2014 directory - MCCS Camp Pendleton
2014 directory - MCCS Camp Pendleton
2014 DIRECTORY CAMP PENDLETON MCCS DIRECTORY Shopping/Services................................................ 3 Food/Lodging..................................................... 11 Recreation.......................................................... 13 Marine & Family Programs................................... 17 Financial Management......................................... 19 Human Resources............................................... 19 Logistics............................................................. 19 Procurement....................................................... 20 Marketing............................................................ 20 Reference Numbers............................................. 20 Maps...............................................................22-27 Coupons........................................................ 28-42 A LIFETIME OF HEALTHY SMILES Proudly serving families, retirees, MCCS and DoD patients. Most PPO insurance and Military Star Card accepted. 0% financing available. GENERAL • COSMETIC • ORTHODONTICS MCCS HEADQUARTERS Assistant Chief of Staff, MCCS........ 725-5355 (Fax 763-3610) Deputy AC/S, MCCS..................................................725-5355 Operations Officer..................................................... 763-9591 Operations Analyst.....................................................763-7174 Deputy Director, MCCS...................725-5355 (Fax 725-0228) Administration...........................................................725-5355 Unless otherwise noted all phone numbers are area code (760) MARINE CORPS COMMUNITY SERVICES mccsCP.com IN STEP WITH YOU No Federal or USMC Endorsement Implied Published 11/13 Printed on Recycled Paper 866.980.8989 PendletonDental.Com Aboard Camp Pendleton Mainside Building #1377 Pacific Plaza Building #20845, Suite 109 CHILDREN’S • ZOOM WHITENING • SATURDAYS SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES All area codes 760 unless noted SHOPPING AND SERVICES MARINE CORPS EXCHANGE (MCX) Director, Bldg 1100............................................725-5095 Deputy Director, Bldg 1108.................................725-6233 Administration....................................... 725-6233 Ext 101 Special Orders.............................725-6233, Ext 174/175/205 AAFES/STAR CARD CUSTOMER SERVICE Star Card................................................. (800) 826-1317 Mainside MCX...............................725-6233 174/175/205 Pacific Views MCX..............................................763-6979 BUSINESS OPERATIONS Director, Bldg 1100............................................725-5095 Deputy Director, Bldg 1377.................................763-5589 Administration........................... 725-5496 (Fax 725-5334) MAINSIDE See Mainside Center map, pg 25 MARINE CORPS EXCHANGE (MCX) Mainside Center, Bldg 1106................................725-6233 AUTO REGISTRATION Mainside Center, Bldg 11002T.............................385-5200 BARBER SHOP Mainside Center, Bldg 1103 (next to the Post Office)...725-5773 BASE THEATER/TRAINING CENTER (BULLDOG BOX OFFICE) Bldg 1330 Movie Listings mccsCP.com/theater.......................725-9217 Manager/Training Reservations............ 763-2975/725-9076 BEAUTY SHOP Mainside Center, Bldg 1104................................725-5938 BOWLING CENTER (STARS & STRIKES BOWL AND GRILL) Bldg 1339................................................725-6109/6231 CAR WASH Bldg 13079.......................................................725-5428 COUNTRY STORE (MCX) Mainside Center, Bldg 15100....725-3585/6233 Ext 126/200/201 DENTAL CLINIC (PENDLETON FAMILY DENTAL) Bldg 1377....................................................... 385-0096 Appointments........................................... (866) 980-8989 3 SHOPPING/SERVICES DRY CLEANING & LAUNDRY Mainside Center, Bldg 15101..............................725-5675 Pick-up and Delivery at retail stores: Bldg 1482, 210600, 22196, 31604, 33060, 41356, 43508, 520410, 53319, 62408 FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE Bldg 13026.......................................................385-9834 FLORIST (PRECIOUS TREASURES PENDLETON FLORIST) Mainside Center, Bldg T1100...............................725-6395 GAS STATION Bldg 1327.........................................................725-6387 GENERAL NUTRITION CENTER (GNC) Mainside Center, Bldg 15100..............................385-5056 HERTZ CAR RENTAL Bldg 1104.........................................................385-0017 ITT (TICKETS/LATITUDES TRAVEL) Mainside (Bowling Center), Bldg 1339.................725-2218 JOHNNY ROCKETS (THE ORIGINAL HAMBURGER) Mainside Center, Bldg 15103..............................829-1258 OIL EXCHANGE QUICK LUBE Bldg 13031.......................................................725-5525 OPTICAL (VISION CENTER) Mainside Center, Bldg 1103 Eye Exams.........................................................385-4651 Eyewear Store.......................................725-6233 Ext 189 REDBOX (DVD RENTALS & SALES) Mainside Center, (In front of Country Store) ROBERTO’S MEXICAN FOOD Mainside Center, (Next to Country Store)....... (858) 472-3001 SUBWAY Mainside Center, Bldg 15100........... 725-4098 / 385-0069 TAX PREPARATION (H&R BLOCK TAX SERVICE) Mainside Center..................................................(Seasonal) TCBY YOGURT (INSIDE SUBWAY) Mainside Center, Bldg 15100........... 725-4098 / 385-0069 THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF Mainside Center, Bldg 15103..............................829-1261 THE UPS STORE Mainside Center, Bldg 15101..............................385-4721 SHOPPING/SERVICES 4 SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES All area codes 760 unless noted MAINSIDE (CONT) THE VINEYARD (MCX) Mainside Center, Bldg 15101..............................763-7751 WOK ‘N ROLL Mainside Center, Next to MCX.................... (858) 382-6279 PACIFIC VIEWS MCX (across from Pacific Plaza) See (Marine Corps Exchange) Pacific Views MCX map, pg 22 MAIN STORE Bldg 2010...................................763-6979 BARBER SHOP.................................................763-3118 COMPUTER TECH CENTER..............................430-8031 DRY CLEANERS (AUTOMATIC 24/7)...................................... DUNKIN’ DONUTS.............................................430-7646 ENGRAVER’S GALLERY.................................. 