February 2009 - International Kart Federation
February 2009 - International Kart Federation
T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L K A R T F E D E R A T I O N • V O L U M E 4 9 , N O . 2 February 2009 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 tech and rule book updates • more event schedules 1 2 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 3 4 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 ON THE COVER: History of kart road racing with story and photos by IKF Director Don Holmboe. THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL KART FEDERATION • VOL. 49, NO. 2 • february 2009 Table of Contents Membership news................................................................................................................................... 6 welcome new members...................................................................................................................... 6 2009 IKF board of directors............................................................................................................. 7 Ride Back in Time - Page 10 2009 ikf regional map.......................................................................................................................... 7 Tech and Rule Updates...................................................................................................................... 8 Advertiser index................................................................................................................................... 8 ride back in time, history of kart road racing............................................................. 10 photos from the region 5 speedway, 2008 awards banquet...................................... 18 Region 5 Speedway, '08 Awards Banquet - Page 18 one-on-one with chase lambright......................................................................................... 22 2009 ikf grand nationals and regional events schedule....................................... 24 hot off the press................................................................................................................................. 25 IKF Governors, coordinators and committees.............................................................. 28 IKF Board of Directors One-on-One: Chase Lambright - Page 22 Note to all Competitors: The IKF does not endorse or determine the competition legality of products and services advertised in Karter News Magazine, the Competition Regulations & Technical Manual, and on the IKF Web Site. The competitor is responsible for determining the legality of all their equipment for use in IKF sanctioned events. If you, as a competitor, have any questions about the legality or safety of your kart, please ask the appropriate official at your race. For tech or safety issues, ask the Tech Director. For race procedures or general items, ask the Race Director. KARTER NEWS - February 2009 President - BILL HILGER, 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, Ne 68516.....................................................(402) 416-1284 Fax (402) 489-7370 Vice President - RICK SCRIBNER, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, Ca 95650..........................................(916) 652-3905 Fax (916) 652-3910 Secretary - DON HOLMBOE, 9399 S.w. Tigard Street, Tigard, Or 97223..........................................(503) 624-0621 Co-Treasurer - JACK HOEGERL, 3022 20th Ave., Rock Island, Il 61201........................................... (309) 793-0118 Fax (309) 793-0111, Email: jackh18@aol.com Co-Treasurer - ART VERLENGIERE, 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A, Santa Maria, CA 93455 GLENN ARAKI, 2615 Business Park Ave., Fresno, CA 93727............................................................(559) 291-0570 JOHN MOTLEY, 2130 Golden Hill Road, Unit 40, Paso Robles, Ca 93446.......................................(805) 238-7060 Fax (805) 238-0323 GARY RICHTER, 4273 Whistlewood Court, Reno, Nv 89509............................................................(775) 772-7869 Fax (775) 850-2929, Email: gr@panavise.com MICHAEL SCHORN, P.o. Box 373, Banks, Or 97106...........................................................................(503) 324-9072 kartrcr@yahoo.com 5 MEMBERSHIP NEWS 2009 ikf board of directors meeting schedule April 2009 Board Meeting - April 18-19, 2009 September 2009 Board Meeting - September 19-20, 2009 VOLUME 49, NO.2 • February 2009 Karter News is the official monthly publication of the International Kart Federation. Editor Pat Eldridge (pat@ikfkarting.com) Production Coordinator Felton Stroud / Stroud Design, Inc. International Kart Federation: Advertising, Membership and Subscription information: Office: 909/923-4999, Office Fax: 909/923-6940 website: www.ikfkarting.com Address: International Kart Federation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761 International Kart Federation Staff: Pat Eldridge (pat@ikfkarting.com) Carmen Carranza (carmen@ikfkarting.com) Cynthia Enriquez (membership@ikfkarting.com) Karter News (ISSN: 0096-3216) is published monthly by the International Kart Federation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761. When applicable, preferred periodicals postage paid at Ontario, CA and additional offices. There is no restriction to access the virtual issues (January to October) on the International Kart Federation