April 2010 - International Kart Federation


April 2010 - International Kart Federation
5 0 ,
N O .
ApRil 2010
region 7
series at
buffalo bills
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
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KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
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il 2010
ON THE COVER: Region 7
Championship Series action at
Buffalo Bills. Photo by Sean Buur,
GoRacing Magazine.
Table of Contents
Membership news................................................................................................................................... 6
Tech and Rule Updates...................................................................................................................... 7
region 7 sprint championship series at buffalo bills................................................. 10
Region 7 Sprint at Buffalo Bills - page 10
4-cycle sprint & Shifter grand nationals 2010 entry information.............. 16-17
Best in the west NCK road racing........................................................................................... 18
4-cycle speedway grand national 2010 entry information.................................... 19
nw gold cup/rotax max challenge series round one............................................. 20
IKF grand nationals and Regional Events....................................................................... 24
NCK Road Racing "Best in the West" - page 18
IKF Regional Map................................................................................................................................. 26
Hot off the press................................................................................................................................. 27
welcome new members.................................................................................................................... 27
Advertiser Index................................................................................................................................. 27
IKF Governors, coordinators and committees.............................................................. 31
NW Gold Cup/Rotax Max, Round One - page 20
Note to all Competitors:
If you, as a competitor, have any
questions about the legality or safety
of your kart, please ask the appropriate official at your race. For tech
or safety issues, ask the Tech Director. For race procedures or general
items, ask the Race Director.
The IKF does not endorse or
determine the competition legality
of products and services advertised
in the Karter News Magazine, the
Competition Regulations & Technical Manual, and on the IKF Web
Site. The competitor is responsible
for determining the legality of all
their equipment for use in IKF sanctioned events.
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
IKF Board of Directors
BILL HILGER - President, 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516....................................................(402) 416-1284
Fax (402) 489-7370
RICK SCRIBNER - Vice President, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650..........................................(916) 652-3905
Fax (916) 652-3910
DON HOLMBOE - Secretary, 9399 S.W. Tigard Street, Tigard, OR 97223........................................(503) 624-0621
JACK HOEGERL - Co-Treasurer, 4205 29th Ave., Rock Island, IL 61201.......................................... (309) 793-0118
Fax (309) 793-0111, Email: jackh18@aol.com
ART VERLENGIERE - Co-Treasurer, 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A, Santa Maria, CA 93455
GLENN ARAKI, 2615 Business Park Ave., Fresno, CA 93727............................................................(559) 291-0570
JOHN MOTLEY, 2130 Golden Hill Road, Unit 40, Paso Robles, CA 93446......................................(805) 238-7060
Fax (805) 238-0323
ED DIEDRICH, 1308 Hallertau Drive Sparks, NV 89441....................................................................(775)-424-3797
MICHAEL SCHORN, P.o. Box 373, Banks, OR 97106..........................................................................(503) 324-9072
Karter News is the official monthly publication of the International Kart Federation.
2010 IKF APRIL Board Meeting Information
The IKF Board Meeting will be held on April 17-18, 2010.
Marriott Sacramento - Rancho Cordova
11211 Point East Drive, Rancho Cordova CA 95742
Call 1-800-228-9290 for room reservarions - reference
International Kart Federation
For online room reservations http://sacramentomarriottrc.com/ikf.
International Kart Federation:
Advertising, Membership and Subscription information:
Office: 909/923-4999, Office Fax: 909/923-6940
website: www.ikfkarting.com
International Kart Federation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761
IMPACT Racing and SFI Come to Terms
On Friday, March 26, the SFI Foundation issued a Notice
of Decertification; Notice of Cease and Desist, and a notice
terminating all contracts and participation to IMPACT Racing. Since then, the two parties entered into litigation in the
United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana. The parties have agreed on the following, sent out in a
joint release:
International Kart Federation Staff:
Pat Eldridge (pat@ikfkarting.com)
Carmen Carranza (carmen@ikfkarting.com)
Cynthia Enriquez (membership@ikfkarting.com)
April 1, 2010 - Impact Racing, LLC and SFI Foundation,
Inc., in the litigation pending in the United States District
Court for the Southern District of Indiana, have agreed that:
Pat Eldridge (pat@ikfkarting.com)
Production Coordinator
Felton Stroud / Stroud Design, Inc.
Karter News (ISSN: 0096-3216) is published monthly by the International Kart
Federation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761. When applicable,
preferred periodicals postage paid at Ontario, CA and additional offices. There is
no restriction to access the virtual issues (January to October) on the International
Kart Federation website. The printed issues: the Grand Nationals Yearbook and the
Competition Regulations and Technical Manual, will be mailed to members as part
of the I.K.F. member’s benefits. These two printed issues may be purchased individually. To join I.K.F., send $60.00 for one year’s membership - U.S. funds only.
Editorial information:
Karter News Magazine, 437 W. Wilshire, Ste. C, Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Phone: 405/840-3158, Fax: 405/843-1465, e-mail: strouddesign@strouddesign.com
At least six weeks notice will be required to effect an address change. When making
an address change, please use postal forms and give the old address as well as the
new and the effective date. When possible, please furnish the mailing label from
the latest magazine. Send to Karter News Circulation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite
105, Ontario, CA 91761.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Karter News Circulation, 1609 S. Grove
Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761.
Tech and Article contributions: Karter News welcomes any such contributions, but
assumes no responsibility for the return or safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. Material to be returned should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope
with the correct return postage. Deadline for all submitted material is the first of the
month two months prior to the month of publication For display advertising space
rates, please contact the International Kart Federation at 909/923-4999.
All material published herein is copyrighted by the International Kart Federation
and may be reprinted only by written permission by the President of the Board of
Directors. I.K.F. Office Telephone: 909/923-4999, Fax: 909/923-6940
Competition Regulations and Technical Manual: The International Kart Federation,
Inc., is the sole owner of the right to use the Competition Regulations and Technical
Manual. The use of any rule in this rule book or any other later promulgated rule or
regulation is expressly prohibited, without written permission from the International
Kart Federation, Inc. Unauthorized use of the Competition Regulations and Technical
Manual is with the assumption of any and all risks, with the user expressly required to
indemnify (as a Type 1 indemnity), defend, and hold harmless the International Kart
Federation, Inc., its officers, directors, employees and members.
The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly
conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for
such events. These rules and regulations shall govern the conditions of all events
and by participating in these events, all members are deemed to have complied
with these rules. No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a
guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or
death to participants, spectators or others. Publication of any advertisement shall
not be considered an endorsement of the product or services involved.
1. Impact Racing, LLC has provided sworn testimony that,
upon review and investigation, no counterfeit SFI Conformance Labels have been used on Impact Racing products
during the production years of 2009 and 2010.
2. Impact Racing, LLC has provided sworn testimony that,
upon review and investigation, all Impact Racing products
manufactured and sold during the production years 2009 and
2010 meet SFI specifications.
3. Based upon this sworn testimony, the decertification
against Impact Racing products for the production years 2009
and 2010 is lifted. The decertification of the production years
prior to 2009 and 2010 remains in effect. The parties will continue to work cooperatively in an effort to resolve the issues
relating to decertification in these years.
4. Impact Racing stands behind the safety of all products
it has manufactured and to which SFI Conformance Labels
have been affixed. SFI will continue to monitor compliance
with product specifications.
5. Impact Racing, LLC and SFI Foundation, Inc. will cooperate in determining whether any Impact Racing product
bears a counterfeit SFI Conformance Label and if any safety
issue exists in regard to products manufactured prior to 2009
and 2010.
6. If any Impact Racing product does not bear the date of
manufacture the purchaser or user is instructed to immediately contact Impact Racing who will provide verification of
the date of manufacture. Impact Racing, LLC will immediately notify SFI Foundation, Inc. of this occurrence. Impact
Racing, LLC and SFI Foundation, Inc. will work with the
sanctioning bodies to determine the best method for product
users to present verification of the date of manufacture.
© 2010 International Kart Federation
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
ANNIVERSARY we are giving
away a new helmet to one
lucky winner. Just go to
www.nkn.com and fill out
the entry form.
ADDITIONAL PRIZES will be awarded to dozens of lucky
winners with new drawings taking place every
week leading up to the grand prize drawing on
April 1st, 2010. Deadline to enter is 3/31/10.
☞ = Indicates new update for this issue. Please note that Tech & Rule book Updates will now go into
effect thirty (30) days after they are posted on the IKF Website: www.ikfkarting.com)
Rule has been added where indicated by reference number.
Rule has been modified from the original version.
Rule has been deleted from the rule book.
CHANGE: #3, #5, #6, #8 (Remove the following): "with participation from
at least two regions".
101.4 Election of IKF Board of Directors (Change all to read):
101.4.1 Ballots for election to the Board of Directors shall appear in
the August issue of Karter News each year. Two nominations are
required for a Candidate to be placed on the ballot for the Board
of Directors.
101.4.2 Nomination Forms must be returned to the IKF Office by
September 5, or the next businesss day, to be valid.
