Spring 2011 - Schreiner University


Spring 2011 - Schreiner University
spring 2011
Highlighting One of
Schreiner’s Signature Programs
“T his edition of SCENE offers a
particularly well-rounded portrait of
why those of us at Schreiner are
excited about the University’s future.”
Dear friends of Schreiner,
This edition of SCENE offers a particularly wellrounded portrait of why those of us at Schreiner
are excited about the University’s future. The story
about our graphic design major, one of our signature
programs, illustrates two key ideas. First is the
importance of faculty thinking afresh about their
discipline, because the design major came from our
art faculty back in 1998 as a result of their reshaping
of the visual arts program. Second is the importance
of connecting classroom learning to the professional
world, because it was the practice of having students
work with clients from outside the campus that
enhanced the strength of our graduates’ credentials.
Strong programs require strong faculty, and Dr.
Lydia Kualapai is an exemplar of that model. Some
say that only “pushover” faculty who are easy marks
for good grades achieve popularity. Dr. Kualapai
defies that notion. She is tough and demanding,
but she cares deeply about her students and they
know it. Dr. K appreciates Schreiner’s emphasis
on strong instruction as its top priority, but she
is a thoughtful scholar who finds creative ways to
relate her pedagogical scholarship to her students.
I was impressed earlier this spring to witness a
presentation of digital stories by a group of her
students. Both she and professor Sally Hannay
have used this technique effectively to encourage
students to craft messages using word and image.
Without question, the arrival of Ron Macosko as
athletic director (and his wife Anna as golf coach)
in 2005 has had a major impact for the good.
Although Ron had previously worked at Division I
and II institutions, he has truly found a home in
2 Spring 2011 SCENE
Division III, where no athletic scholarships are given,
but where intercollegiate athletics is an essential
part of the college experience. More than twice as
many Schreiner students participate on an athletic
team now as did before the Macoskos arrived. Ron
has been a steadfast advocate for academics, and
improvement in retention and grade point averages
document his, his coaches’ and our student-athletes’
success in that effort. It is a challenge to encourage
coaches to succeed on the court or in the field while
also ensuring that their students meet their academic
goals. Ron does not shy away from that challenge.
Finally, I marveled this spring when we held
the fourth annual Texas Water Symposium on
campus in partnership with Texas Tech, Texas
Public Radio and the Hill Country Alliance. In
the first year of that venture, we all hoped that
there would be sufficient interest for the first three
symposia. Clearly, the vexing issue of water is real
and complex enough to warrant continued study,
and it is rewarding to team up with other worthy
organizations to provide that sort of public benefit.
Quality programs, strong faculty, athletic
programs that truly live the Division III philosophy
and public service. I call that well-roundedness.
Tim Summerlin
Spring 2011
f e a t u r e s
Schreiner’s Newest Alumni
2011 Faculty Award Winners
What We Love
About Schreiner
12 B
etter by Design:
SU’s Graphic Design
Signature Program
d e p a r t m e n ts
20 mountaineersports
25 makingconnections
28 recall
31 classnotes
35 roundup
Illustration by Stephanie Lopez Keller
Photo above: Scott Conard, assistant
professor of graphic design, with graphic
design major Lauren Miller.
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 3
Half My
by LeeAnn Farish ’
frica…what a simple and short
word to describe such a vast
continent and half of my heart.
It feels like decades ago that I
was there, and even longer since I
began dreaming of going. I must
age myself and admit that it has
been 15 years since I first dreamed
of traveling to Africa to work with
orphans in Jesus’ name. There
was something about the idea of
traveling to a faraway land, living
among the “least of these” and
sacrificing all modern conveniences
that was irresistible to me, even
as a second grader. My thoughts
were consumed for years by this
desire to travel to Africa in Jesus’
name. After what I now laughingly
remember as a “difficult” high
school career, I was all too ready
to run away and serve my Lord in
the land of my dreams. However,
my sometimes-too-wise-for-hisown-good grandfather somehow
tactfully convinced me to continue
my education, graduate college and
then chase my dreams in Africa.
Not that I am counting, but as I
am writing this, I am proud to say
it is less than 30 days until my
college graduation and I returned
from Africa just a few short
weeks ago. As an early graduation
present, my sometimes-too-wisefor-his-own-good grandfather
whom I spoke of earlier paid for
4 Spring 2011 SCENE
me to go on a short-term mission
trip with his church, F irst Baptist
of Kerrville, and an organization
out of Cameroon, Bread For Life.
While there, I witnessed 531
people accept Christ as their Lord
and Savior, I spoke in government
schools about the power of
abstinence, the consequences of
abortion, and I daily danced and sang
with my many “pikins,” who would
walk by our hotel on their way
home from school. I learned while
in Africa that it isn’ t about giving up
conveniences, “helping the least of
these” or even traveling somewhere
out of your comfort zone; instead,
it is about drawing closer to the
heart of God and living among a
people who even in the worst of
circumstances hope, sing and dance
for the Lord. The Cameroonian
peoples’ smiles and joyful spirits
were contagious and nearly
impossible to leave. I regretfully
say that I am back in America,
back to the routine of schoolwork,
and again I find my thoughts are
consumed by an overwhelming desire
to travel to Africa in Jesus’ name.
I was generously blessed by this
experience, and I’m hoping soon to
be able to again find the Lord in
the land of my dreams and together
we will sing and dance with His
beautiful “pikins.”
Current students interested in submitting
a first-person essay, artwork, photography
or poetry for consideration, please visit
www.schreiner.edu/scene/students or
call 830-792-7405.
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 5
Schreiner’s Newest Alumni
Class of 2011
Miguel Aguilar
Whitney Davis
Brandi Hinojosa
Matthew Martinez
Alfonso Rodriguez
Jacob Albright
Danielle DeBacker
Danielle Hinson
Sara Martinez
Brianna Rose
Caleb Ambrose
Andrew DeHaan
Elizabeth Hitzfeld
Austin Matthews
Ayesha Safo
Andrew Antonelli
Chelly Diamante
Charles Hobbs
Calla McGilvray
Hunter Schultz
Tommy Ashabranner
Kristen Downey
Christina Hoffman
David McGuff
Michele Sheridan
Alma Avalos
Marc Estrada
Amanda Hoffmann
Lindsey McSwain
Jordan Siff
James Barton
Kamron Farhoudi
Michael Houser
Jacob Michelson
Jonathan Smith
Riley Battle
LeeAnn Farish
Holly Howard
Justin Mills
Mary Elizabeth Smith
Denise Begley
Misty Fletcher
Kimberly Hubbard
Crystal Montoya
Steven Spiegelhoff
Kenneth Benson
Michael Flis
Molly Hutcherson
Matt Moreno
Darlene Stevens
Savannah Bittner
Dawn Foster-Wood
Sarah Hutchinson
Anthony Moye
Maggy Swyers
Juan Bonilla
Juan Garcia
Oscar Ibieta
Katie Murphy
Erica Taylor
Stephanie Bosch
Kimberly Garza
Aaron James
Kendra Murphy
Virginia Temple
Chandler Bowen
Caitlin Gayle
Nathan Jones
Amanda Negus
Justin Thacker
Christianne Boyle
Daniella Gomez
Deniz Kadirhan
Madison Nelson
Malcolm Thomas
Jennifer Boynton
Marquis Grace
Sean Kasmir
Carrie Overby
Cassandra Tucker
Derek Brosky
Hadassah Grainger
Robert Keeling
Joe Pena
Zachary Tysor
Audra Burnap
Kevin Greathouse
Katie Klohn
Kelsey Penn
Angelica Ugo
Amy Cade
Giancarlo Greco
Liz Lacy
Ashley Perez
Brooks Wade
Elizabeth Calderon
Jess Hagan
James Lawson
Andrew Peterson
Joseph Warren
Rachel Calloway
Kathleen Hagood
Jessica Lee
Leigh Ann Polser
Jennifer Weber
Brittany Cardwell
Hope Hargrove
Andrew Lemlyn
Samantha Rawlinson
Troy Weeks
Adolpho Castillo
Maegan Harris
Tyler Liberatore
Lindsey Rhoden
Kathleen Wieber
Genevieve Castillo
Rebecca Hay
Taylor Lipka
Jake Ribak
Beth Yarberry
Jay Chapman
Lea Hayes
Kirk Logan
Hannah Riggs
Mayra Coronel
Stefanie Hill
Sherysse Machalek
Stephanie Rios
Heather Dalley
Erika Hillard
Michael Maia
Jessica Roberts
6 Spring 2011 SCENE
Would you like to nominate
someone for the Schreiner
University Athletic Hall of Honor
or as a Distinguished Alumnus
or Alumna?
A nominee for the Athletic
Hall of Honor must exhibit high
ethical standards and must be a
person of such integrity, stature,
demonstrated ability and renown
that students, former students,
faculty and staff of the University
will take pride in—and be inspired
by—his or her recognition.
A nominee for Distinguished
Alumnus Award must have
a distinguished personal or
professional career; leadership in
their chosen profession, business or
vocation; and must have received
previous recognition from their
A nomination form with
complete guidelines for these
awards is available on the Schreiner
website at www.schreiner.edu/
If you would like additional
information or to have a
nomination form mailed to you,
please contact Mark Tuschak at
830-792-7215 or e-mail him at
Whitehurst Award
Lindsey Renee Rhoden, of
Kerrville, received the 2011 Elmore
Whitehurst Award for Excellence in
Learning. The Hatton W. Sumners
Foundation established this annual
award for a student graduating with
a bachelor’s degree who wants to
continue on to graduate school in
his or her field. It carries with it a
scholarship from the foundation.
Schreiner provost Dr. Charlie
McCormick presented the award
to Rhoden, a biology major, at the
May 7 commencement ceremony.
Call for
Atkission Professorship
Donald Crandall, Schreiner professor of music, has been awarded the
Nancy and Cecil Atkission Professorship. The endowed professorship was
established in 2008 to increase the University’s ability to recruit and retain
faculty members whose abilities and qualifications contribute significantly
to the quality of Schreiner’s academic programs. Recipients have a threeyear term.
