-n1s,h- .' 5, yoc.r·s I. ) ,,' PEA,THS.J Cbnsuelo N Gomez ~' 2,1. mo~ths' o.:ld,. About 6',5JO bond buyers a''tt0~d',.).d <the '.' ~aughter. of }.1r t.nd f,r.. S Epifllnio Gomez, Book an~, A' rully' ~tt .th~ U 0.1' A 1013 E' Delai",are'. :l~4i toriwn r()6ently~ '; .f: PCl'vlrnrln, ."{ ': '. '.';" . , " ~thor" G.nd 'hurno,rist, w;.<s 'L'.C. \ Gu~st " Uris, Do161"o's, R Mh1donfldo~ '48, ·$13' yf '!'lash- spo~!::cr3 ';; .;rc Er3kifl.~ ,caldwell, not0d , ' , lI;lgton•. (Su~.yor·31: hU~ba.nd, Geronimo, Amarican wri,, Wo.o ttrr'ot..; "Tob:-..cco. , :... ". ';" SOIl.; ,bpl i'lanueL who,,is,in"~he .army; fivo Ror,tll." Vi·:lki.. 1311,u:n, ~h·) ;lut,nOr o!'-"Grn.nd': '-':.; ;' , d.u~hte'rs, .'Dolores '/JElnz, lars' Be~irt~ . Ho·t..:l;'l Col Frcmk Kurtz :l::~d. hj,G ':~ir0, " f' '.< i 'Rbb1e~:, ',,8!1d -R?-phe11. .9o~i.o ~nd Art~e '-1:1a+- .' j.i<.i.rgo , wlip is cxp~ctia.r:: h.:.i.~ ~)ok' :';:Iy ., ,d~n,do_." . ;Riv~ll.-ThoJ Skv" off th) 'F~:"Ss,:s, tm.:;' 't".:~.- ;~:, ' l-,tr,~ J~dJ;'b/,T,llpia, 3?O Convent; survivors, ~pring.' "iss' Jy3sic~,' Di'-l[Cn ;ttc,,' pdi.9 ,r' 1; '~usba~d.• f4ike; <;itiughtor. 0101'i3.' T:'.pio... nnd ~Ollc(,)rol-;,· si s tDr of El';)d, , , ' ,: t.,' .~e'8~s' VA}~Jlz:uelGl:, 51-, 52'2 'i{ I1t'. ,Sur-' ~ 'chii rm:::..~ of th<.; Pii1i Count;! ", ,I' ' Fhunao . '",)~ ~, ~i'V(n:,·s;l.'o'li.f:El, Guu.Cf,.lupe land bl'.&ther, Fo'tjomrnitt;(;(; £~nr 'for us, ,'CCOT1P';'~1i,Jd by . 1 l'/ i , ",.oj.Oi,\?·. ,~ , . ".. "-, . :, ' , \ .d 'Sf:), ' lt~h(ji. l ' Sh~ d ,'1":.1 l' ' t (j d us :. Juli:i --..-f:,·. " ':I.;"«;J~e~gio Yslus ;'85. 140 E 2:5'rd., , ;' , \Vit~ a 'French 'C.ri'll, n.J ,o.nie :tit'h ·tll,)·· .: ,';,:.', ·'f·(~'S\i.J;"Yj::v.or8''t /'f!OtlS Frr.mcLsO'o" A;lQJilndro, Li?,il"C 'J3r:own :-IL',ir," '''Cupid C~l)tlv..o,"·.' , . " 'lTi'tl~ir:. -r.hL bst ./. ',' 1 ,1irs r •. ;,":1/•.' ,,~::'I,.~£'()~~q'~ "o~ 1\1~s·on.~:J,0SU:~· !.[o.~i~ ~~. I~o~rt~- ','\nd' "Es-tf(;l~i,tn. (lncidC:~lt~:.UY'~ ~hc <~/"'Jf ·,S~~J;lO,;: ·,tind .;a~rna,b~ , }.~,iJoo c~;tY\l' da~gh~o4",~ .-plly r:,s J.ohyod 1 1/2 hour::;,.:-n~ yo , , .:: vn~~t~ftg fon Dn until.'9-.·,",'" " 'l'h.r0o quc_T't~,rs ,o~, tl}C"91.ty'f; ,,~'Jsildcn.. , '. tf\ll ~'J<ition 'undflr:"ynt q bf .. O~out,. ' t·, '1 " •• P ,'14nnuel'~ Ea'p1rto.i,n ~68'" 23..7. El, S·t,. s'b-.rtinr.: .at 5130 'P.r.). '.'hc.':'l tll" :.l~iu ': '~"; I!""!' .S,ii ",vi,v-drs, ,.dct'ught1@r,u ci'ato: Espin6:~a. sOn, . ' . swiech in, th0 '.pO\;:(;:rh9u .. e 'bro}:c; do~m.) ., • ',,,.;'J JOS<l ~$tt;'6,~£l!)$,oto, of T~csron.. . . ' I,.'" " ~ .. ;"~; t.r"A~:epro,~$V!;~,o Ii). 0.11 ,sto,oc!; out"in th',,: \ .~/·;!'~~,:,.. ,,:·~§;b~'~~'o~~i~~~~~r,l"r 4:~·,~"~.~e:Cdrf't',~n;t. ,gur'-'-";",$(,' y},.~~~ .• d~~~ht-,c;l1'1'l,.ll!l'\'de,/Gp;t;c\:J br-~-; :1'>'\ ':I~'\~ ~het:',/·.thd17?· 'Ztl,zueto..,t ;~~bh of! 'TU~~,on-....... " it}ic'lilih~s .~o i l)jothotd' 'Ju~ri o:tfd B~:rrJl~r,,:, ' " .' Anpt:lOr '.{,ll.t ,;, " ." . "drno'; siJ:it·~r.~ C n<;hb. C~-tnl0 .[~nd E01Ho.· V', ·~.""F1Qroli'· \' .. ~ .....". ',y. ~ " I.'·, f""''' . ~··l·I{.,~'· 't~:.I',: I ';~", ' , f , , ' , ~t>"\.~ ~;riill-E qCF;~~~., '. " .....J!, ; 11'I'~ A~gust~no; R" aarJl:;.l--., r,Jr,. ,18 - M..'1.r~9-ret , ",. . N i , . < , 7 Cl.\f'PUS· b,:) tl11'nad r ' ". .', , ;:" rapy "';:.,:; h-.:;1d on ro:);l"'~ . ' ~'tt!1rbor·Do.v ,llt thuFox,). 1:1ss' t.'" ,jJ.......,..}.,. ,~ . .' DfGlgonotto d,)l,ighto,~ us, ':'jr;~h ls~g t:\vori tos froh1 hv1' ,>,ro';lcly r~ti:1.o pt'og1'a.m r ' "Sdturd:,v N1ght S6r~m~<ic.". fobort' ~Yn.lkoj. " • II ,'r.~~,:. '.',' 'f>v,O:J' lIoi,·,,·· ,-,1.'; ,5' I, ".~:)r. who s'tVrod in Pr3.vf:\t..· :!nrg.r.ov0, ,;~:<;/' ;. ~teo,~~t~~ :e,~r:ro. ~b' -. ~tP.[" ,D..plguin! 1~, ' ::lnc, "30.S 'conds ()vur' Tol:yo, II ;';:::3 intra-, " : ~ ~~ !toS ,l'f!0r.q.nQ L 24 • Rov4e ~". 1-7. " : due.;d to. tho f,ludLc.nco ,.nd pvc .", short t 'Jos~' .F,:1 :_:~'~p'ez., JZ5 I';' • Soco.rro i.1 l;,'aliOto J,?,"U , . '. '.. l:\11k., '!\fo didn" t 'c:x~)\)c-e' C\ f5urptis.:;, "but 11$ ,(S~,h~rit~,) .' )'. I i . . . , ·.YO ".ot -it. ,pbt.,)l' !;:::!ford, fUm ccl'Gbt>i .... , iln f.o:,.-'h~r· rtd~, 23 r.. '~iorceqb~r l.j;:trin, 20 ty ~hd sUr of '''A ·Y~'.nk u.t Zt.:m ll p.nd " ~:lnd'9!,.~~!\.?<irj,'~u('Jz~',Jh~'tl '-~.,~i'¢ri~:, " .,t·.rhite Cliff's of,Dovor i,' ,:t!)p'v".n,d on t.ho -·Paliad~s.;'!~'O; . '. ,,;', '... , , '.. '. 51::-.1;';';); 'he,; hus' ·ba..::n in Tuc;J'Or. for (l fa:1 , . ,~io~" ~ .co:rx::'::tl~Q·;, ,2,6 - .An~t;).· Obr~'gon, 11 ·.r d(,ys. h ',vir,l!: «~m'J h·:JrJ., fQ~· (\ !2:>t ,~£t~r \ t •.• :J.. ) .. .. I. , i:' '.,} .. f·,u~·1lJ"Q~~"pE)1~'n, 23",. ~buqq~,~low;,.- "fini::;hi!lr;~. lfu'r r1l;,,""Th,\J st?,ry 0-£.' .- D. t1~n.p ~,Alwonnr,: 28.1 >...'. ' . Dol'lL.n; Grev II . The l':\11y nottc'ld. "(~" ,1(:";~'- .~': Eriiill()lvi'o td~\~"\; " 28 1- I ;~rio' Doonlci" ,.1150 "fo'r·'t·j'~ of' w'\r :)on' "'Ei • . ~, I ~llt Qr'\(\ \:I'V" _ u ~.". ,4") "1', L' ~rosq"U6z "25"'; . , '.. I. ~ , .. .'. . ,< ~" t~ ~,! 41:.-\ r' "h ~ ~ r..:~," '",;~'iJJ':f:t,. \?':~.: .\,,:' . , ~r~. ~~ L\~:\r' Uri.{\'~ : ,~o ,.- .D.ol-?r:;Js, Romo" fl. vr'.r bond r~tlly' s?on5~)r.)d by tJ1<. :3'p~rl-,.\ ..•,.,... "L""''''P. ...... ;" .' ,,' "2,2't~"" ,,' . ,', .. I', ;' '{·I.;C:;:;; ::1n~ "fi-I<.;s.~\~;soci:il-.k .~~);~)~'~, "~~Ngi.b {~(lrlXpl)'N;.G~ijt\iV::', 2~) - Bonne- t1~n't:~.s h,~ld':~t L~\ Phzit~, :,:::~"n'Ag'U'5- { /~',' .,1:\'5\, fipd~'G !'Q'T'z,.... ~n .. " , tin. In ::;nitc of th.: inclGJT!')"t ·,c".ther /" ,;{ ~\;. ,,. (~r,ne~t.o.l: ¥Q!.S.,~, 119 ,';;' .