

Jun 2014
Vol 57, Issue 8
Meeting Place
First Baptist Church
17765 Daves Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Board Meeting
6:45 P.M.
Regular Meeting
7:30 P.M.
June 6, 2014
June Meeting
Show awards and trophies will be handed out at our June meeting. Come receive yours
and cheer and celebrate the successes of your fellow members!
Get the scoop on the Spring Regional—did our members experience more than the hot
tubs and wineries of Napa? Let’s hear the news and reports from the event. Plus, we’ll get the dish on our upcoming July picnic—fun, food, and iris will abound.
While the Spring Regional party people played in Napa, what did the May meeting
attendees do? We played too! With nearly as many guests as members, attendees
divided into two highly competitive teams in the fast-paced, mentally challenging, Iris
Club Quiz Show! Patterned loosely after the televised High School Quiz Show,
competition included three rounds: the Team Round; the Challenge Round; and the
Video Round. Questions included:
1. What’s a “spathe”? 2. What are two reasons people think their iris change color in the ground?
3. What’s the difference between an iris being “registered” and “introduced”?
In the Video Round contestants identified named iris,
iris varieties, insects, and plant disease from photos.
Sep 1, 2013—
Aug 31, 2014
Adults - $12.00
Contact Information:
Barbara Pesek, President
Contestants were surprised to learn that there is one
iris that is officially an invasive plant in the SF Bay
region and the southern San Joaquin Valley. Iris
pseudacorus, or Yellow Flag Iris, which is on PlantRight’s spring 2014 Northern California nursery survey list. PlantRight ( works with
the nursery industry to prevent the spread of
invasive plants in the state. The California
Invasive Plant Council has currently designated
Yellow Flag Iris as a “Limited” category invasive with the following notation: “Iris pseudacorus (yellowflag iris) (family Iridaceae) invades
wetlands and meadows along coastal California and some inland counties. Iris
pseudacorus is a fast-growing and rapidly-spreading invasive plant that can outcompete other wetland plants, forming almost impenetrable thickets, in much the same
way as cattails do.”
Thankfully, there are thousands of other iris for members to grow which are not
invasive! Instead of spreading invasives, let’s spread the news at the June meeting. See you there!
P.S. We were having so much fun we forgot to take pictures at the May meeting,
earning me Mikey’s wrath—Yikes!
̶ Lynn Stuart, VP & Program Chair
(Editor’s note: No photo, no event!)
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Tidbits From Behind Sunglasses
Is it almost June already? First, thanks to Mikey Lango for filling in for me with my comments for May’s newsletter. She did a good job with my Tidbits. I laughed when I read about me being under a blanket. Second, I’m offering thanks to Lynn Stuart for conducting the May meeting. She has been a champion filling in for me twice now. There
will be a debriefing about the Spring Show at a board meeting before our business meeting. Everyone is welcome to
come to the board meeting at 6:45 pm. We will have the Spring Show Awards Ceremony at our June meeting
starring Carol Dahout. Look for a new feature in this newsletter titled Wistful Thinking Corner, which is a place to ask
for an iris that you don't have. The July picnic will be at the Laflin’s home on July 20th. We need a new board member
to replace Alice Clark. Her term is over in September, 2014, so there will not be many duties left to perform except
attending the board meeting in September. The last item is about a mistake that I made in not remembering to
appoint a chairperson for the nominating committee in March and elections are supposed to be at this meeting! I’ll be emailing and making phone calls and gently leaning on members.
̶ Barbara Pesek-CBRIS President
̶ Barbara Pesek, CBRIS President
All board members are
requested to attend the
next Board Meeting at 6:45
P.M. on June 6, 2014.
Discussions will include
the Spring Show and Alice
Barbara and John Pesek
Lynn,Clark’s irises. All members
Jane, Mary, Peter and Kalpana
are welcome to attend.
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Memorial Day Predicament
If you were near your computers on the Sunday just before Memorial Day, you got the notice from President
Barbara that the late Alice Clark’s iris needed to be dug IMMEDIATELY! Alice’s house had been sold and Memorial Day was the LAST DAY to save her iris from the rototiller!
