KOL ISRAEL - Temple Israel
KOL ISRAEL - Temple Israel
The voice of Temple Israel Greater Manchester’s Center for Conservative Jewry Rabbi Eric Cohen, PhD Volume 16, Issue 1, Jan-Feb office@templeisraelmht.org Christine Dame, Office Administrator 66 Salmon Street, Manchester, NH 03104 603-622-6171 In this Issue: Words from the Rabbi ................................................... 1 Schoolhouse News ....................................................... 2 Fresh Voices .................................................................. 2 Donations ....................................................................... 3 Yahrzeits.................................................................. 3 & 4 January Dates ................................................................ 5 February Dates .............................................................. 6 The Mishnah that begins tractate (Talmudic volume) Rosh Hashanah (literally, “New Year”) states: “There are 4 New Years.” It goes on to list these: one is the Rosh Hashanah we all know, the second is the first of Nisan (which is the new year according to the Book of Exodus), the third is the first of Elul which is a new year for calculating temple taxes (kind of like a fiscal new year, or an IRS new year), and the fourth is the new year for trees, Tu BeShvat. (This last one, we will celebrate at the end of January, with a program on the closest Sunday.) What is interesting is that the ancient rabbis do not demand one and only one new year. They recognize that new beginnings are important, but that not all beginnings necessarily coincide. For us, the new years for temple taxes and the one beginning with Nisan have lost much of their significance. There is no longer a temple in Jerusalem, and Passover has long overshadowed other events in the month of Nisan. Perhaps, to our list of new years, we can now add our secular new year: a time for new beginnings, a time to start a new, needed Kol Israel Page 1 Torah Scribe Event .............................................. 7 Elliot Hospital Menorah Lighting ....................... 8 Temple Israel Menorah Lighting ........................ 9 Chanukah Party Photos .................................... 10 Passages ....................................................11 & 12 Upcoming Events .............................................. 12 project, such as a repair or mending. I invite you to start such a project with me: the much needed repair of our Torah scroll. Enclosed in this newsletter is a form that enables each of us to donate for this purpose. The Biblical writers imagined that each of us would write some part of the Torah scroll ourselves. Today, we may translate this into a community initiative focusing on repairing parts of one Sefer Torah (Torah scroll). This is the scroll from which many of our kids will be chanting for their bnei mitzvah. It will be restored so that it may be used for generations to come. Our Sofer (Torah scribe), Rabbi Kevin Hale, showed us the skills and techniques he had to master in order to take on this sacred duty. This was a wonderful and fascinating program! Let’s do our part to support this effort materially, through our donations. Later this spring, or early summer, I look forward to greeting you all on the occasion when the