Spring 2014 - Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association
Spring 2014 - Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association
OUR 86th YEAR SPRING 2014 This Issue.... President's Message ....................................... 1 Executive Viewpoint ........................................ 3 2014 Sustaining & Supporting Members .......... 5 New IPLSA Members ..................................... 6 IPLSA Benefit Association ............................... 7 Sponsor and Exhibitor Thank You .................... 9 Membership Application ................................ 12 Classifieds ................................................... 14 57th Annual Conference Page 9 info@iplsa.or g 2014 OFFICERS COMMITTEE CHAIRS PRESIDENT Jim Abbitt, PLS McClure Engineering Assoc. Inc. 1037 21st Ave. East Moline, IL 61244 Phone: (309) 792-9350 Email: j.abbitt@mcclureengineering.com ANNUAL CONFERENCE TBD PRESIDENT ELECT Mitchell R. Garrett, PLS Shawnee Survey & Consulting Inc. 104 S. 4th St. P.O. Box 125 Vienna, IL 62995 Phone: (618) 658-6065 Email: mitch@ss-ci.com CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS Carol A. Sweet-Johnson CALENDAR OF EVENTS BOARD MEETINGS BUDGET Duane E. Weiss EDUCATION, TRAINING & REGISTRATION TBD PUBLIC INFORMATION, MARKETING & PUBLICATIONS Travis Niederhofer SECRETARY/TREASURER Timothy J. Murphy, PLS Manhard Consulting Ltd. 324 East Walnut Street Roselle, IL 60172 Phone: (847) 634-5550 Email: tmurphy@manhard.com Robert G. Brown, PLS Juneau Associates, Inc. P.C. 2100 State St. PO Box 1325 Granite City, IL 62040 US Phone: (618) 877-1400 Email: bbrown@jaipc.com GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Timothy Burch ETHICS AND PRACTICE TBD 10 AM -Location TBD 12.06.14 10 AM - Anchor Boat Club 08.01.14 10 AM - IPLSA office 11.01.14 10 AM - IPLSA office 01.10.05 10 AM - IPLSA office SCHOLARSHIP, ELDRIDGE, HONORS & AWARDS Edward L. Clancy Dennis Cummins,PLS Foth Infrastructure & Environment LLC 1610 Broadmoor Drive Champaign, IL 61821 Phone: (217) 352-4169 Email: dennis.cummins@foth.com member of: American Congress On Surveying and Mapping National Society of Professional Surveyors 09.13.14 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS DIRECTORS Ronald D. Bauer, PLS RB & Associates Consulting Inc. 4 West Main #201 Plano, IL 60545 US Phone: (630) 552-7452 Email: ron@rb-associates.net PAST PRESIDENT Theodore P. Hartke, PLS Hartke Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 2121 East 2350 North Road Fithian, IL 61844 Phone (217) 840-1612 Email: tedhartke@hartke.pro 10 AM - Village of Southern View Hall MEMBERSHIP Michael D. Bytner INTERSOCIETY/GIS TBD Travis Niederhofer, PLS Volkert, Inc. 24395 Maple Road Hoyleton, IL 62803 Phone: (618) 581-6484 Email: travis_1280@hotmail.com 05.03.14 T H E IL L INOIS S U RV EYO R is th e o ffic ia l p ub lic a tio n n eces s a r ily reflec t th e o ffic ia l v i ewp oi n ts of I PL SA of Sur veyo rs b ut a re p ub lis h ed a s a s er v ice to i ts m em b ers a n d Association. Mater ia l p ub lis h ed is n o t co py r ig h ted th e g en era l p ub lic . N o res pon s i b i l i ty i s a s s u m ed and may be re prin ted with o ut wr itten p er mis s io n , fo r er ro rs , mis q uo tes , d ele ti on s or i n a ccu ra ci es so long as cre dit to IPLSA is g iven . o f co n ten t. the col u mns Il l inois Pro fes s io n a l appe arin g in th e La n d Ar tic les a n d p ub lic a tio n do not A ll ma ter ia l a nd i n q u i res a b ou t th e p ub lic a tio n s h o uld b e d irec ted to: THE ILLINOIS SURVEYOR • 100 EAST WASHINGTON STREET • SPRINGFIELD, IL 62701 F I N D U S O N F A C E B O O K - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE by Jim Abbitt 2014 - An Outlook Towards Improvements in Communications Even as we changed our internal leadership, we are committed to our accountability to IPLSA membership. Our previous Executive Boards have worked closely to organize and align the responsibilities of Directors and Committee Chairpersons in what we believe to be the most efficient and responsive. These member / volunteers have accepted their role, their assigned work and expectations. In response to comments submitted by you, we start this calendar year and our first edition of Illinois Surveyor with a report of topics of interest from several Committee Chairpersons. I would like to see us find room in our newsletters, on a quarterly basis, to report on each Committee and their prime objectives for 2014. The “Reader’s Digest” version is provided below to save a tree or two. Government Affairs (Chairperson: Tim Burch) • A favorable ruling for IPLSA, other Design Professionals and multiple Contractors was granted by the Circuit Court of Cook County to stay enforcement of the Prevailing Wage Determinations for survey workers and survey foremen as previously created by the Illinois Department of Labor until the matter can be decided on its merits, or other conditions as set forth in the Order. We will provide updates to you as they become available to us. • Additional hurdles remain in the form of Project Labor Agreements and changes in Quality Based Section for professional contracts. • Our letter of complaint has been received by the Complaint Review Committee of the Land Surveyors Licensing Board regarding the unlicensed practice by mortgage company service providers and Flood Zone Determination Companies without having an active, licensed professional land surveyor making such determination. The Committee will examine and hopefully offer an agreeable advisory position stating the practice of defining flood zones is a professional practice under the current definition of the Act. Public Relations • Membership Committee (Chairperson: Mike Bytner): focus on increasing membership growth and value. »» Assisting in clarification of Sustaining and Supporting Membership as stated in our Constitution. »» GIS Membership: potential offering a new classification targeting GIS Professionals. »» Long range planning: utilizing IPLSA member data to chart growth and spot declines in specific membership types. • Public Information & Marketing Committee (Chairperson: Travis Niederhofer) »» Press Release was prepared and distributed to each Chapter representative to forward to their local newspaper announcing National Surveyors Week in March. »» Reminding members that NSPS provides free pamphlets, DVDs and other promotional materials for distribution to your local middle school or high schools. »» Search other Association or Society publications for interesting articles for reprint in the Illinois Surveyor. »» Reminder of the commitment by IPLSA to support the TrigStar testing and scholarship programs at local high schools. Professional Development • Scholarship / Honors & Awards Committee (Chairperson: Ed Clancy) »» The Committee discussed the need to promote scholarships with Northern Illinois University, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville and Parkland Community College / Eastern Illinois University. These three (3) schools have baccalaureate degree programs along with the 24 hour Land Surveying courses. »» During the past year, the Committee was well represented by nine (9) out of the ten (10) Chapters. »» Last year, IPLSA awarded five (5) $1,000 Student Scholarships, two (2) $1,500 Roy Frank 24 hour Scholarships, and one (1) $500 Community College Scholarship. »» This year’s sponsors of the Student Scholarships awarded on February 13, 2014 at the IPLSA Conference were: 1. Seiler Instrument Company 2. Flo Smith Williams – Surveying Consultants, Inc. - Brady and Marty Smith 3. Duane and Angela Weiss 4. Heffernan / McLendon Scholarship by the Heart of Illinois Chapter 5. Little Egypt Chapter »» This year’s sponsors of the awards given on February 14, 2014 at the IPLSA Conference were: 1. Two (2) Carter Jenkins Distinguished Awards 2. Three (3) Life Membership Awards 3. One (1) Young Surveyor of the Year Award c o n t i n u e d o n pag e 4 SPRING 1 2014 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - EXECUTIVE VIEWPOINT by Kim Robinson his legislative session has been an important one When there is a critical issue that needs your attention, IPLSA for surveyors and other design professionals. will be sending out alerts via email asking you to contact With multiple bills threatening to change how your legislators to register your support or opposition. The surveyors do business, it can be difficult for surveyors to Action Alert page will provide information on the issue and keep track of issues as they move through the legislative how it impacts the surveying profession, as well as a pre- process. To keep our members up to date on proposals written but customizable message for you to send to your that affect surveyors and the profession of surveying, IPLSA public officials. Simply enter your contact information in the has just added a new tool on its website – The IPLSA “Review Your Profile” section, and the page will connect Legislative Center. you with the appropriate legislators from your area. You can customize your message if needed and send it to your This tool will allow you to stay informed about current issues legislators, all from the Action Alert page. Once you have important to surveyors, take action by sending messages to participated in an action alert, the confirmation page will let your public officials, and share important information with you share the alert information with others through email friends and colleagues through email and various social media and social media. outlets – all through one convenient link. You can get to IPLSA’s Legislative Center through the “Visit IPLSA’s Legislative Center” The Legislative Center will allow IPLSA members to quickly button on the bottom right of the homepage (www.iplsa.org) or disseminate information that is important to surveyors and by visiting http://iplsa.org/LegislativeCenter.php. Once there, easily take appropriate action when necessary. It’s one you will see all of IPLSA’s active issues, which you can click more tool in the effort to ensure that the voices of design on for more information. You will also be able to use the “Find professionals are heard in the Illinois State Capitol. Officials” directory to look up and contact your legislators. SPRING 3 2014 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - c o n t i n u e d f r o m pag e 1 »» No applications were received for the William Heffernan Article of the Year, Eldridge Award, Honorary Membership Award or Legislator of the Year Award and the Pat Patterson Surveyor of the Year Award. »» The Scholarships / Eldridge Honors and Awards Committee urges each Chapter to submit names of individuals from their Chapter for the IPLSA awards. responses fell into the following categories: »» Prevailing Wage Act changes »» Statute of Limitations »» Reporting of Committee work and progress on-line »» Specific direction of Committee – needing to stay on point »» Dues / reduction of IPLSA’s and future NSPS dues »» Conference PDH’s / potential for credit for local chapter meetings • Question of personal support of coordination of archiving private surveys and monument records with a regional agency: 65% responded positively. • Question of personal financial support of current and future legal actions against IL DOL or others: 65% responded positively. Internal Affairs • Budget, Finance & Audit Committee (Chairperson: Duane Weiss) »» The committee’s duties are to monitor the association’s financials and review and recommend proposed budgets. »» This committee is a very active committee; meeting 4 to 6 times a year and for the most part, the Chapter members are diligent in their attendance. »» The Committee last met at the Conference in February and presented their report. Details of the financial standing of the Association can be requested of the chairperson or Executive Director. Each quarterly Board of Directions meetings includes a distribution of updated financial information. »» The Committee’s second meeting this year was in Champaign on Friday evening, April 11, 2014. »» Directives and additional discussion coming out of P&G meeting: • Government Affairs to contact six IDOT offices regarding the recordation of surveys across the state. • Conference / Continued Education / Comparable to other states: »» Wisconsin had 1400 attendees / only + 800 licensed Surveyors in WI. »» 2014 is last year of contract at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield. Planning & Goals Committee (Chairperson: Mitch Garrett) »» A new sub-Committee for Strategic Planning: • 3-Year Strategic Plan • Need task items and prioritize, using several of above items • Need accountability for results, reporting on regular basis • Starting with a small group from P & G and Exec. Committee • Members of sub-committee: Mike Bytner, Kim Robinson, Dan Evans, Tim Murphy, Don Groesser, Carol Sweet-Johnson, Mitch Garrett (CHAIRMAN of both P&G and Sub-Committee) and others TBD • Jim suggested having Secretary/Treasurer as part of each Strategic Planning sub-committee for better continuity from year to year • A printed report compiled by past chairperson Jim Abbitt and Secretary / Treasurer Tim Murphy follows: »» A quick review of last year’s minutes, highlighting: • Survey records storage with regional / State agency • Rotation of Annual Conference locations • Creation of separate “think tanks” and expansion of P&G Committee • Creation of a five year plan • Inquire about membership – ideas to expand numbers • Review Survey Monkey Items