Spring 2011 - Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
Spring 2011 - Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
Between The Lines Transportation | Civil | Construction | Environmental | Structural | Appraisal CIVILTECH ENGINEERING, INC.’S QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 | ISSUE 14 Whitetopping in Lombard President’s Message S ince our inception, the Principals of Civiltech have always felt very strongly about providing for ownership of stock by all of our employees. Each year at this time, we afford this opportunity to our staff. By bringing on a few more shareholders this year, we will be at 42 employee-owners; about half of our full time staff. We believe this commitment to ownership results in an extra sense of pride in our company and in what we do. We also believe our clients will experience an increased sense of commitment to them and their projects. This opportunity has proven to be a “win-win” situation for ourselves and our clients. before 450 E Devon Ave, Suite 300 | Itasca, IL 60143 Tel: 630.773.3900 | Fax: 630.773.3975 www.civiltechinc.com Congratulations! Civiltech would like to recognize the following employees for their 10 years of service to the company: Kristen E. Hahn, P.E., PTOE Senior Project Engineer Cindy M. Ladd Accounting Assistant Sven D. Zimdahl, P.E. Project Manager David Kreeger, one of Civiltech’s Phase II Project Managers, recently spoke at the Transportation and Highway Engineers (THE) Conference at the University of Illinois. Civiltech was asked by the Village of Lombard to present the North Industrial Park Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Project as part of the Local Roads and Streets session of the conference. Dave’s presentation focused on the issues encountered during the design of this whitetopping project within an active industrial park. The two-day conference was attended by nearly 1,100 engineers, a record for the conference. Visit Civiltech at Booth #819 at the APWA Conference and Expo May 25-26, 2011 at the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center. Enter for a chance to win a gift card in our raffle. For more information, visit www.civiltechinc.com/events The existing pavement within the industrial park was deteriorating because of the heavy truck traffic and having outlived its intended design life by more than 15 years. Without funding available to perform a full reconstruction, the Village of Lombard selected Civiltech to design an interim improvement using the ultra-thin whitetopping process. This method has been used in the past on rural highways and low volume residential streets, however, there has been little experience using this method in areas with high truck volumes that must be maintained at all times. The large volume of truck traffic presented challenges for the design of the overlay as well as constructability issues. For more information, contact: Gary A. Blazek, P.E. gblazek@civiltechinc.com 500 Coventry Ln, Suite 290 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Tel: 815.477.1915 Fax: 815.477.1958 McHenry County For more information, contact: Michael J. Folkening, P.E. mfolkening@civiltechinc.com 30 N LaSalle St, Suite 2624 Chicago, IL 60602 Tel: 312.726.5910 Fax: 312.726.5911 Chicago For more information or to optout of receiving this newsletter, contact: Meredith R. Leifheit mleifheit@civiltechinc.com 450 E Devon Ave, Suite 300 Itasca, IL 60143 Tel: 630.773.3900 Fax: 630.773.3975 To view this newsletter and back issues online, visit www.civiltechinc.com/newsletter. Itasca Between The Lines Now Available Online www.civiltechinc.com Civiltech would also like to congratulate Omar De Jesus Tobon on becoming a U.S. citizen. Civiltech analyzed multiple typical section options in order to provide the best results while minimizing project costs. The resulting typical section consisted of 4-inch of fiber reinforced concrete placed over the existing asphalt pavement and saw cut into a 4-foot by 4-foot grid. The existing curb and gutter and driveway aprons were replaced in order to accommodate the raised roadway profile. Over 150 businesses are located on the 2.2 miles of roadway within the industrial park, many requiring truck access twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Two public information meetings were held to inform the property owners of the rehabilitation method selected and what to expect during construction. After the presentation portion of the meetings, Civiltech and the Village met with the individual business owners to gather information about the use of each access point to their properties. This information was used to prepare detailed construction staging plans that included specific driveway closure requirements. These restrictions allowed the business owners to maintain access to their properties at all times while maximizing the amount of workspace available to the contractor. Working closely with the Village of Lombard and the Illinois Chapter of the American Concrete Pavement Association, Civiltech was able to maintain the Village’s desired schedule of design and construction completion, all within 2010. after Photo: Brian Fritz Photography Observing National Surveyors Week What’s New? Engineers Without Borders Civiltech is proud to announce that the firm has been selected to provide services on the following projects: Returning from Western Kenya community. The people of Mayanja were excited to have the EWB project team in their Village and expressed extreme gratitude and a hope for the project team to return soon. Orchard Road - US 30 to Jericho Road Roadway Reconstruction Kane County Department of Transportation Lynn Overbay and Daniel Atkins in Kenya Fairfield