Dear Parents and Friends of Mount Saint Joseph High School, My


Dear Parents and Friends of Mount Saint Joseph High School, My
Dear Parents and Friends of Mount Saint Joseph High School,
March, 2013
My father often told me that his goal for me was to make it to age eighteen in one piece. His discussions were often frank
and direct, probably as a result of his years as an attorney, and my siblings and I often remarked about being called into his
office to sit in the brown reading chair. My parents had clear expectations for the three of us, and a trip to the brown chair
was never comfortable, but it was most convincing. I would like to believe that my siblings spent more time in the brown
chair than I did, but I was away at college for most of their high school years. If asked today they may be less forthcoming
with their admission of time spent in the high-stress hot seat.
As we wind down the school year and the weather improves and we all feel more active and energetic, we must realize that
we are not invincible. This is a time of year when students, filled with the joy of life, take chances and are less likely to
make good decisions with regard to safety. Each spring in the news there are stories of tragedy that involve young people
losing their lives. I would ask all parents to sit your sons in your family’s version of the brown chair and remind them about
your expectations for them in terms of behavior, their safety and the safety of others. Research done on teens under the age
of eighteen suggests that young people want boundaries and rules set by their parents, and they want them enforced. They
won’t readily admit to it, but it gives them something to complain about to their friends.
As a former track and cross country coach, I always look forward to the spring and the great weather as students participate
in athletics and other extracurricular activities. March, however, is the cruelest month of the year for coaches as the spring
sports season begins. The days vary from 36 degrees with wind and rain to 55 degrees with the first hint of the warm sun of
spring. While I can’t say I miss standing outside on those cold, blustery days, often with snow or rain coming down, I do
miss the time spent with the students helping them grow as athletes. I want to thank our coaches, particularly those who
educate, instruct and encourage our student athletes in this most challenging time of the year. They put their hearts and souls
into helping our students grow outside the classroom. Whether it be for track or baseball, lacrosse or tennis, golf or rugby,
the campus, particularly the fields, is alive each day from 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. with students burning off their excess
energy. By the end of the spring season, the weather will be spectacular and at times even on the hot side, and then there
will be occasional complaints about the heat, but they won’t be coming from the coaches who remember the start of the
season. All of this is just one more fine component of Xaverian education which I enjoy being a part of, if only now as a
By way of reminders, we ask all seniors to forward their college acceptance letters and their scholarship offers to
Mrs. Mnkande, our guidance secretary. We want to honor the Class of 2013 by acknowledging these acceptances and
scholarships at various functions and celebrations at the end of the school year. We have much to be proud of as a school
community, and we wish to celebrate the successes of the Class of 2013. While the dollars earned through scholarships are
still coming in, we know that our seniors’ SAT scores made a significant jump over last year as a group, and they remain
significantly higher than the state and national averages.
Please keep all our student athletes and the coaches in your prayers as they begin their seasons and as we move toward
the celebration of Holy Week and Easter.
George E. Andrews, Jr.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
During the season of Lent, many of our faculty use "The Little Black Book" for daily
reflection and prayer. If you are not familiar with this publication, I highly recommend it ( During Lent you will be asked to spend at least six
minutes of the day in quiet praying time. You are asked to put the Lord and yourself
alone in a quiet place. It is a time to ask the Lord some straight questions:
1) How am I doing?
2) Am I living up to what you expect of me?
3) What would be good for me to do this Lent?
Never did I think the Lord would call me to be principal of Mount Saint Joseph High School. I understand
the awesome responsibility I have to our community. I pray constantly that the Lord will give me the strength
and wisdom to take our school to new heights and happiness. In the Responsorial Psalm, we pray the words,
"Here I am, Lord. I come to do your will!" And so, I hear His voice, and I will do the work He is calling me
to do. I will ask myself those straight questions during Lent and everyday.
I want to thank you for your prayers, support, love and concern. There is no place quite like Mount Saint
Joseph. We love each other and support one another in good times and bad. God looks over us and has
blessed us in our long history. We will continue to ask Him to hear our prayers. He will lift us up!
I intend to be your principal for a long journey. Always be assured that the decisions that are made are
always with the best intentions for your son. We will always be about the mission of building boys into men.
I ask your continued prayers as we move through the year. Get out in the community and sing the praises of
Mount Saint Joseph!
God's blessings,
David Lee Norton
Alumni Association
Mass and Communion Breakfast
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Report Cards - The third quarter will end on
Wednesday, March 27. Report cards will be emailed on
Thursday, April 11. Please be advised that a student
failing any course for the year will be required to attend
Mount Saint Joseph’s Summer School unless that course
is not offered during the summer.
Mass begins at 10:00 a.m.
in the Marion Burk Knott Fine Arts Center.
Catered breakfast to follow in the cafeteria.
To purchase tickets,
call Luke Menefee
Course Selection 2013-2014 - Students will register
for classes online during the week before the course
selection sheets are due. Parents are reminded that signed
course selection forms are due in the Guidance
Department by the following dates:
Juniors - Friday, March 1
Sophomores - Friday, March 8
Freshmen - Wednesday, March 13
The Guidance Department will review all course sheets
and online selections before submitting them to the Studies
Office. Each sheet should include the teacher
recommendation for the next year class along with the
parent signature indicating your agreement with the
Senior Graduation Reminders - Seniors and their
parents are reminded that attendance for seniors is
mandatory at the following:
Senior Breakfast/Senior Assembly/
Graduation Rehearsal
Thursday, May 30, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Baccalaureate Mass at St. Louis, Clarksville
Friday, May 31, 7:30 p.m.
Graduation at Cathedral of Mary Our Queen
Sunday, June 2, 3:00 p.m.
Students are to supply their own transportation to the
Cathedral for graduation and arrive for the graduation
ceremonies by 1:30 p.m.
SAT Prep/Review classes for math and
verbal skills will be held in April beginning
Monday, April 15, and ending on Friday, May 3,
in preparation for the May and June SAT tests.
