ParaPro Assessment Information Bulletin
ParaPro Assessment Information Bulletin
ParaPro Assessment Information Bulletin 2016–17 1 CONTENTS ParaPro at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Takers with Disabilities and Health-Related Needs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Preparation Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On Test Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . About the ParaPro Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . How the Assessment Was Developed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Establishing Qualifying (Passing) Scores. . . . . . . . . . . . Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ETS Disability Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Center Complaints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Question Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Preparation Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . File Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional Score Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–9 Fees for Tests and Related Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ETS Preferred Forms of Payment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Payment Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Computer-Delivered Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . If Your Primary Language Is Not English (PLNE) . . Test Takers With Disabilities and Health-Related Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Health-Related Needs and Minor Accommodations . . How to Request Accommodations For a Disability or Health-Related Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Previously Approved Accommodations . . . . . . File Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Retake Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consent and Data Retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Identification (ID) Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–10 Testing Outside Your Country of Citizenship . . . . . . . . 10 Test Center Procedures and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–12 On Test Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 During the Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dismissal From a Test Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Registering a Complaint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Scores & Score Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–13 Reporting Your Test Scores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Questions That Do Not Count Toward Your Score . . . . Scoring Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional Score Reports (ASRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cancellation of Scores by ETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Confidentiality of Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Takers’ Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 Forms 14–25 Certification of Documentation (PLNE) . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Eligibility Form (PLNE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–19 Testing Accommodations Request Form . . . . . . . . . . . 20–25 Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26–50 Recipient Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26–48 Citizenship & Country or Region Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Passing Scores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 The policies and procedures explained in this Bulletin are effective only for the 2016–17 testing year (August 1, 2016 through July 31, 2017) and supersede previous policies and procedures. The fees, terms and conditions contained in this Bulletin are subject to change. Educational Testing Service is dedicated to the principle of equal opportunity, and its programs, services and employment policies are guided by that principle. 2 \ Contents On Test Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–12 Copyright © 2016 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, and PRAXIS are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. MEASURING THE POWER OF LEARNING is a trademark of ETS. Other products, services and brand names mentioned herein may be registered trademarks of their respective owners. 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin PARAPRO AT A GLANCE Visit the ParaPro website at for the most up-to-date information. REGISTRATION The ParaPro Assessment is delivered on computer and is administered by appointment in participating school districts, regional offices of education and other agencies. Please be sure to determine if your state uses the ParaPro Assessment to fulfill the No Child Left Behind Act BEFORE scheduling a testing appointment at a test center near you. This assessment is a self-service application which the participating test centers are responsible for maintaining. Test centers that offer the assessment have all the necessary information needed to successfully administer the ParaPro Assessment and troubleshoot technical issues at their location. Test takers interested in the ParaPro assessment should visit for a list of participating test centers. Test takers need to contact the test site directly to get information regarding testing availability in their area and to schedule an appointment with a test center. Pre-registration with ETS is not required. Test takers will provide their personal information at the test center on test day. Please contact the test center directly for payment information. The test fee for the ParaPro Assessment is $55; however, some test centers may charge a premium to test at their location. Please review the ParaPro Assessment website for additional information. TEST TAKERS WITH DISABILITIES AND HEALTH-RELATED NEEDS • ETS is committed to serving test takers with disabilities or health-related needs by providing services and accommodations that are reasonable and appropriate given the purpose of the test. Testing accommodations are available for test takers with disabilities who meet ETS requirements. • If you are requesting testing accommodations, you must register through ETS Disability Services and have your accommodations approved before testing. • For information on requesting testing accommodations due to a disability or health-related need, please see “Registration Options” on page 6. Disability documentation policy statements and forms are available on the ETS website at • To request a large-print copy of this Bulletin, contact ETS Disability Services. See “ETS Disability Services” on page 5. TEST PREPARATION MATERIAL ETS is committed to helping you do your best on the ParaPro assessment by offering a variety of test preparation materials. We offer both free and low-cost test preparation materials including study companions, online tutorials, and interactive practice tests to help you feel ready and confident on test day. Find your test preparation materials at the ParaPro website at ON TEST DAY • Your appointment time is provided to you by the test center. Please arrive on time. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted to test. • Review the section on ID Requirements on pages 9–10 and be certain to take the required documents with you. Without the required ID documents, you will not be permitted to test. • Do not bring any phone, tablet, personal digital assistant (PDA), or any other electronic, photographic, scanning, listening, or recording device to the test center. You will not be permitted to test if you have any of these devices in your possession. • Watches are not allowed in the test room. If you bring a watch to the test center, you will be asked to remove the watch and store it during the administration. For other important information regarding the test day, see • ID Requirements (pages 9–10) • Test Center Procedures and Regulations (pages 10–12) • Cancellation of Scores by ETS (page 13) 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin ParaPro at a Glance \ 3 ABOUT THE PARAPRO ASSESSMENT The ETS ParaPro Assessment was developed in response to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, which was signed into law by President Bush in January 2002. Effective January 8, 2002, the law requires that paraprofessionals serving in an instructional capacity satisfy one of the following: • An associate of arts degree OR • Two years of college OR • Demonstrate, through a state or local academic assessment, knowl edge of, and the ability to assist in, the instruction of reading, writing, and math The choice of test(s) to satisfy the third option is left to the discretion of states and districts. The ParaPro Assessment measures prospective and practicing paraprofessionals’ skills and knowledge in reading, mathematics and writing, as well as the ability to apply those skills and knowledge to assist in classroom instruction. The Assessment is available in computer-delivered format only. Please note: the ParaPro Assessment is administered in English only. How the Assessment Was Developed The ParaPro Assessment reflects research and professional judgment and experience of educators across the country. The 2 1/2 hour test was developed with the assistance of an advisory committee composed of paraprofessionals and teachers who work with paraprofessionals. A thorough job analysis was conducted to determine what knowledge and skills in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics are important for paraprofessionals. 4 \ About the ParaPro Assessment Each edition of the test is reviewed for accuracy, fairness and relevance many times during its development. After the test is administered, but before scores are released, each question undergoes rigorous statistical analysis to confirm that it is accurate, comparable to previous tests and fair to subgroups of test takers. These procedures meet and exceed the exacting standards of the professional measurement community and ETS’s own Standards for Quality and Fairness. The ParaPro Assessment is reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis to confirm that it provides the valid, reliable information states and districts need to meet legislative mandates. Establishing Qualifying (Passing) Scores ETS does not set qualifying (passing) scores for the ParaPro Assessment. Each agency (state, district, or other institution) that elects to use the Assessment for purposes of qualifying paraprofessionals is responsible for establishing its own qualifying (passing) score. ETS offers to work with agencies to conduct passing score studies in accordance with recommended professional practices, as described, for example, in the ETS Standards for Quality and Fairness and the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, developed jointly by the AERA, APA and NCME. ETS’s agreement with agencies using the ParaPro Assessment for purposes of fulfilling the No Child Left Behind Act is that scores from the assessment not be the sole criterion for decisions reached by the agency. To view a current list of states and school districts that use the ParaPro Assessment along with their passing scores, please visit: 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin CONTACT INFORMATION GENERAL INQUIRIES Phone: 1-800-772-9476—U .S., U.S. Territories and Canada 1-609-771-7395—all other locations Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–7:45 p.m. ET Mail: ETS Disability Services PO Box 6054 Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 TEST CENTER COMPLAINTS Recorded information is available 24 hours a day if you use a touch-tone phone. Phones are busiest weekdays between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. ET and all day on Monday. ETS—ParaPro Assessment Mail Stop 51-L 660 Rosedale Road Princeton, NJ 08541 Fax: 1-609-683-2040 Email: Email: Website: For additional information, see: • Registering a Complaint (page 12) Mail: ETS—ParaPro Assessment PO Box 6051 Princeton, NJ 08541-6051 Use this address for general inquiries only. Do NOT mail check payments with registration forms to this address. Overnight Mail: ETS—ParaPro Assessment Distribution and Receiving Center 225 Phillips Boulevard Ewing, NJ 08628-7435 Fax: 1-973-735-0384, 1-609-771-0581 Include the following information exactly as you entered it on your registration form or answer sheet: name, address, date of birth, test date, test taker ID number, Social Security number (if previously supplied) and phone number (U.S. residents only). ETS DISABILITY SERVICES To obtain information and registration materials, contact ETS: Phone: 1-866-387-8602—U.S., U.S. Territories and Canada 1-609-771-7780—all other locations Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. ET Email: Website: 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin TEST QUESTION INQUIRIES If you think there is an error in a test question that affects your response, tell the test administrator as soon as you finish the test, or immediately write to: ETS—ParaPro Assessment Test Question Inquiries PO Box 6667 Princeton, NJ 08541-6667 ADDITIONAL SCORE REPORTS 1-800-772-9476 Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–7:45 p.m. ET Additional score reports are issued within seven business days for online and phone requests and 10 business days for mailed or faxed requests. Please pay by credit or debit card (American Express®, Discover®, JCB®, MasterCard® or VISA®). Note: Any debit/credit card branded with one of the five accepted credit card logos can be processed. To be sure that your request is completed, wait for confirmation before hanging up. Once information is entered, changes cannot be made. Before you call, have the following information ready: • Test Taker ID Number • Test Date • Date of Birth For additional information, see: • Additional Score Reports (page 12) In your letter, state the name and address of the center, the test date and name of the test, the number and content of the question, and the section in which it appeared. TEST PREPARATION RESOURCES Phone: 1-800-537-3161—U.S., U.S. Territories and Canada 1-609-771-7243—all other locations Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–7 p.m. ET Website: Mail: ETS—ParaPro Assessment PO Box 6051 Princeton, NJ 08541-6051 FILE CORRECTIONS ETS—ParaPro Assessment PO Box 6051 Princeton, NJ 08541-6051 For additional information, see: • File Corrections (page 8) Contact Information \ 5 REGISTRATION INFORMATION Fees for Tests and Related Services TEST FEE $55 Test Fee (nonrefundable) The test fee for the ParaPro Assessment is $55. Some test centers may charge a premium to test at their location. Please discuss the fees directly with the test center at which you will test and be prepared to pay the fees when you arrive for testing. Please contact the test center administrator directly to determine their preferred payment method. Note: Test takers requesting accommodations other than extended testing time due to a disability or health-related needs should see “Test Takers with Disabilities and Health-Related Needs” on page 7 for payment information. SPECIAL SERVICES $50 each. Additional Score Reports (nonrefundable) Fees are subject to change without notice. The above amounts are exclusive of any Value Added or similar taxes, which will be added to these amounts, if applicable. ETS Preferred Forms of Payment (Test Takers Approved for Paper-delivered Testing Accommodations ONLY) • Credit or Debit Card (American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard and VISA) Note: Any debit/credit card branded with one of the five accepted credit card logos can be processed. ETS reserves the right to add or remove payment methods at its own discretion and without notice. • Money Order • Bank Check • U.S. Postal Service Money Order Other Payment Policies • All fees are stated in U.S. dollars. • All payments must be for the full amount. • Payments made by check or money order should be made payable to ETS–ParaPro Assessment. If paying by check, please comply with the following: • Bank name and its address should be preprinted on the face of the check. • Check must have a preprinted check number. • Check must include Test Taker or Payee name and address. • Check date CANNOT be over 90 days old. • Checks missing the preprinted name and address, and checks with typewritten names, are not acceptable. • A check in U.S. dollars must be drawn on a bank in the U.S. or Canada. Checks payable in other currencies must be drawn on banks in the same countries as the currencies. By sending your check, be aware that you are authorizing ETS, at its discretion, to use the information on your check to make a one-time electronic debit from your account for the amount of your check; no addi tional amount will be added. • If you do not have sufficient funds in your account, your scores will be withheld, you will be unable to register for additional tests, and an additional service fee of $20 will be added to your account. You will receive your scores as soon as the total outstanding bal ance has been cleared. Contact ETS to learn about other payment options if you prefer not to have your check used in this way. • Services may be withheld for nonpayment of fees. • There are no refunds. • Credit or debit cards may also be used for services ordered directly from ETS–ParaPro Assessment. 6 \ Registration Information • There is a $20 fee for a declined credit card. • Cash payments cannot be accepted. Registration Options STANDARD COMPUTER-DELIVERED TESTING Test takers interested in registering for the ParaPro assessment should visit for a list of participating test centers. Test takers need to contact the test site directly to get information regarding testing availability in their area and to schedule an appointment with a test center. No pre registration is required through ETS. Test takers will provide their personal information and submit test fees at the test center on test day. Please contact the test center directly for payment information. The test fee for the ParaPro Assessment is $55; however, some test centers may charge a premium to test at their location. Please review the ParaPro Assessment website at for additional information. IF YOUR PRIMARY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH (PLNE) Test accommodations (extended testing time) may be available for test takers whose primary language is not English. Test takers who meet ETS requirements will be allowed 50 percent additional testing time. How to Request Additional Testing Time Your request must include the following: 1. A completed Certification of Documentation form (page 14). The Program has the right to request further verification, if needed, of the professional’s credentials and expertise relevant to the Certification of Documentation form. An embossed school seal must be affixed over the signature on the Certification of Documentation form or the signature must be notarized. 2. A completed Eligibility Form for test takers whose primary lan guage is not English (page 15). It is necessary to complete this form each time you register for these accommodations. 3. A completed registration form. All materials must be submitted together and received at ETS at least three weeks before the test date administration at the center selected. Incomplete requests and requests received on outdated forms will be returned to you unprocessed. All documentation must be approved before the test administration date. The Program will make every effort to evaluate all requests in a timely manner. If further verification of the professional’s credentials and expertise relevant to the documentation submitted is needed, it is possible that testing will be delayed until the next applicable test date. Because of ETS’s need to review documentation in order to provide accommodations, all test takers must register through ETS. Special Instructions for Completing the Registration Form Determine the test center you will schedule the testing with and notify the administrator that extended testing time accommodations are being requested. Write the test center code, name and location in the Test Center section of the registration form. Mail the registration form, Certification of Documentation and Eligibility form to ETS Disability Services, P.O. Box 6054, Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 or Do not send payment with the forms to ETS. Payments must be made to the test center administering the ParaPro Assessment. Once approval of the request is sent via email, provide a copy of the email to the administrator. This email will contain information and instructions for the administrator of the test to ensure the test given includes the additional testing time accommodation. 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin REGISTRATION INFORMATION (continued) ETS recognizes the right of individuals to confidentiality with regard to documentation supplied by and about them that may be stored in files held by ETS and the concomitant responsibility of ETS to safeguard information in its files from unauthorized disclosure. Reregistration If you have previously registered and your request for accommodations has been approved by ETS, you may request the same testing accommodations for subsequent test dates. To reregister, submit a completed Eligibility Form (page 15) indicating your candidate ID number and the test date for which documentation was approved and on file at ETS with a registration form at least three weeks before your new test date. TEST TAKERS WITH DISABILITIES AND HEALTH-RELATED NEEDS Testing accommodations are available for test takers with disabilities and health-related needs who meet ETS requirements. Frequently Requested Accommodations: • Extended Testing Time (all tests are timed) • 50 percent (time and one-half) • 100 percent (double time; documentation required) • Extra Breaks: breaks are not included in testing time (can be used for medication, snacks, trips to the restroom, etc.) • Sign language interpreter (for spoken directions, if applicable, and communication with test center staff) • Oral interpreter (for spoken directions, if applicable) • Assistance: Reader, Scribe • Printed copy of spoken directions (where applicable) • Assistance for note taking: Perkins brailler* and Braille slate and stylus* • Alternate test formats: Braille*, large-print test book, large-print answer sheet ______________ *Only applicants who are blind or have low vision HEALTH-RELATED NEEDS AND MINOR ACCOMMODATIONS “Health-related needs” refers to a variety of medical conditions that impact a major life activity, such as those affecting digestion, immune function, respiration, circulation, endocrine functions, etc. Documented health needs include conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy and chronic pain. Some documented health needs require only minor accommodations. Minor accommodations include, but are not limited to, special lighting; adjustable table or chair; extra breaks for medication or snacks; or a separate room if food, beverages, or glucose testing materials are necessary during the test session. If you require minor accommodations, you must submit: • the registration form from this Information Bulletin, pages 16–19. • Part I and Part II of the Testing Accommodations Request Form for ParaPro Assessment, pages 20–22. • a letter of support from a medical doctor or other qualified profes sional stating the nature of the condition and the reason for the minor accommodation requested (a note on a prescription pad is not acceptable) • the test fee Some medical aids do not require approval for accommodations. These aids include, but are not limited to, those that are necessary for you to ambulate (cane, crutches, wheelchair, walker, prosthetic limb, service animal) or communicate (hearing aid, voice amplifier) or those that are otherwise required for health reasons (heart rate monitor). If you require these types of medical aids, you do not need to request accommodations. If you wear an insulin pump, you do not need to request accommodations unless your pump consists of two pieces (the pump that is attached to your body plus the transmitter 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin used to program the pump) or your pump is especially noisy. If the pump cannot be silenced and is likely to disturb other test takers, requesting accommodations is a good idea so you can be scheduled in a separate room. A continuous glucose monitor attached to your pump does not require accommodations; however, if you wish to bring your glucose test kit into the testing room, you must request accommodations. HOW TO REQUEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A DISABILITY OR HEALTH-RELATED NEED STEP 1: Determine your accommodations. Look at the list of commonly requested and approved accommodations above and determine the accommodations you need. If an accommodation you require is not on the list, you may write it under “other” on the request form. STEP 2: Complete the registration form. Complete the registration form (pages 16–19). STEP 3: Complete the Testing Accommodations Request Form. Complete the Testing Accommodations Request Form on pages 20–25. Part I—Applicant Information (pages 20–21) Complete this section and sign the Applicant’s Verification Statement, even if you are registering for accommodations identical to those that have been approved for you by ETS within the last two years. Select “ParaPro” from the “Test applying for” list. Part II—Accommodations Requested (page 22) Complete this section, even if you are registering for accommodations that are identical to those that have been approved for you by ETS within the last two years. If you are requesting accommodations other than those listed in Part II, you must describe them under “Other Accommodations.” Part III—Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History (COE) (pages 23–25) The Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History should be submitted, if applicable, as verification of a test taker’s use of accommodations in employment or post-secondary education within the past three years. (If you have been approved by ETS within the past two years for the same accommodations that you are currently requesting on the same test, you do NOT need to submit a Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History.) STEP 4: Gather your disability documentation. Gather disability documentation as necessary. Sending documentation that is not required will delay the review process. Review ETS’s “Policy Statements for Disability Documentation in Adolescents and Adults” on the ETS website at DO NOT send documentation if you are not required to do so. Once documentation has been submitted and reviewed, all decisions are based on the documentation. If documentation is not needed, submitting it will delay the review process. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan alone may not be used. All applicants must submit the Testing Accommodations Request Form. In addition, you must submit disability documentation if: • you are requesting accommodations other than 50 percent (time and one-half) and/or extra breaks; or • you were diagnosed with a disability within the past twelve months; or • you are requesting accommodations that are different from those that ETS approved for you within the last two years, or you are requesting those same accommodations but for a different test; or • you have not previously used the accommodations you are now requesting; or Registration Information \ 7 REGISTRATION INFORMATION (continued) • you have a sensory disability and your accommodations request does NOT match the specifications that follow; or • you are unable to submit a Part III: Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History. If you are blind or legally blind, you do NOT need to submit documentation if you are submitting a Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History and you are requesting only accommodations from the list below. • Braille • Large print (test book and/or answer sheet) • Reader • Scribe • Braille slate and stylus • Perkins brailler • 50 percent extended time (time and one-half) • Extra breaks If you are blind or legally blind, a request for 100 percent extended time (double time) does not require documentation if you are submitting a Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History and you are requesting Braille or a reader. If you have low vision or some other condition that affects visual functioning, such as an eye coordination disorder, please refer to the “Policy Statement for Documentation of Blindness and Low Vision in Adolescents and Adults” on the ETS website at If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, you do NOT need to submit documentation if you are submitting a Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History and you are requesting only accommodations from the list below. • 50 percent extended testing time (time and one-half)** • Extra break(s)** • Printed copy of spoken directions • Sign language interpreter (for check-in assistance and spoken directions only)** • Oral interpreter (for check-in assistance and spoken directions only)** ______________ **Accommodations available for computer-delivered version of the ParaPro assessment. STEP 5: Mail or email completed forms, documentation. Submit all completed forms, appropriate documentation, if required, to: ETS Disability Services, P.O. Box 6054, Princeton, NJ 08541 6054 or Do not send documentation as an attachment to an email. Failure to include all forms/documentation will cause a delay in processing your request. Do not send payment with your forms and documentation. ETS will send you an authorization letter confirming the accommodations that have been approved. • Computer-delivered Testing. The authorization letter will include instructions that you must follow to schedule your test. Do not schedule your test until you receive your authorization letter. When scheduling your test, be prepared to provide your payment and the information contained in the letter. • Alternate test Format. A representative from ETS Disability Services will contact you to confirm the accommodations approved for you and to schedule your test. Your request for accommodations should be submitted as early as possible, especially if you are requesting an alternate test format. Documentation review takes approximately six weeks once ETS receives your request and complete paperwork. If additional documentation must be submitted, it can be another six weeks from the time the new documentation is received until the review is complete. 8 \ Registration Information USING PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ACCOMMODATIONS If you have received approved accommodations from ETS within the last two years and your documentation is still current, you may request the same accommodations for the ParaPro Assessment during the 2016–17 testing year. To register, submit: • the ParaPro registration form (pages 16–19) • Part I and Part II of the Testing Accommodations Request Form (pages 20–22); be sure to indicate the previous test name and test date. File Corrections After the test administration, score reports requiring corrections for date of birth, Social Security number, spelling of name or other information will require file corrections. As a part of this service, you may have your scores sent to one institution or agency. • You may not change your name on the file; only correct the spelling. • If an adjustment to your Social Security number is required, please include a clear copy of your Social Security card. You may not change your Social Security number on file, only make corrections. Test Retake Policy The ParaPro test may be taken once every 21 days, not including your initial test date. Consent and Data Retention CONSENT Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other ETS or ETS affiliate’s (“ETS,” “we,” “us,” “our”) materials or agreements with you, you consent to the terms and conditions herein by registering for or taking an ETS test, creating an online account or using our Website, providing survey information or requesting one of our services or completing order or payment information. You agree that we have the right to obtain, store, use and transmit your personal information, including full name, home address, email address, telephone number, Social Security number, passport number, biometric data such as fingerprints, audio recordings and video files and your answers to other background information questions, the test you are registering for, test date, payment information, how you specifically use our Website (“Personal Information”). We use your Personal Information to: • complete any registration, purchases or other transactions you request online • improve our products and services, and identify, develop and offer new or expanded products and services • improve and personalize your experience on the Website • notify you about updates, products, services and/or special offers from ETS, its affiliates and selected third parties • ask you to participate in brief surveys or provide other information • generate aggregate statistical studies and conduct research ourselves or jointly with others related to our products and services and the use of our Website Based upon your specific relationship(s) with us, we may use your Personal Information in ways described in more detail in one or more other agreements. Additionally, you consent to the transfer of your Personal Information within and outside of your country of residence and outside of the location where you have taken the test(s). 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin REGISTRATION INFORMATION (continued) We disclose your Personal Information to certain third parties with whom we have a direct or indirect business or contract relationship, to provide the products and services you have requested. You will have the ability to opt out of receiving certain communications from us, including voicemail or email. If you do not opt out immediately, but later decide that you would prefer not to receive email communications from us, please contact that particular testing program through Remember, however, that we may still send email or call you in order to provide a product or service that you request. Australia requires ETS to provide notification to AU residents. For Australian residents only, please be informed that if you consent to the overseas disclosure of the information or transfer of your data outside of Australia, ETS and its affiliates will not be required to take reasonable steps to ensure that ETS or its affiliates’ use of such data outside of Australia does not breach the Australian Privacy Principles. ON TEST DAY By indicating “Accept,” you consent to the terms and conditions noted previously and those more fully outlined in the ETS Privacy or attached hereto Policy located at for paper-based assessments. DATA RETENTION Educational Testing Service shall at all times protect your personal information with operational, administrative, technical and physical security safeguards. Unless your photograph images taken on the day of the test during the check-in process are being used in connection with a security investigation, ETS shall retain them for a maximum of five years after the last test you have taken. We will keep your information as required to meet the following requirements: • Protect against fraud, theft, and misrepresentation by unauthorized test takers • Purpose of identity verification • Maintain integrity of the testing process Identification (ID) Requirements All test takers are responsible for bringing valid and acceptable identification each time they report to a test center. It is your responsibility to ensure that your ID documents are up-to-date and available on the day of the test. Your ID requirements depend on your country of citizenship and where you plan to test. Please read the specific section for acceptable primary and supplemental ID documents and allowed exceptions. • You are responsible for ensuring that the name you used to register exactly matches the name on the ID document(s) you will present at the test center. • If your name has changed since you registered for a test, you must ensure that you have appropriate ID matching the name on your registration to show at the test center. It is recommended that you have ID in the correct name BEFORE you complete the registration process. Additionally, you must create a new online Praxis account providing your name exactly as it appears on the primary identification you will present on test day. During the creation of your new account, we advise that you leave the Social Security number (SSN) field blank to avoid technical issues. After the new account is created, you will have the opportunity to enter your SSN by clicking the “Update Personal or Contact Information” link. • If the test administrator questions the ID you present, you may be required to provide supplemental ID. If positive confirmation cannot be made, you may not be permitted to test or your test score may be withheld. • All test takers are encouraged to bring at least two forms of acceptable ID each time they report to a test center. Prior admission to a test center based on a given ID document does not assure that that document will be considered acceptable. Test centers are not required to hold your seat if you leave the center to obtain acceptable identification. • Admission to the test center does not assure that the ID you provided is valid or that your scores will be reported. All reported cases of questionable ID are subject to review and approval by the ETS Office of Testing Integrity either during or after the test administration. ETS reserves the right to withhold and/or cancel scores in the event that the ID requirements set forth herein are not met. 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin • You may be required to show your ID and/or to sign a test center log at various points throughout the test administration. • Your test fees will not be refunded if you are not permitted to test or if your scores are withheld or canceled because of invalid or unacceptable ID. ID DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS With few exceptions, ID documents must meet all of the following requirements. Each ID document must: • be an original document; photocopied documents are not acceptable • be valid; expired documents (bearing expiration dates that have passed) are not acceptable • bear the test taker’s full name and match your name exactly as you entered it when you registered • bear a recent photograph that clearly matches the test taker • bear the test taker’s signature; the name and signature must match See “Unacceptable ID Documents” on page 10. See Exceptions and Requirements on page 10 if: • • • • • you are testing outside your country of citizenship you are not a U.S. citizen and you are testing in the U.S. you have a multiple part last name you are in the process of renewing your driver’s license you are in the military and your Military ID does not contain your signature • you have been granted political asylum or refugee status • you have any questions about the acceptability of your ID document(s) • you are unable to meet the ID requirements ACCEPTABLE PRIMARY ID DOCUMENTS The following ID documents are acceptable for admission to a test center within your country of citizenship: • Passport • Government-issued Driver’s license • State or Province ID card (including those issued by the motor vehicle agencies) • National ID card • Military ID card Registration Information/On Test Day \ 9 ON TEST DAY (continued) SUPPLEMENTAL ID DOCUMENTS • You may be required to provide a supplemental ID if the test administrator questions your primary ID document and/or if your primary ID document is otherwise acceptable but does not bear your full name, photograph or signature. • Supplemental ID documents may not be used to resolve last name discrepancies. The last name on your primary ID must match the name on your admission ticket. The following ID documents are generally acceptable as supplemental ID: • Government-issued ID card (including, but not limited to, those listed under Primary ID Documents earlier in this section) • Student ID card • Confirmation of identity letter from your educational institution. This letter must be typed or printed on the original letterhead of the educational institution you attend(ed) and, in addition to meeting all of the ID Document Requirements listed earlier in this section, must include your date of birth and the date issued. Additionally, a school official’s signature and the school seal must be present and both must overlap your photograph. Such letters are valid for only one year from the date issued. UNACCEPTABLE ID DOCUMENTS The following documents are not acceptable as primary or supplemental ID under any circumstances: • Any document that is photocopied or expired • Any document that does not match your last name exactly as you entered it when you registered for the test • International driver’s license • Draft classification card • International student ID • Credit/debit card of any kind • Notary-prepared letter or document • Birth certificate • Social Security card • Employee ID card • Any Temporary ID card, excluding driver’s license renewal • Diplomatic, consulate or embassy ID card Exceptions and Requirements: TESTING OUTSIDE YOUR COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP • You must present a valid passport with your name, photograph and signature as your primary ID document. • If you are not a U.S. citizen and you are testing within the U.S., you must present a passport that meets all of the ID document requirements listed earlier in this section. • If your passport is not written in English-language letters, you must also present a supplemental ID that contains your name, a recent, recognizable photo, signature, and is in English. If you do not have a supplemental ID and the test center staff cannot read the language in which it is written, you may not be permitted to take the test. • Diplomatic and embassy ID cards cannot be used as primary identification in place of a passport. • The following documents may be acceptable for admission if presented along with at least one of the documents listed under Supplemental ID Documents earlier in this section. • Permanent Resident Card/Resident Alien Card (Form I-551 or I-151) 10 \ On Test Day • Temporary Resident Card (Form I-688) • Employment Authorization Card (Form I-688A, I-688B or I-766) • Mexican Border Crosser Card (This form of ID may be accepted only at test centers within 25 miles of the Mexican border.) MULTIPLE PART LAST NAME If the ID document you will present on the day of the test contains a multiple part last name, your admission ticket must exactly match your ID. You cannot use a supplemental ID to resolve last name discrepancies. DRIVER’S LICENSE RENEWALS • If you are in the U.S. military and your driver’s license has an official extension sticker validating that your driver’s license has been extended, this can be used as supplemental ID along with your U.S. Military ID. • If your driver’s license has expired, but you present it along with your original Department of Public Safety renewal certificate, these two documents together are acceptable provided the names on both documents match exactly. If a provisional driver’s license is issued in lieu of a renewal certificate, this is acceptable as a primary ID document provided it contains your photo, signature, and an expiration date. MILITARY ID WITHOUT SIGNATURE If your Military ID does not contain your signature, you must present a supplemental ID. UNABLE TO MEET ID REQUIREMENTS If you have been granted political asylum, have refugee status or are otherwise unable to meet the identification requirements, you must contact the ETS Office of Testing Integrity (OTI) at least seven days before registering to test. You must receive approval from OTI before you may register. You should also be prepared to submit any requested documents to OTI for review before receiving approval. If you do not contact OTI before you register, and as a result you are not permitted to test or your test scores are withheld, your test fees will not be refunded. ETS Office of Testing Integrity (OTI) Office Hours: Monday–Friday 7:30 am–5:30 pm EST. Phone: 1-609-406-5430 1-800-750-6991 US Fax: 1-609-406-9709 Email: For general questions about acceptable ID, call: 1-800-772-9476 (U.S., U.S. Territories and Canada) 1-609-771-7395 (all other locations) Test Center Procedures and Regulations ON TEST DAY • Test-related information written on ID documents, one’s clothing, or on any part of the body is prohibited. • Test centers do not have large waiting areas. Friends or relatives who accompany you to the test center will not be permitted to wait in the test center or be in contact with you while you are taking the test. Except for ETS-authorized observers, visitors are not permitted in the testing room while testing is in progress or during breaks. • ID verification at the test center may include thumb printing, photographing, videotaping or some other form of electronic biometric ID confirmation. If you refuse to participate, you will not 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin ON TEST DAY (continued) be permitted to test and you will forfeit your test fees. This is in addition to the requirement that you must present acceptable and valid identification. ETS reserves the right to ensure the security of test content by using electronic detection scanning devices (e.g., hand-held metal detectors/wands). Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the test and forfeiture of your test fees. • Do not bring any phone, watch, or other electronic, photographic, scanning, recording, or listening device into the test center. These devices are prohibited at the test center. If you violate this restriction and are seen with any of these devices at the center, you will be dismissed from the test, your scores will be cancelled, and you will forfeit your test fees. If you are seen using any of these electronic devices and/or scanning or transmitting data including but not limited to text messaging, email, or photographs, your device may be confiscated or inspected. • You may not have access to your personal items during the test. Storage space is limited, so please plan accordingly. Test centers assume no responsibility for personal items that you choose to bring into the test center. • Watches are not allowed in the testing room; you will be asked to remove your watch and store it during the administration. • The test administrator will assign you a seat. • On occasion, weather conditions or other circumstances beyond the test administrator’s or ETS’s control may require a delayed start or the rescheduling of your test. If you anticipate inclement weather in your area on test day, check your test center’s office or website and/or local news and radio station broadcasts for updates. DURING THE ASSESSMENT The following procedures and regulations apply during the entire test session, which begins when you are admitted to the test center, ends when you leave the test center, and includes breaks. • Take your photo ID to the test center. • Take 1 or 2 sharpened soft-lead (No. 2 or HB) pencils and a good eraser. Mechanical pencils or pens cannot be used. Pencils and erasers will not be supplied at the center. • You may be required to write and sign a confidentiality statement at the test center. If you do not complete and sign the statement, you may not be allowed to test and your fees will NOT be refunded. • No paper of any kind is permitted in the testing room. • You must have the test administrator’s permission to leave the room during the test. Any time lost cannot be made up. • You may wish to pace yourself with your own watch, but note that the computer used to deliver the ParaPro Assessment will keep the official time. The test administrator may ask you to remove your watch. You will not be permitted to continue the test or any part of it beyond the established time limit. Watch alarms and clocks on cell phones or any other devices are not permitted. • Early departure and sign out is permitted if you finish the test before the end of the test session. • At a computer-delivered test center, the administrator will provide you with scratch paper that may be replaced after you have used all pages of the scratch paper initially given to you. You may not take your own scratch paper to the test, nor may you remove any portion of the scratch paper from the testing room at any time. The scratch paper is provided to assist test takers in working out problems and for appropriate note-taking during the timed sections of the test. You may not write on anything other than the scratch paper provided (e.g., computer or workstation or ID document). Scratch paper should NOT be used during the untimed sections or during breaks. If you are observed using any documents or unauthorized papers other than the designated scratch paper distributed by the test site, they will be confiscated by the test center staff. 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin • For paper-delivered tests administered as an accommodation for a disability, test takers may use the test book for scratch work. Scratch paper is not provided except as an approved accommodation. The following additional procedures and regulations apply to test takers who are taking the test with testing accommodations: • Test takers must bring their letter approving testing accommoda tions along with their photo ID to the test center. • Test administrators cannot honor requests for schedule changes. • No test taker will be admitted after testing has begun. ETS reserves the right to take appropriate action and/or notify appropriate authorities including, but not limited to, law enforcement authorities, if a test taker responds in a threatening or disturbing way to essay questions or communicates with ETS either verbally or in writing in a threatening or disturbing manner. NOTE: ETS takes test security very seriously. Although tests are administered under strict supervision and security measures, testing irregularities may sometimes occur. Please contact ETS as soon as possible after the test to report any observed irregular behavior— for example, someone copying from another test taker, taking a test for someone else, having access to test questions before the exam, or using notes or unauthorized aids. All information will be held in strictest confidence. Reports of cheating or fraud will be investigated thoroughly and offenders may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Email: Phone: 1-800-353-8570 (United States only) 1-609-406-5430 (all other locations) Fax: 1-609-406-9709 DISMISSAL FROM A TEST CENTER A test administrator is authorized to dismiss you from a test session and/or your scores may be canceled by ETS for actions such as, but not limited to, the following: • Attempting to take the test for someone else or having someone else take the test for you. • Failing to provide acceptable identification. • Obtaining improper access to the test, a part of the test, or information about the test. This includes having test questions or answers in advance of the test administration and bringing preknowledge of test information into the test center in any form or on any item, including, but not limited to, identification documents, prohibited devices, or via any other item that may or may not be permitted in the test center. • Using or having any phone or watch, or other electronic, photographic, scanning, listening or recording device in your possession at the test center. Possession of or use of such devices at the test center is prohibited and will result in your dismissal from the test center, forfeiture of your test fees and cancellation of your scores by ETS. • Using any aids in connection with the test, or other prohibited devices, such as: mechanical pencils, pens, scan pens or devices, pagers, beepers, calculators, any watch, books, pamphlets, notes, rulers, highlighter pens, stereos or radios with headphones, any phone, watch alarms (including those with flashing lights or alarm sounds), stop watches, dictionaries, translators, compasses, protractors, rulers, and any hand-held electronic, photographic, or recording devices. On Test Day \ 11 ON TEST DAY (continued) • Creating a disturbance. Disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated. The test administrator and ETS have sole discretion in determining what constitutes disruptive behavior. • Attempting to give or receive assistance. Discussion or sharing of test content or answers during the test administration, during breaks, or after the test is prohibited. Communication in any form is not permitted during the test administration. • Removing or attempting to remove test content from the test center. Under no circumstances may test content or any part of the test content be removed, reproduced, and/or disclosed by any means (e.g., hard copy, verbally, electronically) to any person or entity. • Bringing a weapon or firearm into the test center. • Bringing food, beverages or tobacco into the testing room. • Leaving the test center building during the test session or during breaks. • Leaving the testing room without permission. • You are not permitted to go outside the test center building unless it is to use the restroom during the test administration, including breaks. • Taking excessive or extended unscheduled breaks during the test session. Test center administrators are required to strictly monitor unscheduled breaks and report test takers who take excessive or extended breaks. • Referring to, looking through, or working on any test or test section, when not authorized to do so, or working after time has been called. • Failing to follow any of the test administration regulations contained in this Bulletin, given by the test administrator or specified in any test materials. ETS reserves the right to take all action—including, but not limited to, barring you from future testing and/or canceling your scores—for failure to comply with test administration regulations or the test administrator’s directions. If your scores are canceled, they will not be reported, and your test fees will not be refunded. REGISTERING A COMPLAINT If you think conditions at the test center were such that you were unable to perform satisfactorily, you may request a retest before the mandatory 21-day waiting period is up. However, ETS will investigate before responding to your request. Complaints must be received in writing no later than 7 business days after the administration. Complaints received after this period will not be accepted. Please see page 5 for additional information. Also, please note that retests cannot be offered once scores for a specific test date have been reported. SCORES & SCORE REPORTS QUESTIONS THAT DO NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR SCORE Reporting Your Test Scores If you test in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, or Washington, a copy of your scores will automatically be sent to that state’s teacher credentialing agency. For each test date, a copy of your scores will be sent to you and one score recipient.* For a fee, you can request more than one score recipient. See “Additional Score Reports” under “Scoring Services.” Your scores for a specific test will be sent to a designated recipient only if that school district is eligible to receive those test scores. For exceptions, please see Confidentiality of Information (page 13). Score reports will list your current score and highest score earned on each test taken over the last 10 years. Official score reports will not be released if you have an outstanding balance, which may include an outstanding balance for previous services from the Praxis® Program. Scores from the 2016–17 testing year will be available for reporting on Additional Score Reports for 10 years. Test taker background data will be retained for the same time period. For more information about your scores, you may download Understanding Your Praxis® Scores from the ParaPro website at *ETS reserves the right to refrain from sending score reports (1) to entities that have been found to violate the Guidelines for Proper Use of the Praxis Assessment and Related Assessments, and (2) to entities against which complaints of violation have been made pending completion of ETS’s inquiry into the claimed violation(s). 12 \On Test Day/Scores & Score Reports The test you take may include one or more questions that do not count toward your score. These “pretest questions” are new questions that are being tried out in actual test administrations. Test takers are not told which questions are in this category, because ETS needs to determine how such questions function under actual testing conditions. Questions that are not scored may appear in some, but not all, ParaPro tests. Scoring Services Score reports will be mailed to you approximately 2–3 weeks after your test date. ADDITIONAL SCORE REPORTS (ASRs) Fee: $50 each At your request, ETS will send your scores and reportable background information to additional school districts or agencies for each test taken over the last 10 years. You may complete your request by mail, phone, or fax. To request an ASR by mail or fax, download and complete the Additional Score Report Request form located on the ParaPro website at Additional score reports are issued within seven business days for online and phone requests and 10 business days for mailed or faxed requests. When you ask ETS to send additional score reports to school districts or agencies, you automatically authorize ETS to report your highest scores from all tests taken over the past 10 years. The ASR will include your highest score for the test, but will not include the raw score information that is available on the original score report. You will automatically receive a copy of your score report confirming that your score report was sent. 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin SCORES & SCORE REPORTS (continued) Cancellation of Scores by ETS ETS strives to report scores that accurately reflect the performance of every test taker. Accordingly, ETS’s standards and procedures for administering tests have two primary goals: giving test takers equivalent opportunities to demonstrate their abilities, and preventing any test takers from gaining an unfair advantage over others. To promote these objectives, ETS reserves the right to cancel any test score when, in ETS’s judgment, a testing irregularity occurs, there is an apparent discrepancy in a test taker’s identification, the test taker engages in misconduct or plagiarism, or the score is invalid for another reason. Reviews of scores by ETS are confidential. When, for any of the above reasons, ETS cancels a test score that has already been reported, it notifies score recipients that the score has been canceled, but it does not disclose the reason for cancellation except when authorized to do so by the test taker, and in certain group cases. Testing Irregularities “Testing Irregularities” refer to problems with the administration of a test. Testing irregularities may result from actions of the test taker, test center personnel, ETS, or from man-made causes. When testing irregularities occur, they may affect an individual or groups of test takers. Such problems include, without limitation, administrative errors (such as improper timing, improper seating, defective materials [e.g., improper test forms], and defective equipment); improper access to test content and other disruptions of test administrations (such as natural disasters or other emergencies). When testing irregularities occur, ETS may decline to score the test, or cancel the test score. When, in ETS’s judgment it is appropriate to do so, ETS gives affected test takers the opportunity to take the test again as soon as possible without charge. Identification Discrepancies When, in ETS’s judgment or the judgment of test center administrators, there is a discrepancy in a test taker’s identification, the test taker may be dismissed from the test center. In addition, ETS may decline to score the test or cancel the test score if the documents or photos from the test day cannot be validated or if ETS has evidence that you did not appear for the test. If test scores are canceled by ETS, the test fees will NOT be refunded. Misconduct When ETS or test center personnel find that there is misconduct in connection with a test, the test taker may be dismissed from the test center, or ETS may decline to score the test, or cancel the test score. Test takers whose scores are canceled will forfeit their test fees. If fraudulent activity is detected after scores have been reported, ETS will cancel scores, notify score recipients of the cancelation, and ban the test taker from future testing. Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, noncompliance with the “Test Center Procedures and Regulations,” on pages 10–12 of this Bulletin. Invalid Scores ETS may also cancel scores if, in its judgment, there is substantial evidence that they are invalid for any other reason. Substantial evidence means evidence that is sufficient to persuade a reasonable person; the substantial evidence standard is lower (i.e., requires less proof) than reasonable doubt, clear and convincing, and preponderance of the evidence standards. Evidence of invalid scores may include, without limitation, discrepant handwriting, unusual answer patterns and inconsistent performance on different parts of the test. Before canceling scores pursuant to this paragraph, ETS notifies the test taker in writing about its concerns, gives the test taker an opportunity to submit information that addresses ETS’s 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin concerns, considers any such information submitted, and offers the test taker a choice of options. The options may include voluntary score cancellation, a free retest or arbitration in accordance with ETS’s standard Arbitration Agreement. In addition, the test taker is sent a copy of a booklet, Why and How Educational Testing Service Questions Test Scores, which explains this process in greater detail. (This booklet is available to any test taker at any time on request from the ETS Office of Testing Integrity. Call 1-800-353-8570 or email Note: The retest option is available only to test takers in the United States and Canada. The arbitration option is available only for tests administered in the United States. Confidentiality of Information ETS recognizes your right to control the information about you that is stored by ETS. Its policies are designed to safeguard your information from unauthorized disclosure. Your score report is intended only for you and for your designated score recipients. However, background information as noted on the registration form is reported to some states and school districts. To protect your right to control the distribution of your scores, reports will be released only at your specific written request and only to ETS-approved score recipients. Every recipient must be specified by you in writing on one of the designated forms or in correspondence. ETS will not release your scores at the request of institutions or agencies except: • for use in research studies approved by ETS and that preserve your anonymity • when information is required under compulsion of legal processes, in which case your score record and the documents you completed that are retained at ETS may be released to third parties, e.g., gov ernment agencies, parties to a lawsuit, etc., if requested pursuant to a subpoena, including but not limited to photos and documents completed at check-in on test day. • when a state’s central regents office or board of governors requests copies of scores that have been reported to its member institutions • when test takers have been informed by the test administrator beforehand that their scores will automatically be released to the state or school district • when a school district requests scores previously sent to its main office or vice versa Official score reports for properly designated recipients are sent directly from ETS to ensure the authenticity of the reports. Note that whenever ETS has confirmed that you have submitted a ParaPro Assessment score directly to an educational institution, agency or district in satisfaction of one of its requirements, ETS will respond to requests for score verification from that recipient. Test Takers’ Performance Data Test takers’ performance data may be used in analysis samples, score interpretation data, group statistics and research studies. In each instance, all identifying information will be removed. Scores & Score Reports/ 13 Test Takers Whose Primary Language Is Not English CERTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTATION For Mail to: ETS—ParaPro Assessment Disability Services P.O. Box 6054 Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 If you have previously registered and your request for accommodations has been approved by ETS, you need to submit the Eligibility Form on page 15. See pages 6–7 for more information. TO BE COMPLETED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL AND SENT TO ETS WITH THE TEST TAKER’S ELIGIBILITY FORM AND REGISTRATION FORM. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM SEPARATELY TO ETS. Note: Do not send payment with the PLNE request forms to ETS. Payment must be made to the test center administering the ParaPro Assessment. Please see page 6 of the 2016–2017 ParaPro Bulletin for more information. Certification of Documentation Complete and sign. Cross out material within brackets that does not apply. 1. I, , am [a qualified ESL teacher/coordinator, foreign language department supervisor/chairperson, or other appropriate professional (specify) ] at . I have held that position since . (Name of Institution) (Date) 2. I have [worked with and/or reviewed pertinent documentation about] . (Print Name of Test Taker) I certify that English is not the test taker’s primary language. The test taker’s primary language is . 3. The test taker is taking one or more Praxis® tests to meet the requirements of The score recipient code is . (Institution/State/Agency) . 4. In the event Educational Testing Service (ETS) requests a copy of the documentation described above, I promise to send ETS, for its consideration, any information pertinent to establishing the need for these accommodations (pursuant to the test taker’s permission on the eligibility form) sufficiently in advance of the test administration date in question to permit complete processing. Date Name Signature* Title Institution Telephone and/or TDD/TTY Number Fax Number Internet Address * Must be original signature. Photocopy of or stamped signature will not be accepted. An embossed school seal must be affixed over the signature or the signature must be notarized. 14 \ Certification of Documentation 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin ELIGIBILITY FORM For Test Takers Whose Primary Language Is Not English Mail to: ETS—ParaPro Assessment Disability Services P.O. Box 6054 Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 TO BE COMPLETED BY THE TEST TAKER I attest that the information about me provided on the Certification of Documentation form is true to the best of my knowledge. If the certification document is not sufficient for me to obtain the accommodation sought, I give permission to release to ETS a copy of any pertinent information required to establish the need for the accommodation described therein. I understand that the necessary information must be available to ETS sufficiently in advance of the test administration date to provide time to process my request and implement the requested accommodations. I further understand that ETS does not waive its right to request this documentation if necessary after the test administra tion date. I acknowledge that my request for this accommodation will not be processed if I alter or revise the certification document in any way after it has been completed by the appropriate official. This information will be protected by the terms of ETS’s Confidentiality of Information on page 13 of the ParaPro Bulletin. I am taking the ParaPro Assessment to meet the requirements of The score recipient code is Date . . Signature of Test Taker THE FOLLOWING SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED EACH TIME YOU REGISTER TO TEST UNDER THIS POLICY. I have previously submitted documentation that English is not my primary language and approved documentation is on file at ETS. (Indicate test date for which documentation is on file: .) My candidate ID number is Date . Signature of Test Taker PRINT NAME 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Eligibility Form/ 15 Eligibility Form (Institution/State/Agency) ParaPro Assessment 2016–17 REGISTRATION FORM AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEST TAKERS REQUESTING TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS This form can be downloaded at This form is to be used to request extended-testing time and other accommodations for test takers whose primary language is not English (PLNE) and for test takers with disabilities or other health-related needs. This form cannot be used for regular registration. For standard registration, test takers will provide their information when they arrive for their scheduled test appointment. For additional information on registration procedures, please review The ParaPro Assessment Information Bulletin. Print all information clearly in black ink. Be sure to complete all four pages, and staple the completed form before mailing. • Test takers whose primary language is not English (PLNE) If you are requesting extended testing time for PLNE, you must submit this form, along with other required forms and documentation, to ETS. Do NOT submit payment. For additional information on registering for the PLNE accommodation, see page 6 of this Bulletin. • Test takers with disabilities or other health-related needs: If you are requesting accommodations due to a disability or health-related need, you must submit this registration form along with other required forms and all appropriate documentation to ETS. Do NOT submit payments. For additional information on requesting testing accommodations for a disability or health-related need, see page 7 of this Bulletin. First (Given) Name Middle Initial: (as on photo ID document): Last (Family/Surname) Name (as on photo ID document): Address Line: City: Country Code: ZIP or Postal Code: State or Province: (refer to U.S. Social Security #: (optional*) Daytime Phone/Mobile Phone (Include Area Code): Male Female MM DD *Many state licensing agencies and institutions of higher education use Social Security numbers to process certification records. If you choose not to provide this number, your certification could be delayed. YY Date of Birth: Gender: Email Address: If you have previously taken the ParaPro Assessment, use the candidate ID number that appears on your score report. Otherwise, leave this area blank. Candidate ID Number: FOR ETS USE ONLY Number and Street: City: 16 F S N P (Apt. #, if any) State: ZIP: M Name: 2016–17 ParaPro Registration Form for Accommodations (continued) TEST CENTER Please list the City and State in which you would like to test. ETS will assign you to the closest available testing center. City: State/Province: TEST SESSION/TEST SELECTION 2½ hour test: 1 7 5 5 SCORE REPORT RECIPIENTS Recipient codes are available in the Bulletin and on the ParaPro website at If you do not have a code number, leave this item blank. Scores will be sent only to agencies that are authorized score recipients. R ETS USE ONLY P 17 Name: 2016–17 ParaPro Registration Form for Accommodations (continued) This page should be filled out only by test takers with a disability or health-related need who are requesting accommodations other than extended testing time. Test takers who are registering for the extended testing time accommodation only will provide their background information at the test center. They do not need to fill out this page of the form. BACKGROUND INFORMATION – Select one answer for each question below. *a. How do you describe yourself? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. b. What is your best language of communication? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. c. No Yes 2. No Yes 2. No How would you describe the school setting in which you work? 1. 2. 3. j. 2. Do you work in a special education program? 1. i. Yes Do you work in a Title I district or school? 1. h. GED High school diploma Less than 2 years of college Less than an associate’s degree Earned associate’s degree Earned bachelor’s degree Are you currently employed as an instructional paraprofessional? 1. g. English only Spanish Chinese Other What is the highest education level you have attained? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. f. English only English and another language Another language only For which language other than English do you consider yourself proficient? (select all that apply) 1. 2. 3. 4. *e. English Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Another language What language(s) did you first learn as a child? 1. 2. 3. d. African American or Black Asian American/Asian (e.g., Japanese, Chinese, Korean) Southeast Asian American/Southeast Asian (e.g., Cambodian, Hmong, Khmer, Laotian, Vietnamese) Pacific Island American/Pacific Islander Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano Puerto Rican Other Hispanic, Latino, or Latin American Native American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native White Other Two or more races Rural Suburban Urban How many years of experience do you have as an instructional paraprofessional? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Less than 1 year 1–3 years 4–6 years 7–10 years More than 10 years *Question a will be reported to states or institutions that receive electronic reporting. Other questions and/or sections with asterisks will be reported on the test taker and recipient score reports. All other background questions are for research purposes only, and respondents will remain anonymous. 18 Name: 2016–17 ParaPro Registration Form for Accommodations (continued) Do NOT send payment at this time. Test takers who are requesting extended testing time for PLNE will pay the test fee at the test center at their testing appointment. Test takers who are requesting other accommodations will be contacted by ETS after their request has been approved to schedule the test appointment and will collect payment information at that time. Please write, DO NOT PRINT, the following statement. I hereby agree to the conditions set forth in the 2016–17 ParaPro Assessment Information and Registration Bulletin, specifically those concerning test administration, payment of fees, the reporting of scores, and the confidentiality of test questions. I certify that I am the person who will take the test at the center and whose name and address appear on this form. Signature: Date: FOR ETS USE ONLY FOR ETS USE ONLY (C) (V) (IP) Voucher/Type 2 19 TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS REQUEST FORM FOR PARAPRO ASSESSMENT Part I — Applicant Information Instructions: Complete this page and sign the Applicant’s Verification Statement on page 21. Date: / Month / Day Year Applicant’s Name (print your name as it appears on your ID documents — leave one blank box between names) First Name M.I. Last Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State or Province ZIP or Postal Code Country Gender Male U.S. Social Security Number (last four digits) Date of Birth Female Month Day Day Phone Number Year Evening Phone Number Email Address I would prefer that ETS communicate with me via: Email Nature of your disability (check all that apply): Mail Phone Physical disability (identify condition; must submit documentation) Blind or legally blind Low vision Psychiatric condition (identify condition; must submit documentation) Deaf Hard-of-hearing Other (e.g., traumatic brain injury, autism spectrum disorder, or other health-related need; must submit documentation) ADD/ADHD Learning Disability When was your disability first diagnosed? / Month Date of professional’s most recent evaluation: Year / Month Year Other than testing accommodations, describe what strategies, devices, or medications you ordinarily use to manage your condition: 20 TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS REQUEST FORM Part I — Applicant Information (continued) Applicant’s Name: (please print) First Name M.I. Last Name Applicant’s Verification Statement I attest to the fact that the information recorded on this application is true, and if this application is not sufficient, I agree to provide ETS with any additional information or documentation requested in order to evaluate my request for accommodations. I also give permission to release to ETS a copy of any pertinent information required to establish the need for the accommodation(s) requested herein. If I am requesting the use of an assistive device, I am familiar with its use. I understand that all information that is necessary to process this application must be available to ETS sufficiently in advance of the test administration date to provide time to evaluate and process my request for accommodations. I acknowledge that ETS reserves the right to make final determination as to whether any requested accommodation is warranted and appropriate. If I am submitting Part III — Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History, I acknowledge that my request for accommodations will not be processed if I alter or revise Part III in any way after the appropriate official has completed it. I also understand that ETS does not waive its right to ask the person who completes Part III on my behalf to submit the supporting documentation, if necessary, either before or after the test administration date. I authorize any person completing Part III on my behalf to release this information to ETS upon ETS’s request. I also understand that the documentation in support of my request for accommodations supersedes any information contained in the Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History. For quality assurance, the Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History may be subject to audit resulting in a review of the actual disability documentation on file. I acknowledge that any submitted information may also be used for research purposes, and that in no case will any individual be identified by name in research studies, and that the information will be protected by the terms of ETS’s Confidentiality of Data Policy. I further understand that ETS reserves the right to withhold or cancel my scores if it is subsequently determined that, in ETS’s judgment, any information presented in this application or supporting documentation is either questionable, inaccurate or used to obtain accommodations that are not necessary. Signature of Applicant Date Keep a copy of this completed form for your records. 21 TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS REQUEST FORM FOR PARAPRO ASSESSMENT Part II — Accommodations Requested Applicant’s Name: (please print) First Name Date: / Month M.I. Last Name / Day Year If you have received ETS approval within the last two years for accommodations identical to those you are requesting now, and your documentation is still current, please indicate the following: Previous test(s) taken Previous test date(s) (month/year) ACCOMMODATIONS YOU ARE REQUESTING (Check all that apply) Accommodations for Computer-delivered Tests Extended Testing Time (NOTE: All tests are timed; if you are requesting more than 50 percent extended time, documentation must be submitted.) 50 percent (time and one-half) 100 percent (double time) Extra Breaks Alternate Test Formats Braille* Large-print test book Large-print answer sheet *Only applicants who are blind or have low vision Assistance (NOTE: If you are requesting a reader and/or a scribe, and your disability is NOT blindness or legal blindness, you must submit documentation for review.) Reader Scribe Braille slate and stylus (for note taking only)* Perkins Brailler (for note taking only)* Sign language interpreter (for check-in assistance and spoken directions only)** Oral interpreter (for check-in assistance and spoken directions only)** Printed copy of spoken directions (for paper-delivered tests only) Other Accommodations. If you are requesting accommodations other than those listed above (e.g., separate testing room), please describe them below and submit appropriate documentation. NOTE: If you are requesting a paper-delivered test as an accommodation on a test that is computer-delivered, please mention that here. * Only applicants who are blind or have low vision ** Only applicants who are deaf or hard-of-hearing 22 TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS REQUEST FORM FOR PARAPRO ASSESSMENT Part III — Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History Applicant’s Name: (please print) First Name M.I. Last Name A completed Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History will only be considered in place of disability documentation from qualified applicants with: 1. learning disabilities and/or ADHD, who are requesting only 50 percent extended time and/or additional breaks; or 2. visual impairments or hearing losses, who are requesting those accommodations listed on page 8 for these conditions. For any other accommodations (double time, separate room, reader, etc.) applicants must submit disability documentation directly to ETS for review. This form must be completed and signed by an authorized professional representing one of the following: • • • Office of Disability Services at test taker’s college or university Human Resources office at test taker’s place of employment Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) office in test taker’s state of residence Forms completed and signed by a member of the applicant’s family, or by the licensed and/or certified professional who diagnosed the disability, will not be considered. DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY: ACCOMMODATIONS HISTORY The authorized professional should complete Part III only if able to initial points a and b below. a) the documentation on file for the applicant is current according to the currency criteria set forth at, meets all other ETS Documentation Criteria set forth below and supports the need for each of the requested accommodations; and b) the applicant is currently using these accommodations (or has used them within the past three years) based on the stated disability at either a college/university, at a place of employment or in conjunction with vocational rehabilitation services. ETS Documentation Criteria Documentation on file for the applicant must: • be typed or printed on official letterhead and be signed by an evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis (include information about license or certification and area of specialization) • • • clearly state the diagnosed disability or disabilities describe the functional limitations resulting from the disability or disabilities be current —i.e., completed within the last year for psychiatric disabilities and physical disabilities or chronic health conditions; or within the last five years for learning disabilities, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and intellectual disabilities. Documentation for traumatic brain injury must have been completed within the past 1 to 3 years, depending on the date of the injury. Please see our policy statement for Documenting Traumatic Brain Injury ( for details. (Note that this recency requirement does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature.) • include complete educational, developmental, and medical history relevant to the disability for which accommodations are being requested • include a list of all test instruments used in the evaluation report and relevant subtest scores used to document the stated disability; all test instruments must have adult norms (for physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature, a list of all test instruments is not required) • • describe the specific accommodation(s) requested adequately support each requested accommodation 23 TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS REQUEST FORM FOR PARAPRO ASSESSMENT Part III — Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History (continued) Applicant’s Name: (please print) First Name M.I. Last Name Provide the following information regarding the disability documentation on file: 1. Name and credentials of professional who administered the most recent evaluation. 