the complete make-up artist program
the complete make-up artist program
Message from the President Welcome to Complections College of Makeup Art & Design (C|MU), world leaders in make-up artistry. C|MU is a private career college, unique within Canada, that offers highly specialized courses in make-up artistry for film, theatre, television and fashion. C|MU is an industry leader, influencing the direction of make-up artistry worldwide through the accomplishments of our graduates and the notable activities of our instructors and staff. C|MU has operated in downtown Toronto for over 25 years. With our January 2012 move to expanded facilities at Toronto’s Old Fire Hall, C|MU has been able to offer augmented and enhanced courses to more students in state-of-the-art classrooms, studios and labs. Here, the school continues its rich tradition of providing talented artists with the innovative and excellent education and training so necessary to enter the cultural industries with outstanding professional qualifications. We are committed to providing unparalleled training for the next generation of make-up artists worldwide. I look forward to having you join the profession. PAM EL A E A R L E President 1 C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . 1 Career Opportunities Make-up artistry is an exciting and rewarding career. Every face you see on a stage or film screen, in a magazine or commercial, or on a billboard advertisement has been transformed by a make-up artist. Whether it’s for a special event or a special effect, the artist enhances beauty, makes dreams reality, and brings imagination to life. FI LM A N D T E L E V IS IO N In the fields of film and television the artist works in tandem with a creative team, which can include hair and wardrobe designers, to bring the writer’s character to life, and to realize the director’s artistic vision or production design. Working in film and television includes music videos, television programs, movies of the week, commercials, documentaries, major motion pictures, independent films, and reality TV. FAS HI O N R U N WAY, E D IT O R IA L A N D C OM M E R C IA L W O R K The fashion make-up artist is always part of a creative team that can consist of designers, stylists, art directors, photographers, coordinators, and choreographers. The makeup artist is an integral member of this team, who contributes to developing a creative concept whether for a fashion runway event, a magazine spread or an advertising shoot for a corporate product or services promotion. 3 C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . T H E AT R E A N D T H E P E R F O R M I N G A RTS From a Shakespearean tragedy to a touring musical, an opera production or a ballet performance, the artist trained in stage make-up is always in demand. Career opportunities abound for the specialist in period and stage performance make-up for large-scale and independent theatrical productions, musicals, variety shows and more. P R O S T H E T IC A N D S P E C IA L E F F E CTS The demand for prosthetic and special effects make-up artists has increased dramatically in the last decade in all areas of film, theatre, television and the performing arts. Prosthetic make-up artists are also hired for mould making to create museum and specialty displays. Individuals skilled in designing and building prosthetic appliances will find work in film and theatre, and with specialty manufacturing companies. CL I E N T-B A SE D M A KE -U P Client-based make-up is one-on-one work with an individual. Make-up artists are called on to prepare clients for family portraits, birthday parties, New Year’s parties and countless other special events. Employment opportunities can be found within corporations in the area of personal grooming and corporate events, and of course, client-based make-up is the foundation of the retail fashion industry. However, a key area of client-based makeup is bridal and special events make-up. The magnitude of this business cannot be overestimated; many make-up artists work in client-based services earning good wages while they build their professional résumé. C R E AT U R E D E S IG N Creature design has become an integral part of working on the technical side of make-up in prosthetic and special effects labs. Combining elements of creativity in sculpting and prosthetics, mechanics and construction, employment opportunities in this field exist within film, theatre, museums and specialty display companies. C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . 3 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1 Message from the President 3 Career Opportunities 25 School Location and Living in Toronto COMPLETE STUDY PROGRAMS DETAILED COURSE DESCRIPTIONS SCHOOL INFORMATION AND POLICIES 7 The Complete Make-up Artist Program (32 weeks) 15 Fashion Photographic Make-up 21 Admission Requirements 8 The Comprehensive Make-up Artist Program (26 weeks) 16 Advanced Photographic and Studio Hairstyling 21 Student Kits 9 The Essential Make-up Artist Program (14 weeks) 16 Fashion Theory 21 Student Portfolios 10 The Advanced Fashion Make-up Artist Program (13 weeks) 17 Theatrical Make-up 21 Job Posting and E-mailing Service 17 Facial Hair Knotting for Film and Theatre 21 The Retail Store 11 The Total Fashion Make-up Artist Program (8 weeks) 18 Film and Television Make-up 21 Class Time and School Hours 11 The Creature Design Program (6 weeks) 18 Photographic and Studio Hairstyling 22 Non-discrimination Policy 12 The Fashion Photographic Make-up Artist Program 19 Creature Design 22 Grading Policy/Diplomas and Certificates 19 Prosthetic Make-up 22 Attendance Policy (6 weeks) 22 Dress Policy 22 Rules of Conduct 22 Disclaimers 22 FAQs 5 C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . 5 Complete Study Programs THE COMPLETE MAKE-UP ARTIST PROGRAM ( 3 2 WEEKS ) Make-up for film, theatre, television, and fashion; photographic and studio hairstyling; special effects; prosthetics; creature design. The Complete Make-up Artist Program is our most popular program. It offers the most extensive training in every aspect of working as a skilled and professional make-up artist. CAR EER GOA LS Graduates of The Complete Make-up Artist Program will be prepared to work on any film production; prepare the talent for a theatrical, operatic, or ballet performance; work in the make-up department at a television station; make up models for a fashion magazine cover, print commercial ad or runway show; and work in a prosthetic lab sculpting, mould making, and finishing appliances. PR O GR AM DUR ATI ON • 32 Weeks, Mon to Fri: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM • Portfolio Shoots: 10 7 C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . C OU RS E C O N T E N T AT A G L A N C E • 3-week Photographic and Studio Hairstyling • 6-week Fashion Photographic Make-up • 4-week Theatrical Make-up • 1-week Facial Hair Knotting for Film and Theatre • 6-week Film and Television Make-up • 6-week Prosthetic Make-up • 6-week Creature Design P ROFE S S IO N A L D E V E L O P M E N T A R E A S • Portfolio: developing, compiling, and presenting your portfolio • Creating a cover letter and résumé • Building a list of professional references and preparing for interviews • Quoting and budgeting for jobs • Business management: insurance, accounting and tax preparation • Creating a business card and other promotional material • Compiling a reference file of pictures • Where to find work: unions, agencies, and networking DI P LOM A IS AWA R D E D A F T E R S U C C E S S F U L C O M P L E T IO N O F T H IS P ROGR A M . C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . 7 Complete Study Programs THE COMPREHENSIVE MAKE-UP ARTIST PROGRAM ( 2 6 W E EKS ) Make-up for film, theatre, television, and fashion; photographic and studio hairstyling; special effects; prosthetics. The Comprehensive Make-up Artist Program is one of our longest running programs. Over the years, the program structure and curriculum have been regularly adapted to reflect advancements in the areas of film, television, fashion, theatre, special effects, and prosthetics. The course content of this program is identical to the content of The Complete Make-up Artist Program, with the exception of the 6-week Creature Design course. CARE ER GOA LS Graduates will be able to work on any type of film production; prepare the talent for a theatrical, operatic, or ballet production; work in the make-up department of a television station; make up models for a fashion magazine cover, print commercial ad or runway show; and work in a prosthetic lab sculpting, mould making, and finishing pieces to be applied to the face and body of an actor. PROGRAM DUR ATI ON • 26 Weeks, Mon to Fri: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM • Portfolio Shoots: 9 8 C OU RS E C O N T E N T AT A G L A N C E • 3-week Photographic and Studio Hairstyling • 6-week Fashion Photographic Make-up • 4-week Theatrical Make-up • 1-week Facial Hair Knotting for Film and Theatre • 6-week Film and Television Make-up • 6-week Prosthetic Make-up P ROFES S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T A R E A S • Portfolio: developing, compiling, and presenting your portfolio • Creating a cover letter and résumé • Building a list of professional references, and preparing for interviews • Quoting and budgeting for a job • Business management: insurance, and preparing your taxes • Creating a business card and other promotional material • Compiling a reference file of pictures • Where to find work: unions, agencies, and networking DI P LOM A I S AWA R D E D A F T E R S U C C ES S FU L C O M P L E T IO N O F T H IS P ROGRAM . C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . Complete Study Programs THE ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ARTIST PROGRAM ( 1 4 WEEKS ) Fashion photographic make-up; photographic and studio hairstyling; character and special make-up effects. This 14-week program comprises a thorough study of every aspect of professional fashion glamour make-up and hairstyling, complemented by an introductory study of film, television, and theatre make-up. This program provides knowledge for additional work on music videos, commercials, and news broadcast make-up. CAR EER GOA LS Graduates of the 14-week program will be prepared to work with photographers for fashion magazines, editorial shoots, and print work advertisements such as catalogues and billboards; prepare models for the runway; work with their own private beauty-service clients for makeovers and lessons; and work on commercials, music videos, trade shows, exhibitions, special events, live music/pop concerts, news broadcasts, and talk shows. Not only will graduates be prepared for all areas of fashion make-up, but they will also have the basics of make-up for film, television, theatre, and special effects. Graduates will have the ability to work with fashion models, and make up actors as characters with aging, period and casualty make-up looks. 