senior aw ards -


senior aw ards -
Friday, May 1, 2015
9:30 AM
52 ND
Archbishop Moeller High School
2015 Senior Awards & Farewell Program
Invocation and Welcome .......................................................................... Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Four Years of Outstanding Attendance, Graduation Speakers, and National Honor Society ..........
......................................................................................................... Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Academic Team, National Merit Finalists, President’s Education Award, Ohio Diploma with
Honors, Four Years of Honors, Spanish Honor Society, German Honor Society,
First Honors 2014-2015, and Second Honors 2014-2015 ........................................................
.....................................................................................................Mr. Blane Collison, Principal
Scholarship Presentations ....................................................................... Scholarship Representatives
Academic Department Awards ......................................................... Department Chairpersons
Art Department.................................................................................................. Mr. Greg Stanforth
Business Department .............................................................................................. Mr. James Bauer
English Department .............................................................................................. Mr. Geoff Girard
Physical Education & Health Department .................................................... Mr. Andrew Pokupec
Mathematics Department ....................................................................................... Mr. Kevin Kohls
Music Department .........................................................Mr. James Balbach/Mr. Robert Browning
Religion Department & John Massarella Award……………………………..……Mr. Jerry DiCristoforo
Science Department & Joe Meale Award .......................................................... Mr. Tim Erdmann
Social Studies Department ...................................................................................... Mr. Dave Faller
World Languages Department ............................................................................. Mrs. Elena Keyser
The Cincinnati Zoo Book Award .......................................................................... Mr. Tim Erdmann
Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship……………………………………………………………… Mr. Brian Gilronan
Athletic Department Awards ................................................ Mr. Michael Asbeck, Athletic Director
Mayerson Service-Learning Award, Community Service Awards, ......................................................
and Hoxworth Red Cord Awards................................................Mr. John Hough, Pastoral Ministry
Fr. Joseph Tedesco Kairos Award ............................................. Mr. Steve Joebgen, Pastoral Ministry
House Captain Awards and Presentation of the Marianist Cup ........................................................
......................................................................................Ms. Karen Matuszek, House System Director
School Captain Awards, Man of Moeller Award, The Blessed Father Chaminade Service Award,
and Gold Shield Award ........................................................................Mr. Blane Collison, Principal
Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Moeller’s Top Ten, and Class Reflection ..............................................
...............................................................................................................Mr. Blane Collison, Principal
School Captain Senior Farewell .........................................................................Mr. Nicholas Wright
Crusaders Anthem ............................................................... Mr. Jim Elfers and The Men of Moeller
Senior Special Awards
Valedictorian ......................................................................................................... John Geyer
Salutatorian ....................................................................................................... Jacob Menke
Man of Moeller Award ............................................................................... Nicholas Wright
The administration presents the Man of Moeller Award to a member of the graduating class
who best exemplifies the type of graduate Moeller aims to develop: a student who demonstrates
strength of character, exemplary academic commitment, leadership in a variety of school
activities, a willingness to give service, and is held in highest regard by his peers and by the
The Blessed Father Chaminade Service Award................................................ Luke Weber
The administration presents the Blessed Father Chaminade Service Award to a member of the
graduating class who best exemplifies the Marianist philosophy of service, justice, and peace: a
student who follows the example of Christ by devoting countless hours to working with, and
bringing awareness to, marginalized communities in the Cincinnati area and beyond, while
inspiring others to hear Christ’s call to servant leadership.
Gold Shield Award ................................................................................. Matthew Schneider
The administration presents the Gold Shield Award to a member of the graduating class who
exemplifies the Marianist philosophy of community building: a student who demonstrates an
apostolic spirit, an eagerness to serve his school community in numerous and diverse ways, a
willingness to lead through pastoral care, and a passion for promoting and protecting Moeller
traditions and Family Spirit.