2. Date of professional’s most recent evaluation: 3. Applicant’s diagnosed disability or disabilities, as stated in the documentation, for which accommodations have been granted: 4. Has the applicant received accommodations within the past three years in college and/or employment? Yes No If yes, please check the accommodations received from the list below: Alternate Test Formats Braille* Large-print test book Large-print answer sheet Audio recording** Assistance (NOTE: If the applicant is requesting a reader and/or a scribe, and the applicant’s disability is NOT blindness or legal blindness, documentation must be submitted for review.) Reader (for spoken directions only)** Sign language interpreter (for spoken directions only)** Scribe (for spoken directions only)** Oral interpreter (for spoken directions only)** Braille slate and stylus (for note taking only)* Printed copy of spoken directions (for paper-delivered tests only) Perkins brailler (for note taking only)* Extended Testing Time (NOTE: All tests are timed; if applicant is requesting more than 50 percent extended time, documentation must be submitted.) 50 percent (time and one-half) 100 percent (double time) Extra Breaks Yes * Only applicants who are blind or have low vision **For recorded audio versions of tests containing graphics, a tactile or large-print figure supplement is provided. Other Accommodations. If the applicant uses accommodations other than those listed above and on the previous page (e.g., separate testing room), please describe them below: 5. During what period of time has the applicant used the above accommodations? From: To: (mm/dd/yy) (mm/dd/yy) 6. Where has the applicant used the accommodations? College/university Place of employment Other (indicate): *Only applicants who are blind or have low vision **Only applicants who are deaf or hard-of-hearing 24 (continued on next page) All requests for accommodations are subject to approval by ETS and must meet ETS’s Documentation Criteria on page 23. For more detailed information and the policy statements for documentation of learning disabilities (LD); attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); visual impairments; hearing loss; physical and psychiatric disabilities; and autism spectrum disorder, please visit Authorized Professional’s Verification Statement To be signed by an authorized person in the Office of Disability Services, a Human Resources counselor at place of employment, or a Vocational Rehabilitation counselor. NOTE: The evaluator who conducted the testing cannot complete this form. I certify that the accommodations indicated in Part III are those that were documented as necessary and approved for the applicant. I certify that I have reviewed the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Documentation Criteria (including ETS policy statements and guidelines about LD, ADHD, and psychiatric disabilities, if applicable), and that the applicant’s documentation supporting the disability or disabilities and the need for specific accommodations meets those criteria and is on file in this office. For quality assurance, Part III — Certification of Eligibility: Accommodations History may be subject to an audit resulting in a review of the actual disability documentation on file. In the event that ETS requests a copy of any of the documentation cited above, I agree to send ETS, for its consideration, the complete file of documentation pertinent to establishing the need for these accommodations. I understand that the applicant authorizes the release of this information pursuant to the applicant’s verification statement. I also understand that if ETS determines at any time that the applicant’s documentation does not meet ETS’s Documentation Criteria, ETS will withhold or cancel the applicant’s score(s). Signature of Authorized Professional Date Print Name Title Name of Institution/Agency/Place of Employment Telephone Number Fax Number Email address Attach Business Card Here 25 RECIPIENT CODES Recipient Codes ALASKA A024 A041 A039 A017 A054 A040 A012 A007 A004 A011 A025 C408 A002 A026 A031 A037 A030 A034 A032 A047 A006 A045 A014 A027 A029 A010 A015 A028 A020 A043 A013 A008 A021 A022 A023 A019 A018 A035 A009 A005 A044 A003 A033 A042 A001 A036 A038 Alakanuk Sch Alaska Gateway Sch Dist Aleutians East Sch Dist Bering Strait Sch Dist Brevig Mission Sch Chatham Sch Dist Craig City Sch Dist Delta/Greely Sch Dist Denali Borough Sch Dist Dillingham City Schools Emmonak Sch First Hope as the First Academy Galena City Sch Dist Hooper Bay Sch Iditarod Area Sch Dist Juneau Sch Dist Kashunamiut Sch Dist Kake Sch Dist Kenai Borough Sch Dist Kenai Peninsula Borough Ketchikan Gateway Borough Sch Klawock Sch Dist Kodiak Island Borough Dist Kotlik Sch Lake and Peninsula Sch Dist Lower Kuskokwim Sch Dist Lower Yukon Sch Dist Marshall Sch Mountain Village Sch Nenana City Sch Dist North Slope Borough Sch Dist NW Arctic Borough Sch Dist Pilot Station Sch Pitkas Point Sch Russian Mission Sch Scammon Bay Sch Sheldon Point Sch Southeast Island Sch Dist Southwest Region Sch Dist St Mary’s Sch Dist Tanana City Sch Dist Valdez City Schools Wrangell Public Schools Yakutat Sch Dist Yukon Flats Sch Dist Yukon Koyukuk Sch Dist Yupiit Sch Dist ARIZONA R104 A768 R135 A820 R105 A817 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 R111 R112 R113 A545 A546 R114 R115 R116 R117 R118 A548 R119 R120 A549 A550 R121 R122 A822 A551 R123 A552 A553 A554 R124 R125 A783 A788 R126 R127 R128 R129 R130 R131 R132 4-Winds Acad AZ State Schools For Deaf & Blind AZ-Tec HS Academic Coachers Academic Success Charter Sch Academy Del Sol Academy of Excellence Inc Academy of Hope Academy of Math and Science Inc Academy of Tucson Inc Academy With Comm Partners Accelerated Learning Ctr (Lab) Acclaim Charter Sch Acorn Montessori Charter Sch Agua Fria Union HS Dist Aguila Elem Dist Aha Macav HS Aibt Charter HS Inc Air Academy Charter HS Ajo Unified Dist Akimel O Otham Pee Posh Charter Sch Alhambra Elem Dist All Aboard Charter Sch DBA Allen-Cochran Enterprises Inc Alpine Elem Dist Altar Vly Elem Dist American Basic Schools LLC American Heritage Acad American Leadership Acad Amphitheater Unified Dist Ann Clare Learning Academy Inc Antelope Union HS Dist Apache Elem Dist Apache Junction Unified Dist Apache Trail Public Charter High Apex Public Charter Academy DBA Aprender Tucson Arizona Academy of Leadership Arizona Academy of Science and Tech Arizona Agribusiness & Equine Ctr Arizona Call-A-Teen Youth Resources Arizona Career Acad Arizona Comm Development Corpo Arizona Montessori Charter Schools Arizona Sch For Arts 26 \ Recipient Codes Arizona (cont’d) A830 Arizona State Sch Dist A555 Arlington Sch Dist R133 Ascending Roots Scholastic & Athlete A556 Ash Creek Elem Dist A557 Ash Fork Joint Unified Dist A558 Avondale Elem Dist R134 Avondale Learning DBA Precision R136 Aztlan Academy Inc A559 Bagdad Unified Sch Dist R137 Ball Charter Sch (Hearn) A560 Balsz Elem SD 31 A561 Beaver Creek Elem Dist R138 Bell Canyon Charter Sch Inc DBA R139 Benchmark Sch Inc R140 Benjamin Franklin Charter Sch R141 Benson Unified Sch Dist A564 Bicentennial Union HS Dist A801 BIE Santa Rosa Ranch Sch A565 Bisbee Unified Dist R142 Black Family & Child Services Inc A566 Blue Elem Dist A567 Blue Ridge Unified Dist A568 Bonita Elem Dist A570 Bowie Unified Dist R143 Bright Beginnings Sch Inc A773 Bright Ideas Charter Sch A571 Buckeye Elem Dist A572 Buckeye Union HS Dist A573 Bullhead City Elem Dist A795CAASES A779 Cafa Inc R144 Cafa Inc DBA Classics and Four A R145 Calli Ollin Acad R146 Cambridge Academy E Inc R147 Camelback Education Inc A574 Camp Verde Unified Dist A575 Canon Elem Dist R148 Carden Elem Sch R149 Carden of Tucson Inc R150 Career Success Schools R151 Carmel Comm Inc R152 Carpe Diem Collegiate HS A576 Cartwright Elem Dist A577 Casa Grande Elem Dist A578 Casa Grande Union HS Distr R153 Casa Verde HS R154 Casy CDS A579 Catalina Foothills Unified Dist A580 Cave Creek Unified Dist R155 Caviat Coconino Assoc For Vocation A581 Cedar Unified Sch Dist A800 Center for Academic Success R156 Center For Creative Education Inc A796 Cesar Chavez Learning Community R158 Cesar Chavez Mid Schools Inc R159 Challenge Sch Inc R160 Challenger Basic Sch Inc DBA Ch H812 Champion Schools R161 Chancellor Academies Arizona LLC A582 Chandler Unified Dist R162 Chester-Newton Charter and Montessory R163 Childrens Success Acad A583 Chinle Unified Dist A584 Chino Vly Unified Dist A585 Chloride Elem Dist R164 Choice Education and Development R165 Cholla Acad A790 Cibecue Community Schools R166 Civano Charter Sch A586 Clarkdale-Jerome Elem Dist R167 Classical Kids Acad A587 Clifton Unified Sch Dist R168 Cobre Vly Inst of Technolog A809 Cochise Community Development Corp A588 Cochise Elem Dist R169 Cochise Private Industry Council R170 Cochise Technology Dist R171 Coconino County Regl Accomm A589 Colorado City Unified Dist A590 Colorado River Union HS Dist A591 Concho Elem Dist R172 Concorde Schools Inc R173 Congress Elem Dist A592 Continental Elem Dist R174 Coolidge HS Success Ctr A593 Coolidge Unified Dist R175 Cornerstone Charter School Inc R176 Cortez Park Charter Mid Sch A594 Cottonwood-Oak Creek Elem Dis R177 Country Day Acad R178 Country Gardens Educational Service A595 Crane Elem Dist A596 Creighton Elem Dist A597 Crown King Elem Dist Arizona (cont’d) R157 R179 R180 R181 R182 A598 R183 R184 A771 R185 A782 A599 A600 R186 R187 A601 A602 R188 R190 R191 R192 R193 R194 R195 R196 R197 A831 R198 A805 A762 R199 R200 R201 A604 A605 R202 R189 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R208 A606 R209 R210 A607 A608 R211 R212 R213 R214 A609 A610 R215 A611 R216 A612 A613 R217 A614 A615 R218 R219 R220 R221 R222 A616 R223 A781 R224 R225 A618 A619 R226 A620 R227 A813 R228 A621 A815 R229 R230 R231 R232 A622 R233 R234 A623 A776 A624 R235 A794 A798 Ctrl Arizona Vly Inst DW Higgins Inst Daisy Education Corporation Davis Education Ctr Dcs Partner Inc DBA Destiny Comm Deer Vly Unified Dist Desert Hills Public Charter High SC Desert Technology Schools Inc Destiny Sch Inc Discovery Plus Acad Dobson Acad Double Adobe Elem Dist Douglas Unified Dist Dove Learning Inc Dragonfleye Science Inc Duncan Unified Dist Dysart Unified Dist EAGLE Academy Inc Eagle Elem Dist Eagles Aerie Schools East Vly Acad East Vly Family & Youth Support East Vly Inst of Technology Eastpointe HS Inc Ecotech Academy of Science and Agri Edge Sch Inc Edkey Inc Edu-Prize Charter Sch EDUPRIZE Schools Edupreneurship Inc Edwards Hall Charter Sch E-Inst Charter Schools Inc El Dorado Public Charter HS Elfrida Elem Dist Eloy Elem Dist Enterprise Acad EQ Scholars Inc Espiritu Comm Development Corp Estrella Public Charter HS Evergreen Charter Sch Corp Excalibur Charter Sch Inc Excel Education Centers Inc Flagstaff Jr Acad Flagstaff Unified Dist Flagstaff Unified Sch Dist C Florence Crittenton Services of AZ Florence Unified Sch Dist Flowing Wells Unified Dist Foothills Acad Forrest Elem Dist Founding Fathers Academies Inc Fountain Hills Charter Sch Fountain Hills Unified Dist Fowler Elem Dist Franklin Phonetic Primary Sch Fredonia-Moccasin Unified Dist Friendly House Inc Ft Huachuca Accommodation Dist Ft Thomas Unified Dist Future Development Education & Perf Gadsden Elem Dist Ganado Unified Dist Gar LLC Gateway Comm HS Gem Charter Sch Inc General Health Corp DBA Arizona Genesis Acad Gila Bend Unified Dist Gila County Special Services Gila Crossing Comm Sch Gila Educational Group DBA Gila Prep Gila Inst For Technology Glendale Elem Sch Dist Glendale Union HS Dist Global Renaissance Academy of Disti Globe Unified Dist Goldfield Prep Charter Sch Goodwill Training Dept Graham County Special Services Grand Canyon Unified Dist Graysmark Schools Corp Greenlee Alternative Sch Dist Greenlee County Accommodation Distr Griffin Foundation Inc HaSan Prep & Leadership Hackberry Sch Dist Happy Vly Sch Inc Harvest Power Comm Development Hayden-Winkelman Unified Dist Hearn Acad Heber-Overgaard Unified Dist Heritage Academy Inc Heritage Elem Glendale Heritage Elem Williams Arizona (cont’d) R236 R237 A625 A626 A627 R238 R239 R240 R241 A628 A629 R242 A787 A630 R243 R244 R245 A631 A632 R246 R247 A784 R248 A633 R249 R250 A769 R251 A634 R252 R253 R254 R255 R256 A635 R257 A636 R258 A637 R259 A638 R260 A792 A639 R261 R262 R263 A804 A807 A640 R264 A811 R265 A641 A642 A643 R266 A644 A646 A814 A647 A648 A649 R267 R268 A832 R269 R270 A650 A651 R271 R272 A653 R273 A766 R274 A654 R275 R276 A770 A655 R277 R278 A656 R279 A658 A786 A659 R280 R281 R282 R283 R284 R285 Hermosa Montessori Charter Highland Free Sch Higley Unified Sch Dist Hillside Elem Dist Holbrook Unified Dist Hopi Jr/Sr HS Horizon Comm Learning Ctr Humanities & Sciences Inst Humanities and Sciences Academy Humboldt Unified Dist Hyder Elem Dist Ideaban Inc DBA Amerischools Imagine Schools Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified Integrity Education Centre Inc Intelli-Sch Inc Intl Studies Acad Isaac Elem Dist J O Combs Elem Dist James Madison Prep Sch James Sandoval Prep HS Jeehdeeza Academy Inc Jefferson Patriots Inc DBA Joseph City Unified Dist Juniper Canyon Alternative HS Juniper Tree Acad Jwj Acad Kachina CDS Kayenta Unified Dist Kestrel Schools Inc Keystone Montessori Charter Sch Khalsa Family Services Khalsa Montessori Elem Sch Kingman Academy of Learning Kingman Unified Sch Dist Kino Academy Accommodation Sch Kirkland Elem Dist Klondyke Elem Dist Kyrene Elem Dist Lake Havasu Charter Sch Inc Lake Havasu Unified Dist Lake Powell Academy Inc La Paloma Acad Laveen Elem Dist Lead Charter Schools Learning Crossroads Basic Acad Legacy Schools Legacy Traditional Sch Leona Group Arizona, The Liberty Elem Dist Liberty HS Liberty Traditional Sch Lifelong Learning Research Institute Litchfield Elem Dist Littlefield Unified Dist Littleton Elem Dist Luz Social Services Inc Madison Elem Dist Mammoth-San Manuel Unified Dist Many Farms Community Sch Marana Unified Dist Maricopa County Regl Dist Maricopa Unified Sch Dist Mary C Obrien Accommodation Dist Mary Ellen Halvorson Educational Maryvale Prep Masada Charter Sch Inc Maya Public Charter HS Mayer Unified Dist Mcnary Elem Dist 23 Mesa Academy For Advanced Studies Mesa Arts Acad Mesa Unified Dist Metropolitan Arts Inst Inc Mexicayotl Acad Mexicayotl Academy Inc Miami Unified Dist Midtown Primary Sch Milestones Charter Sch Mingus Springs Charter Sch Mingus Union HS Dist Mission Charter Sch Inc Mission Montessori Acad Mobile Elem Dist Mohave Acclerated Learning Ctr Mohave Vly Elem Dist Mohave Vly Esd 16 Mohawk Vly Elem Dist Montessori Academy Inc Montessori Montessori Charter Sch of Flagstaff Montessori Day Public Schools Chart Montessori Education Centre Charter Montessori House Inc Montessori Schoolhouse of Tucson 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Arizona (cont’d) Arizona (cont’d) A694 R331 R332 R333 A808 A826 A695 A791 A696 A697 A698 R334 R338 A699 R335 A700 A701 A702 R336 A703 A704 A705 A706 A707 R337 A708 A709 A819 R339 R340 A710 A778 A711 R341 A712 A713 R342 R343 A789 R344 R345 R346 R347 R348 A714 R349 R350 A715 A716 R351 A717 A718 A719 A720 R352 R353 R354 A799 A723 A721 A810 A772 A764 R355 R356 R357 R358 A724 A725 R359 A726 R360 R361 A727 R362 A728 R363 A729 A775 R364 A730 A731 A732 A733 A734 A735 R365 A736 R366 R367 R368 R369 A737 A739 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Red Rock Elem Dist Redington Elem Dist Reinvented Inc DBA Reinvented Cha Renaissance Educational Consortium Research Based Education Corp Ridgeline Academy: CFA Riverside Elem Dist Rock Point Community Sch Roosevelt Elem Dist Round Vly Unified Dist Ruth Fisher Elem Sch SAGE (Sch For Advancement) SC Jensen Corporation Inc DBA Int Sacaton Elem Dist Saddle Mtn Unified Sch Dist Safford Unified Dist Sahuarita Unified Dist Salome Cons Elem Dist Salt River Pima-Maricopa Comm San Carlos Unified Dist San Fernando Elem Dist San Simon Unified Dist Sanders Unified Dist Santa Cruz Elem Dist Santa Cruz Vly Opportunities Santa Cruz Vly Unified Dist Santa Cruz Vly Union HS Santa Rosa Ranch Sch Scottsdale Educational Enrichment S Scottsdale Horizons Charter Sch Scottsdale Unified Dist Sedona Charter Sch Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified Dist Self Development Charter Sch Seligman Unified Sch Dist Sentinel Elem Dist Sequoia Charter Sch Sequoia Choice Llp Sequoia Ranch Sequoia Village Sch Shadow Ridge Shelby Sch Shonto Governing Board of Education Shonto Governing Board of Education Show Low Unified Dist Sierra Oaks Sch Inc Sierra Vista Charter Sch Inc Sierra Vista Unified Dist Skull Vly Elem Dist Skyline Technical HS Snowflake Unified Dist Solomon Elem Dist Somerton Elem Dist Sonoita Sch Dist 25 Sonoran Desert Sch Southern Arizona Comm Acad Southgate Acad South Pointe Elem Sch Stanfield Elem Dist St David Unified Dist Step Up Schools Inc St Johns Unified Dist Success Sch Summit Public Charter HS Sun Vly Public Charter HS Sun Vly Public Charter Mid SC Sunnyside Charter and Montessori Sunnyside Unified Dist Superior Unified Dist Tag Elem Inc Tanque Verde Unified Dist Telesis Prep Academy Inc Tempe Accelerated Public Charter Tempe Elem Dist Tempe Prep Acad Tempe Union HS Dist Tertulia A Learning Comm Thatcher Unified Dist Theodore Roosevelt Sch Tlc Charter Schools Inc Tolleson Elem Dist Tolleson Union HS Dist 214 Toltec Elem Dist Tombstone Unified Dist Tonto Basin Esd 33 Topock Elem Dist Triumphant Learning Ctr Tuba City Unified Dist Tucson Accelerated Public Charter Tucson CDS Inc Tucson Intl Academy Inc Tucson Prep Sch Tucson Sch Dist-Area I Tucson Sch Dist-Area III Arizona (cont’d) A740 A741 R370 R371 R373 A742 A821 A818 R374 A743 A744 R379 R380 A746 R381 R382 R383 R375 R376 A745 R378 R377 A747 A748 A749 R384 R385 R386 R387 A750 A751 A752 A753 R388 A754 A755 A756 A757 R389 R390 A758 R391 A759 R392 A760 R393 A761 Tucson Sch Dist-Area V Tucson Unified Dist Tucson Urban League Inc Tucson Youth Development Twenty First Century Charter Sch Union Elem SD 62 University of Arizona University Public Schools Vail Charter HS Vail Unified Dist Valentine Elem Dist Vechij Himdag Alternative Sch Ventana Academic Charter Sch Vernon Elem Dist Victory HS Inc Villa Montessori Charter Sch Visions Unlimited Academy Inc Vly Academy For Career and Techn Vly Academy Inc Vly Union HS Dist Vly Vocational Services Vly of Sun Waldorf Education Washington Elem Dist Wellton Elem Dist Wenden Elem Dist West Gilbert Charter Mid Sch West Phoenix Public Charter High West Sedona Montessori Class Charter Westwind Acad Whiteriver Unified Dist Wickenburg Unified Dist Willcox Unified Dist Williams Unified Sch Dist Wilson Charter HS Wilson Elem Sch Dist 7 Window Rock Unified Dist Winslow Unified Dist Yarnell Elem Dist Yavapai Accommodation Sch Distri Ycfa Achieve Academy DBA Ycfa Achie Young Elem Dist Young Scholars Academy Charter Sch Yucca Elem Dist Yuma County Accommodation Dist Yuma Elem Dist Yuma Private Industry Council Inc Yuma Union HS Dist ARKANSAS A903 A211 A212 A213 A214 A215 A216 A531 A217 A904 A536 A218 A911 A219 A220 A221 A222 A223 A224 A225 A226 A227 A228 A229 A539 A331 A230 A231 A232 A233 A234 A235 A236 A237 A238 A239 A521 A240 A241 A242 A243 A244 A245 A246 Academics Plus Charter Sch Acorn Sch Dist Alma Sch Dist Alpena Sch Dist Alread Sch Dist Altheimer Unified Sch Dist Altus-Denning Sch Dist Arise Charter Sch Arkadelphia Sch Dist Arkansas Adult Education Arkansas Cirtual HS Arkansas City Sch Dist Arkansas River Education Service Cooperative (ARESC) Armorel Sch Dist Ashdown Sch Dist Atkins Sch Dist Augusta Sch Dist Bald Knob Sch Dist Barton Sch Dist Batesville Sch Dist Bauxite Sch Dist Bay Sch Dist Bearden Sch Dist Beebe Sch Dist Benton County Sunshine Sch Benton Harmony Grove Sch Dist Benton Sch Dist Bentonville Sch Dist Bergman Sch Dist Berryville Sch Dist Biggers-Reyno Sch Dist Bismarck Sch Dist Black Rock Sch Dist Blevins Sch Dist Blytheville Sch Dist Booneville Sch Dist Boston Mtn Ed Coop Bradford Sch Dist Bradley Sch Dist Bright Star Sch Dist Brinkley Sch Dist Brookland Sch Dist Bruno-Pyatt Sch Dist Bryant Sch Dist Arkansas (cont’d) A247 A248 A249 A250 A251 A252 A253 A254 A534 A522 A256 A257 A258 A259 A449 A260 A261 A262 A263 A264 A901 A265 A266 A267 A268 A269 A270 A271 A272 A273 A274 A275 A276 A277 A278 A279 A280 A780 A281 A916 A282 A283 A284 A285 A286 A287 A288 A540 A289 A290 A291 A292 A293 A294 A295 A296 A297 A908 A298 A299 A300 A301 A302 A303 A304 A305 A306 A307 A309 A310 A311 A312 A308 A313 A314 A315 A316 A317 A318 A319 A320 A321 A322 A323 A324 A325 A326 A327 A328 A329 A330 A332 A533 A333 Buffalo Island Ctrl Sch Distr Cabot Public Schools Caddo Hills Sch Dist Calico Rock Sch Dist Camden Fairview Sch Dist Carlisle Sch Dist Carthage Sch Dist Cave City Sch Dist Cedar Ridge Cedarville Sch Dist Centerpoint Sch Dist Charleston Sch Dist Clarendon Sch Dist Clarksville Sch Dist Cleveland County Sch Dist Clinton Sch Dist Concord Sch Dist Conway Sch Dist Cord-Charlotte Sch Dist Corning Sch Dist Cossatot River Sch Dist Cotter Sch Dist Cotton Plant Sch Dist County Line Sch Dist Crawfordsville Sch Dist Cross County Sch Dist Crossett Sch Dist Cushman Sch Dist Cutter Morning Star Sch Dist Danville Public Sch Dardanelle Sch Dist Decatur Sch Dist Deer Sch Dist Delaplaine Sch Dist Delight Sch Dist Delta Special Sch Dist Dequeen Sch Dist Dequeen-Mena Educational Coop Dermott Sch Dist Des Arc Public Schools Des Arc Sch Dist Devalls Bluff Sch Dist Dewitt Sch Dist Dierks Sch Dist Dollarway Sch Dist Dover Sch Dist Drew Ctrl Sch Dist Drew County Disabilities/Ses Sch Dumas Sch Dist Earle Sch Dist East End Bigelow Sch Dist East Poinsett County Sch Dis El Dorado Sch Dist Elaine Sch Dist Elkins Sch Dist Emerson Sch Dist Emmet Sch Dist England Elementary Sch England Sch Dist Eudora Sch Dist Eureka Springs Sch Dist Evening Shade Sch Dist Farmington Sch Dist Fayetteville Sch Dist Flippin Sch Dist Fordyce Sch Dist Foreman Sch Dist Forrest City Sch Dist Fouke Sch Dist Fountain Hill Sch Dist Fountain Lake Sch Dist Fourche Vly Sch Dist Ft Smith Sch Dist Genoa Ctrl Sch Dist Gentry Sch Dist Gillett Sch Dist Glen Rose Sch Dist Gosnell Sch Dist Gould Sch Dist Grady Sch Dist Gravette Sch Dist Green Forest Sch Dist Greenbrier Sch Dist Greene County Tech Sch Dist Greenland Sch Dist Greenwood Sch Dist Gurdon Sch Dist Guy-Perkins Sch Dist Hackett Sch Dist Hamburg Public Schools Hampton Sch Dist Harmony Grove Sch-Camden Harmony Grove-Benton Harrisburg Sch Dist Recipient Codes \ 27 Recipient Codes A660 Morenci Unified Dist A661 Morristown Elem Dist R286 Mountain Oak Charter Sch Inc Db R287 Mountain Rose Academy Inc A785 Mountainaire Acad R288 Multidimensional Literacy Corp A662 Murphy Elem Dist K100 Naatsis’Ann Comm Sch A663 Naco Elem Dist A664 Nadaburg Elem Dist R289Navit R290 New Horizon Sch The Perf R291 New Sch For Arts R292 New West Charter Sch Inc R293 New World Educational Ctr R294 Noah Webster Basic Sch A665 Nogales Unified Sch Dist R295 Northern Arizona Academy For Career A825 Northland Pioneer Coll R296 Northland Prep Acad R297 Nosotros Inc R298 Ocotillo Public Charter HS R299 Old Pueblo Children's Acad R300 Omega Academy Inc R301 Omega Alpha Acad A834 Open Doors Community Sch A666 Oracle Elem Dist A667 Osborn Elem Dist A668 Owens-Whitney Elem Dist R302 PLC Charter Schools A797 PPEP & Affiliates R303 Pace Prep Academy Inc A669 Page Unified Dist R304 Painted Desert Demonstration Project R305 Painted Pony Ranch Charter Sch A670 Palo Verde Elem Dist A671 Paloma Elem Dist A806 Paloma Sch Dist A672 Palominas Elem Dist A763 Pan American Elem Charter A777 Papago Agency/Oiep A673 Paradise Vly Unified Dist R306 Paragon Management Inc R307 Paramount Education Studies Inc A765 Park View Sch Inc A674 Parker Unified Sch Dist R308 Pas Charter Inc DBA Intelli-Sch R309 Patagonia Comm Montessori Sch A675 Patagonia Elem Dist A676 Patagonia Union HS Dist R310 Pathfinder Charter Sch Foundation R311 Pathways Charter Schools Inc R312 Payson Center For Success A677 Payson Unified Dist A678 Peach Springs Unified Dist R313 Peak Sch Inc A679 Pearce Elem Dist A680 Pendergast Elem Dist R314 Peoria Accelerated Public Charter A681 Peoria Unified Sch Dist R315 Phoenix Advantage Charter Sch Inc R316 Phoenix Birthing Project DBAVi A828 Phoenix Collegiate Academy R317 Phoenix Day Child and Family Learning A682 Phoenix Elem Dist A824 Phoenix Sch of Academic Excellence A683 Phoenix Union HS Dist A684 Picacho Elem Dist R318 Pima Accommodation Dist R319 Pima County Board of Supervisors R320 Pima Prevention Partnership DBA A685 Pima Unified Dist R321 Pinal County Special Education Prog R322 Pine Forest Education Association A686 Pine Strawberry Elem Dist A687 Pinon Unified Sch Dist 4 A803 Pioneer Preparatory Sch R323 Pitman Resources LLC R324 Pointe Educational Services A688 Pomerene Elem Dist R325 PPEP & Affiliates A802 PPEP & Affiliates dba AZVA R326 Precision Academy Systems Inc A689 Prescott Unified Dist R327 Presidio Sch A823 Primavera Online Technical A816 Private Special Ed Sch R328 Progressive Jr HS Inc R329 Progressive Leadership Acad A690 Quartzsite Elem Dist A691 Queen Creek Unified Dist R330 Rainbow Accommodation Sch A692 Ray Unified Dist A693 Red Mesa Unified Dist RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes Arkansas (cont’d) A334 A335 A336 A337 A338 A339 A340 A341 A342 A543 A343 A344 A345 A346 A347 A348 A349 A350 A351 A352 A353 A354 A902 A355 A356 A357 A358 A359 A907 A360 A524 A361 A363 A364 A362 A365 A366 A367 A368 A370 A371 A372 A373 A374 A375 A376 A377 A378 A379 A380 A381 A382 A383 A384 A385 A386 A387 A388 A389 A390 A391 A392 A393 A394 A395 A396 A538 A397 A398 A399 A400 A401 A402 A403 A404 A405 A406 A407 A408 A535 A410 A529 A411 A412 A413 A414 A415 A416 A417 A418 A419 A523 A420 A421 Harrison Sch Dist Hartford Sch Dist Hatfield Sch Dist Hazen Sch Dist Heber Springs Sch Dist Hector Sch Dist Helena-West Helena Sch Dist Hermitage Sch Dist Highland Sch Dist Hillcreast High Sch Holly Grove Sch Dist Hope Sch Dist Horatio Sch Dist Hot Springs Sch Dist Hoxie Sch Dist Hughes Sch Dist Humphrey Sch Dist Huntsville Sch Dist Huttig Sch Dist Izard County Cons Sch Jackson County Sch Dist Jasper Sch Dist Jasper Sch Dist-Ozark Campus Jessieville Sch Dist Jonesboro Public Schools Junction City Sch Dist Kingsland Sch Dist Kingston Sch Dist KIPP Delta Public Schools Kirby Sch Dist Lafayette Sch Dist Lake Hamilton Sch Dist Lakeside Sch Dis Hot Springs Lakeside Sch Dis Lake Village Lakeview Sch Dist Lamar Sch Dist Lavaca Sch Dist Lead Hill Sch Dist Lee County Sch Dist Lewisville Sch Dist Lincoln Sch Dist Little Rock Sch Dist Lockesburg Sch Dist Lonoke Sch Dist Lynn Sch Dist Magazine Sch Dist Magnet Cove Sch Dist Magnolia Sch Dist Malvern Sch Dist Mammoth Spring Sch Dist Manila Sch Dist Mansfield Sch Dist Marion Sch Dist Marion Sch Dist Marked Tree Sch Dist Marmaduke Sch Dist Marshall Sch Dist Marvell Sch Dist Mayflower Sch Dist Maynard Sch Dist Mccrory Sch Dist Mcgehee Sch Dist Mcneil Sch Dist McRae Sch Dist Melbourne Sch Dist Mena Sch Dist Midland Elem Sch Midland Sch Dist Mineral Springs Sch Dist Monticello Sch Dist Mt Holly Sch Dist Mt Ida Sch Dist Mt Judea Sch Dist Mt Pleasant Sch Dist Mt Vernon-Enola Sch Dist Mountain Home Sch Dist Mountain Pine Sch Dist Mountain View Sch Dist Mountainburg Sch Dist Mulberry/Pleasant View Schools Murfreesboro Sch Dist NW AR ESC Nashville Sch Dist Nemo Vista Sch Dist Nettleton Sch Dist Nevada Sch Dist Newark Sch Dist Newport Special Sch Dist Norfork Sch Dist Norphlet Sch Dist North Little Rock Sch Dist OUR Educational Coop Oark Sch Dist Oden Sch Dist 28 \ Recipient Codes Arkansas (cont’d) A422 A423 A424 A425 A900 A426 A427 A428 A429 A430 A431 A432 A433 A434 A435 A436 A437 A438 A439 A441 A442 A443 A444 A445 A446 A447 A448 A520 A905 A450 A451 A452 A453 A454 A455 A456 A457 A458 A459 A460 A369 A461 A542 A462 A463 A464 A465 A466 A467 A525 A530 A910 A468 A469 A470 A527 A471 A473 A914 A472 A474 A475 A476 A477 A478 A479 A480 A481 A482 A483 A484 A532 A485 A486 A541 A909 A917 A918 A487 A488 A489 A490 A491 A492 A493 A494 A495 A496 A497 A498 A499 A500 A501 A502 Ola Sch Dist Omaha Sch Dist Osceola Sch Dist Ouachita Sch Dist Ozark Mountain Sch Dist Ozark Sch Dist Palestine-Wheatley Sch Dist Pangburn Sch Dist Paragould Sch Dist Paris Sch Dist Parkers Chapel Sch Dist Parkin Sch Dist Paron Sch Dist Pea Ridge Sch Dist Perry-Casa Sch Dist Perryville Sch Dist Piggott Sch Dist Pine Bluff Sch Dist Plainview-Rover Sch Dist Pocahontas Sch Dist Pottsville Sch Dist Poyen Sch Dist Prairie Grove Sch Dist Prescott Sch Dist Pulaski County Special Sch Distr Quitman Sch Dist Randolph County Sch Dist Rector Sch Dist Rich Mtn Comm Coll River Vly Sch Dist Riverside Sch Dist Riverview Sch Dist Rogers Sch Dist Rose Bud Sch Dist Rural Special Sch Dist Russellville Sch Dist Salem Sch Dist Saratoga Sch Dist Scotland Sch Dist Scranton Sch Dist Searcy County Dist Searcy Sch Dist SEARK Ed Service Cooperative Sheridan Sch Dist Shirley Sch Dist Siloam Springs Sch Dist Sloan-Hendrix Sch Dist Smackover Sch Dist South Conway County Sch Dist South Ctrl Service Coop Southeast Arkansas Ed Coop Southern Arkansas U South Mississippi County Sch South Side Bee Branch Sch Southside Sch Dist Southwest Arkansas Education Coop Sparkman Sch Dist Springdale Sch Dist Springdale Schools Spring Hill Sch Dist St Joe Sch Dist St Paul Sch Dist Stamps Sch Dist Star City Sch Dist Stephens Sch Dist Stone County Sch Dist Strong Sch Dist Stuttgart Sch Dist Sulphur Rock Sch Dist Swifton Sch Dist Taylor Sch Dist Texarkana Arkansas Sch Dist Trumann Sch Dist Turrell Sch Dist Twin Rivers Sch Dist U Arkansas U Arkansas Little Rock U Central Arkansas Umpire Sch Dist Union Sch Dist Valley Springs Sch Dist Valley View Sch Dist Van Buren Sch Dist Van-Cove Sch Dist Vilonia Sch Dist Viola Sch Dist Waldo Sch Dist Waldron Sch Dist Walker Sch Dist Walnut Ridge Sch Dist Warren Sch Dist Watson Chapel Sch Dist Weiner Sch Dist West Fork Sch Dist Arkansas (cont’d) A503 A504 A528 A505 A506 A507 A508 A509 A510 A511 A537 A512 A513 A514 A515 A516 A517 A518 A519 CALIFORNIA B812 B794 B808 B793 B807 B804 B805 B814 B806 B815 B792 B801 B813 B798 B796 B790 B810 B799 B795 B803 B802 B800 B797 B809 B811 B791 Adelante Charter Sch Antelope Vly Union High Dist Aspire Public Schools Briggs Elem Sch Dist Camarillo Academy for Excellence Celerity Education Group Central Coast Sign Language Interpreters Dov Educational Services El Rancho Unified Sch Dist El Sol Science & Arts Academy Fillmore Unified Sch Dist Help Group Lennox Academy Mesa Union Sch Dist Monrovia Unified Sch Dist Moorpark Unified Sch Dist Navigator Schools Oakland Unified Sch Dist Oxnard Union HS Plumas Unified Sch Dist Richfield Elem Sch Dist Solvang Sch Dist Somis Union Sch Dist South Bay HS W.E.B. DuBois Public Charter Yolo Coe COLORADO B992 C704 B993 C718 C708 C713 C716 B998 C721 C728 C717 C715 C719 B995 C700 C710 C014 C720 B994 C701 C706 C723 C702 C714 B991 C703 C705 C712 C711 C707 C709 B999 B997 C722 Adams County Dist 12 Adams Sch Dist 50 Canon City Schools Colorado Charter Sch Institute Custer County Sch Dist Dolores County Sch Dist Durango Sch Dist 9-R Eagle County Sch Dist Fountain-Fort Carson SD 8 Fremont RE-3 GOAL Academy/CSI Gunnison Watershed Sch Dist Hanover Sch Dist 28 Hoehne Sch Dist Huerfano Re-1 Sch Dist Ignacio 11JT Lamar Sch Dist Re 2 Landmark Academy Littleton Public Schools Mancos SD Re-6 Mapleton Public Schools Meeker RE 1 Moffat County (Re-1) Mountain BOCES Northglenn-Thornton 12 Poudre Sch Dist Prowers County Re-1 Granada Roaring Fork SD St Vrain Vly SD Sch Dist 27j Summit Sch Dist Tall Pines Charter Sch Windsor Sch Dist (Re-4) Woodlin Sch Dist R-104 CONNECTICUT C016 C017 C181 C018 C019 C020 C021 C022 C023 C024 C025 Connecticut (cont’d) West Memphis Sch Dist West Side Sch Dis/Cleburn CO Western AR Education Coop Western Grove Sch Dist Western Yell County Schools Westside Cons Sch Dis Westside Sch Dis/Johnson CO White County Ctrl Sch Dis White Hall Sch Dist Wickes Sch Dist Wilbur D. Mills Ed Svc Coopera Wilburn Sch Dist Williford Sch Dist Winslow Sch Dist Witts Springs Sch Dist Wonderview Sch Dist Woodlawn Sch Dist Wynne Sch Dist Yellville-Summit Sch Dist Andover Sch Dist Ansonia City Sch Dist Area Coop Ed Svcs (Aces) Ashford Public Sch Dist Avon Public Sch Dist Barkhamsted Sch Dist Berlin Public Sch Dist Bethany Sch Dist Bethel Public Sch Dist Bloomfield Sch Dist Bolton Town Schools C026 Bozrah Town Sch Dist C027 Branford Public Schools C028 Bridgeport City Sch Dist C029 Bristol Public Sch Dist C030 Brookfield Public Sch Dist C031 Brooklyn Town Schools C032 Canaan Sch Dist C033 Canterbury Public Schools C034 Canton Public Schools C182 Capitol Region Ed Council C035 Chaplin Elem Sch Dist C036 Cheshire Public Sch Dist C037 Chester Sch Dist C038 Clinton Town Sch Dist C039 Colchester Public Sch Dist C040 Colebrook Sch Dist C041 Columbia Town Schools C186 Coop Ed Svcs (Ces) C042 Cornwall Sch Dist C043 Coventry Town Sch Dist C044 Cromwell Public Schools C045 Danbury Public Schools C046 Darien Public Schools C047 Deep River Sch Dist C048 Derby Public Sch Dist C049 East Granby Town Sch Dist C050 East Haddam Public Sch Dist C051 East Hampton Sch Dist C052 East Hartford Public Schools C053 East Haven Sch Dist C054 East Lyme Sch Dist C055 East Windsor Public Sch Dist C183Eastconn C056 Eastford Town Sch Dist C058 Easton, Redding & Reg Dist 9 C057 Easton Sch Dist C184 Education Connection C059 Ellington Town Sch Dist C060 Enfield Public Sch Dist C061 Essex Sch Dist C062 Fairfield Public Schools C063 Farmington Public Schools C064 Franklin Elem Sch Dist C065 Glastonbury Public Schools C066 Granby Public Sch Dist C067 Greenwich Public Sch Dist C068 Griswold Public Schools C069 Groton Public Schools C070 Guilford Sch Dist C071 Hamden Public Sch Dist C072 Hampton Elem Sch Dist C073 Hartford Public Schools C074 Hartland Town Sch Dist C075 Hebron Sch Dist C076 Kent Sch Dist C077 Killingly Town Sch Dist C185Learn C187Learn C078 Lebanon Town Sch Dist C079 Ledyard Public Sch Dist C192 Lighthouse Voc-Ed Ctr C080 Lisbon Sch Dist C081 Litchfield Public Sch Dist C082 Madison Public Sch Dist C083 Manchester Sch Dist C084 Mansfield Public Schools C085 Marlborough Sch Dist C190 Meriden Business & Learning Ctr C087 Middletown City Sch Dist C088 Milford City Sch Dist C089 Monroe Public Sch Dist C090 Montville Sch Dist C091 Naugatuck Sch Dist C092 New Britain Sch Dist C093 New Canaan Public Schools C094 New Fairfield Sch Dist C095 New Hartford Elem Sch Dist C191 New Haven Public Schools C097 New London Public Schools C096 New Milford Sch Dist C099 Newington Public Schools C100 Newtown Public Schools C098 Norfolk Sch Dist C101 Norfolk Sch Dist C102 North Branford Sch Dist C103 North Canaan Sch Dist C104 North Haven Sch Dist C105 North Stonington Town Sch Dist C106 Norwalk Public Sch Dist C107 Norwich Sch Dist C108 Old Saybrook Sch Dist C109 Orange Sch Dist C110 Oxford Sch Dist C111 Plainfield Public Schools 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Connecticut (cont’d) Plainville Public Sch Dist Plymouth Public Schools Pomfret Comm Schools Portland Public Sch Dist Preston Public Schools Putnam Public Sch Dist Redding Sch Dist Regional Sch Dist 1 Regional Sch Dist 4 Regional Sch Dist 6 Regional Sch Dist 7 Regional Sch Dist 8 Regional Sch Dist 10 Regional Sch Dist 11 Regional Sch Dist 12 Regional Sch Dist 13 Regional Sch Dist 14 Regional Sch Dist 15 Regional Sch Dist 16 Regional Sch Dist 17 Regional Sch Dist 18 Regional Sch Dist 19 Ridgefield Public Schools Rocky Hill Public Sch Dist Salisbury Sch Dist Scotland Elem Sch Dist Seymour Town Sch Dist Sharon Sch Dist Shelton City Sch Dist Sherman Sch Dist Simsbury Sch Dist Somers Town Schools South Windsor Public Sch Dist Southington Town Sch Dist Sprague Sch Dist Stafford Public Schools Stamford City Sch Dist Sterling Sch Dist Stonington Sch Dist Stratford Public Schools Suffield Town Sch Dist Thomaston Sch Dist Thompson Public Sch Dist Tolland Public Schools Torrington City Sch Dist Trumbull Public Sch Dist Union Town Sch Dist Vernon Public Sch Dist Voluntown Sch Dist Wallingford Public Schools Wallingford Sch Dist Waterbury Public Sch Dist Waterford Public Sch Dist Watertown Sch Dist Wendell Cross West Hartford Public Sch Dist West Haven City Sch Dist Westbrook Public Schools Weston Public Sch Dist Westport Public Sch Dist Wethersfield Public Schools Willington Sch Dist Wilton Public Sch Dist Winchester Sch Dist Windham Public Schools Windsor Locks Public Sch Dist Windsor Public Sch Dist Wolcott Sch Dist Woodbridge Elem Sch Dist Woodstock Public Schools DELAWARE C254 C231 C265 C232 C233 C255 C234 C235 C252 C236 C237 C271 C256 C269 C238 C257 C270 C239 C258 C240 C267 C241 Academy of Dover Charter Sch Appoquinimink Sch Dist Ber Christian Acad Brandywine Sch Dist Caesar Rodney Sch Dist Campus Comm Sch Cape Henlopen Sch Dist Capital Sch Dist Charter Sch of Wilmington Christina Sch Dist Colonial Sch Dist Delaware Coll Prep Academy Delaware Mil Acad Delaware State U Delmar Sch Dist East Side Charter Sch Education Voices Inc Indian River Sch Dist Kuumba Academy Charter Sch Lake Forest Sch Dist Las Americas ASPIRA Academy Laurel Sch Dist Delaware (cont’d) C259 C266 C242 C260 C243 C261 C244 C250 C268 C263 C245 C246 C247 C253 C248 C264 C249 Marion T Academy Charter Sch Maurice J. Moyer Acad Milford Sch Dist Mot Charter Sch New Castle CO Voc Tech SD Newark Charter Sch Polytech Sch Dist Positive Outcomes Charter Sch Prestige Academy Charter Sch Providence Creek Academy Charter SC Red Clay Cons Sch Dist Seaford Sch Dist Smyrna Sch Dist Sussex Academy of Arts & Sciences Sussex CO Voc Tech Sch Dist Thomas A Edison Charter Sch Woodbridge Sch Dist DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA C212 C221 C209 C219 C208 C215 C207 C224 C214 C217 C222 C220 C223 C225 C211 C213 C210 C216 C218 Apple Tree Inst Arts & Technology Academy PCS Bridges Public Charter Sch Center City Public Charter Sch City Lights PCS Dist of Columbia Public Charter Sch Dist of Columbia Public Schools E.L. Haynes PCS Excel Academy PCS Friendship Public Charter Sch Ideal Academy Public Charter Imagine Southeast PCS Kennedy Sch KIPP DC Maya Angelou Public Charter Sch National Children’s Center St Coletta of Greater Washington Thea Bowman Preparatory William E. Doar PCS FLORIDA C402 C275 C348 C276 C277 R602 C278 C282 C279 C396 C284 C287 C289 C290 C291 C292 C293 C398 C294 C301 C302 C295 C297 C298 C300 C303 C304 C305 C311 C312 C352 C388 C407 C313 C390 C314 C315 C316 C317 C318 C403 C319 C320 C321 C322 C329 C387 C323 C330 C394 C331 C332 C333 C334 C335 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Academy at the Farm Alachua CO Sch Dist Atlantic Technical Center Baker CO Sch Dist Bay CO Sch Dist Belle Glade Charter Sch Bradford CO Sch Dist Brevard CO Schs-Area III Brevard Sch Dist-NCLB Broward CO Public Schools Broward CO Sch Dist Broward CO Schools-S Ctrl Area Calhoun CO Sch Dist Charlotte CO Public Sch Dist Citrus CO Sch Dist Clay CO Sch Dist Collier CO Sch Dist Collier CO Sch Dist-Career & Tech Columbia CO Sch Dist Dade CO Schools-Region V Dade CO Schools-Region VI Dade County Sch Dist Dade County Schools-Region I Dade County Schools-Region II Dade County Schools-Region IV Desoto CO Sch Dist Dixie CO Sch Dist Duval CO Public Sch Dist Escambia Sch Dist Flagler CO Sch Dist Florida A & M University Florida Crown Workforce Board Florida Memorial University Franklin CO Sch Dist Franklin County Literacy Gadsden CO Sch Dist Gilchrist CO Sch Dist Glades CO Sch Dist Gulf CO Sch Dist Hamilton CO Sch Dist Haney Technical Center Hardee CO Sch Dist Hendry CO Sch Dist Hernando CO Sch Dist Highlands CO Sch Dist Hillsborough County SD-Area 6 Hillsborough Sch Board Hillsborough Sch Dist Holmes Dist Sch Board Homestead Sch Dist Indian River CO Sch Dist Jackson CO Sch Dist Jefferson CO Sch Dist Lafayette CO Sch Dist Lake CO Sch Dist Florida (cont’d) C400 C401 C336 C337 C338 C339 C340 C341 C342 C343 C353 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C200 C393 C344 C345 C346 C347 C397 C354 C389 C355 C361 C392 C405 C362 C395 C367 C372 C368 C370 C373 C374 C375 C391 C376 C404 C350 C377 C378 C379 C399 C380 C381 C382 C406 C383 C384 C385 C386 Lee Co High Tech Ctrl Lee Co High Tech North Lee Co Sch Dist Leon CO Sch Dist Levy CO Sch Dist Liberty CO Sch Dist Madison CO Sch Dist Manatee CO Sch Dist Marion CO Sch Dist Martin CO Sch Dist Miami Dade College-Hialeah Campus Miami Dade College-Homestead Campus Miami Dade College-InterAmerican Campus Miami Dade College-Kendall Campus Miami Dade College-Medical Campus Miami Dade College-North Campus Miami Dade College-West Miami Dade College-Wolfson Campus Miami Dade Public Schools Monroe CO Sch Dist Nassau CO Sch Dist Okaloosa CO Sch Dist 46 Okeechobee CO Sch Dist Orange CO Sch Dist Osceola Sch Dist PK Yonge Development Research Sch Palm Beach CO Sch Dist Pasco CO Sch Dist Pemayetv Emahakv Charter Sch Pinellas Academy-Math & Science Pinellas CO Sch Dist Polk Co Charter Sch Polk CO Sch Dist Polk CO Schs-SW Area Polk County Schools-E Area Polk County Schools-NW Area Putnam CO Sch Dist Santa Rosa CO Sch Dist Sarasota CO Sch Dist Sch Dist #68 (FSDB) Seminole CO Sch Dist South Florida State Coll St Cloud HS St John's CO Sch Dist St Lucie CO Sch Dist Sumter CO Sch Dist Sunset Palms Elementary Suwannee CO Sch Dist Taylor CO Sch BD Union CO Sch Dist Volusa Co-Adult Testing Volusia CO Sch Dist Wakulla CO Sch Dist Walton CO Sch Dist Washington CO Sch Dist GEORGIA C411 C412 C413 C414 C415 C416 C417 C418 C419 C420 C421 C422 C423 C424 C425 C426 C427 C428 C429 C430 C431 C433 C432 C599 C434 C435 C436 C437 C438 C439 C440 C441 C442 C443 C444 C445 C446 Appling CO Sch Dist Atkinson CO Sch Dist Atlanta Public Schools Bacon CO Sch Dist Baker CO Sch Dist Baldwin CO Sch Dist Banks CO Sch Dist Barrow CO Sch Dist Bartow CO Sch Dist Ben Hill CO Sch Dist Berrien CO Sch Dist Bibb CO Sch Dist Bleckley CO Sch Dist Brantley CO Sch Dist Bremen Ind Sch Dist Brooks CO Sch Dist Bryan CO Sch Dist Buford City Schools Bulloch CO Public Schools Burke CO Sch Dist Butts CO Sch Dist Calhoun CO Sch Dist Calhoun