the jewish center of the hamptons


the jewish center of the hamptons
FEBRUARY 2013 | 5773
Being part of a synagogue family provides us with the unique
opportunity to mark time Jewishly – to celebrate Jewish holidays and
festivals that tell the unfolding story of our people and our heritage.
Table of Contents
Front Cover
Purim Spiel
Rabbi’s Classes
Camp Karole
Share the Joy/Book Club/
Rosh Chodesh
6 & 7: Maureen’s Haven
8: Religious School Discount Card
9: Purim Carnival
10: Bar Mitzvah of Jake Gothelf
11: Mitzvah Project
12 & 13: Religious School
14: Our Community
15: Community Soup Dinners
16: Yahrzeit/Gracious Giving
17: Gracious Giving/
18: Life Cycle Events
19: Calendar of Events
20: Back Cover
Scan the QR Code with your mobile
device to join our mailing list. We will
email you our new PDA and Smartphone
newsletter, upcoming events, news, and
This month we join together for the festive holiday of Purim. Based on
the biblical Book of Esther, Purim is the story of Queen Esther and
how she saved the Jews from annihilation. The villain of the story is
Haman, who cast the “pur”, or lot, against the Jews, but failed to
destroy us. Though it is considered a minor festival, we rejoice in the
historical significance of the Jewish survival against all odds.
We hope you will join us on Saturday night, February 23rd when we
will mark time Jewishly with a thankful and joyous celebration of
Purim and our people’s survival with song, interspersed with verses
from Megillat Esther, the book of Esther.
For many years now, even before coming to the JCOH, I have
enjoyed creating Purim Schpiels based on popular Broadway hits we all
know and love. They are performed by congregants, who have the
opportunity to explore their thespian within. This year we will perform
the music from Grease to tell our story. The music should all be
familiar to you; the lyrics are changed to tell the story of Purim.
The evening promises to be a true affirmation of the family and
community connection we share here at the Jewish Center of the
Hamptons. I hope you will join us, either as a volunteer performer, or
as an audience member, the choice is yours, but we look forward to
seeing you and celebrating Purim together.
Chag Purim Sameach,
Diane Wiener
See Next Page for more information on Purim
Page 2
PURIM 2013
Join the JCOH Purim celebration beginning
on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
On Saturday, February 23rd, the evening will begin
at 6:00 p.m. with Havdallah, followed by
our Purim Spiel, “Schmaltz!”
(A takeoff on the ever-popular “Grease”)
with readings from Megillat Esther.
A chocolate reception at 8:00 p.m. will conclude the evening.
Page 3
February 2013
All those who are unable to join us in East Hampton,
can now participate in Rabbi Zimmerman’s classes through Skype.
For more information please contact Nicole at 631-324-9858 or
Monday – 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
A study of the second Book of Kings in Hebrew
Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary
Dates: February 4, 11, 25
Tuesday – 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Class in NYC
A Study in Jewish Philosophy - Lunch & Learn
Place: New York City (Please RSVP to Ellie at the JCOH Office for location )
Dates: February 5, 12, 19, 26
Wednesday – 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary
Dates: February 6, 13, 20 (No Class on February 27th)
Friday – 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary
Dates: February 1, 8, 15, 22
Friday – 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Book of Ecclesiastes
Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary
Dates: February 1, 8, 15, 22
Saturday– 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m..
Rabbi Zimmerman’s Study Group - “The Essential Kabbalah” by Daniel Matt
Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary
Dates: February 2, 9, 16, 23
Saturday – Torah Study Following Services and Kiddush
Place: JCOH Small Sanctuary
Dates: February 2, 9, 16, 23
Page 4
Page 5
Share the Joy/Book Club/Rosh Chodesh
Many of you met our guests from Israel a year and a half ago, Million Wubagegegne and her
father Gobeze.
Gobeze had been a part of the initial rescue of Ethiopian Jews and he himself had walked
through the Sudan suffering greatly before getting to Israel. He attended Leo Baeck
Academy in Haifa and then graduated from the Technion the first Ethiopian Jew ever to
graduate from the Technion, and also as an engineer. His daughter Million was the first
child of an Ethiopian Jew who attended Leo Baeck Academy (second generation).
We received the following note from Gobeze. “We’re fine. Million successfully
graduated. She is coming to do national service in Chicago in the Jewish community”!
