BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN! - International Kart Federation
BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN! - International Kart Federation
9 AuguST boARd of diREcToRS phoNE mEETiNg miNuTES I N T E R N A T I O N A L K A R T F E D E R A T I O N • V O L U M E 4 9 , N O . SEpTEmbER 2009 O F T H E back in the saddle again! P U B L I C A T I O N kn publisher gives it another go T H E O F F I C I A L 2-cYcle speedwaY/Midget, speedwaY paveMent 2 cYcle sprint grand national results regional points KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 1 Discover Service Russell Karting’s Catalog No.49, New and Evolved. Call or email us at for Russell’s Catalog No.49 2 Everything for Karting from One Source Orders Toll Free: 888-KARTING Info: 816-322-3330 Order OnLine 24/7 Selection Secure Satisfaction KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 3 4 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 ON THE COVER: Last minute advice from Kelly Read to Felton Stroud at Hallett, photo by Whitney Stroud THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL KART FEDERATION • VOL. 49, NO. 9 • September 2009 Table of Contents Membership news & Welcome New Members......................................................................... 6 Tech and Rule Updates...................................................................................................................... 7 First ever IKF Grand National annual publication information..................... 10 August 2009 Phone Board Meeting Minutes.........................................................................11 Back in the Saddle again: a Weekend road racing at Hallet............................. 13 SWRA/Hallet MARRS RAce Results............................................................................................ 18 Hot off the Press................................................................................................................................. 19 Stroud reunites with Road Racing at combined MARRS/SWRA event at Hallet, Oklahoma - page 13 Points Standings................................................................................................................................. 20 Grand Nationals Results.............................................................................................................. 24 Regional Map......................................................................................................................................... 24 Advertiser Index ................................................................................................................................ 27 Regional Events.................................................................................................................................. 27 ikf Governors, coordinators and committees.............................................................. 29 Former karter Bobby Runyan further establishes himself at Formula Ford 40th Anniversary - page 19 IKF Board of Directors BILL HILGER - President, 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516....................................................(402) 416-1284 Fax (402) 489-7370 Note to all Competitors: The IKF does not endorse or determine the competition legality of products and services advertised in Karter News Magazine, the Competition Regulations & Technical Manual, and on the IKF Web Site. The competitor is responsible for determining the legality of all their equipment for use in IKF sanctioned events. If you, as a competitor, have any questions about the legality or safety of your kart, please ask the appropriate official at your race. For tech or safety issues, ask the Tech Director. For race procedures or general items, ask the Race Director. KARTER NEWS - September 2009 RICK SCRIBNER - Vice President, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650..........................................(916) 652-3905 Fax (916) 652-3910 DON HOLMBOE - Secretary, 9399 S.w. Tigard Street, Tigard, OR 97223.........................................(503) 624-0621 JACK HOEGERL - Co-Treasurer, 3022 20th Ave., Rock Island, IL 61201.......................................... (309) 793-0118 Fax (309) 793-0111, Email: ART VERLENGIERE - Co-Treasurer, 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A, Santa Maria, CA 93455 GLENN ARAKI, 2615 Business Park Ave., Fresno, CA 93727............................................................(559) 291-0570 JOHN MOTLEY, 2130 Golden Hill Road, Unit 40, Paso Robles, CA 93446......................................(805) 238-7060 Fax (805) 238-0323 GARY RICHTER, 4273 Whistlewood Court, Reno, NV 89509...........................................................(775) 772-7869 Fax (775) 850-2929, Email: MICHAEL SCHORN, P.o. Box 373, Banks, OR 97106..........................................................................(503) 324-9072 5 MEMBERSHIP NEWS VOLUME 49, NO.9 • September 2009 Karter News is the official monthly publication of the International Kart Federation. Editor Pat Eldridge ( Production Coordinator Felton Stroud / Stroud Design, Inc. International Kart Federation: Advertising, Membership and Subscription information: Office: 909/923-4999, Office Fax: 909/923-6940 website: Address: International Kart Federation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761 International Kart Federation Staff: Pat Eldridge ( Carmen Carranza ( Cynthia Enriquez ( Karter News (ISSN: 0096-3216) is published monthly by the International Kart Federation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761. When applicable, preferred periodicals postage paid at Ontario, CA and additional offices. There is no restriction to access the virtual issues (January to October) on the International Kart Federation website. The printed issues: the Grand Nationals Yearbook and the Competition Regulations and Technical Manual, will be mailed to members as part of the I.K.F. member’s benefits. These two printed issues may be purchased individually. To join I.K.F., send $60.00 for one year’s membership - U.S. funds only. Editorial information: Karter News Magazine, 437 W. Wilshire, Ste. C, Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Phone: 405/840-3158, Fax: 405/843-1465, e-mail: At least six weeks notice will be required to effect an address change. When making an address change, please use postal forms and give the old address as well as the new and the effective date. When possible, please furnish the mailing label from the latest magazine. Send to Karter News Circulation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Karter News Circulation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761. Tech and Article contributions: Karter News welcomes any such contributions, but assumes no responsibility for the return or safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. Material to be returned should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with the correct return postage. Deadline for all submitted material is the first of the month two months prior to the month of publication For display advertising space rates, please contact the International Kart Federation at 909/923-4999. All material published herein is copyrighted by the International Kart Federation and may be reprinted only by written permission by the President of the Board of Directors. I.K.F. Office Telephone: 909/923-4999, Fax: 909/923-6940 Competition Regulations and Technical Manual: The International Kart Federation, Inc., is the sole owner of the right to use the Competition Regulations and Technical Manual. The use of any rule in this rule book or any other later promulgated rule or regulation is expressly prohibited, without written permission from the International Kart Federation, Inc. Unauthorized use of the Competition Regulations and Technical Manual is with the assumption of any and all risks, with the user expressly required to indemnify (as a Type 1 indemnity), defend, and hold harmless the International Kart Federation, Inc., its officers, directors, employees and members. The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules and regulations shall govern the conditions of all events and by participating in these events, all members are deemed to have complied with these rules. No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators or others. Publication of any advertisement shall not be considered an endorsement of the product or services involved. © 2009 International Kart Federation 6 joe souslEy, avid karter and producer of the duffy passes away : The International Kart Federation has learned of the recent passing of Mr. Joe Sousley, the original producer of the IKF Duffy. Mr. Sousley passed away on August 9th at the age of 77. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his daughter, Jana, and her mother, Virginia. IKF President BIll Hilger had recently traveled to visit with Mr. Sousley and was planning on returning after the Grand Nationals. We are saddened that a part of IKF history has disappeared with the passing of Mr. Sousley. attention region 7 Sprint! class weight change The Rookie Sportsman class will be run at 235 lbs. for the remainder of 2009. IKF Board of dirctors’ meeting schedule September 2009 Board Meeting - September 19-20, 2009, Ontario, CA. Sheraton Ontario Airport Hotel, 429 North Vineyard Avenue, Ontario CA 91764 Call 909-937-8000 or 800-325-3535 for reservations. Ask for IKF room discount no later than September 7, 2009 photos needed! We are always on the look out for new photos for the web site! Especially you juniors! Send in your photos with a description of the picture and some information about your racing. Click on this link for information on photo and text submissions to the IKF. (click here) Who knows? You may see yourself featured on the IKF web site in the near future! NEW MEMBERS July 2009 Scott Saunders..............AUS Norman Coffey............... CA. Thomas Sullivan............. CA James Foff . .....................NV James Otani..................... CA Fredric Allen................... CA Stephen Ward.................. OR Stacy Ward...................... OR Kasen Ward..................... OR Tim Brown....................... OR Lisa Krager......................WA. John Lamier..................... CA Kelly McCarter.................IA Kory McCarter..................IA Timothy Titus....................IA Chance Titus.....................IA Curt Harrison...................IA. Chris Harrison..................IA Andrew Rice.....................IA Dennis Dubois..................IA Corey Smith......................IA Madison Clark..................IA. Johnny Smith................... IN Trevor Hunt................... MO Mike Herda.....................NV Mark Eidson.................... CO Jake Eidson...................... CO Matt Chase...................... CA Jamie Cowger................ NM Jacob Cowger................. NM Gabriel Norris................. CA. Will Lin.........................CAN Fred Lin........................CAN Jim Hargrove...............CAN. Scott Hargrove.............CAN Bob Wakeling...............CAN Helmut Buhl................CAN Shaun Hodgson...........CAN Brian Brinkac...............CAN Sara Brinkac.................CAN David Maddison.........CAN Emily Maddison..........CAN Michael Randall............ NM. Carson Randall.............. NM Jeff Davis........................ NM Austin Davis.................. NM. Jim Hill............................ NM John Saurino................... OK John Jr. Saurino............... OK Michael Saurino.............. OK Joshua Saurino................ OK David Depster................. CO Jason Dempster.............. CO Donald Dempster........... CO Cody Dempster.............. CO David Thompson........... CO. David C. Thompson...... CO Kristen Sawnson............. CO Edison Vanasse............... CO Elizabeth Hunter............ OR Jonathon Portz................ OR Garth Mulkey................. OR. Max Mulkey.................... OR Steve Spoor.....................WA Rayce Spoor....................WA Ron Huish ....................... KS Kyle Smith.........................IA Braydon Dobereiner........IA Alec Smith ........................IA Wesley Bullock................ TX Cameron Bullock............. TX Joe Vanderpool............... CA Pete Bulger...................CAN Brayden Bulger............CAN Jacob Bulger.................CAN Gary Walter..................... OR Kailia Walter................... OR Paul Wilson Jr...................IA KARTER NEWS - September 2009 TECH & RULE BOOK UPDATES ☞ = Indicates new update for this issue. Please note that Tech & Rule book Updates will now go into effect thirty (30) days after they are posted on the IKF Website: ( ADD: CHANGE: DELETE: Rule has been added where indicated by reference number. Rule has been modified from the original version. Rule has been deleted from the rule book. ADD: 101.1.5: (Add as second sentence) Appointed IKF Director in Charge is not allowed to compete at the Grand National event. CHANGE: 105.6 Safety Fastening (In 4th paragraph, change all of "Exception" text to read:) Exceptions: 1) All-metal lock nuts, or bolts drilled and safety wired, are required to fasten brake disc to brake hub. 2) One-Use fasteners/Nylocks may not be used on previously drilled bolts without secondary retention as described above. 3) Ballast: All bolts used to secure ballast shall be fastened to the kart with a nut secured with a cotter pin or safety wire through a hole drilled in the bolt. (See Section DELETE: ADD: 114.4.1 Verbal Warning: (Delete all) 101.1.6: (Add as third sentence) At the discretion of the IKF Board of Directors, the Tech Director in Charge may compete at a Grand National. An assistant for the Tech Director in Charge must be approved by the IKF Board of Directors to take on Director responsibility while Director is on the track. 114.5.2: (Change all to read) Any driver disqualified from a main or final shall lose any possible awards, not points, for the class from which he was disqualifed. CHANGE: ☞ 115.4: IKF Experts: (Add to Section) Neck Collars: (Change 2nd sentence to read) The Leatt-Brace Moto GPX, the Leatt-Brace Adventure, the Valhalla 360 and the EVS RC Evolution neck braces are allowed. ADD: 105.2.1 Pre-Race Inspection - Also called Pre-Tech: (Add as new second paragraph) Note: At Regional and Grand National Sprint and Road Race events, the "IKF Pre-Race Technical Inspection Checklist", also called "Self-Tech, may be used as an option to going through the traditional Pre-Race Technical Inspection Procedure. KARTER NEWS - September 2009 CHANGE: ADD: Section 115.4.1 Road Race: Mike Jones, John Kindhart, Todd Vandermolen Section 115.4.2 2 Cycle Sprint: Mike Botelho Jr., Robert Logan, Kyle Shriver, Clayton Snow Section 115.4.3 4 Cycle Sprint: CJ Mooneyham, Bryan Stephanson Section 115.4.5 4 Cycle Speedway: Gene Becker, Dane Williams Section 115.4.7 Speedway Pavement: Jordan Ashelin Section 115.4.8 Sprint Shifter: Travis Dunne, Mike Wright (continued on page 8) 7 CHANGE: 207 #5 Jr. Super Sportsman: (Change Engine text to read) Yamaha KT100S / RLV SSX-V exhaust / engine clutch per 202.5 Weight to read: 300 Age to read: 12-15 CHANGE: 212.4 Day 5: (Change to read:) IAME Cup @ 370 ADD: 212.5: Clarification of the 2009 2 Cycle Sprint Grand National, per the request of the sponsoring club, to allow the following classes to be run according to Region 11 local option rules: IKF TaG Cadet - Gazelle engine only; IKF TaG Junior - Leopard and Rotax Junior engines only. CHANGE: 213.4 Official Schedule: (Change classes on listed days to:) Day 2: Delete Formula 80/85 Heavy Local Option @ 375 Day 2: Add Formula 80/85 Masters Local Option @ 375 Day 3: Delete Formula 80/85 Masters Local Option @ 375 Day 3: Add Formula 80/85 Heavy Local Option @ 375 CHANGE: 275.5 TaG Classes : (change last line to read:) Senior classes for ages 16 - up. CHANGE: 275.5.1 IKF TaG Cadet Classes: (Remove:) WTP CHANGE: 275.5.2 IKF TaG Junior Classes (Add:) Motori Seven Junior CHANGE: 306.2.2 Brakes: (change last paragraph:) Remove Rotax Max from the last paragraph. CHANGE: 306.9.3.2 Bodywork: (change all to read:) Formula 125, Formula 125 LTD driver faring required, width 15" wide, see Diagram at Section ADD: 306. Superstock CR125 CIK faring required per Section 201.9.3. CHANGE: 312 IKF RR GN Schedule 2009: (Add as 6th paragraph:) Allow a one race exemption for the 2009 Road Race Grand National to run the TaG Light and TaG Heavy classes with optional front brakes. CHANGE: 312 IKF RR GN Schedule 2009: (Delete the 6th paragraph:) Allow a one race exemption for the 2009 Road Race Grand National to run the TaG Light and TaG Heavy classes with optional front brakes. CHANGE: 312.1 Regional Championship classes to be run in 2009 are: (add list:) Yamaha Sportsman Heavy Gazelle 8-12 240# Mini Max 9-12 255# Super Stock CR125 Heavy - Same Rules except for weight 420# Formula 125 LTD Hvy II Formula 80 Sr Heavy - Same Rules except for weight 385# Briggs & Stratton Animal - Laydown class - ages male 40+ / female 16+ 100cc OpenPiston Port / HPV - Laydown class 400# CHANGE: 404 IKF Two-Cycle Speedway/Speedway Midget Grand National Schedule: (add paragraph) A participant who resides outside the 200 miles from any IKF sanctioned regional races and participates in the 2 IKF sanctioned races at Newton IA on August 2, 2009, will be qualified to race the IKF 2 Cycle Speedway Grand National in Newton IA. Participants 8 who meet the above criteria will not have to pay a waiver. IKF Membership required. CHANGE: 404.2 Official Schedule: (Change all to read:) Day 1 August 4: Registration, Parking, Pre-Tech, Practice Day 2 August 5: Heats, Semi-Mains, Mains Junior II Light Yamaha KT100S Light Midget - Junior 100cc Super Stock Light Midget - Super Stock Senior Sportsman 3pm Hot Laps Day 3 August 6: Heats, Semi-Mains, Mains Junior II Heavy Yamaha KT100S Heavy 100cc Super Stock Heavy 200cc Stock Super Sportsman (Super Box) Junior I Light 3pm Hot Laps Day 4 August 7: Heats, Semi-Mains, Mains Kid Kart - Demo Junior III Sportsman Yamaha KT00S Limited Midget - Open Open Junior I Heavy 3pm Hot Laps Day 5 August 8: Rain Date ADD: 404.3.1 Approved Local Option Classes for 2009: Kid Kart - Demo Junior III Sportsman - 14 Years and Up (Attained Age) Junior II without restrictor plate - 310# CHANGE: 405.1 Official Schedule Day 5: (change to read:) Change weight on the Briggs Animal Heavy class to 370# and change the weight on the Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy to 320# CHANGE: 509.3 Plug Gauges Defined: (Change 4th sentence to read:) Plug gauges larger than .361" are to be machined on each side to achieve a blade thickness of .215" minimum and .250" maximum. CHANGE: 600 Shifter Engine Specifications Reference Chart (page 99): Delete listing of Spec Honda 125 class. CHANGE: 601.1 Spec Fuel for 2-Cyc. Sprint, Shifter, Speedway, and Road Race: (change all to read:) All 2-Cycle Sprint, Shifter, Speedway and Road Racing Grand National events will run spec fuel and oil as approved by the appropriate Technical Committee Chairman. For 2009 VP MS98L Karting is the designated IKF fuel. All Regional and Club events are encouraged to use this fuel. NOTE: Some classes in Shifter, Speedway and Road Racing may require a higher octane fuel and may request an exemption to this requirement. A request must be made, in writing to the IKF office. The request will be either be approved or denied by the appropriate committee chair. CHANGE: 601.1.1 (change all to read:) Each track will provide a source of gasoline, with VP MS98L being recommended. DELETE: 601.1.3 9cc Classes and Shifters (delete all) KARTER NEWS - September 2009 CHANGE: CHANGE: 601.1.4 (change all to read:) Spec Fuel Test Procedure for use with racing fuel (VP MS 98L Karting recommended): 716.5.2 Inside Diameter: (Change 1st sentence to read:) .885" must-go minimum, .905" no-go maximum. CHANGE: CHANGE: 601.1.4 – 6.1 Color, turbidity, and odor (change all to read:) Color, turbidity and odor will be evaluated by the Tech Inspector. Color, turbidity and odor will be evaluated on a sample removed from the carburetor end of the fuel line by the Tech Inspector into a suitable container provided by the Tech Inspector. If the Tech Inspector suspects fuel to be incorrect for any of these reasons, he will consult with the Race Director or other qualified person. The inspection team is reminded that every consideration is to be given to the competitor prior to disqualification. 