רדא–טבש february 2013 - Park Avenue Synagogue


רדא–טבש february 2013 - Park Avenue Synagogue
join us
Thursday, March 7, 2013
...Renewing our story together...
9 th Annual
PAS Gala
Celebrating Rabbi Elliot and Debbie Cosgrove
6:30 pm Program, Dinner and Dancing, Silent Auction
Please RSVP to the invitation you have received in the mail or visit pasyn.org and click on the banner.
annual community event
9th Annual Park Avenue Synagogue Gala
ur festive evening will celebrate the
fifth anniversary of Elliot and Debbie
Cosgrove’s distinguished leadership of our
community. In honoring the rabbi and Debbie, we recognize the
significant roles that they play in the lives of our own families,
in vitalizing the New York Jewish and larger community, and
in advancing Conservative Judaism throughout North America
and Israel. The Cosgroves are devoted to strengthening our
synagogue as a caring community that fosters Jewish learning,
advocates turning words into action, and serves as a center
where national Jewish conversations occur.
Their love for our heritage imbues our synagogue’s superb
educational programs for learners of all generations. Since
Rabbi Cosgrove brought the Florence Melton School of Adult
Learning to PAS in 2009, 126 adults have completed the twoyear Jewish literacy program and 46 students are currently
enrolled. This year the rabbi and Debbie are each teaching one
of the first-year courses. In the past two years, the rabbi has also
brought the JTS Context program to PAS and has inaugurated
the PAS Lecture Series, bringing bring top scholars and notable
intellectuals to examine themes that are critical to the Jewish
future. The rabbi teaches weekly classes. Debbie, who holds
an MA in Jewish Education from the JTS Graduate School of
Education, has a monthly series on Women in the Bible and
also teaches in the Young Couples Group speaker series, at the
annual Book Fair, and for the ECC Parents Association.
Rabbi Cosgrove leads the congregation in thinking critically
about the relationship between Diaspora Jewry and Israel while
unequivocally supporting a secure, Jewish and democratic state.
Leading by example, the rabbi and Debbie frequently travel
to Israel with their four children, Lucy, Maddie, Zoe and Jed.
During the Cosgroves’ years here, the synagogue has sponsored
six Israel trips, geared to different demographics, and there are
three more trips on the calendar for this year alone.
The Cosgroves’ leadership is recognized far beyond PAS
and even beyond the Jewish community. Rabbi Cosgrove is a
member of the Board of UJA-Federation of New York and sits
on the Chancellor’s Cabinet of JTS. He serves as Rabbinical
Advisor on Interfaith Affairs for the ADL and was invited to
attend the elevation of Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan in Rome. In
2012 he was named to Newsweek’s annual list of the 50 most
influential rabbis in America. Debbie is active in the Jewish
Women’s Foundation and UJA-Federation of New York, most
recently serving on its Commission on the Jewish People.
Rabbi Cosgrove has edited a provocative and inspiring essay
collection, Jewish Theology in Our Time, and PAS has proudly
published four collections of his sermons.
As important to him as his public roles, the rabbi is a
steady pastoral presence, supporting us in times of sorrow and
rejoicing with us at times of celebration. The impact of the
Cosgroves’ spiritual guidance, intellectual accomplishments,
and personal warmth is powerfully reflected in the large number
of young families who are joining Park Avenue Synagogue. We
all feel secure in the knowledge that Elliot and Debbie are here
to teach us, to inspire us, to guide us, and to be with us at times
of need and at times of joy.
Please honor the Cosgroves and our synagogue’s future
by attending the Gala. Your participation will help ensure
that Park Avenue Synagogue will continue to thrive as a
community where you, your children, your grandchildren, and
future generations will take their place as proud, educated, and
engaged Jews.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Volume 65 · N°. 7 · FEBRUARY 2013 · Shevat / Adar 5773 ·
9th Annual PAS Gala.......................................................... 3
From Rabbi Steven I. Rein.................................................. 4
Schedule of Religious Services & Purim at PAS................ 5
Synagogue Family.............................................................. 6
Adult Education & Events.................................................. 8
Caring Network................................................................. 11
Youth Education & Events................................................ 12
Park Avenue Synagogue
Congregational School Schedule...................................... 12
Young Family Education.................................................. 13
High School & Youth Groups........................................... 13
Contributions.................................................................... 14
Calendar............................................................................ 15
A Look Ahead..................................................... Back cover
Cover & page 4: from the Park Avenue Synagogue collection.
February 2013 Shevat / Adar 5773
From Rabbi Steven I. Rein
Herzl in Shushan
e typically speak
of Herzl on Yom
HaAtzma’ut, but I would
like to suggest that his story is very
much the story of Purim. Born in1860,
Theodor Herzl grew up emancipated,
anti-traditional and secular. He dismissed
all religion and spoke of Judaism with
mocking cynicism. As a late 19th century,
westernized Jewish intellectual, he
believed that complete assimilation was
both inevitable and desirable. Herzl
was the Paris correspondent for the
Neue Freie Presse in 1894, when Alfred
Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French
military, was accused of spying for
Germany. Reporting on what became
known as the Dreyfus Affair, Herzl
experienced a turning point in his life
when he saw Dreyfus stripped of his
epaulets and drummed out in disgrace. At
that moment Theodor Herzl the father of
modern political Zionism was born. He
dedicated the remaining years of his life
to the establishment of a Jewish state.
How is that the story of Purim? We
fantasize that Mordecai and Esther were
religious Jews, committed to God and
the Jewish people. A simple reading of
the Megillah, however, does not support
such a portrait. There is the famous fact
that God is never mentioned and the
glaring absence of any observance or
prayer by Mordecai and Esther. Mordecai
not only instructs Esther to conceal her
Jewish identity, but he does the same.
They want to be like the Persians around
them. There are even midrashim that
suggest that Mordecai refused to bow
before Haman solely because of his own
pride. In these accounts, Mordecai is held
responsible for the ensuing contempt
of the Jews. Given all this, why do we
venerate Mordechai and Esther and read
their story every year?
Rav Yaacov Medan, Rosh Yeshiva
of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Gush Etzion,
suggests that this interpretation does
not necessarily indicate a character
flaw in Mordecai or Esther. Rather,
every individual is judged by his end.
Mordecai may indeed have denied or
been indifferent to his Judaism, resulting
in his rise to power and to the eventual
endangerment of the Jewish community.