9 P ROGR A M D U R AT IO N • 14 Weeks, Mon to Fri: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM • Portfolio Shoots: 6 C OU RS E C O N T E N T AT A G L A N C E • 2-week Photographic and Studio Hairstyling • 6-week Fashion Photographic Make-up • 6-week Character and Special Make-up Effects P ROFE S S IO N A L D E V E L O P M E N T A R E A S • Portfolio: developing, compiling, and presenting your portfolio • Creating a cover letter and résumé • Building a list of professional references and preparing for interviews • Quoting and budgeting for a job • Business management: insurance, accounting and tax preparation • Creating a business card and other promotional material • Compiling a reference file of pictures • Where to find work: unions, agencies, and networking DI P LOM A IS AWA R D E D A F T E R S U C C E S S F U L C O M P L E T IO N O F T H IS P ROGR A M . C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . Complete Study Programs THE ADVANCED FASHION MAKE-UP ARTIST PROGRAM ( 1 3 W E EKS ) Learning fashion theory, photographic and studio hairstyling, and fashion photographic make-up. P ROGRAM D U R AT IO N • 13 Weeks, Mon to Fri, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM • Portfolio Shoots: 4 The 13-week program is comprised of a thorough study of every aspect of professional fashion/glamour makeup and hairstyling, complemented by a study of modern fashion theory. It is crucial for fashion make-up artists to have a strong understanding of basic hairstyling, as they will be called upon to provide both make-up and hair services for most jobs. C OU RS E C O N T E N T AT A G L A N C E • 3-week Fashion Theory • 4-week Advanced Photographic and Studio Hairstyling • 6-week Fashion Photographic Make-up CARE ER GOA LS Graduates of the 13-week program will be prepared to work with photographers for fashion magazines, editorial shoots, weddings, and print work advertisements such as catalogues and billboards; prepare models for the runway; work with their own private beauty-service clients for makeovers and lessons; work with modeling agencies; and work on trade shows, exhibitions and special and corporate events. Not only will graduates be prepared for all areas in fashion make-up, but they will also understand how to succeed in today’s fast-paced fashion industry. 10 P ROFES S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T A R E A S • Portfolio: developing, compiling, and presenting your portfolio • Creating a cover letter and résumé • Building your résumé with actual, on-thejob experience • Building a list of professional references, and preparing for interviews • Quoting and budgeting for a job • Business management: insurance, and preparing your taxes • Creating a business card and other promotional material • Compiling a reference file of magazine tears • Where to find work: agencies and networking DI P LOM A I S AWA R D E D A F T E R S U C C ES S FU L C O M P L E T IO N O F T H IS P ROGRAM . C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . THE TOTAL FASHION MAKE-UP ARTIST PROGRAM (8 WEEKS) Fashion photographic make-up; photographic and studio hairstyling. The Total Fashion Make-up Artist Program covers every aspect of fashion make-up and hairstyling for freelance artists. As a fashion make-up artist and hairstylist, you will use your skills to create beauty and define style, from the basics of skin care and grooming to the most elaborate and creative magazine cover. CAR EER GOA LS Graduates of the 8-week program work in all aspects of fashion make-up artistry, including magazines, advertising agencies, department stores, salons, bridal, private clients, fashion shows, corporate events, parties, and modeling agencies. PR O GR AM DUR ATI ON • 8 Weeks, Mon to Fri, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM • Portfolio Shoots: 2 C O UR SE CO NTENT AT A GLANC E • 2-week Photographic and Studio Hairstyling • 6-week Fashion Photographic Make-up 11 P ROFE S S IO N A L D E V E L O P M E N T A R E A S • Portfolio: developing, compiling, and presenting your portfolio • Creating a cover letter and résumé • Building a list of professional references, and preparing for interviews • Quoting and budgeting for a job • Business management: insurance, and preparing your taxes • Creating a business card and other promotional material • Compiling a reference file of magazine tears • Where to find work: agencies and networking C ERTI F ICAT E IS AWA R D E D A F T E R S U C C E S S F U L C O M P L E T IO N O F T H IS P ROGR A M . THE CREATURE DESIGN PROGRAM ( 6 WE E KS ) Creature design, advanced sculpture and advanced prosthetics are taught in this course. PR O G R A M D U R ATI O N • 6 weeks, Mon to Fri: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM • Portfolio Shoot: 1 This extraordinary course introduces the student to the basic elements of creature design. The course covers the design and creation of maquettes for C.G.I. reference models, followed by the basics of anatomy, sculpture and the creation of characters for film including eyes, teeth and hair. Casting, mould making, running foam latex and gelatin appliances and a demonstration of animatronics are covered in this course. The emphasis is on encouraging students to explore the full range of creature design possibilities. CE RTI F I CATE I S AWA R D E D A F TE R SU CCE SSF U L CO M PL E TI O N O F TH I S PR O G R A M . TH I S PR O G R A M I S N O N -VO CATI O N A L . The steps taught in class mimic those used in the field, from the conceptualization of the art department to the finalized creature you would see in a film, on television, or in a museum. CA R E E R G OA L S This course is specifically structured to teach the