716.13 Head Gasket: (Change last sentence to read:) After (date to be determined) B&S head gasket with logo is required. CHANGE: 601.1.2 Fuel Tests for Events not using spec racing fuel (change Note 1 to read:) NOTE 1: IKF strongly recommends the use of the VP MS98L Fuel program for all race events. Pump gas contains elements such as oxidizers than make efficient fuel testing very difficult. Because of this the possibility of non-conformance to fuel standards is much more difficult to determine. CHANGE: 620.57 Piston: (change to read:) Piston must be IAME double ring only and as manufactured with mold number 2802 or 1319 and name cast inside. Maximum break on all machined edges .030” on skirt area only. The bottom ring on the HPV must be in place and is a non tech item. Rings to be of magnetic material. CHANGE: 622.8 Ignition: (Add new sentence at end:) Machining the shanks of coil hold-down screws to provide additional coil position adjustment is not allowed. CHANGE: 716.16.3 Valve Length: (Change to read:) Minimum intake and exhaust valve length is 3.250". CHANGE: 716.32 Connecting Rod: (Change all to read:) Any aluminum rod allowed with or without bearing insert. Rod may not be lighter than a known stock Briggs rod, part number 555626. No under-sizing of rod is permitted. Rod may be clearanced providing the rod is in stock configuration with no dimpling or media blasting. Rod ends must be concentric with wrist pin and crank journal. The use of Briggs hex head bolts, part number 555654 is allowed. There may be a minor grinding of the cylinder for clearance of these bolts. Minimum weight is 130 grams. CHANGE: 716.36.2 Connecting Rod: (Change all to read:) Crankshaft journal diameter is 1.094" - 1.100". CHANGE: 717.15 Head Gasket: (Change last sentence to read:) After (date to be determined) B&S head gasket with logo is required. CHANGE: 717.25.2 Crankshaft: (Change last sentence to read:) Crankshaft journal diameter is 1.094" - 1.100". CHANGE: ADD: 721.2.2 (add second sentence to read:) End baffle of silencer is teched per dimensions shown in Section 700.1. Holes are .128" No-Go. 675.21 Rotax Max Rotax Max engines may be run with or without RMC seal. If run without seal, they are subject to all RMC engines rules. 721.2.5: Exhaust must be wrapped from just above flange to the end, including the welded on muffler. ADD: 675.22 Other No additional painting, plating or ceramic coatings of any component permitted. Some engines have been approved with anodized components, which are acceptable. ADD: 675.3 Carburetors/Manifolds (Add to end of 1st paragraph:) TAG Carburetor Quick Reference Specifications ENGINE NAMECarburetorVenturi Bore BM Jaguar Tillotson 334A. AB or AA 0.905" 1.010" Cheeta SQ125 Tillotson 334A. AB or AA 0.905" 1.010" Easykart Tillotson 384B Motori Seven TAG L4Dell'Orto VHSH30CS 1.185" 1.190" Parilla Leopard'03 Tillotson 334A. AB or AA 0.905" 1.010" PRD Fire Ball 2005 Tillotson 360A 0.950" 1.065" *PRD Fire Ball 2008 Tillotson 360A 0.950" 1.065" Rotax Max FR 125 Dell'Orto VHSB 34 Sonik TX125 Tryton VAMECM1 0.943" 1.075" Sonik VX125(118) Tryton VAMECM1 0.943" 1.075" Vortex ROK TT Tillotson 360A 0.950" 1.065" ADD: CHANGE: 721.4.1 (change second sentence to read:) Unleaded 89 to 92 octane only. CHANGE: 800.9 (change fifth sentence in 3rd paragraph to read:) Junior classes, including local option classes, must have a minimum participation average of 3.0 (not 2.9) per regional event and jackets will be awarded. CHANGE: 850.1 2-Cycle Sprint Regional Classes Change weight on the Superstock CR125 to 385#. Carburetor venturi diameter checked at narrowest point of venturi. Easykart has a fixed high-speed jet, no polishing of carburetor allowed. Butterfly stop in bore must be in place. Note: No specs are currently available for the Tilloson 384B on the Easykart. The specs for the Dell'Orto VHSB 34 on the Rotax Max FR 125 are per RMC rules CHANGE: 716.9 Camshaft: (Change first sentence to read:) Maximum valve lift of 0.255" taken directly off the valve spring retainer at zero valve lash. KARTER NEWS - September 2009 9 FFirSt irSt irS StEVEr! EVE Coming in november The IKf Grand nationals annual! nnual! ined sure to be a collectors’ item and reta lies, fami their forever by ikf participants and the ikf grand Nationals annual will be an incrEdiblE adVErtiSinG ValuE! The IKF Grand Nationals Annual will be feature packed with all six of the Grand National events of this year including all of the podium shots and tons of action photos along with the popular “Whatcharuns” and featured commentary. This ediTion will B Be prinTed in full color, cover To cover and presented as a virtual edition on the IKF website. Every current IKF member will receive a copy and issues will be distributed at trade shows, special events, and included in IKF promotional materials for the remainder of 2009 and 2010 until the next annual is published. Contact the IKF office today, for more information on unbeatable ad rates, bulk purchases, and deadline information: 909-923-4999 10 KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 august 2009 phone board Meeting Minutes wednesday, august 19, 2009 The IKF Board of Directors met via telephone conference on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 5:00 PM (PST). The Meeting was called to order by President Hilger. Present at roll call were Directors Mr. Jack Hoegerl, Mr. John Motley, Mr. Rick Scrib Scribner, Mr. Mike Schorn, Mr. Don Holmboe, Mr. Glenn Araki and IKF Office Manager, Pat Eldridge. Mr. Art Verlengiere was not present at the Meeting. August 2nd Events at Newton Kart Klub Discussion by the Board regarding the August 2nd events at Newton Kart Klub re: were the events punch only or regional races that include regional points. Feels the intent was right but there was a lack of communication regarding the events. Email vote to be done by the Board after Schorn contacts Newton’s personnel and reports to Board. Results of the Email Vote to award regional points for the August 2nd events at Newton Kart Klub: In Favor: Araki, Hilger, Holmboe, Motley, Schorn, Scribner, Opposed: Hoegerl, Absent: Verlengiere Passed Holiday Classic Hilger asks for Board opinion on IKF’s involvement in the event i.e. help with sponsorship and provide leadership. Wants to bring Sprint back. Partnership with them for the event. Possible IKF regional racing in that area. Schorn asks for clarification on sponsorship. Hilger requests input from the Board. Scribner agrees to IKF participation, sees no negatives in doing this. Hilger will work with them on a plan for the event. Motley comments he is not optimistic about the Sprint program. Region 4A Speedway Probation Requests Hilger states there is a request for probation for participants at a Region 4A Speedway event. Hilger states that participants can appeal to the Board if they are put on probation. Motion by Schorn: Per the request of Jeff Miller, effective June 27, 2009 to place Jay Mehrer, Jayme Mehrer, Austin Baird and Tim Baird on probation for the remainder of the 2009 IKF racing season for actions at the Four Corners Kart Club. Second by Scribner. In Favor: Araki, Hilger, Hoegerl, Holmboe, Motley, Schorn, Scribner. Absent: Verlengiere. Passed. IKF Members on Suspension and Probation Board discusses IKF members that are on suspension and probation. Araki states he is not sure of the process of the suspensions and probations. Hilger states a master list should be available to the Board and IKF insured tracks with start dates. IKF Office to send a list to the Board for review. Upon approval, the list will be forwarded to IKF insured tracks. HPV pipes on Yamahas for 2010 Motley states that IKF has been planning for some time to go back, originally to do the quiet pipe and then the suggestion was made to do the HPV pipes. The only person who objected to the use of the HPV pipes was Gary from Horstman; he felt KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 they would get a black mark for forcing their pipes on people. A new development has shown in the last week that Horstman has agreed to allow RLV to market the identical pipe. You can either use your HPV pipe or you can buy a HPV or RLV pipe. The advantage being that not everybody is a HPV dealer or a Horstman dealer or not everybody is a RLV dealer. The RLV pipe will be significantly less expensive than the HPV brand pipe; they will both be identical pipes produced by the same people. He only heard a little bit of objection to using the HPV pipe, the most strenuous objection was from Horstman. He heard very few complaints, but according to other sources, there were a lot of complaints. Araki states that he has heard nothing but excitement over it. Seems to be the people that still have Yamahas are pretty excited about wanting this to go through or to at least try it. Motley states the only downside is the price of the HPV pipe, however, many competitors already have this pipe. This way they can buy a pipe that is identical to it but will be significantly less or they can use their HPV pipe at their option. Araki thinks this is a great idea. Scribner is in favor. Motley asks if there is any objection by the Board. He will get something in writing so they can start circulating a clarification for how that is going to work. Holmboe asks which one it will be – Motley replies there are four pipes depending on which category they use them in. Araki asks if it starts with the Rookie Sportsman class – Motley says yes. Motley says anything that has the Superbox muffler on. Says that one of the reasons they started on this was to get a little bit more performance and to quiet them down. Hoegerl asks if they are going to call out a header; Motley says they already have a part number on that header. Araki asks about a flex rule, Motley says yes. Motley says this is for Sprint only. Scribner asks if they are going to vote on this in September. Motley replies they have already voted on it, the only real difference is the fact of using the RLV branded pipe as a choice to the HPV pipe. Motley to write a clarification. Troy Ruttman Award Board discusses the criteria for the Troy Ruttman Award given away at the Road Race Grand Nationals each year. Hard to determine the criteria as the criteria of ten years ago does not exist today. Scribner states the criteria at last years Road Race was they had to finish in the top ten. Schorn says the entrant must finish the race and finish in the top ten. Motley says that is correct. Schorn will work on this for the September Board Meeting. Stowell Grievance Araki states he was directly involved in this incident and will answer any question the Board has on the issue. States he approached both Race Directors and Zane Smith’s mechanic at the time to ask them if he needed to write a Protest and they said he did not need to. He did fill out a Protest Form and had Zane Smith sign it; he was with him when he wrote it. He has no opinion on this matter but will answer questions from the 11 Board. Araki says when Smith did spin, it happened between turn 8 and turn 9, happened on the straight away about ¼ of the way from the key to turn 9; he spun on the straight away not the turn. Holmboe has a serious question for Araki, states one of the overriding comments was that supposedly nobody could actually see if there was contact because of the barriers, asks if he saw the head of the kart that was supposedly hit snap back. Araki says he did not. Araki says he was behind turn four – a big distance from where he spun. Holmboe states that was not clear in any of the language of the comments, in his opinion. Araki says it was a big spin, not a little one. Motley refers to references from Verlengiere – says it is not protestable anyway. Schorn states the Race Directors decision is final. Motion by Schorn to uphold the Race Directors decision. The Grievance is denied. Second by Holmboe. In Favor: Hoegerl, Holmboe, Schorn, Scribner, Abstain: Araki, Motley, Absent: Verlengiere. Passed IKF Night at Irwindale Speedway Scribner suggests an IKF Night at Irwindale Speedway on Sunday, September 20th. Irwindale Kart Club is having an IKF insured event and we could get discount tickets, discount food tickets. They would acknowledge IKF people in attendance and former IKF racers as well as the club can put on a display. This would be a way for IKF supporting the Irwindale Kart Club. Recognition for both. Board agrees to do this and Scribner to get particular information to Board. Speedway Pavement Grand National Matter Scribner says the problem is how the classes are laid out to run; a person can run the same kart in three classes on one day. Asks if you win a Duffy in all three, how do you assure that when he ran the first class and came across the finish line then took the kart out of tech before it was torn down, etc. So it kind of sets it up for this miscommunication. Hilger states that everything is painted so the motor is not touched. If you run double classes, it is your responsibility to bring it to tech, no different than the Screaming Eagle. Scribner thinks it is a communication problem. Hilger states he was there and was told when they got ready for the Duffys, some people brought their karts into tech and then just took them out of there and left. And other people refused tech on the last day because they wanted to go home. No one ever came and talked to him. If you pull out of tech before tech is done, you are done. Scribner says they are asking for an explanation. Hilger states that an email from Mark Alton is to be forwarded to them. This should take care of the matter. All tech items were handled by Mark Alton per Hilger. Motley tells of like experience at the Sprint Nationals. 2010 Speedway Pavement Grand National Scribner asks if we have received any bids for this event. Hilger replies no. Says he talked to Randy Perkins and he and Andy Bear want to sit down with the racers and decide if they want to do it. Scribner spoke with Mike Manning, host of the 2010 Sprint Grand National, and he would like to host the 2010 Speedway Pavement Grand National because he has an oval. Manning wants to know if there is an interest in allowing him to host the event because he wants to come to the September Board Meeting and make a proposal for that. Hilger says he can 12 but does not feel the mid west racers would travel that far to go. Motley’s reaction is that Manning does not care; he thinks he can draw enough from the west coast to go there. Scribner says there are groups here and there and maybe he could. Hilger is not against it. Hilger asks if they are going to have some regional program out there or just have this race only. Scribner says the track needs to be repaved in one section or something and Manning told him the owner of the facility has agreed to do shortly. He wants to start building it as possibly a regional but his main sight is to have club races there. Motley states that there is a program going over at Ventura Fairgrounds and it appears to be going reasonably well; is essentially a 2 cycle program. The idea is to get something going at Willow. Hilger asks if this is a speedway pavement, what engines are they going to run, mainly the 4 cycle ones. Motley specifically asked Manning and he said they wanted to run a 2 cycle program. Hilger asks if that would be all of the motors they are running in Sprint. Motley replies he does not know. Scribner states that Mike Burris and Mark Dismore started some kind of deal where you can bring your Sprint TaG kart and no offsets and run an oval program. Says he is aware of that and wants to add a TaG class or two. Motley agrees. Motley is amazed the 2 cycle oval guys don’t do TaG because it seems the perfect engine for that kind of racing. Hilger states they put it on an offset chassis because a sprint chassis will not go around the circle very well. Motley says if you are starting a program, that kills it. If we don’t have any of that stuff now and you use regular sprint karts, that’s what they have at Ventura. They don’t bring in the specialized karts unless they have enough where they can have a whole class for them. Scribner says his son organized an oval race at Stockton on a Wednesday night; he got a group together and they held a TaG race on an oval and they had a blast and loved it. Hilger says if they are going to run Sprint chassis on the oval in California, this should be called a Sprint Speedway Pavement Grand Nationals. This program would be different from the Speedway Pavement Grand Nationals which is primarily offset speedway chassis and 4 cycle engines. Scribner thinks he will run the offset chassis too. Schorn states they need to have a CIK chassis class which allows the Sprint guys to cross over and can play without spending. Motley says that is what they are doing at Ventura – to try to build the thing. They don’t have to buy some specialized chassis. Schorn asks if they have spec tire – Motley replies not at this point. Hilger will see what he has to propose, is not against it. Scribner says he will tell Manning to put his program together and bring to the Board at the September Board Meeting. Hilger asks if Manning can submit the proposal prior to the Meeting so the Board can go over it. Motion to Adjourn Meeting by Scribner. Second by Motley. Meeting adjourned at 6:25pm. Photos by Peter Olenczuk KARTER NEWS - September 2009 Back in the Saddle Again! SWRA & KART Road Race Event at Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, Oklahoma, July 17-19, 2009 By Felton Stroud, Photos by Whitney Stroud My ride for the weekend, Kelly’s fire-breathing Animal laydown. It had been a while since I had made this walk to the grid, butterflies were fluttering. A n alarm clock going off at 5:00 am is unacceptable. However, this time I sprang from bed anxious to get on my way to my first kart race in over 7 years! I live in Norman and with a 2 hour drive to Hallett, Oklahoma ahead of me, I wanted to be at the track in plenty of time to get in some practice in an unfamiliar kart. KARTER NEWS - September 2009 The race was a combined event featuring the IKF Region 4B Southwest Road Racing Association (SWRA) and the KART Mid-America Road Racing Series (MARRS). The two organizations have been combining several of their road races for a few years now with great success. This event was hosted by KART, with the esteemed Kelly Read, aka “The Man,” as the race director. Significant because it would be his kart I was going to drive so Kelly could focus on