Despite the high temps on Memorial Day, Jane Jordan, Carol Dahout and Philippa Alvis responded to the call with
spading forks, shopping bags, and black markers. Upon arriving at Alice’s back yard garden, the brave trio was overwhelmed to discover that Alice had been a prodigious grower! The entire back yard ---from fence to fence,
house to rear lot line---was full of iris, all neatly identified with printed labels on metal markers! The intrepid crew set
to work and in two and a half hours of grueling work in the blazing sun, had filled a van and a car with shopping
bags of healthy iris plants. BUT that hardly made a dent in the overall numbers of plants still left in the garden!
After several phone calls to other CBRIS members for additional manpower ---all of whom were safely away for the
holiday-- Henry Rojas was willing to change his plans for Tuesday, and with the permission from Alice’s son, Eric, joined Jack and Philippa at the crack of dawn Tuesday morning to continue the dig. Temperatures had fallen a few
degrees on Tuesday, fortunately, to allow these three to work until noon without suffering heat strokes. Another car
was again filled with plants. After a lunch, Philippa and Jack returned to the garden with a van, finally finishing the
dig, and filling the van to the roof again, by about 4:00 p.m.
Alice’s family expressed their deep gratitude to CBRIS for saving their mother’s cherished plants for others to enjoy! CBRIS members express our deep gratitude to the dedicated digging crew who answered the emergency call to
duty,’ above and beyond’, on Memorial Day weekend! THANK YOU ALL: JANE JORDAN, CAROL DAHOUT,
HENRY ROJAS, JACK AND PHILIPPA ALVIS! Thanks to Elaine Fischer for typing the first name list from Jack’s
penciled list and to Carolyn and Wayne Craft for the research!
The CBRIS Board at their upcoming June meeting will determine how Alice Clark’s plants will be dispersed. This Board meeting is open to all. Meanwhile, we will have a sign-up sheet passed around at the June meeting for help
to mark the rhizomes with names. Many hands will make light work for this task!
̶ Philippa Alvis
Board Meeting at 6:45 P.M. on June 6, 2014
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Filoli Flower Show
‘Broadway in Bloom’
CBRIS was invited to be in Filoli’s Annual Flower Show on May 8th – May 11th, 2014. Stunning floral
arrangements and exhibits are displayed in the beautifully furnished and preserved historic mansion and gardens
during Mother’s Day Weekend. Over 5,000 people attend this Bay Area tradition every year and our iris display is
always a popular attraction.
I was very afraid that we wouldn’t have anything to display due to our early bloom season this year. That is until Jim and Irene Cummins of Monterey Bay Iris Society came to the rescue offering blooms from their beautiful iris
garden in Scotts Valley. Mikey Lango, Elaine Fischer and I went to Jim and Irene’s and collected enough blooms for the entire display. Thank you, Jim and Irene!
Elaine Fischer and I set up the display in the Butler’s Pantry, and Lisa Ayala and I refreshed it and removed dead blooms daily. It is a wonderful event and great exposure for Clara B. Rees Iris Society. I would like to thank
Elaine and Lisa for participating.
Kalpana Shyam and Neerja Raman also had a beautiful arrangement in the Reception Room and Kalpana had a
miniature display in the Holding Room.
̶ Carol Dahout
Carol Dahout, Jim & Irene Cummings & Elaine
Fischer getting irises for Filolis ̶ Photo by M Lango
Iris Display at Filoli ̶ Photo by Carol Dahout
Wistful Thinking Corner
or I Wish I Had That Iris in my Garden!
Here is the place to ask CBRIS members for an iris you want to have in your garden. Let
Barbara or Mikey know what is on your wish list for inclusion in the next newsletter.
Helen Bliven would like to have Florentine Silk, 2005 by Keith Keppel which has
won these awards: HM '07, Franklin-Cook Cup '07, Walther Cup’ 07, Wister Medal '11, and Dykes Medal '12.
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‘Irises on Parade!’ Awards Don’t miss the exciting reveal of the People’s Choice for Artistic and Horticulture at the June meeting. We had ten
members enter their prize specimens in Horticulture. Thank you to all participants! Ribbons, trophies and
certificates will be awarded to those who entered. We will have our trophies on display, as well as some new ones
for next year that miraculously showed up on Philippa and Jack’s deck!
Garry Knipe will be awarded an Exhibition Certificate for his seedling 1106-2. We are hoping he will introduce it
soon. The judges were certainly bowled over by it.
With 11 First Place Blue Ribbons, Lisa Ayala will be awarded the Silver Medal, and the Bronze Medal will be
awarded to Garry Knipe who had 8 First Place Blue Ribbons.
