Methodist Healthcare - Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare


Methodist Healthcare - Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
The Foundation supports the life of Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare by inviting
community philanthropic partners to invest in the parts of our mission that
demand enhancements in research, facility or programs. The Foundation invites
its partners to build the capacity of the healthcare system by communicating the
bold faith of our founders and expansive vision of a more full and healthy life for
the communities we serve.
Together we share a common hope for
the healing of people, families and
n eighborhoods that is illustrated by the
powerful work taking place both inside
our hospitals and in our n eighborhoods
and congregations.
Editor’s note: At Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, we respect our patients’ privacy and take the privacy of patient health information very
seriously. MLH provides notices of legal duties and privacy practices with respect to information we collect, maintain, and disclose. No patients’
health information will be used or shared without permission.
Photography by Larry Kuzniewski
Dear Friends, Neighbors & Supporters:
This annual report is a tribute to the spirit of life we celebrate each and
every day at Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare. We’re grateful for our
many community partners and donors as well as our loyal staff, physician partners, nurses, caregivers and volunteer leaders.
Together we share a common hope for the healing of people, families
and neighborhoods that is illustrated by the powerful work taking place
both inside our hospitals and in our neighborhoods and congregations.
We are blessed with a generosity, not just of resources, but also of
spirit. Our determination to build bonds beyond hospital walls, and our
recognition that we were put here to make a difference, guide and inspire each of us in our continued commitment to serve our community
and live our mission every day.
For the first time, you will see the numbers representing our total community benefit printed in the annual report. We share these numbers
with the intent of illustrating the power of our mission when supported
by caring people like you. Only with you and other caring donors can we
continue to provide outstanding care.
All of this is possible thanks to the support and contributions of many.
We are grateful for your generosity as are the individuals and families
we serve. Thank you for taking a moment to read the stories in this annual report and meet some of the people we feel proud to call part of
our quality care team.
In the spirit of thanks and caring,
Susan Murrmann, M.D., Chairman of the Board
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Paula Jacobson, President
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Gary S. Shorb, President and CEO
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Over 250 MLH Associates participated in the 2009 Memphis Start! Heart
Walk at AutoZone Park. MLH raised $58,771.67 for the American Heart
Association. The MLH team showed up in force again at the Start! Heart
Walk -- even some four-legged friends got in the spirit.
Several hundred people attended Methodist South’s Fall Health Fair,
which featured a two-mile community walk, health education booths,
free screenings, games, food, and family fun. Methodist South Associate, Robin Potter, RN, demonstrates that it’s never too early to
start teaching healthy habits as she talks to one of the health fair’s
youngest attendees.
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare partnered with the Mid-South Food Bank
to help end hunger in the Mid-South
through Operation Feed, a workplace
food and funds drive. Food and funds
raised are distributed in 31 counties in
west Tennessee, north Mississippi and
east Arkansas.
Methodist South Associates, l-r: Peggy
Jenkins, Leonard Gray, Eula Smith,
and Fredrick McKissick pictured with
canned items donated during Operation Feed.
The Associate Campaign benefits the Humanitarian
Fund, a resource available to Methodist Associates who
find themselves in need of emergency financial assistance. The Humanitarian Fund, begun in 1976, offers hope to Associates who experience life-shattering
tragedies. House fires, burglaries, deaths in the family, weather-related incidents or loss of wages due to a
prolonged illness are some of the situations Associates
faced this past year. More than 930 grants were issued
to over 300 Associates in 2009 alone.
Associates (l-r) Jessica Utley, Mallory Himelrick, and
Kimberly Ross prep the site for Methodist North Associates to begin “building generosity” at their 2010 Associate Campaign kick-off.
Methodist Fayette Hospital’s Annual Community Health
and Resource Fair is a family-oriented event featuring
free health screenings, food, games and a live radio
broadcast. Melodie Voyles, RN, provides an attendee
with a cholesterol and blood sugar screening.
Nurses from Same Day Surgery at Methodist University Hospital
filled five backpacks with binders, dictionaries, thesauruses and other school supplies to help some deserving Memphis students. The
backpacks were donated to Youth Visions, a program that aids in
bringing resolution to our youth’s problems by meeting their spiritual,
academic, and social needs. In addition to the school supplies, the
nurses also placed a personal note in each backpack to encourage
the student and let them know that there are Associates at Methodist
who care about them.
Norris Road Elementary School counselor, Tamara Turner, helps kindergarten students Maykiela Dunlap and Kevin Brigance select a purchase
from the school’s Eagle’s Nest incentive store. The store was developed to
allow students with good grades, attendance, and most improved status
on their report cards to earn “Eagle Bucks” and a chance to shop for a
variety of school supplies and toys, some of which were donated by MLH.
The MLH Print Shop also donated the printing of the “Eagle Bucks” to
Norris Road. MLH has been an adopt-a-school partner for Norris Road
(formerly Dunn Elementary) through the Memphis City Schools adopt-aschool program for over 25 years.
Children attending Camp BraveHearts, a family grief camp hosted
by Methodist Hospice, enjoy having their faces painted with their
favorite characters and objects.
Camp BraveHearts is a free family grief camp for children ages 6
to 16 and their parent or caregiver.
Through games, music, and art,
trained professionals and volunteers help children and adults explore their emotions, thoughts, and
questions involving grief and walk
beside them as they take their first
steps in the healing process.
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Nursing Education Associate
and cancer survivor Cynthia Hite (center) with Debbie Dafferner,
associate administrator/CNO at Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown
and William Kenley, CEO of Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown.
Associates from Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital
showed their support for the Memphis-MidSouth Affiliate of the
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation by participating in the
2009 Race for the Cure 5K and 1 mile Family Fun Walk.
Methodist North Hospital Associates (l-r) Nancy Slone, Rhonda
Murchison, Ron Geddings and Dennis McDuffie prepare their
Salvation Army Angel items for pick-up.
MLH Associates adopted 113 Angels for the 2009 holiday season. The
Angel Tree program provides underprivileged children and seniors
with holiday needs and wants through the donation of others.
MLH provided free health screenings at the 15th Annual Sisterhood
Outreach Summit & Showcase. The event draws an estimated
audience of more than 30,000 and focuses on fashion, beauty,
health, home, cuisine, education and much more.
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
Thomas Hobson, director of Child Life at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
and Sally Aldrich, administrator and CNO of Methodist Hospice and Palliative Services, light candles in honor of lost loved ones.
Hundreds attended Methodist Hospice’s annual Celebration of Life service
at Christ United Methodist Church. The service, which allows attendees to
remember lost loved ones, is also designed to provide those attending with
a sense of comfort and hope through song, readings and reflection.
Our 2,000 physicians
and more than 10,000
Associates are at the
heart of our service to
the community.
A Commitment to Excellence
We have passion for what we do. Happy, satisfied and skilled
physicians and Associates make for happy and satisfied patients. With seven hospitals, multiple home health agencies and
outpatient clinics to serve the Mid-South, Methodist is one of
the largest hospital systems in the country and has been named
as one of the 2009 Top 100 Integrated Healthcare Networks by
SDI, the nation’s premier rating system. Networks are ranked on
the best of technology, services and physicians.
Our specialty areas, The Neuroscience Institute, The Transplant Institute, The Cancer Center, The Cardiovascular Institute
and pediatrics at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital help us provide superior quality healthcare to the Mid-South.
Our 2,000 physicians and more than 10,000 Associates are at
the heart of our service to the community. Thank you to our
physician partners and our Associates. The excellence and
compassion you demonstrate each and every day are vital to
our success.
Reed C. Baskin, M.D., Oncologist, UTCI (University of Tennessee Cancer
Institute) (left)
Steve Miller, M.D., Senior Vice President, Medical Education and Research,
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare (center)
Raza A. Dilawari, M.D., Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery, Methodist
Le Bonheur Healthcare (right)
At Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, we take our mission seriously, and we are committed to giving back to the community in a meaningful way. In 2009, we continued
to be the largest provider of TennCare services in the state, and our facilities serve all areas of the city and county. As a faith-based institution, access to healthcare for
all of the community is important to us.
Last year because of caring donors like you, we touched thousands of lives in Memphis and the
Mid-South, as evidenced by:
• 61,926 total admissions
• 319,852 outpatient visits
• 287,268 Emergency Department visits
• 4,718 babies delivered
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare provides over $125 million of net community benefit expense to charity, Medicaid, TennCare, medical education and community
services. Net community benefit expense is calculated using a standard approach as required for government benefit reporting.
All of this is supported by:
• 10,000 Associates
• 2,000 physicians on staff
• 1,689 hospital beds
• A seven-hospital system which includes: Methodist Extended Care Hospital,
Methodist Fayette Hospital, Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital,
Methodist North Hospital, Methodist South Hospital, Methodist University
Hospital, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
The Difference The Mission Makes
In 2009 Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare gave $1,337,423 in contributions to the community.
In 2009 our Associates generously gave:
• $552,592 to United Way
• $455,564 to the Methodist Healthcare Associate Campaign
• gifts to 113 angels (seniors and children) adopted for the Salvation Army Angel Tree program
• $58,771 to the American Heart Association through the Heart Walk and more than 250 of our Associates
participated in the walk.
