Quarterly results Q1 2011
Quarterly results Q1 2011 Rolv Erik Ryssdal, CEO Trond Berger, CFO Terje Seljeseth, CEO Schibsted Classified Media Disclaimer This presentation (hereinafter referred to as the "presentation") has been prepared by Schibsted asa ("Schibsted" or the "Company") exclusively for information purposes, and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments. Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information and facts stated herein are accurate and that the opinions contained herein are fair and reasonable, however no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of the Company, any of its directors, or any other person as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in this document and no liability is accepted for any such information or opinions. This presentation includes and is based on, among other things, forward-looking information and statements. Such forward-looking information and statements are based on the current expectations, estimates and projections of the Company or assumptions based on information available to the Company. Such forwardlooking information and statements reflect current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions. The Company cannot give any assurance as to the correctness of such information and statements. Several factors could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed or implied by statements and information in this presentation. There may have been changes in matters which affect the Company subsequent to the date of this presentation. Neither the issue nor delivery of this presentation shall under any circumstance create any implication that the information contained herein is correct as of any time subsequent to the date hereof or that the affairs of the Company have not since changed. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update or correct any information included in this presentation. Q1 2011 2 Agenda Q1 highlights Media Houses in Q1 Online classifieds in Q1 Income statement and Financials Schibsted Classified Media Outlook Q1 2011 highlights Continued profit improvement and top line growth in Q1 EBITDA NOK 447 million (418 in Q1 2010). Revenue growth 7% Strong quarter for Online operations. Online classifieds revenue growth of 28%. Good online growth in Media houses Additional new ventures in Schibsted Classified Media approaching break even Increased investments in new Online classifieds positions by NOK 32 million Y/Y, building platform for further growth and value creation Scandinavian advertising markets continue to improve Advertising revenues in Media houses increased 8% Media Norge merger approved Challenging circulation volume for single copy sold newspapers Improved market positions on mobile and web Q1 2011 4 Q1 2011 highlights Underlying Revenue Change EBITDA margin Q1 2011 y/y* Q1 11 Q1 10 Group 3 496 7% 13 % 13 % Media Houses Scandinavia 2 436 2% 10 % 11 % Media Houses International 242 7% -2 % -3 % Online Classifieds 830 28 % 31 % 30 % *) Growth adjusted for acquisitions, divestments and currency fluctuations Q1 2011 5 Revenue split Q1 2011 Total revenue MNOK 3,496 Online classifieds 24 % Media Houses other 7% Media Houses online 11 % Media Houses offline advertising 28 % Media Houses single copy 18 % Media Houses subscription 13 % Q1 2011 6 (23) (11) Q1 2011 EBITDA Q1 2011 (32) Other 92 Online classifieds New Investments 300 Online classifieds Established 418 (13) Media Houses other (30) SCH Sverige 46 VG 500 Media Norge ex Finn EBITDA Q1 2010 Million NOK Continued EBITDA growth in Q1 600 447 400 Increased investment in Blocket roll outs 200 100 0 7 Q1 2011 operations Online classifieds Media Houses Finn.no (owned by Media Norge) Media Norge Schibsted Classified Media VG Hitta (owned by Schibsted Sverige) Schibsted Sverige International Key figures Q1 2011: Revenue: MNOK 830 MNOK 2,678 EBITDA: MNOK 261 MNOK 244 Other/eliminations: Revenue MNOK -12 EBITDA MNOK -58 Q1 2011 8 Agenda Q1 highlights Media Houses in Q1 Online classifieds in Q1 Income statement and Financials Schibsted Classified Media Outlook Media Houses Improvement for morning newspapers, challenging volume development for tabloids MNOK +3%* 3000 30 % 2500 25 % 2000 20 % 1500 15 % 1000 10 % 500 5% 0 0% -500 -5 % Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q1 Q2 Q3 2010 Revenue Q4 Q1 2011 EBITDA margin *) Underlying growth, adjusted for currency effects, acquired/divested operations. Note: 2009 and 2010 figures are from Business Areas Media Houses Scandinavia/International. Q1 2011 10 Media Houses Scandinavia Improved markets and firm cost control in Media Norge Q1 advertising revenues in Media Norge media houses increased 9% Recruitment +10% Real estate +8% Circulation revenues increased 1% as a result of price increases. Circulation volume declined 2% EBITDA NOK 150 million (NOK 104 million) Media Norge media houses MNOK 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 13% Q1 10 Revenues 30 % 25 % 20 % 15 % 