My specimen, ‘Hop To It’ was awarded Best Specimen of the Show and Best Tall Bearded.
Best specimen (Youth) was awarded to Colton Danner for ‘Hollywood Nights’.
Lisa Ayala 11 Blue
9 Red
3 White
2 Pink
Carol Dahout – 8 entries
3 Blue
1 Red
3 White
Colton Danner – 1 entry
1 Blue
Elaine Fischer – 7 entries
5 Blue
2 Red
Jane Jordan – 11 entries
2 Blue
Garry Knipe – 8 entries
8 Blue
Mikey Lango – 1 entry
1 White
Henry Rojas – 10 entries
2 Blue
6 White
Kalpana Shyam – 1 entry
1 Red
Jane Ann Walters – 9 entries
1 Blue
2 White
Thanks, again to all who participated!
̶ Carol Dahout, Show Chair
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Treasurer’s Report
Beginning balance, May 1, 2014
Show sales
Add back void check
Expenses: Forks
Ending balance, May 31, 2014
June Refreshments
Lisa Ayala
Henry Rojas
Jane Reiter
2014 Region 14 Spring Regional Hybridizer Awards
Spring Regional attendees voted for the Region 14 hybridizer awards based upon the irises on display
in the two guest gardens. First place winners are the following.
Knopf Cup for the best seedling (numbered or named, not introduced) by a Region 14 hybridizer
Seedling 02-08-4A (Fred Kerr)
Cotillion Bowl for the best current introduction (2014) by a Region 14 Hybridizer
‘Amber Rainbow’ (Fred Kerr, TB)
Clara B. Rees Cup for the best past introduction (prior to 2014) by a
Region 14 Hybridizer
Tie between
‘Under the Boardwalk’ (Leslie Painter 2013, TB) and
‘Opposites’ (Shirley Trio 2013, TB)
Jim Gibson Cup for the best plicata
Blueberry Trail” (George Sutton 2012, BB)
Melrose Award for the best beardless
‘Swirling Waters’ (Heather Pryor 2001, LA)
Out of Region Award for the best iris by a hybridizer not in
Region 14
Not awarded this year as there were no guest rhizomes from
outside the Region in the gardens
Hager-DuBose Cup for the best bearded iris other than tall
‘Holiday in Mexico’ (Riley Probst 2012, MTB)
̶ SRIS June Newsletter
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2014 Spring Regional
We wish to thank Santa Rosa Iris Society President, Anna Marie Hermansen and all the SRIS members that
presented the 2014 Spring Regional event “A Carnival Carousel of Iris”. As Region 14 members have all come to expect from Santa Rosa club members, it was a fun filled weekend!
Some of us were lucky enough to get to the Regional early enough on Friday to view ‘Napa Country Iris Gardens’ owned by John and Leslie Painter. What a treat that was - two and one-half acres of irises - rows upon rows of
iris blooms at their peak. I was fortunate that my camera card did not get filled at that
very first garden. You could wander down the rows of irises and see many old favorites,
new irises that you must have and seedlings - some with the wildest beards or flounces
that you could imagine. Leslie and John Painter, along with Leslie’s sister Cheryl
answered any and every question that you had about irises. It was a wonderful way to
spend the afternoon.
Then off to Santa Rosa to check in to the hotel. We had time for dinner and
back to the hotel for a Judges Training, ‘Staging Iris for Showing & Show Bench Judging’ by Jim Begley and Ross BeVier. Jim and Ross are oftentimes the judges for
Napa Country Iris Garden
̶ Photo by M Lango
CBRIS’ Spring Show and have given training sessions at our meetings. Our members
are aware of how knowledgeable these two men are.
Saturday was the field (and I do mean filled!) day. It began with the Regional
business meeting with a snuck in breakfast time if you were lucky. Then off to
the gardens! First stop was to Betty Ford’s Open Garden in Sonoma. Betty’s garden is always a treat. It is a large intermixed garden with many irises to
admire; including a rock collection. It was my second time visiting this
lovely garden and I was as wowed this time as I was the first.