“This professorship could have been awarded to anyone here at Schreiner,”
Crandall said, “because each of us is contributing to quality education in our
own unique ways. It is encouraging to know that we are backed by an
institution and community leaders who create opportunities for the faculty to
become better scholars and teachers. I sincerely thank Nancy and Cecil
Atkission, Schreiner University and my friend and colleague, Dr. William
Sliva, for his letter of nomination.”
Sumners Scholars
Schreiner’s senior Hatton W. Sumners Scholars were
honored at a banquet in April. They are LeeAnn Farish,
Dawn Foster-Wood and Alex Senie. Four Schreiner
sophomores have been selected as Hatton Sumners
Scholars for 2011 and 2012. The new scholars are
Andrew Bell, from Seabrook, Texas; Avery Gil, San
Antonio; Chelsea Mack, Llano, Texas; and Maggie Rios,
Brownsville, Texas. The four will receive a scholarship
for their junior and senior years at Schreiner.
The Hatton W. Sumners Foundation chooses
scholars based on the strength of their applications,
resumes, an essay and an interview with the
foundation’s trustees. In addition to generous
scholarships, the students will attend educational
and leadership conferences, funded by grants from the
foundation, throughout the academic year.
“This group represents some of our most
accomplished and ambitious students,” said Beth
Bourland, associate director of development for
foundation relations. “They are to be commended on
their accomplishments, poise and determination.”
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 7
Faculty Spotlight
Dr. Lydia
by Sandra langley
Dr. Lydia Kualapai, associate
professor of English, relishes the
opportunity to immerse herself in
other cultures and media for the
benefit of her students. Last June, she
served as a volunteer instructor at LCC
International University in Klaipeda,
Lithuania, where she taught a course
on “War in Literature and Film.”
“Lithuania has lots of poverty and
lots of experience with war,” Kualapai
said. “When students wrote their
personal narratives, they wrote about
war and what their ancestors and
families lived through. They have
stories I can’t even relate to—different
stories from the ones our students
have. War is real to them, not just a
story in a movie. Unlike people in
the United States, the students I
taught in Lithuania didn’t expect
happy endings.”
Kualapai brought her experience in
Lithuania full circle this spring when
she presented “War in Literature
and Film” as part of the Schreiner
Chautauqua Lecture Series, which
is attended by Schreiner faculty,
students, staff and community
members. She presented excerpts
from several war films, including
8 Spring 2011 SCENE
Kualapai said of this photograph, “I shot this photograph at the Oklahoma City National
Memorial. At the center of the Memorial, 168 glass and bronze chairs commemorate
the lives lost in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building. As I sat
across from the hill of chairs and watched their images move in the reflecting pool, it
occurred to me that while the material quality of the Memorial resides in the inscribed
chairs, the spiritual quality rests in the light reflected on the water.”
James H. White’s silent threeminute “Love and War,” made in
1899. “Love and War” is the earliest
surviving narrative film about the
Spanish-American War. She also
profiled “Bataan,” “Full Metal Jacket”
and Lajos Koltai’s Hungarian film
“Fateless.” During the presentation
she compared the American and
foreign-made war films.
That was not the first time Kualapai
has used visual media in her teaching.
Several years ago, she taught AfricanAmerican Literature and Art, in which
students studied African-American
story quilts. Each student designed
and completed an original quilt block
in response to the writers and artists
they studied during the semester. At
the course’s end, the squares were
sewn together with the help of the
local community quilting guild.
“Dr. Kualapai continues to be one
of our most innovative and daring
professors,” said Dr. William Woods,
dean of the School of Liberal Arts.
“She never hesitates to try something
new, to engage students with some
high-impact strategy. I love to see her
get excited about some new teaching
technique or some form of technology
that will motivate Schreiner students.” A talented photographer, Kualapai
was able to indulge her love of the
medium while in Lithuania. Some of
her stunning photos were featured in
the fall 2010 edition of SCENE
magazine. (To view them visit http://
Kualapai said her love of
photography as a visual medium
began with the ending of one life and
the beginning of another.
“My grandmother died shortly
before my daughter was born and she
left me $800, which I used to buy a
Nikon camera,” she said. “I thought I
would honor my grandmother’s
memory by recording my daughter’s
life. I got into photography big time.”
She began taking her camera
everywhere, especially when she
traveled, and is pleased with the
advent of digital technology, which
makes pursuing photography more
Kualapai is looking forward to the
fall term when she will be teaching
Introduction to Film Studies. She
lives in Kerrville with her husband
Buddy and their three Corgis.
Dr. Adam Feltz, assistant
professor of philosophy
and IDST had a paper, “The
Philosophical Personality
Argument,” accepted by the
prestigious Philosophical Studies
journal, which is ranked in the
top one percent of journals in
the field. He also presented
three papers, including one at
the American Philosophical
Association Central Division’s
2011 annual meeting in
Dr. Chris Distel, assistant
professor of biology, will publish
“Carbaryl concentration gradients
in realistic environments
and their influence on our
understanding of the tadpole
food web” in the journal
Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology.
Distel co-authored the paper
with an undergraduate at Miami
University, Ben Bulen. “This is
just the kind of field research
Schreiner students can expect
to do with me,” said Distel, who
joined the Schreiner faculty in
fall 2010.
Jay McCormack, visiting
assistant professor of business,
was co-presenter of “Skills
Up! Value Up!” at the 2011
Association of American Colleges
and Universities meeting in San
Francisco with Dr. Jim Spohrer,
director of Almaden Services
Research at IBM’s Almaden
Research Center in San Jose,
Calif. They presented evidence
of the converging types of skills
most needed to both innovate
and rapidly adapt to new business
opportunities in the 21st century.
Part of the presentation introduced
Schreiner’s Integrity Ambassadors
in Business signature program.
2010-2011 Faculty Awards
Dr. Charlie McCormick, Schreiner
provost and vice president for
academic affairs, announced the
University’s annual faculty awards at
a recognition banquet in April. Six
Schreiner professors were honored.
Dr. Diana Comuzzie, professor
of biology and dean of the
Trull School of Sciences and
Mathematics, received the Margaret
Hosler Award for Excellence in
Teaching. Students nominate their
professors for this award on the
basis of a professor’s teaching ability
and whether he or she creates a
lasting impression on students. Dr.
Comuzzie received the Hosler award
in 2003 and has been the recipient
of the Elmore Whitehurst Award for
Creative Teaching (along with the
science faculty) the Harriet Garrett
Award for Teaching Excellence and
Advisor of the Year. She was named
a Piper Professor in 2006.
“I am humbled to receive this
award when there are so many
outstanding faculty at Schreiner,”
Comuzzie said. “Every day, it is
an honor and a privilege to work
with bright, engaged students and
dedicated colleagues. I’ve got to be
the luckiest person in the world!”
The Elmore Whitehurst Award
for Creative Teaching was awarded
to Dr. Danette Vines, associate
professor of chemistry. The
Whitehurst Teaching Award
recipient is chosen by a group of
public school teachers and Dr.
McCormick. The Hatton W.
Sumners Foundation funds this
award, which comes with a $2,000
stipend to be used for a university
teaching project.
“This award will promote
educational research by establishing
a professional learning community
and initiating a seminar for facultyand student-led interdisciplinary
research,” Vines said.
Dr. Charles Salter, assistant
professor of business, received the
Award for Excellence in Research,
Scholarship and Creative Activity.
Dr. Salter received this award in
recognition of his publications and
presentations, including papers
presented at the International
Technology Education and
Development Conference in Spain
and the Southwest Academy of
Management in Houston.
“Certainly I would like to
thank my friends the faculty
and administration of Schreiner
University for this award,” Salter
said, “and tell them how grateful I
am to be working in the supportive,
productive and challenging
environment they have provided here
at Schreiner.”
Schreiner students voted the
Harriet Garrett Award for Teaching
Excellence to Dr. Charles Torti,
Faculty Out
and About
associate professor of business.
Dr. Torti was the 2010 winner of
the Elmore Whitehurst Award for
Creative Teaching.
“I am truly humbled to be
formally recognized with the 2011
Harriet Garret Award for Teaching
Excellence,” Torti said. “Daily, in
classes, advising sessions, studentfaculty committees, Ethics Team
training and just visiting in the halls,
I am honored to participate in our
students’ growth and education.
When I look at their smiling faces
that are full of hope and ambition
I know our future is strong and
The 2011 Advisor of the Year is
Lesa Presley, instructor of biology,
awarded by Dr. McCormick and the
Schreiner deans.
“I am humbled and appreciative
to be honored with the Advisor of
the Year Award,” Presley said. “If I
have advised well, it is because I have
had excellent guidance from many
mentors and have learned from my
colleagues. The time that I share
with the students while they are here
at Schreiner is such a wonderful
phase in their lives and I am thrilled
to be a part of it.”
Marcia Rae McCulley, instructor
of art and Schreiner alumna, was
awarded the Outstanding Part-Time
Faculty Award. She teaches classes in
clay and ceramics.
“I earned my undergraduate degree
from Schreiner in 2007, so I am
truly honored to be an instructor
here,” McCulley said. “I love working
with the students at Schreiner; their
growth and development gives me a
healthy dose of job satisfaction daily.
But it is nice to be acknowledged by
my colleagues as well.”
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 9
Things We
Scene magazine recently polled students, faculty and staff about
what they liked best about Schreiner. The response was great, so here
are a few of their favorite things. If you’d like to chime in with your
favorite Schreiner things, please e-mail us at scene@schreiner.edu.
Schreiner Family
Schreiner University’s family
atmosphere is something
virtually every student,
faculty and staff member
notices and appreciates.
An alumna might have said
it best: “I feel that I have
an extended family I can
always call upon.”
Schreiner’s studentathletes have great stats
both on and off the
playing field. More than
30 percent of the student
body plays on a team.
