D A T E S F O R ... C A L E N D A R


D A T E S F O R ... C A L E N D A R
N. 03
October 14 8:45 am: ISCParent
October 15: Open classes
October 17-19: IB conference
in Rome
October 17 9:00 am: Giorgio
Rocca Ski Week Presentation
October 17: MYP Coffeehouse
October 20 8:50 am: PYP introduction for new families
October 21 8:45 am: Parent
Class Rep Meeting
October 21 3:30 – 7:00 pm:
MYP Subject Teachers Meetings
October 21-22-23: Parent
Teacher Conferences Kinder –
Grade 3
October 21-22-23: 3-way Conferences Grade 4 – Grade 6
October 24: Free Dress Day
October 24 2:00 – 3:30 pm: UN
Day celebration
October 27- November 2 Autumn Holiday
School Policies
Individual Meetings with
An ISC Ski Week Proposal from Giorgio Rocca
Artistic Gymnastic
Course at the Polisportiva of Fino Mornasco
UN Day
Student Council
Parent Class Representative Elections
ISC Staff
Open Classes
Newsletters of the Specialis Teachers
Field Trips
ISC Parents 2014-2015
Mandarin Chinese Meeting
Seek and Ye Shall Find
School Policies
I often find myself citing the School Policies during my conversations with
parents, as well as consulting them before I answer some of your questions.
But what is the meaning of a Policy? What are ISC’s Policies? And to whom
they are addressed?
School policies are the driving force behind how a school is run, they indicate
a set of expectations that all of the members of the school are held accountable
to. They indicate the procedures by which the school functions and operates
on different levels. They are based on a certain vision and on specific educational principles that should characterize the school’s mission in light of development and continuity. For this reason they are regularly reviewed and updated. In an international school like ours, enriched by cultural approaches and
that uses various school systems of reference that are very different, the policies become the structure that unites through different thoughts and ensures
that the school consistency and continuity.
Some policies, such as the Admission Policy, the Procedures for Registration,
the guidelines for the School calendar and daily hours, and the dress code,
cover the organizational aspects of the school. Others, such as the Language
Policy, the Assessment Policy, as well as the Policies for Field Trips, Homework and After School Activities, are closely linked to the curriculum. Still
others are closely linked to the educational aspects and the well-being of the
person, such as the Discipline Policy and the Health and Safety Policy.
Most policies are addressed to all members of the school community; some are
more relevant for parents, others for the teachers, some are specifically geared
toward the Administrators and still others to the general teaching staff.
What makes a clear policy? A good policy provides clear and specific information, such that it would not lead to personal interpretations. This is important because it guarantees the school, as a community, a clear identity
based on procedures that are recognized by all. Good policy outlines both the
rules and procedures, as well as the educational principles on which the former
are based. It is for this reason that many ISC policies are based on the educational references of the IBO.
Who makes the policies? Can they be modified and by whom? The arduous
work of drafting and revising policies rests with the school administrators.
Some policies are drawn directly by the Board, while others are under the
sphere of the educational coordinators and teachers.
In an IB school community policies are always the result of a long process of
consultation, reflection and collective debate between the key member of the
school and within committees specifically established for the purpose. Modifying policies can, in theory, change the nature of the school, and therefore,
any amendments or additions always require a period of consultation followed
by the approval of school administrators and in some cases, the Board.
I invite you to read the main policies which are published in the reserved area
of the website, in the section ISC / Policies.
An ISC Ski Week Proposal
from Giorgio Rocca
It seems early to talk about ski week and skiing lessons, but successful events require enormous
amounts of attention and organization well ahead of
time. It is for this reason that Mr. Giorgio Rocca
(former World Cup Italian Alpine Slalom Champion) and his team are already “hitting the slopes”.
Following last year’s huge success Mr. Rocca will
be with us Friday, October 17th at 9:00 am to pr esent his proposal for ISC students for Ski Week
2015 (February 16th -20th) Do not miss it!
Sleepover 2013-2014
What a great success!
