August 2011
August 2011
August 2011 Sunrise United Methodist Church Volume 15; Issue 8 5420 Sunset Lake Road Holly Springs, NC 27540 919-303-3720 Daybreak A new day is dawning... Meet Our New Youth & Children’s Minister Greetings everyone! I am so excited to begin serving as the children and youth minister at Sunrise UMC. I look forward to getting to know you over the next few weeks and months. Over the last few months, my life has been on a rollercoaster of change. In May, I graduated from Duke Divinity School with my MDiv degree. And on June 25, I married the love of my life, Carley! After all the wedding planning and preparation, the ceremony and reception were beautiful and any stress melted into blissful joy. p.2 Disciple Classes... p.3 Art of Marriage For our honeymoon, we traveled to the Canadian Rockies to visit Banff and Jasper National parks. While the Carolinas were suffering in the sweltering heat, we were enjoying cool weather that never got above 70 degrees. It even snowed on us as we were driving north to Jasper! Some highlights included hiking on a glacier, canoeing on Emerald Lake, and worshipping at a church where Queen Elizabeth visited. pp. 4, 5 Music & Arts p.6 Pastor’s Pen p.7 Kid’s Corner p.8 Prayers p.9 Birthdays & Events p.10 Study & Ministry p.11 Nursery Volunteers pp.12- Leadership & Ministry In addition to graduating and getting married, I just moved into a new apartment in south Raleigh, and we’re still unpacking boxes. With graduation, marriage, moving, and a new job, we have had our hands full, but I’m so blessed and grateful for the new opportunities and the way God has been leading in this new stage in life. In addition, you may wish to know that I grew up in Knoxville, TN, with two younger brothers. One is studying computer science at the University of Tennessee and the other is attending medical school in Memphis. I attended Furman University in Greenville, SC and majored in English and Philosophy. During two summers at Furman, I served with A Christian Ministry in the National Parks, leading worship services in Zion and Glacier national parks. After college, I worked with SUWS of the Carolinas, a wilderness therapy program for at-risk youth before enrolling at Duke for seminary (I know, we’ll probably fight about college sports). In terms of hobbies, my big passion is for outdoor adventure, whether it be rock climbing, backpacking, mountaineering, or skiing. In my spare time, I also enjoy photography, reading, cooking, gardening, and folk music. In my time at Duke I served as summer camp chaplain, associate pastor, college fellows coordinator, and community garden director. From all my life experience and my education at Duke Divinity, God has called me to serve in the field of Christian education. I am passionate about seeing children, youth, and adults come to know Jesus as their Savior and move into a deeper relationship with Him. Thus, I am blessed to serve in this new position and am very excited about fulfilling God’s mission and building God’s kingdom here at Sunrise UMC. I’m sure I’ll need a lot of help getting acquainted with Sunrise and Holly Springs, so please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself. I treasure your partnership in ministry. Grace and peace, Eric Prenshaw Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 2 Bible: The actual texts of Scripture were written by human beings like ourselves in their cultural settings, under the divine inspiration of God. Disciple IV Special Offering for Disciple Bible Outreach Ministries "I was in prison and you visited me." For over ten years, Disciple Bible Outreach Ministries, through numerous volunteers, have brought Disciple Bible study to about sixty prisons in North Carolina. On August 7 at both services, you will have the opportunity to support this dynamic ministry, as it undertakes an effort to extend the efforts nationwide. Your gift directly touches the lives of those Jesus called us to minister to. Please give generously. For more information regarding this special offering, please contact Ernie Pearson at 215-1596. ~~~ ~~~ Future Disciple Students: Folks have listened to the call to lead a Disciple I and a Disciple 4 class. Is the Holy Spirit nudging you to signup for one of these classes. Please be prayerful about