101.4.3 Nomination Acceptance Forms shall be mailed to each
Nominee by September 10.
101.4.4 Acceptance Forms and Nominee Platform must be received at
the IKF Office by September 24 to be placed on the Ballot.
101.4.5 Nominees and their Platforms will appear in the November
issue of Karter News.
December 7.
101.4.8 Ballots will be counted after the Fall Board of Directors
meeting. Results of the election will be place on the website and in
Karter News as soon as possible.
101.4.9 Newly elected Directors will take their office at the January
Board Meeting.
200.1: IKF 2 & 4 Cycle Sprint Tire Groups for Grand Nationals (move)
2-Cycle Sprint classes Senior Super Sportsman and Senior Super
Sportsman Heavy from "Group 2" to "Group 3."
☞ 212 2-Cycle Sprint Grand National Schedule: (Add text): Effective with
the 2011 2 Cycle Sprint Grand National, the date of the event will be
the last two weeks of August or the first two weeks of September.
☞ 212.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes: (Add to list)
Kid Kart 150#
Junior HPV 2 Heavy 330#
Jr. Super Sportsman Heavy 310# Jr. II PRD Spec 320#
Sr. PRD Spec 360#Sr. PRD Spec Heavy 380#
Junior HPV 1 Heavy 250#
Junior I Comer Heavy 235#
Kid Kart Heavy 160#
101.4.6 Ballots will be sent to the membership before November 15.
101.4.7 Voted ballots must be returned to the Accountant by
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
212.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list)
Day 1
1. Kid Kart...........................................................................................150
2. Rookie Sportsman.........................................................................235
3. Jr. Super Sportsman Heavy.........................................................310
4. Sr. PRD Spec...................................................................................360
5. Jr. HPV 1 Heavy............................................................................250
Day 2
1. Kid Kart Heavy.............................................................................160
2. Jr. 1 Comer......................................................................................225
3. Iame Cup................................................................................. per IKF
4. Jr. HPV 2 Heavy............................................................................330
5. HPV 3...............................................................................................340
Day 3
1. Jr. 2 PRD Spec.................................................................................320
2. Sr. PRD Spec Heavy......................................................................380
3. Jr HPV 1...........................................................................................240
4. Jr. Super Sportsman (rlv 2 pipe..................................................300
5. Sr. Super Sportsman (rlv 3 pipe.................................................340
Day 4
1. IKF TaG.................................................................................... per IKF
2. Jr. 1 Comer Heavy.........................................................................235
3. HPV 4...............................................................................................340
4. Jr. HPV 2..........................................................................................310
5. Sr. Super Sportsman Heavy (RLV) 3 pipe................................360
☞ 213.4 Official Schedule (4-Cycle Sprint/Shifter Grand National): (Add to
July 1
Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Lt F200
Jr II Briggs World Formula Briggs World Form Masters
IKF Briggs World Formula Lt Formula 80 Masters
Briggs Animal Hvy Formula 80 Senior
312.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list)
Day 1
Paid Practice
Day 2
TaG Light Formula 80 Junior
Formula 80 Junior Formula 80 Senior
Formula 80 Senior Formula 125 Limited Heavy
Formula 125 Limited Heavy 80cc Laydown
Yamaha Limited Heavy Sprint NCK TaG Enduro II
IKF Briggs World Formula Med Yamaha KT100S Heavy
Rotax Max Junior Rotax Max Junior
Rotax Max Light Rotax Max Light
WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy
TaG Light
Day 3
WC TaG FBO Heavy TaG FBO Heavy
WC Super Stock CR125 WC Super Stock CR125
Yamaha Limited Light Sprint TaG Enduro
IKF Briggs World Formula Heavy Super Stock Sit Up
Intercontinental-E Intercontinental-E
Rotax Max Formula 125 Limited
Formula 125 Limited
July 2
Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Med Masters
Jr II Briggs Animal 125 Stock Moto
Jr II IKF Briggs World Form Hvy Formula 80 Hvy
IKF Briggs World Form Med F200 Hvy
Briggs Gas Animal Day 4
WC Tag FBO Super Stock CR125 Super Stock CR125
80cc Laydown II 125/150 Open FKE II
Yamaha Sptsmn Hvy (Can on a stick) Yamaha KT100S
Light TaG Heavy TaG Heavy
Formula 125 Formula 125
Unlimited/FKE III Unlimited/FKE III
July 3
Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Hvy IKF LTD Mod Briggs Animal
Jr II Briggs Gas Animal Formula 80/85 Jr
IKF Briggs World Form Hvy 125 Stock Moto Hvy
Briggs Animal Med Formula 80 Limited
404 IKF 2-Cycle Speedway/Speedway Midget Grand National Schedule:
(Add text:) 2010 Grand National will be hosted by the Newton
Kart Klub at Newton Kart Track Newton IA,
August 3-6, 2010.
275.5.2: IKF TaG Junior Class (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09 335#
Weight to be reviewed by March 31, 2010.
CHANGE: IKF TaG Senior (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09
385#Weight to be reviewed by March 31, 2010.
404.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes for 2010: (Add to list)
Kid Kart
Junior III Sportsman - 14+ - Junior II without restrictor plate 275#
☞ 404.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list)
August 3rd:
Registration Pre-Tech
Parking Practice 4-9pm
312 IKF Road Race Grand National Schedule: (Add as second and third
For the 2010 Road Race Grand Nationals only, the TaG Enduro
class will run for thirty (30) minutes instead of forty five (45) minutes. All class rules and weights apply per Section 301.
August 4th:
Junior I Heavy Super Sportsman (Super Box)
Junior II Light Yamaha KT100S Light
Junior Midget 5pm Hot Laps
100cc Super Stock Light
August 5th:
Junior II Heavy 200cc Stock
Yamaha KT100S LTD Open Midget
100cc Super Stock Heavy 5pm Hot Laps
Junior I Light
CHANGE: IAME Cup (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09.
☞ 312.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes for 2010: (Add to list)
WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy - 16+ - Weight TBD
NCK TaG Enduro II - 16+ - 410#, TaG Light Weights, 390#, same
class as TaG Enduro (per Section 301), except class will run for
thirty (30) minutes instead of forty five (45) minutes.
WC TaG FBO Heavy - 16+ - TBD
WC Super Stock CR125 - 16+ - 400#
Super Stock Sit Up - 16+ - 320/340#
WC TaG FBO - 16+ - 400#
80cc Laydown II - 16+ - 410#
Yamaha Sportsman (Laydown - can on a stick) - 16+ - 400#
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
august 6th:
Kid Kart
Junior iii sportsman
yamaha KT100s heavy
senior sportsman
super stock Midget
5pm hot laps
august 7th
rain date
603.2.19 pressure/Vacuum test: (Add as second paragraph:)
division and classes that are subject to this test:
division 200 classes, Kid Kart, Junior 1, rookie sportsman, hpv
1 cadet, Junior sportsman.
division 400 classes, Kid Kart, Junior 1 light, Junior 1 heavy,
Junior 2 light, Junior 2 heavy.
657 super stock Cr125 - effective January 23, 2010 (Change Subsections
listed below as noted:)
657.1 Conditions and specifications specific to this class:
657.1.1 This set of rules provides engine rules that can be
used in either road racing or sprint.
657.1.2 guidelines offered in these pages are subject to the
term "spirit and intent" and apply to the technical aspects of
this "stock" shifter kart class. it is expected that all participants will adhere to the spirit and intent of these rules. These
are guidelines for fair and equitable competition. They are
not the basis to "read between the lines" in order to circumvent the intent.
657.3 Cylinder and top end: 1997-1999 cylinders are legal. no
modification or machining of the cylinder is allowed such as
porting, adding or deleting ports, decking of top or bottom of
cylinder, or re-nikasil. cylinder mounting flanges may be spot
faced in the area where the nut meets the flange only. some
factory grinding is performed prior to the nikasil process on
many cylinders. The Technical director reserves the right to
disapprove any cylinder supplied by honda and not modified.
some oeM cylinders may not be acceptable for iKf competition.
cylinder length is 3.311 - 3.316.
base gasket to be stock oeM 1999.
657.3.1 exceptions: stock power valves may be removed and
after market plugs used, with no filing, welding, or modifying of the cylinder. The power valve actuator rod hole may
be plugged. oeM power valve covers may be replaced with
aftermarket plates.
657.3.2 Cylinder Head: head must remain oeM with no modifications or machining of any kind. head must fit factory
profile using the shockwave "stock cr125" profile gauge.
removal of mounting boss and modifications to the water
outlets, for the purpose of hose connection, are allowed.
head gasket must be stock oeM.
squish or deck height measurement through the spark plug
hole will be a minimum of .050 thousandths, using .060
solder. This is not intended to be a minimum or maximum
dimension. This dimension is a "quick" check to determine if
any non-conforming modifications are present.
657.3.4 piston, ring, Wristpin: piston, ring, wristpin and upper
rod bearing must be stock oeM. no modifications of any
kind. lapping the bottom of the ring is permitted.