Artistic Gymnastics Course at the Polisportiva of Fino Mornasco
Starting last year, some of our younger athletes have been taking part in an Artistic Gymnastics Course at the
Polisportiva of Fino Mornasco, a prestigious center which has prepared Italian Olympic gymnasts. Based on this
successful experience, the center has opened a course specifically dedicated to ISC students between the ages of
6 and 10 years of age. The course will take place the the Polisportiva Gym of Fino Mornasco on Tuesdays at
4:40 pm. Those of you who are interested can pick up a brochure at the Front Desk or get information directly
from Mrs. Rostoni (mother Prisca Irina G2 and G5).
Individual Meetings with Teachers
One of our primary objects is to foster efficient communications between the school and families. Individual
meeting with teachers will be held on October 21st, 22nd, and 23rd from 4:15 pm to 7:00 pm. This will be
the first opportunity to share with families the results of learning assessments that have been conducted so far
this year.
Each teacher will send to you the schedule of availability, the meetings will be held by appointment, and will
last 10 to 15 minutes. If you need to change the time that has been assigned to you or in the event that you have
special requests, please get in touch directly with teachers through the diary or by email.
In keeping with IB standards of Evaluation and with our Assessment Policy, the meetings will be conducted
using the “Teacher-Parent Conference Form”. This for mat allows us to shar e with par ents the points of
strength and personal objectives for each student. The goals will be revised and communicated at the end of
each of the 4 month-long terms in order to ensure that we are always on the right path. We will ask parents to
sign the form during this first meeting as a way for them to participate in what has been established by the
teachers and the students.
Individual meetings wher e only the par ents ar e pr esent have been planned for the students fr om Kindergarten al Grade 3. The meeting will affor d you the oppor tunity to under stand the cour se and lear ning
path of your children. Any feedback that you may have for the teachers is of great importance.
For students from Grade 4 to Grade 6 the meetings will be a “Three-Way Conference” where students must be
present. Together with their teachers, the children will highlight their strengths and outline the objectives to
work on.
Meetings with subject teachers will be held for the Middle School. All teacher s will be available fr om
15.30 to 19.00 Tuesday, October 22nd. These are meeting where the students should be present if possible.
A detailed communication will be sent to you by our PYP coordinator, Ms. Sarah Block, and by the MYP Coordinator, Mrs. Turner.
UN Day
United Nations Day has become a reoccurring event on our Cultural Programme. The annual celebration has occurred every October 24th since 1948 and was established to highlight the aims and
achievements of the United Nations. United Nations Day has traditionally been marked throughout
the world with meetings, discussions and exhibits about the achievements and goals of the organization.
UN Day provides International Schools a great opportunity to celebrate the International make-up
of the school community. It gives us the chance to learn a little more about our differences and celebrate what we have in common; it fosters our humanity and desire for peace & harmony in the
During the first official meeting of the ISCParents, the parents present expressed their desire to
contribute to the event. Our students, with the help of parents, can volunteer as Ambassadors of the
cultural, sports, art and history aspects of their nation. It is a worthy objective to have all 33 nationalities at ISC represented. Each country will be represented at tables set up in the gym, the library
and in the Middle School Atrium where one can savor the various flags, music, costumes, food and
drink, typical handicrafts, traditional games etc. We would like for our students to come dressed for
the occasion by wearing their national colors. I will deliver the list of the 33 nationalities represented at the school to the ISCParents and those of you who are eager to participate can contact
Mrs. Vanessa Di Marco (vanessadimarco@yahoo.it) or Mrs. Tamara Sogni
(sognitami@hotmail.com) or can attend the next ISCParents meeting on Tuesday, October 14th at
8:45 in the cafeteria.
With everyone’s enthusiasm and participation I am sure that the event will truly be significant for
our school community. I look forward to seeing you all on the afternoon of Friday, October 24
from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm.
ISC’s UN Day last year….
What a great learning experience!
picture here>>
We can’t do it again
without you!
Student Council
The elections for Student Council are a great exercise in democracy for our students: first one needs
to find the courage to run for office, introduce
themselves and present their programs find supporters and build a constituency, make choices for
your candidate and for the ideas they represent,
accept the decision of the majority .... etc..
The election campaign has already begun and in
the next newsletter I will be able to announce the
new representatives of the Student Council for
2014-2015 who will be guided by two motivated
and enthusiastic teachers; Ms. Zara and Ms. Carla.