sent to P&G members • Responses to how individual Chapters could encourage a high level of involvement for local meeting: 31 of 35 respondents had comments or suggestions. The responses were turned over to the Membership Committee for review • Responses to what issue is believed as not being addressed by IPLSA leadership: 29 of 35 respondents had comments or suggestions. The »» Need More Committee Meetings to stay on point (Consider the following) • Skype, Zoom or GoTo Meeting With the speed by which the year passes, it will be my personal goal to keep all lines of communication open and to be responsive to questions and concerns as quickly as possible. Updates and improvements to our website are coming soon and will offer additional ways you can reach Committee Chairpersons, Directors, and Executive Committee members. Best of luck to all in our daily efforts to provide for our families, our clients and our stakeholders; together with the never-ending task of promoting the greatest profession in the world. At your service, Jim Abbitt, IPLSA President - 2014 j.abbitt@mclureengineering.com or 309-314-0177 cell, anytime SPRING 4 2014 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - SURVEYORS GET SOCIAL! IPLSA is now on Twitter! Follow us at @ILSurveyors to get the latest IPLSA news, including conference information and industry articles. Did you do or see something cool while surveying today? Post it on Twitter and use #mydaysurveying to connect with other surveyors. And don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook! We can be found at Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association and we update the page frequently as an easy way to connect with surveyors on the go. 2014 Sustaining & Supporting Members American Surveying & Engineering P.C. 105 West Madison Street, Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60602-4605 Bel - Clair Electric Inc. 11 Southgate Center Freeburg, IL 62243 (618) 539-5200 Berns Clancy & Associates P.C. 405 East Main Street P.O. Box 755 Urbana, IL 61803 (217) 384-1144 Berntsen International Inc. P.O. Box 8670 Madison, WI 53708 1-800-518-0934 Connor & Connor Inc. P.O. Box 618 Robinson, IL 62454 (618) 544-8623 Crawford Murphy & Tilly Inc. 2750 West Washington Street Springfield, IL 62702 (217) 787-8050 Frank & West Env. Eng. Inc. 7226 North State Route 29 Springfield, IL 62707 (217) 487-7686 Hanson Professional Services Inc. 1525 South 6th Street Springfield, IL 62703 Heartland Ag Group of Springfield Inc. 205 South Walnut Street Rochester, IL 62563 (217) 498-9660 Precision Midwest 3S140 Barkley Avenue Warrenville, IL 60555 (630) 836-1000 Hutchison Engineering Inc. P.O. Box 820 1801 W. Lafayette Jacksonville, IL 62651 (217) 245-7164 Rhutasel & Associates Inc. 4 Industrial Drive - P.O. Box 97 Freeburg, IL 62243 (618) 539-3178 Seiler Instrument & Mfg. Inc. 3433 Tree Court Industrial Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63122 800-489-2282 IPLSA Benefit Association 205 South Walnut Street P.O. Box 590 Rochester, IL 62563 (217) 498-8102 Survey Instrument Consultants 609 South Hillsdale Ave. Peoria, IL 61604 (309) 999-1044 Kara Co. Inc. 5255 Dansher Road Countryside, IL 60525 (800) 369-5272 Surveyors Materials Inc. P.O. Box 5808 Saint Louis, MO 63134-0808 (314) 521-9041 Midwest Geomatics 2247 East Kearney Street Springfield, MO 65803-4989 (918) 964-9360 Thouvenot Wade & Moerchen Inc. 4940 Old Collinsville Road Swansea, IL 62226 (618) 624-4488 Missman Inc. 1011 27th Avenue P.O. Box 6040 Rock Island, IL 61204 (309) 788-7644 Municipal Marking Dist. Inc. 17 Galligan Road P.O. Box 221 Gilberts, IL 60136 (847) 426-3561 SPRING 5 2014 Turning Point Systems Group 6480 North Industrial Road Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414) 353-8774 USI Midwest 234 Spring Lake Drive Itasca, IL 60143 (630) 625-5222 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - Welcome New IPLSA Members American Surveying & Engineering P.C. Kevin Duffy #3228 Joshua Knight Kurt Aper #3265 Mark Miller Hamilton Clinton Lindsey Rex A. Bradfield #2537 Matthew Hopp Bernard J. Bauer, IV #3799 Jeremy Daniel Dressel Corey Stout Chris Rankin Aric R. Gerald G. Matt Kwiatkowski Eric W. Bradley Dennis Gould #2368 Melissa Rank #5026 Robert J. Dienhart Charles V. Pierson, IV Thomas E. Egger #2411 Scott Lutz #3511 John Totemeier #3293 Zachary Roush Gary Pike #3174 Ronald L. Trader, Jr. #3305 Steven Laub Jennifer Cappelletti Chad W. White Gerald Ferguson #3567 Mark Grinter Dave Will Scott Spayer #3645 William M. Wingstedt #2675 Ronald Jacobson Michael S. Sweeney Michael Szubryt Colin Zahner Jeff Emrick David D. O'Brien #2545 Dana Mann #3698 Luke Day Bryan Brennan Lukas Evans Norman R. Brown #2866 Michael Wyant #2277 Carlo C. Ferretti SPRING 6 2014 - T H E I L L I N O I S S U R V E Y O R - IDFPR Disciplinary Report November - February Donald Butzen, Chicago (unlicensed) ordered to cease and desist advertising or holding out as a Professional Engineering Design Firm by subtracting "Engineer" from name of Company. KD Engineering and Associates, Chicago (unlicensed) ordered to cease and desist advertising or holding out as a Professional Engineering Design Firm by subtracting "Engineer" from name of Company. Matthew Kustusch, Kenilworth (unlicensed) ordered to cease and desist unlicensed practice of architecture. Kendall White, Johnston, IA (unlicensed) ordered to cease and desist unlicensed practice of structural engineering. LOST MONUMENTS Get the Word Out! ADVERTISE IN THE SURVEYOR EDITORIAL CONTENT The Illinois Surveyor is the official publication of the Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association. It is published four times a year and is distributed free to all members and to officers of similar organizations on a complimentary basis. News articles report on the activities of Illinois Land Surveyors, industries, associations, state agencies, and member groups, with particular emphasis on professional, legal, ethical and legislative developments affecting the Land Surveying Profession. Attention is also given to educational programs and to recognition of outstanding Land Surveyors and Land Surveying achievements. Material published is not copyrighted and may be reprinted without written permission so long as credit to IPLSA is given. Articles and columns appearing in the publication do not necessarily reflect the official viewpoints of IPLSA but are published as a service to its members and the General Public. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS AND RATES Full Page: 7 1/2” x 10” .......................................................... $ 300.00/issue Half Page: 7 1/2 “ x 4 3/4”..................................................... $ 225.00/issue Half Page: 3 1/2” x 10”......................................................... $ 225.00/issue Fourth Page: 3 1/2” x 4 1/2”.................................................. $ 175.00/issue Classified Ads: 3 1/2” x 1 1/2”...............................................