But at the critical moment when the
existence of the Jewish community was
threatened, he did everything that he
could to free his nation from distress.
Together with Esther and all the other
Jews of Shushan he returned not only to
his nation but also to his God.
In this reading of the Megillah, the
essential observation is that Mordecai
and Esther are assimilated Jews at the
beginning but not at the end. There is
a turning point in the story when they
realize that they are part of the Jewish
people, that they can no longer hide
their identities, and they must become
one with their nation. Perhaps it is no
accident that the essential mitzvot of
Purim – mishloah manot and matanot
l’evyonim, giving gifts to each other and
gifts to the poor – make us think about
others and identify with Jews around us.
Mordecai and Esther, like Theodor Herzl,
begin their lives assimilated and removed
from God, but they travel together with
the entire Jewish nation towards God
and the desire for Jewish freedom. Their
joining in that journey is perhaps what
Purim is all about – rising to the occasion
as a unified community, standing together
for our right to live as Jews, in Shushan
and everywhere around the globe.
Purim Sameah!
Schedule of Religious Services · ‫שבט–אדר‬
Daily minyanim Monday-Friday at 7:15 am; Sundays and Legal Holidays at 9:00 am. Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm..
Friday, February 1 21 Shevat
5:00 pm | YFE Service & Dinner
6:15 pm | Friday Evening service
Saturday, February 2
22 Shevat
Parashat Yitro
9:15 am | Sanctuary service
Bar Mitzvah of Heath Bleustein
Ramah Berkshires 50th Anniversary
9:30 am | Havurah
20 mins after morning services | Minha
Friday, February 8 28 Shevat
6:15 pm | Friday Evening service
Saturday, February 9
29 Shevat
Parashat Mishpatim/Shabbat Sh’kalim
9:15 am | Sanctuary service
UJA Shabbat with Guest Speaker Adina
Bar Mitzvah of Noah Rubinstein
11:15 am | YFE services
20 mins after morning services | Minha
4:30 pm | Hazzan’s Tisch
Friday, February 15 5 Adar
6:15 pm | Friday Evening service
Purim at PAS
Friday, February 22 13 Adar
6:15 pm | Friday Evening service
Saturday, February 23 14 Adar
6:30 pm | Purim Spiel:
“Shushan Roars On”
7:30 pm | Megillah reading
Don’t miss the chance to be silly in
shul! Wear a funny hat, a wacky tie, a
flamboyant string of beads, an outrageous
vest, or whatever outlandish garb you can
find. Purim is not only for children!
Saturday, February 23 14 Adar
Parashat T’tzavveh/Shabbat Zakhor
9:15 am | Sanctuary service
Bar Mitzvah of Scott Miller
9:30 am | Havurah
20 mins after morning services | Minha
Sunday, February 24 15 Adar
9:00 am | Purim morning service with
Torah reading and Megillah reading
11:15 am | YFE Purim Service and miniMegillah
12:00 pm | Purim Carnival
Saturday, February 16 6 Adar
Parashat T’rumah
9:15 am | Sanctuary service
Bar Mitzvah of Nate Sassoon
20 mins after morning services | Minha
Celebrate Camp Ramah in the Berkshires’
50th Anniversary
Saturday/Shabbat | February 2
We invite all campers and staff, past and present, for a special
Ramah aliyah and celebration following services.
For more information, contact Heidi Silverstone at hrmm@nyc.rr.com.
Hazzan’s Tisch & Havdalah
Shabbat/Saturday | February 9 | 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Once a month we are all invited to savor the last part of Shabbat
at home with Cantor Azi Schwartz and his family. We’ll
schmooze a bit, snack a bit, maybe even sing a bit, then say
ma’ariv (the evening service) together and end with havdalah.
To register and for address, visit pasyn.org, Music at PAS, and click on
Events, or call 212-369-2600, x128.
Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove and Rabbi Steven I. Rein will preach and conduct services together with Cantor Azi Schwartz and Cantor Shiree Kidron, with
Colin Fowler at the organ and the Synagogue Choir: Ena Freeman, Yonah Gershator, Lawrence Rush and Raphael Biran.
Read the rabbis’ sermons AT www.pasyn.org/resources/sermons.
February 2013 Sh'vat / Adar 5773
Synagogue Family
‫ בני מצוה‬Bnei Mitzvah
Heath Eric Bleustein
Noah Harrison Rubinstein
Nathaniel Andre Sassoon
Son of Sheri & Cliff Bleustein
Grandson of Laura Simon
Son of Andres & Suzette Rubinstein
Son of Andre and Lily Sassoon
February 2 | Parashat Yitro
Heath is currently in
7th grade at Horace
Mann School, where he
has attended since age
three. A diligent student,
Heath especially enjoys
science, Spanish and Latin. He plays
percussion in the school band.
An enthusiastic athlete, Heath
enjoys lacrosse, tennis and baseball
and currently plays basketball for
Horace Mann Middle School. He
also enjoys rooting for the Yankees,
Giants and the Knicks. He has spent
the last five summers at Camp Takajo
in Naples, Maine, where he practically
lives at the lake. He is fortunate to
spend many summer weekends at the
beach in Saltaire, Fire Island with his
grandmother and cousins and to visit
his grandparents in Florida during the
winter. Heath has also traveled with his
family all over the world.
Heath started his informal learning
at PAS Tot Shabbat as a two-year-old.
His formal Jewish education began
in the PAS Congregational School in
Heath would like to thank Rabbi
Cosgrove, Rabbi Rein, Cantor Schwartz,
Cantor Kidron, Ronit Aranoff and all of
his teachers for helping him to prepare
for this very meaningful milestone in his
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
February 9 | Parashat Mishpatim
Noah is in 7th grade at
Horace Mann School,
where his favorite
subject is Spanish. A
sports enthusiast, Noah
plays travel baseball for
the NYC Dusters, plays football on the
Horace Mann middle school team, and
enjoys tennis and downhill skiing. He
also plays trumpet in the school concert
band. Noah enjoys spending time with
his cousins in Los Angeles and going to
summer camp in Maine at Camp Laurel
Noah began his Jewish education
at the ECC and has attended the
Congregational School since
Kindergarten. He has been volunteering
in the PAS Food Pantry as part of his
bar mitzvah preparation. He plans to
continue his Jewish education at the
Rabbi Judah Nadich High School and to
continue working in the Food Pantry. As
another part of his bar mitzvah project,
Noah will donate to an organization
that provides sports equipment to needy
Noah is bright, sociable,
hardworking, well-rounded and polite.
