by Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman
by Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman
THE JEWISH CENTER OF THE HAMPTONS JANUARY 2013 | 5773 RABBI SHELDON ZIMMERMAN | CANTOR DEBRA STEIN | MICHAEL SALZHAUER, PRESIDENT "A Prayer for Prayer" by Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman “Healing of Soul,” “Healing of Body” from Jewish Lights Publishing O My God My soul's companion My heart's precious friend I turn to You. Table of Contents Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Front Cover Message from our Rabbi Message from our Cantor Rabbi’s Class Schedule Purim Casting Call Bar Mitzvah Augie Schultz Book Club/Rosh Chodesh 8: Religious School 9: Book Club/Rosh Chodesh 10: Snowbird Reception & Rebbe’s Tisch 11: Maureen’s Haven 12: Community Soup Kitchen 13 & 14: Lifecycle Events & Gracious Giving 15: Calendar of Events 16: Back Cover QR CODE Scan the QR Code with your mobile device to join our mailing list. We will email you our new PDA and Smartphone newsletter, upcoming events, news, and more. QR CODE SCAN HERE! I need to close out the noise To rise above the noise The noise that interrupts-The noise that separates-The noise that isolates. I need to hear You again. In the silence of my innermost being, In the fragments of my yearned-for wholeness, I hear whispers of Your presence-Echoes of the past when You were with me When I felt Your nearness When together we walked-When You held me close, embraced me in Your love, laughed with me in my joy. I yearn to hear You again. In Your oneness, I find healing. In the promise of Your love, I am soothed. In Your wholeness, I too can become whole again. Please listen to my call-help me find the words help me find the strength within help me shape my mouth, my voice, my heart so that I can direct my spirit and find You in prayer In words only my heart can speak In songs only my soul can sing Lifting my eyes and heart to You. Adonai S'fatai Tiftach--open my lips, precious God, so that I can speak with You again. Page 2 A Message from our Rabbi One of the very special things that has happened here in East Hampton has been the rejuvenation and renewal of the Clericus, our interfaith ministerial association. It has existed for years and our cantor has been an active member and leader since its inception. But now it has come alive as never before. We have been actively involved with the leadership (professional and volunteer) of the town’s school board on issues of discrimination, prejudice, gay-bashing etc. A major breakthrough came at a meeting here at the JCOH with the Superintendent, HS Principal and Chair of the School Board. We were involved in the community memorial for those who died in the Newtown school tragedy. Hundreds of community members stood with us at the Hook Mill as we together recited prayers, heard the names called and lit candles. In addition we have decided to become more active as advocates for action on gun control and mental health coverage and assistance. Our good friend Msgr. Don Hanson, who also chairs the Clericus, sent this pastoral letter out to his congregation and I received his permission to share it with you. Debi and I share it with you in the hope that we can put an end to the madness as a religious community of communities. Letter from Fr. Don Hanson of Most Holy Trinity Now is the Time I am writing my letter a week prior to this bulletin and within a week of the Connecticut School shootings. I spent most of yesterday working with my colleagues in the East Hampton Clericus to prepare a memorial service which took place a week ago at the Memorial Park at Hook Mill. All of us, clergy and laity together, are trying to come to grips with what has happened. We try to understand it, to mourn, and most all to think what we could do so that mass shootings can be prevented for the future. The issue of gun control has been a taboo subject. The aggressive stance of the National Rifle Association has been frankly intimidating. Wrapping themselves in the flag of patriotism, they persistently oppose gun control, which they vigorously denounce as unpatriotic