design and construction of advanced prosthetic appliances and characters, to enable you to work in a makeup effects lab or as a freelance make-up effects artist. C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . THE FASHION PHOTOGRAPHIC MAKE-UP ARTIST PROGRAM (6 WEEKS) Make-up for Colour and Black & White photography; runway; bridal; client make-up. C OU RS E CO N T E N T AT A G L A N C E • 6-week Fashion Photographic Make-up The 6-week Fashion Photographic Make-up Artist Program is a solid foundation in fashion make-up artistry. If your dream is to be a high-profile fashion make-up artist, check out this program! To develop as a make-up artist you must first learn the basics of client consideration, products, proper application techniques, and make-up placement. P ROFES S IO N A L D E V E L O P M E N T A R E A S • Portfolio: developing, compiling, and presenting your portfolio • Creating a cover letter and résumé • Building a list of professional references, and preparing for interviews • Quoting and budgeting for a job • Business management: insurance, and preparing your taxes • Creating a business card and promotional material • Compiling a reference file of magazine tears • Where to find work: agencies and networking During this program you will begin to build your portfolio. Experienced fashion photographers and professional fashion models and actresses are provided for your photo shoots. CARE ER GOA LS Graduates of this program work in all aspects of fashion make-up artistry, including make-up for magazines, advertising agencies, department stores, salons, bridal, fashion shows, corporate events and parties. C ERTI FI CAT E IS AWA R D E D A F T E R S U C C ES S F U L C O M P L E T IO N O F T H IS P ROGRAM . PROGRAM DUR ATI ON • 6 Weeks, Mon to Fri: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM • Portfolio Shoots: 2 12 C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . 13 C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . Detailed Course Descriptions FASHION PHOTOGRAPHIC MAKE-UP This is a 6-week course comprised of client and bridal make-up, runway make-up and make-up for Black & White and Colour photography. The fashion make-up course provides the solid foundation necessary for every make-up artist. Students will learn the basics of the client make-up business, including product application and individual techniques. C LIENT/BR I DA L MAKE-U P Included in this course: • Make-up for all skin tones and types • Skincare knowledge • Tools, products, and equipment • Basic principles and theory • Highlighting and contouring • Symmetry and corrective beauty techniques • Hygiene and sanitation procedures • Consulting and designing make-up looks • Natural and subtle beauty make-up • Daytime make-up • Evening, special occasion, and party make-up • Make-up for mature skin • False eyelash application • Client/bridal make-up consultation practices • Operating as a client-based business, and client services 15 C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . R U NWAY, CAT WA L K A N D S H O W M A K E - U P Included in this course: • Lighting, and photographic make-up techniques • Designing make-up for fashion shows • Preparing and organizing for fashion shows • Quick changes and touch-ups backstage M AK E- U P D E S IG N F O R B L A C K & W H IT E AND CO L O U R P H OT O G R A P H Y Included in this course: • Lighting using a flash: how it affects make-up • No-make-up looks, soft beauty, current trends, and predictions • Dramatic make-up, avant-garde make-up looks • Finish, texture, and style • Creating colour stories: coordinating make-up colours • Grooming and make-up for men • Highlight and contour for Colour and Black & White photos • Special considerations for Black & White photography • Make-up designed for Black & White and Colour photographs • Period and historical make-up with a fashion twist: 1920s to the 1990s • Staying on top of details and touch-ups C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . 15 ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHIC AND STUDIO HAIRSTYLING FASHION THEORY 4 WEEKS Learning contemporary, period, glamour, bridal, and fantasy hairstyling. 3 WEEKS This course will give students the skills that they need to succeed and prepare them for work as a professional make-up artist in today’s fashion industry. The Photographic and Studio Hairstyling Program will give you an understanding of hair design and teach you how to create flattering hairstyles for a variety of usages. This is important, as fashion make-up artists are expected to be able to perform basic hairstyling for photo shoots, print advertising, weddings, and more. Make-up artists who have a clientele for beauty work and bridal find that hairstyling abilities can add greatly to their marketability and profitability. Many agencies that represent make-up artists will refuse you if you do not possess hairstyling skills; it is necessary for a make-up artist to be versatile in any situation. Please note that this program does not certify you as a hairdresser. You will not learn to cut hair in this course. 