10 % 5% 0% Q1 11 EBITDA margin Strong performance for online newspapers contribute to the improvement Collaboration projects continue to enhance efficiency. Aftenposten launched iPad edition in Q1. Will be introduced as a paid for product in Q2 Q1 2011 11 Media Houses Scandinavia Broad improvement in Media Norge media houses Aftenposten group 600 Bergens Tidende 30 % 300 500 25 % 250 400 20 % 200 6% 13 % 300 200 7% 15 % 150 10 % 100 +8% 13 % 13 % Stavanger Aftenblad Fædrelandsvennen 30 % 180 30 % 120 25 % 150 25 % 100 20 % 120 20 % 80 20 % 15 % 60 15 % 10 % 40 15 % 90 10 % 60 100 5% 50 5% 30 0 0% 0 0% 0 Q1 10 Revenue Q1 11 EBITDA margin Q1 10 Revenue Q1 11 EBITDA margin +9% 14 % 4% Q1 10 Revenue 5% 20 0% 0 Q1 11 EBITDA margin 30 % +4% 25 % 10 % 3% 3% 5% 0% Q1 10 Revenue Q1 11 EBITDA margin EBITDA figures excluding associated companies. Printing activities were carved out of the Media Houses as of Q1 2011. 2010 figures are calculated for comparison purpose. Q1 2011 12 Merger with Media Norge Merger finalized and effective as of 12 May 2011 Improving the opportunity for cooperation across the Schibsted group Values Media Norge at NOK 7,25 bn. including cash. Main assets: 1. Media Houses Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, and Fædrelandsvennen – each clear leaders in their respective markets, and with potential for further operational improvements 2. 50.01% of Finn.no – fast growing clear market leader in Online classifieds in Norway Close to half of the value linked to online activities Increasing Schibsted’s exposure to Finn.no from 83% to 90% Settlement for the merger 1/3 cash and 2/3 shares in Schibsted ASA One shareholder, representing 0.2% of the shares in Media Norge, has filed a law suit contesting that the merger is invalid Schibsted’s legal advisors consider the claim to be without legal basis Q1 2011 13 Media Houses Scandinavia Circulation decline for print newspapers in Sweden Schibsted Sverige media house* 50 % 800 40 % 600 30 % 400 20 % MSEK 1000 6% 200 10 % 0 0% Q1 10 Revenues MSEK Revenues Reduced single copy circulation volume puts pressure on circulation revenues 19% online growth*. Strong growth and profit development for online growth portfolio (Schibsted Tillväxtmedier) Q1 EBITDA SEK 23 million (SEK 22 million) Print advertising revenue increased 3% Investor Relations advertising segment has been substantially reduced due to regulatory change Circulation revenues increased 2% in Q1, helped by price increases EBITDA margin 8% Q1 10 Schibsted Sverige Q1 EBITDA SEK 57 million (78 million) Q1 11 Svenska Dagbladet group 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Q1 11 EBITDA margin *) Excluding Hitta.se, which is reported as part of the Business Area Online classified Q1 2011 14 Media Houses Scandinavia Circulation volume decline hampers Aftonbladet MSEK Print 500 50 % Q1 EBITDA SEK 27 million (SEK 42 million) 400 40 % Advertising revenue increased by 2% 300 30 % Circulation revenues declined due to 12% volume decline and scale down of low margin supplements. Revenue decline of 10% excluding supplements Cost reduced by 8% because of lower volumes and reduced marketing investments Revenue reduced by 2% in Q1. Affected negatively with 4 million of one off adjustment of revenue Q1 EBITDA SEK 8 million (SEK 21 million) 8% EBITDA margin (20%) in Q1. Increased activity level and development cost result in margin pressure iPad version of the daily newspaper launched in April 2011 200 6% 100 20 % 10 % 0 0% Q1 10 Revenues Q1 11 EBITDA margin MSEK Online 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 8% Q1 10 Revenues 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Q1 11 EBITDA margin Q1 2011 15 Media Houses Scandinavia Challenging circulation, advertising decline in VG MNOK Print Circulation revenues decreased by 6% in Q1 Y/Y as a consequence of continued circulation decline 30 % Circulation volume decline of 12% on weekdays 20 % Print advertising revenues decreased 9% after volume decline and price pressure 500 50 % 400 40 % 300 12% 200 100 10 % 0 0% Q1 10 Revenues EBITDA margin MNOK VG.no 80 50 % 60 40 % 22% 40 20 10 % 0 0% Revenues Q1 11 EBITDA margin Negative Easter effect of around NOK 2 million EBITDA NOK 45 million (NOK 66 million) 3% growth in revenues, excluding Nettby, that was closed down in December 2010 30 % 20 % Q1 10 Q1 11 Advertising revenues increased by 9%, whereas other revenues declined EBITDA NOK 14 million (NOK 20 million). EBITDA margin 22% (28%) Strong traffic growth for digital products, particularly smart phone version Q1 2011 16 Media Houses Scandinavia Single copy sold newspapers – The Q1 2011 facts Reduced circulation revenue due to volume decline Print volume decline: 10-12% 2011 2010 Change Operating expenses on print EBITDA - print - online 35 27 8 63 42 21 -28 -15 -13 reduced Increased operating expenses online due to more cost allocated to online and product development Reduced circulation revenue due to Print volume decline: 12% 2011 2010 Change EBITDA 