~a?n L(lbor'1n:~ 19 it {'rls :\ ·SllCCOS:3. Lirs 'l'(;!"~s:, JLs:;o ','IllS .~." ;';\~:' : ..(\.1,1.l'0q,.nJl.lme~~!o. 3'~..' ,L~s .·.nboJ"es - Ro'so i.iG. ' •. : .~,"'j bond ,\ " \:;', .,.) t • '\ •• '} t I II :: ,. . • .,. .- ~, . . . i ~ro;--g~o, f \ " / ' '> .' • \ 'l' • I ., ,. . Elvir'" Rerrero., Frank Vnldovin, to 'YjarlUtJl SOIl of :l'tld r;rs ~ .'i~6ti;i('"sl,'i took p1~.oo December 2 at ? 'e, m.• 'a.t t~1Ei Sa.nta -Cruz Churoh. Mrs Loln ' d~ Ldrwed trndi tion!\l wedding mUcic. ,,:r.~ 'B~~ilCa ';ia 1jrnito,n was,~~1(n:> ,'r' ~ ;~}t~b ind, Rs.lph, ,~~ ~~S.'I .~, ;r. .. 'cis VIere Un.r!u ?Uli;O.' »n~ Q1ol\i .. ~) ~ B~rce10 and Cr.roline.R~dg~~ , "'"'" ~ . ., ..'" ;. ~ '., .... ~ 'r \of,' i ':rt:nd ; R:":,lon '3t:tsuot::t, )0 , ea ,,<,:~.~".' ¥h..:'.,;m'~i!.;:go' ot .. 1~~ ~~tight irs' ," ""; , "·t 'rh.:. Don.Coss.1ck Chorus ,"':.5 pres ':nJ·,:.:ri : thp 'f<.:mplc: of 1[uzic [end :crt. .\.rgontini t~, ".nd 11')r Sp .. r.i.; h d':~~,: tro l'SO ::>.ppc_." - rr.d ',~ t th .,~ l' ". • '~,ff"~ , I,; J'II -! ":,;,_ Floyd R.. . . y his ol·el,;zt.·' J.lJ.·rc. ":t :tho Blu0 Lioon, ~.s die:, 3::-~ki~h ~i:':-'_i:1s .. " ._"'. . l, f""';Q S }:wy blimps (silver fi.o::: ) "~",/6' ,'U".d rr':':'lcuv~r~d 0":';):" ci ~y. :.:. odntn: so -:;1- Their d.~:;t:iX;'::'bOE ·~s ~, ,••• _..,~.'; THB HIT PARADE I December 9, 1944 Uovember 25, 1944 oUey Song . ce ',Vith A Dolly 11 · Alone gether WfJ..ys , ' m I,laking Believe , ~""~ yery 'l'hought Clf " .. , . '{~ OW liany He~rts Yt'lU Broke~? .....:"'- Have .::.'-')$ 1.Trolley Song 2.I'm LakinG !.1elieve 3.Don t t Fence ),;c In 4.Itll 'Val:: Alon0 5.Da.nce . ii th a Do] ly 6. Alwfl.ys . 7 .1'ogeth'~r 8.1 Drea.m of You 9.Let f.~e Love You Tonight Don't ':{ant to Love .. You . . " . , December 2, 1944 " " . il.'y(J9.r.old riieco, AIM LohV f. pinc!1 hit for me in getting the leI! F'fU.Am; while to, the. shoW'. Sh0 did 1 t1n such a clever way that I'ra p::lssing :t on to you l'/~t .... at pxae~lyas she took it 'downs) . , ". Swoonatro. '~._ ,. HIT PARADE Joan Ed',V2.rds who sini":s '.. f'ran~de yes, yes, yes no, no, no A little bit ~t ond, n littlo hot a. bit not' a. bit ·Ahl. Too muoh Do nobody ~i t P~'1.!":ld:)rs JO:J.~l Edvr~~.rds nobody Jonnie Pr'\!lki I li tUa N,ope Not much Jo~nic ,\ Ili t furr.dQrs Jonniv pvt Erne-st R!:\, son .of. l-k.nud B . . , Garc!a, 1237 S 11th Avenue, 'A.G seriously ,'wunded in' ElotL:m in (;flr,'.ny 1m November 27th. . . ---~-------~~----------------~----------- "somewhore along the Le,l!J l'NiJ" in ser:t Lis dr.t\i't bOL\rd 0. V~l;9.U Christlilf:.S r,;reetil\.:'. "·.fish y01;.l we~a here",it said! FrOll1 Burma 'a , , ser~es.n.t ?r0bab1y many of you ;"i11 receive Ot'!' Dec~r.lber issue of "C},Htt'3r" Ion;: 'lfter Clll·j.str:as, 1944, is just a. men-.ory, but ~O..., !\nd 8.1wa~'s ~':e' fl.r9 ~Ti~hinc: yC'H tho , best of luok. a:ld pra.yin:~ tllat ;.'ou will t:'lk.·,&.l.l rotul"n to us SOOD, s:3..fe, and sound. A JL'R~Y Cil.RIST'.AS A::D HA?PY r::;:r Y?ARf . -_._---------_ .. _----_ .. _-_ .. O,nd our her - ... - ,..--, _---------~--- GHATTZR is (us:lf\lly--hancdorth) G0i-ng to be, :pu0li5h0d uv"ry 1st and '~rd hy Sp:.:.nish-Amor5.c.:l.11 i:ioth"rs a.nd n.V';:;; Assn., 3d N Church St, 'i'ucson, Ar:.zeno.. All r"vcnces from the s:),1·; .)1' 'chi. ~~ ~J per era to be u~od for th~ 0rLc~ion ~f a Recr0ation C,;nt0r for th':l S);o:-li ".!1-!lfficrican soldior~ from TUc;lson ,i ri zona. .... - t- • .1 ' ) • T Tucson, Arizona Januo.ry 7, 1945 Issue No. 14 The Spanish-A.'nerican ~.:otherc :\.nd Wi yes Associ.:.\tion WiS!10S you L. NuH Y0fJ..r of Victory and P0ClCC ~nd 0. speedy r0turn home. WtPPY nUTJij):\ YI Richard '.:{all - J:1nuc,ry 3 Telosforo thrIn"ry 5 Pedro A Colmenero - J~nuary 14 Willi:.un T IIQll - J:mu·l.ry 16 Rcyn~.. ldo Santo. Hariu - J.:mu~lry 17 Ton~, ;~lc~).rc..z - Ju.nua.ry 17 Gilbert r; 110.1"0 - J \nu:-.ry 21 Jos6 {{iver::;. - J~~nu:~ry 26 C::.r1os Dcl::-.h".nty - J,mu~ ry 28 BIRTHDAY itEADING FOR THOSI~ TO JAN 20 (CAPRICORN) BORi~ SOLi)IBH~ pre John D VC1'dugo, hUJbn.nd of j·lollie Verdugo. ?G6 S t..... in, was soriously wounded in France on De~omber 9. JOlmny waS :Jorvin;; wi th ~·_n anti-tc,nk unit. HiG bud t Alfons:) V":)rdu~o, 'ILoS ';ro~'1d0d .~n :hc S010~on3 nnd ruculvod a Gedlcn1 nlS0n~r[c <.l.ftur 15 ;:lOnths in the nr~1Y. CASUALTY LI3'£ PUJ3L1SHED B':.' L,)C/\.L Pf,Pi::RS'JCUNDED IlJ ACTh)I:: Pfc J~suc: R l;olina., non of Lrs Ynl:S L 1,ioli:"J., 66·J S l' Pfc CurIos IIi Estr:;..d:.::., 508 "J 17th st Pvt Francisco B Ito-lrigu(rz, broth0r of Henry T3 Rodriguoz, 89 Convent Pvt p.:ttrick T Toledo, husb:'.:ld of Hortonsia, 506 ~iversidc. :.ic.rinc Pfc N::>rb;Jrto 1: Lese!, :Jon of i.:r "~nd J..jr~ l:iLl.l·io Lese, 3Ci4 r Court Pvt Jov U I.icndibloG, :Jon of j·:rs I,io.ry U r;.. ndibbs, 337 '.V 28th st DEC 21 l'he'se people are independent I proud I h:i~j; minded persons who are always seekinG more knowledge. 'J.'hey prefer mental work rather than nm.nua1 work. They have the urr;c that thoy !'rant to b(;: first C).nd are ~ot so.tisfied un10Gs thoy arc ItJadint;. 1'hvy have: qui-tu a lot of' UXQcutivG nbllit;! and as a oons~qu0nco, arc able to ~ct as l0ndurs. They IAre good ontorta.inors und story tellors. Tooy d.o nothin b "on tIw spur of tho moment" but ta!<:c action !:lft~'r long dulibGration. Thoy are trustworthy, good, cons,~rv:'ttivu ;lnd very cautiouz. BocQ.ul:u ~~h0Y arc oxtr,-,m01y ?roud, th.1Y 8onctimos vary s-.J1fish. Th"y r·..)scnt int0rfor·.mcl-l in thai r own ..