He is a wonderful role model to his
younger sister Alexa. Noah and his
family would like to thank Jamie
Diamond and the entire clergy for their
help and guidance in preparing for his
bar mitzvah.
February 16 | Parashat T’rumah
A spirited, intense and
creative 7th grader at
Birch Wathen Lenox
School, Nate is also
a serious student at
the Mannes College
of Music Preparatory Division. He has
been making music as long as he can
remember. His first piano recital took
place at Camp Ramah in 2008. He has
since performed at Steinway Hall and
Carnegie Hall and won an international
piano concerto competition. He has been
a guest cello soloist with the New York
Piano Society and performed both cello
and piano at several music festivals in
Europe and the US. He has sung with the
Metropolitan Opera, the New York City
Opera and Chelsea Opera companies
and has performed numerous times for
charity events.
Nate is also passionate about science.
The first middle school student at his
school ever to be given an independent
study, he received a Headmaster’s Prize
after completing his project on theories
of the origin of the universe. Nate hopes
to become either a scientist who plays
piano and cello or a musician with
scientific interests.
Nate came to the Congregational
School in Kindergarten and is now a
member of the PAS Rock Band. He
is happy to follow his three siblings
in becoming a bar mitzvah at PAS.
He has especially enjoyed analyzing
and thinking about his Torah portion.
He thanks Cantor Judi Rowland, his
fantastic tutor; Cantor Schwartz, Rabbis
Cosgrove and Rein, and Rabbi Eve
Rudin and Cantor Kidron.
Scott Miller | February 23
Parashat T’tzavveh
Son of Sharon and Lewis Miller
Scott began his
education in the ECC at
Park Avenue Synagogue
and continued in the
Congregational School.
Scott attends The
Fieldston School where he is a diligent
student who also likes to joke around
with his friends. He spends summers at
Brant Lake Camp.
Scott is a dedicated athlete who
works hard and plays hard. His older
brothers Greg and Brian had Scott
playing baseball and basketball very
young. They have also helped him
to develop his subtle, sarcastic wit.
Scott currently plays travel baseball
for the Yorkville Eagles, and travel
basketball for the 92nd Street Y. Scott
is a team player who always knows
when a teammate needs a word of
Scott’s other interests include skiing,
travel and spending time with family
and friends. His family’s trip to Israel in
August was particularly meaningful in
light of his upcoming bar mitzvah.
Scott and his family would like
to thank the clergy and everyone at
the Congregational School for all of
their support and guidance in Scott’s
education over the years. Scott would
also like to thank Ronit Aranoff and his
tutor Jamie Diamond for helping him
prepare for his bar mitzvah.
‫ מזל טוב‬Mazal Tov
‫ המקום ינחם‬Condolences
Arthur Ainsberg on the birth of a
Barbara & Michael Delgado on the loss
of her mother, Pauline Brownstein
grandson, William Samuel Ainsberg, and
to the parents, Joseph & Jessica Weiss
Jennifer & Peter Bernstein on the birth of a
son, Benjamin Harris Bernstein
Barbara & Michael Delgado on the birth
of a granddaughter, Devorah Leah, and
to her parents, Peter & Zahava Friedman
and her older siblings
Herta Gottschalk and Michael &
Caroline Gottschalk on the loss of their
husband and father, Ernest Gottschalk
Shary & Sherie Moalemzadeh on the
loss of his father, Jack Moalemzadeh
Margie Morse on the loss of her mother,
Jacqueline Morse
Allison & Michael Dubrow on the birth
of twin sons, Henry Robert and Samuel
Frank, and to big sister Rebecca
Stacy & Jeffrey Friedman on the birth of a
daughter, Lauren Gabrielle Friedman
Jennifer & Bryan Kaplan on the birth of
a son, Asher Louis Kaplan
Tracy & Jason Gould on the birth of a
daughter, Madison Bea Gould
Jenna & Sam Gutmann on the birth of a
son, Brian Harrison Gutmann
Superstorm Sandy Relief Continues — PAS is there!
As a synagogue community, we are committed to assisting those affected
by Hurricane Sandy. Please visit pasyn.org and click on Tikkun Olam for
direct links to contribute money, donate supplies, and volunteer your time
to help in person. Here is one way to help: we have created an Amazon.com
“wish list” for Temple Israel of South Merrick, a Conservative synagogue
on Long Island that sustained devastating damage from the storm. Click on
the link to shop for items the synagogue needs – from library books to office
furniture. Your purchases will be sent directly to the synagogue.