Moeller’s 2015 Top-Ten scholars
John Geyer
Jacob Menke
Nicholas Wright
Jared Diesslin
Steven Sanders
Nicholas Fendinger
Jeffrey Shagena
Alex Johnson
Nathaniel Fowler
Nicholas Spuzzillo
Academic Department Awards
Art/Photography ........................................... Matthew Welage
Business/Computer ............................................ Lucas Cowell
Business/Computer .............................Christopher Hackman
English .......................................................Nicholas Fendinger
Brother Howard Lohrey Excellence in Mathematics Award
................................................................................ John Geyer
Physical Education/Health .......................... Blake T. Crowley
Religion .............................................................. Jared Diesslin
Science .................................................................... John Geyer
Social Studies ................................................... Zachary Siegert
World Languages (Latin) ....................................... John Geyer
World Languages (German) ...............................Alex Johnson
John Massarella Award............................................Nicholas Fendinger and John Geyer
The John M. Massarella Humanities Award is presented to the senior Humanities
student who best exemplifies the vision of John Massarella and other faculty who founded
the Humanities program in 1970. The Humanities religion teacher and Humanities
English teacher select the senior who most consistently and powerfully displays intellectual
curiosity; eagerness to engage in dialogue about artistic, moral, and philosophical issues;
enthusiastic participation in Humanities activities; and exceptional writing and speaking
skills, and scholarship.
Joe Meale Award........................................................................................... Jacob Menke
The Joe Meale Award is presented to the senior who has demonstrated exceptional
achievement in science through dedicated effort over four years.
Graduation Speakers ............................................................................ Nicholas Wright
.................................................................................................................. Logan Cooper
National Merit Finalist .................................................................................. John Geyer
OHSAA State Award for Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity .. Augustin Sharpshair
This award is given to an athlete who continually exemplifies good sportsmanship, reflects
a high level of ethics and integrity, demonstrates positive values, and contributes to the
well-being of youth.
OHSAA Courageous Student Award ............................................... Nathaniel Fowler
This award is given to an athlete who has overcome great adversity, displays
extraordinary courage against overwhelming odds, and selflessly reaches out to fellow
students with a charitable heart.
NFHS Award of Excellence ................................................................. Matthew Crable
This athlete is a positive role model and encourages others to be positive role models.
He has an exemplary display of sportsmanship, ethics and integrity.
OHSAA Scholar Athlete Award .............................................................. Jacob Menke
This award is given to the athlete with the highest scholastic average and a minimum of
four varsity letters in all sports combined.
OHSAA Archie Griffin Award .................................................................. Jack Toomb
This award is named for two-time Heisman Trophy winner Archie Griffin and is presented
to an athlete who has been outstanding in their efforts to promote sportsmanship in their
school and community.
Greider Memorial and Scholar Award .................................................... Jacob Menke
This award is presented to the student graduating with the highest academic average over his
last two years among those who have athletic letters, in the spirit of David M. Greider.
The Cincinnati Zoo Book Award ......................................................... Zachary Siegert
This award recognizes students that excel in the areas of biology, natural history, or
wildlife conservation. The recipients are students who demonstrate a keen interest in
wildlife, and often are involved in volunteer or community service programs involving
animals and nature.
The Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship .................................................... Grady Quinn
The Evans Scholarship is a highly competitive, full tuition and housing college
scholarship for golf caddies and is awarded based on a strong caddie record, excellent
academics, and outstanding character.
The 2015 Honda OSU Math Medal ................................................ Nicholas Wright
The 2015 College Hill - Northside Kiwanis Scholar .............................. Jacob Menke
The Chief Robert J. Yeager Memorial Scholarship ........................... Andrew Olinger
University of Dayton Army ROTC Scholarship ........................................ Isaac Lytle
......................................................................................................... Nicholas Mendel
The Mayerson Service-Learning Award ................................................. Andrew Smith
The Mayerson Foundation provides seminal texts in service literature to be awarded by
schools to an outstanding student in recognition of his service to the community.
Fr. Joseph Tedesco Kairos Award .................................................. Matthew Schneider
The Fr. Joseph Tedesco, S.M. Kairos Award is given to a student who exemplifies
Fr. Teddy’s dedication to the Kairos Retreat Program through regular participation
in Kairos activities. The awardee shows a special commitment to spreading God’s
love by finding steadfast ways to live the Fourth.
Crusaders anthem
We, Men of Moeller High,
Crusaders ‘til we die,
Flying our Banner of Blue and Gold…
Fearless as knights of old,
Courage in deeds untold,
And true to thee our Moeller High.
President’s education award
Four Years of First Honors Each Quarter
Lucas Cowell
Jared Diesslin
Kyle Dockus
Nicholas Fendinger
William Fette
Nathaniel Fowler
John Geyer
Christopher Hackman
James Hertenstein
Alex Johnson
Kevin Kerley
Mitchell Meece
Jacob Menke
Harrison Savarese
Jeffrey Shagena
Nicholas Wright
Ohio Diploma with Honors
A student must meet seven out of eight of the following criteria: four units of English;
four units of mathematics; four units of science; four units of social studies;
three units of world languages; one unit of fine arts; overall high school GPA of 3.5;
ACT composite score of 27 or SAT combined score of 1210 on the verbal and mathematics.
