OH a Wing and a - Guardian Angels Catholic Community
OH a Wing and a - Guardian Angels Catholic Community
OH a Wing and a Guardian Angels Catholic Community-A Different Way to be Catholic July 2012 I've been pondering the name of our newsletter -On a Wing and a Prayer-It reminds me a lot of Richard Rohr's Center for Act/on and Contemplation. The "action" part is our "swings" - angels called to be on the wing, in the world, active in service and love, our classes/book studies together. And the "contemplation" part is our "prayer" life together- our masses, our ecumenical/interfaith worship services, the celebration of sacraments...the healing presence we are to each other - our beloved community. Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist by Qi He A Letter from Pastor Sue on the 5th Anniversary of her ordination to the priesthood: June 24, 2012 Dear Angels, You define my priesthood. Eight years ago I started out as a Guardian Angels pew person like you. During that first year I was blessed to meet Rick and Bunny McFarland (currently living in Chicago) and to this day Rick and I regularly chat on line and the two of them still consider Guardian Angels their home parish. I was grateful to find "a different way to be Catholic." I had tried other Christian Churches and as beautiful as they were, I needed Catholic. I love the liturgy and the sacraments...and now how we have expanded the definition of sacrament to include blessing all those grace-filled moments of our lives whether it is our pet blessing or are care-giver blessing. (Look for a bicycle blessing this Fall) I served Guardian Angels as a Deacon for two years and during that time helped us find our new home here at Community Christian 6 years ago now. I was blessed to work under Guardian Angels' first pastor Rev. Mary Christen. She was a warm presider at mass and an inspirational preacher. I was also blessed to serve under Fr. Gene Young, Fr. Rick McFarland, Fr. Rick Lyddon and with Rev. Kate Lehman and Rev. Elaine Groppenbacher. I've served under 3 Bishops - Bishop Bill Christen, Bishop Terry Boyer and now under Bishop Peter Hickman. The last 5 years as Guardian Angels Pastor have been such a joy. We have seen growth. We have helped launch important ministries. I-HELP, Project Homeless Connect. We have members active in many others. The importance of social justice ministry, community outreach and interfaith/ecumenical action define who we are at Guardian Angels. We not only pray for unity - we DO unity. The launching of St. Teresa of Avila last year and Guardian Angels admission to the Arizona Ecumenical Council have helped to show others how vital Guardian Angels Catholic Community is. I heard a great quote the other day. From Dante: Laughter is the language of the angels! And I thought to myself, YES! We live during a very trying time. The speed of the world and the instant connections sometimes leave us overwhelmed. The issues that challenge us are complicated. What can we, the beloved community of Angels do about these things? Not much. But what we can do is love each other, make our coming together as a community as important as breathing and we can laugh together. We can look for and celebrate the joy together. We can make sure members who struggle know they are not alone. This small community can be an example for the world. We can live out compassion and inclusion and justice. As I said at the beginning of this note, you Angels define my priesthood. I am privileged, humbled that you called me and now allow me to call you. In two more years we will celebrate Guardian Angels 10th Anniversary. Between now and then we have work to do - together! There is a great big world out there that needs to know that we are love and we come to serve. Thank you for EVERYTHING you do and EVERYTHING you are. Love, Pastor Sue On June 14* we welcomed our newest member to Guardian Angels: Claire Violet. We have been blessed to journey with Cynthia and Valeska through their courtship, their wedding just over 2 years ago and now the welcoming of their daughter! I know we all celebrate this new beginning with Valeska and Cynthia, Some friends of theirs have put together an effort to bring them meals. If you would like to help out: http://www.mealtrain.com/?id=m7w7i6gx762t Check out some pictures below! Claire Violet born June 14, 2012 Cynthia, Pastor Sue with Violet and Valeska Violet just "chillin We had a wonderful time at the big 5th Anniversary Celebration of Pastor Kate's and Pastor Sue's Ordinations. A big thanks to Fr. Dale Fushek for joining us in the celebration and inspiring us with his hilarious homily...did he really call us "wackos"? Yes! Enjoy some pictures: Pastor Sue and Pastor Kate share a laugh What a beautiful mass! Angels love to pray together. Whafs