his Director duties. So, clothes on, driving suit, bag, and cooler tossed in the Jeep, and out the door to fetch my daughter Whitney, and my girlfriend Marcia, and her two sons. Life was good! Whitney was a seasoned 13 rted me to o sons esco marcia’s tw the grid. helmet on and rea dy at the pre-race drivers’ meeting. at speed, well as fast as it could go, down the front straight at hallett. john larson ’s crew chie 14 last minute in ce director kelly r and event ra kart #5 owne structions from f, i mean gran dson pierce. read. KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 veteran of the karting experience during my heyday, but this would be a first for Marcia, so I was eager to show off my championship winning skills. My heart began beating a little faster as we pulled into the track entrance and began the pit pass ritual. I was excited not only to race, but to see many of my racing compatriots from years gone by. The first thing I noticed was everyone had grey hair! Yikes, me too! And, all the little kids were now big kids, or should I say young adults—most of them unrecognizable. Talk about a shock. But, it was great to see everyone and nothing beats the lingering aroma of castor enhanced air first thing in the morning. Kelly’s machine sat majestically on its stand along with the karts and other members of the M.T. Pockets (get it, “empty pockets?”) racing clan getting ready for the day: Jim Edgington, Kelly’s kids: Brad and Lindsay, Mark and Austin Henry, and Bob Gonzalez. fall. Let’s see, 14 versus 50+ horsepower, dry clutch versus 6 speed transmission; I was more worried about how I would pass the time on what was sure to be some turtle-esque lap times. Wrong! For those of you who are not familiar with Hallett, it is in my opinion one of the most challenging road courses in the country. It’s not long at 1.8 miles, but with tons of elevation change, blind corners, and not a single constant radius curve. It is a handful. Add to that the fact that I had not been in a kart for way too long, and a laydown kart to boot— let’s say that I returned to the pits, after a handful of very sloppy practice laps, white-knuckled, sweat-drenched, and breathing hard. The only encouraging thing was after checking the lap timer, Jim told me I was pretty much in the ballpark with everyone else in the class. I just shook my head. He reminded me that there was pretty much just one place began for the fifth race of the day. I then discovered another great thing about the Animal class. Zero thrashing! Jim and Kelly had done a first rate job of prepping the kart, which I’m sure helped a lot. But, other than adding fuel and some light dusting, that was it. Back in the 125 days I would have been checking the piston for signs of detonation, making carburetor adjustments, checking transmission and radiator fluid levels, adjusting brakes and chain tension, changing tires, etc., etc. This was great. I had a relaxing time visiting with Marcia and her boys while watching and commenting on the other races. Whitney was busy taking photos, but I could tell she enjoyed being around the racing crowd again. Race-time was upon us. The popularity of the Animal class was evident by having the most karts on the grid for the day. Unfortunately, since I did not enter early, I was placed at eleventh on the grid out of twelve karts. This class fea- animal karts sit ready on the grid. unfortunately, i (number 5) was second to last of twelve karts for this race. After greetings and introductions, I casually approached what would be my ride for the weekend. When I left the kart racing world, I was piloting a 125cc laydown en route to over 50 career wins including some KART and WKA National Championships (never got an IKF Duffy—dang it!) against the likes of Buddy Wallen, Rick Rayburn, Brian Wilhelm, Mike, Greg, and Bernie Baldus, Mike Spear, Jr., and even Don Bootes and the Hegar brothers on occasion. A seasoned veteran indeed. So, the innocent looking, Briggs Animal powered, laydown kart before me should be a piece cake, right? Actually, since it had been quite a while, I was relieved that I would be hopping into a machine that wouldn’t put me on the Interstate after blowing through Turn 1 screaming my brains out at over a hundred miles an hour. As open practice approached, Jim helped me get “fit” to the kart and familiarized me with the nuances of the “Animal” racing experience. Yeah, yeah, no sweat. The records were waiting to KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 on the track where I really needed to use the brakes and just a couple of others where a light tap was needed to set the kart. Considering I was jumping on the binders at every opportunity, missing all the apexes, and about put it in the weeds a few times, I knew I had a lot work ahead of me to try to regain some semblance of competitive driving prowess. After another couple of practice sessions, I began to remember more of the subtleties of the Hallett layout. Not to mention the fact that in a laydown kart one has to mark most turn-in points with trees, grandstands, and utility poles. Also, with the slower overall speed of the Animal powered kart, the turn-in points were much later than what I was used to. That turned out to be the most difficult thing to come to grips with; mainly because it required a great deal of faith for a driver who was struggling to regain that old confidence. In spite of my apprehension, I was still turning some of the fastest laps in the class and the fun factor was rising quickly. Practice ended and the long wait tures a static “LeMans” style start. With close lap times for field, I knew it was going to be tough to get to the front, but what the heck, I was getting to race. It had been a pleasantly warm, typical July day in Oklahoma, but as a slid into the kart I noticed a few menacing clouds beginning to form. The race was only 30 minutes so I figured the clouds would not be an issue other than adding a little shade. After the drivers’ meeting and some last minute instruction from Kelly, I was positioned in the kart, nestled in my private cocoon of silence, anticipating the fall of the green flag. The flag fell as did my right foot on the gas pedal. After we collectively crawled away from the start, the karts rumbled into the first corner en masse. I witnessed a little rubbing and squeezing by some karts in front of me while I carefully avoided any momentum-robbing contact; critical if one was to have any success in this class. Working my way up through the field, however, was a painstaking exercise in patience and timing as every lift of the throttle or any tap on the 15 waylon mcCullah #5 7 and mike smith t up for the entry Competitors se #41 and kelly havin g a good time on the pre-grid. into turn 1. tag Cadet karts of Cody rhodes #91, joshua schrimpf #01 (hidden), and megan ring #20 grid along with mini-max racers michael schneider #2 and Chris Clark #8. 16 michael scheider tight. #2 and Chris Clark #8 ran standing start for the 125 shifters is always dramatic. KARTER NEWS - S SEpTEmbER SE EpTEmb Ep TEmbER mbER 2009 brakes meant a loss of momentum and distance on the leaders. Catching somebody was one thing, getting around them in these under powered karts was quite another. After a handful of laps, I determined that I was in fifth place. Although the lead pack was still in sight, I knew I had to drive perfect laps if there was any chance to catch them. I was marking the leaders at key points around the circuit at Hallett and concluded that I was indeed gaining, but would there be enough time? Then, what was that? No, no, it couldn’t be. Was that a drop that just hit my visor or just the residual effect of some unlucky bug? There it was again, and again, and again. Now the drops were forming trails journeying to the edge of my visor. The rain had come after all. Track still felt dry... I think. Whoops, there went the fourth place guy off course for a slide through the grass. The leaders were still charging ahead and the rain was beginning to pelt my visor with more frequency. Damn! The last thing I wanted to do was stuff Kelly’s kart into a tire wall, so I began to gingerly pick my way around the course driving off-line to avoid the slick rubber on the track. As a few more laps were completed and the leaders began to pull away, I contemplated pulling into the pits to avoid any mishaps. However, the sun began to break through and the rain stopped, but by now there was no hope and time to catch the pack. I spent the rest of the race working on smooth lines in anticipation of a more successful outing the next day. Surprisingly, after a weight DQ on one of the leaders, I still managed a third place finish. Not bad. Kart survived intact, I survived intact and good time was had by all, but I still wanted that ultimate racing buzz of battling for the lead with every lap and turn of the wheel critical to outcome. I was not to be disappointed the next day! Marcia’s boys, nor Whitney was able to attend Sunday’s session, but Marcia and I made the journey back to Hallett that next morning ready for another day of go-kart racing excitement. My practice laps were fastest of the morning and I felt like I still had some more to give, so I was feeling real good about my final race of the weekend. As we gridded for the race, John Larson, an KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 old friend of mine who I had not seen in at least twenty years, asked me if I would like to move up one spot on the grid by swapping positions with him. I declined, but he added that he would hold his line at the start so that I could hopefully move up to the front on the outside. It worked beautifully. I found daylight on the outside edge of the track and found myself in third position behind Jim Edgington and Mike Baldus going into turn one. Let the games begin! We continued nose-to-tail for a couple of laps, all three of us driving hard and trusting that no one would bobble and force us all to lose any precious momentum. I was hard on Jim’s tail as Mike began to widen the gap out front. Jim is as steady as they come and although I could tell I had a little on him, my pass took at least another two laps to execute without losing any speed in the process. Once I got around Jim I set sail in pursuit of Baldus. He was about five seconds ahead and it took at least that many laps to catch him. That’s when the fun really began! As I stated earlier, in this class it’s one thing to catch someone, passing them is another. It was no different with Mike. There is a tight right-hand corner (called Coyote), about the only one that the Animals have to really use their brakes, leading to an uphill straight followed by fast right-hand sweeper and another straight bisected by the finish line. The first time we visited Coyote, I carried a little more momentum than Mike and was able to pass before the sweeper. Unfortunately, he got me back before the end of the second straight. I tried again the next lap—same result. With laps winding down, I realized that would be the winning move since on both of the previous occasions, Mike could not re-pass until after the start finish line. MARRS brings a countdown clock to all of their road race events so it was a simple matter of waiting for the last lap to make my move. As we all know, things don’t always go the way we plan. The second to last lap we caught up to a just slightly slower sprinter in the other class that ran with us, just before the entrance to Coyote. I knew Mike and I were carrying more speed through the corners so I hung back a bit to ensure a wider entry and the maximum corner exit speed I could get. I was hoping that Mike would get stalled by the sprinter and I would be able to pass with enough of a jump to hold him off for the last lap. It set up perfectly when Mike had to exit sharper that he would have liked. I could tell it had slowed him considerably and I had a clean shot up the outside that would propel me on my way to certain victory! Not today bucko! Sensing his impending doom, Mike tried to steal a look behind over his right shoulder to check my position which inadvertently caused him turn his wheel to the left just as I was about to go around. Wham! The resulting blow jolted us both, knocking my kart almost sideways on the track. Unfortunately for me, Mike’s kart remained relatively straight and was continuing forward. By the time I got going again he had pulled out to about a fifty foot lead—a distance in these karts that would be nearly impossible to make up in one lap. All I could hope for was a rare mistake from a veteran karter. It didn’t happen and I went on to finish second. But, what a race! It was everything I had hoped for after Saturday’s disappointment and more. Although lacking the speed of most of the classes at the event, the Animals made up for it with closely matched performance which translated into very tight racing. A premium is placed on smoothness and consistency with any mistake magnified tenfold. Average speed was still over 60+ mph at a tight facility like Hallett. I couldn’t have asked for a better racing experience. Hats-off to the organizers and participants from both the KART and IKF organizations for an extremely well run event. Much personal thanks to Kelly Read for allowing me the opportunity to race his kart and to Jim Edgington for his help in keeping me from stumbling all over myself in the pits. To all of my karting friends who I got the chance to see that weekend, you are what makes this sport truly fun and memorable. Thank you Whitney for coming along to take photos and rekindle some of our old memories at the track and to Marcia and her boys for experiencing with me one of my all time favorite indulgences. Now if I remember correctly, Kelly said something about the kart being available again in a few weeks... 17 HallEt racE rESultS July 18-19 saturday Pos No. Name Best Time race 1 sprint tag sr. i (marrs) sponsored by alexander ranch 1 6 Brian alexander 1:26.071 2 16 Kristi Thompson 1:26.248 3 33 Sam Jordan 1:26.962 4 12 Peter Addison 1:26.518 5 86 Ted Hite 1:29.891 6 0 Quincy Knapp 1:29.890 7 49 John Rawcliffe 1:33.609 8 09 James Cypert 1:30.563 9 57 Nick Frascini --:--:--.--10 1 Barry Thomap --:--:--.--11 56 Benjamin DeBose --:--:--.--tag lite (swra) 1 11 sean kelleher 1:26.836 2 42 Adam Kelley 1:27.748 3 7 Taylor Bertram 1:27.733 4 25 Taylor Stawicki 1:27.416 5 17 Mitch Fiorelli 1:28.009 race 2 Class a-limited (marrs) sponsored by ragan enterprises/amsoil 1 50 Keith Wedel 1:31.610 2 96 Mike Sampson 1:32.419 3 23 Frank Stevens 1:32.826 4 71 anthony honeywell 1:24.464 5 7 Dale Coffey --:--:--.--6 67 Sheldon Birmingham --:--:--.--7 38 Steve Miller --:--:--.--8 40 Chris Ragan --:--:--.--9 80 Tim Kyser --:--:--.--Class sportsman ii (marrs) sponsored by safety Bob enterprises 1 2 Austin Henry 1:33.681 2 0 Josh Rohlk 1:36.549 3 5 rusty Benson 1:33.240 4 28 Chris Larson 1:34.351 DQ 7 Taylor Bertram 1:36.735 Class unlimited ii (marrs) 1 9 david sarsycki 1:41.696 2 33 Dan Davis --:--:--.--race 3 Class sprint 80cc shifter (marrs) sponsored by a.w. henry inc. 1 69 michael Brookes 1:25.674 2 77 Mike Kellum 1:30.927 3 23 Julie Munden 1:37.904 4 31 Jerry Kellum 1:39.340 5 60 Scott Schrimpf 1:32.928 Class formula 80 sr. i (swra) 1 8 thomas muzl 1:24.675 2 07 Allen Fleming Jr. 1:24.861 3 17 Chance Pool 1:25.005 67 Mike McAlister 1:26.347 4 5 116 Carol Brookes 2:06.017 Class formula 80cc jr. i (swra) 1 168 Bristol gunderson 1:26.318 2 75 Brekk Harris 1:27.849 3 10 Blake Kouger 1:31.143 4 81 Jack Murray 1:28.571 Class formula 80 sr. Butterball (swra) 1 61 rodney wilson 1:31.060 race 4 Class tag Cadet (marrs) sponsored by garnett dairy Queen 1 01 joshua schrimpf 1:46.287 2 91 Cody Rhodes 1:45.818 DQ 17 Megan Ring 1:46.365 Class mini max (swra) 1 8 Chris Clark 1:41.524 2 2 michael schneider 1:41.520 race 5 Class sprint Cik 125 (marrs) sponsored by jB painting Company 1 21 jeremy lightwine 1:18.508 2 38 Bob Peurifoy 1:22.961 3 11 Bill Boyce 1:23.377 4 10 Darryl Bertram 1:24.236 5 46 Mike Hartsell 1:26.312 6 53 Nolan Waak 1:25.109 7 23 Frank Stevens 1:34.504 8 45 Melvin Nelson 1:21.768 9 9 Mike Estes 1:25.793 Class formula 125 i (swra) 1 41 mike smith 1:18.351 2 57 Waylon McCullah 1:18.652 3 8 Steven Rougeou 1:21.067 Class formula 125 ltd heavy (swra) 1 76 Weston McCulloch 1:22.031 2 07 Allen Fleming Sr. 1:22.240 3 22 Dale McCulloch 1:23.238 4 40 Lanny Wilson 1:25.665 5 27 kevin Barlett 1:20.979 6 4 Edward Gillette 1:29.306 18 Class formula 125 stock (swra) 1 10 justin davis 1:21.861 Class formula 125 stock heavy (swra) 1 2 troy talamantez 1:23.183 2 66 James Donovitz 1:25.769 race 6 Class sprint Cik yam lite (marrs) - sponsored by munden racing/precision karting 1 12 anthony honeywell 1:33.756 2 44 David Munden 1:35.449 3 38 Steve Miller 1:34.922 4 4 Dale Posinski 1:36.170 5 56 Jeff Oaks 1:42.386 6 23 Julie Munden 1:42.332 7 42 Roger Kelley 1:42.917 8 28 Roger Hatcher 1:36.319 9 29 Colin Walker 1:55.358 Class jr. sprint sit up i (swra) 1 5 Jacob Laney 1:40.813 DQ 5 Brekk Harris 1:38.903 Class B&s animal sportsman (marrs) sponsored by scott racing engines 1 1 Bob Gonzalez 1:44.533 2 43 Mike Baldus 1:43.974 3 5 Felton Stroud 1:45.247 4 36 Curtis ross 1:43.503 5 29 John Larson 1:47.149 6 15 Mark Henry 1:48.097 7 28 Cliff Gahman 1:49.719 8 32 Stephen Winkler 1:54.625 9 86 Wes Oakley 1:59.534 10 0 Jim Edgington 1:45.726 11 9 David Lowman 2:23.177 race 7 Class sprint tag sr. i (marrs) sponsored by alexander ranch 1 16 Kristi Thompson 1:26.277 2 12 peter addison 1:26.133 3 33 Sam Jordan 1:26.466 4 0 Quincy Knapp 1:27.955 5 86 Ted Hite 1:28.642 6 1 Barry Thomap 1:28.316 7 6 Brian Alexander 1:26.812 8 56 Benjamin DeBose 1:51.680 9 49 John Rawcliffe --:--:--.--10 57 Nick Frascini --:--:--.--DQ 09 James Cypert 1:27.889 tag lite (swra) 1 25 taylor stawicki 1:26.614 2 11 Sean Kelleher 1:26.702 3 42 Adam Kelley 1:26.629 4 17 Mitch Fiorelli 1:28.504 5 7 Taylor Bertram 1:28.989 race 8 Class formula 80 sr. i (swra) 1 17 Chance pool 1:24.731 2 07 Allen Fleming Jr. 1:24.751 3 8 Thomas Muzl 1:24.730 4 67 Mike McAlister 1:28.171 5 116 Carol Brookes 1:31.821 Class formula 80cc jr. i (swra) 1 168 Bristol gunderson 1:24.095 2 81 Jack Murray 1:26.826 3 5 Brekk Harris 1:28.441 4 10 Blake Kouger 1:31.014 Class formula 80 sr. Butterball (swra) 1 61 Rodney Wilson 1:31.594 race 9 Class sprint stock leopard (marrs) sponsored by russell karting specialties 1 18 david linhardt 1:26.409 2 56 Peter Renegar 1:28.671 3 10 Brad Read 1:28.751 4 7 Jacob Frese 1:30.196 5 52 Travis Renegar 1:30.585 6 25 Sam Linhardt 1:26.938 7 33 Sam Jordan 1:27.623 Class rotax max light (swra) 1 7 taylor Bertram 1:26.517 2 11 Sean Kelleher 1:26.548 3 25 Taylor Stawicki 1:26.615 DQ 1 Barry Thomas 1:29.540 Class rotax junior i (swra) 1 168 Bristol gunderson 1:29.586 race 10 Class piston port / hpv i sponsored by lad specialties 1 12 lindsay read 1:30.931 2 30 Bob Gonzalez 1:32.768 3 10 Brad Read 1:31.754 Class yamaha heavy (swra) 1 96 mike sampson 1:33.589 2 38 Steve Miller 1:34.746 3 61 Craig McLain 1:34.429 4 90 Mark Rose 1:38.304 DQ 7 Darryl Bertram 1:37.819 Class piston port Can i sponsored by h.e. enterprises 1 76 pierce Baldus 1:36.565 2 22 John Peurifoy 1:57.682 DQ 3 Bailey Ring 1:41.774 race 11 Class formula 125 i (swra) 1 57 Waylon McCullah 1:19.692 2 41 mike smith 1:19.253 3 8 Steven Rougeou 1:22.152 Class formula 125 ltd heavy (swra) 1 76 weston mcCulloch 1:21.819 2 40 Lanny Wilson 1:25.450 3 22 Dale McCulloch 1:25.570 4 4 Edward Gillette 1:29.353 5 07 Allen Fleming Sr. 1:23.983 6 27 Kevin Barlett --:--:--.