AEA Salary Manual - Arizona Education Association
AEA Salary Manual - Arizona Education Association
The AEA Salary Manual ARIZONA PUBLIC SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Prepared by the Research and Development Center of the Arizona Education Association Andrew Morrill, President Sheryl Mathis, Center Manager Doug Stagner, Research Assistant November 2012 This publication is for internal distribution to AEA affiliated local associations, NEA and its other state affiliates. No other individuals or organizations may reproduce any part of this bulletin without written permission from the AEA. To order additional copies: Doug Stagner, Research Assistant 345 E. Palm Lane Phoenix, AZ 85004 i 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I - TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULES BY COUNTY Colleges PART II – STATISTICS AND ANALYSIS PART III – EDUCATION SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL COMPENSATION BY COUNTY 3 4 Arizona Schools for Deaf and Blind, 2012-2013 Minimum and maximum based on 1,488 hours STEP Minimum : Maximum BA 31,250 : 58,775 BA+30 32,864 : 61,819 MA 34,479 : 67,673 MA+30 36,094 : 72,613 MA+45 37,708 : 75,105 MA+60 39,324 : 77,595 Not eligible for teacher compensation funds. Hardship location recruitment/retention incentive up to 10% of grade/step. 5 APACHE COUNTY Alpine Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. Chinle Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BA 33,911 34,759 35,628 36,518 37,431 38,367 BA+12 35,098 35,975 36,875 37,797 38,741 39,710 40,703 41720 BA+24 36,326 37,234 38,165 39,119 40,097 41,100 42,127 43,181 44,260 45,367 BA+36 37,598 38,538 39,501 40,489 41,501 42,538 43,602 44,692 45,809 46,954 48,128 49,331 50,565 51,829 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 6 MA 38,914 39,886 40,884 41,906 42,953 44,027 45,128 46,256 47,413 48,598 49,813 51,058 52,335 53,643 54,984 MA+18 40,276 41,283 42,315 43,372 44,457 45,568 46,707 47,875 49,072 50,299 51,556 52,845 54,166 55,520 56,908 58,331 MA+36 41,685 42,727 43,796 44,890 46,013 47,163 48,342 49,551 50,789 52,059 53,361 54,695 56,062 57,464 58,900 60,373 61,882 MA+54 43,144 44,223 45,328 46,462 47,623 48,814 50,034 51,285 52,567 53,881 55,228 56,609 58,024 59,475 60,962 62,486 64,048 65,649 APACHE COUNTY Concho Elementary- 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 MA BA+36 MA+12 BA+48 MA+24 BA+60 MA+36 BA+72 MA+48 BA+84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28,996 29,496 29,996 30,496 30,996 31,496 31,996 32,496 29,596 30,111 30,626 31,141 31,656 32,171 32,686 33,201 33,716 34,231 30,221 30,751 31,281 31,811 32,341 32,871 33,401 33,931 34,461 34,991 35,521 36,051 30,871 31,416 31,961 32,506 33,051 33,596 34,141 34,686 35,231 35,776 36,321 36,866 37,411 37,956 38,501 39,046 31,546 32,106 32,666 33,226 33,786 34,346 34,906 35,466 36,026 36,586 37,146 37,706 38,266 38,826 39,386 39,946 40,506 41,066 41,626 42,186 32,246 32,821 33,396 33,971 34,546 35,121 35,696 36,271 36,846 37,421 37,996 38,571 39,146 39,721 40,296 40,871 41,446 42,021 42,596 43,171 43,746 44,321 44,896 45,471 32,971 33,561 34,151 34,741 35,331 35,921 36,511 37,101 37,691 38,281 38,871 39,461 40,051 40,641 41,231 41,821 42,411 43,001 43,591 44,181 44,771 45,361 45,951 46,541 47,131 47,721 48,311 48,901 33,721 34,326 34,931 35,536 36,141 36,746 37,351 37,956 38,561 39,166 39,771 40,376 40,981 41,586 42,191 42,796 43,401 44,006 44,611 45,216 45,821 46,426 47,031 47,636 48,241 48,846 49,451 50,056 50,661 51,266 DOC MA+60 BA+96 34,496 35,116 35,736 36,356 36,976 37,596 38,216 38,836 39,456 40,076 40,696 41,316 41,936 42,556 43,176 43,796 44,416 45,036 45,656 46,276 46,896 47,516 48,136 48,756 49,376 49,996 50,616 51,236 51,856 52,476 DOC12 MA+72 BA+108 35,296 35,931 36,566 37,201 37,836 38,471 39,106 39,741 40,376 41,011 41,646 42,281 42,916 43,551 44,186 44,821 45,456 46,091 46,726 47,361 47,996 48,631 49,266 49,901 50,536 51,171 51,806 52,441 53,076 53,711 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 7 APACHE COUNTY Ganado Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30,671 31,437 32,223 33,029 33,855 34,701 35,569 31,591 32,381 33,190 34,020 34,870 35,742 36,636 37,552 38,490 32,539 33,352 34,186 35,040 35,916 36,814 37,735 38,678 39,645 40,636 41,652 42,693 MA BA+36 33,515 34,353 35,211 36,092 36,994 37,919 38,867 39,838 40,834 41,855 42,902 43,974 45,074 46,200 47,355 48,539 49,753 50,997 52,271 MA+12 BA+48 34,520 35,383 36,268 37,174 38,104 39,056 40,033 41,034 42,059 43,111 44,189 45,293 46,426 47,586 48,776 49,995 51,245 52,526 53,840 MA+24 MA+36 MA+48 35,556 36,445 37,356 38,290 39,247 40,228 41,234 42,265 43,321 44,404 45,514 46,652 47,818 49,014 50,239 51,495 52,783 54,102 55,455 36,622 37,538 38,476 39,438 40,424 41,435 42,471 43,533 44,621 45,736 46,880 48,052 49,253 50,484 51,746 53,040 54,366 55,725 57,118 37,721 38,664 39,631 40,621 41,637 42,678 43,745 44,838 45,959 47,108 48,286 49,493 50,731 51,999 53,299 54,631 55,997 57,397 58,832 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Certification bonuses: $1,500 for valid full or provisional ESL/BLE, Reading endorsements. The district may allow up to 4 years (step 4) of verified full-time teaching from other districts. $1,000 bonus for teachers with DOC. 8 APACHE COUNTY McNary Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 25,975 26,696 27,417 28,138 28,859 29,580 30,302 26,696 27,417 28,138 28,859 29,580 30,302 31,023 31,744 32,465 33,186 27,417 28,138 28,859 29,580 30,302 31,023 31,744 32,465 33,186 33,907 34,628 35,350 MA BA+36 28,138 28,859 29,580 30,302 31,023 31,744 32,465 33,186 33,907 34,628 35,350 36,071 36,792 37,513 38,234 38,955 MA+12 BA+48 28,859 29,580 30,302 31,023 31,744 32,465 33,186 33,907 34,628 35,350 36,071 36,792 37,513 38,234 38,955 39,676 40,398 41,119 MA+24 BA+60 29,580 30,302 31,023 31,744 32,465 33,186 33,907 34,628 35,350 36,071 36,792 37,513 38,234 38,955 39,676 40,398 41,119 41,840 MA+36 BA+72 30,302 31,023 31,744 32,465 33,186 33,907 34,628 35,350 36,071 36,792 37,513 38,234 38,955 39,676 40,398 41,119 41,840 42,561 Teacher compensation funds approximately $617 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. 9 APACHE COUNTY Red Mesa Unified, 2012-2013 EXPERIENCE BA BA+18 MA BA+36 0 1 2 3 4 5 31,200 31,800 32,400 33,000 33,600 34,200 31,800 32,400 33,000 33,600 34,200 34,800 32,400 33,000 33,600 34,200 34,800 35,400 EDS MA+18 BA+72 33,000 33,600 34,200 34,800 35,400 36,000 EDS+18 MA+54 BA+90 33,600 34,200 34,800 35,400 36,000 36,600 DOC 34,200 34,800 35,400 36,000 36,600 37,200 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Teachers with greater than 5 years experience will receive recognition of 1 year for every 2 above 5. Round Valley Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 32,000 32,000 32,295 33,035 33,775 34,515 35,256 35,996 36,736 37,476 32,339 33,101 33,864 34,626 35,389 36,151 36,914 37,676 38,438 39,201 32,000 32,362 33,147 33,933 34,718 35,503 36,288 37,074 37,859 38,644 39,430 40,215 41,000 MA BA+36 32,362 33,171 33,980 34,789 35,597 36,406 37,215 38,024 38,833 39,642 40,451 41,259 42,068 42,877 43,686 MA+12 BA+48 33,171 34,004 34,837 35,670 36,503 37,336 38,170 39,003 39,836 40,669 41,502 42,335 43,168 44,001 44,835 MA+24 BA+60 34,004 34,862 35,720 36,578 37,436 38,295 39,153 40,011 40,869 41,727 42,585 43,443 44,301 45,159 46,018 46,876 MA+36 BA+72 34,862 35,746 36,630 37,514 38,397 39,281 40,165 41,049 41,933 42,817 43,701 44,585 45,468 46,352 47,236 48,120 49,004 49,888 50,772 Performance pay may be earned in addition to the above schedule with approximately $3,200 available per teacher. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Up to 10 years previous experience may be given for initial salary placement. Certified personnel with a master’s degree will receive an additional $700, or $1,600 for a doctorate degree. 10 DOC 35,746 36,656 37,567 38,477 39,387 40,298 41,208 42,119 43,029 43,939 44,850 45,760 46,670 47,581 48,491 49,402 50,312 51,222 52,133 APACHE COUNTY Saint Johns Unified, 2012-2013 Placement schedule Years Experience 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 BA BA+12 BA+24 31,500 31,725 32,225 32,725 33,225 33,725 34,225 34,725 35,225 35,725 36,225 36,725 31,725 32,225 32,725 33,225 33,725 34,225 34,725 35,225 35,725 36,225 36,725 37,225 33,225 32,225 32,725 33,225 33,725 34,225 34,725 35,225 35,725 36,225 36,725 37,225 37,725 33,725 34,225 MA BA+36 32,725 33,225 33,725 34,225 34,725 35,225 35,725 36,225 36,725 37,225 37,725 38,225 38,725 39,225 39,725 40,225 40,725 41,225 41,725 42,225 42,725 43,225 43,725 44,225 MA+12 BA+48 33,225 33,725 34,225 34,725 35,225 35,725 36,225 36,725 37,225 37,725 38,225 38,725 39,225 39,725 40,225 40,725 41,225 41,725 42,225 42,725 43,225 43,725 44,225 44,725 MA+24 BA+60 33,725 34,225 34,725 35,225 35,725 36,225 36,725 37,225 37,725 38,225 38,725 39,225 39,725 40,225 40,725 41,225 41,725 42,225 42,725 43,225 43,725 44,225 44,725 45,225 MA+36 BA+72 34,225 34,725 35,225 35,725 36,225 36,725 37,225 37,725 38,225 38,725 39,225 39,725 40,225 40,725 41,225 41,725 42,225 42,725 43,225 43,725 44,225 44,725 45,225 45,725 MA+48 BA+84 34,725 35,225 35,725 36,225 36,725 37,225 37,725 38,225 38,725 39,225 39,725 40,225 40,725 41,225 41,725 42,225 42,725 43,225 43,725 44,225 44,725 45,225 45,725 46,225 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. A maximum of 10 years of experience can be given to new hire. 11 APACHE COUNTY Sanders Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31,180 32,000 32,820 33,641 34,461 35,282 36,102 36,923 37,743 38,564 32,000 32,820 33,641 34,461 35,282 36,102 36,923 37,743 38,564 39,384 40,205 41,025 41,846 32,820 33,641 34,461 35,282 36,102 36,923 37,743 38,564 39,384 40,205 41,025 41,846 42,666 43,487 44,307 45,128 45,948 MA BA+36 33,641 34,461 35,282 36,102 36,923 37,743 38,564 39,384 40,205 41,025 41,846 42,666 43,487 44,307 45,128 45,948 46,769 47,589 48,410 49,230 50,051 MA+12 BA+48 34,461 35,282 36,102 36,923 37,743 38,564 39,384 40,205 41,025 41,846 42,666 43,487 44,307 45,128 45,948 46,769 47,589 48,410 49,230 50,051 50,871 51,692 52,512 53,333 54,153 MA+24 BA+60 35,282 36,102 36,923 37,743 38,564 39,384 40,205 41,025 41,846 42,666 43,487 44,307 45,128 45,948 46,769 47,589 48,410 49,230 50,051 50,871 51,692 52,512 53,333 54,153 54,974 55,794 MA+36 BA+72 36,102 36,923 37,743 38,564 39,384 40,205 41,025 41,846 42,666 43,487 44,307 45,128 45,948 46,769 47,589 48,410 49,230 50,051 50,871 51,692 52,512 53,333 54,153 54,974 55,794 56,615 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Proposition 301 monies — salary amount includes an additional $2,472 for the fiscal year (fund 011 & 013). District accepts 8 years of certified public school teaching experience for placement on step 8. Highly qualified and property certified teachers working at least 2/3 time in special education, math, and science programs will receive $2,000 additional. 12 APACHE COUNTY Vernon Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+18 BA+24 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 31,000 31,506 32,012 32,518 33,024 33,530 34,036 31,303 31,809 32,315 32,821 33,327 33,833 34,339 34,845 31,606 32,112 32,618 33,124 33,630 34,136 34,642 35,148 35,654 36,160 31,909 32,415 32,921 33,427 33,933 34,439 34,945 35,451 35,957 36,463 36,969 37,475 37,981 32,212 32,718 33,224 33,730 34,236 34,742 35,248 35,754 36,260 36,766 37,272 37,778 38,284 38,790 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MA+12 BA+48 33,121 33,728 34,335 34,942 35,549 36,156 36,763 37,370 37,977 38,584 39,191 39,798 40,405 41,012 41,619 42,226 42,833 MA+18 BA+54 33,424 34,031 34,638 35,245 35,852 36,459 37,066 37,673 38,280 38,887 39,494 40,101 40,708 41,315 41,922 42,529 43,136 43,743 MA+24 BA+60 33,727 34,334 34,941 35,548 36,155 36,762 37,369 37,976 38,583 39,190 39,797 40,404 41,011 41,618 42,225 42,832 43,439 44,046 44,653 MA+30 BA+66 34,030 34,637 35,244 35,851 36,458 37,065 37,672 38,279 38,886 39,493 40,100 40,707 41,314 41,921 42,528 43,135 43,742 44,349 44,956 MA+36 BA+72 34,333 34,940 35,547 36,154 36,761 37,368 37,975 38,582 39,189 39,796 40,403 41,010 41,617 42,224 42,831 43,438 44,045 44,652 45,259 MA BA+36 32,515 33,122 33,729 34,336 34,943 35,550 36,157 36,764 37,371 37,978 38,585 39,192 39,799 40,406 41,013 MA+42 BA+78 34,636 35,344 36,052 36,760 37,468 38,176 38,884 39,592 40,300 41,008 41,716 42,424 43,132 43,840 44,548 45,256 45,964 46,672 47,380 48,088 MA+6 BA+42 32,818 33,425 34,032 34,639 35,246 35,853 36,460 37,067 37,674 38,281 38,888 39,495 40,102 40,709 41,316 41,923 MA+48 BA+84 34,939 35,647 36,355 37,063 37,771 38,479 39,187 39,895 40,603 41,311 42,019 42,727 43,435 44,143 44,851 45,559 46,267 46,975 47,683 48,391 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 13 APACHE COUNTY Window Rock Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 BA+45 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32,445 33,120 33,809 34,512 35,230 35,963 36,711 37,474 38,254 39,049 39,862 33,120 33,809 34,512 35,230 35,963 36,711 37,474 38,254 39,049 39,862 40,691 41,537 33,809 34,512 35,230 35,963 36,711 37,474 38,254 39,049 39,862 40,691 41,537 42,401 43,283 34,512 35,230 35,963 36,711 37,474 38,254 39,049 39,862 40,691 41,537 42,401 43,283 44,183 45,102 46,040 46,998 47,976 35,230 35,963 36,711 37,474 38,254 39,049 39,862 40,691 41,537 42,401 43,283 44,183 45,102 46,040 46,998 47,976 48,973 49,992 51,032 52,093 53,177 54,283 55,412 56,565 57,741 35,963 36,711 37,474 38,254 39,049 39,862 40,691 41,537 42,401 43,283 44,183 45,102 46,040 46,998 47,976 48,973 49,992 51,032 52,093 53,177 54,283 55,412 56,565 57,741 58,942 36,711 37,474 38,254 39,049 39,862 40,691 41,537 42,401 43,283 44,183 45,102 46,040 46,998 47,976 48,973 49,992 51,032 52,093 53,177 54,283 55,412 56,565 57,741 58,942 60,168 37,474 38,254 39,049 39,862 40,691 41,537 42,401 43,283 44,183 45,102 46,040 46,998 47,976 48,973 49,992 51,032 52,093 53,177 54,283 55,412 56,565 57,741 58,942 60,168 61,420 District not eligible for teacher compensation funds. Supplemental pay and addenda: ESL/Bilingual: $1,200. Special education: $500-2,500 ($500 per year of special education experience up to a maximum of 5 years). 14 DOC MA+60 38,254 39,049 39,862 40,691 41,537 42,401 43,283 44,183 45,102 46,040 46,998 47,976 48,973 49,992 51,032 52,093 53,177 54,283 55,412 56,565 57,741 58,942 60,168 61,420 62,697 COCHISE COUNTY Apache Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. Ash Creek Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BA 30,000 30,670 31,340 32,010 32,680 33,350 BA+15 BA+30 MA BA+45 MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 31,020 31,690 32,360 33,030 33,700 34,353 35,023 35,693 31,370 32,040 32,710 33,380 34,050 34,703 35,373 36,043 31,720 32,390 33,060 33,730 34,400 35,053 35,723 39,122 39,845 40,569 32,070 32,740 33,410 34,080 34,750 35,403 36,073 39,472 40,195 40,919 32,770 33,440 34,110 34,780 35,450 36,103 36,773 40,172 40,895 41,619 33,120 33,790 34,460 35,130 35,800 36,453 37,123 40,522 41,245 41,969 41,519 42,469 43,419 41,869 42,819 43,769 44,719 42,569 43,519 44,469 45,419 46,369 42,919 43,869 44,819 44,369 45,669 32,420 33,090 33,760 34,430 35,100 35,753 36,423 39,822 40,545 41,269 42,219 43,169 44,119 45,069 46,019 45,069 46,019 45,769 46,719 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 15 COCHISE COUNTY Benson Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31,000 31,750 32,500 33,250 34,000 34,750 35,500 31,850 32,600 33,350 34,100 34,850 35,600 36,350 37,100 37,850 38,600 32,700 33,450 34,200 34,950 35,700 36,450 37,200 37,950 38,700 39,450 40,200 40,950 MA BA+36 33,550 34,300 35,050 35,800 36,550 37,300 38,050 38,800 39,550 40,300 41,050 41,800 42,550 43,300 44,050 44,800 45,550 46,300 47,050 47,800 48,550 49,300 50,050 50,800 51,550 52,300 Salary includes $2,700 of 301 monies. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Salary schedule does NOT include performance pay of $1,650. 16 MA+12 BA+48 34,400 35,150 35,900 36,650 37,400 38,150 38,900 39,650 40,400 41,150 41,900 42,650 43,400 44,150 44,900 45,650 46,400 47,150 47,900 48,650 49,400 50,150 50,900 51,650 52,400 53,150 MA+24 BA+60 35,250 36,000 36,750 37,500 38,250 39,000 39,750 40,500 41,250 42,000 42,750 43,500 44,250 45,000 45,750 46,500 47,250 48,000 48,750 49,500 50,250 51,000 51,750 52,500 53,250 54,000 MA+36 MA+48 36,100 36,850 37,600 38,350 39,100 39,850 40,600 41,350 42,100 42,850 43,600 44,350 45,100 45,850 46,600 47,350 48,100 48,850 49,600 50,350 51,100 51,850 52,600 53,350 54,100 54,850 36,950 37,700 38,450 39,200 39,950 40,700 41,450 42,200 42,950 43,700 44,450 45,200 45,950 46,700 47,450 48,200 48,950 49,700 50,450 51,200 51,950 52,700 53,450 54,200 54,950 55,700 COCHISE COUNTY Bisbee Unified, 2012-2013 Wage placement determination chart CATEGORY Base Maximum BA 27,000 37,800 MA 29,700 47,520 Initial placement is based on degree, credits and experience. $50 per credit over column heading, maximum of 30. New hires with experience will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine placement on the schedule; 2% per year for related experience, but not more than maximum or 30%. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Bowie Unified, 2012-2013 Wage Placement Determination Chart STEP BA BA+18 Base : Maximum 30,500 : 33,550 31,263 : 39,078 MA BA+36 32,357 : 43,682 MA+12 MA+36 33,327 : 49,991 34,327 : 56,640 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Initial placement is based on degree, credits and experience. $50 per credit over column heading, maximum of 36. New hires . . . 2% per year for related experience, but not more than maximum or 20%. Hard-to-fill positions or special endorsements: $2,000, special ed; $2,000, math/science. Cochise Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. Double Adobe Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules 17 COCHISE COUNTY Douglas Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28,400 28,800 29,200 29,600 30,000 30,400 30,800 31,200 31,600 32,000 32,400 32,800 33,200 33,600 34,000 34,400 34,800 35,200 35,600 36,000 36,400 36,800 37,200 37,600 38,000 38,400 38,800 39,200 39,600 40,000 29,700 30,100 30,500 30,900 31,300 31,700 32,100 32,500 32,900 33,300 33,700 34,100 34,500 34,900 35,300 35,700 36,100 36,500 36,900 37,300 37,700 38,100 38,500 38,900 39,300 39,700 40,100 40,500 40,900 41,300 31,000 31,400 31,800 32,200 32,600 33,000 33,400 33,800 34,200 34,600 35,000 35,400 35,800 36,200 36,600 37,000 37,400 37,800 38,200 38,600 39,000 39,400 39,800 40,200 40,600 41,000 41,400 41,800 42,200 42,600 MA BA+45 32,300 32,700 33,100 33,500 33,900 34,300 34,700 35,100 35,500 35,900 36,300 36,700 37,100 37,500 37,900 38,300 38,700 39,100 39,500 39,900 40,300 40,700 41,100 41,500 41,900 42,300 42,700 43,100 43,500 43,900 MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 DOC 33,600 34,000 34,400 34,800 35,200 35,600 36,000 36,400 36,800 37,200 37,600 38,000 38,400 38,800 39,200 39,600 40,000 40,400 40,800 41,200 41,600 42,000 42,400 42,800 43,200 43,600 44,000 44,400 44,800 45,200 34,900 35,300 35,700 36,100 36,500 36,900 37,300 37,700 38,100 38,500 38,900 39,300 39,700 40,100 40,500 40,900 41,300 41,700 42,100 42,500 42,900 43,300 43,700 44,100 44,500 44,900 45,300 45,700 46,100 46,500 36,200 36,600 37,000 37,400 37,800 38,200 38,600 39,000 39,400 39,800 40,200 40,600 41,000 41,400 41,800 42,200 42,600 43,000 43,400 43,800 44,200 44,600 45,000 45,400 45,800 46,200 46,600 47,000 47,400 47,800 37,500 37,900 38,300 38,700 39,100 39,500 39,900 40,300 40,700 41,100 41,500 41,900 42,300 42,700 43,100 43,500 43,900 44,300 44,700 45,100 45,500 45,900 46,300 46,700 47,100 47,500 47,900 48,300 48,700 49,100 38,800 39,200 39,600 40,000 40,400 40,800 41,200 41,600 42,000 42,400 42,800 43,200 43,600 44,000 44,400 44,800 45,200 45,600 46,000 46,400 46,800 47,200 47,600 48,000 48,400 48,800 49,200 49,600 50,000 50,400 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 18 COCHISE COUNTY Elfrida Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30,700 31,210 31,720 32,740 33,250 31,210 31,720 32,230 33,250 33,760 34,270 34,750 31,720 32,230 32,740 33,760 34,270 34,780 35,290 35,800 36,310 MA BA+36 32,230 32,740 33,250 34,270 34,780 35,290 35,800 36,310 36,820 37,330 38,350 MA+12 BA+48 32,740 33,250 33,760 34,780 35,290 35,800 36,310 36,820 37,330 37,840 38,860 39,370 39,880 MA+24 BA+60 33,250 33,700 34,270 35,290 35,800 36,310 36,820 37,330 37,840 38,350 39,370 39,880 40,390 40,900 41,410 MA+36 33,760 34,270 34,780 35,800 36,310 36,820 37,330 37,840 38,350 38,860 39,880 40,390 40,900 41,410 41,920 42,430 42,940 43,450 43,960 Teacher compensation funds 1.25% NOT included in salary schedule. 19 COCHISE COUNTY Fort Huachuca Accommodation, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32,546 33,523 34,529 35,565 36,631 37,730 38,862 40,028 41,229 42,466 43,739 33,523 34,529 35,565 36,631 37,730 38,862 40,028 41,229 42,466 43,739 45,051 34,529 35,565 36,631 37,730 38,862 40,028 41,229 42,466 43,739 45,051 46,404 47,796 49,230 MA BA+45 35,565 36,631 37,730 38,862 40,028 41,229 42,466 43,739 45,051 46,404 47,796 49,230 50,706 52,227 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. McNeal Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. 20 MA+15 BA+60 36,631 37,730 38,862 40,028 41,229 42,466 43,739 45,051 46,404 47,796 49,230 50,706 52,227 53,795 55,408 MA+30 BA+75 37,730 38,862 40,028 41,229 42,466 43,739 45,051 46,404 47,796 49,230 50,706 52,227 53,795 55,408 57,070 58,782 MA+45 BA+90 38,862 40,028 41,229 42,466 43,739 45,051 46,404 47,796 49,230 50,706 52,227 53,795 55,408 57,070 58,782 60,546 62,362 64,233 65,197 66,174 67,166 68,175 69,197 70,235 71,289 MA+60 BA+105 40,028 41,229 42,466 43,739 45,051 46,404 47,796 49,230 50,706 52,227 53,795 55,408 57,070 58,782 60,546 62,362 64,233 66,160 67,153 68,158 69,181 70,220 71,272 72,342 73,427 COCHISE COUNTY Naco Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BA 27,459 28,259 29,059 29,859 30,659 31,459 32,259 33,059 33,859 34,659 35,459 BA+15 28,069 28,869 29,669 30,469 31,269 32,069 32,869 33,669 34,469 35,269 36,069 BA+30 28,679 29,479 30,279 31,079 31,879 32,679 33,479 34,279 35,079 35,879 36,679 37,479 38,279 MA 29,290 30,090 30,890 31,690 32,490 33,290 34,090 34,890 35,690 36,490 37,290 38,090 38,890 39,690 40,490 41,290 42,090 MA+15 29,900 30,700 31,500 32,300 33,100 33,900 34,700 35,500 36,300 37,100 37,900 38,700 39,500 40,300 41,100 41,900 42,700 43,500 44,300 45,100 45,900 MA+30 30,510 31,310 32,110 32,910 33,710 34,510 35,310 36,110 36,910 37,710 38,510 39,310 40,110 40,910 41,710 42,510 43,310 44,110 44,910 45,710 46,510 47,310 48,110 48,910 49,710 MA+45 31,120 31,920 32,720 33,520 34,320 35,120 35,920 36,720 37,520 38,320 39,120 39,920 40,720 41,520 42,320 43,120 43,920 44,720 45,520 46,320 47,120 47,920 48,720 49,520 50,320 MA+60 31,730 32,530 33,330 34,130 34,930 35,730 36,530 37,330 38,130 38,930 39,730 40,530 41,330 42,130 42,930 43,730 44,530 45,330 46,130 46,930 47,730 48,530 49,330 50,130 50,930 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 21 COCHISE COUNTY Palominas Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25,414 25,938 26,464 26,987 27,510 28,034 28,791 26,019 26,542 27,066 27,592 28,114 28,638 29,396 30,153 30,911 31,668 32,427 33,375 34,325 35,274 36,222 26,622 27,148 27,671 28,195 28,718 29,243 30,001 30,758 31,516 32,273 33,031 33,980 34,928 35,878 36,828 37,775 38,783 39,789 40,876 41,962 MA BA+45 27,260 27,751 28,276 28,800 29,323 29,847 30,604 31,362 32,120 32,878 33,636 34,584 35,533 36,483 37,431 38,380 39,387 40,394 41,480 42,567 MA+15 BA+60 27,865 28,356 28,879 29,404 29,927 30,451 31,209 31,967 32,724 33,482 34,240 35,189 36,138 37,087 38,036 38,984 39,992 40,997 42,085 43,171 44,258 45,346 46,432 47,520 MA+30 BA+75 28,469 28,961 29,484 30,009 30,531 31,056 31,814 32,571 33,329 34,087 34,845 35,793 36,742 37,692 38,640 39,589 40,595 41,602 42,689 43,775 44,863 45,950 47,037 48,124 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. $200 for perfect attendance and $50 for 1 day absence. 22 MA+45 BA+90 29,073 29,564 30,088 30,613 31,136 31,660 32,418 33,175 33,933 34,690 35,448 36,397 37,347 38,295 39,245 40,193 41,201 42,206 43,294 44,380 45,467 46,554 47,642 48,728 49,272 49,815 50,358 50,903 MA+60 MA+75 MA+90 DOC 29,677 30,169 30,693 31,217 31,740 32,265 33,022 33,780 34,538 35,295 36,053 37,002 37,950 38,900 39,849 40,797 41,805 42,811 43,899 44,984 46,072 47,159 48,246 49,333 49,877 50,420 50,962 51,507 30,282 30,773 31,298 31,822 32,344 32,869 33,626 34,384 35,142 35,900 36,657 37,605 38,555 39,505 40,453 41,402 42,409 43,416 44,503 45,589 46,677 47,763 48,850 49,937 50,481 51,024 51,567 52,111 30,877 31,378 31,903 32,427 32,949 33,474 34,231 34,989 35,747 36,505 37,262 38,210 39,160 40,110 41,058 42,007 43,014 44,021 45,108 46,194 47,282 48,368 49,455 50,542 51,086 51,629 52,172 52,716 31,692 32,183 32,708 33,232 33,754 34,279 35,036 35,794 36,552 37,310 38,067 39,015 39,965 40,915 41,863 42,812 43,819 44,826 45,913 46,999 48,087 49,173 50,260 51,347 51,891 52,434 52,977 53,521 COCHISE COUNTY Pearce Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BA 32,600 33,200 33,800 34,400 35,000 35,600 36,200 36,800 37,400 38,000 BA+12 33,904 34,604 35,304 36,004 36,704 37,404 38,104 38,804 39,504 40,204 40,904 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 44,904 45,904 46,904 47,904 48,904 49,904 BA+24 35,345 36,145 36,945 37,745 38,545 39,345 40,145 40,945 41,745 42,545 43,345 44,145 BA+36 36,936 37,836 38,736 39,636 40,536 41,436 42,336 43,236 44,136 45,036 45,936 46,836 BA+48 38,690 39,690 40,690 41,690 42,690 43,690 44,690 45,690 46,690 47,690 48,690 49,690 MA 40,625 41,725 42,825 43,925 45,025 46,125 47,225 48,325 49,425 50,525 51,625 52,725 MA+12 42,758 43,958 45,158 46,358 47,558 48,758 49,958 51,158 52,358 53,558 54,758 55,958 MA+24 45,110 46,310 47,510 48,710 49,910 51,110 52,310 53,510 54,710 55,910 57,110 58,310 MA+36 47,704 48,904 50,104 51,304 52,504 53,704 54,904 56,104 57,304 58,504 59,704 60,904 48,836 51,690 54,725 57,958 60,310 62,904 50,836 53,690 56,725 59,958 62,310 64,904 52,836 55,690 58,725 61,958 64,310 66,904 54,836 55,836 56,836 57,836 58,836 59,836 57,630 60,725 63,958 66,310 68,904 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 23 COCHISE COUNTY Pomerene Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BA 30,300 31,150 31,900 32,650 33,400 34,150 BA+12 31,150 31,900 32,650 33,400 34,150 34,900 35,650 36,400 37,150 BA+24 31,900 32,650 33,400 34,150 34,900 35,650 36,400 37,150 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 MA 32,650 33,400 34,150 34,900 35,650 36,400 37,150 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 MA+12 33,400 34,150 34,900 35,650 36,400 37,150 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 47,650 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 24 MA+24 34,150 34,900 35,650 36,400 37,150 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 47,650 48,400 MA+36 34,900 35,650 36,400 37,150 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 47,650 48,400 49,150 MA+48 35,650 36,400 37,150 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 47,650 48,400 49,150 49,900 DOC 36,400 37,150 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 47,650 48,400 49,150 49,900 50,650 COCHISE COUNTY Saint David Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27,759 28,337 28,914 29,492 30,069 30,647 31,224 31,802 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 28,337 28,914 29,492 30,069 30,647 31,224 31,802 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 28,914 29,492 30,069 30,647 31,224 31,802 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 36,422 36,999 37,577 38,154 38,732 29,492 30,069 30,647 31,224 31,802 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 36,422 36,999 37,577 38,154 38,732 39,309 39,887 40,464 41,042 MA BA+48 30,069 30,647 31,224 31,802 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 36,422 36,999 37,577 38,154 38,732 39,309 39,887 40,464 41,042 41,619 42,197 42,774 43,352 43,929 MA+12 BA+60 30,647 31,224 31,802 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 36,422 36,999 37,577 38,154 38,732 39,309 39,887 40,464 41,042 41,619 42,197 42,774 43,352 43,929 44,507 MA+24 BA+72 31,224 31,802 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 36,422 36,999 37,577 38,154 38,732 39,309 39,887 40,464 41,042 41,619 42,197 42,774 43,352 43,929 44,507 45,084 MA+36 BA+84 31,802 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 36,422 36,999 37,577 38,154 38,732 39,309 39,887 40,464 41,042 41,619 42,197 42,774 43,352 43,929 44,507 45,084 45,662 MA+48 BA+96 32,379 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 36,422 36,999 37,577 38,154 38,732 39,309 39,887 40,464 41,042 41,619 42,197 42,774 43,352 43,929 44,507 45,084 45,662 46,239 DOC 32,957 33,534 34,112 34,689 35,267 35,844 36,422 36,999 37,577 38,154 38,732 39,309 39,887 40,464 41,042 41,619 42,197 42,774 43,352 43,929 44,507 45,084 45,662 46,239 46,817 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Base salary: $27,758.50. Teacher will receive 100% of the classroom site monies. San Simon Unified, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. 25 COCHISE COUNTY Sierra Vista Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28,273 29,332 30,391 31,451 32,510 33,676 29,120 30,179 31,238 32,298 33,357 34,522 35,689 29,967 31,026 32,086 33,145 34,205 35,370 36,535 37,701 38,866 40,031 41,303 42,574 43,845 45,116 46,388 47,658 48,930 50,201 51,472 52,743 MA BA+45 30,814 31,874 32,933 33,992 35,051 36,218 37,383 38,548 39,714 40,878 42,150 43,421 44,692 45,964 47,234 48,506 49,777 51,049 52,320 53,315 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 26 MA+15 BA+60 31,663 32,722 33,781 34,840 35,900 37,064 38,230 39,396 40,561 41,727 42,997 44,269 45,540 46,812 48,082 49,354 50,625 51,896 53,168 54,439 MA+30 BA+75 32,510 33,569 34,628 35,689 36,748 37,913 39,077 40,243 41,408 42,574 43,845 45,116 46,388 47,658 48,930 50,201 51,472 52,743 54,015 55,286 MA+45 BA+90 33,357 34,416 35,476 36,535 37,594 38,760 39,926 41,090 42,256 43,421 44,692 45,964 47,234 48,506 49,777 51,049 52,320 53,591 54,863 56,133 MA+60 34,205 35,264 36,324 37,383 38,442 39,607 40,773 41,938 43,103 44,269 45,540 46,812 48,082 49,354 50,625 51,896 53,168 54,439 55,709 56,982 COCHISE COUNTY Tombstone Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 26,353 26,869 27,386 27,901 28,418 27,386 27,902 28,418 28,934 29,451 29,967 30,482 30,998 28,418 28,934 29,451 29,967 30,483 30,999 31,516 32,032 32,548 33,064 33,580 29,451 29,967 30,483 30,999 31,516 32,032 32,548 33,064 33,581 34,097 34,613 35,129 35,645 36,161 MA BA+48 30,483 30,999 31,516 32,032 32,548 33,064 33,581 34,097 34,613 35,129 35,646 36,162 36,678 37,194 37,711 38,226 38,743 MA+12 BA+60 31,516 32,032 32,548 33,064 33,581 34,097 34,613 35,129 35,646 36,162 36,678 37,194 37,711 38,227 38,743 39,259 39,776 40,292 40,808 41,324 MA+24 BA+72 32,548 33,064 33,581 34,097 34,613 35,129 35,646 36,162 36,678 37,194 37,711 38,227 38,743 39,259 39,776 40,292 40,808 41,324 41,841 42,357 42,873 43,389 43,905 MA+36 BA+84 33,581 34,097 34,613 35,129 35,646 36,162 36,678 37,194 37,711 38,227 38,743 39,259 39,776 40,292 40,808 41,324 41,841 42,357 42,873 43,389 43,906 44,422 44,938 45,454 45,970 46,486 MA+48 BA+96 34,613 35,129 35,646 36,162 36,678 37,194 37,711 38,227 38,743 39,259 39,776 40,292 40,808 41,324 41,842 42,357 42,873 43,389 43,906 44,422 44,938 45,454 45,971 46,487 47,003 47,519 48,036 48,551 49,067 This salary schedule does not reflect 301 monies. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 27 COCHISE COUNTY Valley UHS, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BA 26,500 27,030 27,571 28,122 28,684 29,258 29,843 30,440 31,049 31,670 BA+12 27,163 27,706 28,260 28,825 29,402 29,990 30,589 31,201 31,825 32,462 33,111 33,773 34,449 35,138 35,840 BA+24 27,825 28,382 28,949 29,528 30,119 30,721 31,335 31,962 32,601 33,253 33,919 34,597 35,289 35,995 36,714 37,449 38,198 38,962 39,741 40,536 BA+36 28,488 29,057 29,638 30,231 30,836 31,453 32,082 32,723 33,378 34,045 34,726 35,421 36,129 36,852 37,589 38,340 39,107 39,889 40,687 41,501 42,331 43,178 44,041 44,922 45,820 MA 29,415 30,003 30,603 31,215 31,840 32,477 33,126 33,789 34,464 35,154 35,857 36,574 37,305 38,051 38,812 39,589 40,380 41,188 42,012 42,852 43,709 44,583 45,475 46,384 47,312 MA+12 30,475 31,085 31,706 32,340 32,987 33,647 34,320 35,006 35,706 36,420 37,149 37,892 38,650 39,423 40,211 41,015 41,836 42,672 43,526 44,396 45,284 46,190 47,114 48,056 49,017 MA+24 31,535 32,166 32,809 33,465 34,134 34,817 35,514 36,224 36,948 37,687 38,441 39,210 39,994 40,794 41,610 42,442 43,291 44,157 45,040 45,941 46,859 47,797 48,752 49,728 50,722 MA+36 32,595 33,247 33,912 34,590 35,282 35,988 36,707 37,441 38,190 38,954 39,733 40,528 41,338 42,165 43,008 43,869 44,746 45,641 46,554 47,485 48,434 49,403 50,391 51,399 52,427 MA+48 33,655 34,328 35,015 35,715 36,429 37,158 37,901 38,659 39,432 40,221 41,025 41,846 42,683 43,536 44,407 45,295 46,201 47,125 48,068 49,029 50,010 51,010 52,030 53,071 54,132 MA+60 34,715 35,409 36,117 36,840 37,577 38,328 39,095 39,877 40,674 41,488 42,317 43,164 44,027 44,908 45,806 46,722 47,656 48,609 49,582 50,573 51,585 52,616 53,669 54,742 55,837 CSF 011 funds from Proposition 301 are included in this salary schedule. CSF 012 and 013 funds are paid separately. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Willcox Unified, 2012-2013 BASE BA BA+18 MA BA+36 MA+18 DOC, EDS, MA+36 30,056 31,258 32,460 33,662 34,864 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. A new teacher with up to 2 years of experience will be paid the minimum salary for his lane; 3 years, beginning salary for his lane plus any adjustment given to current staff for the current year; 4 or 5 years, a salary similar to current staff plus any adjustments; 6 or more years, based upon district need, existing salaries, market and availability, applicant’s present salary. 28 COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 BA BA+15 MA BA+40 MA+15 BA+55 MA+30 BA+70 MA+45 BA+85 MA+60 BA+100 30,943 31,718 32,510 33,322 34,157 35,010 35,885 36,783 37,702 31,794 32,589 33,404 34,240 35,096 35,973 36,872 37,794 38,738 39,708 32,985 33,811 34,656 35,523 36,412 37,321 38,254 39,211 40,190 41,196 42,226 43,281 44,362 45,472 46,608 47,775 48,969 33,893 34,741 35,610 36,501 37,413 38,349 39,308 40,290 41,297 42,331 43,388 44,472 45,585 46,723 47,891 49,088 50,318 34,826 35,697 36,589 37,503 38,442 39,402 40,388 41,399 42,434 43,493 44,583 45,696 46,839 48,010 49,209 50,440 51,703 52,994 35,784 36,678 37,597 38,535 39,501 40,488 41,500 42,538 43,600 44,691 45,808 46,953 48,126 49,330 50,563 51,828 53,123 54,451 36,768 37,687 38,629 39,595 40,585 41,600 42,640 43,705 44,799 45,920 47,068 48,242 49,450 50,686 51,954 53,253 54,584 55,948 57,348 58,781 60,250 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 29 COCONINO COUNTY Fredonia-Moccasin Unified, 2012-2013 Salary scale Minimum Maximum BA BA+12 BA+24 MA BA+36 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 30,000 : 33,000 36,000 39,000 41,000 43,000 46,000 50,000 MA+24 BA+60 36,771 37,844 38,949 40,087 41,260 MA+54 BA+90 38,609 39,736 40,896 42,092 43,323 Additional $422 to each teacher in addition to salary for Prop 301. Teacher compensation funds approximately $986 per teacher NOT included in salary scale. Grand Canyon Unified, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. Maine Consolidated, 2012-2013 For initial placement only STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 31,264 32,172 33,107 34,070 35,062 32,293 33,232 34,199 35,195 36,220 33,357 34,328 35,327 36,357 37,418 MA BA+36 34,457 35,461 36,494 37,559 38,656 MA+12 BA+48 35,595 36,632 37,701 38,802 39,936 Plus 301 funds for the 09/10 fiscal year: fund 011 - $750; fund 012 - $1,500; fund 013 - $1,500. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 30 COCONINO COUNTY Page Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BA 34,382 34,989 35,901 36,815 37,729 38,642 39,554 40,468 41,382 42,295 43,209 44,121 45,035 45,947 46,860 47,774 48,688 49,602 50,513 51,427 52,341 53,253 54,166 55,080 BA+15 36,060 36,668 37,579 38,493 39,407 40,319 41,232 42,146 43,060 43,972 44,885 45,799 46,711 47,627 48,538 49,450 50,366 51,278 52,191 53,103 54,017 54,931 55,844 56,758 BA+30 37,878 38,485 39,399 40,311 41,225 42,138 43,052 43,966 44,878 45,791 46,705 47,617 48,531 49,444 50,356 51,270 52,184 53,097 54,011 54,923 55,837 56,750 57,662 58,576 BA+45 39,401 40,008 40,922 41,836 42,748 43,661 44,573 45,487 46,401 47,314 48,226 49,140 50,054 50,967 51,881 52,793 53,705 54,618 55,532 56,446 57,360 58,273 59,185 60,099 MA 39,888 40,495 41,409 42,321 43,234 44,146 45,060 45,974 46,887 47,799 48,713 49,627 50,540 51,454 52,366 53,280 54,192 55,105 56,019 56,931 57,845 58,758 59,672 60,586 MA+15 41,603 42,210 43,124 44,038 44,951 45,863 46,777 47,689 48,604 49,516 50,428 51,344 52,255 53,169 54,083 54,995 55,908 56,822 57,736 58,648 59,561 60,475 61,387 62,303 MA+30 42,643 43,250 44,164 45,077 45,989 46,903 47,817 48,730 49,642 50,556 51,470 52,382 53,295 54,209 55,121 56,035 56,948 57,862 58,774 59,688 60,601 61,513 62,429 63,341 MA+45 44,561 45,167 46,082 46,994 47,908 48,822 49,733 50,647 51,561 52,475 53,388 54,300 55,214 56,126 57,039 57,953 58,867 59,781 60,693 61,606 62,520 63,434 64,346 65,259 DOC 47,784 48,391 49,305 50,218 51,130 52,044 52,958 53,871 54,783 55,697 56,609 57,523 58,436 59,350 60,264 61,176 62,089 63,003 63,915 64,829 65,742 66,654 67,568 68,482 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 31 COCONINO COUNTY Tuba City Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33,118 33,797 34,476 35,155 35,834 36,513 34,238 34,917 35,596 36,275 36,954 37,633 38,312 38,991 39,670 40,349 35,358 36,037 36,716 37,395 38,074 38,753 39,432 40,111 40,790 41,469 42,148 42,827 43,506 44,185 MA BA+45 36,478 37,157 37,836 38,515 39,194 39,873 40,552 41,231 41,910 42,589 43,268 43,947 44,626 45,305 45,984 46,663 47,342 48,021 48,700 Teacher compensation funds included in salary schedules. Up to 5 years of experience credit will be given. 32 MA+15 BA+60 37,598 38,277 38,956 39,635 40,314 40,993 41,672 42,351 43,030 43,709 44,388 45,067 45,746 46,425 47,104 47,783 48,462 49,141 49,820 50,499 51,178 51,857 MA+30 MA+45 38,718 39,397 40,076 40,755 41,434 42,113 42,792 43,471 44,150 44,829 45,508 46,187 46,866 47,545 48,224 48,903 49,582 50,261 50,940 51,619 52,298 52,977 39,838 40,517 41,196 41,875 42,554 43,233 43,912 44,591 45,270 45,949 46,628 47,307 47,986 48,665 49,344 50,023 50,702 51,381 52,060 52,739 53,418 54,097 EDS MA+60 40,958 41,637 42,316 42,995 43,674 44,353 45,032 45,711 46,390 47,069 47,748 48,427 49,106 49,785 50,464 51,143 51,822 52,501 53,180 53,859 54,538 55,217 EDD 42,078 42,757 43,436 44,115 44,794 45,473 46,152 46,831 47,510 48,189 48,868 49,547 50,226 50,905 51,584 52,263 52,942 53,621 54,300 54,979 55,658 56,337 JD PHD 43,198 43,877 44,556 45,235 45,914 46,593 47,272 47,951 48,630 49,309 49,988 50,667 51,346 52,025 52,704 53,383 54,062 54,741 55,420 56,099 56,778 57,457 COCONINO COUNTY Williams Unified, 2012-2013 CELL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28,750 29,250 29,750 30,250 30,750 31,250 31,750 32,250 32,750 33,250 33,750 CELL 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 34,250 34,750 35,250 35,750 36,250 36,750 37,250 37,750 38,250 38,750 39,250 Experience Value None 0 1-8 Years 1 per year Education Value BA 0 BA + 12 2 BA + 24 4 MA/BA+36 6 MA + 12 MA + 24 MA + 36 MA + 48 8 10 12 14 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) that will be used in the assignment, including but not limited to fluency in a language used by parents or students if the staff member agrees to translate or interpret, ESL, Gifted, Special Education. 301/Performance pay not included in above cells. Teacher compensation funds $743.22 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. 33 GILA COUNTY Globe Unified, 2012-2013 Minimum : Maximum BA BA+15 32,000 : 34,250 33,000 : 36,900 MA BA+30 34,000 : 41,650 MA+15 BA+45 35,000 : 44,450 MA+30 BA+60 36,000 : 48,000 MA+45 BA+75 37,000 : 53,650 DOC MA+60 38,000 : 63,000 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 101-step schedule not shown. Hayden-Winkelman Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 28,119 28,916 29,711 30,507 31,303 32,098 32,894 33,691 34,485 35,282 36,078 MA BA+36 29,179 29,977 30,772 31,568 32,363 33,160 33,955 34,752 35,547 36,343 37,139 MA+12 BA+51 29,977 30,772 31,568 32,364 33,160 33,955 34,752 35,547 36,343 37,139 37,934 MA+24 BA+66 30,772 31,568 32,364 33,160 33,955 34,752 35,547 36,343 37,139 37,934 38,730 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 26,832 27,324 28,119 29,019 29,948 27,325 28,119 28,916 29,711 30,507 31,303 32,305 13 37,669 38,730 39,537 40,321 15 39,260 40,321 41,118 41,914 43,505 44,302 45,096 47,484 48,280 18 21 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 34 GILA COUNTY Miami Unified, 2012-2013 LEVEL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LEVEL 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 32,750 33,750 34,750 35,750 36,750 37,750 38,750 39,750 40,750 41,750 42,750 43,750 44,750 45,750 46,750 47,750 48,750 49,750 50,750 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Additional $2,100 for Master’s. Policy allows credit of up to 6 years. Bonus funds are not included on this scale. Payson Unified, 2012-2013 Initial placement pay schedule SCALE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 32,320 32,820 33,320 33,820 34,320 34,820 35,320 35,820 36,320 36,820 37,320 37,820 38,320 38,820 39,320 39,820 40,320 40,820 41,320 41,820 SCALE 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42,320 42,820 43,320 43,820 44,320 44,820 45,320 45,820 46,320 46,820 47,320 47,820 48,320 48,820 49,320 49,820 50,320 50,820 51,320 51,820 SCALE 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 52,320 52,820 53,320 53,820 54,320 54,820 55,320 55,820 56,320 56,820 57,320 57,820 58,320 58,820 59,320 59,820 60,320 60,820 61,320 61,820 Experience Value None 0 1-5 years 1 per year Max 5 6-9 years 0.5 per year, Max 2 10+ years 0.25 per year, No Max Education Value BA 1 BA + 12 2 BA + 24 3 BA+36 4 MA 5 MA + 12 MA + 24 MA + 36 MA + 48 DOC 6 7 8 9 10 Unique Qualifications Points may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) that will be used in the classroom. ELL 5 HS science 7 Sp Ed 10 (biology, Spch Path 17 chemistry, MS math 7 physics) HS math 7 MS science 7 Other 5 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 35 GILA COUNTY Pine Strawberry Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32,163 32,813 33,463 34,113 34,763 35,413 36,063 33,026 33,676 34,326 34,976 35,626 36,276 36,926 37,576 38,226 38,876 33,889 34,539 35,189 35,839 36,489 37,139 37,789 38,439 39,089 39,739 40,389 41,039 41,689 42,339 42,989 MA BA+36 34,752 35,402 36,052 36,702 37,352 38,002 38,652 39,302 39,952 40,602 41,252 41,902 42,552 43,202 43,852 44,502 45,152 45,802 46,452 47,102 47,752 MA+12 BA+48 35,615 36,265 36,915 37,565 38,215 38,865 39,515 40,165 40,815 41,465 42,115 42,765 43,415 44,065 44,715 45,365 46,015 46,665 47,315 47,965 48,615 49,265 MA+24 BA+60 36,478 37,128 37,778 38,428 39,078 39,728 40,378 41,028 41,678 42,328 42,978 43,628 44,278 44,928 45,578 46,228 46,878 47,528 48,178 48,828 49,478 50,128 50,778 51,428 52,078 MA+36 BA+72 37,341 37,991 38,641 39,291 39,941 40,591 41,241 41,891 42,541 43,191 43,841 44,491 45,141 45,791 46,441 47,091 47,741 48,391 49,041 49,691 50,341 50,991 51,641 52,291 52,941 MA+48 BA+84 38,204 38,854 39,504 40,154 40,804 41,454 42,104 42,754 43,404 44,054 44,704 45,354 46,004 46,654 47,304 47,954 48,604 49,254 49,904 50,554 51,204 51,854 52,504 53,154 53,804 MA+60 BA+96 39,067 39,717 40,367 41,017 41,667 42,317 42,967 43,617 44,267 44,917 45,567 46,217 46,867 47,517 48,167 48,817 49,467 50,117 50,767 51,417 52,067 52,717 53,367 54,017 54,667 Does not include 301 $s @ 20% and 40%. Teachers having the following endorsements will receive an additional stipend if teaching in the field: math, science, reading, $1,000; special ed, $2,000; bilingual or ESL, $500. A certified employee who presents certification from the NATIONAL CERTIFICATION BOARD will be placed on the salary schedule per policy plus 3 additional steps. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 36 GILA COUNTY San Carlos Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 : 21 31,432 32,006 32,580 33,151 33,723 34,294 34,868 35,440 36,012 36,584 37,156 32,350 32,925 33,497 34,070 34,643 35,216 35,787 36,360 36,932 37,503 38,075 38,648 39,220 39,792 40,368 40,942 MA BA+45 33,270 33,841 34,416 34,990 35,562 36,136 36,708 37,280 37,850 38,424 38,996 39,568 40,140 40,712 41,287 41,858 42,000 : 43,000 MA+30 BA+60 34,190 34,761 35,335 35,910 36,483 37,055 37,627 38,199 38,771 39,343 39,916 40,488 41,060 41,632 42,204 42,778 43,352 : 44,000 MA+45 BA+75 35,109 35,681 36,253 36,827 37,402 37,976 38,546 39,118 39,691 40,264 40,835 41,407 41,980 42,552 43,123 43,696 44,270 : 45,000 DOC MA+60 36,029 36,601 37,173 37,745 38,320 38,893 39,467 40,038 40,610 41,183 41,756 42,327 42,898 43,472 44,044 44,615 46,206 : 47,000 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. $1,500 retention bonus for returning teachers in 2012-13. Tonto Basin Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. 37 GILA COUNTY Young Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+6 BA+12 BA+18 BA+24 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 35,634 36,234 36,834 37,434 38,034 38,634 39,234 39,834 40,434 41,034 41,634 36,114 36,714 37,314 37,914 38,514 39,114 39,714 40,314 40,914 41,514 42,114 42,714 43,314 43,914 44,514 45,114 45,714 46,314 46,914 36,594 37,194 37,794 38,394 38,994 39,594 40,194 40,794 41,394 41,994 42,594 43,194 43,794 44,394 44,994 45,594 46,194 46,794 47,394 37,074 37,674 38,274 38,874 39,474 40,074 40,674 41,274 41,874 42,474 43,074 43,674 44,274 44,874 45,474 46,074 46,674 47,274 47,874 37,554 38,154 38,754 39,354 39,954 40,554 41,154 41,754 42,354 42,954 43,554 44,154 44,754 45,354 45,954 46,554 47,154 47,754 48,354 38,034 38,634 39,234 39,834 40,434 41,034 41,634 42,234 42,834 43,434 44,034 44,634 45,234 45,834 46,434 47,034 47,634 48,234 48,835 District not eligible for teacher compensation funds. 38 MA BA+36 38,994 39,614 40,234 40,854 41,474 42,094 42,714 43,334 43,954 44,574 45,194 45,814 46,434 47,054 47,674 48,294 48,914 49,534 50,154 50,774 51,394 52,014 MA+12 BA+48 39,954 40,574 41,194 41,814 42,434 43,054 43,674 44,294 44,914 45,534 46,154 46,774 47,394 48,014 48,634 49,254 49,874 50,494 51,114 51,734 52,354 52,974 MA+24 BA+60 40,914 41,534 42,154 42,774 43,394 44,014 44,634 45,254 45,874 46,494 47,114 47,734 48,354 48,974 49,594 50,214 50,834 51,454 52,074 52,694 53,314 53,934 MA+36 BA+72 41,874 42,494 43,114 43,734 44,354 44,974 45,594 46,214 46,834 47,454 48,074 48,694 49,314 49,934 50,554 51,174 51,794 52,414 53,034 53,654 54,274 54,894 55,514 56,134 MA+48 BA+84 42,834 43,454 44,074 44,694 45,314 45,934 46,554 47,174 47,794 48,414 49,034 49,654 50,274 50,894 51,514 52,134 52,754 53,374 53,994 54,614 55,234 55,854 56,474 57,094 57,714 58,334 58,954 59,574 60,194 GRAHAM COUNTY Bonita Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 32,000 32,650 33,300 33,950 34,600 35,250 35,900 36,550 37,200 37,850 38,500 39,150 39,800 40,450 41,100 32,750 33,400 34,050 34,700 35,350 36,000 36,650 37,300 37,950 38,600 39,250 39,900 40,550 41,200 41,850 42,500 43,150 43,800 44,450 45,100 MA BA+36 33,500 34,150 34,800 35,450 36,100 36,750 37,400 38,050 38,700 39,350 40,000 40,650 41,300 41,950 42,600 43,250 43,900 44,550 45,200 45,850 46,500 47,150 47,800 48,450 49,100 MA+18 34,250 34,900 35,550 36,200 36,850 37,500 38,150 38,800 39,450 40,100 40,750 41,400 42,050 42,700 43,350 44,000 44,650 45,300 45,950 46,600 47,250 47,900 48,550 49,200 49,850 50,500 51,150 51,800 52,450 53,100 EDS MA+36 35,000 35,650 36,300 36,950 37,600 38,250 38,900 39,550 40,200 40,850 41,500 42,150 42,800 43,450 44,100 44,750 45,400 46,050 46,700 47,350 48,000 48,650 49,300 49,950 50,600 51,250 51,900 52,550 53,200 53,850 54,500 55,150 55,800 56,450 57,100 Teacher compensation funds included in base salary. 39 GRAHAM COUNTY Fort Thomas Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+10 BA+20 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29,140 29,680 30,220 30,760 31,300 31,840 32,380 32,920 33,460 34,000 34,540 35,080 35,620 36,160 36,700 29,690 30,230 30,770 31,310 31,850 32,390 32,930 33,470 34,010 34,550 35,090 35,630 36,170 36,710 37,250 30,240 30,780 31,320 31,860 32,400 32,940 33,480 34,020 34,560 35,100 35,640 36,180 36,720 37,260 37,800 38,340 38,880 39,420 39,960 30,790 31,330 31,870 32,410 32,950 33,490 34,030 34,570 35,110 35,650 36,190 36,730 37,270 37,810 38,350 38,890 39,430 39,970 40,510 Teacher compensation funds included in salary schedule. 40 MA BA+40 31,340 31,880 32,420 32,960 33,500 34,040 34,580 35,120 35,660 36,200 36,740 37,280 37,820 38,360 38,900 39,440 39,980 40,520 41,060 41,600 42,140 42,680 43,220 43,760 44,300 44,840 45,380 MA+12 BA+52 31,890 32,430 32,970 33,510 34,050 34,590 35,130 35,670 36,210 36,750 37,290 37,830 38,370 38,910 39,450 39,990 40,530 41,070 41,610 42,150 42,690 43,230 43,770 44,310 44,850 45,390 45,930 46,470 47,010 47,550 MA+24 MA+36 MA+48 32,440 32,980 33,520 34,060 34,600 35,140 35,680 36,220 36,760 37,300 37,840 38,380 38,920 39,460 40,000 40,540 41,080 41,620 42,160 42,700 43,240 43,780 44,320 44,860 45,400 45,940 46,480 47,020 47,560 48,100 32,990 33,530 34,070 34,610 35,150 35,690 36,230 36,770 37,310 37,850 38,390 38,930 39,470 40,010 40,550 41,090 41,630 42,170 42,710 43,250 43,790 44,330 44,870 45,410 45,950 46,490 47,030 47,570 48,110 48,650 33,540 34,080 34,620 35,160 35,700 36,240 36,780 37,320 37,860 38,400 38,940 39,480 40,020 40,560 41,100 41,640 42,180 42,720 43,260 43,800 44,340 44,880 45,420 45,960 46,500 47,040 47,580 48,120 48,660 49,200 GRAHAM COUNTY Pima Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 26,600 27,200 27,800 28,400 29,000 29,600 30,200 30,800 31,400 32,000 32,600 33,200 33,800 34,400 35,000 27,200 27,800 28,400 29,000 29,600 30,200 30,800 31,400 32,000 32,600 33,200 33,800 34,400 35,000 35,600 36,200 36,800 37,400 38,000 38,600 MA BA+36 27,800 28,400 29,000 29,600 30,200 30,800 31,400 32,000 32,600 33,200 33,800 34,400 35,000 35,600 36,200 36,800 37,400 38,000 38,600 39,200 39,800 40,400 41,000 41,600 42,200 MA+18 28,400 29,000 29,600 30,200 30,800 31,400 32,000 32,600 33,200 33,800 34,400 35,000 35,600 36,200 36,800 37,400 38,000 38,600 39,200 39,800 40,400 41,000 41,600 42,200 42,800 43,400 44,000 44,600 45,200 45,800 DOC MA+36 29,000 29,600 30,200 30,800 31,400 32,000 32,600 33,200 33,800 34,400 35,000 35,600 36,200 36,800 37,400 38,000 38,600 39,200 39,800 40,400 41,000 41,600 42,200 42,800 43,400 44,000 44,600 45,200 45,800 46,400 47,000 47,600 48,200 48,800 49,400 Teacher compensation funds $925 per teacher NOT included in base salary. 41 GRAHAM COUNTY Safford Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 30,600 31,671 32,742 33,813 34,884 31,518 32,589 33,660 34,731 35,802 36,873 32,436 33,507 34,578 35,649 36,720 37,791 38,862 39,933 41,004 MA BA+36 33,354 34,425 35,496 36,567 37,638 38,709 39,780 40,851 41,922 42,993 44,064 45,135 MA+12 MA+24 34,272 35,343 36,414 37,485 38,556 39,627 40,698 41,769 42,840 43,911 44,982 46,053 47,124 35,190 36,261 37,332 38,403 39,474 40,545 41,616 42,687 43,758 44,829 45,900 46,971 48,042 49,113 EDS MA+36 36,108 37,179 38,250 39,321 40,392 41,463 42,534 43,605 44,676 45,747 46,818 47,889 48,960 50,031 51,102 52,173 Teacher compensation funds $665 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. 3.5% of BA step 1 for an approved doctorate, NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION. Solomonville Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 29,040 29,661 30,198 30,802 31,423 32,061 29,693 30,282 30,888 31,511 32,151 32,809 33,486 34,182 30,367 30,975 31,600 32,243 32,904 33,583 34,281 34,999 35,737 36,496 MA BA+36 31,042 31,670 32,315 32,978 33,660 34,361 35,082 35,823 36,585 37,368 38,173 39,000 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 42 MA+12 BA+48 31,760 32,408 33,074 33,759 34,463 35,187 35,931 36,696 37,482 38,290 39,121 39,975 40,883 41,756 MA+24 32,520 33,189 33,876 34,583 35,309 36,056 36,824 37,613 38,424 39,258 40,115 40,996 41,902 42,833 43,790 DOC MA+36 33,284 33,974 34,683 35,412 36,162 36,933 37,725 38,539 39,376 40,237 41,122 42,032 42,966 43,927 44,915 45,931 GRAHAM COUNTY Thatcher Unified, 2012-2013 STEP Base BA 29,250 BA+12 30,260 BA+24 31,270 BA+36 32,280 MA 33,290 MA+12 34,300 MA+24 35,310 MA+36 36,320 MA+48 37,330 Maximum 33,750 36,260 38,770 41,280 43,790 46,300 48,810 51,320 53,830 Teacher compensation funds ($973.22 per teacher in 2011-12, calculated at the end of the year) NOT included in salary scale. PLACEMENT: Newly hired teachers and teachers returning from third-party employment are placed on the schedule according to (1) credentials in hand at the time of employment and (2) years of eligible teaching experience. EXPERIENCE CREDIT: At the time of placement, the employee’s salary will be increased by 1% of the appropriate column base for each year of verified experience, up to 10 years. EDUCATION CREDIT: At the beginning of each contract year, employees who have earned additional graduate credit hours since the previous contract may be eligible for additional compensation under the following provisions: the employee must provide notice to the superintendent and submit credentials within announced time lines; for every 12 additional credits, employees will be moved laterally one column to the right, upon governing board approval; in any given year, the governing board may limit column advancement. ADVANCEMENT (continuing employees): Salary advancement for employees is determined annually by the governing board. 43 GREENLEE COUNTY Clifton Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 25,300 25,750 26,200 26,650 27,100 27,550 28,000 28,450 28,900 25,750 26,200 26,650 27,100 27,550 28,000 28,450 28,900 29,350 29,800 30,250 26,200 26,650 27,100 27,550 28,000 28,450 28,900 29,350 29,800 30,250 30,700 31,150 31,600 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Includes Prop 301 $500 base salary and $500 menu funds. 44 MA BA+45 26,650 27,100 27,550 28,000 28,450 28,900 29,350 29,800 30,250 30,700 31,150 31,600 32,050 32,500 32,950 MA+15 MA+30 27,100 27,550 28,000 28,450 28,900 29,350 29,800 30,250 30,700 31,150 31,600 32,050 32,500 32,950 33,400 33,850 34,300 27,550 28,000 28,450 28,900 29,350 29,800 30,250 30,700 31,150 31,600 32,050 32,500 32,950 33,400 33,850 34,300 34,750 GREENLEE COUNTY Duncan Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28,500 29,150 29,800 30,450 31,100 29,150 29,800 30,450 31,100 31,750 32,400 33,050 29,800 30,450 31,100 31,750 32,400 33,050 33,700 34,350 MA BA+36 30,450 31,100 31,750 32,400 33,050 33,700 34,350 35,000 35,650 36,300 36,950 37,600 38,250 38,900 39,550 MA+12 BA+48 31,100 31,750 32,400 33,050 33,700 34,350 35,000 35,650 36,300 36,950 37,600 38,250 38,900 39,550 40,200 40,850 41,500 42,150 MA+24 MA+36 31,750 32,400 33,050 33,700 34,350 35,000 35,650 36,300 36,950 37,600 38,250 38,900 39,550 40,200 40,850 41,500 42,150 42,800 43,450 44,100 32,400 33,050 33,700 34,350 35,000 35,650 36,300 36,950 37,600 38,250 38,900 39,550 40,200 40,850 41,500 42,150 42,800 43,450 44,100 44,750 EDS MA+48 33,050 33,700 34,350 35,000 35,650 36,300 36,950 37,600 38,250 38,900 39,550 40,200 40,850 41,500 42,150 42,800 43,450 44,100 44,750 45,400 46,050 46,700 Salary schedule does not include 301 money, which is paid in an addendum in addition. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 45 GREENLEE COUNTY Morenci Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BA BA+12 BA+24 MA BA+36 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 EDS MA+48 DOC MA+60 33,600 34,200 34,800 35,400 36,000 36,600 37,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 34,200 34,800 35,400 36,000 36,600 37,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 34,800 35,400 36,000 36,600 37,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 35,400 36,000 36,600 37,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 42,600 36,000 36,600 37,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 42,600 43,200 36,600 37,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 42,600 43,200 43,800 37,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 42,600 43,200 43,800 44,400 45,500 46,100 46,700 47,300 47,900 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 42,600 43,200 43,800 44,400 45,000 46,400 47,000 47,600 48,200 48,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 42,600 43,200 43,800 44,400 45,000 45,600 47,300 47,900 48,500 49,100 49,700 50,300 50,900 51,500 52,100 52,700 53,300 53,900 54,500 55,100 55,700 Schedule contains $900 in Prop 011 funds, $1,800 in Prop 013 funds, and $800 in Instructional Improvement 020 funds. Teachers may earn an additional $2,300 in performance pay by meeting Proposition 301 goals. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 46 LA PAZ COUNTY Bicentennial UHS, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28,370 29,091 29,812 30,533 31,254 31,975 32,696 33,417 34,138 29,375 30,096 30,817 31,538 32,259 32,980 33,701 34,422 35,143 35,847 36,550 30,380 31,101 31,822 32,543 33,264 33,985 34,706 35,427 36,148 36,852 37,555 38,259 MA BA+36 31,385 32,106 32,827 33,548 34,269 34,990 35,711 36,432 37,153 37,857 38,560 39,264 MA+12 BA+48 32,390 33,111 33,832 34,553 35,274 35,995 36,716 37,437 38,158 38,862 39,565 40,269 MA+24 BA+60 33,395 34,116 34,837 35,558 36,279 37,000 37,721 38,442 39,163 39,867 40,570 41,274 MA+36 MA+48 34,400 35,121 35,842 36,563 37,284 38,005 38,726 39,447 40,168 40,872 41,575 42,279 35,405 36,126 36,847 37,568 38,289 39,010 39,731 40,452 41,173 41,877 42,580 43,284 39,967 40,671 41,374 40,972 41,676 42,379 43,083 43,786 44,490 45,193 45,897 46,600 47,304 48,007 48,711 41,977 42,681 43,384 44,088 44,791 45,495 46,198 46,902 47,605 48,309 49,012 49,716 42,982 43,686 44,389 45,093 45,796 46,500 47,203 47,907 48,610 49,314 50,017 50,721 43,987 44,691 45,394 46,098 46,801 47,505 48,208 48,912 49,615 50,319 51,022 51,726 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 47 LA PAZ COUNTY Bouse Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+10 BA+20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29,500 30,250 31,000 31,750 32,500 33,250 34,000 34,750 30,150 30,900 31,650 32,400 33,150 33,900 34,650 35,400 36,150 36,900 30,800 31,550 32,300 33,050 33,800 34,550 35,300 36,050 36,800 37,550 38,300 39,050 39,800 40,550 MA BA+36 31,450 32,200 32,950 33,700 34,450 35,200 35,950 36,700 37,450 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 47,650 48,400 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 32,100 32,850 33,600 34,350 35,100 35,850 36,600 37,350 38,100 38,850 39,600 40,350 41,100 41,850 42,600 43,350 44,100 44,850 45,600 46,350 47,100 47,850 48,600 49,350 32,750 33,500 34,250 35,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 43,250 44,000 44,750 45,500 46,250 47,000 47,750 48,500 49,250 50,000 33,400 34,150 34,900 35,650 36,400 37,150 37,900 38,650 39,400 40,150 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 47,650 48,400 49,150 49,900 50,650 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. A maximum of 6 years experience will be allowed for successful experience outside the district. Thus persons with 6 years experience would enter at step 5. 48 LA PAZ COUNTY Parker Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BA 32,000 32,710 33,420 34,130 34,840 35,550 36,260 36,970 37,680 38,390 39,100 39,810 40,520 41,230 41,940 42,650 BA+20 32,710 33,420 34,130 34,840 35,550 36,260 36,970 37,680 38,390 39,100 39,810 40,520 41,230 41,940 42,650 43,360 MA 33,420 34,130 34,840 35,550 36,260 36,970 37,680 38,390 39,100 39,810 40,520 41,230 41,940 42,650 43,360 44,070 44,780 45,490 46,200 46,910 47,620 48,330 49,040 49,750 50,460 51,170 51,880 52,590 53,300 54,010 54,720 MA+20 34,130 34,840 35,550 36,260 36,970 37,680 38,390 39,100 39,810 40,520 41,230 41,940 42,650 43,360 44,070 44,780 45,490 46,200 46,910 47,620 48,330 49,040 49,750 50,460 51,170 51,880 52,590 53,300 54,010 54,720 55,430 MA+40 34,840 35,550 36,260 36,970 37,680 38,390 39,100 39,810 40,520 41,230 41,940 42,650 43,360 44,070 44,780 45,490 46,200 46,910 47,620 48,330 49,040 49,750 50,460 51,170 51,880 52,590 53,300 54,010 54,720 55,430 56,140 Teacher compensation funds and Proposition 301 funds included in salary schedule, with the exception of performance pay. Classroom special education teachers who meet NCLB criteria as highly qualified with regard to their special education classroom assignment will receive a $2,000 contract addendum for the 2012-13 school year. 49 LA PAZ COUNTY Quartzsite Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30,849 31,673 32,497 33,321 34,145 34,969 35,792 32,222 33,046 33,870 34,694 35,517 36,341 37,165 37,989 38,813 33,595 34,419 35,242 36,066 36,890 37,714 38,538 39,362 40,186 41,009 41,833 42,657 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Including $2,000 Classroom Site Fund. 50 MA BA+45 34,968 35,791 36,615 37,439 38,263 39,087 39,911 40,735 41,558 42,382 43,206 44,030 44,854 45,677 46,501 MA+15 MA+30 36,340 37,164 37,988 38,812 39,636 40,459 41,283 42,107 42,931 43,755 44,579 45,402 46,226 47,050 47,874 48,698 49,522 50,346 37,713 38,537 39,361 40,185 41,008 41,832 42,656 43,480 44,304 45,128 45,951 46,775 47,599 48,423 49,247 50,071 50,894 51,718 52,542 53,366 LA PAZ COUNTY Salome Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28,188 28,902 29,616 30,330 31,044 31,758 32,472 33,186 28,902 29,616 30,330 31,044 31,758 32,472 33,186 33,900 34,614 35,328 29,616 30,330 31,044 31,758 32,472 33,186 33,900 34,614 35,328 36,042 36,756 37,470 MA BA+36 30,330 31,044 31,758 32,472 33,186 33,900 34,614 35,328 36,042 36,756 37,470 38,184 38,898 39,612 40,326 41,040 41,754 42,468 43,182 43,896 44,610 45,324 46,038 46,752 47,466 48,180 MA+12 BA+48 31,044 31,758 32,472 33,186 33,900 34,614 35,328 36,042 36,756 37,470 38,184 38,898 39,612 40,326 41,040 41,754 42,468 43,182 43,896 44,610 45,324 46,038 46,752 47,466 48,180 48,894 MA+24 MA+36 31,758 32,472 33,186 33,900 34,614 35,328 36,042 36,756 37,470 38,184 38,898 39,612 40,326 41,040 41,754 42,468 43,182 43,896 44,610 45,324 46,038 46,752 47,466 48,180 48,894 49,608 32,472 33,186 33,900 34,614 35,328 36,042 36,756 37,470 38,184 38,898 39,612 40,326 41,040 41,754 42,468 43,182 43,896 44,610 45,324 46,038 46,752 47,466 48,180 48,894 49,608 50,322 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. After 5 consecutive years of full-time service to the district, teacher will receive an additional $250 each year for years 6-10. After 10 consecutive years of full-time service to the district, teacher will receive an additional $500 each year thereafter. 51 LA PAZ COUNTY Wenden Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BA 28,229 28,929 29,629 30,329 31,029 31,729 32,429 33,129 BA+12 28,961 29,661 30,361 31,061 31,761 32,461 33,161 33,861 34,561 35,261 BA+24 29,693 30,393 31,093 31,793 32,493 33,193 33,893 34,593 35,293 35,993 36,693 37,393 BA+36 30,738 31,438 32,138 32,838 33,538 34,238 34,938 35,638 36,338 37,038 37,738 38,438 39,138 39,838 40,538 41,238 41,938 42,638 43,338 44,038 44,738 45,438 46,138 46,838 47,538 48,238 BA+48 31,784 32,484 33,184 33,884 34,584 35,284 35,984 36,684 37,384 38,084 38,784 39,484 40,184 40,884 41,584 42,284 42,984 43,684 44,384 45,084 45,784 46,484 47,184 47,884 48,584 49,284 MA 32,829 33,529 34,229 34,929 35,629 36,329 37,029 37,729 38,429 39,129 39,829 40,529 41,229 41,929 42,629 43,329 44,029 44,729 45,429 46,129 46,829 47,529 48,229 48,929 49,629 50,329 MA+12 33,875 34,575 35,275 35,975 36,675 37,375 38,075 38,775 39,475 40,175 40,875 41,575 42,275 42,975 43,675 44,375 45,075 45,775 46,475 47,175 47,875 48,575 49,275 49,975 50,675 51,375 MA+24 34,920 35,620 36,320 37,020 37,720 38,420 39,120 39,820 40,520 41,220 41,920 42,620 43,320 44,020 44,720 45,420 46,120 46,820 47,520 48,220 48,920 49,620 50,320 51,020 51,720 52,420 MA+36 35,966 36,666 37,366 38,066 38,766 39,466 40,166 40,866 41,566 42,266 42,966 43,666 44,366 45,066 45,766 46,466 47,166 47,866 48,566 49,266 49,966 50,666 51,366 52,066 52,766 53,466 MA+48 37,011 37,711 38,411 39,111 39,811 40,511 41,211 41,911 42,611 43,311 44,011 44,711 45,411 46,111 46,811 47,511 48,211 48,911 49,611 50,311 51,011 51,711 52,411 53,111 53,811 54,511 MA+60 38,057 38,757 39,457 40,157 40,857 41,557 42,257 42,957 43,657 44,357 45,057 45,757 46,457 47,157 47,857 48,557 49,257 49,957 50,657 51,357 52,057 52,757 53,457 54,157 54,857 55,557 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. After 5 consecutive years of full-time service to the district, teacher will receive an additional $250 each year for years 6-10. After 10 consecutive years of full-time service to the district, teacher will receive an additional $500 each year thereafter. 52 MARICOPA COUNTY Agua Fria UHS, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 31,047 31,834 32,921 34,008 35,095 36,182 37,269 38,356 39,443 40,530 31,834 32,921 34,008 35,095 36,182 37,269 38,356 39,443 40,530 41,617 42,704 43,791 MA BA+36 32,921 34,008 35,095 36,182 37,269 38,356 39,443 40,530 41,617 42,704 43,791 44,878 45,965 MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 MA+75 34,008 35,095 36,182 37,269 38,356 39,443 40,530 41,617 42,704 43,791 44,878 45,965 47,052 48,139 49,226 35,095 36,182 37,269 38,356 39,443 40,530 41,617 42,704 43,791 44,878 45,965 47,052 48,139 49,226 50,313 51,400 36,182 37,269 38,356 39,443 40,530 41,617 42,704 43,791 44,878 45,965 47,052 48,139 49,226 50,313 51,400 52,487 53,574 37,269 38,356 39,443 40,530 41,617 42,704 43,791 44,878 45,965 47,052 48,139 49,226 50,313 51,400 52,487 53,574 54,661 55,748 38,356 39,443 40,530 41,617 42,704 43,791 44,878 45,965 47,052 48,139 49,226 50,313 51,400 52,487 53,574 54,661 55,748 56,835 57,922 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Proposition 301 monies not included. 53 MARICOPA COUNTY Aguila Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BA 32,916 33,488 34,060 34,632 35,204 35,776 36,348 36,920 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 BA+15 33,488 34,060 34,632 35,204 35,776 36,348 36,920 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 BA+30 34,060 34,632 35,204 35,776 36,348 36,920 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 47,788 BA+45 34,632 35,204 35,776 36,348 36,920 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 47,788 48,360 MA 35,204 35,776 36,348 36,920 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 47,788 48,360 48,932 MA+15 35,776 36,348 36,920 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 47,788 48,360 48,932 49,504 MA+30 36,348 36,920 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 47,788 48,360 48,932 49,504 50,076 Teacher compensation funds $745 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. Maximum of 10 years for previous experience can be granted on the salary schedule. $1,750 recruitment/retention stipend for HQ teachers. 54 MA+45 36,920 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 47,788 48,360 48,932 49,504 50,076 50,648 MA+60 37,492 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 47,788 48,360 48,932 49,504 50,076 50,648 51,220 DOC 38,064 38,636 39,208 39,780 40,352 40,924 41,496 42,068 42,640 43,212 43,784 44,356 44,928 45,500 46,072 46,644 47,216 47,788 48,360 48,932 49,504 50,076 50,648 51,220 51,792 MARICOPA COUNTY Alhambra Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BA BA+18 40,100 41,387 42,510 44,114 45,719 47,321 48,930 41,387 42,510 44,114 45,719 47,321 48,930 50,535 52,138 53,741 MA BA+36 MA+18 BA+54 42,617 44,331 46,039 47,751 49,461 51,177 52,884 54,600 56,312 58,023 59,734 44,331 46,039 47,751 49,461 51,177 52,884 54,600 56,312 58,023 59,734 61,446 63,159 EDS MA+36 BA+72 EDS+18 MA+54 BA+90 requires MA 46,156 47,983 49,809 51,639 53,471 55,292 57,122 58,949 60,779 62,604 64,429 66,261 68,086 47,983 49,809 51,639 53,471 55,292 57,122 58,949 60,779 62,604 64,429 66,261 68,086 69,915 71,742 DOC 61,304 63,207 65,112 67,012 68,915 70,819 72,722 74,624 Proposition 301 monies. Teacher compensation: Each salary amount includes an additional amount of $1,121. Performance pay: In addition to the salaries reflected on this salary schedule, individual teachers may received, as additional compensation, a discretionary performance award for which the teacher is eligible and qualified to receive in accordance with the terms of the district’s performance pay plan. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Intervention specialists and district-level teachers-on-assignments shall be paid at the appropriate step and level on the teacher’s salary schedule plus $1,000. $500 addendum for teachers at top step of top two columns for 5-9 years; $1,000 for 10-14 years; $1,500 for 15 years or more. 55 MARICOPA COUNTY Arlington Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BA 36,000 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 BA+15 36,500 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,000 40,500 41,000 MA 38,500 39,900 40,400 40,900 41,400 41,900 42,400 42,900 43,400 43,900 44,400 44,900 45,400 45,900 46,400 46,900 47,400 47,900 48,400 48,900 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 56 MA+15 39,000 40,400 40,900 41,400 41,900 42,400 42,900 43,400 43,900 44,400 44,900 45,400 45,900 46,400 46,900 47,400 47,900 48,400 48,900 49,400 MA+30 39,500 40,900 41,400 41,900 42,400 42,900 43,400 43,900 44,400 44,900 45,400 45,900 46,400 46,900 47,400 47,900 48,400 48,900 49,400 49,900 MARICOPA COUNTY Avondale Elementary, 2012-2013 Hiring guidelines & salary placement BA 33,791 Minimum salary for new hire teachers with the following education MA 35,729 DOC 41,627 600 Up to 3 years prior experience may be granted (per year, maximum 3 years) 900 900 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Compensation may be granted for job-related eligible coursework completed within the last 10 years beyond highest degree attained as $60 per credit hour, maximum of 45 credits for BA and 60 for MA. Stipends: $1,000, ESL; $2,000, bilingual; $2,000, special education (position only); $2,000, reading specialist (master teacher only); $3,000 NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION. Performance pay (Prop 301) is in addition to the base salary amount. 57 MARICOPA COUNTY Balsz Elementary, 2012-2013 Minimums and Maximums Min : Max BA BA+15 37,092 : 48,798 37,992 : 53,549 MA BA+34 38,892 : 61,000 MA+15 BA+49 39,792 : 63,088 MA+30 BA+64 40,692 : 68,012 MA+45 MA+60 41,592 : 70,309 42,492 : 73,410 DOC MA+75 43,392 : 74,305 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Includes $1,852 estimated 301 funds. Credit for prior experience will be given on a 1 for 1 basis, up to a total of 5 years at $400 per year. Bilingual endorsed teachers will receive an additional $1,000 added to their contract. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED teachers working in their area of focus will receive an additional $1,000 stipend. Special education teachers with primary assignments of 1) inclusion for general education classrooms, 2) self-contained autism, 3) special education preschool, and 4) self-contained ED will receive an additional $5,000 stipend. Buckeye Elementary, 2012-2013 Hiring schedule STEP BA BA+15 1 33,300 34,000 MA BA+30 34,700 MA+15 BA+45 35,400 MA+30 BA+60 36,100 MA+45 BA+75 36,800 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. A new teacher when hired will be given credit for a maximum of 5 years experience at the rate of $350 per year or per superintendent’s approval. When a teacher obtains additional approved hours to move horizontally on the salary schedule, they will receive an increase of $700 per 15 credit hours for a lateral move. 58 MARICOPA COUNTY Buckeye UHS, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31,683 32,587 33,490 34,394 35,298 36,202 37,106 38,009 38,914 39,817 40,721 32,587 33,490 34,394 35,298 36,202 37,106 38,009 38,914 39,817 40,721 41,625 42,528 43,432 44,335 33,490 34,394 35,298 36,202 37,106 38,009 38,914 39,817 40,721 41,625 42,528 43,432 44,335 45,239 46,143 MA BA+36 34,394 35,298 36,202 37,106 38,009 38,914 39,817 40,721 41,625 42,528 43,432 44,335 45,239 46,143 47,046 47,950 48,852 49,756 50,661 51,564 MA+12 BA+48 35,298 36,202 37,106 38,009 38,914 39,817 40,721 41,625 42,528 43,432 44,335 45,239 46,143 47,046 47,950 48,852 49,756 50,661 51,564 52,468 53,370 54,274 MA+24 BA+60 36,202 37,106 38,009 38,914 39,817 40,721 41,625 42,528 43,432 44,335 45,239 46,143 47,046 47,950 48,852 49,756 50,661 51,564 52,468 53,370 54,274 55,178 MA+36 BA+72 37,106 38,009 38,914 39,817 40,721 41,625 42,528 43,432 44,335 45,239 46,143 47,046 47,950 48,852 49,756 50,661 51,564 52,468 53,370 54,274 55,178 56,081 56,985 57,887 58,791 MA+48 BA+84 38,009 38,914 39,817 40,721 41,625 42,528 43,432 44,335 45,239 46,143 47,046 47,950 48,852 49,756 50,661 51,564 52,468 53,370 54,274 55,178 56,081 56,985 57,887 58,791 59,695 DOC 38,907 39,833 40,758 41,683 42,608 43,533 44,458 45,382 46,308 47,233 48,157 49,083 50,006 50,931 51,858 52,782 53,707 54,631 55,556 56,481 57,406 58,331 59,254 60,179 61,105 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 59 MARICOPA COUNTY Cartwright Elementary, 2012-2013 Placement schedule to set base for new hires STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 BA+45 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 41,940 42,360 42,780 43,210 43,640 44,080 EDS MA+60 43,000 43,430 43,860 44,300 44,750 45,190 EDS15 MA+75 44,060 44,500 44,950 45,400 45,850 46,310 1 2 3 4 5 6 34,520 34,870 35,210 35,570 35,580 35,940 36,300 36,660 36,640 37,010 37,380 37,750 37,700 38,080 38,460 38,840 38,760 39,150 39,540 39,930 40,330 40,740 39,820 40,220 40,620 41,030 41,440 41,850 40,880 41,290 41,700 42,120 42,540 42,970 Max 46,620 47,890 55,180 56,460 63,420 65,250 71,240 DOC 45,120 45,570 46,030 46,490 46,950 47,420 72,500 73,750 75,030 76,320 Add $1,200 to all salaries for 2012-13 from 301 adjusted annually. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Cave Creek Unified, 2012-2013 Range salary schedule Start : Maximum BA 29,020 BA+ 30,519 : 40,556 MA 31,833 MA+45 36,019 : 56,958 Each salary schedule amount includes the following from the Classroom Site Fund: Base, $860; Menu, $1,527; Menu – F013, $1,443. Total CSF, $3,830. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 60 MARICOPA COUNTY Chandler Unified, 2012-2013 Salary ranges Entry base $35,823 to top salary $71,833. $400 will be granted for 2 years of full-time, contracted experience in an institution which requires certification. An additional $400 will be granted for each additional year up to 6 years. $65 per semester hour of education-related graduate university credit beyond initial certification, capped at 96 semester hours (for teachers at MA level) and 54 semester hours (for teachers at BA level). $1,000 for each advanced degree (MA or PhD). Performance pay (eligible), $1,650. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION, $1,500. Incentive - journey, $350. Professional growth: Compensation will be a flat rate for each graduate level university semester hour ($65) and in district semester hour equivalent ($45). 61 MARICOPA COUNTY Creighton Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Base Salary 36,579 36,776 37,149 37,326 37,457 37,633 38,160 38,468 38,752 39,279 39,851 40,464 40,903 41,758 42,615 43,318 44,152 45,225 46,347 47,335 48,454 49,837 51,241 52,535 53,918 55,257 56,551 58,219 59,230 60,370 66,340 Professional Growth Factor BA+18 MA/BA+36 MA+15/BA+54 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 1,170 2,340 3,510 4,290 5,265 6,240 Longevity 15-19 years 20-29 years 30+ years 250 600 750 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Credential compensation: full bilingual endorsement being utilized in a designated classroom setting - $500/OR full ESL endorsement being utilized in a designated classroom setting - $500. NATIONAL BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHING STANDARDS CERTIFICATE - $1,000. Doctorate - $1,000. 62 MARICOPA COUNTY Deer Valley Unified, 2012-2013 Hiring guidelines & salary Beginning salary starts at $33,581. Professional growth – All hours submitted by January 31 will be paid at the rate of $50 per credit hour and included in the base salary of the following year’s contract; up to 18 credits per year; maximum 90 credits above highest degree earned. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Up to 5 years of experience are paid at $800 per year. Compensation may be granted for education above a bachelor’s degree in 18-credit-hour increments. Dysart Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 32,384 33,112 33,857 34,618 35,397 36,193 33,678 34,436 35,210 36,002 36,813 37,641 38,488 MA BA+30 35,025 35,813 36,619 37,443 38,285 39,146 40,028 40,928 41,850 42,791 43,754 44,738 MA+15 BA+45 36,426 37,246 38,083 38,940 39,817 40,713 41,629 42,566 43,524 44,503 45,503 46,527 47,574 48,645 49,740 MA+30 BA+60 37,883 38,735 39,608 40,498 41,409 42,341 43,295 44,268 45,264 46,282 47,323 48,388 49,478 50,590 51,729 52,893 MA+45 BA+75 39,399 40,285 41,191 42,118 43,067 44,035 45,026 46,039 47,075 48,133 49,216 50,324 51,456 52,614 53,798 55,008 56,247 57,512 58,806 60,129 61,482 62,865 DOC MA+60 40,974 41,897 42,839 43,803 44,789 45,797 46,826 47,881 48,957 50,060 51,185 52,338 53,515 54,718 55,950 57,209 58,496 59,812 61,159 62,534 63,941 65,380 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. East Valley Institute of Technology, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. 63 MARICOPA COUNTY Fountain Hills Unified, 2012-2013 STEP Minimum BA 31,906 BA+15 32,682 BA+30 33,476 BA+45 34,291 MA 35,125 MA+15 35,981 MA+30 36,859 MA+45 37,759 MA+60 38,680 DOC 39,626 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Teachers holding a NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION will receive an annual $1,200 above their base salary amount. Fowler Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+21 MA BA+45 MA+21 BA+66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 34,478 35,168 36,134 37,097 38,063 39,029 39,994 37,106 37,848 38,813 39,778 40,743 41,709 42,673 43,639 44,603 45,569 46,534 47,499 39,734 40,529 41,495 42,459 43,423 44,388 45,353 46,318 47,283 48,248 49,214 50,178 51,144 52,108 53,074 54,039 55,004 55,968 56,933 57,899 42,362 43,209 44,174 45,139 46,104 47,070 48,034 49,000 49,964 50,930 51,895 52,859 53,823 54,788 55,753 56,719 57,683 58,649 59,615 60,580 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Grade level lead teacher, $800. Special ed or gifted, $1,000. Math or science (highly qualified and teaching assignment), $2,000. $2,500 NBPTS CERTIFICATION. ESL/bilingual endorsement: provisional, $500; full, $1,500. 64 DOC MA+45 BA+90 44,989 45,889 46,855 47,819 48,785 49,749 50,714 51,679 52,644 53,609 54,575 55,539 56,505 57,469 58,435 59,400 60,365 61,330 62,295 63,259 MARICOPA COUNTY Gila Bend Unified, 2012-2013 Stepless placement schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BA 30,000 30,087 30,174 30,261 30,348 30,435 30,522 BA+12 30,016 30,226 30,438 30,651 30,865 31,081 31,299 31,518 BA+24 31,248 31,467 31,687 31,909 32,132 32,357 32,584 32,812 33,041 BA+36 32,481 32,708 32,937 33,168 33,400 33,634 33,869 34,106 34,345 34,586 MA 33,713 33,949 34,187 34,426 34,667 34,910 35,154 35,400 35,648 35,897 MA+15 34,946 35,191 35,437 35,685 35,935 36,186 36,440 36,695 36,952 37,210 MA+30 36,178 36,431 36,686 36,943 37,202 37,462 37,724 37,988 38,254 38,522 MA+45 37,712 37,976 38,242 38,510 38,779 39,051 39,324 39,599 39,876 40,155 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Gilbert Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 35,557 36,037 36,372 36,636 36,124 36,629 37,259 37,490 37,721 38,077 38,654 37,033 37,552 38,200 38,440 38,675 39,014 39,584 40,328 41,274 42,245 MA BA+36 37,969 38,501 39,167 39,386 39,655 39,999 40,583 41,352 42,324 43,320 44,341 45,388 46,463 MA+12 BA+54 38,929 39,475 40,163 40,413 40,665 41,014 41,607 42,401 43,399 44,424 45,474 46,551 47,652 48,783 49,940 51,129 MA+24 MA+36 MA+48 39,915 40,476 41,183 41,439 41,697 42,056 42,660 43,479 44,506 45,558 46,634 47,740 48,872 50,033 51,223 52,443 40,926 41,503 42,231 42,496 42,760 43,128 43,742 44,587 45,641 46,721 47,829 48,964 50,125 51,317 52,540 53,794 41,967 42,558 43,304 43,579 43,851 44,228 44,852 45,725 46,808 47,916 49,053 50,221 51,415 52,638 53,893 55,180 56,497 58,116 60,681 EDS MA+60 43,042 43,642 44,412 44,692 44,969 45,361 45,991 46,893 48,005 49,145 50,311 51,510 52,736 53,994 55,283 56,604 57,956 59,669 62,325 DOC MA+72 44,131 44,755 45,549 45,833 46,120 46,521 47,170 48,096 49,235 50,407 51,606 52,834 54,094 55,386 56,708 58,066 59,457 61,269 62,924 66,330 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Every teacher may earn an additional amount to be determined for the completion of the performance pay plan. 65 MARICOPA COUNTY Glendale Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 35,574 35,980 36,699 37,433 38,181 38,945 39,724 40,519 36,108 36,520 37,249 37,994 38,754 39,530 40,319 41,126 41,948 36,641 37,059 37,800 38,556 39,327 40,113 40,915 41,733 42,777 43,846 MA BA+36 37,923 38,355 39,123 39,905 40,704 41,517 42,347 43,194 44,274 45,381 46,515 MA+15 BA+45 39,615 40,067 40,884 41,700 42,535 43,385 44,253 45,138 46,266 47,423 48,609 49,825 MA+30 41,001 41,468 42,315 43,159 44,024 44,903 45,801 46,718 47,886 49,082 50,309 51,567 52,857 54,179 55,533 EDS MA+45 42,436 42,920 43,796 44,671 45,565 46,475 47,404 48,353 49,562 50,801 52,070 53,373 54,707 56,075 57,477 58,914 60,387 61,897 63,444 65,030 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Full gifted endorsement strand teacher appointed by principal receives $750 for the strand teacher assignment. Provisionally or not endorsed strand teacher receives $500. Special education teacher in self-contained, resource setting or inclusion class receives $3,000. Teacher in ELL classroom with ESL/bilingual endorsement receives $750; not endorsed, receives $500. 66 DOC MA+60 43,922 44,423 45,329 46,234 47,160 48,101 49,063 50,045 51,296 52,579 53,892 55,241 56,621 58,038 59,489 60,976 62,500 64,063 65,665 67,307 68,990 MARICOPA COUNTY Glendale UHS, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 33,646 35,618 37,591 39,563 41,536 43,508 45,481 45,974 34,857 36,830 38,802 40,775 42,748 44,720 46,693 48,665 49,158 Top Salary 49,919 53,103 MA BA+30 36,069 38,042 40,014 41,987 43,959 45,932 47,904 49,877 51,849 53,822 55,794 57,767 59,739 61,712 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MA+48 MA+60 36,914 38,887 40,860 42,832 44,805 46,777 48,750 50,722 52,695 54,667 56,640 58,612 60,585 62,557 37,760 39,732 41,705 43,677 45,650 47,623 49,595 51,568 53,540 55,513 57,485 59,458 61,430 63,403 38,605 40,578 42,550 44,523 46,495 48,468 50,440 52,413 54,385 56,358 58,331 60,303 62,276 64,248 39,451 41,423 43,396 45,368 47,341 49,313 51,286 53,258 55,231 57,203 59,176 61,148 63,121 65,093 40,296 42,269 44,241 46,214 48,186 50,159 52,131 54,104 56,076 58,049 60,021 61,994 63,966 65,939 DOC MA+72 41,141 43,114 45,086 47,059 49,031 51,004 52,977 54,949 56,922 58,894 60,867 62,839 64,812 66,784 65,657 66,502 67,348 68,193 69,038 69,884 70,729 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Longevity, $1,973: Must have worked 19 years in education with 14 years in district; stipend will go into effect the 20th year. Longevity, $3,945: Must have worked 25 years in education with 20 years in district; stipend will go into effect the 26th year. Higley Unified, 2012-2013 Hiring formula Base salary: $35,000 Experience: $350 per year Education: $65 per credit beyond the BA (up to 48 total) $65 per credit beyond the MA (up to 72 additional) $500 additional for an advanced degree MA, Ph.D., Ed.D Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary formula 67 MARICOPA COUNTY Isaac Elementary, 2012-2013 Stepless salary schedule STEP BA BA+15 38,110 MA BA+30 39,239 MA+15 BA+45 40,931 MA+30 BA+60 42,625 MA+45 BA+75 44,317 Minimum w/301 37,000 Maximum 48,388 DOC 46,466 49,315 57,881 60,988 63,835 66,883 69,074 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Schedule shown includes $2,000 for proposition 301. Teachers new to the district will be placed on the appropriate horizontal base step. New hires can receive an additional $500 per year for up to 5 years of experience. An exception may be made for hard-to-fill positions. Longevity: 5 years = $250; 10 years = $500; 15 years = $1,000; 20 years = $2,000, only if employee didn’t receive top step in 1998/99. Special education stipends: MIMR/MOMR, MD, ED, autistic - $2,400; resource - $1,600. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED Stipend - $2,000 (for 5 school years only). Kyrene Elementary, 2012-2013 Placement schedule Base + 1 year + 2 years + 3 years + 4 years BA 34,982 35,582 36,182 36,782 37,382 MA 37,567 38,467 39,367 40,267 41,167 DOC 42,434 43,334 44,234 45,134 46,034 Compensation may be granted for eligible graduate coursework (completed within the last 10 years) beyond highest degree attained in 15 semester credit hour increments as follows: 15 hours, $1,200 per year; 30 hours, $2,400 per year; 45 hours, $3,600 per year; 60 hours, $4,800 per year. Annual market stipends available: regular resource, preschool resource, $1,000; extended resource (self-contained ED, DD), behavior intervention, $2,700; speech language technician, $2,700; speech language pathologist, $4,200. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION, $1,200 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 68 MARICOPA COUNTY Laveen Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BA BA+15 MA BA+45 MA+15 MA+45 36,490 37,216 37,956 38,711 39,481 37,216 37,956 38,711 39,481 40,267 41,068 41,886 42,720 37,956 38,711 39,481 40,267 41,068 41,886 42,720 43,570 44,437 45,322 46,224 47,145 48,084 49,042 50,018 51,015 52,031 53,068 54,125 55,204 56,304 57,426 58,570 59,738 60,928 38,711 39,481 40,267 41,068 41,886 42,720 43,570 44,437 45,322 46,224 47,145 48,084 49,042 50,018 51,015 52,031 53,068 54,125 55,204 56,304 57,426 58,570 59,738 60,928 62,143 39,481 40,267 41,068 41,886 42,720 43,570 44,437 45,322 46,224 47,145 48,084 49,042 50,018 51,015 52,031 53,068 54,125 55,204 56,304 57,426 58,570 59,738 60,928 62,143 63,382 64,645 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 69 MARICOPA COUNTY Liberty Elementary, 2012-2013 Initial placement base salary schedule YEARS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BA 33,000 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 BA+15 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 BA+30 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 MA 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 MA+15 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 MA+30 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 MA+45 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 In addition, all teachers eligible for: approximately $3,500 in Prop 301 monies; reading endorsement, $500; provisional GATE and ESL endorsements, $500; standard GATE and ESL endorsement, $1,000; NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED, $2,000; special ed certification, $1,000; speech language pathologist/technician, $12,000. Teacher compensation funds included in hiring schedule. Litchfield Elementary, 2012-2013 Placement Chart STEP BA BA+15 MA BA+45 36,600 MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 34,200 POST-BAC BA+30 35,400 37,800 39,000 40,200 DOC MA+60 41,400 1-3 33,000 4 5 6 7 33,350 33,700 34,050 34,400 34,550 34,900 35,250 35,600 35,750 36,100 36,450 36,800 36,950 37,300 37,650 38,000 38,150 38,500 38,850 39,200 39,350 39,700 40,050 40,400 40,550 40,900 41,250 41,600 41,800 42,100 42,450 42,800 CAP 42,150 44,150 47,150 54,150 58,150 61,150 70,150 75,150 Includes $2,400 provided by Proposition 301. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Teachers who attend New Teacher Orientation receive a $270 stipend. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED TEACHER – A stipend of $1,000 will be paid annually to any teaching who comes to the district with this certification and actively maintains it. Current employees entering the program prior to July 1, 2012 will have the option of receiving a lump sum of $5,000 upon certification, with a $1,000 annual stipend beginning year 6 for the life of the certificate or receiving an annual $1,000 stipend for the life of the certificate. Employees entering the program after July 1, 2012 will receive an annual $1,000 stipend for the life of the certificate. 70 MARICOPA COUNTY Littleton Elementary, 2012-2013 Salary range Minimum Middle Maximum BA BA+15 34,067 37,209 40,278 35,230 39,652 44,072 MA BA+36 36,404 44,465 52,526 MA+15 BA+51 37,652 46,404 55,157 MA+30 MA+45 38,928 47,978 57,027 40,244 50,828 61,412 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Madison Elementary, 2012-2013 Salary range STEP Minimum BA 35,700 BA+18 36,210 MA 37,230 MA+12 38,760 MA+24 39,780 MA+36 41,310 Maximum 44,130 46,230 49,380 54,640 59,890 67,240 Teacher compensation funds included in salary range. Teachers with a doctorate will receive a $1,000 addendum. Teachers with a BLE or ESL endorsement receive a $1,000 addendum. Teachers with a special education endorsement and who teach students with disabilities receive an addendum: self-contained assignment, $2,000; resource assignment, $1,000. Teachers with a NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION will receive a $2,000 stipend. Maricopa County Regional Accommodation, 2012-2013 New hire highly qualified teacher — $38,250 Eligible up to 5 years prior public teaching experience, $500/year. Special ed certification stipend, $3,000. Lead teacher stipend, $3,000 Education stipend: BA+12, $250; BA+24, $500; MA/BA+36, $1,000 Longevity stipend: 1-5 years with MCRSD, $250; 6-10 years, $500; 11+ years, $1,000 71 MARICOPA COUNTY Mesa Unified, 2012-2013 New Teacher Schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 BA EDS MA+45 42,643 MA+60 DOC 36,352 MA BA+45 39,289 43,479 44,322 39,148 42,616 46,277 47,258 48,233 41,943 45,942 49,912 51,031 52,148 44,739 49,272 53,549 54,805 56,064 47,536 52,597 57,184 58,581 59,979 50,334 55,926 60,816 62,355 63,893 64,452 66,133 67,811 68,089 69,907 71,304 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 72 MARICOPA COUNTY Morristown Elementary, 2012-2013 Initial base salary placement. Entry base salary: $31,000. $500 will be granted for 2 years of full-time, contracted experience in an institution which requires certification. An additional $500 will be granted for each additional year up to 6 years. $65 per semester hour of education-related graduate university credit beyond initial certification, capped at 96 semester hours for teacher at MA level and 54 semester hours for teachers at BA level. $1,000 for each advanced degree (MA or DOC). An additional $550 will be granted for each unique qualification, certificate, endorsement, etc., that will be used in the classroom, including but not limited to ESL, gifted, reading, math, special education and sign language. Multi-class: $1,500. Professional growth: Compensation will be a flat rate for each graduate level university semester hour ($65). District uses its teacher compensation funds to provide extra duty pay to teachers to attend Arizona Department of Education academies, related employee benefits and extra duty pay to attend two district staff development days outside the school calendar. Thus teacher compensation funds NOT included in salary schedule. Murphy Elementary, 2012-2013 Minimum entry and Maximum Entry Maximum BA BA+15 BA+30 31,613 : 40,883 31,613 : 42,432 32,316 : 47,686 MA BA+45 33,528 : 48,891 MA+15 BA+60 34,740 : 54,050 MA+30 MA+45 35,952 : 55,846 37,164 : 61,377 This salary schedule does NOT include 301 monies. Teacher compensation funds included in salary scale. Employees who have served the district for continuous years in regular, full-time service shall receive the applicable stipend added to their salaries, regardless of level, on a yearly basis: 15-19 years, $500; 20-24, $750; 25-29, $1,000; 30 plus, $1,250. 73 MARICOPA COUNTY Nadaburg Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 36,191 36,915 37,653 38,406 39,174 39,958 40,757 37,277 38,022 38,783 39,558 40,350 41,157 41,980 42,819 43,676 44,549 45,440 MA BA+36 38,395 39,163 39,946 40,745 41,560 42,391 43,239 44,104 44,986 45,886 46,803 47,739 MA+18 MA+36 MA+60 39,547 40,338 41,145 41,967 42,807 43,663 44,536 45,427 46,335 47,262 48,207 49,172 50,155 51,158 52,181 53,225 40,733 41,548 42,379 43,226 44,091 44,973 45,872 46,790 47,726 48,680 49,654 50,647 51,660 52,693 53,747 54,822 41,955 42,794 43,650 44,523 45,414 46,322 47,248 48,193 49,157 50,140 51,143 52,166 53,209 54,274 55,359 56,466 Includes $2,600 from Proposition 301 funds. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. District allows credit for a maximum of 10 years prior experience for “hard to fill” positions. Longevity: Employees with more than 15 years with the district shall receive a stipend of $200 for each additional year to a maximum of $1,000 per year above the salary schedule amount. Osborn Elementary, 2012-2013 Stepless salary schedule Initial credit for experience 0 1 2 3 4 5 BA 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 MA 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 District approved college credits 6 12 18 24 30 36 BA 250 500 750 1,000 MA 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Add $500 for endorsements/certificates: reading; gifted; K-8 mathematics; MS math; MS science; MS social studies, MS language arts; full ESL/BLE; and, attached to teaching assignment, early childhood and special ed. Add $1,500 for NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION. Annual stipend of $2,500 for EdD. 74 MARICOPA COUNTY Paloma Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP Emergency BA&HQ BA&HQ+18 MA&HQ BA&HQ+36 35,320 35,820 36,320 36,820 37,320 37,820 38,320 38,820 39,320 39,820 40,320 40,820 41,320 41,820 42,320 42,820 MA&HQ+18 MA&HQ+36 1 31,000 33,320 34,320 36,320 37,320 2 31,500 33,820 34,820 36,820 37,820 3 32,000 34,320 35,320 37,320 38,320 4 32,500 34,820 35,820 37,820 38,820 5 33,000 35,320 36,320 38,320 39,320 6 33,500 35,820 36,820 38,820 39,820 7 34,000 36,320 37,320 39,320 40,320 8 34,500 36,820 37,820 39,820 40,820 9 37,320 38,320 40,320 41,320 10 37,820 38,820 40,820 41,820 11 38,320 39,320 41,320 42,320 12 38,820 39,820 41,820 42,820 13 39,320 40,320 42,320 43,320 14 42,820 43,820 15 43,320 44,320 16 43,820 44,820 HQ=Highly qualified. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. An additional stipend of $2,000 will be paid for a bilingual endorsement or $2,000 for an ESL endorsement. An additional stipend of $1,000 for reading endorsement. Pay will be allowed for one endorsement or the other but not both. Palo Verde Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BA 31,282 31,908 32,543 33,194 33,860 34,537 35,141 35,755 36,380 37,017 37,757 38,399 BA+15 32,531 33,100 33,679 34,270 34,871 35,479 36,101 36,734 37,376 38,030 38,696 39,374 40,161 40,844 39,168 BA+30 33,833 34,426 35,027 35,640 36,264 36,898 37,546 38,203 38,870 39,551 40,242 40,948 41,664 42,393 43,241 43,976 41,660 39,951 44,856 42,494 MA BA+45 35,151 35,769 36,395 37,031 37,680 38,338 39,009 39,693 40,388 41,094 41,812 42,545 43,290 44,045 44,816 45,600 46,512 47,303 MA+15 BA+60 36,487 37,127 37,777 38,437 39,110 39,794 40,491 41,200 41,921 42,655 43,401 44,162 44,934 45,719 46,520 47,334 48,163 49,006 49,985 50,836 MA+30 BA+75 37,839 38,502 39,174 39,858 40,558 41,269 41,990 42,725 43,472 44,232 45,007 45,795 46,596 47,412 48,242 49,087 49,945 50,818 51,707 52,612 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Prop 301 funds are not included in the amounts above. 75 MARICOPA COUNTY Paradise Valley Unified, 2012-2013 Starting salary ranges for teachers coming to PVUSD BA BA+ MA MA+ Minimum 35,707 35,747 37,805 37,865 NBC DOC 45,767 Maximum 36,913 38,353 39,313 42,913 49,385 Special education self-contained teachers will receive a $2,000 addenda. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATE addenda is $1,547. Pendergast Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 Minimum : Maximum 33,335 : 37,769 34,035 : 40,240 34,735 : 42,782 MA BA+45 35,435 : 50.709 MA+15 BA+60 36,135 : 53,496 MA+30 BA+75 36,835 : 56,353 MA+45 BA+90 37,535 : 68,663 Schedule does NOT include $1,500 as provided by Proposition 301. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. New teacher addendum $1,200 for teachers new to the district who attend new teacher orientation. Education/experience (within the past 10 years, minimum per year) credit: BA 1-5% (maximum) of base minimum; BA+15 1.5-12%; BA+30 1.5%-15%; MA/BA+45 2-18%; MA+15/BA+60 2-18%; MA+30/BA+75 2-18%; MA+45/BA+90 2-20%. 76 MARICOPA COUNTY Peoria Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33,891 35,067 36,233 37,405 38,573 39,746 35,013 36,184 37,354 38,526 39,694 40,864 42,034 36,131 37,302 38,474 39,642 40,816 41,982 43,156 44,324 MA BA+40 37,252 38,422 39,592 40,764 41,934 43,104 44,275 45,444 46,615 MA+15 BA+55 38,370 39,542 40,712 41,885 43,053 44,225 45,397 46,565 47,739 48,903 50,077 MA+30 BA+70 39,492 40,661 41,833 43,001 44,175 45,347 46,513 47,687 48,853 50,027 51,198 52,366 53,536 MA+40 BA+80 40,609 41,783 42,949 44,123 45,293 46,463 47,636 48,806 49,976 51,146 52,314 53,486 54,773 55,826 56,998 58,172 59,340 60,511 61,678 62,851 64,021 65,193 MA+55 BA+95 41,731 42,899 44,073 45,243 46,413 47,583 48,754 49,924 51,094 52,264 53,434 54,608 55,776 56,948 58,118 59,288 60,459 61,631 62,801 63,971 65,139 66,313 DOC MA+70 42,849 44,021 45,192 46,362 47,532 48,704 49,870 51,044 52,216 53,384 54,556 55,724 56,896 58,069 59,237 60,409 61,579 62,751 63,919 65,093 66,261 67,432 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 77 MARICOPA COUNTY Phoenix Elementary, 2012-2013 Teacher’s placement salary schedule LEVEL/STEP BA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BA+18 MA BA+36 35,426 36,231 37,884 39,538 41,190 42,844 44,497 46,150 47,803 49,454 50,678 51,277 52,559 54,601 33,540 34,111 35,481 36,850 38,220 39,163 39,514 40,502 42,075 33,000 33,610 34,438 34,789 35,659 37,044 MA+24 37,177 38,163 39,961 41,758 43,565 45,355 47,152 48,948 50,747 52,544 54,342 56,139 57,530 57,993 59,443 61,751 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Phoenix UHS, 2012-2013 STEP BA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 : 17 : 22 : 27 : 32 37,690 38,830 39,971 41,111 42,252 43,393 45,459 47,525 MA BA+36 38,830 39,971 41,111 42,252 43,393 45,459 47,525 49,592 51,658 53,724 55,790 57,857 59,923 MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 39,971 41,111 42,252 43,393 45,459 47,525 49,592 51,658 53,724 55,790 57,857 59,923 61,989 41,111 42,252 43,393 45,459 47,525 49,592 51,658 53,724 55,790 57,857 59,923 61,989 64,056 42,252 43,393 45,459 47,525 49,592 51,658 53,724 55,790 57,857 59,923 61,989 64,056 69,031 71,031 : 72,031 : 73,031 : 74,031 : 75,031 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 78 MARICOPA COUNTY Queen Creek Unified, 2012-2013 Salary worksheet Entry level certified staff salary: $35,205.50 Experience credit: $300 for 2 years of full-time Additional experience credit: $300 each year, up to 6 years total Educational credit: $65 per semester hour of graduate university credit Graduate level degree: $1,000 for MA or DOC. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included. Riverside Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 34,563 35,063 35,563 36,063 36,563 37,063 37,563 38,063 38,563 39,063 39,563 40,063 35,013 35,563 36,113 36,663 37,213 37,763 38,313 38,863 39,413 39,963 40,513 41,063 41,613 42,163 42,713 43,263 43,763 35,463 36,063 36,663 37,263 37,863 38,463 39,063 39,663 40,263 40,863 41,463 42,063 42,663 43,263 43,863 44,463 45,063 45,663 MA BA+36 35,913 36,563 37,213 37,863 38,513 39,163 39,813 40,463 41,113 41,763 42,413 43,063 43,713 44,363 45,013 45,663 46,313 46,963 47,613 48,263 MA+12 BA+48 36,363 37,063 37,763 38,463 39,163 39,863 40,563 41,263 41,963 42,663 43,363 44,063 44,763 45,463 46,163 46,863 47,563 48,263 48,963 49,663 50,363 51,063 MA+24 BA+60 36,813 37,513 38,213 38,913 39,613 40,313 41,013 41,713 42,413 43,113 43,813 44,513 45,213 45,913 46,613 47,313 48,013 48,713 49,413 50,113 50,813 51,513 52,213 52,913 53,613 MA+36 37,263 37,963 38,663 39,363 40,063 40,763 41,463 42,163 42,863 43,563 44,263 44,963 45,663 46,363 47,063 47,763 48,463 49,163 49,863 50,563 51,263 51,963 52,663 53,363 54,063 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 79 MARICOPA COUNTY Roosevelt Elementary, 2012-2013 STEPLESS SALARY FORMULA Minimum BA BA+15 BA+30 36,000 37,000 38,000 MA BA+45 39,000 MA+15 MA+30 41,000 EDS MA+45 42,000 DOC MA+60 43,000 40,000 63,000 68,000 72,000 MA+30 MA+45 EDS DOC 40,000 40,175 40,350 40,525 40,700 40,875 41,050 41,225 41,000 41,175 41,350 41,525 41,700 41,875 42,050 42,225 42,000 42,175 42,350 42,525 42,700 42,875 43,050 43,225 43,000 43,175 43,350 43,525 43,700 43,875 44,050 44,225 Based on experience Maximum 45,000 49,000 52,000 55,000 58,000 INITIAL SALARY PLACEMENT Experience BA BA+15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 36,000 36,175 36,350 36,525 36,700 36,875 37,050 37,225 37,000 37,175 37,350 37,525 37,700 37,875 38,050 38,225 MA BA+30 38,000 38,175 38,350 38,525 38,700 38,875 39,050 39,225 MA+15 BA+45 39,000 39,175 39,350 39,525 39,700 39,875 40,050 40,225 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. This salary schedule includes some Proposition 301 monies. 80 MARICOPA COUNTY Saddle Mountain Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 MA/BA+45 MA+15/BA +60 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 34,675 35,575 36,475 37,375 38,275 39,175 40,075 40,975 41,875 42,775 35,575 36,475 37,375 38,275 39,175 40,075 40,975 41,875 42,775 43,675 44,575 45,475 46,375 47,275 48,175 36,475 37,375 38,275 39,175 40,075 40,975 41,875 42,775 43,675 44,575 45,475 46,375 47,275 48,175 49,075 37,375 38,275 39,175 40,075 40,975 41,875 42,775 43,675 44,575 45,475 46,375 47,275 48,175 49,075 49,975 50,875 51,775 52,675 53,575 54,475 38,375 39,375 40,375 41,375 42,375 43,375 44,375 45,375 46,375 47,375 48,375 49,375 50,375 51,375 52,375 53,375 54,375 55,375 56,375 57,375 39,375 40,375 41,375 42,375 43,375 44,375 45,375 46,375 47,375 48,375 49,375 50,375 51,375 52,375 53,375 54,375 55,375 56,375 57,375 58,375 40,375 41,375 42,375 43,375 44,375 45,375 46,375 47,375 48,375 49,375 50,375 51,375 52,375 53,375 54,375 55,375 56,375 57,375 58,375 59,375 41,375 42,375 43,375 44,375 45,375 46,375 47,375 48,375 49,375 50,375 51,375 52,375 53,375 54,375 55,375 56,375 57,375 58,375 59,375 60,375 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Endorsements: ESL, $500; Gifted, $500: Reading, $500; Special education, $1,000; SE C/C or S/C, $1,500. 81 MARICOPA COUNTY Scottsdale Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BA BA+12 BA+24 MA BA+36 MA+12 BA+48 MA+24 MA+36 MA+48 MA+60 DOC MA+72 33,779 34,454 35,144 35,846 36,563 37,295 38,040 38,801 39,577 40,369 41,176 42,000 42,839 43,696 44,571 45,462 46,371 47,298 34,792 35,488 36,198 36,922 37,660 38,413 39,182 39,965 40,765 41,580 42,411 43,259 44,125 45,007 45,907 46,826 47,762 48,717 35,836 36,553 37,283 38,029 38,790 39,566 40,357 41,164 41,988 42,827 43,683 44,558 45,448 46,358 47,284 48,230 49,195 50,179 36,911 37,649 38,402 39,170 39,954 40,753 41,568 42,399 43,247 44,112 44,994 45,894 46,812 47,749 48,703 49,677 50,671 51,684 52,842 54,000 55,157 56,315 57,473 38,018 38,779 39,554 40,346 41,152 41,975 42,815 43,671 44,545 45,435 46,344 47,271 48,216 49,181 50,165 51,168 52,191 53,235 54,393 55,550 56,708 57,866 59,024 39,159 39,942 40,741 41,556 42,387 43,234 44,099 44,981 45,881 46,799 47,734 48,689 49,663 50,656 51,669 52,702 53,756 54,832 55,990 57,147 58,305 59,463 60,621 40,334 41,141 41,963 42,802 43,658 44,532 45,422 46,331 47,257 48,203 49,167 50,150 51,152 52,176 53,220 54,284 55,369 56,477 57,635 58,793 59,950 61,108 62,266 41,544 42,375 43,222 44,086 44,968 45,867 46,785 47,720 48,675 49,648 50,641 51,654 52,687 53,741 54,816 55,912 57,031 58,171 59,329 60,487 61,645 62,802 63,960 65,118 42,790 43,646 44,518 45,409 46,317 47,243 48,189 49,153 50,135 51,137 52,161 53,204 54,268 55,353 56,460 57,590 58,741 59,916 61,074 62,232 63,389 64,547 65,705 66,863 44,073 44,955 45,854 46,772 47,706 48,661 49,634 50,627 51,639 52,672 53,725 54,800 55,896 57,014 58,154 59,317 60,504 61,714 62,872 64,030 65,187 66,345 67,503 68,661 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. “Beginning in the 2008-09 contract year, teachers, nurses and SLPs on columns A, B or C at step 9 or greater shall be allowed to continue to move vertically as long as they demonstrate taking at least the equivalent of 3 university credits or 45 pionts of professional development (as defined in Article VII, Section E.) the first year and complete 100% of the courses or professional development required in order to make a horizontal move after the second year. For an employee on colun A, this transition would take a maximum of 6 years. All new hires and employees below step 9 will be required to complete the professional growth requirements or will be frozen.” 82 MARICOPA COUNTY Sentinel Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30,950 31,350 31,750 32,150 32,550 32,950 33,350 33,750 31,400 31,850 32,300 32,750 33,200 33,650 34,100 34,550 35,000 35,450 31,850 32,350 32,850 33,350 33,850 34,350 34,850 35,350 35,850 36,350 36,850 37,350 37,850 MA BA+36 32,300 32,850 33,400 33,950 34,500 35,050 35,600 36,150 36,700 37,250 37,800 38,350 38,900 39,450 40,000 40,550 MA+12 BA+48 32,750 33,350 33,950 34,550 35,150 35,750 36,350 36,950 37,550 38,150 38,750 39,350 39,950 40,550 41,150 41,750 42,350 42,950 MA+24 BA+60 33,200 33,850 34,500 35,150 35,800 36,450 37,100 37,750 38,400 39,050 39,700 40,350 41,000 41,650 42,300 42,950 43,600 44,250 44,900 45,550 46,200 46,850 MA+36 33,650 34,350 35,050 35,750 36,450 37,150 37,850 38,550 39,250 39,950 40,650 41,350 42,050 42,750 43,450 44,150 44,850 45,550 46,250 46,950 47,650 48,350 District not eligible for teacher compensation funds. 83 MARICOPA COUNTY Tempe Elementary, 2012-2013 Beginning salary STEP BA BA+18 MA BA+36 MA+15 BA+51 MA+30 MA+45 DOC MA+60 Minimum, no experience (0-1 year) 34,093 35,235 36,479 37,829 39,280 40,836 42,497 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Additional stipends: ELD or ILLP teacher stipend, $1,000; Secondary certification/teaching 7th and 8th grade math/science, $3,000; Special education resource, TEDI preschool, Adaptive PE stipend, $3,000; Special education self-contained (PALS, SMIALS, SEALS, SPARK, SKILLS, E.S., PUPALS, TIGERS stipend, $5,000; NATIONAL BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL TEACHING STANDARDS, $3,000; Professional education growth (PEG) stipend, $1,000. Tempe UHS, 2012-2013 Block/Step BA MA+30 MA+60 36,426 MA BA+36 38,612 A1 2 3 B4 5 6 C7 8 9 D10 11 12 E13 14 15 F16 17 18 G19 40,828 43,384 39,413 41,778 44,284 46,941 42,645 45,203 47,916 50,791 46,142 48,910 51,845 54,955 52,921 56,096 59,462 60,696 64,338 69,613 Each block represents 3 years credited experience. A doctoral degree in the individual’s area of specialization or in the field of education shall result in an additional increment equal to 4% of the base salary. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 84 MARICOPA COUNTY Tolleson Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 35,710 36,192 36,682 37,179 37,684 38,197 36,322 36,956 37,604 38,264 38,937 39,624 40,324 41,039 41,767 MA BA+36 37,444 38,183 38,939 39,711 40,501 41,309 42,135 42,979 43,843 44,726 45,629 46,552 47,496 48,461 49,448 50,457 MA+18 BA+54 37,954 38,788 39,643 40,519 41,417 42,337 43,280 44,247 45,239 46,255 47,296 48,363 49,457 50,579 51,728 52,907 54,114 55,467 MA+36 MA+54 MA+72 DOC 38,974 39,833 40,714 41,617 42,542 43,491 44,463 45,460 46,481 47,528 48,602 49,702 50,829 51,985 53,170 54,384 55,628 56,904 58,327 40,098 40,985 41,895 42,827 43,783 44,763 45,767 46,796 47,851 48,932 50,040 51,176 52,341 53,534 54,758 56,012 57,297 58,614 60,079 41,236 42,152 43,091 44,053 45,039 46,050 47,087 48,149 49,237 50,353 51,497 52,670 53,871 55,103 56,366 57,660 58,986 60,346 61,855 50,006 51,255 52,538 53,856 55,210 56,602 58,032 59,502 61,012 62,563 64,157 65,795 67,604 Schedule does NOT include Proposition 301 funds. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 85 MARICOPA COUNTY Tolleson UHS, 2012-2013 Placement salary schedule (new hires only) STEP BA BA+18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 35,000 35,350 35,704 36,061 36,421 36,785 37,153 37,525 37,900 38,279 38,662 39,048 36,070 36,420 36,774 37,131 37,491 37,855 38,223 38,595 38,970 39,349 39,732 40,118 40,520 40,925 41,334 MA BA+36 37,140 37,490 37,844 38,201 38,561 38,925 39,293 39,665 40,040 40,419 40,802 41,188 41,590 41,995 42,404 42,828 43,256 43,689 MA+18 BA+54 38,210 38,560 38,914 39,271 39,631 39,995 40,363 40,735 41,110 41,489 41,872 42,258 42,660 43,065 43,474 43,898 44,326 44,759 45,206 45,659 46,115 MA+36 BA+72 39,280 39,630 39,984 40,341 40,701 41,065 41,433 41,805 42,180 42,559 42,942 43,328 43,730 44,135 44,544 44,968 45,396 45,829 46,276 46,729 47,185 Up to 8 years of experience is awarded. Schedule does NOT include Proposition 301 funds. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Separate salary schedule for “hard to fill” including ELL, English, math, reading, science, and special education; highest scheduled salary, $49,857. 86 MARICOPA COUNTY Union Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33,830 34,368 34,907 35,445 35,983 36,521 37,060 37,598 34,907 35,470 36,035 36,598 37,162 37,726 38,290 38,853 39,418 39,981 40,545 36,035 36,623 37,213 37,803 38,392 38,981 39,571 40,161 40,750 41,339 41,929 42,518 43,108 MA BA+45 37,213 37,828 38,443 39,058 39,673 40,288 40,903 41,519 42,134 42,749 43,364 43,979 44,594 45,209 45,824 46,439 47,054 MA+15 BA+60 38,443 39,084 39,725 40,366 41,006 41,646 42,288 42,928 43,569 44,209 44,851 45,491 46,132 46,772 47,414 48,054 48,695 49,335 49,977 50,617 MA+30 MA+45 39,725 40,391 41,058 41,724 42,390 43,056 43,723 44,389 45,056 45,722 46,389 47,054 47,721 48,387 49,054 49,720 50,387 51,052 51,719 52,385 53,052 53,718 54,385 41,058 41,749 42,441 43,133 43,826 44,517 45,209 45,901 46,594 47,285 47,977 48,669 49,361 50,053 50,745 51,437 52,129 52,821 53,513 54,205 54,897 55,589 56,281 56,973 57,665 58,356 DOC MA+60 42,441 43,159 43,876 44,594 45,312 46,029 46,747 47,464 48,182 48,900 49,617 50,335 51,052 51,770 52,488 53,205 53,923 54,641 55,358 56,076 56,793 57,511 58,229 58,946 59,664 60,381 61,099 61,817 62,534 63,252 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Washington Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 35,100 MA BA+34 36,350 MA+15 BA+49 37,750 MA+30 BA+64 39,300 Start 34,000 End 41,274 45,317 49,749 54,603 62,922 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. $1,875 annual lump sum for possession of valid NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATE. $1,875 for Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist certificate. $1,875 for National Board for Certified Counselors or Licenses Professional Certificate. $750 annual lump sum for possession of doctorate in education. 87 MARICOPA COUNTY Wickenburg Unified, 2012-2013 Hiring schedule YEARS EXPERIENCE 0 1 2 3 4 5 BA 31,775 32,595 33,415 34,235 35,055 35,875 MA BA+36 33,415 34,235 35,055 35,875 36,695 37,515 BA+12 32,595 33,415 34,235 35,055 35,875 36,695 MA+12 BA+48 34,235 35,055 35,875 36,695 37,515 38,335 MA+36 35,055 35,875 36,695 37,515 38,335 39,155 Teacher compensation funds included in hiring schedule. Schedule includes Prop 301 funding from Classroom Site Funds (M&O purposes). $800 for NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION (if related to position held). The district gives a maximum of 10 years for experience for salary schedule placement. Placement is one step for every two full years of experience and the new employee’s education level. Wilson Elementary, 2012-2013 Hiring schedule STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 36,508 37,648 38,788 39,928 37,648 38,788 39,928 41,068 38,788 39,928 41,068 42,208 MA BA+45 39,928 41,068 42,208 43,348 Schedule shown includes 301 funds. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. $1,000 addendum for ESL endorsement; $1,500 addendum for bilingual endorsement; $500 for provisional ESL/BLE. 88 MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 34,200 34,542 34,887 35,236 35,589 35,945 36,304 36,667 37,034 37,404 37,778 34,764 35,112 35,463 35,818 36,176 36,538 36,903 37,272 37,645 38,021 38,401 35,355 35,709 36,066 36,427 36,791 37,159 37,530 37,906 38,285 38,668 39,054 MA BA+36 35,974 36,334 36,697 37,064 37,435 37,809 38,187 38,569 38,955 39,344 39,738 MA+12 MA+24 36,622 36,988 37,358 37,731 38,109 38,490 38,875 39,263 39,656 40,052 40,453 37,299 37,672 38,049 38,429 38,814 39,202 39,594 39,990 40,390 40,793 41,201 MA+36 EDS 38,008 38,388 38,772 39,159 39,551 39,946 40,346 40,749 41,157 41,568 41,984 DOC 38,749 39,136 39,528 39,923 40,322 40,725 41,133 41,544 41,959 42,379 42,803 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Colorado City Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BA 22,000 22,660 23,340 24,040 24,761 25,504 26,269 27,057 27,869 28,705 BA+20 23,000 23,690 24,401 25,133 25,887 26,663 27,463 28,287 29,136 30,010 BA+36 24,000 24,720 25,462 26,225 27,012 27,823 28,657 29,517 30,402 31,315 29,566 30,453 30,910 31,837 32,254 33,222 MA 25,500 26,265 27,053 27,865 28,700 29,561 30,448 31,362 32,303 33,272 34,270 35,298 36,357 37,448 MA+20 26,500 27,295 28,114 28,957 29,826 30,721 31,642 32,592 33,569 34,576 35,614 36,682 37,783 38,916 MA+36 27,500 28,325 29,175 30,050 30,951 31,880 32,836 33,822 34,836 35,881 36,958 38,066 39,208 40,385 DOC 29,000 29,870 30,766 31,689 32,640 33,619 34,628 35,666 36,736 37,838 38,974 40,143 41,347 42,587 43,865 45,181 41,596 31,367 32,308 32,793 33,776 34,218 35,245 39,320 41,286 40,862 42,905 42,844 44,129 45,453 46,536 47,933 49,371 33,277 34,275 37,154 38,769 45,415 47,196 49,999 54,308 Teacher compensation funds $1,000 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. 89 MOHAVE COUNTY Colorado River UHS, 2012-2013 Initial placement schedule STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MA+48 MA+60 DOC 35,000 35,700 36,400 37,100 37,800 38,500 39,200 39,900 40,600 41,300 MA BA+36 35,700 36,400 37,100 37,800 38,500 39,200 39,900 40,600 41,300 42,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : High 33,600 34,300 35,000 35,700 36,400 34,300 35,000 35,700 36,400 37,100 37,800 38,500 39,200 39,900 40,600 36,600 37,300 38,000 38,700 39,400 40,100 40,800 41,500 42,200 42,900 37,500 38,200 38,900 39,600 40,300 41,000 41,700 42,400 43,100 43,800 38,400 39,100 39,800 40,500 41,200 41,900 42,600 43,300 44,000 44,700 39,300 40,000 40,700 41,400 42,100 42,800 43,500 44,200 44,900 45,600 40,200 40,900 41,600 42,300 43,000 43,700 44,400 45,100 45,800 46,500 41,200 41,900 42,600 43,300 44,000 44,700 45,400 46,100 46,800 47,500 41,636 44,682 47,729 52,806 55,853 58,899 61,949 64,992 68,039 73,116 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Kingman Unified, 2012-2013 Initial placement schedule for new teachers STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BA 28,000 28,500 29,000 29,500 30,000 30,500 31,000 BA+12 29,100 29,600 30,100 30,600 31,100 31,600 32,100 BA+24 30,200 30,700 31,200 31,700 32,200 32,700 33,200 MA BA+36 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 33,800 34,300 MA+12 BA+48 32,400 32,900 33,400 33,900 34,400 34,900 35,400 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 90 MA+24 BA+60 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 MA+36 BA+72 34,600 35,100 35,600 36,100 36,600 37,100 37,600 MA+48 BA+84 35,700 36,200 36,700 37,200 37,700 38,200 38,700 MA+60 BA+96 36,800 37,300 37,800 38,300 38,800 39,300 39,800 MOHAVE COUNTY Lake Havasu Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 30,500 31,250 32,000 32,750 33,500 34,250 35,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 31,250 32,000 32,750 33,500 34,250 35,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 32,000 32,750 33,500 34,250 35,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 55,250 56,750 57,500 58,250 59,000 60,500 56,000 56,750 57,500 58,250 59,000 54,500 55,250 57,500 58,250 59,000 59,750 MA BA+36 32,750 33,500 34,250 35,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 43,250 44,000 44,750 45,500 46,250 47,000 47,750 48,500 49,250 50,000 50,750 51,500 52,250 53,000 53,750 55,250 56,000 58,250 59,000 60,500 61,250 MA+12 BA+48 33,500 34,250 35,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 43,250 44,000 44,750 45,500 46,250 47,000 47,750 48,500 49,250 50,000 50,750 51,500 52,250 53,000 53,750 54,500 56,750 59,000 59,750 MA+24 MA+36 MA+48 MA+60 34,250 35,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 43,250 44,000 44,750 45,500 46,250 47,000 47,750 48,500 49,250 50,000 50,750 51,500 52,250 53,000 53,750 54,500 55,250 56,750 56,750 57,500 58,250 59,000 59,750 60,500 35,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 43,250 44,000 44,750 45,500 46,250 47,000 47,750 48,500 49,250 50,000 50,750 51,500 52,250 53,000 53,750 54,500 55,250 56,000 57,500 57,500 58,250 59,000 35,750 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 43,250 44,000 44,750 45,500 46,250 47,000 47,750 48,500 49,250 50,000 50,750 51,500 52,250 53,000 53,750 54,500 55,250 56,000 56,750 57,500 58,250 59,000 59,750 60,500 61,250 36,500 37,250 38,000 38,750 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 43,250 44,000 44,750 45,500 46,250 47,000 47,750 48,500 49,250 50,000 50,750 51,500 52,250 53,000 53,750 54,500 55,250 56,000 56,750 57,500 58,250 59,000 59,750 60,500 61,250 62,000 62,750 63,500 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 91 MOHAVE COUNTY Littlefield Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BA 28,737 29,967 31,197 32,427 33,657 34,888 36,118 BA+16 29,680 30,910 32,140 33,370 34,600 35,830 37,061 38,291 39,521 BA+32 30,623 31,853 33,083 34,313 35,543 36,773 38,003 39,233 40,464 41,694 42,924 MA BA+48 31,566 32,796 34,026 35,256 36,486 37,716 38,946 40,176 41,406 42,637 43,867 45,097 46,327 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 92 MA+16 32,509 33,739 34,969 36,199 37,429 38,659 39,889 41,119 42,349 43,579 44,810 46,040 47,270 48,500 49,730 MA+32 33,451 34,682 35,912 37,142 38,372 39,602 40,832 42,062 43,292 44,522 45,752 46,983 48,213 49,443 50,673 51,903 53,163 MA+48 34,394 35,624 36,855 38,085 39,315 40,545 41,775 43,005 44,235 45,465 46,695 47,925 49,155 50,386 51,616 52,846 54,105 MOHAVE COUNTY Mohave Valley Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31,001 31,776 32,570 33,385 34,219 35,075 35,952 36,850 37,772 31,776 32,570 33,385 34,219 35,075 35,952 36,850 37,772 38,716 39,684 40,676 41,693 32,570 33,385 34,219 35,075 35,952 36,850 37,772 38,716 39,684 40,676 41,693 42,735 43,804 MA BA+36 33,385 34,219 35,075 35,952 36,850 37,772 38,716 39,684 40,676 41,693 42,735 43,804 44,899 46,021 47,172 48,351 49,560 50,799 MA+12 MA+24 34,219 35,075 35,952 36,850 37,772 38,716 39,684 40,676 41,693 42,735 43,804 44,899 46,021 47,172 48,351 49,560 50,799 52,069 35,075 35,952 36,850 37,772 38,716 39,684 40,676 41,693 42,735 43,804 44,899 46,021 47,172 48,351 49,560 50,799 52,069 53,370 54,705 56,072 EDS MA+36 35,952 36,850 37,772 38,716 39,684 40,676 41,693 42,735 43,804 44,899 46,021 47,172 48,351 49,560 50,799 52,069 53,370 54,705 56,072 57,474 58,911 60,384 61,893 63,441 65,027 Teacher compensation funds $500 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. 93 MOHAVE COUNTY Peach Springs Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+6 BA+12 BA+18 BA+24 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 33,840 34,870 35,900 36,930 37,960 38,990 40,020 41,050 42,080 43,110 44,140 45,170 34,355 35,385 36,415 37,445 38,475 39,505 40,535 41,565 42,595 43,625 44,655 45,685 34,870 35,900 36,930 37,960 38,990 40,020 41,050 42,080 43,110 44,140 45,170 46,200 35,385 36,415 37,445 38,475 39,505 40,535 41,565 42,595 43,625 44,655 45,685 46,715 47,745 35,900 36,930 37,960 38,990 40,020 41,050 42,080 43,110 44,140 45,170 46,200 47,230 48,260 36,415 37,445 38,475 39,505 40,535 41,565 42,595 43,625 44,655 45,685 46,715 47,745 48,775 MA BA+36 36,930 37,960 38,990 40,020 41,050 42,080 43,110 44,140 45,170 46,200 47,230 48,260 49,290 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MA+6 37,445 38,475 39,505 40,535 41,565 42,595 43,625 44,655 45,685 46,715 47,745 48,775 49,805 MA+12 37,960 38,990 40,020 41,050 42,080 43,110 44,140 45,170 46,200 47,230 48,260 49,290 50,320 MA+18 38,475 39,505 40,535 41,565 42,595 43,625 44,655 45,685 46,715 47,745 48,775 49,805 50,835 51,865 52,895 53,925 54,955 55,985 57,015 58,045 59,075 60,105 MA+24 38,990 40,020 41,050 42,080 43,110 44,140 45,170 46,200 47,230 48,260 49,290 50,320 51,350 52,380 53,410 54,440 55,470 56,500 57,530 58,560 59,590 60,620 MA+30 39,505 40,535 41,565 42,595 43,625 44,655 45,685 46,715 47,745 48,775 49,805 50,835 51,865 52,895 53,925 54,955 55,985 57,015 58,045 59,075 60,105 61,135 MA+36 40,020 41,050 42,080 43,110 44,140 45,170 46,200 47,230 48,260 49,290 50,320 51,350 52,380 53,410 54,440 55,470 56,500 57,530 58,560 59,590 60,620 61,650 DOC 40,535 41,565 42,595 43,625 44,655 45,685 46,715 47,745 48,775 49,805 50,835 51,865 52,895 53,925 54,955 55,985 57,015 58,045 59,075 60,105 61,135 62,165 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 94 MOHAVE COUNTY Topock Elementary, 2012-2013 Minimum salary $30,000; sliding salary scale. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in minimum salary. Valentine Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. Yucca Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 35,112 35,862 36,612 37,362 38,112 38,862 39,612 40,362 41,112 41,862 42,612 43,362 44,112 44,862 45,612 46,362 47,112 47,862 48,612 49,362 35,862 36,612 37,362 38,112 38,862 39,612 40,362 41,112 41,862 42,612 43,362 44,112 44,862 45,612 46,362 47,112 47,862 48,612 49,362 50,112 36,612 37,362 38,112 38,862 39,612 40,362 41,112 41,862 42,612 43,362 44,112 44,862 45,612 46,362 47,112 47,862 48,612 49,362 50,112 50,862 MA BA+36 37,362 38,112 38,862 39,612 40,362 41,112 41,862 42,612 43,362 44,112 44,862 45,612 46,362 47,112 47,862 48,612 49,362 50,112 50,862 51,612 MA+12 MA+24 38,112 38,862 39,612 40,362 41,112 41,862 42,612 43,362 44,112 44,862 45,612 46,362 47,112 47,862 48,612 49,362 50,112 50,862 51,612 52,362 38,862 39,612 40,362 41,112 41,862 42,612 43,362 44,112 44,862 45,612 46,362 47,112 47,862 48,612 49,362 50,112 50,862 51,612 52,362 53,112 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 95 NAVAJO COUNTY Blue Ridge Unified, 2012-2013 Official salary determination chart CELL 0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28,660 29,210 29,760 30,310 30,860 31,410 31,960 32,510 33,060 33,610 34,160 34,710 35,260 35,810 36,360 36,910 37,460 38,010 38,560 39,110 CELL 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 39,660 40,210 40,760 41,310 41,860 42,410 42,960 43,510 44,060 44,610 45,160 45,710 46,260 46,810 47,360 47,910 48,460 49,010 49,560 50,110 Experience Value None 0 1-10 Years 1 per year (-1) > 10 Years 9 + 1 per 2 years over 10 Education Value BA 0 BA + 24 4 MA + 12 8 MA + 36 12 BA + 12 MA/BA+36 MA + 24 MA + 48 2 6 10 14 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) that will be used in the classroom. Teachers have opportunities to earn additional funds thru the Performance Pay Program for completion of school-wide and individual goals. Each principal may award a teacher up to $2,000 in Extra-Effort awards. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Cedar Unified, 2012-2013 Official Salary Determination Chart Cell 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Salary 28,000 28,850 29,700 30,550 31,400 32,250 33,100 33,950 Cell 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Salary 34,800 35,650 36,500 37,350 38,200 39,050 39,900 40,750 Cell 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Salary 41,600 42,450 43,300 44,150 45,000 45,850 46,700 47,550 Cell 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Salary 48,400 49,250 50,100 50,950 51,800 52,650 53,500 54,350 Cell 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Salary 55,200 56,050 56,900 57,750 58,600 59,450 60,300 61,150 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Experience value: 1-10 years experience, 1 per year; > 10 years, 9 + 1 per 2 years. Education value: BA, 0; BA+12, 1; BA+24, 2; BA+36, 3; BA+48, 4; MA, 5; MA+12, 6; MA+24, 7; MA+36, 8; MA+48, 9. A point may be given for each unique qualification, certification, and/or endorsement that will be used in the classroom: ESL/bilingual; reading; math; gifted; special ed. A teacher may earn an additional $1,000 per year for every 12 graduate level credit hours submitted. An applicant with NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION – 2 additional points. 96 NAVAJO COUNTY Heber-Overgaard Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29,222 29,472 29,722 30,022 30,622 31,422 29,822 30,072 30,322 30,622 31,222 32,022 32,822 33,622 30,422 30,672 30,922 31,222 31,822 32,622 33,422 34,222 35,022 35,822 36,722 31,022 31,272 31,522 31,822 32,422 33,222 34,022 34,822 35,622 36,422 37,322 38,222 39,122 40,022 40,922 41,822 42,722 43,622 44,522 45,522 46,522 47,522 48,522 49,522 50,522 51,522 52,522 53,522 54,522 55,522 MA BA+48 31,622 31,872 32,122 32,422 33,022 33,822 34,622 35,422 36,222 37,022 37,922 38,822 39,722 40,622 41,522 42,422 43,322 44,222 45,122 46,122 47,122 48,122 49,122 50,122 51,122 52,122 53,122 54,122 55,122 56,122 MA+12 BA+60 32,222 32,472 32,722 33,022 33,622 34,422 35,222 36,022 36,822 37,622 38,522 39,422 40,322 41,222 42,122 43,022 43,922 44,822 45,722 46,722 47,722 48,722 49,722 50,722 51,722 52,722 53,722 54,722 55,722 56,722 MA+24 BA+72 32,822 33,072 33,322 33,622 34,222 35,022 35,822 36,622 37,422 38,222 39,122 40,022 40,922 41,822 42,722 43,622 44,522 45,422 46,322 47,322 48,322 49,322 50,322 51,322 52,322 53,322 54,322 55,322 56,322 57,322 MA+36 BA+84 33,422 33,672 33,922 34,222 34,822 35,622 36,422 37,222 38,022 38,822 39,722 40,622 41,522 42,422 43,322 44,222 45,122 46,022 46,922 47,922 48,922 49,922 50,922 51,922 52,922 53,922 54,922 55,922 56,922 57,922 Supported by Prop 301. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Maximum credit of 7 years, year for year, substantiated experience, plus 1 year for every 2 years of experience thereafter. 97 NAVAJO COUNTY Holbrook Unified, 2012-2013 Placement schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BA 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,600 38,200 38,900 39,600 40,300 41,000 41,700 42,400 43,100 43,800 44,500 45,200 MA 40,530 41,230 41,930 42,630 43,330 44,030 44,730 45,430 46,130 46,830 47,530 48,230 48,930 49,630 50,330 BA+6 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,100 38,700 39,400 40,100 40,800 41,500 42,200 42,900 43,600 44,300 45,000 45,700 MA+6 41,030 41,730 42,430 43,130 43,830 44,530 45,230 45,930 46,630 47,330 48,030 48,730 49,430 50,130 50,830 BA+12 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,600 39,200 39,900 40,600 41,300 42,000 42,700 43,400 44,100 44,800 45,500 46,200 BA+18 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,100 39,700 40,400 41,100 41,800 42,500 43,200 43,900 44,600 45,300 46,000 46,700 BA+24 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,900 41,600 42,300 43,000 43,700 44,400 45,100 45,800 46,500 47,200 BA+30 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,100 40,700 41,400 42,100 42,800 43,500 44,200 44,900 45,600 46,300 47,000 47,700 BA+36 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,600 41,200 41,900 42,600 43,300 44,000 44,700 45,400 46,100 46,800 47,500 48,200 BA+42 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,100 41,700 42,400 43,100 43,800 44,500 45,200 45,900 46,600 47,300 48,000 48,700 MA+12 41,530 42,230 42,930 43,630 44,330 45,030 45,730 46,430 47,130 47,830 48,530 49,230 49,930 50,630 51,330 MA+18 42,030 42,730 43,430 44,130 44,830 45,530 46,230 46,930 47,630 48,330 49,030 49,730 50,430 51,130 51,830 MA+24 42,530 43,230 43,930 44,630 45,330 46,030 46,730 47,430 48,130 48,830 49,530 50,230 50,930 51,630 52,330 MA+30 43,030 43,730 44,430 45,130 45,830 46,530 47,230 47,930 48,630 49,330 50,030 50,730 51,430 52,130 52,830 MA+36 43,530 44,230 44,930 45,630 46,330 47,030 47,730 48,430 49,130 49,830 50,530 51,230 51,930 52,630 53,330 MA+42 44,030 44,730 45,430 46,130 46,830 47,530 48,230 48,930 49,630 50,330 51,030 51,730 52,430 53,130 53,830 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. New faculty entering district may be given maximum credit of 8 years for experience; new faculty with 9-14 years experience will be placed on step 9; with 15-19 years, step 12; with 20 or more years, step 15. Separate placement schedule for special ed, math, science, and Indian Wells faculty includes 26 steps and MA+48, MA+54, and DOC lanes, maximum salary $65,590. 98 NAVAJO COUNTY Joseph City Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29,207 29,487 29,768 30,048 30,813 31,688 32,564 33,439 34,314 35,189 36,172 37,156 29,862 30,142 30,423 30,703 31,468 32,343 33,218 34,094 34,969 35,844 36,827 37,810 38,794 39,777 40,760 41,854 30,517 30,798 31,078 31,359 32,124 32,999 33,874 34,749 35,625 36,500 37,483 38,466 39,450 40,433 41,416 42,510 43,603 44,696 45,790 46,883 MA BA+36 31,392 31,672 31,953 32,233 32,998 33,873 34,748 35,624 36,499 37,374 38,357 39,340 40,324 41,307 42,290 43,384 44,477 45,571 46,664 47,757 48,961 50,165 51,368 52,572 53,775 MA+12 BA+60 32,046 32,327 32,607 32,888 33,653 34,528 35,403 36,278 37,154 38,029 39,012 39,995 40,979 41,962 42,945 44,039 45,132 46,225 47,319 48,412 49,616 50,819 52,023 53,227 54,430 MA+24 BA+84 32,702 32,983 33,263 33,544 34,309 35,184 36,059 36,934 37,809 38,685 39,668 40,651 41,634 42,618 43,601 44,694 45,788 46,881 47,975 49,068 50,272 51,475 52,679 53,883 55,086 MA+36 BA+108 33,358 33,639 33,919 34,200 34,965 35,840 36,715 37,590 38,465 39,340 40,324 41,307 42,290 43,274 44,257 45,350 46,444 47,537 48,631 49,724 50,928 52,131 53,335 54,538 55,742 MA+48 BA+132 34,013 34,293 34,574 34,854 35,619 36,495 37,370 38,245 39,120 39,995 40,979 41,962 42,945 43,928 44,912 46,005 47,099 48,192 49,285 50,379 51,582 52,786 53,990 55,193 56,397 Actual salary schedule includes intermediate 6-credit-hour columns not shown above. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Prior teaching experience credit: one year for one step, placement up to step 10. 99 NAVAJO COUNTY Kayenta Unified, 2012-2013 This is an entry into the district salary schedule for employees coming to the district for the first time (new to the district). STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 1 2 3 4 5 6 32,000 32,640 33,293 33,959 34,638 35,331 32,960 33,619 34,292 34,977 35,677 36,391 33,949 34,628 35,320 36,027 36,747 37,482 34,967 35,667 36,380 37,108 37,850 38,607 MA BA+48 36,016 36,737 37,471 38,221 38,985 39,765 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MA48 MA+60 37,097 37,839 38,595 39,367 40,155 40,958 38,210 38,974 39,753 40,548 41,359 42,187 39,356 40,143 40,946 41,765 42,600 43,452 40,537 41,347 42,174 43,018 43,878 44,756 41,753 42,588 43,440 44,308 45,195 46,098 DOC MA+72 43,005 43,865 44,743 45,638 46,550 47,481 The district may allow up to 5 years of verified full-time teaching experience. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. $1,000 signing bonus for special education and mathematics teachers. Pinon Unified, 2012-2013 Certified placement schedule STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 1 2 3 4 5 6 33,640 64,456 35,272 36,088 36,904 37,720 34,456 35,272 36,088 36,904 37,720 38,536 35,272 36,088 36,904 37,720 38,536 39,352 36,088 36,904 37,720 38,536 39,352 40,168 MA BA+48 36,904 37,720 38,536 39,352 40,168 40,984 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 37,720 38,536 39,352 40,168 40,984 41,800 38,536 39,352 40,168 40,984 41,800 42,616 39,352 40,168 40,984 41,800 42,616 43,432 DOC MA+48 40,168 40,984 41,800 42,616 43,432 44,248 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. A certificated employee who presents teacher certification from the NATIONAL CERTIFICATION BOARD will be placed on the salary schedule at MA+48, step 6. Teachers having the following endorsements will receive an additional stipend: science ($1,500), math ($1,500), special education ($2,500), reading ($2,000), bilingual-Navajo ($1,500). The district will allow up to five years of full-time teaching experience. 100 NAVAJO COUNTY Show Low Unified, 2012-2013 POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 29,514 30,064 30,614 31,164 31,714 32,264 32,814 33,364 33,914 34,464 35,014 35,564 36,114 36,664 37,214 37,764 38,314 38,864 39,414 39,964 POINTS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40,514 41,064 41,614 42,164 42,714 43,264 43,814 44,364 44,914 45,464 46,014 46,564 47,114 47,664 48,214 48,764 49,314 49,864 50,414 50,964 Experience Value None 1 1-10 Years 1 per year > 10 Years — 10 + 1 per 2 years over 10 Education Value BA 0 BA + 24 4 MA12 8 MA + 36 12 DOC 16 BA + 12 MA/BA+36 MA + 24 MA + 48 2 6 10 14 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) that will be used in classroom including but not limited to reading, math, science, gifted and special education. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 101 NAVAJO COUNTY Snowflake Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 29,250 29,788 30,326 30,864 31,402 31,940 32,478 33,016 33,554 34,092 34,630 29,923 30,461 30,999 31,537 32,075 32,613 33,151 33,689 34,227 34,765 35,303 35,841 36,379 30,596 31,134 31,672 32,210 32,748 33,286 33,824 34,362 34,900 35,438 35,976 36,514 37,052 37,590 38,128 38,666 31,269 31,807 32,345 32,883 33,421 33,959 34,497 35,035 35,573 36,111 36,649 37,187 37,725 38,263 38,801 39,339 39,877 40,415 40,953 41,491 42,029 MA BA+48 31,942 32,480 33,018 33,556 34,094 34,632 35,170 35,708 36,246 36,784 37,322 37,860 38,398 38,936 39,474 40,012 40,550 41,088 41,626 42,164 42,702 MA+12 BA+60 32,615 33,153 33,691 34,229 34,767 35,305 35,843 36,381 36,919 37,457 37,995 38,533 39,071 39,609 40,147 40,685 41,223 41,761 42,299 42,837 43,375 MA+24 BA+72 33,288 33,826 34,364 34,902 35,440 35,978 36,516 37,054 37,592 38,130 38,668 39,206 39,744 40,282 40,820 41,358 41,896 42,434 42,972 43,510 44,048 MA+36 BA+84 33,961 34,499 35,037 35,575 36,113 36,651 37,189 37,727 38,265 38,803 39,341 39,879 40,417 40,955 41,493 42,031 42,569 43,107 43,645 44,183 44,721 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Credit shall be given for up to 10 years of teaching experience for new hires. Those reaching the end of their column, with the exception of the first 3, will be given $538 for each additional year of service. Whiteriver Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+18 1 2 3 4 5 6 30,000 30,800 31,600 32,400 33,200 34,000 30,800 31,600 32,400 33,200 34,000 34,800 MA BA+36 31,600 32,400 33,200 34,000 34,800 35,600 MA+18 32,400 33,200 34,000 34,800 35,600 36,400 DOC/EDS MA+36 33,200 34,000 34,800 35,600 36,400 37,200 Add $2,000 at DOC/EDS level. For professional growth, teachers must submit a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) that would require the signatures of the teacher, the principal, the HR director, an dthe superintendent to gain final approval. The compensation will be awarded in the following manner: Each 15 clock hours will be equivalent to 1 credit hour from an accredited college course. The compensation for each credit shall be awarded at the rate of $50 per credit earned as part of the PLP. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 102 NAVAJO COUNTY Winslow Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 MA BA+48 MA+12 BA+60 MA+24 EDS MA+36 EDS+12 MA+48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30,750 31,400 32,050 32,700 33,350 34,000 34,650 35,300 35,950 36,600 37,250 37,900 31,350 32,000 32,650 33,300 33,950 34,600 35,250 35,900 36,550 37,200 37,850 38,500 39,150 31,950 32,600 33,250 33,900 34,550 35,200 35,850 36,500 37,150 37,800 38,450 39,100 39,750 40,400 32,650 33,300 33,950 34,600 35,300 36,000 36,700 37,400 38,100 38,800 39,500 40,200 40,900 41,600 42,300 43,000 43,700 44,400 33,350 34,000 34,650 35,300 36,000 36,700 37,400 38,100 38,800 39,500 40,250 41,000 41,750 42,500 43,250 44,000 44,750 45,500 46,250 47,000 34,050 34,700 35,350 36,000 36,700 37,400 38,100 38,800 39,500 40,200 40,950 41,700 42,450 43,200 43,950 44,700 45,450 46,200 46,950 47,700 34,750 35,400 36,050 36,700 37,400 38,100 38,800 39,500 40,200 40,900 41,650 42,400 43,150 43,900 44,650 45,400 46,150 46,900 47,650 48,400 35,450 36,100 36,750 37,400 38,100 38,800 39,500 40,200 40,900 41,600 42,350 43,100 43,850 44,600 45,450 46,300 47,150 48,000 48,850 49,700 36,150 36,800 37,450 38,100 38,800 39,500 40,200 40,900 41,600 42,300 43,050 43,800 44,550 45,300 46,150 47,000 47,850 48,700 49,550 50,400 DOC EDS+24 MA+60 36,850 37,500 38,150 38,800 39,500 40,200 40,900 41,600 42,300 43,000 43,750 44,500 45,250 46,000 46,850 47,700 48,550 49,400 50,250 51,100 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Half-step schedule not shown. High demand content areas for highly qualified: $2,000 for high school teachers teaching mathematics, English, science courses; $1,500 for junior high teachers with secondary certification teaching mathematics, English/reading; science; $1,500 for elementary or junior high reading specialists; $1,000 for junior high teacher with elementary certification teaching mathematics, English/reading, science, reading courses; $1,000 for special education teachers serving in that capacity anywhere in the district. 103 PIMA COUNTY Ajo Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 MA+15 BA+60 31,500 MA+30 EDS DOC 29,500 MA BA+45 30,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 29,250 29,250 32,500 33,500 34,500 29,500 30,500 31,500 32,500 33,500 34,500 35,500 36,500 33,500 34,500 35,500 36,500 37,500 38,500 39,500 37,500 38,500 39,500 40,500 41,500 42,500 39,500 40,500 41,500 42,500 43,500 44,500 MA+12 BA+48 32,960 MA+24 MA+36 EDS 33,575 34,190 34,805 301 monies are included on this salary schedule. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Longevity: 20 years, $1,000; 25 years, $1,000. Altar Valley Elementary, 2012-2013 Entry level LEVEL BA BA+12 BA+24 1-4 30,500 31,115 31,730 MA BA+36 32,345 5-6 31,435 32,050 32,665 33,280 33,895 34,510 35,125 35,740 7 32,370 32,985 33,600 34,215 34,830 35,445 36,060 36,675 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Salary schedule does NOT include 301 pay. 104 PIMA COUNTY Amphitheater Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BA 33,006 33,653 34,312 34,985 35,672 36,372 37,086 37,638 38,378 39,132 39,901 40,686 41,487 42,303 43,136 43,985 44,851 45,521 46,418 47,333 48,266 49,218 50,189 51,180 52,190 53,220 54,272 BA+15 33,616 34,275 34,947 35,633 36,332 37,046 37,773 38,336 39,089 39,858 40,642 41,441 42,257 43,089 43,937 44,803 45,685 46,367 47,281 48,213 49,164 50,134 51,124 52,133 53,162 54,212 55,283 MA 34,836 35,520 36,217 36,928 37,653 38,393 39,148 39,731 40,513 41,309 42,122 42,951 43,797 44,660 45,540 46,437 47,353 48,060 49,007 49,974 50,961 51,966 52,992 54,039 55,106 56,195 57,306 MA+15 35,447 36,142 36,852 37,576 38,314 39,067 39,835 40,429 41,224 42,035 42,863 43,707 44,567 45,445 46,341 47,255 48,186 48,906 49,871 50,855 51,859 52,883 53,927 54,992 56,079 57,187 58,317 EDS 36,667 37,387 38,122 38,871 39,635 40,414 41,209 41,824 42,647 43,487 44,343 45,217 46,108 47,017 47,944 48,889 49,854 50,599 51,597 52,616 53,655 54,715 55,796 56,898 58,023 59,170 60,340 DOC 37,887 38,632 39,391 40,166 40,956 41,762 42,584 43,219 44,070 44,938 45,824 46,727 47,648 48,588 49,546 50,524 51,521 52,291 53,324 54,377 55,451 56,547 57,665 58,805 59,967 61,153 62,363 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Figures shown include override retention stipends. 105 PIMA COUNTY Catalina Foothills Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 MA 35,000 36,000 37,800 38,000 39,000 40,000 41,000 42,000 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,500 48,500 49,500 50,500 51,500 52,500 53,500 54,500 55,500 56,000 56,500 57,000 57,500 58,000 58,500 59,000 59,500 60,000 60,500 61,000 61,500 62,000 62,500 63,000 Master’s degrees. MA addendums of $1,000 will be paid when the degree matches the content of the primary professional assignment. MA addendums for those teachers hired before SY 07-08 will be the same amount as SY 06-07, regardless of the match their teaching assignment. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification addendum $1,000. 106 PIMA COUNTY Continental Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 BA 29,000 BA+12 29,568 BA+24 30,437 BA+36 31,183 BA+48 31,948 MA 32,731 MA+12 33,534 MA+24 34,357 MA+36 35,200 MA+48 35,765 MA+60 36,952 29,592 30,192 30,792 31,392 31,992 32,592 33,192 33,792 34,392 34,992 35,592 36,192 30,160 30,760 31,360 31,960 32,560 33,160 33,760 34,360 34,960 35,560 36,160 36,760 31,029 31,629 32,229 32,829 33,429 34,029 34,629 35,229 35,829 36,429 37,029 37,629 38,229 38,829 39,429 40,029 40,629 41,229 31,775 32,375 32,975 33,575 34,175 34,775 35,375 35,975 36,575 37,175 37,775 38,375 38,975 39,575 40,175 40,775 41,375 41,975 32,540 33,140 33,740 34,340 34,940 35,540 36,140 36,740 37,340 37,940 38,540 39,140 39,740 40,340 40,940 41,540 42,140 42,740 33,323 33,923 34,523 35,123 35,723 36,323 36,923 37,523 38,123 38,723 39,323 39,923 40,523 41,123 41,723 42,323 42,923 43,523 44,123 44,723 45,323 45,923 46,523 34,126 34,726 35,326 35,926 36,526 37,126 37,726 38,326 38,926 39,526 40,126 40,726 41,326 41,926 42,526 43,126 43,726 44,326 44,926 45,526 46,126 46,726 47,326 47,926 48,526 49,126 34,949 35,549 36,149 36,749 37,349 37,949 38,549 39,149 39,749 40,349 40,949 41,549 42,149 42,749 43,349 43,949 44,549 45,149 45,749 46,349 46,949 47,549 48,149 48,749 49,349 49,949 35,792 36,392 36,992 37,592 38,192 38,792 39,392 39,992 40,592 41,192 41,792 42,392 42,992 43,592 44,192 44,792 45,392 45,992 46,592 47,192 47,792 48,392 48,992 49,592 50,192 50,792 36,357 36,957 37,557 38,157 38,757 39,357 39,957 40,557 41,157 41,757 42,357 42,957 43,557 44,157 44,757 45,357 45,957 46,557 47,157 47,757 48,357 48,957 49,557 50,157 50,757 51,357 37,544 38,144 38,744 39,344 39,944 40,544 41,144 41,744 42,344 42,944 43,544 44,144 44,744 45,344 45,944 46,544 47,144 47,744 48,344 48,944 49,544 50,144 50,744 51,344 51,944 52,544 53,144 53,744 54,344 54,944 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 107 PIMA COUNTY Flowing Wells Unified, 2012-2013 Minimums Min BA 30,001 BA+6 30,169 BA+12 30,336 BA+18 30,504 BA+24 30,672 BA+30 30,839 BA+36 31,007 BA+42 31,175 BA+48 31,342 BA+54 31,510 BA+60 31,678 Min MA 32,071 MA+6 32,238 MA+12 32,406 MA+18 32,574 MA+24 32,741 MA+30 32,909 MA+36 33,077 MA+42 33,244 MA+48 33,412 MA+54 33,580 MA+60 33,747 EDS 34,140 Min DOC 34,664 Salaries shown include base salary plus override and 301 monies. Teacher compensation funds included in base salaries. District will advance salary in blocks of 6 credits a semester (or $250). Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 – new teacher 2 – 1 yr exp 3 – 2 yr exp 4 -3 yr exp 5 – 4 yr exp 6 – 5 yr exp 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BA 44,000 44,600 45,200 45,800 46,400 47,000 47,600 48,200 48,800 49,400 50,000 50,600 51,200 51,800 52,400 53,000 53,600 54,200 54,800 55,400 56,000 56,600 57,200 57,800 58,400 59,000 59,600 60,200 60,800 61,400 62,000 MA 47,000 47,600 48,200 48,800 49,400 50,000 50,600 51,200 51,800 52,400 53,000 53,600 54,200 54,800 55,400 56,000 56,600 57,200 57,800 58,400 59,000 59,600 60,200 60,800 61,400 62,000 62,600 63,200 63,800 64,400 65,000 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Up to five years outside teaching experience and a master’s degree allowed newly hired teachers. 108 DOC 50,000 50,600 51,200 51,800 52,400 53,000 53,600 54,200 54,800 55,400 56,000 56,600 57,200 57,800 58,400 59,000 59,600 60,200 60,800 61,400 62,000 62,600 63,200 63,800 64,400 65,000 65,600 66,200 66,800 67,400 68,000 PIMA COUNTY Marana Unified, 2012-2013 Hiring Rates YEARS EXPERIENCE 0-3 4-5 6+ BA 30,259 31,247 32,269 MA 32,234 33,291 34,384 EDS 35,902 37,087 38,313 OVERRIDE SUPPLEMENT 0-3 4-5 6+ BA $237 $245 $254 MA 253 263 272 EDS 285 295 305 Teacher Professional Growth Increments BA+6 $303 MA+6 606 BA+12 303 BA+18 303 MA+12 606 BA+24 303 MA+18 606 BA+30 303 MA+24 606 BA+36 303 MA+30 606 BA+42 303 MA+36 606 BA+48 303 MA+42 606 BA+60 606 MA+48 606 BA+72 606 MA+56 606 BA+84 606 MA+60 606 BA+96 606 MA+66 606 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Sahuarita Unified, 2012-2013 Salary determination chart CELL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 28,873 29,407 29,952 30,506 31,071 31,645 32,231 32,827 33,434 34,052 34,682 35,324 CELL 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 35,977 36,643 37,321 38,011 38,714 39,430 40,160 40,903 41,659 42,430 43,215 Experience Value None 1 1-6 Years # of years +1 Maximum credit is for 6 years of K-12 experience. Education Value BA 0 BA + 24 4 MA12/BA48 8 MA + 36 12 BA + 12 MA/BA+36 MA + 24 2 6 10 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) beyond minimum requirements. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. $1,000 shall be added to the base salary of teachers and guidance counselors who hold NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION. San Fernando Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. 109 PIMA COUNTY Sunnyside Unified, 2012-2013 New teacher placement guide STEP BA MA BA+45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31,929 32,301 32,672 33,053 33,434 33,825 34,215 34,615 35,015 35,425 35,835 34,159 34,558 34,957 35,322 35,777 36,196 36,616 37,046 37,476 37,917 38,358 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 110 DOC EDS MA+45 36,556 36,985 37,414 37,854 38,294 38,745 39,196 39,659 40,122 40,595 41,070 PIMA COUNTY Tanque Verde Unified, 2012-2013 Hiring schedule CELL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30,000 30,300 30,600 30,900 31,200 31,500 31,800 32,100 32,400 32,700 33,000 33,300 33,600 33,900 34,200 34,500 34,800 35,100 35,400 35,700 36,000 36,300 36,600 36,900 37,200 37,500 37,800 38,100 38,400 38,700 CELL 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 39,000 39,300 39,600 39,900 40,200 40,500 40,800 41,100 41,400 41,700 42,000 42,300 42,600 42,900 43,200 43,500 43,800 44,100 44,400 44,700 45,000 45,300 45,600 45,900 46,200 46,500 46,800 47,100 47,400 47,700 Experience Value None 0 1-10 Years 1 per year Education Value BA BA + 18 MA / BA + 45 MA + 30 EDS/MA+60 1 3 5 7 9 BA + 9 BA+30 MA+15/BA+60 MA + 45 2 4 6 8 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) that will be used in the classroom: ELL, MS Math or Science NCLB HQ — 3 points Special education — 4 points Other as determined by superintendent — 1-10 points After initial placement, additional hours of education shall be paid advance of $750 from BA to BA+18, $1,200 from BA+18 to EDS/MA+60. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Teachers receiving NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION will receive $1,000. 111 PIMA COUNTY Tucson Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Salary 33,949 34,745 35,540 36,601 37,662 38,723 39,784 40,845 41,906 42,966 44,027 45,088 46,149 47,210 48,271 49,332 50,393 51,454 52,515 53,575 STEP 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Salary 54,636 55,697 56,758 57,819 58,880 59,941 61,002 62,063 63,124 64,184 65,245 66,306 67,367 68,428 69,489 70,550 71,611 72,672 73,733 74,793 75,854 Master’s degree — an additional $2,000 in compensation above placement on the new salary schedule. Doctorate — an additional $3,000 in compensation above placement on the new salary schedule. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Amounts shown include “Supplemental.” New hires shall be given $500 credit on the salary schedule for each full year of full-time previous experience gained within the last 10 years. Half-step schedule not shown. Vail Elementary, 2012-2013 Starting base salary with experience Minimum 1 2 3 4 5 6 BA 32,500 32,650 32,825 33,025 33,250 33,500 33,775 BA+15 33,250 33,400 33,575 33,775 34,000 34,250 34,525 BA+30 34,000 34,150 34,325 34,525 34,750 35,000 35,275 BA+45 34,750 34,900 35,075 35,275 35,500 35,750 36,025 MA 35,500 35,650 35,825 36,025 36,250 36,500 36,775 MA+15 36,250 36,400 36,575 36,775 37,000 37,250 37,525 Teacher compensation funds included in salary scale. Minimum pay includes $2,535 of Prop 301 funding and $600 of “one-time” funds from the district. 112 MA+30 37,000 37,150 37,325 37,525 37,750 38,000 38,275 MA+45 37,750 37,900 38,075 38,275 38,500 38,750 39,025 PINAL COUNTY Apache Junction Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 BA+45 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 1 2 3 4 5 33,227 33,892 34,569 35,260 35,965 33,762 34,437 35,126 35,829 36,546 34,299 34,985 35,684 36,398 37,126 35,102 35,804 36,520 37,250 37,996 36,174 36,897 37,636 38,389 39,156 36,978 37,718 38,472 39,241 40,026 37,782 38,538 39,308 40,094 40,896 38,586 39,358 40,144 40,947 41,766 39,390 40,178 40,982 41,802 42,637 DOC EDS 40,461 41,270 42,096 42,938 43,797 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. New teachers will be given up to 5 years of verifiable teaching experience. In addition to salary schedule, teachers are eligible for performance pay (Prop 301). Casa Grande Elementary, 2012-2013 BA BA+15 BA+30 MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 36,850 MA BA+45 37,968 Minimum 35,350 36,100 38,718 39,468 40,218 Maximum 47,274 49,565 51,917 54,304 56,762 59,273 61,849 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION will result in an additional stipend of $3,000 per year. Credit ($400 per year) for up to five years of prior certificated public school teaching experience will be allowed. Individual employed in the district for 15 years will receive an additional $2,500 of compensation during their last year of employment with the district. 113 PINAL COUNTY Casa Grande UHS, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 31,197 32,139 33,081 34,023 34,965 36,049 37,023 37,997 32,304 33,246 34,189 35,131 36,073 37,157 38,130 39,105 40,080 41,057 33,412 34,354 35,296 36,238 37,180 38,264 39,238 40,212 41,188 42,165 43,142 44,121 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MA+72 BA+108 41,164 42,106 43,048 43,990 44,932 46,016 46,990 47,964 48,940 49,917 50,894 51,873 52,854 53,835 54,818 55,802 56,788 57,775 58,764 59,754 DOC MA+84 BA+120 42,271 43,213 44,155 45,098 46,040 47,124 48,097 49,072 50,047 51,024 52,002 52,981 53,961 54,943 55,926 56,910 57,896 58,883 59,871 60,861 MA BA+36 34,519 35,461 36,403 37,345 38,288 39,372 40,345 41,320 42,295 43,272 44,250 45,229 46,209 47,191 DOC+12 MA+96 BA+132 43,379 44,321 45,263 46,205 47,147 48,231 49,205 50,179 51,155 52,131 53,109 54,088 55,069 56,050 57,033 58,017 59,003 59,990 60,979 61,969 62,961 MA+12 BA+48 35,627 36,569 37,511 38,453 39,395 40,479 41,453 42,427 43,403 44,379 45,357 46,336 47,317 48,298 49,281 50,265 DOC+24 MA+108 BA+144 44,486 45,428 46,370 47,312 48,255 49,339 50,312 51,287 52,262 53,239 54,217 55,196 56,176 57,158 58,141 59,125 60,110 61,098 62,086 63,076 64,068 65,062 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 114 MA+24 BA+60 36,734 37,676 38,618 39,560 40,502 41,587 42,560 43,535 44,510 45,487 46,465 47,444 48,424 49,406 50,388 51,373 52,358 DOC+36 MA+120 BA+156 45,593 46,536 47,478 48,420 49,362 50,446 51,420 52,394 53,370 54,346 55,324 56,303 57,284 58,265 59,248 60,232 61,218 62,205 63,194 64,184 65,176 66,169 MA+36 BA+72 37,841 38,784 39,726 40,668 41,610 42,694 43,668 44,642 45,618 46,594 47,572 48,551 49,531 50,513 51,496 52,480 53,466 MA+48 BA+84 38,949 39,891 40,833 41,775 42,717 43,802 44,775 45,749 46,725 47,702 48,680 49,659 50,639 51,620 52,603 53,588 54,573 55,560 DOC+48 MA+132 BA+168 46,700 47,643 48,585 49,527 50,469 51,553 52,527 53,501 54,477 55,456 56,431 57,410 58,391 59,372 60,355 61,339 62,325 63,312 64,301 65,291 66,283 67,276 MA+60 BA+96 40,056 40,998 41,941 42,883 43,825 44,909 45,882 46,857 47,832 48,809 49,787 50,766 51,746 52,728 53,711 54,695 55,681 56,668 57,656 DOC+60 MA+144 BA+180 47,807 48,750 49,692 50,634 51,576 52,660 53,634 54,608 55,584 56,560 57,538 58,517 59,498 60,479 61,462 62,446 63,432 64,419 65,408 66,398 67,390 68,383 PINAL COUNTY J.O. Combs Unified, 2012-2013 CELL 0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 34,269 34,779 35,289 35,799 36,309 36,819 37,329 37,839 38,349 38,859 39,369 39,879 40,389 40,899 41,409 41,919 42,429 42,939 43,449 43,959 44,469 44,979 45,489 45,999 46,509 47,019 47,529 48,039 48,549 49,059 49,569 50,079 50,589 51,099 51,609 52,119 52,629 53,139 53,649 CELL 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 54,159 54,669 55,179 55,689 56,199 56,709 57,219 57,729 58,239 58,749 59,259 59,769 60,279 60,789 61,299 61,809 62,319 62,829 63,339 63,849 64,359 64,869 65,379 65,889 66,399 66,909 67,419 67,929 68,439 68,949 69,459 69,969 70,479 70,989 71,499 72,009 72,519 73,029 73,539 Experience Value None 0 1-10 Years 1 per year > 10 Years 10 + 1 per 2 years over 10 Education Value BA 0 BA + 24 4 MA + 12 8 MA + 36 12 DOC 20 BA + 12 MA/BA+36 MA + 24 MA + 48 2 6 10 14 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) that will be used in the classroom: Gifted, Reading, ELL/ESL = 1 point Special ed = 3 points Speech pathologist, OT, PT = 10 points Inclusion specialist Counselor Occ/Physical therapist Speech/lang. pathologist Psychologist Begin step 14 19 36 36 38 Base salary includes the 20% base allocation and extra responsibility fund from Prop 301 but not the performance pay incentive. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Longevity is available to those employees placed in MA/BA+45, MA+15, and MA+30. Longevity increases will be added to the last scheduled steps as follows: $500 for years 16-22; $750 for years 23-28. Credit will be allowed up to a maximum of 7 years experience on a year to year basis. 115 PINAL COUNTY Coolidge Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 33,366 33,869 34,371 34,874 35,376 35,879 34,874 35,376 35,879 36,381 36,884 37,386 37,889 38,391 38,894 MA BA+60 36,381 36,884 37,386 37,889 38,391 38,894 39,396 39,899 40,401 40,904 41,406 41,909 42,411 42,914 43,416 43,919 44,421 44,924 MA+18 BA+75 37,889 38,391 38,894 39,396 39,899 40,401 40,904 41,406 41,909 42,411 42,914 43,416 43,919 44,421 44,924 45,426 45,929 46,431 46,934 47,436 EDS MA+45 39,396 39,899 40,401 40,904 41,406 41,909 42,411 42,914 43,416 43,919 44,421 44,924 45,426 45,929 46,431 46,934 47,436 47,939 48,441 48,944 DOC 40,904 41,406 41,909 42,411 42,914 43,416 43,919 44,421 44,924 45,426 45,929 46,431 46,934 47,436 47,939 48,441 48,944 49,446 49,949 50,451 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Eloy Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 Min : Max 31,250 : 36,750 31,750 : 37,800 32,250 : 38,850 MA BA+36 32,750 : 43,250 MA+12 BA+48 33,250 : 43,700 MA+24 BA+60 33,750 : 44,200 MA+36 BA+72 34,500 : 44,950 Includes $1,311 Prop 301 money. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Special education certified stipend, $1,000. Perfect attendance (certified) any quarter $125; (classified) any quarter $62.50. Credit of up to 6 years experience upon initial placement valued at $550 per year of experience. 116 MA+48 MA+60 35,500 : 45,950 37,000 : 47,450 PINAL COUNTY Florence Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 MA MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 34,800 35,400 36,000 36,600 37,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 40,200 35,500 36,100 36,700 37,300 37,900 38,500 39,100 39,700 40,300 40,900 41,500 42,100 42,700 36,200 36,800 37,400 38,000 38,600 39,200 39,800 40,400 41,000 41,600 42,200 42,800 43,400 44,000 44,600 36,900 37,500 38,100 38,700 39,300 39,900 40,500 41,100 41,700 42,300 42,900 43,500 44,100 44,700 45,300 45,900 46,500 47,100 47,700 48,300 48,900 49,500 50,100 50,700 51,300 51,900 37,600 38,200 38,800 39,400 40,000 40,600 41,200 41,800 42,400 43,000 43,600 44,200 44,800 45,400 46,000 46,600 47,200 47,800 48,400 49,000 49,600 50,200 50,800 51,400 52,000 52,600 38,300 38,900 39,500 40,100 40,700 41,300 41,900 42,500 43,100 43,700 44,300 44,900 45,500 46,100 46,700 47,300 47,900 48,500 49,100 49,700 50,300 50,900 51,500 52,100 52,700 53,300 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 42,600 43,200 43,800 44,400 45,000 45,600 46,200 46,800 47,400 48,000 48,600 49,200 49,800 50,400 51,000 51,600 52,200 52,800 53,400 54,000 39,700 40,300 40,900 41,500 42,100 42,700 43,300 43,900 44,500 45,100 45,700 46,300 46,900 47,500 48,100 48,700 49,300 49,900 50,500 51,100 51,700 52,300 52,900 53,500 54,100 54,700 DOC MA+48 40,400 41,000 41,600 42,200 42,800 43,400 44,000 44,600 45,200 45,800 46,400 47,000 47,600 48,200 48,800 49,400 50,000 50,600 51,200 51,800 52,400 53,000 53,600 54,200 54,800 55,400 Salary schedule includes $2,200 of Proposition 301. Each teacher has potential to earn additional monies in performance pay provided by Proposition 301. Teachers who teach in a special education classroom will receive a $2,000 stipend. Teachers who teach math in a 9-12 school will receive a stipend according to experience: 1-5 years, $1,800; 6-10 years, $2,400; 11+ years, $3,000. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Mammoth-San Manuel Unified, 2012-2013 Certificated hiring rates Years Experience 0-3 4-5 6+ BA 30,792 32,247 33,217 MA 31,882 33,427 34,457 EDS 33,527 35,222 36,352 Teacher professional growth increments: BA+30, $545; MA/BA45, $545; MA+15/BA+60, $545; MA+30/BA+75, $550; DOC/MA+45, $550. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 117 PINAL COUNTY Maricopa Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BA 33,997 34,677 35,371 36,077 36,799 37,535 38,286 39,052 39,832 40,629 41,442 42,271 43,115 43,978 44,858 BA+15 35,017 35,716 36,431 37,160 37,903 38,661 39,434 40,223 41,027 41,848 42,685 43,539 44,410 45,297 46,204 47,128 48,071 49,031 50,013 51,012 BA+30 36,067 36,788 37,524 38,274 39,041 39,821 40,617 41,429 42,259 43,103 43,965 44,844 45,742 46,657 47,590 48,542 49,512 50,502 51,512 52,543 53,594 54,666 55,759 56,874 58,011 BA+45 37,149 37,892 38,650 39,423 40,211 41,015 41,836 42,673 43,526 44,397 45,284 46,190 47,114 48,056 49,017 49,997 50,998 52,018 53,058 54,119 55,201 56,305 57,431 58,581 59,752 MA 38,263 39,028 39,810 40,605 41,418 42,246 43,091 43,953 44,832 45,729 46,643 47,576 48,528 49,498 50,488 51,498 52,528 53,579 54,650 55,743 56,858 57,995 59,155 60,338 61,545 62,775 64,031 65,312 66,617 67,950 MA+15 39,412 40,199 41,004 41,824 42,660 43,513 44,383 45,272 46,176 47,101 48,042 49,003 49,983 50,983 52,003 53,042 54,104 55,185 56,289 57,415 58,563 59,734 60,929 62,148 63,391 64,659 65,952 67,271 68,616 69,988 Teacher compensation funds included in schedule. Salary schedule includes funding from Prop 301 Classroom Site Fund (3%). Maximum of 10 years experience given. 118 MA+30 40,594 41,406 42,234 43,079 43,940 44,819 45,715 46,629 47,562 48,513 49,483 50,474 51,482 52,513 53,562 54,634 55,727 56,841 57,978 59,138 60,320 61,526 62,758 64,012 65,292 66,598 67,930 69,289 70,675 72,089 MA+45 41,812 42,648 43,501 44,371 45,258 46,163 47,086 48,020 48,989 49,969 50,968 51,987 53,027 54,088 55,170 56,272 57,398 58,546 59,717 60,911 62,130 63,373 64,639 65,933 67,252 68,596 69,968 71,367 72,795 74,251 MA+60 43,065 43,927 44,806 45,702 46,616 47,548 48,499 49,469 50,458 51,468 52,497 53,547 54,618 55,710 56,824 57,962 59,120 60,302 61,509 62,739 63,994 65,274 66,578 67,911 69,269 70,654 72,067 73,508 74,979 76,479 DOC 44,358 45,245 46,159 47,073 48,014 48,974 49,955 50,953 51,972 53,011 54,072 55,153 56,256 57,381 58,530 59,700 60,894 62,112 63,354 64,621 65,913 67,231 68,577 69,948 71,347 72,774 74,229 75,714 77,228 78,773 PINAL COUNTY Oracle Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32,575 33,362 34,151 34,939 35,727 36,514 37,302 38,091 38,880 39,667 40,455 41,243 42,031 42,820 43,608 44,396 45,183 45,972 46,760 47,548 33,362 34,151 34,939 35,727 36,514 37,302 38,091 38,880 39,667 40,455 41,243 42,031 42,820 43,608 44,396 45,183 45,972 46,760 47,548 48,336 MA BA+30 34,151 34,939 35,727 36,514 37,302 38,091 38,880 39,667 40,455 41,243 42,031 42,820 43,608 44,396 45,183 45,972 46,760 47,548 48,336 49,124 49,913 50,700 51,489 52,277 53,064 MA+15 BA+45 34,939 35,727 36,514 37,302 38,091 38,880 39,667 40,455 41,243 42,031 42,820 43,608 44,396 45,183 45,972 46,760 47,548 48,336 49,124 49,913 50,700 51,489 52,277 53,064 53,852 54,641 55,429 56,217 57,005 57,793 MA+30 MA+45 35,727 36,514 37,302 38,091 38,880 39,667 40,455 41,243 42,031 42,820 43,608 44,396 45,183 45,972 46,760 47,548 48,336 49,124 49,913 50,700 51,489 52,277 53,064 53,852 54,641 55,429 56,217 57,005 57,793 58,582 36,514 37,302 38,091 38,880 39,667 40,455 41,243 42,031 42,820 43,608 44,396 45,183 45,972 46,760 47,548 48,336 49,124 49,913 50,700 51,489 52,277 53,064 53,852 54,641 55,429 56,217 57,005 57,793 58,582 59,371 301 funds not included in salary schedule. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Additional $2,000 will be added to contract for earned doctorate degree. Mary C. O’Brien Accommodation, 2012-2013 Entry level salaries BA (no experience) BA (plus experience) 35,000 40,000 Level 2 45,000 MA (plus 0-5 years experience) 45,000 MA (plus 6 years experience) 50,000 Returning professionals Level 3 50,000 Level 4 51,000 DOC (in education field/subject taught) 55,000 Teacher compensation funds $684 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. Proposition 301 will provide additional salaries which will be added by addendum. 119 PINAL COUNTY Picacho Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 33,000 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 MA BA+36 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 MA+12 BA+48 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 MA+24 BA+65 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Employees in the BA+36, BA+48 and BA+65 columns, where no further step increase is available, will receive an increase of $750. 120 PINAL COUNTY Ray Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30,901 31,401 31,901 32,401 32,901 33,401 33,901 34,401 34,901 35,401 35,901 36,401 36,901 37,401 37,901 38,401 38,901 31,666 32,166 32,666 33,166 33,666 34,166 34,666 35,166 35,666 36,166 36,666 37,166 37,666 38,166 38,666 39,166 39,666 40,166 MA BA+36 32,431 32,931 33,431 33,931 34,431 34,931 35,431 35,931 36,431 36,931 37,431 37,931 38,431 38,931 39,431 39,931 40,431 40,931 41,431 41,931 MA+15 BA+51 33,196 33,696 34,196 34,696 35,196 35,696 36,196 36,696 37,196 37,696 38,196 38,696 39,196 39,696 40,196 40,696 41,196 41,696 42,196 42,696 43,196 MA+30 BA+66 33,961 34,461 34,961 35,461 35,961 36,461 36,961 37,461 37,961 38,461 38,961 39,461 39,961 40,461 40,961 41,461 41,961 42,461 42,961 43,461 43,961 44,461 Maximum credit of 6 years for substantiated experience, computed at ½ year or each full year of service. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Red Rock Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. 121 PINAL COUNTY Sacaton Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 39,000 39,600 40,200 40,800 41,400 42,000 42,600 43,200 43,800 39,800 40,400 41,000 41,600 42,200 42,800 43,400 44,000 44,600 45,200 45,800 46,400 40,600 41,200 41,800 42,400 43,000 43,600 44,200 44,800 45,400 46,000 46,600 47,200 47,800 48,400 49,000 MA BA+36 41,400 42,000 42,600 43,200 43,800 44,400 45,000 45,600 46,200 46,800 47,400 48,000 48,600 49,200 49,800 50,400 51,000 51,600 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 122 MA+15 BA+54 42,200 42,800 43,400 44,000 44,600 45,200 45,800 46,400 47,000 47,600 48,200 48,800 49,400 50,000 50,600 51,200 51,800 52,400 53,000 53,600 54,200 54,800 MA+30 MA+45 43,000 43,600 44,200 44,800 45,400 46,000 46,600 47,200 47,800 48,400 49,000 49,600 50,200 50,800 51,400 52,000 52,600 53,200 53,800 54,400 55,000 55,600 43,800 44,400 45,000 45,600 46,200 46,800 47,400 48,000 48,600 49,200 49,800 50,400 51,000 51,600 52,200 52,800 53,400 54,000 54,600 55,200 55,800 56,400 DOC MA+60 44,600 45,200 45,800 46,400 47,000 47,600 48,200 48,800 49,400 50,000 50,600 51,200 51,800 52,400 53,000 53,600 54,200 54,800 55,400 56,000 56,600 57,200 PINAL COUNTY Santa Cruz Valley UHS, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 32,620 33,272 33,937 34,616 35,309 36,015 36,735 37,470 38,219 38,983 39,763 40,558 41,370 42,197 43,041 33,500 34,170 34,854 35,551 36,262 36,987 37,727 38,481 39,251 40,036 40,837 41,653 42,487 43,336 44,203 34,405 35,093 35,795 36,511 37,241 37,986 38,745 39,520 40,311 41,117 41,939 42,778 43,634 44,506 45,396 46,305 47,230 48,175 49,139 50,121 MA BA+45 35,334 36,040 36,761 37,496 38,246 39,011 39,792 40,587 41,399 42,227 43,072 43,933 44,812 45,708 46,622 47,555 48,506 49,476 50,465 51,475 52,504 53,554 54,625 MA+15 MA+30 36,288 37,014 37,754 38,509 39,279 40,065 40,866 41,688 42,517 43,367 44,235 45,119 46,022 46,942 47,881 48,839 49,815 50,812 51,828 52,864 53,922 55,000 56,100 37,268 38,013 38,773 39,549 40,340 41,146 41,969 42,809 43,655 44,538 45,429 46,338 47,264 48,210 49,174 50,157 51,160 52,184 53,227 54,292 55,378 56,485 57,615 EDS MA+45 38,274 39,039 39,820 40,616 41,429 42,257 43,102 43,965 44,844 45,741 46,656 47,589 48,540 49,511 50,501 51,511 52,542 53,593 54,664 55,758 56,873 58,010 59,170 DOC MA+60 39,307 40,093 40,893 41,713 42,547 43,398 44,266 45,152 46,055 46,976 47,915 48,874 49,851 50,848 51,865 52,902 53,960 55,040 56,140 57,263 58,408 59,577 60,768 Teacher compensation funds $725 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. 123 PINAL COUNTY Stanfield Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 BA+45 1 2 3 4 5 max incoming 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31,915 32,415 32,915 33,415 33,915 32,665 33,165 33,665 34,165 34,665 33,615 34,115 34,615 35,115 35,615 34,365 34,865 35,365 35,865 36,365 34,415 34,915 35,415 35,915 36,415 35,165 35,665 36,165 36,665 37,165 37,665 38,165 38,665 36,115 36,615 37,115 37,615 38,115 38,615 39,115 39,615 40,115 40,615 41,115 41,615 42,115 42,615 36,865 37,365 37,865 38,365 38,865 39,365 39,865 40,365 40,865 41,365 41,865 42,365 42,865 43,365 43,865 44,365 44,865 45,365 45,865 46,365 MA BA+60 35,515 36,015 36,515 37,015 37,515 MA+15 BA+75 36,265 36,765 37,265 37,765 38,265 MA+30 DOC 37,015 37,515 38,015 38,515 39,015 37,765 38,265 38,765 39,265 39,765 38,015 38,515 39,015 39,515 40,015 40,915 41,415 41,915 42,415 42,915 43,415 43,915 44,415 44,915 45,415 45,915 46,415 46,915 47,415 47,915 48,415 48,915 49,415 49,915 50,415 50,915 38,765 39,265 39,765 40,265 40,765 41,665 42,165 42,665 43,165 43,665 44,165 44,665 45,165 45,665 46,165 46,665 47,165 47,665 48,165 48,665 49,165 49,665 50,165 50,665 51,165 51,665 39,515 40,015 40,515 41,015 41,515 42,415 42,915 43,415 43,915 44,415 44,915 45,415 45,915 46,415 46,915 47,415 47,915 48,415 48,915 49,415 49,915 50,415 50,915 51,415 51,915 52,415 40,265 40,765 41,265 41,765 42,265 43,165 43,665 44,165 44,665 45,165 45,665 46,165 46,665 47,165 47,665 48,165 48,665 49,165 49,665 50,165 50,665 51,165 51,665 52,165 52,665 53,165 Teacher compensation funds included in schedule. Add $2,450 for Proposition 301 base increase and performance pay on a separate schedule. 124 PINAL COUNTY Superior Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BA 32,000 32,400 32,800 33,200 33,600 34,000 34,400 34,800 35,200 35,600 36,000 36,400 BA+15 32,400 32,800 33,200 33,600 34,000 34,400 34,800 35,200 35,600 36,000 36,400 36,800 37,200 37,600 38,000 BA+30 32,800 33,200 33,600 34,000 34,400 34,800 35,200 35,600 36,000 36,400 36,800 37,200 37,600 38,000 38,400 38,800 39,200 39,600 BA+45 33,200 33,650 34,100 34,550 35,000 35,450 35,900 36,350 36,800 37,250 37,700 38,150 38,600 39,050 39,500 39,950 40,400 40,850 41,300 41,750 BA+60 33,600 34,050 34,500 34,950 35,400 35,850 36,300 36,750 37,200 37,650 38,100 38,550 39,000 39,450 39,900 40,350 40,800 41,250 41,700 42,150 42,600 43,050 43,500 43,950 44,400 MA 34,050 34,500 34,950 35,400 35,850 36,300 36,750 37,200 37,650 38,100 38,550 39,000 39,450 39,900 40,350 40,800 41,250 41,700 42,150 42,600 43,050 43,500 43,950 44,400 44,850 MA+15 34,500 34,950 35,400 35,850 36,300 36,750 37,200 37,650 38,100 38,550 39,000 39,450 39,900 40,350 40,800 41,250 41,700 42,150 42,600 43,050 43,500 43,950 44,400 44,850 45,300 MA+30 34,950 35,415 35,880 36,345 36,810 37,275 37,740 38,205 38,670 39,135 39,600 40,065 40,530 40,995 41,460 41,925 42,390 42,855 43,320 43,785 44,250 44,715 45,180 45,645 46,110 MA+45 35,400 35,865 36,330 36,795 37,260 37,725 38,190 38,655 39,120 39,585 40,050 40,515 40,980 41,445 41,910 42,375 42,840 43,305 43,770 44,235 44,700 45,165 45,630 46,095 46,560 MA+60 35,850 36,315 36,780 37,245 37,710 38,175 38,640 39,105 39,570 40,035 40,500 40,965 41,430 41,895 42,360 42,825 43,290 43,755 44,220 44,685 45,150 45,615 46,080 46,545 47,010 DOC 36,300 36,765 37,230 37,695 38,160 38,625 39,090 39,555 40,020 40,485 40,950 41,415 41,880 42,345 42,810 43,275 43,740 44,205 44,670 45,135 45,600 46,065 46,530 46,995 47,460 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 125 PINAL COUNTY Toltec Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 30,300 30,800 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 33,800 34,300 34,800 35,300 31,100 31,600 32,100 32,600 33,100 33,600 34,100 34,600 35,100 35,600 36,100 36,600 37,100 31,900 32,400 32,900 33,400 33,900 34,400 34,900 35,400 35,900 36,400 36,900 37,400 37,900 38,400 38,900 32,700 33,200 33,700 34,200 34,700 35,200 35,700 36,200 36,700 37,200 37,700 38,200 38,700 39,200 39,700 40,200 40,700 MA BA+48 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 MA+12 BA+60 34,300 34,800 35,300 35,800 36,300 36,800 37,300 37,800 38,300 38,800 39,300 39,800 40,300 40,800 41,300 41,800 42,300 Each step on this schedule includes 2/3 of Fund 13 from the classroom site fund authorized by Proposition 301. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Credit for prior teacher experience up to a maximum of 5 years. 126 MA+24 BA+72 35,100 35,600 36,100 36,600 37,100 37,600 38,100 38,600 39,100 39,600 40,100 40,600 41,100 41,600 42,100 42,600 43,100 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Nogales Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BA 30,391 31,303 31,981 32,202 32,424 32,723 33,655 34,587 35,520 36,453 37,385 38,318 39,251 40,183 41,116 42,048 42,981 43,914 44,846 45,779 46,712 47,644 48,578 49,511 50,443 51,375 52,309 53,241 MA 32,966 33,956 34,740 34,989 35,237 35,582 36,522 37,462 38,402 39,341 40,281 41,220 42,160 43,100 44,040 44,980 45,919 46,859 47,799 48,739 49,678 50,618 51,557 52,498 53,438 54,377 55,317 56,256 MA+45 35,542 36,608 37,499 37,776 38,051 38,534 39,487 40,442 41,396 42,349 43,303 44,258 45,212 46,165 47,119 48,074 49,027 49,981 50,935 51,889 52,843 53,797 54,751 55,705 56,659 57,613 58,567 59,521 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 127 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Patagonia Elementary & UHS, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29,395 29,895 30,395 30,895 31,395 31,895 32,395 32,895 33,395 33,895 34,395 30,795 31,395 33,195 33,795 34,395 34,995 35,595 36,195 36,795 37,395 37,995 38,595 39,195 39,795 40,395 40,995 41,595 42,195 42,795 43,395 43,995 MA BA+48 32,195 32,795 34,595 35,195 35,795 36,395 36,995 37,595 38,195 38,795 39,395 39,995 40,595 41,195 41,795 42,395 42,995 43,595 44,195 44,795 45,395 45,995 46,595 47,195 47,795 48,395 48,995 49,595 50,195 50,795 51,395 MA+24 BA+72 33,395 33,995 35,795 36,395 36,995 37,595 38,195 38,795 39,395 39,995 40,595 41,195 41,795 42,395 42,995 43,595 44,195 44,795 45,395 45,995 46,595 47,195 47,795 48,395 48,995 49,595 50,195 50,795 51,395 51,995 52,595 Original schedule shows education columns at every three credit hours. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Maximum 12 years initial experience credit. 128 MA+48 BA+96 34,595 35,195 36,995 37,595 38,195 38,795 39,395 39,995 40,595 41,195 41,795 42,395 42,995 43,595 44,195 44,795 45,395 45,995 46,595 47,195 47,795 48,395 48,995 49,595 50,195 50,795 51,395 51,995 52,595 53,195 53,795 MA+72 BA+120 35,795 36,395 38,195 38,795 39,395 39,995 40,595 41,195 41,795 42,395 42,995 43,595 44,195 44,795 45,395 45,995 46,595 47,195 47,795 48,395 48,995 49,595 50,195 50,795 51,395 51,995 52,595 53,195 53,795 54,395 54,995 DOC 36,695 37,295 39,095 39,695 40,295 40,895 41,495 42,095 42,695 43,295 43,895 44,495 45,095 45,695 46,295 46,895 47,495 48,095 48,695 49,295 49,895 50,495 51,095 51,695 52,295 52,895 53,495 54,095 54,695 55,295 55,895 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Santa Cruz Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+8 BA+16 BA+24 BA+32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30,424 31,174 31,924 32,674 33,424 34,174 34,925 31,124 31,874 32,624 33,374 34,124 34,874 35,624 36,374 31,824 32,574 33,324 34,074 34,824 35,574 36,324 37,074 37,824 32,524 33,274 34,024 34,774 35,524 36,274 37,024 37,774 38,524 39,274 33,224 33,974 34,724 35,474 36,224 36,974 37,724 38,474 39,224 39,974 40,724 MA BA+40 33,924 34,674 35,424 36,174 36,924 37,674 38,424 39,174 39,924 40,674 41,424 42,174 42,924 MA+8 BA+48 34,624 35,374 36,124 36,874 37,624 38,374 39,124 39,874 40,624 41,374 42,124 42,874 43,624 44,374 45,124 MA+16 BA+56 35,324 36,074 36,824 37,574 38,324 39,074 39,824 40,574 41,324 42,074 42,824 43,574 44,324 45,074 45,824 46,574 47,324 MA+24 BA+64 36,024 36,774 37,524 38,274 39,024 39,774 40,524 41,274 42,024 42,774 43,524 44,274 45,024 45,774 46,524 47,274 48,024 48,774 49,524 MA+32 BA+72 36,724 37,474 38,224 38,974 39,724 40,474 41,224 41,974 42,724 43,474 44,224 44,974 45,724 46,474 47,224 47,974 48,724 49,474 50,224 50,974 51,724 MA+40 37,424 38,174 38,924 39,674 40,424 41,174 41,924 42,674 43,424 44,174 44,924 45,674 46,424 47,174 47,924 48,674 49,424 50,174 50,924 51,674 52,424 53,174 53,924 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Language endorsement — 6 hours, $600; 12 hours, $1,200; 18 hours, $1,800; 21 hours (must be included on certificate), $2,100. 129 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Santa Cruz Valley Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 30,000 30,500 31,000 31,500 32,000 32,500 33,000 33,500 31,020 31,570 32,120 32,670 33,220 33,770 34,320 34,870 35,420 35,970 MA BA+30 32,040 32,640 33,240 33,840 34,440 35,040 35,640 36,240 36,840 37,440 38,040 38,640 MA+15 BA+45 33,060 33,710 34,360 35,010 35,660 36,310 36,960 37,610 38,260 38,910 39,560 40,210 40,860 41,510 42,160 42,810 43,460 44,110 44,760 45,410 MA+30 MA+45 34,080 34,780 35,480 36,180 36,880 37,580 38,280 38,980 39,680 40,380 41,080 41,780 42,480 43,180 43,880 44,580 45,280 45,980 46,680 47,380 48,080 48,780 35,100 35,875 36,650 37,425 38,200 38,975 39,750 40,525 41,300 42,075 42,850 43,625 44,400 45,175 45,950 46,725 47,500 48,275 49,050 49,825 50,600 51,375 52,150 52,925 All teachers with valid Arizona Certification on file are entitled to additional 301 fund compensation: base pay $634; performance pay $1,268; site-based pay $893. Teacher compensation funds $586 per teacher NOT included in salary schedule. 130 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Sonoita Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 35,556 36,556 37,556 38,556 39,556 40,556 36,456 37,456 38,456 39,456 40,456 41,456 42,456 43,456 44,456 45,456 46,456 37,358 38,358 39,358 40,358 41,358 42,358 43,358 44,358 45,358 46,358 37,358 48,358 49,358 50,358 51,358 52,358 MA BA+45 40,510 41,510 42,510 43,510 44,510 45,510 46,510 47,510 48,510 49,510 50,510 51,510 52,510 53,510 54,510 55,510 56,510 57,510 58,510 59,510 60,510 MA+15 BA+60 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 45,441 46,441 47,441 48,441 49,441 50,441 51,441 52,441 53,441 54,441 55,441 56,441 57,441 58,441 59,441 60,441 61,441 62,441 63,441 64,441 46,640 47,640 48,640 49,640 50,640 51,640 52,640 53,640 54,640 55,640 56,640 57,640 58,640 59,640 60,640 61,640 62,640 63,640 64,640 65,640 54,378 55,378 56,378 57,378 58,378 59,378 60,378 61,378 62,378 63,378 64,378 65,378 66,378 67,378 68,378 55,063 56,063 57,063 58,063 59,063 60,063 61,063 62,063 63,063 64,063 65,063 66,063 67,063 68,063 69,063 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 131 YAVAPAI COUNTY Ash Fork Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BA 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 BA+12 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,000 BA+24 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,000 47,500 MA 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,000 47,500 48,000 48,500 MA+12 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,000 47,500 48,000 48,500 49,000 MA+24 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,000 47,500 48,000 48,500 49,000 49,500 MA+36 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,000 47,500 48,000 48,500 49,000 49,500 50,000 DOC 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 47,000 47,500 48,000 48,500 49,000 49,500 50,000 50,500 Schedule includes non-performance (301) monies. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. May bring in up to 5 years U.S. public school (NCA accredited) teaching experience. Bagdad Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 38,000 MA BA+36 39,000 MA+12 BA+48 40,000 MA+24 BA+60 41,000 EDS MA+36 42,000 EDS+12 MA+48 43,000 DOC MA+60 44,000 No experience 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 36,000 37,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,500 Honors experience up to 5 years. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 132 YAVAPAI COUNTY Beaver Creek Elementary, 2012-2013 New hire CELL 0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26,410 26,960 27,510 28,060 28,610 29,160 29,710 30,260 30,810 31,360 31,910 32,460 33,010 33,560 34,110 34,660 35,210 35,760 36,310 36,860 CELL 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 BA+24 37,410 37,960 38,510 39,060 39,610 40,160 40,710 41,260 41,810 42,360 42,910 43,460 44,010 44,560 45,110 45,660 46,210 46,760 47,310 47,860 Experience Value None 0 1-3 Years 1 per year More may be given for hard-to-fill positions. Education Value BA 0 BA + 24 4 MA + 12 8 MA + 36 12 BA + 12 MA/BA+36 MA + 24 MA + 48 2 6 10 14 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) that will be used in the classroom. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 133 YAVAPAI COUNTY Camp Verde Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BA 32,988 33,640 34,291 34,943 35,594 36,245 MA 36,106 36,758 37,409 38,061 38,712 39,363 40,015 40,666 41,318 41,969 42,621 43,272 43,924 44,575 45,226 45,878 46,529 47,181 47,832 48,827 49,821 50,816 51,810 52,805 53,800 54,794 55,789 56,783 57,778 58,772 BA+6 33,182 33,834 34,485 35,137 35,788 36,439 37,091 37,742 MA+6 36,952 37,603 38,255 38,906 39,557 40,209 40,860 41,512 42,163 42,815 43,466 44,117 44,769 45,420 46,072 46,723 47,375 48,026 48,678 49,672 50,667 51,661 52,656 53,650 54,645 55,639 56,634 57,629 58,623 59,618 BA+12 33,376 34,028 34,679 35,330 35,982 36,633 37,285 37,936 38,588 39,239 MA+12 37,797 38,448 39,100 39,751 40,403 41,054 41,706 42,357 43,009 43,660 44,311 44,963 45,614 46,266 46,917 47,569 48,220 48,871 49,523 50,518 51,512 52,507 53,501 54,496 55,490 56,485 57,479 58,474 59,469 60,463 BA+18 33,570 34,222 34,873 35,524 36,176 36,827 37,479 38,130 38,782 39,433 40,085 40,736 MA+18 38,642 39,294 39,945 40,597 41,248 41,900 42,551 43,202 43,854 44,505 45,157 45,808 46,460 47,111 47,763 48,414 49,065 49,717 50,368 51,363 52,357 53,352 54,347 55,341 56,336 57,330 58,325 59,319 60,314 61,309 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION included in DOC, EDS column. 134 MA+24 39,488 40,139 40,791 41,442 42,094 42,745 43,396 44,048 44,699 45,351 46,002 46,654 47,305 47,956 48,608 49,259 49,911 50,562 51,214 52,208 53,203 54,197 55,192 56,187 57,181 58,176 59,170 60,165 61,159 62,154 BA+24 34,415 35,067 35,718 36,370 37,021 37,673 38,324 38,976 39,627 40,279 40,930 41,581 42,233 MA+30 40,333 40,985 41,636 42,287 42,939 43,590 44,242 44,893 45,545 46,196 46,848 47,499 48,150 48,802 49,453 50,105 50,756 51,408 52,059 53,054 54,048 55,043 56,037 57,032 58,026 59,021 60,016 61,010 62,005 62,999 BA+30 35,261 35,912 36,564 37,215 37,867 38,518 39,170 39,821 40,472 41,124 41,775 42,427 43,078 43,730 NBC, DOC EDS 41,179 41,830 42,481 43,133 43,784 44,436 45,087 45,739 46,390 47,041 47,693 48,344 48,996 49,647 50,299 50,950 51,602 52,253 52,904 53,899 54,894 55,888 56,883 57,877 58,872 59,866 60,861 61,856 62,850 63,845 YAVAPAI COUNTY Canon Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BA 34,150 34,600 35,050 35,500 35,950 36,400 36,850 37,300 37,750 38,200 38,650 39,100 39,550 40,000 40,450 40,900 41,350 41,800 42,250 42,700 43,150 43,600 44,050 44,500 44,950 45,400 45,850 46,300 46,750 47,200 47,650 BA+12 34,625 35,075 35,525 35,975 36,425 36,875 37,325 37,775 38,225 38,675 39,125 39,575 40,025 40,475 40,925 41,375 41,825 42,275 42,725 43,175 43,625 44,075 44,525 44,975 45,425 45,875 46,325 46,775 47,225 47,675 48,125 BA+24 35,100 35,550 36,000 36,450 36,900 37,350 37,800 38,250 38,700 39,150 39,600 40,050 40,500 40,950 41,400 41,850 42,300 42,750 43,200 43,650 44,100 44,550 45,000 45,450 45,900 46,350 46,800 47,250 47,700 48,150 48,600 BA+36 35,575 36,025 36,475 36,925 37,375 37,825 38,275 38,725 39,175 39,625 40,075 40,525 40,975 41,425 41,875 42,325 42,775 43,225 43,675 44,125 44,575 45,025 45,475 45,925 46,375 46,825 47,275 47,725 48,175 48,625 49,075 MA 36,150 36,600 37,050 37,500 37,950 38,400 38,850 39,300 39,750 40,200 40,650 41,100 41,550 42,000 42,450 42,900 43,350 43,800 44,250 44,700 45,150 45,600 46,050 46,500 46,950 47,400 47,850 48,300 48,750 49,200 49,650 MA+12 36,625 37,075 37,525 37,975 38,425 38,875 39,325 39,775 40,225 40,675 41,125 41,575 42,025 42,475 42,925 43,375 43,825 44,275 44,725 45,175 45,625 46,075 46,525 46,975 47,425 47,875 48,325 48,775 49,225 49,675 50,125 MA+24 37,100 37,550 38,000 38,450 38,900 39,350 39,800 40,250 40,700 41,150 41,600 42,050 42,500 42,950 43,400 43,850 44,300 44,750 45,200 45,650 46,100 46,550 47,000 47,450 47,900 48,350 48,800 49,250 49,700 50,150 50,600 MA+36 37,575 38,025 38,475 38,925 39,375 39,825 40,275 40,725 41,175 41,625 42,075 42,525 42,975 43,425 43,875 44,325 44,775 45,225 45,675 46,125 46,575 47,025 47,475 47,925 48,375 48,825 49,275 49,725 50,175 50,625 51,075 Add to each $900 Prop 301 and $497 Instructional Improvement Fund. Teacher compensation funds included in salary schedule. 135 YAVAPAI COUNTY Chino Valley Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 28,427 MA BA+36 29,070 MA+12 BA+48 29,727 MA+24 BA+60 30,398 EDS MA+36 31,085 EDS+12 MA+48 31,788 DOC MA+60 32,506 DOC+12 MA+72 33,241 New hire min, no experience 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 27,323 27,870 28,006 28,689 29,373 30,056 30,739 31,422 32,105 32,788 33,471 34,154 28,567 29,263 29,960 30,657 31,354 32,050 32,747 33,444 34,140 34,837 29,138 29,849 30,559 31,270 31,981 32,691 33,402 34,113 34,823 35,534 29,796 30,523 31,250 31,977 32,703 33,430 34,157 34,884 35,610 36,337 30,470 31,213 31,956 32,699 33,442 34,186 34,929 35,672 36,415 37,158 31,158 31,918 32,678 33,438 34,198 34,958 35,718 36,478 37,238 37,998 31,863 32,640 33,417 34,194 34,971 35,748 36,525 37,303 38,080 38,857 32,583 33,377 34,172 34,967 35,761 36,556 37,351 38,146 38,940 39,735 33,319 34,132 34,944 35,757 36,570 37,382 38,195 39,008 39,820 40,633 34,072 34,903 35,734 36,565 37,396 38,227 39,058 39,889 40,720 41,551 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Clarkdale-Jerome Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 30,836 31,836 32,836 33,836 31,836 32,836 33,836 34,836 35,836 36,836 32,836 33,836 34,836 35,836 36,836 37,836 38,836 39,836 40,836 MA BA+36 33,836 34,836 35,836 36,836 37,836 38,836 39,836 40,836 41,836 43,036 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 136 MA+12 BA+48 34,836 35,836 36,836 37,836 38,836 39,836 40,836 41,836 42,836 44,236 45,436 46,636 MA+24 BA+60 35,836 36,836 37,836 38,836 39,836 40,836 41,836 42,836 43,836 45,436 46,636 47,836 49,036 50,236 MA+36 36,836 37,836 38,836 39,836 40,836 41,836 42,836 43,836 44,836 46,636 47,836 49,036 50,236 51,436 52,636 YAVAPAI COUNTY Cottonwood-Oak Creek Elementary, 2012-2013 Salary determination chart CELL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28,648 29,088 29,528 29,967 30,406 30,845 31,285 31,724 32,164 32,603 33,042 33,482 33,921 34,328 34,800 35,239 35,678 36,117 36,558 36,997 37,435 CELL 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 37,875 38,314 38,754 39,194 39,632 40,071 40,511 40,951 41,390 41,828 42,269 42,708 43,147 43,587 44,026 44,465 44,904 45,344 45,784 46,222 46,662 Experience Value None 0 1-8 Years 1 per year Education Value BA 0 BA + 12 2 BA + 24 4 MA/BA48 6 MA + 12 8 MA + 24/BA + 60 MA + 36 MA + 48 MA + 60 MA + 72 10 12 14 16 18 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each unique qualification, Certificate, endorsement, etc. These include, but are not limited to, bilingual, ESL, gifted, and other endorsements. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Crown King Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. Hillside Elementary, 2012-2013 No salary schedules. 137 YAVAPAI COUNTY Humboldt Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BA BA+12 BA+24 MA BA+40 MA+12 BA+52 MA+24 BA+64 MA+36 BA+76 MA+48 MA+60 DOC 30,610 31,610 32,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 31,610 32,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 32,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 60,610 61,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 60,610 61,610 62,610 Teacher compensation funds included in schedule. A new employee with 0-3 years prior experience will be placed on the first step; a new employee with 4 years will be placed on the second step; a new employee with 5+ years will be placed on the third step. 138 YAVAPAI COUNTY Kirkland Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 MA BA+40 MA+15 BA+55 MA+30 BA+66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 30,282 31,190 32,126 33,090 34,082 31,190 32,126 33,090 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 32,126 33,090 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 33,090 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 50,050 51,552 53,098 EDS MA+45 BA+81 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 50,050 51,552 53,098 54,691 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. New hire placement: 2009-10 maximum step 3. Mayer Unified, 2012-2013 Initial salary determination chart CELL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 28,000 28,500 29,000 29,500 30,000 30,500 31,000 31,500 32,000 32,500 33,000 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 CELL 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42,500 43,000 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 Experience Value None 0 1-8 Years 1 per year + 1 per 2 years over 8 Education Value BA 0 BA+36/MA 4 MA+36 8 BA+18 MA+18 DOC 2 6 10 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each unique qualification, Certificate, endorsement, etc. that will be used in the classroom. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 139 YAVAPAI COUNTY Mingus UHS, 2012-2013 Official salary determination chart CELL 0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 33,777 34,377 34,977 35,577 36,177 36,777 37,377 37,977 38,577 39,177 39,777 40,377 40,977 41,577 42,177 42,777 43,377 43,977 44,577 45,177 CELL 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 45,777 46,377 46,977 47,577 48,177 48,777 49,377 49,977 50,577 51,177 51,777 52,377 52,977 53,577 54,177 54,777 55,377 55,977 56,577 57,177 Experience Value None 0 1-10 Years 1 per year > 10 Years 10 + 1 per 2 years over 10 Education Value BA 0 BA + 24 4 MA + 12 8 MA + 36 12 BA + 12 MA/BA+36 MA + 24 MA + 48 2 6 10 14 Unique Qualifications District-approved endorsements – 1 point 2 or more approved cert. teaching areas – 1 point; NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION – 4 points Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Add approximately $5,000 to $6,500 to each teacher salary to reflect 301 funding. Prescott Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 MA BA+40 MA+15 BA+55 MA+30 BA+66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 30,282 31,190 32,126 33,090 34,082 31,190 32,126 33,090 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 32,126 33,090 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 33,090 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 50,050 51,552 53,098 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. New hire placement: 2009-10 maximum step 3. 140 EDS MA+45 BA+81 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 50,050 51,552 53,098 54,691 YAVAPAI COUNTY Sedona-Oak Creek Unified, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 26,037 26,962 27,888 28,813 29,738 30,663 31,589 26,900 27,825 28,750 29,675 30,601 31,526 32,451 33,376 34,301 35,227 36,152 37,077 38,002 38,928 27,763 28,688 29,614 30,539 31,464 32,389 33,315 34,240 35,165 36,091 37,015 37,941 38,796 39,791 40,716 41,642 MA BA+36 28,628 29,553 30,478 31,403 32,328 33,253 34,178 35,103 36,029 36,954 37,879 38,804 39,729 40,655 41,580 42,505 43,430 MA+12 BA+48 29,490 30,416 31,341 32,266 33,191 34,116 35,041 35,967 36,892 37,817 38,743 39,668 40,593 41,518 42,443 43,369 44,294 MA+24 BA+60 30,354 31,279 32,204 33,130 34,055 34,980 35,905 36,830 37,756 38,681 39,606 40,531 41,457 42,382 43,307 44,232 45,157 46,083 MA+36 MA+48 MA+60 31,218 32,143 33,068 33,993 34,918 35,844 36,769 37,694 38,619 39,544 40,470 41,395 42,320 43,245 44,171 45,096 46,021 46,946 32,081 33,006 33,931 34,857 35,782 36,707 37,632 38,558 39,483 40,408 41,333 42,258 43,184 44,109 45,034 45,958 46,884 47,809 32,945 33,870 34,795 35,720 36,645 37,571 38,496 39,421 40,346 41,272 42,197 43,122 44,047 44,972 45,898 46,823 47,748 48,673 Schedule does NOT include additions to the salary from Fund 011 ($250) and Fund 013 ($500) of Proposition 301. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Up to 5 years credit given if experience has been gained in the past 10 years. 141 YAVAPAI COUNTY Seligman Unified, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BA 35,999 36,416 36,834 37,251 37,669 38,086 38,505 38,922 39,340 39,757 MA BA+42 40,693 41,111 41,528 41,946 42,363 42,780 43,198 43,616 44,034 44,451 44,868 45,286 45,704 46,122 46,539 BA+6 36,670 37,087 37,504 37,922 38,340 38,756 39,175 39,592 40,011 40,428 BA+12 37,340 37,758 38,175 38,593 39,010 39,428 39,846 40,263 40,680 41,098 41,515 BA+18 38,011 38,429 38,846 39,264 39,681 40,099 40,516 40,934 41,351 41,769 42,186 BA+24 38,681 39,098 39,516 39,933 40,351 40,769 41,187 41,604 42,022 42,439 42,856 43,274 BA+30 39,352 39,769 40,187 40,604 41,022 41,439 41,857 42,275 42,693 43,110 43,527 43,945 MA+6 MA+12 MA+18 MA+24 MA+36 41,363 41,781 42,198 42,617 43,034 43,451 43,869 44,287 44,704 45,121 45,539 45,957 46,374 46,792 47,210 42,034 42,452 42,869 43,287 43,704 44,122 44,540 44,958 45,375 45,793 46,210 46,628 47,045 47,463 47,880 48,297 42,705 43,122 43,539 43,957 44,375 44,792 45,210 45,629 46,046 46,463 46,881 47,298 47,716 48,133 48,551 48,968 43,376 43,793 44,216 44,628 45,046 45,463 45,881 46,298 46,716 47,133 47,550 47,969 48,387 48,803 49,222 49,639 50,057 44,716 45,133 45,551 45,968 46387 46,805 47,222 47,640 48,057 48,475 48,892 49,310 49,727 50,145 50,551 50,974 51,398 51,816 When a teacher has reached their 20th contract year, they will also be given a $500 longevity rider. District eligible for teacher compensation funds but not participating. 142 BA+36 40,023 40,440 40,858 41,275 41,692 42,110 42,528 42,945 43,363 43,780 44,199 44,616 45,034 45,451 YAVAPAI COUNTY Skull Valley Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 MA BA+40 MA+15 BA+55 MA+30 BA+66 1 30,282 31,190 32,126 33,090 2 31,190 32,126 33,090 34,082 3 32,126 33,090 34,082 35,105 4 33,090 34,082 35,105 36,158 5 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 6 36,158 37,243 38,360 7 37,243 38,360 39,511 8 39,511 40,696 9 40,696 41,917 10 43,174 11 44,469 12 13 14 15 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. New hire placement: 2008-09 maximum step 3. 34,082 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 35,105 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 50,050 51,552 53,098 EDS MA+45 BA+81 36,158 37,243 38,360 39,511 40,696 41,917 43,174 44,469 45,804 47,177 48,593 50,050 51,552 53,098 54,691 Yarnell Elementary, 2012-2013 Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BA 30,000 30,800 31,600 32,400 33,000 BA+15 30,800 31,600 32,400 33,000 33,600 34,200 34,800 BA+30 31,600 32,400 33,000 33,600 34,200 34,800 35,600 36,200 36,800 MA 33,000 33,000 33,600 34,200 34,800 35,600 36,200 36,800 37,600 38,400 39,200 MA+15 33,600 34,200 34,800 35,600 36,200 36,800 37,600 38,400 39,200 40,000 40,600 41,200 42,000 42,800 43,600 MA+30 35,000 35,600 36,200 37,800 38,400 39,000 39,600 41,200 42,000 42,600 43,400 44,000 44,800 45,600 46,200 Not including 301 money or state money for 06-07 budget addition. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 143 YUMA COUNTY Antelope UHS, 2012-2013 Official salary determination chart CELL 0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31,620 32,120 32,620 33,120 33,620 34,120 34,620 35,120 35,620 36,120 36,620 37,120 37,620 38,120 38,620 39,120 39,620 40,120 40,620 41,120 CELL 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41,620 42,120 42,620 43,120 43,620 44,120 44,620 45,120 45,620 46,120 46,620 47,120 47,620 48,120 48,620 49,120 49,620 50,120 50,620 51,120 Teachers may earn additional funds thru Prop 301 Performance Pay. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 144 Experience Value None 0 1-10 Years 1 per year > 10 Years 10 + 1 per 2 years over 10 Education Value BA 0 BA + 24 4 MA + 12 8 MA + 36 12 BA + 12 MA/BA+36 MA + 24 MA + 48 2 6 10 14 Unique Qualifications A point may be given for each (certificate, endorsement, etc.) that will be used in the classroom. YUMA COUNTY Crane Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29,902 30,256 30,613 31,157 31,768 32,379 32,990 30,592 30,954 31,321 31,933 32,542 33,153 33,764 34,376 34,986 31,351 31,722 32,098 32,708 33,329 33,930 34,542 35,150 35,762 36,374 36,984 MA BA+36 32,107 32,488 32,873 33,484 34,095 34,706 35,316 35,928 36,539 37,396 38,255 39,111 39,969 40,957 41,944 42,930 43,919 45,091 46,263 47,436 48,608 49,968 51,325 52,942 MA+12 BA+48 32,864 33,254 33,650 34,259 34,871 35,481 36,091 36,703 37,314 38,171 39,028 39,888 40,744 41,731 42,718 43,707 44,692 45,868 47,040 48,213 49,385 50,743 52,100 53,720 MA+24 MA+36 MA+48 MA+60 33,624 34,022 34,424 35,036 35,646 36,258 36,867 37,478 38,090 38,948 39,805 40,663 41,520 42,508 43,496 44,482 45,469 46,643 47,816 48,988 50,164 51,518 52,876 54,495 34,381 34,788 35,200 35,813 36,422 37,033 37,644 38,256 38,867 39,725 40,581 41,438 42,297 43,285 44,271 45,259 46,246 47,418 48,591 49,696 50,936 52,294 53,653 55,271 35,138 35,554 35,977 36,585 37,199 37,807 38,420 39,030 39,640 40,498 41,355 42,215 43,072 44,059 45,046 46,034 47,023 48,193 49,368 50,541 51,713 53,071 54,428 56,048 35,895 36,321 36,752 37,363 37,973 38,586 39,196 39,807 40,418 41,275 42,133 42,990 43,849 44,836 45,824 46,809 47,797 48,971 50,143 51,317 52,489 53,846 55,204 56,823 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 145 YUMA COUNTY Gadsden Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+10 BA+20 BA+30 MA MA+10 MA+20 MA+30 MA+45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 30,654 31,154 31,914 32,674 33,434 34,194 34,954 31,324 31,824 32,584 33,344 34,104 34,864 35,624 31,994 32,494 33,254 34,014 34,774 35,534 36,294 37,054 32,664 33,164 33,924 34,684 35,444 36,204 36,964 37,724 38,484 39,244 40,004 33,334 33,834 34,594 35,354 36,114 36,874 37,634 38,394 39,154 39,914 40,674 41,434 42,194 34,004 34,504 35,264 36,024 36,784 37,544 38,304 39,064 39,824 40,584 41,344 42,104 42,864 43,624 44,384 45,144 34,674 35,174 35,934 36,694 37,454 38,214 38,974 39,734 40,494 41,254 42,014 42,774 43,534 44,294 45,054 45,814 46,574 47,334 48,094 35,344 35,844 36,604 37,364 38,124 38,884 39,644 40,404 41,164 41,924 42,684 43,444 44,204 44,964 45,724 46,484 47,244 48,004 48,764 49,524 50,284 51,044 36,014 36,514 37,274 38,034 38,794 39,554 40,314 41,074 41,834 42,594 43,354 44,114 44,874 45,634 46,394 47,154 47,914 48,674 49,434 50,194 50,954 51,714 52,474 53,234 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 146 DOC MA+55 36,684 37,184 37,944 38,704 39,464 40,224 40,984 41,744 42,504 43,264 44,024 44,784 45,544 46,304 47,064 47,824 48,584 49,344 50,104 50,864 51,624 52,384 53,144 53,904 YUMA COUNTY Hyder Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 MA BA+36 MA+12 BA+48 MA+24 BA+60 MA+36 1 2 31,700 32,100 32,150 32,600 32,600 33,100 33,050 33,600 33,500 34,100 33,950 34,600 34,400 35,100 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 32,500 32,900 33,300 33,700 34,100 34,500 34,900 35,300 35,700 36,100 33,050 33,500 33,950 34,400 34,850 35,300 35,750 36,200 36,650 37,100 37,550 38,000 38,450 38,900 33,600 34,100 34,600 35,100 35,600 36,100 36,600 37,100 37,600 38,100 38,600 39,100 39,600 40,100 40,600 34,150 34,700 35,250 35,800 36,350 36,900 37,450 38,000 38,550 39,100 39,650 40,200 40,750 41,300 41,850 42,400 42,950 34,700 35,300 35,900 36,500 37,100 37,700 38,300 38,900 39,500 40,100 40,700 41,300 41,900 42,500 43,100 43,700 44,300 44,900 45,500 35,250 35,900 36,550 37,200 37,850 38,500 39,150 39,800 40,450 41,100 41,750 42,400 43,050 43,700 44,350 45,000 45,650 46,300 46,950 35,800 36,500 37,200 37,900 38,600 39,300 40,000 40,700 41,400 42,100 42,800 43,500 44,200 44,900 45,600 46,300 47,000 47,700 48,400 Beginning teachers will start on step 3. Proposition 301 incentive money to be awarded in addition to this schedule. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 147 YUMA COUNTY Mohawk Valley Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30,897 31,502 32,107 32,712 33,317 33,922 34,527 35,132 35,737 36,342 31,502 32,107 32,712 33,317 33,922 34,527 35,132 35,737 36,342 36,947 32,107 32,712 33,317 33,922 34,527 35,132 35,737 36,342 36,947 37,552 38,157 38,762 39,367 39,972 MA BA+40 32,712 33,317 33,922 34,527 35,132 35,737 36,342 36,947 37,552 38,157 38,762 39,367 39,972 40,577 41,182 41,787 42,392 42,997 43,602 MA+15 BA+55 33,317 33,922 34,527 35,132 35,737 36,342 36,947 37,552 38,157 38,762 39,367 39,972 40,577 41,182 41,787 42,392 42,997 43,602 44,207 44,812 45,417 46,022 46,627 MA+30 BA+70 33,922 34,527 35,132 35,737 36,342 36,947 37,552 38,157 38,762 39,367 39,972 40,577 41,182 41,787 42,392 42,997 43,602 44,207 44,812 45,417 46,022 46,627 47,232 47,837 48,442 49,047 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Somerton Elementary, 2012-2013 Minimum BA BA+12 BA+24 BA+36 30,974 31,748 32,542 33,356 MA BA+48 34,189 MA+12 BA+60 35,044 MA+24 BA+72 35,920 MA+36 BA+84 36,818 MA+48 BA+96 37,739 Emergency teaching certified: $30,974. Emergency substitute certified: $26,057. Salary schedule does not include Proposition 301 funds. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. Up to 12 years previous experience recognized by increasing the minimum salary by 1.5% times the years of previous experience. 148 MA+60 BA+108 38,682 YUMA COUNTY Wellton Elementary, 2012-2013 STEP BA BA+12 BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28,115 28,703 29,292 29,880 30,468 31,057 31,646 28,728 29,327 29,925 30,523 31,121 31,720 32,318 32,926 33,535 34,144 29,342 29,950 30,558 31,167 31,775 32,383 32,991 33,600 34,208 34,816 35,425 36,034 MA BA+36 29,955 30,573 31,192 31,810 32,429 33,047 33,666 34,284 34,902 35,521 36,139 36,758 37,376 37,994 MA+12 BA+48 30,568 31,197 31,825 32,454 33,082 33,711 34,339 34,968 35,596 36,225 36,853 37,481 38,110 38,738 39,367 39,995 41,251 MA+24 BA+60 31,182 31,820 32,459 33,097 33,736 34,374 35,013 35,651 36,290 36,929 37,567 38,206 38,844 39,483 40,121 40,760 41,398 42,037 42,675 43,314 43,953 MA+36 BA+72 31,795 32,444 33,092 33,741 34,390 35,038 35,687 36,335 36,984 37,632 38,281 38,930 39,578 40,227 40,875 41,524 42,172 42,821 43,469 44,118 44,767 Salary schedule does not reflect distributions of Prop 301 funds, which are paid in addition to above. Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. 149 YUMA COUNTY Yuma Elementary, 2012-2013 Placement schedule for new teachers STEP BA BA+10 BA+20 BA+30 BA+40 1 35,608 36,168 36,728 37,288 37,848 STEP MA+10 MA+20 MA+30 MA+40 MA+50 1 39,124 39,840 40,556 41,272 41,988 MA BA+55 38,408 DOC MA+60 42,704 Figures shown include total Prop 301 amount of $4,510. Year’s experience will be calculated at $250 per year for outside and/or in-district teaching experience. Teacher compensation funds included in salary placement schedule. Yuma UHS, 2012-2013 Placement salary schedule BA Voc. Cert 30,000 MA BA+40 Voc. Cert.+40 31,800 MA+30 Voc. MA Equiv+30 34,200 DOC MA+60 Voc. MA Equiv+60 36,600 Teacher compensation funds (ARS 15-952) included in salary schedule. New certified/CTE staff receive $50 per year of like experience up to 5 years of experience, $200 per year for 6-11 years. 150 COLLEGES Arizona Western College, 2012-2013 Minimums and Maximums BA BA + 15 BA + 30 MINIMUM $37,789 $38,893 $40,028 MAXIMUM $58,389 $60,111 $61,884 MA MA + 15 MA + 30 MA + 45 MA + 60 $41,199 $42,405 $43,647 $44,927 $46,245 $63,711 $65,592 $67,530 $69,526 $71,580 DOCTORATE DOCTORATE + 15 DOCTORATE + 30 DOCTORATE + 45 DOCTORATE + 60 $47,602 $49,000 $50,440 $51,923 $53,451 $73,698 $75,879 $78,126 $80,441 $82,822 NOTE: New hires are allowed 1% for each year of directly related teaching experience (for academic areas) and 1% for each year of directly related occupational experience (for vocational areas). No experience credit will be given beyond a total of six (6) years. Central Arizona College, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MA 40,973 42,161 43,384 44,642 45,937 47,269 48,640 50,051 51,502 52,996 54,533 56,114 57,741 59,415 61,138 62,911 MA+9 AA+5 yrs Occ Exp 41,956 43,173 44,425 45,713 47,039 48,403 49,807 51,251 52,737 54,266 55,840 57,459 59,125 60,840 62,604 64,420 Nine Month Faculty Schedule MA+18 MA+27 MA+36 MA+45 BA+3 yrs BA+5 yrs MA+3yrs MA+5yrs Occ Exp Occ Exp Occ Exp Occ Exp 42,963 44,209 45,491 46,810 48,167 49,564 51,001 52,480 54,002 55,568 57,179 58,837 60,543 62,299 64,106 65,965 43,994 45,270 46,583 47,934 49,324 50,754 52,226 53,741 55,299 56,903 58,553 60,251 61,998 63,796 65,646 67,550 45,050 46,356 47,700 49,083 50,506 51,971 53,478 55,029 56,625 58,267 59,957 61,696 63,485 65,326 67,220 69,169 46,131 47,469 48,846 50,263 51,721 53,221 54,764 56,352 57,986 59,668 61,398 63,179 65,011 66,896 68,836 70,832 MA+54 MA+5yrs Occ Exp +9 47,238 48,608 50,018 51,469 52,962 54,498 56,078 57,704 59,377 61,099 62,871 64,694 66,570 68,501 70,488 72,532 MA+60 MA+5yrs Occ Exp +18 48,372 49,775 51,218 52,703 54,231 55,804 57,422 59,087 60,801 62,564 64,378 66,245 68,166 70,143 72,177 74,270 DOC 49,533 50,969 52,447 53,968 55,533 57,143 58,800 60,505 62,260 64,066 65,924 67,836 69,803 71,827 73,910 76,053 Maximum initial placement at step 6. Extra Duty Pay: Athletic director, $8,031. Head coach, $8,031. Band, $4,015. Choir, $4,015. Drama, $5,531. 151 COLLEGES Cochise College, 2012-2013 AA BA Minimum Midpoint Maximum 38,752 51,308 63,863 40,302 53,360 66,417 GRADE MA MA+30 9 MONTH FACULTY 41,914 45,268 55,494 59,934 69,074 74,601 Minimum Midpoint Maximum 43,058 57,008 70,959 44,780 59,289 73,797 Minimum Midpoint Maximum 47,364 62,709 78,055 Minimum Midpoint Maximum 51,669 68,410 85,151 152 MA+60 DOC 48,890 64,730 80,571 52,800 69,907 87,014 10 MONTH FACULTY 46,571 50,298 61,660 66,594 76,749 82,890 54,322 71,923 89,523 58,667 77,675 96,683 49,258 65,217 81,177 11 MONTH FACULTY 51,228 55,328 67,826 73,253 84,424 91,179 59,754 79,115 98,475 64,533 85,442 106,351 53,736 71,146 88,557 12 MONTH FACULTY 55,885 60,357 73,992 79,913 92,098 99,468 65,187 86,307 107,428 70,400 93,210 116,019 COLLEGES Coconino Community College, 2012-2013 Column 1 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 AA 39,005 39,785 40,581 41,392 42,220 43,064 43,926 44,804 45,700 46,614 47,547 48,498 49,467 50,457 51,466 52,495 53,545 54,616 55,708 56,823 57,959 Column 2 MA BA 40,170 40,973 41,793 42,628 43,481 44,351 45,238 46,142 47,065 48,007 48,967 49,946 50,945 51,964 53,003 54,063 55,144 56,247 57,372 58,520 59,690 Column 3 MA 41,327 42,153 42,996 43,856 44,734 45,628 46,541 47,472 48,421 49,389 50,377 51,385 52,412 53,461 54,530 55,620 56,733 57,868 59,025 60,205 61,410 Column 4 MA+15 42,484 43,334 44,200 45,084 45,986 46,906 47,844 48,801 49,777 50,772 51,788 52,824 53,880 54,958 56,057 57,178 58,321 59,488 60,678 61,891 63,129 64,392 65,679 66,993 MA+30 43,674 44,547 45,438 46,347 47,274 48,219 49,184 50,167 51,171 52,194 53,238 54,303 55,389 56,496 57,626 58,779 59,954 61,154 62,377 63,624 64,897 66,195 67,518 68,869 MA+45 44,678 45,572 46,483 47,413 48,361 49,328 50,315 51,321 52,347 53,394 54,462 55,552 56,663 57,796 58,952 60,131 61,333 62,560 63,811 65,087 66,389 67,717 69,071 70,453 71,862 73,299 Column 5 DOC MA+60 45,572 46,483 47,413 48,361 49,328 50,315 51,321 52,347 53,394 54,462 55,552 56,663 57,796 58,952 60,131 61,333 62,560 63,811 65,087 66,389 67,717 69,071 70,453 71,862 73,299 74,765 153 COLLEGES Eastern Arizona College, 2012-2013 GRAHAM AND GREENLEE COUNTIES 154 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MA 40,312 42,731 45,149 47,568 49,987 52,406 54,824 57,243 MA+5 41,118 43,537 45,956 48,374 50,793 53,212 55,631 58,049 MA+10 41,924 44,343 46,762 49,181 51,599 54,018 56,437 58,856 MA+15 42,731 45,149 47,568 49,987 52,406 54,824 57,243 59,662 62,080 MA+20 43,537 45,956 48,374 50,793 53,212 55,631 58,049 60,468 62,887 MA+25 44,343 46,762 49,181 51,599 54,018 56,437 58,856 61,274 63,693 MA+30 45,149 47,568 49,987 52,406 54,824 57,243 59,662 62,080 64,499 66,918 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MA+35 45,956 48,374 50,793 53,212 55,631 58,049 60,468 62,887 65,305 67,724 MA+40 46,762 49,181 51,599 54,018 56,437 58,856 61,274 63,693 66,112 68,530 MA+45 47,568 49,987 52,406 54,824 57,243 59,662 62,080 64,499 66,918 69,337 71,755 MA+50 48,374 50,793 53,212 55,631 58,049 60,468 62,887 65,305 67,724 70,143 72,562 MA+55 49,181 51,599 54,018 56,437 58,856 61,274 63,693 66,112 68,530 70,949 73,368 MA+60 49,987 52,406 54,824 57,243 59,662 62,080 64,499 66,918 69,337 71,755 74,174 76,593 79,012 81,430 83,849 DOC 52,406 54,824 57,243 59,662 62,080 64,499 66,918 69,337 71,755 74,174 76,593 79,012 81,430 83,849 86,268 Eastern Arizona College (continued) GILA COUNTY STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MA 35,360 37,482 39,603 41,725 43,846 45,968 48,090 50,211 MA+5 36,067 38,189 40,310 42,432 44,554 46,675 48,797 50,918 MA+10 36,774 38,896 41,018 43,139 45,261 47,382 49,504 51,626 MA+15 37,482 39,603 41,725 43,846 45,968 48,090 50,211 52,333 54,454 MA+20 38,189 40,310 42,432 44,554 46,675 48,797 50,918 53,040 55,162 MA+25 38,896 41,018 43,139 45,261 47,382 49,504 51,626 53,747 55,869 MA+30 39,603 41,725 43,846 45,968 48,090 50,211 52,333 54,454 56,576 58,698 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MA+35 40,310 42,432 44,554 46,675 48,797 50,918 53,040 55,162 57,283 59,405 MA+40 41,018 43,139 45,261 47,382 49,504 51,626 53,747 55,869 57,990 60,112 MA+45 41,725 43,846 45,968 48,090 50,211 52,333 54,454 56,576 58,698 60,819 62,941 MA+50 42,432 44,554 46,675 48,797 50,918 53,040 55,162 57,283 59,405 61,526 63,648 MA+55 43,139 45,261 47,382 49,504 51,626 53,747 55,869 57,990 60,112 62,234 64,355 MA+60 43,846 45,968 48,090 50,211 52,333 54,454 56,576 58,698 60,819 62,941 65,062 67,184 69,306 71,427 73,549 DOC 45,968 48,090 50,211 52,333 54,454 56,576 58,698 60,819 62,941 65,062 67,184 69,306 71,427 73,549 75,670 Initial placement prior teaching experience: 0, step 1; 1 year, step 2; 2 years, step 3; 3-4 years, step 4; 5-6 years, step 5; 7+, step 6. Initial placement prior occupational experience: 0, step 1; 2-3 years, step 2; 4-5 years, step 3; 6-7 years, step 4; 8-9 years, step 5; 10+ years, step 6. 155 COLLEGES Maricopa Colleges, 2012-2013 Residential Faculty STEP MA 1 42,939 2 45,945 3 48,951 4 51,957 5 54,963 6 57,969 7 60,975 8 63,981 9 66,987 10 69,993 11 72,999 12 76,005 13 79,011 14 MA+12 44,639 47,645 50,651 53,657 56,663 59,669 62,675 65,681 68,687 71,693 74,699 77,705 80,711 MA+20 45,773 48,779 51,785 54,791 57,797 60,803 63,809 66,815 69,821 72,827 75,833 78,839 81,845 MA+24 46,340 49,346 52,352 55,358 58,364 61,370 64,376 67,382 70,388 73,394 76,400 79,406 82,412 85,418 MA+36 48,040 51,046 54,052 57,058 60,064 63,070 66,076 69,082 72,088 75,094 78,100 81,106 84,112 87,118 MA+40 48,607 51,613 54,619 57,625 60,631 63,637 66,643 69,649 72,655 75,661 78,667 81,673 84,679 87,685 MA+48 49,741 52,747 55,753 58,759 61,765 64,771 67,777 70,783 73,789 76,795 79,801 82,807 85,813 88,818 MA+60 51,441 54,447 57,453 60,459 63,465 66,471 69,477 72,483 75,489 78,495 81,501 84,507 87,513 90,519 MA+75 53,567 56,573 59,579 62,585 65,591 68,597 71,603 74,609 77,615 80,621 83,627 86,633 89,639 92,644 MA+85 54,984 57,990 60,996 64,002 67,008 70,014 73,020 76,026 79,032 82,038 85,044 88,050 91,056 94,061 DOC 55,692 58,698 61,704 64,710 67,716 70,722 73,728 76,734 79,740 82,746 85,752 88,758 91,764 94,770 Mohave Community College, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 BA AA+5 yrs 35,609 36,464 37,339 38,235 39,153 40,093 41,055 42,040 43,049 BA+15 BA+30 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 DOC 36,677 37,557 38,458 39,381 40,326 41,294 42,285 43,300 44,339 45,403 46,493 37,777 38,684 39,612 40,563 41,537 42,534 43,555 44,600 45,670 46,766 47,888 39,666 40,618 41,593 42,591 43,613 44,660 45,732 46,830 47,954 49,105 50,284 51,491 52,727 53,992 55,288 56,615 57,974 59,365 40,856 41,837 42,841 43,869 44,922 46,000 47,104 48,234 49,392 50,577 51,791 53,034 54,307 55,610 56,945 58,312 59,711 61,144 62,611 64,114 65,653 42,082 43,092 44,126 45,185 46,269 47,379 48,516 49,680 50,872 52,093 53,343 54,623 55,934 57,276 58,651 60,059 61,500 62,976 64,487 66,035 67,620 43,344 44,384 45,449 46,540 47,657 48,801 49,972 51,171 52,399 53,657 54,945 56,264 57,614 58,997 60,413 61,863 63,348 64,868 66,425 68,019 69,651 44,644 45,715 46,812 47,935 49,085 50,263 51,469 52,704 53,969 55,264 56,590 57,948 59,339 60,763 62,221 63,714 65,243 66,809 68,412 70,054 71,735 45,983 47,087 48,217 49,374 50,559 51,772 53,015 54,287 55,590 56,924 58,290 59,689 61,122 62,589 64,091 65,629 67,204 68,817 70,469 72,160 73,892 75,665 Maximum initial placement at step 6. 156 COLLEGES Northland Pioneer College, 2012-2013 STEP : 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 : 40,866 42,092 43,355 44,656 45,995 47,375 48,796 50,260 51,768 53,321 54,921 56,568 58,266 60,014 61,814 63,668 65,578 2 : 41,602 42,850 44,136 45,460 46,823 48,228 49,675 51,165 52,700 54,281 55,910 57,587 59,315 61,094 62,927 64,815 66,759 3 : 42,350 43,621 44,929 46,277 47,665 49,095 50,568 52,085 53,648 55,257 56,915 58,622 60,381 62,192 64,058 65,980 67,959 4 : 43,113 44,406 45,739 47,111 48,524 49,980 51,479 53,024 54,614 56,253 57,940 59,678 61,469 63,313 65,212 67,169 69,184 GRADE 5 6 : : 43,889 44,679 45,206 46,019 46,562 47,400 47,959 48,822 49,397 50,287 50,879 51,795 52,406 53,349 53,978 54,950 55,597 56,598 57,265 58,296 58,983 60,045 60,753 61,846 62,575 63,702 64,452 65,613 66,386 67,581 68,378 69,608 70,429 71,697 7 : 45,483 46,847 48,253 49,701 51,192 52,727 54,309 55,938 57,617 59,345 61,125 62,959 64,848 66,793 68,797 70,861 72,987 8 : 46,302 47,691 49,122 50,595 52,113 53,677 55,287 56,946 58,654 60,414 62,226 64,093 66,016 67,996 70,036 72,137 74,301 9 : 47,135 48,549 50,006 51,506 53,051 54,642 56,282 57,970 59,709 61,500 63,345 65,246 67,203 69,219 71,296 73,435 75,638 10 : 47,984 49,424 50,906 52,433 54,006 55,627 57,295 59,014 60,785 62,608 64,486 66,421 68,414 70,466 72,580 74,758 77,000 11 : 48,847 50,312 51,822 53,376 54,978 56,627 58,326 60,076 61,878 63,734 65,646 67,616 69,644 71,733 73,885 76,102 78,385 Pima College, 2012-2013 Academic-year (9-month) faculty annual salary schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 S 43,489 45,663 47,837 50,011 52,185 54,359 56,533 58,707 60,881 63,055 65,229 67,403 69,577 71,751 73,925 S1 45,229 47,403 49,577 51,751 53,925 56,099 58,273 60,447 62,621 64,795 66,969 69,143 71,317 73,491 75,665 M2 46,970 49,144 51,318 53,492 55,666 57,840 60,014 62,188 64,362 66,536 68,710 70,884 73,058 75,232 77,406 M3 48,710 50,884 53,058 55,232 57,406 59,580 61,754 63,928 66,102 68,276 70,450 72,624 74,798 76,972 79,146 M4 50,450 52,624 54,798 56,972 59,146 61,320 63,494 65,668 67,842 70,016 72,190 74,364 76,538 78,712 80,886 D 52,190 54,364 56,538 58,712 60,886 63,060 65,234 67,408 69,582 71,756 73,930 76,104 78,278 80,452 82,626 157 COLLEGES Yavapai College, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 158 BA/BS/ Occupational 38,224 39,787 41,415 43,109 44,874 46,712 48,624 50,617 52,691 54,851 57,099 59,442 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 DOC 41,518 43,217 44,986 46,828 48,746 50,744 52,822 54,987 57,243 59,590 62,035 64,579 43,166 44,933 46,771 48,687 50,683 52,759 54,922 57,175 59,520 61,961 64,505 67,152 44,879 46,715 48,628 50,621 52,696 54,856 57,106 59,447 61,887 64,427 67,071 69,824 46,661 48,570 50,559 52,632 54,789 57,035 59,375 61,811 64,347 66,988 69,739 72,604 48,515 50,499 52,568 54,723 56,967 59,304 61,737 64,270 66,907 69,655 72,515 75,494 50,441 52,505 54,658 56,899 59,232 61,661 64,192 66,828 69,569 72,426 75,400 78,498 PART II – STATISTICS AND ANALYSIS 159 Key Scheduled Salaries Districts Arranged by Size Student Count 66,160 53,732 39,338 38,111 37,148 35,512 33,380 26,781 24,899 24,451 22,243 18,039 17,708 17,441 14,875 14,785 13,960 13,805 12,988 12,959 12,266 11,133 10,633 10,529 10,489 10,240 9,743 9,691 9,382 8,189 7,578 7,548 7,423 7,358 6,745 6,653 6,102 6,084 6,052 School District Mesa Tucson Chandler Gilbert Peoria Deer Valley Paradise Valley Scottsdale Phoenix UHS Dysart Washington Kyrene Cartwright Sunnyside Amphitheater Glendale UHS Alhambra Tempe UHS Marana Glendale Elem Tempe Elem Yuma UHS Vail Litchfield Roosevelt Flagstaff Pendergast Yuma Elem Tolleson UHS Florence Casa Grande Elem Isaac Phoenix Elem Kingman Unif Agua Fria UHS Creighton Crane Avondale Humboldt BA Minimum 36,352 33,949 35,823 35,557 33,891 33,581 35,707 33,779 37,690 32,384 34,000 34,982 34,520 31,929 33,006 33,646 40,100 36,426 30,259 35,574 34,093 30,000 32,500 33,000 36,000 30,943 33,335 35,608 35,000 34,800 35,350 37,000 33,000 28,000 31,047 36,579 29,902 33,791 30,610 MA Minimum 39,289 0 0 37,969 37,252 0 37,805 36,911 38,830 35,025 36,350 37,567 38,760 34,159 34,836 36,069 42,617 38,612 32,234 37,923 36,479 31,800 35,500 36,600 39,000 32,985 35,435 38,408 37,140 37,600 37,968 39,239 35,426 31,300 32,921 0 32,107 35,729 33,610 AEA Research && Development Center 160 Maximum Salary 71,304 75,854 71,833 66,330 67,432 0 0 68,661 75,031 65,380 62,922 0 76,320 0 62,363 66,784 74,624 69,613 0 68,990 0 0 0 75,150 72,000 60,250 68,663 0 47,185 55,400 61,849 69,074 61,751 0 57,922 72,580 56,823 0 62,610 Maximum Salary Lane Heading/Step DOC/22 Step 41 DOC,MA+72/20 DOC,MA+70/22 DOC,MA+72/24 MA+45/32 DOC,MA+60/22 MA+30,BA+64 DOC DOC/27 DOC,MA+72/14 DOC/14 MA+60/19 DOC,MA+60/21 DOC,MA+60 DOC,MA+60 MA+60,BA+100/21 MA+45,BA+90 MA+36,BA+72/21 DOC,MA+48/26 MA+45 DOC MA+24/16 MA+75/19 MA+60/31 MA+60/24 DOC/24 Key Scheduled Salaries Districts Arranged by Size Student Count 6,009 5,970 5,956 5,950 5,911 5,818 5,714 5,448 5,407 5,191 5,183 5,144 5,129 5,124 4,985 4,605 4,430 4,217 4,210 4,140 3,811 3,734 3,668 3,566 3,551 3,344 3,215 3,120 2,945 2,768 2,755 2,711 2,633 2,559 2,547 2,498 2,432 2,398 2,369 School District Maricopa Madison Lake Havasu Sierra Vista Nogales Cave Creek Flowing Wells Queen Creek Prescott Laveen Sahuarita Gadsden Apache Junction Littleton Catalina Foothills Fowler Buckeye Elem Douglas Combs Coolidge Chinle Casa Grande UHS Buckeye UHS Santa Cruz Valley Unif Liberty Bullhead City Safford Osborn Page Somerton Balsz Tolleson Elem Snowflake Payson Window Rock Blue Ridge Chino Valley Colorado River Show Low BA Minimum 33,997 35,700 30,500 28,273 30,391 29,020 30,001 35,206 30,282 36,490 28,873 30,654 33,227 34,067 35,000 34,478 33,300 28,400 34,269 33,366 33,911 31,197 31,683 30,586 33,000 34,200 31,265 35,000 34,382 30,974 37,092 35,710 29,250 32,320 32,445 28,660 27,323 33,600 29,514 MA Minimum 38,263 37,230 32,750 30,814 32,966 31,833 32,071 0 33,090 37,956 0 33,334 36,174 36,404 0 39,734 34,700 32,300 0 36,381 38,914 34,519 34,394 32,040 34,500 35,974 33,354 0 39,888 34,189 38,892 37,444 31,942 0 35,230 0 29,070 35,700 0 Maximum Salary 78,773 67,240 63,500 56,982 59,521 56,958 0 0 54,691 64,645 43,215 53,904 0 61,412 63,000 63,259 0 50,400 73,539 50,451 65,649 68,383 61,105 52,925 0 42,803 52,173 0 68,482 0 74,305 67,604 44,721 61,820 62,697 50,110 0 73,116 50,964 Maximum Salary Lane Heading/Step DOC/30 MA+36 MA+60/37 MA+60/20 MA+45/28 MA+45 EDS,MA45,BA81/15 MA+45/26 Cell 23 DOC,MA+55/24 MA+45 MA/40 DOC,MA+45/20 DOC/30 Cell 79 DOC/20 MA+54/18 DOC60,MA144,BA180/22 DOC/25 MA+45/24 DOC/11 EDS,MA+36/18 DOC/24 DOC,MA+75 DOC/19 MA+36,BA+84/21 Scale 60 DOC,MA+60/25 Cell 41 DOC 40 points AEA Research && Development Center 161 Key Scheduled Salaries Districts Arranged by Size Student Count 2,298 2,290 2,171 2,162 2,118 2,096 2,059 1,892 1,776 1,771 1,759 1,665 1,639 1,575 1,543 1,514 1,461 1,450 1,384 1,312 1,307 1,283 1,264 1,255 1,252 1,227 1,203 1,191 1,132 1,072 1,070 1,056 1,022 1,012 985 970 938 907 899 School District Murphy Winslow Whiteriver Cottonwood-Oak Creek Kayenta Fountain Hills Holbrook Parker Globe Mohave Valley Tuba City Tanque Verde Union Ganado Wickenburg San Carlos Round Valley Camp Verde Thatcher Willcox Toltec Saddle Mountain Sedona-Oak Creek Pinon Mingus Miami Benson Morenci Wilson Eloy Palominas Mammoth-San Manuel Fort Huachuca Red Mesa Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Sanders Bisbee Saint Johns Tombstone BA Minimum 31,613 30,750 30,000 28,648 32,000 31,906 36,000 32,000 32,000 31,501 33,118 30,000 33,830 30,671 31,775 31,432 32,000 32,988 30,223 30,056 30,300 34,675 26,037 33,640 33,777 32,750 31,000 33,600 36,508 31,250 25,414 30,792 32,546 31,200 44,000 31,180 27,000 31,500 26,353 MA Minimum 33,528 33,350 31,600 0 36,016 35,125 40,530 33,420 34,000 33,385 36,478 0 37,213 33,515 33,415 33,270 32,362 36,106 33,290 32,460 33,500 37,375 28,628 36,904 0 0 33,550 35,400 39,928 32,750 27,260 31,882 35,565 32,400 47,000 33,641 29,700 32,725 30,483 AEA Research && Development Center 162 Maximum Salary 61,377 51,100 0 46,662 0 0 53,830 56,140 63,000 65,027 57,457 47,700 63,252 58,832 0 47,000 52,133 63,845 53,830 0 43,100 60,375 48,673 0 57,177 52,850 55,700 55,700 0 47,450 53,521 0 73,427 0 68,000 56,615 0 46,225 49,067 Maximum Salary Lane Heading/Step MA+45 DOC,EDS24,MA60/20 Cell 42 MA+42/15 MA+40/31 DOC,MA+60 EDS,MA+36/25 JD,PHD/22 Cell 60 DOC,MA+60/30 MA+48/19 DOC,MA+60/21 DOC/19 NBC,DOC,EDS/30 MA+48 MA+24,BA+72/17 MA+60/20 MA+60/18 Cell 41 MA/level 19 MA+48/26 DOC,MA+60/28 MA+60 DOC/28 MA+60,BA+105/25 DOC/31 MA+36,BA+72/26 MA+48,BA+84/24 MA+48,BA+96/29 Key Scheduled Salaries Districts Arranged by Size Student Count 845 774 766 693 674 663 577 560 554 543 526 512 510 492 479 477 467 462 456 455 439 434 433 433 425 412 377 360 338 311 310 303 298 287 263 239 227 222 218 School District Nadaburg Riverside Pima Altar Valley Stanfield Williams Continental Ray Oracle Littlefield Fort Thomas Joseph City Heber-Overgaard Palo Verde Gila Bend Sacaton Saint David Superior Colorado City Mayer Ajo Clarkdale-Jerome Bagdad Santa Cruz Valley UHS Duncan Maricopa Regional Hayden-Winkelman Beaver Creek Wellton Cedar Fredonia-Moccasin Antelope Naco Ash Fork Arlington Quartzsite Picacho O'Brien Santa Cruz BA Minimum 36,191 34,563 27,525 30,500 31,915 29,493 29,000 30,901 32,575 28,737 29,140 29,207 29,222 31,282 30,000 39,000 27,759 32,000 23,000 28,000 29,250 30,836 36,000 33,345 28,500 38,250 26,832 26,410 28,115 28,000 30,986 31,620 27,459 37,000 36,000 30,849 33,000 35,684 30,424 MA Minimum 38,395 35,913 27,800 32,345 35,515 0 32,731 32,431 34,151 31,566 31,340 31,392 31,622 35,151 33,713 41,400 30,069 34,050 25,500 0 30,500 33,836 39,000 35,334 30,450 0 29,179 0 29,955 0 0 0 29,290 39,000 38,500 34,968 34,500 45,000 33,924 Maximum Salary 56,466 54,063 49,400 0 53,165 39,250 54,944 44,461 59,371 54,105 49,200 56,397 57,922 52,612 0 57,200 46,817 47,460 54,308 45,500 44,500 52,636 0 60,768 46,700 0 48,280 47,860 44,767 61,150 50,000 51,120 50,930 50,500 49,900 53,366 43,000 0 53,924 Maximum Salary Lane Heading/Step MA+60/16 MA+36/25 DOC,MA+36/35 DOC/31 Cell 22 MA+60/32 MA+30,BA+66/22 MA+45/30 MA+48/17 MA+48/30 MA+48,BA+132/25 MA+36,BA+84/30 MA+30,BA+75/20 DOC,MA+60/22 DOC/25 DOC/25 DOC/25 Cell 39 DOC/17 MA+36/15 DOC,MA+60/23 EDS,MA+48/22 MA+24,BA+66/21 Cell 41 MA+36,BA+72/21 Cell 40 MA+36 Cell 41 MA+60/25 DOC/20 MA+30/20 MA+30/20 MA+24,BA+65/16 MA+40/23 AEA Research && Development Center 163 Key Scheduled Salaries Districts Arranged by Size Student Count 198 189 186 171 162 158 155 153 147 146 130 127 125 124 123 122 117 116 113 111 110 100 95 89 82 79 75 73 60 59 55 46 45 28 21 19 School District Solomonville Peach Springs Canon Concho Morristown Mohawk Valley Aguila Valley Seligman Topock Pine Strawberry Bicentennial Maine Pomerene Elfrida Hyder McNary Clifton Salome Sonoita Vernon Bonita Wenden Pearce Paloma Bowie Patagonia El Patagonia UHS Young Kirkland Yarnell Bouse Ash Creek Sentinel Skull Valley Yucca BA Minimum 29,040 33,840 34,150 28,996 31,000 30,897 33,661 26,500 35,999 30,000 32,163 28,370 31,264 30,300 31,084 32,500 26,592 25,300 28,188 35,556 31,000 32,000 28,229 32,600 33,320 30,500 29,395 29,395 35,634 30,282 30,000 29,500 30,000 30,950 30,282 35,112 MA Minimum 31,042 36,930 36,150 30,871 0 32,712 35,204 29,415 40,693 0 34,752 31,385 34,457 32,650 32,230 34,150 28,138 26,650 30,330 40,510 32,515 33,500 32,829 40,625 35,320 32,357 32,195 32,195 38,994 33,090 33,000 31,450 31,720 32,300 33,090 37,362 AEA Research && Development Center 164 Maximum Salary 45,931 62,165 51,075 53,711 0 49,047 51,792 55,837 51,816 0 54,667 51,726 0 50,650 43,960 48,400 42,561 34,750 50,322 69,063 48,391 57,100 55,557 68,904 44,820 56,640 55,895 55,895 60,194 54,691 46,200 50,650 46,719 48,350 54,691 53,112 Maximum Salary Lane Heading/Step DOC,MA+36/16 DOC/22 MA+36/31 DOC12,MA72,BA108/30 MA+30,BA+70/26 DOC/25 MA+60/25 MA+36/18 MA+60,BA+96/25 MA+48/25 DOC/20 MA+36/19 MA+36/19 MA+36,BA+72/18 MA+30/17 MA+36/26 MA+60/23 MA+48,BA+84/20 EDS,MA+36/35 MA+60/26 MA+36/30 MA+HQ+36 MA+36 DOC/31 DOC/31 MA+48,BA+84/29 EDS,MA45,BA81/15 MA+30/15 MA+36/24 MA+60/17 MA+36/22 EDS,MA45,BA81/15 MA+24/20 COMPARISON OF BA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/193 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. APACHE COUNTY Chinle Concho Ganado McNary Red Mesa Round Valley Saint Johns Sanders Vernon Window Rock 33,911 28,996 30,671 26,592 31,200 32,000 31,500 31,180 31,000 32,445 COUNTY AVERAGE 30,950 51 165 126 186 108 89 101 110 115 83 33,911 28,807 30,671 26,592 31,200 32,000 31,500 31,180 30,700 32,445 0 189 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 30,901 49 0.2% 30,000 30,200 27,000 30,000 28,400 30,983 32,546 27,459 25,414 32,600 30,000 27,759 28,273 26,353 26,500 30,056 0 800 0 500 0 101 0 0 0 0 300 1 0 0 0 0 0.0% 2.6% 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 28,971 106 0.4% COCHISE COUNTY Ash Creek Benson Bisbee Bowie Douglas Elfrida Fort Huachuca Naco Palominas Pearce Pomerene Saint David Sierra Vista Tombstone Valley Willcox 30,000 31,000 27,000 30,500 28,400 31,084 32,546 27,459 25,414 32,600 30,300 27,759 28,273 26,353 26,500 30,056 COUNTY AVERAGE 29,078 148 113 184 131 171 111 80 182 191 78 136 180 173 189 187 142 AEA Research & Development Center 165 COMPARISON OF BA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/193 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Fredonia-Moccasin Maine Page Tuba City Williams 30,943 30,986 31,264 34,382 33,118 29,493 COUNTY AVERAGE 31,698 119 116 105 42 70 154 30,943 30,713 30,651 34,382 30,918 29,493 0 273 613 0 2,200 0 0.0% 0.9% 2.0% 0.0% 7.1% 0.0% 31,183 514 1.6% 32,000 26,832 32,750 32,320 32,163 31,432 35,634 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31,876 0 0.0% 32,000 29,140 28,500 30,665 28,840 30,229 0 0 -975 600 200 -5 0.0% 0.0% -3.4% 2.0% 0.7% 0.0% 29,896 -30 -0.1% 24,300 28,500 1,000 0 4.1% 0.0% 26,400 2,733 10.4% GILA COUNTY Globe Hayden-Winkelman Miami Payson Pine Strawberry San Carlos Young 32,000 26,832 32,750 32,320 32,163 31,432 35,634 COUNTY AVERAGE 31,876 92 185 77 85 86 102 25 GRAHAM COUNTY Bonita Fort Thomas Pima Safford Solomonville Thatcher 32,000 29,140 27,525 31,265 29,040 30,223 COUNTY AVERAGE 29,866 88 161 181 104 162 141 GREENLEE COUNTY Clifton Duncan Morenci 25,300 28,500 33,600 COUNTY AVERAGE 29,133 192 170 62 AEA Research & Development Center 166 COMPARISON OF BA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/193 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. LA PAZ COUNTY Bicentennial Bouse Parker Quartzsite Salome Wenden 28,370 29,500 32,000 30,849 28,188 28,229 COUNTY AVERAGE 29,523 172 153 87 122 175 174 28,937 29,500 32,000 30,849 28,188 28,229 -567 0 0 0 0 0 -2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 29,617 -95 -0.3% 167 AEA Research & Development Center 168 COMPARISON OF BA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/193 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MARICOPA COUNTY Agua Fria UHS Aguila Alhambra Arlington Avondale Balsz Buckeye Elem Buckeye UHS Cartwright Cave Creek Chandler Creighton Deer Valley Dysart Fountain Hills Fowler Gila Bend Gilbert Glendale Elem Glendale UHS Isaac Kyrene Laveen Liberty Litchfield Littleton Madison Maricopa Regional Mesa Morristown Murphy Nadaburg Osborn Palo Verde Paloma Paradise Valley Pendergast Peoria 31,047 33,661 40,100 36,000 33,791 37,092 33,300 31,683 34,520 29,020 35,823 36,579 33,581 32,384 31,906 34,478 30,000 35,557 35,574 33,646 37,000 34,982 36,490 33,000 33,000 34,067 35,700 38,250 36,352 31,000 31,613 36,191 35,000 31,282 33,320 35,707 33,335 33,891 112 58 2 17 55 6 68 97 40 163 20 9 63 84 95 41 144 28 27 59 8 36 11 74 72 47 23 4 13 114 99 14 33 103 67 22 66 52 30,747 33,698 40,100 36,000 33,791 36,161 33,300 31,683 34,520 29,020 35,823 36,579 33,351 32,384 31,906 34,478 30,000 35,380 35,574 33,479 36,136 34,506 36,290 32,000 32,850 33,730 35,700 300 -37 0 0 0 931 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 0 0 0 0 177 0 167 864 476 200 1,000 150 337 0 1.0% -0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 2.4% 1.4% 0.6% 3.1% 0.5% 1.0% 0.0% 35,569 31,000 31,300 34,500 33,919 31,282 32,000 35,474 33,335 33,490 783 0 313 1,691 1,081 0 1,320 233 0 401 2.2% 0.0% 1.0% 4.9% 3.2% 0.0% 4.1% 0.7% 0.0% 1.2% AEA Research & Development Center 169 COMPARISON OF BA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District Phoenix Elem Phoenix UHS Queen Creek Riverside Roosevelt Saddle Mountain Scottsdale Sentinel Tempe Elem Tempe UHS Tolleson Elem Tolleson UHS Union Washington Wickenburg Wilson COUNTY AVERAGE 2012-13 33,000 37,690 35,206 34,563 36,000 34,675 33,779 30,950 34,093 36,426 35,710 35,000 33,830 34,000 31,775 36,508 2012-13 Rank/193 75 5 31 39 15 38 56 118 46 12 21 35 54 48 96 10 2011-12 32,039 37,317 34,600 34,563 36,000 34,675 33,779 30,950 34,093 36,426 35,710 35,000 33,830 34,000 31,000 34,250 34,317 Change Amt. 961 373 606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 775 2,258 Change Perc. 3.0% 1.0% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 6.6% 33,939 378 1.1% 34,200 23,000 33,600 28,000 30,500 28,337 31,501 33,840 30,000 34,593 0 0 0 0 0 400 0 0 0 519 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 30,757 92 0.3% MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Colorado City Colorado River Kingman Unif Lake Havasu Littlefield Mohave Valley Peach Springs Topock Yucca 34,200 23,000 33,600 28,000 30,500 28,737 31,501 33,840 30,000 35,112 COUNTY AVERAGE 30,849 44 193 61 178 130 167 100 53 150 32 AEA Research & Development Center 170 COMPARISON OF BA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/193 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. NAVAJO COUNTY Blue Ridge Cedar Heber-Overgaard Holbrook Joseph City Kayenta Pinon Show Low Snowflake Whiteriver Winslow 28,660 28,000 29,222 36,000 29,207 32,000 33,640 29,514 29,250 30,000 30,750 COUNTY AVERAGE 30,568 168 179 159 18 160 90 60 152 158 149 125 28,660 28,000 29,072 35,000 28,634 32,000 33,640 29,514 28,500 30,000 30,750 0 0 150 1,000 573 0 0 0 750 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 2.9% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 30,343 225 0.7% 30,000 28,839 31,855 34,000 28,392 28,651 40,000 29,536 28,587 31,929 28,684 33,949 32,000 -750 1,661 1,151 1,000 608 1,350 4,000 723 286 0 1,316 0 500 -2.5% 5.8% 3.6% 2.9% 2.1% 4.7% 10.0% 2.4% 1.0% 0.0% 4.6% 0.0% 1.6% 31,263 911 2.9% PIMA COUNTY Ajo Altar Valley Amphitheater Catalina Foothills Continental Flowing Wells Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Marana Sahuarita Sunnyside Tanque Verde Tucson Vail 29,250 30,500 33,006 35,000 29,000 30,001 44,000 30,259 28,873 31,929 30,000 33,949 32,500 COUNTY AVERAGE 32,174 157 132 71 34 164 143 1 140 166 93 146 50 81 AEA Research & Development Center 171 COMPARISON OF BA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/193 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. PINAL COUNTY Apache Junction Casa Grande Elem Casa Grande UHS Combs Coolidge Eloy Florence Mammoth-San Manuel Maricopa O'Brien Oracle Picacho Ray Sacaton Santa Cruz Valley UHS Stanfield Superior Toltec 33,227 35,350 31,197 34,269 33,366 31,250 34,800 30,792 33,997 35,684 32,575 33,000 30,901 39,000 33,345 31,915 32,000 30,300 COUNTY AVERAGE 33,165 69 30 109 43 64 106 37 124 49 24 79 73 120 3 65 94 91 135 32,575 35,350 31,197 34,269 33,366 31,250 34,800 30,792 33,330 35,000 30,731 33,000 30,901 37,000 33,345 31,915 32,000 30,300 652 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 684 1,844 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 2.0% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 32,840 325 1.0% 29,500 29,395 29,395 29,827 30,586 35,556 891 0 0 597 0 0 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 30,710 248 0.8% SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Nogales Patagonia El Patagonia UHS Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Valley Unif Sonoita 30,391 29,395 29,395 30,424 30,586 35,556 COUNTY AVERAGE 30,958 134 155 156 133 129 29 AEA Research & Development Center 172 COMPARISON OF BA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/193 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. YAVAPAI COUNTY Ash Fork Bagdad Beaver Creek Camp Verde Canon Chino Valley Clarkdale-Jerome Cottonwood-Oak Creek Humboldt Kirkland Mayer Mingus Prescott Sedona-Oak Creek Seligman Skull Valley Yarnell 37,000 36,000 26,410 32,988 34,150 27,323 30,836 28,648 30,610 30,282 28,000 33,777 30,282 26,037 35,999 30,282 30,000 COUNTY AVERAGE 31,096 7 16 188 76 45 183 123 169 128 139 177 57 137 190 19 138 145 37,000 35,000 26,410 32,988 34,150 27,053 30,636 27,814 30,610 30,282 28,000 32,794 30,282 26,037 35,999 30,282 30,000 0 1,000 0 0 0 270 200 834 0 0 0 983 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.7% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 30,902 193 0.6% 31,620 29,134 30,654 32,500 30,897 30,974 28,115 33,788 30,000 0 768 0 0 0 0 0 1,820 0 0.0% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.4% 0.0% 30,854 288 0.9% 31,250 0 0.0% 31,681 292 0.9% YUMA COUNTY Antelope Crane Gadsden Hyder Mohawk Valley Somerton Wellton Yuma Elem Yuma UHS 31,620 29,902 30,654 32,500 30,897 30,974 28,115 35,608 30,000 COUNTY AVERAGE 31,141 Arizona Sch Deaf & Blind 31,250 STATE AVERAGE 31,973 98 151 127 82 121 117 176 26 147 107 AEA Research & Development Center 173 COMPARISON OF MA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/168 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. APACHE COUNTY Chinle Concho Ganado McNary Red Mesa Round Valley Saint Johns Sanders Vernon Window Rock 38,914 30,871 33,515 28,755 32,400 32,362 32,725 33,641 32,515 35,230 COUNTY AVERAGE 33,093 18 150 98 163 125 126 117 94 122 68 38,914 30,682 33,515 28,755 32,400 32,362 32,725 33,641 32,215 35,230 0 189 0 0 0 0 0 1 300 0 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 0.0% 33,044 49 0.1% 31,720 32,750 29,380 31,826 32,300 32,532 35,565 29,290 27,260 40,625 32,250 30,069 30,814 30,483 29,415 32,460 0 800 320 531 0 101 0 0 0 0 400 1 0 0 0 0 0.0% 2.4% 1.1% 1.7% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31,796 135 0.4% COCHISE COUNTY Ash Creek Benson Bisbee Bowie Douglas Elfrida Fort Huachuca Naco Palominas Pearce Pomerene Saint David Sierra Vista Tombstone Valley Willcox 31,720 33,550 29,700 32,357 32,300 32,633 35,565 29,290 27,260 40,625 32,650 30,069 30,814 30,483 29,415 32,460 COUNTY AVERAGE 31,931 140 96 158 127 129 120 61 160 166 6 119 156 151 153 159 123 AEA Research & Development Center 174 COMPARISON OF MA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/168 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Maine Page Tuba City 32,985 34,457 39,888 36,478 COUNTY AVERAGE 35,952 110 80 10 46 32,985 33,781 39,888 34,278 0 676 0 2,200 0.0% 2.0% 0.0% 6.4% 35,233 719 2.0% 34,000 29,179 34,752 33,270 38,994 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 34,039 0 0.0% 33,500 31,340 30,000 33,365 30,842 34,269 0 0 -1,275 654 200 -5 0.0% 0.0% -4.3% 2.0% 0.6% 0.0% 32,219 -71 -0.2% 25,650 30,450 1,000 0 3.9% 0.0% 28,050 2,783 9.9% GILA COUNTY Globe Hayden-Winkelman Pine Strawberry San Carlos Young 34,000 29,179 34,752 33,270 38,994 COUNTY AVERAGE 34,039 89 161 74 105 17 GRAHAM COUNTY Bonita Fort Thomas Pima Safford Solomonville Thatcher 33,500 31,340 28,725 34,019 31,042 34,263 COUNTY AVERAGE 32,148 100 147 164 88 149 82 GREENLEE COUNTY Clifton Duncan Morenci 26,650 30,450 35,400 COUNTY AVERAGE 30,833 167 154 66 AEA Research & Development Center 175 COMPARISON OF MA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/168 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. LA PAZ COUNTY Bicentennial Bouse Parker Quartzsite Salome Wenden 31,385 31,450 33,420 34,968 30,330 32,829 COUNTY AVERAGE 32,397 176 146 144 101 72 155 113 30,708 31,450 33,420 34,968 30,330 32,829 677 0 0 0 0 0 2.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 32,284 113 0.3% AEA Research & Development Center 177 COMPARISON OF MA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/168 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MARICOPA COUNTY Agua Fria UHS Aguila Alhambra Arlington Avondale Balsz Buckeye Elem Buckeye UHS Cartwright Cave Creek Dysart Fountain Hills Fowler Gila Bend Gilbert Glendale Elem Glendale UHS Isaac Kyrene Laveen Liberty Litchfield Littleton Madison Mesa Murphy Nadaburg Palo Verde Paloma Paradise Valley Pendergast Peoria Phoenix Elem Phoenix UHS Riverside Roosevelt Saddle Mountain Scottsdale 32,921 35,949 42,617 38,500 35,729 38,892 34,700 34,394 38,760 31,833 35,025 35,125 39,734 33,713 37,969 37,923 36,069 39,239 37,567 37,956 34,500 36,600 36,404 37,230 39,289 33,528 38,395 35,151 35,320 37,805 35,435 37,252 35,426 38,830 35,913 39,000 37,375 36,911 112 57 3 23 59 19 75 81 21 138 71 70 11 93 27 30 53 13 33 29 78 44 47 38 12 97 25 69 67 31 64 37 65 20 58 15 35 42 AEA Research & Development Center 178 32,921 35,986 42,617 38,500 35,729 37,961 34,700 34,394 38,730 31,833 35,025 35,125 39,734 33,713 37,780 37,923 35,890 38,370 37,056 37,756 33,500 36,450 36,044 37,230 38,443 33,196 36,601 35,151 34,000 37,562 35,435 36,809 34,394 38,446 35,913 39,000 37,375 36,911 0 -37 0 0 0 931 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 189 0 179 869 511 200 1,000 150 360 0 846 332 1,794 0 1,320 243 0 443 1,032 384 0 0 0 0 0.0% -0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 2.3% 1.4% 0.5% 3.0% 0.4% 1.0% 0.0% 2.2% 1.0% 4.9% 0.0% 3.9% 0.6% 0.0% 1.2% 3.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% COMPARISON OF MA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District Sentinel Tempe Elem Tempe UHS Tolleson Elem Tolleson UHS Union Washington Wickenburg Wilson COUNTY AVERAGE 2012-13 32,300 36,479 38,612 37,444 37,140 37,213 36,350 33,415 39,928 2012-13 Rank/168 130 45 22 34 40 39 49 102 9 2011-12 32,300 36,479 38,612 37,444 37,140 37,213 36,350 32,600 37,670 36,678 Change Amt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 815 2,258 Change Perc. 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 6.0% 36,340 338 0.9% 35,974 27,265 35,700 31,300 32,750 31,166 33,885 36,930 36,843 0 -765 0 0 0 400 0 0 519 0.0% -2.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.3% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 33,535 17 0.1% 31,472 39,530 30,776 36,016 36,904 31,192 31,600 33,350 150 1,000 616 0 0 750 0 0 0.5% 2.5% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.4% 0.0% 0.0% 33,855 315 0.9% MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Colorado City Colorado River Kingman Unif Lake Havasu Littlefield Mohave Valley Peach Springs Yucca 35,974 26,500 35,700 31,300 32,750 31,566 33,885 36,930 37,362 COUNTY AVERAGE 33,552 56 168 60 148 115 143 91 41 36 NAVAJO COUNTY Heber-Overgaard Holbrook Joseph City Kayenta Pinon Snowflake Whiteriver Winslow 31,622 40,530 31,392 36,016 36,904 31,942 31,600 33,350 COUNTY AVERAGE 34,170 141 7 145 55 43 136 142 103 AEA Research & Development Center 179 COMPARISON OF MA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/168 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. PIMA COUNTY Ajo Altar Valley Amphitheater Continental Flowing Wells Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Marana Sunnyside Vail 30,500 32,345 34,836 32,731 32,071 47,000 32,234 34,159 35,500 COUNTY AVERAGE 34,597 152 128 73 116 135 1 131 84 63 31,250 30,684 33,622 32,123 30,721 42,905 31,511 34,159 35,000 -750 1,661 1,214 608 1,350 4,095 723 0 500 -2.4% 5.4% 3.6% 1.9% 4.4% 9.5% 2.3% 0.0% 1.4% 33,420 1,178 3.5% 35,465 37,968 34,519 38,381 32,750 37,600 31,882 37,513 45,000 32,218 34,500 32,431 39,400 36,059 35,515 34,050 33,500 709 0 0 -2,000 0 0 0 750 684 1,933 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% -5.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 1.5% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 35,809 240 0.7% PINAL COUNTY Apache Junction Casa Grande Elem Casa Grande UHS Coolidge Eloy Florence Mammoth-San Manuel Maricopa O'Brien Oracle Picacho Ray Sacaton Santa Cruz Valley UHS Stanfield Superior Toltec 36,174 37,968 34,519 36,381 32,750 37,600 31,882 38,263 45,684 34,151 34,500 32,431 41,400 36,059 35,515 34,050 33,500 COUNTY AVERAGE 36,049 50 28 76 48 114 32 137 26 2 85 77 124 4 54 62 87 99 AEA Research & Development Center 180 COMPARISON OF MA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/168 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Nogales Patagonia El Patagonia UHS Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Valley Unif Sonoita 32,966 32,195 32,195 33,924 32,626 40,510 COUNTY AVERAGE 34,069 111 133 132 90 121 8 32,000 32,195 32,195 33,574 32,626 40,510 966 0 0 350 0 0 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 33,850 219 0.6% 39,000 38,000 36,106 36,150 28,782 33,636 33,610 33,090 33,090 28,628 40,693 33,090 33,000 0 1,000 0 0 288 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 34,494 -5 0.0% 31,282 33,334 34,150 32,712 34,189 29,955 36,588 31,800 825 0 0 0 0 0 1,820 0 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 33,001 331 1.0% YAVAPAI COUNTY Ash Fork Bagdad Camp Verde Canon Chino Valley Clarkdale-Jerome Humboldt Kirkland Prescott Sedona-Oak Creek Seligman Skull Valley Yarnell 39,000 39,000 36,106 36,150 29,070 33,836 33,610 33,090 33,090 28,628 40,693 33,090 33,000 COUNTY AVERAGE 34,489 16 14 52 51 162 92 95 106 108 165 5 107 109 YUMA COUNTY Crane Gadsden Hyder Mohawk Valley Somerton Wellton Yuma Elem Yuma UHS 32,107 33,334 34,150 32,712 34,189 29,955 38,408 31,800 COUNTY AVERAGE 33,332 134 104 86 118 83 157 24 139 AEA Research & Development Center 181 COMPARISON OF MA MINIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 Arizona Sch Deaf & Blind 34,479 STATE AVERAGE 34,601 2012-13 Rank/168 2011-12 79 AEA Research & Development Center 182 Change Amt. Change Perc. 34,479 0 0.0% 34,363 237 0.7% COMPARISON OF MA STEP 10, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/120 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. APACHE COUNTY Chinle Concho Ganado McNary Round Valley Saint Johns Sanders Vernon Window Rock 48,598 35,776 41,855 35,245 39,642 37,225 41,025 37,978 42,401 COUNTY AVERAGE 39,972 10 110 51 114 72 99 57 90 46 48,598 35,587 41,855 35,245 39,642 37,225 41,025 37,678 42,401 0 189 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 39,917 54 0.1% 40,569 39,500 35,900 37,695 46,404 36,490 32,878 50,525 39,000 35,267 40,878 35,129 35,154 0 800 0 101 0 0 0 0 400 1 0 0 0 0.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 38,607 369 1.0% 41,196 47,799 40,389 -1,006 0 2,200 -2.4% 0.0% 5.4% 43,128 398 0.9% COCHISE COUNTY Ash Creek Benson Douglas Elfrida Fort Huachuca Naco Palominas Pearce Pomerene Saint David Sierra Vista Tombstone Valley 40,569 40,300 35,900 37,797 46,404 36,490 32,878 50,525 39,400 35,267 40,878 35,129 35,154 COUNTY AVERAGE 38,976 63 65 109 93 16 105 119 5 75 113 59 116 115 COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Page Tuba City 40,190 47,799 42,589 COUNTY AVERAGE 43,526 67 12 44 AEA Research & Development Center 183 COMPARISON OF MA STEP 10, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/120 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. GILA COUNTY Hayden-Winkelman Pine Strawberry San Carlos Young 36,343 40,602 38,424 44,574 COUNTY AVERAGE 39,986 106 62 84 24 36,343 40,602 38,424 44,574 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 39,059 927 2.4% 39,350 36,200 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 42,815 37,168 843 200 2.0% 0.5% 38,860 -720 -1.9% 30,000 36,300 700 0 2.3% 0.0% 33,150 2,783 8.4% 37,691 37,900 39,810 42,382 36,756 39,129 166 0 0 0 0 0 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 38,945 28 0.1% GRAHAM COUNTY Bonita Fort Thomas Pima Safford Solomonville 39,350 36,200 34,125 43,658 37,368 COUNTY AVERAGE 38,140 76 108 118 29 97 GREENLEE COUNTY Clifton Duncan Morenci 30,700 36,300 40,800 COUNTY AVERAGE 35,933 120 107 60 LA PAZ COUNTY Bicentennial Bouse Parker Quartzsite Salome Wenden 37,857 37,900 39,810 42,382 36,756 39,129 COUNTY AVERAGE 38,972 92 91 71 47 104 79 AEA Research & Development Center 184 COMPARISON OF MA STEP 10, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/120 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MARICOPA COUNTY Agua Fria UHS Aguila Alhambra Arlington Buckeye UHS Dysart Fowler Gilbert Glendale Elem Glendale UHS Laveen Mesa Nadaburg Palo Verde Paloma Peoria Phoenix Elem Phoenix UHS Riverside Saddle Mountain Scottsdale Sentinel Tempe UHS Tolleson Elem Tolleson UHS Union 42,704 41,097 58,023 43,900 42,528 42,791 48,248 43,320 45,381 53,822 45,322 49,272 45,886 41,094 39,820 46,615 49,454 53,724 41,763 45,475 44,112 37,250 48,910 44,726 40,419 42,749 COUNTY AVERAGE 45,323 41 55 1 28 45 39 11 31 21 2 22 8 18 56 70 15 7 3 52 20 26 98 9 23 64 40 42,704 41,134 58,023 43,900 42,528 42,791 48,248 43,104 45,991 53,554 45,122 48,211 43,742 41,094 38,500 46,061 0 -37 0 0 0 0 0 216 -610 268 200 1,061 2,144 0 1,320 554 0.0% -0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% -1.3% 0.5% 0.4% 2.2% 4.9% 0.0% 3.4% 1.2% 53,193 41,763 45,475 44,112 37,250 48,910 44,726 531 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 42,749 0 0.0% 44,971 352 0.8% AEA Research & Development Center 185 COMPARISON OF MA STEP 10, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/120 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Colorado City Colorado River Lake Havasu Littlefield Mohave Valley Peach Springs Yucca 39,344 34,272 42,000 39,500 42,637 42,193 46,200 44,112 COUNTY AVERAGE 41,282 77 117 49 73 42 48 17 27 39,344 34,272 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 39,500 42,237 42,193 46,200 0 400 0 0 0.0% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 40,624 658 1.6% 36,872 45,830 36,641 36,034 39,500 150 1,000 733 750 0 0.4% 2.2% 2.0% 2.1% 0.0% 38,975 527 1.4% 36,250 39,869 37,523 48,916 -750 1,440 0 3,484 -2.1% 3.6% 0.0% 7.1% 40,640 1,044 2.6% NAVAJO COUNTY Heber-Overgaard Holbrook Joseph City Snowflake Winslow 37,022 46,830 37,374 36,784 39,500 COUNTY AVERAGE 39,502 100 13 96 103 74 PIMA COUNTY Ajo Amphitheater Continental Indian Oasis-Baboquivari 35,500 41,309 37,523 52,400 COUNTY AVERAGE 41,683 112 53 94 4 AEA Research & Development Center 186 COMPARISON OF MA STEP 10, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/120 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. PINAL COUNTY Casa Grande UHS Coolidge Florence Maricopa Oracle Picacho Ray Sacaton Santa Cruz Valley UHS Stanfield Superior Toltec 43,272 40,904 43,000 45,729 41,243 39,000 36,931 46,800 42,952 40,015 38,100 38,000 COUNTY AVERAGE 41,329 32 58 37 19 54 81 102 14 38 68 87 89 43,272 40,904 43,000 44,832 38,909 39,000 36,931 44,800 42,952 40,015 38,100 38,000 0 0 0 897 2,334 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 41,008 321 0.8% 38,188 38,795 38,795 39,874 38,026 49,510 1,153 0 0 800 0 0 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 40,531 326 0.8% SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Nogales Patagonia El Patagonia UHS Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Valley Unif Sonoita 39,341 38,795 38,795 40,674 38,026 49,510 COUNTY AVERAGE 40,857 78 82 83 61 88 6 AEA Research & Development Center 187 COMPARISON OF MA STEP 10, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/120 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. YAVAPAI COUNTY Ash Fork Camp Verde Canon Clarkdale-Jerome Humboldt Kirkland Prescott Sedona-Oak Creek Seligman Skull Valley Yarnell 43,500 41,969 40,200 43,036 42,610 43,174 43,174 36,954 44,451 43,174 38,400 COUNTY AVERAGE 41,877 30 50 66 36 43 33 35 101 25 34 85 43,500 41,969 40,200 42,836 42,610 43,174 43,174 36,954 44,451 43,174 38,400 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 41,945 -68 -0.2% 36,435 39,914 39,100 38,157 35,521 961 0 0 0 0 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% YUMA COUNTY Crane Gadsden Hyder Mohawk Valley Wellton 37,396 39,914 39,100 38,157 35,521 95 69 80 86 111 COUNTY AVERAGE 38,018 38,271 -254 -0.7% STATE AVERAGE 41,283 41,066 217 0.5% AEA Research & Development Center 188 COMPARISON OF MA MAXIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/138 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. APACHE COUNTY Chinle Concho Ganado McNary Round Valley Saint Johns Sanders Vernon Window Rock 54,984 39,046 52,271 39,572 43,686 44,225 50,051 41,013 57,741 COUNTY AVERAGE 46,954 25 133 40 129 102 98 56 124 17 54,984 38,857 52,271 39,572 43,686 44,225 50,051 38,285 57,741 0 189 0 0 0 0 1 2,728 0 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.1% 0.0% 46,630 324 0.7% 44,369 51,500 42,801 0 800 4,719 0.0% 1.6% 11.0% 43,900 38,728 52,227 42,090 42,567 52,725 46,500 43,929 53,315 38,743 47,312 0 101 0 0 0 8,000 400 1 0 0 0 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 15.2% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 45,765 796 1.7% 48,969 41,713 60,586 46,500 0 273 0 2,200 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% 4.7% 49,442 618 1.3% COCHISE COUNTY Ash Creek Benson Bisbee Bowie Douglas Elfrida Fort Huachuca Naco Palominas Pearce Pomerene Saint David Sierra Vista Tombstone Valley 44,369 52,300 47,520 43,682 43,900 38,829 52,227 42,090 42,567 60,725 46,900 43,929 53,315 38,743 47,312 COUNTY AVERAGE 46,561 97 39 72 103 100 135 41 118 116 9 78 99 32 136 73 COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Fredonia-Moccasin Page Tuba City 48,969 41,986 60,586 48,700 COUNTY AVERAGE 50,060 63 119 10 66 AEA Research & Development Center 189 COMPARISON OF MA MAXIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/138 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. GILA COUNTY Globe Hayden-Winkelman Pine Strawberry San Carlos Young 41,650 43,505 47,752 43,000 52,014 COUNTY AVERAGE 45,584 121 105 70 110 42 41,650 43,505 47,752 42,000 52,014 0 0 0 1,000 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.4% 0.0% 45,384 200 0.4% 49,100 45,380 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 44,915 38,800 44,769 885 200 -5 2.0% 0.5% 0.0% 44,593 -65 -0.1% 31,950 39,550 1,000 0 3.1% 0.0% 35,750 2,617 7.3% 42,996 48,400 54,720 46,501 48,180 50,329 -1,622 0 0 0 0 0 -3.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 48,521 -270 -0.6% GRAHAM COUNTY Bonita Fort Thomas Pima Safford Solomonville Thatcher 49,100 45,380 43,125 45,800 39,000 44,763 COUNTY AVERAGE 44,528 62 89 108 88 134 92 GREENLEE COUNTY Clifton Duncan Morenci 32,950 39,550 42,600 COUNTY AVERAGE 38,367 138 130 115 LA PAZ COUNTY Bicentennial Bouse Parker Quartzsite Salome Wenden 41,374 48,400 54,720 46,501 48,180 50,329 COUNTY AVERAGE 48,251 123 67 26 83 69 55 AEA Research & Development Center 190 COMPARISON OF MA MAXIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/138 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MARICOPA COUNTY Agua Fria UHS Aguila Alhambra Arlington Balsz Buckeye UHS Cartwright Dysart Fowler Gilbert Glendale Elem Glendale UHS Isaac Laveen Litchfield Littleton Madison Mesa Murphy Nadaburg Palo Verde Paloma Pendergast Peoria Phoenix Elem Phoenix UHS Riverside Roosevelt Saddle Mountain Scottsdale Sentinel Tempe UHS Tolleson Elem Tolleson UHS Union Washington 45,965 49,677 59,734 48,900 61,000 51,564 63,420 44,738 57,899 46,463 46,515 61,712 57,881 60,928 54,150 52,526 49,380 55,926 48,891 47,739 47,303 42,820 50,709 46,615 54,601 59,923 48,263 55,000 54,475 57,473 40,550 52,921 50,457 43,689 47,054 49,749 COUNTY AVERAGE 51,850 87 58 13 64 7 45 4 93 15 84 82 5 16 8 30 38 60 22 65 71 74 113 50 79 27 12 68 24 28 18 126 35 53 101 76 57 45,965 49,714 59,734 48,900 60,069 51,564 0 -37 0 0 931 0 0.0% -0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% 44,738 57,899 46,232 45,991 61,405 56,828 60,728 0 0 231 524 307 1,053 200 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 1.1% 0.5% 1.9% 0.3% 52,006 47,940 54,722 48,407 45,509 47,303 41,000 48,623 46,061 520 1,440 1,204 484 2,230 0 1,820 2,086 554 1.0% 3.0% 2.2% 1.0% 4.9% 0.0% 4.4% 4.3% 1.2% 59,330 48,263 55,000 54,475 57,473 40,550 52,921 50,457 593 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 47,054 0 0.0% 51,033 817 1.6% AEA Research & Development Center 191 COMPARISON OF MA MAXIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/138 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Colorado City Colorado River Lake Havasu Littlefield Mohave Valley Peach Springs Yucca 39,738 46,415 52,806 61,250 46,327 51,299 49,290 51,612 COUNTY AVERAGE 49,842 128 85 36 6 86 48 61 43 39,738 38,448 53,806 59,000 45,927 51,299 49,290 0 7,967 -1,000 2,250 400 0 0 0.0% 20.7% -1.9% 3.8% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 48,215 1,627 3.4% 54,972 57,030 52,721 41,952 47,000 1,150 -6,700 1,054 750 0 2.1% -11.7% 2.0% 1.8% 0.0% 50,735 -749 -1.5% 41,250 55,308 46,523 55,237 -750 1,998 0 9,763 -1.8% 3.6% 0.0% 17.7% 49,580 2,753 5.6% NAVAJO COUNTY Heber-Overgaard Holbrook Joseph City Snowflake Winslow 56,122 50,330 53,775 42,702 47,000 COUNTY AVERAGE 49,986 21 54 31 114 77 PIMA COUNTY Ajo Amphitheater Continental Indian Oasis-Baboquivari 40,500 57,306 46,523 65,000 COUNTY AVERAGE 52,332 127 19 81 3 AEA Research & Development Center 192 COMPARISON OF MA MAXIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/138 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. PINAL COUNTY Casa Grande Elem Casa Grande UHS Coolidge Eloy Florence Maricopa Oracle Picacho Ray Sacaton Santa Cruz Valley UHS Stanfield Superior Toltec 54,304 47,191 44,924 43,250 52,600 67,950 53,064 41,000 41,931 51,600 55,350 50,915 44,850 41,500 COUNTY AVERAGE 49,316 29 75 90 107 37 1 33 125 120 44 23 49 91 122 54,304 47,191 44,924 43,250 52,600 66,618 50,061 41,000 41,931 49,600 55,350 50,915 44,850 41,500 0 0 0 0 0 1,332 3,003 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 48,546 770 1.6% 54,607 51,395 51,395 40,890 39,226 60,510 1,649 0 0 2,034 0 0 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 49,671 614 1.2% SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Nogales Patagonia El Patagonia UHS Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Valley Unif Sonoita 56,256 51,395 51,395 42,924 39,226 60,510 COUNTY AVERAGE 50,284 20 46 47 112 131 11 AEA Research & Development Center 193 COMPARISON OF MA MAXIMUMS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/138 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. YAVAPAI COUNTY Ash Fork Camp Verde Canon Clarkdale-Jerome Humboldt Kirkland Prescott Sedona-Oak Creek Seligman Skull Valley Yarnell 50,500 58,772 49,650 43,036 50,610 44,469 44,469 43,430 46,539 44,469 39,200 COUNTY AVERAGE 46,831 52 14 59 109 51 96 95 106 80 94 132 48,500 58,772 49,650 42,836 50,610 44,469 44,469 43,430 46,539 44,469 39,200 2,000 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 46,824 7 0.0% 51,582 42,194 42,950 43,602 37,994 1,360 0 0 0 0 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 44,637 -701 -1.6% 67,673 0 0.0% 48,308 534 1.1% YUMA COUNTY Crane Gadsden Hyder Mohawk Valley Wellton 52,942 42,194 42,950 43,602 37,994 COUNTY AVERAGE 43,936 Arizona Sch Deaf & Blind 67,673 STATE AVERAGE 48,842 34 117 111 104 137 2 AEA Research & Development Center 194 COMPARISON OF MAXIMUM SCHEDULE SALARIES, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (For Maximum Salary Lane/Step changes, see Seven Year Salary Trend Data) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/156 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. APACHE COUNTY Chinle Concho Ganado McNary Round Valley Saint Johns Sanders Vernon Window Rock 65,649 53,711 58,832 43,178 52,133 46,225 56,615 48,391 62,697 COUNTY AVERAGE 54,159 31 93 59 151 104 140 70 127 42 65,649 53,522 58,832 43,178 52,133 46,225 56,615 47,383 62,697 0 189 0 0 0 0 1 1,008 0 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 54,026 133 0.2% 46,719 54,900 0 800 0.0% 1.5% 50,400 44,408 73,427 50,930 53,521 60,904 50,250 46,817 56,982 49,067 55,837 0 101 0 0 0 8,000 400 1 0 0 0 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.1% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 52,791 1,502 2.8% 60,250 50,713 68,482 55,257 0 273 0 2,200 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 4.0% 58,676 -3,242 -5.5% COCHISE COUNTY Ash Creek Benson Bowie Douglas Elfrida Fort Huachuca Naco Palominas Pearce Pomerene Saint David Sierra Vista Tombstone Valley 46,719 55,700 56,640 50,400 44,510 73,427 50,930 53,521 68,904 50,650 46,817 56,982 49,067 55,837 COUNTY AVERAGE 54,293 137 77 69 117 147 10 112 94 20 114 136 66 123 76 COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Fredonia-Moccasin Page Tuba City Williams 60,250 50,986 68,482 57,457 39,993 COUNTY AVERAGE 55,434 55 110 23 62 155 AEA Research & Development Center 195 COMPARISON OF MAXIMUM SCHEDULE SALARIES, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (For Maximum Salary Lane/Step changes, see Seven Year Salary Trend Data) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/156 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. GILA COUNTY Globe Hayden-Winkelman Miami Payson Pine Strawberry San Carlos Young 63,000 48,280 52,850 61,820 54,667 47,000 60,194 COUNTY AVERAGE 55,402 39 129 99 47 87 135 56 63,000 48,280 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 61,820 54,667 46,206 60,194 0 0 794 0 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 55,695 -293 -0.5% 57,100 49,200 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 50,765 45,731 54,809 2,073 200 -5 4.1% 0.4% 0.0% 51,521 179 0.3% 33,750 46,700 1,000 0 3.0% 0.0% 40,225 5,492 13.7% 55,619 50,650 56,140 53,366 50,322 55,557 -3,893 0 0 0 0 0 -7.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 53,609 -649 -1.2% GRAHAM COUNTY Bonita Fort Thomas Pima Safford Solomonville Thatcher 57,100 49,200 50,325 52,838 45,931 54,803 COUNTY AVERAGE 51,700 65 122 118 100 142 83 GREENLEE COUNTY Clifton Duncan Morenci 34,750 46,700 55,700 COUNTY AVERAGE 45,717 156 138 78 LA PAZ COUNTY Bicentennial Bouse Parker Quartzsite Salome Wenden 51,726 50,650 56,140 53,366 50,322 55,557 COUNTY AVERAGE 52,960 106 113 73 96 119 79 AEA Research & Development Center 196 COMPARISON OF MAXIMUM SCHEDULE SALARIES, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (For Maximum Salary Lane/Step changes, see Seven Year Salary Trend Data) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/156 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MARICOPA COUNTY Agua Fria UHS Aguila Alhambra Arlington Balsz Buckeye UHS Cartwright Cave Creek Chandler Creighton Dysart Fowler Gilbert Glendale Elem Glendale UHS Isaac Laveen Litchfield Littleton Madison Mesa Murphy Nadaburg Palo Verde Paloma Pendergast Peoria Phoenix Elem Phoenix UHS Riverside Roosevelt Saddle Mountain Scottsdale Sentinel Tempe UHS Tolleson Elem Tolleson UHS Union 57,922 52,537 74,624 49,900 74,305 61,105 76,320 56,958 71,833 72,580 65,380 63,259 66,330 68,990 66,784 69,074 64,645 75,150 61,412 67,240 71,304 61,377 56,466 52,612 44,820 68,663 67,432 61,751 75,031 54,063 72,000 60,375 68,661 48,350 69,613 67,604 47,185 63,252 60 103 7 121 8 53 3 67 14 12 33 37 30 19 29 17 34 5 50 28 15 51 71 102 144 21 27 48 6 89 13 54 22 128 16 26 134 38 57,922 52,574 74,624 49,900 73,374 61,105 0 -37 0 0 931 0 0.0% -0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 1.3% 0.0% 56,958 71,122 0 711 0.0% 1.0% 65,380 63,259 66,000 68,212 66,452 67,910 64,445 0 0 330 778 332 1,164 200 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 1.1% 0.5% 1.7% 0.3% 60,804 65,280 69,769 60,769 53,828 52,612 43,000 64,760 66,628 608 1,960 1,535 608 2,638 0 1,820 3,903 804 1.0% 3.0% 2.2% 1.0% 4.9% 0.0% 4.2% 6.0% 1.2% 70,349 54,063 72,000 60,375 68,661 48,350 69,613 67,604 4,682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 63,252 0 0.0% AEA Research & Development Center 197 COMPARISON OF MAXIMUM SCHEDULE SALARIES, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (For Maximum Salary Lane/Step changes, see Seven Year Salary Trend Data) School District Washington COUNTY AVERAGE 2012-13 62,922 2012-13 Rank/156 41 2011-12 62,922 63,842 Change Amt. 0 Change Perc. 0.0% 63,306 536 0.8% 42,803 46,181 73,116 62,750 53,705 65,527 62,165 0 9,127 0 750 400 0 0 0.0% 19.8% 0.0% 1.2% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 58,035 669 1.2% 61,150 57,772 64,590 55,291 50,964 43,971 51,100 0 150 -10,760 1,106 0 750 0 0.0% 0.3% -16.7% 2.0% 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 54,977 -1,703 -3.1% 45,250 60,189 -750 2,174 -1.7% 3.6% 54,944 62,890 0 5,110 0.0% 8.1% 75,854 0 0.0% 59,825 -2,378 -4.0% MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Colorado City Colorado River Lake Havasu Littlefield Mohave Valley Peach Springs Yucca 42,803 55,308 73,116 63,500 54,105 65,527 62,165 53,112 COUNTY AVERAGE 58,705 154 81 11 36 88 32 45 98 NAVAJO COUNTY Blue Ridge Cedar Heber-Overgaard Holbrook Joseph City Show Low Snowflake Winslow 50,110 61,150 57,922 53,830 56,397 50,964 44,721 51,100 COUNTY AVERAGE 53,274 120 52 61 92 72 111 146 108 PIMA COUNTY Ajo Amphitheater Catalina Foothills Continental Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Sahuarita Tanque Verde Tucson 44,500 62,363 63,000 54,944 68,000 43,215 47,700 75,854 COUNTY AVERAGE 57,447 148 44 40 82 25 150 131 4 AEA Research & Development Center 198 COMPARISON OF MAXIMUM SCHEDULE SALARIES, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (For Maximum Salary Lane/Step changes, see Seven Year Salary Trend Data) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/156 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. PINAL COUNTY Casa Grande Elem Casa Grande UHS Combs Coolidge Eloy Florence Maricopa Oracle Picacho Ray Sacaton Santa Cruz Valley UHS Stanfield Superior Toltec 61,849 68,383 73,539 50,451 47,450 55,400 78,773 59,371 43,000 44,461 57,200 61,493 53,165 47,460 43,100 COUNTY AVERAGE 56,340 46 24 9 116 133 80 1 58 153 149 63 49 97 132 152 61,849 68,383 73,539 50,451 47,450 55,400 77,228 56,010 43,000 44,461 55,200 61,493 53,165 47,460 43,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,545 3,361 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 56,145 195 0.3% 57,776 55,895 55,895 52,723 53,511 69,063 1,745 0 0 1,201 0 0 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 57,477 491 0.9% SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Nogales Patagonia El Patagonia UHS Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Valley Unif Sonoita 59,521 55,895 55,895 53,924 53,511 69,063 COUNTY AVERAGE 57,968 57 74 75 90 95 18 AEA Research & Development Center 199 COMPARISON OF MAXIMUM SCHEDULE SALARIES, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (For Maximum Salary Lane/Step changes, see Seven Year Salary Trend Data) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/156 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. YAVAPAI COUNTY Ash Fork Beaver Creek Camp Verde Canon Clarkdale-Jerome Cottonwood-Oak Creek Humboldt Kirkland Mayer Mingus Prescott Sedona-Oak Creek Seligman Skull Valley Yarnell 50,500 47,860 63,845 51,075 52,636 46,662 62,610 54,691 45,500 57,177 54,691 48,673 51,816 54,691 46,200 COUNTY AVERAGE 52,575 115 130 35 109 101 139 43 84 143 64 85 125 105 86 141 50,500 0 0.0% 63,845 51,075 52,436 0 0 200 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 62,610 54,691 45,500 71,494 54,691 48,673 51,816 54,691 46,200 0 0 0 -14,317 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -20.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 54,479 -1,903 -3.5% 55,362 53,904 48,400 49,047 44,767 1,461 0 0 0 0 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 51,713 -1,037 -2.0% 77,595 0 0.0% 57,165 -204 -0.4% YUMA COUNTY Antelope Crane Gadsden Hyder Mohawk Valley Wellton 51,120 56,823 53,904 48,400 49,047 44,767 COUNTY AVERAGE 50,677 Arizona Sch Deaf & Blind 77,595 STATE AVERAGE 56,962 107 68 91 126 124 145 2 AEA Research & Development Center 200 COMPARISON OF TOTAL INCOME OVER FIFTEEN YEARS The comparison of 15 year income displays examples of cumulative, potential income determined by applying a hypothetical teacher’s growth profile to each salary schedule. Applying a standard set of career growth criteria to each schedule gives some indication of the varying levels of long-term income provided by different salary schedule structures. The standard profile used to represent a teacher’s progression over fifteen years was as follows: Year Degree 1 BA 2 BA + 9 3 BA + 18 4 BA + 27 5 MA 6 MA + 6 7 MA + 12 8 MA + 15 9 MA + 18 10 MA + 21 11 - 15 MA + 24 Starting with year 5, the MA lanes were given the priority in the income calculations. In other words, whenever a salary schedule had the appropriate MA lanes, those applicable salaries were used even when the BA lanes also existed in the schedule. It should be noted that the BA equivalents specified in the above criteria were not always the same as those found in the schedules. The assumption throughout all the calculations was that the hypothetical teacher would continue to earn credits as shown above, regardless of whether a particular salary schedule provided incentives. Further, every effort was made to take into account any known salary schedule factors that would provide additional pay for each credit hour earned (rather than increments of credits), for longevity, etc. NOTE: This comparison does not take future negotiations into account, which would obviously change the actual earnings. The comparison assumes that each schedule is in effect during the entire hypothetical career, and is valid for the existing schedule structure only, not for projecting actual costs or compensation beyond the current schedule. 