

a new day is
September, 2016
5420 Sunset Lake Road
Church Office
Sally Puckett
919-303-3720 x 200
9am - 4pm
Saturday Worship
Pastor Tom
Ext. 201
(m) 919- 884-6315
Sunday Worship
8:30 & 11:00am
Sunday School
all ages
Youth Minister
Rev. Jenifer Swindell
Minister of Adult
Christian Education
Ann Lawton
(m) 919-593-9806
Minister of Music
and Arts
Laura Garrett
Ext. 208
Stephen Ministry
Tammy Lack
Preschool Director
Kim Sain
Ext .204
Holly Springs, NC 27540
Pastor Tom
From Pastor Tom
Dear Sunrisers,
What a blessed and exciting time! God is on the move
in and through Sunrise Church! The month of September is always a busy, exciting and challenging
month that calls to reach further, higher and deeper
for the cause of Christ. This September is shaping up
to be our most exciting, productive and opportunityfilled September ever! Please let me list just a few
reasons why:
Meet our new Children’s and Youth Minister: Rev.
Jenifer Swindell! Jenifer comes to us from White
Plains UMC in Cary where she held positions that
worked with youth, education and also communication. Jenifer is in the ordination track for Deacon
and is progressing through the steps to become ordained. She is seminary trained (M-Div. from Methodist Theological School in Ohio) and holds 2 Bachelor degrees from UNC-G (Psychology Research
Methods and Survey design with a Math minor, Fine
Arts in Theatre Education with K-12 certification).
Jenifer is eager to be “hands-on” and build relationships with youth, parents and volunteers as she
helps us follow God’s leading. She is bright, full of
energy and new ideas and eager to meet you!
Life Groups begin on September 11th! What greater
way to remember the tragedy of 2001 than to start
new groups that are prayerfully designed to bring
(Continued p.2)
Adult Connections
Music & Arts
p. 1,2
p. 3
p. 5,6
p. 7
Prayer Concerns
p. 9-11
p. 13
p. 13, 14
Continued from Page 1
Pastor Tom
Read about specific offerings in other articles in this newsletter and then follow-up and join in
the group that most appeals to you. We have a variety of groups meeting on a variety of topics
at multiple locations and times. All this in addition to our already strong and vibrant Sunday
School program which also welcomes you! Life groups are a necessary step to build opportunities to make
disciples of Jesus Christ through Sunrise Church. Our 9,000 square feet of space just isn’t adequate to meet
all the educational needs of our current congregation, let alone all the new members we are adding! A few
years ago I conducted a special visioning meeting around this very topic and then the obstacles seemed
insurmountable. Now, look what God has done in us and through us!! Find out more by talking to Ann
Lawton, our Minister of Adult Christian Education (
Continued …...
All our regular activities begin anew from music ministries like our choir and hand-bell groups to Fireproof for
middle school and high school students to kids praise and guitar ensemble and instrumental groups. A new
praise band is forming to offer leadership in a shared capacity with our current praise band on Sundays at
8:30 AM. We have a fall festival planned for September 25 th and we are gearing up for the NC State Fair where
we’ll again operate the Sunrise Café where last year we generated nearly $20,000 for mission and ministry.
There are so many fantastic opportunities bursting forth from Sunrise Church. I hear with joy the echo of the
words from the prophet Isaiah (43:19), that God is doing a new thing!
Where might God be calling you to serve, volunteer or be involved? There are so many blessings I know just
waiting for you to claim them in Jesus’ name. Sunrise Church is getting stronger and more vibrant each year.
What you do matters and you are making a difference every time you join other Sunrisers in our shared
Kingdom tasks. There is a place for you here at Sunrise Church and through you and me and many others,
God is both blessing and growing us…making the world a better, richer place. I look forward to worshipping
and working with you in Jesus’ name…
Peace & Partnership,
Tom Newman, pastor
tor Tom’s
Life Group
This Fall A Life Group about getting more from life? Why not! Join Pastor Tom
as we journey through life seeking more than just time. We’ll use a
book written by NC United Methodist Pastor (Rev. Dr. Marty Cauley)
who writes humorously, poignantly and insightfully about seeking life
even when everything around us seems to be falling apart. We’ll read
his book “Dying to Go on Vacation” as we too “do life together” seeking more than just a number of days filled with hours and minutes.