--Class formula 125 stock (swra) 1 10 justin davis 1:22.343 Class formula 125 stock heavy (swra) 1 2 troy talamantez 1:24.740 2 66 James Donovitz 1:25.394 suNday race 12 Class sprint tag sr ii sponsored by dynamic trophies & awards 1 61 Drew Hockenson 1:25.586 2 6 Brian Alexander 1:25.638 3 09 james Cypert 1:25.490 12 Peter Addison 1:25.960 4 5 33 Sam Jordan 1:26.135 6 1 Barry Thomap 1:26.994 7 86 Ted Hite 1:29.075 DQ 91 Nick Frascini 1:27.092 DQ 17 Mitch Fiorelli 1:27.394 DQ 0 Quincy Knapp --:--:--.--Class tag heavy (swra) 1 42 adam kelley 1:27.248 race 13/21 Class a-limited (marrs) 1 71 anthony honeywell 1:24.409 2 7 Dale Coffey 1:27.382 3 50 Keith Wedel 1:30.422 4 40 Chris Ragan 1:31.827 5 23 Frank Stevens 1:31.815 Class sportsman ii (marrs) sponsored by land survey Company 1 5 Rusty Benson 1:33.308 2 28 Chris larson 1:33.168 3 81 James Denny 1:38.483 4 0 Josh Rohlk 1:37.097 5 55 Stephen Winkler 6 90 Mark Rose DQ 15 Kyle Stevens 1:41.260 Class yamaha light (swra) 1 96 mike sampson 1:33.279 2 7 Taylor Bertram 1:33.868 3 71 C.W. Crane 1:33.624 Class unlimited ii (marrs) sponsored by serta 1 33 dan davis 1:21.435 Class piston port / hpv ii (marrs) sponsored by rlv, inc. 1 10 Brad Read 1:31.206 2 12 lindsay read 1:30.788 3 2 Austin Henry 1:31.648 Class piston port Can i (marrs) sponsored by h.e. enterprises 1 76 pierce Baldus --:--:--.--2 22 John Peurifoy --:--:--.--DQ 3 Bailey Ring 1:37.529 race 14 Class formula 80 sr. ii (swra) 1 17 Chance Pool 1:25.239 2 116 Carol Brookes 1:34.060 3 8 thomas muzl 1:24.471 Class formula 80 sr. Butterball ii (swra) 1 07 allen fleming jr. 1:27.874 2 61 Rodney Wilson 1:30.873 Class formula 80cc jr. ii (swra) 1 81 jack murray 1:27.190 2 168 Bristol Gunderson 1:30.620 Class sprint 80cc shifter ii (marrs) - sponsored by azrielle’s Cafe & Bar 1 60 Scott Schrimpf --:--:--.--2 69 michael Brookes 1:25.183 race 15 Class tag Cadet ii (marrs) sponsored by m.k.a. 1 91 Cody Rhodes 1:46.634 2 01 joshua schrimpf 1:46.122 DQ 17 Megan Ring 1:48.271 Class mini max ii (swra) 1 8 Chris Clark 1:41.161 2 2 michael schneider 1:41.010 race 16 Class sprint Cik 125 ii (marrs) edgington seamless guttering 1 21 jeremy lightwine 1:18.343 2 53 Nolan Waak 1:21.337 3 45 Melvin Nelson 1:21.537 4 9 Mike Estes 1:22.447 5 38 Bob Peurifoy 1:22.095 6 26 Eric Brooks 1:22.236 7 46 Mike Hartsell 1:26.302 8 11 Bill Boyce 1:22.691 9 23 Frank Stevens Class formula 125 ltd ii (swra) 1 41 mike smith 1:18.912 2 57 Waylon McCullah 1:19.130 3 07 Allen Fleming Sr. 1:19.520 Class formula 125 ltd heavy ii (swra) 1 27 Kevin Barlett 1:21.864 2 22 Dale McCulloch 1:23.861 3 40 Lanny Wilson 1:25.257 4 4 Edward Gillette 1:28.162 5 10 justin davis 1:21.791 6 76 Weston McCulloch 1:25.478 Class formula 125 stock heavy ii (swra) 1 2 troy talamantez 1:23.606 2 66 James Donovitz 1:25.634 race 17 Class sprint Cik yam heavy (marrs) sponsored by munden racing/precision karting 1 12 Anthony Honeywell 1:35.486 2 44 david munden 1:35.261 3 4 Craig McLain 1:35.274 4 42 Roger Kelley 1:38.684 5 23 Julie Munden 1:44.192 Class Briggs & stratton animal ii (marrs) sponsored by Briggs & stratton racing 1 43 mike Baldus 1:43.161 2 5 Felton Stroud 1:43.242 3 36 Curtis Ross 1:45.246 4 29 John Larson 1:45.060 5 86 Wes Oakley 1:54.634 6 0 Jim Edgington 1:45.463 7 15 Mark Henry --:--:--.--DQ 1 Bob Gonzalez 1:45.269 DQ 28 Cliff Gahman 1:49.176 race 18 Class sprint tag sr ii (marrs) 1 6 Brian Alexander 1:25.770 2 61 Drew Hockenson 1:25.696 3 09 james Cypert 1:25.651 4 12 Peter Addison 1:25.652 5 0 Quincy Knapp 1:27.678 6 33 Sam Jordan 1:27.646 7 91 Nick Frascini 1:27.473 8 86 Ted Hite 1:27.580 9 1 Barry Thomas 1:27.431 10 17 Mitch Fiorelli --:--:--.--Class tag heavy (swra) 1 42 adam kelley 1:27.734 race 19 Class sprint stock leopard ii (marrs) sponsored by o.s.s.t. / linhardt racing 1 18 david linhardt 1:27.063 2 25 Sam Linhardt 1:27.240 3 7 Jacob Frese 1:29.130 4 52 Travis Renegar 1:29.974 5 82 Brian Kassler 1:33.190 6 49 John Rawcliffe 1:33.073 7 62 Mark Kassler 1:38.648 8 56 Peter Renegar 1:30.287 9 10 Brad Read 1:27.275 DQ 156 Ben Debose 1:41.987 Class rotax junior ii (swra) 1 168 Bristol Gunderson 1:27.992 race 20/22 Class formula 125 ltd heavy ii (swra) 1 10 justin davis 1:22.022 2 76 Weston McCulloch 1:22.222 3 22 Dale McCulloch 1:24.578 4 40 Lanny Wilson 1:24.995 5 27 Kevin Barlett 1:23.665 6 4 Edward Gillette 1:30.426 Class formula 125 stock heavy ii (swra) 1 2 troy talamantez 1:24.745 2 66 James Donovitz 1:25.077 Class formula 80 sr. i (swra) 1 17 Chance Pool 1:24.254 2 8 Thomas Muzl 1:24.640 3 07 allen fleming jr. 1:20.370 4 116 Carol Brookes --:--:--.--Class formula 80cc jr. i (swra) 1 168 Bristol gunderson 1:26.804 2 81 Jack Murray 1:27.100 Class formula 80 sr. Butterball ii (swra) 1 07 allen fleming sr. 1:26.819 Class formula 125 ltd ii (swra) 1 41 mike smith 1:19.449 2 57 Waylon McCullah 1:19.582 Class formula 80 sr. Butterball (swra) 1 61 rodney wilson 1:34.241 KARTER NEWS - S SEpTEmbER SE EpTEmb Ep TEmbER mbER 2009 Hot ofF the Press RUNYAN STANDS ON PODIUM AT FORMULA FORD 40th ANNIVERSARY EVENT ELKHART LAKE, WIS. (July 29, 2009) – Former IKF karter, Bobby Runyan further established himself as rising talent in the junior open-wheel ranks over the weekend, with a superb performance in the historic Formula Ford 40th Anniversary event at Road America. The Ron Sutton’s Winner’s Circle development driver, who is contesting his first season of FF1600 racing, impressed many onlookers by earning the pole position and finishing on the podium in the 90+car SCCA Restricted Regional race. For Runyan, the Formula Ford 40th Anniversary event at Road America provided not only the opportunity to take part in a truly historic race event, but also the chance to showcase his talents against a who’s who of Formula Ford racing. Despite having never visited the famed 4.0-mile Wisconsin road course, the 16 year-old quickly became one of the drivers everyone was watching in both the SCCA Restricted Regional and National race groups. Piloting the No. 07 Porter Racing/Raging Bull Motorsports Swift DB-6 Formula Ford, the first year RSWC driver continually improved his best time around the high-road track each time he went on-course. Runyan as a result entered the first of two qualifying sessions for both groups on Friday (July 24) as one of the drivers expected to challenge for the pole position. The Californian promptly delivered, capturing the provisional pole position for the Restricted Regional race by nearly three seconds! Against multiple former National Champions, Runyan turned the fourth fastest time in National qualifying. Runyan returned to the cockpit of his Formula Ford one day later for a second qualifying session in both groups. Like virtually all the other FF1600 drivers, the former karting standout was not able to match the times from day one, due primarily to KARTER NEWS - September 2009 the track conditions being not quite perfect. The result however meant that Runyan had secured the pole position for the Restricted Regional ahead of 97 other drivers. Given Runyan was starting P1, it came as no surprise that the talented young American was among those in contention for the win throughout the 12-lap Formula Ford 40th Anniversary SCCA Restricted Regional race on Sunday (July 26). The RSWC development driver, leading 10 laps, eventually crossed the stripe in third, following last lap contact with another competitor while battling for the win. While it was initially believed that Runyan’s Swift DB-6 had suffered no damage of note, it became apparent in the SCCA National race that a shock was not performing as planned. Runyan however overcame both the less than perfect car and treacherous wet conditions via a late race downpour, to finish 15th among the 70-car field. Runyan continues his pursuit of the 2009 San Francisco Region SCCA Formula Ford title on September 5-6, with Rounds Eight and Nine taking place at Infineon Raceway in Northern California. For direct contact, please email Bobby Runyan at mailto:bobbyboy@fire2wire. com NEW PERFORMANCE KARTING EXPO LAUNCHES IN LAS VEGAS FEBRUARY 2010 Las Vegas, NV, July 8, 2009 – The largest performance karting consumer event will take over the South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas on February 5-7, 2010. Utilizing over 220,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor space, the Performance Karting Exposition will feature every type of competitive go kart under one roof. This event will combine a full exhibit hall with indoor racing, outdoor racing and live, unique kart demonstrations. The exposition will include the largest kart swap in the country. Driver education will also play an important role as Bondurant’s Alan Rudolph will host an introductory driving course during the show. Visitors will see the high flying, scaled down pickup truck-style Trophy Karts soar off a built-in jump on the outdoor dirt oval demonstration track. On Sunday attendees will see the twisty outdoor sprint course converted into a high speed oval for the full-bodied Bandolero exhibition race. For the pure competitor, PKE2010 will offer up the first ever indoor arena minienduro with cash prizes on Friday evening. Three-man teams representing indoor facilities from around the nation will race on a 30,000 square foot indoor circuit. Major indoor tracks are already preparing teams to challenge each other for both bragging rights and the cash prizes. The arena offers over 4400 perfect view seats broken into sections which each indoor track’s fanbase can claim to support their teams. The live video broadcast of this race will also appear on the four-sided diamond vision screens over the center of the track. On Saturday, three different classes will take on the 80,000 square foot temporary sprint course for cash prizes. Quick practice and heat sessions for the HPV Juniors, Rotax Seniors and TaG Seniors will run in the morning with the finals in the afternoon and the winners will head to the podium for cash awards. Surrounding the track will be more than 650 bleacher seats, TV camera towers, the hot pits and a fully secure paddock area. The buying/selling aspect of the event is the 24,000 square foot indoor swap. The Las Vegas Kart Club will manage the sale of individual customer products and exhibiting vendors will be able to set their own used, demos and trade-ins within the dealer zone. Additionally, a large outside area for oversized items such as trailers, trucks and haulers will be available. The objective of this event is to educate both enthusiasts and interested novices about all things karting. This event is fully focused on the consumer, with opportunities for them to buy and sell products and services. The track will be used by exhibitors at specific times to demonstrate new products and technology and the swap will offer a large area to find great deals. A technical presentation stage in the middle of the hall will allow exhibitors to present product demonstrations with the added benefit of close-up cameras to show details to the audience. The event website offers complete details for attendees, racers and exhibitors. Visitors will be able to monitor the growing number of exhibitors and new announcements. Additionally, a bi-weekly electronic newsletter will be going out to the karting community. International Motorsports Marketing, LLC is a leading event management and marketing organization behind motorsports marketing and branding with a specific emphasis on performance karting in North America. The company is involved with publishing, digital media marketing, event management and competitive race series programs. The company’s management team has more than 40 years in successful motorsports sales and marketing, matched with the production of hundreds of successful events and major exhibitions around the world. 19 Points STANDINGS REGION 4A SPEEDWAY As of 8-31-09 Cadet Jude Montoya....................... 804 Junior I 2-Cycle M Light Kaylee Dons.......................... 965 Andrew Huerena................... 950 Cody Dons............................ 407 Tyler Hise.............................. 194 Raeanna Vanemark............... 376 Junior I 4-Cycle Light Chance Gottfried................... 999 Rylyn Phillips........................ 929 Alicia Trujillo......................... 894 Jacob Cowger....................... 797 Raeanna Vandemark............. 735 Vincent Prigione.................... 695 Mariah Talamantes............... 177 Jasmine Alvarez.................... 172 Junior II 2-Cycle Heavy Rory Eaverson...................... 991 Paul French......................... 976 Spencer Hill.......................... 926 Briana Franchini.................... 926 Christopher Trujillo................ 911 Amber Cohea........................ 851 Ryan Jackson....................... 518 Julia Henderson.................... 341 Luke Byrom.......................... 172 Junior II Animal Paul French........................ 1010 Spencer Hill.......................... 960 QT Midget Novice Joshua Huish........................ 604 Carson Randall..................... 192 QT Midget Light Bradley Huish....................... 606 Blake Steward...................... 576 QT Midget Heavy Zachary Page........................ 996 Austin Davis......................... 202 Super Junior II 4-Cycle Zachary Page........................ 804 Animal Dicky dudd........................... 402 Stock Heavy 4-Cycle Austin Baird.......................... 973 Don Kruse............................. 568 Dicky Dudd........................... 405 Jim Hill................................. 204 Dakota Flint.......................... 193 Brian Vandemark.................. 179 NM Super Box Austin Baird........................ 1031 Jay Mehrer........................... 966 David Durbin......................... 871 Jayme Mehrer...................... 745 Don Kruse............................. 727 Brad Boultinghouse.............. 727 Tim Baird.............................. 511 Jamie Cowger...................... 163 Yamaha Heavy Ace Eavenson....................... 982 Austin Baird.......................... 957 Roy Eavenson....................... 922 Lee Caplin............................ 398 Open 2-Cycle Tim Golden........................... 998 20 Derek Demartino.................. 203 Lee Caplin............................ 192 Jamie Cowger...................... 183 Qrc‐Open Jason Grady......................... 207 Shane Devilbiss................... 197 Josh Grady............................... 0 Eric Kelly.............................. 182 Phil Mckinney........................... 0 Randy Channel......................... 0 Owen Amon.............................. 0 REGION 4B SPEEDWAY As of 8-25-09 Junior I Light Chance Hoffmeyer................ 802 Johnny Boland...................... 590 Jacob Williams...................... 363 Aston Lege........................... 363 Junior I Briggs Animal Light Chance Hofmeyer................. 802 Ryann Kolkmeier................... 378 Anton Hernandez.................. 378 Jacob Williams...................... 371 Cody Beasley........................ 202 Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy Ryann Kolkmeier................... 793 Cody Beasley........................ 783 Dillon Colburn....................... 728 Ryan Roberts........................ 194 Junior II Briggs Animal Light Andrew Downs..................... 753 Zack Kuntz............................ 733 Justin Blankenship............... 713 Thomas Jones...................... 684 Zack Harville......................... 676 Arin Green............................ 672 Logan Lalena........................ 640 Coltan Goodwin.................... 636 Ryan Luza............................. 617 Harlie Williams...................... 531 Sam Arthur........................... 492 Darin Owens......................... 416 C.J. Hulsey........................... 403 Chase Lambright.................. 335 Harrison Wise....................... 156 Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy Andrew Downs..................... 570 Chase Lambright.................. 384 Coltan Goddwin.................... 374 C.J. Hulsy............................. 205 Thomas Jones...................... 194 Arin Green............................ 175 Stock Light Stock Medium Charles Wood........................ 606 Robert Wyble........................ 393 Austin Lege.......................... 384 Stock Heavy Briggs Animal Light John Easum.......................... 393 Chance Latiolais................... 202 Michael Evans...................... 201 Briggs Animal Medium Tyler Grubbs......................... 784 Taylor Paroline...................... 744 Greg Snyder......................... 736 Jerry Leigh........................... 725 Barbara DeRoon................... 647 Kyle Towns........................... 406 Kirk Newman........................ 366 Austin Bursby....................... 356 Jon Allen............................... 346 John Easum.......................... 331 Trey Paroline......................... 323 Mike Evans........................... 316 Charles Wood........................ 193 Lauren Wise.......................... 178 Clint Barnes.......................... 178 Chase Roberts...................... 173 Chance Latiolais................... 149 Briggs Animal Heavy Greg Snyder......................... 803 Slade Johnson...................... 783 Joey Weaver......................... 708 Chad Irvan............................ 396 Charles Wood........................ 336 Ronald Cooper...................... 183 Brandan Kelly....................... 183 Allen Yates............................ 179 Nathan Moore....................... 178 Danny Youngblood................ 173 Charles Kelley....................... 168 James Gray.......................... 168 RWYB Ronald Cooper...................... 789 Martin DeRoon...................... 739 Nathan Moore....................... 407 Slade Johnson...................... 377 Mike DeRoon........................ 372 David Snyder........................ 367 Clint Barnes.......................... 178 Joe DeRoon.......................... 168 Robert Roberts...................... 163 Briggs LO206 David Wood.......................... 805 Cameron Bullock.................. 192 REGION 4B ROADRACE As of 8-26-09 TAG LIGHT Sean Kelleher....................... 660 Taylor Stawicki..................... 620 Adam Kelley *....................... 555 Tyler Mann............................ 351 Chris Barnes......................... 346 Gabriel Bargas ..................... 340 Kevin Adds............................ 338 Terry Prather ....................... 332 Cheryl Kurtis......................... 329 Peter Renegar . .................... 327 Steven Clark......................... 313 Jacob Kantor........................ 294 Mike Jones........................... 210 Heinz Meyer......................... 200 D J Ortiz............................... 195 Taylor Bertram...................... 195 Mitch Fiorelli......................... 190 Travis Renegar...................... 185 Tommy Muth........................ 180 Mark Owen........................... 165 Roberto Fabre....................... 159 Trice Humpert....................... 153 Colton Farrell........................ 150 Ross Flores........................... 144 Donnie Cluck........................ 141 Anthony Honeywell................... 0 Form 80 SR Chance Pool *...................... 620 Mike McAlister...................... 600 Tommy Muth........................ 420 Allen Fleming *..................... 