657.5 intake system:
657.5.3 manifold and reeds: intake manifold must be stock 1999
oeM cr125 (honda part number 16221-KZ4-a10 - most are
marked KZM4) with no modifications. The reed cage must be
1999 cr125 (honda part number 14100-KZ4-J11) after market replacement reeds will be allowed, including mono reeds
or stiffeners. This only allows reeds that may be installed
without modification to the 1999 reed cage and does not permit multi-stage reeds.
657.6 ignition system:
657.6.2 Flywheel: The stator and flywheel must be stock 1999
oeM. only repairs approved by the Technical director may
be done to the wiring. stock flywheel key must remain in
place with no modifications. The left hand lower limiting
plate on the stator must be intact, with no modification.
either the factory limiting plate or sKusa limiting plate
(available from sKusa) may be used. Machined aluminum
stator slots, underneath unmodified limiting plates, are
allowed at this time. no modification to the hold down bolts
is permitted. static timing must be controlled by the stock
stator plate or the sKusa plate. no modification to any of
the components that change the static timing.
657.7 exhaust system:
657.7.1 exhaust: only the following exhausts are allowed.
no modification of any kind is permitted. exhaust flange
is open, but must meet oeM length dimensions. no spacers allowed between cylinder and exhaust flange except one
oeM steel gasket.
rlv r2 standard stinger (part# 6800)
rlv r2 w/cross stinger (part# 6800/c)
rlv r4 (part# 6830)
rce T-3
competitors using either the #6800 or #6800/c pipes are
allowed to reduce their minimum weight by 10 lbs.
657.7.2 silencer: exhaust silencer body shall be a minimum of
12 inches and a maximum of 14.5 inches in length. diameter
will be at least 3 inches. factory produced silencers only, no
modifications allowed.
675 tag engine package specifications Chart (Add to list) parilla
leopard My09 specifications same as parilla leopard.
Membership Information:
International Kart federation
1609 s. Grove ave., suite 105 ontario, Ca 91761,
909-923-4999 www.ikfkarting.com
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
IKF Region 7
Championships Series
Buffalo Bills Report
Article and Photos by Sean Buur
Go Racing Magazine
Presented By
ound 3 of the iKf region 7 championship series presented by bridgestone took place at primm, nevada
in the back parking lot of buffalo bills resort and
casino. Kerman Kart club hosted the event drawing drivers from as far away as new Jersey. for as long as go
racing Magazine has been in karting buffalo bills has been a
grade a event. There is nothing quite like the feeling of getting
out of bed, walking down to the casino, and heading straight
out to the race track in the span of 5 minutes. The convenience
has played a big part in the draw over the years, but so too
has their parking lot, which allows for a multitude of track
designs. iKf region 7 has played host more times than most
here, but events past have seen pro money races from cKc,
and even a round of the wKa constructors championships.
There is something about this place, and seeing a 20% rise in
entries is proof of its popularity.
drivers were forced to endure ever changing conditions all
weekend long. saturday morning was crisp and sunny, but a
storm was brewing in the area and officials were weary of it
and kept a close eye on the clouds and made sure the program
didn’t lose any unnecessary time. The rain began to fall after
the pits were cleared but things didn’t look good for sunday
action. The track was wet as the morning practice kicked off
but qualifying took place in the dry. Two of the heat races
were ran on dry tires, but then a steady drizzle forced most
driver to wets for the rest for the day. halfway through the
finals the taped down scoring loop came up because of the
moisture. out of tape, out of patience and out of dry pavement, the concluding classes were scored old school.
Jake craig, parker Thompson, and carl Modoff were
three drivers who pretty much made things difficult for
others. They were the kings of the castle, master of their
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
domains, and scored half of the total wins.
Jake craig dominated the Junior 2 classes with 4 wins,
sweeping both Kpv 2 and prd Junior 2. undefeated yes,
but easy, no, he earned all of them as he only started from
the pole in one class on saturday. Though winning is everything, drivers like Jason hannegan and haley Jenni came
within inches of victory and breaking craig’s hold on Kpv
and prd. hannegan scored 3 poles and a heat race win, but
craig came up with the results. david vasquez was in the
hunt, but not as high up as we normally see him. The best
win for craig clearly was saturday’s Kpv 2 where he soloed
to a 7 second victory over hannegan. The most exciting finish was saturday as craig took advantage of lap traffic jamming up hannegan on the last lap of the prd Junior 2 race.
craig got just a little better run to the line, nipping the win
by maybe 6 inches.
with only this the 3rd race weekend of the series we see the
main cadet protagonist are parker Thompson and Zane smith.
guys like colton herta, and brenden baker have won races,
while christian brooks, Matt Million and Jake drew are right
there too looking for a way to the front. This weekend didn’t
look so good for Thompson as he had a turn one issue and had
to chase back, plus not scoring a pole always makes things a
little more difficult too. To many these would keep them off
the podium, but for Thompson it was just another day in the
office, hammering out 3 wins in 4 classes. Junior 1 on saturday
was a test as brooks came within 2 tenths of his first win. The
damp conditions were no match for the crafty skill on sunday
as he overcame an 11 second deficit in the rookie sportsman
prefinal to win the final. The same was true in Kpv1, smith
scored the prefinal win, but Thompson found something extra
for the final to complete his hat trick.
double winner carl Modoff, was untouchable in senior
Kpv action all weekend long. The combined Kpv4 and super
pipe class had a boost in entries this weekend thanks to the
lour of buffalo bills. Modoff grabbed the pole on saturday
and went on to distance the field in the prefinal. The final was
more of the same as Modoff went flag to flag for the win. Kyle
wright and Jordan brown rounded out the Kpv podium with
2nd and 3rd. sunday was almost a carbon copy, but this time
buttonwillow’s race winner Kolby araki set on pole. Modoff
managed to get the prefinal win again, but the ever-changing
conditions were difficult on setup. Modoff kept the winning
pace in the final for the second day in a row, this time
besting lloyd Mack and bradley espinoza. it was
good to see “Mad Matt Johnson” in the mix after
having a season or two off. he and his family are
certainly missed by a lot of us old timers.
with 9 of the wins secured by 3 drivers
only 8 classes were left to contest. Those in
attendance were privy
to a rare occurrence,
brothers winning
the same class on
different days.
we ’ v e s e e n
fathers and
sons both take
wins and even
Ril 2010
brothers running different classes but i don’t ever remember
a time when competing siblings split wins.
Kid Karts this weekend was a family affair as the waterman brothers each scoring their first iKf wins. saturday’s
pole went to Myles farhan, but it was braden waterman who
stepped up his game for the prefinal. braden got the drop on
the field to start the final and he never looked back on his
way to his first iKf Kid Kart win. The rest of the Kid Kart
class was left fighting for 2nd place. luis ortiz, hayden wagner, hudson Morrow and carson enright all dueled for the
final podium positions. ortiz originally placed 2nd, but tech
decided otherwise handing the position to wagner. Morrow
completed the top three. sunday saw braden score the pole
over farhan. The prefinal was the first class to have rain and
it jumbled up the field, but braden held on for the win. after
moving up from his 3rd place qualifying position bryson
waterman finished the prefinal in 2nd place and we had an
all waterman front row. bryson rocketed out of the gates to
start the final trailed by his brother and farhan. when your
name has water in it you better perform well when it is wet.
bryson and braden put ten seconds on the pack to score a
waterman 1-2 finish, with younger brother 5-year-old bryson getting his first iKf win. farhan was best of the rest and
finished in 3rd place.
Zane smith was the only other cadet driver to see victory
besides Thompson. smith qualified on pole in saturday’s
Kpv1 race and went on to win the prefinal. The final was
nothing more than a walk in the park for smith as all the
action was set well behind him. as smith cruised
to the win, skylar estrada brought it home with
a great 2nd place finish. Thompson tried every
trick in the book, but estrada kept the upper
hand for his best finish of the year.
Jersey boy chris giumarra set the pace
for saturday’s
super pipe qualifying session,
but he and a
hay bale
had an early
disagreement to end
his prefinal.
bradley espinoza went on
to win, finishing 3rd overall.
leland holden returned to
the seat after
taking some
o ff a n d
in the mix for 2nd. The combined Super Pipe and KPV class
has bragging rights for overall winners, but the Yamaha’s
were no match this weekend for the KPV’s. Espinoza had his
hands full of KPV drivers in the final, but it took a while for
Giumarra to work his way through traffic. A few more laps
and he would have caught Espinoza and challenged for the
win, but instead he settled for 2nd place. Sunday saw Aaron
Koop nudge out Giumarra for the pole and take the prefinal
win. Many of the Super Pipe competitors sat out the prefinal
not wanting to burn off a $200 set of rain tires if it was going
to clear up for the final. Koop kept the Sunday sweep alive by
winning the final over Giumarra and Terry Nash for his first
Super Pipe win of the year.