The next garden was C & L Vineyard, owned by Rudy Ciuca and Joe
Lawrence. They have twenty-two acres consisting of vineyards, olive
trees and irises growing in fifty-four beds planted in front of their house
on each side and behind. Yes, it took a while to see some of those 1500
irises growing! There is a complete collection of the American Dyke’s Betty Ford
Medal winners. We were welcome to wander the grounds, have lunch
̶ Photo by M Lango
and take a Judges Training given by Fred Kerr on ‘Garden Judging
Then it was time for the last garden tour of the day; so off to the Luther
Burbank Art and Garden Center in Santa Rosa. The center is home to nine
garden clubs; SRIS being one of the clubs. The time had gotten away from
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of Tall Bearded Iris’. This was to be Fred’s last class as he
wants more time to hybridize. Rudy and his crew prepared the
lunch. The hot meal was a wonderful change from the boxed
lunch. Rudy and Joe gave away some extra potted irises that
they would not need.
We headed back to the Flamingo Hotel for socializing,
cocktails, the banquet, and speakers, Heather and Bernard
C & L Vineyard ̶ Photo by Mark Greene
Pryor. They are from Australia and are award winning
hybridizers of Louisiana irises. The Pryors gave a wonderful
presentation full of facts about Australia and Louisiana irises with a bit of humor included. Hybridizer awards were
given out as the attendees of the Spring Regional vote on what is blooming in the gardens. Shirley Trio and Riley
Probst were there to accept their awards. We could view the Seedling Show, tickets were drawn for raffle baskets
(Ask Mark Greene about that!) and the Silent Auction was closed.
It was an eventful day filled to the max.
Sunday morning brought another Judges Training on ‘Louisiana Iris’ at LBAGC. Yes, there was time for another quick peek of the garden.
Heather and Bernard Pryor gave this training. Everything that you ever
needed to know about their beloved Louisianas was shared with the
group. Heather is interested in the taller Louisianas while Bernard
seems to favor the shorter ones. Their hybrids are exceptional in color
and form.
Heather and Bernard Pryor
̶ Photo by Mikey Lango
Then off to Jim Begley and Marcelline Nelipowitz’ garden. Yes, another garden to view! Lucky us! Their garden was
well maintained with irises and roses everywhere. The flowers were beautiful. Jim gave the last Judges Training of
the weekend on ‘Judging Seedlings’. After listening to Jim, it is a wonder that any new iris is ever introduced. He
does expect perfection as well he should. There is always more to learn, people! Keep on taking those training
sessions even if you do not intend to become a judge.
So the weekend came to a close. Well, wait a minute. Maybe not! Anyone want to stop by a winery or two before
heading home? Of course! Who could say no? More wineries to see and more friends to visit! This is one Regional
that should have been one day longer. Thank you, Santa Rosa for hosting a delightful Regional and for all the
wonderful memories.
̶ Mikey Lango, CBRIS Newsletter Editor
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CBRIS June 2014 DPI List
∆ Aleutian Islands (M. Sutton 08) RE. S. ice white; F. blue black. Large flowers.
∆ Ambitious One (Johnson 13) SDB, 12”, E. S. white;; F. white with purple plicata on shoulders;; lavender beards. Strong growth.
∆ Cherokee Blaze (J. Painter 13) 36”, M. S. deep brick red; F. slightly lighter. Prominent lavender-violet signal
below gold beards. 9-10 buds with good branching.
∆ Cold Creek (M. Sutton 11) RE 33”, M-L. S. white; F. white ground with heavy mottling and veining of blue.
Yellow beards, white throat. 7 buds, ruffling.
∆ Desert Snow (Black 13) AB OGB median 25”, M-L. S. white with large purple signal, easy and strong growth.
One branch and 3-4 buds.
∆ Emblematic (Ghio 13) 34”, M-L. S. white with pink midrib veining out to edges; F. cocoa rose pink; tangerine beards.
∆ Enchanter's Spell (Tasco 13) AB OGB, 36”, M. S. violet veined darker; F. slightly recurved and lightly veined
oxblood red; medium sized black chevron signal. Gold/ brown beards w/ burgundy tip, 3-4 buds on one branch,
light purple based foliage.
∆ Fall Enterprise (M. Sutton 07) RE 37”, M-VL. S. white flushed yellow at base; F. violet blue with white
starburst/white edges; yellow beards, slight musky fragrance.
∆ Fine Romance (Johnson 13) 35”, M-L. S. clear pink; F. lighter centers with clear pink crinkled lace edging. Soft
coral beards with lilac ends. Vigorous growth.
∆ Flash Flare (M. Sutton 12) 38”, M-L. S. yellow; F. white with 1/8” yellow band at edge;; yellow beard, white horns,
ruffled, pronounced sweet fragrance.