56 86 -30 - print 45 66 -21 - online 8 17 -9 volume decline Operating expenses reduced on print Increased operating expenses online due to product development and periodisation of bonuses Q1 2011 17 Media Houses Scandinavia Single copy sold newspapers – Actions 1. Efforts to slow down the circulation volume decline Adapt and improve the products Optimize the cover price structure, price increases will be considered 2. Adjust the cost base to the revenue development. Optimization of the organization Optimization of printing, distribution and business terms 3. Efforts to further increase the digital revenues Monetizing the rapid growing mobile traffic Experiment with user paid tablet versions Further increase sales efficiency for web versions Q1 2011 18 Media Houses International Good growth in France and Baltics. Still challenging in Spain Baltics Good advertising growth in Estonia, partly helped by elections Particularly good growth for Kanal 2 20 40 % 15 30 % 10 9% 5 10 % 0 0% Q1 10 Firm cost control and margin improvement Revenue France* Spain Tough competition in the free newspaper market met by increased distribution for 20 Minutes 12% revenue growth, but flat margin development due to increased coverage EBITDA margin 15 45 % 10 30 % 5 -7% 0 Continued good growth in traffic and revenue for online activities Q1 11 -5 Continued harsh market environment in Spain Revenues declined 11% Flat cost development result in margin decrease 15 % 0% -15 % Q1 10 Revenue Q1 11 EBITDA margin 9 90 % 6 60 % 3 30 % -26% 0 -3 Good development for online activities 20 % 0% -30 % Q1 10 Revenue Q1 11 EBITDA margin *) Chart illustrates 100% of the company. Schibsted owns 50% Q1 2011 19 Agenda Q1 highlights Media Houses in Q1 Online classifieds in Q1 Income statement and Financials Schibsted Classified Media Outlook Online classifieds Continued strong growth and margin improvement +28%* MNOK 900 90 % 800 80 % 700 70 % 600 60 % 500 50 % 400 40 % 300 30 % 200 20 % 100 10 % 0 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Revenue EBITDA margin Q1 Q2 Q3 2010 Q4 Q1 2011 EBITDA margin ex SCM New Ventures *) Underlying growth, adjusted for currency effects, acquired/divested operations. Q1 2011 21 Online classifieds Strong growth and high margins maintained in Finn.no EBITDA of NOK 131 million in Q1* (NOK 88 mill) Finn.no Q1 EBITDA margin 47% (42%) Operating revenues NOK 277 million, a growth of 31%, helped by volume and price, as well as new revenue models 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Recruitment 45% Real estate 14% Car 32% Finn Torget (generalist) 25% Finn Reise (travel) 46% MNOK 47% Q1 10 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Q1 11 Revenues EBITDA margin Increased market share in brand/display advertising, which comprises around ¼ of Finn.no revenues *) EBITDA excluding associated companies Q1 2011 22 Online classifieds Stable growth rate and high margins in Blocket/Bytbil EBITDA of SEK 90 million in Q1 (SEK 84 mill) Q1 operating margin 56% (59%) Operating revenues SEK 161 million, a growth of 14% driven by volume, price adjustments and new products Good development for new e-commerce platform launched in Q3 2010 Blocket/Bytbil MSEK 200 100 % 150 80 % 60 % 100 56% 40 % 50 20 % 0 0% Q1 10 Q1 11 Revenues EBITDA margin Source for traffic data: KIA Index Q1 2011 23 Online classifieds Strong growth and margin development in Spain and France EBITDA margin 39% vs 37%** 29% growth in revenues compared to Q1 2010 on a comparable base Spain: Continued good trend Growth both for Anuntis (car, real estate and generalist) and for InfoJobs (recruitment) Increased marketing spend in Anuntis SCM International* EBITDA EUR 14.5 million in Q1 (EUR 10.0 mill) MEUR 40 80 % 30 60 % 20 40 % 39% 10 0 20 % 0% Q1 10 Q1 11 Revenues EBITDA margin Leboncoin.fr: Strong growth and high margins *) SCM International operations include Spain, Latin-America and France. Chart illustrates development for the current portfolio, i.e. including 100% of Leboncon.fr and excluding Car&Boat Media. **) 2010 margin of 37% refers to the continued operations: Spain/LatAm, and 100% of Leboncoin.fr, but not Car&Boat Media. Note: Source for traffic figures is Google AdPlanner Q1 2011 24 Leboncoin.fr a top three online site in France Continued strong growth and high margins in Q1 2011 Revenues increased 81% Y/Y 6 billion page views in March 2011, a growth of 59% The second largest online site in France by page views (Google not measured) Top 10 Sites, France Page Views, March facebook.com 40 000 000 000 leboncoin.fr 6 000 000 000 orange.fr 5 900 000 000 youtube.com live.com yahoo.com 3 600 000 000 2 000 000 000 1 400 000 000 free.fr 880 000 000 msn.com 720 000 000 pagesjaunes.fr 310 000 000 commentcamarche.net 160 000 000 Note: Source for traffic figures is Google AdPlanner Q1 2011 25 Online classifieds Established European footprint combined with growth opportunities Highly profitable #1 positions All verticals Norway Cars + general Sweden Cars + general France