February 2013 Shevat / Adar 5773
Adult Classes & events
Weekly Classes
MONDAY (No classes on February 18)
Siddur Hebrew 2 | 6:15 – 7:15 pm |
Cantor Judi Rowland
Perusin’ the Parashah
Medieval Style | 8:00 am, after
minyan | Abe Lebovic
Daf HaShavua: Weekly Talmud
Study | 8:00 am, after minyan | Rabbi
Steven Rein
Adult Bat Mitzvah | 6:30 – 8:30 pm
| R. Neil Zuckerman & C. Judi Rowland
Modern Hebrew | 7:30 – 9:00 pm |
Varda Hubara
Essential Essays | 8:00 am, after
minyan | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
Melton 2 | 6:45 – 9:00 pm | Rabbi
Shmuel Afek and R. Zalman Rothschild
Context | 6:45 – 9:30 pm (No class on
February 20)
Parashat HaShavua | 8:45 am
Context Seminar: Jewish
Religious Transformation in
the 20th Century | 7:00 – 9:30 pm
(No class on February 20)
Contemporary Jewish Thought
| 11:30 am | Rabbi Steven Rein
Siddur Hebrew 1 | 6:15 – 7:15 pm |
Cantor Judi Rowland
Melton 1 | 9:15 – 11:30 am | Rabbi
Elliot Cosgrove and Debbie Cosgrove
Introduction to Judaism | 6:15 –
8:30 pm | Rabbi Steven Rein
Library Lunch & Learn | 12:00
– 1:00 pm | Facilitators: February 7,
Caryn Roman; February 14, 21, 28,
Rabbi Steven Rein
(No class on February 19)
For additional information about classes and events listed here, including fees, if any, please look in the Winter-Spring Program Calendar or on
www.pasyn.org. To register for Adult Education classes, unless otherwise noted in the description, go to http://pasyn.org/lifelong-learning/adulteducation, click on “Classes” on the left side of the page and then on the appropriate registration link. Those without Internet access may call
212-369-2600, x121.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
ADULT classes & events
For additional information please look in the Winter-Spring Program Calendar or on pasyn.org
This Month at PAS
Women in the Bible
Friday | February 1 | 9:15 – 10:00 am |
Debbie Cosgrove
Caffeine for the Soul
Friday | February 15 | 9:15 – 10:00 am |
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
Mitzvah of the Month
Sponsored by Women’s Network
Mitzvah Mommy and Me
Friday | February 1 | 11:00 am
Lunch/Film/Discussion: They
Came for Good
Tuesday | February 19 | 1:00 pm
Sponsored by Men’s Club
World Wide Wrap
Sunday | February 3 | 9:00 am
Purim Spiel Rehearsals
Monday | February 4 | 7:30 pm
Thursday | February 7 | 7:30 pm
Sunday | February 10 | 10:30 am
Tuesdays | February 12, 19 | 7:30 pm
Thursday | February 21 | 6:30 pm
Sponsored by Singles Committee
Big Game Party
Sunday | February 3 | 6:00 pm
Monthly Interfaith Dialogue
Thursday | February 7 | 6:30 – 8:00 pm |
R. Steven Rein and Fr. Ugo Nacciarone
from the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola
| at PAS
The Park Avenue Synagogue Lecture Series
The Shifting Landscape of American Jewry
Jewish Tradition in an
Untraditional Age
Sponsored by Men’s Club
Tough Jews Film Festival
Thursday | February 21 | 7:00 pm
Sponsored by Young Couples Group
YCG Wine Tasting
Wednesday | February 27 | 7:30 pm
Passover Ritual Object
Workshop: Fresh Water and
Salt Water
Wed. | February 27 | 9:15 – 10:30 am
Thursday | February 28 | 5:15 – 6:30 pm
Ellen Alt
Come to one or both workshops to
create salt water bowls for the Women’s
Seder. No prior experience creating art
is required.
Tuesday | February 5 | 7:00 pm
Rabbi David Ellenson, PhD, and
Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, PhD
Cost: $18 members; $25 general.
For information about the speakers, as
well as information about all the events in
the series, please read the Winter-Spring
Program Calendar or visit pasyn.org. Sign
up at www.pasyn.org under Adult Education
and then The PAS Lecture Series 5773.
Women’s Network Bingo &
Thursday | February 7 | 7:00 pm
Sponsored by Women’s Network
Sholem Aleichem Yiddish Club
Tuesday | February 12 | 1:00 pm
Jesus and Judaism
Tuesdays | February 12, 26; March 5, 19
| 7:00 pm | R. Zalman Rothschild
February 2013 Shevat / Adar 5773
ADULT classes & events
For additional information please look in the Winter-Spring Program Calendar or on pasyn.org.
UJA Shabbat
Shabbat Dinner Series
Connect to Recovery: How UJAFederation Stood on the Frontline of
Hurricane Sandy Relief
Singing a New Song: Renewing Jewish
Saturday | February 9 | 9:15 am, at
Sanctuary Service
Guest Speaker: Adina Frydman,
Executive Director, SYNERGY:
UJA-Federation of New York and
Synagogues Together
Adina Frydman is the executive
director of SYNERGY: UJA-Federation
of NY and Synagogues Together,
which strengthen the capacity of
synagogues to be inspiring places for
Jews to connect and grow. Previously
Adina was the Director of SYNERGY
Regions and SYNERGY Westchester
Program Executive at UJA-Federation
of New York. Before coming to New
York in 2008, Adina was the Director
of Focus Israel at the St. Louis Jewish
Federation, where she worked to foster
engagement between synagogues
and Israel. Adina received Cantorial
Investiture from Hebrew Union
College. She and her husband Rabbi Avi
Katz Orlow have three children. They
live in White Plains, NY.
Edmond de Rothschild
Angela W. Buchdahl and Azi Schwartz
Friday | March 1
Cantor Buckdahl will also be Guest
Artist that evening at Kabbalat Shabbat
services at 6:15 pm.
Cantor Angela Warnick Buchdahl is
the Senior Cantor at Central Synagogue.
She was invested as a cantor in 1999
and also ordained as a rabbi in 2001
from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish
Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), where
she was a Wexner Graduate fellow.
She earned a BA in Religious Studies
from Yale University in 1994. Born
in Korea to a Jewish American father
and a Korean Buddhist mother, Cantor
Buchdahl is the first Asian American to
be ordained as cantor or rabbi in North
America. Prior to her appointment as
cantor at Central Synagogue, Cantor
Buchdahl served as associate rabbi/
cantor at Westchester Reform Temple in
Scarsdale, NY.
Joëlle Dautricourt: The Book of
Happy Writing
January - March
Joëlle Dautricourt expresses the
mystical, symbolic, and divine forces
within the 22 letters of the Hebrew
alphabet in works evoking Holocaust
memory and joyful freedom. The
Book of Happy Writing was inspired
by the second verse of Psalm 45, “My
tongue is the pen of an expert scribe.”
The Book of Happy Writing has been
exhibited at the Musée d'art et d'histoire
du Judaïsme in Paris, and is in the
collection of The Sackner Archive of
Visual and Concrete Poetry in Miami,
This exhibition is presented in partnership
with Moment magazine.
Monday – Thursday: 12:00 – 6:30 pm | Friday by appointment | Librarian: Marga Hirsch
Note: the library is closed during classes on Wednesdays, 6:45 – 9:00 pm, and Thursdays,
9:15 – 11:45 am. Outside of these times, the library is usually open. When Marga is not there,
follow the instructions posted in the library for checking out and returning books.
On display in the Library: Color photographs of Central Park taken by Rabbi Judah Nadich, z”l.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
The Caring Network at PAS
Parenting Workshop
Discipline Strategies 201:
Active Listening
Wednesday | February 6 | 9:15 am | Led
by Pippi Kessler
Parenting Workshop
There is So Much Homework!