$ 50.00/issue* Classified Ads with logo ...................................................$100.00/issue* *Price includes posting of your ad on www.iplsa.org **Fourth page ads and larger included embedded link back to the URL designated by the advertiser. SPRING 8 2014 Robert Rogina PLS # 2017 - 2 T 0 H 1 4E L L AI N N I UN AOL I SC O S N U F R EV R E E Y N O C R E - 2014 Annual Conference Overview Thanks to all who attended the 57th Annual Conference, making it a success! Attendees enjoyed some returning favorite events as well as some new experiences. Wednesday night’s Exhibitor Preview Party was a real hit with a surprise performance. IPLSA members Mike Bytner, Don Groesser, and Cole Helfrich put on an impromptu guitar concert. Reed Timmer from Discovery Channel’s Stormchasers gave an exciting presentation on tornados and severe weather during Thursday’s Keynote luncheon. Timmer’s presentation included excerpts of storm chasing videos, behind the scenes stories, and the science behind storms. We had a great turnout for Thursday’s Exhibitor Reception. There were a lot of exciting giveaways that concluded the “Power of Networking” contest. IPLSA would like to thank all of the chapters who generously donated gifts to Friday’s Casino Night. Participants had the opportunity to use their Casino Night money to win a variety of fun prizes. THANK YOU TO THIS YEAR'S SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS Aerial Services, Inc. Aerocon Photogrammetric Services, Inc. American Surveying & Engineering, P.C. Assurance Risk Managers Berntsen International, Inc. Blue Marble Geographics Carlson Software IDOT - Illinois Height Modernization Program Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association IPLSA Benefit Association Kara Company, Inc. Midwest Geomatics Municipal Marking National Society of Professional Surveyors Northern Illinois University Parkland College Positioning Solutions Company Precision Midwest Rotolite of St. Louis, Inc. Seiler Instrument & Manufacturing Inc. Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Surdex Corporation Surveyors Materials, Inc. Turning Point Systems Group uGRIDD Corporation USI Midwest SPRING 9 2014 - 2 T 0 H 1 4E L L AI N N I UN AOL I SC O S N U F R EV R E E Y N O C R E - 2014 ANNUAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES S UB J ECT Call to Order D IS C U S S IO N A C T IO N OR FOLLOW-UP Ted Hartke called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Kim Robinson took the roll and established that there was a quorum. Agenda Roll Call Kim Robinson took the Executive Committee roll call. Motion to accept agenda as printed: Duane Weiss Second: Dennis Cummins Unanimous Agenda Motion to approve September 14, 2013 minutes: Andy Canopy Second: Tim Burch Unanimous Minutes Motion to approve December 7, 2013 minutes: Duane Weiss Second: Andy Canopy Unanimous Motion to Receive: Duane Weiss Second: Lee Koehler Unanimous Treasurer's Report Executive Director's Report Kim Robinson reported on status of dues renewals, database, conference planning, prevailing wage issues and website upgrade. Additional website enhancements are planned for 2014. Government Affairs Tim Burch reviewed recommendations that had been forwarded to the committee for review, including a state surveyor and a state repository. Tim reported that the committee had recommended moving forward with an electronic legislative notification system to enable surveyors to quickly reach out to legislators on key issues. Mike Bytner reported that NSPS membership had been approved in 2013. Goals for 2014 are to take a look at sustaining and supporting member definitions and opportunities. A GIS membership may also be considered. Public Relations Travis Niederhofer reported that the Public Information, Marketing, Publications and Geocaching Committee will develop a press release for distribution among chapters during National Surveyors Week. Tom Hagansee reported that the Intersociety/GIS Committee met with CLE about promoting the Boundary Law Book. Committee is pursuing a joint committee to write GIS standards in conjunction with ILGISA. Tim Burch reported on NSPS activities, including NSPS efforts to address an issue with the US Department of Labor. There was discussion about whether there would be value in an ALTA certification program. SPRING 10 2014 Committee motion to implement an electronic legislative notification system: Passed unanimously - 2 T 0 H 1 4E L L AI N N I UN AOL I SC O S N U F R EV R E E Y N O C R E - 2014 ANNUAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES (CONT.) S UB J ECT Professional Development D IS C U S S IO N A C T IO N O R F O LLOW-UP Kyle Allred reported on status of NIU surveying program. NE Chapter is hosting a seminar in the fall to provide mandatory PDHs prior to renewal. Online SIT and LS review courses are being offered by NIU in partnership with IPLSA. Ed Clancy reported on status of awards and scholarships granted in 2013. Committee motion to request that the Government Affairs Committee review a proposed amendment to the LS Administrative Rules to clarify the education requirements: Unanimous Dennis Cummins reported on status of conference planning and offered thanks to the committee and staff. No report from Ethics & Practice. Internal Affairs Roger Meyer reported that Constitution and Bylaws Committee had spent extensive time reviewing and suggesting edits to the bylaws. Duane Weiss presented a written report of the Budget, Finance & Audit Committee’s 2013 activities. Planning & Goals Jim Abbitt reported on Planning & Goals activities for 2013, including results of a recent survey. Other Business None reported. External Business Ed Clancy reviewed current status of Foundation. There will be a raffle immediately following the installation banquet Friday night. Kim Robinson reviewed the current status of the IPLSA PAC to date. New Business IPLSA is a sponsor of the ASCE Great Lakes Conference at Homer Lake on April 11th. Volunteers are needed for those interested. Committee motion to approve the Bylaws as presented on Feb. 12, 2014: Unanimous Motion to Adjourn at 7:25: David Sherrill Second: Mike Bytner Unanimous Adjournment IPLSA Honors and Awards IPLSA Scholarships Josh Stumpe William Kinney Young Surveyor of the Year Award Sponsored by Seiler Instrument and Manufacturing Inc. Todd Horton Matthew Curry Carter Jenkins Distinguished Service Award Sponsored by Heffernan/McLendon Memorial – Heart of Illinois Chapter David Sherrill Carter Jenkins Distinguished Service Award Bryon Graminski