We are witnesses to and participants in this great miracle of our people and of the rescue of
Ethiopian Jewry. What a joyous moment! Mazal tov to Million and her family. With all the
turmoil in this world of ours SHARE THE JOY of the miracle of survival and existence.
Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman
Page 6
Maureen’s Haven
On behalf of all our guests at Maureen’s Haven, we want to thank the JCOH
Religious School children, faculty, Junior Youth Group and Shelley for helping to
coordinate and prepare a wonderful dinner for us at our shelter on January l2th.
The dinner began with a delicious vegetable soup which warmed our guests after a
day out in the cold. The main course, chicken cutlets, was generously donated by a
member of the JCOH who wanted to help make a difference at the shelter, and help
feed our guests. Then the religious school made all of our side dishes: potatoes, peas
and carrots, a beautiful salad and garlic bread. Desserts included homemade
chocolate chip muffins, brownies and cheese cake, to finish off a perfect meal.
A special thanks to Ariana and Nancy DeMattei and Ava and Lazlo Kiss for working
so hard setting up our home.
Each week that the Jewish Center hosts Maureen’s Haven, we are blessed to have
congregants who volunteer their time and their talents and cook for our guests.
Once each winter, our youngest congregants, our school and youth group take on the
task, and learn just how rewarding it can be to do a mitzvah.
We are blessed to have such a committed group of volunteers at the Jewish Center of
the Hamptons, who truly understand the importance of caring for those who are less
With gratitude,
Cantor Stein
Sara Blue
Dafna Priel
Leslie Gelb
Page 7
Maureen’s Haven
•Help others • Have fun • Get connected•
You have the power to help people in your community.
As a volunteer, you can make a difference.
Maureen’s Haven
February through March on Saturday nights we need volunteers to help us
cook, clean, prep, and sleep over at our homeless shelter, which is set up at
30 Woods Lane. If you can donate your time, please visit the JCOH Lobby to
sign up or e-mail the cantor at
Maureen’s Haven needs your help the following Saturdays:
February 9th
February 23rd
March 9th
March 23rd
Page 8
JCOH Religious School PTA Fundraiser
JCOH Discount Card
*Agave—Now Mercado (Same Owners)
We are very excited and proud to introduce for the first time at the JCOH Religious School our amazing
fundraising JCOH Discount Card 2013 which features sixteen local businesses from Montauk to
Riverhead, offering discounts on meals, products and services to all cardholders for an entire year. The
PTA has worked diligently to put together a card that is so dynamic and fits the needs of all our families
and friends in our congregation and community.
Credit Card: Minimum purchase 2 cards $20.00
Address____________________________________Zip Code(Required)_________
Order form w/payment may be dropped off or
mailed to:
Shelley Lichtenstein, Director of Education
The Jewish Center of the Hamptons
JCOH Religious School
44 Woods Lane, East Hampton, NY 11937
Or Faxed to 631.329.6654:
Shelley Lichtenstein, Director of Education
# Of Discount Cards ________________ Amount:___________________
Exp. Date____________Signature_________________________
Please make checks payable to
Check The Jewish Center of the Hamptons.
For any questions or additional information,
please contact Sara Blue - or
Shelley Lichtenstein - or 631.324.9858
Page 9
Purim Carnival
The Jewish Center of the Hamptons
invites you to celebrate
Our Annual Children’s Purim Celebration
Sunday, February 10, 2013
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Carnival Games
Entrance Fee: Can of food & $5.00
Talent Show
Arts & Crafts
Food For Sale
Costume Parade
& Prizes
Page 10
Bar Mitzvah
Jake Gothelf Bar Mitzvah
Saturday, February 2, 2013
during Shabbat Services
I’m Jake Gothelf, and my Bar mitzvah will be on February 2nd, 2013,
which is on my 13th birthday. To me, it’s important to become a Bar
Mitzvah, because it’s a chance to read and understand the teachings God
has given us, centuries before me. My Torah portion is called “Yitro”
which means Jethro in Hebrew. Jethro was Moses’ father in law, and he
helped Moses bring order and structure to the Israelites after they came
out of Egypt. That’s only one part of my Torah portion. My Torah portion
is about Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt. There is first chaos, and no order. Moses tries to
solve disputes between each other, but it is too much for him. When Jethro comes to visit Moses, he
sees the chaos around him. Jethro tells Moses how to structure the society by seeking out capable
individuals who believe in God. Then to set them as chiefs, and all of the minor problems were to be
decided before them, and all of the major disputes, were to be brought before Moses to decide.