400 Maurice Mueller .................. 375 Mark Beville.......................... 220 Russell Pool.......................... 195 Scott Flores.......................... 190 Julie Munden........................ 185 Form 80 SR HVY Rodney Wilson *.................... 630 Floyd Czaja........................... 415 Mark Bourgeois ................... 410 Tobyn Dyer *......................... 220 Form 80 JR Bristol Gunderson................. 640 Brekk Harris......................... 430 Ryan McCollum.................... 410 Kyle Schmidt........................ 395 Blake Kruger *...................... 395 Jack Murray......................... 200 Jared Trengove..................... 195 Form ICE Dale McCollum..................... 220 Form 125 Mike Smith........................... 630 Waylon McCulloch................ 610 Steven Rougeou .................. 605 Russell Pool.......................... 395 Joel Cullen............................ 375 Danny Howie *...................... 220 Hunter Gemmer.................... 190 Tyler Mann............................ 185 Art Flores.............................. 180 Nick Beard *......................... 175 Mike Jones........................... 175 Trey Pappas.......................... 170 Mack Dayton........................ 165 Sam Bulner *........................ 162 David Munden...................... 159 Mark Nixon .............................. 0 Wyatt Dallenbach...................... 0 Scott Rister *............................ 0 Justin Davis.............................. 0 Darryl Bertram.......................... 0 YAM KT100 LTD LITE Steve Miller.......................... 620 David Munden...................... 605 Julie Munden........................ 570 Roger Kelley *....................... 540 Landon Sproull..................... 380 Scott Cherry......................... 365 Colin Walker *....................... 360 James Schmidt . .................. 332 Jamey Brown....................... 220 Oscar Moran......................... 220 Anthony Honeywell .............. 220 Craig McLain........................ 190 John Dale Brown *................ 185 Jeff Oakes............................ 170 Brian Cherry......................... 165 JR Sprint Sit Up Connor Wagner..................... 440 Reed Flores.......................... 420 Brekk Harris......................... 220 Blake Kruger *...................... 200 Joe Taylor............................. 200 Jacob Laney *........................... 0 Superstock Sit Up Mike Range *........................ 220 Richard Bryan....................... 220 Sportsman LT Taylor Bertram...................... 220 Brekk Harris......................... 220 Mark Behlke......................... 210 Ray Landry........................... 200 Form 125 Stock Justin Davis.......................... 430 Stuart Robinson.................... 395 Cody Jolly *.......................... 220 Mark Beville.......................... 210 Kevin Adds............................ 200 Basher Mardini *................... 195 Tyler Mann .......................... 190 James Donovitz ................... 185 Troy Talamantez.................... 180 Rotax Max Lite Sean Kelleher....................... 650 Taylor Stawicki..................... 605 Taylor Bertram ..................... 420 Mark Owen........................... 210 Jason Beer *......................... 200 Greg Sellers.......................... 195 TaG JR Deriann Taylor....................... 440 125 - 150 OPEN Tim Kyser............................. 440 Piston Port / HPV Darryl Bertram...................... 220 Bobby White............................. 0 Form 125 LTD HVY Weston McCulloch................ 650 Dale McCulloch..................... 590 Kevin Bartlett........................ 555 Lanny Wilson *...................... 544 Allen Fleming Sr *................. 495 Todd Vandermolen ............... 430 Todd Cormier........................ 390 Scott Duggleby *................... 365 Edward Gillette..................... 360 Dunn Moore.......................... 355 John Kindhart *..................... 341 Rodney Jackson *................. 306 Jeff Meador.......................... 300 Dale McCollum..................... 185 David VerHoef *..................... 170 Anthony Harwin.................... 165 Nick Stratos . ....................... 162 John Babot........................... 156 Rob Ferstl ............................ 153 Robert Hill............................. 150 Yamaha HVY Mike Sampson...................... 650 Mark Rose............................ 600 Michael Sampson................. 415 Ray Landry........................... 385 Steve Miller.......................... 210 Pete Hatzenbuehler............... 200 Craig McLain........................ 200 Sherry Nix............................. 190 Glen Cherry.......................... 190 Darryl Bertram...................... 180 Mark Behlke............................. 0 Rotax Max JR Briston Gunderson................ 620 Jake French *....................... 440 Kaiden Cook......................... 400 Joe Taylor............................. 390 Connor Iseli *........................ 370 Alex Tartaglia........................ 200 Thomas Waddingham........... 200 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 Ari Feustel *.......................... 180 Aden Feustel *...................... 175 Jack Murray......................... 170 Taylor Talamantez................. 165 MINI MAX Chris Clark............................ 630 Michael Schneider................ 625 Beck Duggleby *................... 415 Nathan Adds......................... 400 Kinsley Cook......................... 390 Cole Glassom........................ 370 Trenton Estep *..................... 180 REGION 5 SPEEDWAY As of 8-25-09 Junior I Light-2 Cycle Andrea Laugen..................... 804 Ryan Crittenden.................... 790 Owen Ward........................... 394 Dane Balzer.......................... 385 Brayton Carter...................... 365 Carter Johnson..................... 365 Kade Higday......................... 360 Blake Frederick..................... 356 Anissa Smith........................ 345 Alyssa Hills........................... 335 Dawson Harney.................... 325 Mariah Harney...................... 325 Jimmy Abell.......................... 210 Tanner Mullan....................... 196 Josh Vis................................ 180 Daniel Carpenter................... 176 Lucas Harmening.................. 171 Junior II Heavy-2 Cycle Roscoe Crittenden................ 814 Paul Flanegan....................... 556 Corbin Heitz.......................... 375 Jayden Johnson.................... 364 Nick Roberts......................... 360 Mathew Fulton...................... 360 Jonathan Brauns.................. 350 Austin Ferrell........................ 350 Ben Carpenter...................... 349 Mitch Manternach................. 198 Woodrow Carpenter.............. 196 Taylor Luke........................... 171 Yamaha KT100s Heavy Eric Pollard........................... 517 Johnny Mudd........................ 503 Steve Smith.......................... 422 Shawn Brown....................... 382 Ben Braksiek........................ 374 Jeremy Hills.......................... 372 Bill Rieken............................ 368 Brad Stevens........................ 367 Denise Myers........................ 352 Jarren Helstead.................... 330 Kyle Heitz............................. 215 Chris Blattler......................... 206 Corey Forsyth....................... 195 Terry Young........................... 192 Casey Luke........................... 181 Joey Hughes......................... 177 Chase Young......................... 172 Kendall Higday...................... 170 DJ Palmer............................. 167 Dennis DuBois...................... 162 Mike Clausen........................ 157 Alex Merritt........................... 154 Johnny Smith....................... 153 Mike Houlihan....................... 151 Ryan Hale............................. 147 Adam Pochrus...................... 145 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 Jason Lindgren..................... 144 AJ Failor............................... 141 Mark Rieken............................. 0 Super Stock Heavy Aaron Young......................... 206 Jason Killam......................... 203 Kendall Higday...................... 196 Jason Shilling....................... 193 Eric Pollard........................... 186 Corey Forsyth....................... 183 Mike Clausen........................ 181 Ryan Hale............................. 176 Jason Lindgren..................... 171 Jr. Midget Kyle Jared............................ 597 Chris Peden.......................... 408 Treavor Brown...................... 373 Derrike Clark........................ 363 Klein Walker.......................... 192 Colin Smith........................... 184 Open Bill Rieken............................ 404 Wade Badker........................ 402 Adam Pockrus...................... 204 Shawn Brown....................... 194 Mike Clausen........................ 193 Eric Pollard........................... 184 Ben Braksiek........................ 183 Johnny Smith....................... 179 Open Duel Luke Payton3.......................... 94 Mike Clausen........................ 203 Eric Pollard........................... 183 Midget Open Harry Stuart.......................... 377 Gary Bennett......................... 206 Terry Hurley.......................... 196 Steve Failor........................... 186 Ron Baylan........................... 181 Randy Bennett...................... 171 Midget Super Stock Justin Good.......................... 608 Jayce Jenkins....................... 372 TJ Stuart............................... 367 Jason Killiam........................ 194 Super Sportsman Jason Killam......................... 393 Mike Parcel........................... 378 Blaine Parks......................... 358 Allen Diercks........................ 210 Jake Tuel.............................. 202 Corey Smith.......................... 200 Dakota Benhart..................... 192 Patrick Parks........................ 180 Chris Harrison....................... 170 Jarren Halstead.................... 165 DJ Palmer............................. 160 Andrew Ric........................... 155 Junior I Light-4 Cycle Tristan Vesterby.................. 1144 Cassidy Nerland.................... 799 Christian Kennedy................. 562 Josh Vis................................ 399 Owen Ward........................... 203 Braydon Dobereiner.............. 202 Tyler Murphy......................... 186 Jacob Krug........................... 176 Levi Preston.......................... 171 Junior II Light-4 Cycle Corbin Heitz.......................... 201 Junior II Combined-4 Cycle Clayton McDivitt.................. 1565 Devon Havlik...................... 1394 Cole Liekweg........................ 585 Kory McCarte.......................r564 Morgan Nielsen.................... 362 Jeff Edwards........................ 185 Chance Titus......................... 184 Ross Young........................... 179 Russell Benhart.................... 175 Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy Lucas Jacobson.................. 1215 Tristan Vesterby.................. 1144 Nick Joynt............................ 964 Josh Vis................................ 202 Jessian Taylor....................... 179 Junior II Briggs Animal Light Cassidy Nerland.................... 203 Seth Miles............................ 193 Christian Kennedy................. 183 Stock Medium Combined Michael Mass..................... 1192 Mark Sprecher...................... 750 Brandon Sohl........................ 406 Steve Smith.......................... 204 Candice Hayes...................... 203 Joey Hughes......................... 194 Allen Diercks........................ 193 Jordan Krug.......................... 184 Eric Vanderploeg................... 183 Jody Krug............................. 179 Briggs Animal Light Andrew Hayes...................... 201 Briggs Animal Heavy Alex Merritt........................... 201 Junior Champ Austin Heacock..................... 201 Adult Champ Bill Rieken............................ 204 Kris Schweer........................ 194 Chris Omar........................... 184 Tom Palmer.......................... 179 Kid Kart Madison Clark........................... 0 Caymen DeJong....................... 0 Michael DeJong........................ 0 Cole Smith................................ 0 Alec Smith................................ 0 REGION 5A SPEEDWAY As of 8-26-09 Junior 1 Light Michael Nichols.................. 1185 Tylan Porath........................ 1145 Trey Thesenvitz................... 1120 Jacee Gerlach..................... 1115 Eric Hasart.......................... 1055 Brandon Dolman................... 684 Landon Schott...................... 654 Jacob Krug........................... 420 Trevor Hunt........................... 400 Levi Preston.......................... 350 Rylan Gikling......................... 166 Junior I Heavy Jacee Gerlach..................... 1179 Trey Thesenvitz................... 1164 Michael Nichols.................. 1149 Tylan Porath........................ 1114 Eric Hasart.......................... 1064 Tanner Zweifel.................... 1009 Brandon Dolman................... 672 Trevor Hunt........................... 390 Jacob Krug........................... 385 Levi Preston.......................... 380 Makiah Schweigert............... 337 Cole Ignaszewski.................. 174 Junior II Light Kaleb Johnson.................... 1179 Dylan LaCroix..................... 1146 Max Jacobson.................... 1127 Cole Searing....................... 1127 Chelsea Oines..................... 1098 Dillon Sampson................... 1069 Keenan Shannon................. 1032 James Suter....................... 1025 Chase Morris........................ 773 Tucker Snedeker................... 769 Darrin Zomer........................ 749 Tanner Snedeker................... 709 Adam Aggen......................... 676 Tanner Ploen......................... 373 Taylor Wright......................... 363 David Bristow....................... 301 Tyler Willms.......................... 171 Dereck Steen........................ 151 MacKenzie Von Coll............... 144 Junior II Heavy Kaleb Johnson.................... 1188 Dillon Sampson................... 1128 Cole Searing....................... 1123 Keenan Shannon................. 1108 James Suter....................... 1063 Dylan LaCroix....................... 890 Tucker Snedeker................... 751 Darrin Zomer........................ 746 Tanner Snedeker................... 726 Tanner Ploen......................... 382 Tyler Williams....................... 347 Chelsea Oines....................... 339 Stock Medium Corey Munneke.................. 1216 Brentt Mork........................ 1110 Mark Jacobson................... 1101 Cody Snyder....................... 1071 Alysse Morris........................ 708 Steve Jacobson.................... 670 Mark Kix............................... 647 Zach Humphries................... 597 Toby Hubbard....................... 575 Chance Osterkamp............... 470 Tom Spanel........................... 413 Jason Sandsky..................... 373 Jordan Krug.......................... 333 Cameron Koopman............... 210 Kiefer Kalin........................... 182 Jess Gikling.......................... 180 Zach Drahota........................ 166 Todd Pudwill......................... 154 Stock Heavy Briggs Animal Medium Skylar Prochaska................ 1185 Jake Hanson....................... 1150 Cody Snyder....................... 1100 Cody Ohman......................... 678 Todd Moulton Jr.................... 528 Thomas Spanel..................... 407 Zac Humphries..................... 384 Joe Hilger............................. 357 Kiefer Kalin........................... 209 Kevin Mulder........................ 179 Alex Johnson........................ 171 Brentt Mork.......................... 163 Briggs Animal Heavy Skylar Prochaska................ 1188 Kirk Sackreiter.................... 1148 Mike Berg........................... 1048 Randy Wulf......................... 1042 Brent Mork........................... 933 Matt Buterbaugh................... 721 Brandon Hanson................... 716 Frank Alloway....................... 712 Kevin Mulder........................ 522 Joe Hilger............................. 391 Cole Sharp............................ 390 Mike Gunderson................... 341 Marty Aulner......................... 337 Allen Diercks........................ 185 Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy Brandon Dolman................... 393 Cole Ignaszewski.................. 202 Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy James Suter....................... 1185 Kaleb Johnson.................... 1145 Darrin Zomer........................ 796 Adam Aggen......................... 724 Tanner Ploen......................... 389 Amanda Bristow................... 356 Emily Miller........................... 171 Open Roger Bitz........................... 1206 LO 206 Todd Pudwill....................... 1203 Roger Bitz........................... 1153 Brian Brua............................ 203 Junior Gas Blair Nothdurft.................... 1184 Bryan Brandt........................ 610 Allison Nothdurft................... 367 Trajan Schmidt...................... 185 Lexie Ignaszewski................. 183 Kinzer Glanzer...................... 180 REGION 6 SPRINT As of 8-25-09 Tag Cadet Jake Preston...................... 1,004 Marco Eakins........................ 949 Conner Robustelli................. 743 Job Kandris.......................... 698 Davey Manthei...................... 411 Brady Egger.......................... 376 Andrew Evans....................... 363 Michael Evans...................... 338 Brittney Zamora.................... 181 Kellen Ritter.......................... 181 Robert Micich....................... 180 Edward Portz........................ 175 Parker Dressier..................... 172 Justin Taylor......................... 165 Arriauna Anderson................ 160 TaG Junior Brandon Scheiber................. 958 Paige Wallin.......................... 849 Parker McKean..................... 799 Artie Carpenter..................... 771 Nik Thomsen........................ 714 Marcus Brodie...................... 565 Skylar Benoit........................ 542 Colton Schultz....................... 497 Joseph Schwager................. 480 Kyle Byers............................ 404 Fred Lin................................ 297 Phillip Orcic.......................... 197 Jacob Bulger........................ 192 Marshall Peterson................. 180 Scott Hargrove...................... 179 Sam Gallo............................. 178 Kailia Walter.......................... 174 Daniel Burkett....................... 167 Trevor Yip.............................. 162 Keegan Laithwaite................ 159 Bradley Dezal...................... l156 Laura Freeman..................... 156 Thomas Micich..................... 150 21 Jamie McAllister................... 147 Petra Dedosenco................... 144 TaG Masters Tim Moss.............................. 606 Mike McMann....................... 407 Shawn Kinney....................... 385 Gabriel Kajdy........................ 368 Rich Fukul............................ 