Dan Reeder - Miss Brooks` Classroom
Dan Reeder - Miss Brooks` Classroom
Gourmet Papier Mâché Artist Dan Reeder the Monster Man “My name is Dan (the Monster Man) Reeder. I'm a papier mâché artist living in Seattle, Washington. I've been doing my own version of papier mâché for over 35 years. My goal in life is to spread the word about this amazingly satisfying medium. Make art!” –Dan Reeder GourmetPaperMache.com PapierMache-Art.com GourmetPapierMache.com PaperMacheVolcanos.com PaperMached.com Monster-Man.com PapierMached.com PaperMacheMan.com PaperMacheDragon.com PapierMacheMan.com PapierMacheDragon.com PaperMache-Animals.com PapierMache-Animals.com PaperMachePigs.com PaperMacheArt.com PapierMacheArt.com PaperMacheBlog.com Paper-Mache-Art.com Papier-Mache-Art.com PaperMache-Art.com dan@gourmetpapermache.co m Cloth Mâché Technique Developed a new method of combining cloth and glue Makes projects stronger Allows for a paper frame, rather than a wire frame BlackWashing Technique His own unique style of painting Covers the entire piece in watered-down contrasting paint Wipes off the wet paint to bring out the colors underneath Screamers Monsters are goofproof – they can look any way With the mouth open, they look like they’re screaming Monster Man