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
Sarla Lewis & Jordan Nichols
Sarla Lewis is a yoga instructor with a deep appreciation for the
miracle of the human body and the power of the human mind. But
she’s never been a big fan of doctors or hospitals. That all changed
in early January 2010. She and her husband Jimmy were travelling in
Pennsylvania when she got a late night call that her son, Jordan, had
been rushed to the hospital after passing out while with friends.
They were back in Memphis by noon the next day to find Jordan in
an induced coma in the ICU at Methodist University Hospital. “This
is when I began to feel really grateful for the people at Methodist,”
Sarla says.
Jordan’s diagnosis was suggested by a medical student who
happened to be on hand and had been studying Brugada Syndrome,
a rare genetic condition affecting young men and characterized by
abnormal EKG and a risk of sudden cardiac death. “The way you
know you have this disease is you die,” Sarla says.
But thanks to the quick thinking of many, Jordan didn’t die. And Sarla’s
family’s experience at the hospital has endeared her to Methodist
Le Bonheur Healthcare for life.
“The people in the ICU were just amazing,” she said. “Over and over
again, people just treated us with such kindness.”
The experience has changed her outlook on medicine. And Jordan
says he’s back to nearly 100 percent, even resuming work as an
actor at Playhouse on the Square. “I don’t have a lot of memory
around being in the hospital,” he says, “but I do know that the doctors
and nurses gave care that was above and beyond what anyone in my
family expected. They were very reassuring to my family and they let
them know it was all going to be all right.”
His mom agrees. “It was really just a powerful experience.”
“ Family members are the primary source of support for a patient.
Every touchpoint is being examin ed with the goal of ensuring the
best patient experience. We’re committed to setting the standard for
compassionate patient- and family-centered care. “
–Michelle Collis, Vice President
Patient- and Family-Centered Care, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Partnering with Patients and Families
Creates Powerful Medicine
Patient- and Family-Centered Care
Treating patients as well as their families
Imagine a healthcare setting where the family member can be by the side of the patient,
providing comfort, support and vital information for recovery. They are part of the healing process, collaborating with caregivers to determine the best possible care for the patient. Patients and family members are more engaged in the healing process, are more
familiar with the level of care needed for recovery and are better prepared to provide the
necessary care after the patient is discharged from the hospital.
At Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, the spirit of healing has been our strength for the better part of a century. As a faith-based healthcare organization, we have
a unique culture that understands that healing involves
more than treating specific symptoms. A philosophy of
patient-and family-centered care embraces our vision
of delivering outstanding care to each patient.
Patient-and family-centered care is an approach to
the planning, delivery and evaluation of healthcare
that is grounded in mutually beneficial partner-
ships among patients, families and healthcare providers. It’s an entire culture of
service built on the following principles:
• Dignity and respect for the family
• Complete and unbiased information sharing in ways that are affirming and useful
• Family participation in care planning and delivery
• Family collaboration with clinicians in policies, procedures and staff education
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare is committed to equal partnerships with our patients
and their families to create a truly special care environment. To ensure this commitment,
we are enlisting advisors, called Patient and Family Partners, to provide guidance and
input. These partners help us view the world through their unique and important perspectives by participating in work groups on special projects, sitting on a special hospital steering committee or simply providing input during patient- and family-centered
care meetings.
By truly partnering with patients and families, we can improve care for all patients.
for you.
you. Contributions
us care
for others.
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Thank you.Thank you.
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Speaking the Solution and Staying Faithful
The Center of Excellence
in Faith and Health
Helping to heal people, families and neighborhoods
Faith drives everything we do. The soul of our mission is an unconditional concern for our patients
and their families, and we believe there is always more that can be done, not only to treat people but
also to impact the quality of life for those in our community. Because of these beliefs, we are building
a Center of Excellence in Faith and Health, an engine of innovation and family care to support the
health and healing of our patients and their communities. The Center of Excellence in Faith and
Health is grounded in the principle that congregations can play a significant role in healthcare when
they are strategic partners in the their members’ health journeys.
As part of the Center of Excellence in Faith and Health, the Congregational Health Network (CHN),
was created. The CHN is an innovative program designed to build a special bond between Methodist
Le Bonheur Healthcare and patients by partnering with area churches. The CHN promotes wellness
and disease prevention, while also easing the transition from home to hospital and hospital to home
or another facility.
Playing an integral role in the success of the CHN are navigators, Methodist Le Bonheur Associates
who assist pastors and specially appointed congregational liaisons during a congregation member’s
stay at Methodist. Navigators make regular visits to their assigned churches and coordinate
educational health workshops and classes for congregation members.
More than 200 congregations throughout the Mid-South are part of the Congregational Health
To support this work, a physical home within the hospital is needed. To ensure that these vital
resources are just steps from patients and families, we are building The Center of Excellence in
Faith and Health in the heart of Methodist University Hospital. It will be an onsite and virtual learning
center, and upon its completion, services will extend into the city through the congregations and
“We truly believe we
can make a difference
in the overall health
and welln ess of the
community. This concept
is important for all parts
of the city that we serve
and from all economic
situations. Everyon e
n eeds people who care in
their lives.“
—Gary Gunderson, D. Min., M. Div.
Senior Vice President, Faith and Health
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
This remarkable endeavor will take funding and resources beyond the traditional healthcare
reimbursements. Your support of this unique effort could help change healthcare for all of us.
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
Ruby Tate
“We are trying to gather the wounded and let them know the love
of God,” says Ruby Tate of her work with the Congregational Health
Network and her church. For Ruby, a licensed ordained elder at the
Pursuit of God Transformation Center, a single congregation in two
locations with about 800 members, healing is what church and ministry
are all about.
“We collaborate with the church and the hospitals. We’re like the inbetween person helping them get the information and resources they
need to eliminate disparities.”
As the liaison, she is the link between her church and Methodist
Le Bonheur Healthcare. She also helps educate parishioners before
they become sick by providing information and resources for improved
health. Ruby and her CHN liaison counterparts in over 200 Memphis
congregations take their work seriously and are a valued part of the
healing team at Methodist.
“My motto is to speak the solution and not the problem. Pastor Floyd
ministered a series, being Focused, Faithful and Fruitful, if we remain
in this posture, together we can connect individuals to the needed
­resources to aid in decreasing disparities and increasing the life span
of many,” says Ruby.
Miracles Sometimes Come in Threes
“We didn’t know if she would make it. But, they kept
trying. They wouldn’t give up.“
—Linda Ship
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital
Growing to meet the growing needs of patients and families for years to come
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital has been providing outstanding care
to patients and their families for more than 20 years. As part of their commitment
to continuing to serve patients and families for generations to come, a $121 million
expansion project was started in May 2008 that added 218,000 square feet to the
The new Women’s and Children’s Pavilion, which opened in February 2010, is part of
the hospital expansion project which includes 100 additional licensed beds, a 600space parking deck, and numerous renovations within the current hospital.
The Women’s and Children’s Pavilion offers:
• A neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) with 24 private rooms where parents can
remain with their newborn throughout their infant’s hospital stay.
• A neonatal specialist on staff 24/7.
• A 24/7 board certified OB hospitalist, making it the first facility in the Memphis area
to provide this specialty care for those times when the baby cannot wait and the
doctor has not yet arrived.
• Spacious labor and delivery rooms designed with the family in mind and equipped
for the ultimate in privacy, infant safety and comfort.
• A special Women’s Boutique providing a wide selection of lactation supplies.
• An underground tunnel connecting the Women’s
& Children’s Pavilion to the main hospital wing,
allowing for more efficient and easier flow of
patients, equipment and physicians around the
hospital campus.
• Additional women’s services such as massage therapy are being planned.
In addition to building the Pavilion, 100,000 square feet of the main hospital is
being renovated. The following renovations are currently under way to create:
• An expanded main entrance.
• Expanded areas for orthopaedics and surgery.
• Renovated patient rooms.
• An enlarged pharmacy department and respiratory therapy area.
• ICU will double in size from 8 to 16 beds, providing state-of-the-art care.
• Additional Cardiac Catheterization Lab, renovated CVICU and family waiting areas.
The construction of this much needed Women’s and Children’s Pavilion and the
renovations to the existing hospital building ensure that Methodist Le Bonheur
Germantown Hospital will continue to deliver miracles, memories, care and compassion
for years to come.
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
LaCourtn ey &
Ja’Angel Grace Paige
As she was driving her cousin, LaCourtney Paige, to the Emergency
Department at Methodist Germantown, Linda Shipp had no idea of
the roller coaster ride she and her family were about to experience.
And in the car, LaCourtney, who was six months pregnant, didn’t
realize that she wouldn’t return home for more than two months.
Just hours after being admitted for back pains and trouble breathing,
LaCourtney “crashed and passed away,” says Linda. “The team at
Methodist Germantown immediately revived her and began working
to save the baby.” Minutes later, a baby girl weighing just two pounds
and three ounces was welcomed into the world. But LaCourtney’s
health continued to decline. Diagnosed with H1N1, she developed
pneumonia, causing her lungs to collapse.