207 Alex Harrold.......................... 200 Dan Thayer........................... 190 Aaron Bizier.......................... 187 Aaron Laithwaite................... 182 Jaime Elmer......................... 180 Shawn Medley...................... 177 Lee Taylor............................. 175 Grant Youngson..................... 172 Will Lin................................. 170 Joseph Therrien.................... 167 Doug Taylor........................... 165 TaG Senior Brandon Cusack................... 532 Remo Ruscitti....................... 392 Sam Gallo............................. 392 Blake Romero....................... 374 Alex Thomason..................... 364 Dylan Kinney......................... 359 Chris Glover.......................... 213 Michael Valiente.................... 209 Danny Kacic......................... 203 Adam Isman......................... 188 Brett Bennet........................ t184 Don McGregor...................... 183 Chris Sodden........................ 180 Dean Clarke.......................... 178 Shaun Hodgson.................... 173 Robbie Calhoun.................... 169 Bob Wakeling........................ 168 Wayne Enright...................... 163 Jordan Dedosenco................ 158 Helmut Buhl.......................... 155 Richard Basford.................... 152 Tim Moss.................................... Superstock CR125 Heavy Bruce McKean...................... 741 Craig Sender......................... 403 Tony Helsel........................... 383 Brandon Brock...................... 373 Joe Tatman........................... 363 Brad Weiss........................... 207 David Barkley....................... 186 Randy Small......................... 177 Tim Davison.......................... 167 Superstock CR125 Light Brad Weiss........................... 407 Andrew Zimmer.................... 377 Jason Nichols....................... 202 Chris DeCicco....................... 201 Dayna Ward.......................... 194 Larry Kurpiewski................... 192 Stepanova Nekeel................. 183 Steve Perdue........................ 179 125 Shifter Modified Michael Valiente.................... 203 Remo Ruscitti....................... 193 Mike McGowan..................... 183 80cc Junior Myles Pederson.................... 394 Cameron Cotta...................... 203 Devon Johnson..................... 183 Formula 125 Mike McGowan..................... 379 Mitch Egner.......................... 208 Remo Ruscitti....................... 198 22 Daryle Redlin........................ 188 Brayden Bulger..................... 183 Michael Valiente.................... 173 Chris Perreault...................... 168 Everett Keog......................... 163 IKF Briggs World Formula HVY Robbie Calhoun.................... 932 Bryan Green......................... 907 Scott Barlee.......................... 786 Austin Moon......................... 723 Elliot McDonald..................... 644 Jeff Mullins........................... 634 Brian Marsteller.................... 602 Cole Haywood....................... 552 Joe Miller............................. 475 Dana McDonald.................... 458 Brett Lucas........................... 395 Mike Schorn......................... 373 Glenn Young.......................... 345 Tim Lawrence....................... 217 Neal Wood............................ 215 Alan Cathey.......................... 214 Roger Cathey........................ 204 Chris Genge.......................... 195 Ron Adams........................... 190 Steve Ely.............................. 175 Gabriel Gabor........................ 171 John Adams.......................... 170 Gabriel Kajdy........................ 167 Paul Helsel............................ 164 Gabe Gabor........................... 161 Gabor Kajdy.......................... 159 Wayne O'Neil........................ 157 Greg Wick............................. 156 Alexanda Lebeba.................. 154 Greg Normardin.................... 154 Scott Meredith...................... 153 Greg Henderson.................... 151 Steve King............................ 151 Novota Juraj......................... 148 Marty Patrick........................ 148 Terry Lawrence..................... 147 Chris Hatch........................... 145 Brian Bergstrom......................... IKF Briggs World Formula Med Chase Meyer........................ 973 Robbie Calhoun.................... 735 Jeff Mullins........................... 691 Brian Marsteller.................... 675 Austin Moon......................... 668 Cole Hayward....................... 561 Scott Barlee.......................... 522 Bryan Green......................... 517 Dana McDonald.................... 510 Dan Cahill............................. 395 Tim Lawrence....................... 378 Elliot McDonald..................... 332 Steve Ely.............................. 325 Neal Wood............................ 216 Brett Lucas........................... 207 Terry Lawrence..................... 201 Alan Cathey.......................... 197 Paul Helsel............................ 185 Chris Genge.......................... 181 Micheal Schorn..................... 174 Gabriel Kajdy........................ 172 Juraj Novota......................... 171 Alexanda Lebeba.................. 166 Scott Meredith...................... 160 Greg Normandin................... 159 Greg Henderson.................... 155 John Adams.......................... 150 Ron Adams................................. Briggs Gas Animal Alan Cathey.......................... 204 Brett Lucas........................... 194 Chase Meyer........................ 184 Jeff Shawver........................ 179 Briggs Gas Animal Heavy Joe Miller............................. 587 Corey Poyner........................ 582 Brett Lucas........................... 402 Bryan Green......................... 373 Keith Land............................ 359 Michael Groff........................ 180 Jeff Sawyer.......................... 178 Roger Cathey........................ 173 Glenn Young.......................... 168 Gabriel Kajdy........................ 163 Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Heavy Sting Ray Robb..................... 929 Michael Gutenberger............ 811 Luke Selliken........................ 713 Bryce Peterson..................... 686 Brittney Zamora.................... 611 Kellen Dean.......................... 557 Jessica Dezall....................... 354 Devin Smith.......................... 344 Sean Santostefano................ 190 Andy Anderson..................... 184 Kasey Compton..................... 180 Thibaut Ertle......................... 175 Justin Demars...................... 169 Gaetan Ertle.......................... 165 Arriauna Anderson................ 159 Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Light Luke Selliken........................ 915 Sting Ray Robb..................... 900 Michael Gutenberger............ 822 Bryce Peterson..................... 702 Kellen Dean.......................... 577 Brittney Zamora.................... 397 Devin Smith.......................... 370 Jessica Dezall....................... 365 Andy Anderson..................... 185 Justin Demars...................... 180 Gaetan Ertle.......................... 170 Thibaut Ertle......................... 165 Arriauna Anderson................ 165 Sean Santostefano................ 160 Taylor Coulson...................... 160 Kasey Compton..................... 155 Junior II Briggs World Formula David Schorn........................ 404 Tiffany Brown....................... 201 Max Mulkey.......................... 193 Ryan Gillette......................... 183 Jr II Briggs Gas Animal Heavy Nicole Behar......................... 981 Myles Pederson.................... 775 Logan Livesay....................... 550 Colton Schultz....................... 205 Austin Moon......................... 195 Harley Price.......................... 179 Ryan Shank.......................... 175 Jr II IKF World Formula HVY David Schorn........................ 807 Tiffany Brown....................... 385 Ryan Gillette......................... 201 Austin Moon......................... 183 Junior II IKF Briggs Animal Nicole Behar......................... 987 Logan Livesay....................... 741 Myles Pederson.................... 553 Colton Schultz....................... 205 David Schorn........................ 203 Ryan Shank.......................... 195 Harley Price.......................... 180 Taylor Overhoff........................... Yamaha KT 100 Jeremy Brown...................... 204 Tim Brown............................ 194 David Hunter......................... 184 Stephan Ward....................... 179 Jr I Sportsman Jonathan Brown................... 201 Jr II Sportsman Jayden Ward......................... 201 Rotax Micro Max Seth Appel............................ 406 Mathew Morgan................... 386 Dierdra O'Neill...................... 184 Parker Portalski.................... 179 Rotax Mini Max Matthew Moniz..................... 418 Jacob Delavergne................. 398 Jake Helsel........................... 373 Tyler Brown.......................... 368 Alec Bergstrom..................... 358 Kyle Wick.............................. 338 Dorian Ford........................... 338 Cassidy Gannon.................... 338 Bradley Dezall....................... 164 Rotax Max Jr. Brandon Scheiber................. 407 Kyle Byers............................ 387 Parker McKean..................... 372 CJ Gannon............................ 352 McKenzie Meyer................... 352 Tanner Dates........................ 342 Molly Helmuth...................... 327 Artie Carpenter..................... 209 Kory Estell............................ 174 Rotax Max International Joey Wimsett........................ 441 Phillip Arscot........................ t401 Trevor Thompsen.................. 396 Carl Skerlong........................ 376 Joe McGuire......................... 376 Chris Barkley........................ 366 Stepanova Nekeel................. 345 Ben Naemura........................ 338 Sam Jones........................... 336 Drew Revord......................... 324 Russell Francis..................... 317 Darren Ward......................... 316 Aaron Bizier.......................... 307 Geoffrey Roberti.................... 304 Deven Patrick....................... 295 Derek Wang.......................... 179 Markus Josephson................ 167 Josh Dannerman.................. 161 Leia Envolsen....................... 161 Trevor Burnam...................... 158 Hayden Buechler.................. 149 Kyle Thees............................ 149 Jason Skerlong..................... 137 Kurt Fisher............................ 134 Rotax Max Masters Clayton Hayes....................... 407 Tim Moss.............................. 387 Kurt Fisher............................ 184 Ron Lamoreaux.................... 179 REGION 11 SPRINT As of 8-25-09 Yamaha KT100S Light Steve Bishop......................... 393 Joe Payne............................. 203 Don Meyering....................... 202 Jerry Van Deusen Jr.............. 193 John Howarth....................... 183 Yamaha KT100S Heavy Joe Payne............................. 202 Debbie Kuntze...................... 201 Dan Meyering....................... 201 Jerry Van Deusen Jr.............. 192 125cc-150cc Open Steve Bishop......................... 375 John Kuntze.......................... 203 Blair Nielson......................... 202 Kerry Aye.............................. 201 David Koomjan..................... 193 Unlimited/ FKE III Luis Gularte.......................... 598 John Stafford........................ 381 Mark Morrison...................... 361 Lee Storgaard....................... 202 Mark Jaurequi...................... 199 Larry Kurpiewski................... 189 Ryen Miller........................... 187 Damien Reyes...................... 182 Dean Martin.......................... 179 Steve Kemp.......................... 172 John Rounds......................... 169 Herach Harautunians............ 167 Anthony Williams.................. 159 Ryan Kurpiewski................... 159 TaG Enduro Bryant Thomas..................... 571 Andrew Kemp....................... 566 Mike Baer............................. 561 Juha Salmela........................ 356 Joe Coppola.......................... 326 Dave Cabico......................... 209 Lindsey Browning................. 205 Steven Bishop....................... 184 Ben Bulkley.......................... 182 Dan Levens........................... 180 Joe Payne............................. 174 Jason Conner....................... 172 Dan Geil................................ 169 Super Stock Situp Jim White............................. 394 Tim Titsworth........................ 203 David Koomjan..................... 201 Doug Gossett........................ 183 Inter-Continental-E Luis Gularte.......................... 561 Mark Morrison...................... 377 Damien Reyes...................... 354 John Stafford........................ 347 Jim Hoover........................... 210 Daryl Owens......................... 204 Eddie Lawson....................... 200 Dean Martin.......................... 197 Thomas Crahan.................... 185 Lee Storgaard....................... 184 Mark Jauregui...................... 182 John Rounds......................... 177 Ryen Miller........................... 170 Anthony Williams.................. 167 Thomas Smith...................... 165 David Lara............................ 155 Yamaha Limited Light Sprint Larry Stevens....................... 391 Jim White............................. 207 David Koomjan..................... 204 Mike Estrella......................... 187 Carl Green............................ 184 Tim Titsworth........................ 182 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 Pat Webster.......................... 179 Terry Clauson........................ 177 Doug Gossett........................ 172 Ray Bobo.............................. 167 Yamaha Limited Heavy Sprint Steve Bishop......................... 553 Terry Clauson........................ 373 Larry Stevens....................... 361 Ray Bobo.............................. 206 Pat Webster.......................... 205 Mike Estrella......................... 196 Thomas Sullivan................... 195 Carl Green............................ 185 Steve Kemp.......................... 176 Rotax Max Light Lisa Krager........................... 201 Rotax Max Alex Stout............................. 204 Ben Bulkley.......................... 202 Ty Schlorer........................... 194 Robert Phillips...................... 192 Matt Wirth............................. 184 Rob Schlorer......................... 179 TaG Heavy Larry O'Neal......................... 565 Donald Krug.......................... 371 Alex Stout............................. 204 Thomas Smith...................... 204 Neil Anderson....................... 194 Rob Schlorer......................... 194 Ty Schlorer........................... 184 TaG Light Lindsey Browning................. 204 Doug Ring............................. 194 Dan Levins............................ 184 John Chandler...................... 179 Formula 125 Limited Jonathan Shaw..................... 587 Marion Valiente..................... 537 Dave Fultz............................ 384 Kerry Aye.............................. 350 Wayne Mello......................... 197 Randy Pierson...................... 197 Jeff Littrell............................ 187 Tim Pierson.......................... 187 Doug Hayashi....................... 182 Dan Hughes.......................... 182 John Demartino.................... 167 Formula 125 Limited Heavy Bill Adams............................ 405 Brian Tilseth.......................... 385 Gary Palmer.......................... 183 Formula 125 Dave Fultz............................ 363 Jonathon Shaw..................... 363 Jason Santander................... 207 Jeff Littrell............................ 206 Randy Pierson...................... 197 Wayne Mello......................... 196 Doug Hayashi....................... 186 Tim Pierson.......................... 177 Marion Valiente..................... 172 John Demartino.................... 171 Dan Hughes.......................... 167 Formula 80 Senior Justin Casey......................... 604 Don Silva.............................. 579 Carson Corbett...................... 579 Michael LaGrone................... 544 Jack Dorian.......................... 524 Boyd Ferry............................ 198 Don Webster......................... 174 Tim Pratt.............................. 173 Randy Carnegie.................... 172 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 Don Shalla............................ 169 Lifford Blount........................ 167 Brian White........................... 164 Devon Johnson..................... 163 Ben French........................... 159 Super Stock CR125 Chris Bachmann................... 607 Erik Maxfield......................... 579 Todd Baker........................... 557 Larry Dobbs.......................... 548 Jonathon Allen...................... 501 Paul Traver............................ 492 Richard Mathews.................. 475 Chris McCabe....................... 455 Jimmy Casey........................ 420 Sonny Van Hook.................... 370 Aaron Stanford...................... 313 Steve Baunhoff..................... 303 John Borroel......................... 303 Brian Smith........................... 293 Joseph Hollinger................... 293 Kerry Matthews.................... 291 Ryan Hegar........................... 226 Chris Hegar........................... 216 Darrell Hulford...................... 194 Mike Ray.............................. 192 David Jones.......................... 181 Jimmy McNeil....................... 179 Jason Bell............................. 171 Rob Hegar............................ 168 Bobby McCourt..................... 156 Mike Carlman....................... 153 Joel Benveniste.................... 152 Richard Goddard................... 147 Ray Chiappe......................... 146 Stephen Harris...................... 139 Flemming Tranberg............... 137 Doug Ring............................. 129 Brian White........................... 129 NCK World Formula Medium Brien Bluhm.......................... 411 Chris Abbas.......................... 382 Brad Wunder......................... 371 Luis Marero.......................... 371 James Otani......................... 362 David Lucas.......................... 351 Cliff Letterman...................... 342 Cory Medogovich.................. 205 Jake Dusang......................... 195 IKF World Formula Heavy David Lucas.......................... 372 James Otani......................... 362 Brad Wunder......................... 204 Cory Medogovich.................. 204 Cliff Letterman...................... 203 Jake Dusang......................... 194 Brien Bluhm.......................... 194 Chris Abbas.......................... 184 Luis Marero.......................... 184 WC 80cc Sprint Don Silva.............................. 612 Justin Casey......................... 582 Carson Corbett...................... 577 Michael LaGrone................... 542 Brian White........................... 352 Jack Dorian.......................... 327 Tony Rodriguez..................... 180 Tim Pratt.............................. 