January 2016 Message - Madison Jewish Center
January 2016 Message - Madison Jewish Center
th 85 JANUARY 2016 TEVET/SHEVAT 5776 Madison Jewish Center SCHEDULE OF SERVICES FOR JANUARY 2016 SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 Candle Lighting Family Service 4:21 pm 7:30 pm Services Jr. Congregation 9:00 am 10:30 am Weekly Portion BO SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 Triennial – Exod 12:29-13:16 Services 15 9:00 am Weekly Portion: SH’MOT Triennial – Exod. 4:18-6:1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 HAFTARAH: Isaiah 27:6-8:13; 29:22-23 ASK THE RABBI FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 Candle Lighting Family Service 4:27 pm 7:30 pm Candle Lighting 4:43 pm EARLY Family Service 7:00 pm BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY SHABBAT TU B’SHVAT SEDER TO FOLLOW WITH THE MADISON YOUTH CHORUS SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 Services Jr. Congregation SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 Services Jr. Congregation HAFTARAH: Jeremiah 46:13-28 HALACHAH FOR THE MONTH 9:00 am 10:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am SHABBAT SHIRAH Weekly Portion B’SHALLAH Triennial - Exod. 14:26-17:16 BIRKAT HaHODESH Weekly Portion: VA’EIRA Triennial - Exod. 8:16-9:35 HAFTARAH: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21 RABBI’S QUIZ FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 Candle Lighting Family Service 4:51 pm 7:30 pm SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 Candle Lighting Family Service HAFTARAH: JUDGES 4:4-5:31 SABBATH STUDY SESSION 4:34 pm 7:30 pm Services 9:00 am Jr. Congregation 10:30 am Weekly Portion: YITRO Exodus 18:1-20:22 HAFTARAH: Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6 RABBI’S SERMON Tel: 718-339-7755 * WWW.MADISONJC.ORG Page Two Madison Jewish Center Rabbi’s Message Article January 2016 By Rabbi Shae J. Kane D.D. While we read in the first paragraph of the Sh'ma every morning and evening, "v'shinantam l'vanecha," "you should teach them [words of Torah] to your children", [the Hebrew word v'shinantam connotes learning by repetition as if cutting one’s teeth and ingesting words of Torah]. Through the act of teaching, we adults can also be stimulated to become learners. In fact, by being engaged in adult learning, we continually send the message to our children and grandchildren that Jewish learning is a lifelong endeavor. I personally found that what I learned beyond the age of Bar Mitzvah further solidified my aspirations to impart our Jewish traditions to the young and the not so young - because I was so stimulated by serious Jewish learning as an adult. Approaching Jewish learning as an adult provides the opportunity to reawaken our childlike curiosity with adult sophistication. When learning a traditional text, the 'how-to' of a new ritual, or the meaning behind a familiar ritual, it is possible to reclaim the Jewish tradition as our own living religious life, and not an antiquated lifestyle irrelevant in today's world. The years leading up to Bar and Bat Mitzvah are a tremendous opportunity for parental (and family) learning. Coming to Shabbat morning services with your pre-Bar or Bat Mitzvah child is an easy entry point into the world of Jewish learning. Take that year to learn more about the structure of the service, congregational melodies, or even how to read Torah or Haftarah. You will gain more from that year, and your child will see that the time before the Bar or Bat Mitzvah ceremony is not a formality, but an actual opportunity for growth. In Pirkei Avot the great sage Hillel teaches us, “Do not say 'I will study when I have time’, for you may not have time." [Avot 2:5] As with anything else that is meaningful in our lives, Jewish growth only occurs when it is a priority. Here are a few suggestions for ways to find more meaning, as an adult, in Jewish life: come to services, but don't just sit there or talk to the person next to you, concentrate on the prayers that are in the