Classes are held 7:15 a.m. - 7:55 a.m. and include
both test-taking and test-readiness skills. The cost is
$125.00. If interested, contact Mr. Bernd McDivitt
by e-mail or call 410644-3300, ext. 272, for a registration form.
A Basket and Bag Bingo featuring Longaberger
baskets and Vera Bradley bags will be held on
Sunday, March 3, at 2:00 p.m. in the Mount Saint
Joseph High School cafeteria. Doors open at 1:00
p.m. and an early-bird game will be held at 1:45
p.m. The proceeds from this bingo will benefit My
Brother’s Keeper, a community outreach center in
Irvington. Tickets for the bingo are $20.00 each.
Tickets are on sale NOW and can be purchased by
contacting Kathy Holden, 301-490-7918 or or mail your check made
payable to My Brother’s Keeper to Kathy Holden,
8120 Calla Lilly Drive,
Ellicott City, MD 21043.
Monetary or business gift
donations can be made by
contacting Mary Hendricks,
Mr. Kraig Loovis, Athletic Director
Winter Sports Update
Our winter sports teams have played well as the season is coming to an exciting conclusion. The varsity basketball team advanced to
the championship game of the MIAA playoffs, losing to Saint Frances in an exciting game at UMBC. The Gaels then competed in the
BCL tournament, defeating Loyola and John Carroll. In the championship game they defeated Spalding 73-56 to claim the BCL title
for the second consecutive year. The Tier 1 ice hockey team advanced to the MIAA championship game, losing to Spalding 3-2. The
team then reached the MAPHL quarter finals losing to Calvert Hall 4-1. The indoor track team finished a solid 3 rd for the regular
season, and placed 4th in the MIAA championships. The swim team took 4th place at the MIAA championships and placed 8 th at the
Easterns private high school swimming championships held at LaSalle University. This was the top Easterns finish ever recorded by a
MSJ swim team. The wrestling team competed in the MIAA championships, finishing in 5 th place. The team then competed in the
Independent States Tournament, finishing in 6th place. The wrestling team continued with the National Preps, finishing in 21 st place
out of 121 teams.
Individual Achievements
Turner Wilson – 5th MIAA, 7th States @ 106 lbs
Malik Woody – 4th MIAA, 4th States @ 120 lbs
Zeke Salvo – 2nd MIAA, 2nd States @ 126 lbs
Cole Mattson – 6th MIAA @ 132 lbs
Seth Rowell – 8th States @ 138 lbs
Andrew Doyle – 4th MIAA @ 182 lbs
Dan Hawkins – 2nd MIAA, 3rd States, 3rd at National Preps @ 195 lbs
Alex Barnabae – 5th MIAA @ 220 lbs
Shane Lowman – 2nd MIAA, 3rd States @ 285 lbs
David Gurski – 7th States @ 220 lbs
Charlie Jones – BCL Dave Kropfelder “Never, Never Quit” Award, BCL Honorable Mention
Phil Booth – BCL Mark Amatucci Defensive Player of the Year, BCL 1 st team, BCL Tournament MVP
Kameron Williams – BCL 1st team, BCL All-tournament team
The swim team broke two school records at Easterns: 1:39.44 in the 200 Medley Relay (Andrew McKissick, Connor Ganley, Chris
Krabbe, Andrew Sanchez), and 1:29.13 in the 200 Freestyle Relay (Andrew Sanchez, Connor Ganley, Andrew McKissick, Eddie
Andrew McKissick was National Catholic Champion in the 500 Freestyle, and his time of 4:34.76 earned him All-American
Winter Sport Athlete Reminder - all uniforms must be cleaned and returned to Brother Charles in the equipment room.
Spring Sports
March marks the beginning of the spring sports season. Please make sure all physicals are updated and on file in the nurse’s office.
Please check the website for sports schedules. In the event of inclement weather, changes will be posted on the MSJ website under
athletic announcements after noon of the day of the event, or call the sports information line 410-644-3300, ext. 345. We strongly
recommend you sign up for athletic alerts – email and text messages; you will be notified electronically as soon as a
schedule change is made.
Spring Sports Sportsmanship Meetings:
Tuesday, March 5
Sunday, March 10
6:00 - Golf, Tennis, Track & Field - Auditorium
7:00 – Rugby, Lacrosse - Auditorium
6:00 - Baseball – Cafeteria
We are requesting that all athletes and a parent attend, even if you attended a fall or winter
meeting. Please bring your medical information with you to this meeting.
The Parents’ Corner
Mrs. Mary Wiedel, Director of Parent Relations
Mr. Chuck Belzner, Director of Guidance
The Junior/Sophomore Parents’ College Night is
scheduled for Thursday, March 14, at 7:00 p.m.
in the auditorium. This is an excellent
opportunity to gain information regarding the
college admissions process. There will be a
number of helpful resources available.
Senior Transition to College is scheduled for
Tuesday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
The Mount Saint Joseph Guidance Department will
host a seminar for parents of the class of 2013
regarding the transition from high school to
college. Speakers will include representatives
from local colleges as well as parents who have
experienced this transition.
Acceptances and Scholarships - PLEASE
important that acceptance and scholarship
letters be turned in to the Guidance Department
in order to be acknowledged during the Awards
and Commencement ceremonies.
Scholarship information can be accessed from the
MSJ website at www.msjnet.eduguidance.
Financial aid materials for the academic year 2013 2014 for Maryland residents may be viewed and
downloaded on the Maryland Higher Education
Commission’s website
Information about federal student aid, including the
2013-2014 FAFSA forms, can be found at
Selective Service System: When your son turns
eighteen, he is required by law to register with the
Selective Service System. If he fails to register, he
can be denied important opportunities such as
student loans, government jobs and a driver’s
license in most states. It’s easy and can be done
online, at For more details, see
Mrs. Mnkande.
As a school we promote strong communication between our school and our school families.
Now that we are well into the second semester it is
beneficial to review these methods. This is vitally
important for our seniors and their parents because
so much happens during the graduation season!
There are several major ways we accomplish
this. The most frequent method of communication
is the broadcast system that I oversee as the
Director of Parent Relations. This system is
independent of all the other computer systems on
campus. If you have a home email address and a
work email address, both can be used in this system.