and an abridgement of civil rights. Regrettably, the Supreme Court has supported the contention that the second amendment of the Constitution enshrines an individual right and not tied to the “well regulated militia” which the text of the Constitution references. All kinds of sophist slogans have been thrown up to “disarm” the proponents of better gun control. You’ve heard them. “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.” “If citizens don’t have guns, only criminals will have them.” The pressure brought to bear on politicians has cowed many of them into submission. They are rated and significant amounts of money are directed against any who do not tow the NRA line. I have been cowed too. Not seeking to be divisive or controversial, and avoiding overt words which could be construed (or made to seem) partisan political, I have kept silence. I cannot do that anymore. For me this is an ethical issue. This is a “Right to Life” issue. I do not have any problem with hunters or target shooters. There may be individuals who need protection with a personal weapon. But I cannot see why anyone would need a military assault rifle. I cannot see why gun show purchases should not be regulated. I do not understand why criminal background checks are not a universal requirement and databases are not routinely, and extensively shared by law enforcement agencies nationwide. The opposition to all of these practical measures seems to me unreasonable and indeed, fatal. If you go on the website of the Centers for Disease Control you will see that more than 10,000 individuals are killed each year in our country by injuries sustained through firearms. That is way more than the death toll of our military serving in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Some of the strongest backers of gun control legislation are law enforcement officials, especially in urban centers. Let us listen to and support them. Another aspect is mental health care for vulnerable people. I do not wish to stigmatize the mentally ill. Only a tiny fraction of troubled people act out in a violent way. But clinics and other care options are generally among the first to be cut in hard economic times. This is a “Right to Life” issue too. There are many complexities in framing policies which can help limit deaths from gun violence. I do not pretend to have a simple solution. But there are many talented and brilliant people-government officials, legal experts, social scientist and like-who have a contribution to make to this uniquely opportune moment. The rest of us, or most of us, have common sense. Let’s use it, for God’s sake. Let us not let this moment pass, and through a chosen forgetting of so many painful deaths, let it slip away from us. It cannot be that we love our guns more than we love our children. Page 3 A Message from our Cantor In past years here at the Jewish Center, the month of January was a quiet month, a time when we would anticipate a drop in our attendance both at services and in religious school. But while we now experience a slight dip, we are still a vibrant congregation, with much going on, and well attended Shabbat morning services. This year for the first time in my years here at the JCOH, we will be celebrating a Bar Mitzvah in January, on Shabbat Shira, the Sabbath of Song. Shabbat Shira is celebrated on the Sabbath of the Torah portion B’shalach read this year the last week in January. Included is the chanting of the “Song of the Sea”, which tells the story of the crossing of the Red Sea. From the second book of the Torah, Exodus, Chapter 15, verses 1-18, it is a story of victory and praise. Originally believed to have been chanted as a response, some say Moses leading the men, and Miriam leading the women. If you listen carefully to the chanting, you will hear the familiar words of the Mee Chamocha. There is a special Shira cantillation which the reader uses which takes us from Shabbat cantillation to a beautiful melody. There are different traditions for singing the Shir melody, the Eastern European one that we use here at the Jewish Center, the Spanish Portuguese one that we heard