16 Included in this course: • Introduction to hair products, equipment, and electric hair implements • Study of the face and head shape, for hair design • Study of hair type and texture, for hair design • Study of hair design for current trends, fashion photographic, and more • Hair washing, blow drying, hot roller sets, and setting techniques • Bridal styling • Veil placement for bridal • Recreating and revising period hairstyles • Long hair dressing and styling • Long hair braiding, various techniques • Buns and updos, various techniques • Hair extensions & pieces • False hair, hair pads & cages for extreme runway styles • Editorial styling • Runway styling • Fantasy styling Upon completing the course, students will understand trends and trend forecasting, the key players and organizations within the industry, and what they are expected to do when hired for a job. Students will explore the history of fashion, from pre-20th century to present day, and a global and Canadian perspective of the current market will be brought into focus. Students will also learn how to find and utilize trend and runway beauty looks to create their own creative and commissioned work, and will be involved in a panel discussion with an agent, modeling agent, stylist and photographer. Students will learn about artist agencies, networking and social media marketing. Lastly, students will understand how to create a resume, cover letter and business card, and how to conduct a go-see and professional interview. C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . THEATRICAL MAKE-UP FACIAL HAIR KNOTTING FOR FILM AND THEATRE 4 WEEKS The Theatrical Make-up course prepares make-up artists for the performing arts field including theatre, opera, ballet, concerts and more. 1 WEEK In film, television, and the theatre, maintaining and applying facial hair is a make-up artist’s responsibility. Facial hair knotting is a valuable skill for a makeup artist in film, television, theatre, or prosthetics. Facial hair can change the look of a character to reflect a different time period, suggest a type of character, or add realism to a prosthetic appliance or prop. Individual hairs are delicately knotted onto netting to create sideburns, moustaches, or beards that are highly realistic on film. These pieces can be used repeatedly if they are well maintained, making them ideal for theatre or film continuity. A make-up artist will be expected to know how to clean and secure wigs to a performer’s head. Included in this course: • Theory and principles of theatrical make-up • Layout of a theatre and technical terminology • How to break down a play • Face charts and make-up design • The effects of coloured lighting and distance on make-up • Make-up products used in the theatre • Creating the illusion of three-dimensional features • Using highlight and contour to bring out feature, compensating for distance • Straight make-up: natural stage make-up, for men and women • Gender reversal / distortion • Aging: moderate and extreme • Character make-up: conveying genetics, environment, temperament, health, and age of the character • Make-up for opera and ballet • Stage make-up: ancient Egyptian, Kabuki, Geisha, animal, tribal, 18th century, Chinese opera, and facial distortion • Latex bald caps/bald pates: Preparing the performer, application, colouration, removal, and cleaning up 17 • • • • • • Introduction to different types of wigs and their construction Prepping the performer’s hair for a wig Applying, securing, and removing a wig Securing the wig for quick changes Securing a microphone in a performer’s wig Cleaning and upkeep of lace wigs Included in this course: • Tools used in wig making • Types of hair • Types of lace and netting • Knotting and ventilating techniques: single knotting, double knotting, directional knotting, and reverse knotting • Measuring for wigs, beards, moustaches, and sideburns • Knotting a lace facial-hair piece • Dressing facial-hair pieces: styling and trimming • Applying, removing, cleaning, and storing the hairpiece C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . FILM AND TELEVISION MAKE-UP 6 W EEK S A make-up artist working in film and television must become an expert in all types of make-up for working on a film set, on location, or in a studio. Included in this course: • Make-up products and FX products used in film and television: safe applications and removal • Continuity: its importance in maintaining a logical order in a film, and its relation to make-up • Film, television, video, and high definition: how make-up needs to be different for each medium • Straight beauty make-up for film and television • Period and historical make-up: 1920s to the 1990s • Character make-up design: manipulating the age, DNA, lifestyle, and health of the character • Applying knotted facial hairpieces: removal, cleaning, styling, and maintenance 18 PHOTOGRAPHIC AND STUDIO HAIRSTYLING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Crepe hair: laying on facial hair, preparation, application, and removal Aging techniques, using old age stipple latex Plastic bald caps: preparing the actor, application, blending the edge, colouring, removal, and clean-up of the actor Bruises: progression of bruises during healing Cuts: lacerations and incisions, fresh and old; from mild to deep gashes Scrapes: with and without bruising, clean, dirty, fresh, aged, etc. Burns: first, second, third degree, partial to full thickness Frostbite: all stages Diseases: in different stages of healing or worsening Making an actor look sick, tired, crazed, or dying Various injuries: bullet wounds, puncture wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes and scars. Blood work: continuity and logic Dirt, grease, grime, mud, slime Tattoos and tattoo cover Dental cosmetics (temporary) 2 WEEKS/3 WEEKS The course is meant to increase your understanding of hair design, and to teach you the basics of creating hairstyles for a variety of purposes. Fashion and theatre make-up artists are expected to