Siddur even if it is in English. Each one is there in an order and sequence for a reason. If it generates a question, save it for one of the 'Ask The Rabbi' sessions or speak to me privately. Study some of the commentaries in the Humash during the Torah reading or the Haftarah chanting. Come to our Adult Education classes - you never know what insight we can discover together in one of our stream of conscious tangents during a class. Jewish learning can be both exciting, overwhelming and frightening. So, find a way to take that risk. The risk may not be as great as originally anticipated, but the payoff will be much greater than expected. Find a way—your own way—into Jewish life. It’s not just for kids! madisonjc.org Page Three JANUARY 2016 Greetings everyone and happy secular New Year. Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? I hope you included spending more quality time with family on that list. One way to do that is to attend Shul with your spouse or child. This is, after all, one of the best ways to let your child know that you value Judaism and would like to see it perpetuated. In fact, I would suggest to every woman out there who doesn’t, that you light candles every Friday night. It’s a simple yet extremely meaningful step. I remember my mother, of blessed memory, lighting candles every Shabbat. My wife, Irma, uses the candlesticks of my great grandmother. The entire process and link to the past is very special! Okay, I got that off my chest, now back to the small stuff. Madison Jewish Center celebrated Hanukkah in a big way. In the Haneirot Halalu prayer that we say after lighting the candles there is a reference to “great simhah”. Here at Madison we began with a well attended community rooftop Hanukkiah lighting. That Hanukkiah, by the way, was made by Alan Flash years ago. His son Seth, along with his wife and children, are now members of Madison. Of course, they have always maintained a presence here. Then, Friday evening we enjoyed a sumptuous Shabbat dinner followed by our Madison Youth Chorus led by Arlene Kane. After that performance, the congregants were glowing and beaming like Hanukkah candles. Thank you , Arlene. Our Vodka and Latka dance was a huge success. One of our members won big bucks at the raffle drawing. We’ll surely repeat this in the future. th This month on January 18 , Sisterhood is again having a movie night. This year’s movie is “Fill The Void”, a gripping story of a young betrothed woman who is asked to marry her widowed brother-in-law instead. Don’t miss it. Friday nd evening January 22 at 7 PM is our annual Tu B’Sh’vat Seder. No reservations are needed. You will shortly be getting a notice of a modest yearly dues increase. This was voted on at our last membership meeting. Our membership rolls have been steadily declining so that our income no longer matches our expenses. We haven’t had an increase since 2004. We have had huge deficits for the past several years. As always, if this is a significant hardship to you, speak to our treasurer, Paul, privately. We certainly never turn anyone away because of money. Also, as a cost saving measure we will begin printing a limited amount of the “Message” in house for those of you who do not have computers. The “Message” will be available online in a format that looks just as it does now. Please notify the office of your e-mail address. We have many already but we may not have yours. We will mail a printed version to anyone who wants it. As always, check our website frequently. Here you can keep abreast of our activities and special events. I look forward to seeing you at services. Page Four Madison Jewish Center THE LATEST FROM SISTERHOOD JANUARY 2O16 Last month Sisterhood participated in the annual Hanukkah Vodka and Latka dance on Saturday night, December 5th. It was definitely a fun filled evening! Another popular program is Maj and Mingle, which was held the very next morning on December 6th. This program is the perfect opportunity for those who are interested in learning