180 Richard Witschel................... 175 Don Shalla............................ 167 Boyd Ferry............................ 165 Devon Johnson..................... 155 WC 80cc Laydown Martha Morse....................... 407 Randy Carnegie.................... 362 Doug Dyer............................ 194 Blair Neilson......................... 193 Libby Buck............................ 184 WC Super Stock CR125 II Jimmy Casey........................ 605 Erik Maxfield......................... 557 Chris Bachmann................... 539 Richard Matthews................. 523 Chris McCabe....................... 505 Jonathon Allen...................... 499 Paul Traver............................ 483 Larry Dobbs.......................... 481 Sonny Van Hook.................... 475 Kerry Mathews..................... 470 Darrell Hulford...................... 362 Todd Baker........................... 362 John Borroel......................... 305 Brian Smith........................... 305 Joseph Hollinger................... 304 Aaron Stanford...................... 290 Chris Hegar........................... 224 Jimmy McNeil....................... 218 Ryan Hegar........................... 214 Mike Ray.............................. 213 Rob Hegar............................ 199 Richard Goddard................... 166 Jason Bell............................. 160 Steve Baumhoff.................... 158 Joel Benveniste.................... 151 Russ Dyer............................. 148 Stephen Harris...................... 145 Flemming Tranberg............... 139 Bobby McCourt..................... 131 TaG Enduro II Juha Salmela........................ 387 Joe Coppola.......................... 356 Dave Cabico......................... 208 Doug Ring............................. 198 Steve Bishop......................... 188 Anrdrew Kemp...................... 183 Alex Stout............................. 163 Ty Schlorer........................... 163 Rob Schlorer......................... 163 IAME Cup Jonathan Mullins.................. 613 Butch Thompson................... 538 Michael Grijalva.................... 400 Dan Levens........................... 357 John McClintic...................... 342 Rhonda Richardson............... 324 Lawrence Morgan................. 323 Terre Rothweiler................... 204 Jesse Gwin........................... 189 Daniel Geil............................ 184 John Chandler...................... 179 Lindsey Browning................. 169 Doug Ring............................. 159 Kerry Matthews.................... 150 \IAME Cup Heavy Andrew Kemp....................... 601 Larry O'Neal......................... 561 David Gwin........................... 378 Larry Stevens....................... 373 Bill Mastrude........................ 185 WC TaG FBO Bryant Thomas..................... 610 Steve Dutton......................... 585 Don Pierce............................ 555 Mike Baer............................. 555 Rick Jackson........................ 510 Dennis Conary...................... 500 Matt Wirth............................. 370 Chris McCabe....................... 358 Steve Lorain......................... 336 William Helpley..................... 332 Bill Mastruede...................... 187 Neil Anderson....................... 157 Dave Cabico......................... 155 Phill Queen........................... 154 NCK Super Sportsman YAM LT Bo Howard............................ 409 Clint Howard......................... 389 Codie Howard....................... 364 William Sheppard................. 364 Carl Green............................ 175 NCK Super Sportsman YAMHvy William Sheppard................. 201 NCK F200 Scott Smit........................... h201 NCK F200II Scott Smith........................... 201 NCK Unlimited II Herach Harautunians............ 386 Larry Kurpiewski................... 204 Steve Kemp.......................... 202 Russ Dyer............................. 184 Ryan Kurpiewski................... 179 WC Stock CR80 Sprint Ben French........................... 201 WC HPV 4 & Heavy Mike Lytle............................. 201 Formula 80 Jr & Heavy Ryley Howe........................... 201 Jr Sportsman Enduro Ryley Howe........................... 201 23 Grand naTIonal resUlTs sPeedWaY PaVeMenT juNior i Briggs aNimal light 1.............Tanner Allen 2.............Spencer Wilhelm 3.............Logan Pruitt 4.............Clayton Reis 5.............Tehya Allen 6.............Lucas Jacobson stock heavy 1.............Jordan Ashelin 2.............Jason Lindgren 3.............Eric Vanderploeg 4.............Cameron Koopman 5.............Erica Bear 6.............Alex Bridger 7.............Nick Perkins 8.............Ben Schaitel junior ii light 1.............Mike Sauter 2.............Andy Schaitel 3.............Eric Bridger 4.............Ross Young 5.............Brandon Worthington 6.............Mitch Weiss 7.............Casey Knutson 8.............Skylar Pruitt junior i heavy 1.............Tanner Allen 2.............Logan Pruitt 3.............Spencer Wilhelm 4.............Clayton Reis 5.............Lucas Jacobson junior ii heavy 1.............Skylar Pruitt 2.............Michael Sauter 3.............Brandon Worthington 4.............Ross Young 5.............Andy Schaitel 6.............Mitch Weiss 7.............Eric Bridger Champ Class 410 1.............Bill Rieken 2.............Chris Omar stock medium 1.............Jordan Ashelin 2.............Jason Lindgren 3.............Ben Schaitel 4.............Eric Vanderploeg 5.............Michelle Hansen 6.............Nick Perkins 7.............Erica Bear 8.............Cameron Koopman 9.............Ryan Mills 10...........Alex Bridger junior i animal light 1.............Tanner Allen 2.............Tehya Allen 3.............Clayton Reis 4.............Lucas Jacobson Briggs animal light 1.............Eric Vanderploeg 2.............Jordan Ashelin 3.............Ben Schaitel Dq ..........Jason Lindgren Dq ..........Jake Tuel Dq ..........Michelle HAnsen junior ii animal light 1.............Michael Sauter 2.............Mitch Weiss 3.............Ross Young 4.............Andy Schaitel 5.............Eric Bridger 6.............Skylar Pruitt Briggs animal medium 1.............Eric Vanderploeg 2.............Cameron Koopman 3.............Jordan Ashelin 4.............Erica Bear 5.............Ben Schaitel 6.............Nick Perkins 7.............Jake Tuel 8.............Jason Lindgren 9.............Michelle Hansen junior i animal heavy 1.............Tanner Allen 2.............Clayton Reis 3.............Tehya Allen 4.............Lucas Jacobson junior ii animal heavy 1.............Michael Sauter 2.............Mitch Weiss 3.............Andy Schaitel 4.............Ross Young 5.............Brandon Worthington 6.............Eric Bridger 7.............Skylar Pruitt Briggs animal heavy 1.............Cameron Koopman 2.............Nick Perkins 3.............Ben Schaitel 4.............Eric Vanderploeg 5.............Erica Bear Dq ..........Jason Lindgren Briggs & stratton engine winner: Erica Bear arc storm Chassis winner Ross Young 2-CYCle sPeedWaY/ sPdWY MIdGeT day 1 junior ii light 1.............Mitch Manternach 2.............Ross Young 3.............Russell Benhart 4.............Woodrow Carpenter 5.............Chance Titus 6.............Spencer Hill 7.............Paul French 8.............Jonathan Brauns 9.............Jayden Johnson 10...........Nick Roberts 11...........Ben Carpenter 12...........Roscoe Crittenden 13...........Austin Ferrell 14...........Corbin Heitz Dq ..........Matthew Fulton yamaha kt100s light 1.............Corey Forsyth 2.............Jarren Halstead 3.............Bryan Good 4.............Terry Young 5.............DJ Palmer 6.............Marty Biermann 7.............Johnny Mudd 8.............Alex Merritt 9.............Shawn Brown 10...........Steve Smith 11...........AJ Failor 12...........Jason Lindgren 13...........John Emerson 14...........Aaron Young 15...........Ryan Hale 16...........Jeremy Hills 17...........Ben Braksiek Dns.........Kyle Heitz Dq ..........Tom Spanel midget junior 1.............Chris Peden 2.............Derrick Clark 3.............Jimmy Abell 4.............Kyle Jared 5.............Treavor Brown 6.............Tanner Allen Dq ..........Klein Walker 100cc super stock light 1.............Corey Forsyth 2.............Jason Lindgren 3.............Kyle Heitz 4.............Steve Smith 5.............Aj Failor 6.............Eric Pollard 7.............Luke Payton 8.............Mike Clausen 9.............Marty Biermann midget super stock 1.............AJ Failor 2.............Steve Failor 3.............Ryan Wilkening 4.............Jayce Jenkins 5.............Justin Good 6.............Tj Stuart Dnf .........Jason Killam senior sportsman 1.............Denise Myers 2.............Jarren Halstead 3.............Andrew Rice 4.............Austin Baird 5.............Allen Diecks 6.............Michael Parcel 7.............Corey Smith 8.............Blaine Parks 9.............Patrick Parks 10...........DJ Palmer 11...........Corey Kemp 12...........Ben Braksiek 13...........Dakota Benhart Dq ..........Jake Tuel day 2 junior ii heavy 1.............Corbin Heitz 2.............Austin Ferrell 3.............Roscoe Crittenden 4.............Russell Benhart 5.............Jonathan Brauns 6.............Nick Robert 7.............Spencer Hill 2009 IKF REGIONAL MAP 24 KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 8.............Paul French 9.............Woodrow Carpenter 10...........Ben Carpenter 11...........Mitch Manternach 12...........Matthew Fultom 13...........Ross Young 14...........Chance Titus Dns..........Jayden Johnson Yamaha KT100s Heavy 1.............Corey Forsyth 2.............Steve Smith 3.............Shawn Brown 4.............Kyle Heitz 5.............Tom Spanel 6.............Chase Young 7.............Alex Merritt 8.............Terry Young 9.............Dennis Dubois 10...........Denise Myers 11...........Ben Braksiek 12...........John Emerson 13...........Ryan Hale 14...........Jeremy Hill 15...........Johnny Mudd 16...........DJ Palmer 17...........Jarren Halstead Dns..........AJ Failor Dq...........Bryan Good 100cc Super Stock Heavy 1.............Corey Forsyth 2.............Kyle Heitz 3.............Mike Clausen 4.............AJ Failor 5.............Jason Lindgren 6.............Eric Pollard 7.............Marty Bierman Dnf..........Corey Kemp 200cc Stock 1.............Jason Lindgren 2.............Luke Payton 3.............Mike Clausen 4.............Bill Rieken 5.............Chris Omar Dnf..........Brad Stevens Super Sportsman (Super Box) 1.............Jake Tuel 2.............Dj Palmer 3.............Jarren Halstead 4.............Austin Baird 5.............Dakota Benhart 6.............Michael Parcel 7.............Chris Harrison 8.............Blaine Parks 9.............Allen Diercks 10...........Corey Smith 11...........Patrick Parks 12...........Andrew Rice 13...........Jason Killam 14...........Corey Kemp 15...........Ben Braksiek 16...........Chris Omar Junior I Light 1.............Brayton Carter 2.............Jimmy Abel 3.............Jerod Ballhagen 4.............Cody Dons 5.............Tanner Mullan 6.............Ryan Crittenden 7.............Klein Walker KARTER NEWS - September 2009 8.............Josh Vis 9.............Owen Ward 10...........Tanner Allen 11...........Kaylee Dons 12...........Blake Frederick Dnf..........Braydon Dobereiner Dnf..........Dane Balzer Dq...........Rilee Slycord BmAin.....Dawson Harney Bmain......Anissa Smith Bmain......Carter Johnson Bmain......Mariah Harney Day 3...... Kid Kart Winner.....Kenneth Helmick Winner.....Gavin Slycord Winner.....Cole Smith Winner.....Wesley Collins Winner.....Madison Clark Winner.....Ashton Gein Winner.....Michael Dejong Winner.....Chloe Mccabe Junior III Sportsman 1.............Mitch Manternach 2.............Matthew Fultom 3.............Austin Ferrell 4.............Mike Ballhagen 5.............Paul French 6.............Russell Benhart 7.............Jeremy Robinson 8.............Roscoe Crittenden 9.............Ben Carpenter 10...........Jonathan Brauns Yamaha KT100s Ltd 1.............Ryan Hale 2.............Andy Rice 3.............Denise Myers 4.............Bryan Good 5.............Terry Young 6.............Shawn Brown 7.............Alex Merritt 8.............Patrick Parks 9.............Allen Diercks 10...........Dakota Benhart 11...........Austin Baird 12...........Michael Parcel 13...........Corey Smith 14...........DJ Palmer 15...........Blaine Parks 16...........Ben Braksiek Dns..........John Emerson Dns..........Jarren Halstead Open Kage Kart 1.............Steve Failor 2.............AJ Failor 3.............Ryan Wilkening 4.............Gary Bennett 5.............Justin Good 6.............Ron Boylan Dnf..........Harry Stuart Dnf..........Terry Hurly Open 1.............Corey Forsyth 2.............Jason Lindgren 3.............Shawn Brown 4.............Bill Rieken 5.............Jarren Halstead 6.............Marty Biermann 7.............Ben Braksiek 8.............Steve Smith Dns..........Eric Pollard Dns..........Mike Clausen Junior I Heavy 1.............Brayton Carter 2.............Jimmy Abell 3.............Braydon Dobereiner 4.............Owen Ward 5.............Josh Vis 6.............Tanner Allen 7.............Cody Dons 8.............Ryan Crittenden 9.............Tanner Mullan 10...........Klein Walker 11...........Rilee Slycord 12...........Kaylee Dons 13...........Jerod Ballhagen Bmain......Anissa Smith Bmain......Blake Frederick Bmain......Dawson Harney Bmain......Mariah Harney 2-CYCLE SPRINT Day One Kid Kart 1.............Jarrett Gilmer 2.............Jerett Tachovsky 3.............Zach Corbitt 4.............Ethan Barrett 5.............Courtney Batterton 6.............Tommy Trickle 7.............Anthony Willis 8.............Carter Herrera 9.............John Paul Maxwell 10...........Anthony Sawyer 11...........Derek Deslauniers 12...........Hudson Morrow 13...........Enrique Jaime 14...........Liam Letzsch Junior Sportsman 1.............Cody Kay 2.............Kiel Spaulding 3.............Shawn Sharkey 4.............Raquel Martinez 5.............Camden Geise 6.............Jake Craig 7.............Kyle Kaiser 8.............Taylor Miinch 9.............Trent Hindman 10...........Louie Pagano 11...........Luis Tyrrell 12...........Cole Loftsgard 13...........Matt Chase 14...........Logan Wyman 15...........Jesse HuamAn 16...........Brenton Urban Df............Juan Maldonado Dnf..........Tyler Palmer Dnf..........Adrian Starrantino Dnf..........Paoloni Federico HPV I Cadet 1.............Michael Womack 2.............Riley Reyes 3.............Zane Smith 4.............Sonny Cervelli 5.............Jr Raczko 6.............Noah Hermansen 7.............Davey Manthei Jr. 8.............Christian Brooks 9.............Drew Setzer 10...........Nitro Nick Sommers 11...........Brennen Mankin 12...........Joseph La Rosa 13...........Carter Williams 14...........Curtis Paul 15...........Hunter Corbitt 16...........Juan Esteban Garcia 17...........Tate Holleran 18...........Jeremy Kay Dnf..........Brenden Baker Dnf..........Justin Yanez Dnf..........Alexander Perales Dnf..........Jake Preston Dnf..........Chris TrIckle Dnf..........Blaine Rocha Dnf..........Jarred Campbell Dnf..........Cole Davis Dnf..........Parker Thompson Dnf..........Flinn Lazier Dns..........Camilo Forero Super Sportsman 1.............Brendan Phinny 2.............Mike Botelho Jr. 3.............Bobby Kelley 4.............Derek Zimmerman 5.............Alex Schutte 6.............Sergio Pena 7.............Nigel Saurino 8.............Neil Alberico 9.............Kyle Shriver 10...........Tyler Wamre 11...........Nick Johnston Dnf..........Luis Martinez Jr. Dnf..........Michael Hogg Dnf..........Dylan Nobile Dnf..........Jesse Gwin Dnf..........Chris Gomez Dnf..........Kyle Kuntze Dnf..........Lloyd Mack Dnf..........Taylor Young Dnf..........Tony Mangini Dq...........Clayton Snow IKF TaG Masters 1.............Robert Logan 2.............JareD Woolf 3.............Mat Kattanek 4.............David Harwin 5.............Daniel Bordogna 6.............Paul Hohlbein 7.............Nick Wadlow Day Two. Kid Kart Heavy 1.............Jerett Tachovsky 2.............Anthony Sawyer 3.............John Paul Maxwell 4.............Enrique Jaime 5.............Zach Corbitt 6.............Ethan Barrett 7.............Courtney Batterton 8.............Tommy Trickle 9.............Derek Deslauriers 10...........Anthony Willis Dns..........Jarrett Gilmer Dns..........Liam Letzsch Dns..........Hudson Morrow Dq...........Carter Herrera Junior I Heavy 1.............Jarred Campbell 2.............Brenden Baker 3.............Riley Reyes 4.............Joseph La Rosa 5.............Noah Hermansen 6.............Cole Davis 7.............Blaine Rocha 8.............Nitro Nick Sommers 9.............Zane Smith 10...........Juan Esteban Garcia 11...........Justin Yanez 12...........Drew Setzer 13...........Christian Brooks 14...........Curtis Paul 15...........Hunter Corbitt 16...........Alexander Perales 17...........Tyler Burk 18...........Davey Manthei Jr. 19...........Brennen Mankin 20...........Flinn Lazier 21...........Tate Holleran Dnf..........Camilo Forero Dnf..........Mitchell Cody Dnf..........Kyle Surface Dnf..........Lindsey Freier Dnf..........Chris Trickle Dnf..........Mario Jacobellis Dnf..........Corrie Hiatt Dnf..........Makayla Grote Dnf..........Jr Raczko Dnf..........Carter Williams Dns..........Garrett Dixon Dns..........A.J. Jacobellis Dns..........Jeremy Kay Dns..........Michael Womack Dq...........Sonny Cervelli Jr Super Sportsman Hvy 1.............Cody Kay 2.............Taylor Miinch 3.............Trent Hindman 4.............Camden Geise 5.............Jake Craig 6.............Tyler Palmer 7.............Luis Tyrrell 8.............Kiel Spaulding 9.............Kyle Kaiser 10...........Shawn Sharkey 11...........David Vasquez 12...........Jared Torre 13...........Adrian Starrantino 14...........Austin Elliott 15...........Paoloni Federico 16...........Cole Loftsgard Dnf..........Matt Chase Dnf..........Conner New Dnf..........Zach Maclean Dnf..........Louis Pagano Dnf..........Austin Self Dnf..........Raquel Martinez Dnf..........JuanDiegoMaldonado Senior Sportsman 1.............Clayton Snow 2.............Mike Botelho Jr. 3.............Luis Martinez Jr. 4.............Alex Schutte 5.............Bobby Kelley 6.............Nigel Saurino 7.............Tyler Wamre 25 8.............Tony Mangini 9.............Chris GomEz Dnf..........Kyle Shriver Dnf..........Brendan Phinny HPV III Senior 1.............Clayton Snow 2.............Brendan Phinny 3.............Sergio Pena 4.............Wesley Boswell 5.............Michael Hogg 6.............Dylan Nobile 7.............Jess Peterson 8.............Mike Herda 9.............Neil Alberico 10...........Kyle Kuntze 11...........Devin Lindsey 12...........Kelseu Nilsson 13...........Nick Martin Dnf..........Lyle Weber Dnf..........Lloyd Mack Dnf..........Derek Zimmerman Dnf..........Nick Johnston Dns..........Kyle Shriver Dns..........Andrick Zeen Dns..........Robby Harryman Day Three Rookie Sportsmam 1.............Brennen Mankin 2.............Riley Reyes 3.............Parker Thompson 4.............Michael Womack 5.............Christian Brooks 6.............Davey Manthei Jr. 7.............Brenden Baker 8.............Nitro Nick Sommers 9.............Tate Holleran 10...........Chris Trickle Dnf..........Cole Davis Dnf..........Jarred Campbell Dnf..........Juan Esteban Garcia Dnf..........Carter Williams Dnf..........Hunter Corbitt Dns..........Zane Smith Dns..........Jeremy Kay