·.ff..d. rG. ABOUT OUR 5 Cents per Copy OH ,:mERE, OH ,IH;:';R~? Dfgr\renc no :a:1s si Gpl l{:-.:r r Gri,jdv::-. no tLmo mo.s "llor que; oJl qll() L ~~·,blo. n. un muorto I Lv mr.nd6 <10c5.1' . . . su rr..·.dr-..)citn. , Nclli~ B Grij~lva, 417 Jos .. luJ St, que 11:.:~6 2.. unn. C::'5:'. dOlld(. ;1".b:{'·. . ,ncr.rl.gos, ':; como cst'lb~. obscuro, cnc':;lldi6 f1:Jforos p~r~. s-.:guir buse:·.nclo iaas :'.l,;m.~ 1\L,; sin disp'J.r~·.r un tiro, ci~eo ~~1·.;i.1~nc;, i'ucron c:'.l,tur:'.dos. . - Pfe F 11Lc C G"rd"~ I 42f; E 19til St, j\m.l\O bc:)'1'or; Corp f. C,lCOl:1C R /.11011, 711 N. ston·e.~ _. ~:-.nd Pvt D.·~do F Ag'.,il·1r, 15 E 23ru st, li ttor be '.rer ,,1'. fighting with tho 363rd inf~nt1'Y rc~imcnt in the Florouce-Rologn". off'-'llS0 in l·Lly. J KILLED IN ACTIO] I s~t Edw'wd D Acu;ln., Alc Robert Arnold Carrillo, son of f,ir husbund of Hru L'~r!a"A l\ou-10., SSg S j[('yur, ~,nd r.;rs ;, :, C:I.·rri 11 0 , 2601 r ··.:~·.plc , he-.s W:lS killed in action in Gurmany on DOC<:lrt~'.rriv()d ·:~t th.; c.rny ·'.ir forces pilot bur 2. Ed was born in Tucr.on ::mrl\~ml.ctl r'cJ-loal ;It Coc:1r:·.n Fivld, Lccon, Georgia. Recently ':.rrivod -.t nO::;'.·fOll ;~:'l:1Y J,ir sohool ih.:ro. He onlistod in the army ground i'orcus Doccmb,)r 2:'\, 1941, and h:ld Fidei is ;,vi:~tjon Stl.1L1e:1t TL.yrnond Bc.rn:.1l, boon ovcrsoc,s for over ::-, yoar. son of j:r ;··.nd l.;rG R~~r:l6n Benl:'.J., 816 i~ H':;:!.0n. It,y y;i!l tak,; prc-f1ii;ht~r·.ining. SGt Alfredo Riesgo, son of liike Rieszo, He ins suon foroiGn :,c.r-vic.: i!t .',fric". ~,nd hend oustodian of Tucson Hi, was Idlled Pvt Fi li berto B Seto, s on of :.1' ~,nd Novenlber 19 assault into Germany. Al grnduated from high school in January, i.irs I.lex 0 Soto, 2807 S l2t>, ..v .... , r;"C(;lltly gr'.du :;;,)d fro':! tho dvp,:,.rt:n::"l;t of .. rIn2.1940, and tlntel'ed the sorvioo in July, 1942. ~Iis brother, Ernosto, is now SOffiO- m.)nt of Lo':,ry Fivld·, Pvt Rouben G ilrvizu, ::ion of ;.rG ;,lbin:::. wheru in toe ?acific with the Navy. G ],r.rizu, 907 S SC'.ntt'. i{it~'1 b·.sic; Pfc WblJND~D IN ACTION: pvt Candido S Aros, Tito R Flores, Jr, son of Tita FIGr~s, 916 S 6th, clerk; Pfe Est-:;b:.n F . :,,1'tinc;!:, husba.nd of Anrolia R Aras, 4007 S 6th, waG slightly wounded in action in G0rm~ny son of C::.rlos ;c L:,.rtin ~z, 12.:). '>V1tl1 :.:t, Nov :SC'. ammo bearer; Pvt :knry G~.l1o;;o, :JOil of Sgt Jos6 A Ca~ranza, son of Mr and Mrs Stcv0 j.;; G'\1l0go, Rout.:;· 3, rif10m:~n, ~nd Manuel Curr,mzo., 1426 N Dolaware St, 'Has Cpl R~y B Grij~lv~1 Jr. son of :,rG D:::.lva sliGhtly. wounded in a.ction ever Gernu:.U1Y • neda Grijalva, 447 Rosales St, rii'le:;:an, on Novcmb0r 20. are fightin:s in l";aly wi t'l the 33Sth • t (OVER) infantry regiment, which ha.s been credited h~s boon aw~:-dcd the Good Conduct Modal with killing a.nd wounding many hundreds of for oxomplary cohc..vior, ·.)ff'icicmcy ::"cnd Germans and ta::in; nearly 700 prisoners in fidolit7! :.lS un army cook. His v.. . if·3, Mrs four weoks of cold, bitter fighting in the Sarah A V~rola, resides ::It 34 E Lincoln. Gothic line. They are veterans of bloody S/Sgt Guillermo A Vasquez, son of Mr Solaociano rid~e and the Gust~v line, For- and llrs Fr:::.ncisco D V~SqU0Z, l02~ S 7th mia, the Gaeta peninsula and Rome. Avo waz rooi.mtly Q.Y'r..:.rdcd the Air ;;ed~.l.l Adolph A Farragut, Jr, soaman second. far'moritorious achilJvomcnt wails ?~rti class, is now st~tionod with tho US Nav~l ·cipa.ting in 8th Air }'Ol'CO boubbg ."ltt.J.~ks Air Base someoNhore in the Mrs on vital G~rm~n industri:ll ta.rfcts. B1l1 Farra.gut end her son a.rc living at 120 is w~ist gunn0r on ~ B-17. E 16th st. Comb[\t Inf~-.ntrym:1.n Br.dgos ll:.vo boen epl Y5~rio Ochoa. Qnd Pvt Carlos Ochoo., :o.v,:.:\rdcd to thu following -ruc:,;:m boys sons of hI' and !,;rs Josl1s Ochon, 1615 ;;crving in the; South Puciflc: Ff'c :~r lo.nd, wore huppily surprised recently ~en nost B;)rno.l, son of I.:ra IO"bello Burna.1 , they mct--tho first time 1:1 noarly threo 816 E Holon; Pvt Luoiano VVillc" son of years--in :tJC\1/ Guinct'., wher;.: thoy o.ra now Sovuro Vill~, 426 28th St., ~nd Pfc Jos6 serving tog~th(Jr. C Acuna., son of .10s6 Anui'L., '237 ....' 27th st. Sgt Cr.rlos Corono., son of ;';rs ,1 Corono., El PusoS).,;, is st~\tionod n.t n. US Ar:n.y i'iELC Oi.J~; I geI'l~:"al hospi h,l in Engla.nd. In adJi tion SC:uJUI.n 3/C Fr:·'.nk AC''::V0do i.e visiting co his r~gulnr duticG :lS ::In X-R:::.y tochnihis pCl.r':,nts, ~:r ~'nd ; ,rs J J.. Gonzalo!:, ciun C~rlos to~chos jiu-jitsu in tho hos- 1023 l'T Sonor:l. pitai,s reconditioning section. Robert j) !kr-itcs, sie;:1:.1m:'n in 0. sub squ::tdron, is hOl.l0 on l0::.v" ~~ftc:r 17 COUGR!l.TUIJ.TIOr:S! ::lontils in th,:, 1I.l<';\1ti:-.ns emd SOU·C~ P~.cific; he is visi tine; hie p:·.r,:mt:;, l.l:- ~·.~·ld ::rs Cpl Ernast C F~ccio, 322 S Ruilro~d, Ben Benites, 1110 S Gth. t:ormor s+,ar pi tci1.)r for th~ AztocQ.s, rmd Rodoli'o C-:-.bc.lJ..:.r0, !",h:-'rJ:,~"~:,,t ~::'.cle 2C, Pvt Jos6 L Gon:ul.;s, 62~ Alto Pb.C0, :lre is ilcru visiting his ,"-oth:.:r, Lr~ Julia membors of Compa.ny C, 335t:l EngineorinG C S:llv::tticrr:·., 1227 i~ 2nd, ::.f·cur' 2") rogiment which recently rccoi ved co;nmcnda- months in thJ South P:'.