perform basic hairstyling. Make-up artists who have a clientele for fashion and client work find that hairstyling abilities can add greatly to their marketability. Included in this course: • Introduction to hair products, equipment, and electric hair implements • Study of the face and head shape, for hair design • Study of hair type and texture, for hair design • Study of hair design for current trends, bridal, fashion photographic, and film • Hair washing, blow drying, hot roller sets, and setting techniques • Veil placement for bridal • Fantasy styling • Recreating and revising period hairstyles • Long hair dressing and styling • Long hair braiding, various techniques C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . CREATURE DESIGN PROSTHETIC MAKE-UP 6 WEEKS This course teaches the design, sculpting and construction of advanced prosthetic appliances and characters. 6 WEEKS The word “prosthesis” is a medical term for a manufactured piece used to replace a missing part of a body. In a realm of make-up and special effects, “prosthetics” refers to any item that is adhered to a performer’s body to embellish, disguise, or emphasize a character or condition. This course is essential for make-up artists entering the field of film and television. Included in this course: • Introduction and demonstration of all the tools typically found in a “shop” situation: using tools effectively, safely, and confidently. • Designing and planning the project • Maquette design and sculpting • Sculpting techniques: from the initial blocking and roughing-in of the design, to refining and texturing • Molding techniques: how to determine the best process and material for a particular piece • Underskulls: the inner core or support structure that will support the skin of your creation • Sectioning and hinging underskulls • Sculpting of teeth and gums • Fabrication of artificial eyes • Final finishing and painting • Mechanical design and engineering overview • Alternative methods of animating your creature 19 • • • • • Designing and creating a non-permanent dental appliance (upper and lower): fangs, caps or full dentures Application procedures, skin preparation and protection Adhering and blending techniques Colouring techniques: make-up vs. paint, or airbrushing techniques Proper appliance removal and skin care Included in this course: • Theory, principles and preparation of prosthetic appliances • Product and safety procedures including material data safety sheets, clothing and equipment • Working in a shop or lab • Character design, translating two-dimension into three-dimension • Life-casting techniques, facial and additional body parts • Dental impressions • Identifying and correcting undercuts • Sculpting techniques, detailing and texturing • Mold making, preparation of sculpture for moulding • Product knowledge: cements, plasters, stones, silicon and flexible materials • Theories in film, television, and theatrical appliances • Foam latex appliances, gelatin appliances and silicone appliances C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . School Information and Policies SCHOOL INFORMATION ADM I S S I O N R E Q U I R E ME NTS High school diploma or equivalent. Additional transcripts may be requested. Students are taught to recognize different lighting setups, and how they will affect a make-up application through this exercise. STU D E N T K I T S Students enrolled in classes at Complections will be issued a student kit. The student kit consists of items that students will work with while in class, as well as necessities that will be required in their professional kit upon completion of the course. We have compiled a list of specific products and equipment of the highest quality from selected manufacturers, which are sold at a discount to our students. Each course has a specific student kit list, and this list is issued upon enrollment in the course. Student kits are distributed on the first day of classes. In each section of the longer programs, the instructor will book a series of photo shoots. Students will be instructed to design and visualize the setting and mood for the photo shoot. The photo shoots take place in our photography studio, located on-campus; students also have the option to take a photo outside (should it be appropriate to the overall aesthetic of the shot). STU D E N T P O RT F O LI O S All courses at Complections that run six weeks in duration or longer include photographic shoots as part of the curriculum. Professional photographers and lab fees are included in the student kit. Professional models and actresses are provided for all the fashion photographic shoots. In the film and television, theatre, and prosthetics courses students supply their own models, usually classmates, friends, and family. The final portfolio reflects many of the different skills students have acquired through their study period. A good portfolio is an essential tool to demonstrate the student’s expertise to prospective agents, clients, and producers. 