website. The printed issues: the Grand Nationals Yearbook and the Competition Regulations and Technical Manual, will be mailed to members as part of the I.K.F. member’s benefits. These two printed issues may be purchased individually. To join I.K.F., send $60.00 for one year’s membership - U.S. funds only. Editorial information: Karter News Magazine, 437 W. Wilshire, Ste. C, Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Phone: 405/840-3158, Fax: 405/843-1465, e-mail: strouddesign@strouddesign.com At least six weeks notice will be required to effect an address change. When making an address change, please use postal forms and give the old address as well as the new and the effective date. When possible, please furnish the mailing label from the latest magazine. Send to Karter News Circulation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Karter News Circulation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761. Tech and Article contributions: Karter News welcomes any such contributions, but assumes no responsibility for the return or safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. Material to be returned should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with the correct return postage. Deadline for all submitted material is the first of the month two months prior to the month of publication For display advertising space rates, please contact the International Kart Federation at 909/923-4999. All material published herein is copyrighted by the International Kart Federation and may be reprinted only by written permission by the President of the Board of Directors. I.K.F. Office Telephone: 909/923-4999, Fax: 909/923-6940 Competition Regulations and Technical Manual: The International Kart Federation, Inc., is the sole owner of the right to use the Competition Regulations and Technical Manual. The use of any rule in this rule book or any other later promulgated rule or regulation is expressly prohibited, without written permission from the International Kart Federation, Inc. Unauthorized use of the Competition Regulations and Technical Manual is with the assumption of any and all risks, with the user expressly required to indemnify (as a Type 1 indemnity), defend, and hold harmless the International Kart Federation, Inc., its officers, directors, employees and members. The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules and regulations shall govern the conditions of all events and by participating in these events, all members are deemed to have complied with these rules. No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators or others. Publication of any advertisement shall not be considered an endorsement of the product or services involved. © 2009 International Kart Federation 6 welcome to karter news “virtual!” The Rule Book and the new Annual Grand Nationals Yearbook will still be published in print. IKF Board Meeting Minutes, Results, and Points will only be available on the IKF Web Site. Take advantage of the automatic links throughout the magazine for instant access to our advertisers. Many more features to come... enjoy! board of directors’ meeting minutes The most recent Minutes from the IKF Board of Director meetings are available on the IKF web site. 2009 IKF Rulebook available for purchase The 2009 IKF Competition Regulations and Technical Manual is available for $25.00 each. This does not include IKF membership and voting privileges. Rulebooks are available at quantity rates plus shipping charges. Minimum order is 5 Rulebooks "for quanity rates." Contact the IKF office at 909923-4999 to order or with any questions you may have. NEW MEMBERS December 2008 Darko Orcic......................................................................... CAN Phillip Orcic........................................................................ CAN Kari Bergstrom...................................................................... WA Jason Nicholas......................................................................... ID Wayne O'Neil..........................................................................OR Dennis Lockwood..................................................................CA Heather Travers......................................................................CA Lucas Barnett .........................................................................AZ Stanley Weber.........................................................................CA Linda Weber............................................................................CA Brett Wagner.......................................................................... NV Mike Sorosky..........................................................................CA Spencer Sorosky.....................................................................CA Blake Hanson........................................................................... IA Willem Elsdon........................................................................CA Corrie Elsdon..........................................................................CA Shirley Coe.............................................................................. TX Austin Garner......................................................................... TX Brady Ipock............................................................................ WA Bailey Ipock............................................................................ WA Bruce Hiebert......................................................................... WA Mike Brewer........................................................................... WA Sevana Patrick........................................................................OR Bill Dangerfield......................................................................CA Juan Manuel Lopez Silva...................................................MEX Bernardo Lopez Garcia......................................................MEX KARTER NEWS - February 2009 The 2009 International Kart Federation Board of Directors Back Row L to R: Rick Scribner, Bill Hilger, Jack Hoegerl, Don Holmboe, Art Verlengiere. Front Row L to R: Glenn Araki, Mike Schorn, John Motley 2009 IKF REGIONAL MAP KARTER NEWS - February 2009 7 TECH & RULE BOOK UPDATES ☞ = Indicates new update for this issue. Please note that Tech & Rule book Updates will now go into effect thirty (30) days after they are posted on the IKF Website: (www.ikfkarting.com) ADD: CHANGE: DELETE: Rule has been added where indicated by reference number. Rule has been modified from the original version. Rule has been deleted from the rule book. CHANGE: ☞105.6 Safety Fastening (In 4th paragraph, change all of "Exception" text to read:) Exceptions: 1) All-metal lock nuts, or bolts drilled and safety wired, are required to fasten brake disc to brake hub. 2) One-Use fasteners/Nylocks may not be used on previously drilled bolts without secondary retention as described above. 3) Ballast: All bolts used to secure ballast shall be fastened to the kart with a nut secured with a cotter pin or safety wire through a hole drilled in the bolt. (See Section CHANGE: ☞212.4 Day 5: (Change to read:) IAME Cup @ 370 CHANGE: ☞213.4 Official Schedule: (Change classes on listed days to:) Day 2: Delete Formula 80/85 Heavy Local Option @ 375 Day 2: Add Formula 80/85 Masters Local Option @ 375 Day 3: Delete Formula 80/85 Masters Local Option @ 375 Day 3: Add Formula 80/85 Heavy Local Option @ 375 CHANGE: ☞275.5 TaG Classes : (change last line to read:) Senior classes for ages 16 up. CHANGE: ☞301 Road Race Grand National Championship Classes: (change to read:) Class #15 TaG Light - Change Rotax weight to 370. CHANGE: ☞405.1 Official Schedule Day 5: (change to read) Change weight on the Briggs Animal Heavy class to 370#. Advertiser Index American Power Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Burris Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Coyote Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Dave’s Performance Karting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 G-Man Kart Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Haddock, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Jim Hall II Racing Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 K&N Air Filtration Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 K&P Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Kart Expo 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Kart-O-Rama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Mike’s Kart Stands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Mike Manning Karting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 MMS Karting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 MXK Racing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 National Kart News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Penton Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Pitts Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 RLV Tuned Exhaust Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Russell Karting Specialties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Target Distributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TS Racing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Turk Brothers Racing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Woltjer Racing Engines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 8 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 9 Ride Bac Figure 4: Formula Kart Experimental (FKE lll), 1970 10 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 k in TIME History of Kart Road Racing Article and Photos by Don Holmboe KARTER NEWS - February 2009 11 “For many of you karting is all about the hustle of the sprint track!” Figure 2: Factory Red Devil 1969 Figure 1: Converted sprint chassis 1965 F 12 or many of you karting is all about focus of my reminiscing is Road Racing, or for you old the hustle of the sprint track. Short- timers Enduro Racing. ly after karting became organized While the modified sprint kart was the norm in the mid in the late 1950’s two distinct paths 60’s, the first true lay-down chassis were also introduced. emerged for karting enthusiasts to In the Northwest an innovator, Larry Ierly, introduced ply their driving talents. The first his lay-down chassis at one of the first IKF Road Race was Sprint, as we know it today, with branches into Nationals in Kent Washington in 1964. The converted Speedway and even Caged Karts. The second, and the sprint kart is now obsolete. KARTER NEWS - February 2009 Figure 3: Bystrom axle clutch The rapid evolution of technology and kart styles in the first sprint karts were direct drive, the road race karts road race karts was in full force. What started with sit- needed clutches. The first clutches were engine mounted up