When the Israelites are at Mount Sinai, God spoke to Moses, God told Moses that he will come to
him in a thick black cloud, so the people will trust him. When the people are on Mount Sinai, God
“imbues them with a sense of awe,” so that they would listen to him. He then tells the people the
Ten Commandments that they were to follow.
I’m interested in this story because I learned that God wants the best for us, and loves us.
When he tells us the Ten Commandments, he impresses it upon us because he wants us to listen to
him. By following the Ten Commandments, we can live peacefully and happily. That is all God
really wants us to do. Have good peaceful lives that we can enjoy.
For my Mitzvah project, I’m going to my community library every Tuesday, and helping
young kids with their homework for two hours. I’m helping these kids do better in school, so that
they could have a better and more promising future. It makes me feel like I’m Moses. Moses helped
the Israelites with their problems, and so am I. I just hope I’m as worthy as Moses. I am really
enjoying my Mitzvah project, and I’m looking forward to do more Mitzvahs, after my Bar mitzvah.
I have helped people before with things such as homework. In 5th grade, I would go before school,
to my teacher’s classroom, and I helped my peers who were having a difficult time in math. I love
going to the library every Tuesday because I’ve always enjoyed helping people, and watching how
happy they get when they finally understanding something.
I can’t wait for my Bar Mitzvah because I will finally become a Jewish adult.
Page 11
Mitzvah Project
On October 5, 2013 I am becoming a Bat Mitzvah. For my Mitzvah project, I created BFFS
(Backpacks For Fellow Students), with the objective of providing elementary school children,
whose families have been effected by today’s difficult economy, with the basic school supplies
they need to start off the school year. Imagine these children’s faces when they are able to walk
through the doors of their School in September, confident and equipped with the same supplies
as all their peers. Imagine that of their parents when their child is given the same chance at
success as those children who surround them.
My goal is to assemble a minimum of 150 backpacks filled with the required supplies
these children need for the first day of school.
There are many ways you can help me achieve my goal.
- SPREAD THE WORD: Please forward this to family, friends, and coworkers.
- ON YOUR VISIT: Stop by in the JCOH lobby and drop #2 pencils in the BFFS Donation Box.
- CONNECT: Visit the JCOH website at and click on the link
located at the bottom of the homepage . Go to “Wish List”; go to “Find a Wish List or Registry”,
key in BFFS. Click on the backpack.
You will find a complete list of school supplies needed to fill the backpacks. No gift is too small!
- DONATE: Make a tax deductible donation. Checks can be made out to JCOH. Indicate in the
memo portion that the donation is for BFFS. 100% of all donations will be utilized for school
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me via email I hope that you will choose to support me with this challenge.
Together we can make a huge difference.
-- With Much Gratitude,
Ariana DeMattei
Page 12
Religious School
Fourth Grade Religious School Students Visit
Rabbi Zimmerman with Questions!
Our fourth grade students are curious and deep thinking children. When
reading a Torah story, they would want to know more.
In studying about Israel they had questions beyond the text. Their teacher,
Sandra Albukrek, was so impressed with these questions, that she suggested
they write down some of the questions and asked if Rabbi Zimmerman
would meet with the students to answer their questions.
So following our morning prayer service on a Sunday morning in January,
questions in hand, the fourth grade students met with Rabbi Zimmerman in
his study. Besides a lively session of answering their questions, Rabbi
Zimmerman showed the students his many interesting letters and photos.
Ice Skating Party
Students and parents took to the ice at Buckskill Winter Club after
Religious School on Sunday, January 13th. They shared some pizza, salad and
cookies for fortification before donning their skates. The weather was mild,
the ice was smooth and the mood was festive as beginners and pros alike
enjoyed hours of fun racing, gliding, laughing and picking each other up when
necessary. David Klarman said it was terrific to get families together with
these extracurricular activities. He added that participation really helped
build a strong sense of community. Our thanks to Shelley Lichtenstein and
Sara Blue for organizing the outing. Check your emails for notification of more Religious School PTA
sponsored events!
Charlotte Sasso
Our sincere thanks to our Confirmation Class student, Riley Goldstein, for volunteering
to help our students on the ice. Riley is a talented figure skater who competes.