~ H'~,c. 1'00 old to tion for constru~ting a US Army hospi ted. be dr::'.f~vd, Rudy enlis-L;;d in th0 US N::tvy in rocord time. Th') ~ar.1C mC):1 h::ld previous- :"l.nd hc\s s.:;rvcd 2 1/2 Y'_l.r:;. ly won wj,do rccotni tion for. removing S,gt . :::,!tcr C::<rreon is vi si til1r.; his 61,500 pounds of vxplosives from the docks mot!l"r, Frs Ii carreon, 730 S stene, of 1;arscilles :lnd 2,000 t,,1l0r min.::s from ',ftcr serving 19 monthc in th., ::;outh 0. landing fiuld no:,rby. In 11".lf the ~llot- pc~cii'ic as ::. d0nt::.l t;y.;j!llici ·.L. cd time thoy .:1.150 rumovoci 0. stoel bridge JoC'..quin "Duk..::" C C:i.rrillo, Jr, which tho Na.zis he.d demolished in ~. . n ~on of Lr Joaqufn Cr~rrillo, 705 :.~ Stone, to pruvont shipmcl:t of 3uppli'.Io from tiw is on furlough ;.tftor h~'.vinL· ~i"'filntod port. .from' tbc Arrr,y Air Forcos COlT.b(~t Gunnory Soldic~s of Comp:my 1~, 35tith Jffigine-:"rs, Offlcers School, Lar<.;do, Tox":s, v/inning have boon comm-:::ndod offici::.:.lly for filtor- his burmor's ~'rinbs :.nd th" r:·.ti:.. r; of lng through Germ1.n lin05 ::l.nd rchnbilitQ.t~ 'aircr<:'.ft obsorvor. He oCl"Vcd in North lng::l. port on the Rivier;\ co:"st, th;,;rcby Afrio<:'. bofore roturning·to tho st':-..tos. - rolioving th0 gnsolino short:lg0 of tho US prc Simon L Cc.vir.;lL, son of i:r [\~d 7th :1.rmy durinG the first critical dc.ys rIrs Angelo C:~v;i.gli'" 721 S 6th, h:·.5 reof t.w inv:~sion of :ioutht:rn Fr:.'.ncl;. jJ.)mturnod to th:: stc.t')s ... ft.::r 1'1 l:l:-:Jjths in br.>rs of the cOr.\p..1.ny froln Tucson C',rol st::-..ff tJ'lo Europo:m th,:;:~tro. II::: is now b0ing S(;t P:lul I G:mz, 513 ~'-r .J::tshington , "nd tro~.te1 ~'.t Stu.rk Goncr~.l ilos::>i t::,.l, ChQr~ P'rt Guillermo V (}c.rc!::-" 545 .f 27th St. loston, S.C. l:-Ic W'~;:'.ro th,,:: PurpL., Ho:-.rt, Albort E Lopez, son of ::1' :"'.nd ;,:rs J Comc.".t Inf:.ntrTnn' s B~:dgo, c,nd the Good Lopoz, h'\s rvcontly beon promotud from Conciuct Lio-'~'.l. sonman first cl.'1sS to p..Jtty officer third Pvt J,'.lJ.CS Cooio, ~vho is stat:i.on.d, with elr.55; Al is 'now serving ir: t:-1C: South :::.. US Ii~\rino Corps flyinr; unit '·.t El Po.eific. Centro 'J:: rin'] Corps flying unit :ct El Pvt Arturo L Lozano, ~or. of Lrs i;orccCentro, C::\liforni~, visit"d 1ds Fifo and ~os .1,;·, 41 N tourt, a.r~d·noH ser'Ting two childl'(;n~,t 405 j{ Court. ,Timny is in the C\rmy trc.nsportc.tio:1 corp;; in :tho fornor fc:'.th_'!"',"/dght st:·.to ~JfDteur boxing Europoan tho::ttro of op.Jr::-.tions, helS b.Jen ch.~T:lpioll. o."ro.rdod the Good Conduct mod.ll. . . Af't;;r 26 nonths I)f P:tcific duty during S/Sgt ~,ianu(31 B Preciado, husband of '\'!hich he ::;:",', :lction on Gu::m, S/S8: t ,;"f.i.llir.m Mrs Sophie Preciado, 532 N Norton, "tho is P DuPont is hom..: on furloutrh vlsi :;hlfhis serving wi th an Ai r Service Commf\nd unit p~~r,:nt::;, i:r :'.nd I :r3 ;.i:.rtin-'C H Du?on'~, somewhere in Europe, was commended recent- 905 .:" c.ongrc~s. Bill h:-.s buerl in the ly by his cC':Tl!llfL nding general along vti th i.;.'.rinos four y.-;:,rs :-ad "O/:::'S s t'. ti:m":'d in members of his outfit·, for their high Po:"'.rl H::lrbor v'h0n ih.) Jil.PS :~t.t;:'.C}-:~d. ' speed production which helped spur the Sgt Arnl:-Uldo F.;scob..Jdo C'.nd )~is ':rifo, aerial offensive against ':Testern Europe. Florence;, urc visi tine his n~,r,.::nts, :_,r )danny has throe brothers sorving in th.: Ccnd L:rs Othon i. Esco boc.a 84Z -; Go~_"'r(;s 3 , armed forcos I Pvt Joe, in 1"ranco; pvt from ·~·{oodl:1.l~d Hills, C"-liforni ...,.. 1.~t:':1do Floroncio, at camp Roberts, Calif; and ',rho join;.;d tho rrurinv corps in L<:;8, h.-.s Gilbort, S3amnn 2/0, at a submarine base boen in ~'. hospi tell in BCr'Jlir,g ,~'1:f0r'nb, . in the South Pacifio. for the L'.st seven months, rccev.:.ring Alfonso Hoblcs ~ son of L Robbs of fro~ injuri~s suffvroc. in th') l'~_c"if'ic Tucson u...··l<i }:rs Hary Shepard, has beon the::-.tre of rr:;.r \'rhcn -:, tre·.nsport :'1.: rr.f, promoteu to tho rank of petty officer. Ho,.rd ~r.s bloHn up • .i~!'I'I:·.:J.':'o -:.--C c:.- . . rdcd has be on in the South pncific for about a. prcsidonti:.l ci t·~tion fo~' t;,c. r-.rt his 10 monthc. group pl:-.yod in the ~-t T"-r:'.\";:-.• Cpl Chas H Va.rola, now Hi th a large Ii[1.chi~list l.;~,tv 3/c :1.l1'r·.:d :'op.;z, of oomba.t supply hoo.uquartcrs in Belt;ium, the. SlJaB(;os, W!lOS':' ::rife l i -.-,;s :c.t 1305 1I -2- ...... WELCOlf8, BU8ID;~STEUS! Tyndall, has recently l~nded on the east A goodly nw-nbcr of men froTf1 t1:l,~ l58th const and is expected to arrive in Tucson soon. He wa.s in :!:ngland on V-Day and was Infa!ltry (the Bu3~m:.lst0rs) fona0rly Arizon('. i·Intional Gn~rd, \'Tho h;1'1(; b00n in tho later transferred to France. field since September, 1940, have been P.,t Abel tf.oreno i:l visiting hir: brospcndinr; the h.~lidays in the United states. ther, Isaiah Moreno, 1150 6th Ave. Abel The detachment, El. casual, arrived iG a member of the 158th Infantry. in the sto.t0s by army transport, m,:,; sent 13t Lt It'rank Z l.Iunoz, son of Mr a.nd to Fort Bliss and tll':;n gi V;3n 30-d.:·1.Y furMrs :E S f:!unoz, 124 i~ i,ielwood, is back in loughs. Hhen the leaveB f\re up, thE: men the states after hU'ling served for the past 26 months with the infantry in Cana- wtll rejoin their regimer:t. All of the da and the Panama Canal Zone. He is now men vet~r:lns of service in Pcl1:arr..a, relaxin~ nt th~ Mir~nnr Hotel of th~ army Austl"alia and the island campaigns in ground and ser~.ce f0rces redistribution whjch the regiment took pl>.rt. Tucson men with the Sroup include; st'1tion in 3anta 3arhara., Calif, while he is undergoing finny reorientation and reS/Sgt William L Rivera, 433 )[ Rosal es; assi~nment procedures. Tech 3/c Joseph Rodgers, 35E2 S Cle.rk st; S/Sgt Hanny Nev~,res, who1Je wif", }~ri> Pfo Alonzo Amarillas, 318 -'! 