I send broadcasts as necessary according to the
following: if the administration and/or teachers
request that you receive notice of something added
to the school website calendar; also, when I
determine a reminder would be helpful to you (I
understand you have children in multiple schools
and you have full schedules); and, occasionally,
I send a broadcast out along with our emergency
system if we were to close early because of
inclement weather, etc.
We use our emergency system to alert you
to weather related delayed openings/closings. This
would also be used in crisis situations. This method
can utilize home/work/cell phones by calling or
texting and email addresses to communicate
different situations.
And then there is Edline! This system
allows both our students and parents to track
academic progress. This only works if you and your
son have activated your individual log-in codes.
Oh, and, yes, you/your son must check it frequently.
Vital information is there!
sending in at the beginning of the school year this
data information form is critical. And remember,
notify us if your email addresses/phone numbers,
etc., ever change!
From the Desk of Mr. Brian Murphy,
Dean of Students. . .
Mr. Clay Bonham, Director of Campus Ministry
With the Lenten season upon us, we wish
to call your attention to some Lenten activities
for this year. We will offer daily mass on
Wednesday mornings in the chapel at
7:30 a.m. We will also offer
the opportunity for a prayer
and fasting group to meet during the lunch periods in the
Campus Ministry Office:
Mondays during F period,
Tuesdays during C period, Wednesdays during
Homeroom, Thursdays during D period, and
Fridays during E period. March is also the month
for our two senior retreats: March 8-10 and
March 22-24. If interested, please sign up in
Campus Ministry.
The Mount Lost and Found is located in the
office of the Director of Students. At the end of each
marking period, I donate to charity the many
unclaimed items left on campus by our students. The
third donation of this year will occur just prior to Easter vacation. Your son may check my office at any
time for lost items.
Please remind your son to lock up any personal
items in the locker room while on the athletic side of
campus during physical education classes and after
school. In addition, you may want to encourage your
son to keep his combination lock from year to year.
Hundreds of locks are left behind by students at the
end of the school year, resulting in a needless expense
for parents.
Finally, remind your sons they are not allowed
on the athletic side of campus anytime unless they are
supervised by a teacher/coach or attending an athletic
event. Students waiting for rides must wait either in
the cafeteria or in the library. We have staff proctoring these locations until 5:30 p.m. Campus security
and the afterschool stadium/gym monitors have been
instructed to send students to these supervised areas.
Please remember in your prayers our deceased: Carmen Fernandez, mother of faculty member Ivelisse Gonzalez;
Jackie Russell, aunt of senior LeMarr Bates; O.B. Bonham, father of faculty member Clay Bonham; Kitty Siefert, mother
of faculty member Sharon Morgan.
Please remember in your prayers our sick: JoAnne Morgan, faculty member; Fred March ‘71; Robert Williams,
grandfather of Chris Williams ‘05; Joseph Janiszewski, uncle of sophomore Luke Janiszewski; Matt Hawkins, brother of
junior Dan Hawkins; Theresa Horne, mother of senior LaMarr Bates; Eleni Doyle, grandmother of senior Andrew Doyle;
Iris Doyle, mother of senior Andrew Doyle; Benjamin Critzer ‘05; Wesley Gordon ‘88; Joe Miklasz ‘60; Brian Gallizzo
‘91; Sophia McCaul, niece of MSJ CFO Chris Sapienza; Charlotte Brandt, mother of staff member Cindy Drenner; Nick
Bloch, friend of faculty member Mike St. Martin; Josephine Sweeney, grandmother of senior Nicholas Michaelides; Kirk
Brooks ’08; Mark Glagola, father of sophomore Hunter Glagola; Jack Czarnecki, grandfather of junior Scott Czarnecki;
Evelyn Larson; Stan Chacowski, grandfather of junior Brandon Toth; Shawn McMurtray ‘78; Kathy Cassella, sister-inlaw of faculty member George Kapusinski; Joseph Matta, father of freshman Brady Matta; William Hymes, grandfather of
faculty member Jason Ader; Elbert Townsend, father of staff member Erin Baker; John Slingluff, uncle of faculty member
Sarah Slingluff; Chad Grob ’07; Jerry Poisal ‘64, father of staff member James Poisal ‘03; Greg Dash, cousin of freshman
Nick Emelio.
A Note from the Nurse’s Office
Mrs. Pamela Bezirdjian, School Nurse
March is National Nutrition Month! Good
nutrition fuels kids for school, family, and sports. The
National Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics “EAT
designed to focus attention on the importance of making
informed food choices and developing sound eating and
physical activity habits. Eating balanced meals can
make a big difference in the overall health and wellbeing for all of us. Here are some tips that help: enjoy
your food, but eat less; avoid oversized portions; make
half your plate fruits and vegetables; switch to fat-free
or 1% milk; compare sodium in foods like soup, breads,
and frozen meals and choose foods with lower numbers
drink water instead of sugary drinks; finally, don’t skip
March is also Red Cross
Month. The SADD Club’s Spring
Blood Drive with the American
Red Cross is on Thursday,
March 14, from 8:00 a.m. to
1:00 p.m. in our auditorium.
Parents and students sixteen and
older are invited and encouraged
to donate. Please call Mrs. Bezirdjian at 410-6443300, ext 354 to schedule your appointment.
On Wednesday, March 20 the SADD Club
will be raising awareness about the dangers of tobacco
on “Kick Butts Day.” The goal is to prevent kids from
smoking or using smokeless tobacco products, help
smokers quit, and protect everyone from secondhand
Finally, a few reminders from the nurse: If
your son has any changes to his health status, including
changes in medicine or recent surgery, please contact
the Health Suite. Also, our school has a protocol to
follow when a student is sick. The student should
inform his teacher who will send the student to the
Health Suite. The nurse will then evaluate the student
and contact the parent for dismissal if needed. The
students are not to use their cell phones during the
school day, which includes calling or texting their
parents to say they aren’t feeling well and to request
that someone pick them up. The only circumstance in
which students should be using their cell phones during
the day is if they have been given permission by the
nurse, or a faculty, or staff member.