Schreiner’s basketball,
cross country, soccer, golf
and tennis teams, along
with men’s baseball team
and women’s teams in
softball and volleyball
compete in the NCAA
District III American
Southwest Conference.
Enter with Hope
Schreiner faculty and staff do everything possible to see
that the hopes students bring with them are fulfilled. The
University is committed to helping every student become the
best he or she can be academically, spiritually and physically.
Late Night Breakfast,
where faculty and staff cook
and serve up eggs with all the
fixin’s to students studying
for finals, is one of Schreiner’s
most beloved traditions.
10 Spring 2011 SCENE
“My favorite
thing about
is that it
is a living,
bunny. It
cannot be
— Dr. Tim Summerlin
7 Deer
The deer that wander the
Schreiner campus serve
as a lovely reminder of the
environmental richness of
the Texas Hill Country.
The Mountaineer Fitness Center
officially opened for business in April 2009
and there’s hardly been a time since that
it hasn’t been full of faculty, students and
staff using its state-of-the-art services.
An amazing number
of students mention
the look of the campus
and the beautiful
landscaping as one of
the deciding factors in
making Schreiner their
university of choice.
In the 2010-2011
academic year
about 550 students
participated in
community service
racking up more
than 5,700 hours
of volunteer time.
Need we say more?
You might think he’s just a student dressed up in
a Monty costume, but as soon as he shows up
on campus it’s clear he’s the spirit of Schreiner
personified. People smile, laugh and crowd in to get
their pictures taken.
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 11
by Louise Kohl Leahy
chreiner University
recognized three signature
programs in 2009—
business, graphic design and life
sciences—whose strength and
value to students distinguish
Schreiner among its peer
institutions. We looked at the
Integrity Ambassadors in Business
program in more detail in the fall
2010 issue of SCENE magazine. In
this issue we take a closer look at
graphic design.
Graphic design is the largest
program on campus in terms of
majors and graduates, and it was
the first named signature program.
“What differentiates graphic
design from other programs is that
students work with actual clients,”
said Dr. David Smith, professor of
graphic design and dean of the
12 Spring 2011 SCENE
Cailloux School of Professional
Studies at Schreiner.
“We started out with mostly
local clients and expanded to the
rest of the Hill Country. Today,
technology allows us to reach out
to the rest of the U.S. We transfer
files and share screens over Skype.”
(Skype is an application that allows
chat, file sharing and video
conferencing over the Internet.)
Schreiner design students have
created graphics for World Hope
International’s “Hope in a Bag”
initiative and developed a print ad
campaign in an industry magazine
for Airwave Networks Inc.
Smith said that one of the first
things students learn when
working with real-world clients is
“it’s not about them. It’s about
using their talents to help the client
communicate a specific message
better. We tell students that what
they are creating is not art. They
are creative designers, not artists,
and what they create are
communication solutions.
“Any kind of design is about
communication,” he added,
“interior design, fashion, graphic
design—it’s all about intentionality.
Good design works universally.
You have to have a broad approach
to be successful.”
Students often track two to four
clients at a time, which gives them
an introduction to the kinds of
stress they will have to handle in
their professional lives and teaches
valuable time management skills.
“Our design classes model a
working design studio as far as
possible,” Smith said. “Real clients
— Dr. David Smith, professor of graphic
design and dean of the Cailloux
School of Professional Studies
come into the classroom. Students
role-play as creative directors, junior
and senior designers. They hold
concept meetings and produce
sketches to show the clients. People
are held accountable for the quality
and timeliness of their production.”
Design majors have excellent
opportunities to become familiar with
the more technical aspects of their
future profession—such as software
and other tools—as well as more
specifically business-related skills,
such as listening to and working with
clients, and managing schedules and
In addition, the program
emphasizes personal skills, such as
being comfortable around different
people and cultures, dressing
appropriately and presenting ideas
clearly. Students can participate in
U.S. and international trips, local and
national internships, and job
networking for graduates.
“We worked on building up the
program’s reputation regionally,”
Smith said, “and that’s starting to
work for us. We now have grads
hiring grads.”
Of course, the quality of the
students themselves is a major factor
in the program’s success.
“We’re always looking for four or
five exceptionally talented students,
students with great potential,” Smith
said. “Then we surround them with
the best students we can.”
One way talented students are
identified is through the Annual Hill
Country Art Survey, sponsored by
Schreiner and the graphic design
department, which features the best
art from local schools. Smith said he
“What differentiates graphic design
from other programs is that students
work with actual clients.”
also is proactive in networking with
art teachers.
“What we’re all about,” Smith said,
“is providing our students with
opportunities, taking them out into
the world and helping them build
confidence. Our students leave here
with professional portfolios and we
want them to have a smooth
transition to the world of work. When
they walk away from campus and into
a job, we don’t want it to be a shock
for them. We want what’s best for our
students—and what’s best for the
students is best for the program and
best for Schreiner.”
Illustration by
Stephanie Lopez Keller
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 13
Shauna Dodds ’02 and
her sister Sarah founded and
run Backstage Design Studio,
which has become one of
the most sought-after design
partnerships in the Texas
music industry.
in the Real World ...
The graphic design signature program is focused on
providing students with real-world skills that will
translate into professional jobs when they graduate.
“Even in a year with a really bad economy, 10 of our
14 graduating graphic design majors had job offers,” said
Dr. David Smith, professor of graphic design and dean of
the Cailloux School of Professional Studies at Schreiner.
“Many of our graphic design interns are offered jobs.”
Jennifer Edwards ’10 was chosen for an
internship at Peterson Regional Medical Center
in Kerrville in her senior year at Schreiner. When
she graduated, PRMC hired her full time as
their graphic designer/marketing assistant.
“I think I had three days off between graduation
and starting to work full time,” Edwards said.
She designs just about everything for Peterson
and its family of services, including brochures and
annual reports. Edwards was also instrumental in
designing PRMC’s new website and helps with event
planning, designing ads, signs and invitations.
Megan Eichman ’08 interned with James Avery
Craftsman while still a Schreiner student. According
to Smith, “she did such a fabulous job they hired
14 Spring 2011 SCENE
Kristin Knoll ’09 on Meagan’s recommendation
and the strength of Kristin’s portfolio.” She has
now worked full time for James Avery as creative
marketing developer since June 2008.
Not everyone walks into a corporate job, nor
wants to. Jonathan Smith graduated this year and
already is fielding queries about freelance work. He
has also been commissioned to paint a portrait.
He will intern with Dr. Smith on a summer trip to
Italy after graduation, and plans to open a business
with Matt Tomasello ’10 in the Houston area.
Shauna Dodds ’02, interned with the Briscoe Hall
ad agency in Kerrville while she was still a Schreiner
student. They were impressed with her work and put
her in charge of a campaign for the Boerne YMCA.
She and her sister Sarah founded and run Backstage
Design Studio in Austin (http://backstagedesigns.
com). They collaborated on the packaging design for
Willie Nelson’s “Willie and the Wheel” album. The
album was nominated for a Best Americana Grammy
award and the design won a silver Austin Addy award
for DVD packaging and received a Best Album Art
nomination at the 2010 Lone Star Music Awards.
Jennifer Edwards ’10 moved
from student intern to graphic
designer/marketing assistant at
Peterson Regional Medical Center .
Smith ’11
poses with
one of his
He plans to
become a
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 15
Research and Development
by Louise Kohl Leahy
n hearing the word “research,” most of
us will automatically think of lab coats
and test tubes. Schreiner, however, takes a
much broader approach to the term. That’s not to say
there aren’t any science majors involved in research
at Schreiner, just that English, philosophy, communication and business students are involved, too.
Several studies over the past few years—most
notably those by George Kuh, director of the
National Survey of Student Engagement and College
Student Experiences Questionnaire Research
Program—have focused on identifying high impact
practices in higher education, practices that make a
significant difference in a student’s success.
Undergraduate research is near the top of every list.
Participation in high impact practices has been
shown to increase a student’s level of academic
achievement and engagement. Recent market
research indicates that 90 percent of employers want
employees who have done some kind of
undergraduate research.
With this in mind, Schreiner’s provost and vice
president for academic affairs Dr. Charlie
McCormick convened a task force on undergraduate
research last year. The task force, chaired by Dr.
Lydia Kualapai, associate professor of English,
arrived at a working definition of undergraduate
research: “An inquiry, investigation or endeavor
conducted by an undergraduate student that makes
an original intellectual or creative contribution to
the discipline.” Basically, in order to qualify as
undergraduate research, a project must at some point
be subject to an external peer review process.
“In addition to its value for students,
undergraduate research is a way for faculty to align
their professional identities as scholars with what
they are doing in the classroom as teachers,” Dr.
McCormick said. “Faculty work one-on-one or with
groups of students on an authentic project with a
goal not only of discovering something new, but also
of showing students how to be members of their
In instituting the task force, Dr. McCormick
recognized that Schreiner students were already
involved in undergraduate research and wanted to
16 Spring 2011 SCENE
make it a part of the University culture. For
example, in 2010, six Schreiner students presented
papers at the National Undergraduate Literature
Conference; two philosophy students co-presented a
research paper with Dr. Adam Feltz, assistant
professor of philosophy and interdisciplinary studies
at the spring Midsouth Philosophy Conference and
at least six science students are involved in
independent research on subjects as diverse as cure
time for a violin, Hill Country ecology and HIV
“Most institutions run undergraduate research on
an ad hoc basis, but they do not build it into the
infrastructure of the institution.” Dr. McCormick
said. “We want research to become part and parcel of
the Schreiner experience, so any student coming here
can expect to take part in research of some kind.”
Take Elizabeth Stewart, for example. A Schreiner
senior from San Antonio, she presented a paper on
Jung’s Shadow archetype, “The Shadow in Popular
Culture,” as part of a panel called “Dancing with
Archetypes” at the 2010 Young Rhetoricians’
Conference in Monterey, California. She will present
an expanded and research-enriched version of her
paper at 2011 Southwest Texas Popular & American
Culture Association National Conference in San
Antonio. She plans to go on to graduate school and
eventually teach secondary school.