karts with fuel tanks mounted on the back of their and were not much better than fun kart clutches. By the seats quickly evolved into hybrids just for road racing. late 60’s this problem was solved with the introduction The road race kart had evolved in only a few years of the Bystrom axle clutch. It seems that good ideas from a sprint kart with rear mounted engine to a full need fine tuning. The axle clutch put extra loads on lay-down chassis. chain that was already over-stressed. In 1974, a racer Other technologies were also being introduced. While named Arnold Lockwood, built belt drive pulleys and KARTER NEWS - February 2009 13 Figure 5: Full suspension and a 4-stroke, FKE lll “Chain quality was not good enough to withstand the torture of one hour races.” Figure 6: No side protection drivers to use the new Uniroyal belt design. We still run rack of two gears that could be removed and changed in a this system today. few minutes. There was no mess from chain oil, however, The kart depicted in Figure 1 was an early 60’s sprint chain quality was not good enough to withstand the torkart with steel, welded-in seat that was cut and laid back. ture of one hour races. Karters in these early years were Note the painted aluminum tanks with Freightliner fill- primarily blue collar motor heads. The cost of kart racer caps from a diesel truck. Another innovation was the ing was not as extreme as it is today and innovation and Margay manufactured, quick-change gear box drive sys- experimentation was rampant. One of the classes that tem. The four bolt plate at the back of the box contained a fostered this experimentation was called FKE (Formula 14 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 Figure 7: 1984 Long Beach Gran Prix “The prestigious Formula 200 program started by Ron Skeen required bodywork to dress up the karts for events such as the Long Beach Gran Prix.” Figure 8: 1987 IKF Grand Nationals at Sears Point Kart Experimental) III; which is still raced today. Many Italian built motors, introduced in the late 60’s, began configurations were experimented with, including 250cc flooding the market. The McCullough was kept alive by four strokers, which were somewhat ahead of their time. Horstman Manufacturing. In 1976, Yamaha introduced Figures 4 and 5 depict a unique full suspension design the KT100 which doomed the McCullough. with a twin cylinder four stroke engine. The period Safety changes during this period included the addi- from 1970 thru 1983 was filled with many transitions in tion of front bumpers. You no longer could push karts in engines but not much change in chassis design. The origi- front of you with the bottom of your feet. Side protection nal group of motors had dwindled to the McCullough. was not a major concern as seen in Figure 6. KARTER NEWS - February 2009 15 Figure 9: The latest evolution in lay-down design 16 In the period around 1983 bodywork was introduced. was SPEED! The addition of bodies did serve many mas- The prestigious Formula 200 program, started by Ron ters with all viewpoints being satisfied. Figure 8 depicts Skeen, required bodywork to dress up the karts for events a typical bodywork configuration in mid 80’s. such as the Long Beach Gran Prix. Figure 7 depicts the In 1988, the International Kart Federation finally transition to bodywork. It would take only 3 to 4 years to allowed full bodywork in road racing. The basic chassis change from no bodywork to full noses, side panels, and and bodywork designs have not changed much since that in some cases, tails. The quest for better protection was time. Many chassis that were built in the late 80’s are still the cry from many. I really think the underlying reason in use today and winning races. There have not been, in KARTER NEWS - February 2009 my opinion, significant technological changes in the past driven. The market currently finds it easier to purchase 15 years. THIS IS GOOD. Figure 9 depicts last evolution and race sprint chassis. I for one would be saddened if in lay-down designs. the lay-down chassis disappeared. There has been a sto- The trend since the late 90’s has been toward classes ried and rich history in road racing with many familiar that focus on the use of sprint chassis. This has many names racing the type of karts you have seen in these competitors concerned that the true lay-down enduro photos. A few noteworthy names are: Haddock, Hegar, classes could be on their way out. Arguably the down- Pruitt, Henline, Muller, Spaude, Rupp, Dismore, Hart- turn in the growth of true lay-down classes is market man, and (Duffy) Livingston. KARTER NEWS - February 2009 17 Region 5 S P E E D W A Y A wards Banquet Awards and Contingency Prizes for the 2008 Season were presented to Region 5 Speedway Competitors on Saturday, December 13. 18 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 19 20 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 ‘‘ ’’ Thanks to Briggs & Stratton for their support of the IKF Region 5 program by donating two engines for the Region's Awards Program. KARTER NEWS - February 2009 21 ONE ON ONE WITH: Chase Lambright Name: Chase Lambright Age: 13 Hometown: Tyler, TX How long have you been racing? 