Senior Prom Night 2013
What an exciting night for our seniors! On
Saturday evening, May 18, 2013, Mount Saint Joseph
High School and its parents will host a Post Prom Party,
which includes activities at a local gym, a breakfast, and
many door prizes. The purpose of the Post Prom Party is
to provide a safe and memorable evening for our young
men and their dates. We are requesting that MSJ parents,
especially senior parents, consider making a contribution
of a door prize, gift certificate, or monetary donation to be
used for the Post Prom Party.
The prize committee is currently soliciting gifts
from area merchants. We would appreciate it if MSJ
parents would ask merchants in their area for prom gifts.
To assist you in your efforts, a donation request letter on
Mount Saint Joseph letterhead has been prepared and is
available through the faculty committee chairs, Ms. Kate
Stearns and Ms. Kelly Bicknell. Below are some gift
Gift Certificates/Cards: bookstores, music stores,
computer stores, restaurants, sporting goods stores,
technology stores, (i.e, Apple) gas stations.
Tickets: movie theaters, golf courses, baseball, football
or other sporting events.
College Dorm Packages: TV, DVD player, clock radio,
phone cards, suitcases, bedding.
Donations are to be sent to the MSJ Business Office to
the attention of Mrs. Sarah Peightel. Monetary donations
should be made payable to Mount Saint Joseph Post Prom
Party. If you have any questions regarding donations,
please contact Kate Stearns by e-mail or Kelly Bicknell
Senior Parents are encouraged to join a Post Prom
Party committee. Please come to one of the two planning
meetings on Thursday, March 7, at 7:00 in the cafeteria
or Wednesday, April 17, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
THANK YOU for your support!
March Meeting - Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria.
Fashion Show 2013 - C
" elebrating Fashion Week"- Save the date, Sunday, April 14, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00
p.m. at our NEW VENUE - The BWI Hilton. Tickets are $50. You will not want to miss this 47th annual
Fashion Show! Enjoy lunch, MSJ mothers and their senior sons modeling casual and formal fashions, a silent
auction, gift and gourmet raffle, 50/50 raffle, and more! Flyers are available on the Mothers' Club website.
It is never too early or late to begin collecting donations for the fashion show. Your new and never
used, unwanted items (in their original packaging) will find a new home in one of our Gift and Gourmet baskets or as a delightful silent auction item. Donations of any kind are greatly appreciated - we will use it!
Some suggestions but don't limit yourself to these!
Gift cards/certificates, "services" - massages, catering, landscaping, lessons (golf, tennis, etc.), manicures, hair
styling, condo rental for a week or weekend; gourmet food items: jellies, sauces, spreads, teas, coffees, hot cocoa, nuts, popcorn; pampering items: soaps, shower gel, cosmetic bags, lotions, manicure items, candles, candlesticks, potpourri, pillows, slippers; paper items: inspirational books, journals, stationery, fancy pens, photo
albums, scrapbooking items; kitchen items: mugs, cookbooks, aprons, placemats, utensils, gadgets, platters,
dishes, glasses, cookware; sports items: tennis or golf balls, fitness wear, fitness gear, water bottles, gym bags,
backpacks, sports teams paraphernalia; coffee or tea items: cups/saucers, mugs, honey, fancy sugar cubes, teapots, teacups, exotic teas or coffees; knick-knacks: paperweights, figurines, book ends, small lamps or votives,
picture frames; accessories: jewelry, trinket boxes, purses, wallets, tote bags, travel bags, scarves; wine and
related items: glasses, cocktail napkins, decanters, corkscrews; charms, coasters; games: puzzles, toddler toys,
children’s books, baby things; seasonal items (Christmas, Easter, beach); man cave items: beer steins, baseball
caps, grilling utensils, specialty beers. Donations can be brought to the Mothers’ Club monthly meetings, to
Fashion Show meetings, or – if you prefer – send them in with your son (wrapped and clearly marked for the
Fashion Show) and he can leave them with Mrs. Wiedel, in the Administration Office, Saint Joseph Hall. Any
questions, contact Joy Parson or Mary Scavilla, cochairs of the Silent Auction/Gift and Gourmet committee. Thank you so much for your support!
My Brother's Keeper (MBK) / Community Outreach - works closely with My Brother's Keeper
(MBK), which provides daily meals and assistance to the people in the Irvington community surrounding our
school. Their supply of travel-sized toiletry items is currently running low. Please consider donating a
few items, i.e., shampoo, deodorant, soap, etc. These items can be brought to any Mothers’ Club meeting or
dropped off by you or your son(s) in Mary Wiedel's office, St. Joseph Hall. To learn more or help support
MBK, please contact Sharon Campbell 410-599-4599 -, or Vicky Kenney 410-859-5911 Thank you in advance for your support.
Alumni Moms News - Please contact Joanne Waeltermann at for more details.
Mount Saint Joseph Mothers’ Club
Present the 47th Annual Fashion Show
“Celebrating Fashion Week”
Sunday, April 14, 2013
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
BWI Airport Hilton
1739 West Nursery Road
Linthicum Heights, Maryland 21090
Women’s Formal Wear From Deja’Vu Boutique of Mount Airy, MD
Tuxedos from Cy’s Of Catonsville
Tickets Courtesy of Key Press Printing Ellicott City, MD
Fashion Show Reservation Ticket Order Form
$50.00 per person
Telephone Number__________________________________________________________
Number of Tickets___________ Total Amount Enclosed________________________
Please make checks payable to Mount Saint Joseph Mothers’ Club. Send your payment
and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Pat Randall, 1016 Lyndhurst Street,
Baltimore, MD 21229
March Meeting - The next Fathers’ Club general meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 11
at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. It’s never too late to join us if you have yet to come see what we are all
about. We had a superb turn-out, including several new faces, last month, and we greatly benefitted
from the enthusiasm and ideas shown during that meeting. Our sincere thanks to the many new
participants who joined us.
