July August 2007 Issue - Freehold Jewish Center


July August 2007 Issue - Freehold Jewish Center
Agudath Achim
59 Broad Street
Freehold, NJ 07728
Rabbi Kenneth Greene
Cantor David Amar
President: Marcy Cortez
1st Vice President: Larry Edelstein
2nd Vice President: Jeffrey Wolf
3rd Vice President: Richard Greer
Treasurer: Jeffrey Shapiro
Corres. Sec’y: June Winkler
Financial Sec’y: Gabriel Gurman
Rec. Sec’y: Miriam Kapelushnik
Exec. Director: Marvin Krakower
Sandy Altman
Ross Basen
Michelle Chesny
Lewis Goldstein
Debbie Gross
Barry Hochberg
Irv Kaplan
Steve Kaplan
Rob Kash
Jeffrey Kneler
Abby Kramsky
Avi Labkovski
Michele Moserowitz
Lauren Nadler
Wendy Sherman
Lou Barth, MD
Jerry Einhorn
Jack Feinstein
Bernard N. Hochberg
Jerome T. Kurman
Rachelle Lederman
Laurence B. Lubber
David Metz
Charles Miller
Linda Perchuk
Robert Rosin
Volume 5, Issue 5
July 2007- August 2007
Tamuz - Av 5767
From the Rabbi's Desk...
Dear Congregants and Friends,
Thank you for all your support during my recent hospitalization; however, rather than
focus on the months past, I would like to turn our attention this summer to something for
the future. Many, I assume, have read or seen material dealing with global warming. As
a nation, and as a faith community, I believe it is time we put this on our spiritual agenda.
While the Christian community has been focusing on “stewardship” – humanity’s role vis a
vis planet earth – for some time, it is a newer topic for many in Jewish circles.
To help us begin to put the topic in a spiritual perspective, I would like to share in
brief some questions that come from an Environmental Attitude survey jointly sponsored
by the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, and Greenfaith, New Jersey’s
interfaith environmental coalition. Its purpose will be to help us as individuals and as a
congregation to begin to quantify our awareness and concern for environmental issues.
Please measure your responses as follows:
Neither Agree
Nor Disagree
1. Earth’s resources are finite and we should conserve them as much as possible.
2. People should buy products that are produced in an environmentally friendly
3. It is our responsibility to leave the earth in better shape than we found it.
4. Nature is resilient and has the ability to cleanse itself.
5. People can take an active part in controlling the amount of resources used and the
amount of waste products that are produced.
6. The Jewish tradition espouses that people should act as “stewards of creation.”
7. Following Jewish tradition we believe that G-d has granted us use of the earth, but
G-d has absolute ownership.
8. Ultimately all life belongs to G-d, who sustains us and other creatures of the earth.
9. Caring for creation (advocating against pollution, waste, and energy standards) is a
matter of social justice (Tikkum Olam).
10. Energy conservation in the United States can affect relationships in the Middle
At home, we can begin to be more environmentally conscious by greater use of
fluorescent or energy-saving light bulbs, driving habits, recycling bottles, cans, and paper
products, considering Energy Star appliances. In the synagogue, we will begin to
incorporate a variety of efforts to put us on the road to becoming a “greener” synagogue.
Have a pleasant summer!
Rabbi Kenneth Greene
Freehold Jewish Center Calendar
July 2007
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Service – Portion Pinchas
9:00 AM
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Service – Portion Matot/Masei
9:00 AM
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Service – Shabbat Chazon Portion Devarim
9:00 AM
Erev Tisha B’ Av
8:00 PM
Tisha B’ Av
7:15 PM
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Service - Shabbat Nachamu Portion Va’etchanan 9:00 AM
August 2007
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Service – Portion Eikev
9:00 AM
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Service – Portion Re’eh
9:00 AM
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Service – Portion Shoftim
9:00 AM
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Service – Portion Ki Seitzei
9:00 AM
Friday Evening Service in Chapel
7:00 PM
September 2007
Saturday Morning Service – Portion Ki Savo
9:00 AM
Chai Times
From the Desk of the President...