repairs are complete. We’ll have a joyous Torah dedication ceremony! In the meantime, may the secular new year bring you inspiration and perseverance for all your plans and projects. Vol. 16, Issue 1 by Aida Koocher Our Religious School students were treated to a special visiting educator, Mark Lazar, on Sunday Nov. 8. He was very engaging with the children as he shared stories and played games with a Jewish theme, and taught them about our Hebrew calendar. Learning about the calendar teaches us that each moment in our lives is important. Having special visitors enables us to connect with other members of our worldwide Jewish community. All in all, it was a very nice day. Hebrew school students enjoyed learning about the Jewish calendar with educator Mark Lazar on Nov. 8 Second and third graders wrote D'var Torahs and imitation Tallit. Hebrew School students learn about the craft of a Torah scribe with Rabbi Kevin Hale Kol Israel Page 2 Vol. 16, Issue 1 WITH APPRECIATION WE RECOGNIZE YOUR DONATIONS MEMORIAL TZEDAKAH OFFERING Ruth Katz in memory of Ben Perlman & Rose Finn Joyce Levitt in memory of Selia Mushlin Rosenthal Eileen Kope in memory of Selma Chitister Bunny Golder in memory of Richard Golder Robert Thaler in memory of Robert Thaler Gwen Kay in memory of Goldie Wilinsky Marcia Herson in memory of Shelley Herson Bill & Judi Kennedy in memory of Harriet Winthrop Reva Rovner in memory of Vera Rovner Rachel & Mel Spierer in memory of Mary Spierer Lillian Koocher in memory of Paul Weiner Lillian Koocher in memory of Ida Koocher Lillian Koocher in memory of Evelyn Krivitsky Edith & Milt Novak in memory of Abraham Braverman Edith & Milt Novak in memory of Gladys Braverman Carolyn Corliss in memory of Bertha Kniager Carolyn Corliss in memory of Goldie Wilinsky Rosalind Ladd in memory of Nathan Ekman Renee Brenner in memory of Jennie Sidman Harriet Wolinsky in memory of Leon Rosenberg Michele Plotkin in memory of Balfour Z. Plotkin David Plotkin in memory of Balfour Z. Plotkin Tevet 22 Tevet 23 Tevet 24 Tevet 25 Tevet 26 Tevet 27 Tevet 28 Tevet 29 Shevat 2 HAROLD & CHARLOTTE GROSS HEBREW SCHOOL FUND Charlotte & Harold Gross: In honor of Adam Grodman’s marriage In honor of Edith & Milt Novak’s 66th anniversary Edith & Milt Novak In honor of Toni & Bernie Gasser’s 42 nd anniversary In honor of Harold Gross’s birthday In honor of Pam & Steve Saulten’s new home In memory of Arnold Schollnick Roberta Silberberg: In honor of Adam Grodman’s marriage In honor of Joy Sydney In honor of Steve Saulten In honor of Arnold Cohen Louise Allard in memory of Eric Jacobs Shevat 3 Shevat 4 Shevat 5 Shevat 6 Shevat 7 Shevat 8 Shevat 10 Shevat 11 Shevat 12 BRAVERMAN CHANUKAH FUND Shevat 13 Edith & Milt Novak: In honor of Bernice Singer’s new great-grandson Joy & Michael Sydney’s new grandson Beth & Josh Sydney’s new son Shevat 15 Shevat 16 SINGER FAMILY FUND Renee Brenner wishing Joy Sydney a full, speedy recovery Joy & Michael Sydney in memory of Eric Jacobs MANDELL TORAH RESTORATION FUND Carol & Bob Sternberg in honor of Adam Grodman Shevat 17 Shevat 18 Shevat 19 Shevat 20 BARLAND-ZLOTOWICZ LIBRARY FUND Isadora Zlotowicz: In memory of Pearl Ehrlich In memory of Clara Zlotowicz-Bulion In memory of Abraham Barland Kol Israel Tevet 20 Tevet 21 Shevat 21 Page 3 YAHRZEITS – JANUARY 2016 