how to play or simply want to refresh their skills. Thank you Teresa for organizing the program and refreshments. Future dates for Maj and Mingle will be announced via the telephone tree and flyers. Sisterhood will be participating in the inter-affiliate Bingo night this month on Saturday night, January 16th. Monday night January 19th is movie night. We will be showing the movie, ”Fill the Void,” at 7 PM, followed by refreshments. The cost is $5 per person with reservations requested. Flyers will be mailed and refer to the MJC website. Please note that there will be no meeting scheduled for this evening due to the length of the film. Thank you Rachel for organizing the program and obtaining the movie, and thank you Barbara for donating the refreshments. We are planning a February Health Night program on February 29 th with a Yoga instructor. Flyers will be forthcoming. Save the date! We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!!! Harriett Cohen and Shelli Feldman Sisterhood Co-Presidents madisonjc.org Page Five MJC SOCIAL CLUB HAPPENINGS JANUARY 2016 The Social Club has been hard at work planning many exciting events for the coming year. Our annual Vodka and Latka dance, co-sponsored with the Sisterhood, was a huge success. About 100 guests enjoyed tasting vodka, eating latkes, dancing, and socializing. Everyone had a great time. Check the website for photos of the evening. Plans are already in the works for next year. The Share the Pot raffle winners were picked. The first prize winner was our member Ronni Mendelson! A fun night playing Bingo is scheduled for January 16th. Our annual Super Bowl party will take place on February 7 th. The cost is only $20. The annual Purim Masquerade Ball will take place on March 19th. Come in costume and enjoy the festivities. The Social Club Shabbat is on May 14th. The end of the year barbecue is on June 5th. Please mark your calendars and join us as often as you can. You are guaranteed to have a wonderful time. Every member of MJC is also a member of the Social Club. Please take advantage of the many opportunities to spend time with friends. Let’s keep MJC as the center of Egalitarian Conservative Judaism in this part of Brooklyn. Check our website (madisonjc.org), watch for flyers, and check the Message for further information. Reservations for all activities can be made through our email address (info@madisonjc.org) . Ilene Karpas BIKKUR HOLIM 000 Bikkur Holim is still an active part of Madison Jewish Center. If you are homebound or know someone who is homebound, in the check the Message for further information. Reservations for all activities can be hospital or otherwise in need of our services, please call made through our email address (info@madisonjc.org). David Abels @ 645-5804 or the office @ 339-7755 Ilene Karpas Check our website (madisonjc.org), watch for flyers, and check the Message for further information. Reservations for all activities can be made through our email address (info@madisonjc.org). Ilene Karpas Page Six Madison Jewish Center PA NEWS JANUARY 2016 SHALOM PARENTS: Wow I can't believe how the school year is flying by. It's already 2016! I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the P.A. to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2016. Our children, under the direction of Morah Arlene, did a wonderful job at the Hanukkah dinner and concert last month. Thank you for giving us such a lovely evening! Next month we will be starting our annual Miss Chocolate candy sale. We will also be having our third flea market this month, on Sunday January 24th. Thank you to all who support our fund-raising efforts. We really appreciate your support. We couldn't do it without you. We are also still selling gift cards online or you can pick up an order form in the office, whichever you prefer. Thank you for your support! Melanie Green The Parents’ Association Online Gift Cards Are Now Available at M.J.C. through the Parents Association. It is Easy, Fast, and Available all year long! madisonjc.org