6 Years What division of karting and which region do you compete in? I race in the 4-cycle Speedway 4B. We mostly race at I-20 Speedway. How are you involved in IKF? I am the driver. Do you have any sponsors or people you want to thank for their support? My sponsors are Dynamic Motorsports and Highway Auto Parts. How did you get your start in karting? My grandfather helped me get into karting. What is your most memorable karting moment? My most memorable karting moment was when I won my first IKF race. 22 Do you have any pets? I have a dog named Luke. Besides karting, what other activities are you involved in? I also like hunting, four wheeler riding and swimming. How long have you been an IKF member? I have been a member for 2 years. If you could choose someone to be on the cover of Karter News, who would you choose and why? I would choose me to be on the cover of Karter News because my kart looks good. Who is your biggest competition? My biggest competitor is Cole Searing. Who inspires you, or is a mentor to you? My dad and David Snyder inspires me. What do you like most about karting? I like the competition for kart racing. If you won a million dollars today, and had to spend it in 24 hours what would you spend it on? If I won a million dollars I would own an Outlaw team. What is your favorite thing about karting? One of my favorite thing about karting is the traveling. KARTER NEWS - February 2009 FEB. 21&22, 2009 PRESENTED BY sodikartusa.com NEW CHASSIS SHOWCASE $1 MILLION EQUIPMENT ON DISPLAY 17 TH ANNUAL EVENT! FREE SEMINARS AND MORE! The World’s PREMIERE Kart Racing Show! WORLD-CLASS LOCATION! DUPAGE EXPO CENTER 4050 E. Main Street (Route 64) St. Charles (West Suburban Chicago), Illinois 60174 USA SPONSORED BY: For a complete schedule go to e-kmi.com PRODUCED BY Kart Marketing International, Inc. « Wheaton, IL USA « 630-653-7368 « karting@msn.com KARTER NEWS - February 2009 23 EVENTS 2009 GRAND NATIONALS Road Race June 10-13, 2009 Eagles Canyon Raceway, Slidell TX Jim McMillan 817-296-7683 4-Cycle Sprint June 23-26, 2009 Shasta Kart Track, Redding CA Shasta Kart Club, Dan Pellizzari 530-604-4057 4-Cycle Speedway July 6-11, 2009 I-20 Speedway, Winona, TX David and Carrie Snyder 903-780-2998 or 903-894-3262 2-Cycle Sprint July 21-25, 2009 Desert Park Raceway, Reno, NV Northern Nevada Kart Club Brian Rivera, NNKC President/Promoter 775-762-8688, karter81@gmail.com 2-Cycle Speedway/ Speedway Midget August 4-7, 2009 Newton Kart Track, Newton, IA Newton Kart Klub 2009 REGional Events REGION 3 SPEEDWAY May 9, 2009 Runestone Go Kart, Brandon MN Tim Bitzan 320-808-1014 thbitzan@gctel.com May 10, 2009 Runestone Go Kart, Brandon MN Tim Bitzan 320-808-1014 thbitzan@gctel.com June 6, 2009 Cottonwood Speedway, New Harford IA Scott Edwards 319-346-1033 www.cottonwoodspeedway.net June 7, 2009 Cottonwood Speedway, New Harford IA Scott Edwards 319-346-1033 www.cottonwoodspeedway.net June 20, 2009 Atwater Karting Speedway, Atwater, MN Steve Minnehan 320-979-5294 ssminne@charter.net www.atwaterkarting.com June 21, 2009 Atwater Karting Speedway, Atwater, MN Steve Minnehan 320-979-5294 ssminne@charter.net www.atwaterkarting.com August 22, 2009 University Plains Speedway, Brooking SD Doug Norgaard 605-310-4020 dnorgaard@Allied-oil.com www.southdakotakartclub.com 24 August 23, 2009 University Plains Speedway, Brooking SD Doug Norgaard 605-310-4020 dnorgaard@Allied-oil.com www.southdakotakartclub.com September 19, 2009 TBD September 20, 2009 TBD Series Coordinator, Andy Bear Bear Motor Sports abear@sbwireless.net Cell 651-260-8278 Home: 715-749-3626 930 70th Ave Roberts, WI 54023 REGION 3 SPEEDWAY PAVEMENT Series Coordinator: Andy Bear, Bear Motor Sports abear@sbwireless.net, Cell: 651-260-8278 Home: 715-749-3626 930 70th Ave, Roberts, WI 54023 April 25, 2009 61 Kartway, Gary Hughes 563-659-8900 information@61kartway.com April 26, 2009 61 Kartway, Gary Hughes 563-659-8900 information@61kartway.com May 16, 2009 Coulee Go Kart Raceway, West Salem WI Travis Proksch 608-386-6945 / 608-386-9476 speedwaykarter@yahoo.com www.couleegokartraceway.com May 17, 2009 Coulee Go Kart Raceway, West Salem WI Travis Proksch 608-386-6945 / 608-386-9476 speedwaykarter@yahoo.com www.couleegokartraceway.com July 18, 2009 Jamaica Raceway, Jamaica IA Randy Perkins 641-429-3050 / 515-490-1447 Jamkart@hotmail.com jamaicaraceway.com July 19, 2009 Jamaica Raceway, Jamaica IA Randy Perkins 641-429-3050 / 515-490-1447 Jamkart@hotmail.com jamaicaraceway.com REGION 4B ROAD RACE March 27-29, 2009 Eagles Canyon, Slidell TX w/MARRS & USSK SWRA/Jim McMillan, www.swra.org April 24-26, 2009 Spring National Oak Hill Raceway, Henderson TX SWRA/Jim McMillan, www.swra.org June 10-13, 2009 Road Race Grand National Eagles Canyon, Slidell TX SWRA / Jim McMillan www.swra.org July 17-19, 2009 Hallet Motor Racing Circuit, Jennings OK W/MARRS - Hosted by MARRS SWRA/Jim McMillan www.swra.org August 21-23, 2009 Texas World Speedway, College Station TX SWRA/Jim McMillan www.swra.org October 2-4, 2009 Oak Hill Raceway, Henderson TX SWRA /Jim McMillan www.swra.org REGION 4B SPEEDWAY Series Classes: 1. Briggs Animal Light @ 320# 2. Jr I Briggs Animal Light Black Restrictor @ 235# 3. Jr II Briggs Animal Light Gold Restrictor @ 285# 4. SAM Class/RWYB @ 350# 5. Stock Medium @ 345# 6. Jr I Briggs Animal Heavy Black Restrictor @ 270# 7. Jr II Briggs Animal Heavy Gold Restrictor @ 320# 8. Briggs Animal Heavy @ 370# 9. Briggs Local Option 206 Class @ 270# (Also known as Spec.) See Section 721 10. Junior I Flathead Light @ 235# Series Rules: 12 Race Series with 3 Drops Last Race Cannot be Used for Drop Minimum 7 Races to Qualify