Communion Breakfast - The Fathers' Club 66th Annual Father-Son Communion Breakfast
All fathers and male guardians are invited to join us for our 66th annual Father-Son Communion
Breakfast on Sunday, March 17. Father Michael Murphy ‘82, MSJ chaplain, will preside at the
10:00 a.m. Mass that will be offered in the auditorium. After Mass, a hearty breakfast will be served
in the cafeteria, and our breakfast speaker will be Father Charles Canterna, Chaplain for the
Chesapeake Detention Facility.
Tickets for the breakfast are $18.00 per person and may be purchased from the Business
Office, Mrs. Sexton in the Studies Office, or Mr. Bernd McDivitt in room 209. So that we may
have an accurate count for the caterer, please purchase your tickets by Monday, March 11.
A reservation form can be found on the ‘School News’ page of the MSJ home page. Simply
complete this form and have your son bring it to school along with cash or check ($18.00 per person)
in an envelope marked “Father-Son Communion Breakfast.” Your son will receive your tickets once
he turns in the form and the money. Please do this as soon as possible; the number of seats available
is limited. For questions, please contact Mr. Bernd McDivitt 410-644-3300, ext. 272 or by email:
Father-Son Golf Tournament - Polish up those clubs for the annual MSJ Fathers’ Club FamilySon Golf Tournament to be held at the Compass Pointe Golf Course on Friday, April 5, 2013.
This event is for golfers and duffers of all skill levels and provides a day of fun and camaraderie for
our St. Joe family. Look for more information in the Fathers’ Club section of the MSJ website.
Questions regarding this event can be directed to Patrick Nussear, tournament coordinator, 410-2471502 or Hope to see you there!
Nomination Committee for New Officers - The Fathers’ Club is accepting nominations for new
officers for the 2013-2014 year. All positions will be up for election. If you are interested in any of
these positions or would care to nominate an active member, please call Jeff Cupps 443-386-5918, or
see him at the March Fathers’ Club meeting.
Fathers’ Club Raffle
Drawing: Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Your son’s name and homeroom #________________
Number of tickets you are requesting_____________
Tickets are $10.00. 1st prize is $1,000.00, 2nd prize is $600.00, 3rd prize is
$300.00, 4th prize is $200.00 and 5th prize is $100.00.
Please return this form to Mrs. Sexton in the Studies Office or Mr. Bernd
McDivitt in room 209, or mail to Mr. McDivitt at Mount Saint Joseph.
All activities take place on campus unless otherwise indicated. Please remember that the school calendar is always subject
to change. Follow updates to the school calendar at under Quicklinks>School Calendar.
MARCH 2013
Day 4
12:30 Dismissal
Junior Course Selection Sheets due to
Senior Project Meeting 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Sweet 16 Tournament
Sweet 16 Tournament
MBK Basket Bingo
1:00 pm
Day 1
Class of 2017 Meet the Coaches
and Activity Moderators
7:00 pm
Sweet 16 Tournament Game
and Awards
7:30 pm
Day 2
Freshman Retreat
Spring Sportsmanship Meetings:
Tennis, Golf, Track&Field
6:00 pm
Lacrosse, Rugby
7:00 pm
Mothers’ Club Meeting
7:30 pm
Day 3
2 Hr. Late Schedule
Junior Retreat
Day 4
Freshman Retreat and Junior Retreat
Post Prom Parent Meeting
Day 1
Junior Retreat
Sophomore Course Selection
Sheets due to Guidance
Senior Retreat departs
8:00 am-12 noon
Senior Retreat
Senior Retreat
Alumni Mass & Communion
10:00 am
Baseball Pre-Season Banquet
6:00 pm
Day 2
Fathers’ Club Meeting
Day 3
Mothers’ Club Fashion
Show Meeting
Day 1
Blood Drive
Freshman Retreat
Junior/Sophomore Parent
College Night
Day 2
Hoops for Habitat 6:00 pm-9:00 pm
BCFL Speech & Debate Metro
All Day
Central MD History Day Competition @ CCBC
8:00 am-3:00 pm
Father-Son Mass & Communion
10:00 am
Day 3
Feast of St. Francis-SCHOOL
Day 4
Freshman Retreat
NHS Induction Ceremony 7:30 pm
Day 1
Freshman Retreat
Alum. Assn. Bd. Meeting
6:30 pm
Day 2
Senior Retreat departs
7:30 pm
Senior Retreat
Senior Retreat
Day 3
Junior Retreat
Day 4
Freshman Retreat and Junior Retreat
Foreign Language Placement
3:30 pm
Day 1
End of 3rd quarter/Junior Retreat
Hockey Banquet
6:00 pm
Holy Thursday-Easter Vacation
Good Friday-Easter Vacation
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Day 4
Freshman Course Selection Sheets due
to Guidance
Class of 2017 Registration
7:00 pm
April 1 – April 7 Easter Vacation
Principal's List
Tristan Beaumont
Cordell Bell
Samual Buettner
Timothy Burke
Geoffrey Calderone, III
Eric Campbell
Nicholas Caporlette
Gregory Cavanagh
Anthony Cegelski
John Cook
Samuel Cook
Ryan Corn
Bryan Costabile
Kyle Costabile
Colin Crawford
Matthew Cremen
Michael Cunningham
Kelly Cusick
Joseph Dagirmanjian
Tyler Dewey
Joseph Dowling
Brendan Dwyer
Shawn Dwyer
Drew Ehlers
Jack Ehlers
Gregory Furletti
Connor Ganley
Alexander Genuario
Hunter Glagola
Michael Grasso
Cameron Hanley
Jacob Hansen
Brendan Hughes
Bryan Jangro
Zachary Jones
Michael Kramer
Alexander Kuethe
Jonathon Ladd, Jr.