this opportunity and respond as the Lord leads you. Class plans are under way for early September as follows: Sign-up will be available soon. Disciple I BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY is a 34-week study DISCIPLE assumes that the bible is the key to renewal in the church. It recognizes the human-divine nature of the UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE is a thirty-two-week study prepared for graduates of BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY. The word Under in the title is meant to convey invitation, welcome, sheltering, security, and rest-home at last. ~~~ ~~~ The Sunrise Men's Ministry is organizing an outing to Charlotte. NC on Saturday, August 13th. We will be leaving the church at 7:00am headed to the Billy Graham Library. After a morning at the library we will then venture out the US National Whitewater Center (USNWC) in Charlotte for an afternoon of fun. Everyone is invited to join us and we hope many youth will join us. Cost of an all inclusive pass at USNWC is $49. A sign up sheet is in the Narthex. See James Bingham or Donald Pearson for more information. Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 3 Congratulations to… Blood Drive August 8th Brian and Norma Aldinger on the birth of 3:00 to 7:00pm. A sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. As always, walk-ins wel-come. The best gift for Thanksgiving is the blessing of LIFE! Wyatt Douglas Marriage Seminar- August 26 & 27 Assistance Please Football and marriage are a lot alike. Both rely on eye-to-eye communication, physics, encour- OFFICE ASSISTANCE VOLUNTEERS; I’m looking for volunteers to assist in assembling worship bulletins on Thursdays, on a rotational basis. This is an easy task. If you can help, please contact Kathy at the church office 303-3720 or *** one’s on the same page, touchdown! But when you’re not, fumbles happen. You probably know how to win in football; do you know how to win in marriage? Sign your two-person team up for a winning weekend. Beginning this September we have a Sunday School teaching position opening for the 4yrold-Kindergarten (4yr-K) class. This position would be on a teaching rotation with 2 other teachers, therefore it is a once-per-quarter commitment. If you are interested please contact Virginia Atwood at agement, and a little coaching. When every- Get in the game! Learn some new plays by attending The Art of Marriage on Friday, August 26th from 7pm -9:30pm and Saturday, August 27th from 9am4pm. $55/couple. Contact Jen Schindler for more information: 5577098, Looking to Join? If you are interested in becoming a member of Sunrise UMC, you may join by a profession of your faith in Jesus Christ or by transfer of membership from another church where you have made that profession. Please see Pastor Tom to learn more or contact him at Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Music and Arts Ministry -August 2011 “On your mark…get set…” August is the month we usually think of as the last of summer vacation. It’s HOT! Traditional school has not started back yet. Beach trips are still beckoning. And it is also the month we in church ministries use to gear up for fall ministries! Below are details about places where YOU might find your niche in Music and Arts Ministry this fall at Sunrise UMC! Some ministries are new, some are continuing from last season: every group welcomes new friends to be a part of our Music and Creative Arts Family! Dreams?? Ideas?? Suggestions?? Questions?? See Laura Garrett, Music and Arts Minister Page 4 Adult Choir…Do you love to sing? Our Adult choir sings weekly in 11:00 “relaxed traditional worship.” We rehearse weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7:00, August through June. We will be singing a wide variety of styles of choral music, reflecting the variety of musical backgrounds of our singers. Adults of all ages, as well as youth age 9th grade and up are invited to sing with us. We are starting our new season off with a one-day choir retreat on Saturday, August 6th. This would be a GREAT time for you to give choir a try and get to know some new friends who share the love of Jesus and the love of singing! Please contact Laura Garrett for more details. * The Praise Band who leads music at the 8:30 worship service invites Youth and Adults who Wanted: Handbell Ringers! Come be a part of sing or play instruments to participate. See this newly re-formed ministry! Learn the basics of how to read music and various handbell techniques. New Jay Rabon or John Classen. *** ringers are welcome! Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:15. Practices will start September 6. Questions? Please see Laura Rabon. *** Coming up in September… Visual Arts … Would you like to create banners, bulletin boards, and/or altar table visuals for worship? Youth, ages 6th grade and up… Come be a See Laura Garrett to share your gifts! part of “Fireproof”, Sunrise UMC’s youth praise band. Sing or learn how to play an instru- Children’s Choirs … for children ages 4 through 5th ment. New members are welcome! Rehearsals are Sunday evenings at 4:00, right before youth group. Practices will start August 28. “Fireproof” is in need of at least one more adult volunteer. If you are willing to serve in this growing ministry, please see Jay Rabon, Laura Rabon or Susan Buck. *** grade will begin in September; last season Children’s Choirs met on Sunday afternoons. This is most likely the rehearsal time we will have this fall as well, but it is not “set in stone” until we can have some planning time with our new Children and Youth Minister. See Laura Garrett for more information. Liturgical Dance … Interest has been expressed in beginning a Liturgical Dance Ministry. This is a beauti- Audio/Visual Ministry… Our Audio/visual ministry ful and moving form of worship, which can take a va- is reorganizing for the coming year, under the leader- riety of styles. Our new Music and Arts Minister, Laura ship of Todd Lack. Our current volunteers are doing Garrett, would love to explore it with you! Please see a great job, and we don’t want to “burn them out.” Laura if you have an interest. Classical dance training This ministry is vital to our whole worship experience, so is NOT a requirement to participate. Men and women, we hope to have several teams trained to run the children and adults are welcome. board and help with set-up both at 8:30 and 11:00 worship, as well as for other events and programs here Opportunities for Drama are plentiful. Short draat Sunrise. High School age youth (9th grade and up) matic scripture presentations, full length skits and and all adults who feel a call to help with this ministry are invited to participate in a training session to be plays are some of the options. The Adult Choir Christscheduled in August. Training will be scheduled to mas Cantata has costumed monologues for Biblical accommodate the people who want to help. For characters. If you love drama, see Laura Garrett. (Continued, next page) more information, see Todd Lack or Laura Garrett. Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning (Coming up in September continued) Guitar Classes are offered beginning in September. See Jay Rabon. Do you play a band or orchestra instrument? Many of our anthems call for instrumental parts, and a couple times a year all our instrumentalists are invited to play in a concert band for worship. Contact Jim White or Laura Garrett for details. Page 5 Contacts within the Music & Arts ministry include: Laura Garrett ( Susan Buck ( John Classen ( Todd Lack ( Jay or Laura Rabon (919) 608-2209 or ( Jim White ( Do you play piano or keyboard? Your skills would be a help in children’s choirs, as well as in providing occasional preludes and hymn accompaniments in morning worship. Just let Laura Garrett know of your interest! *** Music and the creative arts are wonderful gifts from our Creator, connecting us to God and to each other as we enjoy co-creating beauty for worship and for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are invited to be a part of God’s creative work at Sunrise UMC! Do you play a band or orchestra instrument? Many of our anthems call for instrumental parts, and a couple times a year all our instrumentalists are invited to play in a concert band for worship. Contact Jim White or Laura Garrett for details. Do you play piano or keyboard? Your skills would be a help in children’s choirs, as well as in providing occasional preludes and hymn accompaniments in morning worship. Just let Laura Garrett know of your interest! *** Music and the creative arts are wonderful gifts from our Creator, connecting us to God and to each other as we enjoy co-creating beauty for worship and for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are invited to be a part of God’s creative work at Sunrise UMC! I hope you all are having a good summer so far. I thought if you could get a copy of Heaven is for Real, we could read that in addition to Hands of My Father by Myron Uhlberg. It is about a hearing boy with deaf parents. It is not a long book and the library has many copies. Heaven is for Real has a big waiting list at the library. Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 1 at 7:00pm. Hope you will join us. Happy reading. Caryn Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning Page 6 is God calling us? How may we best become the thriving outpost of heaven God is calling us to be? Then, sometime in early 2012 we will move to a season of designing concrete paths for us to walk in order that we may grow into God’s vision for us. I am eager to hear from you, to meet you and to get to know you. I don’t know how to pastor strangers… only friends! Do you have a vision for ministry or service? What is God saying to you? I would cherish an opportunity to hear from you how God has led you to Sunrise Church and where God is leading us as a faith community. Call, text, e-mail or message me any time. My phone has unlimited minutes and data…it would be a shame not use it (919-884-6315)! Full Vision Ahead! Vision is so very important. Without good vision we stumble and fall. Without good vision we move more slowly and cautiously. Without good vision we fail to see the beauty and the possibility around us. Over the last few Sundays we have talked about vision in various ways. Together we will continue to prayerfully discern God’s vision for us as we move forward prayerfully and with certain steps in the path the Master has called us to walk. I feel a sense of excitement and great possibility as we are getting to know each other. I know things will only get better from here as we move from “good to great” with God’s help! My vision for Sunrise Church is that we become an even stronger outpost of heaven in Holly Springs; that we move further down the path God has called us to walk; that we reach more people with the life affirming message of hope and salvation in Jesus Christ; that we have more professions of faith and that we grow God’s Kingdom; that we will creatively engage the community around us and use all mediums available to us (especially technology) to reach them! To make this vision a reality we’ll need all hands on deck and working towards the high calling God has placed upon our lives. There are no spectator seats at Sunrise Church. We are all actively engaged in the mission field that surrounds us, each using our unique, God-given gifts and abilities for God’s glory. I celebrate many aspects of the good vision at Sunrise. I come to a church with Godly priorities that have been prayerfully discerned over many years. Leaders have had the vision to pray and discern our greatest needs and then prioritize them so we can make sure See you on the mission field! and certain steps in God’s direction for us. Your first Tom Newman two pastors, Revs. Allred and Carter, helped us see beyond “today” and into God’s future for Sunrise UMC. With God’s help, they coached you into becoming the affirming and welcoming congregation that I have experienced you to be. In so many ways we are primed and ready to grow with Jesus. You have been so patient with me as I have asked questions and sought to get on board with God’s vision for Sunrise Church. I will continue to ask questions to best discern where you are and where God is calling us all to be. I will spend another month or so discovering who you are, where your potential lies and what God is doing in and through you. From even a cursory glance, God is doing A LOT in you and through you and I celebrate the mission mindedness God has birthed in you! Sometime this fall we will move from a season of discovery to a season of dreaming. Where Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 7 How many animals did God tell Noah to bring into the ark? A. Two of each kind B. Seven pairs of clean animals and one pair each of unclean animals C. Both A and B D. None of the above Answer: (See Genesis 6:19-20 and 7:2-3.) Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 8 For the family of Aaron Smith. Sue Fort & family in the loss of her son. & WELLBEING Michael Beard (uncle of Michelle Kimble) Doug & Chris Borsum Susan Bower Christy Brown Jim Bullock Pat Causey Larry Francis Franklin Floyd & family Michelle Kimble’s Granddad Sam Mathis Sanny Menius (mother to Sherry Barker) Clarence Puckett (uncle of Tara Sauls) Lois Smith Mike Smith Melissa Taguinot Brent Ash Tommy Bice Robert Brewer Jeff Wyman Blake Erb Veronica Erb Patrick Dunn ASP Teams & families they serve Brian Gahagen Andrew Gallion Colby Hammonds Building Committee Bob Harris Christopher Jarvis Ben Rosado Capital Campaign Committee Sunrise Ministries DO YOU HAVE A HEART FOR THE ELDERLY? Sunrise offers a short worship hour from 9:45-10:45 for the residents at the Carillon Assisted Living facility (off Johnson Pond Road.) on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sundays. You are invited to join in on any of these Sundays. Remembering our loved ones who serve Please contact the church office with any updates. 303-3720 Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 9 Noteworthy Dates Sunday 8/7 Both svs. Holy Communion Monday 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jackson Barker; Amy Rogers Neal Haggard; Jamie Harris Peggy Barnes; Jane Jones Brenda Ash; Bruce Ash Curt Eaddy David Beard; Whitney Fredriksen; Greg Jarvis; Chucky Smith Doug Borsum; Larry Francis Cindy Barkley; Jamie Shearer Chuck Smith; Ron Taylor Paula Kaiser Lisa Pearson Lauren Brennan Arthur Butler; Maxwell Clark Charlene Smith Jamie Dean Lori Linfante Melissa Gurley; AJ Kimble; Sam Mathis; Ben Schafer Brittany Heiser; Colton Rice Kirsten Fries; Jack Schafer Franklin Floyd; Randy Gage; Tim Mathis; Bob Mustian; Jennifer Pride Eva Rogers; Jordan Shearer Stephen Dahlhoff; Carlos Fries; Emily Hitesman; Gerhard Linke 08/01 7:00pm Stephen Min. Team 08/01 7:00pm Evangelism Team 08/08 3-7pm Rex Blood Drive 08/15 9:00am Preschool Camp Begins 08/15 7:00pm Nurture Team 08/15 7:00pm Audio/Visual Training 08/22 7:00pm SPRC 08/29 8:00am Breakfast for Preschool teachers Tuesday 08/02 6:30pm Capital Campaign 08/31 9:00am Preschool Open House Wednesday 08/03 7:00pm Hispanic Bible Study 08/03 7:00pm Adult Choir Resumes 08/11 7:00pm Worship Thursday 08/04 7:00pm Administrative Council 08/04 7:00pm Women’s Book Club 08/18 7:00pm Building Team& CC Team 08/25 7:00pm Children’s Min. Team Friday 08/05 8:20am WLFJ 08/26 7:00pm Art of Marriage Class Saturday 08/06 7:00pm Holy Communion in Spanish 08/13 7:00am Men’s Outing to Charlotte 08/27 9:00am Art of Marriage Class Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 10 Taming the monsters Children know a lot about monsters. Although opinion varies on what the creatures look like, consensus exists on several points. Monsters lurk under the bed, are nocturnal, are frightening beyond reason and disappear in the presence of light. Attention Youth age—Adults Muggles, Wizards, and Witches! By Blair Rice Sunrise UMC will be offering a Christian study of the Harry Potter books for 9th grade students—adults which will be held on Sunday evenings from 5-7pm date TBD (The number of sessions of this study has yet to be determined.) All that is needed is a copy of the first Harry Potter book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” I think kids might be onto something. You see, grownups have their own “monsters” to face. They don’t match up with our childhood fears but can be just as terrifying. Ordinary problems that seem manageable during the daytime can become monstrous at night. When fear and worry rob us of our sleep, we can tell them we’re in no shape to deal with them. We can trust God to handle our concerns. He’s more than capable of dealing with the monsters under every bed. —Adapted from HomeTouch You don’t have to go it alone. A Stephen Minister is ready to walk with you. Wands are not necessary. :-) The Bible is difficult for many, if not most adults to understand. By making connections between the Bible and the Harry Potter novels, the very important messages of both will more likely “sink” in. Helping upper elementary students achieve this level of comprehension and have fun is the point of this study. Several years ago some people claimed that the Harry Potter books were written in support of witchcraft or the Wiccan religion/cult. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most contemporary children’s literature does little to expose children to the messages and ideas of Christianity or the Bible. Not only does Harry Potter contain overt references to Christianity, but the seventh book even contains a Bible verse (Matthew 6:21)! Please contact me at with any questions about these books or the study. Sunrise Stephen Ministers are thoroughly trained in the art of care giving. Confidential care available at no cost. We network with area Stephen Minsters as well for those who may know of someone needing care receiving from another congregation. While Stephen Ministers are care-givers, it is Christ Who is the cure-giver. Like to learn more? Are you interested in becoming a trained Stephen Minister? Contact our Stephen Minister Coordinator; Vic Hill: 919-744-5735 or Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 11 Nursery Volunteers August 2011 8:30 Substtutes: August 7 8:30 OPENING 11:00 Gina Shearer Toddler Tonya Weitzel August 14 8:30 OPENING 11:00 Tim or Ann Morris Toddler Christy Brown August 21 Cindy Barkley Kathy Miller Aimee Loladze 11:00 Substtutes: Kristi Bingham Peyton Bingham Bev Wilson 8:30 OPENING 11:00 Susan Bower Toddler Diana Wyman Melissa Bunn Kim Sain Beth Eaddy Laura Shelton Laura Rabon August 28 8:30 OPENING 11:00 Nicole Mullikin Toddler Marya Lloyd Sunrisers - It's almost time again for our third annual Sunrise charity golf outing. This year the tournament will benefit the Holly Springs Food Cupboard (HSFC). As many of you know, the HSFC is a growing organization that provides food to the needy in Holly Springs. With the money generated from this golf tournament, HSFC hopes to be able to put a down payment down on a building in Holly Springs so they can expand their giving in the community. Our fundraising goal for this tournament is $10,000. There are many ways you can contribute to the success of the tournament. They are: 1. Play 2. Sponsor 3. Volunteer Sign up to provide flowers on the altar “In honor” or “In memory” of your special loved one; or in celebration of a special day, anniversary, or birth. This sign-up calendar is posted between the kitchen and sanctuary for sign-up on your chosen Sunday. 4. Spread the word to employers, friends, fellow golfers and other potential sponsors about the event. The tournament is on Monday, October 3rd at 9am at Devils Ridge Golf Club. Cost for golf is $75. Format is Captain's Choice Scramble. Sponsorship levels range from $50 for an individual sponsor to $1,000 for a Tournament Sponsor. Hole sponsorships are available for $100. We hope you will consider playing or participating in this event that is led by our Missions Committee. If you are interested in participating in any way, please contact Tim Morris at or at 919793-6886. Flyers and sponsorship information will be available starting this Sunday in the Narthex. Thank you so much for your support!! Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 12 2011 Leadership for Mission and Ministry Sunrise United Methodist Church Underlined represents a recent change Administrative Council (approves financial decisions, direction and major ministries): Council Chair Fred Haggard (2011) Lay Leader James Bingham (2011) Pastor Tom Newman Recording Secretary Kathleen Gahagen (2011) Children & Youth Minister Eric Prenshaw Evangelism Chair Becky Sloan (2011) Finance Chair Scott Lloyd (2011) Lay Delegates to Annual Conference Paula Kaiser; Kathy Gahagen (alternates in 2011) Missions/Outreach Chair Pat Haggard (2012) Music & Arts Minister Laura Garrett Nurture Chair Jen Schindler (2011) Preschool Representative Marya Lloyd (2011) Staff/Parrish Relations Committee Josie DeBenedetto (2011) Treasurer Ken Leenstra Trustees Chair (elected by Trustees) Charles Brown (2012) * Denotes Team Chair Board of Trustees (repair/maintain physical properties and assets): 2011 2012 2013 David Beard Mark DelaCourt Vinnie DeBenedetto Bob Holm Chuck Brown* Bob Padalino Matt Raymondi Kathy Powers Melanie Mangum Children’s Ministry Team (spiritual development of children attending Sunrise UMC) Children & Youth Minister: Eric