City Sch Dist Calhoun County Sch Dist Camden CO Sch Dist Candler CO Sch Dist Carroll CO Sch Dist Carrollton City Sch Dist Cartersville City Schools Catoosa County Public Schools Charlton CO Sch Dist Chattahoochee CO Sch Dist Chattooga CO Sch Dist Cherokee CO Sch Dist Chickamauga City Schools Clarke CO Sch Dist Clay CO Sch Dist Georgia (cont’d) C447 C448 C449 C450 C451 C452 C453 C454 C455 C456 C457 C597 C458 C459 C460 C462 C461 C463 C464 C465 C466 C467 C468 C469 C470 C471 C472 C473 C474 C475 C476 C594 C477 C478 C479 C482 C483 C484 C485 C486 C487 C488 C489 C600 C490 C491 C492 C493 C494 C495 C496 C497 C498 C595 C499 C500 C501 C502 C503 C504 C506 C505 C507 C508 C509 C510 C511 C512 C513 C514 C515 C516 C517 C518 C519 C520 C521 C522 C523 C524 C525 C596 C526 C527 C528 C529 C530 C531 C532 C602 C533 R601 C534 C601 Clayton CO Public Schools Clinch CO Sch Dist Cobb CO Sch Dist Coffee CO Sch Dist Colquitt CO Sch Dist Columbia CO Sch Dist Commerce Ind Sch Dist Cook CO Sch Dist Coweta CO Sch Dist Crawford CO Sch Dist Crisp CO Sch Dist Csra Resa Dade County Sch System Dalton Ind Sch Dist Dawson CO Sch Dist Decatur CO Sch Dist Decatur City Sch Dist Dekalb CO Sch Dist Dodge CO Sch Dist Dooly CO Sch Dist Dougherty CO Sch Dist Douglas CO Sch Dist Dublin Ind Sch Dist Early CO Sch Dist Echols CO Sch Dist Effingham CO Sch Dist Elbert CO Sch Dist Emanuel CO Sch Dist Evans CO Sch Dist Fannin CO Sch Dist Fayette CO Sch Dist First Dist Resa Floyd CO Sch Dist Forsyth CO Sch Dist Franklin CO Sch Dist Fulton CO Sch Dist Gainesville City Sch Dist Gilmer County Schools Glascock CO Sch Dist Glynn CO Sch Dist Gordon CO Sch Dist Grady CO Public Sch Dist Greene CO Sch Dist Griffin Regl ESC Griffin Spalding CO Sch Dist Gwinnett CO Public Sch Dist Habersham CO Sch Dist Hall CO Sch Dist Hancock CO Sch Dist Haralson County Sch Dist Harris CO Sch Dist Hart CO Sch Dist Heard County Schools Heart of GA Resa Henry CO Sch Dist Houston County Board of Education Irwin CO Sch Dist Jackson CO Sch Dist Jasper CO Sch Dist Jeff Davis CO Sch Dist Jefferson CO Sch Dist Jefferson City Schools Jenkins CO Sch Dist Johnson CO Sch Dist Jones CO Sch Dist Lamar CO Sch Dist Lanier CO Sch Dist Laurens CO Sch Dist Lee CO Sch Dist Liberty CO Sch Dist Lincoln CO Sch Dist Long CO Sch Dist Lowndes CO Sch Dist Lumpkin County Schools Macon CO Sch Dist Madison CO Sch Dist Marietta City Schools Marion CO Sch Dist Mcduffie CO Sch Dist Mcintosh County Public Schools Meriwether CO Sch System Metro Resa Miller CO Sch Dist Mitchell CO Sch Dist Monroe CO Sch Dist Montgomery CO Sch Dist Morgan CO Sch Dist Murray CO Sch Dist Muscogee CO Sch Dist NW Georgia Resa Newton CO Sch Dist Oakwood Sch Oconee CO Sch Dist Odyssey Sch Recipient Codes \ 29 Recipient Codes C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C130 C131 C132 C133 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C134 C135 C137 C138 C139 C140 C141 C142 C143 C144 C145 C146 C147 C148 C149 C150 C151 C152 C153 C154 C155 C156 C157 C158 C159 C160 C161 C189 C162 C163 C164 C165 C196 C166 C167 C168 C169 C170 C171 C172 C173 C174 C175 C176 C177 C178 C179 C180 RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes Georgia (cont’d) C535 C536 C537 C538 C539 C540 C541 C542 C543 C544 C545 C546 C547 C548 C550 C551 C552 C553 C554 C555 C556 C557 C558 C559 C561 C562 C563 C566 C567 C568 C569 C570 C571 C572 C574 C575 C576 C577 C578 C579 C580 C581 C582 C583 C584 C585 C586 C587 C588 C589 C590 C591 C592 R394 Oglethorpe CO Sch Dist Paulding CO Sch Dist Peach CO Sch Dist Pelham City Sch Dist Pickens County Schools Pierce CO Sch Dist Pike CO Sch Dist Polk Sch Dist Pulaski CO Sch Dist Putnam CO Sch Dist Quitman County Schools Rabun CO Sch Dist Randolph CO Sch Dist Richmond County Boe Rockdale County Public Schools Rome City Sch Dist Savannah-Chatham Cty Public Schools Schley CO Sch Dist Screven CO Sch Dist Seminole CO Sch Dist Social Circle Board of Education Stephens CO Sch Dist Stewart CO Sch Dist Sumter CO Public Schools Taliaferro CO Sch Dist Tattnall CO Sch Dist Taylor CO Sch Dist Thomas CO Sch Dist Thomaston-Upson CO Schools Thomasville City Sch Dist Tift CO Sch Dist Toombs CO Sch Dist Towns CO Sch Dist Treutlen County Schools Troup CO Sch Dist Turner County Sch Dist Twiggs CO Sch Dist Union CO Sch Dist Valdosta City Sch Dist Vidalia City Sch Dist Walker CO Sch Dist Walton CO Sch Dist Ware CO Sch Dist Warren CO Sch Dist Washington CO Sch Dist Wayne CO Sch Dist Webster CO Sch Dist Wheeler County Schools White CO Sch Dist Whitfield County Sch System Wilcox CO Sch Dist Wilkes CO Sch Dist Wilkinson CO Sch Dist Worth CO Sch Dist HAWAII C627 C619 C621 C625 C623 C631 C632 C626 C618 C628 C629 C630 C620 IDAHO D051 D052 D054 D055 D056 D057 D058 D059 D060 R502 D061 D062 D063 D064 D065 D066 D067 D068 D163 D069 D070 D071 D072 Hawaii Dept of Ed Hawaii Sch Dist Kauai Sch Dist Lanai Sch Dist Maui Sch Dist McKinley Community Schools McKinley CSA-Maui Molokai Sch Dist Oahu Sch Dist Waiakea-Laupahoehoe Sch Dist Waimea Middle/Charter Schools Waipahu Community Sch Windward Dist/Kapunahala Aberdeen Sch Dist American Falls Sch Dist Avery Sch Dist Basin Sch Dist Bear Lake Sch Dist Blackfoot Sch Dist Blaine Sch Dist Bliss Sch Dist Boise Sch Dist Boise State U Bonneville Sch Dist Boundary Sch Dist Bruneau-Grand View Sch Dist Buhl Sch Dist Butte County Sch Dist Caldwell Sch Dist Camas Sch Dist Cambridge Sch Dist Canyon-Owyhee Sch Service Agency Cascade Sch Dist Cassia Sch Dist Castleford Sch Dist Challis Sch Dist (181) 30 \ Recipient Codes Idaho (cont’d) D073 D074 R501 R500 D075 D076 D077 D078 D079 D080 D081 D082 D083 D084 D085 D086 D087 D088 D089 D090 D091 D092 D093 D094 R503 D095 D166 D096 D097 D098 D099 D100 R513 D102 D103 D104 D105 D106 R511 D107 D108 D109 R508 D110 D111 D112 D113 D114 D115 D116 D117 D118 R507 D119 D120 D121 D122 D123 D124 D125 D126 R505 D127 D128 D129 D130 D131 D132 D133 D134 D135 D137 D138 D139 D180 D140 R506 D141 D142 D143 D144 D145 D146 D147 D148 D149 D179 D150 R512 D151 D152 D154 D153 D155 Clark County Sch Dist Coeur D Alene Sch Dist Coeur D’Alene Tribal Sch Compass Public Charter Sch Cottonwood Sch Dist Council Sch Dist Culdesac Sch Dist Dietrich Sch Dist Emmett Sch Dist Filer Sch Dist 413 Firth Sch Dist Fremont Sch Dist Fruitland Sch Dist Garden Vly Sch Dist Genesee Sch Dist Glenns Ferry Sch Dist Gooding Sch Dist Grace Sch Dist Grangeville Sch Dist Hagerman Sch Dist Hansen Sch Dist Highland Sch Dist Homedale Sch Dist Horseshoe Bend Sch Dist Idaho Distance Education Acad Idaho Falls Sch Dist Idaho Sch For Deaf & Blind Jefferson Sch Dist Jerome Sch Dist Kamiah Sch Dist Kellogg Sch Dist Kendrick Sch Dist Kimberly Sch Dist Kootenai Sch Dist Kuna Sch Dist Lake Pend Oreille Sch Dist Lakeland Sch Dist Lapwai Sch Dist Lewis-Clark State Coll Lewiston Sch Dist Mackay Sch Dist 182 Madison Sch Dist Madison SD 321-Main Marsh Vly Sch Dist Marsing Sch Dist Mccall/Donnelly Sch Dist Meadows Vly Sch Dist (011) Melba Sch Dist Meridian Sch Dist Middleton Sch Dist Midvale Sch Dist Minidoka Sch Dist Monticello Montessori 474 Moscow Sch Dist Mountain Home Sch Dist Mullan Sch Dist Murtaugh Sch Dist Nampa Sch Dist New Plymouth Sch Dist Nezperce Sch Dist North Gem Sch Dist North Valley Academy Charter Notus Sch Dist Oneida Sch Dist Orofino Sch Dist Parma Sch Dist Payette Sch Dist Plummer/Worley Sch Dist Pocatello Sch Dist Post Falls Sch Dist Potlatch Sch Dist Preston Sch Dist Richfield Sch Dist Ririe Sch Dist Robert Janss Sch Dist Rockland Sch Dist Rolling Hills Public Charter Salmon Sch Dist Shelley Sch Dist Shoshone Sch Dist Snake River Sch Dist Soda Springs Sch Dist South Lemhi Sch Dist St Maries Sch Dist Sugar-Salem Sch Dist Swan Vly Elem Sch Dis Taylors Crossing Sch Dist #461 Teton Sch Dist The Village Charter Schools Troy Sch Dist Twin Falls Sch Dist Vallivue Sch Dist Vly Sch Dist Wallace Sch Dist Idaho (cont’d) D156 D157 D164 D158 D159 R504 D160 D161 ILLINOIS D188 D187 D190 D191 R423 D192 D193 D194 D195 D196 D197 D198 D199 D200 D201 D202 D203 D204 D205 D206 D207 D208 D209 D210 D211 D212 D213 D214 D215 D216 D217 D218 D219 D220 D221 D222 D223 D224 D225 D226 D228 D229 D230 R428 D231 D232 D233 D234 D235 D236 D237 E114 D238 D239 D240 D241 D242 D243 D245 D246 D247 D249 D250 D251 D252 D253 D254 D256 D257 D258 D259 D260 D261 D262 D263 D264 R427 D265 D266 D267 D268 D269 D270 D271 Illinois (cont’d) Weiser Sch Dist Wendell Sch Dist West Bonner County Sch Dist West Jefferson Sch Dist West Side Sch Dist White Pine Charter Sch 464 White Pine Sch Dist Wilder Sch Dist A-C Ctrl Cusd 262 Abingdon C U Sch Dist 217 Addison Sch Dist 4 Adlai E Stevenson Dist 125 AERO Sp Ed Cooperative Akin Comm Cons Sch Dist 91 Albers Sch Dist 63 Alden Hebron Sch Dist 19 Aledo Comm Unit Sch Dist 201 Alexis C U Sch Dist 400 Allen Twp C C Sch Dist 65 Allendale C C Sch Dist 17 Alsip-Hazlgrn-Oaklwn S Dist 126 Altamont Comm Unit Sch Dist 10 Alton Comm Unit Sch Dist 11 Alwood Comm Unit Sch Dist 225 Amboy Comm Unit Sch Dist 272 Anna C C Sch Dist 37 Anna Jonesboro Comm HS Dist 81 Annawan Comm Unit Sch Dist 226 Antioch C C Sch Dist 34 Antioch Comm HS Dist 117 Aptakisic-Tripp C C S Dist 102 Arbor Park Sch Dist 145 Arcola C U Sch Dist 306 Argenta-Oreana Comm Unit Sch D 1 Argo Comm HS Dist 217 Arlington Heights Sch Dist 25 Armstrong Twp HS Dist 225 Armstrong-Ellis Cons Sch Dist 61 Arthur C U Sch Dist 305 Ashley C C Sch Dist 15 Ashton Comm Unit Sch Dist 275 Astoria Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 Athens Comm Unit Sch Dist 213 Atwood Hammond C U Sch Dist 39 Atwood Heights Dist 125 Auburn Comm Unit Sch Dist 10 Aurora E Unit Sch Dist 131 Aurora W Unit Sch Dist 129 Avoca Sch Dist 37 Avon Comm Unit Sch Dist 176 Ball Chatham C U Sch Dist 5 Bancroft School, The Bannockburn Sch Dist 106 Barrington C U Sch Dist 220 Barry Elem Sch Bartelso Sch Dist 57 Bartonville Sch Dist 66 Batavia Unit Sch Dist 101 Beach Park C C Sch Dist 3 Beacon Therapeutic and Diagnostic D Beardstown C U Sch Dist 15 Beecher C U Sch Dist 200u Beecher City C U Sch Dist 20 Belle Vly Sch Dist 119 Belleville Sch Dist 118 Belleville Twp HS Dist 201 Belvidere C U Sch Dist 100 Bement Comm Unit Sch Dist 5 Benjamin Sch Dist 25 Benton Comm Cons Sch Dist 47 Benton Cons HS Dist 103 Berkeley Sch Dist 87 Berwyn N Sch Dist 98 Berwyn S Sch Dist 100 Bethalto C U Sch Dist 8 Bethel Sch Dist 82 Big Hollow Sch Dist 38 Bismarck Henning C U Sch Dist Bloom Twp HS Dist 206 Bloomingdale Sch Dist 13 Bloomington Sch Dist 87 Blue Ridge CUSD 18 Bluford C C Sch Dist 114 Bond CO C U Sch Dist 2 Boone/Winnebago ROE 4 Bourbonnais Sch Dist 53 Braceville Sch Dist 75 Bradford Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 Bradley Bourbonnais C HS D 307 Bradley Sch Dist 61 Breese Sch Dist 12 Bremen Comm HS Dist 228 R437 D272 D273 D274 D275 D276 D277 D278 D279 D280 D281 D162 D282 D283 D284 D285 D286 R395 D287 D288 D289 D290 D291 D292 E107 D293 A106 D294 D295 D296 D297 D298 D299 D300 D301 D302 D304 D305 D306 D307 D308 D317 D319 D320 D321 D322 D323 D324 D325 D326 D327 D328 R396 D329 D330 D335 D336 D337 D332 D338 D340 D341 D342 D331 D343 D344 D345 D347 D348 D349 D350 D351 R398 D354 R397 R101 D362 D355 D356 D395 D352 D353 R399 D357 D358 D359 D360 R400 D361 D364 R401 D365 R402 E098 Bright Start Child Care Brimfield C U Sch Dist 309 Brookfield Lagrange Park S D 95 Brooklyn Unit Dist 188 Brookwood Sch Dist 167 Brown County C U Sch Dist 1 Brownstown C U Sch Dist 201 Brussels Comm Unit Sch Dist 42 Buncombe Cons Sch Dist 43 Bunker Hill C U Sch Dist 8 Burbank Sch Dist 111 Bureau Henry Stark Roe 28 Bureau Vly Cusd 340 Burnham Sch Dist 154-5 Bushnell Prairie City Cus D 170 Butler Sch Dist 53 Byron Comm Unit Sch Dist 226 C C Sch Dist 181 Cahokia Comm Unit Sch Dist 187 Cairo Unit Sch Dist 1 Calhoun Comm Unit Sch Dist 40 Calumet City Sch Dist 155 Calumet Public Schools Dist 132 Cambridge Sch Dist 227 Camelot Schools Canton Union Sch Dist 66 Capital Area Career Center Carbon Cliff-Barstow Sch Dist 36 Carbondale Comm HS Dist 165 Carbondale Elem Sch Dist 95 Carlinville C U Sch Dist 1 Carlyle C U Sch Dist 1 Carmi-White County C US Dist 5 Carrier Mills-Stonefort Cusd 2 Carrollton C U Sch Dist 1 Carterville C U Sch Dist 5 Cary C C Sch Dist 26 Casey-Westfield C U Sch Dist 4c Cass Sch Dist 63 Catlin C U Sch Dist 5 Center Cass Sch Dist 66 Centralia Sch Dist 135 Century Comm Unit Sch Dist 100 Cerro Gordo C U Sch Dist 100 Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD 399 Champaign Comm Unit Sch Dist 4 Chaney-Monge Sch Dist 88 Channahon Sch Dist 17 Charleston C U Sch Dist 1 Chenoa C U Sch Dist 9 Cherry Sch Dist 92 Chester Comm Unit Sch Dist 139 Chester N HSchool Dist 122 Chester-East Lincoln Ccs Dist 61 Chicago Heights Sch Dist 170 Chicago Public SD-Region 4 Chicago Public SD-Region 5 Chicago Public SD-Region 6 Chicago Public Sch Dist Chicago Ridge Sch Dist 127-5 Christopher Unit 99 Cicero Sch Dist 99 Cissna Park Comm Unit Sch Dist 6 City of Chicago Sch Dist 299 Clay City Comm Unit Dist 10 Clinton C U Sch Dist 15 Coal City C U Sch Dist 1 Colchester C U Sch Dist 180 Collinsville C U Sch Dist 10 Colona Sch Dist 190 Columbia Comm Unit Sch Dist 4 Comm Cons Sch Dist 168 Comm Cons Sch Dist 46 Comm Cons Sch Dist 59 Comm Cons Sch Dist 62 Comm Unit Sch Dist 3 Fulton Cty Comm Unit Sch Dist 300 Community Cons S D 93 Community Cons SD 15 Community Cons SD 62 Community Cons Sch Dist 180 Community Cons Sch Dist 204 Community HS Dist 128 Community HS Dist 155 Community HS Dist 218 Community HS Dist 94 Community HS Dist 99 Community Unit Sch Dist 16 Community Unit Sch Dist 2 Community Unit Sch Dist 200 Community Unit Sch Dist 4 Cons HS Dist 230 Cons Sch Dist 158 Cook County Sch Dist 104 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Illinois (cont’d) Cook County Sch Dist 130 Cornell C C Sch Dist 426 Cornell Comm HS Dist 70 Coulterville Unit Sch Dist 1 Country Club Hills Sch Dist 160 Cowden-Herrick CUSD 3a Crab Orchard C U Sch Dist 3 Crescent City C C Sch Dist 275 Crescent Iroquois Comm Dist 252 Creston Comm Cons Sch Dist 161 Crete Monee C U Sch Dist 201u Creve Coeur Sch Dist 76 Ctrl A & M C U Dist 21 Ctrl City Sch Dist 133 Ctrl Comm HS Dist 71 Ctrl Comm Unit Sch Dist 301 Ctrl Comm Unit Sch Dist 4 Ctrl CUSD 3 Ctrl Sch Dist 104 Ctrl Sch Dist 51 Ctrl Stickney Sch Dist 110 Cumberland C U Sch Dist 77 Dakota Comm Unit Sch Dist 201 Dallas City C U Sch Dist 336 Dalzell Sch Dist 98 Damiansville Sch Dist 62 Danville C C Sch Dist 118 Darien Sch Dist 61 Decatur Sch Dist 61 Deer Creek-Mackinaw CUSD 701 Deer Park C C Sch Dist 82 Deerfield Public Schools 109 Dekalb Comm Unit Sch Dist 428 Dekalb County Roe 16 Deland-Weldon C U Sch Dist 57 Delavan Comm Unit Dist 703 Depue Unit Sch Dist 103 Desoto Cons Sch Dist 86 Diamond Lake Sch Dist 76 Dieterich Comm Unit Sch Dist 30 Dimmick C C Sch Dist 175 Dist 50 Schools Divernon C U Sch Dist 13 Dixon Unit Sch Dist 170 Dodds Comm Cons Sch Dist 7 Dolton Sch Dist 148 Dolton Sch Dist 149 Dongola Sch Unit Dist 66 Downers Grove Grade Sch Dist 58 Du Page County ROE 19 Du Page HS Dist 88 Du Quoin C U Sch Dist 300 Dunlap C U Sch Dist 323 Dupo Comm Unit Sch Dist 196 Durand C U Sch Dist 322 Dwight Common Sch Dist 232 Dwight Twp HS Dist 230 Earlville Comm Unit Sch Dist 9 East Alton Sch Dist 13 East Alton-Wood River C HS D 14 East Coloma Sch Dist 12 East Dubuque Unit Sch Dist 119 Easter Seals Autism Sch East Maine Sch Dist 63 East Moline Sch Dist 37 East Peoria Comm HS Dist 309 East Peoria Sch Dist 86 East Prairie Sch Dist 73 East Richland C U Sch Dist 1 East St Louis Sch Dist 189 Eastland Comm Unit Sch Dist 308 Edgar County C U Dist 6 Edinburg C U Sch Dist 4 Edwards County C U Sch Dist 1 Edwardsville C U Sch Dist 7 Effingham Comm Unit Sch Dist 40 Egyptian Comm Unit Sch Dist 5 El Paso C U Dist 375 Eldorado Comm Unit Dist 4 Elem Sch Dist 159 Elim Christian Sch/Services Elmhurst Sch Dist 205 Elmwood C U Sch Dist 322 Elmwood Park C U Sch Dist 401 Elverado C U Sch Dist 196 Elwood C C Sch Dist 203 Emmons Sch Dist 33 Erie Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 Esperanza Sch Eswood C C Dist 269 Eureka C U Dist 140 Evanston C C Sch Dist 65 Evanston Twp HS Dist 202 Evergreen Park Comm HI Sch D 231 Illinois (cont’d) D452 D453 D454 D455 R405 D457 D458 D459 D460 D461 D463 D464 D465 D466 D467 D468 D469 D470 D471 D472 D474 D473 E109 D475 D476 D477 D478 D479 D480 E090 D483 D484 D485 D486 D487 D488 R406 R425 D489 D490 D491 D492 D493 D494 D495 D496 D497 D498 D499 D500 R407 D502 D503 D504 D505 D506 D507 D508 D510 D511 D512 D513 D514 D515 D516 D517 D519 D520 D521 D522 D523 A107 D524 D525 D526 D527 D172 D528 E091 D529 E111 D530 D531 D532 D533 D534 D535 D536 D537 D538 D168 D540 D541 D542 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Evergreen Pk Elem Sch Dist 124 Ewing Northern C C Dist 115 Fairfield Comm HS Dist 225 Fairfield Public Sch Dist 112 Fairview Sch Dist 72 Farmington Ctrl C US D 265 Farrington C C Sch Dist 99 Fenton Comm HS Dist 100 Field Comm Cons Sch Dist 3 Fieldcrest CUSD 6 Fisher C U Sch Dist 1 Flanagan C U Sch Dist 4 Flora Comm Unit Sch Dist 35 Flossmoor Sch Dist 161 Ford Heights Sch Dist 169 Forest Park Sch Dist 91 Forest Ridge Sch Dist 142 Forrestville Vly C US D 221 Fox Lake Grade Sch Dist 114 Fox River Grove Cons S D 3 Frankfort C C Sch Dist 157c Frankfort Comm Unit Sch Dist 168 Franklin & Jefferson Cty Spec Educ Franklin C U Sch Dist 1 Franklin Park Sch Dist 84 Freeburg C C Sch Dist 70 Freeburg Comm HS Dist 77 Freeport Sch Dist 145 Fremont Sch Dist 79 Fulton/Schuyler Roe 22 Galatia C U Sch Dist 1 Galena Unit Sch Dist 120 Galesburg C U Sch Dist 205 Gallatin C U Sch Dist 7 Galva Comm Unit Sch Dist 224 Gardner Comm Cons Sch Dist 72c Gardner S Wilmington Ths Dist 73 Gateway Acad Gavin Sch Dist 37 Geff C C Sch Dist 14 Gen Geo Patton Sch Dist 133 Geneseo Comm Unit Sch Dist 228 Geneva Comm Unit Sch Dist 304 Genoa-Kingston Dist 424 Georgetown-Ridge Farm C U D 4 Germantown Hills Sch Dist 69 Germantown Sch Dist 60 Giant City C C Sch Dist 130 Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley CUSD 5 Gifford C C Sch Dist 188 Gillespie Comm Unit Sch Dist 7 Glen Ellyn C C Sch Dist 89 Glen Ellyn Sch Dist 41 Glenbard Twp HS Dist 87 Glencoe Sch Dist 35 Glenview C C Sch Dist 34 Golf Elem Sch Dist 67 Goreville Comm Unit Dist 1 Grand Prairie C C Sch Dist 6 Grand Ridge C C Sch Dist 95 Granite City C U Sch Dist 9 Grant Comm Cons Sch Dist 110 Grant Comm HS Dist 124 Grant Park C U Sch Dist 6 Grass Lake Sch Dist 36 Grayslake Comm HS Dist 127 Grayville C U Sch Dist 1 Greenfield C U Sch Dist 10 Greenview C U Sch Dist 200 Gridley C U Sch Dist 10 Griggsville-Perry C U Sch Dist 4 Grundy/Kendall Regional Office Gurnee Sch Dist 56 Hall HS Dist 502 Hamilton C C Sch Dist 328 Hamilton CO C U Sch Dist 10 Hamilton-Jefferson ROE #25 Hampton Sch Dist 29 Hancock/Mcdonough Roe 26 Hardin CO Comm Unit Dist 1 Harlem Cons Schools 122 Harlem Unit Dist 122 Harmony Emge Sch Dist 175 Harrisburg C U Sch Dist 3 Harrison Sch Dist 36 Hartsburg Emden C US Dist 21 Harvard C U Sch Dist 50 Harvey Sch Dist 152 Havana Comm Unit Sch Dist 126 Hawthorn C C Sch Dist 73 Henderson/Mercer/Warren 27 Henry-Senachwine Cusd 5 Heritage Comm Unit Sch Dist 8 Herrin C U Sch Dist 4 Illinois (cont’d) D543 D544 D545 D546 D547 D548 D549 D550 D552 D553 D554 D555 D556 D557 D558 D559 D171 D560 D562 E092 D565 D563 D564 E101 R436 D566 D567 D568 D569 D570 D571 D572 R424 D573 D574 D575 D576 D577 D578 D579 D580 D581 D582 D583 D584 D585 D586 D588 A108 E108 D589 D590 D591 D592 D593 D594 D169 D596 D597 D598 D599 D600 D601 D602 D606 D604 R408 D605 D607 D608 D609 D610 D611 D612 D613 D614 D615 D616 D618 D620 D621 E112 D623 D624 D625 D619 D627 D628 E113 D629 D630 D632 D633 D634 Herscher Comm Unit Sch Dist 2 Heyworth C U Sch Dist 4 Hiawatha C U Sch Dist 426 High Mt Sch Dist 116 Highland Comm Unit Sch Dist 5 Hillsboro Comm Unit Sch Dist 3 Hillside Sch Dist 93 Hinckley Big Rock C US D 429 Hinsdale Twp HS Dist 86 Hollis Cons Sch Dist 328 Homer Comm Cons Sch Dist 33c Homewood Flossmoor C HS D 233 Homewood Sch Dist 153 Hononegah Comm HS Dist 207 Hoopeston Area C U Sch Dist 11 Hoover-Schrum Meml SD 157 Hopewell Schools Hoyleton Cons Sch Dist 29 Hutsonville C U Sch Dist 1 I-Kan Regl Off of Education IL Vly Ctrl Unit Dist 321 Illini Bluffs Cu Sch Dist 327 Illini Ctrl C U Sch Dist 189 Illinois Center For Autism Illinois State University Illiopolis C U Sch Dist 12 Ina Comm Cons Sch Dist 8 Indian Creek Comm Unit Dist 425 Indian Prairie C U Sch Dist 204 Indian Springs Sch Dist 109 Industry C U Sch Dist 165 Iroquois CO C U Sch Dist 9 Iroquois Special Education Iroquois West C US Dist 10 Irvington C C Sch Dist 11 Itasca Sch Dist 10 Iuka Comm Cons Sch Dist 7 J S Morton HS Dist 201 Jacksonville Sch Dist 117 Jamaica C U Sch Dist 12 Jasper Comm Cons Sch Dist 17 Jasper County Comm Unit Dist 1 Jersey C U Sch Dist 100 Johnsburg C U Sch Dist 12 Johnston City C U Sch Dist 1 Joliet Public Sch Dist 86 Joliet Twp HS Dist 204 Joppa-Maple Grove Unit Dist 38 Kane County Regional Office-Elgin Kane County Regional Office-Geneva Kaneland C U Sch Dist 302 Kankakee Sch Dist 111 Kansas Comm Unit Sch Dist 3 Keeneyville Sch Dist 20 Kell Cons Sch Dist 2 Kenilworth Sch Dist 38 Keshet HS Transition Program Kildeer Countryside C C S Dist 96 Kings Cons Sch Dist 144 Kinnikinnick C C Sch Dist 131 Kirby Sch Dist 140 Knoxville C U Sch Dist 202 Komarek Sch Dist 94 La Grange Sch Dist 102 La Grange Sch Dist 105 (South) La Moille C U Sch Dist 303 La Salle-Peru Twp HS D 120 Ladd Comm Cons Sch Dist 94 Lagrange Highlands Sch Dist 106 Lake Bluff Elem Sch Dist 65 Lake Forest Comm HS Dist 115 Lake Forest Sch Dist 67 Lake Park Comm HS Dist 108 Lake Villa Sch Dist 41 Lake Zurich C U Sch Dist 95 Lansing Sch Dist 158 Laraway C C Sch Dist 70c Lasalle Elem Sch Dist 122 Lawrence CO C U Dist 20 Lebanon Comm Unit Sch Dist 9 Lee Center C U Sch Dist 271 Lee/Ogle Roe 47 Leland Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 Lemont Twp HS Dist 210 Lemont-Bromberek CSD 113a Leroy Comm Unit Sch Dist 2 Lewistown Sch Dist 97 Lexington C U Sch Dist 7 Leyden Area Special Education Coope Leyden Comm HS Dist 212 Liberty Comm Unit Sch Dist 2 Libertyville Sch Dist 70 Lick Creek C C Sch Dist 16 Limestone Comm HS Dist 310 Illinois (cont’d) D635 D636 D637 D638 R434 D639 D640 D641 R409 D642 D643 D644 D646 D647 D648 D649 D650 D651 D652 D653 D654 D655 D656 D657 D658 D659 D660 D661 D663 D664 D666 D667 D668 D669 D670 D671 D672 D673 D674 D675 D676 D677 D678 D679 D680 D681 D682 D683 D684 D685 D687 D688 D689 D690 D691 D692 D693 D694 D695 D696 D697 A104 D698 D699 D700 D701 D702 D703 D704 D705 D706 D707 D708 D709 D710 D711 D712 D713 D714 D715 D716 D717 D718 R103 D720 D721 D722 D723 R410 D724 D725 D728 D729 D730 Limestone Walters C C S Dist 316 Lincoln Comm HS Dist 404 Lincoln Elem Sch Dist 156 Lincoln Elem Sch Dist 27 Lincoln Land Comm Coll Lincoln Way Comm HS Dist 210 Lincolnshire-Prairie View SD 103 Lincolnwood Sch Dist 74 Lindop Sch Dist 92 Lisbon Comm Cons Sch Dist 90 Lisle C U Sch Dist 202 Litchfield C U Sch Dist 12 Lockport Sch Dist 91 Lockport Twp HS Dist 205 Logan Comm Cons Sch Dist 110 Lombard Sch Dist 44 Lostant Comm Unit Sch Dist 425 Lovington C U Sch Dist 303 Lowpoint-Washburn C US Dist 21 Ludlow C C Sch Dist 142 Lyons Sch Dist 103 Lyons Twp HS Dist 204 Macomb Comm Unit Sch Dist 185 Madison Comm Unit Sch Dist 12 Maercker Sch Dist 60 Mahomet-Seymour C U Sch Dist 3 Maine Township HS Dist 207 Malden Comm Cons Sch Dist 84 Manhattan Sch Dist 114 Mannheim Sch Dist 83 Marengo Comm HS Dist 154 Marengo-Union Elem Cons Dist 165 Marion Comm Unit Sch Dist 2 Marissa C U Sch Dist 40 Maroa Forsyth C U Sch Dist 2 Marquardt Sch Dist 15 Marseilles Elem Sch Dist 150 Marshall C U Sch Dist 2c Martinsville C U Sch Dist 3c Mascoutah C U Dist 19 Massac Unit Dist 1 Matteson Elem Sch Dist 162 Mattoon C U Sch Dist 2 Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview-89 Mazon-Verona-Kinsman Esd 2c McClellan C C Sch Dist 12 McHenry C C Sch Dist 15 McHenry Comm HS Dist 156 Mclean County Unit Dist No 5 Medinah Sch Dist 11 Mendota C C Sch Dist 289 Mendota Twp HS Dist 280 Meredosia-Chambersburg Cusd 11 Meridian C U Sch Dist 101 Meridian C U Sch Dist 223 Meridian Comm Unit Sch Dist 15 Merriam Comm Cons Sch Dist 19 Metamora C C Sch Dist 1 Metamora Twp HS Dist 122 Midland Comm Unit Dist 7 Midlothian Sch Dist 143 Mid-State Special Education Midwest Ctrl Cusd 191 Milford Comm Cons Sch Dist 280 Milford Twp HS Dist 233 Millburn C C Sch Dist 24 Miller Twp Comm Coll Sch Dist 210 Millstadt C C Sch Dist 160 Minooka Comm Ccsd 201 Minooka Comm HS Dist 111 Mokena Sch Dist 159 Moline Unit Sch Dist 40 Momence Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 Monmouth Unit Sch Dist 38 Monroe Sch Dist 70 Monticello C U Sch Dist 25 Montmorency C C Sch Dist 145 Morris Comm HS Dist 101 Morris Sch Dist 54 Morrison Comm Unit Sch Dist 6 Morrisonville C U Sch Dist 1 Morton C U Sch Dist 709 Morton Grove Sch Dist 70 Mt Carroll Comm Unit Dist 304 Mt Olive C U Sch Dist 5 Mt Prospect Sch Dist 57 Mt Pulaski Comm Unit Dist 23 Mt Vernon Sch Dist 80 Mt Vernon Sch Dist 80 Mt Vernon Twp HS Dist 201 Mt Zion Comm Unit Sch Dist 3 Mundelein Elem Sch Dist 75 Murphysboro C U Sch Dist 186 N Pekin & Marquette Hght S D 102 Recipient Codes \ 31 Recipient Codes D366 D368 R403 D369 D370 D371 D372 D373 D374 D375 D376 D377 D309 D310 D311 D313 D314 R100 D312 D315 D316 D379 D381 D382 D383 D384 D385 D386 D387 D388 D389 D390 D391 D182 D392 D393 D394 D396 D397 D398 D399 D400 D401 D402 D403 D404 D405 D406 D408 D176 D409 D410 D411 D412 D413 D414 D415 D417 D418 D419 D420 D421 A105 D422 D423 D424 D425 D426 D427 D428 D429 D430 D431 D432 D433 D434 D435 D436 D437 D438 E103 R102 D441 R404 D443 D444 D445 D446 D174 D447 D448 D449 D450 D451 RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes Illinois (cont’d) D766 NW C U Sch Dist 175 E097 NW Suburban Special Education D731 Naperville C U Dist 203 D732 Nashville C C Sch Dist 49 D733 Nashville Comm HS Dist 99 D734 Nauvoo-Colusa C US Dist 325 D735 Nelson Elem Sch Dist 8 D736 Neoga Comm Unit Sch Dist 3 D737 Neponset Com Cons Dist 307 D739 New Athens C U Sch Dist 60 D741 New Holland-Middletown E Dist 88 D742 New Hope C C Sch Dist 6 D743 New Lenox Sch Dist 122 D744 New Simpson Hill Cons Dist 32 D745 New Trier Twp HS Dist 203 D746 Newark Comm Cons Sch Dist 66 D747 Newark Comm HS Dist 18 D748 Niantic-Harristown C US D 6 D749 Niles Elem Sch Dist 71 D750 Niles Twp Comm HS Dist 219 E099 Niles Twp Dist For Special Educ R411 Nippersink Sch Dist 2 D751 Nokomis Comm Unit Sch Dist 22 D752 Norridge Sch Dist 80 D753 Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Cusd 3 D754 North Boone C U Sch Dist 200 D755 North Chicago Sch Dist 187 D756 North Clay C U Sch Dist 25 D757 North Greene Unit Dist 3 D758 North Palos Sch Dist 117 D759 North Shore SD 112 D760 North Wamac Sch Dist 186 D761 North Wayne C U Sch Dist 200 D762 Northbrook Elem Sch Dist 27 D763 Northbrook Sch Dist 28 D764 Northbrook/Glenview Sch Dist 30 R422 Northern Illinois Acad E110 Northern Suburban Special Educ D765 Northfield Twp HS Dist 225 D767 Northwestern C U Sch Dist 2 D768 Norwood Elem Sch Dist 63 R438NSSEO D782 O Fallon C C Sch Dist 90 D783 O Fallon Twp HS Dist 203 D769 Oak Gove Sch Dist 68 D770 Oak Grove Sch Dist 68 D771 Oak Lawn Comm HS Dist 229 D772 Oak Lawn-Hometown Sch Dist 123 D773 Oak Park & River Forest Dist 200 D774 Oak Park Elem Sch Dist 97 D775 Oakdale C C Sch Dist 1 D776 Oakland C U Sch Dist 5 D777 Oakwood Comm Unit Dist 76 D778 Oblong C U Sch Dist 4 D779 Odell Comm Cons Sch Dist 435 D780 Odin Comm HS Dist 700 D781 Odin Sch Dist 122 D784 Ogden Comm Cons Sch Dist 212 D785 Oglesby Elem Sch Dist 125 R412 Okaw Vly C US D 302 D788 Olympia C U Sch Dist 16 D183 Onarga Acad A101 Onarga Acad - Nexus D789 Opdyke-Belle-Rive Comm Coll Sch Dist 5 D790 Orangeville C U Sch Dist 203 D791 Oregon C U Sch Dist-220 D793 Orland Sch Dist 135 D794 Oswego Comm Unit Sch Dist 308 D795 Ottawa Elem Sch Dist 141 D796 Ottawa Twp HS Dist 140 D797 Otter Creek-Hyatt Sch Dist 56 D798 Palatine C C Sch Dist 15 D799 Palos Comm Cons Sch Dist 118 D800 Palos Heights Sch Dist 128 D801 Pana Comm Unit Sch Dist 8 D802 Panhandle Comm Unit Sch Dist 2 D803 Paris Comm Unit Sch Dist 4 D804 Paris-Union Sch Dist 95 D805 Park Forest Sch Dist 163 D806 Park Ridge C C Sch Dist 64 D807 Patoka Comm Unit Sch Dist 100 A102 Paul K Kennedy Child Care Ctr D808 Pawnee Comm Unit Sch Dist 11 D809 Paxton-Buckley-Loda Cu Dist 10 D810 Payson Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 D811 Pearl City C U Sch Dist 200 D812 Pecatonica C U Sch Dist 321 D813 Pekin Comm HS Dist 303 D814 Pekin Public Sch Dist 108 D815 Pembroke C C Sch Dist 259 D816 Pennoyer Sch Dist 79 D817 Peoria Hghts C U Sch Dist 325 D818 Peoria Public Schools D819 Peotone C U Sch Dist 207u 32 \ Recipient Codes Illinois (cont’d) D820 D821 D822 D823 D824 D825 D827 D828 D829 D830 D831 D832 D833 D834 D835 D836 D838 D839 D840 D841 D842 D843 R420 D844 D845 D847 D849 E100 D850 D851 D852 D853 D854 R413 D855 D856 D857 D858 D859 D860 D861 D862 D863 E093 R431 D167 R418 D175 D173 D864 D865 D866 D867 D869 D870 D871 D872 D873 D874 D875 D876 D877 D878 D879 D880 D881 D882 D884 D885 D887 D888 D889 D890 D891 R439 D892 D893 D894 D895 R419 D896 D170 D186 A100 D177 D898 D899 D900 D901 D902 D903 D904 D906 D184 Peru Elem Sch Dist 124 Pikeland C U Sch Dist 10 Pinckneyville Comm HS Dist 101 Pinckneyville Sch Dist 50 Plainfield Sch Dist 202 Plano Comm Unit Sch Dist 88 Pleasant Hill C U Sch Dist 3 Pleasant Plains C U Sch Dist 8 Pleasant Vly Sch Dist 62 Pleasantdale Sch Dist 107 Polo Comm Unit Sch Dist 222 Pontiac C C Sch Dist 429 Pontiac Twp HS Dist 90 Pontiac-W Holliday Sch Dist 105 Pope CO Comm Unit Dist 1 Porta Comm Unit Sch Dist 202 Potomac C U Sch Dist 10 Prairie Ctrl C U Sch Dist 8 Prairie Du Rocher C C S D 134 Prairie Grove C Sch Dist 46 Prairie Hill C C Sch Dist 133 Prairie-Hills Elem Sch Dist 144 Prairieview Center Prairieview Comm Cons Dist 192 Princeton Elem Sch Dist 115 Princeville C U Sch Dist 326 Prospect Heights Sch Dist 23 Proviso Area For Exceptional Children Proviso Twp HS Dist 209 Puffer Hefty Sch Dist 69 Putnam CO C U Sch Dist 535 Queen Bee Sch Dist 16 Quincy Sch Dist 172 R O W V A Comm Unit Sch Dist 208 Raccoon Cons Sch Dist 1 Ramsey Comm Unit Sch Dist 204 Rankin Comm Sch Dist 98 Rantoul City Sch Dist 137 Rantoul Township HS Dist 193 Reavis Twp HS Dist 220 Red Bud C U Sch Dist 132 Red Hill C U Sch Dist 10 Reed Custer C U Sch Dist 255u Regional Off of Education 3 Regional Off of Education 4 Regional Off of Education 17 Regional Off of Education 25 Regional Off of Education 35 Regional Off of Education 43 Rhodes Sch Dist 84-5 Rich Twp HS Dist 227 Richland Sch Dist 88a Richmond-Burton Comm HSC D 157 Ridgeland Sch Dist 122 Ridgeview Comm Unit Sch Dist 19 Ridgewood Comm HS Dist 234 Riley C C Sch Dist 18 River Bend Comm Unit Dist 2 River Forest Sch Dist 90 River Grove Sch Dist 85-5 River Ridge C U Sch Dist 210 River Trails Sch Dist 26 Riverdale C U Sch Dist 100 Riverdale Sch Dist 14 Riverside Brookfield Twp Dist 208 Riverside Sch Dist 96 Riverton C U Sch Dist 14 Roanoke Benson C US Dist 60 Robein Sch Dist 85 Rochelle Comm Cons Dist 231 Rochelle Twp HS Dist 212 Rochester Comm Unit Sch Dist 3a Rock Falls Elem Sch Dist 13 Rock Falls Twp HS Dist 301 Rock Island ROE Rock Island Sch Dist 41 Rockdale Sch Dist 84 Rockford Sch Dist 205 Rockridge C U Sch Dist 300 Rock River Acad Rockton Sch Dist 140 ROE 14 ROE 08 ROE 40 ROE Lake County IL Rondout Sch Dist 72 Rooks Creek C C Sch Dist 425 Roselle Sch Dist 12 Rosemont Elem Sch Dist 78 Roseville C U Sch Dist 200 Rossville-Alvin Cu Sch Dist 7 Round Lake Area Schs-Dist 116 Roxana Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 Rural Champaign County Spec Ed Illinois (cont’d) D907 Rutland C C Sch Dist 230 D909 Salem Comm HS Dist 600 D910 Salem Sch Dist 111 D911 Salt Creek Sch Dist 48 D912 Sandoval C U Sch Dist 501 D913 Sandridge Sch Dist 172 D914 Sandwich C U Sch Dist 430 D915 Saratoga Comm Cons S Dist 60c E106Sased D916 Saunemin C Consol Sch Dist 438 D917 Savanna Comm Unit Dist 300 D918 Scales Mound C U Sch Dist 211 R417 Sch Dist 299 R414 Sch Dist 45 Dupage County R415 Sch Dist 46 D919 Schaumburg Sch Dist 54 D920 Schiller Park Sch Dist 81 D921 Schuyler CO C U Sch Dist 1 D922 Scott-Morgan C U Sch Dist 2 D923 Selmaville C C Sch Dist 10 D924 Seneca Comm Cons Sch Dist 170 D925 Seneca Twp HS Dist 160 D926 Sesser-Valier Comm Unit S D 196 D927 Shawnee C U Sch Dist 84 D928 Shelbyville C U Sch Dist 4 D929 Sheldon Comm Unit Sch Dist 5 D930 Sherrard Comm Unit Sch Dist 200 D931 Shiloh Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 D932 Shiloh Village Sch Dist 85 D933 Shirland Sch Dist 134 D934 Signal Hill Sch Dist 181 D935 Silvis Sch Dist 34 D937 Skokie Sch Dist 68 D938 Skokie Sch Dist 69 D939 Skokie Sch Dist 73-5 D940 Smithton C C Sch Dist 130 D941 Somonauk C U Sch Dist 432 D942 South Beloit C U Sch Dist 320 D943 South Ctrl Comm Unit Dist 401 D944 South Fork Sch Dist 14 D945 South Holland Sch Dist 150 D946 South Holland Sch Dist 151 D948 Southeastern C U Sch Dist 337 D949 Southern C U Sch Dist 120 D950 Southwestern C U Sch Dist 9 D951 Sparta C U Sch Dist 140 R435 Special Education Dist of Lake County D952 Spoon River Vly C US Dist 4 D954 Spring Lake C C Sch Dist 606 D955 Spring Vly C C Sch Dist 99 D956 Springfield Sch Dist 186 D957 St Anne C C Sch Dist 256 D958 St Anne Comm HS Dist 302 D959 St Charles C U Sch Dist 303 D960 St Elmo C U Sch Dist 202 D961 St George C C Sch Dist 258 D963 St Joseph Ogden C HS Dist 305 D964 St Libory Cons Sch Dist 30 D965 St Rose Sch Dist 14-15 D966 Stark County C U Sch Dist 100 D967 Staunton Comm Unit Sch Dist 6 D968 Steeleville C U Sch Dist 138 D969 Steger Sch Dist 194 D970 Sterling C U Dist 5 D971 Steward Elem Sch Dist 220 D972 Stewardson-Strasburg Cu Dist 5a D973 Stockton C U Sch Dist 206 D974 Streator Elem Sch Dist 44 D975 Streator Twp HS Dist 40 D976 Sullivan C U Sch Dist 300 D977 Summersville Sch Dist 79 D978 Summit Hill Sch Dist 161 D979 Summit Sch Dist 104 D980 Sunnybrook Sch Dist 171 D981 Sunset Ridge Sch Dist 29 D982 Sycamore C U Sch Dist 427 D983 Taft Sch Dist 90 D984 Tamaroa Sch Dist 5 D985 Taylorville C U Sch Dist 3 R429 Tazewell ROE 53 D986 Teutopolis C U Sch Dist 50 D988 Thompsonville Comm HS Dist 112 D989 Thompsonville Sch Dist 62 D990 Thomson Com Unit Dist 301 D991 Thornton Fractional T HS D 215 D992 Thornton Sch Dist 154 D993 Thornton Twp HS Dist 205 D994 Tinley Park Comm Cons Sch Dst 146 D995 Tolono C U Sch Dist 7 D996 Tonica Comm Cons Sch Dist 79 D997 Tower Hill Cusd 6 D999 Township HS Dist 113 D998 Township HS Dist 211 E001 Township HS Dist 214 Illinois (cont’d) E002 E004 E005 E008 E003 E007 E006 E009 E010 E011 E012 E013 E014 E105 R421 E016 E018 E020 E021 E022 E023 E024 E025 E026 E027 E019 E029 E030 E031 E032 E033 E034 E035 E036 E037 E038 E039 E040 E041 E042 E043 E044 E045 E046 E047 E048 E050 E052 E053 E054 E056 E058 E059 E060 E104 E061 E062 E063 E064 A103 E065 E066 E067 E068 E069 E070 E071 E072 E102 E073 E074 E075 E076 E077 E078 E079 E080 E081 E082 E083 E084 E085 E086 E087 E089 E088 Tremont Comm Unit Dist 702 Tri-City Sch Dist Tri Point C U Sch Dist 6-J Tri Vly C U Sch Dist 3 Triad Comm Unit Sch Dist 2 Trico Comm Unit Sch Dist 176 Triopia C U Sch Dist 27 Troy Comm Cons Sch Dist 30c Tuscola C U Sch Dist 301 Union Comm Unit Sch Dist 115 Union Ridge Sch Dist 86 Union Sch Dist 81 United Twp HS Dist 30 Unity Point Comm Coll Dist 140 UNO Charter School Network Urbana Sch Dist 116 V I T Comm Unit Sch Dist 2 Valmeyer Comm Unit Sch Dist 3 Vandalia C U Sch Dist 203 Venice Comm Unit Sch Dist 3 Vienna HS Dist 133 Vienna Sch Dist 55 Villa Grove C U Sch Dist 302 Virden Comm Unit Sch Dist 4 Virginia C U Sch Dist 64 Vly View CUSD 365u W Harvey-Dixmoor Pub Sch Dist147 Wabash C U Sch Dist 348 Wallace C C Sch Dist 195 Waltham C C Sch Dist 185 Waltonville C U Sch Dist 1 Warren C U Sch Dist 222 Warren Comm Unit Sch Dist 205 Warren Twp HS Dist 121 Warrensburg-Latham C U Dist 11 Warsaw Comm Unit Sch Dist 316 Washington Comm HS Dist 308 Washington Sch Dist 52 Waterloo Comm Unit Sch Dist 5 Wauconda Comm Unit S Dist 118 Waukegan C U Sch Dist 60 Waverly C U Sch Dist 6 Wayne City C U Sch Dist 100 Webber Township HS Dist 204 Wesclin C U Sch Dist 3 West Chicago Elem Sch Dist 33 West Northfield Sch Dist 31 West Richland C U Sch Dist 2 West Washington CO C U Dist 10 Westchester Sch Dist 92-5 Westmer Comm Unit Sch Dist 203 Westville C U Sch Dist 2 Wethersfield C U Sch Dist 230 Wheeling C C Sch Dist 21 Whiteside Regl Off of Educ Whiteside Sch Dist 115 Will County Sch Dist 92 Williamsfield C US Dist 210 Williamsville C U Sch Dist 15 Willowglen Academy-IL Phoenix Willow Grove Sch Dist 46 Willow Springs Sch Dist 108 Wilmette Sch Dist 39 Wilmington C U Sch Dist 209u Winchester C U Sch Dist 1 Windsor Comm Unit Sch Dist 1 Winfield Sch Dist 34 Winnebago C U Sch Dist 323 Winnebago County Special Ed Coop Winnetka Sch Dist 36 Winthrop Harbor Sch Dist 1 Wolf Branch Sch Dist 113 Wood Dale Sch Dist 7 Wood River-Hartford Elem S D 15 Woodland C C Sch Dist 50 Woodland C US Dist 5 Woodlawn Comm Cons Sch Dist 4 Woodlawn Comm HS Dist 205 Woodridge Sch Dist 68 Woodstock C U Sch Dist 200 Worth Sch Dist 127 Yorkville Comm Unit Sch Dist 115 Yorkwood C U Sch Dist 225 Zeigler-Royalton C US Dist 188 Zion Elem Sch Dist 6 Zion-Benton Twp HS Dist 126 INDIANA E757 E115 E770 E116 E117 E424 21st Century Charter Sch Adams Ctrl Cmty Sch Dist Adams Wells Special Services Alexandria Cmty Sch Dist Anderson Comm Sch Corp Area 30 Career Ctr 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Indiana (cont’d) Argos Cmty Sch Dist Attica Cons Sch Dist Avon Cmty Sch Dist Barr Reeve Cmty Sch Dist Bartholomew Cons Sch Dist Batesville Cmty Sch Dist Baugo Cmty Sch Dist Beech Grove City Sch Dist Benton Cmty Sch Dist Blackford CO Sch Dist Bloomfield Sch Dist Blue River Career Programs Blue River Vly Sch Dist Bluffton-Harrison Msd Bremen Public Sch Dist Brown CO Sch Dist Brownsburg Cmty Sch Dist Brownstown Ctl Cmty Sch Dist C A Beard Meml Sch Dist Cannelton City Schools Carmel Clay Sch Dist Carpe Diem Schools Carroll Cons Sch Dist Cass Twp Elem Sch Dist Caston Sch Dist Center Grove Cmty Sch Dist Center/Mt Pleasant Township Centerville Abington Cmty SD Clark-Pleasant Cmty Sch Dist Clarksville Cmty Sch Dist Clay Cmty Sch Dist Clinton Ctrl Sch Corporation Clinton Ctrl Sch Dist Clinton Prairie Sch Dist Cloverdale Cmty Sch Dist Community Schools of Frankfort Concord Cmty Sch Dist Covered Bridge Special Ed Dist Covington Cmty Sch Cowan Cmty Sch Dist Crawford CO Cmty Sch Dist Crawfordsville Cmty Sch Dist Crothersville Cmty Sch Dist Crown Point Cmty Sch Dist Ctrl Nine Career Ctr SD Ctrl Noble Cmty Sch Dist Culver Cmty Sch Dist Daleville Cmty Sch Dist Danville Cmty Sch Dist Daviess Martin Special Education CO Decatur CO Cmty Sch Dist Dekalb CO Ctl United Sch Dist Dekalb CO Eastern Cmty SD Delaware Cmty Sch Dist Delaware Community Sch Corporation Delphi Cmty Sch Dist Dewey Twp Sch Dist Duneland Sch Dist East Allen County Schools East Chicago City Sch Dist East Ctrl ESC East Gibson Sch Corporation East Gibson Sch Dist East Noble Sch Dist East Porter CO Sch Dist East Washington Sch Dist Eastbrook Cmty Sch Dist Eastern Hancock Cmty Sch Dist Eastern Pulaski Cmty Sch Dist Eastern SD of Green CO Eastern-Howard Sch Dist Edinburgh Cmty Sch Dist Education Ctr of Tipton CO Elkhart Cmty Sch Dist Elwood Cmty Sch Dist Eminence Cons Sch Dist Evansville-Vanderburgh SD Fairfield Cmty Sch Dist Fayette CO Sch Dist Flat Rock-Hawcreek Sch Dist Franklin Community Sch Corp Franklin Cmty Sch Dist Franklin County Comm Sch CO Franklin Twp Cmty Sch Dist Frankton-Lapel Cmty Sch Dist Freemont Cmty Schools Frontier Sch Dist Ft Wayne Cmty Sch Dist Galileo Charter Sch Garrett-Keyser-Butler Sch Dist Gary Comm Sch Corporation Gary Lighthouse Charter Sch Gibson Pike Warrick Spec Ed Coop Glass/Lafayette Sch Corp Indiana (cont’d) E198 E753 E199 E200 E201 E751 E202 E203 E204 E205 E206 E207 E208 E209 E773 E210 E211 E212 E761 E213 E771 E758 E214 E215 E216 E217 E772 E431 E218 E219 E220 E221 E776 E222 E223 E224 E225 E226 E227 E422 E229 E230 E231 E232 E420 E233 E234 E235 E417 E236 E237 E238 E239 E240 E241 E242 E243 E246 E247 E248 E767 E249 E766 E250 E251 E252 E253 E254 E256 E257 E259 E258 E260 E261 E228 E752 E244 E367 E415 E418 E262 E263 E265 E288 E289 E293 E286 E428 E266 E267 E268 E269 E270 E271 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Goshen Cmty Sch Dist Gpw Special Ed CO-Op Greater Clark CO Sch Dist Greater Jasper Cons Sch Dist Greencastle Cmty Schools Greene-Sullivan Spec Ed Coop Greenfield-Ctl Cmty Sch Dist Greensburg Cmty Sch Dist Greenwood Cmty Sch Corporation Griffith Public Sch Dist Hamilton Cmty Schools Hamilton Heights Sch Dist Hamilton Southeastern Sch Dist Hammond City Sch Dist Hancock Madison Shelby Ed Svc Hanover Cmty Sch Dist Harrison Washington Cmty SD Huntington CO Cmty Schools Imagine ILSAE Indianapolis Public Sch Dist Indiana U Southeast Irvington Comm Sch Jac-Cen-Del Cmty Sch Dist Jay Sch Dist Jennings CO Sch Dist John Glenn Sch Dist John Jay Center Joint Ed Svcs In Special Educ Kankakee Vly Sch Dist Knox Cmty Sch Dist Kokomo Ctr Schools LA Porte Cmty Sch Dist Lafayette Adult Resource Acad Lafayette Sch Dist Lake Ctrl Sch Dist Lake Ridge Sch Dist Lake Station Cmty Sch Dist Lakeland Sch Dist Lanesville Cmty Sch Dist Laporte County Schools Lawrenceburg Comm Schools Lebanon Cmty Sch Corp Liberty-Perry Cmty Sch Dist Linton Stockton Sch Dist Logansport Area Joint Special Dist Logansport Cmty Sch Dist Loogootee Cmty Sch Dist Maconaquah Sch Dist Madison Area Ed Special Svcs Madison Cons Schools Madison-Grant United Sch Dist Manchester Cmty Sch Dist Marion Adams Sch Dist Marion Cmty Sch Dist Martinsville Sch Dist Medora Cmty Sch Dist Merrillville Cmty Sch Dist Metropolitan SD of Boone Twp Metropolitan SD of Decatur Twp Metropolitan SD of Pike Twp Metropolitan SD of Warren Twp Metropolitan SD of Washington Metropolitan SD of Washington Twp Metropolitan SD of Wayne Twp Michigan City Area Sch Dist Middlebury Cmty Sch Dist Milan Cmty Sch Dist Mill Creek Cmty Sch Dist Mississinewa Cmty Sch Dist Mitchell Cmty Sch Dist Monroe CO Cmty Sch Dist Monroe Ctrl Sch Dist Monroe-Gregg Sch Dist Mooresville Cons Sch Dist Msd of Lawrence Twp Msd of Mt Vernon Msd of New Durham Twp Msd of Steuben County Msd of Wabash County Msd of Warren County Mt Pleasant Twp Cmty Sch Dist Mt Vernon Cmty Sch Dist Muncie Cmty Sch Dist NE Dubois CO Sch Dist NE Sch Dist NW Allen CO Sch Dist NW Hendricks Sch Dist NW Indiana ESC Nettle Creek Sch Dist New Albany-Floyd CO Cons SD New Castle Cmty Sch Dist New Harmony Cons Sch Dist New Prairie United Sch Dist Nineveh-Hensley-Jackson SD Indiana (cont’d) E272 E273 E274 E290 E291 E778 E292 E275 E276 E277 E782 E278 