As my first year of service as the President of
Freehold Jewish Center draws to a close, I
wanted to take a moment to recognize a few of
the events, activities and individuals who contributed to making it such a fulfilling experience.
First and foremost, my family and I join with the
entire congregation in welcoming back Rabbi
Greene from his recent medical problems. We are
delighted to see the color return to his cheeks
and the bounce to his step as he slowly resumes
his schedule. May he only enjoy the best of
health in the future.
During the Rabbi’s absence, our shul continued
to operate full steam ahead thanks to the diligent
efforts of both Cantor Amar and Marvin Krakower
who both stepped up and did an outstanding job.
Without the additional support and contributions
of the many volunteers from office support to
morning minyons to Shabbat and Yom Tov
services to the Family of the Year celebration, life
would have been much more difficult. Thank you
one and all.
In early June, we recognized Sara and Larry
Edelstein as well as their children Jesse, Amanda
and Sabrina as the 2007 FJC Family of the Year.
The Edelsteins contributions to our shul are
numerous and thanks to the hard-working
committee headed by Ross Basen, not only did
we celebrate their years of service, but produced
a successful fund-raising effort via the ad journal.
The dinner in their honor was a wonderful event,
with delicious food, musical entertainment and a
lovely time was had by all who attended.
Over the course of the past year, we have
expanded the contributions of our teenage
members by encouraging their participation in
Shabbat services. Thanks to the efforts of Cantor
Amar, many post-bat mitzvah girls have led
Friday night services with an even larger number
of post-bar mitzvah boys participating in
Saturday morning services. Young people are
the future of any shul and I strongly encourage
the most recent class of Hebrew school
graduates to continue the tradition.
Our Hebrew school continues to flourish and this
year we confirmed three young men-Josh
Bleznick, Justin Kaabe and Jonathan Wolf during
Shavuot services. Mazel tov on a job well done.
Our calendar was brimming with events including
a Post Thanksgiving Shabbat Dinner, Chanukah
Party, Purim gala celebration, Comedy night for
the adults and the annual Shabbat Across
America dinner, to name a few.
Both Sisterhood and FHSA hosted their share of
events and all arms of the shul combined to host
the Purim gala that was enjoyed tremendously by
all who attended.
If you weren’t able to join us for some of these
events in the past, please make sure to check out
our terrific new website (freeholdjc.org) for a
constantly updated calendar of events as well as
synagogue services and even the correct time to
light your Shabbat candles. Jeff Wolf and his
committee did an outstanding job, so please take
a moment to check it out at: freeholdjc.org.
Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank
the outstanding Executive Committee and Board
of Trustees for the 2006/2007 term. Larry
Edelstein, Jeff Wolf, Ricky Greer, Jeff Shapiro,
Larry Lubber, Rachelle Lederman and Miriam
Kapelushnik, Ross Basen, Lew Goldstein, Debbie
Gross, Gabe Gurman, Barry Hochberg, Irv Kaplan,
Steve Kaplan, Jeff Kneler, Abby Kramsky, Lauren
Nadler, Linda Perchuk, Wendy Sherman, June
Winkler and Wendy Zucker. To those of you who
will not be returning in the fall, just remember
that we still know your phone number. Larry
Lubber and Rachelle Lederman, a special thanks
to both of you for your many outstanding years of
service, we will miss your wisdom at our
meetings. Congratulations and best of luck to the
new board who will take office effective July 1,
Join us for services soon and have the
opportunity to speak with the various board
members during our more informal summer
services, Friday evenings at 7 pm and Shabbat
mornings at 9 am. I look forward to davening
with you soon. Best wishes for a safe and happy
Marcy Cortez, President
Chai Times
From the Desk of Cantor Amar…
Dear Family & Friends,
Every Jew is a letter in G-d's scroll. Our
sages tell us that if a single Jewish soul had
been absent from Sinai, the Torah could not
have been given to us. The people of Israel
While you are reading these words, I
will have just returned from The Land Of
This past month and a half I had the
privilege, and honor to serve you not just as
your Cantor, but also as your temporary
spiritual leader.
comprise a single, interdependent entity;
the lack or deformity of a single Jewish
soul, G-d forbid, would spell a lack or
deformity in us all.