Ryan Belleman
Joshua Brunker
Ethan Callahan
Kevin Collins
Zane Cooper
Lucas Cowell
Matthew Crable
Aiden Dalton
John DeCaprio
Justin Deyhle
Jared Diesslin
Nicholas Dubell
Nicholas Fendinger
Noah Flynn
Nathaniel Fowler
Ryan Frank
Matthew Gates
Kevin George
John Geyer
Brady Grogan
Alex Gruber
John Gruber
Austin Herriott
Chase Hawkins
Alex Johnson
Christopher Kiley
Kevin Korneffel
Mitchell Meece
Nicholas Mendel
Jacob Menke
John Meyer
Robert Mitchell
William Mitchell
Griffin Mulvaney
Andrew Olinger
Bentley Peed
Mitchell Poch
Zachary Rahe
Eric Reynolds
Riely Rufo
Steven Sanders
Harrison Savarese
Eric Schutter
Drew Scott
Jeffrey Shagena
Logan Sheets
Zachary Siegert
Andrew Smith
Nicholas Spuzzillo
Quinn Sullivan
Liam Taylor
Samuel Waldbillig
Luke Weber
James Wermes
Henry Woodard
Noah Worobetz
Nicholas Wright
Four Years Outstanding and Perfect*
Michael Bair
Jeffrey Shagena*
Eric Conner
Christopher Staudigel
Logan Heister
James Vogel
Cullan Sanders
Thomas Williams
Four Years of Honors
Four Years of Second Honors or a combination of First and Second Honors Each Quarter
Ryan Belleman
Joshua Brunker
David Chalupsky
Kevin Collins
Zane Cooper
Matthew Crable
John DeCaprio
Justin Deyhle
Ryan Dobrin
Daniel Feldkamp
Ryan Frank
Matthew Gates
James Giebler
John Gruber
Connor Hanson
Chase Hawkins
Austin Herriott
Christopher Kiley
Kevin Korneffel
Tanner Marklay
Nicholas Mendel
Bradley Munz
Andrew Olinger
Edward Pappalardo
Bentley Peed
Theodore Peloquin
Grady Quinn
Jacob Rogan
Matthew Rusche
Steven Sanders
Matthew Schneider
Eric Schutter
Drew Scott
Logan Sheets
Zachary Siegert
Andrew Smith
Quinn Sullivan
Luke Weber
Michael Wedzikowski
Henry Woodard
Varsity Academic Team
John Geyer
Nicholas Spuzzillo
Nicholas Wright
Spanish Honor Society
Kyle Dockus
Paris Guinn
Mitchell Meece
Andrew Olinger
Grant Pitman
Zachary Rahe
Jacob Rogan
Steven Sanders
Zachary Siegert
Richard Wallace
Austin Winhusen
German Honor Society
Nicholas Fendinger
Alex Johnson
Mitchell Poch
Andrew Scott
James Vogel
Community Service Awards
Students Earning over 100 Service Hours this Academic Year
Logan Cooper
Blake Crowley
Aiden Dalton
John DeCaprio
Jared Diesslin
Christopher Hackman
Chase Harrison
Chase Hawkins
Joseph Madsen
Alex Marchionda
Bailey Montoya
Edward Pappalardo
Steven Sanders
Matthew Schneider
Peter Sharpshair
Michael Thompson
Luke Weber
Austin Winhusen
Hoxworth red cord awards
Giving blood is not always an easy or simple task. This award goes to students who have given
blood four or more times in their high school careers. These individuals are responsible for
helping to save upwards of twelve lives! Today, we honor them for their sacrifice.
Zane Cooper
Blake Crowley
Zachary Deck
Jared Diesslin
Andre Ellis
Connor Hanson
Tyler McDaniel
John Meyer
Matthew Schneider
Andrew Shannon
Peter Sharpshair
Robert Stentz
Adam Turner
Joseph Wansik
Luke Weber
Thomas Williams
Austin Winhusen
House Captain Awards
Matthew Crable
Zachary Siegert
Christopher Hackman
Grady Quinn
Mitchell Poch
Steven Sanders
Nicholas Mendel
Jacob Rogan
Christopher Bucher
Alexander Gruber
Bradley Munz
Andrew Olinger
School Captain Awards
School Captain
Nick Wright
School Vice-Captain
Matthew Schneider
School Vice-Captain
Jack Toomb
First Honors for the 2014-2015 School Year
An average GPA of 90 or higher (with no failures) for the 2014-2015 school year.
