E-MESSENGER - Macedonia Baptist Church


E-MESSENGER - Macedonia Baptist Church
July 22, 2016
Mission: “Transforming Lives through the Discipleship of Jesus Christ”
Vision: “Becoming ACTIVE Disciples through Commitment, Witness,
Love and Relationship”
Theme: “A Higher Pursuit”
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3
DIAL-IN NUMBER: (712) 432-1212
ID: 373-561-388.
There are numerous events and activities at MBC and in
the community. Please take a moment to carefully
review the attached announcements, flyers, and
information and make note of the appropriate deadlines.
Macedonia Baptist Church
Dr. Leonard L. Hamlin, Sr.,
3412 South 22nd Street
Arlington,VA 22204
2229 South Shirlington Road
Arlington,VA 22206 (Office)
(703) 521-7663 (Office)
(703) 521-6316 (Fax)
www.mbcva.ws (Website)
There will be one Worship Service at 9:30 a.m until (and including)
Sunday, August 28. On Sunday, July 31, 2016, our Worship Service and
Annual Church Picnic and will be held at Barcroft Park, George Mason
Drive, Arlington, VA, starting at 10:00 a.m. (The picnic will begin
immediately following Worship service until 5:00 p.m.) Please mark your
The Recreation Ministry is excited about MBC’s Worship Service and Annual Church
Picnic that will be on Sunday, July 31. Activities will include volleyball, basketball,
tennis, board games and lots of food! If you would like to participate in a sport or
volunteer for this event, please sign-up at the Information Center. Additional details
are on the attached flyer.
A bus and lodging has been secured for individuals interested in traveling to Orangeburg,
SC to be a blessing to Pastor-Elect Todd A. Brown for his installation as Pastor of the New
Mount Zion Baptist Church. If you are going and only need lodging or transportation
please see the Trustee, Deacon or Deaconess in the Narthex after service. If you are
driving or using other means of transportation and would like to attend the Gala for
Pastor-Elect Todd A. Brown on Saturday, August 27, 2016 please see the Trustee, Deacon
or Deaconess in the Narthex after service. The office will be taking payments Monday Friday from 10:00am until 5:00pm. Let’s all go to show our love and be a blessing.
Attached is the detailed travel and lodging information.
The celebration will begin on Friday, August 26, 2016 at New Mount Zion with a
concert featuring the “Stronger Together” tour with special guest Gerald Scott and
Company from 7:00pm – 10:00pm. On Saturday, August 27, 2016 the Pastoral
Gala will take place with The Honorable Bakari Sellers as the speaker. The Gala will
be held at the Presbyterian Center located at 650 Summers Avenue, Orangeburg,
South Carolina. The weekend will culminate Sunday, August 28, 2016 with the
Installation Service of Pastor Brown at 2:00pm at New Mount Zion.
Attached, also is a form to complete and submit to New Mount Zion if you wish to
place an add and/or congratulatory note to Rev. Brown in the souvenir booklet.
Young Adult Ministry – During the next two months, every fourth Wednesday at 7:00
p.m., Pastor Hamlin and “The Chat” Young Adult Bible Study will examine cultural,
political and social dynamics through intergenerational views and biblical wisdom
while watching episodes from the hit sitcom “The Carmichael Show.” All are welcome
to participate! See the attached flyer for the dates.
Pastor Hamlin is being honored by the Arlington Housing Corporation (AHC) at it’s
40th Anniversary Celebration for his efforts in preserving and developing affordable
housing in Arlington. A flyer is attached with additional information and the link to
purchase a ticket to this event.
Pastor Hamlin's 20th Anniversary Celebration -- Save-the-date: A banquet will be held
in honor of Pastor Leonard L. Hamlin on Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at
the Army Navy Country Club. Get ready for singing, laughter, dancing and great fun!!!
You can reserve your place after each service with a $25 non-refundable deposit.
Guest Preachers for Church and Pastor Anniversaries:
● Sunday, November 6, 2016 (both services) - Pastor-Elect Reverend Todd A. Brown
● Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 7:00 p.m. - Dr. Charles E. Booth
● Sunday, November 13, 2016 (both services) - Dr. Johnny Ray Youngblood
● Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 7:00 p.m. - Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr.
** Youth Sunday School (ages 3-18) is held at 9:30am every 2nd, 3rd and 4th
** The Youth Usher Board is seeking youth that is interested in
serving on the Youth Usher Board. Please see Mrs. Evelyn Jordan if you or
your child is interested.