37til st; Pfc Virginia Hutton Nevs.r13s, residr;;fl at 947 S Rf\lph T Granillo, 507 CI.lrrHlo St; prc 6th Av:, has a.rrived in San Franc1eco John A !Iorne.nd<,)z, Rt 1, Box 809R; Pfc after conmlotion of 63 missions 0.8 ~~ Eugene A Hodf.:"'son, Rt 1. Bo:<: 562; pfe Rudy aerial ;:;uimer in the South Pacific; he is E Lopez, Rt 3, Box 177; Pfc Alfonso M expected here shortl~, on a 1'urloug:1. Diaz, 1101 !luron dt; S/Sgt Edward M GraPfc John Oli vares is horne on a 21-day nillo, 799 N Anita; S/Sgt ~{m V Klnuser', furlough vi~i ting his f'i.mily nt 44 W 1019 S 5th; S/Sgt Ralph B M0ntene[ro, 24 )4ooilla St after three years t service W Simpson; ~~gt Robert G Aros, 416 ·N 18th OV<3rsoas. Ho u.ttcnded 'l'ucson schools, st; prc Hanry Q Corrales, 326 E 28th; graduo.ting from janior hlgh school. After Pfe i';lanu81 F SllndoYal, 1318 S 8t;" Pfc his l<:!".vo, he will ruport. for duty someDavid }401'~11ns, 840 S Mission, and S/Sgt whero in t.1C statos. Cosar Ramirl')z. Chief P0tty Ofi'ic<;r Gcnaro T Pt':squeira We had the dis"vinct ploc,s1.1re of welcomis visitinc his wife, Merccdes, and child- ing at our meetin~ 0::" J'.lnuclry 2, Johnny rl3n, of Cl:J(u"\'mtor Drive. Gonaro is str.- heru::J.ndez :.lIi.d. David i;ior~~10t:, ·.rho seemed tionod Stt the trainine eontur, Far- to be more afraid of th0 ~0mbers of the E\:>sociation than th·3 "Ch,'pos" they enrar:u (;, Iduho. pre wanuol Sandovnl, Son of Mrs Rose counter,""l in Nc.w Guinea. Sandoval, 1318 S 8th Avo, will arrive By the way, Bush~as~0rs, Tito Flores, ~hera shortly on his first furlough in 3 mnnar:l1r of tho Bc,morny 1)ru~,· hhS vxtendEld yenrs. lIo.nny has sorvlJd in panama and an offer to tr'3!1.t you. to thi,; Tito Guizarth0 South Pad fic wi ~;h che Bushm<.lsters. conc.:3rt. Ray T So.lazc\r, YOuman lie, l1SNR, son of Mrs .Josophine T S;Lhznr, 3'15 E 13th St, ADIOS I is homo on leave lIfter huvini; returned Hary T Castillo, 2Cl ::; Scott, was from combut operations in tho Pll.cific. sworn into tho NAG's rece.ntly. She \vas His two broth0.l·s, lsi.dor <lnd Armando, are tlmployed at thlJ DuLu;<o Beauty 3hop, 216 in thot:o.rino corps and nro on active duty E Congr')ss. Other Tucson girls ,.. . ho will' in tho Contral Pacific. Iva-ve this month for NAC trai:lin[; · Pvt J,os6s Sulcido, son of i'!r ~\nd Mr:J M;.l.ry M. Fr::tnklin. d~\UGhtor of 1:1" (md I,lrs Juan Torres, 431 ·.;,r R08ahls; and i1;lennor Goronimo Salcido, 1234 IT Sonoro., is ho~e on furlou~h from Fort Lewi3, Washington. J Enriquo, 45 W 24th st. First Cluss Petty Officur A V Salin~s is visi tine; his wife and dr,ug:lter ':\t 1815 TUCSON l'J~ij'S I S 9th. Ho is one of' 800 na.vy men rescued 1.~r and Mrs JOs~ Ruyos a!ld their when his light esoort·carrier w~s sunk in daughtor-in-law, Alice J;.<.ly,::s ,of "[.;1'1 W the sEJcond battle of the Philippin0s. 1 nh st, vid ted Pvt CaL"los T Reyes, who Nicola.s Alvaroz, son of Mrs C~nnvli i:J in the i3uslmell Gt;neral HospL9.1 in to. Al varer., 538 ',"'1 17th St, is home on n. Brir;ham, Utuh. Pvt H~Yl;;)s ·..·ras in,jtired at f~\"lough. He is wi {;h tho 14o.ri!l~)s, r.l.nd ,Ft ("rd, Califor!'.ia. his brothor, Fornand~, is in tho Fhili~ pines wi th th;) o.rmy. BIRT T IS: Cpl· anG. Ers Louis ':alenzuela, Frod 0 Lucero, S lie, son of 1.11" ·.'.nd 35 :;~ 2Sth St, a da.ughter. Mrs Joo L~coro, 235 E 30th St, is home on Pfc and 1~s Jes6s L 'Ortega ,604 Rivern 20-d~y lo~vo o.ftor h~ving h~d OV0rse~s side Drive, a son duty for 15 :nonths. Ho participated ill Mach Hato 'J/c and j\irs Iviike Bravo, 814 tho b::1.ttlos of T:J.l'D.wc.., GU?J:1, Sc.ipc'.l1, Truk, S 2nd Ave, a ~irl Now Guinan, thc·Philippin-Js. Corp T-5 and Mrs Alfrud F'iGueroa, 1704 S/Sgt Loo Gc..stro, son of HI' ~ll1d Ers E 3rd St, a girl . Guillormo Castro, 126;¥ Ihshington, is Cpl and 1;rs John L G:::trcir..,· 48'1 Convent, homo on furlough from KingI!Ulu, Arizon;.l., a girl. w!lorc h(. i:; em instructor. Loo sCl"Vod 9 montils in NO\ll'foundl:.lIld with u submarine DEATHS: Adeline. Az,u:l.rre, 30, '7405 Frep~trol ~nd 8 months in Engl~nd as flight mont, wit'e of Inocencio Aguirro. OJGhcr enginoer. Ho pnrticip~tod in 25 missions survivors: children, Aurora ~tnd Edv-rurd o.nd WOn-l"S thrvc ol'.k loaf clusters. WU At;ui rre; her partlnts, MI" :.i...'1c:. Ii!';] FeE pe woro vc~y gl~d to havo had Loo with us at Bejarano; thre0 sistor3, G8rtrudo and Reour lent moeting. ' bocca Bo,jarano and JJrs Huda 88.;l.;~ov::~1; Pvt Ro.m6n t!.ombrilt\, son of Mrs Jesl1s and sIx brothers, Arma~<.lQ, Ga-tJri.:;l, MaUembrilo., 216 W 32nd., is homo on furlough rio, Celso, Hector and Fr~'.nk IhJj..,r::.YlO. frOl1\ JCl.ckson, iliicsissippi. Mrs Manuela A~uayo, 48, B40 3 r.