Cody Larkin
Jacob Leavitt
Jack Mansfield
Blaise Martineau
John McCabe
Peter McKernan
Timothy McManus
Brett Mutolo
Patrick Nagle
Joseph O'Malley, IV
John Padgett
Christopher Jo Palting
Calvin Parker
Nicholas Pastore
James Peyla
Joshua Pieniazek
Jackson Polcaro
Luke Pontzer
Blake Prescott
Nicholas Restivo
Kevin Roche
Jeffrey Rodgers
Zachary Schauerman
Brandon Shaffer
Michael Singleton
Joseph Szczybor
Joseph Telegadas
Brandon Toth
Andrew Wood
Connor Wright
Jacob Wyandt
Sean Zaranski
First Honors
Alex Aiosa
Maxwell Andrew
Christopher Barber
Patrick Bevan
Alexander Boettinger
Quentin Boustany
David Boutin
Jeremy Buckler
David Burke
Christian Castro
Nathaniel Cesky
Akeem Cinque
Joseph Coale
Brian Cromer
William Dawkins
Kyle Doran
Matthew Dougherty
Andrew Doyle
Zachary Easley
Nicholas Emelio
Jordan Farley
Colin Ganley
Xavier Gutierrez
Conor Habiger
Nicholas Hammett
Mark Haver
Isaac Hembree
Andrew Hendren
Joseph Hlavin, IV
Cameron Holmes
Daniel Hoskins
Robert Howard
Scott Howser
Michael Hufker
William Hutchins, Jr.
Matthew Jackson
Connor Jangro
Paul Kaschak
Adam Kellermann
Michael Lochary
Thomas Lynch
Michael Macari
Sean Manser
William McCormack, III
Matthew O'Brien
Daniel O'Connell
Timothy Owings
Neil Pervola
Sol Pombuena, Jr.
Jordan Portner
Andrew Resetar
Zachary Robinson
Stuart Rodriguez
Alex Rosa
Adam Roth
Joseph Ruf
Jesse Russo
Ezekiel Salvo
Marcus Sample
Tyler Schmitz
Wesley Schrum
James Scully, Jr.
Jason Seaman
Graham Seering
Paul Singleton
Michael Slattery
Andrew Smith
Connor Spedding
Colin Targonski
Jordan Taylor
Michael Valderas
Spencer Vause
Ian Watson
Cameron Wood
Michael Zerhusen
Michael Zieglar
Second Honors
Jaylen Adams
Lukas Alcaraz
Patrick Amy
James Arnold, III
Jacob Atkins
Timothy Bands
Charles Bangert
Kellan Barrett
Thomas Basil
Justin Bass
Trevor Basso
Thomas Bateman
Nigel Bess
Connor Bezirdjian
Adam Bielaski
Zachary Biernesser
John Bilenki
Jacob Bishop
Andrew Bledsoe
John Blee
Jadan Blue
Michael Boesl
Matthew Boulay
Tristan Boustany
Luke Brandenburg
Kevin Breitenother
Clark Brill
Aaron Broache
Connor Brophy
Andrew Brown
Morgan Brown
Jeffrey Burnett
Robert Busick
Logan Byas
Matthew Callens
Anthony Caporlette
Maliek Carr
Zachary Carr
Brendan Carr
Stephen Carr
Nicholas Cavrak
Daniel Chamberlain
Joseph Chambers
Matthew Chaundy
Ryan Clarke
Joshua Clemons
Travis Clevenstine
Casey Cline
Alexandre Coajou
Joseph Cohagan
Daniel Comberiate
Brian Connor
Cameron Cooper
Ryan Cox
Nicolas Crockett
Sean Curley
Jacob Dahl
Tyler D'anna
Matthew Dansco
Charles Davis
Vincent DeBlasio
Brett DeBoy
Brendin DeGrange
Kevin Delaney
Anthony DeLeon
Jacob Demos
Anthony DeNapoli
Thomas Deskins
Brian Desrosiers
Ryan Dietz
Noah Dillow
Samuel Dolle
Mark Donoghue
Charles Douglas
Riley Dove
Jordan Dovel
Garrett Doyle
Brett Dryden
William Dryden
Marcus Dukes
Colton Dunn
Patrick Dwyer
John Ekas, Jr.
Thomas Ensey
Michael Erickson
William Essl
Samuel Estes
Nathan Farace
Ryan Fifer
Andrei Forczyk
Thomas Forsyth
Joseph Frank
Thomas French
Nicholas Frush
Cole Gable
Caleb Gaeng
Michael Galletti
Ryan Gardner
Aaron Gehring
August Geiermann
Dominic Genuario
Andrew Gibbons
John Girard
Brian Goode
Dominic Goodney
Peter Gottleib
John Goulet
Jeremy Gregory
Douglas Griffies
John Griffin
Patrick Hannon
Patrick Harris
Darren Hartgrove
Kirk Haynes, Jr.
Edward Heise,
Matthew Hess
Griffin Hinkle
Thomas Hoffmeister
Connor Holley
Joshua Hubbard
Kurt Hufker
Matthew Huston
Mitchell Huston
Jake Hutchens
Trever Hyatt
Nicholas Hynson
David Jahng
Luke Janiszewski
Nicholas Janos
Brenden Jefferson
Brendan Jones
Jalen Jones
Charles Jones, III
Daniel Jordan
Jamal Joyner
Derek Justice
Jaire Kambui-nnabuike
Matthew Kavanagh
Joseph Kearney
Declan Keefe
Patrick Kelly
John Kelly, Jr.
Joel Kenney
Chad Kerler
Blake Keys
Clifton Kilpatrick
Matthew King
Jeremiah Kirby
Benjamin Kirby
Daniel Kling
Thomas Klose
Matthew Knepper
Brooks Knighton
Corey Koch
Calvin Komiske
Christopher Krabbe
Thomas Kreuzburg
Thomas Kyle
Justin Langeluttig
Kobie Layne
Kyle Leary
Michael LeClair
Ryan Leimbach
Anthony Lemonnier
Matthew Lindner
Timothy Lindsay
Lewis Lippy
Andrew Listorti
Robert Long
Edward Lowry
Thomas Luc, III
James Lucas
Adam Lynch
Jonathan Lytikainen
Patrick Maclean
Tristan Madden
Justin Manko
Carter Manley
Richard Martins
Kevin Mays
Mark McGinniss
James McGrain
Andrew McKissick
Brian McMahon
Terrence McNeil
Nicholas Mehiel
Alex Merritt
James Middleton
Zachary Milauskas
Adam Miller
Carl Miller
Alex Millsap
Mark Minnis
Hayden Montemorra
James Moore
Christopher Moore, Jr.