One of the most important purposes of education is
to prepare young people to become active and
informed citizens of the communities in which
they live; it is essential that students are given
meaningful opportunities to participate in the governance of the school community.
Students who are ready to accept the challenge of
the Student Council, are given the opportunity to
develop their personal leadership skills. They will
learn to cooperate with others, formulate reasoned
arguments and take responsibility to document and
Here’s some part of the ISC student council policy:
“The Student Council should aim to do things
which will improve the school for the students and
to increase the sense of community and pride in
the school. This will involve playing a role in
some of the following:
- The school environment e.g. reducing litter, decoration of notice boards
- Helping with the arranging of fun/sports days
- Fundraising to finance student council initiatives
- Developing environmental initiatives
- Charity events
- International events
- Peer Mediation
The Student Council must be seen as a positive
forum. One of the tasks of the Council is to make
suggestions for improving the school environment
for students and give them a voice on issues of
school life. Therefore, they are likely to deliberate
and ask for things to this end, for example:
 Resources for clubs
 Playground equipment
 Materials for special events
 Rewards for House Competitions
 Activities for Golden Time
Considering the skills required for the role, the
representatives of the Student Council will be students from Grade 3 to MYP 3.
Last year’s
Student Council
Ms. Turner,Ms. Block and myself will attend the IB Annual Conference in Rome from October 16th
to the 19th . In my absence on Friday the 17th , Mr. MacLachlan and Mr. Creswell will be your point
of reference.
Parent Class Representative Elections
I sincerely thank all the parents who gave their time and showed their willingness to serve as the class
representative. Following are the names of the candidates for the various classes:
Kinder: Kathy Gregson, Jeanine de Weijer Elected
Transition: vacant post
Grade 1S: vacant post
Grade 1 E: vacant post
Grade 2 H: Silvia Fr anceschetti, Michela Vago,
Filippo Renoldi, Loredana Alecci – Elections
Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th
Grade 2K: Adriana Stefanini, Elisabetta Bianchi,
Kathy Gregson – Elections Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th
Grade 3R: Sule Meroni – Elected
Grade 3E: Simona Cornara – Elected
Grade 4: Patrizia Tettamanti – Elected
Grade 5: vacant post
Grade 6: Irene Ruiz Rivera, Jeanine de Weijer –
MYP 1: Tamara Sogni, Bettina Schröckenfuchs –
MYP 2: Amy Tully – Elected
MYP 3: Amy Tully – Elected
In order to form the council of Parent Class Representatives, I invite the parents of the missing classes
to come forward. As already stated, it would be desirable to have two names for class, one of which
prior experience with ISC and another new parent. Sharing the role between parents renders it less
strenuous and also offers the possibility of a balanced exchange of points of view.
We will proceed to elections for the reps for Grade 2H and Grade 2K. Monday the 13th and Tuesday
the 14th you will find a ballot box at the front desk, where you can vote. If you are unable to come to
school, please send an e-mail with your vote to the front desk.
The first meeting of the parent class reps is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21st at 8:45 am.
ISC Staff
I am very pleased to report that the ISC
staff has recently been enriched with two
new male figures.
Mr. John Hardy is already contributing
greatly in supporting the teachers of the
Early Years, working as an assistant. Mr.
Dave Bonnick, a teacher with extensive
experience in secondary school, is working
together with the classroom teachers as
EAL support on various days during the
week. I strongly believe in an balanced educational environment where both female
and male roles are present, just as they are
in the family. It offers a wealth of approaches, educates to overcome role stereotypes, and offers real examples of different perspectives. I warmly welcome Mr.
Hardy and Mr. Bonnick.
As I wrote in my last newsletter our first
Open Classes/Open Day will be held on
Wednesday, October 15th. Sign-up sheets
will be available in the main atrium area of
the school for you to block your 15 minute
spot to observe a part of a lesson between
9.15 – 12.30 (9.15 - 11.45 for Transition
and Grade 1). No more than 4 parents will
be permitted per time slot so as not to disturb the lessons which will follow the
class timetables which can be accessed on
the Reserved Area of the website. Please
note that at this early stage of the year the
Pre-Kinder and Kinder classes will not participate in the Open Classes.