~ssion. pvt ·.TiUio Davidson. of the Lyric out- Survivors; claue;hturs, Hrs Jellj" Lot"fllor. and Hrs Betty 1.lfaro; sons, Rudolph, Roy, fitying Co, noxt door to the Lyrio Th0o.tre, is on furlo\Jgh from Ft. Bliss, Toxns. Ricl1ard, Ernest, Gilbert,·Ior.nnn Elias. t~- (D&\TFill) Jos~ Gamez, 67, 1340 Ontario St. Survivors I o:'{if(;, Casimiro., daughtorG. Hrs Cruz Cnmo.cho, r.:rs lu:wlio. Carduno.s, o.nd tirs Enriquetu Carranza •. Louis Gherna, 67, proprietor of the Bee Hive Cafe. There are np knovnl survivors. Juan A Gonzales, 69, 834 N 9th Ave. Survivors: M~s ~~ggie B Gonzales; sons, Pfc 2ddie B and Alfonso; and a. sister, Mrs Mar~e Ruiz. !.irs Rita Gorosabe, 57, 57 W 5'ch st. Survivors: sons, Leo, Frank, and Dan; daught9r, i'liss Ophelia, a prisonor of the Ja~s in the Philippines; eister, Rosal!a Calder6n. . L~s Snra Fierro Gorosave, 85. Survivors I dt,ughter, Brs Sara Jc.yme, son Fernundo Gorosave. MARRliiGE LICE~SES: Francis A Alcunt~r, 22, Los An~el~s, and Gloria Durn.zo, 19,TUcson Ernest Y Gallardo, 19, Tucnon, and Alice De IA corte,·lS, Tucson, Manuel J Burruel, 21, Tucson, und Enedina Mnrti:nez~ 19, Tucson John J Navurrette,'24, Tucson, and Mary L Lopez, 23; Tucso~ Arthur L Cervantes, 24, Los Angolen, and Ar~mida S Ortegu; 23, Tucson Ernest M Vega, 19, Tucson, and Amrtndu'Lnbor!n, 19, Tucson Edward S Ur!as; 30, Tucson, ~nd Dolores Romo, 22, Tucson oFrdn1~ V Kontaflo, 28, Tuc s on, o.nd Marie D H Vilsquez,25, Tucson Henry G Billings,·22, Tucson, and C~rmen G Garcia, Tucson Daniel contreras, 21; Tucson, and Fr~noe3 Flores, 22, Tucson Rojelio S Zepeda, 25, Tucson, and Jes'sio Roino, 18 '0 Tucson William A Tu~ly, 26, T1lcson, and Jane F r.iunoz, 22, Tucson John H Enoinas, 24; Tucl" on , and Minnie Ccunpus, 20, Tucson' Juan Valenzuela, 60, Tuoson, and Concepci6n Gradillus, 59, Tucson. ° boon s0t for the wudding pennlng Potty Officer -lacovsky's return to ·bhis country; i10 ic, L'..t present st::..tionod in HD.;,r... ii. lUt8. Beck, cmploJroo at Stdnfold' s grocery, vm~; honored rocently n.t :'.. bond pr.\rty nt the Ridto Theatre. She is the, State bond-soIling ch:"mp, uld hClS boon niudc: ?- gcner~l. Ted Wcoms ~nd his orchostrD. rlo.yod o.t the Blue ;;oon 011 DOCOlllbGl' 29. Jen Garber and his orchcstr~ ~lso phyed ~,t the Blue rioon. l'i to Guizar o.nd hi:.: P:,-n-:',n cnsorabl.) c.ppourcd at tho Univorsity :.uditoriwn J.\nu'=\ry 6th. Tho opera "C:1.rmon ll ""·,.... 5 prcsontod 0.t tho T0mple of ;:us ie r.~nd ;~rt. Li.sT iHNUTE HK·rs: Pfe Louis C Per:'.1 teo i .,on of Lr 2.nd £.irs J C Peralta, vlno wears the purple Heart for vrounds received in Fr(l.nce. has been flown to Mitchell Ii'ield, 1:1', fro:i:. a hospital in England. Pvt Rodolfo 1,1 Robles, son of !:r and Hr., Rodolfo Robles, 6~5 S HC1'bort, and prc Raymond n Aros, son of }.;r ~lld Lrs Pedro Aros, 4413 lmnt\!,olh: Drive, are temporarily vacr.tioning o.t the Biltmore Hotel section of the Army grol,ne. and service forces redistribution station at Santa Barbara, California. RUuy has just returned froTa 35 nonths du ty oversoas wi th au info.ntry unit CIS motorman and clerk in the South Pacific, und Ray served with the engineers in thu SouthwC3t Pa.cific. Pvt·Roy B Romero, son of Mrs Bridget Romero, 4 Claur'mtcr Drive, has been oi ted by ths lIth arrnor~;t1 inf.o.ntry battalion of the 1st armored diviuioj"l and awo.rded the Combat InfantrYi.1<'..n DD.dg:e. The Anny' z Bronze 3t.J.r Ii rl:J.l hets been o.wnrdocl St~t ;~H:;.s l~ Lop'J~: I ~on of Lrs Emi lia A Lope z, 741.3 ;3 Fl'\)IDont, for heroic ~.irs Gertrude McClo<..try Ochoa, 347 N Enin, achi"PTument in tM buttlu for th,:; Philipnnnounced the engagoment of her daughter, pines. Dolores Thelmo., to Sgt J~es Don Van Homo, USUC, at 0. ten recently. i.iiss Ochoa is 0. CASUALTY LIST--':"fOUNDED L ACTION teo.chor a.t Tuoson Hi, und, Sgt Vnn rlorne is Pvt Frank B 1~0dcr:ico, husbanci of l'irs n former teaoher o.t Tucson Hi. Th<Jrosa Lopez, 173 S Convent, svriously woundc:d in nction in F'r.:mcc SelGctive Servico Board No.1 rQcoivod on Decomber J7th. . 0. oo.rd vii th the followinr; :;{llk'1.S nws (;(',ge ?vt Al"x Canez, son of Mr a:ld 1:rn fronl Won~ie E Higuoro., who vms inductod by JGs"ds I'eraltu, 2204 S 8th, slig~'(;ly tha.t dr'o.ft board liTo wish good frionds vfOllndcd, !rov0~nbc:r g't:l, in Fr'::.r:co; ho has good luck and happiness, r,ood fortune, too; ooon ~~~rdod tho Purple Hc~rt. In faot, to ':ds~ life's very best in every rirst Sgt ii.oy A Huorta, ':;0,1· of rlrs wr.y for you. II J~ P.S. panned in o.t the Cruz :. Huertu, 1036 n 13th 1.V::J ,',ms robottom of tho c'1.rd road: "No ha.rd feelings;' cO~ltly v;ound.ed in nction. MISSWGI . Sgt Gustnvo E, son of Tho City He,ll employees p.'es(:nted their Mr; Irs Gustavo R Contrerr:\s, :::l ", 31st blind doalor, jUke j.iendozo., with n Xmas S.t, is missing in ::ction ·in Gerr.1uny. pr0s(mt--~123 in Contributions CUlae Fvt Roberto F Poht.rlco, ~on of :irs from ns f:lr c.wo.y c<s tho Juan" polanco, Ius bo,)n mis::dn~ i.n a.ction' Indies und Saip::J:n from'two formvr city em- in GOrr.l<;l,ny since Nov. 23. '{is br0th0r, ployees-~li~li~~'Rosenberg, Jr o.nd Fro.nk Jos6s Folanco, WJ.~' rocently I"cport,;d "Pu.t ll Lester. Hike h:::..s t\ son, prc Rudy, h:winl; b00n ki !lod in o.ction, ~,nd hi:.; with the Unrincs ot Pearl H~rbor, und a other brothor, Cpl JOGd F Pol~~0o is brothtJr, pre, with the rr.ilw8.y shop s~~ing in Saipan. Pfc i:[::tnu"l J Ur!c.s ,::on of ::r ;,rturo battalion in Iran. B Urlo..s, 420 S:lIDur.iGGo, We,S k!.J.l . 6 iT:. Tho ongusomont of I,liss Adeline Audolo a.ctior" in Gorrruny Nov':~mbor %:. :. .EDJ ,to Petty O~ric0r lC Georgo V~oovsky wo.s had previously boon roportJd mJ.G3·;!!i~ in action. . OJ'U1ounccid·rocontly by her mother, Urs Marfa. Soto Audclo. No definite dato has -4- .' HIT PARI.DE , I Virgilio G~busi vi~it0d hie folks, _r :".nd ~~rs JU:J.n :l Gr.busi, 8~2 36th Avo" from .!)ccemb,)l· ~3, 1944 S:).n Di)p:c. ~ l'Il't 1';00fi10 L".05 , s on of ;ll'S Fcrn'.ndo ...., . 1. Don It p.:nc 0 i.i~; In L:' 0:; ,1?6 S ;3rd :·.v.,), is in Tucsor.. on ~'. 