Page 13
Religious School
Letter from a Savta
January 14, 2013
Dear JCOH,
We came together on Sunday Morning in the small sanctuary, two teachers, a Savta, and
sixth and seventh graders to see a film, hear a song and to discuss Jews and the Civil Rights
Movement, our inspiration: the coming Dr. Martin Luther King Day.
Our teacher Sue was born in South Africa. Her family left apartheid, its segregated,
oppressed divided society for Israel and from there came to America.
Our teacher Dina, an Israeli Sabra also came to America.
Our Savta Audrey is a first generation American, her family fled from Russia to America.
The film pictured world leaders who worked for the birth of Israel as a refuge and
homeland for Jews, who worked for peace in the Middle East, who worked for an end to
apartheid, who worked for an end to segregation, who worked for an end to war and
violence. Photos of Ben Gurion, Sadat, Golda Meir, Hussein, Clinton, Mandela and so many
others since 1948. It is important to note that Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and other
Rabbis particularly with the Reform Movement and some with the Conservative Movement
marched with Dr. King on Washington in August, 1963 and were part of over 250,000
people who turned out for the march. Rabbis’ Dresner and Lelyveld were beaten up and
several Rabbis were jailed.
The song “Ani v’ata” (You and I) by Arik Einstein (written 30 – 40 years ago) calls upon you
and me to “change the world”.
The sixth and seventh graders surely represent diverse ancestries that have shared in the
work for freedom and peace in the world. That we are at war, that segregation and
prejudice persist, that the Middle East is in turmoil, and that Israel remains threatened are
reasons “You and I will change the world”.
“Savta” Audrey Morgan
A Poem from “Savta” Audrey Morgan
Mi D’or L’dor (From Generation to Generation)
We have walked the roads that you will walk.
They’re worn with footsteps from time past and paved with history
There are new roads to be forged,
But walk the old as well.
They will nourish, serve, support
And help to chart the new.
Page 14
Our Community
JCOH Religious School Chanukah Mitzvah Project
Many people are still feeling the effects of Hurricane Sandy. As part of our Children's
Chanukah Party in East Hampton, we boxed up books from our Summer Shabbat on the
Beach Book Program.
These books were sent to a synagogue in Long Beach, Temple Emanu-El, whose Children's
Library was destroyed as a result of Sandy.
We were happy that we were able to do our share of "chesed" (loving kindness)
and help them!
Dear JCOH,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of Temple Emanu-El of Long Beach and the entire Temple family we would
like to thank you and your congregation for your gift to our Religious School. It will help us rebuild our beloved
Temple. In Ruth chapter 2:12 it states:
“The Lord repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel,
under whose wings you have come to take refuge!”
Thanks again for your generosity and caring. We remain in your debt.
Susan Hirschbein, President
Rabbi Bennett Hermann
Cantor Lisa Klinger-Kantor
JCOH Holiday Toy Drive
Dear JCOH,
The Staff and Board of Directors of the Retreat thank you for your generous donation of children’s toys.
With your help, The Retreat is able to continue to offer its free services to the women and children whose
lives are affected by domestic violence. The Retreat is the only domestic violence agency serving the East
End and your support is very important to us.
We are grateful for your help, time and commitment to the cause.
Jeffrey Friedman, Executive Director
Page 15
JCOH is involved in several food pantries and soup kitchens on the
east end. We are always looking for volunteers, and food
donations. Labeled brown grocery bags are in the Jewish Center
foyer--you can fill them with non-perishable food and bring them
back. We will distribute everything to food pantries and shelters
throughout the East End.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Where: 77 Buell Lane, East Hampton
Most Holy Trinity Parish Hall
4:00-5:00pm Set up
5:00-7:00pm Dinner
7:00-7:30pm Clean Up
Home made baked goods needed.
Please drop off at JCOH office or at Most Holy Trinity on the day of the dinner.
For more information or to volunteer please contact our Director of Education,
Shelley Lichtenstein at(631)324-9858 ext 206
Sponsored by the East Hampton Clericus
Page 16
Yahrzeits/Gracious Giving
The departed live on in the hearts of those who cherish their Memory.