“We didn’t know if she would make it. But, they kept trying. They
wouldn’t give up,” says Linda. When Linda talks about this lifechanging series of events she tells a story of her family balancing
work, caring for children and caring for LaCourtney at Germantown
and her infant, who was admitted to Le Bonheur for a hole in her
“She was such a miracle. She didn’t have a name for so long because LaCourtney wasn’t even aware enough to name her. We knew
she was a gift and the name Ja’Angel Grace fit. I called her Gracie,
my little miracle.”
Linda says that LaCourtney’s battle to live was unbelievable, another miracle. “We kept saying we weren’t going to bury her, she was
supposed to grow old and bury us. Julie, our nurse said it was our
strength that helped to save her.”
The rest of the story Linda tells is one of exceptional care. Throughout the process of caring for LaCourtney and Ja’Angel, Linda says
the family felt as if they were part of the clinical team. “They are a
great staff and they were always thinking of new treatment options.
They had us on speed dial. They called throughout the day when
we were at work to update us on her condition. They knew us by
Mom and baby were home to welcome in the New Year—still another
miracle, you might say. LaCourtney may not remember much about
the early months in the ICU, but she knows one thing for sure, “I love
Methodist,” she says. “They are awesome.”
Jim McGehee & Mark Yancy
Jim McGehee, chairman and owner of McGehee Realty and
Development Co., has a certain spirit about him. On first meeting, he
is clearly determined and successful. But there’s more. It doesn’t take
long for his outlook and his spirit of giving and caring for the community
to emerge as his compass for life.
After seeing his wife’s former home health nurse suffer and eventually
die from sickle cell disease, he was moved to become involved in the
quest to provide better care for sufferers of the disease. “You have
never in your life seen anyone suffer the way a sickle cell patient suffers
during a crisis,” Jim says. “This experience helped me recognize the
need for additional specialized and accessible resources to care for
these patients.”
Jim is providing both leadership and financial support to the communitywide campaign to create a Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center. Together
with Mark Yancy, coordinator of major gifts at the Methodist Healthcare
Foundation, they have recruited a diverse community leadership group
to help raise the needed dollars.
“Filling this gap is essential,” says Mark. “There are more than 1,500
sickle cell patients in the Memphis area who continually suffer bouts of
excruciating pain in the chest, arms, legs or other parts of the body. In
crisis mode, they need a place to go where their disease is understood
and can be quickly addressed.”
Yancy speaks from experience. He missed a year–and-a-half of
college classes because sickle cell had destroyed bone and tissue
in his hips. At 21, he had his right hip replaced once and his left hip
replaced twice.
Two people, a spirit of determination, and one mission—to break the
sickle cycle. When spirits converge, great things do happen.
“ I know that as a community, we can rise to this challenge and meet
a very serious n eed to improve the health status of the Mid-South .
This center can and will affect outcomes as it will focus not just on
treatment, but prevention and welln ess, too. “
—Gary Shorb
President and CEO
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Spirits Converge to Break the Sickle Cycle
Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center of Memphis
Understanding and addressing the needs of sickle cell patients
In April, passionate healthcare leaders, community leaders, fundraisers and citizens
came together to announce the launch of a fundraising campaign to create the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center of Memphis.
The comprehensive program will be a collaborative effort by Methodist Le Bonheur
Healthcare, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and others in the community. The Center’s outpatient clinic and coordinated program will be housed at Methodist University Hospital’s campus.
Filling this gap in care will improve the health and quality of life for the approximately
1,500 sickle cell patients and their families in the Memphis Metro area. The comprehensive sickle cell center’s design is based on delivering the most advanced clinical
treatment, offering on-site research for treatment advances and ultimately a cure, and
full psychosocial support for its patients.
The Center will:
• Provide advanced clinical care and enhance the quality of life for patients and
their families
• Establish Memphis as a world leader in providing care for sickle cell patients
• Offer on-site research for treatment advances and full psychosocial support for
its patients
• Provide acute care for those with sickle cell disease, with the same staff providing
acute and routine health maintenance care to patients older than 16 years of age.
• Help patients avoid emergency department visits, translating to reduced pain and
suffering for sickle cell patients in the Mid-South as well as reduced admission rates
to hospitals and reduced in-patient length of stay.
Your gift goes directly to build the home and infrastructure for this world-class program.
Your support of the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center of Memphis will help improve the
health and quality of life for hundreds in our community.
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
“I Couldn’t Have Asked for Better Treatment.”
Jimmy Whittin gton
& James Eason , M.D.
Jimmy Whittington is a longtime Memphian and proud of his home.
But when he learned he would need a liver transplant, having it done
in his hometown was the furthest thing from his mind. “I was thinking
of a hospital in Pittsburgh or Mayo Clinic,” he admits. “But I had a
doctor who asked me to check in with Methodist. I met with Dr. (James)
Eason and he was so comforting. He didn’t oversell it, but he was so
convincing. I canceled all my other appointments then and there.”
Jimmy had the transplant on August 1, 2007 at Methodist University
Hospital Transplant Institute. And he’s glad he did. “I spent six nights in
the hospital, and I couldn’t have asked for better treatment,” he says.
“I can’t say enough about Methodist. I have been doing all I can to
At 67, Jimmy still works at the lumber and building materials business
that bears his name and is feeling great. “If I’m in Memphis, I go to the
office,” he says. “It’s just remarkable.”
He’s grateful for Dr. Eason, who joined the staff of the Transplant
Institute after Hurricane Katrina destroyed his New Orleans transplant
clinic. “God works in strange ways,” Jimmy said. “Dr. Eason came to
Memphis after Katrina destroyed his clinic. He had only been here 14
months when I met him. We’re very fortunate to have Dr. Eason and that
transplant team. They’re caring people. They want you to get well.”
And he’s grateful for Methodist and all it does for Memphis. “They do so
much for the community. They help a lot of people.”
“We have an extremely
talented transplant
team that is dedicated
to saving as many
lives as possible
through organ
transplantation . The
donation of an organ
is a truly amazing
gift of life, and I feel
very fortunate to be a
part of this program .“
—James Eason, M.D.
Program Director,
Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute
Professor of Transplant Surgery,
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Chief of Transplant Surgery, UT Medical Group
Methodist University
Hospital Transplant Institute
Excellence through innovation and inspiration
Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute has a solid history, rich in research and innovation, as well
as an established reputation as a leader in the transplant field for more than 30 years.
Nationally recognized for its success with kidney, liver, kidney-pancreas and pancreas transplants, Methodist
University Hospital Transplant Institute, in partnership with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center,
is one of the 12 largest transplant programs in the country. The Transplant Institute is ranked nationally as the
7th largest liver program and the most experienced steroid-free liver transplant center in the world. In addition,
Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute is a nationally recognized Center of Excellence for Liver and
Kidney based on volume and outcomes.
The program is dedicated to improving the quality of life and the life expectancy for its transplant patients
through research breakthroughs, excellence in surgical techniques and meticulous and post-operative care.
Comprehensive, interdisciplinary care is focused on addressing the medical, educational, emotional, spiritual
and financial needs of our transplant recipients, organ donors and their families. Patients and families are offered one-on-one counseling, transplant education sessions, monthly support groups and pastoral care.
Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute has:
• Performed more than 2,100 kidney transplants and has one of the highest survival rates in the
United States.
• Performed more than 1,000 liver transplants, making it one of only 33 out of 126 liver transplant programs in
the United States to have reached the 1,000 milestone.
• Performed more than 120 pancreas transplants
• Performed more than 260 kidney-pancreas transplants
The Transplant Institute provides many opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful gift to enhance the
clinical care and quality of life for organ transplant recipients, organ donors and their families.
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
“ I think Methodist is doing
everything right, and we’re
doing everything right for
the community. We feel
good about our current
financial support and our
—Ed and Marie Roberson
Donors Share the Mission - Make it Possible
Ed & Marie Roberson
“Every day is a holiday, every meal is a banquet.”
Ed Roberson’s attitude and outlook on life are contagious. Ask him how he’s doing and
he’ll tell you, “every day is a holiday, every meal is a banquet.” Lucky for Methodist, Ed
and his wife, Marie, share their attitude of abundance with others in the community by
giving their time, talents and treasure to help Methodist provide outstanding care to
When Ed began his tenure on the Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare board of directors a
dozen or so years ago, he thought it was “just another non-profit board.” But that wasn’t
his view for long. “Once I really got in there and got a sense of what Methodist is about
– its mission and the service and care it provides – I realized what a great organization it
is and how we are truly making a difference for people in our community.”
Ed says “the mission of providing healthcare to ANYONE regardless of their ability to
pay,” inspired him and Marie to make a planned gift to both Methodist and Le Bonheur.
The bequest will enable future generations to benefit from the abundant spirit of giving
Methodist experiences today due to the Roberson’s generosity. In addition to making a
planned gift, Ed and Marie have also given generously to the capital campaigns underway at Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare and continually provide support at events and
Now serving in his fourth year as chairman of the board, Ed’s enthusiastic about the
healthcare system’s future and growing national acclaim. “The Transplant Institute really puts Memphis on the map.” And, he’s just as excited and grateful for what Methodist
means to the Memphis community.