212. Trolley Song d::ty lo:,va [.ftor sc..;rving oversc::'.G :J.lmost 3. I'm !.inking Believe thruL. Y2:trs. . ,. 4. There Goos Th~Lt Song ·Y..AG Cpl R:'.Jno!lC'. DuBose:, d'.ue;htct of 1,1' ,·.gain :'.nd ;:rs J:lmos Porabcrton~ 912 S 6th, visit5. Dc-nco '.1i th a. ~olly ed 'tucson froya Ft );.. ~d,--" ::d. Rr.,:lO·~l'-. is ::'~ 6. V'lhite Cl1ristnt.l.B fOrrrlGr (:mployeo of tho court hour..:; in tho 7. I Dr~~m of You offico of the County Supt. of Schools. . 8. 'i.'ogothor (Est~ buano, 'i:onC'., como no vi:li<:to :--. m:\s9. I'll ~alk hlone c:.r 1::1. gC1.rrr~ UI: r~to com:ri.go, no?) !tor husb:.nd, Julius DuDos ~, is iIf th0 Southrlost !' 1ti i.IidGllG BijLIINE PClcific w'i th tho 3c~-.B·,:\.Js ~ , I'm mo.king bolievo tho.t yOUll'O in my ur.:J,s, i.x ::.nd~ :rs L00 Ui"ruti,., 62:.~ .::; 40th ;.vo, Thq' I lolOW you' rv so L.r ;),,:,/(~ y roc.<;nt1y ·l·eturnocl. from Yu."nc~, vrl1era thair M:lking bclivvc I'm t::.lking to you, SO:l Luo, Jr, is st~tiono~. , , -' hi' no Wish you could h·:J:1,r ~{h,J.t I sJ.y.. ;,rthur 0tol"0, \'1ho op.;r~. ' v.):; :.1 S ,100 S J~d hare in tho gloom of my lonoly room . ~ st:.nd '.tthc CK D.~rc,,:;r .S'110P, lOr>u l/? / ~ "[ • Wo'ro d::'.ncing like wo uS0d to do. Con~ross h~s sot up ~ displ~y of pictures I" .. Ma.king bclir.;vo is just another \;my oi' of tho folloYri::.1.f.': !non: j:!is four droC\ming, ' 1.'.... ·"·c· lI ) , b ro th urs, .l:JU,I'l:,.r<'tI J , .. ....~ h"u. ..;., 1 (11<'oJ t ~'. So' ti 1 my co me! trul;, DrLHicl, ·,tnd fl.lu0rt; Rudy Soto, ~i0nry S. I'll 1'Ihi:::pcr good-nir.:ht, turn out tho nios, 'Hoctor LOpd:, Err:ost Z Lllo~r ~ Jimmie light, . Cocio, F'ortLlO Contrcl·;".s, G.'Xl:U·O T FosqueAnd kiss rn:v pillmi, making bcli0vo ir:'. . Fr~:nk Gill, Fl·~·.nk· C Hos ",s, Petu 8::'.11. 1 B G:1rc1:·., L0U10 . --.rlr~o--, ., it.s you. Choz, G~brlo ':iill!:m !:I:·.ll, 3:~lv.·.dol· Glltiorr~::, Cilbc.:rl J.:OR~ L£.3T dWuTE rSJS I C::,.rrillo, Ernie B::'.uti3~;:'.., JOt) Hc:Y~".rc.:s, G' pvt 1J.oll.' 0 I.i~rtincz, son of IiI' c.nd B:'.ldcnogro, Y{c:ncio E aiguvr:'., J00 Guziil-,n, lira :.ntonio i,i~~rtinoz, 32[5 r~ 21st, h:\s 1l.1b;;rt L LoyvCl, ;:'.nu~l Hoti1L~11h:.,u:.;,;r, C::'.r'b,:;on returned to duty as 01' Novambcr 27 los Dol~h:tntyt :'.nd G0org" : ~olor". nftor r,)cupor~,tinc from ,rounds roceived August 9 1:1 Fl·"ncc. . 7Hl.HIfS IIII pvt O:.rlos T R-::yc..s, for Lcnthornoek RUdy i:endoz:." son 'of ::lnd"our cOl1tri bution to nCh..,ttcr" (Hope you Jf Me ,.like LondozC\, 204 N j ,oyor St, h~,s Oi{ ilO1i C".rlos _ Ros . )); l:ol'bo:::,to Z~' 'promotod to PrivC\tv First Cln~s. RUdy is zu.)t:., y;hc' svndc b,;st r~c,rcls t? ;:rs :.ngc'in !in:,\-o.ii.· lit::-. S"gur:c ~'r.d ; 'r:; Thor\;s:. R R~o:lI;o; Hon1,\ Honry i: I~iv6g:o, Vlhos;) wifo, lirs iic.ry 1'y C N..;il: ,',lbcrlo Lopez U~os di6 much:'. 1'0 0 Riosr:;o, c.nd his fqlks, ;~r ~\nd Er::; h:t.,lbrc cU~Lndo m'.)r.cio..n 6 1 '.3 tor".;ill::'.s <po HO~'Rio~~o, live ,t lq07 E 10th, h~s h~co Ric~rdo Rios y los frijelvs quo h~eo .boonpromo~od,to ~~.tsH:).in's matu 3/C. Jos6 J:,ul'vgui, ".~omp:·.n' lio 1:' m'dsic::-.. por . ·.(alter ualln Te.1.Lez, son of Consul and 01 gr':,n "'uit-:trroro 'Jose G Horn·.21d(;z, do Mrs Ang~l Tellez, 36 'N Grande, ha.s ,been Nog;;los-~qu-:: buni t~, Beta, qU0 todo 10 quo P\"omoted,· . h:l.ccS es comerl); Rud~r Ri..;szo, £'01' t:1.0 •. Ur.rino j,"lfc Roberto rt Garcia, son of SV{:·.stik:'.s YOl~ s"y ~'.r\.J o!: . . r.~' (You bet and tirs iiarga.rito Ii Garc:l:o.··, hils been visit".,.,:; could rc:,.d you'r Sp:.~ni~h. 1I.t pr '~ent onr 1ng in Tucson after so~ving.overseo.s. Association does not have f~cl:jties to Bob wo:s' in the bloody qo.ttle of Tar::::,vln e.s m~i1 subscriptions to ttCh.:;;.t:~p;rtt hnt if you. , \'1~1l e.s in the Sol'omon Islands llnd So.ipo.n.boys \vho tra.nt. the paper Hill contflct your Aft0r complotion of his furlough, he '.... ill foiks tJ:wy w'ill be Glad to send i t to you) report'to Id;4ho for reo.ssig;mnont. oetavj~o }i'lores; Juan 0 .Sabz, for the picAlfredo. Di~t~. pUlido, son of ;:r ::md !.irs tures (the chfnel is re:lll:r SOT:1othillg, the Ltnnuel Di:., z· Ptl li do , hLl.~~ enli :;-(;'Jd in t:le nati ves- ..well-l-ll); FrJ.nk ?I OC1hoa, Jr w.dnlJs. (Hone your foot. i<3 b0ttor; th~t ·;m.s '.0. s'.'I'oll Pfc Arnul1'o D -Trejo, son of ;.~r ~md Era letter); Fr~.nk Rossini, RcnU J.oIT10ro, Stove. Niiioln.s Trajo, 494 Convo~t St, h:-di bc?n r.r i,;endez, Frod (1 Lucoro, Ed i." Gr:3.dillas, prombted to ".sslstant r(laio opor:ltor 1n Fortino Contrc:rns, ann 1,.s'l:; but not, \ ~~w Gui~oo.. ',: . . . my good i'rj(md Ti to ltLocllO lt ~lor(;s. Iilrs Angolitc. Sce;ur.,-, :1.ccomp::i.l11od by . ...... . _ I t .. .~ \' - • ..• ) 4t her d-1.uf$ht'0r, iiiss Berth:.• Sogura, h~.s roCa'-STEn is uubli",h~d "very 1st ·'.nd 3rd turned from S:-:.n Diogo whorothoy visltvd.S·.,md .... y by sp:::1ish.-;u.lvric·.n ;:oth...l·'J "".nd Lo:-,;l;hcrnock Nioky,3egur~l, who is rdcupor- Jiv..;s }.,:zn., 38 N. Church ;;t., Tucs'm, ,c.ting in a. l.·o.rj,no hospi t(:.l from wounds . ; . r i zor:::'.. ;,11 rcvonu-::s fro':! tn." S' 1;; of' rooviv d in ·').ction. aick'j visih:d'in 't:lis p ....pC'r ".ra to be us·;c1 for t~'.~ -::r:ction TUoson ~ few d·18 boforo lea.ving for S::n of::,. R0crc~::.tio::. C.rlC0r for th" S:, .:,i::;ilDiego. ,,','i ;;;.)n~.