Gale Hake Sponsored by Flo Smith-Williams – Survey Instruments Consultants and Marty & Brady Smith Life Member Award Joshua Cary Paul Boehle Sponsored by Little Egyptian Chapter Life Member Award Derek Casey David Phillippe Sponsored by Duane & Angela Weiss Life Member Award Joshua Cary Ted Hartke Community College Scholarship Past President’s Award Jonathan Jacobs & Keith France Roger Meyer 24 Semester Hour Roy “Skip” Frank Scholarship Past Director’s Award Timothy Murphy Past Director’s Award SPRING 11 2014 IPLSA Publications for Sale Illinois Boundary Law (2013) by: Jeffery Lucas, PLS, Esq 2012 Illinois Compiled Statutes (State Laws) by: IPLS 2012 Illinois Compiled Statutes - CD Version (State Laws) by: IPLSA Abraham Lincoln The Boy The Man ACSM Definitions of Surveying & Associated Terms by: ACSM th Browns Boundary Control and Legal Principles 5 Edition by: Paul R. Wolf & Charles D. Ghilani Construction Surveying and Layout by Crawford by: Wesley G. Crawford Early Public Land Surveys in the Northwest Territory and Procedures for the Retractment of Original Government Surveys in Illinois by: Joe Weber Elementary Surveying and Intro to Geomatics, 11th Edition by Paul R. Wolf & Charles D. Ghilani Ethics for the Professional Surveyor: A Collection of Thoughts by: Dennis J. Mouland Evidence & Procedures for Boundary Boundary Location, 5th Edition by: Walter G. Robillard, Donald A. Wilson & Curtis M. Brown Fundamentals of Surveying by: George M. Cole – Sample Examination (SIT) GPS for Land Surveyors, 2nd Edition by: Jan Van Sickle nd Land Development Handbook, Planning, Engineering & Surveying, 2 Edition by: The Dewberry Companies rd Land Surveyor Review Manual, 3 Edition by R.B. Buckner Lasting Impressions by Rhonda L. Rushing Manual of Instructions for the Surveyor – 2009 NCEES Fundamentals of Land Surveying by: NCEES Sample Questions and Solutions (SIT) Principles and Practice of Land Surveying by: G. Cole Sample Questions and Solutions (LS) QBS Guide to Qualifications Based Selection by: AIA, ACEC-IL, IPLSA, & ISPE Surveying Solved Problems for FS and PS Exams by: Jan Van Sickle The Surveyors Contracts & Risk Management Manual by: Victor O. Schinnerer & Company, Inc. Writing Legal Descriptions in Conjunction with Survey Boundaries by: Gordon H. Wattle Subtotal Illinois Sales Tax (8%) Postage & Handling - $7.00 per item; _____ items @ $7.00 each Total Due NonMember $125.00 $60.00 $60.00 $35.00 $45.00 Member $125.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $30.00 $150.00 $140.00 $90.00 $80.00 $60.00 $50.00 $150.00 $140.00 $95.00 $85.00 $150.00 $140.00 $60.00 $95.00 $50.00 $85.00 $95.00 $85.00 $95.00 $50.00 $145.00 $35.00 $60.00 $20.00 $65.00 $85.00 $40.00 $135.00 $25.00 $50.00 $10.00 $55.00 $45.00 $35.00 $75.00 $_________ $_________ $_________ $65.00 $_________ $_________ $_________ $ ____________________ Name: Address: Phone: Company: City/State/Zip: Email: Payment: Check # Name of Cardholder: Billing Address: Card # Visa MC AMEX Signature City/State/Zip: Exp. Date: 3-Digit Code: Send to: IPLSA, 100 East Washington Street, Springfield, IL 62701; Fax: 217/528-6545 Order online at www.iplsa.org/portal Call 217/528-3053 with questions CLASSIFIEDS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 3-5+ years of experience in Southern Illinois area and a Survey technician preferably an SIT or ability in Hillsboro Illinois. PLS will be in charge of daily surveying operations in the Marion Office including office and field, and writing legal descriptions understand AutoCAD Civil3D, Microstation and coordinate geometry packages is a must. Survey Technician will assist the Survey Manager in the Hillsboro Office. Candidate will be involved in daily field and office work spanning a wide range of services and understand total stations, data collectors and GPS along with the various computations using AutoCAD Civil3D, Microstation and coordinate geometry packages is a must. Salary commensurate with experience and includes 401(k), benefit package and merit bonus program, EOE. Interested candidates please send resume to Human Resource Dept. 1400 E. Tremont St., Hillsboro, Illinois 62049 or email to hr@hurst-rosche.com. posted 4/03/2014 AMERICAN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, P.C. Has immediate, full time career opportunities available in Chicago, Aurora and Dixon offices. Professional Engineers - Transportation or Drainage Experience Preferred. Professional Surveyors - Transportation and Land Acquisition Experience Preferred. Survey Crew Chiefs - experience required. Boundary, Transportation and Construction background helpful. Occasional travel required. Hydrographic Surveyors - experience required. Familiar with multibeam, side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiling. Some travel required. Engineering/Surveying Technicians experience preferred, but willing to train motivated individuals. Some travel required. Utility Locate Technicians - experience preferred, but willing to train motivated individuals. Licensed Certified General Appraisers - IDOT/Tollway experience preferred but will train. Attractive Salary and Benefits. Benefits include Profit Sharing, 401K, Group Health, Disability and Life. Send resume and salary history to: Mr. Coventine Fidis, President/CEO, American Surveying & Engineering, P.C., P.O. Box 8, Dixon, IL 61021 or E-mail to info@americansurvey.com. All inquiries confidential. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Visit our Website at www.americansurvey.com. posted 4/03/2014 LAND SURVEY TECHNICIAN Company: Premier Location: Lemont, IL Discipline: Land Surveying Premier is an award winning, Landscape Architectural/Construction firm, and a landscape industry leader servicing Chicago and its various suburbs. Currently Premier is looking to add a highly organized, energetic Land Survey Technician to our growing design studio located in Lemont Illinois. Applicant must be a driven professional to join our Civil Engineering/Surveying services and provide in-depth and seasoned support to our multi-faceted business. Qualifications: 5-10 years of relevant survey-related project experience; including but not limited to conducting, preparing and recording all aspects of ALTA/ACSM Land Title/Topography/ Boundary/As-Built surveys. Proficient with construction staking, and site grading/layout, construction observation experience a plus. Education and Training: Bachelor’s degree in Land Surveying or equivalent. Proficient with Total Station layout equipment; Trimble GPS experience is preferred. Proficient with AutoCAD and Microsoft Office applications. Possess excellent organizational, time management and communication skills. Valid IL Drivers license. posted 4/03/2014 V3 COMPANIES Survey Instrument Operator V3 Companies is a multi-discipline land surveying and engineering firm that provides services to clients in the public and private sectors in the Greater Chicago area and surrounding suburbs. We are seeking an Instrument Operator to work in V3’s Survey Division. This is a field based position. The ideal candidate will have the following experience and/ or qualifications. Qualifications: •0-2 years of field surveying experience in Topographic Surveying (Trimble robotic total station and Trimble GPS experience is a plus but not required). •Good communication, computer and math skills. •Ability and willingness to work on 2-3 day out of town projects. •Software skills required include: Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, and Word. •A valid driver’s license and personal transportation to Chicagoland projects sites is required. General Responsibilities will include assisting other survey crews. Type of work includes Alta, Boundary, Topographic, Condominium, Route, etc. surveying. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package including medical, dental, vision, 401(k), annual retirement contribution, paid time off and holidays. Please visit our website at www.v3co. com for additional information on V3 Companies. Qualified candidates should submit their resumes to Stephanie Lindemann at slindemann@v3co. com or by fax to 630.724.0385. V3 is an equal opportunity employer. posted 3/28/2014 FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC. is a full-service engineering and architectural firm that offers our valued clients over 350 employees located in a nationwide network of offices. We are also one of the nation’s leaders in sustainable design initiatives. Farnsworth Group is an employee-owned company with a rich 100-year history that offers an impressive benefits and compensation program in addition to excellent career development opportunities. We have the following position available: Survey Crew Chief , Peoria, IL We have an immediate opening in our Peoria, IL office for a Survey Crew Chief. Qualified candidates will perform and lead a team that performs Boundary Surveys, Topographic Surveys, and Construction Layout. Specific Requirements include: •Associates Degree in Land Surveying or related •5-10 years of property survey including ALTA and Section Line Surveys •Proficiency with GPS, Total Station and Data Collectors •Ability to organize field notes •Ability to read Construction Plans •Experience performing Boundary Re- search, required •Ability to execute field staking •Strong math skills •Wind Farm and Pipeline experience, preferred •Valid driver’s license •Approximately 80% travel required Desired Qualifications: •AutoCAD experience We offer a competitive salary and benefits program that includes: •Medical/Dental Plans •Prescription Drug Program •Vision Plan •401(k) with Company Match •Tuition Reimbursement •Flexible Spending Account •Time-off Benefits For immediate consideration please use the following link: http://newton.newtonsoftware.com/ career/SubmitResume.action?id=8a37 238f44f2240a0144fef3762e6ae5&sou rce=Professional%20Land%20Surveyors%20Website, or visit the Farnsworth Group website at www.f-w.com and click on the careers link. Farnsworth Group, Inc. is proud to be an EEO/AA employer M/F/D/V. posted 3/28/2014 SURVEY CREW CHIEF Job Description: Pangea Engineering and Surveying, LLC is a St. Louis based consulting engineering & surveying firm with major success in the fields of site development and water resources services. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to join our dynamic team of professionals. Candidate Specification: Candidates should have a minimum of 3-5 years surveying experience and be knowledgeable in all aspects of property boundary, topographic and construction staking surveys. CAD experience is preferred. Job Requirements: •Excellent communication, analytical and organizational skills. •Able to accurately run and adjust survey measuring instruments including levels, GPS equipment, and total stations with electronic data collecting capabilities. •Working knowledge of manual & robotic total stations, GPS and data collection is essential. •CAD experience is a plus. •Field experience in construction staking and knowledge of boundary and topography survey practices such as leveling, obtaining field measurements, finding monumentation etc. •Ability to work with our experienced CLASSIFIEDS field crew members in a variety of challenging outdoor environments and situations. •Performs mathematical calculations and field checking of field data. •Take accurate and clear notes and performs note reduction. •Reads and understands plans and specifications. •Knows basic sources of measurement errors. •Strong sense of responsibility, self-motivation and willingness to learn and to advance. •Valid driver's license and good driving record. •Safety oriented. Pangea is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment with Pangea is contingent on passing a pre-employment drug screening. Salary: Commensurate with experience Career Level Required: Experienced (Non-Manager) Experience Required: 1-2 Years Education Required: Some College Coursework Completed Job Type: Employee Job Status: Full Time Email resumes to dbehlman@pangeagroup.com or fax to (314) 333-0601. posted 3/26/2014 LIN ENGINEERING, LTD. Lin Engineering is a land survey, civil and structural engineering company providing survey services for the development of roadway plans and right of way plats for I.D.O.T. and the Illinois Toll Highway Authority. We perform topographic surveys, construction staking, GPS geodetic networks and mapping control. We have offices in Springfield and Westmont, Illinois. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR Experience in preparing and reviewing Boundary and Topographic Surveys, and Legal Descriptions and experience scheduling and managing field crews is desirable. A solid computer background and experience in MicroStation/Geopak is a plus. SURVEY CREW CHIEF A minimum of 2 years experience as a Crew Chief performing ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, Boundary Surveys, topographic surveys, hydraulic surveys, and construction layout. Experience with Trimble Robotic Total Stations, TSC Data Collectors, and MicroStation or AutoCad is a plus. SURVEY TECHNICIAN Entry Level Positions are available. DRAFTING TECHNICIAN A minimum of 1 year experience as a Drafting Technician using MicroStation or AutoCad. SURVEYOR IN TRAINING The candidate must be eligible to take the Surveyor in Training exam. Excellent salary, insurance, 401K & benefits. Some travel required. Submit resume to: Lin Engineering, LTD. 3261 So. Meadowbrook Road Springfield, Illinois 62711 Fax (217) 679-2736 email info@lineng.com or woods@lineng.com