Senior PRD saw an influx of entries this weekend and it
was a welcomed sight. Bobby Kelley got the ball rolling Saturday with a time of 42.122 in qualifying that was good enough
for the pole. Seeing how many trophies this kid brought home
at the banquet it is never surprising to see him up front. Kolby
Araki gave chase in the prefinal, but Kelley was just a bit out
of reach. The same held true in the final. Kelley got a nice
start while Araki was forced to battle with Devin Lindsey for
2nd place. Kelly pulled out a gap quickly and that was more
than enough to keep it rolling to the checkered flag. Once in
the clear Araki made forward progress, but the best he could
claim was 2nd. Matt Johnson moved up to claim a podium
position for the first time this year after scrapping with Lindsey and Araki.
Sunday’s PRD runs combined with TAG Masters. Devin
Lindsey and Jerry Henderson were the day’s pole sitters,
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
Henderson being in TAG Masters. Henderson put a lap on
the field in the wet prefinal and was a clear favorite heading into the afternoon final. Lindsey too seemed to be on his
game in the semi wet conditions, and since we were in Vegas
I’d bet that they didn’t make many changes to their setups
for the final. Lindsey had no troubles in the final and capped
off his weekend with a solid performance and the race win.
Ariel Jimenez was in the hunt all day long, but Bobby Kelley
managed to get by her and take 2nd place. Jimenez held on
for 3rd. Masters TAG was also a repeat performance by Henderson who bested Ron Honsaker and James Rich.
The winter/spring series comes to a close the last week in
April at CalSpeed.
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
IKF Buffalo Bills
Saturday, March 6, 2010
1 66 Zane Smith
2 11Skylar Estrada
3 80Parker Thompson
4 26Colton Herta
5 19Wyatt May
1 48Carl Modoff
2 47 Kyle Wright
3 33 Jordan Brown
4 92Garrett Wright
5 10 Johnathan Miller
Super Pipe
1 48Carl Modoff
2 6Chris Giumarra
3 3Leland Holden
4 25Christopher Mankin
5 19Aaron Koop
Kid Karts
1 24Braden Waterman
2 15Hayden Wagner
3 1Hudson Morrow
4 11Carson Enright
5 21Dezel West
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
1 00 Jake Craig
2 53 Jason Hannegan
3 18Haley Jenni
4 97Brennen Mankin
5 14Sean Conyers
JR 1
1 80Parker Thompson
2 34Christian Brooks
3 26Colton Herta
4 14 Matt Million
5 29 Jake Drew
1 24Bobby Kelley
2 30 Kolby Araki
3 17 Matt Johnson
4 55Devin Lindsey
5 11Robby Harryman
1 00 Jake Craig
2 53 Jason Hannegan
3 52David Vasquez
4 6Alieja White
5 11Christian Rochester
IKF Buffalo Bills
Sunday, March 7, 2010
1 Rookie Sportsman
1 80 Parker Thompson
2 26Colton Herta
3 34Christian Brooks
4 24Willy Axton
5 8 Justice Lepe
1 00 Jake Craig
2 18Haley Jenni
3 11Christian Rochester
4 53 Jason Hannegan
5 33Brandon Reed
Kid Karts
1 48Bryson Waterman
2 24Braden Waterman
3 98 Myles Farhan
4 1Hudson Morrow
5 11Carson Enright
1 48Carl Modoff
2 33Lloyd mack
3 17 Matt Johnson
4 43 John Wallace III
5 30 Kolby Araki
Super Pipe
1 19Aaron Koop
6Chris Giumarra
31 Terry Nash
66 Max Feyerabend
3Leland Holden
1 80Parker Thompson
2 19Wyatt May
3 66 Zane Smith
4 26Colton Herta
5 48Noah Garza
1 00 Jake Craig
2 53 Jason Hannegan
3 2 Jesse Huaman
4 6Alieja White
5 52David Vasquez
1 55Devin Lindsey
2 24Bobby Kelley
3 29Ariel Jimenez
4 77Luis Martinez Jr
5 11Casey Neuman
PRD Masters
1 10 Jerry Henderson
2 12Ron Honsaker
3 13 James Rich
4 67 Tom Sherman
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
Best in the West
BY jim White
Northern California Karters (NCK for
short) is looking ahead to its 2nd points
race of the season that will take place
at famed Thunderhill Raceway Park in
Willows, CA on May 1, 2010. NCK is the
west coast’s premier road race club that
has, despite tough economic times, put
together an impressive racing schedule
that includes visits to 3 different facilities during the 2010 race season. They
are also the hosting club for this year’s
IKF Road Race Grand Nationals.
Round 1 was held under sunny and
blue skies at Infineon Raceway in February. If you’ve ever wanted to run at the
famed Sonoma, CA course, don’t fret.
NCK brings its tent back to Infineon for
their expanded 2-day event the Western
States Road Race Classic November 26th
and 27th.
Road Racing has declined in popularity in recent years largely due to the ever
increasing costs of track rental. Unlike
sprint racing where clubs typically own
the track that events are held on, road
race clubs must rent the track for each
event. Karters used to the typical sprint
race entry fee ($50-$75) usually encounter sticker shock when seeing the price of
a road race entry, but in reality, the costs
are similar. A typical sprint race gets you
30 mins of practice, a 10 lap heat, and
a 20 lap main. With lap times in the 45
second range, this works out to a total of
approximately 50 mins or $1.00 to $1.50
per min of track time. The typical “All
You Can Race” NCK entry will get you
120 mins of practice and 70 mins of race
time which equates to $1.45 per minute.
Numbers aside, many people prefer
road racing because of strict rules against
contact. “I love road racing because if
you’re faster than the person in front
of you, there is no way that you’re not
getting by. These days, it is not uncommon to run sprint races on tracks that
just weren’t designed for the 55” wide
karts that we run now. Forcing the issue
is not uncommon and I got tired of the
frequent contact and broken parts.”, says
Joe Racer I.
In addition to cleaner racing are the
sustained high speeds that many people find exhilarating and challenging.
A Stock Honda shifter kart can easily
break 110 mph at most tracks. Laydown
and Superkart (250cc to 450cc) type karts
have even higher top speeds. Managing
the draft is often the difference between
winning and second place. “Unless I’ve
got a big lead on the last lap, I generally
do not want to be in front on the last
lap.”, says Joe Racer II. Long straightaways and tight competition makes
photo finishes a pretty common part of
road racing in many classes.
Road racing also doesn't usually
require the “latest and greatest” chassis and equipment. A well tuned older
kart many times outruns that new fancy
machinery. While true in most classes
this is especially prevalent in the Yamaha
sit up classes. Many in the class including
the front runners are using chassis from
the 90's. A couple may even be older
than that. With the current economy this
low cost class is seeing a resurgence in
entries. All you need is to change your
sprint gear ratio add a pipe and you are
ready to race.
TaG karts are also very well represented in road racing. Like the Yamaha
a simple gear change is all thats required
to run on the long tracks. Tight drafting
packs are very common. NCK has class-
es that allow for the use of front brakes
while also offering the more traditional
rear brake only classes.
Because of the higher speeds, road
racing is typically approached differently from the driver’s perspective.
Drivers typically give each other more
room, avoid contact, and “banzai” style
passes. Preparation is key since the sustained vibration of a 30 minute race will
shake things loose that would normally
stay attached at a typical sprint track. To
help ease the transition into road racing,
NCK offers a terrific mentor program for
karters new to road racing. One thing
new road racers always seem to comment on is the helpful, friendly, almost
family atmosphere of road racing. It's
not at all uncommon to see others helping out when a competitor has problems.
Even racers that race in the same classes.
Just last race a new karter in the Yamaha
class had fuel system problems. No less
than 3 other competitors pitched in and
rebuilt his entire fuel system and carb
getting him back in action in time for his
first ever road race. Whether it be parts
or labor most road racers are willing to
lend a hand when needed.
If you wish to join us or for more
information about NCK (including their
full 2010 schedule) or road racing in general, please see their web site at www.
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
Northwest Gold Cup/Rotax Max
Challenge Series Round one
doesn’t disappoint!
article and Photos by NorthwestKartingnews.com
with 156 entries present and accounted for at the 2010 opening round in
richland washington, it was clear saturday morning that northwest gold
cup racing was alive and well.
saturday’s weather was spectacular and the energy throughout the pits
was apparent. for most, it had been a
long off season, and on this day, one
quickly realized, it doesn’t get any better than this.
The italian Motors usa team was
in town to support the newly formed
iaMe cup series and as always they
brought their “a” game. with drivers such as Jurca, blair, valiante, and
hargrove among others everybody
knew they were in for some incredible racing.
Tri-city’s race track is a special place,
it’s unique blend of track configuration,
landscape, and onsite facility’s make it
arguably one the circuits best. The club
and it members represent “well” all that
is important about grass roots, community sponsored racing.