We’ll meet weekly beginning September 11, 2016 from 5-6:30 PM to
share, pray, talk about what we’ve read and how we, like Marty, may
get more life in our days. This group is limited to 16 participants and
the book costs $10.
To sign up message Pastor Tom
Open the gift of RightNow Media. This Christian video resource has over 13,000 excellent Christian videos from
well-known authors and
It's relevant for
kids, youth, college and career folks and the rest of us,
as well. You can access these
through your phone, TV or
tablet. If you'd like free access--or want to give it to a
friend--just email Ann at, and
she'll send you, or your friend,
an invitation.
Connect with the Sunrise
community through joining a
Life Group. Most groups kick
off this week! For more information, check out one of
the posters in the foyer, or
email Ann at
Are you considering becoming
a member of Sunrise? If so, join
us for Sunrise Snapshot on Sunday, Oct, 2. We'll meet in the
sanctuary at 10 am to give you
the "big picture" of what we're
all about. No commitment is
necessary. This is just an informal opportunity to learn more
about our vision and distinctive
values. For more info, contact
Ann at
Opportunity to help plan a
women’s retreat to the beach
next September. As of this
time we are trying to secure
one of the last weekends in
September 2017. We need
several women to serve on
the committee. If you are interested in helping out, contact
( or Ann
September 2016
All our Music and Arts ministries welcome newcomers…
Contact our Minister of Music and Arts, Laura Garrett, for details.
Would you enjoy enacting dramatic readings of scripture
on fifth Sundays in worship this season? Contact Laura Garrett for details!
Adult Choir
Meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Open to adults of all ages, and to youth 6th grade and up,
The Adult Choir provides music for 11:00 “Relaxed Traditional” worship each Sunday,
plus special extended programs at Easter and Christmas.
We share our longer programs in outreach performances in the spring and at Christmastime.
This group is a great “small group” family who have a lot of fun, and support each other in prayer,
as well as sharing the ministry of choral music.
Adult Praise Band
Rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m.
Open to adults and older youth with basic experience on vocals or instruments.
The Praise Band provides music each Sunday for the “Blended Contemporary” worship at 8:30 a.m.
Here is another “small group” opportunity for you to make friends and share in prayer.
John Classen is the leader.
Audio / Visual Ministry
Adults and older youth are welcome to come for training on the sound board and computer, so as to learn the skills to
assist in our worship and other programs. This is a vital need, and training times are flexible.
We especially need some volunteers who are able to assist with our Saturday night worship.
Children’s Music and Arts
Our emphasis is on praising God and sharing God’s love through music. We have a variety of opportunities for Younger
and Older Elementary children to participate in Music and Arts:
+On Sunday Mornings, at the beginning of the Sunday School time,
Younger Elementary children age 4 through grade 2 are invited to sing praise and worship songs
with three of our Youth musicians, Amanda and Sarah Jones and Cameryn Bost.
+On Sunday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. Older Elementary children in 3rd through 5th grades
are invited to Kids’ Praise Ensemble, led by Jay and Laura Rabon.
+On Sunday afternoons, kids are invited to participate in Guitar Ensemble at 3:00 p.m.
+Children age 5 and up are invited to participate with Liturgical Dancers.
Youth Praise Band “Fireproof”
Meets on Sunday afternoons:
This fall we will offer a Middle School group (4:00 to 5:00) and a High School Group (6:30 – 7:30).
Open to all youth. No prior experience necessary.
Singers and instrumentalists are encouraged to give this wonderful ministry a try. It’s a good way to make new friends and
enjoy learning about music and sharing Jesus’ love.
Jay and Laura Rabon lead these groups.
Men’s Chorus
The Men of the church have a tradition of singing on Fathers’ Day each year,
Handbell Choir
Meets on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
Beginning September 6th.
Open to adults and youth 6th grade and up.
We ring in worship about 4 times a year,
and have a great time learning about music and fellowshipping together.
Laura Garrett will be leading the Handbell Choir.