Ola Auerbach
Joseph Auerbach
Sarah Banki
Abraham Baumgarten
Helen Berkowitz
Mollie Black
Dula Blum
Beatrice Brownstein
Raymond Chaiken
Benjamin Clark
Lena Clebanoff
Marilyn Cooper
Marvin Cooper
Ackley Delsener
Irving Dolch
Joseph Dratel
Anne Durst
Susan Etkin
Mayer Falk
Annette Friedman
Frances Furman
Lilian Gabriner
Sidney Gardner
I. William Garfield
Helen Gershon
Paul Glick
Eva Glimcher
Albert Goldberg
Jack Goldberg
Frank Goldfarb
Ida Goldfarb
Anne Gordon
Ruven Greenberg
Carl Gussin
Jeff Harris
R. Harlow Hermanson
Elaine Hershcopf
Frank Hillel
Florence Holmquist
Shoshana Kalisman
Mabel Kaufman
Abraham Kenigson
Albert Kligman
Herman Kodack
Jean Kolin
Cecil Lambert
Frieda Leaf
Warner LeRoy
Arthur Levine
Matthew Lewis
Jane Lutnick
John Marmon
Clara Plotkin
Naomi Plutzik Reiss
Tina Polan
Diana Pollock
Victor Posner
Rhoda Postal
Amy Rothholz
Harriet Sacks
Marcia Schlesinger
Libby Schlossberg
Sidney Schwartz
Shirley Segal
Ethel Segal
Shirley Segal
Izzy Sheldon
Lydia Snow
Jeffrey Sosne
Rose Spielberg
Jack Steinberg
Bertha Strauss
Rose Tager
Ida Taradash
Betty Wagman
Jack Wagman
Abner Wasserstein
Albert Yohay
Sylvia Ziegler
Fan Zucker
General Donations
Dr. Anne-Renee Testa
Chanukah Appeal
Gloria and Elliott Taradash
Chanukah Appeal
Jean and Morris Goldberg
Chanukah Appeal
Ira Cohen
Chanukah Appeal
The Schulhof Family Foundation
Chanukah Appeal
Heidi and Mitchell Iden
Chanukah Appeal
Stephen Vann
Chanukah Appeal
Dan Weiss
Chanukah Appeal
Samuel Rosenblatt
Chanukah Appeal
Jennifer Adler
Chanukah Appeal
Marc Goldstein
Chanukah Appeal
Marion Rosencrans
Chanukah Appeal
Audrey and Bernard Morgan
Kiddush Donation: January 5, 2013
Charlotte and Bruce Sasso
Kiddush Donation: March 16, 2013
Bob Balaban
General Donation
Carol Roaman
Donation to Maureen’s Haven
Patricia Kenner
Chanukah Appeal
Brenda and Burton Lehman
Chanukah Appeal
Michael and Marjorie Loeb
General Donation
Yarhzeit Donations
Stanley Baumblatt
In Memory of Felice Neuwirth
Edmund Frohman
In Memory of Samuel Frohman
Ellin and Ronald Delsener
In Memory of Ackley Vincent Delsener
Murray Rehner
In Memory of Esther and Charles Rehner
Charlotte and Irving Markowitz
In Memory of Gloria Kanfer
Mayda and Philip Idone
In Memory of Slyvia Swerddlick
Barbara Seril
In Memory of Gladys Feigenbaum
Linda and Harold Friedman
In Memory of Arthur Gabriner
Muriel and Marvin Bernstein
In Memory of Nathan Bernstein
Susan and Larry Wartur
In Memory of Louis E. Leyner
Michael Grotell
In Memory of Polly Grotell
Judith and Leonard Ackerman
In Memory of Hortense Cohen
Marilyn Goldstein and Martin Gershon
In Memory of Barbara Goldner Meer
Dr. Anne-Renee Testa
In Memory of Robert Solomon Testa and
Seymour Grossman
Jean and Martin Forman
In Memory of Felice Neuwirth
Isabelle Barnett
In Memory of Victor Finkelstein
Martha Goldberg
In Memory of Charlotte Nelson
Michael Senft
In Memory of Mollie Senft and Ben Senft
Page 17
Gracious Giving Cont.
Yarhzeit Donations continued...