“Our relationship with St. Jude, The Med, the Church Health Center – we are just critical
to the Memphis community. We are so mission-oriented, and we’re staying downtown
which is where we need to be to carry out our mission. I think Methodist is doing everything right, and we’re doing everything right for the community. We feel good about our
current financial support and our bequest.”
Methodist Le Bonheur
Healthcare depends on
contributions to help further
the ministry of healing.
Your gifts support the
enhancement and expansion
of clinical programs in
our priority areas of care,
research that saves lives
and healthcare education
and outreach for patients
throughout our communities.
We appreciate your support.
Our Foundation Staff is Here to Help You.
Paula Jacobson at 901-516-0503 or
Mark Billingsley at 901-516-0509 or
Bob Plunk at 901-516-0502 or
Steve West at 901-516-0540 or
Mark Yancy at 901-516-0508 or
Donors Help Provide Outstanding
Care and Ministry. Thank you.
You can give in a variety of ways:
• Unrestricted gifts, which means Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare puts your donation
toward areas of greatest need.
• Memorial and honor gifts.
• Matching gifts through your employer.
• Planned giving, which helps patients for many years to come.
• Directed donations to one of our areas of excellence, such as the Center of Excellence
in Faith and Health, the Neuroscience Institute and the Transplant Institute or the
Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center of Memphis.
Methodist Healthcare Foundation hosts the following community events:
Methodist Healthcare Foundation Living Awards are presented in recognition of those individuals or
organizations who have distinguished themselves by leadership and commitment to the faith and health mission
of Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare and to those whose faith-based health initiatives have had a profound
impact on healthcare locally, nationally and globally.
• 2009 Living Award-Inspiration in Faith and Health: Alice Warren
• 2009 Living Award-Physician Inspiration in Faith and Health:
Charles R. Handorf, M.D. and Hershel P. (Pat) Wall, M.D.
• 2009 Living Award-Community Inspiration in Faith and Health:
Rev. Frank L. McRae/ St. John’s United Methodist Church, Memphis, TN
• 2009 Living Award- National/International Inspiration in Faith and Health:
The Carter Center- Mental Health Program, Atlanta, GA
Academy Award-winning actress and director, Kathy Bates, was the featured speaker at
the 2009 Methodist Healthcare Foundation Cancer Center Luncheon. Many thanks
to FedEx, Memphis Radiological Professional Corporation (MRPC), The West Clinic, and
Wells Fargo.
The 2009 Annual Fund Campaign (“Give from the Heart”) raised more than $480,000
to support Associates in need through the Humanitarian Fund. Over 800 grants were
distributed to Associates during times of personal crisis.
2009 Methodist Healthcare Golf Classic
Annual sponsor-driven golf tournament and Pre Tournament Party held each September to benefit the Foundation.
A portion of 2009 proceeds benefitted the new Methodist Hospice Residence, now under construction in East
Memphis. The tournament annually attracts as many as 40 teams with player-representatives of more than 50
vendors and supporters of MHF.
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
Thanks to our Donors who Share the Mission
Donor Listings
We gratefully acknowledge all donors making
contributions or pledge payments of $250 &
above received from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009, as well as all pledges made
from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009.
CIGNA Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. McCarroll
Mr. James E. McGehee, Jr.
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell &
Berkowitz PC
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Barnett
Ms. Kathleen D. Bates
Cerner Corporation
First Tennessee Foundation
Genentech, Inc.
National Aids Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Carr
Compass Group
Dennis Electric, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Glass
The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Klarr
Medical Anesthesia Group, P.A.
Methodist Healthcare Auxiliary
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Morris III
S. Webster Haining & Company
Tri-State Contractors
The West Clinic, P.C.
Alternative Investment Group
Services, LP
American Snuff Company
Dr. & Mrs. Rex A. Amonette
Ms. Sally Banks
Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens,
& Cannada
Duckworth Pathology Group, Inc.
Emergency Mobile Health Care, LLC
Flintco, Inc.
Ms. Karen Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Glassman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Hennessy
Memphis Funeral Home
Memphis Radiological Professional
Norine H. Mitchell Revocable Living Trust
Roche Laboratories Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Milo G. Solomito
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Lt. Col. Lee E. Stokes
Suntrust Bank
Mr. R. Andrew Taylor
United Methodist Church-MS Conference
Unitedhealthcare Services, Inc.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Yancy III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abney
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Aldrich, Jr.
Allen & Hoshall
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee
Brinkley Foundation
Collierville United Methodist Church
Commercial Advisors
The Family Cancer Center, PLLC
First Tennessee Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Jim S. Forbis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Graham, Jr.
Mr. Mitch Graves
Mr. George Hambrecht
Dr. & Mrs. O. Brewster Harrington
Highland Capital Management
Ms. Teresa D. Holimon
Ms. Paula S. Jacobson
Johnson Controls, Inc.
The Jones Clinic, P. C.
Montgomery Martin Contractors, LLC
Owens & Minor
Payden & Rygel
Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc.
Pinnacle Airlines Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Prewitt, Jr.
Mrs. Carol E. Ross-Spang
Rural/Metro Corporation
Sally Johnson Shy Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Shorb
Mrs. Maida P. Smith
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
Standard Textile Co., Inc.
Mr. William D. Stegbauer
Trauger & Tuke
Dr. & Mrs. William H. West
Mrs. Lucy R. Wilkinson
Dr. & Mrs. Frank G. Witherspoon, Jr.
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Ms. Caryline Adkins
Advanced Health Media
Ms. Leida D. Z. Alvarez
American Cancer Society
Ms. Alison L. Apple
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
AstraZeneca, Inc.
August, Inc.
Ms. Dana Avant
Babytime, Inc
Mrs. Sandra Bailey
The Bank of Fayette County
Dr. & Mrs. Richard G. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bayliff
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Baytos
Dr. & Mrs. Neal S. Beckford
Ms. Dawn M. Billings
Mrs. Cindy Black
Mrs. Connie Blair
Dr. Christopher Boals
Dr. & Mrs. James Boals, Sr.
Drs. James & Jennifer Boals
Mrs. James E. Boone
Christopher Bounds
William Breen
Mrs. Darian O. Brooker-Klenz
Dr. M. Teresa Brooks
Dr. Wendy T. Brown
Dr. David Buechner
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Burch
Dr. R. J. Burnett
Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics
Dr. & Mrs. Paul C. Carruth
Mr. Randon J. Carvel & Dr. Lynn T. Carvel
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Cates
Mr. Larry A. Caton
Mrs. Ann Cicala
Citadel Broadcasting Company
Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Conrad
Ms. Debra L. Coplon
Mr. Kenneth E. Coppridge
Mrs. Dianne H. Crawford
Crew Training International
Mr. David B. Crislip
Ms. Sherrye B. Crone
Ms. Barbara Cutrell
Deborah Dafferner
Dr. Randall Davis
Dr. & Mrs. Raza A. Dilawari
Dr. & Mrs. Tim Donovan
Mr. Richard A. Dorn
Ms. Marylyn Dost
Dr. Paul Douthitt
Dr. Nilesh Dubal
Dr. Hugh K. Duckworth
Dr. John K. Duckworth
Eagle Asset Management, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
Dr. R. Alan Ellis
Dr. Donald Emerson
Mr. Jeshahnton V. Essex
Estate of Richard P. Barnett
Ms. Carrie E. Evans
F & F Construction Company, Inc.
Dr. David Fang
Ms. Mary J. Fazakerly
Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fenaughty
Ms. Lynn M. Field
Dr. & Mrs. R. M. Fleming
Ms. Dee Flood
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn D. Floyd
Mr. Larry Fogarty
Ms. Tamara Folz
Food Service Resources
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Fowler
Georgia Neurological Surgery
Gerber/Taylor Associates, Inc.
Ms. Suzanne M. Getman
Dr. & Mrs. Holger Gieschen
Graham’s Lighting Fixtures, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Terry C. Graves
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Graves
Mr. Matthew K. Green
Guardian Healthcare Providers, Inc.
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Gary Gunderson
Dr. & Mrs. Hollis H. Halford III
Ms. Helen Jane Hanafin
Dr. & Mrs. Dale E. Hansen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey L. Harlow
Matthew J. Harris
Dr. & Mrs. James S. Hausmann
Mr. Glen J. Hawkins
The Hawkins Group
Health Choice, LLC
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Center
of Memphis
Debra & Will Heaton
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hodges
Dr. Linda C. Hodgkiss
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hope
Ms. Cheryl Hopson
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Howard
Ms. Sandra E. Hugueley
Dr. Eric Hutchins
Sherry L. Icardi
April T. Jackson
Ms. Susan Jacob
Mr. Frank Z. Jemison, Jr. &
Dr. Jeanne Jemison
Mr. & Mrs. Cato Johnson
Ms. Anna Mary Jordan
William M. Keith
Mr. & Mrs. William Kenley
Ms. Tracy L. Klingbeil
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Laden
Dr. Stephen H. Landy
Langston Companies, Inc.