coming up in July! We continue to meet at Community Christian Church, 1701S. College, Tempe for weekly mass on Sundays at 5PM and celebrate a mid-week mass on Wednesdays at 7AM. Plan to join us! Service opportunities for July: I-HELP Meal at our church, Friday, July 13 @ 4:30PM. Contact Pastor Sue (irreverendsue@gmail.com) or Carol (desertgourrnet@hotmail.com) if you will be able to help with this. We served 58 people on June 29th! So, yes, we do need your help! Project Connect, Thursday, July 19 @ Grace Community Church, 1200 E Southern Ave, Tempe 85282. It is an all day event linking homeless people with services. You can volunteer for the whole day or for a shift. For more information contact vsuw.org We may also have another opportunity to help with Humane Borders filling water stations in the desert. More info as it becomes available. More volunteer opportunities: Tempe Community Action Agency has a need for Home Delivered Meal drivers in the Tempe area. You must have your own vehicle. Mileage reimbursement available. Fingerprint/background check required-assistance with this provided. Delivery days/time: Monday - Friday, 9:30AM to Noon. Must be available one day a week. More info: 480-8586511. Assistance for Independent Living: There is a need for volunteers to serve frail elderly that are still able to live on their own in the East Valley. Volunteers perform simple but necessary tasks to help a senior's independence. They are asking for 2 hours/month commitment. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities contact 480-966-9704 The Guardian Angels JustFaith Group has decided to read a together and facilitate a discussion of the book. Anyone is welcome participate in this opportunity. We will individually read the book this summer and then set up a discussion either later this summer or early Fall. The Divided Political Heart, by E. J, Dionne. We are getting a special Club from is: Our Hands Bookstore, just tell them you are with the Newman Book Clyb (through Jeanie), We get a discounted price and can still a business. For more information on book check out the link below. http://www.npr.ofg/2Q12/05/22/153222485/i-vs-we-the-heart-of-our-poiiticai-differences 4 page summary of the Supreme Court 193 page ruling on the Affordable Care Act: http://www.healthiaw.org/images/stories/2012 06 29 ACA Surnmarv.pdf Mary Magdalene Celebration Sedona 2012, Saturday, July 21. (more info below) Pastor Sue is attending and will be driving up EARLY on Saturday. If you would like to carpool, contact Sue. irreverendsue@gmail.com Mary Magdalene Celebration Sedona 2012 ; The New Way Forward: The Chalice or the Blade?" A Multi-Faith Celebration Organized by the Celebrating Women Witnesses Ministry of Sedona Please Join Us for the 9th Annual Mary Magdalene Celebration Saturday, July 21, 9AM-3:OOPM (registration begins at SAM) The Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Rd, Sedona, AZ 86336 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Riane Eisler "Our History, Our Future: The Chalice or the Blade?" Dr. Riane Eisler is an internationally acclaimed scholar, futurist, and activist. She is co-director of the Center for Partnership Studies and the author of Sacred Pleasure, Real Wealth Nations and The Partnership Way. In her most acclaimed book, The Chalice and the Blade, Our History, Our Future, Eisler documents a new story of our cultural origins showing that warfare and the war of the sexes are neither divinely nor biologically ordained. She defines the crossroads that humankind is facing now and proposes a new way forward. Also Featuring,.., Irene Laudeman, Gnostic Priest-"Living a Magdalene Inspired Counter-Cultural Life" The Sedona Sacred Dance Guild under the direction of Elaine Hanson Facilitated discussion groups with: Rabbi Alicia Magai, Judy Massey, Andrea Houchard and Shaeri Richards Music, Blessing, Ritual and a closing Dance of Partnership, Peace and Transformation Special Door Prizes.... Chalices created and donated by students of Dennis Ott, potter and instructor, Sedona Arts Center Decorative Gourd Vessels created and donated by artist Katie Hamilton $40 includes lunch Register today: Contact Barbara Litrell 928-649-0135 or btitreil@aol.com Send check made out to B. Litrell CC, 75 Lolomi Drive, Sedona AZ 86336 Please register by July 17th www.marymagdatacelebrationsedona.com Our Guardian Anaels Mass on Sunday. July 22 will be a celebration of Mary Maadalene on her Feast Day. Plan to attend. We an up on 9th, Put it on your calendars 9,10:30AM! www.syardianangelscatholiccommunitv.org Check out the Guardian Angels Facebook page! Regular updates, pictures and info shared on this page: https://www.facebook.com/GuardianAngelsCathoiicCommunity
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