688-6608 FLORIST......................................................... 961-4559 MOBILE PHONE CENTER.................................430-0186 TAILOR SHOP...................................................725-4392 VISION CENTER Eye Exams/Eyewear Store................... 763-1757/763-1754 WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR............................430-8135 YOGURTLAND..................................................430-7785 PACIFIC PLAZA See Pacific Plaza map, pg 22 MARINE CORPS EXCHANGE (MCX) Furniture & Appliance Center.......................763-1750/1753 Beverages, Etc...........................................763-1698/1699 Gas Station .......................................................763-3840 BEAUTY SHOP (ONYX: A GINO MORENA PAUL MITCHELL CONCEPT) Bldg 20845.......................................................763-1747 CAR WASH Bldg 20843.......................................................725-5428 COCO’S BAKERY & RESTAURANT Bldg 20845.......................................................430-5049 DENTAL CLINIC (PENDLETON FAMILY DENTAL) Bldg 20845.......................................................430-4445 Appointments........................................... (866) 980-8989 5 SHOPPING/SERVICES DOMINO’S PIZZA Bldg 20845.......................................................430-7180 GAMESTOP Bldg 20845..............................................430-8187/8198 ITT (TICKETS/LATITUDES TRAVEL) Bldg 20846..............................................725-5863/3183 MAUI WOWI (COFFEE & SMOOTHIES/KOA GRILL) Bldg 20846.......................................................430-8037 MCDONALD’S Bldg 20844.......................................................430-4630 OIL EXCHANGE QUICK LUBE Bldg 20840.......................................................430-1837 PANDA EXPRESS Bldg 20845.......................................................430-7981 ROBERTO’S MEXICAN FOOD Bldg 20845.......................................................430-8095 SAN ONOFRE CENTER See San Onofre map, pg 27 MARINE CORPS EXCHANGE (MCX) Bldg 510092............................................725-7392/7597 CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER Bldg 51080.......................................................725-7311 FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE Bldg 51091.................................... (949) 492-1143/1160 GAS STATION Bldg 51091.......................................................725-7792 LIBRARY Bldg 51093.......................................................725-7325 MAUI WOWI (COFFEE & SMOOTHIES) Bldg 51093...................................................................... SONIC DRIVE-IN Bldg 51095............................................. (949) 366-6900 SCHLOTZSKY’S DELI/CINNABON/CARVEL ICE CREAM Bldg 51095............................................... COMING SOON TRANSITION READINESS FACILITY & CAREER CENTER Bldg 51919.......................................................725-4310 SHOPPING/SERVICES 6 SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES All area codes 760 unless noted MILITARY CLOTHING Mainside, Bldg 1106..........................................725-6233 Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010 ............................763-6979 SOI, Bldg 520410............................. 725-7493/763-4735 MCX MARINE MART 14 AREA Bldg 1482.................................725-5537/5581 PICO Bldg 24026.....................................725-4285/4952 AIR STATION Bldg 2398....................................763-3312 CHAPPO Bldg 22196...............................725-4593/4334 DEL MAR Bldg 210600............................................725-2883/2691 Hill Top Exchange...............................................763-4980 EDSON RANGE Bldg 31604..............................725-2591 HORNO Bldg 53319.................................725-7197/7393 HOSPITAL STORE Ground Floor..........................725-1288 LAS FLORES Bldg 4155...........................763-2092/2096 LAS PULGAS Bldg 43301.........................763-3293/3400 MARGARITA Bldg 330360........................725-4684/4789 SAN MATEO Bldg 62407..........................725-7383/7697 SOI RETAIL STORE/MILITARY CLOTHING Retail Store, Bldg 520409..........................725-7894/7178 Military Clothing, Bldg 520410 .......... 725-7493/763-4735 STUART MESA Bldg 31000 ..............................725-9075 TALEGA Bldg 64331..........................................725-7458 WIRE MOUNTAIN Bldg 201015................725-2042/2393 SERVICES AUTO REGISTRATION Mainside Center, Bldg 11002T.............................385-5200 BARBER SHOP General Manager................................................763-1746 Mainside Center, Bldg 1103 (next to Post Office).........725-5773 Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010.............................763-3118 Air Station, Bldg 23164......................................763-0140 Camp Del Mar, Bldg 210600...............................725-2564 7 SHOPPING/SERVICES Chappo, Bldg 22196..........................................725-4495 Pico, Bldg 24026...............................................725-4374 Edson Range, Bldg 31604..................................725-2161 Camp Margarita, Bldg 33308 (across from Exchange)..725-4435 Las Flores, Bldg 41338.......................................725-4394 Las Pulgas, Bldg 43508......................................725-4246 School of Infantry, Bldg 520407 (next to Exchange)...725-7295 Camp Horno, Bldg 530320.................................725-7344 San Mateo, Bldg 62408 (across from Exchange)........ 725-7993 BEAUTY SHOP Pacific Plaza, Onyx, Bldg 20845..........................763-1747 Mainside Center, M, The Salon Bldg 1104......................725-5938 CAR RENTAL (ENTERPRISE) Mainside, Bldg 13032........................................725-6997 CAR WASH Mainside, Bldg 13079........................................725-5428 Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20843 San Onofre, Bldg 520172 COMPUTER TECH CENTER Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010.............................430-8031 DENTAL CLINIC (PENDLETON FAMILY DENTAL) Mainside, Bldg 1377........................................ 