E279 E280 E281 E282 E283 E284 E285 E287 E294 E295 E786 E433 E296 E297 E298 E299 E300 E301 E302 E303 E304 E305 E306 E307 E411 E308 E788 E309 E310 E311 E312 E313 E429 E314 E315 E316 E317 E318 E319 E320 E321 E430 E322 E425 E354 E355 E360 E361 E362 E323 E432 E324 E414 E325 E326 E327 E328 E329 E330 E331 E332 E333 E334 E335 E336 E337 E338 E760 E339 E340 E341 E342 E344 E345 E346 E347 E348 E349 E350 E351 E352 E353 Noblesville Sch Dist North Adams Cmty Sch Dist North Daviess Cmty Sch Dist Northeastern Wayne Sch Dist Northern Cmty Sch Dist-Tipton Northern Indiana ESC Northern Wells Cmty Sch Dist North Gibson Sch Dist North Harrison Cmty Sch Dist North Judson-San Pierre SD North Knox Primary North Knox Sch Dist North Lawrence Cmty Sch Dist North Miami Cmty Sch Dist North Montgomery Cmty Sch Dist North Newton Sch Dist North Putnam Cmty Sch Dist North Spencer CO Sch Dist North Vermillion Cmty Sch Dist North White Sch Dist Northwestern Cons Sch Dist Northwestern Sch Dist Northwest Indiana ESC NW Indiana Special Ed Coop Oak Hill United Sch Dist Oregon Davis Sch Dist Orleans Cmty Sch Dist Paoli Cmty Sch Dist Penn Harris Madison Sch Dist Perry Ctrl Cmty Sch Dist Perry Twp Sch Dist Peru Cmty Sch Dist Pike CO Sch Dist Pioneer Regl Sch Dist Plainfield Cmty Sch Dist Plymouth Cmty Sch Dist Plymouth Comm Sch Corp Portage Twp Schools Porter County Education Service Porter Twp Sch Dist Prairie Heights Cmty Sch Dist Randolph Ctrl Sch Dist Randolph Eastern Sch Dist Randolph Southern Sch Dist Region 8 ESC Rensselaer Ctrl Sch Dist Richland-Bean Blossom Sch Dist Richmond Comm Schools Rising Sun-Ohio CO Cmty SD River Forest Cmty Sch Dist Rochester Cmty Sch Dist Rockville Cmty Sch Dist Rossville Cons Sch Dist Rural Comm Schoosl Inc Rush CO Schools Rushville Elem Sch SE Dubois CO Sch Dist SE Fountain Sch Dist SW Dubois CO Sch Dist SW Parke Cmty Sch Dist SW Sch Dist Salem Cmty Sch Dist Sch City of E Chicago Sch City of Hobart Sch City of Mishawaka Sch Town of Highland Sch Town of Munster Sch Town of Speedway SD Scott CO Sch Dist 1 Scott CO Sch Dist 2 Seymour Cmty Sch Dist Shakamak Metro Sch Dist Shelby Eastern Sch Dist Shelbyville Ctrl Sch Dist Shenandoah Sch Dist Shoals Cmty Sch Dist Smith-Green Cmty Sch Dist South Adams Sch Dist South Bend Cmty Sch Dist South Ctrl Area Spec Ed Co South Ctrl Area Voc Sch Dst South Ctrl Cmty Sch Dist South Dearborn Cmty Sch Dist South Gibson Sch Dist South Harrison Cmty Sch Dist South Henry Sch Dist South Knox Sch Dist South Madison Cmty Sch Dist South Montgomery Cmty Sch Dist South Newton Sch Dist South Putnam Cmty Sch Dist South Ripley Cmty Sch Dist South Spencer CO Sch Dist South Vermillion Cmty Sch Dist Indiana (cont’d) E357 E343 E416 E358 E363 E364 E365 E366 E759 E368 E789 E369 E370 E371 E755 E372 E373 E374 E375 E376 E377 E769 E378 E379 E380 E383 E381 E382 E384 E434 E385 E386 E389 E387 E388 E785 E391 E392 E393 E394 E395 E397 E754 E396 E398 E399 E400 E401 E402 E403 E404 E405 E406 E407 E408 E409 E777 E762 E413 Southeastern Sch Corp Southern Hancock Sch Corp Southern In Educational Ctr Southern Wells Comm Sch Southwestern Cons Sch Dist Southwestern-Jefferson CO CSD Spencer-Owen Cmty Sch Dist Springs Vly Cmty Sch Dist Steuben County Literacy Coalition Sunman Dearborn Cmty Sch Dist Switzerland County School Corp Switzerland CO Sch Dist Taylor Cmty Sch Dist Tell City-Troy Twp Sch Corp Timothy L Johnson Acad Tippecanoe Sch Dist Tippecanoe Vly Sch Dist Tipton Cmty Sch Dist Tri-CO Sch Dist Tri-Creek Sch Dist Triton Sch Dist Tri-Township Consolidated Sch Turkey Run Cmty Sch Dist Twin Lakes Sch Dist Union CO-College Corner Jt SD Union N United Sch Corp Union Sch Dist Union Twp Sch Dist Valparaiso Cmty Sch Dist Veritas Acad Vigo CO Sch Dist Vincennes Cmty Sch Dist WA-Nee Cmty Sch Dist Wabash City Schools Wabash County Metropolitan Sch D Wabash Valley Education Center Warren Twp Sch Dist Warrick CO Sch Dist Warsaw Cmty Schools Washington Cmty Sch Dist Wawasee Cmty Sch Dist West Clark Cmty Sch Dist West Ctrl Indiana ESC West Ctrl Sch Dist West Lafayette Cmty Sch Dist West Noble Sch Dist West Washington Sch Dist Western Boone CO Cmty Sch Dist Western Sch Dist Western Wayne Sch Dist Westfield Washington Sch Dist Westview Sch Dist White River Vly Sch Dist Whiting Sch City Dist Whitko Cmty Sch Dist Whitley CO Cons Sch Dist Yorktown Community Schools Xavier Sch of Excellence Zionsville Comm Schools IOWA D027 Cedar Falls Comm Schools KANSAS E435Abilene E436Altoona-Midway E437Andover E438Anthony-Harper E439Argonia E440 Arkansas City E441Ashland E442Atchison E443 Atchison CO Comm E444Attica E445Atwood E446Auburn-Washburn E447Augusta E448Axtell E449B&B E807 BCK-SEC Interlocal 615 E450 Baldwin City E451 Barber County E452Barnes E453Basehor-Linwood E454 Baxter Springs E455Bazine E456 Belle Plaine E803 Belle Plaine USD 619 E457Beloit E458 Blue Vly E459 Blue Vly E460Bluestem E461 Bonner Springs E462Brewster E463Bucklin E464Buhler Recipient Codes \ 33 Recipient Codes E118 E119 E120 E121 E122 E123 E124 E125 E126 E127 E128 E756 E129 E130 E131 E132 E133 E134 E135 E136 E137 E774 E138 E139 E140 E141 E768 E142 E145 E146 E147 E410 E148 E149 E150 E151 E152 E426 E153 E154 E155 E156 E157 E158 E143 E144 E159 E160 E161 E419 E162 E163 E164 E165 E779 E166 E167 E168 E170 E171 E427 E412 E172 E173 E174 E175 E176 E177 E178 E179 E180 E181 E423 E182 E183 E184 E185 E186 E187 E188 E765 E189 E190 E191 E192 E193 E194 E195 E763 E196 E197 E775 E764 E421 RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes Kansas (cont’d) E465Burlingame E466Burlington E467Burrton E468Caldwell E469 Caney Vly E470Canton-Galva E471 Cedar Vale E474Centre E475Chanute E476Chapman E477 Chase County E478Chase-Raymond E479 Chautauqua County E480Cheney E481Cherokee E482Cherryvale E483Chetopa E484Cheylin-Bird E485Cimmarron-Ensign E811 Cimmarron-Ensign USD 102 E486Circle E487Claflin E488 Clay Ctr E489Clearwater E490Clifton-Clyde E491Coffeyville E492Colby E493Columbus E494 Comanche County E495Concordia E496 Conway Springs E497Copeland R001 Council Grove E498Crest E472Ctrl E473 Ctrl Heights E499Cunningham E500 De Soto E501Deerfield E502Derby E503Dexter E504Dighton E505 Dodge City E506Douglass E507Durham-Hillsboro-Lehigh E508 Eastern Heights E509Easton E510 El Dorado E511 Elk Vly E512Elkhart E515Ell-Saline E513Ellinwood E514 Ellis Sch Dist (USD 388) E516Ellsworth E517Elwood E518Emporia E519 Erie-St Paul E520Eudora E521Eureka E522Fairfield E523Flinthills E524Fowler E525Fredonia E526Frontenac E527 Ft Larned E528 Ft Leavenworth E529 Ft Scott E530Galena E531 Garden City USD 457 E532 Gardner Edgerton E533Garnett E534 Geary County E535Girard E536Goddard E537Goessel E538 Golden Plains E539Goodland E541 Great Bend E542Greeley E543Greensburg E544Grinnell E545Halstead E546Hamilton E547Hanston E548Haven E549Haviland E550Hays E551Haysville E552Healy E553Herington E554Herndon E555Hesston E556Hiawatha E742 High Plains Educational Coop 61 34 \ Recipient Codes Kansas (cont’d) E557Highland R002 Hill City E558Hillcrest D185 Hinsdale Ccsd 181 E559Hoisington E560Holcomb E561Holton E562Hoxie E563Hugoton E564Humboldt E565Hutchinson E566Independence E567Ingalls E568Inman E569Iola E570Jayhawk E571 Jefferson County North E572 Jefferson West E573Jetmore E574Jewell E575 Kansas City E801 Kansas Sch for the Deaf E576 Kaw Vallley E800 Kickapoo Nation Sch Dist E577Kingman-Norwich E578Kinsley-Offerle E579Kismet-Plains E580 Labette County E581Lacrosse E582Lakin E583Lansing E584Lawrence E585Leavenworth E586Lebo-Waverly E587Leoti E588Leroy-Gridley E589Lewis E590Liberal E591Lincoln E592 Little River E593Logan E594Lorraine E595Louisburg E596Lyndon E597 Lyons Sch Dist-USD 405 E598Macksville E599Madison-Virgil E600Maize E601Manhattan E602Mankato E603 Marais Des Cygnes E604Marion E605 Marmaton Vly E606Marysville E607McLouth E743 McLouth USD 342 E608McPherson E609Meade E610Midway E611 Mill Creek Vly E612Minneola E613Montezuma E615Moscow E616Moundridge E617Mullinville E618Mulvane E630NE E619 Nemaha Vly E620Neodesha E621 Nes Tre LA Go E622 Ness City E623Newton E624Nickerson E626 North Ctrl E627 North Jackson E628 North Lyon County E629 North Ottawa County E631 Northern Vly E632Norton E633Oakley E634Oberlin E635Olathe E636Onaga E637 Osage City E638Osawatomie E639 Osborne County E640Oskaloosa E641Oswego E642Otis-Bison E643Ottawa E644Oxford E645Palco E646Paola R003Paradise Kansas (cont’d) E647Parsons E648 Pawnee Heights E649Peabody-Burns E650Perry E651Phillipsburg E652 Pike Vly E653 Piper-KS City E654Pittsburg E655Plainville E656Pleasanton E657 Prairie Heights E658 Prairie View E659Pratt E660 Pretty Prairie E661Quinter E662Remington-Whitewater E663Renwick E664 Republic County E665 Riley County E666Riverton E667 Rock Creek E668Rolla E669 Rose Hill E670 Royal Vly E671 Rural Vista E672Russell E692 SE of Saline E673Sabetha E674Salina E675 Santa Fe Trail E676Satanta E677 Scott County E678Seaman E679Sedgwick E680 Shawnee Heights E681 Shawnee Mission E682 Silver Lake E683Skyline E684 Smith Ctr E685 Smoky Hill E686 Smoky Vly E687Solomon E688 South Barber E689 South Brown County E690 South Haven E694 South Lyon County E693 Southern Cloud E695Spearville E696 Spring Hill E698 St Francis E697 St John-Hudson E699Stafford E700 Stanton County E701Sterling E702Stockton E703Sublette E704 Sylvan Grove E705 Syracuse Sch Dist E706Tonganoxie E707Topeka E708Triplains E709 Troy Schools E710 Turner-KS City E711 Twin Vly E808 USD 214 E744 USD 310 E812 USD 377 E806 USD 428 E750 USD 433 E809 USD 440 E802 USD 462 E749 USD 492 E804 USD 504-Neosho Heights E810 USD 506 E712Udall E713Ulysses E748 Unified Sch Dist 218 E716Uniontown E720Vermillion E721Victoria E717 Vly Ctr E718 Vly Falls E719 Vly Heights E731 W Elk E732 W Franklin E734 W Smith County E735 W Solomon Vly E722 Wabaunsee East E723Waconda R004Wakeeney E724 Wallace County E725Wamego E726Washington E727Wathena Kansas (cont’d) E728Wellington E729Wellsville E730Weskan E736Wheatland E737 White Rock E738Wichita E739Winfield E740Woodson LOUISIANA E975 F058 F055 E976 E977 E978 E979 F050 E980 F059 E981 E982 E983 F060 E984 E985 E986 E987 E988 F053 F057 E989 E990 E991 E992 E993 E994 E995 F063 E996 E997 E998 E999 F001 F002 F004 F005 F048 F006 F007 F008 F009 F010 F011 F064 F054 F012 F013 F061 F014 F015 F019 F020 F021 F022 F056 F023 F024 F025 F062 F067 F026 F027 F028 F029 F030 F031 F032 F033 F034 F035 F036 F037 F065 F038 F068 F047 F039 F040 F041 F042 F043 F044 F045 Acadia Parish Sch Dist Algiers Charter Schools Assoc Algiers Technology Acad Allen Parish Sch Dist Ascension Parish Sch Dist Assumption Parish Sch Dist Avoyelles Parish Sch Dist Avoyelles Public Charter Sch Beauregard Parish Sch Dist Belle Chasse Academy, Inc Bienville Parish Sch Dist Bogalusa City Sch Dist Bossier Parish Sch Dist Broadmoor Charter Sch Board Caddo Parish Sch Dist Calcasieu Parish Sch Dist Caldwell Parish Sch Dist Cameron Parish Sch Dist Catahoula Parish Sch Dist Central Community Sch System City of Baker Sch System Claiborne Parish Sch Dist Concordia Parish Sch Dist Desoto Parish Sch Dist East Baton Rouge Parish East Carroll Parish Sch Dist East Feliciana Parish Sch Dist Evangeline Parish Sch Dist Fort Necessity Junior High Franklin Parish Sch Dist Grant Parish Sch Dist Iberia Parish Sch Dist Iberville Parish Sch Dist Jackson Parish Sch Dist Jefferson Davis Parish Sch Dist Jefferson Parish Sch Dist Jefferson Parish Westbank SD LA Dept of Education Special SD Lafayette Parish Sch Dist Lafourche Parish Sch Dist Lasalle Parish Sch Dist Lincoln Parish Sch Dist Livingston Parish Sch Dist Madison Parish Sch Dist Madison-Tallulah Education Center Miller McCoy Acad for Mathe Monroe City Sch Dist Morehouse Parish Sch Dist Morris Jeff Community Sch Natchitoches Parish Sch Dist New Orleans Parish Sch Dist Ouachita Parish Sch Board Plaquemines Parish Sch Dist Pointe Coupee Parish Sch Dist Rapides Parish Sch Dist Recovery Sch Dist Red River Parish Sch Dist Richland Parish Sch Dist Sabine Parish Sch Dist South Central Louisiana Tech Southeastern Louisiana University St Bernard Parish Sch Dist St Charles Parish Sch Dist St Helena Parish Sch Dist St James Parish Sch Dist St John Parish Sch Dist St Landry Parish Sch Dist St Martin Parish Sch Dist St Mary Parish Sch Dist St Tammany Parish Sch Dist Tangipahoa Parish Sch Dist Tensas Parish Sch Dist Terrebonne Parish Sch Dist The Max Charter School Union Parish Schools University of New Orleans Vb Glencoe Charter Sch Vermilion Parish Sch Dist Vernon Parish Sch Dist Washington Parish Sch Dist Webster Parish Sch Dist West Baton Rouge Parish S D West Carroll Parish Sch Dist West Feliciana Parish Sch Dist 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Louisiana (cont’d) F046 Winn Parish Sch Dist F051 Zachary Comm Schools MAINE AOS 91 - MDI Regional Schools Acton Sch Department Arthur R Gould Sch Arundel Sch Dept Augusta Public Schools Bangor Sch Dist Bath Sch Dist Biddeford Schools Bucksport Sch Department Calais Elem Sch Caribou Sch Department Cons Sch Dist 3 CSD 13 Ctr Aroostook Council On Educ Ctrl Aroostook Assoc For Retardation Deer Isle Stonington Comm SD Ellsworth Sch Dist Flanders Bay CSD 4 Glenburn Sch Dept Gorham Sch Dist Governor Baxter Sch For Deaf Hermon Sch Department Indian Township Sch Jay Sch Dept Lee Acad Lewiston Sch Department Limestone Sch Dept MSAD 1 MSAD 3 MSAD 4 MSAD 5 MSAD 6 MSAD 9 MSAD 12 MSAD 12 MSAD 13 MSAD 14/CSD 12/Union 108 MSAD 15 MSAD 17-Oxford Hills SD MSAD 19 MSAD 24 MSAD 25 MSAD 27 MSAD 29 MSAD 34 MSAD 35 MSAD 36 MSAD 37 MSAD 39 MSAD 40 MSAD 41 MSAD 46 MSAD 47 MSAD 48 MSAD 49 MSAD 52 MSAD 54 MSAD 55 MSAD 56 MSAD 57 MSAD 58 MSAD 59 MSAD 60 MSAD 61 MSAD 64 MSAD 67 MSAD 68 MSAD 71 MSAD 72 MSAD 74 MSAD 75 Madawaska Sch Dept Maine Sch Union 113 Mechanic Falls-Poland Adult Ed Monmouth Sch Dist Old Orchard Beach Sch Dist Old Town Sch Dept Portland Public Schools Rangeley Lakes Regl Sch Richmond Sch Dept Rockwood Elem (Doe-Eut) RSU 54 Adult Education SAD 21 SAD 43 SAD 44/Maine SAD 53 SAD 77 Sch Union 102 Sch Union 103/Moosabec CSD Sch Union 132 F850 F786 F842 F856 F824 F869 F778 F834 F770 F863 F822 F873 F862 F871 F807 F883 F880 F792 F808 F832 F838 F847 F866 Sch Union 133 Sch Union 29 Sch Union 42 Sch Union 44 Sch Union 52 Sch Union 69 Sch Union 74 Sch Union 98 Sch Union Sch Dist 104 South Penobscot Regl Program South Portland Public Schools Spurwink Sch (Cummings) Sweetser Sch Dist Union 90 Union 91 Orland/Orrington University of Maine-Farmington University of Maine-Presque Isle Waterville Public Schools Wells-Ogunquit Adult Comm Educ Windham Sch Dept Winthrop Public Schools Wiscasset Sch Dept York Sch Department MARYLAND F453 Allegany CO Sch Dist F454 Anne Arundel CO Sch Dist F495 Arrow Center For Education F465 Baltimore CO Public Sch Dist F455 Baltimore City Public Sch Dist F460 Baltimore City-Northern Area 1 F469 Baltimore County Schools-SE Area F513 Baltimore Sch Dist 105 F498 Baltimore Teachers Union Pdc F509 Bear Creek Elementary F471 Calvert CO Public Sch Dist F472 Caroline CO Sch Dist F500 Caroline County F473 Carroll CO Public Sch Dist F474 Cecil CO Sch Dist F475 Charles CO Public Schools F492Consortium Q060 Delta T Group-Columbia F476 Dorchester CO Sch Dist F499 Foundation Schools F511 Frederick Community Coll F477 Frederick County Public Sch F478 Garrett CO Sch Dist F512 Hagerstown Community Coll-Academic Testing Center F504 Harbour Sch, The F502 Harford Community Coll F479 Harford CO Public Schools F515 Howard County BOE-HR F480 Howard CO Pub Sch Dist F507 Kennedy Krieger Sch F481 Kent CO Public Schools F518 Kent County Public Schools 2 F517 Knowledge & Success Academy F494Mansef F497 Maryland Sch For Blind F482 Montgomery CO Public Schools F491Msde F483 Prince George’s County Public SC F508 Prince George’s County-Seabrook F493Pssam F484 Queen Annes CO Sch Dist F506 Regeneration Project F503 Ridge Sch F501 Salem Sch - Nonpublic F485 Somerset CO Sch Dist F486 St Mary’s CO Public Schools F487 Talbot CO Sch Dist F505 Timber Grove Elementary Sch F514 University of Maryland Counseling Center Testing Office F488 Washington CO Sch Dist F489 Wicomico CO Sch Dist F490 Worcester CO Public Sch Dist MASSACHUSETTS F428 F072 F430 F429 Q056 F073 F074 F075 F076 F077 F078 F079 F080 F081 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Abby Kelley Foster Regl Ch Abington Public Sch Dist Academy of Pacific Rim Cha Academy of Strategic Learning ACCEPT Education Collaborative Acton Boxborough Regl Sch Di Acton Public Sch Dist Acushnet Sch Dist Adams Cheshire Reg Sch Dist Agawam Sch Dist Amesbury Sch Dist Amherst Pelham Reg HS Distr Amherst Sch Dist Andover Sch Dist Massachusetts (cont’d) F082 F083 F084 F085 F086 F431 F087 F088 F089 F090 F432 F091 F092 F093 F094 F095 F433 F434 F096 Q044 F097 F098 F099 F100 F101 F102 F103 F104 Q050 F435 F115 F436 Q057 F116 F117 F118 F119 F120 F121 F122 F123 Q035 F124 F125 F126 F127 F128 F129 F130 F131 Q029 F437 F132 F133 F134 F438 Q033 F136 F137 F138 F139 F140 F439 F141 F142 Q039 F440 F143 F441 F144 F145 F442 F146 Q046 F135 F147 F148 F149 F150 F151 F152 F153 F154 F155 F156 F157 F158 F159 F160 F161 F162 F163 F164 Q053 Arlington Sch Dist Ashburnham Westminster Reg Ashland Sch Dist Assabet Vly Reg Voc SD Athol Royalston Regl SD Atlantis Charter Attleboro Public Schools Auburn Pub Sch Dist Avon Sch Dist Ayer Public Schools Barnstable HMCS Barnstable Public Sch Distr Bedford Sch Dist Belchertown Sch Dist Bellingham Sch Dist Belmont Public Sch Dist Benjamin Banneker Charter Benjamin Franklin Classical Ch Berkley Sch Dist Berkshire Arts & Tech Public Cs Berkshire Hills Reg Sch Dist Berlin Boylston Reg Hsd Berlin Sch Dist Beverly Public Sch Dist Billerica Sch Dist Blackstone Millville Reg SD Blackstone Vly Voc Sch D Blue Hills Reg Voc Sch D Boston Collegiate Charter Boston Evening Academy HMCS Boston Public Schs-Cluster Boston Renaissance Charter Boston SD-Manassah E Bradley Sch Bourne Public Sch Dist Boxborough Sch Dist Boxford Sch Dist Boylston Sch Dist Braintree Sch Dist Brewster Sch Dist Bridgewater-Raynham Reg SD Brimfield Sch Dist Bristol Comm Coll Bristol CO Agricultural Hsd Bristol Plymouth Voc Sch Di Brockton Public Schools Brookfield Sch Dist Brookline Public Sch Dis Burlington Sch Dist Cambridge Public Schools Canton Sch Dist Cape Cod Collaborative Sch Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter Cape Cod Region Voc Tech Di Carlisle Sch Dist Carver Sch Dist Champion HMCS Charms Collaborative Chatham Sch Dist Chelmsford Sch Dist Chelsea Sch Dist Chesterfield Goshen Reg SD Chicopee Public Sch Dist City On A Hill Charter Clarksburg Sch Dist Clinton Sch Dist Coastal Educational Collaborative Codman Academy Charter Cohasset Public Schools Community Day Charter Concord Carlisle Regl S Concord Public Sch Distr Conservatory Lab Charter Conway Sch Dist Ctr For Sch Crisis Intervention Ctrl Berkshire Regional Danvers Sch Dist Dartmouth Sch Dist Dedham Sch Dist Deerfield Sch Dist Dennis-Yarmouth Regl SD Dighton Rehoboth Regl S Douglas Sch Dist Dover Sch Dist Dover Sherborn Reg Sch Dist Dracut Sch Dist Dudley Charlton Reg Sch Dis Duxbury Public Sch Distr East Bridgewater Public SD East Longmeadow Public Sch Eastham Sch Dist Easthampton Sch Dist Easton Public Sch Distri Edgartown Sch Dist Education Cooperative, The Massachusetts (cont’d) F443 Edward Brooke Charter Q061 Erving Elementary Sch F165 Erving Sch Dist F166 Essex CO Agricultural Sch D F168 Everett Public Sch Distr F169 Fairhaven Town Sch Dist F170 Fall River Sch Dist F171 Falmouth Public Sch Dist F172 Farmington River Regl S F173 Fitchburg Sch Dist Q036 Fllac Educational Collaborative F174 Florida Sch Dist F175 Foxborough Public Schools Q054 Foxborough Regional Charter Sch F444 Framingham Comm Charter F176 Framingham Sch Dist F445 Francis W Parker Charter F177 Franklin CO Tech Sch Dist F178 Franklin Public Schools F446 Frederick Douglass Charter F179 Freetown Elem Sch Dist F180 Freetown Lakeville Reg SD F181 Frontier Regular Sch Dist F182 Gardner Public Sch Dist F183 Gateway Regl Sch Dist F184 Georgetown Sch Dist F185 Gill Montague Regl Schools Q055 Global Learning Charter Public F186 Gloucester Public Sch Dist Q023Gosnold F187 Grafton Public Sch Dist F188 Granby Public Schools F189 Granville Public Sch Dis F190 Greater Fall River Voc SD Q040 Greater Lawrence ESC F191 Greater Lawrence Voc Sch Dist F192 Greater Lowell Reg Voc Tech F193 Greater New Bedford Reg Voc F194 Greenfield Public Sch Dist F195 Groton Dunstable Reg Sch Dist F196 Hadley Sch Dist F197 Halifax Sch Dist F198 Hamilton Wenham Reg Sch Dist F199 Hampden Wilbraham Reg SD F200 Hampshire Regl Sch Dist F201 Hancock Sch Dist F202 Hanover Sch Dist F203 Harvard Public Sch Dist F204 Harwich Public Sch Dist F205 Hatfield Sch Dist F206 Haverhill Public Schools F207 Hawlemont Regl Sch Dist F447 Health Careers Academy HMCS Q051 Hillcrest Educational Centers F448 Hilltown Coop Charter F208 Hingham Public Sch Dist F209 Holbrook Sch Dist F210 Holland Sch Dist F211 Holliston Sch Dist F212 Holyoke City Sch Dist F213 Hopedale Public Sch Dist F214 Hopkinton Public Sch Dis F215 Hudson Sch Dist F216 Hull Public Sch Dist F217 Ipswich Public Sch Distr Q058 Kane Elementary Sch F218 King Philip Reg Sch Dist F219 Kingston Sch Dist F220 Lakeville Elem Sch Dist F221 Lanesborough Sch Dist F449 Lawrence Family Development Ch F222 Lawrence Sch Dist F223 Lee Sch Dist F224 Leicester Sch Dist F225 Lenox Public Schools F226 Leominster Sch Dist F227 Leverett Sch Dist F228 Lexington Sch Dist F229 Lincoln Public Sch Dist F230 Lincoln Sudbury Reg Sch Dist F231 Littleton Public Sch Dist F232 Longmeadow Sch Dist F450 Lowell Comm Charter F451 Lowell Middlesex Academy Chart F233 Lowell Public Sch Dist Q028 Lower Pioneer Vly Ed Collaborative F234 Ludlow Sch Dist F235 Lunenburg Sch Dist F236 Lynn Public Sch Dist F237 Lynnfield Sch Dist F238 Malden City Sch Dist Q022 Manchester Essex Regional F240 Mansfield Sch Dist F452 Marblehead Comm Charter Recipient Codes \ 35 Recipient Codes F877 F837 F775 F835 F867 F829 F812 F788 F817 F809 F773 F798 F879 F771 F780 F859 F810 F843 F854 F794 F815 F858 F802 F845 F852 F818 F816 F789 F833 F878 F846 F827 F825 F853 F872 F782 F795 F805 F876 F857 F790 F836 F787 F823 F851 F772 F803 F797 F864 F828 F774 F841 F861 F781 F839 F785 F811 F777 F830 F791 F884 F819 F804 F860 F868 F801 F855 F776 F793 F848 F813 F826 F814 F875 F870 F865 F820 F784 F799 F840 F874 F882 F800 F844 F806 F779 F796 F831 F783 F849 Maine (cont’d) RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes Massachusetts (cont’d) F241 F242 F243 F244 Q001 F245 F246 F247 F248 F249 F250 F251 Q002 F252 F253 F254 F255 F256 Q037 F257 F258 F259 F260 F261 F262 F263 F264 F265 F266 Q003 Q004 F292 F267 F268 F269 F270 F271 F272 F273 F274 Q005 Q006 F275 Q007 F276 F277 F278 F279 F280 F281 F282 F283 F284 Q008 F285 F286 Q032 F287 F288 F289 F290 F291 F293 F294 F295 F296 F297 F298 F299 Q038 F300 F301 F302 F303 F304 F305 F306 F307 F308 F309 Q059 Q009 F310 F311 F312 F313 F314 Q042 Q048 F315 Q025 F316 F317 F318 Marblehead Public Sch Dist Marion Sch Dist Marlborough Public Sch Dist Marshfield Sch Dist Martha's Vineyard Charter Marthas Vineyard Reg HS Masconomet Regl Sch Dist Mashpee Sch Dist Mattapoisett Sch Dist Maynard Public Sch Dist Medfield Sch Dist Medford Sch Dist Media and Technology Charter Medway Sch Dist Melrose Public Sch Dist Mendon Upton Reg Sch Dist Methuen Sch Dist Middleborough Public Sch Dist Middlesex Sch Dist Middleton Sch Dist Milford Sch Dist Millbury Sch Dist Millis Sch Dist Milton Public Schools Minuteman Reg Voc Tech SD Mohawk Trail Regl Sch Dist Monson Public Schools Montachusett Regl Voc Tech Mt Greylock Reg Sch Dist Murdoch Mid Public Charter Mystic Vly Regl Charter NE Metro Region Voc Nahant Sch Dist Nantucket Sch Dist Narragansett Reg Sch Dist Nashoba Regl Sch Dist Nashoba Vly Tech Sch Dist Natick Public Sch Dist Nauset Regl Sch Dist Needham Sch Dist Neighborhood House Charter New Bedford Global HMCS New Bedford Public Sch Dist New Leadership HMCS New Salem-Wendell Sch Dist Newburyport Sch Dist Newton Public Sch Dist Norfolk CO Agricultural SD Norfolk Sch Dist North Adams Public Sch Dist North Andover Sch Dist North Attleboro Public SD North Brookfield Sch Dist North Ctrl Charter Essentia North Middlesex Regl SD North Reading Public Sch Dist North River Collaborative North Shore Reg Voc Sch Dis Northampton Sch Dist Northboro Southboro Reg SD Northborough Sch Dist Northbridge Sch Dist Northern Berkshire Voc Reg Norton Sch Dist Norwell Sch Dist Norwood Public Sch Distr Oak Bluffs Sch Dist Old Colony Reg Voc High SD Old Rochester Reg Sch Distr Orange Elem Orange Elem Sch Dist Orleans Sch Dist Oxford Sch Dist Palmer Public Sch Distri Pathfinder Reg Voc Tech SD Peabody Public Sch Distr Pelham Sch Dist Pembroke Sch Dist Pentucket Regl Sch D Petersham Center Sch Distri Pine Hill Elementary Sch Pioneer Vly Performing Arts Pioneer Vly Reg Sch D Pittsfield Public Sch Distr Plainville Public Schools Plymouth Public Schools Plympton Sch Dist Project Spoke Ed Collab Prospect Hill Academy Charter Provincetown Pub Sch Distri Provincetown Sch Dist Quabbin Regl Sch Dis Quaboag Reg Sch Dist Quincy Public Sch Distri 36 \ Recipient Codes Massachusetts (cont’d) Q031 F319 F320 F321 F322 F323 Q010 Q011 Q012 F324 F325 F326 F327 Q013 F328 Q017 Q014 Q015 F329 F330 F331 F332 F333 F334 Q043 Q052 Q016 F335 F336 F337 F338 Q047 F339 F340 F341 F342 F343 Q018 F344 Q041 F345 F346 Q019 Q027 F347 F348 F349 F350 Q045 F351 F352 Q030 F353 F354 F355 F356 F357 F358 Q020 F359 F360 F378 F379 F380 F381 F382 F383 F384 F385 Q049 F386 F387 F388 F389 F390 Q021 F391 F392 F393 F394 F395 F396 F397 F398 F399 F400 F401 F402 F403 F404 F405 F406 F407 F408 READS Collaborative Ralph C Mahar Regular Sch D Randolph Public Sch Dist Reading Public Sch Distr Revere Public Schools Richmond Sch Dist Rising Tide Charter River Vly Charter Robert M Hughes Academy Chart Rochester Sch Dist Rockland Sch Dist Rockport Sch Dist Rowe Sch Dist Roxbury Prep Charter S Worcester CO Voc Tech Dis SO Boston Harbor Academy Chart Sabis Foxboro Regl Charter Sabis Intl Charter Salem Public Sch Dist Sandwich Sch Dist Saugus Sch Dist Savoy Sch Dist Scituate Public Sch Dist Seekonk Sch Dist Seem Collaborative Seven Hills Academy Seven Hills Charter Sharon Sch Dist Shawsheen Vly Reg Voc Tech Sherborn Sch Dist Shirley Sch Dist Shore Educational Collaborative Shrewsbury Sch Dist Shutesbury Sch Dist Silver Lake Reg HS Di Smith Voc Agricultural SD Somerset Public Schools Somerville Charter Somerville Sch Dist South Coast Educational Collaborati South Hadley Sch Dist South Middlesex Voc Tech Di South Shore Charter Public Sch South Shore Educational Collab South Shore Regl Voc SD Southampton Sch Dist Southborough Sch Dist Southbridge Sch Dist Southeastern MA Ed Collaborative Southeastern Reg Voc Tech D Southern Berkshire Regional Southern Worcester Cty Educ Southwick Tolland Regional Spencer E Brookfield Reg Springfield Public Sch Dist Stoneham Sch Dist Stoughton Sch Dist Sturbridge Sch Dist Sturgis Charter Sudbury Public Sch Distr Sunderland Sch Dist Sutton Sch Dist Swampscott Public Sch Di Swansea Sch Dist Tantasqua Reg Sch Distri Taunton Sch Dist Tewksbury Public Sch Dis Tisbury Sch Dist Topsfield Sch Dist Tri County Schools Tri-CO Reg Voc Tech Sch Dis Triton Regl Sch Dist Truro Public Sch Dist Tyngsborough Sch Dist Up Islands Reg Sch Distr Uphams Corner Charter Upper Cape Cod Voc Tech Dis Uxbridge Sch Dist Wachusett Regl Sch Dist Wakefield Public Sch Dis Wales Sch Dist Walpole Public Sch Distr Waltham Sch Dist Ware Sch Dist Wareham Sch Dist Watertown Public Sch Dis Wayland Public Sch Distr Webster Sch Dist Wellesley Public Sch Dis Wellfleet Sch Dist West Boylston Sch Distri West Bridgewater Sch Dis West Springfield Sch Dis Westborough Sch Dist Massachusetts (cont’d) F409 F410 F411 F412 F413 F414 F415 F416 F417 F418 F419 F420 F421 F422 F423 F424 F425 F426 F427 MICHIGAN H671 G417 G363 G419 G373 G457 G449 G381 G389 G468 G361 G403 G442 G422 G360 G404 G416 G459 G406 G420 G364 G446 G409 G366 G367 G465 G434 G376 G433 G368 G444 G369 G365 G351 G443 G454 G428 G412 G370 G467 G413 G431 G466 G371 G440 G464 G452 G460 G374 G408 G448 G375 G432 G352 G377 G378 G379 G450 G380 G353 G354 G439 G429 G410 G456 G463 G382 G355 G405 G455 G383 G356 G384 Michigan (cont’d) Westfield Sch Dist Westford Public Sch Dist Westhampton Sch Dist Weston Public Schools Westport Comm Sch D Westwood Public Sch Dist Weymouth Public Schools Whately Sch Dist Whitman Hanson Reg Sch Dist Whittier Regl Voc Sch D Williamsburg Sch Dist Williamstown Public Sch Dis Wilmington Public Schools Winchendon Public Schools Winchester Sch Dist Winthrop Public Schools Woburn Sch Dist Worcester Public Sch Dis Wrentham Sch Dist Aisha Shule Prep Academy Alcona Comm Schools Allegan County ISD Allen Park Public Schools Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Esd Anchor Bay Sch Dist Arenac Eastern Sch Dist Barry ISD Bay-Arenac ISD Beaver Island Sch Dist Berrien ISD Branch ISD Brandon Sch Dist Burt Twp Sch Dist 2 COOR ISD Calhoun ISD Carney-Nadeau Sch Dist Center Line Public Schools Charlevoix-Emmet ISD Charyl Stockwell Acad Cheb-Otsego-Presque Isle Esd Chesaning Union Schools Clare Public Schools Clare-Gladwin Resd Clinton County Resa Cole Academy Concord Comm Schools Copper Country ISD Countryside Charter Sch Delta-Schoolcraft ISD Dewitt Public Schools Dickinson-Iron ISD Eastern Upper Peninsula ISD Eaton ISD Eaton Rapids Public Schools Elk Rapids Public Schools Ferndale Public Schools Forest Area Comm Schools Genesee ISD Gladstone Area Schools Godfrey-Lee Public Schools Godwin Heights Public Schools Gogebic-Ontonagon Head Start Gogebic-Ontonagon ISD Grand Rapids Public Schools Grand River Prep HS Grandville Public Schools Grant Township Schools Gratiot-Isabella Resd Gull Lake Comm Schools Hemlock Public Sch Dist Hillsdale ISD Hope Acad Huron ISD Ingham ISD Ionia ISD Iosco Resa Ishpeming Sch Dist Jackson ISD Kalamazoo RESA Kent ISD Kentwood Public Schools Lake Linden-Hubbell Sch Lakeview Sch Dist L’anse Creuse Public Schools Lansing Sch Dist Lapeer ISD Lenawee ISD Lewis Cass ISD Lincoln Park Public Schools Livingston Esa Macomb ISD Manistee ISD G385 G357 G386 G387 G445 G388 G390 G391 G392 G458 G407 G430 G393 G424 G358 G461 G394 G411 G359 G438 G453 G437 G469 G415 G418 G435 G462 G395 G398 G399 G423 G447 G396 G397 G426 G471 G421 G372 G400 G427 G425 G401 G451 G350 G441 G414 G362 G402 G436 Marquette-Alger Resa Mason-Lake ISD Mecosta-Osceola ISD Menominee ISD Merrill Comm Schools Midland County Esa Monroe ISD Montcalm Area ISD Muskegon Area ISD Muskegon Public Schools National Heritage Academies New Buffalo Area Schools Newaygo County Resa North Ctrl Area Schools Oakland Schools Oakland Schools Oceana Intermediate Sch Dist Onsted Comm Schools Ottawa Area ISD Pansophia Acad Pinconning Area Schools Plainwell Comm Schools Plymouth Educational Center Reeths-Puffer/Muskegon Area ISD Rochester Comm Schools Rudyard Area Schools Saginaw County Transitions Acad Saginaw ISD Sanilac ISD Shiawassee Regl Esd South Lake Schools St Clair County Resa St Clair ISD St Joseph County ISD Star Intl Acad Suttons Bay Public Schools Three Rivers Comm Schools Traverse Bay Area ISD Tuscola ISD Universal Acad Universal Learning Acad Van Buren ISD Van Buren Public Schools Washtenaw Intermediate Sch Waverly Comm Schools Wayland Union Schools Wayne RESA Wexford-Missaukee ISD Woodhaven-Brownstown Sch Dist MINNESOTA H535 H706 H614 H373 H530 H295 H284 G747 H561 H548 H334 H554 H307 H375 H528 H581 H523 H695 H316 H359 H598 G733 H573 H393 H549 H651 G730 H699 H372 H617 H296 H698 G732 H667 G728 H280 H541 H305 H604 H321 H532 H336 H366 Academia Cesar Chavez Sch Academic Arts HS 4119 Acgc Dist 2396 Acgc Public Schools Ada-Borup Sch Dist 2854 Adrian Public Schools Agricultural & Food Sciences Aitkin Sch Dist Albany Area Schools 745 Annandale Public Schools (876) Anoka-Hennepin Sch Dist Ashby ISD 261 Austin Public Schools Badger Independent Sch Dist Bagley Sch Dist Barnesville Elem Sch Barnum Schools 91 Beacon Prep Sch Becker ISD 726 Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa Public Sch Belle Plaine Sch Dist (716) Bemidji Public Schools/ISD 31 Bemidji Reg InterDist Council-B Benson Public Schools Benton-Stearns Education Dist Best Academy Charter Sch, The Big Lake Public Schools Birch Grove Community Sch Blackduck Public Schools Bloomington Public Sch 271 Blue Earth Area Public Sch Bluffview Montessori Bold Schools Bright Water Elementary SD 4189 Brooklyn Center 286 Browns Vly Sch 801 Buffalo Lake-Hector Sch Dist Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose SD Bug O Nay Ge Shig Sch Bureau of Indian Affairs Sch Butterfield-Odin Public Schools Cambridge/Isanti Sch Dist Campbell-Tintah Sch Dist 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Minnesota (cont’d) Canby Sch Dist Carlton Independent SD 93 Carter G Woodson Inst For Stu Cass Lake-Bena Schools Cedar Mtn Sch Dist Cedar Mtn School Cedar Mtn Schools Centennial Sch Dist 12 Chiron Charter Sch Chisago Lakes Schools Chokio Alberta Sch Dist Clearbrook-Gonvick Sch Cleveland Independent Sch Dist Clinton-Graceville-Beardsley Sch Cloquet Public Schools College Prep Elementary Community of Peace Acad Cook County Sch Dist Cromwell-Wright Sch Dist Cygnus Acad Dakota Area Community Sch Dassel-Cokato Sch Dist Da Vinci Academy Deer River Dist 317 Detroit Lakes Sch Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton Public Sch Dover-Eyota Public Schools Dugsi Academy Charter Sch Duluth Edison Charter Schools Duluth Public Schools (ISD 709) East Grand Forks Sch Distri East Metro Integration Dist Eden Prairie Sch Dist 272 Eden Valley-Watkins Sch Dist 46 Edgerton Public Sch Dist 581 Education Minnesota El Colegio Charter Sch Ellsworth Public Sch Emily Grey Charter Sch Excell Academy 4068-07 Faribault Sch Dist Fertile-Beltrami Sch Fillmore Ctrl Sch Dist Floodwood Sch Dist 698 Foley Sch Dist 51 Fond Du Lac Ojibwe Schools Forest Lake Area ISD 831 Fosston Sch Dist 601 Frazee-Vergas Public Schools Freshwater Education Dist Fridley Public Schools Fulda Public Schools Gfw Public Schools Glacial Hills Elem Glencoe-Silver Lake Schools Glenville-Emmons Sch Dist Goodhue County Education Dist Goodridge Sch 561 Granada-Huntley-East Chain Grand Meadow ISD 495 Grand Rapids ISD 318 Greenbush-Mid River Dist Green Isle Comm Sch Grygla Public Sch Hancock Sch Dist Hastings Public Schools Hawley Public Schools 150 Henning Sch Dist 545 Herman-Norcross Comm Sch Hermantown ISD 700 Heron Lake-Okabena Hiawatha Leadership Acad Higher Ground Acad High School for Recording Arts Hills-Beaver Creek ISD 671 Hinckley-Finlayson Sch Dist Holdingford Sch Dist Hope Comm Acad Hopkins Sch Dist 270 Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Sch Hutchinson Public Schools ISD 139 ISD 15 St Francis ISD 191-School for Adults ISD 192 Farmington ISD 203 ISD 206-Alexandria ISD 2135 ISD 316 ISD 381 ISD 473-Isle ISD 548 ISD 622 ISD 656 Minnesota (cont’d) H312 H570 H521 H526 H661 G745 H277 H289 H304 H320 H342 H344 H346 H350 H362 H386 H391 H397 H503 H504 H505 H506 H509 H514 H622 H633 H719 G734 H663 H385 H709 H303 H306 H279 H595 G736 H588 H607 M846 H566 H640 H556 H644 H542 H539 H399 H374 H623 H501 H507 H565 H379 H293 H591 H537 H579 H294 H668 H356 H608 H286 G731 H599 H513 H511 H597 H677 H369 H574 H675 H575 H318 H338 H578 H389 H357 H512 H694 H643 G724 H322 H635 H380 H703 H381 H370 H593 H558 H388 H609 H518 H525 H664 L090 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin ISD 701 ISD 721/New Prague Area Sch ISD 93 ISD 93 ISD 991 Independent Sch Dist 197 Independent Sch Dist 2534 Independent Sch Dist 318 Independent Sch Dist 118 Independent Sch Dist 584 Independent Sch Dist 31 Independent Sch Dist 885 Independent Sch Dist 547 Independent Sch Dist 553 Independent Sch Dist 743 Independent Sch Dist 2125 Independent Sch Dist 441 Independent Sch Dist 549 Independent Sch Dist 13 Independent Sch Dist 227 Independent Sch Dist 309 Independent Sch Dist 858 Independent Sch Dist 885 Independent Sch Dist 690 Independent Sch Dist 2897 Independent Sch Dist 361 Innovative Special Education Sch Intermediate Dist 287 Intermediate Dist 917 Inver Grove Heights Sch Jackson County Central Sch Dist Janesville Waldorf Pemberton SD Jordan Sch Dist 717 Kelliher Public Sch Kms Sch Dist Lac Qui Parle Vly SD 2853 Lake Benton ISD 404 Lake Benton Public Sch Dist Lake Hendricks Sch Dist Lake of Woods Sch Dist Lake Park Sudubon 2889 Lakes Country Service Coop Lake Superior Sch Dist 381 Lakeview ISD 2167 Lakeville Area Public Schools Lancaster Sch Dist Laporte Public Schools Learning for Leadership Acad Le Center Public Schools Le Sueur-Henderson Sch Dist Leroy-Ostrander Schools Lester Prairie Sch Dist Lewiston-Altura ISD 857 Lincoln HI Public Schools Litchfield Public Schools Little Crow Service Ctr Little Falls Comm Schools LoveWorks Acad Lyle Independent SD 497 MN Internship Ctr Charter Sch MN Transitions Charter Sch Mabel-Canton Sch Dist 2 Maccray Schools Madelia Public Schools 837 Mahnomen Public Schools Mahtomedi Sch Dist 832 Mankato Area Public Schools Mankato Independent SD 77 Maple River Schools Marshall Public Schools Martin County W 2448 McLeod W Public Schools Mcgee Inst of Technology Mcgregor ISD 4 Medford Independent SD 763 Melrose Independent SD 740 Milaca Sch Dist Minisinaakwaang Leadership Acad Minneapolis Acad Minneapolis Public Schools Minneota Public Sch Minnesota Charter Schools Minnesota New Country SD 4007 Minnesota Valley Education Dist Minnetonka Public Schools 276 Minnewaska Area Schools 2149 Montevideo Sch Dist Montgomery-Lonsdale Schools Monticello Public Schools Mora Public Schools 332 Morris Area Elem Sch Morris Area Public Schools Mounds View Schools Mountain Lake Sch Dist 173 Minnesota (cont’d) H341 Murray County Ctrl 2169 H315 NE Service Coop H619 Nay Ah Shing 1480 H625 Naytahwaush Comm Charter H648 Naytahwaush Comm Foundation H387 Nerstrand Elem Sch 4055 H678 Nett Lake Sch Dist H563 Nevis Public Schools H682 New Discoveries Montessori Acad H540 New London-Spicer Sch Dist H720 New Ulm Public Schools H586 New Voyage Acad H649 Nicollet Public Sch H612 Norman County East H624 Norman County West H329 North Branch Area Schools ISD 138 H689 Northeast Metro 916 H697 Northland Community Schools H647 Northland Learning Ctr H339 Nrheg Public Schools 2168 H358 Ogilvie Sch Dist H629 Onamia Public Schools ISD 480 H502 Ortonville Sch Dist 62 H376 Osakis Public Schools 213 H330 Osseo Area Schools ISD 279 H674Owatonna H686 PACT Charter Sch H572 Partnership Academy Charter Sch H590 Pawn Coop H568 Pelican Rapids Sch Dist H680 Pequot Lakes ISD 186 H552 Perham Schools H545 Pierz Healy HS Dist G729 Pine Island Sch Dist H519 Pine Point Sch Dist 25 H516 Pine River-Backus Schools H615 Pipestone Area Schools H348 Proctor Sch Dist H352 Proctor Sch Dist 704 H314 Randolph Public Schools H333 Red Lake County Ctrl SD H618 Red Lake Falls ISD 630 H553 Red Lake Sch Dist H319 Red Rock Ctrl Public Sch H666 Red Rock Ridge H368 Red Wing Sch Dist H529 Redwood Area Sch Dist H327 Renville County W 2890 Sch Di G725 Resource Training & Solutions H560 Richfield Public Schools H628 Ridgeway Comm Sch H657 River Bend Education Dist H584 Robbinsdale Area Schools H531 Rochester Public Schools H331 Rockford HS Dist 883 H298 Rockford Independent Sch Dist H355 Root River Education Dist H290 Roseau Comm Sch H639 Roseville Area Schools H394 Rtrlb Public Schools H302 Rushford-Peterson Sch Dist H655 Sage Academy 4087 H679 SANB ISD 282 H522 Sartell-Stephen Indep Sch 748 H309 Sauk Centre Public Schools H282 Schoolcraft Learning Comm H510 SE Service Coop H630 Seven Hills Classical Academy H705 Shakopee Sch Dist 720 H287 Skills For Tomorrow Sch H546 S Koochiching Rainy River SD H600 Sojourner Truth Acad H658 South Central Service Coop G727 South Point Elem H533 South St Paul Public Schools G726 South Washington County Sch H673 Southern MN Spec Serv Coo H580 Southern Plains Ed Coop J580 Southern Plains Education Coop H308 Southland ISD 500 H707 Spring Grove Public Sch Dist H398 Spring Lake Park Dist 16 H577 Springfield Public Sch H589 St Anthony-New Brighton Sch Dis H681 St Charles Public Schools H555 St Clair ISD 75 H527 St Cloud Dist 742 H299 St Croix River Education Dist H722 St James Area Public Sch H569 St Louis Park Public Schools H691 St Paul City Sch G723 St Paul Public Schools H631 St Peter Independent Schools 508 H297 Stewartville Sch Dist 534 Minnesota (cont’d) H377 H676 H642 H660 H343 H371 H688 H641 H390 H585 H582 H727 H347 H710 H646 H396 H559 G737 H564 H337 G739 H684 G740 H345 H725 H621 H576 H605 H662 H696 H300 H551 H616 H317 H288 H611 H353 H654 Swanville Sch Dist 486 SW/WC Service Cooperative SW/WC Service Cooperative BLC Teachers On Call Thief River Falls Sch Dist Tracy Sch Dist 417 Tri-City United 2905 Truman Sch Dist 458 Ulen-Hitterdal Dist 914 Underwood Sch Dist United S Ctrl Sch Upper Mississippi Academy 4210 Upsala Area Schools 487 Venture Academy Wabash-Kellogg 811 Wabasso Independent SD 640 Waconia Sch Dist 110 Wadena-Deer Creek Schools Walker-Hackensack-Akeley Sch Dis Warroad Sch Dist Waseca Public Sch Dist Watertown-Mayer ISD 111 Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Commu Wayzata Sch Dist Westbrook Walnut Elementary Westbrook Walnut Grove Public West Ctrl Area Schools Wheaton Area Schools White Bear Lake Area Schools Whole Learning Sch, The Willmar Public Schools 0347 Willow River Sch 577 Win-E-Mac Schools Windom Area Schools 177 Woodson Inst For Students Worthington Area Language Acad Yellow Medicine E Sch Zumbrota Mazeppa Dist 2805 MISSOURI G748 G749 G750 G751 G752 G753 H419 G754 G755 G756 G757 G758 G759 G760 G761 G762 G763 G764 G765 G766 G767 G768 G769 G770 G771 G772 G773 G774 H412 G775 G776 G777 G778 G779 G780 H409 G782 G783 G784 H404 G785 G786 G787 G788 G789 G790 G792 G793 G795 G796 G797 G798 G799 G800 Adair CO Sch Dist R1 Adair CO Sch Dist R2 Adrian Sch Dist R3 Advance Sch Dist R4 Affton Sch Dist 101 Albany Sch Dist R3 Allen Village Sch Altenburg Sch Dist 48 Alton Sch Dist R4 Appleton City Sch Dist R2 Arcadia Vly Sch Dist R2 Ash Grove Sch Dist R4 Atlanta Sch Dist C3 Aurora Sch Dist R8 Ava Sch Dist R1 Avenue City Elem SD R9 Avilla Sch Dist R13 Bakersfield Sch Dist R4 Ballard Sch Dist R2 Bayless Sch Dist Bell City Sch Dist R2 Belleview Sch Dist R3 Belton Sch Dist 124 Bernie Sch Dist R13 Bevier Sch Dist C4 Billings Sch Dist R4 Bismarck Sch Dist R5 Blackwater Elem Sch Dist R2 Blair Oaks RII Schools Bloomfield Sch Dist R14 Blue Eye R-V Sch Dist Blue Spring Sch Dist R4 Bolivar Sch Dist R1 Boncl Elem Sch Dist R10 Boone CO Sch Dist R4 Boonville R1 Sch Dist Bosworth Sch Dist R5 Bowling Green Sch Dist R1 Bradleyville Sch Dist R1 Branson Public Schools Branson Reorganized SD R4 