Throughout the weekend, planned
events, and races took place without a
hitch. under the direction of bam racing, bill hettick and crew once again
set a high standard. announcer Terry
bridges of pro sound audio brought
the races to life for the large contingent
of spectators.
saturday’s festivities closed with live
entertainment and barbeque. both were
great, just another day at the track, are
we lucky or what.
sunday was all business, round one
would be decided here, today. The
weather was changing, and word went
through the pits, there would likely be
rain before the day was out.
as i did my best to watch the many
races taking place this day, several
things struck me:
1) i had just witnessed a truly exciting display of kart racing, one that had
spectators on their feet applauding.
That being the iaMe cup senior main,
this was a incredible display of driving
put on by team iM usa which unfortunately ended with a spectacular crash
in turn two. driver Johnny blair walked
away from the incident and was reported to be ok, suffering only a sore neck
and headache.
2) The fight put up by local racer
Joey Mcguire, who simply refused to
bow to the will of a hard charging and
determined phillip arscott, while a disappointed andrew Zimmer could do
little more then look on after an unfortunate spin in turn one left his kart,
himself, and any hopes of a victory in
the rotax senior final off in the grass for
the remainder of the race.
finally, and perhaps most importantly: The young and upcoming talent,
names such as wick, byers, Zamora,
poynor, wallin, carpenter, helmuth,
gannon, o’neil, and a stingray called
robb, just to name a few of the many.
i realized karting in the northwest is
doing just fine.
There is no question that the 4 stroke
classes were in full force this past weekend, when it came to close competitive
racing, they provided it.
SatuRday 4 StRoKe:
JR 1 Briggs animal Light, one of
the larger Jr classes for the weekend
brought some steep competition as
brittney Zamora and sting ray robb
were in the hunt to capture their first
win of the season. both drivers were
headed to the checkered when contact
happened allowing devan smith and
Justin demars who were close behind
an opportunity to score 1st and 2nd.
following was bryce peterson , Kyle
adams, gaetan ertle, Thibaut ertle,
sting ray robb, brittney Zamora, and
Kellen dean rounding out the field.
F200, a grand national class for the
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
2010 iKf grand nationals has brought
out some of the local and national tal
talent as 10 drivers took to the grid with
the high reving f200 engines. The
racing was close and intense as alan
cathey, top qualifier, and david dean
traded places in the first couple of laps.
after lap 5 cathey had the lead and
comfortably distanced himself for the
win but the race was for 2nd thru 5th,
as Joey Miller, corey poynor, Michael
croft and brooke poynor traded spots
throughout the race to round off the
top five positions.
the JR 2 IKF Briggs World Formula
class for 2010 has seen some growth as
several new faces have appeared on the
grid for the first race of the season. Tiffany brown, a local favorite, showed
the way with the number one qualifying position, but it was Michael gutenberger moving up from Jr 1 who was
able keep the pace and get through
in the main to stay in front of Tiffany
brown for the win. david schorn, nick
ferguson along with new comers Max
Mulkey, Jonathon brown finishing out
the field. in the same group were your
Jr 2 briggs animal podium finishers of
Myles pederson, logan livesay, and
hailey groff.
IKF Briggs World Formula Heavy,
gridding the largest class of the weekend was full of excitement as the lawrence brothers Terry and Tim had most
of the field covered. with a quick jump
in the main, Terry lawrence cruised on
his way for the win with Tim coming
from 5th, moved up to 2nd by lap 8.
The excitement was the run for 3rd
place. chris hatch tried but couldn’t
hold off the combo of scott barlee, and
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
austin Moon, as they teamed up to get
by hatch with 3 laps to go in the on
the front straight away. bryan green
feeling lucky made his move on hatch
on the inside straight to finish out the
top five.
SuNday 4 StRoKe:
Briggs Gas animal was a race of
musical chairs with the music stopping
in every corner and lead changing with
it. it was anybody’s guess as to who
was going to win this one. Just when
you thought there was a clear leader,
3 more hungry animals would line up
and move on by in the turns and, no
one place on the track was safe from a
pass. with the lead changes happening
every 10 seconds there was no way to
keep track until the checkered flag. with
corey poynor taking the win, following
up with brett lucas, Joey Miller, Kelly
poynor, and then brooke poynor in the
action with a 5th spot finish.
JR 1 animal Heavy, came a new day
with sunday’s race and it was a good
one. race winner sting ray robb was
driving for his life on this day as devin
smith and brittney Zamora breathing
down sting ray’s bumper the whole
time working him over looking for the
that inch of room to make the pass. sting
ray didn’t let the pressure get to him
as he ran a nearly flawless race holding of his competitors. close behind the
lead group were bryce peterson, Justin
demars, Thibaut ertle, Kyle adams,
and gaetan ertle
JR 2 Brigg Gas animal Heavy saw a
tight group at qualifying and some great
racing in the heat race. david schorn
was able to get a good start in the main
and keep a safe distance for the most
part of the race. Michael gutenberger
and Myles pederson had contact in lap
3 but Michael was able run the fastest
laps of the race but was not able to catch
Schorn. Hailey Groft was able hold on
to 2nd place as Myles Pederson, Michael
Gutenberger, Nick Ferguson, and Logan
Livesay finished out the field.
To make the day finish in a timely manner, World Formula Medium
and World Formula Masters are run
together filling the grid with 18 karts.
With that in mind there is racing action
for position all over the track. Both
Tim and Terry Lawrence were the fast
ones in Medium but there were some
serious threats by both Brett Lucas and
Scott Barlee throughout the race. World
Formula Masters, another tight race
of the top 5, saw Chris Hatch get the
early jump on Schorn at the start and
was able to hold off any advances by
him. Gabriel Kajdy, right behind, just
waited for the opportune time and was
able to make a pass around Schorn late
in the race with Bryan Green and Dana
McDonald bringing in the rest of the
played their racing talent yet again
in the Shifters class throughout the
weekend with Michael Valiante setting the pace on Saturday with a fast
lap of 39.28, putting him on pole, followed by Scott Hargrove in 2nd, Kelly
IAME Leopard Jr 3:
Artie Carpenter was the guy to beat
in IAME Leopard as he qualified on pole
with a fast lap of 39.96. Tanner Dates
qualified 2nd, followed by Paige Wallin
in 3rd, and Colton Shultz in 4th. In Heat
Baker in 3rd, and Antony Halcrow in
the 4th place qualifying spot. The racers went back and forth all weekend
long displaying some amazing driving. In Heat 1 Michael Valiante took
1st place, followed by Kelly Baker in
2nd, Scott Hargrove in 3rd, and Ant-
top five for the race. And what a race
it was all weekend long for the ever so
competitive 4 Stroke classes!
The Italian Motors USA Team dis-
ony Halcrow in 4th. In the end, a very
fast Michael Valiante took home the
win, with Kelly Baker in 2nd, Scott
Hargrove in 3rd, and Mike McGowan
in the 4th place spot.
2 a disappointed Artie Carpenter had
to pull off the track due to a mechanical failure, as a very eager Paige Wallin
made her way to the front for the win.
Tanner Dates followed with a close 2nd,
and Colton Schultz in 3rd. For the main,
Artie Carpenter was able to get his kart
back together, and took home the win
for the IAME Jr class. Colton Schultz
made his way up for the 2nd spot, followed by Tanner Dates in 3rd.
Rotax Mini Max:
If there was any way to win in this
class, a rope would need to be thrown
around the #9 of Kyle Wick. He dominated all weekend starting with a fast
qualifying lap of 42.16 to put him on
pole. Other up and coming young guns
to watch out for; Tyler Brown qualifying in 2nd, Sting Ray Robb in 3rd, and
Marco Eakins in 4th. Kyle Wick took the
first place spot in Heat 1, while Sting
Ray Robb eagerly made his way up to
2nd, Tyler Brown followed in 3rd, with
Marco Eakins in 4th. These young talKARTER NEWS - april 2010
ents went back and forth in Heat 2 to
make for a great race to watch, as a disappointed Tyler Brown was only able to
complete 5 laps. Kyle Wick finished in
1st, a fast Sting Ray Robb in 2nd, Marco
Eakins in 3rd, and Cole Franchinni in
4th. In the main event Kyle Wick took
home first place, with Tyler Brown coming in 2nd, followed by Marco Eakins
in 3rd, and Sting Ray Robb in the 4th
place spot.
Rotax Junior:
It was Artie Carpenter who dominated the Rotax Junior class throughout the weekend starting with a fast
qualifying lap of 39.86 to place him on
pole. Mathew Moniz qualified 2nd, followed by Kyle Byers in 3rd, and Tanner
Dates in 4th. In Heat 2 Artie Carpenter took 1st, with a determined Kyle
Byers making his way up to 2nd, with
right behind him was Austin Hudson
making his way up to 3rd, and a fast
Molly Helmuth who made her way up
to 4th. It was quite the show to watch
these talented racers make their moves
bound and determined to get to the
front. In Heat 2 it was apparent that CJ
Gannon was looking for a piece of the
action as he eagerly made his way to the
forth place spot. Half way through the
main event, the crowd watched as karts
started to spin off the track right and
left due to the rain that began to fall.