But equally important is the inviolable
"white space" which distinguishes each and
every one of us as a unique individual.
It was nice to feel the warmth and the
Often, a strong sense of community and
togetherness in our shul, while the Rabbi
communal mission obscures the differences
was away, and that is why I wanted to
between its members, blurring them to a
share with you a few words.
faceless mass. Says the Torah: true, my
A Torah scroll contains 304,805 letters,
hundreds of thousands of letters spell a
each handwritten in black ink on parchment
single integral message. But this message is
by a highly trained scribe. If a single letter
comprised of hundreds of thousands of
is missing or deformed, the entire scroll is
voices, each articulating it in its own
unfit for use.
particular manner and medium. To detract
Another important law regarding the Torah
from the individuality and uniqueness of
scroll is that each of its letters must be
one is to detract from the integrity of the
ringed by a blank strip of parchment.
collective whole.
Should a letter touch its fellow even by a
hair, thereby violating the "white space"
Let me finish by wishing a speedy recovery
between them, again, the entire scroll is
to our Rabbi, as well as saying thank you to
disqualified from use until the error is
all of you that helped in my absence.
Toda & Shalom,
Cantor David Amar
Chai Times
From the Principal…
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that another school year
has come to a close; and there was certainly
lots going on before we celebrated at our
Torah School awards evening.
Kitah Bet did a fantastic job at their Friday
night service. Mrs. Baer and the Cantor
practiced with the class to prepare them for
the service, and we gave each student their
own siddur at the end of the service.
The Cantor and Mrs. Sochet prepared the
Daled class, and they should be very proud of
how wonderful they did that night.
We ended our school year with our Hebrew
School Awards Evening. Our Alef through
Daled classes were honored at the event.
Our students worked very hard all year long,
and thanks to so many people, our school
year went along smoothly. Our teachers,
along with Rabbi and Cantor, helped our
students explore G-d, Judaism, laws,
customs, Hebrew liturgy at each grade level,
thus giving our students an opportunity to
connect with their Jewish heritage.
Our Board of Education members, under the
charge of Debbie Gross, are always at the
ready to lend a hand. The FHSA, our parents
group, have been available all through the
year and have made for a smoother journey
throughout the year. We really appreciate all
that Wendy Sherman, Susan Masin, Roni
Pluskalowski, and all the parents have done.
A special thanks goes to our aides – Ilana
Cortez, Matt Kaplan, Eric Lederman, Jeremy
Gross, and Drew Lubber.
Last was our Hey Graduation. The students
were wonderful and Mrs. Bero gave them an
excellent year.
Congratulations to our graduates:
Alex Fligel
Shelly Grinshpun
Harris Kittner
Stephen Laufer
Ian Levinson
Michael Meltzer
Ari Morgenstern
Daniel Nathanson
Michelle Raff
Andrew Saul
I want to wish all of our Hebrew School
families much luck and success in the coming
year, and I hope you have a safe and happy
Marvin Krakower
If you are sick, whether at home or in the
hospital; if a loved one or another member of
the congregation is sick and hospitalized, please
notify the Synagogue office. In theory, we are
notified by volunteers at CentraState Hospital
regarding Jewish patients as they are admitted.
In practice, this notification is sporadic and not
fully reliable. We therefore rely on and request
your help in letting us know whenever you or
other members or family are in the hospital.
We do not receive even occasional notification
from any other hospitals in the area. We thus
rely totally on our own membership to keep us
informed about the well-being of other
Please do whatever you can to help so that our
members will receive a visit and contact from
the Synagogue at those important and difficult
times when they are ill. Thanks for your help!
Rabbi Greene
Marvin Krakower
Chai Times
What’s Happening In Israel…
Exciting news! King
Herod’s tomb was
found in the Judean
Desert in Herodium.
King Herod was a very famous builder who
built the wall around ancient Jerusalem. He
also built the towns of Caesarea, Jericho
and the fortress of Massada as well as other
locations. He became the ruler of the Holy
Land under the Romans around 40 BC.