A Jewish Perspective on
Managing Stress
Monday | February 11 | 9:15 am | Led
by members of Jewish Board of Family
and Children’s Services (JBJCS)
Caregivers Support Group
Thursday | February 21 | 6:00 – 7:00 pm
| Yael Korngold, LMSW
Grandparents Group
Tuesday | February 26 | 12:30 pm
Presented by the Early Childhood Center,
the Department of Young Family Education,
the Congregational School and the
Department of Youth Activities
Talking About Death with Your
Tuesday | February 26 | 6:30 pm
This workshop will address the issues
related to communicating with your
child about preparing for and reacting to
the death of a loved one. The program
will begin with a panel discussion with
a child psychologist, an educator and
a rabbi and then break into groups that
address specific age groups.
Social Work Support for PAS
Members and Their Families
Wednesdays | 9:00 – 11:30 am | Shira
Felberbaum, MSW
For more information or to make an
appointment, please call Shira at
212-632-4735 or email her at sfelberbaum@
jbfcs.org. You can also contact Rabbi Rein at
srein@pasyn.org or at 212-369-2600, x124.
Social Work Support for PAS
Seniors, Families and their
Thursdays | 10:00 am – 2:00 pm |
Yael Kornfeld, LMSW.
For more information or to make an
appointment, contact Rabbi Rein at
srein@pasyn.org or at 212-369-2600, x124
or Yael at 212-769-2850 or ykornfeld@
Onsite social work support is made possible by a
UJA Partners in Caring grant.
Know someone ill, elderly or homebound? The PAS Bikur Cholim Caring Committee – in loving
memory of Dr. Albert & Phyllis L. Cornell – fulfills the mitzvah of visting the ill by reaching out to those in need
through telephone calls, visits, and holiday packages. The Caring Committee’s trained volunteers are committed to
providing confidential hands-on support and companionship to the members of our congregation.
To arrange for this mitzvah, please call Rabbi Cosgrove’s office at 212-369-2600, x120.
Get up-to-the-minute information about PAS programs, events &
schedule of religious services at www.pasyn.org/calendar.
February 2013 Shevat / Adar 5773
Youth Education & Events
Congregational School Schedule
Saturday | February 2 | 9:15 – 11:50 am | Shabbat Experience for Gimel & Dalet learners (Grades 3-4)
| 9:15 – 11:50 am | Shabbat Experience for Hey & Vav learners (Grades 5-6)
| 11:00 – 11:45 am | Family Shabbat Experience for Gan, Alef & Bet (K-2) families
| 4:00 pm | Vav (Grade 6) Book Club with Rabbi Cosgrove
Sunday | February 3 | 11:00 am – 1:00 pm | Zayin (Grade 7) trip to the Museum of Tolerance
Friday | February 8 | 6:15 – 8:00 pm |Congregational School Community Shabbat Service and Dinner (K-Grade 7)
Saturday | February 9 | No Shabbat Experience Programs | Please join us for Shabbat evening!
Monday | February 11 | 9:15 am | Parenting Workshop, “There is So Much Homework!
A Jewish Perspective on Managing Your Child’s Stress” (see page 11)
| 4:00 – 6:00 pm | Zayin Monthly Monday Program
Saturday, February 16 – Thursday, February 21 | Week of Presidents Day | School Closed
Saturday | February 23 | 11:00 – 11:45 am | Shabbat Experience for Gan, Alef & Bet (K-2) families
| 11:00 – 11:50 am | Family Shabbat Experience for Gimel, Dalet, Hey & Vav (3-6) families
Saturday | February 23 | Erev Purim | 6:30 pm Purim Spiel followed at 7:30 pm by Megillah Reading
Sunday | February 24 | Purim | 12:00 pm | Purim Carnival
Tuesday | February 26 | 6:30 pm | Parenting Workshop, “Talking About Death with Your Child” (see page 11)
Tavim Youth Choir
Mondays | February 4, 11, 25 | 5:00 – 5:40 pm | Cantor Shiree Kidron
Open to anyone in third grade or up, the Tavim Youth Choir learns music for Shabbat, holidays and just for
fun. Tavim performs at services and celebrations and also visits senior centers to entertain and sing with the
Contact Cantor Kidron at skidron@pasyn.org or 212-369-2600, x126 for more information.
Sponsored by the Rothschild Library | Kids’ Shabbat Book Basket | On Shabbat, look for the book basket near the
ushers in the Sanctuary. There are Jewish books for children of all ages to look at while sitting quietly in their seats. Let
your children enjoy the books during services and return them so that others may read them next week.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Youth Education & Events
Young Family Education
To register, go to pasyn.org. Click on Young Family Education and
then on the event.
Youth Activities & RJNHS
To register, go to pasyn.org. Click on Youth Activities/RJNHS.
Under Upcoming Events, click on the event.
Shabbat & Holiday Programs
Shabbat Service and Dinner for Families with
Young Children – Birthday Blessings, Too!
Friday | February 1 | Service 5:00 pm, Dinner approx. 5:30
– 6:30 pm | With musical guest Shira Kobren
PAS Food Pantry
Wednesdays | 3:30 – 5:00 pm | Food Packaging
Fridays | 3:30 pm – beginning of Shabbat | Food
YFE Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday | February 9 | 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Parent and Teen Shabbat Study Session with
Rabbi Cosgrove
Saturday | February 9 | 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Young Family Purim Service
Sunday | February 24 | 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Purim Carnival
Sunday | February 24 | 12:00 pm
PJ Library at PAS!
PJ Library is a North American program offered by the
Harold Grinspoon Foundation and implemented on a
local level. Every month, PJ Library mails free, highquality Jewish children's books and music to families,
each book matched to the age of the
child who will receive it. Thanks to
a generous grant from the Hoine
family, PAS is thrilled to offer PJ
Library to all families with children
between the ages of six months and
eight years. To sign up for PJ
Library, go to www.pasyn.
org, click on Young Family
Education and then the link
for PJ Library.
Volunteers Needed: Make the Purim Carnival
Sunday | February 24 | 11:00 am | Grade 6 & up
Remember the fun of Purim Carnival from when you were
small? Now it’s your turn to set up and run games and
activities so that the next round of little kids can have a
good time.
PAS College Connections
Help us keep in touch with your college student!
Students receive a monthly email with synagogue news,
updates, and insights from PAS clergy and educators, plus
holiday packages on Hanukkah, Tu BiShvat, Purim and
Pesah. We’ll also let students know when PAS clergy and
educators make visits to their campus. Submit your student’s
updated information online at pasyn.org/Youth Activities/
RJNHS or contact Caryn Roman at croman@pasyn.org or
212-369-2600, x141. Printed forms are also available in the
PAS lobby.