last year sung by myself and our congregant Cathy Yohay, and even a Yemenite tradition. The Haphtarah for this Shabbat is also in poetry form, and is the Haphtarah from the book of Judges which contains the shir Devorah the song of Deborah. Deborah is one of the few women to be called a prophet in the Bible. Miriam was another one of the female prophets, so on this Shabbat, we recall two women who helped to secure the future of the Israelites, and the Jewish religion. There are those who want to believe that Judaism is a patriarchal religion, which has long suppressed women. I am one who says that if we dig into our history, we will find that women were given an important role in the formation of Judaism. We only need to reclaim what was once ours, through the many doors that are now open to us. B’shira Fun Facts for January……………...Did you know? Hayyim Nachman Bialik, Hebrew Poet, born January 9,1873 First printing of the Pentateuch January 23, 1492 The Federation of Jewish Farmers of America founded January 20, 1909 State of Israel held the first Knesset elections January 25, 1949 Page 4 RABBI ZIMMERMAN’S CLASSES – JANUARY 2013 All those who are unable to join us in East Hampton, can now participate in Rabbi Zimmerman’s classes through Skype. For more information please contact Nicole at 631-324-9858 or Monday – 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. A study of the second Book of Kings in Hebrew Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary Dates: January 28 Tuesday – 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Class in NYC A Study in Jewish Philosophy - Lunch & Learn Place: New York City (Please RSVP to Ellie at ) Dates: January 29 Wednesday – 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Zohar Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary Dates: January 23, 30 Friday – 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary Dates: January 25 & February 1 Friday – 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. The Prophets Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary Dates: January 25 & February 1 Join Rabbi’s new class beginning in February! Rabbi Zimmerman’s Saturday morning Study Group will resume in February with the book, “The Essential Kabbalah” by Daniel Matt. Books are available for purchase at the JCOH office for $13 Page PURIM 2013 JEWISH CENTER OF THE HAMPTONS NOT YET READY FOR BROADWAY PLAYERS Cast Call—Calling All Singers IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SINGING IN OUR PURIM SCHPIEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2013 PLEASE CONTACT OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, DIANE WIENER AT DIRECTOR@JCOH.ORG Page 6 Snowbird Reception/Rebbe’s Tisch Please Join Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman & Cantor Debra Stein at our Snowbird Reception Sunday, January 20, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Temple BethAm 2250 S. Central Blvd. Jupiter, Florida Please contact the JCOH Office with your RSVP by January 14th. Phone: 631.324.9858 or Email: Save the Date! Rebbe’s Tisch Hosted by Rabbi & Judy Zimmerman Friday, January 25, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Social Hall Please join us for a Shabbat evening service, dinner, songs, prayers, Torah and friendship. We look forward to a special Shabbat experience together! There will be no charge for the meal. (Space is Limited) An RSVP is required to 631.324.9858 or by Wednesday, January 23, 2012. Page 7 Bar Mitzvah/Book Club/Rosh Chodesh Augie Schultz Bar Mitzvah Saturday, January 26, 2013 during Shabbat Services For my Mitzvah project I would like to donate sporting goods to the less-fortunate, specifically to people who have been effected by Hurricane Sandy. I will be collecting sporting goods in a box at the Jewish Center of the Hamptons, so please bring in gently used cleats, bats. shoes. rackets, etc. this winter if possible. I chose this Mitzvah project because I myself am an athlete, sports fanatic, and I like helping others enjoy sports. Augie Schultz The JCOH Book Group will meet next on Monday, January 14th at 12:00 pm, in the