“Undergraduate research is a great opportunity for
exposure to the world of academia,” Stewart said,
“while also enhancing communication skills and
fostering an appreciation for interdisciplinary
studies. Whether the product is a conference
presentation or a publication, the reward is
intellectual and personal growth.”
Molly Hutcherson, a senior from Pflugerville
majoring in chemistry, is a good example from the
science side of things. She will finish Schreiner in
three years and for the past year has been involved
in researching “Vitamin E in Chapsticks,”
reanalyzing lip balm with a mixed tocopherol
standard addition, at University of Incarnate Word.
In the summer of 2010, she was a Schreiner Summer
Scholar (formerly Welch Scholar), remaining on
campus to pursue her research, and worked with a
— Molly Hutcherson ’11
“If I had gone to any other school
than Schreiner, I would not have
been able to do as much research.
And the research got my foot in
the door for the Ph. D. program.”
Photo on the left: Dr. Adam Feltz, assistant
professor of philosophy and interdisciplinary
studies, works with Melissa Millan, a junior
from San Benito, Texas.
Photo on the right: Dr. Danette Vines, associate
professor of chemistry, talks with her research
class at Riverside Nature Center.
faculty/student team that streamlined one of James
Avery’s manufacturing processes. She also interned at
Pam Lewis and Associates, a scientific research firm in
Boerne and has been accepted into Baylor’s doctoral
program in chemistry.
“If I had gone to any other school than Schreiner, I
would not have been able to do as much research,” she
said. “And the research got my foot in the door for the
Ph.D. program.”
The Schreiner “Undergraduate Research Task Force
Report 2009-2010” underlines that undergraduate
research does not take place in a vacuum or independent
of the rest of a student’s university experience:
“Undergraduate research often serves as the basis of
honor theses, performances, symposium or conference
presentations, publications as well as fellowship and graduate school applications. Some students conduct an independent research project as a capstone of their
undergraduate experiences; others use [research] to jumpstart or simply explore a possible career in research or the
arts; still others use [research] to develop and communicate specific ideas or skills that they might not otherwise
have an opportunity to pursue.”
Schreiner students involved in undergraduate research
demonstrate the truth of this statement.
“Undergraduate research is faculty-driven and studentled,” Dr. Danette Vines, associate professor of chemistry, a
member of the Undergraduate Research Task Force and a
faculty member who is actively involved in undergraduate
research, said. “And undergraduate research at Schreiner
benefits from the fact that we are small, which provides a
unique opportunity for students to form collaborative
partnerships with faculty members working on new discoveries and community challenges in an interdisciplinary
environment. It is invigorating and illuminating for both
the student and their faculty mentor.”
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 17
by Louise Kohl Leahy
18 Spring 2011 SCENE
Photo to left: Dr. Chris Distel, assistant professor of
biology, conducts research in Quinlan Creek during Texas
Water Symposium activities. Photos above: Schreiner and
Tivy High School students take part in various activities
associated with the Texas Water Symposium.
Schreiner also has provided the venue for one of the four
programs each year, including the March 2011 symposium.
This year Schreiner offered programs for local community
members and high school students to “get their feet wet” in
conjunction with the symposium topic “River Watch Programs
and Activities in the Hill Country: How Local Communities
Take Care of Their Rivers and Water.”
In early April, Dr. Chris Distel, assistant professor of biology,
along with Schreiner science students, presented miniworkshops for Kerrville’s Tivy High School students with
hands-on stations in the Moody Science Lab and along
Quinlan Creek on the Schreiner campus. Students got the
opportunity to learn something about water issues and some
hands-on experience.
Tivy High School seniors from an AP environmental systems
class engaged in water-related workshops on climate change,
water chemistry, wildlife and wild processes, microbes as agents
of disease and life, and the urban water cycle.
“The workshops were led by nine spectacular Schreiner
student volunteers along with three faculty volunteers,” Dr.
Distel said. “We were very pleased to host these Tivy students
and hope their younger classmates will join us next year.
“I was asked to get involved with this project before I
even got to Schreiner,” Dr. Distel, who joined the faculty in
fall 2010, added. “It was a good chance to make a clear
connection between environmental aspects and Schreiner’s
field biology program.”
Dr. Distel is an environmental biologist brought to Schreiner
to implement the new field biology component of the Life
Sciences signature program.
The day after Dr. Distel’s workshops, the Schreiner student
volunteers led by associate director of volunteer programing
Elizabeth Loggie, also got into the act. Schreiner, along with the
Upper Guadalupe River Authority, Kerr County Environmental Health Department and Scrap Solutions of Kerrville,
hosted a Watershed Cleanup Day. Area volunteers helped clean
up Nichols Creek, which feeds directly into the Guadalupe. It is
historically one of the dirtiest creeks in the area and cleaning it
up reduced the amount of pollutants leaching into the river
and the water table.
“The events added to the March Texas Water Symposium
truly brought water conservation full circle to our students,”
Loggie said. “The Watershed Cleanup not only brought local
agencies together for a common goal, but also Schreiner’s
women’s volleyball and soccer players brought their A game and
made a huge impact on the watershed. They filled a 16-foot
trailer with metal to be recycled, as well as loading a full-sized
dump truck full to the brim with debris and trash. These
Schreiner women athletes really demonstrated how effective our
students are in a giving to the greater good of the community.”
For more information about the Texas Water Symposium
and Schreiner’s field biology and volunteer programs, visit the
Schreiner website at www.schreiner.edu.
chreiner University has co-sponsored the Texas
Water Symposium—with Texas Tech University,
Texas Public Radio and, starting in 2008, the Hill
Country Alliance—since the program’s inception in 2007.
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 19
A Twist of Fate
Colby Adolph
by lynn Wickham bacon
olby Adolph was ready to begin her
freshman year of college. She had
registered for classes. She had her dorm
and roommate assignment in hand and had
attended freshman orientation camp. She even
had the university fight song and other school
songs memorized and was just weeks away
from heading to the college she had dreamed
of attending for years—Baylor University.
Then she received a call from Schreiner
University women’s basketball coach, Matt
Wallis, who had seen Adolph play at an
Amateur Athletic Union national tournament
and had been impressed with her. He invited
her to visit the Schreiner campus. Adolph was
reluctant as she was already committed to
Baylor and was looking forward to attending
her “dream school.”
“I initially said, ‘No,’” Adolph said.
With encouragement from her parents and
a chance to play college basketball—an
opportunity she would not have had at
Baylor—Adolph recalls, “I chose to visit
Schreiner and I loved it. It was really, really
hard to change schools because I had been
planning on going to Baylor since 8th grade,
but after visiting Schreiner, I was really
shocked at how much I liked the school and at
the fact that I was considering putting away
my dream school and possibly coming here.”
After much thought and deliberation,
Adolph signed on with Schreiner just days
before her freshman year would start.
Adolph, now a junior, said the small
campus, the close-knit community and the
student-to-teacher ratio convinced her
Schreiner was the place for her.
“The student-to-teacher ratio really caught
my attention because I felt like I would learn
more and that’s really important to me,” she
said. “Also because I like meeting people and
making relationships and to be able to do that
meant a lot.”
Adolph, who grew up in Houston, said it
was her parents who encouraged her to try
basketball. Since Adolph is tall and her dad
20 Spring 2011 SCENE
had played high school basketball, her parents
felt it would be a natural fit. There was only
one problem.
“I hated basketball,” she said. “I liked
everything more than basketball.”
Her parents finally convinced her to try
out for the squad in 7th grade and she made
the team.
“I think it was at my first basketball game
ever, my best friend was passing the ball to
me, but I wasn’t looking, and it hit me it
square in my face,” Adolph said. “It’s funny
now when we look back on it.”
She went on to play high school varsity
basketball, receiving the Excellence Award in
Women’s Basketball.
Adolph, who plans to attend pharmacy
school when she graduates, said she has
learned a lot more from basketball than just
“I’ve realized that basketball really helps you
not only stay in shape, but it also helps you
with so many life lessons,” she said. “You learn
to work as a team, to accept authority and to
develop a competitive drive that pushes you to
keep getting better in everything you do.”
Wallis, said Adolph holds herself to a very
high standard. “Colby exemplifies what a
women’s basketball player at Schreiner should
be,” he said.
Adolph, however, is not defined by her
basketball talent alone. While working on her
bachelor’s degree in pre-pharmacy/
biochemistry, she also participated in the
Community Internship Program as an intern
for the Kerrville State Hospital pharmacy. As a
Schreiner Ambassador, Adolph has given
campus tours to prospective students and their
families in Spanish as well as English. Adolph
is very active in the Student Senate, a peer
coordinator for new student orientation, a
member of the Student Academic Affairs
Committee and on the Student Athletic
Advisory Committee.
“Now I look back and I couldn’t imagine
going to Baylor,” she said.
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 21
Staff Spotlight
For Keeps
Ron Macosko
by amy armstrong
ince arriving at Schreiner
University almost six years
ago, athletic director Ron
Macosko has seen his program
grow by 85 percent.
“I am really proud of the group of
coaches and staff that we have here,”
he said. “They really buy into
Schreiner’s vision and want to run a
serious athletic program in order to
give student-athletes a great
Macosko said student-athletes’
academic performance has improved
along with retention of those
“There is more discipline in the
program and we are recruiting
students who are a better fit for
Schreiner,” he said. “Our coaches really
build relationships with the students
and that makes a huge difference in
keeping our program stable.”
Macosko said he and his staff had
to build a solid reputation as a nonscholarship school and they are now
seeing that work pay off.
22 Spring 2011 SCENE
“We have kids that are sometimes
turning down scholarships to come
and play here,” he said. “These are
kids who want to play and not ride
the bench somewhere else.”