Prenshaw; Music & Arts Minister: Laura Garrett; Children’s Sunday School Coordinator: Virginia Atwood; Children’s Church Coordinator: Jan Raymondi; 2 Adults with children participating in Children’s Ministries: Aimee Loladze; Stephanie Bost; 2 Adults without a child in Children’s Ministries: Caryn Carlson; Kathy L. Miller; 5 th Grade child: Madison Barker (Ex-officio Members (with vote): Preschool Director: Kim Sain; Nurture Team Chair: Jen Schindler; Pastor: Tom Newman) Evangelism (advertising/drawing people to Sunrise UMC): 2011 2012 2013 Ricardo Adrianzen Jay Rabon Mike Barker Beth Eaddy Alan Rogers Becky Sloan* Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 13 Finance Committee (sets budget, evaluates and oversees finances/assets): 2011 2012 2013 Scott Lloyd* Mark Fredriksen Tom Gahagen Jim White (Members by virtue of position: Financial Secretary: Angie Dement; Treasurer: Ken Leenstra; Lay Leader: James Bingham; SPRC: Josie DeBenedetto; Trustee Rep.: Matt Raymondi; Lay Delegates: _______) Lay Leadership (nominates for teams and charge conference): 2011 2012 2013 Paula Kaiser Stephanie Bost Janet Pride Julie Fredriksen Larry Francis Randy Pridgen Sherry Barker (Member by virtue of position: Pastor: Tom Newman*; Lay Leader: James Bingham -2011) Missions Team/Outreach (missions/projects/service beyond Sunrise UMC): 2011 2012 2013 Kathryn Beard Cindy Barkley Tim Morris Pat Haggard* Mike Smith Cynthia Landry Ernie Pearson Julie Fredriksen Charlene Smith Lori Taguinot Ryan Brummeyer John Pride (Member by virtue of position: A.S.P. Coordinator: Melanie Mangum- 2011) Nurture Committee (builds/nourishes those attending Sunrise UMC): 2011 2012 2013 Jen Schindler* Melissa Bunn Regina Smith Suzie Venezia Diana Wyman (Member by virtue of position: Nursery Coordinator: Norma Aldinger-2013) Parsonage Committee (oversees parsonage and recommends periodic upgrades): 2011 2012 2013 Nancy Holm* Barbara Leenstra Courtney Kremer (Ex-Officio with vote: SPRC Chair: Josie DeBenedetto; Trustee Chair: Charles Brown; Pastor’s Spouse: Marcie Newman) Daybreak A New Day Is Dawning... Page 14 Staff/Parish Relations Committee (evaluates staff, hires/fires/sets salaries, makes recommendations to the Bishop regarding pastoral appointments): 2011 2012 2013 Bruce Ash Cindy Barkley Ben Bost Susan Buck Lee Ann Parrott TK Kremer Josie DeBenedetto* Dan Schindler Tonya Weitzel (Ex-Officio: Lay leader: James Bingham; Lay Members to Annual Conference: ) Worship Committee (oversees worship, music, special services, communion): 2011 2012 2013 Kristi Bingham Paula Kaiser John Classen Jay Rabon Laura Rabon (Members by virtue of position: Pastor: Tom Newman*; Music & Arts Minister: Laura Garrett; Children & Youth Minister: Eric Prenshaw; Communion Steward: Tammy Lack (2011) Youth Ministry Team (spiritual development of youth attending Sunrise UMC) Children & Youth Minister: Eric Prenshaw; 2 Adults with youth participating in Youth Ministries: Cindy Barkley; Donald Pearson; Adult without a youth in Youth Ministries: Mike Barker; Youth Age Leaders: Peyton Bingham, Kathleen Barkley; Taylor Fredriksen; Whitney Fredriksen; Jackson Bingham; Riley Pearson; Becky Pearson Building Committee (represents congregation on expansion of Sunrise UMC facility needs) Tommy Allen; Bruce Barkley*; James Bingham; Don Jarvis; Ken Leenstra; Randy Miller; Donald Pearson* (Member by virtue of position: Pastor: Tom Newman) IT Committee (oversee web presence & technology advice): Web Site Manager: Scott Lloyd IT Support: Carlos Fries; Ron Taylor Soundboard Tech.: Todd Lack NC State Fair Team (set-up, manages & recruits volunteers for annual Sunrise Café) Set up & Supply Team: Floyd Barnes; David Beard; Kristi Bingham; John Calhoun; Ken Leenstra; Gerhard Linke; Todd Lack*; Donald Pearson (Member by virtue of position: Tom Newman) Special Ministries Native American Ministries Rep.: Vic Hill Cub Scout Representative: James Bingham Stephen Ministry Coordinator/Leader: Vic Hill Girl Scout Liaison: Beth Lewis Sunrise Women: Jen Schindler Meal Coordinator: Kathy C. Miller Ten Dollar Club Rep.: Tom Gahagen M&M Group Leader: Pat Haggard UMM President: James Bingham Member Assimilation Coordinator: Julie Fredriksen Women’s Book Club Coordinator: Caryn Carlson
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