Maleta Pilcz
In Memory of Hana Pilcz
Sylvia Johann
In Memory of Paul Johann
Mayda Swerdlick Idone
In Memory of Tina Swerdlick Polan
Sandra and Norman Fryman
In Memory of Ben Lustig
Diane and Steven Wiener
In Memory of Herman Kodack
Gay and Michael Snow
In Memory of Lydia Snow
Arnold Glimcher
In Memory of Paul Glimcher
Gloria and Elliot Taradash
In Memory of Lou Goldhirsh
Jane Weiller
In Memory of Abraham Kenigson
Mildred Glimcher
In Memory of Stella Cooper
Heidi Dratel
In Memory of Louis Dratel and in
Memory of Harry Viner
Joyce and Marvin Lieberman
In Memory Jack Steinberg
Elaine Ciner
In Memory of Lillie Greenberg
Stephen Blum
In Memory of Dula Blum
Bernard Zeldin
In Memory of Miriam Zeldin
Doris Karp
In Memory of Fan Zucker
Rabbi’s Discretionary
Janine Mozes
In Gratitude for the priviledge of being a student
in Rabbi Zimmerman’s class, “The Prophets”.
Heidi and Mitchell Iden
Donation in Memory of Gloria Carney
Barbara Braun
General Donation
Rivalyn Zweig
General Donation
Samantha Reiss
In Memory of Naomi Reiss
Cantor’s Discretionary
Kevin Fritz
General Donation
Social Action Fund
Rivalyn Zweig
General Donation
Heidi and Mitchell Iden
Donation in Memory of Gloria Carney
Barbara Braun
General Donation
Rivalyn Zweig
General Donation
Bonnie Salkind
In Memory of Charlotte Palmer
The Jewish Center of the Hamptons is now an official Associate.
Any purchases that you make through the link located at the
bottom of our Homepage Website will help raise money for the JCOH so please
visit our website at when making your Amazon purchase.
Page 18
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Birthday! Yom Huledet Same'ach!
Barbara Ackerman
Stephen Adler
Judith Banki
Shira Barzilay
Marvin Bernstein
Susan Blum
Jan Breslow
Robert Coe
Elaine Corwin
Ilayne Etkind
Alan Garfield
John Golden
Alexander Goren
Alison Herman
Lawrence Hillel
Harvey Horowitz
Gayle Kalisman
Michael Katzke
Samuel Klein
Jerome Klein
Brooke Kroeger
Rona Kurtz
Sharyn Lawall
Peter Lichtenthal
Linda Lindenbaum
Steven Minskoff
Carol Nelson
David Nijankin
Barbara Rothholz
Barbara Segal
Judith Shafran
Lauren Shy
Charles Tager
Allen Urkowitz
Bernard Warach
Marie Warach
Jack Wasserman
Myrna Weiss
Walter Weissman
Diane Wiener
Sheldon Zimmerman
Please let the Jewish Center office know of any lifecycle events such as
joyous occasions, illnesses or deaths so that our Rabbi, Cantor, staff, and
congregation can respond appropriately.
All in the Family
If you would like the name of your loved one on our list, please email or
call the Jewish Center office at 631-324-9858.
In Memoriam…
The Jewish Center family extends its
heartfelt sympathy to the grieving families.
Joyce Hochman
Magda Klausner
Andrea Lasky
Harvey Shapiro
Pierre Schoenheimer
Healing Wishes…..
NOTE: We began our Healing List
anew with the New Year 5773.
If you would like the name of your
loved one on our list, which is read
during Saturday morning Shabbat
please email or
call the Jewish Center office at
It’s never too late! Please remember JCOH in your will,
trust or estate plans.
Your future gift will help ensure our future.
Ron and Talia Carner
Bruce and Julie Menin
Andrew and Colleen Saunders
Sherwood and Marion Schwarz
David and Tracey Smilow
Robert and Natalie Weinstein
Gregg and Stacey Weinstein
Mazel Tov to
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon M. Geller on
the engagement of their daughter
Marnie A. Geller, to Andrew D.
Stein. A June wedding is
Andrea Olshan and Michael
Odell on the birth of their twins,
Harrison Joseph and Caroline
Edith on January 12, 2013.
And to:
Grandparents Carole and Mort
Olshan and Peter and Claire
Odell, and big sister Teddy.
Bobbie Braun for her exhibit
“Light and Land-Impressionistic
Oil Landscapes by Bobbie Braun,”
displayed at the Quogue Library
Art Gallery.