Macokso and his wife Anna coach
the men’s and women’s golf teams and
know a thing or two about how
important stability can be.
They set off in a 26-foot RV when
their son Ben was an infant, so that
Anna could play on the LPGA tour.
“I quit my job and we put our stuff
in storage and we traveled as a family
for four years,” Macokso said. “I
caddied for Anna.”
Macosko said that while those years
held challenges—really cramped space
with an infant—they also afforded
them the chance to see the country
and meet amazing people.
“Ben was five when we stopped
touring and he still talks about those
years,” Macosko said. “It was an
amazing experience and as Anna says,
‘If we can make it through those years,
we can make it through anything.’”
Macosko said looking to Schreiner’s
future he would like to see more
successes for student-athletes, like
what the women’s golf team
accomplished last year upon winning
their first ASC championship.
“We want to start them on the path
of success so they have something to
build on and something they can be
proud of,” he said.
Macosko said he is also hopeful that
a planned event center and field
house will come to fruition soon.
“What I really like about what we
(the athletic department) do and what
the University as a whole does is the
marriage of priorities between
athletics and the rest of the campus,”
Macosko said. “It is the right balance.”
Finding that balance in his life away
from SU, however, is still a work in
“I am not good about taking down
time,” Macosko admitted. “I get so
wrapped up in SU things and put so
much into it. I need to get better
about taking some time off.”
Back row, from left to right, Jay Chapman, Will Ramon, Raul Alvarado and Kelby Ruiz. Front
row, from left to right, Andy Bell, Remington Maddox, Zach Reichenau and Marcus Vargas.
In a performance that was eerily
similar to 2010, the SU men got
better every round and went from
seventh place after round one to
a third place finish for the second
straight year. Senior Jay Chapman
became the first SU men’s golfer to
earn first team All-ASC honors. He
finished fourth individually at the
championships. Sophomore Andy
Bell became only the third men’s
golfer to earn second team All-ASC
at the event.
Men’s Golf
Pictured from left to right are Simone Date, Katlynd Imbody, Sarah Stillwell,
Liz Calderon and Gabby Rosales.
The team finished third at the ASC
championships. They shot eight
strokes better than last year’s championship effort, but it wasn’t enough
to claim the title in 2011. Sophomore
Gabby Rosales claimed her first collegiate individual title and fifth alltournament performance in seven
tournaments this year and became
the first SU golfer to earn an ASC
championship. Junior Sarah Stillwell
finished sixth, narrowly missing
her third straight first team All-ASC
honor. Senior Liz Calderon capped
her strong career with a 19th-place
finish, followed by sophomores Simone Date and Katlynd Imbody in
25th and 26th respectively.
Men’s Tennis
Back row, from left to right, Garry Nadebaum, coach, Matt Salazar, Dillon Walker,
Tory Manchester and Josh Smith. Front row, from left to right, Parker Wells,
Danny Cuevas, Kyle Mentzel and Trey Hernandez.
Schreiner has suffered badly from
injuries this spring. Junior Trey
Hernandez and freshman Josh
Smith were hurt in matches during
spring break and have been out
ever since. Other players have had
to play out of position to make up
for the loss and that has proven too
much to overcome. SU loses just
one senior and will get both injured
players back in 2012.
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 23
Back row, from left to right, Coach Garry Nadebaum, Lynne Collenback, Michelle Martinez,
Lindsey Fox, Teresa Gaitan, Audrey Abell, Betty Castro and Kelley Spahn.
It was a tough spring for the
women’s team. Freshman Teresa
Gaitan came in and helped the
team but they are in need of
more players in order to take a
step forward. Sophomore Kelley
Spahn, junior Lynne Collenback
and sophomore Lindsay Fox, all
former SU basketball players, were
contributors again this year.
Front row, from left to right Gabriella Carter, Kayla Avirett, Ashley Bouthot, Samantha
Ruiz, Laci Schupp and Reina Perez. Back row, from left to right Charis Sultemeier, Kelsey
Ambrose, Allyson Morris, Callie Caesar, Rebecca Hay and Vanessa Vazquez.
The Mountaineers have had an
unexpectedly difficult season.
A lot was expected of SU in 2011 but the team has struggled all
year, posting a record of 13-25 and
coming in sixth place in the ASC
West. Junior Becca Hay was both
the offensive and pitching leader for
SU. Her .389 average was tops on the
team. On the mound, she had a 6-10
record with a 3.52 ERA. Sophomore
Ally Morris was the wins leader
with seven in 2011. Freshman Kayla
Averitt was next in hitting with a
.336 average with four homers and
23 RBI, both team highs. Baseball
Sophomore Chase Valdez has been named to the 2011
West Division First Team of the American Southwest
Conference. He is one of four Mountaineer players
to earn post-season recognition. Earning honorable
mention All-ASC West were Oscar Ibieta ’11, junior Justin
Martinez and sophomore Chris Whitehead.
Valdez from Katy, Texas, led the team in batting, hits
and triples. He was second on the team in doubles and
third in runs. Valdez was one of the team’s two starting
catchers and threw out 3 of 11 runners attempting to
steal. He finished the season sixth in the ASC in batting
average and tied for ninth in triples.
Ibieta, a first-baseman from San Antonio had a strong
final season for the maroon and white. He led the team
For schedules and more athletic news, visit
24 Spring 2011 SCENE
in home runs, runs and doubles and tied for the lead in
RBI and triples. His 46 hits were second only to Valdez.
His batting average was fifth on the team.
Martinez played right field and pitched for SU. The
Round Rock native was second on the team with a .370
average and his seven doubles was fourth on the team
in just 73 at-bats. Whitehead, from Edna, Texas, finished
his first season with SU hitting .308 and was second on
the team in home runs and third in doubles. He split
time at catcher with Valdez and didn’t have an error
all season.
Ibieta graduated in May but the other three will be
looked upon to provide leadership for the Mountaineers
in 2012.
Photos: Rene and
Mary Canales on
their wedding
day and during
a recent visit to
Giving Now and Later:
Loyal Alumni Couple Generously Support Schreiner
By Karen Davis Kilgore
Planned Giving Advisor and Director of Development
ary Yruegas grew up in
Cuero and knew that a
loving, protective family
and a small town had sheltered
her life. When it was time to
consider colleges, she wanted
some independence and distance
from her hometown lifestyle, but
Yruegas could not picture herself
enjoying a large university setting.
“The day I stepped on the
Schreiner campus,” she remembers,
“that was it! I loved the landscape
and the small classes and the
great reputation the caring faculty
and staff had established.”
The first week of school changed
her life forever—in a way she could
not have predicted. When Yruegas
was in high school, she was not
allowed to date. When one of
her new Schreiner friends heard
about this “untenable” condition,
she immediately started to change
her life. Sitting in the lobby of the
Trull Residence Center, Yruegas’
new friend asked “Well, just
what do you want in a guy?”
Enter Rene Canales, a suave
upperclassman from Hebbronville.
At the very moment Mary Yruegas
was considering what qualities
would describe an ideal man,
the doors of Trull swung open
and there he was. The rest, as
they say, is history. Several years
later—after both of them had
earned their degrees and had
started their careers—Canales
proposed to her outside of the
Weir Building, where the couple
had shared their first kiss. This
summer, they will celebrate their
10th wedding anniversary.
Canales’ initial reaction to
Schreiner was similar to his wife’s
experience. Before his senior year, he
and his family visited six campuses.
“I made my decision that day,”
he said. “I bought a shirt from the
bookstore and started wearing it
everywhere. I applied nowhere
else. I recognized immediately
that Schreiner was a place to be
a person and not an ID number.
It’s been 15 years since I started at
Schreiner. When we come back for
Recall or just to visit our former
professors still know our names.”
When Canales graduated, he
started teaching math in the Corpus
Christi area, while Yruegas was
finishing school and working part
time for the Inn of the Hills in
Kerrville. After graduating, she
moved from a hostess position to
the human resources manager at
the Inn. Even though they did not
live near each other during those
years, Canales and Yruegas became
a real couple—not just friends, but
fellow alumni with lots in common.
In 1998, things changed. “I
woke up one day and just knew I
needed to go propose,” remembers
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 25
Rene. In June 2001, they married
and have lived in South Texas ever
since. Canales is a veteran math
teacher and says he often thinks
of professors Kelly Hildebrand and
Dr. Bill Sliva and the immense
knowledge these two imparted.
“But I also emulate the late Ed
Wilbourn, who taught Texas history,
Canales said. “He had a unique
teaching style, to say the least. I
can still see his face when he would
crack jokes. Now I try to be just
like him. It livens up my classes.”
Yruegas is a senior human
resources generalist at Texas A&M
Corpus Christi.
The Canales family also inspired
Yruegas’ younger sister, Mary Lou,
to attend Schreiner. A 2008 alumna,
Mary Lou is now working on her
master’s degree in San Antonio.
Among the Yruegas’
accomplishments in their first
decade as a married couple is
a handsome planned gift for
their alma mater. They have
made Schreiner a beneficiary
of their life insurance plans.
“We support Schreiner with a
gift every month,” said Yruegas.
“And we will try to increase that
amount in future years. But both
of us recognize that an estate
gift offers us a chance to make a
more substantial contribution.”
“We believe in Schreiner’s
mission and hope that many more
alums follow in our footsteps,” the
couple said. “We want to give other
students the opportunities to
experience all the good that
Schreiner has to offer.”
Honoring their planned gift,
Schreiner inducted them into
the Schreiner Oaks Society last
February. They are among our
youngest planned gift donors.
So deep is their connection to
Schreiner that the couple says
they even talk of having their
ashes scattered on campus when
they die. “Some ashes at Trull,
where we met,” said Canales. “And
some ashes by ‘our’ bench by the
Weir Building,” adds Yruegas,
“where we had our first kiss.”
A Closer Look at
Life Insurance Gifts
With thoughtful planning, new and existing life
insurance policies can be converted into fine
charitable gifts. By making SU both the owner
and the beneficiary of a policy, donors can create
an irrevocable gift that helps Schreiner after the
donors’ deaths.