Page Seven YAHRZEIT – DONATIONS FOR JANUARY 2016 HAVE BEEN MADE BY: Bernice Bender Rita Kaufman Paul Podell Jeffrey Bernstein Judith Korcz Elysa Resnikoff Jon Besunder Zina Lewin Barbara Roff Harriett Cohen Julie Markowitz Eileen Sadof Howard Cohen Ellen Messing Aviva Salner Beatrice Farber Lois Mondschein Ilene Shapiro Fran Futterman Diane Morgan Steven Silverman Elaine Kaner Carolyn Nagourney Myrna Weinberg Jane Kaplan Alex Needelman Lola Zuckerman Ilene Karpas Edith Novikoff Debra Brown THE MESSAGE SERVICE SCHEDULE Published 11 times a year * July/August * 1 issue Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judiasm Friday Evening & Erev Yom Tov………………7:30 PM Saturday Morning & Yom Tov Morning….9:00 AM Weekday Minyanim (Mon. & Thurs.)……..6:45 AM Sunday Morning & Legal Holidays……….…8:30 AM 2989 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-339-7755 * email: info@madisonjc.org Fax: 718-375-2271 Shae J. Kane, D.D. ……………………….……..Rabbi Leslie Rimer……………………..………….…..Cantor Roy Alexander………………..…………….President If you need a Minyan at any other time, please call the office and we will attempt to assemble one. Sisterhood Presidents Harriet Cohen & Shelli Feldman MJC Social Club President Norman Green TEMPLE OFFICE HOURS P.A. President: Steven Green The Synagogue office will be open Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm, Friday 9-12. We are closed on all Jewish and legal holidays. Message Layout Bruce Herman Editorial Staff Rabbi Shae J. Kane D.D. Monique Ander Ellen Green Ilene Karpas Roy Alexander Marlene Podell Page Eight Madison Jewish Center SAVE THE DATE Social Club Saturday, January 16, 2016 Sunday, February 7, 2016 8 pm 6 pm Bingo Super Bowl party and game night (bring your own game) Saturday, January 16, 2016 Monday, January 18, 2016 Sunday, January 24, 2016 Sunday, February 7, 2016 Sisterhood 8 pm 7 pm 10 am 6 pm Bingo Movie Nite Maj and Mingle Maj and Mingle Sunday, January 24, 2016 Parents’ Association 10 am- 4 pm Flea Market Friday, January 22, 2016 Congregation 7 pm Family Service with Madison Youth Chorus Birthday/Anniversary Shabbat TuB’shvat Seder KIDDUSH FUND SPONSORS FOR JANUARY Annual Kiddush Sponsors: Arlene and David Abels Ellen and Max Hamou Cecile Kops Diane and Greg Posniack Barbara and Barry Stein Harriett and Stephen Cohen Monique and Richard Ander Ilene Karpas Barbara and Joseph Kowalski Judy and Max Posniack Terri and Joseph Harary Platinum Kiddush Sponsors: Irma and Roy Alexander Sheila and Bert Goodman Randi and Bruce Herman Beverly and Seymour Hoffnung Helene and Susan Master Bunny and Brian Bender Ellen and Norman Green Marla and Matt Hesse Mady Kiner Marlene and Paul Podell If you would like to be a sponsor, contact: Norman Green (917) 545-4442 • email: emg522@aol.com ` madisonjc.org Page Nine HONOR FUND MAZAL TOV & BEST WISHES To: Vicky & Gary Dreifus A donation has been made in honor of the birth of your granddaughter By: Gina, Lloyd, Matthew & Jake Tuckman Arlene, David & Jonathan Abels To: Kate & Cantor Leslie Rimer A donation has been made in honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary By: Ruth Siegel Judith & Bob Korcz To: Seymour Hoffnung A donation has been made in honor of your 90th Birthday By: Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman To: Hannah Dreifus A donation has been made on the birth of your great granddaughter Cloe By: Linda & Steve Bell Arlene, David & Jonathan Abels Andrew Menkes & Ruth Richards Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman Sheila & Bert Goodman Marlene & Paul Podell Ellen & Norman Green Bunny & Brian Bender Monique & Richard Ander Irma & Roy Alexander Edith Novikoff Judy Posniack Harriett & Stephen Cohen Shelli & Ronald Feldman Diane & Greg Posniack Barbara & Barry Stein To: Harriett & Stephen Cohen A donation has been made on the occasion of your granddaughter Jenna Madison Szczapa receiving the Hebrew name Michal Chaya By: Shelli & Ronald Feldman Sheila & Bert Goodman Ellen & Norman Green Marlene & Paul Podell Irma & Roy