201 COMPARISON OF TOTAL INCOME OVER FIFTEEN YEARS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/119 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. APACHE COUNTY Chinle Concho Ganado McNary Round Valley Saint Johns Sanders Vernon Window Rock 693,394 526,290 610,725 510,652 581,459 546,150 594,868 555,702 609,992 COUNTY AVERAGE 581,026 8 106 47 115 66 96 59 85 49 693,394 523,455 610,725 510,652 581,459 546,150 594,864 551,202 609,992 0 2,835 0 0 0 0 4 4,500 0 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 580,210 815 0.1% 553,938 574,250 523,900 553,554 662,605 522,126 474,647 729,381 566,250 512,247 579,177 512,495 517,136 0 12,000 0 1,519 0 0 0 0 5,900 8 0 -10 0 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 556,569 5,055 0.9% 594,269 684,971 583,225 0 0 33,000 0.0% 0.0% 5.7% 620,822 11,000 1.8% COCHISE COUNTY Ash Creek Benson Douglas Elfrida Fort Huachuca Naco Palominas Pearce Pomerene Saint David Sierra Vista Tombstone Valley 553,938 586,250 523,900 555,073 662,605 522,126 474,647 729,381 572,150 512,254 579,177 512,485 517,136 COUNTY AVERAGE 561,625 87 64 107 86 18 109 118 5 76 114 70 113 111 COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Page Tuba City 594,269 684,971 616,225 COUNTY AVERAGE 631,822 60 10 39 AEA Research & Development Center 202 COMPARISON OF TOTAL INCOME OVER FIFTEEN YEARS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/119 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. GILA COUNTY Hayden-Winkelman Pine Strawberry San Carlos Young 522,899 593,845 551,832 653,730 COUNTY AVERAGE 580,577 108 61 91 24 522,899 593,845 551,832 653,730 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 570,366 10,210 1.8% 571,500 527,350 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 614,175 544,838 12,084 3,050 2.0% 0.6% 565,080 -11,586 -2.1% 431,400 528,250 14,700 0 3.4% 0.0% 479,825 43,358 9.0% 549,105 553,750 575,140 608,271 533,490 564,370 -76 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 564,021 -13 0.0% GRAHAM COUNTY Bonita Fort Thomas Pima Safford Solomonville 571,500 527,350 494,475 626,259 547,888 COUNTY AVERAGE 553,494 77 105 116 32 95 GREENLEE COUNTY Clifton Duncan Morenci 446,100 528,250 595,200 COUNTY AVERAGE 523,183 119 104 58 LA PAZ COUNTY Bicentennial Bouse Parker Quartzsite Salome Wenden 549,029 553,750 575,140 608,271 533,490 564,370 COUNTY AVERAGE 564,008 94 89 72 50 102 78 AEA Research & Development Center 203 COMPARISON OF TOTAL INCOME OVER FIFTEEN YEARS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/119 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MARICOPA COUNTY Agua Fria UHS Aguila Alhambra Arlington Buckeye UHS Dysart Fowler Gilbert Glendale Elem Glendale UHS Laveen Mesa Nadaburg Palo Verde Paloma Peoria Phoenix Elem Phoenix UHS Riverside Saddle Mountain Scottsdale Sentinel Tempe UHS Tolleson Elem Tolleson UHS Union 610,424 595,863 811,281 636,400 615,325 622,749 692,371 643,280 658,663 750,745 658,859 676,869 667,211 596,678 583,300 667,743 696,326 758,898 613,195 662,525 648,044 551,500 673,349 653,611 596,627 623,061 COUNTY AVERAGE 652,496 48 57 1 30 40 36 9 27 22 4 21 13 17 54 65 16 7 2 43 19 26 92 14 25 55 35 610,124 596,422 811,281 636,400 615,325 622,749 692,371 640,080 660,944 747,016 655,859 662,297 636,038 596,678 563,500 659,786 300 -559 0 0 0 0 0 3,200 -2,281 3,729 3,000 14,572 31,173 0 19,800 7,957 0.0% -0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% -0.3% 0.5% 0.5% 2.2% 4.9% 0.0% 3.5% 1.2% 751,392 613,195 662,525 648,044 551,500 673,349 653,611 7,506 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 623,062 -1 0.0% 648,642 3,854 0.6% AEA Research & Development Center 204 COMPARISON OF TOTAL INCOME OVER FIFTEEN YEARS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/119 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Colorado City Lake Havasu Littlefield Mohave Valley Peach Springs Yucca 579,727 482,994 573,750 599,816 614,150 669,825 642,930 COUNTY AVERAGE 594,742 69 117 74 52 42 15 28 579,727 482,994 573,750 593,816 614,150 669,825 0 0 0 6,000 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 585,710 9,031 1.5% 535,130 666,730 531,747 525,043 573,750 2,250 15,000 10,636 11,250 0 0.4% 2.2% 2.0% 2.1% 0.0% 566,480 7,827 1.4% 517,750 578,162 543,268 718,059 -4,000 20,882 616 37,941 -0.8% 3.6% 0.1% 5.3% 589,310 13,860 2.4% NAVAJO COUNTY Heber-Overgaard Holbrook Joseph City Snowflake Winslow 537,380 681,730 542,383 536,293 573,750 COUNTY AVERAGE 574,307 100 12 98 101 73 PIMA COUNTY Ajo Amphitheater Continental Indian Oasis-Baboquivari 513,750 599,044 543,884 756,000 COUNTY AVERAGE 603,170 112 53 97 3 AEA Research & Development Center 205 COMPARISON OF TOTAL INCOME OVER FIFTEEN YEARS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/119 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. PINAL COUNTY Casa Grande UHS Coolidge Florence Maricopa Oracle Picacho Ray Sacaton Santa Cruz Valley UHS Stanfield Superior Toltec 625,212 599,989 627,700 657,583 596,584 572,500 540,495 683,200 621,992 580,325 553,900 555,800 COUNTY AVERAGE 601,273 34 51 31 23 56 75 99 11 38 67 88 84 625,212 599,989 627,700 644,688 562,814 572,500 540,495 653,200 621,992 580,325 553,900 555,800 0 0 0 12,895 33,770 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 595,996 5,277 0.9% 542,830 556,225 556,225 582,363 558,280 710,082 16,394 0 0 10,147 0 0 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 0.0% 584,334 4,424 0.8% SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Nogales Patagonia El Patagonia UHS Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Valley Unif Sonoita 559,224 556,225 556,225 592,510 558,280 710,082 COUNTY AVERAGE 588,758 80 82 83 62 81 6 AEA Research & Development Center 206 COMPARISON OF TOTAL INCOME OVER FIFTEEN YEARS, 2012-13 AND 2011-12 includes additional compensation funds resulting from SB 1292 (approved teacher evaluation system) School District 2012-13 2012-13 Rank/119 2011-12 Change Amt. Change Perc. YAVAPAI COUNTY Ash Fork Camp Verde Canon Clarkdale-Jerome Humboldt Kirkland Prescott Sedona-Oak Creek Seligman Skull Valley Yarnell 638,000 625,933 589,575 622,740 614,150 612,078 612,078 530,869 661,617 612,078 560,600 COUNTY AVERAGE 607,247 29 33 63 37 41 44 46 103 20 45 79 638,000 625,933 589,575 619,740 614,150 612,078 612,078 530,959 661,617 612,078 560,600 0 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 -90 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 609,310 -2,063 -0.3% 535,142 577,510 579,750 553,600 518,735 14,117 0 0 0 0 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% YUMA COUNTY Crane Gadsden Hyder Mohawk Valley Wellton 549,259 577,510 579,750 553,600 518,735 93 71 68 90 110 COUNTY AVERAGE 555,771 558,040 -2,269 -0.4% STATE AVERAGE 597,377 594,606 2,771 0.5% AEA Research & Development Center 207 Part III – Education Support Personnel Salary Schedules 208 Arizona School for the Deaf & Blind ESP, 2012-2013 Salary range STEP Min : Max 1 7.65 : 12.55 2 8.05 : 13.28 3 8.52 : 14.07 GRADE 4 9.03 : 14.90 5 9.57 : 15.80 6 10.15 : 16.75 7 10.77 : 17.78 8 11.44 : 18.87 STEP Min : Max 9 12.15 : 20.05 10 12.91 : 21.30 12 14.59 : 24.08 GRADE 14 16.52 : 27.25 15 17.59 : 28.99 16 18.73 : 30.84 17 19.95 : 32.81 18 21.26 : 34.91 209 Arizona School for Deaf & Blind ESP (continued) GRADES AND POSITIONS 15 6 7 8 8 9 8 6 1 12 12 12 15 10 4 2 9 12 3 5 6 5 6 6 7 7 12 10 12 1 5 10 15 12 leader 9 12 6 9 15 9 10 12 6 2 3 6 10 14 210 Accounting manager Accounting technician I Accounting technician II Accounting technician III Administrative assistant I Administrative assistant II Administrative intern Administrative secretary I Attendant Braillist Braillist-ATYP Buyer II Career path tech coord Carpenter Chaperone (bus) Child care giver CIT trainer Computer specialist Cook I Cook II Cook III Custodial worker II Data processor Driver II Driver III Duplicating svc specialist Educational transcriber Employment training spec Equipment repair tech I Event assistant Event traffic control mntr Executive assistant Executive staff assistant Facilities maint team Facilities maint tech II Facilities maint tech III Facilities maint worker I Facilities maint worker II Family liaison specialist Fiscal services specialist I Fiscal services specialist II Fiscal services spec III Food purchasing assistant Food service worker II Food service worker III Groundskeeper Housekeeping supervisor HR analyst 12 16 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 7 12 6 6 7 12 9 17 6 4 15 9 15 12 9 18 6 12 15 6 15 15 10 6 6 8 6 2 6 9 6 HR recruitment specialist HR senior analyst HR technician Instructional assist I Instructional assist I HI Instruction asst I HI-ATYP Instructional asst I MDSSI Instructional assist I OP/PT Instructional assist I VI Instruction asst I VI-ATYP Instructional assist I-ATYP Instructional assist II Instructional assist II HI Instructional asst II MDSSI Instructional assist II VI Instructional assist III Instructional assist supv Laborer Lead production cook Lead trainer Licensed practical nurse Lifeguard Master night supervisor Master teaching parent I Media artist Network specialist Night supervisor Nursing assistant PAC manager Painter Payroll manager Payroll specialist Payroll technician II Pediatric nurse practitioner Physical education asst Program coordinator Purchasing manager I Purchasing technician Registered nurse Registered nurse - ATYP Residential hall team ldr Residential services asst Security officer Security officer team ldr Senior custodial worker Stagehand PAC Stores clerk II Storeskeeper II Sub administrative sec’y 4 3 5 6 5 6 12 2 6 6 4 12 6 5 9 10 8 9 10 12 14 15 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 17 12 9 10 8 Sub chaperone Sub cook I Sub cook II Sub cook III Sub custodial worker Sub driver II Sub educational transcriber Sub food service worker II Sub instructional assistant I Sub night supervisor Sub nursing assistant Sub registered nurse Sub residential Sub security officer Sub teaching parent I Sub teaching parent II Sub technical aide Teaching parent I Teaching parent II Tech support specialist I Tech support specialist II Tech support specialist III Technical aide I Tech aide I aud-ATYP Technical aide I audiology Technical aide I Braillist Technical aide I Bridges Tech aide I caption film Technical aide I intervenor Technical aide I IT Technical aide I library Technical aide I low vision Technical aide I media Tech aide I media-ATYP Technical aide I PAC Technical aide I pt/ot Technical aide I site trainer Technical aide I-ATYP Technical aide II Tech aide II intervenor Technical aide II pt/ot Tech aide II site trainer Technical director PAC Techno & database spec Technology support asst Trainer Transportation coordinator Volunteer coordinator APACHE COUNTY Chinle Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ADM auditor phone 16.24 16.67 17.10 17.53 17.96 18.39 18.82 19.25 19.68 20.11 20.54 20.97 21.40 21.83 Admin Secretary 15.29 15.77 16.25 16.73 17.21 17.69 18.17 18.65 19.13 19.61 20.09 20.57 21.05 21.53 Accts pay supervisor 16.41 16.83 17.25 17.67 18.09 18.51 18.93 19.35 19.77 20.19 20.61 21.03 21.45 21.87 Attend monitor 10.22 10.55 10.88 11.21 11.54 11.87 12.20 12.53 12.86 13.19 13.52 13.85 14.18 14.51 STEP Cafeteria cook Cafeteria helper Community center manager 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9.47 9.78 10.09 10.40 10.71 11.02 11.33 11.64 11.95 12.26 12.57 12.88 13.19 13.50 8.23 8.49 8.75 9.01 9.27 9.53 9.79 10.05 10.31 10.57 10.83 11.09 11.35 11.61 13.28 13.52 13.76 14.00 14.24 14.48 14.72 14.96 15.20 15.44 15.68 15.92 16.16 16.40 Home school liaison, Case worker, Child advocate 11.70 12.03 12.36 12.69 13.02 13.35 13.68 14.01 14.34 14.67 15.00 15.33 15.66 15.99 Attend officer 14.25 14.62 14.99 15.36 15.73 16.10 16.47 16.84 17.21 17.58 17.95 18.32 18.69 19.06 Bus driver 9.61 10.09 10.57 11.05 11.53 12.01 12.49 12.97 13.45 13.93 14.41 14.89 15.37 15.85 Cafeteria cashier 8.84 9.13 9.42 9.71 10.00 10.29 10.58 10.87 11.16 11.45 11.74 12.03 12.32 12.61 Custodian Farm mgr Data entry clerk Executive secretary 8.44 8.88 9.32 9.76 10.20 10.64 11.08 11.52 11.96 12.40 12.84 13.28 13.72 14.16 9.42 9.75 10.08 10.41 10.74 11.07 11.40 11.73 12.06 12.39 12.72 13.05 13.38 13.71 16.81 17.26 17.71 18.16 18.61 19.06 19.51 19.96 20.41 20.86 21.31 21.76 22.21 22.66 211 Chinle Unified ESP (continued) 212 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maint Foreman 19.57 19.97 20.37 20.77 21.17 21.57 21.97 22.37 22.77 23.17 23.57 23.97 24.37 24.77 Hall monitor, Groundskeeper 7.59 7.81 8.03 8.25 8.47 8.69 8.91 9.13 9.35 9.57 9.79 10.01 10.23 10.45 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maintenance I 12.99 13.33 13.67 14.01 14.35 14.69 15.03 15.37 15.71 16.05 16.39 16.73 17.07 17.41 Maintenance II 13.78 14.18 14.58 14.98 15.38 15.78 16.18 16.58 16.98 17.38 17.78 18.18 18.58 18.98 Head cook 11.54 11.92 12.30 12.68 13.06 13.44 13.82 14.20 14.58 14.96 15.34 15.72 16.10 16.48 Head custodian 11.24 11.61 11.98 12.35 12.72 13.09 13.46 13.83 14.20 14.57 14.94 15.31 15.68 16.05 Head security officer 14.75 15.09 15.43 15.77 16.11 16.45 16.79 17.13 17.47 17.81 18.15 18.49 18.83 19.17 Human resources assistant 20.65 21.06 21.47 21.88 22.29 22.70 23.11 23.52 23.93 24.34 24.75 25.16 25.57 25.98 JROTC, Jr 21.21 21.75 22.29 22.83 23.37 23.91 24.45 24.99 25.53 26.07 26.61 27.15 27.69 28.23 Mechanic I 13.13 13.50 13.87 14.24 14.61 14.98 15.35 15.72 16.09 16.46 16.83 17.20 17.57 17.94 Mechanic II 15.99 16.41 16.83 17.25 17.67 18.09 18.51 18.93 19.35 19.77 20.19 20.61 21.03 21.45 Nurse aide 10.05 10.38 10.71 11.04 11.37 11.70 12.03 12.36 12.69 13.02 13.35 13.68 14.01 14.34 Nurse LPN 13.63 14.28 14.93 15.58 16.23 16.88 17.53 18.18 18.83 19.48 20.13 20.78 21.43 22.08 K-3 Parent coordinator 10.21 10.54 10.87 11.20 11.53 11.86 12.19 12.52 12.85 13.18 13.51 13.84 14.17 14.50 Chinle Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Payroll supervisor, Social wrk, Parenting spec, Video direct/ production 20.55 20.96 21.37 21.78 22.19 22.60 23.01 23.42 23.83 24.24 24.65 25.06 25.47 25.88 STEP Secretary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11.34 11.79 12.24 12.69 13.14 13.59 14.04 14.49 14.94 15.39 15.84 16.29 16.74 17.19 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Production manager Media video tech, Printer Accountant Purchasing agent Recording clerk Registrar Library clerk, SB operatorrecep 13.59 14.05 14.51 14.97 15.43 15.89 16.35 16.81 17.27 17.73 18.19 18.65 19.11 19.57 12.24 12.63 13.02 13.41 13.80 14.19 14.58 14.97 15.36 15.75 16.14 16.53 16.92 17.31 12.44 13.05 13.66 14.27 14.88 15.49 16.10 16.71 17.32 17.93 18.54 19.15 19.76 20.37 15.00 15.55 16.10 16.65 17.20 17.75 18.30 18.85 19.40 19.95 20.50 21.05 21.60 22.15 11.70 12.18 12.66 13.14 13.62 14.10 14.58 15.06 15.54 16.02 16.50 16.98 17.46 17.94 11.45 11.84 12.23 12.62 13.01 13.40 13.79 14.18 14.57 14.96 15.35 15.74 16.13 16.52 9.36 9.69 10.02 10.35 10.68 11.01 11.34 11.67 12.00 12.33 12.66 12.99 13.32 13.65 Schl Violence Prev Spec 10.21 10.55 10.89 11.23 11.57 11.91 12.25 12.59 12.93 13.27 13.61 13.95 14.29 14.63 Literacy assistant 11.01 11.34 11.67 12.00 12.33 12.66 12.99 13.32 13.65 13.98 14.31 14.64 14.97 15.30 JROTC, Sr Systems analyst 22.81 23.36 23.91 24.46 25.01 25.56 26.11 26.66 27.21 27.76 28.31 28.86 29.41 29.96 21.35 21.82 22.29 22.76 23.23 23.70 24.17 24.64 25.11 25.58 26.05 26.52 26.99 27.46 Literacy coordinator 15.33 15.74 16.15 16.56 16.97 17.38 17.79 18.20 18.61 19.02 19.43 19.84 20.25 20.66 Computer tech specialist 11.90 12.57 13.24 13.91 14.58 15.25 15.92 16.59 17.26 17.93 18.60 19.27 19.94 20.61 Early childhood coord 14.88 15.29 15.70 16.11 16.52 16.93 17.34 17.75 18.16 18.57 18.98 19.39 19.80 20.21 Warehouse supervisor Warehouse worker 13.95 14.28 14.61 14.94 15.27 15.60 15.93 16.26 16.59 16.92 17.25 17.58 17.91 18.24 9.24 9.66 10.08 10.50 10.92 11.34 11.76 12.18 12.60 13.02 13.44 13.86 14.28 14.70 Change coord 14.88 15.29 15.70 16.11 16.52 16.93 17.34 17.75 18.16 18.57 18.98 19.39 19.80 20.21 213 Chinle Unified ESP (continued) NURSES 214 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BSN 35,774 36,668 37,585 38,525 39,488 40,475 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0-29 CR 8.10 8.55 9.00 9.45 9.90 10.35 BSN+12 37,026 37,952 38,901 39,873 40,870 41,892 42,939 44,012 BSN+24 38,322 39,280 40,262 41,269 42,300 43,358 44,442 45,553 46,692 47,859 TEACHER ASSISTANT 30-59 CR 60-89 CR 8.58 9.12 9.05 9.61 9.52 10.10 9.99 10.59 10.46 11.08 10.93 11.57 11.40 12.06 11.87 12.55 13.04 13.53 BSN+36 39,663 40,655 41,671 42,713 43,781 44,875 45,997 47,147 48,326 49,534 50,772 52,042 53,343 MSN 41,051 42,078 43,130 44,208 45,313 46,446 47,607 48,797 50,017 51,268 52,549 53,863 55,210 56,590 90-119 CR 9.72 10.22 10.72 11.22 11.72 12.22 12.72 13.22 13.72 14.22 14.72 15.22 120+ CR 10.44 10.95 11.46 11.97 12.48 12.99 13.50 14.01 14.52 15.03 15.54 16.05 APACHE COUNTY Concho Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 GRADE STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 7.65 7.76 7.87 7.98 8.10 8.22 8.34 8.46 8.58 8.70 8.83 8.96 9.09 9.22 9.35 9.49 9.63 9.77 9.91 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 10.65 10.80 10.96 11.12 11.28 11.44 11.61 3 8.15 8.27 8.39 8.51 8.63 8.76 8.89 9.02 9.15 9.28 9.41 9.55 9.69 9.83 9.97 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.56 10.71 10.87 11.03 11.19 11.35 11.51 11.68 11.85 12.02 12.19 12.37 5 8.65 8.78 8.91 9.04 9.17 9.30 9.43 9.57 9.71 9.85 9.99 10.13 10.28 10.43 10.58 10.73 10.89 11.05 11.21 11.37 11.53 11.70 11.87 12.04 12.21 12.39 12.57 12.75 12.93 13.12 6 8.90 9.03 9.16 9.29 9.42 9.56 9.70 9.84 9.98 10.12 10.27 10.42 10.57 10.72 10.88 11.04 11.20 11.36 11.52 11.69 11.86 12.03 12.20 12.38 12.56 12.74 12.92 13.11 13.30 13.49 7 9.15 9.28 9.41 9.55 9.69 9.83 9.97 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.56 10.71 10.87 11.03 11.19 11.35 11.51 11.68 11.85 12.02 12.19 12.37 12.55 12.73 12.91 13.10 13.29 13.48 13.68 13.88 8 9.40 9.54 9.68 9.82 9.96 10.10 10.25 10.40 10.55 10.70 10.86 11.02 11.18 11.34 11.50 11.67 11.84 12.02 12.18 12.36 12.54 12.72 12.90 13.09 13.28 13.47 13.67 13.87 14.07 14.27 9 9.65 9.79 9.93 10.07 10.22 10.37 10.52 10.67 10.82 10.98 11.14 11.30 11.46 11.63 11.80 11.97 12.14 12.32 12.50 12.68 12.86 13.05 13.24 13.43 13.62 13.82 14.02 14.22 14.43 14.64 GRADE 1 Bus driver trainee, Food service assistant 3 Instructional aide (sub), Bus monitor 5 Clerical hourly, Custodian (day, sub), Grounds, Grounds/custodial (day), Instructional aide (no college), Library assistant (no college), Speech aide (no college) 6 Instructional aide (15 hours), Instructional aide SPED (no college), Library assistant (15 hours), Speech aide (15 hours) 7 Instructional aide (30 hours), Instructional aide SPED (15 hours), Library assistant (30 hours), Speech aide (30 hours) 8 Instructional aide (45 hours), Instructional aide SPED (30 hours), Library assistant (45 hours), Speech aide (45 hours) 9 AP clerk, Custodian (night), Inventory clerk, Mechanic assistant, Instruction aide (60 hours), Instructional aide SPED (45 hours), Library assistant (60 hours), Speech aide (60 hours), Maintenance I 215 Concho Elementary ESP (continued) GRADE STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 9.90 10.04 10.19 10.34 10.49 10.64 10.79 10.95 11.11 11.27 11.43 11.60 11.77 11.94 12.11 12.29 12.47 12.65 12.83 13.02 13.21 13.40 13.59 13.79 13.99 14.19 14.40 14.61 14.82 15.03 11 10.15 10.30 10.45 10.60 10.75 10.91 11.07 11.23 11.39 11.56 11.73 11.90 12.07 12.25 12.43 12.61 12.79 12.98 13.17 13.36 13.55 13.75 13.95 14.15 14.36 14.57 14.78 14.99 15.21 15.43 13 10.65 10.80 10.96 11.12 11.28 11.44 11.61 11.78 11.95 12.12 12.30 12.48 12.66 12.84 13.03 13.22 13.41 13.60 13.80 14.00 14.20 14.41 14.62 14.83 15.05 15.27 15.49 15.71 15.94 16.17 15 11.15 11.31 11.47 11.64 11.81 11.98 12.15 12.33 12.51 12.69 12.87 13.06 13.25 13.44 13.63 13.83 14.03 14.23 14.44 14.65 14.86 15.08 15.30 15.52 15.75 15.98 16.21 16.45 16.69 16.93 16 11.40 11.57 11.74 11.91 12.08 12.26 12.44 12.62 12.80 12.99 13.18 13.37 13.56 13.76 13.96 14.16 14.37 14.58 14.79 15.00 15.22 15.44 15.66 15.89 16.12 16.35 16.59 16.83 17.07 17.32 GRADE 10 Instructional aide SPED (60 hours) 11 Health technician, Technology assistant, Bus driver – level I 13 Bus driver – level II 15 Maintenance level II, Officer manager/SAIS, Food service manager 16 Mechanic 19 Instructor -music, Instructor - PE, Payroll specialist, Library specialist 23 Administrative assistant (superintendent/board), Technology specialist (classified) 216 19 12.15 12.33 12.51 12.69 12.87 13.06 13.25 13.44 13.63 13.83 14.03 14.23 14.44 14.65 14.86 15.08 15.30 15.52 15.75 15.98 16.21 16.45 16.69 16.93 17.18 17.43 17.68 17.94 18.20 18.46 23 13.15 13.34 13.53 13.73 13.93 14.13 14.33 14.54 14.75 14.96 15.18 15.40 15.62 15.85 16.08 16.31 16.55 16.79 17.03 17.28 17.53 17.78 18.04 18.30 18.57 18.84 19.11 19.39 19.67 19.96 APACHE COUNTY Ganado Unified ESP, 2012-2013 GRADE STEP P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A 8.01 8.26 8.51 8.78 9.05 9.33 9.62 9.92 10.23 10.54 10.87 11.21 11.55 11.91 12.28 12.66 B 8.53 8.80 9.07 9.35 9.64 9.94 10.25 10.56 10.89 11.23 11.58 11.94 12.31 12.69 13.08 13.49 C 9.09 9.37 9.66 9.96 10.27 10.58 10.91 11.25 11.60 11.96 12.33 12.71 13.10 13.51 13.93 14.36 D 9.68 9.98 10.28 10.60 10.93 11.27 11.62 11.98 12.35 12.74 13.13 13.54 13.96 14.39 14.84 15.30 E 10.30 10.62 10.95 11.29 11.64 12.00 12.38 12.76 13.16 13.56 13.98 14.42 14.86 15.32 15.80 16.29 F 10.97 11.31 11.67 12.03 12.40 12.78 13.18 13.59 14.01 14.44 14.89 15.35 15.83 16.32 16.83 17.35 G 11.69 12.05 12.42 12.81 13.21 13.62 14.04 14.47 14.92 15.38 15.86 16.35 16.86 17.38 17.92 18.48 GRADE STEP P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 H 12.45 12.83 13.23 13.64 14.06 14.50 14.95 15.41 15.89 16.38 16.89 17.42 17.95 18.51 19.09 19.68 I 13.26 13.67 14.09 14.53 14.98 15.44 15.92 16.41 16.92 17.45 17.99 18.55 19.12 19.71 20.33 20.96 J 14.12 14.56 15.01 15.47 15.95 16.45 16.96 17.48 18.02 18.58 19.16 19.75 20.36 21.00 21.65 22.32 K 15.71 16.20 16.70 17.22 17.75 18.30 18.87 19.45 20.06 20.68 21.32 21.98 22.66 23.36 24.09 24.83 L 18.69 19.27 19.87 20.48 21.12 21.77 22.45 23.14 23.86 24.60 25.36 26.15 26.96 27.80 28.66 29.55 217 Ganado Unified ESP (continued) CUSTODIAL/MAINTENANCE A Custodian I A Groundskeeper A Custodian II F Maintenance worker I G Warehouse operator H Maintenance worker II J Maintenance worker III K Maintenance worker IV CLASSROOM / MISCELLANEOUS B Instructional assistant I B Child care attendant C Instructional assistant II D Instructional assistant III SPD D AV media specialist E Speech technician E Technology assistant E Nova Net assistant E Publications assistant G Testing assistant FOOD SERVICE A Worker I A Worker II C Baker C Account clerk H Cafeteria manager/cook 218 SECURITY D Officer I F Officer II OTHER PROFESSIONALS G Computer training specialist H Personal computer specialist H Database specialist J Career specialist J Payroll specialist J Testing specialist J Accounts payable specialist K K L L L Administrative assistant Human resource specialist Computer network/hardware specialist Purchasing agent Accounting specialist TRANSPORTATION C Bus monitor F Bus driver/auto parts clerk G Bus driver/transportation worker H Bus driver/asst. mechanic I Bus driver/mechanic I J Bus driver/mechanic II SECRETARIAL D Secretary I E Secretary II F Secretary III G Secretary IV H Secretary – administrative I Secretary – executive J Superintendent’s secretary GENERAL OFFICE A Part-time mail clerk B Attendance clerk B Bookstore clerk B Clerk – general office B Library/media clerk B Receptionist – district C Warehouse clerk C Attendance clerk/secretary D Registrar D Attendance liaison officer D Parent liaison E Account clerk I E Health service assistant F Account clerk II APACHE COUNTY McNary Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Food service assistant/ custodian 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7.07 7.35 7.66 7.98 8.31 8.64 9.02 9.39 9.76 3% 7.22 7.72 8.23 8.73 9.24 9.74 10.25 10.75 11.26 3% School secretary Bus driver + custodian 7.75 8.26 8.76 9.27 9.77 10.28 10.78 11.29 11.79 3% 8.54 9.05 9.55 10.06 10.56 11.07 11.57 12.08 12.58 3% Librarian, Responsible thinking facilitator, P.E., Degreed teachers aide, Accounting clerk/ student information specialist, Attendance officer 8.80 9.33 9.86 10.38 10.91 11.43 11.96 12.48 13.01 3% Food service manager 9.33 9.83 10.34 10.84 11.35 11.85 12.36 12.86 13.37 3% After topping out, a 3% increase each year. Substitute bus driver - $10.00 Substitute teachers aide or any classified - $8.00 219 APACHE COUNTY Red Mesa Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 8.01 8.40 8.78 9.17 9.55 9.94 10.33 10.74 11.16 11.60 B 8.54 8.92 9.31 9.69 10.08 10.46 10.87 11.30 11.74 12.20 C 8.86 9.24 9.63 10.01 10.40 10.48 10.89 11.32 11.76 12.22 LEVEL POSITION A Student worker B Temporary/timesheet worker C 90 days probation D Custodian, Food service worker E Clerk typist I (federal projects, student services aide), Grounds worker I F Career advisor, Clerk typist I – family education center, Clerk typist II – parent STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 AA 10.70 10.91 11.12 11.34 11.57 11.79 D 9.41 9.79 10.18 10.56 10.95 11.33 11.78 12.24 12.72 13.22 G H E 9.58 9.97 10.35 10.74 11.12 11.51 11.96 12.43 12.92 13.43 F 10.22 10.61 10.99 11.38 11.76 12.15 12.63 13.13 13.65 14.19 G 10.40 10.78 11.17 11.55 11.94 12.32 12.80 13.30 13.82 14.36 liaison, Receptionist/account clerk I, Maintenance worker I Bus driver, Clerk typist III – special education, Health aide, Security guard I, Behavior modification technician Attendance clerk I – site base, Attendance clerk II – districtwide, Grounds worker II, Maintenance worker II, I J TEACHER ASSISTANT / INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE AA+15 AA+30 AA+45 AA+60 11.02 11.34 11.67 12.02 11.23 11.56 11.90 12.25 11.45 11.79 12.14 12.50 11.68 12.02 12.38 12.74 11.91 12.26 12.62 12.99 12.14 12.50 12.87 14.25 H 10.80 11.19 11.57 11.96 12.34 12.73 13.23 13.75 14.29 14.85 I 11.04 11.42 11.81 12.19 12.58 12.96 13.47 14.00 14.55 15.12 J 11.30 11.74 12.20 12.68 13.18 13.70 14.24 14.80 15.38 15.99 Maintenance worker II – housing, Materials processor – warehouse, Secretary I, Lead custodian Account clerk II, Account clerk II – federal projects, Mechanic, Secretary II, Secretary II – elem/jr. high Traditional cultural advisor, Secretary III – high school AA+75 12.37 12.62 12.86 13.12 13.38 13.64 BA 12.74 12.99 13.24 13.50 13.77 14.04 OTHER CLASSIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 220 District office receptionist 12.31 12.70 13.08 13.47 13.85 14.40 14.97 15.56 16.17 16.81 AP/payroll assistant 12.89 13.28 13.66 14.05 14.43 15.26 15.86 16.49 17.14 17.82 Food service supervisor, Secretary IV 14.09 14.45 14.83 15.22 15.60 16.70 17.36 18.05 18.76 19.50 District nurse, Maintenance supervisor, Security supervisor, Transport director 14.47 14.85 15.24 15.62 16.01 17.38 18.07 18.78 19.52 20.29 Telecom technician, Payroll acct clerk, Accts payable clerk, Personnel clerk, Executive secretary 15.95 16.33 16.71 17.09 17.47 17.85 18.56 19.29 20.05 20.84 APACHE COUNTY Round Valley Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 5.93 6.23 6.52 6.82 7.12 7.41 7.71 8.01 8.30 8.60 8.90 9.19 9.49 9.78 10.08 2 6.53 6.86 7.18 7.51 7.84 8.16 8.49 8.82 9.14 9.47 9.80 10.12 10.45 10.77 11.10 3 7.10 7.46 7.81 8.17 8.52 8.88 9.23 9.59 9.94 10.30 10.65 11.01 11.36 11.72 12.07 4 7.69 8.07 8.46 8.84 9.23 9.61 10.00 10.38 10.77 11.15 11.54 11.92 12.30 12.69 13.07 5 8.05 8.45 8.86 9.26 9.66 10.06 10.47 10.87 11.27 11.67 12.08 12.48 12.88 13.28 13.69 6 8.82 9.26 9.70 10.14 10.58 11.03 11.47 11.91 12.35 12.79 13.23 13.67 14.11 14.55 14.99 7 8.94 9.39 9.83 10.28 10.73 11.18 11.62 12.07 12.52 12.96 13.41 13.86 14.30 14.75 15.20 8 10.22 10.73 11.24 11.75 12.26 12.78 13.29 13.80 14.31 14.82 15.33 15.84 16.35 16.86 17.37 9 10.66 11.19 11.73 12.26 12.79 13.33 13.86 14.39 14.92 15.46 15.99 16.52 17.06 17.59 18.12 10 11.46 12.03 12.61 13.18 13.75 14.33 14.90 15.47 16.04 16.62 17.19 17.76 18.34 18.91 19.48 11 11.81 12.40 12.99 13.58 14.17 14.76 15.35 15.94 16.53 17.12 17.72 18.31 18.90 19.49 20.08 GRADE GRADE GRADE 3 General food service Food service truck driver 4 Cook/baker Aide (regular) 5 Food service bookkeeper/ asst mgr Aide (special ed, health, alternative school, music, Title I highly qualified) Transportation/NAVIT 6 Custodian Groundskeeper 7 Activity bus driver (begin step 2) Bus driver (begin step 2) Case manager/secretary Secretary Paraprofessional (teaching, library) 8 Maintenance II/technology asst./ grounds team leader 9 HS registrar & student records mgr. HS financial accounts manager 10 HS office supervisor/office manager Career guidance technician Maintenance I 11 Payroll specialist GFA/auxiliary specialist Accounts payable specialist 221 APACHE COUNTY Saint Johns Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Placement schedule STEP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STEP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 222 4 7.88 7.98 8.08 8.18 8.28 8.38 8.48 8.58 8.68 8.78 8.88 10 10.52 10.85 11.18 11.51 11.84 12.17 12.50 12.83 13.16 13.49 13.82 14.15 14.48 14.81 15.14 15.47 15.80 CLASS 6 8.72 8.99 9.26 9.53 9.80 10.07 10.34 10.61 10.88 11.15 11.42 11.69 11.96 5 8.33 8.59 8.85 9.11 9.37 9.63 9.89 10.15 10.41 10.67 10.93 11.19 11 11.13 11.48 11.83 12.18 12.53 12.88 13.23 13.58 13.93 14.28 14.63 14.98 15.33 15.68 16.03 16.38 16.73 17.08 7 9.14 9.43 9.72 10.01 10.30 10.59 10.88 11.17 11.46 11.75 12.04 12.33 12.62 12.91 12 11.78 12.15 12.52 12.89 13.26 13.63 14.00 14.37 14.74 15.11 15.48 15.85 16.22 16.59 16.96 17.33 17.70 18.07 18.44 8 9.58 9.88 10.18 10.48 10.78 11.08 11.38 11.68 11.98 12.28 12.58 12.88 13.18 13.48 13.78 13 12.46 12.86 13.26 13.66 14.06 14.46 14.86 15.26 15.66 16.06 16.46 16.86 17.26 17.66 18.06 18.46 18.86 19.26 19.66 20.06 9 10.04 10.36 10.68 11.00 11.32 11.64 11.96 12.28 12.60 12.92 13.24 13.56 13.88 14.20 14.52 14.84 14 13.18 13.60 14.02 14.44 14.86 15.28 15.70 16.12 16.54 16.96 17.38 17.80 18.22 18.64 19.06 19.48 19.90 20.32 20.74 21.16 21.58 St. Johns Unified ESP (continued) Class Job Title 4 7 8 9 9 5 9 9 6 7 6 7 7 7 6 9 6 9 10 Class Cafeteria worker I Cafeteria worker II Cafeteria cook/receiving kitchen supervisor Head kitchen supervisor Lead custodian Part-time custodian Computer lab manager Health aide Instructional assistant Instructional assistant II Instructional assistant – special ed I Instructional assistant – special ed II Instructional assistant – OT/PT Instructional assistant – speech therapy Library aide Library manager Office assistant/computer lab aide General maintenance Grounds maintenance Job Title 12 12 14 10 9 13 10 9 10 10 9 10 9 8 10 10 8 9 5 5 9 Lead grounds maintenance Skilled maintenance I Skilled maintenance II Accounts payable/purchasing technician ADM/Powerschool specialist Executive secretary to superintendent & board High school secretary Maintenance/transportation secretary Payroll technician Property control technician Registrar/receptionist School secretary Secretary I/student activities specialist Secretary I Secretary II/health aide Special services secretary Special services/purchasing secretary (part-time) Bus driver Navit driver Special education bus monitor Transportation service technician 223 APACHE COUNTY Sanders Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9.24 9.40 9.57 9.74 9.90 10.06 10.23 10.39 10.56 10.72 10.89 11.05 11.21 11.38 11.54 11.71 11.87 12.03 STEP 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 12.20 12.36 12.53 12.69 12.85 13.00 13.18 13.35 13.51 13.68 13.84 14.00 14.17 14.33 14.50 14.66 14.77 14.99 STEP 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Start Step 4 Clerk, Custodian, Nurse assistant, Parent liaison, Transp. Worker 5 Maintenance helper, Mechanic helper 7 Security guard 10 Attendance clerk 14 Head cook, Maintenance I, Mechanic I 17 Bus driver, Department secretary, Jr. accounting clerk, Registrar 224 15.15 15.32 15.48 15.64 15.80 15.97 16.14 16.30 16.46 16.62 16.79 16.96 17.12 17.29 17.45 17.61 17.78 17.94 STEP 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 18.11 18.27 18.43 18.60 18.76 18.93 19.09 19.25 19.42 19.58 19.75 19.91 20.07 20.24 20.40 20.57 20.73 20.90 STEP 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 21.06 21.22 21.39 21.55 21.72 21.88 22.04 22.21 22.37 22.54 22.70 22.86 23.03 23.19 Start Step 20 Admin. Secretary, Maintenance II, Mechanic II, Sr. accounting clerk 24 Exec. Secretary 27 Computer supp tech 34 Coordinator, Lead maintenance, Lead mechanic, LPN 58 Accounting specialist 60 Social worker Sanders Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0-11 8.25 8.41 8.58 8.74 8.91 9.07 9.23 12-23 8.80 8.96 9.12 9.29 9.45 9.62 9.78 9.94 10.11 10.27 24-35 9.34 9.51 9.84 10.00 10.16 10.33 10.49 10.66 10.82 10.98 11.15 11.31 11.47 36-47 9.89 10.05 10.22 10.38 10.55 10.71 10.88 11.04 11.20 11.37 11.53 11.69 11.86 12.02 12.19 12.35 PARAPROFESSIONAL Credit Hours 48-59 60-71 10.44 10.98 10.60 11.15 10.76 11.31 10.93 11.48 11.09 11.64 11.26 11.80 11.42 11.97 11.59 12.13 11.75 12.30 11.91 12.46 12.08 12.62 12.24 12.79 12.41 12.95 12.57 13.12 12.73 13.28 12.90 13.45 13.06 13.61 13.23 13.77 13.39 13.94 14.10 14.22 14.43 72-83 11.53 11.69 11.86 12.02 12.19 12.35 12.52 12.68 12.84 13.17 13.34 13.50 13.66 13.83 13.99 14.16 14.32 14.48 14.65 14.81 14.98 15.14 15.31 15.47 15.63 84-95 12.08 12.24 12.41 12.57 12.73 12.90 13.06 13.23 13.39 13.55 13.72 13.88 14.05 14.21 14.38 14.54 14.71 14.87 15.04 15.20 15.36 15.52 15.68 15.85 16.02 16.18 16.34 16.51 96-107 12.62 12.79 12.95 13.12 13.28 13.45 13.61 13.77 13.94 14.10 14.27 14.43 14.59 14.76 14.92 15.09 15.25 15.41 15.58 15.74 15.91 16.07 16.23 16.40 16.56 16.73 16.89 17.06 17.22 17.38 108-121 13.17 13.34 13.50 13.66 13.83 13.99 14.16 14.32 14.48 14.65 14.81 14.98 15.14 15.31 15.47 15.63 15.80 15.96 16.13 16.29 16.45 16.62 16.78 16.95 17.11 17.27 17.44 17.60 17.77 17.93 122+ 13.72 13.80 13.96 14.05 14.21 14.38 14.54 14.71 14.87 15.04 15.20 15.36 15.52 15.69 15.85 16.02 16.18 16.34 16.51 16.67 16.84 17.00 17.16 17.33 17.49 17.66 17.82 17.99 18.15 18.31 225 APACHE COUNTY Vernon Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Custodian 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 Accounts payable clerk, Clerical, Librarian, Maintenance worker I, Payroll clerk 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.30 10.40 10.50 10.60 10.70 10.80 Instructional aide 9.90 10.0 10.10 10.20 10.30 10.40 10.50 10.60 10.70 10.80 10.90 11.00 11.10 11.20 11.30 Tutor 9.90 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.30 10.40 10.50 10.60 10.70 10.80 10.90 11.00 11.10 11.20 11.30 SAIS/ student records 11.20 11.30 11.40 11.50 11.60 11.70 11.80 11.90 12.00 12.10 12.20 12.30 12.40 12.50 12.60 Bus driver I 11.10 11.40 11.50 11.60 11.70 11.80 11.90 12.00 12.10 12.20 12.30 12.40 12.50 12.60 12.70 Maintenance worker II 11.40 11.50 11.60 11.75 11.85 11.95 12.05 12.20 12.35 12.45 12.55 12.70 12.80 12.95 13.05 Executive secretary 12.40 12.50 12.60 12.70 12.80 12.90 13.00 13.10 13.20 13.30 13.40 13.50 13.60 13.70 13.80 New employees entering the system may be granted up to 5 years credit on this schedule for prior experience. 226 Bus driver II 12.40 12.55 12.65 12.75 12.85 12.95 13.05 13.20 13.30 13.40 13.50 13.60 13.70 13.80 13.90 APACHE COUNTY Window Rock Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A 8.70 8.87 9.05 9.23 9.42 9.61 9.80 9.99 10.19 10.40 10.61 10.82 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.18 12.43 12.67 12.93 13.19 13.45 13.72 13.99 B 9.36 9.54 9.73 9.93 10.13 10.33 10.54 10.75 10.96 11.18 11.41 11.63 11.87 12.10 12.35 12.59 12.84 13.10 13.36 13.63 13.90 14.18 14.47 14.75 15.05 C 10.06 10.26 10.47 10.68 10.89 11.11 11.33 11.56 11.79 12.03 12.27 12.51 12.76 13.02 13.28 13.54 13.81 14.09 14.37 14.66 14.95 15.25 15.56 15.87 16.19 D 10.82 11.04 11.26 11.49 11.72 11.95 12.19 12.43 12.68 12.93 13.19 13.46 13.73 14.00 14.28 14.57 14.86 15.15 15.46 15.77 16.08 16.40 16.73 17.07 17.41 LEVEL E 11.64 11.87 12.11 12.35 12.60 12.85 13.11 13.37 13.64 13.91 14.19 14.47 14.76 15.06 15.36 15.67 15.98 16.30 16.63 16.96 17.30 17.64 18.00 18.36 18.72 MAINTENANCE / CUSTODIAL A Custodian B Custodian, lead C Athletics property spec F Maintenance worker B Warehouse worker D Warehouse specialist H HVAC technician D Inventory clerk D F E C SECURITY E Dispatcher/secretary B Guard E Guard, lead H TRANSPORTATION E Bus driver F Equipment mechanic D Inventory clerk TECHNICAL F Technician I H Technician II J Technician III H Data technician II GENERAL OFFICE / CLERICAL D Registrar/attendance clerk E I F I J F 12.52 12.77 13.02 13.29 13.55 13.82 14.10 14.38 14.67 14.96 15.26 15.57 15.88 16.19 16.52 16.85 17.19 17.53 17.88 18.24 18.60 18.97 19.35 19.74 20.14 Data entry/attendance clerk Data entry - assessment Secretary/GFA specialist Administrative/media/ school clerk Bookkeeper accts payable/special accts Bookkeeper payroll Admin assist - classified personnel/insurance Admin assist - exemplary schls/federal proj Human resources specialist Admin asst - supt G 13.46 13.73 14.01 14.29 14.57 14.87 15.16 15.47 15.78 16.09 16.41 16.74 17.08 17.42 17.77 18.12 18.48 18.85 19.23 19.61 20.01 20.41 20.82 21.23 21.66 H 14.48 14.77 15.07 15.37 15.67 15.99 16.31 16.63 16.97 17.31 17.65 18.01 18.37 18.73 19.11 19.49 19.88 20.28 20.68 21.10 21.52 21.95 22.39 22.83 23.29 A D B B D G I 15.57 15.89 16.20 16.53 16.86 17.20 17.54 17.89 18.25 18.61 18.98 19.36 19.75 20.15 20.55 20.96 21.38 21.81 22.24 22.69 23.14 23.61 24.08 24.56 25.05 J 16.75 17.08 17.43 17.78 18.13 18.49 18.86 19.24 19.63 20.02 20.42 20.83 21.24 21.67 22.10 22.54 22.99 23.45 23.92 24.40 24.89 25.39 25.90 26.41 26.94 Worker Cashier Inventory/delivery clerk Cook/baker Cafeteria site manager Food production manager CLASSROOM / SCHOOL C Day care assistant D Day care/Wings coordinator F Computer lab technician E Certified nursing assistant C Liaison officer F OT/PT technician C Paraprofessional F Parent educator & center coord C Speech language tech FOOD SERVICE 227 Window Rock Unified ESP (continued) SCHOOL NURSE STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 228 LPN 31,578 32,367 33,177 34,006 34,856 35,728 36,621 37,536 38,475 39,437 40,423 41,433 42,469 43,531 44,619 45,734 46,878 48,050 49,251 50,482 RN 32,278 33,085 33,912 34,760 35,629 36,520 37,433 38,368 39,328 40,311 41,319 42,352 43,410 44,496 45,608 46,748 47,917 49,115 50,343 51,601 BSN 32,978 33,802 34,648 35,514 36,402 37,312 38,244 39,200 40,180 41,185 42,215 43,270 44,352 45,461 46,597 47,762 48,956 50,180 51,434 52,720 SPECIAL EDUCATION-RELATED School Psychologist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist BA BA+15 BA+30 BA+45 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 44,468 45,580 46,719 47,887 49,084 50,311 51,569 52,858 54,180 45,580 46,719 47,887 49,084 50,311 51,569 52,858 54,180 55,534 46,719 47,887 49,084 50,311 51,569 52,858 54,180 55,534 56,923 47,887 49,084 50,311 51,569 52,858 54,180 55,534 56,923 58,346 49,084 50,311 51,569 52,858 54,180 55,534 56,923 58,346 59,805 50,311 51,569 52,858 54,180 55,534 56,923 58,346 59,805 61,300 51,569 52,858 54,180 55,534 56,923 58,346 59,805 61,300 62,832 54,180 55,534 56,923 58,346 59,805 61,300 62,832 64,403 55,534 56,923 58,346 59,805 61,300 62,832 64,403 66,013 58,346 59,805 61,300 62,832 64,403 66,013 67,663 59,805 61,300 62,832 64,403 66,013 67,663 69,355 61,300 62,832 64,403 66,013 67,663 69,355 71,089 64,403 66,013 67,663 69,355 71,089 72,866 66,013 67,663 69,355 71,089 72,866 74,688 67,663 69,355 71,089 72,866 74,688 76,555 69,355 71,089 72,866 74,688 76,555 78,469 71,089 72,866 74,688 76,555 78,469 80,430 72,866 74,688 76,555 78,469 80,430 82,441 74,688 76,555 78,469 80,430 82,441 84,502 DOC 55,534 56,923 58,346 59,805 61,300 62,832 64,403 66,013 67,663 69,355 71,089 72,866 74,688 76,555 78,469 80,430 82,441 84,502 86,615 Window Rock Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BA 37,271 38,203 39,158 40,137 41,140 42,169 43,223 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL PROFESSIONAL Mental health specialist, Social worker, Residential treatment coordinator BA+15 BA+30 BA+45 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 38,203 39,158 40,137 41,140 42,169 43,223 44,304 39,158 40,137 41,140 42,169 43,223 44,304 45,411 40,137 41,140 42,169 43,223 44,304 45,411 46,546 41,140 42,169 43,223 44,304 45,411 46,546 47,710 42,169 43,223 44,304 45,411 46,546 47,710 48,903 43,223 44,304 45,411 46,546 47,710 48,903 50,125 44,304 45,411 46,546 47,710 48,903 50,125 51,378 45,411 46,546 47,710 48,903 50,125 51,378 52,663 46,546 47,710 48,903 50,125 51,378 52,663 53,980 48,903 50,125 51,378 52,663 53,980 55,329 50,125 51,378 52,663 53,980 55,329 56,712 51,378 52,663 53,980 55,329 56,712 58,130 53,980 55,329 56,712 58,130 59,583 55,329 56,712 58,130 59,583 61,073 56,712 58,130 59,583 61,073 62,600 58,130 59,583 61,073 62,600 64,165 59,583 61,073 62,600 64,165 65,769 61,073 62,600 64,165 65,769 67,413 62,600 64,165 65,769 67,413 69,098 MA+60 45,411 46,546 47,710 48,903 50,125 51,378 52,663 53,980 55,329 56,712 58,130 59,583 61,073 62,600 64,165 65,769 67,413 69,098 70,826 DOC 46,546 47,710 48,903 50,125 51,378 52,663 53,980 55,329 56,712 58,130 59,583 61,073 62,600 64,165 65,769 67,413 69,098 70,826 72,596 229 COCHISE COUNTY Ash Creek Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Cafeteria manager, Library aide, Classroom aide, Bus driver 10.00 10.30 10.61 10.93 11.26 11.59 11.94 12.30 12.67 13.05 13.31 13.57 13.85 14.12 14.41 14.69 Kitchen helper Business manager 7.35 7.57 7.80 8.03 8.27 8.52 8.78 9.04 9.31 9.59 9.78 9.98 10.18 10.38 10.59 10.80 12.00 12.36 12.73 13.11 13.51 13.91 14.33 14.76 15.20 15.66 15.97 16.29 16.62 16.95 17.29 17.63 Secretary Office clerk, Custodian Maintenance supervisor, Computer tech 10.00 10.30 10.82 11.36 11.92 12.52 13.15 13.80 14.49 15.22 15.52 15.83 16.15 16.47 16.80 17.14 8.00 8.24 8.49 8.74 9.00 9.27 9.55 9.84 10.13 10.44 10.65 10.86 11.08 11.30 11.52 11.76 11.00 11.33 11.67 12.02 12.38 12.75 13.13 13.53 13.93 14.35 14.64 14.93 15.23 15.54 15.85 16.16 Benson Unified ESP, 2012-2013 LEVEL Nurse (RN) Min : Max 24,000 : 35,000 230 Bus Driver Transportation Mechanic 10.00 : 17.00 12.00 : 17.00 Business Finance Specialist, Accounts Payable Specialist, Payroll Specialist, Technology Support Specialist, Board/ Superintendent Secretary 10.00 : 18.50 Maintenance I, Maintenance II, Preventive Maintenance Technician Custodian, Food Service Office Secretary, Principal’s Secretary Office Assistant, Paraprofessional, SPED Paraprofessional, Health Aide 9.00 : 18.00 8.00 : 16.00 9.00 : 18.00 8.00 : 16.00 COCHISE COUNTY Bisbee Unified ESP, 2012-2013 CATEGORY Base Maximum 1 7.65 8.42 2 7.80 9.36 3 8.19 10.24 4 9.01 11.72 5 9.91 13.38 6 11.40 15.96 7 13.68 20.52 Category 1 Cafeteria worker I 2 Custodian, Cafeteria worker II, Mail clerk 3 Cafeteria clerk 4 Bus driver, Maintenance, Paraprofessional regular education, Dispatcher, AP clerk, Head cook 5 Bus mechanic, Computer tech I, Nursing assistant, Paraprofessional special education 6 Payroll specialist, School/district secretary, Computer tech II 7 Computer coordinator, Financial support specialist Initial placement is based on degree, category and experience. New hires with experience will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine placement on the schedule. Maximum years of experience credited is 5. 231 COCHISE COUNTY Bowie Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Placement determination chart RANGE Custodian, Kitchen worker Receptionist/ clerk Maintenance Teacher aide, Pool manager, Library aide Base 7.65 7.96 8.51 9.07 Bus driver, Support svcs secretary, Lead maintenance, Cafeteria mgr 10.97 Max 9.95 10.34 12.77 13.60 17.55 District secretary 20.73 11.52 2% per year for related experience, but not more than maximum or 10%. 4% per year for approved associate’s degree, but not more than % or maximum plus 20%. 6% per year for approved bachelor’s degree, but not more than % or maximum plus 25%. Douglas Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Base pay I II III IV V VI $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.57 $7.99 $8.54 VII 8.87 VIII IX X XI XII XIII $9.20 $9.54 $9.90 $10.25 $11.28 $12.27 XIV $13.36 232 Student worker Cafeteria worker I Office assistant, Cafeteria worker II Health aide, Cafeteria worker III, Data entry clerk Receptionist, Library aide, Print shop aide Custodian, Warehouse worker, Cafeteria custodian/driver, Secretary I (non-school), Delivery driver, Grounds worker, NSC clerk I (student records) Instructional aide (NCLD qualified), Lead custodian, Lead grounds worker, Secretary II (school), LEP tester, NSC clerk II (data entry), Parent liaison, Speech tech, Alt. to suspension monitor, Migrant home school liaison/recruiter, Community liaison/dropout prevention Account clerk I, Attendance clerk, Transition specialist, Bookstore manager Maintenance worker I, Secretary III (principal) Admin assistant, Account clerk II, Athletic coordinator, Night security, Campus security officer Account clerk III, Maintenance worker II, Mechanic, Data support clerk, Bus driver Cafeteria manager, Mechanic II, Admin assistant, Registrar Maintenance crew supervisor, IT technician I, LPN, A/V telecom tech, SAIS specialist, Data specialist Executive secretary, IT technician II, HVAC technician, Preventive maintenance technician, GFA/procurement clerk COCHISE COUNTY Elfrida Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Clerical Aide, Cafeteria Worker, Custodian 7.75 7.80 7.88 8.14 8.41 8.68 8.95 9.21 9.48 9.75 10.02 10.28 10.55 10.82 11.09 11.35 11.63 11.90 12.16 12.43 Secretary-Clerk, Instruct. aide/AA degree, Cafeteria Manager, Bus Driver 9.75 10.02 10.28 10.55 10.82 11.09 11.35 11.63 11.90 12.16 12.43 12.69 12.97 13.23 13.50 13.77 14.04 14.30 14.58 14.83 Bookkeeper (annual) 27,000 27,500 28,000 28,500 29,000 29,500 30,000 30,500 31,000 31,500 32,000 32,500 33,000 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 233 COCHISE COUNTY Fort Huachuca Accommodation ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 234 1 10.18 10.28 10.42 10.59 10.76 10.96 11.15 11.37 11.61 11.83 12.12 12.43 12.74 13.06 13.39 13.74 13 13.70 13.83 14.04 14.24 14.50 14.76 15.01 15.31 15.61 15.93 16.33 16.74 17.16 17.59 18.03 18.48 2 10.42 10.54 10.69 10.86 11.04 11.24 11.42 11.66 11.90 12.12 12.43 12.74 13.06 13.39 13.73 14.09 14 14.02 14.15 14.37 14.58 14.84 15.10 15.36 15.67 15.98 16.30 16.71 17.12 17.56 17.99 18.45 18.94 3 10.68 10.79 10.95 11.11 11.31 11.52 11.71 11.95 12.17 12.42 12.74 13.06 13.38 13.72 14.06 14.44 15 14.37 14.51 14.73 14.95 15.21 15.48 15.75 16.06 16.38 16.71 17.12 17.56 17.99 18.44 18.90 19.41 4 10.96 11.06 11.24 11.40 11.61 11.80 12.01 12.26 12.49 12.75 13.07 13.39 13.73 14.07 14.42 14.79 SALARY RANGE 5 6 11.23 11.52 11.34 11.63 11.52 11.79 11.68 11.98 11.89 12.18 12.09 12.40 12.31 12.62 12.55 12.86 12.80 13.12 13.06 13.39 13.38 13.73 13.72 14.07 14.06 14.42 14.41 14.78 14.77 15.15 15.16 15.53 16 14.73 14.87 15.10 15.32 15.59 15.86 16.14 16.47 16.79 17.13 17.56 17.99 18.45 18.90 19.38 19.89 18 15.47 15.63 15.86 16.10 16.38 16.67 16.95 17.29 17.64 17.99 18.44 18.90 19.37 19.86 20.36 20.90 8 12.09 12.22 12.40 12.59 12.80 13.03 13.27 13.52 13.79 14.07 14.42 14.78 15.15 15.53 15.91 16.33 19 15.87 16.03 16.27 16.52 16.81 17.10 17.40 17.75 18.10 18.46 18.93 19.39 19.88 20.38 20.89 21.42 9 12.39 12.51 12.70 12.89 13.12 13.35 13.58 13.85 14.13 14.42 14.78 15.14 15.52 15.91 16.30 16.73 22 17.08 17.25 17.51 17.77 18.09 18.40 18.73 19.10 19.48 19.87 20.37 20.88 21.40 21.93 22.48 23.05 10 12.70 12.82 13.02 13.21 13.44 13.68 13.92 14.19 14.48 14.77 15.14 15.52 15.90 16.30 16.71 17.16 27 19.33 19.52 19.82 20.12 20.47 20.83 21.19 21.61 22.04 22.48 23.04 23.63 24.21 24.81 25.44 26.10 11 13.03 13.15 13.36 13.55 13.79 14.04 14.28 14.56 14.85 15.15 15.53 15.92 16.32 16.73 17.14 17.59 29 20.30 20.51 20.82 21.14 21.50 21.88 22.26 22.70 23.15 23.62 24.21 24.81 25.44 26.08 26.73 27.42 12 13.35 13.48 13.69 13.88 14.13 14.38 14.63 14.91 15.22 15.52 15.91 16.20 16.72 17.13 17.57 18.04 36 24.13 24.38 24.74 25.11 25.55 26.01 26.46 26.99 27.52 28.07 28.77 29.49 30.24 30.99 31.77 32.59 Fort Huachuca Accommodation (continued) JOB CLASS CLERICAL SUPPORT 2 Office clerk 4 Senior office clerk 4 Secretary 8 Senior secretary 14 Administrative secretary 18 Secretary to superintendent BUSINESS OPERATIONS 36 Manager, finance/business 12 Account clerk A/P 16 Account clerk/payroll INFORMATION SYSTEMS 9 Computer lab technician 19 Senior network systems analyst LIBRARY GROUP 4 Library assistant 6 Library coordinator STUDENT SUPPORT 1 Crossing guard 1 Playground monitor 3 Instructional assistant 4 Instructional assistant – Title I 5 Occupational/physical therapy assistant 6 Health services assistant 5 Counseling behavior coach 3 Head crossing guard TRANSPORTATION/ MAINTENANCE 10 Bus driver 15 Mechanic/driver 11 Driver/operations technician 12 Driver/senior operations technician 27 Transport/maint. Asst mgr 29 Transport/maint. manager 3 Custodian 6 Senior custodian 13 Custodial supervisor 1 Bus monitor FOOD SERVICE 1 Worker 5 Cook/baker 6 Supervisor 12 Assistant manager 22 Manager 235 COCHISE COUNTY Naco Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 236 Custodian, Bus driver, Food service worker, Clerk, Teaching assistant 9.35 9.85 10.35 10.85 11.35 11.85 12.35 12.85 13.35 13.85 14.35 14.85 15.35 15.85 16.35 16.85 17.35 17.85 18.35 18.85 Computer lab aide, Library assistant, Secretary I, Highly qualified teaching assistant 9.60 10.10 10.60 11.10 11.60 12.10 12.60 13.10 13.60 14.10 14.60 15.10 15.60 16.10 16.60 17.10 17.60 18.10 18.60 19.10 Head custodian, Office assistant, Technology coordinator, Office assistant, Secretary II, Cafeteria manager 10.35 10.85 11.35 11.85 12.35 12.85 13.35 13.85 14.35 14.85 15.35 15.85 16.35 16.85 17.35 17.85 18.35 18.85 19.35 19.85 COCHISE COUNTY Palominas Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Bus Driver 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10.00 10.21 10.42 10.63 10.84 11.05 11.26 11.47 11.68 11.89 12.10 12.31 12.52 12.73 12.94 13.15 13.36 13.57 13.78 13.99 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Teacher/Playground/ Transportation aides, Custodian, Food service worker, Before/after care assistant 7.65 Highly qualified teacher assistant, Speech aide, Office/ Transportation clerks 7.65 7.68 7.91 8.05 8.20 8.36 8.55 8.70 8.91 9.12 9.32 9.53 9.73 9.94 10.15 10.35 10.56 10.76 7.78 7.98 8.19 8.39 8.60 8.81 9.01 9.22 9.42 9.63 9.84 10.04 10.25 10.45 10.66 10.87 11.07 11.28 Maintenance, Grounds workers, Property control clerk/courier 8.03 8.18 8.34 8.49 8.65 8.80 8.96 9.11 9.26 9.42 9.57 9.73 9.88 10.04 10.19 10.35 10.50 10.65 10.81 10.96 Cafeteria manager Before/ after care specialist Discipline Accountability Program Monitor 8.70 8.91 9.12 9.32 9.53 9.73 9.94 10.15 10.35 10.56 10.76 10.97 11.18 11.38 11.59 11.79 12.00 12.21 12.41 12.62 9.73 9.94 10.15 10.35 10.56 10.76 10.97 11.18 11.38 11.59 11.79 12.00 12.21 12.41 12.62 12.82 13.03 13.24 13.44 13.65 10.76 10.97 11.18 11.38 11.59 11.79 12.00 12.21 12.41 12.62 12.82 13.03 13.24 13.44 13.65 13.85 14.06 14.27 14.47 14.68 Secretary, Accounts payable/ purchasing Mechanic Superintendent/ board secretary, Payroll/ finance assistant 10.51 10.82 11.15 11.48 11.83 12.18 12.55 12.92 13.31 13.71 14.12 14.55 14.98 15.43 15.90 16.37 16.86 17.37 17.89 18.43 10.57 10.89 11.22 11.55 11.90 12.26 12.63 13.00 13.39 13.80 14.21 14.64 15.07 15.53 15.99 16.47 16.97 17.48 18.00 18.54 12.44 12.81 13.19 13.59 14.00 14.42 14.85 15.30 15.76 16.23 16.71 17.22 17.73 18.26 18.81 19.38 19.96 20.56 21.17 21.81 237 COCHISE COUNTY Pearce Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 A B C Food Service 7.65 – 10.65 8.65 – 11.65 9.65 – 12.65 Custodian 8.20 – 11.20 9.20 – 12.20 10.20 – 13.20 Pomerene Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Beginning pay rate Aide 238 9.18 Paraprofessional 8.70 – 11.70 9.70 – 12.70 10.70 – 13.70 Bus Driver 9.45 – 12.45 10.45 – 13.45 11.45 – 14.45 Maintenance 9.45 – 13.45 10.45 – 14.45 11.45 – 15.45 Admin Assistant 12.05 – 15.05 13.05 – 16.05 14.05 – 17.05 Business Finance 12.65 – 15.65 13.65 – 16.65 14.65 – 17.65 COCHISE COUNTY Saint David Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 7.41 7.66 7.91 8.16 8.41 8.66 8.91 9.16 9.41 9.66 9.91 10.16 10.41 10.66 10.91 11.16 11.41 11.66 11.91 12.16 12.41 12.66 12.91 13.16 13.41 13.66 2 8.14 8.39 8.64 8.89 9.14 9.39 9.64 9.89 10.14 10.39 10.64 10.89 11.14 11.39 11.64 11.89 12.14 12.39 12.64 12.89 13.14 13.39 13.64 13.89 14.14 14.39 3 8.87 9.12 9.37 9.62 9.87 10.12 10.37 10.62 10.87 11.12 11.37 11.62 11.87 12.12 12.37 12.62 12.87 13.12 13.37 13.62 13.87 14.12 14.37 14.62 14.87 15.12 Column 1 Paraprofessional, Cafeteria worker, Janitorial worker 2 Special ed paraprofessional 3 Secretarial/clerk, Cook, Library media aide, Maintenance worker 4 Administrative assistant 4 10.22 10.47 10.72 10.97 11.22 11.47 11.72 11.97 12.22 12.47 12.72 12.97 13.22 13.47 13.72 13.97 14.22 14.47 14.72 14.97 15.22 15.47 15.72 15.97 16.22 16.47 5 10.52 10.77 11.02 11.27 11.52 11.77 12.02 12.27 12.52 12.77 13.02 13.27 13.52 13.77 14.02 14.27 14.52 14.77 15.02 15.27 15.52 15.77 16.02 16.27 16.52 16.77 5 6 7 8 9 6 13.16 13.41 13.66 13.91 14.16 14.41 14.66 14.91 15.16 15.41 15.66 15.91 16.16 16.41 16.66 16.91 17.16 17.41 17.66 17.91 18.16 18.41 18.66 18.91 19.16 19.41 7 14.49 14.74 14.99 15.24 15.49 15.74 15.99 16.24 16.49 16.74 16.99 17.24 17.49 17.74 17.99 18.24 18.49 18.74 18.99 19.24 19.49 19.74 19.99 20.24 20.49 20.74 8 15.44 15.69 15.94 16.19 16.44 16.69 16.94 17.19 17.44 17.69 17.94 18.19 18.44 18.69 18.94 19.19 19.44 19.69 19.94 20.19 20.44 20.69 20.94 21.19 21.44 21.69 9 20.37 20.62 20.87 21.12 21.37 21.62 21.87 22.12 22.37 22.62 22.87 23.12 23.37 23.62 23.87 24.12 24.37 24.62 24.87 25.12 25.37 25.62 25.87 26.12 26.37 26.62 Bus driver Cafeteria manager Maintenance supervisor, Transportation supervisor/Janitorial supervisor School nurse Special services coordinator 239 COCHISE COUNTY Sierra Vista Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 K 7.45 7.76 8.05 8.38 8.72 9.07 9.45 9.82 10.20 10.61 11.02 11.48 11.94 12.41 12.90 13.43 13.95 14.52 15.11 15.71 L 7.69 7.99 8.31 8.63 8.98 9.35 9.72 10.11 10.51 10.93 11.37 11.83 12.29 12.79 13.31 13.83 14.38 14.96 15.56 16.19 N 8.39 8.72 9.08 9.45 9.82 10.21 10.62 11.03 11.49 11.95 12.42 12.91 13.44 13.96 14.53 15.12 15.72 16.34 16.99 17.68 O 8.63 8.98 9.35 9.72 10.11 10.51 10.93 11.37 11.83 12.28 12.79 13.31 13.83 14.38 14.96 15.56 16.19 16.82 17.51 18.20 P 8.89 9.26 9.62 10.01 10.39 10.83 11.27 11.70 12.17 12.67 13.18 13.70 14.25 14.82 15.41 16.03 16.66 17.33 18.03 18.74 P1 9.14 9.51 9.88 10.28 10.69 11.12 11.57 12.03 12.51 13.01 13.54 14.07 14.63 15.22 15.83 16.46 17.12 17.81 18.52 19.26 Q1 9.25 9.62 10.01 10.40 10.82 11.26 11.70 12.17 12.66 13.18 13.71 14.26 14.83 15.43 16.04 16.68 17.35 18.04 18.76 19.51 R 9.46 9.83 10.22 10.63 11.04 11.50 11.96 12.43 12.93 13.45 13.97 14.54 15.13 15.73 16.36 17.00 17.71 18.41 19.16 19.91 S 9.73 10.12 10.53 10.94 11.38 11.84 12.30 12.80 13.32 13.84 14.41 14.97 15.58 16.21 16.84 17.52 18.21 18.94 19.71 20.49 LEVEL J — $7.25 — Student hire, Sub bus driver trainee LEVEL K — Account technician/text books, Athletic technician, Clerk typist, Paraprofessional, Athletic assistant, Crossing guard, Food service driver, Safety monitor, Food service attendant, Receptionist/switchboard (HS), Warehouse clerk LEVEL L —Assistant food service specialist, LEVEL N — Bus monitor, Paraprofessional Sp Ed (self-contained), Fire watch LEVEL O — Food service specialist LEVEL P — General maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Secretary, Print shop manager, Custodian (day), Grounds person LEVEL P1 — Custodian (swing) LEVEL Q1 — Custodian (night) LEVEL R — Athletic fields grounds person, Grounds person w/spray certification, Site lead custodian (day, K-8 & HS) LEVEL S — Cafeteria manager, Bus driver, Site lead custodian (swing, K-8 & HS) 240 Sierra Vista Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 S1 9.81 10.20 10.61 11.03 11.48 11.94 12.42 12.91 13.44 13.98 14.54 15.13 15.73 16.36 17.01 17.70 18.41 19.15 19.91 20.70 T 10.02 10.42 10.84 11.28 11.71 12.18 12.68 13.19 13.71 14.27 14.84 15.43 16.05 16.68 17.34 18.05 18.76 19.52 20.29 21.11 U 10.31 10.72 11.18 11.61 12.08 12.56 13.05 13.59 14.14 14.68 15.27 15.89 16.52 17.19 17.88 18.58 19.33 20.10 20.91 21.74 V 10.63 11.04 11.51 11.96 12.45 12.94 13.46 13.98 14.55 15.14 15.74 16.36 17.01 17.71 18.42 19.17 19.92 20.71 21.54 22.40 W 10.94 11.39 11.84 12.30 12.81 13.32 13.85 14.41 14.97 15.58 16.21 16.84 17.53 18.22 18.94 19.72 20.50 21.32 22.17 23.05 W1 11.20 11.65 12.12 12.60 13.11 13.63 14.17 14.72 15.32 15.94 16.57 17.24 17.92 18.63 19.38 20.16 20.96 21.80 22.67 23.58 X 11.29 11.72 12.19 12.69 13.20 13.73 14.28 14.85 15.44 16.06 16.69 17.37 18.06 18.77 19.53 20.31 21.13 21.97 22.85 23.77 X1 11.45 11.91 12.39 12.87 13.39 13.92 14.47 15.05 15.66 16.28 16.93 17.61 18.31 19.05 19.82 20.61 21.45 22.30 23.20 24.12 Y 11.61 12.08 12.56 13.08 13.59 14.15 14.68 15.28 15.89 16.52 17.20 17.89 18.59 19.34 20.11 20.91 21.75 22.63 23.53 24.48 Z 11.97 12.45 12.95 13.47 14.00 14.56 15.15 15.75 16.38 17.03 17.73 18.43 19.18 19.93 20.72 21.56 22.42 23.31 24.25 25.22 LEVEL S1 — Site lead custodian (night, K-8 & HS) LEVEL T — Nurse assistant, Dispatcher-transportation, Lead warehouse shipping & receiving, Dispatcher/trainertransportation LEVEL U — District support operations secretary, Principal’s secretary, Procurement technician, Grants management specialist, Special services secretary, Business office secretary, Food services secretary, Leave specialist, CTE director’s secretary LEVEL V — Crafts assistant, Mechanic’s assistant LEVEL W — Day security, In-house monitor, Opportunity hall monitor LEVEL W1 — Lead security (BHS) LEVEL X — HR benefits specialist, Night security (swing) LEVEL X1 — Night security (night) LEVEL Y — Speech language pathology assistant LEVEL Z — Vocational community trainer 241 Sierra Vista Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AA 12.31 12.82 13.33 13.86 14.42 14.99 15.60 16.22 16.86 17.54 18.23 18.96 19.74 20.52 21.36 22.19 23.08 24.00 24.98 25.98 AA1 12.55 13.05 13.58 14.11 14.67 15.26 15.87 16.50 17.18 17.86 18.57 19.32 20.09 20.90 21.74 22.61 23.52 24.46 25.44 26.46 BB 12.69 13.20 13.73 14.28 14.85 15.44 16.07 16.69 17.37 18.07 18.78 19.53 20.31 21.13 21.98 22.86 23.77 24.72 25.72 26.73 CC 13.09 13.61 14.16 14.70 15.29 15.91 16.55 17.22 17.90 18.61 19.37 20.13 20.94 21.77 22.66 23.55 24.50 25.47 26.49 27.56 CC1 13.33 13.86 14.41 14.98 15.59 16.21 16.85 17.53 18.23 18.96 19.72 20.50 21.32 22.17 23.05 23.98 24.93 25.94 26.98 28.07 DD 13.47 14.00 14.56 15.15 15.75 16.39 17.04 17.73 18.44 19.18 19.93 20.72 21.56 22.42 23.33 24.25 25.22 26.24 27.27 28.36 EE 13.87 14.44 15.00 15.61 16.24 16.88 17.56 18.25 18.98 19.75 20.54 21.38 22.21 23.10 24.02 25.00 25.99 27.03 28.11 29.24 FF 14.29 14.86 15.46 16.08 16.71 17.38 18.08 18.79 19.56 20.32 21.15 22.00 22.87 23.79 24.73 25.74 26.76 27.83 28.93 30.10 GG 14.70 15.30 15.91 16.56 17.22 17.91 18.61 19.38 20.13 20.94 21.78 22.67 23.56 24.50 25.47 26.50 27.56 28.67 29.82 31.01 LEVEL AA — Carpenter I, Electrician I, HVAC I, Mechanic I (day), Painter I, Plumber I, Welder I/small engine repair LEVEL AA1 — Mechanic II (swing) LEVEL BB — Assistant manager-community school relations/BPAC LEVEL CC — Carpenter II, HVAC II, Painter II, Welder II/small engine repair, Information technology technician; Electrician II; Plumber II; Mechanic II (day), Electronic technician; Accounts payable specialist; Payroll specialist; Procurement specialist; Budget specialist (HS); Information technology specialist, IT technician, IT specialist, SAIS specialist, Administrative secretary (district office) LEVEL CC1 — Mechanic II (swing) LEVEL DD — Lead mechanic, Fiscal control officer, Lead locksmith LEVEL EE — Facilities foreman (HS) LEVEL FF — Area supervisors (transportation and information technology), Lead craftsman/maintenance supervisor, District guest employee supervisor LEVEL GG — Manager - community school relations and Buena Performing Arts Center, District operations manager, Construction/project coordinator, District grant writer, Public information officer, Grants project evaluation specialist 242 COCHISE COUNTY Tombstone Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 B C D E F G B 8.10 8.45 8.51 8.66 8.82 9.02 9.23 9.44 9.64 9.90 10.16 10.42 10.68 10.98 11.29 11.60 11.91 12.22 12.53 12.84 13.15 13.46 13.77 14.08 14.39 14.70 C 8.35 8.61 8.76 8.92 9.07 9.28 9.49 9.69 9.90 10.16 10.42 10.68 10.93 11.24 11.55 11.86 12.17 12.48 12.79 13.10 13.41 13.72 14.03 14.34 14.65 14.96 D 8.60 8.87 9.02 9.18 9.33 9.54 9.75 9.95 10.16 10.42 10.68 10.93 11.19 11.50 11.81 12.12 12.43 12.74 13.05 13.36 13.67 13.98 14.29 14.60 14.91 15.22 E 9.50 9.77 9.92 10.07 10.22 10.43 10.64 10.85 11.06 11.32 11.58 11.84 12.10 12.41 12.72 13.03 13.34 13.65 13.96 14.27 14.58 14.89 15.20 15.51 15.82 16.13 F 9.60 9.91 10.11 10.31 10.51 10.77 11.03 11.29 11.55 11.86 12.17 12.48 12.79 13.15 13.51 13.87 14.23 14.59 14.95 15.31 15.67 16.03 16.39 16.75 17.11 17.47 G 13.37 13.87 14.37 14.87 15.37 15.87 16.37 16.87 17.87 18.87 19.87 20.37 20.87 21.37 21.87 22.37 22.87 23.37 23.87 24.37 24.87 Clerk/typist, Food service worker Cook, Cashier-food service, Facilities technician, Paraeducator, Attendance clerk, Secretary, Registrar, Warehouse/receiving Fleet mechanic, Technology assistant Bus driver (driving and/or training time) Executive assistant, Business office assistant, Grants management specialist, Youth transition program specialist, Student data management specialist Speech-language technician 243 COCHISE COUNTY Valley UHS ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Instructional Aides Cafeteria Workers Custodians 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7.65 7.90 8.21 8.54 8.89 9.25 9.61 10.00 10.40 10.82 11.25 11.70 12.17 12.66 13.16 13.69 14.24 14.81 15.40 16.02 Bus Drivers Maintenance Secretary Clerk Instructional Aide with AA Head Cook 8.35 8.62 8.98 9.35 9.73 10.10 10.51 10.93 11.37 11.82 12.30 12.79 13.30 13.83 14.38 14.95 15.55 16.17 16.82 17.49 Cafeteria Manager Head Maintenance Library Director NovaNet Lab Director 9.15 9.47 9.85 10.24 10.64 11.07 11.52 11.97 12.46 12.95 13.48 14.02 14.58 15.16 15.77 16.40 17.05 17.73 18.43 19.16 Willcox Unified ESP, 2012-2013 RANGE Minimum 2 6.75 3 6.75 4 6.75 5 7.30 6 8.80 7 9.30 8 9.80 Maximum 9.85 10.15 10.45 11.35 12.70 13.20 13.70 GRADE 2 Lunchroom supervisor/custodian, Teacher clerk HS, Custodian part-time, Food service helper, Playground assistant 3 Food service cashier, Teacher assistant HS 4 Copy lab assistant, Food service clerk, Head food service cashier, Library clerk, Print lab clerk, Teacher assistant special education HS, Migrant records clerk, Teacher assistant preschool 5 Custodian, Teacher assistant ESL P-8, Title I resource assistant P-8, Library assistant, Speech assistant P-12, Teacher assistant K-8 (includes sp. ed.), Transportation dispatcher/clerk, Attendance office clerk HS, Elementary or middle school clerk, Guidance office/library clerk interim, Head food service helper, Migrant/home liaison assistant, OCS proctor/library clerk interim elementary or middle school, Teacher assistant migrant 6 Accounts payable clerk, Bus driver, OT/PT special education assistant P-12, Teacher assistant special education profoundly disabled, Computer lab assistant, District bookkeeper/clerk, District receptionist, Groundskeeper, Head custodian, Teacher assistant Spanish 1-4, Head library assistant 7 District attendance clerk, High school secretary, Middle school secretary, Payroll/personnel clerk, Purchasing clerk, Elementary school secretary, Maintenance, Mechanic/assistant to transportation supervisor 8 District expense/budget clerk, Executive secretary to superintendent/board 244 COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I II III IV V VI VII VIII I II III CLASSIFICATION IV V VI VII VIII 8.65 8.85 9.08 9.31 9.54 9.77 10.02 10.27 10.53 10.79 11.05 11.33 11.62 11.92 8.93 9.17 9.40 9.63 9.88 10.12 10.38 10.63 10.90 11.18 11.45 11.73 12.04 12.33 9.28 9.51 9.73 9.99 10.23 10.50 10.76 11.02 11.30 11.59 11.88 12.17 12.47 12.79 9.66 9.92 10.15 10.41 10.68 10.94 11.22 11.50 11.78 12.08 12.38 12.68 13.00 13.33 10.10 10.36 10.61 10.88 11.15 11.43 11.71 12.02 12.30 12.62 12.94 13.27 13.58 13.93 10.59 10.86 11.13 11.40 11.69 12.00 12.28 12.60 12.92 13.24 13.55 13.91 14.25 14.62 11.13 11.40 11.69 12.00 12.28 12.60 12.92 13.24 13.55 13.91 14.25 14.62 14.99 15.36 11.71 12.02 12.30 12.62 12.94 13.27 13.58 13.93 14.27 14.64 15.01 15.37 15.75 16.15 Cafeteria aide, Driver trainee (step 1), FACTS caregiver, Sub FACTS (step 1) Bus aide, Crossing guard, Custodian/transportation, Sub bus aide step 1, Tire studder/slper, Utility person, Vehicle maintenance Cafeteria coordinator/elementary, Cashier, Cook/baker Custodian, Floor manager, General aide, General aide/attendance/high school, General aide/clerical, Instructional aide FACTS/K-3/Kids Center, Security officer, Sub aide (step 1), Sub custodian (step 1), Supply coordinator Attendance recorder/elementary, Bilingual aide, Cafeteria assistant manager/elementary manager, FACTS site manager, Cashier/coordinator, Instructional aide special education, Library assistant MS/HS, Media secretary, Property control Bilingual immersion, Computer data/bookstore, Counseling secretary, Inst. Aide (TAPP), Inst. Aide (MH), Science kit supplier, Systems data clerk Administrative clerk, Attendance secretary/MS/HS, Custodian/grounds/team leader, District records clerk, P.O. secretary/receptionist, Receptionist, Registrar, Secretary/programs/community education, Secretary/counseling/registrar, Security officer (lead) Account clerk (building), Account clerk (textbook), Admin receptionist, Administrative secretary/student support services, Assistant cafeteria manager, Clerk/HRS, FACTS team leaders, General maintenance, Maintenance/grounds, Materials handler, Secretary/maintenance, Secretary/transportation, Technician aide (schools) 245 Flagstaff Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV STEP 246 IX X 12.34 12.65 12.97 13.30 13.63 13.97 14.31 14.68 15.05 15.43 15.81 16.20 16.61 17.02 13.02 13.35 13.70 14.03 14.36 14.74 15.10 15.48 15.88 16.26 16.67 17.08 17.51 17.95 CLASSIFICATION XI XII 13.76 14.10 14.44 14.81 15.17 15.56 15.96 16.35 16.77 17.19 17.62 18.06 18.50 18.96 14.52 14.90 15.27 15.64 16.04 16.43 16.85 17.28 17.71 18.16 18.63 19.09 19.57 20.05 XIII XIV XV 15.36 15.74 16.14 16.54 16.96 17.38 17.81 18.26 18.72 19.18 19.66 20.15 20.66 21.17 16.23 16.64 17.05 17.48 17.90 18.36 18.81 19.27 19.75 20.26 20.77 21.29 21.81 22.38 17.16 17.58 18.03 18.47 18.92 19.40 19.88 20.39 20.89 21.42 21.95 22.50 23.05 23.64 Account clerk (administration), Administrative secretary, Administrative secretary/board, Administrative secretary/CLP, Asst. dispatcher, Asst. router, Attendance/substitute clerk, Bookstore manager, Bus driver, Cafeteria manager, Coordinator community schools, Custodian (head), General maintenance/sub custodian, Master mechanic, Press operator, Secretary/program/account clerk, Secretary/program, Secretary/program/community education, Secretary/principal/elem/MS/HS, Sub bus driver (step 1), Upholsterer Acct. clerk/payroll/receivable, Asst. director/food service, Director of Kids Center, Home school coordinator, Interpreter tutor, Maint/specialist, Mechanic I Buyer, Buyer/warehouse sup., Director of FACTS, Electrician I, Herbicide/pesticide applicator, Maintenance/grounds (lead), Payroll (lead) Admin. asst./bus. ofc., Administrative assistant/stud. sup. svcs., Admin. asst./board, Cataloguer, Dispatcher, Mechanic II, Painter; Preschool teacher, Senior buyer, Technician I, Title I evaluator, Trainer/team leader, Administrative assistant/curriculum & instruction/HRS/support services, Carpenter, Electrician II, HVAC, Locksmith, Mechanic III, Plumber, Print shop supervisor, Routing supervisor, Safety training officer, Technician II Custodian supervisor, Internet manager Community education specialist, Garage foreman 2 45,920 3 47,068 OCCUPATIONAL AND PHYSICAL THERAPISTS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 48,242 49,450 50,686 51,954 53,253 54,584 55,948 11 57,348 12 58,781 13 60,250 COCONINO COUNTY Fredonia-Moccasin Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Administrative assistant 10.82 11.04 11.26 11.48 11.70 11.92 12.14 12.36 12.58 12.80 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Custodial aide 8.60 8.94 9.28 9.62 9.96 10.30 10.64 10.98 11.32 11.66 Bus driver 13.50 13.85 14.20 14.55 14.90 15.25 15.60 15.95 16.30 16.65 Paraprofessional 7.80 8.15 8.50 8.85 9.20 9.55 9.90 10.25 10.60 10.95 Cafeteria aide 8.65 9.00 9.35 9.70 10.05 10.40 10.75 11.10 11.45 11.80 Registered nurse 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 Lead custodian 11.63 11.93 12.23 12.53 12.83 13.13 13.43 13.73 14.03 14.33 Indian education tutor 9.60 10.00 10.40 10.80 11.20 Maine Consolidated ESP, 2012-2013 For initial placement only STEP Extended day care aide Bus aide, Cafeteria aide Instructional aide, Custodial 1 2 3 4 5 9.50 9.82 10.14 10.47 10.82 10.64 10.99 11.36 11.73 12.12 11.81 12.20 12.61 13.02 13.45 Accounts payable, Preschool/ Extended day care co-director 12.99 13.42 13.87 14.32 14.80 Office manager, Registrar, Finance officer, Buildings & grounds director 13.51 13.96 14.42 14.90 15.39 Bus driver, Transportation director, Food service manager 14.05 14.52 15.00 15.49 16.00 247 COCONINO COUNTY Page Unified ESP, 2012-2013 LEVEL STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 7.63 8.43 9.29 10.01 10.78 11.61 12.51 13.14 13.81 2 7.82 8.64 9.54 10.26 11.06 11.89 12.81 13.45 14.15 3 8.01 8.84 9.76 10.50 11.32 12.18 13.12 13.79 14.48 4 8.21 9.05 10.00 10.76 11.59 12.49 13.44 14.13 14.83 5 8.41 9.27 10.24 11.04 11.87 12.79 13.78 14.46 15.20 6 8.61 9.51 10.49 11.30 12.16 13.10 14.12 14.82 15.58 7 8.82 9.74 10.74 11.58 12.47 13.41 14.44 15.18 15.95 8 9.02 9.97 11.02 11.84 12.77 13.75 14.80 15.56 16.34 9 9.25 10.22 11.28 12.14 13.08 14.08 15.16 15.93 16.74 10 9.49 10.46 11.55 12.44 13.39 14.42 15.55 16.32 17.16 11 9.72 10.72 11.82 12.75 13.73 14.78 15.92 16.72 17.57 12 9.95 10.97 12.12 13.06 14.06 15.14 16.31 17.14 17.99 13 10.19 11.26 12.42 13.37 14.40 15.52 16.70 17.55 18.44 14 10.44 11.52 12.72 13.71 14.75 15.89 17.11 17.96 18.89 15 10.68 11.80 13.03 14.04 15.11 16.28 17.53 18.42 19.34 16 10.95 12.09 13.35 14.37 15.49 16.68 17.94 18.86 19.83 17 11.23 12.38 13.69 14.73 15.86 17.08 18.40 19.32 20.30 18 11.49 12.69 14.01 15.08 16.25 17.50 18.84 19.81 20.79 19 11.77 13.00 14.35 15.47 16.65 17.91 19.30 20.27 21.31 20 12.07 13.32 14.70 15.84 17.05 18.37 19.77 20.77 21.83 21 12.36 13.64 15.05 16.21 17.47 18.81 20.25 21.29 22.35 22 12.66 13.98 15.44 16.62 17.88 19.26 20.74 21.80 22.90 23 12.98 14.32 15.81 17.02 18.34 19.73 21.26 22.33 23.46 24 13.29 14.67 16.19 17.43 18.78 20.22 21.78 22.87 24.03 25 13.59 15.02 16.58 17.84 19.23 20.71 22.29 23.44 24.62 26 13.95 15.41 16.99 18.30 19.70 21.21 22.85 24.00 25.23 27 14.28 15.76 17.40 18.74 20.18 21.74 23.41 24.59 25.83 28 14.64 16.14 17.82 19.20 20.67 22.25 23.97 25.20 26.46 29 14.99 16.55 18.26 19.66 21.17 22.81 24.56 25.80 27.10 30 15.35 16.95 18.70 20.15 21.70 23.37 25.16 26.43 27.77 LEVEL 1 — Aide SPED, Crossing guard, Substitute LEVEL 2 — Aide (library, teacher), Baker, Campus supervisor, Cashier, Cater coordinator, Clerk (JOM, warehouse), Cook head assistant, Custodian, Food service worker, Groundskeeper, Library aide, Paraprofessional, SOI lab aide LEVEL 3 — Clerk (bookstore/CTE, data entry, grant, inventory-purchasing, student support), Counseling assistant, Custodian lead, Data entry, Job coach, Liaison, Nurse assistant, Paraprofessional (instruction, support), Parent liaison, SPED case worker, Transportation specialist YTP LEVEL 4 — Clerk (acting HR, attendance officer, attendance, receptionist, warehouse), Cook head, Food service manager, Paraprofessional DV reading, Secretary (athletic, transportation YTP, ACT, SPED, tech), Transition supervisor LEVEL 5 — Adminstrative assistant, Reader, Registrar HS, Supervisor central kitchen LEVEL 6 — Bus driver/secretary, Bus driver, Bus driver HR, Clerk (payables, purchasing), Coordinator (21 Cent, CAB), Paraprofessional (Teac, CDA), Secretary ADM, Security, Security officer LEVEL 7 — Clerk (benefits, payroll), Security LEVEL 8 — Maintenance, Secretary executive, Technology (computer, software) LEVEL 9 — Maintenance 2, Mechanic, Mechanic 2, Tech network, Technology hardware 248 COCONINO COUNTY Tuba City Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 8.67 8.86 9.05 9.24 9.44 9.65 9.85 10.07 10.29 10.52 10.75 10.99 11.23 11.48 11.73 12.00 12.27 II 10.95 11.19 11.44 11.69 11.95 12.22 12.49 12.77 13.06 13.36 13.66 13.97 14.29 14.61 14.95 15.29 15.64 Maintenance III IV 12.92 14.90 13.22 15.24 13.52 15.59 13.82 15.95 14.14 16.32 14.46 16.69 14.79 17.08 15.13 17.48 15.48 17.88 15.83 18.30 16.20 18.72 16.57 19.16 16.96 19.61 17.35 20.07 17.75 20.54 18.16 21.02 18.59 21.51 V 19.42 19.87 20.34 20.82 21.31 21.81 22.32 22.85 23.39 23.94 24.51 25.09 25.69 26.30 26.92 27.57 28.22 MAINTENANCE I Laborer/maintenance helper II Maintenance worker with experience III Tradesman with trade school certificate IV Tradesman with journeyman’s certificate V Maintenance foreman II 12.36 12.64 12.92 13.21 13.51 13.82 14.14 14.46 14.79 15.13 15.47 15.83 16.19 16.57 16.95 17.34 17.74 Transportation III IV V 14.09 14.65 15.01 14.41 14.99 15.35 14.74 15.33 15.71 15.08 15.68 16.07 15.42 16.04 16.44 15.78 16.41 16.82 16.14 16.79 17.21 16.51 17.18 17.61 16.89 17.58 18.02 17.28 17.98 18.43 17.68 18.40 18.86 18.09 18.83 19.30 18.51 19.27 19.76 18.94 19.72 20.22 19.38 20.18 20.69 19.83 20.66 21.18 20.29 21.14 21.68 VI 16.57 16.95 17.35 18.16 18.58 19.02 19.46 19.92 20.38 20.86 21.35 21.85 22.37 22.90 23.44 23.99 24.56 Warehouse I II 10.53 9.47 10.76 9.68 11.00 9.89 11.24 10.10 11.49 10.32 11.75 10.55 12.01 10.78 12.28 11.02 12.55 11.27 12.83 11.52 13.12 11.77 13.42 12.04 13.73 12.31 14.04 12.58 14.36 12.87 14.68 13.16 15.02 13.46 Custodian I 10.58 10.81 11.05 11.29 11.55 11.80 12.07 12.34 12.61 12.90 13.19 13.49 13.79 14.11 14.43 14.76 15.10 TRANSPORTATION I Bus driver trainee ($10.35) II Bus driver III General mechanic with CDL/no cert. IV Mechanic with CDL/auto or diesel certificate V Assistant head mechanic with CDL/journeyman VI Head mechanic with CDL/journeyman WAREHOUSE I Property control-inventory clerk II Warehouse receiving clerk 249 Tuba City Unified ESP (continued) Food Service STEP I II III 1 8.68 9.62 10.09 2 8.87 9.83 10.31 3 9.06 10.05 10.53 4 9.25 10.27 10.76 5 9.45 10.49 11.00 6 9.66 10.72 11.25 7 9.87 10.96 11.50 8 10.08 11.20 11.75 9 10.30 11.45 12.02 10 10.53 11.71 12.28 11 10.76 11.97 12.56 12 11.00 12.24 12.84 13 11.24 12.51 13.13 14 11.49 12.79 13.43 15 11.75 13.08 13.73 16 12.01 13.38 14.05 17 12.28 13.68 14.37 FOOD SERVICE I Worker/cashier II Cook I III Cook/site manager IV Production manager STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 250 Business Office Accountant AA Degree BA/BS Degree 19.91 20.37 20.85 21.34 21.84 22.36 22.88 23.42 23.98 24.55 25.13 25.73 23.16 23.71 24.27 24.85 25.44 26.04 26.66 27.30 27.95 28.62 29.30 30.00 Level 1 Tech 9.27 9.47 9.68 9.89 10.10 10.32 10.55 10.78 11.02 11.27 11.52 11.77 12.04 12.31 12.58 12.87 13.16 IV 11.18 11.43 11.69 11.95 12.21 12.49 12.77 13.06 13.35 13.65 13.96 14.28 14.61 14.94 15.28 15.63 15.99 Level 2 Tech 13.22 13.52 13.83 14.14 14.46 14.79 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.20 16.57 16.96 17.35 17.75 18.16 18.59 19.02 Navajo Language/Culture Instructor I II III 12.45 12.71 12.98 12.73 13.00 13.27 13.02 13.29 13.57 13.31 13.59 13.88 13.62 13.90 14.19 13.93 14.22 14.52 14.24 14.54 14.85 14.57 14.87 15.19 14.90 15.21 15.54 15.24 15.56 15.89 15.59 15.92 16.26 15.95 16.29 16.64 16.32 16.66 17.02 16.69 17.05 17.41 17.08 17.44 17.82 17.48 17.85 18.23 17.89 18.27 18.65 NAVAJO LANGUAGE CULTURE INSTRUCTOR I HS diploma with Language Proficiency Certificate II AA or 60+ hours with Language Proficiency Certificate III BA/BS with Language Proficiency Certificate Computer Information & Technology Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Spec Spec Engineer 15.29 19.34 25.09 15.64 19.79 25.69 16.00 20.26 26.30 16.37 20.73 26.92 16.75 21.22 27.56 17.13 21.72 28.22 17.53 22.23 28.90 17.94 22.75 29.59 18.36 23.29 30.30 18.78 23.84 31.02 19.22 24.41 31.77 19.67 24.99 32.53 20.13 25.58 33.31 20.60 26.19 34.11 21.09 26.81 34.94 21.58 27.45 35.78 22.09 28.10 36.64 Level 2 Engineer 30.71 31.45 32.20 32.98 33.77 34.53 35.41 36.27 37.14 38.04 38.96 39.90 40.87 41.86 42.88 43.92 44.98 Tuba City Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 10.36 10.59 10.82 11.06 11.31 11.56 11.82 12.08 12.35 12.63 12.91 13.21 13.50 13.81 14.13 14.45 14.78 II 10.59 10.82 11.06 11.31 11.56 11.81 12.08 12.35 12.63 12.91 13.20 13.50 13.81 14.12 14.44 14.77 15.11 Instructional Aide / Personal Care Aide III IV V 10.82 11.06 11.31 11.06 11.30 11.56 11.31 11.56 11.81 11.56 11.81 12.08 11.82 12.08 12.35 12.08 12.35 12.63 12.35 12.63 12.91 12.63 12.91 13.20 12.91 13.20 13.50 13.21 13.50 13.81 13.50 13.81 14.12 13.81 14.12 14.44 14.13 14.44 14.77 14.45 14.77 15.11 14.78 15.11 15.46 15.12 15.46 15.81 15.47 15.82 16.17 INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE I HS diploma II HS plus 15 semester hours III HS plus 30 semester hours IV HS plus 45 semester hours V Junior college diploma or 60 semester hours VI Junior college diploma with 90 semester hours VII Junior college diploma with 120 semester hours VI 11.55 11.81 12.07 12.34 12.62 12.90 13.20 13.49 13.80 14.11 14.44 14.77 15.10 15.45 15.81 16.17 16.55 VII 11.82 12.08 12.35 12.63 12.91 13.21 13.51 13.81 14.13 14.45 14.78 15.12 15.46 15.82 16.18 16.56 16.94 Security I 11.08 11.33 11.58 11.84 12.10 12.37 12.65 12.93 13.23 13.53 13.83 14.15 14.47 14.80 15.14 15.49 15.85 AV Tech/Printer I II 11.74 13.28 12.00 13.58 12.27 13.89 12.54 14.21 12.82 14.53 13.11 14.86 13.41 15.21 13.71 15.55 14.03 15.91 14.35 16.28 14.67 16.65 15.01 17.04 15.35 17.43 15.70 17.84 16.07 18.25 16.44 18.68 16.82 19.12 SECURITY I Security officer AV TECH/PRINTER I AV technician II Printer 251 Tuba City Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Certified Med Asst 11.31 11.56 11.81 12.08 12.35 12.63 12.91 13.20 13.50 13.81 14.12 14.44 14.77 15.11 15.46 15.81 16.17 Nurse LPN 15.01 15.35 15.70 16.06 16.43 16.81 17.20 17.60 18.01 18.43 18.86 19.30 19.75 20.21 20.69 21.17 21.67 I 10.81 11.05 11.30 11.55 11.81 12.07 12.34 12.62 12.90 13.19 13.49 13.80 14.11 14.43 14.76 15.10 15.44 II 10.87 11.12 11.36 11.61 11.87 12.14 12.41 12.69 12.98 13.27 13.57 13.88 14.19 14.52 14.85 15.19 15.54 SECRETARIES I Office clerk Accounts payable clerk I Home visitor II Receptionist III Department secretary Computer operator Attendance clerk I IV Accounts payable clerk II Purchasing clerk HR/Housing clerk Attendance clerk II V Principal’s secretary Student services secretary Registrar VI Senior accounts payable clerk Payroll clerk Food service accounting clerk VII Personnel administrative assistant Business manager’s admin assistant Assistant superintendent’s admin assistant VIII Superintendent/board secretary IX Cultural resource coordinator Counselor – cultural specialist 252 III 10.91 11.15 11.39 11.65 11.91 12.17 12.45 12.73 13.01 13.31 13.61 13.92 14.24 14.56 14.89 15.23 15.58 IV 11.43 11.68 11.94 12.21 12.48 12.77 13.05 13.35 13.65 13.96 14.28 14.60 14.94 15.28 15.63 15.99 16.36 Secretaries V 13.50 13.80 14.12 14.44 14.77 15.11 15.45 15.81 16.17 16.55 16.93 17.32 17.72 18.14 18.56 18.99 19.43 VI 13.79 14.10 14.42 14.75 15.09 15.43 15.79 16.15 16.52 16.91 17.30 17.70 18.11 18.53 18.96 19.41 19.86 VII 14.86 15.20 15.55 15.91 16.28 16.65 17.04 17.43 17.83 18.25 18.67 19.11 19.56 20.01 20.48 20.96 21.45 VIII 15.96 16.33 16.70 17.09 17.49 17.89 18.31 18.73 19.17 19.62 20.08 20.55 21.03 21.53 22.03 22.55 23.09 IX 16.02 16.39 16.77 17.16 17.55 17.96 18.38 18.81 19.25 19.70 20.16 20.63 21.11 21.61 22.12 22.64 23.18 COCONINO COUNTY Williams Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 7.43 7.68 7.98 8.28 3 7.78 8.08 8.38 8.68 Interim classroom aide (classroom, special ed, library, SOAR, planning room) Custodian, Kitchen aide, District testing coordinator, Para educator (classroom, special ed, library, SOAR, planning room) Computer technician, WEMS asst cafeteria mgr, Maintenance/grounds, Vehicle maintenance 4 8.28 8.58 8.88 9.18 5 6 CLASS 5 8.78 9.08 9.38 9.68 6 10.42 10.72 11.02 11.32 Lead custodian WEMS secretary/registrar, WHS secretary/registrar, Administrative assistant (special services, accounts payable, data coordinator, payroll, district), WEMS admin assistant; WHS admin assistant, 21st Century Comm. Learn Center site coordinator, Fam./Comm. outreach coordinator, Prevention coordinator, CTE program assistant 7 11.48 11.78 12.08 12.38 7 7.1 8 7.1 12.11 12.41 12.71 13.01 8 12.27 12.57 12.87 13.17 Bus driver WHS admin. asst, Data coordinator/registrar, Asst. data coordinator/asst registrar, District IT specialist Maintenance supervisor, Transportation director, Community learning center operation manager, WMS cafeteria mgr Support personnel may receive up to 3 years credit for any combination of military, Peace Corp, AmeriCorp Service or previous related job experience. Support personnel are eligible for one vertical step for each 15 hours approved credits up to 60 or an associate’s degree. One step may be given for each unique qualification including but not limited to language fluency used by students, ELL, Gifted, and Special Education. 253 GILA COUNTY Globe Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 7.35 7.62 7.96 8.34 8.74 9.14 9.56 10.02 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 8 7.62 7.96 8.34 8.74 9.14 9.56 10.02 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 9 7.96 8.34 8.74 9.14 9.56 10.02 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 10 8.34 8.74 9.14 9.56 10.02 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 13.90 11 8.74 9.14 9.56 10.02 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 13.90 14.57 12 9.14 9.56 10.02 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 13.90 14.57 15.29 13 9.56 10.02 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 13.90 14.57 15.29 16.03 14 10.02 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 13.90 14.57 15.29 16.03 16.80 15 10.50 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 13.90 14.57 15.29 16.03 16.80 17.62 16 11.01 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 13.90 14.57 15.29 16.03 16.80 17.62 18.46 17 11.52 12.08 12.65 13.28 13.90 14.57 15.29 16.03 16.80 17.62 18.46 19.31 Longevity pay in the amount of $200 for every year beyond 15 years of service in the district. 10 11 12 13 8 9 14 8 10 11 BUILDING & GROUNDS Crafts maintenance I Crafts maintenance II Crafts maintenance III Crafts maintenance IV Grounds maintenance I Grounds maintenance II Asst. maintenance supervisor Custodian I Custodian II Custodian III 6 8 10 12 FOOD SERVICES Employee I Employee II Asst. manager Manager INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES 7 ALC aide 9 Attendance aide 7 ELL aide 11 K-3 aide 7 Library aide 7 Nurse/PE aide 12 Special ed intensive aide 7 Special ed aide (resource, speech, bus) 11 Title I aide (instructional, computer lab) 7 K-3 coordinator 4-8 Instructional aide 7-11 Interpreter/instructional aide for the hearing impaired 6-7 Clerical aide 4-8 Library aide 4-8 Vocational counselor aide 4-8 Indian K-8 student aide 7-8 7-9 14 9 PUPIL SERVICES Attendance officer Student bilingual evaluator Title V student advisor Liaison officer 12 14 15 16 17 12 7 8 15 8 11-12 10-11 11-12 17 7-8 7-8 12 11-12 11-12 14-15 254 SECRETARIALBUSINESS Accounts payablebookkeeper II Administrative assistant I (principal’s & support services secretary) Administrative assistant II (business operations manager’s secretary) Administrative assistant III (asst superintendent’s secretary) Administrative assistant IV (superintendent & governing board secretary) Bookstore manager Assistant bookstore manager Clerical aide Payroll specialist Receptionist Bookstore manager/ assoc. students Bookkeeper I Bookkeeper II Business office coordinator Data entry Secretary I Secretary II Secretary III Secretary – high school principal Executive secretary IV GILA COUNTY Miami Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Min Mid Max Health aide, AR/media aide, Special ed aide 7.87 8.97 10.24 STEP Maintenance technician Min Mid Max 9.37 10.75 12.34 STEP Custodian 7.87 8.97 10.24 Intensive resource one-onone aide 8.22 9.37 10.71 Administrative secretary, Transportation clerk 9.79 11.28 12.90 Office support specialist Warehouse assistant Secretary 7.95 9.13 10.51 8.52 9.79 11.28 8.72 10.03 11.54 Bus driver Mechanic, HVAC Accounts specialist/ executive secretary 10.03 11.54 13.30 10.51 12.10 13.94 15.00 17.50 20.00 255 GILA COUNTY Payson Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 256 Athletic custodian Custodian Maint Tech I 9.26 9.45 9.64 9.83 10.02 10.23 10.43 10.64 10.85 11.07 11.29 11.52 11.75 11.98 12.22 12.46 12.71 12.97 13.23 13.49 13.76 14.04 14.32 Attendance secretary, CTE data reporter, Family involve. coord., Grounds/maint tech II, Lead custodian Maint technician II, Secretary, Supervisor’s secretary, Transportation secretary 9.55 9.74 9.94 10.13 10.34 10.54 10.75 10.97 11.19 11.41 11.64 11.87 12.11 12.35 12.60 12.85 13.11 13.37 13.64 13.91 14.19 14.47 14.76 15.06 15.36 Bus driver, Director’s secretary, Food service manager Health specialist Mechanic Registrar Accounting assistant Administrative secretary I Bookstore operator Technology assistant Custodial manager Maintenance foreman Music instruct. assistant 10.13 10.33 10.54 10.75 10.96 11.18 11.40 11.63 11.87 12.10 12.34 12.59 12.84 13.10 13.36 13.63 13.90 14.18 14.46 14.75 15.05 15.35 15.66 15.97 16.29 16.61 16.95 17.29 17.63 17.98 10.82 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.18 12.43 12.67 12.93 13.19 13.45 13.72 13.99 14.27 14.56 14.85 15.15 15.45 15.76 16.07 16.40 16.72 17.06 17.40 17.75 18.10 18.46 18.83 19.21 Payson Unified ESP (continued) STEP Admin. secretary II Special projects/ grants coord. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 14.85 15.15 15.45 15.76 16.07 16.40 16.72 17.06 17.40 17.75 18.10 18.46 18.83 19.21 19.59 19.99 20.39 20.79 21.21 21.63 22.07 22.51 22.96 23.42 23.89 24.36 24.85 25.35 25.85 26.37 Bookstore asst. Instructional asst. Office teachers asst 7.80 7.95 8.11 8.28 8.44 8.61 8.78 8.96 9.14 9.32 9.51 9.70 9.89 10.09 10.29 10.50 10.71 10.92 11.14 Accounting clerk, Autism special ed asst, Behavior education assistant CBI special ed asst, Cook/baker, ELL education asst., EH special ed asst, Library asst, Special ed asst, Speech assistant, Title I instr asst, Warehouse driver 8.67 8.85 9.02 9.21 9.39 9.58 9.77 9.96 10.16 10.37 10.57 10.79 11.00 11.22 11.45 11.67 11.91 12.15 12.39 Computr lab asst Grnds/maint tech Vol/gifted coord 8.96 9.14 9.32 9.50 9.69 9.88 10.07 10.27 10.47 10.68 10.89 11.10 11.32 11.54 11.77 12.00 12.23 12.47 12.72 12.97 13.22 $7.36 – Student custodian; Student office assistant; Maintenance helper. 257 GILA COUNTY Pine Strawberry Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Clerical aide Gardener, Custodian Bus driver Food service admin asst Food service worker Health aide & receiving 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8.66 9.11 9.56 10.06 10.56 11.06 11.61 12.16 12.71 13.31 13.91 14.51 15.16 15.81 16.46 17.16 17.86 18.56 19.31 20.06 20.81 21.61 22.41 23.21 24.06 8.66 9.11 9.56 10.06 10.56 11.06 11.61 12.16 12.71 13.31 13.91 14.51 15.16 15.81 16.46 17.16 17.86 18.56 19.31 20.06 20.81 21.61 22.41 23.21 24.06 9.99 10.44 10.89 11.39 11.89 12.39 12.94 13.49 14.04 14.64 15.24 15.84 16.49 17.14 17.79 18.49 19.19 19.89 20.64 21.39 22.14 22.94 23.74 24.54 25.39 8.79 9.24 9.69 10.19 10.69 11.19 11.74 12.29 12.84 13.44 14.04 14.64 15.29 15.94 16.59 17.29 17.99 18.69 19.44 20.19 20.94 21.74 22.54 23.34 24.19 8.66 9.11 9.56 10.06 10.56 11.06 11.61 12.16 12.71 13.31 13.91 14.51 15.16 15.81 16.46 17.16 17.86 18.56 19.31 20.06 20.81 21.61 22.41 23.21 24.06 12.49 12.94 13.39 13.89 14.39 14.89 15.44 15.99 16.54 17.14 17.74 18.34 18.99 19.64 20.29 20.99 21.69 22.39 23.14 23.89 24.64 25.44 26.24 27.04 27.89 258 Classified instruct paraprofessional 12.49 12.94 13.39 13.89 14.39 14.89 15.44 15.99 16.54 17.14 17.74 18.34 18.99 19.64 20.29 20.99 21.69 22.39 23.14 23.89 24.64 25.44 26.24 27.04 27.89 GILA COUNTY San Carlos Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Security, Grounds, Maintenance, Mechanic helper 16,770 17,467 18,161 18,855 19,549 20,244 20,938 21,633 22,326 23,022 23,716 24,410 25,104 25,799 26,493 27,188 HQP 14,420 14,840 15,260 15,680 16,100 16,520 16,940 17,360 17,780 18,200 18,620 19,040 19,460 19,880 20,300 20,720 Custodian 15,569 16,306 17,040 17,776 18,509 19,245 19,981 20,715 21,451 22,184 22,920 23,655 24,390 25,125 25,859 26,938 Secretary, Receptionist 15,511 16,244 16,979 17,712 18,447 19,180 19,914 20,648 21,382 22,115 22,849 23,583 24,318 25,051 25,784 26,519 Accounts payable clerk, Secretary, Registrar 18,424 19,118 19,810 20,505 21,197 21,890 22,584 23,276 23,971 24,663 25,357 26,050 26,743 27,437 28,130 28,630 Bus driver, Vehicle mechanic 20,938 21,633 22,326 23,022 23,716 24,410 25,104 25,799 26,493 27,188 27,881 HIGHLY QUALIFIED PARAPROFESSIONAL HQP+12 HQP+24 HQP+36 HQP+48 14,840 15,260 15,680 16,100 15,260 15,680 16,100 16,520 15,680 16,100 16,520 16,940 16,100 16,520 16,940 17,360 16,520 16,940 17,360 17,780 16,940 17,360 17,780 18,200 17,360 17,780 18,200 18,620 17,780 18,200 18,620 19,040 18,200 18,620 19,040 19,460 18,620 19,040 19,460 19,880 19,040 19,460 19,880 20,300 19,460 19,880 20,300 20,720 19,880 20,300 20,720 21,140 20,300 20,720 21,140 21,560 20,720 21,140 21,560 21,980 21,140 21,560 21,980 22,400 Technology assistant 26,550 27,100 27,650 28,200 28,750 29,300 29,850 30,400 30,950 31,450 32,000 32,550 33,100 33,650 34,200 34,750 35,300 35,850 36,400 36,950 AA 16,520 16,940 17,360 17,780 18,200 18,620 19,040 19,460 19,880 20,300 20,720 21,140 21,560 21,980 22,400 22,820 In-school suspension officer, Nurse’s aide/CNAS, Parent liaison 15,164 15,619 16,074 16,529 16,984 17,439 17,893 18,348 18,803 19,258 19,713 20,168 20,623 21,078 21,533 21,988 22,443 22,898 61+ credits 16,940 17,360 17,780 18,200 18,620 19,040 19,460 19,880 20,300 20,720 21,140 21,560 21,980 22,400 22,820 23,240 259 GILA COUNTY Young Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 260 Teacher/ Cafeteria/ Library Asst 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 Custodian/ Bus 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 Cafeteria Manager 9.10 9.60 10.10 10.60 11.10 11.60 12.10 12.60 13.10 13.60 14.10 14.60 15.10 15.60 16.10 16.60 17.10 17.60 18.10 18.60 19.10 19.60 20.10 Admin/ Business Secretary 9.65 10.15 10.65 11.15 11.65 12.15 12.65 13.15 13.65 14.15 14.65 15.15 15.65 16.15 16.65 17.15 17.65 18.15 18.65 19.15 19.65 20.15 20.65 21.15 21.65 22.15 22.65 23.15 23.65 24.15 24.65 Maintenance 10.65 11.15 11.65 12.15 12.65 13.15 13.65 14.15 14.65 15.15 15.65 16.15 16.65 17.15 17.65 18.15 18.65 19.15 19.65 20.15 20.65 21.15 21.65 22.15 22.65 23.15 23.65 24.15 24.65 25.15 25.65 Business Manager 10.65 11.15 11.65 12.15 12.65 13.15 13.65 14.15 14.65 15.15 15.65 16.15 16.65 17.15 17.65 18.15 18.65 19.15 19.65 20.15 20.65 21.15 21.65 22.15 22.65 23.15 23.65 24.15 24.65 25.15 25.65 GRAHAM COUNTY Bonita Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Aides Casual Hires Bus Drivers Custodian Secretaries Clerks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 10.76 11.01 11.26 11.51 11.76 12.01 12.26 12.51 12.81 13.11 13.41 13.71 14.01 14.31 14.61 14.91 15.26 15.61 15.96 16.31 16.66 17.01 17.36 17.71 18.11 18.51 18.91 19.31 19.71 20.11 20.56 21.01 21.46 21.91 22.36 11.41 11.66 11.91 12.16 12.41 12.66 12.91 13.16 13.46 13.76 14.06 14.36 14.66 14.96 15.26 15.56 15.91 16.26 16.61 16.96 17.31 17.66 18.01 18.36 18.76 19.16 19.56 19.96 20.36 20.76 21.21 21.66 22.11 22.56 23.01 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.30 13.60 13.90 14.20 14.50 14.85 15.20 15.55 15.90 16.25 16.65 17.05 17.45 17.85 18.25 18.70 19.15 19.60 20.05 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.55 24.10 24.65 25.20 25.75 Executive Secretary Food Service Manager Transportation/ Maintenance Supv 12.58 12.83 13.08 13.33 13.58 13.88 14.18 14.48 14.78 15.08 15.43 15.78 16.13 16.48 16.83 17.23 17.63 18.03 18.43 18.83 19.28 19.73 20.18 20.63 21.08 21.58 22.08 22.58 23.08 23.58 24.13 24.68 25.23 25.78 26.33 261 GRAHAM COUNTY Fort Thomas Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Classroom Aides, Casual hires 10.24 10.49 10.74 10.99 11.24 11.49 11.74 11.99 12.24 12.49 12.74 12.99 13.24 13.49 13.74 13.99 14.24 14.49 14.74 14.99 15.24 15.49 15.74 15.99 16.24 16.49 16.74 16.99 17.24 17.49 17.74 17.99 Maintenance/ Lead Custodian 10.74 10.99 11.24 11.49 11.74 11.99 12.24 12.49 12.74 12.99 13.24 13.49 13.74 13.99 14.24 14.49 14.74 14.99 15.24 15.49 15.74 15.99 16.24 16.49 16.74 16.99 17.24 17.49 17.74 17.99 18.24 18.49 Custodian, Bus Driver 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 17.50 Secretary, District Clerk 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25 IT Technician 13.67 13.92 14.17 14.42 14.67 14.92 15.17 15.42 15.67 15.92 16.17 16.42 16.67 16.92 17.17 17.42 17.67 17.92 18.17 18.42 18.67 18.92 19.17 19.42 19.67 19.92 20.17 20.42 20.67 20.92 21.17 21.42 Supervisor 15.78 16.03 16.28 16.53 16.78 17.03 17.28 17.53 17.78 18.03 18.28 18.53 18.78 19.03 19.28 19.53 19.78 20.03 20.28 20.53 20.78 21.03 21.28 21.53 21.78 22.03 22.28 22.53 22.78 23.03 23.28 23.53 Nurse 20.75 21.00 21.25 21.50 21.75 22.00 22.25 22.50 22.75 23.00 23.25 23.50 23.75 24.00 24.25 24.50 24.75 25.00 25.25 25.50 25.75 26.00 26.25 26.50 26.75 27.00 27.25 27.50 27.75 28.00 28.25 28.50 5 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 6 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 7 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 Safford Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 262 1 7.65 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 2 7.65 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 CATEGORIES 3 4 7.75 8.00 8.00 8.25 8.25 8.50 8.50 8.75 8.75 9.00 9.00 9.25 9.25 9.50 9.50 9.75 9.75 10.00 10.00 10.25 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 9 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 9.5 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 10 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 11 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 12 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 12+ 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 263 Safford Unified ESP (continued) CATEGORY 1 Food service I 2 Crossing guard, Food service II, Mail courier, Aide I, Bus aide, Office aide, Family resource center aide, Vocal accompanist 3 Aide II (computer lab, media, special needs tutor, child care & guidance center (occupational, food), agricultural education, health) 4 Aide III – itinerant education specialist, math tutor; Grounds I; Night custodian 5 Clerk I (cafeteria/bookstore, cafeteria/office), Copy center operator 6 Vocational transition coordinator, Secretary I (attendance/athletic director, counselor, assistant principal, career ladder, food service, Title I), Media technician, Science assistant, District receptionist, Child care & guidance center receptionist, Job coach, Culinary arts aide, Grounds II 7 Transportation dispatcher 8 School bus driver sub, Maintenance I, EMT, Inventory clerk, Opportunity room coordinator, Speech/language paraprofessional, Security officer HS, Child care and guidance center associate, District receptionist/secretary 9 Custodian, Lead night custodian 9.5 Bus driver I 10 Assessment specialist, Bus driver II, Child care associate/coordinator, Counselors’ secretary/SASI coordinator, Custodian/bus driver, Family resource center coordinator, STW site coordinator, Transition specialist, Transportation secretary, Vocational education secretary, FRC/special ed secretary, SAIS coordinator 11 Maintenance II, Secretary II (principal, director of support operations, director of instructional services), Business manager assistant, Business office specialist/accounts payable, Technology coordinator secretary 12 Business office specialist/payroll, Computer technician, Secretary III (superintendent), Transportation mechanic 12+ Maintenance foreman, Transportation foreman/mechanic NURSES on teacher salary schedule plus $500 for full-time and $250 for half-time nurses. Solomonville Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Custodian Assistant Cook 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9.21 9.37 9.53 9.69 9.85 10.01 10.17 10.33 10.49 10.65 10.81 10.97 264 Bus Driver Instructional Aide Administrative Clerk Assistant Cafeteria Manager 10.68 10.88 11.08 11.28 11.48 11.68 11.88 12.08 12.28 12.48 12.68 12.97 Librarian Cafeteria Manager Maintenance Superintendent’s Secretary Part-time Sub/Aide 11.77 11.88 12.22 12.33 12.70 12.81 13.21 13.32 13.76 13.87 14.33 14.44 12.51 12.75 12.99 13.23 13.47 13.71 13.95 14.19 14.43 14.67 14.91 15.15 8.00 8.16 8.32 8.48 8.64 8.80 8.96 9.12 9.28 9.44 9.60 9.76 GRAHAM COUNTY Thatcher Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Minimums and Maximums A 7.65 Entry Maximum B 8.15 C 8.65 D 9.15 E 9.65 F 10.15 G 10.65 H 11.15 I 18.00 13.04 14.27 15.56 16.89 18.27 19.70 21.19 35.10 A Aide – food service (Spee-D-Eagle), Cafeteria helper (part-time), Part-time/temporary, Student employee B Aide – clerical, Cafeteria helper I, Crossing guard, Matron (adult-summer) C Aide – bilingual, Aide – instructional, Cafeteria cashier, Cafeteria cook, Library clerk I, Matron D Aide – inclusion, Career tech/vocational secretary, Counselor’s secretary, Library clerk II E Accounts payable/purchasing clerk, Bookstore manager, Cafeteria assistant manager, Maintenance (adult-summer), Maintenance – general, Spee-D-Eagle assistant manager F Help desk operator/network assistant, Janitorial, Maintenance – general & bus driver, Principal’s secretary, Title I program assistant G Administrative assistant – superintendent, Bus driver, Bus driver/dispatcher, Business office specialist, Software specialist H Hardware specialist, Maintenance – skilled, Bus driver/mechanic, School nurse – LPN I School nurse - RN 265 GRAHAM COUNTY Clifton Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Food service/ custodian 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 Clerk I Clerk II/ parapro Secretary Maintenance Bookkeeper Accountant Admin assistant Bus driver 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 New employees may be given up to four years prior experience and placed no higher than step 5. Duncan Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L 266 A 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 B 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 C 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 D 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 E 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 F 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 G 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 H 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 I 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 J 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 K 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 L 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 Substitutes for employees, Laborer, Dishwasher, Server, Ticket taker Regular teacher aide with up to 60 hours college credit, Special needs student teacher’s aide, Mail/inventory clerk, Cook, Office assistant Custodian, Librarian aide Regular teacher aide with over 60 hours college credit Custodian with 10+ years Secretaries to principals, Attendance clerk Business/personnel clerk, Secretary to superintendent Maintenance, Bus driver, GIFT driver Cafeteria manager, Bus driver with 10+ years Head mechanic, Master carpenter LA PAZ COUNTY Bicentennial UHS ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Instructional Assistant With AA 7.67 8.69 7.97 9.00 8.28 9.31 8.59 9.62 8.91 9.93 9.21 10.24 9.52 10.55 9.83 10.86 10.14 11.17 10.44 11.48 10.75 11.79 11.07 12.10 11.38 12.41 11.68 12.72 11.99 13.03 12.30 13.34 12.61 13.65 12.96 13.96 13.23 14.27 13.54 14.58 13.85 14.89 14.15 15.20 14.46 15.51 14.77 15.82 15.09 16.13 15.40 16.44 Administrative Assistant With AA 10.92 11.69 11.33 12.10 11.74 12.51 12.15 12.92 12.56 13.33 12.97 13.74 13.38 14.15 13.79 14.56 14.20 14.97 14.61 15.38 15.02 15.79 15.43 16.20 15.84 16.61 16.25 17.02 16.66 17.43 17.07 17.84 17.48 18.25 17.89 18.66 18.30 19.07 18.71 19.48 19.12 19.89 19.53 20.30 19.94 20.71 20.35 21.12 20.76 21.53 21.17 21.94 Custodial/Cafeteria With CDL 7.67 8.43 7.98 8.73 8.29 9.03 8.60 9.33 8.91 9.63 9.22 9.93 9.53 10.23 9.84 10.53 10.15 10.83 10.46 11.13 10.77 11.43 11.08 11.73 11.39 12.03 11.70 12.33 12.01 12.63 12.32 12.93 12.63 13.23 12.94 13.53 13.25 13.83 13.56 14.13 13.87 14.43 14.18 14.73 14.49 15.03 14.80 15.33 15.11 15.63 15.42 15.93 Maintenance With CDL 10.39 11.06 10.80 11.47 11.21 11.88 11.62 12.29 12.03 12.70 12.44 13.11 12.85 13.52 13.26 13.93 13.67 14.34 14.08 14.75 14.49 15.16 14.90 15.57 15.31 15.98 15.72 16.39 16.13 16.80 16.54 17.21 16.95 17.62 17.36 18.03 17.77 18.44 18.18 18.85 18.59 19.26 19.00 19.67 19.41 20.08 19.82 20.49 20.23 20.90 20.64 21.31 Bouse Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Janitorial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7.50 7.85 8.20 8.55 8.90 9.25 9.60 9.95 10.30 10.65 11.00 11.75 12.50 13.25 14.00 14.75 Paraprofessionals, Food service, Bus drivers, Clerical 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.25 15.00 15.75 16.50 17.25 Facilities maintenance 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.25 16.00 16.75 17.50 18.25 Business office manager 11.75 12.25 12.75 13.25 13.75 14.25 14.75 15.25 15.75 16.25 16.75 17.50 18.25 19.00 19.75 20.50 267 LA PAZ COUNTY Parker Unified ESP, 2012-2013 268 STEP Aides/federal (Chapter I, Migrant), Aides (health, office, spec ed, teacher), Cafeteria Personnel (manager, cook, helper, snack bar manager), Home/School Coord (9 months-1,456 hours) Clerk (attendance, bookstore), Aide – library, Secretary – special projects (10 months-1,600 hours) Custodian, Federal Aide/Title V, Federal Title V Coord, Secretary – schools and special ed (11 months-1,760 hours) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 7.35 7.66 7.97 8.28 8.59 8.90 9.21 9.52 9.83 10.14 10.45 10.76 11.07 11.38 11.69 12.00 12.31 12.62 12.93 13.24 13.55 13.86 14.17 14.48 7.35 7.66 7.97 8.28 8.59 8.90 9.21 9.52 9.83 10.14 10.45 10.76 11.07 11.38 11.69 12.00 12.31 12.62 12.93 13.24 13.