August - Multnomah Channel Yacht Club


August - Multnomah Channel Yacht Club
Multnomah Channel Yacht Club
50990 Dike Road
Scappoose OR 97056
August 2014
Since 1961
Commodore Dan Payne
From the
Happy August to
all of our club
members. Summer is sizzling and
so are the plans we have for the
next few months. First we have
our General Meeting on August
15th. I haven’t heard what the
chefs are cooking up for us but
there are a bunch of them and it
should be tasty. Next we have
the Hot August Night’s party on
August 23rd. The Loafers are
back and I’m sure it will be a
blast as always.
and Kendra are hosting this
summer favorite so if you have
any questions regarding this party,
please feel free to call or email
The next thing on the Calendar is
the annual MCYC Golf
Tournament which is being held
on Saturday, September 6th at
Wildwood Golf Course. Lunch
and prizes following the
tournament back at the clubhouse.
We will need some help with food
prep and setting up to serve a
lunch for approximately 50
people. And just a few weeks
later is our famous Ladies Dinner
hosted by my beautiful girl,
Kathryn. She pretty much has it
handled but please ask if she
needs help with anything. Us guys
will do as we always do and serve
dinner to the ladies. Betty Gardner
suggested that the guys should
strip for the ladies but I think it
might be best if we don’t. Joe Aten
is still on the fence about that one.
You never know what you might
see. Guys, we need your help
serving so please be there and help
our club look like the friendliest
club on the river to all of the First
Ladies in CRYA.
Last but not least, the Board has
asked me to ask you for your help
at the club doing some of our
yearly maintenance chores. We
had just 14 people show up to help
at our last work party. It is not fair
that the same few people keep
having to do all of our
maintenance at the club. The
Board has discussed charging our
members for not showing up and
helping. I for one, do not want to
see anybody charged for
maintenance so please do your part
and at least keep your finger clean
of bird droppings, otter messes,
and green growth. When you are
there for the weekend or out for
the weekend, look for something
you can do to improve the club
that wouldn’t take all day to do
and do it. It takes all of us to keep
our club afloat.
Lastly, I want to thank my
wonderful woman for the kind
words about me and my kids. I
truly have found the woman of
my dreams and love every day
that I get to spend with her. If
you haven’t had a chance to chat
with Kathryn, find a minute and
chat with her, she is so sweet and
caring and loves to get to know
all of our members. It’s her 50th
Birthday on August 19th.Please
wish her a happy birthday.
Commodore Dan
Jim and Mary Donaldson
First Lady Kathryn
TO ALL! Don’t
get me wrong, I
love hot summer
weather, and
August is an extra special
summer month for Commodore
Dan and I, as we share the same
August birthday. As I don’t have
a new member to highlight this
month, I thought I’d do a feature
on our very own 2014
Commodore Dan, and his
beautiful daughters, Madison and
Daniel Paul Payne, was born
August 19, 1961 in West Seattle,
Washington, where he attended
school, and went on to learn the
auto body business. At age 15,
he started as a shop boy at West
Seattle Auto Rebuild, going on to
become a Journey Level Auto
Body Repair/Painter for
Chevrolet by age 20. He
furthered his education at
Bellevue Community College,
where he earned multiple ICAR
Certificates, and perfected his
painting skills. By this time,
Dan’s love of cars, and his need
for speed was in high gear. Dan’s
grandfather Carl D. Payne Sr.
owned the Aurora Stadium
Speedway, just north of Seattle.
This is where young Danny fell
in love with racing. Dan’s
NASCAR career began in 1985 at
the Evergreen Speedway, in
Monroe, Washington, where he
met, and eventually married the
Trophy Girl. After ten very
successful years of racing with
Bill Elliot, Kenny Schrader,
Derrik Cope, and Ron Hornaday,
Dan’s life changed with the birth
of Madison Taylor in 1995. If
you ask Dan what it costs to race,
he’d say “how much do you
have?” With his sponsor, Food
Services of America, taking a
sudden leave from NASCAR,
Dan was forced out of racing, and
chose to expand his auto body
and painting career. Gaining a
reputation as one of the best auto
body painters in the Seattle area,
Dan eventually grew his business
to include two body shops in the
Kent, Washington area. After
years of satisfying high level
clientele, including the likes of
Seattle Rap artist Sir Mix-A-Lot,
Dan was feeling the effects on his
6’7” frame. He relegated himself
to the role of managing his shops,
and decided to again further his
education, by adding Damage
Estimator to his list of
automobile-related areas of
Mackenzie Lauren, was
born in 1998. Around this same
time, Dan had discovered a new
passion, Golfing. With the need
for competition not yet satisfied,
and his determination to be the
best at whatever he set his mind
to, Dan was soon golfing
professionally on the Fila World
Golf Tour. In 2001, his two
beautiful little girls, needed their
daddy’s attention, ending Dan’s
professional golfing gig, and
marriage prematurely. Although
his life was changed forever, he
still enjoys golfing as often as
possible, where observers might
say his patience is often tested
while attempting to teach me how
to “strike the ball properly”.