The drivers were all given the high sign
to come into the pits to switch to rain
tires. Everyone frantically ran to their
trailers to gather rain set up equipment.
The juniors returned to the track and
started the remained of the race single
file in the order of the last completed
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
lap. It was then made clear Kyle Byers’
ability to charge hard in the rain as he
passed Artie Carpenter for the lead
never looking back. The rain continued
to come down hard as Kyle Byers took
the checkered for 1st place. Artie Carpenter came in 2nd, Mathew Moniz 3rd,
and CJ Gannon in 4th.
Rotax Micro Max/ Gazelle cadet:
Seth Appel set the pace for the Micro
Max/ Gazelle class qualifying on pole
with a fast lap of 46.68. Deirdra O’neil
qualified in 2nd, with Job Kandris in
3rd, and Sara Brinkac in 4th. Deirdra
O’neil drove hard and had a great race
weekend making her way up to 1st
place in Heat 1 never to look back, with
Seth Appel in 2nd, Sara Brinkac in 3rd,
and Mason Morgan in 4th. Mason Morgan was a man on a mission as he made
is way up to the second place spot in
Heat 2. But at the end of the day it was
Deirdra O’neil who kept the lead taking home the win, followed by the very
fast Job Kandris who drove hard to the
2nd place spot, putting Mason Morgan
in 3rd, and Seth Appel in 4th.
One for record books, this weekend
was truly a winner! NWKnews Congratulates all the competitors who turned
out to support their region! A region
steeped in history and tradition.
See you all Friday April 23 – 25 in
Richland, WA. when the Seattle Kart
Club will host Round Two.
2010 GRAND
June 29-July 2, 2010
Buttonwillow Raceway Park,
Buttonwillow, CA
Northern Claifornia Karters
June 30-July 3, 2010
Horn Rapids Kart Track,
Richland , WA
Tri City Kart Club
July 12-16, 2010
University Plains Speedway,
Brookings, SD.
South Dakota Kart Club
June 22-26, 2010
Willow Springs Kart Track,
Willow Springs, CA
Willow Springs kart Club
August 3-6, 2010
Newton Kart Track, Newton, IA
2010 Regional
In order to qualify for year end awards, you must
run 8 out of 10 races. Any Maxxis tire.
May 15, 2010
University Plains Speedway, Brooking, SD
Loren Zomer 605-366-6789
May 16, 2010
University Plains Speedway, Brooking, SD
Loren Zomer 605-366-6789
May 29, 2010
GSR Kartway 11C, Clintonville, WI
Race Day Phone 920-687-0352
May 30, 2010
GSR Kartway 11C, Clintonville, WI
Race Day Phone 920-687-0352
June 12, 2010
Atwater Karting Speedway, Atwater, MN
Steve Minnehan 320-979-5294
June 13, 2010
Atwater Karting Speedway, Atwater, MN
Steve Minnehan 320-979-5294
July 31, 2010
Douglas County Fairgrounds, Alexandria,
Runestone Go Kart
Tim Bitzan 320-808-1014
August 1, 2010
Douglas County Fairgrounds
Alexandria, MN
Runestone Go Kart
Tim Bitzan 320-808-1014
August 21, 2010
Cottonwood Speedway, New Harford, IA
Scott Edwards 319-346-1033
August 22, 2010
Cottonwood Speedway, New Harford, IA
Scott Edwards 319-346-1033
Series Coordinator
Andy Bear, Bear Motor Sports
Cell 651-260-8278, Home: 715-749-3626
930 70th Ave Roberts, WI 54023
2010 Classes:
Junior I Briggs Animal Light
Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy
Junior II Briggs Animal Light
Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy
Briggs Animal Light
Briggs Animal Medium
Briggs Animal Heavy
Blue Wazoom OHV Heavy
Briggs Animal Masters
Junior Gas Briggs Animal
April 24, 2010
Harvey Caplin Memorial
Alburquerque Speedway Karting
May 29-30, 2010
Harvey Caplin Memorial
Alburquerque Speedway Karting
June 26, 2010
Kart Kanyon Speedway
Four Corners Kart Club
August 21, 2010
Harvey Caplin Memorial
Alburquerque Speedway Karting
September 4-5, 2010
Kart Kanyon Speedway
Four Corners Kart Club
Contact: Jay Jacobellis
Colorado Junior Karting Club 303-683-0333
April 18
Action Karting (Bandimere)
Morrison, CO
May 16
CRE Motorsports Park
Colorado Springs, CO
June 6
IMI Motorsports
Erie, CO
July 18
Action Karting (Bandimere)
Morrison, CO
August 8
Grand Junction Motor Speedway
Grand Junction, CO
August 29
CRE Motorsports Park
Colorado Springs, CO
September 12
IMI Motorsports - New Track
Erie, CO
September 26
Action Karting (Bandimere)
Morrison, CO
October 9
2010 CJKC Family Celebration & IKF
Awards Banquet
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
April 16-18, 2010 • SPRING NATIONAL
Texas World Speedway w/USSK,
College Station, TX.
SWRA /Jim McMillan www.swra.org
May 14-16, 2010
Oak Hill Raceway,
C ELEDHenderson, TX.
SWRA /Jim McMillan www.swra.org
June 18-20, 2010 • SUMMER NATIONAL
Eagles Canyon, Slidell, TX.
SWRA /Jim McMillan www.swra.org
July 16-18, 2010
Hallet Motor Racing Circuit w/MARRS
Jennings, OK Hosted by MARRS
SWRA /Jim McMillan www.swra.org
August 6-8, 2010
Texas World Speedway,
College Station, TX.
SWRA /Jim McMillan www.swra.org
September 17-19, 2010 • FALL NATIONAL
SWRA /Jim McMillan www.swra.org
October 15-17, 2010 • WINTER NATIONAL
SWRA /Jim McMillan www.swra.org
Must race in 4 out of 5 races to qualify for
year end awards.
April 10, 2010
I-20 Speedway
Winona TX
Carrie Snyder 903-780-2998
May 8, 2010
Cactus Speedway
Bullard TX
June 12, 2010
Kam Kartway
Rhome TX
August 14, 2010
Texas Twister
Texarkana TX
September 11, 2010
Texoma Motor Speedway
Wichita Falls TX
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
Must participate in 50% + 1 of scheduled
events to be eligible for year end awards.
May 29-30, 2010
Delaware Speedway, Delaware , IA
Intersection of Hwy 20 & Hwy 38
June 5-6, 2010
Cottonwood Speedway
26151 Westbrook St
New Hartford IA
June 19-20, 2010
Karters Track, Cherokee IA
Terry Graybill 712-229-2294
July 31 - August 1, 2010
Newton Kart Club, Newton IA
August 28-29, 2010
Thunder Valley Speedway, Massena IA
Region 5 Speedway Class List
Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy
Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy
Briggs Animal Heavy
Junior I 2 Cycle Heavy
Yamaha KT100S Heavy
Junior I Heavy
Junior II Heavy
Stock Heavy
Junior II 2 Cycle Heavy
Open Dual Combo
Speedway Midgets TBA
2010 IKF Briggs & Stratton
Midwest Speedway Tour
Series Coordinator
Doug Johnson 605-359-4955
Best 4 out of 5 for series except Jr. Gas, Briggs
Animal Masters and Briggs LO206 at best 8 out
of 10 for the series. Any Maxxis tire.
May 22-23, 2010
Wavelink Raceway Park, Waverly NE
June 5-6, 2010
University Plains Speedway, Brookings, SD
June 19-20, 2010
Rolling Thunder Speedway, Huron, SD
July 3-4, 2010 - Rain Date
University Plains Speedway, Brookings, SD
August 7-8, 2010
Aberdeen Karting Club, Aberdeen, SD
September 4-5, 2010
Heartland Speedway, Rapid City, SD
September 6, 2010 - Rain Date
Mike Schorn 503-324-9072
April 10, 2010
Northwest Road Racers
Oregon Raceway Park, Grass Valley OR
William Bowes, nwroadrace@hotmail.com
May 1, 2010
Practice April 30, 2010
PSRRA, Bremerton Raceway, Bremerton WA
Paul Clifton, darkcobalt@hotmail.com
May 15, 2010 Spring National
PKA/PIR, Portland OR
Mike Schorn 503-324-9072
June 6, 2010
June 19, 2010
PKA/PIR, Portland OR
Mike Schorn, 503-324-9072
July 17, 2010 Summer National
Practice July 16, 2010
PSRRA, Pacific Raceway, Kent WA
Paul Clifton, darkcobalt@hotmail.com
September 11, 2010 Fall National
Practice September 10, 2010
PSRRA, Bremerton Raceway, Bremerton WA
Paul Clifton, darkcobalt@hotmail.com
october 2, 2010 Winter National
PKA/PIR, Portland OR
Mike Schorn 503-324-9072
october 16, 2010
Practice October 15, 2010
Westwood Karting Association
Mission Raceway Park, Mission BC Canada
Stan Crocker 360-966-4807
reGIon 6 sPrInT
april 23-25, 2010
Horn Rapids Raceway, Richland, WA
Seattle Kart Club/NW Karting Assoc.