for Year End Awards Black Numbers on White Backgrounds - No Letters - See Section 401.13.1 Methanol Fuel Only Except in 206 Local Option Pump Around May Be Used High Top Shoes - See Section Post Tech DQ 0 Points Cannot Be Used as Drop March 14, 2009 Gulf Coast Speedway, Alvin TX Robert Kolkemier 979-793-3768 www.gulfcoastspeedway.com March 15, 2009 Gulf Coast Speedway, Alvin TX Robert Kolkemier 979-793-3768 www.gulfcoastspeedway.com April 11, 2009 Kam Kartway, Rhome TX Mike Engstrom 817-638-5278 www.kamkartway.com April 12, 2009 Kam Kartway, Rhome TX Mike Engstrom 817-638-5278 www.kamkartway.com May 9, 2009 I-20 Speedway, Winona TX Carrie Snyder 903-780-2998 www.I-20speedway.com May 10, 2009 I-20 Speedway, Winona TX Carrie Snyder 903-780-2998 www.I-20speedway.com June 13, 2009 Acadiana Speedway, Breaux Bridge LA Robert Montgomery 337-288-1817 www.Acadianaspeedway.com June 14, 2009 Acadiana Speedway, Breaux Bridge LA Robert Montgomery 337-288-1817 www.Acadianaspeedway.com KARTER NEWS - February 2009 July 4, 2009 Punch Race Only I-20 Speedway, Winona TX Carrie Snyder 903-780-2998 www.I-20speedway.com August 8, 2009 201 Go Kart Speedway, New Boston TX Carrie Snyder 903-780-2998 www.201gokartspeedway.com August 9, 2009 201 Go Kart Speedway, New Boston TX Carrie Snyder 903-780-2998 www.201gokartspeedway.com September 12, 2009 I-35 Speedway, Lorena TX Les Jacob 254-666-1978 www.I-35kartway.com September 13, 2009 I-35 Speedway, Lorena TX Les Jacob 254-666-1978 www.I-35kartway.com Rain Dates: October 10 & 11, 2009. REGION 7 SPRINT Eight Races, One Drop Tag Licenses are required in Region 7 Sprint Feb. 6-8, 2009 Cal-Speed Kart Track, Fontana, CA EP1K - Rob Niles 951-506-9363 March 6-8, 2009 Buttonwillow Raceway Park, Buttonwillow, CA Bakersfield Kart Club (Contact info will be posted when available) April 3-5, 2009 Grange Motor Circuit, Apple Valley, CA Tri -C Karters, tri-c@earthlink.net (Contact info will be posted when available) May 1-3, 2009 Willow Springs Kart Track, Rosamond, CA Willow Springs Kart Club Mike Manning - 661-256-7500 June 5-7, 2009 Cal-Speed Kart Track, Fontana, CA Los Angeles Kart Club Chris LaTorre, Club President 661-259-3668 - chris.latorre@gmail.com August 28-30, 2009 Willow Springs Kart Track, Rosamond, CA Irwindale Kart Club (Contact info will be posted when available) October 2-4, 2009 Apex Karting Center, Perris, CA Apex (Contact info will be posted when available) October 30-November 1, 2009 Phoenix Kart Track, Phoenix AZ Phoenix Kart Club (Contact info will be posted when available) REGION 11 ROAD RACE Contact for all events: Roger Miller 408-286-5487 February 28, 2009 Infenion Raceway, Sonona CA Winter National May 2, 2009 Thunderhill Raceway, Willows, CA Spring National KARTER NEWS - February 2009 June 20, 2009 Buttonwillow Raceway Park, Bakersfield, CA Summer National September 12, 2009 Thunderhill Raceway, Willows, CA November 7, 2009 Thunderhill Raceway, Willows, CA Fall National hot off the press Kart Industry Roundtable Set For February 2009 Wheaton, IL – Kart Expo, North America’s largest kart racing industry trade & consumer show has announced The Kart Industry Roundtable scheduled to take place on Friday, February 20, one day before the doors open for the expo itself. Darrell Sitarz, Kart Expo Director said, “It is time for the industry to talk openly about where karting is headed in the future in terms of sales and marketing, manufacturing, and how consumer perceptions of karting have changed in the past few years.” The participants as of this date are: - Claude Napier; President & CEO of The Milwaukee Mile - Rob Howden; President of Howden Media Group, (ekartingnews.com - Tony Stewart; Founder & President of Chicago Indoor Racing - John Gregorian; CEO of Gregorian Worldwide (investment group), former IndyCar sponsor - Jack Phifer; Managing Director, Moroch Advertising It is also expected that representatives from Mazdaspeed, The Cooper Tires Atlantic Championship, and a major automotive aftermarket retailer will also commit before the roundtable on February 20th. The Kart Industry Roundtable is open to anyone with an interest in the sport of kart racing and the kart industry in general. “Challenge & Opportunities” The roundtable, entitled “Challenges & Opportunities,” will be co-moderated by Marc Miller and Craig Ellsworth. Marc Miller is Director of Brand Marketing for MRP Motorsport; North American Importer for Birel racing karts and American Distributor for Rotax Engines. Miller is also cofounder of the Mazda Owners Club of America. Miller is also the reigning U.S. Rotax Max Masters Champion and thus brings a well-rounded background from which he will guide the panel discussion. Craig Ellsworth is a 30 year veteran of motorsports sponsorship marketing and a consultant to Kart Expo. Miller said, “I think the timing is right for a gathering of influential people from inside and outside the kart racing industry. This will be particularly significant because input from leading executives could bring new viewpoints on kart racing that might otherwise be overlooked, especially during this dynamic economic environment.” Wide range of topics will be explored The Roundtable comes at a time of high economic stress for the karting industry in North America as well as abroad. The objective in having business leaders from outside of kart racingis to gain unbiased insight which will benefit manufacturers; distributors; dealers