∆ Got the Look (Kerr 13) S. white; F. dark red violet with lavender edges. Dark orange beards.
∆ Ice Planet (Tasco 13) 36”, M. S. violet becoming slightly darker toward edges;; F. pale wisteria blue that lightens
to white; white beards. 2 branches and a spur produce 7 buds. Moderate ruffling; sweet fragrance.
∆ Love of Life (Ghio 13) 32”, L-VL. S. light pink; F. pink shaded lighter at edges; beards tangerine.
∆ Madame Mustard (L. Painter 13) 35”, L. S. bright daffodil yellow;; F. overlaid mustard. Marigold beards with
lighter ends. Moderately ruffled with a light musky fragrance. 7 buds.
∆ Men are from Mars (Black 13) 40”, M-L. S. gold; F. lavender with darker edges. Fabulous flowers, talks and
∆ Pure Innocence (M. Sutton 06) SA 34”, M-L. Heavily ruffled white self, S. pale lavender at base, flounces.
∆ Storm Rider (Tasco 13) 36”, M. S. dark shiny purple with blackish purple highlights toward the edges; F. velvety
dark burgundy black; dark red brown beards, 3 branches that usually average eight to ten buds.
∆ Uplifting (M. Sutton 08) RE 34”, E-M-L. S. white ground, nearly solid violet wash; F. white ground veined/
marbled violet with a red violet rim; yellow beards. Slight spicy fragrance.
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Attention and Help!
The Board will be discussing the overall fate of Alice Clark’s iris listed below....BUT IN THE
MEANTIME: If you would like any of these iris for your own garden, they will be yours for FREE.
Please call me on my cell phone, 1-408-656-9946, BY JUNE 5th. I will bring the rhizomes to you at the
meeting on Friday, June 6th. First call, first served. We want to get the iris back into the ground as
quickly as possible.
This is the string that is attached to this offer: For every iris that you reserve with me for free,
(delivered to you at June 6th meeting) we need you to plant another one in a two gallon pot, and grow
it over the year for the club sales next year. At the meeting, we will also give you the iris to grow for
CBRIS this coming year.
̶ Philippa Alvis
We hope that every CBRIS member Alice
will growClark’s
OR MORE of these iris for the club--Iris
even if you do NOT want any for yourself.
̶ Philippa Alvis
Aegean Wind: Schreiner 2008, S blue-violet, F white-violet
Afternoon In Rio: Schreiner 2005, S violet purple, F purple with brown rim, B gold
All Gussied Up: Burseen 2005, white self
Almost Camelot: Ron Mullen 1994, S pale lilac, F magenta plum
Anvil of Darkness: Innerst ‘98, Black self
Anything Goes: Hager ‘95, S rosy pink, F rose
Apollo One: Sutton ‘95, S white ground red, F white striped and edged red
Asha Michelle: Blyth ‘81, S lemon, F white stitched Avalon Sunset: Schreiner ‘94, orange
Avenging Angel: Williamson ‘84 burgundy
Backlit Beauty: IB Tasco 2010, rosy violet
Bahama Blues: Sutton 2008, S Claret rose, F French rose, B dark blue
Bangles: Miller 93, S med amethyst, F med sapphire
Bellarosella: Barbara DeVier 2005, S light lavender pink, F raspberry with rim
Birthday Surprise: Maryott ‘91, S pink-tan, F pink ground raspberry rim
Blueberry Bliss: Schreiner 2004, Medium blue self
Boysenberry Buttercup: Lauer 97, S light creamy yellow, F lavender, B red
Brazen Beauty: Meek ‘94, S ivory with pink rim, F ivory pink plicata
Bubble Bubble: Ghio 2004, S black cherry magenta, F white washed & lined dark
Buckwheat: Byers ‘88, S light yellow, F medium yellow
Bugle Boy Blues: Sutton ‘95, sky blue
Burst of Joy: Schreiner 2009, S orchid, F orchid washed yellow
Bye Bye Blues: Sutton ‘96, S blended hyacinth blue, F wisteria blue