• Sgt A)frodo A Agra~·.n, son of j!r ::lnd firs .:.mcric:-..n soldi~'r3 frcm 'l'uc:Jon, .. _ Toot'ilo Ae;r.:t~n, 130 "f I:cCormick, is visit- i:rs Hortc~isO V':l'duGo _ ·,-:i:.;t'.f:t i$g in Tucson from Gruber, Oklo.horn~.. :rs EL::-. Ho.:lr:'. - : j,mcoe:r".rh~r Sgt Roberto Arri::\g:J., son of i:r :.nd i:rs 1I:'i11is C".mpbu11 - c:' rtoo~list Roborto Arrio.g:l, is visi tint; in Tucson .from LongviOi", Tox::.s, whoro he h::\.s boon in :... hospi tc..l ·rocuper"'.ting :lftwr hr.ving bvon shot suvon times by somo Texan. P0t-o i:olinC\, Son of ilr o.nd ~.:rs Basilio I.olinn., 1009 ;-f.'6nt.trio, is in Tucson from . l'bvr.l· St':1.tion in ''f0St VirginiC\. p .S. .... -; SeQ OVER, to Pllge 61 -5- Your mil':l90grt~ph()r had out a lot of cornors to got eV0~ything on Page 5, ~d had alrcndy written "THAT'S ALL 111!1 :oight by our littl0 11r. j.!OtlSe (ho ud.,ertisos Pepsipt'.11c' Toothpuste, I think) when it suddenly do.\'med on her th;).t if an cdition went tnto five pages, it might us well go into six. So she's going to put buck samo of tho cornors that were cut, as well a.s a f(JW' little f,E:ms wo'va holel out from tim0 to timo .for of space. ·:'lo'H continu0 ·,vith the THhNKSI and what R08ie wns s~ying was: On one sido of the roar;)· i:.; ::t \')i;,: long thing lik:) the pigs drink out of only you got in tilc.t ' wush :·,11 ovo!'. On tho other sidG if, :). li ttl:.: ',vhi to thing they ca.l1 ~ sink. This is for li~rt \'1::'.sl1ing such :'.s your h:-.md3. But over in t'le corner, son, I'll tell you wo'vo r-:::..lly got s a.-:'othing thr..z:o--this Jittle contr~'.?tion you put one foot in ....nd W'~sh it clo~n, thon you pull ~ littlv ch~in ~.nd you got fresh we. tel' f":Jr t!". .; athor foot. ~~o lids c~~o ,nth tho d~rn thing, ~nd we' t hn.d o.ny us 0 for th;;n ir. the be'. th toom, so I run using ono for 'J. bre8.d bO~1.rd, o.nd t' other hc.d ;:-, round ;101 C in "Stove l;iendcz, thanks for your Christmas Greotings fro~ somowh0rc in GOrmD~lY; Fred it and "..;e [i.-using i t-,~; ,. fr~;n;; ilr o Lucero for your Christ~as Greotings cnd Gr::tndp~'s picturo. Thoy ~ir nNful nice fino lottor, which wero much Qppr~ciated; folk;) to dual '-vi th--th·jY s,;nt u:; :.J.. froe Fidd GonzuL::z, of tho 2nd iI~trinc Di v:l.big 1'011 of writing pO-VOl' 'iri th it. Of sio11" for Christmas und NeVI Year Grl;otings ceurs.;, it's :dght:r thin but you kin wri to on it • •••• T'lko k00r of y.;rsdf - :.iO!ll Also, . T~~AN¥'.s to Hisses I,!i1.ry Louise l,;r.rtinez and IS0la Snmnons for pinch-hitting for ;.~rs Hortense Vordugo ;'.s ny ....ssistr.nt wh0n hor husb~nd was on furleu~h. 3top us if you :1.1ro"ccy hC:-.1 0 this one, but ~'ii(;llCi e' s c~'..rd to ;1is nrC'.ft 1)0;:-,1'0. J~)SOCI~TION N~N3 m~d(l us think of +;ho pootc:..rd e'. Brooklyn orivo.t0 s(mt to his DB. ;.11 it sC'.id At in ulcction hald recently by our vn.:.s, 'l1.Yish you wore 110rc.!' As soci;..lti on , i:lrs horccdi tr~5 Fierros, 621 S 4th AVO, w~s olocted our presidont. 4 NE!{ 1.TJ.~JBEjIS I Tarosr'. ff Br(\.c~montG,. Alicin Widmer, Evn G OHvn.s, ;.:o.ria .\gu::'la1" , Cnrrnun Gastelum, Bcc.triz J Fimbres, Gundnlupo Terrnzns, and Sophie Prcci~do. HR ARi.J.NDO ALFARO lL\S ;1.~!l~OUNCED THAT il NEiV SPAN1SH-liJiW:13ICAH RilDIO PlWGRAU ·::1LL BEGIN SOOH, ;.ND CEIl.1':,IN P:.RTS OF LETTE:RS RECEIVED FRO'J YOU SOLDIERS '.YILL BE RE.·,D. BE SURE ;,ND KEEP 'EL; COLiING, KIDS t yt[E h"'1';JOY 'HEi.RING FROb YOU. Thero's c, r;;ir.l out in l<J'.n Arbor·, ·!, To meet whom I never '.'TOuld I'rich., Sh~'1i efl.t up ico cream Till rn th colic :.;he'd ~;cr');:I..":'l, Then order a.nother hig di.r::1=.. Thero was a young l~ldy of jL'd0; Of Buting ~rcenapples she died: Nithin the bmcmtod Tbey soon hud fc~~cnt0d, And made cide:t in~iclo her inside •. A housovrif,J culled out ' . . i th ":fhen zurpriscd by ::;ma'J S/Sgt Alfrodo C iiondoza, !3on of r.irs Rose.. C Liolldoz.n, 521 E 20th, Vftnts to correspond with his friends from tho N8.tiono.l Gu,\rd. His o.ddros: is :15 fo11ovn1.l S/Sgt A C "ondoz:l 38072795 IIqs 311th F'ightor ·Jroup ''00 G "10, ·c/o P o~,","\.In~.,l,~ ,,,"\:."J r ~....s; Now York, Ne~ York f, C'~.ll.;rs "In 0. r~inuta or lc:JS I'll slip on 0. dr0ss"-But sho slipped on th:) :;t;rtirs down frmvn tr,=,l':l tovm !1!1Q cu,no A ttltO:" who tootrJd t:,(, fluto Triod to tC'3.C h 'b,ro yo'.mg too cor~ to toot J Suid th·) t-,ro to tho tutor: "Is it llarder to toot, or To tu+'or t';ro toot(;rs to tOClt 7" NON FOR SObE FUlil HERE IS .. g:;nER ","ffiITTZN ;~Y J·.N 0ZUZK I.;OTHEH TO HER SON r:: 'r:IE ",REY Dvo.r SOIlI Yir po. h(.\s a good job now--tho fir~t hL hC\s h8.d in 48 J'0~rs. ·,10 air ~. gro~,t' dOl\l bottor off now then ",·ro ,",::1.S. Your pa gets ~11. 95 uV0ry Thursc!r.y GO rco thou~;.ht Wu would do f" l i tt10 fixin' up. Wo sont to i.;onl:oy ":'inrd for one of them nO\v-f(\n!~h)d thing:; thoy c:111 rooms you hoar t,-111 ubout in somo homos. It is put in shupe by a m~'.n called ~ plur.lbor. GREETINGS, ALSO, TO ALEX CANEZ, AND OUR BEST 'i~'ISHES FOR A PROMPT RECOVERY--illS BIRTHDAY IS THE 22nd% -6\. \ \ I S:tt no;;·t tv thJ Dueh-::r.s at teu; It wa.~ j~st as I f~arod it 70uld be, .~!,)r rur;,blin7;::; ahdo:"in'.l I~or(; s:L"~11y phcno::l.:nill, And everyon" thou£~ht it "in.:.; m;.:! Indian Cl l ieftai n .(f.18king speech to his tri be): "You all know me as 'Old CLief Trainwhistle' but since I ClIIl extremely oe:'J.ocratic, I hope th~t, for Short, you will feel free to call me "toots." A WARTIME PRAY?l~ Dear Lord, Lust I cuntinue My c~mpl¢ way; Help me to remember somevmere Out there a man died for me today. ~s louo as there be war, I then must ask and answer: Am I worth dying for?