and; track operators and teams. Sitarz said, “By combining kart industry leaders with outside business leaders we are expecting to get some unvarnished opinions on our industry. We can’t afford, at this time, to rely on our own entrenched attitudes on kart racing.” There will two sessions. The morning session will address The Public’s Perceptions of Kart Racing, an examination of how the sport can transcend it’s image as a kid’s only activity. This session will also address how kart racing may better enlist the sponsorship support of outside industries. The afternoon session will be devoted to The Current Kart Racing Infrastructure, addressing issues from within the industry such as successful sales and marketing techniques, motivational skills and, with input from outside the industry, how to think outside the box. Kart Industry Roundtable information: Date: Friday, February 20, 2009 Times: Morning Session 9am – 11am Afternoon Session 1pm – 3pm Location: Hilton Garden Inn 4070 East Main Street (Route 64) St Charles, Illinois 60174 Usa Official Hotel Phone: 1-630-584-0700 Sodi presents Kart Expo, Feb 21 to 22, 2009 Location: DuPage Expo Center 4050 East Main St., (Rt #64) St. Charles, IL USA 60174 Admission: $8 for adults, $2 for children age 3 to 12 years. Children under 3 years admitted for free. Dates, Times and Schedule: Friday, February 20: Kart Industry Roundtable Saturday, February 21: 8am to Noon Karting Trade Hours Only Noon to 6pm Open to the public Sunday, February 22: 10am - 4pm Open to the public Contact: Darrell Sitarz, karting@msn.com, 630-653-7368 Produced by: Kart Marketing International, Inc. www.e-kmi.com 25 Want an economical way to reach your customers? Take a look at a “Business Card” ad in the NEW Karter News “Virtual” Magazine. One low rate gets you into all 10 virtual issues, the 1st Annual Grand National Yearbook and the Competition Regulations and Technical Manual issue! Call the I.K.F. office 909-923-4999 for more information. 26 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 Performance Racing Ignitions P V L Importer & Distributor www.pentonracingproducts.com Phone: 440-989-4474 Fax: 440-989-4476 KARTER NEWS - February 2009 27 I.K.F. GOVERNORS, COORDINATORS & COMMITTEES Coordinator 4B - (PAV SPWY) Francis Rougeou National Coordinator - Rick Scribner, 1040 Main Street 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650..................(916) 652-3905 Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890 ....................................... FAX (916) 652-3910 Louisiana Governor - Francis Rougeou 1040 Main Street Rule Book Text Editor - Open Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890 Track/Club/Promoter Relations Texas Governor - David Snyder International Kart Federation 17538 FM RD 2493 1609 S. Grove Avenue, Suite 105, Flint TX 75762....................... (903)-894-3262 Ontario, CA 91761..................(909) 923-4999 ........................................ FAX(909) 923-6940 REGION 5 Coordinator - (SPRINT/PAV SPWY/SPWY) Waiver Chairperson (Sprint) Sharee Hoegerl, Gary Richter 3022 20th Ave., 4273 Whistlewood Court Reno, NV 89509.....................(775) 772-7869 Rock Island, IL 61201.............(309) 793-0118 ........................................ FAX(775) 850-2929 Iowa Governor - Corey Kemp 1756 65th Street Waiver Chairperson (Road Race) Garrison, IA 52229.................(319) 981-0908 Mike Schorn Missouri Governor - Open P.O. Box 373 Banks, OR 97106...................(503) 324-9072 REGION 5A Waiver Chairperson (Speedway) Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Doug Johnson William Hilger 4513 S. Highland Avenue, 5910 Skylark Lane Sioux Falls, SD 57103............(605) 373-9905 Lincoln, NE 68516..................(402) 416-1284 Nebraska Governor - William Hilger 5910 Skylark Lane, GOVERNORS & COORDINATORS Lincoln, NE 68516..................(402) 416-1284 REGION 1 Kansas Governor - Frank Merando, Coordinator - (SPRINT) Joan Cressi 7726 S.E. Second, 131 Sea Cliff Ave., Tecumseh, KS 66542.............(785) 379-0496 Glen Cove, NY 11542.............(516) 676-3303 North Dakota Governor - Open Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open South Dakota Governor - Loren Zomer New Jersey Governor - Open P O Box 254 E. New York Governor - Open Canton, SD 57013..................(605) 366-6789 W. New York Governor - Open REGION 6 REGION 2 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Open Coordinator & North Carolina Gov - Erica Bear Coordinator - (SPRINT) Bill Hettick 11021 3A Featherbrook Road, 5127 215th Street SE Charlotte, NC 28262...............(651) 253-1090 Woodinville, WA 98072...........(206) 353-6569 Coordinator - (PAVE SPWY) Open REGION 3 Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open Coordinator (SPRINT) - Open Idaho - Larry Kurpiewski Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Andy Bear 3633 Camborne, 930 70th Avenue, Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626 Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 376-0525 Oregon - Open Indiana Governor - Open Washington - Bob Thompson, Illinois Governor - Open E 12924 Olive Avenue, Minnesota Governor - Cameron Koopman Spokane, WA 99216 ..............(509) 924-6755 21580 State Hwy 60 Brewster, MN 56119..............(507) 842-5510 REGION 7 Wisconsin Governor - Mark Alton Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Open P.O. Box 157 Coordinator - (SPRINT) Art Verlengiere, Woodville, WI 54028...............