Dr. Robert E. Laster, Jr.
Drs. Rande & Linda Lazar
Leader Investments, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Lemmi
Ms. Katherine M. Loeb
LSV Asset Management
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan K. Ma
Mr. Alexander R. MacGregor
Mr. & Mrs. Scott N. MacLellan
Mr. Thomas F. Maher III
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Maliot
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Marshall
Matrex Exhibits
Mr. John McCarthy
Ms. Meg G. McGill
Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey McLellan
Dr. & Mrs. Michael McSwain
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McWhirter
Memphis Health Center
Metropolitan West Asset
Management, LLC
Mrs. Marigay H. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mills, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Minnick
Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Mitchum
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson W. Moore
Ms. Caprice Morgan
Mrs. Joe H. Morris
Dr. & Mrs. Davis D. Moser
Mr. Kevin Moyes
Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Mullen
Dr. Susan G. Murrmann
Jim Neely’s Interstate Barbeque
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Nesbit
Ms. Kathryn L. Nickens
Norbert Marketing, Inc.
Lynn C. Nunally
Mrs. Jane S. Owen
Dr. Salil P. Parikh
Dr. & Mrs. Frank D. Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Parthenais
Patterson Building Maintenance Co., LLC
The Peabody
Mrs. Denise M. Perry
Piedmont Investment Advisors, LLC
Ponder & Company
James C. Pottkotter
Precision Therapeutics, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Pyeatt
Quality Vending Service
Juloy Bailes Raymer
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Reuss III
Ms. Daphne L. Richardson
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Rickman
Mr. Chris Riggs
Dr. George A. Riley
Dr. Lillian H. Rinker
Mrs. Carla B. Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Roberson
Dr. & Mrs. Jon A. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. King W. Rogers III
Ms. Wanda Rook-Peperone
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Rosenbaum
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Routt, Jr.
Mrs. Helen F. Schlessinger
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Segars
Dr. Sidney Selvidge
Semmes-Murphey Neurologic &
Spine Institute
Mrs. James E. Shannon, Jr.
Ms. Susan G. Sharp
Mr. Guy Dale Shaw
Mr. James A. Shaw III
Dr. & Mrs. Brixey R. Shelton
Dr. Shira Shiloah
Ms. Kimberly Shipp-Martin
Ms. Kathleene A. Sims
Skanska USA Building Inc.
Mr. Graham R. Smith
Smith Seckman Reid, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Spiegel
Kenneth Spight
Gail H. Spragins
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Spratlin
St. John’s United Methodist Church
Mr. Daniel L. Stanton
Dr. & Mrs. Todd F. Stockstill
Mrs. Kathy Story
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stover
Mrs. Shelby H. Terry
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Thannum
Ms. Levoyd Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Thompson III
Thompson Dunavant, PLC
Thrasher Clinic
Dr. Gail Thurmond
Kevin L. Todd
Dr. & Mrs. T. Carter Towne
Tri-State Truck Center, Inc.
Mrs. Jamie C. Turner
Ms. Pamala Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter K. Tutor
Two Brothers Partnership LP
University of Southern Indiana
University of Tennessee
University Pathology Group PC
The Urban Child Institute
US Bank
US Learning
UT Cancer Institute
UT Medical Group, Inc.
Ms. Jane G. Van Deren
Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Vernon
Dr. Frances C. Walker
Ms. Susan H. Waugh
Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Weatherly
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Weber
Dr. Philip Weber
WebMD Corporation
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Weems
Mr. Buckner Wellford & Ms. Jennifer Sink
Ms. Sherry L. Wells
Dr. & Mrs. James M. West
Mr. & Mrs. W. Steven West
Mrs. Leona C. White
Rev. & Mrs. John A. Wilcher
Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Wilkey
William Blair & Company
Ms. Linda R. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Williamson
Ms. Anissa D. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wishnia
Mr. & Mrs. Larry F. Wright
Dr. Robert R. Yarbrough
Acist Medical Systems
Adams Management Services
Agincourt Capital Management, LLC
Ms. Terri J. Ahlgren
Air Technical Services, Inc.
Linzy D. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Arbor
Meri & Don Armour
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arndt
Atwill Refractory & Acid Proofing, Inc.
Ms. Rebecca Baltzer
Regina L. Baptiste
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Barbieri
Ms. Cynthia R. Bardwell
Mrs. Deborah J. Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin W. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Batson
Mr. Mark E. Billingsley
Bioscrip & Subsidiaries
Mr. & Mrs. L. K. Bobo, Sr.
Patricia L. Boswell-Wilson
Adrain L. Bowie
Ms. Lynn Bowie
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bowie
Daphne Boyd-Truitt
Dr. Robert M. Bradley
Mr. Gary C. Britt
Ms. Tiffany Bruce
Mrs. Angela T. Bryant
Mr. Cederick D. Bryson
Cynthia C. Buckley
Mrs. Karen Burks
Mr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burnett
Anissa J. Burton-Richardson
Ms. Patricia T. Busbey
Mr. & Mrs. Caby E. Byrne
Ms. Sharon R. Camp
Carpenter, Sullivan, Sossaman
Ms. Sally Carruthers
Ms. Carmella Carter
Kavanaugh & Dennis Casey
Karen Byars Caspersen
Mr. & Mrs. Sam E. Chambers
Channing Capital Management, LLC
Lisa L. Cheers-Forrest
Ms. Angel S. Chiozza
Ms. Diana L. Christian
Mr. Daniel A. Clark
Ms. Reatha Clark
Ada I. Claudio
Ms. Wanda A. Coats
Ms. Linda Collins
Con-nect Supplies, LLC
Jeremy A. Cook
Coop & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Carol J. Cox
Mr. Hesley A. Cox, Jr.
John R. Crafford
Mr. B. Kendall Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard R. Crews
Ms. Rebecca M. Cullison
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Cunningham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Curtis
Ms. Teresa Cutts
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Bratton
David R. Deas
Ms. Sherry DeFries
Dr. F. Daniel Donovan
Ms. Francine Dove
Ms. Laureen Driscoll
Ms. Terry L. Duncan
Ms. Emily L. Durbin
Ms. Paula Dycus
Ms. Lisa A. Edwards
Mr. K. David Ekmark
Engineered Sealing Components, LLC
Dr. Michael F. Farmer
Dr. John M. Ferguson
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
P. Kay Fleming
Ms. Tiffany Ford
Dr. Tommy S. Fowler
Mr. Niels C. French
Rita A. Frix
Mrs. Denise D. Gabel-Comeau
Mr. David Gambles
Ms. Martha J. George
Ms. Rebecca J. Graves
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Greer
Mrs. Lisa Griffin
Mary N. Guidi
Gutterguard, LLC
Ms. Kimberly Hallum
Ms. Darlene Hamblen
Ms. Ruth A. Hamblen
Mr. Rex K. Hamm
Mr. Edward W. Hankins
Karen C. Harrell
Ms. Gladys G. Harris
Ms. Gladys L. Harris
Ms. Kathryn S. Hawes
Maria L. Haywood
Ms. Donna A. Hess
Duncan E. Hicks
Ms. Evalie G. Hill
Thomas E. Hill
Mrs. Loretta M. Hinton
Ms. Sherry Hinton
Ms. Shawn Holliday
Dr. Karen Hopper
HRS/Erase, Inc.
Ms. Teresa S. Hughes
Ms. Kathryn B. Hughey
Ms. Jenny L. Hunsicker
Ms. Donna P. Hunt
Ms. Janet M. Hunt
Ms. Pamela D. Hunt
Image Environmental, Inc
Ms. Paula A. Innis
Mrs. Carolyn J. Jackson
Ms. Ptosha Jackson
Paula Jacobs
Ms. Julia James
Ms. Sherry M. Jennings
Ms. Annelise Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Howard V. Johnson
Marnetta D. Jones
Ms. Ollie M. Jones
Ms. Trina L. Jones
JRM Investments, Inc.
Ms. Lori Kessler
Mr. Steven A. King
Ms. Cheryl A. Koehler
Mrs. Amy G. Krauss
Ms. Amanda R. Labuda
Ms. Christine J. Laden
Mr. Charles R. Lane
Ms. Carol Langston
Mr. James P. Lauck, Sr.
Ms. Tasha A. Leach
Ms. Vivian L. Lebaroff
Mr. John N. Lee
Ms. Lela M. Lee
Ms. Linda H. Lipsky
Ms. Melanie D. Little
Samuel Lowry
Frances S. Loyd
Lulu Press, Inc.
Debra K. Lynch
Ms. Sheon P. Lynch
Dr. & Mrs. Edward H. Mabry, Jr.
Ms. Nicolette MacGregor
Magnolia First Baptist Church
Ms. Dolores H. Marshall
Mr. Edmund D. Martin III
Mrs. Shirley A. Martin
Dr. Lois M. Mastrofrancesco
Ms. Robin M. Mathis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Matthews
Dr. & Mrs. George Mayzell
Janice M. McCaskill
Mrs. Sheila A. McClain
Mrs. Sandra McCorry
Gracie S. McDaniel
McKee & McFarland, Inc.