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.35 7.66 7.97 8.28 8.59 8.90 9.21 9.52 9.83 10.14 10.45 10.76 11.07 11.38 11.69 12.00 12.31 12.62 12.93 13.24 13.55 13.86 14.17 14.48 Business office (bookkeeper, data processing, payroll, accounts payable, purchasing), Lead night maint, Maintenance(maint, air cond, supervisor), District office secretary, Transportation (clerk, mechanic, supervisor), Warehouse personnel (12 months-1,920 hours) 9.38 9.70 10.03 10.35 10.68 11.00 11.33 11.65 11.98 12.30 12.63 12.96 13.28 13.61 13.93 14.26 14.58 14.91 15.23 15.56 15.89 16.21 16.54 16.86 LA PAZ COUNTY Quartzsite Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Food service worker Custodian Paraprofessional (no AA) 8.44 8.86 9.30 9.77 10.25 10.77 11.30 11.87 12.00 12.11 12.23 12.35 12.47 12.59 12.72 Paraprofessional (AA+) 9.06 9.51 9.98 10.48 11.01 11.56 12.13 12.74 12.86 12.99 13.13 13.26 13.39 13.52 13.66 Assistant cafeteria manager Bus driver School secretary NSLP coordinator 11.78 12.37 12.99 13.64 14.32 15.05 15.79 16.59 16.75 16.91 17.09 17.26 17.43 17.60 17.78 269 LA PAZ COUNTY Salome Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 270 STEP Instructional Aide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8.55 9.05 9.55 10.05 10.55 11.05 11.55 12.05 12.55 13.05 13.55 14.05 14.55 15.05 15.55 16.05 16.55 17.05 17.55 18.05 18.55 19.05 19.55 20.05 20.55 21.05 21.55 22.05 22.55 23.05 23.55 Custodian/Maintenance Cafeteria Assistant With CDL, Bus driver 7.51 10.64 8.01 11.14 8.51 11.64 9.01 12.14 9.51 12.64 10.01 13.14 10.51 13.64 11.01 14.14 11.51 14.64 12.01 15.14 12.51 15.64 13.01 16.14 13.51 16.64 14.01 17.14 14.51 17.64 15.01 18.14 15.51 18.64 16.01 19.14 16.51 19.64 17.01 20.14 17.51 20.64 18.01 21.14 18.51 21.64 19.01 22.14 19.51 22.64 20.01 23.14 20.51 23.64 21.01 24.14 21.51 24.64 22.01 25.14 22.51 25.64 Administrative secretary Business manager Cafeteria manager Maint/Transp Manager 11.72 12.27 12.82 13.37 13.92 14.47 15.02 15.57 16.12 16.67 17.22 17.77 18.32 18.87 19.42 19.97 20.52 21.07 21.62 22.17 22.72 23.27 23.82 24.37 24.92 25.47 26.02 26.57 27.12 27.67 28.22 LA PAZ COUNTY Wenden Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Cafeteria Custodian Bus Driver 7.53 8.03 8.53 9.03 9.53 10.03 10.53 11.03 11.53 12.03 12.53 13.03 13.53 14.03 14.53 15.03 15.53 16.03 16.53 17.03 17.53 18.03 18.53 19.03 19.53 20.03 w/CDL 9.03 9.53 10.03 10.53 11.03 11.53 12.03 12.53 13.03 13.53 14.03 14.53 15.03 15.53 16.03 16.53 17.03 17.53 18.03 18.53 19.03 19.53 20.03 20.53 21.03 21.53 Teacher Aide 8.56 9.06 9.56 10.06 10.56 11.06 11.56 12.06 12.56 13.06 13.56 14.06 14.56 15.06 15.56 16.06 16.56 17.06 17.56 18.06 18.56 19.06 19.56 20.06 20.56 21.06 w/CDL 10.06 10.56 11.06 11.56 12.06 12.56 13.06 13.56 14.06 14.56 15.06 15.56 16.06 16.56 17.06 17.56 18.06 18.56 19.06 19.56 20.06 20.56 21.06 21.56 22.06 22.56 271 MARICOPA COUNTY Agua Fria UHS ESP, 2012-2013 RANGE Minimum Midpoint Maximum 19 RANGE Minimum Midpoint Maximum 31 10.76 12.66 14.56 32 11.03 12.98 14.92 33 11.31 13.30 15.30 34 11.59 13.63 15.68 35 11.88 13.97 16.07 36 12.17 14.32 16.47 37 12.48 15.81 18.18 38 12.79 15.05 17.31 39 13.11 15.42 17.74 RANGE Minimum Midpoint Maximum 40 13.44 15.81 18.18 41 13.77 16.61 19.10 42 14.12 16.61 19.10 43 14.47 17.45 20.07 44 14.83 17.45 20.07 45 15.20 17.89 20.57 46 15.58 18.34 21.09 47 15.97 17.45 20.07 48 16.37 19.26 22.15 RANGE Minimum Midpoint Maximum 50 17.20 20.24 23.27 52 18.07 20.24 23.27 54 18.99 22.34 25.69 55 19.46 22.90 26.33 57 20.45 24.06 27.67 58 20.96 24.66 28.36 59 21.48 25.28 29.07 65 24.91 29.31 33.71 68 26.83 31.57 36.30 Accounting specialist Administrative assistant Administrative office manager Administrative secretary Attendance clerk Baker/cook Bookstore clerk Bookstore manager Bus assistant – special ed Bus driver Bus driver trainee Bus driver/trainer Business & procurement spec Campus security monitor Career specialist Custodial foreman Custodian Data information specialist Data control specialist Dispatcher/field trip coord Electrician Executive assistant – supt/board Finance supervisor Fleet maintenance coordinator Fleet/lot attendant Fleet maintenance supervisor Food service manager Food service worker/cashier 39 29 44 48 55 50 31 42 48 48 38 35 29 30 40 29 41 29 43 44 34 31 36 28 42 38 41 50 54 55 48 37 55 42 26 272 20 21 24 9.05 10.65 12.25 32 33 48 54 47 31 44 52 52 58 34 31 37 36 32 44 42 46 40 50 39 25 9.28 10.92 12.55 26 9.51 11.19 12.87 27 9.75 11.47 13.19 General maintenance worker Grounds worker Help desk technician Human resources/benefits spec Human resources supervisor HVAC (skilled) In-school study center coordinator Lead food service worker Library clerk Maintenance coordinator Maintenance supervisor Mechanic/driver Migrant clerk Network assistant Network technician Nurse – LPN Nurse – RN Nursing assistant Office clerk Office specialist Parapro – BA or BS Paraprofessional – cert or AA Payroll manager Payroll specialist Plumber/maint worker (skilled) Procurement/warehouse supv Project manager Registrar 45 46 47 50 46 52 50 33 31 28 9.99 11.76 13.52 29 10.24 12.05 13.86 30 10.50 12.35 14.20 Route coordinator Security specialist (skilled) Sign language interpreter Speech language pathology asst Student info systems manager Telecommunications technician Transportation supervisor Warehouse clerk Work experience coordinator MARICOPA COUNTY Aguila Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 9.56 9.93 10.32 10.68 11.06 2 9.93 10.32 10.68 11.06 11.43 11.80 12.18 12.54 12.92 13.29 13.67 14.04 14.41 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.91 16.29 16.66 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.16 18.53 18.91 3 10.32 10.68 11.06 11.43 11.80 12.18 12.54 12.92 13.29 13.67 14.04 14.41 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.91 16.29 16.66 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.16 18.53 18.91 19.28 4 10.68 11.06 11.43 11.80 12.18 12.54 12.92 13.29 13.67 14.04 14.41 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.91 16.29 16.66 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.16 18.53 18.91 19.28 19.66 MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 2 Custodian 3 Groundskeeper 4 Maintenance worker I 5 Maintenance worker II TRANSPORTATION 11 Transportation/maintenance coordinator 7 Bus driver 10 Mechanic SEC/CLERICAL/ACCT/PURCHASING 11 School secretary 8 Migrant community liaison 5 Office clerk 6 Health aide LEVELS 5 6 11.06 11.43 11.43 11.80 11.80 12.18 12.18 12.54 12.54 12.92 12.92 13.29 13.29 13.67 13.67 14.04 14.04 14.41 14.41 14.79 14.79 15.16 15.16 15.54 15.54 15.91 15.91 16.29 16.29 16.66 16.66 17.04 17.04 17.41 17.41 17.78 17.78 18.16 18.16 18.53 18.53 18.91 18.91 19.28 19.28 19.66 19.66 20.03 20.03 20.40 7 11.80 12.18 12.54 12.92 13.29 13.67 14.04 14.41 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.91 16.29 16.66 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.16 18.53 18.91 19.28 19.66 20.03 20.40 20.78 8 12.18 12.54 12.92 13.29 13.67 14.04 14.41 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.91 16.29 16.66 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.16 18.53 18.91 19.28 19.66 20.03 20.40 20.78 21.15 10 12.92 13.29 13.67 14.04 14.41 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.91 16.29 16.66 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.16 18.53 18.91 19.28 19.66 20.03 20.40 20.78 21.15 21.53 21.92 11 13.29 13.67 14.04 14.41 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.91 16.29 16.66 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.16 18.53 18.91 19.28 19.66 20.03 20.40 20.78 21.15 21.53 21.92 22.32 13 14.04 14.41 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.91 16.29 16.66 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.16 18.53 18.91 19.28 19.66 20.03 20.40 20.78 21.15 21.53 21.92 22.32 22.74 23.16 FOOD SERVICE 1 Part-time cafeteria worker 3 Cook/cafeteria worker INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT 3 Teacher assistant 7 Paraprofessional 6 Librarian TECHNOLOGY 7 Technology assistant ADMINISTRATION/BUSINESS/HEALTH 13 Administrative assistant 273 MARICOPA COUNTY Alhambra Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 29 13.22 13.74 14.27 14.79 15.48 16.20 30 13.74 14.27 14.79 15.48 16.20 16.88 31 14.27 14.79 15.48 16.20 16.88 17.55 LEVEL 29 Assistant – clerical, instructional, ISD, printing Clerk – community liaison, psychological services Community liaison Coordinator, parent volunteer Groundsperson I Manager, trainee, child nutrition Warehouse person (temporary) LEVEL 30 Assistant, data/technology academic services Clerk – ELA data input, revenue/payroll, child nutrition, student services Custodian Driver, delivery/food warehouse, warehouse delivery/receiving clerk Floor care technician/transport driver, child nutrition Manager, receiving kitchen Operator, school data input Technician, curriculum LEVEL 31 Assistant – health services (EMT) Clerk – accounting, staff development, human resources Manager – base or site kitchen, special activities child nutrition Receptionist, administration center Secretary, maintenance Technician, community relations LEVEL 32 Assistant, payroll clerk 32 14.79 15.48 16.20 16.88 17.55 18.27 Full-Time 33 34 15.48 16.20 16.20 16.88 16.88 17.55 17.55 18.27 18.27 19.11 19.11 19.95 35 16.88 17.55 18.27 19.11 19.95 20.98 Dispatcher/bus driver, transport. Guest teacher caller/insurance clerk Technician, human resources LEVEL 33 Assistant – certified occupational therapist, health services (LPN), mechanic, purchasing, speech language pathology Bookkeeper/secretary, child nutrition Buyer/inventory control clerk Clerical, administrative assistant Clerk, accounting child nutrition Clerk II, accounting Custodian, lead Groundsperson II Printer Procurement clerk/controller, child nutrition Secretary – community relations, curriculum, federal projects, research & technology, school, student services, support services Secretary/routing specialist, trans. Specialist, child nutrition, student information systems Technician, fiscal support Technician II, PC LAN LEVEL 34 Bookkeeper Carpenter/cabinetmaker * Electrician * General maintenance Locksmith/appliance repair * Mechanic Mechanic, lead * 36 17.55 18.27 19.11 19.95 20.98 21.99 37 18.27 19.11 19.95 20.98 21.99 22.92 38 19.11 19.95 20.98 21.99 22.92 23.96 OPT 25.49 26.98 28.54 29.98 32.03 33.89 Painter * Plumber * Refrigeration repair (HVAC) * Specialist, transportation training Technician, instructional supplemental resource & technology circulation Technician III, PC LAN Transportation training specialist Warehouse person Welder * LEVEL 35 Assistant, preschool family support Manager – printing department, warehouse LEVEL 36 Assistant, preschool family support Preschool instructor Secretary, assistant superintendent LEVEL 37 Assistant, health services (RN) LEVEL 38 Foreman, maintenance Groundsperson/herbicidal sprayer, lead Journeyman, skilled maintenance Liaison for business and grant partnerships Secretary, board & superintendent Supervisor, purchasing/warehouse LEVEL OPT (requires certification) Manager, payroll Therapist – Occupational, physical Counselors, psychologists, occupational therapists and speech pathologists shall be paid at appropriate step and level on the teachers’ salary schedule except: psychologists, plus $2,500; occupational therapists and speech pathologists, plus $20,000. * To Level 38 with certification of journeyman status. 274 MARICOPA COUNTY Avondale Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Classified salary initial placement Years of experience 01 2 3+ Community Education 13.42 13.77 14.13 9.26 9.51 9.77 District Office 13.42 13.77 14.13 11.66 11.96 12.27 13.42 13.77 14.13 9.26 9.51 9.77 10.53 10.83 11.14 10.53 10.83 11.14 14.50 14.85 15.21 12.34 12.69 13.05 Food Services 10.53 10.83 9.26 9.51 8.82 9.06 9.26 9.51 8.47 8.70 13.42 13.77 8.42 8.64 12.34 12.69 10.53 10.83 11.14 9.77 9.31 9.77 8.94 14.13 8.87 13.05 11.14 Site manager Instructional assistant Accountant Accounting clerk HR/benefit specialist Instructional material s assistant Instructional materials manager Migrant community liaison Purchasing Secretary/ district/ academic services support Assistant manager Baker Cashier Clerk Cook/ cafeteria worker Manager Part-time cafeteria worker Secretary/ district Transporter/ warehouseman Years of experience 01 2 3+ Maintenance 9.26 9.51 9.77 12.34 12.69 13.05 10.53 10.83 11.14 14.50 14.85 15.21 11.14 11.45 11.76 14.50 14.85 15.21 School-Instruction/Office 12.58 12.93 13.29 Custodian Custodian, lead Groundskeeper Foreman/ leadman Worker I Worker II 9.51 10.83 9.77 11.14 11.14 11.44 Technology 14.50 14.85 14.91 15.26 12.34 12.69 Transportation 13.26 13.51 8.81 9.05 8.42 8.64 14.50 14.85 8.81 9.05 Warehouse 14.50 14.85 10.53 10.83 11.75 Behavior intervention specialist Autistic/ alt. ed/ ED/ EDP (Classroom BIS) Paraprofessional I/ library asst Paraprofessional special ed moderate/severe (selfcontained) Secretary/ school 15.21 15.62 13.05 System support technician System support technician II Assistant 13.77 9.30 8.87 15.21 9.30 Bus driver Bus driver trainee Crossing guard Mechanic Special ed aide 15.21 11.14 Distribution center supervisor Distribution center worker 9.26 10.53 Minimum salary for new hire 30,441 Nurse (AA (LPN) 32,841 Nurse BA (RN) 34,779 Nurse MA (RN) 41,679 Counselor 41,679 Speech language assistant 48,776 O/P therapist 48,776 Speech technician/non-supervising SLPs 54,896 Psychologist 54,896 Speech language pathologist Up to 3 years prior experience may be granted (per year, maximum 3 years): AA, $300; BA/MA, $600; DOC, $900. Compensation may be granted for job-related eligible coursework completed within the last 10 years beyond highest degree attained at $40 per credit hour beyond AA (maximum 60), maximum of 45 credits for BA and 60 for MA at $60 per hour. Compensation may be granted for seat hours (workshops, conferences, or job-related certifications) at $40 per 15 job-related seat hours. 275 MARICOPA COUNTY Balsz Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 8.26 8.51 8.76 9.01 9.26 9.51 9.76 10.01 10.26 10.51 10.76 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 8 9 9 13 15 15 276 3 8.65 8.91 9.17 9.43 9.69 9.95 10.21 10.47 10.73 10.99 11.25 5 9.39 9.67 9.95 10.23 10.51 10.79 11.07 11.35 11.63 11.91 12.19 EX 22 33,331 34,267 35,203 36,139 37,075 38,011 38,947 39,883 40,819 41,755 42,691 6 9.78 10.07 10.36 10.65 10.94 11.23 11.52 11.81 12.10 12.39 12.68 8 10.53 10.84 11.15 11.46 11.77 12.08 12.39 12.70 13.01 13.32 13.63 EX 23 35,175 36,111 37,047 37,983 38,919 39,855 40,791 41,727 42,663 43,599 44,535 Campus monitor Crossing guard Translator Century Club aide Attendance clerk Bus monitor Century Club lead aide Data clerk Instructional assistant I (HS or GED, passed exam) Nurse aide Instructional assistant II (60 hours college coursework, AA degree or higher) Instructional assistant III (sp ed self-contained classroom) School office assistant Homeless liaison Parent liaison Receptionist/human resource clerk Bus driver Translator/interpreter GRADE 9 13 10.91 12.42 11.23 12.78 11.55 13.14 11.87 13.50 12.19 13.86 12.51 14.22 12.83 14.58 13.15 14.94 13.47 15.30 13.79 15.66 14.11 16.02 GRADE EX 24 39,353 40,289 41,225 42,161 43,097 44,033 44,969 45,905 46,841 47,777 48,713 15 13.19 13.57 13.95 14.33 14.71 15.09 15.47 15.85 16.23 16.61 16.99 16 13.55 13.94 14.33 14.72 15.11 15.50 15.89 16.28 16.67 17.06 17.45 EX 25 40,560 41,496 42,432 43,368 44,304 45,240 46,176 47,112 48,048 48,984 49,920 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 22 22 22 EX 22 EX 23 EX 23 EX 24 EX 24 EX 25 EX 26 EX 27 17 13.95 14.35 14.75 15.15 15.55 15.95 16.35 16.75 17.15 17.55 17.95 18 14.32 14.73 15.14 15.55 15.96 16.37 16.78 17.19 17.60 18.01 18.42 19 14.71 15.13 15.55 15.97 16.39 16.81 17.23 17.65 18.07 18.49 18.91 EX 26 45,300 46,236 47,172 48,108 49,044 49,980 50,916 51,852 52,788 53,724 54,660 Bus dispatcher Accounts payable SAIS technology support technician Student information systems specialist Bus driver trainer School administrative assistant School administrative assistant Purchasing technician Administrative assistant Bus mechanic Payroll/benefits specialist Transportation manager/ dispatcher Preschool teacher/CC advisor Preschool teacher/CC advisor Century club manager Century Club manager Technology support technician Human resources/payroll coordinator Network engineer 22 15.86 16.31 16.76 17.21 17.66 18.11 18.56 19.01 19.46 19.91 20.36 EX 27 51,200 52,136 53,072 54,008 54,944 55,880 56,816 57,752 58,688 59,624 60,560 Balsz Elementary ESP (continued) Nurse Minimum : Maximum RN BSN BSN+15 33,131 : 44,693 34,182 : 45,337 35,234 : 46,671 MS BSN+34 36,287 : 56,720 Parent Liaison 34,590 : 46,292 Speech Language Therapist/Pathologist BA BA+15 MA 46,602 : 57,930 49,853 : 63,838 53,105 : 73,785 Psychologist, Occupational therapist, Physical therapist 60,455 : 80,536 277 MARICOPA COUNTY Buckeye UHS ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Sub 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 9.39 9.52 9.77 10.03 10.28 10.54 10.79 11.04 11.30 11.55 11.81 12.06 12.32 12.57 12.82 13.08 13.33 13.58 13.83 5 9.89 10.03 10.28 10.54 10.79 11.04 11.30 11.55 11.81 12.06 12.32 12.57 12.82 13.08 13.33 13.59 13.83 14.09 14.34 Instructional 10 Instructional aide I 10 Instructional aide I – life skills 15 Campus security 25 Instructional paraprofessional 25 Instructional paraprofessional – life skills Secretarial 25 Administrative assistant I 30 Administrative assistant II 30 Office clerk, health 35 Administrative assistant III 278 10 10.40 10.54 10.79 11.04 11.30 11.55 11.81 12.06 12.32 12.57 12.82 13.08 13.33 13.59 13.84 14.09 14.34 14.59 14.84 15 10.91 11.04 11.30 11.55 11.81 12.06 12.32 12.57 12.82 13.08 13.33 13.59 13.84 14.09 14.35 14.60 14.86 15.11 15.37 15.62 15.87 16.12 GRADE 20 11.42 11.55 11.81 12.06 12.32 12.57 12.82 13.08 13.33 13.59 13.84 14.09 14.35 14.60 14.86 15.11 15.37 15.62 15.87 16.12 16.38 16.63 25 11.93 12.06 12.32 12.57 12.82 13.08 13.33 13.59 13.84 14.09 14.35 14.60 14.86 15.11 15.37 15.62 15.87 16.13 16.38 16.63 16.89 17.15 General Office 25 Shipping & receiving clerk 25 Attendance clerk I 30 Attendance clerk II 35 Business services assistant Maintenance/Custodial 10 Custodian 20 Lead custodian 30 Maintenance technician 10 Grounds worker 35 HVAC assistant 40 HVAC technician 30 12.69 12.82 13.08 13.33 13.59 13.84 14.09 14.35 14.60 14.86 15.11 15.37 15.62 15.87 16.13 16.38 16.64 16.89 17.15 17.40 17.65 17.91 35 13.20 13.33 13.59 13.84 14.09 14.35 14.60 14.86 15.11 15.37 15.62 15.87 16.13 16.38 16.64 16.89 17.15 17.40 17.65 17.91 18.16 18.41 18.66 18.93 19.18 19.43 40 15.23 15.37 15.62 15.87 16.13 16.38 16.64 16.89 17.15 17.40 17.65 17.91 18.16 18.42 18.67 18.93 19.18 19.43 19.69 19.94 20.20 20.45 20.71 20.96 21.21 21.46 45 18.09 18.67 18.93 19.18 19.43 19.69 19.94 20.20 20.45 20.71 20.96 21.21 21.46 21.72 21.96 22.21 22.46 22.71 22.96 23.21 23.46 23.71 23.96 24.21 24.46 24.71 Transportation 15 Bus aide 20 Driver (non-CDL) 25 Dispatcher 30 Driver (CDL) 40 Mechanic Technology 25 Network technician I 40 Network technician II MARICOPA COUNTY Cartwright Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Range STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A11 9.13 9.31 9.49 9.68 9.87 10.04 10.22 10.43 10.64 10.83 11.04 11.25 11.47 11.69 11.92 12.13 12.38 12.60 12.86 13.09 13.35 13.62 13.87 14.13 14.41 14.69 ADMINISTRATIVE A11 Assistant A12 Technician B21 Specialist B23 Coordinator B23 Busn/comm partner coord B22 District interpreter B24 Executive coordinator A12 Parent/community liaison FISCAL A12 Support technician B21 Support specialist B23 Support coordinator B22 Buyer B22 Benefits specialist FOOD SERVICES A11 Worker A12 Senior worker A13 Cook A13 Kitchen manager trainee B21 Receiving kitchen manager A12 10.53 10.74 10.94 11.15 11.35 11.58 11.81 12.03 12.24 12.50 12.75 12.98 13.22 13.49 13.75 14.00 14.27 14.57 14.83 15.12 15.41 15.71 16.01 16.31 16.65 16.96 A13 11.92 12.16 12.40 12.63 12.87 13.11 13.37 13.64 13.89 14.15 14.43 14.71 14.99 15.27 15.59 15.89 16.19 16.51 16.83 17.15 17.49 17.82 18.16 18.53 18.88 19.24 B22 B23 B24 B21 13.32 13.58 13.85 14.11 14.36 14.66 14.94 15.22 15.54 15.83 16.11 16.44 16.76 17.09 17.39 17.77 18.10 18.46 18.82 19.17 19.55 19.93 20.31 20.73 21.12 21.54 Base kitchen manager Central kitchen manager Lead manager INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY B22 Systems operation tech B21 Information systems tech B23 Communications specialist B24 Communications coord B23 Data base specialist INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS A11 Instructional assistant A12 Senior instructional asst B23 Instructional specialist A12 Child care program tech A11 Crosswalk guard A11 Instructional aide A12 Senior instructional aide A11 Special education assistant A11 Monitor A13 Behavioral technician B21 Early childhood instructor B22 14.71 15.00 15.29 15.59 15.89 16.19 16.51 16.83 17.15 17.49 17.83 18.16 18.53 18.89 19.25 19.62 20.01 20.39 20.80 21.19 21.61 22.03 22.45 22.90 23.35 23.81 B23 16.08 16.41 16.73 17.05 17.37 17.72 18.07 18.42 18.79 19.14 19.52 19.90 20.27 20.68 21.07 21.49 21.93 22.34 22.79 23.22 23.68 24.14 24.62 25.09 25.58 26.09 B24/C31 17.84 18.20 18.56 18.91 19.27 19.64 20.03 20.40 20.82 21.21 21.63 22.06 22.48 22.93 23.38 23.85 24.30 24.79 25.28 25.76 26.27 26.78 27.31 27.84 28.39 28.95 MAINTENANCE A11 Custodian A13 Facility maintenance tech B21 Lead facility maint tech A12 Security services assistant B22 Equipment repair tech A11 Assistant A13 Technician B23 Specialist B24 Supervisor PRINT SHOP A11 Printing services assistant B21 Printing services tech B22 Printing services specialist TRANSPORTATION B21 Bus driver WAREHOUSE A12 Materials handler/driver B24 Materials supervisor 279 Cartwright Elementary ESP (continued) Nurse Schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 280 LPN 26,120 26,640 27,180 27,720 28,280 28,840 29,410 29,980 30,550 31,120 31,690 32,250 32,830 33,390 33,960 34,640 35,330 36,040 36,760 37,490 38,250 RN 30,580 31,190 31,810 32,450 33,100 33,760 34,450 35,130 35,810 36,490 37,170 37,870 38,550 39,220 39,910 40,590 41,380 42,180 42,990 43,780 44,630 Speech 47,010 47,480 47,950 48,430 48,920 49,410 49,900 50,400 50,910 51,410 51,930 CSN/BSN 31,610 32,250 32,890 33,550 34,220 34,910 35,700 36,490 37,290 38,090 38,880 39,690 40,470 41,280 42,070 42,860 43,670 44,450 45,270 46,160 47,080 Psychiatrist 58,050 58,630 59,220 59,810 60,410 61,010 61,620 62,240 62,860 63,490 64,120 MSN 33,160 33,820 34,500 35,180 35,890 36,610 37,460 38,320 39,170 40,010 40,870 41,720 42,590 43,420 44,290 45,140 46,000 46,840 47,710 48,550 49,470 OT/PT 47,010 47,480 47,950 48,430 48,920 49,410 49,900 50,400 50,910 51,410 51,930 MARICOPA COUNTY Cave Creek Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Range POSITION Administrative Support Accounts payable spec Accounts payable spec II Business services spec II HR employment coord HR spec, benefits coord HR spec, sub services HR specialist, classified Payroll specialist Warehouse courier Warehouse specialist II Warehouse specialist III Instructional Support Attendance clerk Comp lab coord/e-lrn tech COTA Health clinic assistant Library/media tech Nurse – private duty Registrar Science resource coord Sp ed compliance spec Sp ed paraprofessional I Sp ed paraprofessional II Sp ed program assistant SPLA Student store mgr Teacher aide Visions services assistant World language specialist Youth transition specialist Youth trans spec – Voc ed Entry : Maximum Range 12.69-18.29 12.34-17.78 15.16-21.86 16.55-23.89 16.55-23.89 13.07-18.85 13.07-18.85 12.69-18.29 10.64-15.34 12.69-18.29 13.87-19.98 10.64-15.34 15.60-22.51 17.05-24.59 10.96-15.83 10.03-14.46 19.76-28.49 14.29-20.58 11.97-17.25 12.34-17.78 10.03-14.46 10.64-15.34 15.16-21.86 17.05-24.59 11.62-16.76 8.39-12.10 17.05-24.59 17.05-24.59 10.64-15.34 11.62-16.76 POSITION Secretarial/Clerical Admin asst to assoc supt Admin asst to asst prin Admin asst to counselors Admin asst to dir of ESS Admin asst exec dir HR Admin asst to principal Admin asst to psych Admin asst grant coord District office reception Education svcs ofc asst Receptionist Records secretary Technology Student info syst analyst Tech support specialist Child Nutrition Asst to director Base kitchen manager Cashier Driver Kitchen manager Facilities Services Admin assistant Custodian II Day porter Groundskeeper HVAC tech engineer Lead groundskeeper Maintenance II Maintenance III projects Night lead custodian Plant mgr (elem, MS) Plant manager (HS) Security Skilled maint preventative Sub plant manager Range 16.55-23.89 11.62-16.76 11.62-16.76 13.45-19.40 16.55-23.89 13.07-18.85 10.64-15.34 12.34-17.78 10.96-15.83 13.07-18.85 10.03-14.46 11.30-16.27 15.60-22.51 16.55-23.89 13.45-19.40 13.45-19.40 9.19-13.23 10.64-15.34 10.64-15.34 13.07-18.85 10.64-15.34 9.73-14.02 11.62-16.76 15.16-21.86 13.45-19.40 15.16-21.86 16.55-23.89 11.97-17.25 13.45-19.40 13.87-19.98 12.34-17.78 18.63-26.85 POSITION Transportation Admin assistant Bus aide Bus driver Bus driver/instructor Bus driver/router Bus driver/trainer Crossing guard Dispatcher Lead mechanic Mechanic II Community Education Administrative assistant Adult assistant Community ed spec I Community ed spec II Community ed spec III Child care supervisor Head bookkeeper Kids Club asst supervisor Kids Club supervisor Program assistant Receptionist Service worker Teacher assistant Range 11.62-16.76 8.65-12.47 12.69-18.29 13.07-18.85 13.45-19.40 12.69-18.29 7.68-11.08 13.07-18.85 17.56-25.32 16.08-23.20 13.07-18.85 9.19-13.23 10.33-14.88 10.96-15.83 12.34-17.78 9.19-13.23 11.30-16.27 10.03-14.46 10.64-15.34 9.73-14.02 9.19-13.23 10.03-14.46 9.19-13.23 13.45-19.40 SPECIAL SERVICES Nurse Health Advisor CT/PT/OT Speech/Lang, Psychologist 33,915 Entry/BA 46,284 : Maximum BA/Entry MA 46,911 45,487 MA Maximum 65,606 281 MARICOPA COUNTY Chandler Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Hourly Position Grade Levels 4 5 6 Salary Ranges 1 2 3 Entry 8.14 : 8.63 : 12.20 8.54 : 9.06 : 12.80 8.97 : 9.51 : 13.43 9.42 : 9.99 : 14.10 9.89 : 10.48 : 14.79 12 13.92 : 14.75 : 20.72 13 14.61 : 15.49 : 21.75 14 15.34 : 16.26 : 22.83 15 16.11 : 17.08 : 23.96 16 16.92 : 17.93 : 25.15 Max Entry Top Hourly Salary Ranges Entry Max Entry Top Hourly 7 8 9 10 11 10.38 : 11.01 : 15.51 10.91 : 11.56 : 16.28 11.45 : 12.14 : 17.09 12.02 : 12.74 : 17.93 12.63 : 13.38 : 18.82 13.25 : 14.05 : 19.75 17 17.77 : 18.83 : 26.39 18 18.65 : 19.77 : 27.70 19 19.58 : 20.76 : 29.08 20 20.56 : 21.80 : 30.53 21 22.67 : 24.03 : 33.63 22 25.00 : 26.50 : 37.06 Nurse, $32,426 entry base to $53,711 top salary. Occupational/physical therapist, $43,354 entry base to $66,627 top salary. Speech language technician — Entry base $35,823 to top salary $43,851. Speech language pathologist — Entry base $43,354 to top salary $71,833. Psychologist — Entry base $50,731 to top salary $74,728. Certificate of Clinical Competency (SLP), $1,500. 282 Chandler Unified ESP (continued) Grade Level — Hourly Position 9 11 13 14 10 13 15 11 6 9 12 9 17 15 13 18 19 12 12 9 13 4 11 15 13 17 11 2 5 6 3 5 8 15 19 20 9 3 9 9 9 Account tech I Account tech II Account tech III Account tech IV Activity leader Admin asst I Admin asst II Art masterpiece coordinator Assessment assistant Athletic equipment tech Athletic trip technician Attendance tech attendance truancy officer Audio visual tech Auto mechanic I Auto mechanic II Auto mechanic III Bookstore manager Bookstore/revenue tech Braillist Braillist II Bus attendant Bus driver Buyer Buyer/admin assistant I Cable/wiring/electronic tech Career center tech Cashier I Cashier II Cashier III Childcare I Childcare II Computer lab tech Computer systems tech Computer systems tech II COTA Courier Crossing guard Curriculum tech Custodian Custodian/courier 19 12 18 13 15 1 3 4 11 12 14 16 18 6 9 10 11 11 10 12 9 7 11 14 17 20 21 22 12 6 12 13 8 12 7 8 11 12 13 9 19 17 19 3 Electrician Employee benefits assistant Executive assistant Facility ranger Field ops tech I Field ops tech II Food service worker I Food service worker II Food servic4e worker III Foot tech/nutritionist Gen maint I Gen maint II Gen maint III Gen maint IV General clerk Groundskeeper II Groundskeeper III Groundskeeper IV Head cust high school Head cust jr high Head groundskeeper Health assistant Hear imp interpr/aide I Hear imp interpr/aide II Hear imp interpr/aide III Hear imp interpr/aide IV Hear imp interpr/aide V Hear imp interpr/aide VI Hear imp interpr/aide VII Help desk Home liaison Human resource assistant Human resource tech ISS monitor LPN Library assistant Library tech Manager I Manager II Manager III Media tech paraprofessional Network infrastructure tech Network support Network telecomm tech Noontime aide 15 12 5 7 11 13 8 9 4 5 7 8 15 12 11 11 9 15 7 11 6 10 10 9 13 9 13 19 12 12 13 13 6 11 12 12 15 10 12 13 9 Office equip tech Operator/programmer Para educator Para educator II (special ed) Parent liaison/trainer Payroll tech Perm sub cashier/manager Permanent sub custodian Production worker I Production worker II Production worker III Production worker IV Project compliance tech Property controller Receptionist - district-wide Registrar (high school) Registrar (jr high) Routing coordinator II School assistant School intervention assist School liaison School receptionist Secretary Security guard Speech lang asst Student services asst Substitute coordinator Technician coordinator Training coordinator Transportation dispatcher I Transportation dispatcher II Transportation field trip and safety coordinator Transportation parts inventory clerk Transportation tech Trip coordinator Video production assistant I Video production assistant II Warehouse I Warehouse II Warehouse III Warehouse/courier 283 MARICOPA COUNTY Creighton Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30+ 284 950999 9.10 9.15 9.24 9.29 9.32 9.36 9.49 9.57 9.64 9.77 9.91 10.07 10.18 10.39 10.60 10.78 10.98 11.25 11.53 11.78 12.06 12.41 12.76 13.07 13.41 13.75 14.07 14.48 14.73 15.02 16.50 10001049 9.57 9.62 9.72 9.77 9.80 9.85 9.98 10.06 10.14 10.28 10.43 10.59 10.70 10.93 11.15 11.33 11.55 11.83 12.13 12.38 12.68 13.04 13.41 13.74 14.11 14.46 14.80 15.23 15.50 15.79 17.36 10501099 10.04 10.09 10.21 10.24 10.29 10.33 10.47 10.56 10.64 10.78 10.94 11.11 11.23 11.46 11.70 11.89 12.12 12.42 12.72 12.99 13.31 13.68 14.06 14.42 14.80 15.17 15.53 15.99 16.27 16.57 18.21 11001149 10.55 10.61 10.71 10.77 10.80 10.85 11.01 11.09 11.18 11.33 11.50 11.67 11.80 12.04 12.29 12.49 12.73 13.04 13.37 13.65 13.97 14.37 14.78 15.15 15.55 15.94 16.31 16.80 17.08 17.41 19.13 Points Compensation 1150120012501199 1249 1299 11.09 11.62 12.20 11.15 11.68 12.27 11.26 11.80 12.39 11.32 11.86 12.45 11.36 11.90 12.49 11.41 11.95 12.55 11.57 12.12 12.73 11.66 12.22 12.83 11.75 12.31 12.92 11.91 12.48 13.10 12.08 12.66 13.29 12.27 12.85 13.50 12.40 12.99 13.64 12.66 13.27 13.93 12.92 13.54 14.21 13.13 13.76 14.45 13.39 14.03 14.73 13.71 14.37 15.08 14.05 14.72 15.46 14.35 15.04 15.79 14.69 15.39 16.17 15.11 15.83 16.62 15.53 16.28 17.09 15.93 16.69 17.52 16.35 17.13 17.98 16.75 17.55 18.43 17.15 17.96 18.86 17.66 18.49 19.43 17.96 18.82 19.75 18.30 19.18 20.13 20.11 21.07 22.13 13001349 12.80 12.87 13.00 13.06 13.11 13.17 13.35 13.46 13.56 13.74 13.94 14.16 14.31 14.61 14.91 15.16 15.45 15.83 16.22 16.56 16.95 17.44 17.93 18.38 18.87 19.34 19.79 20.37 20.73 21.13 23.21 13501399 13.45 13.52 13.66 13.72 13.77 13.84 14.03 14.14 14.25 14.44 14.65 14.88 15.04 15.35 15.67 15.93 16.23 16.63 17.04 17.40 17.82 18.32 18.84 19.32 19.83 20.32 20.79 21.41 21.78 22.20 24.39 14001449 14.14 14.22 14.36 14.43 14.48 14.55 14.76 14.87 14.98 15.18 15.40 15.64 15.81 16.14 16.47 16.74 17.07 17.48 17.92 18.30 18.73 19.26 19.81 20.31 20.84 21.36 21.86 22.51 22.90 23.34 25.64 14501499 14.84 14.92 15.07 15.14 15.20 15.27 15.48 15.61 15.72 15.94 16.17 16.42 16.59 16.94 17.29 17.57 17.91 18.35 18.80 19.20 19.66 20.22 20.79 21.31 21.87 22.42 22.94 23.62 24.03 24.49 26.91 15001549 15.58 15.66 15.82 15.90 15.95 16.03 16.25 16.38 16.51 16.73 16.97 17.23 17.42 17.79 18.15 18.45 18.81 19.26 19.74 20.16 20.64 21.23 21.82 22.38 22.96 23.54 24.09 24.80 25.23 25.71 28.26 Creighton Elementary ESP (continued) Point Chart 950-999 — Crossing guard 1000-1049 — Food service helper 1050-1099 — Bus attendant; Custodian; Supervision paraprofessional not HQ 1100-1149 — Classroom paraprofessional HQ; Clerk typist; Community worker; Custodian-mobile maintenance crew; Grounds crew worker 1150-1199 — Behavior tech; Cashier; Delivery driver; Food service lead; IMC asst; One-on-one paraprofessional HQ; Preschool paraprofessional HQ; Student mgmt paraprofessional HQ; VE paraprofessional HQ; Warehouse worker 1200-1249 — Bus driver; Bus driver/night dispatcher; Food service cooks & bakers; IMC – asset coordinator; Parent/community liaison 1250-1299 — Courier 1300-1349 — Bus driver/behind the wheel; Bookkeeper/accountant; Educational secretary; Copy center lead; IMC publications specialist; Lead custodian; Library specialist; Human resources asst; Purchasing asst; Receiving clerk; Skilled maintenance; Special programs secretary 1350-1399 — Accountant II; Bus driver trainer/safety specialist; Director’s secretary; Dispatcher/routing specialist; Grounds crew lead; IMC – multimedia specialist; Mobile maintenance crew lead; Human resources specialist 1400-1449 — Administrative asst; Assessment specialist; Custodian specialist/trainer; Food service manager; Food service supervisor; Mechanic 1450-1499 — Buyer; Payroll tech 1500-1549 — Building maintenance specialist; Carpenter; Electrician; HVAC; Licensed practical nurse; Locksmith; Plumber; Special systems specialist STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Speech/Occupational/Physical Therapists 47,534 47,790 48,277 48,504 48,674 48,903 49,587 49,987 50,357 51,043 51,784 52,582 53,152 54,265 55,378 56,289 57,373 58,770 60,226 61,508 62,966 64,761 66,585 68,268 70,065 71,804 73,486 75,660 76,966 78,449 86,208 Psychologist 47,550 47,806 48,292 48,520 48,691 48,919 49,606 50,003 50,375 51,060 51,800 52,599 53,171 54,284 55,396 56,308 57,393 58,791 60,245 61,531 62,987 64,784 66,608 68,292 70,088 71,828 73,511 75,687 76,994 78,476 86,237 285 MARICOPA COUNTY Deer Valley Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Min 8 8.40 9 8.61 10 8.86 12 9.26 14 9.79 15 10.02 16 10.29 17 10.52 18 10.83 19 11.03 Max 13.44 13.78 14.18 14.82 15.66 16.03 16.46 16.83 17.33 17.65 Min 20 11.34 21 11.63 22 11.90 23 12.19 24 12.52 25 12.69 26 13.08 27 13.49 28 13.75 30 14.46 Max 18.14 18.61 19.04 19.50 20.03 20.30 20.93 21.58 22.00 23.14 Min 31 14.85 32 15.19 33 15.59 34 15.93 36 16.74 38 17.56 43 19.78 48 22.38 49 22.94 55 25.07 Max 23.76 24.30 24.94 25.49 26.78 27.10 31.65 35.81 36.70 40.11 Professional growth – 10 cents per hour for each 5 credit hours. 8 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 286 SECRETARIAL/ CLERICAL/ DATA PROCESSING/ INSTRUCTIONAL ASST/ MONITOR Campus assistant (crossing guard, K Title I, K/elem/MS monitor) Clerk I (general office, HS receptionist), Paraprofessional (CTE, OCR, speech, special ed, Title I, Title I/parent liaison, Mandarin), Instructional asst (community ed, EL, Head Start) Campus monitor II (HS) Athletic equipment clerk, Campus monitor III (HS lead), Career tech YTP, Clerk II (HS registrar, intervention, motor therapist/audiologist, psych, speech, student support services file) Accounting clerk I (community ed, K-6 & K-8), HS/MS attendance clerk, Library clerk Secretary I (HS counseling) Accounting clerk II (community ed, food & nutrition, middle school), Behavioral tech, Clerk III (CTE, DVEF, eSchool, human resources, purchasing, student support services, TAH grant, teaching & learning, Title III, transportation, warehouse), Duplicator/bindery tech I, Elem attend/registrar clerk, Receptionist - district office Accounting clerk III (A/P bkpr), Bookstore mgr Clerk IV (payroll/benefits), Registrar I (MS) Duplicating/ bindery tech II, Graphic technician, Offset printer/ publishing tech I, Registrar II (HS), Secretary II (facilities, HS AP, alternative), Specialist (eSchool) Human resources technician, Payroll/benefits bookkeeper/tech 26 27 28 30 31 32 34 38 43 48 49 55 8 22 24 28 31 32 33 36 Accounting clerk IV (community education, finance, lead A/P, MIPS), Secretary III (Head Start, manager II, principal) Payroll/ benefits bookkeeper, Human resources specialist, Substitute specialist Buyer, Lead instructors-community ed, Lead registrar, Purchasing specialist, Secretary V (administrative services, educational services, human resources, IS&T, public relations, student support services, superintendent’s office), Specialist-compliance/property control Computer network tech, Network/PC technician I Offset printer/publishing tech III, Program supervisor – community ed Graphic designer Adm asst (human resources, educational services, fiscal services, admin services) Interpreter I, Network/PC tech II, Tech infra spec Network/PC technician III Interpreter II Network/PC technician IV Network/PC tech V TRANSPORTATION School bus assistant Computer mapping specialist, Dispatcher, Bus driver, Bus driver/seat repair Automotive parts processor I, Computer specialist II, Lead dispatcher, Trainer Auto parts processor II Mechanic maintenance V Mechanic maintenance VI Mechanic maintenance VII Lead mechanic Deer Valley ESP (continued) 8 9 10 12 15 17 18 20 15 16 20 22 23 24 FOOD SERVICES Worker I Worker II Worker III Worker IV Worker V Catering specialist Cafeteria supervisor, Worker VI Warehouse worker 26 28 MAINTENANCE/ CUSTODIAL/ CRAFTS/ WAREHOUSE Custodian II (day/night, dist ofc, satellite kitchen) Custodian III (base kitchen) Maintenance I (grounds tech, MS day), Night security, Warehouse worker 32 33 38 Maintenance II Maintenance III (DO/HS day) Maintenance IV (HS night supervisor, irrigation technician, preventative tech, plant foreman (elem/MS), water treatment tech) Maintenance V (lead grounds, lead prevent maint tech) Craftsman maintenance VI (A/E repair, carpenter, electrician, equipment operator, grounds equipment mechanic, HVAC, locksmith, painter, plumber, special systems technician, welder) Craftsman maintenance VII Craftsman maintenance VIII Supervisor (maintenance IX – crafts, HVAC, prev maint, grounds/irrigation) Professional Growth – 10 cents per hour for each 5 credit hours; lifetime maximum of 100 credit hours which equals $2. The ending wage does not include professional growth. Community Education Child Care Hiring Schedule Step 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Instructional Assistant 8.34 8.59 8.84 9.09 9.34 9.59 9.84 10.09 10.34 10.59 10.84 11.09 11.34 11.59 Lead Instructor 14.25 14.55 14.85 15.15 15.45 15.75 16.05 16.35 16.65 16.95 17.25 17.55 17.85 18.05 Certified and Other Professional Staff Hiring Schedule (Beginning) 30,167 — Occupational therapy assistant 32,118 — Nurse – RN* 33,581 — Nurse – BA* * Up to 5 years of experience may be awarded at the rate of $800 per year. 48,395 — Speech – master level (Complete of certification of clinical competency - $2,500 addendum ; certified bilingual speech pathologist - $2,000 addendum ) 48,395 — Audiologist (National board certification - $3,000 addendum ; complete of certificate of clinical competency - $2,500 addendum ) 48,395 — Occupational therapist (Specialty certification - $3,000 addendum ) 48,395 — Physical therapist (Specialty certification - $3,000 addendum ) 53,273 — Psychologist (National board certification - $3,000 addendum ; certified bilingual psychologist - $2,000 addendum ) 38,150 — Speech – bachelor level 30,167 — Speech – language assistant 33,581 — Psychologist intern 22,805 — Nurse – LPN 33,581 — Certified 287 MARICOPA COUNTY Dysart Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Classified Wage Range 3 8.77 9.00 9.21 9.45 9.68 9.91 10.16 10.41 10.67 10.93 11.20 11.48 11.76 12.06 12.35 12.66 12.96 13.29 13.62 13.95 3 4 5 8 9 10 13 14 15 Child care aide, Food service worker II Bus aide, Crossing guard School aide Instructional assistant, School monitor Clerk typist Assistant child care facilitator, Security guard, Field technician ELL assessment and data specialist, Receptionist Attendance clerk, Mail courier, Library/media technician Assistant plant manager, Athletic equipment manager, In-school suspension assistant, Maintenance worker, Mechanic assistant, Transportation customer service representative Bookstore manager, Groundskeeper, Registrar Administrative secretary I, Data/records technician, Food nutrition technician, HRIS technician Accounts technician I, Night custodian, lead – district, Plant manager, Receiving/property control tech 16 17 18 288 4 9.00 9.22 9.45 9.68 9.92 10.17 10.41 10.68 10.93 11.21 11.49 11.77 12.06 12.36 12.66 12.97 13.30 13.63 13.96 14.31 5 9.22 9.45 9.68 9.92 10.17 10.41 10.68 10.93 11.21 11.49 11.77 12.06 12.36 12.67 12.97 13.30 13.63 13.96 14.31 14.66 8 9.93 10.18 10.43 10.69 10.95 11.22 11.51 11.78 12.08 12.37 12.68 12.99 13.31 13.65 13.98 14.32 14.68 15.05 15.41 15.79 9 10.18 10.43 10.69 10.95 11.22 11.50 11.78 12.08 12.37 12.68 12.99 13.31 13.64 13.97 14.32 14.68 15.05 15.41 15.79 16.19 LEVEL 10 12 10.43 10.95 10.69 11.23 10.95 11.51 11.23 11.79 11.51 12.09 11.79 12.38 12.08 12.69 12.38 13.01 12.69 13.32 12.99 13.65 13.32 13.98 13.65 14.33 13.98 14.69 14.33 15.05 14.69 15.42 15.05 15.80 15.42 16.20 15.80 16.60 16.19 17.00 16.59 17.42 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 11.24 11.52 11.80 12.09 12.39 12.70 13.01 13.33 13.66 13.99 14.34 14.70 15.06 15.43 15.81 16.21 16.61 17.01 17.43 17.86 14 11.52 11.80 12.09 12.39 12.70 13.01 13.33 13.66 13.99 14.34 14.70 15.07 15.43 15.81 16.21 16.61 17.01 17.43 17.87 18.31 15 11.80 12.10 12.39 12.70 13.02 13.34 13.67 14.00 14.35 14.71 15.07 15.44 15.82 16.21 16.62 17.02 17.44 17.87 18.32 18.77 16 12.11 12.40 12.71 13.03 13.35 13.68 14.01 14.36 14.72 15.08 15.45 15.83 16.23 16.63 17.03 17.45 17.89 18.33 18.78 19.25 17 12.40 12.71 13.03 13.35 13.68 14.01 14.36 14.72 15.09 15.45 15.83 16.23 16.63 17.03 17.46 17.89 18.33 18.79 19.25 19.73 18 12.72 13.04 13.35 13.69 14.03 14.37 14.73 15.09 15.46 15.84 16.24 16.64 17.04 17.46 17.90 18.34 18.79 19.26 19.74 20.22 Dysart Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 34 36 40 19 13.05 13.36 13.70 14.04 14.38 14.73 15.10 15.47 15.85 16.25 16.65 17.05 17.48 17.91 18.35 18.81 19.27 19.75 20.24 20.74 20 13.36 13.70 14.04 14.38 14.74 15.10 15.47 15.85 16.25 16.65 17.05 17.48 17.91 18.35 18.81 19.27 19.75 20.24 20.74 21.25 21 13.70 14.04 14.38 14.74 15.11 15.47 15.86 16.25 16.66 17.06 17.48 17.91 18.36 18.81 19.28 19.76 20.24 20.74 21.26 21.78 22 14.05 14.39 14.75 15.11 15.48 15.87 16.26 16.66 17.07 17.49 17.92 18.37 18.82 19.29 19.77 20.25 20.75 21.27 21.79 22.33 23 14.40 14.76 15.12 15.49 15.88 16.27 16.67 17.09 17.50 17.94 18.38 18.83 19.30 19.78 20.27 20.77 21.28 21.81 22.34 22.89 24 14.76 15.12 15.49 15.88 16.27 16.67 17.09 17.50 17.94 18.38 18.84 19.30 19.78 20.27 20.77 21.28 21.81 22.34 22.90 23.46 25 15.13 15.49 15.88 16.27 16.68 17.09 17.51 17.94 18.38 18.84 19.31 19.78 20.27 20.77 21.29 21.81 22.35 22.90 23.46 24.04 26 15.50 15.88 16.28 16.68 17.10 17.51 17.95 18.39 18.85 19.31 19.79 20.28 20.78 21.29 21.82 22.36 22.91 23.47 24.05 24.64 27 15.89 16.29 16.69 17.10 17.52 17.95 18.40 18.85 19.32 19.80 20.29 20.79 21.30 21.83 22.37 22.92 23.48 24.06 24.65 25.27 30 17.13 17.55 17.98 18.43 18.88 19.35 19.83 20.32 20.82 21.34 21.86 22.40 22.96 23.52 24.10 24.69 25.31 25.94 26.57 27.23 34 18.89 19.36 19.83 20.32 20.83 21.34 21.87 22.41 22.96 23.53 24.11 24.70 25.32 25.94 26.58 27.23 36 19.84 20.33 20.83 21.34 21.87 22.41 22.96 23.53 24.11 24.70 25.32 25.94 26.58 27.24 40 21.91 22.45 23.00 23.57 24.15 24.75 25.36 25.99 26.63 27.29 Bus driver, Attendance records technician Maintenance apprentice Payroll clerk, Accounting clerk, Accounting technician, Purchasing technician Admin secretary II, Dispatcher, Fixed asset technician, Job specialist, Personnel technician Health service assistant Accountant, Bus driver trainer, Buyer, Lead groundskeeper, Mechanic I, Skilled maintenance Grants budget specialist, Preschool specialist, Transportation router I Benefits specialist, Community specialist, Computer technician I, Human resources regional specialist I, SS/HS student services outreach specialist Interpreter for hiring impaired, Mechanic II Certified occupational therapy asst., Health services assistant, Lead HR regional specialist, Physical therapy assistant, Plant manager (HS), Mechanic III, Senior buyer, Speech language pathologist assistant (licensed) Senior computer technician, Transportation router II District night supervisor Application analyst, Budget analyst, Senior accountant 289 Dysart Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist BA MA DOC PhD 38,691 40,716 42,741 44,765 39,828 41,913 43,998 46,082 41,010 43,094 45,179 47,264 42,191 44,276 46,360 48,445 43,372 45,457 47,541 49,626 44,554 46,638 48,723 50,807 45,735 47,819 49,904 51,988 46,916 49,000 51,085 53,169 48,097 50,181 52,266 54,350 49,278 51,362 53,447 55,531 50,459 52,543 54,628 56,712 51,640 53,724 55,809 57,893 52,821 54,905 56,989 59,073 54,002 56,086 58,170 60,254 55,183 57,267 59,351 61,435 56,364 58,448 60,532 62,616 57,545 59,629 61,713 63,797 58,726 60,810 62,894 64,978 59,907 61,991 64,075 66,158 61,088 63,172 65,255 67,339 Psychologist Cert PhD 54,855 55,894 56,521 57,592 57,566 58,643 58,584 59,657 59,596 60,669 60,610 61,681 61,622 62,701 62,640 63,713 63,656 64,725 64,666 65,739 65,679 66,751 66,692 67,770 67,711 68,784 68,723 69,796 69,737 70,809 70,749 71,821 71,762 72,822 72,774 73,847 73,795 74,867 74,807 75,880 Speech Language Pathlologist BA MA CCC PhD 40,900 43,968 47,035 50,103 42,229 45,297 48,364 51,432 43,559 46,626 49,694 52,761 44,888 47,955 51,023 54,090 46,217 49,285 52,352 55,420 47,546 50,614 53,681 56,749 48,876 51,943 55,011 58,078 50,205 53,272 56,340 59,407 51,534 54,602 57,669 60,737 52,863 55,931 58,998 62,066 54,193 57,260 60,328 63,395 55,522 58,589 61,657 64,724 56,851 59,919 62,986 66,054 58,180 61,248 64,315 67,383 59,510 62,577 65,645 68,712 Nurses and Counselors paid from Teachers salary schedule. Fountain Hills Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Starting rates LEVEL Starting Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8.16 2 8.67 3 9.18 4 9.44 5 9.69 6 10.20 7 10.71 Bus aide, Support aide Instructional aide I-regular ed Security guard Custodian Administrative assistant I-clerical, Instructional aide II-special ed Bus driver-non CDL, Health aide Administrative assistant II-assistant principal, Instructional aide III-special ed self-contained 6-12, Maintenance and custodial technician LEVEL Starting Rate 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 11.22 9 11.48 10 11.99 12 14.28 13 15.81 Plant foreman Administrative assistant III-principal Accounts specialist, Activity fund accountant, Administrative assistant IV, Credits recovery specialist Applications specialist, Bus driver-CDL, Warehouse coordinator Human resources specialist, Student information and assessment coordinator Executive assistant Mechanic Classified substitutes hired at starting rate of position. 290 11 13.77 14 25.50 MARICOPA COUNTY Fowler Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 8.46 8.63 8.92 9.23 9.56 9.87 10.17 10.42 10.75 11.06 11.39 11.69 12.00 II 10.25 10.46 10.87 11.25 11.57 11.89 12.20 12.51 12.83 13.14 13.48 13.84 14.10 RANGE III 11.79 12.02 12.53 12.96 13.35 13.76 14.14 14.52 14.92 15.32 15.70 16.09 16.49 IV 14.04 14.32 14.86 15.38 15.77 16.15 16.54 16.95 17.33 17.72 18.11 18.53 18.91 V 15.99 16.31 16.88 17.47 17.87 18.25 18.65 19.04 19.41 19.83 20.21 20.61 20.99 VI 19.07 19.45 20.17 20.88 21.45 22.05 22.64 23.22 23.82 24.40 25.00 25.58 26.16 RANGE I Instructional aide I, Reading interventionist clerk I, RTC monitor I, Sp ed on-on-one/self contained IA (includes $1 differential), Sp ed resource IA I, technology aide, Parent coordinator, ELL tester, Bus monitor, Child care inst asst, Crossing guard, Day care asst, Head Start inst aide, Lunch monitor aide, Playground duty aide, Sp ed health aide (one to one) II Attendance clerk, Child care lead teacher, Child care licensing specialist, Custodian, Groundskeeper, Health clerk I, Instructional aide II, Migrant clerk, Receptionist, Sp ed clerk I, Warehouse courier, Day care site director assistant III Cert NA, ELL/translator clerk, Health clerk II, Library clerk, Media specialist, Receiving/warehouse clerk, Sp ed clerk II IV Accounts payable clerk, Bus driver, Day care site director, Grants clerk, Head custodian, Head groundskeeper, HR/benefits clerk, HS lead teacher, LPN, Maintenance technician I, SAIS data clerk, School secretary, Technology technician V Administrative assistant, Diesel mechanic, HS asst director, Maintenance technician II, Speech/language asst., Transportation router/dispatcher, Transportation trainer coordinator VI Nurse (BSN), Bookkeeper/payroll, Purchasing coordinator 291 Fowler Elementary ESP (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 8.79 8.97 9.27 9.60 9.94 10.27 10.58 10.84 11.18 11.50 11.84 12.16 12.48 FOOD SERVICE II IV 10.66 14.60 10.87 14.90 11.31 15.45 11.70 15.99 12.04 16.40 12.36 16.80 12.69 17.21 13.02 17.63 13.34 18.03 13.67 18.43 14.02 18.83 14.40 19.27 14.67 19.67 Food Service Ranges I Cafeteria worker I II Cafeteria baker, Cafeteria cashier, Cafeteria technician IV Cafeteria manager/cook VI Food services coordinator II 292 VI 19.83 20.23 20.97 21.72 22.31 22.93 23.54 24.15 24.77 25.38 26.00 26.60 27.21 SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST MA EDS EDS+45 DOC 50,818 53,295 54,844 55,979 51,835 54,361 55,940 57,098 52,887 55,414 56,993 58,151 53,940 56,467 58,046 59,204 54,993 57,520 59,099 60,257 56,046 58,572 60,152 61,310 57,098 59,625 61,204 62,362 58,151 60,678 62,257 63,415 59,204 61,731 63,310 64,468 60,257 62,783 64,363 65,521 61,310 63,836 65,415 66,573 62,362 64,889 66,468 67,626 63,415 65,942 67,521 68,679 64,468 66,995 68,574 69,732 65,521 68,047 69,627 70,785 MARICOPA COUNTY Gila Bend Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Stepless salary schedule Level 1 $7.25 - 8.12 — Cafeteria Level 2 $7.75 - 7.98 — Clerk $7.75 - 8.22 — Teacher aide $7.75 - 8.45 — Bus driver $7.75 - 8.68 — Special needs aide Level 3 $8.80 - 9.06 — Custodian I $8.80 - 9.33 — High school sec’y $8.80 - 9.59 — Elementary sec’y $8.80 - 9.86 — Attendant $8.80 - 10.12 — Comp. aide Level 4 $9.50 - 9.79 — Custodian II $9.50 - 10.07 — Accounts payable $9.50 - 10.36 — Payroll tech $9.50 - 10.64 — Information spec $9.50 - 10.93 — District secretary 293 MARICOPA COUNTY Gilbert Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 294 7.67 7.90 8.13 8.39 8.63 8.89 9.16 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 2 7.65 7.67 7.90 8.13 8.39 8.63 8.89 9.16 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 3 7.80 7.90 8.13 8.39 8.63 8.89 9.16 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 4 8.03 8.13 8.39 8.63 8.89 9.16 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 5 8.29 8.39 8.63 8.89 9.16 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 GRADE 6 8.53 8.63 8.89 9.16 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 7 8.78 8.89 9.16 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 8 9.05 9.16 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 9 9.33 9.44 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 10 9.61 9.73 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 11 9.89 10.02 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 12 10.17 10.30 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 13 10.49 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 14 10.80 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 15 11.13 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 16 11.47 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 17 11.80 11.95 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 GRADE 18 12.16 12.31 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 19 12.53 12.69 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 20 12.89 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 21 13.28 13.46 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 22 13.69 13.86 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 23 14.09 14.26 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 24 14.52 14.71 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 1 7.65 Gilbert Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 14.95 15.15 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26 15.40 15.59 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27 15.88 16.07 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28 16.34 16.54 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28.17 GRADE 29 16.83 17.04 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28.17 29.02 30 17.35 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28.17 29.02 29.89 31 17.86 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28.17 29.02 29.89 30.77 32 18.40 18.63 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28.17 29.02 29.89 30.77 31.71 33 18.94 19.19 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28.17 29.02 29.89 30.77 31.71 32.66 34 19.51 19.76 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28.17 29.02 29.89 30.77 31.71 32.66 33.65 35 20.11 20.36 20.96 21.60 22.23 22.90 23.61 24.30 25.03 25.79 26.55 27.36 28.17 29.02 29.89 30.77 31.71 32.66 33.65 34.64 Gradation Schedule Community Education 22 Accounting specialist 16 Accounting technician 9 Activity leader 3 Assistant activity leader 16 Customer service rep 19 Site coordinator Custodial/Grounds 22 Building coordinator 1 Crossing guard 10 Custodian 14 Custodian-crew leader 14 Grounds-crew leader 22 Grounds coordinator 10 Groundskeeper Business Services 14 Accounting assistant 16 Accounting technician 17 22 24 16 25 14 16 18 19 21 23 16 19 17 19 Accounting tech bsn svcs Accounting specialist Accounting spec bsn svcs Accounts receivable Fixed assets coordinator Fixed assets assistant Fixed assets technician Fixed assets specialist Procurement assistant Procurement technician Procurement specialist Purchasing assistant Purchasing specialist Purchasing technician Student auxiliary accounting tech Maintenance 18 HVAC apprentice 28 HVAC journeyman 29 29 18 26 28 HVAC crew leader Crew leader Worker apprentice Worker journeyman Worker journeyman-tech Food Services 21 Accounts 6 Asst manager-elementary 8 Asst manager-secondary 19 Catering manager 25 Coordinator 19 Manager-elementary 20 Manager-secondary 14 Manager in training 20 Payroll technician 19 Personnel technician 21 Personnel specialist 4 Worker 295 Gilbert Unified ESP (continued) Education/Special Services 19 Attendance specialist 16 Attendance technician 27 Auditorium coordinator 19 Bookstore coordinator 12 Braillest 17 Career center coordinator 29 Cert occupational therapist asst 20 Community service liaison/ truancy officer 4 Instructional assistant 5 Instructional assistantresponsibility room 19 Job service coordinator 8 Media assistant 15 Media technician 5 Paraprofessional 10 Paraprofessional assistant 15 Paraprofessional specialist 12 Paraprofessional technician 13 Receptionist 11 Receptionist-counseling 17 Registrar 20 Registration coordinator 15 Responsibility center specialist 23 Speech language pathologist assistant 15 Spirit store clerk 14 Student records 17 Student records spec. ed 25 Testing coordinator 16 Video library technician 18 WIA onsite case coordinator 18 Youth training program coordinator Health Services 17 Assistant 9 Assistant aide 20 Licensed practical nurse Human Resources 21 Benefits specialist 28 Special projects manager 24 Marketing specialist 15 Payroll assistant 19 Payroll distribution/ personnel technician 25 Payroll specialist 20 Payroll technician 24 Personnel coordinator 296 21 19 20 Personnel specialist Personnel technician Professional growth tech Production 15 Copier assistant 23 Copier repair technician 22 Offset press operator 13 Clerk 15 Crew leader 16 Copier repair assistant Secretarial/Clerical 22 Administrative assistant 19 Administrative athletic secretary 24 Administrative office coordinator 17 Administrative secretary 26 Executive assistant 26 Executive coordinator to school board 24 Executive secretary 9 Office assistant 12 Office asst special ed 14 Secretary Security 14 Guard-campus 20 Guard-coordinator 13 Dispatcher 13 Guard-patrol 16 Lead guard-patrol Technology 13 AV repair assistant 20 AV repair specialist 16 AV repair technician 20 Computer technician 18 Database assistant 28 Database specialist 22 Database technician 14 Help desk assistant 25 Help desk specialist 23 Help desk technician 25 Network assistant 35 Network administrator assistant 34 Network specialist 29 Network technician 30 Programmer 35 Programmer analyst 16 Software application technician 13 16 33 25 20 34 23 Repair assistant Repair technician Repair asst administrator Repair specialist Telecom assistant Telecom specialist Telecom technician Transportation 17 Bus driver 25 Bus driver coordinator 20 Bus driver trainer 19 Bus driver trainer assistant 17 Bus driver-special needs 8 Bus monitor 20 Bus routing coordinator 20 Field trip coordinator 18 Mechanic assistantmaintenance 18 Mechanic assistant-vehicle 27 Mechanic shop foreman 25 Mechanic-maintenance 25 Mechanic-vehicle 13 Data entry 14 Dispatcher 18 Parts 15 Payroll 14 Service technician 18 Specialist 9 Trip reduction plan clerk 16 Upholstery technician Warehouse 16 Inventory records 17 Science resource centercoordinator 13 Science resource centermaterials clerk 20 Assistant foreman 23 Foreman 15 Worker Gilbert Unified ESP (continued) NURSES BSN+9 STEP RN ADN BSN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 31,704 32,096 32,500 33,314 32,559 32,961 33,376 34,212 34,440 34,667 34,985 33,437 33,850 34,278 35,135 35,372 35,604 35,930 36,828 37,749 38,695 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BA 32,213 32,611 33,021 33,751 BA+12 32,878 33,284 33,705 34,449 34,675 34,904 35,225 BA+24 33,764 34,181 34,613 35,375 35,611 35,845 36,173 36,325 37,231 38,162 34,342 34,766 35,205 36,084 36,326 36,568 36,901 37,824 38,769 39,740 40,732 41,749 42,792 SOCIAL WORKER MA MA+12 BA+36 BA+54 MA+24 34,674 35,607 36,567 35,102 36,047 37,019 35,544 36,503 37,485 36,328 37,306 38,312 36,541 37,553 38,566 36,809 37,803 38,822 37,148 38,146 39,177 37,304 38,310 39,342 38,235 39,265 40,322 39,190 40,245 41,328 40,168 41,247 42,360 41,170 42,278 43,418 42,194 43,333 44,500 44,416 45,611 45,521 46,749 46,657 47,915 BSN+18 MA/BSN+36 35,269 35,705 36,154 37,058 37,307 37,551 37,898 38,845 39,815 40,811 41,831 42,877 43,951 45,046 46,175 47,329 36,221 36,668 37,132 38,061 38,315 38,567 38,920 39,892 40,890 41,912 42,961 44,034 45,137 46,263 47,419 48,605 MA+36 37,550 38,014 38,494 39,279 39,606 39,868 40,231 40,402 41,409 42,441 43,502 44,588 45,700 46,839 48,009 49,205 MA+48 38,563 39,040 39,533 40,404 40,673 40,942 41,316 41,489 42,527 43,586 44,673 45,787 46,929 48,103 49,304 50,533 51,794 53,087 54,586 EDS MA+60 39,602 40,090 40,597 41,492 41,767 42,042 42,430 42,606 43,671 44,761 45,875 47,023 48,194 49,400 50,633 51,897 53,192 54,518 56,111 MA+12 BSN+45 37,201 37,661 38,135 39,089 39,348 39,607 39,971 40,970 41,994 43,044 44,122 45,223 46,355 47,513 48,701 49,917 DOC MA+72 40,668 41,171 41,690 42,609 42,894 43,178 43,574 43,756 44,848 45,967 47,115 48,290 49,496 50,729 51,997 53,295 54,622 55,986 57,773 60,130 297 Gilbert Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 298 OCCUPATIONAL/ PHYSICAL THERAPIST 29.09 29.45 30.16 31.03 31.93 32.86 33.82 34.80 35.81 36.85 37.93 39.04 40.18 41.36 42.56 43.82 45.09 46.42 47.78 49.18 Doctoral level stipend $1,000 PSYCHOLOGIST 51,190 51,823 52,459 53,702 55,218 56,835 58,501 60,216 61,983 63,831 65,677 67,556 69,593 71,639 73,747 Doctoral level stipend $1,500 NCSP stipend $2,000 SPEECH PATHOLOGIST BA MA 35,541 35,979 36,434 37,323 38,427 39,386 39,624 40,104 41,105 42,045 43,004 44,073 45,165 46,202 45,516 45,793 46,371 47,502 48,904 50,475 52,095 53,764 55,506 57,250 59,028 60,949 62,886 64,874 Clinical competency certificate stipend: $3,000 first year, increased by $100/year up to 10 years. Prior year experience up to step 9. MARICOPA COUNTY Glendale Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Non-Exempt Salary Schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 8.44 8.54 8.71 8.88 9.14 9.33 9.54 9.75 9.97 10.19 10.50 10.73 10.97 11.22 11.47 11.73 12.00 12.27 11 8.65 8.75 8.92 9.10 9.38 9.57 9.78 10.00 10.23 10.46 10.77 11.01 11.27 11.52 11.78 12.05 12.32 12.59 13 9.09 9.19 9.38 9.57 9.85 10.05 10.28 10.51 10.74 10.98 11.32 11.57 11.83 12.10 12.37 12.65 12.94 13.23 14 9.32 9.43 9.62 9.81 10.10 10.31 10.54 10.77 11.01 11.27 11.60 11.86 12.13 12.40 12.68 12.97 13.26 13.55 15 9.55 9.66 9.85 10.04 10.35 10.56 10.79 11.03 11.29 11.54 11.88 12.15 12.42 12.70 12.99 13.28 13.58 13.89 Grade 17 10.03 10.14 10.35 10.55 10.86 11.08 11.34 11.59 11.85 12.12 12.48 12.76 13.05 13.34 13.64 13.95 14.26 14.58 19 10.54 10.66 10.87 11.10 11.43 11.65 11.91 12.19 12.46 12.74 13.13 13.42 13.72 14.04 14.35 14.68 15.01 15.34 20 10.80 10.92 11.15 11.37 11.71 11.95 12.23 12.50 12.78 13.07 13.46 13.77 14.08 14.39 14.72 15.05 15.38 15.73 22 11.35 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.30 12.55 12.83 13.13 13.42 13.72 14.14 14.45 14.78 15.11 15.45 15.80 16.15 16.52 23 11.63 11.76 12.00 12.24 12.60 12.87 13.16 13.45 13.76 14.07 14.49 14.82 15.15 15.49 15.84 16.19 16.56 16.93 24 11.92 12.06 12.30 12.54 12.92 13.19 13.48 13.79 14.10 14.41 14.85 15.18 15.52 15.88 16.23 16.60 16.97 17.36 25 12.22 12.36 12.60 12.85 13.24 13.51 13.82 14.13 14.44 14.77 15.21 15.56 15.91 16.26 16.63 17.00 17.39 17.78 GRADE ASSIGNMENTS 10 — Cleaner, Crossing guard, Ext day activity leader, Food service worker 11 — Bus monitor 13 — Community liaison, Ext day asst site supervisor, Family services advocate, Food svcs cashier, Snack bar worker 14 — Library clerk, Office assistant – district office 15 — Education assistant (bilingual, testing, tutor, standard, special ed (BC/OI, CC) 17 — Attendance secretary I, Food service specialist 19 — Attendance secretary II, Office assistant – transcriber 20 — ELL instructional support data spec, Records specialist, School secretary, Secretary – dept./program 22 — Educational assistant (behavior mgt spec, functional skills, Panda Preschool) 23 — Communication therapy assistant, Extended day site supervisor 24 — Groundskeeper, Preschool teacher – no certification, Security maint. worker, School bus operator in training 25 — Accounting tech, Food svc – purchasing spec, Info technology asst, Receptionist/HR asst – bilingual, School bus operator 299 Glendale Elementary ESP (continued) Non-Exempt Salary Schedule (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 26 12.53 12.67 12.93 13.19 13.58 13.87 14.18 14.50 14.83 15.16 15.62 15.97 16.33 16.70 17.07 17.46 17.85 18.26 27 12.84 12.99 13.25 13.51 13.92 14.21 14.53 14.86 15.19 15.54 16.00 16.36 16.73 17.10 17.49 17.88 18.29 18.70 28 13.16 13.31 13.57 13.85 14.26 14.56 14.89 15.22 15.57 15.92 16.39 16.76 17.13 17.52 17.91 18.32 18.73 19.16 30 13.83 13.99 14.27 14.55 14.99 15.30 15.65 16.00 16.36 16.73 17.23 17.62 18.01 18.42 18.83 19.26 19.69 20.14 32 14.53 14.70 14.99 15.29 15.75 16.08 16.45 16.82 17.19 17.58 18.10 18.51 18.92 19.35 19.78 20.23 20.68 21.15 Grade 33 14.89 15.06 15.36 15.67 16.13 16.48 16.85 17.22 17.61 18.00 18.54 18.95 19.38 19.81 20.26 20.71 21.18 21.65 34 15.26 15.43 15.75 16.06 16.55 16.89 17.27 17.66 18.05 18.46 19.01 19.44 19.87 20.32 20.77 21.24 21.71 22.20 35 15.64 15.82 16.13 16.46 16.95 17.32 17.71 18.10 18.51 18.92 19.49 19.92 20.37 20.82 21.29 21.77 22.25 22.76 36 16.03 16.21 16.54 16.87 17.38 17.75 18.14 18.55 18.96 19.39 19.98 20.42 20.88 21.34 21.82 22.31 22.82 23.33 38 16.84 17.03 17.38 17.72 18.26 18.65 19.06 19.49 19.92 20.37 20.98 21.45 21.94 22.43 22.94 23.45 23.98 24.52 39 17.26 17.46 17.81 18.16 18.71 19.11 19.54 19.98 20.42 20.88 21.50 21.99 22.48 22.99 23.50 24.03 24.57 25.12 40 17.69 17.89 18.25 18.61 19.17 19.58 20.03 20.48 20.95 21.42 22.07 22.56 23.07 23.59 24.11 24.66 25.21 25.78 GRADE ASSIGNMENTS 26 — Accounts payable tech, Ext day billing tech, Lead custodian, Sr groundskeeper, Vehicle service worker, Warehouse support delivery driver 27 — Admin secretary – school, Dispatcher, Food svc account spec, Food svc mgr, Payroll spec, Sub coordinator, Unit operations mgr II 28 — Admin secretary dept/program, Language assessment coordinator, School bus driver/trainer, Unit operations mgr I 30 — Food service support specialist, Security supervisor 32 — A/V specialist, Food svc – technology support tech, Lead info technology asst, Sr maintenance spec, Technology support tech 33 — Senior payroll specialist, Human resources tech 34 — Preschool teacher/site supervisor, Senior application support specialist 35 — Administrative assistant 36 — Speech language pathology assistant 38 — Journey painter 39 — Contract spec, Fixed assets spec, Grants budget tech, Nurse LPN 40 — Journey (carpenter, diesel mech, HVAC tech, locksmith, plumber, welder) 300 Glendale Elementary ESP (continued) STEP MA PSYCHOLOGIST Special DOC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 55,728 56,363 57,491 58,641 59,814 61,011 62,230 63,475 64,745 66,039 67,360 68,707 70,082 71,484 72,914 74,372 75,860 77,377 78,925 80,503 59,072 59,745 60,941 62,160 63,403 64,671 65,965 67,284 68,630 70,002 71,402 72,830 74,287 75,773 77,289 78,835 80,411 82,019 83,660 85,334 63,207 63,928 65,207 66,511 67,841 69,198 70,582 71,994 73,434 74,902 76,400 77,928 79,488 81,077 82,699 84,353 86,040 87,761 89,516 91,307 SPEECH, OCCUPATIONAL & PHYSICAL THERAPIST SLT SLP MA PTR/ SLP SLP PT/OT (Tech) OTR CCC DOC DOC 39,789 40,243 41,048 41,869 44,759 45,207 42,706 45,269 45,722 43,561 46,174 46,637 44,432 47,098 47,569 50,852 45,321 48,040 48,521 51,432 46,227 49,000 49,490 52,459 47,151 49,980 50,480 53,509 57,202 57,774 48,094 50,980 51,489 54,579 57,854 58,433 49,056 51,999 52,519 55,670 59,011 59,601 50,037 53,039 53,569 56,783 60,190 60,792 51,037 54,100 54,641 57,920 61,395 62,009 52,058 55,181 55,733 59,077 62,622 63,248 53,099 56,284 56,848 60,258 63,874 64,513 54,160 57,410 57,985 61,464 65,151 65,803 55,244 58,558 59,144 62,693 66,454 67,119 56,348 59,729 60,327 63,947 67,784 68,462 57,475 60,924 61,533 65,224 69,137 69,829 58,625 62,142 62,763 66,529 70,521 71,226 63,385 64,020 67,861 71,933 72,652 64,653 65,299 69,217 73,370 74,103 65,945 66,605 70,601 74,837 75,585 72,013 76,333 77,097 73,453 77,861 78,639 74,922 79,418 80,212 81,006 81,816 82,626 83,453 84,279 85,121 301 MARICOPA COUNTY Glendale UHS ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 11.24 11.83 12.41 13.01 13.62 14.18 14.65 15.13 15.62 16.12 2 12.02 12.61 13.21 13.80 14.38 14.98 15.47 15.96 16.46 16.98 SECRETARIAL AND CLERICAL 3 4 13.14 13.95 13.71 14.55 14.30 15.15 14.89 15.74 15.51 16.31 16.08 16.91 16.60 17.45 17.11 17.99 17.65 18.54 18.21 19.11 5 15.82 16.44 17.08 17.70 18.29 18.92 19.51 20.14 20.79 21.46 6 18.25 18.90 19.55 20.21 20.88 21.54 22.25 22.95 23.67 24.42 SECRETARIAL AND CLERICAL 1 Instructional aide — Attendance assistant — Coop assistant director— Special ed aide — Special ed clerk — Media center assistant — Purchasing clerk — Counseling secretary — Receptionist 2 Attendance secretary — Accts. Payable clerk — Career center specialist — O/R secretary — Credentials secretary — Career transition advisor — Spec. Prog. Secretary 3 Coop director — Admin asst to admin of transportation — Bookstore manager — Data process. Operator — Facilities secretary — Ed tech — Food service secretary — Printer 4 Accounting I — Accounting specialist — Admin asst to principal — Buyer — District curriculum secretary — Special ed secretary — Communication assistant — Medicaid services specialist — Parent community liaison — Payroll clerk — Personnel records spec — Substitute coordinator — IT communications manager 5 Admin asst to assoc/asst supt. — Admin asst to finance — Admin asst to operations/athletics — Sign language interpreter 6 Admin asst to supt. & gov. bd. 302 Glendale UHS ESP (continued) CUSTODIAL & MAINTENANCE, TECHNICAL STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.40 11.92 12.42 12.95 13.44 13.96 14.40 14.86 15.33 15.82 12.17 12.76 13.36 13.97 14.57 15.19 15.65 16.15 16.68 17.22 12.87 13.44 14.06 14.66 15.25 15.86 16.38 16.89 17.49 18.04 13.36 13.97 14.57 15.19 15.79 16.39 16.89 17.44 18.00 18.59 15.85 16.52 17.22 17.90 18.61 19.31 19.89 20.52 21.18 21.85 16.16 16.83 17.53 18.18 18.88 19.54 20.17 20.82 21.50 22.19 16.53 17.21 17.90 18.37 19.06 19.75 20.58 21.24 21.91 22.60 CUSTODIAL POSITIONS 1 Custodian 2 Maintenance III 3 Maintenance II 4 Maintenance I 5 Assistant facilities supervisor STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11¼ LPN 26,917 28,495 30,073 31,651 33,229 34,807 36,385 37,963 39,541 41,119 42,697 43,091 BS 33,646 35,618 37,591 39,563 41,536 43,508 45,481 47,453 49,426 51,398 53,371 53,864 SCHOOL NURSE BS+15 MA 34,857 36,069 36,830 38,042 38,802 40,014 40,775 41,987 42,748 43,959 44,720 45,932 46,693 47,904 48,665 49,877 50,638 51,849 52,610 53,822 54,583 55,794 55,076 56,288 TRANSPORTATION Spec. Ed. Bus Bus aide Driver, Dispatcher /trainer 9.99 12.17 10.40 12.76 10.85 13.36 11.24 13.97 11.64 14.57 12.09 15.19 12.49 15.65 12.89 16.15 13.47 16.68 13.91 17.22 FOOD SERVICE SuperLead/ Cafévisor, Produc teria Mentor -tion Asst. mgr Lead 24,789 10.37 8.72 25,895 10.91 9.14 27,019 11.45 9.52 28,124 11.97 9.91 29,269 12.53 10.25 30,355 13.06 10.65 31,286 13.50 10.98 32,314 13.92 11.34 33,323 14.51 11.92 34,389 14.95 12.31 DISTRICT OFFICE SKILLED MAINTENANCE POSITIONS 6 Auto mechanic District crew lead Lead printer SKILLED TECH 7 Computer repair HVAC MA+12 36,914 38,887 40,860 42,832 44,805 46,777 48,750 50,722 52,695 54,667 56,640 57,133 BS 33,646 35,618 37,591 39,563 41,536 43,508 45,481 47,453 49,426 51,398 53,371 53,864 SOCIAL WORKER BS+15 MA 34,857 36,069 36,830 38,042 38,802 40,014 40,775 41,987 42,748 43,959 44,720 45,932 46,693 47,904 48,665 49,877 50,638 51,849 52,610 53,822 54,583 55,794 55,076 56,288 MA+12 36,914 38,887 40,860 42,832 44,805 46,777 48,750 50,722 52,695 54,667 56,640 57,133 Longevity, $1,973: Must have worked 19 years in education with 14 years in district; stipend will go into effect the 20th year. Longevity, $3,945: Must have worked 25 years in education with 20 years in district; stipend will go into effect the 26th year. 303 MARICOPA COUNTY Higley Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Classified rate range structure STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 304 2 7.27 7.56 7.87 8.18 8.51 8.85 9.20 9.57 9.95 10.35 4 7.95 8.27 8.60 8.94 9.30 9.67 10.06 10.46 10.89 11.32 5 8.25 8.65 9.00 9.36 9.73 10.12 10.53 10.95 11.39 11.85 6 8.69 9.04 9.40 9.77 10.17 10.58 11.00 11.44 11.90 12.37 7 9.32 9.69 10.08 10.49 10.91 11.34 11.79 12.27 12.76 13.27 8 9.74 10.14 10.54 10.96 11.40 11.86 12.33 12.82 13.34 13.86 9 10.17 10.57 11.00 11.43 11.90 12.37 12.86 13.38 13.92 14.47 10 10.69 11.12 11.57 12.03 12.50 13.01 13.52 14.07 14.64 15.21 GROUP Crossing guard Playground aide, Lunch duty aide Bus aide Custodian or Floater Instructional aide ELL, Health assistant, Library aide, Instructional aide (special programs, pre-school. disabilities), Activity leader - community ed Administrative clerk Instructional aide with no AA – ED/SMR/Autistic lang. dev./1:1/cross cat/inclusion/self contained Night lead custodian, Groundskeeper, Instructional aide (AA), Library aide (AA), Health assistant (AA or CNA), Security officer, Equipment manager 11 11.22 11.67 12.13 12.62 13.12 13.65 14.19 14.76 15.35 15.97 12 11.86 12.33 12.82 13.34 13.87 14.42 15.00 15.60 16.22 16.87 13 12.38 12.88 13.39 13.93 14.48 15.06 15.67 16.29 16.94 17.62 14 13.01 13.53 14.07 14.64 15.22 15.83 16.46 17.12 17.81 18.52 15 13.70 14.24 14.82 15.41 16.03 16.67 17.33 18.03 18.75 19.50 16 14.38 14.96 15.55 16.17 16.82 17.49 18.19 18.92 19.68 20.47 19 16.59 17.25 17.94 18.66 19.42 20.19 20.99 21.84 22.71 23.62 Bus mechanic assistant, Instructional aide (AA) (ELL, Special ed/pre-school), Facility maintenance worker, Title I aide Router/driver – transportation, Dispatcher/driver – transportation, Secretary (department), District receptionist, Accounts payable clerk, Career center specialist, District courier, Warehouse worker Payroll technician, Maintenance worker II, Sub coordinator, Student services asst, Site supervisor - community ed, Registrar (HS only) Accounting technician, Community schools specialist, Printshop operator, Attendance specialist Secretary (school (elem/HS), director), Bookstore manager, Student information specialist, Print shop operator Accounting specialist, Administrative assistant, Human resources specialist, Supervisor (grounds), Lead bus mechanic, Maintenance/skilled trades, SpEd records specialist, COTA PTA SLPA with AA Network system technician (desktop support), Desktop editor, Plant maintenance foreman II COTA PTA SLPA with BA Higley Unified ESP (continued) STEP Training Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bus Driver 10.30 12.50 12.96 13.42 13.92 14.42 14.95 15.49 16.06 16.64 17.26 IT Tech I IT Tech II IT Tech III 15.81 16.13 16.45 16.78 17.11 17.46 17.81 18.16 17.51 17.86 18.22 18.58 18.95 19.33 19.72 20.11 19.57 19.96 20.36 20.77 21.18 21.61 22.04 22.48 NURSE STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RN 32,375 33,508 34,681 35,895 37,151 38,451 39,797 41,190 42,190 BS BS+15 33,012 34,285 34,167 35,485 35,363 36,726 36,600 38,012 37,881 39,342 39,207 40,719 40,580 42,145 42,000 43,620 43,000 44,620 Nurse longevity: $1,000 MA BS+36 35,640 36,887 38,179 39,515 40,898 42,329 43,811 45,344 46,344 PSYCHOLOGIST 51,758 54,848 57,938 61,028 64,118 67,208 70,298 73,388 DOC + $1,000 305 MARICOPA COUNTY Isaac Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Min Mid Max 19 21 22 23 24 Min Mid Max 36 37 38 39 40 Min Mid Max 46 47 48 49 50 Salary Range 19 21 22 23 24 26 8.68 9.09 9.32 9.36 9.79 10.28 10.77 10.88 11.42 11.11 13.09 12.21 13.08 12.90 13.75 13.08 16.67 14.38 Childcare provider, Crossing guard, 26 27 Lunch/playground monitor Food service worker B 28 Bus driver trainee, Food service worker A 29 Bus aide 30 Parent educator 34 36 37 38 39 40 11.93 12.21 12.52 12.85 13.15 14.16 14.49 14.86 15.34 16.52 16.67 17.07 17.50 18.14 20.23 District courier/warehouse worker, Paraprofessional Warehouse worker Attendance clerk, District office receptionist/secretary, Food service clerk, Secretary/dispatcher, Secretary/translator Bus driver, Lead custodian Accounting clerk, Accounting/payroll clerk, Erate technician 46 47 48 49 50 14.89 14.93 15.64 16.04 16.43 17.68 18.32 18.57 19.04 19.51 20.82 22.07 21.86 22.42 22.98 Administrative secretary, Painter Computer technician, Print shop operator Carpenter, Locksmith Benefits specialist, Lead grounds worker, Preschool instructor, Warehouse coordinator Administrative assistant 27 28 29 30 34 10.54 10.58 11.05 11.35 11.41 12.53 13.00 13.11 13.73 14.56 14.77 15.68 15.44 16.38 18.01 Bus aide/dispatcher Grounds crew worker Cook/assistant cafeteria manager Classroom health aide Office assistant Custodian, Nurse assistant, Security guard 41 42 43 44 45 13.49 13.84 14.17 14.20 14.53 16.61 16.43 16.67 16.86 17.26 20.07 19.35 19.49 19.85 20.32 41 SAIS data specialist, School secretary 42 Fleet advisor bus driver, Maintenance technical coordinator, Payroll specialist, Substitute coordinator 43 Bus driver/trainer 44 Human resources technician 45 Accounting clerk senior, General maintenance worker, Medicaid facilitator, Speech assistant 51 17.27 20.50 24.13 52 17.71 21.02 24.75 51 52 53 54 55 56 53 54 55 56 18.59 19.54 21.04 21.57 22.07 23.20 26.25 25.60 25.99 27.32 32.00 30.15 Plumber, SAIS technician Electrician, HVAC service technician Grants accounting clerk Human resources specialist Parent engagement specialist, Systems analyst Psychology intern, Speech therapist technician Credit of 1% hourly salary will be added for every year of experience up to 3 years for new employees. Classified employee hired with an AA degree or 60 credit hours begin at $1.20 higher than the rate indicated. Longevity for classified who work 30 hours or more: 5 years = $250; 10 years = $500; 15 years = $1,000; 20 years = $2,000, only if employee didn’t receive top step in 1998/99. Maximum 306 CERTIFIED NURSES / THERAPIST / PREVENTIONAL SPECIALIST Physical/Occupational/Speech LPN RN BSN MSN Therapist 22,104 32,599 34,299 34,864 51,510 : : : : : 32,506 43,368 47,257 49,511 64,420 Psychologist 55,550 : 75,302 MARICOPA COUNTY Kyrene Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Experience < 2 years 2-3 years 4+ years Min Mid Max A10 A10 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 B21 A10 9.80 9.95 10.10 A10 9.80 11.46 13.28 A11 11.11 11.26 11.41 A11 11.11 12.78 14.59 A12 12.42 12.57 12.73 A12 12.42 14.09 15.91 Instructional assistant Monitor Administrative support asst Club leader Custodian Groundskeeper Instructional asst, senior Print shop assistant Materials processor Library media technician Auto service worker Bus driver Network technician Health assistant Student svcs program spec User support technician Administrative support tech Bus dispatcher Bus driver/trainer Communications technician Facilities technician Media specialist Building manager HIRING PLACEMENT A13 B21 B22 13.74 14.65 16.11 13.89 14.85 16.31 14.04 15.05 16.51 A13 13.74 15.40 17.22 B21 B21 B21 B21 B21 B21 B22 B22 B22 B22 B22 B22 B22 B22 B22 B22 B22 B23 B23 B23 B23 B23 SALARY RANGE B21 B22 14.65 16.11 16.87 18.33 19.29 20.76 B23 17.52 17.73 17.93 B23 17.52 19.75 22.17 Equipment mechanic Grounds technician Printing technician Senior user support tech Mechanic tech Sys ops/business support tech Alt communications spec I Warehouse supervisor Lead bus driver/trainer Administrative support spec Copy repair technician Database specialist Grounds specialist Mechanic Printing technician lead Student svcs program coord Systems application analyst Alt communications spec II Administrative coordinator Buyer Communications specialist Lead mechanic B31 18.33 18.58 18.84 B31 18.33 21.36 24.64 B23 B23 B23 B23 B31 B31 B31 B31 B32 B32 B32 C41 C41 C41 C41 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 B32 19.80 20.05 20.30 B32 19.80 22.83 26.11 C41 20.76 21.06 21.36 C42 22.27 22.57 22.88 C41 20.76 24.39 28.33 C42 22.27 25.91 29.85 Network specialist Occupational therapist asst Quality program coordinator Trades specialist Accounting supervisor Fleet maintenance supervisor Print shop supervisor User support supervisor Grounds supervisor Student svcs program supv Transportation supervisor Buyer, senior Comm rel/public info coord Network supervisor Facilities supervisor Human resources specialist Occupational therapist Planning analyst Regional nurse Speech/language pathologist Purchasing manager 307 MARICOPA COUNTY Laveen Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 8.04 8.23 8.42 8.61 8.81 9.02 9.22 9.43 9.65 9.87 10.09 10.32 10.56 10.79 11.04 11.28 11.54 11.79 12.06 12.32 12.60 12.88 13.16 13.45 13.75 14.05 2 9.38 9.57 9.76 9.95 10.15 10.36 10.56 10.77 10.99 11.21 11.43 11.66 11.90 12.13 12.38 12.62 12.88 13.13 13.40 13.66 13.94 14.22 14.50 14.79 15.09 15.39 ASSOCIATE 1 Counselor, Kids Klub 9 Computer 6 Instructional 7 Instructional, SPED 7 Library 3 Supervisory 7 Behavior monitor 2 Counselor, Kids Klub 6 Manager, Kids Klub 11 Computer technician CAFETERIA 7 Manager 3 Worker (non-SSC) 4 Worker (SSC) 308 3 9.94 10.14 10.34 10.55 10.76 10.98 11.20 11.42 11.65 11.88 12.12 12.36 12.61 12.86 13.12 13.38 13.65 13.92 14.20 14.48 14.77 15.07 15.37 15.68 15.99 16.31 4 10.54 10.75 10.97 11.18 11.41 11.64 11.87 12.11 12.35 12.60 12.85 13.10 13.37 13.63 13.91 14.18 14.47 14.76 15.05 15.35 15.66 15.97 16.29 16.62 16.95 17.29 5 11.17 11.40 11.62 11.86 12.09 12.33 12.58 12.83 13.09 13.35 13.62 13.89 14.17 14.45 14.74 15.04 15.34 15.64 15.96 16.28 16.60 16.93 17.27 17.62 17.97 18.33 CLERICAL 9 Asst, admin 5 Asst, health 9 Bookkeeper 8 Clerk, accounting 7 Clerk, attendance 6 Clerk, child nutrition 7 Clerk, district support 6 Clerk, Indian ed 6 Clerk, Kids Klub 10 Payroll 6 Clerk, special ed 10 Coordinator, SAIS 9 Dispatcher, tech 7 Receptionist, district 6 Receptionist, school 8 Secretary 9 Specialist, benefit 9 Specialist, purchasing 6 11.84 12.08 12.32 12.57 12.82 13.07 13.34 13.60 13.87 14.15 14.44 14.72 15.02 15.32 15.63 15.94 16.26 16.58 16.91 17.25 17.60 17.95 18.31 18.67 19.05 19.43 7 12.55 12.80 13.06 13.32 13.59 13.86 14.14 14.42 14.71 15.00 15.30 15.61 15.92 16.24 16.56 16.89 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.29 18.65 19.03 19.41 19.79 20.19 20.59 8 13.56 13.83 14.10 14.39 14.67 14.97 15.27 15.57 15.88 16.20 16.53 16.86 17.19 17.54 17.89 18.25 18.61 18.98 19.36 19.75 20.14 20.55 20.96 21.38 21.81 22.24 MAINT/CUSTOD 8 Clerk, property/ receiving 9 Custodian, lead 7 Custodian, asst lead 7 Custodian, dist asst ld 2 Custodian 6 Groundskeeper 11 Groundskeeper, lead 9 Groundskeeper, lead, (non-cert) 10 Technician, AC maint II 11 Technician, AC maint III 10 Technician, general maintenance II 11 Technician, general maintenance III 9 14.64 14.93 15.23 15.54 15.85 16.17 16.49 16.82 17.15 17.50 17.85 18.20 18.57 18.94 19.32 19.71 20.10 20.50 20.91 21.33 21.76 22.19 22.64 23.09 23.55 24.02 10 15.81 16.13 16.45 16.78 17.12 17.46 17.81 18.16 18.53 18.90 19.28 19.66 20.05 20.46 20.86 21.28 21.71 22.14 22.58 23.04 23.50 23.97 24.45 24.93 25.43 25.94 11 16.76 17.10 17.44 17.79 18.14 18.51 18.88 19.25 19.64 20.03 20.43 20.84 21.26 21.68 22.12 22.56 23.01 23.47 23.94 24.42 24.91 25.40 25.91 26.43 26.96 27.50 TRANSPORTATION 3 Associate, bus 5 Bus driver trainee 8 Bus driver 7 Clerk 2 Crossing guard 11 Driver, lead/trainer 11 Mechanic, lead 10 Mechanic 8 Mechanic, assistant 9 Supervisor, assistant Laveen Elementary ESP (continued) Non-Teacher Salary Schedule STEP District Nurse (LPN) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 35,200 35,900 36,614 37,342 38,085 38,843 39,616 40,404 41,208 42,028 42,865 43,718 44,588 45,476 46,382 COTA SLPA PTA 41,700 42,530 43,377 44,240 45,121 46,019 46,936 47,870 48,824 49,796 50,788 51,800 52,832 53,885 54,958 District Nurse (RN) Speech – BA 48,200 49,160 50,139 51,138 52,157 53,196 54,256 55,337 56,440 57,564 58,712 59,882 61,076 62,293 63,535 48,200 49,160 50,139 51,138 52,157 53,196 54,256 55,337 56,440 57,564 58,712 59,882 61,076 62,293 63,535 1,2 Psychologist 60,200 61,400 62,624 63,872 65,146 66,445 67,770 69,121 70,500 71,906 73,340 74,802 76,295 77,816 79,369 Speech1,3 Occupational/Physical Therapist 60,200 61,400 62,624 63,872 65,146 66,445 67,770 69,121 70,500 71,906 73,340 74,802 76,295 77,816 79,369 1 Bilingual psychologists and bilingual speech receive an additional $4,500. Psychologist base pay is for MA level. Additional pay for educational level is as follows: MA+45/EDS=$1,500; EDS+45=$2,000; DOC=$2,500. 3 MA level with Certificate of Clinical Competence 2 309 MARICOPA COUNTY Liberty Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 7.88 8.14 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.04 9.25 9.46 9.67 9.88 10.09 10.30 10.51 10.72 10.93 11.14 11.35 11.56 11.77 11.98 12.19 4 8.40 8.67 8.93 9.14 9.35 9.56 9.77 9.98 10.19 10.40 10.61 10.82 11.03 11.24 11.45 11.66 11.87 12.08 12.29 12.50 12.71 5 8.67 8.93 9.19 9.40 9.61 9.82 10.03 10.24 10.45 10.66 10.87 11.08 11.29 11.50 11.71 11.92 12.13 12.34 12.55 12.76 12.97 6 9.19 9.46 9.72 9.93 10.14 10.35 10.56 10.77 10.98 11.19 11.40 11.61 11.82 12.03 12.24 12.45 12.66 12.87 13.08 13.29 13.50 LEVEL 8 10.03 10.35 10.66 10.93 11.19 11.45 11.71 11.98 12.24 12.50 12.76 13.03 13.29 13.55 13.82 14.08 14.34 14.60 14.87 15.13 15.39 9 10.30 10.61 10.93 11.19 11.45 11.71 11.98 12.24 12.50 12.76 13.03 13.29 13.55 13.82 14.08 14.34 14.60 14.87 15.13 15.39 15.65 10 10.82 11.14 11.45 11.71 11.98 12.24 12.50 12.76 13.03 13.29 13.55 13.82 14.08 14.34 14.60 14.87 15.13 15.39 15.65 15.92 16.18 11 11.35 11.66 11.98 12.24 12.50 12.76 13.03 13.29 13.55 13.82 14.08 14.34 14.60 14.87 15.13 15.39 15.65 15.92 16.18 16.44 16.70 12 11.61 11.92 12.24 12.50 12.76 13.03 13.29 13.55 13.82 14.08 14.34 14.60 14.87 15.13 15.39 15.65 15.92 16.18 16.44 16.70 16.97 13 12.40 12.71 13.03 13.29 13.55 13.82 14.08 14.34 14.60 14.87 15.13 15.39 15.65 15.92 16.18 16.44 16.70 16.97 17.23 17.49 17.76 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14 12.66 12.97 13.29 13.55 13.82 14.08 14.34 14.60 14.87 15.13 15.39 15.65 15.92 16.18 16.44 16.70 16.97 17.23 17.49 17.76 18.02 15 13.45 13.76 14.08 14.34 14.60 14.87 15.13 15.39 15.65 15.92 16.18 16.44 16.70 16.97 17.23 17.49 17.76 18.02 18.28 18.54 18.81 16 13.76 14.13 14.50 14.76 15.02 15.29 15.55 15.81 16.07 16.34 16.60 16.86 17.12 17.39 17.65 17.91 18.18 18.44 18.70 18.96 19.23 17 14.55 14.92 15.29 15.55 15.81 16.07 16.34 16.60 16.86 17.12 17.39 17.65 17.91 18.18 18.44 18.70 18.96 19.23 19.49 19.75 20.01 19 15.60 15.97 16.34 16.60 16.86 17.12 17.39 17.65 17.91 18.18 18.44 18.70 18.96 19.23 19.49 19.75 20.01 20.28 20.54 20.80 21.06 20 15.86 16.23 16.60 16.86 17.12 17.39 17.65 17.91 18.18 18.44 18.70 18.96 19.23 19.49 19.75 20.01 20.28 20.54 20.80 21.06 21.33 21 16.13 16.49 16.86 17.12 17.39 17.65 17.91 18.18 18.44 18.70 18.96 19.23 19.49 19.75 20.01 20.28 20.54 20.80 21.06 21.33 21.59 22 18.23 18.60 18.96 19.23 19.49 19.75 20.01 20.28 20.54 20.80 21.06 21.33 21.59 21.85 22.12 22.38 22.64 22.90 23.17 23.43 23.69 23 28.73 29.10 29.47 29.73 29.99 30.26 30.52 30.78 31.05 31.31 31.57 31.83 32.10 32.36 32.62 32.88 33.15 33.41 33.67 33.93 34.20 24 30.31 30.68 31.05 31.31 31.57 31.83 32.10 32.36 32.62 32.88 33.15 33.41 33.67 33.93 34.20 34.46 34.72 34.98 35.25 35.51 35.77 310 Liberty Elementary ESP (continued) Level Position Level Position 15 16 21 6 8 22 2 16 6 20 2 12 15 16 9 4 9 8 16 17 19 Accounts payable Admin assistant Behavior technician Bus aide Clerk/library aide COTA Crossing guard Driver – bus Driver – van Ed svs budget analyst Extended day assistant Extended day site leader Ext day primary site leader Ext day asst director Food service manager Food service worker Groundskeeper Health aide Human resource specialist Maintenance Mechanic - lead 10 23 5 6 16 13 17 22 22 24 20 8 15 10 14 16 12 16 21 12 16 11 Mechanic - assistant Occupational therapist Paraprofessional I Paraprofessional II Payroll specialist PC technician I PC technician II PC technician III software PC technician III network Physical therapist Procurement/grants spec. Receptionist SAIS data analyst School specialist Secretary - ELL Secretary – principal Secretary - school Secretary - special services Speech language pathologist asst. Student information specialist Transportation routing specialist Warehouse specialist/courier 311 MARICOPA COUNTY Litchfield Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Placement/Pay Charts POSITION Community Education Accounts receivable Community extended day/preschool aide Community ed director secretary Extended day program manager Extended day site leader District Office Accounting clerk Accounts payable I Accounts payable II Assistant superintendent’s secretary Assistant to the business manager Benefits coordinator Coord of community info & partnerships Courier Payroll clerk I Payroll clerk II Personnel assistant I Personnel assistant II Purchasing agent Receptionist Receptionist/substitute coordinator Safety coordinator Student information tech Superintendent’s secretary Educational Services Curriculum/staff dev. director’s secretary Educational services records clerk Federal grants compliance clerk Special ed director’s secretary Science center lead Science center aide Food Services Accounts clerk Cashier Caterer Cook Day Custodian Secretary Server/utility help Supply clerk Warehouse STEP 312 1-3 28,027 0-2 years exp 3 years exp 4 years exp 5 years exp 6 years exp CAP 10.20 8.93 11.22 10.97 9.43 10.30 9.02 11.33 11.08 9.53 10.40 9.11 11.45 11.19 9.62 10.50 9.20 11.56 11.30 9.72 10.61 9.29 11.67 11.41 9.81 16.16 14.14 17.78 17.38 14.94 11.62 10.50 13.00 12.24 16.07 12.24 10.45 9.44 12.24 13.38 12.50 15.00 14.25 9.60 10.45 10.97 14.03 15.00 11.73 10.61 13.13 12.36 16.23 12.36 10.56 9.54 12.36 13.52 12.63 15.15 14.39 9.70 10.56 11.08 14.17 15.15 11.85 10.71 13.26 12.49 16.39 12.49 10.66 9.63 12.49 13.65 12.76 15.30 14.53 9.79 10.66 11.19 14.31 15.30 11.96 10.82 13.39 12.61 16.55 12.61 10.77 9.73 12.61 13.78 12.89 15.45 14.68 9.89 10.77 11.30 14.45 15.45 12.08 10.93 13.52 12.73 16.72 12.73 10.87 9.82 12.73 13.92 13.02 15.61 14.83 9.99 10.87 11.41 14.59 15.61 18.40 16.63 20.54 19.39 25.46 19.39 16.56 14.96 19.39 21.20 19.75 23.75 22.52 13.74 16.56 17.38 22.22 23.75 11.72 9.95 14.03 12.12 9.43 9.10 11.84 10.05 14.17 12.24 9.53 9.19 11.96 10.15 14.31 12.36 9.62 9.28 12.08 10.25 14.45 12.49 9.72 9.38 12.20 10.35 14.59 12.61 9.81 9.47 18.56 15.76 22.22 19.19 14.94 14.38 11.62 8.50 8.50 10.25 9.25 9.43 8.10 10.50 9.50 11.73 8.59 8.59 10.35 9.34 9.52 8.18 10.61 9.60 11.85 8.68 8.68 10.45 9.44 9.61 8.26 10.71 9.69 11.97 8.77 8.77 10.55 9.53 9.70 8.34 10.82 9.79 12.08 8.86 8.86 10.65 9.63 9.79 8.42 10.93 9.89 18.40 13.43 13.43 16.20 14.65 14.94 12.80 16.63 15.04 4 28,307 Registered Nurse 5 6 28,590 28,876 7 29,165 CAP 44,839 Litchfield Elementary ESP (continued) POSITION Health Services Certified nurse’s assistant COTA/PTA Nurse – LPN Maintenance Crossing guard Technician I Custodian - night Groundskeeper Technician II Technician III Admin asst for maintenance School – Office & Instructional Aide Attendance clerk – middle school Registrar Stipend (added to hourly rate) – multiple disability/behavior classroom/translator Technology Help desk manager Technician I Technician II Admin asst for technology Transportation Bus aide (special ed) Mechanic Mechanic w/ 3 ASE certificate Mechanic w/ASE master Mechanic assistant Route specialist Student transporter liaison Transportation secretary Warehouse Worker Mail 0-2 years exp 3 years exp 4 years exp 5 years exp 6 years esp CAP 10.97 15.05 17.09 11.08 15.20 17.26 11.19 15.35 17.43 11.30 15.50 17.60 11.41 15.66 17.78 17.38 23.84 27.07 8.16 9.25 9.50 10.18 11.25 14.42 11.72 8.24 9.34 9.60 10.28 11.36 14.57 11.84 8.32 9.44 9.70 10.38 11.48 14.71 11.96 8.41 9.53 9.80 10.48 11.59 14.86 12.08 8.49 9.63 9.90 10.58 11.71 15.01 12.20 12.93 14.65 15.01 16.08 17.81 15.16 18.56 9.10 9.18 11.25 1.00 9.19 9.27 11.36 1.00 9.28 9.37 11.47 1.00 9.38 9.46 11.58 1.00 9.47 9.55 11.70 1.00 14.38 14.54 17.78 1.00 18.94 14.03 15.05 11.72 19.13 14.17 15.20 11.84 19.32 14.31 15.35 11.96 19.51 14.45 15.50 12.098 19.70 14.59 15.66 12.20 30.00 22.22 23.84 18.56 9.10 14.14 14.66 15.16 10.31 13.00 13.00 9.43 9.19 14.28 14.80 15.31 10.42 13.13 13.13 9.53 9.28 14.42 14.95 15.46 10.52 13.26 13.26 9.62 9.38 14.56 15.09 15.61 10.62 13.39 13.39 9.72 9.47 14.71 15.25 15.77 10.73 13.53 13.53 9.81 14.41 22.40 23.22 24.02 16.34 20.59 20.59 14.94 10.70 10.70 10.81 10.81 10.92 10.92 11.03 11.03 11.14 11.14 16.91 16.91 Substitutes: aide, $9.10; bus driver, $12.76; cafeteria server/utility, $8.10; custodian – food services, $9.25; custodian – night, $9.50; nurse, $17.09. Psychologist Occupational & Physical Therapist BA MA DOC STEP MA DOC 1-2 50,800 53,300 45,100 46,600 3 4 5 6 7 51,308 51,821 52,339 52,863 53,391 53,833 54,371 54,915 55,464 56,019 45,551 46,007 46,467 46,931 47,401 CAP 73,000 80,000 55,000 Speech Therapist BA BA+15 BA+30 MA 42,000 MA +15 43,200 MA +30 44,400 DOC CCC 45,600 48,600 38,400 39,600 40,800 47,066 47,537 48,012 48,492 48,977 49,086 49,577 50,073 50,573 51,079 38,784 39,172 39,564 39,959 39,996 40,396 40,800 41,208 41,208 41,620 42,036 42,457 42,420 42,844 43,273 43,705 43,632 44,068 44,509 44,954 44,844 45,292 45,745 46,203 46,056 46,517 46,982 47,452 60,000 65,000 48,000 50,000 52,000 55,000 57,000 59,000 62,000 313 MARICOPA COUNTY Littleton Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Support staff wage ranges RANGE Grade 1 Part-time temporary Grade 4 Crossing guard Grade 6 Food service worker Minimum Middle Maximum 8.46 10.52 12.57 9.13 11.34 13.54 9.58 11.91 14.23 RANGE Minimum Middle Maximum Grade 14 District receptionist, Warehouse worker, Groundskeeper, Library clerk 11.69 14.51 17.34 Grade 8 Health aide, Bus monitor, Food service cashier 10.08 12.51 14.95 Grade 15 Office support specialist sr Grade 16 Lead custodian 11.97 14.87 17.78 12.27 15.24 18.21 RANGE Grade 21 General maintenance worker Grade 22 Admin secretary Grade 23 Payroll specialist, Special data tech Minimum Middle Maximum 13.89 17.25 20.61 14.23 17.68 21.13 14.58 18.12 21.65 Grade 9 Office support specialist jr Grade 10 Paraprofessional, Custodian Grade 12 Paraprofessional - SPED 10.32 12.82 15.32 10.58 13.15 15.72 11.12 13.81 16.50 Grade 17 Warehouse worker sr Grade 18 Benefits specialist, Foods manager Grade 19 Computer tech Grade 20 Accounting specialist, Bus driver 12.57 15.62 18.66 12.89 16.01 19.13 13.22 16.42 19.62 13.54 16.83 20.11 Grade 24 Admin asst to exec dir, Bus mechanic jr 14.95 18.57 22.20 Grade 25 Accounting support specialist sr 15.33 19.04 22.75 Grade 26 Admin asst to asst supt, Buyer, Bus mechanic sr 15.72 19.51 23.31 Grade 27 Skilled maintenance worker, LPN, SLPA, COTA 16.10 20.00 23.90 Grade 30 District network technician 17.34 21.54 25.74 PSYCHOLOGIST Minimum Middle Maximum 314 MA BA+36 45,186 55,093 67,143 MA+15 BA+51 46,593 56,654 68,850 MA+30 48,196 58,547 71,033 MA+45 49,922 60,633 73,489 MA+60 51,040 62,131 75,367 DOC 52,210 63,701 77,341 MARICOPA COUNTY Madison Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Salary range Range Range 6 8.44 : 12.91 12 11.99 : 18.48 Grade 8 9.47 : 14.53 7 8.96 : 13.72 13 12.69 : 19.49 DISTRICT OFFICE 18 Admin secretary I 17 Buyer 17 Accounting coordinator 14 Human resource technician 14 Printer 14 Admin secretary II 13 IMC assistant 13 Benefits/payroll tech 12 A/P bookkeeper 12 Receptionist 12 Secretary III 12 Warehouse person COMMUNITY ED 17 Accounting coordinator 16 ECP/MAC site coord 14 Secretary I 11 ECP/MAC site assistant 11 MCC/MSC site coord 8 MAC club leader 6 ECP aide 14 13.44 : 20.57 Grade 15 14.27 : 21.44 9 10.05 : 15.54 16 15.12 : 22.85 SCHOOL SITE 14 School secretary I 13 Spec ed–spch inst asst tech 13 Spec ed IA spec (vision, hearing) 12 School secretary II 10 Attendance clerk 10 Secretary, psychologist 9 Parent liaison 8 Library assistant 8 Instruct assistant – ESL 8 Spec ed instructional asst 8 Spec ed personal care asst 7 Indian education assistant 6 Asst – playground/noon 6 Crossing guard FOOD SERVICE 17 Accounting coordinator 14 Manager 14 Admin-Secretary II 13 Secy – catering coord 12 Manager trainee 10 Delivery person 8 Cashier 6 Caterer 10 10.64 : 16.42 17 15.97 : 24.28 11 11.29 : 17.36 18 16.78 : 25.11 19 18.47 : 27.99 MAINTENANCE 17 Craftsman I 16 Craftsman II 14 Craftsman III 14 Admin secretary II 13 Grounds lead 11 Groundsman CUSTODIAL 15 Plant manager 12 Custodian I 9 Custodian II TECHNOLOGY 19 Instruct technology support tech 18 IM series tech 17 Computer tech I 16 Computer tech II 15 Instruct computer tech I TRANSPORTATION 19 Master mechanic 13 Dispatcher 13 Mechanics helper 12 Bus driver 12 Bus driver trainer 7 Bus attendant 315 Madison Elementary ESP (continued) Range Community Education Early Childhood Program CDA BA BA+18 MA LPN & RN Licenced Practical Nurse (LPN) RN (2-year Associate degree) RN (4-year bachelor’s degree) RN (bachelor’s plus 18 hours) RN (master’s degree) RN (master’s plus 12 hours) RN (master’s plus 24 hours) RN (master’s plus 36 hours) Addendum for Lead Nurse is $2,500 19,890-26,790 23,970-32,050 24,990-33,100 26,010-34,150 31,570-44,780 31,570-44,780 36,220-44,780 36,740-46,910 37,780-50,100 39,330-55,440 40,360-60,760 41,920-68,230 Occupational therapist, Physical therapist, Speech/language pathologist, Speech therapist BA BA+18 BA+24 MA MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 36,720-42,030 40,800-46,230 44,880-50,430 48,960-58,840 50,490-60,410 52,020-63,040 53,550-68,290 School Psychologist MA MA+30 MA+60 48,960-69,340 52,020-73,550 56,100-77,750 316 MARICOPA COUNTY Mesa Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 8.03 8.24 8.44 8.62 8.86 9.10 9.30 9.52 9.74 10.00 10.26 10.55 10.85 22 11.29 11.59 11.88 12.17 12.46 12.75 13.06 13.42 13.74 14.11 14.42 14.87 15.27 33 14.78 15.15 15.50 15.89 16.28 16.71 17.11 17.50 17.93 18.38 18.84 19.42 19.99 10 8.44 8.62 8.86 9.10 9.30 9.52 9.74 10.00 10.26 10.50 10.75 11.07 11.38 11 8.64 8.87 9.09 9.30 9.52 9.79 10.01 10.27 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.33 11.64 23 11.55 11.85 12.15 12.46 12.74 13.06 13.39 13.72 14.08 14.41 14.78 15.22 15.65 34 15.15 15.53 15.90 16.29 16.70 17.11 17.50 17.95 18.38 18.85 19.31 19.88 20.46 24 11.88 12.17 12.46 12.75 13.06 13.42 13.74 14.11 14.42 14.79 15.15 15.62 16.05 35 15.50 15.89 16.28 16.71 17.11 17.50 17.93 18.38 18.84 19.33 19.80 20.40 21.00 36 15.90 16.29 16.70 17.11 17.50 17.95 18.38 18.85 19.31 19.79 20.29 20.90 21.52 13 9.09 9.30 9.52 9.79 10.01 10.27 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.27 11.55 11.90 12.27 25 12.15 12.46 12.75 13.06 13.39 13.72 14.08 14.41 14.78 15.15 15.50 15.97 16.44 37 16.28 16.71 17.11 17.50 17.93 18.38 18.84 19.33 19.80 20.31 20.79 21.41 22.05 RANGE 14 15 9.30 9.52 9.52 9.79 9.74 10.01 10.00 10.27 10.26 10.50 10.50 10.75 10.75 11.00 11.02 11.27 11.29 11.55 11.59 11.85 11.88 12.15 12.25 12.52 12.59 12.85 RANGE 26 27 12.46 12.74 12.75 13.06 13.06 13.39 13.42 13.72 13.74 14.08 14.11 14.41 14.42 14.78 14.79 15.15 15.15 15.50 15.53 15.89 15.90 16.28 16.39 16.77 16.86 17.27 RANGE 38 39 16.70 17.11 17.11 17.50 17.50 17.93 17.95 18.38 18.38 18.84 18.85 19.33 19.31 19.80 19.79 20.31 20.29 20.79 20.80 21.30 21.28 21.84 21.94 22.51 22.60 23.15 17 10.01 10.27 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.27 11.55 11.85 12.15 12.46 12.74 13.14 13.50 28 13.06 13.42 13.74 14.11 14.42 14.79 15.15 15.53 15.90 16.29 16.70 17.21 17.72 40 17.50 17.95 18.38 18.85 19.31 19.79 20.29 20.80 21.28 21.82 22.35 23.04 23.69 18 10.26 10.50 10.75 11.02 11.29 11.59 11.88 12.17 12.46 12.75 13.06 13.48 13.88 19 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.27 11.55 11.85 12.15 12.46 12.74 13.06 13.39 13.80 14.21 29 13.39 13.72 14.08 14.41 14.78 15.15 15.50 15.89 16.28 16.72 17.11 17.64 18.15 41 17.93 18.38 18.84 19.33 19.80 20.31 20.79 21.30 21.84 22.38 22.90 23.59 24.29 20 10.75 11.02 11.29 11.59 11.88 12.17 12.46 12.75 13.06 13.42 13.74 14.19 14.57 30 13.74 14.11 14.42 14.79 15.15 15.53 15.90 16.29 16.70 17.11 17.50 18.06 18.57 42 18.38 18.85 19.31 19.79 20.29 20.80 21.28 21.82 22.35 22.89 23.47 24.18 24.89 43 18.84 19.33 19.80 20.31 20.79 21.30 21.84 22.38 22.90 23.49 24.05 24.79 25.54 31 14.08 14.41 14.78 15.15 15.50 15.89 16.28 16.71 17.11 17.50 17.93 18.49 19.04 44 19.31 19.83 20.32 20.81 21.32 21.79 22.40 22.95 23.48 24.10 24.64 25.40 26.19 21 11.00 11.27 11.55 11.85 12.15 12.46 12.74 13.06 13.39 13.72 14.08 14.49 14.91 32 14.42 14.79 15.15 15.53 15.90 16.29 16.70 17.11 17.50 17.95 18.38 18.94 19.48 45 19.79 20.34 20.82 21.34 21.86 22.32 22.96 23.54 24.07 24.72 25.28 26.01 26.88 Counselors, nurses, audiologist, OT/PT, and SLTs are paid on the teacher salary schedule. 