small Sanctuary. Discussion Leader: Charlotte Sasso The title of the book is The Patrick Melrose Novels by Edward St. Aubyn Book Synopsis: Follows the life of Patrick Melrose, a member of an upper class English family, through his traumatic childhood with an abusive father, drug addiction, fatherhood, and the possible loss of his family home. Rosh Chodesh Monday, January 14th at 1:30 pm Join us for our monthly Women's Spiritual Rosh Chodesh group Rosh Chodesh is a women’s spiritual group led by Cantor Stein and Educator Shelley Lichtenstein. Rosh Chodesh is the first day of every month in the Jewish calendar. It is marked by the appearance of the New Moon. Page 8 Religious School Pre-K -1st Grade's Visit to Cantor Stein's Study This past month, our PreK-1st Grade students and their teacher, Wendy Graney, visited Cantor Stein in her study on a Sunday morning, They were amazed to see her colorful and extensive collection of kippot (yamelkes).In fact, they were so inspired that when they went back to their classroom, they designed their own kippa to take home! Cantor Stein shared her many musical instruments with our younger students and even taught them how to blow a shofar. The students had fun trying to play the various instruments. Cantor also shared a precious miniature 5 Books of Moses which was her grandfathers. This was a very special time for our young students. Our thanks to Cantor Stein for the interesting visit! Reading together! Our 5th grade students joined together with our PreK-2nd grade students to read Chanukah books. The time spent together was so meaningful that we will plan another time for our 5th grade students to read to our younger students. SAVE THE DATE! PTA Annual Ice Skating Party Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 12:15pm Additional details to follow. Page 9 Religious School/Youth Group Dear Youth Group Parents, Many of you know our faculty member Diane Shifman. She has taught in both the Jewish Center of the Hamptons as well as Templae Adas Israel for the past few years. We are excited to tell you that Diane will be taking on the leadership of our Junior and High School Youth Groups. Junior Youth Group Sunday, January 5th, 12:15-1:30pm Social Action Activity Maureen's Haven Shelter at the Jewish Center of the Hamptons Our Youth Group members will help set up beds for the guests, set the table, and bake cookies. The Jewish Center of the Hamptons hosts guests in the shelter every Saturday evening, November - March. High School Youth Group Come and join Mike Fuld, the NY Regional Director of Youth Engagement for the North American Federation of Temple Youth to learn more about NFTY, the Youth Movement for Reform Jewish high school students. As the NY Regional Director, Mike works with congregations to help teens find fun, exciting and meaningful ways to engage in Jewish life. He’ll spend some time chatting with teens and parents about how Adas Israel and the Jewish Center of the Hamptons can get connected with the great programming that’s happening for Jewish teens throughout New York and around the country. Sunday, January 27th 10:45-11:15am PARENT Meeting with Mike Fuld, Regional Director of Long Island NFTY 11:15-12:15pm TEEN Meeting with Mike Fuld JCOH/Temple Adas Israel (TAI) Youth Group and Social Action The TAI and JCOH Youth Group took a field trip to New York City on December 2nd to participate in the NFTY (National Reform Movement's Youth Group) Social Action Meeting. The NFTY Youth Group is fully organized and run by teens throughout the area. The teens organized the event, arranged for social action group activities, led each group all day. This event was located at Temple Emanuel in New York City. Approximately 115 kids between the ages of 13 and 18 met in their meeting hall and participated in group learning experiences: crafts to cheer up hospital patients, food stamp programs, sandwich, cookie, and brownie making, and putting together fleece blankets, to name a few activities. They also had the opportunity to meet one another and learn about what youth groups in the New York City, Long Island, and Westchester County