The donor’s insurance company can provide
the forms to make the necessary changes for a
charitable gift.
Donors ordinarily receive a charitable deduction
based upon the policy’s surrender value or the
total of premiums they have paid.
Schreiner’s planned giving office will work with
families to determine how to use life insurance to
accomplish the donors’ goals.
If the policy is paid in full, the donors can
request the University keep the policy until it pays
the survivors’ benefit. Normally, the proceeds
of this kind of gift will help grow Schreiner’s
Or if it is the donors’ preference, SU can
surrender the policy and create an outright gift
with the proceeds. This gift can assist current
projects, including endowment and/or capital
needs. Depending upon the amount, life insurance
proceeds are often large enough to establish a
named endowment ($25,000 or more).
26 Spring 2011 SCENE
Many find company insurance an easy and
efficient way to create a planned gift. As long
as the donors continue to work for the same
company, a portion or all of their employee
insurance serves as a planned gift. If an employee
changes companies or retires, the life insurance
benefits normally cease.
If you would like to know more about life
insurance and other planned gift vehicles,
please contact Karen Davis Kilgore, director
of development and planned gift specialist, at
830-792-7205 or kkilgore@schreiner.edu. If you
have already made an estate plan that includes
Schreiner, we welcome the privilege of extending
membership in the Schreiner Oaks Society—and
look forward to thanking you in person.
Supporting Schreiner University is easier than ever
now. Please visit our online giving website at www.
schreiner.edu/giving, where you can make a secure
gift—one that will benefit Schreiner students for
years to come—in a matter of seconds. If you have
questions, contact Karen Kilgore, planned giving
advisor and director of development, at kkilgore@
schreiner.edu or call 830-792-7205.
Royce Faulkner ’49
Rogers Douglas ’52
Stephanie Gamble ’90
Distinguished Alumnus
Royce Faulkner ’49 used his time at Schreiner University as a springboard into
an amazingly successful professional life. He founded Faulkner Construction
Company in 1962 and watched as that company became a leader in the Texas
construction market. Faulkner has actively sought to improve the Austin
community through his service and participation in many organizations, both
professional and civic. He and his wife Donna have made a lasting impact on
Schreiner University. “Schreiner University has grown and changed greatly
during the past 60 years,” Faulkner said. “I have had the pleasure of working
with the administration and the board of trustees. It is apparent that the
trustees have set realistic goals for the future. With the dedication of the
administration and the trustees to meet these goals and adherence to the
University’s values, I envision a notable future for Schreiner University.”
Athletic Hall of Honor
Rogers Douglas ’52 came to Schreiner College with an outstanding high
school athletic record. Douglas lettered in three sports at Schreiner: basketball,
football and track. He had a successful but a somewhat varied career after
leaving Schreiner. He was signed to play with the Ada Oilers, a semipro
basketball team, but the team disbanded two weeks after he arrived. He
spent 18 years as a golf pro before he and his son, Doug, went to work with
a custom-made football shoulder pad company. In 1986, he started his own
company, Douglas Pads, in Houston with sons Doug and Jeff. The company
has grown from a garage operation to a major player in the industry, supplying
26 NFL teams, 85 percent of the country’s university teams and hundreds
of high schools. “I met a lot of good buddies and made lasting friendships at
Schreiner,” said Douglas. “The things I learned there helped me in later life.”
Stephanie Gamble ’90, played on the women’s volleyball and basketball teams
while at Schreiner. She and her teammates had four consecutive winning
season records. The team went to the playoffs all four years she played and she
led the team in steals for three years. She is the girls’ athletic coordinator and
head coach of basketball at Marble Falls High School. Her teams have two
district championships and have gone to the playoffs three times. The San
Antonio Express News named her Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year in 2006
and she was named District Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year in 2007. “I had
fun and worked hard,” Gamble said of her time at SU. “Schreiner had a great
atmosphere; it was the type of place that felt like home because everyone was so
helpful, from the professors to the other students to the administration. I feel
that I have an extended family that I can always call upon.”
Honoring Our Alumni
Jerry E. (Gene) Marshall ’52
The Schreiner Former Students
Association awarded its
Distinguished Service award
to Jerry E. (Gene) Marshall
’52. Marshall, a native Texan,
was active in the formation
and success of the SFSA. He
was the guest speaker at the
first-ever Military Breakfast,
a popular part of Schreiner’s
annual Recall weekends.
“Gene has been one of the
great leaders of the alumni
association even before his
tenure as president 1999-2001,”
Paul Camfield, associate director
of alumni relations, said. “He
was active in the affairs of the
organization from its earliest
years and he continues to play a
key role in our operation today.
His love for Schreiner and for
the friends he made during
his time here has remained
steadfast throughout the years.”
Marshall, a retired U.S. Air
Force colonel, appreciated
Schreiner’s military aspects
during his time here.
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed
my association with Schreiner
for 60 years now,” he said.
“Schreiner has been very good
to me. It’s no longer the little
red schoolhouse. Schreiner is
a real university now, with a
national academic reputation.”
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 27
Schreiner Recall 2011 was one of the most
successful ever, from the golf tournament
to the parade, the Military Breakfast and
picnic to the tribute dinner. A new event
this year, a reunion of the children of former
faculty and staff who lived on campus, was
a big hit, with folks coming early, staying
late and really enjoying themselves—which
could reasonably be said of all of the more
than 250 attendees, as you can see by these
photos. The science profs had a reception
for former science majors that included
the dedication of the new Michael Looney
Research Laboratory, which was made
possible by a National Science Foundation
grant. Looney, a former Schreiner chemistry
professor and provost, passed away last year.
Schreiner president Dr. Tim Summerlin
officially dedicated the lab.
“For me, the Michael Looney Research
Laboratory looks backward and forward,
both in healthy ways,” Summerlin said.
“It looks back to honor the man who
established a chemistry major at a very
young baccalaureate college and who made
undergraduate research a fixed part of
Schreiner’s approach to learning in the
sciences. In the work of our current faculty
to compose, submit and secure an NSF
grant to upgrade laboratory facilities, it
looks forward, reminding us that education
is not static, but ever-changing. This new
laboratory reminds us why Schreiner is such
a good learning investment.”
photos by Schreiner Volunteer Tom Schall,
Bruce Dozier and Louise Kohl Leahy
28 Spring 2011 SCENE
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 29
For more Recall photos,
please visit
30 Spring 2011 SCENE
Your fellow alumni would love to know where you are
and what you’ve been up to. Submitting a class note is
easy; just visit https://forms.schreiner.edu/classnotes.html
or contact us at 830-792-7405 or scene@schreiner.edu.
Vic Niemeyer ’37
has been designated
by Rotary Club International as one
of 150 Rotarians in the world to be a
recipient of the prestigious Service
Above Self Award. Vic joined Rotary
more than forty years ago in South
America. He has been responsible
for starting four brand-new Rotary
Clubs in the Austin area. He has
written three books, two of which are
in Spanish, and had a distinguished
record in the submarine corps in
World War II. Today at age 93 Vic
still competes in 10k races and in
Roy Brown ’51
writes that he and
Adolph Acker ’53 attended school
together from kindergarten to high
school. “The Class of 1951 contributed
so much to Schreiner. My feeling is
that Sam Junkin ’51, Sam Lanham
’51 and Theo Blue ’51 kept the school
afloat during some key times.”
Tom Foster ’57 reports, “I visited
the Schreiner campus in June 2010
for the first time since graduating in
1957. My wife and I had a great time
seeing the new buildings and modernization of all the ones from my era.
It brought back a lot of memories since
I spent 4 years there attending high
school. I now live in Tucson, where
I retired with my wife after working
in the U.S., Mexico, South America
and Indonesia as a mining engineer. I would enjoy hearing from any of
my classmates and dorm mates from
that time period.”
David Barker ’64
writes, “Hello, fellow
alumni. My home in Kerrville is
complete and I’m still working on
the landscape with the final phase
being installed this winter. I have
had trouble with the deer population.
It seems that they eat more items
than what is published. Amazing
digestive systems. I am still working
in Houston and spend about 50
percent of the weekends in Kerrville.
Golf is my interest for my running
days are over. After running track
for Schreiner and later Texas A&M
University, I had to give up the
running and golf took over. I went to
Scotland in 2010 and played seven
major Scotland courses, including
the Old Course. It was fantastic. I
was in the power field for most of my
career and after retiring from Center
Point Energy in 2003 I still wanted
to work. I now work for Drill-Quip,
where we engineer and manufacture
equipment for the subsea oil and gas
industry. I am in charge of the project
management division. An amazing
industry and highly complex; we
engineer systems that drill and
produce hydrocarbons from depths
over 10,000 feet.”
Rick Garcia ’76 and wife Natalie Thea
Nowak Garcia live in Reno, Nev. Rick
had his left hip replaced in 2009 but it
hasn’t slowed him down. He recently
went snowshoeing with his daughters,
Madeleine and Mary.
Katherine HoweFrilot ’85 was
named Volunteer of the Year for the
San Antonio chapter of Wells Fargo
Volunteers. She will be up for the
companywide Wells Fargo Volunteer
Service Award, which has a prize of
$25,000 for the charity of her choice.
John F. Garcia Jr. ’85 recently held
Joy Lynn Murphy
Richards ’71 writes,
the 12th Annual COLUMN Awards
gala, which he founded and for which
he serves as the executive director/
producer. The COLUMN Awards honor
excellence in theater within the Dallas
-Ft. Worth area. This year John had
Tony award winner and Broadway
legend Donna McKechnie (who
originated the role of “Cassie” in “A
Chorus Line”) appear as his special
guest star. His co-hosts were Broadway
stars Max Von Essen (“Les Miserables,”
“Xanadu”) and Tyler Maynard (“The
Little Mermaid,” “Altar Boyz”). As an
actor, John recently originated the
role of Barfee in the Texas Regional
premiere of “25th Putnam Annual
Spelling Bee” at the prestigious equity
company, Theatre Three.