Newsletters of the Specialist Teachers
I, like you, over the weekend read with great interest the Teacher’s Newsletters. The drafting of a weekly
newsletter is a weighty task that teachers add to the million others that they perform in school. They do
so in a timely manner and I am proud to say that show great care and professionalism. Thank you!
I highly recommend that you browse the section called "Specialists". You will find many links with the
Units of the various classes and concrete examples of the interdisciplinary work. Specialist teachers
(those teachers who work with multiple classes), are required to publish a monthly newsletter. In the
MYP section and on the school’s homepage you will find their first newsletter entirely dedicated to the
Middle School.
Field Trips
Please note that when a trip indicates “Packed Lunch” it is always
provided by the school.
Starting next week the ISC field trips associated in conjunction with the first Unit of Inquiry will
begin. In most cases, the students will be accompanied by their teachers, and occasionally the presence of a few parents has been requested as well. Following my instructions, Ms. Chiara and Ms.
Claudia have undertaken an immense amount of work in recent weeks in order to define the field
trips to be taken by all of the classes throughout the academic year. Some trips to major museums
require much advance preparation so as to buy tickets and organized for English guides which can
often be quite a challenge. They have managed to amaze us with their special effects! Thank You! I
would like to take the opportunity to share with you the trips that are planned for this coming month.
Kindergarten & Transition – Fondazione Minoprio, Vertemate con Minoprio. “Who we are”: How
harvest is celebrated and its symbolism.
Grade 1E & 1S – Fino Mornasco Park: To experience the exploration of a new unknown place
through play.
Grade 2H & 2K – Teatro dei Burattini, Como to attend a puppet show and make an emblem with
clay and colorful stones.
Grade 3E & 3R – Spina Verde Fitness Track, Albate to exercise in an outdoor environment.
Grade 4 – Milan Museo Civico, human anatomy: to experiment how the digestion happens, how our
lungs works, the structure of the heart and how the 5 senses cooperates in the perception of the environment.
Grade 5 – Synagogue, Milan and Centro Islamico of Milan and Lombardy. “Who we are: study of
different belief value systems.
Grade 6 – Visit to the Consiglio Regionale of Lombardy to better understand the organization and
management of governing bodies and local administrative offices.
Grade 5 visited the Islamic Centre in Milan this week
ISCParents 2014-2015
Next ISCParents Meeting
On October 1st a large and lively group of parents attended the first
Tuesday, October 14th 8.45 am
meeting of the ISCParents association. Committees have been established and roles distributed inn order to make this group a true
All parents are warmly invited!
reference point for our community and at the same time render
participation a pleasant, and yet not too challenging experience.
I would like to share with you the following:
President: Cr istina Nobis (G5)
Secretary: Kathy Gr egson (G2 and Kinder )
Treasurer: Tamar a Sogni (MYP 1 and G3)
Social Organizers Commitee: Giovanna Novati (G 3E and MYP 1), Ir ene Ruiz (G 2K, G4, G6), Silvia Franceschetti (G 2H)
Community and School Relations Committee: Philip Renoldi (G 2H), Lor edana Alecci (G2H) Cristina Nobis (G5)
Sponsorship, Charity and Fundraising Committee: Ana Sala (G5 and MYP 1), Sule Mer oni (G 3R),
Luigia Bordoli (MYP 3), Michela Vago (G 2H)
Events and Festivals Committee: Vanessa Di Mar co (G 2K), Tamar a Sogni (MYP 1 and G3), Milena
Tortorelli (G 2H)
I would like to personally thank all the participants and especially those parents who have offered to take
on special assignments.
Mandarin Chinese Parent Information Meeting * Time Change
Please make note of the following change in time to the Mandarin Chinese Parent Information Meeting to
be held on Friday, October 24th. The meeting will take place at 2:45 pm; and not 3:15 pm as was previously communicated. We apologize for this error.
Seek and Ye Shall Find
Our new art studio will soon be receiving a sewing machine. Ms. Karen is looking for pieces of fabric;
all sized and colors, and of any type of material are welcome!
Our dear school cook, Mrs. Maria, is searching for a used car-seat (9/36 months) so that she may
transport her beautiful grand-daughter Camilla. Any ideas? Thanks in advance…
My best wishes,
Emanuela Ferloni
Head of School
International School of Como