Get up-to-the-minute information about PAS programs, events &
schedule of religious services at www.pasyn.org/calendar.
February 2013 Shevat / Adar 5773
Cantor’s Music Fund
Dr. Edward & Vivian Fisher.
Judith Horwitz & Samuel Glassenberg, in honor of Cantor Azi
Terry D. Taffer.
Congregational School Fund
James & Stefanie Katz Rothman, in honor of the birth of Alexandra
Irene Smith, daughter of Rachel Bluth & Derek Smith.
Cynthia & Michael Wolf, in honor of their children Natalie & Brett
Barth and their grandchildren, Brian and Benjamin.
Cynthia & Michael Wolf, in honor of the recovery of their son Marc
Cynthia & Michael Wolf, in appreciation of Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove for
his outreach and prayers.
Cynthia & Michael Wolf, in appreciation of Rabbi Steven Rein for his
outreach and prayers.
Rabbi Cosgrove's Discretionary Fund
EJ Borrack, in memory of Barbara Michels, beloved mother of Heidi
Wallace Chavkin.
Jame & Stefanie Donath, in honor of their 5th anniversary.
Ruth Eppler.
Mark & Jill Fishman.
Richard S. Green & Elaine S. Gilde, in memory of Ruth Zahler, mother
of Eric Zahler and mother-in-law of Karen Gantz Zahler.
Amy Hest.
Dena & Brett Klein, in honor of Karen Smul.
Gerald & Mary Millman, in memory of Ruth Zahler, mother of Eric
Joanna Silver & Amy Steiner, in honor of the extraordinary
commitment and dedication of the Mitzvah Day 2012 team.
Roxana & Bob Tetenbaum, in honor of the engagement of their
daughter, Lauren Tetenbaum, to David Dorman, son of Karen & Alan
Hesed Fund
Ellen Koppelman, in honor of Karen & Eric Zahler.
High School Food Pantry
Carol Cohen.
Anne & Paul Corwin, in memory of Heinz Eppler.
Iris L. Goodgold, in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bacall on the birth
of their 8th grandchild.
Dorothy Lang, in loving memory of her father Abraham Kleiman.
Paul & Joyce Levine, in honor of the marriage of Samantha Fishman
& Steven Constantiner.
Joseph & Gabrielle Levy.
Lisa Messinger.
Ruth Rothseid, in memory of her beloved mother Bernice Rothseid.
JaneThylan & Larry Nussbaum.
Library Fund
Julius & Joyce Paige, in honor of their 57th anniversary.
Prayer Book Fund
Harris Amster, in memory of Fred Amster.
Phyllis & Bernard Leventhal, in honor of, and in gratitude for their
Frances Fish Tompkins, in honor of the birth of Riley Hope Gluckman,
daughter of Barbara Gluckman and granddaughter of Paula Gluckman.
Rabbi Rein's Discretionary Fund
Dr. Edward & Vivian Fisher.
Tikkum Olam Committee for Community
Lite Sabin, in memory of her beloved mother Maria Bielenberg.
Welfare Fund
Milton Fuchs, in memory of his beloved grandmother Rebecca Bayer.
Milton Fuchs, in memory of his beloved mother-in law Florence
Synagogue Offerings
Albert Appel, in memory of his beloved mother Belle "Bobbie" Appel.
Ryna Bab, in memory of her beloved husband Donald Bab.
David Bernard, in memory of his beloved mother Doreen Barnard.
Ethan & Heather Bloom, in honor of their 10th anniversary.
Robert Ceisler, in memory of his beloved father Ernest Ceisler.
Robert & Toni Ceisler, in memory of Leah Corwin, mother of Paul
Carol Chavkin, in memory of her beloved mother Esta Joy Chavkin.
Jeffrey Chavkin, in memory of his beloved mother Esta Chavkin.
Wallace Chavkin, in memory of his beloved wife Esta Chavkin and his
beloved mother Dinah Chavkin.
Wallace Chavkin, in memory of his beloved father-in-law Louis P.
Carol Cohen, in memory of her beloved father Isadore Yavers.
Dr. Arturo Constantiner, in memory of his beloved mother Joan
Caren Constantiner, in memory of her beloved father Stanley Sturza.
David Cook, in memory of his beloved mother Shirley Cook.
Barbara Cooper, in memory of her beloved mother Laura Berman.
Shari & Benet Doloboff, in honor of Stanley Kreinik's 70th
anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah.
Deborah Farone, in honor of Sarah Backer on her Bat Mitzvah.
William Felder, in memory of his beloved mother Gertrude Felder.
Yola Gertel Friedman, in memory of her beloved father Samuel Gertel.
Yola Gertel Friedman, in memory of her beloved grandfather Berish
Clifford & Alexandra Gelb, in honor of their anniversary.
Grace & Leo Glasser, in honor of Stanley Kreinik on the 70th
anniversary of his becoming Bar Mitzvah.
Herman C. Goldsmith, in honor of his birthday.
Barbara Gertel Goltzer, in memory of her beloved grandfather Berish
Barbara Gertel Goltzer, in memory of her beloved father Samuel
Dr. Linda Grad, in memory of her beloved sister Charlotte Chernis.
Dr. Linda Grad, in memory of her beloved husband Dr. Gary Grad on
his Yahrzeit.
Efraim Grinberg, in memory of his beloved father Gedalio Grinberg.
Steven Gutwillig, in memory of his beloved father Murray Gutwillig.
Martin Halbfinger, in memory of his beloved father Abraham
Lea Hertzberg, in memory of her beloved mother Eva Seeman.
David Ishayik, in memory of his beloved father Heskel Ishayik.
Barbara Jacobs, in memory of her beloved father George Schlissel.
Stephen Judlowe, in memory of his beloved mother Ida Judlowe.
Barbara Kaplan, in memory of her beloved father Abraham Fingeroth.
Howard Kaplan, in memory of his beloved father Louis Kaplan.
Carolyn Katz, in memory of her beloved brother Irwin Mandel.
Rosamond Kaufman, in memory of her beloved mother and father,
Esther & Ira Van Poznak.
Carol Kekst, in memory of her beloved mother Jeannette Hendin
Stanley Kreinik, in memory of his beloved father Walter Kreinik.
Phyllis & Bernard Leventhal, in honor and celebration of the marriage
of Evelyn Gelman & Jack Topal.
Sivia Loria, in memory of her beloved mother Ruth Warshauer.