Dns..........Blaine Rocha Dns..........Camilo Forero Hpv II Junior 1.............Taylor Miinch 2.............Kiel Spaulding 3.............Tyler Palmer 4.............Cody Kay 5.............Austin Dement 6.............Camden Geise 7.............Shawn Sharkey 8.............David Vasquez 9.............Raquel Martinez 10...........Trent Hindman 11...........Jake Craig 12...........Austin Elliot 13...........Dylan Lupton 14...........Austin Self 15...........Jared Torres 16...........James M. Sullivan 17...........LogAn Wyman 18...........T.J. Fischer Dnf..........Jesse Huaman Dnf..........Brenton Urban Dnf..........Juan D. Maldonado Dnf..........Paoloni Federico 26 Dnf..........Luis Tyrrell Dnf..........Joey Teves Dnf..........Cole Loftsgard Dnf..........Louie Pagano Dnf..........Adrian Starrantino Dnf..........Kyle Kaiser Dns..........Kyle Kaiser IKF Tag Cadet 1.............Davey Manthei Jr. 2.............Jeremy Kay 3.............Tate Holleran 4.............Curtis Paul 5.............Flinn Lazier 6.............Alexander Perales 7.............Jake Preston Dnf..........Noah Hermansen Dns..........Michael Womack Dns..........Blaine Rocha Dq...........Garrett Dixon Super Sportsman Heavy 1.............Mike Botelho Jr. 2.............Bobby Kelley 3.............Brendan Phinny 4.............Clayton Snow 5.............Dylan Nobile 6.............Sergio Pena 7.............Alex Schutte 8.............Derek Zimmerman 9.............Kyle Kuntze 10...........Tyler Wamre 11...........Michael Hogg 12...........Mat Kattanek 13...........Neil Alberico 14...........Jesse Gwin 15...........Chris Gomez 16...........Nick Wadlow Dnf..........Tony Mangini Dnf..........Luis Martinez Jr. Dns..........Kyle Shriver IKF Tag Senior 1.............Kyle Shriver 2.............Bobby Kelley 3.............Michael Hogg 4.............Andrick Zeen 5.............Kelsey Nilsson 6.............Jon Ban 7.............Lyle Weber Dnf..........Jess Peterson Dnf..........Brendan Phinny Dnf..........Scott Saunders Dnf..........Chris Gomez Dnf..........Travis Duhn Dnf..........David Brant Dnf..........Nigel Saurino Dns..........Jared Woolf Dns..........Taylor YoUng Dns..........Clayton Snow Dns..........Luis Martinez Jr. Dns..........Brett Felkins Dns..........Cory Gwin Dns..........David Harwin Dns..........Travis Lowe Dns..........Zach Dericco Dns..........Mike Botelho Jr. Dns..........Lloyd Mack Dq...........Devin Lindsey Day Four Junior I 1.............Riley Reyes 2.............Sonny Cervelli 3.............Brenden Baker 4.............Jarred Campbell 5.............Cole Davis 6.............Juan EstebanGarcia 7.............Joseph La Rosa 8.............Brennen Mankin 9.............Michael Womack 10...........Parker Thompson 11...........Zane Smith 12...........Davey Manthei Jr. 13...........Drew Setzer 14...........Hunter Corbitt 15...........Noah Hermansen 16...........Carter Williams 17...........Chris Trickle 18...........CurtIs Paul 19...........Kyle Surface 20...........Garrett Dixon 21...........Flinn Lazier 22...........Jr Raczko Dnf..........Tate Holleran Dnf..........Lindsey Freier Dnf..........A.J. Jacobellis Dnf..........Tyler Burk Dnf..........Jeremy Kay Dnf..........Mitchell Cody Dnf..........Justin Yanez Dnf..........Alexander Perales Dnf..........Blaine Rocha Dnf..........Nitro Nick Sommers Dnf..........Christian Brooks Dq...........Camilo Forero Junior Super Sportsman 1.............Cody Kay 2.............Kiel Spaulding 3.............Camden Geise 4.............Jake Craig 5.............Tyler Palmer 6.............Taylor Miinch 7.............Luis Tyrrell 8.............Shawn Sharkey 9.............Austin Self 10...........Trent Hindman 11...........David Vasquez 12...........Brenton Urban 13...........Matt Chase 14...........Zach Maclean Dnf..........Kyle Kaiser Dnf..........Jesse Huaman Dns..........Paoloni Federico Dq...........JuanD .Maldonado Dq...........Raquel Martinez IKF Tag Jr 1.............Louis Pagano 2.............Shawn Sharkey 3.............Austin Self 4.............Trent Hindman 5.............Cole Loftsgard 6.............Chelsi Wagner 7.............Jared Torres 8.............Christian Bird Dnf..........James M.Sullivan Dnf..........Austin Dement Dnf..........Dylan Lupton Dnf..........Camden Geise Dnf..........Raquel Martinez Dnf..........Jake Eldson Dnf..........Kiel Spaulding Dnf..........Austin Elliot Dnf..........Conner New Dnf..........Jake Craig Dnf..........Taylor Miinch Dnf..........Cody Kay Dns..........Paoloni Federico Dq...........Adrian Starrantino Dq...........JoEy Teves HPV 4 Senior 1.............Kyle Shriver 2.............Nick Johnston 3.............Bobby Kelley 4.............Wesley Boswell 5.............Derek Zimmerman 6.............Andrick Zeen 7.............Dylan Nobile 8.............Brett Felkins 9.............Kelsey Nilsson 10...........Michael Hogg 11...........Jess Peterson 12...........Robby Harryman 13...........Nick Martin Dnf..........Brendan Phinny Dnf..........Devin Lindsey Dnf..........Luis Martinez Jr. Dnf..........Neil Alberico Dns..........Nike Herda Dq...........Clayton Snow IAME Cup 1.............Andrick Zeen 2.............Michael Hogg 3.............Bobby Kelley 4.............Mike Botelho Jr. 5.............Zach Dericco 6.............Travis Lowe 7.............Neil Alberico 8.............Nigel Saurino 9.............Jon Ban 10...........Jess Peterson 11...........Travis Duhn Dnf..........Lyle Weber Dnf..........David Brant Dnf..........Jared Woolf Dnf..........David Harwin Dnf..........Neil Mccoy Dnf..........Clayton Snow Dnf..........Chris Gomez Dnf..........Kyle Shriver Dnf..........Luis Martinez Jr. Dnf..........Lloyd Mack Dnf..........Kyle Kuntze Dns..........Alex Schutte Dns..........Sergio Pena Dns..........Cory Gwin Dns..........Scott Saunders Experience Life in the Fast Lane Membership and Subscription Information: International Kart Federation 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105 Ontario, CA 91761 909-923-4999 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 eVenTs 2009 Grand naTIonals road raCe (completed) June 10-13, 2009 • Eagles Canyon Raceway, Slidell TX 4-CYCle sPrInT (completed) June 23-26, 2009 • Shasta Kart Track, Redding CA 4-CYCle sPeedWaY (completed) July 6-11, 2009 • I-20 Speedway, Winona, TX David and Carrie Snyder 903-780-2998 or 903-894-3262 2-CYCle sPrInT (completed) July 21-25, 2009 • Desert Park Raceway, Reno, NV. Northern Nevada Kart Club, Brian Rivera, NNKC President/Promoter 775-762-8688, 2-CYCle sPeedWaY/ sPeedWaY MIdGeT (completed) HEY DAD, I WANNA RACE! August 4-7, 2009 • Newton Kart Track, Newton, IA. Newton Kart Klub sPeedWaY PaVeMenT (completed) August 13-15, 2009 • Jamaica Raceway, Jamaica, IA. Randy Perkins 641-429-3050 2009 reGIonal eVenTs reGIon 4b road raCe October 2-4, 2009 Oak Hill Raceway, Henderson TX SWRA /Jim McMillan reGIon 6 road raCe October 16-17, 2009 Mission, BC Canada October 23-25, 2009 Bremerton Raceway, Bremerton, WA Contacts: PSRRA, Fonn Guither 206-724-7824 PKA, Mike Schorn 503-324-9072 reGIon 7 sPrInT Eight Races, One Drop / Tag Licenses ARE required in Region 7 Sprint October 2-4, 2009 Apex Karting Center, Perris, CA, Apex (Contact info will be posted when available) KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 October 30-November 1, 2009 Phoenix Kart Track, Phoenix AZ Phoenix Kart Club (Contact info TBA) December 4-6, 2009 Irwindale Kart Track of Irwindale, CA Irwindale Kart Club (Contact info TBA) reGIon 11 road raCe Contact for all events: Roger Miller 408-286-5487 November 7, 2009 • FALL NATIONAL Thunderhill Raceway, Willows, CA adVerTIser Index coyote products ........................................31 dave’s performance Karting ...................30 G-Man Kart works ....................................31 haddock, ltd. ............................................31 iKF Grand national annual ....................10 Jim hall ii racing schools .......................31 K&n air Filtration systems ......................7 K&p Manufacturing .................................31 Kart-o-rama ..............................................31 Mike’s Kart stands ....................................31 Mike Manning Karting.............................30 MMs Karting .............................................30 MxK racing ...............................................31 national Kart news ..................................21 penton racing products ...........................31 pitts performance ......................................30 rlv Tuned exhaust products .................31 russell Karting specialties.........................2 Target distributors ......................................4 Ts racing ....................................................30 Turk brothers racing ..................................3 woltjer racing engines ............................30 27 IKF Night at the Races Toyota Speedway at Irwindale Saturday Night September 19, 2009 Gates open 4 PM Racing at 7 PM 500 Speedway Drive Irwindale, CA 91706 Featuring Auto Club Late Models - Twins King Taco Super Trucks Vista Paint Super Stocks South West Tour Truck Series Discount Admission* $10.00 Show your IKF Membership Card at the Ticket Will Call for your discount. *Four discount tickets per Member, meal tickets available for $6. The IKF Board of Directors Fall Meeting is at the Sheraton Ontario Airport Hotel, 429 N. Vineyard Ave., Ontario, CA. 91764 on September 19 & 20, 2009. All are welcome to attend. We will be car pooling to the Speedway directly after the Saturday Meeting. Irwindale Kart Club is hosting a club race on Sunday, September 20th at Irwindale Speedway at 9 AM. Make a weekend and attend the IKF meeting, the NASCAR races and the Irwindale Kart Club race. For more information contact Rick Scribner @ 916-638-1515 or IKF Office @ 909-923-4999. Additional information can be found at the following web sites. 28 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 I.K.F. GOVERNORS, COORDINATORS & COMMITTEES Coordinator 4B - (PAV SPWY) Francis Rougeou National Coordinator - Rick Scribner, 1040 Main Street 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650..................(916) 652-3905 Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890 ....................................... FAX (916) 652-3910 Louisiana Governor - Francis Rougeou 1040 Main Street Rule Book Text Editor - Open Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890 Track/Club/Promoter Relations Texas Governor - David Snyder International Kart Federation 17538 FM RD 2493 1609 S. Grove Avenue, Suite 105, Flint TX 75762....................... (903)-894-3262 Ontario, CA 91761..................(909) 923-4999 ........................................ FAX(909) 923-6940 REGION 5 Coordinator - (SPRINT/PAV SPWY/SPWY) Waiver Chairperson (Sprint) Sharee Hoegerl, Gary Richter 3022 20th Ave., 4273 Whistlewood Court Reno, NV 89509.....................(775) 772-7869 Rock Island, IL 61201.............(309) 793-0118 ........................................ FAX(775) 850-2929 Iowa Governor - Corey Kemp 1756 65th Street Waiver Chairperson (Road Race) Garrison, IA 52229.................(319) 981-0908 Mike Schorn Missouri Governor - Open P.O. Box 373 Banks, OR 97106...................(503) 324-9072 REGION 5A Waiver Chairperson (Speedway) Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Doug Johnson William Hilger 4513 S. Highland Avenue, 5910 Skylark Lane Sioux Falls, SD 57103............(605) 373-9905 Lincoln, NE 68516.....................(402) 416-1284 Nebraska Governor - William Hilger 5910 Skylark Lane, GOVERNORS & COORDINATORS Lincoln, NE 68516..................(402) 416-1284 REGION 1 Kansas Governor - Frank Merando, Coordinator - (SPRINT) Joan Cressi 7726 S.E. Second, 131 Sea Cliff Ave., Glen Cove, NY 11542.............(516) 676-3303 Tecumseh, KS 66542.............(785) 379-0496 North Dakota Governor - Open Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open South Dakota Governor - Loren Zomer New Jersey Governor - Open P O Box 254 E. New York Governor - Open Canton, SD 57013..................(605) 366-6789 W. New York Governor - Open REGION 6 REGION 2 Coordinator & North Carolina Gov - Erica Bear Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Chris Hatch Coordinator - (SPRINT) Bill Hettick 11021 3A Featherbrook Road, Charlotte, NC 28262...............(651) 253-1090 5127 215th Street SE Woodinville, WA 98072...........(206) 353-6569 REGION 3 Coordinator - (PAVE SPWY) Open Coordinator (SPRINT) - Open Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Andy Bear Idaho - Larry Kurpiewski 930 70th Avenue, 3633 Camborne, Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626 Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 376-0525 Indiana Governor - Open Oregon - Open Illinois Governor - Open Washington - Bob Thompson, Minnesota Governor - Cameron Koopman E 12924 Olive Avenue, 21580 State Hwy 60 Spokane, WA 99216 ..............(509) 924-6755 Brewster, MN 56119..............(507) 842-5510 REGION 7 Wisconsin Governor - Mark Alton Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Open P.O. Box 157 Woodville, WI 54028...............(715) 698-2104 Coordinator - (SPRINT) Art Verlengiere, 2351 A Thompson Way, REGION 4A Santa Maria, CA 93455 Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Adam Mollenkopf Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Open 6032 Celestial Avenue NW Arizona - Dan Maracle, Albuquerque, NM 87114........(505) 269-7853 3144 S. Rogers, Coordinator (SPRINT) Jay Jacobellis Mesa, AZ 85202.....................(480) 345-9240 2872 Greensborough Drive Hawaii - Tim Hultquist, Highland Ranch, CO 80129.....(303) 683-0333 52 Kopi Lane #103, New Mexico Governor - Jeff Miller, Wailuku, HI 96793..................(808) 242-9736 5400 Territorial Road NW, South California - Sharon Barros, Albuquerque, NM 87120........(505) 899-1339 302 Alabama #9, REGION 4B Redlands, CA 92373...............(909) 793-9695 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) Jim McMillan South California Lt. Gov. - Open P.O. Box 289 South Nevada - Open Crowley, TX 76036.................(817) 296-7683 REGION 8 Coordinator 4B - (SPRINT) Open Governor and Coordinator - Stan Crocker, Coordinator 4B - (SPEEDWAY) David Snyder 17538 FM RD 2493, Flint, TX 75762.......................(903) 894-3262 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 Shifter Tech Committee: REGION 10 John Motley (Chairman), Governor - Gabe Kajdy, 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 10224 8th Street SW Calgary ALB, Canada T2W OH2.(403)252-5262 Paso Robles, CA 93446..........(805) 238-7060 Terry Hegar, Coordinator - Gabe Kajdy 15600 SE For Mor Court 10224 8th Street SW Calgary ALB, Canada T2W OH2 . ............ (403) Clackamas, OR 97015............(503) 659-1234 Fax (503) 650-6953 252-5262 Don Holmboe REGION 11 9399 S.W. Tigard Street Coordinator - (SPRINT) - Ed Diederich Tigard, OR 97223...................(503) 624-0621 1308 Hallertau Drive, John Sefcik Sparks, NV 89441..................(775) 424-3797 P.O. Box 445 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Roger Miller 1152 PR7905 600 Pamlar Avenue Hawkins, TX 75765................(972) 365-4394 San Jose, CA 95128...............(408) 286-5487 Road Race: Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open Don Holmboe (Chairman) No. California Governor - Roger Miller 9399 S.W. Tigard Street 600 Pamlar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128...............(408) 286-5487 Tigard, OR 97223...................(503) 624-0621 Debbie Kuntze No. Nevada Governor - Ed Diederich 660 Bel Air Drive 1308 Hallertau Drive, Sparks, NV 89441..................(775) 424-3797 Vista, CA 92084......................(760) 941-6448 Chris Hegar, Utah Governor - Open, 15600 SE For Mor Ct., DVISORY COMMITTEES: Clackamas, OR 97015............(503) 659-1234 National Tech Director - 2-Cycle: Roger Miller Jack Hoegerl (Chairman) 600 Pamlar Avenue 3022 20th Ave. San Jose, CA 95128...............(408) 286-5487 Rock Island, IL 61201.............(309) 793-0118 Sprint: Fax:(309)793-0111 Art Verlengiere (Chairman) Lynn Haddock 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A 2511 McCallie Ave., Chattanooga, TN 37404..........(423) 698-0847 Santa Maria, CA 93455 Terry Ives 6705 Almond Knoll Court, Granite Bay, CA 95746...........(916) 201-7707 Ron Emmick, P.O. Box 2456, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741....(916) 383-2288 John Motley 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Paso Robles, CA 93446..........(805) 238-7060 National Tech Director - 4-Cycle: Terry Nash (Chairman), 8438 Loma Place, Upland, CA 91768..................(909) 981-9611 Lee Miller, 2433 8th Ave., Council Bluffs, IA 51501.........(402) 306-4774 Roger Cathey, 2061 N. Currant Place, Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 378-0610 Chuck Sloggett, 11888 Deer Ridge Road, Custer, SD 57730...................(605) 673-2203 David Snyder, 17538 FM RD 2493 Flint, TX 75762.......................(903) 894-3262 Syd White 24 Paseo Hermoso, Salinas, CA 93908..................(831) 484-1302 Mark Alton P.O. Box 157, Woodville, WI 54028...............(715) 698-2104 Jody Mitrevics 3202 S. Summit Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105............(605) 221-0412 ..............................................(605) 201-5588 Mike Schorn P.O. Box 373, Banks, OR 97106...................(503) 324-9072 Speedway: Bill Hilger (Chairman), 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516..................(402) 416-1284 Andy Bear 930 70th Avenue Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626 Doug Norgaard 312 E. Glenwood Drive Brandon, SD 57005................(605) 351-9223 Daniel Koopman 21580 State Hwy 60 Brewster, MN 56119..............(507) 842-5510 Adam Mollenkopf, 6032 Celestial Avenue NW Albuquerque, NM 87114........(505) 269-7853 David Snyder 17538 FM RD 2493 Flint, TX 75762.......................(903) 894-3262 Brad Swiggart, 2900 South 70th Street, Suite 300, Lincoln, NE 68506..................(402) 484-3892 Ralph Woodard, 2417 North 84th St., Omaha, NE 68134..................(402) 926-2370 TaG: John Motley (Chairman) 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Paso Robles, CA 93446..........(805) 238-7060 Don Moormeister 757 E, Havasupai Street Meridian ID, 83646.................(208) 420-0631 Terry Nash, 8438 Loma Pl, Upland, CA 91786..................(909) 981-9611 Rick Scribner, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650..................(916) 652-3905 29 Want an economical way to reach your customers? Take a look at a “Business Card” ad in the NEW Karter News “Virtual” Magazine. One low rate gets you into all 10 virtual issues, the 1st Annual Grand National Yearbook and the Competition Regulations and Technical Manual issue! Call the I.K.F. office 909-923-4999 for more information. 30 KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009 Performance Racing Ignitions P V L Importer & Distributor Phone: 440-989-4474 Fax: 440-989-4476 KARTER NEWS - September 2009 31 Karter news ews Magazine is the official publication of the international Kart Federation. Thank you to all of our Members and Future Members for reading this issue. please consider the advertisers in Karter news Magazine, the iKF web site, and our regional and national sponsors for your karting business. They are here to support You and iKF Karting. we always welcome your comments, suggestions, and of course, article and photo submissions! instructions and more information here: Guidelines for Karter news article submission. 32 KARTER NEWS - SEpTEmbER 2009