Mr. Mark H. McManis
Methodist Healthcare Federal
Credit Union
Ms. Lee D. Meyers
MH-Primary Care Associates
Mid-South Pulmonary
Ms. Bettye Mims
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Monaghan
Ann D. Montgomery
Ms. Janice M. Morgan
Ms. Rhonda G. Murchison
Ms. Catherin E. Murphy
Ms. Jessica A. Murphy
Ms. Valerie H. Murphy
Ms. Christina Myers
National Partnership for Women &
Ms. Jane E. Nichols
Phillip J. Nichols
Ms. Lea M. Nilson
Tanya L. Noah
Ms. Barbara H. Norris
Mrs. Linda V. Palmer
Ms. Phyllis A. Pamper
Ms. Cassandra R. Parker
Ms. Pamela D. Parnell
Ms. Kristi Peltz
Performance Landscape Corp.
Mr. Lewis L. Perkins, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Phillips
Physio Plus, LLC
Plumbing Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Plunk
Darrella D. Porter
Ms. Mary E. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Mike A. Presley
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell A. Raber
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
Mr. Joseph T. Ranager
Ms. Kandas Rancour
Mrs. Dawn Redmond
Respironics, Inc.
Loretta P. Richmond
Dr. Kim C. Roberts
Ms. Kim Roberts
Ms. Joni M. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Robinson
Charlotte A. Rose
Rowland & Carter, CPA
Dr. David Sallee
Mr. Bret Sanders
Mrs. Ruth Ann Sanford
Col. William E. Schiller
Mr. & Mrs. R. N. Schuknecht
Mr. Joseph D. Scola
Ms. Beth A. Segars
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Sharp
Ms. Marlene R. Shaw
Shelby Millwork, Inc.
Rhonda G. Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Siple
Mr. Donald Smelcher
Mr. Harry L. Smith
Linda G. Smith
Richard A. Smith
Sabrina C. Smith
Mr. Thomas C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. W. Hamilton Smythe IV
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Somogyi
Amy C. Stanley
Ms. Susan C. Steppe
Mr. Leslie Stewart
Mrs. Michelle Stubbs
Tennessee Burglar & Fire Alarm
Ms. Kimberly T. Thompson
Ms. Lucie M. Thompson
Terri L. Tibbs
Ms. LaTarsha Triplett
Turner Universal
Mr. Michael O. Ugwueke
United Methodist Church Arkansas Conference
University of Memphis
Dr. & Mrs. Neil J. Utkov
Mr. & Mrs. Donn D. Vance
Mrs. Donna A. Vickery
Ms. Donna Vincent
Mr. Rubin G. Wade
Rose S. Wallace
Mrs. Donna D. Waller
Ms. Linda S. Warren
Mr. Jonathan E. Watkins
Ms. Phyllis E. Weaver
Dr. & Mrs. Bill C. Weber
Mrs. Carol A. H. Weidenhoffer
Mayor A C Wharton
Ms. Amy White
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy G. Whittington
Ms. Pamela D. Williams
Ms. Tina D. Williams
Ms. Mildred E. Willis
Bruce Wilson
Mr. Glen M. Wittig
Mr. Steven L. Wolfe
Mr. Tony Womeodu & Dr. Robin Womeodu
Mr. Danny R. Wood
Ms. Karen L. Woodley
Charlene R. Wooten
Mr. Kenneth J. Wurzburg
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wyatt III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Yancy
Ms. Emily L. Young
Dr. Vida Zare
Dr. R. Franklin Adams
Mrs. Robert N. Adrian
Ms. Melissa S. Aeschliman
Ms. Carolyn A. Akin
Ms. Karla Y. Akins
Ms. Marilyn E. Albright
Ms. Janet L. Aldrich
Ms. Deborah G. Alexander
Betty S. Allbright
Ms. Sandra M. Allen
Ms. Linda M. Anderson
Applied Labels
Odis Askew
Mrs. Dian D. Aulridge
Dannine R. Austin
Mr. German T. Ayele
Ms. Cynthia Bailey
Ms. Debra Barnes
Mrs. Debbie K. Baskin
Bass, Berry & Sims PLC
Harry G. Beasley
Mr. Darrel Berkley
Ms. Tracy R. Bingham
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Blake
Joselyn A. Boatwright
Mr. Larry L. Bomar
Mr. Eric Bonner
Jennifer D. Borgstrom
Bottletree Design Group, LLC
Ms. Celia Bowen-Johnson
Ms. Marla J. Bowers
Ms. Mary Ellen Brant
Ms. Debbie Bratton
Dr. Michael Bronstein & Dr. Helen Morrow
Mr. Robert M. Brooks
Mrs. Dulaine W. Brown
Ms. Erskine M. Brown
Mr. Shane L. Brown
Ms. Joyce E. Broyles
Tena L. Bryan
Mrs. Nancy S. Burke
Ms. Anita Burroughs
Ms. Kay Burton
Ms. Sharon B. Butler
Paulette B. Caldwell
Ms. Shelia R. Campbell
Ms. Jessica A. Capocaccia
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua B. Cardell
Scotty L. Carmon
Mr. Phillip M. Cates
Ms. Stephanie D. Caviness
Centura Health
Lois R. Certion
Aubrey M. Chandler
Mr. Chirag Chauhan
James N. Clay IV
Jamie E. Clayton
Mr. Larry C. Clayton
Robert D. Cochran
Ms. Brenda J. Cole
Ms. Melannie Collins
Cindy E. Cook
Mr. Gary R. Cook
Ms. Lana P. Cooper
Ms. Nikiya Y. Copney
Ms. Virginia Crawford
Mr. Stewart C. Crisler, Jr.
Dr. Melody J. Cunningham
Ms. Deitra Curry
Ms. Karen R. Curry
Deborah L. Curtis
Ms. Emily M. Dafferner
Dandridge Equipment, Inc.
Ms. Anita Davidson
Rev. Drs. Elvernice & Cynthia Davis
Ms. Stacey L. Davis
Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Deaton
Ms. Elizabeth J. DeBacker
Mr. Christopher Dehaan
Ms. Donna L. Dehoog
Mr. Craig A. Dent
Michael Dexter
Edwynna L. Dirlam-Harris
Ms. Dana L. Dodson
Margaret B. Duffy
Ms. Ramona R. Dugger
Gina L. Durmeier
Mr. George East
Ms. Andrea W. Edgerley
Mr. Brandon Edgerson
Ms. Barbara K. Edward
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Embry
Ms. Sally Endler
Ms. Martha Ervin
Kristi A. Escue
Fayette Academy
Ms. Carol L. Ferguson
Mr. Billy F. Ferrell
Ms. Leisha Flack
Mrs. Glenda Fletcher
Ms. Tammy Fogg
Ms. Marianne S. Fournie
Mrs. Becky Fowler
Ms. Rhonda Frost
Julie A. Gabriel
Mrs. Denise M. Garner
Ms. Donna Garris
Ms. Jane Gathia
Mrs. Shirley A. Gavrock
Mr. Chance Gearheart
Ronald E. Geddings
Ms. Jacquelyn R. Geeslin
Ms. Janice A. Genke
Ms. Donna W. Gilland
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gilmer
Sumner Glassco
Jonathan Glover
Mrs. Tracie Goff
Shirley F. Golden
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Gooch
Ms. Julia A. Gordon
Ms. Vickie Grannan
Ms. Kathryn D. Graves
Ms. Sandra S. Green
Ms. Shayla D. Green
Ms. Cindy J. Grice
Grinder & Haizlip Construction, Inc.
Ms. Ruth Ann Hale
Ms. Regina Harper
Dr. Ethel A. Harrell
Ms. Gladys M. Harris
Mr. Jeffery D. Harris
Mrs. Pamela B. Harris
Ms. Barbara L. Harrison
Ms. Jane P. Hartley
Ms. Kathleen Healy-Collier
Ms. Donna M. Herrin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Hettinger
Higgins Electric, LLC
Ms. Mary H. Hill
Terri A. Himelrick
Ms. Jacqueline R. Hines
Mrs. Nancy M. Hinton-Thompson
Hnedak Bobo Group, P. C.