385-0096 Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20845...................................430-4445 Appointments........................................... (866) 980-8989 DIRECTV/HIGH SPEED INTERNET/DIGITAL PHONE SERVICE Mainside, Bldg 1398............... 430-4742/(866) 258-8766 DRY CLEANING & LAUNDRY Mainside Center, Bldg 15101..............................725-5675 Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010 (Automatic Dry Cleaners 24/7) Pick-up and Delivery at retail stores: Bldg 1482, 210600, 22196, 31604, 33060, 41356, 43508, 520410, 53319, 62408 GAMESTOP Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20845..........................430-8187/8198 FLORIST (PRECIOUS TREASURES PENDLETON FLORIST) Mainside Center, Bldg T1100...............................725-6395 Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010.............................961-4559 SHOPPING/SERVICES 8 SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES All area codes 760 unless noted ITT (TICKETS/LATITUDES TRAVEL) Mainside (Bowling Center), Bldg 1339.................725-2218 Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20846...................................725-5863 School of Infantry, Bldg 520410..........................725-7094 LATITUDES TRAVEL Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20846..........................763-3183/3184 OIL EXCHANGE QUICK LUBE Mainside, Bldg 13031........................................725-5525 Pacific Plaza.......................................................430-1837 OPTICAL (VISION CENTER) Mainside Center, Bldg 1103 Eye Exams.........................................................385-4651 Eyewear Store.......................................725-6233 Ext 189 Pacific Views MCX Eye Exams.........................................................763-1757 Eyewear Store....................................................763-1754 PAINTBALL PARK 1400 Vandegrift Blvd (across from Stepp Stables).........(866) 985-4932 PHONE CENTER (MILITARY COMMUNICATION CENTERS-MCC) SOI......................................................... (949) 498-0706 PHOTOGRAPHER (YARY)....................... 1(800) 874-9200 REDBOX (DVD RENTALS & SALES) Mainside Center (in front of Country Store), Pacific Views MCX, Del Mar Exchange, Chappo McDonald’s, SOI, Las Pulgas Exchange, San Onofre Center, Horno (next to Barber Shop), San Mateo. Reserve online: www.redbox.com SELF STORAGE (CAMP PENDLETON SELF STORAGE) 16 Area (corner of 6th & B), Bldg 16080.............385-1122 SHUTTLE SERVICE (LIBERTY LAUNCH).....1(855) LIBO-VAN SPRINT PHONE & DSL SERVICE Mainside Center, Barracks 1398..........................430-4742 Horno, Barracks 53330.......................................430-4742 TAILOR SHOP Military Clothing, Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010...725-8956 Military Clothing, Bldg 520410............................763-5531 TAX PREPARATION (H&R BLOCK TAX SERVICE) Mainside Center/Pacific Plaza...............................(Seasonal) 9 SHOPPING/SERVICES TRUCK/TRAILER RENTAL (BUDGET) Mainside, Bldg 13032........................................725-3782 THE UPS STORE Mainside Center, Bldg 15101..............................385-4721 VEHICLE STORAGE (ADKOS).................... (866) 768-2929 VENDING SERVICES OFFICE (COIN OPERATED VENDING) Mainside, Bldg 16144........................................725-5428 WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010.............................430-8135 WI-FI SERVICE BOINGO (BARRACKS)....... (877) 502-2585 MCX GAS/SERVICE STATION CHAPPO SERVICE STATION Bldg 22124.......................................................725-4794 DEL MAR SERVICE STATION Gas Station Store, Bldg 210620..........................725-2391 FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE Mainside, Bldg 13026........................................385-9834 San Onofre, Bldg 51091........................... (949) 492-1143 LAS PULGAS GAS STATION Bldg 43286.......................................................725-1789 MAINSIDE GAS STATION Bldg 1327.........................................................725-6387 MARGARITA GAS STATION Bldg 330360............................................725-4684/4789 PACIFIC PLAZA GAS STATION Bldg 20842.......................................................763-3840 SAN MATEO SERVICE STATION Bldg 62507.......................................................725-7321 SAN ONOFRE SERVICE STATION Bldg 51091.......................................................725-7792 Notes SHOPPING/SERVICES 10 SHOPPING/SERVICES SHOPPING/SERVICES FOOD/LODGING All area codes 760 unless noted FOOD/LODGING FOOD/LODGING Business Operations Director, Bldg 1377..............725-5496 Administration........................... 725-5496 (Fax 725-5334) PACIFIC VIEWS EVENT CENTER Bldg 202850............................ 725-2231 (Fax 725-9572) Dining Room, Ballrooms, Meeting Rooms, Lunch (all ranks), Officers’ Bar & Conference Room, Iron Mike’s SNCO, Compass Lounge and Catering...........................................763-3200 PUB 1795 Bldg 1795.........................................................763-7888 SNACK BARS BOWLING CENTER (STARS & STRIKES BOWL AND GRILL) Mainside, Bldg 1339..........................................725-6231 DEVIL DOG GRILL Air Station, Bldg 2331........................................468-9592 GOLF COURSE Mulligan’s Grill, The Tern, Catering, Bldg 18415......725-5331/4390 SHAKESMART..................................Paige Fieldhouse, Bldg 1110 THEATER SNACK BAR Mainside, Bldg 1330..........................................763-2975 RESTAURANT/FAST FOOD COCO’S BAKERY & RESTAURANT Pacific Plaza, Bldg 2084.....................................430-5049 COLD STEEL SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT Del Mar, Bldg 210619........................................763-3663 DOMINO’S PIZZA Mainside, Bldg 13030........................................575-9850 Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20845...................................430-7180 SOI, Bldg 520407..............................................575-9880 DUNKIN’ DONUTS Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010.............................430-7646 JOHNNY ROCKETS (THE ORIGINAL HAMBURGER) Mainside Center, Bldg 15103..............................829-1258 11 FOOD/LODGING FOOD/LODGING KOA TERIYAKI GRILL Pacific Plaza (Maui Wowi) Bldg 20846.................430-8037 MAUI WOWI (COFFEE & SMOOTHIES) Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20846, 21, 51, 52, 53 Areas.....430-8037 PANDA EXPRESS Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20845...................................430-7981 PIZZA HUT EXPRESS Del Mar, Bldg 210619........................................763-3663 RAMONES MEXICAN BBQ Horno, Bldg 530320..........................................468-6309 ROBERTO’S MEXICAN FOOD Mainside Center (next to Country Store)...... (858) 472-3001 SOI......................................................... (858) 735-9643 Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20845...................................430-8095 SCHLOTZSKY’S DELI/CINNABON/CARVEL ICE CREAM San Onofre Center, Bldg 51096................... COMING SOON SONIC DRIVE-IN San Onofre Center, Bldg 51095................. (949) 366-6900 STARS & STRIKES GRILL Mainside, Bldg 1339 (in the Bowling Center)........725-6231 SUBWAY Mainside Center, Bldg 15100............. 