** The Youth Instrumental Ensemble would like any youth that has at least
3 years of experience playing an instrument to be a part of the ensemble.
Please see Rev. Lois Nicholson to sign up for the Youth
The Transportation Ministry is seeking volunteer drivers for Sundays only, no CDL is
required. If interested, please call the church office (703-521-7663 ext 11) to
express your desire to become part of the Transportation Ministry.
The Event Planning Ministry is looking for servants to be a part of this Ministry. If
you are interested in assisting with the planning of all MBC events, please send an
email to eventplanning@mbcva.ws or contact the church office.
The Usher Ministry is currently seeking devoted servants to be a part of our
Ministry. As Christians, and especially as Ushers, we are representing Christ.
Colossians 3:17 says, "And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of
Jesus Christ." If you are interested in becoming a vital part of this ministry, please
contact Evelyn Jordan, Coordinator or the Church Office.
Macedonia Members: Please call or have someone to contact the church office if
you desire prayer, a hospital visit, and/or communion during an extended
illness or for a family member. Once the office receives your request, a tribal leader
will contact you.
CDs and DVDs of all Worship services and Revivals are available for purchase at
the Information Center.
To receive immediate updates on events, severe weather alerts, closings, and
inspirational messages from Macedonia, join our instant message group. Text to
41411. The message is: mbcva. Type your full name when instructed.
Arlington Branch NAACP - President, Karen Nightengale
Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00pm at the Walter Reed
Community Center, 2909 16th Street, S. Arlington, VA 22204, phone: 703-920-1100.
All are welcome……..It takes everyone to lift up a community.
I pray this message finds you all well! This summer Mount Zion Baptist Church is
partnering with the Capital Area Food Bank to offer FREE lunches to kids and youth over
the summer. Lunch time is from Noon-1:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Mount Zion will
begin serving Free lunches on Monday, June 27 thru Friday, August 5. If you know of
any children or youth who could benefit from this please pass this information along.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at 703.979.7411 or email.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Have a blessed day! [See the attached flyer.]
Yalonda N. Blizzard, M.Div.
Minister of Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Mount Zion Baptist Church
3500 19th Street South
Arlington, VA 22204
703-979-7411 Church
703-685-3658 Fax
703-966-8208 Direct Line
"A Kingdom Focused Church"
Website: www.MountZionBaptist.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/TheMountZionBaptistChurch
Twitter: @MountZionBC
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Vacation Bible School is July 25—July 29 at 7pm. See
the attached flyer for additional details.
Parents and Students of Wakefield High School are invited to a Summer Chat
with Principal Wilmore. On Sunday, August 14 at Macedonia Baptist on from
12:30 – 2:00pm in the Sanctuary. If you are an attending student or new student
at Wakefield, or are interested to be a part of this chat you are invited to attend
this Summer Chat.
Many of you participated in the 2015 ACPD Safety & Community Awareness Event
last July. The event has been renamed this year and will take place in August. Let
me know if your organization wants to have an information table at the event or participate in some other fashion. In any case, come to the event and enjoy the attractions! Please forward this information to family, friends, and neighbors!
The Arlington County Police Department is hosting the 2016 ACPD Block Party on
August 27, 2016. The event w ill take place at Kenmore Middle School,
200 South Carlin Springs Road, Arlington, Virginia,m from 9am to 4pm.
Planned attraction include:
- 15 Minutes Behind the Badge
Participants will receive a brief training from police instructors on police tactics,
attend a simulated Roll Call to gather information, and play the role of a police officer in two live scenarios.
ACPD KidZone
There will also be a KidZone inside the school featuring kid-friendly activities like
trying on police equipment, learning about fingerprints, exercising, and playing video games.
- Vehicle VIN-etching
A free service offered by the Virginia State Police which etches the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on the vehicle's windows as a deterrent to auto theft.
- Distracted Driving Simulator
Participants will drive a golf cart through a cone course while being distracted by
various methods including the use of special goggles. This event highlights the dangerous effects of distracted driving.
- Police Vehicle Expo
Police specialty vehicles will be on display, including a police motorcycle, the
Mobile Command Vehicle, the Chooser Cruiser, and a SWAT Armored Personnel
- Police K-9 Demonstrations
K-9 handlers will discuss and demonstrate some of the capabilities of their canine partners.