Bill Hettick 206-353-6569
may 28-30, 2010
Spokane Raceway Park, Spokane, WA
Spokane Kart Racing Assoc.
Randy Wilson 509-990-4550
June 11-13, 2010
Westwood Kart Assoc., Mission, BC
July 23-25, 2010
West Coast Kart Club, Chilliwack, BC
Greg Moore
David Warner, davidwarner@shaw.ca
august 6-8, 2010
Mountain High Raceway, Spanaway, WA
Puget Sound Go Kart Association
Jack Lehmann 253-536-4215
august 20-22, 2010
McMinnville Raceway, McMinnville, OR
Portland Karting Association
Michael Schorn 503-324-9072
september 3-5, 2010
Glen Morgan Raceway, Boise, ID
Snake River Karters
Steve Vatcher 208-573-7899
september 17-19, 2010
Sumas Int'l Motorsport Academy
Sumas, WA
Claudio Valianti 604-253-4248
No Points - Punch Only Race
Bill Hettick, vghrock@comcast.net
reGIon 11 sPrInT
**shifter / tag license are required
in region 11 sprint**
april 11, 2010
Stockton Motorplex Park, Stockton, CA
Chris Ranuio 209-595-2200
may 2, 2010
All Star Karting, Prairie City CA
Joey Hand, 916-383-5278
June 6, 2010
Atwater Kart Club, Atwater, CA
Atwater Kart Club
Brent Trueblood 209-247-0241
July 11, 2010
Desert Park Raceway, Reno NV
North Nevada Kart Club
Brian Rivera www.nnkc.com
reGIon 11 road raCe
Contact for all events:
Roger Miller 408-286-5487
May 1, 2010 • Spring National
Thunderhill Raceway, Willows, CA
May 29, 2010 • Summer National
Buttonwillow Raceway Park,
Bakersfield, CA
August 14, 2010 • Fall National
Buttonwillow Raceway Park,
Bakersfield, CA
4 Races - No Drops
2010 iKF road race grand National
June 29 - July 2, 2010
Buttonwillow Raceway Park,
Bakersfield, CA
2010 IKF
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
Hot ofF the Press
SIMA and IMUSA break ground at new
Kart Racing Facility
Feb 25, 2010 - SIMA, the Sumas International Racing Academy is a brand new
state of the art karting facility located
in Sumas, WA. Construction of the ¾
mile 17 corner circuit began on Feb 18,
2010 with the estimated time of completion expected in June. SIMA will have
individual garages available for storage, racing schools, kart rentals and
even a racing series. SIMA International
raceway will also be home to Italian
Motors USA where a 30,000 square foot
shop has already been constructed and
where IMUSA has operated from since
2006. “I am very excited about the new
facility,” said Claudio Valiante from an
onsite interview in Sumas. “I think it is
everyone’s dream to have a kart track at
their disposal anytime and to be able to
offer that not only to our customers but
the karting community it is very exciting. You can never have enough tracks
in my opinion. Furthermore, Italian
Motors USA will be located at the track
and we will be able to service any karting needs. It is a very exciting time to say
the least.”
Sima International raceway is scheduled to open in June. Check back regularly on www.simaracing.com for the
launch of the new site!
Rock Island Grand Prix announces
class lineup for Sept. 4-5, 2010 event
ROCK ISLAND, ILL – The Rock Island
Grand Prix, the world’s largest karting street race presented by AT&T,
has announced its class lineup for
2010. New to the program will be the
biggest 4-cycle International (clone)
sprint race of the year.
The karts and motors in the 4-cycle International or clone class will
undergo strict pre-race safety and
motor tech on Friday. They will pay
a lower entry fee and no purse will
be paid. Once approved by officials,
motors will be painted. Other 4-cycle
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
classes will be Animal Heavy and the
“Rumble at The Rock” Animal Medium feature race.
1. King of the Streets (SKUSA S1 Pro
Stock Moto)
2. 4-cycle International (Clone)
3. TAG Masters 380-410 20
4. 2-cycle Super Sportsman Heavy 365 15
5. N. American Street Championship
(KZ2 shifter) 37520
6. 4-cycle Sr. Animal Heavy
375 15
7. TAG Senior 350-380 20
8. Rotax Junior 32020
9. 2-cycle Pipe Heavy
350/355/360 15
10. 125cc Masters
11. Rotax Senior 36520
12. 2-cycle Super Sportsman Med. 340 15
13. TAG Junior (TAG USA rules)
14. Rumble at The Rock (Sr. Animal
Med.) 350 15
15. IAME Leopard
For more information on the Rock Island
Grand Prix, visit our web site at rockislandgrandprix.com.
new tb kart models for 2010
TB Kart Monster Mini Kart
TB Kart Monster Baby Kart
For more information: info@tbkart.it
february 2010
Jim Rumfalo..................................................................... OR
Eric Rumfalo.................................................................... OR
Joshua Ingle..................................................................... OR
Isaiah Ingle....................................................................... OR
Frank Marretti................................................................. NV
Gianna Marretti............................................................... NV
Gino Marrretti.................................................................. NV
David Mitchell................................................................ CA
Cathy Ray........................................................................ CA
Wesley Sumner............................................................... CA
Trevor Sumner................................................................ CA
Stephen Stein.................................................................. CA
Nicholas Stein................................................................. CA
Wesley Stein.................................................................... CA
Ethan Garrett...................................................................WA
Marty Swanson.................................................................WI
Scott Swanson...................................................................WI
Joel Philips....................................................................... AZ
John Roberts......................................................................LA
Bill Kaiser......................................................................... NV
Cory Ray........................................................................... NV
Grant Vermillion............................................................. NV
Kanyan Vermillion.......................................................... NV
Shawn Mills.................................................................... CA
Harrisson Mills............................................................... CA
Mark Farhan................................................................... CA
Myles Farhan.................................................................. CA
William Adams............................................................ CAN
Kyle Adams.................................................................. CAN
Keath Beifus..................................................................... AZ
Dana Beifus...................................................................... AZ
Luke Beifus...................................................................... AZ
Taylor Schell..................................................................... NV
Rachel Schell.................................................................... NV
Steve Adkins....................................................................WA
Steven Benjamin............................................................. MN
Omar Villaola.................................................................. CA
Joshua Cole .................................................................... CA
Andy Halbert...................................................................WA
Burris Racing....................................................................... 7
Courtney Concepts........................................................... 28
Coyote Products................................................................ 29
Dave’s Performance Karting........................................... 28
Fleming Racing.................................................................. 30
G-Man Kart Works............................................................ 29
Haddock, Ltd..................................................................... 28
Jim Hall II Racing Schools............................................... 29
K&P Manufacturing......................................................... 28
Kart-O-Rama...................................................................... 29
LAKC.................................................................................. 30
Mike’s Kart Stands............................................................ 29
Mike Manning Karting..................................................... 28
MXK Racing....................................................................... 28
Nash's Hyper Racing Engines......................................... 28
National Kart News............................................................ 7
Penton Racing Products................................................... 29
PKS Kart Supplies............................................................. 28
Position One....................................................................... 29
Pitts Performance.............................................................. 29
Race Kart Engineering...................................................... 30
RLV Tuned Exhaust Products......................................... 29
Russell Karting Specialties................................................ 2
Scribner Plastics................................................................. 28
Stroud Design, Inc............................................................ 30
Target Distributors.............................................................. 4
Tri-City Karters, Reg. 7 Entry Form............................... 20
TS Racing............................................................................ 29
Turk Brothers Racing.......................................................... 3
Woltjer Racing Engines.................................................... 28
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
Performance Racing Ignitions
Importer & Distributor
Phone: 440-989-4474 Fax: 440-989-4476
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
Want an economical way
to reach your customers?
Take a look at a “Business Card” ad in the NEW Karter News
“Virtual” Magazine.
One low rate gets you into all 10 virtual issues,
the printed editions of the Annual Grand National Yearbook
and the Competition Regulations & Technical Manual!
Call the I.K.F. office 909-923-4999
for more information.