Alexander Monique & Richard Ander Bunny & Brian Bender Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman Ruth Rosenberg Linda & Steve Bell Irina Makarovskaya Diane & Greg Posniack To: To: Shelli & Ronald Feldman Barbara & Barry Stein A donation has been made in honor of the Ilene Karpas marriage of your son Michael Arlene, David & Jonathan Abels By: Teresa & Mario Gottesmann Judy Posniack Barbara Roff Ilene Shapiro To: Irene Cimini A donation has been made on the occasion of your retirement By: Teresa & Mario Gottesmann To: Ellen & Norman Green A donation has been made in honor of your grandson Aidan Cohen’s Bar Mitzvah By: Gail Resnick Ruth Siegel Barbara Roff To: Jodie & Matt Cohen A donation has been made in honor of your son Aidan Cohen’s Bar Mitzvah By: Gail Resnick To: Teresa & Mario Gottesmann A donation has been made in honor of the birth Page Ten Madison Jewish Center MEMORIAL FUND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS HAVE BEEN SENT To: Florence Bernstein A donation has been made in memory of your beloved brother-in-law Edward M. Bernstein By: Diane & Greg Posniack To: Susan Weinberg & Family A donation has been made in memory of your beloved husband & father Mark Weinberg By: Marlene & Paul Podell To: Barry Stein & Family A donation grandmother has been made in memory of your beloved mother, grandmother & great grandmother Louise Stein By: Teresa & Mario Gottesmann To: Judy Posniack & Family A donation has been made in memory of your beloved husband, father & grandfather Max Posniack By: Ethel Cohn & Family Teresa & Mario Gottesmann Gail Resnick Barbara Roff To: Sam Mora A donation has been made in memory of your beloved sister Molly Chernofsky To: Greg Posniack & Family By: Marlene & Paul Podell In honor of d Bouillon A donation has been made in memory of your beloved brother & To: Lynda Siegel & Family uncle Max Posniack A donation has been made in By: Gail Resnick memory of your beloved husband, Ruth Siegel father & grandfather Michael Siegel By: Marlene & Paul Podell To: Evan & Kenny Weintraub A donation has been made To: Ruth Siegel in memory of your beloved father A donation has been made in Sam Weintraub memory of your beloved By: Barbara Roff daughter-in-law Dolores By: Barbara Roff madisonjc.org Page Eleven R’FUAH SH’LEIMAH PRAYER DONATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR SPEEDY RECOVERY PRAYERS For: Carla Dargan By: Arlene, David & Jonathan Abels For: Mrs. Esther Lieboff By: Monique & Richard Ander For: Rose Smith By: Ellen & Norman Green Diane & Greg Posniack For: Sheila Goodman By: Marlene & Paul Podell Arlene, David & Jonathan Abels Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman Ellen & Norman Green Ruth Rosenberg Linda & Steve Bell Monique & Richard Ander Irma & Roy Alexander Bunny & Brian Bender Irina Makarovskaya Marilyn & Howard Madans Mona & Glen Ayers Ilene Karpas Barbara & Barry Stein Harriett & Stephen Cohen Shelli & Ronald Feldman Michael Sosin Selma Rovin For: Gail Resnick By: Sheila & Bert Goodman Monique & Richard Ander Ellen & Norman Green Marlene & Paul Podell Ruth Rosenberg Linda & Steve Bell Irma & Roy Alexander Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman Bunny & Brian Bender Ilene Karpas Judy Posniack Arlene, David & Jonathan Abels Diane & Greg Posniack For: Douglas Handler By: Diane & Greg Posniack For: Roberta Bendrihem By: Marlene & Paul Podell For: Roberta Adelson By: Marlene & Paul Podell Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman Personals Mazal Tov to Irma Lifschitz on the marriage of her granddaughter Ilene Bressner to Troy Tamburo and the upcoming marriage of her grandson Jonathan Spiro to Ellen Trapani. Page Twelve Madison Jewish Center 3 7 12 15 16 23 Christina Kushner Anthony Pallone Rita Kaufman Irma Alexander Steven Green Barbara Kowalski 4 9 13 15 16 29 Lois Mondschein Loretta Packer Ruth Rosenberg Babs Dobbs Marla Hesse Barbara Stein If we have misspelled a name, left something out, or have failed In honor of Se in any way to properly acknowledge anyone who should have been acknowledged, please forgive us. Please note that some names may not have not been included. 