Bye Bye Love: Schreiner 2006, S pink, F lavender orchid
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Carnival Magic: Williamson ‘87, Gold & pale yellow
Celebration Song: Schreiner ‘93, S apricot pink, F blue-lavender, B tangerine
Celtic Skies: Sutton ‘98, S wisteria blue, F slightly lighter
Cheyenne Sky: Schreiner 2008, S peachy apricot, F apricot pink
China Pink: Sutton ‘95, Venetian pink
Chinook Winds: Johnson 2002, S light blue, F blue white
Cloudia: Sutton ‘95, lavender pink, B coral
Color Me Blue: Schreiner ‘97, light blue, B white
Coming Storm: Schreiner 2005, S gray lavender, F purple lavender
Connection: Ghio ‘99, S blue white, F purple
Copatonic: Blyth ‘94, S russet brown, F ruby brown
Coral Point: Sutton ‘99, pale pink
Cowabunga: Burseen ‘95, metallic blue-lilac
Cupid’s Arrow: Ghio ‘89, S pink, F white
Dali Lama: Williamson 2002, S cream, F light milk violet, B blue
Dance Hall Dandy: Marryott ‘94, S white, F red maroon
Dark Passion: Schreiner ‘98, Ebony black
Dashing: Byers ‘90, medium-deep purple
Desert Moth: Keppel 2012, S yellow fused purple, F yellow
Devil’s Riot: Blyth ‘93, S apricot, F plush red burgundy
Discovered Treasure: Johnson 2005, S buff pink, F medium orchid violet
Dodger Blue: Schreiner 2009, light blue, B white
Doublemint: Byers ‘86, S pale cream, horns
Dr. No: Sutton 99, S pink, F pink with violet purple sanding
Dream Express: Tasco ‘98, plum purple
Drive My Car: Lauer 2008, S cornflower blue, F aster violet
Eagle’s Flight: Schreiner ‘85, S rosy blue, F white with lilac edge
Early Girl: Schreiner 2006, medium yellow
Elainealope: Kasperek ‘94, lavender splashed violet, B gold
Elegant Girl: Cadd ‘99, S soft pink, F peach pink, B orange
Enchanted Mesa: Magee ‘97, sky blue over ivory with purple plicata edge
Entangled: Ghio 99, S pink, V pink overlayed red purple
Evening Tidings: Schreiner 2009, blue violet
Everything Plus: Niswonger ‘83, S pale blue white, F white purple plicata
Exactitude: Innerst ‘95, S gold, F yellow, B bronze
Fame and Glory: Schreiner 2009, S oyster white, F ruby burgundy edged white
Fancy Dress: Keppel ‘97, S violet, F darker, B white
Fatal Attraction: Kerr ‘95, S medium blue, F blue black
Feminine Wiles: Nelson ‘86, orchid, B tangerine
Filoli’s Garden (couldn’t find, maybe one she purchased at Filoli)
Fine Wine: Schreiner 2008, purple, B yellow
Flight Commander: Sutton ‘98, S white, F blue, B yellow
Floor Show: Byers ‘88, RE, S. gold over silvery gray , F white with purple stitch
Flute Enchantee: Anfosso ‘91, pink
Follow That Dream: Kerr 2006, peach pink self, B tangerine
Fort Apache: Schreiner ‘82, Maroon red
CBRIS-Jun 2014
Fragrant Lilac: Hager ‘84, lilac lavender
Free Space: Sutton ‘98, white self
French Rose: Sutton ‘97, Salmon
Gladys My Love: Ensminger ‘97, S white, F pink, B red
Glacier Point: Tasco ‘97, pale blue self
Golden Panther: Tasco 2000, gold overlayed bronz
Gotta Lotta Bodda: Burseen ‘89, light red, B orange
Grand Admiral: Cayeux ‘99, medium blue violet
Grandma’s Bloomers: Pinnegar ‘93, apricot ground red purple overlay
Gypsy Romance: Schreiner ‘94, violet raspberry
Habit: Black ‘99, S pale violet, F dark purple black
Happy New Year: Byers ‘89, RE cream white with violet dots
Halo In Peach: Niswonger ‘98, S peach, F white with peach margin
Harvest Maiden: Schreiner 2007, S blended brown, vio, tan, F blended gold, copper, tan
Holy Kosmoly: Burseen 2000, cream splashed reddish purple
Honk Your Horn: Black 2000, S silvery vio blue, F silvery white shaded vio blue
Hoptoit: Burseen 2003, white washed violet blue