725-4098/385-0069 Del Mar, Bldg 210619........................................430-7164 Margarita, Bldg 33607........................................725-1904 Las Flores, Bldg 41315.......................................763-2159 Horno, (Rec Center), Bldg 53341............... (949) 369-7833 San Mateo, (Rec Center), Bldg 62527........ (949) 369-6418 TCBY YOGURT (INSIDE SUBWAY) Mainside Center, Bldg 15100............. 725-4098/385-0069 THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF Mainside Center, Bldg 15103..............................829-1261 WENDY’S Mainside Center, Bldg 1101................................385-9770 FOOD/LODGING 12 FOOD/LODGING MCDONALD’S Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20844 ..................................430-4630 Chappo, Bldg 22026 .........................................385-0235 Las Pulgus, Bldg 430314.................................. 237-3723 FOOD/LODGING/RECREATION All area codes 760 unless noted RESTAURANT/FAST FOOD (CONT) WOK ‘N ROLL Mainside Center, (next to Wendy’s)............. (858) 382-6279 YOGURTLAND Pacific Views MCX, Bldg 2010.............................430-7785 FOOD/LODGING/RECREATION LODGING SOUTH MESA LODGE Bldg 202870.... 763-7805/7806/7807/7808 (Fax 237-3559) innsofthecorps.com WARD LODGING Bldg 1310....................... 725-5194/5304 (Fax 385-4057) BEACH/RV/RESERVATION Del Mar Beach Resort, Bldg 21594.............725-2134/2313 San Onofre Beach, Bldg 51918..........763-SURF/763-SAND San Onofre Group Reservations............................763-TENT RECREATION Director, Bldg 1253................... 725-6196 (Fax 725-6190) Deputy Director.........................................725-6288/6196 Administration.......................... 725-6288/6196 763-1635 Athletics Department Head..................................763-5519 Leisure Services Department Head.......................725-5165 Wellness Department Head..................................725-5374 ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Intramural Sports, Bldg 1253....... 725-6195/763-0453/725-6806 Race Series, Bldg 1253..................... 725-6289/725-6836 Varsity Sports, Bldg 1253....................................763-1636 Fields and Grounds, Bldg 1255............................725-6166 Youth Sports, Bldg 276022 .......................725-4188/1790 WELLNESS DEPARTMENT FITNESS CENTERS Fitness Facilities Supervisor, Bldg 1253................725-6267 Semper Fit Paige Fieldhouse, Bldg 1110...............725-6394 14 Area Fitness Center, Bldg 14013.....................725-5941 21 Area Gym, Fitness Center, Bldg 210750................... 725-2951 22 Area Fitness Center, Bldg 22160.....................725-3163 24 Area Fitness Center, Bldg 24079.....................763-1353 13 FOOD/LODGING/RECREATION RECREATION FITNESS CENTERS (CONT) O’Neill Fitness Center, Bldg H-94 (Formerly Hospital)...725-1366 31 Area Fitness Center, Bldg 31601.....................725-2678 33 Area Gym, Fitness Center, Bldg 330362..........725-8737 41 Area Gym, Fitness Center, Bldg 4159..............725-2033 43 Area Gym, Fitness Center, Bldg 430320..........725-3468 52 Area Gym, Fitness Center, Bldg 520415..........725-7262 53 Area Gym, Fitness Center, Bldg 530301..........725-7075 62 Area Gym, Fitness Center, Bldg 620411..........725-7421 SINGLE MARINE PROGRAM (SMP) SMP Coordinator, Bldg 1253...............................725-6722 21 Area SMP Rec Center, Bldg 21704..................725-2019 24 Area SMP Landing Zone, Bldg 24065.............763-0026 33 Area SMP Rec Center, Bldg 33607..................725-4988 41 Area SMP Rec Center, Bldg 4159....................725-7124 43 Area SMP Rec Center, Bldg 430314................725-5205 53 Area SMP Rec Center, Bldg 53341..................725-7857 62 Area SMP Rec Center, Bldg 62527..................763-4354 LEISURE SERVICES AUTO SKILLS CENTER Bldg 13191.............................. 725-5963 (Fax 385-0609) Auto Supplies & Parts..........................................725-5092 BASE THEATER/TRAINING CENTER (BULLDOG BOX OFFICE) Mainside, Bldg 1330 Movie Listings mccsCP.com/theater.......................725-9217 Manager............................................................763-2975 Training Reservations..........................................725-4444 BOWLING CENTER (STARS & STRIKES BOWL AND GRILL) Mainside, Bldg 1339..........................................725-6109 Fax Number.......................................................725-8929 Grill...................................................................725-6231 RECREATION 14 RECREATION FITNESS PROGRAM Fitness Program Supervisor, Bldg 1110.................763-0657 Group Exercise Coordinator, Bldg 1110.................763-4070 HITT Trainer, Bldg 1110......................................763-5407 HEALTH PROMOTION Health Promotion Coordinator, Bldg 1110.............763-3794 Health Promotion Center Mainside, Bldg 1110............ 763-3793 Health Promotion Center North, Bldg 530301.......763-0419 Health Promotion Center Del Mar, Bldg 21704......763-8731 LEISURE SERVICES All area codes 760 unless noted LEISURE SERVICES (CONT) GOLF COURSE Admin...................................... 725-GOLF (Fax 725-4481) Pro Shop............................................................725-4704 Eagle’s Landing Bar and Banquet Room................725-5331 Mulligan’s Grill, The Tern, Catering.......................725-5331 ITT (TICKETS/LATITUDES TRAVEL) Pacific Plaza, Bldg 20846.......... 