Road / IL Route 176 Lake County Photo: Brian Fritz Photography Representing Women in the Engineering Field Civiltech and Kara, Co. volunteers at the Surveying USA event in Schaumburg On Saturday, March 19, the first-ever simultaneous, nationwide Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey was conducted by volunteers from the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) to commemorate National Surveyors Week. Civiltech partnered with Kara Company, Inc. for this Surveying USA event to promote the use of GPS and the importance of surveying. The event took place at Volkening Heritage Farm in Schaumburg, in conjunction with the Sugar Bush Fair at Spring Valley. Many families enjoyed an outdoor pancake breakfast at the Sugar Bush Fair followed by an educational stop at the Surveying USA event. Surveying professionals, antique survey equipment and state-of-the-art GPS units for a hands-on experience were all a part of the event. Tim Burch, PLS and Illinois Governor for the NSPS, talked about land surveying and the NSPS organization, while Eric Kara demonstrated using a GPS unit and antique survey equipment to attendees. From Civiltech, Kristen Hahn and John Rosak spoke about how they use survey data in their design work, whereas, Denise Rolando talked about construction surveying. Attendees had the chance to touch and look through the survey instruments as well as ask questions. The event was a great opportunity to share what surveyors do, why they do it, what equipment and technology they use and lastly, how the survey data is used. Thanks to our Civiltech volunteers who helped make this event a success: Denise Rolando, Kristen Hahn, John Rosak and Theresa Bratanch. Also a special thanks to Barb Stucker for taking pictures. On Friday, March 11, Mary Young, Director of Traffic, Environmental & Design Studies, and Jennifer (Sis) Killen, Project Manager, represented the engineering field as a career option for young women at the annual Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School career fair. Both Mary and Sis are alumni of the all-girls college preparatory high school on Chicago’s southwest side and have participated in this event in the past. Their goal each year is to educate the students on non-traditional careers for women as well as answer any questions regarding careers in engineering. In addition to participating in events like this, Civiltech offers job shadowing to students who have an interest in learning more about civil engineering. As mentioned in our last issue (available at http://www.civiltechinc.com/newsletter), Daniel Atkins of the Civiltech Structural Department, Lynn Overbay (wife of Civiltech Principal, Gary Overbay) and six other members of the Chicagoland and Indianapolis Chapters of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) traveled to Mayanja in Bungoma District of western Kenya in January to assess the condition of existing water supply sources. They have since returned and deemed their trip a success with the EWB team being able to collect substantial data related to the existing "infrastructure" supplying water to a population of around 20,000 people. During their trip the EWB team visited 52 existing water sources in Mayanja that consisted mainly of natural springs and hand-dug wells. Several of these water sources dry up during the dry season resulting in people needing to walk up to 2 miles to reach the nearest water source. Additionally, a majority of the existing water sources were unprotected which allows debris and animal waste to contaminate the water. With the aid of the community, the EWB team was able to collect valuable technical data about the water conditions and water-borne illnesses in the area. Mary Young (left) and Sis Killen (right) discuss careers in engineering with interested students. On The Air Earlier this month, Civiltech sponsored an anti-drug campaign on WSCR - 670 The Score, to remind listeners that children are the future and should be educated about the harmfulness of drugs. Along with technical work, important relationships were built with members of the community. Meetings were held with the local chief and subchiefs to establish trust and begin developing a partnership between the project team and the Among the Best With the data that was collected and the relationships made with the community members, EWB is ready to begin engineering solutions, using local and sustainable technologies, to make the water sources cleaner and more accessible. Members of the community will be involved in nearly every step of the process so that when the project is complete they can take pride in their work and be able to continue to build their infrastructure on their own. After the solutions have been developed, the project team will travel again to Mayanja (likely in January of 2012) and begin implementation of the improvements. They will also continue the process of educating the community so that the local population can continue to improve and maintain their water sources without further outside assistance. An existing water source in Mayanja Along with the project in Kenya, Daniel Atkins, is also involved in a project in Canchias, Honduras. Canchias is a small mountain village, where Daniel will travel in April to help construct a bridge that was designed by the Chicagoland Chapter of EWB. If you’d like more information about Engineers Without Borders or to make a donation to the Kenya Water Project, please visit www.ewb-usa-chicago.org. CE News ranked Civiltech Engineering, Inc. among the 2010 “Best Civil Engineering Firms To Work For.” This ranking acknowledges top firms based on workplace practices, employee benefits, employee retention rates, and more.