Madison has her dad’s natural
golfing ability, which makes him
very proud!
Dan moved to Beaverton,
Oregon in 2002 for a
Management position at Auto
Body Beautiful. In 2005 he tried
his hand at A.V. Production, and
did cooking show pilot called
“Meat and Tomatoes”. He went
on to create his own successful
event company, V.I.P. Events
NW, Inc. in 2008, but rising
travel costs, a declining
economy, and “Go To
Meeting” online, has taken a
toll on the event business. Not
idle long, Dan found a new
passion in “flipping” cars,
boats, bikes, or whatever he can
get his hands on. Some may
also consider him the Barter
King of Scappoose! This
venture seems to satisfy Dan’s
need for finding the next big
deal, while honing his selling
skills, and keeping busy
tending to MCYC and CRYA
duties. He will also find himself
playing a more active Dad role
beginning this month, as
Madison moves to Oregon to
attend P.C.C., and eventually
pursue a Law Degree.
Mackenzie, an incredibly
talented young artist, will be a
Junior at Emerald Ridge High
School in Puyallup,
Washington, and is looking
forward to not having to share a
room with Madison anymore.
I consider myself fortunate
to have met Dan back in 2011,
when my life took a sudden,
very dramatic turn. He is my
best friend, my protector, and
the best cook I have ever
known (sorry Mom). You gals
will get to experience his
cooking first hand, at the
Ladies Dinner next month, so
make sure you attend!
Our year as
Commodore and First Lady is
going by quickly, as is another
year in our relationship. I have
never shared a birthday with
anyone before, but I can
Continued on page 3
honestly say it’s pretty cool to
share it with the one I
affectionately refer to as my
Final details are being made
for the MCYC Ladies Dinner,
September 18th. Our theme is
“An Evening in Paris”, which
will include special music, and
a fashion show presented by
Dianna’s Formal Affair of
Scappoose. I still need
volunteers to help with
decorating, coordinating the
raffle, taking money at the door
etc. Dan has the menu nailed
down, and just needs cooks,
and waiters. Let us know how
you are willing to help.
Happy Cruising and Happy
Birthday Dan!
First Lady Kathryn
Shirley Walker
Joe’s Phobias
Androphobia is fear of men.
Caligynephobia is fear of
beautiful women.
Pentheraphobia is fear of a
mother in law.
Scopophobia is fear of being
looked at.
Phobophobia is fear of fearing.
Mageiricophobia is intense fear
of having to cook.
Papaphobia is fear of popes.
Taphephobia is fear of being
buried alive.
Clinophobia is fear of beds.
Pupaphobia is fear of puppets.
Coulrophobia is fear of clowns.
Chrometophobia is fear of
And the last one, not a good
thing if you belong to a yacht
Hydrophobia is fear of water
I hope everyone is having a
nice summer and enjoying
the good boating season. I
assume everyone is well
and happy as I have not
heard of anyone being sick.
If you know of anyone
that needs our prayers
please let me know. My email address is in the roster
along with my telephone
Happy Summer
Sunshine Shirley
A little phrase from Mr.
As human beings, our job in
life is to help people realize
how rare and valuable each
one of us really is, that each
of us has something that no
one else has-or ever will
have- something inside that
is unique to all time,. It's our
job to encourage each other
too discover that uniqueness
and to provide ways of
developing its expression.