Honky Tonk Blues: Schreiner ‘88, Hyacinth blue
Imperial Reign: Schreiner 2011, Lavender, B orange
Juicy Fruit: Byers ‘88, Light pink suffused yellow apricot
Just Before Dawn: Schreiner 2001, S light cadmium orange, F fading to buff, B apricot
King Tush: Kasperek ‘99, S red purple white streaks, F beetroot purple streaked white
Las Vegas: Byers 88, S creamy tan, F lemon cream, B brownish gold
Laurel’s Fragrant (couldn’t find)
Laugh Lines: Ghio ‘98, S wine purple, F white with wine purple lining
Lawrence Bud Bowen: Jones 2006, S lavender, F lt & dk lavender blue
Letmentertainu: Burseen ‘95, S orange, F white
Luxor Gold: Schreiner ‘98, yellow
Madeira: Schreiner ‘93, wine purple
Magharee: Blyth ‘96, S white, F rose
Magical: Ghio 2007, S peach pink, F creamy peach
Majestic Ruler: Schreiner 2007, Cerise purple self
Margaret Helen: Zurbrigg ‘94, violet blue self
Mary Frances: Gaulter ‘71, light blue orchid
Marty’s Sweet Blue (couldn’t find)
Meagan Elisabeth: Brown ‘90, S purple violet, F darker, B orange
Medici Prince: Schreiner 2007, S ruby red, F maroon
Men In Black: Lauer ‘98, Blackish purple
Merchant Marine: Keppel 2006, S medium blue, F slightly deeper
Mesmerizer: Byers ‘90, SA RE white B tangerine
Miss Moonbeam: Schreiner 2009, yellow
Mission Impossible: Sutton ‘98, S rose, F imperial blue, B orange
Moonglow: Baumunk 2009, S pale cream, F bright red violet
Mystique: Ghio ‘72, S. light blue, F dark blue purple
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Naples: Johnson 2000, S mauve buff, F velvety dark purple
New Moon: Neva ‘58, yellow
No Count Blues: Schreiner 2009, blue violet
Ocelot: Ghio ‘97, S peach, F maroon
Over Alaska: Schreiner 2003, S white blue, F dark blue violet, B blue
Overjoyed: Gatty ‘93, S oyster white, F chroma lemon
Perfect Couple: Ghio ‘84, RE medium blue
Perpetual Joy: Schreiner 2008, lavender
Petite Ballerina: Tasco SDB, S purple, F white purple edge
Play With Fire: Schreiner ‘87, Crimson self
Plum Fun: Schreiner 2001, S bishop purple, F plum purple
Pythonz Parasol: Kasperek 2001, Fuchsia, red purple, yellow, violet, cream tan
Queen’s Circle: Kerr ‘99, white, blue edge
Red Canyon Glow: Meninger 2000, S butter gold, F deep red violet, horns
Rock Star: Byers ‘90, apricot orange
Romantic Evening: Ghio ‘94, S lilac blue, F blackish red purple
Scented Bubbles: Gyres ‘85, bluebird blue
Secret Rites: Keppel 2004, S pale gray green, F chartreuse yellow
Silkirim: Blythe ‘87, S rose on white, F white edged rose
Sky Hooks: Osborne ‘79, SA soft yellow
Slovak Prince: Mego 2002, S white, F dark velvety blue purple
Snow Flurry: Clara B Rees white
Spin-Off: Maryott ‘87, S rose, F wine
Spirit World: Keppel ‘92, yellow with edging
Sweet Mei: Chun Fan ‘99, blue violet
Take Me Away: Cadd 2000, S pale lavender blue overlayed on pink-tan, F white
Titan’s Glory: Schreiner ‘81, purple
Tour De France: Keppel 2003, S white with golden, F darker shaded chrome yellow
Undercurrent: Keppel 2003, S blended vanilla, F peach yellow
Venetian Glass: Keppel 2002, S pinkish white, F slightly creamier
Vigilante: Schreiner ‘90, S mustard yellow, F maroon black, B gold
Vinter: Smith ‘94, black garnet
Violet Turner: Lauer ‘99, RE violet
Warrior King: Schreiner ‘84, rich red
When You Wish: Dickey ‘98, S pink, F white
Wine Time: Mesick ‘98, burgundy wine
Witches Wand: Byers ‘85, Black violet, B tangerine
Wonderful World: Schreiner 2009, rose with wide plicata band on F, B tangerine
Zepherina: Maryott ‘95, S light lavender, F velvety maroon
Zip It Up: Grosvenor ‘99, white overlayed blue violet