Ridge Lake Shores
Ridge Lake Shores
Ridge Lake Shores Volume 1, Issue 2 May 2006 Official Newsletter www.ridgelakeshores.com Presidents Message April 9, 2006 - I would like to give a special thank you to the Events Committee for another great social gathering. We also appreciate all of those who participated in the Easter Festivities and making this another successful community affair. These gatherings are not just for the fun activities, they are necessary to help bolster the effectiveness of the Neighborhood Watch. If you are interested in joining the Events Committee or any of the other committees, you can contact the board at RLS-POA@googlegroups.com, or you may contact the Chairperson of that committee directly. A few reminders: If you plan to build a fence, pool, pier, or any out-buildings (barns, storage buildings, garages, etc.) on your property, please consult your copy of the restrictions and contact CKM Property Management to obtain an application for approval from the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Many structures have to be approved by the ACC prior to building. If you have constructed any of these structures without prior approval from the ACC, please consult the restrictions and contact CKM or the ACC with any questions. We continue to have a problem with pets running around the neighborhood. Section 3.14 of the restrictions states: “There shall be no more than four (4) adult dogs per household. Dogs must be kept in a kennel, dog run, or fenced in area that confines said dog(s) to that area. Dogs will not be permitted to run loose in the Subdivision and must be vaccinated for rabies according to Montgomery County requirements.” We are aware that one of the dogs is from a house in Montgomery Trace and we are dealing with that accordingly. Please restrain your pet(s) in a proper manner. Failure to do so will cause the board to contact animal control to have the pet(s) picked up at the expense of the owner. In addition, personal consumption of lake water is prohibited due to the fact that the water from the wells filling the lakes is paid for from the association dues of every property owner. Therefore, please do not withdraw water from the lakes for personal use. Finally, Motorized vehicles, including, but not limited to 4wheelers, ATV’s, motorbikes, go-carts, or unauthorized vehicles, are not allowed on the dams or in the reserves around the subdivision. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community a clean and friendly environment. Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. EggStravaganza Event View the Ridge Lake Shores Community Newsletter each month on-line at www.PEELinc.com Ridge Lake Shores - May 2006 Ridge Lake Shores RLS Board Members Chad Bailey ...................................................................President Randy Starnes ........................................................Vice President Tim Plant ...............................................................Vice President Andy Clark .............................................................................. Treasurer Sharon Spinhirne ...........................................................Secretary rls-poa@googlegroups.com Committee Chairs Welcoming/Events: Sharon Bonnette........................... sharonbonnette7@aol.com Lakes: Larry Gates.........................................gatesls@houston.rr.com Mike Spinhirne................................. sspinhirne@earthlink.net Website: Tony & Cindi Taylor............................. rlsa@taylorhouse.net Architectural Controls and Restrictions Andy Clark...................................... andyc.sscs@earthlink.net Civic Issues: Tim Plant........................................ tplant1122@sbcglobal.net Newsletter: Sharon Spinhirne.............................. sspinhirne@earthlink.net Neighborhood Watch: Glenn Labiosa...................................clabiosa@netropolis.net Maintenance: Tom Priestly....................................... thomasp@txcyber.com Association Manager CKM Property Management, Inc........................ (281) 255-3055 Susan L. Gonzales, President..........................susan@ckm1.com www.ridgelakeshores.com Neighborhood Patrol Open Board Meeting The first open board meeting of the Ridge Lake Shores Association will be Monday, June 5, 2006 5:30PM at the West Montgomery Community Development Center 31355 Magnolia Industrial Park Rd. Magnolia, TX from 6:30PM-7:30PM There will be an opportunity for association members to ask questions of the Board members and property management company. Directions to West Montgomery Community Development Center: From the intersection of 1488 & 2978, turn west on 1488 to Magnolia. Turn left after RR tracks on 1774 then right on Industrial Park Lane. From FM 249 going North (249 will become FM 1774), turn left at the yellow blinking light at Magnolia Industrial Park. Building is on the right. From FM 1774 from Magnolia going south, turn right at the yellow blinking light At Magnolia Industrial Park. Building is on the right. Glenn Labiosa ................................................... (936) 447-4898 Tom Priestly....................................................... (936) 588-1549 Bobbie Bennett................................................... (936) 588-1736 Ken Brauer.................................................................................. Marcus Veloso............................................................................. Daryl Vorderbruggen................................................................... At no time will any source be allowed to use the Ridge Lake Shores Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Ridge Lake Shores