Archeologist found pieces of a limestone
sarcophagus that was said to belong to the
ancient king. The site where the fragments
were found was destroyed during a Jewish
revolt against the Romans in AD 66-72. It
was destroyed in AD 71 a year after they
destroyed the Second Temple. Archeologist
Ehud Netzer has conducted archeological
digs at Herodium since 1972.
Outsiders have provided aid for the people
of Gaza and yet they seem to be bent on
continuing their terrorist activities. Though
aid was supposed to be withheld from Gaza
because of the Hamas government take
over recent reports state that U.S. and
European aid has actually increased. It is
also reported that 31 tons of explosives
have been shipped into Gaza during this
time. Though there is a cease fire Kassam
rockets continue to be fired, one killing a
woman in the town of Sederot. Hamas and
Fatah are on the verge of a civil war,
fighting each other. Many civilians have
died, however this has not made big
headlines by the news media as the victims
were killed by Arabs and not Israeli’s. The
terrorist know that they want the
destruction of Israel and will continue
fighting to try to attain this goal.
Some people feel military action is
necessary. The Lebanon War made
people feel the IDF can be defeated by
terror organizations. The IDF has
hopefully learned many lessons from the
war and have corrected them. Israel
needs to show the terrorist that the IDF is
a competent organization. Everyday the
terrorist in Gaza are building up
and improving their defense. Many feel
waiting will only make them stronger. Or
else, we can just wait as it seems as if
they are in the process of killing each
I would like to thank Marcy Cortez,
Amanda and Lisa Cortez, Miriam
Kapelusnik, Rochelle and Steve
Lederman, Eric Lederman and Cantor
Amar and family for helping out at the
synagogue’s table on Monmouth Walks
for Israel Day sponsored by Federation.
Your help was greatly appreciated.
Lastly the Israeli committee would like to
welcome Rabbi Greene back. You were
missed by all.
Have a great and healthy summer.
Linda Perchuk
Chai Times
Words from Membership...
Summer is a time to kick back, relax, enjoy
nature, and slow down the tempo of our lives.
It’s also a great time to think about ways to
increase the membership of our Shul. The
summer schedule offers new opportunities to
services with friends who may be
interested in joining. Pick a balmy Friday night or
a sunny Shabbat Saturday morning and introduce
a new family to the Freehold Jewish
Center. What better way to
perform a
summertime mitzvah than to contribute to the
growth and sustenance of our Synagogue?
The membership committee has been at
work concentrating on advertising as a method to
increasing the number of congregants. If, as you
are sipping your iced tea or returning that tennis
ball, you have an idea about advertising please
call any committee member. Please inform the
office if you plan on bringing in prospective
members this summer so a scrumptious seasonal
Oneg can be provided.
Enjoy the summer, spend some time helping our
synagogue family grow, and don’t forget the
Ricky Greer
Lew Goldstein
was honored as the recipient of the first
annual Freehold Jewish Center Service Award.
The following is extracted from his thank
you address.
Being honored this evening, and my sincere thanks
for that, is the result of my repaying a debt.
Just over 17 years ago, tragedy struck my entire
family resulting from a fire in our residence. That
left me with my wife in St Barnabas Burn Center,
3 kids, and a 91 year old Dad, no home, little
clothes and no food, and my middle son's Bar
Mitzvah only 5 days away.
The morning of the fire I had returned a Sefer
Torah to the Synagogue after bringing it from
Brooklyn. Help came from people like you via blood
donations, clothing, food, shopping with the kids,
tending the kids, help in getting permanent
housing and an endless other things from many
We survived as a result of this tremendous
support from individual people representing the
Synagogue community. As I said, I’m repaying a
debt. Our continued thanks to individuals
and to the Synagogue community.
Sisterhood Happenings...
This year, the Sisterhood of Freehold Jewish Center has been
behind the scenes. We’ve helped where we are needed the
most. We don’t look for recognitions or a thank you. As long
as we were able to assist, we were content.
We took a step back from a large fund raiser this year.
Sometimes our events are overwhelming for just a handful of
ladies to work.