725-5863 (Fax 725-5834) Latitudes Travel, Bldg 20846......................763-3183/3184 Mainside (Bowling Center), Bldg 1339........725-2218/4481 SOI, Bldg 520410.....................................725-7094/4481 LEISURE SERVICES LAKE O’NEILL Campsites, Bldg 276024T...................................725-4241 Lake O’Neill, Bldg 26080 ...................................725-5611 Miniature Golf Course, Boating, Fishing MARINA AND SAILING CENTER Bldg 21550..............................................725-SAIL(7245) Del Mar Boat Basin.................... 725-7245 (Fax 725-0299) OCEAN LIFEGUARDS Del Mar Beach Resort................................725-2703/2078 San Onofre Beach............. 725-7979/7437 (Fax 725-7437) Lifeguard Chief.......................... 725-0457 (Fax 763-0455) OPERATION ADRENALINE RUSH Bldg 1253.........................................................725-6614 PAINTBALL PARK 1400 Vandegrift Blvd (across from Stepp Stables). (866) 985-4832 RECREATION CHECKOUT San Luis Rey, Bldg 17013.......... 725-5296 (Fax 725-8160) San Onofre, Bldg 520170.......... 725-7519 (Fax 763-0675) RECREATIONAL SHOOTING Bldg 25167.......................................................725-4832 SCUBA CENTER Bldg 14116.......................................................725-5910 STEPP STABLES Bldg 15016.......................................................725-5094 SWIMMING POOL Mainside, Bldg 1313 (adjacent to Ward Lodging) ......725-4344 14 Area, Bldg 14116 (Main Office)......................725-5084 15 LEISURE SERVICES LEISURE SERVICES RECREATION LEISURE SERVICES Notes LEISURE SERVICES 16 MARINE & FAMILY PROGRAMS All area codes 760 unless noted MARINE & FAMILY PROGRAMS MARINE & FAMILY PROGRAMS Director, Bldg 13150.......................................... 725-6206 Deputy Director.................................................. 725-6210 Information & Referral...... 725-3400/6090 (800) 253-1624 Administration, Bldg 13150........ 725-6210 (Fax 725-6393) BEHAVIORAL HEALTH BRANCH Counseling Services, Bldg 1122........................... 725-9051 Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7........................... 500-2633 Sexual Assault Hotline 24/7................................. 500-1707 Community Counseling Center, Bldg 130193T....... 725-3222 Family Advocacy Program, Bldg 1122................... 725-9051 Prevention & Education, Bldg 1122...................... 725-6636 New Parent Support Program, Bldg 1344............. 725-3884 Counseling Services North, Bldg 520512.............. 763-6940 Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR), Bldg 13150 .725-7674 Consolidated Substance Abuse Counseling Center (CSACC) Main Office, Bldg 16105................................... 725-5538 FAMILY CARE BRANCH Headquarters, Bldg 13150 ................................. 725-6308 CYTP Resource & Referral, Bldg 13150................ 725-9723 Family Child Care, Bldg 13150............................ 725-7631 Exceptional Family Member Prog. (EFMP), Bldg 13150.. 725-5363 EFMP Office, SOI, Bldg 520512.......................... 763-0868 School Age Care, Bldg 17082.............................. 763-6905 Fisher Children’s Center, Bldg 160101.................. 725-0845 Child Development Centers (CDC) Browne CDC, Bldg 202860................................. 725-2817 Courteau CDC, Bldg 15061................................ 725-5113 DeLuz CDC, Bldg 120111................................... 725-9907 Stuart Mesa CDC, Bldg 310006.......................... 725-9954 San Onofre CDC, Bldg 51080.............................. 725-7311 San Rafael CDC, Bldg 2052................................ 725-8405 Youth Centers Abby Reinke Youth Center, Bldg 201019.............. 763-0653 DeLuz Youth Center, Bldg 14519T....................... 725-5608 Stuart Mesa Youth Center, Bldg 310001............... 725-9171 San Onofre Youth Center, Bldg 51570........... (949) 498-9166 17 MARINE & FAMILY PROGRAMS FAMILY READINESS BRANCH Marine Corps Family Team Building, Bldg 13150... 725-9052 Family Readiness Program Training..................... 725-6637 L.I.N.K.S........................................................... 725-2335 LifeSkills........................................................... 763-7890 Readiness & Deployment Support........................ 763-1337 Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP), Bldg 13150.................................................... 763-1337 Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operations (CREDO), Bldg 1344....................................... 725-4954 PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (P&PD) BRANCH Headquarters, Bldg 13150 ................................ 725-9790 P&PD Education Mainside Education Center, Bldg 1331....... 725-6660/6414 SOI Office, Bldg 520512.................................... 725-0606 South Mesa Office, Bldg 200090........................ 429-8278 Libraries Patrick J. Carney Library, Mainside, Bldg 1146..... 725-5669 San Onofre Library, Bldg 51093.......................... 725-7325 South Mesa Library, Bldg 200090....................... 725-2032 On-Base Colleges Central Michigan University................................ 725-0485 Central Texas College.......................................... 725-6386 Palomar College................................................. 725-6626 Park University.................................................. 725-6858 Embry-Riddle University..................................... 385-0152 National University............................................. 268-1535 P&PD - Transition & Resources Headquarters, Bldg 1795......................................... 725-6638 Family Member Employment, Bldg 13150.725-4737/763-2091 Marine & Family Career Center, Bldg 51919............ 725-4310 Marine & Family Career Center, Bldg 13150.......... 725-4199 Transition Readiness Program (TRP), Bldg 13150............. 725-6652 Personal Financial Mgmt, Bldg 13150......... 725-6098/6209 Relocation Office, Bldg 13150.................... 725-3802/5704 Retired Activities Office, Bldg 13150.................... 725-9789 Volunteer Office, Bldg 13150............................... 725-3856 San Onofre Transition Readiness, Bldg 51919..............725-4310 SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAMS American Red Cross, Bldg H-100......................... 725-3303 Armed Services YMCA, Bldg 16144..................... 