“I was one of the first ladies to live
on campus in Schreiner history. I am
the department president of Texas
of the Ladies Auxiliary to the VFW.
I have been traveling all over the
state visiting my 25 districts and
VA hospitals. I just came back from
San Diego where I was one of many
presidents to receive my medal for
reaching 90 percent in membership
before the end of the year. I received
The Yellow Rose of Texas from
Governor Rick Perry a couple
of weeks ago. I can honestly say that
I enjoyed my year at Schreiner and
I will never forget it. Thanks for
Jim Wood ’86 reports, “I have been
married 24 years to Connie Wood
(from Stephenville). I have four children. Jazz will be graduating from
Blinn in May with a nursing degree and
will be getting married in June; she is
22. Bree is 20 and living at home with
us. Cody, 17, will be graduating from
high school in May and Holly, 15, is a
freshman. We are currently living in
Gorman, Texas. I have been teaching
and coaching for 18 years and my wife
has been teaching for 9 years. I am currently the girls’ coordinator and head
volleyball coach and I teach speech/
health/art at Gorman High School. My
class notes
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 31
wife Connie is a 2nd grade teacher at
Staples Elementary in Joshua, Texas.”
Joe Fields ’88 writes, “I have been
a pilot for United Airlines since 1995
after flying in the U.S. Navy for five
years. Until February, I was a captain
flying the Airbus 319 and 320 out of
Denver, Colo., where I live with my
family. I have also been serving in the
U.S. Navy Reserves in a non-flying job
as commanding officer of a 70-person
unit out of Joint Reserve Base—NAS
Fort Worth. However, I was mobilized
to active duty with the Navy for the
next year and will spend most of that
time overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I won’t be flying while I am there but
will be serving as mission planner for
strike air ops. Outside of United and
the Navy, I have been playing lots of
tennis in USTA leagues and tournaments. Last summer, my men’s 4.5
USTA team qualified for the National
USTA Championship by winning the
Colorado League Championship and
then winning the Intermountain Sectional Championship. It has been fun
getting back into competitive tennis
and getting my family hooked on the
game as well! I have lots of good memories playing tennis for Schreiner!”
Paul Garcia ’90
writes, “I have been
coaching and teaching P.E., 8th grade
football and 7th grade basketball and
track at Clear Creek Intermediate for
almost 20 years now. My daughters
Hannah and Madison Garcia are now
17 and 15.”
Melissa (Haglund) Lee ’91 says she
has been “playing the role of a single
mom to my wonderful son, Gage, 6,
who is just about to finish his kindergarten year. I am the VAC coordinator
for Willis ISD and transition specialist
at Willis High School. We live in
Huntsville, Texas, and I recently
bought a home with some acreage
out in the country. Gage has lots of
pets—a horse, a dog, a cat, chickens,
a couple of donkeys and a Shetland
pony. We spend most of our free time
together outside taking care of the
animals, building new fences or painting something. I miss the Hill Country
and hope to return one day, but for
now Huntsville is home.
32 Spring 2011 SCENE
Wade Ivy ’93 was recognized by The
Texas Computer Education Association
as District Administrator of the Year.
Ivy is the principal at Nimitz Elementary School in Kerrville.
Amy Shenberger
’96 writes, “I
am happy to
announce that
in November I
accepted a position as the director of study abroad at Arizona State
University. I have been at employed
in the ASU Study Abroad Office since
2004 and completed a Master of Education degree in higher and postsecondary education in August 2010.
My first study abroad experience was
as a Schreiner College exchange student in 1994-1995 to Nagasaki Wesleyan College in Japan. I went on to participate in Schreiner’s study abroad
program in London through Eckerd
College in spring 1996. My experiences
abroad had a significant impact on my
career goals. I returned to both Japan
and the U.K. to work before returning
to the U.S. to become a study abroad
advisor. I have been very happy to see
the study abroad opportunities available to Schreiner students expand over
the years. Many prospective Schreiner
students would probably not imagine
that choosing a small, liberal arts college in central Texas would give them
the opportunity to see so much of the
world and achieve so much, but I am a
great example of the possibilities.”
Leslie Swanson-Quinn ’98 writes,
“My son Kyle, 11, is a theatre buff and
plays hockey. Caleb my 9 year old
plays soccer and loves it. I work for
Chubbuck Chiropractic as a chiropractic assistant, while I am working on a
master’s in education K-8. My husband
Bob fought cancer (melanoma) this
year, but is in remission for now. We
are very grateful for that. We will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary in
Dana (Burks)
Huyck ’98 and
Jim Huyck would
like to announce
the birth of their
daughters Sophia
Jane and Caroline
Elizabeth on December 13. Dana and
Jim report that they are having a blast
raising their daughters and love all the
adventure twins bring.
Patrick Emshoff ’99 and Ashley
(Riggs) Emshoff ’01 will celebrate
their 10th wedding anniversary in July.
“We are currently living in Missouri
City, Texas, a suburb of Houston. I am
the owner and operator of Texan Creative, a design agency that specializes
in branding, advertising, websites and
video. Although we live far away, I am
currently working on several projects
for Kerrville-based businesses. Ashley
is a stay-at-home mom to our two
beautiful girls, Brinley Elizabeth, 5,
and Mallory Grace, 2. Before we had
our children Ashley worked in investments/financial services.”
Phillip Read ’00 and
Amy (Carroll) Read
’03 are still in Pleasanton, Texas. Phillip
has partnered up with Troy Dusek
’99 in an oil service company—Texas
Purple Sage Services. Phillip is also
an active member of the Go Rodeo
Committee that raises funds for the
San Antonio Stock Show kids. Amy
still works at Pleasanton Elementary,
teaching 3rd and 4th grade reading.
She is currently enrolled at Our Lady
of the Lake University, and pursuing
her master’s degree in school counseling. They have two daughters, Paige, 3,
and Natalie, 2.
Justin and
Bryan ’00 sent
this picture of
their son Jaxon.
“We celebrated Jaxon’s 3rd birthday in February.
He has brought us so much joy and
Lee Vanacker ’02 became a partner
in the accounting firm Spies, Kneese,
& Bailey, LLC. They have offices in
both Kerrville and Fredericksburg.
Childers ’02
and Delma
Childers ’06
Abby Shupe ’03 writes, “I’m currently
living in Kingwood, Texas, just north
of Houston. I’m working as a compliance monitor for an apartment management company that manages lowincome housing properties. I’ve been
with the company for about three
years now and I love it. Last year, I
received the Employee of the Year
award. In my free time I like to quilt,
and recently one of my quilts was
included in a book produced by Crown
Royal of items made with their purple
bags. I’m also active in my church’s
quilt group, which makes quilts for
children and families in need.”
Lindsey (Brotherton) Kunz ’03 and
David Kunz wonder what they ever did
without their children. “They make us
laugh daily with their cute personalities
and energy. Hallie is four and active in
dance and t-ball. Jaxon is 1 1/2 and loves
to eat and play with his trucks!”
Cathy Rahn Berryhill ’03 received
her Master of Education degree from
Schreiner in 2004 and in 2006 she
received her principal certification.
“I am in my fourth year as a principal
with University of Texas at Austin
University Charter School District.
I also completed the Texas Principal
Excellence Program and attended
Harvard University Summer Institute
for principals, sponsored by the Raise
Your Hand Texas program.”
Leann Solomon ’04 writes, “My life
is busier than ever. I just celebrated
my 8th anniversary with my loving
and supportive husband Jerimy. We
added a new member to our family
last year, Joshua Wade, who was born
November 17. He was welcomed by
his sister Autumn Brook, 4, and brother, Jon Wayne, 2. I am blessed to be a
stay-at-home mom and am using my
degree from Schreiner to home school
my children. I hope my children can
enjoy the same experiences and education some day that I received at
Schreiner. I also assist in teaching
A Life Together
Begins at Schreiner
In September 1960, Rosanne and I arrived on the campus of Schreiner
Institute at Dickey Hall to begin our married life together as I
continued my teaching career. Six days prior to our arrival we had been
were married on December 11 in
downtown San Antonio. “We honeymooned in Edinburgh and London and
we’re both currently finishing our doctorates in microbiology and immunology at The University of Texas Health
Science Center in San Antonio.”
married in San Antonio. Our new
residence was a one-bedroom apartment (it did have a private bath) on
the second floor of Dickey Dorm
with 26 boys to supervise. I taught
the Bible in one semester to high
school students who needed to pass
in order to graduate; the Old Testament one semester and the New
Testament the next to junior college
students; and English to high
school students. I was high school
and college tennis coach and—on
my night off from supervising the
dormitory—I drove 185 miles round
trip to San Antonio for Naval
Reserve duty. This was the life for
us as newlyweds.
Well, much must have gone right
because in August 2010 we celebrated 50 years of blessings with a bene- Laurence and Rosanne Becker
fit concert at the University Presbyterian Church in Austin. The benefit was
for the UPLIFT (University Presbyterians Living in Faith Together) outreach
program at our home church. The event raised more than $5,000 to support
those in need in Austin.
Currently, we live in the house I grew up in on the fringe of historic Hyde
Park. Even more special is the fact that I met Rosanne in this very same back
yard in 1957 when the Westminster Student Fellowship met at my house the
last Sunday before UT classes began for the fall semester. Rosanne was a
transfer and friends invited her to come to the gathering. I was in my senior
year in Plan II, a liberal arts program at UT. As Rosanne likes to say about
that first meeting, “My life was never to be the same.”
Certainly, our first two years of marriage, which included a large family of
26 teenage boys, was an unforgettable and life preparing/changing experience
for both of us.
