st. pe ter week ata glanc e
st. pe ter week ata glanc e
Prayer Night Scripture implores us to “pray unceasingly”. Many of us pray as we begin and end our day, as we grocery shop or put gas in the car, and while we do a myriad of other things in our busy lives. Other than Sunday mornings, we don’t often get a chance to sit down, study the word, lift our voice in song, and spend time in prayer together with other believers. Consider joining us at prayer night every other Tuesday at 7pm for one hour in the Life Center. The next gathering is Tuesday, July 9th. MILESTONE BIRTHDAYS July 10 Harvey Salems July 13 Jeanne Yowell July 13 Annabelle Nissen July 13 Clarence Borre July 13 Nancy Hoffmann WEEK AT A GLANCE Deadline Tuesday at noon. Send to Pam Pearson or call her at 224/387-3828. Actual Last Week $38,191 Fiscal Year $38,191 Generation Next Actual $6,621 Budget $38,000 $38,000 Cumulative $714,985 Difference $191 $191 Pledge $1,776,100 The LCMS 2013 National Offering Your gifts for the LCMS National Offerings will be collected at all services this weekend. There are extra envelops in the Narthex. Gifts can be made by cash, credit card or check and will be used to support our Synod’s mission and ministry. The Truth Project Bible Study We will be on hiatus during the month of August and will return to the chapel 9:00am and 10:30am on Sunday, September 8th. Weekly Giving Update Want to Become a Member? If you are looking for a way to get connected at St. Peter, now is your time! It’s time for New Life! @ Saint Peter. Starting Sunday, September 15 at 9;00 am in Bartz Hall. A registration brochure is available from the Welcome Table in the Narthex or you can go online. July 6 & 7, 2013 SPECIAL HEALTH NEEDS June Ayers Chuck Bach Joyce Bertermann Gloria Chaveriat Elvera Dorsch Lenny Enz Phyllis Hagedorn Mary Ann Hildebrandt Shirley Jacobson Jim Ritter Paula Ulreich Terri Wentz Andrew Zint LIFE GROUPS 9:00am “The Truth Project” Leaders: John Sommerfeld & David Keller Time: 9:00—10:00am Location: Chapel 10:30am The Book of “Acts” Leader: Dan Bendixon Time: 10:30-11:30am Location: Lower Level Sec. Office “Faith Building Discussions” Leader: Kay Hermann Time: 10:30-11:30am Location: Room 65 “Precepts” Leader: Cheryl Bokelman Time: 10:30-11:30am Location: Board Room “The Truth Project” Leaders: Jim Carter and Bob Vossel Time: 10:30 –11:30am Location: Chapel ST. PETER WEEK AT A GLANCE ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH • For the family of Bill Luettschwager who passed away July 5, 2010 Call Committee The Associate Pastor Call Committee has begun searching for candidates for the Associate Pastor for Community Life. The job description is available in the church office. The members of the committee are: Jean Mau jubbean@ Eric Born ericborn@ Brad Rukstales Rukstales Gary Grom Jim Homoly Pastor Greiner Phone: 847-259-4114 BAPTISM • Lana Fuller (adult Baptism) Youth Usher Supervisors Adult supervisors are needed for this year’s youth usher squads. If you possibly could help, please contact Ginny Schroeder in the church office at 847/259-4114 or email Ride Needed A member who lives in Arlington Heights (downtown area) is looking for a ride to the weekend worship services at St. Peter. If this is a ministry you would like to help out with please call Janet Fischer in the church office. Community Threads Needs You! There is not a summer vacation at Community Threads! Remember you can help in a variety of ways . . .please consider. . . 1) Volunteer. . .try it out, take a friend and enjoy serving! 2) Donate items as you clean out during the summer; let garage sale people know there is a place for their leftovers. Your help is needed. God is blessing the effort tremendously; we need each and every hand possible! If you would like to volunteer please call Community Threads at 224-676-0221. Senior Ministry: You Won’t Want to Miss This This...just happens to be a Brown Bag Lunch with Bingo and Bunco (if time permits) in Bartz Hall on Thursday, July 18 at 11:30 am. Pack your favorite lunch; beverages and dessert will be provided. Please call Carol Miersch at 847-259-5781 to reserve your spot no later than Monday, July 15th. Future Events Your Senior Ministry also has a summer picnic, a Lutheran Home festival visit and a fish boil in WI on the planning board for future months. WOW and WOW St. Peter Mission Team for South Africa We are blessed & excited to have three staff members, Ms. Stellwagen, Ms. Hartmann, Mr. Rudi, a school parent, Mrs. Jen Klein and four 8th graders, Gracie Scannell, Jodie Hermann, Kayleigh Padar & Bridget Meyer going to our sister school in South Africa this summer. Please lift prayers for their safety and outreach to the children, staff, and families of the school & church. Parents Day Out Do you know a neighbor, friend, and/or family member with a 2-5 year old who might be interested in the new St. Peter Parents Day Out program? Brochures are available from the church & school office that can assist you in sharing information about this new family-flexible early childhood program. Posters are also available to use to hang up in some of your favorite businesses, apartment complexes, and area community bulletin board locations. Help us spread the word about this new program through sharing and posting this information. Saints Basketball “Skills and Drills” Summer Sessions The Saint Peter Athletic Department will be hosting seven different basketball skills sessions throughout July and August for all area students going into 5th – 8th grade. Sessions will feature instruction from guest high school and college coaches from the area. This is a great way for any basketball player to improve their skills! For more information and the list of instructors, please pick up a flyer in the church lobby or contact Zach Bickel ( / 224-387-3893). St. Peter School Award Winners! Congratulations to the following 8th grade students who received awards at our recent graduation service: Valedictorian Matthew Hoffman Salutatorian Jake Ringstrand Lisa Gresens Award Jake Ringstrand Jean Runge Award Alex Nickens St. Peter Scholarship Alyssa Zuercher Citizenship Award Jake Ringstrand Judy Satikas Award Grace Picchiotti Fred Martin Award Matthew Hoffman Helene Bartz Art Award Matthew Jo Scholar Athlete Award Kaleb Scharman Scholar Athlete Award Grace Picchiotti Band Award Matthew Hoffman Choir Award Katarina Meikrantz St. Peter Art Award Casey Bergman Faithful Church Kate Morris Attendance ESTATE/GIFT PLANNING YOU CAN HAVE FAITH IN Today, Tomorrow and Forever… LIFE INSURANCE: You probably own life insurance to protect your loved ones or a business interest you own. As your children grow up, their need for protection changes. Your life insurance can be an excellent way to include an affordable gift to the Lord’s work or coordinate with your charitable objectives in your estate plan. Your gift can be made by simply including St. Peter Lutheran Church and its Endowment Fund and other ministries that you support as a beneficiary on your life insurance. By making a charity the owner of the policy, you may also benefit from some income tax savings now. If you are interested in including a gift to the Lord’s work using the tool of life insurance, please contact Ray Pagels, our Christian Gift Planning Counselor at 224-387-3857 or email