Jobs General Spain Real estate Cars Operations in Established phase Operations in Investment phase Q1 2011 26 Agenda Q1 highlights Media Houses in Q1 Online classifieds in Q1 Income statement and Financials Schibsted Classified Media Outlook Income statement Schibsted Group – headlines for Q1 2011 Revenues NOK 3.5 billion (3.3 billion) Total revenue underlying +7% Y/Y Advertising revenue Online classifieds and Media Houses +14% Operating profit (EBITDA) NOK 447 million (NOK 418 million) Includes NOK 32 million in increased investment in Online classifieds roll outs Net financials NOK -29 million (NOK -27 million) Net income NOK 194 million (NOK 171 million) Q1 2011 28 Income statement Schibsted Group (NOK million) Q1 2011 Q1 2010 2010 3,496 3,258 13,768 12,745 (3,055) (2,845) (11,605) (11,184) 6 447 5 418 36 2,199 (67) 1,494 (137) (152) (588) (662) 310 266 1,611 832 (4) (18) (110) (161) 12 30 1,909 (236) Operating profit (loss) 318 278 3,410 435 Net financial items (29) (27) (11) (156) Profit (loss) before taxes Taxes 289 251 3,399 279 (95) (80) (468) (94) Net income (loss) 194 171 2,931 185 EPS (NOK) 1.53 1.45 27.04 4.74 EPS - adjusted (NOK) 1.41 1.41 9.72 4.42 Operating revenues Operating expenses Income from associated companies Gross operating profit (EBITDA ) Depreciation and amortization Gross operating profit after depreciation and amortisation (previously EBITA) Impairment loss Other revenues and expenses 2009 Reduced due to divestments Linked to Sandrew Metronome scale down and divestments Q1 2011 29 Continued cyclical recovery, but not yet back to peak levels Print advertising – Schibsted’s Scandinavian newspapers 1 200 Million NOK 1 000 800 600 400 200 2008 2009 2010 2011 2008 2009 2010 2011 2008 2009 2010 2011 2008 2009 2010 2011 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Print advertising revenues for Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Fædrelandsvennen, Svenska Dagbladet, and Aftonbladet. Q1 2011 30 Key financial figures Earnings per share 20 Cash flow from operations per share NOK NOK 12 16,72 16 10 8,99 8,04 12 8 6,87 8 6 4,24 3,57 4 1,46 0,62 1,99 1,45 1,53 0 4,45 4,20 4,12 3,2 4 2,43 2,40 2 -0,71 -4 0 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q409 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q409 Q110 Q210 Q310 CAPEX Net interest bearing debt CAPEX (million NOK) and CAPEX/Sales (%) Net interest bearing debt (NOK) and Ratio of Net interest bearing debt/LTM EBITDA Q410 Q111 Note: NIBD/EBITDA according to bank definition. 6000 250 5000 200 4852 4149 176 4000 150 3102 128 118 109 88 100 4 4 50 71 65 2 2 2 84 2554 96 2000 5 2 3000 3 3 3,9 2389 3,7 2,4 1000 1,7 1,4 Q409 Q110 1820 1990 0,6 0,8 0,9 Q310 Q410 Q111 1501 1337 0,7 Q210 0 0 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q409 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q1 2011 31 Strong balance sheet, free float increased NIBD/EBITDA 0.9 at end of Q1 Debt maturity profile 3 500 Total liquidity reserve of NOK 3.9 3 000 billion in Q2 2011: NOK 345 million in cash payment Number of treasury shares will be reduced with approx 4 million. Free float increased from 70% to 74% Mill. NOK Effect of Media Norge transaction 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 < 1 yr < 2 yrs <3 yrs <4 yrs <5 yrs >5 yrs Other interest-bearing debt Bonds and CP's Drawn bankfacilities Undrawn bankfacilities Q1 2011 32 Increased dividend proposed 3,99 4,00 3,39 3,50 3,00 3,00 2,59 2,39 2,50 1,59 1,59 1,59 1,50 1,50 1,39 1,39 1,00 0,50 0,00 2010* 2009 2008 2007 2002 2001 2000 0,00 1999 million based on total number of shares issued 2,00 1998 Equals NOK 324 2006 last year 4,50 2005 100% increase since 4,78 NOK per share 2004 NOK 3.00 per share 5,00 2003 Dividend proposed at *) Proposed by the Board of Directors Dividend pr. share adjusted for effect of rights issue in 2009 Q1 2011 33 Tight cost control in Media Houses, increased marketing within online Main increase in SCM and Finn.no 3100 3000 2900 142 Head count increase in Online operations. Reductions in print 47 3055 61 (34) (6) 2845 2800 Higher paper prices, but lower volume Operating cost Q1 11 Marketing & other expenses Personnell Raw materials Divestments Currency Operating cost Q1 10 2700 Q1 2011 34 Continued efforts to streamline operations and reduce cost NOK 1.7 billion profitability programme was delivered by Q4 2010 Efforts to streamline operations and reduce expenses continues in 2011 Continuous Improvement projects (Lean) across the Group Shared service centres are established in Norway and Sweden All Norwegian printing operations gathered in a dedicated company Tight control of headcount development – one of the most important cost drivers Q1 2011 35 Main comments related to EBITDA development as of Q1 2011 As of Q1 2011 focus in presentations and comments will be put on EBITDA A better measure for underlying performance and cash flow The most common measure for comparing valuation multiples and performance between companies in the media industry