Rita Matthews, in memory of her beloved mother Penina Engelberg
Sandra Mayerson, in memory of her beloved father Manuel Mayerson.
Robert & Sheila Miller, in honor of their anniversary.
Sheila Miller, in memory of Lenore Greenberg.
Martin Milston, in memory of his beloved father Louis Milston.
Martin & Mendelle Milston, in honor of the 70th anniversary of
Stanley Kreinik's Bar Mitzvah.
Michael & Cheryl Minikes, in memory of Kate Minikes.
Felice Muchnick, in memory of her beloved mother Lillian Greenberg.
Dr. Carol Mutterperl, in memory of her beloved father William Frieser.
Charles & Carol Mutterperl, in memory of their beloved daughter Gail
Susan Orenbuch, in memory of her beloved mother Ester Orenbuch.
Dr. Cynthia Pfeffer, in memory of her beloved father Edward I. Pfeffer.
Ruth Pordy, in memory of her beloved husband, Dr. Leon Pordy.
Joan Rosen, in memory of her beloved mother Rosalind Bleecker.
Shereen Rutman, in memory of her beloved father Dr. Leon Gertel.
Roslyn Tauber Scheidlinger, in memory of Heinz Eppler, father of
Marcia Colvin.
Harvey Schulweis, in memory of his beloved wife Rosalind Schulweis.
Carla Silber, in memory of her beloved mother Janice Epstein.
Ramie Silbert, in memory of her beloved husband Gerald Silbert.
Joel Silver, in memory of his beloved sister Ruth Sklaver.
Marcia Silvers.
Jo Ann Small, in memory of her beloved father Murray Resnick.
Susan Smirnoff, in memory of her beloved mother Barbara Smirnoff.
The Solarsh Family, in memory of Sharon Bunkin’s father.
Tamara Spolan and Susan Lerner, in memory of Perry Cohen.
Gila Steinbock.
Frances Stewart, in memory of her beloved father Fred Hahn.
Hugh Straus, in memory of Helen Straus.
Leone Straus, in honor of her birthday.
Robert Tetenbaum, in memory of his beloved father Stanley
Dr. Marilyn Tobias, in memory of her beloved mother Elsie Annie
Frances Fish Tompkins, in honor of recovery from a recent illness.
Ray Treiger, in memory of his beloved mother Rose Treiger.
Lauren Veronis, in memory of her beloved father Emanuel Stein.
Dr. Renée Waldinger, in memory of her beloved mother Lea Maria
William Young.
Ellen Yuder, in memory of her beloved mother Edna Davidman.
Annette Zimmerman, in honor of her birthday.
Kol Nidre Appeal 5773
Ross Abelow & Susan Cantor
John & Ahou Abroon
Drew & Danielle Anderman
Ryna Bab
Andrew & Anne Baker
Michael & Lisa Barr
Stephen & Susan Beatus
Michael & Lika Behmoaras
Richard & Shirley Benowitz
Morton Junger & Alice Berger
Lou Bernstein &
Barbara Weinstein
Edward Brettholz
Jonathan Charney
Michael Chasen &
Geralyn Lederman
David & Ivy Cohen
Robert Cohen
Leslie Cornell
Paul & Anne Corwin
Paul & Gila Daitz
Michael & Barbara Delgado
Justin & Naomi Elyachar
Mark & Jennifer Feldman
Martin & Susan Fischer
Gary & Victoria Fishman
Patricia Friedmann
Herbert & Eleanor Frommer
Adam & Gabrielle Goldberg
Linda Grad
Hayim & Danielle Grant
Leith Greenslade
Jared & Beth Greisman
Judd & Meredith Grossman
Matthew & Aryn Grossman
Robert & Roslyn Haber
Jonathan & Jennifer Harris
Josh & Marjorie Harris
Lance & Heidi Harris
Stanley & Alice Harris
Mason & Geri Haupt
Joshua & Penny Hecht
Howard & Lynda Heller
Leon & Susan Heller
Louis Jaffe & Lara Oboler
Robert & Erica Juneja
Howard & Janet Kagan
Robert Kalimian
Terry & Lois Karnovsky
Daniel & Elise Kasell
Ira & Yvette Kay
Gershon & Carol Kekst
Joshua & Blair Klaff
Mortimer & Barbara Klaus
Murray & Ellen Koppelman
Stanley & Jane Kreinik
Joel & Holly Kurtzberg
Martin Laiks & Colleen Weis
Michael & Nancy Lascher
Jonathan & Deborah Lauter
Rose Less
Bernard & Phyllis Leventhal
Alan & Alison Levine
Steven & Paula Levine
Joseph & Gabrielle Levy
David & Susan Lincoln
Edward & Lucy Lipiner
Morton Mackof &
Ellen Braverman
Daniel & Stacey Maman
Joel & Lynne Mesznik
Jeffrey & Heller Moses
Renato & Siu Ping Negrin
Lori Paige
David & Ida Parks
Darren & Carrie Paul
William & Suzanne Plotch
Arnold & Susan Putterman
Jeffrey Romanow & Angela
Andrew & Maris Rosenberg
Martin Sankey &
Yvonne Logan-Sankey
Matthew & Amie Schulman
Andrew & Erica Schultz
Jed & Michelle Schwartz
Mark Schwarz
Jacob & Susan Shakarchy
Barbara Sherr
Stephen & Saskia Siderow
Robert Sills &
Carol Schwartz Sills
Daniel & Lauren Silvers
Nathan Silverstein
Marc & Pamela Sole
Milton & Marsha Springut
Elise Strauss
David & Elizabeth Tananbaum
Tony Uzan &
Sandy Gelbard-Uzan
Bram & Aimee Weber
Emanuel Weintraub &
Johanna Berkman
Marilyn Weitzman
Adam & Ilane Zivitofsky
Neil Zwiebel & Alissa Fox
February 2013 Shevat / Adar 5773
7 Adar
9:00 am Purim morning svc &
Megillah reading
11:15 pm YFE Purim Service
12:00 pm Purim Carnival
14 Adar
10:30 am Spiel Rehearsal
30 Shevat
10Rosh Hodesh
9:00 am MC World Wide
6:00 pm Singles Party
24 Shevat
5:00 pm Tavim
6:15 pm Hebrew 2
6:30 pm Adult Bat Mitzvah
7:30 pm Modern Hebrew
7:30 pm Spiel Rehearsal
5:00 pm Tavim
6:15 pm Hebrew 2
6:30 pm Adult Bat Mitzvah
7:30 pm Modern Hebrew
8:00 am Essential Essays
11:30 am Contemp J Thought
12:30 pm Grandparents Grp
6:15 pm Hebrew 1
6:15 pm Intro to Judaism