Braymer Sch Dist C4 Breckenridge Sch Dist R1 Brentwood Sch Dist Bronaugh Sch Dist R7 Brookfield Sch Dist R3 Buchanan CO Sch Dist R4 Bucklin R2 Sch Dist Butler Sch Dist R5 Cabool Sch Dist R4 Cainsville Sch Dist R1 Calhoun Sch Dist R8 Callao Sch Dist C8 Camden CO Sch Dist R2 Recipient Codes \ 37 Recipient Codes H634 H721 H602 G735 H335 H726 H534 H594 H313 H360 H583 H384 H364 H363 H536 H683 H283 H515 H378 H637 H638 H365 H627 L091 H382 H571 H653 H606 H645 H324 G738 H383 G744 H596 H524 G743 H687 H610 H620 H652 H323 H354 H395 H626 H332 H562 H557 H361 H367 G742 H685 H538 H326 H632 H328 H351 H659 H310 H281 H508 H669 H340 H690 H567 H392 H285 H325 H292 H587 H613 H636 H665 H603 H724 H550 H592 H278 H301 G741 H500 H670 H601 H547 H693 G746 H717 H517 H311 H520 H718 H544 H656 H543 H672 RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes Missouri (cont’d) G801 G802 G803 G804 G805 G806 G807 G808 G809 G811 H414 G812 G813 G815 G816 H402 G817 G818 G819 G820 G821 G822 G823 G824 G825 G826 G827 G828 G830 G831 G832 G829 G833 G834 G835 G836 G837 G838 G839 G840 G841 G842 G843 G844 G814 G846 G847 G848 G850 G851 G852 H403 H407 G853 G854 G855 G856 G857 G858 G859 G860 G861 G862 G863 G864 G865 G866 G867 G868 G870 G871 G872 G873 G874 G875 G876 G877 G878 G879 G880 G881 H411 G882 G883 G884 G885 G886 G887 G888 G889 G890 G891 G892 G893 Camdenton Sch Dist R3 Cameron Sch Dist R1 Campbell Sch Dist R2 Canton Sch Dist R5 Cape Girardeau Sch Dist 63 Carl Junction Sch Dist R1 Carrollton Sch Dist R7 Carthage Sch Dist R9 Caruthersville Sch Dist 18 Cassville Sch Dist R4 Center for Autism Education, The Center Sch Dist 58 Centerville Elem Sch Dist R1 Centralia Sch Dist R6 Chadwick Sch Dist R1 Chaffee R-2 Sch Dist Charleston Sch Dist R1 Chilhowee Sch Dist R4 Chillicothe Sch Dist R2 Clark CO Sch Dist R1 Clarksburg Elem Sch Dist C2 Clarkton Sch Dist C4 Clayton Sch Dist Clearwater Sch Dist R1 Clever Sch Dist R5 Climax Springs SD R4 Clinton CO Sch Dist R3 Clinton Sch Dist Cole CO Sch Dist R1 Cole CO Sch Dist R2 Cole CO Sch Dist R5 Cole Camp Sch Dist R1 Columbia Sch Dist 93 Community Sch Dist R6 Concordia Sch Dist R2 Cooper CO Sch Dist R4 Cooter Sch Dist R4 Couch Sch Dist R1 Cowgill Sch Dist R6 Craig Sch Dist R3 Crane Sch Dist R3 Crawford CO Sch Dist R1 Crawford CO Sch Dist R2 Crocker Sch Dist R2 Ctrl Sch Dist R3 Dadeville Sch Dist R2 Dallas CO Sch Dist R1 Davis Elem Sch Dist R12 Delta Sch Dist C7 Delta Sch Dist R5 Dent-Phelps Elem Sch Dist R3 Derrick Thomas Acad De Soto Sch Dist Dexter Sch Dist R11 Diamond Sch Dist R4 Dixon Sch Dist R1 Doniphan Sch Dist R1 Dora Sch Dist R3 Drexel Sch Dist R4 Dunklin Sch Dist R5 East Buchanan Sch Dist C1 East Carter Co Sch Dist R2 East Lynne Elem Sch Dist 40 East Newton Co Sch Dist R6 East Prairie Sch Dist R2 El Dorado Springs Sch Dist R2 Eldon Sch Dist R1 Elsberry Sch Dist R2 Eminence Sch Dist R1 Excelsior Springs Sch Dist 40 Exeter Sch Dist R6 Fair Grove Sch Dist R10 Fair Play Sch Dist R2 Fairfax Sch Dist R3 Fairview Elem Sch Dist R11 Farmington Sch Dist R7 Fayette Sch Dist R3 Ferguson-Florissant SD R2 Festus Sch Dist R6 Fordland Sch Dist R3 Forsyth Sch Dist R3 Four County Special Ed Coop Fox Sch Dist C6 Francis Howell Sch Dist Franklin Co Sch Dist R2 Fredericktown Sch Dist R1 Ft Osage Sch Dist R1 Ft Zumwalt Sch Dist R2 Fulton Sch Dist 58 Gainesville Sch Dist R5 Galena Sch Dist R2 Gallatin Sch Dist R5 Gasconade Co Sch Dist R1 Gasconade Co Sch Dist R2 38 \ Recipient Codes Missouri (cont’d) G894 Gasconade Elem Sch Dist C4 G895 Gentry Co Sch Dist R2 G896 Gideon Sch Dist 37 G897 Gilliam Elem Sch Dist C4 H408Gillis G898 Gilman City Sch Dist R4 H416 Glasgow Sch Dist G899 Glenwood Elem Sch Dist R8 G900 Golden City Sch Dist R3 G901 Gorin Sch Dist R3 G902 Grain Vly Sch Dist R5 G903 Grandview Sch Dist C4 G904 Grandview Sch Dist R2 G905 Green City Sch Dist R1 G906 Green Forest Elem Sch Dist R2 G907 Green Ridge Sch Dist R8 G908 Greene CO Sch Dist R8 G909 Greenfield Sch Dist R4 G910 Greenville Sch Dist R2 G911 Grundy CO Sch Dist R5 G912 Hale Sch Dist R1 G913 Halfway Sch Dist R3 H406 Hallsville R-IV G914 Hamilton Sch Dist R-II G915 Hancock Place Sch Dist G916 Hannibal Sch Dist 60 G917 Hardeman Elem Sch Dist R10 G918 Hardin-Ctrl Sch Dist C2 G919 Harrisburg Sch Dist R8 G920 Harrisonville Cass SD R9 G921 Hartville Sch Dist R2 G922 Hayti Sch Dist R2 G923 Hazelwood Sch Dist G924 Henry CO Dist R1 G925 Hermitage Sch Dist R4 G926 Hickman Mills Sch Dist C1 G927 Hickory CO Sch Dist R1 G928 Higbee Sch Dist R8 G929 High Point Elem Sch Dist R3 G930 Hillsboro Sch Dist R3 G931 Holcomb Sch Dist R3 G932 Holden Sch Dist R3 G933 Holliday Elem Sch Dist C2 G934 Hollister Sch Dist 5 H418 Hope Leadership Acad G936 Houston Sch Dist R1 G937 Howard CO Sch Dist R2 G938 Howell Vly Elem Sch Dist G939 Hudson Elem Sch Dist R9 G940 Humansville Sch Dist R4 G941 Hume Sch Dist R8 G942 Hurley Sch Dist R1 G943 Iberia Sch Dist R5 G944 Independence Sch Dist 30 G945 Iron CO Sch Dist C4 G946 Jackson Sch Dist R2 G947 Jasper CO Sch Dist R5 G949 Jefferson CO Elem Sch Dist R7 G948 Jefferson City Sch Dist G950 Jefferson Sch Dist C123 G951 Jennings Sch Dist G952 Johnson CO Sch Dist R7 G953 Joplin Sch Dist R8 G954 Junction Hill Sch Dist C12 G955 Kansas City Sch Dist 33 G956 Kearney Sch Dist R1 G957 Kelso Elem Sch Dist C7 G958 Kennett Sch Dist 39 G959 Keytesville Sch Dist R3 G960 King City Sch Dist R1 G961 Kingston Sch Dist 42 G962 Kingston Sch Dist K14 G963 Kingsville Sch Dist R1 G964 Kirbyville Elem Sch Dist R6 G965 Kirksville Sch Dist R3 G966 Kirkwood Sch Dist R7 G967 Knob Noster Sch Distict R8 G968 Knox CO Sch Dist R1 G969 LA Monte Sch Dist R4 G970 LA Plata Sch Dist R2 G971 Laclede CO Elem Sch Dist C5 G972 Laclede CO Sch Dist R1 G973 Ladue Sch Dist G974 Lafayette CO C1 Sch Dist G975 Lakeland Sch Dist R3 G976 Lamar Sch Dist R1 G977 Laquey Sch Dist R5 G978 Laredo Elem Sch Dist R7 G979 Lathrop Sch Dist R2 G980 Lawson Sch Dist R14 G981 Lebanon Sch Dist R3 G982 Lee's Summit Sch Dist R7 G983 Leesville R-Ix Sch G984 Leeton Sch Dist R10 Missouri (cont’d) G985 G986 G987 G988 G989 G990 G993 G995 G996 G997 G998 G999 H001 H002 H003 H004 H005 H006 H007 H008 H009 H010 H012 H013 H014 H015 H016 H017 H018 H019 H020 H021 H022 H023 H024 H025 H026 H027 H028 H029 H030 H031 H032 H034 H033 H035 H036 H037 H038 H039 H040 H041 H042 H043 H044 H045 H046 H047 H048 H049 H050 H051 H052 H053 H054 H083 H085 H086 H055 H056 H057 H058 H059 H060 H061 H062 H063 H064 H065 H066 H067 H068 H069 H070 H071 H072 H073 H074 H075 H076 H077 H078 H079 H080 Leopold Sch Dist R3 Lesterville Sch Dist R4 Lewis CO Sch Dist C1 Lexington Sch Dist R5 Liberal Sch Dist R2 Liberty Sch Dist 53 Lincoln Sch Dist R2 Linn CO Sch Dist R1 Livingston CO Sch Dist R3 Lockwood Sch Dist R1 Lone Jack Sch Dist C6 Lonedell Elem Sch Dist R14 Louisiana Sch Dist R2 Luray Elem Sch Dist 33 Lutie Sch Dist R6 Macks Creek Sch Dist R5 Macon CO Sch Dist R1 Macon CO Sch Dist R4 Madison Sch Dist C3 Malden Sch Dist R1 Malta Bend Sch Dist R5 Manes Elem Sch Dist R5 Maplewood-Richmond Heights SD Marceline Sch Dist R5 Maries CO Sch Dist R1 Maries CO Sch Dist R2 Marion C Early Sch Dist R5 Marion CO Sch Dist R2 Marionville Sch Dist R9 Mark Twain Elem Sch Dist R8 Marquand-Zion Sch Dist R6 Marshall Public Sch Dist Marshfield Sch Dist R1 Maryville Sch Dist R2 Maysville Sch Dist R1 Mcdonald CO Sch Dist R1 Meadow Heights Sch Dist R2 Meadville Sch Dist R4 Mehlville Sch Dist R9 Meramec Vly R3 SD Mexico Sch Dist 59 Miami Elem Sch Dist R1 Miami Sch Dist R1 Middle Grove Sch Dist C1 Mid-Buchanan Sch Dist R5 Midway Sch Dist R1 Milan Sch Dist C2 Miller CO Sch Dist R3 Miller Sch Dist R2 Mirabile Sch Dist C1 Missouri City Elem Sch Dist 56 Moberly Sch Dist Monett Sch Dist R1 Moniteau CO Elem Sch Dist R5 Moniteau CO Sch Dist C1 Moniteau CO Sch Dist R1 Moniteau Sch Dist R6 Monroe City Sch Dist R1 Montgomery CO Sch Dist R2 Montrose Sch Dist R14 Morgan CO Sch Dist R1 Morgan CO Sch Dist R2 Mountain Grove Sch Dist R3 Mountain View-Birch Tree SD R3 Mt Vernon Sch Dist R5 NE Nodaway Sch Dist R5 NE Vernon CO SD R1 NW Sch Dist R1 Naylor Sch Dist R2 Neelyville Sch Dist R4 Nell Holcomb Elem Sch Dist R4 Neosho Sch Dist R5 Nevada Sch Dist R5 New Bloomfield Sch Dist R3 New Franklin Sch Dist R1 New Haven Sch Dist 138 New Madrid CO Sch Dist R1 New York Sch Dist R4 Newburg Sch Dist R2 Newtown-Harris R-3 Sch Dist Niangua Sch Dist R5 Nixa Sch Dist R2 Nodaway-Holt Sch Dist R7 Norborne Sch Dist R8 Normandy Sch Dist North Andrew Sch Dist R6 North Callaway Sch Dist R1 North Daviess Sch Dist R3 North Harrison Sch Dist R3 North Kansas City Sch Dist 74 North Mercer Sch Dist R3 North Nodaway CO Sch Dist R6 North Pemiscot CO SD R1 North Platte CO Sch Dist R1 Missouri (cont’d) H081 H417 H082 H087 H088 H089 H090 H091 H092 H093 H094 H095 H096 H097 H098 H099 H101 H102 H103 H104 H105 H106 H107 H108 H109 H110 H111 H112 H113 H114 H115 H116 H117 H119 H120 H121 H122 H123 H124 H125 H126 H127 H128 H129 H130 H131 H132 H133 H134 H135 H136 H137 H138 H139 H140 H141 H142 H143 H144 H145 H405 H146 H147 H148 H149 H150 H151 H152 H153 H154 H409 H156 H157 H158 H195 H196 H400 H159 H160 H161 H162 H163 H100 H164 H165 H166 H167 H168 H169 H170 H171 H172 H173 H174 North St Francois CO SD R1 North Wood R-IV North Wood Sch Dist R4 Northwestern Sch Dist R1 Norwood Sch Dist R1 Oak Grove Sch Dist R6 Oak Hill Elem Sch Dist R1 Oak Ridge Sch Dist R6 Odessa Sch Dist R7 Oran Sch Dist R3 Orearville Elem Sch Dist R4 Oregon-Howell Sch Dist R3 Orrick Sch Dist R11 Osage CO Sch Dist R1 Osage CO Sch Dist R2 Osage CO Sch Dist R3 Osborn Sch Dist R0 Osceola Sch Dist Otterville Sch Dist R6 Ozark Sch Dist R6 Palmyra Sch Dist R1 Paris Sch Dist R2 Park Hill Sch Dist Parkway Sch Dist Pattonsburg Sch Dist R2 Pattonville Sch Dist Pemiscot CO Elem Sch Dist R3 Pemiscot CO Special Sch Dist Perry CO Sch Dist 32 Pettis CO Sch Dist R12 Pettis CO Sch Dist R5 Phelps CO Elem Sch Dist R3 Pierce City Sch Dist R6 Pilot Grove SD C4 Plainview Sch Dist R8 Plato Sch Dist R5 Platte CO Sch Dist R3 Pleasant Hill Sch Dist R3 Pleasant Hope Sch Dist R6 Pleasant View Elem Sch Dist R6 Polo Sch Dist R7 Poplar Bluff Sch Dist R1 Portageville Sch Dist Potosi Sch Dist R3 Prairie Home Sch Dist R5 Princeton Sch Dist R5 Pulaski CO Sch Dist R4 Purdy Sch Dist R2 Putnam CO Sch Dist R1 Puxico Sch Dist R8 Ralls CO Sch Dist R2 Raymondville Elem Sch Dist R7 Raymore-Peculiar Sch Dist Raytown Sch Dist C2 Reeds Spring Sch Dist R4 Renick Elem Sch Dist R5 Republic Sch Dist R3 Revere Sch Dist C3 Rich Hill Sch Dist R4 Richards Elem Sch Dist R5 Richland SD R-IV Richland Sch Dist R1 Richmond Sch Dist R16 Richwoods Sch Dist R7 Ridgeway Sch Dist R5 Ripley CO Elem Sch Dist R3 Ripley CO Sch Dist R4 Risco Sch Dist R2 Ritenour Sch Dist Riverview Gardens Sch Dist Rock Port R-II Sch Dist Rockwood Sch Dist R6 Rolla Sch Dist 31 Roscoe Elem Sch Dist C1 SW Sch Dist R1 SW Sch Dist R5 Salem Public Schools Salem Sch Dist R80 Salisbury Sch Dist R4 Santa Fe Sch Dist R10 Sarcoxie Sch Dist R2 Savannah Sch Dist R3 Sch of Osage R-II Schuyler Sch Dist R1 Scotland CO Sch Dist R1 Scott CO Ctrl Schools Scott CO Sch Dist R1 Scott CO Sch Dist R2 Scott CO Sch Dist R4 Sedalia Sch Dist 200 Senath-Hornerville Sch Dist C8 Seneca Sch Dist R7 Seymour Sch Dist R2 Shawnee Sch Dist R3 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Missouri (cont’d) Shelby CO Sch Dist C1 Shelby CO Sch Dist R4 Sheldon Sch Dist R8 Shell Knob Sch Dist 78 Sherwood Cass Sch Dist R8 Sikeston Sch Dist R6 Skyline Sch Dist R2 Slater Sch Dist Smithton Sch Dist R6 Smithville Sch Dist R2 South Callaway Sch Dist R2 South Harrison Sch Dist R2 South Holt Sch Dist R1 South Iron Sch Dist R1 South Nodaway Sch Dist R4 South Pemiscot Sch Dist R5 Southern Boone County R-I Southern Reynolds CO SD R2 Southland Sch Dist C9 Sparta Sch Dist R3 Special Sch Dist Spickard Sch Dist R2 Spokane Sch Dist R7 Spring Bluff Elem Sch Dist R15 Springfield Sch Dist R12 State Fair Comm Coll St Charles CO Sch Dist R5 St Charles City Sch Dist R6 St Clair Sch Dist R13 St Elizabeth Sch Dist R4 St James Sch Dist R1 St Joseph Sch Dist St Louis CO Spec Sch Dist St Louis Public Schools Ste Genevieve Sch Dist R2 Steelville Sch Dist R3 Stet Sch Dist R15 Stewartsville Sch Dist C2 Stockton Sch Dist R1 Strafford Sch Dist R6 Strain-Japan Sch Dist R16 Strasburg Elem Sch Dist C3 Sturgeon Sch Dist R5 Success Elem Sch Dist R6 Sullivan Sch Dist C2 Summersville Sch Dist R2 Swedeborg Elem Sch Dist R3 Sweet Springs Sch Dist R7 Taneyville Sch Dist R2 Tarkio Sch Dist R1 Thayer Sch Dist R2 Thornfield Elem Sch Dist R1 Tina-Avalon Sch Dist R2 Trenton Sch Dist R9 Tri CO Sch Dist R7 Troy R-III Twin Rivers Sch Dist R10 U City Sch Dist Union Sch Dist R11 Union Star Sch Dist R2 Van Buren Sch Dist R1 Van-Far Sch Dist R1 Verona Sch Dist R7 Vly Park Sch Dist Vly Sch Dist R6 Walnut Grove Sch Dist R5 Warren CO Sch Dist R3 Warrensburg Sch Dist R6 Warsaw Sch Dist R9 Washington Sch Dist Waynesville Sch Dist R6 Weaubleau Sch Dist R3 Webb City Sch Dist 7 Webster Groves Sch Dist Wellington-Napoleon SD R-9 Wellston Sch Dist Wellsville-Middletown SD R1 Wentzville R4 Sch Dist West CO Sch Dist R4 West Nodaway Sch Dist R1 West Plains Sch Dist R7 West Platte Sch Dist Rii Westran Sch Dist R1 Westview Elem Sch Dist C6 Wheatland Sch Dist R2 Wheaton Sch Dist R3 Willard Sch Dist R2 Willow Springs Sch Dist R4 Windsor Sch Dist C1 Winfield Sch Dist R4 Winona Sch Dist R3 Winston Sch Dist R6 Woodland Sch Dist R4 Worth CO Sch Dist R3 Missouri (cont’d) H274 Wright City Sch Dist R2 H275 Wyaconda Sch Dist C1 H276 Zalma Sch Dist R5 MONTANA H700 H702 H702 H701 Hamilton Sch Dist 3 Hot Springs Sch Dist 14 Livingston Sch Dist Plains Public Schools NEBRASKA I260 I261 I263 I264 I265 I266 I267 I268 I269 I270 I271 I272 I273 I274 I277 I278 I279 I280 I281 I585 I283 I284 I285 I286 I287 I289 I290 I291 I292 I293 I557 I294 I295 I296 I558 I298 I300 I301 I302 I559 I303 I304 I306 I307 I308 I309 I310 I560 I313 I314 I316 I317 I318 I319 I320 I321 I322 I323 I324 I561 I305 I326 I327 I328 I562 I330 I331 I332 I333 I334 I586 I587 I335 I336 I337 I338 I339 I340 I341 I342 I343 I344 I345 I346 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Adams Ctrl Jr/Sr HS Ainsworth Comm Schools Allen Cons Schools Alliance Public Schools Alma Public Schools Amherst Public Schools Anselmo-Merna Public Schools Ansley Public Schools Arapahoe Public Schools Arcadia Public Schools Arlington Public Schools Arnold Public Schools Arthur County HS Ashland-Greenwood Public Schs Auburn Public Schools Aurora Public Schools Axtell Comm Schools Bancroft-Rosalie Comm Schools Banner County Public Schools Bassett Grade SD 74 Battle Creek Public Schools Bayard Public Schools Beatrice Public Schools Beemer Public Sch Bellevue Public Schools Bennington Public Schools Bertrand Public Schools Blair Comm Schools Bloomfield Comm Schools Blue Hill Public Schools Boone Ctrl Schools Brady Public Schools Bridgeport Public Schools Broken Bow Public Schools Bruning-Davenport Unified Sys Burwell Jr/Sr HS Callaway Public Schools Cambridge Public Schools Cedar Bluffs Public Schools Cedar Canyon Public Sch Cedar Rapids Public Schools Centennial Public Schools Centura Public Schools Chadron Public Schools Chambers Public Schools Chappell Public Schools Chase County HS Cheney Public Sch Clarkson Public Schools Clay Center Public Schools Cody-Kilgore Public Schs Coleridge Comm Schools Columbus Public Schools Conestoga Public Schools Cozad City Schools Crawford Public Schools Creighton Public Schools Crete Public Schools Crofton Comm Schools Cross County Comm Schools Ctrl City Public Schools David City Public Schools Dawson-Verdon Public Schools Deshler Public Schools Diller-Odell Public Schools Dodge Public Schools Doniphan-Trumbull Public Schs Dorchester Public Schools Dundy County Public Schools East Butler Public Schools Educational Service Unit 10 Educational Service Unit 3 Elba Public Schools Elgin Public Schools Elkhorn Public Schools Elkhorn Vly Sch Dist 80 Elm Creek Public Schools Elmwood-Murdock Public Schools Elwood Public Schools Emerson-Hubbard Public Schs Eustis-Farnam Public Schools Ewing Public Schools Exeter-Milligan Public Schools Fairbury Public Schools Nebraska (cont’d) I348 I564 I565 I349 I350 I351 I352 I353 I354 I355 I566 I358 I359 I360 I361 I363 I364 I365 I366 I367 I369 I370 I371 I372 I373 I374 I567 I377 I378 I568 I380 I381 I382 I383 I384 I385 I386 I388 I569 I389 I570 I390 I391 I392 I571 I572 I393 I394 I396 I397 I398 I399 I400 I401 I402 I403 I404 I405 I406 I407 I409 I410 I411 I413 I414 I415 I416 I417 I418 I419 I420 I421 I422 I591 I425 I426 I428 I429 I430 I573 I431 I433 I434 I435 I590 I437 I438 I439 I440 I441 I442 I443 I445 I446 Falls City Public Schools Farwell Public Sch Fillmore Ctrl Public Schs Franklin Public Schools Freeman Public Schools Fremont Public Schools Friend Public Schools Ft Calhoun Comm Schs Fullerton Public Schools Garden County HS Geneva N Sch Gering Public Schools Gibbon Public Schools Giltner Public Schools Gordon HS Gothenburg Public Schools Grand Island Public Schools Grant Public Schools Greeley Public Schools Gretna Public Schools Hampton Public Schools Hartington Public Schools Harvard Public Schools Hastings Public Schools Hay Springs Public Schools Hayes Center Public Schools Heartland Comm Schools Hemingford Public Schools Hershey Public Schools High Plains Comm Schools Hitchcock CO Unified Sch Systm Holdrege Public Schools Homer Comm Schools Howells Public Schools Humboldt/Table Rock-Stein Usd7 Humphrey Public Schools Hyannis HS Johnson-Brock Public Schools Juniata Elem Sch Kearney Public Schools Kearney West HS Kenesaw Public Schools Keya Paha County HS Kimball Public Schools Lake Alice Public Sch Lake Minatare Public Sch Lakeview Comm Schools Laurel-Concord Public Schools Leigh Comm Schools Lewiston Cons Schools Lexington Public Schools Leyton Public Schools Lincoln Public Schools Litchfield Public Schools Lodgepole Public Schools Logan View Public Schools Loomis Public Schools Louisville Public Schools Loup City Public Schools Loup County Public Schools Lyons-Decatur NE Schs Madison Public Schools Malcolm Public Schools Maxwell Public Schools Maywood Public Schools Mc Cook Public Schools Mc Cool Junction Public Schs Mc Pherson County HS Mead Public Schools Medicine Vly Public Schools Meridian Public Schools Milford Public Schools Millard Public Schools Minatare Public Schools Minden Public Schools Mitchell Public Schools Morrill Public Schools Mullen Public Schools Nebraska City Public Schools Nebraska Unified Dist 1 Neligh-Oakdale Schools Nemaha Vly Schools Newcastle Public Schools Newman Grove Public Schools Newport Grade Sch Dist 18 Norfolk Public Schools Norris Sch Dist 160 North Bend Ctrl Public Schs North Loup Scotia Public Schs North Platte Public Schools Northwest HS Oakland Craig Public Schools Ogallala Public Schools Omaha Public Schools Nebraska (cont’d) I448 I450 I451 I452 I453 I574 I454 I455 I456 I457 I458 I459 I462 I575 I463 I464 I465 I467 I468 I469 I470 I471 I472 I473 I474 I563 I475 I476 I477 I478 I499 I576 I498 I480 I482 I483 I484 I584 I486 I487 I488 I489 I490 I491 I492 I494 I495 I496 I497 I500 I501 I502 I589 I504 I506 I507 I508 I509 I512 I513 I515 I516 I517 I519 I520 I577 I521 I523 I578 I525 I579 I580 I581 I527 I529 I532 I533 I534 I535 I536 I537 I538 I539 I540 I541 I592 I582 I583 I542 I543 I544 I545 I546 I547 Oneill Public Schools Ord Public Schools Osceola Public Schools Osmond Public Schools Overton Public Schools Page Public Sch Palmer Public Schools Palmyra Dist O R 1 Papillion-LA Vista Public Schs Pawnee City Public Schools Paxton Cons Schools Pender Public Schools Pierce Public Schools Pine Ridge Job Corps Plainview Public Schools Plattsmouth Comm Schools Pleasanton Public Schools Ponca Public Schools Potter-Dix Public Schools Prague Public Schools Ralston Public Schools Randolph Public Schools Ravenna Public Schools Raymond Ctrl Schools Red Cloud Comm Schools Red Willow County Republican Vly Schools Rising City Public Schools Rock County HS Rushville HS SE Nebraska Cons Schs SO Ctrl NE Unified System 5 SO Sioux City Comm Schs Sandhills Public Schools Santee Comm Schools Sargent Public Schools Schuyler Central HS Schuyler Grade Schools Scottsbluff Public Schools Scribner-Snyder Comm Schs Seward Public Schools Shelby Public Schools Shelton Public Schools Shickley Public Schools Sidney Public Schools Silver Lake Public Schools Sioux County HS South Platte Public Schools South Sarpy Dist 46 Southern Sch Dist 1 Southern Vly Schools Spalding Public Schools Springview Elem Dist 56 St Edward Public Schools St Paul Public Schools Stanton Comm Schools Stapleton Public Schools Sterling Public Schools Stuart Public Schools Sumner-Eddyville-Miller Schs Sutherland Public Schools Sutton Public Schools Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca Schools Tecumseh Public Schools Tekamah-Herman Comm Schs Thayer Ctrl Comm Schs Thedford Rural HS Tri County Public Schools Twin River Public Schools Twin Vly Public Schools Umo N Ho N Nation Public Schs Unified Niobrara-Lynch Unl Independent Study HS Valentine Rural HS Vly Public Schools Wahoo Public Schools Wakefield Public Schools Wallace Public Sch Dist 65 R Walthill Public Schools Waterloo Public Schools Wauneta-Palisade Public Schs Wausa Public Schools Waverly Sch Dist 145 Wayne Comm Schools Weeping Water Public Schools West Boyd West Boyd Unified System West Holt Rural HS West Point Public Schools Westside Comm Schools Wheatland Public Schools Wheeler Ctrl Schools Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools Wilcox-Hildreth Public Schools Recipient Codes \ 39 Recipient Codes H175 H176 H177 H178 H179 H180 H182 H183 H184 H185 H186 H187 H188 H189 H190 H191 H192 H193 H194 H197 H410 H198 H199 H200 H201 H413 H203 H202 H204 H205 H206 H207 H213 H212 H214 H215 H216 H217 H218 H219 H220 H221 H222 H223 H224 H225 H227 H228 H229 H230 H231 H232 H233 H234 H235 H415 H236 H239 H237 H238 H242 H243 H244 H240 H241 H245 H246 H247 H248 H249 H250 H251 H252 H253 H254 H255 H256 H257 H258 H259 H260 H261 H262 H263 H264 H265 H266 H267 H268 H269 H270 H271 H272 H273 RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Nebraska (cont’d) I548 I549 I550 I551 I552 I554 I555 I556 Winnebago Public Schools Winside Public Schools Wisner-Pilger Public Schools Wolbach Public Schools Wood River Rural HS Wynot Public Schools York Public Schools Yutan Public Schools NEVADA J570 J571 J583 J602 J578 J584 J585 J586 J587 J588 J589 J590 J591 J592 J601 J593 J594 J595 J599 J596 J600 Carson City Sch Dist Churchill CO Sch Dist Clark CO Sch Dist Clark County SD-Cowan Clark County SD-NW Douglas CO Sch Dist Elko CO Sch Dist Esmeralda CO Sch Dist Eureka CO Sch Dist Humboldt CO Sch Dist Lander CO Sch Dist Lincoln CO Sch Dist Lyon County Schools Mineral CO Sch Dist Nevada Department of Education Nye CO Sch Dist Pershing CO Sch Dist Storey CO Sch Dist Washoe CO Sch Dist Washoe Cty SD-Area I White Pine CO Sch Dist Recipient Codes NEW HAMPSHIRE I820 Franklin Sch Dist I840 Goshen-Lempster Coop SAU 71 I827Hillsboro-Deering I834 Hopkinton Sch Dist I819Jaffrey-Rindge I841 Newfound Area Sch Dist I837 Northwood Sch Dist I821 Rivendell Interstate SD I826 SAU 6 I823 SAU 34 I825 SAU 56 I829 SAU 58 I828 SAU 64 I838 SAU 93 I831 Sch Administration Unit 77 I824 Seabrook Sch Dist I822 Warren SD I830 White Mts Regional Sch Dist NEW JERSEY I842 Absecon City R005 Academy Charter HS I843 Alexandria Township I844 Allamuchy Township I845Allendale I846 Alloway Township I847Alpha I849 Andover Regl Sch Dist I850 Asbury Park Public Schools I851 Atlantic City I852 Atlantic City Internatl Charter Sch J719 Atlantic County Special Service I853 Atlantic County Vocational Sch D I854 Atlantic Highlands L278 Autism Academy of Learning, The I856Avalon I857 Avon Borough I859 Barrington Sch Dist I858 Bass River Twp Sch Dist I862Bayonne I865Belleville J915 Belleville Public Schools I866 Bellmawr Borough I868Belvidere J703 Bergen Center for Child Development J709 Bergen Center for Child Development I869 Bergen Co Special Srvcs Dis I870 Bergen Co Vocational SD I871 Bergenfield Sch Dist I875 Berlin Township I878 Beverly City Sch Dist I881 Bloomfield Township I884 Bogota Sch Dist I887 Bordentown Regl SD R700 Bound Brook Sch Dist I889 Bradley Beach Sch I892 Bridgeton Sch Dist I895 Brigantine Public Sch Dist J726 Brookdale Community Coll J434 Brookfield Schools I897 Buena Regl Sch Dist I899 Burlington Co Inst Tech Dist 40 \ Recipient Codes New Jersey (cont’d) I900 Burlington Co Spec Service SD I898 Burlington City Public SD I901 Burlington Township I902Butler I904 Caldwell-West Caldwell I906 Camden City Sch Dist J728 Camden County ESC J431 Camden County Sch Dist R006 Camden's Promise Charter Sch I909 Cape May Co Special Srvcs Dis I908 Cape May City I910 Cape May County Vocational Sch D I911 Carlstadt E Rutherford Rsd I912 Carlstadt Sch Dist I913 Carteret Sch Dist I914 Cedar Grove Township J705 Central Jersey Arts Charter R007 Charter-Tech HS I916 Cherry Hill Public Sch Dist I918 Chester Township I919 Chesterfield Twp Sch Dist I920 Cinnaminson Twp Sch Dist J724 City Invincible Charter Sch I921 Clark Township R008 Classical Acad Charter Sch of Clifton I922 Clayton Board of Education I923 Clearview Regional I924 Clementon Sch Dist I925 Cliffside Park Sch Dist I926 Clifton Board of Education I928 Closter Sch Dist I931 Commercial Twp Sch Dist I932 Cranbury Township I933 Cranford Township R009 Create Charter Sch I934 Cresskill Sch Dist I935 Cumberland Co Voc Tech SD I936 Cumberland Regl Dist I937 Deal Borough I938 Deerfield Twp Sch Dist I939 Delanco Twp Sch Dist I941 Delaware Vly Regl High I942 Delran Township I943 Demarest Sch Dist I945 Denville Sch Dist I946 Deptford Township R010 Discovery Charter Sch I947 Dover Town I948 Downe Twp Sch Dist I949 Dumont Sch Dist I960 Eastampton Township I952 East Amwell Township I961 Eastern Camden County Regional I956 East Newark Sch Dist R049 East Orange Comm Chrtr Sch I957 East Orange Sch Dist I958 East Rutherford Sch Dist I962 Eatontown Public Schools I963 Edgewater Park Twp Sch Dist I964 Edgewater Sch Dist J433 Educational Information & Resource I966 Egg Harbor City Sch Dist I967 Egg Harbor Twp Sch Dist I968Elizabeth I969 Elk Twp Sch Dist I970 Elmer Borough I971 Elmwood Park J740 Elysian Charter School R011 Elysian Charter Sch of Hoboken I973Emerson R012 Emily Fisher Chrtr Sch of Adv Studies I974 Englewood Cliffs Sch Dist I975 Englewood OnPalisades Chrtr SC J714 Englewood Public Schools I976 Essex County ESC I977 Essex Fells Sch Dist J715 Essex Regional Educational Svc I978 Estell Manor City Sch Dist I979 Evesham Township I981 Fair Haven Borough I982 Fair Lawn Sch Dist I984 Fairfield Township I985 Fairview Sch Dist I986 Farmingdale Borough I987 Flemington-Raritan Regional I988 Florence Township I990 Folsom Sch Dist I992 Franklin Borough R013 Franklin Charter Sch I993 Franklin Lakes Sch Dist J732 Franklin Twp I995 Franklin Twp Sch Dist I998 Fredon Township J001 Freehold Regl HS Dis New Jersey (cont’d) J710 Freehold Borough Sch Dist J002 Freehold Township J004 Frenchtown Borough J005 Ft Lee Sch Dist R047 Galloway Comm Charter Sch J006 Galloway Township J730 Gan Yeladeem Learning Center J007Garfield J008Garwood R014 Gateway Charter Sch J009 Gateway Regl HS Dist J712 Gateway Sch Dist J734 Glassboro Public Schools J011 Glassboro Sch Dist J012 Glen Ridge Sch Dist J013 Glen Rock Sch Dist J015 Gloucester Co Special Sch Dist J016 Gloucester Co Voc Tech SD J704 Gramon Family of Schools R015 Granville Charter Sch R016 Gray Charter Sch R017 Greater Brunswick Charter Sch J019 Greater Egg Harbor Reg HS J021 Green Township J022 Greenwich Township J023 Greenwich Twp Sch Dist J025Guttenberg J026 Hackensack Public Schools J028 Haddon Heights J030 Haddonfield Borough J031 Hainesport Twp Sch Dist J032 Haledon Public Sch J033 Hamburg Borough J034 Hamilton Twp Sch Dist J035 Hamilton Twp Sch Dist J036 Hammonton Town Sch Dist J428 Hampton Acad J038 Hampton Township J738 Hampton Township Sch Dist J711 Harbor Sch Dist J042 Hardyston Township J044 Harrington Park J045Harrison J047 Hasbrouck Heights Sch Dist J048 Haworth Sch Dist J050 Hazlet Township J051 Henry Hudson Reg Sch J053 High Point Regional J057Hillsdale J060Ho-Ho-Kus J059Hoboken R018 Hoboken Charter Sch J061 Holland Township J744 Holland Township Schools J062 Holmdel Township J063 Hopatcong Borough R019 Hope Academy Charter Sch J065 Hopewell Township J721 Hudson County Schools of Tech J070 Hunterdon Co Vocational SD R020 Intl Chtr Sch of Trenton J071 Irvington Public Sch Dist J073 Jackson Sch Dist J075 Jefferson Township J076 Jersey City R021 Jersey City Com Charter Sch R022 Jersey City Golden Door C S J077 Keansburg Boro Sch Dist J078Kearny J708 Kentwood Academy J912 Kids Ink J081 Kingsway Regl High J084 Kittatinny Regional J723 Ladacin Network-Lehmann J088Lakehurst J089 Lakeland Regional R701 Lakewood Sch Dist J092 Laurel Springs Sch Dist J093 Lavallette Borough Sch Dist J094 Lawnside Public Sch Dist J095 Lawrence Township R023 Leap Academy U Chrtr Sch R024 Learning Center Charter Sch R025 Learning Comm Charter Sch J099 Lenape Regional J100 Lenape Vly Regl HS J101 Leonia Sch Dist R026 Liberty Academy Charter Sch J102 Lincoln Park Borough J103Linden J104 Lindenwold Public Schools J105 Linwood City J108 Little Ferry Sch Dist J110 Livingston Township New Jersey (cont’d) J111 Lodi Sch Dist J112 Logan Township J113 Long Beach Island J114 Long Branch Sch Dist J115 Long Hill Township J119 Lower Cape May Regional J120 Lower Twp Elem Sch Dist J121 Lumberton Twp Sch Dist J122 Lyndhurst Sch Dist J124 Magnolia Public Sch J125 Mahwah Township J126 Mainland Regl HS Dist J722 Manalapan-Englishtown Regional Schools J718 Manasquan Sch Dist J131 Mansfield Twp Sch Dist J133 Mantua Twp Sch Dist J135 Maple Shade Township J136 Margate City Sch Dist J137 Maria L Varisco-Rogers Chrtr J435 Marie H Katzenbach Sch For R027 Marion P Thomas Charter Sch J138 Matawan-Aberdeen Regional J139 Maurice River Township J140 Maywood Sch Dist J141 Medford Lakes Sch Dist J142 Medford Twp Sch Dist J143 Mendham Borough J145 Mercer County Special Services J146 Mercer County Voc SD J151 Middlesex Public Sch Dist J152 Middletown Twp Sch Dist J149 Middle Twp Public Schools J153 Midland Park Public Sch Dist J155 Millburn Twp Sch Dist J158Millville J159 Mine Hill Township J161 Monmouth County Voc SD J163 Monmouth-Ocean Edu Srvcs Comm J164 Monroe Twp Sch Dist J165 Montague Elem Sch J166 Montclair Sch Dist J168 Montvale Sch Dist J169 Montville Township J170Moonachie J171 Moorestown Township J172 Morris County Voc SD J173 Morris Hills Regional J174 Morris Plains J175 Morris Sch Dist J430 Morris Sch Dist J176 Mountain Lakes J178 Mt Arlington J179 Mt Ephraim Sch Dist J180 Mt Holly Township J181 Mt Laurel Township J182 Mt Olive Township J183 Mullica Twp Elem Sch Dist J205 N Hunterdon/Voorhees Reg R028 N Star Acad Chrtr Sch of Newark J184 National Park Sch Dist J186 Neptune Twp Sch Dist J187Netcong J197Newark J198 Newark Charter Sch J192 Newark Psd Leadership Team 1 J194 Newark Psd Leadership Team 3 J195 Newark Psd Leadership-Team 4 J196 Newark Psd Leadership-Team 5 J914 Newark Public Schools J188 New Brunswick Board of Education J189 New Hanover Township R029 New Horizons Comm Chrtr Sch J190 New Milford Sch Dist J713 Newton Public Schools J199 North Arlington Sch Dist J200 North Bergen J201 North Brunswick Twp Sch Dist J204 North Hanover Twp Sch Dist J727 North Plainfield Public School J207 North Warren Reg Sch Dis J208 North Wildwood City J209 Northern Burlington Co Reg SD J210 Northern Highlands Reg Hsd J211 Northern Vly Reg High SD J212 Northfield Sch Dist J213 Northvale Sch Dist J215 Nutley Board of Education J216 Oakland Sch Dist J217 Oaklyn Borough J218 Ocean City J731 Ocean County Coll R030 Oceanside Charter Sch J224 Ogdensburg Borough J729 Old Bridge Public Schools 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) New Jersey (cont’d) New Jersey (cont’d) R043 U Academy Charter Sch J725 Union Beach Public Schools R046 Union Co Edu Srvcs Comm J362 Union City J358 Union Township R042 Unity Charter Sch J365 Upper Deerfield Twp Sch Dist J368 Upper Saddle River Sch Dist J369 Upper Township J370 Ventnor City Sch Dist J371 Vernon Township J372 Verona Sch Dist R044 Village Charter Sch J373 Vineland City J376 Waldwick Sch Dist J378 Wallington Public Sch Dist J379 Wallkill Vly Regional J381 Warren Co Voc SD J436 Warren County Special Svcs SD J389 Washington Township J387 Washington Twp Sch Dist J392 Waterford Twp Sch Dist J393 Wayne Township J394 Weehawken Township J395 Wenonah Public Schools J397 West Deptford Township J398 West Essex Regional J400 West Milford Township J402 West New York J403 West Orange Sch Dist J406 Westampton Twp Sch Dist J408Westville J409 Westwood Reg Sch Dist J415 Willingboro Township J420 Woodbridge Twp Sch Dist J422Woodbury J423 Woodcliff Lake Sch Dist J424 Woodland Twp Sch Dist J425 Woodlynne Sch Dist J418 Wood-Ridge Sch Dist J246 Woodstown-Pilesgrove Regl Sch J427 Wyckoff Sch Dist NEW MEXICO J564 J548 J549 J453 J482 J454 J550 J551 J458 J459 J460 J461 J462 J463 J464 J465 J466 J468 J902 J469 J470 J471 J472 J473 J903 J474 J552 J467 J475 J476 J477 J478 J479 J480 J901 J700 J481 J545 J483 J484 J485 J486 J487 J488 J489 J490 J491 J492 J568 J494 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin 21st Century Public Acad Academia de Lengua Y Cultura Charte Academy For Technology and Clas Alamogordo Public Schools Alamo Navajo Sch Dist Albuquerque Public Schools Amistad Charter Sch Anansi Charter Sch Animas Public Schools Artesia Public Schools Aztec Municipal Schools Belen Cons Schools Bernalillo Public Schools Bloomfield Schools Capitan Municipal Schools Carlsbad Municipal Schools Carrizozo Municipal Schools Chama Vly Independent Schools Cien Aguas International Sch Cimarron Public Schools Clayton Municipal Schools Cloudcroft Municipal Schools Clovis Municipal Schools Cobre Cons Schools Cornona Public Schools Corona Municipal Schools Cottonwood Vly Charter Sch Ctrl Cons Schools Cuba Independent Schools Deming Public Schools Des Moines Municipal Schools Dexter Cons Schools Dora Cons Schools Dulce Independent Schools Dzilth Na O Dith Hle Sch East Mtn HS Elida Municipal Schools Espanola Public Schools Estancia Municipal Schools Eunice Public Schools Farmington Municipal Schools Floyd Municipal Schools Ft Sumner Municipal Schools Gadsden Independent Schools Gallup-Mckinley County Schools Grady Municipal Schools Grants/Cibola County Schools Hagerman Municipal Schools Hatch Vly Public Schools Hobbs Municipal Schools New Mexico (cont’d) J495 J553 J496 J497 J569 J499 J554 J702 J500 J565 J502 J543 J904 J555 J503 J504 J505 J506 J556 J701 J508 J509 J547 J510 J511 J512 J557 J513 J558 J514 J515 J516 J566 J559 J517 J518 J546 J520 J560 J521 J523 J524 J525 J526 J527 J528 J562 J907 J530 J531 J906 J532 J533 J561 J563 J535 J536 J537 J538 J539 J540 J541 J542 J544 Hondo Vly Public Schools Horizon Acad House Municipal Schools Jal Public Schools Jemez Mtn Sch Dist Jemez Vly Municipal Schools LA Academia de Esperanza Laguna Dept of Education Lake Arthur Municipal Schools Las Cruces Sch Dist Las Vegas City Sch Dist Las Vegas W Public Schools La Tierra Montessori Sch 546 Learning Comm Charter Sch Logan Municipal Schools Lordsburg Municipal Schools Los Alamos Public Schools Los Lunas Public Schools Los Puentes Charter Sch Loving Municipal Sch Dist Lovington Public Schools Magdalena Municipal Schools Magdalena Sch Dist Maxwell Municipal Schools Melrose Public Schools Mesa Vista Cons Schools Monte Del Sol Charter Sch Mora Independent Schools Moreno Vly HS Moriarty Municipal Schools Mosquero Municipal Schools Mountainair Public Schools Nm Sch ForVisually Handicap Nuestros Valores Charter Sch Pecos Independent Schools Penasco Independent Schools Pojoaque Vly Sch Dist Portales Municipal Schools Public Academy For Performing Arts Quemado Independent Schools Raton Public Schools Reserve Independent Schools Rio Rancho Public Schools Roswell Independent Schools Roy Municipal Schools Ruidoso Municipal Schools SW Sec Learning Ctr Santa Fe Community Coll Santa Fe Public Schools Santa Rosa Cons Schools Sequoyah Adolescent Treatment Center Silver Cons Schools Socorro Cons Schools South Vly Acad Taos Charter Sch Taos Municipal Schools Tatum Municipal Schools Texico Municipal Schools Truth OR Consequences Municipal Sch Tucumcari Public Schools Tularosa Municipal Schools Vaughn Municipal Schools Wagon Mound Public Schools Zuni Public Sch Dist NORTH DAKOTA I613 I614 I609 I615 I616 I617 I618 I619 I620 I608 I621 I238 I622 I623 I624 I625 I626 I627 I628 I629 I630 I631 I258 I246 I236 I632 I633 I634 Adams Sch Dist 128 Alexander Sch Dist 2 Almont Public Schools Anamoose Sch Dist 14 Ashley Sch Dist 9 Beach Sch Dist 3 Belcourt Sch Dist 7 Belfield Sch Dist 13 Berthold Sch Dist 54 Beulah Public Sch Dist Bisbee-Egeland Sch Dist 2 Bismarck Public Schools Border Ctrl Sch Dist 14 Bottineau Sch Dist 1 Bowbells Sch Dist 14 Bowman Sch Dist 1 Burke Ctrl Sch Dist 36 Carrington Sch Dist 10 Cavalier Sch Dist 6 Center Sch Dist 18 Ctrl Cass Sch Dist 17 Ctrl Vly Sch Dist 3 Dakota Prairie Sch Dist Devils Lake Sch Dist Dickinson Public Schools Dickinson Sch Dist 1 Divide County Sch Dist 1 Dodge Sch Dist 8 North Dakota (cont’d) I635 I636 I254 I637 I638 I639 I640 I241 I253 I641 I642 I643 I644 I240 I776 I645 I646 I242 I647 I606 I648 I649 I650 I651 I652 I653 I654 I252 I245 I655 I656 I657 I658 I659 I660 I661 I257 I662 I663 I234 I664 I235 I665 I249 I777 I666 I667 I668 I669 I670 I671 I672 I673 I674 I244 I603 I675 I676 I677 I678 I237 I679 I680 I681 I682 I683 I684 I685 I686 I687 I688 I689 I690 I774 I691 I778 I692 I693 I694 I607 I695 I697 I255 I698 I699 I700 I701 I702 I703 I704 I705 I706 I611 I250 Drake Sch Dist 57 Drayton Sch Dist 19 Dunseith Public Sch Dunseith Sch Dist 1 Edgeley Sch Dist 3 Edinburg Sch Dist 106 Edmore Sch Dist 2 Eight Mile Sch Dist 6 Elgin/New Leipzig Public Schools Ellendale Sch Dist 40 Emerado Sch Dist 127 Enderlin Sch Dist 22 Fairmount Sch Dist 18 Fargo Public Schools Fargo Public Schools-Madison Fessenden Sch Dist Finley-Sharon Sch Dist 19 Flasher Public Sch Fordville Sch Dist 79 Ft Totten Sch Dist 30 Ft Yates Sch Dist 4 Gackle-Streeter Sch Dist 56 Garrison Sch Dist 51 Glen Ullin Sch Dist 48 Glenburn Sch Dist 26 Golden Vly Sch Dist 20 Goodrich Sch Dist 16 Grafton Public Schools Grand Forks Public Schools Grenora Sch Dist 99 Griggs CO Ctrl Sch Dist Halliday Sch Dist 19 Hankinson Sch Dist 8 Harvey Sch Dist 38 Hatton Sch Dist 7 Hazel-M-Braddock Sch Dist Hazen Public Schools Hebron Sch Dist 13 Hettinger Sch Dist 13 Hillsboro Public Sch Hope Sch Dist 10 Jamestown Public Schools Kenmare Sch Dist 28 Kensal Public Sch Kidder County Sch-Steele Kildeer Sch Dist 16 Kindred Sch Dist 2 Kulm Sch Dist 7 Lakota Sch Dist 66 Lamoure Sch Dist 8 Langdon Area Sch Dist 23 Lankin Sch Dist 39 Lansford Sch Dist 35 Larimore Sch Dist 44 Leeds Public Sch 6 Lidgerwood Public Sch Linton Sch Dist 36 Lisbon Sch Dist 19 Litchville Sch Dist 52 Lone Tree Sch Dist 6 Maddock Public Sch System Mandan Sch Dist 1 Mandaree Sch Dist 36 Manvel Sch Dist Maple Vly Sch Dist 4 Mapleton Sch Dist 7 Marion Sch Dist 9 Marmot Sch Dist Max Sch Dist 50 May-Port Cg 14 Mcclusky Sch Dist 19 Mckenzie CO Sch Dist 1 Medina Sch Dist 3 Menoken Sch Dist 33 Midkota Sch Dist 7 Midway 44 Midway Sch Dist 128 Milnor Sch Dist 2 Minnewaukan Sch Dist 5 Minot Public Schools Minto Sch Dist 20 Montefiore Sch Dist 1 Montpelier Sch Dist Mott-Regent Sch Dist 1 Mt Pleasant Sch Dist 4 Munich Sch Dist 19 N Ctrl Sch Dist 28 N Shore Sch Dist 158 Napoleon Sch Dist 2 Neche Sch Dist 55 Nedrose Sch Dist Nesson Sch Dist 2 New England Public Schools New Rockford Ctrl Sch Dist Recipient Codes \ 41 Recipient Codes J225 Old Bridge Twp Sch Dist J226 Old Tappan Sch Dist J228 Oradell Public Sch Dist J229 Orange Twp Sch Dist J230 Oxford Township R031 Pace Charter Sch of Hamilton J231 Palisades Park Sch Dist J233 Paramus Sch Dist J234 Park Ridge Sch Dist J235 Parsippany-Troy Hills Township J236 Pascack Vly Regl HS J240 Passaic Public Sch Dist J716Passaic/YBH-Hillel R045 Paterson Cs For Sci/Tech J242 Paulsboro Sch Dist J243 Pemberton Borough Sch Dist J244 Pemberton Township J245 Penns Grove-Carneys Point Reg J247 Pennsville Sch Dist J249 Perth Amboy Sch Dist J250 Phillipsburg Sch Dist J253 Piscataway Sch Dist J254Pitman J256Plainfield R032 Pleasantech Acad Chrtr Sch R033 Pleasantville Chrtr Sch For AE J257 Pleasantville Public Schools J262 Port Republic Sch Dist J263 Princeton Charter Sch R034 Queen City Acad Chrtr Sch J267Rahway J268 Ramapo Indian Hills Reg Hsd J270 Rancocas Vly Regional J271 Randolph Township J910 Raritan Valley Community Coll J273 Red Bank Borough Sch Dist R048 Red Bank Charter R035 Ridge and Vly Charter Sch J275 Ridgefield Park Sch Dist J276 Ridgefield Public Schools J277 Ridgewood Village J278 Ringwood Public Schools J279 River Dell Regl Sch Dist J280 River Edge Sch Dist J281 River Vale J283 Riverside Twp Public Sch Dist J284 Riverton Borough R036 Robert Treat Academy Chrtr Sch J285 Rochelle Park Sch Dist J287 Rockaway Township J289Roseland J291 Roselle Park Public Schools J290 Roselle Public Schools J720 Roselle Public Schools-KSA J292 Roxbury Township J913 Rutherford-Lynhurst SD J296 Rutherford Sch Dist J297 Saddle Brook Twp Sch Dist J298 Saddle River Sch Dist J299 Salem City J300 Salem Co Special Services SD J706 Salem Co Vocational Sch R037 Schomburg Charter Sch J707 Search Day Program J310Secaucus J312Shiloh J314 Shrewsbury Borough R038 Soaring Heights Charter Sch J316 Somers Point Public Schools J321 South Bound Brook Borough J323 South Hackensack Sch Dist J324 South Harrison Township J325 South Hunterdon Regional J326 South Orange-Maplewood J327 South Plainfield Public Sch J331 Southern Regl Hsd J336 Springfield Township J337 Springfield Township J338 Stafford Twp Sch Dist J339 Stanhope Sch Dist J344 Stow Creek Twp Sch Dist J741 Summit Board of Education J346 Summit Public Sch Dist J717 Sussex County CC R039 Sussex County Charter Sch for Tech J347 Sussex County Vocational Sch Dis J349Swedesboro-Woolwich J350 Tabernacle Twp Sch Dist R040 Team Academy Charter Sch R041 Teaneck Comm Charter Sch J351 Teaneck Sch Dist J352 Tenafly Sch Dist J432 Titusville Acad J359Trenton RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes North Dakota (cont’d) I600 I707 I708 I709 I604 I710 I256 I711 I248 I712 I713 I714 I605 I715 I716 I717 I718 I719 I720 I721 I722 I723 I724 I725 I726 I727 I601 I728 I772 I729 I779 I243 I247 I731 I732 I733 I735 I734 I736 I737 I612 I738 I739 I740 I741 I742 I743 I744 I745 I781 I780 I251 I746 I747 I775 I748 I749 I750 I602 I751 I754 I755 I753 I752 I756 I757 I758 I759 I760 I773 I761 I762 I763 