385-4921 MARINE & FAMILY PROGRAMS 18 MARINE & FAMILY PROGRAMS MARINE & FAMILY PROGRAMS MCCS All area codes 760 unless noted MARINE AND FAMILY PROGRAMS (CONT) DSTRESS dstressline.com........................... (877) 476-7734 Military One Source 24/7........................... (800) 342-9647 Navy, Marine Corps Relief Society, Bldg 1121....... 725-5337 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Director, Chief Financial Officer Bldg 1108.................................725-5142 (Fax 385-4247) Deputy Director.................................................. 725-5990 Accounts Payable Section.................................... 725-5948 Administration.................................................... 725-9017 APF Fund Administrators..................... 763-1919/725-6831 Budget Analysts......................................... 725-9013/9016 Cash Office........................................................ 725-6332 Collections......................................................... 725-9046 Credit & Star Card Inquiries................................. 725-9007 Management Information System.......................... 725-5732 Payroll Section.................................. 725-9004/9021/9008 Payroll Fax......................................................... 725-9012 HUMAN RESOURCES Director, Bldg 15100.......................................... 725-9039 Deputy Director.................................................. 763-5288 Office Manager................................................... 725-5437 Receptionist....................................................... 725-5893 Training Manager................................................ 725-4930 Labor Specialist.................................................. 725-5299 Employee Information MCCS Semper Fit......................................................... 725-5889 Marine & Family Programs................................... 725-5796 Support/Logistics/Family Readiness Officers........... 725-8976 Retail/Business Operations.......................... 725-5881/3842 Employee Training Specialists...................... 725-5892/5451 Employee Tuition Assistance Program.................... 725-5451 Employment Verifications/FMLA............................ 763-7580 Worker’s Comp................................................... 763-9968 LOGISTICS Director, Bldg 2662....................763-2482 (Fax 725-6340) Deputy Director, Bldg 2662.........763-2458 (Fax 725-6340) Assistant............................................................ 725-5394 Maintenance Superintendent................................ 763-2470 19 MCCS MCCS Motor Trans./Landscape, Bldg 1293 .725-5022 (Fax 725-5979) Landscape Supervisor, Bldg 1293................................725-5022 Work Order Request.................... 725-4597 (Fax 763-2465) Work Order Support....................................725-4997/9026 PROCUREMENT Director, Bldg 1377...................... 725-5339 (Fax725-6364) Deputy Director...................................................725-1174 Procurement Office.......................................(Fax) 725-6364 Contracting Officer...............................................725-5339 Contract Specialists, Bldg 1377....................725-5523/9574 Contracting Secretary...........................................725-0500 Purchasing Supervisor, Bldg 1377..........................725-5690 Purchasing Agent(s), Bldg 1377............................725-1928 .........................................................725-0502/763-9573 Procurement Asst., Bldg 1377..............................725-5267 Property, Warehouse Warehouse Manager, Bldg 12108................725-5003/5703 .................................................................(Fax 725-0136) Assistant Warehouse Manager, Bldg 12108............725-5041 Receiving, Bldg 12108................................725-5229/5292 Property Clerk......................................................725-5402 Chair & Table Requests.........................................725-5292 MARKETING MCCS Director, Bldg 1100.................... 725-3691 (Fax 385-0206) Deputy Director...................................................725-3692 Administration.....................................................763-0681 General Sales Manager.........................................763-0680 MCCS 20 REFERENCE NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS All area codes 760 unless noted REFERENCE NUMBERS Animal Shelter ........................................................ 725-8120 Base Chaplain......................................................... 725-4700 Base Housing Office, Bldg 98.......................... 725-5995/9826 Base Information..................................................... 725-4111 Base Legal, Bldg 22161........................................... 725-6172 Base Locator........................................................... 725-5171 Camp Pendleton Public Affairs, Bldg 1160................. 725-5799 Central Housing....................................................... 725-1656 Civilian Personnel Office, Bldg 2265.......................... 725-3794 Commissary (20 Area) 430-1701, (51 Area)............. 725-7136 Community Relations, Bldg 1160.............................. 725-5790 DEERS (JRC), Bldg 30132....................................... 725-2442 Devil Pups.................................................... (805) 470-8340 DMV (Oceanside)............................................(800) 777-0133 DSTRESS dstressline.com................................(877) 476-7734 Game Warden, Bldg 2648........................................ 725-3360 DeLuz Family Housing.............................................. 385-4835 Homecoming Support Bldg 16144............................ 763-7176 ID Cards Bldg 130932............................................. 725-2442 JRC, Vehicle Registration, Bldg 130132..................... 725-2106 Lincoln Military Housing..................................(760) 430-0040 Military One Source 24/7................................(800) 342-9647 Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton H-200...................... 725-1288 Naval Hospital (San Diego)..............................(619) 532-6400 Naval-Marine Corps Relief Society, Bldg 1121............ 725-5338 Pacific Marine Credit Union..............(800) 736-4500/430-7511 Pharmacy Refill Line.......................................(866) 286-8249 Post Office 11 Area.................................................. 725-5832 PMO (Desk Sergeant), Bldg 1523.................... 