6:30 pm Parenting Workshop
7:00 pm Jesus & Judaism
16 Adar
15 Adar
25Shushan Purim
17 Adar
8:00 am Perusin’ Parashah
9:00 am JBFCS soc wrkr
9:15 am Ritual Object Wkshp
6:45 pm Melton 2
6:45 pm Context
7:00 pm Context Seminar
7:30 pm YCG Wine Tasting
10 Adar
PAS offices closed
8:00 am Essential Essays
11:30 am Contemp J Thought
8:00 am Perusin’ Parashah
1:00 pm WN Film
9:00 am JBFCS soc wrkr
7:15 pm Intro to Judaism
6:45 pm Melton 2
7:30 pm Spiel Rehearsal
9 Adar
8:00 am Perusin’ Parashah
9:00 am JBFCS soc wrkr
9:15 am Parenting Workshop
12:00 pm Call for Comments
6:45 pm Melton 2
6:45 pm Context
7:00 pm Context seminar
8 Adar
8:00 am Essential Essays
11:30 am Contemp J Thought
1:00 pm Yiddish Club
6:15 pm Hebrew 1
6:15 pm Intro to Judaism
7:00 pm Jesus & Judaism
7:30 pm Spiel Rehearsal
3 Adar
2 Adar
8:00 am Perusin’ Parashah
9:00 am JBFCS soc wrkr
9:15 am Parenting Workshop
6:45 pm Melton 2
6:45 pm Context
7:00 pm Context seminar
26 Shevat
8:00 am Essential Essays
11:30 am Contemp J Thought
6:15 pm Hebrew 1
6:15 pm Intro to Judaism
7:00 pm PAS Lecture Series
25 Shevat
18 Presidents Day
1 Adar
23 Shevat
11Rosh Hodesh
Daily Shaharit Minyanim Monday-Friday at 7:15 am; Sundays
and Legal Holidays at 9:00 am.
Minha/Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm.
Any changes are noted when they occur.
For Congregational School Shabbat programs, see p. 11.
FEBRuary 2013 ShEvat / adar 5773
PAS Calendar of Events
27 Shevat
21 Shevat
Candles, 4:55 pm
28 Shevat
Candles, 5:04 pm
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
9:15 am Women in the Bible
11:00 am MOTM Mitzvah,
Mommy, Me
3:30 pm Food Pantry
5:00 pm YFE svc & dinner
6:15 pm Friday Evening svce
4 Adar
12 Adar
22 Candles, 5:20 pm
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
9:15 am Caffeine for Soul
3:30 pm Food Pantry
6:15 pm Friday Evening svce
5 Adar
15Candles, 5:12 pm
18 Adar
9:15 am Melton 1
10:00 am DOROT soc wrkr
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
5:15 pm Ritual Object Wkshp
9:15 am Melton 1
10:00 am DOROT soc wrkr
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
6:00 pm Caregvr Support Grp 8:00 am Daf HaShavua
3:30 pm Food Pantry
6:30 pm Spiel Rehearsal
7:00 pm MC Tough Jews Film 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce
21 11FastAdar
of Esther
9:15 am Melton 1
10:00 am DOROT soc wrkr
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
22 Shevat
Parashat Yitro
29 Shevat
Parashat Mishpatim
Shabbat Sh’kalim
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service
9:30 am Havurah
20 mins after services, Minha
6:30 pm Purim Spiel
7:30 pm Megillah reading
13 Adar
Shabbat Zakhor
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service
20 mins after services, Minha
6 Adar
16 Parashat T’rumah
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service &
UJA Shabbat
11:15 am YFE services
20 mins after services, Minha
4:00 pm Teen Study w/ Rabbi
4:30 pm Hazzan’s Tisch
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary service &
Ramah 50th anniversary
9:30 am Havurah
20 mins after services, Minha
9:15 am Melton 1
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
8:00 am Daf HaShavua
6:30 pm Interfaith Dialogue
7:00 pm WN Bingo & Bubbly 3:30 pm Food Pantry
6:15 pm Friday Evening svce
7:30 pm Spiel Rehearsal
5:00 pm Tavim
6:15 pm Hebrew 2
6:30 pm Adult Bat Mitzvah
7:30 pm Modern Hebrew
8:00 pm Bk Discussion Grp
50 East 87th Street, New York, NY 10128
FEBRUARY 2013 • ShEvat / ADAR 5773
Elliot J. Cosgrove, Ph.D., Rabbi
Steven I. Rein, Assistant Rabbi
David H. Lincoln, Rabbi Emeritus
Azi Schwartz, Cantor and Music Director
Shiree Kidron, Assistant Cantor
David Lefkowitz, Cantor Emeritus
Steven M. Friedman, Chairman of the Board
Brian G. Lustbader, President
Beryl P. Chernov, Executive Director
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman, Director of Congregational Education
Liz Offenbach, Director of Synagogue Programming
Rabbi Eve Rudin, Principal of the Congregational School
Carol Hendin, Director, Early Childhood Center
Matthew Check, Director of Young Family Education
Caryn Roman, Director of Youth Engagement
Marga Hirsch, Director, Edmond de Rothschild Library and Publications Editor
Jonathan Schlesinger, Chief Financial Officer
John Davis, Facilities Director
Lawrence Conley, Director of Media
Synagogue Office: 212-369-2600 | www.pasyn.org
A Look Ahead: March
Shabbat HaKavod: Honoring our Teachers and Learners
Saturday | March 9 | 9:15 am, at services in the Sanctuary
Women’s Seder
Tuesday | March 12 | 6:30 pm
The Art of Passover
Sunday | March 17
2:30 pm | A Guided Tour through The Moss Haggadah with Artist David Moss
4:00 pm | the Three Tenors in concert
5:30 pm | wine tasting
PAS Community Seders
First Night | Monday | March 25 | 7:30 pm | with Rabbi Rein and Cantor Kidron
Second Night | Tuesday | March 26 | 7:30 pm | with Rabbi Cosgrove and Cantor Schwartz
Food Pantry Shabbat
Saturday | March 30 | 9:15 am, at services in the Sanctuary
New York, NY
Permit No. 8526