areas are up to. This was a meaningful day for all! Page 10 Our JCOH Community Being part of the JCOH synagogue family means opening our hearts to the joys of every member of our synagogue community. By doing so, we enhance our connection with each other and strengthen our commitment to lead Jewish lives. At Shabbat services, birthday and anniversary celebrants are offered aliyot, and birthday and anniversary cards are mailed out filled with our wishes for blessings in the year to come. Please help us to strengthen our connection by providing us with dates of birthdays and anniversaries on a short membership update form available on our website at, or by calling the office at 631-324-9858. Our sacred relationships provide us the opportunity to celebrate the simchas in our lives together. B’Shalom, Diane Wiener, Executive Director This report is the outgrowth of a partnership between the Jewish Center of the Hamptons, through the generous donation of one our members, and Amber Waves Farm. Below is the report for the first five weeks of the Farm to Food Pantry Program. Food delivered to the East Hampton Food Pantry and Springs Food Pantry (November 14 - December 12) Total pounds: 4,100 Items delivered: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, winter squash, kale, and cabbage. Average price per pound: $1.30 Thank you so much for your support! Sincerely, Katie Baldwin & Amanda Merrow Page 11 Maureen’s Haven VOLUNTEER! •Help others • Have fun • Get connected• You have the power to help people in your community. As a volunteer, you can make a difference. Maureen’s Haven November through March on Saturday nights we need volunteers to help us cook, clean, prep, and sleep over at our homeless shelter, which is set up at 30 Woods Lane. If you can donate your time, please visit the JCOH Lobby to sign up or e-mail the cantor at Maureen’s Haven needs your help the following Saturdays: January 12th January 26th February 9th February 23rd March 9th March 23rd Page 12 COMMUNITY SOUP DINNERS BE A VOLUNTEER! JCOH is involved in several food pantries and soup kitchens on the east end. We are always looking for volunteers, and food donations. Labeled brown grocery bags are in the Jewish Center foyer--you can fill them with non-perishable food and bring them back. We will distribute everything to food pantries and shelters throughout the East End. FREE COMMUNITY SOUP DINNERS Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Where: 77 Buell Lane, East Hampton Most Holy Trinity Parish Hall 4:00-5:00pm Set up 5:00-7:00pm Dinner 7:00-7:30pm Clean Up Home made baked goods needed. Please drop off at JCOH office or at Most Holy Trinity on the day of the dinner. For more information or to volunteer please contact our Director of Education, Shelley Lichtenstein at(631)324-9858 ext 206 Sponsored by the East Hampton Clericus Page 13 Lifecycle Events Happy Birthday! Yom Huledet Same'ach! Lisa Borenstein Murray Bring Roland Chemtob Herbert Clark Evelyn Cohen Deanna Elkowitz Lloyd Elkowitz Herbert Folpe Sima Freierman Frieda Furman Judith Garson Bettina Goren Wendy Graney Bernard Grobart Michael Grotell Robert Gussin Eugene Haber Michael Himelfarb Bonnie Jacobson Harry Katz Lisa Kiss Rachel Lehmann Marilyn Linder Morris Mark Audrey Morgan Daniel Neidich Neal Nelson Samuel Perelson Joshua Resnick Jeffrey Rimland Marshall Rose Nanette Rosenberg Andrew Saunders Michael Schleiff David Schulhof Philip Schultz Lauren Schwartz Stanley Sher Harvey Silverman Jeffrey Szymanski Elliott Taradash Robert Vogel Larry Wartur Joel Weinstein Irving Weinstein Ellen Weisburd Joel Wintner George Yates Please let the Jewish Center office know of any lifecycle events such as joyous occasions, illnesses or deaths so that our Rabbi, Cantor, staff, and congregation can respond appropriately. Happy Anniversary! David and Doris Charney Martin and Jean Forman Mark and Dena Hirsch Judah and Marie Klausner Philip and Monica Schultz Mazel Tov to Traci Wallack and Sari Brownstein on their wedding which took place in East Hampton. Augie Schultz and his family on the occasion of Augie’s becoming a Bar Mitzvah All in the Family If