Jefferson Morin
Noah Morning
Andrew Morrison
Robert Moseman
Joshua Muir
Ryan Murphy
Raymond Murray, III
Joseph Myers
Theodore Nava
Trevor Newman
Paul Newman
John Newton
Bruce Nguyen
John Norton
Edward Nwaba
Brendan OBrien
Jonathan Ocampo
Joseph O'Connell, III
Kyle Offerman
Peter Ogden
Sean O'Leary
Andrew O'Neil
Alec Overstreet
Alex Paranilam
Alec Parker
Christopher Paul
John Pavanal
Ryan Payne
William Peoples, V
Nicholas Phelps
Matthew Phelps
Kyle Phillips
Wade Pines
Patrick Preis
Jerald Pyle
William Pyle
Connor Quigley
Eric Quirk
Carlos Ramirez-Cruz
Joshua Ranieri
Corey Reckord
Collin Reckord
Erik Reitterer
Colin Reymann
Logan Rill
Matthew Robbins
Connor Rodgers
Zachary Rouk
Samuel Rowan
John Rowe
Andrew Rudrow
Nicholas Russell
Benjamin Saia
Fehintola Sangodeyi
Luke Sarnecki
John Scavilla, III
Logan Schoeberlein
Michael Schuberth
Peter Schultz
Dalton Schuman
Braden Scranton
Alec Scranton
Samuel Sears
Hayden Seay
Ryan Seidl
Matthew Sekira
Edmund Seyfried
Nicholas Seymour
Matthew Shallow
Daniel Shea
Brian Shearer
Thomas Shoemaker
Paul Shollenberger, Jr.
Jeremy Shugars
Richard Silcott
Connor Silvestri
Jeremy Singh
Thomas Singleton
Nicholas Sirinakis
Todd Skintges
Ryan Slattery
Benjamin Smith
Justin Smith
Zachary Smith
Matthew Sniezek
Brian Springmann
Kyle Starling
Benjamin Steranka
Benjamin Storm
Paul Stromberg
Michael Swann
Devin Swann
Melvin Thomas, II
Kai Thompson
Bryce Thurston
Brian Tucker
Brendan Tucker
Sean Turner
Andrew Uebel
John Uhler
Sean Updike
Kyle Veltre
Erik Vukcevich
Brandon Wajbel
Jacob Walls
Andrew Watts
Carey Wells-Jowers
Robert Wenzlick
Mathew Whelan
Caleb White
Stephen White
Taylor White
Thomas White, V
Nicholas Whittaker
Anthony Wichers
Brendan Wilkerson
Nicholas Willertz
Rashaan Williams
Miles Wilson
Anthony Wilson, Jr.
Michael Wiser
John Woerner
Michael Wolfe
Malik Woody
James Woody, II
Nicholas Worthington
Alex Zarlenga
Matthew Zelinsky
Principal's List
Zachary Jones
Eric Campbell
Matthew Robbins
Caleb Branham
Alex Paranilam
Jonathon Ladd
Travis Clevenstine
Shawn Carter
Ezekiel Salvo
David Burke
Ryan Payne
Bryan Costabile
Timothy McManus
John Cook
Nicolas Crockett
Brian Shearer
Logan Byas
Kyle Phillips
Matthew Cremen
Corey Reckord
Colin Crawford
Anthony DeLeon
Brandon Toth
Maliek Carr
Joshua Ranieri
Nicholas Hammett
Nicholas Restivo
Brendan Dwyer
Garrett Doyle
Andrew Uebel
Patrick Carr
Logan Rill
Mark Haver
Adam Roth
Jordan Farley
Drew Ehlers
Kyle Veltre
Zachary Carr
Connor Rodgers
Andrew Hendren
Brandon Shaffer
Alexander Genuario
Hunter Glagola
Thomas White
Ryan Cox
Alex Rosa
Paul Kaschak
Xavier Gutierrez
Griffin Hinkle
Michael Zerhusen
Charles Davis
Andrew Rudrow
Michael Lochary
Zachary Biernesser
Michael Macari
Joshua Hubbard
Vincent DeBlasio
Joseph Ruf
Jack Mansfield
Geoffrey Calderone
Joseph O'Malley
Michael Hufker
Zachary Easley
Justin Russell
Blaise Martineau
Gregory Cavanagh
Benjamin Storm
Daniel Jordan
Christian Castro
Michael Erickson
Jesse Russo
Peter McKernan
Daniel Comberiate
Joseph Szczybor
John McCabe
Jacob DiGiandomenico Paul Gaines
Fehintola Sangodeyi
Peter Ogden
William Dawkins
Connor Wright
Andrew Resetar
John Ekas
August Geiermann
John Scavilla
Calvin Parker
Kyle Doran
Tyler Schmitz
Thomas Ensey
John Girard
Peter Schultz
Kevin Roche
Nicholas Frush
First Honors
Ryan Slattery
Thomas Forsyth
Jacob Hansen
Dennis Seyfried
Jeffrey Rodgers
Gregory Furletti
Nicholas Whittaker
Colin Ganley
Benjamin Heinzman
Kenneth Shotting
Zachary Schauerman
Dominic Genuario
Christopher Barber
Anthony Wichers
Michael Grasso
Matthew Hess
Paul Singleton
Wesley Schrum
Peter Gottleib
Tristan Beaumont
Cameron Hanley
Colin Howard
Nicholas Sirinakis
James Scully
Joseph Hlavin
Patrick Bevan
Kurt Hufker
Trever Hyatt
Kyle Starling
Joseph Telegadas
Robert Howard
David Boutin
Cody Larkin
Brendan Jones
Zachary Stoll
Andrew Wood
Bryan Jangro
Nicholas Caporlette
Alex Aiosa
Sean O'Leary
Jalen Jones
John Sullivan
Jacob Wyandt
Adam Kellermann
Joseph Dagirmanjian
Maxwell Andrew
John Padgett
John Kelly
John Uhler
Joshua Kolb