- Police Motorcycle Demonstrations
Motorcycle officers will demonstrate some of the riding skills needed to perform
their work.
- Bicycle Registration
This free service registers bicycles with the County so it is possible to
identify and recover them if they are stolen.
- Child Safety Seat Inspection
A certified child safety seat inspector will verify that child safety seats
are properly installed to best protect children.
- Inflatable attractions
A moon bounce and similar activities will be available for kids.
- Free food and drinks
Rockland's BBQ and Grilling Company is providing free food. Free cold
drinks will also be available due to the generosity of Coca-Cola.
- Music
There will be a live DJ from HOT 99.5 providing entertainment.
- Various informational tables
There will be a variety of County and private organizations with informational tables and free giveaway items.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to interact with Arlington County public
safety personnel!
Please let me know if you have any questions. If you do not wish to receive
further information about this event, let me know and I will remove you
from the distribution list.
Corporal Steve Gomez
Third District Team
Arlington County Police Department
Phone: 703-228-4130
Email: sfgomez@arlingtonva.us
Bible Study Schedule
Each 1st Wednesday is Corporate Prayer and Praise. Everyone is encouraged and
invited to attend.
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month Pastor’s Bible Study is open to everyone.
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month Pastor’s Bible Study is open to everyone.
Each 4th Wednesday is Young Adult Bible Study.
The 5th Wednesday of each month is Leadership Night. All leaders of MBC will
meet with Pastor Hamlin.
Parents, while you are in service or performing ministry, please be mindful that you are
responsible to know where your children are at all times. If you permit them to leave you
for restroom breaks, etc., they must return to you at an appropriate time and not be left
unsupervised. We appreciate your cooperation.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: There should be no walking in the sanctuary during
prayer, the message or altar call, u n less y ou are com in g to th e altar. If
there is an emergency, please request the usher’s assistance. Thank you.
Are you praying for, visiting, and/or calling
the sick and shut-in?
Keep up on all events at Macedonia by visiting the
monthly calendar of events at the MBC website at
******** Network********
MBC Website: www.mbcva.ws
Facebook: www.facebook.com@MacedoniaBaptistChurcharlington, va
Twitter: www.twitter.com@mbc_arlington
Travel Arrangements to New Mount Zion Baptist Church
1789 Amelia Road, Orangeburg, S.C.,
on Saturday August 27, 2016
to attend
The Installation Service for Reverend Todd A. Brown
on Sunday, August 28, 2016
Transportation will be provided via bus, D.C. Trails, lodging will be at the Country Inn
& Suites, 731 Citadel Road, Orangeburg, S.C. (free internet, breakfast & parking).
There will also be a Semi Formal Gala on Saturday, evening, August 27, 2016, at an
additional non-refundable cost of $25.00.
The total cost per person, for transportation, lodging and the Gala:
($50.00 non-refundable deposit is required immediately to secure your seat)
Cost for bus, 1 person lodging, and the Gala per person is $225
Cost for the bus, 2 people lodging together and the Gala per person is $168.50
Cost for the bus, 3 people lodging together and the Gala per person is $152.50
Cost for the bus, 4 people lodging together and the Gala per person is $145.00
Cost for the bus and 1 person lodging is $192
Cost for the bus and 2 people lodging together per person is $144
Cost for the bus and 3 people lodging together per person is $128
Cost for the bus and 4 people lodging together per person is $122
The cost for just transportation $95
The deadline for complete payment is July 24, 2016!
Reservation requests made after the July 24th deadline are subject to seat, and room
availability. Total cost is required!
+++++ If you are sharing a room, it is your responsibility to select your roommate. If
roommate is not selected, you will be assigned a room randomly.++++++
The bus will depart Macedonia Baptist Church on Saturday, August 27, 2016 (time to
be announced). Persons planning to ride the bus to Orangeburg, S.C., but, have made lodging
arrangements elsewhere, must secure their own transportation from Country Inn & Suites to
their lodging, Gala on Saturday evening, and to the New Mount Baptist Zion Church on
Sunday, August 28th.
Payments are accepted in the Narthex (Trustee/Diaconate) following each worship
service, our website: www.mbcva.ws, click Events, in the Church Office or mailed to
Macedonia Baptist Church Office, 2229 South Shirlington Road, Suite B, Arlington, VA 22206.

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