Hobson Realtors
Johnnie “Cindy” L. Hogg
Margaret D. Holliday
Ms. Angela N. Hollingsworth
Mr. Michael Hopper
Mr. Kristopher Cornell Horne
Mr. Gary L. Houston
Sandra L. Houston
Bettye Howard-Mims
Mr. Richard Wyatt Howell
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Hughes
Ms. Catherine Hupf
Mr. Joshua M. Hutchinson
Vicki A. Ice
Ms. Janice A. Igielski
Ms. Samantha L. Ikner
Inman Construction Corporation
Mrs. Sharlie Irby
Ms. Mamie L. Jackson
Ms. Pearlie Jackson
Arta B. James
Ms. Tarsha L. James
James R. Mahoney & Ann Marie
Tallman Trustees
Dr. & Mrs. Jon C. Jenkins
Ms. Billie J. Johnson
Corey D. Johnson
Mr. Derek V. Johnson
Ms. Gwendolyn D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Johnson
Rojenia B. Johnson
Ms. Sarah Johnson
Ms. Valerie L. Johnson-Herron
Ms. Barbara J. Jones
Colleen E. Jones
Twyla S. Jones
Josi Pool Service, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kaler
Mr. Richard J. Kanschat
Ms. Sherry E. Kasaitis
Rev. Dr. Gale F. Kennebrew
Ms. Karen K. Kinard
D. Katrina Ellis King
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold L. Klein
Chloe A. Knudsen
Ms. Kathryn D. Krause
Ms. Eileen Latham
Thinh Le
Mr. Montaque Lee
Ms. Sarah S. Lester
Ms. Theresa A. Lester
Ms. Valarie A. Lewis
Ms. Cynthia D. Logan
Laura Long
Ms. Sara Long
Ms. Donna Looney
Ms. Judith Lott
Gloria E. Lovett
Ms. Rosemary J. Lubiani
Laura Luther
Mr. Theadore Lyons, II
Mr. William J. Maguire
Ms. June B. Mann
Mr. Joseph A. Martin
Mrs. Ruth A. Martin
Donna F. Mathews
Lillie Matlock
Ms. Peggy Matthews
Ms. Barbara Mattingly
Mr. Donald R. Maxwell
Dr. & Mrs. William N. May
Ms. Rita K. McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne McCreight
Mrs. Ila S. McDonald
Mrs. Christina M. McDowell
Mrs. Bettie B. McKee
Ms. Karen McKinney
Marcella E. Meadows
Ms. Kelley F. Melton
Memphis Area Bluegrass Association
Ms. Glenda G. Mendina
Ms. Juanita Merriweather
Methodist Alliance Health Services
Ms. Linda T. Metts
Ms. Patricia H. Meyer
Mid-South Comfort Care Coalition
Mr. Robert Mihalovits
Ms. Rebecca Millican
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mock
Mr. Jeffrey Moder
Ms. Christine Modzelewski
Mr. John M. Mohat
Ms. Lichelle D. Monegan
Ms. Janice C. Mooneyhan
Patricia A. Morgan
Mr. Paul C. Muncy
Arvis E. Murrell
Mr. Marty M. Myatt
Sarah Baker Myers
Ms. Rhoda E. Myles
Mr. Donald C. Nash
Ms. Rita L. Neely
Ms. DeAnne L. Nelson
Ms. Shirley A. Nesbit
Ms. Sharon Y. Newsom
Nexus Leaders Inc.
Jeanne K. Nicholson
Mamie L. Nicholson
Danielle D. Nickum
Amber K. Northcott
Now That’s Organized, LLC
Dr. Evelyn B. Ogle
Mr. Elvin L. O’Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Parchman
Brenda Parham
Ms. Frances J. Parker
Mr. Marion E. Parker
Ms. Pamela P. Pate
Anami Patel
Ms. Dorothy F. Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Patrikios
Mrs. Ann T. Patterson
Ms. Lois Patterson
Vanessa G. Patton
Ms. Megan E. Pearce
Ms. Carol F. Peppers
Ms. Linda K. Perkins
Mr. John G. Pew
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peyton
Ms. Dana M. Phillips
Glenda F. Phillips
Precision Surgical, Inc.
Theresa Proctor
Karen K. Provence
Donna Pruitt
R. T. Carlock Co.
Chaunnah Railey
Bill Ramsey
Joan E. Rayford
Ms. Teresa A. Reed
Ms. Kerry S. Regen
John E. Richardson
Theresa E. Riffe
Ms. Diane C. Rinehart
Mr. Derrick S. Roberson
Mr. Patrick C. Robinson
Ms. Rozetta M. Rodriguez
Mary Rogers
Mrs. Linda Rosenblatt
Freda M. Rountree
Cynthia B. Rowell
Ms. Ann B. Ruffin
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Sanders
Rebecca P. Sartini
Ms. Mariangela Schardt
Mr. & Mrs. W. Heymoore Schettler
Lorri M. Schiller
Ms. Susan L. Schmidt
Ms. Keri Scott
Phillip Scruggs
Mr. & Mrs. Eric T. Sefton
Ms. Melissa L. Sellers
Mr. Julian Serrano, Jr.
Servoc Building Services
Ms. Carol Shelton
Harry D. Shepard III
Ms. Tammy Sherrill
Michael Shockley
Ms. Rebekah G. Shockley
Ms. Lynne Shultz
Ms. Elesheba Shye-Parker
Simple Strokes Therapy Cosnultants, PA
Ms. Annette L. Singleton
Jessica Sloan
Ms. Beverly L. Smith
Ms. Priscilla Smith
Ms. Teresa P. Smith
Vickie C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. W. Mark Smith
Mr. Wyll Smith
Ms. Mimi R. Sneed
Ms. Marlene P. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Earnest J. Sparks
Peggy K. Sparrenberger
Ms. Cynthia A. Spencer
Ms. Betty Sprott
Mr. John L. St. John
Ms. Alicia T. Stanback
Margaret C. Starnes
Ms. Kathryn C. Steinbrecher
Mr. Joey Stewart
Mr. Lawrence E. Stewart
Mr. William L. Stites
Patty Strickland
Mrs. Luisa B. Stubbs
Mrs. Freda M. Sullivan
Summer Kids, LLC
Ms. Carolyn Taylor
Ms. Dana K. Taylor
Sabrina Taylor
Ms. Zona Dale Taylor
Ms. Amy C. Teal
Ms. Kelly S. Terry
Mr. Danny Thoele
Mrs. Jane M. Thompson
Mr. Trevor K. Thompson
Ms. Anna E. Thomson
Ms. Karol C. Thorne
Mr. Kenneth L. Thronberry
Kari B. Tidwell
Ms. Andrea M. Tolliver
Ms. Beth A. Townley
Ms. Patricia Tripp
TRO Jung/Brannen, Inc.
Mrs. Deborah B. Trobaugh
Ms. Charlene R. Troxler
Trustmark Bank
United Methodist Church-Memphis
Vesper Society
Carolyn D. Wade
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Wallace
Ms. Josephine N. Walls
Ms. Linda E. Ware
Ms. Kimberly Warner
Ms. Kimberly A. Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. William Watt
Ms. Janice Weatherred
Ms. Lynn B. Weiner
Mr. Terry M. Wells
Ms. Janet G. Wertz
Wesley Neurology Clinic, P. C.
Ms. Elizabeth R. White
Ms. Melody White
Stephanie S. White
Ms. Sara E. Wiles
Ms. Janice F. Williams
Ms. Tricia D. Williams
Mr. Glen K. Wilson, Jr.
Nancy F. Wilson
Mr. Michael D. Wolfe
Ms. Dora Woo
Ms. Shirley P. Woodard
Xia Zhao
Ms. Linda Zimmerman
The Donor Wall of Honor recognizes those individuals, organizations, corporations & foundations who have made substantial cumulative
gifts to support our clinical, educational & research programs.
$1,000,000 up
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Jabie S. Hardin
Mid-South Lions Sight & Hearing Service
The Assisi Foundation of Memphis
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond D. Cicala
Dr. & Mrs. John K. Duckworth
Duckworth Pathology Group, Inc.
Clara & Jessie Harris
Methodist Healthcare Auxiliary
Mr. & Mrs. Micajah P. Sturdivant
United Methodist Church-Memphis
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Walter D. Wills III
Amgen, Inc.
L. Palmer Brown Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. G. Staley Cates
Cerner Corporation
CIGNA Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Francis H. Cole, Sr.
ConMed Corporation
First Tennessee Foundation
GE Healthcare
Genentech, Inc.
Estate of Mr. Whitesell Harpole
Dr. & Mrs. O. Brewster Harrington
Infectious Disease Consultants
Janssen Pharmaceutical Products, LP
The John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Col. James K. McCurdy, USAF Ret.
Medical Anesthesia Group, P.A.
Memphis Radiological Professional
Merck & Company, Inc.
Estate of Margaret F. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Morris III
Morrison Management Specialists
North Arkansas Conference of the United
Methodist Church
Pfizer Foundation, Inc.
Emily J. Pointer
Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Schering Plough
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
Lt. Col. Lee E. Stokes
Tennessee Hospital Association
United Methodist Church-MS Conference
University of Tennessee
UT Cancer Institute
The West Clinic, P.C.
Mrs. Lucy R. Wilkinson
Wright Medical Technology, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abney
Allegiance Healthcare
Alternative Investment Group
Services, LP
American Snuff Company
AmSouth Bank
AstraZeneca, Inc.
The Barnett Group
Bayer Corporation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee
Estate of Vada Mae Burnside
Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens,
& Cannada
Anna K. Carter, Trust
Champion International Corporation
Christ Is Our Salvation Foundation
Citigroup Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Dwight Clark
Coca Cola Bottling Company
Dr. & Mrs. F. Hammond Cole, Jr.
Copeland Companies
Dr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Deaton
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
Emergency Mobile Health Care, LLC
FedEx Corporation
General X-Ray, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Glass
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Graham, Jr.
Graham’s Lighting Fixtures, Inc.
Mrs. Ruth Wilkerson K. Graves
Hollis H. Halford, III, M.D.
Hardin’s Sysco Food Services, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Hilsenbeck, Jr.
Hoffman-La Roche, Inc.
Mr. C. H. Hottum
Mr. Scott House
Inman Construction Corporation
Johnson Controls Foundation
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Jones Pointer Foundation
The Josephine Circle, Inc.
Laurelwood Shopping Center, Inc.
Dr. Alys H. Lipscomb
Mrs. Molly B. Lipscomb
Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance
Dr. & Mrs. H. Frank Martin, Jr.
Maternal League of Memphis
Mr. & Mrs. Shellie G. McCain, Jr.
Medimmune, Inc.
Medtronic, Inc.
Memphis Area Race for the Cure
Miles, Inc.
Dr. Stephen T. Miller
Ohmeda, Inc.
Ortho Biotech
Owens & Minor
Payden & Rygel
Dr. Thomas H. Pratt
Regions Financial
Estate of Billie Reynolds
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharm., Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Roberson
Mr. & Mrs. King W. Rogers III
Rural/Metro Corporation
S. Webster Haining & Company
Sally Johnson Shy Foundation
Dr. Phillip Schoettle
Semmes-Murphey Neurologic & Spine
Estate of Ms. Genevia E. Shaw
Estate of Forrest Busch Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Shorb
Kathleene A. Sims
Mrs. Maida P. Smith
Unisys Corporation
The University of Mississippi
Dr. & Mrs. C. F. Varner, Jr.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Dr. & Mrs. Frank L. White
Wills Memorial Foundation
Winegardner Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Yancy III
Elliott Society
The Elliott Society recognizes donors who
make a commitment to Methodist Healthcare
that extends beyond their lifetimes. It is named
in honor of Maurice Elliott, CEO & President
of Methodist Healthcare from 1990 to 2001,
whose leadership & vision helped make Methodist Healthcare a leader in excellent patient
care. Friends who make legacy gifts to Methodist Healthcare Foundation in their estate
plans play a key role in our fiscal stability. We
gratefully acknowledge the following individuals as members of the Elliott Society. Legacy
gifts from these members through their wills,
trusts or other estate gifts ensure that Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare will be a healing
presence in Memphis & beyond. Thank you.
To inquire about the Elliott Society call the
Foundation at 901.516.0500.
Dr. & Mrs. Steven L. Akins
Dr. Bijan Bakhtian
Dr. & Mrs. Reed C. Baskin
Dr. & Mrs. Richard G. Bates
Drs. James & Jennifer Boals
Dr. & Mrs. J. Hays Brantley
Ms. Willie M. Bullard
Vada Mae Burnside Estate
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Casey
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Chance
Mrs. Ann Cicala
Dr. & Mrs. Dwight Clark
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cockroft
Mrs. Mary Cole
Mr. Jack Stevens & Dr. Cynthia A. Dabney
Dr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Deaton
Dr. & Mrs. Raza A. Dilawari
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Dobson
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Dodd
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Donahue
Dr. Gordon L. Duckworth III
We’re here to care for you. Contributions help us care for others. Please give on the web at or use the enclosed envelope. Thank you.
Dr. Hugh K. Duckworth
Dr. John K. Duckworth
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
Dr. & Mrs. R. M. Fleming
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. O. E. French
Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gelfand
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry B. Gooch
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Grise
Dr. & Mrs. Hollis H. Halford III
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. Warren H. Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Handorf
Mr. Whitesell Harpole Estate
Mr. Whitesell Harpole Estate
Dr. & Mrs. O. Brewster Harrington
Clara Waskom Harris Estate
Dr. Samuel D. Hensley, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Hilsenbeck, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Hodges
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Holcomb III
Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Hollis
Mr. C. H. Hottum
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Howser
Dr. & Mrs. Jon C. Jenkins
Dr. Oakley C. Jordan, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Royce E. Joyner
Dr. Timothy K. Kreth
Dr. & Mrs. Roy N. Kulp, Jr.
Dr. Stephen H. Landy
Dr. Olga E. Lasater
Primary Addressee
Dr. Robert E. Laster, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Lawson
Dr. & Mrs. W. M. Leppert
Mr. Jeff F. Lipscomb
Mr. & Mrs. Mathew W. Lipscomb
Mrs. Molly B. Lipscomb
Dr. & Mrs. Edward H. Mabry, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. H. Frank Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Mary V. McCurdy
Dr. & Mrs. Carter McDaniel III
Dr. Michael B. McDonald
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. McLendon
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Morse, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Davis D. Moser
Dr. James H. Owens
Dr. & Mrs. Frank D. Parks
Dr. William R. Porter
Billie Reynolds Estate
Mr. & Mrs. King W. Rogers III
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Routt, Jr.
Dr. Phillip Schoettle
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Shapiro
Dr. & Mrs. Brixey R. Shelton
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Shelton
Forrest Busch Shields Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Bryan P. Simmons
Lt. Col. Lee E. Stokes
Dr. Barry F. Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. C. F. Varner, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Weatherly
Dr. & Mrs. Alvin J. Weber, III
Dr. & Mrs. Frank L. White
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Wilson
Dr. Robert R. Yarbrough
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
2009 Board of Directors
Beverly Robertson
President, National Civil Rights Museum
B. Lane Carrick
CEO, Sovereign Wealth Management
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
2009 Staff
Ed Roberson, (Board Chair)
Retired – CEO, Conwood
Gary Shorb
President and CEO, Methodist Le Bonheur
Bena Cates
Board Member
Paula Jacobson
David Stevens
Retired – CEO, Accredo Health Group
Reverend Cynthia Davis
Senior Pastor
Friendship United Methodist Church
Linda Bayliff
Executive Assistant
Ronald Stimpson
Vice Chairman of the Board, Magna Bank
Maurice Elliott
CEO, Emeritus, Methodist Healthcare
Rev. Victoria Sizemore Baldwin
District Superintendent, Senatobia District MS
Conference UMC
Carter Towne, M.D.
Memphis Gastroenterology Group PC
John Glass
Principal, Sentry LLC
David Beckley, Ph.D.
President, Rust College
Jose Velazquez, Ph.D.
Deputy Vice President, National Council of
La Raza
Dennis Higdon, M.D.
Physician, Medical Anesthesia Group
Harry Durbin
Senior Pastor, Collierville United Methodist Church
Steven Wishnia
Principal, Highland Capital Management
Chadd Durrett, Jr.
Attorney and Partner, Durrett & Coleman
Luke Yancy
President and CEO, Mid-South Minority
Business Council
Ron Belz (Vice Chair)
President and CEO, Belz Investco GP
Shirley Raines, Ed.D. (Secretary)
President, University of Memphis
Bill Evans, Pharm.D.
Director and CEO, St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital
Alan Graf, Jr.
Executive VP and CFO, FedEx Corporation
Kent Ingram
President, Razorback Concrete Company
Harry Johnson, III
Retired - Executive Vice President and General
Counsel, First Horizon National Corp
Rev. Chester Jones
Methodist Clergy
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Corporate Leadership
Gary Shorb
President and CEO
Donna Abney
Executive Vice President
Chris McLean
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
2009 Board of Directors
Mary Jo Kirkpatrick
Assistant Professor and Chair, Dept. of Assoc.
Nursing, Mississippi University for Women
Susan Murrmann, M.D. (Board Chair)
Physician, McDonald Murrmann Women’s Clinic
Mark Medford
President/CEO, Vining Sparks
L. Kirkpatrick Bobo (Board Vice Chair)
President and Managing Principal, Hnedak Bobo
Group, Inc.
Jackson Moore
Private Investor, Retired Chairman, President and
CEO, Regions Financial Corporation
Thomas (Marty) Carr, M.D.
Physician, Professional Coverage Services, PLLC
Paula Jacobson
President, Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Reverend Rick Kirchoff
Senior Pastor, Germantown United
Methodist Church
William “Tad” Mays
Attorney, Glankler Brown, PLLC
John H. Pettey, III
Managing Director, Morgan Keegan
Thomas R. Prewitt, Jr.
Attorney, The Hardison Firm
President, Laurelwood Shopping Center
Sherri Sawyer
Marketing Manager, Citadel Memphis
Radio Group
Sally Shy
Board Member, Sally Johnson Shy Foundation
Bridget Trenary
Community Volunteer
Carole W. West
Board Member,Kemmons Wilson
Family Foundation
Lewis C. Williamson
Senior Vice President/ Futures Specialist
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
1211 Union Ave. Suite 450 Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 516.0500
Mark Billingsley
Director of Major Gifts
Wanda Coats
Accounting Manager
Sheba Coleman
Development Coordinator
Lori Dale Bratton
Director of Funds Management
Kay Fleming
Special Events Coordinator
Bob Plunk
Director of Development
W. Steve West
Senior Vice President, Community Benefit &
Senior Legal Advisor, Special Projects
Mark Yancy
Major Gifts Coordinator