725-3888/763-2075 Public Affairs......................................................................725-5044 Red Cross (24 hours), Bldg H100.................... 725-6877/7419 Relocation Office............................................. 725-3802/5704 Sato Travel, Bldg 2263...................................(866) 950-1640 Sato Travel, Bldg 520523 SOI.........................(866) 950-1663 School Liaison Office, Bldg 1160..................... 763-7385/7386 Scout Online News, Bldg 1160................................. 725-5799 Telephone Repair..................................................... 725-8247 Thrift Store Bldg 27603........................................... 725-1800 TMO, Bldg 2263 (Tue & Thu)................................... 725-8177 Tricare...........................................................(877) 988-9378 Veterans Affairs, Bldg 13150................................... 385-0416 VITA, Tax Assistance, Bldg 27847.............763-2518/725-6558 Wounded Warrior Battalion....................................... 763-9090 21 REFERENCE NUMBERS MCX Snack Shop Oil Exchange McDonald’s Car Wash TBD 3 4 5 6 2 2 1 PACIFIC PLAZA/PACIFIC VIEWS MCX MAP 22 Beverages, Etc. Panda Express and Appliances MCX Furniture 4 11 Onyx Beauty 10 Dominos Pizza 8 9 7 3 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 PACIFIC VIEWS MCX MAP 17 ITT/ Latitudes Travel 16 Veterinary Services Computer Tech Center, Dunkin Donuts, Engraver’s Gallery, GNC, Florist, Mobile Phone Center, Tailor Shop, Vision Center, Watch & Jewelry Repair, Yogurtland) VANDEGRIFT BLVD. 16 17 18 RedBox DVD’s 10 15 Coco’s Bakery & Restaurant 9 18 Maui Wowi (Coffee & Smoothies/Koa Grill) 19 Commissary 20 Pacific Views MCX (Barber Shop, 8 12 Pendleton Family Dental 13 Roberto’s Very Mexican Food 14 GameStop 7 Pacific Plaza PACIFIC PLAZA MAP e5 at st r te In Gas Station E N 1 S W 19 20 Pacific Views MCX PACIFIC PLAZA/PACIFIC VIEWS MCX MAP BASE MAP 63 AREA CAMP CRISTIANITOS TO LOS ANGELES 62 AREA CAMP SAN MATEO IST IAN ITO SR D SAN M ATEO R D CRISTIANITOS GATE CR 61 AREA SAN ONOFRE GATE SAN ONOFRE QTRS RD BEACH CLUB R D E ILON BAS 52 AREA BA SI LON ER D 53 AREA CAMP HORNO 51 AREA SAN ONOFRE CENTER LAS PULGAS GATE (SEE DETAIL PG 27) 42 AREA PU LG A 43 AREA CAM LAS PULGAS I-5 S SAN ONOFRE STATE PARK LA BASE MAP SAN MATEO POINT QTRS PACIFIC OCEAN 41 LA ST UA STUART MESA QTRS PACIFIC PLAZA (SEE DETAIL PG 22) PACIFIC VIEWS MCX (SEE DETAIL PG 22) 866.980.8989 • PendletonDental.Com Mainside 23 BASE MAP • Pacific Plaza Building DE MA BE RE 21 M BASE MAP NWS MAIN GATE 20 AREA D ER VD I F T BL VA N DE RD GR 31 AREA EDSON RANGE D A FS BLV ES 16TH S 14 T AREA 11 AREA FIELD IF T M DE LUZ QTRS 13 GR AREA 4TH SERRA MESA QTRS ST 22 AREA D ER SAN LUIS REY QTRS S R U F CO GOL 16 AREA 19 AREA SAN LUIS REY GATE 18 AREA ACE BROWN RODEO GROUNDS MARGARITA T 9S T AREA T 1 AREA CAMP AS FLORES NWS SOUTH GATE VA N D E 32 AREA AT ST RD IG BR ST 11 23 AREA RD NG RA RIF LE OAC GE C STA 12 RANCH AREA HOUSE R AT CAN TLES Y NA R 24 ON RD KE AI ION N IO IT MAINSIDE QTRS OCEANSIDE (SEE DETAIL PG 25) SOUTH MESA QTRS EL AR EACH ESORT MARINA WIRE MOUNTAIN QTRS FORSTER HILLS QTRS MAIN GATE TO SAN DIEGO BASE MAP 24 BASE MAP RD AS C ST D HR AR 26 AREA D RD EL RIO LAKE O’NEILL 25 AREA D VADO 43 AREA FIELD AMMUN BROWN ILONE R DE LUZ R AS D ST B MP NAVAL WEAPONS STATION O’NEILL HTS QTRS NAVAL HOSPITAL 42 27 Paige Fieldhouse 29 28 13TH STREET 30 D STREET 31 $ 6 3 8 4 15 10 9 MCX Warehouse 32 41 34 33 VANDEGRIFT BLVD. 14 11 12 13 7 5 2 1 13TH STREET 16 17 35 MAINSIDE CENTER 19 D STREET $ 18 20 21 MCX 36 MCX 25 MAINSIDE MAP 37 MAINSIDE CENTER 22 26 25 VANDEGRIFT BLVD. 23 ES TRE ET 24 38 39 N 11TH STREET MAINSIDE MAP 7T H W E 40 S MAINSIDE ST MCCS Finance MCX Will Call Mainside MCX Precious Treasures Pendleton Florist Hertz Car Rental Transition Readiness Classroom M, The Salon at Mainside Transition Readiness Classroom Wendy’s Transition Readiness Classroom Vision Center Post Office Barber Shop Pacific Marine Credit Union MCCS Headquarters GNC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MCX The Vineyard Wine & Spirits Subway/ TCBY Yogurt MCCS Human Resources MCX Country Store The UPS Store Dry Cleaners 32 Car Wash 31 Bulldog Box Office Theater 30 Pendleton Family Dental and MCCS Procurement 29 Bowling Center: Stars & Strikes Bowl and Grill 23 TBD 24 Courteau Child Care Center 25 Johnny Rockets 26 The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 27 Transition Readiness Classroom 28 ITT & Latitudes Travel 17 18 19 20 21 22 MAINSIDE MAP HQ Bldg 13150 42 Marine & Family Programs: 41 TBD 40 Fisher Children’s Center 39 Ward Lodging 38 13 Area Pool Pearson’s Lousiana Cajun Food Express Wok and Roll Roberto’s Very Mexican Food 36 Enterprise and Budget Car/ Truck Rental 37 Domino’s Pizza Public Restrooms RedBox DVD’s 35 Oil Exchange $ ATM 34 Automotive Service Center 33 Gas Station MAINSIDE MAINSIDE MAP 26 27 SAN ONOFRE CENTER MAP 2 1 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 7 ROAD BASILONE 5 8 Gas Station Firestone Complete Auto Care San Onofre Child Development Center Schlotzsky’s Deli / Cinnabon / Carvel lce Cream San Onofre MCX Pass & I.D. Office 4 Interstate 5 9 7 8 9 10 11 11 - Off Ra mp Maui Wowi San Onofre Library Commissary Sonic Drive-In San Onofre Community Center RedBox Movie Rental Kiosk 10 BASILO NE ROA D S N Enter/Exit Gate E W Interstate 5 ROAD BAS ILON E SAN ONOFRE CENTER MAP to L.A. SAN ONOFRE BASE COUPONS 5 $ OFF with any purchase of $50 or more Mainside | Pacific Views | San Onofre Excludes Tobacco & Alcohol. One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 10/31/2014 Logo_Outlined 20 Area Bldg. 202850 San Jacinto Rd., (760) 725-2231 SeaView $1 OFF any Appetizer at Iron Mikes SNCO Lounge or the “O” Bar Lounge $1 OFF any weekly lunch Expires 10/31/2014 Expires 10/31/2014 buffet. From 11am-1:30pm BASE COUPONS 28 BASE COUPONS COMING SOON Expiers 10/31/14 Disclaimer: Not valid if reproduced or printed from website, must be actual ad from phone MCXorMain directory. Present this coupon to receive a free yogurt of equal lesserGate, value.Bldg Valid 2010. at Camp One per customer Pendleton location only. Limit 1 coupon per customer. Cannot beCoupon combined with any other offers. No cash value. © Yogurtland Franchising, Inc. per Expires onExpires October6/30/2013 31, 2014 visit. ® Get a FREE Quarter Pounder Burger of equal or lesser value with purchase of any Quarter ® Pounder Burger Redeemable at: 43 Area McDonald’s®, Camp Pendleton 20 Area McDonald’s®, Camp Pendleton • 22 Area McDonald’s®, Camp Pendleton Valid for product of equal or lesser value. Valid only at participating U.S. McDonald’s®. Prices may vary. Not valid with any other offer, discount, coupon or combo meal. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent Limit one coupon per person per visit. Tax may apply. Price of required purchase posted on menu board. Coupon may not be transferred, auctioned, sold, copied or duplicated in any way or transmitted via electronic media. Valid when product served. May not be valid for custom orders. © 2013 McDonald´s Valid Thru: 10/31/2014 BASE COUPONS 30 BASE COUPONS Open for Breakfast 6:30am Mainside Center (760) 829-1258 Good only at Camp Pendleton Johnny Rockets. Not valid with any other discounts, offers or promotions. Equal or lesser value breakfast entree will be free. One offer per table. No cash value. Offer expires 10/31/14. 1 Large 3 Topping $12.99 Delivery Charge & Handmade Pan may be extra. Exp 10/31/14 Now Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner! 13 Area Mainside Pacific Plaza 20 Area 52 Area 13030 Vandegrift Blvd. 20845 Vandegrift Blvd. 520407 Basilone Rd. SOI (760) 575-9850 (760) 430-7180 (760) 575-9880 BASE COUPONS 32 BASE COUPONS FREE 20oz. Cherry Limeade SONIC has it. OTHERS don’t. San Onofre Area 51, Camp Pendleton (949) 366-6900 Del Mar Area 21, Camp Pendleton Expires 10/31/14 FREE PASTRY Mainside Center Bldg. 15103 (760) 829-1261 with purchase of a large coffee One coupon per Customer. Not valid with any other offer. Coupon Expires on 10/31/2014 BASE COUPONS 34 BASE COUPONS COMING SOON Offer valid after 4pm KIDS EAT FREE with purchase of any adult entrée One free kids meal with purchase of an adult entrée: sandwich, pizza, Pick 2 or salad (not including side or garden salad.) Valid at 51 Area in San Onofre Center. Original coupon only, no photocopies or print outs accepted. Not valid with any other offer. One coupon per purchase. Exclusive of tax and gratuity. Not for sale or resale. Void where prohibited. Cash value 1/100¢. No cash back. Additional exclusions may apply. ©2013 Schlotzsky’s Franchise LLC Expiers 10/31/14 Cannot be combined with any other offer. One coupon per person. Expires 6/30/2013 1 $ OFF any COMBO Meal Including lunch or dinner Mainside Center Bldg. 1101 760-385-9770 Please present this coupon before ordering. Void if altered, copied, sold, exchanged or transferred. One order per coupon. One coupon per customer per visit. Customer must pay any sales tax due. Not good in combination with any other offer. Valid for breakfast, lunch and dinner combos. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. ©2013 Oldemark LLC. Prices may vary. Valid only at 101 Broadway and Camp Pendleton Wendy’s® locations. Offer expires 10/31/14. WEND115-0801_CPN_1Off_MCCSDir.indd 1 WEND115-0801_CPN_1Off_ MCCSDir Aug-13, San Diego Co-op PACIFIC PLAZA Coupon CAMP PENDLETON, (760) 430-7981 LW 3.25" x 2" 4/0 9/5/13 12:00 PM Y N N 100 .125" FREE Grilled Chicken Entrée* Purchase any 2 or 3 entrée plate and receive a FREE* Grilled Chicken Entree *One coupon per person per purchase. Offer not exchangeable. Not valid with any other coupons, discounts, or promotions. No cash value. Valid only at Camp Pendleton Panda Express. Offer valid until October 31 2014. BASE COUPONS 36 BASE COUPONS ONE PRIVATE RIDING LESSON FOR THE GROUP RATE OF $35 For any discipline (Western or English) or any skill level. Includes one hour of private one-on-one instruction and the use of a Stepp Stables lesson horse Bldg 15016 (760) 725-5094 basestables@aol.com Located on Vandegrift Blvd. Near the San Luis Rey Gate NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. COUPON EXPIRES ON 10/31/14 $5 off Any Rental Package (866) 985-4932 www.thepaintballpark.com Located near the San Luis Rey Gate on Vandegrift Blvd Valid Fri-Sun for Walk-On’s only. Can only be used on Packages A-D. Not Valid for Private Group Reservations. May not be combined with any other offer/promotion. Not valid for private groups or Paintball Tickets. Coupon expires 10/31/14 BASE COUPONS 38 BASE COUPONS BASE COUPONS 40 BASE COUPONS FREE Eyeglass Cleaning Cloth with this coupon No Co-payments No Referral Necessary Eye Exams Covered by TRICARE Prime M A I NSIDE 725-6233 PAC IF IC V IE W S MC X 76 3 -1757 One coupon per customer, while supplies last. Expires 10/31/14 3 OFF $ Your Next Oil Change Mainside (760) 725-5525 • Pacific Plaza (760) 430-1837 One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer. Coupon Expires on 10/31/14 $3 OFF Any Service Fee Notary Services Now Available. Mainside Center, Bldg 11002t (760) 385-5200 One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer. Coupon Expires on 10/31/2014 BASE COUPONS 42 BASE COUPONS High Speed Internet is now faster than ever! • Search the Internet, play games, watch movies, share photos and stream music on multiple devices at the same time without losing speed! • FREE cloud storage lets you easily access photos, music and other files—anytime, anywhere. Get up to speed today! 1-855-602-4207 * All prices are subject to applicable state and local taxes and fees and are subject to change. For best performance, use of Cox approved DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem is recommended and may be required. 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Get your best deal online at sprint.com/dod From Newsweek October 22, 2012 © 2012 The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company LLC. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States. Activ. Fee: $36/line. Credit approval req. Early Termination Fee (sprint.com/etf): After 14 days, up to $350/line. Individual-liable Discount: Available for eligible company or org. employees (ongoing verification). Discounts subject to change according to the company’s agreement with Sprint and are available upon request for monthly svc charges on select plans. No discounts apply to second lines, Add-A-Phone lines or add-ons $29.99 or less. Sprint Buyback: Limit of 3 returned devices per active mobile number during one 12 month period. Phone must be deactivated and all personal data deleted before recycling. Device will not be returned. Credit varies depending on phone condition and valuation. Credit applied to store purchase or account within 3 invoices. 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