and Peel, Inc. The information in the Ridge Lake Shores Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Ridge Lake Shores Neighborhood residents only. Ridge Lake Shores - May 2006 Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Ridge Lake Shores Did you know that CENTURY 21 Hardee-Team Realty is Montgomery County's #1 CENTURY 21 company? We are also #3 in the Houston Metro Area! It is our hope that you will call us when you need to buy or sell. We always consider it a pleasure to serve you! 610 Honea Egypt Rd. Magnolia, TX 77354 (936) 321-0048 Did you know that Hardee TexStar Homes has built 6 homes is RidgeLake Shores? Did you know that we are a custom builder with 4 furnished models in the area? Call us when you're ready to build. Our Agents at 610 Honea Egypt Rd. would love to show you our models. • • • • Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Models open everyday of the week One time close - saves you $1,000's Quality Construction 100's of floor plans to choose from Ridge Lake Shores - May 2006 Ridge Lake Shores April Lake Report Ridge Lake has been providing quite an enjoyable blue gill crop over the past few weeks. The blue gill and bass have spawned, and the blue gill are still quite active. They are in the 4-6”size range There have been some bass caught in the 10-12” range and at least one that was near 3 lb. This later one was probably a refugee from Ebner lake, upstream from Ridge Lake, as was the ½ lb. crappie caught in this lake. With the cat fish stocked last fall, we have quite a diversity of fish in the lake, and they seem to be in the size range we would expect for the 1st year. Trophy Lake is slowly filling, and is near normal pool minus 8’. Lake level gains are about 2” per week. At this rate, you can calculate that we will not have a full lake until late year, but this does not take into consideration the expected rains we hope to get this April through June. I have noticed that we do not seem to get much run off from rains of less than 1”, but for every inch above that, we get about a two or three to one ratio of run off. In other words, a 3” rain will add the 3” that falls on the lake surface, plus another 6” of runoff, for a total gain of 9” on the level. The gains will slow as the surface area widens, so predicting when we will finally get a full lake is impossible. Larry and I, along with the photography of Tom Priestly, will keep you informed as we move into summer. The bait fish stocked: in Trophy are really active, and at anytime you can see them hitting the surface feeding. There are several home owners on Trophy that have started feeding the blue gill and shiners, and this may actually help get an additional spawn. The bass are scheduled to be stocked on April 11, and we will provide pictures of that event. After the first couple of years of maintaining a catch and release program, we will need to monitor populations so we can restock as needed to maintain a balanced fishery. Since the cat fish are not expected to provide surviving spawn, we will need to stock additional 7-10” fish as we remove the 2-3 pounders in later years. I would appreciate any catch reports to be funneled to Larry Gates or me through e-mail so we can get accurate estimates on size and numbers. As we roll out the fishing club, we will also introduce a catch record form that we can utilize for accurate record keeping. We may be getting some fishermen from the neighboring subdivisions. We need to make sure that this is controlled. Since maintaining a good fishing lake is not something that naturally occurs, we will need to spend time and money to monitor, restock, and control weeds. This comes from your subdivision annual dues, and should be the sole privilege of owners and their guests. Allowing others a free ride, will put additional pressure on the lakes and result in additional funds that must be spent to keep our lakes going. Your help in policing this is appreciated. The organizational meeting for the fishing club will occur in the near future. Notification will be sent via e-mail. Contract either Larry or myself if you’re interested in joining this group. Mike Ridge Lake Shores - May 2006 Important Notice Association members in good standing (paid dues, no outstanding violations) may reserve the pavilion at the park by contacting any Board member and placing a $200 deposit which is completely refundable if no damage occurs, and the area is cleaned immediately after the event. Secretary Notice Copies of approved minutes and monthly financial statements will be available for Ridge Lake Shores property owners after each Board meeting has been conducted. This information will be posted on the community e-mail until the website is operational, or you may send a self-addressed envelope requesting a copy to: Sharon Spinhirne 466 Neptune’s Cove Montgomery, TX 77316 Board Elections Elections for offices of the Ridge Lake Shores Board will take place in August. If you are interested in running for a board position, please submit your biography by JUNE 15, 2006. Biographies should be no more than ½ page in length and include past experience/ qualifications. Submissions should be mailed to: CKM Property Management, Inc Susan L. Gonzales, AMS,PCAM President P.O. Box 160 Tomball, Texas 77377 or by e-mail to: Susan@ckm1.com Advertising Information Please support the businesses that advertise in the Ridge Lake Shores Newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all residents to receive a newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 512-989-8905 or advertising@ PEELinc.com for ad information and pricing. Classified Ads Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to Ridge Lake Shores residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail sspinhirne@earthlink.net Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $45, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales @ 512989-8905 or advertising@PEELinc.com. Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Ridge Lake Shores Neighborhood Watch and Patrol Hello all! Our neighborhood patrol needs assistance. We will continue to be as visible as we can, but we need your help. A few of your neighbors have been driving for more than a year. Unfortunately, we’ve lost a few, but we’d like to welcome our two newest members, Marcus Veloso and Daryl Vorderbruggen. Our neighborhood very much needs more volunteers to help protect our investments. If you can spare any amount of time, please contact me for more information. This watch is a terrific way to meet neighbors and make new friends. We will meet on a regular basis, probably every few weeks, to keep everyone informed. We can use your assistance even if you have little time to drive. Our objective is to break the watch into smaller sections of the neighborhood. This will make our watch much more effective, and it will reduce the time spent on patrol. As a reminder- please keep your homes well lit at night. This method has proved to deter crime. Keep your doors locked and garage doors down. Make it difficult for the bad guys! Glenn Labiosa Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Welcoming/Events Thanks to the efforts of Bobbie Bennett, Peggy Priestly, Sharon Bonnette and Angie Bokanyi, the Easter Egg-Stravaganza was a huge success! Despite the windy, cool conditions, neighborhood kids and parent’s enjoyed the games and prizes. The Easter Egg Hunt produced overflowing baskets of colorful candy-filled eggs. Everyone had a great time, and I truly appreciate those who were involved with planning, decorating and filling all of those eggs! Bobbie Bennett has stepped down from the chairperson’s position. She has been very active in our community and will continue to serve on this committee as well as the patrol committee. Thanks so much for sharing your time and talent with the neighborhood Bobbie! Committee member, Sharon Bonnette, has agreed to accept the chairperson’s position. This committee is vital to our community, so please consider volunteering in some capacity! A survey is included in this issue of the newsletter, so please send your responses to Sharon Bonnette , sharonbonnette7@aol.com, or by phone (936) 588-0977. Some comments received for “social events you would like to have” are: pot luck suppers; chili cook-off; Bunco or other game night; couples progressive dinner; wine tasting on the lake; kayak races; fishing derby. Hopefully, MORE RESPONSES, will be returned and the results will be listed in the next newsletter. Ridge Lake Shores - May 2006 Ridge Lake Shores Flowers Bloom E L K N I W I R E P O R M O V W R S P S C K D U G A R D E N I A E W K P Y A K U B A I F M S G D W D E L U D V M N M G N L J L M L B A Y R L A E T A N S L C R F D X O I W P I F K Y S N R P Y E L B J L BLUEBONNET DANDELION HONEYSUCKLE LAVENDER MARIGOLD TULIP K H B H L P H C F I G Z D O O L V T Q O I M X Q F I U O R R S U D E F P M A I W N T M U V S Y I N U O Z A Y L S P D L E N E Q P Y P N A L N S N F S E I D Y J R L N F E C E R H E K T J F I I L O B V M PEONY PRIMROSE SNAPDRAGON VIOLET ROSE SAFFRON Do you have a Home Based Business right here in Ridge Lake Shores? You can get information about your service or products to every home in Ridge Lake Shores, by running a business classified in Ridge Lake Shores Newsletter. It is a great way to get your name and contact information to many potential customers in your neighborhood. The cost is $45 for up to 40 words. Display ads are also available. For more information, please contact Peel, Inc. at 512-898-8905 or advertising@PEELinc.com or . The deadline is the 10th of each month for the upcoming month’s newsletter. Ridge Lake Shores - May 2006 N N N M G C J T S R X B O A H V E N U K V O J K I K U N V K K Q D D D R P I W G H B G S H F S I D L O G I R A M N P Z U M E S A F A K C X E Y I L I N A R W M T N U P Q R Y M A F C N T H R R I O Q J K DAFFODIL GARDENIA HYACINTH LILAC NARCISSUS SUNFLOWER S L Q Y Y D T Y N Y L B K E M D S X S T F B B L L I P H G T H L G R F Y G T H U O O L I W G G A W U Z X O V I O L E T L L I A S P Z U W N L J S F Q K R I X N I L R O S E F N I Y S E Y N O E P R E Y P DAISY GERANIUM IRIS LILLY PANSY POPPY DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Ridge Lake Shores SOCIAL EVENTS SURVEY Please share with us your ideas and/or comments on events you would like to have in the community. We would also like to gather helpful information and numbers for new residents. Email your comments to sharonbonnette7@aol.com . List social events you would like to have: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Interests/Clubs (ex: motorcycle, walking, play dates, etc.):_ ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ List helpful phone numbers for neighborhood packet information (ex: pizza delivery, reliable repairmen, lawn care, utility services etc.)______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for your input! Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Ridge Lake Shores - May 2006 Ridge Lake Shores ADVERTISE HERE 512-989-8905 www.PEELinc.com PEEL, INC. EST. 1977 Peel, Inc. 203 W. Main Street, Suite D Pflugerville, Texas 78660 % Voice 512-989-8905 Ridge Lake Shores - May 2006 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Littlefield, Texas 79339 Permit #59 V www.PEELinc.com Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc.
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