TEVET 20 TO SHEVAT 21, 5776 1 Norman Roth 2 Miriam ? Etta Kruger Beatrice Mallin Benjamin Mallin David Waldman 3 Hilda Citron Sarah Glichouse Hyman Rovner Sadie Silver 4 Eli Cutler Sheldon Ekman Joseph Friedland Nathan Smulian 5 Samuel Charron 6 William Diamond Ida Rudnick 7 Ida Cavall Abraham Golod Murray L. Scharf Rose Tatelman 8 Max Berger Philip Haller Rhoda Richmond Stanley Sydney 9 Martin Bresnick Abraham Holicker Joseph Levine 10 Carl Krensky Abraham Tevelov 12 Fannie Rosen Isaac Rudnick 13 Harry Hoffman 14 Leo Baer Leonard Cohen 15 Hyman Krieger Molly Levin 16 Beatrice Lillian Caras Anna Gorenstein Leon Rosenberg 17 Joel Cohen Sadie Falk Anna Gross Rose Itzkowitz Yetta Myers Bill Plotkin Dr. Robert Weissman 18 Isaac Semiat 20 Edmond Hardoon Harold Landfield 21 Ida Levin Harry Lewis 22 Leon Mandell Mollie Schill 23 Gertrude Plotkin 24 Alice Alterman Hyman Goodman Rea Rubinstein 25 Samuel Cutler Joseph Diamond 26 Dinzie Cutler Shaindel Gilman Elizabeth Lewis Masza Stein 27 Abraham Barland 28 Herbert Hoexter Anna Steinberg David Violette 29 Rosalind Shaer 30 Edith Ellenson Lena Fleischman Joseph Gliserman 31 Sadie Rovner Vol. 16, Issue 1 Shevat 22 Shevat 23 Shevat 24 Shevat 25 Shevat 26 Shevat 27 Shevat 28 Shevat 30 Adar-I 1 Adar-I 2 Adar-I 3 Adar-I 4 Adar-I 5 Adar-I 6 Adar-I 7 Adar-I 8 Adar-I 9 Adar-I 10 Adar-I 11 Adar-I 12 Adar-I 13 Adar-I 15 Adar-I 16 Adar-I 17 Kol Israel YAHRZEITS – FEBRUARY 2016 SHEVAT 22 TO ADAR-1 20, 5776 1 Hyman Gross Leon Rifkin 2 Solomon Bresnick Dora Wexler Dell Joseph Eluto David Landsman 3 Lillian Gruber Theodore Richmond 4 Joseph Cramer Charles Richmond Joseph Roiter 5 Hyman Falk Hillel Perlstein Cyril White Harry Zlotowicz 6 Bertha Bornstein Eva Silberberg Samuel Spector 7 Juliette Barland John Kurtz Lily Kurtz Bella Marmer 9 Goldie Madnick 10 Solomon David Kaplan Ida Novak George Silberberg Herbert Winneg 11 Helen Buckin Lena Hoffman Dr. Harry Press David Schwartz Louis Specter 12 Daniel Myers Ida Resnick Rose Savan Louis Taube Gertrude Weiner 13 Bruce Haller Samuel Hoffman Joseph Levin Louis Lipinsky Harry Specter 14 Efraim Bialo Doris Cohen Nathan Kropp Irving Singer 15 Jacob Klein 16 Charles Elfond 17 Goldie Diamond Samuel Ekman John Siegel Walter Swift 18 Bessie Bresnick Sheldon Krensky 19 Sheldon Goldberg 20 Elliot M. Perlstein Jacob Richmond Saul Silberberg Tseeryl Orblitt Specter George Weiner 21 Diana Braverman Arel Israel Aaron Kamenker Rebecca R. Mushlin 22 Michael "Bernie" Bresnahan Dorothy Saulten Milton Shapiro Meyer Singer Julius Dewey Treisman 24 Jeannette Morganstern Frank Rosenberg Fredric Silberberg 25 David Almekias Kalman Alterman Samuel Resnick Joseph Stein 26 Samuel Katz Adar-I 18 Adar-I 19 Adar-I 20 Adar-I 20 Adar-I 20 Page 4 YAHRZEITS – FEBRUARY 2016 SHEVAT 22 TO ADAR-1 20, 5776 Edith Lipinsky 27 Beatrice Grodman Morris Kniager Chone Litvinchook 28 David Badler Mollie Cutler Ralph Harrison Melvin Thorner 29 Benjamin Morris Cutler Nathan Messenger Israel "Izzy" Schill Vol. 16, Issue 1 Kol Israel Page 5 Vol. 16, Issue 1 Kol Israel Page 6 Vol. 16, Issue 1 Kol Israel Page 7 Vol. 16, Issue 1 Kol Israel Page 8 Vol. 16, Issue 1 Kol Israel Page 9 Vol. 16, Issue 1 Photographs courtesy of David Winthrop Kol Israel Page 10 Vol. 16, Issue 1 Kol Israel Page 11 Vol. 16, Issue 1 Kol Israel Page 12 Vol. 16, Issue 1