Jackie Lowey for being honored
by the Children’s Museum of the
East End Honoree on
March 7, 2013
February 2013 Shevat – Adar 5773
1 Shevat 21
2 Shevat 22
Intro to Biblical Hebrew
11:00PM - 12:00 PM
Rabbi’s Study Group
“The Essential Kabbalah”
9:15 AM
Book of Ecclesiastes
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Shabbat Services
6:30 PM
Shabbat Services
10:00 AM
Jake Gothelf
Torah Study following
Services and Kiddush
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
3 Shevat 23
4 Shevat 24
5 Shevat 25
6 Shevat 26
Religious School
Study of the Second Book of
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
A Study in Jewish
Philosophy (Lunch & Learn)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
PTA Breakfast
9:30 AM
7 Shevat 27
8 Shevat 28
9 Shevat 29
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Intro to Biblical Hebrew
11:00PM - 12:00 PM
Religious School
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Book of Ecclesiastes
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Rabbi’s Study Group
“The Essential Kabbalah”
9:15 AM
Shabbat Services
6:30 PM
Purim Spiel Rehearsal
12:15 PM
10 Shevat 30
11 Adar 1
12 Adar 2
13 Adar 3
Study of the Second Book of
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
A Study in Jewish
Philosophy (Lunch & Learn)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Book Club
12:00 PM
Rosh Chodesh
1:15 PM
14 Adar 4
Shabbat Services
10:00 AM
Torah Study following
Services and Kiddush
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
15 Adar 5
16 Adar 6
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Intro to Biblical Hebrew
11:00PM - 12:00 PM
Religious School
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Rabbi’s Study Group
“The Essential Kabbalah”
9:15 AM
Book of Ecclesiastes
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Weight Watchers Meeting
6:00 PM
Shabbat Services
6:30 PM
17 Adar 7
18 Adar 8
19 Adar 9
20 Adar 10
JCOH Closed in
observance of
A Study in Jewish
Philosophy (Lunch & Learn)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
21 Adar 11
Shabbat Services
10:00 AM
Torah Study following
Services and Kiddush
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
22 Adar 12
23 Adar 13
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Intro to Biblical Hebrew
11:00PM - 12:00 PM
Book of Ecclesiastes
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Rabbi’s Study Group
“The Essential Kabbalah”
9:15 AM
Weight Watchers Meeting
6:00 PM
Shabbat Services
6:30 PM
Shabbat Services
10:00 AM
Torah Study following
Services and Kiddush
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
6:00 PM Havdallah &
24 Adar 14
25 Adar 15
26 Adar 16
27 Adar 17
Religious School
Study of the Second Book of
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
A Study in Jewish
Philosophy (Lunch & Learn)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Religious School
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Weight Watchers Meeting
6:00 PM
28 Adar 18
44 Woods Lane - P.O. Box 5107 East Hampton, NY 11937
Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman
Cantor Debra Stein
Michael Salzhauer
Vice Presidents
Mitchell Iden
Carole Olshan
Carol Wenig
Stanley Baumblatt
Charlotte Sasso
Board of Trustees
Immediate Past President
Harry A. Katz
Hirschel B. Abelson
Peter Berley
Sara Blue
Barbara Braun
David Gerstein
Kenneth Gilman
Robert Gilman
Marc Goldstein
Mara Landis
Arthur Malman
Andrea Olshan
Jeffrey Rimland
Carol S. Roaman
Nanette Rosenberg
Bruce Saber
Pierre Schoenheimer, z’’l
Steven P. Schwartz
Nancy Wintner
Shabbat Services:
(Equipped for the hearing impaired)
Past Presidents
C. Leonard Gordon
Linda Heller Kamm
Morris L. Kramer
Donald Zucker
Betty L. Marmon, z”l
Joseph Oppenheimer, z”l
Honorary Trustees
Howard Lutnick
Morton Olshan
Arnold M. Amster
Peter D. Brown
Jane H. Goldman
Steven Roth
Sheldon Solow
Evan M. Frankel, z”l
Jacob Kaplan, z”l
Irving Markowitz
Bernard Zeldin
Executive Director
Diane Wiener
Director of Education
Shelley Lichtenstein
Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman x 204 Nicole Anderson x 201
Fridays, 6:30 p.m.
Office Hours:
Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.
Followed by Kiddush and Torah Study
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Office Directory:
Phone: 631-324-9858
Fax: 631-329-6654
Cantor Debra Stein x 205
Ellie Baumrind x 212
Diane Wiener x 203
Amy O’Sullivan x 202
Shelley Lichtenstein x 206
Nicholas Ward