Shawn Dwyer
Thomas Basil
Nicholas Pastore
Christopher Kosiba
Jeffrey Vallonga
Jacob Leavitt
Daniel Hoskins
Anthony Caporlette
Christopher Paul
Jesse Kotwicki
Dominic Watts
Akeem Cinque
Alex Merritt
Brendan Hughes
Nathaniel Cesky
Michael Schuberth
John Lawrence
Mathew Whelan
Samuel Cook
Timothy Owings
Connor Jangro
John Goulet
Connor Silvestri
Thomas Luc
Stephen White
Ryan Corn
James Peyla
Patrick Nagle
Matthew Kavanagh
Jordan Taylor
Patrick Maclean
Justin C. Williams
Jack Ehlers
Sol Pombuena
Luke Pontzer
Matthew King
Michael Valderas
John Majerowicz
Jacob Wilson
Connor Ganley
Michael Singleton
Zachary Robinson
Brooks Knighton
Robert Wenzlick
Matthew McGrath
Miles Wilson
Andrew Gibbons
Benjamin Smith
Benjamin Saia
Michael Kramer
Hayden Montemorra
James Woody
Conor Habiger
Ian Watson
Jason Seaman
Sean Manser
Second Honors
Christopher Morath
Nicholas Worthington
Michael Slattery
Zachary Milauskas
Raymond Murray
Sean Zaranski
Brett Mutolo
Charles Bangert
Brendan OBrien
Daniel O'Connell
Alexander Boettinger
Matthew O'Brien
William Hutchins
Matthew Jackson
Nicholas Janos
Samual Buettner
Andrew Bledsoe
Edward Nottingham
Andrew O'Neil
Kyle Costabile
Patrick Cunningham
Tristan Madden
Carter Manley
Michael Boesl
Tristan Boustany
Corey Koch
Justin Kotwicki
William Bolewski
Christopher Jo Palting
Jonathan Cupps
Kevin Mays
Connor Brophy
Alexander Kuethe
Quentin Boustany
Connor Quigley
Sean Curley
William McCormack
Timothy Burke
Brain Lawton
Alexander Buttrum
Eli Sarnecki
Kelly Cusick
Mark McGinniss
Matthew Callens
Kyle Leary
Joseph Chambers
Luke Sarnecki
Noah Cynkar
James McGrain
Brendan Carr
Michael LeClair
Casey Cline
Matthew Sekira
Tyler Deppe
Michael Megan
William Casanova
Kyle Lindner
Alexandre Coajou
Matthew Shallow
Jacob Dolle
Nicholas Mehiel
Daniel Chamberlain
Andrew Listorti
Joseph Coale
Richard Silcott
Matthew Dougherty
Mark Minnis
Collin Chism
Darryl McCallum
Montrae Coston
Matthew Sniezek
Riley Dove
Zachary Mitchell
Joshua Clemons
Brian McMahon
Brian Cromer
Tyler Snyder
Kenneth Dreyer
Jefferson Morin
Jeremy Connor
Brandon Meiklejohn
Jacob Dahl
Connor Spedding
Robert Eagleson
Ryan Murphy
Cameron Cooper
Nathaniel Menefee
Brendin DeGrange
Brian Springmann
John Falkenklous
Alec Parker
Michael Cunningham
John Newton
Christian Dovel
Paul Stromberg
Nathan Farace
Matthew Phelps
Jacob Davis
Joseph O'Connell
Joseph Dowling
Collin Turner
Jordan Flesher
Patrick Preis
Wyatt Davis
Alec Overstreet
Brett Dryden
Sean Turner
Thomas French
Carlos Ramirez-Cruz
Thomas Deskins
Neil Pervola
Jordan Emaman
Zachary Watson
Caleb Gaeng
Keith Richardson
Brian Desrosiers
Jordan Portner
Cole Gable
Nicholas Willertz
Elliot Hall
Samuel Rowan
Tyler Dewey
Blake Prescott
Brendan Gillan
Christopher Harrison
Briceson Roy
Matthew Doan
Karl Ramos
Dominic Goodney
Jaylen Adams
Isaac Hembree
Marcus Sample
Mark Donoghue
Collin Reckord
Douglas Griffies
Patrick Amy
Sean Hildreth
Carson Scharf
Jordan Dovel
Colin Reymann
Christopher Groleau
Jake Atkins
Christopher Hoban
Alec Scranton
Joseph Frank
John Rowe
John Hutchison
Thomas Bateman
Cameron Holmes
Samuel Sears
Brian Goode
Nicholas Seymour
David Jahng
Patrick Bibeau
Nicholas Hynson
Edmund Seyfried
Joshua Hampton
Daniel Shea
Clifton Kilpatrick
Adam Bielaski
Joseph Kearney
Thomas Shoemaker
Patrick Harris
Andrew Smith
Calvin Komiske
Jeffrey Burnett
Joel Kenney
Jeremy Shugars
Kirk Haynes
Colin Targonski
Parker Komiske
Robert Busick
Thomas Klose
Justin Smith
Edward Heise
Melvin Thomas
Jonathan Lytikainen
Robert Butcher
Matthew Krause
Zachary Smith
Connor Hemerich
Brendan Tucker
Carl Miller
Nicholas Cavrak
Timothy Lindsay
Michael Swann
Scott Howser
Carey Wells-Jowers
James Moore
Matthew Chaundy
Lewis Lippy
Marcus Johnson
Michael Wolfe
Noah Morning
Jack Clifford
Shane Lowman
Timothy Bands
Charles Jones
Cameron Wood
Robert Moseman
Ean Coe
Edward Lowry
Justin Bass
Devin Jones
Alex Zarlenga
James Nelson
Joseph Cohagan
Tevin Luckie
John Bilenki
Declan Keefe
Trevor Newman
Brian Connor
Thomas Lynch
John Blee
Benjamin Kirby