13 Melanie & Jamie Gioia 16 Marla & Matthew Hesse 31 Jill & Steven Saltzman madisonjc.org Page Thirteen THANK YOU Dear Friends, Thank you all who made donations for a R’fuah Sh’leimah Prayer for my son Andrew for his recent eye surgery. He is recovering. I miss you all. Anyone, who wishes to make a trip to Riverdale, I would appreciate your visit. Fondly, Fran Futterman Thank you all for the generous donations in memory of our mother Sylvia Jaron Marian & Aaron Sloane Thank you everyone for your good wishes and donations for my speedy recovery Sheila Goodman Thank you everyone for your good wishes on the occasion of the birth of our new granddaughter Jane Tova Gottesmann Teresa & Mario Gottesmann In honor of Se Dear friends at MJC, Thank you for all your donations & good wishes for my speedy recovery Gail Resnick To all our Madison family and friends, Thank you with much appreciation for all the donations and good wishes for our new granddaughter Jenna and for the engagement of our son Marc to Sue Wisla. Harriett & Stephen Cohen We want to thank our MJC family for all of their best wishes and donations in honor of our son Michael’s marriage to Michael Rachlis. Shelli and Ronnie Feldman Please give the office your email address if we don't already have it. PERSONALS Page Fourteen Madison Jewish Center TORAH FUND To: Harriett & Stephen Cohen & Family A donation has been made In honor of the Baby Naming of Jenna Madison Szczapa By: Arlene & Rabbi Shae J. Kane & Family To: Robert Harris A donation has been made in memory of your beloved wife, mother & grandmother Ellie Harris By: Marlene & Paul Podell To: Kate & Cantor Leslie Rimer To: Tara & Anthony Allone & Family A donation has been made in honor A donation has been made of your 50th Wedding Anniversary In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of By: Sandy Sharrin Ethan Jack Allone By: Morah Arlene & Rabbi Shae J. Kane In honorTo: of SeIlene Karpas & Family Thank you for your kindness & generosity By: Gail Resnick Congratulations to Dennies Gajadhar on the chanting of the Haftorah -- Well done! Sheila & Bert Goodman Marlene & Paul Podell Ruth Rosenberg Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman Barbara & Barry Stein Ilene Karpas Ellen & Norman Green Irma & Roy Alexander Linda & Steve Bell Monique & Richard Ander Bunny & Brian Bender Judy Posniack Andrew Menkes & Ruth Richards Randi & Bruce Herman madisonjc.org Page Fifteen Beginning next month the Message will be published via email. Please make sure your email address has been given to the office. Those without email addresses will be able to get a copy printed in the office. In honor of Se Page Sixteen Madison Jewish Center In honor of Se madisonjc.org Page Seventeen Page Eighteen Madison Jewish Center January 2016 --- Tevet/Shevat 5776 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Tevet 20 2 Tevet 21 Services 9am Candle Lighting 4:21pm Family Service 7:30pm 3 Tevet 22 4 Tevet 23 5 Tevet 24 6 Tevet 25 7 Tevet 26 8 Tevet 27 Candle Lighting 4:27pm Family Service 7:30pm 10 Tevet 29 11 Shevat 1 12 Shevat 2 Executive Board 7:30pm Board 8pm 13 Shevat 3 14 Shevat 4 Ask the Rabbi 9 Tevet 28 Services 9am Jr. Congregation 10:30am Rabbi Quiz 15 Shevat 5 16 Shevat 6 Candle Lighting 4:34pm Family Service 7:30pm Services 9am Jr. Congregation 10:30am Halachah for the month Bingo 8pm 17 Shevat 7 18 Shevat 8 19 Shevat 9 20 Shevat 10 21 Shevat 11 Sisterhood Movie Nite 7pm 24 Shevat 14 Flea Market 10-4 Maj & Mingle 10-12 31 Shevat 21 25 Shevat 15 26 Shevat 16 Social Club 7:30pm 27 Shevat 17 28 Shevat 18 22 Shevat 12 23 Shevat 13 Candle Lighting 4:43pm Early Family Service 7pm Birthday Anniversary Tu B’Shvat Seder Madison Youth Chorus Services 9am Jr. Congregation 10:30am Shabbath Study Session SHABBAT SHIRAH 29 Shevat 19 30 Shevat 20 Candle Lighting 4:51pm Family Service 7:30pm Services 9am Jr. Congregation 10:30am Rabbi’s Sermon