EBITDA for operating units are available for historical reference Overview of future development for acquisition related amortizations is available at schibsted.com/ir Q1 2011 36 Agenda Q1 highlights Media Houses in Q1 Online classifieds in Q1 Income statement and Financials Schibsted Classified Media Outlook Schibsted Classified Media - today’s topics Why do we believe so strongly in online classifieds? How do we look at our portfolio of assets? How is it going? Q1 2011 38 Online classifieds has a great audience potential… Top 10 Sites, Norway Unique Users, March facebook.com vg.no finn.no live.com 3 500 000 2 800 000 2 600 000 2 400 000 Top 10 Sites, Sweden Unique Users, March facebook.com youtube.com live.com aftonbladet.se 6 100 000 5 600 000 5 100 000 4 600 000 Top 10 Sites, France Unique Users, March facebook.com 34 000 000 youtube.com 28 000 000 live.com 28 000 000 orange.fr 21 000 000 gulesider.no 2 000 000 blocket.se 4 200 000 leboncoin.fr 20 000 000 nrk.no 2 000 000 msn.com 4 200 000 msn.com 19 000 000 dagbladet.no 1 900 000 hitta.se free.fr 19 000 000 msn.com 1 900 000 eniro.se 3 800 000 3 500 000 yahoo.com 16 000 000 startsiden.no 1 600 000 swedbank.se 3 200 000 commentcamarche.net 16 000 000 aftenposten.no 1 500 000 blogspot.com 3 100 000 pagesjaunes.fr 16 000 000 Source all figures: Doubleclick Ad Planner, March 2011 Google.com/adplanner – List by audience Q1 2011 39 …and a superior ability to create page views! Top 10 Sites, Norway Page Views, March facebook.com 3 700 000 000 finn.no 890 000 000 Top 10 Sites, Sweden Page Views, March facebook.com blocket.se live.com 170 000 000 youtube.com vg.no 160 000 000 swedbank.se startsiden.no 120 000 000 live.com dagbladet.no 110 000 000 aftonbladet.se nrk.no 81 000 000 msn.com msn.com 81 000 000 eniro.se aftenposten.no gulesider.no 50 000 000 34 000 000 7 200 000 000 1 100 000 000 960 000 000 550 000 000 490 000 000 280 000 000 210 000 000 Top 10 Sites, France Page Views, March facebook.com 40 000 000 000 leboncoin.fr 6 000 000 000 orange.fr 5 900 000 000 youtube.com live.com yahoo.com 3 600 000 000 2 000 000 000 1 400 000 000 free.fr 880 000 000 67 000 000 msn.com 720 000 000 hitta.se 61 000 000 pagesjaunes.fr 310 000 000 blogspot.com 61 000 000 commentcamarche.net 160 000 000 Source all figures: Doubleclick Ad Planner, March 2011 Google.com/adplanner – List by audience Q1 2011 40 Very attractive economics in online classifieds – but you need to become #1! EBITDA margin 100% High margins for players that are much larger than #2 50–70% 30–50% 5–30% 0% 1x 3—5x Size versus second player 8—10x Sources: Margin: Company reports and presentations Size vs #2:Pageviews(AdPlanner), active objects where applicable, company presentations. EBITDA 2010 except AutoTrader 2008 Q1 2011 41 The Blocket Concept life stages StartupPhase Traction Phase Established Phase (Baby) (Teenager) (Adult) All babies start off the same, they play around, grow fast and cost a lot of money! They start having ambitions, establish their own identity and want to become self-sustaining Market leaders aiming for world class and earning money to support the family Our assets - what is their “job”? Asset phase Main focus Assets (not exhaustive) Established phase • Create/maintain value leadership based on sustained volume leadership • Blocket • Infojobs Spain • Anuntis Spain • Leboncoin Investment phase • Gain clear volume leadership • Subito.it • Willhaben.at • Mudah.my • Kapaza.be • Infojobs.it /com.br • Grow strongly and establish a clear path to leadership • Tori.fi • Tutti.ch • CustoJusto.pt • Jofogas.hu • Ayosdito.ph • Berniaga.com • Dinkos.com.au Stage 2 (Traction phase) Investment phase Stage 1 (Startup phase) Q1 2011 43 StartupPhase Traction Phase Established Phase (Baby) (Teenager) (Adult) All babies start off the same, they play around, grow fast and cost a lot of money! They start having ambitions, establish their own identity and want to become self-sustaining Market leaders aiming for world class and earning money to support the family Established phased assets: Doing their job very well! Sweden International* 200 40 100 % 100 % MSEK 150 75 % 100 57% 50 % MEUR 35 80 % 30 25 60 % 20 40 % 15 39% 50 25 % 10 20 % 5 0 0% Q3 09 Q4 09 Q1 10 Q2 10 Q3 10 Q4 10 Q1 11 Revenues EBITA margin 0 0% Q3 09 Q4 09 Q1 10 Q2 10 Q3 10 Q4 10 Q1 11 Revenues EBITDA margin *) SCM International operations include Spain, Latin-America and France. Chart illustrates development for the current portfolio, i.e. including 100% of Leboncon.fr and excluding Car&Boat Media. Q1 2011 45 StartupPhase Traction Phase Established Phase (Baby) (Teenager) (Adult) All babies start off the same, they play around, grow fast and cost a lot of money! They start having ambitions, establish their own identity and want to become self-sustaining Market leaders aiming for world class and earning money to support the family willhaben catching up with ebay.at Page Views / Month, Doubleclick Ad Planner willhaben ebay.at 400 000 000 350 000 000 300 000 000 