317 Mesa Unified ESP (continued) Account Clerk 25 Account Clerk, Senior 31 Accountant, Senior 40 Accounting specialist 28 Admin asst to gov bd 42 Analyst, senior 40 Arts Aide 11 Attendance Clerk SH 18 Attend/Audit Spec 29 Augiologists — see Teacher Schedule Audiology technician 13 AV Clerk SH 17 AV Spec JH 21 AV Spec SH 25 Audit Specialist 29 Body Repair Worker 34 Bookstore Clerk SH 20 Bookstore Mgr JR 23 Bookstore Mgr SH 28 Braillist 27 Braillist Assist 15 Braillist Assist w/cert 19 Budget Technician 30 Budget technician, senior 32 Bus Aide 11 Bus Driver, route/relief 25 Bus Driver/Trainer 26 Bus Runner 17 Buyer Assist 31 Buyer Technician 27 CAD Operator 39 Cafeteria Assistant 10 Cafeteria Mgr Trainee 14 Cafeteria Mgr Elem/ Spc Prog 20 Cafeteria mgr, secondary 29 Cafeteria technician, lead 39 Career Clerk JH 19 Career Ladder Tech 31 Career Liaison 30 Career Spec SH 24 Carpenter I, Journey 36 Carpenter II 29 Carpet Installr Journy 33 Case manager 37 Cashier JH/SH 18 Catering Manager 20 Cert Occ Therpy Asst 34 Cert Occ Ther Asst ltd 22 Classified nurse 43 Clerical Aide 11 Combo Painter Journey 34 Combo Painter (sign) 34 318 Comm Educ Tech Comm Info Asst Comm Liaisn (Chap I) Community Rel Spec Computer Lab Spec Computer Lab Tech Computer Operator Computer Operatr SR Computer Repair Tech Comp Repair Tech lead Construction Inspector Cook Cook Trainee Courier Crossing Guard Custo Elem/JH/SH/SS Custo Lead Elem/SS Custo Lead JH/SS Custodian Lead SH Custodian part-time Customer Serv Rep Delivery Worker Delivery Worker/Clerk Delivery Worker I Demo Health Assistant Dispatcher Transport Early Child/Parent trainer ELAD Testing Clerk Electrician Journey Electric Journey Lead Electro-Mech Repair Tech Electronc Tech Journy Elctrnc Tch Journy Ld Employ Benefits Spec Equipment Mgr SH Equipment Operator Expeditor Liaison Fac Asst Elem/JH/SH Facility Asst Lead SH Field Trip Coordinator File Clerk Financial Liaison Trnr Floor Crew Lead Floor Crew Worker Food service employee Foundational skills tech Gardener Gear Up Site Coordinator Grant Facilitator Graphic Designer Grounds Foreman Grounds Constr, lead Grounds Lead SH Handy Helper 26 22 18 40 42 15 30 31 39 43 43 19 14 14 11 21 23 25 28 8 27 22 22 24 24 30 34 19 39 42 41 41 43 28 22 28 32 21 24 26 15 27 28 23 8 30 23 37 37 31 41 37 27 23 Head Attend Clerk 21 Health Assistant 22 Health Asst/Inst/Asst Trn 24 Hearing imprd asst (cert) 19 Hearing impaired asst 15 Heavy Equip Oper I 33 Heavy Equip Oper II 29 Help desk specialist 30 Home School Liaison 21 Human resrcs asst F&N 25 Human resources asst 25 Human rsrcs data spec 28 Human resrcs tech 30 HVAC Assistant Lead 44 HVAC Filter Worker 23 HVAC Lead 45 HVAC Specialist 44 HVAC Technician 43 Instructional Assist 11 Inst Asst – Montessori 13 Inst Asst – Special ed I 13 Inst Asst – Special ed II 15 Instruct Mat’ls Clerk 21 Interpreter I 32 Interpreter II 40 Interpreter III 42 Landscape Worker 25 Learning Center Instr 17 Library Technician 23 Locksmith Journey 36 Machinist Journey 37 Maintenance Facilitatr 41 Mason 34 Mechanic Assistant 24 Mech Hvy Dty Journy 37 Mech Hvy Dty Jrny ld 40 Mechanic I Journey all 32 Mech I Jrn lead 35 Media Aide 11 Media Assistant, Elem 15 Media Assist JH 19 Media Assist SH 23 Messenger 24 Microcomp Soft Spec 36 Native Amer. Prog Tech 11 Network Monitor Tech 39 Non-instructional Asst 11 Nurses — see Teacher Schedule Occupational/Physical therapist — see Teacher Schedule Office assistant, district 19 Office specialist, district 21 Office specialist, school 21 Office technician, district 20 Mesa Unified ESP (continued) Operations Worker, p/t Paraprofessional Parent Educator Parts Worker Parts Worker Lead Phototypesetter Plumber Journey Plumber Journey Lead Presenter Coordinator Presenter Mentor Press Operator Press Operator Lead Prevention Progs Tech Printing Assistant II Procurement Clerk II Procurement Clerk IV Pro Development Tech Program Trainer/Liaison Prop Mgmt Clerk I Prop Mgmt Clerk III Prop Mgmt Clerk Sr. Purchasing Assist R&E Assess Monitor R&E Assistant I R&E Assistant II R&E Technician R&E Testing Coordinator R&E Testing Specialist Reading Technician Receptionist I Records Clerk I Records Clerk Senior Recreational Therapist Refrig Mechanic Jrny STEP 1 Registrar Spec Ed Registrar JH/SH Registration Clerk SH Roofer Journey Routing Assistant Routing Coordinator Routing Operator School Liaison Sec’y to Asst Principal Sec’y to Counselors Sec’y, Dept./Program Sec’y, Exec – Dept/Prog Sec’y, Exec – Supt. Sec’y to Principal Security Attend Spec I Security Attend Spc ld Security Monitor SEI Assistant SEI Technician Service Worker I Service Worker II Sheet Metal Wrkr Jrny Shop Coordinator Special Ed Asst I Special Ed Asst II Special Ed Clerk SH Special Ed Technician Special presenter Speech & Lang Asst I Speech & Lang Asst II Sprinkler Repair SSRC curriculum asst SSRC specialist SSRC technician 8 11 22 21 24 28 38 41 22 17 32 35 30 24 22 24 30 25 23 25 26 26 34 24 28 30 32 28 14 20 22 25 26 39 22 24 19 35 26 32 28 25 25 22 25 33 38 29 23 26 21 26 15 23 21 36 40 24 25 19 29 15 32 34 27 19 21 27 Steamfitter Journey Structural Tech Lead Structural Tech Senior Student store clerk Tech Security/Audit Spec Technitorium Aide Tech Infrastructure Spec Telecomm Asst Telecomm Tech Testing Spec Text Depository Spec Toddler Program Mgr Tractor Operator Training Spec Training/Account Spec Upholsterer I Upholsterer II Utility Worker Video Circulation Tech Video Librarian Video Spec Video Spec Lead Video Trainer Vocational Ed Tech Warehouse Foreman Warehouse Worker Warehse Worker Lead Water Treatment Spec Welder Journey Word Processr Steno Work Order Clrk/Disptch Work Order Spec Work Shop Presenter PSYCHOLOGIST, SPEECH PATHOLOGIST EDS Certificate/MA MA+45 MA+60 50,334 51,732 52,431 38 41 37 20 40 11 42 21 39 25 25 20 31 30 40 27 23 21 29 28 33 38 28 13 34 25 27 34 34 23 24 30 23 DOC 53,828 4 53,595 55,293 56,197 57,591 7 56,857 58,857 59,969 61,355 10 60,116 62,421 63,740 65,118 13 63,379 65,985 67,506 68,883 16 66,643 69,551 71,275 72,648 19 69,905 73,115 75,044 76,412 319 MARICOPA COUNTY Morristown Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 LEVEL I Health aide, Bus aide, Cafeteria helper I Entry hourly rate Maximum entry Maximum hourly rate 8.13 8.94 11.38 Entry hourly rate Maximum entry Maximum hourly rate LEVEL VI Cook/café manager - not certified 11.88 13.07 17.23 LEVEL II Paraprofessional, Library aide, Custodian, Cafeteria helper II 9.08 9.99 13.75 LEVEL III Paraprofessional II, Substitute cook, Lead custodian LEVEL IV Office Clerk, Café clerk I LEVEL V Office clerk II, Library aide II, Café clerk II, Van driver 9.90 10.89 14.44 10.06 11.07 15.38 10.98 12.08 16.37 LEVEL VII LEVEL VIII LEVEL IX Cook/café manager certified 12.42 13.66 21.33 Maintenance, Bus driver 13.35 17.89 22.11 Maintenance II, Lead driver 14.01 15.41 24.08 LEVEL X Administrative assistant, SAIS specialist 15.52 17.07 24.88 2% of entry hourly rate will be granted for 2 years of like experience within the last 10 years, up to a maximum of 5 years. 2% of base hourly rate will be awarded for AA degree or above (60 semester hours of college course work). Professional growth: For every pre-approved 3 credits (45 seat hours, including CPE units) the employee will receive a $.05 increase. 320 MARICOPA COUNTY Murphy Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 RANGE Entry 1 8.30 2 8.66 3 9.05 4 9.45 5 9.89 6 10.34 7 10.82 8 11.32 Max 12.23 12.85 13.50 14.18 14.87 15.62 16.40 17.23 Entry 9 11.89 10 12.48 11 13.08 12 13.75 13 14.44 14 15.17 15 15.93 16 16.73 24.26 25.46 Max 18.09 19.01 19.97 20.95 22.01 23.10 Longevity stipend: years 15-19, $500; years 20-24, $750; years 25-29, $1,000; years 30+, $1,250. 16 10 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 12 9 7 6 4 INSTRUCTIONAL Licensed practical nurse Instructional support spec Sub/attendance specialist School parent specialist FRC Teacher assistant HQ Comm hlth resrce spec II Comm hlth resrce spec I Student specific asst/bus aide ESP Family literacy liaison Speech aide Parent liaison HEAD START Teacher Administrative secretary Teacher assistant HQ Bus driver Teacher assistant 13 12 10 10 9 8 8 8 8 10 6 6 6 3 2 12 12 12 10 8 8 5 SECRETARIAL/ CLERICAL/ ACCOUNTING Accounting supervisor Payroll specialist Senior admin secretary Senior account technician Administrative secretary II Benefits specialist Administrative secretary I Account technician Program services liaison Senior admin secretary Secretary/receptionist Student registrar/secretary Receptionist/registrar (ME&HC) Clerk I Bus aide special ed MAINTENANCE Maintenance worker III Maintenance/oper/transp asst. Grounds specialist III Maintenance worker II Maintenance worker I Grounds maintenance I Receiving clerk 10 6 6 5 4 4 OPERATIONS Facilities manager Lead custodian Custodial worker II/courier Custodial worker II Custodial worker I Crossing guard 12 8 6 TRANSPORTATION Vehicle mechanic II Bus driver/dispatcher Bus driver/custodian 5 3 2 1 FOOD SERVICES Food services assistant Food services cafeteria/ baker/catering manager Food services cafeteria mgr Warehouse worker/driver charter school Food services baker Food services worker III Food services worker II Food services worker I 15 10 9 9 8 TECHNOLOGY Application support analyst Network support analyst Helpdesk/data support spec Intervention technician Technology support spec 11 10 7 6 321 Murphy Elementary ESP (continued) LEVEL RN RN+30 SCHOOL NURSE BS BS+15 RN+60 BS+30 MA BS+45 MA+15 BS+60 Entry 24,647 27,496 30,345 31,769 33,192 34,616 36,042 Max 33,769 39,667 44,088 45,562 47,035 48,511 49,984 BA BA+15 MA+45 31,613 31,613 MA+15 BA+60 34,740 MA+30 Entry SOCIAL WORKER BA+30 MA BA+45 32,316 33,528 35,952 37,164 Max 40,883 42,432 47,686 54,050 55,846 61,377 Initial Placement Range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 School Psychologist 50,316 52,154 53,993 55,829 57,667 59,503 61,340 63,181 65,017 66,856 48,891 Administrative Assistant 16.44 17.30 18.15 19.06 20.00 21.03 22.06 23.17 Executive Admin Assistant 20.00 21.03 22.06 23.17 24.33 25.54 26.83 28.16 Nadaburg Unified ESP, 2012-2013 LEVEL STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 8.28 8.69 9.12 9.58 10.06 10.56 11.09 11.64 12.22 12.83 13.47 II 10.28 10.79 11.33 11.90 12.50 13.12 13.78 14.46 15.19 15.95 16.75 III 12.28 12.89 13.54 14.22 14.93 15.67 16.46 17.28 18.14 19.05 20.00 IV 14.28 14.99 15.74 16.53 17.36 18.23 19.14 20.09 21.10 22.15 23.26 V 16.28 17.09 17.95 18.85 19.79 20.78 21.82 22.91 24.05 25.26 26.52 I Custodian, Food service worker, Groundskeeper, Transportation aide, Receptionist, Non-highly qualified aide II Groundskeeper lead, Library technician, MOT technician, Media technician, Paraprofessional III Bus driver, Cafeteria manager, Data records technician, Facilities foreman, Health aide, PC technician, Purchasing/assets technician, School secretary IV Accounts payable mgr, Administrative assistant, Office manager/administrative secretary, Payroll/benefits mgr V Mechanic 322 MARICOPA COUNTY Osborn Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 7.93 8.17 8.39 8.65 8.88 9.11 9.35 9.60 9.83 10.07 10.30 10.52 10.78 11.01 Longevity 11.33 GRADE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8.32 8.73 9.10 9.49 9.88 10.27 10.65 8.59 8.98 9.39 9.78 10.21 10.59 11.02 8.85 9.24 9.69 10.10 10.52 10.94 11.37 9.10 9.52 9.98 10.39 10.86 11.26 11.73 9.37 9.78 10.28 10.72 11.18 11.60 12.11 9.63 10.07 10.56 11.01 11.51 11.93 12.44 9.88 10.33 10.86 11.30 11.84 12.29 12.82 10.14 10.59 11.14 11.60 12.17 12.61 13.17 10.39 10.87 11.44 11.91 12.47 12.96 13.54 10.65 11.13 11.73 12.22 12.82 13.29 13.88 10.91 11.42 12.02 12.52 13.13 13.63 14.25 11.17 11.68 12.32 12.83 13.46 13.95 14.60 11.43 11.93 12.60 13.12 13.78 14.32 14.96 11.69 12.22 12.90 13.43 14.12 14.64 15.32 Employee must remain on step 15 for 3 years before advancement to Longevity. 12.04 12.58 13.28 13.83 14.55 15.09 15.78 9 11.04 11.42 11.77 12.16 12.52 12.89 13.26 13.63 13.98 14.38 14.73 15.11 15.48 15.85 16.33 GRADE STEP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11.43 11.82 12.22 12.60 13.01 13.39 13.78 14.19 14.57 14.96 15.35 15.76 16.15 16.53 11.81 12.22 12.61 13.03 13.43 13.82 14.24 14.64 15.05 15.46 15.85 16.26 16.66 17.06 12.21 12.62 13.06 13.48 13.91 14.35 14.77 15.19 15.62 16.02 16.47 16.90 17.32 17.76 12.58 13.03 13.46 13.90 14.35 14.78 15.22 15.65 16.07 16.52 16.97 17.40 17.84 18.27 12.97 13.42 13.86 14.33 14.77 15.22 15.67 16.09 16.56 17.00 17.46 17.90 18.36 18.80 13.34 13.80 14.28 14.72 15.19 15.65 16.09 16.58 17.03 17.49 17.95 18.42 18.87 19.33 13.73 14.21 14.67 15.14 15.62 16.07 16.56 17.03 17.50 17.98 18.45 18.92 19.38 19.87 Longevity 17.03 Market demand scale bus drivers 12.67 12.95 13.22 13.49 13.77 14.03 14.31 14.58 14.86 15.11 15.38 15.66 15.92 16.19 16.47 Employee must remain on step 15 for 3 years before advancement to Longevity. 17.57 18.28 18.82 19.36 19.91 20.46 323 Osborn Elementary ESP (continued) POSITION GRADES District Office 16 Admin secretary to superintendent/board 14 Administrative assistant 13 ELL data support specialist 10 Language acquisition clerk Schools 10 Behavioral technician 7 Cactus Club lead 5 Cactus Club assistant 7 Certified nurse assistant 7 Educational assistant 9 ELL paraprofessional 9 Emergency medical technician 6 Health aide 5 Home/school liaison 10 Instructional tutor 5 Library clerk 11 Licensed practical nurse 3 Life skills assistant 7 Medical caseworker 5 Parent liaison 10 Parent liaison/tutor 11 Psychology intern 7 School clerk 13 7 School secretary Special services clerk (psychology) 11 Speech/language assistant Nutrition 5 Baker/cook 5 Cashier 9 Courier 1 Food I 2 Food II 13 Manager 9 Manager in training 13 Program assistant Finance 14 Accounting assistant 12 Accounts payable clerk 14 Grants accountant 12 Payroll clerk 11 Purchasing clerk 9 Warehouse clerk Information Systems 16 Computer technician Human Resources 9 Clerk 13 Technician 9 Receptionist/student records Maintenance/Transportation 2 Bus attendant 9 Bus driver 16 Bus driver, trainer 9 Courier 1 Crossing guard 8 Custodian 14 District maintenance II 15 District maintenance III 16 Lead custodian (night) 16 Lead maintenance 16 Lead mechanic 13 Lead yard crew 12 Dispatcher 7 Clerk 15 Mechanic 1 Security guard 13 Site maintenance I 14 Site maintenance II 15 Site maintenance III 9 Yard crew Licensed/Certified Related Services STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 324 COTA, SLPA, PTA 3 35,740 36,581 37,423 38,265 39,108 40,021 40,934 41,847 42,760 43,774 44,789 45,804 46,920 48,036 49,152 Speech BA to BA+36 43,627 44,642 45,657 46,671 47,686 48,701 49,715 50,730 51,745 52,758 53,773 54,788 55,803 56,817 57,832 Speech MA, OT/PT 1,2 59,861 61,079 62,297 63,513 64,731 65,949 67,166 68,384 69,601 70,819 71,022 72,239 73,456 74,674 75,892 NURSE AA+RN BA+RN BA+18+RN BA+36+RN 30,390 31,417 32,721 33,748 34,773 35,801 36,828 37,598 38,383 39,184 32,033 33,059 34,364 35,389 36,415 37,442 38,469 39,240 40,025 40,824 41,642 42,475 43,325 44,190 45,074 45,975 46,895 47,833 48,790 49,766 32,587 33,613 34,919 35,945 36,971 37,998 39,024 40,062 40,968 41,881 42,802 43,734 44,811 45,757 46,672 47,604 48,558 49,528 50,520 51,529 33,142 34,168 35,474 36,501 37,527 38,554 39,581 40,884 41,910 42,938 43,964 44,991 46,296 47,323 48,269 49,234 50,220 51,223 52,248 53,292 Osborn Elementary ESP (continued) Other Professionals Psychologist, Counselor, Social worker, Homeless coordinator, Intervention specialist, Pre-school coordinator BA STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 Psychologist 59,814 61,697 62,951 64,207 65,461 66,716 67,971 69,225 70,481 71,735 72,990 73,199 74,455 75,709 76,964 78,219 35,117 35,812 36,964 38,342 39,491 40,608 41,727 42,845 Longevity Counselor, Social worker, Program coordinator, Intervention specialist MA MA+15 MA+30 EDS BA+36 BA+51 BA+66 MA+45 BA+81 36,366 37,614 38,865 40,114 37,076 38,340 39,606 40,868 38,193 39,459 40,722 41,986 39,605 40,869 42,133 43,397 40,754 42,020 43,285 44,549 41,874 43,138 44,402 45,668 42,993 44,257 45,523 46,787 44,110 45,375 46,641 47,904 45,523 46,788 48,052 49,318 46,674 47,941 49,206 50,471 47,794 49,058 50,324 51,590 48,914 50,178 51,444 52,710 50,033 51,298 52,565 53,828 51,445 52,712 53,976 55,242 52,565 53,829 55,095 56,362 : 54,948 56,213 57,481 : 56,067 57,335 58,599 : 57,189 58,453 59,717 59,547 60,690 61,958 63,221 : : : : 60,609 61,754 63,021 64,283 DOC MA+60 41,362 42,132 43,252 44,662 45,815 46,932 48,050 49,168 50,582 51,736 52,855 53,975 55,095 56,507 57,626 58,745 59,866 60,985 64,487 : 65,551 Paloma Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Administrative Assistant 10.50 10.80 11.10 11.40 11.70 12.00 12.30 12.60 12.90 13.20 13.50 13.80 14.10 14.40 14.70 Cafeteria Manager 9.40 9.70 10.00 10.30 10.60 10.90 11.20 11.50 11.80 12.10 12.40 12.70 13.00 13.30 13.60 Paraprofessional 10.20 10.50 10.80 11.10 11.40 11.70 12.00 12.30 12.60 12.90 13.20 13.50 13.80 14.10 14.40 Custodian 1 8.85 9.15 9.45 9.75 10.05 10.35 10.65 10.95 11.25 11.55 11.85 12.15 12.45 12.75 13.05 Custodian 2 11.20 11.50 11.80 12.10 12.40 12.70 13.00 13.30 13.60 13.90 14.20 14.50 14.80 15.10 15.40 Bus Driver 12.50 12.80 13.10 13.40 13.70 14.00 14.30 14.60 14.90 15.20 15.50 15.80 16.10 16.40 16.70 Accounting specialist 13.80 14.10 14.40 14.70 15.00 15.30 15.60 15.90 16.20 16.50 16.80 17.10 17.40 17.70 18.00 325 MARICOPA COUNTY Palo Verde Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 326 Asst cook/ café aide 7.65 7.87 8.11 8.36 8.61 8.87 9.14 9.42 9.71 10.00 10.30 10.62 10.94 Technology specialist 11.80 12.20 12.61 13.04 13.49 13.95 14.42 14.91 15.42 15.94 16.48 17.04 17.62 18.22 18.84 Cook Driver/ Custodian 7.70 7.94 8.19 8.45 8.71 8.99 9.27 9.56 9.85 10.16 10.48 10.81 11.15 11.49 11.85 9.77 10.07 10.37 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.69 12.04 12.41 12.78 13.17 13.57 13.98 14.40 14.84 Resource specialist Superintendent’s secretary 11.57 11.89 12.22 12.56 12.90 13.26 13.63 14.00 14.39 14.79 15.20 15.62 16.05 16.50 16.95 8.82 9.12 9.42 9.74 10.07 10.41 10.76 11.13 11.51 11.89 12.30 12.71 13.14 13.59 14.05 Driver/ Lead custodian 10.58 10.89 11.22 11.55 11.90 12.25 12.62 13.00 13.38 13.78 14.19 14.62 15.05 15.50 15.96 Driver/ Maintenance/ Grounds 11.04 11.35 11.67 12.00 12.34 12.69 13.05 13.42 13.80 14.19 14.59 15.01 15.43 15.87 16.32 Driver/ Lead maintenance 13.16 13.50 13.86 14.22 14.59 14.98 15.37 15.77 16.19 16.61 17.05 17.50 17.96 18.43 18.91 Office clerk/ health asst 8.12 8.37 8.63 8.90 9.18 9.46 9.76 10.06 10.38 10.70 11.03 11.38 11.73 12.10 12.48 Custodian Bus driver Accounting assistant 12.70 13.05 13.41 13.78 14.16 14.55 14.95 15.36 15.79 16.22 16.67 17.13 17.60 18.08 18.58 10.60 10.92 11.24 11.58 11.92 12.28 12.65 13.02 13.41 13.81 14.23 14.65 15.09 15.54 16.01 Administrative Assistant 9.18 9.46 9.76 10.06 10.37 10.69 11.02 11.36 11.72 12.08 12.45 12.84 13.24 13.65 14.07 7.35 7.45 7.68 7.92 8.16 8.41 8.66 8.93 9.20 9.48 9.77 10.06 10.37 10.69 11.01 Paraprofessional 7.91 8.18 8.45 8.74 9.03 9.33 9.65 9.97 10.30 10.65 11.01 11.37 11.76 12.15 12.55 Cashier 8.66 8.98 9.30 9.64 9.99 10.36 10.73 11.12 11.53 11.95 12.38 12.83 13.30 13.79 14.29 MARICOPA COUNTY Paradise Valley Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7.96 8.13 8.29 8.45 8.63 8.80 8.97 9.15 9.36 9.54 9.72 9.92 10.13 10.33 10.55 10.77 10.99 11.21 2 8.14 8.30 8.46 8.64 8.81 8.98 9.17 9.37 9.55 9.73 9.93 10.14 10.34 10.56 10.76 11.00 11.22 11.45 11.68 3 8.46 8.64 8.81 8.98 9.17 9.37 9.55 9.73 9.93 10.14 10.34 10.56 10.76 11.00 11.22 11.45 11.67 11.90 12.15 4 8.75 8.91 9.10 9.31 9.48 9.68 9.87 10.08 10.26 10.49 10.69 10.93 11.15 11.37 11.61 11.84 12.09 12.34 12.57 GRADE 5 9.08 9.28 9.46 9.64 9.85 10.04 10.24 10.46 10.67 10.91 11.13 11.35 11.59 11.82 12.05 12.32 12.56 12.81 13.06 6 9.46 9.64 9.85 10.04 10.24 10.46 10.67 10.89 11.12 11.34 11.58 11.81 12.04 12.31 12.54 12.80 13.05 13.33 13.59 7 9.74 9.94 10.15 10.35 10.57 10.78 11.03 11.24 11.47 11.70 11.93 12.18 12.43 12.69 12.94 13.22 13.48 13.73 14.00 8 10.11 10.30 10.53 10.72 10.96 11.18 11.40 11.64 11.87 12.12 12.37 12.62 12.87 13.15 13.42 13.67 13.96 14.25 14.53 9 10.53 10.72 10.96 11.18 11.40 11.64 11.87 12.12 12.37 12.62 12.87 13.15 13.42 13.67 13.95 14.25 14.54 14.80 15.10 10 10.86 11.09 11.31 11.53 11.78 12.00 12.24 12.49 12.75 13.02 13.28 13.55 13.81 14.08 14.40 14.68 14.99 15.28 15.58 11 11.26 11.49 11.73 11.96 12.20 12.45 12.71 12.96 13.24 13.51 13.78 14.04 14.35 14.64 14.94 15.23 15.56 15.86 16.18 12 11.63 11.86 12.11 12.36 12.61 12.86 13.11 13.39 13.65 13.92 14.24 14.52 14.79 15.10 15.43 15.73 16.06 16.39 16.71 13 12.01 12.25 12.52 12.76 13.03 13.29 13.56 13.82 14.09 14.41 14.69 15.00 15.29 15.62 15.94 16.25 16.59 16.93 17.26 14 12.39 12.64 12.89 13.17 13.44 13.70 13.98 14.29 14.58 14.87 15.16 15.50 15.80 16.13 16.46 16.79 17.13 17.45 17.80 15 12.82 13.08 13.35 13.61 13.88 14.19 14.47 14.75 15.05 15.36 15.68 16.01 16.34 16.66 17.00 17.34 17.69 18.05 18.41 16 13.21 13.47 13.73 14.01 14.32 14.61 14.91 15.19 15.53 15.84 16.16 16.50 16.84 17.17 17.53 17.88 18.25 18.62 18.98 17 13.57 13.84 14.10 14.43 14.70 15.01 15.30 15.63 15.94 16.26 16.60 16.94 17.28 17.64 18.00 18.36 18.75 19.12 19.50 18 13.99 14.30 14.59 14.88 15.17 15.51 15.81 16.14 16.47 16.80 17.14 17.49 17.84 18.20 18.59 18.94 19.34 19.73 20.13 19 14.40 14.68 14.98 15.28 15.61 15.91 16.23 16.57 16.91 17.25 17.61 17.97 18.33 18.70 19.07 19.47 19.87 20.27 20.69 20 14.77 15.08 15.40 15.71 16.04 16.37 16.69 17.05 17.38 17.74 18.10 18.48 18.84 19.24 19.61 20.03 20.43 20.86 21.27 1 327 Paradise Valley Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 15.13 15.46 15.77 16.10 16.42 16.77 17.10 17.43 17.80 18.16 18.54 18.90 19.31 19.69 20.10 20.52 20.94 21.34 21.78 22 15.61 15.91 16.23 16.57 16.91 17.25 17.61 17.97 18.33 18.72 19.08 19.49 19.89 20.29 20.72 21.12 21.55 22.00 22.43 23 16.01 16.34 16.66 17.00 17.34 17.69 18.06 18.43 18.80 19.20 19.57 19.98 20.38 20.80 21.22 21.65 22.10 22.53 22.99 GRADE 15 Academic technician 13 Accounting clerk – athletics, HS bookstore 13 Accounting clerk/typist middle school 13 Accounting technician I (clerk, clerk-finance) 19 Accounting technician II (specialist) 21 Accounting technician III (finance coordinator) 11 Admin assistant I - DAC 14 Admin assistant II 14 Admin assistant - Project Esperanza 17 Admin assistant III 18 Admin assistant IV 19 Admin assistant V 16 ARRA parent liaison Title 1 19 ARRA Title 1 technician 31 Assistant coach 12 Athletic equipment manager 12 Attendance clerk I 14 Attendance clerk II (sr) 20 Bilingual community liaison for Title VII Grant Project Nuestro 17 Bookstore manager 11 Braille tech specialist I 12 Braille tech specialist II 328 24 16.40 16.75 17.08 17.41 17.78 18.14 18.51 18.88 19.28 19.66 20.07 20.49 20.90 21.31 21.76 22.21 22.65 23.11 23.57 16 17 4 25 31 19 11 7 11 17 18 31 23 14 17 22 2 7 9 9 9 19 17 25 16.73 17.07 17.40 17.77 18.12 18.50 18.86 19.26 19.64 20.05 20.45 20.88 21.29 21.74 22.18 22.63 23.09 23.55 24.03 26 16.93 17.27 17.63 17.99 18.35 18.74 19.12 19.51 19.91 20.31 20.74 21.15 21.59 22.03 22.46 22.94 23.38 23.87 24.34 27 17.20 17.55 17.90 18.27 18.64 19.00 19.40 19.80 20.20 20.62 21.04 21.46 21.89 22.34 22.82 23.26 23.75 24.23 24.71 28 17.50 17.85 18.21 18.61 18.95 19.37 19.75 20.15 20.58 21.00 21.42 21.85 22.30 22.76 23.21 23.70 24.19 24.66 25.16 Braille tech specialist III Braille tech specialist IV Campus assistant Career and technical education network tech II CE 21st Century site coordinator CE accounting tech II CE auditorium tech 1 CE childcare associate I CE childcare associate II CE childcare associate IV (& floater) CE childcare associate V CE childcare associate VII CE Civic Center manager CE technician 2 CE technician 3 Certified educational interpreter Childcare provider Clerk I (clerk I, office aide-summer testing, language acquisition testing) Clerk II (clerk typist) Clerk III College and career specialist (clerk III) Communications specialist Community education – (publishing tech) 3 10 11 13 15 22 15 14 13 19 3 9 13 20 16 19 19 11 29 30 31 18.20 18.59 18.94 19.36 19.74 20.14 20.57 20.99 21.41 21.84 22.29 22.75 23.20 23.69 24.16 24.66 25.15 25.65 18.61 18.95 19.37 19.75 20.15 20.58 21.00 21.42 21.85 22.30 22.76 23.21 23.70 24.19 24.68 25.16 25.68 26.19 19.35 19.73 20.13 20.56 20.98 21.39 21.83 22.28 22.74 23.20 23.68 24.15 24.65 25.15 25.67 26.18 26.70 Crosswalk guard Custodian I Custodian II Custodian III Custodian IV Custodian V - high school Distribution buyer I (assistant) Distribution office technician Distribution technician Distribution technician – lead Duty aide ELL testing clerk I ELL testing clerk II ESL technician Facilities & construction dispatcher Facilities & construction groundskeeper III (integrated pest management) Facilities & construction (weed and pest control) Facilities & construction maintenance technician I (building/general/special, grounds, groundskeeper I (weed, pest control, sweeper), horticultural services technician) Paradise Valley Unified ESP (continued) GRADE 16 22 26 29 19 13 19 17 23 26 19 17 14 11 13 10 13 16 15 Facilities & construction maintenance technician II (grounds, general/ building/special trades/ AC helper) Facilities & construction maintenance technician III (alarm/sprinkler system technician, grounds/ general/building/special trades/lighting maintenance technician apprentice, roofing and structural maintenance technician apprentice) Facilities & construction maintenance technician IV (alarm/sprinkler system technician, grounds/ general/building/special trades journeyman, special systems technician, telephone/AV/special systems) Facilities & construction maintenance tech V (lead) Facilities & construction property-inventory technician Facilities & construction tech 1 (& summer) Facilities & construction tech II Facilities & construction tech II - computers Facilities & construction tech III Facilities & construction tech IV (& EMS & project specialist) Family services coord Gifted services data tech Gifted support technician Hands-on science center tech I Hands-on science center tech II Health asst - HS High school groundskeeper Homeless liaison Human resources tech I 19 23 19 28 21 20 23 23 28 31 28 23 26-11 23 26 23 24 17 28 25 19 23 22 8 18 13 24 21 13 21 4 Human resources tech II (& benefits) Human resources tech III benefits (& cert & class) Human resources reporting tech II IFAS application specialist Information support tech Info tech - AZ SAIS spec Info tech - CTE tech II Info tech - data spec I Info tech - data spec II Info tech - data spec III Info tech - specialist III Info tech - multimedia systems specialist Info tech - multimedia writer Info tech - network applications spec I Info tech - network applications spec II Info tech - network layer 12 specialist Info tech - operations tech Info tech - site tech spec Info tech - special systems specialist Info tech - specialist II Info tech - student info specialist I Info tech - student info & SAIS specialist II Info tech - specialist I Itinerant special education clerk (psychologist clerk, speech clerk) Language acquisition translator Library/media technician Licensed practical nursepersonal care educator (one-on-one) Medicaid claims technician (specialist) NCLB ELL Fast Forward computer lab assistant Nutrition & wellness tech Nutrition & wellness worker 1 10 12 19 13 12 2 13 9 16 11 9 9 19 12 26 13 19 Nutrition & wellness worker 2 Nutrition & wellness worker 3 Nutrition & wellness central kitchen manager Nutrition & wellness custodian driver Nutrition & wellness senior worker Office aide Offset printer I Para educator - assistive technology, classroom aide (instructional aidealternative education, ESL, integration, job coach, K-3 program, regular education, sign language, testing, vocational education), CTE Para educator –medical specialist (special needs instructional aide) Para educator – NCLB, classroom aide, severely handicapped, special needs preschool program (instructional aide, Title I) Para educator – Occupational therapy, personal care, severely handicapped, special needs preschool (instructional aide (itinerant, home school transition aide, extended school year, multiply handicapped, SHE student population, self-contained E.D., at-risk preschool program)) Payroll technician I (clerk typist) Payroll technician II (accounting specialist) Print shop assistant Print shop coordinator Property control technician I (clerk) Property control technician II (accounting specialist) 329 Paradise Valley Unified ESP (continued) GRADE 21 19 15 21 25 17 13 14 14 9 31 14 14 15 11 12 10 Property control technician III (coordinator) Publications technician Purchasing buyer I (assistant buyer) Purchasing buyer II Purchasing buyer III (senior) Purchasing technician (bid coordinator) Records clerk – HS Records clerk (student) Records secretary – elementary, middle school Refugee project liaison Registered nurse, special program Registrar/records secretary - alternative schools Registrar I Registrar II Security guard Security guard, lead Special education assistive technology technician19 Special education compliance technician 15 23 14 9 19 23 19 18 1 24 21 4 18 18 18 19 Special education computer technician Special education projects technician Special education records clerk Special education records specialist Special education software systems support Special education software systems support technician Special education tech II Special ed translator Teenage assistant extended school year Testing technician IV Title I technician Transportation bus aide (non-driving) Transportation bus cleaner (summer) Transportation bus driver Transportation bus driver maintenance assistant Transportation bus driver/trainer 20 11 5 19 11 23 28 29 16 18 18 20 28 16 23 7 Transportation bus driver trainer (lead) Transportation car driver Transportation bus driving aide Transportation dispatcher Transportation mechanic I Transportation mechanic II Transportation mechanic III Transportation mechanic IV Transportation property inventory technician I Transportation router Transportation tech II Transportation technician III - computers Transportation tech IV Transportation upholsterer Vocational info tech student info spec II Vocational teacher asst Speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist and physical therapist range begins at $44,991; psychologist range begins at $44,136. 330 MARICOPA COUNTY Pendergast Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Min : Max 1 7.25 : 11.00 Min : Max 18 10.94 : 16.73 2 7.37 : 11.27 19 11.21 : 17.15 3 7.55 : 11.55 20 11.49 : 17.58 INSTRUCTIONAL 1 Categorical substitute 17 Community/parent/teacher translator 5 ELC – assistant 10 ELC – lead teacher 12 Instructional assistant 11 Library media assistant 3 Playground assistant 13 Preschool lead teacher 12 Translation aide FOOD SERVICE 10 Cafeteria baker 10 Cafeteria cook 4 Cafeteria worker 4 Cafeteria worker/cashier 1 Categorical substitute 18 Warehouse work/food svc 4 7.74 : 11.84 21 11.78 : 18.02 5 7.93 : 12.14 22 12.07 : 18.47 LEVEL 8 8.54 : 13.07 23 12.37 : 18.93 10 8.98 : 13.73 24 12.68 : 19.40 11 9.20 : 14.08 25 13.00 : 19.89 SECRETARIAL/CLERICAL/ ACCOUNTING 18 Account clerk 26 Admin sec’y to asst supt 23 Admin sec’y to department 23 Admin sec’y to elem princ 24 Campus network specialist 2 Categorical substitute 29 Data control coordinator (SIS) 19 Data control coordinator 23 Guest teacher coordinator 20 Health technician 31 Health technician LPN 25 Human resources coord 25 Human resources specialist 5 Office aide 12 Office assistant I 13 Office assistant II 25 Payroll accountant 20 Payroll technician 21 Property control clerk 22 Purchasing technician 13 Receptionist 32 Speech language pathologist assistant 26 13.32 : 20.39 12 9.43 : 14.43 28 14.00 : 21.42 13 9.67 : 14.79 29 14.35 : 21.95 16 10.41 : 15.93 31 15.08 : 15.45 17 10.67 : 16.32 32 15.45 : 23.64 MAINTENANCE & OPS 8 Bus attendant 23 Bus driver 5 Bus driver trainee 23 Bus driver/trainer 2 Categorical substitute 12 Custodian 22 District lead custodian 4 General helper 20 Grounds maint work 24 Grounds maint work-skill 12 Groundskeeper 25 Lead grounds maint work 25 Lead maint work-skilled 31 Lead mechanic 20 Maintenance worker 28 Maintenance work-journey 24 Maintenance work-skilled 16 Security maintenance 23 Substitute bus driver 23 Transport system operator 29 Vehicle mechanic 18 Warehouse/delivery work 18 Warehouse/receiving clerk 331 MARICOPA COUNTY Peoria Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 332 CLASS VI III IV V 7.35 7.69 8.07 8.47 8.89 9.34 9.81 10.30 10.50 10.72 10.93 11.15 11.37 7.69 8.15 8.59 9.02 9.47 9.95 10.44 10.97 11.19 11.41 11.64 11.88 12.11 8.18 8.68 9.16 9.61 10.09 10.59 11.13 11.69 11.92 12.15 12.39 12.64 12.90 8.72 9.24 9.75 10.23 10.75 11.29 11.85 12.44 12.69 12.94 13.21 13.47 13.74 VII VIII IX X 9.29 9.84 10.38 10.90 11.45 12.02 12.61 13.25 13.51 13.79 14.06 14.34 14.62 9.89 10.47 11.06 11.61 12.19 12.80 13.44 14.11 14.39 14.67 14.97 15.28 15.58 10.52 11.17 11.78 12.36 12.98 13.63 14.31 15.02 15.33 15.63 15.95 16.27 16.59 11.22 11.89 12.53 13.17 13.83 14.51 15.25 16.01 16.32 16.64 16.98 17.33 17.67 XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX 11.95 12.65 13.36 14.02 14.73 15.46 16.23 17.04 17.39 17.73 18.09 18.45 18.82 12.72 13.48 14.22 14.93 15.68 16.46 17.29 18.15 18.51 18.89 19.27 19.65 20.04 13.54 14.35 15.15 15.91 16.69 17.53 18.41 19.34 19.72 20.12 20.51 20.93 21.35 14.42 15.29 16.13 16.94 17.79 18.67 19.61 20.58 21.00 21.42 21.86 22.29 22.72 15.37 16.28 17.19 18.04 18.94 19.89 20.88 21.93 22.36 22.80 23.27 23.73 24.21 16.36 17.35 18.30 19.22 20.17 21.19 22.24 23.36 23.82 24.30 24.77 25.28 25.78 17.43 18.47 19.49 20.46 21.49 22.55 23.68 24.87 25.37 25.87 26.39 26.92 27.46 18.55 19.67 20.75 21.79 22.88 24.03 25.23 26.48 27.02 27.56 28.11 28.67 29.25 19.76 20.95 22.10 23.21 24.37 25.59 26.86 28.21 28.77 29.35 29.93 30.53 31.14 21.05 22.31 23.54 24.71 25.96 27.26 28.61 30.05 30.64 31.26 31.88 32.52 33.18 Peoria Unified ESP (continued) CLASS 5 Crossing guard, Food service assistant, Substitute bus assistant 6 Bus assistant – transportation, Custodian – sub, Food service – receiving cook, Instructional assistant (preschool (CPP)), Kindergarten enrichment lunch hour assistant 7 AV clerk, IMT; Bookstore assistant; Custodian p-t, Data entry assistant, Developmental preschool instructional assistant; Food service central cook/baker; Instructional assistant (ELL, migrant, PAL program, Title I), Special education assistant (LD-resource, MIMR, MOMR, TMH, PH, vision, EH), Speech language assistant, Student store clerk p-t HS 8 Attendance clerk – HS, AV specialist HS, Community liaison/migrant liaison, Custodian, Groundskeeper – schools and maintenance dept., Matron, Office assistants at elementary school and transportation; Production clerk, community & public affairs; Receptionist HS, Registrar, p/t; Special education assistant (emotional disability & BBT); Special education clerk, HS; Special education Medicaid clerk; Study hall assistant HS; Substitute bus driver 9 Attendance secretary HS, AV courier/repair tech – IMT, Career specialist HS, Campus security, Courier, Equipment operator I; Food service satellite kitchen manager, Library clerk/assistant – elementary, Media assistant HS & elem, Night lead custodian – elementary, Nurse assistant HS & elementary, Receptionist – DAC, Records clerk – related services, Records specialist – special education, Records secretary – HS 10 Administrative secretary I, Assessment clerk (LEC liaison), At risk CPP office secretary, Bookstore manager HS, Courier II, Filter maintenance technician, Food service delivery driver, Food service receiving kitchen manager, General maintenance HS, Guidance secretary; Human resource tech, Insurance clerk, Inventory parts clerk, Night lead custodian HS, Office secretary for community partnership & kindergarten enrichment, Operations tech for food service office, Purchasing clerk II, Route scheduling assistant, Special education office tech, Truancy specialist, Warehouse clerk, Warehouse worker 11 Academic records – HR services, Accounting clerk II, Accounts payable, Administrative support clerk – K-12 curriculum, Audio visual specialist II - IMT, Benefits assistant, Bus driver, Bus training coordinator, COOP preschool assistant – p/t, Food service accounting clerk II, Food service central kitchen manager, Payroll clerk II, Purchasing tech II, Publications technician, Skilled maintenance I, Service worker – vehicle maintenance, SASI site coordinator 12 Administrative secretary II (to directors), Cafeteria manager HS, Dispatcher and dispatcher/field trip router – transportation, Equipment operator – maintenance, Grounds supervisor – equipment maintenance, Maintenance foreman – elementary school, Routing technician – transportation, School support technicians, School secretary HS & elementary, Secretary – career ladders, Skilled maintenance II technician – special ed, Truancy coordinator, Transportation bus route (Edulog) 13 Certified respiratory therapist, Community & public affairs specialist, COOP program coordinator, Food service buyer, Lead groundskeeper – maintenance, Preschool teacher (CPP), Research tech, Secretary (administrator), Sign language interpreter, Student attendance specialist, Transportation bus route (Edulog) 14 Administrative secretary III, Computer/AV repair tech – IMT, Door hardware tech, HR professional growth tech 15 AS400 operator, Buyer II – purchasing, Capital assets accountant, Help desk analyst I - IMT, Integrated systems technician IMT, Journeyman – maintenance, LAN tech I – IMT, Mechanic – vehicle maintenance – transportation, SIS support/state reporting – IMT, SIS support/gradebook – IMT 16 Cafeteria equipment maintenance tech, Carpenter (cabinet maker), Certified occupational therapy assistant (COTA), Electrician, HVAC technician, Journeyman carpenter – maintenance, Journeyman for construction – maintenance, Journeyman – HVAC – maintenance, LAN administrator, Locksmith, Maintenance special system tech, Plumber, Speech language pathology assistant (SLPA), Senior computer/AV repair tech – IMT, Writing specialist – communications & public affairs 17 Help desk analyst II – IMT, Integrated systems tech II – IMT, LAN tech II – IMT, Lead mechanic 18 Maintenance alarm tech 19 Budget tech II, LAN III - IMT 333 Peoria Unified ESP (continued) NURSES STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RN 33,227 34,417 35,608 36,798 37,989 39,181 40,369 41,562 42,750 43,943 45,133 RN+15 33,642 34,832 36,023 37,213 38,403 39,594 40,784 41,975 43,165 44,355 45,546 RA+30 34,055 35,247 36,436 37,628 38,816 40,009 41,199 42,389 43,580 44,770 45,961 BSN 34,470 35,660 36,850 38,041 39,231 40,422 41,612 42,802 43,993 45,185 46,374 BSN+15 35,608 36,798 37,989 39,181 40,369 41,562 42,750 43,943 45,133 46,321 47,512 BSN+30 36,746 37,938 39,129 40,319 41,510 42,698 43,889 45,081 46,269 47,462 48,650 MSN BSN+40 37,884 39,077 40,265 41,458 42,648 43,838 45,029 46,219 47,410 48,600 49,790 CERTIFIED SPEECH STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 334 Classified SLPA-AA 29,996 31,188 32,379 33,569 34,760 35,950 37,140 38,331 39,521 40,712 41,900 43,092 44,283 Classified SLPA-BA 34,470 35,662 36,850 38,043 39,231 40,423 41,614 42,804 43,995 45,185 46,375 47,566 48,756 TECH-BA 52,254 53,648 55,035 56,427 57,814 59,208 60,560 61,875 63,159 64,413 65,667 66,895 68,121 69,201 70,401 71,599 72,799 73,999 75,199 76,399 77,599 78,796 SLP-MA 56,245 57,634 59,026 60,415 61,805 63,194 64,586 65,976 67,367 68,722 70,078 71,409 72,736 73,905 75,203 76,499 77,798 79,096 80,394 81,692 82,990 84,289 MA+40 SLP-CCC 60,233 61,625 63,014 64,406 65,795 67,185 68,577 69,966 71,358 72,747 74,164 75,526 77,054 78,307 79,697 81,089 82,478 83,868 85,257 86,649 88,039 89,430 SLP-DOC 62,895 64,284 65,676 67,066 68,455 69,844 71,234 72,626 74,015 75,405 76,794 78,186 79,575 80,969 82,357 83,748 85,135 86,530 87,917 89,308 90,698 92,087 Peoria Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MA BA+40 43,840 45,217 46,596 47,973 49,349 50,726 52,105 53,482 54,861 MA+15 BA+55 45,157 46,536 47,912 49,292 50,668 52,047 53,424 54,801 56,180 57,554 58,933 PSYCHOLOGIST MA+30 BA+70 46,478 47,855 49,231 50,608 51,987 53,364 54,741 56,120 57,494 58,873 60,252 61,629 63,006 MA+40 BA+80 47,792 49,171 50,548 51,927 53,304 54,680 56,059 57,436 58,815 60,192 61,566 62,945 64,459 65,701 67,078 68,457 69,834 71,210 72,587 73,966 75,343 76,722 MA+55 BA+95 49,111 50,487 51,867 53,243 54,622 55,999 57,376 58,753 60,129 61,508 62,885 64,264 65,641 67,018 68,394 69,773 71,150 72,529 73,906 75,283 76,659 78,041 DOC MA+70 50,430 51,806 53,185 54,562 55,939 57,316 58,692 60,071 61,448 62,825 64,202 65,581 66,957 68,339 69,713 71,092 72,467 73,848 75,222 76,602 77,978 79,355 335 MARICOPA COUNTY Phoenix Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 20 12 11 11 12 8 8/10 9 11 4 11 12 12 3 7 7 8 9 336 1 7.65 7.72 7.92 8.10 8.31 8.50 8.72 8.93 9.14 9.37 9.58 9.82 9 11.67 11.96 12.27 12.58 12.86 13.20 13.52 13.84 14.17 14.53 14.88 15.25 15.64 2 7.80 8.00 8.17 8.38 8.57 8.80 9.01 9.22 9.45 9.67 9.94 10.16 10.43 10 12.38 12.69 13.00 13.32 13.64 13.97 14.33 14.69 15.02 15.41 15.78 16.17 16.56 GRADE Accountant Accountant, senior Accounting tech Accounts payable clerk Administrative tech Assessment/evaluation tech Assistant office manag Attendance clerk Auto service worker AV tech Bus attendant Bus driver/support personnel Bus driver trainer Buyer/ purchasing Child care attendant Child nutrition clerk Child nutrition kitchen mgr 1 Child nutrition kitchen mgr II Child nutrition secretary II 3 8.25 8.45 8.67 8.88 9.09 9.33 9.53 9.78 10.02 10.27 10.51 10.76 11.03 11 13.11 13.44 13.77 14.10 14.45 14.82 15.16 15.55 15.91 16.30 16.73 17.14 17.57 2 3 5 6 6 7 9 4 4 8 12 13 1 6 7 13 11 12 12 4 8.75 8.96 9.17 9.41 9.63 9.88 10.12 10.37 10.62 10.89 11.14 11.42 11.70 12 13.88 14.24 14.59 14.95 15.30 15.71 16.07 16.48 16.88 17.30 17.73 18.15 18.61 5 9.27 9.50 9.73 9.98 10.23 10.47 10.70 11.00 11.25 11.54 11.79 12.11 12.40 13 14.75 15.09 15.47 15.84 16.22 16.63 17.04 17.45 17.89 18.33 18.77 19.26 19.74 Child nutrition worker I Child nutrition worker II Child nutrition worker III Child nutrition worker IV Clerk typist Clerk, records ELL Clerk, student records Community liaison, Ind ed Community worker I Community worker II Computer technician I Computer technician II Crossing guard Custodian Custodian, lead Data trainer & auditor Desktop publisher Employee benefits rep Fixed assets technician 6 9.82 10.07 10.31 10.58 10.81 11.09 11.35 11.63 11.91 12.22 12.52 12.83 13.15 14 15.61 15.98 16.38 16.79 17.20 17.62 18.05 18.48 18.97 19.42 19.89 20.40 20.91 7 10.42 10.65 10.93 11.20 11.46 11.74 12.04 12.33 12.64 12.92 13.27 13.59 13.92 15 16.54 16.97 17.35 17.81 18.21 18.68 19.13 19.59 20.09 20.58 21.08 21.62 22.16 2 3 9 12 13 14 7 9 10 9 11 3 4 8 9 13 16 17.51 17.96 18.39 18.85 19.32 19.78 20.26 20.76 21.28 21.79 22.34 22.88 23.46 8 11.03 11.30 11.57 11.85 12.16 12.47 12.75 13.06 13.38 13.70 14.04 14.41 14.78 17 18.54 19.03 19.48 19.99 20.45 20.96 21.49 22.00 22.55 23.11 23.68 24.25 24.86 Food service worker I Food service worker II General maintenance helper General maintenance II General maintenance III General maintenance crew lead Grounds worker I Grounds worker II Help desk support technician Highly qualified & HR records clerk HR tech Instructional assistant I Instructional assistant II Instructional assistant IV Library cataloguer Low voltage tech Phoenix Elementary ESP (continued) 14 9 13 14 6 8 12 16 7 Maintenance & operations tech Maintenance worker I Mechanic Mechanic lead Media clerk Media clerk (w/AA/60 hrs) NCLB student data tech Network technician Nurse assistant 11 11 8 3 3 8 3 14 13 9 Office manager Payroll technician Peer aide (w/60 hrs) Peer aide (w/parapro) Peer child care attendant Peer lead, instructional asst Personal care assistant Plant manager Preventive maint coordinator Receptionist/ sub caller NURSE Start Midpt End BSN+18 34,000 39,000 44,000 8 12 12 13 9 13/15 15 8 Records clerk Routing technician Secretary, administrative II Secretary, administrative III Secretary II Software support technician Telecommunications tech Warehouse clerk, driver/ courier SOCIAL WORKER MSN BSN+36 36,000 45,000 54,000 RN 28,000 32,000 36,000 BSN 32,000 37,000 42,000 MSN+24 38,000 49,000 60,000 MSW 35,426 40,566 53,269 MSW+24 37,177 44,329 60,245 STEP Occupational Therapist / Physical Therapist (BA level) Physical/Occupational Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, Psychologist (MA level) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 49,785 50,967 52,150 53,331 54,514 55,697 56,880 58,062 59,245 60,427 61,611 62,792 63,974 65,157 66,339 67,522 68,705 69,888 71,070 55,177 56,489 57,799 59,109 60,420 61,730 63,042 64,352 65,663 66,974 68,284 69,593 70,905 72,215 73,527 74,837 76,148 77,459 78,770 337 MARICOPA COUNTY Phoenix UHS ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.49 9.75 9.99 10.23 10.48 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 22 8.83 9.05 9.27 9.49 9.75 9.99 10.23 10.48 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 23 9.05 9.27 9.49 9.75 9.99 10.23 10.48 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 24 9.27 9.49 9.75 9.99 10.23 10.48 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 25 9.49 9.75 9.99 10.23 10.48 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 RANGE 27 9.99 10.23 10.48 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 28 10.23 10.48 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 29 10.48 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 30 10.76 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 31 11.02 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 32 11.29 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 33 11.57 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 34 11.87 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 35 12.16 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 36 12.46 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 37 12.79 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 38 13.10 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 39 13.42 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 40 13.76 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 41 14.11 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 42 14.45 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 43 14.83 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 44 15.19 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 45 15.56 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 338 Phoenix UHS ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 46 15.97 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 47 16.36 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 48 16.77 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 Range/Position 36 Account clerk 40 Account clerk/senior 40 Account clerk/sr, fixed assets 40 Account technician 42 Account technician finance/sr 46 Account technician food svc/sr 42 Account technician/senior 35 Accounting clerk 40 Administrative specialist 40 Assistant to the principal 50 Attendance residence specialist 28 Binder/printshop 27 Bookstore assistant 36 Bookstore manager 48 Budget specialist 44 Budget/student accounting spec 39 Building maintenance worker 44 Building maintenance wkr/lead 23 Bus assistant 36 Bus driver 36 Bus service worker 40 Cafeteria manager 53 Campus facility supervisor 38 Campus lab technician 27 Campus operations worker 49 Campus technology specialist 35 Campus testing coordinator 47 Carpenter 49 Carpenter/chief 22 Child care assistant 24 Child care assistant/lead 49 17.19 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 50 17.61 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 26.81 51 18.06 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 26.81 27.47 52 18.50 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 26.81 27.47 28.17 53 18.98 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 26.81 27.47 28.17 28.87 Range/Position 48 Child care center director 25 Community assistant 33 Community liaison 50 Community relations specialist 32 Community skills/personal asst 33 Computer lab assistant 49 Computer network technician 27 Computer operator/assistant 41 Computer operator/lead 49 Computer repair technician/lead 47 Computer repair technician/sr 45 Computer support manager 39 Computer support specialist 49 Construction project specialist 46 Contract mgmt asst fd svc 51 Contract management specialist 53 Contract management spec/sr 40 Contract security service asst 30 Cook 35 Credentials specialist 25 Culinary arts assistant 48 Curriculum evaluation tech 28 Custodian 34 Custodian/lead 32 Data entry operator 53 Developer, svcs, homeless stdts 36 District maintenance specialist 40 District media service specialist 44 District testing liaison 50 District/alt site maint supv 40 Dropout program developer 54 19.44 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 26.81 27.47 28.17 28.87 29.59 55 19.94 20.43 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 26.81 27.47 28.17 28.87 29.59 30.33 57 20.95 21.46 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 26.81 27.47 28.17 28.87 29.59 30.33 31.08 31.87 59 22.01 22.55 23.12 23.69 24.29 24.89 25.51 26.16 26.81 27.47 28.17 28.87 29.59 30.33 31.08 31.87 32.66 33.48 Range/Position 40 Educational interpret, sign lang 50 Electrician 51 Electrician/chief 46 Electronic equipment tech 48 Electronic equipment tech/sr 33 Electronics program assistant 49 Employee benefits specialist 47 Equipment mechanic 50 Equipment mechanic/chief 33 ESL student parent liaison 37 ESL tester 44 Food services field supervisor 30 Food services lunch prog clk 48 Garde manager 54 General craft grounds maint/chf 47 General vehicle mechanic 50 General vehicle mechanic/chief 45 Glazier 47 Glazier/chief 42 Grant program technician 30 Grill specialist 45 Grounds equipment mechanic 45 Grounds equipment operator 47 Grounds equipment oper/chf 31 Groundskeeper 36 Hearing/vision tester 36 Hospitality coordinator 46 HVAC maintenance mechanic 32 Information processing oper 36 Information processing oper/sr 28 Instructional assistant 339 Phoenix UHS ESP (continued) Range/Position 32 Instructional assistant SPED 28 Instructional assistant/fusion 36 Interpreter/receptionist 39 Irrigation technician 36 Job developer, jobs-in-ind prog 36 Job develop/placemnt asst CTE 36 Job develop/placemnt ast SPED 21 Kitchen assistant, part-time 32 Library technician 47 Locksmith 49 Locksmith/chief 42 Maintenance technician 32 Material handler I 34 Material handler II 38 Material handler III 42 Material handler IV 24 Media technician 42 Migrant student specialist 38 MIPS specialist 33 Native American stdt advisor 52 Network system specialist 29 Office assistant 34 Office assistant, ESP 34 Office assistant/senior 38 Offset operator 44 Offset operator/lead 40 Offset operator/senior 45 Painter 47 Painter/chief 34 Parts coordinator 35 Payroll clerk 40 Payroll technician 31 PE/athletic equipment manager 27 Personal asst/TMH/ED/MH 340 Range/Position 40 Personnel associate 36 Personnel service assistant 34 Personnel service clerk 45 Personnel specialist 42 Pesticide/herbicide technician 46 Pesticide/herbicide tech/lead 38 Photo technician 48 Plumber 50 Plumber/chief 32 Program asst alternative prog 32 Program assistant Perkins Grant 50 Programmer analyst 46 Public relations representative 53 Quality assurance tech 23 Records clerk 30 Records retrieval clerk 47 Refinish/sprayer specialist 48 Refrigeration mechanic 50 Refrigeration mechanic/chief 43 Registrar 36 Registrar/alternative programs 30 Registration clerk 35 Registration office assistant 28 Reproduction equipment oper 57 Research analyst 57 Research comp syst mgr/analyst 50 Research systems specialist/sr 41 Safety technician 41 Sanitation truck operator 29 School health center clerk 47 Security alarm technician 49 Security alarm technician/sr Range/Position 33 Security assistant 39 Security assistant/lead 37 Security assistant/senior 48 Senior budget analyst 23 Service assistant 22 Service assistant/special ed 49 Sheet metal worker 51 Sheet metal worker/chief 32 SPED assistive tech asst, ESP 37 SPED data technician 36 SPED rcrds retriev clk/interpret 42 SPED research and records tech 40 Staff attendance specialist 41 Stores clerk 42 Student activities assistant 33 Student liaison 27 Student store assistant 30 Student study facilitator 54 System analyst 50 System engineer 59 System manager 57 System programmer 52 Technical specialist 35 Testing facilitator 38 Transportation dispatcher 32 Transportation service assistant 33 Truck driver 32 Truck driver/base kitchen 31 Vision resource assistant 55 Vocational assess placmnt spec 29 Vocational assessment tech 29 Vocational business office asst 49 Welder 51 Welder/chief Phoenix UHS ESP (continued) School Nurses’ Salary Schedule STEP LPN RN RN+30 BS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 : 15 : 20 : 25 : 30 30,660 32,704 34,747 36,790 38,834 40,879 42,923 44,966 47,009 49,055 51,099 32,704 34,747 36,790 38,834 40,879 42,923 44,966 47,009 49,055 51,099 53,142 34,747 36,790 38,834 40,879 42,923 44,966 47,009 49,055 51,099 53,142 55,185 36,790 38,834 40,879 42,923 44,966 47,009 49,055 51,099 53,142 55,185 57,229 MA BS+30 38,834 40,879 42,923 44,966 47,009 49,055 51,099 53,142 55,185 57,229 59,275 : 60,075 : 60,875 : 61,675 : 62,475 MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 40,879 42,923 44,966 47,009 49,055 51,099 53,142 55,185 57,229 59,275 61,318 : 62,118 : 62,918 : 63,718 : 64,518 42,923 44,966 47,009 49,055 51,099 53,142 55,185 57,229 59,275 61,318 63,361 : 64,161 : 64,961 : 65,761 : 66,561 44,966 47,009 49,055 51,099 53,142 55,185 57,229 59,275 61,318 63,361 65,405 : 66,205 : 67,005 : 67,805 : 68,605 341 MARICOPA COUNTY Queen Creek Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 9.87 10.02 10.18 10.33 10.48 10.73 10.99 11.24 11.50 11.75 12.26 12.77 13.28 13.79 14.30 15.06 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 K 12.79 12.94 13.10 13.25 13.40 13.65 13.91 14.16 14.42 14.67 15.18 15.69 16.20 16.71 17.22 17.98 342 B 10.08 10.24 10.39 10.54 10.69 10.95 11.20 11.46 11.71 11.97 12.47 12.98 13.49 14.00 14.51 15.27 L 13.05 13.21 13.36 13.51 13.67 13.92 14.17 14.43 14.68 14.94 15.45 15.95 16.46 16.97 17.48 18.24 C 10.27 10.42 10.57 10.72 10.88 11.13 11.39 11.64 11.89 12.15 12.66 13.17 13.68 14.18 14.69 15.46 M 13.37 13.52 13.68 13.83 13.98 14.23 14.49 14.74 15.00 15.25 15.76 16.27 16.78 17.29 17.80 18.56 D 10.52 10.67 10.83 10.98 11.13 11.39 11.64 11.89 12.15 12.40 12.91 13.42 13.93 14.44 14.95 15.71 N 13.73 13.88 14.03 14.18 14.34 14.59 14.85 15.10 15.35 15.61 16.12 16.63 17.13 17.64 18.15 18.92 E 10.75 10.91 11.06 11.21 11.37 11.62 11.87 12.13 12.38 12.64 13.15 13.65 14.16 14.67 15.18 15.94 O 14.18 14.34 14.49 14.64 14.79 15.05 15.30 15.56 15.81 16.07 16.58 17.08 17.59 18.10 18.61 19.37 F 11.12 11.27 11.43 11.58 11.73 11.99 12.24 12.49 12.75 13.00 13.51 14.02 14.53 15.04 15.55 16.31 P 14.68 14.84 14.99 15.14 15.29 15.55 15.80 16.06 16.31 16.56 17.07 17.58 18.09 18.60 19.11 19.87 Q 15.18 15.33 15.49 15.64 15.79 16.05 16.30 16.55 16.81 17.06 17.57 18.08 18.59 19.10 19.61 20.37 G 11.47 11.62 11.77 11.93 12.08 12.33 12.59 12.84 13.10 13.35 13.86 14.37 14.88 15.38 15.89 16.66 R 15.89 16.05 16.20 16.35 16.50 16.76 17.01 17.27 17.52 17.78 18.28 18.79 19.30 19.81 20.32 21.08 H 11.80 11.96 12.11 12.26 12.41 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.43 13.69 14.19 14.70 15.21 15.72 16.23 16.99 S 16.52 16.68 16.83 16.98 17.13 17.39 17.64 17.90 18.15 18.41 18.92 19.42 19.93 20.44 20.95 21.71 I 12.24 12.39 12.55 12.70 12.85 13.11 13.36 13.61 13.87 14.12 14.63 15.14 15.65 16.16 16.67 17.43 T 17.33 17.48 17.63 17.79 17.94 18.19 18.45 18.70 18.96 19.21 19.72 20.23 20.74 21.25 21.75 22.52 J 12.52 12.67 12.82 12.97 13.13 13.38 13.63 13.89 14.14 14.40 14.91 15.42 15.92 16.43 16.94 17.70 U 18.13 18.28 18.44 18.59 18.74 19.00 19.25 19.51 19.76 20.01 20.52 21.03 21.54 22.05 22.56 23.32 Queen Creek Unified ESP (continued) A Crossing guard, Day care aide, Janitor, Playground aide Lead site janitor Food service worker Master mechanic, Procurement specialist Bus aide, Bus monitor, Home liaison, Instructional aide, Receptionist, Special ed itinerant aide, Title one aide Bus driver trainee, Food service cook/baker, Food service cashier, Food service caterer, Selfcontined SPED aide, Special ed pre-school aide Food service baker, Food service cook, Health aide, Media aide, Library aide, Postal/ records clerk, Selfcontined aide/one to one, Response to intervention (RTI) aide, Data specialist B C D E F G H I J K L M N Computer lab assistant Attendance clerk, Clerk, ELL clerk, Food service delivery driver, PAC box office, Records/counseling clerk, JH registrar Grounds, HS receptionist, Maintenance, Maintenance/custodian, Security guard Grounds I, Maintenance 1, Filter changer Lead custodian/ maintenance, Maintenance 2, Elem/MS/JH/HS secretaries, Food service receiving clerk, Substitute coordinator Bus driver, Computer tech, Maintenance 3, Mechanical maintenance, HS registrar Fleet service manager, HS principal secretary, Janitor coordinator, Personnel O P Q S T U clerk, Warehouse specialist, Food service elementary manager Accounting specialist, Security & equipment manager, Computer technician II, Procurement assistant, Food service MS/HS manager, Mechanic-assistant Administrative assistant, Locksmith, Maintenance 4, Migrant manager, Payroll/accounting specialist Lead bus driver Benefit specialist, Data specialist, Budget & finance specialist, Building & security supervisor, Head mechanic Administrative secretary, HVAC technician HVAC specialist All employees will be credited with college or trade school credits that pertain to their job classification as follows: 15 credit hours = 1 year or 1 year additional on the salary schedule; 30 hours = 2 years; 45 hours = 3 years. Riverside Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Cafeteria helper 1 Cafeteria helper II Café cashier, Licensed driver, Paraprofessional 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 Cafeteria manager, IT technician, Receptionist Fixed assets/ courier, School registrar Custodian Bus driver, Health aide, School admin. assistant 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 Accounts payable, DO admin assistant, Specialists (finance, payroll, procurement) 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 343 MARICOPA COUNTY Roosevelt Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP New hire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9A STEP New hire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9A 2 3 4 4 7 7 8 8 9 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 344 2 8.82 9.09 9.35 9.65 9.95 10.24 10.53 10.83 11.20 11.55 11.84 17 13.73 14.19 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.97 16.45 16.92 17.43 17.94 18.49 3 9.09 9.35 9.65 9.95 10.24 10.53 10.83 11.20 11.55 11.84 12.20 4 9.35 9.65 9.95 10.24 10.53 10.83 11.20 11.55 11.84 12.20 12.58 18 14.19 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.97 16.45 16.92 17.43 17.94 18.49 19.08 Kitchen assistant Crossing guard Bus assistant Health aide Clerk I Security guard Cook Kitchen tech Parent aide Baker/special svcs coord Bus driver I Custodian Bus driver Groundskeeper Receptionist Clerk II ParaProf I Reproduction equip opr School attendance clerk Secretary I Stores clerk Cafeteria manager ParaProf II Utility worker 7 10.24 10.53 10.83 11.20 11.55 11.84 12.20 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.73 19 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.97 16.45 16.92 17.43 17.94 18.49 19.08 19.63 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 20 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 8 10.53 10.83 11.20 11.55 11.84 12.20 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.73 14.19 LEVEL 9 10.83 11.20 11.55 11.84 12.20 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.73 14.19 14.61 20 15.06 15.51 15.97 16.45 16.92 17.43 17.94 18.49 19.08 19.63 20.23 11 11.55 11.84 12.20 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.73 14.19 14.61 15.06 15.51 22 15.97 16.45 16.92 17.43 17.94 18.49 19.08 19.63 20.23 20.81 21.45 12 11.84 12.20 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.73 14.19 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.97 13 12.20 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.73 14.19 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.97 16.45 23 16.45 16.92 17.43 17.94 18.49 19.08 19.63 20.23 20.81 21.45 22.10 Unit operations mgr. Bookkeeper II Clerk III Courier Fixed assets Secretary II Dispatcher Groundskeeper, lead IT tech I Parent program coord School secretary CNS production sup Bookkeeper III Bookkeeper IV Clerk IV Grounds supervisor Maintenance tech I (apprt) Mechanic I (apprentice) Bookkeeper V Community service liaison Extra day site manager Parent program liaison Secretary III SIS tech II 25 17.43 17.94 18.49 19.08 19.63 20.23 20.81 21.45 22.10 22.76 23.41 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 14 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.73 14.19 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.97 16.45 16.92 15 12.96 13.35 13.73 14.19 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.97 16.45 16.92 17.43 26 17.94 18.49 19.08 19.63 20.23 20.81 21.45 22.10 22.76 23.41 24.13 16 13.35 13.73 14.19 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.97 16.45 16.92 17.43 17.94 28 19.08 19.63 20.23 20.81 21.45 22.10 22.76 23.41 24.13 24.84 25.21 AV tech II IT tech II Maintenance tech II Mechanic II Painter IT tech III Health service tech LPN SL Pathology assistant Therapy assistant Lead pupil personnel Lead teacher Roosevelt Elementary ESP (continued) Employees with approved professional growth credits will earn salary at their regular level and step placement in addition to approved professional growth credits at the following rates: 15+ hours, .28/hour; 30+ hours, .56/hour; 45+ hours, .84/hour; 60+ hours, $1.12/hour. NURSES Levels RN RN+15 No experience 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 31,427 31,898 32,845 33,832 34,466 35,525 36,584 37,676 39,612 32,639 33,128 34,116 35,137 35,790 36,849 37,957 39,116 40,274 BS RN+30 35,013 35,539 36,609 37,714 38,421 39,562 40,754 41,978 43,236 BS+15 RN+45 37,387 37,948 39,086 40,257 41,002 42,226 43,500 44,808 46,148 BS+30 RN+60 40,618 41,228 42,465 43,737 44,543 46,048 47,256 48,663 50,119 Longevity: $250 will be added to the contract of employees with 15 years continuous service credit; $500, 20 years. Occupational/Physical Therapist Speech Language Pathologist Psychologist New Hire Intern 40,000 : 45,000 56,266 : 77,790 Classified Technical and Professional 52,265 : 72,258 42,410 55,339 based on experience 56,637 69,544 SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST ASSISTANT SPEECH LANGUAGE TECHNICIAN Stepless Salary Formula Minimum : Maximum BA BA+15 BA+30 46,310 : 47,479 47,579 : 48,780 48,849 : 50,083 MA BA+45 50,118 : 51,384 MA+15 MA+30 51,388 : 52,686 52,658 : 53,988 EDS MA+45 53,927 : 55,289 DOC MA+60 55,197 : 56,592 EDS MA+45 53,927 54,197 54,468 54,740 55,014 55,289 DOC MA+60 55,197 55,473 55,750 56,030 56,310 56,592 Initial Salary Placement Experience BA BA+15 BA+30 0 1 2 3 4 5 46,310 46,540 46,774 47,008 47,242 47,479 47,579 47,817 48,056 48,297 48,538 48,780 48,849 49,093 49,338 49,585 49,833 50,083 MA BA+45 50,118 50,369 50,621 50,873 51,128 51,384 MA+15 BA+60 51,388 51,645 51,904 52,163 52,424 52,686 MA+30 52,658 52,921 53,186 53,452 53,719 53,988 Behavior specialists, program specialists, and social workers paid on the teacher salary schedule. 345 MARICOPA COUNTY Saddle Mountain Unified ESP, 2012-2013 LEVELS STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 8.28 8.69 9.12 9.58 10.06 10.56 11.09 11.64 12.22 12.83 13.47 LEVEL I Attendance clerk Bus aide Custodian Paraprofessional I Receptionist LEVEL II Bookstore Driver in training Health aide Librarian assistant Migrant services coordinator Office assistant Paraprofessional II (SPED) Warehouse/delivery assistant 346 II 10.28 10.79 11.33 11.90 12.50 13.12 13.78 14.46 15.19 15.95 16.75 LEVEL III Accounts payable clerk Bus driver Certified health provider Computer technician Food service coordinator Maintenance I Payroll clerk Registrar SOI-(Bridges program) Sp ed services secretary III 12.28 12.89 13.54 14.22 14.93 15.67 16.46 17.28 18.14 19.05 20.00 IV 14.28 14.99 15.74 16.53 17.36 18.23 19.14 20.09 21.10 22.15 23.26 V 16.28 17.09 17.95 18.85 19.79 20.78 21.82 22.91 24.05 25.26 26.52 LEVEL IV Capital asset technician/warehouse Driver trainer Human resources/purchasing Specialist Maintenance II School secretary Speech/language pathology assistant LEVEL V Accounting specialist Data management specialist Maintenance/skilled mechanic MARICOPA COUNTY Scottsdale Unified ESP, 2012-2013 GRADE STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 B 7.69 7.84 8.00 8.16 8.32 8.49 8.66 8.83 9.01 9.19 9.38 9.57 9.76 9.95 10.15 10.35 10.56 10.77 10.99 11.21 11.43 11.66 I 13.15 13.41 13.68 13.95 14.23 14.52 14.81 15.10 15.40 15.71 16.03 16.35 16.68 17.01 17.35 17.71 18.06 18.42 18.79 19.16 19.55 19.94 C 8.29 8.45 8.62 8.79 8.96 9.14 9.33 9.52 9.71 9.90 10.10 10.30 10.50 10.71 10.93 11.15 11.37 11.60 11.83 12.07 12.31 12.55 J 14.19 14.48 14.77 15.06 15.36 15.67 15.99 16.31 16.63 16.96 17.30 17.65 18.00 18.36 18.73 19.10 19.49 19.88 20.28 20.68 21.10 21.52 D 8.94 9.12 9.31 9.50 9.69 9.88 10.08 10.28 10.48 10.69 10.91 11.13 11.35 11.58 11.81 12.04 12.28 12.52 12.78 13.03 13.29 13.55 E 9.67 9.86 10.06 10.26 10.46 10.67 10.88 11.11 11.33 11.56 11.79 12.02 12.26 12.50 12.76 13.01 13.27 13.53 13.80 14.07 14.36 14.65 K 15.33 15.63 15.95 16.27 16.59 16.92 17.26 17.61 17.96 18.32 18.68 19.05 19.44 19.83 20.22 20.62 21.04 21.46 21.89 22.33 22.78 23.23 F 10.43 10.64 10.85 11.08 11.30 11.52 11.75 11.98 12.22 12.46 12.72 12.97 13.23 13.49 13.76 14.03 14.32 14.60 14.89 15.19 15.49 15.80 L 16.56 16.89 17.23 17.57 17.93 18.29 18.65 19.02 19.41 19.80 20.19 20.59 21.01 21.43 21.86 22.29 22.74 23.19 23.65 24.12 24.61 25.10 G 11.27 11.49 11.72 11.95 12.19 12.43 12.69 12.94 13.20 13.46 13.73 14.00 14.29 14.57 14.86 15.16 15.46 15.77 16.09 16.41 16.74 17.07 M 17.89 18.25 18.61 18.98 19.37 19.76 20.15 20.55 20.97 21.39 21.82 22.25 22.70 23.15 23.61 24.08 24.57 25.06 25.56 26.08 26.60 27.13 H 12.17 12.41 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.44 13.71 13.98 14.27 14.55 14.84 15.14 15.44 15.75 16.07 16.39 16.72 17.05 17.39 17.75 18.10 18.46 N 19.32 19.70 20.09 20.49 20.90 21.33 21.75 22.18 22.62 23.08 23.54 24.01 24.50 24.99 25.49 26.01 26.53 27.06 27.60 28.16 28.72 29.29 347 Scottsdale Unified ESP (continued) F J H G K H I J J L H J I K M J K M L M H J F G Administrative support asst Administrative support coord Administrative support technician Athletic equipment coordinator Benefits coordinator Catering manager Community specialist Computer support technician – Visions Coordinator (21st Century Grant) DHS licensing coordinator Director of First Impressions Enrichment program mgr Enrollment technician Executive administrative assistant Executive admin asst, sr Facilities coordinator Facilities coordinator, sr Facilities services lead Facilities services specialist Facilities services spec, sr Facilities services technician Facilities services tech, sr Facilities services worker Facilities services worker, sr K H H F H,I,J E C F F J K I J G H I H I L H J F B D 348 Fiscal support coordinator Fiscal support technician Guidance coordinator Health assistant Human capital technician Instructional resource assistant Instructional support assistant Instructional support facilitator Instructional support paraeducator Instructional support specialist IT support coordinator IT support specialist IT technician Kids Club assistant site manager Kids Club site manager Kids Clbu site manager lead Materials handler Materials handler - lead Materials supervisor Nutritional services manager Nutritional services mgr, sr Nutritional services supervisor Nutritional services worker Nutritional services wkr, sr N I H B E F N J J C J I J J B C E B Para Legal Payroll technician Pre K enrichment program mgr School aide (noon, crossing guard) Security specialist Security specialist. sr Senior buyer Substitute coordinator Translation specialist Transportation assistant Transportation coordinator & dispatch Transporter of learners Transporter of learners - lead Transporter training specialist Kids Club aide (school aide) Temp. inst supp asst K-3 Temp. Kids Club associate Temp. school aide noon aide K3 Scottsdale Unified ESP (continued) STEP OT/PT COTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 49,508 33,316 54,099 36,406 59,116 40,974 64,698 44,775 BA BA12 BA24 38,652 39,425 40,214 41,018 41,838 42,675 43,529 39,812 40,608 41,420 42,249 43,094 43,956 44,835 45,731 41,006 41,826 42,663 43,516 44,386 45,274 46,180 47,103 48,045 Speech & Language Pathologist MA MA12 MA24 MA36 BA36 BA48 BA60 BA72 42,236 43,081 43,943 44,822 45,718 46,632 47,565 48,516 49,487 50,476 51,486 52,516 53,566 54,637 55,730 56,845 57,982 59,141 60,466 61,791 63,116 64,440 65,765 43,503 44,374 45,261 46,166 47,090 48,031 48,992 49,972 50,971 51,991 53,031 54,091 55,173 56,276 57,402 58,550 59,721 60,915 62,240 63,565 64,890 66,215 67,539 STEP BA BA+12 NURSES (2007-2008) BA+24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31,160 31,783 32,423 33,067 33,732 34,403 35,095 35,797 36,510 37,239 37,984 38,744 39,520 40,312 41,116 41,939 42,779 43,635 32,095 32,740 33,394 34,059 34,741 35,438 36,146 36,869 37,608 38,358 39,124 39,907 40,709 41,521 42,351 43,196 44,062 44,944 33,061 33,722 34,398 35,084 35,787 36,500 37,228 37,972 38,733 39,509 40,297 41,104 41,929 42,769 43,619 44,496 45,382 46,292 44,809 45,705 46,619 47,551 48,502 49,472 50,462 51,471 52,500 53,550 54,621 55,714 56,828 57,965 59,124 60,306 61,513 62,743 64,068 65,392 66,717 68,042 69,367 46,153 47,076 48,017 48,978 49,957 50,956 51,976 53,015 54,075 55,157 56,260 57,385 58,533 59,704 60,898 62,116 63,358 64,625 65,950 67,275 68,600 69,924 71,249 MA48 BA84 MA60 DOC MA72 47,537 48,488 49,458 50,447 51,456 52,485 53,535 54,606 55,698 56,812 57,948 59,107 60,289 61,495 62,725 63,979 65,259 66,564 67,889 69,213 70,538 71,863 73,188 74,513 48,964 49,943 50,942 51,961 53,000 54,060 55,141 56,244 57,369 58,516 59,686 60,880 62,098 63,340 64,606 65,899 67,216 68,561 69,886 71,210 72,535 73,860 75,185 76,510 50,432 51,441 52,470 53,519 54,590 55,682 56,795 57,931 59,090 60,271 61,477 62,706 63,961 65,240 66,545 67,875 69,233 70,618 71,942 73,267 74,592 75,917 77,242 78,566 MA BA+36 MA+12 BA+48 MA+24 34,049 34,731 35,427 36,135 36,859 37,593 38,348 39,114 39,895 40,693 41,506 42,341 43,186 44,047 44,929 45,827 46,745 47,681 35,073 35,775 36,489 37,218 37,962 38,723 39,499 40,287 41,094 41,914 42,753 43,609 44,479 45,371 46,275 47,204 48,145 49,112 36,125 36,848 37,582 38,338 39,103 39,885 40,682 41,495 42,324 43,175 44,036 44,918 45,817 46,729 47,665 48,620 49,592 50,585 349 MARICOPA COUNTY Tempe Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Salary range Min Mid Max 16 17 19 21 22 25 25 Min Mid Max 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 350 16 7.35 9.11 10.65 17 7.46 9.36 10.91 19 7.84 9.82 11.45 Crossing guard Nutritional helper Child care activity leader Lead nutritional helper/cashier Special need transport asst Child care director Office clerk 32 10.80 13.54 15.80 33 11.07 13.90 16.19 Attendance officer Custodian lead Nutritional satellite mgr School safety officer Computer lab assistant Nutritional svcs asst (custodial) Transportation of learners utility operator Warehouse assistant Instructional asst (special needs, ILP, 504) Interpreter - signing Lead groundskeeper Account technician Administrative assistant Computer support tech 34 11.32 14.23 16.61 21 8.24 10.32 12.04 GRADE 22 25 8.43 9.08 10.58 11.40 12.35 13.29 27 9.55 11.97 13.97 27 28 28 29 30 30 30 Bindery operator Courier/mailroom coord Custodian Audiology technician Groundskeeper Health assistant Instructional asst ELL, Ind. ed., regular GRADE 35 36 38 39 11.63 11.93 12.54 12.85 14.61 14.95 15.70 16.11 17.01 17.44 18.33 18.79 35 36 36 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 Support center assistant Roving nutritional manager Substitute coordinator Substitute coord senior Transporter of learners driver Account technician senior Graphic arts specialist Service tech - mechanic Admin asst intermediate Benefits specialist Bilingual speech & language pathologist asst LP nurse Nutritional manager Preventative maint tech 28 9.78 12.29 14.31 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 13.15 16.51 19.25 40 40 41 42 42 42 42 42 29 10.03 12.57 14.68 30 10.29 12.89 15.05 Library assistant Logistics clerk Office assistant Office clerk senior Receptionist School liaison 41 13.48 16.93 19.73 42 13.83 17.35 20.23 Translator/interpreter Transporter of learners trainer Transporter of learners specialist Human resource specialist Translator/interpreter senior Transportation of learners maintenance technician Transportation of learners repair technician Transporter of learners routing technician Tempe Elementary ESP (continued) Min Mid Max 43 43 43 43 43 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 47 47 47 47 47 47 43 14.17 17.77 20.72 45 14.89 18.69 21.77 47 15.64 19.61 22.88 48 16.04 20.10 23.45 48 48 48 48 Account specialist Administrative assistant senior Network infrastructure technician Payroll specialist Purchasing specialist Automotive mechanic Buyer Carpenter Equipment/machinery operator Finisher Painter Plumber Printer/apprentice/ journeyman Transportation and safety specialist Welder Account specialist senior Executive admin assistant Herbicide landscape tech Payroll specialist senior School office manager Telecommunications technician 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 Psychologist New 52,186 hire New hire 50 16.85 21.13 24.64 GRADE 51 17.27 21.66 25.25 52 17.70 22.20 25.89 Electrician Fleet mechanic HVAC technician Equipment technician (nut’l serv) Buyer senior Campus technology specialist NCLB certification and compliance coordinator Operations specialist Accounts payable coordinator Custodial supervisor/ trainer Data compliance analyst Facilities mgmt dept mgr grounds & carpentry Graphic design specialist Lead fleet manager Media manager Nutritional trainer Payroll coordinator Preventive maintenance coordinator Production mgr/ foreman Property control/ warehouse manager BA 42,304 BA+18 43,260 MA BA+36 44,219 54 18.60 23.32 27.19 58 20.53 25.74 30.02 51 52 52 52 52 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 58 58 58 60 62 Specialists MA+15 BA+51 45,178 60 21.58 27.05 31.54 62 22.66 28.42 33.13 Student nutritional specialist Applications support analyst Network analyst Programmer for nutritional services Technical support analyst Applications support coordinator Customer support coordinator Facilities mgmt dept mgr senior – electrical & HVAC Fleet manager Media services coordinator Systems programmer Technology training coord Facilities management supervisor Environment services supervisor Facilities mgmt supervisor Network administrator Network systems analyst senior MA+30 46,137 MA+45 47,094 DOC MA+60 48,053 MA+30 36,848 EDS MA+45 37,895 DOC EDS+20 MA+60 38,943 Health Services New hire New hire RN 29,866 BA 32,064 RN+18 30,797 RN+36 31,727 BA+18 33,098 MA BA+36 34,133 BA RN+51 32,658 BA+18 33,707 MA BA+36 34,753 MA+15 BA+51 35,801 Social Workers MA+15 BA+51 MA+30 35,169 36,204 MA+45 37,241 DOC MA+60 38,275 351 MARICOPA COUNTY Tempe UHS ESP, 2012-2013 4 8.80 9.10 9.40 9.72 10.06 10.40 10.75 11.12 11.49 11.88 4 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 Instructional asst. I, Substitute secretary/clerk Bus driver trainee, Child care aide, Instructional asst. II (child care, Native American) Copy technician, Paraprofessional I-ELL/special education Child care supervisor I, Custodian, Maintenance support, Paraprofessional II-ELL/special education/Title I Courier/delivery Groundskeeper, Security guard, Equipment manager, Gifted services specialist Child care supervisor II, Receptionist campus/district office Adult education specialist, Career technician, Career technician (voc ed, comm work crew, YTP), PPA specialist, Student services specialist Campus community relations liaison, Carpet technician, Interpreter I, Lead security guard Bookstore manager I, Child care supervisor III, Educational services specialist, Informational support specialist, Maintenance office support specialist, Night lead custodian, Utility person Bus driver, Curriculum development specialist, Guidance assistant, NCLB data specialist, Speech-language therapy assistant Accounting specialist I, Administrative secretary (summer/evening school, adult education, asst principal/activities/athletics), Benefits specialist, Coordinator of use of facilities, Human resource specialist, Purchasing specialist, Records specialist, Special education transportation coordinator, Warehouse technician 15 16 17 18 7 9.61 9.94 10.28 10.63 10.99 11.36 11.75 12.15 12.56 12.99 8 9.90 10.24 10.59 10.95 11.32 11.70 12.10 12.51 12.94 13.38 10 10.50 10.86 11.23 11.61 12.01 12.41 12.84 13.27 13.72 14.19 11 10.82 11.19 11.57 11.96 12.37 12.79 13.22 13.67 14.14 14.62 Grade 12 11.14 11.52 11.91 12.32 12.74 13.17 13.62 14.08 14.56 15.06 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 11.48 11.87 12.27 12.69 13.12 13.57 14.03 14.50 15.00 15.51 14 11.82 12.22 12.64 13.07 13.51 13.97 14.45 14.94 15.45 15.97 15 12.18 12.59 13.02 13.46 13.92 14.39 14.88 15.39 15.91 16.45 16 12.54 12.97 13.41 13.86 14.34 14.82 15.33 15.85 16.39 16.94 17 12.92 13.36 13.81 14.28 14.77 15.27 15.79 16.32 16.88 17.45 18 13.31 13.76 14.23 14.71 15.21 15.73 16.26 16.81 17.39 17.98 Food service worker II, $8.05; Food service worker I, $8.50; Food service support, Grade 10 to start; Food service custodian, Grade 10 to start; Kitchen supervisor, $10.75; Assistant manager, $11.75; Manager, annual $22,356 352 Tempe UHS ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 13.70 14.17 14.65 15.15 15.67 16.20 16.75 17.32 17.91 18.52 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Admin secretary (Compadre HS, asst principal/registration), Bookstore manager II, Printer, Sub coordinator Admin asst IV educational systems, Computer lab tech, Payroll specialist, Property control spec, Asst tech spec Driver trainer – transportation, Maintenance tech, Medicaid services specialist, Student information systems spec Accounts specialist (grants), Grants management specialist, Interpreter II, Landscape tech, Office equipment svc tech Admin asst III (cert/class director, food/nutrition), Graphics specialist, Information services spec, Transportation asst Admin asst I (director 1 – ed services, director budget/finance), Admin assistant II – principal, Preventive maint tech Assistant electronic technician, Painter, Welder Carpenter, Electrician, Human resources asst, HVAC tech, Kitchen maintenance tech, Locksmith, Mechanic, Plumber Business executive asst, Central systems support spec, Communications tech, Lead mechanic, Lead student information systems spec, PC tech Buyer contract spec, Certified occupational therapy asst, Electronics tech, Executive asst (associate superintendent) Executive assistant (superintendent) Executive assistant to governing board 28 29 32 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 20 14.12 14.60 15.09 15.61 16.14 16.68 17.25 17.84 18.44 19.07 Interim 46,682 50,417 21 14.54 15.03 15.54 16.07 16.62 17.18 17.77 18.37 19.00 19.64 MA 49,250 53,190 57,445 22 14.98 15.48 16.01 16.56 17.12 17.70 18.30 18.92 19.57 20.23 23 15.42 15.95 16.49 17.05 17.63 18.23 18.85 19.49 20.15 20.84 24 15.89 16.43 16.99 17.56 18.16 18.78 19.42 20.08 20.76 21.47 PSYCHOLOGIST MA+30 MA+60 51,959 54,816 56,115 59,202 60,605 63,938 65,453 69,053 74,577 25 16.36 16.92 17.50 18.09 18.71 19.34 20.00 20.68 21.38 22.11 DOC 56,274 60,659 65,395 70,510 76,034 26 16.85 17.43 18.02 18.63 19.27 19.92 20.60 21.30 22.02 22.77 MA 37,132 40,845 44,930 SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST, TECHNICIAN STEP 1 2 3 4 5 BA/Tech 37,540 40,543 MA/SLT 45,798 49,462 53,419 MA+30/SLT 48,317 52,182 56,357 60,865 AA/RN 35,010 38,511 42,362 MA60/SLT 50,974 55,052 59,456 64,213 69,350 DOC 52,431 56,509 60,913 65,670 70,807 NURSE BS/RN BS+36/RN 37,811 40,836 41,592 44,919 45,751 49,411 50,326 54,352 59,787 27 17.36 17.95 18.56 19.19 19.84 20.52 21.22 21.94 22.68 23.46 28 17.88 18.49 19.12 19.77 20.44 21.14 21.85 22.60 23.36 24.16 29 18.42 19.04 19.69 20.36 21.05 21.77 22.51 23.27 24.07 24.88 SOCIAL WORKER MA+30 MA+60 39,731 42,512 43,704 46,764 48,075 51,440 52,882 56,584 62,242 32 20.13 20.81 21.52 22.25 23.01 23.79 24.60 25.43 26.30 27.19 DOC 43,969 48,221 52,897 58,041 63,699 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPIST MA BA BA+36 MA+30 DOC 42,436 44,558 46,786 48,243 45,831 48,122 50,529 51,986 49,497 51,972 54,571 56,028 56,130 58,936 60,394 63,651 65,108 MSN/MA 42,293 46,376 50,868 55,809 61,244 353 MARICOPA COUNTY Tolleson Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 6.98 7.26 7.56 7.85 8.17 8.49 8.83 9.19 9.56 9.94 10.33 10.75 11.18 11.62 12.09 12.57 13.07 13.60 2 7.50 7.80 8.12 8.44 8.78 9.13 9.49 9.87 10.27 10.68 11.11 11.55 12.01 12.49 12.99 13.51 14.05 14.62 3 8.11 8.43 8.77 9.12 9.48 9.86 10.26 10.67 11.10 11.54 12.00 12.48 12.98 13.50 14.04 14.60 15.19 15.79 GRADE 4 5 8.68 9.31 9.03 9.68 9.39 10.07 9.77 10.47 10.16 10.89 10.56 11.32 10.99 11.78 11.42 12.25 11.88 12.74 12.36 13.25 12.85 13.78 13.37 14.33 13.90 14.90 14.46 15.50 15.03 16.12 15.64 16.76 16.26 17.43 16.91 18.13 6 10.02 10.43 10.84 11.28 11.73 12.20 12.68 13.19 13.72 14.27 14.84 15.43 16.05 16.69 17.36 18.05 18.78 19.53 7 10.79 11.22 11.67 12.14 12.63 13.13 13.66 14.20 14.77 15.36 15.98 16.62 17.28 17.97 18.69 19.44 20.22 21.02 8 11.59 12.08 12.61 13.14 13.69 14.27 14.88 15.52 16.14 16.79 17.45 18.17 18.90 19.66 20.44 21.26 22.11 22.99 9 12.41 12.91 13.43 13.96 14.52 15.10 15.71 16.33 16.99 17.67 18.37 19.11 19.87 20.67 21.49 22.35 23.25 24.18 GRADE 1 Utility person 2 Cafeteria helper, Crosswalk attendant 3 Cashier 4 Security guard, Baker-Cook-Custodian, Driver/warehouse, Bus attendant 5 Lead night custodian, Clerk-receptionist, Grounds-mechanic helper, Paraprofessional, Nurse’s aide, Cafeteria manager 6 Substitute caller, Technology support assistant 7 Administrative secretary, School maintenance/grounds/custodian, Community worker 8 Finance/HR specialist, Maintenance, Bus driver, Administrative assistant I, Licensed Practical Nurse 9 Administrative assistant II, Mechanic 354 MARICOPA COUNTY Tolleson UHS ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 9.09 9.42 9.75 10.08 10.40 10.74 11.07 11.41 11.73 12.06 12.38 12.72 13.05 13.38 13.71 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 12.69 13.19 13.68 14.18 14.69 15.20 15.69 16.19 16.69 17.20 17.70 18.20 18.71 19.20 19.70 2 9.33 9.68 10.02 10.37 10.72 11.06 11.41 11.74 12.09 12.42 12.77 13.11 13.46 13.81 14.13 16 12.93 13.46 13.97 14.48 15.01 15.50 16.02 16.53 17.06 17.57 18.08 18.59 19.10 19.62 20.13 4 9.86 10.23 10.58 10.95 11.32 11.68 12.06 12.42 12.80 13.17 13.53 13.90 14.27 14.64 15.01 17 13.20 13.72 14.25 14.77 15.29 15.83 16.36 16.88 17.41 17.93 18.46 18.98 19.52 20.03 20.56 6 10.37 10.77 11.15 11.55 11.95 12.33 12.72 13.11 13.50 13.90 14.29 14.68 15.08 15.46 15.85 18 13.46 13.99 14.53 15.08 15.61 16.14 16.68 17.22 17.76 18.30 18.84 19.37 19.92 20.45 20.99 7 10.63 11.04 11.44 11.84 12.24 12.66 13.05 13.46 13.86 14.27 14.67 15.08 15.47 15.87 16.29 20 13.97 14.53 15.10 15.66 16.22 16.77 17.34 17.91 18.47 19.04 19.59 20.15 20.72 21.28 21.85 8 10.89 11.29 11.72 12.13 12.55 12.95 13.38 13.81 14.21 14.64 15.05 15.46 15.87 16.30 16.71 9 11.14 11.57 12.00 12.42 12.85 13.28 13.71 14.13 14.56 15.01 15.43 15.85 16.29 16.71 17.13 21 14.22 14.80 15.37 15.95 16.52 17.10 17.67 18.26 18.83 19.41 19.98 20.55 21.13 21.69 22.27 10 11.41 11.84 12.29 12.72 13.17 13.60 14.04 14.48 14.91 15.36 15.81 16.26 16.68 17.12 17.57 24 15.01 15.61 16.22 16.84 17.45 18.06 18.67 19.28 19.90 20.50 21.11 21.73 22.34 22.94 23.56 11 11.65 12.11 12.56 13.02 13.47 13.93 14.38 14.82 15.27 15.73 16.17 16.64 17.09 17.55 17.99 28 16.02 16.68 17.34 18.00 18.67 19.33 19.99 20.65 21.30 21.97 22.63 23.28 23.95 24.61 25.26 12 11.91 12.37 12.84 13.30 13.77 14.23 14.70 15.17 15.63 16.09 16.55 17.03 17.49 17.95 18.41 30 16.53 17.22 17.91 18.59 19.28 19.97 20.65 21.33 22.01 22.70 23.39 24.07 24.75 25.45 26.10 14 12.42 12.91 13.41 13.90 14.39 14.87 15.36 15.85 16.34 16.84 17.31 17.81 18.30 18.79 19.28 31 16.79 17.49 18.19 18.88 19.58 20.28 20.97 21.66 22.37 23.07 23.76 24.46 25.16 25.85 26.54 355 Tolleson UHS ESP (continued) INSTRUCTIONAL Assistant I Avid tutor Career Center clerk Library clerk Assistant II YTP career technician Asst III (computer lab mgr) 7 7 9 9 10 17 21 BUSINESS/CLERICAL Support I (bilingual, PT bookstore) 9 Substitute coordinator 9 Support II (attendance, guidance, receptionist, records/registration, school health aide, transport sec’y 12 Administrative asst III (bilingual, grants mgmt, migrant, special services, Title I, University HS) 17 Bookstore manager 17 HR specialist - classified 17 Purchasing assistant (site) 17 Administrative asst IV (athletics, CEA, discipline food & nutrition, guidance Lighthouse Academy) 20 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 356 LPN 17.30 18.03 18.76 19.48 20.20 20.91 21.63 22.36 23.08 23.80 24.51 25.24 25.96 26.70 27.42 (BUSINESS/CLERICAL cont’d) Administrative assistant V (district special svcs, student achievement) 21 Accounting technician 21 Benefits coordinator 21 Payroll assistant 21 Purchasing assistant (dist) 21 Student info system mgr 21 Substitute coordinator 21 SASI/SAIS technician 24 Administrative assistant (asst superintendent, deputy superintendent, principal) 28 Buyer 28 Payroll supervisor 28 Accountant 31 Business manager 31 FOOD SERVICE Cafeteria Worker Cafeteria Cashier Cafeteria Cook Cafeteria Baker Cafeteria Manager School Psychologist 53,199 54,529 55,859 57,189 58,519 59,849 61,179 62,509 63,839 65,169 66,499 67,829 69,159 2 4 6 6 18 MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS Bus monitor Custodian I Security guard Custodian II (cafeteria) Equipment manager Lot attendant Groundskeeper Courier Lead security guard New driver in training Warehouse clerk Custodian III Lead groundskeeper Bus driver Driver/trainer Route specialist Maintenance III Mechanic Skilled maintenance 6 10 10 11 11 11 12 14 14 14 14 16 16 18 20 20 30 30 30 TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Help desk I 1 Support specialist I 1 Help desk II 4 Support specialist II 4 Application support spc 4 Support specialist III 6 IT Support Staff 17.30 18.03 18.76 19.48 20.20 20.91 21.63 22.36 23.08 23.80 24.51 25.24 25.96 26.70 27.42 MARICOPA COUNTY Union Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Cafeteria Wrkr Cafeteria cook Classroom aide/ Trans student monitor Groundskeeper Day porter/ Food service custodial Special ed clerk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8.20 8.35 8.51 8.66 8.82 8.97 9.12 9.28 9.43 9.58 9.74 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.51 10.66 10.82 10.97 11.12 10.25 10.45 10.66 10.87 11.07 11.28 11.48 11.68 11.90 12.10 12.30 12.50 12.71 12.92 13.12 13.33 13.53 13.73 13.95 14.15 Attendance clk Health ofc aide Special ed/gen ed parapro Health ofc (LPN, CNA) Sp ed admin asst Bus driver Substitute Nurse 12.30 12.56 12.82 13.07 13.33 13.58 13.84 14.10 14.35 14.61 14.87 15.12 15.38 15.63 15.89 16.15 16.40 16.66 16.92 17.17 Accountant Office manager Health ofc (MA) SAIS specialist Cafeteria Mgr DO/HR admin assistant Business office clerk/courier Health ofc (RN) Bus driver/ trans coordinator 14.35 14.66 14.97 15.28 15.58 15.89 16.20 16.50 16.81 17.12 17.43 17.73 18.05 18.35 18.66 18.97 19.27 19.58 19.88 20.20 Class 5 Administrative assistant to the superintendent 16.40 16.76 17.12 17.48 17.83 18.20 18.55 18.91 19.27 19.63 20.00 20.35 20.71 21.07 21.43 21.78 22.15 22.50 22.86 23.22 18.45 18.81 19.17 19.53 19.88 20.25 20.60 20.96 21.33 21.68 22.05 22.40 22.76 23.12 23.48 23.83 24.20 24.55 24.91 25.27 357 MARICOPA COUNTY Washington Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Start End 4110 4120 4120 4120 4120 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4135 4135 4135 4135 4135 4135 4110 9.26 : 13.21 4120 11.19 : 16.02 4125 11.88 : 17.49 4130 13.29 : 19.50 Office assistant Bus assistant trainer Front receptionist Office technician Records technician Human resources tech Library technician Office spec - private schls Sp ed transport specialist Student records technician Accounts payable tech Administrative secretary Food svc meal app spec Merchandise expeditor Office specialist Preschool specialist Psychologist Start 52,106 Office and Technical Support 4135 4140 4145 4150 13.42 14.41 14.76 15.64 : : : : 19.80 21.28 21.81 23.13 4135 4135 4135 4140 4140 4140 4140 4140 4140 4140 4140 4145 4150 4150 4170 4170 Purchasing specialist Special services specialist Translator Accounting analyst Assessment specialist Assistant buyer Help desk technician Senior payroll specialist Senior translator Sub service coordinator Transportation router Training specialist Food svc office manager Sp ed office manager Administrative assistant HR analyst - certified CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL Occupational/ Social Worker Physical Therapist BA MA 52,000 36,335 38,335 4160 17.53 : 25.96 4170 4170 4170 4170 4170 4170 4170 4180 4180 4190 4190 4190 4190 4190 4170 19.09 : 28.30 4180 20.33 : 30.16 HR office supervisor HR project specialist MIS purchasing analyst Network administrator Payroll analyst Senior assessment spec Senior finance analyst App system analyst Application analyst Crisis & commun coord Database administrator Property control manager Senior network admin Web programmer Registered Nurse 32,138 Advanced Practice Nurse 36,335 End 69,950 68,000 52,032 54,032 45,947 $1,875 annual lump sum for National Certificate School Psychologist or state licensure in psychology. $1,875 annual lump sum for Licensed Clinical Social Worker certificate. $2,250 annual lump sum for proficiency in English and Spanish. 