you would like the name of your loved one on our list, please email or call the Jewish Center office at 631-324-9858. In Memoriam… The Jewish Center family extends its heartfelt sympathy to the grieving families. Marty Mordechai Popofsky Ruth Lisbeth Holmes Ellen Breitbart Edith Moss Irene Jacob Doris Golden Laurier La Pierre Felice Neuwirth Amnon Lipkin-Shakah Healing Wishes….. NOTE: We began our Healing List anew with the New Year 5773. If you would like the name of your loved one on our list, which is read during Saturday morning Shabbat service, please email or call the Jewish Center office at 631-324-9858. Bequesting It’s never too late! Please remember JCOH in your will, trust or estate plans. Your future gift will help ensure our future. Dedicate a Prayer Book Take this opportunity to dedicate a prayer book in honor of a loved one, to celebrate a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one. To make a donation or dedicate a prayer book, visit our website at or call the Jewish Center at 631-324-9858. Page 14 Yahrzeits/Gracious Giving The departed live on in the hearts of those who cherish their Memory. Isaac Abramowitz Warren Abrams Sidney Ackerman Janice Adelson Lizanka Albukrek Marvin Asrak Beverly Baxter Alfred Berman Nathan Blonstein Robert Brill Max Brownstein Jerome Bueler Harold Burg Louis Butler Andrew Cohen Richard Collier Stella Cooper Peter Copeland Stella Cukier Joseph Durst Jack Dyer Hilda Eisenberg Gladys Feigenbaum Irving Fein Daniel Feinstein Victor Finkelstein Morris Folpe Samuel Frohman Jean Fuchs Arthur Gabriner Betty Gammon Paul Glimcher Louis Goldman Barbara Goldner Meer Tillie Greenberg Nancy Greenberg Polly Grotell James Heller Miriam Herman Paul Johann Paul Kanter Julian Knaster Michael Knigin Marion Knigin Sally Kohn Joseph Kraisky Patricia Lawall Harvey Leopold Ida Lewis Louis Leyner Joe Lulla Ben Lustig Joel Margareten Evelyn Melnick Elizabeth Menchel Miriam Menin Gertrude Olshan Sylvia Oppenheim Robert Oppenheimer Ben Overman Theodore Pearle Abe Perlmuter Charlotte Peters Paul Pickerelli Hana Pilcz Anne Plesser Harry Poskar Esther Rehner Charles Rehner Belle Rindner Fred Roth Fred Roth Murray Schlein Albert Shapiro Ethel Silverman Jacob Simon Lena Sklerov Chana Slotnick Leo Solomon Sara Sotto Irma Stebins Edward Stern Judith Sullivan Sylvia Swerdlick Laurence Taradash Solomon Testa Ruth Vogel Ira Wallach Wendy Wasserstein Edward Wiener Gertrude Wolfson Miriam Zeldin Anne Zimmerman Louis Zuckerman Yarhzeit Donations Ruby Jackson and Allan Kronzek In Memory of Stanley Weiss Judith and Stuart Mencher In Memory of Stanley Weiss Cemetery Fund Andrew Sabin In Honor of Rabbi Zimmerman, Cantor Debra Stein and Executive Director, Diane Wiener Gloria and Roger Lang General Donations In Memory of Claire and Henry Lang Ed, Mark and Susan Abrahams In Honor of Arlene Brodsky’s birthday Dorothy Kornblith and Torah chanting. In Memory of Nathan Knee Maureen Goldberg In Memory of Stanley Weiss Judy Springer General Donation Mina Seeman In Memory of Ester Wagman Shirley Shacknai Freedman In Honor of Amanda and Michael Salzhauer James Bauer In Memory of Gertrid S. Bauer Barry Wien General Donation Paula and Howard Balgley In Memory of Ruth Balgley Richard Adrian Donation to the Chanukah Appeal Ellin and Ronald Delsener In Memory of Ethel Klein Delsener Barbara Braun Donation to the Chanukah Appeal Shelley Lichtenstein In Memory of Stanley Weiss Emmanuelle and Matthew Slossberg Donation to the Religious School PTA Carrie and Paul Rinaldi In Memory of Stanley Weiss Lynn and Stuart Epstein Donation to the Chanukah Appeal Lotte Gardner and Michael Schleiff In Memory of Oscar Schleiff Ivy Winick Donation to the Chanukah Appeal Arlene Altman In Memory of Doris Fein Martha and Herman Goldberg In Honor of their 57th Wedding Anniversary Martha and Herman Goldberg In Memory of Sandy Hook, CT Victims And In Memory of Felice Neuwirth Jane Ellen and David Gerstein Donation to the Chanukah Appeal Bonnie Salkind In Memory of David A. Salkind Charlotte Schwartz In Memory of Jacob Simon Cantor’s Discretionary Mark and Beth Abrahams In Honor of Arlene Brodsky’s 80th