This coming year is going to be different. Many of our
members have commented on their willingness to work an
event. Well ladies, I’m holding you to it! Presently we are
discussing a New Years Eve celebration. We’re going to party
and everyone is invited to attend. Mark your calendars…2008
will be celebrated at FJC. Can you think of a better way to
start the New Year off? Sure we can put the Synagogue on a
back burner and attend only at holiday time that’s what so
many of us do right? Well, this year is going to be different!
Look the Synagogue’s way for your social activities. Have any
suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!
Yes, Sisterhood has room for new members and so does our
Shul. Just call the office and leave a message for me and I will
be glad to speak with you.
We are completing our cookbook! The committee is putting
the final touches on it. If you forgot to send your recipe in, it’s
okay. Just stop by the office and pick up a form. We can still
add yours in.
It’s been a wonderful experience to be the founder and the
president for the past four years of our Sisterhood. With a full
time job, family and a Sisterhood to run it’s been at times
overwhelming and I want to thank June Winkler for stepping
in and helping as co-president.
Everyone’s input and help has been the backbone for our
Sisterhood. Your time and effort has been shining from the
beginning. You all deserve a big hug!
On a sadder note we lost a dear member this past year. Sara
Rosenberg, our dear Sara who had supported us from the
beginning will be so deeply missed. She was a woman with a
true Jewish spirit from the heart. I will never forget her
eagerness to help raise money for the children of our Hebrew
school. I was co-president of the PTO with Helen Hochberg
and we held a garage sale in our parking lot. Sara and her
husband Albert wanted to sell some of their clothes to help
raise money for the children. They refused to leave the sale
until the very end of the day. It was a very hot and sunny day,
but Albert and Sara were determined to stay. They just
wanted to help. That was their spirit. Many of you can recall
going to Bingo and seeing Sara helping in the kitchen. Never
asking for a thank you and doing her job with her warmest
heart. Our shul is missing her smile on Saturday mornings.
Here’s a memory ….take a sugar cube and dip it so gently into
your tea for sweetness.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer, Lauren Nadler
Adult Education...
We had a very successful series this year. Unfortunately,
due to circumstances beyond our control, the walking tour
of the Lower East Side, has been postponed until fall.
Stay tuned for updates on next year's schedule.
We welcome your suggestions.
Joel Storm
Co Chairman
Congratulations to the Edelstein Family
Freehold Jewish Center’s Family of the Year
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
David Metz in memory of Beloved Wife Sadie
Yahrzeit Plaque
Alex Marowitz in memory of Renee Marowitz
Jeff and Debbie Shapiro in memory of Frank Blaustein
Jeff and Debbie Shapiro in memory of Ruth Blaustein
Yahrzeit Fund
Carolann Damsky in memory of Joseph Weinroth
Rhoda Farkas in memory of Abe Farkas
Rhoda Farkas in memory of Pauline Farkas
Stephen Friedman in memory of Dr. Morris Friedman
Stephen Friedman in memory of Sylvia Friedman
Helen and Harvey Greenberg in memory of Harry Offenbach
Fran and Martin Goldfine in memory of Hyman Friedman
Mona Handler in memory of Bernard Kamber
Dorothy Kaplan in memory of Beloved Mother Tessie Katz
Irving Kaplan in memory of Beloved Sister Elsie Berengarten
Irving Kaplan in memory of Beloved Mother, Bertha Kaplan
Marilyn Karaban in memory of Bruce Karaban, Loving Husband, Father, and Grandfather
Betty and Allan Koplitz in memory of Benjamin Koplitz
Jerome T. Kurman in memory of Beloved Mother Dorothy Kurman
Liora Lacks in memory of Beloved Father Kurt Ermann
Thomas Mazur and Jacqueline Pasternack in memory of Michael and Arlene Pasternak
Thelma Meyer in memory of Edward Meyer
Sheila Popowitz in memory of Beloved Husband Lester Popowitz
Helene Randell in memory of Beloved Mother Dorothy Weiss
Ada Richmond in memory of Sarah Weisbrod
Norman Rubenstein in memory of Beloved Father William Rubenstein
Beatrice Sagotsky in memory of Beloved Husband Samuel Sagotsky
June Winker in memory of Nathan Guerrero
Eleanor Weinberg in memory of Jan and Louis Pocress
Elinore Weinberg in memory of Stanley Weinberg
Judy and Larry Wolff in memory of Hyman and Berty Zimmerman
Matching Fund
Karen Silverman
Marcy and Bruce Cortez and Family in memory of Betty R. Edelstein
Lauren and Gary Nadler, Helen and Barry Hochberg in memory of Betty R. Edelstein
General Fund
Ellen Bloom in memory of Stanley Blumstein
June Winkler in memory of Stanley Blumstein
Helen and Barry Hochberg with wishes for the speedy recovery of Rabbi Greene
Dale and Lawrence Iserson with wishes for the speedy recovery of Rabbi Greene
Fran Lehrfeld with wishes for the speedy recovery and good health of Rabbi Greene
Karen and Jeff Wolf with wishes for the speedy recovery and good health of Rabbi Greene
Barbara and Peter Krueger in memory of Sadie Metz
Rhoda Leskowitz in memory of Sadie Metz
Marlene Sorcher Neff in memory of Sadie Metz
Bob and Susan St. Lifer in memory of Sadie Metz
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Weinstein in memory of Sadie Metz
Ricky and Bob Boyarsky in memory of Henry Rosenzweig
Fay and Howard Ganz and Family in memory of Henry Rosenzweig
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hahn in memory of Henry Rosenzweig
Judi Rabinovitz and Family, and the Cuso Family in memory of Henry Rosenzweig
Barbara and Allen Rehert in memory of Henry Rosenzweig
Levine, Furman & Smeltzer LLC in memory of Henry Rosenzweig
Beverly and Peter Marx in memory of Henry Rosenzweig
Frank and Pat Federici in memory of Renee Marowitz
Rachelle and Jack Feinstein in memory of Pearl Krever
Shelly and Jack Feinstein in memory of Adeline Goodman
Suzanne Hochberg in memory of Beloved Father Joseph Garvin
Myron and Roberta Fishbein in honor of Shirley Ring
Jeff and Teri Kneler in honor of the 58th wedding anniversary of Jeff's parents, Gary and Fay Kneler
Diane and Marvin Krakower in memory of Betty R. Edelstein
Diane and Marvin Krakower in memory of Clara Sussman
Jack and Lucie Sterling in memory of Marcia Goldberg
Riviera at Freehold Sunshine Club in memory of Marcia Goldberg
Vera and Ilia Kikozashvili
Tree for Israel
Doris and Jerry Brown in memory of Morton Levine
Doris and Jerry Brown in memory of Sidney Rovner
Michelle Chesny in memory of Sara Rosenberg
Anita Jones -two trees in memory of Norman Price
Michele and Louis Moserowitz in memory of Terri Barlin
Wiliam Ward in memory of Jack Samuels
Shirley and Larry Zinstein in memory of Beloved Father of Mrs. Sherry Glick
Susan Elgart
Harvey and Joanne Kraut
Thelma and Samuel Lubow
Eleanor Weinberg in memory of Stanley Weinberg
Chai Times
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Dated Material
Deliver By
Volume 5, Issue 5
July 2007-August 2007
Tamuz –Av 5767
July 6
Shabbat Candle-Lighting Times
July 6 - 8:11 PM
August 3 - 7:51 PM
July 13 - 8:08 PM
August 10 - 7:43 PM
July 20 - 8:04 PM
August 17 - 7:34 PM
July 27 - 7:58 PM
August 24 - 7:23 PM
August 31 - 7:13 PM
Our E-Mail Address to contact us.
E-mail: office@freeholdjc.org
Our Web Site for valuable information
Web Site: www.freeholdjc.org
If you have good news that you
would like to share, please call the
shul office 732-462-0254.
Joan Marcus became a
grandmother on 4/30/07. A little
girl, Dylan Julia, was born to
Lauren and Eric Feld of Marlboro.
Lauren is Joan's daughter.