Guitar Ensemble
Meets on Sunday afternoons at 3:30 p.m.
Open to any age, no experience necessary.
Have you always wanted to learn to play guitar? NOW’S YOUR CHANCE!
Jay Rabon teaches the Guitar Ensemble.
Liturgical Dancers
This ministry meets periodically to prepare creative movement for worship.
Open to all ages, men and women, boys and girls 5 years old and up.
We will be forming a group to prepare a piece for this fall,
so now is a great time to give dance ministry a try. No experience necessary.
Instrumental Ensemble
Adult and youth instrumentalists with at least one year experience on your instrument are invited to play in an
ensemble periodically. Solo opportunities are also open for you to play in worship,
and occasional help is needed for choral anthems with instrumental accompaniment.
Altar Guild
Visual artists share our creativity to enhance worship
through floral arrangements, fabric art, candles, banners, and other visuals.
This group also assists with the practical set-up and clean-up of the Sanctuary for worship and Communion.
Youth Group is BACK! - THIS Sunday, September 11th from 56:30pm, come and meet Pastor Jen, see some friends old and new,
and enjoy a meal together. The night’s theme will be “Out of the
chaos” - Questions?
Middle School Girls will begin a Bible study titled
‘Head to Soul Makeover” by Shelley Leith on
September 12th at 7:00-8:15 PM at the Floyd home –
5221 Linksland Drive, Holly Springs. Leith makes the
following statement…“Teen girls often struggle with
stubbornness, insecurity, anxiety, stress, irritability,
and envy---which can be crippling at this critical stage
in their lives when they’re forming their adult
identities. Through the lens of culturally relevant
television reality shows and magazine-type selfquizzes this study hopes to transform lives head to
soul. By exploring eight Christ-like character qualities
we hope to put discipleship into practice.” Please join
us for discussion, self-assessment quizzes, makeover
challenges, snacks and tons of fun! The Middle School
Girls will rotate meeting in the Floyd and Mileski
homes. If you have any questions, please contact
Rebecca at ( or Paige at
Family Fall Festival
September, 25th
5 PM to 7 PM
Join us for an evening of hot dogs,
s’mores, and fun! We will have a
bounce house, fire truck, corn hole,
face painting, and games!
Come Make a Joyful Noise! Learn about
the Bible through fun activities and
fellowship with your friends! Both Kid’s
Praise Ensemble and Kid’s Bible Club
resume on September 11. The groups are
open to any 3rd to 5th graders. No prior
music experience is necessary. Kid’s
Praise Ensemble meets from 3:30 PM to
4:00 PM and Kid’s Bible Club meets from
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Sunday afternoons
throughout the school year. For Kid’s
Praise, see Mr. Jay
( or see Ms. Laura
( with any questions. For
Kid’s Bible Club, see Ms. Carol
( or Ms. Rebecca
( with questions.
It’s Almost Fair Time! Join fellow Sunrisers for food, fun and mission as we
again operate the Sunrise Café at the NC State Fair. The actual fair runs
from October 13-23 and we’ll need volunteers all during the fair. Volunteers
operate various cooking and food prep stations, pour drinks, greet patrons,
clean common areas and work areas, wash pots and pans and offer Christ to
all who come by. Did you know that we give away Bibles and Life Books to all
who stop by the café? Did you know that last year we supported mission work
teams and ordained missionaries through funds generated at the NC State
fair? We also fed more than 10,000 people through Stop Hunger Now with
funds generated at the NC State Fair….and all of this is just some of the ministry and mission revenue generated at the NC State Fair empowered in Jesus’
name!! Want to make a difference in the world? Want to end childhood poverty and hunger in NC and faraway places too? Maybe you’d like to sign up for
one or more shifts at the NC State Fair. It’s simple, easy and no prior experience is needed. A free shuttle runs from Sunrise Church to the NC State Fair
and we provide admission tickets too! All you have to do is go the Sunrise
Church web page ( and click on the green Sunrise Café
Sign-Up tab on the right hand side. Want more information, give me a call or
send me an email: Pastor Tom: 919-884-6315 and
Save the Date!! What are you doing on Sunday November 20? We want you to mark your
calendar right now to be at Sunrise Church for a monumental celebration! We’re turning
20!!! For this very important milestone we have many things planned and being planned
which include a gala celebration with congregational feast to follow. Worship will be a
single, combined service on the grounds and under a big top tent we will be renting.