I764 I239 I765 I766 I767 I768 I769 I770 I771 I610 OHIO L281 L116 L065 L251 K401 K402 K403 K404 K405 New Salem Public Sch New Sch Dist 8 New Town Sch Dist 1 Newburg-United Sch Dist 54 North Ctrl Public Schools North Sargent Sch Dist 3 Northern Cass Sch 97 Northwood Sch Dist 129 Oakes Public Schools Oberon Sch Dist 16 Oriska Sch Dist 13 Page Sch Dist 80 Park River Sch Dist 78 Parshall Sch Dist 3 Pembina Sch Dist 1 Pettibone-Tuttle Sch Dist 11 Pingree-Buchqnqn Sch Dist Plaza Sch Dist 137 Powers Lake Sch Dist 27 Rhame Sch Dist 17 Richardton-Taylor Sch Dist Richland Sch Dist 44 Rolette Sch Dist 29 Roosevelt Sch Dist 18 Rugby Sch Dist 5 S Heart Sch Dist 9 SW Special Ed Unit Sargent Ctrl Sch Dist 6 Sawyer Public Sch Sawyer Sch Dist 16 SCPSE Unit Scranton Public Sch Selfridge Sch Dist 8 Sheyenne Sch Dist 12 Sims Sch Dist 8 Solen Sch Dist 3 South Prairie Sch Dist Southern Sch Dist 8 St John Sch Dist 3 St Thomas Sch Dist 43 Standing Rock Comm Sch Stanley Sch Dist 2 Stanton Sch Dist 22 Starkweather Sch Dist 44 Steele-Dawson Sch Dist 26 Strasburg Sch Dist 15 Surrey Sch Dist 41 Sykes Sch Dist 39 Tappen Sch Dist 28 Tate Topa Tribal Sch TAT Head Start Tgu Sch Dist 60 Thompson Sch Dist 61 Tioga Sch Dist 15 Trenton Sch Turtle Lake-Mercer Sch Dist Tuttle-Pettibone Sch Dist 20 Twin Buttes Sch Dist 37 Underwood Public Sch United Sch Dist 7 Velva Sch Dist 1 Verona Sch Dist 11 Vly City Sch Dist 2 Vly Sch Dist 12 Wahpeton Sch Dist 37 Walhalla Sch Dist 27 Warwick Sch Dist 29 Washburn Sch Dist 4 West Fargo Sch Dist 6 West River Special Services Westhope Sch Dist 17 White Shield Sch Dist 85 Wildrose-Alamo Sch Dist 91 Williston Sch Dist 1 Williston Schools Willow City Sch Dist 13 Wimbledon-Court Sch Dist Wing Sch Dist 28 Wishek Sch Dist 19 Wolford Sch Dist 1 Wyndmere Sch Dist 42 Yellowstone Sch Dist 14 Zeeland Public Sch 004 A+ Children’s Community Sch AB Miree Acad Academy 2000 Academy of Columbus Ada ExVillage SD Adams County/Ohio Vly Local Adena Local SD Akron City Schools Alexander Local SD 42 \ Recipient Codes Ohio (cont’d) L284 K406 L145 K407 K408 K409 K410 K411 K412 K413 L147 K414 K415 K416 K417 K418 L162 K419 K420 L298 K421 K422 K423 L254 K424 L113 K425 K426 L265 K427 K428 K429 K430 K431 K432 K433 K434 K435 K436 K437 K438 K439 K440 K441 K442 K443 K444 L163 K445 K446 K447 K448 K449 L272 K450 K451 K452 K453 K454 K455 K456 K457 K459 K458 K460 K461 K462 K463 K464 K465 K466 K467 K468 K469 K470 K471 L263 K472 K473 K474 K475 K476 K479 K477 K478 K480 K481 K482 L195 K707 K483 K484 K485 K486 Allen East Allen E Local SD Alliance Acad of Cincinnati Alliance City SD Amanda-Clearcreek Local SD Amherst Exempted Village Schools Anna Local SD Ansonia Local SD Anthony Wayne Local SD Antwerp Local SD Apex Acad Apollo Jvsd Arcadia Local SD Arcanum Butler Local SD Archbold-Area Local SD Arlington Local SD Arts and College Prep Academy - ACPA Ashland City SD Ashland County-West Holmes Jvsd Ashland Univ-Elyria Ashtabula Area City SD Ashtabula County Jvsd Athens City SD Athens-Meigs ESC Auburn Jvsd Auglaize County ESC Aurora City SD Austintown Local SD Autism Model Sch Avon Lake City SD Avon Local SD Ayersville Local SD Barberton City SD Barnesville ExVillage SD Batavia Local SD Bath Local SD Bay Village City SD Beachwood City SD Beaver Local SD Beavercreek City SD Bedford City SD Bellaire Local SD Bellefontaine City SD Bellevue City SD Belmont-Harrison Jvsd Belpre City Schools Benjamin Logan Local SD Bennett Venture Academy Benton Carroll Salem Local SD Berea City SD Berkshire Local SD Berlin-Milan Local Schools Berne Union Local SD Berwyn East Academy Bethel Local SD Bethel-Tate Local SD Bettsville Local SD Bexley City SD Big Walnut Local SD Black River Local SD Blanchester Local SD Bloom-Carroll Local SD Bloom-Vernon Local SD Bloomfield-Mespo Local SD Bluffton ExVillage SD Boardman Local SD Botkins Local SD Bowling Green City SD Bradford ExVillage SD Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Bridgeport ExVillage SD Bright Local SD Bristol Local SD Brookfield Local SD Brooklyn City SD Brookville Local SD Brookwood Acad Brown Local SD Brunswick City SD Bryan City SD Buckeye Ctrl Local SD Buckeye Jvsd Buckeye Local SD-Ashtabula Buckeye Local SD-Dillonvale Buckeye Local SD-Medina Buckeye Vly Local SD Bucyrus City SD Butler County Board of Mr&Dd Butler County ESC C-Tec (Career/Tech/Ctrs) Caldwell ExVillage SD Cambridge City SD Campbell City SD Canal Winchester Local SD Ohio (cont’d) K487 K488 K489 K490 K491 K492 K493 K494 K495 K496 K497 K498 K501 K502 K503 K504 K505 K507 L266 L267 K508 L122 L089 K509 L157 K510 K511 K512 K513 L079 K514 K516 K515 L073 K518 K519 K520 K521 K522 K523 K524 K525 L262 L260 K526 K527 L112 K528 K529 K530 K531 K532 K533 K534 K535 K536 K537 K538 K539 K540 K541 K542 K499 L064 K543 K544 K545 K546 K547 K548 K549 K550 K551 K552 K553 K554 K555 K556 K557 L152 L069 L270 K558 K559 L130 K560 K561 K562 K563 K564 K565 K566 K567 K568 Canfield Local SD Canton City SD Canton Local SD Cardinal Local SD Cardington-Lincoln Local SD Carey ExVillage SD Carlisle Local SD Carrollton ExVillage SD Cedar Cliff Local SD Celina City SD Centerburg Local SD Centerville City SD Chagrin Falls ExVillage SD Champion Local SD Chardon Local SD Chesapeake Union ExVillage Chillicothe City SD Cincinnati City Sch Dist Cincinnati Coll Prep Academy-West Cincinnati Technology Academy Circleville City SD City Day Comm Sch Clark County ESC Clark-Shawnee Local SD Claus Temporaries of America Clay Local SD Claymont City SD Clear Fork Vly Local SD Clearview Local SD Clermont CO Educational Service Ct Clermont-Northeastern Local SD Cleveland City SD Cleveland Hts-U Hts City Clinton-Massie Schools Cloverleaf Local SD Clyde-Green Springs Ex Village Coldwater ExVillage SD College Corner Local SD Colonel Crawford Local SD Columbia Local SD Columbiana County Jvsd Columbiana ExVillage SD Columbus Arts & Technology Columbus Bilingual Academy North Columbus City SD Columbus Grove Local SD Columbus Public Schools Conneaut Area City SD Conotton Vly Union Local SD Continental Local Schools Copley-Fairlawn City SD Cory-Rawson Local SD Coshocton City SD Coshocton County Jvsd Coventry Local SD Covington ExVillage SD Crestline ExVillage SD Crestview Local SD Crestview Local SD Crestview Local SD Crestwood Local SD Crooksville ExVillage SD Ctrl Local SD Cuyahoga County Board of Mr/Dd Cuyahoga Educational Service Cntr Cuyahoga Falls City SD Cuyahoga Vly Jvsd Dalton Local SD Danbury Local SD Danville Local SD Dawson-Bryant Local SD Dayton City SD Deer Park Comm City SD Defiance City SD Delaware City Schools Delaware Jvsd Delphos City SD Dover City SD Dublin City SD Eagle Acad Eagle Heights Acad East Central Ohio ESC East Cleveland City SD East Clinton Local SD East End Comm Heritage Sch East Guernsey Local SD East Holmes Local SD East Knox Local SD East Liverpool City SD East Muskingum Local SD East Palestine City SD Eastern Local SD Eastern Local SD Eastern Local SD Ohio (cont’d) K569 K570 K571 L070 K572 K573 K574 K575 L296 L119 L075 K576 K577 K578 L198 K579 K580 L199 K581 K582 K583 K584 K585 L297 K586 K587 K588 K589 K590 K591 K592 K593 L146 K594 K595 K596 K597 K598 K599 K600 K601 K603 L086 K604 K605 K606 K607 K608 K609 K610 K612 K613 K614 K615 L253 K616 K617 K618 L138 L259 K619 K620 K621 K622 K623 L109 K624 K625 K626 K627 K628 K629 K630 L129 K631 K632 K633 K634 K635 K636 K637 K638 K639 K640 L108 L085 K642 K641 K643 L063 L194 K644 L125 K645 Eastland-Fairfield Career/Tech Jvsd Eastwood Local SD Eaton Comm Schools City SD Edge Acad Edgerton Local SD Edgewood City SD Edison Local SD Edon-NW Local SD Ed Service Center of Lorain County Education Alternatives Comm SC Ehove Ghrist Adult Career Ehove Jvsd Elgin Local SD Elida Local SD Elite Academy of the Arts/Cleveland Elmwood Local SD Elyria City SD ESC of Central Ohio Euclid City SD Evergreen Local SD Fairbanks Local SD Fairborn City SD Fairfield City SD Fairfield Co Ed Service Center Fairfield Local SD Fairfield Union Local SD Fairland Local SD Fairlawn Local SD Fairless Local SD Fairport Harbor ExVillage SD Fairview Park City SD Fayetteville-Perry Local SD Fci Acad Federal Hocking Local SD Felicity-Franklin Local SD Field Local SD Findlay City SD Finneytown Local SD Firelands Local SD Forest Hills Local SD Fostoria City SD Franklin City SD Franklin County Educational Service Franklin Local SD Franklin Monroe Local SD Fredericktown Local SD Fremont City SD Frontier Local SD Ft Frye Local SD Ft Loramie Local SD Gahanna-Jefferson City SD Galion City SD Gallia County Local SD Gallia-Jackson-Vinton Jvsd Gallia-Vinton Ed Service Ctr Gallipolis City SD Garaway Local SD Garfield Heights City SD Geauga County Ed Service Ctr General Chappie James Leadership Geneva Area City SD Genoa Area Local SD Georgetown ExVillage SD Gibsonburg ExVillage SD Girard City SD Gmn Educational Service Ctr Gorham Fayette Local SD Goshen Local SD Graham Local SD Grand Vly Local SD Grandview Heights City SD Granville ExVillage SD Great Oaks Inst of Technology Jvsd Great Western Acad Green Local SD Green Local SD Green Local SD Greene County Jvsd Greeneview Local SD Greenfield ExVillage SD Greenville City SD Groveport Madison Local SD Hamilton City SD Hamilton Local SD Hancock County ESC Hardin County Ed Service Ctr Hardin Northern Local SD Hardin-Houston Local SD Harrison CO BD of Mr&Dd Harrison Hills City Schools Harvard Avenue Comm Sch Heath City SD Heir Force Comm Sch Hicksville ExVillage SD 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Ohio (cont’d) Highland Educational Service Ctr Highland Local SD Highland Local SD Hilliard City SD Hillsboro City SD Hillsdale Local SD Holgate Local SD Hope Academy Cathedral Hope Academy Elem Sch Dist Hope HS Dist Hopewell-Loudon Local SD Howland Local SD Hubbard ExVillage SD Huber Heights City SD Hudson City SD Huntington Local SD Huron CO BD of Mr&Dd Imani Learning Academy Indian Creek Local SD Indian Hill ExVillage SD Indian Lake Local SD Indian Vly Local SD Intl College Prep Acad Ironton City SD Jackson Center Local SD Jackson City SD Jackson County Board Mr/Dd Jackson Local SD Jackson-Milton Local SD James A Garfield Local SD Jefferson Area Local SD Jefferson County ESC Jefferson County Jvsd Jefferson Local SD Jefferson Township Local SD Jennings Local SD Johnstown-Monroe Local SD Jonathan Alder Local SD Joseph Badger Local SD Kalida Local SD Kelleys Island Local SD Kenston Local Schools Kent City SD Kenton City SD Kettering City SD Keystone Local SD Kings Local SD Kirtland Local SD Knox County ESC Knox County Jvsd Labrae Local SD Lake Center Christian Sch Lake Erie Acad Lake Local SD Lake Local SD Lakeview Local SD Lakewood City SD Lakewood Local SD Lakota Local SD Lakota Local SD Lancaster City Schools Lawrence County ESC Lawrence County ESC Lawrence County Jvsd Lebanon City SD Ledgemont Local SD Leetonia ExVillage SD Legacy Acad Leipsic Local SD Leona Group Lexington Local SD L Hollingworth Sch 010205 Liberty Center Local SD Liberty Local SD Liberty Union-Thurston Local SD Liberty-Benton Schools Licking County ESC Licking Heights Local SD Licking Vly Local Schools Life Skills Centers Lima City SD Lincolnview Local SD Lisbon ExVillage SD Little Miami Local SD Lockland City SD Logan CO BD of Mr&Dd Logan County ESC Logan Elem Local Schools Logan-Hocking Local SD London City SD Lorain CO BD of Mr&Dd Lorain City SD Lorain County ESC Lordstown Local SD Ohio (cont’d) K721 K722 K723 K724 L131 K968 K725 K726 K727 K729 L155 L126 L103 K730 K732 K731 K733 K734 K735 K736 K737 K738 K739 K740 K741 K742 K743 K744 K745 K746 K747 K748 K749 K750 K751 L117 K752 K753 K754 K755 K756 L093 K757 K758 K759 L101 K760 K761 L268 K762 K763 K764 K765 K767 K766 K768 K769 K770 L066 K771 K772 K773 K774 K775 K776 K777 K778 L190 K779 L098 L141 K780 K781 L288 K782 K783 L062 K784 L072 K824 K826 K825 K827 K785 L261 K786 K787 K788 K789 L121 L144 K790 K791 K792 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Loudonville-Perrysville Ex Village Louisville City SD Loveland City SD Lowellville Local SD Lucas Cty ESC (2) Lucas Educational Service Cntr Lucas Local SD Lynchburg-Clay Local SD Mad River Local SD Madeira City SD Madison Avenue Sch of Arts Madison Champaign ESC Madison County Board of Mr/Dd Madison-Lake Local SD Madison Local SD Madison-Richland Local SD Madison-Plains Local SD Mahoning Cty Career & Tech Ctr Jvsd Manchester Local SD Mansfield City SD Maple Heights City SD Mapleton Local SD Maplewood Career Center Jvsd Maplewood Local SD Margaretta Local SD Mariemont City SD Marietta City SD Marion City SD Marion Local SD Marlington Local SD Martins Ferry City SD Marysville ExVillage SD Mason City SD Massillon City SD Mathews Local SD Maud Booth Acad Maumee City SD Mayfield City SD Maysville Local SD Mccomb Local SD Mcdonald Local SD Meadows Choice Comm Sch Mechanicsburg ExVillage SD Medina City SD Medina County Jvsd Medina County Schools ESC Meigs Local SD Mentor ExVillage SD Miami County ESC Miami E Local SD Miami Trace Local SD Miami Vly Career Tech Jvsd Miamisburg City Schools Mid-Ohio Educational Service Ctr Middletown City SD Midview Local SD Milford ExVillage SD Millcreek-West Unity Local SD Millennium Comm Sch Miller City-New Cleveland Local SD Milton-Union ExVillage SD Minerva Local SD Minford Local SD Minster Local SD Mississinawa Vly Local SD Mogadore Local SD Mohawk Local SD Monroe Local Schools Monroeville Local SD Mont County ESC Montgomery County Mrdd Montpelier ExVillage SD Morgan Local SD Moss Public School Mt Gilead ExVillage SD Mt Healthy City SD Mt Vernon City Schools Muskingum CO BD of Mr&Dd Muskingum Vly Educational Srvc NW Local SD NW Local SD NW Local SD (Scioto CO) NW OH Edu Srvc Cntr Napoleon Area City SD National Heritage Academies National Trail Local SD Nelsonville-York City SD New Boston Local SD New Bremen Local SD New Choices Sch Dist New Hope Christian Sch New Knoxville Local SD New Lebanon Local SD New Lexington City SD Ohio (cont’d) K793 K794 K795 K796 K797 K798 K799 K800 K801 K802 K803 K804 K805 K806 K808 L295 K811 K809 K812 K813 K814 K815 K816 K817 K818 K819 L151 K820 K821 K822 K823 K829 K828 K830 K831 K832 K833 L083 K834 K835 L128 K836 L133 K837 K838 K839 K840 L115 K841 K842 K843 L279 K844 K845 K846 K847 K848 K849 L142 K850 K851 K852 K853 K854 K855 L149 K856 L255 K857 K859 K861 K862 K860 L074 K863 K864 L275 L110 K865 K866 K867 K868 K869 K870 K871 K872 K873 K874 K875 K877 K878 K879 L088 K880 New London Local SD New Miami Local SD New Philadelphia City SD New Richmond ExVillage SD New Riegel Local SD Newark City SD Newbury Local SD Newcomerstown ExVillage SD Newton Falls ExVillage SD Newton Local SD Niles City SD Noble Local SD Nordonia Hills City SD North Baltimore Local SD North Canton City SD North Central Ohio ESC North College Hill City SD North Ctrl Local SD North Fork Local SD North Olmsted City SD North Ridgeville City SD North Royalton City SD North Union Local SD Northeastern Local SD Northeastern Local SD Northern Local SD Northern Ohio SERRC Northmont City SD Northmor Local SD Northridge Local SD Northridge Local SD Northwestern Local SD Northwestern Local Schools Northwood Local SD Norton City SD Norwalk City SD Norwood City SD OH Distance Electronic Learning Oak Hill Union Local SD Oak Hills Local SD Oak Tree Montessori Sch Oakwood City SD Oberlin City Schools Ohio HI-Point Jvsd Old Ft Local SD Olentangy Local SD Olmsted Falls City Schools Omega Sch of Excellence Ontario Local SD Orange City SD Oregon City SD Orion Academy of Cincinnati Orrville City SD Osnaburg Local SD Otsego Local SD Ottawa Hills Local SD Ottawa-Glandorf Local SD Ottoville Local SD PACE HS Painesville City Local SD Painesville Township Local SD Paint Vly Local SD Pandora-Gilboa Local SD Parkway Local SD Parma City SD Pathway Sch of Discovery Patrick Henry Local SD Patriot Preparatory Academy Paulding ExVillage SD Perkins Local SD Perry Local SD Perry Local SD Perry Public Schools Perry-Hocking ESC Perrysburg ExVillage Schools Pettisville Local SD Phoenix Community Learning Center Pickaway County ESC Pickaway-Ross County Jvsd Pickerington Local Schools Pike County Area Jvsd Pike-Delta-York Local SD Pioneer Career & Technology Jvsd Piqua City SD Plain Local SD Plain Local Schools Pleasant Local SD Plymouth-Shiloh Local SD Poland Local SD Port Clinton City SD Portage Lakes Jvsd Portsmouth City SD Preble County Educational Service C Preble Shawnee Local SD Ohio (cont’d) K881 L191 K882 K883 L192 L256 K884 L107 K886 K887 K888 K889 K890 K891 K892 K893 K895 K894 K896 L160 K897 K898 K899 K900 L154 K901 K902 L120 L293 K903 K904 K925 K926 K933 K934 K905 L100 K906 K907 K908 K909 K910 L127 K911 K912 K913 K914 K915 L294 K916 K917 L114 K918 K919 L196 K920 K921 K922 K923 L161 K924 K927 L092 K928 K929 K930 K931 L099 K932 L276 K935 K936 K937 K938 K939 K940 K941 L258 K942 K943 K944 K945 L280 L193 K946 L104 L285 K947 K948 K949 K950 K952 K953 K954 Princeton City SD Providence Acad for Student Success Put-In-Bay Local SD Pymatuning Vly Local SD Quest Academy Community Sch Rachel Wixey & Assoc Ravenna City SD Renhill Staffing Services Revere Local SD Reynoldsburg City SD Richmond Heights Local SD Ridgedale Local SD Ridgemont Local SD Ridgewood Local SD Ripley-Union-Lewis-Huntington Local Rittman ExVillage SD River View Local SD River Vly Local SD Riverdale Local SD Riverside Acad Riverside Local SD Rock Hill Local SD Rocky River City SD Rolling Hills Local SD Romig Road Community Sch Rootstown Local SD Ross Local SD Ross-Pike ESD Ross-Pike ESD Rossford ExVillage SD Russia Local SD SE Local SD SE Local SD SW Licking Local SD SW Local SD Salem City SD Sandusku County ESC Sandusky City SD Sandy Vly Local SD Scioto County Jvsd Scioto Vly Local SD Scioto Vly Local SD Sciotoville Comm Sch Sebring Local SD Seneca E Local SD Shadyside Local SD Shaker Heights City SD Shawnee Local SD Shawnee State University Sheffield-Sheffield Lake City SD Shelby City SD Shelby County ESC Sidney City SD Solon City SD South Ctrl Local Schools South Ctrl OH Edu Srvc Cntr South Euclid-Lyndhurst City SD South Point Local SD South Range Local SD South Scioto Academy South-Western City SD Southeastern Local SD Southeastern Local Sch Dist Southern Hills Jvsd Southern Local SD Southern Local SD Southern Local SD Southern Ohio ESC Southington Local SD Spectrum School-Private K-12 Spencerville Local SD Springboro Comm City SD Springfield Acad of Excellence Springfield Local SD Springfield Local SD Springfield Local SD Springfield-Clark County Jvsd St Aloysius Orphanage St Bernard-Elmwood Place City St Clairsville-Richland City SD St Henry Cons Local St Mary’s City Schools St Mary’s School Stambaugh Charter Acad Stark CO BD of Mr & Dd Stark County ESC Stark County ESC Steubenville City SD Stow-Munroe Falls City SD Strasburg-Franklin Local SD Streetsboro City SD Struthers City SD Stryker Local SD Sugarcreek Local SD Recipient Codes \ 43 Recipient Codes K517 K646 K647 K648 K649 K650 K651 L150 L080 L081 K652 K653 K654 K655 K656 K657 K658 L257 K660 K661 K662 K663 L124 K664 K665 K666 L102 K667 K668 K669 K670 L252 K671 K672 K673 K674 K675 K676 K677 K678 K679 K680 K681 K682 K683 K684 K685 K686 L078 K687 K688 L271 L153 K689 K690 K691 K692 K693 K694 K695 K696 L096 L097 K697 K698 K699 K700 L134 K701 L299 K702 L158 K703 K704 K705 K706 L137 K708 K709 L082 K710 K711 K712 K713 K714 K715 L135 L071 K716 K717 K719 K718 L105 K720 RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes Ohio (cont’d) L111 Summit Academy Comm Sch L282 SunBridge Schools K955 Swanton Local SD K956 Switzerland of Ohio Local SD K957 Sycamore Comm City SD K958 Sylvania City SD K959 Symmes Vly Local SD K960 Talawanda City SD K961 Tallmadge City SD L118 Tcp World Acad K962 Teays Vly Local SD K963 Tecumseh Local SD L140 Thomas A Widley Sch (Ccmrdd) K964 Three Rivers Local SD K965 Tiffin City SD K966 Tipp City ExVillage SD L095 Toledo Academy of Learning K967 Toledo City SD L273 Toronto City Schools L087 Tri-County Educational Service Ctr K970 Tri-County Jvsd K971 Tri-County N Local SD K973 Tri-Rivers Jvsd K975 Tri-Village Local SD K974 Tri-Vly Local SD K969 Triad Local SD K972 Trimble Local SD K977 Trotwood-Madison City SD K978 Troy City SD K979 Trumbull Career & Tech Ctr Jvsd L068 Trumbull County Educational Service L076 Tusc-Carroll-Harrison ESC K980 Tuscarawas Vly Local SD K981 Tuslaw Local SD K982 Twin Vly Comm Local SD K983 Twinsburg City SD K984 US Grant Jvsd K985 Union Local SD K986 Union-Scioto Local SD K987 United Local SD L286 Univ of Cincinnati L300 Univ of Rio Grande L156 Univ of Toledo K988 Upper Arlington City SD K989 Upper Sandusky ExVillage SD K990 Upper Scioto Vly Local SD K991 Upper Vly Jvsd K992 Urbana City SD K995 Van Buren Local SD K996 Van Wert City SD K997 Vandalia-Butler City SD K998 Vanguard-Sentinel Jvsd K999 Vanlue Local SD L001 Vantage Jvsd L002 Vermilion Local SD L003 Versailles ExVillage SD L123 Victory Academy of Toledo L004 Vinton County Local SD L148 Virtual Schoolhouse L136 Vlt Acad K993 Vly Local SD K994 Vly View Local SD L005 Wadsworth City SD L006 Walnut Township Local SD L007 Wapakoneta City SD L009 Warren CO BD of Mr&Dd L008 Warren City SD L143 Warren County ESC L012 Warren County Jvsd L010 Warren Local SD L011 Warrensville Heights City SD L084 Washington County ESC L013 Washington Court House City SD L014 Washington Local SD L015 Washington-Nile Local SD L016 Waterloo Local SD L017 Wauseon ExVillage SD L018 Waverly City SD L019 Wayne County Jvsd L020 Wayne Local SD L021 Wayne Trace Local SD L022 Waynesfield-Goshen Local SD L067 Wc Cupe Comm Sch L077Wcesc L023 Weathersfield Local SD L024 Wellington ExVillage SD L025 Wellston City SD L026 Wellsville Local SD L027 West Branch Local SD L028 West Carrollton City SD L029 West Clermont Local SD L030 West Geauga Local SD L031 West Holmes Local SD L032 West Liberty-Salem Local SD 44 \ Recipient Codes Ohio (cont’d) L033 L034 K400 L035 L036 L037 L038 L039 L040 I274 L041 L042 L043 L132 L044 L045 L046 L047 L048 L049 L050 L269 L051 L052 L053 L054 L055 L056 L139 L057 L058 L059 L277 L301 L060 L061 West Muskingum Local SD Western Brown Local SD Western Buckeye ESC Western Local SD Western Reserve Local SD Westerville City SD Westfall Local SD Westlake City SD Westpark Comm-Cleveland Westpark Elem Sch-Constellation Schools Wheelersburg Local SD Whitehall City SD Wickliffe City SD Wildwood Environmental Acad Willard City SD Williamsburg Local SD Willoughby-Eastlake City SD Wilmington City SD Windham ExVillage SD Winton Woods City SD Wolf Creek Local SD Woodland Academy Woodmore Local SD Woodridge Local SD Wooster City SD Worthington City SD Wynford Local SD Wyoming City SD Wyoming City Schools Xenia Comm City SD Yellow Springs Schools Youngstown City SD Youngstown City Schools Youngstown State University Zane Trace Local SD Zanesville City SD OKLAHOMA L855 Achille Sch Dist L752 Ada City Schools L222 Adair Public Schools L231 Afton Public Schools I-26 L801 Agra Public Sch L712 Alex Public Schools L236 Aline-Cleo Sch Dist M020 Allen Bowden Sch Dist L718 Allen Sch Dist L862 Altus Public Schools (Dist I-18) L981 Alva Independent Schools L755 Anadarko Public Schools L717 Anderson Sch Dist L887 Antlers Public Schools L948 Arapaho Sch Dist L762 Ardmore City Schools L970 Arkoma Public Sch L753 Arnett Sch Dist L851 Atoka Public Schools L816 Balko Sch Dist L711 Barnsdall Public Schools L724 Bartlesville Sch Dist L955 Battiest Public Sch L844 Bearden Sch Dist L696 Beaver Public Schools L678 Beggs Public Schools L986 Bennington Sch Dist L947 Berryhill Public Sch L693 Bethany Public Schools L211 Bethel Public Schools L953 Big Pasture Sch Dist L683 Billings Public Sch Dist L743 Bixby Public Schools L831 Blackwell Sch Dist I045 L229 Blair Public Sch L917 Blanchard Sch Dist L846 Bluejacket Sch Dist L165 Boise City Public Schools L747 Boise City Sch Dist 13/I-002 L935 Boswell Public Sch L171 Braggs Public Schools L164 Braman Public Schools L759 Bray Doyle Public Sch L850 Briggs Sch Dist L732 Bristow Public Schools M015 Broken Arrow Public Schools L676 Broken Bow Public Sch M010Brushy L951 Buffalo Sch Dist L221 Burlington Public Sch L800 Burns Flat-Dill City Sch Dist L929 Butler Public Schools L776 Byng Sch Dist L793 Caddo Kiowa Technology Ctr L698 Caddo Public Schools L763 Calera Public Schools Oklahoma (cont’d) L949 Calumet Public Schools L930 Calvin Sch Dist L927 Cameron Independent SD L223 Caney ISD L886 Canton Public Schools L790 Canute Public Sch M011Carnegie L990 Carney Schools L205 Catoosa Public Schools L766 Cement Public Schools L934 Chattanooga Elem L695 Checotah Public Schools L742 Chelsea ISD 3 (Rogers County) L667 Cherokee County Interlocal L996 Cherokee Public Sch Dist L873 Cheyenne Public Sch L777 Chickasha Public Schools L232 Chisholm Public L178 Chisholm Trail Tech Center L852 Choctaw Nation Interlocal CO L200 Choctaw-Nicoma Park Schools L838 Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools L995 Cimarron Public Sch L225 Claremore Public Schools L795 Clayton Public Sch L758 Cleveland Public Schools L780 Clinton Public Schools L973 Coalgate Public Schools L853 Colbert Public Schools L783 Colcord Sch Dist L209 Coleman Public Schools L179 Collinsville Public Schools L826 Comanche Public Schools L665 Commerce Public Schools (581018) L172 Copan Schools L238 Cordell Public Schools L964 Cottonwood Public Sch L812 Covington-Douglas Sch Dist L770 Coweta Public Schools M023 Coyle Sch Dist L998 Crooked Oak Public Schools L672 Crutcho Public Schools L670 Ctrl High Public Schools L681 Ctrl Public Schools L177 Cushing Public Schools L774 Cyril Sch Dist L733 Darlington Sch Dist M026 Davenport Public Schools M009Davidson L815 Deer Creek-Lamont Sch Dist L993 Denison Public Sch L768 Depew Public Schools L931 Dewar Public Schools L779 Dewey Public Schools M027 Dickson Public Schools L867 Dover Schools L938 Drumright Public Schools L879 Duncan Public Schools L832 Durant Independent Sch Dist L810 Dustin Public Sch L169 Edmond Public Sch L860 El Reno Public Sch L687 Elk City Public Schools L791 Elmore City Pernell Sch Dist L673 Enid Public Schools M000 EOC Technology Ctr M025 Erick Public Sch L749 Eufaula Public Schools L839 Fairland Public Schools M008 Fairview I-084 L944 Fargo Public Sch L249 Farris Public Sch L988 Felt Public Schools L864 Fletcher Sch Dist L916 Flower Mound Sch L737 Forest Grove Sch Dist L962 Forgan Public Sch I-123 L721 Fox Public Schools L924 Foyil Public Sch M005 Francis Tuttle Technology Center L174 Frederick Sch Dist L797 Ft Cobb-Broxton Sch Dist L246 Ft Towson Public Sch L201 Ft Supply Sch Dist L881 Geronimo Public Sch L680 Glenpool Public Schools L746 Glover Elem Sch Dist L858 Goodland-Dist 13 L664 Gordon Cooper Technology Ctr L789 Gore Public Schools L874 Graham Sch Dist L202 Grandfield Sch Dist (I-249) L854 Grant Public Sch M028 Great Plains Technology Center Oklahoma (cont’d) L716 Greenville Elem L784 Grove Public Schools L928 Grove Sch Dist L975 Guthrie Public Schools L837 Guymon Public Schools L994 Gypsy Sch L926 Haileyville Sch Dist L974 Hanna Public Sch M021 Hardesty Public Schools L877 Harmony Public Sch L861 Harrah Public Schools L794 Hartshorne Public Schools M022 Hartwell Academy L979 Haskell Sch Dist L725 Haworth Public Schools L685 Healdton I-55 Sch Dist L769 Heavener Sch Dist L954 Hennessey Public Sch (I-16) L807 Henryetta Public Schools L798 Hinton Public Schools L957 Hobart Public Schools L781 Holdenville Schools L803 Holly Creek Sch Dist L775 Hooker Sch Dist I-023 L804 Howe Public Schools L786 Hugo City Schools L215 Hulbert Public Schools L841 Idabel Public Schools L787 Indiahoma Public Sch Dist L175 Indian Capital-Stilwell L218 Inola Public Schools L671 Jay Public Schools L204 Jenks Public Schools L958 Jennings Public Sch L843 Jones Public Schools M016 Justice A W SeeWorth Academy L845 Justice Sch Dist L728 Kansas Public Schools I-3 L745 Kellyville Sch Dist L942 Kenwood Sch Dist L207 Keota Elem Sch L699 Ketchum Public Schools L788 Keyes Public Schools L991 Kiamichi Technology Ctr M019 Kiamichi Technology Ctr-Atoka L214 Kiefer Public Schools L976 Kildare Sch Dist L668 Kingfisher Public Schools L720 Kingston Public Schools L821 Kiowa Sch Dist I-014 M002 Konawa Public Schools L764 Krebs Public Schools L176 Lane Public School L168 Latta Sch Dist L959 Laverne Public Sch I001 L817 Lawton Public Schools M012 Leedey Public Schools L706 Lexington Public Schools L709 Liberty Sch Dist L829 Lindsay Public Schools L778 Little Axe Schools L697 Little Dixie Head Start L669 Locust Grove Public Sch I-1 L967 Lomega Sch Dist (I-3) L679 Lone Grove Public Schools L824 Lookeba-Sickles Sch Dist L823 Lowrey Elem Sch Dist L876 Lukfata Elem Sch L785 Luther Public Schools L206 Macomb Public Sch L674 Madill Public Schools L883 Mangum Schools L836 Mannford Public Schools L173 Mannsville Sch L708 Marble City Sch Dist L805 Marietta Sch Dist I-016 L715 Maryetta Sch Dist L738 Mason Public Schools L704 Mcalester Public Schools L226Mccurtain L666 Mcloud Sch Dist L880 Medford Public Schools L946 Merritt Schools L682 Miami Public Schools L941 Mid-America Technology Ctr L825 Mid-Del Schools L210 Midway Public Schools L250 Mill Creek L859 Minco Public Schools L739 Moffett Public Schools L875 Moore Public Schools L937 Mooreland Sch Dist L694 Morris Public Schools L220 Morrison Public Schools I006 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Oklahoma (cont’d) Oklahoma (cont’d) L242 Stringtown Public Sch L933 Stroud Sch Dist L830 Sulphur Public Schools L757 Tahlequah Public Schools L980 Talihina Public Schools M018 Taloga Sch Dist L208 Temple Schools L701 Tenkiller Elem Sch L985 Terral Public Sch M030 Texhoma ISD 61 L203 Thackerville Schools L240 Timberlake Public Schools L748 Tipton Public Schools L750 Tishomingo Public Schools L237 Tom Sch Dist M013Tonkawa L719 Tulsa Public Schools L243 Tupelo Sch Dist L842 Turkey Ford Sch Dist (C010) L961 Turner Sch Dist (I-005) L966 Turpin Public Schools L820 Tushka Public Sch L999 Tuskahoma Public Sch L936 Twin Hills Sch Dist L856 Tyrone Sch Dist L736 Union PS Dist I-09 L840 Valliant Public Schools L885 Vanoss Public Sch L170 Varnum Public Schools L686 Vian I-002 Sch Dist L972 Vici Public Schools L849 Vinita Public Schools L767 Wagoner Public Schools L982 Wainwright Sch Dist L968 Walters Public Schools L241 Wanette Sch Dist L989 Wapanucka Public Sch L969 Warner Sch Dist L245 Watson Sch Dist L772 Waukomis Sch Dist L865 Waurika Public Schools L872 Weatherford Public Schools L726 Webbers Falls Sch Dist L971 Welch Sch Dist (I-017) M031 Weleetka Sch Dist L814 Western Heights Public Schools L700 Westville Public Schools L922 Wetumka Public Schools L710 Wewoka Public Schools L819 White Rock Sch Dist L871 Whitebead Sch Dist L868 Wilburton Public Sch L984 Wilson Public Sch I043 L244 Wilson Public Schools 56-I007 L945 Wister Sch Dist (I 049) L834 Woodall Sch Dist L811 Woodward Public Schools L702 Wright City Public Schools L723 Wyandotte Public Schools L751 Wynnewood Public Schools L705 Wynona Public Schools L782 Yale Public Schools L741 Yarbrough Public Schools L978 Yukon Public Schools M017 Zaneis School L802 Zion Public Sch C028 OREGON L902 L893 L892 L891 L895 L900 L897 L894 L903 L899 L896 L890 L904 L905 L907 L906 L889 L898 L888 L901 Ashland Sch Dist Banks Sch Dist Beaverton Sch Dist Bend La Pine Schools Cascade Sch Dist Centennial Sch Dist Coos Bay Public Schools Crook County Sch Dist Dallas Sch Dist David Douglas Sch Dist Harrisburg Sch Dist Klamath Cty Sch Dist 600 La Grande Sch Dist Lincoln County Sch Dist Multnomah ESD North Clackamas Sch Dist Oregon Trail Schools Parkrose Sch Dist 3 Portland Public Schools Powell Butte Charter Sch PENNSYLVANIA M457 M451 M444 M456 M458 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Achievement House Cyber Charter Agora Cyber Charter Sch Allegheny Intermediate-Unit 3 Bangor Area Sch Dist Bloomsburg University Pennsylvania (cont’d) M445 M443 M453 M455 M450 M447 M452 M454 M448 M446 M449 Bucks County Intermediate Unit Chester Upland Sch Dist Elk Lake Sch Dist Gateway Sch Dist Hempfield Area Sch Dist Intermediate Unit 1 Mifflin County Sch Dist Purchase Line Sch Dist Susquehanna Community Sch Dist Western Wayne Sch Dist West Oak Lane Charter Sch RHODE ISLAND M468 M469 M470 M472 M508 M473 M507 M474 M471 M475 M504 M476 M477 M478 M479 M480 M481 M482 M483 M484 M485 M510 M486 M511 M487 M488 M489 M509 M490 M491 M492 M493 M494 M495 M496 M497 M498 M499 M500 M506 M501 M502 M503 Barrington Town Sch Dist Bristol Warren Regl SD Burrillville Sch Dist Chariho Regl Sch Dist Community College of RI Coventry Public Sch Dist Cranston Arc Cranston Public Sch Dist Ctrl Falls Sch Dist Cumberland Town Sch Dist East Bay Educational Collab East Greenwich Sch Dist East Providence City Sch Dist Exeter W Greenwich Regl SD Foster Elem Sch Dist Foster Glocester Sch Dist Glocester Sch Dist Jamestown Sch Dist Johnston Public Sch Dist Lincoln Sch Dist Little Compton Town Sch Dist Met Equality Sch, The Middletown Pub Sch Dist Mount Pleasant HS Narragansett Sch Dist New Shoreham Sch Dist Newport Public Sch Dist Northern RI Collaborative North Kingstown Sch Dist North Providence Sch Dist North Smithfield Sch Dist Pawtucket City Sch Dist Portsmouth Sch Dist Providence City Sch Dist Scituate Town Sch Dist Smithfield Sch Dist South Kingstown Sch Dist Tiverton Sch Dist Warwick Public Sch Dist Washington County Adult Learning Ctr West Warwick Town Sch Dist Westerly Town Sch Dist Woonsocket City Sch Dist SOUTH CAROLINA M529 M530 M533 M536 M537 M538 M539 M540 M541 M542 M543 R050 M544 M545 M546 M547 M555 M548 M549 M553 M557 M558 M559 M560 M561 M562 S003 S007 M564 M565 M567 M568 M569 M570 M571 M572 M573 Abbeville CO Sch Dist Aiken CO Sch Dist Aiken Sch Dist-Area 3 Allendale CO Sch Dist 1 Anderson Sch Dist 1 Anderson Sch Dist 2 Anderson Sch Dist 3 Anderson Sch Dist 4 Anderson Sch Dist 5 Bamberg Sch Dist 1 Barnwell Sch Dist 19 Barnwell Sch Dist 29 Barnwell Sch Dist 45 Beaufort CO Sch Dist Berkeley CO Sch Dist Calhoun CO Public Sch Dist Charleston CO SD 4-Cooper Rvr Charleston County Sch Dist Charleston Cty SD 10-St Andrews Charleston Cty SD 2-Moultrie Cherokee CO Sch Dist 1 Chester CO Sch Dist Chesterfield CO Sch Dist Clarendon Sch Dist 1 Clarendon Sch Dist 2 Clarendon Sch Dist 3 Coastal Carolina U Colleton County Adult Education Colleton CO Sch Dist Darlington CO Sch Dist Dillon Sch Dist 1 Dillon Sch Dist 2 Dillon Sch Dist 3 Dorchester CO Sch Dist 2 Dorchester Sch Dist 4 Edgefield CO Sch Dist Fairfield CO Sch Dist South Carolina (cont’d) M576 M574 M575 M577 M578 M582 M583 M585 M584 M586 M587 M588 M589 M590 M591 M592 M594 M596 M597 M598 M599 R051 S006 M600 M601 M602 R052 M633 M603 M605 M606 M607 M608 M609 M611 M612 M613 M614 M616 S001 M631 S002 S004 M617 M618 M619 M620 M621 M622 M623 M624 M625 M626 M627 M629 R053 M833 R054 Florence County Sch Dist 3 Florence Sch Dist 1 Florence Sch Dist 2 Florence Sch Dist 4 Florence Sch Dist 5 Georgetown CO Sch Dist Greenville CO Sch Dist Greenwood Sch Dist Greenwood Sch Dist 50 Greenwood Sch Dist 52 Hampton N Sch Dist 1 Hampton Sch Dist 2 Horry CO Sch Dist Jasper CO Sch Dist Kershaw CO Sch Dist Lancaster CO Sch Dist Laurens CO Sch Dist 55 Lee CO Sch Dist Lexington CO Sch Dist 1 Lexington CO Sch Dist 2 Lexington CO Sch Dist 3 Lexington CO Sch Dist 4 Lexington-Richland 5 Adult Ed Lexington-Richland CO SD 5 Marion CO Sch Dist 1 Marion CO Sch Dist 2 Marion CO Sch Dist 7 Marion County Adult Education Marion County SD 3 Marlboro CO Sch Dist McCormick County Sch Dist Newberry CO Sch Dist Oconee CO Sch Dist Orangeburg CO Sch Dist 3 Orangeburg CO Sch Dist 5 Pickens CO Sch Dist Richland CO Sch Dist 1 Richland CO Sch Dist 2 Saluda CO Sch Dist 1 South Carolina Public Charter Sch Dist South Carolina Sch For Deaf & Blind Spartanburg Prepatory Sch Spartanburg Sch Dist Spartanburg Sch Dist 1 Spartanburg Sch Dist 2 Spartanburg Sch Dist 3 Spartanburg Sch Dist 4 Spartanburg Sch Dist 5 Spartanburg Sch Dist 6 Spartanburg Sch Dist 7 Sumter Sch Dist 17 Sumter Sch Dist 2 Union CO Sch Dist Williamsburg CO Sch Dist York Sch Dist 1 York Sch Dist 2 York Sch Dist 3 York Sch Dist 4 SOUTH DAKOTA P707 Abbott House M655 Aberdeen Sch Dist 06-1 M835Advance M836 Agar-Blunt-Onida Sch Dist 58 M657 Alcester-Hudson Sch Dist M658 Alpena Sch Dist 36-1 M837 America Horse Sch M659 Andes Ctrl Sch Dist 11-1 M660 Arlington Sch Dist 38-1 M661 Armour Sch Dist 21-1 M662 Artesian-Letcher Sch Dist 55 M663 Avon Sch Dist 04-1 M664 Baltic Sch Dist 49-1 M665 Belle Fourche Sch Dist 09-1 M666 Bennett County Sch Dist 03-1 M667 Beresford Sch Dist 61-2 M668 Big Stone City Sch Dist 25-1 M669 Bison Sch Dist 52-1 M838 Black Hills Special Services CO-Op M677 Bon Homme Sch Dist 04-2 M671 Bonesteel-Fairfax Sch Dist 2 M672 Bowdle Sch Dist 22-1 M673 Brandon Vly Sch Dist 49-2 M674 Bridgewater Sch Dist 43-6 M675 Bristol Sch Dist 18-1 M839 Britton-Hecla Sch Dist 45-4 P700 Brookings Sch Dist 05-1 M678 Burke Sch Dist 26-2 M679 Canistota Sch Dist 43-1 M682 Canton Sch Dist 41-1 M688 Castlewood Sch Dist M683 Centerville Sch Dist 60-1 M684 Chamberlain Sch Dist 07-1 M727 Chester Area Sch Recipient Codes \ 45 Recipient Codes L921 Moseley Sch Dist L950 Moss Sch Dist 32 (I-001) L863 Mounds Public Schools L828 Moyers Public Sch L224Mulhall-Orlando L216 Muskogee Public Schools L878 Nashoba Sch Dist L212 New Lima Public Schools L731 Newcastle Public Schools L963 Newkirk Public Schools L166 Ninnekah Public Sch (I-051) L771 Noble Sch Dist L735 Norman Public Schools L233 Norwood Sch Dist L688 Nowata Public Schools L997 Oak Grove Sch Dist C104 L754 Oaks Mission Sch Dist L884 Oilton Public Schools L956 Okeene Public Schools L943 Okemah Sch Dist L663 Oklahoma City Public Schools M006 Oklahoma City Sch Dist L730 Oklahoma Union Sch Dist L239 Okmulgee Public Schools L808 Oktaha Sch Dist L809 Olive Public Schools L219 Olney Public Sch L992 Oologah-Talala Public Schools L920 Osage County Interlocal Coop L227 Owasso Public Schools L247Panama L703 Panola Sch Dist L965 Paoli Public Schools L833 Pauls Vly Schools L727 Pawnee Public Schools L228 Peavine Sch L234 Peggs Public Sch M003 Perkins-Tryon Public Schools L217 Perry Public Schools L915 Picher-Cardin Public Schools L734 Pioneer Sch Dist C131 L818 Pioneer-Pleasant Vale Sch Dist L813 Plainview Sch Dist L918 Pleasant Grove Sch M004 Pocola Public Schools L722 Ponca City Public Schools L835 Porter Cons Schools L773 Poteau Public Sch L869 Preston HS L230 Pretty Water Sch L756 Prue Sch Dist L977 Pryor Public Schools L744 Purcell Public Schools L690 Putnam City Schools L822 Quinton Sch Dist L213 Red Oak Public Sch L684 Red River Technology Ctr L761 Ringling Public Schools L940 Ringwood Public Schools L983 Riverside Public Sch L857 Rock Creek Independent Sch Dist L827 Rocky Mtn Sch Dist L689 Roff Public Sch L806 Roland Public Schools L235 Rush Springs Sch/I068 L952 Ryal Sch Dist L714 Ryan Public Schools L799 Salina Public Schools I-016 L713 Sallisaw Sch Dist L729 Sand Springs Schools L692 Savanna Sch Dist L848 Sayre Public Schools L960 Seiling Public Schools L675 Seminole ISD 67001 L765 Sentinel Public Schools L870 Sequoyah Public Schools L866 Shady Point Sch Dist L760 Sharon-Mutual Sch Dist L248 Shattuck Public Schools L691 Shawnee Public Schools L919 Silo Public Sch L925 Skiatook Public Schools L882 Soper Public Sch L932 South Coffeyville Sch Dist M014 Southeast Sch M007 Southwest Technology Center L939 Spavinaw Public Sch L923 Sperry Public Sch L740 Springer Public Schools L707 Sterling Sch Dist I-003 L792 Stigler Public Schools L677 Stillwater Public Schools L796 Stilwell Sch Dist 01 I025 L847 Stonewall Sch Dist (I-30) RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes South Dakota (cont’d) M685 M840 M656 M687 M753 M689 M676 M690 P709 M691 M755 M692 M841 M693 M694 M695 M696 M793 M697 M698 M699 M700 M701 M842 M703 M704 M706 M707 M745 M709 M843 M710 M711 M712 M713 M714 M844 M715 M716 P717 M717 M681 M720 M721 M722 M723 M724 M725 M726 M702 M728 M729 M730 M732 M733 M734 M735 M736 P711 M738 M740 M741 M845 M742 M743 M744 M686 M746 M747 M748 M749 M752 M754 M708 M756 M757 P710 M847 M848 M751 M759 M849 M760 M651 M761 M850 M762 M763 P713 M765 M766 M767 M768 M851 Cheyenne Eagle Butte Bia Sch Children’s Care Hospital and Sch Clark Sch Dist 12-2 Colman-Egan Sch Dist 50-5 Colome Sch Dist 59-1 Conde Sch Dist 56-1 Cornbelt Educational Coop Corsica Sch Dist 21-2 Crazy Horse Sch Cresbard Sch Dist 24-1 Crow Creek Tribal Schools Custer Sch Dist 16-1 Custer Youth Corrections Ctr Dakota Vly Sch Dist 61-8 De Smet Sch Dist 38-2 Dell Rapids Sch Dist 49-3 Deubrook Area Sch Dist 05-6 Deuel HS Deuel Sch Dist 19-4 Doland Sch Dist Douglas Sch Dist 51-1 Dupree Sch Dist 64-2 Eagle Butte Sch Dist 20-1 East Dakota Educational Coop Edgemont Sch Dist 23-1 Edmunds Ctrl Sch Dist 22Elk Point-Jefferson Sch Distri Elkton Sch Dist 05-3 Elm Vly Sch Dist Emery Sch Dist 30-2 Enemy Swim Day Sch Estelline Sch Dist 28-2 Ethan Sch Dist 17-1 Eureka Sch Dist 44-1 Faith Sch Dist 46-2 Faulkton Area Sch Dist Flandreau Indian Sch Flandreau Sch Dist 50-3 Florence Sch Dist 14-1 Frederick Area School District Freeman Sch Dist 33-1 Gayville-Volin SD 63-1 Geddes Comm Sch Dist 11 Gettysburg Sch Dist 53-1 Grant-Deuel Sch Dist 25-3 Gregory Sch Dist 26-4 Groton Sch Dist 06-3 Haakon Sch Dist 27-1 Hamlin Sch Dist 28-3 Hanson Sch Dist 30-1 Harding County Sch Dist 31-1 Harrisburg Sch Dist 41-2 Harrold Sch Dist 32-1 Henry Sch Dist 14-2 Herreid Sch Dist 10-1 Hill City Sch Dist 51-2 Hitchcock Sch Dist 02-1 Hot Springs Sch Dist 23-2 Hoven Sch Dist Howard Sch Dist 48-3 Hurley Sch Dist 60-2 Huron Sch Dist 02-2 Hutterville Colony Elem Hyde Sch Dist 34-1 Ipswich Sch Dist 22-3 Irene Sch Dist 63-2 Iroquois Sch Dist Isabel Sch Dist 20-2 Jones County Sch Dist 37-3 Kadoka Sch Dist 35-1 Kimball Sch Dist 07-2 Lake Preston Sch Dist 38-3 Langford Sch Dist 45-2 Lead-Deadwood Sch Dist Lemmon Sch Dist 52-2 Lennox Sch Dist 41-4 Leola Sch Dist Little Eagle Day Sch Loneman Sch Corporation Lower Brule Day Sch Lyman Sch Dist 42-1 Madison Ctrl Sch Dist 39Marion Sch Dist 60-3 Marty Indian Sch McCook Ctrl Sch Dist 43-7 Mccrossan Boys Ranch Mcintosh Sch Dist 15-1 Mclaughlin Sch Dist 15-2 Meade Sch Dist Menno Sch Dist 33-2 Midland Sch Dist 27-2 Milbank Sch Dist 25-4 Miller Sch Dist 29-1 Mitchell Christian Sch 46 \ Recipient Codes South Dakota (cont’d) M680 M769 M770 M771 M772 M739 P714 M775 M773 M774 M776 M777 M778 M779 M780 M852 M781 M853 M782 M783 M758 M785 M786 M787 M809 M788 M789 M790 M854 M802 M791 M792 M670 M855 M794 M795 M856 M796 M797 P708 M801 M857 P712 M798 M799 P701 P702 P703 M800 M803 M784 M650 M804 P704 M805 M807 M806 M808 M810 M811 M812 M813 M814 M815 M816 M817 M818 M819 M820 M821 M822 M823 P705 M824 M825 M826 M827 M828 M829 M652 M830 