(715) 698-2104 2351 A Thompson Way, Santa Maria, CA 93455 REGION 4A Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Open Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Adam Mollenkopf Arizona - Dan Maracle, 6032 Celestial Avenue NW Albuquerque, NM 87114........(505) 269-7853 3144 S. Rogers, Mesa, AZ 85202.....................(480) 345-9240 Coordinator (SPRINT) Jay Jacobellis Hawaii - Tim Hultquist, 2872 Greensborough Drive Highland Ranch, CO 80129.....(303) 683-0333 52 Kopi Lane #103, Wailuku, HI 96793..................(808) 242-9736 New Mexico Governor - Jeff Miller, South California - Sharon Barros, 5400 Territorial Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120........(505) 899-1339 302 Alabama #9, Redlands, CA 92373...............(909) 793-9695 REGION 4B South California Lt. Gov. - Open Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) Jim McMillan South Nevada - Open P.O. Box 289 Crowley, TX 76036.................(817) 296-7683 REGION 8 Governor and Coordinator - Don Choquer, Coordinator 4B - (SPRINT) Open 20290 25th Avenue, Langley, BC, Coordinator 4B - (SPEEDWAY) David Snyder Canada V2Z 2B7.....................(604) 530-6338 17538 FM RD 2493, Flint, TX 75762.......................(903) 894-3262 28 Mike Schorn REGION 10 P.O. Box 373, Governor - Gabe Kajdy, Banks, OR 97106...................(503) 324-9072 10224 8th Street SW Calgary ALB, Canada T2W OH2.(403)252-5262 Shifter Tech Committee: Coordinator - Gabe Kajdy John Motley (Chairman), 10224 8th Street SW 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Calgary ALB, Canada T2W OH2 . ............ (403) Paso Robles, CA 93446..........(805) 238-7060 252-5262 Terry Hegar, 15600 SE For Mor Court REGION 11 Clackamas, OR 97015............(503) 659-1234 Coordinator - (SPRINT) - Ed Diederich Fax (503) 650-6953 1308 Hallertau Drive, Sparks, NV 89441..................(775) 424-3797 Don Holmboe 9399 S.W. Tigard Street Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Roger Miller Tigard, OR 97223...................(503) 624-0621 600 Pamlar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128...............(408) 286-5487 Road Race: Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open Don Holmboe (Chairman) No. California Governor - Roger Miller 9399 S.W. Tigard Street 600 Pamlar Avenue Tigard, OR 97223...................(503) 624-0621 San Jose, CA 95128...............(408) 286-5487 Debbie Kuntze No. Nevada Governor - Ed Diederich 660 Bel Air Drive 1308 Hallertau Drive, Vista, CA 92084......................(760) 941-6448 Sparks, NV 89441..................(775) 424-3797 Chris Hegar, Utah Governor - Open, 15600 SE For Mor Ct., Clackamas, OR 97015............(503) 659-1234 DVISORY COMMITTEES: Roger Miller National Tech Director - 2-Cycle: 600 Pamlar Avenue Jack Hoegerl (Chairman) San Jose, CA 95128...............(408) 286-5487 3022 20th Ave. Rock Island, IL 61201.............(309) 793-0118 Sprint: Art Verlengiere (Chairman) Fax:(309)793-0111 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A Lynn Haddock Santa Maria, CA 93455 2511 McCallie Ave., Chattanooga, TN 37404..........(423) 698-0847 Speedway: Terry Ives Bill Hilger (Chairman), 6705 Almond Knoll Court, 5910 Skylark Lane, Granite Bay, CA 95746...........(916) 201-7707 Lincoln, NE 68516..................(402) 416-1284 Ron Emmick, Andy Bear P.O. Box 2456, 930 70th Avenue Rancho Cordova, CA 95741....(916) 383-2288 Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626 John Motley Doug Norgaard 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 312 E. Glenwood Drive Paso Robles, CA 93446..........(805) 238-7060 Brandon, SD 57005................(605) 351-9223 Daniel Koopman National Tech Director - 4-Cycle: 21580 State Hwy 60 Terry Nash (Chairman), Brewster, MN 56119..............(507) 842-5510 8438 Loma Place, Upland, CA 91768..................(909) 981-9611 Adam Mollenkopf, 6032 Celestial Avenue NW Lee Miller, Albuquerque, NM 87114........(505) 269-7853 2433 8th Ave., Council Bluffs, IA 51501.........(402) 306-4774 David Snyder 17538 FM RD 2493 Roger Cathey, Flint, TX 75762.......................(903) 894-3262 2061 N. Currant Place, Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 378-0610 Brad Swiggart, 2900 South 70th Street, Suite 300, Chuck Sloggett, Lincoln, NE 68506..................(402) 484-3892 11888 Deer Ridge Road, Custer, SD 57730...................(605) 673-2203 Ralph Woodard, 2417 North 84th St., David Snyder, Omaha, NE 68134..................(402) 926-2370 17538 FM RD 2493 Flint, TX 75762.......................(903) 894-3262 TaG: Syd White John Motley (Chairman) 24 Paseo Hermoso, 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Salinas, CA 93908..................(831) 484-1302 Paso Robles, CA 93446..........(805) 238-7060 Mark Alton Don Moormeister P.O. Box 157, 757 E, Havasupai Street Woodville, WI 54028...............(715) 698-2104 Meridian ID, 83646.................(208) 420-0631 Jody Mitrevics Terry Nash, 3202 S. Summit Avenue 8438 Loma Pl, Sioux Falls, SD 57105............(605) 221-0412 Upland, CA 91786..................(909) 981-9611 ..............................................(605) 201-5588 Rick Scribner, mtrvcs@yahoo.com 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650..................(916) 652-3905 KARTER NEWS - February 2009
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