In 1962, Rosanne and I left Schreiner to return to the University of Texas
for me to enter a master’s program in English and serve as assistant varsity
tennis coach. In 1980, I received my Ph.D. from The Union Institute and
University in Creative Learning Environments and have worked for more
than 35 years with some of the world’s great autistic savant artists. In 1983,
we held the world premiere of “With Eyes Wide Open: Richard Wawro,
Autistic Savant Artist” the international, award-winning documentary film
that I produced. It continues to be shown around the world. You can see
some of the film at www.savantsyndrome.com.
I continue to coach and play competitive tennis and enjoy sharing my experience and knowledge with a diverse group of learners. I am fully aware and
ever so grateful that with no experience, my teaching career began right out
of UT at Schreiner Institute. The learning curve I experienced was enormous
and had a profound effect on the rest of my life. Thank you, Schreiner, for
giving me the opportunity to begin such a wonderful life adventure in Kerrville in 1958. The experiences we had and people we met there will remain
with us throughout our life.
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 33
7-8th grade girls Sunday school and
am active in the women’s mission
group at First Baptist Church, Devine.
My life is very busy with three small
children under five, but God has richly
blessed me with a beautiful family
and a good education. Life is so good
and God is so good. I miss Schreiner
and hope to visit soon.”
Nancy Nixon-Garcia ’04 is an evaluation specialist for Midway Independent School District in Waco. “I work
in the special education department
as a case manager for two campuses
and evaluate students.”
David A. Peeples ’04 writes, “Things
are going well and I’m a full-time
assistant teacher at a charter school in
San Antonio and working part-time on
the side at Borders.”
Leslie Lopez ’05 lives in Kerrville
and works for the CPA firm Davidson,
Freedle, Espenhover & Overby. She
and her husband Andrew, along with
a longtime friend Jose Medina, opened
Tamale Warehouse Restaurant. “Our
food has a New Mexico twist which
makes it completely different from
your average Mexican restaurant.
Coming soon, we also will be opening
the Kerrville Beverage Barn located at
Five Points, where you’ll be able to get
fresh homemade tamales & tacos.”
Travis Arreaga ’05 writes, “I graduated from Oklahoma City University
with my M.L.A. in mass communications in 2009. I now work for The Art
Institute of Austin as a financial aid
officer. Although I have always worked
in college admissions, I am excited to
take my career in a new direction. I
currently live in Round Rock.”
Bianca Gamboa
’06 and Nathan
Kunkel were
married October
2 at Notre Dame
Catholic Church
in Kerrville.
Bianca is employed with K’Star in
Uvalde, Texas, as a youth resiliency
specialist. Nathan is employed with
DelMonte as a shift supervisor. They
recently have moved into their new
home along with Charlie, their
Labradoodle puppy.
34 Spring 2011 SCENE
Alisha Beth
Johnson ’06
and Cameron
David Woodall
were married in
November at the
Church of the
Good Shepherd in Wichita Falls, Texas.
She is the graphic design manager for
Lily of the Desert. The couple took a
wedding trip to Maui, Hawaii. They
live in Irving, Texas.
Braun ’07 and
Danielle (Gaitan) Braun ’09
were married on
July 10, 2010, and
currently live in
McKinney, Texas. Ben earned his Master of Science degree in athletic training from Stephen F. Austin University as well as his ATC & LAT certifications. He is currently the sports medicine community liaison for Children’s
Medical Center. Danielle is currently in school working towards becoming a science teacher. Schreiner former
students in the wedding party were
Colton Gaitan ’10, Tyler Strickland
’07, Kassie Strickland ’07, Jill Perez
’09, Patsy Garcia ’91, Matt Jepson
’10 and Todd Obiedo ’09 and current
student Michelle Nebgen. Ruben Marquina ’07 writes,
“After graduating from SU, I
went off to Montreal and attended McGill University (the Harvard of Canada) where
I earned my Master of Science in pharmacology. I am currently in Barcelona,
Spain, doing my Ph.D. in neurogenomics. My thesis focuses on the development of a new cell therapy for patients
who suffer neurodegeneration (especially Parkinson’s disease). Because
I am trilingual, I’ve been able to collaborate with different labs in Germany, England, France and Switzerland,
along with having the opportunity to
participate in seminars in Italy, Australia, Lebanon and Dubai. I’ve been
working on book for four years now
called “Tangled,” and I am expecting
to publish it next year. It is a fictional
memoir of different experiences of
my life. I dedicate two chapters to
my experience at Schreiner and the
unique characters that I encountered
there that had a huge impact in my
life, such as Dr. Kathleen Hudson and
Yolanda Pickard (whom I thank for
teaching me the basics of my fluent
French today). I am looking forward
to being able to visit SU for a Recall
sometime soon.”
Greg Kirkham ’07 completed a oneyear training program as executive
operations trainee assisting the general manager and regional vice president
of The Fairmont Dallas. “After completing the program, I entered into my
first true managerial position within the hotel as the front office night
manager. As the only manager on duty
from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., I am often the
final decision maker on issues that
arise in the hotel in the middle of the
night. On weekend nights in particular, the issues can be quite extreme
and humorous. You never really know
what goes on in a hotel until you work
in the middle of the night! With all
that being said, I am happy to say that
I have survived it all, including the
Super Bowl in February. Overall, the
position has been a blast!”
Wendy Rhoden ’07 writes, “I have
been working for Peterson Regional
Medical Center as a microbiologist
for the past four years. My daughter
Lindsey Rhoden will be graduating
from Schreiner University this
year and has been accepted to the
University of Texas Health Science
Center of San Antonio College of
Medicine. We are so proud of her and
grateful for everything Schreiner has
done for our family.”
Katharine Wright ’10 was accepted
to the University of Kent at Canterbury
graduate program. “I leave in September
for England to pursue a master’s in
medieval and early modern studies.”
Want to find
a classmate?
Go to
Former students
Mr. James Ammann ’45
March 15, 2011
Mr. Dan Anderegg Jr. ’47
March 7, 2011, Fredericksburg,
ing 2011
Dr. Berman F. Shieldes ’35
August 16, 2010, Tyler, Texas
Mr. James Stahala ’48
June 14, 2010, San Antonio
Mr. Emory C. Thompson ’50
March 24, 2011, Austin
One of
ature Program
Schreiner’s Sign
Mr. Robert A. Bradley ’50
October 2009, Houston
Mrs. Mary Ellen Tinch ’45
March 12, 2011, Kerrville
Dr. Douglas Bynum Jr. ’52
April 3, 2010, Montgomery, Texas
Ms. Cynthia J. Tuck ’88
April 16, 2011, Kerrville
Mrs. Mary E. Cantu ’94
November 22, 2010, Kerrville
Mr. Richard A. Tynan ’51
November 29, 2010, San Antonio
Mr. Douglas K. Fleming ’42
February 25, 2010, Seattle, Wash.
Mr. Vernon F. Ullmann ’55
February 15, 2011, Wharton, Texas
Mrs. Saxon P. Fox ’43
March 2, 2011, Austin
Mr. L.F. Webber ’49
February 4, 2011
Dr. Horace B. Halbert Jr. ’54
March 11, 2011
Mr. Houston R. Wheeler ’50
December 24, 2010, San Antonio
Karen Davis Kilgore
Mrs. Jean W. Hale ’42
April 15, 2011, Oklahoma City,
Mr. T.J. Wineriter ’87
February 19, 2011, Kerrville
Lynn Wickham Bacon
Mr. René S. Woerner ’77
March 9, 2011, Knoxville, Tenn.
Sandra Langley
Mr. David T. Kandaras ’77
April 2, 2011
Former Faculty
Wayne Hinkley
Mr. Milton Mack ’73
February 5, 2011
Mr. Harry A. Schmidt
February 1, 2011
Mr. Robert D. Milligan ’92
September 23, 2010, Live Oak,
Mr. Edward L. Wilbourn
November 27, 2010, Kerrville
Michael Pate
Former Trustee
Jimmie Peschel ’67
Mrs. Barbara F. Hetherington
November 10, 2010, Houston
SCENE is a publication of the University
Relations Office and is distributed twice
a year free of charge to Schreiner former
students, current students, faculty, parents
and friends. An online version is available
at www.schreiner.edu/scene.
Mr. Richard W. Hargrove ’93
April 12, 2011, Kerrville
Ms. Sansel D. Nelson ’37
January 20, 2011, La Marque, Texas
Mr. William T. Pearson IV ’90
December 26, 2010, Kerrville
In Memoriam
Amy Armstrong
director of university relations
art direction and design
Stephanie Lopez Keller
assistant art director of creative services
contributing writers
Louise Kohl Leahy
staff writer
planned giving advisor
and director of development
university relations
human resources
sports information director
Dr. Tim Summerlin
board chairman
sfsa board president
Mr. Jack D. Pyburn Jr. ’50
October 24, 2010, La Grange, Texas
Former Trustee Spouse
Mr. Milton E. Robinowitz ’39
August 2009, Richmond, Texas
Mrs. Mildred P. Guin
February 28, 2011, Kerrville
Mrs. Gail Sears ’85
December 31, 2010, Ingram, Texas
Mrs. Emmy Rollins
January 16, 2011, Austin
Want to keep up with Schreiner University news
and events all year long? Visit our website at
www.schreiner.edu and go to the bottom of the page.
Click on “Sign up for Schreiner E-News.”
Want to be included on the SCENE mailing
list? Send your name and address to Amy
Armstrong, Schreiner University, CMB 6229,
2100 Memorial Blvd., Kerrville, TX 78028,
or e-mail scene@schreiner.edu.
Change of address? Call the Office of
Advancement at 830-792-7201.
Schreiner University is an independent
liberal arts institution related by covenant
and choice to the Presbyterian Church
Schreiner University does not discriminate in
admissions, educational programs, extra-curricular
programs or employment against any individual on
the basis of that individual’s race, color, sex, sexual
orientation, religion, age, disability, veteran status
or ethnic origin. Inquiries/complaints should be
forwarded to the Director of Human Resources, at
www.schreiner.edu Spring 2011 35
CMB 6229
2100 Memorial Blvd.
Kerrville, Texas 78028-5697