M831 M750 M832 P706 Mitchell Sch Dist Mitchell Sch Dist 17-2 Mobridge Sch Dist 62-3 Montrose Sch Dist 43-2 Mt Vernon Sch Dist 17-3 NE Educational Svcs Coop NE Educational Svcs Coop NW Sch Dist 52-3 New Underwood Sch Dist 51-3 Newell Sch Dist 09-2 Northwestern Sch Dist 56-3 Oelrichs Sch Dist 23-3 Oldham-Roman Sch Dist 39-5 Parker Sch Dist 60-4 Parkston Sch Dist 33-3 Pierre Indian Learning Ctr Pierre Sch Dist 32-2 Pine Ridge Sch Plankinton Sch Dist 01-1 Platte Comm Sch Dist 11 Pollock Sch Dist 10-2 Polo Sch Dist 29-2 Rapid City Area Sch Dist 51Redfield Sch Dist 56-4 Rock Creek Grant Sch Rosholt Sch Dist 54-4 Roslyn Sch Dist 18-2 Rutland Sch Dist 39-4 SD Sch For Deaf Sanborn Central Sch Dist Scotland Sch Dist 04-3 Selby Area Sch Dist 62-5 Shannon County SD 65-1 Sioux Falls Christian Sch Sioux Falls Sch Dist 49-5 Sioux Vly Sch Dist 05-5 Sioux Vocational Services Inc Sisseton Sch Dist 54-9 Smee Sch Dist 15-3 South Central 26-5 South Central Cooperative South Dakota Human Services Ctr Southeast Job Link Inc South Shore Sch Dist 14-3 Spearfish Sch Dist 40-2 St Elizabeth Seton Catholic Sch Sys St Francis Indian Sch St Martins Catholic Sch Stanley County Sch Dist 57-1 Summit Sch Dist 54-6 Takini Sch Tea Area Sch Dist Timber Lake Sch Dist 20-3 Tiospa Zina Tribal Sch Todd County Sch Dist 66-1 Tri-Vly Sch Dist 49-6 Tripp-Delmont Sch Dist 33-5 Tulare Sch Dist 56-5 Veblen Sch Dist 45-3 Vermillion Sch Dist 13-1 Viborg Public Sch Wagner Comm Sch Dist 11 Wakonda Sch Dist 13-2 Wall Sch Dist 51-5 Warner Sch Dist 06-5 Watertown Sch Dist 14-4 Waubay Sch Dist 18-3 Waverly Sch Dist 14-5 Webster Sch Dist 18-4 Wessington Sch Dist02-4 Wessington Springs Sch Dist West Ctrl Sch Dist 49-7 White Eagle Christian Acad White Lake Sch Dist 01-3 White River Sch Dist 47-1 Willow Lake Sch Dist 12-3 Wilmot Sch Dist 54-7 Winner Sch Dist 59-2 Wolsey Sch Dist 02-5 Wolsey-Wessington Sch Dist Wood Sch Dist 47-2 Woonsocket Sch Dist 55-4 Wounded Knee Sch Dist Yankton Sch Dist 63-3 Zion Lutheran Sch-Rapid City TENNESSEE M858 M859 M860 M861 M862 M863 M864 Alamo City Sch Dist Alcoa City Sch Dist Anderson CO Sch Dist Athens City Sch Dist Bedford CO Sch Dist Bells City Sch Dist Benton CO Sch Dist Tennessee (cont’d) M865 M866 M867 M868 M869 M870 M871 M872 M873 M874 M875 M876 M877 M878 M879 M880 M881 M882 M883 M884 M885 M886 M887 M888 M102 M889 M890 M891 M892 M893 M894 M895 M896 M897 M898 M899 M900 M901 M902 M903 M904 M905 M906 M907 M908 M909 M910 M911 M912 M913 M914 M915 M916 M917 M918 M919 M920 M100 M921 M922 M923 M925 M924 M926 M927 M928 M929 M930 M931 M932 M933 M934 M935 M936 M937 M938 M939 M940 M941 M942 M943 M944 M945 M946 M947 M101 M107 M948 M949 M950 M951 M952 M953 Bledsoe CO Sch Dist Blount CO Sch Dist Bradford Special Sch Dist Bradley CO Sch Dist Bristol Tennessee City SD Campbell CO Sch Dist Cannon CO Sch Dist Carroll CO Sch Dist Carter CO Sch Dist Cheatham CO Sch Dist Chester CO Sch Dist Claiborne CO Sch Dist Clarksville Montgomery CO Clay CO Sch Dist Cleveland City Sch Dist Clinton City Sch Dist Cocke CO Sch System Coffee CO Sch Dist Covington City Sch Dist Crockett CO Sch Dist Cumberland CO Sch Dist Dayton City Sch Dist Decatur CO Sch Dist Dekalb CO Sch Dist Dept of Children's Services Dickson CO Sch Dist Dyer CO Sch Dist Dyersburg City Sch Dist Elizabethton City Sch Dist Etowah City Sch Dist Fayette CO Sch Dist Fayetteville City Sch Dist Fentress CO Sch Dist Franklin CO Sch Dist Franklin Spec Sch Dist Gibson CO Sch Dist Giles CO Sch Dist Grainger CO Sch Dist Greene CO Sch Dist Greeneville City Sch Dist Grundy CO Sch Dist Hamblen CO Sch Dist Hamilton CO Sch Dist Hancock CO Sch Dist Hardeman CO Sch Dist Hardin CO Sch Dist Harriman City Sch Dist Hawkins CO Sch Dist Haywood CO Sch Dist Henderson CO Schools Henry CO Sch Dist Hickman CO Sch Dist Hollow Rock Bruceton Spec SD Houston CO Sch Dist Humboldt City Sch Dist Humphreys CO Sch Dist Huntingdon Special Sch Dist Indian Mound Sch Jackson CO Sch Dist (44) Jackson Madison CO Sch Dist Jefferson CO Sch Dist Johnson CO Sch Dist Johnson City Sch Dist Kingsport City Sch Dist Knox CO Sch Dist Lake CO Sch Dist Lauderdale CO Sch Dist Lawrence CO Sch Dist Lebanon Special Sch Dist Lenoir City Sch Dist Lewis CO Sch Dist Lexington City Elem Sch Dist Lincoln CO Sch Dist Loudon CO Sch Dist Macon CO Sch Dist Manchester City Sch Dist Marion CO Sch Dist Marshall CO Sch Dist Maryville City Sch Dist Maury CO Sch Dist Mckenzie Special Sch Dist Mcminn CO Sch Dist Mcnairy CO Sch Dist Meigs CO Sch Dist Memphis City Sch Dist Metropolitan Nashville Public Sch Metropolitan Nashville Public Sch Milan Sch Dist Monroe CO Sch Dist Moore CO Sch Dist Morgan CO Sch Dist Murfreesboro City Sch Dist Nashville Davidson CO Sch Dist Tennessee (cont’d) M954 M955 M956 M108 M957 M958 M959 M960 M961 M962 M963 M964 M965 M966 M967 M968 M969 M970 M996 M971 M972 M973 M974 M975 M105 M976 M977 M978 M979 M103 M104 M115 M106 M997 M999 M980 M981 M982 M983 M984 M986 M985 M114 M987 M988 M989 M990 M991 M992 M993 M994 M995 Newport City Sch Dist Oak Ridge Sch Dist Obion CO Sch Dist Omni Staffing Plus Inc Oneida Special Sch Dist Overton CO Sch Dist Paris Special Sch Dist Perry CO Sch Dist Pickett County Sch Dist Polk CO Sch Dist Putnam CO Sch Dist Rhea CO Sch Dist Richard City Special Sch Dist Roane CO Sch Dist Robertson CO Sch Dist Rogersville City Elem Sch Dist Rutherford CO Sch Dist Scott CO Sch Dist Select Services Sequatchie CO Sch Dist Sevier CO Schools Shelby CO Sch Dist Smith CO Sch Dist South Carroll Sch Dist Stellar Therapy Services Stewart CO Sch Dist Sullivan Cty Dept of Education Sumner CO Sch Dist Sweetwater City Sch Dist Sylvan Learning Sylvan Learning Ctr TCAT McMinnville Tennessee Technology Ctr TN Sch For Blind TN Sch For Deaf Tipton CO Sch Dist Trenton Special Sch Dist Trousdale CO Sch Dist Tullahoma City Sch Dist Unicoi CO Sch Dist Union CO Sch Dist Union City Sch Dist University of Memphis Van Buren CO Sch Dist Warren CO Sch Dist Washington CO Sch Dist Wayne CO Sch Dist Weakley CO Sch Dist West Carroll Special Sch Dist White CO Sch Dist Williamson CO Sch Dist Wilson CO Sch Dist TEXAS O103 N049 P105 P108 N168 O088 P111 N273 P106 O096 N316 N335 N365 O091 O092 P556 O094 O102 P113 O093 P104 O089 P112 P114 P110 O100 O101 O095 O086 O099 N873 O087 N922 O090 O097 N988 P109 P115 O098 O082 Anna ISD Anthony Independent SD Birdville ISD Buckholts ISD Canutillo Ind Sch Dist Clint Independent Sch Dist Dallas Independent Sch Dist Dell City Ind Sch Dist DOL-Gary Job Corps Center Dublin ISD El Paso Ind Sch Dist Fabens Ind Sch Dist Ft Hancock Ind Sch Dist Ft Worth Independent Sch Distr Galena Park ISD Garland ISD Katy Independent Sch Dist Keller ISD Lamar Consolidated Independent Sch Dist Loop ISD Midland ISD NE Independent Sch Dist Odyssey Academy Pasadena ISD Phoenix Charter Sch Plano ISD Reconciliation Academy Red Oak ISD Region 19 Education Service Ctr Rio Brazos Ed Coop-West ISD San Elizario Ind Sch Dist Sierra Blanca ISD Socorro Ind Sch Dist South San Independent SD Texarkana ISD Tornillo Ind Sch Dist University Texas Pan American Uplift Education Wylie ISD Ysleta Ind Sch Dist 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Texas (cont’d) P107 Zoe Learning Academy Charter UTAH Alpine Sch Dist American Leadership Academy American Preparatory Academy Beaver CO Sch Dist Box Elder CO Sch Dist Cache CO Sch Dist Carbon CO Sch Dist Channing Hall City Academy Ctrl Utah Educational Services Daggett CO Sch Dist Davis CO Sch Dist Dixie Montessori Academy Dixie State Coll of Utah Duchesne CO Sch Dist Early Light Acad Emery CO Sch Dist Entheos Acad Freedom Acad Garfield CO Sch Dist Grand CO Sch Dist Granite Sch Dist Hawthorn Acad InTech Collegiate HS Iron CO Sch Dist Jordan Sch Dist Juab CO Sch Dist Kane CO Sch Dist Leadership Learning Academy Legacy Preparatory Academy Logan City Sch Dist Maria Montessori Academy Millard CO Sch Dist Morgan CO Sch Dist Mountainville Acad Mountain West Montessori Academy Murray City Sch Dist Nebo Sch Dist Noah Webster Academy - Charter North Davis Prep Acad North Sanpete Sch Dist North Star Acad North Summit Sch Dist Ogden City Sch Dist Ogden Prep Acad Oquirrh Mountain Charter Sch Park City Sch Dist Pinnacle Canyon Acad Piute Co Sch Dist Piute County Sch Dist Providence Hall Charter Sch Provo City Sch Dist Quest Academy Charter Sch Quest Academy Charter Sch Ranches Acad, The Renaissance Academy Charter Sch Rich County Schools Salt Lake City Sch Dist San Juan Sch Dist Sevier Sch Dist Southern Utah University South Sanpete Sch Dist South Summit Sch Dist Spectrum Academy Summit Acad Syracuse Arts Acad Tintic Sch Dist Tooele CO Sch Dist Uintah CO Sch Dist Walden Charter Sch Wasatch CO Sch Dist Washington CO Sch Dist Wayne CO Sch Dist Weber Sch Dist VERMONT O637 O636 O649 O633 O640 O639 P636 O638 O641 P635 P638 O647 P634 O630 O631 O632 Addison NW Supervisory Union Barre Supervisory Union Bennington-Rutland Supervisory Union Blue Mtn Union Sch Dist Caledonia Ctrl Supervisor Union Caledonia N Supervisory Union Essex-Caledonia Supervisory Unified Essex N Supervisory Union Flood Brook USD Milton Town Sch Dist Montpelier Public Schools Newbury Sch Dist Orange E Supervisory Union Orange N Supervisory Union Orange-Windsor Supervisory Unit Orleans Essex N Supervisory Unit O635 Oxbow HS P632 Reading Elementary Sch P639 Rutland Central Supervisory Union P637 Springfield Sch Dist O648 St Johnsbury SD P631 Sutton Sch P641TRSU O642 Waits River Vly Sch O644 White Mtn Regl SD (Sau 36) O643 Windham Ctrl Supervisory Union O646 Windham NE Supervisory P640 Windham SE Supervisory Union O634 Windham SW Supervisory SD P633 Windsor SW Supervisory Union VIRGIN ISLANDS R056 St Croix Sch Dist R057 St Thomas Sch Dist R055 US Virgin Islands Dept of Ed VIRGINIA O176 O177 O178 O179 O180 O182 O183 O184 P334 O185 O186 O187 O188 O189 O190 O191 O192 O193 O194 O195 O196 O197 O199 O200 O201 O202 O203 O204 O205 O206 P329 O207 O208 O209 O210 O211 O318 O212 O213 O214 P336 O215 O218 O216 O219 O220 O221 O222 O224 O223 P630 O225 O226 O228 O229 O230 O231 O232 O233 O234 O235 O236 O237 P337 P328 O239 O240 O241 O243 O323 O244 O245 O246 O247 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Accomack CO Sch Dist Albemarle CO Sch Dist Alexandria City Pub Sch Dist Alleghany County Public Sch Amelia CO Sch Dist Amherst CO Sch Dist Appomattox CO Sch Dist Arlington Public Schools Arlington Public Schools-CTE Augusta CO Sch Dist Bath CO Sch Dist Bedford County Public Schools Bland CO Sch Dist Botetourt CO Public Sch Dist Bristol City Sch Dist Brunswick CO Sch Dist Buchanan CO Sch Dist Buckingham CO Sch Dist Buena Vista City Sch Dist Campbell CO Sch Dist Caroline CO Public Schools Carroll CO Sch Dist Charles City CO Sch Dist Charlotte CO Sch Dist Charlottesville City Schools Chesapeake Sch Dist Chesterfield CO Public Schools Clarke CO Sch Dist Colonial Beach Sch Dist Colonial Heights Sch Dist Covington City Public Schools Covington City Sch Dist Craig CO Sch Dist Culpeper CO Sch Dist Cumberland CO Sch Dist Danville City Sch Dist Department of Correctional Educ Dickenson CO Public Sch Dinwiddie CO Sch Dist Essex CO Sch Dist Evergreen Academy Fairfax CO Public Sch Dist Fairfax Public Sch-Area 3 Fairfax Public Schools-Area 1 Falls Church City Pub Sch Dist Fauquier CO Sch Dist Floyd CO Sch Dist Fluvanna CO Sch Dist Franklin CO Sch Dist Franklin City Sch Dist Franklin Northwest Supervisory Union Frederick CO Sch Dist Fredericksburg Sch Dist Galax City Sch Dist Giles CO Sch Dist Gloucester CO Sch Dist Goochland CO Sch Dist Grayson CO Sch Dist Greene CO Sch Dist Greensville CO Sch Dist Halifax CO Public Schools Hampton City Sch Dist Hanover CO Public Sch Dist Harrisonburg City Public Schools Henrico Co-CTE Henrico Co Sch Dist Henry CO Sch Dist Highland CO Sch Dist Isle of Wight Sch Dist Jackson River Technical Ctr King & Queen Sch Dist King George CO Sch Dist King William Sch Dist Lancaster CO Sch Dist Virginia (cont’d) O248 O249 O250 O251 O252 O253 O254 O255 O256 O257 O259 O260 O261 O262 O263 O320 O264 O265 O266 O267 O269 O270 O271 P340 O272 O274 P333 O275 O322 O276 P342 P332 O277 O278 O279 O280 O281 O282 O283 O284 O286 O287 O289 O288 O325 O291 O290 O326 O292 O293 O294 O295 O296 O297 O298 O299 P341 P335 P331 O300 O301 O302 O303 O304 O305 O306 O307 P327 O321 P330 O308 O309 O310 O311 O312 O313 O314 O315 O316 O317 Lee County Public Schools Lexington City Sch Dist Loudoun CO Public Sch Dist Louisa County Public Schools Lunenburg CO Sch Dist Lynchburg City Sch Dist Madison CO Sch Dist Manassas City Sch Dist Manassas Park City Sch Dist Martinsville City Sch Dist Mathews CO Sch Dist Mecklenburg CO Sch Dist Middlesex CO Sch Dist Montgomery CO Sch Dist Nelson CO Sch Dist New Horizons Regl Ed Ctr New Kent CO Sch Dist Newport News Public Schools Norfolk Sch Dist Northampton Co Public Sch Dist Northumberland Sch Dist Norton City Sch Dist Nottoway Co Sch Dist Old Dominion University Orange Co Sch Dist Page Co Sch Dist Page Co Technical Ctr Patrick Co Sch Dist Petersburg Public Schools Petersburg Sch Dist Piedmont Virginia Community Coll Pittsylvania Co Pittsylvania Co Sch Dist Poquoson Sch Dist Portsmouth Public Sch Dist Powhatan Co Sch Dist Prince Edward Sch Dist Prince George Co Sch Dist Prince William County Schools Pulaski Co Sch Dist Radford City Sch Dist Rappahannock Sch Dist Richmond Co Sch Dist Richmond City Sch Dist Richmond Public Schools/Ccp Roanoke Co Sch Dist Roanoke City Sch Dist Roanoke Higher Education Ctr Rockbridge Co Sch Dist Rockingham County Schools Russell Co Sch Dist Salem City Sch Dist Scott Co Sch Dist Shenandoah Co Sch Dist Smyth Co Sch Dist Southampton Co Sch Dist Southeastern Coop Ed Programs Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center Spec Ed State Day Sch Spotsylvania County Schools Stafford Co Sch Dist Staunton City Sch Dist Suffolk Public Sch Dist Surry Co Sch Dist Sussex Co Sch Dist Tazewell County Public Schools Virginia Beach City Sch Dist Virginia Dept of Social Services Virginia Sch For Deaf, Blind Virginia Sch For Deaf, Blind-Staunton Warren Co Sch Dist Washington Co Virginia Pub SD Waynesboro Public Schools West Point Sch Dist Westmoreland Sch Dist Williamsburg-James City CO SD Winchester City Sch Dist Wise CO Sch Dist Wythe CO Sch Dist York CO Sch Dist WASHINGTON O655 O656 O657 O658 O659 O660 O661 O662 O663 O664 O665 O667 Aberdeen Sch Dist 5 Adna Sch Dist 226 Almira Sch Dist 17 Anacortes Sch Dist 103 Arlington Sch Dist 16 Asotin-Anatone Sch Dist 420 Auburn Sch Dist 408 Bainbridge Island Sch Dist 303 Battle Ground Sch Dist 119 Bellevue Sch Dist 405 Bellingham Sch Dist 501 Bethel Sch Dist 403 Washington (cont’d) O668 O669 O670 O671 O672 O673 O674 O675 O676 O677 O678 O679 O680 O681 O682 O685 O686 O687 O688 O953 O689 O690 O691 O692 O693 O694 O695 O696 O697 O698 P150 O699 O700 O701 O702 O703 O704 O705 O683 O684 O706 O707 O709 O710 O711 O712 O713 O714 O715 O716 O717 O718 O719 O720 O955 O954 O952 O721 O722 O723 O724 O725 O726 P103 O727 O728 O729 O730 P101 O731 O732 O733 O734 O735 O736 O737 O738 O739 O740 O741 O742 O743 O744 O745 O746 O747 O748 O749 O750 O751 O752 O753 O754 O755 Bickleton Sch Dist 203 Blaine Sch Dist 503 Boistfort Sch Dist 234 Bremerton Sch Dist 100-C Brewster Sch Dist Bridgeport Sch Dist 75 Brinnon Sch Dist 46 Burlington-Edison Sch Dist 100 Camas Sch Dist 117 Cape Flattery Sch Dist 401 Carbonado Historic Sch Dist 19 Cascade Sch Dist 228 Cashmere Sch Dist 222 Castle Rock Sch Dist 401 Centerville Sch Dist 215 Centralia Sch Dist 401 Chehalis Sch Dist 302 Cheney Sch Dist 360 Chewelah Sch Dist 36 Chief Leschi Schools Chimacum Sch Dist 49 Clarkston Sch Dist J-250-185 Cle Elum-Roslyn Sch Dist 404 Clover Park Sch Dist 400 Colfax Sch Dist 300 College Place Sch Dist 250 Colton Sch Dist 306 Columbia Sch Dist 206 Columbia Sch Dist 400 Colville Sch Dist 115 Colville Tribal Coll Concrete Sch Dist 11 Conway Sch Dist 317 Cosmopolis Sch Dist 99 Coulee-Hartline Sch Dist 151 Coupeville Sch Dist 204 Crescent Sch Dist 313 Creston Sch Dist 73 Ctrl Kitsap Sch Dist 401 Ctrl Vly Sch Dist 356 Curlew Sch Dist 50 Cusick Sch Dist 59 Darrington Sch Dist 330 Davenport Sch Dist Dayton Sch Dist 2 Deer Park Sch Dist 414 Dieringer Sch Dist 343 Dixie Sch Dist East Vly Sch Dist 361 East Vly Sch Dist 90 Eastmont Sch Dist 206 Easton Sch Dist 28 Eatonville Sch Dist 404 Edmonds Sch Dist 15 Education Service Dist 105 Educational Sch Dist 112 Educational Service Dist 113 Ellensburg Sch Dist 401 Elma Sch Dist 68 Endicott Sch Dist 308 Entiat Sch Dist 127 Enumclaw Sch Dist 216 Ephrata Sch Dist 165 ESD 123 Evaline Sch Dist 36 Everett Sch Dist 2 Evergreen Sch Dist Evergreen Sch Dist 114 Fairfax Hospital Federal Way Sch Dist 210 Ferndale Sch Dist 502 Fife Sch Dist 417 Finley Sch Dist 53 Franklin Pierce Sch Dist 402 Freeman Sch Dist 358 Garfield Sch Dist 302 Glenwood Sch Dist 401 Goldendale Sch Dist 404 Grand Coulee Dam SD 301-J Grandview Sch Dist 116-200 Granger Sch Dist 204 Granite Falls Sch Dist 332 Grapeview Sch Dist 54 Great Northern Sch Dist Green Mtn Sch Dist 103 Griffin Sch Dist 324 Harrington Sch Dist 204 Highland Sch Dist 203 Highline Sch Dist 401 Hockinson Sch Dist 98 Hood Canal Sch Dist 404 Hoquiam Sch Dist 28 Inchelium Sch Dist 70 Index Sch Dist 63 Recipient Codes \ 47 Recipient Codes O111 P314 P307 O112 O113 O114 O115 P312 P313 O151 O116 O117 P323 P310 O118 P302 O119 P316 O155 O120 O121 O122 P301 P303 O123 O124 O125 O126 P317 O162 O127 P311 O128 O129 P305 P322 O130 O131 P315 O159 O132 O158 O133 O134 O157 P308 O135 O153 O136 P319 P309 O137 P300 P321 P304 O161 O138 O139 O140 O141 P320 O142 O143 P306 O154 O156 O144 O145 O146 O163 O147 O148 O149 O150 Vermont (cont’d) RECIPIENT CODES (continued) Recipient Codes Washington (cont’d) O756 O757 O758 P100 O759 O760 O761 O762 O763 O764 O765 O766 O767 O768 O769 O770 O771 O772 O773 O774 O775 O776 O777 O778 O779 O959 O780 O781 O782 O783 O784 O785 O786 O787 O788 O789 O790 O791 O792 O793 O794 O795 O796 O797 O798 O799 O800 O801 O802 O803 O804 O958 O805 O806 O807 O808 O809 O810 O811 O812 O961 P102 O813 O814 O815 O816 O817 O818 O819 O820 O821 O822 O951 O824 O825 O826 O827 O957 O828 O829 O830 O831 O832 O833 O834 O835 O836 O837 O838 O839 O840 O841 O842 O843 Issaquah Sch Dist 411 Kahlotus Sch Dist 56 Kalama Sch Dist 402 Keller Sch Dist Keller Sch Dist 3 Kelso Sch Dist 458 Kennewick Sch Dist 17 Kent Sch Dist 415 Kettle Falls Sch Dist 212 Kiona-Benton City Sch Dist Kittitas Sch Dist 403 Klickitat Sch Dist 402 LA Center Sch Dist 101 LA Conner Sch Dist 311 Lacrosse Sch Dist 126 Lake Chelan Sch Dist 129 Lake Stevens Sch Dist 4 Lake Washington Sch Dist Lakewood Sch Dist 306 Lamont Sch Dist 264 Liberty Sch Dist 362 Lind Sch Dist 158 Longview Sch Dist 122 Loon Lake Sch Dist 183 Lopez Island Sch Dist 144 Lummi Nation Sch Dist Lyle Sch Dist 406 Lynden Sch Dist 504 Mabton Sch Dist 120 Mansfield Sch Dist 207 Manson Sch Dist 19 Mary M Knight Sch Dist 311 Mary Walker Sch Dist 207 Marysville Sch Dist 25 Mccleary Sch Dist 65 Mead Sch Dist 354 Medical Lake Sch Dist 326 Mercer Island Sch Dist 400 Meridian Sch Dist 505 Methow Vly Sch Dist 350 Mill A Sch Dist 31 Monroe Sch Dist 103 Montesano Sch Dist 66 Morton Sch Dist 214 Moses Lake Sch Dist 161 Mossyrock Sch Dist 206 Mt Adams Sch Dist 209 Mt Baker Sch Dist 507 Mt Pleasant Sch Dist 29-93 Mt Vernon Sch Dist 320 Mukilteo Sch Dist 6 NW Educational Service Naches Vly Sch Dist J-3 Napavine Sch Dist 14 Naselle-Grays River Vly SD 155 Nespelem Sch Dist 14 Newport Sch Dist 56-415 Nine Mile Falls Sch Dist 325 Nooksack Vly Sch Dist 506 North Beach Sch Dist 64 North Ctrl ESD NorthEast Washington ESD 101 North Franklin SD J-51-162 North Kitsap Sch Dist 400 North Mason Sch Dist 403 North River Sch Dist 200 North Thurston Public Schools Northport Sch Dist 211 Northshore Sch Dist 417 Oak Harbor Sch Dist 201 Oakesdale Sch Dist 324 Oakville Sch Dist 400 Ocean Beach Sch Dist Ocosta Sch Dist 172 Odessa Sch Dist Okanogan Sch Dist 105 Olympia Sch Dist 111 Olympic Esd 114 Omak Sch Dist 19 Onalaska Sch Dist 300 Onion Creek Sch Dist 30 Orcas Island Sch Dist 137 Orchard Prairie Sch Dist 1 Orient Sch Dist 65 Orondo Sch Dist 13 Oroville Sch Dist 410 Orting Sch Dist 344 Othello Sch Dist 147 Palisades Sch Dist 102 Palouse Sch Dist 301 Pasco Sch Dist 1 Pateros Sch Dist 122 Paterson Sch Dist 50 Pe Ell Sch Dist 301 48 \ Recipient Codes Washington (cont’d) O844 O845 O846 O847 O848 O849 O850 O645 O851 O852 O854 O855 O856 O857 O858 O859 O860 O861 O862 O863 O864 O865 O866 O867 O868 O869 O870 O871 O872 O873 O874 P152 O875 O876 O877 O878 O879 O880 O881 O882 O883 O884 P151 O886 O887 O888 O889 O890 O891 O892 O893 O894 O894 O895 O896 O898 O899 O900 O901 O902 O903 O904 O905 O906 O907 O908 O909 O910 O911 O912 O913 O914 O915 O916 O917 O918 O919 O920 O921 O923 O924 O922 O925 O926 O927 O928 O929 O930 O931 O932 O933 O934 O935 O936 Washington (cont’d) Peninsula Sch Dist 401 Pioneer Sch Dist 402 Pomeroy Sch Dist 110 Port Angeles Sch Dist 121 Port Townsend Sch Dist 50 Prescott Sch Dist 402-37 Prosser Sch Dist 116 Puget Sound Esd Pullman Sch Dist 267 Puyallup Sch Dist 3 Quilcene Sch Dist 48 Quillayute Sch Dist Quinault Lake Sch Dist Quincy Sch Dist 144-101 Rainier Sch Dist 307 Raymond Sch Dist 116 Reardan-Edwall Sch Dist 9 Renton Sch Dist 403 Republic Sch Dist 309 Richland Sch Dist 400 Ridgefield Sch Dist 122 Ritzville Sch Dist 160 Riverside Sch Dist 416 Riverview Sch Dist 407 Rochester Sch Dist 401 Roosevelt Sch Dist 403 Rosalia Sch Dist 320 Royal Sch Dist 160 San Juan Island Sch Dist 149 Satsop Sch Dist 104 Seattle Public Schools Seattle Public Schools Sedro Woolley Sch Dist 101 Selah Sch Dist 119 Selkirk Sch Dist 70 Sequim Sch Dist 323 Shaw Island Sch Dist 10 Shelton Sch Dist 309 Shoreline Sch Dist 412 Skamania Sch Dist 2 Skykomish Sch Dist 404 Snohomish Sch Dist 201 Snoqualmie Vly Sch Dist Soap Lake Sch Dist 156 South Bend Sch Dist 118 South Kitsap Sch Dist 402 South Whidbey Sch Dist 206 Southside Sch Dist 42 Spokane Sch Dist 81 Sprague Sch Dist 8 St John Sch Dist 322 Stanwood-Camano Sch Dist Stanwood Sch Dist 401 Star Sch Dist 54 Starbuck Sch Dist 35 Steilacoom Historical SD 1 Steptoe Sch Dist 304 Stevenson Carson Sch Dist 303 Sultan Sch Dist 311 Summit Vly Sch Dist 202 Sumner Sch Dist 320 Sunnyside Sch Dist 201 Tacoma Sch Dist 10 Taholah Sch Dist 77 Tahoma Sch Dist 409 Tekoa Sch Dist 265 Tenino Sch Dist 402 Thorp Sch Dist 400 Toledo Sch Dist 237 Tonasket Sch Dist 404 Toppenish Sch Dist 202 Touchet Sch Dist 300 Toutle Lake Sch Dist 130 Trout Lake Sch Dist R-400 Tukwila Sch Dist 406 Tumwater Sch Dist 33 Union Gap Sch Dist 2 Univ Place Sch Dist 83 Vader Sch Dist 18 Vancouver Sch Dist 37 Vashon Island Sch Dist 402 Vly Sch Dist 70 Wahkiakum Sch Dist 200 Wahluke Sch Dist 73 Waitsburg Sch Dist 401-100 Walla Walla Sch Dist 140 Wapato Sch Dist 207 Warden Sch Dist 146-161 Washougal Sch Dist 112-6 Washtucna Sch Dist 109-43 Waterville Sch Dist 209 Wellpinit Sch Dist 49 Wenatchee Sch Dist 246 West Vly Sch Dist 208 O937 O938 O939 O940 O941 O942 O943 O944 O945 O946 O947 O948 O949 O950 West Vly Sch Dist 363 White Pass Sch Dist 303 White River Sch Dist 416 White Salmon Vly SD 405-17 Wilbur Sch Dist 200 Willapa Vly Sch Dist 160 Wilson Creek Sch Dist 167-202 Winlock Sch Dist 232 Wishkah Vly Sch Dist 117 Wishram Sch Dist 94 Woodland Sch Dist 404 Yakima Sch Dist 7 Yelm Cmty Sch Dist 2 Zillah Sch Dist 205 WISCONSIN P403 Lac du Flambeau P404 Lakeland Union Sch Dist P405 Neenah Joint Sch Dist WYOMING P508 P509 P511 P512 P510 P513 P514 P515 P516 P517 P518 P561 P560 P519 P521 P526 P520 P522 P523 P524 P525 P527 P528 P529 P530 P531 P532 P533 P534 P535 P536 P537 P538 P539 P540 P558 P559 P541 P542 P543 P544 P545 P546 P547 P548 P549 P550 P551 P552 P553 P554 P555 Albany Co Sch Dist 1 Big Horn Co Sch Dist 1 Big Horn Co Sch Dist 3 Big Horn Co Sch Dist 4 Big Horn Sch Dist 2 Campbell Co Sch Dist 1 Carbon Co Sch Dist 1 Carbon Co Sch Dist 2 Converse Co Sch Dist 1 Converse Co Sch Dist 2 Crook Co Sch Dist 1 Crook Co Sch Dist-Hulett Crook Co Sch Dist-Sundance Fremont Co Sch Dist 1 Fremont Co Sch Dist 2 Fremont Co Sch Dist 6 Fremont Co Sch Dist 14 Fremont Co Sch Dist 21 Fremont Co Sch Dist 24 Fremont Co Sch Dist 25 Fremont Co Sch Dist 38 Goshen Co Sch Dist 1 Hot Springs Co Sch Dist 1 Johnson Co Sch Dist 1 Laramie Co Sch Dist 1 Laramie Co Sch Dist 2 Lincoln Co Sch Dist 1 Lincoln Co Sch Dist 2 Natrona Co Sch Dist 1 Niobrara Co Sch Dist 1 Park Co Sch Dist 1 Park Co Sch Dist 16 Park Co Sch Dist 6 Platte Co Sch Dist 1 Platte Co Sch Dist 2 Region V BOCES Saint Stephens Indian Sch Sheridan Co Sch Dist 1 Sheridan Co Sch Dist 2 Sheridan Co Sch Dist 3 Sublette Co Sch Dist 1 Sublette Co Sch Dist 9 Sweetwater Co Sch Dist 1 Sweetwater Co Sch Dist 2 Teton Co Sch Dist 1 Uinta Co Sch Dist 1 Uinta Co Sch Dist 4 Uinta Co Sch Dist 6 Washakie Co Sch Dist 1 Washakie Co Sch Dist 2 Weston Co Sch Dist 1 Weston Co Sch Dist 7 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Citizenship & Country or Region Codes/Abbreviations CITIZENSHIP & COUNTRY OR REGION CODES Afghanistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algeria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . American Samoa . . . . . . . . . . Andorra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anguilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antigua and Barbuda . . . . . . . Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Armenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aruba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Azerbaijan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Azores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bahamas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bahrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bangladesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbados . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belarus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bermuda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bhutan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bosnia & Herzegovina . . . . . . Botswana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . British Virgin Islands . . . . . . . Brunei Darussalam . . . . . . . . Bulgaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burkina Faso . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burundi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cambodia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cameroon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canary Islands . . . . . . . . . . . Cape Verde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cayman Islands . . . . . . . . . . . Central African Republic . . . . Chad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . China, People’s Republic of . . Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comoros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congo-DRC (formerly Zaire) . . . . . . . . . 001 003 005 007 008 010 011 012 015 016 017 020 025 029 030 035 040 045 050 094 055 056 058 060 063 065 069 070 075 077 081 085 593 092 307 095 100 105 106 110 113 114 115 457 120 122 630 Congo Republic . . . . . . . . . . . Cook Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cote d’lvoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Croatia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Djibouti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominica, Commonwealth of Dominican Republic . . . . . . . . Ecuador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Salvador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equatorial Guinea . . . . . . . . . Eritrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethiopia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Faeroe Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . Federated States of Micronesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . French Guiana . . . . . . . . . . . . French Polynesia . . . . . . . . . . Gabon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gambia, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ghana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gibraltar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grenada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guadeloupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guatemala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guinea-Bissau . . . . . . . . . . . . Guyana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honduras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hong Kong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 126 130 290 133 135 140 142 150 153 154 155 165 170 175 183 182 184 185 187 188 107 190 195 200 203 202 204 205 206 208 210 215 217 220 225 227 228 229 230 233 234 235 240 245 250 251 Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Iran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Iraq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Isle of Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Jamaica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Kazakhstan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Kenya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Kiribati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Korea (DPR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 Korea (ROK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Kosovo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Kuwait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Kyrgyzstan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Laos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Latvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330 Lesotho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Liberia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Libya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Liechtenstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Lithuania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Luxembourg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Macau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Macedonia—Fmr Yugoslav Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Madeira Islands . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Malawi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Malaysia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .360 Maldives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Mali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Marshall Islands . . . . . . . . . . .368 Martinique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Mauritania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Mauritius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Moldova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Monaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Mongolia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Montenegro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Mozambique . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Myanmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 090 Namibia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Nauru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Nepal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 Netherlands Antilles . . . . . . . . 395 New Caledonia . . . . . . . . . . . 396 New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Nicaragua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Niger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 Nigeria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 Niue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 Northern Mariana Islands . . . 367 Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435 Oman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 Pakistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 Palau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Panama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Papua New Guinea . . . . . . . . 400 Paraguay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 Puerto Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 Qatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Reunion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 Russian Federation . . . . . . . . 484 Rwanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 St. Helena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 St. Kitts & Nevis . . . . . . . . . . . 486 St. Lucia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 St. Vincent and the Grenadines . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 Samoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620 San Marino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Sao Tome and Principe . . . . . 489 Saudi Arabia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 Senegal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 Serbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 Seychelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Sierra Leone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 Slovenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Solomon Islands . . . . . . . . . . Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sri Lanka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sudan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suriname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swaziland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tajikistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tanzania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timor-Leste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Togo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tonga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trinidad and Tobago . . . . . . . Tunisia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turkmenistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turks and Caicos Islands . . . Tuvalu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uganda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ukraine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Arab Emirates . . . . . . . United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . United States of America . . . . US Virgin Islands . . . . . . . . . . Uruguay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uzbekistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanuatu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vatican City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vietnam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zambia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zimbabwe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marshall Islands . . . . . . . . . . . MH Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MD Massachusetts . . . . . . . . . . . . MA Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MI Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MN Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MO Montana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MT Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NE Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NV New Hampshire . . . . . . . . . . . NH New Jersey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NJ New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NM New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NY North Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . NC North Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ND Northern Mariana Islands . . . . MP Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OH Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OR Palau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PW Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PA Puerto Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PR Rhode Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RI South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . SC South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SD Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TN Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UT Vermont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VT Virgin Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VA Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WA West Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WV Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WI Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WY 506 507 510 515 520 525 527 530 535 540 545 550 555 556 560 565 566 567 570 575 580 585 584 586 587 590 589 591 588 592 607 595 594 596 597 600 605 611 623 635 480 999 ABBREVIATIONS FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AL Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AK American Samoa . . . . . . . . . . . . AS Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AZ Arkansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AR California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO Connecticut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CT Delaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DE District of Columbia . . . . . . . . DC Federated States of Micronesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FM Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FL Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GU Hawaii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI Idaho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN lowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KS Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KY Louisiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LA Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ME FOR STREET ADDRESSES Apartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APT Avenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AVE Boulevard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLVD Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BX Broadway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BDWY Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CT Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DR East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Fort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FT Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GDNS Headquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HTS Highway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HWY Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LK Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LN Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MT Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MTN North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Parkway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PKY Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PL Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PT Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRT Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RD Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RT South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST Terrace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TER Trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRL Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRLR Turnpike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TPKE West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W FOR CANADIAN PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AB British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . BC Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MB New Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . . . NB Newfoundland & Labrador . . . . . NL Northwest Territories . . . . . . . . NT Nova Scotia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NS Nunavut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NU Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON Prince Edward Island . . . . . . . . PE 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QC Saskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . SK Yukon Territory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YT Codes/Abbreviations \ 49 PASSING SCORES (For the most current list of states and passing scores, please check the ParaPro website at The states and districts listed below have adopted the ParaPro Assessment. Within each state/district, the following qualifying scores have been established: STATE QUALIFYING SCORE STATE QUALIFYING SCORE Alaska 459 New Jersey 456 Arizona 459 New Mexico 457 Arkansas 457 North Dakota 464 Ohio 456 alifornia, El Rancho Unified C School District 458 Oregon 455 California, Fillmore Unified School District 458 Pennsylvania, Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3 462 California, Oak Park Unified School District 458 Pennsylvania, Chester Upland School District 459 California, Oakland Unified School District 460 Pennsylvania, Hempfield Area School District 462 California, South Bay Schools 460 California, The Help Group 458 Pennsylvania, Mifflin County School District 460 California, Ventura County 458 Pennsylvania, West Oak Lane Charter School 462 Colorado 460 Rhode Island 461 Connecticut 457 South Carolina 456 Delaware 459 South Dakota 461 District of Columbia 461 Tennessee 456 Florida Consortium 464 Florida, Duval County Public School 457 Texas Education Service Center Region 19 467 Florida, Manatee County School District 457 Texas, Fort Worth Independent School District 461 Hawaii 459 Texas, Keller Independent School District 465 Idaho 460 Texas, Lamar, CISD 465 Illinois 460 Indiana 460 Texas, Midland Independent School District 455 Kansas 455 Louisiana 450 Texas, North East Independent School District 465 Maine 459 Texas, South San Antonio Independent School District 465 Maryland 455 U.S. Virgin Islands 466 Massachusetts 464 Utah 460 Michigan 460 Vermont 458 Minnesota 460 Virginia 455 Montana, Hamilton School District 462 Washington 461 Nebraska 456 Wisconsin, Lakeland Union School District 460 Nevada 460 Wisconsin, Neenah Joint School District 460 New Hampshire 460 Wyoming 462 50 \ Passing Scores 2016—17 ParaPro Assessment Bulletin Prepare for Success with test preparation resources from ETS We offer a variety of free and low-cost test preparation resources to help you feel ready and confident on test day. To find your test preparation materials, visit Copyright © 2016 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, and PRAXIS are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS). MEASURING THE POWER OF LEARNING is a trademark of ETS. 30797 789595 114091-013223 • UNLWEB616
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