General Meeting Menu
Board Meeting
General Meeting
Hot August Nights Party
Duane Westfall
Ron Houghtelling
Betty Gardner
Tyler Senz
Larry Hill
Kathryn Ulven
Dan Payne
October General Meeting Hosts
Labor Day
Board meeting
Golf Tournament
Ladies Dinner
General Meeting
Hanhi/Clausen, Tabrum,
Schultheis , Westfall
Board Meeting Refreshments
Bruce & Natalie Crisman 6
Clayton & Betty Gardner 17
Larry & Donna Clark
Dave & Linda Karpeles
Board Meeting
Bob Schultheis
Mike White
Kathryn Ulven
Pat Senz
December ,
All Board members
General Meeting
September General meeting Hosts
Jellum, Greenwood, Reichen,
Woods, Eades
30,31,Sept. 1
Cruise to Coon Is. West
Sesame Chicken Salad
Garlic Bread
Brownies and Ice Cream
Spook Cruise
Commodore •
Dan Payne
V.Commodore •Mike White
Daylight Savings Ends
Board Meeting
General Meeting
Board Meeting
General Meeting
New Years Eve
R.Commodore •
Pat Senz
Secretary • Kathryn Ulven
This space will be reserved for
members to advertise their marine
related items. Send your
advertisement to the editor along
with a picture and a small write
up. Please send by the middle of
the previous month in which you
want your ‘For Sale’
item in the Channel
Treasurer • Bob Schultheis
Board Members •
Joe Aten
Gib Collistro
Jim Donaldson
Patrick Miller
Lori Senz
Mike Range IPC
Gib Collistro
Aug/Sept 30,31,& 1
Labor Day, Coon Is. West
Oct. 17, 18, 19
Spook Cruise, Sand Is.
Upper Dock
Nov. 8
Veterens Day, Coon Is.
The Spirit of Portland
stopped at MCYC on July 10
because of a medical
emergency. A passenger
became ill and collapsed in
the head and could not get
back up.
I saw them coming in to our
head dock and ran down to
plead with them not to pull
too hard on our dock for fear
they might do some damage
to it. The Spirit is a really
BIG boat and could easily
wrench the heck out our
The captain was very good
and landed so smooth and
delicately that there wasn’t
the slightest bump.
No Cruise
The captain had looked on
his chart and told 911 that he
would be stopping at “
Chapman’s Landing “. None
of us had ever heard of it, so
we told him to call back and
tell them that he was at
MCYC. ( I can only guess
that “Chapman’s Landing “
might be the old log landing
just downstream from the
Janet went up and opened the
gate and waited for the
EMTs. They got the patient
out of the head and onto a
stretcher with wheels, up the
ramp and off they went to in
an ambulance.
The other passengers were
fascinated by the stop and
got a kick out of Annabelle
barking at them from our
upper deck when they first
The captain said that they are
planning to make the Sauvie
Island circumnavigation a
regular thing, and they did
pass by about 10 days later.
The captain made a note that
MCYC has the only dock on
this stretch of the river that is
big enough for them to tie up
to and a gentle ramp in case
of an emergency like this.
The Spirit of Portland takes a
lot of retirees cruising, so I
imagine that medical
emergencies are not all that
rare to him.
Hopefully this will not
happen again, but if it does
we assured him that we will
always be cooperative.
Brian Godfrey
July 12th Work Party
Once again MCYC has signed an accord with BOAT U.S. - Boat
Owners of the United States -, to give you access to over 25
benefits and services at a reduced price. As part of the BOATU.S.
Cooperating Group program, you now receive a 50% discount on
the annual BOAT U.S. membership dues. You pay just $15 a year,
instead of the regular $30.
BOAT U.S. provides a vast range of services, information and savings to recreational
boaters and anglers, including:
24/7 Dispatch Assistance
Boat U.S. Towing Service provides access to the largest network of on-the-water
commercial towing companies nationwide! With over 600 towboats in over 300
ports, service is just a call away.
Discounts on fuel, overnight slips, and repairs at over 1,000 marinas nationwide.
Marine insurance from boating experts.
Earn 4% back when shopping at West Marine.
Subscription to the widest read boating publications BoatU.S. Magazine & BoatU.S.
Angler Magazine.
Representation on Capital Hill to fight unfair taxes, fees and government regulations
that single out boat owners.
To receive the 50% discount, mention our Cooperating Group ID number GA82926Y
when joining or renewing.
For more information about Boat U.S. please visit or call 800-395-2628.
I have been a member for over 40 years and always carried my boat insurance through
Boat U.S.
It was especially welcome when it really counted, as when the roof of our moorage
collapsed from the snow, those whose boats were covered by Boat U.S. insurance were
the first to see adjusters on-site. My claim was handled quickly and timely repairs initiated
without delay. I could not have been happier with the service I received from Boat U.S.
Signed, Doug Walker
Bald Eagle Days
Cathlamet WA
July 19, 2014