Ryan Belleman
Joshua Brunker
Kevin Collins
Zane Cooper
Lucas Cowell
Blake Crowley
Walter DeGroft
Justin Deyhle
Jared Diesslin
Ryan Dobrin
Kyle Dockus
Nicholas Dubell
Daniel Feldkamp
Nicholas Fendinger
William Fette
Nathaniel Fowler
Ryan Frank
John Geyer
Christopher Hackman
Logan Heister
James Hertenstein
Joshua Hollander
David Hummel
Alex Johnson
Kevin Kerley
Christopher Kiley
Mitchell Meece
Nicholas Mendel
Jacob Menke
Robert Mitchell
William Mitchell
Mitchell Poch
Grady Quinn
Cullan Sanders
Harrison Savarese
Eric Schutter
Drew Scott
Jeffrey Shagena
Logan Sheets
Zachary Siegert
Richard Wallace
Matthew Welage
Nicholas Wright
Second Honors for the 2014-2015 School Year
An average GPA of 85 to 89.99 (with no failures) for the 2014-2015 school year.
Mitchell Bault
Christopher Becker
Zachary Bitter
Mitchell Brauning
Michael Buell
Ethan Callahan
Chad Campbell
David Chalupsky
Logan Cooper
Matthew Crable
Donald Cunningham
John DeCaprio
Marshall Eippert
Jacob Fessel
Noah Flynn
Dane Frank
Matthew Gates
James Giebler
Christopher Glaser
Alexander Gruber
John Gruber
Paris Guinn
Connor Hanson
Chase Harrison
Chase Hawkins
Austin Herriott
Joseph Hertenstein
Kurtis Hoffman
Kevin Korneffel
Bradley LaFountain
Skyler Lang
Joseph Madsen
Alex Marchionda
Tanner Marklay
Bradley Munz
Andrew Olinger
Edward Pappalardo
Bentley Peed
Theodore Peloquin
Keane Reed
Benjamin Rigney
Jacob Rogan
Riely Rufo
Matthew Rusche
Austin Sanders
Benjamin Sattler
Matthew Schneider
Cody Schwarz
Andrew Shannon
Augustin Sharpshair
Benjamin Shurmer
Nicholas Sjulin
Andrew Smith
Nicholas Spuzzillo
Christopher Staudigel
Robert Stentz
Quinn Sullivan
Liam Taylor
Luke Weber
Michael Wedzikowski
Adam Wilson
Henry Woodard
Noah D. Able
Noah Douglas Armstrong
Michael John Bair
Mitchell McGivney Bault
Riley Michael Beckett
Ethan Edward Callahan
Chad Joseph Campbell
Zane Clifford Cooper
Matthew Joseph Crable
Donald Tait Cunningham
John F. DeCaprio IV
Jared Joseph Diesslin
Nicholas J. Fendinger II
Daniel Cristian Diesman Funk
James Michael Giebler
Zachary Oscar Hoffmann
David E. Hummel III
Alex Johnson
Christopher L. Kiley Jr.
Sean Patrick Lacey
Bradley Keith LaFountain
Grant William Macciocchi
Joseph James Madsen
Philip L. McDonald
Mitchell Allen Meece
Robert Michael Mitchell
William Joseph Mitchell
Griffin Tyler Mulvaney
Riely L. Rufo
Justin Adam Schlueter
Drew Douglas Scott
Zachary Alan Siegert
Eli Osborne Stamstad
Liam David Taylor
James Augustus Vogel
Luke Vincent Weber
Austin J. Winhusen
Ryan Keith Belleman
Mitchell T. Brauning
Michael Chacko
Grant Isaak Clark
Blake Thomas Crowley
Zachary Tyler Deck
Ryan Christopher Dobrin
Jacob Anthony Fessel
William River Fette
Carter Francis Frey
Maxwell Thomas Garrity
Christian William Thomas Givens
Paris Christopher Guinn
Christopher Michael Hackman
Chase Hawkins
Kurtis Andrew Hoffman
Tanner Marklay
Shaylor Christian Newman
Samuel C. Oliver
Grant Vincent Pitman
Elijah Jacob Proffitt
Grady Oscar Quinn
Eric William Reynolds
Keegan Todd Riley
Cullan Michael Sanders
Ian Macadam Schmidt
Jeffrey Troy Shagena
Andrew James Shannon
Bryan Thomas Soth
John Edward Statzer
Michael Stephen Thompson
Joseph Matthew Wagner