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010
National Coordinator - Rick Scribner,
5475 Laird Road,
Loomis, CA 95650...................(916) 652-3905
. ...................................... FAX (916) 652-3910
Rule Book Coordinator - IKF Office,
1609 S. Grove Ave. Ste. 105
Ontario, CA 91761...................(909) 923-4999
. ...................................... FAX (909) 923-6940
Rule Book Text Editor - Roger Miller,
600 Pamiar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128
. .............................................(408) 286-5487
Track/Club/Promoter Relations
International Kart Federation
1609 S. Grove Avenue, Suite 105,
Ontario, CA 91761...................(909) 923-4999
. ....................................... FAX(909) 923-6940
Waiver Chairperson (Sprint)
Art Verlengiere
2351 Thompson Way Bldg A
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Waiver Chairperson (Road Race)
Mike Schorn
P.O. Box 373
Banks, OR 97106....................(503) 324-9072
Waiver Chairperson (Speedway)
William Hilger
5910 Skylark Lane
Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284
Coordinator - (SPRINT) Joan Cressi
131 Sea Cliff Ave.,
Glen Cove, NY 11542..............(516) 676-3303
Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open
New Jersey Governor - Open
E. New York Governor - Open
W. New York Governor - Open
Coordinator & North Carolina Gov - Erica Bear
8316 Paces Oaks Blvd #732,
Charlotte, NC 28213................(651) 253-1090
Coordinator (SPRINT) - Open
Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Andy Bear
930 70th Avenue,
Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626
Indiana Governor - Open
Illinois Governor - Open
Minnesota Governor - Open
Wisconsin Governor - Mark Alton
P.O. Box 224
Woodville, WI 54028................(715) 928-0691
Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Adam Mollenkopf
6032 Celestial Avenue NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114.........(505) 269-7853
Coordinator (SPRINT) Jay Jacobellis
2872 Greensborough Drive
Highland Ranch, CO 80129.....(303) 683-0333
New Mexico Governor - Timothy Baird,
PO Box 2559,
Edgewood, NM 87015.............(505) 286-9132
Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) Jim McMillan
8216 Apollo Drive
Joshua, TX 76058...................(817) 296-7683
Coordinator 4B - (SPRINT) Open
Coordinator 4B - (SPEEDWAY) Gene Harville
106 Allwright,
Gladwater, TX 75647...............(318) 469-8586
Coordinator 4B - (PAV SPWY) Francis Rougeou
1040 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890
KARTER NEWS - april 2010
Louisiana Governor - Francis Rougeou
1040 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890
Texas Governor - Hank Cantrell
4129 Walsh Lane
Grand Prairie, TX 75052..........(214) 395-9335
Coordinator - (SPRINT/PAV SPWY/SPWY)
Co-Coordinator- Todd Vesterly
903 Harding Ct
Webster City, IA 50595............(515) 835-2508
Co-Coordinator- Jeff Havlik
209 Michigan Avenue
Iowa Falls, IA 50126................(641) 373-0137
Iowa Governor - Corey Kemp
1756 65th Street
Garrison, IA 52229..................(319) 981-0908
Missouri Governor - Open
Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Doug Johnson
4513 S. Highland Avenue,
Sioux Falls, SD 57103
. .............................................(605) 359-4955
Nebraska Governor - William Hilger
5910 Skylark Lane,
Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284
Kansas Governor - Frank Merando,
7726 S.E. Second,
Tecumseh, KS 66542..............(785) 379-0496
North Dakota Governor - Open
South Dakota Governor - Loren Zomer
P O Box 254
Canton, SD 57013...................(605) 366-6789
Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Chris Hatch
368 NW Denton
Dallas, OR 97338....................(503) 569-1233
Coordinator - (SPRINT) Bill Hettick
5127 215th Street SE
Woodinville, WA 98072............(206) 353-6569
Coordinator - (PAVE SPWY) Open
Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open
Idaho - Roger Cathey
2061 N. Currant Place,
Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 378-0610
Oregon - Mike Schorn
PO Box 373 Banks, OR 97106,.(503)324-9072
Washington - Bob Thompson,
E 12924 Olive Avenue,
Spokane, WA 99216 . .............(509) 924-6755
Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Open
Coordinator - (SPRINT) Art Verlengiere,
2351 A Thompson Way,
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Open
Arizona - Open
Hawaii - Tim Hultquist,
52 Kopi Lane #103,
Wailuku, HI 96793...................(808) 242-9736
South California - Sharon Barros,
602 Fountain Ave,
Redlands, CA 92373................(909) 709-1642
South California Lt. Gov. - Open
South Nevada - Keith St. George,
10758 Vestone Street
Las Vegas, NV 89141.................(702) 289-6049
Governor and Coordinator - Stan Crocker,
PO Box 187
Everson, WA 98247.................(360) 966-4807
Governor/Coordinator - Gabe Kajdy,
10224 8th Street SW
Calgary ALB,Canada T2W OH2....(403) 252-5262
Co-Coordinator - (SPRINT) - Art Verlengiere
2351 A Thompson Way,
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Co-Coordinator - (SPRINT) - Ed Diederich
1308 Hallertau Drive,
Sparks, NV 89441...................(775) 424-3797
Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Roger Miller
600 Pamlar Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487
Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open
No. California Governor - Roger Miller
600 Pamlar Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487
No. Nevada Governor - Glenn McKinnon
2540 Beaumont Pkwy,
Reno, NV 89523......................(775) 560-2708
Utah Governor - Open,
National Tech Director - 2-Cycle:
Jack Hoegerl (Chairman)
4205 29th Ave.
Rock Island, IL 61201..............(309) 793-0118
Lynn Haddock
7585 Short Tail Springs Road,
Harrison, TN 37341.................(423) 698-0847
Terry Ives
6705 Almond Knoll Court,
Granite Bay, CA 95746............(916) 201-7707
John Motley
2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40
Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060
National Tech Director - 4-Cycle:
Terry Nash (Chairman),
8438 Loma Place,
Upland, CA 91786...................(909) 981-9611
Lee Miller,
2433 8th Ave.,
Council Bluffs, IA 51501..........(402) 306-4774
Roger Cathey,
2061 N. Currant Place,
Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 378-0610
Chuck Sloggett,
11888 Deer Ridge Road,
Custer, SD 57730....................(605) 673-2203
David Snyder,
17538 FM RD 2493
Flint, TX 75762........................(903) 894-3262
Syd White
24 Paseo Hermoso,
Salinas, CA 93908...................(831) 484-1302
Mark Alton
P.O. Box 224,
Woodville, WI 54028................(715) 928-0691
Jody Mitrevics
3202 S. Summit Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57105.............(605) 201-5588
George Shear
RR 4 Box 445
Eufaula, OK 74432..................(918) 618-6800
Mike Schorn
P.O. Box 373
Banks, OR 97106....................(503) 324-9072
Doug Norgaard
312 Glenwood Drive,
Brandon, SD 57005.................(605) 351-9223
Shifter Tech Committee:
John Motley (Chairman),
2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40
Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060
Terry Hegar,
15600 SE For Mor Court
Clackamas, OR 97015.............(503) 659-1234
Don Holmboe
9399 S.W. Tigard Street
Tigard, OR 97223....................(503) 624-0621
John Sefcik
P.O. Box 445, 1152 PR7905
Hawkins, TX 75765.................(903) 769-4140
Road Race:
Don Holmboe (Chairman)
6510 SW 204th Place
Aloha, OR 97007.....................(503) 642-5852
Debbie Kuntze
660 Bel Air Drive
Vista, CA 92084......................(760) 941-6448
Chris Hegar,
15600 SE For Mor Ct.,
Clackamas, OR 97015.............(503) 659-1234
Roger Miller
600 Pamlar Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487
Mike Jones
4910 Getha Lane
Sachse, TX 75048...................(214) 882-6823
Art Verlengiere (Chairman)
2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Lynn Haddock
PO Box 11
Ooltewah, TN 37363
Les Hand
7912 Red Wolf Way
Sacramento, CA 95829
Kent Laukaitis
3775 Cundiff Road
Decatur, IL 62526
Keith Freber
3233 South Kingshighway
St. Louis, MO 63139
Bill Hilger (Chairman),
5910 Skylark Lane,
Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284
Brad Swiggart
2900 S. 70th St. #300
Lincoln, NE 68506...................(402) 484-3892
Ralph Woodard
2417 North 84th Street
Omaha, NE 68134...................(402) 926-2370
David Snyder
17538 FM RD 2493
Flint, TX 75762........................(903) 894-3262
Andy Bear
930 70th Avenue
Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626
Daniel Koopman
21580 State Hwy 60
Brewster, MN 56119...............(507) 842-5510
Doug Norgaard
312 E. Glenwood Drive
Brandon, SD 57005.................(605) 351-9223
Adam Mollenkopf,
6032 Celestial Avenue NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114.........(505) 269-7853
John Motley (Chairman)
2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40
Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060
Don Moormeister
757 E, Havasupai Street
Meridian ID, 83646.................(208) 420-0631
Terry Nash,
8438 Loma Pl,
Upland, CA 91786...................(909) 981-9611
Rick Scribner,
5475 Laird Road,
Loomis, CA 95650...................(916) 652-3905
Jack Hoegerl
4205 29th Ave.
Rock Island, IL 61201..............(309) 793-0118
Karter news
ews Magazine is the official publication
of the international Kart federation. Thank you to all
of our Members and future Members for
reading this issue.
please consider the advertisers in Karter news
Magazine, the iKf web site, and our regional and
national sponsors for your karting business.
They are here to support you and iKf Karting.
we always welcome your comments, suggestions,
and of course, article and photo submissions!
instructions and more information here:
guidelines for Karter news article submission.
KARTER NEWS - ApRil 2010