250 000 000 200 000 000 150 000 000 100 000 000 50 000 000 1103 1102 1101 1012 1011 1010 1009 1008 1007 1006 1005 1004 1003 1002 1001 0912 0911 0910 0909 0908 0907 0906 0905 0904 0903 - Q1 2011 47 Subito catching up with ebay.it Page Views / Month, Doubleclick Ad Planner Subito eBay.it 1 200 000 000 1 000 000 000 800 000 000 600 000 000 400 000 000 200 000 000 1103 1102 1101 1012 1011 1010 1009 1008 1007 1006 1005 1004 1003 1002 1001 0912 0911 0910 0909 0908 0907 0906 0905 0904 0903 0902 0901 - Q1 2011 48 CustoJusto catching up with OLX.pt Page Views / Month, Doubleclick Ad Planner CustoJusto OLX.pt 100 000 000 90 000 000 80 000 000 70 000 000 60 000 000 50 000 000 40 000 000 30 000 000 20 000 000 10 000 000 1103 1102 1101 1012 1011 1010 1009 1008 1007 1006 1005 1004 1003 1002 1001 0912 0911 0910 0909 0908 0907 0906 0905 0904 0903 - Q1 2011 49 StartupPhase Traction Phase Established Phase (Baby) (Teenager) (Adult) All babies start off the same, they play around, grow fast and cost a lot of money! They start having ambitions, establish their own identity and want to become self-sustaining Market leaders aiming for world class and earning money to support the family A network of sites and hubs – sharing best practice, creating value Worldwide network of experts We have systematically established competence sharing programs within our group Also sharing knowledge between companies in different stages of development Q1 2011 51 Agenda Q1 highlights Media Houses in Q1 Online classifieds in Q1 Income statement and Financials Schibsted Classified Media Outlook Outlook Scandinavia: Continued firm advertising markets for Media Houses, and good growth for online classifieds expected. International: Continued strong growth for online classifieds expected Continued weak trend expected for single copy sold newspapers. More stable circulation expected for subscription based newspapers Increasing contribution to revenues and profits from Schibsted Tillväxtmedier online services in Sweden Online classifieds operations in Italy, Austria expected to reach break even in Q4 2011 or Q1 2012 Targeted investments in new positions for Schibsted Classified Media will continue. Good development in existing sites, and investment in 2011 will be in the previously communicated range of NOK 300-400 million. Q1 2011 53 Q1 2011 54 Appendices Spreadsheet containing detailed Q1 2011 and Historical and analytical Information can be downloaded from www.schibsted.com/ir Q1 2011 55 Schibsted ASA basic data Ticker Number of shares (31 March 2011) Treasury shares (31 March 2011) Number of shares outstanding Free float* Share price (31 March 2011) Market cap (31 March 2011) Average daily trading volume LTM Oslo Stock Exchange: SCH Reuters: SBST.OL Bloomberg: SCH NO 108,003,615 4,082,837 103,920,778 70 % NOK 162.30 NOK 19.6 bn., EUR 2.2 bn., USD 3.2 bn., GBP 1.9 bn. 306,300 shares *) Total number of shares excluding treasury shares and shares owned by Blommenholm Industrier AS. Q1 2011 56 Top 20 shareholders Rank Name 1 Blommenholm Industrier AS Holding Share 28,188,589 26.1 % 2 Folketrygdfondet 8,010,212 7.4 % 3 JPMorgan Chase Bank * 7,038,490 6.5 % 4 Schibsted ASA 3,943,337 3.7 % 5 Bank Of New York Mellon * 3,745,428 3.5 % 6 NWT Media As 2,962,619 2.7 % 7 State Street Bank And Trust Co. * 2,021,259 1.9 % 8 Orkla ASA 1,900,000 1.8 % 9 JPMorgan Chase Bank * 1,285,043 1.2 % % of foreign shareholders 10 Vital Forsikring ASA 1,277,352 1.2 % Number of shareholders 11 Clearstream Banking S.A. * 1,268,780 1.2 % Number of shares 12 Goldman Sachs Int. - Equity - * 1,248,631 1.2 % Shares ow ned by Schibsted 13 State Street Bank and Trust Co. * 1,107,909 1.0 % 14 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken * 1,086,385 1.0 % Largest countries of ownership 15 Citibank N.A. (London Branch) * 44.4 % 4,857 108,003,615 4,230,440 1,047,047 1.0 % Norw ay 55.6 % 16 State Street Bank and Trust Co. * 900,021 0.8 % United Kingdom 14.4 % 17 JPMorgan Chase Bank * 868,937 0.8 % USA 12.3 % 18 SHB Institutional Sales Stockholm 841,000 0.8 % Luxembourg 4.6 % 19 BNP Paribas Secs Services Paris * 835,515 0.8 % Sw eden 3.1 % 20 SHB Stockholm Clients Account * 825,809 0.8 % France 2.7 % Source: VPS *) Nominee accounts Data as of 31 March 2011. Updated information at: www.schibsted.com/en/ir/Share/Shareholders/ Q1 2011 57 Shareholder analysis Rank Fund Manager 1 Blommenholm Industrier AS Shares % at % at 14/04/11 12/01/11 28,188,589 26.10 26.10 2 Folketrygdfondet 8,010,212 7.42 8.03 3 Fidelity Investments 7,982,193 7.39 5.23 4 Tw eedy Brow ne 5,393,419 4.99 4.99 5 Taube Hodson Stonex Partners 5,190,468 4.81 4.93 6 Schibsted ASA 4,082,837 3.78 3.79 7 Handelsbanken Asset Management 3,220,828 2.98 2.96 8 NWT Media ASA 2,962,619 2.74 2.74 9 BlackRock 1,943,656 1.80 1.52 10 Orkla ASA 1,900,000 1.76 1.76 11 Nordea Fonder (Finland) 1,657,605 1.53 1.70 12 Nordea Asset Management 1,558,317 1.44 1.37 13 Sw edbank Robur 1,405,119 1.30 1.06 14 State Street (C) 1,337,274 1.24 1.11 15 Adelphi Capital 