52,032 Start SPEECH THERAPY PROFESSIONALS SLT-1 SLT-2 SLPA MA / BA+30 MA+15 / BA+45 34,000 43,106 45,106 SLP 55,000 End 42,000 69,500 59,750 62,550 $750 annual lump sum for possession of doctorate in speech pathology. (Must not qualify for NBC incentive.) Start End SPEECH THERAPIST / BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION SPECIALIST MA MA+15 BA BA+30 BA+45 41,106 43,106 45,106 54,150 59,750 62,550 $1,875 annual lump sum for Certificate of Clinical Competency or doctorate in speech pathology. 358 4190 21.60 : 32.07 MA+30 47,106 65,350 Washington Elementary ESP (continued) Start End 4305 8.30 : 11.88 4311 8.84 : 12.93 4353 4359 13.42 14.41 : : End 19.80 21.28 4305 Food service helper 4311 Bus assistant 4317 Food service clerk 4323 Custodian 4323 Food service floater 4323 Night custodian 4329 Alternative driver 4329 Food service unit leader 4335 Materials technician 4341 Bindery & shipping clerk 4341 Lead print shop technician 4341 Transportation specialist 4347 Bus driver 4347 Materials tech II - receiver 4353 Dispatcher 4353 Field trip coordinator Start Start End 4510 8.14 11.57 4317 9.40 : 13.15 4365 15.47 : 22.92 4353 4353 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 4359 Start 4534 4540 4546 4552 4552 4552 4552 4558 4564 4335 11.19 : 16.02 4371 4377 4383 16.63 17.34 17.53 : : : 23.13 25.66 25.96 Food service manager Pressman Facilities manager Field technician Fleet attendant Fleet coordinator Night custodial supervisor Public safety officer Senior materials technician Trades spec - engine repair Trades spec - gas Trades spec - genl maint Trades spec - locksmith Trades spec - painter Trades spec - pesticide app Trades spec - structural Student Support 4522 4528 9.14 9.26 12.89 13.21 4516 8.84 12.59 4552 4558 11.88 13.42 : : End 17.49 19.80 4510 Crossing guard 4510 Monitor (playground & cafeteria) 4516 Monitor - suspension room 4516 Personal care provider 4516 Volunteer program assistant 4522 Instructional assistant (parapro) 4528 Monitor - detention Operational Support 4323 4329 9.73 10.03 : : 13.89 14.19 4564 4570 14.41 15.63 : : 21.28 23.13 Sp ed assistant (parapro) RTC monitor Parent liaison ELL testing specialist Headstart support instructor Parent outreach liaison School liaison Lead instructional assistant Health service technician 4389 19.09 : 28.30 4359 4365 4371 4377 4377 4377 4377 4383 4383 4383 4383 4383 4383 4383 4383 4389 4534 9.56 13.51 4341 11.88 : 17.49 4392 4395 19.34 21.60 : : 28.62 32.07 Trades spec - welder Mechanic 1 Materials supervisor Mechanic 2 Trades spec - electrical Trades spec - HVAC Trades spec - plumbing Lead mechanic Maint supervisor - grounds Maint supervisor - HVAC Maint supervisor - painting Maint supervisor - plumb Maint supervisor - struct Maint supervisor - safety Night supervisor Emergence response coord 4540 9.73 13.89 4576 17.53 : 25.96 4564 4564 4564 4576 4582 4588 4347 12.53 : 18.46 4546 11.19 16.02 4582 4588 19.09 20.33 : : 28.30 30.16 Kidspace site coordinator Sign language interpreter Tutor - Title VII Speech and language pathologist assistant LPN (for individual student) Private school consortium instructor 359 MARICOPA COUNTY Wickenburg Unified ESP, 2012-2013 New hire placement guide LEVELS STEP Night Custodian Attendance Clerk, Cust/Maint, Paraprofessional I, Receptionist, Health aide, Non-instructional Aide (e.g. library) Base 1 2 3 4 5 7.91 8.24 8.62 8.97 9.32 9.69 8.11 8.45* 8.84 9.19 9.55 9.93 Bus Driver, Maintenance, Secretary, Paraprofessional II District mechanic, Head nurse, Bookstore Manager Principal Secy, Accounts payable I/II, Payroll Specialist, Comp Tech, Personnel Specialist 9.38 9.81 10.20 10.64 11.09 11.50 10.27 10.76 11.26 11.76 12.25 12.73 10.91 11.44 12.00 12.54 13.11 13.64 Maintenance Supervisor, Director of Transportation, Certified Speech Assistant, Supt Admin Asst/Board Secy 14.26 14.91 15.59 16.27 16.93 17.60 * Special education paraprofessional beginning salary levels. For hiring purposes each step = 2 years and a maximum of Step 5 for a new hire. Wilson Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Hiring schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 #1 10.14 10.59 11.50 11.53 #2 10.62 11.09 11.60 12.12 #1 Food service worker I #2 Crossing guard #3 Food service worker II & III Cafeteria custodian Day/night custodian Bus driver Landscaper Special needs IA Maintenance/mechanic helper 360 #3 11.13 11.64 12.17 12.75 GRADE #4 11.67 12.21 12.80 13.43 #5 12.26 12.84 13.47 14.13 #4 Food service lead worker IA library assistant Security guard Homeless liaison Test clerk Instructional assistant #5 Food service baker Nurse assistant Lead custodian Special ed secretary Night maintenance #6 Cafeteria manager Food service head cook Food service supervisor Utility secretary Data clerk/data tech Utility worker #6 12.89 13.82 14.18 14.89 #7 13.55 14.24 14.96 15.71 #8 14.26 15.02 15.79 16.63 #7 Warehouseman Principal secretary Accounts payable Parent liaison Community liaison #8 Technology assistant Maintenance mechanic Payroll tech 361 MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 8.30 8.47 8.64 8.81 8.98 9.16 3 9.13 9.31 9.50 9.69 9.88 10.08 4 10.04 10.24 10.45 10.66 10.87 11.09 GRADE 5 6 11.05 12.15 11.27 12.40 11.49 12.64 11.72 12.90 11.96 13.15 12.20 13.42 7 13.37 13.63 13.91 14.19 14.47 14.76 8 14.70 15.00 15.30 15.60 15.92 16.23 9 16.17 16.50 16.83 17.16 17.51 17.86 10 17.79 18.15 18.51 18.88 19.26 19.64 Grade 1 (temporary) - $7.00: Bus monitor, Clerical assistant, Food service substitute, Laborer Grade 2 — Crossing guard, Food service worker, Technical assistant – exceptional student services Grade 3 — Alternative school/computer aide (HS diploma), Attendance clerk, Clerical assistant, Food service worker, Substitute bus driver. Grade 4 — Food service site leader, Substitute teacher coordinator, Warehouse assistant Grade 5 — Alternative school aide (AA degree), Bus driver, Custodian, District receptionist/HR clerk, ELL clerk, ESS aide, Food service cashier, Food service cook, Grounds maintenance worker, Registrar, Teacher/library/computer aide (AA degree), Transportation assistant Grade 6 — Electrician, Head custodian, Human resources clerk, Mechanic, School secretary, Secretary – ESS Grade 7 — Accounts payable/activities account clerk, Alternative school coordinator, Bookkeeper, District SAIS coordinator, Food service director, Health aide, Lead mechanic, Payroll clerk, Purchasing clerk Grade 8 — Computer technician I, Food service manager, Governing board/superintendent’s secretary, Transportation manager Grade 9 — Computer technician II Grade 10 — Certified HVAC technician, Human resources director, Information technology director, Maintenance director 362 MOHAVE COUNTY Colorado City Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Secretary I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8.50 8.76 9.02 9.29 9.57 9.85 10.15 10.45 10.77 11.09 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Secretary II Secretary III 10.20 10.46 10.72 10.98 11.26 11.54 11.83 12.12 12.43 12.74 13.06 13.38 13.72 14.06 14.41 11.22 11.56 11.86 12.14 12.45 12.76 13.08 13.40 13.74 14.08 14.43 14.79 15.16 15.54 15.93 MAINTENANCE, CUSTODIAL, TECHNOLOGY Base RRTT* Supv/Campus* Head 8.00 8.80 9.60 12.00 8.24 9.06 9.89 12.36 8.49 9.34 10.18 12.73 8.74 9.62 10.49 13.11 9.00 9.90 10.80 13.51 9.27 10.20 11.13 13.91 9.55 10.51 11.46 14.33 9.84 10.82 11.81 14.76 10.13 11.15 12.16 15.20 11.48 12.53 15.66 11.83 12.90 16.13 12.18 13.29 16.61 12.55 13.69 17.11 14.10 17.62 14.52 18.15 14.96 18.70 15.41 19.26 Business Manager 12.34 12.71 13.09 13.49 13.89 14.31 14.74 15.18 15.63 16.10 16.59 17.08 17.60 18.12 18.67 BUS DRIVERS Parapro Exam 7.70 7.93 8.17 8.41 8.67 PARAPROFESSIONAL Inhouse AA Cert 8.47 9.32 8.72 9.60 8.99 9.88 9.26 10.18 9.53 10.49 9.82 10.80 10.11 11.12 10.42 11.46 11.80 12.16 12.52 12.90 13.28 BA 1271 1310 1349 1389 1406 1442 1479 1518 1557 1598 1640 1683 1728 13.68 FOOD SERVICE STEP Train Qualify Supv Worker Pro Cert Supervisor 1 10.20 14.00 15.40 8.41 9.26 10.52 2 10.51 14.70 15.86 8.67 9.53 10.83 3 10.82 15.14 16.34 8.93 9.82 11.16 4 11.15 15.60 16.83 9.19 10.11 11.49 5 11.48 16.06 17.33 9.47 10.42 11.84 6 16.54 17.85 9.75 10.73 12.19 7 17.04 18.39 10.04 11.05 12.56 8 17.55 18.94 10.34 11.38 12.94 9 19.51 10.65 11.72 13.32 10 20.09 10.97 12.08 13.72 11 12.44 14.13 12 12.81 14.56 13 13.19 15.00 14 13.59 15.45 15 13.99 15.91 16 16.39 17 16.88 18 17.39 19 17.91 * Completion of Risk Retention Trust Training; Supervisory duties and/or campus responsibility; Head of maintenance or technology. 363 MOHAVE COUNTY Colorado River UHS ESP, 2012-2013 LEVEL STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Child Care Development Lab 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 10.00 10.20 10.40 10.60 10.80 11.00 11.20 11.40 I II III IV V Skilled Craftsman 9.50 9.70 9.90 10.10 10.30 10.50 10.70 10.90 11.10 11.30 11.50 11.70 11.90 12.10 12.30 12.50 12.70 12.90 10.85 11.05 11.25 11.45 11.65 11.85 12.05 12.25 12.45 12.65 12.85 13.05 13.25 13.45 13.65 13.85 14.05 14.25 11.45 11.65 11.85 12.05 12.25 12.45 12.65 12.85 13.05 13.25 13.45 13.65 13.85 14.05 14.25 14.45 14.65 14.85 12.25 12.45 12.65 12.85 13.05 13.25 13.45 13.65 13.85 14.05 14.25 14.45 14.65 14.85 15.05 15.25 15.45 15.65 13.25 13.45 13.65 13.85 14.05 14.25 14.45 14.65 14.85 15.05 15.25 15.45 15.65 15.85 16.05 16.25 16.45 16.65 16.65 16.85 17.05 17.25 17.45 17.65 17.85 18.05 18.25 18.45 18.65 18.85 19.05 19.25 19.45 19.65 19.85 20.05 LEVEL I Helper, Temp, General food service worker II Aides (teacher, psychology, library, guidance), Clerk III (receptionist), Bookstore/copy clerk, Food service head cashier, Food service cook, Technician’s helper, CDL assistant director III Clerk II (computer, attendance), Secretary II (asst. principal/AD), Registrar, Grounds, Bus driver (+ $ .60/hr route drivers), Custodian, Maintenance, Food service supervisor, Aides/AA IV Secretary I (special ed secretary), Clerk I (accounting, business operations, property control, bookstore), CDL director, Elec/AC maintenance, Mechanic’s assistant, Security, ISS supervisor, Data specialist V District secretary, Principal secretary, Special projects secretary, Business manager, Human resources secretary, Director operations, Mechanic, Nurse/health attendant, Payroll clerk, Food service manager, IT director, District project director, Transportation supervisor 364 MOHAVE COUNTY Lake Havasu Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Admin Asst Attendance Bookstore Mgr Bus Driver Bus Monitor Computer Tech 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.68 20.03 20.38 20.73 9.18 9.53 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 20.03 20.38 8.13 8.48 8.83 9.18 9.53 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 20.03 20.38 20.73 Crafts (plumb, HVAC, electr) 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 20.03 20.38 20.73 21.08 Custodian Facility Service Person 9.53 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 20.03 365 Lake Havasu Unified ESP (continued) STEP Maintenance Media Asst Office Asst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 20.03 20.38 9.53 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 8.48 8.83 9.18 9.53 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 20.03 20.38 366 Paraprofessional 8.48 8.83 9.18 9.53 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 20.03 20.38 Personal Care Registrar Staff Asst 8.83 9.18 9.53 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.68 20.03 20.38 20.73 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.68 20.03 20.38 20.73 9.18 9.53 9.88 10.23 10.58 10.93 11.28 11.63 11.98 12.33 12.68 13.03 13.38 13.73 14.08 14.43 14.78 15.13 15.48 15.83 16.18 16.53 16.88 17.23 17.58 18.28 18.63 18.98 19.33 19.68 Lake Havasu Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BA 32,130 32,920 33,710 34,500 35,290 36,080 36,870 37,660 38,450 39,240 40,030 40,820 41,610 42,400 43,190 Counselor MA 34,500 35,290 36,080 36,870 37,660 38,450 39,240 40,030 40,820 41,610 42,400 43,190 43,980 44,770 45,560 46,350 47,140 47,930 48,720 49,510 50,300 51,090 51,880 52,670 53,460 54,250 55,040 55,830 56,620 57,410 MA+60 38,450 39,240 40,030 40,820 41,610 42,400 43,190 43,980 44,770 45,560 46,350 47,140 47,930 48,720 49,510 50,300 51,090 51,880 52,670 53,460 54,250 55,040 55,830 56,620 57,410 58,200 58,990 59,780 60,570 61,360 LPN 18,456 19,206 19,956 20,706 21,456 22,206 22,956 23,706 24,456 25,206 25,956 26,706 27,456 28,206 28,956 33,335 40,085 40,835 41,585 42,335 43,085 44,585 45,335 46,085 46,835 47,585 Nurse/COTA RN RN+72 22,085 26,585 22,835 27,335 23,585 28,085 24,335 28,835 25,085 29,585 25,835 30,335 26,585 31,085 27,335 31,835 28,085 32,585 28,835 33,335 29,585 34,085 30,335 34,835 31,085 35,585 31,835 36,335 32,585 37,085 39,335 40,835 41,585 42,335 43,085 43,835 45,335 46,085 46,835 47,585 Psychologist Cert DOC 42,387 46,137 43,137 46,887 43,887 47,637 44,637 48,387 45,387 49,137 46,137 49,887 46,887 50,637 47,637 51,387 48,387 52,137 49,137 52,887 49,887 53,637 50,637 54,387 51,387 55,137 52,137 55,887 52,887 56,637 55,137 55,887 56,637 57,387 58,137 58,887 59,637 60,387 61,137 61,887 62,637 63,387 64,137 64,887 65,637 BA 34,536 35,286 36,036 36,786 37,536 38,286 39,036 39,786 40,536 41,286 42,036 42,786 43,536 44,286 45,036 Therapist MA MA+60 36,786 40,536 37,536 41,286 38,286 42,036 39,036 42,786 39,786 43,536 40,536 44,286 41,286 45,036 42,036 45,786 42,786 46,536 43,536 47,286 44,286 48,036 45,036 48,786 45,786 49,536 46,536 50,286 47,286 51,036 48,036 51,786 48,786 52,536 49,536 53,286 50,286 54,036 51,036 54,786 52,536 55,536 54,036 56,286 54,786 57,036 55,536 57,786 56,286 58,536 57,786 59,286 58,536 60,036 59,286 60,786 60,036 61,536 60,786 62,286 367 MOHAVE COUNTY Littlefield Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 368 I 8.76 9.21 9.66 10.11 10.56 11.01 11.46 11.91 12.36 12.81 13.26 13.71 14.16 14.61 15.06 15.51 15.96 16.41 16.86 17.31 X 12.36 12.86 13.36 13.86 14.36 14.86 15.36 15.86 16.36 16.86 17.36 17.86 18.36 18.86 19.36 19.86 20.36 20.86 21.36 21.86 III 9.48 9.93 10.38 10.83 11.28 11.73 12.18 12.63 13.08 13.53 13.98 14.43 14.88 15.33 15.78 16.23 16.68 17.13 17.58 18.03 XI 12.88 13.38 13.88 14.38 14.88 15.38 15.88 16.38 16.88 17.38 17.88 18.38 18.88 19.38 19.88 20.38 20.88 21.38 21.88 22.38 IV 9.79 10.29 10.79 11.29 11.79 12.29 12.79 13.29 13.79 14.29 14.79 15.29 15.79 16.29 16.79 17.29 17.79 18.29 18.79 19.29 XII 13.39 13.89 14.39 14.89 15.39 15.89 16.39 16.89 17.39 17.89 18.39 18.89 19.39 19.89 20.39 20.89 21.39 21.89 22.39 22.89 VII 10.71 11.21 11.71 12.21 12.71 13.21 13.71 14.21 14.71 15.21 15.71 16.21 16.71 17.21 17.71 18.21 18.71 19.21 19.71 20.21 XIV 14.42 14.92 15.42 15.92 16.42 16.92 17.42 17.92 18.42 18.92 19.42 19.92 20.42 20.92 21.42 21.92 22.42 22.92 23.42 23.92 VIII 11.33 11.83 12.33 12.83 13.33 13.83 14.33 14.83 15.33 15.83 16.33 16.83 17.33 17.83 18.33 18.83 19.33 19.83 20.33 20.83 XV 14.94 15.54 16.14 16.74 17.34 17.94 18.54 19.14 19.74 20.34 20.94 21.54 22.14 22.74 23.34 23.94 24.54 25.14 25.74 26.34 XVI 15.45 16.05 16.65 17.25 17.85 18.45 19.05 19.65 20.25 20.85 21.45 22.05 22.65 23.25 23.85 24.45 25.05 25.65 26.25 26.85 IX 11.85 12.35 12.85 13.35 13.85 14.35 14.85 15.35 15.85 16.35 16.85 17.35 17.85 18.35 18.85 19.35 19.85 20.35 20.85 21.35 XX 17.51 18.26 19.01 19.76 20.51 21.26 22.01 22.76 23.51 24.26 25.01 25.76 26.51 27.26 28.01 28.76 29.51 30.26 31.01 31.76 Littlefield Unified ESP (continued) XIV X XII XX VIII XIV XVI XIV XVI XI IV Accounting specialist Attendance officer Bus driver Bus driver - certified trainer Custodian Custodial supervisor District secretary Office manager Payroll Secretary I Special ed aide IV V IV I III VII VIII 7) IX X XVI Teachers aide Teachers aide with AA Temporary worker Food service (max step 7) Food service lead worker (max step 7) Food service - site manager 0-150 (max step 7) Food service - site manager 0-151-300 (max step Food service - site manager 301-450 (max step 7) Food service - site manager 451-600 (max step 7) Food service - director Mohave Valley Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Maint. Supv. 15.46 15.71 15.96 16.21 16.46 16.71 RN 18.45 18.70 18.95 19.20 19.45 19.70 AP Clerk 11.97 12.22 12.47 12.72 12.97 13.22 Payroll Specialist 16.93 17.18 17.43 17.68 17.93 18.18 Clerk/ESL, Site Manager 11.18 11.43 11.68 11.93 12.18 12.43 District Secretary 13.27 13.52 13.77 14.02 14.27 14.52 Computer Technician 18.34 18.59 18.84 19.09 19.34 19.59 Paraprofessional 11.12 11.37 11.62 11.87 12.12 12.37 Maint/Cust Trans Driv 11.57 11.82 12.07 12.32 12.57 12.82 Secretary 11.97 12.22 12.47 12.72 12.97 13.22 Food Svc Director 14.45 14.70 14.95 15.20 15.45 15.70 Cafeteria Secretary Cafeteria Assistant 10.88 10.48 11.13 10.73 11.38 10.98 11.63 11.23 11.88 11.48 12.13 11.73 Cafeteria substitutes: $7.40 Salary for classified staff on step 7 and beyond will be calculated on an individual basis based on prior year’s salary. 369 MOHAVE COUNTY Peach Springs Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bus driver 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 Maintenance/ grounds 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 Cafeteria 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 Parent/ community liaison 9.85 10.35 10.85 11.35 11.85 12.35 12.85 13.35 13.85 14.35 14.85 15.35 15.85 16.35 16.85 Topock Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Minimum salary $9.00; sliding salary scale. 370 Cafeteria worker 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 Custodian 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 Executive asst 14.75 15.25 15.75 16.25 16.75 17.25 17.75 18.25 18.75 19.25 19.75 20.25 20.75 21.25 21.75 Secretary Teacher assistant 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 Lead maintenance 20.75 21.25 21.75 22.25 22.75 23.25 23.75 24.25 24.75 25.25 25.75 26.25 26.75 27.25 27.75 Transportation/ maintenance 12.75 13.25 13.75 14.25 14.75 15.25 15.75 16.25 16.75 17.25 17.75 18.25 18.75 19.25 19.75 NAVAJO COUNTY Blue Ridge Unified ESP, 2012-2013 New hire beginning rate 1 7.75 6 7 10 6 11 13 15 6 5 11 14 13 7 11 5 8.03 6 8.32 7 8.63 Accompanist Bookstore secretary/ warehouse assistant Bookstore/attendance sec’y Bus assistant Bus driver I Bus driver II Bus driver III Bus monitor Cafeteria caterer – server Certified nurse assistant instructional Certified occupational therapy asst Computer lab assistant Custodian Graphics/print shop spec 8 8.95 5 6 6 5 6 9 15 7 12 1 9 12 15 12 17 10 POINTS 9 10 9.27 9.62 11 9.97 12 10.34 Instruction assistant Instruction asst – ESL Instruction asst – student specific Instruction asst – spec ed I Instruction asst – spec ed II Lead custodian Lead mechanic Library clerk Library manager Lunch duty aide Maintenance I Maintenance II Maintenance III Maintenance/transportation secretary Mechanic II Mechanic’s helper 8 8 15 12 9 10 13 10 11 11 10 13 11 11 14 11.12 15 11.53 16 11.98 Preschool aide II (HS) Receptionist – high school Registrar/guidance sec’y School secretary School to work coordinator Special services sec’y I Special services sec’y II Technical assistant Tech asst physical therapy Tech asst speech therapy Technical asst vocation ed Transitional specialist Transitional specialist – alternative school Warehouse inventory clerk Cedar Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I II III IV V VI VII CLASS I II III IV V VI VII 9.15 9.55 9.95 10.35 10.75 11.15 11.55 9.55 9.95 10.35 10.75 11.15 11.55 11.95 9.95 10.35 10.75 11.15 11.55 11.95 12.35 10.35 10.75 11.15 11.55 11.95 12.35 12.75 10.75 11.15 11.55 11.95 12.35 12.75 13.15 11.15 11.55 11.95 12.35 12.75 13.15 13.55 11.55 11.95 12.35 12.75 13.15 13.55 13.95 11.95 12.35 12.75 13.15 13.55 13.95 14.35 12.35 12.75 13.15 13.55 13.95 14.35 14.75 12.75 13.15 13.55 13.95 14.35 14.75 15.15 13.25 13.65 14.05 14.45 14.85 15.25 15.65 13.75 14.15 14.55 14.95 15.35 15.75 16.15 Food service delivery driver, Cook, Custodian Mechanic I, Maintenance, Instructional assistant, Special ed. bus monitor, Special ed early childhood assistant, Motor activity paraeducator, Speech activity aide, Groundskeeper/laborer Clerk/typist, Attendance clerk, Bus driver, Parent involvement coordinator, Security guard Home liaison, Head cook, Head custodian, Transportation supervisor Department/program secretary, Maintenance foreman, Mechanic II, Instructional assistant II, Property control technician Principal’s secretary, Payroll technician, Accounting technician Executive secretary, Human resources technician, School safety officer 371 NAVAJO COUNTY Holbrook Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Placement schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 8.36 8.53 8.70 8.88 9.05 9.23 9.42 9.61 9.80 4 8.57 8.74 8.92 9.10 9.28 9.47 9.65 9.85 10.04 5 8.79 8.96 9.14 9.33 9.51 9.70 9.90 10.09 10.30 6 9.01 9.19 9.37 9.56 9.75 9.94 10.14 10.35 10.55 RANGE/GRADE 7 8 9.23 9.46 9.42 9.65 9.61 9.85 9.80 10.04 9.99 10.24 10.19 10.45 10.40 10.66 10.61 10.87 10.82 11.09 9 9.70 9.89 10.09 10.29 10.50 10.71 10.92 11.14 11.36 10 9.94 10.14 10.34 10.55 10.76 10.98 11.20 11.42 11.65 11 10.19 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12 10.45 10.65 10.87 11.08 11.31 11.53 11.76 12.00 12.24 13 10.71 10.92 11.14 11.36 11.59 11.82 12.06 12.30 12.54 10.40 10.66 10.93 11.20 11.48 11.77 12.06 12.36 12.67 12.99 13.31 11.04 11.31 11.59 11.88 12.18 12.49 12.80 13.12 13.45 13.78 14.13 RANGE/GRADE 3 A-Team, ISS monitor, JOM clerk, Music accompanist, Student worker, Athletic game help, Extra duty coach/sponsor 4 Parent liaison, Homeless liaison 5 Personal health assistant, Teaching assistant GF 6 Satellite cafeteria, Food preparer, Special needs assistant GF, Bus monitor, Preschool aide 7 Transition specialist, Day care assistant, Teaching assistant 30 hours GF, Special needs assistant 30 hours GF, Interpreter 30 hrs, Library assistant 30 hours GF, Computer lab aide, Parent liaison 15 hours, Warehouse clerk, Health assistant, Homeless liaison 15 hrs 8 Health assistant manager Indian Wells 9 Custodian, Groundskeeper/custodian, Receptionist HHS 10 Lead custodian, NAVIT/Career Center clerk, Vocational clerk, CTE administrative clerk 11 Teaching assistant 45 hours GF, Special needs assistant 45 hours GF, Interpreter 45 hours GF, Computer lab aide 45 hours GF, Library assistant 45 hours GF, Parent liaison 45 hours, Homeless liaison 45 hours 12 School receptionist/attendance 13 Cafeteria clerk, Head custodian 372 Holbrook Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 10.97 11.19 11.42 11.65 11.88 12.12 12.36 12.61 12.86 15 11.25 11.47 11.70 11.94 12.18 12.42 12.67 12.92 13.18 16 11.53 11.76 12.00 12.24 12.48 12.73 12.98 13.24 13.51 17 11.82 12.05 12.30 12.54 12.79 13.05 13.31 13.58 13.85 18 12.11 12.36 12.60 12.86 13.11 13.37 13.64 13.91 14.19 RANGE/GRADE 19 20 12.42 12.73 12.66 12.98 12.92 13.24 13.18 13.51 13.44 13.78 13.71 14.05 13.98 14.33 14.26 14.62 14.55 14.91 21 13.05 13.31 13.57 13.84 14.12 14.40 14.69 14.98 15.28 22 13.37 13.64 13.91 14.19 14.47 14.76 15.06 15.36 15.67 24 14.05 14.33 14.62 14.91 15.21 15.51 15.82 16.14 16.46 25 14.40 14.69 14.98 15.28 15.59 15.90 16.22 16.54 16.87 26 14.76 15.05 15.36 15.66 15.98 16.30 16.62 16.95 17.29 27 15.13 15.43 15.74 16.05 16.38 16.70 17.04 17.38 17.73 13.65 13.99 14.34 14.69 15.06 15.44 15.82 16.22 16.63 17.47 17.90 18.35 18.81 14.48 14.84 15.21 15.59 15.98 16.38 16.79 17.21 17.64 18.54 19.00 19.47 19.96 RANGE/GRADE 14 Central kitchen food preparer, Registrar, Groundskeeper, Warehouse/delivery manager, Day care supervisor, Mechanic assistant, Cafeteria delivery 15 NAVIT driver, Teaching assistant (60 hrs./AA), Special needs assistant (60 hours/AA), Interpreter (60 hours/AA), Computer/lab aide (60 hours/AA), Library assistant (60 hours, AA), Parent liaison (60 hours/AA), Head groundskeeper, Speech assistant (60 hours/AA), Preschool aide 60 hrs/AA, Student activity coordinator, Homeless liaison 60 hours 16 Printer, Computer repair, Auditorium technician 17 Head cook, Kitchen supervisor 18 Maintenance worker, School secretary 19 Attendance clerk HS, School secretary/school master, Head maintenance worker, Dispatcher 20 Bus driver 21 Speech practitioner 22 Special services secretary, Mechanic 24 Head mechanic, Payroll clerk, Buyer/bookkeeper, Accounts payable clerk 25 Superintendent secretary 26 Administrative assistant 27 Human resources, Computer specialist I One year of experience for each of the most recent 8 years of experience; 9-14 years, step 9; 15-19 years, step 12; 20+ years, step 15, maximum. See teacher salary schedule for professionally certified and/or licenses nurses and counselors. Nurses with a two-year degree will be paid at 75% and nurses with a three-year degree will be paid at 85% of the BA level. 373 NAVAJO COUNTY Joseph City Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Instruction assistant, Office/ library assistant, NAVIT driver Custodian, Bus driver 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8.62 8.87 9.14 9.39 9.65 9.91 10.17 10.42 10.68 10.95 11.20 11.46 11.71 11.98 12.23 12.49 12.74 13.01 13.26 13.52 10.48 10.74 11.02 11.27 11.54 11.81 12.08 12.33 12.60 12.87 13.14 13.39 13.66 13.93 14.20 14.45 14.72 14.99 15.26 15.51 Maint workers, Head custodian, Inst asst (AA), Elem secy, HS secy, NAVIT career tech, Health aide 12.08 12.33 12.60 12.87 13.14 13.39 13.66 13.93 14.20 14.45 14.72 14.99 15.26 15.51 15.78 16.06 16.32 16.58 16.85 17.12 HS Attend Secy, Special ed secy, Superintendent’s Secretary Payroll/ Benefits Bkkpr, Accnts Payable/ Bkkpr Current Supt Secretary, Special projects coord Apprentice Computer Network Technician Senior Computer Network Technician 13.14 13.39 13.66 13.93 14.20 14.45 14.72 14.99 15.26 15.51 15.78 16.06 16.32 16.58 16.85 17.12 17.38 17.64 17.90 18.18 13.66 13.93 14.20 14.45 14.72 14.99 15.26 15.51 15.78 16.06 16.32 16.58 16.85 17.12 17.38 17.64 17.90 18.18 18.44 18.70 13.14 13.66 14.20 14.72 15.26 15.78 16.06 16.32 16.58 16.85 17.12 17.38 17.64 17.91 18.18 18.43 18.69 18.94 19.21 19.46 14.20 14.45 14.71 14.98 15.24 15.49 15.75 16.02 16.28 16.53 16.79 17.07 17.32 17.58 17.83 18.11 18.36 18.62 18.87 19.15 15.75 16.02 16.28 16.53 16.79 17.07 17.32 17.58 17.83 18.11 18.36 18.62 18.87 19.15 19.39 19.66 19.91 20.19 20.44 20.70 Credit for prior experience: first 4 years, one year for one step up to step 5; 5-8 years, 2 years for one step up to step 7; 9-10 years, two years for one step up to step 8. Classified staff will receive a one-time stipend of $100 for every 12 hours of approved college credit completed. 374 Joseph City Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Cafeteria Monitor 7.80 8.07 8.33 8.60 8.86 9.13 9.39 9.66 FOOD SERVICE Cashier Cook 8.51 9.35 8.71 9.62 8.94 9.88 9.15 10.14 9.36 10.39 9.57 10.66 9.77 10.92 10.00 11.18 10.21 11.43 10.42 11.70 10.63 11.97 10.83 12.22 11.06 12.48 11.27 12.74 11.49 13.01 11.69 13.26 11.89 13.52 12.13 13.78 12.33 14.05 12.55 14.30 Assistant Manager 10.77 11.03 11.28 11.54 11.81 12.07 12.32 12.58 12.85 13.11 13.36 13.62 13.89 14.15 14.40 14.66 14.93 15.19 15.44 15.70 Manager 12.22 12.48 12.74 13.01 13.26 13.52 13.78 14.05 14.30 14.56 14.83 15.09 15.34 15.60 15.86 16.13 16.38 16.64 16.90 17.17 Credit for prior experience: first 4 years, one year for one step up to step 5; 5-8 years, 2 years for one step up to step 7; 9-10 years, two years for one step up to step 8. Classified staff will receive a one-time stipend of $100 for every 12 hours of approved college credit completed. 375 NAVAJO COUNTY Kayenta Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Initial placement STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7.65 2 7.85 8.01 8.17 8.33 8.50 8.67 SUPPORT STAFF GRADE 3 4 5 9.60 10.37 11.20 9.79 10.58 11.42 9.99 10.79 11.65 10.19 11.00 11.88 10.39 11.22 12.12 10.60 11.45 12.36 Grade 1 District-wide temp clerical worker Summer student worker Temp food service worker Skilled part-time laborer Support program lead – food service Technical assistant Test proctor Grade 2 After school library assistant Athletic event staff Bus monitor COPE center worker Food service worker Life guard Office receptionist, ABS pre-school Part-time food service warehouse person Part-time food service worker Student worker, food service Students worker (athletic event staff) Substitute bus driver Substitute security guard Substitute warehouse assistant Temporary part-time laborer Grade 4 Activity bus driver Building maintenance II Bus driver DETS teacher assistant Grounds maintenance II Housing building maintenance I, Operations Library aide Physical activity program staff for support staff personnel Sanitation maintenance II Security officer Supply order technician Swimming pool instructor Warehouse assistant – business office Grade 3 Building maintenance I District-wide custodian Data clerk Early childhood ed child care kitchen aide Food service cashier Food service support program worker Grounds maintenance I Housing building maintenance I Native arts & crafts staff Nutrition cashier clerk Office support specialist Print shop assistant Safe school monitor – M/HS Sanitation maintenance I 376 Grade 5 Building maintenance III Career and technical education assistant COPE manager Fleet technician Food service cashier manager Health & wellness coordinator – food service Home school liaison Office support specialist transportation School attendance clerk School health aide School registrar - KES Substitute swimming pool manager Swimming pool manager 6 12.09 12.34 12.58 12.83 13.09 13.35 7 13.06 13.32 13.59 13.86 14.14 14.42 8 14.11 14.39 14.68 14.97 15.27 15.57 Work site leader, food service/security/warehouse Grade 6 Accounts payable specialist – business office Administrative assistant (MVHS, KMS, KES; ESS; support program) Administrative & benefits clerk, HR Certified refrigeration mechanic Certified fleet technician General fixed asset specialist Network technician I Purchasing specialist Secretary bookkeeper School registrar MVHS Student support assistant Grade 7 Housing maintenance foreman Human resource assistant Inventory/partsman Network technician II Payroll specialist Shop foreman Student information & assessment support specialist Grade 8 District health specialist Grounds and maintenance foreman Graphic arts specialist Network technician III Parent involvement cultural specialist Secretary, governing board/superintendent’s Student information systems coordinator Transportation supervisor Kayenta Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 AA 72 HR 10.80 11.01 11.22 11.44 11.67 11.89 AA+15 84 HR 11.12 11.34 11.56 11.78 12.02 12.25 TEACHER ASSISTANT AA+30 AA+45 96 HR 108 HR 11.46 11.80 11.68 12.03 11.90 12.26 12.14 12.50 12.38 12.75 12.61 12.99 Speech-Language Pathology Assistant AA BA 14.00 15.26 14.28 15.56 14.57 15.88 14.86 16.20 15.16 16.52 15.46 16.85 AA+60 120 HR 12.16 12.39 12.63 12.88 13.13 13.38 AA+75 132 HR 12.52 12.76 13.01 13.26 13.53 13.78 BA 12.90 13.15 13.40 13.66 13.93 14.20 Psychologist MA 48,000 48,960 49,939 50,938 51,957 52,996 DOC 50,880 51,898 52,936 53,995 55,075 56,177 377 NAVAJO COUNTY Pinon Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Placement schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10.00 10.46 10.92 11.38 11.84 12.30 2 10.46 10.92 11.38 11.84 12.30 12.76 3 10.92 11.38 11.84 12.30 12.76 13.22 4 11.38 11.84 12.30 12.76 13.22 13.68 5 11.84 12.30 12.76 13.22 13.68 14.14 GRADE 6 7 12.30 12.76 12.76 13.22 13.22 13.68 13.68 14.14 14.14 14.60 14.60 15.06 8 13.22 13.68 14.14 14.60 15.06 15.52 9 13.68 14.14 14.60 15.06 15.52 15.98 10 14.14 14.60 15.06 15.52 15.98 16.44 11 14.60 15.06 15.52 15.98 16.44 16.90 12 15.06 15.52 15.98 16.44 16.90 17.36 13 15.52 15.98 16.44 16.90 17.36 17.82 Allow up to 5 years of verified full-time experience for new hires. Grade Classification 7 85 Secretary (executive) exempt Human resources asst 6 6 1 1 Accounts payable tech Payroll technician Activity account clerk Property control tech 2 3 2 5 1 4 2 2 Receptionist Attendance technician Library technician ELL assessment tech Certified nurse assistant School secretary Secretary (SPED) Secretary (funded programs) Secretary (CIA) Data assessment clerk (reading first) Special ed health aide Student support facilitator Data entry clerk (21st century) Parent monitor Site facilitator 2 2 1 4 1 1 4 378 4 2 Site coordinator After school assistant 1 Health educator assistant 5 6 Computer technician I Computer technician II 6 1 1 1 2 Food service director Food service worker Cook Clerk/cashier (food svc) Site leader (food svc) 2 2 5 2 1 1 2 Secretary (maintenance) Maintenance technician I Custodial supervisor Lead custodian Custodian Groundskeeper Parts tech (maintenance) 4 1 1 Security supervisor Security officer Security dispatcher 7 7 2 3 Asst transportation director Grader operator Secretary (transportation) Mechanic I 4 2 4 7 1 1 2 2 Mechanic II Bus driver I Bus driver II Bus driver III Bus driver trainee Bus monitor Service attendant Parts tech (transportation) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 3 7 Baker Clerk (business office) Clerk (data entry - title III) Cook II Dishwasher Facility foreman Food service worker II In-school suspension coordinator Maintenance worker (housing Maintenance worker (parts) Secretary (school to work) Site school coordinator Supervisor 7 7 CTE distance learning tech Academic interventionist 2 3 NAVAJO COUNTY Show Low Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Custodian Bus aide Day Cust/Maint 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9.15 9.42 9.69 9.96 10.23 10.50 10.77 11.04 11.31 11.58 11.85 12.12 12.39 12.66 12.93 13.20 13.47 13.74 9.27 9.59 9.91 10.23 10.55 10.87 11.19 11.51 11.83 12.15 12.47 12.79 13.11 13.43 13.75 14.07 14.39 14.71 9.53 9.85 10.17 10.49 10.81 11.13 11.45 11.77 12.09 12.41 12.73 13.05 13.37 13.69 14.01 14.33 14.65 14.97 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 07-08 Worker 8.35 8.62 8.89 9.16 9.43 9.70 9.97 10.24 10.51 10.78 11.05 11.32 FOOD SERVICE 07-08 Manager/ 07-08 Baker Cook 9.37 9.55 9.64 9.82 9.91 10.09 10.18 10.36 10.45 10.63 10.72 10.90 10.99 11.17 11.26 11.44 11.53 11.71 11.80 11.98 12.07 12.25 12.34 12.52 Warehouse Grounds 10.06 10.38 10.70 11.02 11.34 11.66 11.98 12.30 12.62 12.94 13.26 13.58 13.90 14.22 14.54 14.86 15.18 15.50 07-08 Bookkeeper 10.34 10.61 10.88 11.15 11.42 11.69 11.96 12.23 12.50 12.77 13.04 13.31 Qualified health aide, Teacher asst – library asst 9.97 10.29 10.61 10.93 11.25 11.57 11.89 12.21 12.53 12.85 13.17 13.49 13.81 14.13 14.45 14.77 15.09 15.41 Linden Secretary, Health tech 11.05 11.43 11.81 12.19 12.57 12.95 13.33 13.71 14.09 14.47 14.85 15.23 15.61 15.99 16.37 16.75 17.13 17.51 Dist Ofc Fin Spec, Mechanic 12.03 12.43 12.83 13.23 13.63 14.03 14.43 14.83 15.23 15.63 16.03 16.43 16.83 17.23 17.63 18.03 18.43 18.83 Bus driver Maintenance, School secretary 10.86 11.18 11.50 11.82 12.14 12.46 12.78 13.10 13.42 13.74 14.06 14.38 14.70 15.02 15.34 15.66 15.98 16.30 11.26 11.64 12.02 12.40 12.78 13.16 13.54 13.92 14.30 14.68 15.06 15.44 15.82 16.20 16.58 16.96 17.34 17.72 Comp tech, Hlth tech 12.22 12.62 13.02 13.42 13.82 14.22 14.62 15.02 15.42 15.82 16.22 16.62 17.02 17.42 17.82 18.22 18.62 19.02 Admin assistant 13.40 13.80 14.20 14.60 15.00 15.40 15.80 16.20 16.60 17.00 17.40 17.80 18.20 18.60 19.00 19.40 19.80 20.20 Placement: one step for every year of prior like-kind experience up to 10 years. Above 10 years, one step for every two years. 379 Show Low Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 380 Physical facilities director 46,830 47,650 48,470 49,290 50,110 50,930 51,750 52,570 53,390 54,210 55,030 55,850 56,670 57,490 58,310 Speech Pathologist/ Audiologist 40,292 41,017 41,742 42,467 43,192 43,917 44,642 45,367 46,092 46,817 47,542 48,267 48,992 49,717 50,442 Mental Health Counselor 42,245 42,995 43,745 44,495 45,245 45,995 46,745 47,495 48,245 48,995 49,745 50,495 51,245 51,995 52,745 STEP Registered Nurse LPN Nurse OT/PT Aide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 35,298 35,998 36,698 37,398 38,098 38,798 39,498 40,198 40,898 41,598 42,298 42,998 43,698 44,398 45,098 27,371 27,971 28,571 29,171 29,771 30,371 30,971 31,571 32,171 32,771 33,371 33,971 34,571 35,171 35,771 28,333 28,933 29,533 30,133 30,733 31,333 31,933 32,533 33,133 33,733 34,333 34,933 35,533 36,133 36,733 Food Service/Tech Director 40,007 40,827 41,647 42,467 43,287 44,107 44,927 45,747 46,567 47,387 48,207 49,027 49,847 50,667 51,487 Psychologist 55,017 55,767 56,517 57,267 58,017 58,767 59,517 60,267 61,017 61,767 62,517 63,267 64,017 64,767 65,517 Sp Serv / Curriculum Dir 58,126 58,946 59,766 60,586 61,406 62,226 63,046 63,866 64,686 65,506 66,326 67,146 67,966 68,786 69,606 NAVAJO COUNTY Snowflake Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Level STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 D 8.07 8.23 8.39 8.55 8.71 8.87 9.03 9.19 9.35 9.51 9.67 9.83 9.99 10.15 10.31 10.47 10.63 10.79 F 8.35 8.51 8.67 8.83 8.99 9.15 9.31 9.47 9.63 9.79 9.95 10.11 10.27 10.43 10.59 10.75 10.91 11.07 G 8.54 8.70 8.86 9.02 9.18 9.34 9.50 9.66 9.82 9.98 10.14 10.30 10.46 10.62 10.78 10.94 11.10 11.26 H 8.67 8.83 8.99 9.15 9.31 9.47 9.63 9.79 9.95 10.11 10.27 10.43 10.59 10.75 10.91 11.07 11.23 11.39 I 9.05 9.21 9.37 9.53 9.69 9.85 10.01 10.17 10.33 10.49 10.65 10.81 10.97 11.13 11.29 11.45 11.61 11.77 J 9.77 9.93 10.09 10.25 10.41 10.57 10.73 10.89 11.05 11.21 11.37 11.53 11.69 11.85 12.01 12.17 12.33 12.49 K 10.14 10.30 10.46 10.62 10.78 10.94 11.10 11.26 11.42 11.58 11.74 11.90 12.06 12.22 12.38 12.54 12.70 12.86 L 10.43 10.59 10.75 10.91 11.07 11.23 11.39 11.55 11.71 11.87 12.03 12.19 12.35 12.51 12.67 12.83 12.99 13.15 M 10.91 11.07 11.23 11.39 11.55 11.71 11.87 12.03 12.19 12.35 12.51 12.67 12.83 12.99 13.15 13.31 13.47 13.63 LEVEL D F G H I J Grounds worker I, Instructional aide I, Transportation bus aide, Crossing guard Clerk II Bus driver, Instructional aide II Clerk typist II, Custodian, Instructional aide III Library tech Lead custodian I K L M Clerk III, Grounds worker II, Lead custodian II, Youth transition specialist Activities tech, Communications tech I, Health tech, Maintenance tech I, Mechanic Grounds foreman 381 Snowflake Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 N 11.32 11.48 11.64 11.80 11.96 12.12 12.28 12.44 12.60 12.76 12.92 13.08 13.24 13.40 13.56 13.72 13.88 14.04 O 11.54 11.70 11.86 12.02 12.18 12.34 12.50 12.66 12.82 12.98 13.14 13.30 13.46 13.62 13.78 13.94 14.10 14.26 P 11.73 11.89 12.05 12.21 12.37 12.53 12.69 12.85 13.01 13.17 13.33 13.49 13.65 13.81 13.97 14.13 14.29 14.55 LEVEL Q 12.49 12.65 12.81 12.97 13.13 13.29 13.45 13.61 13.77 13.93 14.09 14.25 14.41 14.57 14.73 14.89 15.05 15.21 S 12.89 13.05 13.21 13.37 13.53 13.69 13.85 14.01 14.17 14.33 14.49 14.65 14.81 14.97 15.13 15.29 15.45 15.61 T 13.02 13.18 13.34 13.50 13.66 13.82 13.98 14.14 14.30 14.46 14.62 14.78 14.94 15.10 15.26 15.42 15.58 15.74 U 13.30 13.46 13.62 13.78 13.94 14.10 14.26 14.42 14.58 14.74 14.90 15.06 15.22 15.38 15.54 15.70 15.86 16.02 V 13.53 13.69 13.85 14.01 14.17 14.33 14.49 14.65 14.81 14.97 15.13 15.29 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.93 16.09 16.25 LEVEL N O P Q 382 Clerk III - HS attendance, Communications tech II, Maintenance tech II, Secretary I, Administrative assistant food service Media tech Secretary II Communications tech III, Maintenance tech III, Vocational career tech S T U V Administrative assistant I, Finance specialist II, Maintenance coordinator Maintenance tech IV Maintenance tech V, Finance specialist III – payroll Administrative assistant II – board/ superintendent NAVAJO COUNTY Whiteriver Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 D 7.47 7.78 8.09 8.40 8.71 9.02 9.33 9.64 9.95 10.26 E 7.50 7.81 8.12 8.43 8.74 9.05 9.36 9.67 9.98 10.29 10.60 D Custodian Janitor/cook-childcare E Bus monitor Transportation clerk A/C grounds F STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M N F 7.56 7.87 8.18 8.49 8.80 9.11 9.42 9.73 10.04 10.35 10.66 10.97 G Grounds/bus driver H Bus driver District security I Attendance clerk Book store clerk Community liaison Registrar Parent liaison Crossing guard Receptionist Campus monitor Custodian/bus driver M 10.09 10.40 10.71 11.02 11.33 11.64 11.95 12.26 12.57 12.88 13.19 13.50 G 7.93 8.24 8.55 8.86 9.17 9.48 9.79 10.10 10.41 10.72 11.03 11.34 N 10.46 10.77 11.08 11.39 11.70 12.01 12.32 12.63 12.94 13.25 13.56 13.87 Q 11.54 11.85 12.16 12.47 12.78 13.09 13.40 13.71 14.02 14.33 14.64 14.95 Facility foreman/bus driver Maintenance/ bus driver Medicaid receiver Housing maintenance Q Payroll Procurement Accounts payable/ revolving fund Mechanic/bus driver S H 8.28 8.59 8.90 9.21 9.52 9.83 10.14 10.45 10.76 11.07 11.38 11.69 I 8.64 8.95 9.26 9.57 9.88 10.19 10.50 10.81 11.12 11.43 11.74 12.05 K 9.38 9.69 10.00 10.31 10.62 10.93 11.24 11.55 11.86 12.17 12.48 12.79 J Parent liaison SS Health aide Maintenance Secretary K-8 Psychologist secretary K Mechanic helper S 12.26 12.57 12.88 13.19 13.50 13.81 14.12 14.43 14.74 15.05 15.36 15.67 Account manager Lead mechanic Transportation yard supervisor J 9.01 9.32 9.63 9.94 10.25 10.56 10.87 11.18 11.49 11.80 12.11 12.42 T 12.61 12.92 13.23 13.54 13.85 14.16 14.47 14.78 15.09 15.40 15.71 16.02 U 12.97 13.28 13.59 13.91 14.22 14.53 14.84 15.15 15.47 15.78 16.09 16.40 T Admin asst – executive U Sign language interpreter Database/tech support Federal program admin asst 383 Whiteriver Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 384 Registered Nurse 29,357 30,175 30,993 31,811 32,629 33,447 34,265 35,083 35,901 36,719 37,537 38,355 39,173 39,991 40,809 Social Worker MSW 33,879 34,697 35,515 36,333 37,151 37,969 38,787 39,605 40,423 41,241 42,059 42,877 43,695 44,513 45,331 Audiologist L/ MSCCCSLP 39,405 40,305 41,205 42,105 43,005 43,905 44,805 45,705 46,605 47,505 48,405 49,305 50,205 51,105 52,005 OT-L/PT-L Psychologist COTA 41,669 42,569 43,469 44,369 45,269 46,169 47,069 47,969 48,869 49,769 50,669 51,569 52,469 53,369 54,269 47,783 48,825 49,867 50,909 51,951 52,993 54,035 55,077 56,119 57,161 58,203 59,245 60,287 61,329 62,371 27,600 28,418 29,236 30,054 30,872 31,690 32,508 33,326 34,144 34,962 35,780 36,598 37,416 38,234 39,052 NAVAJO COUNTY Winslow Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Basic paraprofessional 9.00 9.15 9.30 9.45 9.60 9.75 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 10.65 10.80 10.95 11.10 11.25 11.40 11.55 11.70 11.85 12.00 High needs paraprofessional 10.90 11.05 11.20 11.35 11.50 11.65 11.80 11.95 12.10 12.25 12.40 12.55 12.70 12.85 13.00 13.15 13.30 13.45 13.60 13.75 13.90 Clerical aide, Warehouse aide, Parent liaison 10.90 11.05 11.20 11.35 11.50 11.65 11.80 11.95 12.10 12.25 12.40 12.55 12.70 12.85 13.00 13.15 13.30 13.45 13.60 13.75 13.90 STEP Food Services Administrative Assistant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11.14 11.30 11.46 11.62 11.78 11.94 12.10 Custodial 12.09 12.33 12.57 12.81 13.05 13.29 13.53 13.77 14.01 14.25 14.49 14.73 14.97 15.21 15.45 15.69 15.93 16.17 16.41 16.65 16.89 Maintenance 13.57 13.81 14.05 14.29 14.53 14.77 15.01 15.25 15.49 15.73 15.97 16.21 16.45 16.69 16.93 17.17 17.41 17.65 17.89 18.13 18.37 Secretary; Bookkeeper; Attendance Officer 13.67 14.00 14.33 14.66 14.99 15.32 15.65 15.98 16.31 16.64 16.97 17.30 17.63 17.96 18.29 18.62 18.95 19.28 19.61 19.94 20.27 Library media/ Technology technicians 10.83 10.98 11.13 11.28 11.43 11.58 11.73 11.88 12.03 12.18 12.33 12.48 12.63 12.78 12.93 13.08 13.23 13.38 13.53 13.68 13.83 FINANCIAL ASSISTANT Accounts payable specialist, Payroll Specialist/ admin Human resources specialist, assistant to supt. Secretary to business manager 17.10 18.40 17.85 19.15 18.60 19.90 19.35 20.65 20.10 21.40 20.85 22.15 21.60 22.90 385 Winslow Unified ESP (continued) TRANSPORTATION STEP Assistant mechanic Bus attendant II 1 12.42 10.08 2 12.77 10.43 3 13.12 10.78 4 13.47 11.13 5 13.82 11.48 6 14.17 11.83 7 14.52 12.18 8 14.87 12.53 9 15.22 12.88 10 15.57 13.23 11 15.92 13.58 12 16.27 13.93 13 16.62 14.28 14 16.97 14.63 15 17.32 14.98 16 17.67 15.33 17 18.02 15.68 18 18.37 16.03 19 18.72 16.38 20 19.07 16.73 21 19.42 17.08 Bus drivers, route drivers, sub drivers - $13.00 STEP LPN NURSE RN/2-year RN/4-year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 25,000 25,620 26,240 26,860 27,480 28,100 28,720 29,340 29,960 30,580 31,200 31,820 29,000 29,650 30,300 30,950 31,600 32,250 32,900 33,550 34,200 34,850 35,500 36,150 32,000 32,650 33,300 33,950 34,600 35,250 35,900 36,550 37,200 37,850 38,500 39,150 Half step schedule not shown. 386 Trash pickup 9.82 10.17 10.52 10.87 11.22 11.57 11.92 12.27 12.62 12.97 13.32 13.67 14.02 14.37 14.72 15.07 15.42 15.77 16.12 16.47 16.82 Activities coordinator 40,467 41,416 42,363 43,313 44,260 45,210 46,157 Gate guard / Fleet work 9.00 9.35 9.70 10.05 10.40 10.75 11.10 11.45 11.80 12.15 12.50 12.85 13.20 13.55 13.90 14.25 14.60 14.95 15.30 15.65 16.00 Main mechanic 16.00 16.40 16.80 17.20 17.60 18.00 18.40 18.80 19.20 19.60 20.00 20.40 20.80 21.20 21.60 22.00 22.40 22.80 23.20 23.60 24.00 SPEECH PATHOLOGIST / THERAPIST Speech therapist Speech Psychologist pathologist 44,139 60,100 60,100 45,123 61,300 61,300 46,107 62,500 62,500 47,091 63,700 63,700 48,075 64,900 64,900 49,059 66,100 66,100 50,043 67,300 67,300 PIMA COUNTY Ajo Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Hourly rate ranges Minimum Maximum I II III IV V VI I 7.65 9.98 II 7.65 10.30 III 7.65 12.08 IV 7.78 12.60 V 8.19 12.71 VI 8.60 13.13 Crossing guard, Part-time custodian Custodian, Detention aide, Food service worker Library aide, Health aide, Bus driver, Instructional aide K-6 principal secretary, JOM coordinator, Special project secretary, Maintenance Lead maintenance, Payroll clerk, Food service manager, 7-12 principal secretary Administrative secretary Classified substitutes paid at $6.90. Altar Valley Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Hourly Paraprofessional Health Clerk, School Secretary Bus Driver 1 2 3 4 7.50 8.19 8.29 8.39 8.49 8.51 8.90 9.29 9.68 9.29 9.68 10.07 10.46 Two-Year Degree Paraprofessional, Administrative Secretary, Bridges Coordinator 9.37 9.76 10.15 10.54 387 PIMA COUNTY Amphitheater Unified ESP, 2012-2013 RANGE STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 388 1 7.84 7.99 8.15 8.31 8.49 8.65 8.80 8.99 9.16 9.34 9.52 9.73 9.90 10.11 10.31 10.51 10.73 10.95 11.15 11.38 11.60 11.82 12.06 12.31 12.54 2 8.18 8.34 8.53 8.68 8.86 9.04 9.21 9.38 9.58 9.78 9.95 10.15 10.35 10.55 10.78 10.99 11.20 11.42 11.65 11.89 12.12 12.37 12.60 12.85 13.11 3 8.47 8.64 8.79 8.97 9.15 9.33 9.50 9.72 9.89 10.09 10.30 10.50 10.72 10.94 11.14 11.36 11.59 11.80 12.05 12.28 12.53 12.77 13.03 13.29 13.56 4 8.73 8.92 9.10 9.27 9.44 9.66 9.84 10.04 10.25 10.45 10.63 10.86 11.07 11.30 11.51 11.75 11.99 12.22 12.47 12.70 12.98 13.23 13.48 13.75 14.03 5 9.31 9.48 9.69 9.87 10.07 10.28 10.48 10.69 10.92 11.10 11.33 11.56 11.78 12.02 12.25 12.51 12.75 13.01 13.26 13.54 13.79 14.06 14.36 14.64 14.93 6 9.89 10.09 10.30 10.50 10.72 10.94 11.14 11.36 11.59 11.80 12.05 12.28 12.53 12.77 13.03 13.29 13.56 13.81 14.09 14.38 14.65 14.94 15.25 15.56 15.87 7 10.36 10.56 10.79 11.00 11.22 11.43 11.66 11.90 12.13 12.38 12.61 12.87 13.13 13.37 13.66 13.92 14.20 14.48 14.76 15.06 15.35 15.66 15.97 16.29 16.60 8 11.23 11.44 11.67 11.91 12.14 12.39 12.62 12.88 13.14 13.39 13.67 13.94 14.21 14.50 14.77 15.08 15.36 15.67 15.98 16.30 16.60 16.95 17.28 17.64 17.99 9 11.73 11.98 12.21 12.46 12.69 12.95 13.22 13.47 13.74 14.02 14.31 14.59 14.88 15.17 15.49 15.79 16.09 16.44 16.76 17.09 17.43 17.77 18.12 18.49 18.86 Amphitheater Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 12.22 12.47 12.70 12.98 13.23 13.48 13.75 14.03 14.32 14.60 14.89 15.18 15.51 15.80 16.11 16.45 16.77 17.10 17.44 17.79 18.13 18.50 18.88 19.24 19.63 11 12.74 13.00 13.25 13.51 13.78 14.05 14.35 14.62 14.91 15.22 15.53 15.82 16.13 16.47 16.79 17.13 17.47 17.82 18.16 18.52 18.90 19.27 19.65 20.04 20.43 12 13.21 13.46 13.73 14.00 14.30 14.58 14.87 15.16 15.47 15.78 16.08 16.43 16.75 17.07 17.42 17.76 18.11 18.48 18.86 19.22 19.60 20.00 20.39 20.81 21.21 13 13.76 14.04 14.33 14.61 14.90 15.19 15.52 15.81 16.12 16.46 16.78 17.12 17.46 17.80 18.15 18.51 18.89 19.25 19.64 20.03 20.42 20.83 21.25 21.66 22.08 RANGE 14 14.65 14.94 15.25 15.56 15.86 16.19 16.50 16.83 17.16 17.51 17.86 18.20 18.56 18.94 19.30 19.69 20.09 20.49 20.90 21.31 21.75 22.20 22.62 23.06 23.52 15 15.63 15.93 16.26 16.56 16.91 17.23 17.58 17.93 18.28 18.65 19.02 19.40 19.79 20.18 20.58 21.00 21.39 21.82 22.27 22.71 23.16 23.62 24.10 24.58 25.06 16 16.84 17.17 17.52 17.88 18.22 18.60 18.96 19.32 19.72 20.12 20.51 20.92 21.34 21.77 22.22 22.64 23.10 23.55 24.01 24.51 24.99 25.49 25.99 26.53 27.05 17 18.40 18.76 19.14 19.53 19.91 20.32 20.71 21.13 21.55 21.98 22.42 22.87 23.33 23.79 24.26 24.74 25.23 25.75 26.25 26.78 27.30 27.84 28.41 28.97 29.54 18 20.24 20.63 21.06 21.47 21.87 22.32 22.77 23.22 23.68 24.15 24.63 25.13 25.63 26.14 26.65 27.19 27.74 28.28 28.87 29.43 30.03 30.62 31.24 31.85 32.48 Figures shown included override retention stipends. 389 Amphitheater Unified ESP (continued) 7 Activity and youth employment specialist 12 Administrative assistant I 15 Administrative assistant II 12 Administrative computer specialist 9 Administrative team liaison 14 Assistant manager - transportation 15 Assistant manager of buildings 12 Assistant plant engineer 4 Assistant to audiologist 8 Assistant to the elementary principal 6 Attendance clerk 7 Audiovisual media specialist 11 Audiovisual technician - repair 8 Audiovisual technician I 9 Audiovisual technician II 12 Auto mechanic I 13 Auto mechanic II 8 Auto service attendant 9 Automotive parts coordinator 2 Baker assistant 3 Baker I 4 Baker II 6 Baker III 6 Behavioral intervention monitor 6 Bilingual clerk 7 Bilingual community liaison 5 Bilingual instructional aide - classroom 6 Bilingual instructional assistant 6 Bilingual office asst – community counseling ctr 7 Bookkeeper I 10 Bookkeeper II 5 Bookstore clerk 6 Building systems technician 8 Bus driver 11 Cabinetmaker I 13 Cabinetmaker II 2 Campus monitor 2 Caretaker – land laboratory 13 Carpenter 8 Central substitute clerk 14 Certified occupational therapy assistant 10 Chief clerk 10 Chief clerk - transportation 14 Chief mechanic – garage 4 Clerk-typist I 5 Clerk-typist II 3 Clerk I 5 Clerk II 6 Clerk III 8 Compositor 14 Computer network systems coordinator I 16 Computer network systems installer 13 Computer repair technician Amphitheater Unified ESP (continued) 390 13 7 6 15 13 3 4 6 2 6 7 8 10 8 14 16 13 8 6 4 12 12 2 3 4 10 5 6 8 7 8 9 12 9 13 6 7 11 8 9 5 7 10 10 13 6 4 4 7 7 12 Computer systems installer Computer systems operator Computerized copy machine operator Construction manager Construction specialist Cook I Cook II Cook III Crossing guard Custodian I Custodian II Custodian III District records management specialist Educational assistant to the elementary principal Educational interpreter for hearing impaired students I Educational interpreter for hearing impaired students II Electronic technician Employee benefits assistant Employee benefits enrollment technician ESL instructional aide Facilities technician Family resource & wellness center coordinator Food service attendant I Food service attendant II Food service attendant III Food service bookkeeper Food service storekeeper I Food service storekeeper II Food service storekeeper III Food service supervisor I Food service supervisor II Food service supervisor III Fringe benefit specialist Graphic artist Grounds equipment mechanic Groundskeeper I Groundskeeper II High school maintenance mechanic High school registrar High school secretary Human resources clerk Human resources data technician Human resources specialist I/certified Human resources specialist I/classified Indian education advisor/coordinator Indian education tutor/advisor Instructional aide - building Instructional aide - classroom Instructional technology specialist Inventory control clerk Irrigation systems mechanic Amphitheater Unified ESP (continued) 13 13 13 8 8 5 6 8 13 6 16 12 12 14 16 8 8 10 12 7 10 10 7 14 4 7 8 9 6 4 8 9 Journeyman electrician Journeyman plumber Journeyman welder/pipe fitter K-8 school secretary Library assistant Library clerk Library media technician I Library media technician II Locksmith Mail/courier service provider Maintenance manager Maintenance tool and supply coordinator Manager - bookstore Manager - graphics and printing Manager - grounds Middle school secretary Painter I Painter II Painter III Parent liaison – Title I Payroll specialist I Payroll/human resources assistant Physical education equipment technician Plant engineer Pool caretaker Print shop clerk Print technician I Print technician II Purchasing clerk Receptionist Records specialist Refrigeration mechanic I 11 13 6 7 6 5 7 8 9 15 6 6 6 12 10 7 1 6 12 9 6 7 5 6 13 4 5 1 10 7 7 7 Refrigeration mechanic II Refrigeration mechanic III Registrar Resource center activity assistant Route driver School health assistant Secretary I Secretary II Secretary III Secretary to the governing board of education Security agent Security officer Shipping/receiving clerk Shipping/receiving manager Special education records specialist Special education teaching assistant Special events assistant Special events scheduler Speech/language technician Student records management specialist Student services coordinator assistant I Student services coordinator assistant II Student/family advocate Study hall aide Systems/applications coordinator Title I – instructional aide Title I – student/family advocate Transportation attendant Transportation driver trainer Vocational instructional assistant Vocational work experience assistant Youth transition program transition specialist 391 Amphitheater Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 392 Social worker 37,510 38,244 38,993 39,757 40,536 41,331 42,142 42,969 43,609 44,465 45,338 46,229 47,138 48,065 49,010 49,975 50,719 51,718 52,737 53,775 54,835 55,916 57,018 58,143 Social worker w/DOC 40,219 41,008 41,812 42,632 43,469 44,323 45,193 46,081 46,768 47,688 48,626 49,582 50,558 51,553 52,569 53,604 54,404 55,476 56,570 57,685 58,823 59,984 61,168 62,375 Speech language pathologist 42,854 43,695 44,553 45,429 46,321 47,232 48,161 49,108 49,841 50,822 51,822 52,843 53,884 54,946 56,029 57,134 57,987 59,131 60,297 61,488 62,701 63,940 65,203 66,491 OT/PT, Audiologist 47,761 48,700 49,658 50,636 51,632 52,649 53,686 54,744 55,562 56,658 57,775 58,915 60,077 61,263 62,472 63,706 64,659 65,936 67,239 68,568 69,923 71,306 72,716 74,155 OT/PT, Audiologist w/DOC 50,470 51,464 52,477 53,511 54,565 55,641 56,738 57,857 58,722 59,881 61,062 62,268 63,497 64,751 66,031 67,335 68,343 69,694 71,072 72,478 73,911 75,374 76,865 78,387 Psychologist 51,205 52,214 53,242 54,291 55,361 56,452 57,566 58,701 59,579 60,755 61,954 63,178 64,425 65,698 66,996 68,320 69,343 70,714 72,112 73,538 74,993 76,477 77,991 79,535 Psychologist w/DOC 51,803 52,823 53,864 54,925 56,008 57,112 58,239 59,387 60,276 61,466 62,679 63,917 65,180 66,467 67,781 69,121 70,155 71,543 72,958 74,401 75,873 77,375 78,906 80,469 PIMA COUNTY Catalina Foothills Unified ESP, 2012-2013 POSITION TITLE CARE activity leader, level I Min 8.22 Max 12.97 Athletic equipment assistant, EA, classroom Level II CS assistant site coordinator, CARE activity leader Groundskeeper ELL instructional aide Speech/language support Receptionist Library clerk Office clerk In-school suspension monitor I Health aide EA Security monitor EA, inclusion EA, early childhood Custodian In-school suspension monitor II Health assistant Courier Inventory control clerk CARE assistant site manager Office assistant (CS) Office coordinator Human resources assistant I Custodian, lead Accounting clerk 8.64 13.67 9.08 14.32 9.30 14.67 9.53 15.03 9.77 15.41 10.02 10.27 10.52 15.81 16.20 16.61 10.79 17.03 POSITION TITLE Registrar Computer technician I Computer technician II Maintenance I School secretary Special education secretary Database manager Security, lead CS intergenerational coordinator Bookkeeper full charge Executive secretary Executive secretary (CS) Human resources assistant II Payroll specialist Procurement specialist Maintenance II Network systems technician I CS program coordinator CARE site manager Administrative assistant Freshman assistance coordinator Facility supervisor Athletic trainer Scene shop foreman Software application specialist School nurse Min 11.06 Max 17.44 11.33 11.61 17.87 18.32 11.90 12.20 18.78 19.26 12.51 12.82 14.27 19.74 20.23 23.26 14.63 23.83 15.36 15.75 18.26 25.04 25.67 29.77 19.67 32.06 393 PIMA COUNTY Continental Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 394 Cook II, Teacher Aide, Van Driver, Custodian, Receptionist 7.65 7.78 8.03 8.28 8.53 8.78 9.03 9.28 9.53 9.78 10.03 10.28 10.53 10.78 11.03 11.28 11.53 11.78 12.03 12.28 Health Clerk, Paraprofessional 8.05 8.30 8.55 8.80 9.05 9.30 9.55 9.80 10.05 10.30 10.55 10.80 11.05 11.30 11.55 11.80 12.05 12.30 12.55 12.80 Secretary 8.58 8.83 9.08 9.33 9.58 9.83 10.08 10.33 10.58 10.83 11.08 11.33 11.58 11.83 12.08 12.33 12.58 12.83 13.08 13.33 Bus Driver, Cook I, Maintenance worker 9.10 9.35 9.60 9.85 10.10 10.35 10.60 10.85 11.10 11.35 11.60 11.85 12.10 12.35 12.60 12.85 13.10 13.35 13.60 13.85 Library Technician, Sp. Ed. paraprofessional 9.62 9.87 10.12 10.37 10.62 10.87 11.12 11.37 11.62 11.87 12.12 12.37 12.62 12.87 13.12 13.37 13.62 13.87 14.12 14.37 Technology Coordinator 20.55 20.80 21.05 21.30 21.55 21.80 22.05 22.30 22.55 22.80 23.05 23.30 23.55 23.80 24.05 24.30 24.55 24.80 25.05 25.30 Accounts Payable 13.12 13.37 13.62 13.87 14.12 14.37 14.62 14.87 15.12 15.37 15.62 15.87 16.12 16.37 16.62 16.87 17.12 17.37 17.62 17.87 PIMA COUNTY Flowing Wells Unified ESP, 2012-2013 CATEGORY 1 (Student Workers) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HOURLY BASE RATE 7.65 8.25 8.48 8.70 8.92 9.14 9.36 9.59 CATEGORY 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Game Management Worker HOURLY BASE RATE 9.81 10.03 10.25 10.48 10.70 10.92 11.14 7.65 Categories 2-15 will receive a salary comparability increase which differs in amount according to job classification: 1 Trades — $1.35 — Auditorium lighting and sound tech, 9; Automotive lead mechanic, 14; Automotive mechanic, 12; Carpentry/cabinet maker tech, 14; Computer tech, 10; Electrical tech, 14; Groundsperson foreman, 14; Heating/air conditioning tech, 14; Heating/air conditioning tech/electrician, 14; Locksmith, 13; Night custodian supv/cust supply warehouseman, 1; Plumbing technician, 14; Preventive maintenance/HVAC/electrical, 11; Utility maintenance/painter tech/pool manager, 12 2 Custodial — .19 — Custodial manager (elem), 10; Custodial manager (jr/sr high), 11; Night custodian, 6 3 Labor — .45 — Crossing guard, 2; Groundsperson (district), 7; Groundsperson (school), 6; Grounds/custodial manager assistant, 6; Gymnasium tech/custodian, 7; Inventory control/parts runner, 6; Mail courier/warehouse clerk, 5; Maintenance assistant, 7; Property and supplies coordinator, 11; Sports turf groundskeeper, 8; Utility maintenance person, 10; Welding maintenance tech, 14 4 Secretarial — .53 — Accounting services manager, 13; Admin asst to asst principal, 8; Admin asst to asst superintendent 10; Admin asst to associate superintendent 11; Admin asst to director of business services, 9; Admin asst to career ladder/comm outreach 8; Admin asst to director of maintenance/transportation, 8; Admin asst to district athletic director, 8; elementary school principal, 9; Admin asst to guidance services, 7; Admin asst to secondary school principal, 9; Admin asst to special education department, 8; Admin asst to staff development coord/admin, 8; Admin asst to superintendent/governing board; District substitute coordinator, 8; Operations coordinator/dispatcher; Payroll services manager; Personnel operations specialist; Purchasing specialist; Student services operations specialist 5 Clerical — .28 — Accounting asst/grants management, 11; Accounts payable clerk, 8; Accounts payable purchasing clerk, 8; Assistive technology tech, 9; Attendance office clerk, 7; Bookstore manager, 8; Bookstore office assistant, 3; Business services tech, 10; Clerk typist I, 4; Clerk typist II, 5; Clerk typist III, 6; Family resource liaison, 7; Instructional media center coordinator, 8; Library clerk, 4; Payroll asst/attendance coordinator, 10; School registrar (HS), 8; School registrar (Jr HS), 7; School services coordinator, 4 6 Instructional — .13 — Computer lab tech, 9; ESL tech, 9; Instructional asst, 3; Library tech, 10; Music tech, 10; Program asst, specialized programs, 6; Reading lab teaching asst, 4; Special ed teaching asst I, 5; Special ed teaching asst II, 6; Special ed preschool teaching asst, 6; Special needs bus monitor, 3; Speech and language tech, 9; Title I reading lab teaching asst, 5 7 Bus drivers — 1.15 — School bus driver, 7; School bus driver (special needs), 9 8 Security — .08 — Campus security officer, 9 9 Special needs bus monitors, 3 — .85 10 Automotive and lead mechanic — 1.75 11 Maintenance assistant to automotive, 7 — .85 9 Health office assistants are comparable and did not receive an increase — Medical assistant, 9. 395 PIMA COUNTY Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 8.78 8.96 9.13 9.32 9.50 9.69 2 9.09 9.27 9.46 9.65 9.84 10.04 10.24 10.44 10.65 10.86 11.08 11.30 3 9.41 9.60 9.79 9.99 10.19 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.47 11.70 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 11.56 11.79 12.03 12.27 12.51 12.76 13.02 13.28 13.54 13.82 14.09 14.37 10 11.97 12.21 12.45 12.70 12.96 13.22 13.48 13.75 14.02 14.31 14.59 14.88 11 12.38 12.63 12.88 13.14 13.40 13.67 13.94 14.22 14.51 14.80 15.09 15.39 396 PAY GRADE 4 9.75 9.95 10.14 10.35 10.55 10.76 10.98 11.20 11.42 11.65 11.89 12.12 12 12.81 13.07 13.33 13.59 13.87 14.14 14.43 14.71 15.01 15.31 15.62 15.93 5 10.08 10.28 10.49 10.70 10.91 11.13 11.35 11.58 11.81 12.05 12.29 12.53 6 10.45 10.66 10.87 11.09 11.31 11.54 11.77 12.00 12.24 12.49 12.74 12.99 7 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.47 11.70 11.94 12.17 12.42 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.44 8 11.19 11.41 11.64 11.87 12.11 12.35 12.60 12.85 13.11 13.37 13.64 13.91 13 13.26 13.53 13.80 14.07 14.35 14.64 14.93 15.23 15.54 15.85 16.16 16.49 14 13.76 14.04 14.32 14.60 14.89 15.19 15.50 15.81 16.12 16.44 16.77 17.11 15 14.22 14.50 14.79 15.09 15.39 15.70 16.01 16.33 16.66 16.99 17.33 17.68 16 14.70 14.99 15.29 15.60 15.91 16.23 16.55 16.89 17.22 17.57 17.92 18.28 Indian Oasis Unified ESP (continued) 4 5 7 7 9 9 9 14 15 9 11 13 14 14 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 CLERICAL/OFFICE SUPPORT Switchboard/receptionist File clerk Records clerk Secretary/typist Attendance officer registrar Secretary to building principal Secretary to special education director Personnel technician Secretary to superintendent BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES Purchase order/student activities clerk Accounts payable clerk Computer technician Payroll clerk Administrative intern (BA degree) FOOD SERVICE Cook’s assistant Beginning baker Van driver (food service driver) Cashier Intermediate baker Baker Head cook PAY GRADE PLACEMENTS BUILDING SERVICES 4 Groundskeeper 5 Custodian 9 Warehouse courier/fixed assets 4 Campus security 6 Night watchperson 7 General maintenance (painter) TRANSPORTATION 4 Bus aide 9 Mechanic helper 9 Bus driver 16 Mechanic INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES Aide II 1 Duty aide 2 Instructional aide I 4 Instructional aide II 5 Special duty aide 7 Paraprofessional aide (AA = 60 semester units) 8 Paraprofessional aide (AA = 72 semester units) 9 Paraprofessional aide (AA = 84 semester units) 10 Paraprofessional aide (AA = 96 semester units)) 11 Paraprofessional aide (AA = 108 semester units) 14 Teacher intern (BA degree) 2 Parent liaison 397 PIMA COUNTY Marana Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Beginning pay Accounting clerk I — 9.58 Accounting clerk II — 10.85 Aide I — 8.26 Aide II — 8.26 Aide III — 8.68 Athletic equipment worker — 8.47 Attendance clerk — 9.67 Attendance system specialist — 9.98 Board secretary — 12.28 Bookstore clerk — 8.90 Bookstore manager — 11.39 Building maintenance worker — 12.28 Building maintenance worker (lead) — 14.93 Bus attendant — 8.37 Bus driver — 10.93 Bus driver/trainer supervisor — 12.28 Bus driver/special needs — 11.13 Bus driver/relief — 11.43 Carpenter — 13.55 Clerk I — 8.76 Clerk II — 8.91 Clerk III – health services — 9.67 Community liaison — 11.39 Computer aide — 8.68 Computer help desk technician — 13.90 Computer/network technician — 16.93 Computer/network technician (lead) — 19.61 Crossing guard — 8.26 CTE teacher apprentice — 15.00 Data integrity specialist — 16.96 Data systems training specialist — 17.78 Dispatcher — 11.84 E-learning specialist — 11.39 Early childhood specialist — 9.38 ECE assistant supervisor — 9.82 ECE supervisor — 10.84 Electrician — 16.11 ELO aide — 8.26 Employee attendance specialist — 9.98 Executive secretary — 14.15 Financial services specialist — 12.41 Food services café supervisor — 12.61 Food services delivery driver — 8.68 Food services lead worker — 8.26 Food services lead cook for special programs — 9.60 Food services meals/benefits clerk — 10.84 Food services purchasing specialist — 10.84 Food services site area supervisor — 14.59 Food services worker — 7.73 398 Groundskeeper — 9.60 Groundskeeper (district) — 12.28 Hall monitor — 9.28 Health aide — 9.26 Human resource clerk I — 10.44 HVAC technician — 16.93 Intervention specialist — 11.39 LEAP assistant supervisor — 9.82 LEAP supervisor — 10.84 Locksmith — 13.40 Migrant program specialist — 11.39 Native American program specialist — 11.39 Network application specialist — 19.61 Painter — 12.71 Parent educator — 11.39 Parent liaison specialist — 11.39 Parking lot attendant — 8.76 Payroll clerk II — 11.70 Personnel clerk II — 11.70 Plumber — 14.22 Printing services specialist — 9.92 Printing services supervisor — 11.34 Procurement assistant — 12.29 Procurement clerk — 11.01 Purchasing agent — 14.21 Records specialist — 10.09 Records retention specialist — 10.09 Registrar — 10.62 Registrar clerk — 8.90 Roofer — 12.41 Routing technician — 12.28 Secretary I — 10.09 Secretary II — 11.00 Secretary III — 12.28 Secretary IV — 13.21 SITE specialist — 9.35 Special education aide — 9.38 Special education records specialist — 11.00 Speech specialist — 10.10 Students in transition clerk — 10.77 Students in transition specialist — 16.78 Systems administrator — 17.78 Title I instructional paraprofessional — 9.38 Van driver — 9.58 Vehicle mechanic — 14.59 Vehicle mechanic supervisor — 16.93 Volunteer specialist — 11.39 Warehouse courier — 10.00 Welder/fabricator — 13.40 PIMA COUNTY Sahuarita Unified ESP, 2012-2013 LEVEL A B C D E F G H I Min 8.19 8.66 9.16 9.70 10.22 10.72 10.95 11.22 13.13 Mechanic, Locksmith, Computer/ network, Student records 14.60 Max 12.12 13.13 14.14 15.15 16.16 17.17 18.18 19.19 22.22 25.25 Electrician, Plumber HVAC, Lead mechanic 15.64 18.78 25.25 25.25 LEVEL A Bus driver trainee, Bus monitor, Campus monitor, Clerk I, Clerk I – attendance elementary school, Custodian, Early childhood aide, LINK program aide B Auditorium technician, Clerk II – attendance middle school, Courier, Early childhood classroom assistant, Groundskeeper, Instructional aide, Security guard C Bilingual instructional aide, Clerk III – attendance HS, District receptionist, ECC receptionist, Garage attendant, Instructional aide special education, LINK program specialist, Secretary HS CTE/counseling, Secretary assistant principal, Student records management software clerk, Student services assistant, Volunteer coordinator D Accounting clerk/accounts payable, Accounting clerk/special accounts & fixed assets, Health assistant, Inclusion health assistant, Inventory control technician, LINK program associate, Technology assistant E Bus driver, Lead custodian, Registrar, Secretary (elementary school, middle school), F Administrative assistant (assistant superintendent, construction manager, IT director, facilities), Dispatcher transportation, Driver safety & compliance coordinator, Human resources specialist, LINK site supervisor, Substitute specialist, Turf & irrigation specialist G Building & grounds technician, Chief clerk transportation, Library technician, LINK program co-director, Maintenance technician, Payroll specialist, Preventative maintenance technician H Early childhood classroom lead, Herbicide application technician, LINK program director, Operations supervisor, Secretary HS (principal) I Grounds supervisor, Maintenance coordinator, Night custodial supervisor 399 PIMA COUNTY Sunnyside Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Entry level Minimum Midpoint Maximum 25 7.46 8.78 10.11 26 7.65 9.00 10.36 27 7.84 9.22 10.62 GRADE 28 8.03 9.45 10.88 30 8.44 9.93 11.43 31 8.65 10.18 11.72 32 8.87 10.43 12.01 33 9.09 10.69 12.31 Minimum Midpoint Maximum 34 9.32 10.96 12.62 36 9.79 11.52 13.26 38 10.28 12.10 13.93 40 10.80 12.71 14.64 42 11.35 13.35 15.38 46 12.53 14.74 16.97 48 13.16 15.49 17.83 50 13.83 16.27 18.74 ATTENDANCE 48 Reporting specialist 36 Clerk 38 Registrar 38 Officer 32 Campus monitor FINANCE & ACCOUNTING 46 Budget/risk mgmt spec 41 Payroll specialist 42 Specialist 36 Clerk 43 Benefits specialist 37 Benefits clerk INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 45 Support specialist 37 Data application specialist 35 Purchasing software spec 47 Computer records/reports spec 35 Computer clerk 45 Audio/visual technician OFFICE AND CLERICAL 45 Administrative secretary 43 HS secretary 41 MS secretary 39 Elementary secretary 43 Secretary III 39 Secretary II 37 Secretary I 33 Assistant 33 Receptionist 35 CTE/busn tech prep asst 37 CTE/data quality specialist 400 PRINTING 49 Graphic arts specialist 45 Graphic arts technician 37 Reprographics operator BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE 48 Planner scheduler 48 Specialist 42 Technician 30 Assistant 40 Worker 31 Custodian 32 Lead custodian 33 Head custodian 40 Certified spraying tech FOOD SERVICE 54 Program supervisor 38 Catering manager 42 Central kitchen cafe supv 40 Prep kitchen cafe supv 37 Cafeteria supervisor 33 Cafeteria supv trainee 50 Warehouse supervisor 26 Cafeteria helper 31 Cashier 31 Baker/cook GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 40 Lead groundskeeper 36 Groundskeeper TRANSPORT OPERATIONS 45 School bus driver trainer 38 School bus driver 44 School bus dispatcher 29 School bus attendant 26 Crossing guard TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE 50 Lead automotive/bus mech 50 Automotive/bus mechanic 40 Automotive/bus mech asst WAREHOUSE 50 Supervisor 40 Purchas/invent control spec 36 Maintenance supplies spec 40 Procurement specialist 38 Clerk 35 Courier STUDENT SUPPORT 48 Medicaid reimburse spec 38 Child development asst 38 Community support asst 28 Parent involvement asst 28 Parent involve asst/lang tst 46 Prevention programs asst 46 Title One program asst 33 Native Amer student adv 31 Health clerk 39 Advanced place prog asst INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT 33 Assistant, special ed 28 Assistant LIBRARY SERVICES 32 Library clerk PRESCHOOL 42 Program manager 36 Care center supervisor PIMA COUNTY Tanque Verde Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Minimums and Maximums LOW 1 7.35 2 7.58 3 8.08 GRADE 4 5 8.59 9.09 6 10.10 7 11.11 8 12.88 9 16.16 HIGH 10.00 11.50 13.50 14.50 17.00 18.00 21.50 26.00 15.50 GRADE 1 School aide, Crossing guard, Clerical aide 2 Library aide, Bus monitor 3 Food service assistant 4 Paraprofessional, Custodian, Motor lab aide, Campus monitor, Intramurals 5 Accounting assistant, Science lab coordinator, Groundskeeper I, Computer learning lab coordinator 6 Computer lab specialist, Secretary, Bus driver, Groundskeeper II, Registrar, Bus driver, SAIS coordinator 7 Bus maintenance assistant, Accounting specialist, Food service manager, Head custodian, Office manager 8 Administrative assistant, Executive assistant to the superintendent, Food service director 9 Bus maintenance supervisor, Accountant (exempt), Certified O/T assistant, Health care services technician, Computer network technician (exempt) Bus drivers without CDL certification will be paid $8.58 per hour. Driver/trainers will be paid an additional $1.50 per hour while training. 401 PIMA COUNTY Tucson Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 402 White Collar/Food Service Agreement GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8.33 9.16 9.61 10.10 11.08 12.21 13.12 14.10 8.54 9.38 9.85 10.32 11.37 12.50 13.44 14.45 8.74 9.61 10.10 10.58 11.63 12.81 13.76 14.80 8.95 9.85 10.31 10.85 11.94 13.12 14.10 15.16 9.16 10.10 10.58 11.08 12.21 13.44 14.45 15.52 9.38 10.32 10.85 11.37 12.50 13.76 14.80 15.89 9.61 10.58 11.08 11.63 12.81 14.10 15.16 16.27 9.85 10.85 11.37 11.94 13.12 14.45 15.52 16.71 10.10 11.08 11.63 12.21 13.44 14.80 15.89 17.10 10.32 11.37 11.94 12.50 13.76 15.16 16.27 17.54 10.58 11.63 12.21 12.81 14.10 15.52 16.71 17.93 10.85 11.94 12.50 13.12 14.45 15.89 17.10 18.38 11.08 12.21 12.81 13.44 14.80 16.27 17.51 18.81 11.37 12.50 13.12 13.76 15.16 16.71 17.93 19.27 11.66 12.81 13.44 14.10 15.52 17.10 18.38 19.76 11.95 13.13 13.77 14.45 15.89 17.53 18.83 20.25 12.24 13.46 14.11 14.81 16.29 17.95 19.29 20.75 12.54 13.78 14.47 15.17 16.69 18.40 19.78 21.26 12.84 14.12 14.82 15.54 17.10 18.85 20.26 21.78 13.16 14.47 15.19 15.92 17.52 19.31 20.76 22.33 13.48 14.83 15.56 16.33 17.95 19.80 21.28 22.88 13.81 15.20 15.94 16.73 18.40 20.29 21.81 23.44 14.15 15.57 16.34 17.14 18.85 20.79 22.35 24.02 Clerk typist I, Crossing guard/cafe worker I, Food svcs cafe worker I, Food svcs worker/helper Food svcs cafeteria worker II, Cross guard/cafeteria worker II, Bilingual tchr asst, Tchr asst, Early childhood tchr asst Food svcs cafeteria worker – lead, Special education office clerk, Food services cafeteria worker – lead, Campus monitor, Clerk typist II, Human resources employee records clerk, Human resources switchboard operator, Receptionist, Student records clerk, Testing technician (language) Special needs aide (adult, child), High school finance office assistant, Library assistant, OMA curriculum integration support Braille transcriber, Community representative, Community attendance liaison, Data tech –language assessment, FS meal application program tech, FS production systems tech, Health asst, Health educator asst, Human resources employee record clerk – lead, OCR/ESL tech, Purchasing clerk I, Staff asst – departmental, Teacher asst – exceptional education, Therapeutic pool asst, Translations asst Accounting tech, Admin secretary, Asset management & purchasing support assoc., Attendance spec, Behavior intervention monitor, Budget control asst, Community rep – senior, Environmental education spec, Family resource asst, Infant care spec, Instructional spec (general, exceptional education, job coach), Instr technology liaison, Intervention tech – Meredith K12, Library/technical services spec, Purchasing clerk II, Resource spec, School registration/attendance tech, School security agent, Site network tech, Student finance account processor, Technology services field tech Administrative secretary – HS, Asset management associate, Budget control specialist, Cataloger, Community relations assistant, Data quality coordinator, Exceptional education technology/data support spec, Procurement assistant, Rental office coordinator, Instructional office coordinator, Substitute assignment technician, Technology services field tech – lead, Title 1 budget control spec, Tutor/advisor, WO help desk technician Academic spec, Career and college coord, Cataloguer – lead, CTE career & college coord, Exceptional education compliance tech, Instructional staff development spec, Language assessment coord, LAN developer I, Library material acquisition spec, Licensed practical nurse (LPN), Personnel/payroll tech – trans-FM-FS, Registrar, Risk management tech I, TAMS associate, Telecommunications installer Tucson Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 14.80 15.16 15.52 15.89 16.27 16.71 17.10 17.51 17.93 18.38 18.81 19.27 19.76 20.23 20.74 21.25 21.76 22.31 22.86 23.42 24.01 24.61 25.21 10 15.52 15.89 16.27 16.71 17.10 17.51 17.93 18.38 18.81 19.27 19.76 20.23 20.74 21.26 21.76 22.30 22.85 23.40 23.99 24.58 25.18 25.81 26.45 11 16.27 16.71 17.10 17.51 17.93 18.38 18.81 19.27 19.76 20.23 20.74 21.26 21.76 22.31 22.84 23.40 23.99 24.58 25.17 25.80 26.44 27.10 27.77 GRADE 12 17.10 17.51 17.95 18.38 18.81 19.27 19.76 20.23 20.74 21.26 21.76 22.31 22.84 23.41 23.96 24.56 25.16 25.79 26.43 27.09 27.76 28.45 29.15 13 17.93 18.38 18.81 19.27 19.76 20.23 20.74 21.26 21.76 22.31 22.84 23.41 23.96 24.59 25.16 25.79 26.42 27.08 27.75 28.44 29.15 29.87 30.61 14 18.81 19.27 19.76 20.23 20.74 21.26 21.76 22.31 22.84 23.41 23.96 24.58 25.16 25.79 26.41 27.07 27.73 28.43 29.14 29.85 30.59 31.35 32.13 15 20.23 20.74 21.26 21.76 22.31 22.84 23.41 23.96 24.58 25.16 25.79 26.41 27.07 27.71 28.42 29.11 29.82 30.57 31.32 32.11 32.90 33.71 34.56 16 21.76 22.31 22.84 23.41 23.96 24.58 25.16 25.79 26.41 27.07 27.71 28.42 29.09 29.81 30.55 31.31 32.09 32.89 33.70 34.55 35.40 36.28 37.18 Administrative secretary – senior, Assistant curator of artifacts & exhibits, Attendance liaison, Benefits associate, Career & tech ed project specialist, District cashier, Engineering construction inspector, Exceptional education compliance technician II, Facilities data manager, Human resources records associate, High school finance manager, Interscholastics assistant, Payroll associate, School office manager, Technical support specialist II, Textbook coordinator, Workers’ compensation specialist Clothing bank specialist, Customer support analyst, Exceptional education compliance tech – lead, LAN developer II, Provisional educational interpreter Attendance reporting system analyst, Computer support/training specialist, Portables manager – F.M., Appr. LAN system specialist 11.1 Drop out prevention specialist, LAN system specialist, Network specialist, Student & family mentor specialist, Technical stage manager, Telecommunications technician, WEB developer, Work experience specialist Project development specialist, Mentor program specialist, Network security specialist, Prevention/intervention specialist, Student management system analyst/trainer, Server systems specialist, Technology services field services spec, Technology services info recovery spec Behavior specialist, E-mail systems analyst, Network security systems analyst, Network systems coordinator, WEB systems analyst Nurse - associate degreed 403 Tucson Unified ESP (continued) Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech & Language Pathologist STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Amounts shown include “Supplemental.” Half-step schedule not shown. 404 Salary 44,812 45,864 46,913 48,313 49,713 51,114 52,515 53,915 55,315 56,716 58,116 59,516 60,917 62,317 63,718 65,118 66,518 67,919 69,319 70,720 STEP 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Salary 72,120 73,520 74,921 76,321 77,722 79,122 80,522 81,923 83,323 84,724 86,123 87,524 88,925 90,325 91,726 93,125 94,526 95,927 97,327 98,728 100,127 PIMA COUNTY Vail Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Minimum salary guide Minimum 1 2 3 4 1 7.76 2 7.89 NON-EXEMPT LEVELS 3 4 8.03 8.32 Non-Exempt Position Levels 5 8.61 6 9.26 7 9.56 Student worker AV tech, Campus monitor, Child care support, Crossing guard, Office aide, Paraprofessional ESL paraprofessional, Receptionist, Title I paraprofessional, Transportation monitor Accounts payable clerk I, Bookkeeper, Civano paraprofessional, Psychologist tech, Volunteer coordinator, Workroom paraprofessional Attendance clerk, Bus driver trainee/van driver, In-school suspension monitor, Media center paraprofessional, Office clerk, Security monitor, Special needs paraprofessional, Speech & language paraprofessional, Van driver Accounting clerk I, Accounts payable clerk II, Child care lead, Courier, Custodian, Day porter, Kitchen worker, Payroll clerk I, Purchasing clerk I, Secretary elementary, Shipping & receiving clerk, Special education office tech, YTP paraprofessional Groundskeeper, Head security monitor, Health aide, Registrar 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 10.83 11.05 11.62 12.48 14.89 Non-Exempt Position Levels Accounting clerk II, Bookstore manager, Purchasing clerk II, Secretary (except elementary), Student data coordinator, Transition coordinator Computer lab tech, Construction technology assistant, Special needs school bus driver Administrative assistant, Athletic equipment manager, Early childhood intervention specialist, Kindergarten intervention specialist, Lead custodian, Lead groundskeeper, Maintenance tech, Mechanic, Medicaid billing specialist, Payroll clerk II, Principal’s secretary Assistant router, Bus driver, Early childhood specialist, Transportation dispatcher Admin services specialist Assistant site director (community services), COTA OT, HR specialist, Physical therapist assistant, Risk & budget coordinator, Router, Shipping & receiving coordinator, Senior computer lab tech, Theatre facilities tech, Transportation training coordinator Accountant, Cert mechanic, Cert maintenance tech, Computer repair tech, Facility usage coordinator, School nurse Minimum 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9.86 9 10.15 SUPPORT STAFF SALARIED LEVELS 22 23 24 Minimum 31,121 35,257 37,560 Support Staff Salaried Position Levels Custodial supervisor, Facilities usage supervisor, Office mgr, Special education office mgr, Transportation supervisor Athletic trainer, Behavior specialist BA, Instruction specialist BA, Student services coordinator BA, Tobacco prevention coordinator Assistive technology coordinator, Behavior specialist MA, Benefits coordinator, Beyond textbooks coordinator, Classified site technology coordinator, Computer systems analyst, HR supervisor, Instruction specialist MA, Librarian, Payroll supervisor, Purchasing supervisor, Recruitment coordinator, Site director (community svcs), Student services coordinator MA Assistant directors (beyond textbooks, human resources, transportation), Business manager, Communications coordinator, Community development coordinator, Community services finance coordinator, District nurse, Early childhood family service coordinator, Enrichment program coordinator, Maintenance supervisor, Performing arts theater coordinator, Regional site leader, SAIS outreach coordinator, Vail Cares assistant project director 21 27,625 21 22 23 24 Minimum BA 42,207 Psychologist MA 46,731 DOC 48,725 Speech Language Pathologist BA MA or CCC 35,500 46,731 Occupational & Physical Therapists BA MA DOC 42,207 46,731 48,725 405 PINAL COUNTY Apache Junction Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 406 1 7.65 7.80 7.96 8.12 8.28 2 7.98 8.14 8.30 8.47 8.63 Bus driver trainee (nonCDL) Cafeteria assistant I Bus aide Assistant cook Cafeteria lead Health aide Para educator Parking lot security Project Help aide Bookstore manager Bus wash Cafeteria/custodian 3 8.29 8.46 8.63 8.80 8.98 4 8.59 8.76 8.94 9.12 9.29 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 RANGE 5 6 8.88 9.39 9.06 9.58 9.24 9.77 9.42 9.97 9.62 10.17 7 9.79 9.99 10.19 10.39 10.60 Computer lab supervisor Cook Custodian I Data entry operator I Elementary receptionist Food services bookkeeper Food service delivery asst MS, HS receptionist Groundskeeper I Secretary I District mail coordinator Food services driver 8 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 9 10.52 10.73 10.94 11.16 11.38 10 11.32 11.55 11.78 12.02 12.25 11 11.72 11.95 12.19 12.43 12.69 Personnel file mgr/ district switchboard operator Secretary II Van driver Bus driver Bus driver/driver trainer Groundskeeper II Lunch program coord Secretary III Tool crib – parts runner Building manager Project HELP coordinator Referral specialist Apache Junction Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12.17 12.41 12.66 12.91 13.17 13 12.89 13.15 13.41 13.68 13.95 14 13.41 13.68 13.95 14.23 14.51 Campus security Data entry operator II Dispatcher: clerical, morning or night Groundskeeper III Registrar Student activities/auxiliary accounts coordinator Substitute coordinator Buyer Classroom instructor (teaching cert pending) Crafts tech: I Driver trainer/designated needs specialist Groundskeeper IV Librarian 15 14.14 14.42 14.71 15.00 15.30 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 RANGE 16 17 14.73 15.67 15.02 15.98 15.32 16.30 15.63 16.63 15.94 16.96 18 16.32 16.65 16.98 17.32 17.67 19 17.05 17.39 17.75 18.09 18.46 Performing arts coordinator Accounts payable coord (account specialist) Assistant mechanic Crafts tech II Graphics specialist Payroll coordinator Principal’s secretary Secretary IV Transportation coordinator Crafts tech: journey HVAC 16 16 16 16 18 19 20 20 21 20 18.06 18.42 18.80 19.17 19.55 21 18.94 19.32 19.71 20.10 20.50 22 19.78 20.18 20.57 20.99 21.41 Crafts tech carpenter Crafts tech II HVAC Journeyman mechanic Secretary V Lead mechanic COTA (certified occupational therapy assistant) Administrative assistant – superintendent/ governing board Fleet maintenance supervisor Crafts tech supervisor 407 Apache Junction Unified ESP (continued) Psychologist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 408 43,490 44,360 45,247 46,152 47,075 48,016 48,977 49,956 50,955 51,975 53,014 54,074 Speech/Language Pathologist BA MA 35,976 36,696 37,429 38,178 38,942 39,720 40,515 41,325 42,152 42,995 43,855 44,732 43,096 43,958 44,837 45,734 46,648 47,581 48,533 49,504 50,494 51,504 52,534 53,584 PINAL COUNTY Casa Grande Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Min Max Min Max Min Max 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 20 7.68 : 11.52 23 8.26 : 12.39 25 8.67 : 13.01 26 8.89 : 13.34 34 10.83 : 16.25 35 11.10 : 16.65 36 11.38 : 17.07 37 11.66 : 17.49 44 13.86 : 20.79 45 14.21 : 21.32 46 14.56 : 21.84 Noon assistant Food services worker Cashier, FS production worker, Transportation asst Crossing guard Education asst - special ed; Title 1 liaison; ed asst w/NA & CG; academic interv spec; Braille tech; ECEP asst; intervention spec. Cook - middle school/central kitchen, Van driver Satellite manager elementary, Community liaison - special education Bus driver - trainee, Custodian, Education assistant - library Attendance asst, Receptionist - district office, Office asst district/IT/food service/EL/Title 1, Special ed specialist, Special ed specialist - hearing impaired, ECEP lead 47 14.92 : 22.38 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 PAY GRADE 28 29 9.34 9.57 : : 14.01 14.36 38 11.95 : 17.93 48 15.30 : 22.95 39 12.25 : 18.38 51 16.47 : 24.71 52 16.88 : 25.32 Custodian split-shift, Groundskeeper, Sat mgr MS, Pro kitchen mgr, Warehouse deliver drvr - FS/dist, Health tech, Computer support tech intern, Maintenance wkr, Maint wkr/alarm respondent Office specialist - school, Help desk tech 1, Facility services Computer lab parapro Custodian lead - elementary, Central kitchen manager, Warehouse lead - district, ECEP coordinator Accounting asst/cashier, Accounting asst payables/foodservices/grants, Cutsodian lead - MS, Painter, Warehouse lead - FS, Nutrition asst - FS Acct tech - purchasing, Secretary - HR/FS/facility services/special ed/trans, Mechanic asst, Spec - HR Bus driver, Bus driver special needs Maintenance worker skilled, Compliance specialist - sp ed 30 9.81 : 14.72 31 10.06 : 15.09 32 10.31 : 15.47 33 10.57 : 15.86 40 12.55 : 18.83 41 12.86 : 19.29 42 13.19 : 19.79 43 13.52 : 20.28 53 17.30 : 25.95 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 53 55 58 66 55 18.17 : 27.26 58 19.57 : 29.36 66 23.84 : 35.76 Accounting specialist payroll, Senior relief bus driver Dispatcher/trainer, Administrative asst elem/missle schools, Registrar, Bookkeeper, Administrative secretary grants/special ed, Help desk technician II Administrative asst ASM/DCI/HR/PD, Substitute coordinator, Computer support tech I, Student information specialist HVAC mechanic Mechanic Executive secretary Custodial foreman, Food services field supervisor, Asst transportation supervisor, Grounds foreman Computer support tech II Mechanic lead Senior buyer, COTA, Speech language pathologist asst Computer support tech III Grant coordinator Payroll supervisor HVAC mechanic lead 409 Casa Grande Elementary ESP (continued) Min Max 410 RN 32,058 : 44,373 RN+15 32,883 : 45,487 NURSES RN+30 BA BA+15 33,708 34,038 34,863 : : : 46,602 47,045 48,160 BA+30 35,688 : 49,275 BA+45 36,513 : 50,387 SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST Competence Certificate 49,643 : 68,721 PSYCHOLOGIST MA DOC 49,643 50,727 : : 68,721 70,295 PINAL COUNTY Casa Grande UHS ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 8.69 8.95 9.22 9.50 9.78 10.07 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 15.24 15.70 16.17 16.65 17.15 17.66 18.19 2 8.95 9.22 9.50 9.78 10.07 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 15.24 15.70 16.17 16.65 17.15 17.66 18.19 18.74 1 Instructional aide 2 Attendance clerk I 2 Receptionist 3 Instructional aide II 4 Clerk II 5 Instruction aide III 5 Library clerk 6 Security I 6 Warehouse assistant 6 Custodian 6 Nurse’s assistant 6 Clerk III transcripts 7 Security (night) 7 Grounds 3 9.22 9.50 9.78 10.07 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 4 9.50 9.78 10.07 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14 12.75 13.13 13.53 13.93 14.35 14.78 15.22 15.68 16.15 16.64 17.13 17.65 18.18 18.72 19.29 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 school 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 16 13.53 13.93 14.35 14.78 15.22 15.68 16.15 16.64 17.13 17.65 18.18 18.72 19.29 19.86 20.46 5 9.78 10.07 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 6 10.07 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 15.24 17 13.93 14.35 14.78 15.22 15.68 16.15 16.64 17.13 17.65 18.18 18.72 19.29 19.86 20.46 21.07 LEP clerk Transporter – sp ed Bookstore assistant Facility assistant Secretary I Print shop assistant Clerk – night Lead custodian Secretary II White Fleet mgr Purchasing assistant Interventionist Lead custodian II Secretary III 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 7 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 15.24 16.17 18 14.35 14.78 15.22 15.68 16.15 16.64 17.13 17.65 18.18 18.72 19.29 19.86 20.46 21.07 21.71 8 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 15.24 16.17 16.65 19 14.85 15.30 15.76 16.23 16.72 17.22 17.73 18.27 18.81 19.38 19.96 20.56 21.18 21.81 22.47 Lead security Lead grounds ISS supervisor Maintenance I Equipment manager Technology support Interpret provision Print shop manager Testing coord ELL Accounts payable Maint II crafts Admin assistant I Admin assistant II Data processing Custodian foreman 9 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 15.24 16.17 16.65 17.15 21 16.37 16.87 17.37 17.89 18.43 18.98 19.55 20.14 20.74 21.37 22.01 22.67 23.35 24.05 24.77 16 17 17 18 18 19 21 21 24 24 26 26 10 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 15.24 15.70 16.17 16.65 17.15 24 18.96 19.52 20.11 20.71 21.34 21.98 22.63 23.31 24.01 24.73 25.48 26.24 27.03 27.84 28.67 11 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.14 13.54 13.94 14.36 14.79 15.24 15.70 16.17 16.65 17.15 17.66 26 21.30 21.94 22.60 23.27 23.97 24.69 25.43 26.19 26.98 27.79 28.62 29.48 30.37 31.28 32.22 Interpret non-pro HVAC I Bookstore manager Admin assistant III Payroll technician HVAC II IT support II COTA Maint supervision IT support III ED interpret (degr) Executive sec’y I 411 Casa Grande UHS ESP (continued) OT/PT/Psychologist/Speech Therapist STEP BA BA+24 MA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 34.39 35.08 35.78 36.49 37.22 37.97 38.73 39.50 40.29 41.10 41.92 42.76 43.61 44.49 45.38 35.50 36.21 36.93 37.67 38.43 39.19 39.98 40.78 41.59 42.43 43.27 44.14 45.02 45.92 46.84 36.21 36.93 37.67 38.43 39.19 39.98 40.78 41.59 42.43 43.27 44.14 45.02 45.92 46.84 47.78 412 EDS MA+45 38.02 38.78 39.56 40.35 41.15 41.98 42.82 43.67 44.55 45.44 46.35 47.27 48.22 49.18 50.17 MA+60 DOC 39.92 40.72 41.53 42.37 43.21 44.08 44.96 45.86 46.77 47.71 48.66 49.64 50.63 51.64 52.68 41.92 42.76 43.61 44.48 45.37 46.28 47.21 48.15 49.11 50.10 51.10 52.12 53.16 54.22 55.31 PINAL COUNTY J.O. Combs Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Step A 7.94 8.14 8.34 8.55 8.76 8.98 9.21 9.44 9.67 9.91 10.16 10.42 10.68 10.94 11.22 11.50 11.78 12.08 12.38 12.69 B 8.40 8.61 8.83 9.05 9.28 9.51 9.75 9.99 10.24 10.49 10.76 11.03 11.30 11.58 11.87 12.17 12.47 12.79 13.11 13.43 C 8.87 9.09 9.32 9.55 9.79 10.03 10.28 10.54 10.80 11.07 11.35 11.64 11.93 12.22 12.53 12.84 13.16 13.49 13.83 14.18 D 9.33 9.57 9.80 10.05 10.30 10.56 10.82 11.09 11.37 11.65 11.95 12.24 12.55 12.86 13.19 13.52 13.85 14.20 14.56 14.92 E 9.82 10.06 10.31 10.57 10.84 11.11 11.38 11.67 11.96 12.26 12.57 12.88 13.20 13.53 13.87 14.22 14.57 14.94 15.31 15.69 F 10.27 10.53 10.79 11.06 11.34 11.62 11.91 12.21 12.52 12.83 13.15 13.48 13.81 14.16 14.51 14.88 15.25 15.63 16.02 16.42 RANGE A Bus driver trainee Clerical aide B Bus aide Food service worker 1 Personal care attendant, no parapro Preschool attendant C Crossing guard Food service cashier D Activity leader; before-and-after school program E Courier service driver Custodian Baker/cook Special ed instructional asst paraprofessional F Receptionist School safety specialist G Bridges specialist Campus security District office receptionist Equipment manager Migrant clerk/home liaison Receptionist II – district I Assistant dispatcher / office support Bus driver / special needs bus driver Inclusion paraprofessional Kitchen manager Program facilitator, before-and-after school RANGE G 10.74 11.00 11.28 11.56 11.85 12.15 12.45 12.76 13.08 13.41 13.74 14.09 14.44 14.80 15.17 15.55 15.94 16.34 16.74 17.16 I 11.68 11.97 12.27 12.57 12.89 13.21 13.54 13.88 14.23 14.58 14.95 15.32 15.70 16.09 16.50 16.91 17.33 17.77 18.21 18.67 J 12.15 12.45 12.77 13.08 13.41 13.75 14.09 14.44 14.80 15.17 15.55 15.94 16.34 16.75 17.17 17.60 18.04 18.49 18.95 19.42 K 12.63 12.94 13.26 13.60 13.94 14.28 14.64 15.01 15.38 15.77 16.16 16.57 16.98 17.40 17.84 18.28 18.74 19.21 19.69 20.18 L 13.09 13.42 13.75 14.10 14.45 14.81 15.18 15.56 15.95 16.35 16.76 17.17 17.60 18.04 18.50 18.96 19.43 19.92 20.42 20.93 M 13.54 13.88 14.23 14.59 14.95 15.32 15.71 16.10 16.50 16.91 17.34 17.77 18.22 18.67 19.14 19.62 20.11 20.61 21.12 21.65 N 14.02 14.37 14.73 15.10 15.47 15.86 16.26 16.66 17.08 17.51 17.95 18.39 18.85 19.33 19.81 20.30 20.81 21.33 21.86 22.41 R 14.58 14.95 15.32 15.71 16.10 16.50 16.91 17.34 17.77 18.21 18.67 19.14 19.61 20.10 20.61 21.12 21.65 22.19 22.75 23.32 RANGE J Accounts payable clerk Administrative assistant I Administrative assistant I: principal Attendance clerk Business office specialist I Medical assistant K Bus driver / driver trainer Employee benefits specialist Lead day custodian Lead night custodian Payroll specialist I Routing coordinator/dispatcher L Administrative assistant II Warehouse coordinator M Buyer SAIS coordinator Transition coordinator N Admin asst III, governing bd & supt. HVAC technician Locksmith Mechanic – vehicle Risk manager R Human resources specialist II 413 PINAL COUNTY Coolidge Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 7.35 7.39 7.42 7.46 7.50 7.54 7.57 7.61 7.65 7.69 7.73 7.76 7.80 3 7.45 7.49 7.52 7.56 7.60 7.64 7.68 7.71 7.75 7.79 7.83 7.87 7.91 Range 1 Irrigator Range 3 Crossing guard Range 4 Food service I Asst. baker/cook Range 5 Instructional aide (HS/GED) - Title I, Indian-Ed, library, special education, ESL, VOC-ed, Barely Bears, CTC, Success Center) Food service worker II Custodian I Range 6 Bus monitor Mail courier Office clerk I 414 4 7.51 7.79 7.95 8.11 8.27 8.44 8.62 8.78 8.96 9.15 9.33 9.51 9.71 GRADE 5 7.79 8.07 8.24 8.41 8.57 8.74 8.92 9.11 9.28 9.47 9.67 9.86 10.06 6 8.07 8.52 8.70 8.87 9.04 9.23 9.42 9.61 9.81 10.01 10.21 10.41 10.62 Range 7 Instruction aide II (Title I, lab manager, migrant, Indian Ed, CTC-community services, BMC, Barely Bears, CTC Special ed clerk Food service driver Clerk II (guidance) Registrar Vehicle prep Range 8 Food service (baker, cook, cashier, manager) Secretary II (curriculum, transportation, asst. principal, sp/ed/Medicaid, Barely Bears admin asst. Instructional aide II (special ed) Attendance clerk Night security 7 8.52 8.90 9.08 9.26 9.45 9.64 9.84 10.04 10.24 10.45 10.65 10.87 11.09 8 8.90 9.45 9.64 9.84 10.04 10.24 10.45 10.65 10.87 11.09 11.31 11.54 11.77 9 9.45 9.56 9.75 9.94 10.15 10.35 10.56 10.78 10.99 11.22 11.44 11.67 11.91 Range 9 Administrative asst (human resource, principal, curriculum, food service, special services, FRC, Success Center, career technology, technology, non CDL driver) CTC community service Ground worker Head custodian Maintenance I Security Truancy officer Coolidge Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 9.56 10.30 10.51 10.72 10.94 11.16 11.39 11.62 11.85 12.09 12.33 12.58 12.83 11 10.30 10.67 10.88 11.10 11.32 11.55 11.78 12.02 12.26 12.52 12.77 13.03 13.29 Range 10 Food service asst. director CDL driver Specialist (clerk – health, human resource, account payables, payroll, employee benefits, student Act/Aux) 12 10.67 11.09 11.31 11.54 11.78 12.01 12.25 12.51 12.76 13.02 13.28 13.55 13.82 13 11.09 11.75 11.99 12.23 12.47 12.72 12.99 13.25 13.52 13.79 14.06 14.35 14.64 Range 12 Maintenance II Mechanic Grounds II Range 13 HR specialist II Payroll specialist II Range 11 Administrative asst III 15 12.23 12.90 13.16 13.43 13.70 13.98 14.25 14.54 14.84 15.14 15.44 15.85 16.07 17 13.44 14.29 14.59 14.88 15.17 15.49 15.79 16.11 16.44 16.76 17.11 17.45 17.80 18 14.29 14.91 15.21 15.52 15.83 16.14 16.47 16.80 17.15 17.49 17.84 18.19 18.56 Range 15 CDL drivers IT technician Mechanic II Relief drivers – step 1 Range 17 Procurement specialist Range 18 Health assistant IT lead technician Support leads Up to 10 years of experience may be given for placement on the salary schedule. 