Worship will be led by our founding pastor, Rev. Gary Allred who will lead us in a
reflective glance over our 20 years and just how we got started. He will also lead us
towards future steps and we’ll be given an opportunity to make commitments to make our
next 20 years even more rich and exciting! Mark your calendars! Plan to be here! Reach
out to former members and friends, especially those who have moved away or been called
elsewhere so that they too will know about this event. Our hope is that many will alter
their schedules and return to Sunrise to help us celebrate and prepare for next steps. This
will also be a perfect time to invite friends, neighbors and co-workers to worship with us
for a first time…this is exciting and we want to share all the excitement that Jesus offers!
November 20th! Be here!! Watch your bulletins and newsletters for more information
to come!!!
Warmth for Wake is a seasonal energy assistance outreach program which kicks off each
year in October to provide fuel to low income residents of Wake County. Sunrise volunteers cut, sort, pack and deliver wood to low income participants through the program, several of whom reside in Holly Springs and surrounding communities. Contact: Mike Smith at or 919-567-9060.
This October marks the start of the 39th season. The dates for this season are:
Oct. 15, 29
Nov. 12, 26
Dec. 10, 31
14, 28
Feb. 11, 25
Mar. 11, 25
WLFJ ministries is an
Evangelical outreach to
the needy community in
Raleigh, N. C. and
surrounding areas.
Our goal is to minister to
the spiritual as well as
physical needs of those
individuals we serve each
Sunrise UMC volunteers on
the 1st Friday of most
months. You are welcome
to carpool from the Sunrise
parking lot on Friday, Oct.
7th. at 8:15am to WLFJ.
We return around noon. If
you would like more
information please contact
Bob Holm 919-267-5404.
Donate to the Holly Springs Food
Cupboard. They are currently in need
of boxed potatoes, stuffing, jelly, rice-aroni, toilet paper and broth.
Angels in Aprons - If you know of someone
within the church family that can use a
meal, please contact Lorie Hostetler at
Kitchen Clean-up
It’s fall cleaning time in the kitchen! Please check the shelves next to the
mailboxes to claim your items. If you need to store the items at the church,
label the item with your groups’ name. Anything not claimed or labeled by
September 23 will be donated to Good Will. Please contact Mary Kay Calloway
at for questions or concerns.
Closet across from kitchen:
Tri-folds presentations on past Mission projects
5 Buckets
Igloo Cooler with Ap State duct tape
2 large Rubbermaid containers filled with craft supplies & kits
3 cases small water bottles
Children’s wooden easel
Black rectangular canvas tote – possibly a tent inside
Women’s Group Box
Various board games
4 Disposable warming trays with stands
Chocolate Fondue Fountain
Old Fashion Movie Time Popcorn Maker
Hamilton Beach Icy Treats
Smoothie Pro 600
Various coffee urns, please tell me what size we need to keep
Janice and Bob Mustian
Lee Ripperger
Lu Streetman, mother of Sunriser Barbara Cromer, who is under hospice care in Prineville, OR
Happy Birthday To You !!!
Alexa Jarvis, granddaughter of Don & Heather
Allayna Edwards
Joni Barnes, Jose Granados Torras
Gregg Paschal, son-in-law to Sunrisers Jan and
Steve Allen
Brant Chester
Savannah Miller, Brittany Nunn, John Pride
David Rice
Ashok Brummeyer, Michelle Kimble, Terry Sain
Pat Gaughan, Justin Phillips
Laura Garrett
Blanche Phillips
Matt Dunn, Matthew Lewis
Keira Howell, Kathy Powers, William Richardson
Lean Bron
Jim Schofield
Jody Swenson, Arnold Torbert
Ella Sauls
Judy Brooks, Bill Buck, Joseph Preble
Juliana Guerrero, Thomas Newman,
Kimberly Ward
Michelle Sydnor
Carol Anderson
Connor Bost, Barry Puckett, Evelyn Voegeli
Frank Scholle
Sterling Mann