posted 3/20/2014 SURVEY CAD TECHNICIAN SPACECO, Inc., a Rosemont based Civil Engineering and Surveying is seeking a Survey CAD Technician with 1-2 years experience. This position involves technical support for Professional Land Surveyors and would include preparation of survey related plats. Successful candidate must be able to work efficiently, multi-task, and work in a deadline-driven environment. Microstation and Geo-Pak experience preferred, but willing to train motivated individuals. We seek experienced and responsible professionals who are committed to personal service. We offer high growth potential and a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, life, disability, vacation and sick days as well as an employer matching 401(k) program Interested candidates should send resume and cover letter to bgiroux@spacecoinc.com. SPACECO, Inc. provides a full range of civil engineering, site planning and surveying services for residential, commercial and industrial construction projects. Our highly qualified staff of 50, including 14 licensed professional engineers and 3 licensed professional surveyors, is dedicated to creating quality site plans for your project. SPACECO, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer It is the policy of SPACECO, Inc. to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, parenthood, creed, veteran’s status, veteran’s disability and physical or mental disability, citizenship status or unfavorable discharge from the military. SPACECO, Inc. intends that all matters related to recruiting, hiring, training, compensation, benefits, promotions, transfers, terminations and layoffs and recalls, as well as all SPACECO, Inc. sponsored social and recreational programs, and all treatment on the job, be free of unlawful discriminatory practices. posted 3/12/2014 JACOB AND HEFNER ASSOCIATES, INC. 1910 S. Highland Ave., Suite 100 Lombard, IL., 60148 Jacob and Hefner Associates, Inc. is seeking a Survey Technician with experience preparing Boundary Surveys, Topographic Surveys, ALTA Surveys, Plat of Subdivisions, Plat of Easements, As-builts and writing legal descriptions. The ideal candidate will also be proficient using Civil 3d Autocad software. Having experience preparing IDOT and Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Plat of Highways would be a plus. Having a S.I.T. license would be preferred, but is not required. Jacob and Hefner Associates, Inc., offers a competitive salary and benefits, including medical, dental, life and disability insurance, and 401k program. Please send resume to the attention of Carl Cook, PLS at ccook@jacobandhefner.com or by fax at 630-652-4601. posted 2/21/2014 MANHARD CONSULTING Is a multi-discipline, medium sized surveying and engineering firm that provides consulting services to clients in the public, private and industrial sectors seeks a Project Surveyor for our Vernon Hills, IL office. The Project Surveyor ensures the accurate preparation of survey/land development drawings/base maps; the research of deeds/records; and provides the survey field crews with survey/ technical support and other internal service groups with technical support as directed. Position includes the ability to provide limited project management on assigned areas of capability and responsibility for production and coordination of staff surveyors. REQUIREMENTS: 3-5 years experience using AutoCAD Civil 3D in the preparation of ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, boundary and topographic surveys and easement and rightof-way plans and other specialized survey projects; a high level of experience with coordinate geometry and boundary determination, right-of-way determination including determination of survey and construction baselines and easement location; a Land Surveyor’s license is preferred, but not required if candidate has sufficient qualifications to sit for the appropriate State Surveying Exam; and must have strong communications, planning, and organizational skills. We provide a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits including: 2 medical plans; dental; vision insurance; FSA and HSA; company sponsored life insurance, and short term and long term disability insurance; 401(k) retirement plan; fifteen days paid time off accruals; and flexible work schedules. Manhard is an EEO/AAP (M/F/V/H) eVerify Employer. Email resume to kgreene@manhard.com Visit our website www.manhard.com posted 2/04/2014 JACOB AND HEFNER ASSOCIATES, INC. 1910 S. Highland Ave., Suite 100 Lombard, IL., 60148 Jacob and Hefner Associates, Inc. is seeking a Survey Crew Chief with a minimum of 5 years of experience performing Boundary, Topo, Alta Surveys and Construction layout. Candidate must be able to operate Geodimeter, Leica and Trimble robotic instruments as a one person crew. Knowledge of Leica GPS equipment preferred. Candidate must have a valid driver’s license. Jacob and Hefner Associates, Inc., offers a competitive salary and benefits, including medical, dental, life and disability insurance and 401(k) program. Please send resume to ccook@jacobandhefner.com or fax to 630-652-4601. posted 1/24/2014 MERITCORP GROUP, LLC Is a full service civil engineering, land planning, land surveying and environ- CLASSIFIEDS mental services company. Started by Todd Roberts, PE and James P. Meier, PE, PLS, CFM, MeritCorp was built on a desire to provide quality service. We are committed to building longterm relationships with our clients by providing customer service with honesty, integrity and the dedication necessary to help make projects successful. With over 25 years of experience in Education, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Office Development, Major Land Developments, Storm Water Management, Interstate, and Highway Developments, our staff are capable of dealing with complex project, budget and scheduling issues. We seek to serve our clients with Integrity, provide value, and be a company of Merit. We are currently seeking candidates for the following positions: SURVEY CREW CHIEF Job Description: Candidate will oversee 1-2 other members of a crew to complete various survey tasks, including but not limited to, utilizing survey equipment to acquire accurate data for topographic, as-built, and boundary surveys. Candidate will also need to be able to work alone when the job requires it. There will be stretches of time in which overtime will be necessary in order to meet deadlines. Communication skills will be essential in coordinating with other crews and personnel for large-scale projects in which progresstracking will play key roles. Skills and Requirements: •Minimum of 2 years of experience as a survey crew chief •Surveyor-in-Training preferred, but not required •Valid driver’s license REQUIRED •Must have experience in performing Topographic Surveys, As-built Surveys, & Boundary Surveys •Proficiency utilizing GPS, Robotic Total Stations. [Trimble experience preferred but not required] •Good judgment and problem solving skills •Must follow company safety guidelines and requirements at all times •Flexible schedule and ability to meet deadlines and work overtime when necessary •Strong leadership abilities with focus on details •AutoCad Civil 3D experience is beneficial, but not required. SURVEY TECHNICIAN Job Description: Candidate will assist crew chief in completing various survey tasks. Candidate will set up and utilize survey equipment to collect accurate data. There will be periods in which overtime will be necessary to meet deadlines. Skills and Requirements: •Previous Survey Experience Preferred •Valid driver’s license REQUIRED •Good Judgment and problem solving skills •Must follow Company Safety guidelines and requirements at all times •Flexible Schedule and Ability to Meet Deadlines and work overtime when necessary •Detail Focused •AutoCad Civil 3D experience is beneficial, but not required CAD TECHNICIAN Job Description: Candidate will be responsible for utilizing AutoCad to draft and/or assist drafting various types of projects including, but not limited to, Topographic Surveys, As-built Surveys, Communication Easement Exhibits, Plats of Subdivision, & Engineering Plans. Candidate must follow drafting standards to maintain consistency on all projects. Skills and Requirements: •Minimum of 2 years of experience of using AutoCad or similar software •Drafting experience using AutoCad Civil 3d and its features preferred •Experience drafting Topographic Surveys, As-built Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Engineering Plans Required •Flexible schedule and ability to meet deadlines and work overtime when necessary •Able to take direction and work with others •Detail focused Please send resume to info@meritcorp. com PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR/ SURVEY CREW CHIEF/SURVEY TECHNICIAN AES Services, Inc., a western-Chicago based Engineering/Survey firm seeks out experienced and responsible individuals to perform surveying related duties, provide technical support for Professional Land Surveyors/ Engineering Staff and assist in project management for the following positions: PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR JOB DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS: •Supervise and run survey crew operations. •Perform ALTA/ACSM Land Title Sur- veys, Plat of Highways, Route Surveys, Topographic Surveys, Construction Staking and Transportation projects with IDOT/ISTHA/CDOT and others DOT’s. •Maintain and adhere to QA/QC procedures/note taking and maintaining office and field project material. •Ability to communicate with members of the general public as well as coworkers. •Follow instructions/work orders from project managers. •5-10 years of land surveying experience in charge of field crews for all aspects of surveying and types of surveys. •Proficiency with Trimble and Leica GPS, Trimble Robotic Total Station (S6), Trimble (TSC3) and TDS Ranger Data Collectors. •Construction layout, ability to read and comprehend Construction Plans. •Strong math skills. •Valid driver’s license. •Micro Station and Geopak Experience is a plus. •Ability to organize field notes and execute field staking. •Strong verbal/communication skills and computer skills. •Ability to work in varying weather conditions. •Perform record search at recorders offices and government entities. •Prepare legal descriptions. Sign and Seal all survey plans prepared and calculated. •Business development/Marking of Survey skills. •Proficient with IDOT Standards/ Code lists and survey requirements. SURVEY CREW CHIEF JOB DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS: •Complete all assigned tasks in a timely fashion, be diligent in field procedures and maintain company standards at all times. •Supervise additional staff members assisting in survey assignments. Types of surveys performed: ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, Route Surveys, Topographic Surveys, Construction Staking and Transportation projects with IDOT/ISTHA/CDOT and others DOT’s. •Adhere to QA/QC procedures and note taking. Follow instructions/work orders from project managers. •Proficiency with Trimble and Leica GPS, Trimble Robotic Total Station (S6), Trimble (TSC3) and TDS Ranger Data Collectors. •5-10 years of survey crew chief experience including ALTA and Sectional Boundary Survey. •Construction layout, ability to read and comprehend Construction Plans. •Strong math skills. •Valid driver’s license. •Micro Station and Geopak Experience is a plus. •Ability to organize field notes and execute field staking. •Strong verbal/communication skills and computer skills. •Ability to work in varying weather conditions. •Proficient with IDOT Standards/ Code lists and survey requirements. •Review and follow project scope, keeping all project information and electronic files well organized. •SIT or CST credentials a plus. Desired Qualifications: LSIT Certification with ability to take PLS examination. SURVEY TECHNICIAN JOB DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENT: •Process field data and complete final survey drawings for private section as well as Government Agencies. •Assist Professional Land Surveyors and Project Manager in completing assigned tasks as well as QA/QC procedures. •Organize and maintain project folders and associated drawing and documentation related to assigned projects. •Micro station and Geopak experience required. AutoCAD experience an added benefit. •Minimum of 5-10 years of Survey AutoCAD experience. •Knowledgeable of IDOT CADD Standards as well as field to finish. •Excellent written and verbal communication skills. •AutoCAD experience a plus. WE OFFER A COMPETITIVE SALARY AND BENEFITS PROGRAM THAT INCLUDES: •Medical/Dental Insurance Plans •Vision Plans •Continuing Education Reimbursement •Vacation Pay and Sick days •Paid Holidays All potential candidates subject to passing pre-employment background check and drug screen. If you are interested in being considered for an opportunity, please email a resume and cover letter to aesser@aesser.com. posted 1/22/2014 Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association 100 East Washington Street Springfield, Illinois 62701 @ILSurveyors www.iplsa.org Presorted First Class U.S. Postage PAID Springfield, IL Permit #925
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Summer 2013 - Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association
Hartke Engineering and Surveying, Inc.
2121 East 2350 North Road
Fithian, IL 61844
Phone (217) 840-1612
Email: tedhartke@hartke.pro