1,283,691 1.19 1.20 16 Vital Forsikring ASA 1,279,297 1.18 1.16 17 People's Bank of China 1,217,611 1.13 1.13 18 TT International Investment Management 1,075,041 1.00 1.17 19 DnB NOR Asset Management 1,074,519 0.99 1.14 20 Amundi Asset Management 1,006,204 0.93 0.45 21 Rational Asset Management 933,000 0.86 0.86 22 National Australia (C) 887,233 0.82 0.82 23 KLP 819,195 0.76 0.78 24 Storebrand Investments 784,763 0.73 0.86 25 Nordea Fonder (Sw eden) 774,451 0.72 0.83 Source: RD: IR and VPS, through the Nominee ID service. Data as of 12 January 2011. The shareholder ID data is provided by RD: IR and VPS, through the Nominee ID service. The data is obtained through the analysis of beneficial ownership and fund manager information provided in replies to disclosure of ownership notices issued to all custodians on the Schibsted share register. Whilst every reasonable effort is made to verify all data, neither RD:IR nor VPS can guarantee the accuracy of the analysis. Updated information at: www.schibsted.com/en/ir/Share/Shareholders/ Q1 2011 58 Circulation development - YTD Per Q1 Circulation Change Change 2011 2010-2011 Media Norge w eekdays 418 599 (9 091) (2,1)% Media Norge Sunday 289 833 (5 388) (1,8)% Verdens Gang w eekdays 207 620 (29 546) (12,5)% Verdens Gang Sunday 202 133 (7 239) (3,5)% Circulation revenue Change 2010-2011 } 330 a) 0,9 % } 268 a) (6,3)% 320 b) (14,0)% 127 b) 2,4 % Aftonbladet w eekdays Aftonbladet Sunday Svenska Dagbladet w eekdays 189 800 (9 900) (5,0)% Svenska Dagbladet Sunday 194 100 (9 600) (4,7)% } a) Figures in NOK million b) Figures in SEK million Q1 2011 59 Advertising – Print editions Volum e 1) 2011 Per Q1 Media Norge Verdens Gang Aftonbladet 2) Svenska Dagbladet 2) Change 2010-2011 Revenues (NOK m illion) Change 2010-2011 32 184 11,3 % 524 10,8 % 2 674 (5,8) % 87 (13,9) % 3 857 (14,3) % 91 2,2 % 5 824 (4,0) % 128 3,2 % 1) Column meters 2) SEK million Q1 2011 60 Advertising revenues Media Norge Offline advertising revenues Aftenposten Bergens Tidende Stavanger Aftenblad Fædrelandsvennen Q1 648 350 133 116 50 2008 Q2 Q3 696 519 380 251 152 105 111 110 52 54 Q4 574 293 124 106 52 Q1 481 250 103 85 43 2009 Q2 Q3 489 393 248 198 105 88 86 68 49 39 Q4 503 256 112 89 46 Q1 471 237 106 85 44 2010 Q2 Q3 543 428 279 216 116 94 97 78 51 40 Q4 550 277 123 100 50 2011 Q1 524 271 115 91 47 Real estate Aftenposten Bergens Tidende Stavanger Aftenblad Fædrelandsvennen 109 76 17 9 7 134 92 19 13 9 83 54 13 8 9 69 46 10 8 5 70 47 9 8 5 89 59 11 10 9 66 43 9 6 7 69 46 10 7 6 67 46 8 7 6 94 66 10 10 8 71 48 8 8 7 63 40 9 8 6 71 49 8 7 7 Recruitment Aftenposten Bergens Tidende Stavanger Aftenblad Fædrelandsvennen 178 100 29 38 11 173 97 30 36 11 108 62 17 23 7 111 63 17 24 7 104 60 16 21 6 85 48 15 18 5 70 38 12 15 4 86 48 15 18 5 105 57 19 23 6 103 56 18 22 7 79 45 14 15 5 101 54 20 21 6 115 63 22 23 7 37 18 10 6 3 44 25 9 7 3 35 17 9 6 3 33 14 9 7 3 33 18 8 4 3 36 21 8 5 3 34 18 8 5 3 44 24 10 6 4 44 22 13 6 3 46 24 11 7 4 38 20 10 5 3 46 20 13 9 4 51 22 13 11 5 Online advertising Aftenposten Bergens Tidende Stavanger Aftenblad Fædrelandsvennen Q1 2011 61 Advertising revenue split Aftenposten print newspaper Aftenposten AS Figures in NOK million Q1 07 Q2 07 Q3 07 Q4 07 Q108 Q208 Q308 Q408 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q409 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 228 113 80 35 233 106 103 24 193 79 87 27 193 93 71 30 208 100 76 32 215 97 92 26 141 62 54 26 135 63 46 26 137 60 47 29 128 48 59 22 106 38 43 24 121 48 46 26 129 57 46 26 147 56 66 24 117 45 48 25 123 54 40 29 143 63 49 31 Brand 78 85 61 74 68 81 50 67 44 49 40 48 46 53 37 61 57 Retail 74 75 65 96 72 84 59 95 68 73 52 86 61 75 61 91 69 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 -5 1 -2 -1 -1 15 % 21 % 10 % 9% 19 % 16 % 26 % 5% 22 % 12 % 39 % 8% 10 % 2% 20 % 15 % -9 % -12 % -5 % -9 % -8 % -9 % -11 % 8% -27 % -22 % -38 % -4 % -30 % -32 % -35 % -11 % -34 % -40 % -38 % -8 % -40 % -51 % -36 % -17 % -25 % -38 % -19 % -6 % -11 % -24 % 1% -2 % -6 % -5 % -3 % -11 % 15 % 18 % 12 % 13 % 10 % 17 % 10 % 0% 2% 12 % -14 % 12 % 11 % 11 % 7% 19 % Brand 7% 13 % 17 % -3 % -12 % -5 % -17 % -9 % -36 % -40 % -21 % -29 % 4% 9% -9 % 27 % 25 % Retail 9% 4% 10 % 10 % -2 % 12 % -9 % -1 % -6 % -13 % -11 % -9 % -10 % 2% 16 % 5% 13 % Total classified Recruitment Real estate Other classified Unspes. market Y/Y change: Total classified Recruitment Real estate Other classified Q1 2011 62 Key financial figures Per Q1 2011 Operating profit (EBITDA) (NOK million) Per Q4 2010 2010 2009 447 418 2 199 1 494 12.8 12.8 16.0 11.7 Operating margin before ass. companies 8.7 8.0 11.4 7.0 Operating margin (EBITA) 8.9 8.2 11.7 6.5 EPS (NOK) 1.53 1.45 27.04 4.74 Cash flow from operations (NOK million) 250 251 2 039 1 610 Cash flow from operations per share (NOK) 2.40 2.43 19.73 19.34 Net income attr. to major interests 159 149 2 794 395 Average number of shares (1 000) 104,000 103,303 103,338 83,256 Operating margins (%): Operating margin (EBITDA) Q1 2011 63 