21 C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . Upon completion of the photo shoots, the students will receive a series of photographs on CD, as well as retouched images printed 9x12 for the portfolio book. Photo development and enlargement costs are included in the student kit fee. Upon completion of the program students will have the following shots in their portfolios: • • • • • • The Complete Make-up Artist Program: 10 photo shoots. The Comprehensive Make-up Artist Program: 9 photo shoots The Essential Make-up Artist Program: 6 photo shoots The Advanced Fashion Make-up Artist Program: 4 photo shoots The Total Fashion Make-up Artist Program: 2 photo shoots The Fashion Photographic Make-up Artist Program: 2 photo shoots J OB POST IN G AN D E-M AIL I N G S ERVI C E Complections provides a job posting system that alerts students and alumni about contract job opportunities. The school’s high standards of excellence are known to many employers all over the world, and we are often approached to help crew films or to build teams of artists for various events. These may include start-up production companies shooting a film, a music video on a budget, theatrical productions on a shoestring, or a fashion designer launching a career. The job posting opportunities reward the student with invaluable experience, contacts, reels, credits, portfolio shots, and referrals. Jobs posted vary in type and duration. When a job request comes in that requires a make-up artist for evening or weekend shoots, the students currently attending will have first priority. However, if the job is during school hours, recent graduates will be notified and given the opportunity to take the job. All incoming jobs are posted on the JOB BOARD in the school and are accessible to all current students and graduates. They will also be e-mailed to all students that have e-mail addresses. Students have access to the job posting system up to one year after their graduation date. TH E R ETA I L S TOR E On the street level of our building, our retail store caters to every need of a make-up artist. It offers a wide range of make-up and hair supplies including, wig-making supplies, special effects and prosthetics equipment and products, make-up cases, pouches and organizers. C LA S S TI M E A N D S C H OOL H OU R S All Courses: Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM School Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Faculty are available during school hours. Lunch: One hour Holidays: The school closes on all Canadian official public holidays. Evening and Weekend Workshops: By industry leaders are offered at various times throughout the year. Employers are invited to e-mail in perspective jobs to, where the request will be processed and sent to students/ graduates. The job offer will be posted for 30 days (unless notified otherwise), and students and graduates will respond directly to the employer. C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . 21 SCHOOL POLICIES NO N- D I S C R I M I N AT I O N P O L I CY Complections is committed to providing equal opportunity for all, without regard to race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, or handicap. Previous experience with make-up is not necessary. Courses are available for beginners and for seasoned make-up artists. recommend that students bring coveralls or smocks to protect their clothes as some make-up products will stain clothing; the Prosthetics and Creature Design courses involve products such as plaster and cement, resin, rubber and urethanes; students are advised to wear old clothes or coveralls for these courses. GRAD IN G P O L I C Y / D I P L OMAS AND CERT IFI C AT E S Students must achieve a minimum of 60 per cent grade overall to qualify for a diploma or certificate. Grading is based on attendance, in-class work and practice sessions, project completion, photographic shoots, portfolio presentation, business card and résumé completion, hygiene of make-up kit and make-up station, reference files, participation, professionalism, demeanor, and all practical and written exams. R UL E S O F C ON DU C T By enrolling in a program at Complections, each student agrees to follow the school’s policies and guidelines. Failure to uphold the guidelines may be grounds for dismissal from the school, at the President’s discretion. AT T END A N C E P O L I C Y Attendance and timekeeping is monitored. Poor attendance will ultimately affect a student’s progress and final grades. Students who are unable to attend classes due to illness or family emergencies must notify the school at least one hour before class starting time and provide medical notice upon returning. Class assignments and exams will be rescheduled without penalty accompanied by a doctor’s note. D RESS P O L I C Y Dress is left to the personal discretion of the student. When students are working with clients, we ask that dress is clean and professional. In class we 22 Each student at Complections is expected to act honestly and responsibly and sign a code of conduct agreement. Courtesy and consideration towards fellow students, staff, and visitors to the school is mandatory. There is a zero tolerance policy towards cheating or plagiarism, attending school while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, disorderly conduct which inhibits or interferes with the educational responsibility of the school. DI SCL AI MERS The school reserves the right to change the order of curriculum in any given course as it sees fit, acting in the best interests of the students. The school reserves the right to cancel or change course starting dates and will give fair notice of start date changes. Q: Does Complections provide housing for students? A: The school does not have student apartments or dormitories. Students must find accommodations independently. The school prepares a lengthy accommodations list with Web sites, virtual tours, and helpful phone numbers, including important information for long- or short-term visitors to Toronto. The accommodations list is included in your Complections Brochure Package. We are pleased to assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have as a visitor or new resident to Toronto. Q: What is the cost of living in Toronto? A: Budgeting is an important aspect of planning for a successful period of study. Prior to starting, students should prepare a budget that realistically identifies regular monthly expenses: rent, food, utilities, phone, cable television, internet access, transportation, and entertainment. Additional costs may include moving expenses, trips home for long weekends and holidays, and any additional items you may wish to purchase throughout your studies. Students should also budget for spending on additional course materials, including photocopies needed for class assignments, reference material, spillage, or replenishing kit items. Q: Is financial assistance available? A: For Canadian students, government student loans are available to those who qualify and are permanent residents of Canada, Canadian citizens, or landed immigrants. Each province monitors and designates its own Student Assistance Program. Complections is recognized in all Canadian provinces, and local loans may be obtained to attend our school. We advise that you apply for provincial assistance at least six weeks before your start date. For both International and Canadian students, private bank loans or student lines of credit are available at most major financial institutions. Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Province of Quebec operate their own student assistance plans. Contact the provincial or territorial student assistance office for information. Our office would be pleased to provide a list of provincial and territorial student assistance offices. C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C . Q: Is an interview, a portfolio, or previous make-up experience required for admission? A: No, you are not required to attend an interview. However, campus tours provide valuable time to discuss your goals and ambitions, and to ask questions and receive full details about the course that would be most suitable to your career goals. No, we do not expect you to have a portfolio as a condition of entering a course. Some students studying at Complections may not have worked in the field and therefore have never been required to have a portfolio. You will be compiling a portfolio while you attend any course that is six weeks or longer. Q: Are job placement services offered after graduation? A: Yes! Complections provides job-posting services as a courtesy to our students and graduates. See Job Posting under School Information. Q: What is the success rate of your students? A: Complections boasts over 4000 graduates worldwide. Many movies, television shows, and magazines worldwide have our graduates credited for make-up. Our graduate success and employment statistics are available upon request. Please contact the Registrar for details. 23 Q: Can I expect to earn a living as a Make-up Artist? A: As a self-employed person, the amount of money you can earn depends not only on your education, but also on your talent and your drive to succeed. Make-up artistry can be a very financially rewarding career choice. There are hundreds of options and avenues for a make-up artist to pursue. Q: Are there separate tuition fees for international students? A: Our tuition fees do not change for international students. All fees listed are in Canadian dollars. Q: Is financial assistance available for international students? A: Canadian student loans are not available to international students. We suggest you contact your local government’s department or ministry of education to inquire about student loans to study abroad. Private student bank loans or student lines of credit are available from most major financial institutions. We are pleased to provide students with Canadian student bank loan information. Q: As an international student, how do I apply for a student visa? A: As soon as you have registered for a course at Complections, a Confirmation of Enrollment Letter will be issued to you by mail or in person. You must take this letter to the Canadian consulate or embassy in your country. (Note that American students do not need a student visa if they are taking a course under six months in duration.) Visa procedures vary from one embassy to another. The Canadian consulate or embassy in your country should be able to advise you of the length of time required. Q: How do I apply? A: Complete your Complections Application for Admission, which is included in your brochure package. Mail, courier, fax, email or drop off in person to the Administration Office along with the application fee to apply. An acceptance letter will be issued to you based on availability of space and that all admission requirements are met. Q: I am not fluent in English. Will this be a problem for me? A: We recommend that you feel confident with your English language skills before attending Complections. However, the school has successfully trained many international students with limited spoken or written English. Our teaching style is very hands-on, which is helpful to students for whom English is not their first language. On request, students with English-language skills difficulties can have their examinations conducted orally. Q: Can an international student work in Canada? A: Students from outside Canada who are not Canadian Citizens or Landed Immigrants are not permitted to accept paid employment. Volunteer work experience is permitted C O M P L E C T I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y I N C .