Matthew Joseph Welage
Andrew Thomas Wilder
Matthew Wolf
Eric Russell Allgood
Joseph William Arway
Spencer K. Ballard
David Matthew Chalupsky
Kevin James Collins
Walter Devin DeGroft
Nicholas Richard Dubell
Noah Robert Flynn
Matthew James Gates
Christopher Glaser
Brady Martin Grogan
Chase Thomas Harrison
Logan P. Heister
Joshua Michael Hollander
Skyler Joseph Lang
Alex John Marchionda
Jacob M. Menke
Bailey Dean Sebastian Montoya
Joseph M. Niemiller
Mitchell Dean Poch
Henry E. Rieman
Matthew Thomas Rusche
Steven Austin Sanders
Harrison C. Savarese
Augustin Jerome Sharpshair
Peter Ambrose Sharpshair
Logan Sheets
Nicholas Alexander Sjulin
Terry J. Snyder
Nicholas Spuzzillo
Christopher James Staudigel
Ryan Stofko
Joseph Eli Vranesic
Tyler Kenneth Wagner
James Paul Wermes III
Henry Eli Woodard IV
Fabrizio Alaimo
Jacob Ward Bortolotto
Joshua Tyler Bradshaw
Nicholas Anthony Cinquina
Eric Joseph Conner
Aiden Vincent Dalton
Gabriel Matthew Zipperer Davis
Andrew R. Denoyer
Kyle Lee Dockus
Marshall David Eippert
Nathaniel Edward Fowler
Adam Joseph Garbacik
Kevin Michael George
Connor Hanson
Austin James Herriott
Evan Thomas Horst
Alexander Brian Knue
Benjamin Roy Love
Nicholas T. Mendel
Kyle Matthew Metzger
Matthew David Milburn
Mitchell B. Nietupski
Chase A. Pankey
Edward James Pappalardo
Jesse Andrew Powers
Jordan Anthony Ramey
Benjamin Paul Rigney
Jacob Michael Rogan
Benjamin James Sattler
Yuri Jonathan Schoenhoft
Wolfgang J.A. Scholz III
Andrew Lawrence Smith
Robert Christian Stentz
Alexander David Thurner
Jack Thomas Toomb
Samuel J. Waldbillig
Christian Anthony Wersel
Zachary Douglas Bitter
Christopher P. Bucher
Michael Anthony Buell
Justin Robert Deyhle
Andre' Marquese Ellis
Dane Michael Frank
James William Frank Jr.
Ryan Patrick Frank
Greyson Patrick Fuller
John Thomas Geyer
Alexander Joseph Gruber
Benjamin Bartlett Gruber
Nicholas William Gruber
Maxwell Anthony Harlor
Miles Jason Hayes
James H. Hertenstein
Joseph P. Hertenstein
Andrew William Johnson
Joshua Edward Jones
Kevin Douglas Korneffel
Peter John Magner
John P. Meyer
Ryan Michael Mullee
Cullen Lawrence O'Toole
Bentley Connor Peed
Samuel Tate Popplewell
Zachary Michael Rahe
Austin Thomas Ringel
Eric Robert Schutter
Daniel T. Shirk
Brian D. Smith
Adam Patrick Stevens
Adam David Turner
Richard L. Wallace II
Joseph John Wansik
Michael Patrick Wedzikowski
Thomas Frederick Williams III
Anthony James Whyle
Nicholas Steven Wright
Noah Edward Worobetz
Hussam Mohammed Alshehri
Andrew David Asher
Douglas Gene Bates
Christopher George Becker
Joshua Robert Brunker
Christopher Clark Burk
Ethan M.Cook
Logan Cole Cooper
Lucas Victor Cowell
Joseph Thomas DeNoma
Christophe Adrian DeYoung
Daniel Scott Feldkamp Jr.
John Paul Gruber
James McLain Harper
Kevin Riley Kerley
Isaac Joseph Lytle
Tyler Alexander McDaniel
Bradley Michael Munz
Connor James Newstead
Sterling Bradley Noes
Andrew Jeffrey Olinger
Theodore John Peloquin III
Keane William Reed
Nicholas Adam Ross
Nicholas Blaine Schalch
Matthew G. Schneider
Cody James Schwarz
Benjamin Bolan Shurmer
Thomas Henry Speed
Quinn Richard Sullivan
Elijah A. Taylor
Brandon Tran
Adam L. Wilson
Conner Jack Ziegler