Capital structure Per Q1 2011 Per Q4 2010 2010 2009 Investments (NOK million): Operational investments (capex) 118 71 427 390 20 3 1 880 196 Interest bearing debt (NOK million) 2 657 3 018 2 478 3 809 Net interest bearing debt (NOK million) 1 990 2 389 1 820 2 554 Interest bearing debt ratio (%) 15.9 21.2 15.0 25.0 1) 42.8 37.4 42.4 34.7 Shares and other holdings Equity ratio(%) 1) Treasury shares are offset against equity Q1 2011 64 Market leading newspapers in Norway and Sweden Schibsted owns six of top ten newspapers in Norway Daily readership (‘000) Penetration¹ 884 663 431 315 266 Other M:NO* 502 Schibsted owns two of top seven paid newspapers in Sweden Daily readership (‘000) Penetration² 22% 1 078 17% 962 11% 8% 7% 821 13% 11% 8% 544 7% 492 13% *) Sum of Bergens Tidende (232), Stavanger Aftenblad (169), Fædrelandsvennen (101) Source: TNS Gallup 2011 Forbruker & Media 11/01 ¹ Norwegian population of 3,963,000 aged 12 or older 15% Schibsted’s titles Source: Orvesto 2010:3 – weekdays Individual figures for Expressen, GT and Kvällsposten are not published. Schibsted estimate of Expressens readership is around 600,000. ² Swedish population of 7,150,000 aged 15 to 79 Q1 2011 65 Market leading positions online in Norway and Sweden Sweden Site 1 Aftonbladet 2 3 4 5 MSN.se Hotmail blocket.se hitta.se Million Unique visitors 5.5 5.5 4.9 4.7 4.0 6 Eniro.se 7 Expressen 8 Aftonbladet WebbTV 2.7 2.5 1.9 9 10 11 12 DN.se hemnet.se svt.se svd.se 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tradera svtplay.se Bloglovin di.se mobil.aftonbladet.se tv.nu 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19 SR.se 20 e24.se 0.9 0.8 21 Dayviews.com 22 prisjakt.nu 23 Klart.se 0.8 0.7 0.7 24 SL 25 familjeliv.se 0.6 0.6 Schibsted share of top 25 = Schibsted sites 44 % Norway Million Unique visitors 3.7 2.7 1 2 Site VG Nett Finn.no 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NRK.no Dagbladet.no MSN Startsiden Gule Sider SOL Aftenposten.no 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.2 1.4 1.4 1.2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Nettavisen TV2 Blogg.no Kvasir ABCnyheter Klikk.no Kjendis.no Opplysningen 1881 E24.no 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 19 20 21 22 DinSide.no NAV Seher.no Bergens Tidende 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 23 Dn.no 24 Adressa.no 25 Online Schibsted share of top 25 Source: TNS Gallup, Kiaindex Note: Week 18 of 2011 0.4 0.4 0.4 28 % Q1 2011 66 Daily reach for Media Houses in Sweden – print and online Aftonbladet 2 522 Expressen, GT, Kvällsposten 1 607 DN 1 116 GP 588 Sydsvenskan 361 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Number of daily readers for media house online and print platforms Source: SIFO approved calculation of Orvesto internet, Ovesto day and Orvesto consumer. Svenska Dagbladet is not included in the survey. Q1 2011 67 Number 1 positions in Spain, France and Italy Market Site Market position No. 1 recruitment No. 1 generalist classifieds Spain No. 1 cars No. 1/2 real estate No. 3 news site No. 3 recruitment No. 1 general merchandise France No. 5 news site Source: Italy No. 1 in recruitment No. 1 general merchandise Google AdPlanner, Unique Visitors (France/Italy, cookies) Q1 2011 68 Historical development 1839 Chr. Schibsted Forlag (publishing house) founded 1860 Christiania Adresseblad launched in Oslo – renamed Aftenposten in 1861 2005 Acquisition of Hitta.se 2005 Launch of Sesam and acquisition of Internettkatalogen 1966 Takeover of VG 2006 Schibsted International Classifieds & Search – launch of Willhaben.at and LeBoncoin.fr 1989 Reorganisation from a private family company to a limited company 2006 Acquisition of selected assets of Trader Classified Media (International Classifieds Acquired) 1992 Listing at the Oslo Stock Exchange with a growth strategy declaration 2006 Divestment of ownership in TV 2 1992 First TV and film investments 2006 Divestment of ownership TV4 1995 First New Media/Internet investments 2007 Media Norge approved by Schibsted’s general meeting 1995 First investments in Kanal 2 in Estonia 2009 Rolv Erik Ryssdal new CEO 1996 Acquisition of Aftonbladet 2009 Media Norge established 1998 Acquisition of Svenska Dagbladet 2009 Increased ownership in Finn.no and InfoJobs.net 1998 Investment in Eesti Meedia Group 2009 Non core activities Metronome, Retriever, Basefarm, Teleadress divested 1999 Launch of the free newspaper concept 20 Minutes 2000 Launch of Finn 2003 Acquisition of Blocket 2010 Increased ownership in Leboncoin.fr from 50% to 100% See also: http://www.schibsted.com/en/About-Schibsted/History/ Q1 2011 69 Investor information Visit Schibsted’s homepages www.schibsted.com/ir Jo Christian Steigedal, VP Investor Relations jcs@schibsted.no Tel: +47 2310 6600 Schibsted ASA Apotekergaten 10, P.O. Box 490 Sentrum, NO-0105 Oslo Tel: +47 23 10 66 00. Fax: +47 23 10 66 01. E-mail: schibsted@schibsted.no www.schibsted.com Q1 2011 70 Q1 2011 71
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