birthday Anita K. Hersh In Memory of Stephanie and Jack Hersh Rabbi’s Discretionary Toni Somerstein General Donation Shirley Shacknai Freedman In Honor of Rabbi Zimmerman Lawrence W. Pierce In Memory of Stanley Weiss Dorothy Freedman General Donation January 2013 Tevet – Shevat 5773 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Tevet 19 JCOH Calendar Wednesday 2 Tevet 20 Thursday 3 Tevet 21 Friday 4 Tevet 22 Religious School 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM Torah Study following Services and Kiddush 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Shabbat Services 6:30 PM 7 Tevet 25 8 Tevet 26 Religious School 9:15-12:15pm 5 Tevet 23 Shabbat Services 10:00 AM JCOH Administrative Office Closed for New Year’s Day! 6 Tevet 24 Saturday 9 Tevet 27 10 Tevet 28 11 Tevet 29 10:00—12:00pm Religious School Shabbat Services 12 Shevat 1 Shabbat Services 10:00 AM Religious School 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM Torah Study following Services and Kiddush 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Junior Youth Group 12:15 - 2:00 PM Cook for Maureen’s Haven Shabbat Services 6:30 PM 13 Shevat 2 Religious School 9:15-12:15pm 12:15pm PTA Ice Skating Party 14 Shevat 3 15 Shevat 4 Book Club 12:15 PM 16 Shevat 5 17 Shevat 6 18 Shevat 7 19 Shevat 8 Shabbat Services 10:00 AM Religious School 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM Torah Study following Services and Kiddush 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Rosh Chodesh 1:30 PM Shabbat Services 6:30 PM 20 Shevat 9 21 Shevat 10 NO SCHOOL JCOH Closed in observance of Martin Luther King Day Snowbird Reception 10:00 AM Florida 22 Shevat 11 23 Shevat 12 24 Shevat 13 25 Shevat 14 ZOHAR Class 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Religious School 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM The Prophets 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Shabbat Services 6:30 PM 26 Shevat 15 Shabbat Services 10:00 AM BAR MITZVAH AUGIE SCHULTZ Torah Study following Services and Kiddush 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Rebbe’s Tisch 6:30 PM (Social Hall) 27 Shevat 16 28 Shevat 17 29 Shevat 18 30 Shevat 19 Religious School 9:15-12:15pm Study of the second Book of Kings 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM A Study in Jewish Philosophy (Lunch & Learn) NYC 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM ZOHAR Class 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Religious School 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM 31 Shevat 20 THE JEWISH CENTER OF THE HAMPTONS 44 Woods Lane - P.O. Box 5107 East Hampton, NY 11937 Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman Cantor Debra Stein President Michael Salzhauer Vice Presidents Mitchell Iden Carole Olshan Carol Wenig Treasurer Stanley Baumblatt Secretary Charlotte Sasso Board of Trustees Immediate Past President Harry A. Katz Hirschel B. Abelson Peter Berley Sara Blue Barbara Braun David Gerstein Kenneth Gilman Robert Gilman Marc Goldstein Mara Landis Arthur Malman Andrea Olshan Jeffrey Rimland Carol S. Roaman Nanette Rosenberg Bruce Saber Pierre Schoenheimer Steven P. Schwartz Nancy Wintner Shabbat Services: (Equipped for the hearing impaired) Office Hours: Fridays, 6:30 p.m. Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. Followed by Kiddush and Torah Study Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Past Presidents C. Leonard Gordon Linda Heller Kamm Morris L. Kramer Donald Zucker Betty L. Marmon, z”l Joseph Oppenheimer, z”l Honorary Trustees Howard Lutnick Morton Olshan Co-Chairmen Arnold M. Amster Peter D. Brown Jane H. Goldman Steven Roth Sheldon Solow Founders Evan M. Frankel, z”l Jacob Kaplan, z”l Irving Markowitz Bernard Zeldin Executive Director Diane Wiener Director of Education Shelley Lichtenstein Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman x 204 Nicole Anderson x 201 Cantor Debra Stein x 205 Ellie Baumrind x 212 Diane Wiener x 203 Amy O’Sullivan x 202 Shelley Lichtenstein x 206 Nicholas Ward Office Directory: Phone: 631-324-9858 Fax: 631-329-6654 Emergency: 631-478-2857 Website: