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T C S F O C U S 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 : E d i ti o n 2 5 — F r i d a y 2 2 n d M a y 2 0 1 5
SPORTS DAY 2015 Coverage!
Mein Lieblingsteil
der Woche
Our PYP and MYP/DP Sports Day took place for the first time at the Ryan Brathwaite stadium, part of the Usain Bolt sports complex at UWI. The
students arrived ready to support their house and made sure that they dressed up for the occasion!!!
Building water rockets
for Interdisciplinary
Ishan Persaud—MYP 4
There was much excitement on the track as our athletes displayed their determination to succeed and gain points for their house. Our gold medal
winners were: Ellie Fano PYP2, Mayleine Hosein PYP2, Aoife Browne PYP3, Davin Short-Hogan PYP3, James Hall PYP3, Aida Subryan PYP4, Olivia Lee
PYP 4, Dominc Drakes PYP4, Austin Ross PYP4, Tala Giovacchini PYP5, Dimitri Byer PYP5, Daymian Greene PYP5, Annika Rasmussen PYP6, Erik
Nilsson PYP6, Lila Harvey PYP7, Rufus Bernhardt PYP7, Sofia Rossidi PYP8, Ann Rogers PYP8, Lukas Aranda Chavaria PYP8, Chase Blakeney PYP8,
Harrison Stanley PYP8, Maximilian Lask-Rivest MYP1, Laurenne Mottley MYP1, Amethyst McKenzie MYP1, Caroline Baker MYP1, Adam
Douangprachanh MYP1, Zed Layson MYP1, Libbymae Sullivan MYP1, Emilie Pons Richards MYP2, Kade Ellis MYP2, Noa Schroll MYP2, Elan Albalak
MYP2, Allison Keene MYP2, Benjamin Morris MYP2, Sara Rossidi MYP2, Bradley Baker MYP3, Suresh Black MYP3, Florencia Reiche MYP3, Leo
Bernhardt MYP3, Gavin Clark MYP3, Aurora Rose MYP3, Chara Antrobus MYP3, Fayola Wetzels MYP3, Nico Esteban Brown MYP4, Emanuelle
Mottley MYP4, Tallulah Hogan MYP4, Branden Douangprachanh MYP4, Ross Adams MYP4, Valentine Meniaud MYP4, Misha Hill MYP4, Natusha
Thill MYP5, Amber McKenzie MYP5, Joie-Anne Christie-Veitch MYP5, Saskia Rock-Williams MYP5, Sasha Hill MYP5, Holden Diller DP1, Ari Albalak
DP1, Sofia Hanley DP1, and Brandon Best DP1.
Special mention must be given to the following athletes who gained gold medals in all of the events that they signed up for:
Making Tie Dye T-shirts!
Maximilian Lask-Rivest MYP1: 100m, 200m and Long Jump
Kade Ellis MYP2: 100m, Discus and Shot
Leo Bernhardt MYP3: 800m, Discus and Shot
Suresh Black MYP3: 100m, 200m and Triple Jump
Gavin Clark MYP3: Long Jump and High Jump breaking the school record and jumped 1m85.
Congratulations to Anstey house who won overall with 323 points, followed by Gooding Emtage with 292 points and Elliot Sealy with 273 points.
Gabrielle Barbacci—PYP 4
Planning for making
pizzas next week!
For Results Click the links below:
PYP Track Events
MYP Track Events
Field Events
For more pictures click
Clara Rogers—PYP 6
Please also see
Dates for your diary
Whit Monday (School Closed)
MYP 1 Taster Day
DP 2 Graduation Ceremony
DP 1 Exams Begin
Quick calendar links:
Academic Calendar
Monday 25th May
Tuesday 2nd June
Saturday 6th June
Monday 15th June
Events Calendar
TCS Principal -
Mr. Darryl
Greetings from the East coast and hope you are all enjoying your long weekend.
This week the MYP students have been drawing upon all their personal and collaborative talents with regards to Inter-disciplinary week. This is an amazing week where they are put in to multi grade
groups, given a task and need to complete that task. Much like real life, with minimal teacher input, it has been amazing to see the talents, leadership and collaboration that has surfaced throughout
the week. The focus of this year’s activities has been “Mars” and the students have been engaged in developing for a mission to Mars…some seemed particularly keen for this to happen before the
rapidly approaching exam week J.
Their task was to develop for the colonization of Mars and all that entails…from who goes; to how we get there; to how we survive there. This culminated in an afternoon of presentations by the groups attended by the
US Ambassador, Dr. Larry Palmer and Ricardo Small, President of the Barbados Astronomical Society. All were amazing as the students opened our eyes to the challenges and potential of such an endeavor…and who
knows they may have come up we a few novel ideas which the scientist of NASA have not! One particular point which raised a chuckle from both myself and the Ambassador (an ex science teacher by the way) was with
regards to “who should go” – one group determined that the mission needed 6 teachers and 10 therapists! – is this a reflection of the modern day importance of the teaching profession or just the state of the world we
live in?...I will let you decide on that one!
The DP 2 students have now finished their exams and have “officially” completed their secondary school education. I spent two hours with Laura on Friday as she completed the last of her (music) exams…the rest had
finished early in the week and bolted to freedom and I guess the beach!!! I would like to congratulate each and every one of them on a successful two years in the DP programme and wish them all the best going
forward. It is two weeks the DP 2 Graduation. This will be held at the school on Saturday 6th June from 3pm. This is a special time for all DP 2 students as they culminate their secondary education and prepare to
embark on university and the rest of their lives
Also do not forget to reserve your Codrington 2014-15 Yearbook. It will arrive in the next two weeks and numbers are limited, so it is a first come first serve basis. Order forms have gone out and any questions or
queries please contact Ms Cassy.
Have a great long weekend and see you on Tuesday
TCS Heads of School -
Miss Vicky and Miss Janet
Dear Parents & Guardians,
What a great week!
Last Saturday evening many of us went to Lancaster House to see the MYP 4 students deliver their wonderful and very funny drama performance of ‘Mmmbeth’. What a
fantastic evening and what great performances! Well done to MYP 4 and thank you very much to Ms. Nicola for her leadership on this fantastic production, to Olga Gajraj
(PYP & MYP parent) for her assistance; but also a massive thank you to Rain & John Chandler for hosting the event and to the PTA for all of their hard work in the evening.
DP 2 students have now finished their IB examinations and I am sure that they will now be partying the weekend away – so enjoy! Well done to all of them for all their hard work and
focus during these past three weeks. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Diana for all of her excellent work i n coordinating these examinations and ensuring that they ran so
well and professionally – so thank you Ms. Diana! We are now looking forward to the DP 2 graduation ceremony which takes place in two weeks’ time!
We also had a very special week of learning as it was our annual MYP Interdisciplinary Week. Students began the week being set their challenge for 2015 which was to plan for Life on
Mars, whereby they would build a sustainable community. Monday morning Dr. Pascal Lee from NASA (for more information about him please click here) called the whole of MYP via
Skype to challenge the students to lo explore and decide: who would go there with them, how they would get there and how they planned to build a community once they got there.
Students worked in vertical groups for the whole week (i.e. mixed MYP 1 to 5) delving into these vast questions. To achieve their common goal of becoming a new colony, the students
had to work collaboratively and use skills, experience and expertise from all of their subject disciplines that they usually study. This process also led to the development of new skills and
knowledge being acquired! This deep and challenging project led to some of the most amazing work that I have ever seen presented by young people. Students shared all of their ideas
and outcomes with the community in a culminating event on Friday afternoon.
Our finale was attended by parents, some PYP and all of our DP 1 students, faculty and staff along with Dr. Palmer (United States Ambassador to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean), Mr.
Ricardo Small (The President of the Barbados Astronomical Society) and Dr. Pascal (who joined us via Skype again from Northern California). The afternoon kicked off with the audience
being able to see some of the tangible results of the week via display stands; these stands will be in the main foyer for a f ew more days, so if you would like to have a look please pop in.
The formal proceedings were ‘top and tailed’ by formal quotes from various individuals from all around the world delivered by various MYP students. The newly-created colonies: Planeta
Vermillo, The New Horizon and Project Astro, marched in with their self-designed and manufactured flags and performed their national anthems that they wrote the lyrics for themselves.
Students then showcased their other work via presentations, websites, videos, animated software packages and much, much more. We will share all of the students’ work on our
website soon so that you will all get a chance to see what they achieved. We then went to our top field and all of the MYP s tudents released a red balloon into the atmosphere with a
message from each of them that will hopefully reach someone they may very well end up on Mars with! I am so proud of all the students, so well done to them all. I must make a special
mention of all the group leaders – Saskia Rock-Williams, Joie-Anne Christie-Veitch, Katie Cothran, Mia Cothran, Natusha Thill, Shahana Black & Amber McKenzie (MYP 5) and Emanuelle
Mottley & Julia Musselwhite (MYP 4) who did an AMAZING job.
There are other great achievements to report. Amber McKenzie (MYP 5) was selected as one of 40 female athletes aged 14-18 (who represent Barbados on a national team) for a
Barbados Olympic Association organized Women in Sport Workshop last weekend. The workshop was a three-day programme which comprised of 18 hours of instruction, mentorship
and competition. Amber did exceptionally well and won the Leadership Challenge contest and she was one of the four champions of the two -hour Bootcamp Fitness Challenge. Click here
and here for pictures! Amber has had a busy week as on Monday she went to donate the post cards that she made (of the 11 Parish Churches and Codr ington College for her MYP 5
Personal Project) to the respective Parish Church Rectors during a special presentation at the Annual Diocesan Synod. Click here for a picture! Well done Amber! As ever, we are very
proud of you!
Have wonderful family and friend time this long weekend. All the best, Ms. Vicky
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This week our first student left for the year. There is something very sad about the unraveling of the student body. Next week follows with a few more departures. Meanwhile though, we are now into
our second week of the last unit. The staff and students are steaming ahead with new bodies of research, plans for field trips, and the last summatives. In the music department, the kids are practicing the
songs for the year-end musical during their music classes and the dancers and key actors are extending their practice with the after school tutorials. The hall is becoming more and more alive with music as
we move through the day.
Two of our students, Lila Harvey and Lukas Aranda, represented the Codrington School at the Republic Bank Speech Contest on Wednesday. The PYP student body was able to hear and support them at the morning
assembly before they left for the competition. Ms. Cheryl reports that they both did us proud, taking their speeches to the next level of proficiency. It doesn’t get better than that! Also fun at the Wednesday assembly,
were our Codrington dancers who once again dazzled us with their cheer leading routines. Please remember that there is no school on Monday, May 25th!
We hope that you all have a great extended weekend.
Other announcements & news….
PYP 2 Learns More About Gardening!
Please join and you can always contact us at:
Or keep informed at by joining our Facebook page.
The Codrington School PTA
Parent and Teacher Volunteers Committed to
Enhancing Your Codrington Experience
MMMbeth Success
Congratulations to the
MMMBeth production
and performance team.
The event last Saturday
raised almost $2,500 -which will be used to
improve drama department props.
Uniform store
The uniform store is fully stocked -Fresh and Clean! Why not stock up
now for next year. Click here
MYP Dance: A Night of Glitter, Glamour and Glitz
Friday, May 29, 7 - 11 pm
Lucky Horseshoe Party
Room, Bagatelle, St
Tickets are $30
End Of School Beach Day!
June 13th, 11am to
Sunset, Barbados Cruising Club, Pebbles Beach
Enjoy Delicious Food and
Drink at Dippers Restaurant Rent a SUP or
Surfboard from Jason.
Although chairs and
umbrellas will be available for our use, It may be
wise to bring some extras
as we are a very large
The mission of The Codrington School
is to empower all children and adults
within the community to become
internationally-minded learners who
embrace and respect academic
excellence and a love of life-long
learning and who exemplify the traits
of the IB learner profile.
During the unit of inquiry about plants, PYP2 planted some seeds on flower pots. After few weeks
the plants grew and we realized they needed more space. We didn’t know what to do. To gather
information, PYP2 went on a field trip to a vegetable farm. The farmer explained to us how to
transplant our bean plants to the ground so they could produce lots of beanstalks. After asking
some questions and observing, the students learned
about how to take care of a
vegetable garden. When
we came back to the school
we transplanted our plants
to a vegetable garden on
the playground!
MYP 5 Language and Literature in Focus
In this Language A unit, we are addressing dystopian fiction and its reflection of contemporary
issues in society. We are using The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood as a vessel for our analysis, using the issues that the protagonist in this novel faces and comparatively assessing them in
our contemporary context. With that being said, our task
this week was - in groups of 3 - to create our own dystopian
world, incorporating three elements: a description of our
world, an illustration from our world, and a short story
based on the world we created. This task is teaching us not
only the way a dystopian world is structured and what you
need to consider, but it also enables us to have a “clearer”
understanding of The Handmaids Tale and what caused the
main events to take place. We have really enjoyed this task
thus far and feel as though it has helped clarify any questions that we had about the novel or anything that we felt
wasn’t expressed as clearly as we would like. All in all, this unit is very interesting and thought
provoking, and this task was an excellent way for our class to further explore the components of
a dystopian world! - Maria Cothran
Lila and Lukas Represent the School at The Republic Bank Barbados Speech Contest
Lila Harvey (PYP7) and Lukas Aranda-Chavarria (PYP8) participated in the Republic Bank Barbados
Speech Contest this week. They did a great job sharing their research and personal experiences
about 'Cricket' and 'Educational Technology', respectively. Both students represented our school
well. They put a great deal of effort into writing and practicing their speeches with the support of
their teachers, Ms Janet and the PYPs. We are very proud of Lila and Lukas!
PYP 4 Make Tie Dye T-Shirts
The Codrington School Year Book 2014 -15 is ready and we are
ready to print!
We are very, pleased with year book and we believe that it is a great
reflection and memento of the wonderful school year we had this year.
The cost is just BBD$95.00 To order your copies, print off and complete
the order form and forward it with the monies in an envelope to Miss
Cassy. The deadline for the above is Friday 29th May 2014. Note, we have
ordered a limited amount and any orders/payments after this date may
incur an additional cost.
Commumity Classifieds
Click the link above for classifieds from members of the Codrington Community. New this week: Piano for
Sale, Inversion Table for sale, Summer Surfing camp, Basketball hoop for sale