415 PINAL COUNTY Eloy Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 : Maximum STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 : 20 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 : Maximum 416 Instructional Aide 11.04 11.23 11.42 11.61 11.79 11.98 : 14.63 Cafeteria 9.66 9.82 9.99 10.15 10.32 10.49 : 12.80 SEI/Pres Aide 11.31 11.50 11.69 11.87 12.06 12.25 : 14.90 Health Clerk, OCS Aide 11.71 11.90 12.09 12.27 12.46 12.65 : 15.30 Parent Coordinator/ Cafeteria Secretary Clerk 12.22 12.42 12.61 12.81 12.99 13.18 : 15.86 School Secretary, Sp Ed Secretary Migrant Clerk, Attendance Officer 13.01 13.20 13.40 13.59 13.78 13.97 : 16.65 12.42 12.61 12.81 13.01 13.20 13.40 : 16.13 Preschool Director 13.62 13.82 14.03 14.23 14.42 14.62 : 17.43 10.43 10.59 10.76 10.92 11.09 11.26 : 13.57 Computer Lab 12.13 12.32 12.51 12.70 12.89 13.07 : 15.72 Library Clerk 11.75 11.94 12.13 12.32 12.52 12.71 : 15.37 Custodian Bus Driver/ Utility Head Custodian Payroll Clerk 11.27 11.44 11.61 11.78 11.95 12.12 : 14.52 10.20 10.37 10.54 10.71 10.88 11.05 : 13.45 11.69 11.86 12.03 12.20 12.37 12.54 : 14.94 16.54 16.73 16.93 17.12 17.32 17.52 : 20.25 ELL Coordinator/Web Assistant 11.44 11.63 11.82 12.02 12.21 12.40 : 15.08 Head Cook District Office Administrative Secretary, Bookkeeper 12.42 12.61 12.81 13.01 13.20 13.40 : 16.13 PINAL COUNTY Florence Unified ESP, 2012-2013 260 days @ 8 hours per day schedule STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 AIDES B C B C C D D D D A 7.43 7.75 7.93 8.14 8.31 8.53 8.73 8.94 9.17 9.38 9.62 9.84 10.08 10.33 10.58 10.84 11.10 B 8.13 8.48 8.69 8.90 9.12 9.33 9.55 9.79 10.02 10.28 10.51 10.78 11.05 11.32 11.59 11.87 12.16 Lunch monitor Bilingual aide/translator Library One-on-one special ed. Migrant liaison Health clerk Campus monitor ISS monitor School clerk DISTRICT OFFICE E Receptionist E Human resources clerk E Account clerk H Payroll clerk F Accounts payable H Payroll/purchasing I Human resources J Financial services J Executive assistant J Procurement specialist H Admin asst SAIS H Benefits coordinator C 8.93 9.31 9.54 9.77 10.00 10.26 10.49 10.76 11.02 11.30 11.57 11.85 12.13 12.44 12.75 13.05 13.36 D 9.80 10.22 10.46 10.72 10.98 11.24 11.51 11.81 12.09 12.40 12.68 13.01 13.31 13.63 13.98 14.32 14.68 E 10.74 11.20 11.48 11.75 12.06 12.34 12.64 12.95 13.27 13.60 13.92 14.28 14.62 14.99 15.35 15.74 16.11 F 11.85 12.36 12.64 12.96 13.27 13.60 13.92 14.27 14.62 14.98 15.34 15.72 16.09 16.49 16.90 17.31 17.74 TRANSPORTATION B Bus monitor B Bus driver trainee C District driver E Secretary F Bus driver w/CDL F Bus driver/dispatcher F Safety trainer E Mechanic assistant H Mechanic J Head mechanic FOOD SERVICES B Line server B Lunch/recess monitor C Prep cook C Snack bar C Cashier D Lead cook D Food services clerk E Kitchen manager G 13.03 13.59 13.91 14.26 14.61 14.96 15.30 15.71 16.08 16.46 16.89 17.29 17.71 18.16 18.60 19.06 19.54 H 14.32 14.94 15.30 15.68 16.05 16.45 16.85 17.26 17.68 18.12 18.57 19.01 19.48 19.95 20.44 20.95 21.46 I 15.77 16.45 16.85 17.26 17.68 18.12 18.55 19.01 19.47 19.95 20.43 20.93 21.45 21.98 22.52 23.07 23.64 J 17.39 18.14 18.58 19.03 19.49 19.96 20.45 20.96 21.46 21.99 22.53 23.08 23.64 24.23 24.82 25.43 26.06 MAINTENANCE B Cross guard D Custodian F Lead custodian D Groundskeeper F Grounds field specialist G Grounds crew super C Mail E Maintenance H Painter G Facility assistant J HVAC technician J Electrician w/license J Maint special projects G Warehouse super SECRETARIAL E Secretary D Special programs CI E Registrar TECHNOLOGY J IT specialist F Computer tech 417 Florence Unified ESP (continued) Nursing/SLPA/ESP Salary Schedule NURSE HOURLY STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CNA 11.85 12.09 12.36 12.68 12.97 13.30 13.62 13.95 14.30 14.65 15.00 15.37 15.74 16.13 16.52 16.93 17.35 CMA 14.32 14.61 14.96 15.33 15.70 16.09 16.48 16.88 17.29 17.72 18.16 18.59 19.05 19.51 19.99 20.49 20.99 LPN/LVN/SLPA 17.39 17.74 18.17 18.62 19.06 19.52 20.00 20.50 20.99 21.50 22.03 22.57 23.12 23.69 24.28 24.87 25.49 Low Median High 418 MA+45 54,620 78,406 118,516 AA/RN 29,942 BS/RN 30,678 BS+36/RN 31,413 34,355 35,825 36,561 38,767 40,973 41,709 46,122 46,857 52,005 Occupational & Physical Therapy School Psychologist MA 53,120 76,253 11,5261 NURSE SALARY DOC 56,120 80,559 121,771 OTR/RPT 49,050 63,501 86,567 Parapro 11.00 11.22 11.44 11.67 11.91 12.14 12.39 12.64 12.89 13.15 13.41 13.68 13.95 14.23 14.51 14.80 15.10 ESP Behavioral Tech 13.00 13.26 13.53 13.80 14.07 14.35 14.64 14.93 15.23 15.54 15.85 16.16 16.49 16.82 17.15 17.50 17.85 Speech Language Pathologist BA 43,575 52,675 63,075 MA-CFY 46,575 55,675 66,075 MA-CCC 49,575 58,675 69,075 MACCC+30 52,575 61,575 72,075 PINAL COUNTY Mammoth-San Manuel Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Hiring rates Library Paraprofessional,* Speech Paraprofessional,* Attendance clerk 8.03 Custodian, Secretary, Grounds, Cafeteria 2 Warehouse, Security A Cleaning, Cafe 1, Paraprofessional,* Clerical & nonclerical, Department subs 7.65 8.98 10.18 Payroll, Accounts payable, Secretary for student achievement, Maintenance, Board/supt secretary 11.88 B 8.33 9.03 9.98 11.18 12.88 C 8.83 9.53 10.48 11.68 13.38 LEVEL Bus Driver Hiring Rates Sub, Driver w/ < 1 year 9.33 Over 1 year 11.83 Half-day route 12.98 Full-day route 13.48 * Paraprofessionals with Associate of Arts Degree or 60 hours of college credit earn an extra $1 per hour. 419 PINAL COUNTY Maricopa Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 9.22 9.50 9.78 10.07 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.76 13.15 13.54 13.95 14.36 14.80 15.24 15.70 16.17 2 9.40 9.69 9.98 10.28 10.58 10.90 11.23 11.57 11.91 12.27 12.64 13.02 13.41 13.81 14.22 14.65 15.09 15.54 16.01 16.49 3 9.59 9.88 10.18 10.48 10.80 11.12 11.45 11.80 12.15 12.52 12.89 13.28 13.68 14.09 14.51 14.94 15.39 15.85 16.33 16.82 4 9.78 10.08 10.38 10.69 11.01 11.34 11.68 12.03 12.39 12.77 13.15 13.54 13.95 14.37 14.80 15.24 15.70 16.17 16.66 17.15 5 9.98 10.28 10.59 10.91 11.23 11.57 11.92 12.27 12.64 13.02 13.41 13.81 14.23 14.66 15.10 15.55 16.02 16.50 16.99 17.50 JOB LEVEL 6 7 10.18 10.38 10.49 10.69 10.80 11.02 11.12 11.35 11.46 11.69 11.80 12.04 12.16 12.40 12.52 12.77 12.90 13.15 13.28 13.55 13.68 13.95 14.09 14.37 14.51 14.80 14.95 15.25 15.40 15.71 15.86 16.18 16.34 16.66 16.83 17.16 17.33 17.68 17.85 18.21 8 10.59 10.91 11.25 11.57 11.92 12.28 12.65 13.03 13.42 13.82 14.23 14.66 15.10 15.55 16.02 16.50 17.00 17.51 18.03 18.57 9 10.80 11.13 11.46 11.80 12.16 12.52 12.90 13.29 13.68 14.10 14.52 14.95 15.40 15.86 16.34 16.83 17.34 17.86 18.39 18.94 10 11.02 11.35 11.69 12.04 12.40 12.77 13.16 13.55 13.96 14.38 14.81 15.25 15.71 16.18 16.67 17.17 17.68 18.21 18.76 19.32 11 11.24 11.58 11.92 12.28 12.65 13.03 13.42 13.82 14.24 14.66 15.10 15.56 16.02 16.51 17.00 17.51 18.04 18.58 19.13 19.71 12 11.46 11.81 12.16 12.53 12.90 13.29 13.69 14.10 14.52 14.96 15.41 15.87 16.34 16.84 17.34 17.86 18.40 18.95 19.52 20.10 13 11.69 12.04 12.41 12.78 13.16 13.56 13.96 14.38 14.81 15.26 15.71 16.19 16.67 17.17 17.69 18.22 18.76 19.33 19.91 20.50 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 11.93 12.28 12.65 13.03 13.42 13.83 14.24 14.67 15.11 15.56 16.03 16.51 17.01 17.52 18.04 18.58 19.14 19.71 20.31 20.91 15 12.17 12.53 12.91 13.29 13.69 14.10 14.53 14.96 15.41 15.87 16.35 16.84 17.35 17.87 18.40 18.95 19.52 20.11 20.71 21.33 16 12.41 12.78 13.16 13.56 13.97 14.39 14.82 15.26 15.72 16.19 16.68 17.18 17.69 18.22 18.77 19.33 19.91 20.51 21.13 21.76 17 12.66 13.04 13.43 13.83 14.25 14.67 15.11 15.57 16.03 16.51 17.01 17.52 18.05 18.59 19.14 19.72 20.31 20.92 21.55 22.19 18 12.91 13.30 13.70 14.11 14.53 14.97 15.42 15.88 16.35 16.84 17.35 17.87 18.41 18.96 19.53 20.11 20.72 21.34 21.98 22.64 19 13.17 13.56 13.97 14.39 14.82 15.27 15.72 16.20 16.68 17.18 17.70 18.23 18.78 19.34 19.92 20.52 21.13 21.77 22.42 23.09 21 13.70 14.11 14.53 14.97 15.42 15.88 16.36 16.85 17.36 17.88 18.41 18.96 19.53 20.12 20.72 21.34 21.99 22.64 23.32 24.02 22 13.97 14.39 14.83 15.27 15.73 16.20 16.69 17.19 17.70 18.23 18.78 19.34 19.92 20.52 21.14 21.77 22.42 23.10 23.79 24.50 23 14.25 14.68 15.12 15.58 16.04 16.52 17.02 17.53 18.06 18.60 19.16 19.73 20.33 20.93 21.56 22.21 22.87 23.56 24.27 24.99 24 14.54 14.98 15.42 15.89 16.36 16.85 17.36 17.88 18.42 18.97 19.54 20.13 20.73 21.35 21.99 22.65 23.33 24.03 24.75 25.49 25 14.83 15.27 15.73 16.20 16.69 17.19 17.71 18.24 18.79 19.35 19.93 20.53 21.14 21.78 22.43 23.10 23.80 24.51 25.25 26.00 28 15.74 16.21 16.70 17.20 17.71 18.24 18.79 19.36 19.94 20.53 21.15 21.78 22.44 23.11 23.80 24.52 25.25 26.01 26.79 27.60 420 20 13.43 13.83 14.25 14.68 15.12 15.57 16.04 16.52 17.02 17.53 18.05 18.59 19.15 19.73 20.32 20.93 21.55 22.20 22.87 23.55 Maricopa Unified ESP (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 Job Level/Job Title Groundskeeper 1, Maintenance 1, Custodian 1, 15 Bus aide 1 18 School receptionist, Playground monitor Groundskeeper 2, Maintenance 2, Food service 1, 19 Custodian 2, Food service worker/custodian 20 Food service 2 (cook) 21 Special ed data entry, Personal care assistant, Para ELL, Para Indian ed, HR file clerk, Database 22 clerk Attendance clerk, Lead custodian, Nurse aide Special ed records clerk, School clerk 23 Registrar, Library aide, Book store clekr 24 Site head cook, Food service site manager (ES), Food service site lead Bus driver, Warehouse 25 Elem school admin, Para technology, Department 28 admin, Medical assistant, Special ed para self cont Mid/high school admin, Payroll clerk, HR tech, District receptionist School Psychologist (200 contract days) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Intern 48,000 49,440 50,923 52,451 54,024 55,645 57,314 59,033 60,804 62,628 MA 54,000 55,620 57,289 59,007 60,777 62,601 64,479 66,413 68,406 70,458 MA+45 55,500 57,165 58,880 60,646 62,466 64,340 66,270 68,258 70,306 72,415 Food service site manager HS, Truancy officer Cert nurse assistant, HR generalist, Substitute specialist Bus mechanic, Parent liaison Trans route specialist, Trans trainer Lead groundskeeper, Food service site manager (HS) Accounts payable specialist, Accounts receivable specialist, Business generalist, HR specialist, Payroll specialist Food service supervisor Fixed assets/inventory, Maintenance 2/HVAC, Maintenance 2/electrical & plumbing, Support tech/technology Advocate/mentor/security, ELL specialist Head mechanic, Student data specialist, Grants manager, Project specialist, Senior support tech/technology Occupational/ Physical Therapy (190 days) DOC 57,000 58,710 60,471 62,285 64,154 66,079 68,061 70,103 72,206 74,372 COTA/PTA 40,000 41,200 42,436 43,709 45,020 46,371 47,762 49,195 50,671 52,191 OTR/PT 51,000 52,530 54,106 55,729 57,401 59,123 60,897 62,724 64,606 66,544 Speech & Language Therapy (190 contract days) MAMAMABA CFY CCC CCC+30 51,000 57,120 59,160 62,220 52,530 58,834 60,935 64,087 54,106 60,598 62,763 66,009 55,729 62,417 64,646 67,989 57,401 64,289 66,586 70,029 59,123 66,217 68,583 72,130 60,987 68,204 70,640 74,294 62,724 70,250 72,760 76,522 64,606 72,358 74,942 78,818 66,544 74,528 77,191 81,183 421 Maricopa Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LPN 26,132 26,916 27,723 28,555 29,412 30,294 31,203 32,139 33,103 34,096 Health Office Salary Schedule RN RN+15 27,260 27,636 28,078 28,465 28,920 29,319 29,788 30,199 30,681 31,105 31,602 32,038 32,550 32,999 33,526 33,989 34,532 35,008 35,568 36,059 RN+30 28,012 28,852 29,718 30,609 31,528 32,474 33,448 34,451 35,485 36,549 RN+45 28,576 29,433 30,316 31,226 32,163 33,127 34,121 35,145 36,199 37,285 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BSN 29,328 30,208 31,114 32,047 33,009 33,999 35,019 36,070 37,152 38,266 BSN+15 30,268 31,176 32,111 33,075 34,067 35,089 36,142 37,226 38,343 39,493 BSN+30 31,208 32,144 33,109 34,102 35,125 36,179 37,264 38,382 39,533 40,719 BSN+45 32,148 33,112 34,106 35,129 36,183 37,268 38,386 39,538 40,724 41,946 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MSN 33,088 34,081 35,103 36,156 37,241 38,358 39,509 40,694 41,915 43,172 MSN+15 34,028 35,049 36,100 37,183 38,299 39,448 40,631 41,850 43,106 44,399 MSN+30 35,156 36,211 37,297 38,416 39,568 40,755 41,978 43,237 44,535 45,871 MSN+45 36,096 37,179 38,294 39,443 40,626 41,845 43,101 44,394 45,725 47,097 Nurse aides are on the classified support schedule, level 6; Medical assistants, level 11; Certified nursing assistants, level 18. 422 Maricopa Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MA 41,520 42,350 43,197 44,061 44,942 45,842 46,758 47,693 48,647 49,620 50,612 51,625 52,658 53,710 54,785 Certified Counselor – 204 days MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 42,766 44,049 45,370 43,621 44,930 46,277 44,493 45,829 47,203 45,383 46,745 48,147 46,291 47,680 49,110 47,217 48,634 50,092 48,161 49,606 51,094 49,124 50,598 52,116 50,106 51,610 53,158 51,109 52,642 54,221 52,131 53,695 55,305 53,174 54,769 56,412 54,237 55,864 57,540 55,322 56,981 58,691 56,428 58,122 59,865 57,557 59,283 61,062 MA+60 46,731 47,666 48,619 49,591 50,583 51,595 52,627 53,680 54,753 55,848 56,975 58,104 59,266 60,451 61,661 62,894 DOC 48,133 49,096 50,078 51,081 52,101 53,143 54,206 55,290 56,396 57,524 58,674 59,847 61,044 62,265 63,510 64,781 Mary C. O’Brien Accommodation ESP, 2012-2013 GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Bus Driver 11.83 12.13 12.65 12.85 13.06 13.27 13.48 13.68 13.90 14.10 14.68 Hourly Employees 10.16 10.41 10.93 11.14 11.35 11.55 11.77 11.97 12.18 12.38 12.60 12.80 13.01 13.22 13.43 13.63 13.85 14.05 14.26 14.47 14.68 Grade denotes a point on a scale. It does not equate to years. 423 PINAL COUNTY Oracle Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 LEVELS STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 8.75 9.01 9.40 9.77 10.18 10.57 10.97 11.36 11.76 12.15 12.55 12.94 13.33 13.73 14.12 14.52 14.91 15.31 15.70 16.09 16.49 16.88 17.28 17.67 18.07 18.46 18.86 19.25 19.63 20.02 2 9.01 9.26 9.66 10.05 10.44 10.84 11.22 11.62 12.01 12.41 12.80 13.20 13.59 13.98 14.38 14.77 15.17 15.56 15.96 16.35 16.75 17.14 17.53 17.93 18.32 18.72 19.10 19.52 19.89 20.28 3 9.26 9.53 9.91 10.34 10.70 11.10 11.49 11.88 12.28 12.67 13.07 13.46 13.86 14.25 14.65 15.04 15.43 15.80 16.22 16.62 17.01 17.41 17.76 18.19 18.59 18.98 19.38 19.76 20.16 20.56 4 10.40 10.70 11.10 11.49 11.88 12.28 12.67 13.07 13.46 13.86 14.25 14.65 15.04 15.43 15.83 16.22 16.62 17.01 17.41 17.80 18.19 18.59 18.98 19.38 19.76 20.16 20.55 20.95 21.34 21.73 5 11.93 12.28 12.67 13.07 13.46 13.86 14.25 14.65 15.04 15.43 15.83 16.22 16.62 17.01 17.41 17.80 18.19 18.59 18.98 19.38 19.76 20.16 20.55 20.95 21.34 21.73 22.13 22.52 22.92 23.31 6 12.77 13.14 13.54 13.93 14.33 14.72 15.10 15.50 15.89 16.29 16.68 17.08 17.47 17.86 18.26 18.65 19.05 19.44 19.84 20.23 20.62 21.02 21.41 21.81 22.20 22.60 22.99 23.39 23.78 24.15 7 14.89 15.50 16.12 16.75 17.36 17.98 18.60 19.22 19.84 20.46 21.08 21.71 22.33 22.94 23.56 24.19 24.80 25.42 26.04 26.67 27.29 27.91 28.52 29.15 29.77 30.38 31.00 31.63 32.25 32.86 Level 1 Paraprofessional I (ORLC program assistant) Level 2 Paraprofessional II (intervention/special ed/conduct monitor); Food service assistant Level 3 Paraprofessional III (computer and library assistant); Office clerk; Custodian; Food production supervisor; Technology assistant Level 4 School secretary; ORCL/School secretary; Special projects secretary; Bus driver; Maintenance/custodial/ ORLC lead instructor; Technology assistant II; 21st century/Community schools coordinator Level 5 Maintenance/Skilled Level 6 District secretary; Food service director; Medical assistant; Auto/bus mechanic; OR Learning Center program director Level 7 Administrative assistant 424 PINAL COUNTY Ray Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Nurse Secretary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 25,860 26,360 26,860 27,360 27,860 28,360 28,860 29,360 29,860 30,360 11.20 11.50 11.80 12.10 12.40 12.70 13.00 13.30 13.60 13.90 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cook 8.45 8.70 8.95 9.20 9.45 9.70 9.95 10.20 10.45 10.70 Accounts payable, Purchasing coordinator, Payroll/fixed assets coordinator 11.50 11.80 12.10 12.40 12.70 13.00 13.30 13.60 13.90 14.20 Bus driver 12.35 Groundskeeper 8.10 8.40 8.70 9.00 9.30 9.60 9.90 10.20 10.50 10.80 Aide Cafeteria help Building level clerk 7.60 7.85 8.10 8.35 8.60 8.85 9.10 9.35 9.60 9.85 7.60 7.85 8.10 8.35 8.60 8.85 9.10 9.35 9.60 9.85 10.30 10.60 10.90 11.20 11.50 11.80 12.10 12.40 12.70 13.00 Transportation mechanic 14.10 14.60 15.10 15.60 Custodian 7.60 7.85 8.10 8.35 8.60 8.85 9.10 9.35 9.60 9.85 Maintenance custodian 11.40 11.65 11.90 12.15 12.40 12.65 12.90 13.15 13.40 13.65 425 PINAL COUNTY Sacaton Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 9.50 9.80 10.10 10.40 10.70 11.00 11.30 11.60 11.90 12.20 12.50 12.80 2 10.50 10.80 11.10 11.40 11.70 12.00 12.30 12.60 12.90 13.20 13.50 13.80 3 11.50 11.80 12.10 12.40 12.70 13.00 13.30 13.60 13.90 14.20 14.50 14.80 GRADE 4 12.50 12.80 13.10 13.40 13.70 14.00 14.30 14.60 14.90 15.20 15.50 15.80 5 13.50 13.80 14.10 14.40 14.70 15.00 15.30 15.60 15.90 16.20 16.50 16.80 6 14.50 14.80 15.10 15.40 15.70 16.00 16.30 16.60 16.90 17.20 17.50 17.80 7 15.50 15.80 16.10 16.40 16.70 17.00 17.30 17.60 17.90 18.20 18.50 18.80 8 16.50 16.80 17.10 17.40 17.70 18.00 18.30 18.60 18.90 19.20 19.50 19.80 1 Cafeteria worker, Custodian, Bus monitor, Van driver 2 Cook, Groundskeeper, Security guard 3 HQ teacher aide (passed assessment test or AA degree) 4 Attendance clerk, Bus driver, School/home liaison 5 Maintenance, Personnel clerk 6 Payroll/insurance clerk, School secretary, Warehouse clerk 7 Administrative assistant I, Bookkeeper, Mechanic, Technology center assistant, Technology technician/trainer 8 Administrative assistant II 426 PINAL COUNTY Santa Cruz Valley UHS ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Facilities Assistant, Food Service Worker 9.47 9.71 9.95 10.20 10.45 10.71 10.98 11.26 11.54 11.83 12.12 12.43 12.74 13.05 13.38 13.72 14.06 14.41 14.77 15.14 15.52 15.91 16.30 Secretary 9.65 9.89 10.14 10.39 10.65 10.92 11.19 11.47 11.76 12.05 12.35 12.66 12.98 13.30 13.64 13.98 14.33 14.68 15.05 15.43 15.81 16.21 16.61 Food Service Lead Worker 9.79 10.03 10.29 10.54 10.81 11.08 11.35 11.64 11.93 12.23 12.53 12.85 13.17 13.50 13.83 14.18 14.53 14.90 15.27 15.65 16.04 16.44 16.85 Security assistant/ van driver Facilities Coordinator & Shift Supervisor Paraproessional 9.87 10.12 10.37 10.63 10.89 11.17 11.45 11.73 12.03 12.33 12.63 12.95 13.27 13.61 13.95 14.29 14.65 15.02 15.39 15.78 16.17 16.58 16.99 10.32 10.58 10.84 11.11 11.39 11.68 11.97 12.27 12.57 12.89 13.21 13.54 13.88 14.23 14.58 14.95 15.32 15.70 16.10 16.50 16.91 17.33 17.77 11.56 11.85 12.15 12.45 12.76 13.08 13.41 13.74 14.08 14.44 14.80 15.17 15.55 15.94 16.33 16.74 17.16 17.59 18.03 18.48 18.94 19.42 19.90 Admin Assistant, Accounting Clerk Bus driver 11.69 11.98 12.28 12.59 12.90 13.23 13.56 13.90 14.24 14.60 14.96 15.34 15.72 16.11 16.52 16.93 17.35 17.79 18.23 18.69 19.16 19.63 20.13 11.90 12.20 12.50 12.81 13.14 13.46 13.80 14.15 14.50 14.86 15.23 15.61 16.00 16.40 16.81 17.23 17.67 18.11 18.56 19.02 19.50 19.99 20.49 Part-time worker: $8.00; $8.50; $9.00. 427 PINAL COUNTY Stanfield Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Aides and Preschool STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Health aide 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 428 Print shop aide 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 GED/HS diploma 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 Monitor 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 STEP Custodian 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 15 semester hours 8.87 9.12 9.37 9.62 9.87 10.12 10.37 10.62 10.87 11.12 Van driver 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 Instructional Aides — Paraprofessional Qualified 30 45 60 semester semester semester Associate hours hours hours Degree 9.00 9.12 9.25 9.50 9.25 9.37 9.50 9.75 9.50 9.62 9.75 10.00 9.75 9.87 10.00 10.25 10.00 10.12 10.25 10.50 10.25 10.37 10.50 10.75 10.50 10.62 10.75 11.00 10.75 10.87 11.00 11.25 11.00 11.12 11.25 11.50 11.25 11.37 11.50 11.75 TRANSPORTATION Dispatcher Bus driver 10.00 13.50 10.25 13.75 10.50 14.00 10.75 14.25 11.00 14.50 11.25 14.75 11.50 15.00 Bus driver in training: $12.75 MAINTENANCE / CUSTODIAN Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Worker I Worker II Worker III 9.25 9.75 10.00 9.50 10.00 10.25 9.75 10.25 10.50 10.00 10.50 10.75 10.25 10.75 11.00 10.50 11.00 11.25 10.75 11.25 11.50 11.00 11.50 11.75 11.25 11.75 12.00 11.50 12.00 12.25 BA 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 Mechanic 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 BA in Education 16.00 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25 Bus driver trainer 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 16.50 I FOOD SERVICE II III 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 Stanfield Elementary ESP (continued) STEP Business Services I / Dispatcher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.38 12.63 12.88 13.13 13.38 13.63 13.88 14.13 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Reception / Office Secretary, / Health, Business Administrative Services I assistant, Business services II 11.00 12.50 11.25 12.75 11.50 13.00 11.75 13.25 12.00 13.50 12.25 13.75 12.50 14.00 12.75 14.25 13.00 14.50 13.25 14.75 13.50 15.00 13.75 15.25 14.00 15.50 14.25 15.75 14.50 16.00 Administrative assistant to superintendent and governing board 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 Business services III 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 For all schedules, substitute compensation is at step 1, and maximum credit for experience on initial placement is two years. Superior Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Aide Custodian, Clerical, Food Service Base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7.00 7.15 7.30 7.46 7.77 8.09 8.40 8.72 8.93 9.40 9.77 10.13 10.50 10.87 11.24 11.60 7.20 7.49 7.77 8.19 8.61 9.03 9.45 9.87 10.19 10.50 10.82 11.13 11.45 11.76 12.08 12.39 Secretarial, Head Custodian, Head Cook Maintenance 1, Bus Driver, Executive Secretary 8.25 8.66 9.14 9.61 10.08 10.55 11.03 11.50 11.92 12.34 12.76 13.18 13.60 14.02 14.44 14.86 8.70 9.14 9.66 10.19 10.71 11.24 11.76 12.29 12.76 13.23 13.70 14.18 14.65 15.12 15.59 16.07 Payroll, Accounts Payable, Mechanic, Nurse, Maintenance 2 9.30 9.77 10.24 10.71 11.18 11.66 12.13 12.60 13.13 13.65 14.18 14.70 15.23 15.75 16.28 16.80 429 PINAL COUNTY Toltec Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 School Secretary 9.88 10.16 10.44 10.72 11.00 11.28 11.56 11.84 12.12 12.40 Technology Assistant 9.52 9.76 10.01 10.26 10.51 10.76 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 430 Attendance Clerk 9.69 9.94 10.20 10.45 10.71 10.96 11.21 11.47 11.72 11.98 Secretary/ Clerical 9.06 9.35 9.65 9.94 10.24 10.53 10.82 11.12 11.41 11.71 Support Services Supervisor 12.62 12.86 13.10 13.34 13.58 13.82 14.06 14.30 14.54 14.78 Support Services Assistant 9.36 9.60 9.84 10.08 10.32 10.56 10.80 11.04 11.28 11.52 Food Service Cashier 9.63 9.94 10.26 10.57 10.89 11.20 11.52 11.83 12.15 12.46 Food Service Assistant 9.00 9.32 9.63 9.94 10.26 10.57 10.89 11.20 11.52 11.83 Special Services Secretary 9.20 9.45 9.70 9.94 10.19 10.44 10.69 10.94 11.18 11.43 Custodian 8.56 8.75 8.95 9.14 9.33 9.52 9.72 9.91 10.10 10.29 Health Clerk 9.77 10.07 10.38 10.68 10.98 11.29 11.59 11.89 12.20 12.50 Payroll Clerk 12.02 12.26 12.50 12.74 12.98 13.22 13.46 13.70 13.94 14.18 Administrative Assistant 11.18 11.42 11.66 11.90 12.14 12.38 12.62 12.86 13.10 13.34 District Office Clerk, Supply Clerk 9.72 10.01 10.31 10.60 10.90 11.19 11.49 11.78 12.08 12.37 Groundskeeper 9.01 9.25 9.50 9.74 9.98 10.22 10.46 10.70 10.94 11.18 Food Services Director 14.93 15.27 15.60 15.94 16.28 16.61 16.95 17.28 17.62 17.95 Cafeteria Site Manager 9.82 10.13 10.44 10.75 11.06 11.37 11.68 12.00 12.31 12.62 Paraprofessional I 8.75 9.04 9.32 9.61 9.89 10.18 10.46 10.75 11.03 11.32 Paraprofessional II 9.52 9.80 10.09 10.37 10.65 10.94 11.22 11.51 11.79 12.08 Technology Coordinator 16.83 17.07 17.31 17.55 17.79 18.03 18.27 18.51 18.75 18.99 Free & Reduced Clerk/ Cashier 9.83 10.10 10.38 10.66 10.93 11.21 11.48 11.76 12.03 12.31 Bus Driver 10.20 10.45 10.70 10.95 11.20 11.45 11.70 11.95 12.20 12.45 Toltec Elementary ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RN 27,800 28,300 28,800 29,300 29,800 30,300 30,800 31,300 31,800 RN+15 28,300 28,800 29,300 29,800 30,300 30,800 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 RN+30 28,800 29,300 29,800 30,300 30,800 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 33,800 34,300 34,800 35,300 35,800 NURSE BSN 29,300 29,800 30,300 30,800 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 33,800 34,300 34,800 35,300 35,800 36,300 BSN+15 29,800 30,300 30,800 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 33,800 34,300 34,800 35,300 35,800 36,300 36,800 BSN+30 30,300 30,800 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 33,800 34,300 34,800 35,300 35,800 36,300 36,800 37,300 BSN+45 30,800 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 33,800 34,300 34,800 35,300 35,800 36,300 36,800 37,300 37,800 MSN 31,300 31,800 32,300 32,800 33,300 33,800 34,300 34,800 35,300 35,800 36,300 36,800 37,300 37,800 38,300 431 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Nogales Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Aide-child care worker Aide-instructional Custodian Monitor-bus Monitor-cafeteria Aide-caregiver Aide-speech Aide-spec ed SC Clerk-compliance Clerk-office Computer lab spec Aide-Instr degree Clerk-library/attend Clerk-principal Receptionist Driver-warehouse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 8.06 8.29 8.51 8.62 8.74 8.85 8.97 9.09 9.22 9.47 9.69 9.93 10.18 10.40 10.65 10.89 11.13 11.37 11.61 11.86 12.09 12.32 12.55 12.79 13.05 13.28 13.52 13.75 14.00 14.24 14.47 14.72 8.35 8.60 8.83 8.96 9.08 9.19 9.30 9.44 9.57 9.83 10.07 10.31 10.57 10.82 11.07 11.30 11.56 11.80 12.06 12.30 12.54 12.79 13.06 13.29 13.54 13.79 14.05 14.29 14.52 14.78 15.05 15.28 8.79 9.06 9.28 9.41 9.54 9.65 9.80 9.91 10.06 10.32 10.59 10.85 11.11 11.37 11.63 11.90 12.15 12.41 12.68 12.94 13.20 13.46 13.72 13.99 14.25 14.50 14.77 15.05 15.29 15.54 15.81 16.07 432 Aide-sped ed SC degree Clerk-ELL Clerk-registration Comp lab specdegree Technician grounds Specialist-YTP 1 9.33 9.61 9.87 10.01 10.14 10.27 10.39 10.53 10.69 10.99 11.25 11.54 11.80 12.09 12.36 12.65 12.92 13.20 13.47 13.75 14.04 14.31 14.58 14.86 15.16 15.43 15.70 15.98 16.27 16.53 16.82 17.10 Clerk-bookstore Driver-student bus Head custodian Medical assistant Officer security Registrar, district Secretary-asst prin Secretary-spec ed Spec hlth serv NHS Tech-inventory/ship & rec 9.93 10.23 10.50 10.64 10.77 10.92 11.07 11.21 11.38 11.67 11.97 12.27 12.55 12.85 13.16 13.45 13.74 14.05 14.34 14.64 14.92 15.23 15.52 15.82 16.12 16.41 16.71 17.00 17.30 17.60 17.90 18.19 Nogales Unified ESP (continued) STEP Maint worker Registrar NHS Secretary counselor Specialist-benefits Specialistwarehouse Tech-computer elem Secretary principal Secretary (sch imp dir; stud srv dir; sup srv dir) Specialist SAIS Maint worker 2 Secretary (asst supt; maintenance; principal-NHS) Specialist (bookstore, compensation; info system) Tech-computer (HS, MS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 10.56 10.88 11.17 11.31 11.46 11.62 11.77 11.92 12.10 12.41 12.73 13.06 13.36 13.68 14.00 14.31 14.63 14.94 15.26 15.58 15.89 16.22 16.52 16.84 17.17 17.47 17.78 18.09 18.41 18.73 19.04 19.36 11.27 11.61 11.91 12.07 12.23 12.38 12.55 12.70 12.90 13.24 13.57 13.91 14.25 14.59 14.91 15.26 15.59 15.92 16.27 16.61 16.93 17.28 17.61 17.94 18.29 18.63 18.96 19.30 19.61 19.95 20.30 20.63 11.93 12.29 12.62 12.78 12.95 13.13 13.30 13.46 13.67 14.04 14.39 14.75 15.12 15.46 15.82 16.18 16.53 16.89 17.25 17.61 17.96 18.33 18.69 19.02 19.39 19.75 20.11 20.47 20.82 21.19 21.54 21.90 Specialist (accounting; accts pay; budget; human res; payroll; Powerschool) Tech-computer dist Certcomp technician district Comp tech network Maint worker pro Secretary super Specialist procurement Fleet technician YTP spec – degree 12.70 13.09 13.43 13.61 13.80 13.98 14.16 14.35 14.56 14.94 15.32 15.70 16.09 16.47 16.85 17.24 17.62 17.99 18.38 18.76 19.15 19.52 19.90 20.29 20.67 21.03 21.43 21.81 22.20 22.57 22.95 23.34 13.50 13.91 14.28 14.46 14.66 14.85 15.07 15.24 15.48 15.88 16.29 16.70 17.11 17.51 17.91 18.33 18.73 19.14 19.53 19.93 20.36 20.76 21.17 21.56 21.96 22.38 22.78 23.19 23.59 24.00 24.41 24.81 433 Nogales Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 434 RN 31,050 31,981 32,202 32,424 32,723 33,655 34,587 35,520 36,453 37,385 38,318 39,251 40,183 41,116 42,048 42,981 43,914 44,846 45,779 46,712 47,644 48,578 49,511 50,443 51,375 52,309 53,241 54,173 NURSES BSN 31,264 32,202 32,424 32,723 33,655 34,587 35,520 36,453 37,385 38,318 39,251 40,183 41,116 42,048 42,981 43,914 44,846 45,779 46,712 47,644 48,578 49,511 50,443 51,375 52,309 53,241 54,173 55,107 MSN 33,970 34,989 35,237 35,582 36,522 37,462 38,402 39,341 40,281 41,220 42,160 43,100 44,040 44,980 45,919 46,859 47,799 48,739 49,678 50,618 51,557 52,498 53,438 54,377 55,317 56,256 57,197 58,136 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Patagonia Elementary & UHS ESP, 2012-2013 Criteria Points Base Maximum 1 0-3 2 4-6 3 7-9 LEVEL 4 10-12 5 13-15 6 16-17 7 18-19 8 20 8.75 12.80 9.20 13.80 10.30 15.90 11.30 17.50 12.50 18.50 13.50 19.50 14.75 21.50 20.25 25.50 New/returning personnel are placed on the schedule according to credentials in hand at the time of employment and experience credit. At the time of placement, a new employee’s salary will be increased by 1% of the appropriate column base for each year of verified experience, up to 12 years. At the time of placement, a returning employee’s salary will be increased by 1% of the appropriate column base for each year of verified experience, including recognition for longevity. 435 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Santa Cruz Valley Unified ESP, 2012-2013 LEVEL STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 : 17 A 7.40 7.65 7.90 8.15 8.40 8.65 8.90 9.15 9.40 9.65 9.90 : 11.40 B 7.60 7.85 8.10 8.35 8.60 8.85 9.10 9.35 9.60 9.85 10.10 : 11.60 C 7.80 8.05 8.30 8.55 8.80 9.05 9.30 9.55 9.80 10.05 10.30 : 11.80 D 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 : 12.00 E 8.20 8.45 8.70 8.95 9.20 9.45 9.70 9.95 10.20 10.45 10.70 : 12.20 F 8.40 8.65 8.90 9.15 9.40 9.65 9.90 10.15 10.40 10.65 10.90 : 12.40 G 8.60 8.85 9.10 9.35 9.60 9.85 10.10 10.35 10.60 10.85 11.10 : 12.60 Clerk I, Clerk I (mail distribution, student attend.) Custodian Instructional aide I, Playground monitor, Security guard Groundskeeper I, Attendance clerk Instructional aide II, Substitute caller, Tardy room monitor, In-school suspension, Bus monitor Health aide, Instructional aide III (special ed. hand., preschool) Clerk II Bus driver, Clerk typist II, Library technician Clerk III - finance, Bus driver/instructor Clerk typist III LEVEL STEP J K L M N O P 1 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 10.00 10.20 10.40 2 9.45 9.65 9.85 10.05 10.25 10.45 10.65 3 9.70 9.90 10.10 10.30 10.50 10.70 10.90 4 9.95 10.15 10.35 10.55 10.75 10.95 11.15 5 10.20 10.40 10.60 10.80 11.00 11.20 11.40 6 10.45 10.65 10.85 11.05 11.25 11.45 11.65 7 10.70 10.90 11.10 11.30 11.50 11.70 11.90 8 10.95 11.15 11.35 11.55 11.75 11.95 12.15 9 11.20 11.40 11.60 11.80 12.00 12.20 12.40 10 11.45 11.65 11.85 12.05 12.25 12.45 12.65 11 11.70 11.90 12.10 12.30 12.50 12.70 12.90 : : : : : : : : 17 13.20 13.40 13.60 13.80 14.00 14.20 14.40 J Accounts payable tech, Maintenance K Groundskeeper II, Facilities foreman, District receptionist L Dispatcher – transportation, Secretary II (special needs, ESL services), Transition specialist M Lead teacher – preschool N Community liaison O Secretary III – school P Personnel technician S Licensed practical nurse (LPN) X Mechanic H 8.80 9.05 9.30 9.55 9.80 10.05 10.30 10.55 10.80 11.05 11.30 : 12.80 I 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 : 13.00 S 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 : 15.00 X 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 : 16.00 A B C D E F G H I Up to 10 years credit for previous experience is allowed for initial placement on the salary schedule. 436 Santa Cruz Valley Unified ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Nurse/Counselor 29,514 30,582 31,650 32,718 33,786 34,854 35,922 36,990 38,058 39,126 40,194 41,262 42,330 43,398 44,466 45,534 46,602 Athletic Trainer/Technology Coordinator 40,194 41,262 42,330 43,398 44,466 45,534 46,602 47,670 48,738 49,806 50,874 51,942 53,010 54,078 55,146 56,214 57,282 Psychologist/Therapist (Speech, O/T, P/T) 49,806 50,874 51,942 53,010 54,078 55,146 56,214 57,282 58,350 59,418 60,486 61,554 62,622 63,690 64,758 65,826 66,894 67,962 69,030 70,098 437 YAVAPAI COUNTY Ash Fork Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A Food Service 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 B Aide/Clerk 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 C 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 D Maintenance * 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 E Administrative 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 16.50 16.75 * Employees who successfully complete the required Bus Driver training within 6 months of hire date will be given a $2.00 per hour increase in pay rate. This increase will apply to time spent driving. Non-driving time will remain at their regular rate of pay. Bagdad Unified ESP, 2012-2013 438 New entry 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Kitchen 8.30 8.60 8.90 9.20 9.50 9.80 Paraprofessional 8.95 9.25 9.55 9.85 10.15 10.45 Paraeducator I (AA, 60+ credit hours, sub certificate) 9.95 10.25 10.55 10.85 11.15 11.45 New entry 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Custodian Grounds I 9.25 9.55 9.85 10.15 10.45 10.75 Secretary I Clerk II 10.80 11.10 11.40 11.70 12.00 12.30 Secretary II Nurse Assistant 11.70 12.00 12.30 12.60 12.90 13.20 Receptionist Clerk I 9.45 9.75 10.05 10.35 10.65 10.95 Maintenance I 11.70 12.00 12.30 12.60 12.90 13.20 YAVAPAI COUNTY Beaver Creek Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Entry rate 12.55 8.35 10.10 10.90 8.00 8.70 12.25 7.65 12.25 Maintenance/transportation director Custodian Maintenance Bus driver Food service aide Lead food service aide Food service manager Playground/crosswalk/lunch duty aide Bookkeeper 8.35 10.90 9.05 10.90 9.75 8.70 8.35 9.75 Discipline clerk/Health aide/Bookstore manager Office manager Special education secretary Governing board secretary/NCLB/Student records Media specialist (librarian) Paraprofessional-instructional aide Day care provider Lead preschool paraprofessional Camp Verde Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Grounds, Food Service, Custodian, Maintenance Apprentice, ISS Monitor 8.65 8.90 9.16 9.43 9.69 9.96 10.24 10.51 10.77 11.04 11.31 11.58 11.85 12.11 12.39 Site Custodian, Teacher Aide, Print Clerk, Security, Health Aide, Head Cook 9.74 10.01 10.29 10.56 10.82 11.09 11.36 11.63 11.90 12.16 12.44 12.70 12.97 13.20 13.52 Dispatcher, NA Liaison, Computer lab, Paraprofessional, Bus Driver, Maintenance Journeyman 10.87 11.14 11.41 11.68 11.95 12.21 12.49 12.75 13.02 13.29 13.57 13.83 14.09 14.37 14.63 Bus Trainer, MUC coordinator, Secretaries: School, Special Ed., Title I 12.05 12.31 12.59 12.85 13.12 13.39 13.67 13.93 14.19 14.47 14.73 15.00 15.26 15.55 15.81 Payroll, Accounts Payable, Computer Technician, SAIS Assistant 13.02 13.29 13.57 13.83 14.09 14.37 14.63 14.90 15.16 15.45 15.71 15.98 16.25 16.51 16.78 HVAC/ Electricial, Bus Mechanic, Media center coordinator, SAIS supv, Secretary: Superintendent/ Board 14.14 14.42 14.68 14.95 15.21 15.50 15.76 16.03 16.30 16.56 16.83 17.10 17.38 17.64 17.91 439 YAVAPAI COUNTY Canon Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 440 Non-instr Aide 6.75 7.02 7.30 7.59 7.90 8.21 8.54 8.88 9.24 9.61 9.99 10.39 10.81 11.24 11.69 12.16 12.64 13.15 13.67 14.22 Custodian 7.89 8.21 8.53 8.88 9.23 9.60 9.98 10.38 10.80 11.23 11.68 12.15 12.63 13.14 13.66 14.21 14.78 15.37 15.98 16.62 Paraprofessional <07 10.57 10.99 11.43 11.89 12.37 12.86 13.37 13.91 14.47 15.04 15.65 16.27 16.92 17.60 18.30 19.04 19.80 20.59 21.41 22.27 Café Manager 10.98 11.42 11.88 12.35 12.85 13.36 13.89 14.45 15.03 15.63 16.25 16.90 17.58 18.28 19.01 19.77 20.57 21.39 22.24 23.13 Paraprofessional >07 8.63 8.98 9.33 9.71 10.10 10.50 10.92 11.36 11.81 12.28 12.77 13.29 13.82 14.37 14.94 15.54 16.16 16.81 17.48 18.18 Café Assistant 7.44 7.74 8.05 8.37 8.70 9.05 9.41 9.79 10.18 10.59 11.01 11.45 11.91 12.39 12.88 13.40 13.93 14.49 15.07 15.67 Elementary Bus 10.88 11.32 11.77 12.24 12.73 13.24 13.77 14.32 14.89 15.49 16.11 16.75 17.42 18.12 18.84 19.59 20.38 21.19 22.04 22.92 Records Clerk 8.16 8.49 8.83 9.18 9.55 9.93 10.33 10.74 11.17 11.61 12.08 12.56 13.06 13.59 14.13 14.70 15.28 15.89 16.53 17.19 HS Bus 11.02 11.46 11.92 12.40 12.89 13.41 13.94 14.50 15.08 15.68 16.31 16.96 17.64 18.35 19.08 19.85 20.64 21.47 22.32 23.22 Secretary 8.78 9.13 9.50 9.88 10.27 10.68 11.11 11.55 12.02 12.50 13.00 13.52 14.06 14.62 15.20 15.81 16.44 17.10 17.79 18.50 Sub Bus 11.00 11.44 11.90 12.37 12.87 13.38 13.92 14.48 15.05 15.66 16.28 16.93 17.61 18.32 19.05 19.81 20.60 21.43 22.28 Maintenance 8.86 9.21 9.58 9.97 10.36 10.78 11.21 11.66 12.13 12.61 13.11 13.64 14.19 14.75 15.34 15.96 16.59 17.26 17.95 18.67 Account Clerk 8.30 8.63 8.98 9.34 9.71 10.10 10.50 10.92 11.36 11.81 12.29 12.78 13.29 13.82 14.37 14.95 15.55 16.17 16.81 17.49 YAVAPAI COUNTY Chino Valley Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Entry 1 yr exp 2 yrs exp 3 yrs exp 4 yrs exp 5 yrs exp 6 yrs exp 7 yrs exp 8 yrs exp 9 hrs exp 10 hrs exp FACILITIES MAINT Site sprvsrs/dist maint Maintenance Custodial supervisor Custodians Security 12.12 9.85 9.09 8.33 8.33 12.36 10.04 9.27 8.50 8.50 12.61 10.25 9.46 8.67 8.67 12.86 10.45 9.65 8.84 8.84 13.12 10.66 9.84 9.01 9.02 13.38 10.87 10.04 9.20 9.20 13.65 11.09 10.24 9.38 9.38 13.92 11.31 10.44 9.57 9.57 14.20 11.54 10.65 9.76 9.76 14.48 11.77 10.86 9.96 9.96 14.77 12.01 11.08 10.16 10.16 TRANSPORTATION Mechanic supervisor Mechanic Bus driver (not certified) Bus driver (with route) 15.15 12.63 9.09 10.65 15.45 12.88 9.27 10.86 15.76 13.14 9.46 11.08 16.08 13.40 9.65 11.30 16.40 13.67 9.84 11.52 16.73 13.94 10.04 11.75 17.06 14.22 10.24 11.99 17.4 14.5 10.44 12.23 17.75 14.79 10.65 12.47 18.11 15.09 10.86 12.72 18.47 15.39 11.08 12.97 FOOD SERVICE Cafeteria manager Lunch clerk/food prep Food service aide/mntr 10.10 7.58 7.35 10.30 7.73 7.47 10.51 7.88 7.62 10.72 8.04 7.77 10.93 8.20 7.93 11.15 8.36 8.08 11.37 8.53 8.25 11.60 8.70 8.41 11.83 8.88 8.58 12.07 9.05 8.78 12.31 9.23 8.96 BUSINESS Accountant SAIS coordinator Bookkeeper Shipping/receiving mgr Clerk Warehouse/inventry wkr Payroll coordinator Purchasing agent 10.10 12.93 10.10 10.10 7.32 8.08 11.11 13.84 10.30 13.19 10.30 10.30 7.47 8.24 11.33 14.12 10.51 13.45 10.51 10.51 7.62 8.41 11.56 14.40 10.72 13.72 10.72 10.72 7.77 8.57 11.79 14.69 10.93 14.00 10.93 10.93 7.93 8.75 12.03 14.98 11.15 14.28 11.15 11.15 8.08 8.92 12.27 15.28 11.37 14.56 11.37 11.37 8.25 9.10 12.51 15.59 11.60 14.85 11.60 11.60 8.41 9.28 12.76 15.90 11.83 15.15 11.83 11.83 8.58 9.47 13.02 16.22 12.07 15.45 12.07 12.07 8.78 9.66 13.28 16.54 12.31 15.76 12.31 12.31 8.96 9.85 13.55 16.87 ADMIN SERVICES Administrative assistant Secretary II Secretary I Student worker 10.40 9.34 8.59 7.35 10.61 9.53 8.76 7.47 10.82 9.72 8.93 7.62 11.04 9.91 9.11 7.77 11.26 10.11 9.29 7.93 11.49 10.31 9.48 8.08 11.72 10.52 9.67 8.25 11.95 10.73 9.86 8.41 12.19 10.95 10.06 8.58 12.43 11.17 10.26 8.78 12.68 11.39 10.47 8.96 TECHNOLOGY Network administrator Technician 15.66 13.13 15.97 13.39 16.29 13.66 16.61 13.93 16.95 14.21 17.28 14.50 17.63 14.79 17.98 15.08 18.34 15.38 18.71 15.69 19.08 16.00 HEALTH SERVICES RN Health aide 13.13 9.09 13.39 9.27 13.66 9.46 13.93 9.65 14.21 9.84 14.50 10.04 14.79 10.24 15.08 10.44 15.38 10.65 15.69 10.86 16.00 11.08 9.60 9.79 9.98 10.18 10.39 10.59 10.81 11.02 11.24 11.47 11.70 8.33 8.50 8.67 8.84 9.02 9.20 9.38 9.57 9.76 9.96 10.16 INSTRUCT SERVICES Para-educators (AA degree, 60+ cr. hrs.) Para-professional $1.00 stipend for AA degree (any classified staff member; already included in RN, accountant, para-educators). 441 Chino Valley Unified ESP (continued) 31,809 GUIDANCE COUNSELOR (new hire only) MA+12 MA+24 EDS EDS+12 MA+36 MA+48 32,528 33,263 34,015 34,783 DOC MA+60 35,569 DOC+12 MA+72 36,373 32,604 33,399 34,194 34,990 35,785 36,580 37,375 38,171 38,966 39,761 33,341 34,154 34,967 35,780 36,594 37,407 38,220 39,033 39,846 40,660 36,459 37,348 38,237 39,126 40,016 40,905 41,794 42,683 43,572 44,462 37,283 38,192 39,101 40,011 40,920 41,829 42,739 43,648 44,557 45,467 DOC MA+60 46,545 DOC+12 MA+72 47,597 46,654 47,792 48,930 50,068 51,206 52,344 53,482 54,620 55,758 56,896 47,709 48,872 50,036 51,200 52,363 53,527 54,691 55,854 57,018 58,181 48,787 49,977 51,167 52,357 53,547 54,737 55,927 57,116 58,306 59,496 EDS+12 MA+48 50,637 DOC MA+60 51,781 DOC+12 MA+72 52,952 51,903 53,169 54,435 55,701 56,967 58,233 59,499 60,764 62,030 63,296 53,076 54,371 55,665 56,960 58,254 59,549 60,843 62,138 63,432 64,727 54,276 55,599 56,923 58,247 59,571 60,894 62,218 63,542 64,866 66,190 MA New hire min, no experience 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years MA New hire min, no experience 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years New hire min, no experience 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 442 41,624 34,094 34,926 35,757 36,589 37,421 38,252 39,084 39,915 40,747 41,578 34,865 35,715 36,566 37,416 38,266 39,117 39,967 40,817 41,668 42,518 35,653 36,522 37,392 38,262 39,131 40,001 40,870 41,740 42,609 43,479 SPEECH / LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST (new hire only) MA+12 MA+24 EDS EDS+12 MA+36 MA+48 42,565 43,527 44,511 45,516 42,665 43,705 44,746 45,787 46,827 47,868 48,908 49,949 50,990 52,030 43,629 44,693 45,757 46,821 47,885 48,950 50,014 51,078 52,142 53,206 MA MA+12 46,307 47,353 47,465 48,622 49,780 50,938 52,095 53,253 54,411 55,568 56,726 57,884 48,537 49,721 50,905 52,089 53,273 54,456 55,640 56,824 58,008 59,192 44,615 45,703 46,791 47,880 48,968 50,056 51,144 52,232 53,320 54,409 45,623 46,736 47,849 48,962 50,074 51,187 52,300 53,413 54,525 55,638 PSYCHOLOGIST (new hire only) MA+24 EDS MA+36 48,424 49,518 49,634 50,845 52,055 53,266 54,477 55,687 56,898 58,108 59,319 60,529 50,756 51,994 53,232 54,470 55,708 56,946 58,184 59,422 60,660 61,897 YAVAPAI COUNTY Clarkdale-Jerome Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Food service aide 7.65 7.88 8.12 8.36 8.61 8.87 9.13 9.41 9.69 9.98 10.28 10.59 10.91 11.23 11.57 11.92 12.28 12.64 13.02 13.41 Certified nurses asst., Custodian, Library technician, Office assistant, Paraprofessional Food service cook 9.76 10.05 10.35 10.67 10.98 11.31 11.65 12.00 12.36 12.73 13.12 13.51 13.92 14.33 14.76 15.21 15.66 16.13 16.62 17.11 Bus driver, Attendance/ school secretary, Groundskeeper, HR assistant/ district secretary 10.97 11.30 11.64 11.99 12.35 12.72 13.10 13.49 13.90 14.31 14.74 15.19 15.64 16.11 16.59 17.09 17.60 18.13 18.68 19.24 Business manager/ HR director, Food service manager, Office nanager, Transportation/ maintenance director 12.32 12.69 13.07 13.46 13.87 14.28 14.71 15.15 15.61 16.07 16.56 17.05 17.57 18.09 18.64 19.19 19.77 20.36 20.97 21.60 443 YAVAPAI COUNTY Cottonwood-Oak Creek Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 7.65 — Bus driver trainee 8.48— Office aide 9.14 — Custodian, Library technician 9.29 — Classroom aide 9.59 — Grounds crew, District office receptionist 10.29 — Special ed aide, Health aide, Kindergarten aide 10.35 — Secretary, IEP coordinator, Mechanic 11.06 — Grounds technician, Lead custodian 11.42 — Personnel technician, Payroll technician, Purchasing technician 11.85 — Bus driver 12.08 — Computer technician 12.94 — Lead mechanic, District maintenance technician 13.20 — Budget/grants specialist, Payroll specialist, SAIS coordinator, Superintendent secretary 444 YAVAPAI COUNTY Humboldt Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Salary for hiring purposes STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 7.78 8.03 8.28 8.53 8.78 9.03 9.28 9.53 9.78 10.03 10.28 10.53 10.78 11.03 11.28 11.53 11.78 12.03 12.28 12.53 2 8.28 8.53 8.78 9.03 9.28 9.53 9.78 10.03 10.28 10.53 10.78 11.03 11.28 11.53 11.78 12.03 12.28 12.53 12.78 13.03 3 8.78 9.03 9.28 9.53 9.78 10.03 10.28 10.53 10.78 11.03 11.28 11.53 11.78 12.03 12.28 12.53 12.78 13.03 13.28 13.53 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 11.78 12.03 12.28 12.53 12.78 13.03 13.28 13.53 13.78 14.03 14.28 14.53 14.78 15.03 15.28 15.53 15.78 16.03 16.28 16.53 10 12.28 12.53 12.78 13.03 13.28 13.53 13.78 14.03 14.28 14.53 14.78 15.03 15.28 15.53 15.78 16.03 16.28 16.53 16.78 17.03 11 13.28 13.53 13.78 14.03 14.28 14.53 14.78 15.03 15.28 15.53 15.78 16.03 16.28 16.53 16.78 17.03 17.28 17.53 17.78 18.03 CLASSIFICATION 4 5 9.28 9.78 9.53 10.03 9.78 10.28 10.03 10.53 10.28 10.78 10.53 11.03 10.78 11.28 11.03 11.53 11.28 11.78 11.53 12.03 11.78 12.28 12.03 12.53 12.28 12.78 12.53 13.03 12.78 13.28 13.03 13.53 13.28 13.78 13.53 14.03 13.78 14.28 14.03 14.53 12 14.28 14.53 14.78 15.03 15.28 15.53 15.78 16.03 16.28 16.53 16.78 17.03 17.28 17.53 17.78 18.03 18.28 18.53 18.78 19.03 13 15.28 15.53 15.78 16.03 16.28 16.53 16.78 17.03 17.28 17.53 17.78 18.03 18.28 18.53 18.78 19.03 19.28 19.53 19.78 20.03 6 10.28 10.53 10.78 11.03 11.28 11.53 11.78 12.03 12.28 12.53 12.78 13.03 13.28 13.53 13.78 14.03 14.28 14.53 14.78 15.03 7 10.78 11.03 11.28 11.53 11.78 12.03 12.28 12.53 12.78 13.03 13.28 13.53 13.78 14.03 14.28 14.53 14.78 15.03 15.28 15.53 8 11.28 11.53 11.78 12.03 12.28 12.53 12.78 13.03 13.28 13.53 13.78 14.03 14.28 14.53 14.78 15.03 15.28 15.53 15.78 16.03 14 16.28 16.53 16.78 17.03 17.28 17.53 17.78 18.03 18.28 18.53 18.78 19.03 19.28 19.53 19.78 20.03 20.28 20.53 20.78 21.03 15 17.28 17.53 17.78 18.03 18.28 18.53 18.78 19.03 19.28 19.53 19.78 20.03 20.28 20.53 20.78 21.03 21.28 21.53 21.78 22.03 16 18.28 18.53 18.78 19.03 19.28 19.53 19.78 20.03 20.28 20.53 20.78 21.03 21.28 21.53 21.78 22.03 22.28 22.53 22.78 23.03 445 Humboldt Unified ESP (continued) 1 Aide – lunchroom, playground 2 Bus aide Food & nutrition worker 3 Aide – ELL, resource, teacher’s, Title I 4 Attendance clerk Custodian Food & nutrition clerk Food & nutrition cook Groundskeeper Mail/delivery driver Moderate/severe/profound aide Music/speech therapy aide Nurse’s aide Pre-school aide Speech therapy aide 5 6 Attendance secretary Counseling secretary DO receptionist Payroll clerk Youth transition program specialist Substitute coordinator 7 Accounting clerk Administrative secretary Bus driver Campus security Food & nutrition clerk coordinator Food & nutrition manager Lead groundskeeper Lead maintenance/ custodian Medicaid specialist Registrar Special ed registrar Transportation dispatcher Apprentice mechanic D.O. receptionist Food & nutrition assistant manager Food & nutrition drReceptionist Computer lab aide Librarian assistant Receiving clerk 8 DO accounting clerk Accounts payable clerk DO administrative secretary Benefits coordinator Food & nutrition manager 2 Lead maintenance custodian 2 Payroll coordinator Personnel assistant 11 Family resource specialist 12 IS technician 13 District maintenance technician Mechanic 14 IS specialist 15 Administrative secretary/superintendent/ governing board Lead mechanic Purchasing agent 16 Lead IS specialist OT/COTA/PT STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 446 COTA 23.50 24.18 24.85 25.53 26.20 26.88 27.55 28.23 28.91 29.58 OT/PT BA 40.50 41.18 41.85 42.53 43.20 43.88 44.55 45.23 45.91 46.58 OT/PT MA 41.18 41.85 42.53 43.20 43.88 44.55 45.23 45.91 46.58 47.26 OT/PT MA+60 41.85 42.53 43.20 43.88 44.55 45.23 45.91 46.58 47.26 47.93 OT/PT DOC 42.53 43.20 43.88 44.55 45.23 45.91 46.58 47.26 47.93 48.61 Humboldt ESP (continued) NURSE STEP No degree BA BA+12 BA+24 MA BA+40 MA+12 BA+52 MA+24 BA+64 MA+36 BA+76 MA+48 MA+60 DOC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29,610 30,610 31,610 32,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 30,610 31,610 32,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 31,610 32,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 32,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 33,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 34,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 35,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 36,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 37,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 38,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 60,610 61,610 39,610 40,610 41,610 42,610 43,610 44,610 45,610 46,610 47,610 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 60,610 61,610 62,610 PSYCHOLOGIST STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MA 48,610 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 MA+12 49,610 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 MA+24 50,610 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 MA+36 51,610 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 60,610 MA+48 52,610 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 60,610 61,610 MA+60 53,610 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 60,610 61,610 62,610 DOC 54,610 55,610 56,610 57,610 58,610 59,610 60,610 61,610 62,610 63,610 447 YAVAPAI COUNTY Mayer Unified ESP, 2012-2013 Hiring purposes only CLASSIFICATION LEVEL Entry Mid High Cap 448 1 Food service worker, Custodian 8.50 9.50 11.00 12.50 2 Classroom aide, Bilingual aide, Library aide 9.25 10.50 12.00 13.50 3 School secretary, School clerk, Elementary computer lab aide, Special ed aide, Groundskeeper 10.00 11.50 13.00 14.50 4 Bus driver, District data clerk, District special ed clerk 11.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 5 LPN nurse, Mechanic 13.00 15.00 17.00 19.50 YAVAPAI COUNTY Mingus UHS ESP, 2012-2013 LEVEL/Title Low Mid High A Support person 7.25 9.34 11.59 B Security Guard 8.29 10.54 12.79 C Office clerk ALC clerk Bus aide Substitute caller Custodian Grounds worker 9.58 11.83 14.08 D High school receptionist Instructional aides – computer lab/sp. ed./resource Library technician Accounting clerk, bookstore Community liaison 10.88 13.13 15.38 E Secretary – operations/activities Instructional aide – special ed SC/Title 1/voc. ed. Attendance technician Lead custodian Grounds technician Bus driver 11.65 13.90 16.15 F Career specialist Student records specialist Health technician Secretary, special programs/principal/guidance Bookstore manager Accounting technician Maintenance technician 12.69 14.94 17.19 G Mechanic Computer technician Payroll/personnel specialist Plant foreman 13.55 15.80 18.05 H Coordinator of operations Secretary to the superintendent/governing board 15.55 17.80 20.05 449 YAVAPAI COUNTY Prescott Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 7.35 7.55 7.77 8.01 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.01 9.28 9.56 9.85 10.14 10.45 10.76 11.08 3 7.69 7.93 8.16 8.41 8.66 8.92 9.19 9.46 9.75 10.04 10.34 10.65 10.97 11.30 11.64 4 8.08 8.32 8.57 8.83 9.09 9.37 9.65 9.94 10.23 10.54 10.86 11.18 11.52 11.86 12.22 5 8.48 8.74 9.00 9.27 9.55 9.83 10.13 10.43 10.75 11.07 11.40 11.74 12.10 12.46 12.83 FOOD SERVICE 2 Kitchen helper I 3 Kitchen helper II, Pot/pan washer 4 Kitchen helper III, Head server 5 Manager middle school nutrition svcs, Site cook 6 Manager high school nutrition services, Storeroom & receiving clk, Custodian (food cntr) 7 Delivery driver, Head cook 8 Assistant food service director ASSISTANT 4 Crossing guard, Playground assistant/bus assistant 5 Student services assistant 6 Handicapped bus assistant 7 Instructional asst, Junior/senior high library asst 8 Audio visual asst - senior high, Elem library asst 11 Asst to the supt and gov board of ed, Asst for personnel/instruction, Asst for business services, Asst for curriculum/instruction CLERK 5 Assistant attendance clerk 6 Office clerk, Receptionist/PBX/typist/federal accounts, Receptionist/PBX/purchasing secretary 7 Attendance clerk MAINTENANCE 5 Mechanic helper 6 Assistant HS groundskeeper, Custodian - senior high gym A, Custodian, Security guard 7 Athletic equipment mgr - junior high, Mechanic I, Warehouse clerk, Senior high groundskeeper Grade 6 8.91 9.17 9.45 9.73 10.03 10.33 10.64 10.96 11.28 11.62 11.97 12.33 12.70 13.08 13.47 7 9.35 9.63 9.92 10.22 10.53 10.84 11.17 11.50 11.85 12.20 12.57 12.95 13.34 13.74 14.15 8 9.82 10.12 10.42 10.73 11.05 11.38 11.73 12.08 12.44 12.81 13.20 13.59 14.00 14.42 14.85 9 10.31 10.62 10.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.68 13.06 13.45 13.86 14.27 14.70 15.14 15.60 10 10.83 11.15 11.49 11.83 12.19 12.55 12.93 13.32 13.72 14.13 14.55 14.99 15.44 15.90 16.38 Maintenance (continued) 8 Athletic equip mgr - sr high, Bus driver/van driver, Electrician, General maint, Head custodian - middle/elem schs, Mechanic II – gas/diesel engine maint 9 Heavy equipment operator & maintenance leadman, Vehicle shop foreman, Lead carpenter, Lead electrician, Boiler specialist SECRETARY 6 Secretary to CEPEP advisor 7 Secretary in instructional resource center, Receptionist/secretary - district office 8 Data entry operator/secretary, Secy to the asst principal, Secy to child study services, Secy at the service center, Secy to the counselors 9 Secretary to the principal, Secretary to federal projects, Personnel specialist BOOKSTORE 7 Junior high bookstore 9 Senior high bookstore manager BOOKKEEPER 8 District attendance clerk 9 Asst bookkeeper - accts payable, payroll, Student activity bookkeeper COMPUTER 8 Computer systems operator I 10 Computer systems operator II COORDINATOR 9 Substitute placement coordinator OTHER 7 Purchasing clerk/verifier/expediter 450 11 11.37 11.71 12.06 12.42 12.80 13.18 13.57 13.98 14.40 14.83 15.28 15.74 16.21 16.70 17.20 Prescott Unified ESP (continued) STEP RN RN+15 RN+30 Nurses Salary Schedule BA BA+15 BA+30 RN+45 RN+60 RN+75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 23,290 23,989 24,709 25,450 26,213 24,011 24,731 25,473 26,237 27,025 24,754 25,495 26,261 27,049 27,860 25,519 26,313 27,107 28,138 29,098 STEP BA+15 BA+30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 35,328 36,388 37,479 38,603 39,762 40,954 42,183 36,388 37,479 38,603 39,762 40,954 42,183 43,449 44,752 46,095 26,313 27,107 28,138 29,098 30,058 31,018 32,118 27,107 28,138 29,098 30,058 31,018 32,118 33,145 34,174 35,204 Speech Language Pathologist MA MA+15 BA+30 BA+55 37,479 38,603 38,603 39,762 39,762 40,954 40,954 42,183 42,183 43,449 43,449 44,752 44,752 46,095 46,095 47,477 47,477 48,902 48,902 50,369 50,369 51,880 53,436 55,039 MA BA+40 MA+15 BA+55 MA+30 BA+66/70 28,138 29,098 30,058 31,018 32,118 33,145 34,174 35,204 36,369 37,468 38,564 29,098 30,058 31,018 32,118 33,145 34,174 35,204 36,369 37,468 38,564 39,661 40,898 42,061 30,058 31,018 32,118 33,145 34,174 35,204 36,369 37,468 38,564 39,661 40,898 42,061 43,231 44,397 45,562 MA+30 MA+45 39,762 40,954 42,183 43,449 44,752 46,095 47,477 48,902 50,369 51,880 53,436 55,039 56,690 58,391 60,143 40,954 42,183 43,449 44,752 46,095 47,477 48,902 50,369 51,880 53,436 55,039 56,690 58,391 60,143 61,947 EDS MA+45 BA+81/85 31,018 32,118 33,145 34,174 35,204 36,369 37,468 38,564 39,661 40,898 42,061 43,231 44,397 45,562 46,950 Psychologist MA+30 EDS MA+45 43,525 44,830 44,830 46,176 46,176 47,561 47,561 48,988 48,988 50,458 50,458 51,971 51,971 53,531 53,531 55,136 55,136 56,790 56,790 58,494 58,494 60,249 60,249 62,056 62,056 63,918 63,918 65,835 65,835 67,810 451 YAVAPAI COUNTY Sedona-Oak Creek Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 8.75 9.04 9.33 9.62 9.91 10.20 10.49 10.78 11.07 11.36 11.65 3 9.27 9.56 9.85 10.14 10.43 10.72 11.01 11.30 11.59 11.88 12.17 4 9.53 9.82 10.11 10.40 10.69 10.98 11.27 11.56 11.85 12.14 12.43 7 10.31 10.60 10.89 11.18 11.47 11.76 12.05 12.34 12.63 12.92 13.21 LEVEL 9 10.83 11.12 11.41 11.70 11.99 12.28 12.57 12.86 13.15 13.44 13.73 10 11.09 11.38 11.67 11.96 12.25 12.54 12.83 13.12 13.41 13.70 13.99 11 11.35 11.64 11.93 12.22 12.51 12.80 13.09 13.38 13.67 13.96 14.25 12 11.61 11.90 12.19 12.48 12.77 13.06 13.35 13.64 13.93 14.22 14.51 13 11.87 12.16 12.45 12.74 13.03 13.32 13.61 13.90 14.19 14.48 14.77 14 12.13 12.42 12.71 13.00 13.29 13.58 13.87 14.16 14.45 14.74 15.03 LEVEL 1 3 10 11 Custodian Computer/health/office/media/Title 1/instructional/substitute caller aide Lead custodian Guidance secretary/registrar, school/attendance secretary, Grounds/maintenance assistant Language translator 4 7 9 12 13 14 Accounts payable technician Human resources clerk, accounts clerk, Payroll/purchasing technician Grounds foreman Technology assistant Superintendent’s secretary Seligman Unified ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Business Manager, BG&T Supervisor 31,059 32,074 33,089 34,104 35,119 36,134 37,149 38,164 39,179 41,209 42,224 43,329 44,254 45,269 46,284 47,299 Secretary 11.17 11.67 12.18 12.69 13.20 13.70 14.21 14.72 15.23 15.73 16.24 16.75 17.26 17.76 18.27 18.78 19.06 BG&T, Aides, Food Service 9.14 9.64 10.15 10.66 11.17 11.67 12.18 12.69 13.20 13.70 14.21 14.72 15.23 15.73 16.24 16.75 17.26 Park-time Bus Driver 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 Full-time Bus Driver 13.00 13.50 14.50 15.50 Nurse: $45,675 Yarnell Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Minimum wage unless special skills (bus driver). 20 hours benefits. 452 YUMA COUNTY Crane Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP Base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 7.85 7.96 8.10 8.21 8.34 8.46 8.60 8.73 8.86 8.99 9.12 9.25 9.40 9.53 9.69 9.83 9.97 10.11 10.27 10.44 2 8.32 8.42 8.59 8.71 8.85 8.97 9.11 9.25 9.39 9.53 9.68 9.81 9.97 10.10 10.26 10.41 10.57 10.73 10.90 11.06 GRADE 1 Bus washer Food service worker I GRADE 3 Instructional aide I (playground, sp.ed., Title 1, school media center, inhouse suspension) Custodian 3 8.81 8.93 9.09 9.22 9.38 9.51 9.66 9.81 9.95 10.10 10.25 10.40 10.56 10.73 10.88 11.04 11.20 11.37 11.53 11.72 4 9.34 9.46 9.65 9.79 9.94 10.09 10.23 10.39 10.54 10.71 10.87 11.03 11.19 11.36 11.53 11.71 11.88 12.06 12.24 12.42 5 9.91 10.04 10.22 10.38 10.53 10.70 10.86 11.02 11.18 11.34 11.52 11.69 11.86 12.05 12.22 12.40 12.59 12.78 12.98 13.16 GRADE 6 7 10.49 11.13 10.64 11.27 10.84 11.49 11.01 11.68 11.16 11.84 11.33 12.01 11.50 12.19 11.68 12.37 11.85 12.56 12.03 12.75 12.21 12.94 12.39 13.14 12.58 13.33 12.77 13.53 12.96 13.73 13.15 13.94 13.35 14.15 13.56 14.36 13.77 14.58 13.96 14.79 Aide (transportation, health office, lunch duty) Food service worker II GRADE 4 Migrant liaison clerk Instructional aide II (ESL, gifted, IPT tester, sp.ed./ESL, in-house 8 11.80 11.95 12.18 12.37 12.55 12.74 12.92 13.12 13.31 13.51 13.72 13.93 14.13 14.34 14.56 14.78 15.00 15.23 15.45 15.69 9 12.50 12.67 12.91 13.12 13.29 13.50 13.70 13.91 14.11 14.32 14.53 14.76 14.98 15.21 15.43 15.67 15.90 16.14 16.40 16.61 suspension, sp.ed. preschool) Food svc (cook, worker III, baker) Crosswalk aide Groundskeeper Warehouse worker GRADE 5 Administrative clerk I Instructional aide III 10 13.26 13.42 13.69 13.91 14.09 14.31 14.51 14.74 14.97 15.18 15.41 15.64 15.89 16.11 16.35 16.60 16.86 17.11 17.36 17.62 11 14.05 14.23 14.50 14.74 14.95 15.16 15.39 15.62 15.86 16.09 16.34 16.58 16.84 17.09 17.34 17.60 17.87 18.14 18.41 18.67 12 14.89 15.09 15.37 15.62 15.84 16.08 16.32 16.56 16.82 17.07 17.31 17.57 17.84 18.11 18.37 18.66 18.94 19.22 19.51 19.80 13 15.79 15.99 16.30 16.55 16.79 17.04 17.29 17.55 17.82 18.08 18.35 18.62 18.91 19.20 19.48 19.78 20.07 20.37 20.68 20.99 Migrant records clerk Warehouse/shipping & receiving clerk Records management clerk/warehouse worker Alternative transportation driver/family school liaison 453 Crane Elementary ESP (continued) GRADE 6 Registrar I Library specialist Satellite kitchen manager Health assistant (EMT) Administrative clerk II Attendance officer Account clerk I Substitute coordinator/ administrative clerk I GRADE 7 Registrar II Bus driver Food service (warehouse manager, cafeteria mgr I) Administrative secretary Human resources technician Records management spec. Account clerk II Lead custodian Accounting spec. (A/P) Maintenance worker I Purchasing assistant GRADE 8 District receptionist/human resources technician Maintenance assistant Food svc cafe mgr II GRADE 9 Administrative assistant Health assistant (LPN) Compliance coord. (sp.ed.) Purchasing/accounting assistant II (food services) Mechanic I Purchasing assistant II GRADE 10 Maintenance worker II Assistant (human resources, spec. ed., behavior spec., finance/payroll, transport.) Adult education instructor GRADE 11 Mechanic II Groundskeeper II Facilities maintenance spec. Maint. worker III (plumber, A/C, food svc equip./HVAC tech, locksmith spec./carpenter’s helper) GRADE 12 Computer spec. I Assistant (sr. personnel, sr. finance, sr. federal programs, cert. occupational therapist) Executive sec’y to supt. Communications spec. GRADE 13 Human resources coord. Warehouse/purchasing mgr. Longevity: Employees with the district 10 or more consecutive years will receive benefit equal to $25 for each year of service. 454 YUMA COUNTY Gadsden Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Skilled Maint, 13.78 14.20 14.62 15.04 15.46 15.88 16.30 16.72 17.14 17.56 17.98 18.40 18.82 STEP VRTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11.12 11.60 12.08 12.56 13.04 13.52 14.00 14.48 14.96 15.44 Accountant 12.98 13.33 13.68 14.03 14.38 14.73 15.08 15.43 15.78 16.13 16.48 16.83 17.18 17.53 17.88 18.23 18.58 18.93 19.28 19.63 19.98 Exec Sec’y 13.11 13.59 14.07 14.55 15.03 15.51 15.99 16.47 16.95 17.43 Admin secretary 11.82 12.18 12.54 12.90 13.26 13.62 13.98 14.34 14.70 15.06 15.42 15.78 16.14 16.50 16.86 Sec’y II 10.55 10.85 11.15 11.45 11.75 12.05 12.35 12.65 12.95 13.25 13.55 13.85 14.15 14.45 14.75 15.05 15.35 15.65 15.95 16.25 16.55 Sec’y I 9.71 10.01 10.31 10.61 10.91 11.21 11.51 11.81 12.11 12.41 12.71 13.01 13.31 13.61 13.91 14.21 14.51 14.81 15.11 Bus Driver 9.99 10.29 10.59 10.89 11.19 11.49 11.79 12.09 12.39 12.69 12.99 13.29 13.59 13.89 14.19 14.49 14.79 15.09 15.39 15.69 Maintenance 9.85 10.26 10.67 11.08 11.49 11.90 12.31 12.72 13.13 13.54 13.95 14.36 14.77 School clerk MSR tech Custodian 9.71 10.01 10.31 10.61 10.91 11.21 11.51 11.81 12.11 12.41 12.71 13.01 13.31 13.61 13.91 14.21 14.51 14.81 15.11 10.55 10.85 11.15 11.45 11.75 12.05 12.35 12.65 12.95 13.25 13.55 13.85 14.15 14.45 14.75 15.05 15.35 15.65 15.95 16.25 16.55 8.42 8.72 9.02 9.32 9.62 9.92 10.22 10.52 10.82 11.12 11.42 11.72 12.02 12.32 12.62 12.92 13.22 13.52 13.82 14.12 14.42 Ware. Mgr., Cook 9.97 10.27 10.57 10.87 11.17 11.47 11.77 12.07 12.37 12.67 12.97 13.27 13.57 13.87 14.17 14.47 14.77 15.07 15.37 15.67 Vehicle Technician 14.09 14.57 15.05 15.53 16.01 16.49 16.97 17.45 17.93 18.41 18.89 19.37 Computer tech 13.78 14.19 14.60 15.01 15.42 15.83 16.24 16.65 17.06 17.47 17.88 18.29 18.70 Grounds -keeper 9.85 10.26 10.67 11.08 11.49 11.90 12.31 12.72 13.13 13.54 13.95 14.36 14.77 Health aide 10.55 10.85 11.15 11.45 11.75 12.05 12.35 12.65 12.95 13.25 13.55 13.85 14.15 14.45 14.75 15.05 15.35 15.65 15.95 16.25 16.55 455 Gadsden Elementary ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Cook 9.97 10.27 10.57 10.87 11.17 11.47 11.77 12.07 12.37 12.67 12.97 13.27 13.57 13.87 14.17 14.47 14.77 15.07 15.37 15.67 Security 8.42 8.72 9.02 9.32 9.62 9.92 10.22 10.52 10.82 11.12 Dstrp 8.85 9.15 9.45 9.75 10.05 10.35 10.65 10.95 11.25 11.55 Warehouse assistant 8.42 8.72 9.02 9.32 9.62 9.92 10.22 10.52 10.82 11.12 Crossing guard 8.42 8.72 9.02 9.32 9.62 9.92 10.22 10.52 10.82 11.12 11.42 11.72 12.02 12.32 12.62 12.92 13.22 13.52 13.82 14.12 14.42 Mohawk Valley Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Classified salary hourly rates $14.00 Bus driver, Custodian/bus driver, Custodian/maintenance $12.00 Librarian $13.00 Custodian, Office secretary $11.00 Paraprofessional $9.00 Food service worker 456 Bus aide 9.29 9.59 9.89 10.19 10.49 10.79 11.09 11.39 11.69 11.99 12.29 12.59 12.89 13.19 13.49 13.79 Medical sp 14.56 14.86 15.16 15.46 15.76 16.06 16.36 16.66 16.96 17.26 17.56 17.86 18.16 18.46 18.76 19.06 19.36 YUMA COUNTY Somerton Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 PSYCHOLOGIST MA60 50,754 Min MA 30,974 PSYCHOLOGIST INTERN MA24 MA36 35,920 36,818 MA12 35,044 FINANCIAL SERVICES Payroll specialist Accounts payable Accounting specialist specialist 12.22 Minimum Minimum Minimum 11.07 Secretary III 11.07 10.03 OFFICE & CLERICAL SUPPORT Secretary II Receptionist/office assistant 10.03 10.03 FOOD SERVICES Baker/cook 13.16 10.80 Worker 8.65 8.65 9.79 Noninstructional aide 8.65 CLASSROOM, SCHOOL SUPPORT Migrant Migrant Migrant student asst. student asst. student asst. 0-29 hrs 30-59 hrs 60-89 hrs 9.31 9.79 10.03 Minimum Minimum Language tester II 10.03 Secretary I 9.79 TRANSPORTATION Mechanic Automotive assistant, Bus assistant, mechanic Bus driver Crossing guard WAREHOUSE Clerk ELL PROGRAM Minimum INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/SYSTEMS Data Computer Data technician II, support tech technician I, Computer II Computer support tech support tech III I 17.70 13.16 11.07 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE GroundsGrounds/ MainteLead keeper, custodian Maintenance I, Custodian supervisor nance II Facilities custodian specialist 13.83 13.16 12.22 10.80 8.65 Language tester I 9.79 MA60 38,682 HUMAN RESOURCES Specialist 10.03 Min Minimum MA48 37,739 Manager 12.22 8.65 NURSING, SCHOOL HEALTH Assistant Certified LPN assistant 9.31 10.03 12.22 Migrant student asst. (AA degree) 10.80 SPECIAL PROGRAMS Physical Therapist Speech Pathologist Occupational Therapists Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant 61,839 50,754 SPECIAL AND FEDERAL PROGRAMS Secretary III Secretary II 11.07 10.03 Parent Liaison 10.03 457 YUMA COUNTY Wellton Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 458 Custodial Aide, Cafeteria Aide 7.65 7.75 7.94 8.13 8.32 8.51 8.70 8.89 9.08 9.27 9.46 9.65 9.84 10.03 10.22 10.41 10.60 Skilled Maintenance Receptionist 7.65 7.75 7.94 8.13 8.32 8.51 8.70 8.89 9.08 9.27 9.46 9.65 9.84 10.03 10.22 10.41 10.60 10.79 10.98 11.17 7.65 7.75 7.94 8.13 8.32 8.51 8.70 8.89 9.08 9.27 9.46 9.65 9.84 10.03 10.22 10.41 10.60 10.79 10.98 11.17 11.36 11.55 11.74 Cafeteria Manager 7.75 7.94 8.13 8.32 8.51 8.70 8.89 9.08 9.27 9.46 9.65 9.84 10.03 10.22 10.41 10.60 10.79 10.98 11.17 11.36 11.55 11.74 11.93 12.12 Wellton Elementary ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 Units 7.65 7.75 7.94 8.13 8.32 8.51 8.70 8.89 9.08 9.27 9.46 9.65 9.84 10.03 10.22 10.41 10.60 10.79 10.98 11.17 11.36 11.55 12 Units 7.90 8.09 8.28 8.47 8.66 8.85 9.04 9.23 9.42 9.61 9.80 9.99 10.18 10.37 10.56 10.75 10.94 11.13 11.32 11.51 11.70 11.89 INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE 24 Units 48 Units 8.24 8.58 8.43 8.77 8.62 8.96 8.81 9.15 9.00 9.34 9.19 9.53 9.38 9.72 9.57 9.91 9.76 10.10 9.95 10.29 10.14 10.48 10.33 10.67 10.52 10.86 10.71 11.05 10.90 11.24 11.09 11.43 11.28 11.62 11.47 11.81 11.66 12.00 11.85 12.19 12.04 12.38 12.23 12.57 72 Units 8.92 9.11 9.30 9.49 9.68 9.87 10.06 10.25 10.44 10.63 10.82 11.01 11.20 11.39 11.58 11.77 11.96 12.15 12.34 12.53 12.72 12.91 96 Units 9.26 9.45 9.64 9.83 10.02 10.21 10.40 10.59 10.78 10.97 11.16 11.35 11.54 11.73 11.92 12.11 12.30 12.49 12.68 12.87 13.06 13.25 120 Units 9.60 9.79 9.98 10.17 10.36 10.55 10.74 10.93 11.12 11.31 11.50 11.69 11.88 12.07 12.26 12.45 12.64 12.83 13.02 13.21 13.40 13.59 459 YUMA COUNTY Yuma Elementary ESP, 2012-2013 Placement schedule YEARS 0 1 2 3 A B B+ C D E YEARS 0 1 2 3 A 7.74 7.82 7.90 7.98 CATEGORY B+ 9.19 9.27 9.35 9.43 B 8.89 8.97 9.05 9.13 C 9.89 9.97 10.05 10.13 D 10.90 10.98 11.06 11.14 E 11.90 11.98 12.06 12.14 Cafeteria assistant Baker, Custodian, Clerical aide, Crossing guard, Discovery Club aide, Groundskeeper, Health assistant clerk, Home school liaison, Receptionist, Warehouseman Paraprofessional (requires minimum education hours or passing parapro test) School secretary, Liaison, Language tester Administrative secretary, Maintenance I, Child nutrition manager, Bookkeeper I, Warehouseman Maintenance II (HVAC cert add’l $3 per hour), Technician, Discovery Club site manager A B Bus aide 8.89 8.97 9.05 9.13 Asst mechanic, Secretary Asst parts clerk Custodian 9.89 9.97 10.05 10.13 TRANSPORTATION C B+ Dispatcher, Mechanic Parts clerk, Billing/payroll clerk Bus driver Safety/training asst, Welder 11.67 10.90 11.75 10.98 11.83 11.06 11.91 11.14 D Route planner/program Accounts tech 15.22 15.30 15.38 15.46 PLACEMENT SCHEDULES Years Exp Entry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 460 Nurse (RN) Psychologist Speech Technician 29,827 30,077 30,327 30,577 30,827 31,077 31,327 31,577 31,827 32,077 32,327 32,577 32,827 52,407 53,207 54,007 54,807 55,607 56,407 57,207 58,007 58,807 59,607 60,407 61,207 62,007 42,273 42,873 43,473 44,073 44,673 45,273 45,873 46,473 47,073 47,673 48,273 48,873 49,473 Occupational/ Physical Therapist/ Speech Pathologist 50,286 51,086 51,886 52,686 53,486 54,286 55,086 55,886 56,686 57,486 58,286 59,086 59,886 COTA, PTA, SLPA 35,286 35,786 36,286 36,786 37,286 37,786 38,286 38,786 39,286 39,786 40,286 40,786 41,286 YUMA COUNTY Yuma UHS ESP, 2012-2013 Placement Schedule C 7.65 D 7.74 E 8.19 F 8.66 G 9.17 G/H 9.50 H 9.71 I 10.29 J 10.89 K 11.54 L 12.24 N 13.75 O 14.56 C D E F F F F F F F G G G G G G G G G G/H H H H I I I Accounting, Aides, Clerical & Other I Registrar (migrant, PASS) Student nutrition worker I, Student worker I Secretary – guidance Personal care aide - special services I Student nutrition (associate, manager, Success sponsor - title 1 utility/courier) Athletic equipment manager J Administrative assistant (fac management, Campus custodian nutrition svcs) Campus groundskeeper J Administrative secretary (camp sp svcs, federal Migrant school community liaison programs, school dept or prg, vocational ed) Office assistant J ASB bookkeeper Office technician - federal programs J Bookstore manager Receptionist J Business office/campus facilitator Account assistant J Facilities maintenance technician Administrative secretary – department J Payroll specialist Campus custodian – lead J Registrar Campus groundskeeper - lead J Student nutrition (chef, specialist) Health assistant K Administrative assistant - principal Instructional assistant (EL, Spec ed self cont) K Data specialist Library - media (assistant, technician) K Facilities maintenance tech - lead Office specialist - department/program K HR specialist Security officer K LPN Nutrition worker II L Payroll specialist - LEAD Registrar - special education N Administrative assistant/dept/program Substitute coordinator N Maintenance tech - HVAC Security officer - lead O Executive assistant/superintendent & board of Accounting technician – AP education Assistant tech – HVAC Facilities night supervisor 9.71 10.95 13.83 16.50 11.62 12.71 18.50 12.99 16.28 Non-Exempt YETC & YEMMC Placement Schedule Administrative assistant 13.70 State reporting specialist Field technician I 13.70 Student information system specialist Field technician II 14.96 Systems analyst I Instructor/staff development 18.50 Systems analyst II IT help desk I 12.71 Telecommunications technician I IT help desk II 13.70 Telecommunications technician II Lead field technician 8.66 Warehouse assistant Procurement assistant 9.17 Warehouse - lead Procurement specialist 461 Yuma UHS ESP (continued) Entry MA 52,730 MA+30 55,230 MA+45 56,480 DOC MA+60 57,730 Speech & language pathologist Entry BA 56,298 MA 58,798 MA+30 60,048 DOC 61,298 Speech technician Entry BA 39,043 MA 41,543 MA+30 42,793 DOC 44,043 Entry BA 44,319 MA 46,819 MA+30 48,069 DOC 49,319 Entry RN 30,000 BSN RN+40 31,800 MA BSN+36 34,200 DOC MA+60 36,600 Entry BA Voc. Cert. 30,000 MA BA+40 Voc. Cert+40 31,800 MA+30 Voc. MA Equiv+30 34,200 DOC MA+60 Voc MA Equiv+60 36,600 MA/MA+15 44,501 MA+30/MA+45 45,751 DOC MA+60 47,001 Psychologist Occupational/ physical therapist School nurse Behavior analyst School to work transition specialist Entry New hires will receive an additional $100 for each year of prior like experience up to 11 years. 462 COLLEGES Arizona Western College ESP, 2012-2013 RANGE Minimum A-1-1 10.54 A1-2 11.05 A1-3 11.64 Grade A-1-4 B-2-1 12.23 12.90 B-2-2 13.67 B-2-3 14.50 B-2-4 15.39 B-3-1 16.24 Maximum 15.16 15.97 16.90 17.92 20.33 21.72 23.21 24.72 LABOR TRADES Custodian Groundskeeper, Building services technician Athletic facilities maintenance/custodian, Groundskeeper II Utility mechanic apprentice, Rough carpenter Building services technician II Electrician (semi-skilled) Assistant building services supervisor GRADE A-1-1 A-1-2 A-1-3 19.04 CLERICAL Information center assistant, WIA support clerk A-1-4 Accounts payable clerk, Cashier, Clerk, Financial aid records clerk I, Secretary, Police dispatcher, Mailroom/receiving clerk B-2-1 Accounts receivable and sponsor billing clerk, Articulation assistant, Assignments specialist, Dispatch supervisor, Financial aid clerk, Financial aid records clerk II, GED examiner, KAWC development asst., Math center technology asst., Office technology asst., Print services specialist, Production assistant, Purchasing clerk, Science lab technician, Senior secretary, Testing center assistant, WIA instructional asst., WIA instructional assistant (building trades) 463 Arizona Western College ESP (continued) Building services supervisor, Building services technician/security officer Painter/carpenter, Printing services press operator/technician, Storekeeper B-2-2 Supervisor – grounds and irrigation system Police officer, Locksmith, Carpenter (finish), Electrician, HVAC mechanic, Plumber B-2-3 Stationary engineer Police sergeant B-2-4 B-3-1 464 Administrative secretary, Career development assistant, Center assistant, CDLL infant/toddler teacher, Financial aid technician, Graphic designer, Scheduling specialist, WIA assistant, WIA follow-up specialist, Workforce assistant Accounts payable supervisor, Administrative analyst, Administrative assistant, Assistant to foundation director & board, Contract training specialist, Financial aid disbursement specialist, HR specialist I, Library specialist – circulation, Library specialist – interlibrary loan, Network & telecommunications technician, Payroll specialist, Purchasing specialist, Technical services specialist, Technology support technician, Travel specialist Human resources specialist II COLLEGES Central Arizona College ESP, 2012-2013 C D E STEP A 11 A 12 A 13 1 21,642 23,265 25,010 2 22,270 23,940 25,735 3 22,916 24,634 26,481 4 23,581 25,348 27,249 5 24,265 26,083 28,039 6 24,969 26,839 28,852 7 25,693 27,617 29,689 8 26,438 28,418 30,550 9 27,205 29,242 31,436 10 27,994 30,090 32,348 11 28,806 30,963 33,286 12 29,641 31,861 34,251 13 30,501 32,785 35,244 14 31,386 33,736 36,266 15 32,296 34,714 37,318 16 33,233 35,721 38,400 Maximum initial placement at step five. A11 (C) Athletic equipment asst Facilities asst I Office assistant I A12 (D) Facilities asst II Secretary I A13 (E) Campus police asst Cashier Office assistant II Student employment asst Testing asst B21 (F) Academic division asst Career assessment spec Facilities assistant III Financial aid specialist Graduation spec Residence life office asst Secretary II Secretary to the Foundation F B 21 26,886 27,666 28,468 29,294 30,144 31,018 31,918 32,844 33,796 34,776 35,785 36,823 37,891 38,990 40,121 41,285 B22 (G) B23 (H) G B 22 28,902 29,740 30,602 31,489 32,402 33,342 34,309 35,304 36,328 37,382 38,466 39,582 40,730 41,911 43,126 44,377 H B 23 31,070 31,971 32,898 33,852 34,834 35,844 36,883 37,953 39,054 40,187 41,352 42,551 43,785 45,055 46,362 47,706 Accounting clerk II Admissions & records asst Bookstore/fiscal agent Facilities technician I Library spec Multimedia support aide Network tech-trainee Payroll clerk Production & mailroom specialist Program assistant Public relations assistant Purchasing assistant Research assistant Security officer Accounting clerk III Admin support spec Customer & tech svc rep Information specialist Secretary III Student support asst I B 24 33,400 34,369 35,366 36,392 37,447 38,533 39,650 40,800 41,983 43,201 44,454 45,743 47,070 48,435 49,840 51,285 J B 31 35,905 36,946 38,017 39,119 40,253 41,420 42,621 43,857 45,129 46,438 47,785 49,171 50,597 52,064 53,574 55,128 K B 32 38,598 39,717 40,869 42,054 43,274 44,529 45,820 47,149 48,516 49,923 51,371 52,861 54,394 55,971 57,594 59,264 L B 33 41,493 42,969 43,934 45,208 46,519 47,868 49,256 50,684 52,154 53,666 55,222 56,823 58,471 60,167 61,912 63,707 B24 (I) Business office assistant Executive secretary Facilities technician II Human resource assistant Multimedia support tech Purchasing spec Warehouse operations specialist B31 (J) Administrative assistant Campus police officer Facilities technician III Health careers asst HR info systems asst Library coordinator Payroll asst B33 (L) Campus facilities supv Campus police sergeant Facilities foreman Telecommunications tech 465 COLLEGES Cochise College ESP, 2012-2013 Permanent salary range Min Mid Max 17 18 18 19 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 26 11.86 15.39 18.93 34 14.45 18.75 23.06 19 10.03 12.76 15.49 20 22 22 22 27 12.15 15.78 19.40 Aviation technician Purchasing technician Library technician senior Coordinator - MISSL Accounting tech senior Instruction media svcs tech Custodian supervisor Administrative assistant Technician – prep spec Coordinator - testing Min Mid Max 466 18 9.78 12.45 15.11 Office specialist Bus driver Custodian Office specialist senior Min Mid Max 34 34 34 34 34 36 36 36 38 38 17 9.54 12.14 14.74 35 14.81 19.22 23.64 Athletic trainer Career services specialist Student svcs spec senior Facilities maintenance tech Payroll specialist Adult education teacher Computer programmer Computer supp tech senior Student services specialist Grounds maintenance worker supervisor 28 12.46 16.17 19.89 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 36 15.18 19.70 24.23 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 RANGE 20 21 10.28 10.53 13.08 13.40 15.88 16.27 22 10.80 13.74 16.68 Grounds maintenance wrkr Shipping/receiving clerk Property control clerk Accounting technician RANGE 29 12.77 16.57 20.38 30 13.09 16.99 20.89 Coordinator – writing lab Coordinator - tutoring Coordinator – tech prep Coordinator – science lab Printer Workforce developer Student services specialist Computer support tech Director, housing & student life RANGE 37 15.56 20.20 24.83 38 15.94 20.70 25.46 Facilities maintenance technician senior Coordinator – print svcs Coordinator – advertising & design Adult educ teacher lead Facilities maint supv Computer support technician principal Accountant* (annual) 23 11.01 14.29 17.58 23 23 24 31 13.41 17.41 21.42 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 39 16.34 21.22 26.09 24 11.28 14.65 18.02 25 11.57 15.02 18.47 Library technician Secretary Hall director 32 13.75 17.85 21.95 33 14.09 18.30 22.50 Instructional media spec Human resource technician Transfer analyst Aviation mechanic Research and info spec Coordinator – testing & tutoring Mechanic Computer trainer 40 16.75 21.75 26.74 41* 35,714 46,366 57,018 COLLEGES Coconino Community College ESP, 2012-2013 Minimum Midpoint Maximum 3 10.52 12.63 14.73 4 11.37 13.64 15.91 5 12.28 14.74 17.19 NON-EXEMPT PAY GRADE 6 7 8 12.99 13.87 15.75 15.92 17.00 20.09 18.83 20.11 24.41 T6 15.19 18.62 22.03 T7 16.46 20.17 23.87 T8 17.87 22.80 27.71 PAY GRADE TITLES 3 Custodian 4 Auxiliary service clerk 5 Administrative assistant I, Enrollment services generalist, Financial aid generalist, Office assistant II, Security guard I 6 Accounts payable specialist I, Accounts receivable specialist II, Administrative assistant II, Enrollment services specialist I, Financial aid specialist I, Human resources specialist I, Security guard lead, Security guard II 7 Accounts receivable specialist senior, Administrative assistant senior, Auxiliary services specialist II, Credential/schedule specialist II, Disabilities resource specialist II, Perkins HS programs specialist, Executive assistant II, Facilities specialist II, Financial aid specialist II, Maintenance technician II, Payroll specialist II, Purchasing specialist II 8 Academic advisor, Financial aid advisor, Graphic design specialist senior, Fee-based testing specialist senior, TRiO learning specialist, TriO retention specialist T6 User services technician T7 Instructional design specialist T8 User services specialist senior cdlxvii COLLEGES Eastern Arizona College ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S-1 11.27 11.50 11.73 11.97 12.20 12.43 12.66 12.90 13.13 13.36 13.59 S-2 12.78 13.01 13.24 13.48 13.71 13.94 14.17 14.41 14.64 14.87 15.10 PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT CLASS GRAHAM AND GREENLEE COUNTIES S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 14.29 15.80 17.31 18.82 14.52 16.03 17.54 19.05 14.75 16.26 17.77 19.28 14.99 16.50 18.01 19.52 15.22 16.73 18.24 19.75 15.45 16.96 18.47 19.98 15.68 17.19 18.70 20.21 15.92 17.43 18.94 20.45 16.15 17.66 19.17 20.68 16.38 17.89 19.40 20.91 16.61 18.12 19.63 21.14 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S-1 9.88 10.09 10.29 10.50 10.70 10.90 11.11 11.31 11.51 11.72 11.92 S-2 11.21 11.41 11.62 11.82 12.02 12.23 12.43 12.64 12.84 13.04 13.25 S-3 12.53 12.74 12.94 13.15 13.35 13.55 13.76 13.96 14.16 14.37 14.57 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 cdlxviii S-7 20.33 20.56 20.80 21.03 21.26 21.49 21.72 21.96 22.19 22.42 22.65 S-8 21.84 22.07 22.31 22.54 22.77 23.00 23.23 23.47 23.70 23.93 24.16 S-9 23.35 23.58 23.82 24.05 24.28 24.51 24.74 24.98 25.21 25.44 25.67 GILA COUNTY S-4 S-5 13.86 15.18 14.06 15.39 14.27 15.59 14.47 15.80 14.67 16.00 14.88 16.20 15.08 16.41 15.29 16.61 15.49 16.81 15.69 17.02 15.90 17.22 S-7 17.83 18.04 18.24 18.44 18.65 18.85 19.06 19.26 19.46 19.67 19.87 S-8 19.16 19.36 19.57 19.77 19.97 20.18 20.38 20.58 20.79 20.99 21.20 S-9 20.48 20.69 20.89 21.09 21.30 21.50 21.71 21.91 22.11 22.32 22.52 S-6 16.51 16.71 16.92 17.12 17.32 17.53 17.73 17.94 18.14 18.34 18.55 Clerk I, Chaperone, Computer technician I Clerk II, Computer technician II Accountant I, Secretary I, Assistant I, Costumer I Accountant II, Secretary II, Assistant II, Analyst I, Manager I, Software technician I, Evaluation technician I, Costumer II Analyst II, Manager II, Supervisor I, Software technician II, Evaluation technician II, Administrative assistant I, Accountant III, Assistant III Supervisor II, Operator / programmer I, Software support specialist I, Administrative assistant II, Evaluation specialist I Operator/programmer II, Treasurer / chief accountant, Software support specialist II, Evaluation specialist II Computer operations specialist I Computer operations specialist II Eastern Arizona College ESP (continued) STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 O-1 13.71 13.94 14.17 14.41 14.64 14.87 15.10 15.33 15.57 15.80 16.03 O-2 15.33 15.57 15.80 16.03 16.26 16.50 16.73 16.96 17.19 17.43 17.66 O-3 16.96 17.19 17.43 17.66 17.89 18.12 18.36 18.59 18.82 19.05 19.28 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 O-1 12.02 12.23 12.43 12.64 12.84 13.04 13.25 13.45 13.66 13.86 14.06 O-2 13.45 13.66 13.86 14.06 14.27 14.47 14.67 14.88 15.08 15.29 15.49 O-3 14.88 15.08 15.29 15.49 15.69 15.90 16.10 16.30 16.51 16.71 16.92 O-1 O-2 O-3 O-4 O-5 O-6 O-7 O-8 O-10 O-11 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT CLASS GRAHAM AND GREENLEE COUNTIES O-4 O-5 O-6 O-7 18.59 20.21 21.84 23.47 18.82 20.45 22.07 23.70 19.05 20.68 22.31 23.93 19.28 20.91 22.54 24.16 19.52 21.14 22.77 24.40 19.75 21.38 23.00 24.63 19.98 21.61 23.23 24.86 20.21 21.84 23.47 25.09 20.45 22.07 23.70 25.33 20.68 22.31 23.93 25.56 20.91 22.54 24.16 25.79 O-8 25.09 25.33 25.56 25.79 26.02 26.26 26.49 26.72 26.95 27.18 27.42 O-9 26.72 26.95 27.18 27.42 27.65 27.88 28.11 28.35 28.58 28.81 29.04 O-10 28.35 28.58 28.81 29.04 29.28 29.51 29.74 29.97 30.20 30.44 30.67 O-11 29.97 30.20 30.44 30.67 30.90 31.13 31.37 31.60 31.83 32.06 32.30 GILA COUNTY O-5 O-6 17.73 19.16 17.94 19.36 18.14 19.57 18.34 19.77 18.55 19.97 18.75 20.18 18.95 20.38 19.16 20.58 19.36 20.79 19.57 20.99 19.77 21.20 O-8 22.01 22.21 22.42 22.62 22.83 23.03 23.23 23.44 23.64 23.85 24.05 O-9 23.44 23.64 23.85 24.05 24.25 24.46 24.66 24.86 25.07 25.27 25.48 O-10 24.86 25.07 25.27 25.48 25.68 25.88 26.09 26.29 26.50 26.70 26.90 O-11 26.29 26.50 26.70 26.90 27.11 27.31 27.51 27.72 27.92 28.13 28.33 O-4 16.30 16.51 16.71 16.92 17.12 17.32 17.53 17.73 17.94 18.14 18.34 O-7 20.58 20.79 20.99 21.20 21.40 21.60 21.81 22.01 22.21 22.42 22.62 Custodian I Custodian II, Groundskeeper I, Equipment/home event manager Groundskeeper II, Security officer, Maintenance technician I Maintenance technician II Warehouse foreman Maintenance mechanic I, Assistant plant engineer I, Custodial foreman, Grounds foreman Maintenance mechanic II, Assistant plant engineer II, Assistant chief of security Construction manager Plant engineer, General maintenance foreman Assistant chief of police, General maintenance supervisor, Chief of security cdlxix COLLEGES Maricopa Colleges ESP, 2012-2013 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 21,927 23,217 24,506 25,796 27,086 28,376 29,666 30,955 32,245 4 23,441 24,820 26,199 27,578 28,956 30,335 31,714 33,093 34,472 Maintenance & Operations, 12 months Grade 5 6 7 24,429 26,298 28,558 25,866 27,845 30,238 27,303 29,392 31,918 28,740 30,939 33,598 30,177 32,486 35,277 31,614 34,033 36,957 33,051 35,580 38,637 34,488 37,127 40,317 35,925 38,674 41,997 8 31,114 32,944 34,775 36,605 38,435 40,265 42,096 43,926 45,756 9 34,061 36,065 38,069 40,072 42,076 44,079 46,083 48,087 50,090 10 37,405 39,605 41,805 44,005 46,206 48,406 50,606 52,806 55,007 M&O Grades 3 Maintenance assistant 4 Custodian I, Utility assistant 5 Custodian II 6 Groundskeeper I 7 Groundskeeper II, Lead custodian I, Utility worker 8 Lead custodian II, Lead utility worker, Master gardener 10 Coordinator grounds maintenance STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cdlxx CRAFTS, 12 months Carpenter, Electrician, Equipment mechanic, HVAC maintenance tech, Painter, Plumber 47,363 49,731 52,099 54,467 COLLEGE SAFETY, 12 months Dispatcher Officer Lead Officer Certified Officer 26,298 27,845 29,392 30,939 32,486 34,033 35,580 37,127 38,674 28,558 30,238 31,918 33,598 35,278 36,958 38,638 40,318 41,998 34,061 36,065 38,068 40,072 42,076 44,079 46,083 48,086 50,090 43,002 45,532 48,061 50,591 53,121 55,650 58,180 60,709 63,239 COLLEGES Mohave Community College ESP, 2012-2013 STEP S-1 Clerk I, Van driver, Outreach liaison, Site coordinator (weekend) S-2 Clerk II, Secretary II, Maintenance/ Custodian II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 10.36 10.61 10.86 11.12 11.39 11.66 11.94 12.23 12.52 12.83 13.13 13.45 13.77 14.10 14.44 14.79 15.14 15.50 15.88 16.26 16.65 17.05 11.29 11.56 11.84 12.12 12.41 12.71 13.02 13.33 13.65 13.98 14.31 14.66 15.01 15.37 15.74 16.11 16.50 16.90 17.30 17.72 18.14 18.58 S-3 Accounting clerk, Bursar, Credentials Evaluator, Secretary III, Maintenance/ Custodian III 12.42 12.72 13.02 13.34 13.66 13.98 14.32 14.66 15.01 15.38 15.74 16.12 16.51 16.91 17.31 17.73 18.15 18.59 19.03 19.49 19.96 20.44 S-4 Classroom/ campus tech support technician, Operations specialist, Technician 13.66 13.99 14.32 14.67 15.02 15.38 15.75 16.13 16.51 16.91 17.32 17.73 18.16 18.59 19.04 19.50 19.96 20.44 20.93 21.44 21.95 22.48 cdlxxi cdlxxii
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